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Populous Utilities
Populous extras downloader NT   A program by the devil team, that downloads everything you need and everything extra Coming Soon
Populous: Age of Chaos Bot Server 814 KB This allows you to play with bots in multiplayer for the purpose of enhancing your skills. Mirror#1
Map HDR Editor 296.2 KB A program that allows you to change the attributes of levels like spells buildings and more Mirror#1
Map HDR Editor (Source) 437.7 KB The Source code for the above Mirror#1
Data Restorer 138.4 KB Restores different parts of the game from the CD like maps and data files at the click of a button. Mirror#1
Pop Check 169 KB This checks to make sure your populous game has all the files intact. Mirror#1
Pop Fix 185 KB This places Populous files in registry. (Useful if your game didn't come from the official cd) Mirror#1
Populous Resolution Changer 39 KB Allows you to set the resolution and color depth that Populous plays at. Mirror#1
Populous Revolution Toolbar 260KB This program installs a toolbar in your IE browser Mirror#1
Populous 3 levels restorer 522.4 KB Restorers your populous 3 levels to their original copy. Mirror#1
Populous 3 INF/Credits Editor 315.1 KB Allows you to edit inf files and the credits file in the populous 3 directory. Mirror#1
Dosbox 0.63 1 MB Allows you to play populous 1, the expansion and populous 2, on any computer reguardless of your operating system. Mirror#1
Populous 4 AOC Series Selector 140 KB Allows you to select between running populous 4 aoc and populous 3. (required for populous 4)








































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