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Written by Apnea Thursday, 28 April 2011 12:00

Contributing with our project

We are looking for opinionated people with objective thinking, able to discuss about ideas and help us improve our plans. People who can help us manage and organise our projects and keep up with the dynamics of a service in constant development. A contributor's job requires ideas, opinions and the availability to cover the tasks and chances that we often find in our project. It has many chances of growth and the possibility to learn about several aspects by being in touch with everything that is planned and done.


Moderating our community

Our ever growing community demands the challenging job of moderators. Our forum staff is still being discussed about and organised.

forum moderation tools

Our current moderators are often involved in discussions on how to improve our service and make our community the most pleasant we can. We are looking for mature, responsible, just and objective members to fill these positions, to represent us as a team and give an example of behaviour to our members.


Improving the quality of our website

This non-technical way of helping with our website involves the review, edition and writing of our articles, news, and the monitoring of the correct functioning of the site.


The reviewing side of the task is similar to a position of Quality Assurance - keeping track of newly published articles, scanning them for potential mistakes, checking links, finding bugs, and helping us fix them. The task that involves the writing of articles and news involves responsibilities such as those of an editor and translator, accuracy, truthfulness and a good use of the tools at disposal.


Modding Populous

We are looking for programmers familiar with reverse engineering to help us mod the game. The lack of access to the Source Code of the game makes it a challenge for the Populous Community to add modifications to the game and extract information from it. With the help of reverse engineering we could discover new ways of fixing critical bugs and improving the performance of the game.


We release new patches to populous and document all changes to original files. 

If you are willing to help in any of the ways listed here, please contact us. We will be glad to have you in our team!

Last Updated on Saturday, 20 August 2011 09:57