Populous: The Beginning » sten http://poptb.com/ A Populous 3 Fan Site Tue, 21 Apr 2015 00:29:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.2 [Double view] Electric & Nici vs. Mentix & ttamylno – Face Off http://poptb.com/double-view-electric-nici-vs-mentix-ttamylno-face-off/ http://poptb.com/double-view-electric-nici-vs-mentix-ttamylno-face-off/#comments Wed, 08 Apr 2015 04:13:39 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=2152 View this recent Populous video of Electric (red) & Nici (yellow) vs. Mentix (blue) & ttamylno (green) on Face Off, recorded from multiple perspectives: on the left, Nici’s perspective as yellow; on the right, Mentix’s... Read more

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View this recent Populous video of Electric (red) & Nici (yellow) vs. Mentix (blue) & ttamylno (green) on Face Off, recorded from multiple perspectives: on the left, Nici’s perspective as yellow; on the right, Mentix’s perspective as blue.

For the best viewing experience, watch in high quality and fullscreen.

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Revisiting old games: Electric (blue) + Nici (green) vs. ttamylno (red) + Howl (yellow) on Face Off http://poptb.com/revisiting-old-games-electric-blue-nici-green-vs-ttamylno-red-howl-yellow-on-face-off/ http://poptb.com/revisiting-old-games-electric-blue-nici-green-vs-ttamylno-red-howl-yellow-on-face-off/#comments Wed, 25 Mar 2015 04:10:30 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=2115 This match, played on Face Off with almost all spells and buildings on was played shortly after Electric’s return to Populous, when Electric was just starting to play competitively and yet playing many interesting matchups... Read more

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This match, played on Face Off with almost all spells and buildings on was played shortly after Electric’s return to Populous, when Electric was just starting to play competitively and yet playing many interesting matchups straight away. Electric and his ally Nici, then known as [Rw]Lille, deliver some interesting gameplay.

This very early Electric was very commonly playing with almost all spells and buildings on, and was just beginning to shape his playstyle.

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Populous community news: February 2015 http://poptb.com/populous-community-news-february-2015/ http://poptb.com/populous-community-news-february-2015/#comments Fri, 20 Feb 2015 09:36:28 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=2019 The player papersound reaches 1500 played games in less than one year. Papersound is an older player who started playing again in April 2014. He has now become one of the top active players. Tom... Read more

The post Populous community news: February 2015 appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

  • The player papersound reaches 1500 played games in less than one year. Papersound is an older player who started playing again in April 2014. He has now become one of the top active players.
  • Tom (Asgard Worlds) has experienced a surge in popularity and is now one of the most played maps. It was made by Fury and Hundredth.
  • Top player Nici has been away for the month, only logging in a few times and saying nothing.
  • Rapid increase in the rate of new active players.
  • Tarigon and ManL1 come back.
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    Matt (ttamylno) reaches 8000 points http://poptb.com/matt-ttamylno-reaches-8000-points/ http://poptb.com/matt-ttamylno-reaches-8000-points/#comments Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:47:23 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1876 Matt (ttamylno), a well-known Populous player, has reached 8000 points in the Populous: Reincarnated Traditional League Table. Here at PopTB.com, we would like to congratulate Matt for this record-setting achievement. One of the most known... Read more

    The post Matt (ttamylno) reaches 8000 points appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    Matt (ttamylno), a well-known Populous player, has reached 8000 points in the Populous: Reincarnated Traditional League Table. Here at PopTB.com, we would like to congratulate Matt for this record-setting achievement.

    One of the most known players in the game, ttamylno is known for being of inconsistent skill and rude, but also for having defeated top players several times. He is one of the most active and consistently active players, having played every single month since monthly points started being recorded in September 2006.

    We hope that you enjoy this video of ttamylno (Red) in action vs. Electric AKA Alex (blue):

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    Populous history pages added! http://poptb.com/populous-history-pages-added/ http://poptb.com/populous-history-pages-added/#respond Fri, 23 Jan 2015 17:36:35 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1818 We’ve added a page on Populous history. It’s just a rough draft yet. We’ve also added pages on the EA Populous leagues (captured at five points in time) and Xatos.

    The post Populous history pages added! appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    We’ve added a page on Populous history. It’s just a rough draft yet. We’ve also added pages on the EA Populous leagues (captured at five points in time) and Xatos.

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    Multiplayer save games implemented http://poptb.com/multiplayer-save-games-implemented/ http://poptb.com/multiplayer-save-games-implemented/#respond Sun, 18 Jan 2015 03:18:53 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1742 The new Matchmaker ( has an interesting feature: all games are now saved. So, if any player crashes, or lags out, the game can be started again, as if nothing had gone wrong. Additionally, there... Read more

    The post Multiplayer save games implemented appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    The new Matchmaker ( has an interesting feature: all games are now saved. So, if any player crashes, or lags out, the game can be started again, as if nothing had gone wrong. Additionally, there is now a recovery system which should prevent games from going out of sync. Even though the original game had such a system, sometimes it caused a resync loop, until the game gave up trying and went out of sync. This should now be fixed.

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    Populous TV is now working again! http://poptb.com/populous-tv-is-now-working-again/ http://poptb.com/populous-tv-is-now-working-again/#respond Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:40:25 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1674 Populous TV, a Web site which allows users to watch live Populous: The Beginning games, is now working again and has received some updates. There are several Populous players which broadcast their matches live, which... Read more

    The post Populous TV is now working again! appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    Populous TV, a Web site which allows users to watch live Populous: The Beginning games, is now working again and has received some updates. There are several Populous players which broadcast their matches live, which provides for more enjoyment, more competition, and will surely make Populous more known, in the efforts to re-build the community.

    Streaming allows for new possibilities, such as watching a one versus one game from the perspective of both players at once, and even a 2v2 from the perspective of all players at once. As streaming has become more proliferated, it is now common in the Populous community.

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    Happy new year 2015 for Populous: The Beginning! http://poptb.com/happy-new-year-2015-for-populous-the-beginning/ http://poptb.com/happy-new-year-2015-for-populous-the-beginning/#comments Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:33:42 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1666 Goodbye 2014, welcome 2015! 2014 has been a good year for Populous: The Beginning, which saw its 16th birthday. Hundreds of new players have joined, some players came back, and activity overall has grown. Even... Read more

    The post Happy new year 2015 for Populous: The Beginning! appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    Goodbye 2014, welcome 2015! 2014 has been a good year for Populous: The Beginning, which saw its 16th birthday. Hundreds of new players have joined, some players came back, and activity overall has grown. Even though Populous is an old video game, several new players are joining every day. This is due to Populous innovating a new game style, which has so far never been correctly imitated. Populous has essential qualities which are inexistant in any other strategy game. Additionally, Populous is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time and played a key role in the history of the real-time strategy genre.

    Populous, in 2014, had several updates and improvements. For instance, version 2.0 of the Populous online lobby was released, with a completely new interface and several improvements. It was finally done so that nearly everyone could host multiplayer games with no setup required at all.

    From here at PopTB.com, we call on all old players to come back, and all new players to play, for the first time, this masterpiece of video gaming. Note that Populous can now be automatically installed and set up for online play with a click. With the Populous installer, you go from nothing to playing the game on-line within two minutes.

    Without further ado:

    Happy new year!

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    Remember this old match? Alex and Keith on Face Off http://poptb.com/remember-this-old-game-alex-and-keith-on-face-off/ http://poptb.com/remember-this-old-game-alex-and-keith-on-face-off/#comments Fri, 26 Dec 2014 04:46:12 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1627 Remember this Populous game, where Keith52 and an early Alex were allying on Face Off? Alex had a fully damaged base and only 4 braves hiding in Keith’s base, but Keith had hill. Not seen... Read more

    The post Remember this old match? Alex and Keith on Face Off appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    Remember this Populous game, where Keith52 and an early Alex were allying on Face Off? Alex had a fully damaged base and only 4 braves hiding in Keith’s base, but Keith had hill. Not seen in the video, Alex had just casted two earthquakes in the back of blue’s base and moved one brave to his own base to start rebuilding. Here’s the video:

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    Live Populous lobby implemented! http://poptb.com/live-populous-lobby-implemented/ http://poptb.com/live-populous-lobby-implemented/#respond Wed, 17 Dec 2014 23:14:28 +0000 http://poptb.com/?p=1619 The homepage has been updated! Among other things, you can now see the Populous lobby live from the website, being able to see the games being hosted and the chat. Stay tuned for more changes!

    The post Live Populous lobby implemented! appeared first on Populous: The Beginning.

    The homepage has been updated! Among other things, you can now see the Populous lobby live from the website, being able to see the games being hosted and the chat. Stay tuned for more changes!

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