So you want to be hosted by the best Populous site around,
eh? If your site can make the grade, we can offer you a ton of great
services and promotion.
What can we do for your site?
While the possibilities of our assistance are probably endless, here
are some of the great services that are already in place, so that we
may provide them for you practically on a moments notice!
Your site address will be http://strategyplanet.com/populous/yoursite.
File and FTP Space
These are games we are talking about. To show your visitors all those
juicy full color screenshots, to allow them to download all the latest
patches, and to make use of the newest technology in web programming
you cant be hampered by a lack in server space. We aren't going
to provide you with 5 megabytes of space that REALLY cramps your style.
We have space for everything you need to put on your site. We even have
an automated file system that will up your big downloads to all the
mirrors including CDROM.com and others all around the world!
We've got more than you can shake a stick at. I guess that means that
we have high speed data connections to the Internet that will be upgraded
anytime the guys at the office start worrying that they aren't the lowest
of the LPB's in every game. Rest assured your pages will always be served
faster than a McDonalds Extra Value Meal.
Promotions and Banners
If politicians were smart they would have banners floating around on
the PlanetQuake networks ad banner system. Do you know how many
people see these things? Just give us a banner to throw into the rotation
and we will be driving people to your site like lemmings to the ocean.
Of course I would suspect that the visitors will be a lot happier than
the lemmings once they get there. What are we asking in return? Its
simple, just place the ad banner code on your page in a prominent spot
and help other sites get the attention that you are already getting?
Its like back in Biology 101, a symbiotic relationship, what a beautiful
Email and Mailing Lists
How can you keep all that mail from dedicated followers of your site
from getting mixed in with your grandmothers e-mails about her
latest corns on her toes? Why a Strategy Planet e-mail address of course!
We can set up one, or several e-mail addresses in the form yourname@strategyplanet.com.
Nothing will impress the visitors to your site like a Strategy Planet
e-mail. Not only that, we can set up specialized e-mails for news, polls,
or other staff members. There is even a mailing list system for great
e-mail discussions, which can be administered through a simple web based
Tired of lame, ugly, pop-up infested forums? Well your visitors
are too! We'll give you your own forum, on our great, ad-free
forums! You'll have your own little section of the Populous: Reincarnated
forums to customize, add categories, and moderate!
Web Coding
If your coding skills go beyond HTML we can surely help you out with
implementing the newer technologies into your site. We even have some
code libraries that you can plug right into your site! Just contact
us for details.
News/Headlines on Populous: Reincarnated
When you have big news on your site, just forward it onto us and we'll
put it on the Populous: Reincarnated main page.
OK, what's the catch?
We really aren't asking much in contrast to the great features we described
above, but we do need a few things from you...
Lemme be honest... We're not going to host your ugly 5-member
pop clan site with 50 marquees scrolling across the page. You
need to make yourself a very nice, professional-looking site in order
to be considered for hosting by us.
Content, content, content! It is what makes the web today. The more
relevant content that you have, the better! We want to be the best network
of Populous sites around! We want your page to be the most comprehensive
site out there for your particular subject. Its not hard, it just takes
determination and dedication. Believe us, people appreciate a great
site, and with some hard work the rewards are well worth it!
As a member of the StrategyPlanet, and Populous: Reincarnated family
we aren't going to ask for 7 years of indentured service, but we do
want some commitments in form of frequent updating. We understand that
some days there is just nothing new to post or change. But, lets
face it, if a site never changes there is no reason to go back. We understand
that sites sometimes die out. In these cases we will just have to shut
it down. If you come up with something new we would love to have you
back, but there is no sense riding a dead horse.
I said it before and I'll say it again, the banners are key. We will
put your banner in the ad rotation but we do ask you to put the ad banner
code in a prominent position on your site. If you have any problems
with the code or aren't sure what to do, just let us know.
So why haven't we scared you off?
Well, if you have read this far and you are still ready to become part
of the Populous: Reincarnated team, great! We would love to welcome
you on board. Just e-mail
our hosting staff and we will be contacting you shortly.
You must also include a URL to where your site is currently residing.
If its not on the web yet we may have you zip it up and show it to us,
but please dont send zips unless we ask for them. We would
rather you temporarily place your site on a free hosting service like
Geocities, and it won't take us as long to get back to you. Everything
is in your hands now, so hop to it and send us your e-mails! Submit
a Link