How to play Pressure Point


Starting out

Place firewarrior hut on the least reachable spot of your base, select all braves, ctrl+click tree, ctrl+click on the FW hut plan – all this before your reincarnation site is done. Select your shaman, convert the wildmen in the strip of land between you and your enemy from your base, while your shaman place warrior hut next to FW hut, select 4 braves, ctrl+click tree then warrior hut plan. Convert wildmen until you have a population of around 50 (in the first two minutes), while placing all the huts you can, and build towers in the pattern shown in the video. Make sure to build towers in the strip of land between you and your enemy before he does so.

Then either get a fast earthquake or, if you see the chance, firewarrior and warrior rush by patrolling firewarriors around enemy shaman reincarnation site then camping while getting earthquakes. (a lightning, ghost army and swarms can help to get in)


Earthquake your enemy in critical spots. Send ghost army to enemy towers then blast the firewarrior that comes out; swarm next to a tower to do the same thing. Use braves and warriors to destroy empty towers. Use tornados to raze harder-to-destroy towers. Try to get in your enemy’s base and earthquake inside, by bypassing his defense with the aforementioned methods, but also make sure to constantly undermine his defense with earthquakes if needed.

An attack pattern would be like this. Say your enemy has 6 towers. Lightning his shaman, then proceed to use a combination of ghost army, swarms and sending warriors to knock firewarriors out of all towers. Then go in his base and place an earthquake in the base place you can, for instance, on the firewarrior hut. Use the warriors to attack his huts, while camping his reincarnation site with your shaman and firewarriors. Of course, this is only applicable in certain situations. If the enemy had 20 towers, your strategy would need to be different. But it all comes down to outplaying the enemy, making more towers while he loses them.

Make use of landbridges from the strip of land between you and your enemy to the other side, in the middle, in order to be able to place more towers. Also, use landbridge from the middle to the side of your enemy’s base.

Late game

After you’ve got more than 100 braves, you can try to charge firestorm which is useful for both getting into bases and destroying huts. If you use a firestorm, it won’t damage towers, but it will make anything go away. Firewarriors being firestormed won’t be able to shoot you and most will die, some running away. It’s possible to kill a shaman when using it right, but they can escape and even use spells on you while being firestormed.

If your enemy is camping, pressure him heavily, or go to the middle and double your other opponent. Be careful, however; the player that is camping against you might be planning an attack, with some warriors. Your enemy will try to get in your base while you’re doubling.