PopMM - 01/07/17 16:37

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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!

Join us on TeamSpeak!
Server: ts.popre.net
Password: poptb

" The Beginning " Y/T channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTS24pREiKS8PAi9RZAqxA

New Server! Port forward port 113 TCP for faster connections

* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 1PM GMT

The map of the day is:
New Worlds 2011 - Need to Expand (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

------------------Tournament News---------------------
We will soon be wildmen again

Want to learn Populous: The Beginning from a Pro? Sign up now!!

Congratulations to our Arena Tournament winners: Divinity, Venom, Vegeta, CuteMammy!
Thanks everyone who showed up to play!! Special thanks to [AsG]Sub_Zero!!
Watch the final here: https://goo.gl/QPdj2K


[16:37] coolman out
[16:37] tristan- out
[16:37] Aphrodite_OP in
[16:38] Taity-mini> host
[16:38] Taity-mini> reset
[16:38] Taity-mini> host
[16:38] Taity-mini> fo
[16:38] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[16:39] Cpt_james_t_kirk> ye
[16:39] Cpt_james_t_kirk> the don
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[16:39] HammadH_TAS out
[16:39] Taity-mini> host
[16:39] HammadH_TAS in
[16:40] Taity-mini> maps
[16:40] MiniBot_UK> Taity-mini: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[16:40] Don_Gato> sup?
[16:40] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[16:43] Dreyfus in
[16:43] [SR]Spark out
[16:44] Dreyfus> First i was priest
[16:44] Dreyfus> Them fw
[16:44] Dreyfus> n now wildie
[16:44] Dreyfus> Love u, Inca
[16:44] skaarj_guardian out
[16:44] HammadH_TAS out
[16:44] Dreyfus out
[16:44] HammadH_TAS in
[16:44] HammadH_TAS> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[16:45] HammadH_TAS> Getting this error
[16:45] skaarj_guardian in
[16:45] BlackHeart> happens
[16:45] Taity-mini> that's minibot working again. Just a reminder that the teamspeak server is still online - been pretty empty recently but everything is still operational :)
[16:45] BlackHeart> :>
[16:45] Deus_Vult_OP in
[16:45] HammadH_TAS> What the hack is going on in mm these days
[16:46] Little_Guy1 in
[16:46] Little_Guy1> what happened to ranks
[16:46] HammadH_TAS> "Taity-mini" in our language it means small poop looolx :P
[16:47] Taity-mini> inca reset everyone's grades for the new seasonal leagues
[16:47] Little_Guy1> lol
[16:47] Little_Guy1> im a noob anyways
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> Inca is doing party
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> he first made us priest
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> and then fw
[16:47] Taity-mini> https://www.popre.net/news.php?y=2017&n=103
[16:47] HammadH_TAS> and then wildy
[16:47] Little_Guy1> lol
[16:48] HammadH_TAS> Lol i know that
[16:48] HammadH_TAS> join Taity
[16:48] [SR]FanZaah out
[16:49] Funes out
[16:50] Funes in
[16:50] skaarj_guardian> first day as fw. now everyone is wildman
[16:51] Right_nut_OP> lol
[16:51] Right_nut_OP> new seasons start today
[16:51] Right_nut_OP> started
[16:51] Haru> hey Nici :3
[16:51] Funes> unrank sesss forever!!!!
[16:52] Funes> dont let minder get shaman rank !!!
[16:52] Taity-mini out
[16:53] aliverdi1023 in
[16:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol skaarj xD
[16:54] Right_nut_OP> hi haru :3
[16:54] [SR]FanZaah in
[16:55] [SW]Arbrim> babo playing?>
[16:56] llIIlIlll in
[16:56] [Rw]Lootzy in
[16:57] [Rw]Lootzy> I am wildie
[16:57] [Rw]Lootzy> my wishes come true
[16:57] [Rw]Lootzy> :D
[16:57] llIIlIlll> is everyone wildmano r my thing still loading?
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> its sooo fantastic
[16:58] [Rw]Lootzy> everyone is
[16:58] Right_nut_OP> yes everyone is
[16:58] [Rw]Lootzy> I'm reallly glad with this
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> its beautiful
[16:58] [Rw]Lootzy> I can be brave rank right now
[16:58] thoughtseize> this is funny
[16:58] thoughtseize> im back later
[16:58] thoughtseize> probalby
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> helllooo world
[16:58] [Rw]Lootzy> its funny? its awesome!
[16:58] [SR]Spark in
[16:58] thoughtseize out
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im a wildman
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[16:58] BlackHeart> yaaay
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i feel like i can be converted
[16:58] BlackHeart> a new nude boi
[16:58] BlackHeart> :D
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> or like i can touch the water
[16:58] Right_nut_OP> redheart
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and die
[16:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> like they do
[16:58] [Rw]Lootzy> oh yea
[16:59] BlackHeart> yes?
[16:59] [Rw]Lootzy> I could get converted too by some shaman
[16:59] BlackHeart> and eat lava
[16:59] Right_nut_OP> can i convert you to my tribe pls
[16:59] BlackHeart> aka supposedly water in their mind
[16:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[16:59] BlackHeart> ahahahahaha
[16:59] BlackHeart> Ofc!
[16:59] BlackHeart> but
[16:59] BlackHeart> i have a tribe already
[16:59] BlackHeart> can i convert you instead?
[16:59] BlackHeart> wildmen tribe
[16:59] BlackHeart> wildwomen :o
[16:59] llIIlIlll> oh wow look even moores is wildman rank that suits him just right..
[17:00] BlackHeart> ;)
[17:00] llIIlIlll> in fact, a little bit lower and it'll be perfect!!!
[17:01] BlackHeart> wildwomen has the ability to convert braves to wild
[17:01] [SR]Legend out
[17:02] [SR]Spark out
[17:02] [SR]Spark in
[17:02] BlackHeart> which explains why theres still so much wildmens on populous
[17:02] Deus_Vult_OP> Hentai
[17:03] [SR]FanZaah out
[17:03] [SW]Arbrim> ||||||||||||
[17:03] [SW]Arbrim> come here?
[17:03] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[17:04] llIIlIlll> idk if i can host anymore on this new server thing
[17:04] [SR]Spark> New Server! Port forward port 113 TCP for faster connections
[17:04] [SR]Spark> does not work
[17:04] [SR]Spark> or do i need both? 7575 and this
[17:04] [Rw]Lootzy> 113 works for me
[17:04] [Rw]Lootzy> Try with 7575 too
[17:04] [Rw]Lootzy> I have both open
[17:04] [Rw]Lootzy> it connects really fast
[17:04] llIIlIlll> i cba to do all this port forwarding bs
[17:05] Funes> well done minder
[17:05] Funes> u won 2v1 game
[17:05] Funes> kind of games u like it
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> We asked him for ally up
[17:05] Funes> easy points
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> he said i dont care about allyingup
[17:05] Right_nut_OP> lmfao
[17:05] Funes> well champion
[17:05] Right_nut_OP> so just kill him
[17:05] HammadH_TAS> so can u plz shut up lol dude what is wrong with u?????
[17:05] Right_nut_OP> i was once allied to minder
[17:05] Funes> u are close to shaman rank
[17:05] Right_nut_OP> opponent lagged out
[17:05] Funes> minder
[17:05] Right_nut_OP> he didnt want to ally
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> so u just unally and kill him
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> its simple
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> Lolllxxx
[17:06] Funes> i hate minder
[17:06] Funes> guy is a point bitch
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> but deep down
[17:06] Funes> thats what happen
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> we all know haammad also wanted points
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> otherwise he would have just stopped minder
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> No
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> NEVER
[17:06] HammadH_TAS> i dont even care about them
[17:06] Right_nut_OP> yea
[17:06] Don_Gato> minder is retarded hahahaha
[17:06] Funes> yes we all want points , but not minders way
[17:06] [SW]Arbrim> start port
[17:06] [SW]Arbrim> 113
[17:07] [SW]Arbrim> end port 113?
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> Bro every one want points here
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> its usual lol
[17:07] BlackHeart> not me
[17:07] Right_nut_OP> well points are just competition
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> Yea
[17:07] [Rw]Lootzy> Yes Arbrim
[17:07] Funes> but getting them that way?
[17:07] [Rw]Lootzy> 113 TCP
[17:07] BlackHeart> its just part of the fun maybe?
[17:07] BlackHeart> those pts
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> WHAT WAY???
[17:07] Funes> i hope inca unrank sess for ever
[17:07] Funes> so minder leave mm
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> leave him alone man
[17:07] Right_nut_OP> convert me to ur tribe pls
[17:07] Funes> no,
[17:07] [SR]Spark out
[17:07] Funes> he is a bitch
[17:07] [SW]Arbrim> ty
[17:07] HammadH_TAS> hahah i think u r a bitch
[17:08] Don_Gato> Minder is not fair
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> why do u even care about someone
[17:08] Funes> he never said to me " im sorry , man"
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> my bro leave him
[17:08] Funes> so fuck him
[17:08] BlackHeart> /me converts this brave to a wildmen of her own wild tribe
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> he said to me
[17:08] [Rw]Lootzy> http://prntscr.com/fqezn6 <--- 113 TCP
[17:08] Right_nut_OP> damn
[17:08] Right_nut_OP> thats nice from you
[17:08] Right_nut_OP> who else is there to be converted??
[17:08] HammadH_TAS> loll
[17:08] BlackHeart> theyre all
[17:08] [SW]Arbrim> not working
[17:08] [SW]Arbrim> nyway
[17:08] Right_nut_OP> omfg
[17:08] BlackHeart> look at the list
[17:08] BlackHeart> all wildmen now
[17:09] Luke_OP> +2
[17:09] BlackHeart> conversion is a success
[17:09] Funes> im crazy
[17:09] Funes> no , i wont
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> Oh ok the
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> n
[17:09] HammadH_TAS> i d c
[17:09] [SW]Arbrim> come lootzy?
[17:09] Funes> i hate him even more than matt , well at least matt is funny
[17:09] Funes> minder is not
[17:09] [Rw]Lootzy> No hosts :(
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> looolxxx
[17:10] Funes> :P
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> Bro why u hate me???
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> did i asked something to u?
[17:10] Funes> i dont hate u
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> it means that u are crazy lol
[17:10] Funes> xD
[17:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dunno what u guys have against matt
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> well
[17:10] Funes> just minder
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> ur way of talk :P
[17:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u guys never spoke to him on ts
[17:10] Funes> he is funny
[17:10] Right_nut_OP> ye
[17:10] Right_nut_OP> lol
[17:10] Right_nut_OP> ehs funny
[17:10] Funes> i said
[17:10] HammadH_TAS> aaah
[17:10] Funes> u_u
[17:11] llIIlIlll> +2 tele islands
[17:11] Funes> i like when he loses and blame others xD
[17:11] Funes> xD
[17:11] Hasta_Cuando> funes likes matt
[17:11] Hasta_Cuando> so gay
[17:11] HammadH_TAS> Points don't matter to me and i am not that serious in this game too lol
[17:11] Funes> dude
[17:11] Funes> u are nice
[17:11] Funes> i told u
[17:11] Funes> i just hate minder
[17:11] Funes> xD
[17:11] Funes> easy
[17:11] HammadH_TAS> aaah ok :)
[17:11] HammadH_TAS> :P
[17:11] [SW]Arbrim> lootzy 1v1 man?
[17:11] HammadH_TAS> its ur and his prob then
[17:11] HammadH_TAS> :P
[17:11] Funes> but
[17:11] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[17:11] [GoD]Eric in
[17:12] Funes> don be his bitch
[17:12] Right_nut_OP> not eternal
[17:12] Right_nut_OP> blackheat
[17:12] [GoD]Eric out
[17:12] Right_nut_OP> blackhea
[17:12] Right_nut_OP> black dog
[17:12] Don_Gato> sup mowgli
[17:12] [SW]Arbrim> winter is coming
[17:12] HammadH_TAS> brother he is my friend what do u mean don b his bitch lol :P i am not his bitch
[17:12] [Rw]Lootzy> winter is here
[17:12] [Rw]Lootzy> and here is SUN
[17:12] [Rw]Lootzy> theres no WINTER
[17:12] [Rw]Lootzy> :(
[17:12] [SW]Arbrim> lootzy
[17:12] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1 mate?
[17:13] [SW]Arbrim> +1
[17:13] [SW]Arbrim> come lootxzy?
[17:13] Hasta_Cuando> nici why are you playing like a mad?
[17:13] [SW]Arbrim> +4
[17:13] [SW]Arbrim> +3*
[17:13] Don_Gato> fucking bitch
[17:13] tristan- in
[17:14] Hasta_Cuando> its so important for you having the #1 position in this game?
[17:14] bobbylala out
[17:14] Don_Gato out
[17:14] Hasta_Cuando> do inca pay you for that?
[17:14] Little_Guy1 out
[17:14] [SR]FanZaah in
[17:14] Hasta_Cuando> let other players be #1
[17:14] [Rw]Lootzy> no time bro
[17:14] Haru> I never get to play with Nici <3
[17:14] HammadH_TAS> I dont want to b on #1
[17:14] [Rw]Lootzy> maybe in 3-4 hours if i got some time
[17:14] HammadH_TAS> :P
[17:14] [Rw]Lootzy> :$
[17:14] [SW]Arbrim> says join
[17:15] [SW]Arbrim> after u get in his hut
[17:15] [SW]Arbrim> leaves hut
[17:15] [SW]Arbrim> ----> LlllLLlIIIIlli
[17:15] Don_Gato in
[17:15] Deus_Vult_OP> hq hq
[17:15] Deus_Vult_OP> this is hq
[17:15] Deus_Vult_OP> patrol here
[17:15] Deus_Vult_OP> we've lost sight of the enemy
[17:15] Deus_Vult_OP> entering alert phase
[17:17] [SR]FanZaah out
[17:20] [SR]Legend in
[17:20] [SR]Legend out
[17:20] BlackHeart> http://imgur.com/a/ozgI5
[17:20] BlackHeart> oh well
[17:20] IncaWarrior> press F5
[17:20] [SR]Legend in
[17:21] HammadH_TAS> DONE
[17:21] BlackHeart> oh
[17:21] BlackHeart> thanks
[17:21] [SW]Arbrim> luke 1v1?
[17:21] HammadH_TAS> hahahah
[17:22] Haru out
[17:22] BlackHeart out
[17:22] Right_nut_OP out
[17:22] King_Barbarian23 in
[17:23] Right_nut_OP in
[17:23] BlackHeart in
[17:23] King_Barbarian23> All are wildmans
[17:23] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:24] BlackHeart out
[17:24] [SW]Arbrim in
[17:24] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:24] BlackHeart in
[17:25] [GoD]Eric out
[17:25] [GoD]Eric in
[17:25] BlackHeart out
[17:25] [SW]Arbrim in
[17:25] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.facebook.com/seriesbuffs/videos/1944500339164675/
[17:25] [SW]Arbrim> woph
[17:25] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:26] BlackHeart in
[17:26] [SW]Arbrim in
[17:26] Don_Gato> Hasta_Cuando estas pendejo
[17:27] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.facebook.com/seriesbuffs/videos/1944500339164675/ sounds great
[17:27] Funes out
[17:27] [SW]Arbrim> +1
[17:27] [SR]Bianca> gg
[17:27] Funes in
[17:27] tlwiegand> gg
[17:28] aliverdi1023> wtf
[17:28] Franciskaner88 out
[17:28] BlackHeart> uhm
[17:29] [SW]Arbrim> luque
[17:29] [SW]Arbrim> u answered my question?
[17:29] [SR]Bianca out
[17:29] BlackHeart> is there atleast someone that can ping me?
[17:29] BlackHeart> im now unsure
[17:29] BlackHeart> if atleast one can?
[17:29] BlackHeart> :s
[17:30] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:30] BlackHeart> oh ok
[17:31] BlackHeart> im reassured
[17:33] Ven0m> play a normal map moron
[17:34] Aphrodite_OP in
[17:35] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[17:35] Aphrodite_OP out
[17:35] HammadH_TAS> lol ok dud play with me and u will see the diiference i amchanged now lol'
[17:36] Hasta_Cuando> dile a funes que venga
[17:36] Hasta_Cuando> me alio con el
[17:36] [GoD]Eric out
[17:37] Right_nut_OP> Ping: 139 ± 12
[17:37] Don_Gato> ven tu
[17:37] Don_Gato> e igual que tu seas host o el
[17:37] Hasta_Cuando> no puedo
[17:38] Hasta_Cuando> me tiene bloqueado y no puedo ingresar a su cabaña
[17:38] Don_Gato> eres mala leche pw
[17:38] Hasta_Cuando> yo?
[17:38] Funes> xD
[17:38] Funes> q venga nomas
[17:38] Don_Gato> dejalo entrar
[17:38] Funes> yo nunca lo e sacado de ningun juego
[17:38] Funes> pero nunca lo e sacado
[17:38] Funes> :/
[17:38] Don_Gato> lol
[17:39] Funes> palabra
[17:39] Don_Gato> deja que mi ping baje a 10
[17:39] Funes> dile eso
[17:39] Aphrodite_OP out
[17:39] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[17:39] Don_Gato> pichula 11:38] Funes> yo nunca lo e sacado de ningun juego
[17:39] Don_Gato> [11:39] Funes> pero nunca lo e sacado
[17:39] Galvatron66 in
[17:39] Don_Gato> perra
[17:40] Don_Gato> ven
[17:40] Funes> llamalo
[17:40] Hasta_Cuando> ajajaj
[17:40] Hasta_Cuando> me sigue teniendo bloqeuado
[17:40] Hasta_Cuando> no puedo entrar
[17:40] Hasta_Cuando> parece una cita a ciegas
[17:40] Hasta_Cuando> y tu gato pareces cupido
[17:40] King_Barbarian23> Mowgli
[17:40] King_Barbarian23> el dice que lo tienes bloqueado
[17:41] Funes> q acso eso influye para q no pueda entrar?
[17:41] Funes> :S
[17:41] Funes> q pasa dedo de jara
[17:41] Funes> xD
[17:41] Funes> ya me lees
[17:41] Funes> ?
[17:41] King_Barbarian23> No pq cuando bloqueas a alguien cuando entra lo sacas el sistem lo saca solo.
[17:42] Funes> gracias por la aclaracion chamo
[17:42] Funes> ya te descubri
[17:42] [GoD]Eric in
[17:42] Don_Gato> [11:40] Hasta_Cuando> y tu gato pareces cupido
[17:42] Don_Gato> mowgli desbloquealo
[17:42] Funes> ya lo desbloquee
[17:42] Don_Gato> wey
[17:42] Funes> :/
[17:42] Funes out
[17:42] venetica in
[17:43] Don_Gato> lol
[17:43] Funes in
[17:43] Right_nut_OP> ---end-----
[17:43] Don_Gato> dedo de jara
[17:43] Don_Gato> nici
[17:43] Don_Gato> di miau
[17:44] Funes out
[17:44] King_Barbarian23> Don_Gato + Funes = e&e&e& j&
[17:44] Don_Gato> mami yo me siento tuyo
[17:44] Don_Gato> que paso con tu primo apocapto
[17:44] Aphrodite_OP in
[17:44] Don_Gato> porque no entra
[17:44] King_Barbarian23> yo se q tu te sientes miamia dile al noviesito tuio q el es una porcaria
[17:45] Funes in
[17:46] Don_Gato> sigue con ban tu primo apocapto
[17:46] Sucukluyumurta> ranks still reseted lol is this realy a rank reset
[17:46] Sucukluyumurta> thats pretty nice if it is so
[17:46] Galvatron66 out
[17:47] Don_Gato> porque no lo admites que eres tu mismo y te haces pasar por tu primo
[17:48] Don_Gato> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTPKkndVsRc
[17:48] Don_Gato> apo
[17:48] Sucukluyumurta> don you allways have 500 ping fuck,
[17:48] rousfv in
[17:48] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:48] Don_Gato> fake ping
[17:49] Sucukluyumurta> this man afk?
[17:49] Don_Gato> sec
[17:49] Funes> im here
[17:49] Funes> who si fake
[17:50] Sucukluyumurta> im not fake
[17:50] Sucukluyumurta> realest
[17:52] Sucukluyumurta> wtf..
[17:52] Sucukluyumurta> somone host a game lets play
[17:52] King_Barbarian23> PP E MELHOR
[17:52] King_Barbarian23> PP vs Fo i said pp
[17:52] Funes> quier ere?
[17:52] King_Barbarian23> PP vs cr8 y said pp
[17:53] Sucukluyumurta> king
[17:53] King_Barbarian23> ?
[17:53] Sucukluyumurta> 1v1 pp
[17:53] King_Barbarian23> no man
[17:53] Funes> .o
[17:53] Funes> eres tu chamo
[17:53] Funes> xD
[17:53] Sucukluyumurta> ven0m
[17:53] Sucukluyumurta> lets me in
[17:53] King_Barbarian23> MAno
[17:53] Ven0m out
[17:53] King_Barbarian23> arprendi portuquese
[17:54] Ven0m in
[17:54] Sucukluyumurta> comon lol
[17:54] Sucukluyumurta> nooooo why left
[17:54] [GoD]Eric out
[17:54] Sucukluyumurta> it loaded
[17:54] [GoD]Eric in
[17:54] Sucukluyumurta out
[17:54] llIIlIlll> inca unmute eric all he did was post a stream link
[17:54] llIIlIlll> ok
[17:54] Don_Gato out
[17:55] King_Barbarian23> +1
[17:55] [Rw]TheHero in
[17:55] Sucukluyumurta in
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> venom
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> komm
[17:55] [Rw]TheHero out
[17:55] King_Barbarian23> Sessrumnir Palace
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> let rousv host
[17:56] [Rw]TheHero in
[17:56] vampis in
[17:56] King_Barbarian23> Ven0m idiot
[17:56] Sucukluyumurta> btw inca wtf is wrong with mm tookso long to login...
[17:56] rousfv> didnt take longer for me
[17:56] IncaWarrior> read the welcome message
[17:57] rousfv> must be ur internet
[17:57] Luke_OP> Inca why is the normal skill league fucked up
[17:57] Ven0m> RANKED
[17:57] King_Barbarian23> i put ranked motherfucker
[17:57] Ven0m> ffs we are all wildman do fucking ranked
[17:57] waqar in
[17:57] Ven0m> junge is der behindert oder so
[17:57] King_Barbarian23> I'm put ranked
[17:57] Ven0m> because?
[17:58] Ven0m> ur too dumb to est just ranked
[17:58] Ven0m> moron
[17:58] Ven0m> set*
[17:58] Ven0m> we are all wildman need games and u do nonranked
[17:58] BlackHeart> okok
[17:58] Haru in
[17:58] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[17:58] BlackHeart> stop the exaggeration bro
[17:58] King_Barbarian23> You are idiot
[17:58] BlackHeart> xD
[17:58] BlackHeart> life is too short to waste it on hate
[17:58] BlackHeart> :P
[17:58] BlackHeart> cmon cmon
[17:58] Ven0m> i have X
[17:58] Ven0m> and everybody else 300
[17:59] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[17:59] BlackHeart> i have x almost all the time recentl
[17:59] BlackHeart> it suuuucks
[17:59] BlackHeart> >::(
[17:59] BlackHeart> fuck
[17:59] BlackHeart> my true identity revelaed
[17:59] llIIlIlll out
[17:59] BlackHeart> im an alien
[17:59] BlackHeart> 4eyes
[17:59] King_Barbarian23 out
[18:00] BlackHeart out
[18:01] _BlackHeart in
[18:01] Ven0m> +1
[18:02] _BlackHeart out
[18:02] Deus_Vult_OP out
[18:02] _BlackHeart in
[18:02] King_Barbarian23 in
[18:02] _BlackHeart> '[3] WARNING! You need be logged in to record your points''
[18:04] HammadH_TAS in
[18:05] reverse1 in
[18:05] HammadH_TAS out
[18:06] [SW]Babo> is popre.net only super slow for me?
[18:06] HammadH_TAS out
[18:06] [SW]Babo> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill and what is this league ? lol
[18:08] [SR]Legend> lol
[18:08] King_Barbarian23> Ola legend
[18:08] [SR]Legend> hi
[18:08] King_Barbarian23> tudo bem la fora?
[18:08] King_Barbarian23> você e pro?
[18:12] tristan- out
[18:12] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[18:12] Sucukluyumurta> do ranked.
[18:12] Sucukluyumurta> why pll unranked al day lol
[18:12] Funes> rank means nothing today
[18:12] Funes> :(
[18:14] tHe_LaW in
[18:14] [SR]Legend out
[18:14] Sucukluyumurta> +1
[18:15] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[18:16] tHe_LaW out
[18:16] King_Barbarian23 out
[18:17] tHe_LaW in
[18:18] vampis out
[18:18] tHe_LaW out
[18:18] Hasta_Cuando> noobetica kick me
[18:18] GrubbyHour in
[18:19] venetica> wtf i didnt tHe_LaW stole ur spot noobhasta
[18:19] _BlackHeart> is it normal that
[18:19] _BlackHeart> theres not much ppls at all during this time of the day?
[18:20] _BlackHeart> i was expecting like 45-70 players
[18:20] GrubbyHour> the ranks o.o
[18:20] _BlackHeart> but its like 30-35
[18:20] GrubbyHour> alrighty then
[18:20] _BlackHeart> hope it doesnt makes ppls walks away that new updates.., :S
[18:20] GrubbyHour> usually sunday is more busy
[18:20] _BlackHeart> were saturday
[18:20] GrubbyHour> tomorrow there will definitely like 70 players on
[18:21] _BlackHeart> usually theres more players on weekend as most of us works
[18:21] _BlackHeart> but
[18:21] _BlackHeart> its summer too
[18:21] _BlackHeart> more ppls outside maybe
[18:21] GrubbyHour> hosting
[18:21] venetica out
[18:22] GrubbyHour> hmm just wait for tomorrow :)
[18:22] Haru out
[18:22] Sucukluyumurta> how hard is it for a game guys
[18:22] venetica in
[18:22] Sucukluyumurta> comonnn
[18:24] HefesTo_OP out
[18:24] Hasta_Cuando> +1
[18:24] Hasta_Cuando> 2
[18:24] Hasta_Cuando> +1
[18:25] pataxo in
[18:25] andymcleanwales in
[18:25] GrubbyHour out
[18:26] _[AsG]Warbeast in
[18:26] _[AsG]Warbeast out
[18:26] _[AsG]Warbeast in
[18:26] _[AsG]Warbeast out
[18:26] Hasta_Cuando out
[18:27] andymcleanwales out
[18:27] [SW]Babo out
[18:27] Hasta_Cuando in
[18:27] [SR]Legend in
[18:27] _[AsG]Warbeast in
[18:28] _[AsG]Warbeast out
[18:28] _[AsG]Warbeast in
[18:28] venetica out
[18:28] _BlackHeart> ugh
[18:28] Hasta_Cuando out
[18:28] [GoD]Eric out
[18:29] _[AsG]Warbeast> inca i can´t log in
[18:29] venetica in
[18:29] GrubbyHour in
[18:29] _[AsG]Warbeast> *Problems with Server*
[18:30] [Rw]TheHero> omg , now i've my true rank
[18:30] [Rw]TheHero> finally !!!
[18:30] Hasta_Cuando in
[18:30] GrubbyHour out
[18:30] [Rw]TheHero> I've been struggling to get this rank since 2010 :'(
[18:30] matiasruiz in
[18:31] [Rw]TheHero> Par bhagwaan ke ghar der hai , andher nai
[18:31] hanson_mmmb_op in
[18:31] Hasta_Cuando> what (Excess Flood) error is?
[18:31] _BlackHeart> its just so fucking boring
[18:31] _BlackHeart> oh
[18:31] _BlackHeart> nvm
[18:31] [SR]Legend> its you fake rank
[18:31] [SR]Legend> at last you can
[18:31] [SR]Legend> fake ...
[18:31] _BlackHeart> /me applauses kindly :D
[18:32] GrubbyHour in
[18:32] hanson_mmmb_op> lmao wildies everywhere
[18:32] hanson_mmmb_op> what a bunch of losers
[18:32] Right_nut_OP> fuck u hanson
[18:32] matiasruiz out
[18:32] [Rw]TheHero> its so that people stop being racist
[18:32] waqar> .
[18:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[18:33] [SR]Legend> you can say.... "MM HAS GOTTEN WILD"!!
[18:33] [Rw]TheHero> now there's no difference between inca and us
[18:33] [SR]Legend> lets have some tribal dance now
[18:33] _[AsG]Warbeast out
[18:33] GrubbyHour> what can i do about internet access flood?
[18:33] [AsG]Warbeast in
[18:33] [Rw]TheHero> or push our hands in our wildie underwear and do scratch of pleasure :P
[18:33] GrubbyHour> or is pop mm just lagging like shit
[18:33] [SR]Legend> lol
[18:33] Sucukluyumurta> crashed.
[18:33] Sucukluyumurta> wtf
[18:34] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[18:34] rousfv out
[18:34] [Rw]TheHero> now one big problem could happen though
[18:34] [SR]Legend> biggy you like tribal songs?
[18:34] rousfv in
[18:34] [Rw]TheHero> the real wildies ... will wonder ... why all other wildies (proly higher ranks previously) ignoring me from taking to their huts ? something wrong with me ? :'(
[18:34] [Rw]TheHero> *suicides*
[18:34] [SR]Legend> lool
[18:35] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[18:35] [SR]Legend> lucky day for him
[18:35] hanson_mmmb_op> Wild On: Populous Reincarnated!!!!!!
[18:35] [AsG]Warbeast> matt won´t reach the 10k games :-(
[18:35] hanson_mmmb_op> wooooo
[18:35] hanson_mmmb_op> *flashes boobs*
[18:35] _BlackHeart out
[18:35] [SR]Legend> haha
[18:35] [Rw]TheHero> xDD
[18:35] rousfv out
[18:36] [SR]Legend> today i didnt get once kicked/restricted/password-ed out of a hut :D
[18:36] [SR]Legend> even*
[18:36] [Rw]TheHero> how ?
[18:36] rousfv in
[18:36] [SR]Legend> heh
[18:36] [SR]Legend> hehe
[18:36] BlackHeart in
[18:37] BlackHeart> OH
[18:37] BlackHeart> SRSLY
[18:37] BlackHeart> :<
[18:37] BlackHeart> D,:
[18:37] waqar> ..
[18:37] aliverdi1023 out
[18:37] [SR]Legend> biggy you know this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x05BUoXCXjM ?
[18:38] BlackHeart> i had ping with rousfv >.<
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> I think i'll end up making lot of wildies SADHGURU
[18:38] Ven0m> wtf lol
[18:38] [SR]Legend> lol sadhgurus
[18:38] BlackHeart> the only hope with ping
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> coz if i beat them cruely in 1v1's
[18:38] BlackHeart> but oh well
[18:38] BlackHeart> all this day
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> they'll start thinking 'IDK anything"
[18:38] BlackHeart> :(
[18:38] waqar> how to connect lol???
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> and they'll start focusing deeply on everything
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> hence improving and improving their focus on things
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> and one day
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> SADHGURU
[18:38] [SR]Legend> xD
[18:38] Ven0m> fu rous
[18:38] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[18:39] Ven0m> now mm is bugging
[18:39] [SR]Legend> too much focus too hampers goal
[18:39] [Rw]TheHero> mindfulness
[18:39] [Rw]TheHero> is key to enlightenment
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> like bhiyya full focus on Paabbhi
[18:40] hanson_mmmb_op> hey Biggy last week I remembered you
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> he jumped off a pull xD
[18:40] Ven0m> wow rous
[18:40] hanson_mmmb_op> I saw this movie with Nicole Kidman
[18:40] [SR]Legend> imagine if sadhguru was punjabi
[18:40] Right_nut_OP> black heart :(
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> pull = marathi
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[18:40] hanson_mmmb_op> about an orphan from Calcutta
[18:40] [SR]Legend> lol
[18:40] Ven0m out
[18:40] waqar out
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> lol sadhguru punjabi
[18:40] hanson_mmmb_op> who was adopted by a family in Australia
[18:40] BlackHeart> OHHHH YES
[18:40] [Rw]TheHero> interviewer> sir ... how u got enlightened ?
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> sadhguru> oh pashaao
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[18:41] BlackHeart> OHHH YESS
[18:41] [SR]Legend> RoooFL!!
[18:41] Ven0m in
[18:41] hanson_mmmb_op> hey biggy
[18:41] hanson_mmmb_op> answer me oyu cunt
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> hi hanson_mmmb_op
[18:41] aliverdi1023 in
[18:41] [SR]Legend> bc ... xD @ oh pashaao
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> hanson_mmmb_op , that kid is you
[18:41] [Rw]TheHero> and that australian is matt
[18:41] hanson_mmmb_op> yes you got me
[18:42] hanson_mmmb_op> NO no Im actually the other guy they adopted
[18:42] Ven0m> +3 fo
[18:42] hanson_mmmb_op> the one whos traumatized
[18:42] hanson_mmmb_op> but seriously I bet it was a success in India
[18:42] Ven0m> +1
[18:42] BlackHeart> >:(
[18:42] hanson_mmmb_op> not even bollywood movies are as good as this one
[18:43] [AsG]Warbeast> sorry for rage :D
[18:43] BlackHeart> GOOO :O
[18:43] hanson_mmmb_op> its a heartbreaking movie, really
[18:43] BlackHeart> ahhhhh
[18:43] BlackHeart> :(
[18:43] BlackHeart> dspufhusighswnguilfhjdiofa
[18:44] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[18:45] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[18:48] Aphrodite_OP out
[18:49] hanson_mmmb_op out
[18:49] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[18:49] Aphrodite_OP in
[18:51] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[18:53] Ven0m> +2 fo
[18:55] reverse1 out
[18:57] Pigeon_Magnet in
[18:58] Ven0m> lol
[18:58] Ven0m> cant host yellow
[18:58] Aphrodite_OP> i see my ping
[18:59] Ven0m> now
[18:59] Pigeon_Magnet out
[19:01] Bauxitic in
[19:06] namenamename in
[19:08] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[19:08] [TSI]PK in
[19:09] [TSI]PK> all wildmen?
[19:09] [TSI]PK> sick
[19:09] [TSI]PK> forgot it was day 1 of the leagues
[19:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[19:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> hey pk
[19:09] [TSI]PK> damn spin
[19:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[19:09] [TSI]PK> your a wildy?
[19:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahaha
[19:09] [TSI]PK> :D
[19:10] [TSI]PK> +2 here
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> pk
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> finally ur true rank
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> let me take a pic
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> and post on ur fb
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> for lal to see
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> all*
[19:11] [TSI]PK> l000000000000l
[19:12] [TSI]PK> josh
[19:12] [TSI]PK> i can finally get back to shaman now
[19:12] [TSI]PK> great name
[19:12] [TSI]PK> namenamename
[19:12] Right_nut_OP> lol
[19:12] Right_nut_OP> quit
[19:12] [TSI]PK> so creative
[19:12] Right_nut_OP> typical
[19:12] Ven0m> play against same ranked people
[19:12] Right_nut_OP> im a wildman
[19:13] Ven0m> sure
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> oh?
[19:13] [TSI]PK> map guys?
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> so you tell me to play against same ranked people
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> but u join spin
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> thats a bit illogical
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> dumb shit
[19:13] Ven0m> spin is not tryharding like u against worse people
[19:13] [AsG]Warbeast> fo?
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> LOL
[19:13] Ven0m> son of a bitch look at you nerd
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> do you even know what youre talking about..
[19:13] [TSI]Raion> you tlakin to me
[19:13] [TSI]Raion> player killer?
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> since when do i have to try hard against you
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> even made tower on my entrance
[19:13] Ven0m> stfu
[19:13] [TSI]PK> yes u raion
[19:13] Right_nut_OP> and didnt make warriors
[19:14] [TSI]Raion> It's japanese for Lion
[19:14] [TSI]Raion> ;)
[19:14] Right_nut_OP> i dont have to try hard against u
[19:14] Right_nut_OP> i dont knwo what youre talking about
[19:14] [TSI]PK> scrub
[19:14] [TSI]PK> nub
[19:14] [TSI]PK> :D
[19:14] Jordan90 in
[19:14] Jordan90 out
[19:14] BlackHeart> gg yall
[19:14] BlackHeart> what did u say ali before ur last sentence
[19:15] BlackHeart> havent readed
[19:15] BlackHeart> oh well
[19:15] Jordan90 in
[19:15] BlackHeart> with the graph i wasnt weak with the upgrading
[19:16] [TSI]Raion> come play brawl tonight pk ills how u true nub
[19:16] [TSI]Raion> get 3 stocked boi
[19:17] [TSI]PK> ;)
[19:17] [TSI]Raion> <3
[19:18] aliverdi1023 out
[19:18] BlackHeart> go
[19:18] BlackHeart> :o
[19:18] BlackHeart> omg all ping
[19:18] BlackHeart> yaass
[19:18] BlackHeart> im excited no X ping :D
[19:18] Right_nut_OP> ven0m is mad
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> about blast trick
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> but thing is
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> if spin does it to you, do you tell him the same you told me?
[19:19] [AsG]Warbeast out
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> or just because he speaks language as you, as the pussy shit you are, you'll just shut up?
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> here's the dilema boy
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> take it or leave it
[19:19] Right_nut_OP> u are so stupid
[19:19] [AsG]Warbeast in
[19:20] Right_nut_OP> same lang*
[19:20] Right_nut_OP> Crash
[19:20] Right_nut_OP> ven0m as quiet as ever
[19:20] Right_nut_OP> hmm its like when u out of path in a maze
[19:20] reverse1 in
[19:20] Luke_OP> Oh wow keith is numero 2 in leagues
[19:21] [AsG]Warbeast> he blocked u
[19:21] Luke_OP> This is history
[19:21] [TSI]PK> sec
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> ;dddd
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> he blocked me for his bad playing? lol
[19:21] Luke_OP> And nici's 4
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> donde esta eso
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> no veo
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> xD
[19:21] BlackHeart> +2
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> black heart you are warming this hut
[19:22] Luke_OP> en la liga de skill
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> oh?
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> how?
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> how is nef still first lol
[19:22] [TSI]PK> i dont get the final skill league thing
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> yea
[19:22] Right_nut_OP> i mean haha but the worst is keith 2nd
[19:23] [TSI]Raion> Im asking in admin forums how this league works
[19:23] BlackHeart> oh
[19:23] BlackHeart> didnt know
[19:23] [TSI]Raion> that way ill have some information for you guys
[19:23] Right_nut_OP> matt 12k games
[19:23] Right_nut_OP> yea u know inca implements shit
[19:23] BlackHeart> summer is already hot... imagine if i create the heat
[19:23] Aphrodite_OP> Hola luke
[19:23] Right_nut_OP> that league probably goes way back
[19:23] Right_nut_OP> there are names like kayin supertribe, even inflame
[19:23] Right_nut_OP> maximus.. lul
[19:24] BlackHeart> +1
[19:24] BlackHeart> hey
[19:24] [TSI]Raion> fireproof top 15
[19:24] [TSI]Raion> LUL
[19:24] Aphrodite_OP> only -100 more points to brave rank
[19:24] Aphrodite_OP> yass
[19:24] BlackHeart> i just realized i abandoned a coffee
[19:24] BlackHeart> in the kitchen
[19:24] BlackHeart> yassss hehehe
[19:24] [TSI]Raion> coffee is bad for u
[19:24] BlackHeart> y''assss''
[19:24] [TSI]Raion> drink water
[19:25] BlackHeart> i drink both
[19:25] BlackHeart> coffee is good for my brain fu
[19:25] BlackHeart> :P
[19:25] [TSI]Raion> holy shyt chanaman
[19:25] Right_nut_OP> cant understand that league really
[19:25] Right_nut_OP> keith being 2nd
[19:26] Right_nut_OP> that league is probably 5 years old
[19:26] [TSI]Raion> its probably going by win loses maybe
[19:26] Right_nut_OP> or 6
[19:26] [TSI]Raion> not really sure
[19:26] [TSI]Raion> ill ask
[19:26] DrThunderous in
[19:26] Luke_OP> That Therion haha
[19:26] Luke_OP> Reminds me old stuff
[19:26] Right_nut_OP> :>
[19:26] Right_nut_OP> fu
[19:26] Right_nut_OP> lol spin is 104#
[19:27] Right_nut_OP> thats show how old it is
[19:27] [TSI]Raion> d4d4 so many old players
[19:27] Luke_OP> Spin was a shitty priest with 800 games lmfao
[19:27] Right_nut_OP> sess parade
[19:27] Right_nut_OP> hahha
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> but ye
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> one thing about that league
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> really reminds how full of good players it was some good years ago
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> the average skill compared to some years ago
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> there is just no comparison
[19:28] Right_nut_OP> before it was just so so much higher
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> now its fucking shit indeed
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> 'average skill', that is
[19:29] [TSI]Raion> its 20 year old game
[19:29] [TSI]Raion> even before u
[19:29] [TSI]Raion> was good players
[19:29] [TSI]Raion> doesnt really matter about today
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> yea ofc there are
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> but in that league there are some that played in those years
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> and started way before
[19:29] Right_nut_OP> but they just grew up and quit
[19:30] [TSI]Raion> yup
[19:30] Right_nut_OP> pop with those players would just never be the same again
[19:30] Right_nut_OP> as in, it would be much better
[19:30] [TSI]Raion> most ppl just find other stuff to be better at i guess
[19:30] [TSI]Raion> then po pdoesnt matter much
[19:30] [TSI]Raion> but its still kinda sad
[19:31] [TSI]Raion> i jus miss some of my friends
[19:31] Right_nut_OP> well, i wouldnt say pop doesnt matterm uch, its about as good as any other game in our eyes
[19:31] Right_nut_OP> it's just we play a game and then when we finish it, the fun is over
[19:31] Right_nut_OP> and you wish to have more ofc
[19:31] [TSI]Raion> true
[19:31] Right_nut_OP> i think its a bigger addiction that drugs/cigs/coffee
[19:31] Right_nut_OP> but its tiring to play games after games
[19:32] Right_nut_OP> than*
[19:32] [TSI]Raion> its really good feeling to have a insane game
[19:32] [TSI]Raion> and do well
[19:32] [TSI]Raion> even if u lose
[19:32] Right_nut_OP> well, dont you wish to play more brawlallah when you finish the game
[19:32] Right_nut_OP> but i guess either tired or no time
[19:32] Right_nut_OP> but when you have time and not tired you'll just go back to play i guess
[19:32] Right_nut_OP> for a litlte distraction xd
[19:33] [TSI]Raion> yea im alot better at brawl
[19:33] [TSI]Raion> then pop
[19:33] [TSI]Raion> ive been shit at pop my entire career
[19:33] Right_nut_OP> i really respect matt for the amount of games he has played, he has contributed with that, ONLY
[19:33] [TSI]Raion> 2002 games
[19:33] Right_nut_OP> on the other side he's just an asshole lol but he has contributed the most with games
[19:33] [TSI]Raion> since 2012
[19:33] Right_nut_OP> its good amount, five years, 2k.02
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> i guess i have more motivation in that game since its a lot bigger
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> more chances to play more tournies, live streams
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> 10k players a day
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> i duno
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> lack motivation in pop for some reason
[19:34] [TSI]Raion> always have
[19:35] Sucukluyumurta out
[19:35] Shahmen in
[19:35] [TSI]Raion> but i had enough motivation to be popmod, some youtube videos and talk to ppl and get to know them
[19:36] [TSI]Raion> but the community is just so sour most of the time
[19:36] Sucukluyumurta in
[19:36] [TSI]Raion> 80%
[19:36] [TSI]Raion> just nonstop dissing people, telling them they're shit
[19:36] Sucukluyumurta> GG
[19:36] [TSI]Raion> bad community
[19:37] [Rw]Lupin in
[19:37] GrubbyHour> there's some good people here too
[19:37] [TSI]Raion> 20%
[19:37] [TSI]Raion> of good ppl
[19:37] Funes out
[19:37] [Rw]Lupin out
[19:37] [TSI]Raion> gotta do guitar video
[19:38] [TSI]Raion> been along time
[19:38] [TSI]Raion> bbl
[19:38] GrubbyHour> a bit more if you look at the lower ranks
[19:38] Taity-mini in
[19:40] Right_nut_OP> map??
[19:40] Right_nut_OP> just taking nudes to send spin sec
[19:41] Right_nut_OP> MAP?
[19:41] Luke_OP out
[19:41] Right_nut_OP> OH YEA
[19:41] Right_nut_OP> BLACkheart is not here lol
[19:42] Right_nut_OP> cooking salad
[19:43] GrubbyHour out
[19:44] Right_nut_OP> ??
[19:44] Right_nut_OP> ice cream
[19:45] Right_nut_OP> hi taity :)
[19:45] the_hangover in
[19:46] reverse1 out
[19:46] Taity-mini> hey :)
[19:46] Don_Gato in
[19:46] the_hangover> what is going on here
[19:46] the_hangover> wildmen everywehere
[19:47] the_hangover> anyone?
[19:47] Right_nut_OP> back to ur true rank rod
[19:47] the_hangover> yep
[19:47] the_hangover> ur not far from me :D
[19:47] Right_nut_OP> :D
[19:47] the_hangover> lol
[19:47] Right_nut_OP> ye :(
[19:48] the_hangover> is this some bug
[19:48] the_hangover> or they reset
[19:48] the_hangover> rank
[19:48] Right_nut_OP> yes.
[19:48] hanson_mmmb_op in
[19:48] the_hangover> ?
[19:48] Don_Gato> ++++++++++1 wild
[19:48] Don_Gato> :p
[19:49] the_hangover> +1 wild
[19:49] Right_nut_OP> ditched by
[19:49] Right_nut_OP> Kivircikli
[19:49] the_hangover> hihihi
[19:50] Right_nut_OP> ditched by
[19:50] Right_nut_OP> Luisa
[19:50] Right_nut_OP> ice cream.. :(
[19:50] hanson_mmmb_op> do you like ice cream
[19:50] hanson_mmmb_op> _
[19:51] Right_nut_OP> oh yes :L)
[19:51] BlackHeart> it ended up into a wrap
[19:51] Right_nut_OP> specialyl the one you smoke
[19:51] hanson_mmmb_op> lol I dont like anything thats sweet
[19:51] hanson_mmmb_op> I dont even add sugar to my coffee
[19:51] Right_nut_OP> wooow
[19:51] Don_Gato> +1 wild
[19:51] Right_nut_OP> he will live until his 120's
[19:51] Right_nut_OP> :)
[19:51] hanson_mmmb_op> coke and cake and anything sweet makes me nauseous
[19:52] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah Im weird am I
[19:52] Right_nut_OP> damn
[19:52] Right_nut_OP> coke makes u nauseous?
[19:52] the_hangover> i dont even put milk in my coffee
[19:52] the_hangover> cos i rank out :D
[19:52] the_hangover> ran
[19:52] hanson_mmmb_op> thats why I only use bee honey to sweeten stuff
[19:52] Don_Gato> +++++++++++++++++1 wild
[19:52] BlackHeart> honey is great
[19:52] hanson_mmmb_op> a coke can has 36 grams of sugar
[19:52] the_hangover> no pros
[19:52] Ale4599 in
[19:52] the_hangover> +1 no pro
[19:52] hanson_mmmb_op> thats eugh
[19:52] hanson_mmmb_op> disgusting
[19:52] Don_Gato> lol
[19:53] Sucukluyumurta out
[19:53] hanson_mmmb_op> why would anyone drink that
[19:53] Right_nut_OP> oh coke can
[19:53] Right_nut_OP> thought u meant
[19:53] Right_nut_OP> coke as in cocain
[19:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[19:53] Larisa_Dertsakyan> FINALLY
[19:53] Larisa_Dertsakyan> WILD
[19:53] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ALL NOOBS
[19:53] BlackHeart> yah
[19:53] BlackHeart> coke is scary
[19:53] BlackHeart> even the diet one
[19:53] Larisa_Dertsakyan> hi nici
[19:53] Larisa_Dertsakyan> nice rank :)
[19:53] the_hangover> never seen nici hosting
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> coke diet and zero are way WORSE than regular coke
[19:54] the_hangover> i can host too
[19:54] BlackHeart> im almost done
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> because they have preservants
[19:54] BlackHeart> u can launch
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> and sweeteners
[19:54] Right_nut_OP> yea my hsot is shit btw
[19:54] Right_nut_OP> what map
[19:54] Right_nut_OP> fo?
[19:54] the_hangover> nici and spin
[19:54] Right_nut_OP> k
[19:54] BlackHeart> 4way
[19:54] the_hangover> come here
[19:54] BlackHeart> ?
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> regular coke is preservant free
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> because it has so much sugar
[19:54] Larisa_Dertsakyan> is inca here
[19:54] Don_Gato> +1 wild and go
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> so regular coke is actuallyhealthier than the rest
[19:54] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[19:54] BlackHeart> me i guess im lucky
[19:54] hanson_mmmb_op> and I mean
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> "healthier"
[19:55] BlackHeart> i like more spicy food
[19:55] BlackHeart> than sugar food
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> its poison
[19:55] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill
[19:55] BlackHeart> but i enjoy whats good
[19:55] Larisa_Dertsakyan> mfaofmafomaofm rip nici
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> I agree
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> thats why I have chinese
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> like 5 times a week
[19:55] hanson_mmmb_op> spicy vegetables ftw
[19:56] BranBot in
[19:56] [SR]Legend out
[19:58] BlackHeart> LMAO
[19:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> why fuck you guys
[19:58] Right_nut_OP> nothing
[19:58] Right_nut_OP> lo
[19:59] [AsG]Warbeast> spiky game on ur host nici :/
[19:59] BlackHeart> sadly..
[19:59] Right_nut_OP> well cant do shit about it
[19:59] BlackHeart> its the truth *insert drama*
[19:59] Right_nut_OP> its not like i have 30 programs on to lag
[19:59] BlackHeart> song*
[20:00] Sucukluyumurta in
[20:00] [AsG]Warbeast> hmm but its ok if u play on other hosts?
[20:00] Right_nut_OP> yes
[20:01] [AsG]Warbeast> interessting
[20:01] Right_nut_OP> no its not okay
[20:01] Right_nut_OP> but the lag is probably less than u guys said
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> bleackheart
[20:01] [AsG]Warbeast> even wildmen was bigging
[20:01] Right_nut_OP> lol
[20:01] [AsG]Warbeast> :D
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> you have no ping
[20:01] BlackHeart> sadly
[20:02] BlackHeart out
[20:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> relog
[20:02] BlackHeart in
[20:03] hanson_mmmb_op> oh blackheart is
[20:03] hanson_mmmb_op> miarathedog
[20:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> very dangerous dog
[20:03] Shahmen out
[20:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> doesnt bark but bites
[20:04] BlackHeart> yah
[20:04] hanson_mmmb_op> I always have conversations with you
[20:04] BlackHeart> amd ure hermione
[20:04] hanson_mmmb_op> and then go like
[20:04] [TSI]Suindara in
[20:04] BlackHeart> tarantino
[20:04] hanson_mmmb_op> whos xxxxx
[20:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its leviso-sa
[20:04] hanson_mmmb_op> oh shes miapon
[20:04] hanson_mmmb_op> not leviosá
[20:04] [AsG]Warbeast> lemme host?
[20:04] BlackHeart> x again
[20:05] BlackHeart> ill let my spot then
[20:05] hanson_mmmb_op> everybody should use the DESU skin btw
[20:05] [TSI]Suindara> wgat
[20:05] [TSI]Suindara> did they reset
[20:05] [TSI]Suindara> oh my
[20:05] hanson_mmmb_op> in case you didn try it yet
[20:05] [TSI]Suindara> I want tree rank
[20:05] BlackHeart> i guess im rdy to play with a bit of lag haha
[20:05] hanson_mmmb_op> its the best
[20:05] BlackHeart> x
[20:05] hanson_mmmb_op> I decided to play Pop again
[20:06] hanson_mmmb_op> Im gonna be active after
[20:06] BlackHeart> tree rank!
[20:06] BlackHeart> ohh
[20:06] hanson_mmmb_op> yeeeeaaarrrss
[20:06] BlackHeart> ping
[20:11] [TSI]Suindara> what
[20:11] Sucukluyumurta> wtf nuuuubbbbb
[20:12] Hasta_Cuando> lol nub?
[20:12] [TSI]Suindara> I ally with him them
[20:12] Hasta_Cuando> i always fuck you sucku in 1v1
[20:12] Hasta_Cuando> who is the noob
[20:17] centauro_tAS in
[20:17] King_Barbarian23 in
[20:19] venetica out
[20:19] pataxo out
[20:21] the_hangover> gg mates
[20:21] Don_Gato> gg
[20:21] Taity-mini> gg
[20:21] Ale4599> i want remacth
[20:21] the_hangover> sure
[20:21] centauro_tAS> omg im shaman
[20:21] Don_Gato> ok rm
[20:21] centauro_tAS> why kicked
[20:21] centauro_tAS> xd
[20:22] Ale4599> beceasue i want to get into meta again
[20:22] Don_Gato> taity
[20:22] Don_Gato> host
[20:22] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[20:22] Don_Gato> ale
[20:22] the_hangover> centauru
[20:22] the_hangover> its rm
[20:22] Don_Gato> come
[20:23] Cutemammy_Tas in
[20:23] the_hangover> rousfv its ale spot
[20:23] Taity-mini> mappack?
[20:23] centauro_tAS> hi mammy
[20:23] the_hangover> do u guys like
[20:23] the_hangover> hmmm
[20:23] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[20:23] the_hangover> teleporting island
[20:23] the_hangover> nv 16
[20:24] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[20:24] Cutemammy_Tas> Wildman :O
[20:24] centauro_tAS> yay!
[20:24] centauro_tAS> funny after many games
[20:24] Ale4599> wtf
[20:24] Ale4599> mmm
[20:24] the_hangover> its like the day i started pop
[20:24] centauro_tAS> we are wildmans
[20:24] King_Barbarian23> Hel
[20:24] King_Barbarian23> Teleporting Isalnd
[20:24] King_Barbarian23> yes
[20:24] Bauxitic out
[20:24] King_Barbarian23> :(
[20:25] Ven0m> longest töm game ever
[20:25] [TSI]PK> ye
[20:25] centauro_tAS> u get point winning?
[20:25] King_Barbarian23> is the new server
[20:25] Cutemammy_Tas> /me convert all players :D
[20:25] centauro_tAS> rousfv host
[20:25] centauro_tAS> lol
[20:26] centauro_tAS> *building
[20:26] Cutemammy_Tas> Tsunama :D
[20:26] centauro_tAS> mammy join
[20:26] centauro_tAS> '
[20:26] centauro_tAS> ?
[20:27] King_Barbarian23> /me I'm using covert with all players.
[20:27] King_Barbarian23> Tsunama :)
[20:27] Cutemammy_Tas> :O i already converted al players :p
[20:28] [TSI]PK out
[20:28] Aphrodite_OP> you just could converted Betabot and redwarriior :(
[20:28] King_Barbarian23> fuck
[20:28] King_Barbarian23> /me kill all wildmans:
[20:28] King_Barbarian23> Lacai :D
[20:28] Cutemammy_Tas> :<
[20:28] Cutemammy_Tas> /me dead
[20:28] Cutemammy_Tas> :<
[20:29] King_Barbarian23> I'm dead with lacai
[20:29] centauro_tAS out
[20:31] [AsG]Shadow in
[20:32] [AsG]Shadow out
[20:33] Funes in
[20:35] hanson_mmmb_op> wtf
[20:35] hanson_mmmb_op> was that
[20:35] Sucukluyumurta> sooooooo
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> what
[20:36] Sucukluyumurta> what happend
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> the hell
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> was that shit
[20:36] Sucukluyumurta> lmaoooo
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> casting arma into FS
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> fucks everything up?
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> apparenttly
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> 159 (-168)
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> WHAT
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> did I lost points
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> kek
[20:36] Sucukluyumurta> that map is bad.
[20:36] hanson_mmmb_op> apparently we won
[20:36] hanson_mmmb_op> lol
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> it is a fine map
[20:36] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah bad map
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> well considering I had 25 warriors
[20:36] [TSI]Suindara> and they had none
[20:37] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah I had some warriors
[20:37] Sucukluyumurta> not even fair bases
[20:37] Sucukluyumurta> and blue u was dead
[20:37] Sucukluyumurta> 2 fs in base man.
[20:37] hanson_mmmb_op> I think they were trying to backdoor
[20:37] Sucukluyumurta> you never survuved that
[20:37] Sucukluyumurta> we won
[20:37] hanson_mmmb_op> cause their front was sheet
[20:38] [TSI]Suindara> man I could have done a backdoor and finished red with ease
[20:38] [TSI]Suindara> I was saving warriors for an emergencial armageddon
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah but blue didnt defend his front
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> because he was making troops for arma
[20:38] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> and I wasted so many
[20:38] Right_nut_OP> is hermione playin this game again
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> against shams lol
[20:38] Right_nut_OP> the miracles are real?
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> CAN U BELIEVE IT
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> I ACTUALLY TRIED LAST GAME
[20:38] hanson_mmmb_op> LOL
[20:38] Right_nut_OP> no i cant
[20:38] Right_nut_OP> that seems to be impossible!
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> we all lost insane amounts of points
[20:39] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> I'm liking this new league
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> I want to be a tree rank
[20:39] Hasta_Cuando> i thought you casted armageddon
[20:39] hanson_mmmb_op> thats because the leagues are being recalculated
[20:39] Hasta_Cuando> didnt you?
[20:39] Sucukluyumurta> lmao
[20:39] hanson_mmmb_op> everyone was higher
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> I know, hanson
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> I did cast
[20:39] Hasta_Cuando> lol
[20:39] Hasta_Cuando> why
[20:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets go
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> why?
[20:39] Hasta_Cuando> its so boring playing with arma
[20:39] [TSI]Suindara> maybe because I was wasting the last 5 minutes training warriors
[20:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> activity was the aim
[20:39] hanson_mmmb_op> hasta cuando is gonna flame lmao
[20:40] [TSI]Suindara> I thought hermione could have finished red with the warriors he was sending
[20:40] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah he had so many warrs it was an insta win
[20:40] hanson_mmmb_op> lmaooo
[20:40] [TSI]Suindara> but then we both died to one light, so I knew it was either arma or lose
[20:40] hanson_mmmb_op> we died to one light that was embarrassing
[20:40] tlwiegand out
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[20:40] hanson_mmmb_op> I had 2 fss
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> map?
[20:40] [TSI]Suindara> gosh pop is such a great game
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> teams will be random
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> we ally in game
[20:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> everyone is wild
[20:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> what a shit lobby
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> why
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[20:41] hanson_mmmb_op> wild on: populous reincarnated
[20:41] hanson_mmmb_op> wooooo
[20:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> because we cant know who is who
[20:42] hanson_mmmb_op> leave tsu alone hes just a cranky old man
[20:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> i sorted with rank
[20:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> its uselesss
[20:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah
[20:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> argument
[20:43] hanson_mmmb_op> fun fact: I actually founded TAS with Ureh and Tsu
[20:43] hanson_mmmb_op> even though he probably wont give me any credit
[20:44] [TSI]Suindara> not really fun
[20:45] hanson_mmmb_op> I know
[20:45] hanson_mmmb_op> but you dont have to be so mean about it
[20:45] [TSI]Suindara> WOW
[20:45] [TSI]Suindara> sorry i guess
[20:45] hanson_mmmb_op> inca ban ezra
[20:46] hanson_mmmb_op> brazilian kid always hurts my feelings
[20:47] Ratchet in
[20:47] [TSI]Suindara> i call that prejudice
[20:47] Right_nut_OP> anyone wants to do 1v1 on juggernuat
[20:47] [TSI]Suindara> xenophobic people everywher
[20:48] [TSI]Suindara> 1v1 on juggernaut seems a good way
[20:48] [TSI]Suindara> to waste time
[20:48] Right_nut_OP> why waste
[20:48] Ratchet> fools i have a surprise for you tonight
[20:48] Ratchet> a live stream of the PS1 edition of pop straight from the original
[20:48] Ratchet> i should be able to get it running
[20:48] IncaWarrior> fancy
[20:48] Ratchet> stay tuned
[20:48] Right_nut_OP> lol
[20:48] Right_nut_OP> fool
[20:49] Ratchet> dude i walked into GForce and the PS1 edition was on the PS1 gaming shelf right at the front
[20:49] Ratchet> how could i not
[20:49] Ratchet> buy it
[20:49] IncaWarrior> I think I got the kinks worked out of the game results
[20:49] [TSI]Suindara> you could leave
[20:49] hanson_mmmb_op> well you can download the game and the emulator
[20:49] hanson_mmmb_op> in like 5 minutes
[20:49] Ratchet> nuh uh
[20:49] Ratchet> pure ps1 version
[20:49] Right_nut_OP> inca
[20:49] Right_nut_OP> what is skill league
[20:49] Right_nut_OP> in the site
[20:49] hanson_mmmb_op> whats the difference
[20:49] IncaWarrior> do you have a ps1 Ratchet?
[20:50] IncaWarrior> Right_nut_OP?
[20:50] hanson_mmmb_op> the emulated one is better for practical purposes
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> it showed keith 2nd
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> and lots of players like
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> inflame, tito, supertribe
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> spin was 104 spot as priest
[20:50] IncaWarrior> I had to do a recalc
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> luke was like 50
[20:50] hanson_mmmb_op> I dont even know how to stream a ps1
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> is that from like 2010?
[20:50] IncaWarrior> so it was probably part way through
[20:50] IncaWarrior> yeah could've been
[20:50] Right_nut_OP> or 2012 idk
[20:50] Ratchet> Inca: I have a PS2 but PS1 games run on that fine, and i can stream from that
[20:50] Ratchet> and i remembered to get a ps1 memory card with it
[20:50] hanson_mmmb_op> how can u stream from a ps2
[20:51] hanson_mmmb_op> honest question
[20:51] hanson_mmmb_op> and my ps2 only read original psx games
[20:51] hanson_mmmb_op> and I only had copies lawl
[20:51] IncaWarrior> TV tuner on PC/xbox?
[20:51] Ratchet> well my game capture has a cable with analogue output
[20:51] Ratchet> that plugs into the stream capture device
[20:52] Right_nut_OP> inca
[20:52] Right_nut_OP> im getting harassed on pm by blackheart
[20:52] Right_nut_OP> What to do?
[20:52] Ratchet> that cable links the PS2 to the device just as it does with the PS3 to the device
[20:52] Right_nut_OP> block?
[20:52] Ratchet> as the PS3 has the same port
[20:52] hanson_mmmb_op> I see I didnt know that
[20:52] Ratchet> right am a get the software and try this
[20:53] hanson_mmmb_op> anyways
[20:53] Ratchet> ive never played ps1 pop before
[20:53] BlackHeart> WAIT
[20:53] hanson_mmmb_op> the colors look weird
[20:53] rhyanvalk in
[20:53] BlackHeart> who said pop on ps1?
[20:53] hanson_mmmb_op> and the controls are a mess
[20:53] BlackHeart> LOLOL
[20:53] BlackHeart> xD
[20:54] BlackHeart> on ps1 version
[20:54] BlackHeart> theres baby noises inside huts
[20:54] BlackHeart> roflmao
[20:54] Ratchet> well we'll see once we start up the stream
[20:54] BlackHeart> if u play sp
[20:55] BlackHeart> lol nici didnt read above
[20:55] andymcleanwales in
[20:56] Right_nut_OP> BLOCKED
[20:56] BlackHeart> ok
[20:56] BlackHeart> no regret
[20:56] Right_nut_OP> sure
[20:56] andymcleanwales out
[20:57] hanson_mmmb_op> see you later wildies
[20:57] hanson_mmmb_op out
[20:57] the_hangover> gg mates
[20:57] the_hangover> rm?
[20:57] Taity-mini> gg
[20:57] Don_Gato> yeh
[20:57] Ale4599 out
[20:57] Don_Gato> rm
[20:57] Ale4599 in
[20:57] Ale4599 out
[20:57] the_hangover> any map fine
[20:57] Taity-mini> got to take the dog out sorry
[20:58] the_hangover> u comin back?
[20:58] Don_Gato> im crazy man
[20:58] Don_Gato> all tropas
[20:58] [TSI]Suindara> what is the link to change nicknames?
[20:58] Taity-mini> might be - got other stuff to do
[20:58] vania2018 in
[20:58] Ale4599 in
[20:58] Don_Gato> rm??
[20:58] Right_nut_OP> popre.net/change.php
[20:59] Taity-mini out
[20:59] IsoElFace in
[20:59] [TSI]Suindara> ty
[20:59] Right_nut_OP out
[21:00] Ale4599 out
[21:00] Right_nut_OP in
[21:01] Right_nut_OP out
[21:01] namenamename out
[21:02] Right_nut_OP in
[21:05] Ratchet> okay game capture works with ps3
[21:05] Ratchet> good start
[21:05] Ratchet> now to test ps2
[21:05] Ratchet> if ps2 works we are a go
[21:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca did u force logougs?
[21:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> log outs
[21:06] Funes> :/
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> rm another map?
[21:07] Sucukluyumurta> GG
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[21:07] Funes> gg
[21:07] [Rw]TheHero out
[21:07] [AsG]Warbeast> ich hasse es quiten zu müssen
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lass noch game
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[21:09] King_Barbarian23> gg
[21:09] [TSI]Suindara> change my nick inca
[21:09] [TSI]Suindara> ty
[21:10] [TSI]PK in
[21:10] rousfv out
[21:10] rousfv in
[21:10] Funes> its annoying everyone looks wild rank
[21:10] Cutemammy_Tas> D
[21:10] King_Barbarian23 out
[21:10] Cutemammy_Tas> :d
[21:10] [TSI]Suindara> I vote for Inca to add Tree Rank
[21:10] Cutemammy_Tas> we all need a convert dont we :D?
[21:10] [TSI]Suindara> and split half the people into tree and half into wildie
[21:10] vania2018> eres del norte
[21:11] King_Barbarian23 in
[21:11] Funes> no
[21:11] Funes> no se
[21:11] [TSI]Suindara> sec
[21:11] Right_nut_OP> vania
[21:11] Right_nut_OP> where from
[21:12] Right_nut_OP> that seems like a
[21:12] [AsG]Warbeast out
[21:12] Sucukluyumurta out
[21:12] [AsG]Warbeast in
[21:13] [TSI]PK in
[21:13] rousfv out
[21:13] [TSI]Suindara> ??
[21:13] [TSI]PK out
[21:14] Larisa_Dertsakyan> who will be the first to complete 5 games?
[21:14] Larisa_Dertsakyan> and get new icon
[21:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh man
[21:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> go venom
[21:16] [TSI]PK> let me host?>
[21:16] left_nut in
[21:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> nice
[21:17] Funes> hi matt
[21:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> a legend
[21:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> loged in
[21:17] King_Barbarian23> como se dice que disfruten en ingles?
[21:17] Ven0m> vania2018> god spinnifix eres mi aliado
[21:17] Right_nut_OP> why is matt still muted lmao
[21:18] Ven0m> map? teams?
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> she is saying god spinnifix is my ally
[21:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea why
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> i guess shes spanish
[21:18] Funes> why matt is always muted?
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> hm
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> vania de onde eres
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> españa?
[21:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> :;D
[21:18] King_Barbarian23> Nici}
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> si
[21:18] [Rw]Lootzy> Cause no one wants to listen matt
[21:18] Don_Gato> gg
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> lol
[21:18] King_Barbarian23> Como se dice
[21:18] Right_nut_OP> shut up loot
[21:18] King_Barbarian23> que disfruten en ingles?
[21:19] the_hangover> gg
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> en que sentido
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> tipo
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> "hope you enjoy it"
[21:19] King_Barbarian23> para un video!
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> espero que disfruten"
[21:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> enjoy it!
[21:19] Don_Gato out
[21:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> :D
[21:19] King_Barbarian23> k
[21:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> or literally
[21:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> just say "this fruits"
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> lmfao
[21:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> LFMAOFMAFLAMFAOFMAL
[21:19] Right_nut_OP> LMFAO
[21:19] BlackHeart> some ppls take the game too seriously when its about always shitting on its ally but never himself
[21:19] BlackHeart> lol
[21:19] BlackHeart> kekek
[21:20] King_Barbarian23> gracias
[21:20] Larisa_Dertsakyan> so sorry tell me more about it
[21:20] Don_Gato in
[21:20] Devastation in
[21:20] Cutemammy_Tas out
[21:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> Hemos como una hermosa chica
[21:20] [TSI]PK> spin
[21:20] [TSI]PK> lego
[21:21] rhyanvalk out
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> map?
[21:21] Ven0m> 4way?
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[21:21] [TSI]PK> do thel
[21:21] Ven0m> xd
[21:21] [TSI]PK> hel*
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> just did hel
[21:21] [TSI]PK> the ony you have it on
[21:21] [TSI]PK> or fo
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> fuck
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets do a random map
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> and random teams
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[21:22] Aphrodite_OP out
[21:22] IsoElFace out
[21:23] left_nut out
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> random map doing
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> u be aware of it
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[21:23] the_hangover> spin i played last game
[21:23] the_hangover> the game speed was double fast as normal
[21:23] [TAS]PaperVu in
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:23] the_hangover> was pretty funny
[21:23] Hasta_Cuando> blackheart
[21:23] Hasta_Cuando> come noobie
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> OLOLOLLO
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> no shit rod
[21:23] BlackHeart> dont use some weirdo map
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> r u lying
[21:24] the_hangover> im not
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> im a wildman
[21:24] the_hangover> ask don gato
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> i want it too
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> man
[21:24] the_hangover> nobody could kill with blasts
[21:24] BlackHeart> use same map then
[21:24] the_hangover> cos they dont hit
[21:24] the_hangover> cos shaman walk too fast
[21:24] BlackHeart> hasta cucuando
[21:24] Hasta_Cuando> ?
[21:24] BlackHeart> M1
[21:25] Hasta_Cuando> ur ping
[21:25] Hasta_Cuando> so shitty
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> nici is the fake ranker now
[21:25] Hasta_Cuando> you dont have
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> ban
[21:25] venetica in
[21:25] BlackHeart> when ull stop to shit
[21:25] BlackHeart> lol
[21:25] tripleb in
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> fuck
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> no games
[21:25] BlackHeart out
[21:25] the_hangover> u can
[21:26] the_hangover> join
[21:26] the_hangover> hjasta quando
[21:26] the_hangover> hut
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes but
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> isnt it blacxkhearts sopot
[21:26] the_hangover> blax heart not here
[21:26] left_nut in
[21:26] BlackHeart in
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> why not random map
[21:27] the_hangover> this kebab so guud
[21:27] the_hangover> i swear man
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> i got kicked
[21:27] the_hangover> ur too noob
[21:27] the_hangover> no wildies i bet
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod join
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ally me
[21:27] the_hangover> im eating kebab
[21:27] the_hangover> sry
[21:28] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:28] the_hangover> arb
[21:28] the_hangover> join trhe hut
[21:28] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:28] the_hangover> lol
[21:28] BlackHeart out
[21:28] [AsG]Warbeast> lol
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> arbrim
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[21:28] the_hangover> hes out
[21:28] Right_nut_OP> well
[21:28] Right_nut_OP> i go wash dishes and make dinner
[21:28] the_hangover> he saw too many noobs
[21:28] Right_nut_OP> this is too long wait
[21:28] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:28] the_hangover> and now
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[21:28] [SW]Arbrim> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[21:29] the_hangover> arb i s here
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> fucking reconnects me
[21:29] the_hangover> nici
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:29] the_hangover> come back
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> this fucking mm
[21:29] BlackHeart in
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> where are u
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> hangover?
[21:29] the_hangover> im not anywhere
[21:29] the_hangover> im eating
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> fine
[21:29] the_hangover> join matt hut
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill be back later
[21:29] Devastation out
[21:29] the_hangover> it seems ur wildie arb
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> are we playtiong?
[21:30] the_hangover> howd that happen
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> what map we playing?\
[21:30] the_hangover> and matt is muted btw
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha
[21:30] tripleb out
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> im too pro
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> for that :D
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> join bro?
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> are we playing or not?
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> +!111111111111111111
[21:30] the_hangover> +1
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> stream shud i stream
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod
[21:31] the_hangover> yes
[21:31] the_hangover> eyas
[21:31] the_hangover> yeas
[21:31] the_hangover> tytyt
[21:31] Apocalypsis_TAS> dont stream if you are not raping your mouse
[21:31] [SW]Arbrim> +!11111111111
[21:31] the_hangover> apoc can u join the hut
[21:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> i can try
[21:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[21:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> tom-rod blocked.
[21:32] tripleb in
[21:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> who suggests me to join his hut
[21:32] the_hangover> who is tom rod?
[21:32] BlackHeart out
[21:32] the_hangover> loool
[21:32] the_hangover> why am i blocked
[21:32] the_hangover> wow
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> you gotta accept that
[21:33] the_hangover> i feel like weed now
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[21:33] the_hangover> but why would anyone block me
[21:33] BlackHeart in
[21:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> simple
[21:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> [05:32] the_hangover> apoc can u join the hut
[21:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> wtf is this
[21:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> thats all.
[21:33] [SW]Arbrim> +11111
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> <3
[21:33] [SW]Arbrim> fucking ahngover jioin
[21:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> its like Err code -1
[21:34] the_hangover> i dont even make chinese ppl jokes
[21:34] the_hangover> :D
[21:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> i do join THIS hut
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim> any1 1v1?
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim> spin?
[21:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> where is THE hut
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim> hang?
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim> matt?
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> no i wanna do 2v2
[21:34] the_hangover> im eating
[21:34] the_hangover> don gatot
[21:35] [SW]Arbrim> matt go 1v1v1map?
[21:35] the_hangover> don gato is pro
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:35] Luxray in
[21:35] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[21:35] tripleb out
[21:36] Luxray> rank reset boys!
[21:36] the_hangover> nope
[21:36] the_hangover> is bug
[21:37] Hasta_Cuando out
[21:37] King_Barbarian23 out
[21:37] the_hangover> i ate the kebab
[21:37] the_hangover> now im gonna start eating the pizza
[21:37] the_hangover> ummm
[21:37] the_hangover> aaaaah
[21:38] [TSI]PK> do fo?
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt start
[21:38] [SW]Arbrim> GOGOGOGOGOGO
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea fo
[21:39] [SW]Arbrim> fucking mother fuckd
[21:39] [SW]Arbrim> fucker
[21:39] the_hangover> matt is muted
[21:39] the_hangover> btw
[21:39] the_hangover> and prollu afk
[21:39] the_hangover> :D
[21:40] BlackHeart> u wonder why hes always muted
[21:40] [WAR]FreedomCast in
[21:40] BlackHeart> like
[21:40] BlackHeart> always
[21:40] the_hangover> its no wonder
[21:40] BlackHeart> xD
[21:40] the_hangover> he does it on purpose
[21:40] the_hangover> he likes being muted
[21:40] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:41] [TSI]Ezra> :O
[21:41] [WAR]FreedomCast> look at the wildies
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> change hut
[21:41] tripleb in
[21:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> Ezra
[21:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets play
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> come spin
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> fucking mother fucker
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> matt isnt there
[21:41] [TSI]PK> erz
[21:41] [TSI]PK> erza*
[21:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt is talking to me
[21:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> on fb
[21:41] [TSI]PK> youve got 2 logins?
[21:41] [TSI]PK> haha
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> +@
[21:41] BlackHeart> cute
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> why he didnt launch then
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> dont bea fucking cunt
[21:42] [TSI]PK> map?
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> to not undertnand
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> ezra
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> ally me
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> u choose
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> no 4 way
[21:42] [TSI]Ezra> yo
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> id like
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> do some random
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> pk
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> pp cr fo 4 walls
[21:42] [TSI]Suindara out
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> kick matt
[21:42] [TSI]PK> oh
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> let spini in
[21:42] [TSI]PK> maps in
[21:42] [TSI]Ezra> hello
[21:42] [TSI]Ezra> kek
[21:42] [TSI]Ezra> I was kicked out
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> mat wasnt with us
[21:42] [TSI]PK> abrim
[21:42] [TSI]Ezra> because I changed nicknames
[21:43] [TSI]Ezra> somehow the MM didn't recognize it
[21:43] [TSI]PK> wanna ally matt
[21:43] [TSI]PK> ?
[21:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> its restricted
[21:43] [TSI]Ezra> not 4walls ffs
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> u wanna ally matyt?
[21:43] [TSI]Ezra> that map is disgusting
[21:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> i cant join
[21:43] [TSI]PK> weird
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> yea kicked
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> restricted
[21:43] [TSI]PK> spin
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> pk
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> move restricted bar
[21:43] [TSI]PK> i was just on your hut
[21:43] [TSI]PK> :/
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> or re join
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> but kicked
[21:43] [TSI]PK> wtf
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> leave hut
[21:43] [TSI]Ezra> is the mm bugged? wtf is that
[21:43] [SW]Arbrim> let me in
[21:43] the_hangover> its mbugged today
[21:44] [TSI]PK> abrim
[21:44] [WAR]FreedomCast out
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> re join
[21:44] [TSI]PK> you tard
[21:44] [TSI]PK> it isnt restrictted
[21:44] [TSI]PK> the mm
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> wtf man
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> it is
[21:44] [TSI]PK> is doing weird shit again
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> yea mm bug
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> but move that bar
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> maybe it refreshes somehow
[21:44] skaarj_guardian out
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> +2222222222
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> +2222222
[21:44] [TSI]PK> i did
[21:44] [TSI]PK> you were just in my hut :/
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> shsin wasasergasergaseifgeaiouaewiojgaiow4g3wa4t
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> h5rgbwuahwu7i5jbgsaezrthbguiaseztuire
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> Fawfaewfwa\EGFV
[21:44] [TSI]PK out
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim> TF IS THSEIFAWHDHAUWFIgaiop
[21:45] [SW]Arbrim> the fuck is this shit
[21:45] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[21:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> lollool
[21:45] [SW]Arbrim> fucki8ng inca
[21:45] [SW]Arbrim> inca deserves a big black d1ck
[21:45] [TSI]Ezra> :O
[21:45] the_hangover> where is inca btw
[21:45] [TSI]PK in
[21:45] [TSI]Ezra> screwing the leagues
[21:45] [TSI]Ezra> or planning the new way to screw the leagues
[21:45] the_hangover> anybody know incas real name?
[21:45] tripleb out
[21:45] [SW]Arbrim> come now?
[21:45] BlackHeart> haters gonna hate
[21:46] [TSI]Ezra> I vote we riot against Inca
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> fast pk
[21:46] BlackHeart> xD
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> fast
[21:46] [TSI]Ezra> until he reveals his true identity
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaha
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> yea ezra
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> anything inca odes
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> is shit
[21:46] the_hangover> matt kn0ws
[21:46] tripleb in
[21:46] the_hangover> but hes muted
[21:46] [TSI]Ezra> I received a PM: Name Change Granted
[21:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod
[21:46] [TSI]Ezra> from a guy named Root
[21:46] [TSI]Ezra> who the fuck is Root
[21:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt wants u to post a link
[21:46] the_hangover> yoo
[21:46] BlackHeart> my bf
[21:46] BlackHeart> root
[21:46] the_hangover> what link
[21:46] [SW]Arbrim> usually when u wanna acces db
[21:46] [TSI]PK> no pings
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> by default u have root name
[21:47] [TSI]PK> wtf
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> username*
[21:47] [TSI]Ezra> I know, i'm just joking
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> GOGOOGGOGO
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> no ping wtf
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> fuck off them
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> then*
[21:47] tripleb out
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> :P
[21:47] [TSI]Ezra> root has 1k posts anyway, that is odd
[21:47] [TSI]PK out
[21:47] ben_brown_1 in
[21:47] [TSI]Ezra> or rather, 10K*
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> hahahah
[21:47] BlackHeart> hes nice hmÉ
[21:47] BlackHeart> ?
[21:47] BlackHeart> :P
[21:47] [TSI]Ezra> idk idk
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> its been harder for me
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> to find ppl in sidebar
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> to pm them
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> coz i knew to search them by rank, but now all of them are fucking widlies
[21:47] [IC]Dalton822 in
[21:47] tripleb in
[21:47] [SW]Arbrim> including me
[21:48] [TSI]Ezra> we are all wildies in our hearts
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> man
[21:48] [TSI]PK in
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> no games
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill go
[21:48] BlackHeart> yaassss
[21:48] [TSI]PK> this mm
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh
[21:48] the_hangover> behind that link
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:48] BlackHeart> right click on ppls in the right list on mm
[21:48] [TSI]PK> is so bugged now
[21:48] BlackHeart> check profile?
[21:48] [SW]Arbrim> +3
[21:48] [TSI]PK> spin
[21:49] [TSI]PK out
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> back then
[21:49] [TSI]PK in
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> when u clicked upon his nicname which wrote sth in chat
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> was pks spot
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> it hovered the
[21:49] ben_brown_1> why is everyone a wildman on my screen
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> usernbame in side bar
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> yeye
[21:49] tripleb out
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> all are widlies
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim> new beginning
[21:49] [TSI]Ezra> we are expecting some shaman to convert us
[21:50] BlackHeart> the beginning
[21:50] BlackHeart> started
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaha
[21:50] [IC]Dalton822> rip progreso
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> Vegeta
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> convert us at least to braves
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> guys
[21:50] [TSI]Ezra> wtf map is that
[21:50] [TSI]PK> man
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets do random map random teams
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[21:50] BlackHeart> i convert braves into wildmen
[21:50] [TSI]PK> this mm
[21:50] [TSI]Ezra> sure
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> 33 on
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> none has a start
[21:50] [TSI]PK> is so bugged
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> star
[21:50] [TSI]PK> i cant stand it
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> fucking
[21:50] therapist in
[21:50] [TSI]Ezra> I'm in favor of a random map and random team generator, and by random map I mean just pick a random map from the list and launch
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> the rapist
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> THE
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> suck my dick
[21:50] tripleb in
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah guys i wnana play with weed
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> ezra or pk
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> y host?
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> try
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> join here spinni you fagget
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> too late, matt joined
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> let pjk
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> pk try now>\
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> jesus
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> no its k
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> ?
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> go
[21:51] Ratchet> oh yes
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> ah ye
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> i got ping
[21:51] Ratchet> oh yes oh yes oh yes
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> I only ping him now kek
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> ok wait
[21:51] [TSI]Ezra> PK leave and come
[21:51] therapist> the
[21:51] Ratchet> PS2 live stream should be up in a sec
[21:51] Ratchet> guys
[21:51] therapist> greatness
[21:51] therapist> has entered
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> let pkk host
[21:51] therapist> No Populous installation could be found. Please select the location of your Populous directory in the Options panel.
[21:52] therapist> wtf'
[21:52] therapist> sec
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> wowwwww
[21:52] [TSI]PK out
[21:52] [TSI]Ezra> i don't think he is here
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> this will be
[21:52] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[21:52] [Rw]Lootzy> learn how 2 install a game lol
[21:52] therapist> spinn
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> intensive future
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[21:52] therapist> the
[21:52] therapist> witnessing
[21:52] therapist> of the ages
[21:52] therapist> is real
[21:52] [SW]Arbrim> inca FUCK UR MOTHER IN PUSSY
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> who agrees with em?
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> +1
[21:53] therapist> the
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> meI*
[21:53] therapist> download is copmplete
[21:53] therapist> is real
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> _!11111111
[21:53] [TSI]PK in
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> all are having ping
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> pk join
[21:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> some
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> yerll and green having pings
[21:53] [TSI]PK> i keep getting kicked out
[21:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> the fucking
[21:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> one
[21:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> call the emergancy
[21:53] Ratchet> okay folks i am about to stream Pop PS1 edition on a PS2 so basically the genuine thing:
[21:53] Ratchet> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[21:53] Ratchet> PS2 up and ready
[21:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> sickkkkkk
[21:53] therapist out
[21:53] BlackHeart> i hope theres the baby noises when u zoom near hut
[21:53] BlackHeart> rofl
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> frozen
[21:54] tripleb out
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> lets do 1v1v1
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> three way
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> +3
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> or 2v2 if all get ping
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> dalton and pk no pings
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> :?
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim> shit
[21:55] [TSI]PK out
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> gee
[21:55] therapist in
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> 300 ping is shit
[21:55] the_hangover> weed
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> can't someone from US host?
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> so we all would getl ike 200 ping
[21:55] the_hangover> wassup
[21:55] [TAS]PaperVu out
[21:55] Devastation in
[21:55] therapist> wow
[21:55] [IC]Dalton822 out
[21:55] therapist> wtf is this sick long ass time
[21:55] therapist> to login
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> spin join plz
[21:56] the_hangover> weed ur rank
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> the rapist
[21:56] the_hangover> went down to wildie
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> i want to play with weed
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> fuck ur mother?
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> ok?
[21:56] BlackHeart> /me waits the exaggerated reaction lol
[21:56] [TSI]Ezra> can we not do this map? :)
[21:57] therapist> http://imgur.com/a/kXchm
[21:57] therapist> HELP
[21:57] therapist> SPINN HELP
[21:57] therapist> POP WONT LAUJNCH WTF
[21:57] Right_nut_OP> the
[21:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[21:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> game over
[21:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[21:57] Right_nut_OP> i bought a chair a monitor i have new net and new mouse
[21:57] therapist> NICI HELP
[21:57] Right_nut_OP> and i have game error
[21:57] therapist> THE
[21:57] Right_nut_OP> LKOL
[21:58] therapist> its fuckin serious
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> +!111111111111111111
[21:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> +!!+!+!+!+!++!
[21:58] Luxray> i have a 144hz monitor for play this game
[21:58] Right_nut_OP> did you also switch OS?
[21:58] therapist> i have 165
[21:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[21:58] therapist> hz
[21:58] Right_nut_OP> but its kinda priceless
[21:58] therapist> so yeah
[21:58] therapist> dw man
[21:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> pm inca
[21:58] Luxray> in december
[21:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> asap
[21:58] Right_nut_OP> how your game doesnt start now
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> +!11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
[21:58] Right_nut_OP> u are so ready to own wtf
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> +!=1+!+!=!+!++!+!=!+!++!=!+!+!
[21:58] Luxray> i will get the 240hz monitor PG258Q
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> 13e4u17hFiwbg3aq34tguiawuigaeuh
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra> w-what
[21:58] [SW]Arbrim> FUCKING BASTARDS
[21:58] Luxray> viva kosovo
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra> +1 faggits
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra> lmao arbrim gets 300 ping
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> fucking
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> +1 host
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> holy fucking shti
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> fucking community
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> fucking inca
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> Why is weed and spinni so stupid
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> join
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> matt the moron
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> maybe he can lauynch
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> hen we are 4
[21:59] therapist> i cant even fuckin launch sp
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> PH YEAH
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> OH YEAH
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> coz hes too dumb
[21:59] therapist> i gewt the same error
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim> to start b4 that
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> lets go
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> GO
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> OH MY FUCKON GOD
[21:59] therapist> INCA
[21:59] therapist> U HERE
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> did matt kick luxray?
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> really matt?
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> fagget
[22:00] Luxray> just go play withoume
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra> Luxray> im doing a homework
[22:00] Luxray> forget me
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra> why did you join then?
[22:00] Luxray> im busy dude
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra> creating false hope
[22:00] [SW]Arbrim> GO ROPT TI QIFSHA
[22:00] [SW]Arbrim> GO
[22:00] Luxray> im at university
[22:00] Luxray> my life is hard
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> familjen ta qifsha
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> go
[22:01] Luxray> its winter here
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> grat ti qfisah
[22:01] [TSI]Ezra> me too
[22:01] Luxray> its class time in southpole
[22:01] [TSI]Ezra> just stop caring
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> lootzy
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> hiost
[22:01] [Rw]Lootzy> My host is terrible bro
[22:01] Luxray> guys i will make a whatsapp group for populous 3
[22:01] [Rw]Lootzy> U know
[22:01] Luxray> anyone wants to be added?
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> at least u launch
[22:01] Luxray> so you can send picture
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> that fucking moron
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> isnt launching
[22:01] Luxray> pictures
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> SPINI FIX 1v1?
[22:02] Luxray> arbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrimarbrim
[22:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[22:02] [Rw]Lootzy> ofc cause I have my ports open
[22:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> sry
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> ill keep asking u fucking moron
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> i wan tto play
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> WOO
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> NICLAS?>
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> NICOLAS???
[22:02] [TSI]Ezra> I went to pop wiki today: "This Month's featured picture: A players base decimated by a well placed volcano spell. "
[22:02] [TSI]Ezra> same pic every month, seems good
[22:02] [SW]BadboY in
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> LUXARY = NICOLAS?
[22:02] Luxray> i recognize kosovo's indepence
[22:02] Luxray> ya
[22:02] King_Barbarian23 in
[22:03] [SW]BadboY out
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> welcome bro <333333
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> join me
[22:03] Luxray> im busy lol
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> welcome back! :D
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> okay np :D
[22:03] Luxray> doing home owrk
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> great that ure here
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> what ustudying?
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> what if we use hamachi
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim> we can use maybe offline matchmaker
[22:04] [TSI]Ezra> join arbrim
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> coz it makes pc like in lan
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> matt isnt there
[22:04] [SW]BadboY in
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> hes not launching
[22:04] [TSI]Ezra> he changed maps now
[22:04] [SW]BadboY out
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> guys
[22:04] [TSI]Ezra> I think he will launche
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> use hamachi
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> and use offline match maker?
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> ill play with my brother now
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> vs others
[22:04] therapist> luxray
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> the rapist
[22:04] therapist> i got the pg279q
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> oin?
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> joininiininbi4wi4wii54ni4??
[22:05] therapist> sick shit
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> w3333333333d
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> join
[22:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> dude he cant
[22:05] therapist> wait im finding out fix
[22:05] therapist> for pop cant launch
[22:05] stagioni in
[22:05] [SW]BadboY in
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> i ve got all the fualt
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> fault
[22:05] [SW]BadboY out
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> that i dont learn any new game
[22:05] Don_Gato out
[22:05] Luxray> *me xd
[22:05] Luxray> /me xd
[22:06] ben_brown_1 out
[22:06] Devastation out
[22:06] Luxray> /me anyone recommends the monitor Asus PG258QE with 240HZ?
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim> u see ezra?
[22:06] Don_Gato in
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi
[22:07] the_hangover> yoo u guys playing?
[22:07] the_hangover> soon
[22:07] the_hangover> and why is spin in diff hut
[22:07] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[22:07] [Rw]Lootzy out
[22:07] [TSI]Ezra> don gato si already a shaman
[22:07] [TSI]Ezra> WTF is that
[22:07] the_hangover> whos stream do i watch
[22:07] [SW]BadboY in
[22:07] [SW]Arbrim> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi
[22:07] the_hangover out
[22:07] [SW]BadboY out
[22:07] Don_Gato> +++++++++3 pros
[22:07] Don_Gato> no wilds ppls
[22:07] [SW]Arbrim> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LogMeIn_Hamachi
[22:07] [TSI]Ezra> shit ping is shit
[22:07] [TSI]Ezra> kek
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim> just play bro
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim> ur having best ping
[22:08] [TSI]Ezra> don't do this unrak
[22:08] the_hangover in
[22:08] [TSI]Ezra> common I don't want to stay a wildie forever
[22:08] Don_Gato> nice rod
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim> wh lrsavbreaRSB?SERB?
[22:08] Don_Gato> why reset your mm
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim> LEAVE?E?EE??
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> why the fuck do u leave?
[22:09] vania2018 out
[22:09] [TSI]Ezra> it was unrak man
[22:09] the_hangover> ?
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> wtf
[22:09] [TSI]Ezra> map?
[22:09] [SW]BadboY in
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> just go plz
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> just go
[22:09] Don_Gato> +3
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> go pp
[22:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> go
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim> just be fast for the sake of fucking god
[22:09] [SW]BadboY out
[22:09] the_hangover> the swearing is real
[22:10] the_hangover> :D
[22:10] the_hangover> spin
[22:10] the_hangover> stream bro
[22:10] [SW]BadboY in
[22:10] [SW]BadboY out
[22:10] the_hangover> YOO SPINNIFIX
[22:10] Ven0m> arbrim wtf
[22:10] Ratchet> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[22:10] Ratchet> POP PS1 IMMINENT
[22:10] Ven0m> don gato shaman
[22:11] Ven0m> seems legit
[22:11] the_hangover> lull
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> +3 to a rank game
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> so we can be heroes too
[22:11] [SW]BadboY in
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> half an hour
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> maybe more
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> waiting for a game
[22:11] Don_Gato> badboy crazy
[22:11] [TSI]Ezra> this is disgusting
[22:11] [SW]BadboY out
[22:11] Don_Gato> 10 games for ranking shaman
[22:12] the_hangover> wow a shaman playing with wildies
[22:12] the_hangover> noobbashing
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim> hangover
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim> playing now?
[22:12] the_hangover> im soo full
[22:12] the_hangover> u have don gato :D
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim> u ta qifsha at nan
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim> he cant launch
[22:13] the_hangover> theraper here too
[22:13] [SW]Arbrim> okay fuck off
[22:13] [TSI]Ezra> didn't we already settled
[22:13] [TSI]Ezra> that matt isnt there?
[22:13] therapist> it still
[22:13] therapist> doesnt work
[22:13] Don_Gato out
[22:13] therapist> http://imgur.com/a/kXchm
[22:13] [SW]Arbrim> guys want some ranked game
[22:13] [SW]BadboY in
[22:13] [SW]Arbrim> my fucking
[22:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> i pmed inca
[22:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> he not here
[22:13] [SW]BadboY out
[22:13] Ven0m> he is not here*
[22:13] [TSI]Ezra> if people want to play
[22:13] therapist> FKC
[22:14] [TSI]Ezra> join here
[22:14] [TSI]Ezra> simple
[22:14] Don_Gato in
[22:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> u guys ditching
[22:14] [SW]BadboY in
[22:14] Ven0m> junge albert guck mein zeugnis lern englisch
[22:14] the_hangover> thats the way how it goed spin
[22:14] the_hangover> one day their ur best friends
[22:14] the_hangover> and another their gone
[22:14] Ven0m> lmao
[22:14] venetica out
[22:15] Ven0m> why is everybody just playing noob palace
[22:15] [SW]BadboY out
[22:15] Shogun in
[22:15] the_hangover> do u mean sessrumnir poalace?
[22:15] [SW]BadboY in
[22:15] the_hangover> why dont u guyd go?
[22:15] venetica in
[22:15] the_hangover> spin
[22:15] [SW]BadboY out
[22:16] the_hangover> u got enough players
[22:16] [AsG]Warbeast> funes vene come
[22:16] Ven0m> nübrimnir
[22:16] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[22:16] [TSI]Ezra> +2222
[22:16] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[22:16] [SW]BadboY in
[22:16] [TSI]Ezra> why are people living as soon as they join the hut
[22:16] [TSI]Ezra> wtf is that
[22:16] [AsG]Warbeast> lol why i got kicked from host spot
[22:16] Ven0m> wtf
[22:16] the_hangover> its inca having fun and kickin ppl
[22:16] Ven0m> i get kicked out of host
[22:17] [SW]BadboY out
[22:17] the_hangover> and laughing
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra> as soon as a join
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra> rbrimr leaves
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra> kek
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra> WTF
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra out
[22:17] Ven0m> same
[22:17] Ven0m> 2min ago
[22:17] Ven0m> xD
[22:17] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:17] [TSI]Ezra in
[22:17] Ven0m> inca sits sweating at his pc and fixes everything
[22:18] Shogun out
[22:18] shogun in
[22:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[22:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets play man
[22:19] [AsG]Warbeast> funes come fast
[22:19] [AsG]Warbeast> before we get kicked
[22:19] [TSI]Ezra> u.u
[22:19] [AsG]Warbeast> omg
[22:19] [TSI]Ezra> I give up
[22:20] [TSI]Ezra> no playing allowed
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[22:20] IncaWarrior> wow Don_Gato is Shaman+
[22:20] hanson_mmmb_op in
[22:20] shogun> ywah inca whats going on
[22:20] shogun> guy only has a few points
[22:20] shogun> yeah*
[22:20] [TSI]Ezra> Inca
[22:20] [AsG]Warbeast out
[22:20] [TSI]Ezra> fix this
[22:21] [TSI]Ezra> no one plays
[22:21] [TSI]Ezra> everyone tries too
[22:21] [AsG]Warbeast in
[22:21] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior why ????
[22:21] Ven0m> inka bause
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahaahahaa
[22:21] [TSI]Ezra> I BLAME U
[22:21] [TSI]Ezra> Lets all riot against inca
[22:21] IncaWarrior> first to get on the league table
[22:21] RescueToastpt in
[22:21] Ven0m> inca is your name Inka bause?
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ohhh
[22:21] RescueToastpt out
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> nie man
[22:21] Ven0m> lolol
[22:21] King_Barbarian23 out
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> nice*
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> inca
[22:22] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior I am the first to reach shaman
[22:22] IncaWarrior> yep
[22:22] Ven0m> 1000 points for win against don?
[22:22] hanson_mmmb_op> people complaining about a guy with a fake rank
[22:22] Ven0m> don gato join
[22:22] hanson_mmmb_op> hahahahaha
[22:22] Ratchet> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[22:22] IncaWarrior> because shaman is the top player on the league table
[22:22] Ratchet> Pop ps1 live now
[22:22] the_hangover> inca did the leagues reseted?
[22:22] hanson_mmmb_op> point whores everywhere
[22:22] Ratchet> with my commentary
[22:22] the_hangover> or bug
[22:22] IncaWarrior> the_hangover: read popre.net
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> people are complaining because it is nearly impossible to ping someone
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> OH MY
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> IT WORKED
[22:22] Ven0m> ratched the controlling is so shit on ps1
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> VENOM
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> WY DID OTU LEFT
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra> U FUCKIN TWAT
[22:22] [AsG]Warbeast> geht nicht oder?
[22:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> map?
[22:22] Ven0m> :)
[22:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> doch
[22:22] Ven0m> hel
[22:23] Ven0m> go
[22:23] [AsG]Warbeast> Inca we get kicked out of huts for no reason
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich mach random map
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> random teams
[22:23] [TSI]Ezra> let me in
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok?
[22:23] [AsG]Warbeast> and can´t launch
[22:23] Don_Gato> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[22:23] IncaWarrior> I'm guessing it's lag
[22:23] [AsG]Warbeast> thought so
[22:23] Funes> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++2
[22:23] shogun> no ezra
[22:24] shogun> u give too much ping
[22:24] Don_Gato> 1 Skill League Table
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> How is it bad
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> that I give too much
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> ?
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> I'm not egostitical
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> egotistical*
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:24] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim> takes 3 hours to connect in this shit Connecting to Freequest - IRC ...Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ...Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ... Connecting to Freequest - IRC ...
[22:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:24] IncaWarrior> 30 seconds
[22:25] shogun> ?
[22:25] IncaWarrior> if you forward port 113 TCP it's faster
[22:25] shogun> 30 seconds ?
[22:25] shogun> aft watng ths s hat it says: [1] Closing Link: (Ping timeout)
[22:25] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:25] shogun> after waiting*
[22:25] IncaWarrior> dunno
[22:25] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior What happens at the end of the day
[22:26] IncaWarrior> the sun goes down
[22:26] [TSI]Ezra> WOAH
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> fucking spinifix
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> loololol
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> what`?
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> inca
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> what the fuck are u doing
[22:26] IncaWarrior> ?
[22:26] Don_Gato> lol
[22:26] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior They will still follow the others waiting to be shaman
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> u see
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> none cant host
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> u fucking cunt
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> can*
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> u fucking piece of shitty admin
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> SINCE 3 HOURS
[22:26] [SW]Arbrim> BEEN b4 4 hours
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> stil no fucking game
[22:27] IncaWarrior> I didn't change anythign with that
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> ur fucking servers
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> are shit
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> inca
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> why the fuck u say we will log faster
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> whjy is matt still muted
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> the other pc
[22:27] [TSI]Ezra> yeah
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> as getting out
[22:27] [TSI]Ezra> unmute matt
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> loged out from this shit recxonnecting 100 tiems
[22:27] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[22:27] IncaWarrior> Arbrim: do you have another server?
[22:27] [TSI]Ezra> unumute matt or we riot
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> u have the server
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> i dont have servers
[22:27] [SW]Arbrim> i have hosts
[22:27] hanson_mmmb_op> I guess ezra feels like rioting today
[22:27] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior We will all go back to normal ???
[22:27] [TSI]Ezra> i feel like rioting everyday
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> fucking ranks are ookay
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> but this shit not working
[22:28] IncaWarrior> Don_Gato: no
[22:28] the_hangover> don gato no
[22:28] shogun> why did u changed the server anyways inca?
[22:28] [TSI]Ezra> we will never be normal after pop, don gato
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> idk who fuckd us this good
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> to leave u in head of hus
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> us*
[22:28] Don_Gato> lol
[22:28] therapist out
[22:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> huh
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> Bella playing?
[22:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> we're al wilds?
[22:28] shogun> Lucidchat irc was better
[22:28] [SW]Arbrim> yup
[22:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh but im so confused
[22:28] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgcc5V9Hu3g
[22:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> [58] Multiple copies of the matchmaker are running, please close one
[22:29] [TSI]Ezra> Matt
[22:29] [TSI]Ezra> LAUNCh
[22:29] [TSI]Ezra> this shit
[22:29] [TSI]Ezra> ffs
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> bella
[22:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> why is it so dead
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> can u host sis?
[22:29] the_hangover> i bet my host works
[22:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> no sorry im on wifi
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> inca bann matt please
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> hes not launching like 300 times
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> while huts full
[22:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> what happened inca?
[22:29] Don_Gato> I'm the most vicious one here??
[22:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> is this some late practical joke?
[22:29] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: ?
[22:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> whats with the ranks lol
[22:30] the_hangover> https://www.popre.net/
[22:30] the_hangover> read
[22:30] shogun> some ppl dont read..
[22:30] IncaWarrior> have you been living under a rock Fried_Rice?
[22:30] [SW]Arbrim> fuck off inca
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> beLMAO
[22:30] shogun> rofl
[22:30] [SW]Arbrim> what a joke
[22:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> i just logged on
[22:30] [SW]Arbrim> awawawa
[22:30] [SW]Arbrim> lets lugh
[22:30] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior After opposing the sun that will pass
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> inca talkin good
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> there
[22:30] [SW]Arbrim> inca is shit
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> and shits cant talk good
[22:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> LMAO WTF
[22:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> THIS ISNT A JOKE
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> dont hsot anymore
[22:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> THIS IS REAL
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> bella ocme
[22:31] [TSI]Ezra> you have problems spini
[22:31] shogun> bella stfu already
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> + host
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> PING
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> LET SOME! ELSE HOST
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> EZRA
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> ezra
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> dont launch
[22:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> caps my dear
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> ure a bad host
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> there isn't someone else
[22:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> so every season i go back to wild rank?
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> i'm not a bad host
[22:32] IncaWarrior> yep
[22:32] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior do not sleep
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> jsut imagine
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> you guys live in a shithole
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> if inca dies
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> not my fault
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> will we make a new better mm?
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> I pray for that every night
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> i bet motherfuckers would do sth better
[22:32] the_hangover> i think there will be any mm
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> hamachi
[22:32] the_hangover> if inca leaves
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> we can play via it i think
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> if inca dies
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> pop dies
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> it will be good
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> then
[22:32] [TSI]Ezra> healthy even
[22:32] Don_Gato> [16:32] [SW]Arbrim> will we make a new better mm?
[22:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> uuuh idk if i like this new system
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> if pop dies coz of inca
[22:33] the_hangover> inca must live 4 ever
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> the pop is shiot
[22:33] Don_Gato> hahaha
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> so pop can tbe this shit
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> cant
[22:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> im just gonna be stuck at warrior rank
[22:33] Don_Gato> inca dies
[22:33] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: maybe you can get higher now
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> al are happy
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> VHAN BELLA
[22:33] shogun> matt lts g dd
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> JOIN
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> paries each night
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> EZRA TOO
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> RANDOM MAP
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> RANDOM TEAMS
[22:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> well where is everyone?
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> enjoying inca's emptynees :P lol
[22:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> theres usually 40+ online
[22:33] IncaWarrior> outside playing in the sun?
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> matt was online all this time
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> don gato here?
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> he just refused to fuckin launch
[22:34] the_hangover> its night for most of us
[22:34] shogun> they fall in a depresion bella
[22:34] shogun> for lossing their rank
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> u should make servers
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> that alunch our games inca
[22:34] shogun> 70% of the lobby suicided
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> not people
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> inca
[22:34] [SW]Fried_Rice> is everyone mad?
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[22:34] shogun> sad
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> that can open utube and lag
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> ping
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> others
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> that can alt tab to lag others
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> inca inca inca, give us data about how many users are online daily
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> and shits like that
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> in the last 5 tears
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> yeras*
[22:34] IncaWarrior> Arbrim: that will be working in the beta version
[22:34] [TSI]Ezra> years*
[22:34] [SW]Fried_Rice> man this is so confusing, what made u change it?
[22:34] [SW]Arbrim> when in 2069?
[22:34] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior
[22:35] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior If you die it would happen with mm
[22:35] [SW]Arbrim> will inca go to heaven or hell?
[22:35] [SW]Arbrim> when he dies?
[22:35] [SW]Arbrim> ill pray for hell
[22:35] BranBot out
[22:35] Don_Gato> hell
[22:35] hanson_mmmb_op> he wont go anywhere because heaven and hell are not real
[22:35] [SW]Arbrim> he doesnt deserver any lil heaven
[22:35] [SW]Arbrim> he wil he will
[22:35] the_hangover> ur being rude arb
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> me rude?
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> with who?
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> the suspect has to be not rude, in order of me to be rude
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> u cant be rude to someone whos fuckin rude
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> and moron and shit
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> and cant do shit
[22:36] Don_Gato> IncaWarrior Respond and do not sleep
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> since after 2000
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> well now i just dont know who to play with
[22:36] [SW]Arbrim> or when he got this fucking mm
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> couldnt increase comunity
[22:37] hanson_mmmb_op> lol many online games have seasons
[22:37] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> + host
[22:37] hanson_mmmb_op> stop acting like monkeys pls
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> just fuckd it up
[22:37] [AsG]Warbeast> war zu krass heute
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> + host
[22:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> idk what everyoes true rank is
[22:37] IncaWarrior> isn't it exciting
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> he made us wildies on mm
[22:37] hanson_mmmb_op> youre not wildmen act civilized pls
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> and didnt make any league in popre
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> what afucking ..........
[22:37] IncaWarrior> there is a league Arbrim
[22:37] IncaWarrior> read popre.net
[22:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> whats the point in the change?
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> gimme link?
[22:37] the_hangover> im gonna be higher rank than nici easy
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill
[22:37] the_hangover> :D
[22:37] [SW]Arbrim> this league?
[22:38] the_hangover> so cool
[22:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> it seems every year the ranking system changes
[22:38] Ven0m> ey es gibt eine map wo man gegenseitig sich helfen muss
[22:38] IncaWarrior> Arbrim: this one: https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[22:38] Ven0m> ok nvm
[22:38] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: it hasn't changed much in the past few years
[22:38] IncaWarrior> some shifting of ranks
[22:38] the_hangover> i even have more points than don gato
[22:38] Ratchet> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[22:38] Ratchet> level 2 inbound
[22:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca how are the top 20% calculated?
[22:39] [SW]Arbrim> https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5 https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5 https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5 https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5 https://gyazo.com/baabc2cce62a86ce4ad2c515c01c6fe5
[22:39] [SW]Arbrim> where on the shit?
[22:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> by the amount of wins in the 3 months?
[22:39] IncaWarrior> by counting the people on the league
[22:39] [AsG]Pandi in
[22:39] IncaWarrior> it updates as people play games
[22:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> wait what
[22:39] [SW]Arbrim> pandi try host here?
[22:39] [SW]Arbrim> inca
[22:39] [SW]Arbrim> we cant host u see?
[22:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> but
[22:39] Right_nut_OP> wow shit
[22:39] Right_nut_OP> don gato 1#
[22:40] Right_nut_OP> gg
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont get it
[22:40] IncaWarrior> Arbrim: I'm looking into that
[22:40] Don_Gato> gg wp
[22:40] [SW]Arbrim> looking but we are almost dead
[22:40] Right_nut_OP> 1v1 i challenge you
[22:40] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: so if there are 100 players on the league table
[22:40] [SW]Arbrim> till u look in that shit
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> do we still get points?
[22:40] IncaWarrior> 20 of them make up 20%
[22:40] IncaWarrior> yes you do
[22:40] Right_nut_OP> i just dont get why is kayin still in top 20 lol
[22:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh ok
[22:40] Don_Gato> Challenged
[22:40] Quetzalcoatl in
[22:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> if i beat don gato will i be top 20 lmao
[22:41] IncaWarrior> though you need only 5 games instead of the normal 10 to get listed on the league
[22:41] Right_nut_OP> no
[22:41] Right_nut_OP> i dont think
[22:41] Right_nut_OP> so
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> back the old game system
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> 1 point each game
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> and reset it each 3 month
[22:41] hanson_mmmb_op> HEY I found this picture of Incawarrior explaining the season changes to arbrim http://www.alohacriticon.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/apocalypto-fotos.jpg
[22:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> 1 point each game?
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> ranking system*
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[22:41] Right_nut_OP> lol
[22:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> but what if i beat a shaman
[22:41] Right_nut_OP> THAT SINCa
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> beat him again
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> and get 2 points
[22:41] [SW]Arbrim> don gato shaman
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> i just dont get it
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> so unreal ranking syustem
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> he has 263 points and how is he shaman
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> yea lol
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> that makes no sense
[22:42] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: he means this system: https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?traditional
[22:42] hanson_mmmb_op> oh no nici
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> logic percentage
[22:42] hanson_mmmb_op> no you
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> 0.5%
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> i mean, at least the rankings should be accurate
[22:42] Devastation in
[22:42] IncaWarrior> Right_nut_OP: the top 10% of players rounded up are shamans now
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> inca
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> when i clickd here:
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> if this is to just make everyone shaman
[22:42] Don_Gato> help pls bullying
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> that wont increase activity
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim> for example here : https://gyazo.com/24e85a6652c342731dd2e24e9570cb8f
[22:42] Right_nut_OP> it'll just create hate because of fake ranks
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> he found u in side bar
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> like this
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> https://gyazo.com/088927c52ba74cfa375ad253a23b9e56
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> its not doing it anymore
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> also when i wrie username and password, its not working to login with enter
[22:43] IncaWarrior> Right_nut_OP: that's not how it works
[22:43] [SW]Arbrim> but to take mouse and click button
[22:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca why did u change it?
[22:43] IncaWarrior> top 10% is fewer shamans than we had before
[22:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont think people wanted this
[22:44] IncaWarrior> https://www.popre.net/forum/league-seasons-t11346.html
[22:44] IncaWarrior> you should visit the forums more
[22:44] frizzo2000 in
[22:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> im here to play games not to read
[22:44] [SW]Arbrim> forums are shit
[22:44] [SW]Arbrim> explain us here
[22:44] [SW]Arbrim> or ask all of us
[22:44] IncaWarrior> or the main page
[22:44] [SW]Arbrim> to change some fucking shit
[22:44] IncaWarrior> or facebook
[22:44] IncaWarrior> or the discussions that people have had in the mm
[22:45] [SW]Arbrim> this design
[22:45] [SW]Arbrim> pwns ur popre
[22:45] [SW]Arbrim> http://poptb.com/
[22:45] Don_Gato> lol
[22:45] Don_Gato> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[22:45] [SW]Arbrim> fucks ur fucking design
[22:46] hanson_mmmb_op> http://i.imgur.com/KQp5BB4.png
[22:46] hanson_mmmb_op> hahahahahaa
[22:46] hanson_mmmb_op> HAHAHAHAHA
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[22:46] Don_Gato> :D
[22:46] Don_Gato> fuck you
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> inca
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> i askd u sth
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> with 2 links
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> [23:44] [SW]Arbrim> for example here : https://gyazo.com/24e85a6652c342731dd2e24e9570cb8f
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> [23:44] [SW]Arbrim> https://gyazo.com/088927c52ba74cfa375ad253a23b9e56
[22:46] [AsG]Pandi out
[22:46] [SW]Arbrim> its not hovering anymore
[22:47] IncaWarrior> hovering?
[22:47] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> changing background
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> of its
[22:47] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[22:47] IncaWarrior> oh yeah
[22:47] hanson_mmmb_op> omg Im laughing so hard right now
[22:47] Don_Gato> No more fucking for being the first to reach the 10 games
[22:47] IncaWarrior> hasn't been doing that for a while
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> i know
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> its not working since maybe weeks or more
[22:47] [SW]Arbrim> so fix it?
[22:47] IncaWarrior> yeah, updated to the newer windows component
[22:47] Obscura_OP in
[22:48] IncaWarrior> and it doesn't do it by default
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> obsc
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> welcome mate
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1?
[22:48] IncaWarrior> might ad dit again
[22:48] Luxray out
[22:48] Right_nut_OP> obscura so noob rank pfffff
[22:48] Obscura_OP> 2 hours to connect....
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> hahahha
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> [23:49] Obscura_OP> 2 hours to connect.... [23:49] Obscura_OP> 2 hours to connect.... [23:49] Obscura_OP> 2 hours to connect.... [23:49] Obscura_OP> 2 hours to connect....
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> u see inca?
[22:48] Right_nut_OP> ye lol
[22:48] Don_Gato> Better because they do not play???
[22:48] IncaWarrior> yeah, this server takes 30 seconds to connect
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> or its my pc still?
[22:48] IncaWarrior> unless you forward port 113 TCP
[22:48] Right_nut_OP> it's matt trying to hack servers
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> New Server! Port forward port 113 TCP for faster connections New Server! Port forward port 113 TCP for faster connections
[22:48] Right_nut_OP> WTF?
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim> hahhahahahah
[22:48] Obscura_OP> LOLOLOL
[22:48] Obscura_OP> im aboce nici
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> are you kidding INCA?
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> lol
[22:49] Obscura_OP> you noob
[22:49] IncaWarrior> ?
[22:49] [SW]Arbrim> port forward?
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> you are forcing us to forward ports?
[22:49] IncaWarrior> no
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> or we take 30 seconds
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> yea
[22:49] IncaWarrior> I just said it's faster if you do
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> why this change
[22:49] Right_nut_OP> u are one blackmailing pos
[22:49] IncaWarrior> it's the new server
[22:49] IncaWarrior> has this annoying ident check
[22:49] IncaWarrior> with a 30 second timeout if it doesn't connect
[22:50] Right_nut_OP> so don gatos rank will decrease?
[22:50] Right_nut_OP> my doubt is
[22:50] Right_nut_OP> if everyone will become a shaman
[22:50] Right_nut_OP> which i have no problem with, let me tell you
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> but the problem is, the amount of fake ranks
[22:51] IncaWarrior> ....
[22:51] IncaWarrior> READ popre.net
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> and others believing in fake shit
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> stfu
[22:51] IncaWarrior> seriously
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> stop ....
[22:51] IncaWarrior> it says 10% of players will be shaman
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> that seems to be a lot
[22:51] IncaWarrior> it isn't
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> of fake ranks incoming
[22:51] IncaWarrior> it's fewer than we had before
[22:51] Don_Gato> stop pls
[22:51] Right_nut_OP> is it? i doubt
[22:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca, if i win a 1v1 vs a wildy would it be the same as a 1v1 against a shaman?
[22:51] [SW]Arbrim> u choose
[22:51] IncaWarrior> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill
[22:52] [SW]Fried_Rice> will i get the same points and shit
[22:52] IncaWarrior> Top 2029
[22:52] IncaWarrior> 2029/10 = 203
[22:52] IncaWarrior> we had 22 shamans
[22:52] hanson_mmmb_op> http://i.imgur.com/KQp5BB4.png literally THIS hahaha
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> 2029.
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> lol
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> the skill league was so going down hill
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> like 490 ranked ppl
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> you brought the others, but i think you did good there
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> and you increased ranks
[22:52] Right_nut_OP> that was nice i guess,
[22:53] Right_nut_OP> whatever u calculated
[22:53] Right_nut_OP> inca u have to play some games
[22:53] Right_nut_OP> the more involved
[22:54] Right_nut_OP> get*
[22:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> this new league is an ultra shit
[22:54] Right_nut_OP> i agree but whatever!
[22:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[22:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> look at this
[22:55] Right_nut_OP> hes the best atm
[22:55] Right_nut_OP> undisputed
[22:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> only don gato is a shaman with such low points
[22:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> nice job inca
[22:55] hanson_mmmb_op> hahahaahahaaaa
[22:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> we look forward to see many wildy rankers in this lobby forever
[22:56] Right_nut_OP> 3 months
[22:56] Right_nut_OP> constant wildmen for at least 10 days
[22:56] populessj in
[22:56] BlackHeart> yah. taking part and being involved on what we change isnt a bad idea uh.
[22:57] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[22:57] BlackHeart> like being more witnesses of some issues that doesnt appears all the time.
[22:57] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[22:57] populessj out
[22:57] BlackHeart> witness*
[22:58] Right_nut_OP> /me licks
[22:59] BlackHeart> /me licks
[22:59] shogun> inca
[22:59] Right_nut_OP> /me likes
[22:59] shogun> was the server change needed
[22:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> this mm is so dead
[22:59] IncaWarrior> because the other server shut down
[22:59] shogun> thnk t s affecting games
[22:59] shogun> why
[23:00] IncaWarrior> guess they got tired of running it
[23:00] shogun> "they" ?
[23:00] shogun> thought it ws under ur control
[23:00] IncaWarrior> no
[23:00] shogun> i mean
[23:00] shogun> u pay for it
[23:00] shogun> u own it
[23:00] IncaWarrior> it's a 3rd party server
[23:00] IncaWarrior> the IRC one
[23:01] shogun> k
[23:01] IncaWarrior> we don't pay for it
[23:01] BlackHeart> saw u changed IRC server
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> I learned now that people are faggets and complain about 200 ping
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> jesus
[23:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> what server?
[23:01] shogun> lol k
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> ezra is 2nd nici
[23:01] BlackHeart> irc is old as time when we think about it
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> or he is the true nici
[23:01] BlackHeart> a chance that its still working
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> man
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> i'm older than nici
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> therefore i'm the original one
[23:01] IncaWarrior> we're still using IRC
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> nici is just a copy
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> rofl
[23:01] [TSI]Ezra> he speaks the wrong portuguese too
[23:02] shogun> lol
[23:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> so nici is just clone of you
[23:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> i see.
[23:02] [TSI]Ezra> clearly brazil is now the last bastion of the portuguese language
[23:02] shogun> his typing speed is just nici's
[23:02] BlackHeart> the only thing i know in portuguese is amo te i think
[23:02] [TSI]Ezra> idk nici actually is a little bit faster than me
[23:02] [TSI]Ezra> I recall he got 3 words more or something
[23:02] Right_nut_OP> fuck u ezra
[23:02] Right_nut_OP> u clone
[23:02] hanson_mmmb_op> eu te amo blackheart
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> <3
[23:03] frizzo2000 out
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> oh
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> i meant clown
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> ;)
[23:03] BlackHeart> what fds means in portuguese
[23:03] BlackHeart> is it an abreviation
[23:03] [SW]Fried_Rice> what rank is everyone
[23:03] BlackHeart> or a real word
[23:04] hanson_mmmb_op> it means "foda se"
[23:04] hanson_mmmb_op> fuck you
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> https://img.10fastfingers.com/speedtests/generate_screenshot_result/1_136_721_679_42_129_7_1
[23:04] hanson_mmmb_op> basically
[23:04] BlackHeart> HAHHA
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> i missed a freakish lot
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> jesus
[23:04] BlackHeart> why i always notice the insulting words :D
[23:04] BlackHeart> xd
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> fds also means weekend ( Fim De Semana)
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> so
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> there is that
[23:04] hanson_mmmb_op> you can also say stuff like
[23:04] hanson_mmmb_op> "fdp"
[23:04] BlackHeart> FIN DE SEMAINE
[23:05] BlackHeart> foda puta?
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> ezra
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> that yours i suppose?
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> lemme try
[23:05] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> yes
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> i'm sick
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> realize that
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> fagget
[23:05] the_hangover out
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> fast fingers is actually nice
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> typeracer also good
[23:05] hanson_mmmb_op> and "viado" is a gay slur
[23:06] hanson_mmmb_op> a bad bad word
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> ;)
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> dont say vedao
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> veado
[23:06] BlackHeart> fagot?
[23:06] hanson_mmmb_op> yes
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> Only -100 more points to brave rank
[23:06] hanson_mmmb_op> dont say it though
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> viado
[23:06] hanson_mmmb_op> like seriously
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> VIADÃO CARALHO
[23:06] Cutemammy_Tas in
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> JABARDÃO BOI DE MERDA
[23:07] Right_nut_OP> Quetzalcoatl
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> swear words are not really problematic in portuguese
[23:07] Right_nut_OP> What's upppp boyyyyyyyy
[23:07] Apocalypsis_TAS> thecutestmammy
[23:07] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:07] hanson_mmmb_op> I understand everything in portuguese
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> idk, I never took them seriously, but again I don't take thing seriously
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> the thing is, swear words are overused to a point they kind of lost their original meaning
[23:07] hanson_mmmb_op> but its hard to actually formulate sentences since I dont have practice
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> and just mean a rnadom rant
[23:07] Right_nut_OP> brazil swear words are weird as fuck
[23:07] hanson_mmmb_op> I lived a couple months in brazil
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> ye true that ezrakendel
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> did you get mugged?
[23:08] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[23:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> matt go?
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> if you never got mugged you didn't live in brazil
[23:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> let moors in
[23:08] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> so ezra got mugged
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> sad to hear
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> :(
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> I got once
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> I was like 15 I think
[23:08] aliverdi1023 in
[23:08] BlackHeart> kinda like that in many languages
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> there were two other guys, no more than my age
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> what did they steal
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> they stole literally 1 buck
[23:09] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[23:09] BlackHeart> like the swearing get banalized with the time using it
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> it was the money I had for the buss pass
[23:09] hanson_mmmb_op> lol everyone gets mugged in brazil
[23:09] BlackHeart> swearing words*
[23:09] hanson_mmmb_op> by ezra and maganha
[23:09] hanson_mmmb_op> os malandros do rio de janeiro
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> i'm not from the southeast
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> northeast masterrace here
[23:09] shogun out
[23:09] hanson_mmmb_op> but you go there to rob people
[23:09] hanson_mmmb_op> duh
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> we sometimes lack water but we solve things with violence (not anymore though)
[23:10] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VHIEibeQKw
[23:10] [TSI]Ezra> ea games level team
[23:11] hanson_mmmb_op> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sqbzrZxrrk
[23:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> game closed
[23:11] hanson_mmmb_op> I was in a restaurant in sao paulo once
[23:11] hanson_mmmb_op> and I listened this song
[23:12] hanson_mmmb_op> it changed my life
[23:12] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[23:12] hanson_mmmb_op> beautiful song
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> IS THIS A PREACHER HUT?
[23:12] hanson_mmmb_op> beautiful lyrics
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> IDK ANYMORE
[23:12] Right_nut_OP> ezra
[23:12] Right_nut_OP> im coming for your 136 wpm right now
[23:12] [TSI]Ezra> see if you can watch htis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyB6xSt52AQ
[23:12] Right_nut_OP> BRB
[23:12] Cutemammy_Tas> :s
[23:12] Cutemammy_Tas> i only was testing gammaenemy joining possiblty :o
[23:13] Cutemammy_Tas> and he has no ping :p
[23:13] [TSI]Ezra> legião urbana has a song that is pretty much the equivalent to wonderwall as far as acoustic guitar is involved
[23:13] [TSI]Ezra> I mean, if there is an acoustic guitar laying around in a friend gathering
[23:13] hanson_mmmb_op> once I sang that entire song for nici in team speak lmaooo
[23:13] [TSI]Ezra> omeone will take it to play either wonderwall or Que País é Esse by Legião
[23:14] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah I understand the concept of wonderwall lol
[23:14] hanson_mmmb_op> as a guitar player and a human being
[23:14] [TSI]Ezra> idk some people don't know
[23:14] [TSI]Ezra> but again my examples are all from brazilians
[23:14] [TSI]Ezra> so I guess they don't know because they are stuck with Legião's song
[23:14] [TSI]Ezra> so no need to drift to foreigners
[23:15] Apocalypsis_TAS> mam mam
[23:15] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:15] Cutemammy_Tas> tsu :)
[23:15] Ratchet> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor <---- Pop PS1 with my commentary being streamed (not emulator, real thing) on level 4 atm
[23:16] hanson_mmmb_op> (not emulator, real thing)
[23:16] hanson_mmmb_op> hahaha
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> omg
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> wtf
[23:17] Cutemammy_Tas> betabot >:o
[23:17] Right_nut_OP> ezra: https://img.10fastfingers.com/speedtests/generate_screenshot_result/1_130_681_652_29_127_5_1
[23:17] Devastation out
[23:17] Right_nut_OP> but ill keep trying :(
[23:17] hanson_mmmb_op out
[23:17] Devastation in
[23:18] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[23:19] [TSI]Ezra> hah
[23:19] [TSI]Ezra> once again it proves you are just a defectuous copy
[23:19] Right_nut_OP> fu
[23:19] MrMoohammad26 in
[23:19] Right_nut_OP> if you like sess, we're not a copy anymore!
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> i'm not sure what I like
[23:20] Right_nut_OP> k, not we're, but I'm
[23:20] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[23:20] Right_nut_OP> hm
[23:20] Right_nut_OP> you play erepublik i don't
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> I don't play it anymore
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> lmao this was like
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> 6 years ago I guess
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> not that much but still
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> 4?
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> sorry i'll always remember
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> you begged me for gold
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> like
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> lmao did some debris went to water in the stream
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> ?
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> u almost blackmailed me
[23:21] Don_Gato in
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> blackmailed with what?
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> debris??
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> a brave was destroying a hut
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> and something fell on the water
[23:21] Jordan90 out
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> which stream are you watching
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> ratchet's one
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> his is playing PS1 version
[23:22] Right_nut_OP> OHHHHHHHHH
[23:22] Right_nut_OP> that explains
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> why bullfrog waste precious resources in building Pop:TB for PS1 when they could make that resource into the pc version
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> and add walls and interactions with sea
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> honestly
[23:22] Don_Gato out
[23:22] therapist in
[23:22] IncaWarrior> because back in the day consoles were more popular
[23:23] [TSI]Ezra> I know, i'm just making a random rant
[23:23] Right_nut_OP> WEED
[23:23] therapist> IBNCA
[23:23] therapist> HELP
[23:23] therapist> !!!!!!!!!!!
[23:23] [TSI]Ezra> inca
[23:23] [TSI]Ezra> don't help
[23:23] therapist> DUDE INCA MAN
[23:23] therapist> DUDE IM ON "INDWS 10+
[23:23] BlackHeart> ``[TSI]Ezra> why bullfrog waste precious resources in building Pop:TB for PS1 when they could make that resource into the pc version`` I so agree.. but theres few things not rly appreciable on ps , that is better on pc still. there are their differences.
[23:23] therapist> WINDOWS
[23:23] therapist> WAIUTR
[23:24] Right_nut_OP> weed you need to fix ur pop
[23:24] [TSI]Ezra> I didn't phrase well, blackheart
[23:24] Right_nut_OP> now thats the most important
[23:24] Right_nut_OP> after all the hardware u got
[23:24] Larisa_Dertsakyan> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[23:24] therapist> http://imgur.com/a/2SchW
[23:24] therapist> UBCA GEKO
[23:24] therapist> INCA HELP
[23:24] therapist> I INSTALLED WINDOWS 1+
[23:24] therapist> 10
[23:24] therapist> and then pop just wont fuckin start
[23:24] BlackHeart> i just laugh at those baby noises... i cant stop laughing
[23:24] BlackHeart> funny nostalgia
[23:24] therapist> i just did smoioth fresh install of windows 1+
[23:25] BlackHeart> as well as the gameplay style sucks
[23:25] therapist> also installed direct x 10 n shit
[23:25] IncaWarrior> therapist: check that directplay is enabled
[23:25] IncaWarrior> in windows features
[23:25] therapist> updated and all shit
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> mia is heartless
[23:25] therapist> hmm
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> laughing at baby noises
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> when they're needy
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> pfff
[23:25] therapist> google.com
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> we got a monster here
[23:25] BlackHeart> theyre so needy
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> inca prepare ban hammer
[23:25] BlackHeart> theyre already adult when they give birth
[23:25] BlackHeart> doyou imagine
[23:25] BlackHeart> DO YOU IMAGINE
[23:25] BlackHeart> ouch..
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> NO
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> :(
[23:26] BlackHeart> i was almost going crazy but i think i hear even the HMPF, before the baby noise
[23:26] Right_nut_OP> weed, fancy cannabis
[23:26] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[23:26] therapist> inca how in the fuck do u do that
[23:26] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[23:27] therapist> nici HELP
[23:27] therapist> POP NO WOKR
[23:27] _Obscura_OP in
[23:27] Right_nut_OP> win10?
[23:27] IncaWarrior> Turn Windows features on and off
[23:27] Right_nut_OP> have u set it to soufwer
[23:27] IncaWarrior> search that
[23:28] [TSI]Ezra> WEED
[23:28] [TSI]Ezra> WATCH THIS
[23:28] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2F1rFmyQmY
[23:28] Obscura_OP out
[23:28] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[23:28] Right_nut_OP> nice tails
[23:29] Right_nut_OP> fools
[23:29] therapist> ok so
[23:29] Right_nut_OP> keiths brother
[23:29] therapist> now it kinda works
[23:29] Right_nut_OP> saying nikiii
[23:29] Right_nut_OP> heyy
[23:29] therapist> but it crashed and says dr34d some shit
[23:29] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[23:29] therapist> so im guessing
[23:29] therapist> ill install directx
[23:29] therapist> and if pop works afrter inca
[23:30] therapist> u gotta give me ur paypal
[23:30] IncaWarrior> you might need to reboot
[23:30] IncaWarrior> also make sure to run it as admin if you're doing single player
[23:30] Right_nut_OP> these ps1 commentaries
[23:30] [TSI]Ezra> https://img.10fastfingers.com/speedtests/generate_screenshot_result/1_142_730_708_22_133_4_1
[23:30] [TSI]Ezra> 142
[23:30] Right_nut_OP> try to get 0 wrong words :D
[23:30] [TSI]Ezra> nah
[23:31] [TSI]Ezra> it would take me al ong time
[23:31] _Obscura_OP out
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> that convert range^
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> 142 is already pretty good tho
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> have you tried typeracer?
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> pretty nice, got an acc there :o
[23:32] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> sean wrona too fast
[23:32] therapist> fuck i installed the bing bar wtf
[23:32] therapist> fuckin shit ads
[23:32] Right_nut_OP> LLOL
[23:33] [TSI]Ezra> nah typeracer is awful
[23:33] [TSI]Ezra> when I miss a word there
[23:33] Right_nut_OP> ADWARE
[23:33] [TSI]Ezra> I just freeze
[23:33] therapist> sad
[23:33] [TSI]Ezra> otherwise
[23:33] therapist> real sad
[23:33] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[23:34] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[23:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[23:35] [TSI]Ezra> nice
[23:36] [TSI]Ezra out
[23:36] therapist> wow wtf
[23:36] therapist> still crashin
[23:36] therapist> gonna restart after this shit downlkod
[23:36] [TSI]Ezra in
[23:36] [TSI]Ezra> what
[23:36] [TSI]Ezra> why I was kicked out of MM:
[23:37] [TSI]Ezra> ?
[23:37] [TSI]Ezra out
[23:37] [TSI]Ezra in
[23:37] [SW]Arbrim> inca
[23:37] [SW]Arbrim> u see?
[23:39] [TSI]Ezra out
[23:39] [SW]Arbrim> gamma enemy asht aj shoki yt a?
[23:39] [SW]Arbrim> ah jo
[23:39] [SW]Arbrim> te koka
[23:39] [SW]Arbrim> ste*
[23:40] Ven0m> gg wp
[23:40] Ven0m> 1 stunde uff
[23:40] [SW]Arbrim> + host
[23:40] Ven0m> rm andere map?
[23:41] [AsG]Warbeast> ne danke
[23:41] Ven0m> dann bin ich traurig
[23:42] Deliruis in
[23:42] Right_nut_OP> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[23:42] Deliruis out
[23:43] therapist> inca also
[23:44] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.facebook.com/DardaniaSacra.2015/videos/1726033501054933/
[23:44] therapist> why does it take like 10 fuckin mins from i start mm till it opens
[23:44] [SW]Arbrim> w33d hgost?
[23:44] therapist> when i start the pc
[23:44] therapist> ???????
[23:44] therapist> or restart ????????
[23:44] [TSI]Ezra in
[23:44] therapist> or log ouit ?=
[23:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> venom
[23:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> host here
[23:44] therapist> fixin pop arbim
[23:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> too cute
[23:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:45] [SW]Babo in
[23:45] [SW]Arbrim> BABOOOOOOOOO
[23:45] [SW]Arbrim> <#33333333333333
[23:45] [SW]Arbrim> host here bro
[23:45] [SW]Arbrim> ezra ure bad host
[23:45] [TSI]Ezra> apprently you cna only play once a day
[23:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores stream
[23:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> crashes all the time
[23:45] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[23:45] [SW]Babo> lol Don_Gato shaman+
[23:46] [SW]Arbrim> hohohooh
[23:46] Don_Gato> yep babo
[23:46] Cutemammy_Tas> only reasen is he has played enough games :P
[23:46] BlackHeart> 3 months
[23:46] BlackHeart> everyone has time
[23:46] BlackHeart> haha
[23:46] [TSI]Ezra> i'm not a bad host
[23:46] [SW]Babo> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357247
[23:47] [SW]Babo> lmao
[23:47] [TSI]Ezra> you live in the middle of nothing
[23:47] therapist out
[23:47] Funes out
[23:47] [SW]Arbrim> haaaaaaaaahahahahaha
[23:47] [SW]Arbrim> HAHAHAHHAHA
[23:47] [AsG]Warbeast> babo das ist nur weil er momentan der einizige in den leagues ist
[23:47] [TSI]Ezra> guten tag
[23:47] [SW]Babo> ya
[23:47] [TSI]Ezra> main fuhrer
[23:47] [SW]Babo> gimme a min guys
[23:47] [TSI]Ezra> ::)
[23:47] [SW]Arbrim> k
[23:47] Funes in
[23:48] Devastation out
[23:48] pataxo in
[23:48] Funes> play 3 more games to be ranked
[23:48] Funes> :o
[23:48] [SW]Babo> why did i lose 11pts in 1 day?
[23:48] [SW]Babo> lel
[23:48] Funes> whats that?
[23:49] [SW]Babo> what map what teams?
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> u choose bro <3
[23:49] [SW]Babo> idm tho
[23:49] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gogogogogo
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> we can go 3 way 1v1v1
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> interesting restricitons
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> like lb off
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> boats on
[23:49] [SW]Arbrim> priests on
[23:49] [SW]Babo> pp?
[23:50] [SW]Arbrim> flatten on..
[23:50] [SW]Arbrim> ye ok
[23:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> pp is ok
[23:50] [SW]Babo> i wanna get a rank
[23:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> same here
[23:50] [SW]Arbrim> hahha
[23:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how many matches
[23:50] [TSI]Ezra> I WANT A RANK
[23:50] [TSI]Ezra> I WANT PINGS
[23:50] [TSI]Ezra> common inca
[23:50] [TSI]Ezra> come on inca*
[23:51] [TSI]Ezra> (OH)
[23:51] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[23:51] Cutemammy_Tas out
[23:52] [AsG]Warbeast out
[23:52] therapist in
[23:52] [AsG]Warbeast in
[23:53] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[23:53] therapist> INCA
[23:53] therapist> WHATS UR PAYPAL
[23:53] Ven0m> bis jetzt alle games verloren
[23:53] [TSI]Ezra> funes join here
[23:53] [TSI]Ezra> ok nvm
[23:54] [TSI]Ezra> ....
[23:54] therapist> THE
[23:54] therapist> START
[23:54] Larisa_Dertsakyan> the pop 1 is real
[23:54] therapist> HAS STARTED
[23:54] Larisa_Dertsakyan> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[23:54] [TSI]Ezra> now the launch button is not working
[23:54] [TSI]Ezra out
[23:54] [TSI]Ezra in
[23:56] [TSI]Ezra> I was pinging everyone fine, then the guy join and leaves when I launch thus rendering the hut useless. I have to log out
[23:56] [TSI]Ezra> and then no pings
[23:56] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[23:56] Don_Gato> ??
[23:56] [SW]Babo> ffs bimi
[23:56] [SW]Babo> fix ur net man
[23:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> waren schon gut drann
[23:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[23:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mit pop
[23:57] [SW]Babo> ya
[23:57] [SW]Babo> sad
[23:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo
[23:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> komm hier
[23:58] [SW]Babo> Your message wasn't posted due to conflicts with the channel's moderation settings.
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ezra
[23:58] [SW]Babo> lmfao
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u can thost us
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> let babo host
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bao
[23:58] Don_Gato> +1
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> host
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> +1
[23:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy> any map
[23:59] [TSI]Ezra> fuck this
[23:59] [TSI]Ezra> why aren't we pinging anymore?
[23:59] [SW]Arbrim out
[23:59] aliverdi1023 out
[23:59] therapist out
[23:59] [TSI]Ezra> that is sad
[23:59] [TSI]Ezra out
[23:59] [TSI]Ezra in
[23:59] [SW]Babo> im allying mia
[23:59] [SW]Babo> stop pming me
[00:00] [SW]Babo> wtf
[00:00] [SW]Babo> 5 ppl pmed
[00:00] BlackHeart> ppls likes u
[00:00] [TSI]Ezra> w-what
[00:00] BlackHeart> it looks like :o
[00:00] [TSI]Ezra> i lost my spot
[00:00] [SW]Babo> junge was sess
[00:00] [TSI]Ezra> w-what
[00:00] Quetzalcoatl out
[00:00] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast in
[00:00] [TSI]Ezra> I rather die
[00:00] [SW]Babo> alpa 4walls??
[00:00] [TSI]Ezra> than play tgw
[00:01] [TSI]Ezra> I rather be raped than play tgw
[00:01] [SW]Babo> oh cmon
[00:01] Funes out
[00:01] therapist in
[00:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> don:_gato wanna play 4walls?
[00:01] Don_Gato> yo
[00:01] Don_Gato> yep
[00:01] [SW]Arbrim in
[00:01] Funes in
[00:02] [SW]Arbrim out
[00:02] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> am i shaman yet?
[00:02] [SW]Arbrim in
[00:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> bitte
[00:02] left_nut> someone send the link
[00:02] [SW]Arbrim> asfrasefaseefafaefaeefafaeaffasefaesfaes
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin host
[00:02] left_nut> where i can download pop
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> mosrt hosting is god awful
[00:03] [SW]Babo> too much pressure on meeeeee
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> random map
[00:03] [SW]Arbrim> 3 hours to ceonnect
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> random ally
[00:03] left_nut> full game pop?
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> we ally in game
[00:03] [SW]Arbrim> lost connection mates
[00:03] [SW]Arbrim> ey SW GMAME?
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> 3 fws were like a scary formidable force in matts lag
[00:03] [SW]Arbrim> GAME*?
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> i seen 3 fws
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> and shit myself
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> GUYS IO DO
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> RANDOM MAP
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> his lag is so crappy
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> ANDOM ALLIES
[00:03] therapist> WAIT
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> E ALLY I NGAME
[00:03] therapist> LEMME PLAU
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> MURDER?
[00:03] therapist> LEMME IN
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> WOW
[00:03] therapist> I FIXCEDP OP
[00:03] [SW]Arbrim> BABO BELLA AND ARBI? <3
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> idm
[00:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah sry guys wanna play weed
[00:04] therapist> THEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[00:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> feel bad on bella
[00:04] therapist> GAME
[00:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella <3
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> babo host?
[00:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> alpha nad babo
[00:04] left_nut> wow
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> sry lost internet
[00:04] left_nut> why did u beg for help
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> internet went down
[00:04] therapist> IS UNRELA
[00:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed and me
[00:04] therapist> THE
[00:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> np bimi
[00:04] left_nut> u had more pop
[00:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> c bong
[00:04] [SW]Babo> wtf why so many ppl wanna play?????
[00:04] left_nut> than spin
[00:04] left_nut> lol
[00:04] therapist> ROCKETLAUNCH
[00:04] BlackHeart> they want you
[00:04] IsoElFace in
[00:04] left_nut> this guy is a complete joke
[00:04] therapist> AND THE MOONLANDING
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> bellas playing with us
[00:04] left_nut> wow dude
[00:04] therapist> AND THE
[00:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz i was scared
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> nubs
[00:04] therapist> OMFG KICKED
[00:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> OK?
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> come babo here with alpha
[00:04] left_nut> fuckign moron
[00:04] therapist> TGHE
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> or u dont see us?
[00:04] therapist> WTF
[00:04] left_nut> made me lose my base
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> 3rd hut
[00:04] therapist> ROCKET GONE DOWN
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> blue and greens spot free
[00:04] left_nut> cuz he begged for help
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> babo host
[00:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[00:04] left_nut> and didnt need it
[00:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtdf
[00:04] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> yup
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> u choose map
[00:04] [SW]Arbrim> we play :D
[00:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt ur lag fluctuates
[00:05] [SW]Arbrim> no 4 way :D
[00:05] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> hahahahahaha
[00:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> unlike ur body mass index
[00:05] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> alll wild
[00:05] left_nut> someone send me the link
[00:05] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> wtff
[00:05] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> dsfgfh
[00:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> wich stays astronimicle
[00:05] therapist> KICKED
[00:05] left_nut> to download pop
[00:05] left_nut> the full vesrion
[00:05] left_nut> ultiplayer sucks
[00:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357308
[00:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf
[00:05] [SW]Arbrim> warbeast
[00:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> why did i lose points?
[00:05] [SW]Arbrim> sry SW game
[00:05] [SW]Arbrim> yuuuup!!! :D
[00:05] [AsG]Warbeast> bella everyone did
[00:05] [SW]Arbrim> SW <3 :D
[00:06] [SW]Babo> no matt
[00:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got kikt
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> no spin didnt
[00:06] [SW]Babo> you dont deserve a link
[00:06] [SW]Babo> cuz you are too bad for pop
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> and moors didnt
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf is going on
[00:06] BlackHeart> the end
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> i lost over 100 points?!?
[00:06] left_nut> btw i will be streaming
[00:06] BlackHeart> its the end
[00:06] left_nut> on my new stream
[00:06] [AsG]Warbeast> yes he did but in the first game this mounth
[00:06] BlackHeart> thats whats going on
[00:06] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:06] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[00:06] BlackHeart> lol :P
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> INCA
[00:06] left_nut> come watch me play
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> UR NEEDED
[00:06] BlackHeart> ITS THE END
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> why did i lose 100 points
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> when i fucking won
[00:06] BlackHeart> /me screams
[00:06] therapist> qR
[00:07] therapist> CABN WE GET A GMER
[00:07] [SW]Babo> sad matt
[00:07] [SW]Babo> get a life you cunt
[00:07] left_nut> everyone watch me pwn
[00:07] left_nut> spin
[00:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ween
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> wrf alpha
[00:07] left_nut> alpha
[00:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> host
[00:07] left_nut> and weed
[00:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed host
[00:07] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> man this mm is buggy as fuk
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[00:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN
[00:07] left_nut> well bella
[00:07] left_nut> when the mm is run by an idiot
[00:07] BlackHeart> theres a forum above
[00:07] BlackHeart> when u login
[00:07] left_nut> of course u winning a game
[00:07] left_nut> u will lose points
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> why no one cna host
[00:08] BlackHeart> that explains the channges above
[00:08] BlackHeart> a forum post
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> in this new mm
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> this is bs
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> +111
[00:08] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[00:08] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> i lost over 100 points
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> +1 i'm pinging everyone already
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont understand
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> where the fuck are the admins
[00:08] left_nut> bella its simple math
[00:08] BlackHeart> i lost 186 :D
[00:08] left_nut> we are too good
[00:08] therapist> THE
[00:08] left_nut> so u lose no matter what
[00:08] therapist> NO DITCHER
[00:08] therapist> IS REAL
[00:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> WTF
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> why did i lose points and they won points?!
[00:08] [TSI]Ezra> because the leagues are being recalculated
[00:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf is this system
[00:08] [AsG]Warbeast> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357252
[00:08] therapist out
[00:08] BlackHeart> so many ppls reacted today
[00:09] [SW]Arbrim> we;ll get used to it
[00:09] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[00:09] [SW]Arbrim> its just the beginning
[00:09] BlackHeart> yah
[00:09] [TSI]Ezra> WOAH
[00:09] BlackHeart> ``The Beginning``
[00:09] [TSI]Ezra> ok done
[00:09] [TSI]Ezra> lets lanch a game
[00:09] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha
[00:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont fucking understand
[00:09] left_nut> lol
[00:09] [AsG]Warbeast> everyone lost pts to start at the some point
[00:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> DON_GATO IS THE BEST
[00:09] BlackHeart> bella
[00:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> nothing else
[00:09] BlackHeart> don gato is now our best player
[00:09] left_nut> bella stfu
[00:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[00:09] [AsG]Warbeast> in the season
[00:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[00:09] therapist in
[00:10] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[00:10] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:10] left_nut> don gate shaman
[00:10] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:10] left_nut> +++
[00:10] Don_Gato> Apocalypsis sup??
[00:10] left_nut> lol
[00:10] Funes> :o
[00:10] Funes> shaman+
[00:10] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:11] Right_nut_OP out
[00:11] therapist> WTF IS GOING ON
[00:11] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[00:11] Funes> what is this all about?
[00:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> SPIN GO TO BED
[00:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> ITS MIDNIGHT FOR YOU
[00:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> kids should go to bed :)
[00:12] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[00:12] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:12] [TSI]Ezra> half an hour
[00:12] [TSI]Ezra> Half an fuckin hour to find a game
[00:12] left_nut> check my stream out
[00:12] left_nut> new and improved
[00:12] [TSI]Ezra> and people just leave
[00:12] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[00:12] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[00:12] [TAS]PaperVu in
[00:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[00:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUK?
[00:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima go smoke
[00:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin weed join
[00:14] left_nut> anyone have link
[00:14] left_nut> to download full pop game
[00:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[00:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[00:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo has
[00:14] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:15] left_nut> spin do u have link?
[00:15] [TAS]PaperVu out
[00:15] Don_Gato> [TSI]Ezra why kick me???
[00:15] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> no matee
[00:15] [TSI]Ezra out
[00:15] [TSI]Ezra in
[00:16] [AsG]Warbeast> http://popms.net/en/downloads/programs/viewdownload/7-programs/49-populous-the-beginning
[00:16] [AsG]Warbeast> this?
[00:16] Ratchet> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor <--- Pop PS1 with my commentary, now on level 8, stream from PS2 running the original 1998 PS1 game
[00:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[00:16] [TSI]Ezra> what is happening jesus christ
[00:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go
[00:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[00:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> wom?
[00:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do wom in matts lag
[00:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> im playing with weed
[00:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> wil;l be fuunny blast trime
[00:17] [TSI]Ezra> lost my spot again such is life
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> rejoin then
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed spinn
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> u fuk
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> wom?
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt do wom
[00:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna laugh at how bad ur shamen is
[00:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:17] left_nut> sec
[00:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> black point
[00:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:18] BlackHeart out
[00:18] venetica out
[00:18] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:18] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[00:18] left_nut> im streaming
[00:18] [TSI]Ezra> inca is an absent god
[00:18] [TSI]Ezra> recipe for failure
[00:18] BlackHeart in
[00:19] venetica in
[00:19] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> go matt
[00:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[00:20] venetica out
[00:20] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:21] Funes> -.-
[00:21] left_nut out
[00:21] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:21] venetica in
[00:21] left_nut in
[00:22] therapist in
[00:22] left_nut> coming sec
[00:22] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> Weed
[00:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> got kicked
[00:23] venetica out
[00:23] therapist out
[00:23] left_nut> whose idea was it to change servers
[00:23] left_nut> its like we are on incas wifes fat ass
[00:23] left_nut> and lagging on the sags
[00:23] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:23] therapist out
[00:24] venetica in
[00:24] therapist in
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:25] left_nut> anyone check out my new stream
[00:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> longest loging in
[00:25] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast out
[00:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> of the world
[00:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:25] left_nut> spin the graphis on my stream are so good now
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed?
[00:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> let me check
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> this guys so fuking slow
[00:26] Don_Gato> bye bye
[00:26] [TAS]PaperVu in
[00:26] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast in
[00:26] Don_Gato out
[00:26] therapist> qr
[00:26] therapist> df
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[00:26] therapist> WTF
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> get in weed u annoying runt
[00:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> what is happening
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:27] Taity-mini in
[00:27] Taity-mini out
[00:27] left_nut> strwaming
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> GO MATT
[00:27] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[00:27] left_nut> come watch
[00:27] venetica out
[00:27] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast out
[00:27] therapist> this fuckin mm
[00:27] therapist> i swear
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[00:27] Taity-mini in
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> be patient
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> it will launch
[00:27] therapist> I AM FUCKIN IN
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:27] therapist> I HAVE BEEN IN
[00:27] therapist> FOR 45 SEC
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> outstanding
[00:28] left_nut> weed now u know
[00:28] Taity-mini out
[00:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> of the area
[00:28] left_nut> how we feel
[00:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:28] left_nut> whenu go and take a bong hit
[00:28] left_nut> u fucking fag
[00:28] venetica in
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> try laucnhing again matt
[00:28] left_nut> inca fucked this shit up bad
[00:28] left_nut> and u all allow him
[00:28] left_nut> to do this
[00:28] therapist> the
[00:28] BlackHeart out
[00:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> MLFMLFMLMAOO
[00:29] therapist> black bars
[00:29] left_nut> alll we need is a petition
[00:29] therapist> on both sides
[00:29] left_nut> to alacn
[00:29] therapist> is so fuckin annoying
[00:29] left_nut> to impeach inca
[00:29] left_nut> and alacn
[00:29] therapist> is real
[00:29] left_nut> can get someone else
[00:29] left_nut> to run this shit
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow weed launched after v2 mins
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> therapist - MapPack: OK
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> green day
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> WTF
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:29] left_nut> he has no ping
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> or dick
[00:30] therapist out
[00:30] left_nut> murder u tried to suck it didnt u
[00:30] left_nut> and was disappointed
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was ur gran
[00:30] [IC]GammaEnemy> i cant host anymore
[00:30] left_nut> so u licked his pussy
[00:30] left_nut> anyway
[00:30] [IC]GammaEnemy> :D
[00:30] left_nut> didnt u murder
[00:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> venom
[00:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> weeds spot
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> have u been reading my diary?
[00:30] left_nut> no tanyas
[00:30] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:30] left_nut> says she cant wait to leave u
[00:31] left_nut> :)
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> your diary reads like a menu at a resteruant
[00:31] [TAS]PaperVu out
[00:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[00:31] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:31] Bauxitic in
[00:31] left_nut> murder ur diary still has coke residue all in it
[00:32] [TAS]PaperVu in
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts gf had to roll over 4 times and she was still on top of him
[00:32] left_nut> u know u cant bring computers into prison murder
[00:32] left_nut> what will u do
[00:32] [IC]GammaEnemy> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[00:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooool
[00:32] Bauxitic out
[00:33] left_nut> tanya once pulled murder out her ass the crack head so thin
[00:33] venetica out
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts gf tryed to ride matt but burnt her ass on the lightbulb
[00:33] Ven0m> ok
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts so fat his blood type is gravy
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> op wait
[00:34] Ven0m> lOl
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> your italian
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> ragu
[00:34] left_nut> i tried to fuck tanya but took a full tank of gas just to get from the back to the front
[00:34] venetica in
[00:34] Ven0m> matt nice picture in your bathroom
[00:34] Ven0m> LOL
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> is it him in the bath
[00:34] left_nut> do u see how easy i pwn u
[00:34] left_nut> while in bath tub
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> there actualu only half a pint of water in that bath
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt fills the bath up
[00:34] venetica out
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> then turns the tap on
[00:35] left_nut> at least i dont have a cum covered baby
[00:35] left_nut> in my bathtub like u
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow fat peodo
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> runs out of shit to say
[00:35] Ven0m> LOlOLOLlo
[00:35] IsoElFace out
[00:35] left_nut> the only pedo is u
[00:35] left_nut> murder
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> resorts to peodo shit
[00:35] Ven0m> HhHAHhahaha
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima go bed
[00:35] left_nut> taking pics of naked cum ocvered babies
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[00:35] left_nut> lol
[00:35] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[00:35] left_nut> think he is amd
[00:36] venetica in
[00:37] left_nut> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ksuMJhtYUM&feature=youtu.be
[00:37] [IC]GammaEnemy in
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> cya
[00:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> back tomorrow
[00:38] [TAS]PaperVu> +1
[00:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[00:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt
[00:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> look
[00:39] left_nut> ?
[00:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://clips.twitch.tv/CorrectPuzzledBaguetteOptimizePrime
[00:39] thoughtseize in
[00:39] left_nut> thats not as good as mine
[00:40] IsoElFace in
[00:40] [IC]GammaEnemy> wtf no one can host me
[00:40] [IC]GammaEnemy> gg
[00:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> well ur is funnier
[00:40] [IC]GammaEnemy> xD
[00:40] left_nut> i thioink vhans
[00:40] left_nut> is the best
[00:40] left_nut> missin those blasts
[00:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> yep
[00:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> lopppppppppppppppplll
[00:42] therapist in
[00:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> comeback from worse
[00:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:43] therapist> dude
[00:43] Luke_OP in
[00:43] therapist> wrtf is this hsit
[00:43] agustinfrc in
[00:43] left_nut> weed
[00:43] therapist> the illegal nmet fix
[00:44] left_nut> u might be able
[00:44] left_nut> to be shaman
[00:44] left_nut> now
[00:44] left_nut> lmfommasomoamoaoao
[00:44] therapist> wasnt so good
[00:44] therapist> is rael
[00:44] agustinfrc out
[00:44] left_nut> watch out eveyrone
[00:44] left_nut> here comes shaman weed
[00:45] therapist> watch out everybody
[00:45] Luke_OP> Weed how does it feel
[00:45] therapist> matt is rollin out from mcdonalds
[00:45] therapist> u never know who he knowso ut like a bowling ball
[00:45] Luke_OP> Don Gato is a Shaman and yer not
[00:45] therapist> knocks out pins
[00:45] [IC]GammaEnemy> weed u got finally ur real rank?
[00:45] therapist> knock
[00:45] therapist> s
[00:45] therapist> im so fuckin high cant even type
[00:45] therapist> idm i havent playhed shit lately
[00:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[00:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> energy
[00:45] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im not only wildman
[00:45] left_nut> my nut sack knocks out ur moms pussy like pins weed
[00:45] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im wildman+
[00:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> drinking doesnt help
[00:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[00:46] left_nut> slapping on her taint
[00:46] Luke_OP> Weed sinkin his tears in alcohol
[00:47] [IC]GammaEnemy> he can cry?
[00:47] Luke_OP> "I was so close to shaman and now im back to wildmannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
[00:47] Luke_OP> "after so much workkkkkkk"
[00:47] [IC]GammaEnemy> haha
[00:47] [IC]GammaEnemy> :D
[00:48] [IC]GammaEnemy> oh wow ich kann hosten
[00:49] thoughtseize out
[00:50] Funes> -____________________-
[00:50] Funes> -__-
[00:50] Funes> -.-
[00:50] Funes> e_e
[00:50] [IC]GammaEnemy> xD
[00:50] [TSI]Ezra> ney is so fuckin great
[00:50] [TSI]Ezra> everyone should watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zLicyzaH5A
[00:51] thoughtseize in
[00:52] thoughtseize out
[00:52] Larisa_Dertsakyan> weed was closer to preacher
[00:52] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast in
[00:52] [IC]GammaEnemy> to spy
[00:52] [IC]GammaEnemy> *
[00:55] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[00:55] [SW]Babo> so close
[00:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> rm walls
[00:56] [SW]Babo> wtf 2am
[00:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bella babo?
[00:56] [SW]Arbrim> cmon some more SW games
[00:56] [SW]Arbrim> plz
[00:56] [TSI]Ezra> I need 3 games
[00:56] [TSI]Ezra> to get a rank
[00:57] [SW]Babo> too tired
[00:57] [SW]Babo> sorry
[00:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> so i lose over 100 points when i win and now i get 24 opints?
[00:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dot get this
[00:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> join
[00:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bella
[00:57] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and babo
[00:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> no sorry im gonna eat
[00:57] thoughtseize in
[00:59] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: that's just because it compared you to yesterday
[00:59] IncaWarrior> you actually gained points
[00:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> no
[00:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> i lost 100 point
[00:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> it says clearly
[00:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> i lost points
[00:59] IncaWarrior> compared to yesterday
[00:59] [SW]Arbrim> +2
[00:59] IncaWarrior> you did
[00:59] IncaWarrior> but everyone did
[00:59] IncaWarrior> well not bad players
[01:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> i lost 100+ points compared to yesterday?
[01:00] IncaWarrior> but all the good players lost points at midnight when the league reset
[01:01] IncaWarrior> everyone got reset to around 100 points
[01:01] IncaWarrior> +/-
[01:01] stagioni out
[01:02] IncaWarrior> depending on their previous rank
[01:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> omfg
[01:02] pataxo out
[01:02] [SW]Arbrim> bella
[01:02] [SW]Arbrim> will u play after u eat?
[01:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> probably not
[01:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> sorry
[01:02] [SW]Arbrim> np no way
[01:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> why isnt matts stream workign
[01:03] [SW]Babo> inca did you see matts new stream?
[01:04] [SW]Babo> [01:27] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[01:04] [SW]Babo> ban?
[01:04] IncaWarrior> man that guy has an unhealthy obsession with me
[01:05] [SW]Babo> lol he chats shit about you every time he types something
[01:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> is ur name keilin?
[01:05] [SW]Arbrim> + host
[01:05] [SW]Arbrim> kqyr mos po ja mush menn
[01:05] [SW]Arbrim> me lu
[01:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> how do u even pronounce that
[01:05] [SW]Arbrim> se sasht pun
[01:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> kee-lin?
[01:06] IncaWarrior> no, K-eye-lin
[01:06] [SW]Arbrim> seems no more games tonight
[01:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> thats even weirder
[01:07] [SW]Babo> inca was there any basic recalculation for the normal skill leagues?
[01:07] IncaWarrior> yes there was
[01:07] Luke_OP> Keilin what's the point of the league reset
[01:07] [SW]Babo> oh
[01:07] [SW]Babo> that explains it ty
[01:07] [SW]Arbrim> :(
[01:08] Luke_OP> lmao who are you to talk to me like that
[01:09] Ven0m> this update ruins everything
[01:09] IncaWarrior> EVERYTHING
[01:09] Ven0m> lose every fcking game
[01:09] Luke_OP> K-eye-lin is on drugs
[01:09] Ven0m> cant see wildmans anymore
[01:10] IncaWarrior> can't see them?
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> its hard to win as jugger
[01:10] Luke_OP> Looks like a trump supporter
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> dont worry
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> trump: TURN THE LIGHTS OFF
[01:10] IncaWarrior> pretty much everyone is wildman
[01:10] Funes> let me try
[01:10] Funes> as jugger
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> inca i lime that system
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> no big balls cause of ranks anymore
[01:10] [IC]GammaEnemy> kek
[01:11] Luke_OP> [02:08] Luke_OP> Keilin what's the point of the league reset
[01:11] Luke_OP> answer me bitch
[01:11] [SW]Babo> thats a lie gunny
[01:11] [SW]Babo> im shaman
[01:11] [SW]Babo> your war
[01:11] [SW]Babo> noob
[01:11] [IC]GammaEnemy> ur not a shaman
[01:11] [IC]GammaEnemy> ur wild
[01:11] [IC]GammaEnemy> xD
[01:12] Luke_OP out
[01:12] [SW]Babo> lol kicked luke
[01:12] [IC]GammaEnemy> matchmaker cant lie
[01:12] [IC]GammaEnemy> mein clan is kacke
[01:12] [IC]GammaEnemy> nie is wer on
[01:13] Luke_OP in
[01:13] Luke_OP> [7] Kicked out: respect personal info of others
[01:13] Ven0m> ich hab noch nie vorher IC gesehen
[01:13] [SW]Arbrim> looooooool
[01:13] [IC]GammaEnemy> xD super
[01:13] [IC]GammaEnemy> echt
[01:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOOOOOOOOOOL
[01:13] [SW]Arbrim> this inca is ...
[01:14] Luke_OP> Looks like matt was right when he talked about Hitler
[01:14] [SW]Arbrim> he hates his name
[01:14] IncaWarrior> I dislike stalkers
[01:14] Luke_OP> Dude don't say Inca respect his personal info
[01:14] [SW]Arbrim> Keilin lol, here a word that starts with K is
[01:14] [SW]Arbrim> Kar
[01:14] [SW]Arbrim> which means DIck
[01:14] Luke_OP> Oh wow ban
[01:14] Luke_OP> this guy just said Keilin
[01:14] Luke_OP> oh wait
[01:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> just permanently block him lol
[01:14] [SW]Arbrim> Kar and Keilin, sounding so similar here
[01:15] [SW]Arbrim> ntvertet hiq spo tingllojn qashtu
[01:15] [SW]Arbrim> po hajt me shajt pak se mut i madh asht
[01:15] [SW]Arbrim> IncaWarrior (real name Keilin) took over its development after ALACN departed the scene in 2008.
[01:15] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/03/14/meet-the-superfans-still-playing-populous-the-beginning/
[01:15] Luke_OP> Kelin whats going on with leagues
[01:16] IncaWarrior> see what I mean?
[01:16] IncaWarrior> 5 minutes and already people stalking me
[01:16] [SW]Arbrim> Keilin answer Luque
[01:16] IncaWarrior> nah
[01:16] Leuhan2015 in
[01:16] IncaWarrior> you can figure it out yourself
[01:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> keilin is mad
[01:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> but im still wondering why are u called keilin
[01:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> weirdest name
[01:17] Luke_OP> That's not how someone who rules a place is supposed to act Kelin
[01:17] [SW]Arbrim> +2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
[01:17] IncaWarrior out
[01:17] [SW]Arbrim> +2+@=2+@+@+@@+2+2+2+2+2@@+@+@+@+@=@2=2=2==@+@=@=@=@++@=@+@+@
[01:17] Luke_OP> Fuckin Kelin
[01:17] [SW]Arbrim> @+2+=@=@+@+@+2+@+2==2=+@+@+2=@+=@+@+@+2+@++@+@
[01:17] Luke_OP> spastic cunt
[01:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOL
[01:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> DID HE LEAVE
[01:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> this guy is gonna shoot up mm
[01:18] Luke_OP> He wasnt acting like a robot
[01:18] Luke_OP> I bet it wasnt him
[01:18] [SW]Arbrim> +@+2++@+@++@++@++@++@+@+@+@+@+@+2=2=2=@=@=@=2+@==@+@=2=2=2=2=2=2=2=2=
[01:18] Funes> im too fast , sorry
[01:18] Funes> xD
[01:18] [SW]Babo> i bet inca got a spy
[01:18] Luke_OP> Well this goes to Inca's spy
[01:18] Luke_OP> Keilin suck ma dick
[01:18] aidan9211 in
[01:18] [IC]GammaEnemy> who is keilin
[01:18] [SW]Arbrim> Inca
[01:19] Aphrodite_OP in
[01:19] [SW]Arbrim> [02:17] [SW]Arbrim> IncaWarrior (real name Keilin) took over its development after ALACN departed the scene in 2008.
[01:19] [SW]Arbrim> [02:17] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/03/14/meet-the-superfans-still-playing-populous-the-beginning/
[01:19] [IC]GammaEnemy> his name or what
[01:19] [IC]GammaEnemy> oh
[01:19] Funes> i saw vemon quit
[01:19] Funes> -.-
[01:19] Ven0m> ??
[01:19] Ven0m> i didnt quit
[01:19] Ven0m> i was in lobby
[01:20] Funes> :/
[01:20] Ven0m> venom* bttw
[01:20] Funes> got it
[01:20] aidan9211> Thanks everyone who showed up to play!! Special thanks to [AsG]Sub_Zero!!
[01:20] aidan9211> did Nub_Zero just thank himself?
[01:21] Don_Gato in
[01:21] Don_Gato> nothing
[01:22] Larisa_Dertsakyan> where aidan
[01:22] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i dont think so
[01:23] aidan9211> in the welcoming messaging
[01:23] aidan9211> messages*
[01:23] Larisa_Dertsakyan> how u know he wrote that?
[01:23] [TSI]Raion> i wrote it
[01:23] Larisa_Dertsakyan> :D
[01:23] [TSI]Raion> get rekt aidan
[01:23] Baxter> tournament people write those
[01:23] aidan9211> kind of souns like something he'd write
[01:23] [TSI]Raion> ;)
[01:24] aidan9211> aww im so rekt!!
[01:24] [TSI]Raion> ;D
[01:24] aidan9211> div, did you have a birthday party for nici?
[01:24] [TSI]Raion> baxter
[01:24] [TSI]Raion> are you gonna play now
[01:24] [TSI]Raion> laufeys
[01:24] Baxter> play what
[01:24] [TSI]Raion> pp
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> pop
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> ulous
[01:25] Baxter> lol no ty
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> not even 5 games
[01:25] Baxter> i would play lol if i had my old pc monitor
[01:25] Baxter> but i don't
[01:25] aidan9211> div v baxter.... did that old rivalry ever get settled?
[01:25] Baxter> and i'm too autistic to use a dif monitor
[01:25] Baxter> idk if we ever played 1 game vs each other lmao
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> baxter
[01:25] Larisa_Dertsakyan> yes it was something big and black and i gave him 2 of the same cuz he uses it alot
[01:25] Baxter> also i am on another level so sorry
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> ;)
[01:25] [TSI]Raion> lul
[01:26] Larisa_Dertsakyan> thats right a pair of big black shoes
[01:26] aidan9211> he needed them in fairness
[01:26] Larisa_Dertsakyan> me and baxter are a team
[01:26] Larisa_Dertsakyan> we never lost
[01:26] Baxter> omg remember that time
[01:26] aidan9211> but who carries and who supports on that team?
[01:26] Larisa_Dertsakyan> 2v2 us on LoL
[01:26] Baxter> on sessrumnir palace vs matt?
[01:26] Baxter> never forget
[01:26] [TSI]Raion> whaetver u guys are silver lol players
[01:26] Baxter> i still read my diary entry of that day
[01:26] [TSI]Raion> ;)
[01:26] aidan9211> matts here now.... maybe play him for old times sakes?
[01:26] Larisa_Dertsakyan> we both carry but hes solotop and im solobot
[01:26] Baxter> all the time
[01:27] aidan9211> who goes mid?
[01:27] Baxter> yes unlike when i duo with shao
[01:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> i didnt think wom games could last his long
[01:27] Baxter> he's supp and i'm carry in our pop team
[01:27] Larisa_Dertsakyan> but i heard supp is v important tho!
[01:27] aidan9211> classic ToM game
[01:27] Luke_OP out
[01:27] Baxter> yes i would lose without me sup :)!
[01:27] aidan9211> cant carry without support
[01:28] aidan9211> is it true matt can beat you both in a 2v1?
[01:28] [TSI]Raion> u played yet div
[01:28] [TSI]Raion> for 1 gam
[01:28] [TSI]Raion> e
[01:28] [SW]Arbrim out
[01:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i still remember the week i came back to pop
[01:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i played a pp game allied some noob
[01:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> got doubled and said "no ss ty"
[01:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> nd quitted
[01:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> :)
[01:29] [TSI]Raion> lol
[01:29] Baxter> lol
[01:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> no i havent played yet
[01:29] Baxter> i'll play pop when they put pings in
[01:29] aidan9211> Congratulations to our Arena Tournament winners: Divinity, Venom, Vegeta, CuteMammy
[01:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its a true story btw
[01:29] Baxter> pop needs pings
[01:29] aidan9211> div returns, win tourny
[01:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> no i returned years ago
[01:29] [TSI]Raion> div cant blast
[01:29] [TSI]Raion> sad
[01:29] [TSI]Raion> ;)
[01:29] aidan9211> div doesnt carge blasts i heard
[01:29] aidan9211> charge*
[01:30] aidan9211> only convert
[01:30] [TSI]Raion> he only charges own
[01:30] aidan9211> and flatten
[01:30] aidan9211> lol!
[01:30] aidan9211> div casts 'ownage'!
[01:30] Larisa_Dertsakyan> sorry guys someone had to win the first official tournament
[01:30] aidan9211> in fairness
[01:30] [TSI]Raion> who won
[01:30] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i wanted it to be vegeta
[01:30] aidan9211> div
[01:30] Larisa_Dertsakyan> but he fed
[01:30] Larisa_Dertsakyan> and suicided
[01:30] [TSI]Ezra> liar
[01:30] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> gato
[01:30] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> me das pena ajena
[01:30] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> haha
[01:31] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca how do u explain this shaman rank
[01:31] Don_Gato> calla perra
[01:31] aidan9211> divinity, are you still a moderator?
[01:31] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ban gato
[01:31] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> hahahaha
[01:31] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im admin with inca
[01:31] Larisa_Dertsakyan> want to ban someone?
[01:31] aidan9211> why are we all wildman and this fool is a shaman?
[01:31] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[01:31] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> gato fake shaman
[01:31] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> haha
[01:31] aidan9211> is he matt in disguise?
[01:31] aidan9211> uh oh, spinn rage quit
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gj warbeast
[01:32] aidan9211> hi alpha
[01:32] left_nut> did anyone see the spin and weed beat down
[01:32] aidan9211> delta back from the army?
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hi aidan
[01:32] left_nut> i was allied to a wildie
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he is in austalia now
[01:32] therapist out
[01:32] [AsG]Warbeast> :D
[01:32] aidan9211> did you host win matt?
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> matt
[01:32] [TSI]Ezra> we need to acknowledge
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> warbeast
[01:32] [TSI]Ezra> the superiority of don gato
[01:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> won the game
[01:32] Don_Gato> larisa why ban???
[01:32] left_nut> aiian i streamed
[01:32] left_nut> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ksuMJhtYUM&feature=youtu.be
[01:32] [TSI]Ezra> stop criticizing
[01:32] aidan9211> fair play to him alpha.... tell him i said hi
[01:33] aidan9211> and i want my pts back
[01:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ill do it
[01:33] aidan9211> plz
[01:33] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[01:33] left_nut> check it out my new stream
[01:33] aidan9211> new stream page?
[01:33] left_nut> yeah
[01:33] aidan9211> are they just host streams?
[01:33] Aphrodite_OP in
[01:33] left_nut> its a new start since theres new leagues
[01:34] aidan9211> its nici
[01:34] left_nut> want to show the noobs
[01:34] aidan9211> ahh ok
[01:34] aidan9211> you still leave shaman afk?
[01:34] Don_Gato> mazto chuparme las pelotas
[01:34] left_nut> i never left shaman afk
[01:34] left_nut> adian 1v1
[01:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[01:34] aidan9211> matt, 2v3?
[01:34] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[01:35] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill
[01:35] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[01:35] [TSI]Ezra> he has 263 points
[01:35] [TSI]Ezra> lel
[01:35] [TSI]Ezra> everyone has more than that
[01:35] [TSI]Ezra> i'm pretty sure
[01:36] Aphrodite_OP out
[01:36] [AsG]Warbeast> play 10 games and u will be 1st place and shaman rank ;-)
[01:36] Don_Gato> I'm with a slow computer
[01:37] aidan9211> matt, how come 29 other people are ahead of you in the leagues?
[01:37] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ye wtf only 29?
[01:37] [TSI]Ezra> isn't it 5 games?
[01:38] [TSI]Ezra> how do you know that?
[01:38] [AsG]Warbeast> 10
[01:38] IsoElFace out
[01:38] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast in
[01:38] [AsG]Warbeast> it always were 10
[01:38] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?monthly
[01:38] Larisa_Dertsakyan> but gato played 4
[01:38] [TSI]Ezra> I mean
[01:38] Don_Gato> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-xGerv5FOk
[01:38] [TSI]Ezra> aidan
[01:38] [TSI]Ezra> how do you know 29 people are ahead of matt?
[01:39] [TSI]Ezra> oh nvm
[01:39] [TSI]Ezra> but isn't that traditional points?
[01:39] [TSI]Ezra> just counts win tbh
[01:39] [AsG]Warbeast> and mm shows u anyway how much u need to play for ranking
[01:39] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast out
[01:39] [TSI]Ezra> i'm one of the top ranks actually, this is funny
[01:40] [TSI]Ezra> how low can the skill level of this community sink?
[01:40] Don_Gato> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i2khp_npdE
[01:40] Ven0m> ich hatte 2 pop trotzdem nur wegen mir win jaja
[01:40] Ven0m> ich bin ohne spells in seiner base er quittet
[01:40] Ven0m> lol
[01:41] Funes> two blasts decided game
[01:41] Funes> :/
[01:41] [IC]GammaEnemy> haha xD
[01:41] [IC]GammaEnemy> like i aid i diddnt play since 2 month
[01:41] Funes> vene neve use any spells
[01:41] Funes> xD
[01:41] Funes> charging all for nothing
[01:42] [IC]GammaEnemy> she did
[01:42] [IC]GammaEnemy> lb
[01:42] Funes> so i guees why people hate
[01:42] [AsG]Warbeast out
[01:42] Funes> when someone quit
[01:42] [AsG]Warbeast in
[01:42] [IC]GammaEnemy> she made land
[01:42] Ven0m> vene richtig savage bin abgeschnitten 2 pop sie macht erstmal lb für ihr expanding
[01:42] Funes> i mean, she never user any spells against me
[01:42] left_nut> venom
[01:42] left_nut> open up
[01:42] [IC]GammaEnemy> well she lighted u too xD
[01:43] [IC]GammaEnemy> saved me like 2 times
[01:43] [IC]GammaEnemy> when u walked in m base
[01:43] Funes> :/ i should have killed her first
[01:43] [IC]GammaEnemy> yea
[01:44] [IC]GammaEnemy> she had best shaman skills of us (our team) my opinion
[01:44] thoughtseize out
[01:44] [TSI]Ezra> why are you launching this unrank?
[01:44] Leuhan2015 out
[01:44] Hasta_Cuando in
[01:44] Funes> :/
[01:45] Funes> a beast with lights there
[01:45] [TSI]Ezra> launch this rank ffs
[01:45] [IC]GammaEnemy> xD
[01:45] [IC]GammaEnemy> my troops wasnt that bad too
[01:45] [IC]GammaEnemy> :3
[01:46] Ven0m out
[01:47] [TSI]Ezra out
[01:47] [TSI]Ezra in
[01:48] [TSI]Ezra> y,y
[01:57] [IC]GammaEnemy out
[01:57] venetica out
[02:00] King_Barbarian23 in
[02:01] IncaWarrior in
[02:02] [SW]Babo> gn nerds
[02:02] [SW]Babo out
[02:03] King_Barbarian23> Kikyo join.
[02:05] Aphrodite_OP out
[02:05] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[02:09] Ratchet> replay of 2 hour 30 min stream of my playthrough of Pop PS1 original with commentary: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/155897770
[02:09] IncaWarrior> graphics sure are better on PC
[02:09] Funes> inca
[02:09] [TSI]Ezra> ps sucks
[02:09] Funes> what is this all about?
[02:09] Funes> im lost
[02:09] IncaWarrior> that was pretty cool seeing how it compares
[02:09] IncaWarrior> Funes: have you read popre.net?
[02:09] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[02:10] [TSI]Ezra> ok +1
[02:11] aidan9211> inca, do you prefer pc pop or ps1 pop?
[02:11] Ratchet> i have no idea
[02:11] Ratchet> how im going to complete levels 11-25
[02:11] Ratchet> it's so hard to move stuff and click stuff
[02:11] IncaWarrior> I've never tried ps1 pop, but I imagine pc
[02:11] Hasta_Cuando> anyways was izi
[02:11] IncaWarrior> looks pretty awkward with the mouse still there
[02:11] Hasta_Cuando> instead of no clicking
[02:11] [TSI]Ezra> what is wrong
[02:11] [TSI]Ezra> with your ping vegeta
[02:11] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[02:11] Ratchet> you can use the analogue stick which helps a bit
[02:12] IncaWarrior> was definitely a pc game that they tried to make work
[02:12] morta in
[02:12] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> vengan
[02:12] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> aver perras
[02:12] aidan9211> inifintie blast.... ban inca
[02:12] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> con un host de vrd
[02:12] aidan9211> no ps1 hacks
[02:12] [TSI]Ezra> .....
[02:12] [TSI]Ezra> don't leave while the game isbeing launched ffs
[02:12] Ratchet> see the blasts omfg, if you do it right you can cast them as frequently as automatic bullets
[02:13] aidan9211> ratch, which do you prefer?
[02:13] King_Barbarian23> BadAzzlo
[02:13] King_Barbarian23> hablas español
[02:13] aidan9211> ratch, do you know addi?
[02:13] left_nut> adian
[02:13] left_nut> did u watch my last stream
[02:13] Ratchet> only on here do i know him
[02:13] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[02:14] Ratchet> PC seems more fun
[02:14] Funes> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[02:14] left_nut> don gato lagged it
[02:14] Funes> craters
[02:14] left_nut> whne i side him
[02:14] left_nut> +2
[02:14] Ratchet> it's like PC pop has morphed into PS1 Red Alert
[02:14] [TSI]Ezra out
[02:14] aidan9211> classic don gato.... he cheats
[02:14] King_Barbarian23> +2
[02:14] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> hahaha
[02:14] King_Barbarian23> yes
[02:14] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> aidan u know
[02:14] left_nut> how is that not an appropriate stream name inca?
[02:14] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> xDDD
[02:14] [TSI]Ezra in
[02:14] aidan9211> at least inca didnt hack you though... right>]?
[02:14] King_Barbarian23> don gato use python is a hack
[02:15] King_Barbarian23> him have infinite spells
[02:15] Funes> oye chamo
[02:15] [TAS]PaperVu out
[02:15] King_Barbarian23> is the reason to pro
[02:15] Funes> tu no cambias
[02:15] Funes> no
[02:15] King_Barbarian23> Obvious impossible win him.
[02:15] King_Barbarian23> with hacker
[02:15] King_Barbarian23> him need ban.
[02:15] Don_Gato> python not hack
[02:16] King_Barbarian23> Python 2.3 is a hack
[02:16] aidan9211> inca... maybe you should use the voice over guy from ps1 to deliver the popre welcoming messages?
[02:16] [TSI]Ezra> ok it is working
[02:16] [TSI]Ezra> i got ping
[02:16] Baxter out
[02:16] King_Barbarian23> you have shaman live infinite
[02:16] Ratchet> why
[02:16] Ratchet> on earth
[02:16] Don_Gato> hahhaa
[02:16] aidan9211> matt, i ddint watch it... but i will when i get a chance
[02:16] aidan9211> too much going on here
[02:16] Ratchet> did they remove that narrator guy from the PC version
[02:16] Ratchet> what the fuck
[02:16] Ratchet> he was awesome
[02:16] Don_Gato> estas loco
[02:16] King_Barbarian23> Caro que si
[02:16] King_Barbarian23> en estos dias en el blast war
[02:17] Don_Gato> no s puede usar hack
[02:17] aidan9211> like, if we implemnt ps1 controls, nici wont be able to use blast trick? huh inca? possibility?
[02:17] Don_Gato> ya lo intente y no se puede
[02:17] King_Barbarian23> nunca morias y tenias blast infinito
[02:17] King_Barbarian23> asi q no me putees la cara
[02:17] aidan9211> also, more sfxs from ps1 maybe?
[02:17] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> gato veni
[02:17] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> aver
[02:17] Don_Gato> de que hablas
[02:17] Funes> si hubieras un hack asi, ya lo hubieran usado
[02:17] Don_Gato> no entiendo
[02:17] Funes> desde antes
[02:17] Funes> --___-
[02:17] aidan9211> ratch, how do you rotate huts on ps1?
[02:18] Ratchet> aidan: no freakin idea
[02:18] Ratchet> i pressed everything
[02:18] Ratchet> im not even sure if you can
[02:18] Don_Gato> se cierra el juego cuando se usa hack
[02:18] Don_Gato> mowgli tiene razon
[02:18] King_Barbarian23> Python is a hack unknow Mierda como se diga
[02:19] Don_Gato> jajajaja
[02:19] Don_Gato> entonces redwarrior es hackero
[02:19] King_Barbarian23> Unkoño
[02:19] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast> gato tienes fama de ser fake y un puto dsfgh
[02:19] Don_Gato> o minibot
[02:19] aidan9211> when i first started playing pop it was on ps1 and when i moved to pc i didnt know it was possible to rotate buildings, only after a month or so of playing online i found out how to do it
[02:19] morta out
[02:19] King_Barbarian23> No redwarrior el solo es un bot
[02:19] King_Barbarian23> osea es un robot
[02:19] King_Barbarian23> la computa se usa sola
[02:19] Don_Gato> si esta usando python redwarrior
[02:20] King_Barbarian23> el no usa puthon
[02:20] Don_Gato> python lo hace todo
[02:20] King_Barbarian23> python*
[02:20] Don_Gato> hahaha
[02:20] Don_Gato> estas loco wey
[02:20] morta in
[02:20] Funes> xD
[02:20] Don_Gato> todo bot usa python
[02:20] aidan9211> ratch, do you know the cheat code for pop ps1?
[02:20] [AsG]Warbeast in
[02:20] [TSI]Ezra> +2
[02:20] Funes> chamo
[02:20] [TSI]Ezra> +++2
[02:20] Funes> das risa
[02:20] Funes> xD
[02:20] [TSI]Ezra> ++2
[02:20] Ratchet> i think in the first level if you click every tree it activates something
[02:20] Taity-mini in
[02:20] Ratchet> but can't remember what
[02:20] Hasta_Cuando> gato
[02:20] King_Barbarian23> Soy un serhumano no como mowgli el dice que se llama pepe y viene de marte q en pronto os vai a dominar.
[02:20] Hasta_Cuando> deja de joder y ven para aca
[02:20] Hasta_Cuando> lame anos
[02:20] Don_Gato> mowgli como se caga de risa por ser retrasado
[02:20] Ratchet> taity-mini = present for you: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/155897770
[02:21] Ratchet> filmed earlier tonight
[02:21] [AsG]Warbeast out
[02:21] aidan9211> yea.... thats the code for all the levels lol
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> cabros
[02:21] Funes> el chamo es chavista
[02:21] Don_Gato> ya me ire en un rato
[02:21] Funes> xD
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> mañana es la final
[02:21] aidan9211> click every tree haha
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> CHILE-ALEMANIA
[02:21] aidan9211> bizzare
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> supongo que nuestros hermanos sudamericanos nos apoyaran contra la mafia europea
[02:21] King_Barbarian23> Vamos alemania
[02:21] Taity-mini> oh sweet I have that version as well - my ps1 is still running after these years too
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> quiero hacer una encuesta
[02:21] Ratchet> im trying to export to youtube but it's coming up an error
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> quien quiere que gane mañana
[02:21] [TSI]Ezra> +1
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> CHile o Alemania
[02:22] Ratchet> ill try again tomorrow in case it's server cache
[02:22] Don_Gato> vamos sigue hablando que me das risa
[02:22] IncaWarrior> maybe you can play ps1 multiplayer pop
[02:22] King_Barbarian23> Yo apoyo a alemania asi que pudrete a comer huevadas
[02:22] Taity-mini> took a whole memory card (1MB) to store the save file though
[02:22] aidan9211> yea
[02:22] Funes> pq me hablas asi
[02:22] Don_Gato> [20:22] King_Barbarian23> Yo apoyo a alemania asi que pudrete a comer huevadas
[02:22] Funes> chamo
[02:22] Funes> :(
[02:22] aidan9211> needed to leave my ps1 on all night to save a game
[02:22] Hasta_Cuando> y tu gatito?
[02:22] Hasta_Cuando> supongo que apoyas a chile ono?
[02:22] Don_Gato> me da mucha risa ese wey apocapto
[02:22] Funes> antes eras cvr
[02:22] Hasta_Cuando> no creo que seas parte del subdesarrollo latinoamericano
[02:22] King_Barbarian23> N Word ass mind sentuary of shit.
[02:22] Hasta_Cuando> como colombia o peru o bolivia
[02:22] aidan9211> inca, when did you start playing pop?
[02:23] Hasta_Cuando> por eso creo que chile no esta bien en sudamerica
[02:23] IncaWarrior> 2000
[02:23] Hasta_Cuando> chile deberia estasr donde estan las potencias
[02:23] Hasta_Cuando> no donde estan los envidiosos subdesarrollados
[02:23] Don_Gato> de un solo pedo te mueres
[02:23] aidan9211> how did you find playing it?
[02:23] aidan9211> frustrating, chalenging, fun, etc?
[02:23] King_Barbarian23> Chupa webo
[02:23] [TSI]Ezra> join here again
[02:23] IncaWarrior> I found it fun
[02:24] Hasta_Cuando> por desgracia nos tocaron estos vecinos indios
[02:24] [TSI]Ezra> and lets do another map then
[02:24] IncaWarrior> I even bought the expansion
[02:24] aidan9211> same
[02:24] aidan9211> wtf
[02:24] aidan9211> what expansion?
[02:24] King_Barbarian23> Te salistes de tu culo.
[02:24] aidan9211> AoC?
[02:24] IncaWarrior> Undiscovered Worlds
[02:24] aidan9211> i thought all those mods were fan made
[02:25] IncaWarrior> not UW
[02:25] Funes out
[02:25] King_Barbarian23> +1
[02:25] King_Barbarian23> Despacito deja que te una moskikyo
[02:25] aidan9211> did not know that....
[02:26] Hasta_Cuando out
[02:26] aidan9211> inca, whats the deal with everyone being a wildman rank?
[02:26] [TSI]Ezra out
[02:26] IncaWarrior> aidan9211: check out popre.net
[02:26] [TSI]Ezra in
[02:26] [TSI]Ezra> lol what
[02:27] [TSI]Ezra> is it 6 games
[02:27] [TSI]Ezra> to receive a rank?
[02:27] IncaWarrior> 5
[02:27] King_Barbarian23> 4
[02:27] King_Barbarian23> I need
[02:27] King_Barbarian23> 4
[02:28] Taity-mini> I bought the big box versions of the game on ebay for £20 a couple of years back: http://oi58.tinypic.com/zu3890.jpg
[02:28] [TSI]Ezra> it is saying "play 3 more games"
[02:28] [TSI]Ezra> and I have 3 games already
[02:28] IncaWarrior> Is that the PS1 version on the right?
[02:28] Ratchet> aw excellent :)
[02:29] aidan9211> ah ok, cool.... what happens if i ally a noob by mistake and get no pts?
[02:29] aidan9211> does it take into consideration how well i played in the game?
[02:29] Taity-mini> the one on the right is pc - the one without a cover is the ps1 version as it's a copy
[02:29] Ratchet> taity: see if you see popre forums you can see my post of the japanese version i got whilst in Tokyo
[02:29] IncaWarrior> depends if you win aidan9211
[02:29] IncaWarrior> japanese version sucks
[02:29] IncaWarrior> makes the heads resync
[02:29] [TSI]Ezra> you get bambozzled
[02:30] [TSI]Ezra> Inca, when will we be getting spells based on water?
[02:30] IncaWarrior> like erode?
[02:30] Taity-mini> oh yeah I saw that as well. Actually the disk on the right is how I found out this game way back in 2000 - it's the demo disk out of a PC mag
[02:30] aidan9211> ok, so i could ally a noob 5 times and lose and be brave rank.... but then if i play 1v1 and ally decent players i could make a fortune in pts?
[02:30] King_Barbarian23> Inca warrior no say fuck,motherfucker, fucking, idiot, fucker, Mother's pussy.
[02:30] [TSI]Ezra> No I mean like a spell that throws water
[02:31] [TSI]Ezra> or a tsunami
[02:31] [TSI]Ezra> that interacts with the sea
[02:31] IncaWarrior> I found the demo in sim city
[02:31] [TSI]Raion> i wonder why the person who made sess made it flat as hell
[02:31] [TSI]Raion> and didnt add like a small thickness to the land
[02:31] King_Barbarian23> Inca is the maker of this game?
[02:31] IncaWarrior> aidan9211: how do you ally people in 1v1?
[02:31] IncaWarrior> King_Barbarian23: no
[02:31] King_Barbarian23> creator*
[02:31] [TSI]Raion> i wonder if thats on purpose
[02:31] King_Barbarian23> mno?
[02:31] King_Barbarian23> no?
[02:31] King_Barbarian23> The gabber?
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> no
[02:32] aidan9211> i didnt say i would ally in 1v1s
[02:32] Taity-mini> and now I've got a first class honours in my computing science degree because of finding out about this game :P
[02:32] IncaWarrior> that's actually one of the warnings you get if you upload a map
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> its just random thought
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> lol
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> i was wondering that
[02:32] IncaWarrior> if it doesn't have enough variation in height
[02:32] aidan9211> i said play 1v1s or ally decent players
[02:32] IncaWarrior> Taity-mini: nice
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> well i just feel like that was most overlooekd part
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> am i wrong
[02:32] [TSI]Ezra> inca you didn't answer my question
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> or what
[02:32] [TSI]Ezra> i'm feeling insulted
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> but if the creator wanted it to be fast kill
[02:32] [TSI]Raion> he would make it really flat so i duno
[02:32] aidan9211> sess mid is raised
[02:33] IncaWarrior> which one Ezra?
[02:33] aidan9211> and you get 2 high hills in your sess base
[02:33] [TSI]Ezra> is it possible to get a spell like a tsunami
[02:33] King_Barbarian23> Bullfrog is the creator?
[02:33] aidan9211> tbh
[02:33] [TSI]Raion> yea they dont do anything tho
[02:33] aidan9211> ezra
[02:33] aidan9211> cast tornado in the water
[02:33] Taity-mini> thanks, I would not have started learning how to code without pop so :)
[02:33] [TSI]Raion> they can be 3 foot outside ur base and cast eq
[02:33] IncaWarrior> Ezra: maybe, but no one's working on adding any spells
[02:33] [TSI]Raion> the trees dont grow back
[02:33] [TSI]Ezra> or anything that interacts with the sea, instead of sinking land just increasing the sea level. I don't think it would be too hard of a change but the behavior wouldn't be as random as an earthquake
[02:34] [TSI]Ezra> not sure if I was clear
[02:34] [TSI]Ezra> oh
[02:34] King_Barbarian23> inca you can ban don gato him is use hacks
[02:34] aidan9211> inca, where you really excited when you found the ghosts spell in the pop files?
[02:34] IncaWarrior> that'd be a pretty major change
[02:34] [TSI]Ezra> kek this king barbarian guy
[02:34] aidan9211> were*
[02:34] IncaWarrior> aidan9211: the ghosts spell is in multiplayer already
[02:34] King_Barbarian23> him have extra mana}
[02:34] IncaWarrior> King_Barbarian23: the game would resync if he did
[02:35] aidan9211> but did anyone really play multiplayer back in the day? before popre?
[02:35] [TSI]Raion> i wonder if that would help from being disconnected from mid
[02:35] IncaWarrior> yes, EA had a MM
[02:35] [TSI]Raion> that gay strat
[02:35] [TSI]Ezra> Inca, I don't mean sea level in general I mean the shore. Like when you flatten and the sea just advance, something like that except that it would work in a sort of conical shape and would sink part of the land
[02:35] [TSI]Raion> if the lanes were a little thicker
[02:35] aidan9211> was it good/popular?
[02:35] [TSI]Ezra> and "sending water" to damage structures nearby
[02:35] [TSI]Ezra> idk I think it would be pretty cool
[02:35] IncaWarrior> once popre took over it became a lot more popular
[02:36] IncaWarrior> Ezra: water doesn't really work that way in pop
[02:36] [TSI]Raion> water is death
[02:36] IncaWarrior> would have to be lava
[02:36] [TSI]Raion> :D
[02:36] [TSI]Ezra> couldn't you just work it as lava but place it in a sea texture?
[02:36] left_nut> ezra
[02:36] left_nut> the spell ur looking for
[02:36] IncaWarrior> I don't think it would be that simple
[02:36] Larisa_Dertsakyan> so would be a conical water flatten
[02:36] left_nut> is erode
[02:36] left_nut> u send water
[02:37] Taity-mini> aidan9211: here's a screenshot of a EA mm launcher: http://poptb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ldza5fU.png
[02:37] left_nut> to detroy structures
[02:37] [TSI]Ezra> erode is the closest one
[02:37] Larisa_Dertsakyan> did you know erode can create land from water
[02:37] [TSI]Ezra> but I wanted something rather different
[02:37] IncaWarrior> Taity-mini: and that's not even the original
[02:37] IncaWarrior> that's the upgraded version CDPlayer made
[02:37] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast out
[02:38] aidan9211> yea i seen that before.... that was a pretty cool set up for mm
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> yeah
[02:38] Don_Gato> jose
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> get that back Inca
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> much better than these odd huts
[02:38] aidan9211> very witty and relevant imo
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> we want real huts
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> make avatars too
[02:38] Taity-mini> yeah I briefly remember going on the EA one but the connection was to unstable to play. Is there any screenshots of the EA one around?
[02:38] IncaWarrior> Ezra: but you could only have two 4player games
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> at once?
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> so you couldn't fill the hut, launch and fill again?
[02:38] IncaWarrior> you could
[02:38] [TSI]Raion> ea wasnt good
[02:38] IncaWarrior> but they also had to be filled in order
[02:38] [TSI]Raion> annoying flash site
[02:38] [TSI]Ezra> ea was never good
[02:38] IncaWarrior> first person was host
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> scared the shit outta me everytime it loaded
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> with that top sidebar
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> lmao
[02:39] IncaWarrior> that loud autoplay thing sliding down
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> yea
[02:39] IncaWarrior> with the giant button
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> all the butons
[02:39] [TSI]Ezra> damn that messenger on the taskbar
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> lol
[02:39] [TSI]Ezra> I miss messenger
[02:39] [TSI]Raion> its funny how that was high tech then
[02:40] [TSI]Raion> now we just have small banners and slideshows
[02:40] [TSI]Raion> pretty much all sites lately
[02:40] [TSI]Raion> that old banner angelfire style is rip
[02:40] [TSI]Ezra> why people censored the conversation?
[02:40] [TSI]Ezra> oh my, I found an old angelfire rpg maker brazilian site link
[02:40] [TSI]Ezra> and it wasn't working
[02:40] [TSI]Ezra> shattered my heart
[02:41] [TSI]Raion> just use waybackmachine
[02:41] [TSI]Raion> i think thats what its called
[02:41] [TSI]Ezra> the thing is not not being able to acess it
[02:41] [TSI]Ezra> but rather that it died
[02:41] [TSI]Ezra> geocities too
[02:41] Taity-mini> yeah paste the link here: archive.org
[02:41] [TSI]Raion> :D
[02:42] Taity-mini> its where I found most of those resources for my site tbh
[02:42] [TSI]Raion> i liked mplayer more then because it had like picture avatars
[02:42] [TSI]Raion> lol
[02:42] [TSI]Raion> plus i felt like ea crashed alot or sth
[02:42] [TSI]Raion> i cant remember
[02:43] [TSI]Ezra> comfy dyas
[02:43] IncaWarrior> the server went down a lot
[02:43] [TSI]Raion> trees dont come back on damaged land right
[02:43] [TSI]Ezra> no they don't
[02:43] [TSI]Raion> makes skinner base crappier
[02:43] IncaWarrior> or the file server wouldn't let you load the MM
[02:44] [TSI]Raion> yea is mplayer gamespy now?
[02:44] [TSI]Raion> or did they just die off
[02:44] [TSI]Raion> lol
[02:44] IncaWarrior> I think they merged and died off
[02:44] IncaWarrior> gamespy shut down
[02:44] [TSI]Ezra> is gamespy still working?
[02:44] [TSI]Ezra> damn
[02:44] [TSI]Raion> oh shit
[02:45] [TSI]Raion> but even then i felt like i had to wait forever for 1 game
[02:45] [TSI]Raion> in there
[02:45] IncaWarrior> kinda sad after all they'd done for pop
[02:45] [TSI]Raion> lmao
[02:45] IncaWarrior> hosted popre for a few years
[02:45] [TSI]Raion> oh dang
[02:45] [TSI]Ezra> Defunct February 21, 2013
[02:45] [TSI]Ezra> damn I didn't even mounr it
[02:45] [TSI]Ezra> mourn*
[02:46] [TSI]Raion> i mustve signed up here
[02:46] [TSI]Raion> trying to find it the next year
[02:46] [TSI]Raion> or sth
[02:47] aidan9211 out
[02:47] [TSI]Raion> but i probably didnt play from like
[02:47] [TSI]Raion> 2001-2 to 2004
[02:48] [TSI]Raion> i probably started in like 2001 too cuz i just used to do ip
[02:48] [TSI]Raion> with a friend
[02:48] [TSI]Raion> then try to sign on and it wouldnt work
[02:48] [TSI]Raion> lol
[02:48] [TSI]Ezra> I barely played online before 2010
[02:48] [TSI]Ezra> I had a shit internet and all I got was MMO
[02:48] [TSI]Ezra> or turn-based stuff
[02:48] [TSI]Raion> yea games where lag isn't that important.
[02:49] Taity-mini> see y'all later :)
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra> there was a cool 3D brazilian game like worms, but it was released way before the 3D worms version
[02:49] [TSI]Raion> cya
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra> I wasted insane amounts of time there
[02:49] Taity-mini out
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra> it had a scarce community
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra> like pop
[02:49] aegis5115 in
[02:49] aegis5115 out
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra> but it was even more scarce, I guess we had like 20 active players
[02:50] [TSI]Ezra> in the early days it was thousands of players, but after the decadence of lan houses
[02:50] [TSI]Ezra> the game lost its powers
[02:50] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast in
[02:50] [TSI]Raion> AMPmaster never signed up here?
[02:51] [TSI]Ezra> hey vegeta did you receive my Pms?
[02:52] IncaWarrior> I don't think so
[02:52] [SW]BadAzzlo-Beast out
[03:00] Abstinencia in
[03:01] IncaWarrior in
[03:01] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i was the best ea player my nick was 555648
[03:01] [TSI]Ezra> EA sucks
[03:01] [TSI]Ezra> death to ea games
[03:01] Larisa_Dertsakyan> only 90 kids remember
[03:01] IncaWarrior out
[03:07] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[03:09] 7ZaveX_TAS> hahaha Wilds unite!
[03:09] [TSI]Ezra out
[03:09] King_Barbarian23> How you stupid!!
[03:09] 7ZaveX_TAS> the barbarian tribe is here!
[03:10] King_Barbarian23> Nah you're a fucking idiot
[03:10] left_nut out
[03:10] [TSI]Raion> ya know its weird that i had this land coming up around arena effect now tha tive played more
[03:10] [TSI]Raion> i realized loading the wildmen from converts takes load time
[03:10] [TSI]Raion> but i guess loading both isnt using much pc
[03:10] [TSI]Raion> so its not really tha tbig of a deal
[03:11] Ratchet> [TSI]Ezra> EA sucks
[03:12] travis085374 in
[03:12] [TSI]Raion> overload of stuff on pop causes weird issues i think
[03:12] Ratchet> E like sucks this ball here, and then the A sucks the other ball here, so basically the E and the A are just sucking both my balls
[03:12] Ratchet> as teh_pwnerer would say
[03:12] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[03:12] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[03:13] [TSI]Raion> so basically with wargs building mod thingy as long as the building stays in same square its ment to be on, you just changed each square
[03:13] [TSI]Raion> havnt used it
[03:13] King_Barbarian23 out
[03:13] travis085374 out
[03:14] King_Barbarian23 in
[03:14] travis085374 in
[03:14] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[03:15] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[03:15] travis085374 out
[03:15] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[03:16] travis085374 in
[03:17] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[03:17] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[03:17] travis085374> join
[03:18] Abstinencia out
[03:18] Ratchet> i might try streaming something from my Wii U tomorrow
[03:18] King_Barbarian23 out
[03:19] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[03:19] King_Barbarian23 in
[03:21] Devastation in
[03:22] [TSI]Raion> you play pop 3 on your wii?
[03:22] [TSI]Raion> hahah ;D
[03:22] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[03:22] Ratchet> that'd be a heavy challenge
[03:22] travis085374> who wanna match?
[03:22] IncaWarrior> MAYBE
[03:22] Ratchet> maybe Freedom Planet
[03:22] Ratchet> haven't played that in a while
[03:23] IncaWarrior> the pointing sticks might work for it
[03:24] [TSI]Raion out
[03:24] travis085374> who wanna match? :) Join
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> fuck inca
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> sort this port test
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> this is why you should not update
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> we cant even play games
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> what is the point of mm here now
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> we cant even lunahc games
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> this mm is not a chat tool for us
[03:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> its for playing pop here.
[03:24] morta out
[03:24] [TSI]Raion in
[03:25] King_Barbarian23 in
[03:25] King_Barbarian23 out
[03:25] King_Barbarian23> Inca Banned To Apocalypsis_TAS reason, insult you!!!
[03:26] King_Barbarian23 out
[03:27] King_Barbarian23 in
[03:29] left_nut in
[03:31] IncaWarrior> Apocalypsis_TAS: I think port test issue is something to do with the new server
[03:31] IncaWarrior> hopefully we can switch to a better one
[03:37] Devastation out
[03:42] Don_Gato out
[03:48] King_Barbarian23> shit
[03:48] travis085374> 1 at 0
[03:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[03:48] travis085374> new? :)
[03:48] travis085374> gg
[03:48] King_Barbarian23> lol
[03:48] King_Barbarian23> no}
[03:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> omg
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> new server
[03:49] King_Barbarian23> why kick me
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> why did you have to do that
[03:49] travis085374> what?
[03:49] IncaWarrior> old server shut down
[03:49] King_Barbarian23> you uit me
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> lucidchat ?
[03:49] King_Barbarian23> come
[03:49] King_Barbarian23> host here
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> oh which server do you mean
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> popre's or IRC
[03:49] IncaWarrior> IRC server
[03:49] Apocalypsis_TAS> well why dont you use freequest
[03:50] IncaWarrior> we are
[03:50] Apocalypsis_TAS> are you sure
[03:50] IncaWarrior> yes
[03:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> what about quakenet then
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> at least you had to test on freequest
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> or
[03:53] IncaWarrior> I did
[03:53] IncaWarrior> but it worked with only a couple
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> the portest has been done on host name
[03:53] IncaWarrior> trying a new one tonight
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> fine
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> at least you should have sent an annouce then
[03:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> it changes all of sudden
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> this why your update is not reliable
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> this is why *
[03:54] IncaWarrior> ?
[03:54] IncaWarrior> I don't control it
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> well
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> i know IRC is not controlable
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> but you could share the risk
[03:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> by changing server
[03:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> brb a game
[03:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> .
[03:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> we were going to attack no one
[03:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> :D
[03:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> lets eq empty base together
[03:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[04:03] coadmay in
[04:03] coadmay out
[04:08] King_Barbarian23> gg
[04:12] King_Barbarian23> I can host
[04:12] King_Barbarian23> I have a good map
[04:14] King_Barbarian23> let me host
[04:16] [TAS]PaperVu in
[04:18] [TSI]Ezra in
[04:18] Apocalypsis_TAS> at least you start to learn to def
[04:18] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[04:27] Ratchet out
[04:31] [IC]Dalton822 in
[04:32] [IC]Dalton822 out
[04:33] morta in
[04:34] King_Barbarian23> gg
[04:34] King_Barbarian23> 2 at 1
[04:38] King_Barbarian23 out
[04:38] King_Barbarian23 in
[04:41] Hasta_Cuando in
[04:41] King_Barbarian23> wai
[04:41] King_Barbarian23> wait
[04:43] morta out
[04:50] brunobariloche in
[04:50] brunobariloche out
[04:54] Xile_TN out
[05:01] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[05:03] King_Barbarian23> 3 at 1
[05:03] King_Barbarian23> my turn for host
[05:05] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[05:05] King_Barbarian23 out
[05:06] travis085374 out
[05:06] King_Barbarian23 in
[05:07] King_Barbarian23> Yes i'm shaman
[05:07] IncaWarrior> congrats!
[05:08] King_Barbarian23> Thanks inca
[05:08] King_Barbarian23> I'm numember 1 tofay?
[05:08] Hasta_Cuando> Inca
[05:08] King_Barbarian23> today*
[05:08] Hasta_Cuando> i have problems when i am the host
[05:08] Hasta_Cuando> i dont know the reason
[05:09] Hasta_Cuando> but game speed up
[05:09] Hasta_Cuando> do you know why that happens?
[05:12] IncaWarrior> hm
[05:12] IncaWarrior> some sort of lag?
[05:12] Hasta_Cuando> noo
[05:12] Hasta_Cuando> can i host you
[05:12] Hasta_Cuando> for a while
[05:12] Hasta_Cuando> to show what happen
[05:12] King_Barbarian23> Inca
[05:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> now we got another shaman ranker
[05:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> kinb barbarian
[05:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> :D
[05:13] Hasta_Cuando> the best joke apo
[05:13] King_Barbarian23> Send me the league of the tournament
[05:16] Xile_TN in
[05:18] HefesTo_OP in
[05:24] IncaWarrior> ha
[05:24] IncaWarrior> bad news for don_gato
[05:24] IncaWarrior> shaman to brave
[05:24] Willdabeast7661 in
[05:25] Willdabeast7661 out
[05:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> you are wrong
[05:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> its spy
[05:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> lack of attention
[05:26] [SR]Legend in
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra> 50 min game
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra> gee
[05:27] IncaWarrior> I just changed it
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra> king barbarian is a shaman
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra> LMAO
[05:27] [TSI]Ezra out
[05:27] IncaWarrior> now it's FireWarrior
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> fake nici
[05:28] [TSI]Ezra in
[05:28] IncaWarrior> ezra got so excited he disconnected
[05:28] [TSI]Ezra> I got 5 games
[05:28] [TSI]Ezra> were is my rank
[05:28] [TSI]Ezra> "play 1 more game"
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> 10 games
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> as usual
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> this ranking system is currupt
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> we need 3-5 games
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> not 10
[05:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> its too much
[05:28] IncaWarrior> 5 games
[05:29] [SR]Legend> ranked games or unranked?
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> inca
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> explain this
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> I have 5 games
[05:29] IncaWarrior> ranked
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> and didn't get a rank
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> all worth points
[05:29] IncaWarrior> lemme check
[05:29] [TSI]Ezra> I got: -140, +74, +33, +21, +15
[05:30] [TAS]PaperVu> +3
[05:31] IncaWarrior> system has you only at 9 games
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> what
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> I played 5 games
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> come on inca
[05:31] IncaWarrior> might have missed one when I was doing the recalc earlier
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> your fault then
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> hijack this
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> and make 10 games
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> y.y
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> Make it so 9 or 10 games are worth
[05:31] IncaWarrior> it'll recalc the day again in 2.5 hours
[05:31] [TSI]Ezra> so when recalc I'll get the 10?
[05:32] IncaWarrior> yes
[05:32] [TSI]Ezra> k nice
[05:33] Hasta_Cuando> asdasjasdjkawdjhqwejhkawjhajhjkawehawjkldhasjkldhasjkldhasjhd}}
[05:33] [rw]juneight in
[05:36] [rw]juneight> weird
[05:36] [rw]juneight> can we play a normal map
[05:36] [rw]juneight> it launched me into singleplayer i think
[05:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> your brain is crazy
[05:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> so we cant
[05:37] King_Barbarian23 out
[05:37] [rw]juneight> is that tsu?
[05:37] [rw]juneight> tsuyoshi
[05:39] King_Barbarian23 in
[05:39] [rw]juneight out
[05:42] HefesTo_OP out
[05:43] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[05:43] King_Barbarian23 out
[05:44] King_Barbarian23 in
[05:45] King_Barbarian23> Sorry my game have a problem!!
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra> akas
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra> let me see
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra> what I got
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra out
[05:48] [TSI]Ezra in
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> tfw you are the #1 in league
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> feels good actually
[05:49] [TAS]PaperVu> lol
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> i'm not shaman +
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> kek
[05:49] King_Barbarian23> Ezra you are shaman -
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> I don't think I can achieve shaman in normal conditions
[05:49] [TSI]Ezra> but not even in this rigged way I can achieve shaman+
[05:50] [TSI]Ezra> that is sad
[05:50] [TSI]Ezra> why everyone got to be shaman+
[05:50] [TSI]Ezra> except I
[05:50] [TSI]Ezra> yeah that
[05:50] [TSI]Ezra> inca rigged it
[05:50] Hasta_Cuando out
[05:51] [TSI]Ezra> inca allow this indulgence for me
[05:51] [TSI]Ezra> pls
[05:52] Hasta_Cuando in
[05:54] [TSI]Ezra> 2 am and I'm woke
[05:54] [TSI]Ezra> how low can we sink
[05:54] [TSI]Ezra> that was a question
[05:55] [TSI]Ezra> anyhow cya good night guys
[05:55] [TSI]Ezra out
[05:56] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[05:57] tlwiegand in
[05:57] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[05:57] Hasta_Cuando out
[05:59] tlwiegand out
[06:03] Don_Gato in
[06:05] Don_Gato out
[06:06] King_Barbarian23> Nice
[06:06] King_Barbarian23> why quit?
[06:06] Don_Gato in
[06:06] King_Barbarian23 out
[06:07] [TAS]PaperVu> ??
[06:07] MiniBot_UK> [TAS]PaperVu: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[06:10] Don_Gato> yggdrasil
[06:10] Don_Gato> man
[06:13] [SR]007s in
[06:13] Don_Gato out
[06:14] Don_Gato in
[06:15] [TSI]Ezra in
[06:15] Don_Gato> I had gone the light
[06:15] Don_Gato> My router goes out
[06:16] [TSI]Ezra> Why
[06:16] [TSI]Ezra> i am not shaman +
[06:16] [TSI]Ezra> I cant sleep
[06:16] [TSI]Ezra> because of that
[06:16] [TAS]PaperVu> lets do ffa
[06:16] Don_Gato out
[06:17] Don_Gato in
[06:17] [TAS]PaperVu out
[06:18] Don_Gato> heeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[06:18] [TAS]PaperVu in
[06:19] [TSI]Ezra> alt+f4 don gato
[06:19] Don_Gato> sup ezar
[06:19] Don_Gato> close mm
[06:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> ezra is nici
[06:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> see
[06:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> he got a shaman rank
[06:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> i was right
[06:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> he is even at the top in league
[06:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> the KING NICI
[06:22] [TAS]PaperVu> +3
[06:23] [TSI]Ezra> I am Nici
[06:23] [TSI]Ezra> the destroyer of worlds
[06:23] [TAS]PaperVu> ;o
[06:23] Don_Gato> ++++++++++4
[06:23] [TAS]PaperVu> Don gato
[06:23] Don_Gato> yo
[06:23] [TAS]PaperVu> join here Man
[06:24] [TAS]PaperVu> ...
[06:24] Don_Gato> nigth man
[06:25] Don_Gato> paper
[06:25] Don_Gato> i'm at dawn and I get sleep
[06:25] [TAS]PaperVu> so
[06:25] [TAS]PaperVu> host
[06:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> zavy
[06:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[06:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> cum cum
[06:25] [TAS]PaperVu> yea
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> 2v1
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[06:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> nope
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> ;o
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra> i'm almost diying here
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra> tired as hell
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra> cya good night
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra> cant linger here
[06:26] [TSI]Ezra out
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> boo
[06:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> so
[06:26] Apocalypsis_TAS> wheres 4th
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> sup
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> who
[06:26] Don_Gato> lol
[06:26] [TAS]PaperVu> we do 2v1
[06:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> don gato is a shaman
[06:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> he must be good
[06:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> im wild
[06:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> im a noob here
[06:27] Don_Gato> nope
[06:27] [TAS]PaperVu> he is expert
[06:27] Don_Gato> hahahah
[06:27] [TAS]PaperVu> me to
[06:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> the KING SLEEPING TIME
[06:27] Don_Gato> loooooooooooooooooooooooool
[06:28] [TAS]PaperVu> 7zzaveX go
[06:28] Don_Gato> gooo
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> you guys can play 1v1
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> i just observe
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
[06:28] [TAS]PaperVu> no
[06:28] [TAS]PaperVu> we can do ffa also
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> ffa is not a good idea for me
[06:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> sandy castles
[06:28] Don_Gato> just game 1v1
[06:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> :)
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> ouch
[06:28] [TAS]PaperVu> just do it
[06:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> bd time
[06:29] Don_Gato> i spectating :D
[06:29] [TAS]PaperVu> no bd
[06:29] [TAS]PaperVu> ??
[06:29] Don_Gato> apo you host
[06:29] Don_Gato> just game
[06:36] [SR]007s out
[06:37] [SR]007s in
[06:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> this is why i should play 1v1 or 2v2
[06:58] [TAS]PaperVu> do pp
[06:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> im back to stick them
[06:58] [TAS]PaperVu> map tp big
[06:59] [TAS]PaperVu> pp 2v1
[06:59] [TAS]PaperVu> gog
[06:59] 7ZaveX_TAS> ?
[06:59] 7ZaveX_TAS> y 2v1
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> afk then
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> hf
[06:59] [TAS]PaperVu> lol
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> as i said
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> i am not playing 2v1
[06:59] [TAS]PaperVu> apoc map
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> nor ffa
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> it bores me badly
[06:59] 7ZaveX_TAS> nah its ok
[06:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> 2v2 or 1v1
[06:59] 7ZaveX_TAS> we aren't doing 2v1
[07:00] [TAS]PaperVu> 1v1
[07:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> we just do 1v1 unless we get anohter player
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> red mentioned 2v1
[07:00] [TAS]PaperVu> me 7zav
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> so i have 0 motivation
[07:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> yeah i know
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> you guys can launch
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> i go afk
[07:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> ok tsu
[07:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> playing later though?
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> if you want me to
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> currently no
[07:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> gotta clean up my room
[07:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> k
[07:13] Azul in
[07:18] Flobyyy in
[07:20] [SR]Legend> + host
[07:21] [SR]Legend> Tsu host 3v1 ?
[07:23] [SR]Legend> Azul try host a game 1v1v1?
[07:24] Azul> i cant host :S
[07:24] Azul> i tried :S
[07:24] [SR]Legend> Go to settings>>Network Settings>>Port test
[07:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> DO NOT EVEN MENTION ME a 3v1
[07:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> simple
[07:25] [SR]Legend> ;o
[07:25] [SR]Legend> why ? not
[07:25] [SR]Legend> jugger would be fun!
[07:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> i said never
[07:25] Don_Gato out
[07:25] [SR]Legend> aohh kk
[07:26] [SR]Legend> xD
[07:26] Azul out
[07:26] [SR]Legend> how about 3v1 ;p
[07:26] [SR]Legend> 1v3*
[07:26] Flobyyy out
[07:37] waqar in
[07:41] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[07:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> done
[07:43] [SR]Legend> damn that volc..
[07:44] [Rw]Lupin in
[07:44] [Rw]Lupin out
[07:50] waqar out
[08:10] [SR]Bianca in
[08:11] [SR]Bianca> hi
[08:11] [SR]007s> Biancaaaa H i i i (ƒ. " ? " .) ƒ ‚ ('" É " `‚)
[08:11] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> hi
[08:11] [SR]007s> As you said in the new month we became savages. Lol
[08:11] [SR]Bianca> looooool
[08:11] [SR]Bianca> Nice SR-hut ;)
[08:12] [SR]Bianca> yes lol
[08:12] [SR]Bianca> map?
[08:12] [SR]Bianca> 1v1?
[08:13] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> I watch
[08:13] [SR]Bianca> ok
[08:13] [SR]Bianca> hm or 2v2?
[08:13] [SR]Legend> hi bianca
[08:13] [SR]Bianca> hi
[08:13] [SR]Bianca> play or watch?
[08:13] [SR]Legend> whers spark ;p
[08:13] [SR]Bianca> no electricity today :(
[08:14] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> Iwatch
[08:14] [SR]Legend> i am sunny_man btw
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> i know
[08:14] [SR]Legend> omg..
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> haha
[08:14] [SR]Legend> INca here!!
[08:14] [SR]Legend> xD
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> spark told me
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> lol
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> ok 007s, what map?
[08:14] [SR]007s> sess
[08:14] [SR]Bianca> ok
[08:15] [SR]Bianca> green or yell base?
[08:16] [SR]Bianca> ok whatever i put you on green
[08:20] GrubbyHour in
[08:30] [TSI]Raion out
[08:42] left_nut out
[08:44] the_hangover in
[08:49] skaarj_guardian in
[08:50] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[08:50] [SR]Bianca> gg
[08:50] [SR]007s> gg
[08:51] the_hangover> hi mates
[08:51] [SR]Bianca> hii
[08:52] [SR]Legend out
[08:52] [SR]Spark in
[08:53] [SR]Bianca> hi spark
[08:53] [SR]Bianca> :)
[08:53] left_nut in
[08:53] [SR]Bianca> wanna watch us?
[08:53] [SR]Spark> yes
[08:54] [SR]Bianca> teach us something ;)
[08:54] [SR]Spark> but i dont know russian :P
[08:54] [SR]Bianca> lol
[08:55] thoughtseize in
[08:55] thoughtseize> hey juys
[08:55] thoughtseize> hey
[08:55] thoughtseize> guys
[08:55] thoughtseize> i will be rdy for playing soon
[08:56] thoughtseize> gimme few mins
[08:56] thoughtseize> ;)
[08:56] [SR]Spark> start it as 2v2 map only
[08:56] [SR]Bianca> this happens a lot last times on 4walls
[08:56] [SR]Bianca> idk why
[08:56] [SR]Bianca> ok
[08:56] [SR]Spark> make 4th watcher too
[08:56] the_hangover> why not do 2 vs 2?
[08:56] [SR]Spark> k go :)
[08:56] [SR]Bianca> 007s asked for a 1v1
[08:57] [SR]Bianca> against me
[08:57] the_hangover> fine do it then
[08:57] [SR]Bianca> yes
[08:57] [SR]Spark> cant 2v2 in 5 players
[08:58] thoughtseize> hi bianca
[08:58] thoughtseize> we are both wildmen :)
[08:58] [SR]Bianca> hi
[08:58] [SR]Spark> do other map lol
[08:58] [SR]Bianca> lol
[08:58] [SR]Bianca> bocki you wildie
[08:58] [SR]Bianca> lol
[08:59] GrubbyHour> gg paper
[08:59] stagioni in
[08:59] [SR]Bianca> hm ok
[08:59] [SR]Bianca> then 2v2 sess
[08:59] [SR]Spark> so what we doing
[09:00] [SR]Bianca> ok for all?
[09:00] [SR]Bianca> teams?
[09:00] [SR]Bianca> ok no answer, then i decide
[09:00] [SR]Bianca> hm
[09:00] GrubbyHour out
[09:01] [SR]Spark> sess?
[09:01] [TAS]PaperVu> +1
[09:08] [AsG]Warbeast out
[09:08] the_hangover> yoo
[09:08] thoughtseize> ich bin gott
[09:08] [AsG]Warbeast in
[09:08] hanson_mmmb_op in
[09:08] [TAS]PaperVu> 4walls
[09:08] thoughtseize> ich kann nichts dafür für meine ständigen wutausbrüche
[09:08] thoughtseize> n
[09:09] the_hangover> lets do tele
[09:09] thoughtseize> ich bin ein ol g wie odb
[09:09] [TAS]PaperVu> k
[09:09] [TAS]PaperVu> gog
[09:09] [TAS]PaperVu> ;;o
[09:11] [TAS]PaperVu> ??
[09:11] 7ZaveX_TAS> sorry i had to back otu
[09:11] 7ZaveX_TAS> my screen
[09:11] 7ZaveX_TAS> had mouse in center
[09:11] [AsG]Warbeast out
[09:11] [AsG]Warbeast in
[09:12] thoughtseize> where can i change my name again :D
[09:14] hanson_mmmb_op> popre.net/change.php
[09:23] [SR]Bianca> gg
[09:23] [SR]Spark> GG
[09:23] [SR]007s> gg
[09:24] [SR]Spark> hmm
[09:24] [SR]Spark> here russian text dont work
[09:24] [SR]Bianca> lol no
[09:24] [SR]Spark> so how can i chat to 007s
[09:24] [SR]Bianca> english
[09:24] [SR]Bianca> he translates in google then
[09:24] [SR]Spark> :(
[09:25] [SR]Spark> ok
[09:25] [SR]Spark> 007s do you lie Nemo?
[09:26] [SR]Spark> like*
[09:26] [SR]Spark> xD
[09:26] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:26] [SR]Bianca> for your shamancard, 007s
[09:26] [SR]Spark> well iw as making one
[09:26] [SR]Spark> for nemo
[09:27] [SR]Spark> but elecricity cut off mid way
[09:27] [SR]Bianca> haha
[09:27] [SR]Spark> wtf whats so funny lmao
[09:27] [SR]007s> oh afk
[09:28] [SR]Legend in
[09:29] [SR]Spark> hi evo
[09:29] [SR]Spark> again took 15 minutes to coonect? xD
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> ok next try 1v1 on 4walls
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:30] [SR]Legend> hi spark
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> spark watch?
[09:30] left_nut out
[09:30] hanson_mmmb_op> watching
[09:30] hanson_mmmb_op> if its possible
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> ok
[09:30] hanson_mmmb_op> lol
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> yes sure
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> hope 007s gets some wildies
[09:30] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:30] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:31] [SR]Spark> 2v2
[09:31] [SR]Spark> evo
[09:31] [SR]Spark> change back to evolution
[09:31] [SR]Spark> xD
[09:31] [SR]Legend> ye?
[09:31] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:31] [SR]Spark> Shinka
[09:31] [SR]Spark> bc
[09:31] [SR]Spark> xD
[09:32] [SR]Legend> was bored with evolution
[09:32] [SR]Legend> xD
[09:32] [SR]Spark> but mast tha
[09:32] [SR]007s out
[09:32] [SR]Spark> i watched some japanese anim
[09:32] [SR]Legend> haha
[09:32] hanson_mmmb_op> what happened
[09:32] hanson_mmmb_op> ?
[09:32] [SR]Spark> in one there was a company named House of Evolution
[09:32] [SR]Bianca> 007s no wildies again
[09:33] [SR]Legend> oha
[09:33] hanson_mmmb_op> oooohh
[09:33] [SR]Bianca> idk whats wrong today
[09:33] [SR]Bianca> with 4walls
[09:33] [SR]Spark> it sounded like Shinka-roh-ye
[09:33] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:33] [SR]Legend> xD!
[09:33] [SR]007s in
[09:33] hanson_mmmb_op> I used to watch a lot of anime
[09:33] [SR]Spark> it was very close but little more knowledge needed on japanese to understand Shinka meant evolution
[09:33] hanson_mmmb_op> I dont have the time anymore
[09:34] [SR]Legend> any1 watched shaman king?
[09:34] [SR]Spark> hmm no
[09:34] [SR]Legend> 2002 times
[09:34] [SR]Spark> WTF
[09:34] [SR]Legend> very nice series
[09:34] [SR]Spark> 2k time
[09:34] [SR]Spark> ?
[09:34] [SR]Bianca> this shit
[09:34] [SR]Bianca> let me relog
[09:34] [SR]Legend> i mean year 2000 :P
[09:34] [SR]Bianca out
[09:34] [SR]Legend> 2002
[09:34] [SR]Spark> oh
[09:34] [SR]Spark> LOL
[09:34] [SR]Bianca in
[09:34] [SR]Spark> me socha bc 2 hazar bar dekh dala
[09:34] [SR]Legend> loool
[09:35] [SR]Spark> come bianca host
[09:35] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[09:35] [SR]Bianca out
[09:35] [SR]Spark> -.-
[09:36] [SR]Spark> omg ok SR game needs to happen now
[09:36] [SR]Legend> ye i just played 1
[09:36] [SR]Spark> 5 SRs
[09:36] [SR]Bianca in
[09:36] [SR]007s> (e0 Õ? Õ )e0
[09:36] [SR]Spark> hansom
[09:36] [SR]Spark> u have to spectate from right click
[09:37] [SR]Spark> come evo
[09:37] [SR]Spark> hansom
[09:37] [SR]Spark> spectate from right click option please
[09:37] GrubbyHour in
[09:37] [SR]Legend> sec let me wash hands
[09:37] [SR]Spark> ?? wtf is happening today
[09:37] [SR]Bianca> do i host now?
[09:38] [SR]Spark> ?
[09:38] [SR]Spark> :S kicked
[09:38] Right_nut_OP in
[09:39] [SR]Legend> Start it guys .. SR match wud be fun to watch with this pulaav ;p
[09:39] [SR]Spark> ?
[09:39] [SR]Spark> u are playing evo
[09:39] [SR]Legend> rice pulaav
[09:39] [SR]Spark> bc south me chawal hi ugate hn kya
[09:39] [SR]Legend> today isspecal
[09:39] [SR]Bianca> i dont kick
[09:39] [SR]Legend> xXD
[09:39] [SR]Bianca> you know that
[09:39] [SR]Spark> kyu? black rice ugae kya?
[09:40] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:40] [SR]007s out
[09:40] [SR]Spark out
[09:40] [SR]Bianca out
[09:41] [SR]Spark in
[09:41] [SR]Legend> Niciiiiieee..
[09:41] [SR]007s in
[09:42] [SR]Bianca in
[09:42] [TAS]PaperVu out
[09:42] [SR]Spark> 007 bianca legend
[09:42] [SR]Spark> join
[09:42] [SR]Legend> having lunch
[09:42] [SR]Spark> fuck ur lunch
[09:42] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:42] [SR]Spark> u siad sec washing hands
[09:43] [SR]Spark> i thot for game
[09:43] [SR]Spark> -.-
[09:43] [SR]Legend> for rice
[09:43] [SR]Spark> xD
[09:43] [SR]Bianca> come spark
[09:43] [SR]Legend> earlier was roti
[09:43] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:43] [SR]Spark> lol ok
[09:43] [SR]Spark> enjoy
[09:43] [SR]Bianca> let him eat
[09:43] [SR]Legend> :)
[09:43] [SR]Spark> wtf why dont i have a ping now
[09:43] [SR]Bianca> spark you dont have ping
[09:43] [SR]Bianca> oh now you have
[09:43] [SR]Spark> geralt come
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> i guess he wants lightwars
[09:44] [SR]Spark> ok
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> ok let us try again 1v1 on 4walls?
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> spark watch
[09:44] [SR]Spark> no wont work
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> oh ok
[09:44] [SR]Bianca> now we are 4
[09:44] [SR]Spark> good :D
[09:44] hanson_mmmb_op> 1 plus
[09:44] hanson_mmmb_op> for blast ward
[09:44] hanson_mmmb_op> wars
[09:45] Right_nut_OP> yo legend
[09:45] Right_nut_OP> xd
[09:45] hanson_mmmb_op> and the chance to kill nici at least once
[09:45] hanson_mmmb_op> :p
[09:45] [SR]Legend> yo nici
[09:45] [SR]Legend> after so loooooooooong..
[09:45] Right_nut_OP> its been almost 30 years
[09:45] hanson_mmmb_op> "ward"
[09:45] [SR]Legend> hehe
[09:45] hanson_mmmb_op> oh man these typos
[09:45] [SR]FanZaah in
[09:45] [SR]Bianca> ok bocki and 007s?
[09:46] hanson_mmmb_op> fanzaaaahhh is a guy from finland
[09:46] [SR]FanZaah out
[09:46] hanson_mmmb_op> hes really cool
[09:46] [SR]Bianca> yes he is
[09:46] the_hangover> finnish ppl are cool
[09:46] hanson_mmmb_op> and hes out lol
[09:46] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:46] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:46] [SR]Spark> come back fanzaah
[09:46] [SR]Bianca> spark we are 4
[09:46] [SR]Spark> but we are one :D
[09:46] [SR]Bianca> lol
[09:46] hanson_mmmb_op> hey nici these guys are all over me
[09:46] hanson_mmmb_op> asking me to join SR
[09:47] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[09:47] [SR]FanZaah in
[09:47] hanson_mmmb_op> and Im like "No, Im in OP"
[09:47] skaarj_guardian> cmon gimme a spot in biancas hut. show some love
[09:47] Right_nut_OP> lets go clan match vs op vs sr
[09:47] Right_nut_OP> settle this with clan match
[09:47] skaarj_guardian> sluts
[09:47] Right_nut_OP> the rivalry
[09:47] Right_nut_OP> has to be solved
[09:47] hanson_mmmb_op> the winner gets hermione
[09:47] [SR]Legend> xD
[09:48] [TAS]PaperVu in
[09:48] Right_nut_OP> do i get to fuck emma wot son
[09:48] hanson_mmmb_op> of course
[09:48] [SR]Legend> waoh
[09:48] Right_nut_OP> =)
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> is geralt of rivers here
[09:49] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> Im here
[09:49] GrubbyHour> lmfao of rivers
[09:49] [SR]Legend> lol
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> yea
[09:49] [TAS]PaperVu in
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> JOIN GUYS
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> BLAST WAR
[09:49] hanson_mmmb_op> I think the first time I saw your nick
[09:49] [SR]FanZaah> right nut you suck
[09:49] hanson_mmmb_op> you were uhm
[09:49] Right_nut_OP> fanzaah 1v1
[09:49] hanson_mmmb_op> something related to money
[09:50] [SR]FanZaah> every time
[09:50] Right_nut_OP> me?
[09:50] hanson_mmmb_op> yes back in 2012
[09:50] Right_nut_OP> wikipedia?
[09:50] Right_nut_OP> pff
[09:50] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[09:50] GrubbyHour> have a nice day see you tonight all
[09:50] Right_nut_OP> see you XD
[09:50] hanson_mmmb_op> Judd
[09:50] hanson_mmmb_op> Trump
[09:50] Right_nut_OP> judd trump
[09:50] hanson_mmmb_op> whatever that is
[09:50] GrubbyHour out
[09:51] Right_nut_OP> the professional snooker player
[09:51] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah I related the name with money
[09:51] hanson_mmmb_op> maybe because of Trump last name
[09:51] Right_nut_OP> loooooool
[09:51] [TAS]PaperVu out
[09:51] [SR]Legend> haha
[09:51] Right_nut_OP> yea h ehas a lot of money i think
[09:51] Right_nut_OP> for being a snooker pro
[09:52] hanson_mmmb_op> yeah and Ice T was high on the leagues back then
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> wtf papervu join
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> blast war
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> we all wildmen here
[09:52] hanson_mmmb_op> tsi ponyboy
[09:52] Don_Gato in
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> ponyboy
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> best name ever
[09:52] hanson_mmmb_op> and macca was active and baxter was top of the leagues
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> don_gato viene
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> jugar blast
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> vien
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> con yo
[09:52] Right_nut_OP> y hermione
[09:53] Right_nut_OP> y hanson no tiene ping
[09:53] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> hanson relog
[09:53] hanson_mmmb_op> sorry no habla español
[09:53] hanson_mmmb_op out
[09:53] Right_nut_OP> what a troll this guy is lol
[09:53] Don_Gato> hola
[09:54] hanson_mmmb_op in
[09:54] Right_nut_OP> bock have yo ulost so quickly
[09:55] hanson_mmmb_op> so
[09:55] hanson_mmmb_op> am I waiting for the next game
[09:55] Right_nut_OP> LET HANSON IN
[09:55] Right_nut_OP> POOR GUY
[09:55] Right_nut_OP> sat here until a miau stole his place
[09:55] Don_Gato> still x
[09:55] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> Im sorry gato really
[09:55] Don_Gato> impossible man
[09:56] Right_nut_OP> wow stil l X
[09:56] Right_nut_OP> fix ur ports
[09:56] Right_nut_OP> dam
[09:57] thoughtseize out
[09:57] Right_nut_OP> hermione walls
[09:57] Right_nut_OP> easy to fuk
[09:57] Don_Gato in
[09:57] thoughtseize in
[09:58] hanson_mmmb_op out
[09:58] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> My port test: Possible!
[09:58] hanson_mmmb_op in
[09:58] Right_nut_OP> ye i meant the others in the hut tho
[09:58] Don_Gato out
[09:59] Right_nut_OP> takes years to log back in
[09:59] Don_Gato> The Player of the Day is Don_Gato
[09:59] Don_Gato> nice
[09:59] Right_nut_OP> nice
[09:59] hanson_mmmb_op> lol I forwarded 113 tcp
[09:59] hanson_mmmb_op> and still 30 seconds to connect
[10:00] Don_Gato> no possible
[10:00] Don_Gato> still x
[10:00] hanson_mmmb_op> yea I have x with geralt
[10:00] Don_Gato> other host man
[10:01] hanson_mmmb_op> only 159 with nici
[10:01] hanson_mmmb_op> whoahhh
[10:02] Right_nut_OP> moment of silence for success(1)
[10:02] hanson_mmmb_op> letz do tis
[10:02] Don_Gato> lol
[10:03] left_nut in
[10:06] broady in
[10:11] HammadH_TAS in
[10:12] Right_nut_OP> well ok that was laggy
[10:12] hanson_mmmb_op> lol what a beast that blue sham
[10:12] Cutemammy_Tas in
[10:12] Right_nut_OP> thank you hansom mbboop
[10:12] Right_nut_OP> u are so sweti
[10:12] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[10:13] hanson_mmmb_op> Im so sweaty?
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> 8-D
[10:13] Don_Gato out
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> sweet
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> moores is sweaty not you
[10:13] hanson_mmmb_op> I use the eagle view for Pop
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> k
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> thats the worst thing you can say
[10:13] hanson_mmmb_op> but I couldnt find the key
[10:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici join
[10:13] hanson_mmmb_op> brb
[10:13] Right_nut_OP> moores u dont even ask me to join ur hut
[10:14] Right_nut_OP> so im not joining
[10:14] Don_Gato in
[10:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> [10:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici join
[10:15] Right_nut_OP> na i dont wanna listen to bs throughout the game
[10:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> CMON NICI
[10:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill skmoe first and we play
[10:15] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[10:22] [SR]Bianca> gg
[10:22] [SR]Spark> gg
[10:22] [SR]007s> u gg
[10:22] [SR]Bianca> no u
[10:22] [SR]Bianca> lol
[10:24] the_hangover> YOO SPIN
[10:24] [SR]Spark> fanzaah come
[10:24] [SR]Spark> sr game
[10:24] [SR]Bianca> we have a 4. one
[10:24] [SR]Bianca> hm
[10:24] the_hangover> DANZAAH COMEHERE
[10:25] [SR]Bianca> ok me and 007s
[10:25] [SR]Spark> *goes nowhere -.-
[10:25] [SR]Spark> lol
[10:25] [SR]Bianca> ??
[10:25] [SR]Bianca> lol
[10:25] [SR]Spark> k
[10:27] [SR]FanZaah out
[10:27] the_hangover> why did the leagues reseted today agina
[10:27] the_hangover> again
[10:27] the_hangover> i thought 3 months
[10:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> na u gotta get shamen every day
[10:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> jk
[10:28] [SR]FanZaah in
[10:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> it says play another 2 games to get rankedf
[10:28] aliverdi1023 in
[10:28] Quetzalcoatl in
[10:29] the_hangover> dont say that me
[10:29] the_hangover> said yesterday
[10:29] the_hangover> and i lost my points
[10:29] shogun in
[10:29] the_hangover> shogun
[10:29] the_hangover> gtfi
[10:29] the_hangover> i let u ally moores
[10:30] MrMoohammad26 out
[10:30] shogun> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnothanksbro
[10:30] shogun> sup spin
[10:30] the_hangover> gtfi
[10:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets go
[10:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi
[10:30] the_hangover> shogun
[10:30] aliverdi1023> tnx
[10:30] aliverdi1023> lol
[10:30] the_hangover> get in
[10:30] shogun> ?
[10:31] shogun> im just a wild im too nab
[10:31] shogun> sry
[10:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[10:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[10:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> ally me
[10:31] shogun> alta..
[10:31] shogun> i just wake up
[10:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[10:31] the_hangover> no matter
[10:31] shogun> i dont want to spiel atm
[10:31] shogun> too much stress
[10:31] shogun> im a lazy cunt.
[10:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> fine #
[10:33] [Rw]Exotic in
[10:34] [Rw]Exotic> bunch of wildies
[10:34] left_nut out
[10:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod here
[10:35] shogun> if u dont mind doing unranked
[10:35] shogun> so i can warn up
[10:35] the_hangover> no unranked games
[10:35] shogun> ohh well.. no game then
[10:35] MrMoohammad26 in
[10:35] the_hangover> oh well
[10:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> May 18, 2010, 9:04pm
[10:36] the_hangover> +1 wildie
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> why unranked
[10:36] Quetzalcoatl out
[10:39] shogun out
[10:39] shogun in
[10:39] shogun out
[10:39] shogun in
[10:43] Luke_OP in
[10:43] left_nut in
[10:43] shogun> sup matt
[10:43] shogun> 1v1 fo ?
[10:44] shogun> host
[10:49] xtro in
[10:50] the_hangover> rm?
[10:50] hanson_mmmb_op> you can counter AOD by casting ghosts
[10:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> trod
[10:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> TROD
[10:50] hanson_mmmb_op> jesus
[10:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[10:50] aliverdi1023> +1
[10:51] the_hangover> hanson is pretty smart there
[10:51] the_hangover> lets rm
[10:51] the_hangover> guys
[10:52] [TAS]PaperVu out
[10:52] the_hangover> IM COMING SPIN
[10:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> i stream
[10:52] the_hangover> oh fine
[10:52] the_hangover> NP
[10:52] the_hangover> np spin
[10:52] the_hangover> :D
[10:52] the_hangover> lesgo
[10:52] the_hangover> xtro
[10:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> OLLOLOOLOLOL
[10:52] the_hangover> buhihihi
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[10:53] shogun> OLMOLMOLMOLMOLMO
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> never provoke
[10:53] the_hangover> too late spin
[10:53] aliverdi1023> dont afreid come
[10:53] aliverdi1023> :D
[10:53] shogun> que
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[10:53] shogun> :>
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahaha
[10:53] the_hangover> sry
[10:53] the_hangover> i respect any1
[10:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[10:57] aliverdi1023> omg
[10:57] aliverdi1023> +2
[10:59] broady> wow gg great game
[10:59] [SR]Bianca> why am i playing ranked all time
[10:59] [SR]Bianca> lol yes gg
[10:59] [SR]Bianca> and then ally up at end
[11:00] [SR]007s> gg
[11:00] [SR]Spark out
[11:00] [SR]Spark in
[11:01] [SW]Babo in
[11:03] [SR]Bianca out
[11:03] hanson_mmmb_op out
[11:03] [SR]Spark out
[11:03] reverse1 in
[11:06] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[11:07] broady out
[11:08] HammadH_TAS out
[11:10] reverse1 out
[11:12] ZytQ in
[11:14] aliverdi1023> yep
[11:14] aliverdi1023> eigentlich
[11:14] aliverdi1023> launch:D
[11:15] shogun> gg
[11:15] the_hangover> gg wp mates
[11:15] left_nut out
[11:15] left_nut in
[11:15] Cutemammy_Tas> hahah i lost but got more points then you guys :D
[11:16] the_hangover> thats cute
[11:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> ZYTQ
[11:16] Cutemammy_Tas> <3
[11:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[11:16] Cutemammy_Tas> it is :))
[11:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> i will start
[11:16] the_hangover> what map spin
[11:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> random map
[11:16] shogun> lol t
[11:17] shogun> true*
[11:17] shogun> u got 100+ points
[11:17] shogun> lmao
[11:17] shogun> :)
[11:17] Cutemammy_Tas> :D
[11:17] the_hangover> ?
[11:17] shogun> losing>winning
[11:17] shogun> :D
[11:17] Cutemammy_Tas> :DD
[11:17] the_hangover> whios aliverdi
[11:17] shogun> a hiden pro
[11:17] the_hangover> and why did this rank reset aagain
[11:17] shogun> of the village hiden in the leafs
[11:17] aliverdi1023> shet
[11:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> join rod
[11:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> man
[11:18] the_hangover> damn
[11:18] the_hangover> the spots taken
[11:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait
[11:18] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[11:19] Spinnifix in
[11:19] the_hangover> dont leave
[11:20] shogun> spin left god to join rw
[11:20] shogun> pro
[11:20] Spinnifix> dont
[11:20] Spinnifix> ditch me
[11:21] Spinnifix> no
[11:21] Spinnifix> no need god tag
[11:21] Spinnifix> in this season
[11:21] Spinnifix> wow t rod
[11:21] Spinnifix> are you dumb
[11:21] Right_nut_OP> did you log faster without tag?
[11:22] Spinnifix> no
[11:22] Spinnifix> nici join
[11:22] shogun> spinni lets do sess
[11:22] Spinnifix> okay
[11:22] Right_nut_OP> lol
[11:22] Spinnifix> lol
[11:24] shogun> lol
[11:25] Spinnifix> why do you leave
[11:25] Spinnifix> vhan
[11:25] shogun> cos
[11:25] shogun> u got ebola
[11:25] Spinnifix> die with me
[11:25] [SR]FanZaah> i do
[11:25] Spinnifix> r u serious
[11:25] shogun> /me throws grenade @ spin and jumps through window
[11:26] shogun> host
[11:26] shogun> fanzaah join
[11:26] Spinnifix> /me* Albert 2.0 behind the window
[11:26] thoughtseize> :D
[11:26] thoughtseize> lololol
[11:26] shogun> lol
[11:26] Spinnifix> this is what i call
[11:26] Spinnifix> owned
[11:27] shogun> /me allahu akbars himself and takes albert with him
[11:27] Makso in
[11:27] thoughtseize> rip
[11:27] Cutemammy_Tas> you racist bastard :>
[11:27] shogun> lets enjoy the hell toghetah
[11:27] shogun> :>
[11:27] Spinnifix> /me* Albert is a god
[11:27] shogun> soz u left ur tag. lolololol
[11:27] shogun> rekt.
[11:27] Spinnifix> for this season
[11:27] Apocalypsis_TAS> Albert is a pod
[11:27] Spinnifix> or are you dumb
[11:27] Spinnifix> to understand
[11:27] Spinnifix> honey
[11:28] shogun> fo
[11:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> mamy lol
[11:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> it aint racist
[11:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> just callin it like it is
[11:28] Cutemammy_Tas> wasnt to you
[11:28] Cutemammy_Tas> :>
[11:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> not racist
[11:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> allah akbar
[11:29] 7ZaveX_TAS> man they blow theyre asses up
[11:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> when does mammycoin starts ?
[11:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> start *
[11:29] 7ZaveX_TAS> on non believers
[11:29] 7ZaveX_TAS> for nothing
[11:29] 7ZaveX_TAS> retards
[11:29] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[11:29] Cutemammy_Tas> terrorist are fake muslims :o
[11:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> haha
[11:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> zavycoin has started since today
[11:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> tell them that to their face
[11:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[11:30] Spinnifix> fine ill be back later
[11:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> they will cut your head off and call you the fake muslim
[11:30] Cutemammy_Tas> sure then be a target for isis good idea :D?
[11:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy is too cute to cut
[11:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[11:30] shogun> join honey
[11:30] shogun> do sess
[11:30] shogun> we wait +2
[11:31] shogun> 2late :<
[11:31] 7ZaveX_TAS> k gotta allah akbar straight to sleep
[11:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> so zavy has to go to bed
[11:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[11:32] thoughtseize out
[11:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> yeah
[11:32] Cutemammy_Tas> gnight :o
[11:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> gn :D
[11:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> gn
[11:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[11:32] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[11:32] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammycoin_TAS :)
[11:33] Cutemammy_Tas> :o?
[11:33] Makso out
[11:33] [SW]Babo> Congratulations to: wackyanimation (26), Aranix (22), Excelsior (22)
[11:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> i got bit coin today
[11:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[11:33] Cutemammy_Tas> nice :D
[11:33] Luke_OP> Damelo todo papi
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> only 2euroes
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> :D
[11:34] [SW]Babo> euroes
[11:34] [SW]Babo> l
[11:34] [SW]Babo> ol
[11:34] Cutemammy_Tas> not much :o
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> ofc not
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[11:35] Cutemammy_Tas> i thought you got Mario amount like 99 :D?
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[11:35] Cutemammy_Tas> be4 1up ;D
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> nah :p
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> x2 is enough for going all levels
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> we can use warp
[11:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[11:35] Cutemammy_Tas> true
[11:35] Cutemammy_Tas> xD
[11:35] aliverdi1023> 2v1 u
[11:35] the_hangover> lets rm
[11:35] the_hangover> diff teams
[11:35] ZytQ out
[11:38] thoughtseize in
[11:40] Spinnifix in
[11:40] centauro_tAS in
[11:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> spin is not wearing clan tag
[11:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> but he is still in GoD
[11:41] Spinnifix> that is not 30 seconds to login dear IncaWarrior
[11:41] Spinnifix out
[11:41] shogun> no shit tsu
[11:41] centauro_tAS out
[11:41] shogun> :>
[11:42] Spinnifix> yea
[11:42] Spinnifix> and they dont understand
[11:42] Spinnifix> vhan
[11:42] centauro_tAS in
[11:43] shogun> OLMOLMOLMOL
[11:43] shogun> sup centauro
[11:43] shogun> ^no.
[11:44] Spinnifix> whats up
[11:44] Spinnifix> what map
[11:44] hanson_mmmb_op in
[11:44] centauro_tAS out
[11:44] thoughtseize out
[11:45] centauro_tAS in
[11:45] Spinnifix> map
[11:46] [SR]Legend out
[11:46] shogun> do 4way make me yell
[11:46] Spinnifix> i cant ping
[11:46] shogun> :>
[11:46] Spinnifix> fanzaah and vhan
[11:46] shogun> fanzaah its unpingeable
[11:46] Spinnifix> no ping
[11:46] [SR]FanZaah> no ping bruh
[11:46] shogun> is*
[11:47] centauro_tAS> i was in
[11:47] Apocalypsis_TAS> the hangover is the best in this lobby
[11:47] Apocalypsis_TAS> everyone should know that
[11:48] left_nut out
[11:48] centauro_tAS out
[11:48] shogun> ^the best in this lobby
[11:49] centauro_tAS in
[11:50] shogun> centauro_tAS: go to options > network settings > click port test
[11:51] centauro_tAS> sec spin
[11:51] centauro_tAS> was doing port test
[11:51] Deus_Vult_OP in
[11:51] centauro_tAS> u cant kick me damn
[11:52] Deus_Vult_OP> Hen to the Tai
[11:52] [SR]Legend in
[11:52] hanson_mmmb_op> hey shao
[11:52] [SR]Legend out
[11:53] shogun> this server makes everything worse
[11:53] centauro_tAS> i missed nubmnir
[11:53] centauro_tAS> =)
[11:53] Luke_OP out
[11:54] [SR]Legend in
[11:55] left_nut in
[11:55] the_hangover> gg
[11:55] the_hangover> rm?
[11:57] Luke_OP in
[11:58] the_hangover> +1
[11:58] [SR]007s out
[11:58] the_hangover> +2
[11:58] Spinnifix out
[11:58] centauro_tAS> pff
[11:58] the_hangover> spin
[11:58] the_hangover> yoo
[11:59] the_hangover> +01
[11:59] Luke_OP out
[11:59] the_hangover> +1 for a gg
[11:59] Spinnifix in
[12:00] Luke_OP in
[12:00] Spinnifix> no way rod
[12:00] Right_nut_OP> lmfao
[12:00] shogun> lol soz
[12:00] Spinnifix> mm closed
[12:01] shogun> had to leave for 5 mins
[12:01] Spinnifix> rod
[12:01] Spinnifix> my hostspot
[12:01] shogun> and didnt even bother on pausing game :>
[12:01] Spinnifix> this is
[12:01] shogun> sparta
[12:01] Spinnifix> not normal
[12:01] Spinnifix> yea right
[12:02] Spinnifix> ye
[12:02] shogun> ?
[12:02] Spinnifix> fucking ally any1
[12:02] shogun> u mad spin
[12:02] shogun> 1v1 me
[12:02] Spinnifix> this is so annoying
[12:02] shogun> ik honey
[12:02] shogun> lets go
[12:02] shogun> easy points for u
[12:02] shogun> u fking points whore
[12:02] Spinnifix> u didnt play becuz u had t o ally yellow
[12:02] Spinnifix> playing 2v2
[12:02] shogun> ?
[12:03] shogun> do u want points ?
[12:03] shogun> i give u
[12:03] shogun> bitch
[12:03] Spinnifix> no
[12:03] shogun> i dont care
[12:03] Spinnifix> i dont need them too
[12:03] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:03] shogun> so why do u complain
[12:03] shogun> stfu
[12:03] Spinnifix> what
[12:03] centauro_tAS> gtg eat
[12:03] Spinnifix> dafaq
[12:03] centauro_tAS> hang over
[12:03] Right_nut_OP> https://www.facebook.com/keith.rubino/videos/10155305895552527/
[12:04] centauro_tAS out
[12:04] the_hangover> spin why u log out
[12:04] Spinnifix> dude
[12:04] the_hangover> thought u left
[12:04] Spinnifix> was mm
[12:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> fuck i forgot about the new ranks
[12:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> we're all still god damn wilds
[12:06] shogun> damn
[12:06] shogun> keith lives in a cool zone
[12:06] shogun> i like it
[12:07] Spinnifix> I WANT THE OTHER ONE FIRST
[12:07] Spinnifix> capsd
[12:08] shogun> hey mat
[12:08] shogun> matt*
[12:08] shogun> u there
[12:08] shogun> join us
[12:08] shogun> spin whoever allies ali will loose
[12:08] shogun> sad but true
[12:09] Spinnifix> i dont fucking care
[12:09] shogun> well will not be fun
[12:09] Spinnifix> i want a game
[12:09] Spinnifix> i dont care
[12:09] Spinnifix> for me it will be fun
[12:09] Spinnifix> idc about u guys
[12:12] [SW]Babo> https://i.gyazo.com/ef2ec54c1b17b2b6c5dcd1b59d6e0e3b.png https://i.gyazo.com/2fe5b178456d76804102c42ab2e19f40.png
[12:12] [SW]Babo> a man of his words!
[12:12] xmike in
[12:12] Right_nut_OP> grow up its a virtual lobby
[12:12] Cutemammy_Tas> he is stil here :D
[12:12] Right_nut_OP> dont even have to open it to see
[12:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> cute mammy :)
[12:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> having ping 281 :/
[12:12] Right_nut_OP> babo i over react true
[12:12] Right_nut_OP> but as u see
[12:13] Right_nut_OP> being wildman for 10 days might suck
[12:13] Right_nut_OP> look at the activity right now
[12:13] [Rw]Lupin in
[12:13] Right_nut_OP> so huge
[12:13] Right_nut_OP> incas ideas worse every day
[12:13] Right_nut_OP> but hey babo worse than being a man of his words online is not playing someone 1v1 lol and its not even in real
[12:13] Cutemammy_Tas> no idea why tsu :<
[12:14] Right_nut_OP> babos still got to grow a lot
[12:14] Right_nut_OP> it's sad
[12:14] Right_nut_OP> his ego got the best of him
[12:14] Apocalypsis_TAS> sad news :(((
[12:14] Right_nut_OP> he thinks hes somewhat good nowadays
[12:14] Deus_Vult_OP> HENTAI
[12:15] Cutemammy_Tas> it is just ramdom :S
[12:15] Cutemammy_Tas> random*
[12:16] [Rw]Lupin out
[12:19] [SW]Babo> why would i 1v1 a faggot
[12:19] Xile_TN out
[12:19] Right_nut_OP> lol that makes no sense
[12:19] Right_nut_OP> thats only excuses
[12:19] [SW]Babo> its just not fun playing/talking to a fucking hater
[12:19] [SW]Babo> get over it
[12:19] Right_nut_OP> i dont even talk in game
[12:19] [SW]Babo> stop bitching around
[12:19] Right_nut_OP> only in lobby
[12:19] [SW]Babo> and maybe ill play with u again
[12:19] Right_nut_OP> i complain less in game than u
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> cuz in game it's where u show skills
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> and ud rather complain like moores does
[12:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[12:20] [SW]Babo> its not about complaining in game you mong
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> ye sure, use the "hate" excuse
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> not to play me
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> even alex had people blocked and still played with em
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> yea babo after everything ive said
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> now you're just scared to play me and get raped lol
[12:20] Right_nut_OP> i understand
[12:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> i need to win games man
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> i want the cutest mammy
[12:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> get out
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> only the cutest mammy
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> nothing else.
[12:21] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[12:21] Right_nut_OP> see
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> *hugs*
[12:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
[12:21] Right_nut_OP> this is what the actual ranking system brings
[12:21] Cutemammy_Tas> :O
[12:22] Right_nut_OP> wild even kick wild
[12:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOL
[12:22] Cutemammy_Tas> i see i get an inventation :o
[12:22] Right_nut_OP> SW clan being pussies
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> :D
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> the new generation love has started
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> :))))))
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> but your ping :((((
[12:22] Right_nut_OP> :((((((
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> we have no choise
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> we are forced to use beta bot
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> :(
[12:23] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[12:23] Cutemammy_Tas> laggy game for me :D
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> but
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> my 281 is more
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> for you
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> right :o?
[12:23] Cutemammy_Tas> right now i thin kso
[12:23] stagioni out
[12:23] xmike out
[12:23] Right_nut_OP> babo still scared
[12:23] Right_nut_OP> he shit himself
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> so
[12:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> we have no choise
[12:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> botabet
[12:24] Cutemammy_Tas> nope :o
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> best thing is when they shit themselves before game has even started
[12:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> babo pls
[12:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> i need points
[12:24] [SW]Babo> ill let u win
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> bella kick babo
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> u need to win
[12:24] [SW]Babo> shut up nici
[12:24] [SW]Babo> youre a mong
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> hypocrite
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> babo hating lol
[12:24] Right_nut_OP> cuz someones better than him
[12:24] [SW]Babo> talk to me when your period is over
[12:25] Right_nut_OP> and points it at his face
[12:25] janinibogini in
[12:25] [SW]Babo> no i dont hate
[12:25] [SW]Babo> i know that youre better
[12:25] [SW]Babo> idm
[12:25] Right_nut_OP> everyones scared to tell u how bad u are
[12:25] [SW]Babo> its just your attitude
[12:25] Right_nut_OP> but ill fight for the people
[12:25] [SW]Babo> that fucking sucks man
[12:25] [SW]Babo> youve been a nice guy
[12:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh shit is that nici?
[12:25] [SW]Babo> now youre worse than matt
[12:25] [SW]Babo> sad
[12:25] Right_nut_OP> ill actually speak for the people that have been hiding
[12:25] [SW]Babo> yeah got marthin luther king
[12:25] [SW]Babo> no one will stop you from being hated
[12:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> nici what happened
[12:25] Right_nut_OP> nah babo
[12:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> why are u back lmao
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> only u
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> who deserves negative approach
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> cuz uve been an asshole to people
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> so now people are assholes to u
[12:26] janinibogini out
[12:26] [SW]Babo> ive got no respect for trashtalkers like you
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> dunno bella my mm opened automatically
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> so id come check and it seems we'll be wildmen forever
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> babo i dont need your respect
[12:26] Right_nut_OP> dont be silly lol
[12:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> loool sure
[12:27] [SW]Babo> neither do i need your opinion
[12:27] [SW]Babo> as its useless
[12:27] Right_nut_OP> its not useless
[12:27] Right_nut_OP> its a fact
[12:27] [SW]Babo> opinion=fact
[12:27] [SW]Babo> there we go
[12:27] Right_nut_OP> that's what you dont get
[12:27] Right_nut_OP> im pointing out facts
[12:27] Right_nut_OP> not giving my opinion
[12:28] [SW]Babo> your opinion is that im shit
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> yes
[12:28] [SW]Babo> where are the facts in the statement?
[12:28] [SW]Babo> give me some prove
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> ok i give u some proof
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> my eyes
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> ----end of evidence-----
[12:28] [SW]Babo> sorry thats not valid prove
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> oh? your owner
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> how is it not
[12:28] [SW]Babo> cuz its YOUR eyes
[12:28] [SW]Babo> aka your opinion
[12:28] Right_nut_OP> nah
[12:29] [SW]Babo> not a fact
[12:29] xtro> rotate?
[12:29] [SW]Babo> learn to argumentate
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> wtf honour*
[12:29] xtro> Fried wanna ally green ?
[12:29] [SW]Babo> done with you for today
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> babo i mean it
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> lots of people say u are shit
[12:29] the_hangover out
[12:29] [SW]Babo> ya lemme ally bella
[12:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> k
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> weed, me , matt
[12:29] [SW]Babo> wow 3 ppl
[12:29] Spinnifix> [SW]Babo> learn to argumentate
[12:29] [SW]Babo> that hate me
[12:29] Spinnifix> made my day
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> notice, only ur friends dont say that
[12:29] [SW]Babo> congrats
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> because they dont want to fight with u
[12:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> weed and matt dont count as people
[12:29] [SW]Babo> no nici
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> most people here know how bad u are
[12:29] [SW]Babo> those are my haters
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> why haters?
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> ure not even good
[12:29] [SW]Babo> get some neutral persons to say that
[12:29] Right_nut_OP> how can u have haters
[12:29] the_hangover in
[12:29] [SW]Babo> like eric
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> LOL
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> ERIC
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> doesn't even talk
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> stop being a smartass
[12:30] [SW]Babo> so wot
[12:30] shogun> why so much hate
[12:30] shogun> peace boys
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> well babos hating on me
[12:30] [SW]Babo> its 3 haters opinions i dont care about
[12:30] [SW]Babo> :)
[12:30] Right_nut_OP> for no reason
[12:30] Spinnifix> ROD
[12:30] Spinnifix> LET ALVERDI IN
[12:30] the_hangover> so much hate
[12:31] aliverdi1023> ?!
[12:31] shogun> well
[12:31] aliverdi1023> that is full
[12:31] shogun> ts not hard to say
[12:31] shogun> "sry babo.. i love u dw"
[12:31] shogun> its*
[12:31] Luke_OP> Stfu pastic
[12:31] the_hangover> what was the map
[12:31] the_hangover out
[12:31] shogun> we will all be dead within 100 years
[12:31] shogun> ts just enjoy the moment toghetah
[12:31] shogun> lets*
[12:31] Spinnifix> hanson
[12:31] shogun> :>
[12:32] Right_nut_OP> look shaman rank in
[12:32] Right_nut_OP> bashing easily
[12:32] Luke_OP> How wow The Hangover is oficcially numero uno
[12:32] aliverdi1023 out
[12:32] Right_nut_OP> hahah
[12:32] Right_nut_OP> but 350 points as shaman is pathetic
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> can we get a preacher game
[12:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> "preacher"
[12:32] Right_nut_OP> nah u play wildmen
[12:33] Luke_OP> It takes time to log in now so give him his time
[12:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> man im so confused
[12:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> cant believe i have to play 5 games to see a single rank
[12:33] the_hangover in
[12:33] shogun> i dont think 350 is enough for shaman rank
[12:33] Luke_OP> There he goes
[12:33] Luke_OP> All welcome the allmighty numero 1 of populous
[12:33] Right_nut_OP> congrats rod u are so good
[12:33] shogun> thing is.. whoever gets rank 1 in leagues gets that rank
[12:33] Quetzalcoatl in
[12:34] the_hangover> takes 3 min to relog
[12:34] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOL
[12:34] Spinnifix> yea bella
[12:34] shogun> btw
[12:34] Spinnifix> join
[12:34] [SW]Babo> bow down to the new #1
[12:34] xtro> which map ?
[12:34] shogun> wasnt don_gato the first one ?
[12:34] Spinnifix> wow babo
[12:34] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh yesterday
[12:34] Spinnifix> [SW]Babo> learn to argumentate
[12:34] Luke_OP> Run wildies
[12:34] Luke_OP> Run the fuck out a shaman is tryin to bash you
[12:34] [SW]Babo> isso alta
[12:34] Spinnifix> blah
[12:34] [SW]Fried_Rice> the mm is absolute chaios
[12:34] the_hangover> u are league rank 1
[12:35] [SW]Babo> der gibt seine meinung
[12:35] the_hangover> knew it
[12:35] shogun> convert me rod
[12:35] [SW]Babo> und meint es sind fakten
[12:35] shogun> or else ill start eating all the trees in da world
[12:35] the_hangover> im shaman +
[12:35] [SW]Babo> wie kann man sowas ernst nehmen?
[12:35] the_hangover> highest of all
[12:35] shogun> n drinnk the whole sea
[12:35] the_hangover> bow to ur new god
[12:35] the_hangover> i will
[12:35] the_hangover> ur coming my tribe
[12:35] Spinnifix> babo wieso leavst du
[12:35] the_hangover> and please my needs
[12:35] the_hangover> :)
[12:36] shogun> ?
[12:36] [SW]Babo> rod 1v1
[12:36] shogun> i just want to beacome a brave
[12:36] [SW]Babo> was leaven?
[12:36] the_hangover> get rak first
[12:36] Luke_OP> Convertin shogun it's kinda like convertin an aids wildman
[12:36] the_hangover> babo
[12:36] shogun> n build a playboy mansion
[12:36] the_hangover> rank
[12:36] [SR]FanZaah> trod who are you
[12:36] Luke_OP> that's going to die by himself sooner or later
[12:36] shogun> n have all the bitches
[12:36] Spinnifix> wow eingeschnappt
[12:36] [SR]FanZaah> who is trod
[12:36] xtro out
[12:36] the_hangover> i am
[12:36] shogun> n build boats
[12:36] the_hangover> the highest of all
[12:36] [SR]FanZaah> ahhh hello there sugardaddy :)
[12:36] Spinnifix> ist das ein grund
[12:36] Spinnifix> mit mir nicht zu spielen
[12:36] [SW]Babo> ich sitze hier
[12:37] the_hangover> hi
[12:37] [SW]Babo> lol
[12:37] [SR]FanZaah> how you doing today
[12:37] the_hangover> fine
[12:37] [SW]Babo> ich hatte vorhin eig nen game
[12:37] the_hangover> we had game before
[12:37] the_hangover> did u know
[12:37] the_hangover> it was me?
[12:37] [SR]FanZaah> nice to hear that
[12:37] Spinnifix> ?
[12:37] [SW]Babo> go rod
[12:37] the_hangover> map?
[12:37] [SW]Babo> im allying spin
[12:37] the_hangover> no ur not
[12:37] [SW]Babo> yes i do
[12:37] [SW]Babo> im wild
[12:37] the_hangover> nope
[12:37] [SW]Babo> youre shaman+
[12:37] shogun> ill ally spin
[12:37] the_hangover> yep
[12:37] Spinnifix> ich hatte dich gehostet
[12:37] the_hangover> i ally babo
[12:37] shogun> fair teams
[12:38] xtro in
[12:38] Spinnifix> du gingst weg
[12:38] Spinnifix> wtf
[12:38] [SW]Babo> was
[12:38] [SW]Babo> nein
[12:38] shogun> cos i sux etc
[12:38] the_hangover> map?
[12:38] shogun> lets doo 4way?
[12:38] [SW]Babo> me n spin
[12:38] [SW]Babo> im doing a matt now
[12:38] shogun> babo ur not takin spin
[12:38] [SW]Babo> always allying the best
[12:38] shogun> stfu
[12:38] [SW]Babo> sorry
[12:38] shogun> l,ol
[12:38] [SW]Babo> i dont play then
[12:38] Quetzalcoatl out
[12:38] the_hangover> im takin spin
[12:38] shogun> aye true shit
[12:39] hanson_mmmb_op out
[12:39] Spinnifix> no u dont
[12:39] Spinnifix> i ally vhan
[12:39] Spinnifix> heul nicht rum?
[12:39] Spinnifix> not 4way
[12:39] the_hangover> convert not working ehh
[12:39] the_hangover> the wildmen stubborn
[12:39] Spinnifix> no
[12:39] Spinnifix> wow
[12:39] Quetzalcoatl in
[12:39] shogun> sess ?
[12:39] Spinnifix> [SW]Babo> learn to argumentate
[12:39] shogun> :>
[12:39] shogun> Spinnifix> [SW]Babo> learn to argumentate
[12:39] [SW]Babo> wieso quotest du das?
[12:39] Spinnifix> do fo
[12:39] Spinnifix> rod
[12:40] the_hangover> lets do new map
[12:40] shogun> yep fo is cool
[12:40] Spinnifix> not sess
[12:40] the_hangover> teleisland
[12:40] Spinnifix> ffs
[12:40] [SW]Babo> fuck tele island
[12:40] [SW]Babo> its not new
[12:40] Spinnifix> selbsterklärend
[12:40] Spinnifix> yea do tele island
[12:40] [SW]Babo> ? ich kann gut argumentieren
[12:40] [SW]Babo> wenn ich nicht voll bin
[12:41] shogun> guys go to YT
[12:42] shogun> search for niki minaj - anaconda
[12:42] shogun> masturbate
[12:42] shogun> n enjoy
[12:44] Quetzalcoatl out
[12:47] [SW]Arbrim in
[12:47] [SW]Arbrim out
[12:47] [SW]Arbrim in
[12:47] [SW]Arbrim> halihalo!
[12:48] TheGabber in
[12:48] [SW]Arbrim> YOOOOOOOOO
[12:48] [SW]Arbrim> YOOYOYOYTOYO SW 4 evaH1 :D
[12:49] TheGabber> so many noobs :P
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaha
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> hallo fanzahg
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> the gabber
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> while we have the server on team speak
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> how can i install ts in win xp ?
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> fanzy, ill play with sw ers soon
[12:49] [SW]Arbrim> so i may ditch you
[12:49] [Rw]Exotic out
[12:50] aliverdi1023 in
[12:50] [Rw]Exotic in
[12:51] rhyanvalk in
[12:51] [SW]Arbrim> exotix come
[12:52] Deus_Vult_OP> hentai
[12:53] Deus_Vult_OP out
[12:55] rhyanvalk out
[12:56] [SW]Arbrim> [SW]BABO [SW]BELLA [SW]ARBI PM ME WHEN URE BACK <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[12:56] aliverdi1023 out
[12:57] aliverdi1023 in
[12:59] xtro> +1
[13:00] TheGabber out
[13:01] [SR]Spark in
[13:03] the_hangover> YOO ARB
[13:03] shogun> spin
[13:03] shogun> they doubled me as fk
[13:03] the_hangover> spin had babo
[13:03] [SW]Babo> why boring players?
[13:03] the_hangover> so badly
[13:03] shogun> and when i was recovering he bded me
[13:03] [SW]Arbrim> babp
[13:03] [SW]Arbrim> BABOOOO
[13:03] [SW]Babo> na i was fine
[13:03] [SW]Arbrim> CMONG BRO lez wait for bella and arbi?
[13:03] shogun> that map was just a headache
[13:04] Spinnifix out
[13:04] [SW]Arbrim> BABOOOO DARABUKAA :D
[13:04] shogun> they sended like 1000 warrs though my back
[13:04] [SW]Babo> calm down bimi
[13:04] shogun> trough*
[13:04] the_hangover> arb u see
[13:04] the_hangover> whos the new league 1
[13:04] [SW]Arbrim> me?
[13:04] the_hangover> the god of pop
[13:04] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha congrats :D
[13:04] the_hangover> ur not even on the list lol
[13:04] [SW]Babo> rod didnt have 1 fw till 14min
[13:04] [SW]Babo> lmao
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> yesterday was Don Gato
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> the last cleaning was like
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> today you
[13:05] the_hangover> but now the real
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> and tomorrow?
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> killing cock roach
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:05] Cutemammy_Tas> :o
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> pboris93
[13:05] Cutemammy_Tas> gg
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> hangover
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> your island was too cute to sink
[13:05] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:05] the_hangover> i didnt make fws
[13:05] the_hangover> babo
[13:05] the_hangover> no need
[13:05] the_hangover> only wanted wars
[13:05] [SW]Arbrim> me babo bella and alpha are playing some sw games
[13:05] [SW]Babo> ya
[13:05] Right_nut_OP> that was the slowest launch ever
[13:05] Right_nut_OP> xtro
[13:05] xtro out
[13:06] Cutemammy_Tas> :)
[13:06] [SR]Spark> babo
[13:06] [SR]Spark> sup man
[13:06] xtro in
[13:06] [SR]Spark> hows the general bashing going?
[13:07] [SR]Spark> by that i mean matt bashing :P
[13:07] Right_nut_OP> wtf u doing
[13:07] Right_nut_OP> im not playing as green bro
[13:07] centauro_tAS in
[13:07] Right_nut_OP> t-roda always trying to play maps and colours to his advantage
[13:07] the_hangover> lol
[13:07] Right_nut_OP> that is the gayest shit ever
[13:07] the_hangover> ok can change
[13:07] the_hangover> didnt know u wanted yell :D
[13:07] [SW]Babo> spark knows
[13:07] Right_nut_OP> u are hard-wear 2
[13:08] reverse1 in
[13:08] [SW]Babo> yo legend
[13:08] Right_nut_OP> why do you only play me on tom
[13:08] Right_nut_OP> i wonder
[13:08] xtro out
[13:08] [SW]Arbrim> YOOOOOO
[13:08] [SW]Arbrim> BABO :
[13:08] centauro_tAS out
[13:08] aliverdi1023 out
[13:09] centauro_tAS in
[13:09] the_hangover> not sure if u all noticed
[13:09] aliverdi1023 in
[13:09] the_hangover> but im league rank nro 1
[13:09] [SW]Babo> lmfao
[13:09] [SR]Spark> grats
[13:09] the_hangover> tyty
[13:09] [SR]Spark> now take a day off u deserve it
[13:10] [SR]Spark> :D
[13:10] xtro in
[13:10] the_hangover> end of nicis time is over
[13:10] centauro_tAS out
[13:10] aliverdi1023 out
[13:10] Right_nut_OP> wtf these retards doing leaving
[13:10] the_hangover> its mm
[13:10] the_hangover> makes them
[13:10] the_hangover> cuts net
[13:10] shogun> wow trod
[13:10] shogun out
[13:11] the_hangover> ?
[13:11] the_hangover> what wow
[13:11] Right_nut_OP> .?
[13:11] centauro_tAS in
[13:11] [SR]FanZaah> ??
[13:11] shogun in
[13:11] [SR]Spark> he is amazed
[13:11] [SR]Spark> by ur league rank
[13:11] [SR]Spark> hence wow
[13:11] the_hangover> bow for ur new god
[13:11] aliverdi1023 in
[13:12] shogun out
[13:12] [SR]Spark> nope
[13:12] the_hangover> come aliverdi
[13:12] shogun in
[13:12] Right_nut_OP> go
[13:12] [SR]FanZaah> no ping centauro
[13:12] Right_nut_OP> can barely get a game with this seasonal bs
[13:12] the_hangover> the g spot is empty
[13:13] shogun> wtf is this reconecting shit
[13:13] PC2 in
[13:13] xtro> +3
[13:13] shogun> this server is a caner
[13:13] [SR]FanZaah> leave centauro
[13:13] shogun> cancer*
[13:13] centauro_tAS> ?
[13:13] centauro_tAS> ty why u are real rank
[13:13] centauro_tAS> not right
[13:13] shogun out
[13:13] centauro_tAS> i had
[13:13] centauro_tAS out
[13:13] [SW]Arbrim> legend
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> we are doing SW game
[13:14] [SW]Babo> he was sw once
[13:14] [SR]Legend> ok
[13:14] [SR]Legend> lol
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> evooo
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> how are you mate?? :D
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[13:14] [SR]Legend> fine man
[13:14] [SR]Legend> how are you doing
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> bro u were from india right?
[13:14] shogun in
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> goood good enough bro ty
[13:14] [SR]Legend> yes
[13:14] shogun> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[13:14] shogun> -.-
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> yea :D
[13:14] [SR]Legend> took a break for 2 yrs
[13:14] [SR]Spark> he still is
[13:14] [SR]Legend> now i am back
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> we had some indians it was great :)
[13:14] aliverdi1023 out
[13:14] [SR]Spark> LMFAO
[13:14] shogun> whats next
[13:14] [SW]Arbrim> there was legend(evolution), abigal and harshadkamble :D
[13:15] [SW]Arbrim> (bigbang)
[13:15] [SR]Spark> kya re feku
[13:15] [SR]Spark> xD
[13:15] [SR]Legend> hehe
[13:15] [SW]Arbrim> ^^ ;)
[13:15] [SR]Legend> I like SW much..
[13:15] [SW]Arbrim> welcome back bro
[13:15] [SW]Arbrim> i checkd ur monthly points,i saw u were incative
[13:15] [SW]Arbrim> inactive so im welcoming you :D hahaha <3 :D
[13:15] [SR]Legend> :)
[13:15] [SR]Spark> gay
[13:15] xmike in
[13:15] [SR]Spark> :D
[13:16] [SR]Legend> lol
[13:16] Spinnifix in
[13:16] [SR]Legend> these days i see old players coming back
[13:16] [SW]Arbrim> :)
[13:16] [SR]Legend> baxter , ra etc
[13:16] [SW]Arbrim> spini use ur tag
[13:16] [SW]Arbrim> mothersucker
[13:17] [SW]Arbrim> babo
[13:18] [SW]Babo> sup
[13:18] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dj9esk2kfY
[13:18] xmike out
[13:19] [SW]Babo> wot 45min
[13:19] [SW]Babo> highlights
[13:19] [SW]Babo> lmao
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> lool
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> i was like: omfg L:D hahahaha
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> wtf was that :P{ :D hahaha
[13:19] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> well
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> they were right :D
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> there must be a quality game :D
[13:19] [SW]Arbrim> so all scenes are highlited P
[13:20] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[13:21] xmike in
[13:22] Obscura_OP in
[13:22] aliverdi1023 in
[13:24] aliverdi1023> +2
[13:24] Spinnifix> map
[13:24] Obscura_OP> now we dont know how many games matt had
[13:24] [Rw]Exotic out
[13:25] shogun> like 9500+
[13:25] Cutemammy_Tas> you can estimate :D?
[13:25] shogun> i saw it a week ago
[13:25] shogun> it was sumtin like that
[13:25] Cutemammy_Tas> calculate
[13:25] [SW]Arbrim> babo are u watching it?
[13:25] Cutemammy_Tas> old amount+ new after 1 July
[13:25] aliverdi1023 out
[13:26] shogun> host
[13:26] shogun> fo
[13:26] shogun> s
[13:26] shogun> fo
[13:26] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[13:27] shogun> a
[13:27] shogun> launch
shogun - MapPack: OK
xmike - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - xmike: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[13:27] [SW]Babo> nah too long bro
[13:27] [SW]Babo> haha
[13:27] Spinnifix out
Game successfully created in database.
[13:28] [SW]Arbrim> man that box :D
[13:28] [SW]Arbrim> omg :DD
[13:28] [SW]Arbrim> man fucking enjoying it
[13:29] [SW]Arbrim> i thougt klit and joshua
[13:29] [SW]Arbrim> were best of all but.. this... :D hahaha
Game successfully checked in.
[13:30] aliverdi1023 in
[13:32] Obscura_OP> sw guys join here...
[13:32] [SW]Arbrim> SW game here
[13:32] [SW]Arbrim> no space of Ops..
[13:34] [SR]Legend out
[13:37] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dj9esk2kfY
[13:37] [SW]Arbrim> wathc it nubs:D
Game results submitted.
[13:37] [AsG]Storm in
[13:38] Don_Gato> hi
[13:38] Don_Gato> sup
[13:38] [AsG]Storm out
[13:39] shogun> host
[13:39] bobbylala in
[13:39] Don_Gato out
[13:39] left_nut out
[13:40] [SW]Arbrim> 26:00 +
[13:40] [SW]Arbrim> and theres soime BLOOOOOD
[13:40] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
xmike - MapPack: OK
shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - shogun: Red - xmike: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[13:40] xtro> ?
[13:40] Right_nut_OP> wp xtro
[13:40] Right_nut_OP> but harvest some next time
[13:40] Don_Gato in
[13:40] xtro> ok
[13:40] Spinnifix in
[13:40] xtro> ty
[13:40] Right_nut_OP> do yo know how to harvest??
Game successfully created in database.
[13:41] xtro> ye :D
[13:41] the_hangover> spin come
[13:41] the_hangover> and obs
[13:41] the_hangover> we get a gg
[13:41] the_hangover> nici
[13:41] the_hangover> join
[13:41] Right_nut_OP> lel
[13:41] Right_nut_OP> u can stick asg up yer butt
[13:41] the_hangover> no
[13:41] Spinnifix> not ditching
[13:41] the_hangover> i play tb
[13:41] the_hangover> now
[13:42] Spinnifix> Luke
[13:42] Spinnifix> join
[13:42] Obscura_OP> haha :D
[13:42] [SW]Arbrim> that horn was trainer of pacquaio? :D
[13:42] the_hangover> spin not sure if u have noticed
[13:42] xtro out
[13:42] the_hangover> but im the leaguer rank nro 1
[13:42] Right_nut_OP> boring troll
Game successfully checked in.
[13:43] hanson_mmmb_op in
[13:43] Right_nut_OP> at least matt is funnier
[13:43] Spinnifix> go
[13:43] the_hangover> whos troolling here_
[13:43] the_hangover> ?
[13:43] Right_nut_OP> the hard-wear 2 has been found
[13:43] the_hangover> whos hard wear 2?
[13:43] Obscura_OP out
[13:43] Spinnifix> ye saw it
[13:44] the_hangover> map?
[13:44] the_hangover> tot
[13:44] the_hangover> sounds nice
[13:44] Right_nut_OP> lol
[13:45] [SW]Babo> [14:43] Right_nut_OP> at least matt is funnier
[13:45] [SW]Babo> lol'ed
[13:46] Obscura_OP in
[13:46] Right_nut_OP> yea
[13:46] Right_nut_OP> sorry to break ur feelings babunoob
[13:47] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[13:47] Obscura_OP> wow
[13:47] Obscura_OP> ....
[13:47] hanson_mmmb_op out
[13:47] Obscura_OP> ffs
[13:47] Obscura_OP out
[13:49] [SW]Babo> sorry but matt aint funny at all
[13:50] [SW]Babo> if you think hes funny you gotta have brain damage
[13:50] [Rw]Exotic in
[13:51] Deliruis in
[13:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy is the cutest animal in this world
[13:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
Game results submitted.
[13:55] shogun> host
[13:55] hanson_mmmb_op in
[13:55] PC2 out
[13:55] Deliruis out
[13:55] arnost in
[13:55] shogun> tot
[13:56] left_nut in
[13:56] broady in
[13:56] [SW]Arbrim> raining fuck...
[13:56] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
xmike - MapPack: OK
shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - xmike: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[13:56] hanson_mmmb_op out
Game successfully created in database.
[13:57] arnost out
[13:58] xmike out
Game results submitted.
[13:59] broady out
[13:59] shogun out
[13:59] shogun in
[14:00] shogun> host
[14:02] shogun> fo
[14:05] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
aliverdi1023 - MapPack: OK
shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - aliverdi1023: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[14:05] [Rw]TheHero in
[14:05] [Rw]TheHero out
[14:06] [Rw]TheHero in
[14:07] [Rw]Exotic out
[14:08] [Rw]TheHero> hi arbrim and babo
[14:08] [Rw]TheHero> congrats for rank
[14:08] [SW]Arbrim> hahahah
[14:08] [SW]Arbrim> ty
[14:08] [SW]Arbrim> u2
[14:08] [Rw]TheHero> ty lol
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[14:08] shogun> host
[14:09] shogun> launch
[14:09] shogun> j
[14:09] shogun> fo
[14:09] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
aliverdi1023 - MapPack: OK
shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - aliverdi1023: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[14:10] giorgos in
Game successfully created in database.
[14:10] the_hangover> wp mates
[14:10] [SR]Legend in
[14:11] [AsG]Pandi in
Game successfully checked in.
[14:13] giorgos out
[14:15] [SR]Legend> some1 host plz
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj_guardian
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> hoshtit hoshtit ! :P
[14:16] [SR]Legend> Host karaa naa raao
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[14:16] [SR]Legend> skaaj raao
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> lol
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> ye ki
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[14:16] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj is marathi
[14:17] [SR]Legend> are waah
[14:17] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj
[14:17] [Rw]TheHero> ever been to khaadgun ?
[14:17] [Rw]TheHero> yanda jatrela nakki yaaycha huh ?
[14:18] [SR]Legend> xD
[14:18] [SR]Legend> skaarj konta khedaa raao?
[14:18] [Rw]TheHero> wtf
[14:18] [Rw]TheHero> change map
[14:18] [Rw]TheHero> lol
[14:18] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj is making unbelievably unfair teams
[14:19] [Rw]TheHero> im not playing that teams
[14:19] [Rw]TheHero> kuch chatpata teams karo skaarj
[14:19] [SR]Legend> ye pings high too
[14:19] [Rw]TheHero> jara jhomdaar team kar ki rao
[14:19] skaarj_guardian out
[14:19] [SR]Legend> lol
[14:19] [Rw]TheHero> skaarj is gadkari
[14:20] [Rw]TheHero> xD
[14:20] [SR]Legend> xD
[14:20] skaarj_guardian in
[14:20] [Rw]TheHero> bailaaani maalkaala maarli mitthi
[14:20] [SR]Legend> ;p
[14:20] Luke_OP out
[14:22] Luke_OP in
[14:22] [Rw]TheHero> T-Rod ... ae baja !!!
[14:22] [SR]Legend out
[14:25] the_hangover> waasssuuup
[14:25] the_hangover> +2
[14:25] [Rw]TheHero> wait someone is coming
[14:27] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[14:27] left_nut out
[14:28] [SW]Arbrim> cmon bella
[14:28] [SW]Arbrim> and alphaa
[14:28] [SW]Arbrim> GG WP
[14:29] Spinnifix out
[14:30] [SR]Legend in
[14:30] the_hangover> well i must eat now
[14:30] the_hangover> sry
[14:30] [SW]Babo> lol
[14:30] [SW]Babo> typicall rod
[14:31] [SR]Legend out
[14:31] [SW]Babo> waits in hut forever and then goes eart
[14:31] [Rw]Exotic in
[14:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[14:31] [SW]Babo> cmon alpa n bella
[14:31] [SW]Babo> join here
[14:31] [SW]Arbrim> yeaaaaa
[14:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> nah im so tired lmao
[14:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> that game
[14:31] [SW]Arbrim> we are waiting since 2 houyrs
[14:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> jesus
[14:32] [SW]Arbrim> babo go 1c1
[14:32] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1
[14:32] [SW]Arbrim> no way
[14:32] [SW]Babo> lol
[14:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> that lost fs
[14:32] [SR]Legend in
[14:32] [SR]Legend out
[14:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u have gotten better bella
[14:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> more resistent
[14:33] [SR]Legend in
[14:33] [SW]Arbrim> frozen for 2nd time
[14:33] [SW]Arbrim> once more
[14:33] [SW]Arbrim> alpha wanna watch?
[14:33] [SR]Legend out
[14:33] [SW]Arbrim> lemme re open mm
[14:33] [SW]Arbrim out
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> y
[14:34] [SW]Babo> spielste?
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nein
[14:34] [SW]Babo> nub
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> grad zu lange gehabt
[14:34] [SW]Babo> lol
[14:34] [SW]Babo> 2h
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hab so viele spells verloren und delays :D
[14:34] [SR]Legend in
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> war der hammer
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trotzdem gewonnen
[14:34] [SR]Legend out
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ja aber musste immerwieder
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> so 5 mins pausieren
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bis lags weg waren
[14:34] [SW]Babo> lmao
[14:34] [SW]Arbrim in
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> und ally up konte ich ned sagen
[14:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weil ich am verlieren war
[14:34] [SW]Arbrim> mm relogs me now
[14:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> in diesem moment
[14:35] [SW]Arbrim out
[14:35] [SR]Legend in
[14:35] [SW]Arbrim in
[14:37] [SW]Arbrim> gl hf
[14:37] [SW]Babo> oi murder
[14:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo bab0
[14:37] [SW]Arbrim> now babo
[14:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh shit
[14:37] [SW]Arbrim> one more time bro
[14:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> yggddrrr
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> il watch
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> and play with my dick
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> efbvsergbdfb
[14:38] [SW]Arbrim> googogo
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> w2ait
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> lwemmi in]
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> YO
[14:38] coolman in
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats right
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> deo as your told
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> :o
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> joke !
[14:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> dont kik
[14:38] [SW]Arbrim> go plz bro
[14:38] [SW]Babo> lol
[14:40] [TSI]Raion in
[14:40] [SR]Legend out
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trod
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how many games
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> did u play
[14:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> to get a rank
[14:41] [Rw]TheHero> Faayu (5)
[14:42] [SR]Legend in
[14:42] broady in
[14:42] aliverdi1023 out
Game results submitted.
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spark
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> host
[14:43] left_nut in
[14:43] Right_nut_OP out
[14:44] shogun> lags can really touch some1's balls
[14:44] shogun> fucksake..
[14:44] shogun out
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ye
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> cost me almost the last game
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> delays are shit
[14:44] [SW]AlphaEnemy> why i cant ping fanzah :(
[14:44] Right_nut_OP in
[14:45] Shogun in
[14:45] Shogun> wtf nici
[14:46] Shogun> get on my level
[14:46] Shogun> :p
[14:47] Ratchet in
[14:48] [Rw]TheHero> how to update version
[14:48] [SR]Legend out
[14:49] bobbylala out
[14:49] the_hangover> type !update
[14:49] [Rw]TheHero> host
[14:50] bobbylala in
[14:50] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[14:50] broady> someone join
[14:51] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
bobbylala - MapPack: OK
Shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Shogun: Red - bobbylala: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[14:53] Shogun> u used some spell and then u tried to move her so fast
[14:53] bobbylala> weird
[14:53] bobbylala> oh haha
[14:53] Shogun> let her make the rs first lol
[14:53] bobbylala> then sacrificed the rs
[14:53] Shogun> ye lol
[14:53] bobbylala> trying too hard haha
[14:53] Shogun> host
[14:53] Shogun> launch
[14:54] Shogun> df
[14:54] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Shogun - MapPack: OK
bobbylala - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Shogun: Red - bobbylala: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[14:55] Shogun> it takes ages for the hostbot to do anything lol
[14:55] bobbylala> it's chill
[14:55] therapist in
Game successfully created in database.
[14:55] [AsG]Pandi out
Game successfully checked in.
[14:58] the_hangover> +2 for a gg
[14:58] Don_Gato> v
[14:58] Don_Gato> sup? rod
[15:00] the_hangover> don gato wheres ur rank
[15:00] the_hangover> lel
[15:00] the_hangover> come here
[15:00] the_hangover> and weed
[15:00] [Rw]Exotic out
[15:01] therapist out
[15:02] reverse1 out
[15:04] EGGplant in
[15:05] [SR]Legend in
[15:05] [SR]Legend out
[15:06] EGGplant in
[15:06] Don_Gato> im wild
[15:06] Don_Gato> :c
[15:06] the_hangover> ur true rank :D
[15:06] HammadH_TAS in
[15:06] Don_Gato> i am noob you pro
[15:06] Don_Gato> hehehe
[15:09] EGGplant out
[15:09] aliverdi1023 in
[15:10] Don_Gato> ++++++++1
[15:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan> Congratulations to: wackyanimation (26), Aranix (22), Excelsior (22)
[15:11] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[15:12] therapist in
[15:12] broady> +2
[15:12] [SW]BadboY in
[15:12] [SW]BadboY out
[15:12] [Rw]Exotic in
[15:13] [SW]BadboY in
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> pinging google
[15:14] [Rw]Exotic out
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> had a HIGH PING
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> Shttps://gyazo.com/fe133aa31324bd1d7e2bd3684b29ef5f
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> https://gyazo.com/fe133aa31324bd1d7e2bd3684b29ef5f
[15:14] Shogun> gg wp
[15:14] bobbylala> and you
[15:14] therapist> ANYONE PLAYING
Game results submitted.
[15:14] Ratchet> https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/881503147168071680
[15:14] therapist> +++++++++++++3
[15:14] Ratchet> WTF
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> 1918ms
[15:14] [SW]Arbrim> ping timed out
[15:15] bobbylala out
[15:15] broady> need 2 more people
[15:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo play me on ygddr?
[15:15] [GoD]Candide in
[15:15] [SW]Arbrim> babo rm bro
[15:15] tristan- in
[15:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu bimi its my trrurn
[15:15] [SW]Babo> nah need to eat
[15:15] [SW]Babo> bimi vs andrew
[15:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok me an bimi
[15:15] [SW]Arbrim> okay
[15:15] Shogun out
[15:15] [SW]Babo> ill spec
[15:15] therapist> lemme w
[15:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi do something 1st
[15:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1 min
[15:15] therapist> lemme lemmi
[15:15] [SW]Arbrim> babo doing better than me
[15:16] Shogun in
[15:16] [SW]Arbrim> let babo host then
[15:16] [SW]Arbrim> no ping from u
[15:16] [SW]Babo> that game was fun
[15:17] [SW]Arbrim> yep
[15:17] [SW]Arbrim> but idk where do u find that hate
[15:17] [SW]Arbrim> to bb me
[15:17] [SW]Arbrim> braves building my side
[15:17] [SW]Arbrim> u bb lol
[15:18] [SW]Babo> broady: leave pls
[15:18] [SW]Babo> thanks mate
[15:18] Shogun> host
[15:18] [SW]BadboY> face off
[15:18] [SW]BadboY> fo
[15:18] [SW]Arbrim> fucking moores al murder
[15:18] [SW]Arbrim> not joining WRTF
[15:18] [SW]Babo> [16:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1 min
[15:18] [SW]Arbrim> ah
[15:18] [SW]Arbrim> didint see it
[15:19] Shogun> s
[15:19] Shogun> host
[15:19] EGGplant> whats this hack? im a shaman rank
[15:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u look like a wild to me
[15:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets gop ?
[15:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :)
[15:19] [SW]Arbrim> gogoogog
[15:19] [SW]Arbrim> googogogogoog
[15:19] [SW]Arbrim> go please
[15:20] [SW]Babo> wait for weed?
[15:20] [SW]Arbrim> fuck weed
[15:20] [SW]Babo> he wanted to watch
[15:20] [SW]Arbrim> no time for him
[15:20] [SW]Babo> ok
[15:20] Spinnifix in
[15:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lemme w
[15:20] [SW]Arbrim> ye gogog
[15:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo spinni
[15:21] EGGplant out
[15:21] Shogun> /me cast convert on spin
[15:21] Shogun> k build me barcos and putas plz
[15:21] Spinnifix> hi murder
[15:21] Spinnifix> the
[15:21] [GoD]Candide out
[15:21] [SR]Bianca in
[15:22] Shogun> omfg candy candy was here
[15:22] Shogun> :<
[15:22] coolman out
[15:23] tristan- out
[15:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> lets move GoD from clan list
[15:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> they are too inactive
[15:25] HammadH_TAS out
[15:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> ugh the wild ranks still fucking surprise me
[15:29] [SR]Spark out
[15:30] [Rw]TheHero out
[15:31] [Rw]TheHero in
[15:31] [Rw]TheHero out
[15:31] broady> +1
[15:32] [Rw]TheHero in
[15:32] xmike in
[15:32] [SW]BadboY out
[15:33] [Rw]TheHero> this wildie season is amajing !
[15:33] Shogun> fo
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[15:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye ofc
[15:33] [SW]Fried_Rice> its just fucking confusing
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> seems im better as red
[15:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> rly g
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> mlez SW game?
[15:33] [SW]Babo> lol
[15:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> host bimi
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> bellas here
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> im bad host
[15:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was jumpi as fuk
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> losting connectrion
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> losisng*
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> Bella Babo Arbi
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> Rematch?
[15:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> mthat jumpi bullshit kept getting me killed over and over
[15:34] therapist> the
[15:34] therapist> game
[15:34] therapist> is real
[15:34] therapist> the
[15:34] therapist> incoming
[15:34] therapist> is real
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> arbi babo not p[laying?
[15:34] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
xmike - MapPack: OK
[15:35] [SW]Babo> na
Shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - xmike: Red - Shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> na is negative
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> so yes :D
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> hell yea :D
Game successfully created in database.
[15:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> where
[15:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> omg
Game successfully checked in.
[15:37] Larisa_Dertsakyan> tresseiro logare
[15:37] Larisa_Dertsakyan> sa fouda
[15:41] therapist> wow wtf
[15:41] therapist> i tried puttin pop to res above 1080 n crashed
[15:41] therapist> wsad
[15:42] Right_nut_OP> hoje é o primeiro diaaaaaaa
[15:42] Right_nut_OP> do resto da tua vidaaaaa
[15:42] Right_nut_OP> terceiro lugar o ke
[15:42] Right_nut_OP> tas comichosso
[15:42] aliverdi1023 out
[15:43] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[15:43] Right_nut_OP> bebe-se as certezas num copo de vinho
[15:43] Right_nut_OP> e vem-nos a memoria uma frase batida
[15:43] Right_nut_OP> hoje é o 1º dia
[15:43] Right_nut_OP> do resto da tua bidaaaa
[15:44] broady out
[15:44] [rw]fury in
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> ah ya das confederações
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> também vi
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> fds que sorte golo nos 90
[15:44] therapist> WHAT RES
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> e logo as 19 alemanha vs chile vai ser um jogão do crl
[15:44] therapist> U GUYSA PLAY ON
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> 800x600
[15:44] [SW]Babo> 1280x720
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> is the best
[15:44] therapist> LO?
[15:44] therapist> LOLOOLL
[15:44] therapist> LOLLOLOLOLOPLOLO
[15:44] Spinnifix> weed
[15:44] Spinnifix> game=?
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> too low for you?
[15:44] Right_nut_OP> :P
[15:45] therapist> well no i use 1024 768
[15:45] therapist> but its fucked now
[15:45] [rw]fury> 800 600
[15:45] therapist> i got black bars
[15:45] therapist> both sides
[15:45] Luke_OP> Most play on 800 600
[15:45] [SW]Babo> use 1280x720
[15:45] therapist> this monitor is soooooo fuckin good
[15:45] [SW]Babo> its the best
[15:45] therapist> but fuckin pop
[15:45] therapist> fucks up on it
[15:45] [SW]Babo> is it 16:9 monitor weed?
[15:45] therapist> yeah
[15:46] [SW]Babo> [16:45] [SW]Babo> use 1280x720
[15:46] therapist> i tried it looks like shit
[15:46] Spinnifix out
Game results submitted.
[15:46] [SW]Babo> its the best
[15:46] [SW]Babo> no black bars at side
[15:47] Shogun out
[15:47] therapist> oh shit
[15:47] therapist> i just had to put full screen scaling in nvidia control panel
[15:47] therapist> ohwell nvm i fixed my shit
[15:47] Shogun in
[15:48] [SW]Babo> https://gyazo.com/456e2504f02d86c138748c632b649897.png one of my best moments on 4walls
[15:48] Shogun> host
[15:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> fukin lucky kunt
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> had no eq
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> looser
[15:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> cba with that luck
[15:49] [SW]Babo> haha
[15:49] Shogun> lol
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> luck lol
[15:49] [SW]Babo> murdaaaa
[15:49] [SW]Babo> stop losing to bimi
[15:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye luck u fukin moron
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> babo playing bro :D?
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha :D
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> rm bro :D
[15:49] [SW]Babo> just testing
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> ?
[15:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> if he doesnt luck out he loses
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> ah ok
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> what about my luck vs babo?>
[15:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> guy need endles luck to win
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> and i still lost?
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> fuck off looser
[15:49] reverse1 in
[15:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit kunt
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> dont justify urself
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> with that
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> coz thats tooob ad
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> ur never getting better
[15:49] [SW]Arbrim> if u justify ur weaknees with my luck...
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> see moores, even others say the same
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> you are just shit
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> people have eyes
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> complain less and play more
[15:50] therapist> ANYONE PLYYYYYYYYYYY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[15:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i thought u were quitting pop nici ?
[15:50] [SW]Arbrim> u fucking lose focus
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> LOL
[15:50] [rw]fury> there are 3 people here therapist
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> i was indeed
[15:50] [rw]fury> wtf are u doing
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> :)
[15:50] [rw]fury> host
[15:50] [rw]fury> and lets go
[15:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> well go away then ffs
[15:50] Sucukluyumurta in
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> bl
[15:50] [SW]Arbrim> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[15:50] therapist> im fuckin rusty and im on my new setup ill play like a warrior rank
[SW]Arbrim - MapPack: OK
[15:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> "ima leave pop"
Shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SW]Arbrim: Red - Shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[15:50] therapist> im not used to ANY of what i got
[15:50] [rw]fury> u always play like a warrior rank
[15:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> "just u watch"
[15:50] therapist> new monitor mousek eyboard chair
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> i over react i admit that
Not in host position
Not in host position
[15:50] therapist> amplifier
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[15:50] therapist> fuckin mousepad
[15:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> guys still here talking shit
[15:50] Right_nut_OP> :p
[15:51] Right_nut_OP> talking shit?
[15:51] therapist> new net
[15:51] therapist> net cables
[15:51] therapist> new fuckin brain
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[15:51] Right_nut_OP> not shit, it's pretty true
[15:51] Shogun> wtf this mm is so bugged
[15:51] Apocalypsis_TAS> fury also plays like spy rank
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> also
[15:51] Apocalypsis_TAS> so theres no change
[15:51] broady in
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> ur host was shit moores
[15:51] [TSI]Raion> lol
[15:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> well played bimi
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> things were flying
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> thanks matre
[15:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> u kno idont mean it
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> u too
[15:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> you did good
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> i know man
[15:51] the_hangover> yoo
[15:51] the_hangover> weed
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> but dont lose focus in game
[15:51] the_hangover> have u noticed
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> i think u lose it, to complay
[15:51] the_hangover> whos league nro 1
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> complain, im doing too
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> with babo lol :D
[15:51] therapist> no havent checked it lately
[15:51] therapist> lemme see lol
[15:52] therapist> popre.net
[15:52] [SW]Arbrim> i pause and say lag lag lol, but i really lag
[15:52] [SW]Arbrim> i shouldnt do that but .. :|
[15:52] therapist> LMFAO????????
[15:52] therapist> is thatt a joke
[15:52] the_hangover> nope
[15:52] the_hangover> they reset
[15:52] the_hangover> leagues
[15:52] the_hangover> im new top 1
[15:52] Right_nut_OP> its only seasonal leagues weed
[15:52] the_hangover> bow for me
[15:52] the_hangover> im ur god
[15:52] therapist> t rod had to smash dem game counts to get nr 1 once in his life
[15:52] BlackHeart in
[15:52] therapist> cute
[15:52] Right_nut_OP> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?skill
[15:52] Right_nut_OP> true leagues are here and still counting :D
[15:53] the_hangover> nicis still wildman
[15:53] therapist> ANYONE HERE GOT WINDOWS 10
[15:53] Shogun> nici can i convert u
[15:53] the_hangover> weird
[15:53] [SW]Babo> win10 sucks
[15:53] therapist> HOW TO FIX
[15:53] Right_nut_OP> no
[15:53] Shogun> and make u my ally(slave) for ever
[15:53] xmike out
[15:53] Shogun> :>
[15:53] therapist> dude there is so much shit
[15:53] the_hangover> only in pop weed
[15:53] therapist> i need to fix
[15:53] therapist> its fuckin unreal
[15:54] the_hangover> ?
[15:54] therapist> only pop what
[15:54] BlackHeart> i use a pc that isnt mine and that is at window 10.
[15:54] the_hangover> the mouse shit
[15:54] therapist> ???????
[15:54] therapist> did u just say
[15:54] therapist> my 100 fuckin dollarm ouse
[15:54] therapist> is shit
[15:54] the_hangover> lol
[15:54] therapist> do u wanna get baseball bat punched in ur face with ma cawck
[15:54] the_hangover> only 100 dollar
[15:54] therapist> ey
[15:54] therapist> thats like 10 pizzas
[15:54] the_hangover> i would pay 1000e
[15:54] the_hangover> for my mouse
[15:54] therapist> lololol
[15:54] BlackHeart> and i play pop on it
[15:54] [SW]Babo> i payed 3¬ for mine
[15:55] [SW]Babo> paid*
[15:55] therapist> wow
[15:55] therapist> cheapo
[15:55] [SW]Babo> imported from china
[15:55] BlackHeart> :D
[15:55] the_hangover> the tsus land
[15:55] the_hangover> im wondering how can tsu play cos hes eyes allways closed
[15:55] xmike in
[15:55] [SW]Babo> LOLLOLOLOLO
[15:56] Shogun> host
[15:56] [SW]Babo> hahahaha
[15:56] [SW]Babo> good one :D
[15:56] [GoD]Eric in
[15:56] BlackHeart> someone stream :)
[15:56] BlackHeart> :3
[15:58] Shogun out
[15:58] HefesTo_OP in
[15:58] Shogun in
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[15:59] Larisa_Dertsakyan> thats waicist
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[16:00] xmike out
[16:00] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[16:00] Sucukluyumurta> wtf is wrong wityh u bitchez
[16:00] Right_nut_OP> we just want a gg bro
[16:00] Right_nut_OP> when 2 or more ggood players in huts
[16:00] Sucukluyumurta> pp is gg
[16:00] xmike in
[16:00] Sucukluyumurta> bitch
[16:00] Right_nut_OP> its boring to play with lower skilled ppl
[16:00] Sucukluyumurta> scared fuck
[16:00] Right_nut_OP> ye k
[16:01] Right_nut_OP> fury host?
[16:01] Luke_OP> Don't take it personal Sucu
[16:01] [rw]fury> ye ill fix ports hold up
[16:01] Right_nut_OP> open hut tho
[16:01] Right_nut_OP> sec
[16:01] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[16:01] Luke_OP> Eric is trying to smash that red spot like a dumbfuck
[16:01] [SW]Babo> https://gyazo.com/7ec80bf92da83460df40ce32cb5466d7.png am i the only one with this bug??
[16:01] Right_nut_OP> lol
[16:01] Shogun> host
[16:02] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[16:03] King_Barbarian23 in
[16:03] [SW]Babo> straight
[16:03] [SW]Babo> to island
[16:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> time to keep the sp rolling :)
[16:04] King_Barbarian23> Hi guys
[16:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> hi keith
[16:04] Shogun out
[16:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> Hi*
[16:04] [GoD]Eric out
[16:04] Shogun in
[16:04] King_Barbarian23> go
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[16:05] HammadH_TAS in
[16:05] [SW]Babo> lmao
[16:05] Ven0m in
[16:05] GrubbyHour in
[16:05] broady out
[16:07] Shogun> hodt
[16:07] Shogun> host
[16:08] Sucukluyumurta out
[16:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> ?
[16:08] King_Barbarian23> why quit?
[16:08] therapist> http://imgur.com/a/mFbaU
[16:08] therapist> oh yeha
[16:09] therapist> ohhhhhhhhh
[16:09] therapist> oohoohohohoohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[16:09] therapist> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[16:09] [SW]Babo> i see black bars
[16:09] Shogun> fo
[16:09] [GoD]Eric in
[16:09] the_hangover> nice weed
[16:10] the_hangover> ur so cool
[16:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> go
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[SW]Fried_Rice - MapPack: OK
[16:10] the_hangover> lesgo
[16:10] the_hangover> skaarj
[16:10] the_hangover> do tvb
Shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SW]Fried_Rice: Red - Shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[16:10] the_hangover> me and weed
[16:10] [SW]-Shockwave- in
[16:10] therapist> roflmao
[16:10] therapist> stfu
[16:10] the_hangover> do tom
[16:10] the_hangover> skaarj
[16:10] King_Barbarian23> weed
[16:10] the_hangover> ¨guardian
[16:11] Shogun> lol bella
[16:11] Shogun> i was doing fo
[16:11] Shogun> :>
[16:11] the_hangover> BUT IM THE LEAGUE RANK NRO 1
[16:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how many games
[16:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u need to be ranked
[16:11] Shogun> rod plz..
[16:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> i think we all noticed
[16:11] therapist> wow t rod
[16:11] therapist> ur so cool
[16:11] skaarj_guardian> is king_barbarian known or real wildman?
[16:11] [SW]-Shockwave- out
[16:11] therapist> now lets go
[16:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> 5 games
[16:11] King_Barbarian23> guy
[16:11] King_Barbarian23> I'm warrior
[16:11] xmike out
[16:12] King_Barbarian23> I'm AlphaTikal_Alex
[16:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> can someone join so i get a fucking rnk
[16:12] xmike in
[16:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> 3 months isnt enough time to get bloody 5 games
[16:13] Shogun> host
[16:13] [SW]Babo out
[16:14] Shogun> s
[16:14] [SW]Babo in
[16:14] Shogun> fo
[16:14] Don_Gato out
[16:14] [SW]Babo> i got 4 wins this month but need 3 more to get ranked?
[16:14] [SW]Babo> seems legit
[16:15] [TSI]Raion> 5 games
[16:15] [TSI]Raion> i think
[16:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> its nice to know all my points and game ive played in the past 3 years mean fucking nothing
[16:15] Don_Gato in
[16:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> CAN A NOOB JOIN PLS
[16:15] [Rw]TheHero> how can you join your own hut , bella :P
[16:16] Shogun> legit as fk
[16:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> dont get cocki <.<
[16:16] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Shogun - MapPack: OK
xmike - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - xmike: Red - Shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[16:17] [TSI]Raion> /me flexs
Game successfully created in database.
[16:18] Obscura_OP in
[16:18] Obscura_OP> 2 hours later
[16:18] [TSI]Raion> spongebob?
[16:19] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh it takes fucking 10 mins to log in
[16:19] [Rw]TheHero> yeah this login takes too much time
[16:20] [Rw]TheHero> whats worst thing about it is , if your login is going to fail
Game successfully checked in.
[16:20] [Rw]TheHero> you cant know it before 10 mins
[16:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> what are u tlaking 10 mins
[16:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> to loh in
[16:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> it takes 5 seconds
[16:20] Obscura_OP> maybe for you
[16:21] [Rw]TheHero> im talking about login into mm , not fb
[16:21] Obscura_OP> not for me
[16:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how long for u obsci
[16:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[16:21] BlackHeart> isnt it 10?
[16:21] Ratchet out
[16:21] BlackHeart> or all ''wins''
[16:21] BlackHeart> ?
[16:21] [Rw]TheHero> its not 10 exactly, i said it after bella
[16:21] BlackHeart> 5 wins?
[16:21] [Rw]TheHero> but its proly 5 mins or so
[16:21] Obscura_OP> in reality it take 30-45 seconds
[16:22] Obscura_OP> but for me its like 2 hours
[16:22] BlackHeart> i was speaking of games before u get ranked
[16:22] BlackHeart> sowwy lol
[16:22] Obscura_OP> you need 5 games
[16:23] [TSI]Raion> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A
[16:25] The_Unhostable in
[16:25] The_Unhostable out
[16:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> brb
[16:26] The_Unhostable in
[16:27] [GoD]Eric out
[16:27] [GoD]Eric in
[16:27] The_Unhostable> why is evryone wildman
[16:27] The_Unhostable> ?
[16:27] The_Unhostable> apart from hangover who is shaman+ lmoa
[16:27] [TSI]Raion> new seasonal league
[16:27] [TSI]Raion> every 3months
Game results submitted.
[16:29] [SR]Spark in
[16:29] bobbylala in
[16:29] Shogun> host
[16:30] Shogun> sess
[16:30] Cutemammy_Tas out
[16:31] Obscura_OP> [17:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> brb
[16:31] Obscura_OP> dont know how long
[16:32] Right_nut_OP> probably taking a shit
[16:32] Obscura_OP> ye probally
[16:32] [AsG]Warbeast> np i can wait
[16:32] Obscura_OP> *probably
[16:32] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.4)
xmike - MapPack: OK
[16:33] Don_Gato> go
[16:33] Don_Gato> launch
[16:33] The_Unhostable> thats cool
[16:33] The_Unhostable> but why is hangover shaman+
Shogun - MapPack: OK
[16:33] The_Unhostable> and shogun shaman
[16:33] [AsG]Warbeast> weil er schn 10 games gespielt hat
[16:33] The_Unhostable> achso
[16:33] Don_Gato> new
[16:33] The_Unhostable> was
[16:33] The_Unhostable> gehts da um die anzahl der games
[16:33] Shogun> lol :>
[16:33] [AsG]Warbeast> die sind die einzigen im ranking im moment
[16:33] Don_Gato> im no shaman lol
[16:34] The_Unhostable> da wird ja matt die neue nr 1
[16:34] [AsG]Warbeast> ne
[16:34] [AsG]Warbeast> ab 10 games bekommst ein rank und da zählen dann die punkt
[16:34] The_Unhostable> die die man vorher hatte?
[16:34] Shogun> launch
[16:34] The_Unhostable> oder welche punkte?
[16:34] [AsG]Warbeast> dadurch die beiden alleine im ranking sind sind sie logischeiweis shaman
[16:34] The_Unhostable> aber geil so sind die ranks zumindest ne weile egal
[16:35] [AsG]Warbeast> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[16:35] The_Unhostable> also gehts nicht um anzahl von punkte
[16:35] [Rw]TheHero out
[16:35] [AsG]Warbeast> jo also um die anzahl die du in 3 monaten schaffst
[16:35] Obscura_OP> naja wenn du die 20 shamanen mehr punkte als du hast bist du fw
[16:35] [AsG]Warbeast> dann wieder auf 0
[16:35] [AsG]Warbeast> genau
[16:35] The_Unhostable> naja werds schon noch checken
[16:36] The_Unhostable> sind nicis cheats auch zurückgesetzt?
[16:36] [AsG]Warbeast> wenn jetzt einer der 400 punkte hat
[16:36] The_Unhostable> yo nici are ur cheats nullified as well?
[16:36] Shogun> g
[16:36] Shogun> launch
[16:36] Right_nut_OP> no
[16:36] The_Unhostable> ok
[16:36] carlosfer in
[16:36] [AsG]Warbeast> sein 10tes game spielt ist er nätürlich erster
[16:36] The_Unhostable> bye
[16:36] The_Unhostable out
[16:36] [AsG]Warbeast> lol
[16:37] Shogun> The_Unhostable> yo nici are ur cheats nullified as well?
[16:37] Shogun> rofl
[16:37] The_Unhostable in
[16:37] Shogun> launch
[16:37] [SW]AlphaEnemy> map guys?
[16:38] [AsG]Warbeast> fo? or any tgw
[16:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> walls ok for you?
[16:38] Right_nut_OP> god
[16:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> which then
[16:38] Right_nut_OP> get someone else
[16:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nici
[16:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[16:39] Obscura_OP> only tb? :D
[16:39] Shogun> host
[16:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> this dude is like my gf
[16:39] Shogun> sess
[16:39] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.4)
Shogun - MapPack: OK
xmike - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Shogun: Red - xmike: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[16:39] Right_nut_OP> ?
Game successfully created in database.
[16:40] therapist> gg
[16:40] therapist> owned
[16:40] therapist> raped
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> u can do walls alpha
[16:40] therapist> smashed
[16:40] skaarj_guardian> gg
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> but with someone else
[16:40] King_Barbarian23> Inca
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> see, go
[16:40] King_Barbarian23> Therapist is a cheatner
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> im not playing awful crap
[16:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> cmon weed
[16:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dont run
[16:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> coem back
[16:40] the_hangover> nici ur still wildie
[16:40] the_hangover> weird
[16:40] King_Barbarian23> 2 volcanoes in 10 mins
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> 1v1
[16:40] [AsG]Warbeast> we won´t play with crap anyway
[16:40] the_hangover> i dont againt noobs
[16:40] Right_nut_OP> lol^
[16:40] the_hangover> play
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> walls ok?
[16:41] left_nut out
[16:41] the_hangover> would u play aginast wildie
[16:41] the_hangover> lol
[16:41] Right_nut_OP> we may have to ditch you then warbeast
[16:41] therapist> not doin shit 4walls
[16:41] therapist> specially
[16:41] therapist> not on this new fuckin beast setup
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trod
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> let me and obscura join then
[16:41] Right_nut_OP> lets go
[16:41] Right_nut_OP> kick warbeast
[16:41] Right_nut_OP> and let weed in
[16:41] the_hangover> +1
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> why ffs
[16:41] Right_nut_OP> because he insulted me
[16:41] therapist> LOL
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> LOL
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> befor i kick him i kick you nici
[16:41] therapist> the generosity
[16:41] the_hangover> lol
[16:41] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[16:41] therapist> is rela
[16:42] the_hangover> im the new god here
[16:42] [AsG]Warbeast> lol cry
[16:42] the_hangover> league rank 1
[16:42] the_hangover> bow for me
Game successfully checked in.
[16:42] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[16:42] [SW]Arbrim> laged out
[16:42] the_hangover> sry no noobs
[16:42] Right_nut_OP> lol
[16:42] [AsG]Warbeast> was jokeing
[16:42] Right_nut_OP> can we go
[16:42] carlosfer out
[16:42] Right_nut_OP> stop fucking around
[16:42] [SW]Arbrim> alpha
[16:42] [AsG]Warbeast> nerver insulting anyone
[16:42] Right_nut_OP> idc what map we play
[16:42] [SW]Arbrim> lets check if babo and bella are albe to play?
[16:42] the_hangover> don gaot
[16:43] the_hangover> gato
[16:43] King_Barbarian23> yes
[16:43] the_hangover> u negro
[16:43] the_hangover> join
[16:43] Don_Gato out
[16:43] [SW]Arbrim out
[16:43] BlackHeart> STREEEAM
[16:43] BlackHeart> :o
[16:44] Don_Gato in
[16:44] therapist> if you guys
[16:44] therapist> could only witness
[16:44] therapist> the chair im witnessing now
[16:44] therapist> omfg this is so fuckin good
[16:44] therapist> i mean omfg no fuckin way omfg
[16:44] [TSI]Raion> i have one too
[16:44] [TSI]Raion> gaming chair
[16:44] [TSI]Raion> sik
[16:45] therapist> what kind ???
[16:45] [TSI]Raion> i spent 160$
[16:45] [TSI]Raion> on amazon
[16:45] therapist> name ??
[16:45] the_hangover> weed plays 3,5 thousand euros
[16:45] therapist> LOL
[16:45] the_hangover> pays
[16:45] therapist> if u want the best u pay the best
[16:45] [TSI]Raion> Merax
[16:45] the_hangover> weed spended hes life savings
[16:46] the_hangover> for a 1 chair
[16:46] therapist> LMFAO
[16:46] therapist> niced
[16:46] [TSI]Raion> they're worth the money
[16:46] the_hangover> worth life savings
[16:46] the_hangover> +1
[16:46] the_hangover> weed
[16:46] the_hangover> pm spin
[16:46] the_hangover> to join
[16:47] [TSI]Raion> hm
[16:47] therapist> to far
[16:47] therapist> away from keyboard
[16:47] [TSI]Raion> gonna relog i guess
[16:47] therapist> relaxing
[16:47] [TSI]Raion> dun
[16:47] therapist> far away
[16:47] [TSI]Raion out
[16:47] therapist> chair
[16:47] [TSI]Raion in
[16:47] carlosfer in
[16:47] King_Barbarian23> again
[16:48] bobbylala> yh
[16:48] BlackHeart> someone stream?
[16:49] [TSI]Raion out
[16:49] HammadH_TAS out
[16:49] carlosfer out
[16:49] The_Unhostable> i will
[16:49] The_Unhostable> if i get a game
[16:49] xmike out
Game results submitted.
[16:49] BlackHeart> great :3
[16:49] the_hangover> how do ppl jump on each other in my hut
[16:49] [TSI]Raion in
[16:49] the_hangover> only +1
[16:50] left_nut in
[16:50] Shogun> their mm just lags
[16:50] Shogun out
[16:50] Don_Gato out
[16:50] carlosfer in
[16:50] Shogun in
[16:51] Don_Gato in
[16:52] [rw]fury> wtf are you doing
[16:52] Don_Gato> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)?????????
[16:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> fury you playing?
[16:52] The_Unhostable> lets do some sweet pp?
[16:52] [rw]fury> yes but hangover is refusing to launch
[16:52] the_hangover> dont u guys move
[16:52] the_hangover> its trying to launch
[16:52] The_Unhostable> but idm
[16:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> your not in his hut
[16:52] the_hangover> but its slow
[16:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> from where im sitting
[16:52] [rw]fury> yeah hes kicking people and moving them etc
[16:52] HammadH_TAS in
[16:52] [rw]fury> being a useless waste of time
[16:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> he knows u trod
[16:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[16:53] [TSI]Raion> this angry child from discord trying to add me on steam
[16:53] the_hangover> why u left
[16:53] morta in
[16:53] the_hangover> fury wa
[16:53] the_hangover> wasting our time
[16:53] [rw]fury> work hard all week -> come to play some pop games
[16:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod here
[16:53] the_hangover> u niglets
[16:53] SaBoTour in
[16:53] [rw]fury> -> people rather fuck around in lobby a) chatting shit b) not launching
[16:53] Chuckwagons in
[16:53] [rw]fury> and they wonder why they are low skill
[16:53] Don_Gato out
[16:53] Haru in
[16:53] the_hangover> i did launch
[16:53] the_hangover> i said its slow
[16:53] the_hangover> and when it launches
[16:53] the_hangover> u leave
[16:53] BlackHeart> i like what have been said above
[16:53] the_hangover> how dum
[16:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> fury wanna do some fo ?
[16:54] Shogun> host
[16:54] [rw]fury> any fine
[16:54] [TSI]Raion> its giving me some problems now i duno why
[16:54] [TSI]Raion> its random
[16:54] Shogun> s
[16:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo come
[16:54] [TSI]Raion> was working fine
[16:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> for fo ?
[16:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> or pp wotever
[16:54] Shogun> host
[16:54] [SR]Bianca> gg
[16:54] the_hangover> carlosfer
[16:54] carlosfer out
[16:54] the_hangover> can u gtfo
[16:54] Shogun out
[16:54] morta out
[16:54] Don_Gato in
[16:54] Shogun in
[16:54] [rw]fury> +1 to actually play
[16:54] [TSI]Raion out
[16:55] the_hangover> +1 for a gg
[16:55] [rw]fury> any skill any rank even wildman
[16:55] the_hangover> murder come
[16:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed come ally fury on 4way
[16:55] Larisa_Dertsakyan> lol
[16:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> im -playing with fury
[16:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> you come here
[16:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> ally fury on 4way
[16:55] [TSI]Raion in
[16:55] the_hangover> ok im here
[16:55] The_Unhostable> +1
[16:55] BlackHeart> theres a bug
[16:55] Shogun out
[16:55] Haru> love wild men
[16:55] [SW]Babo> +2 4walls
[16:56] morta in
[16:56] [rw]fury> witness greatness
[16:56] BlackHeart> i dont see all the person listed in the waiting section
[16:56] carlosfer in
[16:56] BlackHeart> in the huts
[16:56] Chuckwagons out
[16:56] BlackHeart> im not even in a hut
[16:56] BlackHeart> how can i have x
[16:56] BlackHeart> :o
[16:56] [rw]fury> going to showcase some exceptional value
[16:56] Shogun in
[16:56] The_Unhostable> i can ally that noob
[16:56] SaBoTour out
[16:56] BlackHeart out
[16:56] Haru> oop
[16:56] Haru> no ping
[16:56] Haru> oh well
[16:57] [TSI]Raion out
[16:57] The_Unhostable> host babo
[16:57] Ven0m out
[16:57] BlackHeart in
[16:58] [SW]Babo out
[16:58] [TSI]Raion in
[16:58] Chuckwagons in
[16:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> whyd u go back fury?
[16:58] [SW]Babo in
[16:58] [SW]Babo> [1] Closing Link: i577B217E.versanet.de (Excess Flood)
[16:58] [SW]Babo> wotever
[16:58] the_hangover> carlosd
[16:58] the_hangover> no
[16:58] the_hangover> bad carlos
[16:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[16:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahaha
[16:59] The_Unhostable> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
The_Unhostable - MapPack: OK
[16:59] [rw]fury in
[16:59] SaBoTour in
[16:59] [SW]Babo> get a new server inca
[16:59] [SW]Babo> this one is shitty
[16:59] Ven0m in
[16:59] Larisa_Dertsakyan> blaming rank on server
[16:59] Larisa_Dertsakyan> typical loser
[17:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[17:00] carlosfer out
[17:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got kikt trod
[17:00] Larisa_Dertsakyan> https://gyazo.com/b691a25e6eda2e2b9f7b2e8a62e7c36d
[17:00] [SW]Babo out
[17:00] SaBoTour out
[17:00] Larisa_Dertsakyan> nice viwers fury
[17:00] [SW]Babo in
[17:00] the_hangover> try now
[17:00] Shogun out
[17:00] the_hangover> murdera
[17:00] [SR]Spark> True
[17:00] [SW]Babo> [1] Closing Link: i577B217E.versanet.de (Excess Flood)
[17:00] reverse1 out
[17:00] Shogun in
[17:00] [TSI]Raion> wait
[17:01] Shogun> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[17:01] [SW]Babo> wot is this?
[17:01] the_hangover> +1
[17:01] Shogun> pff
[17:01] [TSI]Raion> why does it say if you need patch
[17:01] [rw]fury out
[17:01] [TSI]Raion> and download to 1.03
[17:01] [TSI]Raion> lol
[17:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> i just want a normal game to see what fucking rank i am
[17:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> low
[17:01] SaBoTour in
[17:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> very low
[17:01] llIIlIlll in
[17:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> like ther treajectory of my dick
[17:01] The_Unhostable> games not launching
[17:01] the_hangover> it is
[17:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[17:01] the_hangover> u need to w8 1 min
[17:02] Shogun out
[17:02] BlackHeart out
[17:02] Shogun in
[17:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed u here?
[17:02] [SW]Babo out
[17:02] [TSI]PK in
[17:02] Shogun> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[17:02] The_Unhostable> kick him
[17:02] Shogun> again
[17:02] The_Unhostable> let me in
[17:02] Shogun> dudee
[17:02] [rw]fury> crikey
[17:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> but ur unhostable?
[17:02] The_Unhostable> not for rod
[17:02] The_Unhostable> hes the one
[17:02] [rw]fury> how did i manage that
[17:02] The_Unhostable> THE ONE
[17:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> these new servers of incas are pretty shitty
[17:02] BlackHeart in
[17:03] The_Unhostable> kick w33d rod
[17:03] the_hangover> genki whyd u leave before
[17:03] The_Unhostable> let the unstoppable in
[17:03] [TSI]PK> vhan
[17:03] the_hangover> weed here_
[17:03] The_Unhostable> cus u werent launching
[17:03] the_hangover> i was
[17:03] the_hangover> see how long it took
[17:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> holy sshit
[17:03] the_hangover> for fury to launch
[17:03] [TSI]PK> i got that all yesterday to
[17:03] The_Unhostable> i dont leave when launch
[17:03] the_hangover> like 2 min
[17:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> [rw]fury - MapPack: OK
[17:03] The_Unhostable> ok afk hf wiht w33d
[17:03] the_hangover> come genki
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> genki kommen
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> arshloch
[17:04] [SW]Babo in
[17:04] the_hangover> bella
[17:04] the_hangover> no
[17:04] the_hangover> bad bella
[17:04] BlackHeart out
[17:04] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[17:04] [TSI]PK> lol 251 points to be a shaman
[17:04] [TSI]Raion out
[17:04] [TSI]PK> are you guys the only people who played 10 games
[17:04] llIIlIlll> +2?
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> "get ur tits ouyt for the lads"
[17:04] Shogun out
[17:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> gimme a damn game
[17:04] Ven0m out
[17:04] Shogun in
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin the bottle
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> best game ever
[17:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> when ur kids
[17:05] the_hangover> genikii
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> kids/teens
[17:05] the_hangover> can u gtfi
[17:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> Ace
[17:05] the_hangover> i even kicked weed
[17:05] [TSI]Raion in
[17:05] BlackHeart in
[17:05] the_hangover> for u
[17:05] [TSI]PK out
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> gettin to snog girls
[17:05] SaBoTour out
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> was the best
[17:05] Shogun out
[17:05] Shogun in
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella get in there
[17:05] Ven0m in
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> then#
[17:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[17:05] the_hangover> sure
[17:05] SaBoTour in
[17:05] Shogun> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)
[17:05] Shogun> oh well.
[17:06] [rw]fury out
[17:06] [TSI]Raion out
[17:06] carlosfer in
[17:06] the_hangover> oh +1
[17:06] [TSI]PK in
[17:06] morta out
[17:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> luke and ra come
[17:06] Shogun out
[17:06] [TSI]Raion in
[17:06] Shogun in
[17:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> ...?
[17:07] left_nut> you know the leagues are fucked up
[17:07] the_hangover> matt
[17:07] left_nut> when shogun is a shaman
[17:07] the_hangover> have u noticed
[17:07] the_hangover> i am the league rank n ro 1
[17:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> truly a travesty
[17:07] the_hangover> bow for me
[17:07] [SR]Bianca> np
[17:07] [rw]fury in
[17:07] [TSI]PK out
[17:07] left_nut> play me 1v1
[17:07] left_nut> that will change
[17:07] SaBoTour out
[17:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt hush bella woopt u yesterday
[17:07] morta in
[17:07] the_hangover> matt go play single play
[17:07] llIIlIlll> sure
[17:07] left_nut> guy has more pop
[17:08] the_hangover> noob
[17:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[17:08] left_nut> then other guy
[17:08] [TSI]PK in
[17:08] Ven0m out
[17:08] left_nut> crying for help
[17:08] [SW]Babo> [18:08] the_hangover> matt go play single play
[17:08] [SW]Babo> #1 has spoken
[17:08] SaBoTour in
[17:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> u have more reserve body faqqt
[17:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> then all the mm combined
[17:08] Shogun out
[17:08] carlosfer out
[17:08] [SR]Spark> i keep getting kicked in this mm
[17:08] [SR]Spark> wtf is up with this shiT
[17:08] Shogun in
[17:09] [TSI]PK out
[17:09] morta out
[17:09] [SR]Bianca> i did no tkick you
[17:09] [rw]fury out
[17:09] Ven0m in
[17:09] [TSI]Raion> i joined hut it randomized colors and set password
[17:09] [TSI]Raion> lol
[17:09] [SW]Babo> lol
[17:09] [SR]Spark> rofl
[17:09] [SR]Spark> what passwor d it set?
[17:09] [rw]fury in
[17:10] [TSI]Raion> i jus wanna see if i can get ping
[17:10] [TSI]Raion> ffs
[17:10] SaBoTour out
[17:10] Shogun out
[17:10] Chuckwagons out
[17:10] [TSI]PK in
[17:10] left_nut> +3
[17:10] left_nut> no wildies
[17:10] [TSI]Raion> hm
[17:10] [TSI]Raion> wonder if need to forward port..
[17:10] Shogun in
[17:10] [rw]fury> man they do love posting buggy patches here
[17:11] giorgos in
[17:11] left_nut> its inca
[17:11] [TSI]PK> josh
[17:11] left_nut> what do u expect
[17:11] [TSI]PK> dont do it
[17:11] left_nut> the guy is a clown
[17:11] [rw]fury> given how many of these "developers" have built a completely exclusive community and cut out anybody from the normal community
[17:11] [rw]fury> they still manage to release shit completely unplayable
[17:11] [TSI]PK> everytime i forward the ports
[17:12] [TSI]PK> it logs me out of the mm
[17:12] Chuckwagons in
[17:12] SaBoTour in
[17:12] [SR]FanZaah out
[17:12] [TSI]PK out
[17:12] giorgos out
[17:13] Shogun out
[17:13] [TSI]PK in
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> oh
[17:13] Shogun in
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> lmao
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> you forwarded 113
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> or w.e.?
[17:13] Shogun> ye same here pk
[17:13] aliverdi1023 in
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> " faster connections "
[17:13] [TSI]Raion> :D
[17:14] [TSI]PK> yes josh
[17:14] [TSI]Raion> ok now i can get ping
[17:14] [TSI]Raion> i think
[17:14] morta in
[17:14] [TSI]PK> it doesnt work anymore
[17:14] [TSI]PK> plus i keep getting disconnected every 30 sec
[17:14] [TSI]Raion> take port forward off
[17:15] [TSI]Raion> delete that shit
[17:15] [TSI]Raion> lol
[17:15] Shogun> host
[17:16] IncaWarrior> if you rforward port 113 TCP you connect to the MM faster
[17:16] IncaWarrior> not to each other
[17:16] carlosfer in
[17:16] Shogun out
[17:16] [TSI]Raion> oh ok
[17:16] [TSI]Raion> lol
[17:16] [TSI]Raion> seems im getting ping fine now
[17:16] Shogun in
[17:17] Shogun> [1] Closing Link: (INCA sucks)
[17:17] morta out
[17:17] Shogun> cant do port check
[17:17] IncaWarrior> we're working on finding a better server
[17:17] Shogun> is kickin me out
[17:18] [TSI]PK> inca
[17:18] [TSI]PK> what is the specifics of the port
[17:18] [TSI]PK> tell me exactly what to type
[17:18] [TSI]PK> so i can try and get this to work
[17:18] IncaWarrior> 7575UDP makes hosting work better
[17:18] [TSI]PK> nvm
[17:18] morta in
[17:18] [TSI]PK> it just randomly said port check success
[17:19] [TSI]PK> this time
[17:19] [TSI]PK> so lets try it out
[17:19] Shogun> now thats a good news
[17:19] Shogun> ty
[17:19] itu in
[17:19] [TSI]PK> yeah no
[17:19] [TSI]PK> still cant host
[17:20] [TSI]PK> great
[17:20] Shogun> fo
[17:20] Right_nut_OP> sqon
[17:20] Right_nut_OP> all you needed was to troop like i said
[17:20] Right_nut_OP> keep trooping
[17:20] Right_nut_OP> and its fine i guess
[17:20] morta out
[17:20] SaBoTour out
[17:21] [TSI]PK out
[17:21] [TSI]PK in
[17:21] Right_nut_OP> wow obsi :D
[17:21] Right_nut_OP> lol
[17:21] [AsG]Warbeast> Inca
[17:21] Right_nut_OP> 149 points and 8.28 mu
[17:21] [AsG]Warbeast> inca
[17:21] Right_nut_OP> LOLOLOL
[17:21] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:21] left_nut> +2
[17:21] [AsG]Warbeast in
[17:22] Obscura_OP> free point even when i lose
[17:22] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:22] BlackHeart> the beginning
[17:22] Right_nut_OP> better than kings
[17:22] [AsG]Warbeast in
[17:22] IncaWarrior> the recalc kind fo messed things up
[17:23] [TSI]PK out
[17:23] [TSI]PK in
[17:23] [AsG]Warbeast> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357394
[17:23] [AsG]Warbeast> why this happend now inca
[17:23] Shogun> soz nici im 2good for u
[17:24] Shogun> get on my level then ill play yah
[17:24] Don_Gato out
[17:24] [AsG]Warbeast> i got it the first game this mounth but now?
[17:24] [AsG]Warbeast> and i played 8 games not 6
[17:24] [AsG]Warbeast> everything is buggy now
[17:25] Right_nut_OP> some games arent counting true
[17:25] IncaWarrior> [12:23] IncaWarrior> the recalc kind fo messed things up
[17:26] morta in
[17:26] Chuckwagons out
[17:26] [AsG]Warbeast> well
[17:26] BlackHeart out
[17:27] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca u win more if you wait as wild and then play shamans?
[17:27] Haru> ugh I wish Nici would bear me
[17:27] Haru> :'(
[17:27] Chuckwagons in
[17:27] SaBoTour in
[17:27] BlackHeart in
[17:27] Right_nut_OP out
[17:27] Larisa_Dertsakyan> twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
[17:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> who will speedrun pop
[17:28] GrubbyHour> i already did actually
[17:28] GrubbyHour> look it up on youtube :P
[17:28] Right_nut_OP in
[17:28] morta out
[17:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> no its live
[17:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> on that show
[17:28] GrubbyHour> ah
[17:28] [TSI]PK> oh
[17:29] [TSI]PK> i got 2 pings
[17:29] [TSI]PK> 1 more
[17:29] [TSI]PK> and we got a game
[17:29] Shogun out
[17:29] GrubbyHour> pop on there would be fun lol
[17:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> pretty nice stream
[17:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> some old games
[17:29] left_nut> right nut
[17:29] carlosfer out
[17:29] left_nut> where the fuck are u
[17:29] Shogun in
[17:29] Chuckwagons out
[17:29] [SR]Spark> +2 team light wars
[17:29] [TSI]PK> lol
[17:29] [TSI]PK> you surely are unhostable now
[17:29] The_Unhostable> yes
[17:29] The_Unhostable> ty
[17:30] [TSI]PK> so dumb this server is
[17:30] [TSI]PK> keeps saying i can host and then cant
[17:30] BlackHeart> next to you
[17:30] Chuckwagons in
[17:30] BlackHeart> /me shakes her head cuz of pertubation caused by horrible imagination
[17:30] carlosfer in
[17:30] The_Unhostable> /me shakes blackhearts head as shes sucking his cock
[17:31] Shogun> ouch
[17:31] Shogun> wtf nici
[17:31] Shogun> i was about to get the numbah 1 in leagues
[17:31] Shogun> :<
[17:31] The_Unhostable out
[17:31] Larisa_Dertsakyan> u need to play 5 or 10 games?
[17:31] IncaWarrior> 5
[17:32] BlackHeart> in your dreams ^^
[17:32] IncaWarrior> unless you're new
[17:32] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:32] Larisa_Dertsakyan> HOWS NICI ALREADY WINNING
[17:32] [AsG]Warbeast in
[17:32] Larisa_Dertsakyan> FUCK THIS CUNT
[17:32] [SR]Spark out
[17:32] Chuckwagons out
[17:32] [TSI]PK> spin a priest?
[17:32] The_Unhostable in
[17:32] [TSI]PK> l000000l
[17:32] [AsG]Warbeast> trololololo
[17:32] left_nut> nici
[17:33] left_nut> do u know i cant post my new stream link
[17:33] left_nut> in here any more
[17:33] [SR]Spark in
[17:33] BlackHeart> takes now 400 points to shaman?
[17:33] carlosfer out
[17:33] BlackHeart> 420?
[17:33] BlackHeart> thats confusing lol
[17:33] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:33] BlackHeart out
[17:33] [TSI]PK> +1
[17:33] Right_nut_OP> matt
[17:33] IncaWarrior> no
[17:34] [AsG]Warbeast in
[17:34] Right_nut_OP> why not
[17:34] Larisa_Dertsakyan> TRAVESTI
[17:34] IncaWarrior> it's top 10% of players are shaman now
[17:34] Shogun> wtf matt u wildy cunt what a damn narb
[17:34] BlackHeart in
[17:34] Chuckwagons in
[17:34] [AsG]Warbeast> the kick
[17:34] Shogun> get on my sexy magnumsuperchocolated rank
[17:34] Shogun> :>
[17:35] The_Unhostable out
[17:35] [SR]Bianca> ich krieg gleich an anfall mit dem scheiß
[17:35] HammadH_TAS out
[17:35] HammadH_TAS in
[17:35] BlackHeart out
[17:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> please stop hosting trod
[17:35] left_nut> what level
[17:36] left_nut> we doing
[17:36] [SR]Bianca> dieser scheißdreck
[17:36] [AsG]Warbeast out
[17:36] HefesTo_OP> do pp
[17:36] left_nut> ask inca nici
[17:36] left_nut> why i cant post my stream
[17:36] Shogun> sup warbeast
[17:36] left_nut> in here
[17:36] [AsG]Warbeast in
[17:36] Shogun> nice rnk
[17:36] Shogun> rank*
[17:36] llIIlIlll> gg
[17:36] BlackHeart in
[17:36] The_Unhostable in
[17:37] [AsG]Warbeast> could u please stop kicking me while i got a game
[17:37] [TSI]PK> 1 here
[17:37] Luke_OP> rofl at ranks
[17:37] Luke_OP> This shit is fucked up
[17:37] Right_nut_OP> inca why can't he
[17:37] Luke_OP> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[17:37] Ven0m> so random
[17:37] Willdabeast7661 in
[17:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod stop hosting
[17:37] IncaWarrior> nice even distribution
[17:37] Ven0m> +1
[17:37] SaBoTour out
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> well played luke soz for quitting liek that
[17:38] Chuckwagons out
[17:38] llIIlIlll> didnt knew shogun was the 2nd best player after nici
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> that jumpi shit was too irrritatinbg
[17:38] llIIlIlll> moores u host lol
[17:38] Ven0m> if i go on my profile im still priest
[17:38] [TSI]PK> 1 fucking more :/
[17:38] The_Unhostable out
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye come lets rm guys
[17:38] Shogun> ranks are now free
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> my hosating will be good
[17:38] Shogun> :>
[17:38] Ven0m out
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do pp again?
[17:38] [TSI]PK> wtf
[17:38] [TSI]PK> :/
[17:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> fury and luke swap places
[17:38] Luke_OP> Inca why did I lose points for winning
[17:38] Luke_OP> https://www.popre.net/game.php?u=23525
[17:39] [AsG]Warbeast> chill inca will fix it anyway
[17:39] BlackHeart> I THINK
[17:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> id rather not rotate on TB
[17:39] carlosfer in
[17:39] [rw]fury> just rotate us
[17:39] BlackHeart> some
[17:39] Luke_OP> two pp games in a row lets change
[17:39] [SW]Babo> inca i keep getting access flood
[17:39] BlackHeart> fixes are required
[17:39] [rw]fury> im not risking this laggy mm
[17:39] Larisa_Dertsakyan> u win more points based on skill leagues or season rank of ppl in ur game
[17:39] [rw]fury> do TGW thats fun
[17:39] [rw]fury> I fancy steamrolling anyway
[17:39] Ven0m in
[17:39] BlackHeart> i guess it will takes patience
[17:39] IncaWarrior> you didn't Luke_OP, I'm working on some stuff
[17:39] BlackHeart> xD
[17:39] llIIlIlll> whats steamrolling?
[17:39] The_Unhostable in
[17:39] Right_nut_OP> yea venom
[17:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry fury its a rm
[17:39] Right_nut_OP> skill leagues still count i think
[17:39] llIIlIlll> moores
[17:39] the_hangover> yeah fury gtfo
[17:39] llIIlIlll> just go
[17:39] llIIlIlll> fuck rematches
[17:40] [rw]fury> get fucked
[17:40] therapist out
[17:40] [rw]fury> launch
[17:40] BlackHeart> i just
[17:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol ok
[17:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry trod
[17:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> guys bin seaqrching for a game for 30 minbs
[17:40] BlackHeart> cant play a fucking game
[17:40] Ven0m> i reached brave rank now im shaman+ easy
[17:40] pataxo in
[17:40] Shogun> what u mean venom
[17:40] BlackHeart> just a few can ping me now wtf :s
[17:40] Shogun> ur just pro dude
[17:40] Larisa_Dertsakyan> why do i see like 7 shamans but on leagues only 3
[17:40] Shogun> we all know it
[17:41] [TSI]PK> sorry black
[17:41] Sam_Tas in
[17:41] [TSI]PK> this shit is wack
[17:41] [TSI]PK> i cant host you anymore :/
[17:41] [SW]Arbrim in
[17:41] [rw]fury> hope moores streams this
[17:41] carlosfer out
[17:41] [rw]fury> going to take my opponents to town
[17:41] [rw]fury> and delibrately try my hardest
[17:41] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:41] [rw]fury> a rare spectacle
[17:41] [rw]fury> watch and learn
[17:41] [TSI]PK out
[17:41] the_hangover> +2 now
[17:41] [rw]fury> as they get demolished
[17:42] [TSI]PK in
[17:42] BlackHeart> soon were gonna see so many shamans in the first days
[17:42] Ven0m out
[17:42] BlackHeart> then for some players it might goes down gradually until the end of the three months
[17:42] BlackHeart out
[17:42] [rw]fury> im a motherfucking starboy
[17:42] [AsG]Warbeast> moores ur stream is bad
[17:42] [SW]BadboY in
[17:42] [AsG]Warbeast> sound fucked up
[17:42] [SW]BadboY out
[17:43] Ven0m in
[17:43] Deus_Vult_OP in
[17:43] [SW]BadboY in
[17:43] Shogun> sup shao
[17:43] HammadH_TAS out
[17:43] Shogun> how was kfc today
[17:43] [TSI]PK> moores stream always freezes on me
[17:44] Raynsen in
[17:44] Deus_Vult_OP> Hentai
[17:44] Shogun> ohh.. interesting answer.
[17:44] The_Unhostable> +1
[17:44] [TSI]Raion> his settings aren't right
[17:44] [TSI]PK out
[17:44] [TSI]Raion> maybe his upload is bad
[17:44] therapist in
[17:45] [TSI]PK in
[17:45] [SW]BadboY> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[17:45] [SR]007s in
[17:45] The_Unhostable> +1 not scared
[17:45] rousfv in
[17:46] Ven0m> k badboy
[17:46] Ven0m> kick me out of lobby
[SW]BadboY - MapPack: OK
[17:46] Ven0m> with not beeing host
The_Unhostable - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - The_Unhostable: Red - [SW]BadboY: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[17:46] Willdabeast7661 out
[17:46] left_nut> wow look at all these pros
Game successfully created in database.
[17:47] venetica in
[17:47] rousfv out
[17:47] [TSI]PK out
[17:47] left_nut> nici u ask inca
[17:47] itu out
[17:47] left_nut> why u cant post my stream in here
[17:47] Shogun> ?
[17:47] rousfv in
[17:47] Shogun> get on my level matty
[17:47] left_nut> sorry ur too good
[17:47] left_nut> is this the first time ur shaman?
[17:48] Shogun> ye u should be sorry
[17:48] Shogun> nope i've been like this since i joined pop
[17:48] Shogun> what u mean :>
[17:48] [SR]Spark> gg
[17:48] [SW]Babo> matt youre a sad cunt
[17:48] [SW]Babo> get a life you obsessed noob
[17:48] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia> no 4 ali
Game successfully checked in.
[17:49] HammadH_TAS in
[17:49] [SR]Bianca> gg
[17:49] left_nut> what are u talking about babo?
[17:49] rousfv out
[17:49] rousfv in
[17:50] left_nut> guy starts going off on me for no reason
[17:50] Shogun> dont hurt little matty's feeling babo
[17:50] Shogun> feelings*
[17:50] Shogun> he's just jealous of our level
[17:50] left_nut> yeah babo
[17:50] Shogun> but there's nothing wrong about it
[17:51] left_nut> i already cant post my link in the mm for some dumb reason
[17:51] Don_Gato in
[17:51] Shogun> matt i can train u
[17:51] IncaWarrior> alright, leagues and ranks should be all set now
[17:51] left_nut> sure you going to show me how to be bad?
[17:51] Shogun> give me 1000 euro and u can have some tips
[17:51] IncaWarrior> feel free to login again if you'rue on the league table
[17:52] IncaWarrior> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[17:52] left_nut> inca
[17:52] left_nut> can u delete
[17:52] left_nut> all my previous names
[17:52] left_nut> on my profile
[17:52] IncaWarrior> no
[17:52] left_nut> thats kind of personal
[17:52] left_nut> and private
[17:52] Ven0m> IncaWarrior> no
[17:52] Ven0m> lOl
[17:52] left_nut> wow so rude
[17:53] Ven0m> you named yourself like this now u say too personal
[17:53] left_nut> i dont get how you are allowed
[17:53] Shogun> ?
[17:53] Shogun> inca it seems the same
[17:53] left_nut> to post my previous personal names
[17:53] [rw]juneight in
[17:53] rousfv out
[17:53] Shogun> i dont see any change on leagues
[17:53] left_nut> yet i cant post my stream link
[17:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> can u launch
[17:53] IncaWarrior> Shogun: mostly the logging in thing is different
[17:53] Ven0m> im sure u have tatoos u go to tatoo studio and say can u remove them they are too personal
[17:53] left_nut> venom
[17:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dude
[17:53] Shogun> k
[17:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> why u change now map
[17:53] IncaWarrior> people like Fried_Rice have ranks now
[17:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ??
[17:53] rousfv in
[17:53] left_nut> im talking about previous names
[17:53] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i mean its 2 shamans vs 2 wilds
[17:53] left_nut> on my profile
[17:53] IncaWarrior> and Ven0m is brave instead of shaman+
[17:54] Shogun> what will happen to my sexy rank inca
[17:54] Ven0m> same logic
[17:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> I HAVE A RANK?!!?
[17:54] Shogun> :>?
[17:54] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[17:54] IncaWarrior> Shogun: you'll be down to just shaman
[17:54] left_nut> venom
[17:54] IncaWarrior> not shaman+
[17:54] Shogun> rofl bella just cum
[17:54] left_nut> did u know u cant call inca
[17:54] Don_Gato> im priets
[17:54] left_nut> by his real name
[17:54] Shogun> kk
[17:54] Deus_Vult_OP> didn't have kfc today hvan
[17:54] Shogun> :<
[17:54] Deus_Vult_OP> you stupid cunt
[17:54] [SW]Babo> guess why matt
[17:54] [rw]juneight out
[17:54] Shogun> lol hsao
[17:54] left_nut> even though inca has said it
[17:54] [SW]Babo> its called privacy
[17:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do tom
[17:54] left_nut> in lobby
[17:54] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[17:54] [SW]Babo> and you have to respect it
[17:54] Shogun> answering after 50 mins
[17:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> or pp or sess
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> any u wnat
[17:55] rousfv out
[17:55] Shogun> its ok u fat cunt
[17:55] left_nut> babo?
[17:55] the_hangover> alpha u and venom?
[17:55] left_nut> why do i have to respect someone
[17:55] Don_Gato> i am 8
[17:55] Shogun> u probably ate a burger
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> no you and venom
[17:55] left_nut> who doesnt respect me?
[17:55] Don_Gato> :D
[17:55] Shogun> :;>
[17:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo is my mate
[17:55] Sam_Tas out
[17:55] [SW]Babo> does inca post your private things in here?
[17:55] rousfv in
[17:55] left_nut> inca is a piece of shit
[17:55] [SW]Babo> does he??
[17:55] [SW]Babo> tell me
[17:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> MOTHER FUCKERS
[17:55] left_nut> he mutes me
[17:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> I KNEW IT
[17:55] left_nut> for asking questions
[17:55] [SW]Babo> has he ever posted your name
[17:55] [SW]Babo> or something else private??
[17:55] left_nut> not my fault
[17:55] left_nut> he wants to be childish
[17:55] [rw]juneight in
[17:56] [SW]Babo> he mutes you cuz youre dumb
[17:56] [SW]Babo> and dont deserve to talk
[17:56] left_nut> no
[17:56] Sam_Tas in
[17:56] Shogun> inca some1 is mad
[17:56] left_nut> i state good questions
[17:56] [SW]Babo> yeah
[17:56] the_hangover> nice ne bella
[17:56] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: warrior+ at least
[17:56] the_hangover> one
[17:56] left_nut> and the dumb mother fucker
[17:56] Shogun> *looks at fried_rice*
[17:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> all my fucking points gone
[17:56] Shogun> lol
[17:56] left_nut> to stupid to answer them
[17:56] [SW]Babo> good questions like?
[17:56] left_nut> so he mutes me
[17:56] left_nut> thats all
[17:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> ill never get a damn game again
[17:56] IncaWarrior> just need to beat spinn and moores
[17:56] left_nut> like people quiting
[17:56] left_nut> games
[17:56] Ven0m> next mute
[17:56] Ven0m out
[17:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[17:56] left_nut> is the same as them losing on purpose
[17:56] the_hangover> dw its time we play with wildies too
[17:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[17:56] [SW]Babo> its not
[17:56] left_nut> so they should be banned
[17:56] left_nut> it is
[17:56] [SW]Babo> next question
[17:57] [SW]Babo> no
[17:57] BlackHeart in
[17:57] left_nut> yes
[17:57] left_nut> quiting agame
[17:57] [SW]Babo> when someone quits he gives up
[17:57] left_nut> is losing on purpose
[17:57] left_nut> i have cameback
[17:57] [SW]Babo> forfeiting
[17:57] left_nut> from low pop many times
[17:57] [SW]Babo> prolly cuz youre a shit ally
[17:57] rousfv out
[17:57] left_nut> losing on purpose
[17:57] left_nut> is forfeiting
[17:57] left_nut> as well
[17:57] [SW]Babo> no its not
[17:57] Ven0m in
[17:57] left_nut> lol
[17:57] left_nut> yes it is
[17:57] left_nut> how fucking dumb are u
[17:57] the_hangover> matt did u kick me
[17:57] rousfv in
[17:57] left_nut> do u even know the definition
[17:58] left_nut> of forfeting
[17:58] the_hangover> lemme in
[17:58] left_nut> and resigning babo
[17:58] [SW]Babo> no pls enlighten me master
[17:58] left_nut> naw
[17:58] left_nut> cant teach a retard
[17:58] the_hangover> babo and alpha
[17:58] left_nut> if u dont know u never will
[17:58] the_hangover> uplay vs me and bella
[17:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> god damn fucking shit
[17:58] BlackHeart out
[17:58] Larisa_Dertsakyan> twitch.tv/gamesdonequick
[17:58] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ITS ON
[17:58] rousfv out
[17:58] left_nut> inca will never get respect from me
[17:58] [SW]Babo> for real div?
[17:58] [SW]Babo> lmao
[17:58] left_nut> thats a fact
[17:59] left_nut> the way he treats me
[17:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> ill never be fw again
[17:59] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[17:59] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ofc for real
[17:59] [SW]Babo> yea youre a fat cunt matt
[17:59] the_hangover> vow
[17:59] [SW]Babo> noone cares
[17:59] left_nut> when i do nothing wrong
[17:59] the_hangover> venom new rank
[17:59] the_hangover> lol
[17:59] Ven0m> im the only with legit rank
[17:59] [rw]juneight out
[17:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[17:59] Right_nut_OP> wtf u guys even on about
[17:59] left_nut> babo u call me fat
[17:59] Right_nut_OP> quit=loss
[17:59] left_nut> cuz others do
[17:59] Right_nut_OP> lol
[17:59] left_nut> yet u never seen my pics
[17:59] left_nut> lol
[17:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[17:59] [SW]Babo> i call you fat
[17:59] left_nut> im probably smaller than u
[17:59] Shogun> [SW]Fried_Rice> ill never be fw again
[17:59] Shogun> [SW]Fried_Rice out
[17:59] BlackHeart in
[17:59] [SW]Babo> cuz i know how you look like
[17:59] Shogun> omg probably suicided
[17:59] left_nut> i can tell u this
[17:59] Don_Gato out
[17:59] Shogun> bad boy inca..
[17:59] Raynsen out
[17:59] Shogun> bad boy,,
[17:59] [SW]Babo> remember i got a pic in the bathtub from you? :*
[17:59] left_nut> i weigh about half the size of incas wife
[17:59] IncaWarrior> RIP fried rice :(
[17:59] Shogun> :(^
[18:00] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[18:00] the_hangover> löol
[18:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf why did mm log me off?
[18:00] left_nut> cuz inca forces shit
[18:00] left_nut> on u
[18:00] IncaWarrior> did it give an error?
[18:00] [SW]Babo> inca am i allowed to post private information from matt?
[18:00] left_nut> babo why was eric muted for 666mins
[18:00] IncaWarrior> Babo: only if he consents to it
[18:00] Larisa_Dertsakyan> shit game
[18:00] left_nut> for posting my old stream name
[18:00] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im matt and i allow it
[18:00] hanson_mmmb_op in
[18:00] [SW]Babo> cuz he spammed it
[18:00] rousfv in
[18:01] [SW]Babo> matt am i allowed to post your pic in the bathtub pls?
[18:01] [SW]Babo> everyone wants to see it again
[18:01] BlackHeart> this is silly
[18:01] BlackHeart out
[18:01] left_nut> you can do what you want just dont post anything persoanl
[18:01] [rw]juneight in
[18:01] Don_Gato in
[18:01] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its a trap
[18:01] [SW]Babo> ik
[18:01] the_hangover> matts being smartypants
[18:02] [SW]Babo> matt remember when you told me you had a pic of me
[18:02] Sam_Tas out
[18:02] [SW]Babo> and it was spin
[18:02] [SW]Babo> lolololol
[18:02] Larisa_Dertsakyan> matt let him send ur pic
[18:02] Larisa_Dertsakyan> just once :(
[18:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh
[18:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> something flood
[18:02] [SW]Babo> div wtf is that stream?
[18:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> flood overload of some shit
[18:02] IncaWarrior> hm
Game results submitted.
[18:02] IncaWarrior> server issue
[18:02] Shogun> matt suck my d..
[18:03] Shogun> just once :(
[18:03] IncaWarrior> really not liking this server
[18:03] Shogun> ^
[18:03] [SW]Babo> ya
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its speedruns of games for a cause
[18:03] BlackHeart in
[18:03] [SW]Babo> game takes 3 hours to launch
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> it lasts all week
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> many games
[18:03] Shogun> inca
[18:03] [SW]Babo> i thought pop would be there?
[18:03] [SW]Babo> sad
[18:03] Shogun> even bots takes ages to obey
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> lmfao gl with that
[18:03] [rw]juneight> why does the mm keeps disconnecting me
[18:03] left_nut> he can send it on my new stream account
[18:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[18:03] left_nut> on twitch
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> maybe u can apply
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> idk how it works
[18:03] left_nut> if u want to see it divinity
[18:03] [rw]juneight out
[18:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> no i only want to see a pic link from mm
[18:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i dont trust twitch
[18:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[18:04] left_nut> twitch.tv/incasname
[18:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> someone 1v1 me
[18:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> this damn rank annoys me
[18:04] [SW]Babo> ok bella
[18:04] left_nut> cant put the real link
[18:04] left_nut> but if u know his name
[18:04] BlackHeart> /me dies
[18:04] left_nut> thats my stream
[18:04] The_Unhostable> host
[18:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> first name?
[18:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> go away genki u dont give anyone ping
[18:05] left_nut> both
[18:05] rousfv> past 10 min i was disconnected from server 5 times
[18:05] Right_nut_OP> lmao
[18:05] [rw]juneight in
[18:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> what about it
[18:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its blank
[18:05] [rw]juneight out
[18:05] left_nut> u spelled it wrong
[18:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> everyone keeps getting disconnected
[18:05] BlackHeart> again excess flood
[18:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> no its a stream
[18:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> but nothing happening
[18:05] Right_nut_OP> bella ill 1v1 u
[18:05] Right_nut_OP> but u contradict urself anyway
[18:05] [SW]BadboY out
[18:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> if u have the red dot it doesnt matter
[18:05] left_nut> oh post
[18:06] left_nut> on side
[18:06] [rw]juneight in
[18:06] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:06] The_Unhostable> hi im new player but mm keeps doing bullsshit so ill never play this game again and it will die cus mm is so shit
[18:06] [SW]Babo> lol
[18:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> hi new player im larisa
[18:06] IncaWarrior> The_Unhostable: we're working on finding a better server
[18:06] The_Unhostable> hi larisa
[18:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:06] The_Unhostable> ok thanks incawarrior
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca we can use my pc as the main server
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> what u think
[18:07] rousfv out
[18:07] BlackHeart> me 5 times
[18:07] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[18:07] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> european server ftw
[18:07] IncaWarrior> that sounds like a bad idea
[18:07] BlackHeart> waiting the 6th time
[18:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> 2nd time now, it takes 10 mins to relog
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> whys that
[18:07] rousfv in
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i work at nasa my pc can handle that
[18:07] The_Unhostable> hi larisa u new too?
[18:07] Ven0m out
[18:07] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im a horny 22 gril
[18:07] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:07] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: if you forward port tcp 113 it joins really quick
[18:07] BlackHeart> u should enjoy war rank
[18:08] The_Unhostable> ok pm for pm sex
[18:08] BlackHeart> you have pants
[18:08] BlackHeart> while when youre shaman
[18:08] BlackHeart> u dont have pants
[18:08] Larisa_Dertsakyan> im engaged to div
[18:08] BlackHeart> means atm nici doesnt wears pants
[18:08] The_Unhostable> no
[18:08] BlackHeart> and some other as well
[18:08] The_Unhostable> im naked already
[18:08] BlackHeart> u can put a fan under their dress too
[18:08] BlackHeart> dresses*
[18:08] BlackHeart out
[18:08] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:09] The_Unhostable> https://gyazo.com/589967f48fdc5fb6c6e07e48f620162c
[18:09] The_Unhostable> finally reached the real rank
[18:09] The_Unhostable> with a win
[18:09] [rw]juneight out
[18:09] BlackHeart in
[18:09] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[18:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> 3rd time
[18:09] Cybork3325 in
[18:09] Larisa_Dertsakyan> RIGGED LEAGUES
[18:10] Shogun> genki
[18:10] Shogun> that was just a recalculation
[18:10] [SW]Arbrim> woo
[18:10] [SW]Arbrim> brave rank <333333
[18:10] the_hangover> why lkeft
[18:10] the_hangover> left
[18:10] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its what happens when you noobash unhostable
[18:10] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:10] Larisa_Dertsakyan> but ur cursed cuz ur pro
[18:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> its taking so long
[18:10] Larisa_Dertsakyan> whoever u play its always noobash
[18:10] The_Unhostable> its ok
[18:10] BlackHeart> 6 times
[18:10] rousfv out
[18:10] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:10] Shogun> it took many points from u but also gave u lost of sigma
[18:10] Shogun> lots*
[18:10] Shogun> sigma = points (if u dont lose the game ofc)
[18:10] BlackHeart> excess flood
[18:10] The_Unhostable> finally i got real rank
[18:10] BlackHeart out
[18:11] Cybork3325 out
[18:11] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:11] rousfv in
[18:11] The_Unhostable> how can i know badboy has no skill when everyones wildman
[18:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan> my grandfather died in a concentration camp in world war 2
[18:11] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:11] The_Unhostable> so if i beat nici 1v1 now ill be no1?
[18:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan> :/
[18:11] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[18:11] The_Unhostable> nici join fakcing scared cunt
[18:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan> he fell from the watching tower
[18:11] BlackHeart in
[18:12] The_Unhostable> ima take that crown
[18:12] the_hangover> genki
[18:12] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:12] the_hangover> can u join
[18:12] the_hangover> here
[18:12] [SW]Arbrim> check prev nicks, or rank in skills league nub...
[18:12] [SW]Arbrim> mm keeps login me off
[18:12] [SW]Babo> go
[18:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> INCA
[18:12] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:12] BlackHeart> disconnected
[18:13] Right_nut_OP> just a sec genki
[18:13] BlackHeart> now its a bit different from excess flood
[18:13] Ven0m in
[18:13] [TSI]Raion out
[18:13] The_Unhostable out
[18:13] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[18:13] [SW]Arbrim> rousfv
[18:13] [SW]Arbrim> lemme there
[18:13] the_hangover> arbrim u left
[18:13] the_hangover> last time
[18:13] the_hangover> why
[18:13] [SW]Arbrim> fried rice babo alpha
[18:13] [SW]Arbrim> SW game?
[18:13] [GoD]Eric out
[18:14] [GoD]Eric in
[18:14] HefesTo_OP> difdn launch
[18:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> omfg
[18:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca
[18:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 kills and 13 deaths....
[18:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> pls
[18:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> yes
[18:14] [SW]Arbrim> mm
[18:14] [SW]Arbrim> disconnected me
[18:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> if i can
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> motjher fucked
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> fucker
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> come bella?
[18:15] [rw]fury> decided to try like a maniac
[18:15] llIIlIlll> similar to mine anyway, gg
[18:15] [rw]fury> outcome:
[18:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[18:15] [rw]fury> 100 pop at 8:35
[18:15] hanson_mmmb_op out
[18:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got 5 kills
[18:15] [rw]fury> 15-5 shaman kd
[18:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> do i have ping
[18:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> and 13 deaths....
[18:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> oml
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> moores
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1 man?
[18:15] [rw]fury> 319 killed vs 199 lost
[18:15] [rw]fury> etc
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> this matt not launching
[18:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe 1sec
[18:15] [SW]Arbrim> ok
[18:16] llIIlIlll> so i guess the building huts all over the mid helped
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> if jasmin comes
[18:16] left_nut> +1
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont have any ping
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> we can play me bella u and jasmin
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> I HAVE PING
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> u had
[18:16] llIIlIlll> up for a better map?
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> GOGOGOGOGOGO
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> join
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> quickly
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> 143is ur ping
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> go
[18:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> before i disconnect again
[18:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow man
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> moores
[18:16] [SW]Arbrim> tell me when ure ready to 1v1 me
[18:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> 15 kills and 5 deaths
[18:16] Obscura_OP out
[18:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> prefere 2v2 tbh
[18:16] [TSI]Raion in
[18:17] llIIlIlll> maybe lets do tele ?
[18:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca when will ur news points system reach its "equilibriam"
[18:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> equilibrium
[18:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> #
[18:18] Larisa_Dertsakyan> semptember30
[18:18] Larisa_Dertsakyan> *
[18:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> NO TELEW
[18:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> PLKS
[18:19] IncaWarrior> once everyone plays a few games
[18:19] llIIlIlll> craters
[18:19] llIIlIlll> fo
[18:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> did any one ever win this map with out mid
[18:19] llIIlIlll> idk
[18:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> its god awful
[18:19] bobbylala out
[18:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> the later the more real it is
[18:19] Larisa_Dertsakyan> cuzmore games were played
[18:19] skaarj_guardian out
[18:19] llIIlIlll> same could be said about that herpes map we just played
[18:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> herpes map :D
[18:19] llIIlIlll> fucken syphillis
[18:20] [rw]fury> alrighty
[18:20] [SW]Arbrim> moores
[18:20] [rw]fury> dead sea?
[18:20] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1 i leave this setup?
[18:20] llIIlIlll> warrior rush
[18:20] Luke_OP> What truly gives me cancer
[18:20] Luke_OP> Is you makin land in such a map
[18:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> dw about wot im doing
[18:20] Haru> omg hi
[18:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> bitch
[18:20] [SW]Arbrim> MOOORES
[18:20] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1?
[18:20] Luke_OP> Truly noobush
[18:20] Luke_OP> noobish*
[18:20] llIIlIlll> craters?
[18:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> u sitting in towewr at any moment avalaible is worse
[18:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> the toer king
[18:21] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca make instant relogin once someone achieve new rank
[18:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> tower#
[18:21] [rw]fury> why do you think it is noobish luke
[18:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> its obvious
[18:21] llIIlIlll> it was me who occasionally went into the tower lol
[18:21] Luke_OP> Because in maps like that where you need hours to get to enemies base
[18:21] Luke_OP> You can't really punish him making land
[18:21] [rw]fury> not sure i buy that
[18:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> imo ra u was in the toweer often but i cant slag u coz u was defending but luke was in 90% of the game
[18:21] [rw]fury> anyway lets play
[18:22] [rw]fury> low mana high fun game for a change
[18:22] [rw]fury> since my wrists hurt
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> too much masterbating
[18:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> im gonna crash again
[18:22] Luke_OP> The mana cost there is unrelevant
[18:22] llIIlIlll> i had a warrior hut i think it wasnt enough mightve needed 2
[18:22] llIIlIlll> thats what fuckt me
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella u got ur drivers liscence yet?
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye u need 2 on thaat map
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> and after maikng land
[18:22] [rw]fury> its not the mana cost
[18:22] [rw]fury> its the time not at your defence cost
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> make another war hut and another fw hut
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> 3 war huts and 2 fws hutsaa
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> imo
[18:23] llIIlIlll> yea
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> seems that map is won and lost with troops
[18:23] [rw]fury> lets play midgard
[18:23] [rw]fury> that maps fun
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> and eq spam
[18:23] Luke_OP> It's as easy as killding someone then going back to make land
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> dont remember midgard
[18:23] Luke_OP> While yer ally sits in a tower
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> takes long to make land
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> make use of that time
[18:23] Luke_OP> 2 hours aye
[18:27] skaarj_guardian in
[18:27] [SW]Babo> worst host ive seen since i played on jonnys
[18:27] the_hangover> did u quit
[18:27] the_hangover> babo
[18:27] [SW]Babo> ofc i did
[18:27] BlackHeart> oh wow
[18:27] [SW]Babo> cuz i couldnt do anything
[18:27] BlackHeart> a ping :o
[18:27] [SW]Babo> and you didnt ally
[18:27] [SW]Babo> +2
[18:28] the_hangover> u souhld quit babo
[18:28] [SW]Babo> sry rousfv not much i can do when i cant click
[18:29] Right_nut_OP> t-rod never allies
[18:29] Right_nut_OP> even tho his host is crap
[18:29] the_hangover> i do
[18:29] Right_nut_OP> thats the kind of player that should be punished
[18:29] the_hangover> if u ask
[18:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> lul
[18:29] the_hangover> but babo didnt ask
[18:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ez
[18:29] Sam_Tas in
[18:29] [TSI]Raion> haha
[18:29] Right_nut_OP> pointwhore
[18:29] [TSI]Raion> nice kill ratio :>
[18:32] King_Barbarian23> I need 20 mins
[18:32] lord_of_the_faq in
[18:33] Sam_Tas out
[18:33] lord_of_the_faq> HAI NOOBZ
[18:34] Don_Gato> ++++++++1
[18:36] GrubbyHour> whut
[18:37] Don_Gato> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[18:37] GrubbyHour> anyone? :P
[18:37] Don_Gato> lol
[18:38] Don_Gato> nyone die
[18:38] tristan- in
[18:38] Don_Gato> k go
[18:38] Right_nut_OP out
[18:39] Haru> <3
[18:39] Right_nut_OP in
[18:40] stagioni in
[18:42] [rw]fury> thats a sick map
[18:42] Luke_OP> Actually
[18:42] [rw]fury> like really good
[18:42] Luke_OP> The map aint bad
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh sweet
[18:42] llIIlIlll> what?
[18:42] [rw]fury> the premise of being able to build towers high up far back in your base
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got saved from the bullshit
[18:42] [rw]fury> is rly good
[18:43] [rw]fury> it means you can establish a defence further back if things get shitty
[18:43] [rw]fury> so its not just all ogre
[18:43] [rw]fury> and lots of wood to do it fast
[18:43] llIIlIlll> u should try orthrus
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> what map was it
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> midgard?
[18:43] [rw]fury> ye
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> no brave issue?
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt enjoy it just for the paths and bugs
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> their hands up?
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> hahah
[18:43] [rw]fury> its vulnerable at the start
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> yea
[18:43] [rw]fury> i wish they put the bases further away
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> otherwise ye
[18:43] Right_nut_OP> thats the thing of that map
[18:43] Larisa_Dertsakyan> u have flatten on that map?
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> i hgad the tamborine noise all thru my game
[18:43] [rw]fury> man i wish i could stream so bad
[18:44] [rw]fury> i want to provide entertainment to my bretheren
[18:44] llIIlIlll> fury u mustve liked my hypno at the start
[18:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> and couldnt upgrade some huts with out contrloing them al over
[18:44] llIIlIlll> missed, and tried to hypnotise a hut
[18:44] [rw]fury> i had to stop playing to laugh
[18:44] llIIlIlll> wouldve been funny if my braves had started to spawn outta it
[18:44] [TSI]Ezra in
[18:44] [rw]fury> tragic for me if those fws hypnotise
[18:44] [rw]fury> theres a map somewhere called two headed snakes
[18:44] HammadH_TAS out
[18:44] [SR]Spark> GG
[18:44] [rw]fury> which i thought was hot shit in 2005
[18:45] [SR]007s> gg
[18:45] [SR]Bianca> gg
[18:45] [SR]Bianca> nee to go now. bye :)
[18:45] aliverdi1023 out
[18:45] llIIlIlll> luke playing?
[18:45] [TSI]Ezra> how is that thing even possible
[18:45] pataxo out
[18:45] [SR]Bianca out
[18:46] llIIlIlll> fury u might like the idea behind orthrus from tn worlds
[18:46] [rw]fury> do u want to play ra? i dont think i can morally remove you without asking
[18:47] [SR]Spark out
[18:47] llIIlIlll> go for it i can spec this
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> launch im brb a sec
[18:47] [rw]fury> kk
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> do hel ?
[18:47] Spinnifix in
[18:48] Shogun out
[18:51] rhyanvalk in
[18:51] rhyanvalk out
[18:51] Cybork3325 in
[18:52] GrubbyHour out
[18:53] Cybork3325 out
[18:53] Ratchet in
[18:54] GrubbyHour in
[18:54] GrubbyHour out
[18:54] lord_of_the_faq out
[18:55] Ven0m> arbrim noob
[18:55] Ven0m out
[18:56] Cybork3325 in
[18:56] left_nut> WHY THE FUCK
[18:56] left_nut> is eveyrthing slow
[18:56] left_nut> does dwxn
[18:56] left_nut> slow everything down
[18:57] IncaWarrior> it can lag your graphics a bit
[18:57] GrubbyHour in
[18:57] left_nut> it wont let me play pop
[18:57] left_nut> unless its checked
[18:58] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:58] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPIRpI0GtDc
[18:58] [TSI]Ezra> best album
[18:58] [TSI]Ezra> of the 70s
[18:59] Sam_Tas in
[18:59] [SR]007s out
[19:00] left_nut> this mm is fucke dup
[19:00] Spinnifix> lets go
[19:01] GrubbyHour> maps
[19:01] MiniBot_UK> GrubbyHour: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[19:01] GrubbyHour> skir
[19:01] GrubbyHour> pp
[19:01] GrubbyHour> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[19:01] Cutemammy_Tas in
Cybork3325 - MapPack: OK
GrubbyHour - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - GrubbyHour: Red - Cybork3325: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[19:04] Cybork3325 out
[19:06] DictatorJulio in
[19:06] the_hangover> yoo spin nice rank
[19:06] the_hangover> priest
[19:07] the_hangover> im shaman +
[19:07] the_hangover> anyone seen movie wonderwoman
[19:07] the_hangover> was it worth of wathing
[19:07] [SW]Babo> gg
[19:07] BlackHeart> gg
[19:07] Lintense in
[19:07] Lintense out
[19:08] GrubbyHour> need one more game to be ranked
[19:08] GrubbyHour> anyone 1v1?
[19:08] [TSI]Raion out
[19:08] left_nut> so i just started plaing this game hours ago
[19:08] left_nut> and there are so many better ones
[19:08] left_nut> why are all of you here?
[19:09] [TSI]Raion in
[19:09] DictatorJulio out
[19:10] Funes in
[19:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> why do people go in host spot and fuck off
[19:10] GrubbyHour> yo rice, 1v1?
[19:11] left_nut> why are people allowed to pm nigger to me?
[19:11] left_nut> inca
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> you can block that word
[19:11] [TSI]Raion> in settings
[19:12] [TSI]Raion> in matchmaker
[19:12] left_nut> why dont u use the alt f4 function that u assigned to it for certain words
[19:12] left_nut> that way when someone uses a word like nigger
[19:12] left_nut> they get kicked from mm
[19:12] left_nut> right away
[19:12] Funes out
[19:13] left_nut> i dont understand why inca hasnt done this long ago
[19:13] pataxo in
[19:14] IncaWarrior> because if there's a hard word filter, people just find ways to get around it
[19:14] IncaWarrior> like by replacing letters with numbers or adding spaces or whatever
[19:14] pataxo out
[19:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> that wasnt too greaty
[19:14] left_nut> yes inca
[19:14] left_nut> but still
[19:14] left_nut> would filter them out
[19:15] lord_of_the_faq in
[19:15] [rw]fury> maybe time for a return to normality
[19:15] [rw]fury> no more two headed snakes
[19:15] [rw]fury> anything else up for grabs tho
[19:15] llIIlIlll> good question
[19:15] [rw]fury> theres a rly good christmas worlds map
[19:15] [rw]fury> cant remember it hold up
[19:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin dog
[19:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> join?
[19:16] IncaWarrior> christmas worlds isn't available in July though
[19:16] llIIlIlll> i only got tb maps in mind now
[19:16] thoughtseize in
[19:16] [rw]fury> yeah looks like the pack has been removed
[19:16] [rw]fury> had snow on the huts
[19:16] [rw]fury> and a new texture pack
[19:16] [rw]fury> +1 for a standard map
[19:16] llIIlIlll> has anyone played pop in sp?
[19:17] llIIlIlll> i find it weird that level head hunter is the first map with snow
[19:17] llIIlIlll> despite the other maps bein further away from the sun
[19:17] Cutemammy_Tas out
[19:18] IncaWarrior> what about the fact that planets are sunny on all sides?
[19:18] left_nut> 2 suns inca
[19:19] Don_Gato out
[19:19] thoughtseize out
[19:20] Don_Gato in
[19:20] Cutemammy_Tas in
[19:21] BlackHeart> tom?
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> k
[19:21] [rw]fury> nici in green is dangerous because i cant keep him under control by pummelling him
[19:21] [TSI]Raion out
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> oh well
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> cant afford being red tho
[19:21] [rw]fury> but its ok
[19:21] [rw]fury> ye
[19:21] [rw]fury> agree
[19:21] Right_nut_OP> you know well why
[19:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do sess
[19:22] [rw]fury> hahahaha
[19:22] llIIlIlll> lol im checking if lukes there
[19:22] BlackHeart> pro doing sess :o
[19:22] [rw]fury> sorry don potato we are rematching
[19:22] Luke_OP> What
[19:22] BlackHeart> ohhhhhhhhhh :oooooo
[19:22] llIIlIlll> they doing cr
[19:22] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[19:22] Deus_Vult_OP> how come everyone is a wildman? did the leagues reset or something?
[19:22] llIIlIlll> yay ggs to spec
[19:22] left_nut> sec
[19:22] IncaWarrior> Deus_Vult_OP: read popre.net
[19:22] King_Barbarian23> gg mates
[19:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> what rank am i now
[19:23] King_Barbarian23 out
[19:23] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[19:23] GrubbyHour out
[19:23] llIIlIlll> a perfect oppertunity to troll and say restart ur mm cos i see everyones ranks
[19:23] llIIlIlll> and u blew it, lol nice 1
[19:23] Deus_Vult_OP> oh
[19:23] Deus_Vult_OP> a shitty seaon league
[19:23] Deus_Vult_OP> *season
[19:23] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[19:23] King_Barbarian23 in
[19:23] Deus_Vult_OP> #foreverwildman
[19:23] Cutemammy_Tas> ^ :d
[19:24] GrubbyHour in
[19:24] BlackHeart> could be the name of the season!
[19:24] BlackHeart> #Foreverwildman
[19:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> preacher minus pfft
[19:24] Deus_Vult_OP> what's your name from blackheart?
[19:24] Deus_Vult_OP> neptunia?
[19:24] GrubbyHour> are points calculated differently as well now?
[19:24] BlackHeart> song
[19:24] IncaWarrior> no
[19:24] Deus_Vult_OP> i prefer black heart from neptunia
[19:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> 3 months isnt enough time inca
[19:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> it takes a bloody month to get a rank
[19:25] [SW]AlphaEnemy> go matt
[19:25] BlackHeart> can means whatever u want u know :>
[19:25] GrubbyHour> hmm i used to be around 320 points and now i'm at brave+ lmfao
[19:25] llIIlIlll> spectate didnt work. fuck
[19:25] IncaWarrior> it took you 1 day
[19:25] IncaWarrior> we'll see when we get close to 3 months
[19:26] IncaWarrior> might bump it to 6 if needed
[19:26] llIIlIlll> inca fix spectate game..
[19:29] HefesTo_OP out
[19:29] left_nut> need one more clown
[19:29] BlackHeart> wow
[19:30] BlackHeart> gg :D
[19:30] left_nut> black heart ur apiece of shit
[19:30] [TSI]Ezra> you are not shaman + the hangover lmao
[19:30] BlackHeart> lol
[19:30] GrubbyHour out
[19:30] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok lets go
[19:31] BlackHeart> green no ping
[19:31] BlackHeart> +1
[19:31] [TSI]Ezra> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPIRpI0GtDc
[19:31] [TSI]Raion in
[19:31] [AsG]Warbeast out
[19:31] [AsG]Warbeast in
[19:31] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtfrick
[19:32] lord_of_the_faq out
[19:32] Aphrodite_OP in
[19:32] left_nut> ?
[19:32] left_nut> come trod
[19:33] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[19:33] left_nut> trod doesnt want to ally bella
[19:33] left_nut> cuz she just a preacher
[19:33] left_nut> lol
[19:35] Aphrodite_OP> why other players recovered their ranks?
[19:36] IncaWarrior> Aphrodite_OP: they've played 5 ranked games already
[19:36] Haru> wait, I think I'm at 4 ranked games
[19:36] Aphrodite_OP> oh need i to play 5 ranked games
[19:37] Haru> fml
[19:37] left_nut> wtf
[19:37] left_nut> wrong
[19:37] left_nut> with murders stream
[19:37] left_nut> lol
[19:37] IncaWarrior out
[19:38] Haru out
[19:38] Haru in
[19:38] Deus_Vult_OP> hentai
[19:39] Aphrodite_OP> inca
[19:39] Cutemammy_Tas> just 3 games and i lose wildman rank :<
[19:39] [TSI]Raion> rip
[19:39] Aphrodite_OP> where can i read about the new rank system?
[19:39] left_nut> mammy
[19:39] left_nut> im a brave
[19:39] left_nut> lol
[19:39] Cutemammy_Tas> your a wildman
[19:40] Cutemammy_Tas> in my eyes :>
[19:40] Cutemammy_Tas> /me convert matt :D
[19:40] Cutemammy_Tas> there you go your a brave
[19:41] King_Barbarian23> Kill cutemammy_Tas
[19:41] King_Barbarian23> Jaka
[19:41] King_Barbarian23> :D
[19:41] Cutemammy_Tas> i reincarnate :D
[19:41] Cutemammy_Tas> without any consiquensis :o
[19:42] Aphrodite_OP out
[19:42] [TSI]Raion> ok
[19:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX44CAz-JhU
[19:45] left_nut> ?
[19:47] left_nut> is anyone else
[19:47] left_nut> getting murders stream fucked up
[19:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh its fucked
[19:49] left_nut> bella when u going to come to florida
[19:49] left_nut> we will make u tan here
[19:50] [TSI]Raion out
[19:51] left_nut> i feel bad for nici
[19:52] left_nut> murder cant finish
[19:52] Spinnifix> im preacher
[19:53] Spinnifix> good thing
[19:53] Don_Gato> sup
[19:53] rousfv out
[19:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> i made that hard
[19:55] llIIlIlll> am i invisible in this hut or are u guys like avoiding playing me?
[19:55] llIIlIlll> hum..
[19:55] llIIlIlll> its sunday night !
[19:55] left_nut> king
[19:55] left_nut> u ally eric
[19:55] [rw]fury> bit of both ^^
[19:55] left_nut> what level
[19:55] King_Barbarian23> IIIIIIII
[19:55] King_Barbarian23> yes
[19:55] King_Barbarian23> Put a light war
[19:56] llIIlIlll> lol i was gunna suggest fo
[19:56] llIIlIlll> but i again remembered how bad the maps become
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> naa there
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> good
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> id make nici blue if hes coming
[19:56] left_nut> 1 to ally eric
[19:56] Spinnifix> wow the pt hunting
[19:56] llIIlIlll> we should do a fo where everythings allowed again, from bb to tb to boats to lbing hills to etc
[19:56] Spinnifix> of some ppl here
[19:56] Spinnifix> is disgusting
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin dog join?
[19:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> tell me whos disgusting
[19:57] Spinnifix> rollin a phat one
[19:57] Spinnifix> give me 20 mins
[19:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> TELL MNE???
[19:57] Right_nut_OP> me blue?
[19:57] Spinnifix> rod
[19:57] Right_nut_OP> idm long as it does not lag
[19:57] Spinnifix> all that r top now
[19:57] Spinnifix> i mean look at me
[19:57] Spinnifix> im preacher just becuz
[19:57] Spinnifix> of the allies
[19:57] Spinnifix> i have
[19:57] left_nut> lol
[19:57] left_nut> spin
[19:58] Spinnifix> heil me
[19:58] left_nut> u are true rank
[19:58] left_nut> like i said
[19:58] Spinnifix> no im not
[19:58] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:58] [SW]Arbrim out
[19:59] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:59] [TSI]Raion in
[20:00] [SW]Arbrim> haahhaa imma enjoy each rank :D
[20:00] Little_Guy1 in
[20:00] tripleb in
[20:01] tripleb out
[20:01] [TSI]Raion> thats the spirit
[20:01] [TSI]Raion> ;D
[20:02] tripleb in
[20:02] [GoD]Eric out
[20:02] [GoD]Eric in
[20:02] Little_Guy1 out
[20:02] Cutemammy_Tas> nice to hear arbrim :))
[20:03] Little_Guy1 in
[20:03] [SW]Arbrim> haha :D
[20:03] Baxter in
[20:04] Haru> Bussyter
[20:04] Little_Guy1> cant seem to get my ping
[20:04] Baxter> i don't recognise the word bussy
[20:04] Baxter> boipucci > bussy
[20:05] [GoD]Eric out
[20:05] Don_Gato out
[20:06] [AsG]Warbeast out
[20:06] Little_Guy1> got ping....yay
[20:06] [AsG]Warbeast in
[20:07] tripleb out
[20:10] [GoD]Eric in
[20:10] Don_Gato in
[20:11] Haru> not boipucci
[20:11] Haru> girl
[20:11] venetica out
[20:12] Baxter> ???
[20:12] llIIlIlll> once again, one of the reasons fo is imbalanced
[20:12] llIIlIlll> only takes 2 eqs to kill blue
[20:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[20:12] llIIlIlll> depending on how it opens up, one at front and one at back
[20:12] Right_nut_OP> dbm worlds is always better
[20:12] GrubbyHour in
[20:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca blocked me publishing another face off
[20:12] llIIlIlll> ppl should do that more
[20:13] llIIlIlll> tbh
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> with room in blue land for 1 extra hut
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> and 2 more trees
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> nothing else changeds
[20:13] llIIlIlll> fo was fair back when bullfrog launched tb maps in the 90s
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> "people would stop playing original"
[20:13] tripleb in
[20:13] llIIlIlll> people had shite pings
[20:13] BlackHeart> gg
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> exactly
[20:13] llIIlIlll> so the more land was to make things fair
[20:13] Baxter> aren't there like a hundred fo versions
[20:13] llIIlIlll> now everyone plays on pings below 100
[20:13] llIIlIlll> even ME mwahahaha
[20:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> try telling this to inca
[20:13] llIIlIlll> well not for long but still
[20:13] IncaWarrior in
[20:13] [TSI]Ezra out
[20:14] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[20:14] [TSI]Ezra in
[20:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> like i said we shoulda made nici blue
[20:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> makes it bit better
[20:15] llIIlIlll> or me blue :D
[20:16] llIIlIlll> hows nici dying?
[20:16] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[20:16] llIIlIlll> nask
[20:16] llIIlIlll> nici dying?
[20:17] BlackHeart> HEIN
[20:17] BlackHeart> WHAT?
[20:17] Larisa_Dertsakyan> hope so
[20:17] Larisa_Dertsakyan> why
[20:17] llIIlIlll> his away status lol
[20:17] llIIlIlll> this nici..
[20:17] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ...
[20:18] tristan- out
[20:18] the_hangover out
[20:19] the_hangover in
[20:19] [SW]Babo> gg
[20:19] [TSI]Raion> haha
[20:20] Don_Gato out
[20:20] PureChemist_OP in
[20:20] [tas]carlos in
[20:20] llIIlIlll> carlos !
[20:21] [tas]carlos> sup
[20:21] llIIlIlll> aaaalll gud
[20:22] GrubbyHour out
[20:22] Haru out
[20:24] llIIlIlll> lol brb
[20:24] Spinnifix> any map
[20:24] Spinnifix> any tams
[20:24] Spinnifix> teams
[20:24] xtro in
[20:24] aosin in
[20:25] vage in
[20:25] Jordan90 in
[20:27] BlackHeart> when sommeone got a cold around
[20:27] BlackHeart> and u feel like u got affected...
[20:27] vage out
[20:27] BlackHeart> wow..its july lol... its not winter..
[20:27] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[20:28] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[20:28] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[20:28] vage in
[20:30] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[20:30] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia in
[20:33] aosin out
[20:33] Cutemammy_Tas> blackheart lives under the equator confirmed ;D
[20:33] aosin in
[20:34] Cutemammy_Tas> xD
[20:34] ElsinBaal in
[20:34] [SR]Geralt_Of_Rivia out
[20:35] Devastation in
[20:36] Devastation out
[20:37] [TSI]Ezra> lol what
[20:38] [TSI]Ezra> it is winter under the equator
[20:38] Cutemammy_Tas> ofc
[20:38] vage out
[20:38] Cutemammy_Tas> you dunno that????
[20:38] Cutemammy_Tas> Australia has chrismas in summer :D
[20:38] [TSI]Ezra> yes
[20:38] BlackHeart> hm
[20:38] BlackHeart> i mean
[20:39] BlackHeart> its not the season to get a cold
[20:39] BlackHeart> lol
[20:39] vage in
[20:39] Cutemammy_Tas> true but a cold is accually germs :o
[20:40] Cutemammy_Tas> Ezra: so when we have summer under equator has winter and vice versa
[20:40] [TSI]Ezra> I know that
[20:40] Cutemammy_Tas> oki
[20:40] [TSI]Ezra> you said: "blackheart lives under the equator confirmed" but blackheart said: "it is july, not winter"
[20:40] Devastation in
[20:40] [TSI]Ezra> which makes no sense
[20:41] Cutemammy_Tas> was a joke
[20:41] Cutemammy_Tas> -_-
[20:41] [TSI]Ezra> lol what
[20:42] Cutemammy_Tas> anyway +1 :D?
[20:42] vage out
[20:43] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[20:43] [GoD]Eric out
[20:43] [GoD]Eric in
[20:43] [SW]Arbrim> SW rematch game?
[20:43] [SW]Arbrim> u force eric
[20:43] [GoD]Eric> lol matt sry caps
[20:43] [SW]Arbrim> u2 matt
[20:44] [GoD]Eric> nah we dont
[20:44] Cutemammy_Tas> you all shift click that is forcing :D
[20:44] [SW]Babo> shift click isnt forcing
[20:44] Cutemammy_Tas> ofc it is
[20:44] Cutemammy_Tas> you force fw to shoot shaman
[20:45] Cutemammy_Tas> and ignore rest
[20:45] vage in
[20:45] Trilithon in
[20:46] Xile_TN in
[20:47] left_nut> and if he does ill get u unmuted
[20:47] [SW]Arbrim> Hahaha
[20:47] [SW]Arbrim> hgermany vs chile
[20:47] [SW]Arbrim> soo comedy :D hahahahaha
[20:48] [SW]Arbrim> almost cant stop laughing :D
[20:48] left_nut> abrim forcing
[20:48] left_nut> on video
[20:49] [SW]Babo> matt n eric
[20:49] [SW]Babo> join
[20:49] [SW]Arbrim> scared
[20:49] [SW]Babo> join matt need an easy game
[20:49] [SW]Arbrim> +2222222
[20:50] Cutemammy_Tas> what is this :o?
[20:50] Xile_TN> where are all the noobs
[20:50] [GoD]Eric> matt lets join be babo?
[20:50] Xile_TN out
[20:51] left_nut> what level
[20:51] left_nut> he doing
[20:51] [SW]Babo> pp
[20:51] left_nut> and eric
[20:51] left_nut> when i tell u something
[20:51] left_nut> u need to do it right away
[20:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> stream pls
[20:51] Xile_TN in
[20:51] left_nut> could of won so much faster
[20:51] [SW]Arbrim> bella here?
[20:51] left_nut> than that
[20:51] [GoD]Eric> ok matt
[20:51] [SW]Babo> join now?
[20:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh id rather watch tho
[20:52] [SW]Babo> come eric
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> wait
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> babo
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> dont start
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> im setting something
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> in option
[20:52] [GoD]Eric> wait
[20:52] [SW]Fried_Rice> stream pls
[20:52] [SW]Fried_Rice> wait for me toi spec
[20:52] [SW]Babo> yaya
[20:53] [GoD]Eric> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar ME AND MATT VS BABO AND ARBRIM PP
[20:53] [GoD]Eric> go
[20:53] [SW]Babo> sad eric
[20:53] [GoD]Eric> ?
[20:53] King_Barbarian23> por que abandonastes el juegp tripleb
[20:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> WAIT
[20:54] [tas]carlos> cmall window matt
[20:54] [GoD]Eric out
[20:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> ah fuck
[20:55] tripleb out
[20:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> newish good films to watch?
[20:56] thoughtseize in
[20:56] Right_nut_OP> did eric
[20:56] Right_nut_OP> get banned
[20:57] Trilithon out
[20:57] ElsinBaal out
[20:57] llIIlIlll> NICI
[20:57] llIIlIlll> carlos is back !!
[20:57] Right_nut_OP> wow hey carlos
[20:57] Right_nut_OP> are you millionaire yet :o
[20:58] [tas]carlos> almost
[20:58] Little_Guy1> what do you do?
[20:58] [tas]carlos> work
[20:58] Devastation> lol
[20:58] Little_Guy1> in what?
[20:58] llIIlIlll> if by millionaire u mean rich, and by rich u mean family and health yea rich af :P
[20:58] [tas]carlos> a job
[20:58] Little_Guy1> ok
[20:59] [tas]carlos> i was a builder now i deliver new cars to people
[20:59] Little_Guy1> i used to deliver cars
[20:59] Little_Guy1> they were full of coke though
[20:59] [tas]carlos> no brains then
[20:59] Little_Guy1> no shit
[21:00] Little_Guy1> i was young
[21:00] [GoD]Eric in
[21:00] Little_Guy1> did 15 years in prison
[21:00] [tas]carlos> you still woul know its wrong
[21:00] Little_Guy1> im doing stocks now
[21:00] [tas]carlos> which prison
[21:00] Right_nut_OP> there is no way u were 15 years in prison
[21:01] Little_Guy1> alot of them
[21:01] Little_Guy1> federal prison
[21:01] [tas]carlos> us?
[21:01] Little_Guy1> they move you around ever few years
[21:01] [tas]carlos> U.S
[21:01] HefesTo_OP in
[21:01] Little_Guy1> yea
[21:01] Devastation> lmao not a chance you did 15 years
[21:01] Devastation> how old are you now?
[21:01] [tas]carlos> butt raped?
[21:01] Little_Guy1> 40
[21:01] [tas]carlos> joking
[21:02] [tas]carlos> your 40
[21:02] [tas]carlos> ?
[21:02] Right_nut_OP> toss teh salad?
[21:02] [Rw]addiction in
[21:02] Little_Guy1> nope, the races take care of thei own bro
[21:02] Little_Guy1> yea man
[21:02] Little_Guy1> im an old dude
[21:02] [tas]carlos> you took my title then
[21:02] Little_Guy1> populous was the shit back in the day
[21:02] [tas]carlos> thought i was the old fucker here
[21:02] llIIlIlll> addiii
[21:02] Little_Guy1> lol
[21:03] Aphrodite_OP in
[21:03] [Rw]addiction> my true rank
[21:03] Quetzalcoatl in
[21:03] [Rw]addiction> o/
[21:03] Devastation> +2
[21:03] [tas]carlos> Little_Guy1: who was you back then?
[21:04] [tas]carlos> nickname i mean
[21:04] Little_Guy1> i love this game. It never gets old, i have over 100 games for my PC but this one is NO#1
[21:04] Little_Guy1> wongfeyhung
[21:04] Little_Guy1> they called me Wong
[21:05] HefesTo_OP out
[21:05] venetica in
[21:06] Right_nut_OP> wongfayhung?
[21:06] llIIlIlll> first name Sum Ting ?
[21:06] Little_Guy1> yyea
[21:06] Little_Guy1> no
[21:06] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:06] Right_nut_OP> http://prntscr.com/fqt1ji
[21:06] Little_Guy1> just wongfayhung
[21:07] llIIlIlll> https://cdn.meme.am/cache/instances/folder355/500x/60997355/bus-wanker-screenshot-wanker.jpg
[21:07] Little_Guy1> damn bro
[21:07] llIIlIlll> hahahahaha
[21:07] Little_Guy1> they still have my shit listed
[21:07] [tas]carlos> lmao inbetweenes
[21:07] Little_Guy1> rthats awesome
[21:08] Sam_Tas out
[21:08] Little_Guy1> Thanks for the memory dude.
[21:09] Little_Guy1> cant seem to get that rank back.
[21:09] Little_Guy1> you guys are monsters at this,
[21:09] llIIlIlll> there are mentors now who teach for free
[21:10] Right_nut_OP> when did u get released
[21:10] Little_Guy1> last year
[21:10] Right_nut_OP> ooh
[21:10] Little_Guy1> been a little longet a couple month
[21:10] Little_Guy1> longer
[21:11] Little_Guy1> later .
[21:11] Little_Guy1 out
[21:13] [Rw]addiction> hey moe
[21:13] [Rw]addiction> :)
[21:13] Quetzalcoatl> oooh someone remembers my name :D
[21:14] [Rw]addiction> who did you ally before
[21:14] [Rw]addiction> was it kenshin
[21:14] Quetzalcoatl> yea
[21:14] Quetzalcoatl> but that was 10 yrs ago
[21:15] [Rw]addiction> haha yeah
[21:15] [Rw]addiction> do you remember me and genesis
[21:15] [TSI]Raion> quet
[21:15] [TSI]Raion> its 1v2
[21:15] [TSI]Raion> u can watch if u want
[21:15] [TSI]Raion> but ye
[21:15] Quetzalcoatl> ok cool
[21:15] Quetzalcoatl> yea i do actually
[21:15] HefesTo_OP in
[21:15] Jordan90 out
[21:15] Quetzalcoatl> i think u guys were pretty amazing
[21:15] Quetzalcoatl> back then
[21:16] [Rw]addiction> haha yeah, good old days
[21:16] [Rw]addiction out
[21:16] llIIlIlll> standard
[21:19] Final_Fantasy in
[21:19] Final_Fantasy out
[21:19] Don_Gato in
[21:20] Final_Fantasy in
[21:21] Don_Gato in
[21:22] [Rw]TheHero in
[21:22] [Rw]TheHero out
[21:23] [Rw]TheHero in
[21:23] Don_Gato out
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> HOW?
[21:26] Don_Gato> how
[21:26] [AsG]Warbeast out
[21:26] Spinnifix> i cast 4 lights at ur ghost shaman
[21:26] Spinnifix> 2 hits
[21:26] [AsG]Warbeast in
[21:26] Spinnifix> in overall
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[21:27] [rw]fury> warbeast probably lost his pop same way as me
[21:27] [rw]fury> think u are smashing it
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i klled 100 men in one light
[21:27] [rw]fury> check your base
[21:27] [rw]fury> 30 warriors
[21:27] Spinnifix> yea
[21:27] Spinnifix> and i didnt see
[21:27] [rw]fury> im glad i bothered to rebuild
[21:27] [rw]fury> otherwise when moores lost all
[21:27] [rw]fury> would have been tragic
[21:27] [AsG]Warbeast> ye
[21:28] [AsG]Warbeast> whatever gg
[21:28] Spinnifix> was gg yea
[21:28] [rw]fury> gg
[21:28] [AsG]Warbeast> see u next weekend
[21:28] [AsG]Warbeast> gn
[21:28] Cutemammy_Tas> no pop chrashed :<
[21:28] Spinnifix> machste jut
[21:28] [AsG]Warbeast out
[21:28] [TSI]Raion> ah damn
[21:28] [TSI]Raion> he was gettin it in too
[21:28] [TSI]Raion> lol
[21:28] [rw]fury> gn
[21:28] [rw]fury> early advantage from building like a champ
[21:28] Cutemammy_Tas> got that dumb windows 10 glitch again -_-
[21:28] [rw]fury> 90 pop vs 72,70,66 at 10mins
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> lagged out =(
[21:29] Spinnifix> yea i didnt care bout my base
[21:29] Obscura_OP in
[21:29] Cutemammy_Tas> sorry :<
[21:29] [TSI]Raion> Think i should dump that map
[21:29] Spinnifix> that game
[21:29] Spinnifix> obsi
[21:29] [TSI]Raion> or keep it
[21:29] Spinnifix> la' spile'
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> well
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> jugger can be played with some good players
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> but if they're too good ure certain to lose
[21:29] Cutemammy_Tas> 2v1 is hard to balanace
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> wont be fun unless its really even
[21:29] Right_nut_OP> there is a map in ava worlds
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> called One Man Army
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> I think that's a fair map
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> 2v1
[21:30] Cutemammy_Tas> well 1 guy get 100 pop pretty fast
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> ye but
[21:30] Cutemammy_Tas> and already prebuild trainign huts
[21:30] Obscura_OP out
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> u get attacked from both sides
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> its good vs good players
[21:30] Cutemammy_Tas> i know that map
[21:30] Right_nut_OP> or average, idk
[21:30] [TSI]Raion> thats better balance
[21:31] [TSI]Raion> then one of each side probably
[21:31] Cutemammy_Tas> you have 1 frond no back door
[21:31] Cutemammy_Tas> well you do get sd
[21:31] Obscura_OP in
[21:31] [TSI]Raion> but true that would be interesting with 3 good players
[21:31] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[21:31] Cutemammy_Tas> brb :o
[21:31] [TSI]Raion> to see what would happen
[21:31] [TSI]Raion> lol
[21:31] Obscura_OP> wtf...
[21:31] Spinnifix> obs
[21:31] Cutemammy_Tas out
[21:31] Right_nut_OP> wtf obscura hacking
[21:31] Spinnifix> die schlimmsten logins
[21:31] Spinnifix> der welt
[21:32] Obscura_OP> it kicks me out
[21:32] [TSI]Raion> going to smooth this arena map
[21:32] [TSI]Raion> then that one finished
[21:32] [TSI]Raion> possibly
[21:32] [TSI]Raion> atleast for the moment
[21:32] [TSI]Raion> lol
[21:32] Obscura_OP> ja man
[21:33] [TSI]Raion> obscura
[21:33] Obscura_OP> und ich werde gekickt
[21:33] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[21:33] Spinnifix> ja
[21:33] [TSI]Raion> you remember that map i made we played with babo
[21:33] [TSI]Raion> ffa
[21:33] [TSI]Raion> FFA
[21:33] King_Barbarian23 out
[21:34] King_Barbarian23 in
[21:34] [TSI]Raion> https://www.popre.net/maps/packs/102/view_map.php?l=4
[21:34] [TSI]Raion> might keep that map too
[21:34] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: Linkys.www404sddxx.cantv.sfs (Excess Flood)
[21:34] Quetzalcoatl out
[21:35] Deliruis in
[21:35] Obscura_OP> same shit
[21:35] King_Barbarian23> nioce
[21:35] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[21:35] Spinnifix> i cant ping
[21:35] Quetzalcoatl in
[21:35] King_Barbarian23 out
[21:36] Deliruis out
[21:36] Spinnifix> bbl
[21:36] King_Barbarian23 in
[21:37] [GoD]Eric out
[21:37] [GoD]Eric in
[21:37] [GoD]Eric> lol babo crashed it
[21:37] [GoD]Eric> what a game
[21:38] [GoD]Eric> chek pop graf
[21:38] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: 190-36-53-111.dyn.dsl.cantv.net (Excess Flood)
[21:38] King_Barbarian23> fuck
[21:38] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: 190-36-53-111.dyn.dsl.cantv.net (Excess Flood)
[21:38] King_Barbarian23> stupid shit
[21:38] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: 190-36-53-111.dyn.dsl.cantv.net (Excess Flood)
[21:38] Quetzalcoatl out
[21:38] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> lmao
[21:39] Quetzalcoatl in
[21:39] left_nut> sad babo lagging us
[21:39] left_nut> on purpose
[21:39] [SW]Babo> pls dont suicide matt
[21:39] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp <3
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> hahhaHHhHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> haHAHHAHA
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> brb for 10 mins
[21:40] [GoD]Eric> well matt it happens when we winning
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> jasmin and babo wait me we play together?>
[21:40] [SW]Babo> bimi did you lag??
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> nope
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> how could i pwn him
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> if i would?
[21:40] [SW]Babo> lol
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahahahahaha
[21:40] [SW]Babo> lmfao
[21:40] left_nut> babo literally stopped
[21:40] [SW]Arbrim> rekt so bad
[21:40] left_nut> with his shmaan
[21:40] left_nut> to lag it
[21:40] [SW]Babo> no matt
[21:40] [SW]Babo> i saved my wars from yell
[21:40] left_nut> i have it
[21:40] left_nut> on stream
[21:40] [SW]Babo> cuz he doubled me the 300th time
[21:40] [SW]Babo> show me pls
[21:40] [SW]Babo> dont join my host if you lag loser
[21:41] [SW]Babo> i asked if you wanna ally
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> LOOOSERS
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> cock suckers
[21:41] [SW]Babo> at the first min
[21:41] [SW]Babo> and you didnt answer
[21:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo kommen
[21:41] [SW]Babo> so stop complaining
[21:41] [SW]Babo> loser.
[21:41] [SW]Babo> funniest part was when i let matt in my empty base
[21:41] [SW]Babo> and he fsed nothing 2 times
[21:41] [SW]Babo> loloolloloolool
[21:41] [SW]Arbrim> replacing laptop someother where
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> itll take like 4 mins max :D
[21:42] [SW]Arbrim> or 5 :D hahaha
[21:42] left_nut> i didnt even fs
[21:42] left_nut> ur base
[21:42] left_nut> cuz of the lag
[21:42] left_nut> it fs the side
[21:42] left_nut> in water
[21:42] left_nut> cuz of u lagging me
[21:42] [SW]Babo> guys too stupid to click on land
[21:42] [SW]Babo> instead of water
[21:42] Quetzalcoatl out
[21:42] [SW]Babo out
[21:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> its always good to bash matt
[21:42] [SW]Babo in
[21:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> [21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> its always good to bash matt
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> the feel good factor is amazing
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> even thoe its pretty easy
[21:43] Right_nut_OP> matt they aren't aware of our power
[21:43] Right_nut_OP> when we ally
[21:43] Right_nut_OP> let the bitches talk
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye when lol
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk off
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> ofc
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> "the power"
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Matt doesn't even do SHIT
[21:43] Quetzalcoatl in
[21:43] Right_nut_OP> ye he does
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Have a little respect for yourself
[21:43] Right_nut_OP> i cant win 2v1
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> he just cannon fodder
[21:43] [SW]Babo> ikr
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Nici I don't mean it literally
[21:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt = operation human sheild for nici
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> he does shit
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> but not much
[21:43] [SW]Babo> nici hes nothing without you
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ^^^^^^^^^^^
[21:43] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> exactly
[21:44] [SW]Babo> cuz its 99% you
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> matt needs the right ally
[21:44] [SW]Babo> 1% him
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> thats what u guys dont get
[21:44] Obscura_OP out
[21:44] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:44] left_nut> nici
[21:44] HefesTo_OP out
[21:44] left_nut> me and eric
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> when play styles match
[21:44] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Everyone knows that
[21:44] left_nut> would of won
[21:44] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> obviously
[21:44] left_nut> he lagged eric out
[21:44] [SW]Babo> see everyone agrees nici
[21:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock come host
[21:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[21:44] llIIlIlll> wtf
[21:44] left_nut> when we were wreckign him
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> "everyone"
[21:44] [SW]Babo> ^
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> clueless ppl
[21:44] Right_nut_OP> is all i see
[21:44] llIIlIlll> i got kicked out?
[21:44] Spinnifix> nvm
[21:44] left_nut> babo lagge deric out
[21:44] [SW]Babo> oh thats why hes so fat
[21:44] left_nut> and then lied
[21:44] left_nut> nd said he didnt
[21:44] left_nut> lol
[21:44] [tas]carlos out
[21:44] Obscura_OP in
[21:45] King_Barbarian23> +3 fo
[21:45] [SW]Babo> i mean i doubled eric
[21:45] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood) fuck you Inca
[21:45] [SW]Babo> and matt ran after my shaman
[21:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at this game and look at there combined populations vs ours
[21:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357427
[21:45] [SW]Babo> instead of getting my base
[21:45] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: 190-36-53-111.dyn.dsl.cantv.net (Excess Flood)
[21:45] [SW]Babo> wot kind of shitty player is this??
[21:45] left_nut> cant get into ur base
[21:45] left_nut> when lagging
[21:45] left_nut> as bad as i was
[21:45] left_nut> cuz u cant win
[21:45] Quetzalcoatl out
[21:45] [GoD]Eric out
[21:45] left_nut> legit
[21:45] left_nut> and we still came back
[21:45] [GoD]Eric in
[21:45] [SW]Babo> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357432
[21:45] left_nut> nici i literally have babos
[21:45] left_nut> shaman
[21:45] left_nut> standing still
[21:45] left_nut> as lag
[21:45] [SW]Babo> i dont see you pwning us anywhere tho
[21:45] left_nut> happened
[21:46] left_nut> pop dont mean anything
[21:46] left_nut> without huts
[21:46] left_nut> watch stream
[21:46] Obscura_OP> spin :/
[21:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> jasmin
[21:46] Obscura_OP out
[21:46] Spinnifix> ja?
[21:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> joibn?
[21:46] Quetzalcoatl in
[21:46] left_nut> spin
[21:46] left_nut> i will not laly murder
[21:46] Spinnifix> fo you me
[21:47] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:47] Obscura_OP in
[21:47] [SW]Babo> so?
[21:47] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:47] [GoD]Eric> where matt
[21:47] [SW]Babo> dont play under my host anymore matt?
[21:47] [SW]Babo> you complain everytime
[21:47] [SW]Babo> ive had pop growing
[21:47] [SW]Babo> lmao
[21:48] Xile_TN out
[21:48] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Same shit happened to me
[21:48] [GoD]Eric> could u give me the link pls
[21:48] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> obscura
[21:48] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> rn
[21:48] Obscura_OP> did i got kicked?
[21:48] [TSI]Ezra> +1 blast
[21:48] [Rw]TheHero> its so hard to find noobs with this new ranking system
[21:48] [Rw]TheHero> i wanted to bash few
[21:48] [Rw]TheHero> :\
[21:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot map we doin?
[21:48] [SW]Babo> murder is better than you matt
[21:48] [TSI]Ezra> +1 testing blast maps
[21:48] Spinnifix> fo
[21:48] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Babo he's trolling fgs
[21:48] Quetzalcoatl out
[21:49] [rw]fury> hi all 3rd best player currently active AMA
[21:49] Cutemammy_Tas in
[21:49] Obscura_OP> my spot is gone too
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> sick of carrying fury
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[21:49] [GoD]Eric out
[21:49] [GoD]Eric in
[21:49] Obscura_OP> what?
[21:49] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> okay imma back
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:50] [SW]Babo> whos trolling?
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:50] Right_nut_OP out
[21:50] [SW]Arbrim> k mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me loooooooooooool
[21:51] [SW]Arbrim> k mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me looooooooooooolk mm reloged me lo
[21:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu spami
[21:51] Obscura_OP out
[21:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> FFS
[21:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> https://discord.gg/Gb27T33
[21:51] [Rw]TheHero> hi Arbrim !
[21:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> everyone join
[21:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinn wanna try another hut
[21:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[21:51] Spinnifix> murder
[21:51] Spinnifix> host
[21:51] Right_nut_OP in
[21:51] llIIlIlll> mm did u see carlos?
[21:51] [Rw]TheHero> Arbrim
[21:52] llIIlIlll> he back :P
[21:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> who?
[21:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> whos that?
[21:52] [Rw]TheHero> how are you mate ?
[21:52] [GoD]Eric out
[21:52] [TSI]Ezra out
[21:52] [SW]Arbrim> haaha ;D
[21:52] King_Barbarian23> why quit
[21:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot map we doing then
[21:52] King_Barbarian23> HAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha
[21:52] Obscura_OP in
[21:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> obscura join
[21:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[21:53] [GoD]Eric in
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> yoo
[21:53] [TSI]Raion> was wrong version
[21:53] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:53] [TSI]Raion> i think
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> gi hero
[21:53] [TSI]Raion> let me check
[21:53] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:53] Right_nut_OP> this mm
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim> hi*
[21:53] [GoD]Eric> wtf my mm froze
[21:53] Right_nut_OP> pf
[21:53] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:53] skaarj_guardian out
[21:53] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:54] [SW]Babo> wow matt
[21:54] [SW]Babo> you didnt even have half eq
[21:54] [Rw]TheHero> host
[21:54] [SW]Babo> when you were in my base
[21:54] [SW]Babo> LOL
[21:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait in the hut guyss
[21:54] Spinnifix> und was ist da
[21:54] [SW]Babo> and then blame lag
[21:54] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[21:54] [SW]Babo> when you were in your base building
[21:54] [GoD]Eric> k lets go
[21:54] Obscura_OP> [1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: x4db3b6e8.dyn.telefonica.de (Excess Flood)
[21:54] [SW]Babo> youre a joke bro
[21:54] Spinnifix> mana ist nicht immer nötig
[21:54] [GoD]Eric> moored
[21:54] [SW]Babo> get over it u suck
[21:54] left_nut> why is strwam
[21:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:54] left_nut> in top left corner
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:54] [GoD]Eric> matt ur streaming?
[21:54] Obscura_OP> get kicked because of that
[21:54] [TSI]PK in
[21:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> +1 test blast maps
[21:55] Spinnifix> ich find das geil
[21:55] Spinnifix> ie matt ignoriert
[21:55] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra out
[21:55] [GoD]Eric> btw
[21:55] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:55] [GoD]Eric> dont post
[21:55] [GoD]Eric> links
[21:55] [SW]Babo> https://gyazo.com/0ccf7ebf66b913a527d7bfb92c6e2f7b.png
[21:55] Spinnifix> LOL
[21:55] Obscura_OP out
[21:55] [GoD]Eric> or u get banned
[21:55] [SW]Babo> joke of the year
[21:55] [GoD]Eric> or muted
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:55] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:55] [TSI]Ezra> this new server either complains about excess flooding
[21:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> this hut is fukt
[21:56] Don_Gato out
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting you too???jasmin mm reconnecting
[21:56] [TSI]PK out
[21:56] [TSI]Ezra> or outrights disconnects you
[21:56] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> got disconected 3 times
[21:56] [TSI]PK in
[21:56] [TSI]Ezra> ...
[21:56] Dreyfus in
[21:56] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:56] [SW]Babo out
[21:56] Obscura_OP in
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[21:56] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:56] [SW]Babo in
[21:56] [SW]Arbrim> yea ezra
[21:56] [TSI]PK out
[21:56] [TSI]Ezra out
[21:57] [SW]Arbrim> that error here too
[21:57] Don_Gato in
[21:57] [SW]Babo> [14] Reconnecting...
[21:57] [GoD]Eric> moores it doesnt start
[21:57] [GoD]Eric> try aigen
[21:57] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> +2 htfu stfu and join
[21:57] [SW]Babo> good server
[21:57] [SW]Arbrim> join me
[21:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> befoere mm kiks you
[21:57] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[21:57] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:58] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra> honestly
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra> thrice it disconnected me
[21:58] Right_nut_OP out
[21:58] [rw]fury> ok sweet
[21:58] Final_Fantasy out
[21:58] [rw]fury> have a good week all
[21:58] [rw]fury> ya
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra out
[21:58] [rw]fury> cya
[21:58] [rw]fury out
[21:58] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> again....
[21:58] llIIlIlll out
[21:58] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:58] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> WTF IS THIS
[21:58] [GoD]Eric> moores
[21:58] left_nut> why did
[21:58] left_nut> he kick me
[21:58] [GoD]Eric> let me in
[21:58] [GoD]Eric> or come here
[21:59] [GoD]Eric> its ristricted
[21:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> eric can u join now?
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:59] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I got disc. 5 times
[21:59] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> bye fury
[21:59] left_nut> eric join
[21:59] left_nut> u and obscura
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> again
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> four times
[21:59] [TSI]Ezra> FOUR
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra> 3 by excess of flood from my connection
[22:00] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra> and one time it was just a disconnection with no reason
[22:00] [GoD]Eric> lol
[22:00] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> 5 times here
[22:00] [Rw]TheHero out
[22:00] [TSI]Ezra out
[22:00] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> +2 fasst
[22:00] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> fast
[22:00] [TSI]Raion> as soon as he host
[22:00] [GoD]Eric> moores
[22:00] [TSI]Raion> he gets kicked
[22:00] [TSI]Raion> lol
[22:00] [GoD]Eric> join here
[22:01] [GoD]Eric> im in matt
[22:01] [TSI]Ezra in
[22:01] thoughtseize out
[22:01] Obscura_OP out
[22:01] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> can't get pings
[22:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> got kikt
[22:01] [TSI]Ezra> lmao, I don't even know if it was the 5th or 6th time
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> 2 mms on
[22:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> spini eric here
[22:01] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> keep getting disconnected
[22:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt
[22:01] Don_Gato out
[22:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[22:01] left_nut> stop movingh
[22:01] [GoD]Eric> restricted
[22:01] Spinnifix> wherer murder
[22:01] Spinnifix> i dobnt see u
[22:01] [SW]Arbrim> jamsin be fast
[22:01] Final_Fantasy in
[22:01] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Everything's fucked up
[22:01] Aphrodite_OP out
[22:02] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and my ports are FINE
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> so we start agame b4 it disconectes us
[22:02] left_nut> wtf eric gfoing
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye?
[22:02] left_nut> join
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim> moores upon u
[22:02] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> This is ridiculous
[22:02] Right_nut_OP in
[22:02] Obscura_OP in
[22:02] [TSI]Ezra> playing today is not allowed anymore
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i think its psinnis spot
[22:02] venetica out
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> + i got kikt
[22:02] thoughtseize in
[22:02] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:02] Spinnifix> matt allies me on fo
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt hosting bad nways
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> come here eric
[22:02] [GoD]Eric> wtf
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> nvm
[22:02] [GoD]Eric> host here matt
[22:02] Don_Gato in
[22:02] [SW]Babo out
[22:02] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> got MooresMurder's ping
[22:02] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> 2 more
[22:02] Obscura_OP out
[22:03] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> lol
[22:03] left_nut> wtf
[22:03] [TSI]Ezra out
[22:03] left_nut> will u guys
[22:03] left_nut> stop sitting
[22:03] left_nut> each other
[22:03] Spinnifix> LOL
[22:03] venetica in
[22:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> if this new server ius located in america would this time in the evening constitute peak time?
[22:03] Dreyfus out
[22:03] [TSI]Raion> yea
[22:03] [TSI]Raion> 5 pm
[22:03] left_nut> why did u leave
[22:03] Obscura_OP in
[22:03] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:03] left_nut> eric
[22:03] left_nut> are u so dumbn
[22:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts hut restricted
[22:04] [GoD]Eric> restricted aigen
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:04] [GoD]Eric> wtf
[22:04] left_nut out
[22:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> i got spinn's ping
[22:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> CMON
[22:04] Obscura_OP out
[22:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> join here
[22:04] [GoD]Eric> cant get in
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:04] [SW]Arbrim> [1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: (Excess Flood)[1] Closing Link: 77.247.251.
[22:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Why not ?
[22:04] left_nut in
[22:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got kikt again
[22:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> eric?
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> this is like musicle chairs
[22:05] [TSI]Ezra in
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Everytime I get someone's ping
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> You guys lieave
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> +2
[22:05] [GoD]Eric> i dont
[22:05] [TSI]Ezra> ............
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> leave*
[22:05] Spinnifix> pls
[22:05] Spinnifix> can we start
[22:05] [GoD]Eric> wow so hard to get a game
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> jasmin ur hut says resticted
[22:05] Spinnifix> matt
[22:05] Obscura_OP in
[22:05] Spinnifix> gtfi
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim> vs me and jasmin
[22:05] [GoD]Eric> arbrim stop spamming of u get muted for 666 mins
[22:05] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:05] left_nut out
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> jasmin here
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> try now
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> moorsesy
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> You can still join if it says restericted
[22:05] [GoD]Eric> jasmin it restricted
[22:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> restricted*
[22:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> jasmin ur hut is restricted to me
[22:06] Dreyfus in
[22:06] Spinnifix> LMAO
[22:06] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> it works
[22:06] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[22:06] King_Barbarian23> [1] Closing Link: 190-36-53-111.dyn.dsl.cantv.net (Excess Flood)
[22:06] Spinnifix> man
[22:06] Spinnifix> inca
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:06] [GoD]Eric> join matt before we get kickt...
[22:06] [SW]Babo in
[22:06] left_nut in
[22:06] left_nut> [1] Closing Link: c-71-228-94-4.hsd1.fl.comcast.net (Excess Flood) wtf is this shit
[22:06] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> 8 people logged out
[22:07] Spinnifix> Inca
[22:07] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> because of this SHIT Matchmaker!
[22:07] Dreyfus> Same happened to me
[22:07] left_nut> spin join discord
[22:07] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[22:07] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:07] [SW]Babo> i want old server back :<
[22:07] Aphrodite_OP in
[22:07] [Rw]Exotic in
[22:07] [GoD]Eric> same happend to me
[22:07] Spinnifix> and i told u to join
[22:07] Obscura_OP> wird nichts mehr
[22:07] left_nut> https://discord.gg/Y7PQH9
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:08] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> STAY IN THE HUT
[22:08] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> STAY IN THE FUCKNIG HUT
[22:08] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ERIC
[22:08] Dreyfus> We all want the old server
[22:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> BASTERDS
[22:08] Obscura_OP> gehe gleich off wenn ich nochmal gekickt werde
[22:08] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> jasmin kik urself]
[22:08] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[22:08] [GoD]Eric> kicked
[22:08] [GoD]Eric> jasmin
[22:09] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> lol
[22:09] [GoD]Eric> obscura relog
[22:09] Spinnifix> isnt cool
[22:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> oh cmonnnnnnn
[22:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> no
[22:09] Obscura_OP out
[22:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> he doesn't have to relog
[22:09] [SW]Babo> ich weiß du machst dir kopf brudi, dich bringen die sorgen um, doch unsere mucke ist ein heilmittel, morphium :)
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> na eric its better if u go in and out of the hut
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> constanlty
[22:10] [SW]Babo> nice matt finally on his real rank
[22:10] Obscura_OP in
[22:10] left_nut out
[22:10] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:10] Final_Fantasy out
[22:10] Don_Gato> voy a ver si sigue aciva mi cuenta
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu jas
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> QUIK
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[22:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[22:11] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> one more
[22:11] left_nut in
[22:11] Right_nut_OP out
[22:11] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> s
[22:11] Obscura_OP out
[22:11] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> one moreeeee
[22:11] aosin out
[22:11] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:11] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:11] Final_Fantasy in
[22:12] vage out
[22:12] Obscura_OP in
[22:12] Right_nut_OP in
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:12] left_nut out
[22:13] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> STAY IN THE FUCKING HUT
[22:13] left_nut in
[22:13] Obscura_OP out
[22:14] Obscura_OP in
[22:14] [GoD]Eric out
[22:14] xtro out
[22:14] [GoD]Eric in
[22:15] [SW]Arbrim> its not getting me in?
[22:15] [SW]Arbrim> im staying here...
[22:15] xtro in
[22:15] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[22:15] [SW]Arbrim> matt
[22:15] HefesTo_OP in
[22:15] left_nut> eric join
[22:15] [SW]Arbrim> leave
[22:16] [SW]Arbrim> come jasmin
[22:16] Obscura_OP out
[22:16] left_nut out
[22:17] Obscura_OP in
[22:17] [GoD]Eric out
[22:17] [GoD]Eric in
[22:17] left_nut in
[22:18] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:18] Obscura_OP out
[22:18] left_nut> wtf inca
[22:19] left_nut> why am i in a hut
[22:19] left_nut> and no one can see me
[22:19] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:19] Cutemammy_Tas> srsly inca why i lose 280 points in 1 game :S?
[22:19] left_nut> im streaming this
[22:19] left_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[22:19] Obscura_OP in
[22:19] left_nut> shows
[22:19] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:19] left_nut> im in the hut
[22:19] left_nut> with u guys
[22:19] left_nut> ?
[22:19] BlackHeart> NUDES!
[22:19] BlackHeart out
[22:20] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:20] Right_nut_OP> wow asking for nudes
[22:20] Right_nut_OP> rude
[22:20] Spinnifix> jin discord guys
[22:20] left_nut> join discord
[22:20] left_nut> https://discord.gg/Y7PQH9
[22:21] [GoD]Eric> lol
[22:21] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> obscura
[22:21] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> spinn says it's hit spot
[22:21] Spinnifix> obs
[22:21] Spinnifix> mein spot
[22:21] HefesTo_OP> lol spin
[22:22] [SW]Arbrim> inca we hope you dieeeeee
[22:22] [TSI]Ezra out
[22:22] therapist out
[22:23] Final_Fantasy> +1 for test host pls
[22:23] [SW]Arbrim> +2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
[22:23] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:24] Obscura_OP> wow i could stay longer than 5 mins on this mm
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:24] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:25] Taity-mini in
[22:25] xtro out
[22:25] Right_nut_OP> dont say that
[22:25] Right_nut_OP> :p
[22:25] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:25] Willdabeast7661 in
[22:26] the_hangover out
[22:26] Willdabeast7661 out
[22:26] [GoD]Eric out
[22:27] Dreyfus out
[22:27] HefesTo_OP in
[22:28] Quetzalcoatl in
[22:28] Larisa_Dertsakyan> BOU KMER
[22:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> KMIDA
[22:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> KÇ KOM KA BOKA
[22:29] HefesTo_OP out
[22:29] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ÇBEM KAMINHA PREFRIDA É A KÇ KOM KUKU
[22:29] [SW]Arbrim> sus
[22:30] Right_nut_OP> kalou krl kerex falare axim
[22:30] Right_nut_OP> entau falaremus
[22:30] Right_nut_OP> penxax que xabex falar portuguex
[22:31] Right_nut_OP> ide masé matar aranhas sua puta
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> right nut
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> launch thre way
[22:31] [GoD]Eric in
[22:31] [SW]Arbrim> three*
[22:32] Right_nut_OP> bad host :(
[22:32] Right_nut_OP> and i have to go eat sorry :o
[22:32] Quetzalcoatl out
[22:32] [Rw]Exotic out
[22:32] [SW]Arbrim> kay
[22:33] [SW]Arbrim> +2 three way
[22:35] Devastation out
[22:35] Devastation in
[22:37] Don_Gato out
[22:38] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:38] Right_nut_OP> ta bue calor
[22:41] Ven0m in
[22:42] [TAS]Simba in
[22:43] Cutemammy_Tas> Simba :D
[22:43] Right_nut_OP> hoj é o 1º dia
[22:43] Right_nut_OP> do resto da tua vidaaaaa
[22:43] [TAS]Simba> Mammy :]
[22:43] [TSI]Raion out
[22:44] [TSI]Raion in
[22:45] Cpt_james_t_kirk in
[22:47] [SW]Babo> https://clips.twitch.tv/TangibleAmorphousSoymilkPartyTime <- blames eric for forcing, forces himself
[22:47] [SW]Babo> lul
[22:48] Cutemammy_Tas> usual stuff babo
[22:48] Cpt_james_t_kirk out
[22:50] RodrigoStanczak in
[22:53] [TSI]Ezra in
[22:56] RodrigoStanczak out
[22:57] Ven0m> ranks still fucked
[22:59] Obscura_OP> LOL
[22:59] Obscura_OP> bist ein brave
[22:59] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[22:59] [SW]Babo> lollool
[23:00] King_Barbarian23> someone have skype
[23:00] [SW]Babo> theyre correct now Ven0m
[23:00] Ven0m> ich hab nur verloren
[23:01] Ven0m> babo angeblich shaman
[23:01] Ven0m> alpha immernoch fw
[23:01] Ven0m> matt spy LOLLO
[23:01] [TAS]Simba> Veggie. Long time no see
[23:01] Ven0m> und arbrim auch
[23:01] [SW]Babo> die sind richtig so dikka
[23:02] [SW]Babo> hab nur gewonnen die letzten tage
[23:02] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca new mm bug
[23:03] [TSI]Raion> refreesh your maps
[23:03] King_Barbarian23> 7023
[23:03] [TSI]Raion> should be first one
[23:03] [TSI]Raion> Path of the Gods
[23:03] Larisa_Dertsakyan> twitch.tv/keilinbickar lol»?
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> tas doido
[23:03] Right_nut_OP> o gaijo da-te mute
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> but now I can't ping
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ?
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> I hate this MM
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> como fez ao erik dier
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> é uma stream de pop
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ta on
[23:04] [TSI]Raion> it still says flight to freedom
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> lol
[23:04] [TSI]Raion> at top
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> eu sei que é
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> mas é so a provocar como sabes
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> eu sei que sabes
[23:04] [SW]Babo> he muted eric for posting that div
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> azar
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> "gaijo"
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> ele que reclame a twitch
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> que diabos é isso
[23:04] Obscura_OP> bin noch wildy
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> it says path to the gods hre
[23:04] [SW]Babo> noobscura
[23:04] [TSI]Ezra> [TSI]Ezra - Map Pack: Test Map - Path of the Gods ()
[23:04] Hasta_Cuando in
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> how can he mute people for posting a twitch link
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> ya também tens razão, ele que dê report
[23:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan> he should complain to twitch staff
[23:04] [TSI]Raion> ok
[23:04] Right_nut_OP> mas ach oque ele mutou o eric por isso
[23:05] [SW]Babo> its private info
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> lol ele também só atua no que lhe interessa
[23:05] Right_nut_OP> é cá um fodido nos interesses eles
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> lmao
[23:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> its public twitch link
[23:05] [SW]Babo> i also aint allowed to post matts pic in bathtub
[23:05] [TSI]Ezra> I thought vegeta had left
[23:05] [TSI]Raion> it launched me
[23:05] [TSI]Raion> lol
[23:05] Larisa_Dertsakyan> inca has to report to twitch
[23:05] [SW]Babo> and mine is a public gyazo link?
[23:06] Ven0m> ich bleib hoffentlich brave
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> hoje é o primeiro dia do resto da tua vida
[23:06] [TSI]Ezra> ty man
[23:06] Ven0m> hab vorhin matt auf pp dominiert und arbrim hat verkackt gegen bella
[23:06] Ven0m> lose
[23:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> so basically how can someone get muted
[23:06] [TSI]Ezra> just wait
[23:06] [TSI]Ezra> EITA
[23:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i just sent a twitch link
[23:06] [TSI]Ezra> NICI FOLOSOFO
[23:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i dont know what that name means
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> WTF
[23:06] [TSI]Ezra> filosofo*
[23:06] Larisa_Dertsakyan> he has to warn me first
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> é uma musica só :(
[23:06] [TSI]Raion> ok
[23:06] Right_nut_OP> gosta de musica ezra?
[23:07] Ven0m> i have 63 points lol
[23:07] Right_nut_OP> (quem não?)
[23:07] [TAS]Simba> I took this trip back in 2010, so that may be old
[23:07] [TAS]Simba> I got a couple coins and a few of the paoer dollars
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> it wasn't lanching....
[23:07] Right_nut_OP> simba :D
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> clicked 100 times
[23:07] [TSI]Ezra> @nici sim, obvio
[23:07] [TSI]Raion> ok now we have ping
[23:07] [TSI]Raion> lol
[23:08] Right_nut_OP> i heard you are from Greenland..
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> ok
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> lets see
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> it is taking ages to launch
[23:08] [TSI]Ezra> I guess we should just wait
[23:09] King_Barbarian23> +1
[23:09] PureChemist_OP out
[23:09] Taity-mini out
[23:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> ffs these ranks
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> nici fagget
[23:09] [TSI]Ezra> leave hte lobby and get in the setup
[23:10] [TAS]Simba> Nut whats your old name
[23:10] [TAS]Simba> nvm ill check
[23:10] Cutemammy_Tas> bella isnt happy with rank reset :o
[23:11] [TAS]Simba> oh nut i nici
[23:11] Larisa_Dertsakyan> wildman sex is savage sex
[23:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> matts stream is off?
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> no im not happy because i dont know who anyone is anymore
[23:12] Obscura_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/keilinbickar
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> if someone changed their name im screwed
[23:12] Obscura_OP> matts stream
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> thx
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> why is it fucked
[23:12] Ven0m out
[23:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> WHAT IS THIS? A STREAM FOR ANTS?
[23:12] Funes in
[23:13] Larisa_Dertsakyan> so u cant see matts skill close
[23:13] Larisa_Dertsakyan> else ud die
[23:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> legend has it, if u see matt dodge, u get rectal cancer
[23:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> and your mind explodes because it cant cope
[23:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> its like imagining the 5th demention
[23:15] [TAS]Simba> I tell all my hoes, rack it up
[23:15] [TAS]Simba> Break down
[23:15] Aphrodite_OP out
[23:16] Willdabeast7661 in
[23:16] Aphrodite_OP in
[23:17] stagioni out
[23:18] King_Barbarian23 out
[23:19] [TSI]Raion> good map?
[23:19] [SW]Babo> pretty easy to kill in water
[23:19] [SW]Babo> make it a lil less water maybe?
[23:19] Right_nut_OP> ye true
[23:19] [TSI]Ezra> I think it should have more water nearby the middle
[23:19] Right_nut_OP> less water
[23:19] [TSI]Ezra> and less in the connections to bases
[23:19] Right_nut_OP> lol
[23:19] [SW]Babo> lol
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> There is enough room to do that
[23:20] [TSI]Raion> lol
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> like that 4 holes, just reduce the amount of water there
[23:20] [TSI]Ezra> but put it towards the middle
[23:20] [TSI]Raion> ok
[23:20] [TSI]Raion> good input
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> i'm dying
[23:21] [TSI]Ezra> fuck
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> drink water ffs
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> grab a bottle that says water
[23:21] Right_nut_OP> open it
[23:22] Cutemammy_Tas out
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> it doesn't work
[23:22] [TSI]Ezra> I hate viruses
[23:23] Funes> +++++++++++2
[23:25] Willdabeast7661 out
[23:25] [TAS]Simba> Nici :]
[23:25] Right_nut_OP>
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> :]
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> Simba
[23:25] [TAS]Simba> How you been
[23:25] Don_Gato in
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> well i have cancer
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> i lost a leg
[23:25] [TAS]Simba> :o
[23:25] Right_nut_OP> and ive got a son now
[23:26] [SW]Lighter in
[23:26] Obscura_OP> on your birthday?
[23:26] [TAS]Simba> I'm sorry to hear that and congratulations.
[23:27] [SW]Lighter> huh
[23:27] Right_nut_OP> Thank you..!
[23:27] Ale4599 in
[23:28] Don_Gato out
[23:28] Right_nut_OP> hoje é o primeiro dia do resto da tua vidaaaa
[23:29] Aphrodite_OP out
[23:29] Don_Gato in
[23:30] [GoD]Eric out
[23:30] [GoD]Eric in
[23:30] Aphrodite_OP in
[23:33] kurwa in
[23:36] Ale4599> re que no era wild
[23:36] Ale4599> jodete ahora :D
[23:36] Don_Gato> jjajaja
[23:36] Don_Gato> otra victima allada
[23:36] Hasta_Cuando> xD
[23:37] [TAS]Simba out
[23:38] left_nut out
[23:38] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[23:39] left_nut in
[23:39] left_nut> why the fuck
[23:39] left_nut> is my stream
[23:39] left_nut> in corner
[23:39] left_nut> still
[23:39] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> resolution mate
[23:40] left_nut> need someone to join to test it
[23:40] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> You can launch by yourself
[23:40] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> you know that right?
[23:42] [SW]Lighter out
[23:42] left_nut> how do u switch to window mode
[23:42] [SW]Lighter in
[23:43] carlosfer in
[23:46] [GoD]Eric out
[23:46] thoughtseize> sry had to help
[23:46] [GoD]Eric in
[23:50] [SW]Lighter out
[23:52] Deus_Vult_OP> Hentai
[23:55] [SW]Arbrim out
[23:55] Devastation out
[23:56] [TSI]Ezra out
[00:02] [WAR]FreedomCast in
[00:02] Spinnifix> gg mates
[00:03] [WAR]FreedomCast> someone is shaman rank again?
[00:03] [WAR]FreedomCast> cool
[00:03] [WAR]FreedomCast> it says only -100 points to brave rank
[00:03] [WAR]FreedomCast> im upset
[00:03] Snake_Eyes in
[00:03] Obscura_OP out
[00:03] Snake_Eyes out
[00:04] Spinnifix out
[00:06] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[00:07] left_nut out
[00:08] Luke_OP out
[00:08] Ratchet out
[00:09] left_nut in
[00:11] kurwa out
[00:11] [SW]Babo> ^
[00:11] [SW]Babo> lel
[00:11] [TSI]Raion> haha
[00:11] [SW]Babo> outsmarted boi
[00:11] [SW]Babo> haha
[00:11] [SW]Babo> brb
[00:14] [GoD]Eric out
[00:14] left_nut out
[00:15] Don_Gato> gg
[00:15] Don_Gato> con estilo
[00:16] Funes> gg
[00:16] Ale4599> QUE
[00:16] Don_Gato> perdimos
[00:16] Ale4599> [16] Problem Sending Game
[00:16] Ale4599> NO ESTO ME REFIERO
[00:16] Don_Gato> te alocabas
[00:16] Don_Gato> te desesperas al atacar ale
[00:16] left_nut in
[00:16] Don_Gato> ale ya llego el tsunami
[00:16] Funes out
[00:17] Ale4599> :(
[00:17] Ale4599> pero bueno me diverti
[00:17] Don_Gato> a mowgli ya se lo llevo
[00:17] Ale4599> y al menos no me importa si gano o pierdo
[00:17] Funes in
[00:17] Don_Gato> lol
[00:17] Don_Gato> te falta juegos
[00:18] Ale4599> no
[00:18] Ale4599> yo ya lo conozco
[00:18] Don_Gato> le decia a mowgli
[00:18] Ale4599> ahhhhhhhhhh
[00:18] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babl
[00:18] Don_Gato> bueno mas tarde jugamos de nuevo
[00:18] [SW]AlphaEnemy> blasts?
[00:18] Don_Gato> tengo suño
[00:18] Ale4599> mas tarde no puedo
[00:18] Ale4599> examen
[00:18] Don_Gato> me quede de madrugada
[00:18] Ale4599> muchos examenes
[00:19] Ale4599> bueno descanse tranquilo
[00:19] Ale4599> hasta otra
[00:19] Don_Gato> mowgli
[00:19] Funes> q pasa
[00:19] Don_Gato out
[00:20] Don_Gato in
[00:21] Ainia in
[00:21] Don_Gato> Qfmec
[00:21] Don_Gato> metele la butaca
[00:22] Funes> ?
[00:22] Don_Gato> mowgli tu futura esposa ainia
[00:22] Funes> what did i do?
[00:22] Don_Gato> ;D
[00:22] Don_Gato> ya estas viejo y aun sigues enviciado
[00:22] Final_Fantasy out
[00:22] Funes> ainia?
[00:22] Funes> pero si acabo de entrar
[00:22] Funes> :/
[00:23] thoughtseize> gg
[00:23] thoughtseize out
[00:23] Don_Gato> LO DIGO POR LA EDAD
[00:23] Don_Gato> tienes la edad de inca
[00:23] Funes> ?
[00:23] Don_Gato> 10000000000000
[00:23] Funes> xD
[00:23] Don_Gato> años antes de criste
[00:23] Don_Gato> cristo
[00:23] Funes> sera
[00:24] Don_Gato> que parte de san juan de lurigancho eres
[00:24] Don_Gato> estoy por ahi
[00:24] Don_Gato> y asi me das internet
[00:24] Ainia out
[00:25] Don_Gato out
[00:27] left_nut> inca
[00:27] left_nut> how do i change pop to windowed mode
[00:28] thoughtseize in
[00:29] Right_nut_OP> dxwnd?
[00:29] Right_nut_OP> i have windowed mode
[00:29] Right_nut_OP> with dxwnd enabled
[00:29] left_nut> that slows my shit down
[00:29] left_nut> i never had it marked
[00:29] Right_nut_OP> ye thats true
[00:29] left_nut> before
[00:30] left_nut> and i could alt tab
[00:30] Right_nut_OP> dxwnd is slow ass shit, its only good for stream
[00:30] Right_nut_OP> on win 7
[00:30] left_nut> whenever
[00:30] Right_nut_OP> oh
[00:30] Right_nut_OP> then i have no idea
[00:30] Right_nut_OP> dont know any other wya
[00:30] [TSI]Raion> dxwnd is the only way
[00:31] Deus_Vult_OP out
[00:31] left_nut> ur wrong
[00:31] left_nut> i used to have it where it was unchecked
[00:31] left_nut> and it worked
[00:31] [WAR]FreedomCast> IncaWarrior: fix this
[00:31] [WAR]FreedomCast> i dont wanna be -100 points till brave rank
[00:32] left_nut> also it doesnt launch
[00:32] left_nut> unless i have all resolutions shown
[00:32] left_nut> and chnage to pop resolution
[00:32] [SW]Babo> peinlich
[00:32] [SW]Babo> ich verliere gegen nen idioten
[00:32] [WAR]FreedomCast out
[00:32] [TSI]Raion> can you please change your name to krillin next time you change ur name matt
[00:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wasser hat dir paar pnkte gebracht
[00:32] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[00:32] [SW]Babo> hahaha
[00:32] [TSI]Raion> cuz right now you're at some weak ass power level
[00:32] [TSI]Raion> ;D
[00:33] [TSI]Raion> thats the only way
[00:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he has a good wife
[00:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> krillin
[00:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> matt doesnt
[00:33] [TSI]Raion> *shots fired*
[00:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> matt should me muten toshi
[00:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> roshi
[00:33] [TSI]Raion> LUL
[00:33] [TSI]Raion> turtle hermit
[00:34] [SW]Babo> why isnt port test clickable?
[00:34] [TSI]Ezra in
[00:34] tadeos in
[00:35] [TSI]Ezra out
[00:36] [TSI]Raion> ezra vs mm
[00:36] loicthebest in
[00:36] tadeos> hasta hyahahahahahahahahahahahahha
[00:36] tadeos> warior
[00:36] tadeos> jsjsjsjsjsjsjjsjsjsajjasjajajaj
[00:38] Hasta_Cuando> inca
[00:38] left_nut> inca wtf
[00:38] Hasta_Cuando> gato=tadeos
[00:38] Hasta_Cuando> don_Gato=Tadeos
[00:38] Hasta_Cuando> INCA
[00:39] Hasta_Cuando> gato ven
[00:40] Aphrodite_OP out
[00:40] tadeos> no
[00:40] tadeos> fgf
[00:40] Aphrodite_OP in
[00:41] [SW]Babo out
[00:41] [SW]Babo in
[00:43] [SW]Babo> inca i forwarded port 113 tcp
[00:43] [SW]Babo> and still no hosting star?
[00:44] Right_nut_OP> otra cuenta fake?
[00:44] Right_nut_OP> hola hasta
[00:44] Right_nut_OP> pichula
[00:44] Right_nut_OP> bladeness
[00:44] Right_nut_OP> borda
[00:44] Shogun in
[00:45] carlosfer out
[00:45] [TSI]Raion> lmao
[00:45] Ven0m in
[00:45] Right_nut_OP> hasta que paso
[00:45] Right_nut_OP> :o
[00:45] Right_nut_OP> :o00
[00:46] carlosfer in
[00:47] carlosfer out
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> hola feo conchetumadre
[00:47] Shogun> lmao ye
[00:47] left_nut out
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> fake??
[00:47] Shogun> that rank suits u matt
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> hasta cuando es mi cuenta
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> de donde sacaste que era bladeness
[00:47] [SW]Babo> el_crap
[00:48] [TSI]Raion> WUT
[00:48] [TSI]Raion> ;d
[00:48] Shogun> i guess theres no low shaman rank anymore
[00:48] [SW]Babo> meant for Hasta_Cuando
[00:48] Right_nut_OP> que paso con chile
[00:48] [TSI]Raion> i know iw as jk
[00:48] [TSI]Raion> lol
[00:48] [SW]Babo> there will be shogun
[00:48] Right_nut_OP> y porque me llamas feo :(
[00:48] [SW]Babo> top 10% will get shaman rank
[00:48] Right_nut_OP> soy guapo
[00:48] Shogun> k lol
[00:48] [SW]Babo> relog
[00:48] [SW]Babo> i think you are shaman -
[00:49] Right_nut_OP> eres bladeness yo me recuerdo
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> si
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> era bladeness
[00:49] Shogun> i just logged in u idiot
[00:49] left_nut in
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> que paso co chile?
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> nada
[00:49] [SW]Babo> wtf why insulting
[00:49] Right_nut_OP> QUE PASO
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> le regalamos el titulo a alemania
[00:49] [SW]Babo> you fucking cunt
[00:49] Right_nut_OP> :(
[00:49] Right_nut_OP> si
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> una pena en verdad
[00:49] Shogun> matt that rank suits u
[00:49] [SW]Babo> ^
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> tengo rabia aun
[00:49] Shogun> lololoo
[00:49] Shogun> lmao
[00:49] [SW]Babo> hahahaha
[00:49] Ven0m> mine too
[00:49] [SW]Babo> he was priest earlier
[00:49] [SW]Babo> was more fittin imo
[00:49] [SW]Babo> spy*
[00:50] Ven0m> wie kann man nach 10 games shaman sein
[00:50] [SW]Babo> https://i.gyazo.com/c4872640fcdf71a33395a236bf0d4ad0.png
[00:50] Ven0m> du hackst doch
[00:50] [SW]Babo> 'omg i lagged and died'
[00:50] [SW]Babo> LOLOLOLOL
[00:50] Ale4599 out
[00:50] left_nut> someone send me link
[00:50] [SW]Babo> ich gewinne schwere spiele dikka
[00:50] left_nut> to download pop full
[00:50] Right_nut_OP> yo queria chile
[00:50] Right_nut_OP> para vencedor
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> ganador
[00:51] [TSI]Raion> www.popre.net/files/pop3tb.exe
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> pero no fue la mejor performance
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> muchos cruzamentos
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> alemania tiene jugadores muy altos
[00:51] [SW]Babo> poptb.com
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> y chile tiene vidal con 1.80m
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> no es suficente para ganar una de cabeza
[00:51] Right_nut_OP> los demas 1.7m
[00:52] left_nut> i relal ydont know
[00:52] Right_nut_OP> viste angelo sagal
[00:52] left_nut> wtf happened
[00:52] left_nut> my settings were fine
[00:52] left_nut> now they are fucked
[00:52] Right_nut_OP> y la asistencia de edson puch
[00:53] left_nut> i could alt tab out of game
[00:53] left_nut> and still without dwnx
[00:53] left_nut> stupid mm
[00:53] left_nut> forcing new shit
[00:53] Hasta_Cuando> sagal hijo de puta
[00:53] left_nut out
[00:53] Hasta_Cuando> se perdio ese gol solo
[00:53] Right_nut_OP> sii
[00:53] Little_Guy1 in
[00:54] Right_nut_OP> muy buena intervencion de puch
[00:54] Funes out
[00:54] Maganha_OP in
[00:54] left_nut in
[00:54] Hasta_Cuando> que horrible
[00:54] Hasta_Cuando> esa final teniamos que haberla ganado
[00:54] Right_nut_OP> yo estaba de boca abierta XD
[00:54] Right_nut_OP> si
[00:54] Hasta_Cuando> tengo rabia loco
[00:54] Hasta_Cuando> aun
[00:54] Funes in
[00:54] Right_nut_OP> alemania no fue el mejor, pero es solo una cuestion de eficacia..
[00:54] Hasta_Cuando> si
[00:55] Hasta_Cuando> la posesion de ellos fue de un 30% aprox
[00:55] Right_nut_OP> sip
[00:55] Maganha_OP> nice rank
[00:55] Hasta_Cuando> pero apenas tuvieron opcion mataron
[00:55] Hasta_Cuando> lo que me da pena
[00:55] loicthebest> es necesario que hablemos frances
[00:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[00:55] Hasta_Cuando> es como los peruanos bolivianos y argentinos celebran la victoria alemana
[00:55] Little_Guy1 out
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> están hechos unos alemanes celebrando que Chile perdió
[00:56] Right_nut_OP> y los mexicanos tambien?
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> algunos
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> no todos
[00:56] Right_nut_OP> o ya se olvidaran de los 7-0
[00:56] Right_nut_OP> XD
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> jaaj
[00:56] tadeos> hasta lindo rango
[00:56] Right_nut_OP> y los argentinos ya se olvidaran de las 2 copas?
[00:56] tadeos> no cm el fake que eras
[00:56] tadeos> hahahah
[00:56] Little_Guy1 in
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> segun ellos no les interesan las copas
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> xD
[00:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[00:56] Hasta_Cuando> gato dale
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> de verdad no se que es lo chistoso gato
[00:57] Right_nut_OP> viste maradona y ronaldo
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> de verdad tu envidia es tan grande??
[00:57] Right_nut_OP> lado a lado
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> de verdad necesitas verme con un icono para sentirte bien?
[00:57] tadeos> de que porfin tienes el rango que mereces
[00:57] tadeos> jahahaha
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> estas enfermo indio feo
[00:57] tadeos> no faske
[00:57] tadeos> ds
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> ronaldo y maradona
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> unos cracks
[00:57] Right_nut_OP> los gordos
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> anda a jugar con mierda a peru
[00:57] Hasta_Cuando> peruano indigena tercermundista
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> LOL
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> donde esta farfan
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> tadeos
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> jajaja
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> los peruanos son unos imbeciles
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> son los mas contentos que CHile perdiera
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> como CHile siempre les mete la pelota en el ano
[00:58] tadeos> hahahsahsahshudhfdskdhgjkdfs
[00:58] tadeos> hahahahaha
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> hahahah
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> como CHile es una potencia economica en sudamerica
[00:58] tadeos> hasta warsitooo
[00:58] tadeos> bello
[00:58] tadeos> hahahahaha
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> como Chile les da trabajo
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> tadeos es el miau?
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> como Chile les mata el hambre
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> si
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> miau
[00:58] Hasta_Cuando> tadeo=don gato
[00:58] Right_nut_OP> hace woof
[00:58] Shogun> como chile me come los huevos
[00:58] tadeos> nop
[00:58] tadeos> nose quien es gato
[00:58] Shogun> deja el puto chile joder
[00:59] Shogun> :>
[00:59] Right_nut_OP> miau miau
[00:59] tadeos> hahahahga
[00:59] Right_nut_OP> ni carrillo
[00:59] Right_nut_OP> ni farfan
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> de verdad el ci de los peruanos debe estar cercano a una rata
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> son tontos
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> son feos
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> son ediondos
[00:59] Right_nut_OP> loooooool
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> son envidiosos
[00:59] tadeos> hyahayhahahahahhaha
[00:59] tadeos> hahahahahahah
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> por eso nunca progresan
[00:59] tadeos> to9merlñaaaaa
[00:59] Right_nut_OP> lmao
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> por eso se mantienen al nivel de bolivia
[00:59] Hasta_Cuando> son tercermundistas
[00:59] tadeos> hasta das lastima asi
[00:59] tadeos> hahaha
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> los bolivianos y peruanos a mi me parecen los mismos
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> iguales 100%
[01:00] Hasta_Cuando> jjkasdasdjkjkasdjasdk
[01:00] Hasta_Cuando> son identicos
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> es el tono de piel
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> yo creo
[01:00] Hasta_Cuando> es que tienen ascendencia indigena
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> y el formato
[01:00] tadeos> hahashah
[01:00] Hasta_Cuando> gran % de su poblacion es indigena
[01:00] tadeos> pobre
[01:00] Hasta_Cuando> y en general son ignorante
[01:00] Right_nut_OP> si indios, eso
[01:00] tadeos> piensa que soy peruano
[01:00] tadeos> xdddd
[01:01] Hasta_Cuando> la prensa y los politicos los tienen sumidos en una realidad
[01:01] Hasta_Cuando> y ellos creen todos lo que les dicen
[01:01] Hasta_Cuando> les dicen que odien a Chile y los idiotas lo hacen
[01:01] Right_nut_OP> tadeos
[01:01] Right_nut_OP> esto es verdad?
[01:01] Hasta_Cuando> no saben pensar, no tienen idea como pensar
[01:01] tadeos> no
[01:01] Little_Guy1> yellow has x for ping
[01:01] Hasta_Cuando> nos odian porque perdieron una guerra de hace mas de 150 años
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> por eso son tontos
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> porque aun quedan con rencores de pasado
[01:02] Right_nut_OP> uiiiiiiiiii
[01:02] Right_nut_OP> esto es verdad tadeos??
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> los europeos a lo largo de su historia han tenido 10101010 guerras
[01:02] tadeos> hasta 1vs1¡?
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> y no veo que se odien
[01:02] tadeos> TE LO HIUSO
[01:02] tadeos> HAHAHA
[01:02] Right_nut_OP> si no hay odio xDDD
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> tadeo debe ser entonces maztodonte
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> otro imbecil
[01:02] Right_nut_OP> mazto es de costa rica?
[01:02] Hasta_Cuando> si
[01:03] Right_nut_OP> lol
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> de costa rica nose nada
[01:03] tadeos> <??
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> solo que tiene a keylor navas
[01:03] tadeos> POBRE
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> el resto ni idea
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> jaja
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> nose si donde queda
[01:03] Right_nut_OP> looool
[01:03] tadeos> no sabe quien soy
[01:03] tadeos> hahahaha
[01:03] Right_nut_OP> y bryan ruiz
[01:03] Right_nut_OP> :d
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> vez nici?
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> tadeo es el tipico peruano
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> me da lo mismo saber quien es
[01:03] tadeos> ggggg
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> pero el cree que yo estoy vuelto loco tratando de saber quien es
[01:03] Hasta_Cuando> xD
[01:03] tadeos> hahaha
[01:04] Hasta_Cuando> por eso los peruanos son limitados
[01:04] tadeos> lo creo
[01:04] Hasta_Cuando> por eso son tontos y manejables
[01:04] Right_nut_OP> tadeos porque no dices nada y respondes a hasta
[01:04] tadeos> si te viera atraves de la pantalla me darias pena ajena
[01:04] Right_nut_OP> .lol
[01:04] Right_nut_OP> PANTALLA
[01:04] tadeos> lol por que no se nada de costa rica
[01:04] tadeos> pfff
[01:05] Right_nut_OP> funes, es verdad lo que hasta ha dicho?
[01:05] Right_nut_OP> sobre los peruanos
[01:05] Right_nut_OP> y comen los cuys
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> jajajajajaja
[01:05] Right_nut_OP> y cerdos
[01:05] Right_nut_OP> xd
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> comen gatos y perros
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> y palomas
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> y sapos
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> no es mentira
[01:05] Hasta_Cuando> ellos venden en las calles jugo de sapo
[01:06] Hasta_Cuando> matan a inocentes sapo para hacerlos jugos
[01:06] Right_nut_OP> wow
[01:06] Right_nut_OP> FunesMori?
[01:06] tadeos> hahahaha
[01:07] tadeos> saben rico los sapos en sopa
[01:07] tadeos> hahah
[01:07] Right_nut_OP> lel
[01:07] Right_nut_OP> que orgullo tienes
[01:07] Right_nut_OP> de hacer lo
[01:07] Right_nut_OP> COMES SAPOS
[01:07] Right_nut_OP> en sopa
[01:08] Shogun> el nici esta aburrido
[01:08] Hasta_Cuando> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMtOkcQ_6jY
[01:08] Right_nut_OP> repugnante
[01:08] Hasta_Cuando> son muy imbeciles estos peruanos
[01:08] Shogun> el aburrido esta nici
[01:08] Hasta_Cuando> y asquerosos
[01:08] Right_nut_OP> aburrido el nici esta?
[01:08] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[01:08] Right_nut_OP> am i watching
[01:08] Shogun> esta el aburrido nici
[01:08] Right_nut_OP> no me puedo crer
[01:08] Shogun> el esta nici aburrido
[01:08] Hasta_Cuando> es dificil de creer
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> EN SERÇIO
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> SERIO
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> que los peruanos comen sapos
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> WTF
[01:09] tadeos> estas picado con los peruanos
[01:09] tadeos> haha
[01:09] tadeos> superalo
[01:09] tadeos> xd
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> YO TE JODO A TI Y A TU MADRE
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> PEDAZO DE MIERDA
[01:09] tadeos> pobre niño rata
[01:09] Shogun> niño rata
[01:09] Right_nut_OP> MATAS LOS ANIMALES!!!!!!!!
[01:09] Hasta_Cuando> son terribles estos peruanos
[01:09] Shogun> rofl
[01:09] Hasta_Cuando> pobre rana
[01:10] tadeos> nici cuatro ojos
[01:10] tadeos> haha
[01:10] Shogun> a los animales hay que pajearlos!
[01:10] Right_nut_OP> LOL
[01:10] Right_nut_OP> ^fake alert
[01:10] Shogun> no matalos!
[01:10] Right_nut_OP> inca, ban
[01:10] Shogun> matarlos*
[01:10] tadeos> no creo
[01:10] tadeos> no sabra quien soy
[01:10] Right_nut_OP> yo le dijo
[01:10] Hasta_Cuando> vez nici
[01:10] tadeos> estoy en una casa diferente con ip distinta
[01:10] tadeos> xddddd
[01:10] Hasta_Cuando> ya sabes como es la radiogragia de un peruano
[01:10] Right_nut_OP> funes, tambien comes sapos?
[01:11] Hasta_Cuando> jajaaj
[01:11] tadeos> buajajajajaja
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> o es solo a tadeos que le salen sapos por el culo
[01:11] tadeos> xddd
[01:11] tadeos> cuatro ojosss
[01:11] tadeos> nicicicici
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> si?
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> que quieres
[01:11] Shogun> lol
[01:11] tadeos> flaco de mrd
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> una polla
[01:11] Shogun> cuaro ojos dice
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> hace miau
[01:11] Shogun> el dice cuaro ojos al nici
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> y calla te
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> si cuatro ojos
[01:11] Shogun> but nici tiene 5 ojos
[01:11] Right_nut_OP> pero solo tengo dos wtf
[01:12] tadeos> hahahaha
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> ojo del culo?
[01:12] IncaWarrior out
[01:12] Shogun> haha si
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> :)
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> ya jugaste al ojo del culo
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> el juego de cartas
[01:12] tadeos> nici si te tuviera afrente te patiaria el pto culo
[01:12] tadeos> nerd de mkrd
[01:12] Hasta_Cuando> te falta el ojo de la poronga
[01:12] Hasta_Cuando> el tuerto
[01:12] Maganha_OP out
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> que carajo es mkrd
[01:12] Hasta_Cuando> vez que es gato?
[01:12] Hasta_Cuando> habla igual
[01:12] Hasta_Cuando> jaja
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> si es gato
[01:12] tadeos> hahaha
[01:12] Right_nut_OP> y tambien hace woof y miau
[01:13] tadeos> nici coñoñoi
[01:13] Right_nut_OP> como un animal que es
[01:13] tadeos> hsahaa
[01:13] tadeos> nici das pena
[01:13] tadeos> nerd de mrd
[01:13] tadeos> dsgv
[01:13] Right_nut_OP> ?
[01:13] left_nut> 1v1 shogun
[01:13] tadeos> no tenes novia por feo
[01:13] tadeos> que eres
[01:13] Right_nut_OP> solo ayer jugaste mas juegos que yo hoy y ayer LOL
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> hablando en serio
[01:14] Shogun> ??!!!
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> aca tienen novia??
[01:14] Shogun> no matt get on my level first
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> yo creo que todos aca deben ser unos gordos virgenes
[01:14] Shogun> play ur own rank
[01:14] left_nut> im higher than u
[01:14] Shogun> get more experience
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> imaginate si los futbolistas peruanos son feos
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> como sera gato
[01:14] Hasta_Cuando> debe ser feo gordo y negro
[01:14] left_nut> niic u see this guy
[01:14] left_nut> he sucks so bad
[01:14] Shogun> poor little matt
[01:14] left_nut> ill even play u on sess
[01:14] left_nut> where u have a chance
[01:14] Larisa_Dertsakyan> TU PUTA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAADRE
[01:14] left_nut> lololololololol
[01:14] Shogun> not ur host
[01:14] Shogun> lets fo
[01:15] Shogun> host
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> alguien que haga report
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> en tadeos
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> que nombre mas homo tambien
[01:15] Shogun> porque come sapos ?
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> si
[01:15] Shogun> si
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> y come palomas
[01:15] Right_nut_OP> y perros
[01:15] Shogun> y come el rabo del sapo
[01:16] Right_nut_OP> y gatos
[01:16] Right_nut_OP> tambien
[01:16] Shogun> fo
[01:16] Right_nut_OP> penetica
[01:16] Shogun> unranked
[01:16] MiniBot_UK> Shogun: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[01:16] Right_nut_OP> venetica= pene tica
[01:16] Shogun> unrank
[01:16] Shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Shogun - MapPack: OK
left_nut - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - left_nut: Red - Shogun: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[01:16] Right_nut_OP> a ella le gusta eso nombre
Game successfully created in database.
[01:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[01:19] HefesTo_OP out
Game successfully checked in.
[01:21] tadeos out
[01:25] venetica out
[01:25] Funes out
[01:25] Right_nut_OP> bien
[01:25] Right_nut_OP> me voy
[01:25] Right_nut_OP> que los sapos sean salvos
[01:26] Right_nut_OP> gn
[01:26] Right_nut_OP out
[01:29] loicthebest out
[01:29] tadeos in
[01:31] HefesTo_OP in
Game results submitted.
[01:31] left_nut> owned
[01:31] Shogun> lolololol matt got trolled hard
[01:31] Shogun> guy thought it ws ranked
[01:31] Shogun> dlmlmlamoaamlmaolmOMLMDOAMLAMAOML
[01:31] Shogun> i wasnt even playing matty
[01:31] left_nut> 13 mins
[01:31] left_nut> nici
[01:31] left_nut> on fo
[01:31] Ven0m> gg wp
[01:31] Shogun> roflroflroflroflroflrofl
[01:31] Shogun> nici left u idiot!
[01:31] Shogun> lmaoamlmomlaaol
[01:31] left_nut> naw
[01:32] left_nut> he watching my stream
[01:32] Shogun> matt converted other bases wildies cos he was scared of losing lololol
[01:33] Shogun> hey matt
[01:33] Shogun> no points !?
[01:33] Hasta_Cuando> gato ven
[01:33] Shogun> /me allahu akbars
[01:33] Shogun out
[01:33] tadeos out
[01:33] Little_Guy1 out
[01:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[01:34] Ven0m> on my profile im still priest
[01:35] left_nut> ranks dont matter
[01:35] left_nut> lol
[01:35] left_nut> everyone knows who is who
[01:40] [Rw]Lootzy in
[01:40] Devastation in
[01:41] [Rw]Lootzy out
[01:41] Hasta_Cuando> matt 1v1
[01:44] [SW]Babo out
[01:48] Snake_Eyes in
[01:50] Aphrodite_OP out
[01:50] Aphrodite_OP in
[01:51] Dreyfus in
[01:52] Baxter out
[01:54] Little_Guy1 in
[01:55] jaclabut in
[01:55] Little_Guy1 out
[01:56] jaclabut out
[01:58] tadeos in
[01:59] Ven0m out
[02:05] Snake_Eyes out
[02:05] Devastation out
[02:05] Muraking in
[02:09] tripleb in
[02:10] tripleb out
[02:11] tripleb in
[02:13] tripleb out
[02:14] tripleb in
[02:15] tripleb out
[02:17] IncaWarrior in
[02:23] [Rw]Lootzy in
[02:24] IncaWarrior out
[02:25] Aphrodite_OP out
[02:25] thoughtseize out
[02:26] Dreyfus out
[02:32] Dreyfus in
[02:38] Muraking out
[02:42] tadeos out
[02:45] travis085374 in
[02:46] travis085374> u
[02:48] Dreyfus out
[02:49] Dreyfus in
[02:49] [TSI]Ezra in
[02:49] travis085374> someone join
[02:55] Little_Guy1 in
[02:55] Dreyfus out
[02:56] Little_Guy1> loading kinda slow today
[02:56] Leuhan2015 in
[02:57] [TSI]Ezra out
[03:01] Dreyfus in
[03:01] Little_Guy1 out
[03:02] Little_Guy1 in
[03:04] Leuhan2015 out
[03:06] Little_Guy1 out
[03:06] Leuhan2015 in
[03:06] Dreyfus out
[03:06] Dreyfus in
[03:07] [Rw]Lootzy in
[03:07] Nadeshot_OP in
[03:08] Dreyfus out
[03:08] [Rw]Lootzy out
[03:09] Dreyfus in
[03:11] [Rw]Lootzy out
[03:11] [Rw]Lootzy in
[03:11] Dreyfus out
[03:12] Dreyfus in
[03:22] IncaWarrior in
[03:25] IncaSpy in
[03:25] HefesTo_OP out
[03:27] IncaSpy out
[03:28] IncaSpy in
[03:29] HefesTo_OP in
[03:29] HefesTo_OP out
[03:31] IncaSpy in
[03:31] IncaSpy out
[03:33] HefesTo_OP in
[03:36] Leuhan2015 out
[03:37] Leuhan2015 in
[03:39] Hasta_Cuando out
[03:40] Dreyfus out
[03:41] Leuhan2015 out
[03:42] Leuhan2015 in
[03:43] Leuhan2015 out
[03:44] travis085374 out
[03:44] Leuhan2015 in
[03:45] travis085374 in
[03:47] IncaWarrior out
[03:49] Dreyfus in
[03:49] travis085374> i dont know why i cant launch
[03:49] IncaWarrior in
[03:50] Dreyfus out
[03:51] Dreyfus in
[03:52] Dreyfus out
[03:53] Dreyfus in
[03:53] IncaWarrior out
[03:53] IncaWarrior in
[03:54] IncaWarrior out
[03:54] IncaWarrior in
[03:55] IncaWarrior out
[03:55] IncaWarrior out
[03:56] IncaWarrior out
[03:57] IncaWarrior out
[03:57] IncaWarrior out
[03:58] IncaWarrior out
[03:58] IncaWarrior out
[03:59] IncaWarrior out
[04:00] IncaWarrior in
[04:01] Maluco in
[04:02] Maluco out
[04:03] IncaWarrior out
[04:03] Leuhan2015 out
[04:04] IncaWarrior in
[04:04] Larisa_Dertsakyan out
[04:05] IncaWarrior out
[04:05] IncaWarrior in
[04:07] IncaWarrior out
[04:08] IncaWarrior in
[04:10] IncaWarrior out
[04:11] IncaWarrior in
[04:13] IncaWarrior out
[04:14] IncaWarrior in
[04:17] travis085374 out
[04:21] IncaWarrior out
[04:21] Nadeshot_OP out
[04:21] IncaWarrior in
[04:24] [TSI]Ezra in
[04:24] [TSI]Ezra out
[04:25] Funes in
[04:25] IncaWarrior out
[04:26] IncaWarrior in
[04:28] Nadeshot_OP in
[04:28] left_nut out
[04:29] Funes out
[04:32] Ale4599 in
[04:33] [TSI]Ezra in
[04:37] [TSI]Ezra> sec
[04:39] [TSI]Ezra> why
[04:39] [TSI]Ezra> dd u leave
[04:39] Ale4599> horrible ping
[04:39] Ale4599> 675
[04:39] Dreyfus> Dude
[04:39] Ale4599> he has :v
[04:40] Dreyfus> I was worse than u
[04:40] Ale4599> can i ask
[04:40] Ale4599> why so many people are savages?
[04:40] [TSI]Ezra> the ping was still unstable
[04:40] IncaSpy> Ale4599: read popre.net
[04:40] Ale4599> ok
[04:40] Ale4599> 1 second
[04:41] [TSI]Ezra> what
[04:41] Ale4599> oh
[04:41] Ale4599> they introduce seasons
[04:41] Ale4599> mice
[04:41] Ale4599> nice*
[04:41] [TSI]Ezra> inca
[04:41] [TSI]Ezra> join here lets play
[04:42] IncaWarrior> working on some changes to the mm
[04:42] [TSI]Ezra> it can't wait?
[04:42] [TSI]Ezra> come on, one game only
[04:42] Ale4599> well you are doing an excelent job
[04:42] Ale4599> :)
[04:42] [TSI]Ezra> wow, the first rule of the MM is to never acknowledge inca, ale
[04:42] [TSI]Ezra> you failed
[04:42] [TSI]Ezra> people only complain
[04:42] IncaWarrior> Ezra: no, it won't let me join games
[04:43] [TSI]Ezra> why?
[04:43] Ale4599> i dindt subestime him
[04:43] Ale4599> i think people who are doing this
[04:43] IncaWarrior> reworking some of the chat/status/hut stufff
[04:43] Ale4599> are great
[04:43] Dreyfus> I've been trying to play with inca since i started
[04:43] [TSI]Ezra> I played once with him
[04:43] [TSI]Ezra> but I don't think he likes playing this anymore
[04:44] IncaWarrior> I play sometimes
[04:44] [TSI]Ezra> lets play this 1v1v1?
[04:44] Dreyfus> Inca
[04:44] [TSI]Ezra> I have to sleep soon
[04:44] Dreyfus> U should join n ally ale
[04:44] Dreyfus> I have to sleep soon too
[04:44] Ale4599> hey its no problem for me if its 1v1v1
[04:45] IncaWarrior out
[04:45] [TSI]Ezra> haha
[04:45] Dreyfus> Ezra wud pwn us
[04:45] IncaWarrior in
[04:45] [TSI]Ezra> i don't think so
[04:45] Dreyfus> Yep, haha
[04:45] Dreyfus> I know u, bro
[04:45] Dreyfus> U are pro
[04:45] [TSI]Ezra> hahaha
[04:45] [TSI]Ezra> you need to play this game more man
[04:45] Dreyfus> Imma noob
[04:45] [TSI]Ezra> I'm far frmo that
[04:45] HefesTo_OP out
[04:46] Dreyfus> U are pro, bro, don't say u are not
[04:46] Dreyfus> U wud pwn us in a 2v1
[04:46] Dreyfus> Gagaga
[04:46] Dreyfus> Hahaha*
[04:46] [TSI]Ezra> look at this map
[04:46] [TSI]Ezra> nah this can go insanely wrong
[04:46] Ale4599> omg
[04:46] [TSI]Ezra> this one with red, yellow and green can work well
[04:47] Dreyfus> we're playing a 2v1?
[04:47] Dreyfus> gg
[04:47] Ale4599> you are too trustly
[04:47] [TSI]Ezra> nah lets play 1v1v1
[04:47] Dreyfus> gg anyway xD
[04:47] [TSI]Ezra> i'm the worst color here
[04:47] [TSI]Ezra> because I can be attacked in the side and in the backdoor by both of you
[04:47] Ale4599> what color are you
[04:47] [TSI]Ezra> i'm in the middle of you two
[04:47] [TSI]Ezra> i'm red
[04:49] [IC]Dalton822 in
[04:49] [IC]Dalton822 out
[04:57] Nadeshot_OP out
[05:14] Little_Guy1 in
[05:22] Little_Guy1 out
[05:30] Willdabeast7661 in
[05:30] Willdabeast7661 out
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra out
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra in
[05:40] Ale4599> gg rest people
[05:40] Ale4599 out
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra> gg
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra> too
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra> cya
[05:40] [TSI]Ezra out
[05:45] Dreyfus out
[05:46] Dreyfus in
[05:52] Dreyfus out
[05:53] Dreyfus in
[05:55] [Rw]Lootzy out
[06:04] Leuhan2015 in
[06:04] Leuhan2015 out
[06:08] IncaSpy out
[06:13] IncaWarrior out
[06:13] IncaSpy in
[06:13] IncaWarrior in
[06:15] IncaWarrior out
[06:15] Dreyfus out
[06:16] IncaWarrior in
[06:17] IncaWarrior out
[06:22] IncaWarrior in
[06:32] Dreyfus in
[07:36] luanjanio35 in
[07:36] luanjanio35 out
[07:57] left_nut in
[07:57] left_nut out
[08:03] thoughtseize in
[08:07] thoughtseize out
[08:12] thoughtseize in
[08:18] thoughtseize out
[08:20] diegosqo in
[08:21] diegosqo out
[08:23] thoughtseize in
[08:24] IncaSpy out
[08:32] Franciskaner88 in
[08:42] Right_nut_OP in
[08:43] [SR]Spark in
[08:45] [SR]Spark> HI francis
[08:47] [SR]Spark> host
[08:48] Right_nut_OP> hi
[08:49] [SR]Spark> unranked
[08:49] [SR]Spark> unrank
[08:49] [SR]Spark> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Franciskaner88 - MapPack: OK
[SR]Spark - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Franciskaner88: Red - [SR]Spark: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[08:51] Right_nut_OP> wtf
[08:51] Right_nut_OP> have leagues reset again
[08:51] Right_nut_OP> ?
[08:51] Right_nut_OP> inca losing hand
Game successfully checked in.
[08:53] Right_nut_OP> sometimes i dont know if i was brought to this world to hurt or harm
[08:53] Right_nut_OP> with my lenghty rodden
[08:53] Right_nut_OP> =(
[08:54] Right_nut_OP> to please or harm*
[09:02] Kiyana in
[09:06] [Rw]TheHero in
[09:06] [Rw]TheHero out
[09:07] [Rw]TheHero in
[09:08] [TSI]Raion> same
[09:08] [TSI]Raion> thats just part of being human i guess
[09:10] Right_nut_OP out
[09:15] thoughtseize out
[09:18] Dreyfus out
Game results submitted.
[09:19] Franciskaner88 out
[09:20] Dreyfus in
[09:31] Mavocado in
[09:44] [SR]Spark out
[09:44] [md]skylo in
[09:44] [Rw]TheHero> host
[09:45] [Rw]TheHero> unrank
[09:45] [Rw]TheHero> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Mavocado - MapPack: OK
[Rw]TheHero - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Mavocado: Red - [Rw]TheHero: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[09:49] [SR]FanZaah in
[09:53] Nkandla in
[09:55] PaddyChan in
[09:56] PaddyChan out
[09:56] PaddyChan in
[09:59] [TSI]Raion> NKANDLA
[09:59] [TSI]Raion> :D
[09:59] [TSI]Raion> join
[09:59] [TSI]Raion> remember i was making those weird maps
[09:59] [TSI]Raion> this is regular style
[09:59] PaddyChan> :)
[10:00] Dreyfus out
[10:01] [TSI]Raion> joining back paddy?
[10:02] [TSI]Raion> uh
[10:02] [TSI]Raion> lol
[10:03] PaddyChan> sorry
[10:03] Nkandla out
[10:03] PaddyChan> my computer got wrong
[10:03] PaddyChan> i cant play...
[10:03] [TSI]Raion> stay
[10:03] [TSI]Raion> its okay
[10:03] [TSI]Raion> thanks for saying so though, so we're not waiting ^^
[10:03] PaddyChan> sorry
[10:04] [TSI]Raion> its okay we can play later too
[10:04] PaddyChan> waste ur time...:(
[10:04] PaddyChan> okay:)
[10:04] [TSI]Raion> nah u didnt
[10:04] [TSI]Raion> ;D
[10:04] PaddyChan> :D
[10:05] Nkandla in
[10:10] [SW]Arbrim in
[10:10] [SW]Arbrim out
[10:11] [SW]Arbrim in
[10:11] [SW]Arbrim> KIYANAAA
[10:14] [SW]Arbrim> ~Olmec & Kiyana is back :D
[10:19] Shogun in
[10:19] rousfv in
[10:20] [SW]Arbrim> rous or shogun
[10:20] [SW]Arbrim> 1v1?
[10:21] Shogun> all back to wildman again ?
[10:21] [TSI]Raion> guy kills all my pop on blasts
[10:21] Shogun> when will the league be settled ?
[10:21] [TSI]Raion> i had 7 pop
[10:21] [TSI]Raion> and still won
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> LUL
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> INCA :D HAHAHHAHA
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> all wildmen aghain :D hahahahahaha
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> arby
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> ye?
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> nici was wildman earlirer too
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> when he logged in
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> hAHAHAHAHAHH
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> :D
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> :D
[10:22] [SW]Arbrim> Josh this is interesting :D
[10:22] [TSI]Raion> its kinda funny
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> ye
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> but ppl who like to play
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> its still fuin
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> fun
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> :D
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> it proves inca is too dumb
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> yea tbh i dont care :D
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> but :D hahahaha
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> well yea itll take some time just like the new mm did
[10:23] [TSI]Raion> probably
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> well dont justify him :P
[10:23] [SW]Arbrim> u know i love to insult him
Game results submitted.
[10:24] Spinnifix in
[10:24] [SW]Arbrim> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[10:24] [SW]Arbrim> none there :D hahaah
[10:24] [TSI]Raion> wonder if the real reset was july 3rd
[10:24] [TSI]Raion> april fools
[10:24] [TSI]Raion> in july
[10:24] [TSI]Raion> ;D
[10:24] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaha
[10:24] [SW]Arbrim> come host here? any 1v1v11v mao?
[10:24] [SW]Arbrim> map*U?
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> but any map we can build
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> and things like that
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> :)
[10:25] [TSI]Raion> what are you building
[10:25] [TSI]Raion> an empire?
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> we can do lb off, flatten on etc :D
[10:25] Shogun out
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> priests on boats on
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> find a good map :D
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> look at friday FFA
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> from subzero :D
[10:25] shogun in
[10:25] [SW]Arbrim> there are some good maps :D
[10:25] [TSI]Raion> like what
[10:25] [TSI]Raion> which one
[10:26] [SW]Arbrim> idk, but if u know any better
[10:26] [SW]Arbrim> do it urself :D
[10:26] [TSI]Raion> pings look high
[10:26] [SW]Arbrim> np no wayt
[10:27] shogun> spin host some sess?
[10:28] shogun> host
[10:29] PaddyChan out
[10:29] Spinnifix> smokin
[10:29] shogun> weed?
[10:30] Spinnifix> yes
[10:30] Spinnifix> and not doing sess
[10:30] [SR]FanZaah> spin how much weed is gram costs?
[10:30] Spinnifix> no1 to play with
[10:30] Spinnifix> 10 euro
[10:30] [SR]FanZaah> in here it costs 20 euro
[10:31] [SR]FanZaah> :D fuckin hell
[10:31] Spinnifix> ure in finland
[10:31] Spinnifix> expensive country
[10:31] [SR]FanZaah> yes it is
[10:31] Spinnifix> you get a lot for work
[10:31] Spinnifix> look at weed
[10:31] Spinnifix> he in norway
[10:31] Spinnifix> rich cunt
[10:31] Spinnifix> afk
[10:32] rousfv out
[10:33] sgsergs in
[10:33] sgsergs out
[10:34] shogun> fo
[10:34] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[SR]FanZaah - MapPack: OK
shogun - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SR]FanZaah: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[10:38] shogun out
Game results submitted.
[10:45] darksword2 in
[10:46] Shogun in
[10:46] darksword2 out
[10:46] Shogun out
[10:47] shogun in
[10:47] shogun> inca u here
[10:48] [SR]FanZaah> shogun u noob XD
[10:48] [SR]FanZaah> u suck so bad :D
[10:48] shogun> vewwy
[10:48] [SR]FanZaah> bella
[10:50] shogun> lets go 1v1 fanzah?
[10:50] shogun> host
[10:50] shogun> fo
[10:50] [SR]FanZaah> we just did 1v1 but you left
[10:50] [SR]FanZaah> lmao
[10:50] [SR]FanZaah> after 3 minutes
[10:50] [SR]FanZaah> u left
[10:50] shogun> i didnt left
[10:50] [SR]FanZaah> yes u did
[10:50] shogun> i lagged out cause my net cut off
[10:51] shogun> just join
[10:51] shogun> fanzah
[10:51] shogun> see results: https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357463
[10:51] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[10:52] shogun> it clearly says "lagged out"
[10:52] shogun> join
[10:52] [SR]FanZaah> i got stuff to do
[10:52] shogun> lel.
[10:53] rousfv in
[10:53] shogun> rousfv
[10:53] shogun> join for 1v1 bruh
[10:53] shogun> fo
[10:53] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
shogun - MapPack: OK
[10:53] shogun> cool this should be a gg
[10:53] rousfv> launch
rousfv - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - rousfv: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[10:58] GrubbyHour in
[11:01] Spinnifix out
[11:06] rousfv out
[11:06] Mavocado out
Game results submitted.
[11:06] shogun> that was faster than i thought
[11:06] shogun> gg wp rousfv
[11:08] shogun> aaand i lose points from winning
[11:09] shogun> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=357464
[11:09] shogun> great. lol
[11:10] shogun> idk what to think or believe about these new leagues <:D ¿
[11:10] shogun> bbl. :>
[11:10] shogun out
[11:13] [SW]Arbrim out
[11:13] [TSI]Raion> gg
[11:15] Nkandla out
[11:16] Nkandla in
[11:17] Nkandla out
[11:20] morta in
[11:20] andymcleanwales in
[11:24] andymcleanwales out
[11:28] Cutemammy_Tas in
[11:31] GrubbyHour> kiyana = inca?
[11:31] GrubbyHour> why did you reset everybody again? :P
[11:31] [Tsi]Midori in
[11:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[11:36] rousfv in
[11:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvDLy4F8NKk
[11:37] ghyld in
[11:38] ghyld out
[11:39] GrubbyHour> when you try to rob a hut but it''s dismantling
[12:00] [Rw]TheHero out
[12:00] [TSI]Raion out
[12:01] andymcleanwales in
[12:01] andymcleanwales out
[12:03] HyEnergy in
[12:06] PC2 in
[12:06] PC2 out
[12:07] Spinnifix in
[12:09] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:15] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:22] populous09 in
[12:22] [TSI]Raion in
[12:35] populous09 out
[12:36] morta out
[12:38] [TSI]Raion out
[12:38] morta in
[12:56] shogun in
[12:56] Nico in
[12:56] shogun> host
[12:58] shogun> fo
[12:58] shogun> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
shogun - MapPack: OK
morta - MapPack: OK
Players: - MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - morta: Red - shogun: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[13:00] Nico out
[13:01] [SR]FanZaah out
Game successfully checked in.
[13:03] rousfv out
[13:03] [Tsi]Midori out
[13:04] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:05] Spinnifix out
[13:06] Spinnifix in
[13:07] Spinnifix out
[13:09] pataxo in
[13:11] pataxo out
Game results submitted.
[13:12] shogun> todos tenemos el mismo rano
[13:12] shogun> rango*
[13:13] shogun> cuando la gente empieze a jugar todo el mundo ira recuperando su rango
[13:14] shogun> host
[13:14] shogun> fo
[13:17] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[13:29] Spinnifix in
[13:31] [AsG]Pandi in
[13:33] Strongest18 in
[13:40] [TSI]PK in
[13:44] [TSI]PK> i might not be able ot host spin
[13:44] [TSI]PK> since the new server it never works for me
[13:44] [TSI]PK> but im trying to get it to work again
[13:45] BilouBilou in
[13:46] rhyanvalk in
[13:47] [TSI]PK> damn spin
[13:47] [TSI]PK> i cant get your ping
[13:47] rhyanvalk> why am i wildman?
[13:48] [SR]FanZaah> we all are
[13:48] rhyanvalk> rank reset?
[13:48] [SR]FanZaah> dunno
[13:48] rhyanvalk> but now i don''t know who is good a
[13:48] rhyanvalk> and who is bad
[13:48] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[13:49] BilouBilou out
[13:49] [TSI]PK> thats kinda the point
[13:51] [TSI]PK in
[13:52] [TSI]PK out
[13:53] [AsG]Pandi out
[13:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> woh
[13:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> where did our ranks go?
[13:55] [TSI]PK> map?
[13:55] Spinnifix> lets dpo some random map
[13:55] Spinnifix> and well in game
[13:55] Spinnifix> do ava worlds
[13:55] [SR]FanZaah> do tom
[13:55] Spinnifix> no
[13:55] Spinnifix> not tom
[13:56] Spinnifix> play all maps u idiot
[13:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> guys what happened to our ranks
[13:56] Strongest18 out
[13:57] rousfv in
[13:57] Spinnifix> ??
[13:58] Spinnifix> we cud do any map in asg
[13:58] Strongest18 in
[14:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> its a ffa map
[14:02] Spinnifix> so we rly dont have a game now?`
[14:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> why are u so stuborn PK lmao
[14:02] [TSI]PK> im not stubborn
[14:03] [TSI]PK> but when you play a fucking game
[14:03] Spinnifix> host pk
[14:03] [SW]Fried_Rice> THEN JOIN
[14:03] [TSI]PK> you play the fucking game
[14:03] Spinnifix> and do ava worlds
[14:03] Spinnifix> man
[14:03] [TSI]PK> im not launching 10000000 maps
[14:03] [TSI]PK> cause you guys dont like the random one i choose
[14:03] Spinnifix> but im telling you
[14:03] [SW]Fried_Rice> ILL PICK A DAMN MAP
[14:03] [TSI]PK> thats why
[14:03] Spinnifix> do ava worplds
[14:03] [TSI]PK> i asked for someone to pick
[14:03] [TSI]PK> so no
[14:03] [TSI]PK> im not joining
[14:03] [TSI]PK> this mm is full of idiots
[14:03] Spinnifix> i wanted to play it
[14:03] [TSI]PK out
[14:03] Spinnifix> what the fuck
[14:03] Spinnifix> fanzah mammy
[14:03] Spinnifix> join
[14:04] rhyanvalk out
[14:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> THIS ONE OK?
[14:04] Spinnifix> fanzah wont do it
[14:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> fanzah what map
[14:05] [Rw]Exotic in
[14:07] rousfv out
[14:12] GrubbyHour> why have the ranks been reset again?
[14:13] cccp in
[14:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> thats what i asked
[14:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> but no one ansswers
[14:15] [SR]Spark in
[14:18] Strongest18 out
[14:19] thoughtseize in
[14:22] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[14:22] rousfv in
[14:23] [SR]Spark out
[14:23] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[14:34] Jordan90 in
[14:35] Jordan90 out
[14:36] [Rw]Exotic out
[14:40] Bleezy321 in
[14:45] [Rw]TheHero in
[14:46] [Rw]TheHero out
[14:46] [Rw]TheHero in
[14:49] Luke_OP in
[14:56] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[15:00] bobbylala in
[15:00] Don_Gato in
[15:04] rousfv out
[15:06] bobbylala> what went wrong there?
[15:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> spin is still a wild
[15:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> sad
[15:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> brb before u launch
[15:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> i keep freezing
[15:11] [Rw]TheHero> no one likes cold Fried_Rice
[15:12] thoughtseize out
[15:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> exactly
[15:12] bobbylala> the message was <no level>
[15:12] bobbylala> in the ready box
[15:12] bobbylala> seems like a map related thing
[15:13] Bleezy321> agreed
[15:13] Bleezy321> lets try another map thej
[15:13] bobbylala> but map packs all went OK on the mm
[15:16] the_hangover in
[15:17] the_hangover> ranks are resetting everyday so cool :D
[15:18] tadeos in
[15:19] [Rw]TheHero> everyday ? or once a month ?
[15:20] the_hangover> its everyday
[15:20] the_hangover> so how do i know whos noob
[15:20] [Rw]TheHero> :O
[15:20] the_hangover> and whos not
[15:20] [Rw]TheHero> true
[15:20] Cutemammy_Tas out
[15:20] [Rw]TheHero> you need to go to their profile and check games
[15:20] [Rw]TheHero> :P
[15:21] morta out
[15:21] the_hangover> who is tadeo
[15:21] the_hangover> s
[15:21] King_Barbarian23 in
[15:21] the_hangover> tadeos = The requested user does not exist.
[15:22] [SW]Arbrim in
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim out
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim in
[15:24] populous09 in
[15:24] populous09 out
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> +#3333333333
[15:25] the_hangover> wanna play arb
[15:25] tadeos> abrim your brother
[15:26] tadeos> ?
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> yea
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> what?
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> Patrick?
[15:26] the_hangover> yep
[15:26] therapist in
[15:26] tadeos> y
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha tadeos
[15:27] tadeos> haha
[15:28] tadeos> lol
[15:28] tadeos> mm is a shit
[15:28] Spinnifix> the
[15:28] [SW]Arbrim> this hapening the latest
[15:28] Spinnifix> underdawg
[15:28] rousfv in
[15:28] Cutemammy_Tas in
[15:29] Spinnifix> is real
[15:29] the_hangover> wildie +1
[15:29] [SW]Arbrim> haahahha
[15:29] the_hangover> +1
[15:29] the_hangover> wildie
[15:29] pataxo in
[15:30] [SW]Arbrim> FANZAH
[15:30] [SR]FanZaah> sup
[15:30] [SR]FanZaah> sup abrim
[15:30] [SW]Arbrim> bget in ts?
[15:30] [SR]FanZaah> me?
[15:30] [SW]Arbrim> yup?
[15:30] the_hangover> arb why u leave
[15:31] the_hangover> he did get in
[15:31] the_hangover> after u left
[15:31] [SW]Arbrim> thought of frozen
[15:31] [SW]Arbrim> like last tiem
[15:31] [SW]Arbrim> im there
[15:31] [SW]Arbrim> fanzah
[15:31] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[15:31] [SW]Arbrim> jasmiiin??
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> wildman eac day
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> sounds good :D
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> each*
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> u see
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> tadeos not here :o
[15:33] the_hangover> w8 hes in game
[15:33] tadeos out
[15:34] the_hangover> hes tryingto relog
[15:37] shogun out
[15:37] IncaPichula in
[15:39] King_Barbarian23> sisisi
[15:40] King_Barbarian23> eje me pusistes sup...
[15:40] King_Barbarian23> No entioendo eso
[15:41] Don_Gato> sorpresa!!
[15:41] Don_Gato> te pasas de pendejo
[15:41] King_Barbarian23> kkkk
[15:41] Don_Gato> me mandas uan emocion bomitando
[15:41] King_Barbarian23> si
[15:41] King_Barbarian23> por que ya se que es sup
[15:42] King_Barbarian23> por decirme pendejo
[15:42] Om3gabladez in
[15:42] Don_Gato> lol
[15:43] Om3gabladez out
[15:43] King_Barbarian23> No esta el emojio de la mierda
[15:43] Don_Gato> asi te estrellare tu cara wey
[15:44] King_Barbarian23> Puton
[15:44] King_Barbarian23> con e4zso te corto
[15:45] Don_Gato> eres homosexual wey?
[15:45] King_Barbarian23> no
[15:45] King_Barbarian23> dije que estas enamorado
[15:45] King_Barbarian23> y el corazon es que tu lo haces con una negra
[15:45] Don_Gato> putazo
[15:45] King_Barbarian23> y me insultas
[15:46] King_Barbarian23> yo me rio
[15:47] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[15:48] rousfv out
[15:58] Ven0m in
[15:58] Don_Gato> sup venom??
[15:58] thoughtseize in
[15:59] Ven0m> another reset?
[15:59] Ven0m> i was firewarrior then wildman then shaman+ then brave now wildman again
[15:59] Don_Gato> yes man
[15:59] Don_Gato> play 10 more games to be ranked shaman
[16:00] tadeos in
[16:02] aegis5115 in
[16:02] aegis5115 out
[16:03] Strongest18 in
[16:03] Ven0m out
[16:03] [TSI]PK in
[16:06] [SW]Arbrim> bella playing?
[16:08] [Rw]TheHero out
[16:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[16:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> again a reset of ranks?
[16:10] Bleezy321 out
[16:10] tadeos out
[16:10] IncaPichula out
[16:11] [TSI]PK out
[16:11] Don_Gato out
[16:12] Don_Gato in
[16:14] Don_Gato> gg wp
[16:14] King_Barbarian23> GG mates
[16:15] bobbylala> gg
[16:16] bobbylala out
[16:18] tHe_LaW in
[16:19] tHe_LaW out
[16:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[16:23] Strongest18 out
[16:23] Strongest18 in
[16:23] HefesTo_OP in
[16:27] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[16:28] [WAR]FreedomCast in
[16:30] [SW]Arbrim out
[16:31] the_hangover> yoo bock
[16:31] the_hangover> wassuuup
[16:35] IncaSpy in
[16:36] therapist> kiyana
[16:36] therapist> i heard u were hot
[16:36] therapist> are those rumors true
[16:36] therapist> u got dem double d's bro
[16:37] therapist> ???????
[16:37] therapist> wow rude twat
[16:38] IncaWarrior> wtf therapist?
[16:40] Spinnifix> the
[16:40] Spinnifix> molesting
[16:40] Spinnifix> is real
[16:41] HefesTo_OP> lol
[16:41] HefesTo_OP> lololol
[16:42] Spinnifix> and the
[16:42] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[16:42] Spinnifix> sri sixteh' degrees
[16:42] Spinnifix> is real
[16:43] Don_Gato> ese mapa mas injusto
[16:44] Don_Gato> tu solo tenias teleport
[16:44] King_Barbarian23> gg
[16:44] King_Barbarian23> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahah
[16:44] Don_Gato> me aburri
[16:44] pataxo out
[16:44] Don_Gato> porque era largo el camino y mi shaman demoraba en llegar
[16:44] Don_Gato> y tu usabas teleport
[16:44] King_Barbarian23> Vamos a jugar otro mapa
[16:45] Don_Gato> ven aqui
[16:45] Don_Gato> yo pongo el mapa
[16:45] Don_Gato> y tampoco lageo
[16:45] King_Barbarian23> dejame llamarte
[16:45] Don_Gato> como tu lo haces
[16:45] King_Barbarian23> fue x voz
[16:46] Don_Gato> niño rata
[16:46] King_Barbarian23> ggg
[16:46] King_Barbarian23> vamos a jugar la blast
[16:46] King_Barbarian23> no me contestastes
[16:47] King_Barbarian23> queria jugar hablando...
[16:47] Don_Gato> se me cerro
[16:47] [md]skylo out
[16:47] Don_Gato> espera que lo habro
[16:47] King_Barbarian23> ahi te llame
[16:47] King_Barbarian23> vale
[16:48] King_Barbarian23> apurate?
[16:48] King_Barbarian23> yo tengo el skype abierto y tengo un buen ping
[16:48] King_Barbarian23> tu lo tienes anierto y tienenes elñ ping en 999
[16:49] Strongest18 out
[16:49] Don_Gato> espera
[16:49] HammadH_TAS in
[16:49] Red in
[16:49] King_Barbarian23> ALLI TE LLAME
[16:49] King_Barbarian23> xq no respondes?
[16:49] HammadH_TAS> /me Play 10 more games to be ranked
[16:50] HammadH_TAS> Seriously inca
[16:50] Dreyfus in
[16:50] Dreyfus> IncaWarriorDude
[16:51] Don_Gato> ya
[16:52] IncaWarrior> ?
[16:52] thoughtseize out
[16:52] Don_Gato> ya active
[16:53] King_Barbarian23> ok
[16:53] King_Barbarian23> contesta
[16:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca where are the ranks
[16:53] Don_Gato> ya conteste
[16:53] King_Barbarian23> lo cerrastes
[16:54] King_Barbarian23> La llamada a jose pariona no ha sido respondida
[16:54] King_Barbarian23> llamame tu por llamada de voz
[16:54] Don_Gato> ys
[16:55] Don_Gato> ahi te va
[16:55] Don_Gato> cargadno
[16:55] King_Barbarian23> No sale para ontestas
[16:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> how do i get rid of a bee in the house
[16:55] King_Barbarian23> prueba la video lamada
[16:55] Don_Gato> un carajo
[16:55] Don_Gato> demora
[16:56] Don_Gato> no contesta
[16:56] Don_Gato> la porqueria
[16:56] Don_Gato> espera
[16:56] [Rw]TheHero in
[16:56] [Rw]TheHero out
[16:57] Spinnifix out
[16:57] King_Barbarian23> Te ewnvie un mensaje de video silencioso
[16:57] [Rw]TheHero in
[16:57] King_Barbarian23> Enviame un mensaje de video
[16:58] thoughtseize in
[16:58] Don_Gato> jajajajaajajajaa
[16:58] Don_Gato> ese niño rata eres tu jajajjaa
[16:58] King_Barbarian23> GGGG
[16:58] King_Barbarian23> lo seeeeeee
[16:58] King_Barbarian23> Soy hasta mas pro
[16:58] King_Barbarian23> que tu
[16:59] King_Barbarian23> contesta la llamada
[16:59] Don_Gato> ese no eres tu
[16:59] Don_Gato> dale llama
[16:59] Don_Gato> pero cuando contesto no sale nada
[16:59] King_Barbarian23> si lo soy
[16:59] IncaSpy out
[17:00] King_Barbarian23> de pana cuando contesta dice error al llamar
[17:00] Nut_Cracker_OP in
[17:00] King_Barbarian23> y se cierra
[17:00] King_Barbarian23> enviame un mensaje de video
[17:00] Don_Gato> siii
[17:00] Don_Gato> esperate
[17:00] Don_Gato> que lo arreglo
[17:00] King_Barbarian23> mensajem no llamada
[17:01] King_Barbarian23> me duele la garganta
[17:01] [Rw]Lootzy in
[17:02] Don_Gato> ni hablas
[17:02] IncaSpy in
[17:02] Nut_Cracker_OP> what happened to ranks?
[17:02] King_Barbarian23> esa es lña razon pór quwe nohablo duro
[17:02] Don_Gato> ni se escuhca ruido
[17:02] Don_Gato> wey
[17:02] shogun in
[17:02] Nut_Cracker_OP out
[17:02] [Rw]Lootzy> New rank system
[17:03] King_Barbarian23> +1
[17:03] Makso in
[17:03] shogun> inca why are u reseting leagues so much
[17:03] [Rw]Lootzy> https://scontent-eze1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/19554761_1015123415293502_8354642744803749366_n.jpg?oh=e29a4cfffac9fb5a193d30a69012c7cf&oe=59D7C320
[17:04] madsjaeswfj in
[17:05] King_Barbarian23> +222
[17:05] King_Barbarian23> +1
[17:06] Kiyana out
[17:07] madsjaeswfj> madifes return
[17:07] madsjaeswfj> i know makso ha told me
[17:07] giorgos in
[17:07] shogun out
[17:09] Larisa_Dertsakyan in
[17:09] IncaWarrior out
[17:09] IncaWarrior in
[17:09] King_Barbarian23> shit
[17:09] Larisa_Dertsakyan> only -100 more points to brave rank!
[17:10] King_Barbarian23> Only - 100 more points to shaman rank!
[17:10] Luke_OP out
[17:10] King_Barbarian23> don gato
[17:10] King_Barbarian23> Ven
[17:10] madsjaeswfj> they fucked the game
[17:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> +1
[17:12] Don_Gato> puto no hablas
[17:15] [WAR]FreedomCast> im so tired but its too late to go to bed :S
[17:15] Luke_OP in
[17:15] therapist> +++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[17:15] therapist> to get on
[17:15] therapist> the best net
[17:15] therapist> on mm
[17:15] rousfv in
[17:16] [WAR]FreedomCast> Larisa_Dertsakyan: DO GET_HEIGHT_AT_POS marker var (it finds the marker and outputs into the variable)
[17:17] Larisa_Dertsakyan> i know that just not working
[17:17] [WAR]FreedomCast> do variable checks
[17:17] [WAR]FreedomCast> like if a variable = 1 red sullks
[17:18] [WAR]FreedomCast> I have never used that command so idk man
[17:18] [WAR]FreedomCast> never needed to anyway
[17:18] Larisa_Dertsakyan>