Welcome to Populous: Reincarnated! If you're a real populous-fan, you've come to the right address. We offer a wide variaty of Info, Downloads and anything else related to Populous, so have fun!
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Recent Updates:
- 2/12/2006 - PopMM Released.
- 12/29/2005 - German Worlds Released
- 12/29/2005 - Fight Worlds Released
- 12/29/2005 - Southern Style Worlds Released
- 12/17/2005 - New Worlds 16 updated. http://strategyplanet.com/populous/matchmaker/mappacks/newworlds16.exe
- Old Updates

New Server
Friday February 10, 2006 | by IncaWarrior
Forum Moved:
Part of Gamespy's transition to new and improved servers is this move of the forum from dynamic.gamespy.com to its new home:
http://populous.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/forum/. Please update all links that go directly to the forum and bear with us while we finish off the transition.
Matchmaker Problems:
Another issue with moving is that the matchmaker is still trying to login to the old server so you won't be able to login until ALACN releases a new matchmaker version which should be out by tomorrow. In the mean time I'll try to get the lobby open without connecting to the server.

Tournament 2005 Winner
Thursday January 19, 2006 | by IncaWarrior
Congratulations to [C]yborg:
Congratulations to [C]yborg who won the 2005 Populous Tournament with a total of 161 points. In second place we had abbadon with a total of 156 points, and in third place was Leo Turtle_TP with 137 points. Thanks to all who participated.

Virus Alert
Saturday December 24, 2005 | by TheGabber
Recently, a person named "Vaguener" made a hacked version of our Matchmaker which contains a new virus.
Who this person is and why he tries to spread a virus over the populous community is unknown.
The virus copies itself into many exe files as soon as the "hacked_popmm.exe" is opened, it will start a trojan called "kelly.exe".
People who never used the "hacked_popmm" dont have to worry about this virus, the official Matchmaker which was made by us is NOT infected and you cannot get infected by using it either!
Let this be a warning (and a lesson) to all people who use hacked software!
For those who are already infected, good luck!
I had to format my harddisk and reinstall windows without being able to back-up most things as they were already infected after i tried to see how the "hacked_popmm" worked...
Make sure you download the Matchmaker from this website only to make sure you don't get this virus too!