Populous: The Beginning » Populous matches http://poptb.com/ A Populous 3 Fan Site Tue, 21 Apr 2015 00:29:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.2 Revisiting old games: Electric (blue) + Nici (green) vs. ttamylno (red) + Howl (yellow) on Face Off http://poptb.com/revisiting-old-games-electric-blue-nici-green-vs-ttamylno-red-howl-yellow-on-face-off/ http://poptb.com/revisiting-old-games-electric-blue-nici-green-vs-ttamylno-red-howl-yellow-on-face-off/#comments Wed, 25 Mar 2015 04:10:30 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=2115 This match, played on Face Off with almost all spells and buildings on was played shortly after Electric’s return to Populous, when Electric was just starting to play competitively and yet playing many interesting matchups... Read more

The post Revisiting old games: Electric (blue) + Nici (green) vs. ttamylno (red) + Howl (yellow) on Face Off appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

This match, played on Face Off with almost all spells and buildings on was played shortly after Electric’s return to Populous, when Electric was just starting to play competitively and yet playing many interesting matchups straight away. Electric and his ally Nici, then known as [Rw]Lille, deliver some interesting gameplay.

This very early Electric was very commonly playing with almost all spells and buildings on, and was just beginning to shape his playstyle.

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Remember this old match? Alex and Keith on Face Off http://poptb.com/remember-this-old-game-alex-and-keith-on-face-off/ http://poptb.com/remember-this-old-game-alex-and-keith-on-face-off/#comments Fri, 26 Dec 2014 04:46:12 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1627 Remember this Populous game, where Keith52 and an early Alex were allying on Face Off? Alex had a fully damaged base and only 4 braves hiding in Keith’s base, but Keith had hill. Not seen... Read more

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Remember this Populous game, where Keith52 and an early Alex were allying on Face Off? Alex had a fully damaged base and only 4 braves hiding in Keith’s base, but Keith had hill. Not seen in the video, Alex had just casted two earthquakes in the back of blue’s base and moved one brave to his own base to start rebuilding. Here’s the video:

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