Populous: The Beginning » Videos http://poptb.com/ A Populous 3 Fan Site Tue, 21 Apr 2015 00:29:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.2 [Double view] Electric & Nici vs. Mentix & ttamylno – Face Off http://poptb.com/double-view-electric-nici-vs-mentix-ttamylno-face-off/ http://poptb.com/double-view-electric-nici-vs-mentix-ttamylno-face-off/#comments Wed, 08 Apr 2015 04:13:39 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=2152 View this recent Populous video of Electric (red) & Nici (yellow) vs. Mentix (blue) & ttamylno (green) on Face Off, recorded from multiple perspectives: on the left, Nici’s perspective as yellow; on the right, Mentix’s... Read more

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View this recent Populous video of Electric (red) & Nici (yellow) vs. Mentix (blue) & ttamylno (green) on Face Off, recorded from multiple perspectives: on the left, Nici’s perspective as yellow; on the right, Mentix’s perspective as blue.

For the best viewing experience, watch in high quality and fullscreen.

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Genesis (blue) & Addiction (red) vs. Nici (yellow) & Keith52 (green) – Pressure Point (October 29, 2013) http://poptb.com/genesis-blue-addiction-red-vs-nici-yellow-keith52-green-pressure-point-october-29-2031/ http://poptb.com/genesis-blue-addiction-red-vs-nici-yellow-keith52-green-pressure-point-october-29-2031/#respond Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:25:10 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=650 The game’s start develops normally for Nici, with a convert of 50. 3:00, Genesis still has no firewarriors – Nici has 3. Nici earthquakes Addiction’s front at the main strip at 03:20.03:50, Keith52 starts moving... Read more

The post Genesis (blue) & Addiction (red) vs. Nici (yellow) & Keith52 (green) – Pressure Point (October 29, 2013) appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.


Shaman fight of Keith52 (green) vs. Genesis (blue).The game’s start develops normally for Nici, with a convert of 50. 3:00, Genesis still has no firewarriors – Nici has 3.

Nici earthquakes Addiction’s front at the main strip at 03:20.03:50, Keith52 starts moving towards Addiction’s mid strip, to earthquake it. Nici does the same thing. Genesis tries to use a combination of blasts and ghost army to throw Keith52’s shaman to water, but Keith52 successfully casts his earthquake. Genesis tries to take advantage of Addiction’s firewarriors and only indirectly rapid blasts Keith52. Keith52’s shaman is at extremely low health. Nici arrives and throws Genesis to water with one blast – but not before missing 2 blasts, in which time Keith52’s shaman could have easily died. The fight ends at 04:20. Nici finishes charging an earthquake.
Addiction (red) world view in game of Gen+Add vs. Nici+Keith52.
04:55, Nici casts an earthquake on Addiction’s base defense nearest to his mid strip. 05:30, Nici has 4 warriors and 8 firewarriors. 05:40, Keith52 gets an earthquake and at first goes towards Addiction, but then asks to double Genesis, using his warriors. 06:25, Addiction casts an earthquake on Nici’s front, then dies by Nici’s light. 06:55, Genesis casts an earthquake on Nici’s strip to mid, but Nici lights him. The light only does 50% damage. Nici and Genesis kill each other with blasts.07:10, Nici has 65 braves, 2 warriors and 5 firewarriors. 08:10, Nici has 4 warriors and 7 firewarriors. Addiction is attacking his main strip. Nici misses three lights and dies by Addiction’s light while he is in a tower. 09:24, Nici has 7 warriors and 6 firewarriors.

09:35, Addiction casts an earthquake World view Keith52 (green) Genesis (blue)on Nici’s front and dies by Nici’s firewarriors. Nici has 70 braves. Nici still has 3 towers on his main strip. Keith52 casts an earthquake. 10:00, Genesis casts an earthquake. Nici casts an earthquake on Addiction’s front.

Addiction has 11 towers – but only 6 have firewarriors in them, and he seems to have no other firewarriors. Nici has 2 lights. 10:45, Nici gets an earthquake. He has 4 warriors and 9 firewarriors. 11:03, Genesis and Nici are on mid. Genesis misses two lights, Nici misses one light and still has one left. They blast fight. Genesis dies. Keith52 and Nici double Addiction. Nici casts an earthquake. 12:25, Addiction lights Nici’s shaman (in a tower) on his main strip.

Addiction (red) world viewAddiction is attacking. Nici has 5 warriors and 14 firewarriors. Addiction’s shaman dies to Nici’s firewarriors – Nici has 8 left.  Keith52 attacks Addiction, while Nici’s warriors attack his towers. Keith52 dies. 13:45, Nici earthquakes one of Addiction’s small hills in his front, then dies. Nici has 8 warriors and 9 firewarriors.

Genesis takes the middle. Keith52’s defense consists of 4 towers with firewarriors on them. Genesis has 16 towers with firewarriors in almost all of them. Genesis sides with 2 LBs. Nici and Keith52 both miss lights. Genesis casts an earthquake. Nici has 13 warriors and 13 firewarriors. He has two earthquakes and two lights. Genesis tries to attack Keith52 through his side, but misses a light and dies by Keith52’s light.

pop.mp4_snapshot_20.38_[2013.11.03_16.57.55]15:59, Nici casts an earthquake on one of the small hills on Addiction’s front, then dies to firewarriors. Nici has 12 warriors on mid. Keith52 casts an earthquake and goes back to his base. Addiction has 7 towers.16:55, Genesis earthquakes Keith52’s front. Nici finishes charging an erode. Keith52 attacks Genesis while Nici sends his warriors to his towers. Nici starts charging a firestorm.  17:45, Addiction earthquakes Nici’s front. Nici lights him, but it only does 50% damage. Addiction escapse. 18:05, Nici finishes charging firestorm. Nici and Keith52 double Addiction.
Keith52 earthquakes Addiction’s strip to mid. Nici wastes his firestorm on it, achieving nothing. Nici’s defense is weak. Nici only has two lights. Genesis’ troops are on Nici’s strip to mid. Addiction wastes a firestorm on Nici’s reincarnation site. Nici reincarnates. He casts a light on Addiction, but it doesn’t show up because of object overload. Nici casts another light and it throws Addiction to water. Nici casts a light which stops him from falling to water. Nici has 110 braves, 7 warriors and 1 firewarrior. Keith52 sends his warriors to Addiction. Addiction’s braves throw Nici’s shaman to water.

Addiction has 7 towers, but no firewarriors are in any of them. Keith52 wastes an earthquake. Genesis earthquakes Nici’s small hills near mid. Genesis has many troops guarding the middle. Nici wastes three lights. Addiction kills Nici’s shaman from the front. Genesis and Addiction double Nici. Addiction wastes a firestorm on Nici’s reincarnation site. Genesis firestorms Nici’s huts. Addiction earthquakes. Nici reincarnates. Addiction and him kill each other with lights. Genesis remains on Nici’s base. Nici has 65 braves, 3 warriors, and 1 firewarrior. Genesis casts two earthquakes. Nici kills Genesis’ shaman. Genesis earthquakes. Keith52 earthquakes Addiction twice. Genesis earthquakes Nici. Nici kills Genesis with a light, but the game is now pretty much over.

The post Genesis (blue) & Addiction (red) vs. Nici (yellow) & Keith52 (green) – Pressure Point (October 29, 2013) appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

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