The following file contains important informaiton reguarding the progress of Populous: The Beginning- Skirmish Mode. Cureent Version 0.0.3 (BETA 03) Updates BETA 03 - Released 11/2/04 -Some more error handlers were implemented. -The "X" that is clicked on to close the window was disabled to prevent userrs from closing out the application too early and causeing a BACKUP error. -Generaly stability issues resolved. -Users can now specify the path of their Populous dierctory when the program is first run so that the program will work no matter where Populous is installed. -Popelous launch code fixed to work on all machines now. (Users must have the file EAEXEC.EXE in their Windows directory for it to work.) If the program fails to start then a message box will appear telling you to run the game like normal. BETA 02 - Released 7/3/04 -Several error hanlders were implemented to give users a better understanding of what may be causing problems should an error occur. -General stavility issues were resolved. -A simple help file was written (.hlp- Windows Help format) giving users some more information on how to use the program and how to troubleshoot issues. -The program is now distributed in an Easy-To-Use installer instead of the old manually extracting the files from a zip archive. -A nicer layout change. -Hills Divide Us and Eye of the Storm switched positions in the level line-up to corrwect a header file error. BETA 01 - Released 6/8/04 Program was released with the following features -Users can set up single player skirmish games with no decent script. -Users can change the options of the game such as "God Mode", "Fog of War" avaliable spells/ buildings, and alliances. -Users can select 25 different levels to play on. This file will be updated as needed to show version changes/ updates. Original file located at Populous: SKirmish Mode was written by Khickman and TedTycoon.