Populous Reincarnated Matchmaker
The latest version of the Populous Reincarnated Matchmaker is availible for download HERE (filename does not change).
PopMM includes (hover for explanation):
- "New Worlds" Support
- "Undiscovered Worlds" Support
- Flood Protection
- IP Blocking of Players
- Private Messages
- Automated map pack installation
- 2D Map viewer
- Automatic version checker
- "Kick" option for host
- More Huts
- Away messeges
Changing Names
The policy for changing names is that you tell an admin (IncaWarrior, TheGabber, or ALACN) your current name and the name you wish to change to. You will lose 10% + 5 of your total points.
Example: "Dude" has 100 Allied points therefore 100 Total Points. He changes his name to "SuperDude". Now SuperDude has 100 Allied points and 85 Total points.
Exceptions: There are a few cases that you won't lose points. If you want to change the punctuation or numbers in your name, that can be done for free. If you want to change a clan tag, that can be done at the Clan Tag Page (although a clan leader must make the tag availible to you at the Clan Leader Page).
Reporting Problems
We know that sometimes you will have problems with people in the lobby and an admin won't be around, so we have a report page that you can report a player with.