PopMM - 11/05/17 12:04
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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!
Join us on TeamSpeak!
Server: ts.popre.net
Password: poptb
" The Beginning " Y/T channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbTS24pREiKS8PAi9RZAqxA
* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1
The matchmaker is most active around 1PM GMT
The map of the day is:
Warfare Worlds - Swimming Berserkers (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
------------------Tournament News---------------------
New tournament system: https://www.popre.net/forum/new-tournament-system-t11283.html
King of Pressure Point 2017 has started!
The current round is 'Losers Final (r6)' which will continue until May 31.
[12:08] GGmacj in
[12:09] GGmacj out
[12:09] xibo59 in
[12:10] KosjaK_OP in
[12:12] icepeople in
[12:13] icepeople out
[12:16] yoshi_TAS in
[12:16] yoshi_TAS out
[12:16] yoshi_TAS in
[12:17] kyuubi> host
[12:17] kyuubi> fo
[12:17] [SR]Spark in
[12:19] xibo59> no rank
[12:19] kyuubi> unrank
[12:20] kyuubi> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
xibo59 - MapPack: OK
kyuubi - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- kyuubi: Red
- xibo59: Yellow
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[12:26] kyuubi> launch
[12:26] kyuubi> start
[12:26] [SR]Spark> Prime
[12:26] kyuubi out
[12:26] [SR]Spark> i challenge you
[12:26] kyuubi in
[12:26] [SR]Spark> 1v1 fo
[12:26] [SR]Spark> in ur shit hsot
[12:26] [SR]Spark> host*
[12:26] kyuubi> start
[12:26] kyuubi> host
[12:26] KosjaK_OP> *burp*
Welcome back MiniBot_UK
[12:26] xibo59> star
[12:27] kyuubi> start
[12:27] MiniBot_UK> kyuubi: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[12:27] kyuubi> launch
[12:27] yoshi_TAS out
[12:28] Blutlustharry in
[12:31] [Rw]Bigbang> lol
[12:32] [Rw]Bigbang> jispe mouse blue tha
[12:32] [SW]Bianca> lol ok
[12:34] [SR]Spark> ?
[12:34] [SR]Spark> wtf
[12:34] [SR]Spark> are u guys
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> ??
[12:35] [SR]Spark> talking about
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> me?
[12:35] [SR]Spark> u both
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> lol i dont talk
[12:35] [SR]Spark> [17:02] [SW]Bianca> lol ok
[12:35] [SR]Spark> [17:02] [Rw]Bigbang> jispe mouse blue tha
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> lmao
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> idk by myself
[12:35] [SW]Bianca> lol
[12:36] [SW]Bianca> what does it mean spark?
[12:36] Sucukluyumurta in
[12:38] Skuli in
[12:38] Skuli out
[12:40] Sucukluyumurta> anny one come play
[12:41] Blutlustharry out
[12:45] Blutlustharry in
[13:00] neno88 in
[13:01] [Rw]addiction in
[13:01] [Rw]addiction out
[13:03] pataxo in
[13:03] pataxo out
[13:04] Rathai in
[13:04] Rathai out
[13:05] [Sr]PK in
[13:12] denniOs in
[13:13] Zgjimi in
[13:13] Zgjimi out
[13:13] Zgjimi in
[13:13] yolo123 in
[13:13] Zgjimi> hi nubs :p
[13:13] denniOs out
[13:15] Blutlustharry out
[13:19] Zgjimi> +1
[13:20] Zgjimi> +++++++++++++1
[13:22] [Sr]PK> lol
[13:22] [Sr]PK> hey spark
[13:22] [SR]Spark> sup my bros
[13:22] Zgjimi out
[13:22] Zgjimi in
[13:23] Zgjimi> crashed
[13:23] [Sr]PK> lame
[13:23] IsoElFace in
[13:23] xibo59 out
[13:25] yolo123 out
[13:26] wardrums in
[13:26] Zgjimi out
[13:27] wardrums out
[13:29] BonD in
[13:31] Zgjimi in
[13:33] neno88 out
[13:38] IsoElFace out
[13:39] Sucukluyumurta> letsplay guys
[13:44] KosjaK_OP> na cba
[13:44] KosjaK_OP> rather sleep
[13:44] KosjaK_OP out
[13:47] Zgjimi out
[13:47] steel in
[13:47] Zgjimi in
[13:47] Sucukluyumurta> guys join here
[13:47] Sucukluyumurta> lets play
[13:47] Zgjimi out
[13:47] Zgjimi in
[13:47] steel out
[13:47] Zgjimi> do me with suckulumyurta
[13:47] Zgjimi> or pk
[13:47] Zgjimi> np
[13:47] Sucukluyumurta> yes
[13:48] Zgjimi> +2
[13:48] Sucukluyumurta> +++++++++2
[13:48] [SR]Spark> sec
[13:48] Zgjimi> fo
[13:48] [SR]Spark> brb 30 minutes
[13:48] Zgjimi> spark join
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> then peter
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> ally the warior
[13:49] [SR]Apocapto> Nah
[13:49] [SR]Apocapto> I'm noob
[13:49] Zgjimi> +1
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> -.-
[13:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> you was like no noo i play with mine friends
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> come than
[13:49] Sucukluyumurta> those are your friends.
[13:50] [SR]Apocapto> Mhmm, i see
[13:50] [SR]Apocapto> Was waiting for them
[13:50] Sucukluyumurta> now the are here
[13:50] Sucukluyumurta> and you dont jouin..
[13:50] [Sr]PK out
[13:50] Sucukluyumurta> sad boi
[13:51] BonD out
[13:51] [SR]Apocapto> Pk kicked me, u should play with spark. No with me, i'm noob
[13:51] [SR]Apocapto> Sorry, bro.
[13:51] [SR]Apocapto> Won't play now
[13:52] BonD in
[13:52] BonD out
[13:53] morta in
[13:55] [SW]Bianca out
[13:56] [SR]Apocapto out
[13:57] Zgjimi> playing clash of clans ?
[13:58] [SR]Apocapto in
[13:58] Sucukluyumurta> no man
[14:00] Sucukluyumurta> morta and zijgmiii
[14:00] Zgjimi> wat
[14:00] Sucukluyumurta> join blastwars
[14:00] Sucukluyumurta> mortaa
[14:01] Zgjimi> suckulyumurta vith morta
[14:01] Zgjimi> iam hard
[14:01] Zgjimi> oke
[14:02] BetaEnemy_Tas in
[14:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[14:02] Zgjimi out
[14:04] shogun in
[14:04] Rouskof in
[14:04] shogun out
[14:06] [SR]Apocapto out
[14:06] [rw]macca in
[14:07] [Sr]PK in
[14:07] Zgjimi in
[14:08] darthvadr in
[14:11] Zgjimi out
[14:11] Zgjimi in
[14:11] Zgjimi out
[14:11] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[14:11] Zgjimi in
[14:11] Zgjimi> do fery game?
[14:11] Sucukluyumurta> i converter for vun just 1 brave XD
[14:11] Zgjimi> lol
[14:11] Sucukluyumurta> what is that?
[14:11] Sucukluyumurta> you go cconvert full island lool
[14:12] Zgjimi> lmao
[14:13] Sucukluyumurta> load bot again
[14:13] Sucukluyumurta> lets do pp for fun
[14:13] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[14:13] Sucukluyumurta> i ally u on end
[14:14] Sucukluyumurta out
[14:14] Sucukluyumurta in
[14:16] [Sr]PK out
[14:17] [SW]WestSide in
[14:18] Zgjimi> BRB
[14:19] Sucukluyumurta> dude
[14:19] Sucukluyumurta> lets play!
[14:19] Sucukluyumurta> \
[14:19] Rouskof> 3 way ? No, let's wait for the last player
[14:20] darthvadr> im ok 3 FFA
[14:20] Rouskof> wait 5 mns, ok
[14:20] anglikan in
[14:21] darthvadr> select a good map
[14:21] darthvadr> for 3
[14:23] PC2 in
[14:23] PC2 out
[14:25] Sucukluyumurta> +++++++++++++++++1
[14:26] anglikan out
[14:28] lbhorn out
[14:29] [IC]p4p3rs0und in
[14:30] T-Rod in
[14:31] thoughtseize in
[14:31] T-Rod> wassup bock
[14:31] Ura-k in
[14:31] thoughtseize> yo
[14:31] thoughtseize> im just back from work
[14:32] thoughtseize> BABO JOIN
[14:32] thoughtseize> ALPHA JOIN
[14:32] pboris93 in
[14:32] thoughtseize> BOCK JOIN
[14:32] GangJP in
[14:32] thoughtseize> and im high lvl now
[14:32] pboris93 out
[14:34] [SW]WestSide> y0 b0ck
[14:34] thoughtseize> yo babo was geht :)
[14:34] thoughtseize> haste morgen frei
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> immer :>
[14:35] thoughtseize> wir müssen mal cr8 spielen
[14:35] thoughtseize> als rot und grün
[14:35] thoughtseize> :D
[14:36] Zgjimi out
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> lul
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> bin als rot einfach so schlecht
[14:36] luki1984x in
[14:36] thoughtseize> nein
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> hab da so paar mal gespielt
[14:36] thoughtseize> du bist besser als ich mit rot
[14:36] thoughtseize> 100%
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> und bin nit über 80 pop gekommen
[14:36] thoughtseize> man muss glaub ich früh expanden
[14:36] thoughtseize> als rot
[14:37] luki1984x out
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> ya
[14:37] thoughtseize> mein grün ist sehr gut
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> mein hurensohn handy
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> hat touch halb im eimer
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> könnte ausrasten fffs
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> so 1 cm über home taste und so
[14:38] thoughtseize> ich hab ein uraltes hadny
[14:38] thoughtseize> lol
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> da kann man nix klicken
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> für so halbe cm
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> so behindert
[14:38] thoughtseize> hol dirn neues
[14:38] GangJP out
[14:38] thoughtseize> bist doch multimillionär oder
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> die sind alle so unendlich teuer
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> ich geb mein hart verdientes geld sicher nicht fürn neues handy aus
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> hab im moment nen asus
[14:39] [IC]p4p3rs0und out
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> zenfone 5
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> für 120 bekommen
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> und das hält jetzt schon seit 3 jahren
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> und akku und alles immernoch top
[14:39] [SW]WestSide> nur dieser touch
[14:40] thoughtseize> mies
[14:40] thoughtseize> ich schick dir geld
[14:40] V4N0M in
[14:40] thoughtseize> brauche nur bankdaten
[14:40] thoughtseize> 4walls ok guys?
[14:40] V4N0M> Yo
[14:40] thoughtseize> hi
[14:40] thoughtseize> wie gehts
[14:40] V4N0M> ich nehm auch die bankdaten
[14:40] thoughtseize> lol
[14:40] thoughtseize> warn kleiner scherz
[14:40] V4N0M> sucuk verliert gegen spys?
[14:41] V4N0M> wow
[14:41] thoughtseize> ich hab auch nur 2000 euro =8
[14:41] V4N0M> ich hab warte
[14:41] V4N0M> 0
[14:41] thoughtseize> wie alt bist du?
[14:41] V4N0M> 17 in 18 tagen :D
[14:41] thoughtseize> :D wow
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> du hund mach pp
[14:42] thoughtseize> lol
[14:42] thoughtseize> ok
[14:42] thoughtseize> u all agree pp?
[14:42] [SW]WestSide> kb mit nem anderen zu spieln
[14:42] thoughtseize> mir ist es egal
[14:42] thoughtseize> aber lass die beiden die map aussuchen
[14:42] thoughtseize> :?
[14:42] thoughtseize> wie jung v4nom ist lol
[14:42] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bin wiedermal uni
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> sorry
[14:43] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :(
[14:43] thoughtseize> man mit dir hätten wir 100% GG
[14:43] thoughtseize> gl hf
[14:43] [SW]WestSide> alpa lauch der lappen star
[14:43] [SW]WestSide> immer pampelmuse
[14:48] Luke_OP in
[14:49] [rw]macca in
[14:52] [rw]macca out
[14:53] shogun in
[14:53] Ura-k out
[14:53] greenWarrior in
[14:56] V4N0M> 1000 ping wtf
[14:56] greenWarrior> 1k :o
[14:57] V4N0M> +1 light war
[14:57] greenWarrior> k go
[14:58] [rw]macca in
[14:59] shogun out
[14:59] shogun in
[15:01] keintanz in
[15:01] greenWarrior> gg
[15:01] [rw]macca out
[15:02] V4N0M> u just spawn kill and go on highest places
[15:03] greenWarrior> my points
[15:03] greenWarrior> 197 (+97)
[15:03] V4N0M> lel im 100% better than you ingame light
[15:03] V4N0M> idc about points just u do
[15:03] V4N0M> because u need them
[15:09] [rw]macca out
[15:11] lolo0072 in
[15:12] [SW]WestSide> nenn
[15:12] [SW]WestSide> mich
[15:12] [SW]WestSide> 2v1 master
[15:13] thoughtseize> 2v1 master
[15:13] thoughtseize> wp
[15:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[15:13] [SW]WestSide> wp bock
[15:14] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[15:14] [SW]WestSide> hey spin
[15:14] Taity-mini in
[15:15] kiyamet in
[15:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi
[15:15] [SW]WestSide> wow hi kiyamet
[15:15] [SW]WestSide> wie gehts dikka
[15:15] kiyamet> hi ganz gut danke und dir?
[15:15] [SW]WestSide> läuft alles top
[15:16] Zgjimi in
[15:16] Zgjimi out
[15:16] Zgjimi in
[15:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> ea<ting
[15:18] T-Rod> eati fast plz :D
[15:19] aliverdi1023 in
[15:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[15:20] Zgjimi out
[15:21] lolo0072 out
[15:22] wardrums in
[15:23] wardrums out
[15:23] Om3gabladez in
[15:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont say that when u go eat
[15:23] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[15:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> how rude r u
[15:24] T-Rod> only lil faster
[15:26] shogun> he wants u to die spin
[15:26] T-Rod> thats not whati want
[15:27] T-Rod> spin should live
[15:27] maroonie123 in
[15:27] maroonie123 out
[15:32] V4N0M> gg
[15:32] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[15:32] tushar in
[15:32] tushar out
[15:33] tushar in
[15:34] keintanz out
[15:34] Strongest18 in
[15:35] darthvadr out
[15:38] wardrums in
[15:38] tushar out
[15:42] luki1984x in
[15:42] luki1984x out
[15:43] Lucky_Luke in
[15:43] V4N0M> other map
[15:43] V4N0M> not cock cog
[15:44] riTHCi in
[15:45] Taity-mini> host
[15:45] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- Taity-mini: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[15:46] kiyamet out
[15:46] Haru in
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[15:47] KosjaK_OP in
[15:47] V4N0M> bad map
[15:47] Lucky_Luke> game dc
[15:47] V4N0M> this is ffa map
[15:47] Lucky_Luke> do sess
[15:47] V4N0M> no
[15:47] Rouskof> I don't like sess
[15:47] wardrums> yes sess
[15:47] Taity-mini> host
[15:47] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[15:48] V4N0M> fo
[15:48] V4N0M> pp
[15:48] Rouskof> we can do it without lb
[15:48] Lucky_Luke> pp cr8
[15:48] wardrums> whait... why did sess change names
[15:48] KosjaK_OP> defo u should play tb mappack
[15:48] Lucky_Luke> ok go lb off
[15:48] Rouskof> I like new worlds
[15:48] V4N0M> omg
[15:48] pegaito87 in
[15:50] Lucky_Luke> i freezed
[15:50] Lucky_Luke> do something plz
[15:50] wardrums> sess
[15:50] wardrums> +=2
[15:50] wardrums> +2
[15:50] wardrums> 2v2 @ sess
[15:50] Lucky_Luke> rousk here
[15:50] V4N0M> aliverdi just plays against noobs lol
[15:50] wardrums> +2
[15:50] Lucky_Luke> wait for rousk
[15:50] Taity-mini> ?
[15:50] Taity-mini> host
[15:51] Rouskof> I don't like small maps, like that
[15:51] Taity-mini> +1
[15:51] Rouskof> play 2on2 if you want
[15:51] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
V4N0M - MapPack: OK
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- Taity-mini: Red
- V4N0M: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[15:51] Lucky_Luke> pp fo crater then
[15:51] Lucky_Luke> ok tot
[15:51] Rouskof> join for 2on2 if you want
[15:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide out
[15:52] wardrums> that map look like fun
Game successfully created in database.
[15:52] Rouskof> which one ?
[15:52] Lucky_Luke> venom left us
[15:52] wardrums> why arnt these maps more simetrical?
[15:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[15:52] Rouskof> because it is boring if too symetrical
[15:53] Lucky_Luke> cuz they handmades
[15:53] Lucky_Luke> ^
[15:53] Rouskof> we should have played the previous map
[15:53] wardrums> Oh hand made like an amish quilt?
[15:53] Rouskof> why do you quit
[15:53] wardrums> we couldnt because people like to wha wha wha
[15:54] Lucky_Luke> i dc on undiscover map and freez on 2nd time
Game successfully checked in.
[15:54] Lucky_Luke> idn whats amish quilt?
[15:54] Bastianignacioo in
[15:54] wardrums> me quit?
[15:54] Strongest18 out
[15:54] morta out
[15:55] wardrums> im not the one who backed out twice
[15:55] Bastianignacioo out
[15:55] Lucky_Luke> ok here v go
[15:56] wardrums> who is more bad ass??? preist or fw?
[15:56] Strongest18 in
[15:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> HORSE CLOCK
[15:58] Nihlatak in
[15:59] Nihlatak out
[15:59] Kan in
[16:00] Hasta_Cuando in
[16:00] morta in
[16:02] Kan> its so funny...didnt play for years and when i get online now i see the same dudes that played a few years ago
[16:03] Kan> Populous for life or what? xD
[16:03] shogun> no life
[16:03] Kan> haha
[16:03] [GoD]I_might_suicide> a true 2013 oldchooler
[16:05] KosjaK_OP> old cooler
[16:05] KosjaK_OP> upgrade your pc pls
[16:05] KosjaK_OP> ty
[16:05] [GoD]I_might_suicide> my pc cooler is fucker actually
[16:05] [GoD]I_might_suicide> but dont need it anymore
[16:05] [GoD]I_might_suicide> good shit
[16:05] Kan> kosjak is the same aswell
[16:05] Kan> always pissed
[16:05] Kan> lol
[16:05] KosjaK_OP> see divinity
[16:05] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pissedsjak
[16:06] KosjaK_OP> always pissed on u
[16:06] KosjaK_OP> thats how i am
[16:06] [GoD]I_might_suicide> stop pissing on me
[16:06] KosjaK_OP> no :<
[16:06] [GoD]I_might_suicide> im all wet now
[16:06] Kan> i drink my piss because my doctor said it is healthy
[16:06] KosjaK_OP> see divinity
[16:06] KosjaK_OP> im actually helping
[16:07] Kan> you just want the best for everyone...
[16:07] KosjaK_OP> yes
[16:07] Kan> HA
[16:07] Kan> your rank got low lol
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> warrior rank is best
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> shaman, fw, preacher ugly
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> no offence divinity
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> ur cute
[16:08] [GoD]I_might_suicide> clearly using wrong mm skin
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> but
[16:08] KosjaK_OP> i have a magic trick
[16:08] KosjaK_OP out
[16:09] KosjaK_OP in
[16:09] Kan> i like how nici is still owning the leaderboards
[16:09] KosjaK_OP> tadam!
[16:09] pegaito87 in
[16:09] [GoD]I_might_suicide> hes only rank 1 in leagues
[16:09] [GoD]I_might_suicide> hes like #6 in skinn
[16:09] [GoD]I_might_suicide> skill
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> pfff
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> we know
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> rand phines is best
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> oh i mean
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> harmy
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> rand phines is second best
[16:10] Kan> how is skill defined?
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> clicking mouse
[16:10] KosjaK_OP> at points in game
[16:11] shogun> lmao koshack
[16:11] shogun> u a mappackchecker lol
[16:11] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[16:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> A skill is the ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. Skills can often be divided into domain general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self-motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be useful only for a certain job. Skill usually req
[16:11] KosjaK_OP> yes
[16:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ons to assess the level of skill being shown and used.
[16:11] KosjaK_OP> mappachicken
[16:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> People need a broad range of skills in order to contribute to a modern economy. A joint ASTD and U.S. Department of Labor study showed that through technology, the workplace is changing, and identified 16 basic skills that employees must have to be able to change with it.[1]
[16:11] Kan> i wont read that
[16:11] shogun> yi :>
[16:11] Kan> sorry
[16:12] KosjaK_OP> and this is
[16:12] KosjaK_OP> vhan
[16:12] Kan> my time is expensive
[16:12] KosjaK_OP> wow i remember ur name
[16:12] shogun> do you
[16:12] KosjaK_OP> i know u love matt so much
[16:12] KosjaK_OP> but he refuse to be ur friend :(
[16:13] Sucukluyumurta> GG
[16:13] BetaEnemy_Tas> gg
[16:13] thoughtseize> gg wp
[16:13] Kan> could someone try hosting me
[16:14] shogun> lmao
[16:14] shogun> i only say that to piss him off :>
[16:15] pegaito87 out
[16:15] KosjaK_OP> cool
[16:16] KosjaK_OP> but he is always pissed
[16:16] Grimm in
[16:17] Kan> +1 host try
[16:18] Kan> +1 bitch pls
[16:18] Kan> i can pay
[16:18] greenWarrior> wanna bitch
[16:18] greenWarrior> one game
[16:19] KosjaK_OP> wow
[16:19] KosjaK_OP> is buying bitches at mm allowed?
[16:19] KosjaK_OP> in*
[16:19] Kan> yes
[16:19] greenWarrior> hahaha just test
[16:19] Kan> i make the rules
[16:20] Kan> cause i am the best player at mm
[16:20] Hasta_Cuando> sucku
[16:20] Hasta_Cuando> do fo
[16:20] BetaEnemy_Tas> hahaha cute
[16:20] Hasta_Cuando> but kick grim
[16:20] BetaEnemy_Tas> :p
[16:20] Kan> i am not cute
[16:20] Kan> i am a beast
[16:21] BetaEnemy_Tas> cute beast :)?
[16:21] riTHCi out
[16:21] Kan> ok thats alright
[16:21] Kan> i voted for donald
[16:22] Kan> cause he is my brother from another mother
[16:22] pegaito87 out
[16:23] kyuubi> With all honesty. WHere does Newcastle United get its income from????? Rumours suggest Newcastle can spend roughly 100 million pounds on new transfers this summer....
[16:23] kyuubi> wtf
[16:23] Obduction in
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> who cares
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> pop3 is free
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> play 24/7
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> enjoy pwning matt
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> and suffer waiting for a game.
[16:24] KosjaK_OP> >:]
[16:25] Kan out
[16:25] KosjaK_OP> nici sux
[16:25] KosjaK_OP out
[16:25] EddieBR in
[16:25] Obduction> +1 light war
[16:26] EddieBR> one more here
[16:29] Lucky_Luke> rm here
[16:29] EddieBR out
[16:30] EddieBR in
[16:30] T-Rod> yoo spin
[16:30] T-Rod> guess what
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt is bad?
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> tell me something new
[16:31] T-Rod> i ordered barbeque bacon double cheese salami pizza
[16:31] T-Rod> ummm
[16:31] T-Rod> cant w8 it to arrive
[16:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> price
[16:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod
[16:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> 13?
[16:34] doho8731 out
[16:34] T-Rod> i order 2 every time
[16:34] T-Rod> so the shipping is free
[16:34] T-Rod> over 15 e orders
[16:34] T-Rod> i pay 20 e
[16:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> that one is good
[16:34] shogun> u must be one fat cunt
[16:34] shogun> lol ;)(
[16:35] T-Rod> nope
[16:35] T-Rod> im happy fellow
Game results submitted.
[16:35] Dough_nut in
[16:35] T-Rod> no fat
[16:35] T-Rod> yoo matt
[16:35] shogun> wow matts here
[16:35] T-Rod> get in
[16:35] shogun> hey my friend
[16:38] shogun> Left_nut> hello im muted .. nothing new at all aight guyz ?
[16:38] shogun> aight.
[16:38] left_nut in
[16:39] V4N0M> 7 games and 320 points k
[16:39] [SW]Diablo in
[16:40] V4N0M out
[16:41] Taity-mini out
[16:42] Taity-mini in
[16:43] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[16:43] Sucukluyumurta> intime
[16:43] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[16:43] Sucukluyumurta out
[16:45] kyuubi> t rod, lets go
[16:46] Andi_L in
[16:46] Flobyyy in
[16:47] Hasta_Cuando out
[16:48] thoughtseize out
[16:48] thoughtseize in
[16:48] shogun> k ty
[16:49] T-Rod> was full
[16:49] kyuubi> bock join
[16:49] T-Rod> im eatin
[16:51] Flobyyy out
[16:52] [SW]WestSide> du bist wie dr dolittle, du lässt dir was vom pferd erzähln
[16:54] [SW]WestSide> i wont ally that loser
[16:56] frizzo2000 in
[16:56] Left_nut> bock likes to bb
[16:56] [SW]WestSide> was los kecko
[16:56] Left_nut> and lag people
[16:56] [SW]WestSide> auch kb den zu allien?
[16:56] Taity-mini out
[16:56] Left_nut> so beware spin
[16:56] Left_nut> of him rushing
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> oi pedro
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> hey albert
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> oi thiagoat
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> hi babo
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> que tal
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> que tal
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> muy bien
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> <3
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> thats not even portugese
[16:57] yoshi_TAS in
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> thats spanish
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> pff
[16:57] [SW]Diablo> lmao
[16:57] yoshi_TAS out
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> ik
[16:57] [SW]WestSide> i dont know anything in portugese
[16:57] yoshi_TAS in
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> except for caralho
[16:58] Rouskof> which map ?
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> most important word
[16:58] Rouskof> which map do you guys want
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> caralho
[16:58] Rouskof> the loosers choose : )
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> :)
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> sim :>
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> and i see you guys saying fds
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> most important word..
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> teta
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> lol
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> dunno what that means
[16:58] [SW]Diablo> Tetas
[16:58] frizzo2000 out
[16:58] [SW]WestSide> tits?
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> bock do nubmnir?
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> me and matt
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> ?
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> cool match
[16:59] [SW]WestSide> bock is afk eating
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> i wanna a real game
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> =)
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> wich
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> wish*wtf
[16:59] [SW]WestSide> well you would ally matt, so its like a suicide
[16:59] [SW]Diablo> Yes, exactly.
[16:59] yoshi_TAS> lol
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> thiago what does fds mean?
[17:00] yoshi_TAS> hes quite dgood
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> foda-se
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> "fk you"
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLLLL
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> lol
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> cool
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> another important word!!
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> but it can be
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> fim de semana
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> weekend
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> lmao
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> ill go to portugal or brazil
[17:00] thoughtseize> idc map
[17:00] thoughtseize> i just want babo as ally
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> and tell the ppl foda se and caralho
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> come to brasil
[17:00] [SW]Diablo> and visit me
[17:00] [SW]WestSide> :>
[17:01] [SW]Diablo> haha
[17:01] [SW]WestSide> foda se, i wanna see tetas, caralho
[17:01] [SW]Diablo> i wanna see meninas
[17:01] [SW]Diablo> :D
[17:01] [SW]Diablo> should be funny you speaking it.
[17:01] Left_nut> im not alliyn yoshi
[17:01] [SW]WestSide> lol
[17:01] shogun> matt
[17:01] Left_nut> guy lags out
[17:02] shogun> yoshi owns u
[17:02] Left_nut> every game
[17:02] Left_nut> gtfo
[17:02] shogun> he just doesnt know
[17:02] [SW]WestSide> this shogun
[17:02] [SW]WestSide> only doing realtalk
[17:02] [SW]WestSide> loving it
[17:02] Left_nut> if yoshi owns me
[17:02] shogun> :>
[17:02] Left_nut> the he rapes u
[17:02] Left_nut> like a fat kid eats cake
[17:02] shogun> nice history
[17:02] shogun> can i hear it again
[17:02] [SW]WestSide> like you eating cake??
[17:03] [SW]WestSide> matt how was the hiking
[17:03] [SW]WestSide> do you have a 6 pack yet?
[17:04] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[17:04] [SW]Diablo> i'll teach you brazilian portuguese, babo.
[17:04] [SW]WestSide> cool
[17:05] Devastation in
[17:05] [SW]Diablo> Good, you already know the most important words :>
[17:06] Strongest18 out
[17:06] [SW]WestSide> suck a fatten matt
[17:07] Left_nut> ?
[17:07] yoshi_TAS> he typed ?
[17:07] V4N0M in
[17:07] Left_nut> how about u ally
[17:07] Left_nut> yoshi
[17:07] Left_nut> babo
[17:07] Left_nut> ?
[17:07] Left_nut> since u think its ok for me to ally him
[17:07] Left_nut> and ur such a big man
[17:07] Left_nut> like u claim u are
[17:07] yoshi_TAS> bock host its awesome
[17:07] Left_nut> u ally him
[17:07] [SW]WestSide> you keep saying youre the best?
[17:07] [SW]WestSide> why would i ally him
[17:07] Left_nut> and u keep saying i suck
[17:08] Left_nut> and ur better
[17:08] [SW]WestSide> yes
[17:08] Left_nut> so prove it
[17:08] [SW]WestSide> and its true
[17:08] Left_nut> even the best cant carry a rock
[17:08] Left_nut> that heavy
[17:08] yoshi_TAS> ally me west
[17:08] yoshi_TAS> lets pwn
[17:08] [SW]WestSide> matt i told yoshi when i will ally him
[17:08] Left_nut> he wont
[17:08] [SW]WestSide> once he got a LAN connection ill ally him
[17:08] [SW]WestSide> but not on his crappy net
[17:08] yoshi_TAS> i got
[17:08] yoshi_TAS> fakes ping
[17:09] yoshi_TAS> trust n me
[17:10] yoshi_TAS out
[17:10] Left_nut> wow
[17:10] [SW]WestSide> puta madre
[17:10] Left_nut> didnt even make it past 5 seconds
[17:10] [SW]WestSide> k im done with this guy
[17:10] thoughtseize> are we playing or not?
[17:10] thoughtseize> stop wasting nmy time
[17:10] thoughtseize> ffs
[17:10] Left_nut> tried
[17:10] Left_nut> but yoshi lagged out like i said he would
[17:11] thoughtseize> lol
[17:11] Left_nut> i mean seriously
[17:11] thoughtseize> noob
[17:11] Left_nut> glad it was
[17:11] Left_nut> first 5 seconds
[17:11] Left_nut> and not 10 mins in
[17:11] [SW]WestSide> yeah cuz you wouldnt have allied
[17:11] [SW]WestSide> bock would have unallied you and allied me
[17:11] Left_nut> i would of
[17:11] Left_nut> just would of been pissed
[17:11] yoshi_TAS in
[17:11] Left_nut> cuz u both are dumb as fuck
[17:11] [SW]WestSide> lol sure
[17:11] Left_nut> for letting him in
[17:11] [SW]WestSide> you always say you would
[17:12] [SW]WestSide> but in the end you dont ally
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> damn pc restarted
[17:12] [SW]WestSide> :)
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> soz
[17:12] Left_nut> lmfao
[17:12] Left_nut> no u lagged out
[17:12] Kitstar_OP in
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> nope
[17:12] [SW]WestSide> pretty fast restart
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> winsows update
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> aliean ware
[17:12] yoshi_TAS> =)
[17:13] Death in
[17:14] Tecking in
[17:16] Un_Defeatable in
[17:17] keintanz in
[17:21] venetica in
[17:22] Rogan in
[17:22] Rogan out
[17:26] Tecking out
[17:26] Tecking in
[17:30] left_nut out
[17:30] Tecking out
[17:30] Tecking in
[17:32] Tecking out
[17:32] V4N0M> ty greenwarrior
[17:32] Tecking in
[17:32] Dough_nut> I will pm him
[17:33] V4N0M> eddy youre priest
[17:33] V4N0M> so you with grimm
[17:33] EddieBR> im not priest man
[17:34] V4N0M> you are
[17:34] V4N0M> look youre fcking points
[17:34] EddieBR> im just an old player, as i told you. there's 3 years since i dont play
[17:34] EddieBR> I did not have beard when i played this
[17:34] rhyanvalk in
[17:34] EddieBR> join here. lets have fun
[17:34] V4N0M> yes and from points youre priest.
[17:34] V4N0M> in 7 games
[17:34] V4N0M> 326 points
[17:34] V4N0M> lol
[17:35] EddieBR> i dont care about points. why my symbol is wildie then?
[17:35] V4N0M> 3 more games
[17:35] V4N0M> and youre priest
[17:35] BetaEnemy_Tas> because you dont played enough ranked games yet
[17:35] EddieBR> oww
[17:35] shogun> new players got to play 10 games to get a rank
[17:35] V4N0M> dont play like youre wildman
[17:35] V4N0M> omfg
[17:35] EddieBR> betaenemy rules man. you dont know anything v4amon
[17:35] shogun> after playing 10 games u become "part of the tribe"
[17:35] shogun> and get a rank
[17:35] EddieBR> lets play and have fun. dont be late
[17:36] BetaEnemy_Tas> :)))
[17:36] EddieBR> one more here
[17:36] [rw]macca in
[17:36] EddieBR> V4NOM, i'll show you how brazilians play
[17:36] EddieBR> i'm at the beach now, playing pop and looking at the sea
[17:36] V4N0M> not
[17:37] [SW]Diablo> Eddie
[17:37] BetaEnemy_Tas> i am in Europe looking at builindgs
[17:37] Tecking out
[17:37] BetaEnemy_Tas> and play pop :)
[17:37] EddieBR> cool
[17:37] Tecking in
[17:37] [SW]Diablo> quando começou a jogar?
[17:37] EddieBR> you have nice buildings there
[17:37] V4N0M> yes we have
[17:37] BetaEnemy_Tas> there are :)
[17:37] EddieBR> orry guys, got to launch
[17:37] EddieBR> see you later
[17:37] BetaEnemy_Tas> hf :p
[17:37] V4N0M> abc
[17:37] [SW]Diablo> why you ignore someone from your country
[17:38] [SW]Diablo> thats so rare to see brazililians
[17:38] [SW]Diablo> damnit
[17:38] [Rw]addiction in
[17:38] BetaEnemy_Tas> the devil from Brazil Confirmed :D
[17:38] kyuubi out
[17:38] [SW]Diablo> ;o
[17:38] BetaEnemy_Tas> :o!
[17:38] EddieBR> eita porra
[17:38] EddieBR> join in again
[17:38] V4N0M> betabot?
[17:38] [SW]Diablo> lol
[17:39] Tecking> go!
[17:39] Tecking out
[17:39] BetaEnemy_Tas> if you use hostbot it can only take 3 players
[17:39] EddieBR> guys, where are your pings?
[17:39] BetaEnemy_Tas> not 4
[17:39] Rogan in
[17:39] rhyanvalk out
[17:40] aliverdi1023 out
[17:40] [Rw]addiction out
[17:40] V4N0M> other people host
[17:40] Lucky_Luke> gg
[17:40] Lucky_Luke> im afk
[17:40] Rouskof> gg
[17:40] Andi_L out
[17:41] V4N0M> i have 152 ping
[17:41] EddieBR out
[17:41] V4N0M> now X
[17:41] Cem in
[17:41] EddieBR in
[17:41] Rogan out
[17:42] [SW]Diablo> omfg its you mammy
[17:42] [SW]Diablo> hey man
[17:42] Sucukluyumurta in
[17:42] [SW]Diablo> didnt even noticed that you changed nickname
[17:42] [SW]Diablo> lol
[17:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> hi :)))
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> how are you?
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> :)))
[17:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> i am BETAENEMY :D
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> oh
[17:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> betabot worst enemy :o
[17:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> i am fine you :D?
[17:43] playbuddmansion in
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> AlphaEnemy is your enemy
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> or friend/
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> :O
[17:43] Sucukluyumurta> +3
[17:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> you know the saying my enemy of my enemy is my friend :o!
[17:43] [SW]Diablo> i'm fine.
[17:43] Sucukluyumurta> +2
[17:44] V4N0M> wtffff
[17:44] V4N0M> sorry for joining huts
[17:44] wardrums> SESS?
[17:44] greenWarrior> wtf johan
[17:44] BeastIncarnate in
[17:44] Dough_nut> what
[17:44] EddieBR> dunno what happens here
[17:44] [SW]Diablo> is that a cod quote?
[17:45] EddieBR> os europa não faz ideia do que é isso hahaha
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> que isso?
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> green warrior wtf you doin above me?
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> huh?
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> nem eu faço ideia.
[17:45] Cem out
[17:45] BeastIncarnate out
[17:45] Cem in
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> i'll change to
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> DeltaEnemy then
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> it its not taken
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> lol
[17:45] [SW]Diablo> if*
[17:46] V4N0M> sorry had bug
[17:47] Sucukluyumurta> reload
[17:47] V4N0M> couldnt click
[17:49] Musi in
[17:54] yoshi_TAS out
[17:54] Left_nut> inca u here?
[17:54] [SW]WestSide> wp joshi
[17:55] Left_nut> babo and bock trying to distort
[17:55] [SW]WestSide> man matt
[17:55] Left_nut> leagues
[17:55] shogun> told u yoshi owns u matt
[17:55] [SW]WestSide> that was atrocious
[17:55] Left_nut> bock giving points away inca to mess leagues up
[17:55] Left_nut> inca
[17:55] Left_nut> vhan like i said
[17:56] Left_nut> if yoshi pwns me
[17:56] [SW]WestSide> dude its not incas fault you suck
[17:56] Left_nut> he rapes u badly
[17:56] [SW]WestSide> you should try to improve
[17:56] thoughtseize> fu matt
[17:56] [SW]WestSide> and next time you could try to eq my base
[17:56] thoughtseize> ur just too bad
[17:56] [SW]WestSide> instead of my path
[17:56] thoughtseize> to win a game
[17:56] Left_nut> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352853
[17:56] Left_nut> bock
[17:56] thoughtseize> u let me get doubled
[17:56] Left_nut> when did u have more pop
[17:56] Left_nut> ?
[17:56] thoughtseize> after me killing both shamans
[17:56] shogun> lmao
[17:56] shogun> his matt
[17:56] shogun> this/
[17:56] Left_nut> i mean seriously bock
[17:56] thoughtseize> than u tell me u got all spells
[17:56] thoughtseize> ffs
[17:56] Left_nut> u let them win
[17:56] thoughtseize> u allways give a shit on ur ally
[17:57] Left_nut> i reported u
[17:57] Left_nut> its ok i knew it befor egame started
[17:57] Left_nut> lol
[17:57] thoughtseize> thats why noone likes to ally u
[17:57] [SW]WestSide> matt improve your skill and attitude
[17:57] Kitstar_OP in
[17:57] [SW]WestSide> you might win games
[17:57] Death out
[17:57] thoughtseize> matt remember
[17:57] [SW]WestSide> but maybe its your warsteinerbauch
[17:57] thoughtseize> u lost with nici twice
[17:57] thoughtseize> on pp
[17:57] [SW]WestSide> that slows you down
[17:57] Left_nut> weird bock
[17:57] Left_nut> i have 27
[17:57] Left_nut> shaman kills
[17:57] Left_nut> to ur 11
[17:58] Left_nut> i dont know who sucks whose dick
[17:58] Left_nut> in ur relationship with babo
[17:58] Left_nut> but u both are terrible
[17:58] Left_nut> cant even beat me
[17:58] Left_nut> unless u 3v1
[17:58] Left_nut> its cute
[17:58] [SW]WestSide> matt living in his own world
[17:58] [SW]WestSide> so good
[17:58] Left_nut> incawarrior u here
[17:58] Left_nut> babo and bock
[17:58] Left_nut> fucking leagues up
[17:58] Left_nut> on purpose
[17:58] [SW]WestSide> ??
[17:59] thoughtseize> lol the joke is real
[17:59] shogun> [SW]WestSide> matt living in his own world
[17:59] shogun> mao
[17:59] thoughtseize> matt ur a joke
[17:59] Left_nut> ?
[17:59] shogun> lmao*
[17:59] Left_nut> took them 45 mins
[17:59] Left_nut> to beat me
[17:59] Left_nut> 3v1
[17:59] Left_nut> thats a joke
[17:59] thoughtseize> 1v1 me?
[17:59] thoughtseize> i need 20 mins alone
[17:59] [SW]WestSide> i was chatting with friends
[17:59] [SW]WestSide> half of the game
[17:59] Left_nut> babo
[17:59] Left_nut> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352853
[17:59] [SW]WestSide> lolololol
[17:59] Left_nut> u cant compete
[17:59] Left_nut> with me
[17:59] Left_nut> lol
[18:00] Left_nut> guy even said in stream
[18:00] [SW]WestSide> how so?
[18:00] Left_nut> he had more ppop
[18:00] Left_nut> than me
[18:00] Left_nut> loolooolololololol
[18:00] Left_nut> lmfao
[18:00] thoughtseize> dude
[18:00] Left_nut> guy never once had more pop
[18:00] thoughtseize> watch my pop
[18:00] thoughtseize> got bad
[18:00] Left_nut> lloolooloolololooooolo
[18:00] thoughtseize> from 45
[18:00] shogun> thoughtseize> 1v1 me matt?
[18:00] shogun> go matt
[18:00] shogun> i choose you
[18:00] Left_nut> to easy'
[18:00] thoughtseize> they doubled me
[18:00] thoughtseize> while u load all spells
[18:00] Left_nut> no they didnt
[18:00] thoughtseize> u fking noob
[18:00] Left_nut> they didnt double u
[18:00] [SW]WestSide> ofc we did
[18:00] Left_nut> u let them walk in on purpose
[18:00] Kitstar_OP out
[18:01] thoughtseize> i had both shamans in my base
[18:01] thoughtseize> thats why i got weak
[18:01] Left_nut> yeah
[18:01] thoughtseize> thats why i died
[18:01] Left_nut> cuz u let them walk in
[18:01] Leviathan_OP in
[18:01] Left_nut> u pvt babo
[18:01] thoughtseize> u just died
[18:01] thoughtseize> u had to fking defend
[18:01] Left_nut> ok bock
[18:01] thoughtseize> us
[18:01] Left_nut> why dont u send us
[18:01] Left_nut> screen shots
[18:01] Left_nut> of ur chat log
[18:01] Left_nut> ?
[18:01] thoughtseize> lol for what
[18:01] Left_nut> ill prove my points right now
[18:02] Left_nut> send chat log
[18:02] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/e6580ce956da0376eca8a67ee952cdc8
[18:02] Left_nut> from before we start
[18:02] Left_nut> the game
[18:02] Left_nut> and after
[18:02] giorgos in
[18:02] thoughtseize> [SW]WestSide> i wont ally that loser
[18:02] giorgos out
[18:02] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/ede8afa57efe0a70841d8e9183a993fa
[18:02] [SW]WestSide> afk
[18:02] shogun> matt i think u enjoy saying a lot of shit trough mm than playing the game itself
[18:02] shogun> olz
[18:02] shogun> lolz*
[18:03] shogun> more than playing*
[18:03] Left_nut> keep going babo
[18:03] Left_nut> shogun
[18:03] Left_nut> just watch
[18:03] Left_nut> lol
[18:04] Left_nut> the screenshots will tell it all
[18:04] [SW]WestSide> wtf you talking about
[18:04] Left_nut> screen hsot
[18:04] Left_nut> after
[18:04] Left_nut> all that
[18:04] Left_nut> but get some of it
[18:04] Left_nut> in
[18:04] Left_nut> so we know
[18:04] Left_nut> ur not cutting it out
[18:04] Left_nut> the part where bock pmed u
[18:05] playbuddmansion out
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/4a82b7349d84f873266f7852abbeef9d
[18:05] Left_nut> to let u guys win
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/f2e257e7b64a71bbb4a33f09e8da6eae
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/9e6df9bfe7a635fc7af63e620c8a97a4
[18:06] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/3f206103430311975fccf104d66ed0a3
[18:06] Left_nut> now post
[18:06] Left_nut> right after we get otu of game
[18:06] Fluschu in
[18:06] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/2ea16333004dbfea9a59ac1082cd093c
[18:06] Left_nut> keep going
[18:06] Left_nut> babo
[18:06] [SW]WestSide> gtfo now
[18:07] keintanz out
[18:07] [SW]WestSide> youre wasting my gyazo history
[18:07] Left_nut> still waiting
[18:07] Left_nut> why did u stop
[18:07] Fluschu out
[18:07] Left_nut> theres more
[18:07] Left_nut> where bock pmed u
[18:07] thoughtseize> stop annoying me
[18:07] Left_nut> its right after
[18:07] Left_nut> that last gazo
[18:07] Left_nut> lol
[18:07] Left_nut> its why babo
[18:07] Left_nut> wont pos
[18:07] Left_nut> anymore
[18:08] IsoElFace in
[18:08] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[18:08] V4N0M> well gg
[18:08] Left_nut> its why the last 2 gazos
[18:08] Left_nut> were so short
[18:08] Left_nut> and had more of the same chat
[18:08] Left_nut> then the rest
[18:08] Left_nut> sad babo
[18:08] Left_nut> and bock
[18:09] Left_nut> proof babo and bock are lying
[18:09] Left_nut> lol
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> dude i just wanna watch a series
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/6ed8134d64762e0536465af0857d2ca7
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> leave me alone now
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> prik
[18:09] Kitstar_OP in
[18:09] Left_nut> see
[18:09] Left_nut> he cut it out
[18:10] Left_nut> thats past the last part
[18:10] Left_nut> of other one
[18:10] Left_nut> lol
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> .....instead of my path
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> look at my last msg
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> at latest image
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> idiot
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> learn to read
[18:10] Left_nut> ok now post one
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> go put your conspiracy theories in your anus
[18:10] Left_nut> above
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> you just suck
[18:10] Left_nut> the one
[18:10] Left_nut> first one
[18:11] Left_nut> https://gyazo.com/e6580ce956da0376eca8a67ee952cdc8
[18:11] Left_nut> right above this
[18:11] Left_nut> is where its at
[18:11] [SW]WestSide> it aint on mm anymore
[18:11] [SW]WestSide> cuz you spammed too much
[18:11] DrThunderous in
[18:11] Left_nut> dont lie
[18:11] Left_nut> cuz i have it
[18:11] Left_nut> on mine
[18:12] Left_nut> wow u see this
[18:12] Left_nut> guy lying
[18:12] Autopederastia_OP in
[18:13] Left_nut> got him
[18:13] Left_nut> i knew he was lying about ti
[18:13] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/d102d3397eda4492d449f3632bb1cb3e
[18:13] Left_nut> its why he wont post the screen
[18:13] [SW]WestSide> afk now lol
[18:13] Left_nut> u see
[18:13] Left_nut> he wont post
[18:13] Left_nut> any higher
[18:14] Left_nut> he put the trust me part
[18:14] Left_nut> at top
[18:14] Left_nut> again
[18:14] Left_nut> only moved it up like 3 lines
[18:14] Left_nut> wow babo piece of shit liar
[18:15] [SR]Spark out
[18:15] Left_nut> http://imgur.com/a/mFdsO
[18:15] Left_nut> right there is where
[18:15] Left_nut> babo can show but he wont
[18:15] Om3gabladez out
[18:15] [SW]WestSide> i got logs saved
[18:15] [SW]WestSide> do you want the file?
[18:15] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[18:15] Left_nut> http://imgur.com/a/mFdsO
[18:15] Left_nut> no
[18:15] Dough_nut> green?
[18:15] Left_nut> just show
[18:15] Left_nut> that part
[18:16] Dough_nut> Greenwarrior
[18:16] greenWarrior> johan
[18:16] greenWarrior> You're camper, you do not know how to play
[18:16] Dough_nut> did you know
[18:16] Dough_nut> this is the one game
[18:16] Left_nut> its not hard babo
[18:16] Dough_nut> where you don't quit while you're ahead
[18:16] thoughtseize out
[18:16] Dough_nut> lol green
[18:16] Dough_nut> I was camping because I needed to rebuild my defense
[18:16] Dough_nut> it's simple
[18:17] [SW]WestSide> ill relog so i can upload the log for you
[18:17] Dough_nut> otherwise you would have owned me
[18:17] [SW]WestSide out
[18:17] Left_nut> no
[18:17] Left_nut> babo
[18:17] Left_nut> wow
[18:17] Left_nut> lol
[18:17] Kitstar_OP out
[18:17] [SW]WestSide in
[18:17] Left_nut> inca u here
[18:17] Left_nut> babo just deleted
[18:17] Left_nut> it
[18:17] Dough_nut> your warriors were very agressive
[18:17] Left_nut> so he didnt have to post it
[18:17] Left_nut> sad man
[18:17] Dough_nut> so if I left my base my pop would be gone
[18:17] shogun> no matt
[18:17] Left_nut> u are scummy babo
[18:17] shogun> hats a gg
[18:17] shogun> wp
[18:17] [SW]WestSide> i didnt delete it
[18:17] shogun> thats*
[18:17] venetica out
[18:17] Left_nut> bbao
[18:17] [SW]WestSide> its saved in the logs
[18:17] Left_nut> i asked u
[18:17] venetica in
[18:17] Left_nut> just to post
[18:17] Left_nut> right there
[18:17] Left_nut> just one more screen
[18:18] Left_nut> nd u wouldnt do it
[18:18] Left_nut> proves my point
[18:18] Left_nut> didnt ask for logs
[18:18] Lucky_Luke> ping?
[18:18] Left_nut> now u will edit
[18:18] Left_nut> the logs
[18:18] Left_nut> babo
[18:18] [SW]WestSide> https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pynqpbdrserqrp/PopMM%20-%2017-05-11%2015-17.htm?dl=0
[18:18] Left_nut> before u sent them
[18:18] [SW]WestSide> hf with that
[18:18] Left_nut> exactly my point
[18:19] [SW]WestSide> you cant edit the logs
[18:19] [SW]WestSide> loser
[18:19] BetaEnemy_Tas out
[18:19] Left_nut> doesnt matter
[18:19] Left_nut> u know
[18:19] Left_nut> it was there
[18:19] Rouskof out
[18:19] Left_nut> and u didnt post screen shot
[18:19] BetaEnemy_Tas in
[18:19] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[18:19] [SW]WestSide> cuz it was gone
[18:19] [SW]WestSide> too high
[18:19] Left_nut> it wasnt
[18:19] Left_nut> http://imgur.com/a/mFdsO
[18:19] [SW]WestSide> it was
[18:19] Lucky_Luke> sec fixing
[18:19] Left_nut> i took a screen shot of it
[18:19] Obduction out
[18:19] V4N0M> who is bock?
[18:19] Left_nut> ur just alying cunt
[18:19] Left_nut> bock is a pussy
[18:19] Left_nut> like babo
[18:19] V4N0M> lul
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> [19:13] [SW]WestSide> https://gyazo.com/d102d3397eda4492d449f3632bb1cb3e
[18:20] Left_nut> they suck
[18:20] V4N0M> westside hast du gegen bock gewonnen?
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> matt i sent you like 100 screenshots now
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> and even my logs saved
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> you still got no proof
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> lmfao this guy is so dumb
[18:20] [SW]WestSide> wake up from your own worlds
[18:20] V4N0M> ignore like a boss
[18:21] V4N0M> luke no ping
[18:21] Left_nut> its there
[18:21] Left_nut> u just havent posted it
[18:21] Lucky_Luke out
[18:21] Left_nut> like i said
[18:21] Left_nut> its right above it
[18:21] Fluschu in
[18:21] Lucky_Luke in
[18:21] [SW]WestSide> no sense discussing with an igorant idiot
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> go cry to inca and send him proof
[18:22] V4N0M> i won 5/6 times pp lol
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> of whatever you believe
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> is matt bitching again?
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> yeah he got raped by me n yoshi
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> this guy is always fukin maoning liek a batterd whore
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> and now cries like a hoe
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> cuz bock unallied him
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> tsuyoshi ?
[18:22] V4N0M> wow
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> na yoshi
[18:22] V4N0M> this server is madness pure
[18:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[18:22] [SW]WestSide> cherokee
[18:22] BetaEnemy_Tas> tsu doesnt play sess
[18:23] [SW]WestSide> wanna do tele war?
[18:23] Lucky_Luke> i got star wtf
[18:23] V4N0M> luke X
[18:23] V4N0M> ?
[18:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt why do u always go cryin to inca after u spend so much time talking shit about him
[18:23] Lucky_Luke out
[18:23] [SW]WestSide> +3 tele war
[18:23] V4N0M> +1
[18:23] Lucky_Luke in
[18:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> ok babo :)
[18:25] Lucky_Luke> sec forwarding
[18:25] Lucky_Luke> ports
[18:25] Lucky_Luke out
[18:26] [Rw]addiction in
[18:26] Lucky_Luke in
[18:26] [SW]Matt_Rake> addic addic
[18:26] [SW]Matt_Rake> xD
[18:27] Lucky_Luke> ffs
[18:27] EddieBR> nah wth
[18:27] Devastation> yeah wth
[18:27] Devastation> would've been quick to end the game
[18:28] EddieBR> we were winning
[18:28] wardrums> EVEN TEAMS
[18:28] EddieBR> cool
[18:28] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[18:28] wardrums> MJOIN
[18:29] wardrums> WHAT MAP?
[18:29] Devastation> i gtg for a little bit
[18:29] Lucky_Luke> my spot
[18:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[18:29] [IC]Dalton822 in
[18:29] venetica out
[18:29] venetica in
[18:30] Left_nut out
[18:30] EddieBR> ninguem mais fala portugues??
[18:30] wardrums> THIS IS LIKE 2 ON 2 COMBINED WITH PP
[18:30] Kitstar_OP out
[18:30] steel in
[18:30] IsoElFace out
[18:31] yoshi_TAS in
[18:32] Sucukluyumurta> brb men
[18:32] Sucukluyumurta out
[18:32] Fluschu out
[18:34] yoshi_TAS in
[18:34] therapist in
[18:34] keintanz in
[18:34] steel out
[18:35] steel in
[18:35] Dough_nut out
[18:35] yoshi_TAS> ally me addi
[18:35] yoshi_TAS> im a beast at fo
[18:35] yoshi_TAS> in
[18:35] yoshi_TAS> *
[18:35] Autopederastia_OP> beast at quitting
[18:36] yoshi_TAS> w my history
[18:36] yoshi_TAS> games
[18:36] yoshi_TAS> now
[18:36] yoshi_TAS> u fat ass
[18:36] yoshi_TAS> <3
[18:36] EddieBR> words are becoming aggressive in english, better talk in portuguese
[18:36] EddieBR> ninguem entende porra nenhuma mesmo hahaha
[18:37] EddieBR> deve ter algum brazuca ae...
[18:37] yoshi_TAS> estoy scherzando
[18:37] yoshi_TAS> francisco my amor
[18:37] [Rw]addiction> nici join
[18:37] yoshi_TAS> juve atletico?
[18:38] yoshi_TAS> or real juve
[18:38] EddieBR> corinthians
[18:38] yoshi_TAS> addi ally me nici too boon
[18:39] Cem out
[18:40] Un_Defeatable out
[18:40] [Rw]addiction> leave
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> im too good
[18:40] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[18:40] Meph in
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> weed
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> owned matt
[18:40] therapist> i owned meph too
[18:41] therapist> mephg cried
[18:41] therapist> so hard
[18:41] therapist> lfmoamaomfoamfoamfoamfaomfaomfao
[18:41] yoshi_TAS> O:
[18:41] yoshi_TAS out
[18:41] [Rw]addiction> meph nici join
[18:41] yoshi_TAS> i wish real game
[18:41] skullcruncher in
[18:42] [IC]Dalton822 out
[18:43] yoshi_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y3oPJAKvHs omg this guy talented
[18:43] wardrums> THATS BECUASE I SUCK TODAY
[18:43] [SR]Apocapto in
[18:44] EddieBR> don't be so bad with yourself
[18:45] therapist> yoshi i cant ping u gtfo
[18:47] EddieBR out
[18:47] zipol99 in
[18:47] Devastation out
[18:48] Autopederastia_OP> grimm
[18:48] Autopederastia_OP> can you leave pls
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> stop noobashing, grimm
[18:48] Autopederastia_OP> thank god addi has X
[18:48] Autopederastia_OP> take ur time here grimm
[18:48] Autopederastia_OP> owned
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> R
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> E
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> K
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> T
[18:48] EddieBR in
[18:49] Cem in
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> acabei de ir ao santuário
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> antes de ir pa casa
[18:49] [GoD]I_might_suicide> amen
[18:49] EddieBR> amém
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> foda-se vejo só gente la com cadeiras
[18:49] Meph> cant play
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> á espera do dia 13 e do papa
[18:49] Leviathan_OP> :/
[18:49] [GoD]I_might_suicide> o papa vem amanha
[18:49] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ou depois damanha
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> mesmo a chover ficam lá
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> vem amanhã
[18:49] [GoD]I_might_suicide> dass
[18:49] Autopederastia_OP> fds la naquela cena que andam de joelhos
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> sabes
[18:50] Meph> get MooresMurder !
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> tava um a andar deitado pq era paraplégico fds xD
[18:50] [Rw]addiction> rofl
[18:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> coitadu xD
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> depois era só carros da CMTV, tvi, plural, rtp, sic , antena 3 , renascença
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> tava lá tudo
[18:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> :D
[18:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> kerut ver la
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> e só bofias
[18:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> na tê vê
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> filhos da put
[18:50] wardrums> WHAT THE FUCK
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> EU TENTEI
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> ao menos pediram-me para tirar fotos umas 2 vezes
[18:50] Autopederastia_OP> já me senti util na vida
[18:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> "where do i click"
[18:51] yoshi_TAS> grimm fandango
[18:51] yoshi_TAS> ?=
[18:51] yoshi_TAS> =)
[18:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ah eram pts
[18:51] Autopederastia_OP> ya fds
[18:51] Luke_OP out
[18:51] Luke_OP in
[18:52] [Rw]addiction> unless spin comes
[18:52] [Rw]addiction> we are not gettingn a gg
[18:52] Leviathan_OP> or luke is playing
[18:52] [Rw]addiction> proly not
[18:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> luke wont host prob
[18:53] Autopederastia_OP> loch ness is back?
[18:53] [rw]macca> dw boys
[18:53] yoshi_TAS out
[18:53] [rw]macca> best player in the game is here
[18:53] Autopederastia_OP> the monster
[18:53] Luke_OP> Suckin dicks game?
[18:53] yoshi_TAS in
[18:53] wardrums> +1
[18:53] wardrums> I INVITED EVERYONE
[18:53] [GoD]I_might_suicide> macca ur not even the best pop player in ur family
[18:53] wardrums> +1
[18:53] Leviathan_OP> damn
[18:53] EddieBR> pqp mano
[18:53] Leviathan_OP> that shot hurts me too
[18:53] EddieBR> vou rezar pra dar jogo
[18:53] [GoD]I_might_suicide> PUTA QUE PARIU MANO
[18:53] EddieBR> ta foda
[18:54] [rw]macca> TBNR
[18:54] EddieBR> hahahaha é nóis
[18:54] [rw]macca> the best never rest
[18:54] [Rw]addiction> .
[18:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> the bananas never rot?
[18:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> oh
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> moores ally nici its fair
[18:55] Autopederastia_OP> lmao
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> cept if its fo cuz obs is the real king
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> OWNED
[18:55] Autopederastia_OP> dont even bother moores
[18:55] Pandi in
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ????
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> moores almost won meph he just forgot troops
[18:55] Leviathan_OP> he only wants to win without troops
[18:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> the_moores_27
[18:56] EddieBR> +1 for noob game here
[18:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> see luke is in
[18:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> other host
[18:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> there u have ur game
[18:58] Leviathan_OP> well i go eat
[18:58] [Rw]addiction> ...
[18:59] kurwa in
[19:00] Luke_OP out
[19:01] minder118 in
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> .
[19:03] V4N0M> 40min xD
[19:03] [SW]WestSide out
[19:03] shogun> very gg
[19:03] BetaEnemy_Tas> :p
[19:03] [SW]WestSide in
[19:04] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://www.facebook.com/azeitugal/photos/a.1102288173151098.1073741827.1102284716484777/1380795238633722/?type=3&hc_ref=NEWSFEED
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> y u on my fb
[19:06] shogun> SMOK WEED EVERYDAY!~
[19:06] shogun out
[19:06] V4N0M> lol
[19:06] V4N0M> he probably doesnt smoke weed
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> true dat
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> he smoks it
[19:07] Doctor_Zlo95 in
[19:09] Doctor_Zlo95 out
[19:09] Bear in
[19:09] Bear out
[19:10] Un_Defeatable in
[19:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> why not
[19:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> mepoh
[19:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> liar
[19:17] yoshi_TAS> +2222
[19:17] [Rw]Bigbang> keintanz> idk why everyone tried to stop me from watching the adult sites. they are so amazing !!!
[19:17] [Rw]Bigbang> cool bro
[19:17] keintanz> ??
[19:18] therapist> is no one playing
[19:18] therapist> +1
[19:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> r u blind
[19:20] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 12/48 playing
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> +1 pro
[19:20] therapist> stfu u fuckin dqer
[19:20] therapist> u fuckin owe me pts u fuck
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> ^
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> ^^
[19:20] [Rw]addiction> owned
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> ?
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> i wanna pts
[19:20] yoshi_TAS> with u weed i get 1 pt
[19:20] therapist> guy fuckin dq me
[19:20] therapist> from the tourney
[19:20] therapist> same dayu i was ready
[19:20] therapist> to 1v1 matt
[19:20] therapist> so stupid
[19:21] BetaEnemy_Tas> ofc weed is to high ranked yoshi
[19:21] v-loki in
[19:21] [Rw]addiction> dw
[19:21] [Rw]addiction> he plays like a spy tho
[19:21] therapist> ?
[19:21] therapist> the fuck u said addi ?
[19:21] therapist> 1v1 pp
[19:21] therapist> r9ight now
[19:21] BetaEnemy_Tas> weed plays like a fw- when he lags :D
[19:21] therapist> wtf
[19:21] therapist> did u
[19:21] therapist> just say
[19:21] therapist> 1v1 pp mahmut
[19:22] BetaEnemy_Tas> your a shaman without lag weed
[19:22] BetaEnemy_Tas> you know that :o
[19:22] [Rw]addiction> ;/
[19:22] yoshi_TAS> join mammy
[19:22] yoshi_TAS> ?
[19:22] [Rw]addiction> depends weed
[19:22] [Rw]addiction> will it be a gg
[19:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> if weed doesnt lag
[19:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> he plays like shaman :D
[19:23] therapist> it will be gg for me
[19:23] therapist> cuz im gonna get em pts
[19:25] aliverdi1023 in
[19:25] Left_nut in
[19:26] Left_nut> think murder got areested
[19:26] Left_nut> again
[19:28] [Rw]addiction out
[19:31] [Rw]Exotic in
[19:31] xtro in
[19:32] Lucky_Luke> gg
[19:32] v-loki out
[19:32] venetica> gg
[19:32] v-loki in
[19:33] xtro> gg
[19:33] xtro> :P
[19:33] Left_nut> gg
[19:34] v-loki> sry
[19:35] v-loki> LATER
[19:35] v-loki out
[19:37] GrubbyHour in
[19:37] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[19:37] GrubbyHour> casual game anyone?
[19:37] GrubbyHour> preferably noobs ahaha
[19:37] Leviathan_OP> SIEG
[19:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> /me* waits for all german speakers to say HEIL
[19:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> 3
[19:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2
[19:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> 1
[19:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> god u guys suck
[19:39] GrubbyHour> heil
[19:39] GrubbyHour> i'm dutch
[19:39] GrubbyHour> counts?
[19:39] GrubbyHour> HEIL
[19:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAOAOAOAOOAOAOAOA
[19:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> sure man
[19:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> grubby
[19:39] GrubbyHour> ahaha
[19:39] GrubbyHour> yass
[19:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> SEIG HEIL
[19:40] GrubbyHour> LEBENSRAUM
[19:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[19:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmao
[19:40] Left_nut> babo got owned by V4NOM lmfomaomaomoamaom llooooooooooooolloololololo
[19:41] GrubbyHour> so nobody wants to play this semi-noob?
[19:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> stop the rage matt
[19:41] V4N0M> ez win babo
[19:41] [SW]WestSide> da,m
[19:41] [SW]WestSide> maybe should of watched and not go afk
[19:41] Left_nut> babo got owned by V4NOM lmfomaomaomoamaom llooooooooooooolloololololo lloolollol
[19:41] Left_nut> wow this guy is terrible
[19:41] [SW]WestSide> stfu :/
[19:42] Left_nut> so bad
[19:42] Leviathan_OP> LOL
[19:42] Left_nut> guy needs to 3v1 a pro
[19:42] Left_nut> and cant even 1v1
[19:42] Left_nut> a noob
[19:42] Left_nut> lol
[19:42] GrubbyHour> lmfao left_nut you were the one that wanted to team up with a fire warrior rank against me (wild) and some other noob
[19:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://youtu.be/uMohuVwBC0Q?t=8m27s
[19:42] Left_nut> wow this guy is terrible
[19:42] V4N0M> lmfao XD
[19:42] [SW]WestSide> i did my best
[19:42] [SW]WestSide> then went afk
[19:42] V4N0M> WHO IS NEXT.? NICI?
[19:42] [SW]WestSide> when i came back i had 40pop
[19:42] GrubbyHour> @MooresMurder the good old days...
[19:42] [SW]WestSide> shit happens
[19:43] V4N0M> i can play with u
[19:43] V4N0M> im pro now
[19:43] V4N0M> troop mastre
[19:43] wsdjf in
[19:43] V4N0M> schade
[19:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> sry vanom sh game
[19:44] V4N0M> Games: V4N0M wipes the floor with [SW]Westside on Pressure Point
[19:44] Bear in
[19:44] [SW]WestSide> stfu you converted other bases
[19:44] V4N0M> :o
[19:44] [GoD]I_might_suicide> SIEG HAIL
[19:45] V4N0M> inländer raus
[19:45] GrubbyHour> well since nobody wants a game
[19:45] GrubbyHour> good evening everyone
[19:45] Leviathan_OP> SIEG HEIL!
[19:45] Left_nut> babo got owned by V4NOM lmfomaomaomoamaom llooooooooooooolloololololo
[19:45] Left_nut> babo got owned
[19:45] Left_nut> lol
[19:46] Left_nut> wow babo so fucking bad
[19:46] GrubbyHour out
[19:46] Leviathan_OP> matt: https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352721
[19:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> WOW
[19:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> REKT
[19:46] V4N0M> ?
[19:48] wsdjf out
[19:49] EddieBR out
[19:49] V4N0M> ping
[19:49] V4N0M> 500
[19:49] EddieBR in
[19:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> na lul
[19:51] wardrums> +2
[19:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> :o
[19:52] therapist> G
[19:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> gg
[19:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> were points to sweet weed :D?
[19:52] therapist> how many did iget lets see ohhhhhhhhhh
[19:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> 1 ;D
[19:52] kurwa out
[19:52] therapist> WTF
[19:52] wardrums> do you know how to make your warriors move around on patroll?
[19:52] therapist> shoulda gotten atleast 45
[19:52] therapist> 5
[19:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> and now you look like this -_-
[19:52] therapist> lol i do
[19:52] therapist> after i take a bonghit
[19:53] therapist> high as fuck
[19:53] EddieBR out
[19:53] BetaEnemy_Tas> Mu is to low
[19:53] fireman323 in
[19:53] BetaEnemy_Tas> and sigma 2
[19:54] zipol99> 1v1
[19:54] Musi out
[19:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> matt fix ur stream
[19:54] Cem out
[19:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> like u had it b4
[19:55] PhantomBikes in
[19:55] PhantomBikes out
[19:59] yoshi_TAS out
[20:00] yoshi_TAS in
[20:01] Lintense in
[20:01] Lintense out
[20:02] Grimm out
[20:03] kurwa in
[20:03] wardrums> +2
[20:04] Tecking in
[20:06] BetaEnemy_Tas out
[20:07] yoshi_TAS in
[20:08] yoshi_TAS out
[20:08] [Rw]Bigbang> host
[20:08] [Rw]Bigbang> unrank
[20:09] [Rw]Bigbang> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[Rw]Bigbang - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- [Rw]Bigbang: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[20:10] Left_nut> BABO
[20:10] [SW]WestSide> was n lw spiel
[20:10] Left_nut> was tthe one
[20:10] Left_nut> who trooped
[20:10] Left_nut> my fornt huts
[20:10] Left_nut> not obscura
[20:10] Left_nut> spin
Game successfully created in database.
[20:10] yoshi_TAS in
Game results submitted.
[20:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> did he eq ur back
[20:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt
[20:11] [Rw]Bigbang out
[20:11] Left_nut> yeah but babo
[20:11] Left_nut> did more dmaage
[20:11] Left_nut> than he did
[20:11] Left_nut> lol
[20:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok then
[20:12] Left_nut> the reason he lost so fast
[20:12] Left_nut> was cuz he was trying to go for hill
[20:12] Left_nut> mid game
[20:12] yoshi_TAS> ally me westside
[20:12] Tecking out
[20:12] yoshi_TAS> ?
[20:12] yoshi_TAS> fo?
[20:12] yoshi_TAS> im good in fo
[20:12] Left_nut> lol
[20:13] therapist> ????
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> did
[20:13] therapist> email what?=
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> i just
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> smell
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:13] therapist> the
[20:13] therapist> dont
[20:13] therapist> u kick me
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed i cant ally u man
[20:13] therapist> is real
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo doesnt ally matt
[20:13] Left_nut> weed was banned
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> so that means
[20:13] therapist> WT
[20:13] therapist> THE
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:13] Leviathan_OP> no rm?
[20:13] therapist> CRUSHING
[20:13] therapist> OF DREAM;S
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> whyd i kick
[20:13] therapist> THE
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:13] [SW]WestSide> we can rm
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> sry obs u should of joined
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed was faster
[20:13] therapist> wait i was banned ?
[20:13] Leviathan_OP> was pvt with babo
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> and i show no mercy
[20:13] therapist> aw
[20:13] therapist> i can spec
[20:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> what map guys
[20:14] therapist> the
[20:14] therapist> im so nice
[20:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> wow the
[20:14] therapist> is real
[20:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> giving in lyf
[20:14] [GoD]I_might_suicide> matt fix ur stream its unwatchable
[20:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:14] therapist> the
[20:14] [SW]WestSide> komm obs
[20:14] therapist> its only cuz
[20:14] therapist> i dont wnna ally matt
[20:14] therapist> is real
[20:14] [SW]WestSide> no one wanna ally mat
[20:14] olipago in
[20:14] yoshi_TAS> matt sucks
[20:14] bobbylala in
[20:14] yoshi_TAS> with shaman
[20:14] yoshi_TAS> xd
[20:14] Tecking in
[20:14] yoshi_TAS> jkinh
[20:15] Left_nut> should i downscale
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:15] Left_nut> the stream
[20:15] Left_nut> ?
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> *RIGHT NOW
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:15] [SW]WestSide> bleib ma aufm teppich wie n fußabdruck
[20:15] Luke_OP in
[20:15] Left_nut> babo got owned by V4NOM lmfomaomaomoamaom llooooooooooooolloololololo
[20:15] Left_nut> weed
[20:16] Left_nut> babo had to 3v1 me earlier
[20:16] Left_nut> and then got owned
[20:16] Left_nut> by V4nom
[20:16] [SW]WestSide> matt is deseperately lying
[20:16] Left_nut> lllloloolloollool
[20:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> Ban therapist. Please. I'am being honest, as you can see, I am writing good right now. Or dont you see?
[20:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> Ban therapist. Gg.
[20:16] therapist> wait waht lol
[20:16] [SW]WestSide> and looking for excuses to support his conspiracy theorie
[20:16] therapist> spinn
[20:16] Left_nut> weed
[20:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> giving
[20:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:16] Left_nut> babo lost to v4nom
[20:16] Left_nut> 1v1
[20:16] V4N0M> :>
[20:16] [SW]WestSide> oh nooooooooo
[20:16] [GoD]I_might_suicide> venom is fake
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed if the song is good
[20:17] [SW]WestSide> whatever am i going to dooooooooooo
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> i will give u pts
[20:17] V4N0M> im realer than 2pac
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> and if the song isnt good
[20:17] therapist> ok ty
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill give u pts
[20:17] therapist> LLOL
[20:17] therapist> LOLOLOLOLOOL
[20:17] therapist> the
[20:17] Left_nut> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352865
[20:17] therapist> generosity
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:17] [GoD]I_might_suicide> venom is gabber
[20:17] [GoD]I_might_suicide> smurf
[20:17] Left_nut> does this look like a lie
[20:17] Left_nut> babo
[20:17] Der_Steppenwolf in
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:17] Left_nut> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352865
[20:17] Left_nut> owned
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> this guys still dont say what map but they say rm
[20:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:17] yoshi_TAS out
[20:17] [SW]WestSide> matt thinks that an 1v1 matters
[20:17] [SW]WestSide> lol
[20:18] [IC]Dalton822 in
[20:22] [SR]Apocapto out
[20:22] Jordan90 in
[20:24] KosjaK_OP in
[20:24] KosjaK_OP> excalibaa!
[20:26] Jordan90 out
[20:27] olipago out
[20:30] [SW]Diablo in
[20:30] Disbiscuit in
[20:31] Musi in
[20:31] skaarj_guardian in
[20:35] [SW]Diablo out
[20:36] therapist> matt lost ?
[20:36] [SW]WestSide> gg
[20:36] therapist> what a shock
[20:36] therapist> to us all
[20:36] applebule5_TN in
[20:36] Left_nut> fun
[20:36] [SW]WestSide> any time again matt
[20:36] [SW]WestSide> :(
[20:36] [SW]WestSide> :)*
[20:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed i wanna ally u 4way
[20:36] therapist> yeah its so fun
[20:36] therapist> to lose
[20:36] therapist> omfg
[20:36] therapist> the
[20:37] therapist> incoming pwning
[20:37] therapist> is real
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> wanting
[20:37] therapist> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:37] therapist> tje
[20:37] Left_nut> babo got payback
[20:37] therapist> matt kpom
[20:37] therapist> join
[20:37] Left_nut> for earlier
[20:37] therapist> or
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> tje
[20:37] therapist> babo
[20:37] Left_nut> ;)
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[20:37] therapist> the
[20:37] [SW]WestSide> lol i gave you all mid
[20:37] therapist> wait we are facing matt ?
[20:37] [SW]WestSide> and i had better pop after 3min
[20:37] [SW]WestSide> god you suck lol
[20:37] [SW]Diablo out
[20:37] Left_nut> i didnt buuld
[20:37] [SW]WestSide> what payback?
[20:38] [SW]WestSide> i wanted to lose
[20:38] Left_nut> i wasnt going to build
[20:38] Left_nut> but i decided to
[20:38] Left_nut> lol
[20:38] Left_nut> after a min
[20:38] Left_nut> lol
[20:39] KosjaK_OP> unfair
[20:39] applebule5_TN out
[20:39] KosjaK_OP> but okay.
[20:39] EddieBR in
[20:39] applebule5_TN in
[20:41] Bear out
[20:41] Bear in
[20:41] applebule5_TN out
[20:43] Tecking out
[20:45] greenWarrior out
[20:45] greenWarrior in
[20:45] EddieBR out
[20:46] EddieBR in
[20:48] yoshi_TAS> ban v4nom
[20:48] yoshi_TAS> V4nom
[20:48] yoshi_TAS> faker
[20:48] Un_Defeatable out
[20:48] keintanz out
[20:48] Tecking in
[20:49] V4N0M> lol
[20:49] greenWarrior> is noob V4N0M
[20:49] V4N0M> y
[20:49] V4N0M> im noob
[20:49] yoshi_TAS> complain
[20:49] yoshi_TAS> and do nothing
[20:49] yoshi_TAS> xd
[20:49] aliverdi1023> gzs
[20:49] V4N0M> and you both 13 year old lel
[20:49] aliverdi1023> gys
[20:49] aliverdi1023> that is a game
[20:49] aliverdi1023> for fun
[20:49] V4N0M> greenwarrior and yoshi why dont ally you both leaving games
[20:50] V4N0M> would be good
[20:50] [rw]macca out
[20:50] yoshi_TAS> inca ban
[20:50] greenWarrior> why i
[20:50] yoshi_TAS> v4nom
[20:50] greenWarrior> inca
[20:50] V4N0M> ban me
[20:50] greenWarrior> banned
[20:50] V4N0M> banned
[20:50] greenWarrior> V4N0M faker
[20:50] V4N0M> losing every game
[20:50] V4N0M> banned
[20:50] yoshi_TAS> +1
[20:50] V4N0M> logic kids
[20:50] applebule5_TN in
[20:51] greenWarrior> banned inca
[20:51] yoshi_TAS in
[20:51] V4N0M> inca got abnned?
[20:51] V4N0M> lel eddoe
[20:51] V4N0M> look at eddy
[20:51] V4N0M> this is faker
[20:51] V4N0M> wildman to priest nearly fw
[20:51] yoshi_TAS> ye
[20:52] yoshi_TAS> =)
[20:52] EddieBR> no, man. stop crying
[20:52] [SW]Diablo in
[20:52] V4N0M> say it to yoshi and green wari
[20:52] EddieBR> i already told you what happened. do not cry because you lost mto me. its only a game
[20:52] V4N0M> have a threesome you guys
[20:53] V4N0M> lel
[20:53] V4N0M> cry
[20:53] V4N0M> just said the trough
[20:53] V4N0M> truth*
[20:53] EddieBR> vanom, join here. lets have fun
[20:53] EddieBR> and forget the problems. without alcohol this time
[20:53] V4N0M> i suck
[20:53] V4N0M> have to play with braves
[20:53] [rw]macca in
[20:54] EddieBR> one more for noob match here
[20:54] EddieBR> xD
[20:54] yoshi_TAS> eddie
[20:54] yoshi_TAS> 40 mu
[20:54] yoshi_TAS> shaman
[20:54] V4N0M> why "xD"?
[20:54] EddieBR> what?
[20:54] EddieBR> xD means happy
[20:54] yoshi_TAS> ye
[20:54] Obduction in
[20:55] V4N0M> pls apple
[20:55] V4N0M> i noob
[20:55] V4N0M> me new
[20:55] applebule5_TN> haha
[20:55] EddieBR> what means mu 40
[20:55] EddieBR> ?
[20:55] EddieBR> explain me what are these names
[20:55] yoshi_TAS> mumumummumu
[20:55] [SW]Diablo> cow
[20:55] V4N0M> idk im now
[20:55] [SW]Diablo> lol
[20:55] yoshi_TAS> ye
[20:55] V4N0M> new
[20:56] aliverdi1023 out
[20:57] yoshi_TAS out
[20:57] V4N0M> stop kidding me
[20:58] greenWarrior> banned
[20:58] EddieBR> vanom, i do not understand why you dont like me. just because im from argentina?
[20:58] EddieBR> are you racist?
[20:58] V4N0M> dont even know where u from
[20:58] V4N0M> since 2 sec ago
[20:58] greenWarrior> me loqueo
[20:58] EddieBR> im from buenos aires
[20:58] greenWarrior> deanle prohibicion
[20:58] yoshi_TAS out
[20:59] greenWarrior> im from malos aires
[20:59] EddieBR> jajajajaja
[20:59] EddieBR> north korea?
[20:59] V4N0M> lel
[21:00] greenWarrior> oest korea?
[21:00] V4N0M> africa?
[21:00] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[21:00] [Rw]Exotic out
[21:00] greenWarrior> ooo aaa
[21:00] greenWarrior> monkeys
[21:00] greenWarrior> in africa
[21:01] V4N0M> nazi
[21:01] Ghill in
[21:01] greenWarrior> nasa
[21:02] [SW]Diablo> :o
[21:02] greenWarrior> The black monkeys
[21:02] V4N0M> black monkey in nasa
[21:02] V4N0M> k
[21:02] greenWarrior> Black missionaries
[21:02] Siarczek in
[21:03] greenWarrior> in nasa
[21:03] V4N0M> warrior lost against wildman
[21:03] greenWarrior> where where where where????
[21:04] Siarczek out
[21:04] [SW]Diablo in
[21:04] keintanz in
[21:04] greenWarrior> The nasis
[21:04] greenWarrior> :D
[21:05] minder118 out
[21:05] [GoD]Genkidama in
[21:05] greenWarrior> EddieBR
[21:05] [SW]Diablo out
[21:06] EddieBR> ye
[21:06] EddieBR> thats me
[21:06] greenWarrior> monkeys
[21:06] EddieBR> ?
[21:06] greenWarrior> Have invaded your planet
[21:06] EddieBR> what do u mean?
[21:07] EddieBR> I hate FO
[21:07] greenWarrior> His rule will be an ape.
[21:07] V4N0M> nice pings
[21:07] Der_Steppenwolf out
[21:08] V4N0M> turn off porn pls
[21:08] EddieBR> one more he for gentlemans match
[21:08] V4N0M> what
[21:08] greenWarrior> Inca Banned is watching porn
[21:08] Disbiscuit out
[21:08] [SW]Diablo> huh.
[21:08] [SW]Diablo> no porn.
[21:09] [SW]Diablo> !
[21:09] Obduction out
[21:09] V4N0M> 99999 people online
[21:09] V4N0M> 3 in huts
[21:09] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[21:09] greenWarrior> diablo It's porn
[21:09] EddieBR> one gentleman more here
[21:09] greenWarrior> ban
[21:10] EddieBR> ladies also are welcome
[21:10] greenWarrior> V4N0M links porn for pm
[21:10] V4N0M> inca online 1 min a day
[21:10] V4N0M> i link nothing
[21:10] [GoD]Genkidama out
[21:10] V4N0M> hahah
[21:11] Ghill out
[21:11] [Rw]addiction in
[21:11] V4N0M> stoop
[21:11] V4N0M> greenWarrior> www.beeg.com
[21:11] V4N0M> greenWarrior> www.xvideos.com
[21:11] V4N0M> k
[21:12] greenWarrior> inca banned
[21:12] greenWarrior> links porn
[21:12] Meph> V4N0M posting porn
[21:12] Meph> pls ban
[21:12] Pandi out
[21:12] V4N0M> bann me
[21:12] greenWarrior> pls ban
[21:12] [SW]Diablo> ok ban
[21:12] V4N0M> not
[21:12] EddieBR> vanom do not get banned,
[21:12] EddieBR> i need to win against someone
[21:12] Lucky_Luke out
[21:12] greenWarrior> ok ban
[21:12] V4N0M> babo and other send chat full with porn and 18+ vids
[21:12] [SR]Apocapto in
[21:13] V4N0M> so if they dont get banned i wont
[21:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide> INCA
[21:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide> BAN VENOM
[21:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide> PORNS IN LOBBY
[21:13] [SW]Diablo> ban all
[21:13] Souyung in
[21:13] Souyung out
[21:13] [SR]Apocapto> Ban inca
[21:13] greenWarrior> ban benom
[21:13] [SR]Apocapto> Ban me
[21:13] [SR]Apocapto> Ban everyone
[21:14] [SW]Diablo> ban divinity for being so sexy
[21:14] [SW]Diablo> lol
[21:14] V4N0M> s
[21:14] greenWarrior> ban me
[21:14] V4N0M> d
[21:14] [GoD]I_might_suicide> heuhsuh
[21:14] [Rw]Exotic in
[21:14] [SR]Apocapto> ban Venom cause i like spiderman
[21:15] Meph> WOW
[21:15] Meph> someone give this guy an awarad! (any)
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> gosto muito de te ver, thiaguinho
[21:15] Meph> *award
[21:15] Meph> lol
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> caminhando sob o sol
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> gosto muit ode voce thiaguinho
[21:15] V4N0M> schnause
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> meu coracao tao so
[21:15] Meph> *schnauZe
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> basta eu encontrar voce no caminho
[21:15] V4N0M> ach was :D
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> /me loves thi
[21:16] V4N0M> aber wir wollens ja mal net übertreiben
[21:16] EddieBR out
[21:16] [GoD]I_might_suicide> away thi
[21:16] [SW]Diablo> lool
[21:16] [SW]Diablo> <3 pedro
[21:16] EddieBR in
[21:16] ZeKnifeO in
[21:17] [SW]Diablo> /me always pedro
[21:17] [SW]Diablo> :>>>.
[21:17] [SW]Diablo> /me loves divinity
[21:18] EddieBR> any wants a map
[21:18] EddieBR> votation:
[21:18] [SR]Apocapto> 4ways
[21:18] EddieBR> votation only does not work in venezuela
[21:18] EddieBR> ok
[21:18] V4N0M> why this ping
[21:18] skullcruncher out
[21:20] [Rw]addiction out
[21:20] Der_Steppenwolf in
[21:21] Der_Steppenwolf out
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ESTA DECLARACAO DE AMOR POR VOCE
[21:21] Der_Steppenwolf in
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> PRA VOCE
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ESPERO QUE GOSTE MEU AMOR
[21:21] ice-t_TSI in
[21:21] Der_Steppenwolf out
[21:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i love thi more than i love chocolate
[21:22] ZeKnifeO out
[21:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> AND IM FAT
[21:22] [SW]Diablo> lmao
[21:22] [SW]Diablo> omg
[21:22] [SW]Diablo> and i love you too :D
[21:22] [SW]Diablo> forever, my cyber
[21:23] [SW]Diablo> xD
[21:23] [GoD]I_might_suicide> /me <3
[21:23] [SW]Diablo> /me <3
[21:23] therapist out
[21:24] [Rw]addiction in
[21:25] Meph> weed ragequit ?
[21:25] [GoD]I_might_suicide> he even avoids losing
[21:25] shogun in
[21:25] [SW]Diablo> pedro, ja estas a estudar em universidade?
[21:26] Meph> your name is pedro ?
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> sim e voce
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> ffs spin
[21:26] [SW]Diablo> sim
[21:26] Tecking out
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ß
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[21:26] Tecking in
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> :D
[21:26] [SW]Diablo> oh damn
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> das war ne top leistung
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> bis zu den lights
[21:26] [SW]Diablo> i said your name
[21:26] [SW]Diablo> sorry.
[21:26] [SW]Diablo> ban me inca.
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> danke
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> 5 lights ins nix
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja sie hatten glück
[21:26] Meph> EXPOSED
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> ja
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> dude
[21:26] KosjaK_OP> PRIVET
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> deswegen verloren
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pedro is my mm name
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> schade
[21:26] Meph> spin digga
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ofc its not real
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> im miguel
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[21:26] Meph> was los ? wo bleibt die konfiguration des unterbewusstseins jedes game zu gewinnen ? :/
[21:26] [SW]WestSide> Miguel <3
[21:26] KosjaK_OP> meph
[21:26] KosjaK_OP> how does it feel to be #4
[21:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahahahahhahahahahahhaa
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLOOLLOLOLO
[21:27] Meph> :D
[21:27] [SW]Diablo> and spin is albert
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> keine synergie mit meinem ally
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> nix
[21:27] [SW]Diablo> im thiago
[21:27] Meph> hahaha
[21:27] [SW]Diablo> meph i dunno..
[21:27] Meph> hast weed geallied ?
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> wow
[21:27] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> 2 fws online
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> komm eph pp?
[21:27] [SW]Diablo> Mephisto maybe
[21:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> we've hit a new low
[21:27] [SW]Diablo> lmao
[21:27] Meph> kann leider nicht
[21:27] Der_Steppenwolf in
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> bella
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> u wrong
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> hab heute solche ärsche gesehn... koennte nur reinbeissen
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> theres 8 fws online
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist nicht normal
[21:27] Meph> LOL
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> hahahahah
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> war zugeil
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> blond, lange haare
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> apfel ärsche
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> beste
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> hellblaue jeans
[21:27] Meph> OMG
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> babo is fw
[21:27] Meph> BITTE NICHT
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> nici is fw
[21:28] Meph> NEEEEEIIINNN
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> so ein t shirt mit lederjacke bis zum bauchnabel
[21:28] Meph> AUS
[21:28] Meph> ärmel nach oben gekrempelt ?
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> eis in der hand (ich), geiles sommerwetter
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[21:28] [SW]Diablo> Kosjak is shaman
[21:28] Meph> hahaha
[21:28] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLL
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> true story thiago
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> typischhahahahahahahahahaha
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> im pro shaman
[21:28] [SW]Diablo> true shaman
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> none beat me
[21:28] Meph> feels good kosjak
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> i quit before they rape me
[21:28] Meph> can't complain :)
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> :D
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> UNBEATABLE
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> war in den letzten 3 tagen so im stress
[21:29] V4N0M> lol
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> dass ich ein kapiutel meines nlp buches
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> vergessen habe löol
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> zdarova
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> epta
[21:29] V4N0M> why all quit
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> musss aaaaaaaaaalles nach dem wichsen nochmal lesen
[21:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> obs komm
[21:29] EddieBR> why all quit?
[21:29] greenWarrior> Green was crazy
[21:29] EddieBR> quitters
[21:29] EddieBR> green was drunk
[21:29] V4N0M> :D
[21:29] Tecking out
[21:29] EddieBR> and under drugs efefct
[21:29] greenWarrior> I was making only towers
[21:29] [SR]Apocapto> I'mnot drunk
[21:30] [SR]Apocapto> I'm high as shit
[21:30] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[21:30] [SR]Apocapto> So different
[21:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[21:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> was ur fault
[21:30] [IC]Dalton822 out
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> ur not my son anymore
[21:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> ADDI COME PP
[21:30] EddieBR> Argentina rules
[21:30] V4N0M> was geht
[21:30] EddieBR> buenos aires no es malos aires
[21:30] V4N0M> ach man
[21:30] [SW]WestSide> lol
[21:30] [SW]WestSide> haha +
[21:30] V4N0M> immer wird man hier gehasst
[21:31] [SW]WestSide> da kommt er voll euphorisch in die hütte gestürmt
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> weisst du was ich hasse vanom
[21:31] [SW]WestSide> 'WAS GEHT? :>'
[21:31] ZeKnifeO out
[21:31] EddieBR> ich liebe dich
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> wenn ich vor mir geile äörsche habe. aber sie einfach nicht ficken kann
[21:31] [SW]WestSide> und wird rausgeworfen
[21:31] xtro out
[21:31] bobbylala out
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D JOKE JA
[21:31] EddieBR> ich haise EddieBR
[21:31] V4N0M> das hasse ich auch
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> ahhahahahahahaha
[21:31] V4N0M> i feel you
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil heute
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich schwitzte
[21:31] V4N0M> oder wenn man bei jmd joint sich denkt was geht
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> vor latte
[21:31] EddieBR> ausfahrt
[21:31] V4N0M> alle so raus hier
[21:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[21:32] V4N0M> 4ever alone
[21:32] V4N0M> high enemys
[21:32] EddieBR out
[21:32] V4N0M> quitting because playing with touchpad
[21:32] V4N0M> oder mit lenkrad
[21:32] V4N0M> er sagt eben er hat ne ameise an seiner maus
[21:32] [SW]Diablo> Ich liebe Pfannkuchen. :D
[21:32] Meph> CYKA CYKA
[21:33] V4N0M> und muss mit touchpad spielen
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLLL
[21:33] V4N0M> nach 5min 4 häuser
[21:33] Lucky_Luke in
[21:33] V4N0M> :DD
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> hab russisch prüfung am 19
[21:33] V4N0M> blyat
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> arschfick
[21:33] V4N0M> youre all babuschkas
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> russisch lehrerin
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> ich weiß schon
[21:33] KosjaK_OP> suqa
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> auf toilette
[21:33] V4N0M> die is safe babuschka
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne ne, frau jonas, info, nicht russisch
[21:33] V4N0M> du babuscka ficker
[21:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> russisch lehrerin habe ich noch nicht gefcikt nein
[21:33] KosjaK_OP> al heil spin
[21:33] KosjaK_OP> suqa
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> LLOOLLOLO
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> IncaWarrior: wheres my name change
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> hab meinen namen geaendert
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> SpinAkaDictator
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> wird einfach nicht akzeptiert
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> wozu
[21:34] ZeKnifeO in
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> Schwanzlutscher
[21:34] Leviathan_OP> in starbucks?
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> its not accepted
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> dunno whjy
[21:34] V4N0M> fickifix
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> shvarzneger?
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> LOL
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> schwanzlutscher, kosjak
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> hahahahahah
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> scwanzluscher
[21:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> schwanz*
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> japanese's grammar is easier to learn
[21:35] V4N0M> ihr wanzlutscher
[21:35] Kitstar_OP in
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> obs noch ein game??
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> i know only this
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> al heil
[21:35] Musi out
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> and
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> du fick
[21:35] V4N0M> muschi
[21:35] V4N0M> means
[21:35] V4N0M> cat
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4nVM4WXR4A
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> 0:28
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[21:35] aidan9211 in
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> and pretty much i know russian pashol nahuy words
[21:36] [SW]WestSide> BANANA
[21:36] V4N0M> hab ich schon gesehen :D
[21:36] [SW]WestSide> HAHAHAHAHAHHA
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil die stelle
[21:36] [GoD]I_might_suicide> BANANA BANANANANAN NAN NAN ANA
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> habt ihr juve gegen mon geschaut?
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> alves tor gesehen?
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> weed should try smoking banana tho
[21:36] V4N0M> richtiger affe
[21:36] [SW]WestSide> ja mois
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil fand ich seinen jubel dazu
[21:36] V4N0M> +1 host
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah ahb bis 19. frei
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> i tried smoking pineapple
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> it was so guud.
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> paar tage pop 24/7
[21:37] Shao_OP in
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> i met putin
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> he gave me dollars
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> i be rich
[21:37] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gSOMba1UdM&t=1s
[21:37] V4N0M> check dislikes
[21:37] V4N0M> german song
[21:37] V4N0M> youtuber
[21:37] V4N0M> thats how we handle youtuber in germany
[21:37] V4N0M> trying to sing
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah mein unterbweusstsein
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[21:38] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI7h0rddgno
[21:39] [AsG]ManL1 in
[21:39] KosjaK_OP> this shit is fucking gr8
[21:39] [SW]WestSide> hi manli
[21:39] Adena_OP in
[21:39] V4N0M> leel
[21:39] keintanz out
[21:39] V4N0M> SPY WHAT HAPPENED shut up
[21:39] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVj0ZTS4WF4
[21:39] [AsG]ManL1> hi babo
[21:39] [AsG]ManL1> <3
[21:40] Lucky_Luke out
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> manu hi
[21:40] V4N0M> brrrra dada
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> mein neuer name wird nicht akzeptiert
[21:40] [AsG]ManL1> hej <3
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> schwanzlutscher
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi
[21:40] [AsG]ManL1> schade
[21:40] KosjaK_OP> making noises with tongue
[21:40] V4N0M> does somebody want to be my friend over here in this hut?
[21:40] KosjaK_OP> gets 25m views
[21:41] V4N0M> nah k
[21:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ofc its russian
[21:41] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4
[21:41] V4N0M> best song ever
[21:42] V4N0M> 100mio views lmao
[21:42] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh7lp9umG2I&t=25205s
[21:42] [SW]WestSide> reached 7hours
[21:42] [SW]WestSide> git gud
[21:43] Shao_OP> Hentai
[21:43] [GoD]I_might_suicide> AAAAAND HE PRAYS
[21:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmao kenn ich
[21:43] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lol i had video of teamspeak ppl singing that shit
[21:43] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5tVbVu9Mkg
[21:43] [GoD]I_might_suicide> clown and nici
[21:44] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-sgw9bPV4A
[21:44] V4N0M> xd
[21:44] KosjaK_OP> i like to have fun funf ufn funfunfunfu
[21:44] KosjaK_OP> FUN
[21:44] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-2nByd2cr4
[21:45] V4N0M> that baby lmao
[21:45] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-2nByd2cr4
[21:45] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow same link
[21:45] V4N0M> stop sending my links
[21:45] V4N0M> xD
[21:45] greenWarrior> WHY QUIT
[21:45] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6EoRBvdVPQ&list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:45] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/q6EoRBvdVPQ?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:45] [SR]Apocapto> Dude
[21:45] V4N0M> lol
[21:45] V4N0M> same
[21:45] [SR]Apocapto> You wasn't even praying
[21:45] V4N0M> geilste playlist
[21:45] V4N0M> xD
[21:45] V4N0M> kenn ich
[21:46] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLLOLOOLOL
[21:46] [SW]WestSide> important videos
[21:46] [SW]WestSide> really important
[21:46] V4N0M> color red
[21:46] venetica out
[21:46] venetica in
[21:46] V4N0M> omg
[21:46] V4N0M> that fcking mall advertise sux
[21:46] V4N0M> LOL
[21:46] V4N0M> the woman lmfao
[21:47] V4N0M> i didnt even hear him
[21:47] V4N0M> no? he just sit there
[21:47] V4N0M> xD
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> auberginen
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit brot
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> und kaese
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> schmeckt lecker
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> magst nicht?=
[21:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> gebraten.
[21:47] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/KaeYczuhDqw?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:48] Meph> GEB-RATEN
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> auf brot gelegt
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> dann halt ne scheibe käse drauf
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> naja rest wiesst du
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> buch auf dem tisch liegend
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> musik
[21:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> handy aufm tisch
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> viele porn tabs, die seid wochen geöffnet sind
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit der hoffnung, dass eltern nicht sehen
[21:49] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/sz2mmM-kN1I?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> naja egal
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[21:49] V4N0M> hahahahah
[21:49] V4N0M> omg i love this playlist
[21:50] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzgavGowD_A&list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y&index=15
[21:50] [IC]Dalton822 in
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne babo
[21:50] T-Rod out
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> änder deinen namen zu etwas aggressives
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> Max
[21:50] V4N0M> hahahhaa
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> klingt doch ganz ok.
[21:50] [SW]WestSide> was max
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah max
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> im scared to 1v1u
[21:50] V4N0M> OH FORTUNA
[21:50] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib2Vl7JEjfc
[21:50] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLLLL
[21:50] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/5lL5xRKquPQ?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh god im not playing Max, senseles game
[21:51] [SW]WestSide> haahahahahha
[21:51] V4N0M> hahahaha
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich gehe daweile
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> mw2 spielen
[21:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> whatsapp mich babo
[21:51] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/PaFnO5LKTSs?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:51] Bear out
[21:51] [SW]WestSide> k
[21:51] applebule5_TN out
[21:52] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/rtChPB6NjJY?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:52] V4N0M> XD
[21:52] V4N0M> thank you jesus for the playlist
[21:53] T-Rod in
[21:53] [IC]Dalton822 out
[21:53] KosjaK_OP> This time i can feel you
[21:53] KosjaK_OP> omg
[21:53] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[21:53] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/7rQhBlTkvt4?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:53] KosjaK_OP> u know Sr Pelo?
[21:54] KosjaK_OP> his vids are freaking OSUM
[21:54] KosjaK_OP> specially his screams
[21:54] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcNtRFKwMvs
[21:54] V4N0M> babo spin
[21:54] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/a4uFJMNSthE?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:54] V4N0M> für euch
[21:54] KosjaK_OP> COCAINE IS BAD
[21:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> HEROIN IS GOOD
[21:55] shogun> so is marihuana
[21:55] T-Rod> cold beer is best
[21:55] shogun> pussy better
[21:55] T-Rod> umm
[21:56] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/NO7N_zRRPo8?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:56] shogun> gg trod
[21:56] KosjaK_OP> bear + balalayka + vodka
[21:56] T-Rod> warm pussy is gud tho
[21:56] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/xMoDvZJE19E?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[21:56] KosjaK_OP> and putin
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[21:57] V4N0M> shogun join
[21:57] [Rw]addiction out
[21:58] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzAiCWBvP-A
[21:58] Adena_OP out
[21:58] Queen_of_Spades in
[21:58] V4N0M> https://youtu.be/Qf0kC-MJZrU?list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y
[22:00] Shao_OP> hentai
[22:01] shogun> stfu shao
[22:01] V4N0M> tentacle
[22:01] Shao_OP> you're just sore because you got rejected :>
[22:01] shogun> ?
[22:01] shogun> oh
[22:01] shogun> rofl
[22:01] Queen_of_Spades> he hentai
[22:01] shogun> ye true :>
[22:01] V4N0M> +1
[22:01] V4N0M> ++1
[22:02] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzucpFgi7Xk&list=PL7XlqX4npddfrdpMCxBnNZXg2GFll7t5y&index=59
[22:02] [SW]WestSide> GOATS
[22:03] V4N0M> xD
[22:03] V4N0M> kenn ich auch
[22:03] [SW]WestSide> could watch that all day ngl
[22:03] V4N0M> so sieht mein leben aus
[22:03] V4N0M> +22222222222222222
[22:04] shogun> spin why do u like fs spam worlds that much
[22:04] shogun> they're for long games filled of fs spam damn nabs
[22:05] Queen_of_Spades> no ping venon
[22:05] Queen_of_Spades> venom*
[22:05] V4N0M> 4ever alone
[22:05] V4N0M> xd
[22:05] Queen_of_Spades> i am yes
[22:05] V4N0M> so many people in huts
[22:06] Queen_of_Spades> now ure not anymore :>
[22:06] V4N0M> nobody joins
[22:06] V4N0M> everbody own hut lol
[22:06] Queen_of_Spades> +3 pp
[22:06] V4N0M> queen join
[22:06] skaarj_guardian out
[22:06] Queen_of_Spades> no sorry
[22:06] Der_Steppenwolf> :(
[22:06] V4N0M> +3 pp
[22:07] V4N0M> Pressure Point (won 88%)
[22:08] greenWarrior> lol
[22:08] greenWarrior> gg
[22:08] greenWarrior> ni hacer trampa pudes
[22:08] [SR]Apocapto> Lol
[22:08] [SR]Apocapto> Jajajajajaja
[22:08] greenWarrior> ni lageando sabes ganar
[22:08] [SR]Apocapto> Habla el que despauso cuando salia l baño
[22:08] [SR]Apocapto> Para meterse
[22:08] [SR]Apocapto> Jajajajaja
[22:09] [SR]Apocapto> No tengo esa necesidad, bro.
[22:09] greenWarrior> a cada rato ponias pause
[22:09] shogun> "despauso"
[22:09] shogun> me cago en la puta. xd
[22:09] greenWarrior> me cago tambien
[22:09] greenWarrior> hahha
[22:09] aidan9211 out
[22:10] V4N0M> +2
[22:11] V4N0M> all afk
[22:12] greenWarrior> afk
[22:13] Nut_Cracker in
[22:13] Meph out
[22:14] [SW]WestSide> owned
[22:14] Nut_Cracker> babo
[22:14] [SW]WestSide> jonny man
[22:14] [SW]WestSide> your host is shit for eu players
[22:14] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[22:14] Nut_Cracker> i found a vid of moores murder
[22:15] Nut_Cracker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKtxHTcnho
[22:15] [SW]WestSide> BRAZZERS?
[22:15] [SW]WestSide> wtf i dont even understand him
[22:15] Nut_Cracker> lol i do
[22:16] Hasta_Cuando in
[22:16] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[22:16] fireman323> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/beer-consumption-per-capita-countries/
[22:16] [SW]WestSide> inca or sub
[22:16] [SW]WestSide> check name changes ffs
[22:16] fireman323> Romania is number 10 bitches
[22:16] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:17] [SW]WestSide> germany is #4
[22:17] [SW]WestSide> lel
[22:17] V4N0M> wo
[22:17] [AsG]ManL1> impressive
[22:17] [AsG]ManL1> :>
[22:17] [SW]WestSide> yes im working hard for that statistic
[22:17] [SW]WestSide> np my german friends
[22:18] [AsG]ManL1> thank you
[22:18] [AsG]ManL1> thank you so much
[22:18] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[22:19] steel out
[22:19] icepeople in
[22:19] icepeople out
[22:20] keintanz in
[22:21] T-Rod out
[22:22] V4N0M> im off
[22:22] olipago in
[22:22] V4N0M> nobody joins xd
[22:22] Strongest18 in
[22:22] V4N0M> greenwarrior?
[22:22] keintanz out
[22:22] V4N0M> now all joim
[22:22] V4N0M> wow
[22:22] V4N0M out
[22:23] olipago out
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> vannina horbas heisst die dame
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> die ich gerade eben angeschrieben habe
[22:25] ZeKnifeO out
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> um nach dd zu kommen und mit mir einen kaffee zu trinken
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich meine
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo wtf wieso bist du afk
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> und nachtisch schoen sahne
[22:26] Death in
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> wenn ihr verdammte scheisse wisst was ich meine alta
[22:27] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> div
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> need new memes
[22:27] ZeKnifeO in
[22:29] [Rw]Exotic out
[22:30] greenWarrior out
[22:32] minder118 in
[22:32] minder118 out
[22:33] Haru out
[22:35] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:41] Strongest18 out
[22:41] Strongest18 in
[22:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> NICI COCK
[22:42] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nici rooster
[22:42] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nici chicken
[22:42] Queen_of_Spades> /me hits you with a hammer
[22:42] Queen_of_Spades> sorry i had a feel to hit the next person chatting here
[22:42] Queen_of_Spades> and u were
[22:42] Queen_of_Spades> bye
[22:43] Autopederastia_OP> fuck
[22:43] Autopederastia_OP> you
[22:43] Autopederastia_OP> i might suside
[22:44] italian120 in
[22:44] KosjaK_OP> i might seaside
[22:45] KosjaK_OP out
[22:47] ice-t_TSI> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cjbSgy3vSw
[22:49] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[22:49] Mrmagg08_OP in
[22:50] Haru in
[22:51] shogun> gg wp
[22:52] shogun out
[22:53] Mrmagg08_OP out
[22:53] Mrmagg08_OP in
[22:54] Leviathan_OP out
[22:58] [SW]Diablo out
[23:00] Luke_OP out
[23:02] Death out
[23:03] Kitstar_OP> who wants a blast wars?
[23:03] Kitstar_OP> no one?
[23:03] Autopederastia_OP> me
[23:03] Queen_of_Spades> me
[23:06] keintanz in
[23:10] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[23:10] fireman323 out
[23:11] Hasta_Cuando out
[23:12] Nut_Cracker out
[23:13] Queen_of_Spades> gg
[23:13] [SR]Apocapto> gg
[23:13] Autopederastia_OP> gg
[23:13] Kitstar_OP> xD
[23:13] Queen_of_Spades> again
[23:13] Queen_of_Spades> É
[23:13] Queen_of_Spades> ?
[23:13] [SR]Apocapto> yeah
[23:15] Mrmagg08_OP out
[23:18] keintanz out
[23:18] Strongest18 out
[23:19] italian120 out
[23:20] Queen_of_Spades> 7
[23:21] Queen_of_Spades> too,,
[23:21] Autopederastia_OP> yellow is shit
[23:21] Queen_of_Spades> :,o
[23:21] [SR]Apocapto> 9
[23:21] Autopederastia_OP> has the least mana
[23:21] [SR]Apocapto> I feel pro
[23:21] Kitstar_OP> play lights?
[23:21] Queen_of_Spades> idm :o
[23:21] Queen_of_Spades> but ukicked me
[23:21] Kitstar_OP out
[23:21] Kitstar_OP in
[23:22] Autopederastia_OP> team light wars?
[23:22] Autopederastia_OP> ava?
[23:22] Autopederastia_OP> if u want stormcloud just find someone else
[23:22] Autopederastia_OP> cos i cba with such a shit map
[23:23] [SR]Apocapto> sec
[23:23] Autopederastia_OP> wow penetica
[23:23] Autopederastia_OP> always restricting huts
[23:23] Autopederastia_OP> makes no sense as priest to shaman is 2 grades
[23:24] Kitstar_OP out
[23:24] Autopederastia_OP> and priest to wildman is 4
[23:24] kurwa out
[23:24] Autopederastia_OP> so u should restrict to wildmen and brave
[23:24] Autopederastia_OP> thats how much of a dumb bitch you are
[23:24] zipol99> wardrums ??
[23:24] Autopederastia_OP> ;)
[23:24] Kitstar_OP in
[23:25] Kitstar_OP> need to go guys
[23:25] Kitstar_OP> cya
[23:25] Autopederastia_OP> :/
[23:25] Autopederastia_OP> see ya
[23:25] Kitstar_OP out
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> bye
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> oh....
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> why i always miss the boat..
[23:25] [SR]Apocapto> Hahahaha
[23:25] Autopederastia_OP> cuz u take the plane
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> i was traveling somewhere else eh..
[23:25] [GoD]I_might_suicide> balloon?
[23:25] [GoD]I_might_suicide> LMFAO POP JOKE K IM OUT
[23:25] Autopederastia_OP> ye better log out
[23:26] Autopederastia_OP> after that joke doubt i'll ever talk to u again
[23:26] Autopederastia_OP> mfao
[23:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> /me out
[23:26] Autopederastia_OP> someone else host
[23:26] Autopederastia_OP> zipol go down to wardrums
[23:26] Autopederastia_OP> he lookin fer match
[23:26] wardrums> ok
[23:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> im blocking wardrums soon
[23:26] Queen_of_Spades> in fact u only give bad ping to zipol
[23:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> always pming to join
[23:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> when hes spy-
[23:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i dont play with such high ranks ffs
[23:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> at least brav
[23:27] Autopederastia_OP> BYE QUEEN
[23:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so we match in skill
[23:27] Queen_of_Spades> yeah bye
[23:27] Haru> not bye queen dfsgds
[23:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> omelete au fromage
[23:27] Queen_of_Spades> the queen need a better chair
[23:27] Haru> lash her wig mamma
[23:27] Autopederastia_OP> :>
[23:27] Queen_of_Spades> ;)
[23:28] Queen_of_Spades> ALREADY 28 PPLS
[23:28] itu in
[23:29] BonD in
[23:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> and now 30
[23:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> but 29 cuz im dead inside
[23:31] itu out
[23:34] Autopederastia_OP> i prefer not to play
[23:34] wardrums> lol
[23:34] Autopederastia_OP> than to play like this
[23:34] Autopederastia_OP> its better to just surf on facebook
[23:35] Autopederastia_OP> even tho its shitty
[23:35] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[23:35] [SR]Apocapto> Nici, he's new
[23:35] Autopederastia_OP> yea and the map is beyond bad
[23:35] [SR]Apocapto> Dude, u have to understand
[23:35] [SR]Apocapto> Give them a chance
[23:35] wardrums> its our job to give new guys more game so the become not new guys
[23:35] Autopederastia_OP> i thought i was allying him
[23:35] Autopederastia_OP> that would be ok
[23:37] wardrums> sory i thought it was
[23:37] [SR]Apocapto> Dw
[23:37] wardrums> 2v1?
[23:37] [SR]Apocapto> See, i'm noob, but i can help u, zipol
[23:37] [SR]Apocapto> Let's teach him
[23:37] [SR]Apocapto> Go jugger
[23:37] [SR]Apocapto> He's te jugger
[23:37] wardrums> what map pac?
[23:38] [SR]Apocapto> Team nashua
[23:39] wardrums> were training new player
[23:42] Autopederastia_OP in
[23:42] Autopederastia_OP out
[23:44] Autopederastia_OP out
[23:46] darthvadr in
[23:47] Autopederastia_OP in
[23:47] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[23:48] darthvadr out
[23:49] [AsG]ManL1 out
[23:49] Queen_of_Spades> venetica
[23:49] Queen_of_Spades> mowgli
[23:50] Queen_of_Spades> join?
[23:50] Haru> Ukraine's Eurovision song... girl
[23:51] Haru> a flop
[23:51] Autopederastia_OP> the portuguese one > all
[23:51] Autopederastia_OP> :D:D:D
[23:51] Autopederastia_OP> you seen him?
[23:52] steel in
[23:53] Haru> it's cute
[23:54] Haru> very sweet
[23:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> omg so cute
[23:54] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[23:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> this cork oak trees saviour
[23:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> salvador sobral :)
[23:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> dinner time
[23:56] [GoD]I_might_suicide> better have dinner before its tomorrow
[23:56] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i have 4 minutes
[23:56] Haru> Queen of Spades locking her doors to Warrioirs
[23:56] Haru> :o
[23:56] Autopederastia_OP out
[23:58] Haru> Sweden's song is a b0p
[00:06] wardrums out
[00:06] wardrums in
[00:06] [SR]Apocapto> sec
[00:07] wardrums> dark win duck was from the early 90s
[00:07] wardrums> dark wing
[00:07] Haru out
[00:07] wardrums> it was a spin off of duck tales
[00:08] wardrums> remember duck tales... woo.....oop
[00:11] wardrums> wtf
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto> what happened?
[00:12] zipol99> is my lap?? or my Internet?
[00:12] zipol99> my ping is 883
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto> damn
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto> ddue
[00:12] wardrums> i think a certain group of players have keys to the glitch free server. and when there not here... lag
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto> brb in 10 minutes
[00:12] [SR]Apocapto out
[00:16] BonD in
[00:16] BonD out
[00:18] Queen_of_Spades out
[00:18] [SR]Apocapto in
[00:19] [IC]p4p3rs0und in
[23:25] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[23:25] Shao_OP> Hentai
[23:26] tripleb in
[23:27] tripleb out
[23:28] Mrmagg08_OP in
[23:28] Mrmagg08_OP out
[23:30] [IC]p4p3rs0und out
[23:46] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[23:46] Hasta_Cuando in
[23:50] ice-t_TSI out
[23:51] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[23:55] [SW]WestSide out
[23:58] Hasta_Cuando> map 1
[23:58] [rw]macca out
[23:58] [SR]Apocapto out
[00:07] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[00:10] zipol99 out
[00:15] Almafuerte in
[00:16] Almafuerte out
[00:18] Der_Steppenwolf> gg
[00:18] venetica> gg
[00:19] BonD> gg
[00:20] Rouskof in
[00:20] Der_Steppenwolf out
[00:20] venetica out
[00:20] Rouskof out
[00:21] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[00:23] Adena_OP in
[00:28] [SW]Diablo in
[00:32] Hasta_Cuando in
[00:33] Hasta_Cuando out
[00:36] Adena_OP in
[00:38] Adena_OP out
[00:40] Adena_OP out
[00:40] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[00:41] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[00:46] Shao_OP out
[00:47] Cauezin in
[00:48] Cauezin out
[00:50] BonD out
[01:05] Dough_nut in
[01:16] wardrums out
[01:17] wardrums in
[01:19] steel out
[01:21] Matak_4 in
[01:28] Dough_nut> lolol
[01:30] Dough_nut> IOnca
[01:30] Dough_nut> *Inca
[01:30] Dough_nut> Hasta is hacking games he hosts
[01:31] Dough_nut> Every time he hosts the game gets sped up to about twice as fast
[01:44] Matak_4 out
[01:50] [SW]Matt_Rake> hasta alias a wardru¡?
[01:50] [SW]Matt_Rake> o esperas a quealguien entre
[01:50] Hasta_Cuando> espero qu alguien entre
[01:53] Hasta_Cuando> dough
[01:53] Hasta_Cuando> 1v1
[01:53] Hasta_Cuando> as you promis
[01:55] Hasta_Cuando> SCAARREEEEEEEEEDDD°!!!!!!
[01:56] Dough_nut> Hasta
[01:56] Dough_nut> you are a hacker
[01:56] Dough_nut> plain and simple
[01:56] Dough_nut> stop disgracing the mm
[01:56] Nut_Cracker in
[01:56] Dough_nut> Hey Jonny
[01:59] Dough_nut> Hasta
[01:59] Dough_nut> you will be banned
[01:59] Hasta_Cuando> nice
[01:59] Dough_nut> I won't be able to get points from you
[01:59] Dough_nut> if you're banned
[02:00] Hasta_Cuando> have so much time playing pop
[02:00] Hasta_Cuando> sounds great my ban
[02:00] wardrums> why would anyone be banned?
[02:00] Dough_nut> might as well leave right now then
[02:00] Hasta_Cuando> ok
[02:00] wardrums> we need more players
[02:00] Dough_nut> wardrums did you not notice anything strange about your last game?
[02:00] Hasta_Cuando> ban me ban me
[02:00] wardrums> there was no lag for once
[02:00] Hasta_Cuando> you jonny and matt are angry cuz i fucked you
[02:00] Dough_nut> but it was sped up
[02:01] wardrums> and hasta is a bad ass
[02:01] Dough_nut> I recorded it
[02:01] Hasta_Cuando> and you are lying
[02:01] Dough_nut> I am not
[02:01] Dough_nut> it's on stream
[02:01] wardrums> it was fast
[02:01] Dough_nut> yea wardrums is right
[02:01] Dough_nut> it's not supposed to be fast
[02:01] Dough_nut> he speeds up the games he plays
[02:01] wardrums> i ansewerd a text for 5 secods at the start and it was over...
[02:01] Hasta_Cuando> ahahahahah
[02:02] wardrums> he already took the whole map
[02:02] Dough_nut> lol wardrums the game speed is altered
[02:02] wardrums> how?
[02:02] Hasta_Cuando> wardrums come to test again
[02:03] Dough_nut> it was sped up again
[02:03] Dough_nut> even cor is faster
[02:03] Hasta_Cuando> laggd out
[02:03] wardrums> it was even faster that time
[02:03] Dough_nut> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141952180
[02:03] Dough_nut> the proof is here
[02:03] wardrums> how do you record a game?
[02:03] Dough_nut> look how fast his braves are running wardrums
[02:03] Dough_nut> and how fast his converts are
[02:04] wardrums> are my braves slowere?
[02:04] wardrums> slower
[02:04] Hasta_Cuando> its called high framerate
[02:04] Adena_OP in
[02:04] wardrums> can a person realy get band/
[02:04] wardrums> ?
[02:04] Dough_nut> lol people who hack the game get banned
[02:05] Hasta_Cuando> and you have lag
[02:05] Dough_nut> people used to use mana hacks back in the day
[02:05] Hasta_Cuando> so you cant prove nothing
[02:05] wardrums> is it a hacker trick or is it just a setting?
[02:05] Hasta_Cuando> you are lying
[02:05] Dough_nut> you are not supposed to be able to speed up the game
[02:05] Dough_nut> I am not lying hasta you even admitted it in our 1v1
[02:05] Dough_nut> that the game was sped up
[02:05] wardrums> I have played even stranger games in the past
[02:05] Hasta_Cuando> did i admit what?
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> i didnt admit you anything
[02:06] Dough_nut> that you knew the game was sped up
[02:06] wardrums> where i thought the game was tottaly rigged
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> fucking liar
[02:06] Dough_nut> you're doing it hasta, it's obvious
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> i fucked you and you are mad for that
[02:06] Dough_nut> you're rigging the game
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> im better here
[02:06] Dough_nut> nope, I'm mad that you are hacking the game to gain an unfair advantage
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> host you
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> 1v1
[02:06] wardrums> how do you record a game that your not even playing?
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando> and i will prove how my hacks works
[02:07] Dough_nut> you can spectate wardrums
[02:07] Mrmagg08_OP in
[02:07] wardrums> how do i spectate ?
[02:07] Hasta_Cuando> dough
[02:07] Hasta_Cuando> be consequenc
[02:07] Dough_nut> when they are still in the menu
[02:07] Hasta_Cuando> host a gam
[02:07] Hasta_Cuando> to pwn you asshol
[02:07] Dough_nut> you can right click their name and select "spectate"
[02:07] wardrums> cool
[02:08] wardrums> i thought they had to be streeming
[02:08] Dough_nut> nope
[02:08] wardrums> i guess thats just if its 4 players
[02:08] Dough_nut> you can even see what spells they are casting
[02:08] Dough_nut> you can spectate any game wardrums
[02:08] wardrums> you cant spectate a 4 player game can you?
[02:09] Hasta_Cuando> dough keep talking
[02:09] Hasta_Cuando> come on 1v1
[02:09] Hasta_Cuando> pussy
[02:09] wardrums> there are so many layers to this game. why isnt it more popular?
[02:09] Nut_Cracker> hasta
[02:09] Nut_Cracker> dough nut owns u
[02:09] Dough_nut> because it is old, wardrums
[02:09] Dough_nut> and the rts genre is not popular anymore
[02:10] wardrums> there are a few differant inner circles that i am deffinatly not a part of...
[02:10] Dough_nut> it is dominated by starcraft mainly
[02:10] [SW]Matt_Rake> join
[02:10] Nut_Cracker> this guy hasta still says im angry cuz he fucked me
[02:10] Nut_Cracker> but still weve never even been in game together
[02:10] wardrums> what is the real deal about getting a game when i feel like it?
[02:10] Nut_Cracker> except the time i owned him
[02:10] Dough_nut> yea Jonny he just wants to get on people's nerves
[02:10] Kitstar_OP in
[02:10] Dough_nut> because he has low self esteem
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> lol literally only game we played i raped him
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> was funny
[02:11] Dough_nut> the guy needs pop to feel good about himself
[02:11] Dough_nut> and it's even worse that he hacks his games instead of using skill
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> johan
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> how u like my driving skills
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> lolololololololololol
[02:11] Dough_nut> looooool
[02:11] Kitstar_OP out
[02:11] Dough_nut> 2/10
[02:11] Dough_nut> would blow up again
[02:11] Nut_Cracker> man i laughed for 10 mins
[02:11] Dough_nut> hahaha
[02:12] Dough_nut> even after you left
[02:12] Nut_Cracker> we only blew up cuz matt already flipped that truck so many times lol
[02:12] Dough_nut> matt and I were still talking about that shit
[02:12] Dough_nut> we should play again
[02:12] Nut_Cracker> but the fact i survived made it so hilarious
[02:12] Dough_nut> on the weekend when we're all on
[02:12] Nut_Cracker> yea for sure
[02:12] wardrums> I tryed reaching out on face book to find other players but no luck?
[02:12] Dough_nut> wardrums the whole community is here
[02:13] wardrums> i just recently found the players list but there is no contact info
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> johan and jonny
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> come pussies
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> hasta 1v1?
[02:13] Dough_nut> ^^
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> first i have a pending match with johan
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> no thats ok
[02:13] Dough_nut> no yo udon't
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> ill rape u first
[02:13] Dough_nut> I canceled it
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> then johan can
[02:13] wardrums> sometimes there are no players to start a game with
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> knfai
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> lmfao
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> come johan
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> launch
[02:13] Dough_nut> he's running
[02:13] Nut_Cracker> he left hut
[02:13] Dough_nut> lolol
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> lolololo
[02:13] Hasta_Cuando> SSSCCAATRRREEEDD!!!!!
[02:14] Dough_nut> hasta
[02:14] Hasta_Cuando> pussyyyy!!!!
[02:14] Dough_nut> you want to ally wardrums?
[02:14] wardrums> do some of you know each other in person?
[02:14] Hasta_Cuando> no i want to play 1v1 vs you
[02:14] Dough_nut> you were just complaining
[02:14] wardrums> thats cool
[02:14] Dough_nut> then gtfo my hut
[02:14] Dough_nut> not really wardrums
[02:14] Dough_nut> I only know one person here irl and that's my cousin
[02:14] Dough_nut> because I told him about this game
[02:14] Dough_nut> but he does not play much
[02:15] Hasta_Cuando> your cousin sucks more than you
[02:15] wardrums> what was your name 2 years ago?
[02:15] Hasta_Cuando> i fucked him like i do with you
[02:15] Dough_nut> that's messed up
[02:15] Dough_nut> go 1v1 jonny
[02:15] wardrums> thats gay
[02:15] Dough_nut> he's been waiting for a few days
[02:16] Dough_nut> he was in line b4 me actually
[02:16] wardrums> who is jonny?
[02:16] wardrums> i dont see a jonny?
[02:16] Dough_nut> Nut_Cracker
[02:17] wardrums> i wish Inca could send some spam to all the past players inviting them back.
[02:17] Dough_nut> haha, it would be nice to see people coming back
[02:17] wardrums> i would even throw some monney down on advertising to real in more noobs. i love this game.
[02:17] Hasta_Cuando> it would be nice see if you have balls to a match
[02:18] Hasta_Cuando> pussy asshole
[02:18] wardrums> i wonder if anyone still profits from this game some how?
[02:19] Dough_nut> don't think so wardrums
[02:20] Dough_nut> So Hasta, will you 1v1 Nut_Cracker?
[02:20] [SW]Matt_Rake> adena you can ally hasta_cuando
[02:20] Dough_nut> Hasta
[02:20] Dough_nut> come 1v1
[02:21] Dough_nut> I'mr eady
[02:21] Dough_nut> to own you
[02:21] Hasta_Cuando> fuck you
[02:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide out
[02:23] Nut_Cracker> he too scared of us both johan
[02:28] Nut_Cracker out
[02:32] Adena_OP out
[02:38] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[02:38] Mrmagg08_OP out
[02:39] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[02:39] [IC]Dalton822 in
[02:42] [SW]Diablo out
[02:43] Adena_OP in
[02:46] [IC]Dalton822 out
[02:51] [TSI]lipsmega in
[02:59] kurwa in
[03:02] Dough_nut> kurwa in
[03:02] Dough_nut> lmaoooo
[03:05] kurwa out
[03:05] Hasta_Cuando out
[03:15] [SW]Matt_Rake> gg
[03:15] [SW]Matt_Rake> xDD
[03:15] wardrums out
[03:16] morta> GG what is it?
[03:16] [SR]Apocapto in
[03:16] Adena_OP out
[03:18] [SW]Matt_Rake> good game
[03:18] [SW]Matt_Rake> xD
[03:20] Left_nut in
[03:21] Dough_nut> +1
[03:21] Dough_nut> sec
[03:23] [SR]Apocapto out
[03:28] ISlanD in
[03:28] ISlanD> pro
[03:28] Dough_nut> fake?
[03:28] ISlanD> no
[03:30] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[03:33] Almafuerte in
[03:33] Almafuerte out
[03:39] Little_Guy1 in
[03:40] Little_Guy1 out
[03:41] elementor5 in
[03:42] elementor5 out
[03:42] Little_Guy1 in
[03:43] [SR]Apocapto in
[03:46] Little_Guy1 out
[03:47] Adena_OP in
[03:47] Left_nut in
[03:49] morta out
[03:52] Left_nut out
[03:59] Dough_nut> gg
[03:59] [TSI]lipsmega out
[04:00] ISlanD> lel pro
[04:00] Dough_nut> i went easy on you island :p
[04:00] ISlanD> :v x
[04:00] ISlanD> xD
[04:00] Dough_nut> i'm talking to some other ppl right now and just have concentrating
[04:00] Dough_nut> *half
[04:00] ISlanD> wtf
[04:00] ISlanD> volcano fail xD
[04:00] Dough_nut> yea that was dumb
[04:00] ISlanD> restart game?
[04:00] Dough_nut> naw its okay
[04:01] Dough_nut> im having a conversation with someone
[04:02] ISlanD> ok
[04:02] ISlanD> dough
[04:02] diegosqo in
[04:02] Dough_nut> yea sorry I find it hard to pay attention to someone talking to me and playing pop at the same time
[04:02] ISlanD> Do you think I'm noob or pro?
[04:02] Dough_nut> you're warrior rank
[04:03] Dough_nut> you need to fill your towers faster for sure
[04:03] Dough_nut> over half your towers were empty the whole game
[04:04] ISlanD> I am not very attentive to the towers I worry more that they attack me or my shaman: D thanks for the advice I will take into account
[04:06] ISlanD> no
[04:06] ISlanD> ffa
[04:06] ISlanD> ok
[04:06] [SR]Apocapto> no
[04:06] ISlanD> left_nut
[04:06] [SR]Apocapto> I'm waiting for kikyo
[04:07] ISlanD> Hey, would you give me clan pro ?? They liked me Dough_nut
[04:08] Dough_nut> Hm?
[04:08] ISlanD> yes?
[04:08] ISlanD> ven
[04:08] ISlanD> diego
[04:08] Dough_nut> Which clan?
[04:09] ISlanD> Your name is called nut
[04:11] Dough_nut> oh the nut clan
[04:11] Dough_nut> ask left_nut
[04:11] Dough_nut> it's not a real clan
[04:11] Dough_nut> we just have nut in our name
[04:12] [SR]Apocapto> Let me see
[04:12] ISlanD> ok
[04:12] ISlanD> start?
[04:12] [SR]Apocapto> Dude
[04:12] [SR]Apocapto> Make me watcher
[04:12] ISlanD> :b
[04:12] [SR]Apocapto> Click on the square next to the eye
[04:15] ISlanD> ya :v
[04:16] Kitstar_OP in
[04:28] Kitstar_OP in
[04:32] Kitstar_OP out
[04:34] [SW]Diablo in
[04:34] [SW]Diablo out
[04:38] [SR]Apocapto out
[04:38] [SR]Apocapto in
[04:41] ISlanD out
[04:42] Left_nut out
[04:49] Left_nut in
[04:59] Adena_OP out
[05:02] luki1984x in
[05:02] luki1984x out
[05:11] Left_nut out
[05:13] wallyeklund in
[05:13] wallyeklund out
[05:14] BonD in
[05:15] BonD out
[05:30] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[05:34] [SW]Bianca in
[05:41] Left_nut in
[05:44] diegosqo> jajaja yo tampoco
[05:45] [Tsi]ThePrime> interesting map
[05:46] Kitstar_OP out
[05:46] Left_nut out
[05:48] [SW]Bianca> wow i never crashed so early in game
[05:48] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[05:49] [SR]Apocapto> that's the power of Diego
[05:49] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[05:49] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol i didnt know tat
[05:49] [SW]Bianca> haha
[05:49] [SR]Apocapto> We won, dude
[05:49] [SR]Apocapto> Change the map
[05:52] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[05:57] Ragheb003 in
[05:58] Ragheb003 out
[06:01] [Tsi]ThePrime> wew never new maps
[06:01] [SR]Apocapto> Hahahahahaha
[06:01] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:01] Flobyyy in
[06:04] Flobyyy out
[06:14] MrMoohammad26 out
[06:17] [SW]Diablo in
[06:19] [SW]Bianca> wow guys you survived long
[06:19] [Tsi]ThePrime> now
[06:19] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:19] diegosqo> xd
[06:19] [Tsi]ThePrime> cause i didnt use warrs lol
[06:19] [SW]Bianca> haha
[06:19] diegosqo> 2 vs 1
[06:19] diegosqo> ¿?
[06:19] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[06:19] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol arent u ashamed to say 2v1 lolz
[06:20] [Tsi]ThePrime> bianca come ally me
[06:20] [SR]Apocapto> NOO
[06:20] [SR]Apocapto> Hahaha
[06:20] [SR]Apocapto> 2v2?
[06:20] [SR]Apocapto> Dude
[06:20] [SR]Apocapto> Really?
[06:20] [SW]Bianca> wtf
[06:20] [SW]Bianca> Prime thats unfair
[06:20] [Tsi]ThePrime> what do u want then?
[06:20] [Tsi]ThePrime> he is ur frnd rite?
[06:20] [Tsi]ThePrime> ok u be jugger bianca?
[06:20] [SW]Bianca> omfg
[06:20] [SW]Bianca> but ok i can try
[06:20] [Tsi]ThePrime> o
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> lol gg
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> that was quick
[06:26] diegosqo> XDD
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> 3 min?
[06:26] diegosqo> no si
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> lmao
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> actually
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> not happy today
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> it wld hav been ez for u bianca
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> cause it was 2v1
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> in a 3v1 map
[06:26] [SR]Apocapto> Dude
[06:26] [Tsi]ThePrime> nvm join
[06:26] [SW]Bianca> Prime
[06:26] [SR]Apocapto> Diego killed u
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> With the angel
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> hahahaha
[06:27] [SW]Bianca> haha
[06:27] [SW]Bianca> yes
[06:27] diegosqo> xD
[06:27] [Tsi]ThePrime> huh
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> anyway
[06:27] [Tsi]ThePrime> coem i hav one more map
[06:27] [Tsi]ThePrime> bianca loves it lol
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> Come, Bianca
[06:27] [SR]Apocapto> wtf
[06:27] yoshi_TAS in
[06:27] [SW]Bianca> ok ok
[06:28] yoshi_TAS> yoyoy
[06:28] [SR]Apocapto> Damn
[06:28] [IC]p4p3rs0und in
[06:28] yoshi_TAS> the best in
[06:28] [SR]Apocapto> See the hour
[06:28] yoshi_TAS> hi paper
[06:28] [SW]Bianca> boah prime not this again
[06:29] yoshi_TAS> bianca host
[06:29] yoshi_TAS> ?
[06:29] [Tsi]ThePrime> u love it xD
[06:29] [SW]Bianca> i do not lol
[06:30] yoshi_TAS> host
[06:30] yoshi_TAS> cr
[06:30] yoshi_TAS> +1 cr
[06:33] Dough_nut> lol
[06:33] Dough_nut> yoshi doing crates
[06:33] Dough_nut> big surprise there
[06:34] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Dough_nut - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Yellow
- Dough_nut: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[06:38] AvaKun in
[06:39] [Tsi]ThePrime> map?
[06:39] [SW]Bianca> any
[06:39] VirBux in
[06:39] VirBux out
[06:39] [SR]Apocapto> lets 4 walls
[06:39] [Tsi]ThePrime> sure
[06:39] [SR]Apocapto> teams?
[06:40] [SW]Bianca> idk whats best
[06:40] [SW]Bianca> idm
[06:40] diegosqo> xd
[06:40] [Tsi]ThePrime> i cant 2v1 in tat map
[06:40] [SR]Apocapto> 2c2
[06:40] [SR]Apocapto> 2v2*
[06:40] [SW]Bianca> Diego is not that bad prime
[06:40] [Tsi]ThePrime> so u ally ur frnd?
[06:41] [SW]Bianca> i ally nearly everyone
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> well idc u allyin him
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> then lets start u ally him?
[06:41] wevrwolf in
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> ur cool as i said
[06:41] [SR]Apocapto> I can ally him
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> but really i cant handle 2v1
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> han aches
[06:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> hand*
[06:41] [SW]Bianca> wtf
[06:42] yoshi_TAS out
[06:42] Dough_nut> DAMMIT YOSHI FUCK
Game results submitted.
[06:43] Dough_nut> 7 minutes man!!!!
[06:43] Un_Defeatable in
[06:43] Dough_nut> Now I can't get points
[06:44] Dough_nut> guy raged so hard he quit AND logged out
[06:44] Dough_nut> what a goon lol
[06:46] [SW]Diablo out
[06:49] Un_Defeatable> huh?
[06:49] Un_Defeatable> shutup
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> gg
[07:12] [SR]Apocapto> gg
[07:12] [Tsi]ThePrime> ggwp
[07:12] AvaKun out
[07:12] [SR]Apocapto> Damn
[07:13] [SR]Apocapto> It was so fucking interesting
[07:14] Un_Defeatable> JOIN
[07:15] Un_Defeatable in
[07:19] [SR]Apocapto> [Tsi]I can try
[07:22] Un_Defeatable out
[07:23] Dough_nut out
[07:29] Rouskof in
[07:30] [Rw]Bigbang in
[07:30] [Rw]Bigbang out
[07:30] [Rw]Bigbang in
[07:32] Lucky_Luke in
[07:32] yoshi_TAS in
[07:32] yoshi_TAS> why kick me
[07:33] diegosqo out
[07:34] yoshi_TAS> host
[07:35] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:35] yoshi_TAS> +1 1v1 fo
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto out
[07:37] [SW]Bianca> gg
[07:37] [Rw]Bigbang> apo lagged out it seems
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto in
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto> ot crashed
[07:37] [SW]Bianca> damn
[07:37] [Rw]Bigbang> yeah apo
[07:37] [Rw]Bigbang> saw that
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto> again?
[07:37] [Tsi]ThePrime> were u streaming lol
[07:37] [Tsi]ThePrime> ?/
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto> Yeah
[07:37] [SR]Apocapto> I was
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol
[07:38] [SW]Bianca> lol
[07:38] [Rw]Bigbang> prime hates to be streamed
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> eww no
[07:38] [SR]Apocapto> sorry, prime
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> i myself stream
[07:38] [Rw]Bigbang> he dont want everyone to know how he suck
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> but i dnt hav proepr
[07:38] [Rw]Bigbang> although , everyone does know
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> settings
[07:38] [SR]Apocapto> come
[07:38] [SR]Apocapto> 2v2
[07:38] [SR]Apocapto> Me n prime
[07:38] [Tsi]ThePrime> yeah am noob
[07:39] yoshi_TAS> ally me big
[07:39] yoshi_TAS> ?
[07:39] yoshi_TAS> 2v1?
[07:39] [SR]Apocapto> 2v2
[07:39] [Rw]Bigbang> brb later
[07:39] [SR]Apocapto> Bianca
[07:39] [SR]Apocapto> joiin
[07:39] yoshi_TAS> prime its 2v1?
[07:39] [SW]Bianca> cannot atm
[07:40] [Tsi]ThePrime> 2v u?
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> ok i ally yoshi
[07:40] [SR]Apocapto> big n me
[07:40] [SR]Apocapto> Man
[07:40] [SR]Apocapto> map?
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> ?
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> apo
[07:40] Lucky_Luke out
[07:40] [SR]Apocapto> '
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> let me ally yoshi this game
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> later i ally u
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> ok?
[07:40] [SR]Apocapto> Dw
[07:40] [Rw]Bigbang> cool :D
[07:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> ping ffs
[07:41] [Rw]Bigbang> yoshi
[07:41] [Rw]Bigbang> relog man
[07:41] [Rw]Bigbang> ThePrime
[07:41] [Rw]Bigbang> are you dumbfuck ?
[07:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> yeah
[07:41] yoshi_TAS out
[07:41] [Rw]Bigbang> you are doing 2v1 for 4 players
[07:41] [Tsi]ThePrime> lol i will change chill
[07:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> ik ur retarded
[07:42] [Rw]Bigbang> do face off
[07:42] [Tsi]ThePrime> but chill
[07:42] [SR]Apocapto> Nah
[07:42] [SR]Apocapto> 4ways
[07:42] [SR]Apocapto> O 4 walls
[07:42] yoshi_TAS in
[07:43] yoshi_TAS> 1000 i see
[07:43] yoshi_TAS> fakes
[07:43] [Tsi]ThePrime> biggy host
[07:44] [Tsi]ThePrime> yoshi
[07:44] [Rw]Bigbang> i cant host
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> launch
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> ?
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> or u see x?
[07:44] [Tsi]ThePrime> XXXX
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> port test sec
[07:44] [Rw]Bigbang> prime , really , your mom should have said "NO" to your dad that night
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> open ports
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> lol
[07:45] yoshi_TAS> gogo
[07:45] [Tsi]ThePrime> cause she was spectating me owning ur
[07:45] [Tsi]ThePrime> mom's pussy abdly?
[07:45] [Rw]Bigbang> your jokes are so idiotic
[07:46] yoshi_TAS out
[07:47] yoshi_TAS in
[07:47] Un_Defeatable in
[07:47] yoshi_TAS> inca
[07:47] [Tsi]ThePrime> brb lunch
[07:47] Rouskof> can I be spectator too ?
[07:47] [SR]Apocapto> primeeeeee
[07:47] [SR]Apocapto> Here is 2
[07:47] yoshi_TAS> why if i move mouse before host clicks start
[07:47] [SR]Apocapto> 2:47 a.m.
[07:47] yoshi_TAS> i get froze
[07:47] [SR]Apocapto> Eat as fast as u can
[07:47] [Rw]Bigbang> prime felt relief that the game crashed
[07:47] [Tsi]ThePrime> lmao
[07:47] [Rw]Bigbang> he is scared to play me
[07:47] yoshi_TAS> rouskof
[07:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> yeah i am obi
[07:48] yoshi_TAS> why u keep kick
[07:48] yoshi_TAS> +1 1v1 for fun
[07:48] [Rw]Bigbang> prime
[07:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> am the noobest in the mm and u keep spammin it makes no sense when i myself say it
[07:48] [Rw]Bigbang> i will introduce you to sunny_man
[07:48] [Rw]Bigbang> he's younger than you
[07:48] [Rw]Bigbang> yet so understanding
[07:48] [Tsi]ThePrime> nc
[07:48] [Rw]Bigbang> and sensible
[07:49] [Rw]Bigbang> i think , when your mom popped you out of her , the docs failed to catch you , and you fell on your head
[07:49] [Tsi]ThePrime> well if the world is sensible for u banger,am glad
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> Prime
[07:49] yoshi_TAS> strong words
[07:49] [Rw]Bigbang> see ? what you say doesnt make slightest sense
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> Stop writing
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> JJust eat
[07:49] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> Please
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[07:49] [Tsi]ThePrime> i never reply dick heads i hav work to do
[07:49] yoshi_TAS> biggy or apocapto
[07:49] yoshi_TAS> 1v1 fo
[07:49] [SR]Apocapto> ty,b ro <3
[07:50] [Rw]Bigbang> he have work to do = playing other games
[07:50] [Tsi]ThePrime> prove it mr retard
[07:50] [Tsi]ThePrime> damn again i reply him
[07:50] [Rw]Bigbang> seriously prime
[07:50] [Tsi]ThePrime> wew
[07:50] [Rw]Bigbang> your mom should have said "No" to your dad that night
[07:51] yoshi_TAS> relax guys
[07:51] yoshi_TAS> dont argue
[07:51] [Rw]Bigbang> it seems u havent played much with prime
[07:51] [Rw]Bigbang> else you'd know
[07:52] yoshi_TAS> hesnt so good
[07:52] yoshi_TAS> thats all
[07:52] yoshi_TAS> but dont offend
[07:52] [Rw]Bigbang> xD , you really need to play him more to know him
[07:52] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[07:52] Rouskof> maps
[07:52] MiniBot_UK> Rouskof: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
[07:52] Un_Defeatable out
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[07:52] [Rw]Bigbang> the guy is shit as person
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[07:56] yoshi_TAS> host
[07:56] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:59] yoshi_TAS> +1
[07:59] yoshi_TAS> +111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 for fun
[08:01] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[08:05] yoshi_TAS out
[08:06] Un_Defeatable out
[08:06] yoshi_TAS in
[08:07] yoshi_TAS> host
[08:07] yoshi_TAS> fo
[08:07] yoshi_TAS> +
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> fo ?
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> apo
[08:08] [SR]Apocapto> Nah
[08:08] [SR]Apocapto> Not fo
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> pp
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> ?
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> join here
[08:08] yoshi_TAS> and choise map
[08:09] yoshi_TAS> type to bot name of map
[08:09] yoshi_TAS> then "start"
[08:09] [SR]Apocapto> Pressure point (1v1)
[08:09] MiniBot_UK> [SR]Apocapto: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[08:09] [SR]Apocapto> pp
[08:09] [SR]Apocapto> unrank
[08:09] yoshi_TAS> good
[08:09] [SR]Apocapto> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[SR]Apocapto - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- [SR]Apocapto: Yellow
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[08:11] coolman in
Game successfully checked in.
Game results submitted.
[08:15] [SR]Apocapto out
[08:16] yoshi_TAS> ew 5 min
[08:16] [SR]Apocapto in
[08:16] [SR]Apocapto> lagged out
[08:16] yoshi_TAS> wt happened
[08:16] yoshi_TAS> ah
[08:16] yoshi_TAS> gg
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> Can't play with this internet, bro
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> Sorry
[08:17] yoshi_TAS> same
[08:17] yoshi_TAS> with 3g
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> i know
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> I'm not at home
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> I'm with a laptop
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> Stealing WiFi
[08:17] [SR]Apocapto> Robbing, stealing
[08:18] [SR]Apocapto> Idk the word, hahaha
[08:18] yoshi_TAS> oh ok
[08:18] yoshi_TAS> no p
[08:18] yoshi_TAS> =)
[08:18] yoshi_TAS> host
[08:18] [SR]Apocapto> k
[08:18] [SR]Apocapto> bro
[08:19] [SR]Apocapto> Here is 3:18 a.m.
[08:19] [SR]Apocapto> Good bye, haha
[08:19] yoshi_TAS> oh
[08:19] yoshi_TAS> gn
[08:19] [SR]Apocapto out
[08:19] yoshi_TAS> asia
[08:19] yoshi_TAS> ?
[08:36] Rouskof> pp
[08:36] Rouskof> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[08:36] wevrwolf in
[08:36] wevrwolf out
[08:37] wevrwolf out
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[08:39] yoshi_TAS> host
[08:39] yoshi_TAS> ridicoulous
[08:39] yoshi_TAS> fo
[08:39] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> host
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> h
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> ho
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> host
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> fo
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> f
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> fo
[08:40] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
[51] Launch game failed
[08:41] yoshi_TAS> rejoin
[08:41] yoshi_TAS> rouskofff
[08:41] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[08:53] [tdm]Mooresy in
Game results submitted.
[08:59] yoshi_TAS out
[08:59] yoshi_TAS in
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> easy
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> host
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> fo
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> f
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> fo
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> mooresy
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> 1v1 fo
[09:00] yoshi_TAS> ?
[09:01] Rouskof out
[09:02] Rouskof in
[09:02] yoshi_TAS> i should be fw+
[09:02] yoshi_TAS> new rank sistem
[09:02] yoshi_TAS> sucks
[09:02] yoshi_TAS> u will quit again
[09:02] yoshi_TAS> ?
[09:03] yoshi_TAS> u red?
[09:03] yoshi_TAS> wanna?
[09:03] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[09:03] Rouskof> launch
Rouskof - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- Rouskof: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[09:04] shing3821 in
[09:05] shing3821 out
[09:06] [SW]Bianca> gg
[09:06] [Rw]Bigbang> gg
Game successfully checked in.
[09:07] [Rw]Bigbang> it was ranked ?
[09:07] [SW]Bianca> sure
[09:07] [SW]Bianca> lol
[09:07] [Rw]Bigbang> good :)
[09:07] [SR]FanZaah in
[09:12] [IC]p4p3rs0und out
Game results submitted.
[09:21] [Rw]Bigbang> come prime
[09:21] [SW]Bianca> omg this map again
[09:21] [SW]Bianca> lol
[09:21] [Rw]Bigbang> im asking him to od pp
[09:21] [SW]Bianca> well better than fo
[09:22] yoshi_TAS in
[09:22] [Rw]Bigbang> start
[09:22] yoshi_TAS> wtf
[09:22] yoshi_TAS> i lost 4 pts
[09:22] yoshi_TAS> for my shit net
[09:23] yoshi_TAS> db
[09:23] yoshi_TAS> dont believe
[09:23] yoshi_TAS> i won kasdòmadskmskamsa
[09:23] Un_Defeatable in
[09:26] yoshi_TAS out
[09:30] pboris93 in
[09:30] pboris93 out
[09:39] KosjaK_OP in
[09:40] KosjaK_OP> the second terrain style doesn't look good
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> was afk
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> host
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> tot
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> fo
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> 1v1
[09:44] yoshi_TAS> un defeatable
[09:44] KosjaK_OP> http://i.imgur.com/s54ACfS.png
[09:45] yoshi_TAS> u got in tas
[09:45] yoshi_TAS> ?
[09:45] yoshi_TAS> **
[09:45] yoshi_TAS> kosjak how i do put object in editor
[09:46] yoshi_TAS> and where ive to upload map
[09:46] yoshi_TAS> ?
[09:46] KosjaK_OP> what editor
[09:46] KosjaK_OP> popre.net/submitdl.php
[09:47] yoshi_TAS> mmm pop editor
[09:47] yoshi_TAS> for make map
[09:47] KosjaK_OP> use ALACN's
[09:48] yoshi_TAS> link?
[09:48] yoshi_TAS> ty
[09:49] Vonn59 in
[09:49] KosjaK_OP> http://brandanlasley.com/releases/Thread/Popre/Best%20Patches/PopWorldEditor.zip
[09:50] nilrib in
[09:51] yoshi_TAS out
[09:51] [IC]p4p3rs0und in
[09:51] italian120 in
[09:52] yoshi_TAS in
[09:52] yoshi_TAS> vieni
[09:52] yoshi_TAS> ?
[09:53] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
italian120 - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- italian120: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:53] [SW]WestSide in
[09:54] yoshi_TAS out
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[09:55] yoshi_TAS in
[09:55] yoshi_TAS> host
[09:55] yoshi_TAS> sscusa
[09:55] italian120> non preoccuparti
[09:55] italian120> capita spesso a me che crasha
[09:55] yoshi_TAS> frizzato
[09:55] italian120> bah lo hanno abbandonato
[09:56] italian120> il matchmaker
[09:56] italian120> a migliorarlo
[09:56] italian120> face off
[09:56] yoshi_TAS> già
[09:56] yoshi_TAS> fo
[09:56] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
italian120 - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- italian120: Red
- yoshi_TAS: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[09:58] [SW]Bianca> i had no lag rouskof
[09:58] [SW]Bianca> gg
[09:58] [Rw]Bigbang> gg
[09:59] [Rw]Bigbang> monitor gone
Game successfully checked in.
[09:59] [SW]Bianca> omg
[09:59] [Rw]Bigbang> ciao
[09:59] [SW]Bianca> bye
[09:59] [Rw]Bigbang out
[10:00] KosjaK_OP out
[10:04] [SW]WestSide> hey
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> erstmal staubsaugen
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> zu viel dreck hier
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> DRECK
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> D R E C K
[10:05] [SW]Bianca> haha
[10:06] [SW]Bianca out
[10:10] Rouskof> yes
[10:10] Rouskof out
[10:11] [SR]FanZaah out
[10:11] Rouskof in
[10:11] [SR]FanZaah in
[10:12] Rouskof> ivo
[10:12] Un_Defeatable> NO
[10:12] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[10:12] Un_Defeatable> not fair
[10:13] Un_Defeatable> i am noob
[10:15] Rouskof> you guys change places
[10:15] [SR]FanZaah> make it unrakned
[10:15] Rouskof> move around
[10:15] [SR]FanZaah> UNRANKED
[10:15] Rouskof> that doesn't work right now
[10:15] Un_Defeatable> Unranked and just go
[10:15] Un_Defeatable> UNRANKED
[10:15] Un_Defeatable> GOOO
[10:15] Rouskof> move around
[10:15] Rouskof> dwitch places
[10:15] Rouskof> switch
[10:16] Un_Defeatable> Bro please just launch
[10:16] Rouskof> fanzaa and undeafeat, change places
[10:16] Un_Defeatable> its unranked anyway
[10:16] Un_Defeatable> are u serious?
[10:16] Un_Defeatable> u will ally me?
[10:16] Rouskof> that's not the issue, who care about points, you see the map
[10:16] Rouskof> someone go middle
[10:16] Rouskof> ok
[10:17] Vonn59 out
[10:19] Andi_L in
[10:20] Andi_L in
[10:21] Andi_L out
[10:21] italian120> bella partitiar
[10:21] yoshi_TAS> gg
Game results submitted.
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> bella
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> sei forte con i lights
[10:22] italian120> ma ti eri accorto che stavo ricostruendo la base xD
[10:22] italian120> ahha grazie
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> si
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> ahahah
[10:22] italian120> pensavo che mi attaccavi li
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> volcano apposta
[10:22] italian120> disolito lo fanno
[10:22] italian120> ahhaha
[10:22] italian120> l ultima carta da giocare ricostruire la base
[10:22] italian120> pero non e semplice
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> espandere
[10:22] yoshi_TAS> si
[10:23] italian120> so che lo hai fatto apposta a non attaccarmi li con i warrior xD
[10:23] yoshi_TAS> boh dove sei scoperto attaccano
[10:23] yoshi_TAS> non avevi le torri
[10:23] yoshi_TAS> vado a mangiare
[10:23] yoshi_TAS> ciao ita
[10:23] italian120> vabbene buon pranzo
[10:23] italian120> ciao yoshi
[10:25] italian120 out
[10:27] Andi_L out
[10:27] Un_Defeatable out
[10:28] Rouskof> what happened ?
[10:29] Rouskof out
[10:30] Un_Defeatable in
[10:30] [SR]FanZaah> they didnt like the map
[10:31] yoshi_TAS out
[10:35] [IC]p4p3rs0und out
[10:36] Rogan in
[10:38] Rogan out
[10:45] Un_Defeatable out
[10:51] Grimm in
[10:52] Strongest18 in
[10:52] Cem in
[10:59] aliverdi1023 in
[11:01] Sam_Tas in
[11:04] Sam_Tas in
[11:04] Cem out
[11:05] aliverdi1023 out
[11:08] Sam_Tas in
[11:09] Sam_Tas out
[11:10] icepeople in
[11:10] icepeople out
[11:11] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[11:13] Sam_Tas out
[11:13] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqszikOK0Yg
[11:13] [SW]WestSide> yiiiiiii
[11:15] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[11:16] Sam_Tas in
[11:16] Ysarion in
[11:16] Ysarion out
[11:20] Ysarion in
[11:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[11:21] Sam_Tas out
[11:22] giorgos in
[11:22] giorgos out
[11:23] nilrib out
[11:23] Meph in
[11:23] Meph out
[11:25] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[11:26] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[11:28] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[11:29] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[11:34] Sam_Tas in
[11:34] Ysarion> Any other n00bs up for a game?
[11:35] Ysarion> it would be my first match
[11:36] yoshi_TAS in
[11:36] Strongest18 out
[11:36] Grimm> here i´m a noob
[11:36] yoshi_TAS> yoyo
[11:36] yoshi_TAS> the best is here
[11:36] cesar3183 in
[11:36] cesar3183 out
[11:36] yoshi_TAS> whos nici boh
[11:36] [SR]FanZaah> i win you so im the best
[11:37] yoshi_TAS> u?
[11:37] [SR]FanZaah> ye
[11:37] yoshi_TAS> ahah
[11:37] yoshi_TAS> 1v1 fo
[11:37] yoshi_TAS> ?
[11:37] [SR]FanZaah> why i already beat your ass
[11:39] Sam_Tas out
[11:41] yoshi_TAS> host
[11:42] yoshi_TAS> got new net
[11:42] [SR]FanZaah> wow rly
[11:42] yoshi_TAS> fo
[11:42] yoshi_TAS> map
[11:42] yoshi_TAS> tribe
[11:42] yoshi_TAS> u choise
[11:43] yoshi_TAS> u cant ping me
[11:43] yoshi_TAS> =(
[11:44] yoshi_TAS> betabot lags
[11:44] yoshi_TAS> or lag out
[11:44] yoshi_TAS> minibot its eu host
[11:44] yoshi_TAS> so
[11:44] [SR]FanZaah> so you scared
[11:44] yoshi_TAS> join u will get less 100 ping
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> u fromeu
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> betabot gives me 500
[11:45] [SR]FanZaah> try
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> u can win only me with lag
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> xd
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> see
[11:45] [SR]FanZaah> under 200
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> 600
[11:45] [SR]FanZaah> 189 i see
[11:45] [SR]FanZaah> now 300
[11:45] Lucky_Luke in
[11:45] yoshi_TAS> u will get better ping in minibot
[11:46] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[11:46] yoshi_TAS> better also f u
[11:46] yoshi_TAS> 4 u
[11:46] yoshi_TAS> spin
[11:46] yoshi_TAS> 1v1 fo or 2v2
[11:46] yoshi_TAS> ?
[11:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> no mate i dont 1v1
[11:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> and thers no 2v2
[11:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill blast with babo
[11:47] yoshi_TAS> fanzaah
[11:47] yoshi_TAS> playing
[11:47] yoshi_TAS> west too we can get it
[11:47] yoshi_TAS> lol
[11:49] yoshi_TAS> sammy
[11:49] yoshi_TAS> hi
[11:49] yoshi_TAS> ::)
[11:49] Lucky_Luke> yoshimitsu?
[11:49] Lucky_Luke> we need a fuking host
[11:49] yoshi_TAS> +1 ally a pro
[11:50] [SW]WestSide> https://youtu.be/wqszikOK0Yg?t=1804
[11:50] [SW]WestSide> FORCING BAN
[11:50] yoshi_TAS> lucky
[11:50] yoshi_TAS> uve star
[11:51] yoshi_TAS> lucky host
[11:51] yoshi_TAS> beta only for max 3 pl
[11:51] yoshi_TAS> ?
[11:51] Lucky_Luke> Please note that host bots only support up to 3 players at this time
[11:52] yoshi_TAS> here
[11:52] yoshi_TAS> try relog lucky
[11:52] Lucky_Luke out
[11:53] Lucky_Luke in
[11:53] Lucky_Luke out
[11:54] Lucky_Luke in
[11:54] yoshi_TAS> ping
[11:54] Sunclaw in
[11:54] yoshi_TAS> wait wtf
[11:54] yoshi_TAS> xd
[11:54] Lucky_Luke> fake star
[11:54] yoshi_TAS> no
[11:54] Lucky_Luke> inca sucking balls here
[11:55] Lucky_Luke> all i k
[11:55] yoshi_TAS> option>setting net> port test
[11:55] Lucky_Luke> i did
[11:55] Lucky_Luke> success 1
[11:55] yoshi_TAS> weird
[11:55] Lucky_Luke> fanzah go host
[11:55] yoshi_TAS> firewalls
[11:56] [SR]FanZaah> i cant host
[11:56] [SR]FanZaah> duuude
[11:56] yoshi_TAS> lucky
[11:56] Lucky_Luke> ye
[11:56] Lucky_Luke> fuking firewall is on
[11:56] yoshi_TAS> 7575 udp or tcp
[11:56] yoshi_TAS> uve open
[11:56] Lucky_Luke> whom the bastard turned it on?
[11:56] Lucky_Luke> i relog
[11:56] Lucky_Luke out
[11:56] Lucky_Luke in
[11:57] Lucky_Luke> zzzzzzzzzzz
[11:57] yoshi_TAS> wait now dont leave
[11:57] Lucky_Luke> i turn off that shit too
[11:57] Lucky_Luke> still no ping
[11:57] yoshi_TAS> 3
[11:57] yoshi_TAS> 2
[11:57] yoshi_TAS> 1
[11:58] yoshi_TAS> !
[11:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> LGIHTS
[11:58] Lucky_Luke> gdhnm dflgh srjroperiper4p4eoi49rtfg prioghprig hsproighwpghpwoieghwpre ghseiorgh ;ierghoiperh oieg hoiepur hpoieroier9pwer 9we5t he4hwe95i e9iw5 e9w8hwerihewirug
[11:58] yoshi_TAS> yes lucky
[11:58] yoshi_TAS> dkfmòsdòsdmaòsmd d dlmnasdmsapoksa
[11:58] Lucky_Luke> u go host
[11:58] yoshi_TAS> lol 4g
[11:58] yoshi_TAS> no
[11:58] Lucky_Luke> np go try it
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> 230
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> now get out
[11:59] yoshi_TAS> weird
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> i can get ping but i cant give it
[11:59] yoshi_TAS> change hut
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> pfffff
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> come last hut
[11:59] Lucky_Luke> gay hut
[12:00] yoshi_TAS> open 7575 udp
[12:00] [SR]FanZaah> luckyluke why mm tells that you can host?
[12:00] Lucky_Luke> i did
[12:00] yoshi_TAS> type (!forward)
[12:00] Lucky_Luke> i forward all instruction and have that fuking sherrif star
[12:00] Lucky_Luke> for nothing
[12:00] Lucky_Luke> i restart pc
[12:00] Lucky_Luke> maybe it fix after firewall changes
[12:00] yoshi_TAS> y
[12:00] Lucky_Luke out
[12:00] BonD in
[12:01] Zgjimi in
[12:01] Zgjimi out
[12:01] Zgjimi in
[12:01] HyEnergy in
[12:02] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[12:02] Zgjimi out
[12:02] HyEnergy out
[12:06] [SW]WestSide> nenn mich
[12:06] [SW]WestSide> master of s clicks
[12:06] [SW]WestSide> brb
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> nenn mich
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt
[12:06] [SW]WestSide> LOLLOOLOL
[12:07] Grimm> hey jungs bin au deutscher
[12:08] Lucky_Luke in
[12:08] Lucky_Luke> `
[12:09] Lucky_Luke> 1J',][\}{":»«»:@«»@«@«"À@@«@«@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[12:09] Lucky_Luke> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[12:09] Lucky_Luke> "À"ÀÀQÀQPPQPOOP)J˜)J˜J)˜$J˜$%˜J$%$#$%!#%#!%#!<%#!<<!!!!####%%%%$$$˜˜˜˜JJJJJ
[12:10] [Rw]Bigbang in
[12:10] [Rw]Bigbang out
[12:10] [Rw]Bigbang in
[12:10] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[12:11] Lucky_Luke out
[12:12] Lucky_Luke in
[12:13] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[12:13] Lucky_Luke> ill unistall everything now
[12:13] Lucky_Luke out
[12:16] yoshi_TAS> spin
[12:16] yoshi_TAS> 2v2
[12:16] yoshi_TAS> ?
[12:16] coolman out
[12:17] francesco in
[12:17] IsoElFace in
[12:18] IsoElFace out
[12:18] Lucky_Luke in
[12:18] kyuubi in
[12:20] yoshi_TAS> lucky try restart router
[12:20] francesco out
[12:20] Lucky_Luke out
[12:20] BonD out
[12:20] Lucky_Luke in
[12:21] Sucukluyumurta in
[12:22] yoshi_TAS> damn
[12:22] yoshi_TAS> hope pc doesnt restart
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> mutherfucker
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> listen
[12:24] yoshi_TAS out
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> and if i say rejoin
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> fucking rejoint
[12:24] [SR]FanZaah> I did
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> bitch
[12:24] [SR]FanZaah> I FUCKEN DID
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> you didint
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> relog and dont cry
[12:24] Sucukluyumurta> join
[12:24] [SR]FanZaah out
[12:25] [SR]FanZaah in
[12:25] yoshi_TAS in
[12:25] [SR]FanZaah> still no ping let some one else host
[12:25] [SR]FanZaah> get grimms spot
[12:25] yoshi_TAS> griim
[12:25] yoshi_TAS> got
[12:26] Sucukluyumurta> well
[12:26] Sucukluyumurta> idk how
[12:26] Sucukluyumurta> you mayb type !forward
[12:26] yoshi_TAS> open the port
[12:26] [SR]FanZaah> me?
[12:26] shogun in
[12:26] Grimm> what? my english is not good
[12:26] yoshi_TAS> parli italiano
[12:26] yoshi_TAS> ?
[12:26] Grimm> no german
[12:26] yoshi_TAS> ok
[12:26] Sucukluyumurta> german
[12:27] Sucukluyumurta> wana 1v1?
[12:27] yoshi_TAS> genau
[12:27] Sucukluyumurta> those chinez guys hard to play with
[12:27] yoshi_TAS> hi kontera
[12:27] kyuubi> hello
[12:27] yoshi_TAS> ranked
[12:27] yoshi_TAS> =)
[12:27] yoshi_TAS> u know u win
[12:27] [SR]FanZaah> do pls 2v2
[12:27] [SR]FanZaah> so we get a good game =)
[12:28] coolman in
[12:28] yoshi_TAS> kontera
[12:28] yoshi_TAS> me and u vs priest
[12:28] yoshi_TAS> ?
[12:28] shogun in
[12:29] yoshi_TAS> k lets go 1v1
[12:29] kyuubi> what priest?
[12:30] shogun out
[12:31] flashlightning in
[12:33] [SR]Spark in
[12:35] Sucukluyumurta out
[12:36] Sam_Tas in
[12:36] shogun out
[12:40] Sam_Tas in
[12:41] Sam_Tas out
[12:41] rhyanvalk in
[12:42] Sam_Tas out
[12:42] rhyanvalk out
[12:42] yoshi_TAS> i suck as yellow
[12:43] yoshi_TAS> mconstate
[12:43] kyuubi> wana rotate?
[12:43] yoshi_TAS> constatate
[12:43] yoshi_TAS> wanna go home
[12:43] yoshi_TAS> =(
[12:43] kyuubi> ok
[12:43] yoshi_TAS> lemme be red
[12:43] [Rw]addiction in
[12:45] [SR]FanZaah in
[12:45] [SR]FanZaah out
[12:45] [Rw]addiction> sr suks m8
[12:45] [SR]Spark> gtfo
[12:46] Sam_Tas out
[12:46] [Rw]addiction> noob clan!!
[12:46] [Rw]addiction> run by a noob
[12:46] [SR]Spark> still more fun than a dead clan
[12:46] [Rw]addiction> visit our website
[12:47] [Rw]addiction> 'we will not die'
[12:47] [SR]Spark> check the indian gods ebsite
[12:47] [SR]Spark> website
[12:47] [SR]Spark> they say anything that can fking move is a god
[12:47] [SR]Spark> worship it
[12:47] [SR]Spark> saying part is easy
[12:47] yolo123 in
[12:47] [Rw]addiction> i still play
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> so rw aint dead
[12:48] [SR]Spark> u lone fuck
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> sr noob always noob
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> lone wolf
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> still pwnin
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> pwnin silly lil sr nooblets
[12:48] [SR]Spark> yeah basher gtfo
[12:48] [Rw]addiction> 1v1
[12:49] [Rw]addiction> im on laptop
[12:49] [Rw]addiction> no mouse
[12:49] [Rw]addiction> will still pwn
[12:49] [SR]Spark> learn have fun in life
[12:49] [SR]Spark> learn to*
[12:49] [Rw]addiction> o dam
[12:49] [Rw]addiction> the no life insult
[12:49] [SR]Spark> or keep wasitng ur life pwning noobs in populous
[12:50] [Rw]addiction> i pwn in rl
[12:50] [Rw]addiction> pwn noobs like u in rl m9
[12:50] [Rw]addiction> ^^_^^
[12:50] [SR]Spark> why u pwn me in real life?
[12:50] [SR]Spark> wtf
[12:51] [Rw]addiction> yeh m8
[12:51] yoshi_TAS> bad host
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> get used to it
[12:52] [SR]Spark> stuf
[12:52] [SR]Spark> u dont even know my name
[12:52] [SW]WestSide> stfu*
[12:52] [SR]Spark> or profession
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> so many noobs in here where do i begin
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> i see this 1
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> im bout to go in
[12:52] [SW]WestSide> ya look at you addi
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> where these noobs @
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> noobs @
[12:52] [SW]WestSide> quitting cuz someone pauses
[12:52] [SW]WestSide> im still mad at that shit
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> lmO
[12:52] [Rw]addiction> spent the last game with about 50 pauses
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> no time for that sort of shit
[12:53] [SW]WestSide> lol
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> liike i said
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> if i wanted a game of pausing
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> i would have asked mooresmurder to join
[12:53] [SW]WestSide> true that
[12:53] [SW]WestSide> 'sec baby under pc'
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> its a fucking joke at times
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> ye
[12:53] [SW]WestSide> 'wow he did it AGAIN'
[12:53] [SW]WestSide> lololol
[12:53] [Rw]addiction> sooner the mm gives host options the better
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> like 'no pauses'
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> there is
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> in beta
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> what other online game allows pausing
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> yeah
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> true
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> imagine if you asked to pause on call of duty
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> youd get laughed at
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> should be the same here
[12:54] yolo123 out
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> 'sec guys door'
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> cos sometimes the pausing here goes on for about 5 mins
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> which it did that game
[12:54] [Rw]addiction> and its fucking annoying
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> it is
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> it kills the flow
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> sometimes even a game changer
[12:55] [Rw]addiction> ye, or you die because you become unconcentrated
[12:55] [Rw]addiction> ye
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> exactly
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> i also hate pauses
[12:55] [Rw]addiction> losing concentration cos someone decides they want to sit on the phone for 5 mins
[12:55] [Rw]addiction> spoils games
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> but i wont quit, cuz i sometimes need to pause too
[12:55] [Rw]addiction> fair enough if they pause at start to fix their colours etc
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> but mid game pp, pausing is BULLSHIT
[12:56] [SW]WestSide> ikr
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> i will quit
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> cos i dont have the patience now
[12:56] Sunclaw in
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> people used to pause to cheat for upgrading huts
[12:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> matt paused once to click on fs and unpaused and released
[12:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[12:56] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLL
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> no shock
[12:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i was dying with laughing
[12:56] [SW]WestSide> i remember with patch 1.05
[12:56] [Rw]addiction> he used to do that with light too
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> placing huts at pauses
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> before the patch was fixed
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> yep
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> pausing to lay 6 plans
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> funniest thing was placing tower plans
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> which would only taje about a second in game
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> to stop patrolling
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> people got uber mad
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> you can still do it
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> ik
[12:57] [Rw]addiction> tower plans to delete tower plans
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> but you get banned for it now
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> there are some pro players that do it
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> especially on mid pp
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> early game
[12:58] [SW]WestSide> lol
[12:58] [SW]WestSide> never seen that tbh
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> ZzzZZZZzzzZz
[12:58] [SW]WestSide> at least not on pp
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> fo is a classic too
[12:58] [Rw]addiction> at deleting the plans
[12:59] Meph in
[12:59] [SW]WestSide> when i was new here i used to be forcing all game
[12:59] [SW]WestSide> made that in sp and thought its helpful
[12:59] Meph out
[13:00] [SW]WestSide> people insulted me so much lol
[13:00] yoshi_TAS out
[13:00] [Rw]addiction> ye
[13:00] [Rw]addiction> i invented the crashing glitch
[13:00] [Rw]addiction> so funny
[13:00] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[13:00] [Rw]addiction> almost killed pop
[13:00] [Rw]addiction> any gg was ended abruptly by a crash
[13:00] [SW]WestSide> how did that work
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> deleting your own tower plan
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> as the first part of structure appears
[13:01] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[13:01] [SW]WestSide> does it still work
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> no
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> patched
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> but still works on sp
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> try it
[13:01] [SW]WestSide> lololol
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> you can still crash multiplayer too
[13:01] [Rw]addiction> with the encyclopedia
[13:02] [Rw]addiction> but i wont say how for obvious reasons
[13:02] [SW]WestSide> lmao
[13:02] Sunclaw out
[13:02] [Rw]addiction> i think it was maybe 2010 i discovered it
[13:03] [Rw]addiction> when genesis salty and i used to triple players
[13:03] [Rw]addiction> salty would ally walhallah or something
[13:03] [Rw]addiction> get in game
[13:03] [Rw]addiction> unally him and we'd all rush wally
[13:03] [SW]WestSide> lol
[13:04] itu in
[13:04] [Rw]addiction> good times
[13:04] coolman out
[13:05] PC2 in
[13:06] [Rw]addiction> new age pop sucks
[13:07] yoshi_TAS in
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> host
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> fo
[13:08] [Rw]addiction> yoshi_TAS u suk
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> sure
[13:08] [Rw]addiction> jk
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> never like
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> u
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> with bananas
[13:08] [Rw]addiction> oh ma gawd
[13:08] yoshi_TAS> =)
[13:09] [Rw]addiction> =[
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> grimm
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> fandango
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> 1!!!
[13:09] sgsergs in
[13:09] sgsergs out
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> are u good
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:09] [Rw]addiction> not as good as i used to be
[13:09] [Rw]addiction> but im decent
[13:09] yoshi_TAS> addi join u
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> i wanna enhjoy a game
[13:10] [Rw]addiction> lol @ matt almost having 10k games
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> enjoy
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> rlly'
[13:10] [SW]WestSide> well addi you can easily keep up with the top players
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> OO
[13:10] [SW]WestSide> even with all that rustyness
[13:10] [Rw]addiction> cheers bro
[13:10] [Rw]addiction> means a lot
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> matt almost lost to me
[13:10] [SW]WestSide> lololol
[13:10] [SW]WestSide> matt loses to everyone cuz hes shit
[13:10] [Rw]addiction> matts terrible though
[13:10] yoshi_TAS> xd
[13:11] [SW]WestSide> no need to brag about it
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> he pulls of some neat strats sometimes
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> off
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> but very rarely
[13:11] yoshi_TAS> warriors
[13:11] [SW]WestSide> sometimes=once every 500 games
[13:11] yoshi_TAS> load of wars
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> haha
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> do it back then
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> same amount of wars at matt = you win
[13:11] [Rw]addiction> cos he cant control his shaman
[13:11] [SW]WestSide> true
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> y
[13:12] [Rw]addiction> spamming wars is easy
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> addi blast war
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> from panel y
[13:12] [Rw]addiction> na play westside instead
[13:12] [tdm]Mooresy out
[13:12] [Rw]addiction> before you challenge the king
[13:12] [SW]WestSide> i beat addi on my host
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> |\/\
[13:12] yoshi_TAS> _
[13:13] [SW]WestSide> and lost 10-11 on his
[13:13] [Rw]addiction> and ive beat you countless times before
[13:13] [Rw]addiction> = me the king
[13:13] [SW]WestSide> :D
[13:13] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:13] yoshi_TAS> got better
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> gg
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> lol
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> bug
[13:14] [SW]WestSide> lol
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> trick pillar
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> bugged
[13:14] [SW]WestSide> yii my bad
[13:14] [SW]WestSide> clicked too early
[13:14] yoshi_TAS> why removed
[13:17] Luke_OP in
[13:18] itu out
[13:19] Musi in
[13:20] Sucukluyumurta in
[13:21] [SW]WestSide> gg
[13:21] yoshi_TAS> damn
[13:21] yoshi_TAS> g
[13:21] yoshi_TAS> gg
[13:21] yoshi_TAS> fast
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> oh westside
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> òlol
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> nick says all
[13:22] [SW]WestSide> hm?
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> farwest
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> like farwest
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> xd
[13:22] [SW]WestSide> lol
[13:22] [SW]WestSide> wot
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> nvm
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> more like kanyewest
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> cos hes a fukin fraud
[13:22] Sunclaw out
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> im the ing
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> king
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> stronger
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> u can make me only stronger
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> i aint a n*****
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> dadada
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> i thats what he needs to get
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> addi
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> lets blast
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> if u not scared
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> cant on laptop
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> of king
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> + scared
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> excuses
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> ok
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> SCARED
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> NUB!!!
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> pop doesnt even launch
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> but also scared
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> dude the excuses
[13:23] [SW]WestSide> worse than koopa
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> wow thats an insult
[13:24] [SW]WestSide> scared loser
[13:24] [SW]WestSide> jk luvu
[13:24] [SW]WestSide> 1AWAY
[13:24] [SW]WestSide> oh fuck off
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> 2v2?
[13:24] [SR]Spark> hey babo
[13:24] [SR]Spark> u seen this bug?
[13:24] [SR]Spark> where the trees disappear
[13:25] [SR]Spark> in a 1v1 on 2v2 match
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> tom
[13:25] [SR]Spark> 2v2 map*
[13:25] [SW]WestSide> wot
[13:25] [SR]Spark> if i start a 1v1 on a 2v2 map
[13:25] [SR]Spark> or 4 waplyer map
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> in 4walls
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> wood burns
[13:25] [SR]Spark> trees disappear
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> when cutted
[13:25] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[13:25] [SW]WestSide> lol
[13:25] [SW]WestSide> ill test that later, sounds funny
[13:25] [SR]Spark> yea in 4 walls braves burn the tree piles
[13:26] [SW]WestSide> oh
[13:26] [SW]WestSide> that also happens in 2v2 tho
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:26] [SR]Spark> if its on a plan
[13:26] [SW]WestSide> on the mid of bases
[13:26] [SR]Spark> but thats different
[13:26] [SW]WestSide> ya
[13:26] [SR]Spark> i started a 1v1 on this 4 way map
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:26] yoshi_TAS> bug bug
[13:26] [SR]Spark> and my base had like 6-7 trees
[13:26] yoshi_TAS> (.-.)
[13:27] [SR]Spark> red base had normal amount of trees
[13:27] yoshi_TAS> i wanna some pts
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:27] [SR]Spark> bribe inca :P
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:27] yoshi_TAS> addiddidididididi
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:28] yoshi_TAS> =)(/()0''
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> =][][][][][][]=
[13:28] yoshi_TAS> =().()=
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> -.-'
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> -.-
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> '.'
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> ^_¦
[13:28] yoshi_TAS> =(/\./\)=
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> -.-
[13:29] Luke_OP> :)))
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> tsu faggot
[13:29] fireman323 in
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> the groomer
[13:29] yoshi_TAS> 0(O.-)0
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> '.'
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> ^
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> tsu shagged kiyana
[13:30] yoshi_TAS> 0(UIU)0
[13:30] yoshi_TAS> kiyana
[13:30] yoshi_TAS> where is
[13:30] yoshi_TAS> pro
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> tsus cellar
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> -.-
[13:31] yoshi_TAS> when pop 4 will be released
[13:31] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:31] [Rw]addiction> going to play pop so much in the summer
[13:31] [Rw]addiction> :)
[13:31] [Rw]addiction> jk going to vegas
[13:31] [Rw]addiction> fuk yal
[13:31] Sam_Tas in
[13:31] yoshi_TAS> ye fuck pop
[13:31] yoshi_TAS> cya noobs
[13:31] yoshi_TAS out
[13:31] [Rw]addiction> omg
[13:33] [Rw]addiction out
[13:34] thoughtseize in
[13:37] greenWarrior in
[13:38] steel in
[13:38] Doctor_Zlo95 in
[13:39] Sam_Tas in
[13:41] Doctor_Zlo95 out
[13:41] BonD in
[13:41] BonD out
[13:42] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[13:42] Sam_Tas in
[13:43] [GoD]Eric in
[13:44] Sam_Tas out
[13:48] Sam_Tas out
[13:49] Sam_Tas in
[13:50] therapist in
[13:52] Sucukluyumurta> you have no ping...
[13:52] [SR]FanZaah> relog
[13:52] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[13:52] [SR]FanZaah out
[13:52] Rogan in
[13:52] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:53] [SR]FanZaah> porttest
[13:53] Sucukluyumurta> dude mine host working.
[13:53] Sucukluyumurta> its your m
[13:53] Sucukluyumurta> mm
[13:53] [SR]Spark> no star
[13:53] [SR]FanZaah> maybe spark host??
[13:54] [SR]FanZaah> or greenwar
[13:54] Sucukluyumurta> i wont play with that lag
[13:54] Sucukluyumurta> let me try relog
[13:54] Sucukluyumurta out
[13:54] Sucukluyumurta in
[13:54] [SR]FanZaah> im on my mobilehotspot may it be because of hotspot
[13:54] Sam_Tas out
[13:54] [SR]Spark> get ethernet
[13:55] [SR]FanZaah> sec
[13:55] Obduction in
[13:55] Sucukluyumurta> dude..
[13:55] Sucukluyumurta> its 100% you.
[13:55] Sucukluyumurta> come from afganistan?
[13:55] flashlightning out
[13:55] bobbylala in
[13:56] [SR]FanZaah out
[13:56] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:56] [SR]FanZaah> Noooooo :<
[13:57] Obduction> +1 light
[13:58] Sucukluyumurta> +2 fo
[14:00] [SR]Spark> +1 4way unranked
[14:02] Sam_Tas out
[14:07] TheSockMonkey in
[14:07] TheSockMonkey out
[14:09] coolman in
[14:09] greenWarrior out
[14:09] maroonie123 in
[14:09] Audition in
[14:09] Un_Defeatable in
[14:09] Grimm> wer will ne runde spielen?
[14:10] Ysarion> I'm up for a game
[14:11] Musi out
[14:11] 00Schnitzel in
[14:12] 00Schnitzel out
[14:15] mechasdark in
[14:16] Ysarion> rdy, when you are. Just hoping you're not rly undefeatable
[14:17] maroonie123 out
[14:20] Ysarion out
[14:21] Ysarion in
[14:21] mechasdark out
[14:24] Queen_of_Spades in
[14:24] Ysarion> any1 up for a 1vs1?
[14:25] Nihlatak in
[14:26] Nihlatak out
[14:28] shogun in
[14:29] [Sr]PK in
[14:29] Dough_nut in
[14:29] Un_Defeatable out
[14:29] Lucky_Luke> hi
[14:29] Lucky_Luke> ye
[14:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> fuckin noobs
[14:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> dont even know brave is fastest unit
[14:31] Lucky_Luke> your mom is faster than others obv, she sucks my 12 inch cock in less than a sec
[14:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> shes not fast
[14:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> she just have big mouth
[14:33] Lucky_Luke> big mouth like your uses for balls moron
[14:33] V4N0M in
[14:33] Lucky_Luke> she got deep troath
[14:33] Lucky_Luke> fuking homo
[14:33] Dough_nut> wtf?
[14:33] Sucukluyumurta> gg
[14:33] V4N0M> yo
[14:33] [SR]Spark> gg
[14:34] [SR]Spark> sry bad host
[14:34] V4N0M> still not banned
[14:34] V4N0M> shit
[14:34] [Sr]PK in
[14:34] MrMoohammad26 in
[14:34] V4N0M> 3v1?
[14:34] V4N0M> :D
[14:35] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> yeah div
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> and swamp lower cost than torn
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> :D
[14:35] thoughtseize> hi im new here
[14:35] thoughtseize> how to play on this matchmaker?
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> hi
[14:35] [GoD]I_might_suicide> hi new here, im miguel
[14:35] V4N0M> im not new
[14:35] [SW]WestSide> im miguel dreck
[14:35] [SR]Spark> press 'X' button on top right
[14:35] thoughtseize> hi miguel
[14:35] V4N0M> i have 10k games
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> I_might_suicide: is miguel pedro
[14:36] V4N0M> miguel pablo
[14:36] [SW]WestSide> you can also call him Mr. Faria
[14:36] V4N0M> rhx 4kick
[14:36] Queen_of_Spades> oops
[14:36] Queen_of_Spades> i was afk
[14:36] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow
[14:36] [GoD]I_might_suicide> thats way too personal
[14:37] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[14:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow the whore
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> stfu or ill post your facebook again miguel pedro faria
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[14:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pls do nt
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLOLOLLO
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> BELLA
[14:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> woo new podcast
[14:37] Queen_of_Spades> guys
[14:37] Queen_of_Spades> and their moms.
[14:37] Queen_of_Spades> a classic
[14:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lol
[14:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> let herh ave the surprise
[14:37] [Sr]PK out
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> omg hahahaha
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> yeah :>
[14:37] [SW]WestSide> LLO
[14:37] V4N0M> +3
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> too few drama
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> rip podcasts
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> the last 30min
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> were trash talk
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> not worth listening to it
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> when keith left?
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> im there now
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> yeah
[14:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh the podcasts are only interesting with drama
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> talking about god and shit
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> they just talking about spell costs
[14:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so boring
[14:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> otherwise its so boring and they jus ttalk about their shitty lives in america
[14:38] [SW]WestSide> bella theres a part about your question
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> where should i skip to to get to the interesting part?
[14:39] [Sr]PK out
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> keith talking about his life again
[14:40] [SW]WestSide> ok go to 1:41:46
[14:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> lol
[14:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> why do they talk about their lives
[14:40] [SW]WestSide> cuz they out of ideas
[14:40] Lucky_Luke> i freezed in setup-i freezed in setup-i freezed in setup-i freezed in setup-i freezed in setup
[14:40] [SW]WestSide> should rather bash noobs
[14:40] [SW]WestSide> like cherokee
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> cherokee is noob
[14:41] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh the videos of pop games in the back ground is always vs newbs
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> he won a game against me
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> and married seba
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[14:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i never watch the video while watching podcast
[14:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i just listen
[14:41] [SW]WestSide> same
[14:41] Sucukluyumurta out
[14:42] [SW]Fried_Rice> fucking hell its 2 hours long
[14:42] [GoD]I_might_suicide> only 1 hour worth i guess
[14:42] [SW]WestSide> no its 1:41:46
[14:42] Lucky_Luke> hey babo shut up noob
[14:42] Lucky_Luke> i never bashed u
[14:42] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lol actually think ill close now
[14:42] [SR]Spark> +20 minutes buffering
[14:42] Lucky_Luke> :p
[14:42] Nut_Cracker in
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> they need drama
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> not fucking boring shit
[14:43] [GoD]I_might_suicide> think ill riot against nici and shit
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> we should start an argument in mm
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> and make them get involved
[14:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> so they can fucking talk about it and have relevent content
[14:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> when was there 72 people online
[14:44] Kuba14j in
[14:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> everytime i log on there is like 3 fws
[14:44] [SR]Spark> simply say you want to be a part of their videos
[14:44] Nut_Cracker> did u guys know bella is part of the illuminati?
[14:44] Lucky_Luke> hey fellas +1 needed
[14:44] Sam_Tas in
[14:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> hell no i dont want 300+ ping
[14:44] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDp6n-TiKXM
[14:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> my pc is already shit enought
[14:44] [GoD]I_might_suicide> this video is bella
[14:45] Kuba14j out
[14:45] Dough_nut> bella
[14:45] Grimm out
[14:45] [SW]Fried_Rice> creepy
[14:45] Dough_nut> when do you not complain about the circumstances of the game
[14:45] Nut_Cracker> told u
[14:45] Nut_Cracker> illuminati
[14:45] Audition> crashed
[14:45] bobbylala> yeah crashed...
[14:45] thoughtseize> [SW]WestSiwochenenede
[14:46] [SR]Spark> illuminati lives in my pocket
[14:46] Nut_Cracker> dough nut: thats what girls do
[14:46] bobbylala> fs
[14:46] Nut_Cracker> they nag
[14:46] Nut_Cracker> everyone call bella a nagger
[14:46] [SW]Fried_Rice> always keith with his dumb ass suggestions
[14:46] Nut_Cracker> plz and ty
[14:46] [SW]Fried_Rice> "boohoo bring back preachers"
[14:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> oh yeah the pope is 15 mins away from where i live
[14:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so exciting
[14:46] [Rw]Bigbang> no I_might_suicide
[14:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nici is near him i think
[14:46] [Rw]Bigbang> this one in white shite
[14:46] [Rw]Bigbang> shirt
[14:46] [Rw]Bigbang> is bella
[14:47] [Rw]Bigbang> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QguPS_iwgDg
[14:47] Queen_of_Spades> he is
[14:47] [SW]Fried_Rice> hes played too many ffas
[14:47] V4N0M> rlly again sess
[14:47] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i hope nici doesnt die in allahu akbar explosions today
[14:47] Nut_Cracker> why do u hope that
[14:47] [SR]Spark> nici went to syria?
[14:48] Nut_Cracker> let him die
[14:48] [SR]Spark> naw nici is a good a guy
[14:48] [SR]Spark> atleast when hes infront of you ;)
[14:48] Queen_of_Spades> wow
[14:48] Queen_of_Spades> someone wishing his death
[14:49] [SR]Spark> Typical
[14:49] Nut_Cracker> i didnt wish death
[14:49] Queen_of_Spades> by letting
[14:49] Queen_of_Spades> yah
[14:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> the only thing he talks about is how he isnt in top 2
[14:49] Queen_of_Spades> indirectly
[14:49] Nut_Cracker> letting and wishing
[14:49] Nut_Cracker> two different things
[14:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> he isnt even in top ten keith start some drama already
[14:49] Flobyyy in
[14:50] [Rw]Bigbang> bobbylala
[14:50] Flobyyy out
[14:50] [Rw]Bigbang> looks like christian + gujurati mix
[14:50] Devastation in
[14:50] Queen_of_Spades> letting is like not caring haha...
[14:50] bobbylala> wot
[14:50] Queen_of_Spades> afterall
[14:50] Nut_Cracker> but it is not wishing
[14:50] Queen_of_Spades> who cares about each others here?
[14:50] [Rw]Bigbang> hi bobbylala
[14:50] [Rw]Bigbang> how are you ?
[14:51] Nut_Cracker> i care for no one here
[14:51] Nut_Cracker> except inca
[14:51] bobbylala> hello, doing alright
[14:51] [SR]Spark> eating fafda
[14:51] [SR]Spark> xD
[14:51] Queen_of_Spades> and inca didnt change my username :(
[14:51] [Rw]Bigbang> it seems you are new here , bobbylala
[14:51] Queen_of_Spades> been long now
[14:51] Nut_Cracker> u didnt earn it
[14:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://theuglydance.com/?v=qmcmgoqptz
[14:51] Queen_of_Spades> HEAR ME INCA
[14:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> LMFAOFOAOFAO
[14:51] bobbylala> yeah just installed this yesterday, been wrecked once :)
[14:51] [SR]Spark> inca is like a stone head
[14:51] [Rw]Bigbang> haha
[14:51] [Rw]Bigbang> nice nice , bobbylala
[14:51] [SR]Spark> u need 6 braves to worship him
[14:51] [SR]Spark> for 600 seconds
[14:51] [SR]Spark> to activate him
[14:51] Queen_of_Spades> its not easy to catch hmi these days
[14:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> inca says it takes 3 days
[14:52] [SR]Spark> and once activated
[14:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> it changes automatically
[14:52] [SR]Spark> u need to restart level to get him back
[14:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://theuglydance.com/?v=qmcmgoqptz http://theuglydance.com/?v=qmcmgoqptz http://theuglydance.com/?v=qmcmgoqptz
[14:52] [SR]Spark> coz he goes uderground after 1 shot
[14:52] [SW]WestSide> yo jonny
[14:52] Queen_of_Spades> its been more than a week
[14:52] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[14:52] [SW]WestSide> your host is crap for eu players
[14:52] Nut_Cracker> is my host bad
[14:52] [SW]WestSide> just sayin
[14:52] Nut_Cracker> hahaha
[14:52] Nut_Cracker> yea
[14:52] Nut_Cracker> ty
[14:52] [SW]WestSide> np
[14:52] Nut_Cracker> <3
[14:52] [Rw]Bigbang> inca is more like totem pole , can be only convinced by shamans ( like alacn , TheGabber )
[14:53] Queen_of_Spades> so i suppose i should wear a shaman dress
[14:53] ghyld in
[14:53] [GoD]I_might_suicide> u mean obelisk or gargoyle
[14:53] [GoD]I_might_suicide> or vault
[14:53] PC2 out
[14:54] [Rw]Bigbang> the one that makes lb
[14:54] [Rw]Bigbang> or connects lands
[14:54] [Rw]Bigbang> ye to bc baal ki khaal nikaalne waalo me se lag raha hai
[14:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> any can do lb
[14:55] [Rw]Bigbang> thats all you get to know in todays episode I_might_suicide
[14:55] [Rw]Bigbang> for more , stay tuned till next episode
[14:55] Queen_of_Spades> +3 pp
[14:55] Queen_of_Spades> ot fo
[14:55] [SW]WestSide> im also a shaman
[14:55] Queen_of_Spades> or*
[14:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> stone head and totem can be prayed by all followers
[14:55] [SW]WestSide> and he doesnt listen to me when i tell him to ban ppl
[14:56] [Rw]Bigbang> you are shaman on mm , not in inca's eyes
[14:56] Ricardopedro in
[14:56] [Rw]Bigbang> in incas eyes you're a chutiya
[14:56] Ricardopedro out
[14:56] [SW]WestSide> INCA BAN
[14:56] [GoD]I_might_suicide> BAN INCA
[14:56] [SW]WestSide> he doubts your ranking system
[14:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> BRING BACK OLD LEAGUES
[14:57] [Rw]Bigbang> or maybe you googled 'chutiya'
[14:57] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[14:57] Queen_of_Spades> looks like a song
[14:57] [SW]WestSide> Sub_Zero was forcing in that podcast
[14:57] Queen_of_Spades> remix
[14:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> WHO PLAYS MORE IS SHAMAN
[14:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> inca fix this system i dont play pop and im always fw
[14:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> how is this fair for noob preachers who always playing
[14:57] [SW]WestSide> https://youtu.be/wqszikOK0Yg?t=1804
[14:57] [SW]WestSide> BAN FORCING
[14:58] [Rw]Bigbang> hah ... bobbylala never played this game , and he's still a wildman
[14:58] Queen_of_Spades> /me praying the obelisk........ *loading*
[14:58] [Rw]Bigbang> betabot can't even chat , and he's a warrior rank
[14:58] [SR]Spark> meanwhile inca enjoying a glass of champagne
[14:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> LMAO
[14:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> SHADOQ
[14:58] Sam_Tas out
[14:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> "THE SLUT"
[14:58] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[14:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> HAHAH
[14:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[14:58] [SW]WestSide> best part of the podcast tbh
[14:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> "IDK HOW ELSE TO DESCRIBE HER"
[14:59] Queen_of_Spades> who
[14:59] [SW]WestSide> bella is the whore in mm
[14:59] [SW]WestSide> didnt you know?
[14:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> im so dead
[14:59] [SW]WestSide> its her job
[14:59] Queen_of_Spades> i know and u like that
[14:59] Queen_of_Spades> ;)
[14:59] [SW]WestSide> hahahaha
[14:59] [Rw]Bigbang> bella is matts mom ?
[14:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> lemme get back to my proffession
[14:59] [Rw]Bigbang> me nai maanta >:(
[14:59] Queen_of_Spades> #couplegoal
[14:59] kyuubi out
[15:00] [SR]Spark> i got $10
[15:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> gasp they're mocking geolgoy
[15:00] Queen_of_Spades> i shipped it
[15:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok this is personal now
[15:00] Queen_of_Spades> ^^
[15:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> someone pm me when theyre online
[15:00] [SW]WestSide> ya geolgy itself aint that interesting imo
[15:00] Left_nut> yes bella is my mom
[15:00] [Rw]Bigbang> I see
[15:00] Left_nut> and i was born from one of her fat legs
[15:01] Left_nut> c section
[15:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> i like how he says "geology is boring but geomorpholgy is fun"
[15:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> when geomorphology literally is geology
[15:01] [SW]WestSide> fun fact: matt is a loser
[15:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> no leg is fat enough to hold u matt
[15:01] Left_nut> i didnt lose to V4nom
[15:01] [Rw]Bigbang> matt is good at playing populous
[15:01] [SR]Spark> how is it fun fact?
[15:01] Left_nut> u did
[15:01] [SW]WestSide> V4N0M is fucking pro
[15:01] [SW]WestSide> <3
[15:02] [SR]Spark> sunny leone is a fucking pro
[15:02] [SR]Spark> </#
[15:02] [SR]Spark> </3
[15:02] [Rw]Bigbang> he's talking about pro's in populous , bruh
[15:02] [Rw]Bigbang> -.-"
[15:02] [SR]Spark> me too
[15:02] Left_nut> v4nom owned u
[15:02] [SW]WestSide> matt come here
[15:02] [Rw]Bigbang> not in population blast
[15:02] Left_nut> doesnt make him pro
[15:02] [SW]WestSide> i own you
[15:02] [SR]Spark> xD
[15:02] [SW]WestSide> so V4N0M owns you
[15:02] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[15:03] [SW]WestSide> lets go drunk pop
[15:03] [SW]WestSide> best part of this game
[15:03] Queen_of_Spades> no ping
[15:03] Fang in
[15:03] [SW]Diablo in
[15:05] Ricardopedro in
[15:05] [GoD]Eric out
[15:06] [GoD]Candide in
[15:06] bobbylala out
[15:07] T-Rod in
[15:07] Andi_L in
[15:07] T-Rod> wanna do 2 vs 1?
[15:07] Devastation> lol
[15:07] Devastation> id be down
[15:08] T-Rod> lets try?
[15:08] T-Rod> me vs u
[15:08] T-Rod> 2
[15:08] Devastation> sure
[15:08] Andi_L out
[15:09] Ysarion out
[15:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> so i sent the video to my friend
[15:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://youtu.be/wqszikOK0Yg?t=1481
[15:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> and he immediately was disgusted
[15:09] Skuli in
[15:11] [GoD]Eric in
[15:11] Fang out
[15:12] Queen_of_Spades> yeah
[15:12] Queen_of_Spades> i do agree youre a whore of mm ;)
[15:12] Rathai in
[15:12] Rathai out
[15:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow
[15:13] [GoD]I_might_suicide> cat fight
[15:13] Queen_of_Spades> a fight?
[15:13] Queen_of_Spades> where
[15:13] Ricardopedro out
[15:13] Queen_of_Spades> isnt she happy of it ? <3
[15:13] Queen_of_Spades> i hope she is ^^
[15:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> LOOOOOOOOOOL
[15:14] Queen_of_Spades> x,P
[15:14] Queen_of_Spades> are u?
[15:14] Queen_of_Spades> ARE YOU?
[15:14] Queen_of_Spades> haha
[15:14] Queen_of_Spades> :3
[15:14] Dough_nut> annnnnnd crashed
[15:14] V4N0M> error
[15:14] [SR]FanZaah> CRASHED
[15:14] V4N0M> :P
[15:14] Lucky_Luke> omg
[15:14] [SR]FanZaah> fuckk
[15:14] [SR]FanZaah> vg
[15:14] [SR]FanZaah> gg
[15:14] V4N0M> nice
[15:14] Lucky_Luke> :D gg
[15:14] V4N0M> xD
[15:14] Dough_nut> thats okay i was doing bad
[15:14] savage2000_TAS in
[15:14] V4N0M> everygame i get focused why
[15:15] Dough_nut> lol v4nom i would say you're lucky you survived as long as you did
[15:15] Dough_nut> I was doing shit anyway
[15:15] [SR]Bananasplit in
[15:15] Dough_nut> messed up my farm big time
[15:15] diegosqo in
[15:16] Queen_of_Spades> fanzaah no ping
[15:16] [SR]Bananasplit out
[15:16] Skuli out
[15:16] [SR]FanZaah> too bad :/
[15:16] V4N0M> ye im just lucky
[15:17] V4N0M> i hate sess
[15:17] V4N0M> 0 skill map just roll around and fall in water
[15:17] V4N0M> fws dont shoot
[15:18] Queen_of_Spades> still no ping
[15:18] [SR]Spark> wtf banana
[15:18] [SR]Spark> was here
[15:18] [SR]Spark> OMG
[15:18] [SR]Spark> FUCKING
[15:18] [SR]Spark> get back
[15:19] ghyld out
[15:19] S4v01 in
[15:20] Whiteflare14 in
[15:20] [SW]WestSide> feel sorry for eric tbh
[15:20] [GoD]Eric out
[15:20] [GoD]Eric in
[15:20] [SW]WestSide> getting such a shitty ally
[15:20] [SW]WestSide> :/
[15:20] Whiteflare14 out
[15:20] [SW]WestSide> but that rush was cute matt
[15:20] [SW]WestSide> killed like 8braves
[15:20] Left_nut> had to rush
[15:20] Left_nut> lag so bad
[15:21] Left_nut> couldnt even convert
[15:21] [SW]WestSide> dont join bocks host then you loser
[15:21] [SW]WestSide> lol
[15:21] thoughtseize> omfg
[15:21] thoughtseize> matt
[15:21] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[15:21] [SW]WestSide> charging light first on pp just shows how much of a fucking pussy you are bro
[15:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ffs let people charge what they want :(
[15:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> bet he charged blast and convert first anyway
[15:22] italian120 in
[15:23] [SW]WestSide> that was a funny game
[15:23] [GoD]I_might_suicide> omfg the pope is here
[15:23] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so eggciting
[15:23] Queen_of_Spades> do pp
[15:24] steel out
[15:24] italian120 out
[15:24] italian120 in
[15:25] S4v01 out
[15:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> trying to find nici in some videos
[15:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> but its impossibru
[15:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so many ppl
[15:26] Nut_Cracker> try adult web sites
[15:26] Nut_Cracker> he is there
[15:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ye but i mean live
[15:26] Nut_Cracker> bbitch
[15:26] Nut_Cracker> sat on me
[15:27] italian120> occidentali s carma
[15:27] therapist> im niot akllyting jonnt
[15:27] therapist> on pp
[15:27] Nut_Cracker> im pro on pp
[15:27] therapist> actallu ur shut
[15:27] therapist> shit¨
[15:27] Nut_Cracker> pro\
[15:27] therapist> gtfo
[15:27] Nut_Cracker> ok
[15:27] Nut_Cracker> byeee
[15:27] therapist> wait wtf
[15:27] therapist> gb
[15:28] therapist> u homo
[15:28] therapist> lol
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> first u say leave
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> now u say come back
[15:28] therapist> uh owne3d
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> ur so confusing
[15:28] therapist> well
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> not owned? i left
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> lol
[15:28] therapist> even if u wanted in
[15:28] therapist> its 2 l8 now bby
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> if i wanted in matt would kick any of u 3
[15:28] therapist> u listened to me
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> probly bock
[15:28] therapist> and pussied out
[15:28] therapist> pwned
[15:28] therapist> owned
[15:28] therapist> smased rpapd
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> i was enjoying nice netflix until u pmed me
[15:28] Nut_Cracker> now u shit talking
[15:29] Nut_Cracker> go die
[15:29] therapist> WTF
[15:29] therapist> dude
[15:29] therapist> gtfi nut craci
[15:29] thoughtseize> idm ally
[15:29] Nut_Cracker> oh weed
[15:29] therapist> matt is afk
[15:29] Nut_Cracker> did u see the vid of moores murder
[15:29] therapist> well someone join me
[15:29] therapist> no lol show me
[15:30] [SW]WestSide> matt is crying in the corner cuz his rush didnt work
[15:30] Nut_Cracker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKtxHTcnho&t=65s
[15:30] Onikiri in
[15:30] Onikiri out
[15:30] [SW]WestSide> lol jonny
[15:31] Nut_Cracker> lol babo
[15:31] Nut_Cracker> lolololo weed
[15:31] therapist> hillarioso shit
[15:32] Un_Defeatable in
[15:32] [Rw]addiction in
[15:32] [GoD]Eric out
[15:33] [Rw]addiction out
[15:33] Un_Defeatable> Any one wants 1v1?
[15:33] Un_Defeatable> SO join
[15:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[15:35] savage2000_TAS out
[15:43] [SW]Bianca in
[15:43] shogun> bbl.
[15:43] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[15:43] shogun out
[15:43] [Rw]Bigbang> hi
[15:46] Lucky_Luke out
[15:47] Luke_OP out
[15:48] Rogan out
[15:49] GeeksMania in
[15:49] minder118 in
[15:49] Musi in
[15:50] Hasta_Cuando in
[15:51] Ysarion in
[15:51] Luke_OP in
[15:51] diegosqo out
[15:52] Hasta_Cuando> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352721
[15:54] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[15:55] GeeksMania out
[15:55] Obduction> Anlad1k yendin 3-4 gündür ayn1 _eyi at1p duruyosun sen left nut 1 yenemezsin bal1na alm1_s1nd1r.Vee kimse benim ne yazd11m1 anlamad1 tabi ..
[15:55] Hasta_Cuando> n
[15:55] Hasta_Cuando> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352721
[15:55] [SW]Bianca out
[15:57] [SW]Bianca in
[15:58] Kitstar_OP in
[15:58] italian120 out
[15:58] V4N0M> gg
[15:58] Queen_of_Spades> gg
[15:58] V4N0M> quit xD
[15:59] Queen_of_Spades> thanks red
[15:59] minder118> SESS+++++++++++3
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> ill never play sober again
[16:00] [Rw]addiction in
[16:00] therapist> IVE SEEN BY FUCKIN FAR
[16:00] therapist> I SWEAR DIOWNB
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> gg
[16:00] therapist> THIS LUCK
[16:00] therapist> NEEDS TO END
[16:00] thoughtseize> gg
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> bock
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> wie nennt man das nochmal
[16:00] T-Rod> wassup weed
[16:00] Devastation out
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> du weißt schon
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> wenn man jemanden so demütigt
[16:00] thoughtseize> nassrassur
[16:00] therapist> t rod
[16:00] T-Rod> map wishes
[16:00] therapist> these guys
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> ach ja totale zerberstung
[16:00] therapist> had sickest luck
[16:00] therapist> 1 blast killed me
[16:00] therapist> then 1 fw killed me
[16:00] T-Rod> rofl
[16:00] therapist> my shaman skateboarded
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> it was 3 blasts
[16:00] thoughtseize> wie die globale erwärmung?
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> and 3 lights
[16:00] therapist> into the water
[16:00] [SW]WestSide> lol
[16:01] therapist> and worst of all
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> gg
[16:01] therapist> 1 brave psuehd me in water
[16:01] [SW]WestSide> JAA BCOCK
[16:01] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[16:01] therapist> and i wasnt even close to water
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> weed loses again
[16:01] T-Rod> forcing
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> how unusual
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> !
[16:01] T-Rod> map?
[16:01] therapist> im gonna rape this game
[16:01] therapist> pp
[16:01] [SW]WestSide> ich hab gut gespielt
[16:01] [SW]WestSide> dir oft den arsch gerettet
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> good lad weed
[16:01] [Rw]addiction> good lad
[16:01] [SW]WestSide> was war da los
[16:01] Devastation in
[16:02] T-Rod> lemme piss and we go
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> moores is shit so you guys should win pretty easy
[16:02] therapist> htfu
[16:02] therapist> LOL?`
[16:02] therapist> addi
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> hello
[16:02] therapist> i dont think u have any idea how fuckin beast i am on pp
[16:02] therapist> id rape u in like 15 mins
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> oh ma daaaaaays
[16:02] therapist> oh ma looooooooord
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> 15 mins
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> wtf you taking so long for
[16:02] [Rw]addiction> if you so beastly
[16:03] therapist> well ur gonna camp in a tower
[16:03] [Rw]addiction> 5 mins of defeat 10 mins of toying
[16:03] V4N0M> https://www.popre.net/images/start_rank.png
[16:03] therapist> and make 20 fw obsdciously
[16:03] therapist> so
[16:03] therapist> i mean even nici
[16:03] therapist> couldnt finish u that fast
[16:03] BeastIncarnate in
[16:03] [Rw]addiction> hehe
[16:03] Tecking in
[16:04] therapist> wtf no tom
[16:04] therapist> pp
[16:04] diegosqo in
[16:04] V4N0M> 800 ping
[16:04] therapist> wow so dumb lmfao
[16:04] T-Rod> lets pp
[16:04] therapist> yeah gogogogoogog
[16:04] T-Rod> i was gonna
[16:04] Ysarion out
[16:04] Left_nut in
[16:04] Ysarion in
[16:05] Queen_of_Spades out
[16:05] Queen_of_Spades in
[16:05] [SR]FanZaah out
[16:05] T-Rod> the slow launch
[16:05] [SW]WestSide> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142232748
[16:05] [SW]WestSide> watch this guys
[16:05] [SW]WestSide> matt failing a rush
[16:06] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[16:06] bobbylala in
[16:06] T-Rod> weed say when go
[16:06] Queen_of_Spades out
[16:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> therapist> go
[16:06] therapist> okok
[16:07] therapist> WTF
[16:07] therapist> I SAID OKOK
[16:07] therapist> TO SAY
[16:07] therapist> WHEN THE FUCK
[16:07] Queen_of_Spades in
[16:07] Queen_of_Spades> wow
[16:07] Queen_of_Spades> connection problem
[16:09] Devastation> +1 need a teammate
[16:09] [Rw]addiction> lol watching
[16:09] Ysarion out
[16:10] Ysarion in
[16:10] B_le_Barbar in
[16:10] Un_Defeatable out
[16:11] [GoD]Candide> froze
[16:11] T-Rod> wtf
[16:11] therapist> the fuck candildo
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> cool
[16:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> "candildo"
[16:12] Ysarion> sure I'm up for anything rly
[16:12] bobbylala> cool
[16:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[16:15] Tecking out
[16:15] kururusapiens in
[16:15] Tecking in
[16:16] B_le_Barbar out
[16:17] Ysarion out
[16:18] Hasta_Cuando out
[16:19] Shao_OP in
[16:19] Sucukluyumurta in
[16:19] Ysarion in
[16:20] Shao_OP> hentai
[16:20] Ysarion> woha what happened
[16:20] bobbylala> seems like you crashed out ?
[16:20] Ysarion> I guess I did
[16:20] kururusapiens out
[16:20] Ysarion> try again?
[16:20] Tecking> relaunch
[16:20] Sucukluyumurta> ++++++++++++++2
[16:20] bobbylala> yhyh
[16:21] Tecking> set me spectate
[16:21] Tecking out
[16:23] therapist> +++++++++
[16:23] therapist> ????????????????????????????????????????
[16:23] therapist> wtf
[16:23] therapist> WTFD
[16:23] T-Rod> why left weed
[16:23] therapist out
[16:23] therapist in
[16:23] T-Rod> weed was done
[16:23] therapist> ...................................
[16:23] T-Rod> i was enetering hes base
[16:24] therapist> ?
[16:24] therapist> lmfao ?
[16:24] therapist> i fuckin lagged out
[16:24] therapist> and i was in ur base
[16:24] T-Rod> quit
[16:24] therapist> fucked 4 huts
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> wow weed quitted
[16:24] T-Rod> i say
[16:24] therapist> i didnt quit
[16:24] therapist> i laggedo ut
[16:24] therapist> swear down
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> lmao
[16:24] T-Rod> did u lag
[16:24] therapist> yeah
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> do fo
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> this time
[16:24] [Rw]Bigbang> hi candied
[16:24] T-Rod> matt come
[16:24] therapist> no fo
[16:24] [Rw]Bigbang> \o/
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> yo bigbang
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> sup
[16:24] [GoD]Candide> :)
[16:24] [Rw]Bigbang> nm
[16:24] [Rw]Bigbang> n u
[16:24] T-Rod> weed
[16:25] [GoD]Candide> hm
[16:25] T-Rod> where the fuck think ur goi
[16:25] [GoD]Candide> just came back for a game or 2
[16:25] therapist> well
[16:25] [Rw]Bigbang> Thats good
[16:25] therapist> i went like some cm down ur screen
[16:25] therapist> no homo
[16:25] T-Rod> well
[16:26] Sucukluyumurta> pp?
[16:26] Sucukluyumurta> :)
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> weeed u playin wtf
[16:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[16:26] Tecking in
[16:27] therapist> yeah i am
[16:27] Sucukluyumurta> wtf
[16:27] Sucukluyumurta> sluts
[16:27] Sucukluyumurta> i say sec
[16:27] [GoD]Candide> matt herw?
[16:28] T-Rod> murderaaa
[16:28] T-Rod> come in
[16:28] [SW]Diablo out
[16:28] T-Rod> weed dude
[16:28] T-Rod> why didnt u join my nice hut
[16:28] therapist> ur host is shit
[16:28] T-Rod> u playing tricks
[16:29] therapist> no lmfao
[16:29] T-Rod> why not say
[16:29] T-Rod> we coulda do ur host
[16:29] therapist> i didnt kjnoiw
[16:29] therapist> i was gonna lag out
[16:29] therapist> on ur host
[16:29] therapist> u fuc
[16:29] therapist> k
[16:29] T-Rod> after that i mean
[16:29] T-Rod> joining matt hut
[16:29] Nut_Cracker> trod
[16:29] therapist> cuz i thought
[16:29] Nut_Cracker> come to h1z1
[16:29] therapist> he was here
[16:29] therapist> and ts
[16:29] therapist> n shit
[16:29] T-Rod> is it free game
[16:29] therapist> but nop
[16:29] Nut_Cracker> 11$
[16:30] T-Rod> umm what other games do u have
[16:30] Nut_Cracker> populous
[16:30] T-Rod> lol
[16:30] Nut_Cracker> lol
[16:30] T-Rod> ddo u have l4d2
[16:30] therapist> is anyone on ts
[16:30] Nut_Cracker> yes
[16:30] Nut_Cracker> trod:no
[16:30] T-Rod> do u like it?
[16:30] Nut_Cracker> weed:yes
[16:30] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[16:30] therapist> ????????????????????????????
[16:31] T-Rod> i gotta buy the game
[16:32] T-Rod> come play populous
[16:32] T-Rod> nut cracker
[16:32] therapist> i did
[16:32] therapist> 90 times
[16:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo
[16:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> had to do somethin
[16:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go
[16:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed do fo?
[16:33] therapist> map??????
[16:33] therapist> no fo lol
[16:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> sess?
[16:34] Nut_Cracker> weed
[16:34] T-Rod> do
[16:34] minder118> SESS+++++++++++++++2
[16:34] T-Rod> 4 walls
[16:34] Nut_Cracker> show moore murder the vid i found of him
[16:34] therapist> OLOL
[16:34] therapist> o=OO)=LOL
[16:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu jonny
[16:34] T-Rod> tom
[16:34] Nut_Cracker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKtxHTcnho&t=65s
[16:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot is it?
[16:34] therapist> wait i gotta getyo n ts first
[16:34] Kitstar_OP in
[16:34] [GoD]Candide> fo weeed
[16:34] [GoD]Candide> lets go
[16:35] therapist> GAY
[16:35] Obduction out
[16:36] [Rw]addiction out
[16:38] Sucukluyumurta> +!
[16:38] Sucukluyumurta> +1
[16:39] GangJP in
[16:39] GangJP out
[16:40] Audition> i cant join minder
[16:41] Kitstar_OP out
[16:43] CloudGames in
[16:44] CloudGames out
[16:45] Un_Defeatable in
[16:46] DjDidziajGerbemas in
[16:46] DjDidziajGerbemas out
[16:48] Luke_OP out
[16:48] Sam_Tas in
[16:50] yoshi_TAS in
[16:50] yoshi_TAS out
[16:50] yoshi_TAS in
[16:51] [SR]Apocapto in
[16:52] coolman out
[16:52] tripleb in
[16:53] Shao_OP> Hentai
[16:53] [SR]Apocapto> ar
[16:53] Shao_OP out
[16:53] tripleb out
[16:54] V4N0M in
[16:55] Kitstar_OP in
[16:55] V4N0M> can i rjoin a game
[16:56] V4N0M> nice dc
[16:57] [GoD]Candide> gg
[16:57] [GoD]Candide> seeya
[16:57] [GoD]Candide out
[16:59] V4N0M out
[16:59] V4N0M out
[17:00] V4N0M in
[17:01] pataxo in
[17:02] pataxo out
[17:02] [SR]Spark> xD
[17:02] [SR]Apocapto> lag or lost
[17:02] [SW]Bianca> lol
[17:02] Nut_Cracker> weed
[17:02] Nut_Cracker> noob
[17:02] Kitstar_OP> no podras jugar assi
[17:02] Nut_Cracker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVKtxHTcnho&t=65s
[17:02] Nut_Cracker> moores murder
[17:02] [SR]Apocapto> sec
[17:02] [SR]Spark> bianca host
[17:02] [SR]Apocapto> brb 5 minutes
[17:02] Kitstar_OP out
[17:02] [SR]Apocapto out
[17:02] [SR]Spark> damn it :(
[17:03] [SR]Spark> both left
[17:03] k3nny in
[17:03] Ratchet in
[17:03] Ratchet> FOOLS
[17:03] therapist> diude
[17:03] Kitstar_OP> im here
[17:03] Kitstar_OP> XD
[17:03] therapist> t rod thinks i use a prog
[17:03] Ratchet> write ransomware script
[17:03] therapist> toi see other spels lmfao
[17:03] Kitstar_OP> my clon left
[17:03] Ratchet> INFECT NHS AND SEVERAL COUNTRIES http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/39901370
[17:03] [SR]Spark> oh xD
[17:04] Left_nut> weed
[17:04] Left_nut> why leave ts
[17:04] [SR]Spark> v4nom
[17:04] [SR]Spark> join?
[17:04] k3nny out
[17:04] therapist> fuckin shit noise everywhere
[17:04] Left_nut> weed is raging
[17:04] therapist> and u guys no pop
[17:04] Left_nut> on ts
[17:04] k3nny in
[17:04] [SR]Spark> why left kitty?
[17:04] Kitstar_OP> waiting my cousin
[17:05] [SR]Spark> apocapto is your cousin?
[17:05] Kitstar_OP> and dont know that fake v4n0m
[17:05] Kitstar_OP> yes
[17:05] [SR]Apocapto in
[17:06] Musi out
[17:06] k3nny> noob
[17:06] [SR]Spark> come bianca
[17:06] [SR]Spark> devastation thats biancas spot
[17:06] [SR]Apocapto> im having spikes
[17:06] BeastIncarnate> Look at that graph blue
[17:07] Queen_of_Spades> gg
[17:07] BeastIncarnate> i wonder if you really think i complimented myself their
[17:07] BeastIncarnate> or i really was faking about i could end red earlier
[17:07] venetica in
[17:07] [SR]Spark> queen
[17:07] [SR]Spark> leave pls
[17:08] Queen_of_Spades> didnt know
[17:08] V4N0M> wow
[17:08] [SR]Apocapto> K
[17:08] [SR]Apocapto> Dw
[17:08] V4N0M> rlly
[17:08] Kitstar_OP> xD
[17:08] [SR]Spark> sry we play later with you
[17:08] Kitstar_OP> queen
[17:08] tristan- in
[17:08] Kitstar_OP> thats bianca spot
[17:08] Nut_Cracker out
[17:08] [SR]Apocapto> Cuncia
[17:08] Queen_of_Spades> i left like since 30 sec already?
[17:08] [SR]Apocapto> Tiempo: 546 en el cmd
[17:08] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[17:08] Queen_of_Spades> i respect
[17:08] Kitstar_OP> yes honey
[17:08] yoshi_TAS out
[17:08] Kitstar_OP> :*
[17:08] [SR]Apocapto> Me están dando unos spikes <3
[17:08] yoshi_TAS in
[17:08] V4N0M> left nut
[17:08] Nut_Cracker in
[17:09] V4N0M> kenny wants 1v1 you
[17:09] V4N0M> :D
[17:09] Kitstar_OP> andaa
[17:09] Kitstar_OP> gg
[17:09] [SR]Apocapto> Acabó de salir uno de 850
[17:09] Kitstar_OP> es potroso ese internet entonces
[17:09] Obduction in
[17:11] Ysarion> well played
[17:11] bobbylala> fair play man
[17:11] Tecking out
[17:11] Tecking in
[17:11] Ysarion> you got a coach though did't you?
[17:11] [SR]Apocapto out
[17:12] bobbylala> no not really?
[17:12] Ysarion> just wondering if the spectator was giving advide
[17:12] Kitstar_OP> no puedes jugar
[17:12] Tecking> he got a slap yesterday
[17:12] Ysarion> advice*
[17:12] bobbylala> just watched a lot of craigs vids
[17:12] bobbylala> nah nothing like that
[17:13] bobbylala> yeah i got wrecked yesterday aha
[17:13] Ysarion> yeah I watched those. But its my 2nd game
[17:13] BeastIncarnate> host
[17:13] Tecking> you didn't construct enough huts
[17:13] Ysarion> I know, I should have bridged more probably
[17:13] bobbylala> yeah me too :) lots to get better at
[17:13] Tecking> how did you?
[17:13] [SR]Apocapto in
[17:14] Tecking> I'm not really better
[17:14] V4N0M> omggg
[17:14] [SR]Apocapto> Lol
[17:14] [SR]Spark> queen
[17:14] [SR]Spark> leave pls
[17:14] [SR]Spark> xD
[17:14] Queen_of_Spades> she asked me to come
[17:14] [SR]Spark> oh
[17:14] Kitstar_OP> i tell her
[17:14] [SR]Spark> fine then
[17:14] Tecking> I'm shure I should have won in this game
[17:14] Kitstar_OP> join
[17:14] Ysarion> well nice game anywayz, you earned your victory
[17:14] [SR]Spark> omg bianca?
[17:14] Kitstar_OP> hmm? XD
[17:14] Ratchet> which one of you fools hacked the NHS today
[17:14] Ratchet> own up
[17:14] Kitstar_OP> bianca?
[17:14] [SR]Apocapto> he gives me red
[17:14] [SR]Apocapto> hahaha
[17:14] [SR]Apocapto> ahe*
[17:14] bobbylala> yeah fair play to you, lots of luck in that one i think
[17:15] Queen_of_Spades> ;_;
[17:15] Obduction out
[17:15] Kitstar_OP> uhmm
[17:15] V4N0M> kkk
[17:15] Obduction in
[17:15] [SR]Spark> ASK VENE
[17:15] bobbylala> i should really be doing my thesis..
[17:15] bobbylala> peace
[17:16] bobbylala out
[17:16] Kitstar_OP> come
[17:16] Kitstar_OP> bianca
[17:16] V4N0M> wtf
[17:16] Kitstar_OP> and spark
[17:16] [SR]Apocapto> Come, Spark.
[17:16] [SR]Apocapto> N Bianca too
[17:16] Kitstar_OP> sorry v4n0m
[17:16] Queen_of_Spades> what?
[17:16] [SW]Bianca> hey guys
[17:16] [SW]Bianca> lol
[17:16] Queen_of_Spades> u said u have to go, why joking on me?
[17:16] Ysarion> ehm guys forgive a n00b for asking, but how do you open chat in game?
[17:16] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[17:16] [SR]Spark> press m
[17:16] Ysarion> thanks
[17:16] Devastation out
[17:17] k3nny> :1
[17:17] tristan- out
[17:17] k3nny> +1
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> o
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> l
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> ok.
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> very kind kikyo.
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> :,(
[17:17] Tecking> ress M
[17:17] Tecking> Press M
[17:17] Queen_of_Spades> abusing of my kindness.
[17:18] Queen_of_Spades> :<
[17:18] Fluschu in
[17:19] Fluschu> hi
[17:19] Tecking> hi
[17:19] pboris93 in
[17:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> HORSUS DICKUS
[17:19] Queen_of_Spades> /me hits you hard with a hammer
[17:20] pboris93 out
[17:20] Queen_of_Spades> and u always come when i wanna punch hard on a wall
[17:20] Queen_of_Spades> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!..............
[17:20] Queen_of_Spades> >:(
[17:20] BeastIncarnate> Yo relax
[17:21] Queen_of_Spades> fu
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> life's fked up for everyone
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> jsut look at w33d
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> he sucks alot
[17:21] Queen_of_Spades> i dont give a fuck
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> but still he is happy with it
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> nobody does
[17:21] BeastIncarnate> but the point is chill
[17:21] Queen_of_Spades> u dont understand my angriness
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> you dont understand how fked up people here are
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> most of them doesn't get angry because they know
[17:22] Queen_of_Spades> just
[17:22] Queen_of_Spades> stop
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> angriness wouldn't get you
[17:22] Queen_of_Spades> thank yo
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> shit
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> because if you think like that trust me
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> you have 0 oppurturnities
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> of fixing the wrong thing
[17:22] BeastIncarnate> do the right thing and relax you know most of the people here cries in their bed
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> because of how fkin tough life is
[17:23] diegosqo out
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> but the dont really have to be on MM to tell others that they are sad
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> or angry
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> truly fkin shit trust me
[17:23] aosin in
[17:23] Queen_of_Spades> .. thank you but its not that at all.
[17:23] Queen_of_Spades> i dont cry
[17:23] Queen_of_Spades> i fake cry
[17:23] Queen_of_Spades> i punch instead
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> fake cry wtf is that shit?
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> you either cry
[17:23] BeastIncarnate> or you dont
[17:24] aosin out
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> well
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> wanna know whats better than that?
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> suicide helps more than punching btw
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> you can just visit any med store nearby
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> and buy some pills and suicidie
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> its all chill nobody really cares trust me
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> even i am sick about my friend at school he is always crying about life
[17:24] Queen_of_Spades> its just would be kind if u dont add more about it, cuz u dont understand why i am mad.
[17:24] BeastIncarnate> and telling me that he will just suicide
[17:25] Queen_of_Spades> and what u just said above, saying to suicide.
[17:25] Queen_of_Spades> its kind of silly.
[17:25] Fluschu> who is GreenWarrior?
[17:25] therapist> mia u wanna suck my 99 incher
[17:26] Adena_OP in
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> It aint silly
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> if you really just wanna get some attention
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> then probably it is silly
[17:27] V4N0M> i cant play
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> but reality is if you really cry that much
[17:27] k3nny> gg
[17:27] V4N0M> everything i do happens 5 sec later
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> the only solution out there is this
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> but wait
[17:27] BeastIncarnate> we dont really wanna die
[17:28] BeastIncarnate> we just wanna be sittin in the home smilin and giggling and telling others that you are crying
[17:28] BeastIncarnate> people disappointing me again ahhh well.
[17:29] V4N0M> k3nny lags other people out to win
[17:29] V4N0M> nice
[17:29] Queen_of_Spades> what youre saying is completly unrelated to me.
[17:29] Queen_of_Spades> but uh
[17:29] Queen_of_Spades> i respect.
[17:31] BeastIncarnate> that was a keen try from escaping what you have initiated but lets conclude it with that fact that your try to get attention was pretty much succesfull
[17:31] BeastIncarnate> as i had to waste my energy to tell you the most basic suggestion i could give.
[17:31] k3nny out
[17:31] yoshi_TAS out
[17:31] Queen_of_Spades> and its not bad!
[17:31] Queen_of_Spades> dw
[17:31] greenwarrior in
[17:32] V4N0M> k3nny Missing Join Report
[17:32] akirahina in
[17:32] BeastIncarnate> i really never worried because such stuff makes me nothing more then pretty much angry
[17:32] Queen_of_Spades> then chill
[17:32] BeastIncarnate> fed up of people's fake drama
[17:32] BeastIncarnate> about this and that
[17:33] Queen_of_Spades> its maybe cuz i dont share my probs in publics.
[17:33] Queen_of_Spades> voila
[17:33] Tecking> voila?
[17:33] BeastIncarnate> that was one strangest thing you've said so far
[17:33] Tecking> tu parles français?
[17:33] Queen_of_Spades> its not
[17:34] BeastIncarnate> in literaly terms the last arguement i lsot was to nici in this lobby so far i've never lost any arguement either at school or online based on facts
[17:34] Tecking> Pourquoi dire voila?
[17:34] BeastIncarnate> because all these people are just fake and they dont really have some facts
[17:34] BeastIncarnate> ffs
[17:34] T-Rod> ik
[17:34] greenwarrior> +1
[17:34] Tecking> What does "voila" means for you?
[17:34] Queen_of_Spades> having arguementh here in this chatroom is a waste of time and energy
[17:34] Queen_of_Spades> knows it
[17:35] BeastIncarnate> tecking
[17:35] V4N0M> nobody will join
[17:35] BeastIncarnate> it means fking ur mom up
[17:35] BeastIncarnate> now stfu would u?
[17:35] V4N0M> 10/10 unfair teams lol
[17:35] Queen_of_Spades> which explains why i dont chat much often.
[17:35] BeastIncarnate> and about Queen_of_Spades
[17:35] Queen_of_Spades> or that i dont take part in mostly all the discussions here
[17:35] V4N0M out
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> why would i stfu?
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[17:36] BeastIncarnate> you are pretty much contradictory to your own terms
[17:36] frizzo2000 in
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> im free to talk
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> and u too
[17:36] BetaEnemy_Tas in
[17:36] Musi in
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> youre not moderating the mm as far as i know
[17:36] frizzo2000 out
[17:36] Queen_of_Spades> and the fights you had with a supposed nici doesnt concerns me
[17:36] BeastIncarnate> Spades are you blind or soemthing
[17:36] BeastIncarnate> i was talkin to tecking that moment
[17:36] BeastIncarnate> not you
[17:37] Tecking> yes and so?
[17:37] Queen_of_Spades> no u are
[17:37] Queen_of_Spades> u said earlier u were mostly not angry
[17:37] BeastIncarnate> it doesn't really concern you but the fact that you are talking really irrelevant nonsense
[17:37] Queen_of_Spades> cuz u chilll most of the time
[17:37] BeastIncarnate> Queen_of_Spades> and u always come when i wanna punch hard on a wall
[17:37] BeastIncarnate> this is how you started it
[17:37] BeastIncarnate> and i had to shut this up because you are faking it
[17:38] BeastIncarnate> it doesn'y really matter if u publicly announces your problems or not
[17:38] Queen_of_Spades> then u said ''such stuff makes me nothing more then pretty much angry''
[17:38] BeastIncarnate> but the fact that i've seen like 100s of people
[17:38] Vonn59 in
[17:38] BeastIncarnate> who have faked it to such a point where i dont really care
[17:38] fireman323 out
[17:38] Queen_of_Spades> im rly mad
[17:38] skaarj_guardian in
[17:38] Queen_of_Spades> i never stated above i was faking it
[17:38] BeastIncarnate> than just simply die
[17:38] Queen_of_Spades> go find
[17:38] BeastIncarnate> why dont you?
[17:39] BeastIncarnate> you have pretty much easy ways of killing yourself
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> youre mean to say that
[17:39] BeastIncarnate> who literally gives a fk if u r angry or what
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> where's your heart
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> ?
[17:39] BeastIncarnate> you know
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> thats it
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> as no one gives a fuck
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> means its okay to vent here
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> ;)
[17:39] BeastIncarnate> No
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> and if u dont give a fuck
[17:39] BeastIncarnate> not in my presences
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> just dont give a fuck?
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> bbye!
[17:39] Queen_of_Spades> :)
[17:39] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[17:40] BeastIncarnate> i dont really give a fk if u die or if u have anger or stuff
[17:40] BeastIncarnate> but dont say fkin fake shit in here
[17:40] shogun in
[17:40] BeastIncarnate> it really hurts my feelings
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> ure telling me o
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> oo...order?
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> LMAO
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> thats A NICE ONE
[17:40] Queen_of_Spades> inca number 2!
[17:40] BeastIncarnate> wish i had a loaded .9 mm
[17:40] BeastIncarnate> and you infront of me
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> so i could literrally remove one major problem from this world
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> lmao
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> heartless guy u are x,D
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> i want WW3
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> so mean
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> OMFG
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> because human race needs annihilation
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> X,D
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> such dumb pathetic low lifes here
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> ffs
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> u consider youself higher than the humanity now?
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> DAAAAAAAAAAAMN
[17:41] Queen_of_Spades> youre getting far mister!
[17:41] Tecking> so stfu and take a bow!!!
[17:41] BeastIncarnate> i ofc consider myself above people like u
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> what a high ego x,D
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> i could vomit on it
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> omfg
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> ban
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> dont wonder why u had fights with ppls then
[17:42] Audition> . . . . . . . . ÿÿ00Õ
[17:42] Audition> 00000| 0n0n a_
[17:42] BeastIncarnate> atleast i am not an attention whore
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> especially nici
[17:42] Audition> 0 000ÿß?ÿÎ
[17:42] BeastIncarnate> fights with ppl?
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> lmao
[17:42] Queen_of_Spades> attention whore?
[17:42] BeastIncarnate> it is the fact that i just like debating upon a fact
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> u knid of wrote a novel while ive just said few sentences
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> and people on other side tends to lose mostly
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> tell me whose the attention whore then
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> AH
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> because of the rigged facts they have
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> fuck youre own ego
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> fuck your balls
[17:43] fireman323 in
[17:43] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> suck your own dick
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> well
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> you've gone totally insane no wonder
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> and fuck your own arguements
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> how you just wanted to punch someone
[17:43] BeastIncarnate> and when i said chill
[17:43] greenwarrior> moores is afk
[17:43] Queen_of_Spades> i dont waste my time on you anymore lmao
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> the fact thay you just have nothing say and telling me such stuff
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> ofc i'd really like to kill you if i meet you for real
[17:44] [rw]fury in
[17:44] Queen_of_Spades> blocked
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> well girls these days
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> are pathetic
[17:44] Queen_of_Spades> and reported :>
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> oh wow
[17:44] BeastIncarnate> inca look at this people omfg
[17:45] akirahina out
[17:45] Tecking> look at you
[17:45] Musi out
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> the reason why i hate girls is pretty much above but i have to talk to them to shut them up but i dont say all of them are like that
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> a minor quantity is correct
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> like 1 in 100
[17:45] [rw]fury> you should respect others regardless of their gender
[17:45] BeastIncarnate> Fury
[17:45] [GoD]I_might_suicide> [18:43] Queen_of_Spades> u knid of wrote a novel while ive just said few sentences
[17:45] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lmfaofoafoaofao
[17:46] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> respecting others
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> ?
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> really bro?
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> and this Tecking guy
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> wtf do u want?
[17:46] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[17:46] BeastIncarnate> i used to respect everyone
[17:47] [rw]fury> then you met matt
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> but the experiences i had so far just made me conclude that all of these people makes me sick
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> matt is pretty much right
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> if you geniunly
[17:47] [rw]fury> you should be careful
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> with open mind
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> listen to that guy
[17:47] [rw]fury> if you are a huge negative force in the lives of everyone around you
[17:47] [rw]fury> you may wake up one day with nobody around you
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> he is pretty much right because all of y'all are just fed to such lies
[17:47] [rw]fury> better to respect others and see the upside
[17:47] [GoD]I_might_suicide> deep
[17:47] BeastIncarnate> that you can't bear the truth
[17:48] Tecking out
[17:48] Tecking in
[17:48] BeastIncarnate> Fury wanna know what
[17:48] BeastIncarnate> dude i literally give 0 fk if no one is by side
[17:48] BeastIncarnate> because i dont really need fake people lmfao
[17:48] fireman323> so deep adele is rolling in it
[17:48] BeastIncarnate> and i am not in search for good people tho
[17:49] BeastIncarnate> respecting others for what
[17:49] BeastIncarnate> when y'all just hate matt for the truth
[17:49] BeastIncarnate> than what else is left to be said lmfao
[17:49] Queen_of_Spades> omg fury idk why u wrote that (i suppose beast is still speaking). but thats a deep thought. ;0;
[17:49] Vonn59> im having issues with d3dpoptb.exe
[17:49] [SW]WestSide> [19:49] BeastIncarnate> when y'all just hate matt for the truth
[17:49] [SW]WestSide> what is that truth youre talking about?
[17:49] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ofc i hate inca for changing map files ffs
[17:50] BeastIncarnate> queen of spades i knew if i called you an attention whore that would hit you pretty hard but guess what i had to say that
[17:50] Vonn59> anyone know a fix?
[17:50] BeastIncarnate> someone please say this to here
[17:50] Vonn59> ok
[17:50] BeastIncarnate> her from my side
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> no
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> youre mentally challenged
[17:50] therapist> this guy is typin so much bs on mm, discussing these things on a friday, no life this shahzad got
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> if you agree with someone like matt
[17:50] therapist> i remember last year
[17:50] therapist> shahzad was on mm
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> yeah weed
[17:50] BeastIncarnate> w33d
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> mobile mm
[17:50] therapist> 2 months straight no joke on his phone
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> all day
[17:50] therapist> chatting shit
[17:50] BeastIncarnate> how are you homie
[17:50] therapist> 2 months on his phone dude no joke
[17:50] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wait let me check facebook i need to associate a picture to this retardness
[17:50] [SW]WestSide> ik
[17:51] therapist> srsly how fuckin low can u get
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> babo
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> matt is the real stuff dude
[17:51] Adena_OP out
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> atleast is truthfull
[17:51] [SW]WestSide> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_bba3846b12c44520ac97bb98871855f3.jpg/v1/fill/w_512,h_431,al_c,lg_1,q_80/b7a403_bba3846b12c44520ac97bb98871855f3.jpg
[17:51] Queen_of_Spades> idk whats going on in here, but one thing i have despite my actions....... => H E A R T
[17:51] [SW]WestSide> thats him div
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> not faking it like yall
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> ofc thats me
[17:51] [SW]WestSide> youre really dumb if you think inca changes your map files
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> pretty much young 18 year old
[17:51] KosjaK_OP in
[17:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lolol
[17:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> looks like weed
[17:52] therapist> he is sayin that shit to get attention on a friday nighgt babo lmfao
[17:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> indian too?
[17:52] KosjaK_OP> stuff
[17:52] KosjaK_OP> laughter
[17:52] Sam_Tas out
[17:52] therapist> divinity still butthurt
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> w33d
[17:52] [SR]Spark> gg
[17:52] KosjaK_OP> what day is today?
[17:52] [SW]Bianca> gg
[17:52] KosjaK_OP> SATURDAY
[17:52] therapist> cuz i woulda smashed his toruney
[17:52] therapist> to pieces
[17:52] [SR]Apocapto> g
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> why would i require attention
[17:52] therapist> too fuckin good
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> in this shti ass lobby
[17:52] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[17:52] Brandan> no
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> lmfao
[17:52] Brandan> its Friday
[17:52] Queen_of_Spades> would be nice if it was saturday already
[17:52] [SR]Apocapto> If my net works correctly
[17:52] [SR]Apocapto> we could won
[17:52] Queen_of_Spades> B)
[17:52] [SW]WestSide> yeah weed, pretty much an attention whore
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> where half of y'all are half brained
[17:52] therapist> cuz u have been tuyping non stop for 2 hours
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> lmfao
[17:52] fireman323 out
[17:52] KosjaK_OP> It's going to be Saturday.
[17:52] Brandan> its also going to be Monday too =P
[17:53] therapist> omfg
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> u can just ignore by the way
[17:53] therapist> brandan comes
[17:53] therapist> and destroyes me weekend
[17:53] KosjaK_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybogc4Cn38A
[17:53] therapist> gtfo man
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> NO
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> WHO
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> SAID
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> MONDAY
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> well i think i was right about the fact that all you can do si shit
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> D:
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> rather than debating the right thing
[17:53] Vonn59> Nah
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> Women are weird piece of shit
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> trust me
[17:53] Fluschu> go?
[17:53] Queen_of_Spades> /me throws the table strongly
[17:53] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[17:53] Sucukluyumurta> gg lol
[17:54] Vonn59> idk what to do, I will search for a fix
[17:54] Un_Defeatable> GG
[17:54] Audition> moores is afk
[17:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> dude ur badluck with girls will end just trust
[17:54] shogun> BeastIncarnate> Women are weird piece of shit
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> dude
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> wanna know what
[17:54] shogun> whos the half brained now
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> i never had badluck
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> +
[17:54] therapist> gay confirmed
[17:54] therapist> i bet he loves that black cock
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> i dont really talk to girls as i said previously
[17:54] therapist> deep inside his asshole
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> hard to understand them
[17:54] therapist> dont u shahzad
[17:54] yoshi_TAS in
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> w33d
[17:54] therapist> i mean men must be the real thing for u right
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> what makes you think such retarded stuff
[17:55] therapist> well according to the shit uve been sayin
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> that even God feels challenged by the fact that he created mankind
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> lmfao
[17:55] therapist> ur a fuckin psycho and a gay fuck
[17:55] [Rw]Bigbang> these pakistanis are really idiots
[17:55] therapist> ^
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> ^
[17:55] [SR]Spark> LOL
[17:55] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ^
[17:55] V4N0M in
[17:55] shogun> ^
[17:55] KosjaK_OP> \/
[17:56] BeastIncarnate> Pakistani's literally idiots
[17:56] KosjaK_OP> fuck the police
[17:56] wsdjf in
[17:56] [tdm]Mooresy in
[17:56] [SR]Spark> wat makes pakistanis think that sperm is generated in the backbone?
[17:56] [SR]Spark> LMFAO
[17:56] BeastIncarnate> Afghanistan is far better than Pakistan
[17:56] BeastIncarnate> i feel good that i am in these caves with pretty high tech 4g stuff
[17:57] [Rw]Bigbang> pakistan newser > Water found on Jupiter .... BBC Newser > Pakistani Rocket found in Ocean
[17:57] [Rw]Bigbang> -.-"
[17:57] BeastIncarnate> wtf ^ lmfao
[17:57] BeastIncarnate> Pakistani's real piece of shits
[17:57] Queen_of_Spades> fluschu, u said u are greenwarrior?
[17:57] [SR]Spark> there is thing near my society
[17:57] [SR]Spark> where a muslim preacher
[17:57] Fluschu> I am not
[17:57] Queen_of_Spades> o.0
[17:58] [SR]Spark> teaches quran and shit
[17:58] [SR]Spark> so once i went there
[17:58] [SR]Spark> and he said to all that
[17:58] [SR]Spark> muslim men can marry 4 wives
[17:58] [SR]Spark> upto
[17:58] [SR]Spark> because
[17:58] [SR]Spark> there are more women on earth than men
[17:58] [SR]Spark> xD
[17:58] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[17:58] BeastIncarnate out
[17:58] [Rw]Bigbang> cool
[17:58] therapist> its a fact
[17:58] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[17:58] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[17:58] [SR]Spark> ROFL
[17:59] [Rw]Bigbang> he must've gotten fed up of his wife , so by chanting this line ... he's giving himself hopes lol
[17:59] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://wiki.popre.net/Populous_4:_The_Tribes%27_Revenge
[17:59] Adena_OP in
[17:59] [GoD]I_might_suicide> rofl
[18:00] KosjaK_OP> fuck u blue shamn
[18:00] KosjaK_OP> u no god
[18:00] Tecking> more quiet than before here...
[18:00] [Rw]Bigbang> lol
[18:00] KosjaK_OP> revenge!!!
[18:00] yoshi_TAS> 4walls
[18:00] yoshi_TAS> ?
[18:00] Left_nut> +3
[18:00] yoshi_TAS> not allying venom
[18:00] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://wiki.popre.net/Populous_community
[18:00] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow nice one
[18:00] [Rw]Bigbang> not if blue shaman is nefarius at his peak skills
[18:00] KosjaK_OP> /me EVIL*
[18:00] Left_nut> murder join
[18:00] KosjaK_OP> ha!
[18:00] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://wiki.popre.net/PopulousThekill
[18:00] therapist> no one is on pop today
[18:00] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ok brandan explain urself
[18:01] therapist> pop is dead
[18:01] Left_nut> murder weed in
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> only if harmy is blue shaman
[18:01] BeastIncarnate in
[18:01] therapist> i can ally vanom on sess
[18:01] therapist> is he good lol
[18:01] [Rw]Bigbang> you mean harami ?
[18:01] BeastIncarnate> that was lit
[18:01] BeastIncarnate> when someone just blocked me
[18:01] BeastIncarnate> for stating real facts lmfao
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> harmy
[18:01] BeastIncarnate> when someone was tryna get attention
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> A small group of people who play Populous: The Beginning
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> well explained
[18:01] [Rw]Bigbang> there are 2 pakistani harami online now
[18:01] BeastIncarnate> but i killed that shit literal hard
[18:01] Nut_Cracker> mooresmurder
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> pop community
[18:01] [Rw]Bigbang> so i thought u meant harami
[18:01] KosjaK_OP> 11/10
[18:01] Left_nut> +2
[18:01] [IC]Dalton822 in
[18:02] [Rw]addiction in
[18:02] yoshi_TAS> weed
[18:02] yoshi_TAS> in?
[18:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[18:02] BeastIncarnate> people like Babo
[18:02] Left_nut> get on ts alpha
[18:02] Left_nut> and weed
[18:02] BeastIncarnate> supporting the wrong thing
[18:02] BeastIncarnate> saddens me
[18:02] therapist> whhy matt
[18:02] [Rw]Bigbang> ThePrime
[18:02] [Rw]addiction out
[18:02] therapist> did jonny leave u :(
[18:02] therapist> :///////////////
[18:02] [Rw]Bigbang> bc this chicken is tasting like sambar
[18:02] therapist> :'((((((((((((((((((((((
[18:02] Nut_Cracker> lol
[18:02] Tecking> Audition and Fluschu
[18:02] [SR]Spark> XD
[18:03] Fluschu> Jawohl!
[18:03] Queen_of_Spades> http://imgur.com/a/OtEIl
[18:03] [SR]Spark> then eat it with dosa
[18:03] Queen_of_Spades> ^
[18:03] Audition> yo??
[18:03] [Rw]Bigbang> no really
[18:03] [Rw]Bigbang> its chicken masala
[18:03] V4N0M> lel
[18:03] [SR]Spark> make it masala dosa
[18:03] [SR]Spark> LOL
[18:03] KosjaK_OP> fucking allahu akbar
[18:03] KosjaK_OP> /me explodes
[18:03] [Rw]Bigbang> i am wondering how prime looks
[18:03] [SR]Spark> dont wonder
[18:04] BetaEnemy_Tas> kos kos :O
[18:04] [SR]Spark> google for monkeys
[18:04] KosjaK_OP> D:
[18:04] Vonn59> Tecking> I renamed poptb to d3dpoptb should that work?
[18:04] [Rw]Bigbang> he must be sitting infront of his pc , with a white teeka on forehead , and rabbit like front teeth out
[18:04] [Rw]Bigbang> :P
[18:04] BetaEnemy_Tas> your rasist bastard :o!
[18:04] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://wiki.popre.net/Current_Events
[18:04] KosjaK_OP> no!!
[18:05] Left_nut> +1
[18:05] [SR]Spark> i renamed populous to far cry 3
[18:05] [SR]Spark> it worked !!!!
[18:05] [Rw]Bigbang> ThePrime , haramkhor
[18:05] BetaEnemy_Tas> kos kos i found your head after explosion :>
[18:05] Nut_Cracker out
[18:05] [Rw]Bigbang> bhosdu kidhar mar gaya saala chutiya
[18:05] Nut_Cracker in
[18:05] KosjaK_OP> too bad my head is empty
[18:05] [SR]Spark> idhr hi h vo
[18:05] yoshi_TAS> matt
[18:05] yoshi_TAS> me and mammy vs u n smone
[18:05] [SR]Spark> dekh rha h sab kuch
[18:05] [Rw]Bigbang> he dont reply when being slapped on mm
[18:05] [SR]Spark> and wondering kya bolu kuch sujh nhi rha bheje me
[18:05] [Rw]Bigbang> yeah he's seeing everything
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> hahahaha
[18:06] KosjaK_OP> iseeyouseemeseeyou
[18:06] BetaEnemy_Tas> ye ouch :o
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> he says he's busy entire day
[18:06] yoshi_TAS> dhsdflsdjkdfslsfdd
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> bc 13 year old
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> busy
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> checking mails he says
[18:06] Tecking out
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> porn site registration mails honge
[18:06] [SR]Spark> lol
[18:06] DrThunderous out
[18:06] yoshi_TAS> who
[18:06] Luke_OP in
[18:06] yoshi_TAS> wwho
[18:06] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[18:06] [Rw]Bigbang> ThePrime
[18:07] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[18:07] yoshi_TAS> cares
[18:07] [Rw]Bigbang> haha
[18:07] [SW]WestSide> gtfo shogun sess is and will always be crap
[18:07] [SW]WestSide> no matter what name it got
[18:07] [SR]Spark> he like those guys who feels like they are hackers when a porn site asks u sure u are 18+ and they click yes to enter it.
[18:07] [SW]WestSide> [20:07] minder118> loser talk
[18:07] [Rw]Bigbang> yeah he proly is scared of the fac tthat he clicks 'yes im above 18' while being 13
[18:07] [SW]WestSide> minder 1v1 me on sess?
[18:07] shogun> its ok westside, u've already proved ur still a child ;)
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> vhan
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> don't stalk chidlren
[18:08] yoshi_TAS> +host
[18:08] [SR]Spark> he might get arrested for hacking into a porn site while being underaged
[18:08] [Rw]Bigbang> matts mom aint no child , KosjaK_OP
[18:08] shogun> stfu koshack lol :>
[18:08] [Rw]Bigbang> haha
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> gonna hack u
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> >:
[18:08] [SW]WestSide> wow hurt my feelings
[18:08] [Rw]Bigbang> ThePrime can hack
[18:08] [SW]WestSide> /me out
[18:08] shogun> :>
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> and enter 198+ website
[18:08] SoulDrak3 in
[18:08] KosjaK_OP> 18*
[18:08] Nut_Cracker out
[18:08] SoulDrak3 out
[18:09] Vonn59 out
[18:09] KosjaK_OP> OH BOI
[18:09] KosjaK_OP> ITS SUMMER
[18:09] V4N0M> nah
[18:09] Nut_Cracker in
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> -3°C in russia?
[18:09] yoshi_TAS> weed go red
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> Shaman is close by out side
[18:09] KosjaK_OP> 40°C here
[18:09] yoshi_TAS> minder ll host
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> i saw a lihgning go off :D
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> u serious?
[18:09] V4N0M> still -199° here
[18:09] Nut_Cracker> weed
[18:09] [Rw]Bigbang> minder is one more chutiya
[18:09] therapist> omfg
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> join
[18:10] therapist> why do i get to ally minder again
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> +3
[18:10] therapist> roflmao fu
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> i died
[18:10] KosjaK_OP> minding weed
[18:10] [Rw]Bigbang> bc jhaatbhar ke maps khelke uchalta hai
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> cmon
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> weed mammy
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> join
[18:10] [SR]Spark> xD
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> +1
[18:10] [GoD]I_might_suicide> tub girl dot ca
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> wut map
[18:10] [Rw]Bigbang> brb dinner
[18:10] BeastIncarnate out
[18:10] therapist> gtfo
[18:10] [SW]WestSide> painolympics dot com
[18:10] Queen_of_Spades> AH
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> kick yoshi
[18:10] Queen_of_Spades> lmao >3<
[18:10] [Rw]Bigbang> [6] Unrecognized Command: dinner
[18:10] Nut_Cracker> let me in weed
[18:10] [Rw]Bigbang> xD
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> bnoononon
[18:11] Queen_of_Spades> /me makes a girly dance :3
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> no
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> no
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[18:11] therapist> map??????????????
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> u better make room for me
[18:11] BetaEnemy_Tas> /me is amazed :O
[18:11] KosjaK_OP> [6] Unrecognized Command: hack
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> not sess
[18:11] therapist> gtfo
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> weed
[18:11] KosjaK_OP> hehehe...
[18:11] [SR]Spark> bc ye koi time h khane ka
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> let me in green and ally mammy
[18:11] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> we do pp
[18:11] [SW]WestSide> mammy with da blowjob emoji
[18:11] wsdjf> why nobody streams
[18:11] Queen_of_Spades> x
[18:11] [Rw]Bigbang> check dinner spelling spark
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> Cheat mode: Enabled
[18:11] KosjaK_OP> ^
[18:11] BetaEnemy_Tas> lol i aint gay :p
[18:11] Vonn59 in
[18:11] KosjaK_OP> tru haxor
[18:11] therapist> ?
[18:11] yoshi_TAS> Cheat mode: Disabled
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> why kick
[18:11] [SR]Spark> xD
[18:11] Nut_Cracker> ?
[18:11] Tecking in
[18:11] therapist> not letting
[18:12] therapist> a troll in
[18:12] therapist> u homo
[18:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[18:12] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[18:12] KosjaK_OP> betaenemy is mammy?
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> im off h1z1
[18:12] therapist> alpha join
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> u idiot
[18:12] therapist> ur not lol
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> yes i am
[18:12] therapist> thats not what uguys said on ts
[18:12] yoshi_TAS> +1
[18:12] BetaEnemy_Tas> hi kos kos :))
[18:12] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[18:12] KosjaK_OP> hey
[18:12] [SW]WestSide> go sess
[18:12] therapist> MAP????????????
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> boot yoshi
[18:12] [SW]WestSide> pffffffff
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> let me in
[18:12] therapist> ok can i ally yoshi
[18:12] [SW]WestSide> idm ally
[18:12] Nut_Cracker> ill ally to the weed
[18:12] [SW]WestSide> and map
[18:12] T-Rod out
[18:12] Queen_of_Spades> stream?
[18:12] Queen_of_Spades> :>
[18:13] [SW]WestSide> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[18:13] wsdjf> yay ty
[18:13] wsdjf> a stream finally
[18:13] [SW]WestSide> streaming high quality sess game
[18:13] [SW]WestSide> lol
[18:13] Queen_of_Spades> aoouhhh
[18:13] Vonn59 out
[18:13] Queen_of_Spades> THANK YOU
[18:13] Queen_of_Spades> ~~
[18:13] wsdjf> sess? k closing tab
[18:13] Vonn59 in
[18:13] Vonn59 out
[18:13] Vonn59 in
[18:13] Un_Defeatable out
[18:13] CloudGames in
[18:14] KosjaK_OP> oh girl
[18:14] KosjaK_OP> its stream
[18:14] KosjaK_OP> juice for eyes
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> sorry for my colored personally :S
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> personality*
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> ;3;
[18:14] KosjaK_OP> what you mean colored
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> hahaha
[18:14] Vonn59 out
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> >)
[18:14] KosjaK_OP> i like green color
[18:14] Vonn59 in
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> its an expression :o
[18:14] V4N0M> i like black and white colour
[18:14] [SR]Spark> Teacher to Prime > hey you 13 year old fat fuck, get your ass over here now
[18:14] Queen_of_Spades> never heard this expression beforE?
[18:15] Queen_of_Spades> :o\
[18:15] KosjaK_OP> pride
[18:15] [SR]Spark> Prime > goes to teacher and says, im 14 u slut
[18:15] chasyboi in
[18:15] [SR]Spark> THuG LIFE
[18:15] vage in
[18:15] KosjaK_OP> the quality of stream
[18:16] KosjaK_OP> is gr8
[18:16] [SR]Spark> since when TSI got a arrow in the knee
[18:16] [SR]Spark> that they started accepting pieces of shit
[18:17] aosin in
[18:17] DrThunderous in
[18:17] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[18:17] [GoD]I_might_suicide> fucking tired of blue whale
[18:18] KosjaK_OP> wait
[18:18] Luke_OP> Pure natural selection
[18:18] KosjaK_OP> isnt that
[18:18] KosjaK_OP> suicide shit
[18:18] Queen_of_Spades> the stream
[18:18] Queen_of_Spades> :P
[18:18] KosjaK_OP> blue whate
[18:18] KosjaK_OP> whale
[18:19] cobalt in
[18:19] wsdjf> how old really, should every clan owner choose kicking
[18:19] shogun> .
[18:19] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[18:19] wsdjf> (their members)
[18:19] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[18:19] KosjaK_OP> fuck ur sess vhan
[18:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> like my arm? https://gyazo.com/6f4d2ecbc99467eee01d82bbe4f295b2
[18:19] KosjaK_OP> none plays pop3
[18:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> still on challenge 26
[18:19] KosjaK_OP> :(
[18:19] KosjaK_OP> :'((((
[18:19] KosjaK_OP> :'<
[18:19] wsdjf> nask didnt see my hidden message :(
[18:19] Luke_OP> Shogun gtfo
[18:20] Luke_OP> You rarely play and if you do it's fuckin nubrimir
[18:20] shogun> tu a dormir malagueño
[18:20] wsdjf> [20:19] wsdjf> how old really, should every clan owner choose kicking
[18:20] wsdjf> no shogun
[18:20] KosjaK_OP> nice ketchup
[18:20] wsdjf> pero tu eres tonto...
[18:20] KosjaK_OP> some mayonesse
[18:20] KosjaK_OP> and its good to eat ur hand
[18:20] shogun> y tu quien coño eres
[18:20] [GoD]I_might_suicide> not very suspicious
[18:20] [GoD]I_might_suicide> HORSE COCK
[18:21] Left_nut> lagge dout
[18:21] V4N0M> wtf
[18:21] V4N0M> me2
[18:21] KosjaK_OP> wtf=waterfall
[18:21] V4N0M> lmao i say lag
[18:21] V4N0M> he says sec
[18:21] V4N0M> lagged out all
[18:22] wsdjf> lmao
[18:22] wsdjf> waterfall
[18:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wow spin doing a 1v1
[18:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> on pp
[18:22] KosjaK_OP> oO
[18:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pls join him mirage
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> no no
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> i was playing blasts
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> with babo
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> but then i went afk and forgot
[18:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i can hear mirage raging from here
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> to put 4 players
[18:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> is mirage on?
[18:22] shogun> oh rofl its ra
[18:23] KosjaK_OP> wow
[18:23] [GoD]I_might_suicide> no
[18:23] wsdjf> :>
[18:23] shogun> nice spanish there fagget
[18:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> pity
[18:23] shogun> :>
[18:23] wsdjf> ty ty, i try
[18:23] KosjaK_OP> wsdjf
[18:23] KosjaK_OP> this name
[18:23] KosjaK_OP> is secret message
[18:23] wsdjf> easy to pronounce eh?
[18:24] Tecking out
[18:24] Tecking in
[18:24] Nut_Cracker out
[18:24] V4N0M> wsdif= we suck dicks in france
[18:24] Left_nut> v4nom
[18:24] Left_nut> he fixing 1 sec
[18:24] Nut_Cracker in
[18:24] shogun> inca u there
[18:24] wsdjf> what part of france are you from then?
[18:24] Luke_OP> Why s dis jak fucked
[18:24] V4N0M> germany
[18:24] V4N0M> its a little part of france
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> wsdj
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> the j is J
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> not i
[18:25] thoughtseize out
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> he cant suck dicks in france
[18:25] thoughtseize in
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> someone kill me
[18:25] wsdjf> oh didnt notice
[18:25] wsdjf> yep, fail
[18:25] Nut_Cracker out
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> ^
[18:25] Left_nut> he restarting pc
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> ez expose
[18:25] Left_nut> 1 min
[18:25] KosjaK_OP> im great sherlock holmes
[18:26] wsdjf> rekt m8
[18:26] KosjaK_OP> well done
[18:26] KosjaK_OP> shersjak
[18:26] KosjaK_OP> holmsjak
[18:26] KosjaK_OP out
[18:27] KosjaK_OP in
[18:27] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[18:28] Nut_Cracker in
[18:28] KosjaK_OP> sess is da pro map
[18:28] T-Rod in
[18:28] KosjaK_OP> skill required: shamn6+s+++
[18:28] Nut_Cracker> did u fix it trod?
[18:28] KosjaK_OP> talk about sess and trod comes in
[18:28] V4N0M> sess skill=troops spam and roll in water
[18:28] T-Rod> yeah im able to play
[18:28] chasyboi out
[18:28] wsdjf> [20:28] KosjaK_OP> talk about sess and trod comes in
[18:29] wsdjf> lmaaao
[18:29] [rw]fury out
[18:29] KosjaK_OP> i still remember ra's blast in sess
[18:29] KosjaK_OP> that killed 2 shamans
[18:29] KosjaK_OP> PRO
[18:29] KosjaK_OP> and it was so symmetric
[18:29] Vonn59 out
[18:29] CloudGames out
[18:29] Vonn59 in
[18:29] wsdjf> luck was real
[18:29] CloudGames in
[18:29] KosjaK_OP> kid the death had the boner is real
[18:30] Queen_of_Spades out
[18:30] elementor5 in
[18:30] Queen_of_Spades in
[18:30] elementor5 out
[18:31] [SW]Bianca out
[18:31] KosjaK_OP> unfair
[18:31] KosjaK_OP> but okay
[18:31] [SR]Spark out
[18:31] CloudGames out
[18:31] Ysarion out
[18:32] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:33] Left_nut> sed
[18:33] Left_nut> sec
[18:34] shogun> matt if u do unranked ill join
[18:34] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://gyazo.com/bf2de85b1b9b515d95e32034905c0943
[18:34] DrThunderous out
[18:34] shogun> i dont want to play normal games cos my net sucks
[18:34] shogun> :<
[18:35] Vonn59 out
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> or because
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> something else sucks
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> ur opponent
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> u dont want to hurt their ranks
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> :)
[18:35] V4N0M> kappa
[18:35] shogun> stfu koshack what u on about lol
[18:35] KosjaK_OP> well
[18:36] shogun> get some fanta n fk off :>
[18:36] KosjaK_OP> dude
[18:36] KosjaK_OP> i hate fanta
[18:36] [SR]Apocapto out
[18:37] Left_nut> +1
[18:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> http://www.strawpoll.me/12950353
[18:39] V4N0M> thx 4 kick
[18:39] [SW]WestSide> gg
[18:39] yoshi_TAS> ffs
[18:39] Nut_Cracker> gg wp
[18:39] yoshi_TAS> i gtg
[18:39] V4N0M> spin and rapist win anyways
[18:40] BetaEnemy_Tas> gg i was bad sorry babo :s
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> westside
[18:40] therapist> wtf kinda emo poll is that divinity ?
[18:40] KosjaK_OP> defo kill moores
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> essen
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> i owned matt and bock
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> in sess
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> np mammy you did good
[18:40] BetaEnemy_Tas> dow to 7 pop :S
[18:40] yoshi_TAS> just got froze all m
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> ya was my bad
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> for first eq
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> didnt have fws fast enought
[18:40] [SW]WestSide> afk
[18:40] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++2
[18:40] Queen_of_Spades> who voted nici o.o
[18:40] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++22222222222
[18:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod join ally weed
[18:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> vs me and greernwarrior
[18:41] greenwarrior> rod host
[18:41] therapist> its ok spinn go play with matt lol
[18:41] therapist> i spec
[18:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont play his host
[18:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> sry
[18:41] therapist> lol
[18:41] T-Rod> nut cracker host
[18:41] therapist> map ??????????
[18:41] therapist> i ally vanom
[18:41] V4N0M> venom*
[18:41] therapist> 3 is e
[18:41] therapist> 4 is a
[18:41] therapist> u fuckin idiot
[18:41] therapist> smashed
[18:42] BetaEnemy_Tas> divinity good question :o
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> but
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> couldnt vote
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> impossible i wanna kill no one :o
[18:42] [GoD]Eric in
[18:42] BetaEnemy_Tas> i am not a murder so i cant vote :o
[18:42] BetaEnemy_Tas> murderer*
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> but mammy
[18:42] Queen_of_Spades> whats the point of populous...
[18:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> that is mass geneside of a tribe :D
[18:43] Queen_of_Spades> this is murdering
[18:43] Queen_of_Spades> ;)
[18:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> i say inca because i havent played him be4 :D
[18:43] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[18:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[18:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> fear
[18:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[18:43] therapist> the
[18:43] therapist> fw+
[18:43] therapist> is real
[18:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> what do you mean
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[18:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> the
[18:44] V4N0M> stfu
[18:44] therapist> the
[18:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> priest +
[18:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> is real :D
[18:44] therapist> only above
[18:44] Queen_of_Spades> x,D
[18:44] therapist> mahmut
[18:44] therapist> is real
[18:44] Queen_of_Spades> /me shrugs :>
[18:44] therapist> lOLolllllllllllllloLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOLLllllllllllllllll
[18:44] KosjaK_OP> im above nici
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> ban wed
[18:44] KosjaK_OP> is real
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> for porn link
[18:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> its on stream
[18:44] Queen_of_Spades> in fact nici isnt here
[18:45] Queen_of_Spades> so
[18:45] Queen_of_Spades> visually
[18:45] Queen_of_Spades> its not real
[18:45] Queen_of_Spades> yet
[18:45] V4N0M> can
[18:45] V4N0M> you
[18:45] V4N0M> write
[18:45] V4N0M> in
[18:45] V4N0M> 1
[18:45] V4N0M> sentence
[18:45] [Rw]addiction in
[18:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nici is with the pope
[18:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> amen
[18:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> he sent me a pic hour ago
[18:46] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trod
[18:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> him eating some cake
[18:46] [SW]AlphaEnemy> is a fake fw
[18:46] [GoD]I_might_suicide> disgusting
[18:46] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he should be war
[18:47] V4N0M> he was shaman
[18:47] Kitstar_OP out
[18:47] [SW]AlphaEnemy> a fake one
[18:47] [SW]AlphaEnemy> too
[18:47] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[18:47] Kitstar_OP in
[18:47] Obduction out
[18:47] [AsG]ManL1 in
[18:47] shogun out
[18:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> +3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:48] cobalt out
[18:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> stop being so mean
[18:49] IsoElFace in
[18:49] therapist> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[18:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> GO
[18:50] therapist> MAP???????????????
[18:50] Queen_of_Spades> one what
[18:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> IDC MAP AND TEAMS
[18:50] Queen_of_Spades> rofl
[18:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> NEVER DID
[18:50] Queen_of_Spades> i hate my twisted mind
[18:50] therapist> alpha manl1
[18:50] therapist> map ??????????????????
[18:50] shogun in
[18:50] [SW]AlphaEnemy> [6] Unrecognized Command: kick spin
[18:50] therapist> lmfao
[18:50] therapist> the
[18:50] therapist> fear
[18:50] therapist> is real
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[18:51] shogun> 52 players and only 2 playing
[18:51] V4N0M> the the
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> why arewnt you starting the game so we can play and build and harvest and shit and shit n shit
[18:51] shogun> classic
[18:51] therapist> the
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[18:51] V4N0M> and u shogun?
[18:51] BetaEnemy_Tas> do builidng war spinn for that :>
[18:51] therapist> i have no fuckin idea wtf map and if i do wrong map people will gb n shit n fuck n c8unt
[18:51] therapist> is real
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> INCA
[18:51] [SW]AlphaEnemy> the ok give me 5 min to smoke is real
[18:51] shogun> V4N0M> and u shogun?
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> BAN WEED
[18:51] BetaEnemy_Tas> :D
[18:51] therapist> LKFM;OPAMFOPAFOAMFAMOFMAOFMOAmfoamfoamfomafmaOMFAOMFOAMFOAMFoamoaOFOMFOAMFOAMFoamofAomfaoMFOamfoamofamfopamfoamof
[18:51] shogun> i cant shit net
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> HE SENT PORN LINK
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> ITS ON STREAM
[18:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> EVIDENCE
[18:52] shogun> stfu spammers
[18:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> DONT IGNORE ME
[18:52] therapist> AND he got muted
[18:52] V4N0M> ignore me
[18:52] shogun> v4nom
[18:52] BetaEnemy_Tas> inca isnt here :o
[18:52] shogun> i said i cant cause my net sucks
[18:52] V4N0M> close matchmaker
[18:52] therapist> well alpha is afk 6 mins
[18:52] therapist> so bonghit sec
[18:52] therapist> decvide map
[18:53] shogun> i had a wired conection a long ago
[18:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> 4walls
[18:53] shogun> and thats why i became shamn
[18:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> do 4walls
[18:53] shogun> shaman*
[18:53] shogun> lol
[18:53] Pandi in
[18:53] BetaEnemy_Tas> shogun that is fw now :>
[18:54] KosjaK_OP> whos touching the child?
[18:54] KosjaK_OP> WHO?
[18:54] shogun> my sigma was like 9xx i could of recover my points and even gain much more
[18:54] shogun> a good player is nothing if his conection sucks
[18:54] BetaEnemy_Tas> ye you could :o
[18:54] shogun> here.. and in every other games
[18:54] KosjaK_OP> thats why weed is still fw
[18:54] [SW]WestSide> war essen ay
[18:54] [SW]WestSide> einmal essen direkt gutes spiel verpasst
[18:55] V4N0M> was gabs
[18:55] therapist> THE
[18:55] therapist> ARE U TELLING ME
[18:55] V4N0M> brot mit buddha
[18:55] [Sr]PK in
[18:55] therapist> IM ALLYING MANl!
[18:55] therapist> ???????????????????
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye why not?
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> i can ally him
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> if u dont want
[18:55] [SW]WestSide> backfisch mit pommes
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> i wanna play
[18:55] therapist> the pts
[18:55] V4N0M> leel
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne ne
[18:55] therapist> is flying
[18:55] V4N0M> backfisch
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> heute ueblest huebsche getroffen, graue parka
[18:55] V4N0M> is real
[18:55] therapist> ok i alkly alpha on sess
[18:55] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> duenn
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> starbucks....
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> blond
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> .... :/
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich luege nicht
[18:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> du kannst mir vertrauen
[18:56] V4N0M> sad life
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> lange rede gar kein sinn
[18:56] shogun> any*
[18:56] V4N0M> hahahaha
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> weiso kein sinn?
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> spin hat sich hinter seinem buch einen runtergeholt
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich fand diesen menschen wunderschoen
[18:56] V4N0M> XD
[18:56] [Sr]PK out
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> mensch albert
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> schaff du dasd erstmal
[18:56] V4N0M> das buch hatte ein loch spin btw
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne ne vanom
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> du bist mein idol
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> das weißt du
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahahaha
[18:56] [SW]WestSide> hahahaha
[18:56] BetaEnemy_Tas> who is your idol babo :D?
[18:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> aber wirklich.. war wunderhuebsch
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> sie schaute mich an aber ich las weiter
[18:57] V4N0M> danke
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> spin is
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> hatte sie provokant ignoriert
[18:57] BetaEnemy_Tas> nice ;D
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> dumm
[18:57] V4N0M> nice
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> musst sie ansprechen
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich weiss
[18:57] V4N0M> spin gafft und ignoriert gleichzeitig
[18:57] V4N0M> und wichst dann daheim
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> mir ist erstmal mein buch wichtiger
[18:57] BetaEnemy_Tas> i say i like spinn lb skills :D
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> spins lb skills
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> thx mahmut
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> too good
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> reactions of a 18 year old
[18:57] BetaEnemy_Tas> yeye :)
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> they also call me
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> faggot
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> lber*
[18:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> sry
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> LOLLLLLL
[18:57] V4N0M> xddd
[18:57] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLOOLOLO
[18:57] KosjaK_OP> <3
[18:58] KosjaK_OP> love u
[18:58] KosjaK_OP> so much
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed whats wrong
[18:58] V4N0M> hahah
[18:58] KosjaK_OP> I WANT TO HUG U SO HARD
[18:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> no they should pay attention with your lb skill
[18:58] therapist> alpha isnt here yuet
[18:58] KosjaK_OP> AND KILL U
[18:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> is there fault ;D
[18:58] [Rw]Bigbang> host
Not in host position
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> mahmut
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> watch that forthcoming game
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> ill lb
[18:58] [Rw]Bigbang> h
[18:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> you mean next game?
[18:58] [Rw]Bigbang> host
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea if weed
[18:58] [Rw]Bigbang> pp
[18:58] [rw]karma in
[18:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> i spec
[18:58] [Rw]Bigbang> unrank
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> took his hit
[18:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> sure :)
[18:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> i told u guys
[18:59] wsdjf> karmaaaaaaa
[18:59] [Rw]addiction> o/ karma
[18:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> karma comes back
[18:59] [Rw]addiction> still state side?
[18:59] [rw]karma> supp addi
[18:59] [rw]karma> ye still cali, but ill have my comeback soon
[18:59] [rw]karma> sup yall
[18:59] [Rw]addiction> why the fuck
[18:59] [Rw]addiction> you on here then
[18:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi karma
[18:59] shogun> wsdjf> karmaaaaaaa
[18:59] [Rw]addiction> ya fanny
[18:59] BetaEnemy_Tas> who is karma ;D?
[18:59] shogun> ignored
[18:59] shogun> rest in pepperoni
[18:59] BetaEnemy_Tas> old pro ?
[18:59] [SW]WestSide> karma is a bitch
[19:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMFMFMAOAOOAA
[19:00] shogun> :>
[19:00] [rw]karma> ive seen it all, experienced it all im absolutely done with cali lol
[19:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> den wollte ich bringen
[19:00] V4N0M> karma will strike back
[19:00] [SW]WestSide> hahahahah
[19:00] [Rw]addiction> did you go to vegas?
[19:00] [Rw]addiction> fucking mad place
[19:00] BetaEnemy_Tas> babo so true
[19:00] BetaEnemy_Tas> :p
[19:00] therapist> alpha is still brb
[19:00] therapist> fffs
[19:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im here now
[19:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> map?
[19:00] [rw]karma> ye been there twice, omnia was lit but compared to mexico its bullshit
[19:00] therapist> asess me n u
[19:01] therapist> gg
[19:01] [rw]karma> u gotta go to mexico
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> really?
[19:01] keintanz in
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> ;o
[19:01] [Rw]Bigbang out
[19:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed
[19:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ts?
[19:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> we are all in here
[19:01] MrMoohammad26 out
[19:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> asshole
[19:01] therapist> we cant win on pp
[19:01] Sucukluyumurta out
[19:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> midget
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> where about in mexico
[19:01] [Rw]Bigbang in
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> juarez
[19:01] [SW]WestSide> alpa gun du lauch
[19:01] therapist> they are talkin
[19:01] therapist> in fuckin
[19:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed go . . .
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> for aFUCKING SHOOTOUT
[19:01] therapist> h1z1
[19:01] Sucukluyumurta in
[19:01] [Rw]Bigbang out
[19:01] [Rw]Bigbang in
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> cray twin style
[19:01] [rw]karma> can guarantee u, spring break in mexico, ive seen al lot but that was by far the craziest thing
[19:01] [Rw]addiction> seriously?
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> im going to vegas in july
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> was there last year and loved it
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> rented a lambo last year
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> was ridiculous
[19:02] [Rw]addiction> almost crashed it about 60 times near red rock
[19:02] BetaEnemy_Tas> gogog weed i wanna spec game :D
[19:02] V4N0M> red rock?
[19:03] V4N0M> sounds like dwayne johnson cock
[19:03] steel in
[19:03] therapist> sess
[19:03] therapist> alpha
[19:03] therapist> ?????????????
[19:03] [rw]karma> exotic car rentals ? lol i rent 1 as well
[19:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im ok
[19:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> with that
[19:03] [rw]karma> was fun af
[19:03] [Rw]addiction> aye
[19:03] [Rw]Bigbang> host
[19:03] [Rw]addiction> it was like $2200 for 24 hours
[19:03] [Rw]Bigbang> pp
[19:03] [Rw]Bigbang> unrank
[19:03] [Rw]Bigbang> yellow
[19:03] [rw]karma> worth it lol
[19:03] V4N0M> lel
[19:03] [Rw]addiction> i asked how much the excess for insurance was if i crashed
[19:03] [Rw]addiction> and the boy said
[19:03] [Rw]addiction> 'u dont wanna know'
[19:03] [rw]karma> yeaaaa
[19:03] [Rw]Bigbang> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Sucukluyumurta - MapPack: OK
[Rw]Bigbang - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- [Rw]Bigbang: Yellow
- Sucukluyumurta: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> so grabbed the keys off him and tore up the strip
[19:04] [rw]karma> if we crashed the car, i would have suicided
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> ye same
[19:04] V4N0M> say if u do it next time
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> woulda bombed MGM
[19:04] V4N0M> i come and drive in you
[19:04] [rw]karma> cause the insurance didnt cover shitt
[19:04] [rw]karma> lol
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> roads are scary there
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> nothing like the UK
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> 5 lanes n shit
[19:04] [Rw]addiction> instead of country roads in scotland
[19:05] [rw]karma> ye lmao
[19:05] [rw]karma> but i kinda got used to it in the last few months
[19:05] [Rw]addiction> and they dont leave a gap between you
[19:05] [Rw]addiction> ye
[19:05] [rw]karma> first come first serve
[19:05] [Rw]addiction> aye its mad
[19:05] [Rw]addiction> you must be broke now
[19:05] [Rw]Bigbang out
[19:05] shogun> inca u there
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> na hes fukin not
[19:06] [rw]karma> maybe i won in vegas ;)
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> everyone wins in vegas
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> even the losers
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> like you
[19:06] Tecking out
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> ;)
[19:06] [rw]karma> no one does lmao
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> double meaning
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> you fucking loser
[19:06] [Rw]addiction> i saw some guy at 6am
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> trying to sell all his jewelry in the casino
[19:07] [rw]karma> sounds like me lmfao
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> hahaha
[19:07] [rw]karma> but srsly
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> no you didnt
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> hHAH
[19:07] [rw]karma> us is expensive af
[19:07] [Rw]addiction> i know
[19:07] therapist> if u have dxwnd on
[19:07] therapist> it happens
[19:07] wsdjf> compared to germany?
[19:07] therapist> eric
[19:07] wsdjf> compared to ffm?
[19:07] therapist> its manl1 spot
[19:07] [GoD]Eric> ?
[19:07] [GoD]Eric> oh
[19:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> its ok
[19:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> let eric
[19:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> play
[19:07] therapist> sry bro
[19:07] [rw]karma> its twice as much compared to germany
[19:08] therapist> after this u play
[19:08] [rw]karma> im gonna go go costa rica and cuba afterwards, hope its cheaper there
[19:08] [rw]karma> and THEN, ill start raping populous again
[19:08] KosjaK_OP> pop is dead
[19:08] KosjaK_OP> stop raping a dead pop
[19:09] [GoD]I_might_suicide> rip
[19:09] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pop
[19:10] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 1998 2017
[19:10] shogun> lmao
[19:10] KosjaK_OP> :'(
[19:10] KosjaK_OP> i have an idea
[19:11] KosjaK_OP> ill close eyes
[19:11] KosjaK_OP> and point to a random guy in mm
[19:11] shogun> this game is so old that u can even legally stick ur penis in the cd's hole
[19:11] KosjaK_OP> and he will be the best
[19:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pick me pick me!
[19:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> unfair
[19:11] [tdm]Mooresy> theres life in the old dog yet
[19:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> tundar has more chances
[19:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin
[19:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> of being picked
[19:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> i just did
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hab im mm nix umgestellt
[19:11] shogun> lel
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> warum ist es jetzt so
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> und wie fixe ich es
[19:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> reso?
[19:11] [tdm]Mooresy> just maximised to see this think il have toi start puttin the ffort in n get back into it i stopped playin for a bit
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ja
[19:11] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i picked venetica randomly
[19:11] Tecking in
[19:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> gign nicht im spiel?
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nein
[19:11] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahah shogun u madman
[19:11] [SW]AlphaEnemy> im mm hab ich
[19:12] KosjaK_OP> sub_zero
[19:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> 1600x900
[19:12] KosjaK_OP> lol
[19:12] shogun> ;)
[19:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> sehe ich aber in popre ned
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah man weiss ich nicht .x
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich kenne mich zero aus damit
[19:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hmmm
[19:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[19:12] [SW]WestSide> was los kecko
[19:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[19:12] [AsG]ManL1> kecko
[19:12] [SW]WestSide> spin gib mal deine id und pw
[19:12] [AsG]ManL1> du bauer
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> am besten reisst deinen rechner von dem ganzen kabelsalat raus
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> und dann oeffnest du dein fenster
[19:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> und schmeisst die scheisse weg
[19:12] [tdm]Mooresy> joooiiinnnn
[19:13] [tdm]Mooresy> +1
[19:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> dann sollte es funktionmieren
[19:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> warte babop
[19:13] [tdm]Mooresy> for mana battle
[19:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> LOL
[19:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> alter ich meins ernst
[19:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> was soll die scheisse
[19:14] _[SR]Apocapto in
[19:14] [GoD]Eric out
[19:14] [GoD]Eric in
[19:14] _[SR]Apocapto out
[19:14] therapist> ++++++++++++3
[19:14] _[SR]Apocapto in
[19:14] _[SR]Apocapto out
[19:14] [GoD]I_might_suicide> NA LUL
[19:14] [SW]AlphaEnemy> kosjak
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> can u help me
[19:15] BetaEnemy_Tas> lol so many nuts on 1 above lowest hut :O
[19:15] [SR]Apocapto in
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> i didnt change anything in the mm or game
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> but resos fucked up
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hardcore
[19:15] therapist> where did u guys go
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and game is darker
[19:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> shit gamma
[19:15] therapist> eric
[19:15] [tdm]Mooresy> this ones for you matt - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJZnuT6ACV4
[19:15] therapist> bock
[19:15] KosjaK_OP> well
[19:15] KosjaK_OP> smack table?
[19:15] therapist> ++++++++++++++2
[19:15] EddieBR in
[19:15] therapist> eric they arent playing ffs
[19:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> WAIT SETTING STREAM
[19:16] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u guys
[19:16] [SW]AlphaEnemy> are sooooo not useable
[19:16] therapist> reinstall pop
[19:16] KosjaK_OP> u need some milk
[19:16] [GoD]I_might_suicide> matt fix ur stream unwatchable
[19:17] [GoD]I_might_suicide> kosjak lets eat apples
[19:17] KosjaK_OP> sure
[19:18] KosjaK_OP> oh wait
[19:18] KosjaK_OP> i only have
[19:18] KosjaK_OP> garlic
[19:18] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[19:18] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[19:18] KosjaK_OP> and freaking
[19:18] [SW]WestSide> hoffe mal das passt
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> K
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[19:18] [SW]WestSide> weiß nit wie gut dein pc ist
[19:18] KosjaK_OP> POTATO
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[19:19] [SW]WestSide> hab gemacht dass du wenig pc lag hast
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> alpha komm
[19:19] [SW]WestSide> also bei kamera drehen
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> fps meinst?
[19:19] [SW]WestSide> ne das war das ultra fast
[19:19] [SW]WestSide> statt super fast
[19:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo
[19:19] [SW]WestSide> jo
[19:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> komm schnell
[19:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> muss reso einstellen
[19:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> stimmt was ned
[19:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ffs
[19:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i have my apple ready
[19:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> and its red!
[19:19] shogun out
[19:20] shogun in
[19:20] [SW]WestSide> alpa gun der ghetto star immer paparazzi
[19:20] BeastIncarnate in
[19:20] HyEnergy in
[19:20] BeastIncarnate> How many of y'all waiting for WW3?
[19:20] [SW]WestSide> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxgb5AmzkA4
[19:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> alter fick mein leben
[19:20] [SW]AlphaEnemy> was ist nur los
[19:21] EddieBR> one more here for noob game
[19:21] BetaEnemy_Tas> i am shazad :>
[19:21] BeastIncarnate out
[19:21] shogun> inca u there
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> when did this place become a nazi stronghold anyway wtf is this castle wolfenstein chat im seein plastered all over my screen
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> NAZI SYMPATHISERS
[19:21] EddieBR> nazi???
[19:21] EddieBR> ban
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> BAN
[19:21] HyEnergy out
[19:21] EddieBR> ban all
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> JOIN
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> joinjonijonijonijoin
[19:21] [tdm]Mooresy> id join weed but his hostins grim
[19:22] pboris93 in
[19:22] [tdm]Mooresy> nah no 1vs1 on pp tht map can suk the cheese from under me forskin
[19:22] EddieBR> T Rod stop watching Xvideos
[19:22] EddieBR> ping is high. you need to host
[19:22] venetica out
[19:22] [tdm]Mooresy> you guys wanna do mana battle?
[19:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[19:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> streaming
[19:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> mooresy
[19:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> playing
[19:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> evwen better
[19:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> ;D
[19:23] pboris93 out
[19:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> tnx spinn :)
[19:23] greenwarrior out
[19:24] greenwarrior in
[19:24] shogun out
[19:24] [IC]Dalton822 out
[19:25] shogun in
[19:25] V4N0M> wtf
[19:25] V4N0M> why quit
[19:25] Tecking out
[19:25] Tecking in
[19:25] Tecking> wtf
[19:25] EddieBR> one more here for noob game
[19:26] V4N0M> i dont get points if he quits wow
[19:26] shogun out
[19:26] V4N0M> i was backdoor firestorm him
[19:26] BetaEnemy_Tas> you can dispute games
[19:27] V4N0M> dispute?
[19:27] BetaEnemy_Tas> if you do care that much. :o
[19:27] BetaEnemy_Tas> ye
[19:27] V4N0M> +3
[19:28] shogun in
[19:28] BetaEnemy_Tas> .away o o
[19:28] BetaEnemy_Tas> watching stream
[19:28] BetaEnemy_Tas> :)
[19:28] Queen_of_Spades> ahhhhh
[19:28] Queen_of_Spades> gg ;3;
[19:28] shogun> inca u there
[19:28] Queen_of_Spades> theres a stream to watch :o
[19:28] Queen_of_Spades> ?
[19:29] V4N0M> link pls
[19:29] Kitstar_OP> no
[19:29] BetaEnemy_Tas> spinn :D
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> awwh :<
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> i rly should find my glasses one days
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> i lost them since 3 days
[19:29] V4N0M> lol
[19:29] BetaEnemy_Tas> ouch :<
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> its true
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> i dont see well the spells. ... .. . .. .... . .. .. . .
[19:29] Queen_of_Spades> /me feel ashamed x,D
[19:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> brb
[19:30] Queen_of_Spades> ill take a break .3.
[19:31] BetaEnemy_Tas> oki :)
[19:31] EddieBR> why yellow quit?
[19:32] Vonn59 in
[19:32] Vonn59 out
[19:33] keintanz out
[19:36] V4N0M> +1
[19:37] V4N0M> https://www.popre.net/user.php?u=63196&mode=game
[19:37] shogun in
[19:37] [rw]karma> ^what map is it that spinifix is playin
[19:38] Tecking out
[19:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> karma
[19:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> is his stream workin
[19:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> on u
[19:38] [SW]AlphaEnemy> =
[19:38] [rw]karma> not if u click viev stream on mm
[19:38] [rw]karma> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[19:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> thx
[19:39] bobbylala in
[19:39] [SW]WestSide> karma: AvA Worlds: Mana Battle
[19:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> no pings
[19:39] [SW]AlphaEnemy> for red and yell
[19:40] [SR]Apocapto> Ediie
[19:40] [rw]karma> thx
[19:40] [SR]Apocapto> Host
[19:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> still loading
[19:40] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[19:40] EddieBR> tell me and I'll do that
[19:40] EddieBR> shit
[19:40] EddieBR> ok
[19:41] shogun> https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=sphynx_poptb <--- opens only the stream on a window
[19:41] shogun> (less lag)
[19:42] shogun in
[19:43] Sucukluyumurta out
[19:43] shogun> https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=sphynx_poptb <--- opens only the stream on a window (less lag)
[19:43] EddieBR> omg why you have so high pings?
[19:43] [SR]Apocapto> I'm listening musicnow
[19:44] greenwarrior out
[19:44] shogun out
[19:44] greenwarrior in
[19:46] [SW]WestSide> lol spin got 16 viewers
[19:47] shogun> thanks to me ofc :>
[19:47] playbuddmansion in
[19:49] minder118 out
[19:49] shogun out
[19:51] playbuddmansion> +1
[19:53] therapist> there
[19:53] therapist> is no way
[19:53] therapist> he went for spinn
[19:53] therapist> and died
[19:53] [SW]WestSide> wtf
[19:53] [SW]WestSide> why did you quit weed
[19:53] [SW]WestSide> you were winning
[19:53] therapist> LMFAO?
[19:53] therapist> no
[19:53] Kitstar_OP> lol
[19:54] DrThunderous in
[19:54] therapist> dude he went
[19:54] therapist> for fuckin spinn
[19:54] therapist> when red was wide fuckin open
[19:54] [SW]WestSide> well i didnt watch the last 2min
[19:54] [SW]WestSide> how did you get owned in 2min then?
[19:54] T-Rod out
[19:54] therapist> reed was in my base
[19:54] therapist> for 10 mins
[19:54] [SW]WestSide> lol
[19:54] therapist> while moores died at spinn front
[19:54] therapist> red was open
[19:54] [SW]WestSide> lololololol
[19:54] therapist> and red was closerr to mooresy
[19:54] therapist> than spinn was
[19:54] therapist> it makes no sense
[19:54] Fluschu out
[19:55] KosjaK_OP> humans are so stupid
[19:55] therapist> moores's in general are way more stupid
[19:55] KosjaK_OP> good thing i tranformed into dragon
[19:55] [SW]WestSide> https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyHeartlessSmoothieLitFam
[19:55] [SW]WestSide> this spin
[19:55] [SW]WestSide> :>
[19:56] BetaEnemy_Tas> that is awsome :D
[19:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weed
[19:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> why did u leave
[19:56] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lol
[19:56] KosjaK_OP> i taught him that trick!
[19:56] KosjaK_OP> :D
[19:56] therapist> cuz moores is dumb as fuck
[19:56] BetaEnemy_Tas> nice :D
[19:56] therapist> he goes for spinn
[19:56] therapist> when red is nearly dead
[19:56] therapist> and open
[19:56] therapist> and his shamna is in my base
[19:57] KosjaK_OP> following the same pattern
[19:57] Kitstar_OP> [SW]WestSide> https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyHeartlessSmoothieLitFam
[19:57] Kitstar_OP> that was awesome :o
[19:58] shogun> weed
[19:58] BetaEnemy_Tas> that is cheap mana kill base :D
[19:58] shogun> spins base was also volcanoed
[19:58] shogun> and he did a comeback
[19:58] therapist> volc doesnt finish peiople
[19:58] shogun> u werent dead lol
[19:58] therapist> warrs does
[19:58] therapist> shogun
[19:58] [SW]WestSide> there nothing better than 3lbs+flat
[19:59] shogun> i know dude
[19:59] [SW]WestSide> when youve got enough time
[19:59] therapist> i was dead faster
[19:59] therapist> than either
[19:59] therapist> of spinn or manl1
[19:59] KosjaK_OP> volcano can deal 0 damage
[19:59] therapist> woulda been
[19:59] therapist> uknow why
[19:59] shogun> red defended from like 500 warrs
[19:59] KosjaK_OP> mostly useless spell
[19:59] therapist> cuz moores attacked spinn
[19:59] therapist> instead of red
[19:59] shogun> u should have done the same
[19:59] Kitstar_OP> chantaje :P
[19:59] therapist> no fuckin shit i couldnt click
[19:59] therapist> and moores couldnt use troops
[19:59] therapist> or his brain
[19:59] Nut_Cracker> weed
[20:00] Nut_Cracker> moores doesnt have a brain
[20:00] Nut_Cracker> dont blame him for not using it
[20:00] therapist> go play ur shit h1z1
[20:00] therapist> and stfu
[20:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> wow weed
[20:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> its on stream
[20:00] Nut_Cracker> lol
[20:00] therapist> its on stream
[20:00] therapist> how bad mooresy played
[20:00] therapist> he goes for u spinn
[20:00] [AsG]ManL1> wbhy did you give up?
[20:00] BetaEnemy_Tas> spinn i left and you won :O
[20:00] therapist> while red is almost done
[20:00] shogun> they took ages to finish blue lol
[20:00] therapist> and his shaman is in my base
[20:00] shogun> u could have done a lot
[20:00] [SW]WestSide> https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyHeartlessSmoothieLitFam
[20:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[20:00] BetaEnemy_Tas> i left watchign stream and you won :o
[20:01] V4N0M> was
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> PP
[20:01] therapist> cuz my ally is a dog
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> go pp
[20:01] therapist> MAP???????
[20:01] therapist> ok im allying spinn i guess
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> me n sppin
[20:01] therapist> cuz im a fw
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> idm
[20:01] therapist> stfy vavi
[20:01] therapist> vavo
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> stfu
[20:01] therapist> fuck
[20:01] therapist> babo
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> haha
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> vavivavo
[20:01] therapist> ill let u
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> daNKE BABO
[20:01] therapist> choose color babo
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> spin is german
[20:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> stream funzt
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> im german
[20:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> if u want to win fast
[20:01] [SW]WestSide> -> my ally
[20:01] [tdm]Mooresy> have u heard this asian twiglet
[20:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> double weed 1 time
[20:01] therapist> im a nigger so i get to choose
[20:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and he leaves :D
[20:02] [tdm]Mooresy> jonny 5 stfu
[20:02] [SW]WestSide> ja mois
[20:02] Nut_Cracker> mooresy
[20:02] [tdm]Mooresy> u got absoluyted leathered senseless
[20:02] Nut_Cracker> did you see the video of ur brother
[20:02] [SW]WestSide> der läuft wie ein schweizer uhrwerk
[20:02] Nut_Cracker> ?
[20:02] [tdm]Mooresy> saw u limpin around all game n smelt the easy prey
[20:02] [SW]WestSide> hergestellt von alpa
[20:02] [tdm]Mooresy> weed was playin his own version of ioperation human shield n did a proper wank job
[20:02] V4N0M> +3
[20:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[20:02] therapist> moores
[20:02] therapist> why in the fuck
[20:02] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[20:02] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin el weed u let urself get pummeled right in the shitter
[20:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> stremaing PP
[20:02] shogun> vote ye4s guys
[20:02] therapist> did u go for fuckin spinn
[20:02] therapist> ????????????????????????????????????????
[20:02] shogun> yes*
[20:02] therapist> no duide
[20:02] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[20:02] therapist> actually i was fine
[20:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed go?=??
[20:02] therapist> i had 100 pop
[20:03] therapist> while red had 60
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> coz his shaman was in reds base killing my troop
[20:03] [SW]WestSide> sorry shogun i cant change my vote
[20:03] therapist> but i quit cuz u died at spinns fuckin front
[20:03] [SW]WestSide> :>
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> u stupid basatrd man we had the gamne
[20:03] therapist> u shoulda went to red
[20:03] therapist> if u went red
[20:03] therapist> it was gg
[20:03] therapist> but u went spinn it was gg
[20:03] Left_nut> weed join
[20:03] shogun> lol
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> i tried takin em on 2vs1 coz i thought i had a decent chance thats how won the game was
[20:03] Left_nut> neeed 1 more
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> but i screwed the sham kill at crucial moment n fucked it off
[20:03] shogun> inca u there
[20:03] shogun> damn it
[20:03] therapist> 1 sec grab drink
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> weedur a 1st round k.o victim
[20:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmao matt no1 plays in ur dirty hut
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> yh matt u suck
[20:03] [SW]WestSide> ^^^^^^^^^^^
[20:03] [tdm]Mooresy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJZnuT6ACV4
[20:04] [SW]WestSide> lmfao
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> song about matt
[20:04] T-Rod in
[20:04] Left_nut> spin
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> listen
[20:04] Left_nut> ur moms got shit on her face
[20:04] therapist> matt ?
[20:04] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLOOLOLOL
[20:04] therapist> whop is matt
[20:04] Left_nut> from eating my booty hole
[20:04] therapist> never heard of a fat fuck like that
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> u give old men rusty trombone treatment daily
[20:04] shogun> disgusting matt
[20:04] shogun> disgusting
[20:04] [SW]WestSide> [22:04] [tdm]Mooresy> song about matt
[20:04] V4N0M> +33333333333333333
[20:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> is stream working
[20:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> or not
[20:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> hahhahahahhaha
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> tht song is hilarious
[20:04] [tdm]Mooresy> totally ridiculous but truely hilarious
[20:05] [SW]WestSide> spin schick mal banana
[20:05] [tdm]Mooresy> weed grow some balls
[20:05] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin mug costy me a certifieds win
[20:05] [tdm]Mooresy> brb
[20:05] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ8FkjUw0K0
[20:05] [SW]WestSide> BANANANANANA
[20:05] [SW]WestSide> HAHAHAHAH
[20:05] [GoD]Eric> go weed
[20:05] Autopederastia_OP in
[20:05] VirBux in
[20:05] wsdjf> oi nici
[20:06] Autopederastia_OP> hey
[20:06] therapist> what map were we dpomg agaom
[20:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja warte
[20:06] therapist> map?????????????????
[20:06] V4N0M> UH UH AH AHAH
[20:06] V4N0M> bannananana
[20:06] VirBux out
[20:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4nVM4WXR4A
[20:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> habs stream
[20:07] [Sw]SpiderPig> WSDJF
[20:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[20:07] [Sw]SpiderPig> IS
[20:07] [Sw]SpiderPig> RA???????????
[20:07] [Sw]SpiderPig> RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20:07] [Sw]SpiderPig> <3
[20:07] wsdjf> Hullo
[20:07] therapist> map????????
[20:07] shogun> raaaaaaaaaagnarok!
[20:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> pp
[20:07] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[20:07] shogun> nici vote yes
[20:08] KosjaK_OP> its up to stasztek
[20:08] KosjaK_OP> to change name or not
[20:08] shogun> fk him :<
[20:08] KosjaK_OP> dont
[20:08] KosjaK_OP> not healthy
[20:09] [GoD]Eric out
[20:09] reineavis21119 in
[20:10] shogun> https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=sphynx_popt
[20:11] reineavis21119 out
[20:13] Autopederastia_OP> THE POPE
[20:13] Autopederastia_OP> is fatter in real
[20:13] Autopederastia_OP> he ate burguers on the way xd
[20:14] Adena_OP out
[20:14] [GoD]Eric in
[20:15] Autopederastia_OP> luke
[20:15] Autopederastia_OP> so many spanish
[20:15] Autopederastia_OP> it was actually funny lmfao
[20:15] Autopederastia_OP> so many perisics and kovacic
[20:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> cant watch spins stream
[20:15] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[20:15] skaarj_guardian out
[20:17] Deliruis in
[20:17] Deliruis out
[20:18] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[20:18] shogun> guys vote yes
[20:18] shogun> and say no to childish map names. :>
[20:18] Autopederastia_OP> im voting no
[20:19] aliverdi1023 in
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> the map is such a joke
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> why should this poll even mean something anyway
[20:19] shogun> why so much hate ?
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> the maps owner change it
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> changed
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> hate?
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> my opinion is not hate
[20:19] shogun> only cos not every1 loves pp ?
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> that's unrelated
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> sess is the only exception
[20:19] Autopederastia_OP> didn't say other maps should be changed
[20:20] shogun> nici
[20:20] shogun> how would u feel
[20:20] Kitstar_OP> how would u feel - ed sheeran
[20:20] Kitstar_OP> good song
[20:20] shogun> if some1 changes PP's name to "Pure shit" for example
[20:20] Autopederastia_OP> i woudn't give a shit lmao
[20:20] Autopederastia_OP> im not butthurt like u guys
[20:20] Autopederastia_OP> i would play it as long as the map is not changed
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> who cares about the name
[20:21] shogun> ofc its not a big problem
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> its only a name
[20:21] shogun> but it doesnt look good for those players who play it
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> what does it say
[20:21] [SR]Apocapto> gg
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> do u even knwo what sessrumnir palace means?
[20:21] shogun> nope tell me
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> well i dont know
[20:21] Autopederastia_OP> so who cares about the name
[20:22] shogun> lmao.
[20:22] Autopederastia_OP> u like the map no wonder
[20:22] Ysarion in
[20:23] shogun> are u saying im a bad player for liking it ?
[20:23] shogun> fk cares
[20:23] [Rw]addiction> you are tho
[20:23] Autopederastia_OP> actually ye
[20:23] shogun> being v good means no1 wants to play u
[20:23] [Rw]addiction> quite fitting
[20:23] [Rw]addiction> imo
[20:23] EddieBR out
[20:23] shogun> being decent means much more games
[20:23] shogun> always fun
[20:23] shogun> better than a top-nerd
[20:23] Autopederastia_OP> lol
[20:23] Autopederastia_OP> this logic
[20:24] Autopederastia_OP> i dont see ur point
[20:24] shogun> soz truth is truth :>
[20:24] Autopederastia_OP> but it's quite retarded i guess
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> IM NERD
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> I PWNED NICI
[20:26] shogun> no hard feelings nici
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> I PWNED MYSELF
[20:26] shogun> its just my opinion
[20:26] KosjaK_OP> 18 hours per day
[20:27] KosjaK_OP> playing pop
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> ure just hitting on something that has already died
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> its like there is a corpse
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> and u keep beating it
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> that's how retarded you are
[20:27] KosjaK_OP> nici!
[20:27] KosjaK_OP> sup
[20:27] KosjaK_OP> soup
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> heyeyy
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> those sess threads
[20:27] Autopederastia_OP> all i see is butthurt ppl
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> u have no idea what sess even means
[20:28] shogun> all i see from u is a childish attitude
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> at least u know what nubrimnir means
[20:28] KosjaK_OP> why not play some othe rmaps
[20:28] shogun> sad
[20:28] [AsG]ManL1> forge sess <3
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> but sessrumnir= meaning?
[20:28] shogun> stupid kid.
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> childish attitude?
[20:28] KosjaK_OP> there are like 500+ maps
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> u make no sense
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> my vote is no
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> "childish attitude"
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> why include a 'no' option then
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> as soon as people go against u
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> you just go fuckin mad
[20:28] shogun> ur gonna make me cry :'(
[20:28] Autopederastia_OP> just another ric
[20:29] Autopederastia_OP> just quit pop already
[20:29] shogun> pfffffffffffffff
[20:29] shogun> /me sigh
[20:29] Autopederastia_OP> anyway imm not voting no cuz i cant be arsed logging in
[20:29] Autopederastia_OP> that would be giving your thread some importance
[20:29] shogun> executing the following command: "ignore the nerdy child"
[20:29] Autopederastia_OP> while actually people should just diss it
[20:30] Autopederastia_OP> ;)
[20:30] shogun> executed succesfully.
[20:30] Left_nut> send link
[20:30] Autopederastia_OP> nerdy child XD
[20:30] Left_nut> ill vote
[20:30] [SR]Apocapto> Matt es el más cuncio de los 2
[20:30] shogun> lol matt u already did fk off :>
[20:30] Autopederastia_OP> sorry vhan you make your decisions
[20:30] Autopederastia_OP> just like other people make their decisions
[20:30] Left_nut> i didnt vote
[20:30] Autopederastia_OP> u are truly retarded
[20:30] Left_nut> dont even know
[20:30] Left_nut> what ur talking about
[20:30] Left_nut> send link
[20:30] Left_nut> for poll
[20:30] shogun> https://www.popre.net/forum/request-to-change-sessrumnir-palace-s-actual-insulting-name--t11330.html
[20:30] shogun> no childs allowed.
[20:31] shogun> ty
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> ur request is stupid
[20:31] shogun> lol :>
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> cuz u wont convince AsG to change it
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> ;)
[20:31] shogun> its just a request
[20:31] IsoElFace out
[20:31] Left_nut> oh
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> a pointless request
[20:31] Left_nut> i agree
[20:31] Left_nut> it should be sess
[20:31] MrMoohammad26 in
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> you think asg will change it?
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> no matter how many people vote yes
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> that poll is pointless
[20:31] Left_nut> not something subzero made up
[20:31] shogun> ok
[20:31] shogun> at least im trying
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> trying
[20:31] Autopederastia_OP> lmfaooaooa
[20:31] shogun> nici
[20:31] [AsG]ManL1> lmao
[20:32] [AsG]ManL1> good luck there
[20:32] [AsG]ManL1> good luck
[20:32] shogun> i just dont like seeing a map i like with such name
[20:32] [AsG]ManL1> :*
[20:32] shogun> s the problem
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> play sessrumnir then
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> dont play nubrimnir
[20:32] shogun> guys just play pp over and over and now think u are the voice of the mm
[20:32] Kitstar_OP> lol
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> lol
[20:32] Kitstar_OP> nubrimnir
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> play pp over and over
[20:32] [SW]Diablo in
[20:32] [AsG]ManL1> you have my full support in this very urgent matter shogun
[20:32] Kitstar_OP> XD
[20:32] shogun> u're just a child fag
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> i would rape u on any map
[20:32] shogun> lol
[20:32] Autopederastia_OP> lol
[20:32] Left_nut> nici wont rape
[20:32] Left_nut> he will just glitch
[20:32] Left_nut> to win
[20:33] Left_nut> and force
[20:33] Left_nut> getting shot 5 times
[20:33] Left_nut> in the face
[20:33] Left_nut> and not dyiung
[20:33] Left_nut> is not a skill
[20:33] Autopederastia_OP> oh it is
[20:33] Left_nut> no
[20:33] Left_nut> its a glitch u abuse
[20:33] yoshi_TAS out
[20:33] Left_nut> thats like a fw
[20:33] Left_nut> getting chopped
[20:33] Left_nut> by warriors
[20:33] KosjaK_OP> building hut is a glitch
[20:34] shogun> Autopederastia_OP> i would rape u on any map <-- typical childs response when hes out of any other argument
[20:34] Left_nut> and beingf forced
[20:34] Left_nut> out of combat
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> lol vhan
[20:34] Left_nut> same concept
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> im not out of arguments
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> when u come with the "u only play pp talk"
[20:34] shogun> as i said nici
[20:34] Left_nut> as a fw being forced to not get hit
[20:34] shogun> ur not a bad guy
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> as if it would change something
[20:34] shogun> im not takin anything from the mm personal
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> u are making it look like top players dont know how to play sess
[20:34] Autopederastia_OP> they are better than people who spam it 24/7
[20:34] shogun> i mean.. i dont give a fk lol
[20:35] Left_nut> thats not true nici
[20:35] Autopederastia_OP> well u dont give a fk
[20:35] Left_nut> top players give up
[20:35] Autopederastia_OP> but u keep on
[20:35] Left_nut> and dont know it
[20:35] shogun> dude.. im not talking about skill
[20:35] shogun> i just want a stupid name to be changed
[20:35] shogun> new players play sess and they see the "nub" innit
[20:35] shogun> its stupid
[20:35] Nut_Cracker> shogun ur one of the guys that use the girls restroom arent u
[20:35] Autopederastia_OP> maybe it encourages them to play something else and improve
[20:35] [GoD]Genkidama in
[20:35] Left_nut> nici
[20:35] shogun> why do they have to see that and probably think they're some kind of skillless players?
[20:35] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[20:36] Left_nut> playing doesnt improve
[20:36] Left_nut> glitching
[20:36] Left_nut> lol
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> ?
[20:36] Left_nut> ?
[20:36] Nut_Cracker> ?
[20:36] [SR]Apocapto> ?
[20:36] shogun> ¿
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> matt i conclude every hhuman being can have same abilities
[20:36] Left_nut> getting shot in the face 5 times
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> if u dont its cuz ur just handicapped
[20:36] Left_nut> and not dying
[20:36] Left_nut> isnt an abiility
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> i mean
[20:36] Left_nut> lol
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> its only an online game
[20:36] Left_nut> i mean shoot any animal
[20:36] Left_nut> in the face 5 times
[20:36] Left_nut> they die
[20:36] Autopederastia_OP> if u were tall u would have more abilities than someone whos shorter
[20:37] Autopederastia_OP> well
[20:37] Autopederastia_OP> u hvae a mouse
[20:37] Autopederastia_OP> and 5 fingers
[20:37] Autopederastia_OP> learn to play
[20:37] Left_nut> timing isnt playing
[20:37] Left_nut> lol
[20:37] BetaEnemy_Tas out
[20:37] Left_nut> guy gets shot by 20 fws
[20:37] Left_nut> and lives
[20:37] Left_nut> and thinks thats playing the game
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> matt not my fault u are disabled
[20:38] shogun> matt as i said u casted ur vote alredy lol
[20:38] Left_nut> guy forcing fws
[20:38] Left_nut> by shift clicking
[20:38] shogun> i still see 5 yes
[20:38] Left_nut> while in combat
[20:38] Left_nut> thinks its ok
[20:38] Left_nut> shogun
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> shift clicking isn't even forcing HAHAHAH
[20:38] Left_nut> i never voted
[20:38] Left_nut> on it
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> this guy is unreal
[20:38] Left_nut> it is
[20:38] shogun> gg wp :>
[20:38] Left_nut> when my troops
[20:38] [SR]Apocapto> a
[20:38] Left_nut> are in towers
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> ?
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> towers is different
[20:38] Left_nut> and u still able to shoot me with them
[20:38] Left_nut> in combat
[20:38] Autopederastia_OP> why dont u learn the game
[20:39] Left_nut> thats forcing
[20:39] Left_nut> no
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> i can be ur teacher
[20:39] PabloSL in
[20:39] Left_nut> they are fighting
[20:39] Left_nut> ur fws
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> all i see is u seem to know it better than everyone
[20:39] Left_nut> and they still shoot
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> but all i see is u get raped every game
[20:39] Left_nut> thats forcing
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> ?
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> i dont even watch my troops
[20:39] Left_nut> no i just dont need pussy shit
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> im busy raping ur base
[20:39] Left_nut> to win games
[20:39] Left_nut> u dont rape shit
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> ye
[20:39] Left_nut> all u do is glitch
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> 80% of games are rape
[20:39] Left_nut> last game we played
[20:39] Left_nut> u had to make me not click
[20:39] Autopederastia_OP> i get amazed about how long they last
[20:39] Left_nut> and force ur fws
[20:39] Left_nut> out of combat
[20:40] Left_nut> cuz i was pwning u
[20:40] Autopederastia_OP> u weren't pwning anything haha
[20:40] Autopederastia_OP> we can rematch anytime
[20:40] Left_nut> voting wont do anythign shogun
[20:40] shogun> yeah i know but its a try :>
[20:40] Left_nut> nici
[20:40] Left_nut> when beta comes out
[20:40] Left_nut> ill play u
[20:40] Left_nut> with no blast trick
[20:40] Pandi out
[20:40] Left_nut> or dismantling
[20:40] Autopederastia_OP> lo
[20:41] shogun> some bugs are fun
[20:41] shogun> and requires skill
[20:41] Autopederastia_OP> sorry i dont play slow paced games
[20:41] Left_nut> guy needs eveyr trick
[20:41] shogun> just like the blasts
[20:41] Left_nut> in book
[20:41] Left_nut> to beat people
[20:41] Left_nut> slow
[20:41] shogun> if a shaman dies with only 2 blasts thats boring as fk lol
[20:41] Left_nut> lol
[20:41] Autopederastia_OP> sorry matt i dont play slow paced gaemse
[20:41] Left_nut> my pop keeps up
[20:41] Left_nut> without dismantling
[20:41] Autopederastia_OP> play with the oldd people
[20:41] Autopederastia_OP> loike koopa
[20:41] Left_nut> its why no one plays u nici
[20:41] Left_nut> u play like a pussy
[20:42] Autopederastia_OP> :p
[20:42] [GoD]Eric out
[20:42] [GoD]Eric in
[20:42] shogun> Nut_Cracker> shogun ur one of the guys that use the girls restroom arent u
[20:42] shogun> yeah
[20:42] shogun> but to fk them all
[20:42] shogun> lmao
[20:44] Ysarion out
[20:44] Nut_Cracker> lol
[20:45] [GoD]Genkidama> hm
[20:45] [GoD]Genkidama> so let ssee how many losers are online tonight
[20:45] shogun> yo paradox
[20:45] [GoD]Genkidama> seems like 51
[20:46] [GoD]Genkidama> all apart from me and shogun
[20:46] [GoD]Genkidama> hi
[20:46] shogun> we played a gamo of fo long ago
[20:46] shogun> game*
[20:46] [AsG]ManL1> Genki :o
[20:46] [GoD]Genkidama> really?
[20:46] shogun> its on youtube lol
[20:46] [GoD]Genkidama> :O
[20:46] [GoD]Genkidama> link?
[20:47] shogun> https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjCw_P3nOvTAhUEvBoKHXAODRYQtwIIKTAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DaOPEsrSlfyY&usg=AFQjCNGZkXQElInsZXkON_zRZcdSoULwNw
[20:47] shogun> fk sec
[20:47] [GoD]Genkidama> lol
[20:48] shogun> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOPEsrSlfyY
[20:48] shogun> k
[20:48] shogun> lol
[20:49] [GoD]Genkidama> oh what
[20:49] [GoD]Genkidama> dont remember uploading that :D
[20:49] shogun> rofl
[20:49] shogun> i said "long ago" didnt i
[20:49] shogun> :>
[20:49] [Rw]addiction out
[20:50] Left_nut out
[20:50] shogun> all i remeber is that i was rusty as fk and lagging
[20:50] shogun> just like i am now lol
[20:50] shogun> cant play normal games
[20:51] [GoD]Genkidama> i was laggin too
[20:51] [GoD]Genkidama> you should move
[20:52] bobbylala out
[20:52] shogun> can only watch games
[20:52] shogun> and it lags me out most of the time tho lol
[20:52] [SW]WestSide> ggwp
[20:52] [GoD]Genkidama> sucks
[20:52] [GoD]Genkidama> :l
[20:52] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> hey westside
[20:53] therapist> fuck i mlike on of the top elite players
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> hi genki
[20:53] therapist> of all time
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> how are you #1
[20:53] therapist> how come im this good
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> geiles game letztens wo ich gehn musste huh?
[20:53] V4N0M> gg
[20:53] V4N0M> lee
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> du hure
[20:53] V4N0M> lel
[20:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> genki
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> wir hatten gewonnen
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> und du gehst
[20:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> my stream geht nun
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> omfg
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> ja alter haha
[20:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> los babop genki join
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> 2 mädls sind neben mir gestanden und wollten schon den stecker ziehn lmao
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> wegn ner gebparty
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[20:53] [GoD]Genkidama> geil spini
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> LOLOLOLOLOLOL
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> du hund
[20:53] [SW]WestSide> sag doch was
[20:54] [SW]WestSide> amk
[20:54] [GoD]Genkidama> glück dass ich noch sagen konnte wege nally lol
[20:54] [SW]WestSide> du so 'gtg now bye gg'
[20:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> I AM A LIAR ----------------------> [GoD]Genkidama> LIE DETECTED!!!!!
[20:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> GoD]Genkidama> 2 mädls sind neben mir gestanden und wollten schon den stecker ziehn lmao
[20:54] [GoD]Genkidama> lmao alpha loser
[20:54] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[20:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> genki komm
[20:55] [SW]WestSide> alpa runde blasts?
[20:55] [GoD]Genkidama> muss kuscheln gehn darf nicht
[20:55] [GoD]Genkidama> :l
[20:55] [SW]AlphaEnemy> okok
[20:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> olololloolloolol ok
[20:55] [GoD]Genkidama> "komm mucho cuddle"
[20:55] [GoD]Genkidama> lmao
[20:55] [SW]WestSide> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=352967
[20:55] [SW]WestSide> my stats tho
[20:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> woah meine haare
[20:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> riechen so nice
[20:56] kiyamet in
[20:56] [GoD]Genkidama> kiyamet
[20:56] [GoD]Genkidama> du alter igel
[20:57] kiyamet> was geht :D
[20:57] [GoD]Genkidama> endlich wieder mal ein guter spieler
[20:57] [GoD]Genkidama> du warst mein bock von früher
[20:57] kiyamet> ;D
[20:57] kiyamet> komm
[20:58] kiyamet> ich bin schlecht
[20:58] [GoD]Genkidama> kann leider nicht heut :L
[20:58] [GoD]Genkidama> muss gleich weg
[20:58] kiyamet> schade
[20:58] kiyamet> nächstes mal
[20:59] Audition> why using hack
[20:59] playbuddmansion out
[20:59] Audition> vage
[20:59] kiyamet> +1
[20:59] vage> what
[21:00] Audition> Could cast spells out of range
[21:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahahahahahhahahaa
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu giel oder?
[21:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> :DDDD
[21:01] kiyamet> :D
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> WIE SACHNELL DAS GEHT LOL
[21:02] [GoD]Genkidama> weißt noch früher hab ich dich gefragt wie du so schnell bist
[21:02] [GoD]Genkidama> heut weiß ich die antwort
[21:02] [GoD]Genkidama> kommt vom wixxen :3
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> muss da smal babo zeigen
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie ich den klick bei
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> sekunde
[21:03] [SW]WestSide> ggwp
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> 32:02 rette
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahahahahahaha
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[21:03] [SW]Bianca in
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142384273
[21:03] [GoD]Eric> anyone wanna 1v1 ?
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> 31:50 bis 32:10
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil LOL
[21:04] kiyamet> here eric
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil ohne scheiss
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie ich den klick gerettet habe
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> bei 32:02
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> jo kann tun
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> streaming
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> david guetta
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> was willst hören lol
[21:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> sexy bitch
[21:05] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[21:05] [SW]WestSide> der stream lädt bei mir nicht
[21:05] [SW]WestSide> die wiederholung
[21:05] [SW]WestSide> kack net
[21:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmao
[21:06] Audition> albery
[21:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> wirst lachen weil das einfach so geil aussieht
[21:06] [SW]WestSide> muss kacken
[21:06] Audition> albert
[21:06] [SW]WestSide> sucht ma nen anderen zum spieln sorry
[21:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf manu
[21:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> ;:D
[21:06] [AsG]ManL1> mein computer
[21:06] [AsG]ManL1> is heut
[21:06] [AsG]ManL1> ganz stark
[21:06] [AsG]ManL1> :D
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> xD
[21:07] V4N0M> nix deutsch please
[21:07] shogun> pequeño padawan
[21:07] V4N0M> india server
[21:07] shogun> como te va la vida
[21:07] KosjaK_OP> so good to be bad
[21:07] V4N0M> see
[21:08] [SW]Matt_Rake in
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just unblocked nici]
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici talk to mer baby
[21:08] KosjaK_OP> :D
[21:08] V4N0M> xd
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> iv missed you
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> absence makes the hard grow fond
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> murder join
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ally me
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait !
[21:08] aliverdi1023 out
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> luke + nici Vs spinni + eric
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> sik game?
[21:09] shogun> eric is decent
[21:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do fo
[21:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> ivo ?
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> erics great
[21:09] V4N0M> Longest Game:3 hours, 29 minutes, 10 seconds
[21:09] [AsG]ManL1> kk
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> but im not playing luke
[21:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> yhman hes saik
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> guy rages too much
[21:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> Tru
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> its on stream
[21:09] [SW]WestSide> ^
[21:09] shogun> lol
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> ruins games
[21:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes a rage-a-holic
[21:09] Adena_OP in
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[21:09] V4N0M> nice host aosin
[21:09] [SW]WestSide> andrew you bottle
[21:09] Luke_OP> Typically spin talin bout ragin lmao
[21:09] [SW]WestSide> when will we ally again
[21:10] Luke_OP> The hypocresy
[21:10] Luke_OP> hipocrisy
[21:10] Luke_OP> *
[21:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> we need mighty opponants babo
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> dw luke
[21:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> meph and nici
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont rage
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> you can believe me
[21:10] [SW]WestSide> hypocrisy*
[21:10] Luke_OP> Sure you don't rofl
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont ^^
[21:10] [SW]WestSide> wow my mm was delayed for 1min sad
[21:10] [GoD]Eric> go
[21:10] [GoD]Eric> gtg soon
[21:10] T-Rod out
[21:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> "spielst echt nice"
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> i at least got evidence bro
[21:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ich krieg aids
[21:10] Luke_OP> Literally every time you lose to me
[21:10] Luke_OP> you do
[21:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[21:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> no i dont
[21:10] Luke_OP> So figure it out
[21:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> "play nice"
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> you camp
[21:11] [SW]WestSide> ist so
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> and rage
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> echt?
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf is echt
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> thats why u dont get games
[21:11] [SW]WestSide> ich feier seine schnelligkeit
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[21:11] Luke_OP> I never needed to camp against you
[21:11] [SW]WestSide> ist cool anzugucken
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ECHT ????
[21:11] [SW]WestSide> also schnell+wenig misclicks
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> why echt
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> lukee
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> wen meinst du
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> if u had come to fatíam
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> fatima
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> u could stay at my house
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> in ourém
[21:11] [SW]WestSide> dich du hund
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> and we go by bus to fatima its free
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> at mid night
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> danke
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu nici he doenst weanna have sex with you
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg..
[21:11] Autopederastia_OP> lol
[21:12] Autopederastia_OP> i tried tho
[21:12] Autopederastia_OP> :)
[21:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[21:12] KosjaK_OP> what ta fuck
[21:12] [SW]WestSide> alpa wie fandest du mein bild
[21:12] [SW]WestSide> das ich in die grp geschickt hab
[21:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> Nici> Who wants to come camping with me
[21:12] luanjanio35 in
[21:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> manl let me host?
[21:12] shogun> nici
[21:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja lass mal ihn hosten
[21:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ka
[21:12] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wie du das gefaked
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hast
[21:13] shogun> luke must be like 13
[21:13] shogun> ont be a pedo
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> musste mehrmals angucken
[21:13] shogun> dont*
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> ist kein fake
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[21:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> was fake
[21:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[21:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> zeig mal
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wie kein fake
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ich hab das ned geschrieben
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> ist nicht bearbeitet das bild
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> lel
[21:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni go green
[21:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> eric manl join
[21:13] RodrigoStanczak in
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> geht ja ned anderst
[21:13] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ??
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> ich war spec
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> und blau ist gequittet
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> da kann man als rot schreiben
[21:13] [SW]WestSide> haha
[21:14] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lololol
[21:14] [SR]Apocapto out
[21:14] [SW]WestSide> zu geil manche bugs
[21:14] [SW]WestSide> so afkacken
[21:14] thoughtseize out
[21:14] [SR]Apocapto in
[21:14] shogun> kosjak
[21:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo iv not warmed up but we could try pp ?
[21:15] shogun> ur a mappackchecker
[21:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> or wait for this fo game
[21:15] shogun> are u able to change any map's name even if ur not the creator ?
[21:15] luanjanio35 out
[21:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> then ill be better
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide out
[21:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> by 1%
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[21:15] [GoD]I_might_suicide> HORSE COCKUS
[21:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> genki u know i cant host u whore
[21:16] [GoD]I_might_suicide> inca people telling me in pvt to suicide
[21:16] [GoD]I_might_suicide> u allow this?
[21:16] [GoD]Genkidama> slut i was just trying to make fun of u
[21:16] shogun> inca isnt here since 1998
[21:16] shogun> fk him
[21:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> roger that
[21:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> [gof]poo copy and paste
[21:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> the pvt message
[21:16] KosjaK_OP> im from future
[21:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> [god]poo
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> and all i can say is
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> nici is still #1
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> :/
[21:17] shogun> shogun> kosjak are u able to change any map's name even if ur not the creator ?
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> pop is dead for sure
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> nope
[21:17] shogun> since ur a mappackchicken
[21:17] shogun> fk
[21:17] shogun> :>
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> only can check
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> unrank/rank
[21:17] KosjaK_OP> maps
[21:17] [Rw]addiction in
[21:17] wsdjf> addi
[21:17] wsdjf> game man
[21:17] shogun> k
[21:18] [Rw]addiction> laptop
[21:18] wsdjf> uh my god
[21:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> addi u pos
[21:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> deep fried marsbars
[21:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> WTF
[21:19] shogun> KosjaK_OP> unrank/rank
[21:19] shogun> unrank pp
[21:19] shogun> lolololol
[21:19] [Rw]addiction out
[21:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> [22:15] shogun> suicide.
[21:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so unfair
[21:19] shogun> :>
[21:19] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i just want to live
[21:19] bobbylala in
[21:19] shogun> u dont deserve it
[21:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> [god]poo
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> spin checking anna donzowa
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ;)
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pls watch porn live
[21:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> do u wnana see my cousin
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ofc
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> id bang her
[21:21] [GoD]I_might_suicide> k show
[21:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[21:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea she is sinngle
[21:22] [GoD]I_might_suicide> does she?
[21:22] shogun> show pic spin
[21:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> take the D
[21:22] shogun> lol.
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> here vhan
[21:23] shogun> so cute ye :>
[21:23] [GoD]I_might_suicide> show ur gf
[21:24] KosjaK_OP> vhan
[21:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni show me ur cousin ffs
[21:24] KosjaK_OP> http://i.imgur.com/Q2j8iG7.png
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> not third time fuck off
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> watch stream
[21:24] RodrigoStanczak out
[21:24] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/59df0ee940e40fb62731a78f0130c852.png
[21:24] [SW]WestSide> god poo
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> guys
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> jasmin is live
[21:24] KosjaK_OP> babo
[21:24] shogun> i dont get it koshack
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> joke i wont risk again
[21:25] KosjaK_OP> what if it was [tdm]mooresy
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[21:25] KosjaK_OP> tdm moo's tribe
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan join
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> ally me
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan
[21:25] KosjaK_OP> shogun
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets do 4way
[21:25] shogun> lagging
[21:25] [SW]WestSide> livejasmin dot com
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan ally me
[21:25] KosjaK_OP> R - ranked, U - unranked
[21:25] shogun> id be happy to play seriously.
[21:25] shogun> but cant
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> why
[21:25] [GoD]Eric> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 last game
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> whos vhan?
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> shogun?>
[21:25] KosjaK_OP> some no name
[21:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[21:26] bobbylala in
[21:26] [GoD]Genkidama> spin
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> is that the guy who used to shit and now hes still shit
[21:26] [GoD]Genkidama> divnity said hed bang ur cousin
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni show me ur cousin
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i didnt lie
[21:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> walls?
[21:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> introduce me to her pls
[21:26] shogun> k got it kosjak
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> alpoha do fo ?
[21:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> 4walls
[21:26] shogun> unrank pp :>
[21:26] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fo is too much mid
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> go idc map and teams
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> walls is too much gbd
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> Cost: Demote.
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> bd
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> i can but ^
[21:27] Death in
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/68dab8a17d7496783e894fdbe229759d.png
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> walls
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> walls is too muc bd??
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wow
[21:27] [SW]WestSide> :<<<<<
[21:27] [GoD]Genkidama> start already i just wanna masturbate to spins speedy mouse
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> this guy
[21:27] Nut_Cracker> ty babo
[21:27] Nut_Cracker> hahahah
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUUUUUYYYUUUU
[21:27] shogun> lol
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> u guys see this
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do walls
[21:27] [GoD]Eric> go moores
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> 4 war+ ranks
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> u got spin
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> as ally
[21:27] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[21:27] KosjaK_OP> palying a 2v2
[21:27] [GoD]Eric> or il go off
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> cute
[21:28] shogun> [tdm]MooresMurder> is that the guy who used to shit and now hes still shit
[21:28] shogun> my conection is
[21:28] shogun> as soon as i used a wired conection i got to shaman rank
[21:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> go walls moores
[21:28] shogun> but am on wifi again :<
[21:28] shogun> cant play
[21:28] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nao
[21:28] shogun> sadly
[21:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye rite...
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> to get shaman rnak
[21:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> that song is great
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> u need to be inactive for another year
[21:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> you get to shamen and ill show my ass in town
[21:28] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/07d6964e9f4830fd0aaec726eb213db4.png
[21:28] KosjaK_OP> and start playing again
[21:28] [SW]WestSide> :<<<<<
[21:29] _Vonn59 in
[21:29] shogun> u can see it on my profile dude
[21:29] shogun> do u think im kidding
[21:29] _Vonn59 out
[21:29] _Vonn59 in
[21:29] shogun> i've been shaman lolz
[21:29] shogun> :>
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> i mean
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> for quick
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> shaman rank
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> u have low sigma
[21:29] KosjaK_OP> 3.8
[21:29] shogun> yep
[21:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> its high enough
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> look at mine
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> 7.2
[21:30] shogun> i lost all of it in like 2 days
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> and moo is 42
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> higher than any fw
[21:30] shogun> cos i used this conection
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> :D
[21:30] shogun> eck my games
[21:30] shogun> check-
[21:30] shogun> i had like 9+ sigma
[21:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> u sure?
[21:30] _Vonn59 out
[21:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> higher than me?
[21:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> :)
[21:30] [GoD]Eric out
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> ur shaman not fw
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> idio
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> t
[21:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> OWNED
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> ur not fw
[21:30] KosjaK_OP> owned
[21:30] luanjanio35 in
[21:31] shogun> https://www.popre.net/game.php?username=shogun
[21:31] KosjaK_OP> still remember etzesty
[21:31] shogun> heck my games.. and take a look to the sigma i had
[21:31] shogun> check*
[21:31] KosjaK_OP> a good guy who was calling "kraken" as vagina monster.
[21:32] [SW]WestSide> according to your point graph youve never been shaman
[21:32] KosjaK_OP> he was
[21:32] KosjaK_OP> in old leagues
[21:32] [SW]WestSide> with old point system
[21:32] [SW]WestSide> :>
[21:32] KosjaK_OP> u wasnt even born
[21:32] KosjaK_OP> that time
[21:33] KosjaK_OP> :)
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> i was
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> :<
[21:33] shogun> had 8.16 sigma lol
[21:33] shogun> i would of easily got shaman rank in no time
[21:33] [SW]WestSide> with old points even Mooresy would be shaman rank lmfao
[21:33] shogun> but i played some games with this crappy wifi conection and lost lots of sigma
[21:33] bobbylala out
[21:33] shogun> in like 2 days.
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> babo
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/82eb6f41ba30140a2ba432c29ec6e076.png
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> whos that?
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> where the fuck are u in playuer list
[21:34] KosjaK_OP> wtf
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> first who guesses right gets the full pic pmed
[21:34] Queen_of_Spades> nose
[21:34] [SW]WestSide> wrong
[21:34] _Vonn59 in
[21:35] Queen_of_Spades> its a nose
[21:35] _Vonn59 out
[21:35] Kitstar_OP in
[21:35] [SW]WestSide> yes
[21:35] _Vonn59 in
[21:35] Queen_of_Spades> your maybe
[21:35] [SW]WestSide> but whose nose is it?
[21:35] Queen_of_Spades> your
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> its fat ass
[21:35] Cauezin in
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> elastic
[21:35] [SW]WestSide> correct!!!!!!
[21:35] _Vonn59 out
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> im pro
[21:35] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> at guessing
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> fhk yeah
[21:35] Vonn59 in
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> give me my dollars
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> i be rich
[21:35] [SW]WestSide> hf with that pic
[21:35] [GoD]Eric in
[21:35] KosjaK_OP> dude
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> bring me back my mentallity
[21:36] Vonn59 out
[21:36] Vonn59 in
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> and something to wash eyes
[21:36] shogun> \o
[21:36] shogun out
[21:36] [SW]Bianca out
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> babo
[21:36] Vonn59 out
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> you are hidden
[21:36] KosjaK_OP> in mm
[21:36] [SW]WestSide> :>
[21:36] [GoD]Genkidama out
[21:36] [SW]WestSide> i aint
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> cant find in right tab
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> i see a guy in hut
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> without rank
[21:37] [SW]WestSide> lul
[21:37] [SW]WestSide out
[21:37] [SW]WestSide in
[21:37] [SW]WestSide> now?
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> http://i.imgur.com/R3SBcG6.png
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> yay
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> i see you
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> look pic
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> rofl
[21:37] [SW]WestSide> i also got that bug kos
[21:37] [SW]WestSide> so annoying
[21:37] Vonn59 in
[21:37] Vonn59 out
[21:37] KosjaK_OP> invisible dudes
[21:38] KosjaK_OP> oh
[21:38] KosjaK_OP> im cute warrior
[21:38] Audition> . . . . . . . . /> ?
[21:38] Audition> | n n ?
[21:38] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[21:39] Adena_OP out
[21:39] Adena_OP in
[21:39] luanjanio35> BRAZIL
[21:39] Vonn59 in
[21:39] Nut_Cracker out
[21:39] Nut_Cracker_OP in
[21:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> bron71l
[21:40] Vonn59 out
[21:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 7-1
[21:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> bronzil
[21:40] [SW]WestSide> own71ed
[21:40] KosjaK_OP> brazzers
[21:41] Kitstar_OP out
[21:41] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/ced94098deabb24a0292e6fec3df4b66.png
[21:41] [SW]WestSide> dayum black AODS
[21:42] KosjaK_OP> wtf is this?
[21:42] KosjaK_OP> i dont care! i love it!
[21:42] KosjaK_OP> <3
[21:42] KosjaK_OP out
[21:42] wsdjf out
[21:42] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/94d72118de813b0a9ee22f087254c01a.png
[21:42] [SW]WestSide> aint it a wonderful sky?
[21:42] [SR]Apocapto out
[21:44] Queen_of_Spades> pinup
[21:44] Queen_of_Spades> its nice
[21:45] Queen_of_Spades> nice black dragons
[21:45] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/14ec1b8326151270a8aef8e5347e3a1a.png
[21:45] [SW]WestSide> AODS in love <3
[21:45] Queen_of_Spades> owwh
[21:45] Queen_of_Spades> nice shot
[21:45] Queen_of_Spades> as screenshot
[21:46] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/c2430dc3651f44d876b243f6c6282601.png
[21:46] [SW]WestSide> blue hacking, BAN
[21:47] V4N0M> xDD
[21:47] V4N0M> keek
[21:47] Audition> ban
[21:47] aosin out
[21:47] V4N0M> banned
[21:47] V4N0M> reported player blue
[21:47] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/b0382c6b75aa7302ea50f36ac05e457c.png fws too dumb to s click
[21:47] V4N0M> whoever it is
[21:48] V4N0M> :DD
[21:48] [SR]Apocapto in
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> theyre chilling
[21:48] V4N0M> sess mit schutzschild?
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> chi
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> llin
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> :P
[21:48] vage out
[21:48] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/362622749d830e611bd18d5c26654dc9.png
[21:48] [SW]WestSide> lost in the universe
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> omg
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> poor him
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> go save his ass
[21:48] Queen_of_Spades> plz
[21:49] Audition> banned
[21:49] [AsG]ManL1 in
[21:49] Queen_of_Spades> ive got a good one for you
[21:49] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/cc578730dff3084af46e750ac88239b6.png omg hi :>
[21:49] Queen_of_Spades> LOL
[21:49] Queen_of_Spades> that one always confused me when i was young
[21:49] [AsG]ManL1 out
[21:49] Queen_of_Spades> saying their head higher than the balloon
[21:49] Queen_of_Spades> like if theyre giant
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> ok hmm
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> http://imgur.com/a/H9Pk9
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> 3 fws doing nothing
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> voila
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> pffffffffff
[21:50] [SW]WestSide> there are facts and alternative facts
[21:50] [SW]WestSide> same goes for towers https://i.gyazo.com/936d6bb41137a95d14c7919a2fd2edf6.png
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> yup
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> may i know what uve done
[21:50] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[21:51] V4N0M> bobby host
[21:51] bobbylala> yeah sure
[21:51] V4N0M> i cant host cauezin
[21:51] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/fdbea4726817ba223f2c5e1748c4019e.png
[21:51] [SW]WestSide> different version of fo
[21:51] V4N0M> dafuq
[21:51] Queen_of_Spades> great
[21:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> make a skin where land looks like water and water like land
[21:51] V4N0M> is das diablo?
[21:51] Queen_of_Spades> i like it
[21:51] Queen_of_Spades> its dark
[21:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide> and weird sky
[21:51] Queen_of_Spades> comfy for my poor eyes tho
[21:52] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/c0eb21234377ac92929e6afaa54a621f.png new spell, invisibilty for buildings
[21:53] Queen_of_Spades> troubling
[21:53] Queen_of_Spades> x,D
[21:53] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/1e28acd85352f0610bfbd87af2fff28f.png
[21:53] [SW]WestSide> weed so high, even his shaman praying a tree
[21:53] V4N0M> XD
[21:54] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 420
[21:54] [SW]WestSide> ok im done :<
[21:55] [SW]WestSide> :>
[21:55] V4N0M> matt host
[21:55] V4N0M> or kitstar
[21:55] V4N0M> or nobody
[21:55] italian120 in
[21:55] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[21:56] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/0f6aaf8ace15855f4f030499732e1f9d.png
[21:56] [SW]WestSide> wtf?
[21:56] V4N0M> sieht aus wie so ein ton former
[21:56] V4N0M> ka wie man das nennt
[21:57] [Sw]SpiderPig> looks like my eyesight after a good few beers
[21:57] V4N0M> haha
[21:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> demonity :)
[21:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> pro player i remember him
[21:57] [GoD]I_might_suicide> true rank1
[21:57] [SW]WestSide> ikr
[21:57] [SW]WestSide> this guy used to play challenge worlds
[21:57] Queen_of_Spades> reminds me of a game fucked up that needs to be repaired no offense xP
[21:57] [SW]WestSide> dunno where he is now :<
[21:58] luanjanio35 out
[21:58] Tecking in
[21:58] Queen_of_Spades> like some glitches
[21:58] Queen_of_Spades> at the bottom of the pic
[21:58] Queen_of_Spades> haha
[21:58] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i still play challenge worlds
[21:58] [GoD]I_might_suicide> but offline
[21:58] [GoD]I_might_suicide> real challenge
[21:58] [GoD]I_might_suicide> to play it alone
[21:59] [SR]Apocapto out
[21:59] [GoD]I_might_suicide> need new maps we won them all
[21:59] [SR]Apocapto in
[22:00] [SR]Apocapto> team?
[22:01] [GoD]I_might_suicide> so sleepy
[22:01] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nici come tuck me in
[22:01] Tecking out
[22:01] Tecking in
[22:02] [tdm]Mooresy out
[22:02] Death out
[22:04] bobbylala out
[22:04] Queen_of_Spades> nici doesnt seems mentally alive
[22:04] [SW]WestSide> yeah div
[22:05] [SW]WestSide> go and create them you lazy fuck
[22:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> ooo a stream
[22:05] Queen_of_Spades> like hes here
[22:05] Queen_of_Spades> and not here
[22:06] therapist out
[22:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> eh? it says offline?
[22:06] Ratchet out
[22:08] Audition out
[22:08] Cauezin> yes
[22:08] Audition in
[22:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> babo is it working?
[22:08] Snake_Eyes in
[22:09] Tecking out
[22:12] [AsG]Snak in
[22:13] [AsG]Snak out
[22:14] [SW]WestSide> rekt
[22:15] [SW]WestSide> sorry manli
[22:15] [SW]WestSide> nächstes mal lass ich dich gewinnen
[22:15] greenwarrior out
[22:16] Audition out
[22:16] [GoD]Eric out
[22:16] mechasdark in
[22:16] [GoD]Eric in
[22:16] Audition in
[22:16] [GoD]Eric out
[22:16] [AsG]ManL1> :<
[22:17] [AsG]Sub_Zero> can someone help me test the fw-not-shooting bug on sess?
[22:17] [SW]Diablo in
[22:17] Audition out
[22:18] Audition in
[22:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> sub
[22:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> naa
[22:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> good work murdser
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> thxs
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was being camped
[22:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fick mein leben babo
[22:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wie man einfach spiele weg gibt
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuck my life babo ###
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> ????
[22:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> hat schon einen grund
[22:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> wieso wir gewannen
[22:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> aklpha
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was all green ?
[22:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ja weil er eric dein 60 pop nicht ficken kann
[22:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> wiueso ?
[22:20] Tecking in
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf is kann now
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> i kn oit
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> kno it
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> kann=can
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> i can fuck you
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich kann dich ficken
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> i can play with you
[22:20] [SW]Diablo out
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich kann mit dir spielen
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> ohh
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> i can
[22:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich kann
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni show me uyr cousin
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> since i won that shit
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> u still didnt see?
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> naa
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> dude check stream im lazy now
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait i give u link
[22:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin gibt seine cousine weiter wie ne shisha
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUK
[22:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> sie ist modell
[22:21] [SW]AlphaEnemy> #bestercousin
[22:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> also ist das okay
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> xD
[22:22] Tecking out
[22:22] Tecking in
[22:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> when the fuk did sp[inni get in to alphas bvase lol?
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> are u dumb ?
[22:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he shaved my pop
[22:22] Cauezin> br?
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> like mr. propper
[22:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt see
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and eric wasnt able to kill 60 pop
[22:22] Kitstar_OP out
[22:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was slow witted in the game
[22:22] [SW]AlphaEnemy> of spin
[22:23] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ot atleast double u once for good
[22:23] Kitstar_OP in
[22:23] Cauezin out
[22:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni gimmi link
[22:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> to stream
[22:23] Cauezin in
[22:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna see
[22:23] Cauezin out
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie schnell
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich bin
[22:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye wait
[22:23] [SW]AlphaEnemy> wie viel male warst du in meiner base
[22:23] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[22:24] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lucky me between 2 girls
[22:24] [GoD]I_might_suicide> bella join <3
[22:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> the worste in my base...?
[22:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> wie viel?
[22:24] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ewwww a guy touching me
[22:24] [GoD]I_might_suicide> im very hetero
[22:25] Tecking out
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> murder
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142438533
[22:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> 16:52
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> thx thx
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> to my aunt
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> for that present
[22:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lol
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> /me* says thank you. apreciates standing ovation
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> this spin family has good genes
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ololololloololololol
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> everyone so hot <3
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> id even bang spin
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> no homo
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> got no pics of my sister
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> how old ur sister
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> murder how is she
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> shes average
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> 23
[22:27] [GoD]I_might_suicide> nice
[22:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> 24*
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> well
[22:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> above average
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok shes hot
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> id stick it in her soil pipe
[22:28] [GoD]I_might_suicide> better in some pics
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> she like sit anal
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> rite up her trumper
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> LIES
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> gimmi number
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> no lies
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> and slube
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> she is open to talk bout that shit
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:28] [GoD]I_might_suicide> whats ur sis name
[22:28] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i find in fb
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> veronika
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> lovely filthy whoree
[22:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf murder
[22:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wagner
[22:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> in a relationship and only 1 pic
[22:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ffs
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni at wot time in the stream do u attack alphas base?
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye she has 2 accs
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dunno the 2nd
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO DIV
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> do u have a sister?
[22:29] [GoD]I_might_suicide> no :(
[22:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> lemme chekc murder
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> brother?
[22:30] V4N0M> gg
[22:30] [SW]Matt_Rake> gg
[22:30] italian120 out
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142438533
[22:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> oui
[22:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ye
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> 1:08
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> murder
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> 1:08:32 murder
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> i atatcked alpha
[22:30] V4N0M> 304 (4)
[22:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> how old r u div
[22:31] [GoD]I_might_suicide> too personal im between 10 and 30
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> 24
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> u r
[22:31] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 3
[22:31] [GoD]I_might_suicide> :>
[22:31] V4N0M> hes 19
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> 23
[22:31] V4N0M> 13
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> does actually nici
[22:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> have brother or sister?
[22:31] [GoD]I_might_suicide> i look younger
[22:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> brother
[22:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> younger?
[22:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> was a pop player "nano"
[22:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lynk
[22:32] Haru in
[22:32] elementor5 in
[22:32] [GoD]I_might_suicide> older
[22:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> ah
[22:32] Ratchet in
[22:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> well div its time
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf aslpha...
[22:33] V4N0M> im out
[22:33] V4N0M> bb
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni didnt attack uyr base till the game was alrdy over
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> to cruel
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> u turd
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin hold back with 60 pop vs eric 120 pop
[22:33] [GoD]I_might_suicide> its time for
[22:33] [Sw]SpiderPig> spin
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got u to 60 pop with wars
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he saved
[22:33] [GoD]I_might_suicide> KILLING BABIES
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> the win
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> n shit
[22:33] [Sw]SpiderPig> ou still playing this game
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> spin won the game simple
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he should have been dead
[22:33] [Sw]SpiderPig> alpha <3
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> long ago
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Vm1XqhBNg
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> 10:40 wtf
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> div
[22:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy> but he hold back eric
[22:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and eric tried and tried unstead attacking deffless blue
[22:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> he cameorn
[22:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how r u
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> wowow
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just seen spinni killing sooooo many braves lol
[22:34] V4N0M out
[22:34] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lololmfamfofmoam
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> 30:50
[22:34] V4N0M in
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> how insane
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> can you
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> be i swear to god
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> this is like chainsaw massavcre
[22:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ye spins a true god in killing braves
[22:35] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1:08 mins
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142438533
[22:35] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://youtu.be/J9Vm1XqhBNg?t=29m44s
[22:35] [GoD]I_might_suicide> making a piercing
[22:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> man i
[22:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> still dont undersatand that movie
[22:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont want to read the plot at wikipedia
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> i wanna understand it without
[22:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> btw
[22:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> moores
[22:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> how it felt to bd?
[22:36] V4N0M out
[22:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://youtu.be/J9Vm1XqhBNg?t=1h4m28s
[22:37] [GoD]I_might_suicide> LMFAOFAOFO
[22:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_S-cwcjPeM
[22:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> cant opne link div
[22:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> tell time
[22:38] 20oxide in
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> its there in link
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 1:04:28
[22:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> man
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 1.06.51
[22:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> i swear
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 1:07_51*
[22:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> whats that cock man...............
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> wtf
[22:38] [GoD]I_might_suicide> that baby
[22:39] Autopederastia_OP> WHAT A FAKE DICK
[22:39] Snake_Eyes out
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> OLLOOLLOLOOLLOOLLO
[22:39] Autopederastia_OP> the tip of the cock is black
[22:39] Autopederastia_OP> lmfao
[22:39] Autopederastia_OP> its a nigger white race
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> man
[22:39] [SW]WestSide> THAT VID
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> its fucking
[22:39] [SW]WestSide> HAHAHAHAHAHAH
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> not to
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> understand
[22:40] Mrmagg08_OP in
[22:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> babop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_S-cwcjPeM
[22:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://youtu.be/J9Vm1XqhBNg?t=14m26s
[22:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> look
[22:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> 14mins 26
[22:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> lololooOLOLWLODLO
[22:40] Audition> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-5dc8CuOvw
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> WTF NO
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> FUCKIGNW AY DIV
[22:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> he feed him his dick
[22:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> after
[22:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> FALAOLAROLLAOLLALFO
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> ..............................
[22:41] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/c531a1f3133f253bd566a238fe6d2319.png
[22:41] [SW]WestSide> hi daddy
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> ...
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> did he rly
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> fewed him
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> ................
[22:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> feed
[22:42] Autopederastia_OP> lol 15:40
[22:42] [SW]WestSide> this movie
[22:42] Autopederastia_OP> this is some sick shit
[22:43] [SW]WestSide> is worse than painolympics
[22:43] Autopederastia_OP> and its a german movie
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh god man
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> nici sent me once a vid
[22:43] Audition> lmao
[22:43] [SW]Matt_Rake> wtf
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 guys 1 chainsaw
[22:44] Audition> 10oxide
[22:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> i rly puked
[22:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> kennstes?
[22:44] [SW]Matt_Rake> crash
[22:44] [SW]Matt_Rake> :v
[22:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> die 2 kartellbetrueger
[22:44] Queen_of_Spades> but it was playable
[22:44] Queen_of_Spades> until that
[22:44] Queen_of_Spades> haha
[22:44] Kitstar_OP in
[22:45] Queen_of_Spades> i dont know if ill lag ppls
[22:45] [SW]Matt_Rake> fsss
[22:45] [SW]WestSide> ne
[22:45] [SW]WestSide> schick mal
[22:46] Queen_of_Spades> so rm?
[22:46] Queen_of_Spades> i mean same map?
[22:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.liveleak.com/view?comments=1&i=94f_1343002966
[22:46] Queen_of_Spades> hm...
[22:46] Kitstar_OP> i think so
[22:47] [SW]Matt_Rake> rm
[22:47] [SW]Matt_Rake> yeah
[22:47] Queen_of_Spades out
[22:47] Queen_of_Spades in
[22:47] Haru> Sub_ZeHOE :o
[22:48] Queen_of_Spades> i cant ping adena
[22:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ewww
[22:48] Queen_of_Spades out
[22:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> must be mexicans
[22:48] [GoD]I_might_suicide> cartels and shit
[22:48] Queen_of_Spades in
[22:48] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[22:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[22:49] Queen_of_Spades> u kicked me
[22:49] Queen_of_Spades> :o
[22:49] [SW]WestSide> lol spin
[22:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> back "tomorrow!"
[22:49] [SW]WestSide> wtf
[22:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> wasch
[22:49] [SW]WestSide> aint that fake?
[22:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist real
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> why they not crying or anything
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> wtf
[22:50] Kitstar_OP> come queen
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ,.....
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> they get fucking rekt
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist wirklich real
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> der linke schreit
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> uff
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> doch die stimmenbaender sind zerstört
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> lol
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> das geraeusch dazu... widerwaertig
[22:50] Kitstar_OP out
[22:50] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> hoers dir an
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist kein joke gerade
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> da sist alles real
[22:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> kennst sowas nicht? o.0
[22:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> dann kennst du kaotic noch nicht
[22:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> gibts 1000 isis videos enthauptungen
[22:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> oder liveleak und andere
[22:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist alles echt was du da findest
[22:51] elementor5 out
[22:52] [SW]WestSide> lol
[22:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> was lol?
[22:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol dachtest du bist jetzt
[22:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> dass das alles gespielt ist? LOL
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> jetzt mal ohne witz
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> das will ich jetzt wissen
[22:53] [SW]WestSide> ich dachte dass vieles gespielt ist
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> alles ist echt was du siehst
[22:53] [SW]WestSide> traurig
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> gespielt ist sowas was du mal schicktest
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit dem riesen penis und der frau
[22:53] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> aber sonst, ermordungen, also alles was schlecht ist, ist real
[22:53] [SW]WestSide> zu geil haahhahahah
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> dam bin bin ich etwas verwundert gerade
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> dass du bis jetzt nichtbwusstest dass diese seiten real sind
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> aber ist gar nicht schlimm ^^
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> wundere mich nur
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> div u there?
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> div watch my clciks
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/142384273
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> 31:50 till 32:10
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> fucking sick
[22:55] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> but i think i missclicked
[22:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> somewhere
[22:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol babo geh nun auf kaotic und schau dir entahuptungen an
[22:56] [SW]WestSide> ja endlich klappts bei mir auch
[22:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> das ist alles echt was du da siehst
[22:56] [SW]WestSide> ne alta mag sowas nit
[22:57] [SW]WestSide> mag gespielten crap
[22:57] [SW]WestSide> aber nicht echte
[22:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[22:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> aber sick die clicks oder? :D
[22:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich finds so geil ohne scheiss
[22:57] [SW]WestSide> lädt noch
[22:57] [SW]WestSide> lel
[22:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> wenn host passt, kann ich das gut
[22:58] [SW]WestSide> erstell einfach nen clip
[22:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie geht das
[22:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[22:58] [SW]WestSide> unten in der leiste
[22:58] [SW]WestSide> neben optionen
[22:59] [SW]WestSide> speichert dann letzte 30sec
[22:59] [SW]WestSide> wenn du drückst
[22:59] Matak_4 in
[22:59] luanjanio35 in
[23:03] luanjanio35 out
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://clips.twitch.tv/FreezingPreciousGalagoHeyGuys
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie ich den
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> klick gerettet habe
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> als tower nicht ging
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> musst mal schauen
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> war sick, hab plan b gewaehlt
[23:04] BonD in
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> LMAO
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> WIE SCHNELL DAS GEHT
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> und das krasse ist
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> es sieht so aus als ob ich viel danebenklicke
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> hab aber 0 danebengeklickt
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> alles zielgerichtet und hat funktioniert
[23:05] Haru out
[23:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> orgasmus
[23:08] [SR]Apocapto out
[23:10] BonD out
[23:10] BonD in
[23:11] BonD out
[23:11] 20oxide out
[23:13] PabloSL out
[23:13] [SW]WestSide> uff
[23:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> bella is dumb
[23:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[23:13] [SW]WestSide> dat sind ma paar clicks
[23:13] Mrmagg08_OP> chupa meu ovo, nici
[23:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> bella denkt alles war verrfehlt
[23:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[23:14] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[23:15] [SW]WestSide> spin komm mal
[23:15] [SW]WestSide> muss was testen
[23:16] [SW]WestSide> weißt du was schön ist
[23:16] [SW]WestSide> wenn man sogar von seinen hatern Babo genannt wird
[23:16] [SW]WestSide> :>
[23:16] [AsG]ManL1 out
[23:18] [SW]WestSide> FFS
[23:18] [SW]WestSide> kacke man
[23:18] [Sw]SpiderPig> 2pac
[23:18] [SW]WestSide> yoo
[23:18] [Sw]SpiderPig> east siiiiiide is da best
[23:18] [Sw]SpiderPig> lol
[23:18] [SW]WestSide> FU
[23:18] [Sw]SpiderPig> all about the west side bro
[23:18] [Sw]SpiderPig> i live in the west
[23:18] [SW]WestSide> fuck east side
[23:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> typisch sowas kann das game nicht handeln
[23:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[23:19] [Sw]SpiderPig> fuck them all
[23:19] [Sw]SpiderPig> how you doing anyway bro?
[23:19] [SW]WestSide> all cool
[23:20] [Sw]SpiderPig> good good
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> n u?
[23:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> geiles gefuehl
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> still baning your girl?
[23:20] [Sw]SpiderPig> fucked up
[23:20] [Sw]SpiderPig> as usual
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> nochmal spin
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[23:20] [Sw]SpiderPig> lol stupid question
[23:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne digga
[23:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> kack map
[23:20] [Sw]SpiderPig> of course
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> halsmaul
[23:20] [SW]WestSide> muss testen
[23:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[23:20] Queen_of_Spades> gg
[23:20] Queen_of_Spades> yah
[23:20] Queen_of_Spades> this was rly expected
[23:21] Queen_of_Spades> xD
[23:21] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[23:21] [Sw]SpiderPig> my girl is so hot
[23:22] Kitstar_OP> why?
[23:22] Queen_of_Spades> because thats it xP
[23:22] [Sw]SpiderPig> queen of spades
[23:22] [Sw]SpiderPig> that has got to be the WORST username I have ever seen in my life
[23:23] Queen_of_Spades> speak for you
[23:23] [Sw]SpiderPig> my name is the bollocks
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> your name
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> is a fucking card
[23:24] Queen_of_Spades> its just username
[23:24] Queen_of_Spades> u give that much importance to it
[23:24] Queen_of_Spades> well to me its not just a card :>
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> nope
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> i just think your username sucks ass
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> im not being horrible
[23:24] Queen_of_Spades> u were in need to insult i suppose
[23:24] [Sw]SpiderPig> im just being honest bro
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> no no
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> ure opinion
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> I just speak my mind
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> i have mine
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> Im like this irl too
[23:25] Queen_of_Spades> i see
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> I;m sure you are a decent guy
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> or girl
[23:25] [Sw]SpiderPig> or both..
[23:26] Mrmagg08_OP> +1
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> probably both
[23:26] m0nkeyb0i in
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> JOKE!
[23:26] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[23:26] Queen_of_Spades> we wonder..
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> kitstar
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> you cant host you moron
[23:26] Kitstar_OP> ??
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> ipvv4
[23:26] [Sw]SpiderPig> open it
[23:27] [Sw]SpiderPig> 7575
[23:27] Matak_4 out
[23:27] Kitstar_OP> i can't
[23:27] [Sw]SpiderPig> or close your firewall on your router
[23:27] Mrmagg08_OP> babe, u playin?
[23:27] Kitstar_OP> i was waiting adena
[23:27] Kitstar_OP> XD
[23:27] Mrmagg08_OP> yep
[23:27] [Sw]SpiderPig> magg
[23:28] Kitstar_OP> but he doesnt answer
[23:28] [Sw]SpiderPig> watch me tear you a new ass hole
[23:28] Mrmagg08_OP> well, lets play then
[23:28] [Sw]SpiderPig> lol actually
[23:28] Queen_of_Spades> i want to be red :o
[23:28] [Sw]SpiderPig> fuck that ping
[23:28] [Sw]SpiderPig> need my fibre back ffs, they need to hurry up and reconnect me
[23:28] [Sw]SpiderPig> wtf am i paying for! nubs
[23:29] [SR]Apocapto in
[23:29] [SR]Apocapto out
[23:30] [Sw]SpiderPig> mag
[23:30] [Sw]SpiderPig> you got any better?
[23:30] m0nkeyb0i out
[23:30] Adena_OP out
[23:33] Mrmagg08_OP> +1
[23:34] Autopederastia_OP out
[23:35] Queen_of_Spades> oh well
[23:35] Queen_of_Spades> then again i think ill go eat and sleep......i neglect myself about that -.-
[23:35] lordAbhya in
[23:35] [GoD]I_might_suicide> corn soup
[23:36] Queen_of_Spades> lol
[23:36] Queen_of_Spades> nostalgia
[23:36] Kitstar_OP> well if you go me too
[23:36] Queen_of_Spades> awwhh
[23:36] Queen_of_Spades> :>
[23:36] Kitstar_OP> :3
[23:37] lordAbhya> I'm new and I have no idea what's going on... -_-
[23:37] Queen_of_Spades> were simply chatting ^^
[23:37] Audition> I'm new and I have no idea what's going on... -_-
[23:37] [Sw]SpiderPig> queen
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> when did you start playing pop?
[23:38] Queen_of_Spades> since i dont remember
[23:38] Queen_of_Spades> i was a kid
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> i was 8
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> offline
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> 11 online
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> im 24 now
[23:38] [Sw]SpiderPig> lol
[23:39] Kitstar_OP> i was 8 offline too
[23:39] Kitstar_OP> 14 online
[23:39] Queen_of_Spades> me 7
[23:39] [Sw]SpiderPig> my fucking mum taught me how to play
[23:39] Queen_of_Spades> well
[23:39] Kitstar_OP> im 22
[23:39] lordAbhya> (O_O)
[23:39] [Sw]SpiderPig> stepdad was in ea leagues
[23:39] [Sw]SpiderPig> was 71
[23:39] Queen_of_Spades> i remember i was watching my sis playing online..
[23:39] Mrmagg08_OP out
[23:39] [Sw]SpiderPig> he helped start TDM too
[23:39] 20oxide in
[23:39] Queen_of_Spades> while at this time i just playing offline
[23:39] [Sw]SpiderPig> who was your sis?
[23:39] lordAbhya> Wow, we got the whole family history here xD
[23:40] [Sw]SpiderPig> I remember when my stepdad used to say to me " the day you beat me at pop is the day i'll give you my computer"
[23:40] [Sw]SpiderPig> i ended up 11th in the leagues at one point
[23:40] Queen_of_Spades> https://www.popre.net/user.php?username=Fili_TAS
[23:40] [Sw]SpiderPig> pwned him
[23:40] 20oxide out
[23:40] [Sw]SpiderPig> no idea who that is
[23:40] [GoD]I_might_suicide> he gave u his pc»
[23:40] [Sw]SpiderPig> No lol
[23:41] [Sw]SpiderPig> basically
[23:41] lordAbhya> So he kept it?
[23:41] [GoD]I_might_suicide> liar
[23:41] [Sw]SpiderPig> at this point i got reeallly good and we had a pp ffa with keith52, terato, me and my stepdad
[23:41] [Sw]SpiderPig> he wanted to pwn terato in which he was doing.. i was caining keith
[23:42] [Sw]SpiderPig> he shouted to me " don't touch me i want to pwn terato" I said "ok" i then sent 30 wars and volced my stepdads base
[23:42] [Sw]SpiderPig> lolz
[23:42] [GoD]I_might_suicide> damn seemed like a 1v1 and 1v1
[23:42] [Sw]SpiderPig> he didnt speak to me for a week
[23:42] lordAbhya> I feel so engaged with this story, idk why
[23:43] [Sw]SpiderPig> my sisters, mum and stepdad used to play this
[23:43] lordAbhya> how many sister(s) do you have?
[23:43] [Sw]SpiderPig> i remember when i was 6 years old asking him if i could play... he told me im too young, when im older.. so i used to watch him all the time
[23:43] [Sw]SpiderPig> so when i turned 8 i asked, then my mum taught me
[23:43] [Sw]SpiderPig> then 3-4 years ago i reached 11th in the leagues
[23:43] Luke_OP out
[23:44] [Sw]SpiderPig> i play on and off all the time
[23:44] Audition> oscar murillo dile que si, que te aliare
[23:44] [SR]Apocapto in
[23:44] lordAbhya> O wow
[23:44] [Sw]SpiderPig> now im stuck with a shitty preacher + rank
[23:45] lordAbhya out
[23:45] [Sw]SpiderPig> but
[23:45] [Sw]SpiderPig> this game is still the BEST game i've ever played in my life
[23:45] Audition out
[23:46] Audition in
[23:46] [Sw]SpiderPig> the days when i couldnt even pass level 4 in sp hahahaah
[23:46] [Sw]SpiderPig> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl-PxqQC8cQ
[23:47] [SW]Diablo out
[23:48] [Sw]SpiderPig> oh
[23:49] xibo59 in
[23:50] Kshatryia in
[23:51] [Sw]SpiderPig> jonny <3
[23:51] Nut_Cracker_OP> spidey<3
[23:51] [Sw]SpiderPig> how you doing bro?
[23:51] [Sw]SpiderPig> still sucking at pop?
[23:51] [Sw]SpiderPig> :D
[23:52] [Sw]SpiderPig> you know this kid called onur who used to be an admin of my old clan started again
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> ive heard the name
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> ye i still suck
[23:52] [Sw]SpiderPig> he deleted my clan, everything, the website, all the members and the forums and he challenged me to a 1v1 the other day
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> lets 1v1
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> lol
[23:52] [Sw]SpiderPig> aying her is going to smack me 100%
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> oh wow
[23:52] [Sw]SpiderPig> he*
[23:52] [IC]Streamin in
[23:52] [Sw]SpiderPig> i pwned him lol
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> join
[23:52] Nut_Cracker_OP> <3
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> mate i would but i can;'t using my mates wifi which is slow af, waiting for my ISP to put my fibre back on
[23:53] Nut_Cracker_OP> dont u make an excuse
[23:53] xibo59> +2
[23:53] 20oxide in
[23:53] [IC]Streamin> I need free points
[23:53] [IC]Streamin> who will volunteer
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> seriously look
[23:53] Nut_Cracker_OP> 135 is good
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> itl be even more laggy
[23:53] Nut_Cracker_OP> is unranked
[23:53] Nut_Cracker_OP> <3
[23:53] xibo59> +1
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> my net will be back tomorrow
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> ill 1v1 you then yh?
[23:53] Nut_Cracker_OP> yea
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> sweet
[23:53] guilhermedaniel in
[23:53] [Sw]SpiderPig> maybe you can get your revenge lol
[23:54] Nut_Cracker_OP> lol
[23:54] MrMoohammad26 out
[23:54] [Sw]SpiderPig> onur
[23:54] [Sw]SpiderPig> is a cunt
[23:54] [Sw]SpiderPig> i took so much pleasure in pwning him
[23:54] guilhermedaniel> SHI-KA
[23:54] guilhermedaniel> SHOKA
[23:54] [Sw]SpiderPig> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7yxSCcyoOo
[23:54] [Sw]SpiderPig> this guy
[23:55] guilhermedaniel out
[23:56] Adena_OP in
[23:56] Kitstar_OP in
[23:57] joan619 in
[00:00] icepeople in
[00:01] icepeople out
[00:01] Kitstar_OP out
[00:02] joan619 out
[00:04] Queen_of_Spades out
[00:05] pompis_flacas in
[00:07] Ysarion in
[00:07] pompis_flacas> hello
[00:09] Ysarion> hi, are you up for a game?
[00:09] pompis_flacas> i havent played this in years ,im a noob now
[00:10] Ysarion> its my third game
[00:10] pompis_flacas> kool
[00:10] joan619 in
[00:10] pompis_flacas> waiting for my friends
[00:11] Ysarion> ah ok. 2vs2 than?
[00:11] pompis_flacas> free for all
[00:12] pompis_flacas> grocerias
[00:13] Adena_OP out
[00:15] MrMoohammad26 in
[00:15] [Sw]SpiderPig> fuck off koopa
[00:15] [Sw]SpiderPig> fucking melt
[00:15] Hasta_Cuando in
[00:16] joan619> culo
[00:16] joan619> cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[00:17] 20oxide> my game crashed
[00:17] xibo59> lol
[00:17] Ainia in
[00:17] xibo59> dissconect
[00:17] Ainia out
[00:18] pompis_flacas> get out lobby
[00:18] onurprivate in
[00:18] [IC]Streamin> JOin me for pressure point
[00:19] Nut_Cracker_OP> join
[00:19] Nut_Cracker_OP> someone
[00:20] Nut_Cracker_OP> hasta
[00:20] Nut_Cracker_OP> 1v1
[00:20] Nut_Cracker_OP> ?
[00:20] [IC]Streamin> Join for pressure pointm
[00:21] [IC]Streamin> point*
[00:21] joan619> cristian
[00:21] Nut_Cracker_OP> xibo
[00:21] Nut_Cracker_OP> stfu
[00:21] pompis_flacas> que
[00:21] joan619> cris
[00:21] onurprivate out
[00:22] pompis_flacas> que paso
[00:22] xibo59> what ???
[00:22] xibo59 out
[00:22] xibo59 in
[00:22] Wishiin in
[00:22] Wishiin> aloh
[00:23] Wishiin> puto
[00:23] Wishiin> OK
[00:23] joan619> ok
[00:23] joan619> perras}
[00:23] Wishiin> jotillo
[00:24] [rw]karma out
[00:24] joan619> culo
[00:27] Audition> hahaajaja
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ZEIG HER
[00:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[00:27] Kitstar_OP> gg
[00:27] [SR]Apocapto> gg
[00:27] [SW]Matt_Rake> aburrido
[00:27] [SW]Matt_Rake> ue
[00:27] [SW]Matt_Rake> :v
[00:27] Audition> estuvo mas facil
[00:28] Kitstar_OP> contra adena no hubieran ganado
[00:28] Kitstar_OP> son pocos los que nos matan :D
[00:28] Audition> yo soy su maestro de adena
[00:28] 20oxide out
[00:28] [SW]Matt_Rake> lol
[00:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> LAM;AMAOOAOAOAOA
[00:29] [SW]Matt_Rake> yo no jugaba encerio
[00:29] [SW]Matt_Rake> me pajeaba
[00:29] [SW]Matt_Rake> jaja
[00:29] 20oxide in
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil dir drei
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> die
[00:29] [SW]Matt_Rake out
[00:29] DrThunderous out
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://i.gyazo.com/614ab91edc78c0fee34cd37d75c71791.png
[00:29] [SW]WestSide> warte hab ne idee
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://i.gyazo.com/b00de901d73a9e3fbc74c74e494cc64a.png
[00:29] Audition> jajajajaaja
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://gyazo.com/ca6e1cbbe6389889cabc90dc49ffff0f
[00:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> watch div
[00:30] [SW]WestSide> ich hab noch nen screenshot
[00:30] [SW]WestSide> den hau ich noch da rein
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> te recuerdo el 4way que jugaste con queen
[00:30] [SW]WestSide> dauert 1min
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> no pudiste ni entrar
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> XD
[00:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> LMFAO HEIL HITLER
[00:30] [SW]WestSide> wenn gimp endlich mal lädt......
[00:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol aber nicht denken dass ich ein nazi bin
[00:30] Audition> yo me lo anquie al rojo
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> ahh y el 4 walls
[00:30] [GoD]I_might_suicide> MEIN KEMPF
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> que hiciste bad door
[00:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahaa
[00:30] Audition> vanquie*
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> pero te salió mal
[00:30] Kitstar_OP> ese tambien :)
[00:31] Audition> estaba con un sola mano jugando
[00:31] [SR]Apocapto> Juguemos un 4 ways
[00:31] [SR]Apocapto> Ahora que coma
[00:31] Audition> se fue a comer oscar seguro
[00:33] Audition> se cambio de nombre y ahora no sabe como entrar
[00:33] Kitstar_OP> y yo hablando sola
[00:33] Audition> sigue hablando sola :D
[00:34] Kitstar_OP> cual era tu anterior cuenta?
[00:34] Audition> no tengo anterior cuenta
[00:34] Kitstar_OP> y yo nací ayer
[00:34] Audition> de las derrotas uno se hace sabio
[00:35] Audition> deberas naciste ayer???
[00:36] morta in
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://i.gyazo.com/253db44a96ce298dc65782b03c362c9d.png
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> SIEG
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> HEIL
[00:37] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> my friends
[00:37] joan619 in
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich gehe pennen
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> ich auch
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> gn
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> gn dikka
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:37] [SW]WestSide> war lustig
[00:37] [SW]WestSide out
[00:39] joan619 out
[00:39] Wishiin> joan joto
[00:39] [GoD]I_might_suicide> THIS NAZIS
[00:39] [GoD]I_might_suicide> BAN
[00:39] pompis_flacas out
[00:39] Wishiin> FEMINAZIS AL DAY AL NAY
[00:41] 20oxide out
[00:43] Hasta_Cuando> 30 mins to beat a guy
[00:43] Hasta_Cuando> 3v1
[00:43] Hasta_Cuando> wow
[00:43] Hasta_Cuando> so bad
[00:44] Wishiin> JOTO
[00:44] Dough_nut> lol hasta
[00:44] Nut_Cracker_OP> lmfao
[00:44] Dough_nut> dumb as always
[00:44] Dough_nut> u gonna 1v1 me ?
[00:44] Nut_Cracker_OP> or me
[00:44] [IC]Streamin> you were the one braging on how you were going to win
[00:45] [IC]Streamin> and you team killed his entire pop
[00:45] [IC]Streamin> can you win a fair game?
[00:45] DrThunderous in
[00:45] [IC]Streamin> *Thinking*
[00:45] Nut_Cracker_OP> waiting for 1v1 hasta
[00:45] Nut_Cracker_OP> ill stream
[00:45] Nut_Cracker_OP> so all can see
[00:45] Nut_Cracker_OP> u rape me
[00:45] Nut_Cracker_OP> :)
[00:46] Nut_Cracker_OP> no?
[00:46] [IC]Streamin> Pressure point join
[00:46] Nut_Cracker_OP> didnt think so
[00:46] pompis_flacas in
[00:47] pompis_flacas> ya llego papa
[00:47] Ysarion> retry?
[00:47] Audition> chichis
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> ajaj papa de quien?
[00:47] pompis_flacas> de ti puto
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> veni entonces putita
[00:47] Audition> jajajaj
[00:47] Dough_nut> hasta
[00:47] Audition> agarrame la pichula
[00:47] Dough_nut> join for 1v1
[00:47] pompis_flacas> 1v1 cabrona
[00:47] Dough_nut> show me how good you are
[00:47] Audition> putito
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> ajajaj
[00:47] Hasta_Cuando> la pichula
[00:48] pompis_flacas> fuck off men
[00:48] Audition> la tengo como hullk
[00:48] Hasta_Cuando> metida en el ano si
[00:48] Wishiin> AY K RICO
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> Pompis flacas
[00:48] Wishiin> las tienes
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> El mejor nombre
[00:48] pompis_flacas> alv con todos
[00:48] Dough_nut> hasta
[00:48] Audition> jajaja ay qu rico
[00:48] Kitstar_OP> lol
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> De toda la vida
[00:48] Kitstar_OP> pompis flacas
[00:48] Kitstar_OP> jajajajaja
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> Mis nalgas son gorditas
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> Y bonitas
[00:48] [SR]Apocapto> UwU
[00:49] joan619> mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok
[00:49] Audition> agarrame la pichula dije
[00:49] Kitstar_OP> Pompis gordas
[00:49] pompis_flacas> las mias son de hueso
[00:49] joan619> perras
[00:49] [SR]Apocapto> Jajajajaja
[00:49] Wishiin> putillas sucias todas
[00:49] [SR]Apocapto> Pompis flacas
[00:49] Dough_nut> hasta...
[00:49] Dough_nut> por que eres estupido
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> quien me quiere lamer el ano?
[00:49] Audition> johan me la chupa
[00:49] pompis_flacas> yo
[00:49] Nut_Cracker_OP> i wish hasta not scared to show his skill
[00:49] Nut_Cracker_OP> its so bad
[00:49] Hasta_Cuando> bueno ven a lamermelo
[00:49] Audition> decile a tu perro
[00:49] [SR]Apocapto> Hasta cuando, Pompis flacas
[00:50] Hasta_Cuando> lo tngo con mucha diarrea
[00:50] [SR]Apocapto> jajajajjaa
[00:50] Hasta_Cuando> y no me baño hace 2 meses
[00:50] Audition> poto rojo eres
[00:50] Hasta_Cuando> asi que tu lengua le vendra bien a mi ano
[00:50] morta out
[00:50] Dough_nut> hasta
[00:50] Dough_nut> su cerebro es muy pequena
[00:50] Audition> agarraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeee la pichulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa johan
[00:51] [Sw]SpiderPig in
[00:51] Audition> vamos mistersapeeeeeeeeee
[00:51] Dough_nut> hasta
[00:51] Dough_nut> ve al doctor
[00:51] Dough_nut> usted esta enfermo
[00:51] Audition> negro feo
[00:52] Nut_Cracker_OP out
[00:52] Audition> porfin silencio
[00:54] Audition> feliz dia de las madres kitstar
[00:54] [SR]Apocapto> Es pasado mañana
[00:55] [SR]Apocapto> Cuncio que eres, Audition
[00:55] Audition> cuncio???
[00:55] Kitstar_OP in
[00:55] Audition> feliz dia de las madres kitstar
[00:55] [SR]Apocapto> Eres un cunciooooo
[00:55] Audition> que es eso??????
[00:55] xibo59> refonh
[00:56] [SR]Apocapto> Cunciooooooo
[00:56] [SR]Apocapto> Eso es lo que ereeeees
[00:56] xibo59> of conec a gian
[00:56] Audition> cancervero
[00:56] Audition> :D
[00:56] Audition> tengo sueño
[00:58] p4p3rs0und in
[00:59] [SR]Apocapto out
[01:00] tellet in
[02:00] Kitstar_OP out
[02:02] Ysarion out
[02:02] Kitstar_OP out
[02:05] [Sw]SpiderPig out
[02:06] Hasta_Cuando out
[02:07] Audition out
[02:09] Haru in
[02:11] joan619 out
[02:11] pompis_flacas out
[02:13] Wishiin out
[02:18] xibo59 out
[02:20] luanjanio35 in
[01:22] [IC]Streamin out
[01:26] darthvadr in
[01:32] mechasdark out
[01:34] darthvadr in
[01:41] darthvadr out
[01:43] Kshatryia out
[01:43] Kshatryia in
[01:45] pointtarget in
[01:45] DrThunderous out
[01:49] Fang in
[01:50] pointtarget out
[01:50] Ratchet out
[01:55] darthvadr out
[01:56] DrThunderous in
[02:00] tellet out
[02:00] [SR]Apocapto in
[02:04] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[02:05] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[02:10] Der_Steppenwolf in
[02:10] Ringo in
[02:12] Der_Steppenwolf out
[02:20] Johnwalrus in
[02:20] CactusRamon in
[02:21] [SR]Apocapto> lag or lost connection
[02:21] CactusRamon out
[02:21] [AsG]Sub_Zero> yeah
[02:21] Ringo> sup guys
[02:22] [SR]Apocapto> lag or lost connection, bro. Sorry
[02:22] [AsG]Sub_Zero> whats up
[02:23] [TSI]lipsmega in
[02:23] Der_Steppenwolf in
[02:23] DrThunderous out
[02:24] CactusRamon in
[02:24] Der_Steppenwolf out
[02:25] Kshatryia> lol
[02:25] [AsG]Sub_Zero> muchos argentinos
[02:25] Ringo> Ehhh no, mentira
[02:25] [SR]Apocapto> ¿Cuántas copas tenes vos'
[02:25] [SR]Apocapto> Hahaha
[02:26] CactusRamon> oa
[02:27] Johnwalrus> a las 4 vos te vas
[02:27] [TSI]lipsmega> +1
[02:28] [SR]Apocapto> brb 30 minutes
[02:28] [SR]Apocapto> Sorry
[02:28] [SR]Apocapto> brb 30 minutes
[02:28] Johnwalrus out
[02:28] [AsG]Sub_Zero> you guys having trouble?
[02:29] Ringo> mueve la carnasa j&
[02:31] CactusRamon> mamasa
[02:34] [TSI]lipsmega> come join
[02:35] [TSI]lipsmega> join
[02:36] Johnwalrus in
[02:36] Johnwalrus out
[02:36] Johnwalrus in
[02:39] Johnwalrus out
[02:39] [SW]Diablo in
[02:40] [SW]Diablo out
[02:40] Johnwalrus in
[02:46] Kshatryia> wtf
[02:46] Kshatryia> lost conection
[02:46] Kshatryia out
[02:47] Kshatryia in
[02:47] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[02:47] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[02:48] [TSI]lipsmega> +1
[02:49] [TSI]lipsmega> +1 lets goo
[02:50] Mrmagg08_OP in
[02:50] [TSI]lipsmega> +1
[02:51] [GoD]I_might_suicide out
[02:52] [SR]Apocapto out
[02:52] [SR]Apocapto in
[02:53] [SR]Apocapto out
[02:53] Hasta_Cuando in
[02:55] [SR]Apocapto in
[02:55] vwkiller in
[02:56] [TSI]lipsmega> wtf lets go 2v2
[02:56] Haru out
[02:59] Kshatryia> ohh
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> dough wont 1v1
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> come pussy
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> in a neutral host
[02:59] Dough_nut> why would I do it on a neutral host
[02:59] Dough_nut> after doing it on your host
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> cuz its 1v1
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> we played in ur host
[02:59] Dough_nut> no we didnt
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> and i fucked you
[02:59] Hasta_Cuando> you
[02:59] Dough_nut> show me the game where we did it
[03:00] Dough_nut> link it to me
[03:00] Dough_nut> magg sorry but not now
[03:00] Dough_nut> this hasta cuando kid owes me a game on my host
[03:00] DrThunderous in
[03:00] Ringo> woooooohhoo peace and love j&
[03:00] Johnwalrus out
[03:01] Dough_nut> so pasta mongo
[03:01] Hasta_Cuando> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=350676
[03:01] Hasta_Cuando> look how i pwnd you
[03:01] Hasta_Cuando> and you setted the game unranked
[03:01] Hasta_Cuando> like a lady
[03:01] [SR]Apocapto> u are both ladies
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> I can pwn u both with one hand
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> and my eyes closed
[03:02] Hasta_Cuando> e34dedxr
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> In my dreams :v
[03:02] Hasta_Cuando> apocapto
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> Hablame
[03:02] Hasta_Cuando> you can pwn dough
[03:02] Hasta_Cuando> so easy
[03:02] [TSI]lipsmega> lets go 2v2
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> No creo, bro.
[03:02] Hasta_Cuando> his level its near to a brave
[03:02] [TSI]lipsmega> join here everyone lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> ¿Me has visto jugar'
[03:02] healthandglobes in
[03:02] [SR]Apocapto> Bien noob que soy, jajaja
[03:03] Hasta_Cuando> pero dough es malisimo
[03:03] Hasta_Cuando> estoy seguro que es peor
[03:03] CactusRamon> aca son todos petes
[03:03] healthandglobes out
[03:03] luanjanio35 out
[03:03] Der_Steppenwolf in
[03:03] [SR]Apocapto> Nadie se una, jaja
[03:03] Dough_nut> do hsdts
[03:03] Dough_nut> so hasta
[03:03] Dough_nut> we playing or what
[03:04] Dough_nut> what a lil bitch
[03:04] Johnwalrus in
[03:05] Dough_nut> hasta
[03:05] Dough_nut> join red
[03:05] vwkiller> i am in
[03:06] Hasta_Cuando> sorry told you at the beg, have no much time
[03:06] Dough_nut> yea you have time
[03:06] Hasta_Cuando> you were slow to decide
[03:06] Dough_nut> always making excuses
[03:06] Dough_nut> lmfaofofofo
[03:06] Hasta_Cuando> see ya fucking noob asshole
[03:06] Dough_nut> no you're scared
[03:06] Hasta_Cuando out
[03:06] Dough_nut> dumbass
[03:07] Dough_nut> hahahaha
[03:08] Dough_nut> +1
[03:09] Der_Steppenwolf out
[03:09] vwkiller> noob
[03:09] [SR]Apocapto> what?
[03:09] [SR]Apocapto> Dude
[03:09] [SR]Apocapto> lag or lost connection
[03:10] [SR]Apocapto> [15] Error al enviar el juego. No se pudo encontrar el nombre en la base de datos. Si has efectuado un cambio de nombre, vuelve a ingresar con tu usuario y contraseña. ID Does not Match
[03:10] [SR]Apocapto out
[03:10] [SR]Apocapto in
[03:10] [SR]Apocapto> Come
[03:10] [GoD]I_might_suicide out
[03:11] Mrmagg08_OP out
[03:15] Snake_Eyes in
[03:16] Mrmagg08_OP in
[03:16] DrThunderous out
[03:20] cowel in
[03:27] [SW]Diablo in
[03:27] [SW]Diablo out
[03:28] [SW]Diablo in
[03:28] [SW]Diablo out
[03:29] Adena_OP in
[03:35] Mrmagg08_OP in
[03:36] Dough_nut> aw mag
[03:36] Dough_nut> how did you lag out?
[03:37] Mrmagg08_OP> idk
[03:37] [TSI]lipsmega> soh posso mais uma
[03:37] [TSI]lipsmega> espero q seja logo
[03:37] vwkiller> he quitted
[03:37] Snake_Eyes> caio nao apareceu ainda
[03:37] Dough_nut> no he lagged out
[03:37] Mrmagg08_OP> i didnt
[03:37] Mrmagg08_OP> eai, nicolas
[03:37] vwkiller> i pointed yellow
[03:37] Snake_Eyes> thiago tbm nao
[03:37] Mrmagg08_OP> gg anyway
[03:37] Mrmagg08_OP> map sucks
[03:37] Dough_nut> it does?
[03:37] vwkiller> map good
[03:38] Mrmagg08_OP> for me ya
[03:38] Dough_nut> how come?
[03:38] Snake_Eyes> teams:
[03:38] Snake_Eyes> ?
[03:38] [Tsi]Midori in
[03:38] Mrmagg08_OP> battle of mid
[03:38] Mrmagg08_OP> is bored
[03:38] Snake_Eyes> skimishing
[03:38] Dough_nut> so you don't like face off either?
[03:38] Mrmagg08_OP> não é muito grande?
[03:38] Snake_Eyes> i and apocapto?
[03:39] Snake_Eyes> skimishing nao
[03:39] Der_Steppenwolf in
[03:39] Kitstar_OP in
[03:39] [Tsi]Midori out
[03:39] Mrmagg08_OP> fo is about mid too, but is an map more skilled
[03:39] Snake_Eyes> they want this?
[03:39] Mrmagg08_OP> pode ser esse time que disse
[03:39] Mrmagg08_OP> mas acho que o mapa é grande
[03:39] Snake_Eyes> ok
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> ficamos sem ele
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> vai jogar com o primo
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> cadeo caio/
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> n responde
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> nem thiago
[03:40] [TSI]lipsmega> foi malz vou ter q ir galera
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> ok
[03:40] [TSI]lipsmega> jogamos outra hora
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> falow
[03:40] [TSI]lipsmega> tenho q trabalhar amanhã cedo
[03:40] [TSI]lipsmega> flws
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> sim sim
[03:40] [TSI]lipsmega out
[03:40] Mrmagg08_OP> falou!
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> bom mag
[03:40] Mrmagg08_OP> ele deve logar mais tarde
[03:40] Snake_Eyes> estamos pelos dois
[03:41] Snake_Eyes> entao
[03:41] Snake_Eyes> vou deixar minimizado aqui
[03:41] Mrmagg08_OP out
[03:41] Dough_nut out
[03:41] Snake_Eyes> vai jogar mais?
[03:41] Mrmagg08_OP> vou sim
[03:41] Mrmagg08_OP> kikyo and apoca, join?
[03:42] Kitstar_OP> mapa?
[03:42] Der_Steppenwolf> mowgli join?
[03:42] Mrmagg08_OP> any
[03:43] Mrmagg08_OP> what do you want
[03:43] Adena_OP in
[03:44] Cauezin in
[03:44] Der_Steppenwolf out
[03:44] Mrmagg08_OP> lol tinha que ser br com esse nome
[03:44] Cauezin> '-
[03:44] Cauezin> oloko
[03:44] Cauezin> um br
[03:44] Cauezin> quem diria
[03:44] Adena_OP> magg iloeve u
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> :D
[03:45] Kitstar_OP> maggy wanna ally apocapto?
[03:45] Kitstar_OP> me and adena
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> i love you tho, babeee
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> i'll play with my friend :>
[03:45] Cauezin> carai mrmagg nego piuxa teu saco heim
[03:45] Kitstar_OP> we are friends
[03:45] Kitstar_OP> too
[03:45] Adena_OP out
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> heuaheua são amigos
[03:45] Cauezin> '-
[03:45] Cauezin> adsgyhadgs
[03:45] Cauezin> Man
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> i know, babe
[03:45] Cauezin> Jogo essa porra des de 2012
[03:45] Mrmagg08_OP> but he is from brasil
[03:45] Cauezin> parei de jogar
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> so i can get nice ping
[03:46] Cauezin> por 5 anos
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> lolol
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> ah sim
[03:46] Cauezin> nei sei colocar os cara pra ficar
[03:46] Cauezin> indo de um lado para o outro
[03:46] Cauezin> '-
[03:46] Cauezin> Como bota mesmo?
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> alt + ctrl
[03:46] Cauezin> vlw men
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> tu fala como o ezra hahaha
[03:46] Mrmagg08_OP> conhece?
[03:46] DrThunderous in
[03:46] Cauezin> cara
[03:46] Little_Guy1 in
[03:47] Cauezin> nei lembro oque eu comi no almoço
[03:47] Cauezin> sei nem quem é esse cara
[03:47] Cauezin> mas eu lembro de um cara
[03:47] Mrmagg08_OP> é um br que jogava também
[03:47] Cauezin> começava com L
[03:47] Cauezin> acho
[03:47] Cauezin> '-
[03:47] Mrmagg08_OP> sei lá quem é
[03:47] Mrmagg08_OP> comecei em 2013
[03:47] Mrmagg08_OP> não conheci muitos brs
[03:48] Cauezin> Men
[03:48] Cauezin> Levei block '-
[03:48] Cauezin> aff ;-;
[03:48] Cauezin> Cara , eu jogava mto esse jogo
[03:48] Cauezin> pq so isso rodava no meu pc
[03:49] Cauezin> Mas hj , parece um deficiente jogando
[03:49] Cauezin> fico moh confuso pra mecher na camera
[03:49] Cauezin> '-
[03:49] Cauezin> Desacustumei
[03:49] Cauezin> Bora um x1
[03:49] Cauezin> pra min perder pra vc
[03:49] Kitstar_OP out
[03:50] Kitstar_OP in
[03:50] Cauezin> mrmagg
[03:50] Cauezin> ala
[03:50] Cauezin> morreu '-
[03:50] Cauezin> assasinado
[03:50] Mrmagg08_OP> pera ai
[03:50] Mrmagg08_OP> rapidinho
[03:50] Mrmagg08_OP> já vamos
[03:51] Cauezin> ta
[03:51] Cauezin> Como fala no chtat in game mesmo?
[03:51] Mrmagg08_OP> m
[03:51] Cauezin> crl tu mora no acre?
[03:52] Mrmagg08_OP> tua net que é horrivel
[03:52] Cauezin> concordo
[03:52] Cauezin> '-
[03:52] Mrmagg08_OP> :D
[03:52] [IC]Dalton822 in
[03:53] Mrmagg08_OP out
[03:57] Maztodonte in
[03:57] Maztodonte out
[03:58] Mrmagg08_OP in
[03:58] Snake_Eyes out
[04:12] Almafuerte in
[04:12] diegosqo in
[04:12] Almafuerte out
[04:13] luanjanio35 in
[04:18] diegosqo out
[04:18] diegosqo in
[04:20] diegosqo out
[04:20] Mrmagg08_OP out
[04:20] Mrmagg08_OP in
[04:20] Cauezin> que merda '-
[04:20] Cauezin> Estou realmente horrivel '-
[04:21] Mrmagg08_OP> se voltar a jogar pega rápido
[04:21] Cauezin> num quero perder fnvo-'
[04:21] Cauezin> quem sabe dps
[04:21] Mrmagg08_OP> tem mais br que joga
[04:21] diegosqo in
[04:21] luanjanio35> eu
[04:21] luanjanio35> quem é do rj
[04:21] luanjanio35> RJ
[04:21] Cauezin> eu
[04:21] Cauezin> hehe
[04:21] Cauezin> passa tudo
[04:22] Cauezin> sou da posse
[04:22] Cauezin> ;=;
[04:22] Cauezin> la no final do inferno
[04:22] Cauezin> tipo no fundo
[04:22] Cauezin> '-
[04:22] Cauezin> perto da vk
[04:22] Cauezin> "perto"
[04:22] Cauezin> eu jogo isso des de 2012
[04:22] Cauezin> mas estou a 5 anos sem jogar
[04:22] Cauezin> '-
[04:23] diegosqo out
[04:23] Cauezin> flws guys
[04:23] diegosqo in
[04:23] Cauezin> nois se vea manha
[04:23] Cauezin> quem sabe
[04:23] Mrmagg08_OP> falou!
[04:23] Cauezin> mrmagg
[04:23] Cauezin> ainda vou te ganhar
[04:23] Mrmagg08_OP> espero que sim :D
[04:23] Cauezin> escreve oque eu te digo
[04:23] Cauezin> virou pessoal agora
[04:23] Mrmagg08_OP> haahah belez
[04:24] Cauezin out
[04:24] luanjanio35> só BR
[04:24] Mrmagg08_OP> tá doiod
[04:24] Mrmagg08_OP> doido
[04:24] Mrmagg08_OP> hora de dormir
[04:25] Mrmagg08_OP> falou!
[04:25] diegosqo> juanjanio come on
[04:25] Mrmagg08_OP out
[04:28] CactusRamon out
[04:32] vwkiller> Asshole
[04:32] vwkiller> do you rmother
[04:36] Snake_Eyes in
[04:37] Snake_Eyes out
[04:37] Ringo out
[04:38] Android_17_OP in
[04:38] Snake_Eyes in
[04:43] luanjanio35 out
[04:45] Snake_Eyes> +2
[04:45] Snake_Eyes> eu sei
[04:45] Snake_Eyes> lembrei depois que tinha mandado ja
[04:45] Snake_Eyes> :(
[04:45] Android_17_OP> ahhahahaha de boa
[04:45] Snake_Eyes> mag foi dormir
[04:46] Snake_Eyes> ta cansadinho
[04:46] Snake_Eyes> kkk
[04:46] Android_17_OP> hahahah xD
[04:48] kiyamet out
[04:50] skyler in
[04:50] skyler out
[04:50] Fang out
[04:51] Johnwalrus out
[04:51] [IC]Dalton822 out
[04:51] Snake_Eyes> ta em casa
[04:51] Snake_Eyes> se pc ainda
[04:53] Little_Guy1 out
[04:55] [IC]Streamin in
[04:56] Maztodonte in
[04:56] Kshatryia> BUENAS NOCHES
[04:56] Kshatryia> QUE DESCANCEN
[04:56] Kshatryia> ;)
[04:56] Kitstar_OP> buenas noches
[04:56] Kshatryia> BUENA PARTIDA
[04:56] Kshatryia out
[04:56] [SR]Apocapto> jajaja
[04:57] [SR]Apocapto out
[04:58] Kitstar_OP out
[05:03] cowel out
[05:10] [SR]Spark in
[05:13] Maztodonte out
[05:15] [Rw]Bigbang in
[05:24] 00Schnitzel in
[05:24] 00Schnitzel out
[05:25] Android_17_OP out
[05:26] Adena_OP out
[05:26] Adena_OP in
[05:34] Maztodonte in
[05:34] Maztodonte out
[05:39] vwkiller out
[05:40] Snake_Eyes out
[05:40] vwkiller in
[05:42] [IC]Streamin out
[05:43] [IC]Streamin in
[05:46] [SW]Diablo in
[05:47] [SW]Diablo out
[05:48] Obduction in
[06:00] Adena_OP out
[06:11] Ragheb003 in
[06:13] Obduction out
[06:17] Ragheb003 out
[06:21] [Rw]Lupin in
[06:22] [Rw]Lupin out
[06:26] luanjanio35 in
[06:29] Obduction in
[06:37] [IC]Streamin out
[06:39] vwkiller out
[06:41] [SW]Bianca in
[06:42] luanjanio35 out
[06:45] [SR]Spark> ok lets start the gangbang
[06:45] [SW]Bianca> wtf
[06:45] [SR]Spark> xD
[06:45] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:45] [SW]Bianca> map?
[06:46] [SR]Spark> why not do 1v1 on mana battle?
[06:46] [SW]Bianca> well ok
[06:46] [SR]Spark> or that troll map?
[06:46] [SR]Spark> xD
[06:46] [SW]Bianca> the end will be the same on every map
[06:46] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:46] [SR]Spark> i'll help u secretly xD
[06:46] [SW]Bianca> haha
[06:46] [Rw]Bigbang> spark u host
[06:47] [SR]Spark> im downloading
[06:47] [SW]Bianca> lol
[06:47] [Rw]Bigbang> do other map
[06:47] [Rw]Bigbang> narrow islands
[06:47] [SW]Bianca> yes then tell me
[06:47] [SW]Bianca> ok
[06:47] [SW]Bianca> hm that ping is really high
[06:47] [Rw]Bigbang> start
[06:48] [SR]Spark> unrank it
[06:51] GangJP in
[06:51] GangJP out
[07:03] Pandi in
[07:09] [SR]Spark> gg wp
[07:09] [SW]Bianca> lmao
[07:09] [SW]Bianca> gg
[07:09] [Rw]Bigbang> monitor fucked up
[07:10] [Rw]Bigbang> ciao
[07:10] [SR]Spark> ROFL
[07:10] [SR]Spark> OWNED
[07:10] [SW]Bianca> ok bye
[07:10] [SR]Spark> KARMA FOR CAMPING
[07:10] [SW]Bianca> lol
[07:10] [SR]Spark> XDD
[07:10] [Rw]Bigbang out
[07:11] [SR]Spark> this map is so bad
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> haha
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> not the map is bad
[07:11] [SR]Spark> no i hate it
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> me too
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> now
[07:11] [SW]Bianca> lol
[07:11] [SR]Spark> as bad as SW clan
[07:12] [SW]Bianca> omg not this again
[07:12] [SR]Spark> :P
[07:15] yoshi_TAS in
[07:16] yoshi_TAS> host
[07:17] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:17] diegosqo out
[07:17] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
p4p3rs0und - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- p4p3rs0und: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[07:18] yoshi_TAS> host
[07:18] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:18] yoshi_TAS> f
[07:19] yoshi_TAS> start
[07:19] Flobyyy in
[07:19] yoshi_TAS> s
[07:19] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
p4p3rs0und - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- p4p3rs0und: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[07:20] p4p3rs0und> ... wtf
[07:20] yoshi_TAS> ?
[07:20] Pandi out
[07:20] p4p3rs0und> not launching
[07:21] p4p3rs0und> host
[07:22] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:22] p4p3rs0und> map 9
[07:22] yoshi_TAS> foo
[07:22] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
p4p3rs0und - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- p4p3rs0und: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[07:26] [SR]Spark> any one who wanna join SR
[07:27] [SW]Bianca> i am in SW sorry
[07:27] [SR]Spark> post here -----> shamans.forumotion.com
[07:27] [SR]Spark> make a nice application u faggots
[07:27] [SR]Spark> k bye all <3
[07:27] [SR]Spark out
[07:29] Flobyyy out
[07:29] [SW]Bianca out
[07:29] hideshine in
[07:30] yoshi_TAS out
[07:30] p4p3rs0und> lol
[07:30] p4p3rs0und> gg
Game results submitted.
[07:30] yoshi_TAS in
[07:30] p4p3rs0und> gg xd
[07:30] yoshi_TAS> nah
[07:30] yoshi_TAS> just asleep
[07:30] yoshi_TAS> mneed coofe
[07:30] yoshi_TAS> coffe
[07:31] yoshi_TAS> owned my friend delax
[07:31] yoshi_TAS> in fo
[07:31] p4p3rs0und> Try again
[07:31] p4p3rs0und> host
[07:31] yoshi_TAS> brb coffe
[07:31] p4p3rs0und> Okay
[07:31] yoshi_TAS> wait me
[07:32] p4p3rs0und> Sure
[07:36] [GoD]pit63 in
[07:38] andymcleanwales in
[07:41] yoshi_TAS> fo
[07:42] hideshine out
[07:43] [GoD]pit63 out
[07:44] GrubbyHour in
[07:44] yoshi_TAS> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
p4p3rs0und - MapPack: OK
yoshi_TAS - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- yoshi_TAS: Red
- p4p3rs0und: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[07:45] GrubbyHour out
[07:46] thoughtseize in
Game successfully checked in.
[07:47] Obduction out
[07:57] [Rw]Bigbang in
[07:57] [Rw]Bigbang out
[07:57] [Rw]Bigbang in
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> gg
Game results submitted.
[07:58] yoshi_TAS> hate cheaters
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> what?
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> lol.
[07:58] yoshi_TAS> u near water even die
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> i didnt cheat
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> shaman skillz
[07:58] yoshi_TAS> well bs
[07:58] p4p3rs0und> and i got lucky there
[07:58] yoshi_TAS> i know blasting
[07:58] yoshi_TAS> etc
[07:59] p4p3rs0und> u werent agressive enough
[08:00] p4p3rs0und> when u had hill + advantage
[08:01] Tecking in
[08:01] p4p3rs0und> Hi tecking
[08:03] Kuba14j in
[08:04] Kuba14j out
[08:07] KosjaK_OP in
[08:09] ethanwalton in
[08:09] ethanwalton out
[08:19] Luke_OP in
[08:27] yoshi_TAS out
[08:27] [Rw]Bigbang out
[08:27] BetaEnemy_Tas in
[08:28] giorgos in
[08:28] giorgos out
[08:30] reineavis21119 in
[08:30] reineavis21119 out
[08:32] yolo123 in
[08:33] yolo123 out
[08:38] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[08:47] fireman323 in
[08:48] BonD in
[08:53] VirBux in
[08:54] [AsG]Warbeast in
[08:57] VirBux out
[09:06] [SR]FanZaah in
[09:07] Left_nut> p6g598
[09:07] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[09:31] [SR]FanZaah> its saturday why this lobby is so empty?!
[09:34] [SR]FanZaah> hi red warrior join here?
[09:35] Tecking out
[09:35] [AsG]Warbeast> red worrior is a bot
[09:35] [AsG]Warbeast> and thoughtseizeize is afk i think
[09:36] [SR]FanZaah> i know just making jokes
[09:36] [SR]FanZaah> 'jokes''
[09:41] Lucky_Luke in
[09:44] aegis5115 in
[09:44] aegis5115 out
[09:49] CloudGames in
[09:50] Luke_OP out
[09:52] CloudGames out
[09:54] therapist in
[09:54] therapist> the
[09:54] therapist> now i am on mm
[09:54] therapist> is real
[09:54] therapist> spinn
[09:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[09:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> swastika
[09:55] thoughtseize> sec
[09:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[09:56] therapist> the
[09:56] therapist> that made my morning
[09:56] therapist> is real
[09:56] therapist> i took a bonghit
[09:56] therapist> then i saw what u wrote
[09:56] therapist> i rofled lfmoamaomoamomomfoamfoma
[09:56] [SR]FanZaah> you took bonghit i snorted some dope
[09:56] [SR]FanZaah> dope wins
[09:56] therapist> u snorted some dope ?
[09:56] [SR]FanZaah> Ye
[09:57] therapist> fuckin dope ?
[09:57] [SR]FanZaah> YEP FUCKING DOPE
[09:57] therapist> ok what kind of dope
[09:57] [SR]FanZaah> speeed
[09:57] therapist> ?
[09:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmao
[09:57] therapist> what kind of speed?
[09:57] therapist> this guy
[09:57] therapist> is a liar
[09:57] therapist> sad
[09:57] [SR]FanZaah> this is some tough
[09:57] [SR]FanZaah> nah
[09:57] [SR]FanZaah> i dont lie
[09:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed did u take speed once
[09:57] therapist> many
[09:57] [GoD]Genkidama in
[09:58] therapist> cicaunbe¨
[09:58] therapist> cocaine
[09:58] therapist> amfetamiune
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> no cocaine
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> amphetamine
[09:58] therapist> in norwegian its amfetamin
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> it helps me focus on game
[09:58] therapist> ?
[09:58] therapist> u
[09:58] therapist> dont take
[09:58] therapist> meth u fuck
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> in finnish its amfetamiini
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> already did
[09:58] therapist> wow this guy is so cool
[09:58] therapist> omfg
[09:58] therapist> GOOOOOOOOOOOO
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> nah im not special...
[09:58] [SR]FanZaah> go 4walls
[09:58] KosjaK_OP> ur no name
[09:58] KosjaK_OP> correct
[09:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[09:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> streaming
[09:59] therapist> no 4walls
[09:59] [SR]FanZaah> do 4wals
[09:59] therapist> im not allying
[09:59] KosjaK_OP> 4gays
[09:59] therapist> fanzahg lol
[09:59] therapist> bock lets ally
[09:59] [SR]FanZaah> do 4walls how many times i gotta say
[09:59] [SR]FanZaah> im really bad in fo or pp
[10:00] [SR]FanZaah> i dont want to be shame
[10:00] [SR]FanZaah> or what ever its fucking called
[10:00] [GoD]Genkidama> this game isnt one of your skill league fanzahh :(
[10:00] KosjaK_OP> says ppred
[10:00] [SR]FanZaah> yep
[10:00] [SR]FanZaah> wannabe shaman
[10:00] [GoD]Genkidama> says kosjak
[10:00] [SR]FanZaah> bitch
[10:01] [GoD]Genkidama> lol ok
[10:01] KosjaK_OP> ;)
[10:01] [SR]FanZaah> edmund kemper
[10:01] [SR]FanZaah> <3
[10:01] [GoD]Genkidama> <3
[10:01] KosjaK_OP> some fw joined hut
[10:01] [SR]FanZaah> i raped my mom while she was dead on her bed
[10:01] KosjaK_OP> oh shit
[10:01] KosjaK_OP> probably a normal human^
[10:02] [SR]FanZaah> can we just play 4walls
[10:02] KosjaK_OP> i want
[10:02] KosjaK_OP> 420 points
[10:02] [SR]FanZaah> or you guys scared
[10:03] therapist> kick fuckin fanzaah let genki in do pp
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> why kick
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> think
[10:03] [SW]WestSide in
[10:03] therapist> ok change hut
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> smart
[10:03] [SR]FanZaah> ok im up to pp
[10:04] [SR]FanZaah> lets do this
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[10:04] therapist> the
[10:04] therapist> rudeness
[10:04] therapist> then compliments
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ollo
[10:04] therapist> is real
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> lllllol
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> bock
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist nicht hier
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ????
[10:04] francesco in
[10:04] francesco out
[10:04] [SW]WestSide> HAAHAH
[10:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> bock zockst
[10:04] [SW]WestSide> spin alta
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/253db44a96ce298dc65782b03c362c9d.png
[10:05] therapist> LMFOAmfmFOAMOOMFOAMFOAofmaoomfAOMoafmomomfoamfoaOMOfomAFOmaof
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu geil
[10:05] therapist> the
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> freue mich wenn obs da ssieht
[10:05] therapist> sneaky
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[10:05] therapist> is real
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> hahahahahahaha
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> idc
[10:05] [SW]WestSide> spin streamste?
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> since 2012
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[10:05] [SR]FanZaah> i dont give a fuck you guys suck you fw ranked bitches
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[10:06] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[10:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> weeds fault
[10:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> fanzah
[10:06] [SR]FanZaah> :( he sucks
[10:06] [SR]FanZaah> his afraid of me
[10:06] treeborn in
[10:06] therapist> the
[10:06] therapist> blaming it all on weed
[10:06] therapist> but he knows
[10:06] therapist> he had a part in it himself
[10:06] therapist> and would do the same
[10:06] therapist> is r eal
[10:06] [SR]FanZaah> all he do is insult ppl
[10:07] [SR]FanZaah> thats not life insulting here on mm
[10:07] therapist> i never
[10:07] therapist> insult anyone
[10:07] therapist> im the most honest
[10:07] therapist> and nice guy
[10:07] [SR]FanZaah> always on stream 'you die like a noob'
[10:07] therapist> yes i say the truth
[10:07] KosjaK_OP> lets all be honest
[10:07] therapist> is the truth wrong
[10:07] therapist> sad
[10:07] KosjaK_OP> i died some years ago
[10:07] [SR]FanZaah> but that happens all the fuckin time
[10:07] therapist> yes isnt that sick fanzaah
[10:07] [SR]FanZaah> ppl do mistakes no one does perfect
[10:07] therapist> it really does happen al the time
[10:07] therapist> iknow
[10:07] therapist> why cant everyone be like me
[10:08] therapist> ????????????????
[10:08] [SR]FanZaah> bcus no one wants
[10:08] therapist> awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
[10:08] therapist> that hurt
[10:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[10:08] therapist> the only spot
[10:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> cock in the mouth
[10:08] therapist> i had left
[10:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> is real
[10:08] [SR]FanZaah> sorry if it hurt
[10:08] therapist> the
[10:08] therapist> can we fuckin go right now
[10:08] therapist> is rea
[10:08] therapist> ll
[10:09] [SR]FanZaah> cmon guys join me :<
[10:09] thoughtseize> yoooy
[10:09] thoughtseize> hi genki
[10:09] thoughtseize> we doing pp
[10:09] thoughtseize> ?
[10:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> FANZAAH WATCH MY STREAM
[10:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> YOU TOOK SPEED
[10:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> and i got the right music for u
[10:10] [SR]FanZaah> its boring to watch
[10:10] [SR]FanZaah> oh
[10:10] [SR]FanZaah> well im intrested now
[10:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye come
[10:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[10:10] KosjaK_OP> just
[10:10] [SR]FanZaah> you better got some fire
[10:10] KosjaK_OP> fucking do the smile
[10:10] KosjaK_OP> :B---
[10:10] [SR]FanZaah> going on
[10:10] [SW]WestSide> https://clips.twitch.tv/FreezingPreciousGalagoHeyGuys
[10:11] [SR]FanZaah> imma learn something maybe when watching your streamm
[10:11] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[10:11] KosjaK_OP> babo
[10:11] KosjaK_OP> i was fast clicking like that
[10:11] KosjaK_OP> before
[10:12] [SW]WestSide> nice
[10:12] [SW]WestSide> when im totally drunk
[10:12] [SW]WestSide> i also click that fast
[10:12] [SW]WestSide> cuz i think im flash
[10:13] [SW]WestSide> and need to do everything at super high speed
[10:13] KosjaK_OP> i dont like to be fast
[10:20] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[10:21] Obduction in
[10:34] Tecking in
[10:36] BigShan in
[10:36] BigShan out
[10:37] yoshi_TAS in
[10:39] p4p3rs0und> i can host now
[10:39] p4p3rs0und> i got that good host
[10:40] yoshi_TAS> west ally me
[10:40] yoshi_TAS> ?
[10:40] yoshi_TAS> yo gutten morgen
[10:41] [SW]WestSide> do some easy map
[10:41] [SR]Spark in
[10:41] KosjaK_OP> cr8 is ez
[10:41] yoshi_TAS> nubmnir
[10:41] yoshi_TAS> ?
[10:41] BetaEnemy_Tas> can i watch stream now babo
[10:41] p4p3rs0und> Tom
[10:41] p4p3rs0und> ?
[10:41] BetaEnemy_Tas> sincs that made you sad :<
[10:41] [SW]WestSide> lol mammy
[10:42] [SW]WestSide> hahahahah
[10:42] yoshi_TAS> its ez
[10:42] p4p3rs0und> mahmut
[10:42] p4p3rs0und> xD
[10:42] p4p3rs0und> nice name
[10:42] p4p3rs0und> no ping yoshi
[10:42] BetaEnemy_Tas> xD
[10:42] BetaEnemy_Tas> ty
[10:42] [SW]WestSide> 4ways?
[10:42] [SW]WestSide> ill ally yoshi
[10:42] yoshi_TAS> nubmnir or 4way =
[10:42] yoshi_TAS> big sess
[10:43] yoshi_TAS> no tom
[10:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> big sess is accually a narrow passage :S
[10:43] p4p3rs0und> yoshi fix ping
[10:43] [SW]WestSide> wtf is big sess
[10:43] yoshi_TAS> fakes
[10:43] p4p3rs0und> omg i am so rusty
[10:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> sess like map with big mana
[10:43] p4p3rs0und> havent played in months xD
[10:43] BetaEnemy_Tas> instead of 100 pop
[10:43] [SR]FanZaah> guys brb smoke
[10:43] yoshi_TAS> do nubmnir palace
[10:43] p4p3rs0und> no fanzaah
[10:43] p4p3rs0und> -.-
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> mammy what mappack is that in
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> seems like even more aids to me
[10:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> its a narrow passage
[10:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> lol
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> oh
[10:44] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[10:44] yoshi_TAS> new world 16
[10:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> both are white
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> wtf comparing ANP to sess
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> WTF
[10:44] yoshi_TAS> new fate worlds*
[10:44] p4p3rs0und> +1
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> like seriously
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> WTF
[10:44] p4p3rs0und> i dont wait on ppl
[10:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> you got a small way in to opponent bases
[10:44] [SW]WestSide> thats bs
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> youve got enough mana to bd and sd
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> and you got lb....................
[10:45] BetaEnemy_Tas> true
[10:45] BetaEnemy_Tas> turn of lb :D
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> imagine compring narrow passage
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> to fucking sess
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> smh
[10:45] p4p3rs0und> rank or unrank
[10:45] [SW]WestSide> idm
[10:45] p4p3rs0und> giv elo
[10:45] yoshi_TAS> rank
[10:48] tristan- in
[10:49] tristan- out
[10:53] tristan- in
[10:56] therapist> fuyckin horse shit
[10:56] therapist> first they force
[10:56] therapist> so i couldnt get in bock base
[10:56] therapist> then my light dont go
[10:56] therapist> to kill bock shaman
[10:56] therapist> and i lag all fucki ngame
[10:56] therapist> rm i host
[10:57] therapist> they want foricng ill give em foricng
[10:57] [SR]FanZaah> therapist i told you you insult ppl in game
[10:57] [SR]FanZaah> i got proof
[10:57] therapist> is me sayin
[10:57] therapist> others force
[10:57] therapist> an insult ?
[10:57] therapist> are u mentally stupid ?
[10:57] [SR]FanZaah> you instulted yes
[10:57] [SR]FanZaah> you dumb fuck
[10:57] [SR]FanZaah> looser
[10:57] therapist> what i just said
[10:57] therapist> was an insult
[10:57] therapist> what i said before that
[10:57] therapist> wasnt
[10:57] therapist> u complete retarded baboomn
[10:58] Luke_OP in
[10:59] [GoD]Genkidama> well played
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> you need a defense
[10:59] [SR]FanZaah> spinn i like psytrance more than your music sorry :/
[10:59] therapist> spinn
[10:59] therapist> i swear to u
[10:59] therapist> ifd bock didnt force
[10:59] therapist> i woulda been in his base 2 times
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahahahahaa
[10:59] therapist> and im not even fuckin kididing
[10:59] therapist> ?
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> i thought itd wud be good for u
[10:59] therapist> whats funny
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> taking speed
[10:59] therapist> im not lying
[10:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> ello nooblets
[10:59] therapist> i didnt take any fuckin speed
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> pity i didnt stream it
[10:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed
[10:59] therapist> oh
[10:59] therapist> yu were talkin to fanzah lol
[11:00] therapist> +++++++++++++++++3
[11:00] [SR]FanZaah> lets do blastwar?
[11:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> rm?
[11:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> guys
[11:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> but without forcing
[11:02] therapist> they are too scared
[11:02] therapist> thiunk im gonna go make a pizza
[11:02] therapist> brb
[11:02] tristan- out
[11:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye ill go breakfast
[11:02] [GoD]Genkidama> w33ds too easy sorry
[11:02] [GoD]Genkidama> we only playing serious enemies
[11:02] therapist> says the guy who needs to force
[11:02] therapist> to beat weed
[11:02] therapist> last 1v1 i owned u genki w000000000åp
[11:03] [GoD]Genkidama> w00000000000000p what about 1vb1 now?
[11:03] therapist> sure after the pizza
[11:03] therapist> 30 mins
[11:03] [GoD]Genkidama> u hsud play me when im at full strenght
[11:03] therapist> or 40
[11:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> as if
[11:03] [GoD]Genkidama> no im off now bye (leaves scared)
[11:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> 1v1 means
[11:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> something
[11:03] therapist> iknow u need full strengt
[11:03] therapist> to 1v1 me
[11:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:03] therapist> i can understand that genki
[11:03] [GoD]Genkidama out
[11:03] therapist> ^
[11:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> dieser bass
[11:04] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[11:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh my gott
[11:04] [SW]WestSide> ich hasse delay
[11:04] [SW]WestSide> bei pop
[11:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> streaming murder
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> bb
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> and force
[11:05] [SW]WestSide> lul
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> and lb hills
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> amd
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> KK !
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> and
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> pause abuse?
[11:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> lamaoaoao
[11:05] [SW]WestSide> and baby under pc
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> hgahahaa
[11:05] [SW]WestSide> andrew
[11:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo
[11:06] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/ca6e1cbbe6389889cabc90dc49ffff0f.png
[11:06] [SW]WestSide> look at the masterpiece
[11:06] BonD out
[11:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> love it
[11:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> was today
[11:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 am
[11:06] [SW]WestSide> lolollo
[11:07] p4p3rs0und> gg ez pz
[11:07] yoshi_TAS> ure noob
[11:07] yoshi_TAS> paper
[11:07] [SW]WestSide> haha
[11:07] yoshi_TAS> care about pts
[11:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[11:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> paper is good
[11:07] [SR]Spark> sup yo shit ass
[11:07] [SW]WestSide> paper bery nub!!!!!!111one!111!
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> damn was laggy
[11:08] [SW]WestSide> weed what you waiting for??
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> rm
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> ?
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> another map
[11:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> er kommt warte
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> why quitted west
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> ?
[11:08] [SW]WestSide> cuz it was over
[11:08] [SW]WestSide> and i dont like playing in such a huge delay
[11:08] [SR]Spark> dont pause on already over game
[11:08] yoshi_TAS> ye all right
[11:10] therapist> WEKKL
[11:10] therapist> gonna eat
[11:10] therapist> in like 10 mins
[11:10] therapist> or 20
[11:10] [SW]WestSide> fu
[11:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> paper is there!
[11:11] [SW]WestSide> not papers host again
[11:11] [SW]WestSide> lol
[11:11] Ysarion in
[11:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> paper let me host
[11:11] p4p3rs0und> look at these beautiful pings
[11:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:11] yoshi_TAS> gtg eat
[11:11] yoshi_TAS> later
[11:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[11:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> streaming 4walls
[11:12] [SR]FanZaah out
[11:12] [SR]FanZaah in
[11:13] p4p3rs0und> srr
[11:13] p4p3rs0und> srry
[11:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> i rotated
[11:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:13] p4p3rs0und> i know
[11:13] p4p3rs0und> hyad to fix
[11:13] p4p3rs0und> had to fix something
[11:14] therapist> THE
[11:14] therapist> I WAS WAITNG FOR STREEAM;
[11:14] therapist> IS REAL
[11:14] therapist> AND I DIDNT SPEC IS REAL
[11:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> damn wtf
[11:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> no streaming?
[11:14] therapist> fuck u sluit
[11:16] Kuba14j in
[11:17] [Rw]addiction in
[11:18] popgod2017 in
[11:19] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[11:20] denniOs in
[11:20] [Rw]addiction out
[11:23] popgod2017> more
[11:23] popgod2017> launch
[11:23] [SR]FanZaah> ++++++++++++2 pls
[11:23] [SR]FanZaah> ++++++++2for good game
[11:23] popgod2017> ready
[11:24] [SR]FanZaah> im afraid no one wants to play with amateur im sorry popgod
[11:24] popgod2017> not amature
[11:24] popgod2017> just made new account
[11:24] popgod2017> used to play heaps years ago
[11:24] [SR]FanZaah> what rank you were
[11:24] popgod2017> found disc in box cleaning up today
[11:25] popgod2017> just visiting
[11:25] [SR]Spark> he asked the league rank not forum post ranks
[11:25] [SR]Spark> XD
[11:26] [SR]FanZaah> dear god :D
[11:27] popgod2017> cmon i was 13 when i used to smash this game
[11:27] [SR]Spark> no u are?
[11:27] [SR]Spark> now*
[11:27] popgod2017> 30
[11:27] [SR]FanZaah> 15
[11:27] popgod2017> bring it
[11:27] [SR]Spark> ok lets play a 2vs1
[11:28] Kuba14j out
[11:29] popgod2017> need to setup compatibilty settings farrrk
[11:29] [SR]Spark> wat happened
[11:29] popgod2017> hold up
[11:29] [SR]Spark> okay
[11:30] popgod2017> i told u i found the disc today
[11:30] [SR]Spark> ping '?'
[11:30] popgod2017> dont have windows 95 anymore lols
[11:31] [SR]Spark> rejoin hut
[11:31] [SR]Spark> still
[11:31] [SR]Spark> relog then
[11:31] [SR]Spark> close mm and open it again
[11:31] [SR]FanZaah> sec piss
[11:31] popgod2017 out
[11:32] treeborn out
[11:32] [SR]FanZaah> ok he gone
[11:32] [SR]FanZaah> spark 2v2pls
[11:32] [SR]Spark> ok
[11:33] Wishiin in
[11:33] Wishiin out
[11:34] [SR]FanZaah> +++++++++++++2 4walls
[11:35] popgod2017 in
[11:36] [SR]Spark> cant ping u popgod
[11:36] popgod2017> ready mm died
[11:36] popgod2017> fixed it
[11:36] [SR]FanZaah> you dont have ping
[11:36] [SR]FanZaah> dude
[11:36] popgod2017> why cant u ping me
[11:36] [SR]FanZaah> you cant play without ping
[11:36] [SR]FanZaah> bcus sometimes that doesnt work
[11:36] popgod2017> this softwares buggy as i just wanna play like i used to Modem 56k to modem 56k :-P
[11:37] popgod2017> little help so we can play?
[11:37] [SR]FanZaah> did you know you can play populous multiplayer without cd xD?
[11:38] popgod2017> yea i do now, i found mm online, cd just made me wanna play this sick ass game
[11:38] [SR]FanZaah> spark cannot ping you so join other hut and try to see if they work
[11:38] [SR]FanZaah> thank YOU!
[11:38] [SR]Spark> xD
[11:38] [SR]Spark> +2 4 walls
[11:38] popgod2017> do i need to setup port forwarding for this game in mm?
[11:39] [SR]FanZaah> no
[11:39] T-Rod in
[11:39] [SR]FanZaah> if you wanna host than
[11:39] [SR]FanZaah> trod in da house ma sugar daddy
[11:39] T-Rod> yeah boy
[11:39] T-Rod> spark lemme in
[11:40] [SR]FanZaah> pls restrict this dude...
[11:41] popgod2017> can we start yet?
[11:41] popgod2017> why you need to ping me?
[11:41] [SR]FanZaah> OMFGGGGG
[11:41] popgod2017> i got 100/40
[11:41] popgod2017> mbps
[11:41] popgod2017> clearly
[11:42] [SR]FanZaah> my lord gimme reason to stay alive here
[11:42] popgod2017> why the f not
[11:42] Tecking> i can host
[11:42] [SR]FanZaah> because it not only work for you understand now
[11:42] [SR]FanZaah> im getting pissed off
[11:42] popgod2017> me to
[11:42] [SR]FanZaah> ?! =)
[11:42] Tecking> com
[11:43] Tecking> come, i'm spectate
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> ye join there
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> pls
[11:43] Tecking> i'll*
[11:43] ghyld in
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> popgod pls leave
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> pls
[11:43] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> god sake
[11:43] Tecking> come here
[11:43] [SR]FanZaah> Finally now restrict them
[11:44] ghyld out
[11:44] Tecking> choose the maps
[11:45] popgod2017 out
[11:49] [SR]Spark> lol sry was afk
[11:49] [SR]Spark> u guys havin a bad dat i see
[11:49] [SR]Spark> typical on the mm
[11:50] Obduction out
[11:51] BonD in
[11:52] Leviathan_OP in
[11:52] BonD out
[11:52] T-Rod out
[11:54] denniOs out
[11:57] T-Rod in
[11:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> man this download is so fucking slow
[12:00] Ysarion out
[12:00] T-Rod> what load?
[12:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> drag race
[12:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> 2.4 gig has been dl for about 2 hours
[12:00] Ysarion in
[12:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN4lVM052D0
[12:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> some good pop music guys
[12:04] [SR]Spark> sec shit
[12:04] [SR]Spark> xD
[12:06] EddieBR in
[12:09] T-Rod> crash
[12:09] T-Rod> lemmi do settings here
[12:09] Leviathan_OP> well done trod
[12:10] [Rw]addiction in
[12:10] Leviathan_OP> changing low quality sound to high makes you crash
[12:10] simir in
[12:10] T-Rod> aha
[12:10] Leviathan_OP> but only you
[12:10] T-Rod> gud to know
[12:10] Leviathan_OP> not everyone
[12:11] yoshi_TAS in
[12:12] yoshi_TAS out
[12:12] [Rw]addiction> spamming encyclopedia causes everyone to crash
[12:12] [Rw]addiction> ho ho ho ho ho
[12:13] Leviathan_OP> :D
[12:13] [Rw]addiction> =)
[12:13] [Rw]addiction> (=
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> =¦
[12:14] BetaEnemy_Tas> o:
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> ¬_¬
[12:14] BetaEnemy_Tas> :o
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> ;\
[12:14] BetaEnemy_Tas> :/
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> :\
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> :/
[12:14] EddieBR> one more here for noob game
[12:14] [Rw]addiction> ^_
[12:15] BetaEnemy_Tas> dont underestemate me mate :D
[12:15] [Rw]addiction> ^_~
[12:15] [Rw]addiction> ~_~_~_~_~_~_~
[12:15] EddieBR> if i say it'll be noob, it will be
[12:15] [Rw]addiction> ¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬_¬
[12:15] BetaEnemy_Tas> -_-
[12:15] BetaEnemy_Tas> ok mr pro show me what you got :D
[12:15] EddieBR> ye
[12:15] EddieBR> I got flu
[12:15] EddieBR> shamans hate flu
[12:15] [Rw]addiction> }}}}................{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:15] BetaEnemy_Tas> so do i
[12:15] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] BetaEnemy_Tas> :o
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> gg
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] EddieBR> what a hell man, it looks like a tractor
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] EddieBR> ban
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [SW]WestSide> gg wp
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] EddieBR> ban for polluting MM
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{.
[12:16] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> babo
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> enemy followers killed
[12:17] yoshi_TAS> ===0
[12:17] [SW]WestSide> dude in mid game half a bottle of water fell over my keyboard
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at ours
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> its so close lol
[12:17] [SW]WestSide> [14:17] [SW]WestSide> dude in mid game half a bottle of water fell over my keyboard
[12:17] yoshi_TAS> ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:17] [SW]WestSide> FFS
[12:17] EddieBR> lol westside
[12:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> LOL
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:17] [Rw]addiction out
[12:17] [SW]WestSide> yiii 575 and 574
[12:17] [Rw]addiction in
[12:17] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:18] EddieBR> yoshi, get an internet
[12:18] [SW]WestSide> my shaman kill stats
[12:18] [SW]WestSide> so bad again
[12:18] EddieBR> you do not have ping
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}}
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:18] LoveSkillz_TAS> cant host you yoshi
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{}}}
[12:18] yoshi_TAS> eddie can
[12:18] EddieBR> YOSHI, go look for Mario
[12:18] EddieBR> or luigi
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BAN}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
[12:18] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> .{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:19] yoshi_TAS> fake eddiebr hosy
[12:19] yoshi_TAS> host
[12:19] yoshi_TAS> ?
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> ??????????????????????????????????????????????{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{????????????????????
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> ?????????{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{??????????
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> ///////testnick //////////
[12:19] [Rw]addiction> /////////////////////////////////////
[12:20] [Rw]addiction> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[12:20] [Rw]addiction> ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[12:20] [Rw]addiction> ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[12:20] [Rw]addiction> ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
[12:20] EddieBR> Fake Eddie
[12:20] [Rw]addiction out
[12:20] EddieBR> addiction pollutes all and then gets off...
[12:21] Maztodonte in
[12:22] yoshi_TAS in
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> eddie host
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> so we get game
[12:23] EddieBR> yoshi, you are bugged today
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> ?
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> never
[12:23] Maztodonte out
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> been
[12:23] EddieBR> but noone joins me. anybody likes braziilan maybe
[12:23] yoshi_TAS> cant host
[12:23] EddieBR> HEY ALL, join here
[12:23] BetaEnemy_Tas> hoat here lol
[12:23] EddieBR> see? anyone joins
[12:24] EddieBR> dunno what happens.
[12:24] EddieBR> that's because I have the secret weapon: FLU
[12:24] EddieBR> i got the flu man
[12:24] yoshi_TAS> love skill
[12:24] yoshi_TAS> jin
[12:24] yoshi_TAS> join
[12:24] BetaEnemy_Tas> so why you playing then :D?
[12:24] [SW]Maztodonte in
[12:25] EddieBR> trying to infect all other players. new spell in game
[12:25] yoshi_TAS> new spells?
[12:25] yoshi_TAS> :O
[12:27] yoshi_TAS out
[12:29] EAX in
[12:29] EAX out
[12:33] KosjaK_OP out
[12:34] V4N0M in
[12:34] brunobariloche in
[12:35] EAX in
[12:35] kururusapiens in
[12:36] Ysarion> sure
[12:37] [Rw]addiction in
[12:37] therapist> fucsdiok jhåknmjd
[12:38] [Rw]addiction> moores bird has a minge like a ripped out sink
[12:38] [SR]FanZaah> THAT WAS gg guys
[12:38] T-Rod> gg mates
[12:38] [SR]FanZaah> well played blue
[12:38] [Rw]addiction> aint that right andrew
[12:38] [SR]FanZaah> thanks for bein ma mate
[12:38] [Rw]addiction> ;o
[12:38] brunobariloche out
[12:39] [Rw]addiction> spin you listen to some shite
[12:40] [Rw]addiction> only decent song was
[12:40] [Rw]addiction> kiss by serebro
[12:40] [Rw]addiction> all that rap shite has to go brother
[12:42] [SR]Spark in
[12:44] [SR]Spark out
[12:44] [Rw]addiction out
[12:46] kururusapiens out
[12:48] Shao_OP in
[12:48] Shao_OP> Hentai
[12:50] simir out
[12:53] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[12:53] Tecking> hentai?
[12:53] Doctor_Zlo95 in
[12:53] Doctor_Zlo95 out
[12:54] V4N0M> hi
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> spin
[12:54] [SW]WestSide> guck mal wer grade spielt
[12:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> obs?
[12:55] [SW]WestSide> ja haha
[12:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> mal schaun lol
[12:56] Tecking> hi
[12:56] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> yo sub
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> why no bashing this podcast? was so boring
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> 1h talk about god n religion
[12:57] [AsG]Sub_Zero> nothing to bash
[12:57] [AsG]Sub_Zero> step up
[12:57] [SW]WestSide> ffs
[12:58] [SW]WestSide> there are so many things to bash in this mm
[12:58] [SW]WestSide> people*
[12:58] [AsG]Sub_Zero> feel like we'd be repeating most things
[12:59] [AsG]Sub_Zero> can only bash moores so much
[12:59] [SW]WestSide> lel
[12:59] [SW]WestSide> remember when hugo said spin is slow?
[12:59] BilouBilou in
[12:59] [SW]WestSide> https://clips.twitch.tv/FreezingPreciousGalagoHeyGuys
[12:59] BilouBilou out
[12:59] [SW]AlphaEnemy> was a lot of repeating sub
[13:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> like why is bb shit and gentlemany agreement
[13:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gentlemans
[13:00] [SW]WestSide> fuck gentlemans agreement
[13:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> but was fun anyway
[13:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> felt sorry for bella
[13:00] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[13:00] giorgos in
[13:00] giorgos out
[13:00] [SW]WestSide> LOL
[13:00] [AsG]Sub_Zero> fast but cringey
[13:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> sub
[13:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> maybe talk about players?
[13:01] therapist> fuckin homo
[13:01] therapist> sec
[13:01] [SR]Bananasplit in
[13:01] therapist out
[13:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> go through league
[13:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and roast all
[13:01] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :D
[13:01] [SW]WestSide> yiiiii
[13:01] [SW]WestSide> thats it
[13:02] [SW]WestSide> say something about the top100
[13:02] [AsG]Sub_Zero> could do that
[13:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> Or sub
[13:02] therapist in
[13:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> talk with hugo and keith
[13:02] [SW]AlphaEnemy> about changing the rank system
[13:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> to eleminate those ranks
[13:03] therapist> noooooooooooooooooo lemme plyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[13:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> so ppl wont be scared by ranks
[13:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[13:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> stremaING
[13:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and everyone plays vs everyone
[13:03] therapist> hes not
[13:03] therapist> he didnt do it last time
[13:03] therapist> he said he would
[13:03] therapist> nvm i lied
[13:03] EAX out
[13:04] [AsG]Sub_Zero> we talked about the ranking system in another podcast
[13:04] denniOs in
[13:04] [SW]WestSide> yeah that was a good part
[13:05] [SW]WestSide> should talk less about OT stuff tho
[13:05] [SR]Bananasplit> the guy listen Jul...
[13:05] [SW]WestSide> talk about it in the end or at the beginning
[13:05] [SR]Spark> OOOOOOOO
[13:05] [SR]Spark> banana
[13:05] [Tsi]ThePrime out
[13:05] [SW]WestSide> youre welcome
[13:06] [SR]Spark> THANKS BABO
[13:06] [SR]Spark> MUCH <3
[13:06] Taity-mini in
[13:06] [AsG]Sub_Zero> there was no topic to be off topic
[13:06] [AsG]Sub_Zero> its not all populous
[13:06] therapist in
[13:07] Tecking> youre 241, i'm 182
[13:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> uh-huh...
[13:10] [SR]FanZaah out
[13:10] [SW]WestSide out
[13:11] [SR]FanZaah in
[13:12] Lucky_Luke> hi all
[13:12] V4N0M> i play in a few minutes busy rn
[13:13] shogun in
[13:14] therapist out
[13:18] Shao_OP> hentai
[13:19] Strongest18 in
[13:21] [Rw]addiction in
[13:21] [SW]Maztodonte> gg
[13:21] yoshi_TAS> gg wp
[13:22] yoshi_TAS> "O.O
[13:22] yoshi_TAS out
[13:22] EddieBR> gg
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> gg bro
[13:22] yoshi_TAS in
[13:22] [SW]Maztodonte> i am prah
[13:22] [SW]Maztodonte> xD
[13:22] [SW]Maztodonte> okno
[13:22] [SW]Maztodonte> haha
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> u r pish
[13:22] [Rw]addiction> **
[13:22] [SW]Maztodonte> lol
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> ure ninjawarrior
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> WTF
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> nick i mean
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> nope
[13:23] PC2 in
[13:23] Shao_OP out
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> addi friuli venezia giulia
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> i am not from that third world country
[13:23] [Rw]addiction> please do not insult me like that yoshi
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> rofl
[13:23] yoshi_TAS> america
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> big italy
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> 1!!!!
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> na m8
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> i am from nigeria
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> Cheat mode: Enabled
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> works
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> ?
[13:24] EddieBR> im from UGANDA
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> they call me the coon platoon
[13:24] Lucky_Luke> hi eddie
[13:24] Lucky_Luke> welcome
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> hi Lucky_Luke
[13:24] EddieBR> hello luke
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> come in itay addi
[13:24] denniOs out
[13:24] V4N0M out
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> wanna go on habbo hotel
[13:24] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:24] yoshi_TAS> ive friend of nigeria
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> yes
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> senegal
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> me
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> :)
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> i am ur friend
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> =)
[13:25] shogun> lmao
[13:25] shogun> add do u play habbo hotel
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> yeh m8
[13:25] [SR]Bananasplit out
[13:25] yoshi_TAS> people must learn this we need to be friends
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> wana come to my room
[13:25] GangJP in
[13:25] EddieBR> one more her
[13:25] GangJP out
[13:25] Lucky_Luke out
[13:25] shogun> i dont think i can
[13:25] [SR]Spark> /me HUGS BABO
[13:25] [Rw]addiction> wtf why
[13:25] shogun> hotels are separated
[13:25] Lucky_Luke in
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> i havent played habbo in about 16 years
[13:26] shogun> spanish ppl cant go on english ones
[13:26] shogun> i think
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> i was 2 when i first played it
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> ;P
[13:26] shogun> lel
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> :)
[13:26] V4N0M in
[13:26] [Rw]addiction> (%e^(-7*t)*(5*%e^(7*t)-5))/7
[13:27] yoshi_TAS> brb ciga
[13:27] EddieBR> i'm smoking now
[13:27] EddieBR> devils cigarrette
[13:27] Lucky_Luke> devild advovated
[13:27] shogun> can any1 see spin's stream ?
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> wxplot2d([%e^(-(3*t)/10)*((75021*sin((sqrt(1307)*t)/(5*2^(3/2))))/(125*2^(3/2)*sqrt(1307))+(7*cos((sqrt(1307)*t)/(5*2^(3/2))))/500)], [t,-5,5])$
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> wow this mm sucks bad
[13:27] shogun> appears disconected to me
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> wont even plot a graph for me
[13:27] [Rw]addiction> wxplot2d([%e^(-(3*t)/10)*((75021*sin((sqrt(1307)*t)/(5*2^(3/2))))/(125*2^(3/2)*sqrt(1307))+(7*cos((sqrt(1307)*t)/(5*2^(3/2))))/500)], [t,-5,5])$
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> WORK
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> FFS
[13:28] Lucky_Luke> wait im fixing ping
[13:28] Lucky_Luke out
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> shut upp lucky
[13:28] [Rw]addiction> O DAM
[13:28] EddieBR> shut up expression is no longer allowed.
[13:28] EddieBR> you'll be banned
[13:28] EddieBR> forever
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> kk sorry
[13:29] EddieBR> includign real life
[13:29] Lucky_Luke in
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> ??
[13:29] shogun> https://player.twitch.tv/?channel=poptb_spinnifix
[13:29] shogun> can any1 see it
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> na
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> glad i cant anyway
[13:29] shogun> or disconected?
[13:29] [Rw]addiction> his song choice is shit
[13:29] EddieBR> :D :D :D :D :D
[13:29] shogun> lol
[13:29] shogun> he listened to jhon newman once
[13:29] shogun> love me again
[13:29] shogun> i dont think thats crap lol
[13:29] EddieBR> omh LUKE
[13:30] EddieBR> stop xvideos right now
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> he listens to german rap
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> or something
[13:30] EddieBR> you cannot play pop like that
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> omg gd 1 eddie
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> lol
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> funny guy
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> remind me of keith181
[13:30] EddieBR> whats gd1?
[13:30] [Rw]addiction> Sub_Zero remembers keith181 well
[13:31] tushar in
[13:31] Fluschu in
[13:32] EddieBR> WE ARE tied
[13:32] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:32] EddieBR> where are u from?
[13:32] EddieBR> luke
[13:32] [Rw]addiction> he is from alaska
[13:32] EddieBR> kazakhstan???? land of BORAT
[13:33] Lucky_Luke> greatest country in the world
[13:33] EddieBR> i remember that. very funny
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> very naice
[13:33] Lucky_Luke> how much?
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> stfu
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> your luck has run out
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> prick
[13:33] EddieBR> ye, we need someone from europe
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> yo vhan my stream is working
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> for spin
[13:33] [Rw]addiction> urs not ?
[13:33] EddieBR> old continenet
[13:34] [Rw]addiction> contintineintienteintneit
[13:34] EddieBR> yes, that's what i meant
[13:34] shogun> nop?
[13:34] yoshi_TAS> +
[13:34] yoshi_TAS> 1
[13:34] [Rw]addiction> working for me
[13:34] [Rw]addiction> open in twitch
[13:34] skaarj_guardian in
[13:34] V4N0M> bad host
[13:34] EddieBR> one more here for flowers match
[13:35] yoshi_TAS> 150 ping
[13:35] yoshi_TAS> lol
[13:35] Un_Defeatable in
[13:35] EddieBR> complete now.
[13:35] EddieBR> go
[13:35] Lucky_Luke> what to do? this game gonna b laggy
[13:35] yoshi_TAS> v4nom dont moan about everything
[13:35] yoshi_TAS> gogo
[13:35] EddieBR> no problem, i got used with lag
[13:35] V4N0M> yoshi 500 ping
[13:35] yoshi_TAS> won with 560
[13:35] Lucky_Luke> cheater yoshi
[13:35] Lucky_Luke> turn it off
[13:35] tushar out
[13:35] V4N0M> yoshi_TAS - MapPack: Cheat Mode Differs
[13:36] EddieBR> yoshi, you are always a problem
[13:36] yoshi_TAS> ye disabled
[13:36] V4N0M> xD
[13:36] V4N0M> truw
[13:36] EddieBR> I got a new spell for you yoshi: LAG
[13:36] V4N0M> that exists
[13:36] [Rw]addiction> working vhan?
[13:36] [Rw]addiction> see you in chat room
[13:36] [Rw]addiction> on habbo
[13:36] shogun> not even there
[13:37] tushar in
[13:37] [Rw]addiction> ?
[13:37] HyEnergy in
[13:37] shogun> twitch not working either
[13:37] shogun> it doesnt matter where i go he appears disconected lol
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> cmon
[13:38] Lucky_Luke> all here
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> cr is crossed
[13:38] Lucky_Luke> rm
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> not tvb
[13:38] [SW]Maztodonte> whassaaaa
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> kicked
[13:38] Lucky_Luke> eddie go yell
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> poor idiot v4nom
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> noob 4 life
[13:38] tushar out
[13:38] EddieBR> poor vanom, anybody likes you
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> lucky host jere
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> here
[13:38] yoshi_TAS> 8
[13:39] [AsG]Sub_Zero> keith181
[13:39] [AsG]Sub_Zero> he was an older bloke right, i remember a moustache
[13:39] yoshi_TAS> v4nom seems me at start when id to complain about ally
[13:39] yoshi_TAS> lol
[13:39] [Rw]addiction> aye
[13:39] [Rw]addiction> a right weird guy too
[13:39] [AsG]Sub_Zero> yeah
[13:39] Lucky_Luke> i dont wanna get ppl 400 ping
[13:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> streaming offline again
[13:39] yoshi_TAS> nubmnir?
[13:40] yoshi_TAS> lucky
[13:40] yoshi_TAS> or cr fine
[13:40] yoshi_TAS> ez map
[13:40] [Rw]addiction> joined and left tdm a few times
[13:40] Lucky_Luke> wtf its unplayable
[13:40] [Rw]addiction> no idea why wally let him in
[13:40] EddieBR> go luke
[13:40] yoshi_TAS> i can
[13:40] yoshi_TAS> dw
[13:40] [Rw]addiction> cos he was a liability in game and out of game
[13:40] [SW]Maztodonte> ping
[13:40] [Rw]addiction> loose cannon
[13:40] [SW]Bianca in
[13:40] [Rw]addiction> back when clan were respected
[13:42] HyEnergy out
[13:42] LoveSkillz_TAS in
[13:43] Tecking out
[13:43] [Rw]addiction out
[13:44] [Rw]addiction in
[13:44] Luke_OP> Stfu add you know shit
[13:44] [Rw]addiction> yo Taity-mini
[13:44] [Rw]addiction> plz fix my laptop
[13:44] [Rw]addiction> cant play pop on it
[13:44] [Rw]addiction> stfu Luke you is nuthin but a spaniard
[13:45] [Rw]addiction> NUTTIN
[13:45] Tecking in
[13:45] Luke_OP> lmao what a supposedly insult
[13:45] Taity-mini> + host
[13:45] LoveSkillz_TAS out
[13:46] thoughtseize out
[13:46] denniOs in
[13:46] [Rw]addiction> rofl
[13:47] [Rw]addiction out
[13:48] shogun> fk all the "malagueños"
[13:49] Taity-mini> host
[13:49] bobbylala in
[13:49] Tecking out
[13:50] Tecking in
[13:51] thoughtseize in
[13:51] Tecking out
[13:51] [SR]Spark> fanzaah
[13:51] venetica in
[13:51] [SR]Spark> first i'll be jugger
[13:51] [SR]Spark> then u
[13:51] [SR]Spark> :P
[13:52] [SR]FanZaah> yes ok
[13:52] [SR]Spark> coz im tired as duck
[13:52] [SR]Spark> waiting for bianca whole day
[13:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> sounds desperate
[13:52] Ysarion out
[13:52] shogun> bianca is smokin weed with me
[13:52] [SR]Spark> yeah with people like u in mm
[13:52] denniOs> :)
[13:52] Ysarion in
[13:52] [SR]Spark> not much good players left to play with
[13:52] [SR]Spark> i was desperate
[13:52] Taity-mini> maps
[13:52] MiniBot_UK> Taity-mini: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[13:53] [SW]Bianca> what am i doing?
[13:53] [SW]Bianca> wtf
[13:53] Taity-mini> skir
[13:53] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
bobbylala - MapPack: OK
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Yellow (Watcher)
- Taity-mini: Blue
- bobbylala: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[13:53] [SW]Bianca> ok i better launch now
[13:53] V4N0M> freewin for spark
[13:53] [SW]Maztodonte out
[13:53] [SW]Bianca> wir spielen jugg unranked nur zur info
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[13:56] EddieBR> justice must be done for all
[13:56] EddieBR> it's my turn now
[13:56] Tecking in
[13:56] Lucky_Luke> i want to ally venom
[13:57] Lucky_Luke> if he wants too
[13:57] Strongest18 out
[13:57] EddieBR> but vanom is noob
[13:57] V4N0M> sure
[13:57] V4N0M> im very noob
[13:57] EddieBR> vanom come from sewers
[13:57] V4N0M> y
[13:57] EddieBR> he stinks egg
[13:57] V4N0M> oh how u know that
[13:57] Lucky_Luke> no he is new rising warrior\
[13:57] Lucky_Luke> so come here and face the justice
[13:57] V4N0M> eddie lives in pakistan knows how people smell in europe
[13:58] EddieBR> someone told me
[13:58] Lucky_Luke> we kill you easily
[13:58] EddieBR> i live 6000m high from sea level
[13:58] EddieBR> theres no air here
[13:58] Lucky_Luke> cmon join here
[13:58] Lucky_Luke> let yoshi come here dont kick anybody
[13:58] V4N0M> that explains what ur saying
[13:59] V4N0M> get some air at ur brain
[13:59] Lucky_Luke> 6000m? liar
[13:59] EddieBR> ye
[13:59] EddieBR> 6000 m
[13:59] Lucky_Luke> how?
[13:59] EddieBR> i'm from BOLIVIA
[13:59] Leviathan_OP out
[13:59] EddieBR> here we only have coca
[13:59] EddieBR> it's allowed
[13:59] Lucky_Luke> bolivia all i k 6000m under the sea height
[13:59] Lucky_Luke> too hot
[14:00] Tecking out
[14:00] Tecking in
[14:00] EddieBR> VANOM, do you host?
[14:00] V4N0M> no
[14:00] EddieBR> ho teached you that?
[14:00] EddieBR> owww
[14:00] EddieBR> you stink egg
[14:01] EddieBR> XD
[14:01] V4N0M> cool
[14:01] Luke_OP> lmfao
[14:01] Lucky_Luke> y everyone hate venom?
[14:01] V4N0M> idc lmao
[14:01] Lucky_Luke> whats story behind it?
[14:01] tushar in
[14:01] EddieBR> I like to bother vanom
[14:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella
[14:01] EddieBR> he comes from sewers and stinks egg
[14:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> id dome you
[14:01] Lucky_Luke> thats what you think
[14:01] EddieBR> but I like him. it's like abrother
[14:01] V4N0M> as if i care that random penisheads in the internet dont like me lol
[14:02] Tecking out
[14:02] V4N0M> u join eddie
[14:03] V4N0M> eddie opens browser 20 times for lags thats why he wants to host
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> lol
[14:03] V4N0M> jajaj
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> no hes far from
[14:03] EddieBR> ye, xvideos is always running here
[14:03] kaogao87 in
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> stfu
[14:03] V4N0M> u need it bro u need it
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> inca
[14:03] EddieBR> have you ever seen ALETTA OCEAN in google?
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> ban
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> porn matters
[14:03] kaogao87 in
[14:03] V4N0M> get some reallife friends eddie lmao
[14:03] EddieBR> when you see that, you'll do the same
[14:03] Lucky_Luke> shut up ffs
[14:04] kaogao87 out
[14:04] Lucky_Luke> many childs play in mm
[14:04] Lucky_Luke> ill report you
[14:04] V4N0M> xD
[14:04] yoshi_TAS out
[14:04] V4N0M> eddie is one of them
[14:04] Fluschu> tecking`?
[14:04] EddieBR> luke, you are funny. but you might have unluck sometimes
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ther
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> the
[14:04] V4N0M> wtf ur talking
[14:04] T-Rod> ggg
[14:04] EddieBR> luke, join here.
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ownage
[14:04] V4N0M> is real
[14:04] EddieBR> let's play
[14:04] T-Rod> weed
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni ur streram isnt working btw
[14:05] EddieBR> me and you against bad guys
[14:05] V4N0M> then join eddie
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> u basterd]
[14:05] T-Rod> did u change ur nhet allready?
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> fuck
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> rly murder?
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> it didnt fucking work?
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> i sweasr
[14:05] therapist> lemme plyyyyyyyyyy
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was mad
[14:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz im bored
[14:05] V4N0M> +2
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> is weed even here?
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> Yo
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> +1
[14:06] therapist> [16:05] therapist> lemme plyyyyyyyyyy
[14:06] therapist> and he asks
[14:06] therapist> is weed even here
[14:06] therapist> wow so dumb
[14:06] EddieBR> HAHAHAHA
[14:06] EddieBR> cmon, join
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk?
[14:06] Lucky_Luke> uuuu join
[14:06] BetaEnemy_Tas> haha
[14:06] therapist> before u said i was mad
[14:06] Lucky_Luke> wont join bad ping
[14:06] therapist> i said
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed go
[14:06] Lucky_Luke> sodifj owe09rfw0 fwpwefdfs sd
[14:06] therapist> lemme 0lyyyyyyyyy
[14:06] therapist> ¨map ??????????????
[14:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok i beleive u
[14:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go
[14:07] therapist> MAP????????
[14:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> learn fo ?
[14:07] shogun> ye spin
[14:07] therapist> lol
[14:07] shogun> u appear streaming
[14:07] therapist> stfu moores
[14:07] therapist> other map ??????????????????
[14:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> sess?
[14:07] shogun> but u seems disconnected
[14:07] therapist> ok
[14:07] T-Rod> weed
[14:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> make towqers thoe weed ffs
[14:07] T-Rod> pp me and spin
[14:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> LOL
[14:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> trod
[14:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do you rly think
[14:07] Tecking in
[14:07] therapist> ^
[14:07] therapist> ^^^^^^^^^^^
[14:08] therapist> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[14:08] therapist> yueah t rod
[14:08] therapist> do u rly think
[14:08] EddieBR> LUKE, have you already tried coca leaves?
[14:08] EddieBR> there are so many here in bolivia
[14:08] kaogao87 in
[14:09] kaogao87 out
[14:09] morta in
[14:09] tushar out
[14:09] EddieBR> hello morta
[14:10] EddieBR> nice to see you
[14:10] [SR]FanZaah> GG
[14:10] [SR]Spark> gg
[14:10] [SW]Bianca> gg
[14:10] Fluschu> tecking?
[14:10] shogun in
[14:10] EddieBR> did you see that?
[14:10] [SR]Spark> ok now my turn
[14:11] V4N0M> why dont u joined
[14:11] Lucky_Luke> retards
[14:11] [SR]Spark> no 2v2 now
[14:11] Lucky_Luke> no1 likes us
[14:11] [SR]Spark> morta
[14:11] [SR]Spark> venetica spot
[14:11] EddieBR> luke, you are so nervous
[14:11] EddieBR> don't be like that or you might not reach 50 age
[14:12] EddieBR> heart attack
[14:12] [SR]Spark> ok +1
[14:12] [SR]Spark> xD
[14:12] shogun out
[14:12] [SR]Spark> dennios join again?
[14:12] [SR]Spark> lets gooo
[14:13] EddieBR out
[14:13] andymcleanwales out
[14:13] Lucky_Luke> i want play with my gf
[14:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh shit
[14:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> BOCKWURSTLAUNE
[14:14] thoughtseize> hahaha
[14:14] thoughtseize> hi
[14:14] V4N0M> bockwurstlaune
[14:15] [SR]Spark> sec call
[14:15] V4N0M> den name kenn ich doch irgendwoher
[14:15] aliverdi1023 in
[14:16] kaogao87 in
[14:16] Der_Steppenwolf in
[14:17] V4N0M> luke host
[14:17] V4N0M> try it
[14:17] kaogao87 out
[14:17] kaogao87 in
[14:17] [SR]Spark> +1
[14:17] V4N0M> lol
[14:17] shogun out
[14:18] V4N0M> ok luke nvm
[14:18] V4N0M> :D
[14:18] Lucky_Luke> u had ping venom
[14:18] [SR]Spark> +1 we waiting
[14:18] [SR]Spark> morta join?
[14:18] Lucky_Luke> same to us
[14:18] Lucky_Luke> morta decide a hut
[14:18] [SR]Spark> xD
[14:18] Bastianignacioo in
[14:19] Lucky_Luke> join here we pay you 1 dolla
[14:19] [SR]Spark> lies
[14:19] shogun in
[14:19] [SR]Spark> LOL
[14:19] Lucky_Luke> just give us your card number
[14:19] Lucky_Luke> venom dont likes sess
[14:19] [SR]Spark> v4nom too pro
[14:19] Lucky_Luke> anyway
[14:19] [SR]Spark> xD
[14:20] Adena_OP in
[14:22] Lucky_Luke> do port test close firewall do forward ports all ppl
[14:22] tristan- in
[14:24] Bastianignacioo out
[14:24] [GoD]Genkidama in
[14:24] tristan- out
[14:24] andymcleanwales in
[14:25] Lucky_Luke> seems venetica cant host you
[14:25] tristan- in
[14:25] tristan- out
[14:26] kaogao87 out
[14:26] [GoD]I_might_suicide in
[14:26] tristan- in
[14:27] minder118 in
[14:28] Un_Defeatable out
[14:29] kaogao87 out
[14:29] BetaEnemy_Tas> :>
[14:30] BetaEnemy_Tas out
[14:31] BetaEnemy_Tas in
[14:31] andymcleanwales out
[14:33] V4N0M> ggg
[14:33] [SR]Spark> gg
[14:33] V4N0M> didnt played this map long time
[14:33] [SR]Spark> lets rematch
[14:33] V4N0M out
[14:33] V4N0M in
[14:33] [SR]FanZaah> i wanna go for smoke
[14:33] [SR]Spark> cmon
[14:33] [SR]Spark> go after this game
[14:33] [SW]AlphaEnemy out
[14:33] [SR]Spark> no idea why the blasts wudnt work as intended
[14:34] morta out
[14:34] morta in
[14:35] kaogao87 in
[14:36] V4N0M> +1
[14:36] Der_Steppenwolf out
[14:36] V4N0M> sess
[14:38] [Rw]addiction in
[14:38] V4N0M> lol i typed 123 as password and it was right
[14:38] [Rw]addiction> lol
[14:38] V4N0M> xD
[14:38] V4N0M> come in all 123
[14:38] kaogao87> XD
[14:38] kaogao87> sorry guys
[14:39] V4N0M> hahah
[14:39] kaogao87> im still testing stuff
Game results submitted.
[14:40] Taity-mini out
[14:40] Taity-mini in
[14:41] Taity-mini out
[14:41] Taity-mini in
[14:42] [Rw]addiction out
[14:42] bobbylala out
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[14:44] BetaEnemy_Tas> tsu :D
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> mam mam :)))
[14:44] [SW]Arbrim in
[14:44] [SW]Arbrim> halihalo
[14:45] [SW]Arbrim out
[14:45] [SW]Arbrim in
[14:45] Taity-mini out
[14:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[14:45] [SW]Arbrim> Jamsiiin
[14:45] [SW]Arbrim> Jasmin?
[14:45] BetaEnemy_Tas> brb :o
[14:45] Apocalypsis_TAS> i see :o
[14:46] Dough_nut in
[14:46] [SW]Arbrim> +3
[14:47] [SW]Arbrim> +hpst
[14:47] [SW]Arbrim> host
[14:47] a222025115 in
[14:50] kaogao87 out
[14:50] kaogao87 in
[14:50] The_God_Destroyer in
[14:51] a222025115> da
[14:51] a222025115> asdf
[14:52] Dough_nut> +1
[14:52] playbuddmansion in
[14:53] Tecking out
[14:53] Tecking in
[14:54] morta out
[14:54] [SW]Arbrim> +1111
[14:54] [SW]Arbrim> fucking 1
[14:54] a222025115 out
[14:55] The_God_Destroyer out
[14:56] V4N0M> wtf happened
[14:56] V4N0M> minder??
[14:56] [SR]FanZaah> He quit
[14:56] V4N0M> omg
[14:56] V4N0M> i have waiting for network players
[14:56] [SR]FanZaah> such annyoing right?
[14:56] V4N0M> fcking idiot just finish normally my games bugs now
[14:57] ethanwalton in
[14:57] ethanwalton out
[14:57] V4N0M> Lagged out
[14:57] V4N0M> minder lags people out if he loses
[14:57] V4N0M> pussy
[14:58] V4N0M> never play again under youre host
[14:58] minder118 out
[15:00] a222025115 in
[15:02] BeastIncarnate in
[15:03] [Rw]addiction in
[15:03] [Rw]addiction out
[15:04] BeastIncarnate> Hewlo people?
[15:04] a222025115> hi
[15:04] BeastIncarnate> How are you?
[15:05] Cauezin in
[15:05] a222025115> great :)
[15:05] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[15:05] a222025115> you?
[15:05] BeastIncarnate> Stressed and sad
[15:05] kaogao87> me too
[15:05] BeastIncarnate> yesterday someone sad i have a badluck with girls
[15:05] BeastIncarnate> but reality is i dont really talk to them
[15:06] BeastIncarnate> and i dont even like em, what brings your interests in them?
[15:06] BeastIncarnate> said'
[15:06] Cauezin out
[15:06] therapist> moores thought
[15:06] therapist> we would lose
[15:06] therapist> lollololololol
[15:07] [SW]Bianca> gg
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was almost cewrtrain allyed to you weed
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> certain#
[15:07] therapist> stfu bastard
[15:07] Lucky_Luke> gg
[15:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> but i can carry sometyyimes
[15:07] BeastIncarnate> sometimes'
[15:09] shogun out
[15:12] Fluschu> oh no .8
[15:12] Fluschu> :(
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> Fluschu
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> oh my boy <3
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> Hi there!
[15:12] Fluschu> hey
[15:12] BeastIncarnate> How'r you man?
[15:12] kaogao87 out
[15:13] a222025115 out
[15:13] Fluschu> pretty fine I guess-- my game just crashed, could have been my first win
[15:13] BeastIncarnate> Tecking sorry homie for yesterday.
[15:13] BeastIncarnate> i was just angry about all these fake drama girls and stuff
[15:13] BeastIncarnate> host
[15:14] [GoD]Genkidama> i really dont know what beastincarnate is doing here
[15:14] [GoD]Genkidama> hes a bad player
[15:14] [GoD]Genkidama> he shud quit this game
[15:14] BeastIncarnate> damn the opinion is unreal
[15:15] [GoD]Genkidama> but nvm i m just hinking
[15:15] BeastIncarnate> ofc i should quit
[15:15] BeastIncarnate> can't stand players like you
[15:15] [GoD]Genkidama> :O
[15:15] BeastIncarnate> launch
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Fluschu - MapPack: OK
BeastIncarnate - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- BeastIncarnate: Red
- Fluschu: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[15:16] V4N0M> crashed
[15:16] V4N0M> wow
Game successfully created in database.
[15:16] V4N0M> no wonder when u turn on preists
[15:16] playbuddmansion out
[15:17] Kyactus_Cactuar in
Game successfully checked in.
[15:20] BeastIncarnate> priest has no actual relation with the game being crashed
[15:21] Tecking out
[15:22] therapist out
[15:22] kururusapiens in
[15:22] Ysarion out
[15:22] Ysarion in
[15:24] Lucky_Luke> bobbylala
[15:24] Lucky_Luke> sec i go pee
[15:24] Lucky_Luke> u launch
[15:25] Sam_Tas in
[15:25] BetaEnemy_Tas> sammy :)
[15:25] Left_nut out
[15:26] Left_nut in
[15:26] tristan- out
[15:27] [GoD]Genkidama> +2
[15:29] Sam_Tas out
[15:34] [GoD]Genkidama> luke,matt,rod join
[15:34] [AsG]Warbeast out
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> +1
[15:35] Der_Steppenwolf in
[15:35] [GoD]Genkidama> + left nut
[15:36] Adena_OP> lol
[15:36] [TDM]Delax in
[15:36] [SW]Diablo in
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> delax join?
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> [17:37] [SW]Arbrim> [TDM]Delax: come pwn some fake ranks
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> :P
[15:37] Arcayno in
[15:37] Arcayno out
[15:38] Sam_Tas in
[15:38] [TDM]Delax out
[15:38] [GoD]Genkidama> u mean im supposed to be shaman+ and bock priest?
[15:39] [SW]Arbrim> any1 wants some biliard
[15:39] [SW]Arbrim> in gamezer?
[15:39] [SW]Arbrim> haahhaha
[15:39] [SW]Arbrim> yea sth like that genki :d
[15:39] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha <3
[15:40] [SW]Diablo out
[15:41] [SR]FanZaah> they rebuilded really nicely
[15:42] aliverdi1023 out
[15:45] thoughtseize out
[15:45] fireman323 out
[15:50] kolezanka7 in
[15:52] BeastIncarnate> GG dude
Game results submitted.
[15:53] Fluschu> well played
[15:53] BeastIncarnate> that was one Uber game
[15:54] Sam_Tas in
[15:54] denniOs out
[15:54] Sam_Tas out
[15:55] kururusapiens out
[15:56] Lucky_Luke> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[15:56] Tecking in
[15:56] Tecking out
[15:57] kururusapiens in
[15:57] Tecking in
[15:59] Lucky_Luke> join ven
[15:59] Lucky_Luke> i revenge u 2
[15:59] Lucky_Luke> in sess
[15:59] [SR]FanZaah out
[16:00] Lucky_Luke> +2 fast game plz
[16:00] Lucky_Luke> wait for venetica
[16:00] Lucky_Luke> 2min
[16:01] Lucky_Luke> wait for vene
[16:01] Lucky_Luke> 1min
[16:03] Lucky_Luke> now im maaaaaaad
[16:03] Lucky_Luke> go
[16:03] [SW]Bianca> lol ok
[16:07] abc in
[16:08] elementor5 in
[16:08] elementor5 out
[16:14] [GoD]Genkidama> hi
[16:14] MiniBot_UK> [GoD]Genkidama: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[16:14] [GoD]Genkidama> host
[16:14] [GoD]Genkidama> pp
[16:14] Sam_Tas in
[16:15] pointtarget in
[16:15] pointtarget out
[16:15] [GoD]Genkidama> +1 unrnaked
[16:15] [GoD]Genkidama> i also train
[16:15] [GoD]Genkidama> join for free no registratoin requierd
[16:16] V4N0M> +3
[16:17] BeastIncarnate out
[16:17] [GoD]Genkidama> +2
[16:17] shogun in
[16:18] [AsG]Warbeast in
[16:18] [GoD]Genkidama> beasty hop in
[16:19] therapist in
[16:19] Sam_Tas out
[16:20] shogun out
[16:21] Shogun in
[16:21] Sucukluyumurta in
[16:22] elementor5 in
[16:22] elementor5 out
[16:22] ThiiaGoKra in
[16:22] ThiiaGoKra out
[16:23] [SW]AlphaEnemy in
[16:25] Un_Defeatable in
[16:26] [GoD]Genkidama> alpha wie gehts dinem fuß
[16:28] Obduction in
[16:29] redneckenglishman in
[16:30] [Rw]addiction in
[16:30] [SW]AlphaEnemy> besser
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> verfärbung fast weg
[16:31] [Rw]addiction out
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> bluterguss auch weg
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> danke der nachfrage
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> willlste bild sehen
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[16:31] [SW]AlphaEnemy> also wie es war
[16:33] elementor5 in
[16:33] elementor5 out
[16:33] redneckenglishman out
[16:34] [GoD]Genkidama> klar
[16:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> auf dem foto siehts nur halb so wild aus
[16:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ffs
[16:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dann ned
[16:34] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dachte sieht brachialisch aus
[16:35] [SW]Maztodonte in
[16:35] Dodget in
[16:36] [SW]AlphaEnemy> brb essen
[16:37] redneckenglishman in
[16:39] Shao_OP in
[16:40] redneckenglishman out
[16:40] Shao_OP> Hentai
[16:41] Fluschu out
[16:43] [SW]Arbrim in
[16:43] [Tsi]ThePrime in
[16:43] minder118 in
[16:43] Dodget out
[16:44] Tecking> Are you really waiting me to host?
[16:47] [SW]Arbrim out
[16:47] Tecking out
[16:47] Tecking in
[16:48] V4N0M> join?
[16:48] V4N0M> warri and shaman vs 2 warri
[16:48] V4N0M> k
[16:49] V4N0M> tecking stop trying be event manager
[16:50] Sucukluyumurta out
[16:50] Sucukluyumurta in
[16:51] Un_Defeatable out
[16:52] [GoD]I_might_suicide> https://gyazo.com/1e08fca650a60a0c6b3318584e4f5e92
[16:56] Sam_Tas in
[16:56] [SW]Arbrim> http://www.gamezer.com/en/game
[16:58] V4N0M out
[16:59] [tdm]Mooresy in
[17:00] [tdm]Mooresy> sheeit am a preist
[17:01] [tdm]Mooresy> joinjoinjoinjoin
[17:01] Tecking> u fell so much ranked
[17:01] Sam_Tas out
[17:01] [tdm]Mooresy> ya damn right n i need to brutally sabage a fellow pop player for there points
[17:01] [tdm]Mooresy> savage
[17:02] [tdm]Mooresy> brutally being the operative word :D
[17:02] tristan- in
[17:02] Tecking> ^^
[17:02] Tecking> if I join, you'll slap me
[17:02] [tdm]Mooresy> join?
[17:02] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha nah im rusty af
[17:02] [tdm]Mooresy> played yesterday clicked the ? icon next to my sham so many times cost me bigtime
[17:03] [Rw]Exotic in
[17:03] Tecking> haha, precision is the clue in this game
[17:04] Tecking> let's do a 2v1 no?
[17:04] [tdm]Mooresy> can do
[17:04] [tdm]Mooresy> yh hand eye skill is big it goes hand in hand with decision making aswell on this game
[17:05] [tdm]Mooresy> u new to pop tecking?
[17:05] skaarj_guardian out
[17:05] Tecking> I was playing 10 years ago.
[17:05] Ysarion> you need help slapping that priest down to warrior ranks tecking?
[17:06] Tecking> yeah, let's try
[17:06] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaha u pair of sausage meiters lets avit! :D
[17:06] [tdm]Mooresy> meisters****
[17:06] Tecking> ready
[17:06] Ysarion> go
[17:06] [tdm]Mooresy> nrly just throwin a rapid joint together
[17:06] [SW]WestSide in
[17:08] Shao_OP> hentai
[17:09] [SW]Diablo in
[17:09] BeastIncarnate in
[17:09] [SW]Maztodonte out
[17:09] kururusapiens out
[17:09] Sam_Tas in
[17:10] Tecking out
[17:10] Tecking in
[17:11] [tdm]Mooresy> wow my pings fucked
[17:11] [tdm]Mooresy> someones hackin the shit outta meh
[17:11] Ysarion> yeah seems bad
[17:11] [tdm]Mooresy> 1 seci need to see whats goin on
[17:11] Ysarion> sure take your time
[17:12] Tecking> try to host same map
[17:12] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/ca6e1cbbe6389889cabc90dc49ffff0f.png
[17:12] Tecking> hi westside
[17:12] [SW]WestSide> hi
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk man
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> i dont get it
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> ping 550
[17:13] [SW]WestSide> adam
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> no bytes received on my adaptor
[17:13] [SW]WestSide> go to your wifi page
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> router not busy
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> wghripughrigfuphfgih
[17:13] [SW]WestSide> and look if theres anything connected
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> i got it locked up
[17:13] Ysarion> maybe reset the router anyway?
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> yh lemme double check it tho
[17:13] [tdm]Mooresy> sec pls
[17:14] [tdm]Mooresy> p4p3rs0und> good to see u playing with ur own rank
[17:14] [tdm]Mooresy> warm words of encourage from my fellow peers, cheers guys
[17:14] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaha paper u mup
[17:15] p4p3rs0und> lol
[17:15] Sam_Tas out
[17:15] [SR]Spark> paper got good in just 4-5 months
[17:15] [tdm]Mooresy> summet up with my router
[17:15] [tdm]Mooresy> keeps dropping connection interimittently
[17:15] [SR]Spark> thats an achievment
[17:15] [tdm]Mooresy> brb
[17:15] [SW]WestSide> hey i also got good in that time
[17:15] Tecking> fck
[17:15] [SR]Spark> guy deserves a cookie
[17:15] p4p3rs0und> im not good lol
[17:15] [SW]WestSide> wheres my cookie??
[17:15] [SR]Spark> BABO is best
[17:15] [SR]Spark> he deserves whole factory of bacon
[17:16] [SR]Spark> :D
[17:16] [SW]WestSide> omg
[17:16] [SW]WestSide> yes pls
[17:16] [SW]WestSide> bacon <3
[17:16] [SR]Spark> b -> babo, b-> best, b-> bacon
[17:16] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin bastards
[17:16] [tdm]Mooresy> cant get my head round it
[17:16] Tecking> what if he's musulman?
[17:16] [SR]Spark> damn the connection is real
[17:16] [tdm]Mooresy> someones watchin meh or summet
[17:16] [tdm]Mooresy> FU
[17:16] [SW]Diablo in
[17:16] [tdm]Mooresy> cant get my head round this one
[17:17] [tdm]Mooresy> bbrbrb
[17:17] [tdm]Mooresy out
[17:17] [SR]Spark> no i dont think babo is musalman
[17:18] [SR]Spark> his ping is great
[17:19] aliverdi1023 in
[17:19] [SW]WestSide> lul
[17:19] Tecking> his ping was 500
[17:19] [SR]Spark> really?
[17:19] [SW]WestSide> lets play a game :>
[17:19] [tdm]Mooresy in
[17:19] [SR]Spark> bet hes watchin porno then
[17:19] [SR]Spark> 4k
[17:20] Obduction out
[17:20] [SW]Diablo out
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> thx for ur spot adam
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> means a lot to me
[17:20] Dough_nut> lol babo
[17:20] Tecking> earg, Ysarion?
[17:20] Dough_nut> what are you doing in that hut
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> i wanna play
[17:20] [tdm]Mooresy> go for it bruddah
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> WOTAFAK
[17:20] [tdm]Mooresy> sweet
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> PRIK
[17:20] Ysarion> nah we were waiting fo ryou
[17:20] [tdm]Mooresy> its workin ok i think
[17:20] Dough_nut> get what you deserve
[17:20] [SW]WestSide> FU
[17:20] [tdm]Mooresy> very gentlemanly of you guys
[17:20] Tecking> westside, ask to ysarion
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> see dildo baggle u could learn summet from these guys
[17:21] [SW]WestSide> stfu
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> deffo nout about pop but poss some other shit
[17:21] [SW]WestSide> suck a fatten
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahhaha
[17:21] Ysarion> all rdy guys?
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> u mug
[17:21] Tecking> haaaaaaaa, better
[17:21] [SW]WestSide> hahahaha
[17:21] Dough_nut> no way
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> yes i
[17:21] [tdm]Mooresy> 18 ping
[17:21] [SW]WestSide> johan look at it https://i.gyazo.com/ca6e1cbbe6389889cabc90dc49ffff0f.png
[17:21] Dough_nut> wow
[17:21] Dough_nut> wow babo
[17:22] Dough_nut> that's a very pretty
[17:22] Dough_nut> work of art
[17:22] [SW]WestSide> aint it a beauty?
[17:22] Dough_nut> it's so beautiful
[17:22] Dough_nut> who made this
[17:22] [SW]WestSide> me n spin
[17:22] Dough_nut> they deserve a nice award
[17:23] Tecking out
[17:23] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/b00de901d73a9e3fbc74c74e494cc64a.png
[17:23] [SW]WestSide> owned
[17:23] Dough_nut> lel
[17:24] Lucky_Luke> gg
[17:24] [SR]Spark> that sign is called swastik
[17:24] [SW]WestSide> https://i.gyazo.com/936d6bb41137a95d14c7919a2fd2edf6.png
[17:24] [SW]Bianca> gg
[17:24] [SW]WestSide> pro towers
[17:24] [SW]WestSide> cherokee look
[17:24] Lucky_Luke> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=353051 look guys 75 min 2v1
[17:24] [SW]WestSide> at that pic
[17:24] Lucky_Luke> u look i stand 75 min
[17:24] Lucky_Luke> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=353051
[17:24] [GoD]I_might_suicide> ' https://gyazo.com/1e08fca650a60a0c6b3318584e4f5e92
[17:24] [SW]Bianca> be proud
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> lol cheater
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers ghosty towers
[17:25] [SW]Bianca> crazy guy
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> im proud sure
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> 75min
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> bianca hahaha
[17:25] [SR]Spark> how can u be proud
[17:25] [SR]Spark> of a sess game
[17:25] [SR]Spark> ?
[17:25] Lucky_Luke> 75min 2v1
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> cuz it was 2v1 on her host
[17:26] Dough_nut> wow venetica is pro now
[17:26] [SR]Spark> 2v1?
[17:26] [SR]Spark> on sess?
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> uap
[17:26] [SR]Spark> lmfao who plays shit like that
[17:26] [SR]Spark> well done bro
[17:26] [SR]Spark> xD
[17:26] [SW]Bianca> lmao
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> well she side me
[17:26] [SW]WestSide> [19:26] Dough_nut> wow venetica is pro now
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> only way to defeat
[17:26] [SW]WestSide> lol
[17:26] [SR]Spark> side door on sess?
[17:26] [SR]Spark> WTF
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> venetica is good anyway
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> it was gg
[17:26] aliverdi1023> +1 un rank for fun
[17:26] [Rw]addiction in
[17:26] Lucky_Luke> i enjoyed so much
[17:27] [SW]Bianca> yes we saw that
[17:27] [SW]Bianca> lmao
[17:27] Dough_nut> +1 ranked no fun
[17:27] Lucky_Luke> well bianca if i had a spy ally (lol) i could defeat u
[17:27] aliverdi1023> +1
[17:27] [Rw]addiction out
[17:27] [SW]Bianca> i have no doubt
[17:27] Lucky_Luke> gg anyway
[17:27] [SW]WestSide> LOSBLASTSHURE
[17:28] [SW]WestSide> du hund
[17:28] Kyactus_Cactuar> hey, what?
[17:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> gib mir 10 min
[17:28] [SW]AlphaEnemy> dann ok
[17:28] Tecking in
[17:28] Lucky_Luke> Enemy Shaman Kills:39 lol
[17:28] [SW]WestSide> johan go 1v1
[17:28] [SR]Spark> why not just use nick Cactus?
[17:28] Kyactus_Cactuar> lol
[17:29] Lucky_Luke> lol venetica pops 63 in 32:00
[17:29] [GoD]Genkidama in
[17:31] Sucukluyumurta> GGSSS
[17:31] [SW]Maztodonte in
[17:31] Sucukluyumurta out
[17:31] Sucukluyumurta in
[17:32] aliverdi1023 out
[17:33] Dough_nut> +1
[17:33] [SW]Arbrim> isnt adena playing?
[17:33] Sucukluyumurta> idk
[17:33] Sucukluyumurta> +1
[17:33] [SW]Arbrim> if he wants come back i leave hut
[17:33] Sucukluyumurta> whitch map we playin?
[17:33] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha i left my bag somehwere
[17:33] [SW]Arbrim> in order to take it back later
[17:34] [SW]Arbrim> and the owner said? what do u have ont it (with sarcasm)
[17:34] Sucukluyumurta> arbimm
[17:34] Sucukluyumurta> pop working now?
[17:34] Sucukluyumurta> :
[17:34] [SW]Arbrim> any bomb or
[17:34] Sucukluyumurta> :D
[17:34] [SW]Arbrim> i told him and i said, im not wanting to go in heaven yet :P
[17:34] Sucukluyumurta> lol
[17:34] [SW]Arbrim> his answer, why in that way people go in heaven :o?
[17:34] [SW]Arbrim> i said: they think so HAHAHAHHAHA
[17:35] Sucukluyumurta out
[17:36] thelegend1 in
[17:36] thelegend1 out
[17:36] thelegend1 in
[17:36] Lucky_Luke> Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39% Match Quality: 39%
[17:36] [SW]WestSide> why u guys always quitting
[17:36] [GoD]Genkidama out
[17:36] thelegend1 out
[17:36] Lucky_Luke> sam?
[17:36] [SW]WestSide> :<
[17:36] [SW]WestSide> fuck sam
[17:36] Lucky_Luke> babo quitter
[17:36] Sam_Tas> :(
[17:36] Lucky_Luke> fu u
[17:37] [SW]WestSide> sam once blasted all my pop
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> aha ok
[17:37] [SW]WestSide> and i blocked him for 3months
[17:37] [SW]WestSide> lol
[17:37] Lucky_Luke> ill make ur walls in 2weeks
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> dont steal my wildies
[17:37] Lucky_Luke> its about 138 parts
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> in jugger
[17:37] Sam_Tas> really
[17:37] Lucky_Luke> u fuking nigga
[17:37] Sam_Tas> :o
[17:37] Lucky_Luke> ill block u 4ever
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> or ill activate cheats
[17:38] [SW]Maztodonte out
[17:40] V4N0M in
[17:40] Haru in
[17:42] V4N0M> 10 warriors online
[17:42] V4N0M> 0 playing
[17:42] Adena_OP> ..
[17:42] [SW]Arbrim> ive got some shitty brain too
[17:42] [SW]WestSide> wtf
[17:42] [SW]Arbrim> but i dont use it
[17:43] Dough_nut> easy win
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> WTF
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[17:43] Adena_OP> lol
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> W T F
[17:43] Dough_nut> you owe me points arbrim
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> man they were building a hut
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> and u fucking blasted them
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> not fucking fair
[17:43] Dough_nut> actually I killed them
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> why
[17:43] Dough_nut> with a warrior
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> i wanted to eq your fw hut
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> how why bro?
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> fasted way to get there
[17:43] Lucky_Luke> inca?
[17:43] Lucky_Luke> ban babo
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> yea but none of them was harrasing you
[17:43] Dough_nut> no
[17:43] Dough_nut> arbrim I killed them
[17:43] Dough_nut> with 1 warrior
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> and u were not risked by any of my fw
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> they could
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> coz ihad no one
[17:43] [SW]Arbrim> yea ok rm?
[17:43] [SW]WestSide> na fuck off
[17:43] Dough_nut> tf
[17:43] Dough_nut> lol
[17:43] Adena_OP> loll
[17:44] [SW]Arbrim> +2
[17:44] Dough_nut> I use a nice strat and arbrim quits
[17:44] Dough_nut> great
[17:44] Dough_nut> pos
[17:44] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha
[17:44] [SW]Arbrim> id be different as i would care of points
[17:44] [SW]Arbrim> :D
[17:44] Dough_nut> inca remove rush rule pls
[17:44] Dough_nut> ppl like arbrim are hindering my progress
[17:44] [SW]WestSide> wow man
[17:44] Un_Defeatable in
[17:44] Lucky_Luke> u can block him
[17:44] Lucky_Luke> idiot
[17:44] aliverdi1023 in
[17:45] Lucky_Luke> like i did on babo
[17:45] [SW]WestSide> ok i block you cherokee
[17:45] [SW]WestSide> faggut
[17:45] Lucky_Luke> he talks so much in lobby
[17:45] [SW]Arbrim> is doughnut cherokkee :D?
[17:45] Lucky_Luke> however i like him
[17:45] [SW]Arbrim> lol i wrote him some days b4 LD
[17:45] Lucky_Luke> some times he needs to b raped
[17:45] [SW]Arbrim> but i forgot hes cherokee :D hoho
[17:45] [SW]Arbrim> if he is :D
[17:46] V4N0M> arbrim host or adena
[17:46] [Rw]Exotic out
[17:47] Hasta_Cuando in
[17:47] Un_Defeatable in
[17:47] Fluschu in
[17:47] [SR]Spark out
[17:48] Un_Defeatable out
[17:48] V4N0M> abc no ping
[17:48] [SW]Arbrim> +2
[17:49] [Rw]Exotic in
[17:49] V4N0M> +2
[17:49] V4N0M out
[17:49] Dough_nut> no I'm not cherokee
[17:49] Dough_nut> lmao
[17:50] V4N0M in
[17:50] Lucky_Luke> Sw shittiest clan ever
[17:50] [GoD]pit63 in
[17:50] V4N0M out
[17:50] V4N0M in
[17:50] Lucky_Luke> inca? accept me in nashua
[17:50] [SW]Arbrim> ;o
[17:51] Lucky_Luke> if u dont ill share ur jerk tape alone behind pc
[17:51] Lucky_Luke> i hacked u yesterday via webcam
[17:51] V4N0M> k
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> Can u just tell me his real name?
[17:51] Lucky_Luke> guys? i wanna say fu u all u all go hell n i give u cold water from heaven
[17:51] BeastIncarnate> if u have enough balls to do that?
[17:51] Lucky_Luke> his real name is mr fu all pakis
[17:51] Lucky_Luke> later bro
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> aww
[17:52] Lucky_Luke> go wash urself
[17:52] Lucky_Luke> bb
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> just knew it this guy has no balls
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> ofc
[17:52] V4N0M> lel
[17:52] V4N0M> mad
[17:52] Lucky_Luke> ye ur mom swallow both the balls
[17:52] [Rw]addiction in
[17:52] V4N0M> maad
[17:52] Lucky_Luke> ^^
[17:52] [Rw]addiction out
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> Matt has something to say about your old ass insult from back 1950's
[17:52] BeastIncarnate> thinking its cool and stuff
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> but grow up dude come up with anything better than that
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> 1950? the year we both raped ur mom?
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> go tell sub zero
[17:53] V4N0M> omg
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> he likes porn matters
[17:53] Kyactus_Cactuar> What's up Lucky Luke?
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> well lets go back till that years
[17:53] V4N0M> kid figt
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> fuked up
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> thats actually 4 times before you were even born
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> pretty well
[17:53] Lucky_Luke> mr kaktus
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> damn dude you live in fantasis
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> even u r 23 or something
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> but still talk so immoral
[17:53] BeastIncarnate> lmfao
[17:54] Lucky_Luke> who care ages
[17:54] Lucky_Luke> penis talks
[17:54] Shogun> BeastIncarnate> just knew it this guy has no balls
[17:54] Shogun> Lucky_Luke> ye ur mom swallow both the balls
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> they surely do but no balls have nothing to talk about
[17:54] Lucky_Luke> 12 inch phat boy :)
[17:54] Shogun> well he got u hard there dude
[17:54] Shogun> :>
[17:54] BeastIncarnate> Shogun
[17:54] Lucky_Luke> no balls no balls
[17:54] Lucky_Luke> he learnt some words
[17:54] Tecking out
[17:54] Tecking in
[17:55] Tecking out
[17:55] Kyactus_Cactuar> He's gone
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> how low could a mental level drops when you flame bad ass shit on Inca and actually have not enough dare to post his real name
[17:55] BeastIncarnate> lmfao
[17:55] Lucky_Luke> kaktus u had those girsl very well
[17:55] Lucky_Luke> but i order them to kill u
[17:55] Lucky_Luke> :D
[17:55] Shogun> ...... what ?
[17:55] Shogun> this guy must be from other world.. i dont get wtf hes saying. lel
[17:55] Lucky_Luke> hey paki? idc even his name or ur name
[17:56] Kyactus_Cactuar> ????
[17:56] Lucky_Luke> u both can go kive in my asshole
[17:56] BeastIncarnate> Well i've enough to get in British council but this is interesting that Iran doesn't even have British council workin in it
[17:56] BeastIncarnate> aww sad
[17:56] aliverdi1023 out
[17:56] Lucky_Luke> kaktus pre game
[17:56] Lucky_Luke> u were so amazing
[17:56] Lucky_Luke> thank you so much
[17:57] Lucky_Luke> u stand well with pile of trees
[17:57] BeastIncarnate> Shogun
[17:57] [SW]Arbrim> shahyy <3
[17:57] [SW]Arbrim> how are you mate
[17:57] Shogun> ssshhh
[17:57] Shogun> kids.
[17:57] BeastIncarnate> let me rephrase that for you, never let your mentality so down when u are all about flaming words
[17:57] BeastIncarnate> I am Good arbrim how are you?
[17:58] BeastIncarnate> Fuck i think i am high
[17:58] BeastIncarnate> can't even rephrase that shit lmfao
[17:58] Shogun> ur lines make no sense to me soz :>
[17:58] BeastIncarnate> ofc they dont, because i just messed up there
[17:58] BeastIncarnate> it actually doesnt makes sense to me either what i want to say is dont flame words when u have not enough will to do it
[17:59] BeastIncarnate> i see arbrim u r losing again
[17:59] Shogun> dude either learn english.. or just quit pop i still dont get ur point at all rofl
[17:59] Lucky_Luke> fellas i wanna say u all can eat up my shit even lick my butthole, even babo. he likes sperms as nicis do. except sam and venetica u all fuking morons and homos
[17:59] Lucky_Luke> bunch of faggots
[17:59] Lucky_Luke> cya
[18:00] [SW]Bianca out
[18:00] BeastIncarnate> ^ RIP
[18:00] BeastIncarnate> and well shogun now you are exagerating tho
[18:00] [tdm]Mooresy> lucky luke your enthusiasm for life is mind blowing
[18:00] Der_Steppenwolf> so much love here -.-
[18:00] Der_Steppenwolf> -___-
[18:00] Sucukluyumurta in
[18:01] [tdm]Mooresy> tht was a funny sentance tho gotta say XD
[18:01] V4N0M> wd
[18:01] Sucukluyumurta> wtf mm is fucjkedup again.,
[18:01] Sucukluyumurta> keeps saying mm is open wile i dontsee annyting...
[18:01] [tdm]Mooresy> anyone streamin?
[18:01] Shogun> use task manager Sucu u damn narb
[18:02] Shogun> and close pop cos it must be running somewhere in ur pc
[18:02] Adena_OP out
[18:02] Sucukluyumurta> shogun
[18:02] Sucukluyumurta> i didint say annything to you you ape
[18:02] Sucukluyumurta> stfu
[18:02] Shogun> lel.
[18:02] Shogun> just wanted to help :>
[18:03] BeastIncarnate out
[18:03] Fluschu out
[18:03] Lucky_Luke out
[18:03] [SW]WestSide> chancenlos
[18:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> sah man
[18:03] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mit glück
[18:04] [SW]WestSide> skill
[18:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nein
[18:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ich traff dich beim letzten kill ned wollt ein wasser werfen
[18:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> das war glück
[18:04] [SW]AlphaEnemy> weil ich ned traff
[18:04] [SW]WestSide> ne
[18:04] [SW]WestSide> das war dein versagen
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> VERSAGER
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> V E R S A G E R
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> fw + besser als shaman
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> :P
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> was lernen wir daraus
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> git gud or git rekt
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> nab
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> das du shite bist :D
[18:05] [SW]Arbrim> +1
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> lass nochmals
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> gleich weg
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> geht ja ned lange
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> hure
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> halsmaul
[18:05] Hasta_Cuando> pp
[18:05] [SW]WestSide> mach 4 lifes
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> nutte
[18:05] [SW]AlphaEnemy> penis
[18:06] [SW]AlphaEnemy> okok
[18:06] [SW]WestSide> ne
[18:06] [SW]WestSide> warte muss kurz vanom helfn
[18:06] Shao_OP> Hentai
[18:06] Shao_OP> no hvan, burger king today
[18:06] Shao_OP> :>
[18:06] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:06] Shogun> :D!
[18:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:06] [SW]Arbrim out
[18:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[18:07] Shogun> Un_Defeatable> join
[18:07] Haru out
[18:07] Shogun> soz im just bitching around and watching games
[18:07] Shogun> cos my net sucks :>
[18:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> babo
[18:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> welche settings hast du unter control
[18:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> alles drinnne
[18:07] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[18:07] BetaEnemy_Tas> alpha loss spiel :D
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> just a sec
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> pls
[18:08] BetaEnemy_Tas> ok
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> well gonna start
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> mammy
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> which settings u got
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> under "controls"
[18:08] BetaEnemy_Tas> what you mean?
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> setting mm
[18:08] [SW]AlphaEnemy> --> controls
[18:08] BetaEnemy_Tas> i got 1-2and 5 tiked
[18:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> what is autocast
[18:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[18:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and under graphics?
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> when your shaman get outside of range
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> she cast spell
[18:09] [SW]WestSide> hau rein alpa gun
[18:09] [SW]WestSide out
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> you ask het to cast
[18:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> kk
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> like blast
[18:09] [SW]AlphaEnemy> and on graphics
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> ill show you in game
[18:09] BetaEnemy_Tas> :D
[18:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> do you have "change to pop reso"
[18:10] [SW]AlphaEnemy> ?
[18:10] V4N0M> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4DyBUG242c&list=RDQMQDgemkqKaLE&index=21
[18:10] BetaEnemy_Tas> i got 1280*720
[18:10] BetaEnemy_Tas> here
[18:10] [SW]Arbrim> k i cant onur :(
[18:10] Sucukluyumurta> fucking mm