PopMM - 09/09/17 00:31

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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!

Join us on TeamSpeak!
Server: ts.popre.net
Password: poptb

" The Beginning " Y/T channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTS24pREiKS8PAi9RZAqxA

* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 1PM GMT

The map of the day is:
NW 14: Mad Worlds - Block Busters 2 (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

------------------Tournament News---------------------
First seasons runs until the end of September.


----------------------Recent Update----------------------
9/5/2017 - "Do you love Orange?" Skin Released

[00:31] GameOfThrones in
[00:31] stream> freut mich dass du spaß hattest ihn mental und im spiel zu ficken :)
[00:31] [GoD]cani> ja
[00:31] [GoD]cani> :*
[00:32] [GoD]cani> hat die grnaze zeit geraged war krass
[00:32] [GoD]cani> hast viel verpasst
[00:32] [GoD]cani> sec
[00:32] [GoD]cani out
[00:32] [GoD]cani in
[00:32] Taity-mini out
[00:33] Taity-mini in
[00:33] [GoD]cani> lies bitte alles sodass du nix verpasst hast
[00:33] Taity-mini> host
[00:33] stream> nice
[00:34] [GoD]cani> also hauptsächlich zw matt und mir
[00:34] Taity-mini> unrank
[00:34] stream> gehe erst um 3 pennen
[00:34] stream> also genug zeit iz da
[00:34] [GoD]cani> gut
[00:34] [GoD]cani> loot lädt den rape hoch
[00:34] [GoD]cani> mit so porn intro
[00:34] [GoD]cani> auf yt hahahahaha
[00:34] Taity-mini> reset
[00:34] [GoD]cani> weil war kras wie krass schlecht der mersnch spielte
[00:34] Taity-mini> host
[00:34] Taity-mini> unrank
[00:35] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Red * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[00:36] Taity-mini> host
[00:36] Taity-mini> maps
[00:36] MiniBot_UK> Taity-mini: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[00:36] Taity-mini> skir
[00:36] Taity-mini> unrank
[00:36] Taity-mini> ?
[00:36] MiniBot_UK> Taity-mini: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[00:36] Taity-mini> yellow
[00:36] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[00:37] stream> HAHAHAHA
[00:37] [GoD]cani> :D
[00:37] [GoD]cani> morgen wird im netz sein
[00:37] stream> ich sagte es oft genug brudi
Game results submitted.
[00:37] stream> er ist ein lappen
[00:38] Taity-mini> host
[14] Reconnecting...
[00:38] Red in
[00:38] BranBot in
[00:38] IncaWarrior in
[00:38] MrMoohammad26 in
[00:38] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[00:38] ice-t_TSI in
[00:38] therapist in
[00:38] p4p3rs0und in
[00:38] [TSI]Raion in
[00:38] Luke_OP in
[00:38] [md]skylo in
[00:38] Luxray in
[00:38] [Rw]loothill in
[00:38] Death in
[00:38] left_nut in
[00:38] forestfeller in
[00:38] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[00:38] boggart89 in
[00:38] [Chf]xel88 in
[00:38] Funes in
[00:38] stream in
[00:38] Taity in
[00:38] GameOfThrones in
[00:38] [GoD]cani in
[00:38] Taity-mini in

Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!

Join us on TeamSpeak!
Server: ts.popre.net
Password: poptb

" The Beginning " Y/T channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTS24pREiKS8PAi9RZAqxA

* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 1PM GMT

The map of the day is:
NW 14: Mad Worlds - Block Busters 2 (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

------------------Tournament News---------------------
First seasons runs until the end of September.


----------------------Recent Update----------------------
9/5/2017 - "Do you love Orange?" Skin Released

[00:39] stream> omg
[00:39] [GoD]cani> verliert nun 6 mal in folge
[00:39] stream> wie du einfach in die base spazierst
[00:39] stream> ahaáhahhahahaha
[00:39] stream> hLOLOLLOLO
[00:39] [GoD]cani> und sagte mir heute ich bin i mlosing streak
[00:39] [GoD]cani> bei 2 losses
[00:39] stream> LOLLLOLO
[00:39] [GoD]cani> lol
[00:39] Taity-mini> host
[00:39] stream> so schlecht
[00:39] stream> omg
[00:39] [GoD]cani> . . .ja
[00:39] Taity-mini> unrank
[00:39] Taity-mini> maps
[00:39] MiniBot_UK> Taity-mini: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[00:39] [GoD]cani> sagt noch lale reden schlecht über mich auf discord
[00:39] Taity-mini> 4walls
[00:39] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: The Great Worlds (2.0)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Blue * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[00:39] [GoD]cani> in dem moment dachte ich ein wenig drüber nach wie traurig verzweifelt ein Mensch sein kann
[00:39] stream> keine sorge
Game successfully created in database.
[00:40] stream> sagt er über alle die besser sind als er
[00:40] stream> :)
[00:40] [GoD]cani> ich weiss dass niemand redet. . . olol
[00:40] [GoD]cani> dies wiess ich, dahcte du weisst es nicht
[00:40] stream> 'everyone laughing about you on discord''
Game results submitted.
[00:40] Taity-mini> Minibot now working again guys :)
[00:40] [GoD]cani> er fängt an zu lügen, sobald er wiess dass er shclechter ist und oft verlor, und rageds
[00:40] stream> *2 ppl in voice chat, 1 with sound off 1 being matt*
[00:40] [GoD]cani> hahahahahhahahaahaa
[00:41] stream> warte ich gucke kurz den rape zu ende
[00:41] [GoD]cani> ja
[00:41] [GoD]cani> ich brb
[00:41] stream> 'insane how bad paper is'
[00:41] stream> LOLLOLOLO
[00:42] [GoD]cani> . . ..
[00:42] [GoD]cani> ja. . .
[00:42] [GoD]cani> da dahcte ich mir
[00:42] [GoD]cani> dass es wirklich soclhe traurigen menschen gibt
[00:42] [GoD]cani> auf diesem planeten
[00:43] [GoD]cani> erstmal biologie test aufgegriffen
[00:43] [GoD]cani> um die sache zu verdeutlichen
[00:43] [GoD]cani> :D
[00:43] stream> lachkick hahahaha
[00:43] [GoD]cani> was weed tat verstand ich auch nicht
[00:43] [GoD]cani> kannst nun aufhören zuw atchen
[00:44] [GoD]cani> rest ist standartsache
[00:44] [GoD]cani> die ersten 7 min sind wichtig
[00:44] stream> ok hahahahah
[00:44] stream> beste eh wie er denkt er sei gut
[00:45] stream> da muss ich immer schmuntzeln hahahaha
[00:45] [GoD]cani> er hat gegen mich in shcnelligkeit
[00:45] [GoD]cani> keine chance
[00:45] [GoD]cani> is halt wie wenn ich an de rbart stehe thresen so
[00:45] stream> wieso? du bist doch nur 7 mal schneller als er du try hard
[00:45] [GoD]cani> und neben mir 2 mädchen und 1 junge
[00:45] [GoD]cani> und der junge dnekt er sehe hübscher aus als ich
[00:45] stream> LOLOOLOLLOLO
[00:45] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahaa
[00:45] [GoD]cani> isso
[00:45] stream> hahahahah
[00:46] stream> ok zeit für logs
[00:46] [GoD]cani> ja ich geh off
[00:46] [GoD]cani> um 2
[00:46] [GoD]cani> brb
[00:48] stream> left_nut> my afk shaman left_nut> dodges
[00:48] stream> lmfao
[00:48] therapist out
[00:52] forestfeller out
[00:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf paper
[00:53] Zerstorer in
[00:53] Zerstorer out
[00:53] Zerstorer in
[00:54] [GoD]cani> but how did you guys lose to matt on pp
[00:54] [GoD]cani> wtf murder
[00:54] left_nut> spin
[00:54] left_nut> u have to double me
[00:54] stream> matt youre shit
[00:54] left_nut> to win
[00:54] [GoD]cani> but i didnt double you
[00:54] [GoD]cani> watch stream+
[00:54] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173294683
[00:54] Maganha_OP in
[00:54] stream> youd even lose to inca
[00:54] stream> noob
[00:54] [GoD]cani> babo watched
[00:54] [GoD]cani> matt
[00:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni
[00:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u just watch this game?
[00:54] [GoD]cani> and offered a 1v1
[00:55] [GoD]cani> 4 times
[00:55] [GoD]cani> and 4 times u ran
[00:55] [GoD]cani> yes ur stream
[00:55] [GoD]cani> lol
[00:55] [GoD]cani> not all tho
[00:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt get a warning all thru
[00:55] [GoD]cani> wait matt u just doubled murder
[00:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> i get doubled so hard
[00:55] [GoD]cani> does this mean u only win by doubling
[00:55] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahahaa
[00:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> and paper does nothing
[00:55] Taity-mini out
[00:55] [GoD]cani> guy is so dumb
[00:55] [GoD]cani> actually
[00:55] left_nut> spin ill own u 1v1
[00:55] left_nut> anytime
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> if paper could actually do somthing to an empty baseid be ok
[00:56] [GoD]cani> host
[00:56] [GoD]cani> so lets go
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> even thoe he did nothing i was ok
[00:56] [GoD]cani> babop watch
[00:56] [GoD]cani> join matt
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> then i had most pop in game some how
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> then paper gets attacked one time
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> and dies
[00:56] [GoD]cani> join matt 1v1 pp
[00:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> its painfull
[00:56] stream> LOLLOLOLOLOLOLO
[00:56] stream> [01:56] left_nut> spin ill own u 1v1
[00:57] [GoD]cani> you see babo
[00:57] [GoD]cani> its 5th time
[00:57] [GoD]cani> im waiitng for him
[00:57] [GoD]cani> lol
[00:57] stream> LACHSALTO AMK
[00:57] [GoD]cani> ist traurig
[00:57] left_nut> guy wants a european
[00:57] left_nut> bot
[00:57] [GoD]cani> diese welt öfters
[00:57] left_nut> lol
[00:57] left_nut> this si funny as hell
[00:57] [GoD]cani> your host is shit?
[00:57] [GoD]cani> hostbot doesnt lag
[00:57] [GoD]cani> LOL
[00:57] stream> matt you cant be trusted to host oyu fucking sore loser
[00:57] left_nut> i haver best host
[00:57] stream> youd do anything to win
[00:57] left_nut> in lobby
[00:57] stream> disgusting fat cunt
[00:57] [GoD]cani> this is true
[00:57] stream> got no balls
[00:57] [GoD]cani> guy will lag me
[00:58] stream> you act like youre somthing
[00:58] [GoD]cani> u dont have best hoist in this lobby at all
[00:58] [GoD]cani> i do
[00:58] stream> youre just a fake shaman, hiding behind your allies
[00:58] stream> loser
[00:58] [GoD]cani> did u see my net
[00:58] [GoD]cani> i got 750 dl and 700 ul
[00:58] [GoD]cani> speed
[00:58] [GoD]cani> true that babo
[00:58] [GoD]cani> wise wwords has been spoken
[00:58] [GoD]cani> look he still not coming
[00:58] [GoD]cani> lol
[00:58] stream> pussy :))
[00:59] [Rw]loothill> pussymatt is real
[00:59] [GoD]cani> sad human being as i said
[00:59] stream> calls out people and wont play
[00:59] [GoD]cani> matt
[00:59] [GoD]cani> loothill is editing that video
[00:59] [GoD]cani> with a porn intro
[00:59] [GoD]cani> of youporn
[00:59] [GoD]cani> and i now tell u it gets real
[00:59] Zerstorer out
[00:59] [Rw]loothill> of pornhub
[00:59] [GoD]cani> oh,m sry
[00:59] Zerstorer in
[00:59] [Rw]loothill> 73%
[01:00] [GoD]cani> ya cant wait for it
[01:01] stream> left_nut> i mean no one watches it but noobs left_nut> everyone watches my stream though
[01:02] Zerstorer> hahahahahaha
[01:02] Zerstorer> babo
[01:02] [Rw]loothill> thats enough to laugh 24/7
[01:02] Zerstorer> and matt have 10000 games
[01:02] Zerstorer> and is a fk noob
[01:02] Zerstorer> pussy
[01:02] [Rw]loothill> I saw matt's profile in twitch and he have 0 views in his videos
[01:02] [Rw]loothill> maybe 1-2 as max
[01:03] [Rw]loothill> Last Spin stream he had over 6 views at the same time
[01:03] Maganha_OP> getting trolled, matt
[01:03] boggart89 out
[01:03] [GoD]cani> well all i can say for today
[01:03] [Chf]xel88 out
[01:03] [GoD]cani> is that ive never seen some1 be so sad
[01:03] [GoD]cani> in this world
[01:03] [GoD]cani> i got the logs
[01:03] [GoD]cani> all he said was wrong
[01:03] [GoD]cani> just everything
[01:04] stream> even i get more views than fatty mc fattster
[01:04] stream> whats this guy on about?
[01:04] stream> lollololo
[01:04] aloneton in
[01:04] [Rw]loothill> maybe a Minecraft video can have more views than matt
[01:04] [GoD]cani> uffff this is sad
[01:04] [GoD]cani> dont bully him 2much
[01:04] [GoD]cani> he might suicide
[01:04] aloneton out
[01:04] [GoD]cani> LOL
[01:05] [GoD]cani> asked him to 1v1
[01:05] stream> weißt du was noch kommen wird
[01:05] [GoD]cani> he talks about my mom
[01:05] [GoD]cani> so how do i tlak with this human
[01:05] [GoD]cani> normaly
[01:05] [GoD]cani> was
[01:05] p4p3rs0und> lol
[01:05] [GoD]cani> was kann denn noch kommen lol
[01:05] [Rw]loothill> 40years old need talks about the mom as argument
[01:05] [Rw]loothill> thats sad
[01:05] stream> hast es hier zuerst gehört
[01:05] [GoD]cani> ja lies logs
[01:05] [GoD]cani> er sagte er wird eidas bild von mit
[01:05] stream> bin dabei
[01:05] [GoD]cani> im discord bearbeiten
[01:05] [GoD]cani> und hochladen
[01:06] [GoD]cani> wirst noch elsen darüber
[01:06] [GoD]cani> ist krass
[01:06] stream> hahahahaha
[01:06] stream> richtiger G
[01:06] p4p3rs0und> ye he is annoying af
[01:06] stream> junge grade original lachflash hahahahahah
[01:06] p4p3rs0und> he lost that pp game so hard
[01:06] p4p3rs0und> yet still denies
[01:06] [GoD]cani> ne ich kann über sowas nicht lachen
[01:06] [Rw]loothill> And he still things it was ur fault
[01:06] stream> [01:42] stream> 'insane how bad paper is'
[01:06] [GoD]cani> mir tut es weh so einen meshcne zu sehen
[01:07] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[01:07] stream> *got his base totally raped after 7min*
[01:07] [Rw]loothill> if he loses ofc its his ally fault
[01:07] [Rw]loothill> Matt logic
[01:07] [GoD]cani> loot ill wait for the vid
[01:07] [GoD]cani> and then ill go off
[01:07] [GoD]cani> lass vid warten babo, wird zu lustig
[01:07] [GoD]cani> loot %?
[01:07] stream> ok hahahahha
[01:07] [Rw]loothill> dont_make_anything_entire_game_get_carry_by_ur_ally_matt_tactic.mp4
[01:07] [GoD]cani> wirst lachen da inttro ein porno ist hahahahaa
[01:07] [Rw]loothill> 87% after that ill upload
[01:07] [GoD]cani> OLOL
[01:08] [GoD]cani> stell dir so vor brazzers intro
[01:08] Skuli in
[01:08] [GoD]cani> viele kleine pornobildschirme wenn du weists wa sich mein LOL
[01:08] [GoD]cani> beste
[01:08] [Rw]loothill> brazzers itnro was used for moores
[01:08] stream> hahahahahhaha
[01:09] stream> nice title loot
[01:09] Skuli out
[01:09] [Rw]loothill> ty
[01:09] [GoD]cani> mache schnell batzen inntasche
[01:09] [GoD]cani> isso
[01:10] [GoD]cani> "würde gerne zahlen"
[01:10] [GoD]cani> heute so
[01:10] [GoD]cani> kommt so "5:30 bitte"
[01:10] [GoD]cani> *gibt 6 hin - "passt 'schu'*
[01:10] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahaa
[01:10] [GoD]cani> sofort alle augen auf mich
[01:10] [GoD]cani> scheiss gesellschaft halt
[01:10] [GoD]cani> hahahahahhahahahhaa
[01:10] [Rw]loothill> now how the video should be called
[01:11] [GoD]cani> hmmmm
[01:11] [GoD]cani> call it
[01:11] [GoD]cani> The Populous: Deep Throat
[01:12] [Rw]loothill> hahahahhhh
[01:12] [GoD]cani> forget the the
[01:12] stream> left_nut> we all on discord making fun of u
[01:12] stream> gg spin youre done
[01:12] [GoD]cani> gg
[01:13] [Rw]loothill> "we all"
[01:13] [GoD]cani> hahahahahaha
[01:13] stream> we all= 2 ppl
[01:13] [GoD]cani> LOL
[01:13] stream> him and someone who got his discord muted
[01:13] stream> this guy is creating his own world
[01:13] stream> and thinks its actually true wtf
[01:13] [Rw]loothill> He create new discord
[01:14] [Rw]loothill> Because I gave admin of pop discord to nut_craker_op
[01:14] [Rw]loothill> WHen I leave
[01:14] stream> LMAO
[01:14] stream> loser move
[01:14] stream> hahahaha
[01:14] left_nut> dont lie
[01:14] left_nut> loot
[01:14] left_nut> u made me admin
[01:14] left_nut> and then when i killed u
[01:14] left_nut> as an ally
[01:14] left_nut> u deleted
[01:14] Maganha_OP> matt, ure getting trolled so hard
[01:14] left_nut> the channel
[01:14] left_nut> loloolololololololol
[01:14] p4p3rs0und> matt
[01:14] left_nut> naw bro
[01:14] left_nut> only ones trolled is spin raging
[01:14] p4p3rs0und> what happened to fu ?
[01:14] left_nut> for like 12 hours
[01:14] left_nut> now
[01:15] [GoD]cani> but iam not raging
[01:15] [GoD]cani> LOL
[01:15] [Rw]loothill> fu have been disbanned because its offensive
[01:15] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahahahhahaa
[01:15] stream> hey look
[01:15] left_nut> spin
[01:15] left_nut> im afk
[01:15] [Rw]loothill> Matt ragequits every game
[01:15] stream> fatty mc fattster arrived
[01:15] left_nut> and ur still going on bro
[01:15] [Rw]loothill> and later he says "I didin't rage"
[01:15] stream> matt im reading logs
[01:15] left_nut> that how bad u are raging
[01:15] stream> and youre a total loser
[01:15] [GoD]cani> but i was talking with them
[01:15] [GoD]cani> and not you
[01:15] left_nut> babo is on life tilt
[01:15] stream> raging all day
[01:15] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahahaha
[01:15] stream> lmfaomlfamolfamlofamlofao
[01:15] left_nut> he wont ever stop raging
[01:15] left_nut> and loot is just dumb
[01:15] stream> hahahahahahha
[01:16] [GoD]cani> :D
[01:16] [GoD]cani> is halt so
[01:16] stream> er tötet mich
[01:16] [GoD]cani> bei dem
[01:16] [Rw]loothill> I am?
[01:16] [GoD]cani> hahahaha
[01:16] stream> hahahahahahhahaha
[01:16] stream> kann doch nicht sein
[01:16] [GoD]cani> isso
[01:16] stream> dass er echt denkt wir sitzen am pc
[01:16] [GoD]cani> ist real
[01:16] stream> und ragen
[01:16] stream> hahahahahahahahahahahaha
[01:16] [GoD]cani> was hier geschieht
[01:16] [GoD]cani> LOL
[01:16] [GoD]cani> :D
[01:16] [GoD]cani> xD
[01:16] stream> LACHKICK HAHAHAHAH
[01:17] stream> 40 jahre
[01:17] stream> 10000 spiele
[01:17] stream> und immernoch dumm wie stroh hahahahah
[01:17] [GoD]cani> /me* stirbt
[01:17] stream> brb lese zu ende
[01:17] stream> hahahahahahhahahaha
[01:17] [GoD]cani> ja akhi
[01:17] stream> p4p3rs0und> matt asked me to rotate left_nut> dont feel like getting bb by spin
[01:17] [GoD]cani> :D
[01:17] [GoD]cani> didnt even bb
[01:18] [GoD]cani> which u can see on stream
[01:18] [GoD]cani> 3 brave sattacked me so i killed them - oh my god sorry
[01:19] [Rw]loothill> He sent u 3 braves to make u stop
[01:19] [Rw]loothill> *its bb*
[01:19] stream> left_nut> wildies fucked my fw hut up left_nut> from being builtleft_nut> they were standing on plan
[01:19] stream> LOLOLOLOLOLLOLLO
[01:19] stream> WTF???
[01:19] [GoD]cani> wish shakespeare lived
[01:20] [GoD]cani> he knew so much words
[01:20] stream> HAVING 10000 GAMES MATTHEW
[01:20] stream> OMFG
[01:20] [GoD]cani> because i cant describe this situation with matt
[01:20] Maganha_OP> lol
[01:20] stream> HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
[01:20] [GoD]cani> im losing words
[01:20] [GoD]cani> guy makes me dumb
[01:21] [Rw]loothill out
[01:21] stream> left_nut> we all know how bad u and eric cheat left_nut> resycnhing games
[01:21] [Rw]loothill in
[01:22] [GoD]cani> weiss gar nicht wie da sgeht
[01:22] [TSI]Ezra in
[01:22] stream> last time we played matt, you resynched the game cuz you got raped so fast?
[01:22] [GoD]cani> :D
[01:22] stream> fucking hell this guy makes me laugh
[01:22] stream> till i die
[01:22] stream> LOOLOLOLLOLOOL
[01:22] [Rw]loothill> [19:22] [GoD]cani> [Rw]loothill> wow finally he knows how to use paint.
[01:22] [Rw]loothill> nice
[01:22] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AdPl5xIAvE
[01:22] [Rw]loothill> I can upload videos and my net won't down :D
[01:23] [GoD]cani> how long will it take
[01:23] [Rw]loothill> 2 hours
[01:23] [Rw]loothill> for real
[01:23] [GoD]cani> k ill watch it tomorrow then
[01:23] [GoD]cani> ty tho
[01:23] [Rw]loothill> ill gave u the link in fb after upload
[01:23] [GoD]cani> yes please
[01:24] Maganha_OP out
[01:24] stream> left_nut> u been raging all day bro
[01:24] stream> ye i also always rage when i fucking rape my enemies
[01:25] [GoD]cani> isso
[01:26] Skuli in
[01:26] [TSI]Ezra out
[01:26] [Rw]loothill> I hope matt never have children's
[01:27] [Rw]loothill> Can u imagine them? like "I DIDNT RAGE YOU RAGE" "MY ALLY IS A LOOSER"
[01:27] [GoD]cani> #sadlyf
[01:28] left_nut> you guys still going
[01:29] left_nut> wow this is awesome
[01:29] [GoD]cani> youre too funny
[01:29] [GoD]cani> this is a must
[01:29] [Rw]loothill> Yes you are our clown matt
[01:32] stream> ok bin durch
[01:32] stream> hahahahah
[01:32] [GoD]cani> konnte mich nicht normal
[01:32] [GoD]cani> mit diesem menschen kommunizieren
[01:32] [GoD]cani> er ist zu uneinsichtig
[01:33] [GoD]cani> ich gehe schlafen gn
[01:33] [md]skylo out
[01:33] Funes out
[01:33] [GoD]cani out
[01:36] [chf]xel88 in
[01:42] stream> gn pros and matt
[01:42] stream> :)
[01:42] stream> LOSER
[01:42] stream out
[01:42] Funes in
[01:43] Funes> 9/5/2017 - "Do you love Orange?" Skin Released
[01:44] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[01:45] Skuli out
[01:50] GameOfThrones out
[01:55] [TSI]Ezra in
[01:57] [chf]xel88> ffa?
[01:58] Luke_OP out
[01:58] [TSI]Ezra out
[01:58] PowerLord in
[02:00] PowerLord> 3+
[02:03] Nici_OP in
[02:04] PowerLord> hi
[02:04] Lorena in
[02:10] Lorena out
[02:10] Bastianignacioo in
[02:11] Lorena in
[02:11] PowerLord out
[02:11] PowerLord in
[02:12] Lorena> [47] Cannot create file "C:\Users\Lorena\AppData\Local\Populous Reincarnated\Matchmaker\MapPacks\singles/Test0.zip"
[02:12] Lorena> Cannot create file "C:\Users\Lorena\AppData\Local\Populous Reincarnated\Matchmaker\MapPacks\singles\Test0.zip". El proceso no tiene acceso al archivo porque está siendo
[02:13] Lorena> Updating Language Files.
[02:13] Lorena> /me Still X
[02:14] Lorena out
[02:14] Lorena in
[02:16] PowerLord> host
[02:16] PowerLord> maps
[02:16] Lorena> cr
[02:16] Lorena> go
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Lorena - MapPack: OK
PowerLord - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - PowerLord: Yellow - Lorena: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[02:17] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[02:19] [TSI]Raion out
[02:20] KaiserBradly_T4R in
Game successfully checked in.
[02:21] left_nut out
[02:22] Parritalol123 in
[02:23] Bro4Hoes in
[02:24] Bastianignacioo out
[02:29] Bro4Hoes out
[02:32] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[02:35] Zerstorer> gg
[02:36] [chf]xel88> gg
[02:37] Funes> gg
Game results submitted.
[02:39] Funes> xell
[02:39] Funes> host
[02:39] Funes> jugg
[02:40] Funes> or minder´s palace
[02:40] Funes> we are 4
[02:40] [chf]xel88> lol
[02:40] [chf]xel88> give me 1 sec
[02:40] Zerstorer> kik wild
[02:40] Zerstorer> hio
[02:41] [Rw]loothill> cpt_james_kirk palace
[02:41] Funes> k
[02:46] Funes> BRB
[02:46] Funes out
[02:50] [chf]xel88> brutto, here
[02:51] Lorena out
[02:51] Lorena in
[02:52] Lorena> damn
[02:52] Lorena> crashed
[02:54] Lorena out
[02:54] Lorena in
[02:59] Nici_OP> brutus
[03:00] Nici_OP> souk ma dik
[03:00] Lorena out
[03:00] Nici_OP out
[03:01] Nici_OP in
[03:14] [chf]xel88> yeah
[03:15] Zerstorer> ffa
[03:15] Zerstorer> in
[03:15] Zerstorer> craters
[03:15] PowerLord> nah
[03:15] Zerstorer> cman
[03:15] [chf]xel88> XD
[03:15] PowerLord> its up to the host
[03:16] [chf]xel88> last blas then a ffa, but not in craters!
[03:16] Zerstorer> go
[03:16] Zerstorer> ffa
[03:16] [chf]xel88> c'mon zer, is fun!
[03:16] PowerLord> try it
[03:24] Pigeon_Magnet in
[03:26] mx_801 in
[03:27] mx_801 out
[03:28] Zerstorer out
[03:28] [chf]xel88> hi pigeon
[03:28] [chf]xel88> come play
[03:28] Luxray out
[03:29] [chf]xel88> where zer gone?!
[03:32] Nici_OP> zerstorer is in my basement
[03:32] Nici_OP> killing spiders
[03:32] Nici_OP> :)
[03:33] Nici_OP> should see divinitys house lol
[03:33] Nici_OP> there is a bathroom and u look at every corner
[03:33] Nici_OP> there is at least a spider
[03:33] Nici_OP> unreal
[03:33] Funes in
[03:33] Nici_OP> yea funes is an asshole
[03:33] Nici_OP> i agree with u
[03:34] Lorena in
[03:34] Nici_OP> si a lorena le gusta el creme
[03:34] Nici_OP> oops
[03:34] Nici_OP> calla.te ahora que él entro
[03:34] Lorena> siii opsss
[03:34] Nici_OP> estaba hablando con un tio
[03:34] Nici_OP> y me estaba hablando de ti
[03:35] Lorena> a mis espaldas hablas
[03:35] Nici_OP> :)
[03:35] Lorena> que ees creme
[03:35] Nici_OP> SI
[03:35] Funes> :/
[03:35] Nici_OP> el creme de mi pene
[03:35] Nici_OP> :)
[03:36] Nici_OP> funes vamos jugar?
[03:36] Nici_OP> una partida
[03:36] Nici_OP> juguemos un mapa rar
[03:36] Nici_OP> raro
[03:36] Funes> need a moment
[03:37] Nici_OP> pajero?
[03:37] Nici_OP> paja
[03:37] Nici_OP> ok comprendo
[03:37] Nici_OP> listo
[03:37] Nici_OP> toma tu tiempo
[03:37] redfire in
[03:37] Nici_OP> yea redfire loves dick?
[03:37] Nici_OP> true
[03:38] redfire> stfu noob
[03:38] Nici_OP> :0
[03:38] Nici_OP> SEXTA FEIRA
[03:38] Nici_OP> how do you feel
[03:38] Funes> xD
[03:38] redfire> fucking great
[03:38] redfire> tou td fdd crl
[03:38] redfire> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[03:38] Nici_OP> bem noto nesses pontos de exclamação
[03:38] Maluco in
[03:38] Nici_OP> hes drunk dont listen to him
[03:38] Nici_OP> hes probably breaking his house right now
[03:39] Nici_OP> hes sweating
[03:39] redfire> lol
[03:39] Nici_OP> damn im scared:o
[03:39] redfire> stfu nici
[03:39] Nici_OP> :O
[03:39] Nici_OP> andas a injetar o quê
[03:39] Nici_OP> ANDASTE*
[03:39] Nici_OP> diz me
[03:39] Nici_OP> habla conmigo
[03:39] redfire> lol
[03:39] redfire> nd alcool pa goala crl
[03:40] Nici_OP> kkkkkkkkkk
[03:40] redfire> é isso que te vai acontecer no proximo fim de semana
[03:40] Nici_OP> abriram-te a boca e despejaram-te alcool
[03:40] Nici_OP> LOOOOOOL
[03:40] Nici_OP> :D
[03:40] Nici_OP> queres-me foder e eu a ver
[03:40] redfire> nici
[03:40] redfire> fim de semana cmg n saias inteiro
[03:40] redfire> acredita
[03:40] Nici_OP> é isso mesmo que quero XD
[03:41] Nici_OP> começo aos gritos
[03:41] redfire> faz pa acontecer
[03:41] Nici_OP> EDU NINETY FIVE
[03:41] redfire> :D :D
[03:41] redfire> 30 crl
[03:41] redfire> xD
[03:41] Nici_OP> manguone is killing me
[03:42] redfire> mas porque raio tas a usar os meus old nicks????
[03:42] Nici_OP> vamos dar umas putas dumas [GoD]banhadas
[03:42] Nici_OP> :)
[03:42] Nici_OP> calma,
[03:42] redfire> wtf
[03:42] redfire> stop with my old nicks
[03:42] redfire> -.-
[03:43] Nici_OP> aww :)
[03:43] Nici_OP> if you say please
[03:43] redfire> please.......
[03:43] redfire> suck my dick
[03:43] redfire> xD
[03:43] Nici_OP> wow
[03:43] Nici_OP> .
[03:43] Nici_OP> im scared to meet you now
[03:43] Nici_OP> i forgot to tell you
[03:43] Nici_OP> i sleep walk
[03:44] Nici_OP> you will shit urself
[03:44] redfire> :o
[03:44] redfire> eu amarro te a cama
[03:44] Nici_OP> :)
[03:44] Nici_OP> andaste a beber o que
[03:44] Nici_OP> o mesmo da semana passada?
[03:44] redfire> ate mais^^
[03:44] Nici_OP> lool
[03:45] Nici_OP> whisky
[03:45] Nici_OP> oh crl bebidas francas nao
[03:45] Nici_OP> brancas *
[03:45] Nici_OP> só se for misturado ok
[03:45] redfire> rum marajuja e whisky
[03:46] redfire> ftw
[03:46] [AsG]Sub_Zero> dame whiskey
[03:46] redfire> op
[03:46] redfire> bwm= beber muito whysky
[03:46] redfire> google it
[03:46] redfire> <3
[03:47] redfire> bmw*
[03:47] Nici_OP> andas tonto
[03:47] Nici_OP> ANDAS
[03:47] Nici_OP> TONTO !
[03:47] redfire> hueeewwwwww
[03:47] Nici_OP> Maluco
[03:47] Nici_OP> aquele Maluco só joga sess
[03:47] redfire> bota crl
[03:47] redfire> crl
[03:48] redfire> anda
[03:48] Nici_OP> fds tens a certeza
[03:48] Nici_OP> entao pera
[03:48] redfire> ya rl
[03:48] redfire> bota crl
[03:48] Nici_OP> deixa me so meter cabo
[03:48] Nici_OP> se alguem for prai diz ke tas a aliar a mi
[03:48] Nici_OP> m
[03:48] redfire> mas mete te ja aqui crl
[03:48] Nici_OP out
[03:48] redfire> fuck off
[03:48] redfire> -.-
[03:48] redfire> yo sub u know portuguese?
[03:48] [AsG]Sub_Zero> nao
[03:49] redfire> lol xD´
[03:49] redfire> for real?
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> Sim
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> Ola
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> como vai redfire
[03:49] redfire> :o
[03:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero> se espanol
[03:49] redfire> <3
[03:49] Nici_OP in
[03:49] Nici_OP> voltei
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> Hola Sub_Zero
[03:49] Nici_OP> oi !
[03:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero> que tal
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> Como estas?
[03:49] redfire> oi oi oi :D :D
[03:49] Nici_OP> fds
[03:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero> re bien vos
[03:49] Nici_OP> ta ali aquele gajo a fazer
[03:49] [Rw]loothill> muy bien :D
[03:50] redfire> ele juntou se quando me juntei
[03:50] redfire> -.-
[03:50] redfire> man
[03:50] redfire> loot
[03:50] Maluco out
[03:50] redfire> not spanish
[03:50] Nici_OP> deve querer cheirar o teu cu cheira lhe alcool
[03:50] redfire> portuguese bro
[03:50] Maluco in
[03:50] Nici_OP> lorena
[03:50] Nici_OP> te gusta el culo de redfire?
[03:50] [Rw]loothill> hahaahh
[03:50] redfire> portugal>spain
[03:50] Nici_OP> porque eso te juntas tambien
[03:50] [Rw]loothill> pq
[03:50] Nici_OP> cuando él se junto
[03:50] Nici_OP> quieres lamer su culo
[03:51] redfire> mete te no vermelho seu noob
[03:51] redfire> ganhao te facil
[03:51] redfire> como nos velhos tempos
[03:51] Nici_OP> :D
[03:51] redfire> <3´
[03:51] Nici_OP> </3
[03:51] Nici_OP> ups
[03:51] redfire> sub u playing?
[03:51] Nici_OP> ele n joga
[03:51] Nici_OP> mas
[03:51] redfire> :o
[03:51] Nici_OP> se o crlh do lorena bazasse
[03:51] redfire> wtf
[03:51] redfire> eu adoro os videos dele
[03:51] Nici_OP> iamos nos jogar crl contra aquela maquia de bois do sul
[03:51] redfire> tipo....
[03:51] Nici_OP> ya bué fixe
[03:52] redfire> foi ele que me fez voltar a jogar
[03:52] redfire> -.-
[03:52] Nici_OP> a sério?
[03:52] redfire> ya
[03:52] Nici_OP> andaste a ver os videos dele
[03:52] Nici_OP> :D
[03:52] Nici_OP> fds que cena
[03:52] redfire> ya <3
[03:52] Nici_OP> tavas a jogar mais algum jogo?
[03:52] redfire> league of legends starcraft
[03:52] Nici_OP> ui :D
[03:52] redfire> ^^
[03:52] Nici_OP> ja deve ir pa rusty entretanto :D
[03:52] redfire> que sa foda
[03:52] redfire> popre <3
[03:52] Nici_OP> pop é sempre aquela cena
[03:53] Nici_OP> um gajo que comece a jogar isto n consegue odiar
[03:53] Nici_OP> >_<
[03:53] redfire> ofc not
[03:53] redfire> +2
[03:54] redfire> fodas tem assim tanto medo de nos?
[03:55] Nici_OP> podiamos ir jogar com eles
[03:55] Nici_OP> se eles kickassem o lorena
[03:55] redfire> fala com ele para ver se ele aceita
[03:55] redfire> dalhe pm
[03:55] Nici_OP> funes comprendes
[03:55] Funes> i understand
[03:55] redfire> :o
[03:55] Nici_OP> ah esquece
[03:55] redfire> <3
[03:55] Nici_OP> agora é que me lembrei
[03:56] Nici_OP> o lorena é peruano como o funes
[03:56] Nici_OP> nem o kicka nem por 5 milhoes xD
[03:56] Nici_OP> xDDDDDDD
[03:56] redfire> hahahha
[03:56] redfire> por 5 mihloes ate te matava
[03:56] redfire> lol
[03:56] Nici_OP> LOL
[03:56] Funes> but i called maluco first
[03:56] Nici_OP> LOOOOOOL
[03:56] Funes> peru vs chile
[03:56] Funes> tonight
[03:56] Funes> xD
[03:56] Nici_OP> what a shit match
[03:56] redfire> what about vs portugal?
[03:56] [Rw]loothill> INTENSO
[03:56] Nici_OP> play vs portugal
[03:56] Funes> xD))))
[03:56] redfire> yea
[03:56] redfire> PORTUGAL
[03:56] redfire> <3
[03:56] [AsG]Sub_Zero> yo juego ranked ocasionalmente, no juego suficiente para jugar bien
[03:56] redfire> pro players there
[03:56] [Rw]loothill> https://scontent.fscl3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21150460_1536027796459622_7246701295332837125_n.jpg?oh=4ae889ad7ef843ef6f56348febded4a2&oe=5A1E5185
[03:56] [Rw]loothill> ahhhahaha
[03:56] [AsG]Sub_Zero> unranked*
[03:57] redfire> sub you can play with a pro and rusty player here
[03:57] redfire> :)
[03:57] Nici_OP> lool
[03:57] [AsG]Sub_Zero> ping me molestara
[03:57] Nici_OP> play with 2 noobs here
[03:57] Nici_OP> play with pros below our hut
[03:57] redfire> i can put unranked for fun maps
[03:57] redfire> ffa
[03:58] redfire> im here just for fun
[03:58] redfire> :)
[03:58] Nici_OP> ja imaginaste se fossemos da america do sul
[03:58] Nici_OP> pa jogar pop tavamos fodidos
[03:58] redfire> mesmo~
[03:58] Nici_OP> so com hosts da america do norte
[03:58] redfire> sa foda
[03:58] Nici_OP> ou america do sul mas tipo
[03:58] redfire> eu quero me divertir
[03:58] redfire> e foder com gajas boas crl
[03:59] Nici_OP> tambem xD, ha aí mapas que sao bue bacanos falta é jogá-los
[03:59] Nici_OP> looool
[03:59] Nici_OP> QUantas foram hoje ?
[03:59] redfire> hoje nenhuma
[03:59] redfire> mas amanha jesus
[03:59] Funes> jogo bonito!
[03:59] Nici_OP> tás de greve até parece
[03:59] redfire> vou a uma festa
[03:59] Nici_OP> :)
[03:59] redfire> vou ver o rick campell ou qualquer merd
[03:59] Nici_OP> dude, quem me dera ser daí fds
[03:59] redfire> n sei o nome dele
[03:59] Nici_OP> ourém é semp a mm merda de pessoal :D
[03:59] [AsG]Sub_Zero> si tengo tiempo y nici juega todavia, vamos a jugarnos juntos en 2019
[03:59] Nici_OP> o ricky campbell?
[03:59] redfire> ya
[04:00] Nici_OP> o richie *
[04:00] redfire> ta em tondela amanha
[04:00] redfire> vou la
[04:00] Nici_OP> fds tá aí? :D
[04:00] Nici_OP> crl
[04:00] redfire> ya
[04:00] redfire> vou ve lo
[04:00] Nici_OP> o pessoal é bue doido por ele
[04:00] Nici_OP> mas sinceramente nem sei o estilo dele x)
[04:00] redfire> nem eu
[04:00] Lorena out
[04:00] redfire> nem sei o que ele canta
[04:00] Nici_OP> mas atrai gajas
[04:00] redfire> ele atrai eu fodo elas
[04:00] redfire> ^^
[04:00] Nici_OP> LOOL
[04:01] redfire> yo sub lets have fun ;)
[04:01] Nici_OP> yea
[04:01] Nici_OP> drop his pants
[04:01] Nici_OP> :)
[04:01] redfire> lol
[04:01] redfire> pervert
[04:01] Nici_OP> :o
[04:02] redfire> +2 for fun maps or serious game comon
[04:02] Nici_OP> yea come play with redfire he will smash u
[04:02] redfire> uranked
[04:03] Lorena in
[04:03] redfire> anda
[04:03] redfire> anda...
[04:03] Nici_OP out
[04:03] Lorena> anaa
[04:04] redfire> :O
[04:04] Nici_OP in
[04:05] Nici_OP> caralho do cabo sempre a disconectar me
[04:05] Funes out
[04:05] Nici_OP> ka puta
[04:05] redfire> puta es tu
[04:05] Lorena out
[04:05] redfire> minha puta feia
[04:05] Nici_OP> OH CRL
[04:05] redfire> vamos jogar nos fum maps?
[04:06] PowerLord> what?
[04:07] PowerLord> what it isnt launching
[04:07] PowerLord out
[04:08] PowerLord in
[04:08] PowerLord> it crashed
[04:10] Nici_OP> fds
[04:10] Nici_OP> mas esse gajo a hsotar?
[04:10] Nici_OP> lol
[04:10] Nici_OP> o verde vai sair
[04:10] Nici_OP> vais ver
[04:15] Nici_OP in
[04:16] Nici_OP out
[04:16] Lorena in
[04:24] GreenWarrior in
[04:26] GreenWarrior out
[04:28] Lorena out
[04:29] Lorena in
[04:29] GreenWarrior in
[04:29] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[04:37] Parritalol123 out
[04:37] Lorena out
[04:38] GreenWarrioR in
[04:40] GreenWarrior out
[04:40] [Rw]loothill> gg
[04:40] [Rw]loothill> that was good map
[04:41] Parritalol123 in
[04:41] Nici_OP out
[04:41] Nici_OP in
[04:42] PowerLord> what now ffa, teams or blast wars
[04:42] [chf]xel88> wanna do again?
[04:42] Nici_OP> fds crl do jogo deu lag out
[04:42] Nici_OP> nao dava pa clickar o jogo inteiro
[04:42] Nici_OP> o host desse gajo é terrivel
[04:42] GreenWarrioR> go
[04:44] Nici_OP> ja venho
[04:45] GreenWarrior in
[04:46] GreenWarrior> GreenWarriorR>hey
[04:48] Nici_OP out
[04:51] Mavocado in
[04:51] GreenWarrior out
[04:55] Nici_OP in
[04:57] Nici_OP> sec
[04:57] MrMoohammad26 out
[04:58] MrMoohammad26 in
[05:05] [chf]xel88 out
[05:08] GreenWarrioR out
[05:09] tidebringer in
[05:09] icepeople in
[05:10] redfire out
[05:12] Maluco out
[05:15] PowerLord out
[05:18] icepeople out
[05:23] Pigeon_Magnet out
[05:24] tidebringer> wew he left
[05:25] tidebringer> join
[05:25] tidebringer out
[05:28] Mavocado out
[05:32] p4p3rs0und out
[05:33] MrMoohammad26 out
[05:33] Nici_OP out
[05:37] MrMoohammad26 in
[05:40] [Rw]loothill> Hey Koopa
[05:40] [Rw]loothill> Do you like Mario Kart?
[06:02] Mavocado in
[06:07] Parritalol123 out
[06:19] barboorek in
[06:24] barboorek out
[06:29] tidebringer in
[06:29] tidebringer out
[06:31] [Rw]loothill out
[06:50] tidebringer in
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[06:59] ime_mun_kullii in
[07:02] Mavocado out
[07:03] ime_mun_kullii out
[07:04] Sepultura in
[07:06] Sepultura out
[07:28] KosjaK_OP in
[07:43] elliot0828 in
[07:43] tidebringer in
[07:44] elliot0828> New here. Anyone up for a game?
[07:47] elliot0828> sorry the game crashed
[07:48] elliot0828> ok I try
[07:49] elliot0828> yes..
[07:49] elliot0828> it says the application cannot start correctly
[07:49] tidebringer> never heard of it before
[07:50] tidebringer out
[07:50] elliot0828> sorry about that, I think it's because of Windows 10
[07:50] elliot0828 out
[07:53] PowerLord in
[07:54] PowerLord out
[07:54] KosjaK_OP out
[08:07] tidebringer in
[08:07] tidebringer out
[08:08] skaarj_guardian in
[08:15] [AsG]mentix in
[08:15] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:18] Skuli in
[08:19] [AsG]MentiX1 in
[08:19] ra680 in
[08:19] ra680 out
[08:22] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:22] [AsG]MentiX1 out
[08:23] Flobyyy in
[08:24] Flobyyy out
[08:29] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:34] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:46] [AsG]MentiX in
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[08:48] ime_mun_kullii in
[08:48] ime_mun_kullii out
[08:49] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:51] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:53] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:55] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:55] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:57] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:57] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> no mentix i wont 1v1 you
[08:57] [AsG]MentiX out
[08:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> your too ez
[08:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> stop asking ffs
[08:58] [AsG]mentix> what phone have you got?
[08:58] rousfv in
[08:59] [AsG]MentiX in
[08:59] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:00] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:00] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:01] Cutemammy_Tas in
[09:03] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:03] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:03] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:03] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:06] ethanwalton in
[09:06] Skuli out
[09:07] ethanwalton out
[09:07] rousfv out
[09:10] Cutemammy_Tas out
[09:11] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:11] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:11] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:11] Damn in
[09:11] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:11] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:12] [AsG]mentix> test
[09:12] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:12] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:13] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:13] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[09:13] Damn out
[09:15] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:15] [AsG]mentix> test2
[09:15] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:18] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:18] [AsG]mentix> test3
[09:18] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:18] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:19] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:19] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[09:22] ArturProzorov123 in
[09:23] ArturProzorov123> go
[09:24] ArturProzorov123 out
[09:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> mentix
[09:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got a galaxy s 7
[09:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> i use for porn
[09:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> and youtube
[09:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> and i have my basic work phone
[09:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> mind your own beas wax ?
[09:34] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:34] [AsG]mentix> test4
[09:34] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:34] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:35] Mavocado in
[09:35] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:35] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:39] Mavocado out
[09:40] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:40] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:42] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:42] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:42] [AsG]mentix> asdf
[09:47] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:47] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:47] [AsG]mentix> fdsa
[09:47] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:47] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:48] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:49] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:49] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:49] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:51] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:51] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:52] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:52] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:52] [AsG]mentix> sad
[09:52] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:52] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:53] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:54] tyoshi in
[09:54] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:54] [AsG]mentix> 1
[09:54] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:55] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:56] tyoshi out
[09:56] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:57] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:57] [AsG]mentix> 2
[09:57] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:57] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:59] [AsG]MentiX out
[09:59] [AsG]MentiX in
[09:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> mentix
[10:00] [AsG]mentix> 3
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> ddid u read
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> i have galaxy s 7
[10:00] [AsG]mentix> sry busy
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> why
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu ur mum
[10:00] [AsG]mentix> developing mm app
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[10:00] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:00] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> but u cant play pop on your phone ?
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> and u cant stream games on ur phone
[10:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> or can you ??
[10:00] [AsG]mentix> you can't launch populous on a phone
[10:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> why not
[10:01] [AsG]mentix> because it runs on windows, not andorid or ios
[10:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> why
[10:01] [AsG]mentix> it's developed that way
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> cant u use one of those things you use for old games
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf they called
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> when u play SNES games
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> emulator
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> type instrument
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> program#
[10:02] [AsG]mentix> no idea, that's not my area of expertise and not in scope for this mm
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i lack fundamental uinderstanding of programming
[10:02] [AsG]mentix> this is mainly for chat and to see games, users, streamers etc
[10:02] giorgos in
[10:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[10:03] rousfv in
[10:03] [AsG]mentix> for example if you're away from home and want to see if there's activity
[10:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> yhman
[10:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> will people show up on mm differently if there on there pohne
[10:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> so u CAN stream
[10:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> just not spec
[10:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> makes sence
[10:03] giorgos out
[10:03] rousfv out
[10:05] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[10:06] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:06] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:06] [AsG]mentix> 4
[10:06] [GoD]cani in
[10:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> yoyoyoy
[10:06] [GoD]cani> yo murder
[10:06] [GoD]cani> justr gimme a sec
[10:06] [GoD]cani> ill show ther world something
[10:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> my mums ass
[10:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[10:07] [GoD]cani> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfsFbEWndc
[10:07] [GoD]cani> nah
[10:07] [GoD]cani> porn
[10:08] [AsG]mentix> a
[10:09] [GoD]cani> ahhahahahahaahhahahhahaa
[10:10] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:10] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:10] [AsG]mentix> test3
[10:10] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:10] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:10] [AsG]mentix> yes
[10:11] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:11] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> holy shit spinni
[10:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> was u playing a brave ?
[10:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> or matt
[10:13] [AsG]mentix> spin do you have an iphone?
[10:14] [GoD]cani> hello mentix
[10:14] [GoD]cani> no mate
[10:14] [GoD]cani> guy is too ez for me murder
[10:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[10:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[10:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> peice of cake
[10:14] [GoD]cani> why dont u 1v1 him
[10:14] [GoD]cani> did u win yday?
[10:14] [GoD]cani> i saw u 1v1ed him
[10:15] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:15] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:16] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:16] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:18] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:19] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:24] martinzg in
[10:24] tidebringer in
[10:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni wanna ?
[10:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> no games man
[10:26] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:26] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:27] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:27] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:27] Nadeshot_OP in
[10:28] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:28] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:32] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:32] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:36] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:37] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:38] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:38] [SR]FanZaah in
[10:39] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:44] aliverdi1023 in
[10:44] [AsG]MentiX out
[10:44] [AsG]MentiX in
[10:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets use a host bot
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> shit net man
[10:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> idk y it does this
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> every game i play or host
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> its the same. fuckin sad
[10:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> was getting like 2 seconds freez
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> 2 seconds?
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> ffs
[10:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> are u on wireles net?
[10:48] Nadeshot_OP> ye
[10:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> 2 full seconds not even agxagerating
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> you need to get an ethernet cable
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> it will stop it
[10:49] Nadeshot_OP> even when i use it, it still freezes
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> and plug it directly in to ur router
[10:49] Nadeshot_OP> my mom got a home phone hooked the the wireless router
[10:49] Nadeshot_OP> maybe thats it?>
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> na its not that
[10:49] Nadeshot_OP> so what is it then? im literally in the room next to the router
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> plug ur wire in and turn off wireles connection
[10:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> so it has to use wired
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> mate
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> i just told u i did that
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> and it still freezes
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> so idk what it could be
[10:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> even if ur router is sat on top of the pc youl get it
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> yes
[10:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just told u turn of ur wireles connection
[10:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> so it has to use the wired one
[10:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> off#
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> mate when i plug in the ethernet cable
[10:50] Nadeshot_OP> the wireless automatcially turns off
[10:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> is ur pc old ?
[10:51] Nadeshot_OP> im not stupid
[10:51] Nadeshot_OP> no im using a laptop
[10:51] Nadeshot_OP> a acer AMd-Radeon300
[10:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> well there u go then
[10:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> unles its a sik laptop
[10:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> get a desktop or get a sik as fuk laptop
[10:52] Nadeshot_OP> AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) Graphics 1.30 GHz
[10:52] martinzg> no i will eat
[10:52] Nadeshot_OP> That's the processor
[10:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> is that good ?
[10:52] Nadeshot_OP> idk
[10:52] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[10:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> how much did it cost
[10:52] Nadeshot_OP> ive tried everything. tried updating wireless adapter, going into router settings on internet and changing connection mode to b/g/n, changing the wireless channel im on
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> nothing works :/
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> and i got it used for 100
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> but i think its the wireless
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> not the laptop, cuz ive used it other places and it was fine
[10:53] martinzg out
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> so ive yet to figure out what the problem with the wireless is
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> been havin this problem for ages
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> why i left
[10:53] Nadeshot_OP> come back and still have it
[10:54] Nadeshot_OP> theres gotta be a way to figrue it out yea?
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> have u player popo at other peoples houses
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofc
[10:54] Nadeshot_OP> ye at my sisters
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> and ?
[10:54] Nadeshot_OP> but her wireless is shit lol
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> still jumpy
[10:54] Nadeshot_OP> ye
[10:54] Nadeshot_OP> still jumpy
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> its ur laptop mate
[10:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> trust me
[10:55] Nadeshot_OP> so what can i do to figure it out?
[10:55] Nadeshot_OP> ive restored laptop to factorys settings, searched for malware, etc
[10:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> get a desktop pc
[10:55] Nadeshot_OP> nothing works
[10:55] Nadeshot_OP> used to have one
[10:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> you need a desktop pc
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> and pop run fine i bet
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[10:56] Nadeshot_OP> yea but i never used wirelss on it
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> youd make a shit detective
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> get a desktop
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> plug an ethernet cable in
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> bang
[10:56] Nadeshot_OP> whats a decent one to have?
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> job done
[10:56] Nadeshot_OP> I like dell
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure tbh
[10:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> try get a gameing oriented pc
[10:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> gaming#
[10:57] [GoD]cani> murder
[10:57] [GoD]cani> lets 1v1 lights
[10:57] [GoD]cani> LOL
[10:57] Nadeshot_OP> nah too much money to spend
[10:57] Nadeshot_OP> dont need a gamin computer for pop lol
[10:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe spin
[10:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> sec
[10:57] Nadeshot_OP> only game i play on pc is pop
[10:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> suppose an average pc wouild run pop way better then a sik laptop
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> try turning off explorer
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> in the background
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> of ur laptop
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> that wwill free up some memory
[10:58] Nadeshot_OP> i do that all the time
[10:58] Nadeshot_OP> when i play
[10:58] Nadeshot_OP> so memory is what causes the lag?
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> im not sure if its memory
[10:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> but i kno you need to close everything u can to help
[10:58] Nadeshot_OP> i thoughht it was cpu
[10:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> using an ethernet is a must thoe
[10:59] Nadeshot_OP> in processes tab, memory is at 20%, disk at 0%, and network at 0%
[10:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye but u dunno bout graphics card
[10:59] [AsG]mentix> a
[10:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> all i kno is u get a desktop andan ethernet cable
[10:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> job done
[11:02] [SR]FanZaah out
[11:03] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:03] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:04] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:04] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:04] Nadeshot_OP> moores
[11:04] Nadeshot_OP> would getting a wireless adapter help?
[11:04] Nadeshot_OP> like one i could plug into my computer or nah?
[11:05] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:05] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> hmm
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> imo
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> its ur laptop
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> every one laptops has this problame
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> problem
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> not as bad as u have it but
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> its there
[11:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> but nothing beats a wire
[11:06] Nadeshot_OP> http://www.ebay.com/itm/HP-Desktop-PC-Computer-Core-2-Duo-4GB-250GB-HDD-Windows-7-Wireless-WiFi-19-LCD-/271851028877?epid=1049405485&hash=item3f4b95818d:g:ZUoAAOSwrklVFxor
[11:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> even if its trailing thru ur house
[11:06] Nadeshot_OP> thinking bout ordering this right now actually
[11:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> its worth it
[11:06] Nadeshot_OP> but i dont wanna buy it and find out its not the computer
[11:06] Nadeshot_OP> that its the router
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> nothing beats sitting a desktop
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> for pop
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> the keybaord
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> evverything is easier
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> youl be a shamen
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> if ur this good on a shitty laptop
[11:07] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[11:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> just make sure u get an ethernet cable too
[11:07] Nadeshot_OP> well i think thats how i was good in 2010-2012
[11:08] Nadeshot_OP> i was on a 26.4 kbps connection
[11:08] Nadeshot_OP> but used wired connection on desktop pc
[11:08] BranBot> 2008-2009
[11:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> u said you use a cable sometimes and u still get the frezzing ?
[11:08] Nadeshot_OP> yea
[11:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> freezing#
[11:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> so its your computer then
[11:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> obviously
[11:08] Nadeshot_OP> fuck
[11:08] BranBot> Still a great computer for lets say playing pop
[11:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> id chek the pcs specs
[11:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> im not familiar
[11:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> with that type of shit
[11:09] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[11:09] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:09] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> but ud just need to chek them specs vs your laptops
[11:09] Nadeshot_OP> yea well this one says ''usb wifi''
[11:09] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[11:10] Nadeshot_OP> not sure if thats optional or if it has a wifi adapter built in
[11:10] Nadeshot_OP> i dont wanna use a wifi adapter. they dont work as well as a built in wifi card right?
[11:10] Arniee_OP in
[11:11] Arniee_OP out
[11:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunno
[11:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> you wanna use a cable
[11:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> just plug it in then when ur finished plasying unplug it if its trailinng thru the house
[11:12] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> yea well mom would have a fit
[11:12] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> if i had ethernet cable out the room into the living room
[11:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol i thought u might say that
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> thats where the router is
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> so i play in my room
[11:12] [SR]FanZaah in
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> on wifi lol
[11:12] Nadeshot_OP> i cant take the desktop pc in living room
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> would look retarded as shit layin on floor in front of tv playing pop
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> unles u do a sik job of using cable clips to fix it to the outside of doorframes
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> on big ass dekstop pc
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> yea well i gotta get one long enough
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> play in ur room
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> yea thats what i do
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> 20 mters i used to use
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> meters
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> usualy have to order it online
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> but she wouldnt let me use a ehternet cable that long lol im sure of it
[11:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wasl ucky my bro had one
[11:13] Nadeshot_OP> she has OCD and likes shit really neat
[11:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> ik
[11:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> she told me
[11:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[11:15] Nadeshot_OP> so idk how to get this shit situated
[11:15] Nadeshot_OP> Maybe i have a bad network card
[11:15] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:15] Nadeshot_OP> in my laptop
[11:15] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:15] Nadeshot_OP> cause the wifi uses that too right?
[11:15] Nadeshot_OP> even if its not a wired connection
[11:17] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:17] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:19] [GoD]cani> wislon
[11:19] [GoD]cani> take a look
[11:19] [GoD]cani> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfsFbEWndc
[11:19] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:19] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:20] Nadeshot_OP out
[11:22] Nadeshot_OP in
[11:25] aliverdi1023 out
[11:25] aliverdi1023 in
[11:26] Nadeshot_OP out
[11:27] Nadeshot_OP in
[11:29] tidebringer out
[11:29] [AsG]mentix> hi
[11:29] MiniBot_UK> [AsG]mentix: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[11:30] [AsG]mentix> hey
[11:30] [AsG]mentix> herro
[11:31] tyoshi in
[11:31] [AsG]mentix> someone pm me
[11:33] yyoshii in
[11:35] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[11:36] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:36] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:40] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:40] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:43] martinzg in
[11:45] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[11:46] martinzg> ok
[11:47] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:47] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:50] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:50] [AsG]MentiX in
[11:51] Cutemammy_Tas in
[11:51] [AsG]mentix> ok ty
[11:52] [GoD]cani> np
[11:53] [Rw]loothill in
[11:53] Torch in
[11:53] [Rw]loothill> Hi my people
[11:53] [GoD]cani> hola
[11:53] Cutemammy_Tas> hi :)
[11:53] [AsG]MentiX out
[11:54] [Rw]loothill> Hola Cani
[11:54] [Rw]loothill> Como estas?
[11:55] [GoD]cani> not yet
[11:55] [GoD]cani> lol
[11:56] tidebringer in
[11:56] [GoD]Shogun in
[11:56] SadReaper in
[11:57] [GoD]Shogun out
[11:57] SadReaper out
[11:58] Crazythunder in
[12:00] baritone in
[12:01] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:02] Nadeshot_OP in
[12:02] Nadeshot_OP out
[12:03] Nadeshot_OP> host
[12:04] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:04] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:05] tidebringer out
[12:06] tidebringer in
[12:07] [SR]FanZaah out
[12:07] tyoshi out
[12:08] MadSkillz_TAS in
[12:09] Crazythunder out
[12:09] tidebringer out
[12:10] martinzg out
[12:10] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:11] aliverdi1023> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
aliverdi1023 - MapPack: OK
Nadeshot_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - aliverdi1023: Red - Nadeshot_OP: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[Tsi]ThePrime - MapPack: OK
[12:11] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:11] [SR]FanZaah in
[12:13] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:13] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:14] MadSkillz_TAS out
[12:15] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:15] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:17] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:17] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:17] baritone out
[12:19] [AsG]Warbeast in
[12:20] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:20] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:29] Mavocado in
[12:30] [AsG]MentiX1 in
[12:33] [Rw]loothill> <*)))))>< Fishy ^^
[12:33] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:34] [AsG]MentiX1 out
[12:34] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:35] [AsG]mentix> .
[12:36] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:36] [AsG]MentiX in
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> hello
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> folks
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> whats u
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> whats up
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> hows it going
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> test
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> 123
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> saturday
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> ahh
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> nice
[12:38] [AsG]mentix> good day to be alive
[12:40] [Rw]loothill> Hi
[12:40] yyoshii out
[12:45] Arniee_OP in
[12:45] Nadeshot_OP> sad
[12:45] aliverdi1023> ha hah ha
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> wildman played better then a preist rank
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> LOOOL
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> and the preist rank played like a brave lol
[12:46] aliverdi1023> 2v1 lol i am mat =blue say :D
[12:46] aliverdi1023> omg
[12:46] aliverdi1023> 2v1 and he think he can win
[12:46] aliverdi1023> sucks noob
[12:46] aliverdi1023> s
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> i love a challenge :D
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> unlike u
[12:46] Nadeshot_OP> ur scared of a 1v1
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> u run from a challenge haha
[12:47] aliverdi1023> looool see your profile
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> Only way to get better :)
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> Everyone knows this
[12:47] aliverdi1023> i many time win
[12:47] icepeople in
[12:47] aliverdi1023> better u
[12:47] aliverdi1023> :D
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> So 1v1 me?
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> Host bot
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> Minibot Uk host?
[12:47] aliverdi1023> 1 more we have play and i win that is ok:D
[12:47] aliverdi1023> lol
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> host
[12:47] Nadeshot_OP> Come :)
[12:47] aliverdi1023> you host sucks
[12:48] aliverdi1023> i host
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> UK bot host
[12:48] Mavocado> can i spectate lol
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> give u 22 ping
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> xD
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> Sure you can spectate
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> come on a;overdo
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> aliverdi
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> UK host bot give u 22 ping
[12:48] aliverdi1023> come here u host sucks i host
[12:48] aliverdi1023> 1
[12:48] aliverdi1023> 2
[12:48] aliverdi1023> 3
[12:48] Nadeshot_OP> LOL
[12:48] aliverdi1023> okkk lol
[12:49] Nadeshot_OP> 1v1 a neutral host
[12:49] Nadeshot_OP> join
[12:50] Nadeshot_OP> +3
[12:50] Nadeshot_OP> Mavocado hey mate
[12:50] Nadeshot_OP> nice see u again
[12:52] Nadeshot_OP> +2
[12:52] [GoD]Shogun in
[12:53] [GoD]Shogun out
[12:55] [SR]FanZaah out
[12:58] aliverdi1023> wtf!
[12:58] aliverdi1023> wait sec
[12:58] aliverdi1023 out
[12:59] aliverdi1023 in
User: [AsG]mentix Version: MatchMaker Version:
[12:59] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[13:00] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:00] icepeople out
[13:00] Cooope in
[13:01] Cooope out
[13:03] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[13:04] Taity-mini in
[13:06] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[13:07] Taity-mini> reset
[13:07] Taity-mini> host
[13:07] Taity-mini> unrank
[13:07] Taity-mini> fo
[13:08] Taity-mini> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Red * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[13:09] [AsG]MentiX9 in
[13:10] Taity-mini out
[13:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> [19:45] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[13:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> [19:51] Cutemammy_Tas in
[13:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> this discrepancy
[13:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> is so real
[13:19] Arniee_OP out
[13:24] Nici_OP in
[13:24] brunobariloche in
[13:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[13:28] brunobariloche out
[13:28] Nadeshot_OP out
[13:29] tidebringer in
[13:30] Torch> jop
[13:31] [AsG]MentiX out
[13:34] [SR]FanZaah out
[13:36] Nadeshot_OP in
[13:38] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:38] [md]skylo in
[13:38] Nadeshot_OP out
[13:39] Nadeshot_OP in
[13:40] [AsG]MentiX in
[13:40] [AsG]MentiX14 in
[13:41] [GoD]cani> alpha
[13:41] [GoD]cani> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5URSfkZGTcI
[13:41] [GoD]cani> wie leicht doch das leben sein kann
[13:41] [GoD]cani> oder
[13:41] [GoD]cani> lol
[13:42] [GoD]cani> wie findest du das lied alpha
[13:43] [AsG]MentiX out
[13:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFf44I1YzlY
[13:43] [AsG]MentiX in
[13:43] Damn in
[13:45] [AsG]MentiX out
[13:45] [AsG]MentiX in
[13:46] [AsG]MentiX out
[13:48] aidan9211 in
[13:49] aidan9211 out
[13:53] [md]skylo> no u stuff
[13:53] Nici_OP> oysters clams and cocks
[13:53] [md]skylo> fds ontem foi
[13:53] [md]skylo> ameijoas e cameraum
[13:54] Nici_OP> arya GOT?
[13:54] Nici_OP> who t f is arya star
[13:54] Nici_OP> stark
[13:54] Nici_OP> not hot
[13:54] Nici_OP> https://typeset-beta.imgix.net/2016/4/4/arya-stark-1920-01b15d2e-9e15-4095-aa77-6cb06683be9c.jpg
[13:54] Nici_OP> looks like bella
[13:54] [GoD]cani> LOL
[13:55] [GoD]cani> xD
[13:55] [GoD]cani> hola nici
[13:55] [GoD]cani> como estas
[13:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> homo estas
[13:55] Nici_OP> comeste cameraum e ameijoas já cagste tudo?
[13:55] Nici_OP> olá homo tsu
[13:55] Nici_OP> olá spin
[13:55] Torch out
[13:55] [GoD]cani> muy bien
[13:55] Nici_OP> tou com uma vontade de cagar por isso já venho
[13:55] [md]skylo> aind anaum
[13:55] Nici_OP> até já
[13:55] [md]skylo> vai lá
[13:55] [md]skylo> boa cagada
[13:56] [md]skylo> faz bom proveito
[13:56] Nici_OP> [13:56] Nici_OP> I have a craving for crap so I'm coming
[13:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> merda
[13:56] Nici_OP> L o l
[13:56] Nici_OP> teylor grbbs is hot
[13:56] Nici_OP> grubbs
[13:56] Nici_OP> what an ass
[13:58] Nici_OP> https://www.instagram.com/p/BYyu81khxT0/?taken-by=teilorgrubbs
[13:58] Nici_OP> hope thats not her bf
[13:58] Nici_OP> i would be deeply disappointed
[13:58] Nici_OP> dating a brownie wtf
[13:59] [Rw]loothill> Only -335 more points to Shaman rank!
[13:59] [Rw]loothill> For real
[13:59] tidebringer> lol
[13:59] D4D4 in
[13:59] [md]skylo> age 15
[13:59] [md]skylo> too old
[14:00] Nici_OP> loooooooool
[14:00] D4D4> skylo_fagot
[14:00] Nici_OP> owned
[14:00] VirBux in
[14:00] [md]skylo> wtf
[14:00] D4D4> where is fanzah aka fangay
[14:00] [md]skylo> how did you know
[14:01] D4D4> i want to finger his little sister
[14:01] Nici_OP> ye how did you know skylo was a faggot
[14:01] D4D4> nask told me
[14:01] Nici_OP> is **
[14:01] Nici_OP> :O
[14:01] [md]skylo> its just true
[14:01] [md]skylo> cant deny it
[14:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fast zu viel autotune
[14:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[14:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[14:01] Nici_OP> show us your cock !
[14:01] D4D4> the three musketeers
[14:01] D4D4> snak skylo nask
[14:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> also "fast"
[14:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> es ist zu viel
[14:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> autotune
[14:02] Nici_OP> skylo showus your horse o'cloc k!
[14:02] MahaRaja in
[14:02] Nici_OP> clock
[14:02] Nici_OP> i beg
[14:02] D4D4> skylo how old are u?
[14:02] Nici_OP> he is 34
[14:02] D4D4> fuck off
[14:02] Nici_OP> he will lie and say he isnt 34
[14:02] [md]skylo> 26 in november and u
[14:02] aliverdi1023 out
[14:02] D4D4> 25 in 4 days
[14:03] D4D4> perfect bday present, fingering fanzahs sister
[14:03] [md]skylo> true
[14:03] [md]skylo> cept im gay and id rather finger his dad
[14:03] D4D4> LMFAO
[14:03] Nadeshot_OP out
[14:03] D4D4> why dont u just finger him
[14:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> im 32
[14:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> and what
[14:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> old for pop?
[14:03] [md]skylo> moores no one cares about you
[14:03] Nici_OP> no
[14:03] [md]skylo> just quit
[14:03] Nici_OP> Lol
[14:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[14:04] Nici_OP> ragnj was 35
[14:04] Nici_OP> and playing in gg's
[14:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> LETS TALK ABOUT ME
[14:04] Nici_OP> must be 41 by now
[14:04] D4D4> i remember ragnj
[14:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf is koopa
[14:04] Nici_OP> koopa is like 43
[14:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> oap
[14:04] [md]skylo> still could be koopas son
[14:04] D4D4> Keilan
[14:04] D4D4> idk his surname
[14:04] [md]skylo> randphines grandson
[14:04] D4D4> omg randphines too
[14:04] Nici_OP> randphines best pop player
[14:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> how old isa randphines
[14:04] D4D4> probably dead know
[14:05] Nici_OP> 50 +
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[14:05] D4D4> knowing him
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> yecralk
[14:05] Mavocado out
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> any one remember him
[14:05] Nici_OP> spiderpigs stepfather
[14:05] [md]skylo> hes also a stalker
[14:05] [md]skylo> likes my facebook pics
[14:05] D4D4> spiderpigs stepfather???
[14:05] Nici_OP> godrig
[14:05] Nici_OP> is like 70 now
[14:05] MahaRaja> [tdm]MooresMurder> how old isa randphines
[14:05] Nici_OP> or 65
[14:05] D4D4> dude spiderpig keeps getting cheated on
[14:05] MahaRaja> i thinik he is dead now
[14:05] Nici_OP> ye LOL
[14:05] Nici_OP> did you read his STATUS
[14:05] Nici_OP> ha omg
[14:05] D4D4> yeah so emotional
[14:05] D4D4> the guys got issues
[14:06] Nici_OP> now how do you know who is telling the right side of the story?
[14:06] MahaRaja> he was 60+ 6-7 years before
[14:06] Nici_OP> read hers on her profile and meh confusing
[14:06] D4D4> hes emotional
[14:06] D4D4> so idk
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> klarcey = yekralk
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> paladin
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> paladin
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> no
[14:06] Nici_OP> ?
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> nvm
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> had 3 hours sleep
[14:06] [md]skylo> dcplayer is the oldest one
[14:06] Nici_OP> Yekralc
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> then running in ther rain
[14:07] D4D4> nici
[14:07] D4D4> do u talk to cammy
[14:07] Nici_OP> only occasionally
[14:07] Nici_OP> depends
[14:08] Nadeshot_OP in
[14:09] Nadeshot_OP> host
[14:10] Nici_OP> https://scontent.fopo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-0/p280x280/17806740_10158438236935721_1297418634_n.jpg?oh=f8112ad995a32155babffaef6d6774a4&oe=59B644FD
[14:10] Nici_OP> LOL
[14:10] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[14:10] VirBux out
[14:10] [GoD]cani> Streaming 4Walls
[14:10] tidebringer> nici i still cant figure out where to write
[14:10] BeastIncarnate in
[14:11] BeastIncarnate> A day that is not spent is lost
[14:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> the music choice
[14:11] BeastIncarnate> It is the law of nature
[14:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> is so bad
[14:11] BeastIncarnate> anything that isn't used is lost
[14:11] [GoD]cani out
[14:11] BeastIncarnate> Virtues not done diminish
[14:12] [SR]FanZaah out
[14:12] [AsG]MentiX in
[14:12] Nici_OP> https://static01.nyt.com/images/2015/04/05/arts/05ARYA/05ARYA-master1050.jpg
[14:13] Nici_OP> hard to pick the hottest right
[14:13] Nici_OP> at least for skylo that is gay
[14:13] Nici_OP> he'll choose the right one
[14:13] [AsG]MentiX12 in
[14:14] [AsG]MentiX out
[14:14] [AsG]MentiX in
[14:14] [AsG]MentiX out
[14:16] BeastIncarnate> Nici
[14:16] BeastIncarnate> wanna know the law of nature?
[14:17] tidebringer> im intrested
[14:17] BeastIncarnate> anything that isn't used is losttttt
[14:17] Nadeshot_OP> sorry was talkin
[14:19] Nadeshot_OP> goin for cig
[14:19] Nadeshot_OP> brb 5 mins
[14:20] BeastIncarnate> How much free you have to be to put mammy as FW +?
[14:21] [SR]FanZaah in
[14:24] Nici_OP> shahzad
[14:25] Nici_OP> i have to poop can i poop on you?
[14:25] Nici_OP> brb
[14:25] BeastIncarnate> Nici
[14:26] BeastIncarnate> how often do you adore someone who has knowledge?
[14:26] BeastIncarnate> How often do you mesmerize someone who provides you something interesting?
[14:26] BeastIncarnate> is it just your facism that causes you to hate me
[14:27] BeastIncarnate> or all portuguesese (I don't know how to spell it) are self narcist?
[14:27] D4D4 out
[14:32] Nici_OP> are u saying u have knowledge
[14:32] itu in
[14:32] Nici_OP> dumbest statement in this lobby
[14:32] Nici_OP> can't even spell portuguese properly
[14:33] N3M911 in
[14:33] Nici_OP> that's how dumb you are
[14:33] BeastIncarnate> Your criterion for judging someone is pretty vague
[14:33] BeastIncarnate> when everything is say in this lobby is usually new
[14:33] Nici_OP> lol except im not judging anyone :)
[14:34] N3M911 out
[14:34] BeastIncarnate> and yet you call me someone who has no knowledge
[14:34] MahaRaja out
[14:34] MahaRaja in
[14:34] Nici_OP> how can u even have knowledge just cuz u bother writing about what everyone else knows but doesn't write
[14:34] Nici_OP> not everyone has ur state of mind
[14:34] Nici_OP> :>
[14:35] tidebringer> w8
[14:35] Nici_OP> "listen im shahzad im young and i write these lines does it look cool?"
[14:35] tidebringer> nade shot
[14:35] tidebringer> can u hosytg ?
[14:35] Nici_OP> "im a paki and ive been through os much but look here i am i never fall "
[14:35] BeastIncarnate> Nici_OP> "listen im shahzad im young and i write these lines does it look cool?"
[14:35] BeastIncarnate> Please elaborate.
[14:36] Nici_OP> why the fuck should i care about the law of nature? everyone knows the law of nature
[14:36] BeastIncarnate> Like seriously why would i fucking waste my 2 words for some attention?
[14:36] BeastIncarnate> You didn't really know it unless you pretend and fake a whole scenario
[14:36] Nici_OP> i knew it
[14:36] Nici_OP> i dont need u ignorant to tell me
[14:37] BeastIncarnate> Then you could simply respond with "I already knew that" instead of some harmful hate flaming upon me?
[14:37] Nici_OP> why would you even ask if i knew the law of nature
[14:37] Nici_OP> why dont u ask inca why he lives in california
[14:37] BeastIncarnate> calling me ignorant? would you mind putting some supportive evidences for such term?
[14:37] Nici_OP> or maybe ask tsu why hes such a cunt
[14:37] BeastIncarnate> i didn't really asked you
[14:37] SadReaper in
[14:37] Nici_OP> do random shit like that
[14:37] Nici_OP> lll
[14:37] BeastIncarnate> if u know the law
[14:37] BeastIncarnate> i asked if you wanted to know it
[14:37] Nici_OP> LOL
[14:38] itu out
[14:38] Ven0m in
[14:38] BeastIncarnate> you don't support much, savvy?
[14:39] [md]skylo> stfu with this spam
[14:39] [md]skylo> what law u talking about
[14:39] Nici_OP> damn shouldnt feed ur troll
[14:39] [md]skylo> the law of me being the best here?
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> it wasnt over yet
[14:39] [GoD]cani in
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> the 0 attention spin
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> is real
[14:39] [GoD]cani> huh i got doubled tsu
[14:39] [GoD]cani> attaention
[14:39] BeastIncarnate> Well Nici
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> lol
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> you didnt even make def
[14:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores
[14:40] [GoD]cani> it was bella that should carry me
[14:40] [GoD]cani> i did
[14:40] BeastIncarnate> did you say do not feed the troll when i am being geniune destroying your logics?
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> your attack sometimes
[14:40] Nici_OP> is it tsu saying
[14:40] Nici_OP> someone didnt make defense
[14:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> i didnt have enough mana :/
[14:40] Nici_OP> LOL
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> just not affective
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> use more troops
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> the slowest making def
[14:40] [GoD]cani> but i made a def :/
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> was real
[14:40] BeastIncarnate> Skylo
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> had all the time 20 wars
[14:40] [GoD]cani> my def was good
[14:40] BeastIncarnate> law of nature says you are the best to be honest
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> you got 3 eqs in your base under 10mins
[14:40] [GoD]cani> it was the double mate
[14:40] [GoD]cani> komm alpha rm
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> you didnt pay attention in front.
[14:41] [GoD]cani> alpha fucke dup bd
[14:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> the 2nd eq was so clear
[14:41] [GoD]cani> i just needed a def
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> if front is fucked
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i bd
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> so 2 fronts are fucked
[14:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> if i were in, you would be dead in 15mins
[14:41] [md]skylo> law of nature holy fuck
[14:41] [md]skylo> what dumb cunt came up with that
[14:41] Nici_OP> tsu is all talk
[14:41] Nici_OP> thank God
[14:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin is too good for you tsu
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spins deff was down
[14:41] Nici_OP> otherwise everyone wouldnt stand a chance
[14:41] MahaRaja out
[14:42] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he cant deff then fornt and bd at same time
[14:42] [md]skylo> stop creating laws the man creates the laws not nature
[14:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> the saddest lb was real
[14:42] [GoD]cani> alpha bde nicht
[14:42] [GoD]cani> lol
[14:42] [GoD]cani> wenns schief geht
[14:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> do 4way
[14:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[14:42] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gibg fast schief
[14:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> that destroying fw hut
[14:42] [SW]AlphaEnemy> aber das lag an meinem ally
[14:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> too sad
[14:42] [GoD]cani> i trief to survive
[14:42] [GoD]cani> and ye i didnt pay attention
[14:42] [GoD]cani> at start but that doesnt matter
[14:43] Nici_OP> tsu comment on ur own shit skills pls?
[14:43] [GoD]cani> that wasnt the reaosn i lost
[14:43] [GoD]cani> no no he can comment why not
[14:43] [GoD]cani> its his opinion
[14:43] [GoD]cani out
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> apo
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> ?
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> when i launch game
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> who are you even talking to spin
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> >play sess
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> all myy settings
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> are gone
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> you are talking to ghost.
[14:43] open_your_heart in
[14:43] [GoD]cani in
[14:43] [AsG]MentiX in
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> spin is talking to ghost.
[14:43] [md]skylo> ^^
[14:43] [md]skylo> when you know he doesnt block
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> or air
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> i dont know
[14:44] Nici_OP> he doesnt block
[14:44] Nici_OP> just pretends
[14:44] [GoD]cani> i was talking to nici
[14:44] [GoD]cani> and you
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> lol
[14:44] MahaRaja in
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> so you have a hobby to talk to a stuffed doll
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> i see
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> hf ;)
[14:44] Nici_OP> lmfao
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> kein 4way bruder
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hör doch zu
[14:44] Nici_OP> i dont think me saying
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> kack auf die anderen
[14:44] Nici_OP> for example
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> aber kein 4way
[14:45] [GoD]cani> what map?
[14:45] Nici_OP> "ill beat moores 1v1 takes 5 mins"
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> idm
[14:45] [GoD]cani> what map??
[14:45] Nici_OP> thats far from an opinion
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nurkein 4way
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> und kein wom
[14:45] [GoD]cani out
[14:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> WHAT?
[14:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> FU
[14:45] Nici_OP> all tsu does after someone loses
[14:45] Nici_OP> he just points out mistakes
[14:45] Nici_OP> not like he will do better
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im not playing way and wom
[14:45] Nici_OP> and then
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> is what i said
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores
[14:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> relax
[14:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[14:45] [GoD]cani in
[14:45] Nici_OP> "bla bla with me it would take 10 15 mins"
[14:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> sess?
[14:46] [GoD]cani> what map ?
[14:46] [GoD]cani> pp ?
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> sess??
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok pp
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets bella host
[14:46] [GoD]cani> sess?
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> il go red
[14:46] Ven0m> +3
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin green
[14:46] [GoD]cani> what map
[14:46] [GoD]cani> idc any
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin yel #
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> alpha green
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[14:46] Nadeshot_OP> hmm
[14:46] [GoD]cani> no
[14:46] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[14:46] [md]skylo> ja comeste buzios?
[14:46] [GoD]cani> whats worng with me
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[14:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[14:46] [GoD]cani> hosting
[14:46] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wtf is happening right now
[14:46] [GoD]cani> okay
[14:46] [md]skylo> fds é tipo caracois mas a cena la dentro e gigante
[14:46] Nici_OP> não e tu
[14:47] Nici_OP> é bom?
[14:47] [md]skylo> mas sabe a pexe claru
[14:47] [GoD]cani> pp
[14:47] [md]skylo> nah
[14:47] [GoD]cani> murder wants colors
[14:47] Nici_OP> agora tenho medo
[14:47] [md]skylo> nada d jeitu
[14:47] Nici_OP> comer um b uze
[14:47] Nici_OP> foste comer ao restaurante
[14:47] Cutemammy_Tas> hi :o
[14:47] Apocalypsis_TAS> mam mam :))))
[14:48] Cutemammy_Tas> yoyo tsu :)
[14:48] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[14:48] [GoD]cani> pp
[14:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[14:48] Cutemammy_Tas> nice :D
[14:48] Cutemammy_Tas> a stream to w
[14:48] PureChemist_OP in
[14:48] Cutemammy_Tas> that is what you call good timing :P
[14:49] [GoD]cani out
[14:49] SadReaper out
[14:50] HammadH_TAS in
[14:50] Nici_OP> lol shahzad
[14:50] Nici_OP> destroying logics
[14:50] Nici_OP> horrible
[14:51] [SR]FanZaah out
[14:51] Ven0m> pop is dead lol
[14:51] Ven0m out
[14:53] GreenWarrioR in
[14:55] BeastIncarnate> host
[14:55] BeastIncarnate> unrank
[14:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> alpha> milf
[14:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> i see
[14:55] [Rw]loothill> Hi Apocalypsis
[14:55] Cutemammy_Tas> venom :o
[14:55] [SR]FanZaah in
[14:55] BeastIncarnate> Hammad how's your shitty Pak goin?
[14:56] GreenWarrioR> i cant join
[14:56] therapist in
[14:56] tidebringer> shit
[14:56] tidebringer> this X
[14:56] GreenWarrioR> cr
[14:57] BeastIncarnate> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
BeastIncarnate - MapPack: OK
GreenWarrioR - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - BeastIncarnate: Yellow - GreenWarrioR: Green * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[14:57] MahaRaja> tired of it
[14:57] tidebringer> lol
[14:57] MahaRaja> i leave
[14:57] Nadeshot_OP> sec relog
[14:57] tidebringer> guys
Game successfully created in database.
[14:58] tidebringer> nade shot
[14:58] tidebringer> host again
[14:58] tidebringer> it will be fine guys
[14:58] Mavocado in
[14:59] HammadH_TAS out
[14:59] [SR]Cotton_Candy in
[14:59] Nadeshot_OP out
[14:59] rousfv in
Game successfully checked in.
[15:00] Nadeshot_OP in
[15:00] HammadH_TAS in
[15:00] [md]skylo> nao aki
[15:01] AlaAmelia in
[15:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> cba with u alpha
[15:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur too fuknig dum
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dude u have not 1 side tower
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ofc he walks to you and learn to read
[15:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up idiot
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> tol du now 5 times mid mid mid mid
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ur shit
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> srsly
[15:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> u bin playing this game for fuking years and u still cant warn
[15:02] MahaRaja out
[15:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dude read
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and u see
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im wrintting mid
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> and u didnt get in to an empty base did you ?
[15:03] AlaAmelia out
[15:03] MahaRaja in
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> did you?
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> waste of shit
[15:03] [md]skylo> dw warning beacons are coming in beta
[15:03] [md]skylo> lolol
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> u nearly fukt up last game coz ur mad dum
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> I won
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> that game
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> 2v1
[15:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> yes
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> u just do dum shit
[15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> cba with you
[15:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at ur pop
[15:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> u sahit twat
[15:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i had 36 converts u stuid fuck
[15:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and did more damage to spin then u to bella
[15:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> warned u every single time
[15:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ur just shit
[15:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofc
[15:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> in your world
[15:05] [GoD]cani in
[15:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> this is true
[15:05] Nici_OP> [15:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> u bin playing this game for fuking years and u still cant warn
[15:05] Nici_OP> 2014 is not that long
[15:05] Nici_OP> xD
[15:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> the spins mouse raping
[15:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> was real
[15:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> its years
[15:05] [GoD]cani> 15 mins bella
[15:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh nice
[15:05] [GoD]cani> ahhahahahahahahhahhahahaaa
[15:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> quits for nothing
[15:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ur a true hero moores
[15:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> howd u get a 36 convert as red alpha
[15:06] [GoD]cani> wow weed
[15:06] Nici_OP> why dont u both 1v1
[15:06] [GoD]cani> the
[15:06] Nici_OP> settle
[15:06] [GoD]cani> suit
[15:06] [GoD]cani> and the
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> how?
[15:06] [GoD]cani> como estas muy bien
[15:06] [SW]AlphaEnemy> cause spin got all
[15:06] [GoD]cani> is real
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[15:06] Cutemammy_Tas> it can happen moores
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz ur dum as shit
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> forget about it
[15:06] [Rw]loothill> WOWOWOOW
[15:06] [Rw]loothill> weed is shaman?=
[15:06] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ye this dumb shit won u last game
[15:06] [Rw]loothill> omfg
[15:06] [GoD]cani> yhman
[15:06] [Rw]loothill> the end is near boys!
[15:06] Nici_OP> naw bro u can get like 40+ even if spin takes the front
[15:06] Nici_OP> just converte verything
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> u got half my base fukt last game
[15:06] [Rw]loothill> finnally omfg congratz weed
[15:06] [SW]AlphaEnemy> useless
[15:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> by siding from my side with no wanrning
[15:07] Cutemammy_Tas> its his seasen rank
[15:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i got half base fucked doing 2v1 for 15 mins
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> then spin and bella sided me from lbs u made
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> u fuk up
[15:07] Cutemammy_Tas> not his skill rank :P
[15:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> while u didnt veen attack the right person
[15:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lmao
[15:07] [GoD]cani> rm guys?
[15:07] [GoD]cani> murder rm
[15:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im not allying such a stupid idiot
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofc
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> learn to warn
[15:07] Nici_OP> werent u guys best friends?
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> and il ally him
[15:07] [GoD]cani> 1v1 alpha n murder
[15:07] [GoD]cani> i host
[15:07] [GoD]cani> lets see
[15:07] Nici_OP> 20 mins ago
[15:07] [GoD]cani> come
[15:07] [GoD]cani> i stream it
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> guy who gets a 36 convert as red on pp...
[15:07] [GoD]cani> my net is sick
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> greenwarrior
[15:08] GreenWarrioR> gg down
Game results submitted.
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> it was pretty stupid that you didn't agree upon it
[15:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores i let u whole side
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> lol anyways
[15:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> that u can deff urself
[15:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> but even that
[15:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> Ping: 239 ± 8
[15:08] [Sr]Spark in
[15:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> slow connection
[15:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> User: Cutemammy_Tas
[15:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> Ping: 188 ± 8
[15:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> sick
[15:08] GreenWarrioR> /me Ally o Quit LOL
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> well
[15:08] [Rw]loothill> Ping: 228 ± 8
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> inac
[15:08] BeastIncarnate> inca
[15:08] [Rw]loothill> From Chile --> Germany
[15:09] Cutemammy_Tas> :O
[15:09] BeastIncarnate> can you tell me any keybinder please?
[15:09] BeastIncarnate> brandan made one
[15:09] BeastIncarnate> but i dunno the link
[15:09] Nici_OP> http://prntscr.com/gj1u9u
[15:09] Nici_OP> lmfaomfoamfomaofaomfamof
[15:09] BeastIncarnate> Nici
[15:09] Cutemammy_Tas> lol poor matt he cant play pop for a while
[15:10] BeastIncarnate> is there any keybinder bois?
[15:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> has he finally been banned
[15:10] Cutemammy_Tas> no hurricane xD
[15:10] Nici_OP> he said hurricane is going his way
[15:10] Nici_OP> on the comments
[15:10] Nici_OP> it must be really close tbh
[15:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> banned for what
[15:10] Nici_OP> hes nto banned lol
[15:10] BeastIncarnate> He is a trump supporter
[15:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> dw theres no wind speed powerful enough to blow that fat fuck away
[15:10] BeastIncarnate> he must've loaded his gun
[15:10] BeastIncarnate> to fight irma
[15:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima make coffe
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[15:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> be 2 mins
[15:11] [GoD]cani> ok
[15:11] [Rw]loothill> https://youtu.be/XWfsFbEWndc
[15:11] [Rw]loothill> ^^
[15:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry alpha i only got 3 hours sleep im grumpy
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores btw
[15:11] Cutemammy_Tas> a catagory 5 hurricane is able to do it bella ;)
[15:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> i shoulda defended better lol
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin had 2 or 3 front towers
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> had 2 eq's
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and u had still lot of pop
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and big base
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> learn not to quit
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> for no fucking reason
[15:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> it woulda helped if i knew spimn was on mid thoe
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i swear
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i wrote u
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> everytime
[15:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mid
[15:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> it led to a chain reaction of destruction
[15:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> i coulda ran hom and defended
[15:12] Nici_OP> moores is tunnel vision
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> but i was slow
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i know
[15:12] Nici_OP> makes 5 troops throughout the game
[15:12] Nici_OP> blames his ally
[15:12] [GoD]cani> ahhaahhahahahhahahhahahhahaa
[15:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> you said mid just as he selected blast from his spells panel
[15:12] [GoD]cani> love this francisco
[15:12] Nici_OP> cant understand these things
[15:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> way to late
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> Well
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> well
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> i need key binder you son of bitches
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nvm
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> is there any?
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> we got points form walls
[15:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[15:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> o well
[15:12] Nici_OP> moores
[15:12] Nici_OP> u doing a matt
[15:12] Nici_OP> sending ur shaman somewhere
[15:12] Nici_OP> but matt makes troops
[15:12] Nici_OP> thats why he feels confident
[15:12] Nici_OP> learn from him
[15:13] [GoD]cani> [SW]AlphaEnemy> we got points form walls
[15:13] [GoD]cani> [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[15:13] [GoD]cani> :)
[15:14] [SW]AlphaEnemy> at least something
[15:14] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[15:16] BeastIncarnate> Nibba
[15:16] BeastIncarnate> FUCKIN
[15:16] BeastIncarnate> tell me a keybinder
[15:16] BeastIncarnate> sum fuks
[15:16] [AsG]Warbeast out
[15:16] Nici_OP> alt f4
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> ALt
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> is
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> dead
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> YOU FUCK FACE TWAT
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> my alt key is dead FOR FUCKING REAL
[15:17] [SR]FanZaah out
[15:17] [AsG]MentiX28 in
[15:17] tie1987 in
[15:17] [Rw]loothill> Why we should tell u the keybinder if u only came here only for play 1 day by month
[15:17] HammadH_TAS out
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> Loothil
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> atleast i play
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> even if it is a single game
[15:17] tie1987 out
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> you son o f bitch
[15:17] Nici_OP> 'atleast'
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> tell me a keybinder
[15:17] [Rw]loothill> u're so lazy
[15:17] Nici_OP> i have 2 alts on my pc
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> I DO NOT HA VE A PC
[15:17] Nici_OP> if u dont its cuz ure a paki
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> both are dead
[15:17] BeastIncarnate> you son of a bithc
[15:18] Nici_OP> what are u using?
[15:18] [Rw]loothill> Calm down
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> keyboard
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> decent keyboard
[15:18] Nici_OP> laptop?
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> nah
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> Desktop PC
[15:18] Nici_OP> u should have 2 alts
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> i do have them
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> but
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> both are dead
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> my both window keys are dead as well
[15:18] [Rw]loothill> You need to calm down
[15:18] [Rw]loothill> https://www.popre.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10306&p=226279&hilit=Key#p226279
[15:18] Nici_OP> lol and u dont even play pop to patrol shit
[15:18] Nici_OP> how is alt deaD?
[15:18] Nici_OP> LOL
[15:18] [SR]FanZaah in
[15:18] BeastIncarnate> i've been using this keyboard for 7 years lol
[15:19] BeastIncarnate> you still wonder how they dead?
[15:19] Nici_OP> lool so what ive been using the same keyboard for 10 years
[15:19] [Rw]loothill> I'm using 2001 keyboard
[15:19] Nici_OP> and they're still alive
[15:19] Nici_OP> ur point
[15:19] BeastIncarnate> well then i must've bought cheap shit
[15:19] BeastIncarnate> but still
[15:19] BeastIncarnate> the point is i need a keybinder to re route my alt key
[15:19] BeastIncarnate> to some other key and play this shit
[15:20] Nici_OP> use the keyboard on screen
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> hahahah
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> wow
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> thank you.
[15:20] Nici_OP> np
[15:20] [Rw]loothill> Why u need to talk with "shit" or "bitch" in every word where u type?
[15:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit bitch !
[15:20] [GoD]cani> sec
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> well dude
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> Loothill
[15:20] Nici_OP> shahzad how are they dead if you dont patrol troops
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> peopel weren't responding
[15:20] Nici_OP> since u dont play pop
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> nici
[15:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> alpha
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> this isn't my pc
[15:21] Nici_OP> but i understand it dies but its suspicious
[15:21] BeastIncarnate> my brother uses this pc like 24 housr
[15:21] Nici_OP> lol you stole it right
[15:21] Nici_OP> typical
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> if i coulda ddefended a little longer id have done ok coz i had 2 erodes and an eq
[15:21] BeastIncarnate> DUDE
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> devastation for green
[15:21] BeastIncarnate> ITS MY BROTHER"S PC
[15:21] Nici_OP> 2 ERODES
[15:21] Nici_OP> LOL
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[15:21] BeastIncarnate> HE USES 24 HOUSR
[15:21] BeastIncarnate> ALT TABBING SHIT
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> TWO
[15:21] Nici_OP> devastation as in
[15:21] Nici_OP> harmless
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> erosion
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[15:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu fag
[15:21] [Rw]loothill> This guy have mental problems for real...
[15:21] Nadeshot_OP> gg
[15:21] [SR]Cotton_Candy> gg
[15:21] tidebringer> gg
[15:22] tidebringer> 28 a sec
[15:22] Cutemammy_Tas> nici he always useing erode on green :P
[15:22] tidebringer out
[15:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> <3 erode
[15:22] BeastIncarnate> Loothill
[15:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> vs green
[15:22] BeastIncarnate> they ignored my request
[15:22] tidebringer in
[15:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> also on walls
[15:22] BeastIncarnate> so i had to abuse
[15:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> asometimes
[15:22] p4p3rs0und in
[15:22] [Rw]loothill> and i'll ignore your chat
[15:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> spell abuse?
[15:22] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[15:22] Nadeshot_OP> ?
[15:22] Nadeshot_OP> let me in
[15:22] Nadeshot_OP> ol
[15:22] Nadeshot_OP> new hut
[15:23] Nadeshot_OP> at top
[15:23] BeastIncarnate> i think i shoulda manage another keyboard from somewhere
[15:23] Nadeshot_OP> Comeon
[15:23] Nadeshot_OP> greenwarrior in my spot
[15:23] [GoD]cani out
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> TAke me to church
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> i'll worship like a dog at the shrines of your lies
[15:24] [SR]Cotton_Candy> ok map?
[15:24] [SR]Cotton_Candy> pp or 4 way?
[15:24] HammadH_TAS in
[15:24] tidebringer> 4 way
[15:24] Nadeshot_OP> pp
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> i'll tell you my sins and you sharpen your knife
[15:24] tidebringer> 4 wayy
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> Hammad
[15:24] tidebringer> plz
[15:24] HammadH_TAS> Lagged out
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> How's taliban doin in Pakistan
[15:24] BeastIncarnate> you twat?
[15:24] HammadH_TAS> LAGGED OUT mates
[15:24] Mavocado out
[15:24] [SR]Cotton_Candy> yes ok
[15:24] tidebringer> 4 way
[15:25] tidebringer> ok
[15:25] tidebringer> go pp
[15:25] [SR]Cotton_Candy> lok
[15:25] Mavocado in
[15:25] [SR]Cotton_Candy> lol
[15:25] [SR]Cotton_Candy> ok
[15:25] HammadH_TAS> well i don't know about talibans but i know what your mom is doing in ur home
[15:25] redfire in
[15:25] BeastIncarnate> Well my mom dead nigga
[15:25] BeastIncarnate> LOLOL
[15:25] [SR]Cotton_Candy> wtf
[15:26] Nadeshot_OP> Jesus Christ
[15:26] Nadeshot_OP> this long
[15:26] BeastIncarnate> come up with better jokes Hammad
[15:26] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[15:26] therapist> i fucked her dead
[15:26] [SR]Cotton_Candy> lol
[15:26] [SR]Cotton_Candy> spark come on
[15:26] therapist> thats why
[15:26] BeastIncarnate> oh i forgot Pakis couldn't progress further from Mom jokes
[15:26] HammadH_TAS> Stfu afghani bitch hahaha
[15:26] Taity-mini in
[15:26] HammadH_TAS> the worst country on this planet
[15:26] BeastIncarnate> Affghani bitch rapin ya ass in savagery
[15:26] BeastIncarnate> you sum fuk
[15:26] HammadH_TAS> uneducated beggars
[15:26] HammadH_TAS> xD
[15:26] BeastIncarnate> Yea i am more educated than your entire race
[15:27] BeastIncarnate> lOLOl
[15:27] Taity-mini> reset
[15:27] [md]skylo> i feel like this conversation can explode at any moment
[15:27] BeastIncarnate> i plant bombs usually
[15:27] BeastIncarnate> but not in mood
[15:27] BeastIncarnate> i am atta's right wing
[15:28] BeastIncarnate> 9/11 was done by bush and contract was given to atta for 1500 bitcoins
[15:28] Mavocado out
[15:33] [GoD]Congo_Ranks in
[15:33] Funes in
[15:34] [GoD]Congo_Ranks out
[15:36] aliverdi1023 in
[15:37] [GoD]Congo_Ranks in
[15:37] HammadH_TAS> hey funes
[15:37] HammadH_TAS> how's going man
[15:37] Taity-mini out
[15:38] MahaRaja> lol
[15:38] Funes> hi
[15:38] Funes> man
[15:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> wom ?
[15:38] [Rw]loothill> pp tom
[15:38] [Rw]loothill> wom
[15:38] [Rw]loothill> any shit
[15:38] [GoD]cani in
[15:39] [GoD]cani> *"
[15:39] [GoD]cani> +2
[15:41] [GoD]cani> afk cooking
[15:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> spin is cooking korn
[15:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> cuz he is corn
[15:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[15:41] [GoD]cani> xD
[15:42] redfire out
[15:43] [GoD]Congo_Ranks out
[15:45] BeastIncarnate> its funny when u invite some random fuck to 1 v 1 and he doesn't reply
[15:45] BeastIncarnate> son of bitches
[15:47] BeastIncarnate> well if i suck my own dick, does that make me a gay?
[15:47] [AsG]MentiX39 in
[15:47] hk_wcs in
[15:47] Cutemammy_Tas> good questions :o
[15:48] Cutemammy_Tas> i dunno
[15:48] hk_wcs out
[15:49] Nadeshot_OP out
[15:50] BeastIncarnate> Wel
[15:50] BeastIncarnate> well
[15:50] BeastIncarnate> if i freeze my semen and than change my gender
[15:50] BeastIncarnate> and get pregnant by that same semen
[15:50] [SR]Cotton_Candy> gg
[15:50] BeastIncarnate> would i be called the father or the mom?
[15:51] BeastIncarnate> interesting
[15:51] [Sr]Spark> ggs
[15:52] tidebringer out
[15:52] BeastIncarnate out
[15:52] [Rw]loothill> rage quit
[15:52] [Rw]loothill> is rael
[15:52] therapist> paper
[15:52] therapist> do uknow
[15:52] therapist> what selecting fw
[15:53] therapist> and sending thjem at shaman are
[15:53] therapist> whjy in the fuck
[15:53] therapist> do usend them back
[15:53] therapist> all the fuckin timew
[15:53] therapist> how fuckin duymb aeee u
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> lol
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> moores is so desperate
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> WHAT?
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> dont worry moroes i know how to be desperate too
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> bbing, forcing shaman,
[15:53] therapist> no shgit
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> did i force ???
[15:53] therapist> moores
[15:53] [Rw]loothill> wow I had 60 pop so pro bro
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> like u both dsid
[15:53] therapist> rm on sess
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> its ok moores
[15:53] therapist> or pp
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> idiot.,
[15:53] Nici_OP> moores is always desperate
[15:53] p4p3rs0und> just dont be mad when u get a taste
[15:53] Nici_OP> didu play fo?
[15:53] therapist> nici
[15:53] therapist> we did wom
[15:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> you just forced me in to the water with ur brave
[15:53] therapist> and moores bb 5 braves
[15:53] Nici_OP> lol even worse
[15:53] therapist> at start
[15:53] therapist> and then nici
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> and im barelt complainning
[15:54] therapist> i went to do the same
[15:54] Damn out
[15:54] Nici_OP> yea he doesnt want to lose shaman rank
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> barely#
[15:54] therapist> and justo n the strip
[15:54] therapist> and he came t om y base
[15:54] therapist> and blasted all my fuckin trees
[15:54] Nici_OP> expected
[15:54] therapist> so fuckin low
[15:54] Nici_OP> lol
[15:54] therapist> MAP
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahhaha
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> please
[15:54] Nici_OP> weed dont lose
[15:54] therapist> stfu moores
[15:54] p4p3rs0und> do pop
[15:54] therapist> ill fuckin rape u now
[15:54] p4p3rs0und> pp
[15:54] Nici_OP> u deserve shaman rank more than moores
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahahah
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> this is ace
[15:54] Nici_OP> hes brain dead
[15:54] therapist> STREAMING
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[15:54] Nici_OP> tunnel vision
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> fag boy why u sat here al lday giving shit
[15:54] aliverdi1023> 1
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> play
[15:55] Nici_OP> lol :D
[15:55] Nici_OP> i dont need to play lol
[15:55] Nici_OP> neither does meph to whoop u :D
[15:55] therapist> sec goptta fix this
[15:55] Nadeshot_OP in
[15:55] Nadeshot_OP> ffs
[15:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> wpw theres so many mentic
[15:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> meph ur new butt buddy
[15:55] Nadeshot_OP> sorry guys. mom fuckin unplugged router
[15:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> map?
[15:56] p4p3rs0und> fuck off weed was there
[15:56] [GoD]cani> bella
[15:56] [GoD]cani> eeds spot honey
[15:56] therapist> lmmfao
[15:56] [GoD]cani> i wanan see him stream
[15:56] therapist> this dumb whore
[15:56] [GoD]cani> weed stream
[15:56] therapist> sre
[15:56] [GoD]cani> LINK
[15:56] therapist> OKokkoKoKoKOkOkoK
[15:56] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[15:56] [GoD]cani> the
[15:56] BeastIncarnate in
[15:56] therapist> my pop screen is so dark
[15:56] [Rw]loothill> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[15:56] therapist> i dunno how to fix it
[15:56] [GoD]cani> new rank - new lyf - new strategy
[15:56] [GoD]cani> is real
[15:57] therapist> the
[15:57] aloneton in
[15:57] Funes> terapista is shaman :O
[15:57] [GoD]cani> i knew that day wud come
[15:57] [GoD]cani> wee dbeing a shaman
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> this is the new shit
[15:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> cani
[15:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> nvm
[15:57] [GoD]cani> yes murder
[15:57] [GoD]cani> im not playing
[15:57] [GoD]cani> eating soonm
[15:58] [md]skylo out
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> spin
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> stream
[15:58] BeastIncarnate> Marshmello Alone is Godlike
[15:58] GameOfThrones in
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> you eating
[15:58] [md]skylo in
[15:58] BeastIncarnate> GOT
[15:58] BeastIncarnate> play me
[15:58] BeastIncarnate> bitch
[15:59] Nici_OP> weed careful
[15:59] Nici_OP> bella might report u
[15:59] Nici_OP> [15:56] therapist> this dumb whore
[15:59] BeastIncarnate> Uneducated cunt
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf did i even do
[16:00] Nici_OP> yea what a uneducated cunt u r
[16:00] BeastIncarnate> Nici ouch
[16:00] BeastIncarnate> i think it was on point
[16:01] BeastIncarnate> Mentix so manys
[16:01] BeastIncarnate> nice
[16:03] p4p3rs0und> ??
[16:03] p4p3rs0und> my game crashed
[16:03] [Rw]loothill> gg
[16:03] therapist> why
[16:03] therapist> is the game so fucked
[16:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh plrease
[16:03] therapist> my screen is dark
[16:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed
[16:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> its the gammaa
[16:04] therapist> no man
[16:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fix it in the mm settings
[16:04] therapist> even the mouse feels weird
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> do fo
[16:04] therapist> and sound was off
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> or crasters
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> not pp
[16:04] therapist> i tried doesnt work
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> i cba building again
[16:04] [AsG]mentix out
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> do somthing else
[16:04] therapist> WOW
[16:04] therapist> SHUT THE FUCK UP IN PM
[16:04] therapist> SO MANY PM ASKING STREAM
[16:04] p4p3rs0und> gogogog
[16:04] [GoD]cani> cant u?
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> tell me how to stet up steam
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> i mean
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> its alrdy done
[16:04] [GoD]cani> idunno bro
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> my set it up
[16:04] [GoD]cani> abo did it for me
[16:04] therapist> OK STREAMING
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> it was worjking but lagging me so i turned it off
[16:05] [GoD]cani> ty weed
[16:05] [GoD]cani> . . . .
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> "stop stream"
[16:05] therapist> TWITCH.TV/W33dHIT
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> now i dunno how to turn it on lol
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> cant find it in the menu panel
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> dont launch weed
[16:05] vampis in
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> gimmi a swec
[16:06] [Rw]loothill> wow great day for mm, mentix's everywhere
[16:06] therapist> what the fuck
[16:06] [GoD]cani> wee dmusic
[16:07] therapist> shit
[16:07] [GoD]cani> modern talking
[16:07] therapist> gotta change bitrate
[16:07] therapist> 1 sec
[16:07] [GoD]cani> or something
[16:07] [GoD]cani> k
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> does weed stream?
[16:08] [GoD]cani> yes
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> or is it working or not?
[16:08] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> i see his away
[16:08] [GoD]cani> working
[16:08] [GoD]cani> he fixing something
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> oh here we go
[16:08] [GoD]cani> will be live
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> i see his away
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> :O?
[16:08] therapist> OKOK
[16:08] [SR]FanZaah> wee
[16:09] [SR]FanZaah> now working
[16:09] [GoD]cani> k live
[16:09] [GoD]cani> with good music
[16:09] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[16:09] [GoD]cani> good stream with godo music
[16:09] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[16:09] therapist> well
[16:09] therapist> moores is awya
[16:09] [Rw]loothill> godo
[16:09] [Rw]loothill> xddxxdxd
[16:10] Arniee_OP in
[16:13] [GoD]cani> weed is actually a fast player too
[16:20] MahaRaja out
[16:22] Funes out
[16:26] Torch in
[16:26] [AsG]MentiX50 in
[16:28] PureChemist_OP out
[16:29] MahaRaja in
[16:30] GameOfThrones out
[16:30] BeastIncarnate> heckin bamboozle
[16:31] PureChemist_OP in
[16:34] Arniee_OP out
[16:35] Nici_OP> mentix making it look like the matchmaker is active
[16:35] Nici_OP> thanks for your input!
[16:35] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[16:36] [AsG]MentiX55 in
[16:36] [AsG]MentiX55 out
[16:37] BeastIncarnate> Nici
[16:37] BeastIncarnate> How are you?
[16:37] BeastIncarnate> i am being fair atm
[16:37] BeastIncarnate> no shit
[16:38] GreenWarrioR> 1v1 beast
[16:38] GreenWarrioR> or scared
[16:38] GameOfThrones in
[16:39] BeastIncarnate> GreenWarrior
[16:39] BeastIncarnate> i can 1 v1 you anytime
[16:39] BeastIncarnate> but i have a dead Alt key
[16:40] GreenWarrioR> scared??
[16:40] Nici_OP out
[16:41] BeastIncarnate> don't tell me you are some spanish fuck who doesn't understand english
[16:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> mappp
[16:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> ?
[16:43] [Tsi]ThePrime> eco
[16:43] HammadH_TAS out
[16:43] [Tsi]ThePrime> evo
[16:43] BeastIncarnate> ThePrime is FW+
[16:43] BeastIncarnate> wow
[16:44] BeastIncarnate> INCA literally this si fucked up
[16:44] [GoD]cani out
[16:44] [Sr]Spark> GG
[16:44] HammadH_TAS in
[16:44] [Sr]Spark out
[16:44] [GoD]cani in
[16:45] [SR]Cotton_Candy> gg
[16:45] Nadeshot_OP> Again?
[16:45] [SR]Cotton_Candy> i have one hour left
[16:45] Nadeshot_OP> Aw :(
[16:45] Nadeshot_OP> spark left :/
[16:45] tidebringer in
[16:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> + 2 face off
[16:46] Nadeshot_OP> hammah
[16:46] Nadeshot_OP> let my friend tide join plz
[16:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> was hoping to play fo
[16:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> although
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> Oh ok
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> :)
[16:47] [GoD]cani> belal why leave
[16:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> suppose we could do 4way
[16:47] Nadeshot_OP> Map?
[16:47] [SR]Cotton_Candy> any but fair teams plz
[16:47] [Rw]loothill> I had the eq
[16:47] [GoD]cani> the
[16:47] [GoD]cani> paramount pictures
[16:48] [GoD]cani> is reaö
[16:48] [GoD]cani> is real
[16:48] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[16:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> weed?
[16:48] [GoD]cani> pops
[16:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[16:48] [GoD]cani> ops
[16:48] therapist> the
[16:48] [GoD]cani> *https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[16:48] therapist> advertisement
[16:48] [GoD]cani> streamin
[16:48] [GoD]cani> LKDFdfnm dfhnhjfghnfnhfhnfhnhnfhnhnrfnff
[16:48] [SR]FanZaah out
[16:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> host streaming lmao
[16:48] [GoD]cani out
[16:49] [GoD]cani in
[16:50] rousfv out
[16:50] rousfv in
[16:50] [GoD]cani> the
[16:50] vampis out
[16:52] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[16:52] [GoD]cani out
[16:52] pataxo in
[16:53] Torch out
[16:53] Torch in
[16:56] [SR]FanZaah in
[16:58] BeastIncarnate> Hammad bitch
[16:58] BeastIncarnate> 1 v 1 me?
[16:58] HammadH_TAS> I don't want to play with afghanis terrorists
[16:59] Torch> 1v1
[16:59] Torch> ?
[16:59] BeastIncarnate> because they'll rape you like the way taliabans raping you
[16:59] Torch> why not is a only a game
[17:00] BeastIncarnate> Torch
[17:00] BeastIncarnate> Whatsup?
[17:00] Funes in
[17:00] [AsG]MentiX71 in
[17:00] BeastIncarnate> Marshmello is legend
[17:02] HammadH_TAS> alanwalker
[17:02] BeastIncarnate> Alan walker sucks ball
[17:03] BeastIncarnate> martin Garrix is legend
[17:03] BeastIncarnate> HArdwell is beast
[17:03] HammadH_TAS> he is not ur dad so stfu
[17:03] BeastIncarnate> ^ doesn't make sense
[17:03] GameOfThrones out
[17:03] GreenWarrioR> gg
[17:03] HammadH_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2k8PGm-TI
[17:03] GreenWarrioR> why quit
[17:03] BeastIncarnate> trying to be savage? oh well sure you can enjoy your time
[17:03] HammadH_TAS> this is a real beast
[17:03] HammadH_TAS> zayn malik and he is pakistani if u know xD
[17:04] BeastIncarnate> Zayn is a son of a biatch
[17:04] BeastIncarnate> dude
[17:04] BeastIncarnate> Zayn sucks balls more than pussys lol
[17:04] HammadH_TAS> 5M people loves him so it does'nt matter what u think who the fuck are u hahaha
[17:04] BeastIncarnate> Look at Martin garrix
[17:05] BeastIncarnate> Marshmello subs 15M
[17:05] BeastIncarnate> suck it
[17:05] BeastIncarnate> go fuck with your gay bender zayn
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> Jeoulous motherfucker hahaaa
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> thats the problem with these afghanis
[17:05] BeastIncarnate> why would i be jealous? when i just diapproved you with data
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> they live in pakistan
[17:06] BeastIncarnate> you sum fuck retarded pro pakistani fag
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> getting educated from pakistani schools
[17:06] Funes> where is minder?
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> but don't respect pakistan
[17:06] GreenWarrioR> hammadh love minder
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> we will kick out all these afghanis bitches soon
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> Stfu i don't
[17:06] BeastIncarnate> we don't get educations from your shitty fucked up schools
[17:06] Funes> minders is part of mm , like it or not
[17:06] BeastIncarnate> where teacher's banging other teachers lol
[17:06] Funes> :/
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> hahhaahhaa look who is speaking
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> bitch
[17:07] BeastIncarnate> and male students being gay LMFAO
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> afghani bitch
[17:07] BeastIncarnate> we fucking study cambridge stuff
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> TERRORIST nation
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> world knows this
[17:07] Funes> :O
[17:07] BeastIncarnate> none of your generatione ever have had anything like that
[17:07] Funes> who is terrorist?
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> Afghanis
[17:07] Funes> :O
[17:07] GreenWarrioR> Funes> who is terrorist?
[17:07] Funes> like osama?
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> ahan
[17:08] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[17:08] GreenWarrioR> mider+
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> just to let u know he was also afghani and hospitilizing in pakistan
[17:08] Funes> there is the guy
[17:08] GreenWarrioR> +minder here
[17:08] BeastIncarnate> i am atta's right wing but still destroying an educated Pakistani
[17:08] BeastIncarnate> LMFOAMFOAMF
[17:08] Funes> hey minder
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> only u laugh bitch
[17:08] Funes> people want to watch u play
[17:08] Funes> teach us
[17:08] Funes> :D
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> lol funes
[17:08] BeastIncarnate> yeah osama was dead long gone i miss ma nigga but he fucked most of yous LOLOL
[17:09] [GoD]Eric in
[17:09] BeastIncarnate> I do pussy rape you Hammad
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> so u are proud pf being terrorist
[17:09] Funes> xD
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> hahaha
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> what a botch
[17:09] BeastIncarnate> martin garrix has 6M subs LOLOL
[17:09] BeastIncarnate> still got more than ZAYN
[17:09] BeastIncarnate> LMFAO
[17:09] GreenWarrioR> mowgli here
[17:09] Funes> mowgli there
[17:09] GreenWarrioR> join
[17:10] GreenWarrioR> loves minders
[17:10] Funes> sale de ahi carajo
[17:10] Funes> te la van a meter
[17:10] Funes> con el lag
[17:10] GreenWarrioR> no
[17:10] Funes> no le regales puntos a minder
[17:10] GreenWarrioR> perdera
[17:10] Funes> nada, seran malos, pero cuando corta y doblan
[17:10] Funes> son letales
[17:11] Funes> mas el lag
[17:11] GreenWarrioR> se la partire
[17:11] GreenWarrioR> ven
[17:11] GreenWarrioR> estoy con ping bajo
[17:11] pataxo out
[17:11] Maganha_OP in
[17:11] Funes> nada , igual no puedo
[17:11] Funes> quiza por la tarde
[17:11] HammadH_TAS out
[17:12] GreenWarrioR> siempre no puedes o son eexcusas
[17:12] GreenWarrioR> ??
[17:12] HammadH_TAS in
[17:13] [md]skylo out
[17:13] BeastIncarnate> Hammad
[17:14] BeastIncarnate> you have shitty fedral studies
[17:14] [md]skylo in
[17:14] BeastIncarnate> that has course going back to 5 years lOLOL
[17:14] BeastIncarnate> same shit for 5 yeras
[17:14] BeastIncarnate> thats tremendously bad for a nation LOLOl
[17:14] Funes> no puedo
[17:14] Funes> :/ q + puedo decir
[17:15] HammadH_TAS> well if u know pakistan hav 2 universities in top 50 of the world and 8 universities in top 100 WHERE THE FUCK ARE AFGHANIS UNIVERSITIES
[17:15] Funes> solo q no se la regales a esos putos
[17:15] HammadH_TAS> hahaha
[17:15] HammadH_TAS> do they even exist in top 10000? hahahahha
[17:16] Funes> so u are from pakistan hammad?
[17:16] HammadH_TAS> yes
[17:16] Funes> :o
[17:16] HammadH_TAS> half turkish
[17:16] Funes> good to know
[17:16] HammadH_TAS> ;)
[17:16] HammadH_TAS> where are u from funes ? :)
[17:16] Nadeshot_OP> gg guys
[17:16] Funes> perú
[17:16] tidebringer> GG
[17:16] [SR]Cotton_Candy> gg
[17:17] Funes> i guees u dont know it
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> Thats nice
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> funes
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> yes
[17:17] Funes> even that it exists
[17:17] Funes> xD
[17:17] GreenWarrioR> Cpt_james_t_kirk - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.4)
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> bro i know peru
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> its a beautiful place
[17:17] Funes> :o
[17:17] Funes> u got a game
[17:17] tidebringer out
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> ahabn
[17:17] Funes> let me spec
[17:17] GreenWarrioR> go
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> wish me luck
[17:17] HammadH_TAS> ;)
[17:17] Funes> hope u lose
[17:17] Funes> hell no, u are with minder
[17:18] Funes> xD
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> ;'(
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> thats rude
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> Well Hammad
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> tooooo rude
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> not good bro
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> xDE
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> But i still got Education from cambridge education system
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> having 2 universities in top list but still studying some shitty course for 5 yers
[17:18] HammadH_TAS> STFU beast no one wants to talk with terrorist shit
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> LOLOLOL
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> that's Fucking abysmal you cunt face
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> HAHAHAH
[17:18] BeastIncarnate> a terriorist raping ya ass niggga
[17:19] BeastIncarnate> cope with it.
[17:19] HammadH_TAS> u better google Comsats , Nust , and Fast university of pakistan then u will know
[17:19] HammadH_TAS> i got game
[17:19] HammadH_TAS> bye\
[17:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[17:20] Nadeshot_OP> host
[17:20] Nadeshot_OP> fo
[17:20] Nadeshot_OP> lemme smoke?
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> You better google, Cambridge International Examinations. And please check the price per exam
[17:22] [GoD]cani in
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> check the pounds i can pay for education not like you shitty gay people. studying same 10 years old syllabus for years LOl
[17:22] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[17:22] therapist> the
[17:22] therapist> corvette
[17:22] therapist> is real
[17:22] therapist> nice
[17:22] therapist> bella knows her spot
[17:23] therapist> good dog bella
[17:23] Cutemammy_Tas> lol
[17:23] therapist> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 any map
[17:23] Cutemammy_Tas> hmm :o
[17:24] therapist> join machmut
[17:24] therapist> u can ally eric
[17:24] therapist> idm teams btw
[17:24] therapist> mapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
[17:24] [Rw]loothill> wom pp tom
[17:24] [Rw]loothill> 4ways 4walls
[17:24] [GoD]cani> therapist> corvette
[17:24] [Tsi]ThePrime> it fkin says u won?
[17:24] [GoD]cani> NO FUCKING
[17:24] [GoD]cani> STFU WAY
[17:25] Cutemammy_Tas> any map
[17:25] Cutemammy_Tas> go :)
[17:25] therapist> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[17:25] therapist> i havent done
[17:25] therapist> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[17:25] therapist> let me scratch my beard for a bitr
[17:25] therapist> even though i shaved few days ago
[17:26] therapist> ok letys do
[17:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> + 3 Face Off
[17:26] therapist> stfu moores
[17:26] therapist> lets do
[17:26] therapist> tom
[17:26] therapist> me and loot?
[17:26] therapist> or
[17:26] Cutemammy_Tas> eric you wanna be frond?
[17:26] Cutemammy_Tas> or shall i :)?
[17:27] [Rw]loothill> frondfrondfrondfrondfrondfrondfrond
[17:27] therapist> is eric even here?????????
[17:27] [Rw]loothill> ye
[17:27] [Rw]loothill> but he never talks
[17:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> eric?
[17:27] [Rw]loothill> eric?
[17:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> you cant shut this guy up
[17:27] therapist> [18:28] [GoD]Eric> what
[17:27] [GoD]Eric> im here
[17:27] therapist> and he doesnt answer
[17:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> eric has his own radio show
[17:27] therapist> the querstion
[17:27] [GoD]Eric> im here.
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> Eric
[17:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> he talks so much
[17:28] therapist> eric
[17:28] therapist> u or mahmut big base tom
[17:28] Cutemammy_Tas> you frond or back tom :o?
[17:28] therapist> u want tom ?
[17:28] therapist> map ?
[17:28] [GoD]Eric> let me big base
[17:28] therapist> okok
[17:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> you guys want fo
[17:28] [Rw]loothill> and u own the baby show its called "how to be bad dad for your family"
[17:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> basterds
[17:28] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[17:28] Maganha_OP> lol
[17:28] therapist> loothill imma be big cuz
[17:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> why is fo hardly played any more
[17:28] therapist> im big baws
[17:28] [Rw]loothill> sure weed
[17:28] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[17:28] therapist> STREAMING
[17:28] [GoD]cani> the
[17:28] [GoD]cani> alejandro
[17:28] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:28] [GoD]cani> is real
[17:30] jacobeminecraft in
[17:30] [Rw]loothill> lmao
[17:30] [Rw]loothill> "MINECRAFT"
[17:30] [Rw]loothill> OMFg
[17:30] [Rw]loothill> ratkids are in coming guys
[17:30] Cutemammy_Tas> :o?
[17:31] Cutemammy_Tas> why did ppl leave :<
[17:31] [Rw]loothill> u leave
[17:31] Cutemammy_Tas> i saw eric gone
[17:31] therapist> OKOKOKOKO
[17:31] therapist> WTF
[17:31] BeastIncarnate> anyone play any other game i can play with you?
[17:31] therapist> HAPPEND
[17:32] [GoD]cani> the
[17:32] therapist> the
[17:32] therapist> theed
[17:32] [GoD]cani> pm becuz he is too scared for
[17:32] therapist> had to put on headset
[17:32] [GoD]cani> the rest
[17:32] [GoD]cani> irl
[17:32] therapist> nd the restart
[17:32] therapist> is real
[17:32] [GoD]cani> israel
[17:32] [GoD]cani> is real
[17:32] [Rw]loothill> lmaoalmaoaalmao
[17:32] therapist> wait
[17:32] [Rw]loothill> LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[17:32] therapist> where is mahmut
[17:32] therapist> wait
[17:32] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[17:32] therapist> who else were plauing
[17:32] [Rw]loothill> they stole his stpos
[17:32] Cutemammy_Tas> no space
[17:32] therapist> am i a ditcher
[17:32] [Rw]loothill> spots
[17:32] [Rw]loothill> slots
[17:32] therapist> paper mores
[17:32] therapist> GTFO
[17:33] Cutemammy_Tas> you can play idm
[17:33] Cutemammy_Tas> i can w weed stream :P
[17:33] [Rw]loothill> OMG
[17:33] therapist> wel
[17:33] therapist> i pmed eric
[17:33] therapist> he isnt answering
[17:33] therapist> WHO WANTS TO ALLY PAPER
[17:33] therapist> HE IS SHTI
[17:33] [GoD]cani> the
[17:33] [Rw]loothill> u need to pm eric like u pm matt
[17:33] Cutemammy_Tas> i do :>
[17:33] [Rw]loothill> 24/7 and hes coming
[17:33] [GoD]cani> yea
[17:33] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:33] [GoD]cani> and
[17:33] therapist> stream startin in 20 sec
[17:33] [GoD]cani> therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:33] [Rw]loothill> wow
[17:34] [Rw]loothill> the stream delay
[17:34] [Rw]loothill> is real
[17:34] [GoD]cani> and oldskool musicxxxXXXX
[17:34] [Rw]loothill> [13:34] [GoD]cani> therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:34] [GoD]cani> lol
[17:34] therapist> the
[17:34] [GoD]cani> LOL
[17:34] therapist> preparation
[17:34] [GoD]cani> xvyxcvvjvhhbvhbvhbhvbhvhbbhvbhbhvhvbhxyz
[17:35] [Rw]loothill> the strategy tatics is real
[17:35] [Rw]loothill> [13:35] [Rw]loothill> therapist: ill patroll my corner at start ok
[17:35] [GoD]cani> the
[17:35] [Rw]loothill> weed go
[17:35] [GoD]cani> wtf is that on my nails is that meth
[17:35] icepeople in
[17:35] [GoD]cani> is real
[17:35] Cutemammy_Tas> dont do drugs its bad
[17:35] therapist> OK STREAM IS ON
[17:35] Cutemammy_Tas> drugs are bad m'kay :>
[17:35] [AsG]MentiX92 in
[17:36] Cutemammy_Tas> xD
[17:36] icepeople out
[17:43] MahaRaja out
[17:43] Torch out
[17:44] [SR]Cotton_Candy out
[17:44] Nadeshot_OP out
[17:45] Nadeshot_OP in
[17:46] [AsG]MentiX103 in
[17:46] [AsG]MentiX103 out
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> Drugs are good
[17:48] rousfv out
[17:48] rousfv in
[17:48] BeastIncarnate out
[17:50] GreenWarrioR out
[17:50] aliverdi1023 out
[17:51] redfire in
[17:53] Funes out
[17:56] Nadeshot_OP> +3 or +1
[17:58] Maganha_OP out
[17:59] Nadeshot_OP out
[17:59] sgsergs in
[18:00] Nadeshot_OP in
[18:03] Arniee_OP in
[18:07] Arniee_OP out
[18:08] [SR]FanZaah out
[18:10] MahaRaja in
[18:10] [AsG]MentiX129 in
[18:11] Maganha_OP in
[18:11] [SR]FanZaah in
[18:12] Maganha_OP out
[18:13] Maganha_OP in
[18:15] MahaRaja out
[18:15] therapist> the
[18:15] [Rw]loothill> wtfwtfwtf
[18:15] [Rw]loothill> 0 games?
[18:15] therapist> losing
[18:15] [Rw]loothill> LOlol
[18:15] therapist> and the
[18:15] therapist> recovery
[18:15] [Rw]loothill> is real
[18:16] therapist> paper
[18:16] therapist> what happend???????????????
[18:16] Nadeshot_OP> yo w33d
[18:16] Nadeshot_OP> wats up man
[18:16] Nadeshot_OP> how u doing
[18:16] therapist> who the fuck are u cumshot
[18:16] Nadeshot_OP> wilson
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> :(
[18:17] [Rw]loothill> LAMAOALAMo
[18:17] [Rw]loothill> [14:16] therapist> who the fuck are u cumshot
[18:17] rousfv out
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> the '''ni****'' in prison
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> the black dangerous guy
[18:17] [Rw]loothill> wowowowo
[18:17] rousfv in
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> omg now everyone wants to join my hut lol
[18:17] [Rw]loothill> one of our brothers was in prision
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> hey mammy :D
[18:17] [Rw]loothill> what the fuck u do man
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> cutie pie :P
[18:17] Cutemammy_Tas> why wouldnt i join you ?
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> loothill is in Rw?
[18:17] Nadeshot_OP> omg
[18:17] Cutemammy_Tas> :P
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> ye
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> omg
[18:18] Nadeshot_OP> Rw is trash now
[18:18] Nadeshot_OP> Just kidding
[18:18] Nadeshot_OP> congratz
[18:18] Nadeshot_OP> just realized
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> ty <3
[18:18] [GoD]Eric> well played weed its a shame how they lost just like how matt lost in 7 mins to spin
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> eric
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> did u watch the video
[18:18] [GoD]Eric> yes its a shame
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfsFbEWndc
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> porn hub is real
[18:18] [Rw]loothill> brbrrb
[18:19] [GoD]cani out
[18:19] [GoD]cani in
[18:19] [GoD]Eric> lol ye
[18:19] Nadeshot_OP> Mammy come cutie
[18:19] Cutemammy_Tas> magana isnt here
[18:19] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[18:19] Nadeshot_OP> I guess not
[18:20] Nadeshot_OP> cuz it didnt launch anyone into game setup
[18:20] Cutemammy_Tas> come here ally me :D
[18:20] Nadeshot_OP> Yo Tsu
[18:20] Nadeshot_OP> How u
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> /me will be announcing his return to populous later on this evening! Stay Tuned for more details!
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> LOL
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> ok this guy isnt here either
[18:21] sgsergs out
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> jesus christ
[18:21] Cutemammy_Tas> lame
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> Mammy 1v1?
[18:21] Cutemammy_Tas> if you are in huts
[18:21] Nadeshot_OP> :)
[18:22] Cutemammy_Tas> play then
[18:22] Cutemammy_Tas> dont go afk >:o
[18:22] Nadeshot_OP> Lets see how cute u are with ur shammy
[18:22] Nadeshot_OP> CuteMammoth
[18:22] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[18:22] Cutemammy_Tas> ok :o
[18:22] [Rw]loothill> mammut
[18:22] Nadeshot_OP> Any Spectators?
[18:22] [Rw]loothill> then the Ice Age 5 come?
[18:23] Maganha_OP out
[18:23] Maganha_OP in
[18:26] Maganha_OP out
[18:28] [GoD]cani> paper
[18:28] [GoD]cani> waittttttttttttttttttttttt
[18:28] [GoD]cani> i need 5 mins
[18:29] p4p3rs0und> omg
[18:29] [SR]FanZaah out
[18:29] Pigeon_Magnet in
[18:31] Maganha_OP in
[18:32] [Tsi]ThePrime> tysm
[18:32] [Tsi]ThePrime> current went
[18:32] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[18:33] [Rw]loothill> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_loothill
[18:33] [SR]FanZaah in
[18:34] [GoD]cani> yes
[18:34] [GoD]cani> rdy
[18:34] [GoD]cani> wtf how can u be that inpatient
[18:35] [GoD]cani> holy shit
[18:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> wow wtf
[18:37] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[18:38] [GoD]cani> p4p3rs0und> gottea teach bella a lesson
[18:38] [GoD]cani out
[18:38] Maganha_OP out
[18:38] [GoD]cani in
[18:38] p4p3rs0und> ?
[18:38] [GoD]cani> ok bella come igive you
[18:38] Maganha_OP in
[18:38] [GoD]cani> go with bella
[18:39] [GoD]cani> he was waiting 15 min
[18:39] [GoD]cani> for agame
[18:39] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[18:39] [GoD]cani> pp me and bella vs eric and papersound
[18:40] [GoD]cani out
[18:40] Maganha_OP out
[18:40] therapist> i was takin a fuckin piss
[18:42] HammadH_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt2k8PGm-TI
[18:42] HammadH_TAS> wow this song is lit
[18:47] [SR]FanZaah out
[18:51] [md]skylo out
[18:51] HammadH_TAS out
[18:53] KosjaK_OP in
[18:53] [AsG]MentiX189 in
[18:55] aloneton out
[18:56] martinzg in
[18:59] martinzg out
[19:02] HammadH_TAS in
[19:03] Vhauke in
[19:08] Vhauke out
[19:11] Pigeon_Magnet out
[19:12] HammadH_TAS in
[19:12] HammadH_TAS out
[19:14] Maganha_OP in
[19:14] IncaWarrior out
[19:14] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[19:14] IncaWarrior in
[19:15] IncaWarrior> there sure are a lot of MentiXs
[19:15] HammadH_TAS out
[19:18] [GoD]cani in
[19:19] [GoD]cani> i dont believe youre playing like this all the time paper
[19:19] [GoD]cani> youd lose every game
[19:19] [GoD]cani> your host is dog shit
[19:20] KaiserBradly_T4R> Inca
[19:20] KaiserBradly_T4R> why here have much Mentix
[19:21] IncaWarrior> must be the MentiX virus
[19:21] [GoD]Eric> what a shit host
[19:21] [GoD]cani> ya was last time
[19:21] [GoD]Eric> need to click 3 times
[19:22] KaiserBradly_T4R> Wow
[19:22] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[19:22] [GoD]cani> paper say good bye to your host
[19:22] [GoD]cani> :D
[19:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> why is mm so empty today
[19:23] p4p3rs0und out
[19:30] kab38god in
[19:30] kab38god out
[19:30] [AsG]MentiX287 in
[19:35] Nadeshot_OP> Nice
[19:35] Nadeshot_OP> fuckin game crash
[19:35] PureChemist_OP> lol
[19:35] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[19:35] Cutemammy_Tas> gg
[19:35] Cutemammy_Tas> i survived :D
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> pure
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> next time
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> finish red lol
[19:36] [Rw]loothill> I can't belive skaarj_guardian was pwing purechemist
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> was someone streaming?
[19:36] Cutemammy_Tas> he was spec
[19:36] Cutemammy_Tas> probelby :P
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> ah ok
[19:36] [Rw]loothill> Yes
[19:36] [Rw]loothill> Me and streaming
[19:36] skaarj_guardian> gg wp
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> ye we should have won that easily
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> at end
[19:36] Jordan90 in
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> i mean
[19:36] [Rw]loothill> Yea
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> after my warrs
[19:36] [Rw]loothill> U didn't finished red
[19:36] Nadeshot_OP> ye i told pure to finsih him
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> and i help
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> but he sided green instead
[19:37] Cutemammy_Tas> but srsly how your war get in :s
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> its all good
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> Right up the mid mate
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> literally
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> past ur towers
[19:37] [Rw]loothill> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173525309
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> and everything
[19:37] Cutemammy_Tas> :O
[19:37] skaarj_guardian> intense game ty
[19:37] [Rw]loothill> Game starts 4:55
[19:37] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[19:37] [Rw]loothill> Good job Skaarj
[19:37] Nadeshot_OP> ye wp all
[19:37] Pigeon_Magnet in
[19:38] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[19:39] PureChemist_OP> Nadeshot_OP: you shouldve kept pressure on red
[19:39] PureChemist_OP> its ur opponent
[19:39] PureChemist_OP> and u let him built back up
[19:39] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[19:39] PureChemist_OP> Ur right i sucked that game
[19:40] PureChemist_OP> skaarj didnt do any dmg
[19:40] Cutemammy_Tas> ty for that comeback :)
[19:40] PureChemist_OP> but I failed to get good attacks too
[19:40] PureChemist_OP> I just need to eat something
[19:40] [GoD]Eric out
[19:40] Cutemammy_Tas> from 19 pop to 100 o:
[19:41] PureChemist_OP> yes bcz rbwilson didnt keep pressure you
[19:41] PureChemist_OP> and he blames me
[19:41] PureChemist_OP> lol
[19:41] Cutemammy_Tas> well he send warriros
[19:41] Cutemammy_Tas> but i had enought mana
[19:41] Cutemammy_Tas> to get rid of them :D
[19:41] skaarj_guardian> my wars did not come in
[19:42] Cutemammy_Tas> they were in mid
[19:42] skaarj_guardian> but one fs hit you hard
[19:42] Cutemammy_Tas> always
[19:42] redfire out
[19:42] Nadeshot_OP> ?
[19:42] Nadeshot_OP> i didnt keep pressure
[19:42] Nadeshot_OP> i lost all my warrs
[19:42] Nadeshot_OP> u had warrs
[19:42] Nadeshot_OP> and ur shaman
[19:43] Nadeshot_OP> that was ur time to go and finish him
[19:43] Cutemammy_Tas> wilson i am to cute to finish :q
[19:44] PureChemist_OP> wow these guys talk lol
[19:44] PureChemist_OP> we can rematch any time
[19:44] PureChemist_OP> and Ill play normal
[19:44] Cutemammy_Tas> i wonder why you said gg wilson :o?
[19:44] Cutemammy_Tas> around end be4 crash
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> cuz
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> i knew it was
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> i couldnt see us comin back tbh
[19:45] Skyway in
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> i didnt have pop to help yellow
[19:45] Cutemammy_Tas> i barely had more pop then pure xD
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> for troops et
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> ye but u had a strong ally
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> that last attack u did
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> after u rebuilt
[19:45] Nadeshot_OP> hurt me
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> lost my fw hut too
[19:46] Cutemammy_Tas> ye
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> pop was low
[19:46] Skyway> why do we have so much mentix
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> like 100
[19:46] Cutemammy_Tas> i had 100 2
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> but u played well mate
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> very well
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> nice job man :D
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> everyone did
[19:46] Cutemammy_Tas> u2 ;S
[19:46] Cutemammy_Tas> :D*
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> nah
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> i sucked lol
[19:46] Nadeshot_OP> balls
[19:47] Cutemammy_Tas> well you lost spells
[19:47] Cutemammy_Tas> i did 2 xD
[19:47] Nadeshot_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173525309
[19:47] Cutemammy_Tas> my sd could have done more
[19:47] Cutemammy_Tas> if i got in sooner :o
[19:47] Nadeshot_OP> go to 51:20. this is where im telling him to attack red and finish him
[19:47] Nadeshot_OP> my shaman is at my cor
[19:47] Cutemammy_Tas> you stream :O?
[19:47] Nadeshot_OP> So what should happen at this point?
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> nah loothill
[19:48] p4p3rs0und in
[19:48] Cutemammy_Tas> ad.
[19:48] Cutemammy_Tas> have a sec ;)
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> He goes for green, so i decide to aid him in his attack instead of him goin galone
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> going alone*
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> but if we both went for red, i think u would have been dead
[19:48] PureChemist_OP> you didnt tell me to go red
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> but i told him multiple times go for red
[19:48] PureChemist_OP> you told me once
[19:48] PureChemist_OP> and I did
[19:48] Nadeshot_OP> ?
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> thats when his base got fucked
[19:49] Cutemammy_Tas> i think so xD
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> i told u plenty of times
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> and you didnt finish red after that
[19:49] Cutemammy_Tas> 20 pop is hard to def 2 shamns xD
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> no u said once
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> MAte, my shaman was dead
[19:49] p4p3rs0und> did purechemist get pwned?
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> ?
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> watever man. Even if i didnt say it, its common sense
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> Common sense says, finish the weaker opponent
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> its ur direct ally
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> you shouldve killed him
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> Lol
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> this guy
[19:49] Nadeshot_OP> watever
[19:49] PureChemist_OP> why would u aid me
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> Why would u go for green?
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> when red had 50 pop?
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> and green had like 150+
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> do u want me to spend eq s in an empty base?
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> you needed to troop red
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> tornado?
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> and kill his shaman
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> I LOST ALL MY WARRS
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> get new ones
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> pff
[19:50] Cutemammy_Tas> i illed them :D
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> Thats how i destroyed his base
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> You had warrs
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> i even sent wars
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> to red
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> but u didnt use
[19:50] PureChemist_OP> towers
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> them till later
[19:50] Cutemammy_Tas> i killed them 2 pure
[19:50] Nadeshot_OP> after u attacked green
[19:50] Cutemammy_Tas> i am that good ;D
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> then u sent warrs
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> mammy
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> u killed them cuz Nadeshot_OP didnt attack
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> doh
[19:51] Cutemammy_Tas> :)))
[19:51] martinzg in
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> but anyway I sucked
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> and we can rematch
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> Nah
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> im good
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> if u guys believe u have a chance
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> Don't want a repeat of that
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> game
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> too sad how we lost it
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> tbh
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> real sad
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> u give up too soon willy
[19:51] Nadeshot_OP> ?
[19:51] PureChemist_OP> and ur pessimistic all the time
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> I had an ally that thought he was nici
[19:52] PureChemist_OP> we didnt even lose that game
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[19:52] PureChemist_OP> and yet u say we did
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> I give up too soon?
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> It was 1 hour into the game
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> AFter we let red come back
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> then we get fucked
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> yea i cba
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> ol
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[19:52] Nadeshot_OP> then the game fuckin crashed
[19:53] Nadeshot_OP> irritated right now lol
[19:53] Nadeshot_OP> i would have kept playin to the end, but i dont think we would have came back
[19:53] Nadeshot_OP> tbh
[19:53] Nadeshot_OP> just my opinion thats all
[19:53] Maganha_OP> ??
[19:54] Nadeshot_OP> But anyways, gg all
[19:54] Nadeshot_OP> Let's leave it at that :p
[19:54] Cutemammy_Tas> fine
[19:54] Nadeshot_OP> brb smoke
[19:54] Cutemammy_Tas> we rm :D
[19:54] Maganha_OP> lol
[19:54] Maganha_OP> paper, host
[19:55] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[19:55] Cutemammy_Tas> no need just wait for a few min
[19:56] Cutemammy_Tas> talk about life universe and everything. :D
[19:56] Cutemammy_Tas> 42 :o
[19:58] [md]skylo in
[19:58] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[19:58] Om3gabladez in
[20:00] Luxray in
[20:01] Cutemammy_Tas> /me use masterbal to capture Luxray ;D
[20:01] Cutemammy_Tas> he is mine now
[20:02] p4p3rs0und> lol
[20:04] Cutemammy_Tas> it is level 100 with moves eq thunderbolt iron tail and swift
[20:04] Cutemammy_Tas> xD
[20:05] Cutemammy_Tas> lets go wilson :D
[20:08] Maganha_OP> do port test
[20:08] Maganha_OP> sometimews work
[20:09] [Tsi]ThePrime> i shld do lol
[20:09] [Tsi]ThePrime> i mean u shld do lol
[20:09] Nadeshot_OP> sorry
[20:09] Nadeshot_OP> was smoking
[20:09] Cutemammy_Tas> for 10 min ?
[20:09] Nadeshot_OP> yea
[20:09] p4p3rs0und> sec
[20:09] Nadeshot_OP> i smoke slow lol
[20:10] Cutemammy_Tas> i got a luxray in the mean time
[20:10] Cutemammy_Tas> you smoked xD
[20:10] Cutemammy_Tas> read up there ^
[20:10] Maganha_OP> i suck as green
[20:10] Maganha_OP> well, ok
[20:11] Skyway> let me in shitlord
[20:11] Skyway> im not mexican
[20:11] [GoD]cani> the
[20:11] Hullabulu in
[20:11] Maganha_OP out
[20:13] bluemuse in
[20:14] bluemuse out
[20:16] GreenWarrioR in
[20:20] GreenWarrioR out
[20:20] [Rw]loothill out
[20:20] Hullabulu out
[20:20] [Rw]Paragraf in
[20:23] Morgana in
[20:23] Morgana> FOOLS
[20:23] Morgana> get lost on the drive home
[20:23] Morgana> DRIVE LIKE A MORON
[20:23] Ebolas in
[20:23] martinzg out
[20:25] martinzg in
[20:26] Om3gabladez out
[20:27] martinzg out
[20:29] Ebolas out
[20:31] Maganha_OP in
[20:31] Nadeshot_OP> gg fellas
[20:31] Nadeshot_OP> gg boyzzzzz
[20:31] Cutemammy_Tas> bg :)
[20:31] Maganha_OP> gg
[20:32] Nadeshot_OP> +3
[20:34] Zerstorer in
[20:35] Zerstorer out
[20:35] Zerstorer in
[20:37] Zerstorer> we we we we w weeeee
[20:37] Zerstorer> wtf men
[20:37] Zerstorer> wilson
[20:37] Zerstorer> why:_
[20:37] Zerstorer> ?
[20:38] [GoD]cani out
[20:38] [GoD]cani in
[20:38] Zerstorer> weed
[20:39] Zerstorer> nice
[20:39] SovietBrick in
[20:39] [GoD]cani out
[20:39] Zerstorer> Congratulations
[20:39] Zerstorer> xD
[20:39] SovietBrick out
[20:39] [GoD]cani in
[20:39] Maganha_OP> ec
[20:39] Maganha_OP> ya, sec
[20:39] Zerstorer> 10000 mentix
[20:39] Zerstorer> wtf
[20:39] Maganha_OP> phone
[20:40] Nadeshot_OP> zerstorer 1v1?
[20:40] Zerstorer> nope
[20:40] Zerstorer> later
[20:40] Nadeshot_OP> that means never
[20:40] Zerstorer> i want 2v2
[20:40] Zerstorer> relax
[20:40] Zerstorer> wilsson
[20:40] Zerstorer> xd
[20:40] Zerstorer> me nigga
[20:40] Zerstorer> xD
[20:41] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[20:42] martinzg in
[20:43] Zerstorer> host
[20:43] martinzg> yes
[20:43] Zerstorer> start
[20:43] Nadeshot_OP> hey martin
[20:43] Nadeshot_OP> how u
[20:43] Zerstorer> .
[20:43] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
martinzg - MapPack: OK
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Zerstorer: Red - martinzg: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[20:44] Maganha_OP> omfg
[20:44] [GoD]cani out
[20:44] pataxo in
Game successfully checked in.
[20:47] Skyway> wow
[20:47] Skyway> what an idiot
[20:47] Pigeon_Magnet> daaaammn
[20:47] Skyway> quitting too
[20:47] KaiserBradly_T4R> superidiot team
[20:47] Skyway> yeah because you were on it
[20:47] KaiserBradly_T4R> i have a bad team
[20:47] rousfv out
[20:47] Pigeon_Magnet> sec
[20:47] KaiserBradly_T4R> i said help
[20:47] KaiserBradly_T4R> help help!!!
[20:47] KaiserBradly_T4R> and hi9m
[20:48] KaiserBradly_T4R> only attack
[20:48] KaiserBradly_T4R> and ignore me
[20:48] Pigeon_Magnet> gg
[20:48] KaiserBradly_T4R> is obvious for one quit
[20:48] KaiserBradly_T4R> and we not gg
[20:48] rousfv in
[20:49] KaiserBradly_T4R> yes
[20:49] rousfv> KaiserBradly_T4R> Idiot complete
[20:49] Skyway> L M A O
[20:49] Pigeon_Magnet> hahaha
[20:49] KaiserBradly_T4R> I need u help on game
[20:49] Skyway> +2
[20:50] KaiserBradly_T4R> and you make shits
[20:50] rousfv> ok rematch here other team
[20:50] Skyway> +1
[20:51] Maganha_OP out
[20:51] KaiserBradly_T4R> ***** map
[20:51] adray in
[20:51] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[20:51] rousfv> ok
[20:52] Maganha_OP in
[20:52] Maganha_OP> ??
Game results submitted.
[20:59] martinzg out
[20:59] Maganha_OP out
[20:59] Zerstorer> wtf
[20:59] Zerstorer> sky why kik
[20:59] Zerstorer> pff
[20:59] Skyway> youre a wildman
[20:59] Zerstorer> me+
[20:59] Pigeon_Magnet> but the racist its the host
[20:59] Zerstorer> hahahaha+
[20:59] Zerstorer> pigeon
[20:59] Zerstorer> u see
[20:59] Maganha_OP in
[20:59] Skyway> if you are not a wildman you can join
[21:00] Zerstorer> sky say i am wild
[21:00] GameOfThrones in
[21:00] Zerstorer> haha
[21:00] Zerstorer> host
[21:00] Zerstorer> 1vs1?
[21:00] Skyway> my bad i didnt notice you were old player
[21:00] rousfv> go
[21:00] Skyway> i havent been online for a while
[21:00] GameOfThrones> 1 vs 1 join im ready :)
[21:01] Maganha_OP out
[21:02] ime_mun_kullii in
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> gg
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> off to work
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> early nite
[21:07] Zerstorer> haha
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> should be back in 3 hours
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> or 4
[21:07] Zerstorer> paper raped you wil
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> actually no he didnt
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> he didnt get in
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> until
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> the end
[21:07] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[21:08] Nadeshot_OP> then w33d used wars and shit
[21:08] Jordan90 out
[21:08] [GoD]cani in
[21:08] Zerstorer> nah
[21:08] ime_mun_kullii> i cannot believe it
[21:08] therapist> THER
[21:08] therapist> PRO
[21:08] ime_mun_kullii> who is this new shaman
[21:08] therapist> HAS RETURNED
[21:08] therapist> the best who has ever
[21:08] therapist> entered mm
[21:08] therapist> in like ever
[21:08] ime_mun_kullii> gratz man
[21:08] therapist> paper spinn game ??????
[21:08] ime_mun_kullii> the real rank reviels
[21:08] therapist> tytyty bbut if it was old ranking i woulda been fw minus lol
[21:09] ime_mun_kullii> did u suck incas cock for the rank?
[21:09] ime_mun_kullii> loool
[21:09] therapist> ew
[21:09] ime_mun_kullii> naah its bc ur true skills
[21:09] therapist> ur damn right it is
[21:09] ime_mun_kullii> u deserve it
[21:09] therapist> awwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[21:10] ime_mun_kullii> +1
[21:10] therapist> this house mix
[21:10] therapist> i made
[21:10] therapist> holy fuckin shit its bomb
[21:10] [GoD]cani> the
[21:10] [GoD]cani> looking at all corners
[21:10] [GoD]cani> to catch the aim
[21:10] therapist> the
[21:10] [GoD]cani> is real
[21:10] Zerstorer> weed he is fuck good
[21:10] therapist> progressive and the
[21:10] Zerstorer> haha+
[21:10] therapist> electric and the
[21:10] therapist> dirty
[21:11] therapist> and the house
[21:11] therapist> is real
[21:11] Zerstorer> hahahaha
[21:11] Zerstorer> loooool
[21:11] ime_mun_kullii> bella join
[21:11] [GoD]cani> OH MY
[21:11] Zerstorer> Alex is back???????????????????????????????????????????????????'
[21:11] therapist> dude
[21:11] [GoD]cani> what cna i fucking say
[21:11] therapist> ur gonna make us banned again
[21:11] [GoD]cani> i cant do this anymore
[21:11] [GoD]cani> man
[21:11] therapist> and who is zerstorer
[21:11] therapist> are u new or are u old player
[21:11] therapist> lol
[21:11] Zerstorer> xDDDDD
[21:11] ime_mun_kullii> spin game
[21:11] Zerstorer> i know all players
[21:11] ime_mun_kullii> murder
[21:11] ime_mun_kullii> game
[21:11] GameOfThrones> joiiiiinn
[21:11] therapist> really ??? whats ur old nik??
[21:12] Zerstorer> mistery
[21:12] Zerstorer> haha
[21:12] therapist> wow
[21:12] therapist> WELL
[21:12] therapist> break a leg ++++++++++++++1
[21:12] Zerstorer> so
[21:12] Zerstorer> inca delete me another accunt
[21:12] therapist> mahmut plaing ????
[21:12] Zerstorer> and give me this
[21:12] Zerstorer> now
[21:12] Zerstorer> :c
[21:12] [GoD]cani> the
[21:12] therapist> wow i bet it was sub he loves bein n takin dick
[21:12] [GoD]cani> ill sit now properly
[21:12] [GoD]cani> and play with sound
[21:12] [GoD]cani> is real
[21:12] Zerstorer> weed
[21:12] Zerstorer> i am mazto
[21:13] Zerstorer> bro
[21:13] Maganha_OP in
[21:13] therapist> STREAMING
[21:13] therapist> ooooooooo
[21:13] Zerstorer> kk
[21:13] therapist> maztodante
[21:13] therapist> lol
[21:13] Zerstorer> yeah
[21:13] Zerstorer> hii
[21:13] Zerstorer> me loveee
[21:13] Zerstorer> :4
[21:13] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[21:15] Sam_Tas in
[21:15] playWithmeImRusty in
[21:16] Death out
[21:16] rousfv out
[21:16] rhyanvalk in
[21:17] rhyanvalk out
[21:18] Skyway out
[21:18] joaovitor in
[21:19] Maganha_OP> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Maganha_OP - MapPack: OK
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Maganha_OP: Red - Zerstorer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:20] [GoD]cani out
[21:20] Maganha_OP out
[21:20] Maganha_OP in
[21:21] Death in
[21:21] Shao_OP in
[21:21] Shao_OP> Hentai
[21:22] Arcayno in
[21:23] Arcayno> yo
[21:23] Arcayno> #
[21:24] Arcayno> #hello
[21:24] Zerstorer> host
[21:25] Arcayno> I am just a spy
[21:25] Arcayno> why would a fw want to 1 v 1 me?
[21:25] Arcayno> cmon dude
[21:25] Tekkadorax1234 in
[21:25] Arcayno> Gam is looking for 1 v 1
[21:25] Maganha_OP> 1v1 me, zerstorer
[21:25] Arcayno> where as I have joined a 4 player hut
[21:26] Tekkadorax1234 out
[21:26] Zerstorer> magan i am noob
[21:26] Zerstorer> :c
[21:26] Arcayno> your rank suggests you are not a noob
[21:27] Zerstorer> i am
[21:28] GameOfThrones> Join im ready
[21:28] Arcayno> ';/
[21:29] Arcayno> I might change my name to IdontEnjoy1v1s
[21:29] haltair55 in
[21:30] haltair55 out
[21:30] Arcayno> lets get a 4 way game going
[21:31] Arcayno out
[21:31] ice-t_TSI out
[21:34] GreenWarrioR in
[21:35] Arniee_OP in
[21:36] rousfv in
[21:36] ice-t_TSI in
[21:36] therapist> dont let me ally paper
[21:36] therapist> again
[21:36] ime_mun_kullii> gg mates
[21:36] [GoD]cani in
[21:37] p4p3rs0und> its ok
[21:37] therapist> guy is too shit
[21:37] p4p3rs0und> i can ally spin
[21:37] therapist> he fuckin doubled me
[21:37] therapist> 10 times
[21:37] p4p3rs0und> since im so bad
[21:37] therapist> and paper still cant enter
[21:37] therapist> sure
[21:37] therapist> ally spinn on sess
[21:37] ime_mun_kullii> dude
[21:37] therapist> lol
[21:37] [GoD]cani> ahahahhahahahahahahaahhahaa
[21:37] p4p3rs0und> na weed do tom
[21:37] ime_mun_kullii> i was so drunk
[21:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> spin can u stream pls?
[21:37] Zerstorer> weed
[21:37] Zerstorer> i see
[21:37] ime_mun_kullii> not sure how we won
[21:37] Arniee_OP out
[21:37] Zerstorer> spin doble you all game
[21:37] therapist> yeah man
[21:37] ime_mun_kullii> somehow enemy just left
[21:37] therapist> and paper
[21:37] therapist> died at spinn front
[21:37] therapist> so bad
[21:38] Zerstorer> and paper no help
[21:38] therapist> spinn
[21:38] therapist> get ping
[21:38] Zerstorer> and izi for spin
[21:38] therapist> ye dude sad fuckin sad
[21:38] Zerstorer> haha
[21:38] therapist> STREAMINTG
[21:38] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[21:38] ime_mun_kullii> who is this allknowing guy
[21:38] ime_mun_kullii> never heard off
[21:39] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:40] [GoD]cani out
[21:41] [GoD]cani in
[21:41] therapist> SPINN
[21:41] [GoD]cani> dont u fuckign dare
[21:41] therapist> DONT JUST THINK
[21:41] [GoD]cani> making me little
[21:41] therapist> U CAN COME AND DEMAND SHIT
[21:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> quick game gg
[21:41] therapist> vops caps
[21:41] [GoD]cani> dont joke with me
[21:41] therapist> ur small
[21:41] therapist> t rod is drunk spinn
[21:41] ime_mun_kullii> but spin i dont get it
[21:41] therapist> im not letting u be big
[21:41] [GoD]cani> ?
[21:41] ime_mun_kullii> i was small
[21:41] therapist> are ustupid or somehting
[21:41] ime_mun_kullii> :D
[21:41] [GoD]cani> im not being small
[21:41] [GoD]cani> made to be small
[21:41] therapist> ?`
[21:41] therapist> ok then we do sess
[21:42] [GoD]cani> no
[21:42] [GoD]cani> u can do tiom
[21:42] therapist> ?
[21:42] [GoD]cani> but make me big
[21:42] ime_mun_kullii> oh shiet
[21:42] therapist> sure
[21:42] [GoD]cani> in future
[21:42] therapist> ull be small
[21:42] [GoD]cani> nah
[21:42] therapist> ?
[21:42] [GoD]cani> i priommse mate
[21:42] [GoD]cani> i leave again
[21:42] [GoD]cani> promise
[21:42] therapist> awwwwww
[21:42] therapist> little spinn
[21:42] therapist> will leave
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> mentix u here?
[21:42] [GoD]cani> yhman
[21:42] [GoD]cani> i will leave
[21:42] [GoD]cani> :-(
[21:42] [GoD]cani> the
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> whats with the 15 other mentixs
[21:42] p4p3rs0und> do narrow passage weed
[21:42] [GoD]cani> metaphoric nose
[21:42] [GoD]cani> is real
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> narrow passage is fun
[21:43] therapist> ur fat pussy stinks bella
[21:43] therapist> go wash it
[21:44] [GoD]cani out
[21:47] playWithmeImRusty> host
[21:47] Pigeon_Magnet out
[21:48] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Zerstorer: Red - playWithmeImRusty: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[21:48] Funes in
[21:48] Zerstorer> host
[21:49] Zerstorer> sart
[21:49] playWithmeImRusty> pp
[21:49] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
[21:49] playWithmeImRusty> unrank
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[21:49] playWithmeImRusty> start
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - Zerstorer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:50] joaovitor out
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[21:53] DeltaEnemy in
Game results submitted.
[21:56] Shao_OP> hen to the tai
[21:56] playWithmeImRusty> host
[21:56] ime_mun_kullii> i lag out there
[21:56] ime_mun_kullii> u ?
[21:56] therapist> same lagged out
[21:57] therapist> shit what happend
[21:57] [GoD]cani in
[21:57] ime_mun_kullii> weed
[21:57] ime_mun_kullii> wassup
[21:57] ime_mun_kullii> ?
[21:57] therapist> raging hard
[21:57] ime_mun_kullii> can we do gg
[21:57] ime_mun_kullii> ?=
[21:57] [GoD]cani> gg paper
[21:57] therapist> what is a gg
[21:58] [GoD]cani> LOL
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> sess?
[21:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> what happened?
[21:58] therapist> ok
[21:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> fuck
[21:58] [GoD]cani> host quit
[21:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> i was getting ready for bed
[21:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> ughhhh
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> naah we lagged out
[21:58] therapist> ur fat pussy get in the game bella
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> spin
[21:58] [GoD]cani> LOL
[21:58] therapist> its why
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> therapist> ur fat pussy get in the game bella
[21:58] therapist> we fuckin crashed
[21:58] [GoD]cani> k so lets do sess
[21:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> np is suppose to last an hour
[21:58] therapist> ur weight is dangerous
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> is ur pussy wreally fat bella?
[21:58] [GoD]cani> here weed
[21:58] therapist> <LLoLo
[21:58] therapist> LOOLOLlolOloLolololoLoloLO
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> sess
[21:58] ime_mun_kullii> tried some black cocks?
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> weed
[21:58] therapist> ty t rod
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> do dsess
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> sess
[21:59] Zerstorer> weed
[21:59] therapist> sure
[21:59] p4p3rs0und> see weed
[21:59] p4p3rs0und> its u
[21:59] therapist> its rm
[21:59] therapist> delta
[21:59] therapist> t rod
[21:59] therapist> dont u fuckin fuck up
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> then just stream
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> ffs
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> not this map
[21:59] therapist> or do u wanna ally spinn
[21:59] therapist> yea sess
[21:59] therapist> we do ses but
[21:59] therapist> teams ?`??
[21:59] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> any ally
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> fine for me
[21:59] [GoD]cani> any team
[21:59] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[21:59] therapist> better gameplay
[21:59] therapist> better music
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> fair enough
[21:59] Cutemammy_Tas out
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> i can be carried by any
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> music shit
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> player
[21:59] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:59] ime_mun_kullii> :D
[21:59] p4p3rs0und> no
[21:59] therapist> the
[21:59] [GoD]cani> better gameplay
[21:59] p4p3rs0und> not sess weed
[21:59] therapist> vid war
[21:59] [GoD]cani> better music
[22:00] [GoD]cani> do tom
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> weeds music is shit
[22:00] therapist> ok tom
[22:00] [GoD]cani> the
[22:00] therapist> but spinn small
[22:00] therapist> or wait
[22:00] [GoD]cani> nah
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> but the quality is perfect
[22:00] p4p3rs0und> yes
[22:00] therapist> nvm
[22:00] [GoD]cani> i will never
[22:00] [GoD]cani> be small
[22:00] therapist> what hte fuck
[22:00] therapist> did u say
[22:00] therapist> delta
[22:00] pataxo out
[22:00] therapist> its the best
[22:01] DeltaEnemy> stream good
[22:01] DeltaEnemy> music shit
[22:02] [Rw]Exotic in
[22:02] [GoD]cani out
[22:03] playWithmeImRusty out
[22:07] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[22:08] GreenWarrioR out
[22:09] GameOfThrones out
[22:09] GreenWarrioR in
[22:09] forestfeller in
[22:11] Maganha_OP out
[22:13] manuelrp84 in
[22:13] forestfeller> lol
[22:14] forestfeller> i did
[22:14] Nadeshot_OP out
[22:16] manuelrp84 out
[22:22] skaarj_guardian out
[22:23] Maganha_OP in
[22:23] therapist> CBA
[22:24] therapist> with that
[22:24] therapist> fuckin
[22:24] therapist> bs
[22:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> lol
[22:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg
[22:24] ime_mun_kullii> lagged out
[22:24] ime_mun_kullii> again
[22:24] ime_mun_kullii> weird
[22:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOL
[22:24] p4p3rs0und> lol
[22:24] p4p3rs0und> weewd is so bad
[22:24] ime_mun_kullii> so we won there?
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra in
[22:24] ime_mun_kullii> didnt even use my firestorms
[22:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> spin u into deap bass lol
[22:25] [GoD]cani in
[22:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> rmrmrmrm
[22:25] [TSI]Ezra> why there are like
[22:25] [TSI]Ezra> 100 asg mentix?
[22:25] [TSI]Ezra> :O
[22:25] [md]skylo> finally AsG is active again
[22:25] [TSI]Ezra> ^
[22:25] ime_mun_kullii> so many wannabe mentix
[22:25] ime_mun_kullii> online
[22:25] DeltaEnemy> +3 sess
[22:25] ime_mun_kullii> why isnt spin joinin
[22:25] [TSI]Ezra> asg will always be active because of sess
[22:26] [GoD]cani> i dont see you guys
[22:26] [GoD]cani> ejoin pls
[22:26] [GoD]cani> so i can see you
[22:26] ime_mun_kullii> roll up
[22:26] [GoD]cani> ok there?
[22:26] ime_mun_kullii> to find hidden hut
[22:26] [GoD]cani> i only see weed
[22:26] ime_mun_kullii> :D
[22:26] [TSI]Ezra> CAUSE I'M ONE
[22:26] [TSI]Ezra> no one continued it
[22:26] [TSI]Ezra> shame
[22:27] ime_mun_kullii> the parents telling mistake was miracle is real
[22:27] [TSI]Ezra> ::::::::::::::::::O
[22:27] [GoD]cani> xD
[22:27] ime_mun_kullii> +1 miracle here
[22:28] Arniee_OP in
[22:28] rdash23 in
[22:28] ime_mun_kullii> yoo w33d what happened there
[22:28] ime_mun_kullii> ?
[22:28] Morgana> dippidy do
[22:28] Morgana> ina gada davida
[22:28] Morgana> babeh
[22:28] Maganha_OP> bora jogar, ezra
[22:29] GreenWarrioR out
[22:29] Arniee_OP out
[22:29] rdash23 out
[22:29] therapist> yeah yhere now
[22:29] therapist> i swear that game
[22:29] [GoD]cani> k
[22:29] therapist> was the most bs fuckin shit i have seen
[22:29] [GoD]cani> paper join
[22:29] therapist> in my fuckin life
[22:30] therapist> delta paper joinnnnnnnnnnnnn
[22:30] [GoD]cani> tgw maybe?
[22:30] ime_mun_kullii> rm tom?
[22:30] therapist> not doing trom
[22:30] [GoD]cani> me n delta tgw
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> nao vim pra jogar, maganha
[22:30] ime_mun_kullii> can we go
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> vim so pra sentar no lobby
[22:30] ime_mun_kullii> maybe
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> como sempre
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> aeuhehuaehu
[22:30] therapist> we do sess
[22:30] therapist> ivo
[22:30] ime_mun_kullii> soessss
[22:30] [GoD]cani> ok
[22:30] ime_mun_kullii> sesss
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> eu jaja vou ficar afk
[22:30] [TSI]Ezra> por algumas horas
[22:31] Maganha_OP> beleza
[22:31] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[22:31] forestfeller> for the fun
[22:32] forestfeller> sure
[22:34] [GoD]cani out
[22:34] Maganha_OP out
[22:35] itu in
[22:35] Shao_OP> Hentai
[22:35] Shao_OP> desu
[22:40] adray out
[22:41] [tsi]adray in
[22:41] aliverdi1023 in
[22:41] rousfv out
[22:43] Pigeon_Magnet in
[22:43] aliverdi1023> omg
[22:46] Morgana> this cancer is giving me cancer
[22:47] MrMoohammad26 out
[22:48] Nothing in
[22:49] Nothing out
[22:52] [TSI]Ezra out
[22:55] Maganha_OP in
[22:56] [GoD]cani in
[22:56] therapist> I WON A GAME
[22:56] [GoD]cani> beginne damit türme zu baueb
[22:56] [GoD]cani> bauen
[22:56] ime_mun_kullii> weed dont forget
[22:56] ime_mun_kullii> who was ur ally
[22:56] [GoD]cani> weed come rm
[22:56] therapist> a guy
[22:57] therapist> who was drunk
[22:57] therapist> out of his mind
[22:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg
[22:57] therapist> and i had to 2v1
[22:57] therapist> yeah
[22:57] ime_mun_kullii> :D
[22:57] therapist> lolololol
[22:57] therapist> paper
[22:57] ime_mun_kullii> but winning with drunky
[22:57] therapist> why dont u ally t rod
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> ok
[22:57] therapist> and ill w now
[22:57] ime_mun_kullii> is even more glorious
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> they wont letme host
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> lol
[22:57] [GoD]cani> secccc
[22:57] therapist> ø,fap
[22:57] therapist> lmfao
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> for a good reason
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> the pussy shave
[22:57] p4p3rs0und> would be too thin
[22:57] therapist> lmfoamfoamofamfomaofmaomfaomfoa
[22:57] therapist> trimmin the edges
[22:57] itu out
[22:57] [GoD]cani> weed scared
[22:57] [GoD]cani> poor
[22:57] [GoD]cani> but okay
[22:57] therapist> no
[22:58] [GoD]cani> registered
[22:58] therapist> i just won
[22:58] therapist> my first game
[22:58] therapist> out of 5
[22:58] therapist> gotta chill
[22:58] therapist> for a bit
[22:58] ime_mun_kullii> weed do u know how many ive won
[22:58] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[22:58] ime_mun_kullii> when i came here
[22:58] ime_mun_kullii> pretty many
[22:58] therapist> lmfoamfoamfmaofmaofm our lucky
[22:58] Funes> gg
[22:59] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[22:59] [GoD]cani out
[22:59] ime_mun_kullii> why no play weed
[22:59] p4p3rs0und> itw as boring enough
[22:59] p4p3rs0und> watching sess
[22:59] [GoD]cani in
[22:59] therapist> the
[22:59] therapist> cuz ill take a lil break
[22:59] therapist> gonna eat some bread n stuff
[22:59] therapist> and w stream
[22:59] ime_mun_kullii> will u spec me
[23:00] therapist> no i wont fuckin spec ill w fuckin strrema
[23:00] ime_mun_kullii> and when spin specs me
[23:00] [GoD]cani> the
[23:00] ime_mun_kullii> u spec me
[23:00] [GoD]cani> i know its fine now stfu ffs wtf ffs
[23:00] p4p3rs0und> delta host
[23:00] ime_mun_kullii> ?
[23:00] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:00] therapist> the
[23:00] therapist> f's
[23:00] therapist> is real
[23:00] DeltaEnemy> ????????????
[23:00] ime_mun_kullii> whats up guys
[23:01] Death out
[23:01] [GoD]cani> restricted
[23:01] [GoD]cani> rejoinhsot spot
[23:01] [GoD]cani> delta
[23:01] DeltaEnemy out
[23:01] [GoD]cani> guy relogs
[23:01] [GoD]cani> i told to rejoin
[23:01] DeltaEnemy in
[23:01] [GoD]cani> inca u here
[23:01] [GoD]cani> we gota change things
[23:01] Zerstorer out
[23:02] therapist> ohyeah
[23:02] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb 4way
[23:02] KosjaK_OP out
[23:02] therapist> this bread
[23:02] therapist> with italiensk salat
[23:02] therapist> is real
[23:02] ime_mun_kullii> weed
[23:02] ime_mun_kullii> id love to get one
[23:02] ime_mun_kullii> would u make me one
[23:02] ime_mun_kullii> :)
[23:02] therapist> ill make u a extra spicy one
[23:02] ime_mun_kullii> uuh
[23:02] therapist> wiped on my asscheek
[23:03] therapist> :)
[23:03] common in
[23:03] ime_mun_kullii> shitting blood morning
[23:03] [GoD]cani> the
[23:03] [GoD]cani> swastika on my neck
[23:03] [GoD]cani> as a tattoo
[23:03] therapist> the
[23:03] [GoD]cani> but 'shhhh' incawarrior
[23:03] therapist> pming bella
[23:03] therapist> and the
[23:03] therapist> online love
[23:03] therapist> is disgusting
[23:03] therapist> is real
[23:03] Maganha_OP out
[23:03] [GoD]cani> the
[23:03] [GoD]cani> wtf is that on my shoes is that shit
[23:03] therapist> the
[23:03] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:03] therapist> still
[23:03] therapist> is rlae
[23:03] [md]skylo> finally no one plays pop anymore
[23:04] [md]skylo> so moores and weed are shaman
[23:04] [md]skylo> is real
[23:04] Maganha_OP in
[23:04] therapist> wopw stfu
[23:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu
[23:04] ime_mun_kullii> loool
[23:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> im a real shame
[23:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> wayyy better then trod and the likes
[23:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed matt paper
[23:05] aliverdi1023> time killing......
[23:05] aliverdi1023 out
[23:05] therapist> well
[23:05] therapist> atleast moores did
[23:05] therapist> the joke of the day
[23:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> #:D
[23:05] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[23:06] [GoD]cani> the
[23:06] [GoD]cani> XXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxOldskoolxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXX
[23:06] therapist> WOPW
[23:06] therapist> THE
[23:06] therapist> behind the scenes
[23:06] therapist> and the
[23:06] therapist> cut content
[23:06] therapist> is sad
[23:06] therapist> israel
[23:06] Maganha_OP out
[23:06] [GoD]cani out
[23:06] therapist> vops
[23:06] therapist> who the fuck
[23:07] therapist> is stalking my stream
[23:07] therapist> forgot to close
[23:08] Zerstorer in
[23:08] Zerstorer out
[23:09] Zerstorer in
[23:09] forestfeller> anyone here ever played myth soulblighter?
[23:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed = mowgli
[23:10] forestfeller> ok
[23:10] forestfeller> lets do this
[23:10] Funes> [tdm]MooresMurder> weed = mowgli
[23:11] Funes> ?
[23:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> jungle book?
[23:11] Funes> oh
[23:11] Funes> yeas
[23:11] Funes> xD
[23:11] Funes> i guees mowgli means little frog
[23:11] Funes> or something like that
[23:12] Funes> anyone knows how to set minder´s map?
[23:14] [md]skylo out
[23:15] Funes out
[23:15] Funes in
[23:15] Pigeon_Magnet out
[23:19] [md]skylo in
[23:19] Shao_OP> HENTAI
[23:19] Shao_OP> :>
[23:20] Funes out
[23:20] therapist> WHO ARTE
[23:20] therapist> THE 2 PEOPLE
[23:20] therapist> WATCHING MY STREEAM
[23:20] therapist> REVEAL URSELF
[23:20] Funes in
[23:20] [Rw]Exotic> I am weed
[23:20] [Rw]Exotic> stop alt tabbing you shit
[23:21] therapist> wtf
[23:21] therapist> why are u wing my stream
[23:21] therapist> and not spins
[23:22] forestfeller out
[23:22] [Rw]Exotic> good music
[23:22] PowerLord in
[23:22] therapist> ooooo
[23:22] therapist> u like myu mix
[23:23] [Rw]Exotic> we dem boyz
[23:28] common out
[23:30] Sam_Tas out
[23:33] [GoD]cani in
[23:33] DeltaEnemy> the quit is real
[23:33] ime_mun_kullii> weed u made me the
[23:33] [GoD]cani> the
[23:33] therapist> holy shiuty
[23:33] ime_mun_kullii> spicy sandwische
[23:33] therapist> how the fuck
[23:33] [GoD]cani> enchilada
[23:33] [GoD]cani> and
[23:33] therapist> i made u a spicy sandwich with some hot diarrhea
[23:33] [GoD]cani> the
[23:33] [Rw]Exotic out
[23:33] [GoD]cani> adren4l1n3
[23:33] ime_mun_kullii> taking 20 min to reach pop 100
[23:33] [GoD]cani> when modern talking
[23:33] ime_mun_kullii> dont know why
[23:34] [GoD]cani> is talking
[23:34] ime_mun_kullii> is real
[23:34] therapist> the
[23:34] [GoD]cani> LOL
[23:34] therapist> stealing
[23:34] therapist> and the
[23:34] therapist> oldskool
[23:34] therapist> is rael
[23:34] [GoD]cani> lkndfnkldfnkdfndfndfndfndfndfhndfhnhnfdnhdfnhfdhdfnnhdhfnhndfhndfhnhdfdf+
[23:34] [GoD]cani> To all Admins. Please dont mute me and "therapist"
[23:34] therapist> ok ill take a shit
[23:34] therapist> brb
[23:34] [GoD]cani> Thank you.
[23:34] therapist> lolOLOLoLOloLLoLO
[23:35] DeltaEnemy out
[23:35] ime_mun_kullii> spin wasnt fair game tho
[23:35] ime_mun_kullii> paper couldnt carry meh
[23:36] IncaWarrior> cani: maybe don't spam then?
[23:36] therapist> inca
[23:36] [GoD]cani> the
[23:36] [GoD]cani> serious face-to-face contact
[23:36] [GoD]cani> btw a pro
[23:36] [GoD]cani> and a admin
[23:36] [GoD]cani> and meth
[23:36] Johnyx in
[23:36] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:37] therapist> inca is this spamming
[23:37] therapist> https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/DfP0
[23:37] therapist> inca use ur fuckin brain
[23:37] therapist> and explain is this spamming
[23:37] [GoD]cani> wow
[23:37] [GoD]cani> the
[23:37] therapist> and is 30 min mute right for hthis ?
[23:37] [GoD]cani> aggression
[23:37] therapist> are ustupid inca ?
[23:37] therapist> are u fuckin dumb ?P
[23:37] [GoD]cani> and getting the facts straight
[23:37] therapist> dude i swear
[23:37] therapist> admins
[23:37] [GoD]cani> and the
[23:37] therapist> shurd run their brains
[23:37] [GoD]cani> risk
[23:37] therapist> and choose who can be
[23:37] IncaWarrior> wasn't me
[23:37] therapist> the mute guy or noit
[23:37] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:37] therapist> it was sub inca
[23:37] IncaWarrior> but looks like you were spamming
[23:37] therapist> and that motherfucker
[23:38] therapist> muted me ALL the time
[23:38] therapist> is i say LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1 time
[23:38] [GoD]cani> yhman we got muted for 30 mins recently
[23:38] therapist> ban that fuck
[23:38] therapist> as muting person inca
[23:38] [GoD]cani> was unfair
[23:38] therapist> its gettin fuckin annoying
[23:38] therapist> no one talks for 20 mins
[23:38] IncaWarrior> tip: don't spam
[23:38] [GoD]cani> the
[23:38] therapist> me nad spinn start talking for some action
[23:38] Johnyx out
[23:38] ime_mun_kullii> admuuun abuuse
[23:38] therapist> ARE U FUCKIN STUPID ????????????
[23:38] therapist> ITS NOT SPAM IF NO ONE ELSE
[23:38] therapist> IS TALKING
[23:38] therapist> MM IS FUCKIN EMPTY
[23:38] [GoD]cani> lmaoaoaoaoa
[23:38] [GoD]cani> LOL
[23:38] therapist> U FUCKIN AS DUMB AS SUB????
[23:38] [GoD]cani> the
[23:38] therapist> look at that pic
[23:38] therapist> was anyone else than me and spinn taljking inca ???
[23:38] therapist> no they were not
[23:38] therapist> fuckin dumb shit
[23:39] [GoD]cani> risking
[23:39] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:39] therapist> dude its no risj
[23:39] therapist> k
[23:39] therapist> its a fuckin fact
[23:39] Nothing in
[23:39] therapist> https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/DfP0
[23:39] therapist> look
[23:39] therapist> open ur eyes
[23:39] therapist> and tell me is this
[23:39] therapist> 30 min mute worthy
[23:39] IncaWarrior> wow lot of spam ther
[23:39] therapist> wow sad
[23:39] therapist> gtfo
[23:39] ime_mun_kullii> i could honestly say never seen w33d doing spam
[23:39] therapist> ^
[23:39] therapist> im like
[23:39] therapist> the greatest
[23:39] [GoD]cani> the
[23:39] therapist> and i get treated like shit
[23:39] [GoD]cani> LOL !
[23:39] therapist> is it cuz im brown
[23:39] therapist> i dunno
[23:39] [GoD]cani> LOOL
[23:40] ime_mun_kullii> yeas weed
[23:40] therapist> makes me sad
[23:40] [GoD]cani> no fucking
[23:40] [GoD]cani> way
[23:40] ime_mun_kullii> its cos ur brown
[23:40] [GoD]cani> this
[23:40] [GoD]cani> is real
[23:40] therapist> no shit man
[23:40] therapist> ok brb
[23:40] Nothing out
[23:40] [GoD]cani> huh mia in
[23:40] [GoD]cani> and mia out
[23:41] ime_mun_kullii> spin any gud movies u know?
[23:41] ime_mun_kullii> im looking one
[23:41] [GoD]cani> grave encounters
[23:41] [GoD]cani> 1-2
[23:41] [GoD]cani> titanic
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> the grave encounters
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> ive seen
[23:42] [GoD]cani> 2 too?
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> unexpectedilly
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> guud
[23:42] [GoD]cani> watch
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> havent seen 2
[23:42] [GoD]cani> sinister?
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> 1 was so gud
[23:42] [GoD]cani> 2 is sick
[23:42] [GoD]cani> ye 2 is good
[23:42] [GoD]cani> it builds up
[23:42] [GoD]cani> tot he 1
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> is it the film
[23:42] ime_mun_kullii> they camera film
[23:43] [GoD]cani> yes
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> in the school
[23:43] [GoD]cani> 1-2
[23:43] [GoD]cani> no
[23:43] [GoD]cani> no school
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> or in psychology
[23:43] [GoD]cani> u mean sinister?
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> center
[23:43] [GoD]cani> yes
[23:43] [GoD]cani> that grave encounter
[23:43] Johnyx in
[23:43] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> so gud
[23:43] [GoD]cani> *thats
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> and seen sinister
[23:43] [GoD]cani> ya go watch seocnd part
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> im so gonna be scared
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> i swear
[23:43] ime_mun_kullii> that movie was scary as fuck
[23:44] [GoD]cani> soso
[23:44] ime_mun_kullii> have u seen the original
[23:44] ime_mun_kullii> rec movies
[23:44] [GoD]cani> i was scared watching amtts stream
[23:44] ime_mun_kullii> ?
[23:44] [GoD]cani> *matts
[23:44] [GoD]cani> yesterday
[23:44] Johnyx out
[23:44] [GoD]cani> yes
[23:44] [GoD]cani> all 4
[23:45] [GoD]cani> parts
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> first 23
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> 2
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> were best
[23:45] [GoD]cani> 3 was a joke
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> yeah
[23:45] Pigeon_Magnet in
[23:45] [GoD]cani> 1 and 4 good
[23:45] [GoD]cani> 2 too y
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> the american verison shitty
[23:45] Pigeon_Magnet> lol now the mm crashes even for just waiting?
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> and have u seen
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> the new
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> zombie movie in train japan
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> was gud
[23:45] ime_mun_kullii> cant remember name
[23:46] [GoD]cani> is it good?
[23:46] [GoD]cani> heard about it
[23:46] forestfeller in
[23:46] ime_mun_kullii> train to busa
[23:46] ime_mun_kullii> accually was pretty gud
[23:46] [GoD]cani> ohyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[23:46] ime_mun_kullii> didnt expect anything like that
[23:46] Zerstorer> trod
[23:46] Zerstorer> come
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> cannot believe
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> it
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> just watching movies
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> and found
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> new pirates of the caribbean dvd release
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> is done
[23:47] [GoD]cani> lol
[23:47] ime_mun_kullii> so can watch it
[23:48] ime_mun_kullii> hd
[23:50] [GoD]cani> cya tomorrow
[23:50] [GoD]cani out
[23:51] common in
[23:52] Shao_OP> hen to the tai
[23:53] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[23:55] GameOfThrones in
[23:55] Shao_OP out
[23:56] p4p3rs0und out
[23:58] aliverdi1023 in
[00:00] Maganha_OP in
[00:04] Nici_OP in
[00:06] _p4p3rs0und in
[00:07] _p4p3rs0und out
[00:07] _p4p3rs0und in
[00:07] PureChemist_OP> bitch in bitch out
[00:07] PureChemist_OP> bitch in
[00:07] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[00:07] PureChemist_OP out
[00:09] Nici_OP> someone 1v
[00:09] Nici_OP> 1
[00:09] Nici_OP> i am
[00:09] Nici_OP> soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[00:09] Nici_OP> druuuuuuuuuneurenek
[00:09] Nici_OP> loooooooooool
[00:09] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[00:09] Nici_OP> lez goooooooooooooo
[00:09] Nici_OP> gooooooooooo
[00:10] Nici_OP> did i write druneeeeeeeeeeek
[00:10] Nici_OP> or dunerekerkekkkkkkkkkk
[00:10] Nici_OP> loooooooool
[00:10] _p4p3rs0und out
[00:10] Nici_OP> lez gou
[00:10] Nici_OP> 1v1
[00:10] p4p3rs0und in
[00:10] Nici_OP> can bare ly cli
[00:10] Nici_OP> k
[00:10] Nici_OP> siine join
[00:10] Nici_OP> e
[00:11] Nici_OP> this alcohahaol
[00:11] Nici_OP> jon soeone
[00:11] Nici_OP> ez potins
[00:11] Nici_OP> im beyond me senses
[00:11] Nici_OP> come on FFS
[00:11] Nici_OP> i can barely plant plans
[00:13] Nici_OP> ok no 1v
[00:13] therapist> no fuckin way
[00:13] Nici_OP> im so
[00:13] Nici_OP> weed is that u'
[00:13] Nici_OP> jon
[00:13] Nici_OP> easy win
[00:13] Nici_OP> or u host
[00:13] Nici_OP> i cant paln
[00:13] Nici_OP> unramnkked it
[00:13] Nici_OP> but let splaty
[00:13] Nici_OP> i cant play
[00:13] Nici_OP> but let sgo
[00:13] Nici_OP> dont know wha timdoigng
[00:13] Nici_OP> jum simdrounk
[00:14] therapist> OHSHIT
[00:14] therapist> rong mappack
[00:14] therapist> nici
[00:14] therapist> are u ok
[00:14] Nici_OP> fo
[00:14] therapist> how much u drink
[00:14] Nici_OP> bro ********
[00:14] Nici_OP> im so about to throw up
[00:14] Nici_OP> iewrjowerieo
[00:14] Nici_OP> ~ELTS GO
[00:14] Nici_OP> u win anwya
[00:14] Nici_OP> but i just wnan paly
[00:15] p4p3rs0und out
[00:16] p4p3rs0und in
[00:16] TimothyChen in
[00:17] Death in
[00:18] TimothyChen out
[00:18] TimothyChen in
[00:19] Pigeon_Magnet> ...
[00:19] Zerstorer> hahahahaa
[00:19] Zerstorer> luckyyy
[00:19] icepeople in
[00:19] Pigeon_Magnet> ye
[00:21] Zerstorer> rm?
[00:21] Johnyx in
[00:21] Zerstorer> in another map
[00:23] p4p3rs0und out
[00:23] p4p3rs0und in
[00:24] Johnyx out
[00:24] aliverdi1023 out
[00:24] Johnyx in
[00:24] TimothyChen out
[00:25] Johnyx out
[00:25] Maganha_OP> this nici
[00:26] p4p3rs0und out
[00:26] Johnyx in
[00:26] p4p3rs0und in
[00:26] IncaWarrior out
[00:26] Nici_OP> man
[00:26] therapist> RIOFLMAO
[00:27] Maganha_OP out
[00:27] Nici_OP> ban this guy
[00:27] Nici_OP> im oging to slepeep
[00:27] Nici_OP> but he cheats <3
[00:27] Nici_OP> bye
[00:27] Nici_OP out
[00:27] IncaWarrior in
[00:27] Funes> no way ally minder
[00:27] therapist out
[00:27] common out
[00:28] Funes> no
[00:28] Funes> no voy a aliar a minder
[00:28] Zerstorer> sdcga,kvdfchobp+dñfkgksefvjogfifpiob´pgtlfebog´+nñbojgjvdhñk
[00:28] Funes> nadie quiere a milhaus!
[00:28] Funes> xD
[00:28] Zerstorer> hahaha
[00:29] PowerLord out
[00:29] Maganha_OP in
[00:30] PowerLord in
[00:32] mikemaldy86 in
[00:33] p4p3rs0und out
[00:33] p4p3rs0und in
[00:33] Zerstorer> host
[00:34] mikemaldy86 out
[00:34] icepeople out
[00:35] Johnyx out
[00:35] Johnyx in
[00:36] p4p3rs0und out
[00:36] Johnyx out
[00:36] p4p3rs0und in
[00:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[00:38] p4p3rs0und out
[00:38] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[00:40] p4p3rs0und in
[00:43] p4p3rs0und in
[00:43] p4p3rs0und out
[00:44] IncaWarrior out
[00:45] IncaWarrior in
[00:46] p4p3rs0und out
[00:46] Johnyx in
[00:46] p4p3rs0und in
[00:47] forestfeller out
[00:47] GameOfThrones out
[00:48] Johnyx out
[00:51] PowerLord> start
[00:51] PowerLord> host
[00:52] PowerLord> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[01:03] stream in
[01:14] thoughtseize in
[01:15] thoughtseize out
[01:16] stream> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWfsFbEWndc
[01:17] Skyway in
[01:17] [Rw]Paragraf> Hi
[01:18] Skyway> +3 blast wars
[01:20] Funes out
[01:20] Skyway> +2 blast wars
[01:21] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[01:22] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[01:22] Skyway> _+2 blast wars
[01:23] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[01:23] PowerLord> 2+
[01:23] stream out
[01:24] PowerLord> 1+
[01:24] Death out
[01:29] Death in
[01:36] Skyway> diff map
[01:36] Skyway> +2
[01:36] PowerLord> 2+
[01:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[01:45] Maganha_OP> pigeon
[01:45] Maganha_OP> sess?
[01:50] Xxanmer in
[01:51] Skyway> lol good one
[01:51] PowerLord> nice
[01:52] Zerstorer> y
[01:52] Xxanmer> :X
[01:53] ime_mun_kullii out
[01:54] Xxanmer> play?
[01:55] Morgana out
[02:00] Maganha_OP out
[02:01] [md]skylo out
[02:02] p4p3rs0und out
[02:03] Skyway> what about doing sess
[02:04] Skyway> lol jugger
[02:04] Skyway> what teams
[02:05] Zerstorer> this
[02:05] Zerstorer> i am wild
[02:05] Skyway> lol
[02:05] Zerstorer> u remmeber
[02:05] Skyway> ye i remember
[02:05] Skyway> hahaha
[02:05] Zerstorer> xd
[02:05] Zerstorer> go
[02:05] Skyway> wtf not these teams hahaha
[02:05] Zerstorer> i am noob
[02:05] Zerstorer> i am wild
[02:05] Zerstorer> xd
[02:05] Zerstorer> no problem for you
[02:05] Zerstorer> is easy
[02:05] Zerstorer> xd
[02:06] Pigeon_Magnet> no shit
[02:06] Skyway> what
[02:06] Skyway> hahhaa
[02:06] Pigeon_Magnet> ok go
[02:06] Skyway> why quit
[02:07] Skyway> now what
[02:08] PowerLord> 1v1v1?
[02:08] Pigeon_Magnet> talk about your life
[02:08] PowerLord> lol
[02:08] forestfeller in
[02:08] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[02:17] Maganha_OP in
[02:17] Maganha_OP> quanto tempo que nao joga?
[02:17] _p4p3rs0und in
[02:18] Skyway> invisible shaman is a bug?
[02:18] _p4p3rs0und out
[02:18] _p4p3rs0und in
[02:18] Xxanmer out
[02:19] GreenWarrioR in
[02:19] GreenWarrioR out
[02:19] Maganha_OP out
[02:25] GreenWarrioR in
[02:28] tyoshi in
[02:31] GreenWarrioR out
[02:31] GameOfThrones in
[02:32] GreenWarrioR in
[02:32] _p4p3rs0und out
[02:32] p4p3rs0und in
[02:33] GameOfThrones> 1 vs 1?
[02:34] myoshii in
[02:35] pataxo in
[02:35] pataxo out
[02:35] diegosqo in
[02:35] jacobeminecraft out
[02:36] Zerstorer> host
[02:36] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
diegosqo - MapPack: OK
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - diegosqo: Red - Zerstorer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[02:37] yyoshii in
Game successfully created in database.
[02:37] TripFontaine in
[02:37] GreenWarrioR out
[02:37] open_your_heart out
[02:38] TripFontaine out
[02:39] redfire in
Game successfully checked in.
[02:40] [chf]xel88 in
[02:42] GreenWarrioR in
[02:46] yyoshii out
[02:48] Skyway> top kek
[02:48] Skyway> pigeon
[02:48] Skyway> lets launch into sandbox u can make endless land for teaching
[02:48] Skyway> and training examples
[02:48] PowerLord> lets do it
[02:49] Skyway> lol entire game endd in 2 minutes exactly
[02:49] PowerLord> ilol
[02:49] PowerLord> what you call this full land?
[02:49] Skyway> full land?
[02:50] Skyway> get your pet
[02:50] Pigeon_Magnet> lol
[02:50] PowerLord> lol
[02:50] Skyway> pigeo nmagnet fake shaman
[02:50] Pigeon_Magnet> oh my
[02:51] forestfeller> plz hold
[02:51] Skyway> destroyed by a warrior rank
Game results submitted.
[02:51] Skyway> absolutely destroyed
[02:51] Skyway> are we waiting for forestfeller?
[02:51] Skyway> how long does he need
[02:51] Zerstorer> host
[02:51] Pigeon_Magnet> it was 3vs1, i couldnt
[02:51] GreenWarrioR> go
[02:51] Zerstorer out
[02:51] Skyway> lmao what. it was basically u vs me and u made a super mistake
[02:52] GreenWarrioR> gooooo
[02:53] [chf]xel88> poi devi rifare tutta la trafila per dimenticare lui!
[02:54] GameOfThrones> lo sapevo che lo dicevi haha
[02:57] yyoshii in
[02:59] GreenWarrioR out
[02:59] p4p3rs0und out
[02:59] IncaWarrior out
[03:00] IncaWarrior in
[03:03] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[03:03] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[03:04] diegosqo out
[03:06] p4p3rs0und in
[03:10] diegosqo in
[03:10] Om3gabladez in
[03:12] Om3gabladez out
[03:19] GreenWarrioR in
[03:19] GreenWarrioR out
[03:25] p4p3rs0und in
[03:25] p4p3rs0und out
[03:26] Pigeon_Magnet out
[03:27] PowerLord> awesome
[03:27] p4p3rs0und out
[03:27] p4p3rs0und in
[03:28] Skyway out
[03:29] diegosqo out
[03:30] diegosqo in
[03:31] PowerLord out
[03:31] PowerLord in
[03:32] PowerLord> host
[03:33] p4p3rs0und out
[03:34] p4p3rs0und in
[03:40] diegosqo out
[03:40] diegosqo in
[03:47] GameOfThrones out
[03:50] GreenWarrioR in
[03:50] [chf]xel88> brutto! olè!
[03:50] [Rw]Paragraf> Ciao Xel
[03:50] [Rw]Paragraf> come stai
[03:51] [chf]xel88> yeah, it was
[03:52] yyoshii out
[03:52] tyoshi out
[03:53] myoshii out
[03:54] yyoshii in
[03:54] tyoshi in
[03:55] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[03:55] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[03:56] tyoshi out
[03:56] yyoshii out
[03:56] yyoshii in
[03:58] yyoshii out
[04:01] GreenWarrioR out
[04:03] forestfeller out
[04:03] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[04:04] GreenWarrioR in
[04:04] GreenWarrioR out
[04:05] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[04:06] tyoshi in
[04:07] yyoshii in
[04:08] forestfeller in
[04:15] forestfeller out
[04:22] [chf]xel88> gg
[04:25] [chf]xel88> +2 fensalir
[04:29] luanjanio35 in
[04:39] luanjanio35 out
[04:45] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[04:46] tyoshi out
[04:49] redfire out
[04:52] Funes in
[04:54] [chf]xel88> gg
[04:54] PowerLord> gg
[04:54] [chf]xel88> sec
[04:56] Funes> who wants to be minder?
[04:56] Funes> big base
[04:56] [chf]xel88> no one!
[04:56] PowerLord> lol
[04:56] [chf]xel88> :)
[04:56] Little_Guy1 in
[04:57] PowerLord> red is minder looking at map
[04:57] Funes> i can be minder
[04:57] Funes> if u want
[04:57] [chf]xel88> be minder!
[04:57] darthvadr in
[05:00] Nadeshot_OP in
[05:02] darthvadr> lets do a threesom map
[05:04] darthvadr> host
[05:04] darthvadr out
[05:05] Nadeshot_OP> +2
[05:22] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[05:25] p4p3rs0und out
[05:46] alexwen in
[05:46] alexwen out
[05:46] alexwen in
[05:47] [chf]xel88> gg guya
[05:47] [chf]xel88> guys
[05:47] Funes> gg
[05:47] PowerLord> GG
[05:47] [chf]xel88> gn, see u next!
[05:47] Funes> gn
[05:47] [chf]xel88 out
[05:47] alexwen out
[05:47] PowerLord> see ya
[05:47] Funes> wanna try 2v1 sess
[05:48] Funes> ?
[05:48] diegosqo> ok
[05:48] PowerLord> ok
[05:49] Funes> here
[05:49] Funes> xD
[05:49] diegosqo> XD
[05:49] diegosqo> 2 VS 2?
[05:50] Funes> q fue}
[05:50] Funes> pa q te sales
[05:51] [Rw]Paragraf out
[05:51] diegosqo> yo no me sali
[05:51] diegosqo> quien se salio?
[05:51] Batman1918 in
[05:51] [Rw]Paragraf in
[05:52] [Rw]Paragraf> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_loothill
[05:57] Little_Guy1 out
[05:59] healthandglobes in
[06:01] Batman1918 out
[06:02] healthandglobes out
[06:13] [SR]Legend in
[06:14] joaovitor in
[06:24] Nadeshot_OP> +1
[06:24] Nadeshot_OP> sigh takes forever get a game lol
[06:29] Nadeshot_OP> be back in 15 mins guys
[06:30] Nadeshot_OP> gonna take shower
[06:30] joaovitor out
[06:34] Luxray out
[06:35] tidebringer in
[06:35] [SR]Legend out
[06:47] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[06:47] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[06:54] [SR]Legend in
[06:55] [SR]Legend> host
[06:56] [SR]Legend out
[06:56] yyoshii out
[06:58] Funes> gg
[06:58] Funes out
[06:58] PowerLord> start
[06:59] PowerLord> k
[06:59] PowerLord> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
PowerLord - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - PowerLord: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[06:59] tidebringer out
[07:03] Nadeshot_OP> nah fuck test maps
[07:03] Nadeshot_OP> anything but test maps
[07:03] Nadeshot_OP> ill do
[07:03] PowerLord> ok
[07:04] PowerLord> have you heard of the map sandbox?
[07:04] Nadeshot_OP> no
[07:04] Nadeshot_OP> we can play it
[07:04] Nadeshot_OP> doesnt matter to me mate
[07:04] PowerLord> i dont know which map pack it is in
[07:05] Nadeshot_OP> You mean sandy caslte
[07:15] diegosqo out
[07:16] diegosqo in
[07:16] diegosqo out
[07:17] diegosqo in
[07:20] tidebringer in
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> can we build this time
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> like huts and stuff
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> i want u show me how build fast like u
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> im new
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> tidebringer can play tii
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> too
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> all of us
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> diego
[07:21] Nadeshot_OP> playing?
[07:22] tidebringer> w8 a second plz
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> hi tidebringer
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> im new here.
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> power just showed me how to do blasts duels with shammies
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> but i think he use cheats
[07:22] PowerLord> nah
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> :(
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> no fair powerlord
[07:22] PowerLord> dont know any
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> i know ur a powerful lord
[07:22] Nadeshot_OP> but dont have to cheat :D
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> or are u the Lord of Power
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> hmm
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> Ok do 3 players
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> diegosucksass is not joining
[07:23] PowerLord> i know single-player cheats, only none are allowed
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> My friend told me about a map called pressure something
[07:23] Nadeshot_OP> it is middle ground in singleplayer
[07:24] PowerLord> pressure point?
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> I think so
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> can we play hat
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> that
[07:24] PowerLord> sure
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> pressure point or pressure path maybe its called
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> idk y my rank looks like this
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> i shuld be brave
[07:24] Nadeshot_OP> i suck really bad
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> wildman i mean
[07:25] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> or whatever lowest is
[07:25] PowerLord> wild
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> Pressure path POwer
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> i wanna do middle ground
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> diego joined too
[07:25] tidebringer> bro
[07:25] tidebringer> go light match
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> I can host if needed
[07:25] PowerLord> omg where is it!?
[07:25] Nadeshot_OP> I wanna build!
[07:25] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[07:26] Nadeshot_OP> no light shammies
[07:26] Nadeshot_OP> my friend said The Beginning Mappack
[07:26] Nadeshot_OP> he just pm me
[07:27] Nadeshot_OP> oops
[07:27] Nadeshot_OP> my fualt
[07:27] PowerLord> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[07:27] Nadeshot_OP> i try again
[07:28] PowerLord> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[07:28] Nadeshot_OP> one more time
[07:28] Nadeshot_OP> sorry i had stuff open
[07:29] diegosqo> 2 vs 1?
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> tidebringer is bring the tide back with in
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> him
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> 30 seconds he will be here
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> he is saying wait
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> his game is closing
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> i guess it froze or something
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> maybe cuz his computer is a piece of shit
[07:29] Nadeshot_OP> idk why
[07:29] diegosqo> XD
[07:30] PowerLord> XD
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> diego where u from
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> XD
[07:30] diegosqo> Mexico and you?
[07:30] diegosqo> XD
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> USA
[07:30] tidebringer out
[07:30] diegosqo> Oh ...
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> What about u power
[07:30] PowerLord> same here
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> he is relogging
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> USA?
[07:30] diegosqo> i dont speak much english
[07:30] PowerLord> yup
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> Where in usa?
[07:30] PowerLord> yeah
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> Must be west coast
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> for high ping like that
[07:30] PowerLord> hawaii
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> im on easy coast
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> yea thats why
[07:30] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[07:31] PowerLord> host is always 1
[07:31] tidebringer in
[07:31] diegosqo> age?
[07:31] Nadeshot_OP> i am 9
[07:31] PowerLord> 25
[07:31] Nadeshot_OP> just kidding
[07:31] diegosqo> 9?
[07:31] Nadeshot_OP> 23
[07:31] diegosqo> really?
[07:31] Nadeshot_OP> ye 23
[07:50] [Rw]Paragraf out
[07:55] [tsi]adray out
[07:55] playWithmeImRusty in
[07:57] Nadeshot_OP> that was fun
[07:57] Nadeshot_OP> except i didnt do aynthing :(
[07:57] Nadeshot_OP> maybe thats why diego quit
[07:58] tidebringer> let me in
[07:58] Nadeshot_OP> i go use bathrom
[07:58] Nadeshot_OP> room
[07:58] Nadeshot_OP> and piss
[07:58] Nadeshot_OP> brb
[07:58] tidebringer> change map
[07:58] Nadeshot_OP> wait for me plz
[07:59] playWithmeImRusty> hi tidebringer
[07:59] tidebringer> hm
[07:59] tidebringer> hello
[07:59] playWithmeImRusty> how are u doing today
[08:00] diegosqo> wait, reload
[08:00] diegosqo out
[08:00] diegosqo in
[08:01] PowerLord> umm
[08:01] diegosqo> wait a minute
[08:01] PowerLord> diego and tide reset
[08:01] tidebringer out
[08:01] PowerLord> diego?
[08:02] diegosqo out
[08:02] tidebringer in
[08:02] diegosqo in
[08:02] diegosqo> listo
[08:03] PowerLord> you are wilds!
[08:03] PowerLord out
[08:03] tidebringer> lol
[08:03] tidebringer out
[08:03] diegosqo> k
[08:03] PowerLord in
[08:04] tidebringer in
[08:04] playWithmeImRusty> host
[08:04] playWithmeImRusty> anyone wants to play
[08:04] playWithmeImRusty> can join here
[08:05] playWithmeImRusty> :(
[08:08] Little_Guy1 in
[08:11] playWithmeImRusty> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
Little_Guy1 - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - Little_Guy1: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[08:16] Lodzikaaa in
[08:23] Lodzikaaa out
[08:23] Lodzikaaa in
[08:30] ra680 in
[08:30] ra680 out
[08:31] Lodzikaaa out
[08:32] Lodzikaaa in
[08:33] diegosqo> crashde
[08:33] diegosqo> crashed
[08:33] diegosqo> powerloard
[08:33] diegosqo> XD
[08:33] tidebringer> i was just going to volc
[08:35] diegosqo> other round or not
[08:35] PowerLord> what?
[08:35] ethanwalton in
[08:35] Lodzikaaa> go.?
[08:36] diegosqo> tidebringer come
[08:36] diegosqo> nade
[08:37] tidebringer> lol
[08:38] tidebringer> my pings bad
[08:38] tidebringer> change map
[08:38] ethanwalton out
[08:38] PowerLord> i know
[08:38] diegosqo> choose an other map
[08:38] diegosqo> no?
[08:38] PowerLord out
[08:40] Nadeshot_OP> What teams?
[08:40] diegosqo> lest go
[08:40] diegosqo> go men
[08:41] Lodzikaaa> Ehh
[08:41] Nadeshot_OP> ok
[08:41] Lodzikaaa> Gogo
[08:41] Nadeshot_OP> choosing map
[08:41] diegosqo> this map
[08:41] tidebringer> blue and yellow
[08:41] tidebringer> red and green
[08:41] tidebringer> dont change colors
[08:41] diegosqo> q
Game results submitted.
[08:41] Little_Guy1 out
[08:42] Nadeshot_OP> my game froze
[08:51] MahaRaja in
[08:53] MahaRaja out
[08:59] tidebringer out
[09:05] healthandglobes in
[09:06] Cutemammy_Tas in
[09:06] Cutemammy_Tas out
[09:14] diegosqo out
[09:14] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[09:15] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[09:17] Nadeshot_OP out
[09:21] Torch in
[09:21] skaarj_guardian in
[09:32] [GoD]cani in
[09:34] tidebringer in
[09:35] TripFontaine in
[09:35] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[09:36] tidebringer> +1
[09:36] playWithmeImRusty> wait
[09:39] tidebringer> how much time ?
[09:40] playWithmeImRusty> 5mins
[09:40] [Tsi]ThePrime> u hav alternate other than waiting lol?
[09:41] [SW]Gjimi in
[09:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> aw nvm i ally tat guy
[09:42] [SW]Gjimi out
[09:42] tidebringer> lol
[09:42] tidebringer> sad
[09:42] [SW]Gjimi in
[09:42] tidebringer> aha
[09:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> HA
[09:42] tidebringer> allie that wild
[09:42] tidebringer> hes go
[09:42] Torch> hey
[09:42] tidebringer> d
[09:42] tidebringer> goo
[09:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[09:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> 2v1?
[09:43] TripFontaine out
[09:43] tidebringer> how mucyh timee
[09:44] tidebringer> skaar j
[09:44] [Tsi]ThePrime> he aint therelol
[09:44] tidebringer> you there ?
[09:44] Torch> 25min
[09:44] Torch> 24
[09:44] TripFontaine in
[09:45] TripFontaine> lol who's tidebringer and why did he apply to OP
[09:45] Torch> i love this game but iam new soryy that iam new :D
[09:47] Torch out
[09:48] [SW]Gjimi out
[09:52] Lodzikaaa out
[09:52] tidebringer out
[09:53] hideshine in
[09:56] Lodzikaaa in
[09:58] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[10:00] TripFontaine out
[10:02] TripFontaine in
[10:03] ime_mun_kullii in
[10:06] TripFontaine out
[10:06] TripFontaine in
[10:06] hideshine out
[10:07] hideshine in
[10:08] hideshine out
[10:09] TripFontaine out
[10:11] [GoD]cani> bella rod sess?
[10:12] TripFontaine in
[10:13] playWithmeImRusty> host
[10:14] tidebringer in
[10:15] ime_mun_kullii> gotta eat
[10:15] ime_mun_kullii> breakfast
[10:15] [GoD]cani> k
[10:15] ime_mun_kullii> 1 hour
[10:15] [GoD]cani> after?
[10:15] [GoD]cani> k
[10:15] ime_mun_kullii> sure
[10:15] playWithmeImRusty> unrank
[10:17] TripFontaine out
[10:19] martinzg in
[10:19] playWithmeImRusty> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
martinzg - MapPack: OK
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - martinzg: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[10:20] playWithmeImRusty> host
[10:20] playWithmeImRusty> unrank
[10:20] playWithmeImRusty> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
martinzg - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - martinzg: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[10:25] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[10:26] [AsG]mentix in
[10:26] [AsG]mentix> wtf
[10:32] Om3gabladez in
[10:32] Om3gabladez out
[10:32] [GoD]cani> im here
[10:33] [GoD]cani> come prime
Game results submitted.
[10:37] playWithmeImRusty> host
[10:37] [SR]Legend in
[10:37] martinzg out
[10:38] playWithmeImRusty> maps
[10:38] MiniBot_UK> playWithmeImRusty: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[10:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> this mentix
[10:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> should be banned
[10:39] [AsG]mentix> for what
[10:40] Coltrane in
[10:41] playWithmeImRusty> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
[SR]Legend - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - [SR]Legend: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[10:42] Coltrane out
Game successfully checked in.
[10:44] [GoD]cani out
[10:44] [GoD]cani in
[10:47] [GoD]cani out
[10:49] Coltrane in
[10:56] akirahina in
Game results submitted.
[11:13] MadSkillz_TAS in
[11:13] Freezart03 in
[11:21] [SR]Legend out
[11:23] MadSkillz_TAS out
[11:23] [SR]Legend in
[11:26] tidebringer> ggwp guys
[11:26] [GoD]cani in
[11:27] [GoD]cani> but it wasnt yellows faukt
[11:27] [GoD]cani> prime
[11:27] [Tsi]ThePrime> u only know hwo to play shaman
[11:28] [GoD]cani> he attacked more than you with having less
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> and u take ping advantage
[11:28] [GoD]cani> pop
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> and u think u made the game?
[11:28] [GoD]cani> huh
[11:28] [GoD]cani> LOL
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> i shdl hav hosted
[11:28] [GoD]cani> nah
[11:28] [GoD]cani> youre shit
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> so he cld wion shaman battles
[11:28] tidebringer> lol
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> yh sure
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> am shit
[11:28] tidebringer> i lagged the whole game
[11:28] [GoD]cani> yea
[11:28] [GoD]cani> you suck#
[11:28] [GoD]cani> lol
[11:28] [Tsi]ThePrime> why do u care lol reatrd?
[11:28] tidebringer> but i didnt say anything
[11:28] tidebringer> host was good
[11:28] [GoD]cani> my ally is from pakistan
[11:28] [GoD]cani> and lagged all game
[11:28] [GoD]cani> and still owned ur base
[11:28] [GoD]cani> LOL
[11:29] tidebringer> but my bro making me lag
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> owned my base?
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> lolzz
[11:29] [GoD]cani> ya
[11:29] [GoD]cani> owned ur base
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> 2 fs for 2 towers
[11:29] [GoD]cani> i eqed ur base once all game
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> and tehn u came
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> atts it
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> tats it
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> u took fw hut
[11:29] [GoD]cani> but i eqed once
[11:29] [GoD]cani> lol
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> what can i do put hacks?
[11:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol retard kid?
[11:29] tidebringer> lol
[11:29] [GoD]cani> lol this guy
[11:29] [GoD]cani> is gold
[11:30] [GoD]cani> stop raging
[11:30] [Tsi]ThePrime> lets do pp
[11:30] [Tsi]ThePrime> where i host
[11:30] [Tsi]ThePrime> cani what say?
[11:30] [GoD]cani> nah
[11:30] [Tsi]ThePrime> nah spinn will never
[11:30] [Tsi]ThePrime> ik
[11:30] [GoD]cani> we can 1v1
[11:30] [GoD]cani> pp
[11:30] [GoD]cani> hostbot
[11:30] [GoD]cani> tidebringer> i'm not good at pp
[11:30] Arniee_OP in
[11:30] [GoD]cani> he not playing pp yet
[11:31] tidebringer> :P
[11:31] [GoD]cani> its fine youre new
[11:31] Arniee_OP out
[11:31] Arniee_OP in
[11:31] [GoD]cani> so no 1v1 i guess
[11:31] [GoD]cani> lmao
[11:31] tidebringer> ahaha
[11:31] [Tsi]ThePrime> i cant play bots
[11:32] [Tsi]ThePrime> we can in our host
[11:32] [Tsi]ThePrime> SEA i am in
[11:32] tidebringer> prime
[11:32] tidebringer> make me spec
[11:32] [Tsi]ThePrime> why dnt u too 1v1 me?
[11:32] Coltrane> wtf first time I see an IP from China in the MM
[11:32] Coltrane> cool
[11:32] [GoD]cani> ur host sucks
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> wbt urs?
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> i get freezes
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> its in my stream wanna see?
[11:33] tidebringer> hes host is good
[11:33] Coltrane out
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> then tide
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> lets 1v1 in his host?
[11:33] [Tsi]ThePrime> any map u want?
[11:33] tidebringer> nops
[11:33] tidebringer> i will lag u both
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> his host i said lol retard
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> damn ppl here
[11:34] martinzg in
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173712448
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> here
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> check ur host quality spinn
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> u can see freezes in game
[11:34] [GoD]cani> i smell rage
[11:34] tidebringer> ahahha
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> with u?
[11:34] [GoD]cani> ya
[11:34] [Tsi]ThePrime> r u worth it lol?
[11:34] [GoD]cani> i see you reply a lot
[11:35] [GoD]cani> right now
[11:35] [Tsi]ThePrime> i hav better work to do
[11:35] [GoD]cani> i dunno u terll me
[11:35] [GoD]cani> youre still replying
[11:35] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahaa
[11:35] tidebringer> ahahahah
[11:35] [Tsi]ThePrime> dumb?
[11:35] [Tsi]ThePrime> soz
[11:35] [GoD]cani> huh
[11:35] tidebringer> ......
[11:35] [GoD]cani> still talking
[11:35] [GoD]cani> . .. . .
[11:35] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[11:35] tidebringer> ---___---
[11:36] Arniee_OP out
[11:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> host
[11:39] tidebringer> map 13
[11:39] MiniBot_UK> tidebringer: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[11:39] tidebringer> cr
[11:39] tidebringer> im still not getting any pong
[11:39] tidebringer> ping *
[11:40] DeltaEnemy in
[11:40] martinzg out
[11:41] tidebringer out
[11:41] playWithmeImRusty> pp
[11:41] therapist in
[11:41] aliverdi1023 in
[11:41] tidebringer in
[11:42] tidebringer> LOL
[11:42] tidebringer> Only -313 more points to priest rank
[11:42] tidebringer> cr
[11:45] DeltaEnemy> sess
[11:45] DeltaEnemy> for a warm up
[11:45] therapist> sure
[11:45] [GoD]cani> the
[11:45] playWithmeImRusty> start
[11:45] therapist> the
[11:45] therapist> ducklings
[11:45] [GoD]cani> F4
[11:45] aliverdi1023> omg
[11:45] [GoD]cani> is real
[11:45] DeltaEnemy> bella left
[11:45] playWithmeImRusty> host
[11:45] ime_mun_kullii> the
[11:45] DeltaEnemy> thanks bella
[11:45] ime_mun_kullii> im here
[11:45] therapist> yeah bella we appreciate u leaving
[11:45] therapist> u wild twat
[11:45] playWithmeImRusty> maps
[11:45] MiniBot_UK> playWithmeImRusty: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[11:46] playWithmeImRusty> host
[11:47] [GoD]cani out
[11:47] playWithmeImRusty> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
playWithmeImRusty - MapPack: OK
tidebringer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - playWithmeImRusty: Red - tidebringer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[11:47] aliverdi1023 out
Game successfully created in database.
[11:50] [tdm]Mooresy in
Game successfully checked in.
[11:51] [tdm]Mooresy> yoooo
[11:52] Azuca in
[11:56] tidebringer out
Game results submitted.
[11:56] [SR]007s in
[11:59] [SR]007s out
[12:00] [SR]007s in
[12:03] therapist> too much fucki nbs
[12:04] DeltaEnemy> rm on sess'?
[12:04] therapist> yeah
[12:04] ime_mun_kullii out
[12:05] therapist> well t rod ragequit mm
[12:05] therapist> guy is so dumb he does tom when we tell him do sess
[12:05] [GoD]cani in
[12:05] [GoD]cani> ROD
[12:05] [GoD]cani> you wanna get banned?
[12:05] therapist> the
[12:05] therapist> commenting
[12:05] therapist> join spinn
[12:05] [GoD]cani> i dont see you
[12:05] [GoD]cani> and rod is never hosting
[12:05] DeltaEnemy> trod will come back soon
[12:05] [GoD]cani> in my games anymore
[12:05] DeltaEnemy> then rm
[12:06] therapist> why not spinn ll
[12:06] [GoD]cani> guy unpluged
[12:06] therapist> lolo
[12:06] [GoD]cani> cable
[12:06] therapist> LOL
[12:06] therapist> no i quit
[12:06] therapist> then he quit
[12:06] [GoD]cani> dude he lagged us
[12:06] [GoD]cani> stfu he lagegd us
[12:06] therapist> ooooo
[12:06] [GoD]cani> i retried
[12:06] therapist> u sure
[12:06] [GoD]cani> and came back to game
[12:06] [GoD]cani> yes
[12:06] therapist> he didnt alt tab
[12:06] therapist> cuz he was so mad
[12:06] [GoD]cani> guy sucks
[12:06] [GoD]cani> ass
[12:06] therapist> LOL
[12:06] therapist> the
[12:06] therapist> proper ragemode
[12:06] therapist> is real
[12:06] therapist> spinn go yell
[12:06] therapist> top hut
[12:06] [GoD]cani> nah
[12:06] [GoD]cani> im hosting
[12:06] therapist> sure
[12:07] [GoD]cani> map?
[12:07] therapist> SESS
[12:07] [GoD]cani> sess = tom
[12:07] [GoD]cani> say tom and ill do sess
[12:07] therapist> LOL
[12:07] therapist> do
[12:07] therapist> töm
[12:07] DeltaEnemy> better sess
[12:07] therapist> tøm og røm
[12:07] [GoD]cani> For more information about knowledge, please contact the player "imunikuli"
[12:07] [GoD]cani> Thank you
[12:07] therapist> is what we say in norway
[12:07] therapist> it means
[12:07] therapist> cum n run
[12:08] [GoD]cani out
[12:21] Zerstorer in
[12:21] Zerstorer out
[12:22] Zerstorer in
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX12 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX287 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX189 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX129 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX92 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX71 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX50 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX39 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX28 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX14 out
[12:22] [AsG]MentiX9 out
[12:23] [GoD]cani in
[12:23] [GoD]cani> i didnt see him use his fws once
[12:23] [GoD]cani> that game of populous
[12:23] therapist> LOloOloOlolol
[12:24] Azuca out
[12:24] [GoD]cani> oh man
[12:24] Mavocado in
[12:24] [GoD]cani> rm?
[12:24] therapist> sure
[12:24] therapist> if they want
[12:25] DeltaEnemy> how many points for shaman?
[12:25] therapist> 400 and something
[12:25] Azuca in
[12:25] [GoD]cani> delta spielst du für punkte?
[12:25] DeltaEnemy> nein
[12:25] therapist> ja
[12:25] DeltaEnemy> nimmt mich nur wunder
[12:25] DeltaEnemy> haha
[12:25] therapist> ich spiele und ptz<
[12:25] DeltaEnemy> wegen dem neuen system
[12:25] [GoD]cani> come weed
[12:25] therapist> watch
[12:25] therapist> as bella
[12:25] therapist> leaves
[12:26] [GoD]cani> ye because youre perverted
[12:26] therapist> fuckin funny all the time
[12:26] therapist> lloooooooooooooooooool
[12:26] therapist> no man i swear
[12:26] DeltaEnemy out
[12:26] therapist> she said i was ugly
[12:26] therapist> i asked why she hides behind make up
[12:26] [GoD]cani> loooooooooooooooool
[12:26] therapist> i got blocked
[12:26] therapist> this is fact
[12:26] therapist> ask matt
[12:26] DeltaEnemy in
[12:26] [GoD]cani> xdnvfsdgh9sdfghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh88548548954545499554
[12:26] [GoD]cani> mooresy coming
[12:26] DeltaEnemy> ok
[12:27] therapist> atleast moores isnt
[12:27] [SR]FanZaah in
[12:27] [GoD]cani> is not what
[12:27] Zerstorer> weed
[12:27] Zerstorer> :3
[12:28] Zerstorer> pervert
[12:28] Zerstorer> haha
[12:28] therapist> i mean
[12:28] therapist> the ammount of percerted shit matt says
[12:28] therapist> and she blocks me
[12:28] DeltaEnemy> stream
[12:28] therapist> i mean talk about brain
[12:28] therapist> sure delta
[12:28] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[12:28] DeltaEnemy> thanks
[12:28] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[12:28] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanna play pop but zzzzzzzzz https://imgur.com/a/n5pnn
[12:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> whats that moors?
[12:29] [GoD]cani out
[12:29] [tdm]Mooresy> me typing about chimney breasts when id much rather be talking about a diffferent kind of breast
[12:29] [tdm]Mooresy> chicken breast ofc
[12:29] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[12:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> i could do with some chicken breat right now
[12:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> breaded
[12:30] [tdm]Mooresy> yh or some of tht oven roast ham
[12:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh boy i cant wait to start uni and eat pasta for the next 4 years
[12:30] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha yh youl be on a staple diet of super noodles and powdered mash
[12:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> technically i can afford to eat nandows everyday at least for one meal
[12:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> but thats like £50 a week
[12:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> id rather spend max £40
[12:31] [tdm]Mooresy> be good for ur figure tho i suppose no good for a guy
[12:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> powdered mash was my childhood
[12:31] [tdm]Mooresy> yh its crazy doe mcdonalds bfast everyday for work costs 1250 a year
[12:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> i went through a phase where i didnt want to chew anything
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> so the only thing i ate was powedered mash and milky ways
[12:32] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaha no way
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> id spit out the mash lumps too
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh for like 2 weeks or mroe
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> my parents took me to the doctor for it lol
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> i got a teddy bear for some reason
[12:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> u got mcdonalds breakfast today just for an exucse to ride my bike
[12:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> made me realise i desperately need a basket for my bike
[12:34] [SR]FanZaah out
[12:36] therapist> yepp
[12:36] therapist> not allying
[12:36] therapist> people i dont know who are
[12:36] therapist> so fuckin gay
[12:37] therapist> bellas powdered mash was her childhood food ?
[12:37] therapist> wow
[12:37] therapist> talk about being open
[12:37] therapist> and not only the down parts
[12:38] playWithmeImRusty out
[12:38] [tdm]Mooresy> wow my gf is such a bitch man
[12:38] [GoD]cani in
[12:39] [GoD]cani> nice rage quit weed
[12:39] [GoD]cani> ahahahahhahahahhhahahahahhahahhahhahhahhaa
[12:39] [SR]Cotton_Candy in
[12:39] Taity-mini in
[12:40] [GoD]cani> xD
[12:41] DeltaEnemy> +1
[12:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> inface weed himself got his quitin in his own stream
[12:41] Mavocado out
[12:42] Mavocado in
[12:42] [GoD]cani> weed stream
[12:42] therapist> STREAMING
[12:47] [SR]007s out
[12:47] [SR]007s in
[12:49] stream in
[12:49] [GoD]cani> hey akhi
[12:49] [GoD]cani> wie gehts
[12:49] stream> moin diggi
[12:49] stream> alles top bei dir?
[12:49] [GoD]cani> super
[12:49] stream> wtf weed shaman
[12:49] stream> nice finally
[12:49] [GoD]cani> fliege nach greichenland
[12:50] [GoD]cani> am donnerstag ode rmittwoch
[12:50] stream> was machste
[12:50] [GoD]cani> deutsche so daheme
[12:50] [GoD]cani> keine kophle
[12:50] [GoD]cani> urlaub
[12:50] [GoD]cani> lol
[12:50] [GoD]cani> am 27 beginnt uni
[12:50] stream> hahahahahhaha
[12:50] stream> deutsche fahren an nordsee und sagen sie machen badeurlaub
[12:50] stream> lololololol
[12:50] [GoD]cani> lol
[12:50] [GoD]cani> LOOOOL
[12:50] [GoD]cani> isso
[12:50] [GoD]cani> kommen so mit fotos nach hause und denken die waren am ozean
[12:50] [GoD]cani> lol
[12:51] stream> HAHAHAHAHa
[12:51] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahhahahahaha
[12:51] stream> RT
[12:51] [GoD]cani> in matts stadt, florida
[12:51] [GoD]cani> gibts naturkatastrophe.. nicht lsutig apropos
[12:51] stream> karma?
[12:51] [GoD]cani> google... ist krass
[12:51] [GoD]cani> ne ist nicht lsuitg
[12:51] stream> ja dieser hurricane
[12:51] [GoD]cani> ich wünsch ihm doch nichg dne tod
[12:51] [GoD]cani> ja hurricane
[12:51] Nici_OP in
[12:51] stream> nö nicht den tod
[12:51] stream> aber der soll mal kassieren
[12:51] [GoD]cani> aber wieso?
[12:51] stream> sup nici
[12:52] [GoD]cani> du kannst froh sein dass in mitteleuropa sowas nicht geschieht
[12:52] stream> er ist kein guter mensch
[12:52] [GoD]cani> richtig aber
[12:52] [GoD]cani> er darf leben
[12:52] stream> gute menschen verdienen gutes
[12:52] stream> schlechte menschen jucken micht nicht
[12:52] stream> mich#
[12:52] Nici_OP> weed raped me in 11 mins with a volc in my base
[12:52] Nici_OP> where is that guy
[12:52] Nici_OP> cheater
[12:52] [GoD]cani> streaming
[12:52] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit#
[12:52] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[12:52] stream> egal am ende fragen sie alle nach pics wie ein fan
[12:52] Nici_OP> alright
[12:52] Nici_OP> hey strea
[12:53] Nici_OP> stream
[12:53] [GoD]cani> ja. . .
[12:53] [GoD]cani> traurige menschheit da drüben
[12:54] [GoD]cani> freue mich auf griechenland
[12:54] [GoD]cani> oiled pussy in toiletbar
[12:54] [GoD]cani> yo francisco
[12:54] MahaRaja in
[12:54] stream> LOLOLOL
[12:54] [GoD]cani> flying to greece in some days
[12:54] stream> griechenland beste land für all you can eat
[12:54] Nici_OP> you see this guy called therapist is a cheater
[12:54] stream> also all inclusive mein ich
[12:54] Nici_OP> report
[12:54] Nici_OP> hey
[12:55] Nici_OP> are you going to meet arniee?
[12:55] [GoD]cani> ahahhahahaahahh
[12:55] [GoD]cani> i fucking knew thatd come
[12:55] Nici_OP> loooool
[12:55] [GoD]cani> man
[12:55] [GoD]cani> this is not the first time
[12:55] Nici_OP> what city
[12:55] Nici_OP> ?
[12:55] [GoD]cani> im thinking in the same way you do
[12:55] [GoD]cani> Rhodas
[12:55] [GoD]cani> is it with h i dunno
[12:55] Nici_OP> maybe we're connected mentally
[12:55] [GoD]cani> lemme see
[12:55] stream> thats why youre both good in pop
[12:55] [GoD]cani> Rhodos
[12:56] [GoD]cani> ya we r
[12:56] Nici_OP> damn spin going to an island
[12:56] [GoD]cani> yhman
[12:56] Nici_OP> watch out for hurricanes
[12:56] [GoD]cani> cant wait
[12:56] [GoD]cani> LOL
[12:56] stream> lmao
[12:56] [GoD]cani> *actuaslly shouldnt laugh*
[12:56] [GoD]cani> becuasse this is risky shit
[12:56] Nici_OP> yea it is
[12:56] Nici_OP> not good
[12:56] [GoD]cani> lol at nici, sec
[12:56] Nici_OP> but why they give peoples name to hurricanes
[12:56] Nici_OP> there is hurricane joseph
[12:57] [GoD]cani> 13:37 nici on fb: Matt cast lb on hurricane
[12:57] [GoD]cani> made my day
[12:57] Nici_OP> lol
[12:57] [GoD]cani> but this shouldnt be funny actually
[12:57] stream> hahahahahah
[12:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> theres a website u can spend money to name stuff after urself
[12:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> tornadoes, hurricanes, stars
[12:57] Nici_OP> poor matt
[12:57] [GoD]cani> Nici_OP> but why they give peoples name to hurricanes
[12:57] [GoD]cani> ya i knmow
[12:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> most of them are small, not many turn out to be big killer
[12:57] [GoD]cani> the eq in italia recently
[12:57] [GoD]cani> was called Matthew
[12:58] Nici_OP> lol really
[12:58] [GoD]cani> no
[12:58] [GoD]cani> xD
[12:58] Nici_OP> well actually it says it was in jamaica
[12:58] [GoD]cani> but some1 casted eq there
[12:58] Nici_OP> cuba bahamas
[12:58] [GoD]cani> must of been a god nici
[12:58] [GoD]cani> must of been you
[12:58] Nici_OP> lol
[12:58] Nici_OP> it was nahim
[12:58] [GoD]cani> youre destroying italia
[12:58] [GoD]cani> LOL
[12:58] [GoD]cani> LOOOL
[12:58] Nici_OP> heil Nahim
[12:58] [GoD]cani> DJ Abdul
[12:59] [GoD]cani> ill try to make a sex video
[12:59] TripFontaine in
[12:59] [GoD]cani> in the toilet
[12:59] [GoD]cani> in rhodos
[13:00] [GoD]cani> and upload it on discord
[13:00] [GoD]cani> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[13:00] TripFontaine in
[13:01] TripFontaine out
[13:01] Nici_OP> the abuse on greek girls
[13:01] Taity-mini out
[13:01] [GoD]cani> babo
[13:01] [GoD]cani> gib mir den song
[13:01] Mavocado out
[13:01] [GoD]cani> weisst schon
[13:01] [GoD]cani> anime
[13:02] Nici_OP> bella
[13:02] Coltrane in
[13:02] Nici_OP> u would like to be the girl in the toilet in rhodos
[13:02] TripFontaine out
[13:02] [GoD]cani> 359u07899999999999999999999943789ß079790459705790970547237903438709851342439758934175146138013689547895134548913ß69034176341
[13:02] Nici_OP> lol :D
[13:02] Nici_OP> careful he'll upload it
[13:03] [GoD]cani> ill call it 1v1 sess
[13:03] [GoD]cani> its a toilet map anyway
[13:03] stream> merk dir doch einfach wie er heißt haha
[13:03] [GoD]cani> solange du sauerstoff in deine lunge einatmest
[13:03] stream> gestern shisha eingeraucht
[13:03] stream> war besser
[13:03] [GoD]cani> LOL
[13:04] stream> hahahaha
[13:04] [GoD]cani> ne nix shihsa diggi
[13:04] [GoD]cani> säubnern die schläuche nicht
[13:04] stream> WTF
[13:04] [GoD]cani> apropos trinkst du auch ein glas wein ma tag
[13:04] [GoD]cani> ?
[13:04] stream> laaan hahaha
[13:04] stream> ich hab seit nem monat nix mehr getrunken
[13:04] stream> erstmal keinen bock drauf
[13:04] [GoD]cani> ein glas wein am tag ist gesund
[13:04] [GoD]cani> hab damit angefangen
[13:04] [GoD]cani> selbe mit
[13:04] [GoD]cani> nur 6 mal am tag wixxen
[13:04] [GoD]cani> beste
[13:05] stream> NUR
[13:05] [GoD]cani> früher so 9
[13:05] stream> LOLLOLOLOLO
[13:05] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahhahahhhahahaaa
[13:05] [GoD]cani> spass diggi
[13:05] stream> hahahahaha
[13:05] [GoD]cani> beste eh
[13:05] [GoD]cani> wenn du 5 mal bemacht hast
[13:05] [GoD]cani> und deins chwnaz einfach nur weh tut
[13:05] [GoD]cani> und du nach nix bock ahst zu tun
[13:05] [GoD]cani> isso
[13:05] stream> ISSO
[13:05] [GoD]cani> und mutter so: "schatz komm wir gehen einkaufen"
[13:05] [GoD]cani> ich so:" phu kann ni'"
[13:05] [GoD]cani> beste
[13:05] stream> hahaaahahha
[13:06] [GoD]cani> und wen wählst du am 24 sept
[13:06] [GoD]cani> ?
[13:06] [GoD]cani> welche partei
[13:06] [GoD]cani> NPD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13:06] [GoD]cani> xD
[13:07] stream> weiß nicht
[13:07] stream> alle kacke lol
[13:07] [GoD]cani> ich vermutlich keinen
[13:07] [GoD]cani> hab mir nichts angeschaut
[13:07] [GoD]cani> ja hahahahahahaha
[13:07] [GoD]cani> bestimmt
[13:07] stream> ich sah mir vieles an
[13:07] stream> und war von nix begeistert
[13:07] [GoD]cani> afd kannst du in die tonne kloppen
[13:07] [GoD]cani> ist unter aller sau, las darüber
[13:07] stream> wird aufs kleinste übel hinauslaufen
[13:07] stream> also wahrscheinlich die partei oder so wählen
[13:07] [GoD]cani> hats
[13:07] [GoD]cani> afd überhaput in den wahlkampf geschafft
[13:08] [GoD]cani> lol
[13:08] stream> afd kann ich nicht ernst nehmen
[13:08] stream> original alman
[13:08] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahaahhahaa
[13:10] Estikma in
[13:11] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/SmokyInnocentSamosaFunRun
[13:11] tidebringer in
[13:11] [GoD]cani> gibst du mir bitte
[13:11] [GoD]cani> den song
[13:11] stream> ich hab doch in pm geschickt?
[13:11] [GoD]cani> oh ja
[13:12] Coltrane out
[13:13] Taity-mini in
[13:14] Estikma> hi
[13:14] Estikma> can play?
[13:15] [SR]007s out
[13:15] [SR]007s in
[13:16] Coltrane in
[13:17] aliverdi1023 in
[13:18] Estikma> ok?
[13:19] aliverdi1023> crashed
[13:19] aliverdi1023> +2
[13:19] Estikma> hi
[13:19] Estikma> como on 1 vs 1
[13:20] aliverdi1023> +1
[13:20] aliverdi1023 out
[13:21] therapist> WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
[13:21] therapist> ez pts
[13:21] therapist> ftw
[13:21] Zerstorer> owowow
[13:21] therapist> ok now ill take a shit
[13:21] Zerstorer> looolololo
[13:21] stream> weed
[13:21] aliverdi1023 in
[13:21] stream> nice stream quality
[13:21] Nici_OP> weed
[13:21] Nici_OP> you fuckign cheater bro
[13:22] Zerstorer> nici
[13:22] Zerstorer> why
[13:22] aliverdi1023> ...
[13:22] Zerstorer> ?
[13:22] stream> cuz his skills are out of this world
[13:22] aliverdi1023> immer gibt es problem mit ping...
[13:22] Nici_OP> weed u fucking cheater bro ill raport u
[13:22] aliverdi1023> +1
[13:22] Estikma> hi
[13:23] Estikma> COME ON 1 vs 1 i am noob
[13:23] stream> k
[13:24] Estikma> come plis
[13:24] Estikma> i wat play
[13:24] Estikma> want
[13:24] [SR]007s out
[13:24] [SR]007s in
[13:25] Estikma> 1 vs 1?
[13:25] Estikma out
[13:33] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed = mowgli
[13:35] [GoD]cani> LOLLm
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg15.deviantart.net%2Fff15%2Fi%2F2015%2F284%2F4%2F4%2Fmowgli_and_baloo_by_kaek-d9crdpv.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkhialat.deviantart.com%2Ffavourites%2F60301668%2FJungle&docid=wvL24C1UCL0Q-M&tbnid=e9-7EC6aBXbqIM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwil6djZj5nWAhXmJMAKHfgMB8oQMwikAigPMA8..i&w=1024&h=791&client=firefox-b&bih=744&biw=1472&q=mowgli&ved=0ahUKEwil6djZj5nWAhXmJMAKHfgMB8oQMwikAigPMA8&iac
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofuik off
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> its matt and weed
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> baloo the bear
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> and a brown twig
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella spinni join
[13:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[13:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> just had a sik game of sunday football
[13:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> battling in the grass and mud
[13:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> loads of kickin off
[13:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> fukin ace
[13:38] DeltaEnemy> what map??
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> deltaturd
[13:38] Mavocado in
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> 4way?
[13:38] DeltaEnemy> ok
[13:38] DeltaEnemy> but when i ally you i need a beer
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella is good on 4way
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> so dont understimate
[13:38] DeltaEnemy> yes, better than you
[13:38] [GoD]cani> lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
[13:38] therapist> wow wghatr the fuck
[13:38] therapist> DUDE KICK BELLA
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> theyl come fast
[13:38] therapist> I KJUST CAME
[13:38] therapist> DUDE
[13:38] therapist> DUDE WHAT THE FUQ
[13:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> too late browni
[13:38] therapist> WHO IS STALKING MY STREAM
[13:38] therapist> WHO ARE the 2 FAGGOTRS
[13:39] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[13:39] [GoD]cani> 4Way
[13:40] Nici_OP> weed
[13:40] Nici_OP> u cheater bro
[13:40] Nici_OP> u casted a fucking volcano
[13:40] Freezart03 out
[13:40] [GoD]cani out
[13:41] regikyle in
[13:45] regikyle out
[13:46] regikyle in
[13:49] Tuzkar in
[13:49] tidebringer> or i would be in op
[13:49] Nici_OP> what
[13:49] tidebringer> nothing
[13:50] tidebringer> its not over power
[13:50] tidebringer> talking to someone else
[13:50] Nici_OP> u wont be in op
[13:50] Nici_OP> just so u know
[13:50] Nici_OP> not clan for bad mannered sess 4way people
[13:50] tidebringer> aww
[13:50] tidebringer> lol
[13:50] Nici_OP> we have restrictions on that
[13:50] tidebringer> i know
[13:51] tidebringer> the beginning mappack
[13:51] Nici_OP> its not the beginning mappack
[13:51] Nici_OP> its no sess bullshit
[13:51] tidebringer> no
[13:51] tidebringer> i dont play sess
[13:51] Nici_OP> yea u do bro
[13:51] Nici_OP> u play 4way
[13:51] Nici_OP> about as bad
[13:51] Nici_OP> apply to shit SR
[13:51] tidebringer> yea
[13:51] Nici_OP> shit belongs to shit
[13:52] tidebringer> wow
[13:52] skaarj_guardian out
[13:52] tidebringer> dont be mad at it
[13:52] Nici_OP> mad at what?
[13:52] tidebringer> u dont want me to join ur clan
[13:52] Nici_OP> what reason do i have to be mad?
[13:52] tidebringer> thats it
[13:52] Nici_OP> i dont because: you are on a fake account and all you play is 4way
[13:53] tidebringer> do u still think that im a fake account?
[13:53] Nici_OP> yea
[13:53] Nici_OP> u have other accounts
[13:54] Nici_OP> i know u
[13:54] Nici_OP> u played when i started
[13:54] tidebringer> ok
[13:54] tidebringer> if u know me
[13:54] tidebringer> tell me my previou names
[13:54] Nici_OP> fahadismyname
[13:54] [SR]FanZaah out
[13:54] tidebringer> yes
[13:54] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=fahadismyname
[13:54] tidebringer> that was my name 10 years ago
[13:55] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=Fahadismyname99
[13:55] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=mahadismyname12
[13:55] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=mahadismyname1992
[13:55] Nici_OP> u have 4 accounts
[13:55] tidebringer> mahadismyname1992 is my accounts
[13:55] Nici_OP> and u still want to join a clan
[13:55] tidebringer> account*
[13:55] tidebringer> but the above 3 are not mine
[13:56] Nici_OP> they're all urs
[13:56] Nici_OP> lol
[13:56] Nici_OP> dont lie to urself
[13:56] tidebringer> lol?
[13:56] Nici_OP> muslims dont appreciate that
[13:56] tidebringer> yes i know
[13:56] [SR]Legend out
[13:56] tidebringer> and im not liying
[13:56] regikyle out
[13:56] Nici_OP> u are
[13:56] tidebringer> well
[13:57] tidebringer> there's no way i can prove u tat im not liying
[13:57] Nici_OP> true
[13:57] Nici_OP> so ure lying
[13:57] tidebringer> ok
[13:57] tidebringer> im lying
[13:57] Nici_OP> knew it
[13:58] ime_mun_kullii in
[13:58] tidebringer> i cant believe harambe would be so mad about ppls account
[13:58] Nici_OP> :)
[13:58] tidebringer> i have accounts
[13:59] Nici_OP> ban
[13:59] tidebringer> but i dont like writing application to peoples
[13:59] Nici_OP> good
[13:59] Nici_OP> we dont like to read garbage either
[13:59] tidebringer> cause i dont even remember my fb password
[13:59] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:59] Nici_OP> lol, its a forum application
[13:59] Nici_OP> why are you even talking about fb
[13:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[14:00] Nici_OP> if u dont make a forum application leave us alone
[14:00] Nici_OP> stop being annoying
[14:00] Nici_OP> join an easy clan like sr
[14:00] Nici_OP> or TSI
[14:00] Nici_OP> or for last case SW
[14:00] tidebringer> i asked u to guide me
[14:00] Nici_OP> i did guide you
[14:00] Nici_OP> i sent you link
[14:00] tidebringer> how and where to write applicaiton
[14:00] Nici_OP> now you have to make a thread and answer questions
[14:00] tidebringer> i did made a thread
[14:01] Nici_OP> i already told u applying with that account will get u nowhere
[14:01] tidebringer> yyy
[14:02] tidebringer> let me tell u y i cant recover my account
[14:02] tidebringer> i dont remember my account password
[14:02] Nici_OP> ask inca
[14:02] Nici_OP> he will help you
[14:02] tidebringer> to recover the password i dont know what gmail i have in it
[14:03] tidebringer> and even if i do remember what gmail that id is on
[14:03] Nici_OP> inca will tell u gmail
[14:03] Nici_OP> like he did to a guy
[14:03] Nici_OP> then u recover that gmail apssword
[14:03] tidebringer> but she cant tell me the password of that gmail
[14:03] Nici_OP> lol
[14:03] Nici_OP> you can make it simple and just join another clan!
[14:04] Nici_OP> thankyou
[14:04] Coltrane out
[14:04] aliverdi1023> good game
[14:04] Zerstorer> y
[14:04] [Tsi]ThePrime> bad host
[14:04] aliverdi1023> tnx:D
[14:04] tidebringer> thank u for ur co-ordination nici
[14:04] MahaRaja> gg but it was lag for me
[14:04] MahaRaja> not single light also attacked u
[14:05] [Tsi]ThePrime> lets do real sess lol
[14:05] Nici_OP> lol i tried to help you tidebringer
[14:05] aliverdi1023 out
[14:05] MahaRaja> was playing that map first time looking same as sess
[14:05] MahaRaja> ^^
[14:06] tidebringer> forget it
[14:06] tidebringer> i nver applied to ur clan
[14:06] tidebringer> and non of this would have happened
[14:06] Strongest18 in
[14:06] Zerstorer> host
[14:07] tidebringer out
[14:09] stream> sup Tuzkar
[14:09] Tuzkar> hey
[14:11] [SR]007s out
[14:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> aww my volc
[14:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> finnaly got my pop up
[14:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> then i die
[14:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> annoying
[14:18] skaarj_guardian in
[14:18] Tuzkar> Moores is a shaman now :O
[14:18] Tuzkar> wow dude nicee
[14:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> thxs
[14:18] [GoD]cani in
[14:18] therapist> ANY GAMEZ
[14:18] therapist> omfg
[14:18] therapist> is that tuzkar
[14:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> tuz where the fuk u bi
[14:18] [GoD]cani> k
[14:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> binm
[14:18] [GoD]cani> ill go cook
[14:18] Tuzkar> aa weed hello my friend :)
[14:18] therapist> shut the fuck up where the fuck u been
[14:18] therapist> guy leaves mm
[14:18] therapist> never comes
[14:19] therapist> and then when a hurricane is raping florida
[14:19] therapist> guys gets on sad
[14:19] [SR]FanZaah out
[14:19] [GoD]cani> the
[14:19] Tuzkar> not sure what that has to do with anything
[14:19] Tuzkar> but ok
[14:19] therapist> lmofAmfoamfoamfoamfoamfomoamfoaof
[14:19] therapist> sup dawg u ok
[14:19] [GoD]cani> tap to dismiss
[14:19] [GoD]cani> is real
[14:19] therapist> t rod game ??
[14:19] therapist> PRIME GAME ??
[14:20] [GoD]cani> the
[14:20] [GoD]cani> desperation
[14:20] therapist> any map +1++++++++++++1
[14:20] [GoD]cani> is real
[14:20] therapist> the
[14:20] Mavocado out
[14:20] therapist> need for speed
[14:20] therapist> is rael
[14:20] [GoD]cani> 4etwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[14:20] [GoD]cani> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[14:20] therapist> tuzkar
[14:20] therapist> joinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[14:20] [GoD]cani> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[14:20] [GoD]cani> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[14:20] Tuzkar> i cant you fukboi
[14:20] therapist> wtf
[14:20] therapist> ooooooooh
[14:20] Tuzkar> im a trashcan
[14:20] Tuzkar> clearly
[14:20] therapist> roflmao
[14:21] therapist> ill ally tuzkar
[14:21] therapist> n sess
[14:21] therapist> delta and moores ally
[14:21] therapist> or something
[14:21] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[14:21] therapist> STREAMING
[14:21] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[14:21] DeltaEnemy> sec
[14:22] [SR]007s in
[14:22] Strongest18 out
[14:23] therapist> IS MY STREAM OK
[14:23] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[14:23] [SR]FanZaah in
[14:24] shokkyu in
[14:25] shokkyu out
[14:26] Mavocado in
[14:26] stream> wejßt du was ich meine
[14:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ja
[14:27] stream> wenn man blast wählt
[14:27] stream> und er nimmt es nicht an
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bei mir ist es dass ich so knapp ausser range blaste
[14:27] stream> passiert so oft auf deinem host
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dass nix kommt
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ist mit absicht
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> darum
[14:27] stream> ja das is auch minus haha
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nächstes mal spiel ich mi der linken hand
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> vlt fairer
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hahaah
[14:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[14:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed hört rammstein
[14:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[14:28] stream> lmao
[14:28] stream> ich mute seinen stream immer
[14:28] stream> die musik ist purer crap
[14:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> LOL
[14:29] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ja
[14:29] [SW]AlphaEnemy> elektroscheisse immer
[14:29] stream> isso
[14:29] stream> und dann beschwert er sich über deutschrap
[14:29] stream> lol
[14:30] stream> ich hab mir jbg3 box vorbestellt
[14:30] stream> erstes album dass ich kaufe
[14:30] stream> lmao
[14:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> warum ned loaden
[14:31] stream> ka ich feier beide
[14:31] stream> also warum nicht einmal unterstützen haha
[14:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weil die genug verdienen
[14:32] stream> ich geh aber auch konzert von denen
[14:32] stream> jbg3 tour
[14:32] stream> erstmal autogramm und pics wie ein fan gönnen
[14:33] [GoD]cani> stream> und er nimmt es nicht an
[14:33] [GoD]cani> beste
[14:34] regikyle in
[14:34] stream> ich hasse das
[14:34] [GoD]cani> ich auch
[14:34] stream> auch manchmal so normale games
[14:34] stream> wenn du light wählst
[14:34] Nici_OP out
[14:34] stream> und nix kommt
[14:34] [GoD]cani> vor allem in entscheidenden momenten
[14:34] stream> direkt mouse vergewaltigen
[14:34] stream> ja
[14:34] [GoD]cani> LOL
[14:34] Taity-mini out
[14:34] regikyle> how to make my own lobby?
[14:34] stream> hab noch 3 identische mouses
[14:35] stream> damit ich die beruhigt ficken kann
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> join the huts on the left regikyle
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and wait for players
[14:35] regikyle> thanks
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo
[14:35] regikyle> waiting for my friend, we want to try this
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spiel mal wie ich
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> homofürst
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ok
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> regikyle
[14:35] [GoD]cani> ne man
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> when ur friend comes
[14:35] [GoD]cani> verliert murder wiedser+
[14:35] [GoD]cani> asdjdshudshshadushusdahuasduhdasasduhadsuhuhasdhsad
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he must join the hut you are in
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and then u can launch
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and play together
[14:36] stream> wieso wie du
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> aufm sofa
[14:36] stream> ich bin schlau und zocke am pc
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mit laptop auf den knien
[14:36] stream> wie ein normaler mensch
[14:36] stream> hahahahahah
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> und mouse auf sofa
[14:36] regikyle> how to launch? I need to have the game running?
[14:36] icepeople in
[14:36] stream> labert von dicke batzen und zockt aufm laptop
[14:36] stream> hahahahaha
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> you got a bar on the top the the mm-windows
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and on the right side
[14:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> is the launch button
[14:37] icepeople out
[14:37] [GoD]cani> STERBE
[14:37] [GoD]cani> BABO
[14:37] regikyle> oooh thanks
[14:37] [GoD]cani> stream> labert von dicke batzen und zockt aufm laptop
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> -> world <-
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> looke like that
[14:37] [GoD]cani> BAN M;E
[14:37] [GoD]cani> BAN ME
[14:37] [GoD]cani> MUTE ME
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> laptop
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ist praktisch alter
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gehste mit pc in die uni?
[14:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> idiot
[14:37] Mavocado out
[14:37] [GoD]cani> nein ist doch agr nicht böse gemeint wtf
[14:37] [GoD]cani> mir ist es egal
[14:37] stream> unis haben auch pcs
[14:37] [GoD]cani> ich lache wie babo da ssagt
[14:37] stream> owned
[14:38] [GoD]cani> stream> labert von dicke batzen und zockt aufm laptop
[14:38] stream> ist doch so hahaha
[14:38] Vhauke in
[14:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> der bulgare wieder ...
[14:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[14:38] [GoD]cani> das ist
[14:38] [GoD]cani> gold
[14:38] [GoD]cani> das ist einfahc gold
[14:38] [GoD]cani> e rjunge manchmal
[14:39] [GoD]cani> wer ist bulgare
[14:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> zockt ihr alle aufm pc oder wie
[14:39] stream> ja
[14:39] [GoD]cani> ja desktioop
[14:39] [GoD]cani> aber ist völlig egal
[14:39] Nici_OP in
[14:39] stream> finde ich nicht
[14:39] GameOfThrones in
[14:39] [GoD]cani> laptop geht doch auch
[14:39] [GoD]cani> echt?
[14:39] stream> ich hab auch nen laptop aber bin da mega schlecht
[14:39] [GoD]cani> stimmmmmt hatte mal auf lap gezockt
[14:39] [GoD]cani> ging bei mir nicht, kanns nicht
[14:39] [GoD]cani> LOL
[14:39] stream> ja
[14:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hab alles aufm laptop von uni bis games
[14:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> warum sollte ich mir nen pc kaufen
[14:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[14:39] stream> das geht nicht wie tastatur und desktop zusammenhängen
[14:39] [GoD]cani> afk duschen kochen
[14:40] stream> ich hasse das
[14:40] lag in
[14:40] [GoD]cani> LOL
[14:40] stream> hf
[14:40] [GoD]cani> jaaaaaaaaaaaa
[14:40] [GoD]cani> weiss ich ahahhaahahhaa
[14:40] stream> alpa ich schick dir bild
[14:40] [GoD]cani> hast du so ein schiebeplatte
[14:40] [GoD]cani> babo
[14:40] lag> CLOCK HORSE
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> schick
[14:40] stream> wie mein pc aussieht
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ahh
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> haste schon
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> idiot :D
[14:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mit neon lichtern
[14:40] stream> ja spin
[14:40] stream> dann schick ich dir
[14:40] [GoD]cani> beste
[14:41] stream> gönn dir
[14:41] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[14:41] stream> hab mein zimmer perfekt eingerichtet
[14:41] stream> so mit fernseher schräg neben pc stehen
[14:42] stream> tisch zum essen direkt hinter meinem stuhl
[14:42] stream> sofa zum chillen mit blick auf pc und fernseher
[14:42] stream> beste
[14:42] Mavocado in
[14:45] lag> o ke
[14:45] lag> caralho
[14:45] lag> ja te fodo
[14:45] lag> essa cona
[14:45] lag> cabraoum deves krer
[14:45] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/ScrumptiousPhilanthropicWasabiSeemsGood
[14:45] stream> so pro
[14:46] HammadH_TAS in
[14:48] Arniee_OP in
[14:48] alosha in
[14:48] stream> yoyo arnie
[14:49] [SR]Cotton_Candy out
[14:50] [GoD]cani> babo
[14:50] [GoD]cani> propos pc und lap
[14:50] [GoD]cani> gehst so in eutsche wohnung kumpel besuchen
[14:50] [GoD]cani> siehst auf seinem tisch n laptop
[14:50] [GoD]cani> ausländische kinder (wir) so richtigne gasmer PC
[14:50] stream> isso
[14:50] [GoD]cani> von blackcat oder acer
[14:50] [GoD]cani> ahhahahahaahahhahahhahaha
[14:50] stream> hahahahah
[14:51] [GoD]cani> von mutte rgekauft hahahahaahhahahahahaa
[14:51] [GoD]cani> oh mann diese vorurterile
[14:51] [GoD]cani> ist einfach zum krachen
[14:51] stream> beste so
[14:51] [GoD]cani> achso und ich danke dir dafür
[14:51] [GoD]cani> stream> labert von dicke batzen und zockt aufm laptop
[14:51] [GoD]cani> dafür danke ich dir
[14:51] [GoD]cani> gib mir dein paypal
[14:51] [AsG]Keith52 in
[14:51] stream> bei autokauf ich hol mir so golf mit neue motor und alles getuned
[14:51] stream> alman kollege holt sich ford ka
[14:51] [GoD]cani> jo deutsche kaufen wie es ist
[14:51] stream> lachkick hahahahahahahahahaha
[14:51] [GoD]cani> LOL
[14:51] [GoD]cani> du fickst mich
[14:51] stream> LOLOLLOLOLOLO
[14:52] stream> beste ford ka
[14:52] [GoD]cani> nun 3 tage in folge
[14:52] Mavocado out
[14:52] stream> hahahahahahahahaha
[14:52] [GoD]cani> jo hatte in dresden
[14:52] [GoD]cani> so einen typen mit ford ka gesehen
[14:52] [GoD]cani> so ein salman halt
[14:52] [GoD]cani> ISIS bart
[14:52] [GoD]cani> denkt ist von MN gang
[14:52] [GoD]cani> und hat türkisgrünen ford ka getuneds
[14:52] [GoD]cani> beste
[14:52] stream> HAHAHAHAHHAHA
[14:52] [GoD]cani> ohne witz
[14:52] [GoD]cani> ich musste krass lachen
[14:52] stream> ford ka hahahahaaha
[14:52] [GoD]cani> hshzashshshhshshshshshshhshhshshs
[14:52] [GoD]cani> jaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[14:52] [GoD]cani> wiesoooo
[14:52] [GoD]cani> mit so auspuff groß
[14:52] [GoD]cani> und geräusch alta war krass
[14:52] stream> jaja
[14:53] [GoD]cani> als ob feuer unten rauskam
[14:53] [GoD]cani> wie so bei sportwagen
[14:53] [GoD]cani> beste
[14:53] stream> kennst du so opfer style
[14:53] [GoD]cani> erklär
[14:53] stream> nimmst bohrmaschine und bohrst loch in auspuff
[14:53] [GoD]cani> so casual hosen
[14:53] stream> damit der sound krass ist trotz 40ps
[14:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> löcher
[14:53] stream> LOLLOLOOLLO
[14:53] [GoD]cani> braune von mutter oder eltenr gekaufte schuhe
[14:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im auspuff
[14:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> probably
[14:53] [GoD]cani> t shirt von clockhouse
[14:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> oder kieselsteine drinnen
[14:53] HammadH_TAS out
[14:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :)
[14:53] [GoD]cani> oder halt Family
[14:53] [GoD]cani> hahahahhahahahahhahahhahhahhahhaa
[14:54] therapist> THE
[14:54] therapist> FUQ
[14:54] [GoD]cani> BAN BABO
[14:54] [GoD]cani> FOR EVER
[14:54] [GoD]cani> du fickst mich
[14:54] [GoD]cani> das ist gerade krass
[14:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed
[14:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> deffending doesnt mean to send 3/4 pop to stop shaman
[14:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :/
[14:54] [GoD]cani> afk cook
[14:54] stream> hf
[14:54] stream> ^
[14:54] [GoD]cani> danke
[14:55] [GoD]cani> oder die richtigen opfer
[14:55] [GoD]cani> fährt so golf 7 oder wa sauch immer wleche krasse reihe
[14:55] [GoD]cani> steht nehben lambo an de rampel
[14:55] [AsG]Keith52 out
[14:55] [GoD]cani> guckt ganz schnell weg und nimmt anderen weg
[14:55] stream> LOL
[14:55] [GoD]cani> andere strecke damit die freudnin
[14:55] stream> LOLLOLOOLLOLO
[14:55] [GoD]cani> nicht hinschaut
[14:55] [GoD]cani> beste
[14:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> LOL
[14:55] [GoD]cani> afk cook
[14:55] [GoD]cani> :D
[14:55] stream> hahahahah
[14:56] stream> kennt ihr die kanackenehre
[14:56] [GoD]cani> vallah
[14:56] [GoD]cani> LOL
[14:56] stream> wenn du so mit deinem 260ps golf nen bmw 3er ziehst
[14:56] [GoD]cani> menshcv ichmuss kochen
[14:56] [GoD]cani> du bist süchtig
[14:56] stream> und er dann mit 90 in der stadt an dir vorbei muss
[14:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/b0/25/95b025f513bacd94fc4240b32fa5e4ae.jpg
[14:56] stream> damit er seine ehre wieder bekommt
[14:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> das ist ein auto
[14:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> kack auf lambo
[14:56] regikyle> guys help
[14:56] [GoD]cani> LOOOOOOOOOODkosafiocujgfgni
[14:56] [GoD]cani> ne ich quitte
[14:56] [GoD]cani> sry
[14:56] [GoD]cani out
[14:56] regikyle> it says i cannot start because my friend is not connected
[14:56] regikyle> how?
[14:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how is he not connected
[14:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do you see a ping on the left side or a "X"
[14:57] stream> +2 loser
[14:57] Nici_OP> Closing in on Florida, Hurricane Irma has just restrengthened back to a Category 4 Storm.
[14:57] regikyle> she sees an x
[14:57] Nici_OP> This is going to be devastating. 2
[14:57] Nici_OP> "
[14:57] Nici_OP> RIP MATT
[14:57] Freezart03 in
[14:57] regikyle> i see a question mark
[14:57] stream> oh nooooooooooooo
[14:57] Nici_OP> 1986-2017
[14:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> means you cant ping him
[14:57] stream> whatever am i going to dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[14:57] regikyle> why?
[14:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> let him try to host
[14:57] regikyle> ok
[14:57] ime_mun_kullii> anybody know if matts alive?
[14:58] stream> #prayformatt
[14:58] stream> #wearematt
[14:58] HammadH_TAS in
[14:58] stream> jk, idgaf
[14:58] ime_mun_kullii> i pray
[14:59] stream> https://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[14:59] stream> super interesting game
[14:59] stream> not
[14:59] regikyle> we tried switching but now i am the one with the x
[14:59] stream> regikyle: forward your ports
[14:59] stream> type !forward to see the steps
[14:59] regikyle> i will type it here?
[15:00] stream> yes just !forward
[15:00] Lodzikaaa out
[15:00] regikyle> it does nothing
[15:00] regikyle> ay
[15:00] stream> should show a text
[15:01] HammadH_TAS in
[15:01] HammadH_TAS out
[15:01] stream> To set up hosting, you must have bla bla
[15:01] aliverdi1023 in
[15:01] HammadH_TAS> Hey
[15:01] stream> otherwise there are also threads on forum that have a step by step instruction
[15:02] pataxo in
[15:02] regikyle> ok thanks sir
[15:03] Luke_OP in
[15:03] [SR]FanZaah out
[15:03] pataxo out
[15:05] Lodzikaaa in
[15:07] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/IntelligentPrettiestTermiteCharlieBitMe
[15:07] [SR]FanZaah in
[15:07] Freezart03> +1
[15:09] [SR]Legend in
[15:12] Arniee_OP> +2
[15:12] Nici_OP> lol
[15:13] Nici_OP> thats some next level bullshit
[15:13] Nici_OP> luck
[15:13] Nici_OP> who is yell?
[15:13] Nici_OP> did he even know he was alive
[15:13] Nici_OP> took so long to eq
[15:13] Arniee_OP> HI NICI
[15:13] Nici_OP> Hi girl
[15:13] Arniee_OP> -.-
[15:14] Arniee_OP> you failed
[15:14] Arniee_OP> disqualified
[15:14] Nici_OP> show me ur oyster
[15:14] Arniee_OP> lmao
[15:14] Nici_OP> and ur clam
[15:14] alosha out
[15:15] Nici_OP> http://prntscr.com/gjegfo
[15:16] HammadH_TAS out
[15:17] aliverdi1023 out
[15:17] Nici_OP> PRAY FOR MATT
[15:17] Arniee_OP> back
[15:18] Nici_OP> its
[15:18] Nici_OP> hitting
[15:18] [SR]Legend out
[15:18] Arniee_OP> what happeened?
[15:18] Nici_OP> the hurricane is heading towards tampa
[15:18] Nici_OP> that's what's happening
[15:19] Arniee_OP> he live in tampa?
[15:19] Nici_OP> yea tampa florida
[15:19] Arniee_OP> but matt will be fine
[15:19] Nici_OP> well.
[15:19] Arniee_OP> he is the best player of all times he can dodge lights since ever man
[15:19] Nici_OP> maybe he will dodge properly for the first time
[15:19] Nici_OP> ;
[15:19] Arniee_OP> hurricane aint gat no shit on matt
[15:19] Arniee_OP> lmao
[15:19] Nici_OP> hahah
[15:19] Arniee_OP> hahaha
[15:19] [SR]Legend in
[15:19] Nici_OP> kinda bad tho
[15:20] Nici_OP> feel bad for him
[15:20] Arniee_OP> yeah sad
[15:20] ime_mun_kullii> i hope hes fine
[15:20] ime_mun_kullii> :(
[15:20] Arniee_OP> thats what happenes to ppl who are mean lmao
[15:20] ime_mun_kullii> even matt dont deserve hurrican e
[15:20] Arniee_OP> you can see here in greece everything is peaceful cuz arniee is chill since ever
[15:20] Arniee_OP> :)))
[15:20] Arniee_OP> its karma
[15:20] alosha in
[15:21] ime_mun_kullii> dude
[15:21] ime_mun_kullii> when will u pay ur depts back to finland
[15:21] Arniee_OP> lmayo
[15:21] regikyle out
[15:21] ime_mun_kullii> greece takin so much
[15:21] Nici_OP> lol
[15:21] Arniee_OP> when germany will give the money the owe us from the war
[15:21] regikyle in
[15:21] Arniee_OP> which they aint give
[15:21] Arniee_OP> cuz they are meanies
[15:21] Nici_OP> damn
[15:22] Nici_OP> can matt dodge hurricane?
[15:22] Arniee_OP> but its ok greece was always under pressure and stuff we always making it out we are strong basterds
[15:22] [SR]Legend in
[15:22] ime_mun_kullii> depends if he uses pop dodge skills
[15:22] Arniee_OP> nah he is too bad on click click click dismantle
[15:22] Arniee_OP> he aint survive
[15:23] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11400
[15:23] [SR]Legend out
[15:23] Shao_OP in
[15:24] Shao_OP> Hentai
[15:24] Nici_OP> stfu
[15:24] Shao_OP> nici's a fag
[15:24] Shao_OP> tra la la
[15:24] Shao_OP> :>
[15:24] Nici_OP> shao
[15:24] Nici_OP> ur thoughts on matt being hit by hurricane Irma
[15:25] Shao_OP> his own fault for not dodging
[15:25] Arniee_OP> omg :'(
[15:25] Nici_OP> lol
[15:25] Arniee_OP> 240days of waking 7am and study 24/7
[15:25] Nici_OP> HAHAHAHA
[15:25] Arniee_OP> i would prefer to be on matt's situation for real
[15:25] Nici_OP> hes in his bros house i think
[15:25] Nici_OP> atm
[15:25] Nici_OP> probably no power to come on pop tho
[15:26] Shao_OP> good
[15:26] Arniee_OP> how you know all that?
[15:26] Arniee_OP> are you a stalker nici :o
[15:26] Arniee_OP> exposed
[15:26] Nici_OP> kinda
[15:26] Arniee_OP> child predator
[15:26] Nici_OP> lol im friends with him on fb :D
[15:26] Arniee_OP> busted
[15:26] Nici_OP> its why :D
[15:26] Arniee_OP> BUSTED
[15:26] Arniee_OP> theres no excuses
[15:26] Nici_OP> PUSSYSHAVED
[15:26] Nici_OP> WAXED
[15:26] Nici_OP> DELITERATED
[15:26] Nici_OP> EVACUATED
[15:26] Nici_OP> DISGRUNTLED
[15:26] Nici_OP> SMACKED
[15:26] Nici_OP> SMASHED
[15:26] Nici_OP> OBLITERATED
[15:27] Nici_OP> BAFFLED
[15:27] Nici_OP> TROUNCED
[15:27] Nici_OP> VANQUISHED
[15:28] GameOfThrones> ready 1 vs 1?
[15:29] Arniee_OP> nici are you a hurricane
[15:29] Nici_OP> kinda
[15:29] Arniee_OP> my last day until school
[15:29] Arniee_OP> :(( and not even a pop game
[15:30] PureChemist_OP in
[15:30] Arniee_OP out
[15:30] [SR]Legend out
[15:30] HammadH_TAS in
[15:30] Arniee_OP in
[15:31] Nici_OP> :(
[15:31] [SR]Legend in
[15:31] Nici_OP> play with matt
[15:31] Lucrus in
[15:32] Lucrus out
[15:32] redfire in
[15:32] HammadH_TAS out
[15:33] Nici_OP> doi me a cbaeç
[15:33] Nici_OP> cabeça
[15:33] Nici_OP> pera tenho de ir almoºar 1
[15:33] Nici_OP> almoçar
[15:34] [SR]Legend in
[15:35] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:36] therapist> wow man
[15:36] therapist> so lucky
[15:36] therapist> whole fuckin game
[15:36] [SR]Legend out
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta is lucky im so fukin ace
[15:36] Nici_OP> who was yell that game?
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta
[15:36] Nici_OP> lol
[15:36] Nici_OP> blessed motherfucker
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> why?
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[15:36] Nici_OP> [15:08] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/IntelligentPrettiestTermiteCharlieBitMe
[15:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> did spec or stream?
[15:36] Tuzkar> sorry weed :(
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> moores
[15:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye?
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> you re lucky i build so many fws when your based was fucked
[15:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> and check the shaman kills
[15:37] Nici_OP> moores no troops again
[15:37] Nici_OP> lol
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> then talk again
[15:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had 8 huts at one point
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> thank you
[15:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> and no fw hut
[15:37] therapist> np tuzkar the luck was on their side
[15:38] therapist> we won that
[15:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> or somthing
[15:38] therapist> in reality
[15:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> like that
[15:38] therapist> like no fuckin joke
[15:38] therapist> the ammount of bs that game
[15:38] therapist> was limitless
[15:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed
[15:38] therapist> strgfu
[15:38] Nici_OP> weed
[15:38] therapist> im fuckin mad
[15:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u see ur s cliks
[15:38] Nici_OP> did u see the thing babo clipped
[15:38] therapist> i lost sweet pts
[15:38] therapist> yeah man fuckin bs
[15:38] Nici_OP> rofl
[15:38] therapist> he was
[15:38] therapist> sooooooo
[15:38] therapist> supposed to die
[15:38] Nici_OP> that was sick
[15:38] Tuzkar> shouldnt be to many since team balance right?
[15:38] Nici_OP> yea
[15:38] therapist> even he was on the same edge 2 times
[15:38] Nici_OP> got lucky at last 0.01
[15:38] therapist> and didngt die
[15:38] Strongest18 in
[15:38] Nici_OP> sec
[15:38] therapist> after that clip
[15:38] therapist> sad man sad
[15:39] Nici_OP> [15:39] therapist> i lost sweet pts
[15:39] Nici_OP> but game was unranked
[15:39] therapist> LOL
[15:39] therapist> rly ??????????????
[15:39] Nici_OP> yes
[15:39] Nici_OP> "Game Unrated"
[15:39] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[15:39] [GoD]Shogun> when u see ppl like weed becoming shaman u realise how much the new system sucks
[15:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow that game was epic
[15:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1 hour 8 mins
[15:39] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[15:39] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:39] Nici_OP> weed is shaman
[15:39] Nici_OP> lol
[15:39] Nici_OP> this shogun coward bitch
[15:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at them numbers guys
[15:39] Strongest18 out
[15:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> 600 enemy followers killed ... ON SESS
[15:40] therapist> LOL how the fuck was that unranked
[15:40] therapist> not that i mind but i didnt even click ijt
[15:40] therapist> mm is so weird
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> it wasnt
[15:40] therapist> my autocast spell has been off for days
[15:40] Nici_OP> it was unranked
[15:40] Nici_OP> moores
[15:40] DeltaEnemy> unranked
[15:40] DeltaEnemy> ffs
[15:40] therapist> i didnt realize until todayu
[15:40] DeltaEnemy> fy
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> unrated
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed
[15:40] therapist> no wonder my clics were weird
[15:40] therapist> moores
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> u unrated it coz u were allying tuz
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> u bitch
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> and it turns out
[15:40] Nici_OP> weed, shift + L
[15:40] Nici_OP> solves
[15:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes better then you
[15:40] therapist> no i swear
[15:40] therapist> i didnt
[15:40] Tuzkar> no one deserves anything from that game. it was fucking sess
[15:40] therapist> really nici ????
[15:40] Nici_OP> yes
[15:40] therapist> i mighta hitted that some days ago
[15:40] therapist> while i raged
[15:40] therapist> lol
[15:40] therapist> i mean i didnt rage
[15:40] Nici_OP> funniest shit is seeing moores shaman
[15:41] Nici_OP> could make a comedy with that
[15:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk up fag boy
[15:41] Nici_OP> http://prntscr.com/gjegfo
[15:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> u kno its looked lovely
[15:41] Nici_OP> ^
[15:41] Nici_OP> naw
[15:41] Nici_OP> the difference of skill between us is too big
[15:41] [SR]Legend out
[15:41] Nici_OP> lucky there is no more than shaman +
[15:41] Tuzkar> should be
[15:41] Tuzkar> God rank
[15:42] Tuzkar> just like the game
[15:42] lag> matt died in shinak?
[15:42] Shao_OP> hen to the tai
[15:42] Raptor in
[15:43] Johnyx in
[15:43] HammadH_TAS in
[15:44] [GoD]cani in
[15:44] Azuca out
[15:44] Strongest18 in
[15:45] Strongest18 out
[15:45] HammadH_TAS out
[15:45] ime_mun_kullii> i swear this pizza
[15:45] ime_mun_kullii> insanely gud
[15:46] ime_mun_kullii> ummm
[15:47] Poweredbykaliya in
[15:48] Poweredbykaliya out
[15:53] Cutemammy_Tas in
[15:53] [GoD]cani> sick
[15:54] Cutemammy_Tas> hi :)
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> SICKMAMMY_TAS IN
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:54] Cutemammy_Tas> i am not sick
[15:54] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> [23:54] [GoD]cani> sick
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> [23:54] Cutemammy_Tas> hi :)
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> see ?
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> it seems you replied to him
[15:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:55] Cutemammy_Tas> i replied to whole mm :>
[15:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o!
[15:55] Cutemammy_Tas> just saying hello
[15:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> LORDMAMMY_TAS IN
[15:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> *bows*
[15:55] Cutemammy_Tas> >:D
[15:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> the king mammy :o
[15:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> guys
[15:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> do u wanna hear something cool
[15:55] Cutemammy_Tas> please tell
[15:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> tell who :o
[15:56] Cutemammy_Tas> [16:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> do u wanna hear something cool
[15:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok so do u guys watch got?
[15:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> what can even be cool
[15:56] Cutemammy_Tas> no
[15:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> chicks are going for hot all the time
[15:56] HammadH_TAS in
[15:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> so that aint logical
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> THIS WORLD IS NOT LOGICAL
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:57] Cutemammy_Tas> it has never been logical ;)
[15:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> MOORES
[15:57] [GoD]cani> rod
[15:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> MOORES U CUNT
[15:57] [GoD]cani> n weed
[15:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> U WATCH GOT
[15:57] [GoD]cani> plaiyng after food?
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> MY EXITENSE
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> is not real
[15:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> The Mammy's teaching
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> is real
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> level :o?
[15:58] Cutemammy_Tas> is it :)?
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> yeye :o
[15:58] Cutemammy_Tas> pp is ok :)
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> he'll teach me how to pwn tsu
[15:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:59] Cutemammy_Tas> would be nice if you would teach me :D
[15:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[15:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> youve already beaten me
[15:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> once
[15:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[15:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella
[15:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye its over
[15:59] Cutemammy_Tas> wel ye
[15:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[15:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofc i watched it
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh but
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> ya know hodor
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> the actor is a DJ
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> HOdooorrrr
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> and he's headlining at my freshers ball
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> fat boy slim?
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol prolly not
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> NAH IM SERIOUS
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> YE !
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOK IT UP
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> that is pretty sik tbf
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> so now u want me to come to ur freshers ball ...
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe i will
[16:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> nigga if that drop isnt "hold the door" im heading tf out
[16:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> "whos that big guy hes fit"
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was a mad story
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> "holda door"
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella i went to my mates gym before
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> he got ropes
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> that uclimb
[16:01] [GoD]Shogun in
[16:01] [GoD]Shogun out
[16:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got up it peice of piss
[16:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> couldnt beleive it
[16:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i thought id struggle
[16:02] bluemuse in
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun in
[16:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> i wish i could
[16:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> id love to mountain climb
[16:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> rly?
[16:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> hmm
[16:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> suyppoose it would be nice
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> ask inca bella i heard he does it
[16:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella where is ur ball
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi see what satnav says
[16:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> imperial
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> if its longer then 25 mins
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> o wtf
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> 4 hours
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> 25mins
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur pissing me off
[16:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh its like all night
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> imperial colledge
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> u bitch
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> i want that life
[16:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe in another life
[16:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> :)
[16:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> nvr too late
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> it is
[16:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> give up ur drug life and get a gcse
[16:05] therapist> if u think bella can be something else than a useless whore
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> u dont need a gcse to make money bella
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> tell me
[16:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> how long will b it be before u earning 80K a year
[16:05] Tuzkar> wait wait wait
[16:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> u need talent if u dont have qualifications
[16:06] Tuzkar> Imperial in Kensington?
[16:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> i have that
[16:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> straight after uni
[16:06] [GoD]cani> diegggoooooo
[16:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> average earning for geology at imperial is the highest in the UK
[16:06] [GoD]cani> como estas?
[16:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> about £74k
[16:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> straight after ur 3 years
[16:06] [GoD]Shogun> hi
[16:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> is that after tax?
[16:06] [GoD]Shogun> alborto
[16:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> or before
[16:07] [GoD]cani> join sess
[16:07] [GoD]Shogun> estoy bien gracias
[16:07] [GoD]cani> muy bien
[16:07] [GoD]Shogun> downloading
[16:07] [GoD]Shogun> lo sineto
[16:07] [GoD]Shogun> siento*
[16:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella it would be such a wasate if we dont meet and i rape you
[16:07] martinzg in
[16:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> i swear
[16:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont meet up with noobs like u
[16:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> when i say rape i meean in "fulfill a girls fantasy"type rape
[16:07] [GoD]Shogun> ask weed ?
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> noobs !
[16:08] [GoD]Shogun> i hear hes a shaman
[16:08] therapist> its funny really
[16:08] Tuzkar> Lol
[16:08] [GoD]Shogun> lols
[16:08] therapist> bella is makin fun of moores
[16:08] therapist> while moores is suckin it up
[16:08] [GoD]Shogun> heard*
[16:08] therapist> like the lady in the relationshiop
[16:08] therapist> kinda sick
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu weed u dickles twig
[16:08] therapist> ?
[16:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> wait like a year and u can fuck ur baby
[16:08] therapist> im not the one gettin insulted by bella
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow
[16:08] therapist> and talkin nice back to her lol
[16:08] therapist> shows ur in love
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> weird fukin bitch man
[16:08] Arniee_OP out
[16:08] therapist> with that internet puss
[16:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> cat girl
[16:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOL
[16:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> THATS THE LINE?!
[16:09] therapist> ohhhhhhshiiiiiiiiiiiiit
[16:09] therapist> 5 mins and the cheezeburger
[16:09] therapist> is arriving
[16:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> go learn some fukin social skills u lonley cat stalking wierdo
[16:09] [GoD]cani> 73k in a year
[16:09] [GoD]cani> dont u wnana more bella
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> weed join spin's hut and rape bella
[16:09] Shao_OP out
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> with ur super shaman rank
[16:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> 73 is the average
[16:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> what girl talks like that
[16:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> if i get into oil its a lot more
[16:09] therapist> so wish i could but bitch leaves when i join :(
[16:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking introverted freak
[16:09] therapist> makes me so sad :(
[16:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> weighing in at 3 stone
[16:09] therapist> like so super sad :(
[16:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> lmao
[16:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> skinny kunt
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[16:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> moors is triggered
[16:09] [GoD]cani> yhman wrok i nrussia
[16:09] Tuzkar> when is he not?
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> weird shit for a girl/ women to say
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> even men
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> but a women
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> be it a titles women
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> ik what triggers moores now
[16:10] Zerstorer out
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> s clicks and baby raping
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> ill keep that in mind
[16:10] therapist> .............
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> peodophilia of any sort triggers me
[16:10] [GoD]Shogun> and jail
[16:10] therapist> this bitch is a retard
[16:10] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> [tdm]MooresMurder> peodophilia of any sort triggers me
[16:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella and her cats
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> ironic that uve been saying ur gonna fuck me since i was 15
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt kno u was 15
[16:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOL
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> thought u was older
[16:11] Tuzkar> o boy
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> u look nackerd
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> scrawnt kunt
[16:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> moores u shouldnt talk
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> scrawny#
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> type #?
[16:11] Zerstorer in
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> bella a real girl wouldnt pay attention to virgin fucks like moores
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> or talk
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> i have to talk alot
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> to people
[16:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> nah moores is triggered as hell
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> i imagine u dont have this oppertunity unles u go downstairs and talk to ur mum
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> he's just desperate :>
[16:12] Zerstorer out
[16:12] Zerstorer in
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> he's like "a girl !? omgomg *hormones activated*"
[16:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> ^
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> sad but truh
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> :<
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye thats me
[16:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> i get worse things said to me and i dont spazz out
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> i turn down advances from women all the time
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> u wish u could say that shogun
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> and it be true
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> but u cant
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> sry i dont need to say anyything to a brat like u
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> ;)
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> i think rly ur the virgin
[16:13] Tuzkar> you can say whatever the fuck you like in here, since no one can either confirm or deny anything anyone says
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> well
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> my fb is known
[16:13] therapist> i can confirm bella is a wild whore
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> at least u can see me
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> and kno i can get a couple of birds
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> girls
[16:13] Tuzkar> Weed you in coms?
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> #
[16:13] therapist> what ?===
[16:14] Tuzkar> Ts?
[16:14] therapist> no im eating a cheezeburger
[16:14] [GoD]cani> the
[16:14] Tuzkar> ofc you are
[16:14] therapist> LOL
[16:14] therapist> tuzkar
[16:14] therapist> they moved from ts
[16:14] therapist> to discord
[16:14] Tuzkar> ughhh
[16:14] therapist> yeah i said the same
[16:14] Tuzkar> i got kicked from the discord tho
[16:14] Tuzkar> soooooooooooo
[16:14] [GoD]cani> jmurder?
[16:14] [GoD]cani> join ????
[16:14] therapist> matt made new one lol
[16:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> did moores srsly leave the hut
[16:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> lmao
[16:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna play fo mate
[16:15] [GoD]Shogun> spin
[16:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> he's so triggered
[16:15] [GoD]cani> im not doing fo
[16:15] [GoD]Shogun> matt on fb?
[16:15] [GoD]cani> oh
[16:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> i am
[16:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> if u wanna joij
[16:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> not played it enough recenbtly
[16:15] Nici_OP> rip matt
[16:15] [GoD]cani> wlel no palyers for fo
[16:15] [GoD]cani> murder
[16:15] [GoD]cani> they all shit
[16:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> some resaon no one knows how to play it
[16:15] [GoD]cani> except nici
[16:15] [GoD]Shogun> tell matt to log in spin
[16:15] [GoD]Shogun> ill rape him on fo
[16:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> im gonna play pubg for like 20 minswhen i come bac i want a game
[16:15] [GoD]cani> he is in a tornado
[16:16] [GoD]cani> right now
[16:16] therapist> moores and nici vs spinn and shogun fo
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> even tho im not even playing
[16:16] therapist> GOOGOGOGOOGOGOGOG
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> llol
[16:16] therapist> LMFOA
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> i cant play weed
[16:16] therapist> wtf
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> downloading
[16:16] [GoD]cani> nah ill stay with 73k girl
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> sry bruh
[16:16] [GoD]cani> +2
[16:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure tornados can life matts weight
[16:16] therapist> sad no gamez to spec
[16:16] MahaRaja out
[16:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> lift#
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> ally him since ur a brand new shaman ?
[16:16] [GoD]cani> vhan
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> ;)
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> ?
[16:16] [GoD]cani> pause dl
[16:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> spin looking for a sugar mummy
[16:16] therapist> dude im eating a fuckin burger man
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> nah
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> fk pop
[16:16] MahaRaja in
[16:16] [GoD]Shogun> my download goes first
[16:17] therapist> wtf u doiwnlaoding
[16:17] [GoD]cani> sugar mummy?
[16:17] [GoD]cani> what is a sugar mummy
[16:17] [GoD]Shogun> wtf weed not ur business dude
[16:17] [GoD]cani> do i smell business
[16:17] Cutemammy_Tas> :O
[16:17] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[16:17] [GoD]cani> ?
[16:17] Cutemammy_Tas> i xhrashed
[16:17] Cutemammy_Tas> crashed*
[16:18] Apocalypsis_TAS> too bad
[16:18] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[16:18] Apocalypsis_TAS> lemme restart
[16:18] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[16:18] therapist> shogu
[16:18] therapist> n
[16:18] therapist> what in the fuck
[16:18] therapist> are u fuckin downloading
[16:18] therapist> what are u hidiing
[16:18] [GoD]cani> vhan come sess
[16:18] [GoD]cani> ally albert
[16:18] [GoD]Shogun> dude stfu
[16:18] [GoD]cani> por can wait
[16:18] [GoD]Shogun> why isnt any1 allying alberto
[16:18] [GoD]cani> porn can wait
[16:18] [GoD]Shogun> what did i miss
[16:18] therapist> the
[16:18] [GoD]cani> no games
[16:18] [GoD]Shogun> isnt he a good player
[16:18] [GoD]cani> wtf
[16:18] [GoD]cani> they do
[16:18] therapist> if the age is on the clcok
[16:18] [GoD]cani> watch history
[16:18] therapist> rdy for the cock
[16:18] [GoD]cani> dieg
[16:18] therapist> is real
[16:19] therapist> the
[16:19] therapist> darkness
[16:19] [GoD]Shogun> u both are a annoying combination
[16:19] [GoD]cani> the
[16:20] [GoD]cani> bollox
[16:20] [GoD]cani> and
[16:20] [GoD]cani> Rw
[16:20] Lodzikaaa out
[16:20] therapist> the
[16:20] [GoD]cani> is real
[16:20] therapist> someythingh
[16:20] therapist> is real
[16:20] therapist> 1 sec
[16:20] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[16:20] [GoD]cani> out ofmwords
[16:20] Maganha_OP in
[16:20] [GoD]cani> this guy is
[16:21] stream> [16:40] [GoD]Shogun> when u see ppl like weed becoming shaman u realise how much the new system sucks
[16:21] stream> same reason why youre shaman
[16:21] Freezart03> sec
[16:21] Zerstorer> host
[16:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> weeds is bettere then vhan
[16:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> by alot
[16:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats bad
[16:21] [GoD]cani> well
[16:21] [GoD]cani> diegos mana is sicker
[16:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> they should 1v1
[16:22] [GoD]cani> this is what i can say
[16:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> diegosa got a massive dick i heard
[16:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici told me
[16:22] [GoD]cani> babo komm
[16:22] [GoD]cani> gib mir spiel
[16:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> no boycot that slut
[16:22] Maganha_OP> ^gay
[16:23] stream> wieso immer nur diese rumgeier spiele
[16:23] stream> rumgeeier*
[16:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> WHAT
[16:23] therapist> all iknow is
[16:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[16:23] therapist> i want a second cheezeburger
[16:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut u twig
[16:24] therapist> hmmmmm should i order another
[16:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed are u better then vhan ?
[16:24] [GoD]Shogun> well
[16:24] therapist> ye i do
[16:24] [GoD]Shogun> like pizza too
[16:24] therapist> ?
[16:24] [GoD]cani> lol
[16:24] therapist> im better than u all no question
[16:24] therapist> bout that
[16:24] [GoD]Shogun> i like*
[16:24] [GoD]cani> was meisnt du?
[16:24] [GoD]cani> ich möchte mit dir spielen
[16:24] [GoD]Shogun> wtf this laggy mm :<
[16:24] [GoD]cani> ?
[16:24] stream> weißt du echt nicht
[16:24] GameOfThrones out
[16:24] Freezart03> 007 ping X
[16:24] stream> warte
[16:24] [GoD]cani> ne
[16:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo when i get back i wanna 1v1 on ygddr
[16:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[16:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> in like 20 mins
[16:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[16:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> youl lose for usre
[16:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> sure
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> [tdm]MooresMurder> diegosa got a massive dick i heard
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> want it in ur ass?
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> i dont get this gay unt
[16:25] DeltaEnemy out
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> cunt*
[16:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> na im as virgin in that area
[16:25] Maganha_OP> its sad to see pigeon as shaman
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> u should get away from nici
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> its sad to see vhan
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> he supports gay stuff
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> in the mm
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> might take u to the wrong side
[16:26] Maganha_OP> stfu, mores
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> i never understould "gay pride"
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> itsd like an oxymoron
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> a contradiction in terms
[16:26] Johnyx> ...
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> ur lucky ur comment saved u andrew
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> how can u be gay but also be proud
[16:26] [GoD]cani> pp
[16:26] therapist> last time i talked shit bout gay people
[16:26] Freezart03> +1
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> i still remeber meph enjoying matts dick
[16:26] therapist> moores went mad
[16:26] stream> MOORES
[16:26] therapist> and said i should stfu
[16:26] [SR]007s out
[16:27] stream> ALLY ME U FAG
[16:27] therapist> was sad
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> "hey andrew u missed matts cock"
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> this meph.. lmfao
[16:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i gotta go out in 10 mins
[16:27] [SR]007s in
[16:27] stream> fu
[16:27] stream> 100% faggot
[16:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> but il be back sghortly afterwards , 5 mins later
[16:27] stream> full homo
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> [tdm]MooresMurder> diegosa got a massive dick i heard
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> he sure is babo
[16:27] Arniee_OP in
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> guy wants my dick
[16:27] therapist> what is diegosa
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> lul.
[16:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i alrdy told you
[16:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici told me
[16:27] [GoD]cani> wtf is this swastika
[16:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> take it up with him
[16:27] [GoD]cani> behind me on the wall
[16:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[16:28] stream> talking about massive dicks in an online chat
[16:28] stream> yall homos
[16:28] stream> disgusting
[16:28] therapist> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10203675116972402&set=a.1528041554931.76222.1051463263&type=3&theater
[16:28] therapist> is this diegosa
[16:28] [GoD]Shogun> weed why arent u allying spin
[16:28] therapist> i mean
[16:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu diego stop showeeing nici ur dick then
[16:28] therapist> wtf
[16:28] [GoD]cani> diego
[16:28] [GoD]cani> bella doesnt play nahim
[16:28] [GoD]Shogun> dude im not matt
[16:28] therapist> what is a diego
[16:28] [GoD]cani> its the cousin of dora
[16:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella can play 2 mapos only
[16:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> shes a fuykin returd
[16:28] therapist> dora????
[16:28] [GoD]cani> ya
[16:28] [GoD]cani> dora
[16:28] therapist> the book
[16:29] therapist> ??????????
[16:29] [GoD]cani> no
[16:29] [GoD]cani> series
[16:29] [GoD]Shogun> guy likes sending pics of his dicks to gay cunts like meph
[16:29] therapist> the show ??????
[16:29] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[16:29] [GoD]cani> ya
[16:29] therapist> wtf
[16:29] lag> dora the
[16:29] [GoD]Shogun> dick*
[16:29] lag> /me explorer
[16:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella can play 4way [sort of] and pp [baarely]
[16:29] therapist> https://www.google.no/search?q=diego+dora&dcr=0&tbm=isch&imgil=aN33ZCGgh984xM%253A%253BB1UTn1Xlm73bkM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fdora.wikia.com%25252Fwiki%25252FMeet_Diego!&source=iu&pf=m&fir=aN33ZCGgh984xM%253A%252CB1UTn1Xlm73bkM%252C_&usg=___AvrDpC_w4r-EwDuUw3jR7sP7Gw%3D&biw=1463&bih=762&ved=0ahUKEwj77q3k95rWAhWmNJoKHeNFBccQyjcIPw&ei=hlq1WfuTEabp6ATji5W4DA#imgrc=aN33ZCGgh984xM:
[16:29] therapist> is this fuckin diego??
[16:29] therapist> that brown fuck
[16:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> she needs 5 years to learn asnother map
[16:29] therapist> http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/doratheexplorer/images/b/b9/Diego5.png/revision/latest?cb=20131112051006
[16:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> stupid bitch
[16:29] therapist> is it this shit
[16:30] [GoD]cani> yes
[16:30] [GoD]cani> this is deigo
[16:30] therapist> LMFAO
[16:30] [GoD]cani> diego
[16:30] therapist> wtf
[16:30] therapist> how do u guys all of a sudden
[16:30] therapist> start talkin bout a diego
[16:30] [GoD]cani> wtf
[16:30] [GoD]cani> vhans name is diego
[16:30] [GoD]cani> u idiot
[16:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> why not
[16:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> DIEGO
[16:30] therapist> LOL
[16:30] [GoD]cani> he is spanish
[16:30] [GoD]cani> u idiot
[16:30] [GoD]cani> the
[16:30] therapist> how the fuck shjopuld iknow
[16:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> que
[16:30] [GoD]cani> since 012 her
[16:30] [GoD]cani> here
[16:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo 1v1 when i get back u divi
[16:30] [GoD]cani> but woke up 017
[16:30] [GoD]cani> is real
[16:31] stream> k
[16:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> OH
[16:31] [GoD]Shogun> as if weeds joke was fun at all
[16:31] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[16:31] [GoD]Shogun> dude get better jokes
[16:31] [GoD]cani> what joke
[16:31] [GoD]Shogun> or else stfu
[16:31] lag> NICI NO SWIPING
[16:31] [GoD]cani> lag
[16:31] [GoD]cani> re u div
[16:31] lag> no
[16:31] lag> im dora the EXPLODER
[16:31] lag> allahu dorabar
[16:31] lag> /me explodes
[16:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[16:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats weed
[16:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed wishes he could put a suicide vest on his shamen
[16:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> fuck i was doing really good
[16:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> then some guy just head shot me from no were
[16:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> prolly straight in front of u bella
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> Meph> hey andrew u missed matt sending a pic of his cock
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> now thats fun
[16:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> u simpleton
[16:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> he was around the fucking corner
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> roflrol
[16:32] Tuzkar> as long as you are playing FP only
[16:33] Tuzkar> its ok
[16:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> we were both outside the blue circle tho so he was gonna die anyway
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> [tdm]MooresMurder> im glad i missed that
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> thats what seved u moores
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> saved*
[16:34] martinzg out
[16:34] Johnyx> lololololooooool
[16:34] Zerstorer> lol
[16:34] Johnyx> looooool
[16:35] Johnyx> fw unbaanced team
[16:35] Zerstorer> arnie is war
[16:35] Zerstorer> lol
[16:35] Johnyx> he is fw
[16:35] [GoD]cani> :*
[16:35] stream> hahahahaha
[16:35] Maganha_OP> ??????????
[16:35] stream> du homo alta
[16:35] [SR]FanZaah out
[16:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> lets go
[16:35] [GoD]cani> stream needs to tell me sorry
[16:35] stream> geh ich halt afk
[16:35] [GoD]cani> in pm
[16:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> omg
[16:35] [GoD]cani> to get
[16:35] [GoD]cani> in my hut
[16:38] therapist> ohyeah
[16:38] therapist> nr 2 cheezeburger
[16:38] therapist> goin down
[16:38] therapist> no homo
[16:40] Maganha_OP> hey, red
[16:40] redfire> hi :)
[16:40] Maganha_OP> bora jogar
[16:40] redfire> sim
[16:40] [SR]FanZaah in
[16:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> im gonna play more pubg
[16:41] Maganha_OP out
[16:42] bluemuse out
[16:43] Nothing in
[16:44] skaarj_guardian out
[16:47] [GoD]cani> the
[16:47] [GoD]cani> surpiser
[16:47] [GoD]cani> is real
[16:47] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[16:47] Cutemammy_Tas> i still had spells tsu :o
[16:49] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[16:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[16:49] bluemuse in
[16:50] [GoD]cani> wtf is this swastika on my nack in the first place
[16:50] [GoD]cani> *neck
[16:50] [GoD]Shogun> spin
[16:50] skaarj_guardian in
[16:50] [GoD]Shogun> tell matt to come
[16:50] [GoD]cani> we did
[16:51] [GoD]cani> he offline
[16:51] [GoD]Shogun> he probably suckin some blacken somewhere
[16:51] [GoD]Shogun> like moores
[16:52] Nothing> +host
[16:53] Nothing out
[16:53] therapist> matt was on 18 mins ago on fb
[16:53] Nothing in
[16:53] therapist> uy is just not answering cuz he wants people to feel bnad for him
[16:53] therapist> what a lame bitch
[16:53] [GoD]cani> yaya but guys lets come back to the swastika on my neck
[16:53] [GoD]cani> wtf is this
[16:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> i killed my first guy
[16:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> wood
[16:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> wooh*
[16:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> he was standing still tho looool
[16:54] [GoD]Shogun> therapist> uy is just not answering cuz he wants people to feel bnad for him
[16:54] [GoD]cani> i sometimes
[16:54] [GoD]Shogun> why would some1 feel bad for him
[16:54] [GoD]Shogun> like.. wtf
[16:54] [GoD]cani> dont know
[16:54] [GoD]cani> if i shud laugh
[16:54] [GoD]cani> or cry
[16:54] [GoD]cani> to this shit
[16:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> anyone want to play duo?
[16:54] therapist> duo penetration on bella ?
[16:54] therapist> sure
[16:54] therapist> the
[16:54] [GoD]Shogun> lol bella
[16:54] [GoD]cani> the
[16:55] [GoD]cani> pick up
[16:55] therapist> good thing
[16:55] [GoD]cani> mersailles
[16:55] therapist> bout the fat ones
[16:55] [GoD]cani> is real
[16:55] therapist> u can stick it wherever u cwant
[16:55] therapist> is real
[16:55] [GoD]Shogun> saying "duo" here being a girl
[16:55] [GoD]Shogun> is like asking for it
[16:55] therapist> this
[16:55] therapist> fuckin guuy
[16:55] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2
[16:55] therapist> ANYONE
[16:56] [GoD]cani> wtf is this rosa star on my tongue
[16:56] Maganha_OP in
[16:56] tidebringer in
[16:56] therapist> maganha
[16:56] therapist> are u playing ?=???
[16:56] therapist> me and maganha vs tuzkar and spinn
[16:56] therapist> dude spinn tuzkar isnt noob lol
[16:56] HammadH_TAS out
[16:56] therapist> join tuzkar
[16:56] therapist> ill ally him
[16:57] [GoD]cani> wtf is this bbc
[16:57] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[16:57] Nothing> oh cmon
[16:57] therapist> mahmut game ???
[16:57] Nothing> put 4 players wth
[16:57] [GoD]cani> the
[16:57] [GoD]cani> picking the worst one for spin
[16:57] [GoD]cani> to make him lose a lot
[16:57] GreenWarrioR in
[16:57] HammadH_TAS in
[16:57] [GoD]cani> but not earning respect credit points
[16:57] [GoD]cani> s real
[16:58] therapist> sppinn
[16:58] therapist> pm me
[16:58] therapist> when is starting
[16:58] [GoD]cani> okk
[16:59] Nothing> lol stream?
[16:59] Cutemammy_Tas> map and teams ?
[16:59] GameOfThrones in
[17:00] therapist> STREAMING
[17:00] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:01] [GoD]cani out
[17:01] MahaRaja out
[17:01] therapist> frpze
[17:01] therapist> froze
[17:01] therapist> coukldnt click shit
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> this "spectate" option sucks
[17:01] Cutemammy_Tas> what shame
[17:01] [GoD]cani in
[17:01] therapist> the
[17:01] [GoD]cani> the
[17:01] therapist> shogun
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> it doesnt even get me in :<
[17:01] Cutemammy_Tas> a*
[17:01] [GoD]cani> heroine
[17:01] therapist> appearing when we launch
[17:01] therapist> the stalking on max level
[17:01] therapist> is real
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> dude im downloading
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> n only watch
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> right bith
[17:02] therapist> dude
[17:02] [GoD]Shogun> can*
[17:02] therapist> u have been watching
[17:02] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[17:02] therapist> mm for the past 1 hour
[17:02] [GoD]cani> stremaing
[17:02] therapist> wtf
[17:02] therapist> the
[17:02] [GoD]cani> the
[17:02] [GoD]Shogun> [GoD]Shogun> dude im downloading
[17:02] therapist> higher quality twitch.tv/w33dhit and music
[17:02] therapist> is real
[17:02] [GoD]Shogun> what dont u get
[17:02] [GoD]cani> lets see who dies first
[17:02] [GoD]cani> and we talk furhter
[17:02] [GoD]Shogun> like.. wtf weed
[17:02] [GoD]cani> is real
[17:02] Cutemammy_Tas> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_mahmut1661 best quality
[17:02] Cutemammy_Tas> but wont be active xD
[17:02] [GoD]Shogun> weed stop smokin weed
[17:02] therapist> i havent smoked weed
[17:02] therapist> in 1 day
[17:02] therapist> ffs
[17:02] [GoD]cani> wow
[17:02] [GoD]cani> the
[17:03] [GoD]cani> guinnes records
[17:03] therapist> the
[17:03] therapist> LO ?FGKWER
[17:03] [GoD]cani> is real
[17:03] [GoD]cani> LMAO
[17:03] therapist> where is tuzkar
[17:03] therapist> ????????????????????????????
[17:03] therapist> tuzkar come
[17:04] [GoD]Shogun> wtf spin
[17:04] [GoD]Shogun> low watchers
[17:04] [GoD]Shogun> allow*
[17:04] Maganha_OP out
[17:04] [GoD]cani out
[17:05] [SR]007s out
[17:05] Maganha_OP in
[17:05] regikyle out
[17:05] [SR]007s in
[17:06] alosha out
[17:06] akirahina out
[17:07] stream> [17:55] [GoD]Shogun> why would some1 feel bad for him
[17:07] stream> this
[17:07] GameOfThrones out
[17:07] IncaWarrior> omg spamming
[17:08] GameOfThrones in
[17:08] tidebringer out
[17:08] [AsG]mentix out
[17:08] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[17:09] stream> inca will hurricane go through your city?
[17:09] [AsG]mentix in
[17:09] IncaWarrior> not really
[17:09] IncaWarrior> going to get a little rain
[17:09] stream> good :)
[17:10] therapist> wow
[17:10] therapist> INCA NO MUTE
[17:10] therapist> who is the 1 guy
[17:10] therapist> stalking my stream
[17:10] stream> i think most ppl watch spins stream atm
[17:10] therapist> WOW
[17:11] therapist> he got 3 watchers
[17:11] therapist> i got 2
[17:11] therapist> so fuckin sad
[17:11] therapist> klike
[17:11] Nothing> i see 3
[17:11] therapist> i got the best shit goin on son
[17:11] stream> hi mia
[17:11] Cutemammy_Tas> i am so fucked :<
[17:11] therapist> prepare machmuta
[17:11] Cutemammy_Tas> :D
[17:12] Nothing> hm
[17:12] Nothing> something its interesting to see how each players plays.
[17:12] Nothing> differences.
[17:12] therapist> i play like the best
[17:12] Nothing> /me yawns
[17:12] Cutemammy_Tas> or the worst if opponet get to lucky :D
[17:12] HammadH_TAS out
[17:12] Nothing> gl hf
[17:13] stream> mammy wanan 1v1
[17:13] [GoD]Shogun> i got in right when u launched it weed
[17:13] HammadH_TAS in
[17:13] [GoD]Shogun> now u guys seem to not be allied
[17:13] Nothing> someone's sleeping in the game?
[17:13] [GoD]Shogun> it gonna desynch lmao
[17:13] [GoD]Shogun> its*
[17:13] stream> oh mammy is playing
[17:13] Zerstorer out
[17:13] stream> nvm
[17:14] Arniee_OP out
[17:16] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[17:16] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[17:17] Zerstorer in
[17:18] Cpt_james_t_kirk> ?
[17:18] [GoD]Shogun> yeah inca there was a hurricane called "irma"
[17:18] Johnyx> no raptor
[17:18] [GoD]Shogun> on florida
[17:18] [GoD]Shogun> i was like "omg inca dont die"
[17:19] [GoD]Shogun> "no more pop"
[17:19] coolman in
[17:19] [GoD]Shogun> "rip inca"
[17:19] coolman out
[17:19] [GoD]Shogun> (:
[17:19] Johnyx> k
[17:21] Flobyyy in
[17:22] Flobyyy out
[17:22] Johnyx> brb?
[17:23] Maganha_OP out
[17:23] Maganha_OP in
[17:23] aliverdi1023 in
[17:27] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[17:29] [GoD]cani in
[17:29] Cutemammy_Tas> gg
[17:29] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[17:29] [GoD]cani> gg
[17:30] [GoD]cani> mnurder
[17:30] [GoD]cani> i heard
[17:30] [GoD]cani> you created Pressure Point
[17:30] therapist> okok
[17:30] [GoD]cani> cr8
[17:30] [GoD]cani> murder and me
[17:31] therapist> wow
[17:31] therapist> water can rise
[17:31] therapist> 4.5 meters
[17:31] therapist> in florida
[17:31] Maganha_OP out
[17:31] Maganha_OP in
[17:32] Nici_OP> can matt dodge a hurricane
[17:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> ive already found that tekk
[17:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[17:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> track
[17:32] [GoD]cani> :D
[17:33] [GoD]cani> weed start
[17:33] therapist> lMOFAOFMafmoASMmaMFOAMFOamfoa
[17:33] [GoD]cani> cr8
[17:33] [GoD]cani> murder and mew
[17:34] therapist> ?
[17:34] therapist> go suck a dick
[17:34] [GoD]cani> xD
[17:34] therapist> 4way
[17:34] [GoD]cani> k
[17:34] [GoD]cani> go
[17:34] [GoD]cani out
[17:34] [GoD]cani in
[17:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed do fo ?
[17:37] [GoD]Eric in
[17:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> ericson
[17:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[17:37] therapist> lmfao
[17:38] therapist> sure if i ally spinn
[17:38] therapist> spinn can we do fo
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> yhman !
[17:38] therapist> STREAMING A
[17:38] [GoD]Eric> sec
[17:38] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:38] therapist> with them fat tunez
[17:38] [GoD]cani> yes fo
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni eric swap places
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> for fo
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> my cock is huge on fo
[17:39] Maganha_OP out
[17:40] Maganha_OP in
[17:40] Nici_OP> ur cock is small everywhere
[17:40] [GoD]cani out
[17:41] [GoD]Eric> froze
[17:41] Maganha_OP out
[17:41] [GoD]cani in
[17:41] therapist> good thing we restarted
[17:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> go red ffs
[17:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> ERIC
[17:41] therapist> i think i converted wrong
[17:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> GO RED
[17:41] Tuzkar out
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> whyd u lkeave eric
[17:42] stream> murder
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo
[17:42] stream> 31er
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> what
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[17:42] [GoD]cani> babo
[17:42] [GoD]cani> ohne argumente
[17:42] [GoD]Eric> i froze
[17:42] [GoD]cani> keine spiele
[17:42] stream> you wanted to 1v1
[17:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk?
[17:42] [GoD]cani> ez
[17:42] stream> behindert?
[17:42] [GoD]cani> wow beliediung
[17:42] [GoD]cani> verbale endgleisung
[17:42] [GoD]cani> ent
[17:42] stream> ne nur ne frage
[17:42] [GoD]cani> nein
[17:42] [GoD]cani> und das obere aber
[17:42] [GoD]cani out
[17:42] stream> was
[17:46] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:47] Zerstorer> HOST
[17:47] MiniBot_UK> Zerstorer: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[17:47] Zerstorer> host
[17:50] [SR]FanZaah out
[17:52] tidebringer in
[17:52] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[17:52] DeltaEnemy in
[17:52] Zerstorer out
[17:53] Zerstorer in
[17:53] Zerstorer out
[17:54] Zerstorer in
[17:54] Zerstorer out
[17:54] GameOfThrones out
[17:54] Zerstorer in
[17:57] healthandglobes out
[17:58] [GoD]Eric> gg rm?
[17:58] [GoD]cani in
[17:58] therapist> sure any map
[17:58] therapist> diff mapo
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> who the fuk doesnt even make ONE tower as red on fo ?
[17:58] [GoD]cani> LMAOOOO
[17:58] [GoD]cani> won with weed
[17:58] [GoD]cani> on fo
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> cmon mate
[17:58] [GoD]cani> inca you here
[17:59] therapist> olololololOolOlOloLOlO
[17:59] therapist> the
[17:59] [GoD]cani> murder if u wnana rm fo
[17:59] [GoD]Eric> murder its not about the towers i just had a bad luck whit allying you
[17:59] therapist> deserving diploma
[17:59] [GoD]cani> u be blue
[17:59] therapist> hnyux get out
[17:59] [GoD]Eric> you dint do any shit
[17:59] therapist> jhonyx
[17:59] [GoD]Eric> so stfu
[17:59] therapist> ?LOL
[18:01] Nici_OP> nice moores 5 minutes with 3 fws
[18:01] Nici_OP> and 70-90 pop
[18:01] Nici_OP> as shit as ever
[18:01] Nici_OP> you never learn do you
[18:01] Nici_OP> autistic
[18:01] Nici_OP> kid
[18:01] Nici_OP> how does this guy want to win a game
[18:01] skaarj_guardian out
[18:02] ArturProzorov123 in
[18:02] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[18:02] [GoD]cani> hahahahaahahahahahaha
ArturProzorov123 - MapPack: OK
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - ArturProzorov123: Red - Zerstorer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[18:02] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[18:03] therapist> THE BEST
[18:03] therapist> IS BACK
Game successfully created in database.
[18:03] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[18:03] [GoD]cani> the
[18:03] [GoD]cani> helper
[18:04] [GoD]cani> is back
[18:04] [GoD]cani out
[18:04] GreenWarrioR out
[18:05] tdog in
Game successfully checked in.
[18:05] tdog out
[18:09] DeltaEnemy out
Game results submitted.
[18:12] GreenWarrioR in
[18:12] aliverdi1023 out
[18:13] ArturProzorov123> go
[18:13] HammadH_TAS> nice mna
[18:13] HammadH_TAS> man
[18:14] RottaMies in
[18:14] ArturProzorov123> gooo
[18:14] RottaMies out
[18:14] HammadH_TAS> Artur are u new?
[18:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[18:15] ArturProzorov123> yes
[18:15] ArturProzorov123> gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:15] Luxray in
[18:16] HammadH_TAS> Artur we are waiting for +1
[18:16] Vhauke out
[18:16] HammadH_TAS> it will be 2v2 game
[18:16] ArturProzorov123> play
[18:16] HammadH_TAS> understand?
[18:16] HammadH_TAS> no we can't
[18:17] ArturProzorov123> gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:17] ArturProzorov123> fuck
[18:18] GreenWarrioR out
[18:18] stream> i got up to 60mbs download but original only uses 2mbs
[18:18] stream> origin*
[18:18] stream> so bad
[18:21] [SR]007s> host
[18:21] [SR]007s> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[SR]007s - MapPack: OK
ArturProzorov123 - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SR]007s: Red - ArturProzorov123: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[18:23] Tuzkar in
Game successfully checked in.
[18:25] therapist> ohyeah
[18:25] [GoD]cani in
[18:25] therapist> these pts man
[18:25] [GoD]Eric> gg guys wp
[18:25] therapist> ohhhhh yehahhhhhhh
[18:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> same old shit green
[18:25] Tekkadorax1234 in
[18:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1 eq and i cant walk any wherew in a straight line
[18:26] Tekkadorax1234 out
[18:26] Nici_OP> learn to lb
[18:26] Nici_OP> lol
[18:26] Nothing out
[18:26] Freezart03 out
[18:26] [GoD]cani> gg
[18:26] Nothing in
[18:26] [GoD]cani> russia and norw<y
[18:26] [GoD]cani> pwn again
[18:27] therapist> thwe
[18:27] therapist> frightening scenes
[18:27] therapist> is real
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> hey eric maybe next time dont take every bit of wqood from mid ?
[18:27] therapist> LOLOOLOL
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> guy didnt leave one solitary fuking tree
[18:27] Nici_OP> look
[18:27] therapist> moorees
[18:27] therapist> whath append
[18:27] Nici_OP> blaming it
[18:27] therapist> spinn was in eric base all game
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> so i couldnt upgrade for ages
[18:27] therapist> how did u not get in spinn ?????
[18:27] Raptor> miaaaaaaaaaaa we really great players
[18:27] stream> cherokee <33
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> my mana was shit i couldnt upgrade
[18:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> eric took every single tree
[18:28] [GoD]Eric> moores i was fine u just let me double too much
[18:28] Raptor> hi mr.Babo <3
[18:28] stream> how are you bro
[18:28] Raptor> sup pro?
[18:28] Raptor> im fine ty
[18:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> u shoulda been fine u had about 200 trees in ur base
[18:28] stream> all good here still 1 month holidays :)
[18:28] stream> hows work going ? :D
[18:28] [GoD]cani> weed in
[18:28] [GoD]Eric> ok moores
[18:28] therapist> are there any gamez
[18:29] martinzg in
[18:29] HammadH_TAS out
[18:29] Cutemammy_Tas> Cherokee :O
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> can do 1 game got 40 mins
[18:29] Raptor> wow nice im a bit busy, some here some there u know? xD
[18:29] therapist> cxopme eric
[18:29] Cutemammy_Tas> long time no see
[18:29] stream> ye thats good
[18:29] therapist> moores join
[18:29] [GoD]Eric> restricted
[18:29] therapist> il go easy now
[18:29] HammadH_TAS in
[18:29] HammadH_TAS> COMING.....................................................................................................
[18:30] therapist> hammad
[18:30] therapist> are u pro yet
[18:30] [GoD]Eric out
[18:30] HammadH_TAS> i dunno
[18:30] therapist> ?
[18:30] [GoD]Eric in
[18:30] therapist> u gotta say ofc im fuckin pro wtf do u think nigger
[18:30] therapist> wow this guy
[18:30] p4p3rs0und in
[18:31] therapist> paper my bottom bitch
[18:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do wom ?
[18:31] therapist> okokokokk
[18:31] tidebringer out
[18:32] jacobeminecraft in
[18:32] Raptor> my brother bilo retardation
[18:32] therapist> im gonna smack dat twat
[18:32] [GoD]cani> map?
[18:32] therapist> gogogoogogogo
[18:32] therapist> wom
[18:32] [GoD]cani> wom
[18:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> wom ?
[18:32] [GoD]cani> okay
[18:32] [GoD]cani> sec
[18:32] [GoD]cani> this latina
[18:32] Raptor> miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love u so much
[18:33] Nothing> hey
[18:33] Nothing> i wanna go in
[18:33] jacobeminecraft> do I win?
[18:33] therapist> jacob do u love minecraft
[18:33] Nici_OP> he loves norwegian kebab
[18:33] therapist> :o
[18:33] therapist> my half norwegian kabab ??
[18:33] Nici_OP> yes
[18:33] Raptor> lol my sigma 5
[18:33] Raptor> im getting inca
[18:33] therapist> ill give him dat kababroll
[18:34] therapist> to swallow
[18:34] Raptor> now we can play 1v1 inca and have sexy time
[18:34] p4p3rs0und> the
[18:34] Raptor> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot?
[18:34] p4p3rs0und> weed eric but no matt is real
[18:34] therapist> STREAMING
Game results submitted.
[18:34] HammadH_TAS out
[18:34] Nici_OP> paper
[18:34] Nici_OP> matt is being hit by the hurricane
[18:35] Nici_OP> itsheading towards Tampa
[18:35] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[18:35] ArturProzorov123 out
[18:35] Cutemammy_Tas out
[18:35] HammadH_TAS in
[18:35] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[18:36] [GoD]cani out
[18:36] BetaBot in
[18:36] stream> maybe hes so fat that he wont get swallowed by that hurricane
[18:36] xtro in
[18:36] BetaBot out
[18:36] BetaBot in
[18:37] stream> twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[18:37] stream> super pro map
[18:37] stream> allying minder on sess aka 2v1
[18:37] stream> wheres mammy
[18:37] Cutemammy_Tas in
[18:37] Nothing> surely feeling happy af your ally xD
[18:37] HammadH_TAS> Stram btw what do u mean by aka 2 v 1 xD
[18:37] stream> :)
[18:38] HammadH_TAS> xD
[18:38] HammadH_TAS> -_-
[18:38] Nici_OP> the very good map 10/10 reviews on imdb
[18:38] Nici_OP> is real
[18:38] Cutemammy_Tas> that was weird :o
[18:38] Nothing> lets noobish this
[18:40] HammadH_TAS out
[18:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry but it was over
[18:41] therapist> are u ok
[18:41] therapist> moores
[18:41] Tuzkar> that was brutal
[18:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye sometimes them wom games are like that
[18:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> same as sess
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> u might have to play a few to get a godo one
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni too strong also
[18:43] Nici_OP> maybe learn to make troops
[18:43] Nici_OP> when u do
[18:44] Nici_OP> u will become better
[18:44] Nici_OP> til then bad as fk
[18:44] Nici_OP> its like u play but dont learn
[18:44] Nici_OP> thats annoying as fuck
[18:44] Nici_OP> what is the purpose of playing then
[18:44] Nici_OP> no purpose
[18:45] lag> STUFF
[18:45] lag> u think ur me dad
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> fun ?
[18:46] skaarj_guardian in
[18:46] Nici_OP> so u have fun being bad?
[18:46] Nici_OP> k tell me more
[18:46] Nici_OP> i have fun too
[18:46] Nici_OP> so u play for bad fun
[18:46] Tuzkar> you wouldnt get so pissed if you wanted to have fun. just saying
[18:46] Nici_OP> lol ^
[18:47] Nici_OP> he rage quits
[18:47] Nici_OP> every time
[18:47] tomatta in
[18:48] aliverdi1023 in
[18:49] HammadH_TAS in
[18:49] [GoD]Eric out
[18:49] therapist> wow this spinn
[18:49] therapist> ruins a good 1v1
[18:49] [GoD]cani in
[18:50] Nici_OP> so
[18:50] [GoD]cani> why quit
[18:50] [GoD]cani> murder
[18:50] [GoD]cani> lol
[18:50] Nici_OP> moores says he plays for fun but he quits every time
[18:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry
[18:50] therapist> LOL
[18:50] [GoD]cani> why rory
[18:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got mad
[18:50] therapist> the
[18:50] [GoD]cani> lol
[18:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> :/
[18:50] Tuzkar> lol
[18:50] Nici_OP> look above he said it
[18:50] therapist> reality realitized
[18:50] Nici_OP> give up on autism
[18:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> wom with no fw hut so early
[18:50] therapist> map?????
[18:50] Nici_OP> that guy has no cure
[18:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was fukt man
[18:50] Nici_OP> mooresmurder is autistic as fuck
[18:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici fuk off uv gay twig
[18:51] Nici_OP> sorry if truth hurts
[18:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> your not interesting
[18:51] therapist> the banger
[18:51] Nici_OP> im just stating true facts about u bro
[18:51] Johnyx> +1
[18:51] Nici_OP> you just said above you play for fun
[18:51] Nici_OP> yet you rage quit every damn time
[18:51] therapist> oyhohoohohohohhhhhshiiiiiiiit
[18:51] therapist> the fire
[18:51] Nici_OP> then u dont ever learn from mistakes
[18:51] [GoD]cani> yea and if you read code of conduct
[18:51] therapist> is hot
[18:51] [GoD]cani> quitting is no honor
[18:51] therapist> yeah moores
[18:51] therapist> stop quitting
[18:51] therapist> games
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok ye
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go
[18:52] therapist> fuckin dumb shit
[18:52] therapist> MAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
[18:52] IncaWarrior> quitting sucks
[18:52] Nici_OP> moores
[18:52] Nici_OP> we're not done abusing you
[18:52] Nici_OP> stfu
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahaha
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> leave me alone
[18:52] IncaWarrior> no abusing
[18:52] Nici_OP> LOL
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> im having a bad run
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> last thing i need is all u assholes on my back
[18:52] Nici_OP> let's pray for matt
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk matt
[18:52] Nici_OP> hurricane is heading towards Tampa
[18:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> hopefully hes deep inside a shinak atm
[18:52] therapist> ROFLMAO
[18:53] therapist> what map ffs
[18:53] Nici_OP> inca if matt dies can we have a minute of silence?
[18:53] p4p3rs0und> one where i ally spin
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> something i can win on
[18:53] p4p3rs0und> cus u guys give me aids
[18:53] IncaWarrior> therapist: PP
[18:53] IncaWarrior> Nici_OP: ok
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye spins too annoying man
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> do fo
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[18:53] therapist> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit inca has spoken
[18:53] [GoD]cani> amny map
[18:53] therapist> but who wants to ally moores
[18:53] therapist> who wants him for free
[18:53] Nici_OP> no one
[18:53] therapist> i can givce u dollarez
[18:53] therapist> to ally him
[18:53] Nici_OP> no one wants to ally a guy that has 5 troops with 100 pop
[18:53] therapist> LOLOLOOLOLOL
[18:53] Nici_OP> completley useless
[18:53] Nici_OP> completely
[18:54] therapist> moores paper spinn
[18:54] p4p3rs0und> pp
[18:54] therapist> fuck
[18:54] therapist> do i need to ally this fuck
[18:54] therapist> STREAMING
[18:54] therapist> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[18:55] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[18:55] [GoD]cani out
[18:55] Zerstorer> host
[18:56] bobbylala in
[18:58] HammadH_TAS out
[18:58] Nici_OP> inca when will we 1v1?
[18:58] Nici_OP> stop running already ffs
[18:58] tomatta> Hey guys, is it possible to use this matchmaker to play the single player campaign? Probably a stupid question I know lol...
[18:58] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[18:58] [Tsi]ThePrime> nici
[18:58] Nici_OP> no
[18:58] Nici_OP> not possible
[18:58] [Tsi]ThePrime> u will defeat inca using only braves?
[18:58] Nici_OP> sure
[18:58] [Tsi]ThePrime> not even shaman
[18:59] [Tsi]ThePrime> like how u did bock lol
[18:59] Morgana in
[18:59] tomatta> Oh ok. I've been watching The Beginning's youtube series where he plays the single player campaign against humans. I thought he did it through this
[18:59] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[19:00] Nici_OP> he does use this
[19:00] Nici_OP> but to play online
[19:00] Nici_OP> not the single player campaign for sure
[19:00] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[19:00] Nici_OP> weon
[19:01] KaiserBradly_T4R> :(
[19:01] lag> its sp levels vs human
[19:01] lag> new stuff
[19:01] lag> vs donators
[19:02] Nici_OP> quem quiser entrar na minha conta
[19:02] Nici_OP> a pass é a mesma ke o nome
[19:02] Nici_OP> loles
[19:02] HammadH_TAS in
[19:03] PowerLord in
[19:03] lag> muerto vivo uno dos tres
[19:03] lag> quatro ssinco
[19:04] Nici_OP> ta calado
[19:04] Nici_OP> karalho
[19:04] D4D4 in
[19:05] lag> desculpa
[19:05] Nici_OP> evitam-se
[19:06] Nici_OP> ker dizer as desculpas evitam-se
[19:06] Nici_OP> a desculpa fode-se
[19:07] lag> okay
[19:09] AlaAmelia in
[19:09] Nici_OP> dev ser
[19:09] Bastianignacioo in
[19:11] kevincillo in
[19:11] Bastianignacioo out
[19:15] tomatta out
[19:16] lag> SEE NEIN
[19:16] lag> SEE EL JI
[19:18] Cutemammy_Tas> gg
[19:18] HammadH_TAS out
[19:19] OneArmPullup in
[19:19] Nothing> hmmhm
[19:19] stream> GG
[19:19] Cutemammy_Tas> stream accually works :ooo
[19:20] tidebringer in
[19:21] icepeople in
[19:21] stream> omg
[19:21] stream> minder actually got 101pop at 1 point
[19:22] stream> that gotta be a new record??
[19:22] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[19:23] aliverdi1023> fucking noob
[19:23] aliverdi1023> i say wait un pause for carashed the game
[19:23] Johnyx> i wasnt unpausing, u didnt wait for my allz
[19:23] aliverdi1023> lol noob
[19:23] aliverdi1023> ja i see that
[19:23] Johnyx out
[19:23] aliverdi1023> lol
[19:23] Johnyx in
[19:24] Tuzkar out
[19:24] tidebringer> hes pro green
[19:24] bobbylala> there's no reliable fix for resync
[19:24] tidebringer> one arm
[19:24] jacobeminecraft out
[19:24] tidebringer> comign ?
[19:25] icepeople out
[19:25] p4p3rs0und> moores
[19:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> PAPERS S CLIKS MAN
[19:25] p4p3rs0und> reasons u lost:
[19:25] Nothing out
[19:25] AlaAmelia out
[19:25] p4p3rs0und> didnt bb hard enough
[19:25] bobbylala out
[19:25] [GoD]cani in
[19:25] p4p3rs0und> if only u bbed me like
[19:25] p4p3rs0und> 30 more times or something
[19:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> if i could land s cliks like paper id be shamen plus ffs
[19:25] Cutemammy_Tas> how else he got fs XD
[19:25] therapist> AFTER WE RAPED UR BASE PAPER
[19:25] therapist> UKNOW WHAT MOORES SAID
[19:25] therapist> WAIT ILL GO FOR SPINN
[19:26] therapist> I MEAN HOW DUMB CAN U BE
[19:26] [GoD]cani> THIS LIGHT IS ON STREMA
[19:26] therapist> U ARE SO DISGUSTINGLY BAD
[19:26] therapist> vops casp
[19:26] [GoD]cani> dided you see him
[19:26] [GoD]cani> not lyingitng me
[19:26] [GoD]cani> weed
[19:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye u stupid kunt he was raping you
[19:26] [GoD]cani> i was tkaing time
[19:26] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahahhahahahaha
[19:26] Cutemammy_Tas> babo your nipple was unexpected :o
[19:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> so i was gunna help you
[19:26] therapist> i didnt need help
[19:26] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[19:26] therapist> there is a reason i helped u double
[19:26] tidebringer> +1
[19:26] therapist> cuz i didnt need fuckin help
[19:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do fo ?
[19:27] therapist> not allying u
[19:27] therapist> ffs
[19:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> man its hard to play in my fuknig house atm
[19:27] [GoD]cani> any map
[19:27] [GoD]cani> +3
[19:27] [GoD]cani> craters
[19:27] [GoD]cani> murder and weed
[19:27] [GoD]cani> vs me and paper
[19:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> got baby smaking keyboard and so mucb ackground dum ass gf constantly asking me questions like i giv a shit about what shes saiying
[19:27] therapist> LOLOLLOLO
[19:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> i need to get a shed outsdie to play pop on peace
[19:28] Cutemammy_Tas> hi sub :)
[19:28] [AsG]Sub_Zero> hey
[19:28] jacobeminecraft in
[19:28] therapist> fuck u sub
[19:28] therapist> u fuckin mute me u fuckin asshole
[19:28] Cutemammy_Tas> you didnt know that level 20 had no balloons :o?
[19:28] therapist> guy is so fuckin dumb i dont even spam
[19:28] therapist> and he fuckin mutes
[19:28] therapist> retarded shit
[19:29] pataxo in
[19:29] Sucukluyumurta in
[19:29] pataxo out
[19:30] D4D4 out
[19:30] [AsG]Sub_Zero> nope! but i had never seen balloons there so it makes sense
[19:30] Sucukluyumurta> +3
[19:30] Nici_OP> weed did u get muted
[19:30] Nici_OP> sad
[19:31] tidebringer out
[19:31] OneArmPullup> hi all
[19:31] OneArmPullup> lol
[19:31] [tdm]Mooresy out
[19:31] Nici_OP> this lobby is not the same without weed talking
[19:31] Nici_OP> heyyy :)
[19:31] [GoD]cani> GUYS
[19:31] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173776632
[19:31] [GoD]cani> 2:22:00
[19:32] Sucukluyumurta out
[19:32] Johnyx> +1
[19:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper ally me vs spin and weed on fo
[19:32] Sucukluyumurta in
[19:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[19:32] aliverdi1023> 1
[19:33] Funes in
[19:33] [tdm]Mooresy in
[19:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam u paki
[19:34] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew u smaked up fuk
[19:34] [tdm]Mooresy> seen ur crispy connection
[19:34] SadReaper in
[19:34] [GoD]cani> adena rm bor
[19:34] [tdm]Mooresy> which bigman set tht up for u eh?
[19:34] [GoD]cani> WEED IN
[19:35] Nici_OP> lol moores sat in a tower
[19:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> .3.
[19:35] Nici_OP> "got a lot going on in my house"
[19:35] Nici_OP> then why u play and make others lose?
[19:35] Nici_OP> non sense
[19:35] Nici_OP> lmfao
[19:35] [tdm]Mooresy> ahahahaa
[19:35] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk off it gets busy
[19:35] [GoD]cani> i was next to him
[19:35] [GoD]cani> so many seconds
[19:36] [tdm]Mooresy> everytiome i try n play pop the roof blows off in the house
[19:36] [tdm]Mooresy> silent 24/7
[19:36] [tdm]Mooresy> soon as pop.exe is sat in system tray hustle n bustl;e all around
[19:36] Nici_OP> lol that shit has got to be clipped
[19:36] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i kno when ur onabout tho
[19:37] [tdm]Mooresy> tht was proper ridiculous
[19:37] Nici_OP> https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedNeighborlyCurlewMau5
[19:37] Nici_OP> look at that
[19:37] Nici_OP> LOL
[19:37] Nici_OP> pathetic
[19:38] [GoD]cani> this is gold
[19:38] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew u pshite meister
[19:38] [GoD]cani> oh my got
[19:38] Nici_OP> LOL
[19:38] [GoD]cani> iam dying
[19:38] [GoD]cani> and i dont lie
[19:38] [GoD]cani> LOL
[19:38] [GoD]cani> oh my god
[19:38] [GoD]cani> ogld
[19:38] Nici_OP> matt cant die in this hurricane
[19:38] Nici_OP> he has to see this https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedNeighborlyCurlewMau5
[19:38] [GoD]cani> this is gold
[19:39] Nici_OP> lmfaomfaomfoamfmao
[19:39] [tdm]Mooresy> why is the entire matchmaker ridiculing you agen u mup xd
[19:39] [tdm]Mooresy> >:D
[19:39] Nici_OP> mooresy did you see it
[19:39] Nici_OP> lol
[19:39] [tdm]Mooresy> yhhh heh
[19:40] SadReaper out
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> cant deny ive done some daft shit like tht myself
[19:40] Fallen in
[19:40] rousfv in
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> micro clicking my base into an empire to be destroyed by 1 blast at mid not watchin
[19:40] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> cmon lets go
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew ping?
[19:42] Nici_OP> is spin muted
[19:42] [GoD]cani> no
[19:42] Nici_OP> cool
[19:42] [GoD]cani> :D
[19:42] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[19:42] [GoD]cani> weed didnt do it
[19:42] [GoD]cani> and is muted
[19:43] [GoD]cani> GOOD DAY
[19:43] [GoD]cani> TODAY
[19:43] stream> wtf
[19:43] stream> murder
[19:43] stream> stop disappointing me
[19:43] [GoD]cani> ist gold nicht wahr
[19:43] [GoD]cani> babo
[19:43] stream> wie schlecht wtf
[19:43] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahaahhahhaa
[19:43] [GoD]cani> LOL
[19:43] stream> ich bin grade so geschockt hahaha
[19:44] [GoD]cani> haahhahashhahahahahahhaaa
[19:44] [GoD]cani> all pm sub_zero to unmute "therapist" pelase
[19:44] Nici_OP> https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedNeighborlyCurlewMau5
[19:44] [GoD]cani> please
[19:44] Nici_OP> lol
[19:44] Nici_OP> we got too sensible staff around here
[19:44] Nici_OP> having weed muted is only boring
[19:45] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173736004
[19:45] [GoD]cani> yea
[19:45] Nici_OP> https://www.facebook.com/Bekijkhethier/videos/458403741203866/
[19:45] Nici_OP> rofl
[19:45] [GoD]cani> twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[19:45] [GoD]cani> *
[19:46] skaarj_guardian out
[19:47] [GoD]cani out
[19:48] KosjaK_OP in
[19:49] DeltaEnemy in
[19:50] stream> 5-11
[19:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> 1:1
[19:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nutte¨
[19:50] kevincillo out
[19:50] stream> ich ficke für meine karriere jeden
[19:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> komm
[19:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo
[19:51] KosjaK_OP> sux
[19:52] jacobeminecraft out
[19:52] [Rw]Paragraf in
[19:53] aliverdi1023 out
[19:54] [SR]007s> ++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[19:56] PowerLord out
[19:56] DeltaEnemy> +2
[19:57] Funes out
[19:58] PowerLord in
[19:59] Cutemammy_Tas> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_mahmut1661 hf :D
[20:00] xtro out
[20:00] stream> wow finally pro stream after all these months
[20:00] [Rw]Paragraf> Wich stream? Stream xdd
[20:04] martinzg out
[20:05] stream> [21:00] Cutemammy_Tas> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_mahmut1661 hf :D
[20:05] stream> <3
[20:06] kab38god in
[20:06] Little_Guy1 in
[20:08] Little_Guy1 out
[20:11] Fallen out
[20:13] rousfv out
[20:14] kab38god out
[20:15] Nadeshot_OP in
[20:16] Luke_OP out
[20:17] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:17] [GoD]cani in
[20:17] [tdm]Mooresy> gggg
[20:17] stream> gute musik spin
[20:17] [GoD]cani> danke salman
[20:18] [GoD]cani> hahahahahahahaha
[20:18] stream> andrew
[20:18] [tdm]Mooresy> do diff map
[20:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> YE?
[20:18] stream> youre not bad
[20:18] [tdm]Mooresy> np gets bd abused
[20:18] stream> youre bad bad bad bad bad
[20:18] [GoD]Shogun> babo its not like ur any good
[20:18] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha i thought he did pretty well there tbh
[20:19] [GoD]Shogun> n ye moores sucks dont get me wrong
[20:19] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[20:19] [tdm]Mooresy> i thought red was spin etc
[20:19] [tdm]Mooresy> till end
[20:19] stream> i am better than almost everyone logged in atm
[20:19] [tdm]Mooresy> hats off wpd there imo
[20:19] [GoD]Shogun> Lul !
[20:19] [tdm]Mooresy> dildo bagglemeister got a superiority complex
[20:19] stream> bow down to your eternal overlord
[20:20] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahahaaa >:D
[20:20] rdash23 in
[20:20] [GoD]Shogun> /me throws shit
[20:20] DeltaEnemy> +1
[20:20] DeltaEnemy> narrow passage
[20:20] stream> vhan are you mad cuz i said youre a fake shaman?
[20:20] [tdm]Mooresy> you guys doin NP only?
[20:20] [tdm]Mooresy> coz i cba with it
[20:20] [GoD]Shogun> no dude.. im okay
[20:20] [GoD]Shogun> dw
[20:20] [tdm]Mooresy> u lot screwed tth map
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> i couldnt care less about ranks
[20:21] Zerstorer out
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> for example
[20:21] rdash23 out
[20:21] DeltaEnemy> sec
[20:21] Nici_OP> whats wrong with narrow
[20:21] stream> who would you say is better than me
[20:21] DeltaEnemy> alpha is getting food
[20:21] Nici_OP> best map ever
[20:21] stream> currently logged in vhan
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> give nici a wildman rank
[20:21] stream> im curious
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> no change at all
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> maybe nici ?
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> lul!
[20:21] stream> ok
[20:21] redfire out
[20:21] stream> who else?
[20:21] [tdm]Mooresy> np is great when vd is off
[20:21] [GoD]Shogun> nah im kidding
[20:22] [GoD]Shogun> im not even comparing u with ihm
[20:22] Nici_OP> mooresy stfu
[20:22] Nici_OP> that makes for a boring game
[20:22] stream> ye, im superior
[20:22] stream> this noob got no chance
[20:22] [GoD]Shogun> true
[20:22] OneArmPullup out
[20:22] [GoD]Shogun> thats what i wanted to say
[20:22] [GoD]Shogun> tbh
[20:22] [GoD]Shogun> /me sigh
[20:22] stream> nici 1v1 noob
[20:22] Nici_OP> stfu im scared
[20:22] stream> gg
[20:22] stream> 1:0
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy> nigi u muzzle dodger
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy> bvd fucks the game up
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy> becomes a sprawling mess imo
[20:22] Nici_OP> ?
[20:23] Nici_OP> so uve been playing for 12 years
[20:23] Nici_OP> and cant deal with a bd
[20:23] Nici_OP> lool
[20:23] Nici_OP> makes for an interesting game
[20:23] [tdm]Mooresy> i prefer it when it doesnt boil down to pot shot attacks
[20:23] Nici_OP> its not
[20:23] [tdm]Mooresy> fact is game is usually over after 10 mins off a bd
[20:23] Nici_OP> not really
[20:23] [tdm]Mooresy> makes for poor qualitty game imo
[20:23] Nici_OP> i played a game with khaos
[20:23] stream> youre really bad if its true
[20:23] stream> lul
[20:23] Nici_OP> where it lasted 2 hours
[20:23] Nici_OP> and bd went on for 1 hour
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> yh the odd game will work out like tht
[20:24] [GoD]Shogun> Nici why dont u rape babo on pp in a moment
[20:24] [GoD]Shogun> so he will stop gettin so high
[20:24] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> buit when a game is started with main intention of bd
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> its pretty shit man
[20:24] Nici_OP> how do u know
[20:24] Nici_OP> its their intention
[20:24] stream> i cant get any higher, im already at the climax
[20:24] Nici_OP> what tells u we dont win before they bd
[20:24] Nici_OP> lol
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> obv some ppl like it but its not for me
[20:24] KosjaK_OP> enjoy 5 hours of fs spamming at front
[20:24] [GoD]Shogun> did u cum
[20:24] Nici_OP> so ure going to ruin the game for me n quit if they bd?
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> probs too set in ways after playin this game since youth on them settings
[20:24] Sam_Tas in
[20:25] [GoD]Shogun> i think nici wants the cum
[20:25] Nici_OP> or ure going to complain and not keep trying?
[20:25] lag> C
[20:25] lag> O
[20:25] lag> K
[20:25] lag> C
[20:25] stream> hi div
[20:25] [GoD]Shogun> cock*
[20:25] KosjaK_OP> horse o'clock
[20:25] [tdm]Mooresy> i never quit unless im totally screwin about summet
[20:25] lag> hi how are you today
[20:25] Nici_OP> ok cool
[20:25] stream> can you imagine that there will be a game thats not 4way or sess
[20:25] Nici_OP> good to know
[20:25] lag> let me guess
[20:25] [tdm]Mooresy> dont wanna start a game off NP with these 2
[20:25] lag> they wont stream
[20:25] Nici_OP> dont like my ally quitting when we still hav a good chance ..
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> coz they notorious 10 min bd bashers
[20:26] Nici_OP> ?
[20:26] stream> ill spec and stream
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> there will be a game and thats not 4way or sess
[20:26] Nici_OP> are u scared lol
[20:26] stream> if thats enough for you :*
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> im schocked
[20:26] Nici_OP> dude what are u a man or a girl
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> are u mad?
[20:26] Nici_OP> grow up
[20:26] Nici_OP> scared of 3 lbs
[20:26] Nici_OP> rofl
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> stffu u dizzy bla kunt
[20:26] Nici_OP> if u dont wanna play leave
[20:26] Nici_OP> lag will ally me
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> ffukin goin on like some insane asylum escapee
[20:26] Luke_OP in
[20:26] stream> build a def at back adam
[20:26] stream> wtf is so hard
[20:26] Nici_OP> dude leave already
[20:26] stream> if you know they will bd
[20:26] Nici_OP> let lag play
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> im sayin i rpeffer this shit w.o bd as primary strat
[20:26] lag> wow narrow
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> so i avoid playing tht map wityh them players
[20:26] Nici_OP> then why u here
[20:26] Nici_OP> leave and let lag play
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> omg stfu u little bitch
[20:27] Nici_OP> cba hearing u complainig
[20:27] lag> stream that narrow
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> wehy ther fuck are u here
[20:27] [GoD]Shogun> telling some1 to grow up towards a game is hilarious :>
[20:27] Nici_OP> because i want to play
[20:27] Nici_OP> and im not complaining about bd on or off like u
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> i was in this hut waitin u pop n start goin on with urself go whistle u little ho
[20:27] stream> grow up vhan
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk me man
[20:27] Nici_OP> mooresy regardless i joined or not
[20:27] lag> whos crying about backdoor
[20:27] Nici_OP> they were going to do narrow
[20:27] Nici_OP> that makes no sense
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> u arew one padantic little muzzle dodger man
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin el
[20:27] Nici_OP> if ure going to cry about a tactic
[20:27] Nici_OP> leave already
[20:27] Nici_OP> cba listening to u throughout the game
[20:27] stream> telling someone who told someone to grow up towards a game being hilarious is hilarious
[20:27] Nadeshot_OP> Nici join for cr8?
[20:27] [tdm]Mooresy> do 1 are we playtin or wot
[20:28] Nici_OP> so u wanna play narrow or not
[20:28] KosjaK_OP> can play anp with nici
[20:28] DeltaEnemy> alpha is not here
[20:28] [tdm]Mooresy> fuck me man i argue with people daily i cba larguin with ytou right now if you wanna write some letters for me complainin to bad customers i got plenty of shit for you to get on with
[20:28] lag> the testament is real
[20:28] [tdm]Mooresy> right lets kiss n make up
[20:28] [tdm]Mooresy> go go go
[20:29] [GoD]cani> lag> the testament is real
[20:29] stream> hahahahahah
[20:29] [GoD]cani> oimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[20:29] lag> ironic because
[20:29] [GoD]cani> iuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:29] lag> he cba to argue right now
[20:29] lag> but writes a testament saying that
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaa inniit
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> no bs bin chattin shit in email allll weeeeek to some wnak stain company
[20:29] [GoD]Shogun> wtf u both doing down there faggets
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> doner my ed right in
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> they powe me doe man devastatin
[20:30] lag> wow spin and weed
[20:30] Nici_OP> mooresy if u dont want to overheat
[20:30] lag> sitting in a tree
[20:30] lag> K I S S I N G
[20:30] Nici_OP> just dont play here they're doing narrow
[20:30] Nici_OP> i like narrow
[20:30] Nici_OP> regardless of bd idc
[20:30] Nici_OP> maybe grow up on that aspect
[20:30] Nici_OP> accept backdoor as part of the game
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> yh il moan about it but still have a go at beatin them at there own game
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> il moan in the process
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> lets goooooo
[20:30] Nici_OP> so u can lb to expand but cant lb to ur enemys base?
[20:30] Nici_OP> rofl
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> host
[20:30] Nici_OP> pathetic
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> u know whats pathetic
[20:30] Nici_OP> dude what is
[20:30] Nici_OP> their own game
[20:30] stream> turn lb off imo
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> totally unbeleivably, pathetic.
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> nici not joining and 1v1ing me on fo
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> thats pathetic
[20:31] [GoD]cani> stream> turn lb off imo
[20:31] [GoD]cani> on what mnapo?
[20:31] [tdm]Mooresy> shaataaap sshlaaaaayg
[20:31] [GoD]cani> *map
[20:31] stream> ANP
[20:31] Nici_OP> u talk like they're some good shit on narrow
[20:31] Nici_OP> funny
[20:31] [GoD]cani> r u retarded
[20:31] stream> hahahahhahahahaha
[20:31] lag> ur allied to nici
[20:31] [GoD]cani> ?
[20:31] lag> wtf u want more
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun> fo
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun> unrank
[20:31] lag> only being allied to me would be better
[20:31] [tdm]Mooresy> am not arsed al still state what i think man it doesnt change m,y opinion on it
[20:31] [GoD]cani> bd is a part of the game
[20:31] Nici_OP> or leave and let Lag play
[20:31] stream> junge du sitzt safe mitm anzug vorm pc
[20:31] [GoD]cani> you fucking little pussies
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun> unrakn
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun> unrank
[20:31] stream> so richtig seriös
[20:31] [GoD]cani> LOL
[20:31] stream> nimmst alles ernst
[20:31] [tdm]Mooresy> cmon lets all stop bein little bitches
[20:31] [GoD]cani> ahahhahahahahahaahhahahhahhahaa
[20:31] stream> hahahahahahahhaha
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun> 1+ fo
[20:31] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanna play a gg
[20:31] Nici_OP> u are the one being a little bitch
[20:32] Nici_OP> "no bd no bd no bd"
[20:32] Nici_OP> if we have to vote
[20:32] Nici_OP> ill vote against u
[20:32] Nici_OP> typical
[20:32] DeltaEnemy> no asswiper here
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> erven if it does involve bd volc coz nigi l;oves a good ol bd volc off foerigners
[20:32] DeltaEnemy> sorry
[20:32] stream> no flat and lb pls
[20:32] lag> lol
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> bein 4n4l out of his 4d n tht
[20:32] Nici_OP> u talk like using volcano
[20:32] Nici_OP> wins a game
[20:32] stream> oh right
[20:32] Nici_OP> delta is scared lol
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> oh nooooooooooo
[20:32] stream> volc off too
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> nigi ur a properl ittle winnit bro
[20:32] [GoD]cani> stream> volc off too
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> lets play
[20:32] [GoD]cani> on what map
[20:32] Nici_OP> he kicked me
[20:33] Nici_OP> hes being a pussy
[20:33] stream> hahahahhaah
[20:33] [tdm]Mooresy> yh coz ur a little bitch man
[20:33] [GoD]cani> ?
[20:33] [tdm]Mooresy> go sit in naughty corner for ten
[20:33] Nici_OP> im not
[20:33] stream> junge ich laber nur
[20:33] [tdm]Mooresy> n stop bein a prik#
[20:33] Nici_OP> u are the one complaining
[20:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin join?
[20:33] [GoD]cani> ah okay
[20:33] [GoD]cani> later
[20:33] [GoD]cani> aking a break
[20:33] lag> according to some sp
[20:33] [GoD]cani> trinke wein ein glas
[20:33] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew join
[20:33] lag> nici is better than terato and general together
[20:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trink flasche
[20:33] Nici_OP> both terato and general are so good
[20:33] [GoD]cani> GUYS WEED IS MUTED
[20:33] [GoD]cani> DONT PM HIM
[20:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mooresmurder
[20:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> join
[20:33] stream> genesis was better tho
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> im pretty rusty u kno
[20:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> stream join
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> just playin tht last game then i fffucked my build right up
[20:34] Nici_OP> someone ask alpha if hes still mad
[20:34] Nici_OP> lol
[20:34] stream> no i dont steal games alpha
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> lost a full row off huts at back
[20:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed
[20:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> come
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> wanna do osme jugg?
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> me n delat vs?
[20:34] stream> just let nici play?
[20:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fuck em
[20:34] Nici_OP> alpha is scared of a guy online
[20:34] [GoD]Shogun> +1 fo
[20:34] Nici_OP> thats how easy it is to own him
[20:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he can play with my balls
[20:34] Nici_OP> pathetic
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> YOOOO
[20:34] DeltaEnemy> moores come
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> do fo
[20:34] DeltaEnemy> ffs
[20:34] [tdm]Mooresy> ffo fofofofofofo
[20:35] Nici_OP> hope no one joins ur hut
[20:35] DeltaEnemy> get your gay brother
[20:35] Nici_OP> so u get no game
[20:35] Nici_OP> ;)
[20:35] icepeople in
[20:35] [tdm]Mooresy> me n alpha vs?
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[20:35] Nadeshot_OP> +3 jesus
[20:35] DeltaEnemy> asswiper please
[20:35] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew n delta?
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> u see nici
[20:35] icepeople out
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> ing the number one doesnt really help
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> being*
[20:35] Nici_OP> delta u scared
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> create a new acc
[20:35] DeltaEnemy> im not
[20:35] Nici_OP> of someone online
[20:35] Nici_OP> yea u are
[20:35] DeltaEnemy> but your name is asswiper
[20:35] [GoD]Shogun> and better luck next time
[20:35] Nici_OP> it's why u kick
[20:35] Nici_OP> well thats not a good point
[20:35] DeltaEnemy> i didnt kick
[20:35] Nici_OP> u kick bro
[20:35] Nici_OP> i didnt leave and u havent got me blocked
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> it is just normal. auto kick asswipers
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> out of huts
[20:36] Nici_OP> do u still unplug cable and still lose?
[20:36] [tdm]Mooresy> nigi i can see why youd have trouble having any mates
[20:36] Nici_OP> huh?
[20:36] Nici_OP> looool
[20:36] [tdm]Mooresy> you need to start calling yourself nigella
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> do you still change your name to asswiper?
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> it was so funny
[20:36] Nici_OP> oh well
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> the reason you changed your name back was
[20:36] Nici_OP> scared to play a game
[20:36] Nici_OP> rape online is worse than in real
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> cause "swiper" was like asswiper
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[20:36] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[20:36] [tdm]Mooresy> look u giv it the biuggun n got turfed out by the public at large
[20:37] [tdm]Mooresy> learn from it sucker
[20:37] [tdm]Mooresy> >:D
[20:37] Nici_OP> wtf are u even saying
[20:37] Nici_OP> im not the one crying about bd
[20:37] lag> asswiper no ass wiping
[20:37] DeltaEnemy> did you wipe so many asses that you changed your name to swiper?
[20:37] DeltaEnemy> or what is the story behind the name?
[20:37] DeltaEnemy> tell us
[20:37] DeltaEnemy> nici
[20:37] Nici_OP> maybe one day i'll tell u
[20:37] [tdm]Mooresy> yh dw nig it all goes round ijn circles today we troll u tomorrow delta then again day after delta then delta another 2 more days thewn me then alpha etc
[20:38] Nici_OP> when u stop being scared
[20:38] DeltaEnemy> asswiper
[20:38] lag> only true explorers know the old tale behind that
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> lets do some jugg
[20:38] DeltaEnemy> we all know the story
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> or skirmish
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> BD only
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> no ffront door attacks
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[20:38] DeltaEnemy> nici wiped alot of asses in the hostipal
[20:38] DeltaEnemy> then he has to change his name
[20:39] DeltaEnemy> to as(swiper)
[20:39] [GoD]cani> stream> no i dont steal games alpha
[20:39] [tdm]Mooresy> hahhahhahahahaa
[20:39] [GoD]cani> true
[20:39] [tdm]Mooresy> hostipal'
[20:39] Nici_OP> alpha being a little asshole
[20:39] ime_mun_kullii> yoo
[20:39] [Rw]Paragraf> hostipal
[20:39] Nici_OP> so scared
[20:39] ime_mun_kullii> game?
[20:39] Nici_OP> he has to grow up
[20:39] [GoD]Shogun> why is weed muted btw
[20:39] [Rw]Paragraf> Yea
[20:39] [Rw]Paragraf> Join TRod
[20:39] [GoD]cani> for spamming
[20:39] [GoD]cani> diego
[20:39] [GoD]Shogun> oh spam
[20:39] [GoD]Shogun> ye
[20:39] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[20:39] Nici_OP> n
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> shouldnt u be muted too spin
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> ?
[20:40] DeltaEnemy> asswiper should be muted
[20:40] DeltaEnemy> too many lovestory with grannys
[20:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> GoD]cani> stream> no i dont steal games alpha
[20:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :O
[20:40] [GoD]cani> well diego
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> Nici should be banned for pop overuse
[20:40] [GoD]cani> he actually didnt spam
[20:40] [GoD]cani> he insulted sub zero
[20:40] [GoD]cani> as an asshole
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> rofl.
[20:40] [GoD]cani> nd a fucking retard
[20:40] [GoD]cani> this si why he got muted
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> so he did a matt
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[20:40] [Rw]Paragraf> That sounds like matt does
[20:41] lag> what did he say
[20:41] Nici_OP> look
[20:41] Nici_OP> those guys would prefer to kick and wait
[20:41] Nici_OP> than play
[20:41] DeltaEnemy> asswiper should be banned for living in a 4rd world country
[20:41] Nici_OP> its hard to suck up the pride right
[20:41] Nici_OP> hahah :D
[20:41] [GoD]cani> therapist> fuck u sub
[20:41] [GoD]cani> therapist> u fuckin mute me u fuckin asshole
[20:41] [GoD]Shogun> OP = only Pop ?
[20:41] [GoD]Shogun> lol :D
[20:41] Nici_OP> "4rd"
[20:41] Nici_OP> rofl
[20:41] lag> whys everyone harassing my friend nici
[20:41] [GoD]cani> therapist> guy is so fuckin dumb i dont even spam
[20:41] [GoD]Shogun> lol weed
[20:41] [GoD]cani> therapist> and he fuckin mutes
[20:41] lag> i have to take extra measures i see
[20:42] DeltaEnemy> OP=only penisinmyasshole
[20:42] Nici_OP> autopederastia <3
[20:42] stream> +3 for KosjaK_OP Worlds
[20:42] [GoD]cani> therapist> retarded shit
[20:42] DeltaEnemy> +1 for juggernout
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> the
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> thee
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> weed
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> got shaman rank?
[20:42] [GoD]Shogun> stop doing a matt weed
[20:42] [GoD]cani> yea
[20:42] Nici_OP> delta still afraid
[20:42] [GoD]Shogun> and u should stop gettin muted
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> just a dream
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> i will wake up
[20:42] [GoD]cani> afraid of what
[20:42] KosjaK_OP> and he will be fw again
[20:42] DeltaEnemy> asswiper
[20:42] Nici_OP> he keep skicking
[20:43] Nici_OP> its why hes afraid
[20:43] [GoD]cani> ur fault
[20:43] [GoD]cani> i told you dont join any1
[20:43] Nici_OP> lol
[20:43] Nici_OP> maybe
[20:43] [GoD]cani> except me meph
[20:43] [GoD]cani> lue etc
[20:43] KosjaK_OP> i'm pro!!!
[20:43] KosjaK_OP> 11221
[20:43] DeltaEnemy> tell us the story. why did you name yourself asswiper?
[20:43] Nici_OP> those guys would rather talk shit than play a game
[20:43] DeltaEnemy> nici
[20:43] DeltaEnemy> comon
[20:43] [GoD]cani> yea and rostovsjak
[20:43] DeltaEnemy> we need answers
[20:43] [GoD]cani> yea
[20:43] [GoD]cani> i dont get it
[20:43] [tdm]Mooresy> yoo
[20:43] KosjaK_OP> rostovsjak <3
[20:43] [tdm]Mooresy> do jugger
[20:43] Nici_OP> how ols is delta lol
[20:43] KosjaK_OP> vodkasjak
[20:44] [GoD]cani> stream> redet von große batzen aber zockt aufm laptop
[20:44] KosjaK_OP> nicisjak
[20:44] [tdm]Mooresy> alpha as jug?
[20:44] Nici_OP> how do i reply to childish shit humm
[20:44] KosjaK_OP> spinsjak
[20:44] [tdm]Mooresy> or skirmish?
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> once upon a time, nici named himself asswiper
[20:44] [GoD]cani> stream> redet von große batzen aber zockt aufm lapto
[20:44] [tdm]Mooresy> NO BD SKIRMISH????
[20:44] [Rw]Paragraf> ParaJak
[20:44] [GoD]cani> LEGENDE
[20:44] stream> hahahahahhahaha
[20:44] KosjaK_OP> oh wait
[20:44] [GoD]cani> das
[20:44] KosjaK_OP> i can change name!
[20:44] [GoD]cani> made my day
[20:44] KosjaK_OP> sweet
[20:44] [GoD]cani> ich schwöre
[20:44] [GoD]cani> das ist zu nice
[20:44] stream> isso alta
[20:44] [GoD]cani> BAN ME
[20:44] [GoD]cani> SOME2
[20:44] stream> some2
[20:44] stream> :(
[20:44] [tdm]Mooresy> yhman
[20:45] stream> spin
[20:45] [tdm]Mooresy> 2vs1 biginthegamemcblige
[20:45] [GoD]Shogun> maybe some3 can
[20:45] [GoD]Shogun> or some4
[20:45] stream> heute hab ich mir so n großes lebkuchenherz gekauft
[20:45] stream> beste
[20:45] [GoD]cani> LOL
[20:45] stream> schön dick zuckerguss
[20:45] [GoD]cani> :D
[20:45] [tdm]Mooresy> idk
[20:45] [GoD]cani> ne, musst try harder machen
[20:45] DeltaEnemy> what mappack is juggernut'
[20:45] DeltaEnemy> ??
[20:45] [GoD]cani> um da shie: stream> redet von große batzen aber zockt aufm laptop
[20:45] [GoD]cani> zu toppen
[20:46] [GoD]cani> wird schwer in zukunft
[20:46] stream> ich wollte dir von meinem tag erzählen
[20:46] stream> hahahahaha
[20:46] [GoD]cani> erast dann lache ich
[20:46] KosjaK_OP> hm
[20:46] KosjaK_OP> can someone help me
[20:46] KosjaK_OP> pick new nickname
[20:46] [GoD]cani> ja
[20:46] stream> ok
[20:46] [GoD]cani> lecker?
[20:46] stream> schwimmende kackwurst im meer
[20:46] [GoD]cani> LOL
[20:46] stream> hhahahahahahahah
[20:46] [GoD]cani> geht so ruauss wie so aus surfer werbung
[20:46] [Rw]Paragraf> Rostojak
[20:46] [GoD]cani> haare nahc hinten windig halt
[20:46] [GoD]cani> tust als ob nix wär
[20:46] stream> LLLLLOLLOLOLOLOL
[20:46] [GoD]cani> und jeamnd anderne die schuld zuweissen
[20:46] [GoD]cani> beste
[20:46] [GoD]cani> :D
[20:46] stream> stell dir vor
[20:46] stream> du tauchst alta
[20:47] [GoD]cani> LOL
[20:47] stream> und dann so boo
[20:47] stream> boom
[20:47] [GoD]cani> im mund cot
[20:47] stream> beim auftauchen
[20:47] [GoD]cani> beste
[20:47] [GoD]cani> LOL
[20:47] stream> hahahahhahaha
[20:47] stream> direkt kotze dazu
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> alberto de los cojones
[20:47] [GoD]cani> :((((((((((((((((((((((((((töte mich
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> v1 on fo ?
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> 1v1*
[20:47] [GoD]cani> una mujer bebo agua
[20:47] [GoD]cani> is this right
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> wtf.
[20:47] [GoD]cani> looool
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> yeah it is
[20:47] stream> a girl drank water?
[20:47] [GoD]cani> oh nice
[20:47] [GoD]cani> yea
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> dont fuckin worry
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> 10/10 on spanish exam
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun> im sure
[20:47] [GoD]cani> a women
[20:47] [GoD]cani> not girl
[20:48] [GoD]cani> yhman i hope so
[20:48] stream> whats girl?
[20:48] [GoD]cani> nina
[20:48] KosjaK_OP> i_am_pro_just_kidding
[20:48] stream> wasnt that daughter?
[20:48] KosjaK_OP> is best nickname
[20:48] [GoD]cani> no
[20:48] [GoD]cani> girl
[20:48] [GoD]cani> soll cih wieder anzug anzeiehn alta
[20:48] [GoD]cani> etf ist das
[20:48] stream> hija
[20:48] [GoD]cani> *wtf
[20:48] stream> was daughter?
[20:48] [GoD]cani> hahahahahhahaaa
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> una mujer bebe agua*
[20:48] [GoD]cani> weiss nicht
[20:48] stream> vhan whats daughter?
[20:48] [Rw]Paragraf> https://www.facebook.com/elrincondelnegrooo/videos/1489962891038792/
[20:48] stream> hija?
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> ja
[20:48] [SR]007s out
[20:48] [GoD]cani> uno hombre come pan
[20:48] [GoD]cani> ?
[20:48] KosjaK_OP> BABO
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> un*
[20:48] [GoD]cani> a men eats bread
[20:48] KosjaK_OP> maybe
[20:48] [GoD]cani> ?
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> i call myself
[20:49] [GoD]cani> ok
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> LOVESEBA
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> rofl
[20:49] stream> SEBA <333333
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> <333
[20:49] stream> omg <333
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> hashtagseba
[20:49] Sam_Tas out
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> nici join
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> i know ur sad
[20:49] [SR]007s in
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> cos ur life sucks
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> n all that
[20:49] Cutemammy_Tas> gg :o
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> so join
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> we can be amigos
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> Error: Username "GreenDragon" Taken
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> for siempre
[20:49] KosjaK_OP> Pfff
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> y comer migajas
[20:49] stream> k vhan
[20:50] stream> show me your astonishing fo skills
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> dude ur not nici
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> wow my ping
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> tf
[20:50] [GoD]cani> diego
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> keeps goin from 100 to 500
[20:50] [GoD]cani> what map
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> best net conection 2017
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> fo
[20:50] [GoD]cani> babo stream
[20:50] stream> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[20:51] stream> showing off my pro fo skills
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> my ping sucks
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> spin
[20:51] [Rw]Paragraf out
[20:51] [Rw]Paragraf in
[20:51] stream> its 150
[20:51] [GoD]cani> all good
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> mind changing spots with me
[20:51] [GoD]cani> i saw your beahc photo
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> i mean
[20:51] stream> 120
[20:51] [GoD]cani> its ghood
[20:51] [GoD]cani> lol
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> i choose you
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> fight for me
[20:51] stream> ??
[20:51] [GoD]cani> not playing
[20:51] [GoD]cani> later
[20:51] stream> wtf is this running
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> lol scared of el babo
[20:51] stream> go im bad on fo
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> so is my net
[20:51] stream> host
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> :<
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> u might end thinking u really defeated me :<
[20:52] stream> Ping: 72 ± 8
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> thatd be sad
[20:52] stream> +- 8 is good
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> :< ! !!!!
[20:52] [Rw]Paragraf> Ping: 217 ± 9
[20:52] stream> wtf
[20:52] stream> ???
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> u 3good for me
[20:52] stream> jesus
[20:52] stream> spin 1v1?
[20:52] stream> cr8s
[20:53] stream> du rot ich blau
[20:53] [GoD]cani> [GoD]cani> later
[20:53] kevincillo in
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> spin
[20:53] stream> hahahha
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> u dont have anythin else to do
[20:53] [GoD]cani> but i do
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> [GoD]cani> babo stream
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> wtf
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> u had time to watch it
[20:53] [GoD]cani> im drinking wine
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> it means u have time
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> wtf.,
[20:53] [GoD]cani> and gonna read
[20:53] [GoD]cani> ina bit
[20:53] [GoD]cani> nah not plaiyng
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> k
[20:53] stream> vhan
[20:54] stream> why dont you play
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> danke alta
[20:54] [GoD]cani> bitte
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> cos my net sucks
[20:54] stream> OWNED
[20:54] [GoD]cani> como estas
[20:54] lag> WTF INCA
[20:54] stream> nice password
[20:54] lag> PW NOT WORKING
[20:54] stream> div
[20:54] stream> wanna play some challenge worlds?
[20:54] lag> k
[20:55] lag> +2 CW
[20:55] stream> get the real #2
[20:55] stream> aka nici
[20:55] lag> only pros
[20:55] lag> or +1
[20:55] Nici_OP> easy pass
[20:55] Nici_OP> rofl
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> is it fun game?
[20:55] stream> was hard to guess
[20:55] Nici_OP> always the same one :D
[20:55] stream> ye lol
[20:55] Nici_OP> https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedNeighborlyCurlewMau5
[20:55] Nici_OP> best clip 2k17
[20:55] lag> lmao
[20:56] Nici_OP> god
[20:56] lag> got alot going on in my house
[20:56] kurwa in
[20:56] bluemuse out
[20:56] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/SourOptimisticHorseradishOSkomodo
[20:56] stream> this is my fav one tbh
[20:56] lag> nici no ping
[20:56] lag> wtf is this
[20:56] Nici_OP> did anyone else notice
[20:56] Nici_OP> before he got lighted
[20:56] Nici_OP> he clicked his shaman
[20:57] stream> ye i saw
[20:57] stream> too slow to light
[20:57] stream> lmao
[20:57] Nici_OP> lol fu babo
[20:57] Nici_OP> that one w matt
[20:57] stream> thats funny as hell hahaha
[20:58] lag> fucking ports
[20:58] [GoD]cani> https://clips.twitch.tv/BeautifulEntertainingShrewPJSalt
[20:58] stream> hahahahahah
[20:58] stream> vhans pro fo skills
[20:58] lag> thats a top one
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> (:
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> learn 2blast guys
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> from a pro
[20:58] stream> 'the luck is real'
[20:58] stream> was prolly the funniest out of that
[20:59] Nici_OP> thing is
[20:59] Nici_OP> i cant see luck there tbh
[20:59] Nici_OP> dunno maybe
[20:59] stream> ye lol
[20:59] stream> just bad blasts
[20:59] stream> https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyLitigiousCormorantWutFace this ones quality too
[20:59] [GoD]Shogun> well sometimes he moves
[20:59] [GoD]Shogun> ometimes he ignores his shaman
[20:59] lag> stream u host?
[20:59] [GoD]Shogun> theres a 50% chance of
[20:59] [GoD]Shogun> that time he didnt move her
[20:59] [GoD]Shogun> was annoying lol.
[20:59] [Rw]Paragraf> skills are real
[20:59] [GoD]cani> https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/500x/80254774/wtf-are-those-noobs-doin-they-cant-play-pp.jpg
[21:00] [GoD]cani> https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/500x/80254753/ill-ally-spin-sec-bong.jpg
[21:00] stream> and lets not forget OP braves https://clips.twitch.tv/ttamylno/DifficultMuleSSSsss
[21:00] Nici_OP> Rofl
[21:00] lag> GO NAGGERS
[21:01] lag> have to create a new cw map
[21:01] [GoD]Shogun> that password was 2hard
[21:01] lag> boring to replay
[21:01] Nici_OP> dude vhan sucks at this
[21:01] Nici_OP> kick him
[21:01] Nici_OP> and high ping
[21:01] stream> lol 1k ping
[21:01] [GoD]Shogun> will go down wtf
[21:01] Nici_OP> hes going to run his mouth the entire game
[21:01] Nici_OP> as usual
[21:02] stream> i think i once started a map
[21:02] stream> but didnt finish
[21:02] lag> who here has mtg send me ur rares
[21:02] [GoD]Shogun> is this shit ranked
[21:03] Cutemammy_Tas> how many watched my stream :D?
[21:03] lag> more than 0
[21:03] Cutemammy_Tas> oki nice :D
[21:03] lag> and less than 69
[21:03] Cutemammy_Tas> <3
[21:03] lag> this said
[21:03] lag> 2 i think
[21:04] [GoD]cani> https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectPuzzledBaguetteOptimizePrime
[21:04] Arniee_OP in
[21:04] [GoD]cani> sick
[21:04] OneArmPullup in
[21:04] Cutemammy_Tas> sexy blasts :>
[21:04] [Rw]Paragraf> wow
[21:04] [Rw]Paragraf> raining with sun
[21:04] [Rw]Paragraf> is real
[21:04] [GoD]cani> LOL
[21:05] Sam_Tas in
[21:05] [tdm]Mooresy> i just got the shit kicked outta me in record time
[21:05] [tdm]Mooresy> gg
[21:05] kurwa> ,.
[21:05] [tdm]Mooresy> mad rusteh
[21:05] [tdm]Mooresy> forgot ewwhat to do
[21:06] Sam_Tas out
[21:06] [Rw]Paragraf> https://clips.twitch.tv/EnchantingRockyGazelleKappaRoss
[21:07] p4p3rs0und> idk how u play like that lol
[21:07] [Rw]Paragraf> how what
[21:07] p4p3rs0und> birds eye
[21:07] Sam_Tas in
[21:08] rui98 in
[21:08] Cutemammy_Tas> siome pple like that view over usual
[21:08] p4p3rs0und> ye
[21:08] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk knows
[21:08] [tdm]Mooresy> ity kicked me randomly
[21:08] p4p3rs0und> i tried teaching myself to use insert home and pageup
[21:08] p4p3rs0und> but its too hard lol
[21:08] Johnyx out
[21:08] Cutemammy_Tas> it is
[21:08] Johnyx in
[21:09] Cutemammy_Tas> you cant see trees highed
[21:09] Cutemammy_Tas> so you cant guess there amounr
[21:09] Cutemammy_Tas> xd
[21:09] p4p3rs0und> ye i prefer spamming enter
[21:09] p4p3rs0und> xD
[21:09] Cutemammy_Tas> have to scrol over
[21:09] Cutemammy_Tas> you can s click shaman if she is in the air high :o
[21:09] rui98 out
[21:10] Nadeshot_OP> +2
[21:10] Cutemammy_Tas> paper i try to use enter also to see around
[21:10] Johnyx> i cant join
[21:10] Cutemammy_Tas> but i dont spamm that micuh xD
[21:13] Arniee_OP out
[21:14] Cutemammy_Tas out
[21:15] kevincillo out
[21:17] Nadeshot_OP> im here
[21:17] Nadeshot_OP> sorry
[21:17] lag> rofl
[21:18] lag> fodime
[21:18] lag> crashou quando mudei a camera
[21:18] Sam_Tas out
[21:18] Nici_OP> really
[21:18] Nici_OP> fds
[21:18] [GoD]Shogun> :<
[21:18] Nici_OP> PUTA MERDA
[21:18] Nadeshot_OP> 2 ppl?
[21:18] stream> noobinity
[21:18] Johnyx> +1
[21:19] Nadeshot_OP> +1
[21:19] lag> look at this shit crash
[21:19] lag> i cant close this shit pop
[21:19] Johnyx> kurva...
[21:19] [GoD]Shogun> task manager?
[21:19] lag> no
[21:19] lag> ffs
[21:19] lag> nothing works
[21:19] stream> restart pc?
[21:19] lag out
[21:19] [GoD]Shogun out
[21:19] [SW]Fried_Rice> fuck
[21:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> i am finally ready
[21:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> i saw like 10 shaman games today i couldnt spectate
[21:20] lag in
[21:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> so someone better get a god damn shaman game in the next 10 minutes before i start screaming
[21:20] lag> sad life
[21:20] Nadeshot_OP> They werent worth spectating
[21:20] stream> fsa
[21:20] stream> did u fix?
[21:20] Nadeshot_OP> bunch of noobs playing
[21:20] Nadeshot_OP> :p
[21:20] [tdm]Mooresy> hahhah
[21:20] [tdm]Mooresy> yiiiiiiiii
[21:20] Nadeshot_OP> fake shamans
[21:20] [tdm]Mooresy> what map guys?
[21:21] lag> u want to finish it or not
[21:21] stream> ye
[21:21] [tdm]Mooresy> some fo me n weed vs?
[21:21] stream> idk if everything works
[21:21] [tdm]Mooresy> il be blue?
[21:21] [tdm]Mooresy> idm unrank
[21:21] stream> nici get in?
[21:22] Nici_OP> im going to eat
[21:22] lag> i wanted eagle mode cuz we were in a hole
[21:22] Nici_OP> startving sorry
[21:22] lag> andcrashed
[21:22] Nici_OP> starving
[21:22] Nici_OP> lol that sucks
[21:22] Johnyx> +1
[21:22] stream> k
[21:22] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:22] healthandglobes in
[21:22] [tdm]Mooresy> suns of bitches i just come to pc n get comfy for game
[21:22] lag> k
[21:23] stream> bugged hut
[21:23] stream> get out adena
[21:23] stream> :/
[21:23] [tdm]Mooresy> what map?
[21:23] [tdm]Mooresy> i well wanna do FFO but iff everyones chattin shit about il do summet diff?
[21:23] Johnyx> ivo map
[21:23] [tdm]Mooresy> ff is ffucked
[21:23] [tdm]Mooresy> fffffffffffffffffffff
[21:24] Zerstorer in
[21:24] ime_mun_kullii> too tired sry
[21:24] [GoD]Shogun in
[21:24] Zerstorer out
[21:25] Zerstorer in
[21:25] Pigeon_Magnet in
[21:25] Nadeshot_OP> bella why do u need a shaman game?
[21:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> for entertainment
[21:26] PowerLord> i have shaman game
[21:26] PowerLord> i have a shaman game
[21:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh my god i put so much bleach on my hands my skin is peeling
[21:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> mayday mayday
[21:26] [GoD]Shogun> why do u waste ur time typing then
[21:26] [GoD]Shogun> go fix it
[21:27] [GoD]Shogun> u b..
[21:27] Nadeshot_OP> Mooresy can u go
[21:27] Johnyx> ??
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont wanna peel it off
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> i will elave it
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> leave
[21:27] [tdm]Mooresy> shit
[21:27] [tdm]Mooresy> rejoin
[21:28] [tdm]Mooresy> yoooooo
[21:28] [tdm]Mooresy> echoooo ooh ooo oo o
[21:28] [tdm]Mooresy> bella join
[21:28] [tdm]Mooresy> stop bleachin shit n join
[21:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> im way too tired for a game
[21:29] [tdm]Mooresy> np
[21:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> i just want to watch something while i eat
[21:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://www.facebook.com/IReggaeNationMedia/videos/10155267142224818/
[21:29] Nici_OP> are u eating horse semen
[21:29] IncaWarrior> are you trying to disolve your hands?
[21:29] Johnyx> +1
[21:29] [tdm]Mooresy> couldnt talk before gfs a complete bitch cant handle me talkin to girls onlline =-=
[21:29] Nici_OP> LOL
[21:29] healthandglobes out
[21:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> no i was jus cleaning my wardrobes and didnt use gloves
[21:29] Nici_OP> damn ur gf loves u
[21:30] [GoD]cani> @nici
[21:30] [GoD]cani> https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectPuzzledBaguetteOptimizePrime
[21:30] healthandglobes in
[21:30] [tdm]Mooresy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvSkuxrNCMQ
[21:30] [tdm]Mooresy> this happen when wardrobe open?
[21:30] [tdm]Mooresy> omydays my gf is OTT
[21:30] [tdm]Mooresy> +1
[21:30] Nici_OP> wow 2 noobs blasting
[21:30] [tdm]Mooresy> nigi join
[21:30] [GoD]cani> LOL
[21:30] Nici_OP> whoever yellow is he shouldnt interfere
[21:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> ugh my whole room smells like bleach and apples
[21:31] Nici_OP> :>
[21:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> beter light a candle
[21:31] [tdm]Mooresy> ahh
[21:31] [tdm]Mooresy> jonny bin waitin ages u kno
[21:31] [GoD]cani> yea
[21:31] [tdm]Mooresy> feel snide
[21:31] [GoD]cani> yellow sucked
[21:31] OneArmPullup out
[21:31] therapist> ok
[21:31] [tdm]Mooresy> johnny u good with sess?
[21:31] therapist> i want a good fuckin explenation sub
[21:31] [GoD]cani> wow
[21:31] [GoD]cani> the
[21:31] therapist> why the fuck do u mute me for 2 hours
[21:31] [GoD]cani> escaping
[21:31] [tdm]Mooresy> sold out instantly
[21:31] [GoD]cani> from the hell
[21:31] therapist> u cant handle me callin u an asshole ?????
[21:32] therapist> inca what the fuck is this
[21:32] [GoD]cani> by coding
[21:32] Johnyx> iam good on sess
[21:32] therapist> why the fuck do u allow this shit
[21:32] [GoD]cani> is real
[21:32] [tdm]Mooresy> bein nice gets u nooooowhere round ere#
[21:32] Johnyx> .....
[21:32] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaha
[21:32] therapist> spinn started spamming eight after i got muted
[21:32] IncaWarrior> therapist: don't be abusive to people
[21:32] [tdm]Mooresy> cghecmakte jonny
[21:32] therapist> and he didnt get muyted ?
[21:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> ahh now its vanilla
[21:32] [tdm]Mooresy> bad times bro
[21:32] therapist> inca
[21:32] therapist> wait inca
[21:32] therapist> spinn spammed
[21:32] [GoD]cani> johnyx go take my spot
[21:32] [GoD]cani> you waited longer
[21:32] therapist> i called sub an asshole
[21:32] [GoD]cani> than me :)
[21:32] [GoD]Shogun> he trying to take u down now spin
[21:32] [GoD]Shogun> omg
[21:32] therapist> why didnt he getm uted for spamming
[21:32] therapist> should be equal right ?
[21:32] IncaWarrior> don't spam either
[21:32] [GoD]cani> wow
[21:32] therapist> fuck u
[21:32] [tdm]Mooresy> +1 sess
[21:32] therapist> he spammed inca
[21:32] therapist> he didnt get muted
[21:32] therapist> but i do ??????
[21:32] therapist> are ufuckin kiddin me ???? where is the brain m???
[21:32] [GoD]cani> it is because
[21:32] [GoD]cani> i paid inca
[21:32] IncaWarrior> yeah
[21:33] Nici_OP> only reason weed got muted its cause sub is a mod
[21:33] therapist> no its cvuz the admins are racist man
[21:33] Nici_OP> if sub wasnt mod weed wouldnt get muted ^^^^
[21:33] Johnyx> inca come play
[21:33] therapist> sub is a power hungry bitch
[21:33] therapist> fuck u sub
[21:33] [GoD]Shogun> some1 do nici a favour and ban him for 3 years
[21:33] Nici_OP> well it's AsG
[21:33] [GoD]Shogun> it might help him to get some life
[21:33] Nici_OP> what do u expect
[21:33] [GoD]Shogun> :'>
[21:33] therapist> i didnt expect him to be this brainless
[21:33] PureChemist_OP out
[21:33] therapist> but uknow people surprise
[21:33] Nici_OP> lol shogun obsessed with my life thx
[21:33] [tdm]Mooresy> did u get muted tweed?
[21:33] [GoD]Shogun> np
[21:33] Nici_OP> maybe one day
[21:33] [GoD]Shogun> ur welcome
[21:33] [tdm]Mooresy> bad times
[21:34] therapist> inca
[21:34] therapist> https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Df2h
[21:34] therapist> why did i get muted for this ?
[21:34] therapist> was this spam inca ????
[21:34] therapist> inca be fuckin honest
[21:34] therapist out
[21:34] Nici_OP> inca can't face facts
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> been
[21:35] [GoD]Shogun> lol was that a kick
[21:35] Nici_OP> when its to clear he always runs out with his ass between his legs
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> omg weed gettin bullied off a silent comitte member
[21:35] Nici_OP> same old
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahahahaa
[21:35] Nici_OP> why is weed banned
[21:35] Nici_OP> he is needed here
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha wounded
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> trolled
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[21:35] Nici_OP> some shit admins we got lol
[21:35] [GoD]Shogun> the fun never ends
[21:35] [GoD]cani> weed is banned
[21:35] IncaWarrior> well when you conftribute to spamming, you get muted
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> yh sounds pretty excessive tbh
[21:35] Nici_OP> weed is like a vital part
[21:35] [tdm]Mooresy> theyre always at tht shit i remember kickin offf ages ago coz i couldnt get my head round it
[21:35] Nici_OP> of this matchmaerk
[21:36] Nici_OP> dont care what anyone says
[21:36] Nici_OP> he is an important piece here
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> the usual neandertholic reaction to summet i dont understand
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> but now im used to it
[21:36] [GoD]cani> why is wee dbanned
[21:36] [GoD]Shogun> lol nici
[21:36] [GoD]cani> nah he is right
[21:36] [GoD]Shogun> weed's cocks already clean stop sucking on it dude
[21:36] [GoD]cani> weed shouldnt be banned
[21:36] [GoD]cani> but its true
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> yh
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> as brown as he is
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> still
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[21:36] [GoD]cani> LOL
[21:36] Nici_OP> rofl
[21:36] kurwa out
[21:36] [GoD]cani> LOOL+
[21:36] [tdm]Mooresy> teehee*
[21:36] Nici_OP> inca is hitler
[21:36] Nici_OP> it's ok
[21:37] p4p3rs0und> anp is too much work
[21:37] Nici_OP> "u cant say this"
[21:37] [GoD]cani> unban weed .. . .
[21:37] healthandglobes out
[21:37] Nici_OP> dude inca is always the same old shit
[21:37] Nici_OP> this power abuse wont ever stop
[21:37] [tdm]Mooresy> why the fuck int my gam,e launcin
[21:37] [tdm]Mooresy> av pressed it X amojht of times
[21:37] [GoD]Shogun> Inca: is weed banned ?
[21:38] p4p3rs0und> a man can only take so much
[21:38] Nici_OP> look at shogun he says i should stop sucking on weeds cock
[21:38] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk
[21:38] Nici_OP> but when spin agrees
[21:38] [tdm]Mooresy> ec
[21:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> looks like a mini hurricane outside
[21:38] Nici_OP> u dont tell the same to spin huh
[21:38] p4p3rs0und> lmao
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> what was the link he sended about ?
[21:38] Nici_OP> are u scared bro?
[21:38] Nici_OP> lmao ;
[21:38] p4p3rs0und> delta
[21:38] p4p3rs0und> rm ?
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> dude i didnt even pay attention to spin
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> rofl
[21:38] [GoD]cani> true nici
[21:38] Nici_OP> stop being so obsessed
[21:38] [GoD]cani> im a human being like you
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> there's someting called "curiosity"
[21:38] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:39] [GoD]Shogun> inca wont answer anyways
[21:39] [GoD]cani> IncaWarrior: How long is weed banned?
[21:39] Nici_OP> inca is a pussy we all know that
[21:39] Nici_OP> everyone in the staff is a PUSSY
[21:39] Nici_OP> if they can't accept it too bad
[21:39] Nici_OP> it's true
[21:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> lol what he do
[21:39] KosjaK_OP> i am dick
[21:39] [GoD]Shogun> btw nici u jealous
[21:39] [GoD]Shogun> :> ?
[21:40] p4p3rs0und> inca is the man tf u talking about
[21:40] [Rw]Paragraf> wtf
[21:40] [Rw]Paragraf> Weed got baneD?
[21:40] p4p3rs0und> but weed should be muted not banned lol
[21:40] [GoD]cani> yea loot
[21:40] [Rw]Paragraf> omfg
[21:40] [Rw]Paragraf> why?
[21:41] [GoD]cani> no reason
[21:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> what did he do
[21:41] [GoD]cani> inca doesnt understand
[21:41] Nici_OP> weed got banned for trying to clear facts
[21:41] [GoD]cani> this community has got so less ppl
[21:41] Nici_OP> thats how bad inca is
[21:41] [GoD]cani> i dont see the sense in baning ppl
[21:41] Nici_OP> and the whole staff
[21:41] [GoD]cani> weed plays a lot games
[21:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> i wonder if inca has people banned
[21:41] Nici_OP> imagine they ban matt tomorrow
[21:41] Nici_OP> ill probably not even log in
[21:41] [GoD]cani> . . ..
[21:42] Nici_OP> inca u dont have to punish others just cuz u cant be funny bro
[21:42] [GoD]cani> destroying community
[21:42] Nici_OP> jealous of weed its why u ban him
[21:42] [GoD]cani> with this shit
[21:42] [GoD]Shogun> why are u all defending weed anyways
[21:42] [GoD]cani> so unnecessary
[21:42] [GoD]Shogun> the guy basically asked for it
[21:42] Nici_OP> ?
[21:42] [GoD]cani> id defend any1
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> [GoD]Shogun> why are u all defending weed anyways
[21:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> init lmao
[21:42] [GoD]Shogun> why would u insult a admin for ?
[21:43] [GoD]cani> this community is too small to allow ban
[21:43] Nici_OP> weed is nice
[21:43] [GoD]Shogun> asking for a mute? get it
[21:43] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[21:43] Johnyx out
[21:43] Johnyx in
[21:43] p4p3rs0und> because
[21:43] p4p3rs0und> i like watching him implode lol
[21:43] [GoD]Shogun> guy asked for it
[21:43] [GoD]Shogun> he's just as retarded has matt
[21:44] Johnyx out
[21:44] [GoD]Shogun> as*
[21:44] [GoD]Shogun> but hey.. maybe a ban is a bit exesive
[21:44] Johnyx in
[21:44] DeltaEnemy> +2
[21:44] [GoD]Shogun> excesive*
[21:44] DeltaEnemy> vs the enemys
[21:44] Nici_OP> the enemys are easssssssy
[21:45] DeltaEnemy> a guy who named himself asswiper
[21:45] DeltaEnemy> is not worth a game
[21:45] DeltaEnemy> i think
[21:45] Nici_OP> ;)
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> waiting for your asnwer
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> what comes back?
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> nothing
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> well then
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> fuck your mother asswiper
[21:46] Nici_OP> see this inca
[21:46] Nici_OP> guys like delta should be muted
[21:46] Nici_OP> lol
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> i mean our admins dont even talk at all
[21:46] Nici_OP> nowhere near the level of nahim
[21:46] [SW]Fried_Rice> can i get a shaman game pls
[21:46] [GoD]cani> öllol
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> Nici_OP> guys like delta should be muted
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> he is crying
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> it is matt n weed bitching around them
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> go to your mom asswiper
[21:46] DeltaEnemy> Nici_OP> guys like delta should be muted
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> Nici_OP> guys like delta should be muted.
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> some guy on the internet unsult him
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> he goes to the admin
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[21:47] Nici_OP> nah bro ure the one who cant play a game cuz hes scared to lose
[21:47] Nici_OP> badly
[21:47] Nici_OP> lol
[21:47] Nici_OP> u rage quit
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> is that the beheavior we can exept from the nubmer 1 player?
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> is it?
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[21:47] DeltaEnemy> rofl
[21:47] Nici_OP> beheavior
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> therapist> https://www.imageupload.co.uk/image/Df2h
[21:48] DeltaEnemy> asswiper
[21:48] DeltaEnemy> you are a joke
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> whats that link about
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> my pc cant see it
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> idk why
[21:48] [Rw]Paragraf> #UnbanWeed
[21:48] [Rw]Paragraf> #MakePopFunnyAgain
[21:48] DeltaEnemy> step 1: name yourself asswiper
[21:48] MadSkillz_TAS in
[21:48] DeltaEnemy> step 2: everbody makes jokes about you
[21:48] DeltaEnemy> step 3: change your name again
[21:49] DeltaEnemy> step 4: you are the joke of the mm
[21:49] DeltaEnemy> your turn nici
[21:49] [GoD]cani> Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:35 pm.
[21:49] [GoD]cani> weed unbanned
[21:49] Nici_OP> my turn is u are bad lol
[21:49] Nici_OP> and cant handle playing someone
[21:49] [Rw]Paragraf> ?
[21:49] Nici_OP> grow p
[21:49] Nici_OP> up
[21:49] [Rw]Paragraf> its already sep 10
[21:49] DeltaEnemy> step 1: name yourself asswiper
[21:50] DeltaEnemy> step 2: everbody makes jokes about you
[21:50] DeltaEnemy> step 3: change your name again
[21:50] [SW]Fried_Rice> "grow up" pretty ironic
[21:50] DeltaEnemy> step 4: you are the joke of the mm
[21:50] MadSkillz_TAS> step 1
[21:50] MadSkillz_TAS> stop quiting games nerd
[21:51] Johnyx> +1 sess
[21:51] PowerLord> gb
[21:51] PowerLord out
[21:51] [GoD]cani> here
[21:51] Nici_OP> who is everybody
[21:51] Nici_OP> u?
[21:51] Nici_OP> look bro
[21:51] Nici_OP> kick spin
[21:52] Nici_OP> hes 2 good 4 u
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> noo
[21:52] Nici_OP> ;)
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> his name is not asswiper
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> so no kick
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> get it?
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[21:52] [GoD]cani> looool
[21:52] Nici_OP> lol
[21:52] Nici_OP> well
[21:52] Johnyx out
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> the bully towards nici
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> is real
[21:52] Nici_OP> bad bully
[21:52] Nici_OP> he makes no sense
[21:52] Nici_OP> just like u
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> u better dont make alpha talk nici
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> he might rape u again
[21:52] Nici_OP> why not
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> whats the sense of the name asswiper?
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> lmao
[21:52] DeltaEnemy> tell us the story
[21:52] Nici_OP> rape what
[21:53] Nici_OP> he cant even rape a corpse
[21:53] DeltaEnemy> nici names himself asswiper. then he ask for answers
[21:53] Nici_OP> well tbh i dont know what to answer
[21:54] [GoD]cani out
[21:54] [GoD]cani in
[21:54] GameOfThrones in
[21:54] Johnyx in
[21:55] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:56] [GoD]cani> Sess
[21:56] [GoD]cani> loothill and me vs enemies
[21:56] DeltaEnemy> "my name is asswiper" -nici
[21:57] [GoD]Shogun> nici stop accumulating hate
[21:57] [GoD]Shogun> be more friendly
[21:57] Johnyx out
[21:57] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[21:57] [GoD]cani out
[21:58] [Rw]Paragraf> brb 1min ill take a piss
[21:58] p4p3rs0und> but there are egos at stake
[21:58] [GoD]cani in
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> who likes nici?
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> nobody?
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> okay then
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> not even his mom
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> i think
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> hahahaha
[21:58] [GoD]cani> i dont see the host
[21:58] [GoD]cani> ejoin pls
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> thats sad
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> good one shogun
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> :'(
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> like.. really sad
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> its hard. but the truth has to be spoken
[21:58] [GoD]Shogun> ;)
[21:58] Raptor> inca? how "betabot" and "red" got 100 pts and warrior avatar? xD
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> thats the reason his mom named him asswiper
[21:59] DeltaEnemy> can it be?
[21:59] [GoD]Shogun> it is
[21:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[21:59] GameOfThrones out
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> nici?
[22:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> we are wating for a answer
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> comin
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> we need answers
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> comin
[22:00] Nici_OP> na man ure boring
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> comon
[22:00] Nici_OP> u are the worst troll i have witnessed
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> no its just you dont know what to answer
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> cause you are the ASSWIPER
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> hohohoh
[22:00] [GoD]Shogun> :(
[22:00] Nici_OP> that makes no sense tho
[22:00] [Rw]Paragraf> launch the game please.
[22:00] Nici_OP> i dont see the sense
[22:01] Nici_OP> u are retarded lol
[22:01] [GoD]Shogun> man nici is hurted
[22:01] [GoD]Shogun> not even kidding
[22:01] [GoD]Shogun> lets stop the bully
[22:01] redfire in
[22:01] Nici_OP> hurt *
[22:01] [GoD]cani out
[22:01] Nici_OP> ya
[22:01] Nici_OP> bora jogar
[22:02] Nici_OP> um qq xd
[22:02] Nici_OP> escolhe tu mas 1 bom
[22:02] [GoD]Shogun> every1 in here deserves love n respect
[22:02] [GoD]Shogun> francisco
[22:02] [GoD]Shogun> lo siento
[22:02] [GoD]Shogun> te invito a migajas ?
[22:03] Nici_OP> estes gajos devem pensar xD
[22:03] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[22:03] Nici_OP> só dizem merda
[22:04] Nici_OP> dude shut up youre boring as well
[22:04] Nici_OP> say something different jesus
[22:04] Nici_OP> if ure going to talk shit at least entertain me
[22:05] [GoD]Shogun> i told u
[22:05] [GoD]Shogun> want migajas ?
[22:05] [GoD]Shogun> im being kind
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> 2 FAGS
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> TALKING
[22:05] [GoD]Shogun> u cant really find migajas that easy
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> is magijas slang for "vhans dick"
[22:05] Cooope in
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> u" u cant rly find them that easy"
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper u shitty turd
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> u lost us last game
[22:06] [GoD]Shogun> /me lets moores talk to the wall
[22:06] Maganha_OP in
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf are migajas ?
[22:06] [GoD]Shogun> sometings really tasty
[22:06] Nici_OP> yes its vhans dick
[22:06] [GoD]Shogun> someting*
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> your mums tities?
[22:07] Nici_OP> migajas is crumbs
[22:07] Nici_OP> migajas is in spanish
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> want it moores ?
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> naa
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> wtf nici
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> im good
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> he just called u fag
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> nd u helped him
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> so ?
[22:07] Nici_OP> dude go play fo
[22:07] Nici_OP> dont play with us u are too easy
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> who said fo
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> i like fo
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> thanks
[22:07] Nici_OP> no challenge
[22:07] p4p3rs0und> stfu moores
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> toiletpaper
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> costing me games
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> everytime
[22:08] [GoD]Shogun> join kruger
[22:08] p4p3rs0und> like this one https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=362780
[22:08] [GoD]Shogun> lets bash them
[22:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye you had spinni
[22:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had weed
[22:09] p4p3rs0und> i also had 26 pop lol
[22:09] p4p3rs0und> when u had 95
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> then i got doubled 95 times
[22:09] MadSkillz_TAS out
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper dont make me 1v1 ur ass
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> and put you in the dog house again
[22:10] p4p3rs0und> lmaolwawaoaoao
[22:10] p4p3rs0und> let me host
[22:10] icepeople in
[22:10] p4p3rs0und> just once
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUK
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> THAT
[22:10] [GoD]Shogun> let me watch
[22:10] [GoD]Shogun> just once
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> u can beat nici on ur host
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> this tells u something
[22:10] p4p3rs0und> no lol
[22:10] [SR]007s out
[22:10] Nici_OP> he cant
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> probably
[22:10] Nici_OP> loooool
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi see
[22:10] Nici_OP> everyone scared of hosts
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> his hosting is unrealisic
[22:10] Nici_OP> pathetic
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> its awwwwful
[22:10] Nici_OP> na ure just too bad cant handle
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh sshut up fag boi
[22:10] Nici_OP> insta crying
[22:11] icepeople out
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> lo
[22:11] p4p3rs0und> just use ur clicks more wisely lol
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> insta crying
[22:11] Rakushun in
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> yes
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> im givewn a limited amount of cliks pers minute
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> alot less then usual
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> also
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> there maybe points where i cant clik for 3 seconds
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> then the game goes in to fast forward
[22:12] Nici_OP> we're not to blame for ur brain freeze
[22:12] p4p3rs0und> yes i too am familiar with lag
[22:12] [GoD]Shogun> nici do u get ping
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> mag and nici on fo vs me and toiletpaper
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:12] [GoD]Shogun> or is it just me
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici do u accept challenge?
[22:12] redfire out
[22:12] Nici_OP> i do
[22:12] Nici_OP> just needto reconnect
[22:12] Nici_OP> wait for me
[22:12] Nici_OP out
[22:12] redfire in
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> this asshole bettrer come back
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> moores dont evne waste ur time
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> we're talkin about francisco
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> ik but
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> it can be done
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> no1 has ever spended more time than him playing
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> i have done it
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> but matts close
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1 in 100
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1% chance
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> i like them odds
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> i was close to beat him once on fo
[22:14] p4p3rs0und> i won one time 1v1
[22:14] p4p3rs0und> it was nice
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> if paper wasnt toileyt wed be fine
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up paper
[22:14] Death out
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> leing bitch
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> forced him to use fws n warrs
[22:14] kraft in
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> he was like "oh well i guess i understimated u"
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> lñol
[22:14] p4p3rs0und> i rushed :D
[22:14] Rakushun out
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[22:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> i bet he pissed
[22:14] Nici_OP in
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> this fag aint coming back
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> i mean
[22:15] [GoD]Shogun> owned.
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh heres my pal
[22:15] kraft out
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> toilet go yel spot
[22:15] kraft in
[22:15] Nici_OP> oh im hosting?
[22:15] Nici_OP> cool
[22:15] Nici_OP> lets go
[22:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye so stfu about it
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> lut me watch nici
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> f
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> we doing fo niglet
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> wtfwt
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> its a 2v2
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> so spec
[22:16] Nici_OP> turn off specs
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> ahh thought it was 1v1
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> no masterbating pls
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> set fo
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> and turn off randomize colours
[22:16] Maganha_OP> scared to play against nici as blue base
[22:16] Nici_OP> stfu
[22:16] Maganha_OP> sad, mores
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking freak
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol faghana
[22:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> suk a blacken
[22:16] Nici_OP> lets go mag <3
[22:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> gayt
[22:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> ^
[22:17] Maganha_OP> fag
[22:18] kraft> how i start to play?
[22:18] Maganha_OP out
[22:19] kraft> yes
[22:19] [SW]Fried_Rice> have u played single player kraft?
[22:19] kraft> yes i did
[22:19] Death in
[22:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok u just have to wait till someone joins
[22:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> cooope will launch the game and u can play
[22:20] Nadeshot_OP out
[22:20] kraft> ok lets go
[22:20] kraft> i did enter in the past
[22:20] kraft> about 5 years ago
[22:21] kraft> i played this game first time 10 years ago
[22:21] Zerstorer> host
[22:21] Zerstorer> start
Launching game...
[22:21] KosjaK_OP out
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
kraft - MapPack: OK
[22:21] lag> 1 hour ill never get back
Zerstorer - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - kraft: Red - Zerstorer: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[22:21] lag> reported
[22:21] kraft out
[22:21] stream> 1 hour full of fun, joy and rage
[22:21] stream> :)
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[22:23] Pigeon_Magnet out
[22:25] kraft in
[22:25] kraft> i couldt enter
[22:25] kraft> i think my antivirus got the matchmaker program
[22:25] Cooope> join again
[22:26] aliverdi1023 in
[22:26] kraft> is that commom the matchmaker apperas as false positive?
[22:26] Nici_OP> these guy are point whores
[22:26] Nici_OP> guys
[22:26] Nici_OP> green is laging
[22:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> QUITTIUNG !!!!
[22:26] Nici_OP> what dont you get?
[22:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> Ho0o0o0o0o
[22:26] Maganha_OP in
[22:26] [GoD]Shogun> thats normal nici
[22:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> no quitting
[22:27] [GoD]Shogun> u got the "one piece"
[22:27] [TSI]Raion in
[22:27] [GoD]Shogun> of points
[22:27] Nici_OP> yea well
[22:27] Maganha_OP> u suck, mores
[22:27] Nici_OP> moores host and rotate
[22:27] Nici_OP> lets go
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> well this is blue fo sometimes
[22:27] p4p3rs0und> im almost fw again
[22:27] p4p3rs0und> gimme a break lol
[22:27] Nici_OP> moores shut up lol
[22:27] p4p3rs0und> been taking l after l
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up toilet ur not even plankton
[22:27] Nici_OP> moores host and rotate
[22:27] Nici_OP> noob
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur at the bottom of the food chain
[22:27] Maganha_OP> lets rm that
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> no way
[22:27] IncaWarrior> kraft: happens time to time
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> im retiring
[22:27] stream> paper wanna 1v1? ill make u fw noob
[22:28] IncaWarrior> what antivirus do you use?
[22:28] Nici_OP> jeez
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> stop kicking me from host dspot
[22:28] Nici_OP> so gay bro they just admit not to ally cuz of points
[22:28] Nici_OP> lol
[22:28] [GoD]Shogun> isnt mag from portugal ?
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> i kno it you
[22:28] [GoD]Shogun> why is he lagging
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> @@
[22:28] IncaWarrior> MooresMurder: ...
[22:28] Maganha_OP> im from brazil
[22:28] Nadeshot_OP in
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[22:28] [GoD]Shogun> oh ok
[22:28] Nici_OP> yea look p
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes on 56k in an outside toilet he calls home
[22:28] Nici_OP> paper is avoiding a rematch
[22:28] stream> mag is better than all of you noobs
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> favela ?
[22:29] stream> Maganha_OP> Nici_OP
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> one of therm shit holes
[22:29] Maganha_OP> lol
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> faghana get a ping u sob
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> 270
[22:29] Nici_OP> when i thought this game still had some sportsmanship
[22:29] Nici_OP> but there is 0
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats the lowest uv ever had i think
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> welcome to 2001
[22:29] [GoD]Shogun> id ally nici
[22:29] stream> let Nadeshot_OP host to make it fair
[22:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[22:29] [GoD]Shogun> just to let u know
[22:30] Nici_OP> nadeshot we're rematching
[22:30] Nici_OP> i think
[22:30] Maganha_OP> paper wont play
[22:30] Nici_OP> yea typical
[22:30] Nici_OP> holding on to his win
[22:30] stream> wow theres Gravity on tv
[22:30] stream> such a shit movie
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> mag ur in the wrong centruy to be based in brazil and play online games
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> get frozen
[22:30] Maganha_OP> ok, mores
[22:30] stream> 2 hours theyre in space and chat shit
[22:30] Maganha_OP> lets go
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> come back in year 2600 when brazil instal fibre
[22:30] stream> so bad
[22:30] skaarj_guardian in
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> wheres toilet ?
[22:31] Nici_OP> toilet is scared
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> guy win=s a game and goes in to hibernation
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> like hes done something
[22:31] [GoD]Shogun> saving his points
[22:31] stream> [23:28] p4p3rs0und> gimme a break lol
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[22:31] p4p3rs0und> stfu
[22:31] [Rw]Paragraf> gg
[22:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gg
[22:32] [GoD]Shogun> the ditching
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper nici is being blue
[22:32] [GoD]Shogun> is real
[22:32] stream> what sound does paper make?
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> but w are rotating
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> go yel
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> dum toilet
[22:32] p4p3rs0und> cha ching
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> this time dont expect me to win hill single handed
[22:32] DeltaEnemy> step 1: name yourself asswiper
[22:32] Nici_OP> i was just warming up
[22:32] p4p3rs0und> what hill
[22:32] Nici_OP> rotate and lets go
[22:32] p4p3rs0und> u mean the one with my fws on it
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> i bin saiying this
[22:32] DeltaEnemy> step 2: everbody makes jokes about you
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> for years
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici
[22:33] Nici_OP> ?
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i live in a igloo
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> this is why im bad
[22:33] [GoD]Shogun> dont ever ask me to play moores
[22:33] [GoD]Shogun> u bitch
[22:33] DeltaEnemy> +2
[22:33] [GoD]cani in
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> play vhan ?
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> play with my dick
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> fukin turd
[22:33] [GoD]Shogun> suck a blackennn
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> "please vhan i need you"....
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> like this is gunna happen
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk off back under ur rock
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> want mags spot?
[22:34] [GoD]Shogun> bah nicis gonna rape u anyways
[22:34] Maganha_OP> dude, go
[22:34] Nici_OP> lol
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> dude get ap ing
[22:34] pataxo in
[22:34] Nici_OP> im not allying shogun
[22:34] Nici_OP> better of allying lag
[22:34] Nici_OP> off
[22:34] DeltaEnemy> nobody wants to ally "assiepr"
[22:34] p4p3rs0und> is that guy even good
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf are these pings man
[22:34] p4p3rs0und> i heard he sux
[22:34] kraft out
[22:34] Nici_OP> i see 267
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> why u got 122?
[22:35] [GoD]cani out
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[22:35] [GoD]Shogun> no wonder he didnt ally u nici
[22:35] p4p3rs0und> dont forget
[22:35] [GoD]cani in
[22:35] p4p3rs0und> to make nici blue lol
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> im playing as blue now ?
[22:35] Nici_OP> look paper is scared
[22:35] Nici_OP> lol
[22:35] Nici_OP> no
[22:35] Nici_OP> we want to pwn u
[22:35] Nici_OP> being rotated
[22:35] Nici_OP> lets go
[22:35] Maganha_OP> let nici blue
[22:35] Maganha_OP> god damit
[22:35] Nici_OP> ez
[22:35] Maganha_OP> this guy
[22:36] p4p3rs0und> is it 6 min ez tho
[22:36] [GoD]cani> enemies
[22:36] [GoD]cani> rm?
[22:36] [GoD]cani> dieses mal hoste ich
[22:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> als ob es drauf ankommt spin
[22:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bewg deinen arsch
[22:36] [GoD]cani> ne, ich hoste
[22:36] [GoD]cani> er quittet
[22:37] [GoD]cani> ist ehrenlos
[22:37] DeltaEnemy> Rm
[22:37] DeltaEnemy> narrow passage
[22:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> schlimm
[22:37] Maganha_OP out
[22:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wenn ihr forfait gewinnt
[22:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[22:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mach
[22:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> narrow
[22:37] [Rw]Paragraf> narrow passage?
[22:37] [Rw]Paragraf> Can we do a decent map?
[22:37] DeltaEnemy> narrow passage.
[22:37] [GoD]cani> ok
[22:39] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[22:39] [GoD]cani> ANP
[22:39] ime_mun_kullii out
[22:40] [GoD]cani out
[22:41] aliverdi1023> okk
[22:43] Nadeshot_OP out
[22:43] Nadeshot_OP in
[22:44] aliverdi1023> +2
[22:44] Estikma in
[22:44] Nadeshot_OP> pp?
[22:44] Estikma out
[22:45] Sucukluyumurta> pp
[22:45] Estikma in
[22:45] Sucukluyumurta> y
[22:45] aliverdi1023> crater
[22:45] Sucukluyumurta> ye
[22:45] Sucukluyumurta> pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
[22:45] Sucukluyumurta> no sess ..
[22:45] aliverdi1023> go
[22:45] Cooope> go?
[22:45] aliverdi1023> ja
[22:45] aliverdi1023> launch
[22:46] [GoD]Shogun out
[22:47] aliverdi1023> omg
[22:47] Nadeshot_OP> +3 pp
[22:48] Tuzkar in
[22:49] p4p3rs0und> ggwp
[22:49] pataxo> Olá
[22:49] pataxo out
[22:50] [GoD]Shogun in
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam u paki
[22:52] Maganha_OP in
[22:52] Nici_OP> lagaste?
[22:52] PowerLord in
[22:52] [GoD]Shogun> u see moores
[22:52] Nici_OP> lagaste??
[22:52] [GoD]Shogun> thats what u get for being a fag
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> omg andrew man what a waste of oxygen u are
[22:52] Maganha_OP> to com bastante delay, deve ser a net
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> gtfo of life
[22:52] Tuzkar> lol
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanna play fo
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> fofofofofo
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=362798
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> wow tuzkar
[22:52] [tdm]Mooresy> not seen u since i was shittin in nappies
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> reason for no points : too short
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[22:53] Nici_OP> owned
[22:53] Maganha_OP> lololol
[22:53] [GoD]Shogun> lmao "too short"
[22:53] [GoD]Shogun> sounds like "too easy"
[22:53] Nici_OP> :)
[22:53] Nici_OP> no points for who doesnt deserve
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> this was last game
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> you been fuking around again ?
[22:53] [tdm]Mooresy> abndrew u missed tht last light
[22:53] [tdm]Mooresy> was a near miss imo
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> happens too much
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> to me
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> flames
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> yh get better
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> no death
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> speed ur mouse up man
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> u got it in limp mode
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> spped ur mongoloid brain up
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> sez
[22:54] Nici_OP> paper
[22:54] Nici_OP> paperp thought he had it on side
[22:54] Nici_OP> what a naive guy
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> got as bubble of spunk for grey matter
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> smacked up retard over here talking bout speed
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> only speed u kno is amphetmines in ur veins
[22:54] [tdm]Mooresy> only speed u kno about is the nasty one u sell to ur toothless homebois
[22:55] [tdm]Mooresy> joinjoinjoin
[22:55] Maganha_OP> como matou ele tao rapido? nem vi
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunn
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> o
[22:55] [tdm]Mooresy> fu i was oin tht rip first
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> that vhan guy
[22:55] Nici_OP> n tinha warriors prontos
[22:55] Maganha_OP> quando vi a base dele ja estava morto
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes like a spy
[22:55] Nici_OP> por isso mandei pop
[22:55] Nici_OP> lol
[22:55] Nici_OP> matei os fws dele
[22:55] Maganha_OP> hahhaha
[22:55] Nici_OP> foi facil
[22:55] [GoD]Shogun> stfu what u on about now
[22:55] Nici_OP> era so segurar o meio
[22:55] Nici_OP> nem que sua base ficasse destruida
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna fuknig rm
[22:55] Nici_OP> o azul n o iria matar tao rapido
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> toilet
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> u shit kunt
[22:55] [tdm]Mooresy> bet matts in middle of huricane now
[22:55] Nici_OP> im down for rm
[22:55] Maganha_OP> o azul fez aquele side no hill da frente
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> man i sent 10 wars thru mid
[22:56] skaarj_guardian out
[22:56] Maganha_OP> fode o red aquilo
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> on 12 mins
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> its alot for this time
[22:56] [tdm]Mooresy> sat there fat as fuck houise flyin round in circles over his head'
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> but he was there
[22:56] Nici_OP> ofc i was there
[22:56] [tdm]Mooresy> cant be lifted
[22:56] Nici_OP> paper was fucked up
[22:56] Nici_OP> all we needed was mid safe
[22:56] Nici_OP> even if u eqed mags base
[22:56] [tdm]Mooresy> just tyres of fat ripplin in wind
[22:56] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew u bumpkin cmon
[22:56] [tdm]Mooresy> fo
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> 10 wars on 8 mins on fo is pretty devasting if u can get emn in
[22:57] [GoD]Shogun> moores
[22:57] [GoD]Shogun> alying paper was the problem
[22:57] [tdm]Mooresy> yh if u get em in its gg at 8 mins
[22:57] [GoD]Shogun> guy sucks
[22:57] [tdm]Mooresy> but whats ur brave pop conditrion gonna be?
[22:57] [tdm]Mooresy> if u dont make it thewre ur pretty fucked in the long ruin
[22:57] [tdm]Mooresy> run*
[22:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was dismantling like fuk so i was ok
[22:57] [GoD]Shogun> u know what happens when u ally the shogun on fo
[22:57] Nici_OP> that wasn't even 8 minutes
[22:57] Nici_OP> lol
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> "hey nice early warrs" "nice eq" "nice mana tho"
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> these were ur words
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> andrew
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew sukin men off agen?
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> whenb ?
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> u left my cock v clean there
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahahha
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> hahhashashasahahahaa
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> hjahuahah
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> this guys remembering a dream he had
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> maybe some weeks ago i think
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> it was u
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> powerlord#
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> are u any good?
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> where he woke up with ectoplasm all over his stomach
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> go join tuzklar powerlord
[22:58] [tdm]Mooresy> soz m8
[22:58] [GoD]Shogun> lmfao
[22:59] [GoD]Shogun> the lies
[22:59] Tuzkar> Lol mooresy xD
[22:59] [Rw]Paragraf> gg
[22:59] Estikma out
[22:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> toilet u fuking divi
[22:59] [tdm]Mooresy> tuzkar is good but hes rusty i rekon
[22:59] [GoD]cani in
[22:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo spin
[22:59] [tdm]Mooresy> powerlord sayin
[22:59] [tdm]Mooresy> jhe played for a yeare
[22:59] [tdm]Mooresy> idm lettin him in but u guys?
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye he can ally vhan
[23:00] [Rw]Paragraf out
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> since hes got good wars good eqs and good mana
[23:00] Tuzkar> i thought i was playing pretty well earlyer
[23:00] [GoD]cani> hola
[23:00] [GoD]cani> como estas
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> na tuz
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> u werent
[23:00] [Rw]Paragraf in
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry
[23:00] [Rw]Paragraf> I joined to the shaman clan
[23:00] [tdm]Mooresy> i not seen u play for years tuz no offence mate ;D
[23:00] [tdm]Mooresy> am assumin ur rusteh
[23:00] Parritalol123 in
[23:00] [tdm]Mooresy> doobey
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> this guys middle name is Iron Oxide
[23:01] Pigeon_Magnet in
[23:01] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew look at this ginger bald nugget from the 80's
[23:01] [tdm]Mooresy> danny in a time warp - https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/robocop/images/d/d6/Emil_from_robocop.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100729201533
[23:01] [GoD]Shogun> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=360177
[23:01] [GoD]Shogun> this one moores
[23:01] [GoD]cani> delta raging?
[23:01] [tdm]Mooresy> "we killed you..,... we killled uuu"
[23:01] [Rw]Paragraf> for real
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> Danny G
[23:01] Fang in
[23:01] [GoD]Shogun> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=360177 <-- it was that game moores
[23:01] [tdm]Mooresy> motherfukin g.i.m.p
[23:01] toast_and_bananas in
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> or g.i.n.g
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> w.e the case maybe
[23:02] [GoD]Shogun> Sec
[23:02] [GoD]cani> fuuuuuuck
[23:02] [GoD]cani> anted to play ppaer
[23:02] [GoD]cani> :(
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> shit
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> sec guys
[23:02] [GoD]cani> all gooooooood goooooooooooooooooooo
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> lemme wrap this rapid
[23:02] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanna get high whilst playin pop
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> na man
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur alrdy in a state constant dizzynes
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> brb
[23:03] [tdm]Mooresy> 2 mins
[23:04] Tuzkar> hahaha well thats alot faster than 4
[23:05] [GoD]Shogun> alberto
[23:05] [GoD]cani> hola
[23:05] Rakushun in
[23:05] [GoD]Shogun> do u want to join here ?
[23:05] [GoD]cani> NAH IM GOING
[23:05] [GoD]cani> caps
[23:05] [GoD]Shogun> i can give u my spot
[23:05] [GoD]cani> nah
[23:05] [GoD]cani> im going
[23:05] [tdm]Mooresy> hang on nigglette
[23:05] [GoD]Shogun> and a {-@
[23:05] [tdm]Mooresy> im puttin roach in
[23:05] [GoD]cani> offer me that spot again
[23:05] [tdm]Mooresy> about to smak u about on fo
[23:05] [GoD]cani> nd ill tell u again ima go
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> /me offers his spot
[23:06] [GoD]cani> :D
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> take it spin
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> im about to watch a movie
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> n off to bed
[23:06] [GoD]cani> /me* lost diegos beach photo somehow. . . .
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> cos moores doesnt deserve a game
[23:06] kurwa in
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh !
[23:06] [GoD]cani> why not
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> he deserves a blacken
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> he ditched me
[23:06] [GoD]Shogun> :(
[23:06] aliverdi1023 out
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> sure did
[23:07] GreenWarrioR in
[23:07] [tdm]Mooresy> im about to launch
[23:07] [GoD]Shogun> and it was fo
[23:07] [GoD]cani> let loothill in then
[23:07] [tdm]Mooresy> we all rdy nn willin to play?
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> i left u like a used up ciggerette
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> flicked you to one side
[23:07] p4p3rs0und> bring the loot
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> "fuk off"
[23:07] [GoD]Shogun> yeah
[23:07] [GoD]Shogun> did u felt good
[23:07] p4p3rs0und> or the tuzkar
[23:07] [GoD]cani> *feel
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> made me feel like a man
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> big man
[23:07] [GoD]Shogun> buen rango loot
[23:07] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> paragraf?
[23:07] [tdm]Mooresy> "suk on a roll up, pull ya jeans up, fuuk offf, am goin ome, jobseeka"
[23:07] [tdm]Mooresy> tune
[23:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> whos this kunt
[23:08] [Rw]Paragraf> Gracias Shogun :D
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> (:
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> adams traks
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> buena suerte !
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> spin
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> how do i say goodbye
[23:08] [Rw]Paragraf> gracias de nuevo xd
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> in german
[23:08] [GoD]Shogun> de nada :)
[23:08] Sucukluyumurta> ok
[23:08] Nadeshot_OP> gg
[23:08] Sucukluyumurta> i wana watch 1v1
[23:08] [GoD]cani> Auf wiedershene+
[23:08] Sucukluyumurta> :D
[23:09] Nadeshot_OP> He left
[23:09] Nadeshot_OP> loooool
[23:09] [GoD]cani> auf wiedersehen
[23:09] Sucukluyumurta> XD
[23:09] [GoD]Shogun> lol wow thats ttoo long
[23:09] [GoD]cani> or tschuess
[23:09] Nadeshot_OP> gg tho mate
[23:09] Nadeshot_OP> well played
[23:09] [Rw]Paragraf> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_loothill <------ trying to stream at 250 ping
[23:09] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[23:09] [GoD]Shogun> rather just say ..
[23:09] [GoD]Shogun> bye alta.
[23:09] [GoD]Shogun out
[23:09] [GoD]cani> alta
[23:10] [GoD]cani> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_loothill
[23:10] [GoD]cani> loot + paper vs moores brothers
[23:10] [GoD]cani> face Off
[23:11] DeltaEnemy out
[23:12] Nadeshot_OP out
[23:14] Fang> You tried to make it unfair for me, PowerLord :(
[23:14] Sucukluyumurta> +1
[23:14] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[23:15] Sucukluyumurta> ping x
[23:15] Fang> I'm glad I recorded it, it was bizarre
[23:15] Sucukluyumurta> +2
[23:17] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[23:18] Fang out
[23:22] Nadeshot_OP in
[23:22] Cooope out
[23:23] GreenWarrioR out
[23:23] GreenWarrioR in
[23:24] Nici_OP> that game will be decided by troopas
[23:24] Nici_OP> and moores will clearly lose
[23:24] Nici_OP> gg
[23:26] Nici_OP> loothill with way less pop more troops
[23:26] [AsG]mentix out
[23:29] Nadeshot_OP> host
[23:31] redfire out
[23:31] redfire in
[23:31] Rakushun out
[23:32] kurwa out
[23:32] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[23:32] PowerLord> gg
[23:33] PowerLord> maps
[23:33] MiniBot_UK> PowerLord: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[23:33] redfire out
[23:33] redfire in
[23:33] PowerLord> pp
[23:33] [GoD]cani> gg wp yea
[23:34] PowerLord> scales
[23:34] PowerLord> blast
[23:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> let us be big bases now?
[23:35] [Rw]Paragraf> Torns to war hut sometimes does nothing
[23:35] [Rw]Paragraf> Dunno how
[23:35] [Rw]Paragraf> dunno why*
[23:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure iv ever seeen that befrore
[23:35] [tdm]Mooresy> join
[23:35] p4p3rs0und> ye'
[23:35] [tdm]Mooresy> let one off them host?
[23:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> not even one panel of wood came off lol
[23:35] p4p3rs0und> i think it only takesa so much wood off or sth
[23:35] p4p3rs0und> or u mis click
[23:35] p4p3rs0und> lag click w/e
[23:35] [tdm]Mooresy> it happens to me when i play nigi
[23:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunno
[23:35] [tdm]Mooresy> tht lucky punk man
[23:35] [tdm]Mooresy> next level shit
[23:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> kinda hard to miss aiming a torn on a war hut
[23:36] [tdm]Mooresy> loot host?
[23:36] [tdm]Mooresy> or andreww host
[23:36] Nici_OP> u know how many troops moores had
[23:36] Nici_OP> with 90 pop
[23:36] Nici_OP> 8
[23:36] [Rw]Paragraf> ah my host its bad
[23:36] [Rw]Paragraf> Lets paper host
[23:36] Nici_OP> u know how many troops loothill had with 50 pop
[23:36] Nici_OP> 13
[23:36] Rakushun in
[23:36] [tdm]Mooresy> yh andrew u dont use troop even if u make em
[23:36] [GoD]cani> .
[23:36] [GoD]cani> loot played well
[23:36] [tdm]Mooresy> proper heartbreakin to see guys chillin ropund trainin huts chattin shit about the war when there homes gettin eq'd
[23:36] [Rw]Paragraf> ty
[23:37] PowerLord> START
[23:37] MiniBot_UK> PowerLord: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[23:37] PowerLord> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
PowerLord - MapPack: OK
Nadeshot_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - Nadeshot_OP: Blue - PowerLord: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[23:37] Morgana> so
[23:37] Rakushun out
[23:37] [tdm]Mooresy> yh wp'd guys i mustered a distinctly average level of play
[23:37] Morgana> just went and bought myself a 3TB mirror NAS drive
[23:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> i noticed
[23:37] [tdm]Mooresy> is anyone elses mm laggin?
[23:37] Morgana> should cover a good deal of my work for the time being
[23:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> toilet u doing a rm ?
[23:38] [tdm]Mooresy> good drive no good?
[23:38] [tdm]Mooresy> google*
[23:38] Morgana> nah ive had it with clouds from providers like that
[23:38] Nici_OP> why is redfires game opening in a window in the mid of his screen
[23:38] Morgana> i want all the data right here in my home
[23:38] Morgana> where it's not subject to their whim
[23:39] [tdm]Mooresy> ah a hard drive
[23:39] [tdm]Mooresy> i was gettin wrong end of stik for a sec
[23:39] Nici_OP> it happened suddenly
[23:39] Nici_OP> moores
[23:39] Nici_OP> u'll keep losing if u dont make troops bro
[23:39] [tdm]Mooresy> paperthinwallet
[23:39] [tdm]Mooresy> join for rm
[23:39] Nici_OP> one two games u get lucky and win
[23:39] Nici_OP> but the rest
[23:39] Nici_OP> u have so much free time with shaman dunno how u still dont win
[23:39] Nici_OP> with the troops u dont make
[23:39] Morgana> network drives connected to your router with your device accessing it through the internet is basically the same thing as a cloud
[23:40] Morgana> only you've got the data, not them
[23:40] Morgana> no dodgy shit etc
[23:40] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i remember setting up an FTP server from my home pc so i could get to it at college when youtube didnt have shit at first
[23:40] [tdm]Mooresy> woww the days when youtube was empty
[23:40] [tdm]Mooresy> wasnt easy had to forward ports setup ftp server on right ports and get the connection syntax spot on but managed to get in
[23:41] Nici_OP> lol
[23:41] [tdm]Mooresy> the days when all thjt was new shit
[23:41] Morgana> lol @ uni firewalls
[23:41] [tdm]Mooresy> papersound get in
[23:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> [23:41] [tdm]Mooresy> wasnt easy had to forward ports setup ftp server on right ports and get the connection syntax spot on but managed to get in
[23:41] [tdm]Mooresy> need to beat u up
[23:41] redfire out
[23:41] Morgana> so once this second drive comes for it it's RIP dropbox
[23:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> then he stood on a bannana skin
[23:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> toiletpaper gtfi
[23:42] [tdm]Mooresy> the one you were sukin off while stairin deep into toiletpapers eyes before i stood on
[23:42] PowerLord> host
[23:42] PowerLord> maps
[23:42] MiniBot_UK> PowerLord: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[23:42] [Rw]Paragraf> https://clips.twitch.tv/RelievedWonderfulOwlSquadGoals
[23:42] PowerLord> blast
[23:42] [Rw]Paragraf> The Triple blasting is real
[23:42] PowerLord> start
Launching game...
[23:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici likes a bannanan in his tail pipe
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
PowerLord - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - PowerLord: Blue * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[23:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> bannana
[23:43] Maganha_OP out
[23:43] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew u got molestated on the hill
Game successfully created in database.
[23:43] TripFontaine in
[23:43] [tdm]Mooresy> check what loothill did to you
[23:43] [Rw]Paragraf> brb gotta go take a wash
[23:43] [tdm]Mooresy> o0o0o0o0o
[23:43] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha
[23:43] [tdm]Mooresy> nah is pretty nice tho
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> one advantage of working from tht perspective i suppose
[23:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> he did it to you??
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> not for me tho
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> oh shit yh he did it to me
[23:44] Sucukluyumurta out
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahahahahashdaisughfdaiugfhbcd
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> :D''''
[23:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had blasted him before he got high
[23:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> i think
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> where the fuck are they goin man
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanted rm
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> wetwipes
[23:44] [tdm]Mooresy> do some other map then?
[23:45] [tdm]Mooresy> any but pp
[23:45] Parritalol123 out
[23:45] [tdm]Mooresy> nigi
[23:45] [tdm]Mooresy> u gotta play through dial up
[23:45] [GoD]cani out
[23:45] [tdm]Mooresy> to make it fair
[23:45] TripFontaine out
Game successfully checked in.
[23:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye fuk nici
[23:45] Nici_OP> fiber here bro
[23:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna rm
[23:45] [tdm]Mooresy> same
[23:45] Nici_OP> k
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> loot paper
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> cmon
[23:46] TripFontaine_OP in
[23:46] Nici_OP> no game i guess
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> not finished
[23:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> i maybe go bed
[23:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> stayin up just to av another bash at yous
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> yh might do myself
[23:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam ally nici
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> do 1 more
[23:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> all u do is walk in with spells
[23:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> its shit
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> sez thiiis guuuuy
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> raaaz man u are one shit talkin bag off hot air man
[23:46] [tdm]Mooresy> cannot beleive
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> the shit u chat
Game results submitted.
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> whaty?
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> retrdy
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> ffuk man u dont even use troops
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> i did
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> on loot
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> i give u green on fo what was i thinkin
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> not ur ere goin on like this
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats why he couldnt double u
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz he was fuknig dieing
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> he woulda died
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> this why i want rm everyoine got bazookas i had a fukin spoud gun
[23:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> had red bin occupied for another 5 mins
[23:47] [tdm]Mooresy> gimme bazooka ya cumnts#
[23:48] p4p3rs0und> gotta run for a bit
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> why doesnt loot make a video of me raping him and his whordes of fws
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i was dealing with him the nail inb coffin was yerls troops came from hill
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> and got my braves at front
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> as red was attasckin my side
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> near end
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> i shoulda sdie earlier tbh
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> sided#
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> u werent effective enough
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> thought i coulda got hill
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[23:48] [tdm]Mooresy> we had breakjs on hill but didnt secure em
[23:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> me ?
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u see how shit u was on the hill
[23:49] [tdm]Mooresy> you needed to hold tht hill n let me recover to get strong
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> totaly garbage
[23:49] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i was pretty shit tbh
[23:49] [tdm]Mooresy> but i didnt get much opportunity
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> when yel came up
[23:49] [tdm]Mooresy> i need you to make big troop as green
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> and light u
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf were all ur fws doing on the far side of the hill
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> letting him walk up
[23:49] Parritalol123 in
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[23:49] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i agree i coulda done better but again you gotta use greens advantage and secure hill so i can be most effective
[23:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> he lighted u and at the same time killed half ur fws
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> blues easily dented i was on back foot al;l game didnt gfet no help
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> u did help
[23:50] redfire in
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> needed you to secure hill
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i went in to reds base
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> if you woulda trooped hill heavy
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> and when i went in to reds base
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> loot hurt me alot
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> n idk how the fuk u let yel get in ur base
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> just after he was in mine
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> but its lowed red down a bit
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> slowed#
[23:50] [tdm]Mooresy> oh was u in reds
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye i had to help you i could see
[23:51] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> i didnt rly get goin therte tbh
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> but i prolly shouldnt of
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> slow start n doubled pretty well
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> i shoulda side fast with wars i think
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> fuck off when did u help me?
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha avu heard u "i helped u out bigtime but should of coz i couldas been a bigman by doin it all on me ownsss"
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin mong man
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> hahha
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> PAPER
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> SHOTGUN PELLET PENIS
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> RMRMRMRMRM
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> chek the graph
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> i hurt yel
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> i bet my pops a joke
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> then went to red and dropt hisd pop a bit
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> but u can as im dropping reds mine is dropping alot
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> omydays ur a joke
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> you got alllll the shit
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> n doin fuck all with it as per
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> i make all the shit
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> "iiii wannnit"
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> yhahhahahaha
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> and loot was rly fukt
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> rdy for dieing
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> yh in the head
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> n u still couldnt make use ofi t
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> even after i sacraficed haslf my base
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> u needed to hold on for 5 mins
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> this terminology
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> we woulda had it
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> wow ur state of mind
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> wopoooow
[23:53] Nici_OP> jogas em qual?
[23:53] Nici_OP> 800x600?
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> looooord andrew
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo im going bed man
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> loooooord of the manorhashahahhaa
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk off
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin el man
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> innabit
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> right safe
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> AFK
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> am off then
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> innabit
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy out
[23:55] redfire out
[23:58] [Rw]Paragraf> hi
[23:59] redfire in
[00:02] [SR]007s in
[00:02] [chf]xel88 in
[00:03] GreenWarrioR out
[00:03] Zerstorer out
[00:04] Morgana out
[00:05] [SR]007s out
[00:06] redfire> +2
[00:09] [SR]007s in
[00:18] Funes in
[00:18] redfire out
[00:20] PowerLord out
[00:21] PowerLord in
[00:23] [TSI]Raion out
[00:24] Nici_OP> funes te gusta mi polla 8-D
[00:24] Nici_OP> hola
[00:24] Nici_OP> llena de leche
[00:25] Nici_OP> :o
[00:25] GreenWarrioR in
[00:26] [SR]007s out
[00:26] GreenWarrioR out
[00:26] KaiserBradly_T4R out
[00:28] Funes> im not "don gato"
[00:28] Funes> w8 for him
[00:28] Funes> he likes that shit
[00:29] TripFontaine_OP> arent you brothers or something
[00:30] TripFontaine_OP> yeah both from venezuela
[00:30] Funes> guy from venezuela is damhyr
[00:30] Funes> or something like that
[00:30] TripFontaine_OP> y vos de donde sos salamín?
[00:31] Funes> im a bot
[00:31] TripFontaine_OP> you're boring I can tell you that rofl
[00:32] Funes> ofc
[00:32] Funes> i am
[00:32] kurwa in
[00:33] Nici_OP> funes fue broma
[00:33] Nici_OP> desculpa xDD
[00:33] Funes> i know
[00:33] TripFontaine_OP> no man
[00:33] Nici_OP> habla en español
[00:33] Nici_OP> hijo de madre
[00:33] TripFontaine_OP> that was sexual harrassment
[00:33] Funes> u always like to talk about that with don gato
[00:33] Funes> xD
[00:33] Nici_OP> si
[00:33] TripFontaine_OP> you're shaman and he's a fw
[00:33] Nici_OP> a mi me gusta llena de leche
[00:33] Nici_OP> como sabes
[00:33] lag> CHUPA-ME O GANSO
[00:34] Nici_OP> :O
[00:34] lag> ó filho duma grandeciçima puta
[00:34] TripFontaine_OP> SUCK ME THE DUCK?
[00:34] Nici_OP> lmfoamfoamfo
[00:34] lag> aprecio pila
[00:34] Funes> god this place is dead
[00:34] lag> alguem me dá
[00:34] Funes> no people
[00:34] Funes> playing
[00:34] Funes> :(
[00:34] Nici_OP> yo quiero jugar
[00:34] lag> 2 playing
[00:34] lag> are you dumb or blind
[00:34] Nici_OP> pero no sess
[00:35] TripFontaine_OP> it must be nice to be that shallow and empty
[00:35] Nici_OP> lol^
[00:35] lag> my ass is wide open and filled with dicks and sperm
[00:35] Nici_OP> and maggots *
[00:35] lag> yes
[00:35] Funes> fag
[00:35] TripFontaine_OP> holy fuck
[00:35] lag> no homo
[00:35] lag> i just like anal
[00:35] Nici_OP> :)
[00:35] Nici_OP> this divinity pfft
[00:36] lag> i guess it was a terrible ANALogy
[00:36] Funes> :o
[00:36] Funes> so u are a girl?
[00:36] aloneton in
[00:36] lag> guy who likes anal but not gay
[00:36] Funes> thats weird
[00:36] lag> why i like dicks inside me
[00:37] Funes> but its ok,. everyone dservs to be happy
[00:37] lag> whats so weird
[00:37] Funes> lag> i just like anal
[00:37] lag> ye
[00:37] lag> anal <3
[00:37] p4p3rs0und out
[00:38] Nici_OP> he loves anal when im the one doing it
[00:38] Nici_OP> otherwise no
[00:38] Nici_OP> thank Allah we're this close
[00:38] lag> wtf thats gay
[00:38] lag> i only do anal with my dildos
[00:38] Nici_OP> really ?
[00:38] Nici_OP> fuck u then
[00:38] lag> my gf wears this plastic cock and plays narrow passage on me
[00:38] Nici_OP> i'll dump u in the trash
[00:38] lag> mooresy would want it cuz its bd
[00:38] Nici_OP> ohhhhhhhhh
[00:38] Nici_OP> LOL
[00:38] Funes> lag> i only do anal with my dildos
[00:38] Nici_OP> :DDDDD
[00:38] TripFontaine_OP> "narrow"
[00:38] TripFontaine_OP> and its called
[00:38] Funes> xD
[00:38] TripFontaine_OP> a "strapon"
[00:39] Nici_OP> ye trip has experience with this
[00:39] Nici_OP> listen to him
[00:39] lag> this one time she went so deep i took a shit on the bed
[00:39] lag> was a mess
[00:39] TripFontaine_OP> oh yeah I let people fuck all the time
[00:39] Nici_OP> was it in the bed i slept when i went to yer house ?
[00:39] lag> yes the day after
[00:39] Nici_OP> SICK FUCK
[00:40] coolman in
[00:40] lag> now i collect dragon dildos
[00:40] lag> https://www.bad-dragon.com/shop
[00:40] TripFontaine_OP> why are men obsessed with sodomization
[00:40] Funes> im not
[00:40] Funes> am i fag?
[00:40] Funes> xD
[00:41] TripFontaine_OP> well since all men since to be into anal sex
[00:41] TripFontaine_OP> I guess if youre not
[00:41] TripFontaine_OP> youre a fag
[00:41] Funes> :(
[00:41] Funes> but i like girls
[00:41] PowerLord> +2
[00:41] lag> do like me
[00:41] lag> he can wear dick panties and anal you
[00:41] lag> she*
[00:42] lag> its not gay if its a girl doing it
[00:42] lag> baxter taught me
[00:42] TripFontaine_OP> baxter man
[00:42] TripFontaine_OP> I love baxter
[00:42] TripFontaine_OP> I fell in love with him since he beat nici in PP
[00:43] TripFontaine_OP> without warrs
[00:43] Nici_OP> fuck off
[00:43] lag> wow
[00:43] TripFontaine_OP> HAHAHAHAH
[00:43] lag> exposed
[00:43] Funes> TripFontaine_OP> I fell in love with him since he beat nici in PP
[00:43] Nici_OP> that was 2000 days ago
[00:43] Funes> xD)))
[00:43] TripFontaine_OP> HAHAHAHAAHA
[00:43] Nici_OP> forgot to mention i won rematch
[00:43] TripFontaine_OP> I love to tell this story
[00:43] TripFontaine_OP> lmao
[00:43] Tuzkar out
[00:43] lag> rematches dont matter
[00:43] lag> bax 1 nici 0
[00:43] Funes> i saw nici raped in youtube
[00:43] Funes> pp match
[00:43] Funes> xD
[00:43] lag> and fo vs harmy
[00:44] TripFontaine_OP> but Baxter was a great pop player and he was active for a year or so
[00:44] lag> oh ye gene add vs keith nici famous pop video
[00:44] lag> nici failed i blame him
[00:44] Funes> that one
[00:44] Funes> xD
[00:44] lag> poor keith allying a noob
[00:44] TripFontaine_OP> but Keith is a twat
[00:44] Funes> hey nici
[00:44] coolman out
[00:44] Funes> is matt alive?
[00:44] Funes> xD
[00:45] TripFontaine_OP> hes hiding from the hurricane
[00:45] lag> ask my sister
[00:45] lag> IRMA > TAMPA
[00:45] TripFontaine_OP> I bet all those storms are just karma on Matt alone
[00:45] lag> must be inca curses
[00:45] lag> random shinaks in his base
[00:45] Funes> TripFontaine_OP> hes hiding from the hurricane
[00:45] Funes> thought the same
[00:46] TripFontaine_OP> Matt is kind of psychopath
[00:46] Nici_OP> i wonder why was my topic deleted in forums
[00:46] PowerLord> host
[00:46] Nici_OP> ..
[00:46] TripFontaine_OP> like I will not be surprised if hes a serial killer or something
[00:46] Funes> wow
[00:46] Funes> where that come from
[00:47] Funes> xD
[00:48] TripFontaine_OP> I know so much about the MM
[00:48] TripFontaine_OP> holy Jesus
[00:48] TripFontaine_OP> all the girls who ever shared pics
[00:48] TripFontaine_OP> all they guys who ever raped nici in MM
[00:48] Funes> :O
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> legendary players etc
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> Im gonna be some kind of historian
[00:49] Nadeshot_OP> trip
[00:49] Nadeshot_OP> #1 legendary player
[00:49] Nadeshot_OP> is who?
[00:49] Funes> so at the end nici is just a human
[00:49] Funes> xD
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> terat0
[00:49] Nadeshot_OP> LOL
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> LOOLOL
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> Spyro was trained by Keith
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> in TB maps
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> when he was in LG
[00:49] Nadeshot_OP> ?
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> he was gonna become a pro
[00:49] PowerLord> LOL
[00:49] TripFontaine_OP> and then he stopped playing
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> SEE
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> I KNOW EVERYTHING
[00:50] Nadeshot_OP> Lol
[00:50] Nadeshot_OP> I was trained by keith?
[00:50] Nadeshot_OP> Um
[00:50] PowerLord> lololololololol
[00:50] Nadeshot_OP> I don't think so
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> in TB MAPS WHEN YOU WERE IN LG
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> 2012
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> MY FRIEND
[00:50] Funes> do u know how to make ur shaman invisible?
[00:50] Nadeshot_OP> Keith never trained me mate
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> lies
[00:50] TripFontaine_OP> lies!!!
[00:51] PowerLord> lies is you
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> I watched keiths vids
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> and Tgw vidoes
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> Primes videos
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> countless times
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> and baxter didnt want you
[00:51] PowerLord> how do you know he posted it
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> or ladygaga
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> in LG
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> only clans that had tutorial vids
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> fuck baxter
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> he was bullying you constantly
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> LOLOL
[00:51] Funes> Nefarius Bandera de Suecia Ragnj Bandera de Estados Unidos Keith52 Bandera de Reino Unido Tundar
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> HAHAHAHAH
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> dude was a dickhead
[00:51] Nadeshot_OP> he thought he was the best
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> I KNOW
[00:51] TripFontaine_OP> SEE
[00:51] PowerLord> LOLOL
[00:52] Nadeshot_OP> and would cry when he lost a game
[00:52] TripFontaine_OP> ROFL
[00:52] PowerLord> what the shit
[00:52] PowerLord> SHIT OMG
[00:52] Nadeshot_OP> u know who i miss
[00:52] Nadeshot_OP> fucking Kayin
[00:52] TripFontaine_OP> and powerlord met someone special in the MM ;)
[00:52] Nadeshot_OP> Kayin_DT
[00:52] Nici_OP> fuck off trip
[00:52] Nici_OP> TRIP
[00:53] TripFontaine_OP> but hes mostly irrelevant
[00:53] Nici_OP> ye kayin was great to have around
[00:53] Funes> power lord
[00:53] TripFontaine_OP> hahaha
[00:53] Funes> are u old player?
[00:53] Funes> didnt know that
[00:53] Funes> :o
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> Powerlord is Supertribe
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> on another account
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> he told me
[00:53] TripFontaine_OP> oh god I laughed so much
[00:53] TripFontaine_OP> today
[00:53] Nici_OP> supertribe moved to hawaii?
[00:53] Nici_OP> :p
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> ROFL
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> caught me
[00:53] Nadeshot_OP> loooooool
[00:53] Nici_OP> hahahaha
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> nici how the fuck u know peoples location
[00:54] Nici_OP> must be the first player from hawaii tho
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> where do i stay nici
[00:54] Nici_OP> well i asked him i played with him xDD
[00:54] TripFontaine_OP> yeah spyro I could teach you how to lie
[00:54] Nici_OP> wisconsin?
[00:54] TripFontaine_OP> and stalk people
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> LOL
[00:54] TripFontaine_OP> you need some training dude
[00:54] Nici_OP> :o
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> no
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> is trip Shao?
[00:54] PowerLord> fuck stalking
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> im not even lookin at his profile
[00:54] TripFontaine_OP> hentai
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> im guessing
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> ROFL
[00:54] Nici_OP> rofl
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> yuo
[00:54] Nadeshot_OP> yup
[00:55] Nici_OP> fuck u shao
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> I love this place man
[00:55] Nici_OP> sick fuck jacking off to loli girls
[00:55] Nici_OP> prick
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> remember when we were
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> suiseiseki and souseiseki
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> ah good ol times man
[00:55] Nici_OP> loooool
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> desu
[00:55] Nici_OP> _DT
[00:55] TripFontaine_OP> yeah DT represents yo
[00:56] Nadeshot_OP> nici gome?
[00:56] Nici_OP> shao ure an asshole why havent u sent us a pic of urself
[00:56] Nadeshot_OP> game
[00:56] Nici_OP> well
[00:56] PowerLord> +1
[00:56] Nici_OP> i can play but i want powerlord to finish single player first
[00:56] Nici_OP> i doubt he has beat it
[00:56] PowerLord> i have
[00:56] Nici_OP> nah bro
[00:56] Nadeshot_OP> i agree
[00:56] Nici_OP> level 24 is hard
[00:56] Nadeshot_OP> on pp we just played
[00:56] PowerLord> seirous
[00:56] Nici_OP> most people come online and dont build jack shit
[00:56] Nici_OP> they havent beat level 24
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> Actually
[00:57] PowerLord> yes i have
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> to get better
[00:57] Nici_OP> neither bloodlust
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> play AGe of Chaos
[00:57] Funes> map?
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> level 3 i belive it is
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> Trip of feudalism
[00:57] Nici_OP> hmm
[00:57] Nici_OP> level 3
[00:57] Nici_OP> *thinks *
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> maybe level one
[00:57] TripFontaine_OP> hentai
[00:57] Nici_OP> describe it
[00:57] TripFontaine_OP> ashi hentai
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> its level 1
[00:57] Nici_OP> trip of feudalism i think its level 1
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> u have no shaman
[00:57] Nici_OP> the one without shamn
[00:57] Nici_OP> y
[00:57] PowerLord> lol i finshed singleplayer
[00:57] Nadeshot_OP> level 3 is where ur shaman is trapped i think
[00:58] Nadeshot_OP> on that grass green land
[00:58] Nici_OP> ye lol the trapped level
[00:58] Nadeshot_OP> hard af
[00:58] Nici_OP> one of the most annoying levels ever
[00:58] Nadeshot_OP> in a way
[00:58] PowerLord> that is level 15
[00:58] Nadeshot_OP> ye
[00:58] Nici_OP> the amount of load and saves
[00:58] kurwa out
[00:58] TripFontaine_OP> age of chaos was the expansion?
[00:58] TripFontaine_OP> never played it
[00:58] Nici_OP> thats undiscovered worlds
[00:58] TripFontaine_OP> there was this FO training map
[00:59] TripFontaine_OP> where the AI teleported to your base and volc'd you
[00:59] TripFontaine_OP> I dont know who wrote that script
[00:59] TripFontaine_OP> but it was hilarious
[00:59] Nici_OP> oh
[00:59] Nici_OP> that PP script ?
[00:59] TripFontaine_OP> yeah
[01:00] TripFontaine_OP> it was a set of maps to train TB maps
[01:00] TripFontaine_OP> and the enemy shaman would just teleport and volc'd you
[01:02] Nici_OP> ye
[01:02] Nici_OP> hard to counter hahaha
[01:02] Nadeshot_OP> dude
[01:02] Funes out
[01:02] lag> prob always teleports in same location
[01:02] Nadeshot_OP> the fucking pp script was the best ever
[01:02] lag> have fws there profit
[01:02] Nadeshot_OP> fuckin wariror rush 30 seconds in
[01:02] TripFontaine_OP> I think shao wrote that script
[01:02] Funes in
[01:02] Nici_OP> ye lol
[01:02] Nici_OP> the pp script was actually challenging
[01:02] Nici_OP> the early yell and red warriors were cool
[01:02] Nici_OP> made it nice
[01:03] TripFontaine_OP> hes the only guy whos troll enough to think something like that
[01:03] Nici_OP> and the amount of yellow towers was pathetic :D
[01:03] Nici_OP> not sure if it was shao
[01:03] TripFontaine_OP> and shao was also really involved in scripting
[01:03] Nici_OP> but most likely
[01:03] TripFontaine_OP> and map making
[01:03] TripFontaine_OP> when he was new to the MM
[01:03] Funes> brb
[01:03] Funes out
[01:04] Nici_OP> man that map funes did was too huge
[01:04] Nici_OP> do something else but like... smaller idk
[01:04] Nici_OP> nothing against big map
[01:04] lag> wow i thought u liked huge things
[01:05] Nici_OP> i honestly do
[01:05] Nici_OP> wait for funes !
[01:05] Nici_OP> we do 2v2 xD
[01:05] Nadeshot_OP> Big things are better
[01:05] Nadeshot_OP> more money
[01:05] PowerLord> um... funes is not here...
[01:05] aloneton out
[01:05] Nici_OP> he brb
[01:05] Nadeshot_OP> he is brb
[01:05] Nadeshot_OP> Power what hut trick u know
[01:05] Nici_OP> yea
[01:05] Nici_OP> is it called dismantle
[01:05] Nadeshot_OP> i know one
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> its where u place hut plan
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> on land
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> and they build it
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> its awesome
[01:06] Nici_OP> lol
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> u should try it
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> more often
[01:06] Nici_OP> wins u the game !
[01:06] Nici_OP> x
[01:06] Nici_OP> xD
[01:06] TripFontaine_OP> classic spyro the joker
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> hermione
[01:06] TripFontaine_OP> cracking me up
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> wheres Ron at?
[01:06] TripFontaine_OP> Ireland
[01:06] Nadeshot_OP> ahok
[01:06] PowerLord> hold ctrl and left click and it stays on cursor
[01:06] lag> nadeshot lying caught on camera
[01:06] lag> https://gyazo.com/f90e18bfff45135187d5e134fffb5619
[01:07] TripFontaine_OP> all gingers are from Ireland obviously?
[01:07] TripFontaine_OP> Conor McGregor?
[01:07] GreenWarrioR in
[01:07] TripFontaine_OP> yep Ireland
[01:07] TripFontaine_OP> "rbwilson"
[01:07] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[01:08] Nadeshot_OP> um
[01:08] Nadeshot_OP> lag
[01:08] Nadeshot_OP> when was that game from
[01:08] Nadeshot_OP> lol
[01:08] lag> july 2015 i think
[01:09] Nadeshot_OP> Well
[01:09] Nadeshot_OP> Time for my name change anyways
[01:09] Nadeshot_OP> Brb
[01:10] Nici_OP> check the magic
[01:10] GreenWarrioR out
[01:10] Nadeshot_OP> wtf
[01:11] Nadeshot_OP> fuckin Spyro name taken
[01:11] Nadeshot_OP> I thought u cant take someone prev nicks
[01:11] Nici_OP> hm
[01:11] Nici_OP> send who is spyro
[01:11] Nici_OP> link profile
[01:11] TripFontaine_OP> you can complain to INca
[01:11] TripFontaine_OP> your most "important" nick
[01:11] TripFontaine_OP> cannot be used
[01:11] TripFontaine_OP> Hermione for example
[01:11] TripFontaine_OP> is mine
[01:12] Nadeshot_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=SPyro
[01:12] Nadeshot_OP> hasnt been on in 2 years
[01:12] Nadeshot_OP> must have been a faker
[01:13] TripFontaine_OP> yeah Inca is gonna give you
[01:13] TripFontaine_OP> your nick back
[01:13] Nadeshot_OP> Inca
[01:13] Nadeshot_OP> u here?
[01:13] Nadeshot_OP out
[01:13] TripFontaine_OP> I remember when I wanted the nick Ugly_rapist
[01:13] TripFontaine_OP> and he deleted the original ugly rapist
[01:13] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[01:14] Rbwilson in
[01:14] Rbwilson out
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP in
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> btw I always liked the nick Spyro
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> when bella was new to the MM
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> Ye me too
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> but now
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> no luck :(
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> she was Spyro something
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> bellaspyro
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> and everyone asked her
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> "are you spyro's gf?"+
[01:15] TripFontaine_OP> rofl
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> ofc she is
[01:15] Rbwilson_OP> im the dragon
[01:16] Rbwilson_OP> and she dragoness
[01:16] TripFontaine_OP> she's like 13 or something dude
[01:16] TripFontaine_OP> come on
[01:16] TripFontaine_OP> you pedro bear
[01:16] Nici_OP> ye ur originals are
[01:16] Nici_OP> rbwilson and spyro
[01:16] Rbwilson_OP> Yu
[01:16] Nici_OP> but Rbwilson counts more for me lol
[01:16] Rbwilson_OP> ACtually
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> My original after rbwilson was Spyro_The_Dragon
[01:17] TripFontaine_OP> to me he will always be Spyro
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> i think
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> LOL
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> and then Spyro_TD
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> ROFL
[01:17] Nici_OP> oh
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> everyone was like ''u wanna be DT noob!
[01:17] Nici_OP> td stood for the dragon ?
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> TheDragon
[01:17] Rbwilson_OP> ye
[01:17] Nici_OP> lmfao
[01:17] TripFontaine_OP> hahahaha
[01:17] Nici_OP> i remember a lot of people saying u wanted to be DT ye
[01:17] Nici_OP> oh god
[01:18] Nici_OP> face palm :d
[01:18] Rbwilson_OP> But thing was
[01:18] TripFontaine_OP> but he wanted though
[01:18] TripFontaine_OP> :p
[01:18] Rbwilson_OP out
[01:19] Luke_OP out
[01:19] TripFontaine_OP> I cannot change my nick until the 25
[01:19] stream> [00:36] [Rw]Paragraf> Torns to war hut sometimes does nothing
[01:19] TripFontaine_OP> I hate this stupid nick
[01:19] Rbwilson_OP in
[01:19] stream> that happens when using autocast
[01:20] stream> autocast + flatten on sess also sinks land in most cases
[01:20] Saito_Vdm in
[01:21] Skyway in
[01:22] Nici_OP> babo can u stream bianca nudes ffs
[01:22] Nici_OP> i need to jack off right now
[01:22] kurwa in
[01:23] Nici_OP> need relief
[01:23] Nici_OP> in lag's arsehole ..
[01:23] Nici_OP> Chievo Verona nice team to play on fifa !
[01:24] Rbwilson_OP> +2
[01:24] Nici_OP> funes fucked off i guess
[01:24] Nici_OP> sad
[01:25] Rbwilson_OP> stream playing?
[01:25] TripFontaine_OP> I remember when I used to play masters league on PS2
[01:25] TripFontaine_OP> the average age in the italian teams was so high
[01:25] Skyway> +3
[01:25] Rbwilson_OP> skyway join
[01:25] TripFontaine_OP> that after one season it was game over
[01:25] Nici_OP> what is masters league?? :)
[01:25] Nici_OP> skyway is doing sess !
[01:25] TripFontaine_OP> masters league is that mode
[01:25] [Rw]Paragraf> [21:20] stream> [00:36] [Rw]Paragraf> Torns to war hut sometimes does nothing
[01:25] Nici_OP> dont play with him
[01:26] stream> [02:23] Nici_OP> babo can u stream bianca nudes ffs
[01:26] stream> lmfao
[01:26] Skyway> dont jooin im playing blast wars
[01:26] Nici_OP> not funny bor
[01:26] Nici_OP> bro
[01:26] TripFontaine_OP> masters league was
[01:26] Nici_OP> i mean it !
[01:26] Nici_OP> im already looking at ur twitch channel
[01:26] Nici_OP> please make me happy
[01:26] Rbwilson_OP> Power
[01:26] Skyway> +3 blast wars
[01:26] Rbwilson_OP> join
[01:26] Rbwilson_OP> u can ally nici
[01:27] stream> well on my old phone i somewhere got a pic of her where she was dressed like a witch
[01:27] TripFontaine_OP> when you played a team and the players got older and you had to by new ones
[01:27] TripFontaine_OP> and train them etc
[01:27] stream> but i broke the phone
[01:27] stream> and that pic is gone forever
[01:27] Nici_OP> [01:28] IncaWarrior> you can't make threads joking about people dying in natural disasters...
[01:27] Nici_OP> look at this
[01:27] Nici_OP> lol
[01:27] stream> wotever shes 40 or summet
[01:27] stream> LOLOLLOLOLOLO
[01:27] Skyway out
[01:27] Nici_OP> inca cant take a joke ...
[01:27] stream> inca hahahahahah
[01:27] Nici_OP> jesus christ ..
[01:27] stream> get a grip yo pussy
[01:27] stream> lmao
[01:28] Nici_OP> cosplaying as a witch?
[01:28] Skyway in
[01:28] Nici_OP> 40 yo witch with a mole ?
[01:28] lag> ofc not
[01:28] Nici_OP> on her chin
[01:28] Nici_OP> wow man is she hot at least ?
[01:28] Skyway> +3 blast wars
[01:28] lag> inca is the hurrican near you
[01:28] stream> she aint hot lol
[01:28] lag> idk where it is
[01:28] stream> ask thiago
[01:28] IncaWarrior> no
[01:28] Nici_OP> inca cant take a simple joke ..
[01:29] stream> he sometimes writes with her on whatsapp
[01:29] Nici_OP> im not joking about people dying in natural disasters inca
[01:29] Nici_OP> learn to read
[01:29] Skyway> inca where is my indian call center army
[01:29] lag> i thought u lived kinda near matt
[01:29] Nici_OP> i am just trying to see the better side of the hurricane
[01:29] Nici_OP> sadistic fuck man
[01:29] Nici_OP> even matt earlier was making fun of it
[01:29] Nici_OP> he said it picked him up
[01:29] Nici_OP> and he was going to land on water and LB
[01:29] Nici_OP> get humour
[01:29] Rbwilson_OP> nici
[01:29] Rbwilson_OP> come back
[01:29] Skyway> join here for blat wars
[01:29] Rbwilson_OP> This isnt fair
[01:30] Rbwilson_OP> i wanted spyro
[01:30] Rbwilson_OP> name
[01:30] Rbwilson_OP> now wait awhole another month
[01:30] IncaWarrior> it's fine to joke about it in the mm
[01:30] TripFontaine_OP> lol spyro
[01:30] stream> ok
[01:30] IncaWarrior> but it's not an appropriate topic in the forum
[01:30] Nici_OP> this inca is like a dictator
[01:30] Nici_OP> dude it's off topic for a reason
[01:30] stream> yo guys i heard matt died in the hurricane
[01:30] stream> LOLOLOLOL
[01:30] TripFontaine_OP> you had to wait until Inca responded you
[01:30] Nici_OP> think twice before u do something
[01:30] stream> SO FUNNEH
[01:30] Nici_OP> babo are u muted yet
[01:31] TripFontaine_OP> that is one topic we will never agree nici
[01:31] stream> can you imagine that?? jesus
[01:31] TripFontaine_OP> I think Inca is a great guy
[01:31] Rbwilson_OP> Where has Shakkazulu been?
[01:31] TripFontaine_OP> and youre always giving him a hard time
[01:31] Nici_OP> all i ever asked was ...
[01:31] Nici_OP> if matts dodging the hurricane or not
[01:31] Nici_OP> this inca acting like shit man
[01:31] Nici_OP> cant take a joke
[01:32] Rakushun in
[01:32] stream> inca did you delete the biggest mong thread?
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> inca
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> you need work on fake accounts
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> half these wilds are fake accounts.
[01:32] Nici_OP> lag IS FAKE
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> like rakushun and parritalol123
[01:32] Nici_OP> fake bitch
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> i bet they fake as hell
[01:32] Rbwilson_OP> i bet they bout to go in a 1v1 together and boost
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> watch and see
[01:33] Rakushun> don't mess with me idiot
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> see
[01:33] stream> OWNED
[01:33] Nici_OP> lol
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> speaks perfect english too?
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> ye thats a faker
[01:33] stream> ye, every new player who got a brain is a faker
[01:33] stream> ban them
[01:33] Nici_OP> damn rakushun
[01:33] Rakushun> i wont play with you
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> im just saying
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> xel join
[01:33] Nici_OP> Joined: 09 Nov 2008, 22:47
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> mate
[01:33] Nici_OP> :o
[01:33] Rakushun> i dont care how much you accuse me
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> :o
[01:33] Rbwilson_OP> my apologies
[01:34] stream> lmfao
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> i was wrong.
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> lol
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> but it happens alot
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> so my bad
[01:34] Skyway> +1 blast wars
[01:34] Nici_OP> i tell u what tho
[01:34] Nici_OP> rakushun is probably from south america
[01:34] Rakushun> np mate
[01:34] stream> Ping: 240 ± 8
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> south america
[01:34] stream> id say brazil
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> im north america
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> RIVAL!
[01:34] Rbwilson_OP> or allies?
[01:35] TripFontaine_OP> I cba tracing IPS right now
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> who knows
[01:35] Nici_OP> rakushun hablas español
[01:35] Rakushun> good night idiot
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> no
[01:35] Rakushun> yup
[01:35] Rakushun out
[01:35] Saito_Vdm out
[01:35] Nici_OP> eres amigo de ana24?
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> he hablas esnpanol tarde
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> ROFL
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> OWNED
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> nici
[01:35] TripFontaine_OP> lo siento no hablo español
[01:35] TripFontaine_OP> solo en la ducha
[01:35] Nici_OP> i think hes good friend of Ana24
[01:35] TripFontaine_OP> y los domingos por la tarde
[01:35] Nici_OP> or maybe its her husband
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> Ana24?
[01:35] Nici_OP> yea
[01:35] Nici_OP> the AsG bitch
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> [AsG]Ana24?
[01:35] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/user.php?u=22288&mode=profile
[01:35] Rbwilson_OP> oh wait
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> thats Apnea
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> loooooool
[01:36] stream> Anal24
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> wasnt ana in asg tho
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> looool stream
[01:36] Nici_OP> nono apnea is someone else
[01:36] [Rw]Paragraf> [21:37] stream> Anal24
[01:36] [Rw]Paragraf> lmaoamlmaomoalmlao
[01:36] TripFontaine_OP> no lol Ainia and Apnea are friends
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> i know apnea
[01:36] Nici_OP> yea they are
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> and i rmember ana24
[01:36] lag> is she a hockey referee
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> she never went about spy rank
[01:36] Rbwilson_OP> above
[01:36] Nici_OP> ye she likes balls
[01:36] TripFontaine_OP> Ainia is a female referee and Apnea well... she's a fucking bitch
[01:36] stream> lmao
[01:37] Nici_OP> watch out sub starting to mute in 3 2 1 ... protecting his ex clan mate
[01:37] Nici_OP> LOL
[01:37] lag> wtf sub is online care
[01:37] Nici_OP> LOOOOOOOOOL
[01:37] lag> :)
[01:37] [AsG]Sub_Zero> hmm
[01:37] Rbwilson_OP> ROFL
[01:37] Rbwilson_OP> OWNEd
[01:37] Nici_OP> hey
[01:37] Nici_OP> opinions.
[01:37] Rbwilson_OP> /me watches intensely
[01:37] Rbwilson_OP> /me see who doesnt speak
[01:37] stream> https://gyazo.com/8413736fbad93b1483ed7ebf19f90299.png
[01:37] lag> NO
[01:37] stream> sub, ban them
[01:37] [Rw]Paragraf> /me has pick up popcorn
[01:37] TripFontaine_OP> Im gonna fillm a documentary about
[01:37] lag> k
[01:37] lag> i know that link knew it
[01:37] TripFontaine_OP> Populous
[01:37] Rbwilson_OP> /me steps out of room with hands up
[01:38] Rbwilson_OP out
[01:38] lag> clear photoshop tho
[01:38] Nici_OP> ban hammer has been applied
[01:38] stream> lie
[01:38] [Rw]Paragraf> [21:38] * Rbwilson_OP steps out of room with hands up
[01:38] TripFontaine_OP> about this community
[01:38] [Rw]Paragraf> maomflamofamlfamo
[01:38] TripFontaine_OP> starring nici, baxter, nefarius
[01:38] TripFontaine_OP> and terat0
[01:38] [AsG]Sub_Zero> need to check who trip fontaine is
[01:38] Spyro in
[01:38] TripFontaine_OP> Hermione
[01:38] [AsG]Sub_Zero> doesnt help
[01:38] lag> terat0 or teratO
[01:38] Nici_OP> stfu trip why include teratO with Nef
[01:38] Nici_OP> they dislike each other
[01:39] Nici_OP> :D
[01:39] Spyro> Nef was a handsome dude
[01:39] Spyro> NO HOMO
[01:39] stream> deffo full homo
[01:39] Nici_OP> d4d4 calls him the
[01:39] TripFontaine_OP> and from south america
[01:39] TripFontaine_OP> well
[01:39] Nici_OP> Elephant man
[01:39] TripFontaine_OP> nobody
[01:39] Spyro> looooooool
[01:39] Nici_OP> lol
[01:39] TripFontaine_OP> because theyre not interesting
[01:39] stream> owned
[01:39] Spyro> [Rw]Paragraf> wtfwtfwtfwtF?
[01:39] Spyro> LOL
[01:39] Nici_OP> its funny tho since nef joined the community everyones been calling him gay
[01:39] TripFontaine_OP> maybe Tsuyoshi from asia
[01:39] Nici_OP> until he finally came out of the closet
[01:39] Nici_OP> just a major coincidence
[01:40] [Rw]Paragraf> Here
[01:40] Spyro> Nef came out closet?
[01:40] [AsG]Sub_Zero> are you saying populous turned nef gay
[01:40] Nici_OP> no
[01:40] Spyro> He is gay?
[01:40] Nici_OP> just saying its a coincidence
[01:40] Spyro> omg seriously
[01:40] [Rw]Paragraf> Ye
[01:40] [AsG]Sub_Zero> could be true
[01:40] Saito_Vdm in
[01:40] Nici_OP> im not homophobic
[01:40] [AsG]Sub_Zero> half of asg are gay
[01:40] TripFontaine_OP> everytime I tried to talk to Nefarius we ended up fighting
[01:40] Spyro> he doesnt look it
[01:40] Spyro> tbh
[01:40] TripFontaine_OP> was like chemistry
[01:40] TripFontaine_OP> pure chemistry
[01:40] Nici_OP> ye i heard Shakkazulu is gay too
[01:40] TripFontaine_OP> the guy hated me
[01:40] stream> is shadow gay?
[01:40] [AsG]Sub_Zero> only for you
[01:41] lag> snak is gay too
[01:41] TripFontaine_OP> shadow is not gay
[01:41] [Rw]Paragraf> Gay clan is real
[01:41] Nici_OP> rofl
[01:41] stream> AsGay
[01:41] TripFontaine_OP> I meat shadow in Brazil
[01:41] [Rw]Paragraf> LOOOOOOOL
[01:41] Nici_OP> AssGuard
[01:41] lag> you meat
[01:41] [Rw]Paragraf> [21:42] stream> AsGay
[01:41] TripFontaine_OP> hes into anal but not gay
[01:41] Spyro> http://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/asg
[01:41] TripFontaine_OP> meet*
[01:41] Spyro> He dont look gay lool
[01:41] Spyro> i wonder how old that pic was tho
[01:41] lag> now you can imagine his not gay face
[01:41] lag> having sex with a dude
[01:42] Nici_OP> teratO was gay too
[01:42] lag> its ok being gay is healthy
[01:42] Nici_OP> its why he hates nefarius
[01:42] lag> im gay
[01:42] lag> no homo
[01:42] Nici_OP> because nef anal fucked him
[01:42] Nici_OP> i think
[01:42] Spyro> SUbzero
[01:42] TripFontaine_OP> oh I got it
[01:42] Spyro> Thats what u look like?
[01:42] stream> will i get accepted in asg when i admit that im gay?
[01:42] Spyro> U look worse then i thougt u would
[01:42] Spyro> loool just kidding mate
[01:42] Nici_OP> stream: yes
[01:42] lag> who would invite you to asg tho
[01:42] [AsG]Sub_Zero> that was like 10 years ago
[01:42] lag> :>
[01:42] Spyro> Also
[01:42] TripFontaine_OP> wow mantits is really attractive
[01:42] [AsG]Sub_Zero> i'm sure i look worse now
[01:42] stream> is that how tarigon got accepted?
[01:42] TripFontaine_OP> mentix
[01:42] Nici_OP> a newcastle fan
[01:43] stream> and manl1?
[01:43] Nici_OP> must be happy today 1-0 lascelles
[01:43] Spyro> I nevre know PowerOf3 was black
[01:43] [AsG]Sub_Zero> yep
[01:43] Spyro> until he told me
[01:43] Nici_OP> well
[01:43] Nici_OP> Tarigon is gay
[01:43] Nici_OP> 100% sure
[01:43] Nici_OP> nef too
[01:43] Nici_OP> and someone else in asg is homosexual
[01:43] Nici_OP> yet to find out
[01:43] TripFontaine_OP> and haru
[01:43] stream> ye tarigon is gay
[01:43] Nici_OP> ye haru is gay
[01:43] TripFontaine_OP> is openly gay too
[01:43] lag> mendicks
[01:43] Nici_OP> but hes so sweet <3
[01:43] stream> he likes the dick deep in the anus
[01:43] Spyro> Tarigon is gay
[01:43] Spyro> ye he nicest guy ever on mm
[01:43] Spyro> so cheerful
[01:43] TripFontaine_OP> I know why Nef hated me
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> he was sexually frustrated
[01:44] Nici_OP> cause u stole his bf?
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> he wanted to fuck me
[01:44] Nici_OP> wow
[01:44] Nici_OP> did he?
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> probably
[01:44] lag> deep inside we're all gay
[01:44] lag> lets have a pop orgy
[01:44] Nici_OP> time to share picture of the day
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> or maybe its because Im jewish
[01:44] stream> well i love myself
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> you how supremacists can be
[01:44] stream> am i gay now?
[01:44] TripFontaine_OP> rofl
[01:44] lag> ur gay cuz u like a guy babo
[01:45] Nici_OP> http://i2.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article7260670.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Age-22-Age-23.jpg
[01:45] Nici_OP> hot/no hot
[01:45] Nici_OP> date/ no date
[01:45] Nici_OP> discuss LETS GO
[01:45] [Rw]Paragraf> well everybody can be gay cause theres no girls when braves born
[01:45] stream> meth
[01:45] TripFontaine_OP> nici fuck off
[01:45] Nici_OP> aw
[01:45] lag> not even once
[01:45] TripFontaine_OP> no faces of meth pls
[01:45] Nici_OP> lmao
[01:45] Spyro> http://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/rw
[01:45] Nici_OP> its funny because Arniee_OP has the same reaction
[01:45] TripFontaine_OP> Im done with fucked up girls
[01:45] Nici_OP> when i say im about to send something
[01:45] Nici_OP> hahah afuck
[01:45] TripFontaine_OP> I had my share in life already
[01:45] Spyro> Anyone know what addiction and gen look like?
[01:46] Nici_OP> addi ye
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> addiction is fatty
[01:46] Nici_OP> gene noo
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> and gen is a bodybuilder
[01:46] stream> genesis looks like a real #1
[01:46] lag> ric in rw
[01:46] Nici_OP> fu babo
[01:46] stream> looool
[01:46] Nici_OP> dont bring ric back
[01:46] Nici_OP> hes been posting in forums
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> well addiction even has a youtube channel
[01:46] Nici_OP> cant wait for him to start talking about gene being this and that
[01:46] Nici_OP> boring !
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> where he make linkin park covers
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> hilarious
[01:46] TripFontaine_OP> makes*
[01:47] Nici_OP> linkin park covers?
[01:47] Nici_OP> thats sounds gay
[01:47] lag> ric trained nici
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> yeah
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> he is
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> hahahaha
[01:47] lag> just like edu
[01:47] Nici_OP> wow !
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> "dude your cover suck"
[01:47] Spyro> http://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/independent
[01:47] lag> what cover
[01:47] Spyro> Danielto
[01:47] lag> send us
[01:47] Spyro> resembles keith
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> "Im pretty confident about my in the end cover, so fuck off"
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> hahahahaha
[01:47] Nici_OP> ye link us the cover wtf
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> Danielito is a black Keith
[01:47] TripFontaine_OP> hahahaha
[01:48] Spyro> lol
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> hes from Ecuador
[01:48] kurwa out
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> do you remember the cover
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> keith did
[01:48] lag> vwkiller so hot
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> well it wasnt a cover
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> it was playback
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> "you dont know you're beautiful"
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> or something
[01:48] TripFontaine_OP> one direction
[01:49] stream> ryse looks like a good candidate for AsG
[01:49] lag> lol
[01:49] TripFontaine_OP> why
[01:49] [Rw]Paragraf> Mira la uña
[01:49] [Rw]Paragraf> de Ryse
[01:49] TripFontaine_OP> ASG only take blondes?
[01:49] [Rw]Paragraf> en la foto
[01:49] lag> pink nails
[01:49] Spyro> http://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/aep
[01:49] Spyro> WTf
[01:49] Spyro> Squirrel Queen?
[01:49] Spyro> ROFL she played pop loooool
[01:49] TripFontaine_OP> Im glad my pic is not there anymore rofl
[01:49] Spyro> posing like she an actress
[01:49] Spyro> or celebrity
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> loooool
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> old pictures
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> "hippie_killah"
[01:50] [Rw]Paragraf> look thegodrig
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> thats toast and bananas
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> right here
[01:50] [Rw]Paragraf> looks like he was in the jail
[01:50] Nici_OP> godrig is spiderpigs step father
[01:50] TripFontaine_OP> hes PK's neighbor
[01:50] Nici_OP> 60's
[01:50] [SR]Dreyfus in
[01:50] Spyro> loothill
[01:50] Spyro> i was just thinking thatlol
[01:50] [Rw]Paragraf> wot
[01:50] [Rw]Paragraf> Yea
[01:51] [Rw]Paragraf> The sc looks really from the jail man
[01:51] stream> anyone knows where Charma comes from?
[01:51] stream> this guy looks like someone who went to school with me ffs
[01:51] TripFontaine_OP> comes?
[01:51] TripFontaine_OP> Charma is from the UK
[01:51] stream> k
[01:51] [Rw]Paragraf> Seraph looks like full 2006 Emo
[01:51] TripFontaine_OP> btw that picture "angel"
[01:51] stream> ye loot
[01:52] TripFontaine_OP> just reverse search that shit
[01:52] TripFontaine_OP> that stoner
[01:52] TripFontaine_OP> is a fake pic
[01:52] TripFontaine_OP> ffs
[01:52] Tuzkar in
[01:52] Nici_OP> charma is from uk ye
[01:52] Nici_OP> my name once was charma_JR
[01:52] Nici_OP> loved that dude :D
[01:52] Nici_OP> his name is Nick
[01:53] [Rw]Paragraf> Look at weblor he looks like the guy who go to the school with the uzi
[01:53] lag> and whats his nick?
[01:53] Nici_OP> hes the sort of guy this matchmaker needs
[01:53] Nici_OP> big flamer
[01:53] Saito_Vdm out
[01:53] Tuzkar out
[01:53] Spyro out
[01:53] stream> https://youtu.be/1Etxdv2wQiY?t=45
[01:53] stream> lol.
[01:53] TripFontaine_OP> I used to flame
[01:54] TripFontaine_OP> and then I stopped playing
[01:54] TripFontaine_OP> so I became a full time troll
[01:54] Spyro_OP in
[01:54] stream> [02:54] [Rw]Paragraf> Look at weblor he looks like the guy who go to the school with the uzi
[01:54] stream> hahahahaha
[01:54] Nici_OP> trip
[01:54] Spyro_OP> +1 to ally nici
[01:54] Spyro_OP> on craters
[01:54] Nici_OP> be both :D?
[01:55] Nici_OP> dude are u crazy
[01:55] TripFontaine_OP> well baxter had one picture for years
[01:55] Nici_OP> no one wants to ally a noob like me
[01:55] TripFontaine_OP> of a serial killer
[01:55] TripFontaine_OP> rofl
[01:55] Nici_OP> lol :D
[01:55] Nici_OP> hahaha true
[01:55] Nici_OP> we made a deal since he was actually a fan of that serial killer
[01:55] Nici_OP> he really liked him
[01:55] lag> elliot
[01:55] TripFontaine_OP> youre gonna laugh but
[01:55] Nici_OP> :)
[01:55] TripFontaine_OP> I took my picture because I got tired
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> of girls pming me here
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> and trolling me
[01:56] Nici_OP> fuck u
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> like really
[01:56] Nici_OP> did i delete it from the site ?
[01:56] Nici_OP> i cant recall
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> yeah I asked you to delete ir
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> it*
[01:56] Nici_OP> good !
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> best decision ever
[01:56] lag> the one with the other guy
[01:56] lag> no homo
[01:56] TripFontaine_OP> now I can tell people Im a bald 40 year old guy
[01:57] Spyro_OP> Inca
[01:57] Spyro_OP> Come play one game with us
[01:57] Spyro_OP> please
[01:57] Nici_OP> trpi
[01:57] Nici_OP> trip
[01:57] Spyro_OP> Never played a game with you
[01:57] TripFontaine_OP> who only gets sexually aroused by cartoons of japanese teenagers
[01:57] Nici_OP> are you originally from argentina?
[01:57] TripFontaine_OP> IM ALSO FAT
[01:57] Nici_OP> or uruguay ?
[01:57] TripFontaine_OP> LIKE MORBIDL OBESE
[01:57] TripFontaine_OP> MORBIDLY
[01:57] redfire in
[01:57] Saito_Vdm in
[01:58] Saito_Vdm out
[01:58] TripFontaine_OP> I was born in Argentina
[01:58] TripFontaine_OP> I lived in many places since
[01:58] Saito_Vdm in
[01:58] TripFontaine_OP> but Im 40 and bald and obese
[01:59] TripFontaine_OP> I swear :>
[01:59] [Rw]Paragraf> I'm 8
[01:59] [Rw]Paragraf> someone wanna play lego's with me
[01:59] Nici_OP> hard-wear will play legos with u
[02:00] TripFontaine_OP> I only play legos with my waifu
[02:00] [Rw]Paragraf> what is a waifu
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> I cant wait to get a new pillowcase
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> waifu is
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> your imaginary anime girlfriend
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> "Saber is my waifu"
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> "Haruhi is my waifu"
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> etc
[02:01] TripFontaine_OP> usually when you have a waifu you own a pillowcase of her
[02:02] TripFontaine_OP> http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/7/6/2/6/6/0/webimg/653542337_o.jpg
[02:02] TripFontaine_OP> like this one
[02:02] [Rw]Paragraf> So you play lego's with ur imaginary friend
[02:02] TripFontaine_OP> which I dont have btw
[02:02] TripFontaine_OP> Yes
[02:02] TripFontaine_OP> since I cannot get a girlfriend
[02:03] [Rw]Paragraf> who needs gf
[02:03] [Rw]Paragraf> https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/20525676_1432588516835198_1509258860152977301_n.jpg?oh=bac00d8e1026fe75f6aa2e2e416d3047&oe=5A1798BA
[02:03] TripFontaine_OP> that's funny
[02:04] TripFontaine_OP> top secret because the drawer is on top of the bottom secret
[02:04] TripFontaine_OP> rofl!
[02:05] lag> LOL!
[02:06] crtnrssll in
[02:06] TripFontaine_OP> don't you dare mock my waifu
[02:06] TripFontaine_OP> hentai
[02:06] Nici_OP> fuck off already
[02:06] TripFontaine_OP> ashi hentaiiiii
[02:06] Nici_OP> or ill rape you
[02:06] TripFontaine_OP> oh not again daddy!
[02:06] TripFontaine_OP out
[02:07] [Rw]Paragraf> Someone knows if matt still alive?
[02:07] [Rw]Paragraf> Inca?
[02:07] toast_and_bananas out
[02:07] [Rw]Paragraf> https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21371279_10156255442700476_4295089826050100257_n.png?oh=1730dd425f3487b65696545b3b40e3d2&oe=5A499561
[02:07] lag> he has lb
[02:10] [Rw]Paragraf> Well if papersound still alive
[02:10] [Rw]Paragraf> matt should be too
[02:13] stream out
[02:13] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[02:15] Pigeon_Magnet out
[02:23] Parritalol123 out
[02:25] MrMoohammad26 in
[02:30] Skyway> gn
[02:30] Skyway out
[02:39] Nici_OP> ggggg brb i go eat something
[02:39] Spyro_OP> What map guys?
[02:39] Nici_OP> starving like a boar
[02:39] Spyro_OP> how long
[02:39] redfire> idk
[02:39] Spyro_OP> nici
[02:39] [SR]Dreyfus> lets 4walls
[02:40] Nici_OP> 10 MINUES
[02:40] Spyro_OP> ok
[02:40] Nici_OP> maybe less
[02:40] [SR]Dreyfus> brb 10 minutes too
[02:40] Spyro_OP> ok
[02:42] [SR]Dreyfus> Brb 10 minutes
[02:42] [SR]Dreyfus out
[02:42] Spyro_OP> go lord?
[02:42] PowerLord> saito ping is X
[02:42] Spyro_OP> Lemme host?
[02:42] Spyro_OP> is he here?
[02:42] PowerLord> you have this map
[02:42] Spyro_OP> if he not here then he will have x ping ofc
[02:43] PowerLord> come in this lobby
[02:43] Spyro_OP> Fire
[02:43] Spyro_OP> You know how i go about fixing my mouse curve in game
[02:43] Spyro_OP> when i pull my mouse straight down
[02:43] Spyro_OP> towards the bottom, it always has a slight curve to the left
[02:43] PowerLord> spyro you coming?
[02:44] PowerLord> this map fun
[02:47] [chf]xel88> come spyro
[02:49] Saito_Vdm out
[02:52] [SR]Dreyfus in
[02:59] Nici_OP> crashed lol
[02:59] Nici_OP> if you want i can try to host
[02:59] redfire> ya hosta
[02:59] redfire> tens melhor net que eu
[03:00] redfire> ja foi comprovado com o gajo do brazil
[03:00] Nici_OP> qual é a tua
[03:00] Nici_OP> é quanto?
[03:00] redfire> meo
[03:00] redfire> sei la
[03:00] redfire> mas tas mt mais perto da central que eu
[03:00] [SR]Dreyfus> Nidi, do 4way
[03:00] [SR]Dreyfus> Please <3
[03:00] Nici_OP> yea ill do the shit map dw
[03:01] redfire> nici is so mean
[03:01] redfire> :(
[03:01] Nici_OP> honestly the map is garbage :>
[03:01] Nici_OP> but its ok
[03:01] [SR]Dreyfus> Hahahaha
[03:01] Nici_OP> people love it
[03:01] [SR]Dreyfus> I know u love it
[03:01] Nici_OP> no it sucks
[03:01] Nici_OP> the whole tgw mappack is bad
[03:01] [SR]Dreyfus> We have played this map before, right?
[03:01] Nici_OP> i guess
[03:01] [SR]Dreyfus> I'm rusty :(
[03:02] redfire> dont talk about rusty pls
[03:02] redfire> xD
[03:02] [SR]Dreyfus> xD
[03:02] redfire> 8 years bro
[03:02] [SR]Dreyfus> everyone is rusty atm
[03:02] [SR]Dreyfus> haha
[03:02] redfire> 8 fucking years
[03:02] Nici_OP> User: lag
[03:02] Nici_OP> Ping: 9 ± 8
[03:02] [SR]Dreyfus> Damn
[03:02] Nici_OP> User: [SR]Dreyfus
[03:02] redfire> just started playing a month ago
[03:02] Nici_OP> Ping: 125 ± 0
[03:02] Nici_OP> lol
[03:08] Bro4Hoes in
[03:11] kab38god in
[03:11] Ainia in
[03:12] Ainia out
[03:12] kab38god out
[03:24] [SR]Dreyfus out
[03:25] Nici_OP> yea its his clan
[03:25] Nici_OP> but why'd he ask that
[03:25] Spyro_OP> how he dont know lol
[03:25] Nici_OP> well cuz its a crap clan i guess
[03:25] Spyro_OP> nici
[03:25] Spyro_OP> again
[03:25] Spyro_OP> host
[03:25] Nici_OP> :o
[03:26] redfire> what map?
[03:26] Nici_OP> u didnt miss clicks ?
[03:26] Spyro_OP> ni
[03:26] Spyro_OP> i wanted a rm
[03:26] Spyro_OP> but he left :/
[03:26] Nici_OP> well
[03:26] Nici_OP> hes cool and has a hot cousin
[03:26] Nici_OP> you know
[03:26] Nici_OP> kikyo
[03:26] Nici_OP> shes in op as well
[03:27] Nici_OP> and he said she loves the D
[03:27] Nici_OP> so bad
[03:27] Spyro_OP> https://gamebanana.com/tools/5628
[03:27] Spyro_OP> wonder if this works
[03:28] Nici_OP> game banbana lol
[03:28] Nici_OP> does that work ?
[03:28] Nici_OP> but they have cool things
[03:30] crtnrssll out
[03:30] crtnrssll in
[03:31] PowerLord> 3+
[03:31] Nici_OP> MAHALO
[03:32] Spyro_OP> power join?
[03:32] [chf]xel88> gn guys
[03:32] [chf]xel88> see u tomorrow!
[03:32] Nici_OP> gn
[03:33] PowerLord> gn
[03:33] [chf]xel88 out
[03:33] KaiserBradly_T4R in
[03:33] redfire> +1
[03:33] PowerLord> +1
[03:36] PowerLord> go
[03:36] Nici_OP> eu alio a ele
[03:36] Nici_OP> mas fds
[03:45] Nici_OP> .
[03:45] Spyro_OP> alt f4
[03:45] Spyro_OP out
[03:45] Nici_OP> oh god
[03:45] Nici_OP> big brb
[03:45] Nici_OP> and then
[03:45] Spyro_OP in
[03:45] Nici_OP> :
[03:45] PowerLord out
[03:46] Nici_OP> vai amarelo ou vermelho
[03:46] Nici_OP> vai ser fo
[03:46] PowerLord in
[03:46] Nici_OP> spyro red
[03:46] Spyro_OP> power
[03:46] Spyro_OP> go down mate
[03:47] [SR]Dreyfus in
[03:47] [SR]Dreyfus out
[03:47] Spyro_OP> wont let me in
[03:48] Spyro_OP> keeps kickin me
[03:54] Luxray out
[04:06] Nici_OP> dude
[04:06] Nici_OP> u need to play more single playe rlol
[04:06] Nici_OP> u need to gain speed
[04:09] Nici_OP> tem huts separadas para bues lados