
  • When a follower tries to go to an unreachable location, his hands will go up and his health will start draining until dying if not moved. This often happens when followers try to reach unreachable trees. They will generate maximum mana in that state, though, as if they were not idle, even though they show as idle in the followers panel.
  • Fire warriors patrolling in a circle have an extremely limited range. Make them patrol “on the spot” (ctrl+alt+click twice in the same place).
  • If a shaman is patrolling “on the spot” (ctrl+alt+click twice in the same place), poorly timed direct lightnings are less likely to hit her.
  • When balloons fly over lava, the units inside get damaged. If this is happening to your shaman, quickly press blast in order to stop being damaged.
  • A shaman in a balloon can be killed by two fire warrior blasts.
  • A swarm flying over a balloon or boat will knock down all the units, possibly into water. It even applies to magic shielded units if the swarm is cast indirectly.
  • The damage an unit causes depends on its health. An unhealthy warrior won’t do so much damage. On the other extreme, an uber unit will do tons of damage, usually insta-killing other units.
  • Damaged land can not be sunk.
  • During forge world, use alt plus left or right click on land to modify it however you want without any mana cost. A very useful use for this is to make a small hole in the middle of your reincarnation site (the shaman will flatten it when she incarnates), then cast all the wildmen into it when there’s 10 seconds of forge world left; they won’t be able to escape, and you’ll get all your 25 wildmen. The small hole will disappear once your shaman reincarnates.
  • A swamp cast on a reincarnation site gets removed once its respective shaman incarnates.


  • Towers on high land are important, but lower towers are just as important!
  • Pressure Point: If you send your shaman to the middle and your opponent doesn’t follow, you either chose the wrong moment, your defense sucks, or maybe your opponent is making a mistake you can take advantage of.

Unit information

Unit Health Speed
Angel of death 10 000 ?
Balloon 5 000 ?
Boat 5 000 ?
Warrior 1 800 59
Preacher 1 100 58
Brave 1 000 70
Fire warrior 700 55
Spy 600 66

Source: Populous constant file