Populous: The Beginning Strategy Guide

    Have you ever wondered how players have gotten to be so good at Populous?  Well they developed strategies or battle plans that they use over and over and finally perfect to get their wins, here on this site and a few select other site, I am offering my strategy guide that I have secretly written over the course of three to four years. (I worked on it off and on)  In this guide you can expect to find complete information about Populous from any thing that a new comer may not know to something even an experienced player may not know.  Included in this are my favorite level strategies off of CD Players Populous Site. (see Links)  With each item there is a detailed picture of what it it and how you can use it.  Plus height maps for all of the original Populous maps.  These 35 pages of information are now available at your finger tips for you to use, should you choose to follow this advice.  Now I am aware that some of the items posted in this strategy guide may be slightly incorrect or against your idea for a strategy, but these are my thoughts, take it or leave it.  I hope you enjoy reading and using this as much as I have enjoyed writing it for the good of the Populous community.

    Please note that the level strategies were taken form CD Players site. The ones that I agreed with the most are the ones in my strategy guide. If you find a strategy that you wrote in here that was taken from CD Player's site and you want credit I will gladly add that information if you email me with the name u want credited and the information you posted.