One of our new writers, Marcus, has contributed to our Populous: The Beginning guide, by writing the article How to come back from an almost inevitable loss. Thanks, Marcus! This will help new and old… Read more
“Electric Night” Shaman skills tournament
The “Electric Night” Populous: The Beginning Shaman skills tournament has been going on for about a month. The settings are: double elimination, 2v2, light & blast on, 10 shaman lives, on maps AvA Team Lights,… Read more update has been updated and the load time has been reduced from over 8 seconds to about 1. Also, we’re looking for translators and writers. Leave a comment here or contact us through the about… Read more
Craters blue guide written
A guide on how to play Craters as blue has been written and added to the site! Enjoy. We will be writing more guides soon, and improving the existing ones. Also, a WELCOME BACK TO… Read more
Major Revisions to PopTB
Good things are happening on PopTB! Alex and I have spent the past week hard at work, revising much of the content and some of the page layouts to make the site more intuitive and… Read more
Populous activity report
Come back of EA players
Populous Activity Renewal
Populous activity, which could have been said to be on a very downward trend about two weeks ago, is now on the better course again. The influx of certain known players taking a break is… Read more