- http://www.Populous.net
http://www.populous.ea-europe.com - The official Populous website.
- http://www.strategyplanet.com/populous/
- New Worlds / Populous Reincarnated - The Populous site where you can download custom made multiplayer levels and discuss Populous on the forum.
Fan Sites
- http://www.populous3.info
- CDplayer's site -A very informative site on almost all aspects of Populous
- http://www.populous.cjb.net
- The Populous Shrine -An old no longer updated site, but one of the best resources for populous available
- http://stuart.servepics.com/My%20HomePage/Games/Populous/popthetb.htm
- Stuart Whyte, the producer of Populous' very own website with all the magazine articles on Populous.
- http://www.thewheel.freeserve.co.uk
- The Blue Shamans Command Post -A great site with walkthroughs of all single player levels
- http://www.geocities.com/only1crazyace
- Crazy Ace's Populous Page -Descriptions of buildings, spells, followers, vocabulary etc. plus some fun screenshots and 'idiot stories'
- http://www.geocities.com/undiscoveredworlds
- C3's Undiscovered Worlds Site -is the only, therefore best site on undiscovered Worlds
- http://www.geocities.com/Xtremegamer2000/
- A simple website with some information on Populous
- http://www.members.aol.com/leaoak/page
- An attractive website for populous
- http://www.drummerka.com
- DrummerKA's site with a few screenshots and some other info
- http://website.lineone.net/~johnny_lad/populous.htm
- ShakeyJake's A partial list of single player walkthroughs aimed at giving the fastest times (with the times to beat) plus maps and orbit-views. He has also cracked the coding of all the maps in the game (single player, multiplayer and Undiscovered Worlds) and converted them to mini maps using a contour palette. Includes the Populous leagues table with in information not included on populous.net
- http://homepage.ntlworld.com/squall.leonhart/default.htm
http://homepage.ntlworld.com/squall.leonhart/index2.html - BomBer Man's Populous site, includes much information on the game, New site has much flash
- http://home.wanadoo.nl/m.de.sterke/populous.htm
- Walhalla's Populous site with his own list of good players and a few tactics
- http://www.angelfire.com/al2/dwdbmpage/
- Deathwarrior & The_king_dbm's Populous site with thier private leagues table
- http://www.geocities.com/jrubino3rd
- Keith52's page with stratagies and a list of "good" players
- http://homepage.eircom.net/~populous/
- The Shaman Homepage with tactics, a populous story, and other good information
- http://judith.250free.com/
- Judithz's page with lots of pretty colors, oh and some populous stuff too
- http://www.geocities.com/zakra_ta/
- Zakra's site, nice intro and a page devoted to populous
- http://cryoborg.tripod.com/
- Cryoborgs Populous page
- http://populousawards.hostars.com/
- Interesting page that gives out awards to populous sites based on different categories.
Groups and Clans
- http://www.teamadept.cjb.net
- Team Adept -Oldest community on populous, accepts all people that are up to their standard of personality
- http://www.TeamNashua.com
- Team Nashua -Second oldest clan on populous, will accept most people, including newbies to train
- http://www.avidgamers.com/Populous/
- Lords of the UndeaD- The newest Populous Clan.
- ftp://ftp.ea.com/pub/archive/bullfrog/
- The Bullfrog FTP space with many of the files including the help files and promotional video
- Demo -EA or FilePlanet - Demo
- This is the Demo, complete with three levels for single-player and one multiplayer
- Patch -EA or FilePlanet - Patch
- This file is required if you want to play Populous
- Populous Local Lobby
- CDplayer's Populous Lobby Mod all packed into one self-extracting file. Just open the zip file and run the .exe.
- Web-Design Kit -EA or FilePlanet - Web-Design Kit
- The Web-Design kit includes all sorts of fun website add-ons including sounds and animations
- Populous Desktop Theme -EA or FilePlanet - Populous Desktop Theme
- The Populous Desktop theme inludes wallpaper, cool screen saver of tribes fighting ending with armageddon, pointers, sounds, colors, and startup/shutdown screens
- No-CD Crack
- This crack let's you play Populous: The Beginning v. 1.01 without the cd
- Undiscovered Worlds Single Player Levels
- **Updated Version** Run the installer and the normal levels 1-12 will be the undiscovered worlds single player levels. The starting messages are included, because they don't show up in the game, and one or two of the levels may have a few other problems.
- Populous...1
- This is actually the Original Populous. It's fully functional but there is a very simple security program in the game that might stop you from playing.
The following are not related to Populous
- Solar Winds Screensaver
- A really pretty looking Screensaver.
- /Ultra.htm
- A report on Ultra I wrote for my history class.
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