PopMM - 07/09/16 16:12
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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!
Join us on TeamSpeak!
Server: ts.popre.net
Password: popMM2016
Beta Testers Needed:
* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1
The matchmaker is most active around 1PM GMT
The map of the day is:
Gold Worlds - Jackpot Winner (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
[16:13] prudhviram out
[16:16] Kostas123 out
[16:18] windyemre in
[16:19] Simonrush> non ranked game
[16:20] windyemre> 2v1 ?
[16:20] [War]gba1990> idm
[16:21] [War]gba1990> but we have no ping
[16:21] Pichinawer out
[16:21] Simonrush> why no ping?
[16:21] MiniBot_UK> This is a host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server. | TeamSpeak Server: ts.popre.net Pass: popMM2016
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[16:22] [War]gba1990> hostbot only supports up to 3 players
[War]gba1990 - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
windyemre - MapPack: OK
prudhviram - MapPack: OK
Best Teams:
Simonrush + [War]gba1990 vs. windyemre + prudhviram
- Simonrush: Red (Watcher)
- windyemre: Green
- [War]gba1990: Yellow
- prudhviram: Blue
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Timed (20 minutes)
Victory Condition: Armageddon
[16:22] [IC]Forelli> gba would you like to try 2v2 without spells
[16:22] [War]gba1990> lol
[16:22] [IC]Forelli> against them
[16:22] prudhviram out
[16:22] [IC]Forelli> would love t o try it lol
[16:22] [War]gba1990> if only i were good with troops
[16:22] windyemre> X_x
[16:22] prudhviram in
[16:22] [War]gba1990> or with anything
[16:22] [IC]Forelli> doesnt matter , im not that good with troops either :D
[16:23] [IC]Forelli> i'll put unranked if they want
[16:23] [War]gba1990> better than me anyway
[16:23] windyemre> ):
[16:24] [IC]Forelli> what map
[16:24] [War]gba1990> idm
[16:24] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[16:24] windyemre> go
[16:24] Mammy_Tas out
[16:24] Mammy_Tas in
[16:24] Mammy_Tas out
[16:25] Mammy_Tas in
[16:25] Simonrush> no ping 0.0
[16:25] Simonrush> ok
[16:26] black_mesa in
[16:26] black_mesa out
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
rousfv - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- rousfv: Blue (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Green
- Simonrush: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[16:31] [Rw]Nici> chefes de estado é pouco
[16:31] [Rw]Nici> politicos da treta
[16:32] Mowgli in
[16:32] Eyota_TAS> i wanted a 2v2
[16:32] rousfv> betabot suport only 3 player
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- Nightwulff: Yellow (Watcher)
- Simonrush: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[16:32] Eyota_TAS> i know about betabot
[16:32] Mammy_Tas> hostbot cant do 2v2
[16:33] Eyota_TAS> i was just sat here
[16:33] Eyota_TAS> testing things....
[16:34] Eyota_TAS> wants some light wars?
[16:34] Taytego in
[16:34] [TDM]Delax in
[16:35] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> the owner
[16:36] Eyota_TAS> rousfv
[16:36] Eyota_TAS> want to enter?
[16:36] Tweetilisk in
[16:36] Mammy_Tas> answer is no :o
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: DT Worlds: Drakon Worlds (1.0)
Eyota_TAS - MapPack: OK
Mammy_Tas - MapPack: OK
- Mammy_Tas: Green (Watcher)
- Eyota_TAS: Blue
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[16:36] SzawizZ in
[16:36] Eyota_TAS> it looks like
[16:36] SzawizZ out
[16:37] Tweetilisk out
[16:37] Mammy_Tas out
[16:37] Mammy_Tas in
[16:37] Mowgli> blast wars :D
[16:37] Eyota_TAS> why not ~
[16:39] Mowgli> :D
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
Eyota_TAS - MapPack: OK
Mowgli - MapPack: OK
Mammy_Tas - MapPack: OK
- Mammy_Tas: Green (Watcher)
- Eyota_TAS: Yellow
- Mowgli: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[16:39] Mammy_Tas out
[16:39] Mammy_Tas in
[16:40] Mammy_Tas> mowgli you host?
[16:40] Mowgli> mmmm youll be lag
[16:40] Mowgli> guys
[16:40] Mammy_Tas> hostbot are shit
[16:40] Mammy_Tas> only launches the blue player
[16:40] Taytego out
[16:41] Mammy_Tas out
[16:44] taitan-v3 in
[16:44] ChazYannis in
[16:44] ChazYannis out
[16:44] ThePanKot in
[16:44] ThePanKot out
[16:45] Oldskool in
[16:46] Igor1312 in
[16:46] Mammy_Tas in
[16:47] PublishedRelic4 out
[16:48] IncaWarrior in
[16:48] Ilidiolapa in
[16:48] PublishedRelic4 in
[16:49] sam_tas in
[16:49] lipsmega in
[16:49] prudhviram out
[16:50] Mammy_Tas out
[16:50] Mammy_Tas in
[16:50] Igor1312 out
[16:51] Igor1312 in
[16:51] Mowgli> gg
[16:51] Mammy_Tas> gg
[16:51] Eyota_TAS> gg :3
[16:51] Persephone in
[16:51] T-rod in
[16:52] sam_tas out
[16:53] Mammy_Tas out
[16:54] damhyr0857 in
[16:54] Kostas123 in
[16:54] MrBeater in
[16:54] Kostas123 out
[16:54] sam_tas out
[16:55] MrBeater out
[16:57] sam_tas in
[16:57] PrinceVentus in
[16:58] [TDM]Delax out
[16:58] PrinceVentus out
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
taitan-v3 - MapPack: OK
lipsmega - MapPack: OK
- lipsmega: Green (Watcher)
- taitan-v3: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[16:58] Oldskool> jasmin and bella
[16:58] Oldskool> join
[16:58] Mammy_Tas in
[17:01] Oldskool> mahmut
[17:01] Oldskool> jpoin mate
[17:01] damhyr0857 out
[17:02] Ilidiolapa in
[17:04] Mammy_Tas out
[17:04] Mammy_Tas in
[17:05] Mammy_Tas> gg
[17:05] Eyota_TAS> gg ~
[17:07] Ilidiolapa out
[17:07] Eyota_TAS out
[17:07] Eyota_TAS in
[17:07] Physs in
[17:09] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[17:10] T-rod> sry eyota u had no ping
[17:10] Eyota_TAS> its not that i care. *shrugs*
[17:11] sam_tas out
[17:13] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:14] Mammy_Tas out
[17:14] [IC]Forelli> gg
[17:14] [War]gba1990> wp
[17:15] [IC]Forelli> what started as "2v2"
[17:15] [IC]Forelli> ended as ffa
[17:15] [IC]Forelli> lol
[17:15] [IC]Forelli> if i didnt go for green he'd end me
[17:15] [War]gba1990> and ended in a diplomatic way
[17:16] [IC]Forelli> true that
[17:16] [IC]Forelli> civilised
[17:16] windyemre out
[17:17] [IC]Amphetamine in
[17:17] [War]gba1990 out
[17:19] Simonrush out
[17:19] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[17:19] venetica out
[17:19] Mammy_Tas in
[17:20] Igor1312 out
[17:20] [IC]Forelli> chris
[17:20] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:20] [IC]Forelli> u fokin jew
[17:21] [IC]Forelli> r u alive
[17:21] kbatu98765 in
[17:22] [IC]Forelli> kbatu hi
[17:25] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[17:25] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:25] sammau in
[17:26] sam_tas in
[17:27] sammau out
[17:27] sam_tas out
[17:28] Treeman161 out
[17:30] rousfv out
[17:31] Ilidiolapa out
[17:31] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[17:31] [TDM]Delax in
[17:32] djulietc in
[17:32] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:33] Cinammon in
[17:36] Cinammon> 0.o
[17:36] [IC]Forelli> o.0
[17:36] Cinammon> hi
[17:36] [IC]Forelli> hi Cinammon
[17:37] venetica in
[17:37] lipsmega> +1
[17:37] Cinammon> play?
[17:37] [IC]Forelli> uh not really , taking a 5min break from studying
[17:37] Cinammon> oh
[17:38] [War]gba1990 in
[17:38] lipsmega> +1 here
[17:39] Cinammon> yea looks fair to me
[17:39] lipsmega> =[
[17:39] lipsmega> ok.. but chose another map
[17:40] djulietc out
[17:41] [Rw]Nici> chupa piça
[17:41] [IC]Forelli> no u
[17:44] Mammy_Tas out
[17:44] Mammy_Tas in
[17:46] Ricardopedro in
[17:46] Eyota_TAS out
[17:47] Lucas in
[17:48] Oldskool> mahmut join
[17:48] [TDM]Delax in
[17:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax gtfi
[17:49] Oldskool> delax
[17:49] Oldskool> joiin
[17:50] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Don't do tom
[17:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Let's go
[17:51] [IC]Forelli> dzezmin
[17:51] [IC]Forelli> najbolji
[17:51] [TDM]Delax> hi andrew
[17:51] [TDM]Delax> my fellow low fw tdmer
[17:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> sta ima
[17:51] [IC]Forelli> evo brate gladujem
[17:51] [IC]Forelli> cekam da dostava dode :(
[17:52] Simukas in
[17:52] stoneofroses in
[17:52] Mowgli out
[17:52] [TDM]Delax out
[17:53] Simukas out
[17:55] Lucas out
[17:55] Mammy_Tas out
[17:56] Lucas in
[17:56] [War]gba1990 out
[17:56] Lucas out
[17:56] venetica out
[17:58] Tuzkar in
[17:58] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[17:59] Physs out
[17:59] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:00] Cinammon out
[18:02] BranBot in
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i klled him
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> just after uquit
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> u shoulda played it out ffs
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> still had full pop
[18:02] T-rod> game was over
[18:02] Oldskool> next time ill bb
[18:02] Oldskool> murder
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> no it wasnt
[18:02] Oldskool> running bases is unfair
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> tru sorry
[18:02] Oldskool> no u can do it
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i dont normally
[18:02] Oldskool> but expect bb
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[18:02] Vlado out
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> i kno its bullshit
[18:02] Oldskool> +1
[18:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> that game gimmi nothing
[18:03] [IC]Forelli> can u guys do fo ?
[18:04] shadowhyper51 in
[18:07] Tuzkar out
[18:07] Sio87 in
[18:07] Sio87 out
[18:07] [ic]carbine in
[18:07] DeltaEnemy in
[18:11] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:11] damhyr0857 in
[18:11] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:12] [TDM]Delax in
[18:12] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:13] sam_tas in
[18:14] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:15] AventurA in
[18:15] AventurA> i got 40 minutes
[18:15] AventurA> join
[18:16] [TDM]Delax out
[18:18] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:18] [IC]Forelli out
[18:18] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:18] sam_tas in
[18:19] AventurA> sam 1v1
[18:20] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:21] oscuro in
[18:21] oscuro out
[18:21] [TDM]Delax in
[18:21] [IC]-Johan in
[18:21] [TDM]Delax out
[18:21] [TDM]Delax in
[18:22] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:22] sam_tas in
[18:23] AventurA> deltaenemy
[18:23] AventurA> u noob
[18:23] [TDM]Delax out
[18:24] sam_tas out
[18:24] AventurA> xD
[18:26] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:26] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:27] lipsmega out
[18:27] sam_tas out
[18:28] [tdm]Mooresy in
[18:28] venetica in
[18:30] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:31] sam_tas in
[18:31] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:32] Ricardopedro out
[18:34] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:34] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[18:34] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:35] sam_tas in
[18:36] Oldskool out
[18:36] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:36] sam_tas out
[18:37] darthvadr in
[18:37] darthvadr> amigo
[18:37] darthvadr> hola
[18:38] darthvadr> hablale
[18:38] darthvadr> todo biento
[18:38] darthvadr> vamos a jugar una
[18:38] darthvadr> ps
[18:38] darthvadr> aki amigo
[18:39] darthvadr> ben
[18:39] darthvadr> bente
[18:39] darthvadr> abaja
[18:39] darthvadr> abajate
[18:39] darthvadr> llegate menor
[18:39] darthvadr> ya tengo el mapa q es
[18:40] darthvadr> llegate
[18:40] sam_tas out
[18:40] darthvadr> mira tu me dijiste que no eras hampa verdad
[18:41] xtro in
[18:41] Vlado in
[18:41] [tdm]Mooresy> join guys
[18:43] shadowhyper51 out
[18:43] KhatM140913 in
[18:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> tastearire
[18:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ou tastavire
[18:44] darthvadr> damhyr tu no puedes ser host porque kiteas
[18:44] darthvadr> cuando vas perdiendo
[18:45] [Rw]Nici> tas a levar uma lapada na face
[18:47] AventurA out
[18:47] [tdm]Mooresy> lets do unrank jugg?
[18:47] darthvadr> k
[18:47] darthvadr> damhyr
[18:47] darthvadr> ven
[18:47] [tdm]Mooresy> carb u wanna be the jugg or me?
[18:48] darthvadr> es 3 v 1
[18:48] darthvadr> te jodiste
[18:48] [tdm]Mooresy> 3v1
[18:48] [tdm]Mooresy> unrank]
[18:48] [ic]carbine> me m8
[18:49] [tdm]Mooresy> u wanna be jugg carb?
[18:49] [ic]carbine> yh
[18:49] [tdm]Mooresy> kk
[18:49] Mowgli in
[18:51] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:53] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:54] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:55] sam_tas in
[18:56] damhyr0857 out
[18:57] [IC]Shao in
[18:57] [IC]Shao> hentai
[18:58] damhyr0857 in
[18:59] iiwalkerii in
[18:59] iiwalkerii out
[19:00] sam_tas out
[19:00] stoneofroses out
[19:00] [IC]Shao out
[19:01] Vlado out
[19:07] TomTheTomato in
[19:07] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:07] TomTheTomato out
[19:08] venetica out
[19:08] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[19:09] [IC]-Johan out
[19:09] aidan9211 in
[19:11] _[War]gba1990 in
[19:11] AgnwstosX1 in
[19:11] _[War]gba1990 out
[19:12] [War]gba1990 in
[19:12] AgnwstosX1 out
[19:13] AgnwstosX1 in
[19:13] AgnwstosX1 out
[19:13] [War]gba1990> +3
[19:14] T-rod> lag out
[19:14] xtro> ?
[19:15] xtro> :/
[19:15] T-rod out
[19:17] Mowgli in
[19:21] [War]gba1990> +2
[19:21] Nightwulff out
[19:22] Mowgli out
[19:23] mikemaldy86 in
[19:24] mikemaldy86 out
[19:24] xtro> +2
[19:25] Mowgli out
[19:25] aidan9211 out
[19:26] kbatu98765> xtro yesterday i played you and my ally crashed, while I was doing 2 vs me
[19:26] kbatu98765> hopefuly this time i get an ally who can last a full game,
[19:27] [GoD]Genki in
[19:31] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:32] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[19:32] sam_tas in
[19:35] venetica in
[19:35] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:36] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[19:37] sam_tas in
[19:37] sam_tas out
[19:39] [AsG]Shadow in
[19:39] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:40] [ic]carbine> gg
[19:40] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[19:40] sam_tas in
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> FUKIN HELL
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> caps
[19:40] darthvadr> GGGG
[19:40] darthvadr> that was a hard ine
[19:40] darthvadr> one
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> u guyswere slow as fuk to help out
[19:40] [ic]carbine> lol
[19:40] [tdm]Mooresy> but nice job at the end there darth
[19:41] [ic]carbine> u just send lots of warrs then bbed
[19:41] [ic]carbine out
[19:41] Treeman161 in
[19:41] darthvadr> my team helped me a lot
[19:42] sam_tas out
[19:46] venetica out
[19:46] sam_tas out
[19:46] xtro out
[19:46] venetica in
[19:46] DeltaEnemy out
[19:46] kbatu98765> normally i dont play games like that, but after what xtra did yesterday, he had it coming.
[19:48] [GoD]Genki out
[19:50] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:50] viggo01 in
[19:50] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[19:51] rousfv in
[19:51] windyemre in
[19:51] viggo01 out
[19:53] windyemre out
[19:54] darthvadr> amigo
[19:54] Klubnichka in
[19:56] IncaWarrior out
[19:56] [AsG]Shadow out
[19:59] KhatM140913 out
[20:01] Blutlustharry in
[20:02] Blutlustharry out
[20:03] T-rod in
[20:04] rousfv out
[20:05] skaarj_guardian in
[20:05] progarboys in
[20:06] progarboys> hi
[20:06] progarboys> hi guys
[20:06] progarboys out
[20:06] Doner in
[20:07] darthvadr out
[20:07] Ilidiolapa in
[20:07] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[20:09] [ic]nakamura> host
[20:09] iconz in
[20:10] iconz> hey everyone
[20:10] [GoD]kotaro in
[20:11] iconz> anyonefor 1 vs 1?
[20:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> http://9gag.com/gag/aZpjVVp
[20:11] Ilidiolapa out
[20:14] Bastianignacioo in
[20:15] [AsG]shakkazulu in
[20:16] Bastianignacioo out
[20:18] Treeman161 out
[20:19] Pandemonio in
[20:20] italian120 in
[20:20] italian120> +1
[20:20] Pandemonio> pkay
[20:21] iconz> doner join us
[20:22] italian120> jjoin
[20:22] Pandemonio> Doner> joga com a gente
[20:22] Pandemonio> play
[20:22] iconz> ok!
[20:22] iconz> ffa?
[20:22] Pandemonio> ok
[20:22] Klubnichka out
[20:23] dubeyshivi in
[20:24] [ic]nakamura> trod 1v1
[20:24] [ic]nakamura> delax 1v1
[20:26] Mowgli in
[20:26] dubeyshivi out
[20:28] Baxter out
[20:29] dubeyshivi in
[20:29] Marcos2123 in
[20:29] Marcos2123 out
[20:30] Marcos2123 in
[20:30] Marcos2123 out
[20:33] Doner out
[20:34] iconz> +1 anyone?
[20:35] iconz> shall we play on a 3 player map?
[20:35] Mowgli> sure , why not
[20:35] Mowgli> but i dont know one
[20:36] iconz> this one is ok no?
[20:36] iconz> hey hey!
[20:36] iconz> we have 4
[20:36] BigLulu in
[20:36] BigLulu out
[20:37] Pandemonio out
[20:38] windyemre in
[20:41] taitan-v3 out
[20:41] [War]gba1990 out
[20:41] Jordan90 in
[20:44] [SW]ProBimisBro in
[20:44] ZeKnifeO in
[20:45] ZeKnifeO out
[20:47] [TDM]Delax in
[20:49] [TDM]Delax out
[20:50] damhyr0857 out
[20:52] Pandemonio in
[20:53] BlackAncalagon in
[20:54] Marcos2123 in
[20:55] [SW]ProBimisBro> +1
[20:56] damhyr0857 in
[20:56] Mauricio2123 in
[20:58] [SW]ProBimisBro> host
[20:58] [SW]ProBimisBro> host.
[20:59] [SW]ProBimisBro> host
[20:59] Mauricio2123 out
[20:59] [GoD]kotaro out
[20:59] [SW]ProBimisBro> host plz
[20:59] [SW]ProBimisBro> host
[21:00] Marcos2123> Estoy esperando a mi hermano
[21:00] Marcos2123> My brother join
[21:00] Marcos2123> Wait for 5 minutes please
[21:01] T-rod out
[21:01] Marcos2123> Mauricio2123
[21:01] Marcos2123> Wait please
[21:03] black_mesa in
[21:03] Marcos2123> blackAncalagon you speak Spanish?
[21:03] black_mesa> no olol'
[21:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo
[21:04] Marcos2123 out
[21:04] [SW]ProBimisBro> +1
[21:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> plus one
[21:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> +1
[21:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[21:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> tsu join
[21:05] ThePanKot in
[21:05] ThePanKot out
[21:05] [AsG]shakkazulu out
[21:05] Marcos2123 in
[21:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed do fo and ill ally warrior
[21:08] skaarj_guardian out
[21:08] massa in
[21:08] skaarj_guardian in
[21:09] PublishedRelic4 out
[21:09] [SW]ProBimisBro> gogogoggoogogogogogogoogogooooooooooooogoooooogggggggggggggooooooooo
[21:09] massa out
[21:09] [SW]ProBimisBro> nooo 100000 time
[21:10] Marcos2123> gooo!
[21:10] Sihrin in
[21:10] Sihrin out
[21:10] Marcos2123> ok
[21:11] Marcos2123> wait
[21:11] Marcos2123> Waiiiit
[21:12] black_mesa> im here now
[21:12] black_mesa> MAP
[21:12] black_mesa> not fo
[21:12] black_mesa> i cant ping delax
[21:12] black_mesa> someone else host
[21:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> get a ping
[21:14] black_mesa> who
[21:14] [TDM]Delax> wheres the shop
[21:15] Mauricio2123 in
[21:15] [RW]IHard-Wear in
[21:15] [RW]IHard-Wear> kick the noobs moo
[21:16] damhyr0857 out
[21:16] [TDM]Delax out
[21:16] damhyr0857 in
[21:16] [TDM]Delax in
[21:16] [TDM]Delax> kick the spy
[21:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> hardwear
[21:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry man that spot is delaxs
[21:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> even thoe irly wanna game with you
[21:17] damhyr0857 out
[21:17] cccp in
[21:17] [RW]IHard-Wear> pretty hard to kick an RW member for TDM mud
[21:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry bro
[21:18] CaringZora in
[21:18] Marcos2123> Jjjj
[21:18] Marcos2123> Create one new room
[21:18] pegi9999 out
[21:18] Marcos2123> My brother the join
[21:18] Marcos2123> Open space
[21:18] Marcos2123> Open one space for my brother
[21:18] Marcos2123> Gogogogo
[21:19] CaringZora out
[21:20] soundmill in
[21:20] Marcos2123> Map for 3 players
[21:21] Mauricio2123> mm
[21:21] Mauricio2123> ok
[21:21] Marcos2123> Change map
[21:21] [SW]ProBimisBro> fuck offff
[21:21] [SW]ProBimisBro> fuck off
[21:21] [SW]ProBimisBro> to matger
[21:21] [SW]ProBimisBro> fuc you to maher
[21:21] [SW]ProBimisBro out
[21:22] windyemre out
[21:22] Marcos2123> You mother is my ball left :)
[21:22] damhyr0857 in
[21:23] black_mesa> ROFLMAO
[21:23] black_mesa> these guys who cant talk english
[21:23] black_mesa> sad
[21:23] black_mesa> so good
[21:23] dubeyshivi out
[21:25] iconz out
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax gtfi
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur well annoynig
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> you kunt
[21:25] [TDM]Delax> ?
[21:25] italian120 out
[21:25] [TDM]Delax> quit drinking vodka
[21:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[21:25] [TDM]Delax> quit importing it from spins shop
[21:25] [TDM]Delax> in russia
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin blows guys off
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> guys like me
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> i made him do it
[21:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> now gtfi
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> DELAX
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> stop fuknig about
[21:27] Oldskool in
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> spin
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> [tdm]MooresMurder> spin blows guys off
[21:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> [tdm]MooresMurder> guys like me
[21:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> [tdm]MooresMurder> i made him do it
[21:28] Igor1312 in
[21:29] Andi_T1000 in
[21:30] Andi_T1000 out
[21:30] [IC]Forelli in
[21:30] Mowgli out
[21:30] sam_tas out
[21:30] Mowgli in
[21:31] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[21:31] Igor1312 out
[21:34] sherminator31 in
[21:38] cccp> reboot
[21:38] cccp out
[21:39] Oldskool> the
[21:39] Oldskool> god
[21:39] Oldskool> is real
[21:39] Oldskool> and the sudden
[21:39] Oldskool> aswell
[21:39] black_mesa> hw the ammount of cock u suck isnt human
[21:39] black_mesa> GN
[21:39] black_mesa out
[21:39] Oldskool out
[21:39] venetica out
[21:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> hw u fuking rodent
[21:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> rat basterd nigga lovin sonavabitch bitch cok suckin motherfukin granny shagger
[21:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> ruining the only game
[21:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> i hope u get run over
[21:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu ranked or nothing
[21:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> :o
[21:41] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[21:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax gtfi here
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[tdm]MooresMurder - MapPack: OK
[TDM]Delax - MapPack: OK
- [TDM]Delax: Green (Watcher)
- [tdm]MooresMurder: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[21:43] [TDM]Delax> ?
[21:43] Persephone out
[21:44] cccp in
[21:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax u got no ping
[21:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> u whore
[21:45] [TDM]Delax out
[21:45] mechasdark in
[21:45] [TDM]Delax in
[21:45] NoobPlayer in
[21:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> italiano
[21:46] mechasdark out
[21:47] [IC]Forelli> granny shagger
[21:47] [IC]Forelli> LOL
[21:47] [TDM]Delax> fuk these noob hosts giving me no ping
[21:48] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[21:48] [TDM]Delax> see what uve done
[21:48] [TDM]Delax> fucking paki noooobb
[21:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu
[21:48] [TDM]Delax> u bullied voodoo out of the mm
[21:48] [TDM]Delax> shame on you7
[21:49] [TDM]Delax> join
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> Go !
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[21:49] [TDM]Delax> we can play ranked 1v1
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> dont do bothost
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[tdm]MooresMurder - MapPack: OK
[TDM]Delax - MapPack: OK
- [TDM]Delax: Green (Watcher)
- [tdm]MooresMurder: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[21:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> rat
[21:49] cccp out
[21:50] [TDM]Delax> wow
[21:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> musolini join
[21:50] [TDM]Delax> join
[21:50] cccp in
[21:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk off using host bot
[21:50] [TDM]Delax> ill do without host
[21:50] [TDM]Delax> bot
[21:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> masp
[21:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> map
[21:50] NoobPlayer> im not noob
[21:50] NoobPlayer> its just a name
[21:51] venetica in
[21:51] BlackAncalagon out
[21:51] damhyr0857 out
[21:51] damhyr0857 in
[21:52] cccp out
[21:52] Trabulo in
[21:52] cccp in
[21:52] cccp out
[21:52] NoobPlayer> hi
[21:53] [Rw]Six_Sigma in
[21:55] damhyr0857 out
[21:55] cccp in
[21:56] cccp out
[21:58] Marcos2123 out
[21:58] cccp in
[21:59] Mowgli out
[22:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> try to clik eq....
[22:00] damhyr0857 in
[22:00] [AsG]shakkazulu in
[22:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> and uit jumps and freezes
[22:00] [TDM]Delax> ill use hostbot
[22:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUK OFF WITH HOST BOT
[22:01] [TDM]Delax> uk
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[tdm]MooresMurder - MapPack: OK
[TDM]Delax - MapPack: OK
- [TDM]Delax: Green (Watcher)
- [tdm]MooresMurder: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:02] [TDM]Delax> i forgot smth
[22:02] [TDM]Delax> host bot uk has signed brexit too
[22:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[22:02] Mauricio2123 out
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[tdm]MooresMurder - MapPack: OK
[TDM]Delax - MapPack: OK
- [TDM]Delax: Green (Watcher)
- [tdm]MooresMurder: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[22:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> ...
[22:05] [Rw]Six_Sigma out
[22:07] Fried_Rice in
[22:07] Fried_Rice> new t shirt contest?
[22:07] Fried_Rice> when did that happen
[22:11] [AsG]shakkazulu out
[22:12] damhyr0857 out
[22:12] damhyr0857 in
[22:12] damhyr0857 out
[22:12] damhyr0857 in
[22:15] skaarj_guardian out
[22:18] NoobPlayer out
[22:18] NoobPlayer in
[22:19] [IC]Shao in
[22:19] [IC]Shao> hentai
[22:23] icepeople in
[22:25] [TDM]Delax in
[22:25] NoobPlayer out
[22:25] NoobPlayer in
[22:25] NoobPlayer out
[22:26] NoobPlayer in
[22:26] Death in
[22:27] dondiego47 in
[22:27] sherminator31 out
[22:28] [TDM]Delax> the camping was real
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:28] [TDM]Delax out
[22:28] [TDM]Delax> lol reset unranked
[22:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> gimmi a min
[22:29] [TDM]Delax> i dont have a gaming pc to handle this game
[22:31] Pandemonio out
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> sec
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax u spec me raping nigi
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes easy for me
[22:35] [TDM]Delax> yea run away
[22:35] [TDM]Delax> scared pussy
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu !
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> "unranked"
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna lose points ffs
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> it was ranked
[22:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi will gain 00.001 sigma
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> i woulda saved those eqs
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> and get inside ur base
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> i was testing amna strategies
[22:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> aman ?
[22:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> amna #
[22:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> MANA
[22:36] [IC]Forelli> mana?
[22:36] [IC]Forelli> l0l
[22:36] [TDM]Delax> U PAKI READER
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> ??
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> u playing?
[22:37] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> ok
[22:37] [TDM]Delax> he wants to 1v1 Cr7
[22:37] [TDM]Delax> and he ran away from me
[22:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> na pp
[22:37] [TDM]Delax> what a moron of a clanm8
[22:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu
[22:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just pulled ur underpants down
[22:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> i need a challenge ffs
[22:38] [Rw]Nici> yh i need challenge too
[22:38] [Rw]Nici> seems impossible
[22:39] [TDM]Delax out
[22:39] venetica out
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> SOB
[22:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> my bros shags blokes
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> WOT a posssssss
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> yh weirdos
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> tiny dick
[22:40] [TDM]Delax in
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> tiny dick eezhole
[22:40] [TDM]Delax> LEMEMEMEMEM E
[22:40] [TDM]Delax> INN
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> im berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> atm
[22:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu musolini
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> im sure mussolini is with 2 s
[22:41] [TDM]Delax> ROFL
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> not sure
[22:41] icepeople out
[22:41] [TDM]Delax> hes an ignorant paki
[22:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg italy
[22:41] [TDM]Delax> dont waste ur time with him nici
[22:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> get a fuking god dam ping
[22:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> Taka !
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> yiiiiiiiiiiiiii moores
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> yiiiiiiiiiii
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> hitler was my kindergarden friend
[22:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> u wish
[22:41] Jordan90 out
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> garten#
[22:42] cgilmar1 in
[22:43] [IC]Shao> Hentai
[22:44] cgilmar1 out
[22:45] dondiego47 out
[22:47] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[22:50] damhyr0857 out
[22:56] damhyr0857 in
[22:59] spawn711 in
[23:00] [Rw]Nici> dunno what makes you think if you got in game would be equal
[23:00] [TDM]Delax> those paki eqs
[23:00] [Rw]Nici> i had no defense
[23:00] [TDM]Delax> on 3 towers
[23:00] [TDM]Delax> or 2
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> i eq'd the same 3 towers about 5 times
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[23:00] [TDM]Delax> oh well
[23:00] [TDM]Delax> we'll miss pakistan at the world cup
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> pakis never win the world cup every time they got a corner they build a shop there
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax play nici ???
[23:01] Death out
[23:01] [TDM]Delax> i have others in my list atm
[23:01] [TDM]Delax> Meph and Mirage
[23:02] [TDM]Delax> Nici can only help me improve
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> you wimp]#
[23:03] Trabulo out
[23:03] [TDM]Delax> andrew wanna 1v1 on fo non ranked
[23:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici or delax join
[23:03] sito-malido33 in
[23:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[23:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna test this 1st
[23:03] sito-malido33 out
[23:04] [TDM]Delax> lol
[23:05] NoobPlayer out
[23:05] NoobPlayer in
[23:06] NoobPlayer out
[23:06] NoobPlayer in
[23:09] NoobPlayer out
[23:09] Kooooooooooooooooopa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXtzcViZPGA
[23:09] paco in
[23:09] [IC]Shao> [tdm]MooresMurder> pakis never win the world cup every time they got a corner they build a shop there
[23:09] [IC]Shao> rofl
[23:09] Kooooooooooooooooopa> fhk we need more music like this
[23:10] edutzi in
[23:12] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[23:14] edutzi out
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> paki moores
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> suck a sick
[23:16] [tdm]Mooresy> yo nigi
[23:17] BlackAncalagon in
[23:18] [TDM]Delax> dude
[23:18] [TDM]Delax> im asking inca to check my game files
[23:18] [TDM]Delax> something is so wrong
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> how did u jsut die ?
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> just#
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> my fws in hut
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> i torndao ur wr hut
[23:19] [tdm]Mooresy> yiiiiiiii
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> and it did nothing
[23:19] [tdm]Mooresy> delax taste the same shit u bin shovelin for days
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> i blastes ur braves twice
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[23:19] [tdm]Mooresy> >:D
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> and they lived
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> omfg
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> i get this shit so fuking much
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> blasts not connecting
[23:19] [tdm]Mooresy> yh same
[23:19] [tdm]Mooresy> alot recently
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> i light in front of ur shaman
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had it 4 blasts in a row in a fo game a few days ago
[23:19] [TDM]Delax> iand it hits back
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> the dsame warrior
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> 4 blasts
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax gtfi
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> u whore
[23:20] [tdm]Mooresy> yooo
[23:20] [tdm]Mooresy> what map
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> the one where i win
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> with pure shamen kills
[23:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> and bear sik shit
[23:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> fo ?
[23:21] [tdm]Mooresy> tht mp dont exist
[23:21] [tdm]Mooresy> raaz
[23:21] [tdm]Mooresy> this dizzee bithc not stopped chattin shit since left ur gaff
[23:22] sam_tas in
[23:22] sam_tas out
[23:23] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> zzz
[23:24] [TDM]Delax> do a map where i can blame my ally
[23:24] cobalt in
[23:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> pigeon
[23:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[23:25] Purechemist in
[23:27] Tuzkar in
[23:29] Igor1312 in
[23:30] Kooooooooooooooooopa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3e4hmxmITE
[23:30] Kooooooooooooooooopa> omg filthy muslims
[23:30] spawn711 out
[23:35] [rw]macca in
[23:36] Tuzkar out
[23:36] cccp out
[23:36] soundmill out
[23:36] Igor1312 out
[23:37] Marcos2123 in
[23:38] Marcos2123> HI
[23:38] Mauricio2123 in
[23:38] Marcos2123> hi my brother is join please not start
[23:38] Marcos2123> You are of Incas conspiration_
[23:38] Marcos2123> ??
[23:39] [IC]Forelli> yea?
[23:40] Mauricio2123 out
[23:40] Marcos2123 out
[23:40] damhyr0857> HAY DIOS
[23:41] [IC]Forelli> mio
[23:41] damhyr0857> si mio
[23:41] damhyr0857> hay dios mio
[23:43] damhyr0857> happeend ned has you must in to inca conspirations? What?
[23:43] [IC]Forelli> wut
[23:43] [IC]Forelli> pls english
[23:43] damhyr0857> yea
[23:43] damhyr0857> english
[23:44] Almafuerte in
[23:44] [IC]Forelli> i didnt understand you
[23:44] [IC]Forelli> at all
[23:45] damhyr0857> lag or lost connections xD
[23:45] Almafuerte out
[23:45] damhyr0857> stupid at you l'm at the join wildmans ?
[23:45] [RW]IHard-Wear out
[23:46] [IC]Forelli> jesus christ
[23:46] FenixMaster in
[23:48] FenixMaster in
[23:48] FenixMaster out
[23:48] FenixMaster in
[23:49] damhyr0857> at you is everthys u Eatingn updates at Beta is yeah t'md aigain thanks
[23:49] FenixMaster out
[23:50] Kooooooooooooooooopa in
[23:50] FenixMaster out
[23:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do a rm
[23:51] Jordan90 in
[23:51] [IC]Forelli> gg fellas
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> yh played pretty shit then
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> gg
[23:51] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> lets do a sess or tom, dont u want guys?
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> but gg
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye ok
[23:51] [tdm]Mooresy> yhman
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> or 4way?
[23:51] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ok me small base please
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> sess is ok
[23:51] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> if its tom
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> do sess
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> bashed tom recently
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> ill ally pigeon
[23:52] [tdm]Mooresy> u and pig?
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> yo
[23:53] [tdm]Mooresy> andrew u allyin pigeon?
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> mup
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> sos
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> watch u get banged now
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> "not assed"
[23:54] [tdm]Mooresy> yiiiiiiiiiii
[23:54] damhyr0857 out
[23:55] The_Big_Maker in
[23:55] christiantorres in
[23:55] Kooooooooooooooooopa out
[23:57] christiantorres out
[23:59] Leaf_VdM in
[23:59] Leaf_VdM> Howdy
[23:59] damhyr0857 in
[00:00] [IC]Forelli> hola
[00:02] Leaf_VdM> yo someone get over here and 1v1 me
[00:02] sherminator31 in
[00:03] sherminator31 out
[00:03] BlackAncalagon out
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> OMG
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> The leaf
[00:03] Leaf_VdM> OMG
[00:04] Leaf_VdM> The nici
[00:04] [IC]Shao> hentai
[00:04] Leaf_VdM> How's it going Nici?
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> GOOD XD
[00:04] Leaf_VdM> Glad to hear lol
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> YOU?
[00:04] Leaf_VdM> long time no see
[00:04] [IC]Shao> how dare you casually speak to Lord Nici like that?
[00:04] [IC]Shao> you scumbag
[00:05] [Rw]Nici> ª^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[00:05] [IC]Shao> you should be on your knees and happily licking his boots
[00:05] [IC]Shao> just being in Lord Nici's presences is enough
[00:05] Leaf_VdM> I'll happily get on my knees for Nici but I won't be licking his boots ;)
[00:05] [IC]Shao> how dare you even imagine licking Lord Nici's penis?!
[00:06] [IC]Shao> you are not worthy of such an honor
[00:06] MedecinBang in
[00:06] Leaf_VdM> a boy can dream :/
[00:06] [IC]Shao> How dare you dream of Lord Nici?!
[00:06] Tuzkar in
[00:06] [IC]Shao> Such vulgar dreams should be erased from existance!
[00:06] [IC]Shao> Lord Nici, i recommend giving this young whippersnapper 100 lashes!
[00:06] Leaf_VdM> In all seriousness though, Nici is hot as fuck
[00:07] [IC]Shao> and that's being merciful
[00:07] Leaf_VdM> Yeah Nici, come give me 100 lashes =D
[00:07] [TDM]Delax> wow4
[00:07] [TDM]Delax> WOW
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> buzzin
[00:07] [IC]Shao> That's LORD NICI to you
[00:07] [tdm]Mooresy> some noob fukin with the game
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> "other ally pls"
[00:07] Leaf_VdM> Lord Nici*
[00:07] [TDM]Delax> THIS MM
[00:07] [TDM]Delax> CAN U BEAT THAT
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u hear pigeon
[00:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> "other allys pls"
[00:08] [tdm]Mooresy> tht was bollockachonged out of its tiny mind
[00:08] djbabyclubber in
[00:08] [IC]Shao> I have played too much for the witcher 3
[00:08] [IC]Shao> :>
[00:08] [IC]Shao> *of
[00:08] [tdm]Mooresy> lets rm diff me n ugly
[00:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was a fake game
[00:08] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> yeh, 2 loses in a row
[00:08] [tdm]Mooresy> this game crashes to fuk nowadays
[00:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> i casted light on u as u was in air casting and it misses
[00:08] [IC]Shao> Trotter inc vs ?
[00:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking super fake
[00:08] [tdm]Mooresy> bear shit bin tinkered with tht much its fallin apart
[00:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[00:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> trotters independant trader Inc.
[00:09] [IC]Shao> if you ever do a stream
[00:09] djbabyclubber out
[00:09] [IC]Shao> you should just play only fools n horse on loop
[00:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> toiletpapersound
[00:09] [tdm]Mooresy> nah Scrtoes4Uplc thts ur firm andrew
[00:09] [tdm]Mooresy> Scrotes*
[00:09] Purechemist out
[00:09] MedecinBang> loooooooooool
[00:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax
[00:10] Leaf_VdM> I was on Hills Didvide Us
[00:10] [IC]Forelli> LOL
[00:10] The_Big_Maker> wtfff
[00:10] [IC]Forelli> HI PAPEr
[00:10] Leaf_VdM> I might have to mess with some settings
[00:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam let paper in
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> kk
[00:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> do 4way
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> big maker
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> gonna have to move over m8
[00:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam
[00:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> do 4way
[00:11] [IC]Forelli> the feeling of betrayal
[00:11] [IC]Forelli> T_T
[00:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> brb
[00:11] [ic]nakamura> hi
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> yo paper
[00:11] aajandros in
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> u pos
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> hows it hangin
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> n i aint on about ur apron
[00:11] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[00:12] minder118> +++++++++++++3 SESS THE BEST MAP THERE IS
[00:12] aajandros> i can plaaaaaaay
[00:12] [IC]Forelli> wait i need to relog
[00:12] [ic]nakamura> gooddddddd
[00:12] [IC]Forelli> i cant launch
[00:12] [IC]Forelli out
[00:12] aajandros> go go go go go go
[00:12] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk way
[00:12] aajandros> xD
[00:12] Leaf_VdM> Don't you guys ever get tired of that map? lol
[00:12] [tdm]Mooresy> its long as fuk i got in the morn should be in bed
[00:12] [tdm]Mooresy> name a smallish map
[00:12] [TDM]Delax> go
[00:12] [tdm]Mooresy> do walls?
[00:12] [IC]Forelli in
[00:12] [TDM]Delax> 4walls or 4way
[00:12] [TDM]Delax> ill smash u anyway
[00:13] aajandros> go
[00:14] [IC]Forelli> uhm
[00:14] [IC]Forelli> +2 lol
[00:15] damhyr0857 out
[00:15] damhyr0857 in
[00:15] Leaf_VdM> hmm
[00:15] The_Big_Maker> mm
[00:15] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ???
[00:15] The_Big_Maker> crazy
[00:15] Leaf_VdM> something's fucked with my game
[00:15] The_Big_Maker> jaja
[00:15] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> thats the second time
[00:15] minder118> crashed
[00:15] Blue in
[00:16] FenixMaster in
[00:16] FenixMaster out
[00:16] FenixMaster in
[00:17] damhyr0857 out
[00:17] gortex01692 in
[00:18] gortex01692 out
[00:20] Bohemico in
[00:21] Bohemico out
[00:21] pk in
[00:22] damhyr0857 in
[00:23] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[00:23] Leaf_VdM> Ok, I think my game is fixed
[00:23] [rw]macca in
[00:24] Fried_Rice> whats a cool quote related to populous?
[00:25] Carlitoshernandez in
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[00:25] pk out
[00:25] Carlitoshernandez out
[00:25] Leaf_VdM> And I, I would become, a God.
[00:25] [IC]Pk in
[00:26] Leaf_VdM> (from the opening cut scene)
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[00:26] [TDM]Delax> well
[00:26] [TDM]Delax> andrew
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just got kikt from the mm
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> [14] Reconnecting...
[00:27] [TDM]Delax> lol
[00:27] [TDM]Delax> lets dispute
[00:27] [TDM]Delax> it sucks
[00:27] [ic]nakamura> mooresy was the good one
[00:27] [tdm]Mooresy> for bein such a quittin little ho
[00:27] [ic]nakamura> they learned from all their mistakes with andrew
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> man this game is fuking annoying
[00:27] [tdm]Mooresy> ahhhh seen u "adam u dumb ckunt"
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt quit u dick head
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i lagged out
[00:27] [rw]macca in
[00:27] [tdm]Mooresy> "cba with this guy" yea as am absolutly teaaaaarin u a new a-hole
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> even got thrown from the mm
[00:27] [tdm]Mooresy> >:D
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets try again
[00:28] [TDM]Delax> wheres the dispute button
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was bs
[00:28] [tdm]Mooresy> think they might be tinkerin with it
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got eqd to shit then lagged out
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> cant get worse
[00:28] [TDM]Delax> i aint playing
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg
[00:28] [TDM]Delax> they didnì't ally up
[00:28] [tdm]Mooresy> aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> why not
[00:29] [tdm]Mooresy> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[00:29] [rw]macca out
[00:29] [tdm]Mooresy> delboi u fag breathe
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz they cok suckin jew rats
[00:29] [TDM]Delax> and ur worse than bella
[00:29] [TDM]Delax> at 4 walls
[00:29] [tdm]Mooresy> u seen what was happenin to me the otherday n i craked on
[00:29] [tdm]Mooresy> cmon u homo
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> me ???
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> are u fuking kidding
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> u were afk u dum shit
[00:29] [TDM]Delax> u had no def
[00:29] Fried_Rice> stop including me in irrelevent conversation
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> try being more observant
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> del u coulda stopped the attack tbh
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> and u coulda killed my sham on front easy oin ur 1st attack
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> he was busy dismantling like a fool
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> u gtas wathc
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> u gta watch**
[00:30] Jordan90 out
[00:30] [ic]nakamura> delax are u writing this stuff down
[00:30] [TDM]Delax> 1:30 am
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahahah
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax u playing or not?
[00:30] [tdm]Mooresy> fuk its bad late
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam kik leaf
[00:31] [tdm]Mooresy> lleaf ur too rusty m8
[00:31] [ic]nakamura> i ally leaf
[00:31] Juliosf92 in
[00:31] Leaf_VdM> RIP
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up paper
[00:31] [ic]nakamura> i will
[00:31] Leaf_VdM> I haven't played in like 2 years
[00:31] [tdm]Mooresy> how long u bin layin leaf|?
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax gtfi here
[00:31] [TDM]Delax> im gonna sleep
[00:31] [TDM]Delax> too tired to play
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[00:31] Leaf_VdM> I started playing in like 2005
[00:31] [TDM]Delax> cant carry andrew at this hour
[00:31] [ic]nakamura> let leafe join
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> pigeon join?
[00:31] [tdm]Mooresy> tears will soak ur pillow tonight delboy
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[00:31] [TDM]Delax> lol
[00:31] Juliosf92 out
[00:31] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[00:32] [TDM]Delax> i only lost 1 pt
[00:32] [TDM]Delax> u scammer
[00:32] [tdm]Mooresy> nah i get scammed me
[00:32] [tdm]Mooresy> this game scams the shit outta me
[00:32] [TDM]Delax> ill get it back tomorow form ya
[00:32] [TDM]Delax> plus interest
[00:32] [TDM]Delax> gonna take a few pts out of toilet paper too
[00:32] [tdm]Mooresy> i got some epic recordings of what the game engine can do to very unfortunate people
[00:32] [ic]nakamura> lol
[00:33] [ic]nakamura> ur the one who runs when iask for 1v1 !
[00:33] [rw]macca out
[00:33] [tdm]Mooresy> u heard this paper, ur gonna get used abused n flushed down the bog
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye paper lets 1v1?
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> i have mirage and meph
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> on my 1v1 list
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> u gotta wait
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam host our 1v1
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[00:33] [ic]nakamura> meph is too strong for u
[00:33] [tdm]Mooresy> yhman
[00:33] [tdm]Mooresy> meph is like Hanz
[00:33] [tdm]Mooresy> out of Die Hard
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> hes not
[00:33] [tdm]Mooresy> "where are my det-o-nay-tors"
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> he only makes lot of troops
[00:33] [TDM]Delax> easily counterable
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> his sham is strong
[00:34] [TDM]Delax> i dont need to kill his shaman
[00:34] [ic]nakamura> ok go
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam host me and paper 1v1
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> somedays hes hard as fuk otherdays jjust tough but definitly beatable
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> u prik
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> host me and paper
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> 1v1
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> i aint had him on pp yet he beat me eveytime :o
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> yhman
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> stfu
[00:34] [tdm]Mooresy> yggdrasil?
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[00:35] [TDM]Delax out
[00:35] Leaf_VdM> My last game was actually 1 year ago Monday
[00:35] [tdm]Mooresy> u wanna jkoin this game leaf and spectate?
[00:35] Leaf_VdM> na I'm trying to play
[00:36] Leaf_VdM> thanks for hte offer though :)
[00:36] [tdm]Mooresy> kk
[00:36] [tdm]Mooresy> np
[00:36] MedecinBang out
[00:37] [tdm]Mooresy> the fuk
[00:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> numnutz
[00:37] [tdm]Mooresy> i set it up
[00:37] [ic]nakamura> u guys have 60 iq combined
[00:37] Mowgli in
[00:37] [tdm]Mooresy> it was setup right
[00:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> go
[00:38] [IC]Pk> give me a sec guys
[00:39] [IC]Forelli> ok
[00:39] minder118 out
[00:39] minder118 in
[00:39] Fried_Rice> fuck that took me way too long
[00:39] minder118 out
[00:40] Fried_Rice> made some designs for the new t shirt competition while i painted my nails
[00:40] Leaf_VdM> I have no idea what's wrong
[00:40] Fried_Rice> took like an hour
[00:40] Leaf_VdM> I keep getting Hills Divide Us
[00:40] minder118 in
[00:40] Leaf_VdM out
[00:40] Leaf_VdM in
[00:40] [IC]Pk> leaf
[00:40] [IC]Pk> what windows are you on?
[00:40] The_Big_Maker out
[00:40] Leaf_VdM> yea
[00:40] Leaf_VdM> 7
[00:41] Tuzkar out
[00:41] [IC]Pk> thats weird that your having issues then
[00:41] The_Big_Maker in
[00:41] [IC]Pk> maybe try reinstalling pop altogether?
[00:42] [IC]Pk> +1 here
[00:43] [IC]Forelli> +1
[00:44] cowel in
[00:44] cowel out
[00:47] Pandemonio in
[00:50] Pandemonio out
[00:55] Mowgli out
[00:57] Leaf_VdM out
[00:57] Fried_Rice> mooresy must be so mad at all the braves he keeps getting into
[00:58] lipsmega in
[00:58] Leaf_VdM in
[01:01] Leaf_VdM> I have no level files in my populous directory
[01:01] damhyr0857 out
[01:01] Leaf_VdM> I just tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and the mm
[01:01] damhyr0857 in
[01:03] Tuzkar in
[01:06] paco in
[01:07] lipsmega> +2
[01:08] zagzag94 in
[01:10] Deliruis in
[01:10] Blue out
[01:11] Tuzkar out
[01:11] paco out
[01:12] [ic]nakamura> brb
[01:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> gg
[01:12] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[01:12] [tdm]Mooresy> gg wp'd both sides
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Leaf_VdM - MapPack: OK
lipsmega - MapPack: OK
FenixMaster - MapPack: OK
- FenixMaster: Green (Watcher)
- lipsmega: Red
- Leaf_VdM: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[01:13] Fried_Rice out
[01:13] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[01:14] yeitsin1 in
[01:15] yeitsin1 out
[01:17] daddyman in
[01:18] sherminator31 in
[01:19] sherminator31 out
[01:22] Marcos2123 in
[01:22] [tdm]Mooresy out
[01:23] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[01:24] Deliruis out
[01:25] Mauricio2123 in
[01:26] Marcos2123> Fenix master te metis a mi partida?
[01:26] FenixMaster out
[01:29] Almafuerte in
[01:32] Tuzkar in
[01:33] lbhorn in
[01:34] [IC]Amphetamine> well would you look at that
[01:34] [IC]Amphetamine> Leaf is here
[01:35] [IC]Pk out
[01:35] [IC]Forelli> i hate this game
[01:35] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[01:36] [IC]Amphetamine> why forelli
[01:36] [IC]Forelli> i dont know
[01:36] [IC]Forelli> havent felt this amount of shaman clicks
[01:36] [IC]Forelli> like ever
[01:37] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[01:37] [IC]Amphetamine> mine are annoying
[01:37] [IC]Amphetamine> I s-click like a motherfucker all day
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> when you die
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> 24 times
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> to Sclick
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> you feel great
[01:38] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[01:38] [IC]Amphetamine> yeah it suxs
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> i dont know how but yeah
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> wanted to ragequit
[01:38] [IC]Forelli> never doing NP again
[01:39] [IC]Amphetamine> np?
[01:39] Tuzkar out
[01:40] [IC]Forelli> narrow passage
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> ah
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> that map
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> it's okay
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> on another note
[01:40] daddyman out
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> i think i pissed off Johan
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> pretty bad the other day
[01:40] Leaf_VdM out
[01:40] [IC]Forelli> why lol
[01:40] [IC]Forelli> come to think of it , havent seen him in a while
[01:40] [IC]Amphetamine> we were in a 2v2 the other daty
[01:41] [IC]Amphetamine> Matt was antagonizing us
[01:41] [IC]Amphetamine> So i talked to matt's ally and convinced him that matt was planning on betraying him
[01:41] [IC]Amphetamine> and so he turned on him
[01:41] [IC]Amphetamine> and it worked
[01:41] [IC]Forelli> define antagonizing
[01:42] [IC]Forelli> how exactly
[01:42] lbhorn out
[01:42] [IC]Amphetamine> being a dick like normal I guess
[01:42] lbhorn in
[01:42] [IC]Amphetamine> so i thought matt would like a taste of his own medicine
[01:42] [IC]Forelli> what was he saying
[01:42] [IC]Amphetamine> I can't recall at the moment
[01:42] TimmyB in
[01:42] [IC]Amphetamine> i just got off work
[01:42] [IC]Amphetamine> but anyway
[01:43] [IC]Amphetamine> it bacfired because i lost focus and didnt finish matt off
[01:43] [IC]Forelli> but what does that have to do with johan :D
[01:43] [IC]Amphetamine> and i let pissing matt off get to my head
[01:43] [IC]Amphetamine> i was being stupid and Johan was telling me to focus and i was ignoring him and kept taunting matt
[01:43] [IC]Forelli> oh
[01:43] [IC]Amphetamine> yeah
[01:43] [IC]Forelli> poor johan
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> i feel bad
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> i have to imagine his sweet voice
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> I'm going to apologize to hi,
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> telling you to focus
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> him
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> Chris please focus
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> Chris please.
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> It was rude of me to being a nuisance
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> Please.
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[01:44] [IC]Forelli> Oh my God Chris
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> I was being an actual dick
[01:44] [Rw]Nici> who wants to see naked pics
[01:44] [IC]Amphetamine> and that's not what we are supposewd to be doing
[01:44] [Rw]Nici> hiiiiiii forellos
[01:45] [IC]Forelli> hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> So i'm going to apologize to him when he gets back
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> whenever that is
[01:45] [IC]Forelli> Chris you should stop being a dick
[01:45] [IC]Forelli> :D
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> or he might just demote me out of the clan
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> which is reasonable
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> I can't get mad at him for that
[01:45] [IC]Amphetamine> I am a dick afterall
[01:45] lbhorn out
[01:46] [IC]Forelli> T_T
[01:46] [IC]Amphetamine> Matt still sucks cock dont get me wro ng
[01:46] [IC]Amphetamine> that is still just as evidet as ever
[01:46] [IC]Amphetamine> ebvident
[01:46] [IC]Amphetamine> evident
[01:46] [IC]Amphetamine> FUCK
[01:47] [IC]Forelli> fuck matt lol
[01:47] [IC]Forelli> muted 4life
[01:47] [IC]Forelli> on MM
[01:47] [IC]Forelli> :D
[01:47] [IC]Amphetamine> he's a cock
[01:47] [IC]Amphetamine> nah even better
[01:47] [IC]Amphetamine> he a cum guzzler
[01:47] [IC]Amphetamine> he is
[01:47] [IC]Amphetamine> XD
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> o ye
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> truely
[01:48] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[01:48] [rw]macca out
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> im off to bed bro
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> if johan comes up
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> tell him hi
[01:48] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[01:48] [IC]Amphetamine> peace oyut man
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> see ya
[01:48] [IC]Forelli> <3
[01:48] [IC]Amphetamine> <34
[01:48] [IC]Forelli out
[01:48] [IC]Amphetamine> god damn it
[01:49] kbatu98765 out
[01:51] [IC]Shao> Hen to the Tai
[01:51] [IC]Shao> desu
[01:51] damhyr0857> hen to the tai
[01:51] damhyr0857> desu
[01:52] The_Big_Maker out
[01:53] damhyr0857 out
[01:55] carlamorilla in
[01:55] carlamorilla out
[01:56] zagzag94 out
[01:58] Leaf_VdM in
[01:59] damhyr0857 in
[01:59] Leaf_VdM out
[02:03] bobx11 in
[02:03] bobx11 out
[02:04] BranBot out
[02:07] ice-t_TSI out
[02:10] shamamBR in
[02:12] AventurA in
[02:14] molham in
[02:16] shamamBR in
[02:18] shamamBR out
[02:19] AventurA> hi
[02:20] damhyr0857> GG
[02:20] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gg
[02:20] damhyr0857 out
[02:21] damhyr0857 in
[02:21] damhyr0857> buena partida xd
[02:21] Morphine in
[02:21] damhyr0857> me va mal el dia xd
[02:22] Marcos2123 out
[02:22] Mauricio2123 out
[02:23] AventurA> sec brb
[02:23] [IC]Shao out
[02:24] Marcos2123 in
[02:26] shamamBR out
[02:27] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[02:28] damhyr0857 out
[02:28] damhyr0857 in
[02:28] Mauricio2123 in
[02:28] AventurA> guys dont leave
[02:29] darthvadr in
[02:31] damhyr0857 out
[02:31] Mauricio2123> Go!
[02:31] damhyr0857 in
[02:31] Mauricio2123> map¡
[02:31] Marcos2123> Chamgemap
[02:31] Mauricio2123> map
[02:31] darthvadr out
[02:31] Mauricio2123> ?
[02:32] Mauricio2123> +2
[02:33] Marcos2123> damhyr hablas español??
[02:34] Marcos2123 out
[02:34] Marcos2123 in
[02:35] Almafuerte out
[02:35] Marcos2123> Hablas espalñol?
[02:35] Marcos2123> GO
[02:35] damhyr0857 out
[02:35] damhyr0857 in
[02:36] damhyr0857> wtf
[02:36] Mauricio2123> ? que paso
[02:36] taitan-v3 in
[02:36] taitan-v3 out
[02:36] Marcos2123> googog
[02:36] Mauricio2123> :v
[02:42] paco out
[02:43] aajandros out
[02:46] damhyr0857 out
[02:47] minder118 out
[02:47] damhyr0857 in
[02:48] Mauricio2123 out
[02:48] Almafuerte in
[02:48] Almafuerte out
[02:49] [Rw]Nici> MooresVille
[02:49] [Rw]Nici> paper what u doin sess for
[02:49] [Rw]Nici> at most do sess
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> gud sess
[02:50] [ic]nakamura> because
[02:50] Blue in
[02:50] Marcos2123> espera que entre mi hermano
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> because?
[02:50] [ic]nakamura out
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> because u suk dik
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> we all know
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> you and berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> suck dick
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> divinity
[02:51] Mauricio2123 in
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> nickalerts
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> PIG
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> _pig
[02:51] [ic]nakamura in
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> NICKalerts
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> PEDRO
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> peter
[02:51] Mauricio2123> nici
[02:51] Mauricio2123> fan ÑD
[02:51] Marcos2123> i have one pig jajajaja
[02:51] Mauricio2123> fan :D
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> let me put my cock in yer pigs mouth
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> omg
[02:51] [Rw]Nici> dream of me life
[02:51] Marcos2123> Jjj yes yes
[02:52] Marcos2123> You life is my illusion
[02:52] Mauricio2123> english
[02:52] [ic]nakamura> no ping
[02:52] [IC]Amphetamine> dafuq is wrong with you
[02:52] Haru in
[02:53] BranBot in
[02:54] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> suck me
[02:54] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> wtf
[02:54] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nicks nao deram
[02:54] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ah nao tava check o quadrado
[02:55] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> tentágoura
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> :)
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> pig
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> divinity
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> PEDRO
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> peter
[02:55] [IC]Amphetamine> wtf
[02:55] majd in
[02:55] lucas_mts18 in
[02:56] lucas_mts18> oi
[02:56] lucas_mts18> boa noite
[02:56] lucas_mts18> opa sin
[02:57] lucas_mts18> ok
[02:57] damhyr0857 out
[03:03] damhyr0857 in
[03:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> calou deu
[03:03] aidan9211 in
[03:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> fui buscar blaxas
[03:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> pra CU mer
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> blaxas de k
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> de chukl8
[03:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> por acaso sao apenas mary cookies
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> lol
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> dessas tenho eu
[03:03] aidan9211> i have 11 minutes until my pasta is ready
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> k
[03:04] aidan9211> can you baet me in that time paper?
[03:04] [IC]Amphetamine> i have 11 minutes till my cock is ready
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> ill not take longer than that
[03:04] aidan9211> or nici, can you win in that time?
[03:04] aidan9211> o
[03:04] aidan9211> ok
[03:04] aidan9211> let me close stuffs
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad:
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad:
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> who wants to see nudes
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> of me
[03:04] [IC]Amphetamine> me
[03:05] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> me
[03:05] Haru out
[03:05] [IC]Amphetamine> you know how much i love that shit
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> you say sorry
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> then kay
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> dude i may as well play 2v1
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> nobody seems to be ready to play
[03:09] [IC]Amphetamine> the fuck is going on
[03:09] aidan9211> sorry
[03:09] [IC]Amphetamine> get out if you're not gong to ready uin
[03:09] aidan9211> i literally turrned my laptop on
[03:10] Blue> I aint sorry naw naw hell no
[03:15] Mauricio2123 out
[03:15] Marcos2123 out
[03:17] lipsmega> shit
[03:18] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> here i sit, broken hearted
[03:18] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> came to shit, but only farted
[03:18] [IC]aladdin in
[03:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> hi alladin is my mom there?
[03:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ffs she isnt replying
[03:20] AventurA> .,mmmmm
[03:20] Marcos2123 in
[03:20] Mowgli in
[03:20] [IC]-Johan in
[03:21] Marcos2123 out
[03:22] lipsmega> we can try lol
[03:22] AventurA> i will be better
[03:22] AventurA> always try
[03:22] lipsmega> lets go
[03:22] AventurA> just learn what u do wrong
[03:23] lipsmega> ok
[03:23] lipsmega> teach me how to keep the trops walking
[03:23] lipsmega> alone
[03:23] lipsmega> in cicles or lines
[03:23] AventurA> ok
[03:29] Mowgli out
[03:29] yolojhov in
[03:33] aidan9211> ????#
[03:33] yolojhov out
[03:33] [IC]Amphetamine> matt let me choke you with my cock
[03:33] [IC]Amphetamine> you know you like it
[03:34] [Rw]Nici> matt likes a good cock choking
[03:34] [IC]Amphetamine> ^^^^
[03:34] [IC]Amphetamine> i wish matt could respond
[03:34] [IC]Amphetamine> his responses are always so pathetic
[03:34] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^
[03:36] aidan9211> no i didnt lag.... i froze that time on mid
[03:38] damhyr0857 out
[03:38] damhyr0857 in
[03:40] [IC]-Johan> _1
[03:42] lucas_mts18 out
[03:43] damhyr0857 out
[03:43] damhyr0857 in
[03:44] lucas_mts18 in
[03:44] lucas_mts18> BLZ
[03:45] damhyr0857 out
[03:45] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[03:45] cobalt out
[03:48] damhyr0857 in
[03:50] damhyr0857 out
[03:51] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[03:51] [ic]nakamura> ecvcc
[03:51] [ic]nakamura> secc
[03:55] damhyr0857 in
[03:56] [Rw]Nici> anyoine wants nudes
[03:58] Bastianignacioo in
[03:59] Bastianignacioo out
[04:01] [Rw]Nici> yh true
[04:02] Blue> Nici your nudes would mean a nightmare
[04:02] [Rw]Nici> y u gotta be so mean
[04:02] lucas_mts18 out
[04:03] [Rw]Nici> pimples growing close to nose
[04:03] [Rw]Nici> sucks
[04:03] [Rw]Nici> i mean
[04:03] [Rw]Nici> a PIMPLE
[04:03] damhyr0857 out
[04:03] damhyr0857 in
[04:04] TimmyB out
[04:08] aajandros in
[04:11] aidan9211> maybe
[04:11] Blue> glad i dont grow pimples
[04:16] molham out
[04:18] lipsmega out
[04:18] AventurA out
[04:19] lipsmega in
[04:19] lipsmega out
[04:21] majd out
[04:22] Blue out
[04:24] samsong in
[04:27] aajandros> cual map
[04:27] samsong> somos principiantes jajajajajja
[04:27] samsong> ajajjajaj
[04:28] aajandros> siva
[04:28] aajandros> se el adm
[04:28] aajandros out
[04:28] aajandros in
[04:29] aajandros> ya
[04:29] aajandros> esta descargando
[04:29] aajandros> listo
[04:29] aajandros> go
[04:29] Little_Guy1 in
[04:30] [ic]nakamura> morphine u suck cock dude
[04:30] damhyr0857 out
[04:30] [ic]nakamura> go play single player bitch
[04:30] Little_Guy1> Fuck you whore
[04:31] Morphine> i only suck my own
[04:31] Morphine> so its true
[04:31] Morphine> ;(
[04:32] Little_Guy1> I love your handle
[04:35] damhyr0857 in
[04:38] Little_Guy1 out
[04:39] Mowgli in
[05:06] Little_Guy1 in
[05:06] Little_Guy1 out
[05:09] aajandros> otra
[05:11] samsong> damhyr085jajajajaa
[05:17] damhyr0857 out
[05:17] Morphine out
[05:17] Morphine in
[05:17] Morphine out
[05:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[05:28] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gg
[05:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gb
[05:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gn*
[05:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[05:34] Mowgli out
[05:50] samsong out
[05:59] HBK in
[06:02] massa in
[06:02] [IC]-Johan out
[06:07] digo86 in
[06:07] massa out
[06:12] HBK out
[06:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats annoying
[06:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> took my mind off it for a minute
[06:23] [ic]nakamura> lol
[06:24] [ic]nakamura> gggggg
[06:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> gg
[06:24] [ic]nakamura> 13- 20 with shaman lolz
[06:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> well i had to camp
[06:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> thewm towers were annoying
[06:26] BranBot out
[06:26] SkN in
[06:27] digo86 out
[06:29] [Rw]Nici> nakamura is wanking
[06:30] Nightwulff in
[06:32] Ricardopedro in
[06:32] Ricardopedro out
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u spec that game?
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> gay basterd builds too mcuh
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> wish u guys would stop building so much
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe id have a shot
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> and stop lighting me too
[06:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> less warriors?
[06:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> papergay
[06:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go
[06:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[06:35] aidan9211> moores.... you should practice just building sometime
[06:35] aidan9211> like against new players
[06:35] aidan9211> and give yourself a challenge of 15 minutes or so to have a full base built
[06:36] aidan9211> with oly 45 braves
[06:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> naaaa
[06:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> u just gotta clik fast and continue to do so all game
[06:37] Nightwulff> do A 3 Player map FFa?
[06:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> its laborious
[06:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> but it has obvious nock on effects if u dont keep up
[06:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> less mana less troops
[06:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> less defence
[06:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> less mid control
[06:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> so on
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> wellp layed
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> btw
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> black kunt
[06:39] [ic]nakamura> thxthxthx
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> wanna play nigi ?
[06:39] [ic]nakamura> 0k
[06:39] [Rw]Nici> ii sent him a pic of me in the couch
[06:39] [ic]nakamura> blackie
[06:39] [Rw]Nici> he cant let it go
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi see
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> @@
[06:39] [Rw]Nici> niiiiiii
[06:39] [Rw]Nici> ask nakamura
[06:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> u hole
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> he has ite
[06:40] [ic]nakamura> yeah
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> dont care nwyas u got 4 eyes
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> he'll lick it
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> LEak
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> LOL i got 4 eyes
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> lol fuck off stupid muppit
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> :DD
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> scumbag
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> :o
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[06:40] [Rw]Nici> SKaNK
[06:40] [IC]Amphetamine> matt
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut ya mouth
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi come rape this yank basterd
[06:40] [IC]Amphetamine> when are you going to pay me my $10 you owe me
[06:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes annoying me
[06:40] [IC]Amphetamine> ?
[06:41] [ic]nakamura> matt is so mad right now
[06:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[06:41] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[06:41] [IC]Amphetamine> moores
[06:41] [ic]nakamura> he wont stfu on tem spek
[06:41] [IC]Amphetamine> get on ts
[06:41] aajandros out
[06:41] [Rw]Nici> moores get on ts
[06:41] [IC]Amphetamine> come listen to matt rage
[06:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> your mum so fat she fills the bath up then turns the tap on
[06:41] [Rw]Nici> moores comets
[06:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk matt
[06:41] aidan9211> yea moores thats true,,,,, though watch koopa.... he doesnt have a quick build but still gets good mana flowing and a decent def
[06:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> he needs exfoliating
[06:42] [IC]Amphetamine> moores
[06:42] [IC]Amphetamine> come listen to matt rage
[06:42] [IC]Amphetamine> on ts
[06:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok 1sec
[06:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunno man koopa is fast
[06:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> all good pp players are fast
[06:42] [ic]nakamura> koopa is shit
[06:43] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[06:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> no thats u nigi
[06:43] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[06:43] [ic]nakamura> guy cant even beat carbine
[06:43] [Rw]Nici> no thats
[06:43] [Rw]Nici> paper
[06:43] [ic]nakamura> carbine pwned him into retirement
[06:43] [ic]nakamura> then fucked his mom and had 3 kids
[06:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> sweet
[06:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi
[06:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> http://prnt.sc/cfhgh3
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> lol
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> inca
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> ban this fok heed
[06:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> why is there a glory hole behind you
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> ;)
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> its for yer ma
[06:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> with a black dildo sticking out
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> ooooooooooooooooo
[06:44] [ic]nakamura> lmao
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> oooooooooooooooooooo
[06:44] [ic]nakamura> i saw that too
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> yh
[06:44] aidan9211> koopas streams, hes a lot slower than most other shaman players i know... heck, hes about as quick as matt sometimes
[06:44] [Rw]Nici> notme who did that u priek
[06:45] aidan9211> but he keeps his pop moving to max his mana
[06:45] aidan9211> and usues his troops effictively
[06:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye hes a rly good player
[06:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi cokme play paper
[06:45] [Rw]Nici> i go sleep
[06:45] [Rw]Nici> soon
[06:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> i think he could maybe beat you
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> lol
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> imbored of playing paper
[06:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> ef off
[06:46] [ic]nakamura> i cant
[06:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> why
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> lol
[06:46] [ic]nakamura> becuse hes too strong
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> I am !!!!!!!!
[06:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> I am taird
[06:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> yellow belly wimp
[06:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> il play any one
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[06:46] [Rw]Nici> i rape your dog
[06:46] [ic]nakamura> so do i
[06:46] [ic]nakamura> i just played him yesterday u dumb chav
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> dumb cha
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> lmfa
[06:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> my dogs too big for you
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> dumb chav #
[06:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper wanna do fo ?
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> my eyes are closing
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> i cant play with u guys
[06:47] [ic]nakamura> 0k0k00k0kk00kk00k0k
[06:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up nigi
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> id probably get beat n get humilliated
[06:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> no one cares about ur life
[06:47] [ic]nakamura> u are better odds on fo
[06:47] [ic]nakamura> im shitty at fo
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> yh moores
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> im giving an excuse
[06:47] [Rw]Nici> of why i could possibly lose
[06:48] [Rw]Nici> u shit hed
[06:48] [ic]nakamura> its not humiliating nici
[06:48] [ic]nakamura> im the best
[06:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe fo would be better in 1v1's if no one builds towers on the hill ?
[06:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> i dunno
[06:48] [ic]nakamura> no shame in losing to a beast like me
[06:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> hill is too strong in 1v1's
[06:48] [Rw]Nici> no towers in defense a well
[06:48] [Rw]Nici> as
[06:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> some needs to make better 1v1 maps
[06:48] [ic]nakamura> its not
[06:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> dedicated to 1v1's
[06:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> rather then 2v2 maps
[06:49] [ic]nakamura> i lose to ara and nici with mid
[06:49] [ic]nakamura> u just hve to play right
[06:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye mid is important
[06:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> how much pop do u have before u start charging fs?
[06:50] [ic]nakamura> i dunno
[06:50] [ic]nakamura> atleast 90 or 100 i guess
[06:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> turd
[06:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> ah
[06:50] [ic]nakamura> but depends on situation
[06:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> think thats where i fuk up
[06:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wait till im on 150
[06:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> about
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> u think
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> u lose
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> cuz of when u charge fs or not?
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> looooooool
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> start worrying about troops u nigglet
[06:50] [Rw]Nici> NIGG LET
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wish ur eyes would close
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> completely
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> yh go fuk urself
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> black dummi
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> that girl in honduras
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> horrible
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> they went to her funeral
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[06:51] [ic]nakamura> nici is the blackest negro in portugal
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> n she was alive inside the coffin
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> lol.
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> ...
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> n she end up dying in the coffin
[06:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> how ?
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> sick
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> shit
[06:51] [Rw]Nici> she was told to be dead by the meds
[06:52] [Rw]Nici> but she was moving inside her coffin
[06:52] [ic]nakamura> that happens lol
[06:52] [Rw]Nici> cuz they heard noises in her funeral
[06:52] [ic]nakamura> its science
[06:52] [Rw]Nici> fuck u
[06:52] [Rw]Nici> she was alive
[06:52] [ic]nakamura> something aboujt the nervous system letting go
[06:52] [Rw]Nici> she was the best hondurian girl ive seen
[06:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> sounds lbogus
[06:52] [ic]nakamura> or some shit
[06:53] [ic]nakamura> na its true
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> nearly 7am iv not been sleep
[06:53] [ic]nakamura> http://io9.gizmodo.com/5862418/10-bodily-functions-that-continue-after-death
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking annoying
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> yh moores
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> gunna have to go out soon and do some shit
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> its why im going to bed
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> tired of listening to u and paper bitching
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> u gonna plant some drug?
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> no wonder
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> alrdy planted
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> gotta water them n shit
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> where did u plant it
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> btu i gotta go early on in the mornign
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> top secret
[06:53] [Rw]Nici> on ur moms chest
[06:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> classified
[06:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> i planted my fist in ur mums asshole
[06:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> now its like a clowns pocket
[06:54] [Rw]Nici> what did u plant in my mums ashole
[06:54] [Rw]Nici> ur fist?
[06:54] [Rw]Nici> i read first
[06:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut up
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> drug is not good
[06:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats rite
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> u can go in again
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> i been watching fox crime
[06:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk?
[06:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> go where
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> do u see poirot
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> series
[06:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye well we dont all live in fuking toy town like you
[06:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> sucking your mums teet for milk and wages
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> lol did you know my city is the only in portugal that has results of 100% jobs for everyone
[06:55] [Rw]Nici> ???
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> no other city
[06:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye but theres only a population of 5
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> is the same
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> what u talking u prick
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> yea so what
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> yh we have 45k ppl
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> lol
[06:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> u and ur two dads and ur gran and ur dog
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> stfu at least i dont plant drug
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> but i would like
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> would be useful
[06:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> 45k portugese
[06:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> i bet it stinks like rotten shit
[06:56] [Rw]Nici> lol did u know
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> we had erasmus here
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> past year
[06:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> with all those smelly basterds in one place
[06:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> erasmus?
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> some lads from england came here
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> yh
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> do erasmus
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> one girl at night we saw at a bar
[06:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> is that like portugese superman ?
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> she was mega drunk and pissing on the flooor LOL horrible
[06:57] [Rw]Nici> wtf u dont know what erasmus is?
[06:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> british sluts !
[06:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> best in the world
[06:58] [ic]nakamura> rofl
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> u coulda done her in the ass for the price of a drink
[06:58] [ic]nakamura> just gotta find one with all her teeth
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> yep
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> its a struggle
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> gummi sucks
[06:58] [Rw]Nici> u dontknow what erasmus is?
[06:58] [Rw]Nici> ure one sad motherfuckin asshole
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> nothing but brown stumps left
[06:58] aidan9211> [ic]nakamura> just gotta find one with all her teeth
[06:58] aidan9211> hahaha
[06:58] aidan9211> so true
[06:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> explain shit for brains
[06:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi
[06:59] [Rw]Nici> moores u wouldnt match with portugal
[06:59] aidan9211> but moores, how good is it when you do find one
[06:59] [Rw]Nici> we wud get rid of u in 3 times
[06:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> Ace !
[06:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> match wot ?
[06:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> portugal is like spain had a shit
[06:59] [Rw]Nici> moores
[06:59] [Rw]Nici> come plant some weed
[06:59] [Rw]Nici> here
[06:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> "ok then see u in 5 mins"
[07:00] [ic]nakamura> Lol spain had a shit
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> yh
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> moores go TS
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> matt is here
[07:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt needs to lose weight
[07:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi
[07:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> u should disown him
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> moores
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> matt needs a hug
[07:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> look how ugly he is ffs
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> lol..
[07:00] Lintense in
[07:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> you need 15 foot long arms to hug the fat kunt
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> LOLLLLLLLL
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOOOL
[07:00] [Rw]Nici> XD
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> yh moores nobody is as cute as u !
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> plus ud have to put up the B.O.
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> :']
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> moos
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> imagine the body odour
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> u should tehank me
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> look how greasy he is
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> out of all foreigners in ts
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> i say moors not MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOres
[07:01] [Rw]Nici> like weed
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> he looks like a turkey after its been basts or coated in honey
[07:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> greasball
[07:02] [Rw]Nici> XDDDDDD
[07:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> apple bobbing a deep fat friar
[07:02] aidan9211> lol!!
[07:02] aidan9211> matt thats 1v1 talk right there
[07:02] Lintense out
[07:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://scontent.fopo1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14238249_10210777865100134_2892168297483251401_n.jpg?oh=ae243af020b25d49cc691718f90bd994&oe=588169E1
[07:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt
[07:04] [ic]nakamura> rofl
[07:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> in his XXXXl T shirt
[07:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> XXXXLarge
[07:04] [Rw]Nici> wtf u guys doing
[07:04] [Rw]Nici> ..
[07:04] [Rw]Nici out
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit im draining
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> in power
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper?
[07:05] aidan9211> is that matt?
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[07:05] aidan9211> lol
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats his best pic iv seen
[07:05] aidan9211> i did not expect him to look like that
[07:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> fat?
[07:06] aidan9211> he looks like an adult
[07:06] aidan9211> but he sounds like a 12 year old
[07:06] aidan9211> and acts like a 4 year old
[07:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr !
[07:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[07:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at him ffs
[07:06] aidan9211> bizzare
[07:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes trying to do that "windstruck" look with his eyes
[07:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> fat kunt
[07:06] aidan9211> hahahaha
[07:07] Treeman161 in
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> the guy is mega weird
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> he contacted incas dad on face book
[07:07] aidan9211> been playing pop so long he looks like tsu
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> WTF
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[07:07] aidan9211> no wya!!!
[07:07] aidan9211> wtfffFF
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> serious
[07:07] aidan9211> hahahahaha
[07:07] aidan9211> hgahahj
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca kikt him and muted him
[07:07] aidan9211> omfg im in stiches
[07:07] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes weird as fuk
[07:08] aidan9211> hes gotta be autistic... i feel bad for laughing
[07:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> he plays online chess with other pop players liek myself sometimes but people stop playing him
[07:08] aidan9211> how the fuck did he find incas dad?
[07:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz he was cheating
[07:08] aidan9211> and what did he say?
[07:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> using chess prgrams
[07:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol wtf
[07:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> programs#
[07:09] aidan9211> is that how he found incas dad?
[07:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunno
[07:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> how fuking weird is that thoe?
[07:09] aidan9211> omfg this guy is a character
[07:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahaha
[07:09] aidan9211> so weird
[07:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> iv always said he has mental issues
[07:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> he has too
[07:09] aidan9211> but why am i not more shocked at this
[07:10] aidan9211> because its something you expect from matt
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> why the fuk would u play online chess to cheat
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> the chess moderators on a certian site banned him lol
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> for using secret software
[07:10] aidan9211> hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> FREAK
[07:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> its not like u win anything
[07:10] aidan9211> the tears are tripping me!!!
[07:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> its just a game of chess with random people
[07:11] aidan9211> why is there not more people here to hear this??!!
[07:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> any one whos played pop for years knos howe weird he is
[07:11] aidan9211> cam you please put that photo up in the mm tomorrow
[07:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[07:11] aidan9211> everytime i see it, i wet myself laughing
[07:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> maybe the only guy to match his weirdnes was a guy called warg
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> who made his own mattchmaker
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> but matts the worst
[07:12] aidan9211> i just always thought he was a bit odd
[07:12] aidan9211> but fuck me
[07:12] aidan9211> he was online a few months ago
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> he used to be able to dismantle ur buildings
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> he still can sometimes
[07:12] aidan9211> i seen someone do that
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> so if he eqd you he would dismantle building s on brown land
[07:12] aidan9211> theres a weird set up process to it
[07:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> so u couldnt rebuild them
[07:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> he can delete plans too
[07:13] aidan9211> matt 2.0
[07:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> hut plans and tower plans
[07:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> freak
[07:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> ul notice it on fo
[07:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> to try stop u getting fws in towers lol
[07:14] aidan9211> does matt do it?
[07:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[07:14] aidan9211> i wouldnt have tought he had the patientce for that... but in fairness, this is matt
[07:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> he was specing a game of mine recently and kept deleting my plans as i was setting them
[07:14] aidan9211> ???
[07:14] [tdm]MooresMurder> had to gb and launch with out him
[07:14] aidan9211> how the fuck
[07:14] janikorpi in
[07:14] aidan9211> such a matt think to do
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol ghes a freak
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> wait
[07:15] aidan9211> if he was a something he would be a punch in the dick
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> i got a video for you
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg this is the best
[07:15] aidan9211> of matt?
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> of matt anbd his family
[07:15] aidan9211> lol
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> u wont beleive it lol
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> the best
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts and his family tryna get on a tv show
[07:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> sec
[07:15] aidan9211> i feel so bad for laughing at him
[07:15] aidan9211> but fuck it
[07:15] janikorpi out
[07:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk that hes a basterd
[07:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> of epic proportions
[07:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt5anupefVg
[07:17] aidan9211> is he italian?
[07:17] Ghill in
[07:18] aidan9211> omfg this is the best thing ever!!!
[07:18] aidan9211> he got fat as fuck based on that photo
[07:20] issabella in
[07:21] issabella out
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> im gone mate
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> cya inabit
[07:22] aidan9211> his sister in law is kinda hot
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[07:22] aidan9211> sya soon man
[07:22] aidan9211> ty for this lol
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> i bet he wanks over he all the time
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> dirty basterd
[07:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> her#
[07:23] aidan9211> im so lost with that guy.... my whole opinion of him has went full circle
[07:27] aidan9211 out
[07:29] Sihrin in
[07:33] Sihrin out
[07:36] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:36] Ghill out
[07:42] massa in
[07:42] massa out
[07:44] Treeman161 out
[07:44] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:45] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:47] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:47] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:49] jellyb34n in
[07:49] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:49] jellyb34n out
[07:50] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:50] NoobPlayer in
[07:54] sam_tas in
[07:58] NoobPlayer> come on
[07:58] NoobPlayer> someone join us
[08:04] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:05] ka-san in
[08:05] ka-san out
[08:05] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:05] NoobPlayer out
[08:08] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:08] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:09] NoobPlayer in
[08:09] NoobPlayer out
[08:11] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:12] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:13] SzawizZ in
[08:13] SzawizZ out
[08:15] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
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[08:18] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
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[08:21] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:23] sam_tas in
[08:23] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:23] sam_tas out
[08:24] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:26] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:27] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:27] gstepin in
[08:29] SkN out
[08:29] sam_tas out
[08:32] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:32] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[08:35] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[08:40] ArturProzorov123 in
[08:41] mustafa195966 in
[08:45] mustafa195966 out
[08:51] [ic]nakamura out
[08:53] sam_tas in
[09:04] 007s in
[09:09] 007s out
[09:10] Baroufakhs in
[09:10] gstepin out
[09:11] 007s in
[09:14] nikostot in
[09:16] nikostot out
[09:18] sam_tas in
[09:24] Simonrush in
[09:25] sam_tas out
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: The Great Worlds (2.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
ArturProzorov123 - MapPack: OK
Best Teams:
007s + Nightwulff vs. Simonrush + ArturProzorov123
- 007s: Green (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
- Simonrush: Red
- ArturProzorov123: Yellow
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:28] Nightwulff> go out Minibot uk is buged
[09:28] Nightwulff> he need to rehost fat
[09:28] Nightwulff> fast
[09:28] Nightwulff> dam
[09:29] Nightwulff> you gota get a defrent bot uk is buged
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:29] Nightwulff> rehost fast
[09:29] SoulDrak3 in
[09:29] Nightwulff> good
[09:30] SoulDrak3 out
[09:30] Trabulo in
[09:31] Baroufakhs out
[09:31] ArturProzorov123 out
[09:35] Simonrush out
[09:38] sam_tas out
[09:40] 007s out
[09:41] Simonrush in
[09:41] 007s in
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
- Simonrush: Green (Watcher)
- 007s: Blue
- Nightwulff: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Timed (25 minutes)
Victory Condition: Armageddon
[09:46] Simonrush> ok I request
[09:46] 007s out
[09:47] 007s in
[09:47] Simonrush> go?
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Simonrush: Blue
- Nightwulff: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:48] Nightwulff> wait for him 007 will just get Warp in
[09:48] Nightwulff> uk is buged
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Simonrush: Blue
- Nightwulff: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:50] Nightwulff> now Betabot is Waiting for use
[09:52] Nightwulff> gota Call Beta bot
[09:52] Nightwulff> out
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
007s - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- Simonrush: Red (Watcher)
- 007s: Yellow
- Nightwulff: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Timed (20 minutes)
Victory Condition: Armageddon
[09:54] Nightwulff> it thinks were Playing won were not Even in that hut
[09:55] Simonrush> can't use betabot?
[09:55] Nightwulff> thinks were in the hut
[09:55] Nightwulff> so its Siting in buged
[09:55] Nightwulff> waiting for use now
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:56] Nightwulff> and uk Does it take in Player's
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
- Simonrush: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:57] Nightwulff> see
[09:57] Nightwulff> that bull
[09:58] Nightwulff> try and wait see if ukcan Keep use up
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: AU Worlds (1.0)
007s - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
- 007s: Yellow (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
- Simonrush: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[09:58] Nightwulff> just wait a sec
[09:59] Nightwulff> lets wait a bit
[10:00] Simonrush> ok
[10:00] Nightwulff> host 3 Player
[10:00] Nightwulff> launch
[10:00] Nightwulff> start
[10:00] Nightwulff> go
[10:01] Nightwulff> now 3
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: 2 to 4 Worlds (1.3)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
007s - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- Nightwulff: Green (Watcher)
- 007s: Blue
- Simonrush: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[10:02] arnost in
[10:02] Nightwulff> see if i can geta ping on you guys
[10:03] Nightwulff> Betabot takes Forever to leave to i think it think were still Trying join
[10:04] Nightwulff> so its just Siting
[10:05] Nightwulff> 007 you were the last one to host Betabot right
[10:06] Nightwulff> way don.t you reconnect maybe if it thinks ur offline it will leave
[10:06] Nightwulff> the Hut
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
007s - MapPack: OK
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
Simonrush - MapPack: OK
- Simonrush: Red (Watcher)
- 007s: Yellow
- Nightwulff: Green
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Timed (20 minutes)
Victory Condition: Armageddon
[10:07] Nightwulff> can.t use bots
[10:08] alexdedi in
[10:09] arnost out
[10:09] alexdedi out
[10:09] alexdedi in
[10:10] Nightwulff> I JUST TOLD YOU CAN.T USE BOTS
[10:11] alexdedi out
[10:13] Simonrush out
[10:14] Simonrush in
[10:17] sam_tas in
[10:17] Trabulo out
[10:18] sam_tas out
[10:21] Simonrush out
[10:21] Simonrush in
[10:22] BlueJ in
[10:23] BlueJ out
[10:23] Simonrush out
[10:40] arnost in
[10:41] arnost out
[10:43] 007s out
[10:44] 007s in
[10:45] addje in
[10:46] [MAD]Vanilla_FacE in
[10:46] treeman161 in
[10:46] 007s in
[10:47] 007s out
[10:48] addje out
[10:49] 007s> lag
[10:53] Nightwulff> launch
[10:53] jefrodrigues in
[10:53] jefrodrigues out
[10:54] treeman161 out
[10:55] Fried_Rice in
[10:58] [MAD]Vanilla_FacE out
[10:59] [IC]great_succeSS in
[10:59] aloneton in
[10:59] [IC]great_succeSS> RIP Maximum Madness <3
[11:01] aloneton out
[11:02] Fried_Rice out
[11:04] [IC]aladdin out
[11:06] [IC]great_succeSS out
[11:07] Athena in
[11:07] Simukas in
[11:08] Simukas out
[11:10] prudhviram in
[11:10] ion in
[11:11] tomikja in
[11:14] arnost in
[11:14] arnost out
[11:19] ion out
[11:19] arnost in
[11:19] ion in
[11:20] ion out
[11:23] sam_tas in
[11:24] tomikja out
[11:24] [IC]Amphetamine out
[11:24] Athena out
[11:25] sam_tas out
[11:26] [IC]great_succeSS in
[11:28] cowel in
[11:28] cowel out
[11:29] 007s in
[11:29] 007s out
[11:30] prudhviram out
[11:31] bluestar224 in
[11:31] bluestar224 out
[11:36] 007s out
[11:43] 007s in
[11:44] Nightwulff> brb Guys
[11:45] 007s out
[11:45] 007s in
[11:48] arnost> ???
[11:48] Nightwulff> ya idk what that was
[11:51] Baroufakhs in
[11:51] Baroufakhs out
[11:53] [TDM]Delax in
[11:53] [TDM]Delax out
[11:54] 007s out
[11:55] 007s in
[11:57] 007s out
[11:58] Doner in
[11:58] Doner out
[12:00] Jayinnit in
[12:00] Athena in
[12:01] Treeman161 in
[12:02] tomvgk in
[12:03] SzawizZ in
[12:04] SzawizZ out
[12:05] Juliosf92 in
[12:06] tomvgk out
[12:06] Juliosf92 out
[12:09] Igor1312 in
[12:10] 007s in
[12:12] Igor1312 out
[12:12] Jayinnit out
[12:14] Athena out
[12:21] zagzag94 in
[12:34] PrinceVentus in
[12:35] PrinceVentus out
[12:35] [IC]great_succeSS out
[12:40] elshiti in
[12:40] elshiti out
[12:40] Ricardopedro in
[12:42] Ricardopedro out
[12:43] m3silane in
[12:46] cabetron in
[12:47] zagzag94 out
[12:50] cabetron out
[12:52] windyemre in
[12:53] hasan9540 in
[12:54] windyemre> hasn gel 1e1
[12:54] hasan9540> yok ben world of tanks oynicam
[12:55] windyemre> tm
[12:55] windyemre out
[12:55] hasan9540 out
[12:55] AyaxS in
[12:56] taitan-v3 in
[12:57] stillframe in
[12:58] Howline in
[13:00] WioskowyBlazen in
[13:02] stillframe out
[13:10] 007s out
[13:10] 007s in
[13:11] ChazYannis in
[13:12] taitan-v3 out
[13:12] taitan-v3 in
[13:12] 007s out
[13:13] AyaxS out
[13:13] 007s in
[13:14] ChazYannis out
[13:15] joaovitor in
[13:15] joaovitor out
[13:15] neon47 in
[13:15] neon47 out
[13:18] 007s out
[13:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[13:19] taitan-v3 out
[13:21] 007s in
[13:21] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[13:23] spawn711 in
[13:23] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> m
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Cihad Worlds (1.01)
arnost - MapPack: OK
- arnost: Green (Watcher)
- Nightwulff: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[13:27] arnost> bad map
[13:28] Nightwulff> do Even land if you can find
[13:28] lahirecep in
[13:32] spawn711 out
[13:34] m3silane out
[13:37] gortex01692 in
[13:41] gortex01692 out
[13:45] Treeman161 out
[13:47] WioskowyBlazen out
[13:53] kingbob in
[13:53] kingbob out
[13:58] bockwurstlaune in
[14:03] viggo01 in
[14:04] lahirecep out
[14:04] viggo01 out
[14:06] xtro in
[14:12] [IC]Pk in
[14:14] Demishrot in
[14:14] Demishrot out
[14:17] xtro> +2
[14:17] Brandan out
[14:19] Soulcannon18 in
[14:20] Soulcannon18 out
[14:20] [TDM]Delax in
[14:20] xtro> play?
[14:21] cccp in
[14:21] cccp out
[14:22] [IC]Pk out
[14:29] bockwurstlaune out
[14:32] xtro out
[14:35] [TDM]Delax in
[14:38] bockwurstlaune in
[14:38] bockwurstlaune out
[14:39] [TDM]Delax out
[14:41] bockwurstlaune in
[14:41] bockwurstlaune out
[14:43] pboris93 in
[14:46] pboris93 out
[14:47] rhyanvalk in
[14:48] rhyanvalk out
[14:50] sam_tas in
[14:51] Jayinnit in
[14:51] [TDM]Delax out
[14:51] Howline out
[14:52] sam_tas out
[14:53] [IC]Forelli in
[14:54] maroonie123 in
[14:56] italian120 in
[14:56] black_mesa in
[14:58] TheChosenOne in
[14:59] 007s out
[15:00] TheChosenOne out
[15:02] [TDM]Delax in
[15:03] Nightwulff out
[15:05] 007s in
[15:05] TheChosenOne in
[15:06] [IC]Forelli> +3
[15:06] italian120> GOGO
[15:06] [IC]Forelli> are you koreans okay with this map
No updates are available
[15:07] arnost> lol
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> i'll take that as a yes
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> game will be unranked tho
[15:07] arnost> lol is yes in north korea
[15:08] Tuzkar in
[15:08] Tuzkar in
[15:08] Tuzkar out
[15:08] Tuzkar out
[15:08] [IC]Forelli> why did you leave
[15:08] [IC]Forelli> lol
[15:08] TheChosenOne out
[15:09] [IC]Forelli> 1v1 anyone
[15:09] SupRis3 in
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.3)
007s - MapPack: OK
italian120 - MapPack: OK
- italian120: Green (Watcher)
- 007s: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Map Additions:
- Huts
[15:10] [IC]Forelli> 1v1v1?
[15:11] [IC]Forelli> sec
[15:11] [IC]Forelli> not this map tho
[15:11] SupRis3 out
[15:13] Taity-mini in
[15:15] matbarbare6150 in
[15:15] legendary in
[15:15] Taity-mini> +1 test host
[15:16] legendary out
[15:17] matbarbare6150 out
[15:19] tkypanda in
[15:19] tkypanda out
[15:21] black_mesa> delax is so fuqin baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
[15:22] black_mesa out
[15:24] venetica in
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
italian120 - MapPack: OK
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
- Taity-mini: Green (Watcher)
- italian120: Blue
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[15:25] italian120 out
[15:26] Athena in
[15:28] Tuzkar in
[15:28] Tuzkar out
[15:29] Athena> ++1 unranked
[15:29] Taity-mini out
[15:30] Matak_4 in
[15:32] aceventre in
[15:32] aceventre out
[15:32] 007s out
[15:33] arnost out
[15:33] 007s in
[15:35] [IC]great_succeSS in
[15:36] arnost in
[15:37] [IC]great_succeSS> Today [IC]Amphetamine Removed Aladdin from clan
[15:37] [IC]great_succeSS> vaaaaaaaaaaay thats my man
[15:38] Physs in
[15:39] donChimero in
[15:41] hotwille in
[15:41] Taytego in
[15:41] hotwille out
[15:41] Taytego out
[15:41] seanieg in
[15:42] [IC]great_succeSS> Athena: scared to lose your points eh?
[15:43] [IC]great_succeSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxgb5AmzkA4
[15:43] [IC]great_succeSS> goat music <3
[15:44] [IC]Forelli> ATHENA
[15:44] [IC]Forelli> CUM HERE
[15:44] [IC]Forelli> FIND URSELF AN ALLY
[15:44] [IC]Forelli> 2V2
[15:44] 007s out
[15:44] Athena> am out
[15:45] Athena> cant play that long
[15:45] Athena> just playing fun game now
[15:45] seanieg out
[15:46] arnost out
[15:46] 007s in
[15:47] [IC]great_succeSS> athena
[15:47] [IC]great_succeSS> join with Matak_4 and lets play
[15:47] Athena> dude i dont have long time
[15:47] [IC]Forelli> ;)
[15:47] Athena> just 10 - 15 min only
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> its ok
[15:48] Jayinnit out
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> ;)
[15:48] arnost in
[15:48] Jayinnit in
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> arnost cum here
[15:48] [IC]great_succeSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz8zQtsCEAQ
[15:48] [IC]great_succeSS> @ Forelli
[15:48] Athena out
[15:48] [IC]great_succeSS> [16:49] Athena out#
[15:48] [IC]great_succeSS> this will be my next name
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNhfieU2Xt8
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> AHAHAHAH
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> ye good one HAHAH
[15:48] [IC]great_succeSS> [IC]Athena_Out
[15:48] [IC]Forelli> +1
[15:49] [IC]Forelli> matak?
[15:49] [IC]great_succeSS> 069 <3
[15:49] Jayinnit out
[15:50] [IC]great_succeSS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ETnXrsaoM
[15:50] [IC]great_succeSS> the beats of hafti <3
[15:50] [IC]Forelli> 069 has the best instrumental i've heard in german music
[15:50] [IC]Forelli> 100%
[15:50] arnost out
[15:50] Taity-mini in
[15:51] tiagofgo in
[15:51] tiagofgo out
[15:51] [IC]great_succeSS> hi Taity-mini
[15:52] Taity-mini> hey man, finally got broadband in my new flat :)
[15:52] Stocky64 in
[15:53] Stocky64> play 1 vs1 vs 1 ?
[15:54] [IC]Forelli> uh
[15:54] [IC]Forelli> just played ffa
[15:54] [IC]great_succeSS> ye lets go
[15:54] [IC]great_succeSS> no others around anyways
[15:54] donChimero out
[15:55] 007s out
[15:55] [IC]Forelli> i dont want to do ffa
[15:55] [IC]Forelli> i can host you guys
[15:55] [IC]Forelli> 1v1 if u want
[15:55] Stocky64> 1v1 good
[15:56] [IC]great_succeSS> lol ok
[15:56] Stocky64> ^^
[15:57] [IC]great_succeSS> Clans: Inca Conspirators tops the clan league this month with 33 points
[15:57] windyemre in
[15:57] [IC]Forelli> o ye
[15:57] [IC]Forelli> sec
[15:57] [IC]Forelli> what map
[15:57] [IC]Forelli> u want
[15:58] [IC]great_succeSS> yggradsil
[15:58] [IC]Forelli> okay you guys do 2v1 against vanilla
[15:58] windyemre out
[15:58] [IC]Forelli> ;) ;) ;)
[15:58] [IC]great_succeSS> kk
[15:58] [IC]great_succeSS> do pp
[15:58] [IC]Forelli> guess not LOL
[15:59] [IC]Forelli> wtf
[15:59] [Rw]Nici in
[16:00] Gordonswe in
[16:01] Taity-mini> +1 test host - trying to get this minibot to work again...
[16:02] rednakram in
[16:02] treeman161 in
[16:02] rednakram out
[16:06] MrRobusto in
[16:06] MrRobusto out
[16:09] windyemre in
[16:09] MightyStampy in
[16:12] SupRis3 in
[16:13] windyemre> gfogogogo
[16:13] Nightwulff in
[16:14] Gordonswe out
[16:15] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[16:18] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[16:19] Nihlatak in
[16:19] mete in
[16:19] Nihlatak out
[16:19] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[16:19] Klubnichka in
[16:23] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[16:24] [IC]Amphetamine in
[16:25] mete out
[16:27] arnost in
[16:29] ANO in
[16:29] ANO out
[16:29] Taity-mini out
[16:31] windyemre> gogoggoogogogoggo
[16:31] windyemre> gogoogog
[16:32] windyemre> gogogog
[16:32] SupRis3 out
[16:33] windyemre> come
[16:33] Nightwulff> find 2vs1 map
[16:34] windyemre> go
[16:35] arnost out
[16:35] arnost in
[16:35] Nightwulff> did you Ds
[16:35] sovium in
[16:36] sovium out
[16:39] cklee91 in
[16:39] cklee91 out
[16:40] IncaWarrior in
[16:41] HotRod21 in
[16:45] mete in
[16:45] SupRis3 in
[16:46] Sihrin in
[16:47] Sihrin out
[16:47] venetica out
[16:48] SupRis3 out
[16:48] gortex01692 in
[16:48] gortex01692 out
[16:49] damhyr0857 in
[16:49] Demishrot in
[16:49] [TDM]Delax out
[16:50] Stocky64 out
[16:50] Purechemist in
[16:50] itu in
[16:50] Oldskool in
[16:50] itu out
[16:50] pegi9999 in
[16:50] damhyr0857 out
[16:51] christiantorres in
[16:52] DeltaEnemy in
[16:52] aladdin in
[16:53] HotRod21 out
[16:53] [IC]great_succeSS> nice clan matt
[16:53] [IC]great_succeSS> loser
[16:53] venetica in
[16:53] Brandan in
[16:54] Purechemist in
[16:54] Purechemist out
[16:55] mechasdark in
[16:55] mechasdark out
[16:56] damhyr0857 in
[16:57] christiantorres out
[16:58] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[16:59] Purechemist out
[16:59] minder118 in
[16:59] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:01] Demishrot> crashed
[17:01] damhyr0857 out
[17:01] damhyr0857 in
[17:01] Demishrot> game crashed:(
[17:01] SupRis3 in
[17:02] lahirecep in
[17:02] Demishrot> kk
[17:02] Simonrush in
[17:03] samsong in
[17:04] damhyr0857 out
[17:05] Simonrush out
[17:07] NoobPlayer in
[17:07] lahirecep out
[17:08] Tuzkar in
[17:09] damhyr0857 in
[17:13] Matak_4 out
[17:15] NoobPlayer out
[17:16] baritone in
[17:18] [TDM]Delax in
[17:19] Mammy_Tas in
[17:19] damhyr0857 in
[17:19] Demishrot> crash again:(
[17:19] lahirecep in
[17:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> o meu avô andou na guerra do ultramar
[17:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> já eu so vou dizer aos meus netos que hoje fui ao ulmar
[17:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> fds melhor que guerra
[17:21] Philibeau in
[17:21] damhyr0857 out
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> :)
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> cagei
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> foste ao ulmar fazer o ke
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> enfardar blaxax de chukl8 lol
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> aquelas de morango é que sao bué boas :D
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> do pakot verde
[17:22] Demishrot> disconnect
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> é das melhores que se compra lol
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> por um bom preço tbm
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> no continente é mais caro -.- .|.
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> sabes quem é o chaminé?
[17:22] damhyr0857 in
[17:22] [Rw]Nici> chaminas
[17:23] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ya
[17:23] Demishrot> :((
[17:23] damhyr0857> crached new?
[17:23] Demishrot> yes
[17:23] Demishrot> fuck it...
[17:23] Demishrot> tnx anyway m8
[17:23] Demishrot> thank you for the try
[17:23] Demishrot> bye people
[17:23] Demishrot out
[17:24] lahirecep out
[17:24] [GoD]Genki in
[17:28] damhyr0857 out
[17:31] Treeman161 in
[17:32] 007s in
[17:32] BetaBot out
[17:33] BetaBot in
[17:33] venetica out
[17:34] sito-malido33 in
[17:34] arnost> gg
[17:35] [IC]Forelli> gg
[17:35] sito-malido33 out
[17:36] DeltaEnemy out
[17:36] DeltaEnemy in
[17:36] maroonie123 out
[17:38] windyemre> goo
[17:38] arnost> teams?
[17:38] arnost> go?
[17:38] arnost> ok
[17:38] Nightwulff> is un fair tho lol
[17:39] arnost out
[17:40] arnost in
[17:40] windyemre> ok
[17:40] [IC]Forelli> real
[17:41] windyemre> goo
[17:42] windyemre> +1
[17:43] Philibeau out
[17:43] Philibeau in
[17:44] windyemre> no laggers
[17:45] Mammy_Tas out
[17:45] Mammy_Tas in
[17:46] windyemre out
[17:46] cobalt in
[17:48] sammau in
[17:51] brandon101 in
[17:52] brandon101 out
[17:55] damhyr0857> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[17:55] DeltaEnemy> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[17:56] damhyr0857> CHEAT DETECTED Mammy_Tas
[17:56] damhyr0857 out
[17:56] Mammy_Tas> [18:55] DeltaEnemy> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[17:56] Mammy_Tas> lol
[17:57] Mammy_Tas> [18:54] damhyr0857> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[17:57] Mammy_Tas> xD
[17:57] DeltaEnemy> Mammy_Tas> [18:56] --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[17:57] Mammy_Tas> :D
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> i think we waited 20 mins
[17:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> FFS
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> same time of a fo game
[17:57] [TDM]Delax> sad
[17:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanna spec !
[17:57] [TDM]Delax> now my fan cant see my in action
[17:57] Tuzkar> :(
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> fuk ur fans bruski
[17:58] [TDM]Delax> like my clanm8 andrew
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wanted to see mat get butthurt
[17:58] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> matt
[17:58] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> host u
[17:58] [TDM]Delax> who wants to be a shaman
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> fuk moores
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> FU
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi porik
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> lol nigi
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> cmon i wanan spec
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> @@
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> u luv ur new name ?
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> <3
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> yno
[17:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> yes or no?
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> Yno
[17:59] damhyr0857 in
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> YWNa
[17:59] [tdm]MooresMurder> matt got his bottom stuffed at scouts by the old guy who runs it
[17:59] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> lol
[17:59] DeltaEnemy> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> [17:55] DeltaEnemy> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm cheater
[18:00] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> [17:59] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici sucks
[18:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> agreed
[18:00] DeltaEnemy> me too
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> btw in the original it says "I'm a cheater"
[18:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> i ownede him pp last night
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> not "I'm cheater"
[18:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> embarased him
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> someone join
[18:00] damhyr0857> --> Cheat detected -- l'm cheater
[18:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta join
[18:00] DeltaEnemy> [Rw]Nici> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- Nici is gay
[18:01] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:01] viggo01 in
[18:01] [TDM]Delax> --> NOOB DETECTED! -- [tdm]mooresMurder!
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> here he i
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu italy
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk italy
[18:01] DeltaEnemy> savage
[18:01] viggo01 out
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> someone
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> kick this guy
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi ally damy
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> someone
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> get rid
[18:01] Oldskool> K GO
[18:01] Oldskool> lol
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> we literally waited 25 minutes in ga
[18:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> sik ima spec with hard dic
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> game lobby
[18:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> deixu sempre
[18:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> pra ultima
[18:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> da outra bez xeguei as 7 e 2
[18:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> pensava k ja n dava
[18:02] [Rw]Nici> aquilo fecha as 7 mas costuma ficar sempre mais uns minutes
[18:02] [Rw]Nici> tbm prefiro ir a ultima da hora lool
[18:02] DeltaEnemy out
[18:02] [Rw]Nici> tem menos gente
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi u fag
[18:02] IncaWarrior> omg fake cheaters
[18:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinnis gunna taka you
[18:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> mas depois juntam-se todos os da ultima hora
[18:02] DeltaEnemy in
[18:03] damhyr0857> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- IncaWarrior
[18:03] damhyr0857> l'm cheater gay Inca xD
[18:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> inca u need to make an option so spectators can be heard in game lobby
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> FFS
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> i cant spectate
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> thanks inca
[18:03] IncaWarrior> it used to be like that
[18:04] IncaWarrior> but players didn't like it
[18:04] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> PUT IT as option for host
[18:04] baritone out
[18:04] DeltaEnemy> why is there only 1 spec?
[18:04] DeltaEnemy> ?!
[18:04] DeltaEnemy> thi sis bullshit
[18:05] Mammy_Tas out
[18:07] Treeman161 out
[18:07] damhyr0857> /me ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[18:07] damhyr0857> /me explodes
[18:07] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[18:07] Sio87 in
[18:07] Sio87 out
[18:08] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> +1 unranked game
[18:09] damhyr0857> _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[18:09] sammau out
[18:09] [rw]macca in
[18:10] Mammy_Tas in
[18:10] DeltaEnemy> sec
[18:10] DeltaEnemy out
[18:10] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> mammy!!
[18:10] DeltaEnemy in
[18:10] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> 1v1 unranked?
[18:10] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> xD
[18:10] damhyr0857 out
[18:10] damhyr0857 in
[18:10] damhyr0857> h
[18:11] damhyr0857> _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
[18:12] damhyr0857> wtf
[18:15] SovietBrick in
[18:15] SovietBrick out
[18:17] Baroufakhs in
[18:17] Baroufakhs out
[18:18] sam_tas in
[18:20] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:22] Mammy_Tas out
[18:22] Mammy_Tas in
[18:22] Mammy_Tas out
[18:22] Mammy_Tas in
[18:22] Mammy_Tas> damm i am to wanted :O
[18:22] [GoD]Genki> pretty quick one :O
[18:22] sam_tas out
[18:22] [GoD]Genki> up for another one?
[18:25] BranBot in
[18:30] MightyStampy out
[18:32] Mammy_Tas out
[18:32] venetica in
[18:32] Fried_Rice in
[18:33] damhyr0857> hhahahaha
[18:33] damhyr0857> q lovo
[18:37] [GoD]Genki out
[18:40] [IC]great_succeSS> 1v1 arnost
[18:41] [IC]great_succeSS> Philibeau: stick to single player
[18:42] arnost out
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> you coulda won that
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni u were so close
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> rematch
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> unlucky
[18:42] Oldskool> had game
[18:42] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> hmmm
[18:43] Oldskool> but was boring to build nrecover
[18:43] Oldskool> new games better
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> shoulda focused ur attacks
[18:43] DeltaEnemy> rematch PP
[18:43] DeltaEnemy out
[18:43] damhyr0857 out
[18:43] DeltaEnemy in
[18:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> dunno why u didnt side blue spinni
[18:43] DeltaEnemy> rematch on PP
[18:44] [TDM]Delax> we wasted troops on nici
[18:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye
[18:44] [TDM]Delax> we shoulda rushed blue
[18:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni u were charging light i think u shoulda been charging torn
[18:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> and just kept one or two lights
[18:45] Oldskool> yea but maybe lets be quiet now
[18:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> easy for me to say
[18:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> i always fuk up weith spell selection
[18:45] Oldskool> ofc delax
[18:45] Oldskool> and if ur light hit
[18:45] Oldskool> or what was the matter
[18:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> so important ot have the right spells
[18:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ye i seen that
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> just reamtch
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> pussys
[18:46] [IC]great_succeSS out
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici carry the shit out of matt
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> we wanna see the world championship on popre
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi#
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> rematch
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> was a sik game to spec
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> although spinni u wrerent playing ur best
[18:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> too impatient
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> rematch gays
[18:46] Oldskool> as i say
[18:47] Oldskool> and no1 trust me i what i say
[18:47] Oldskool> games get boring
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk?
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur talking shit
[18:47] DeltaEnemy> fuq?
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> no comprena
[18:47] mete out
[18:47] Oldskool> lol
[18:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[18:48] DeltaEnemy> why kick?
[18:48] DeltaEnemy> scared?
[18:48] Oldskool> fuk is wrong with you murser
[18:48] DeltaEnemy> pussy
[18:48] Oldskool> murder
[18:48] Oldskool> you werent under my skin
[18:48] [AsG]Shadow in
[18:48] Oldskool> wow delax
[18:48] damhyr0857 in
[18:48] Oldskool> did u guys really wait 20 mins
[18:48] Oldskool> for me
[18:49] [TDM]Delax> yea
[18:49] Oldskool> .......
[18:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets go ?
[18:51] [TDM]Delax> kick the low fw
[18:51] [TDM]Delax> let a shamn in
[18:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> why we got the worse host hosting
[18:52] Oldskool> ure big
[18:52] Oldskool> murder
[18:53] Oldskool> dont dissapoint me
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> i kno
[18:53] Oldskool> ill tkae the risk
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima big dick kinda guy
[18:53] [TDM]Delax> brb
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u see that pic of nigi?
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> with a glory hole in the back ground?
[18:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[18:54] DeltaEnemy out
[18:54] bockwurstlaune in
[18:54] DeltaEnemy in
[18:55] DeltaEnemy out
[18:55] DeltaEnemy in
[18:56] DeltaEnemy out
[18:56] DeltaEnemy in
[18:58] SzawizZ in
[18:58] arnost in
[18:59] SupRis3 out
[18:59] SupRis3 in
[19:01] [rw]macca out
[19:01] damhyr0857 out
[19:01] damhyr0857 in
[19:01] Philibeau out
[19:01] Jordan90 in
[19:02] ion in
[19:03] damhyr0857 out
[19:05] Master_Roshi in
[19:08] damhyr0857 in
[19:09] zefter in
[19:09] zefter> good luck bro))) wulf
[19:09] zefter out
[19:11] treeman161 out
[19:12] wilczymich in
[19:12] wilczymich out
[19:13] hasan9540 in
[19:13] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> cumprei tartletx
[19:14] [IC]Pk in
[19:14] hasan9540 out
[19:15] [ic]carbine in
[19:17] [IC]Forelli> +2
[19:18] [IC]Pk out
[19:18] Simukas in
[19:19] Simukas out
[19:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> hai
[19:21] oscuro in
[19:21] SupRis3 out
[19:22] oscuro out
[19:22] damhyr0857 out
[19:22] damhyr0857 in
[19:23] damhyr0857 out
[19:23] damhyr0857 in
[19:25] SzawizZ out
[19:25] damhyr0857 out
[19:26] venetica out
[19:27] [IC]Forelli> +1
[19:27] DeltaEnemy out
[19:28] [ic]carbine> trump the type of guy to build a wall around the sun to stop global warming
[19:28] [IC]Forelli> dis nigga
[19:28] IncaWarrior> he explained how to stop terrorism
[19:28] IncaWarrior> we just steal all the oil
[19:30] ThePanKot in
[19:30] yoyoyoyo in
[19:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> he said " IF we go in witch i wasnt in favour off, make usre we take the oil so that our enemy cant use it to fund there operations
[19:30] [TDM]Delax> i froze twice
[19:30] IncaWarrior> exactly
[19:30] IncaWarrior> we steal the oil
[19:31] [TDM]Delax> couldn't move my shaman
[19:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> you already inavaded
[19:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> INVADED
[19:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> so stealing oil is the least of your charges
[19:31] damhyr0857 in
[19:31] [IC]Forelli> murica
[19:31] [IC]Forelli> fuck yeah
[19:31] [TDM]Delax> andrew
[19:31] [IC]Forelli> come in and save the motherfucking daaaaaaay
[19:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> under the prestense of weapons of mass destruction...
[19:31] [TDM]Delax> tahts how i scammed ur brother
[19:31] [TDM]Delax> same s click
[19:31] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/31cc16015b98412bb7abdac6b2e84b84
[19:31] [TDM]Delax> y know
[19:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was gay
[19:32] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=aVj4doeHG-3IZYRubU4tiytcYjxM4E_AD8mHcOG_oKAIDn1RS7sf8FCCX8W&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d4fe1dd75ca3bd4f11d72275b28239088
[19:32] damhyr0857 out
[19:32] damhyr0857 in
[19:32] [TDM]Delax> my shaman froze twice on front
[19:32] [TDM]Delax> lol
[19:32] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[19:32] [IC]Forelli> +2
[19:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> matts styler is so shit
[19:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> waits till hes got full spells then bd's
[19:33] [Rw]Nici> matt is asking " did it work" ?
[19:33] xtro in
[19:33] [IC]Forelli> +1
[19:34] Deliruis in
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> did it work moores?
[19:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit way of playing imo
[19:34] [TDM]Delax> did my light hit you
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> what about charging 4 lights every time
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> is that a shit way of playing
[19:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> u were at like max range and i was walking away ?
[19:34] [TDM]Delax> yea
[19:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> and ur s cliks hits at suh a vital moment
[19:34] damhyr0857 out
[19:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking stupid
[19:35] [TDM]Delax> call it karma
[19:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> why ?
[19:35] arnost out
[19:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf did i do wrong
[19:35] dubeyshivi in
[19:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets play fo ?
[19:36] Deliruis out
[19:36] [IC]Forelli> ...
[19:36] [IC]Forelli> +1 ...
[19:37] [ic]carbine> Skeng in a 4 door truck
[19:38] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/802aa5848a59ba6c7c15db513d020a67
[19:39] [IC]Forelli> finally
[19:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/43834d9d8179287e669e4aabada804ed
[19:39] IncaWarrior> just move it smaller
[19:39] dubeyshivi> +1
[19:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nah was a joke
[19:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i was dragging it
[19:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> it cant stay permanent right
[19:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> goes back to normal
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> get bannned for racism
[19:40] damhyr0857 in
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> tartlex cunt
[19:40] IncaWarrior> it goes back if you restart the mm
[19:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> inca i got banned for racism and ppl can say shit to my mom?! :/
[19:41] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/1187067843a805b9b23ead24891c1331 way better fuck the nicks
[19:41] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> just need to know if someones away
[19:41] shadowhyper51 in
[19:42] shadowhyper51 out
[19:42] IncaWarrior> just the essentials
[19:42] Brandan> oh he finally added anonymous matchmaking accidentally.
[19:42] Klubnichka> Brandan, excuse me
[19:42] Brandan> k, excused.
[19:42] Klubnichka> k allah akbar.
[19:43] xtro> no
[19:43] Master_Roshi out
[19:44] ion out
[19:44] windyemre in
[19:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock let delax spec
[19:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> we doin 1v1 ye?
[19:44] [TDM]Delax> ye lemme spec
[19:44] [TDM]Delax> apparently andrew is running away from me
[19:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> im not evn to good on pp 1v1 but w/e
[19:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> Congratulations to: Luxav (24), [TAS]Venus (22)
[19:45] bockwurstlaune> want 1v1 me or what?
[19:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> rotate#
[19:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> sure
[19:45] bockwurstlaune> need few min first
[19:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs
[19:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> i gotta go in35 min
[19:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> your mum will be mad if i dont be on time
[19:46] bockwurstlaune> lemme smoke this cig
[19:46] bockwurstlaune> and we start
[19:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> you been picking dimp from the floor at the bus staion again ?
[19:46] Klubnichka> im getting fancy 1k ping
[19:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> stop smoking in the house too
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> ow wait
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> team game
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> Face Off maybe ???
[19:47] xtro out
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> let spinni in
[19:47] [TDM]Delax> i got dinner very soon
[19:47] xtro in
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu italy
[19:47] [TDM]Delax> stop running away from 1v1s
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> ruining shit
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok !
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> launch
[19:48] windyemre> +1
[19:48] windyemre> come here
[19:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> holy shit go !!!!!!
[19:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> Go
[19:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> ARRRGGHHH
[19:49] windyemre> gogogogogogo
[19:50] kronq in
[19:50] Klubnichka> go without me
[19:51] xtro out
[19:51] xtro in
[19:52] xtro> omg
[19:52] windyemre> :)
[19:52] windyemre> start
[19:52] xtro> sec
[19:53] Mauricio2123 in
[19:55] [AsG]Shadow out
[19:56] GullieMoeders in
[19:57] DeltaEnemy in
[19:58] xtro> guys ? what happened ?
[20:00] dubeyshivi> lol
[20:00] windyemre> come here
[20:00] windyemre> come on
[20:01] skaarj_guardian in
[20:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> not even bothering playing thatm ap any more in 1v1
[20:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> map#
[20:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> its fuking stupid
[20:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> "who can build the fasted"
[20:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> pop should be a game of who builda fastest wins
[20:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> shouldnt#
[20:02] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:02] bockwurstlaune> wasnt
[20:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> but with pp it is
[20:02] bockwurstlaune> i dont build that much
[20:02] bockwurstlaune> was smoking my cig ingame
[20:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> u had liek double my mana and troops
[20:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at the pop ggraph
[20:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> plus u had 20 wars
[20:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> imagine if i made 20 wars
[20:03] [TDM]Delax> oh well
[20:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> my pop would be half yours
[20:03] [TDM]Delax> we'll miss paki at the world cup
[20:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> i never used to play pp now i remember why
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> moores
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> lets 1^v1
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> fo
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> "buildbuildbuildbuild"
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking annoying
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> i gotta go soon
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> in 20 mins
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> 10 min will be enough
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> ^^
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[20:04] kronq out
[20:04] bockwurstlaune> what mappack is fo 1v1?
[20:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure
[20:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> no more pp for me had enoutgh of it
[20:05] bockwurstlaune> someone should know it
[20:05] bockwurstlaune> ^^
[20:05] cobalt out
[20:05] windyemre> ????
[20:05] windyemre> :)
[20:06] Mauricio2123> wtf?
[20:06] Mauricio2123> yes map
[20:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> Achievement Unlocked: Flyin' Solo (Gold)
[20:06] windyemre> ok
[20:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> wots that
[20:07] Mowgli in
[20:07] iiwalkerii in
[20:09] iiwalkerii out
[20:09] GullieMoeders out
[20:09] Sihrin in
[20:09] Sihrin out
[20:10] Mammy_Tas in
[20:11] xtro> +2
[20:11] Mowgli out
[20:12] Oldskool out
[20:13] xtro> need 1 more
[20:13] [rw]macca in
[20:13] Mammy_Tas> -1 :)?
[20:14] xtro> ?
[20:15] yoyoyoyo> GG
[20:15] [ic]carbine> gg
[20:15] Mauricio2123 out
[20:15] [Rw]Nici> carbine dont dare to say u told blue to make more warriors than fw
[20:15] [Rw]Nici> we all know the opposite is best
[20:16] [IC]Forelli> no
[20:16] [ic]carbine> ?
[20:16] [IC]Forelli> i said he told me to build warrs
[20:16] [Rw]Nici> u guys needed more fws imo
[20:16] [Rw]Nici> was specing:D
[20:16] [Rw]Nici> Wa nice gg
[20:16] samsong out
[20:17] Mauricio2123 in
[20:17] [ic]carbine out
[20:17] Mauricio2123 out
[20:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nici u think u can teach people how to play
[20:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> cuz ur shamen?
[20:19] Leuhan2015 in
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> neh
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> noh
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> nah
[20:19] Leuhan2015 out
[20:20] xtro> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[20:20] DeltaEnemy out
[20:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> good cuz yer baed
[20:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> dont talk about what yer dunt now
[20:20] [Rw]Nici> .
[20:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> Our newest member GullieMoeders
[20:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> You are ranked #0 in the Populous league with 397 points
[20:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> as far as i know rank 0 is higher than rank 1
[20:21] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[20:21] [Rw]Nici> Brandan: berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[20:21] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[20:22] [IC]great_succeSS in
[20:22] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://www.facebook.com/RomagagaOficial/videos/1033878493389942/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> pedro
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> se for essa
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> eu vi isso era pa partelhare
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> omg
[20:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> PEDRO
[20:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> oh yes
[20:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> call me daddy
[20:25] damhyr0857 out
[20:25] [IC]Forelli> vanilla
[20:25] [IC]Forelli> cum here
[20:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> id lick all that carpet until the stains disappear
[20:26] damhyr0857 in
[20:26] aidan9211 in
[20:27] [IC]Forelli> +1
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> moores 1v1
[20:28] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> *******ALL BLOCKED*********
[20:28] windyemre out
[20:28] dubeyshivi out
[20:29] dubeyshivi in
[20:29] bockwurstlaune> 1v1 fo moorey
[20:29] bockwurstlaune> come
[20:29] bockwurstlaune> ur vagina is melling like fish cause ur scared
[20:30] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[20:30] Fried_Rice out
[20:30] damhyr0857 out
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy in
[20:31] bockwurstlaune> kk
[20:32] Jordan90 out
[20:33] [RW]IHard-Wear in
[20:33] Physs out
[20:35] Mammy_Tas out
[20:35] damhyr0857 in
[20:36] Mauricio2123 in
[20:36] massa in
[20:38] Mauricio2123 out
[20:38] [RW]IHard-Wear out
[20:38] massa out
[20:39] [RW]IHard-Wear in
[20:40] Mammy_Tas in
[20:41] [Rw]Exotic in
[20:44] sam_tas in
[20:44] Steppenwolf in
[20:45] Fried_Rice in
[20:46] [RW]IHard-Wear> anyone here play heros of teh storm?
[20:47] Klubnichka out
[20:50] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i
[20:51] aidan9211 out
[20:53] yoyoyoyo out
[20:54] xtro> +++++++++++++++@
[20:54] xtro> 2
[20:56] [Rw]Nici> hey
[20:56] [Rw]Nici> hard-wear is hosting a game
[20:56] [Rw]Nici> everyone join hard-wear
[20:57] ThePanKot out
[20:58] yoyoyoyo in
[20:58] JazzJackrabbit in
[21:02] Fried_Rice> power cut off and so did interent so i decided to organise some photos on my laptop
[21:02] Fried_Rice> found some funny screenshots
[21:04] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> send please
[21:04] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> any nudes?
[21:05] Lonkan in
[21:05] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> oh ur not fire rider
[21:06] damhyr0857 out
[21:06] damhyr0857 in
[21:06] bockwurstlaune out
[21:08] damhyr0857 out
[21:08] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> where gabber been?
[21:08] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> and ra?
[21:08] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> and mentix?
[21:09] Lonkan out
[21:10] NoobPlayer in
[21:12] Fried_Rice> no one beens online
[21:12] NoobPlayer out
[21:12] Fried_Rice> schools opening
[21:12] tiagofgo in
[21:14] damhyr0857 in
[21:15] tiagofgo out
[21:15] pegi9999 out
[21:17] Javedmamode in
[21:18] cobalt in
[21:18] soundmill in
[21:18] Javedmamode out
[21:18] xtro out
[21:19] soundmill out
[21:20] Mowgli in
[21:20] Mauricio2123 in
[21:21] Mammy_Tas out
[21:21] Mammy_Tas in
[21:22] Mammy_Tas> gg
[21:22] Mammy_Tas> gnight :))
[21:22] Mammy_Tas out
[21:22] Mauricio2123 out
[21:22] [IC]great_succeSS> wars killed the game
[21:22] [IC]great_succeSS> as always
[21:23] [IC]great_succeSS> ass shit unit
[21:23] [IC]great_succeSS> should be banned from game
[21:23] Javedmamode in
[21:26] Fried_Rice> if u make ur own wars that shit wouldnt happen
[21:26] damhyr0857 out
[21:26] damhyr0857 in
[21:26] [IC]great_succeSS> i dont fucking mind
[21:26] [IC]great_succeSS> its a shit unit
[21:26] Marcos2123 in
[21:27] Mauricio2123 in
[21:27] Marcos2123> Hola
[21:27] Marcos2123> Jjjj llego mi hermano
[21:27] Marcos2123> No
[21:27] Marcos2123> Yo
[21:27] Mauricio2123> ...
[21:27] Marcos2123> Dale
[21:27] Marcos2123> APurate
[21:28] Marcos2123> ok
[21:29] damhyr0857 out
[21:29] [IC]Pk in
[21:30] [IC]Pk out
[21:30] Javedmamode> hello
[21:31] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> hai
[21:31] Javedmamode> 1st time playing online
[21:31] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i remember my first time
[21:31] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i was scared
[21:31] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> but she said it was her 1st time too
[21:32] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> then we just did random shit
[21:32] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> laughed at end and said never again
[21:33] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> the oldest pop games i remember are prob with ppl like griffin or rockonrob
[21:33] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> god
[21:33] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> but i was prob war already
[21:33] Javedmamode> can some one start a game?
[21:33] soundmill in
[21:34] xtro in
[21:34] damhyr0857 in
[21:37] Jordan90 in
[21:37] Javedmamode> can anyone join
[21:38] yoyoyoyo> gg
[21:39] sam_tas> gg
[21:39] sherminator31 in
[21:39] Jordan90 out
[21:40] damhyr0857 out
[21:40] Marcos2123 out
[21:40] damhyr0857 in
[21:41] Marcos2123 in
[21:41] Mauricio2123> ?
[21:41] xtro> ok
[21:41] [Rw]Nici> stfu sherminat0re
[21:41] [Rw]Nici> omg
[21:41] [Rw]Nici> hes here
[21:42] Marcos2123> Si
[21:42] Marcos2123> Volvamos a crearla
[21:42] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[21:42] Mauricio2123> la cago
[21:42] Mauricio2123> marcos :V
[21:42] Marcos2123> Nice hello
[21:42] Marcos2123> How are you?
[21:42] xtro out
[21:42] xtro in
[21:42] Marcos2123> Nici and i team
[21:43] cccp in
[21:44] Fried_Rice out
[21:44] FenixMaster in
[21:45] FenixMaster out
[21:45] FenixMaster in
[21:45] damhyr0857 out
[21:46] cccp out
[21:47] cccp in
[21:47] cccp out
[21:49] dubeyshivi out
[21:49] FenixMaster out
[21:51] damhyr0857 in
[21:51] cccp in
[21:52] ice-t_TSI in
[21:52] cccp out
[21:52] cccp in
[21:53] cccp out
[21:53] aidan9211 in
[21:53] [IC]great_succeSS out
[21:54] Tuzkar out
[21:54] aidan9211 out
[21:54] cccp in
[21:54] cccp out
[21:55] cccp in
[21:56] sherminator31 out
[21:56] cccp out
[21:56] cccp in
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> tive a pensar
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> quando temos tarteletes de morango
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> comer logo é bue bom porque sabe bem
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> mas guardar também é bue bom, porque assim podes comer agora passado algumas horas
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> fds <3
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> resumindo, é bom enquanto comes
[22:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> com cordas?
[22:03] [War]gba1990 in
[22:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ou com cordéis?
[22:04] skaarj_guardian out
[22:07] JazzJackrabbit out
[22:08] Javedmamode out
[22:08] [War]gba1990> +1
[22:09] damhyr0857 out
[22:09] damhyr0857 in
[22:10] dioenki in
[22:10] dioenki> join
[22:11] damhyr0857 out
[22:11] damhyr0857 in
[22:12] Javedmamode in
[22:16] [TDM]Delax in
[22:16] [TDM]Delax out
[22:16] cabetron in
[22:17] bockwurstlaune in
[22:17] jaffa012524 in
[22:18] jaffa012524 out
[22:19] italian120 in
[22:19] Mauricio2123> lol
[22:19] Mauricio2123> damhyr
[22:19] Javedmamode out
[22:19] Mauricio2123> porque te salistes_
[22:20] 007s in
[22:20] damhyr0857 in
[22:20] [Rw]Nici> damhyr no te alio nunca mas
[22:20] [Rw]Nici> el peor aliado
[22:20] Mauricio2123> lol
[22:20] italian120> join to me
[22:20] italian120> all
[22:20] italian120> night and mauricio
[22:21] Mauricio2123> mmmm
[22:21] Mauricio2123> map
[22:21] Mauricio2123> AU WORLDS
[22:21] Mauricio2123> please bro
[22:21] italian120> ok
[22:21] Mauricio2123> italian
[22:21] Mauricio2123> my brother join :D
[22:21] Marcos2123 out
[22:21] Marcos2123 in
[22:22] italian120> where is the map
[22:22] italian120> file
[22:23] Mauricio2123> AU WORLDS
[22:23] Marcos2123> giigi
[22:23] Marcos2123> googo
[22:23] Mauricio2123> GG
[22:23] italian120> sec
[22:23] italian120> seec
[22:23] Mauricio2123> ok
[22:23] Marcos2123 out
[22:24] aladdin out
[22:24] italian120> i and damhy
[22:24] Physs in
[22:24] Javedmamode in
[22:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> EL PEHOR ALIHADU
[22:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ES NICI
[22:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> MUCHAS GRASSIÁS
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> =(
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> Si.
[22:25] cabetron out
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> lol fds estes noobs com que joguei ainda agora
[22:25] damhyr0857 out
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> ia perdendo
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> foi bue mau juro
[22:25] Death in
[22:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ^^
[22:25] sammau in
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> meteram 4 shaman lives com swamp
[22:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> rofl
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> eu dps qd morri 4 vezes é que vi pqeq eles so acampavam
[22:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> cabroes
[22:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> isso e fodido
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> tive sorte que consegui tirar o red da torre e mata lo so com tropas
[22:25] [Rw]Nici> dps o meu aliado, eu disse lhe pa fazer bd
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> e dps de repente
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> o gajo faz lag out
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> e eu fiquei tao fodido
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> com swampf ds
[22:26] PabloSL in
[22:26] Javedmamode out
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> bota mandar 30 braves pos swamps
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> mas o azul morreu pq mandou tudo mas podia ter ganho
[22:26] [Rw]Nici> foi burro
[22:27] 007s out
[22:27] damhyr0857 out
[22:30] damhyr0857 in
[22:31] Jordan90 in
[22:31] eremiel in
[22:33] Physs out
[22:37] sam_tas out
[22:37] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[22:38] Fried_Rice in
[22:38] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[22:40] ice-t_TSI out
[22:42] Fried_Rice out
[22:46] [IC]Forelli> where da fuk is vegeta
[22:47] sammau out
[22:47] Leaf_VdM in
[22:49] Fried_Rice in
[22:49] Javedmamode in
[22:49] Javedmamode> hi
[22:49] damhyr0857 out
[22:49] Fried_Rice> how is nobody every online?
[22:49] Fried_Rice> its a friday
[22:49] damhyr0857 in
[22:50] Fried_Rice> thursday* oh shit
[22:52] Mauricio2123> men
[22:52] Mauricio2123> wtf_
[22:52] Fried_Rice out
[22:52] italian120 out
[22:53] [IC]Forelli> hi
[22:53] damhyr0857 out
[22:53] damhyr0857 in
[22:55] damhyr0857 out
[22:59] [IC]Shao in
[23:01] damhyr0857 in
[23:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[23:02] Arcayno in
[23:03] yoyoyoyo> GG
[23:03] Fried_Rice in
[23:03] xtro out
[23:03] Death out
[23:03] Fried_Rice out
[23:03] venetica in
[23:04] [tdm]Mooresy out
[23:05] Nightwulff out
[23:05] Nightwulff in
[23:06] damhyr0857 out
[23:06] damhyr0857 in
[23:06] Javedmamode> in
[23:08] Javedmamode> ready
[23:08] [Rw]Exotic out
[23:09] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[23:10] yolojhov in
[23:10] yolojhov out
[23:13] Javedmamode> hello
[23:15] BrunoDiniz in
[23:15] [War]gba1990 out
[23:15] BrunoDiniz out
[23:16] venetica out
[23:17] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[23:18] sam_tas in
[23:18] darthvadr in
[23:21] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[23:21] darthvadr> AMIGO
[23:21] Tuzkar in
[23:21] damhyr0857 out
[23:21] [AsG]ManL1 in
[23:21] damhyr0857 in
[23:22] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[23:23] Basiledes in
[23:23] Basiledes out
[23:26] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> +2
[23:26] Bohemico in
[23:27] sam_tas out
[23:32] jaclabut in
[23:32] The_Big_Maker in
[23:32] darthvadr> AMIGOO
[23:33] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> :o
[23:33] darthvadr> AMIGO
[23:33] jaclabut out
[23:36] darthvadr> AMIGOO
[23:36] darthvadr> ES JV TE ACUERDAS
[23:36] Mauricio2123> hi
[23:36] Mauricio2123> Go!
[23:37] darthvadr> MIRA
[23:38] alxs1326 in
[23:38] BlackAncalagon in
[23:38] darthvadr> NO MAN TU KITEAS
[23:38] darthvadr> TARA
[23:39] darthvadr> ERES UNA TARA
[23:39] darthvadr> NADA KITEAS TARA
[23:39] darthvadr> YA LA GENTE SABE
[23:39] darthvadr> DAMHYR
[23:40] soundmill out
[23:40] cccp out
[23:40] damhyr0857> mira mi rango
[23:40] damhyr0857> ves q soi Warrior
[23:40] darthvadr> ES ES DE TARAS
[23:40] darthvadr> ESO ES DE NOOBS
[23:41] darthvadr> CON NOOBS NO JUEGO
[23:41] darthvadr> NO WAY
[23:42] damhyr0857> cuando quiteo es porque me da lag or lost connections o me tengo q ir porue voi a la calle o q se me da un error Tengo q Reainiciar la computadora por eso quiteo TONTO ESTUPIDO NOOB
[23:42] darthvadr> NAD
[23:42] darthvadr> A
[23:42] darthvadr> NADA
[23:43] damhyr0857> que weon
[23:43] darthvadr> TIENES MALA FAMA
[23:43] darthvadr> DE KITEAR
[23:43] damhyr0857> nada que nada que weon Torpe
[23:44] [ic]nakamura in
[23:44] Arcayno out
[23:45] Stocky64 in
[23:45] Stocky64> 1v1 ?
[23:46] Stocky64> good no ?
[23:47] damhyr0857 out
[23:47] damhyr0857 in
[23:47] Stocky64> loading...
[23:48] Stocky64> buuuuug
[23:48] Stocky64> rethrow
[23:48] Stocky64> me too
[23:48] Stocky64> sorry my pcbug here ^^
[23:48] Kooooooooooooooooopa in
[23:49] Stocky64> go now
[23:49] Stocky64> yeees
[23:49] darthvadr out
[23:49] Stocky64> good
[23:49] darthvadr in
[23:51] damhyr0857 out
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPxkYgW-axM
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> best tr4ck in utube
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> the guy on front driving is paper
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> the guy by his side is matt
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> on the back is koopa n weed
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> fantastic four
[23:52] [ic]nakamura> lolllolololoololool
[23:52] darthvadr> I HAVE SEEN THAT BEFORE
[23:52] darthvadr> MORE OF THE SAME
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> no shit
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> its the best video in youtube
[23:53] darthvadr> 3.291 VIEWS
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> views are totally unrelated with quality
[23:53] ZeKnifeO in
[23:53] darthvadr> ok thats true
[23:54] darthvadr> but 3 k views is really nothing
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> sik m8 sik
[23:55] Tuzkar> hahahaha
[23:55] Mauricio2123 out
[23:56] Kooooooooooooooooopa out
[23:56] yoyoyoyo out
[23:56] Jordan90 out
[23:57] Jordan90 in
[23:57] damhyr0857 in
[23:57] IsoElFace in
[23:58] Stocky64> sooooory my pc bug most enourmous
[23:58] Stocky64 out
[23:59] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[23:59] GrumpyGuppy in
[23:59] GrumpyGuppy out
[23:59] GrumpyGuppy in
[23:59] [ic]nakamura> lol
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> o
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> look its bock
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> n moores
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> n paper
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> the bunch of 3 faggots
[00:00] Nightwulff> 1 more
[00:01] damhyr0857 out
[00:01] darthvadr> sick, sick mate sick
[00:03] [IC]Shao> hentai
[00:03] IncaWarrior out
[00:06] damhyr0857 in
[00:08] Nightwulff> +1
[00:08] damhyr0857 out
[00:09] Jordan90 out
[00:09] [IC]Forelli> what map u guys doin
[00:09] IsoElFace out
[00:12] Carlitoshernandez in
[00:12] Carlitoshernandez out
[00:12] eremiel out
[00:13] Bohemico out
[00:15] ZeKnifeO out
[00:16] Kooooooooooooooooopa out
[00:17] PabloSL out
[00:18] [IC]-Johan in
[00:19] [IC]Forelli> why did you quit
[00:19] [IC]Forelli> you retard
[00:19] [IC]-Johan> lol
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> lol
[00:19] [IC]Forelli> what a fucking moron
[00:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima beast on fo
[00:19] [IC]Forelli> unbeleviable
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> one of the most challenging games in years !
[00:19] [IC]Forelli> you amaze me sometimes
[00:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> u little basterds
[00:19] [ic]nakamura> not really lol
[00:20] Tuzkar> that actually hurt a little watching
[00:20] Mowgli> u didnt even use free mana
[00:20] Mowgli> -.-
[00:20] [IC]Forelli> i didnt know we had free mana , that still aint the reason to quit
[00:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> toiletpapersound
[00:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi?
[00:20] [IC]Forelli> dont know how to use it for fucks sake
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> moores
[00:21] [IC]Forelli> but still why'd you quit
[00:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> u dont fill ur towers nor do u put defense near ur cor
[00:21] [IC]Forelli> OI JOHAN
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> or fws inside
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> no wonder he got in
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> even tho i warned u
[00:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut ur fuking mouth
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> those rookie mistakes
[00:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had fws in huts all over the place
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> it would cost u game vs someone else
[00:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> you said "yellow going mid ... o wait nvm hes coming for me"
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[00:21] BlackAncalagon out
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> i said "front"
[00:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> next time dont say shit
[00:21] [AsG]ManL1> i feel so declined of moores hut :(
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> very specifically
[00:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> like ur a double agent or something
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> if he was coming for me
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> it means
[00:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> giving me disinformation
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> u shouldnt care
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> he wouldnt do shit to me
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> he was getting raped
[00:22] Fried_Rice in
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> but then i said ur front
[00:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> paper was butthurt
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> i rememebr warning
[00:23] Fried_Rice> [58] Multiple copies of the matchmaker are running, please close one
[00:23] Fried_Rice> mm
[00:23] Fried_Rice out
[00:23] Nightwulff> +!
[00:23] damhyr0857 in
[00:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets do 4way?
[00:23] Fried_Rice in
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici u ally tuizkar?
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> unraked>?
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz u scared of me
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> pussy
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> WELL
[00:25] damhyr0857 out
[00:25] damhyr0857 in
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima go smoke
[00:25] Fried_Rice> stop hosting with ur disgusting 200+ ping
[00:26] Fried_Rice> eeeeee move
[00:26] Fried_Rice> foreli here?
[00:26] Fried_Rice> moorsey wanna host?
[00:27] Fried_Rice> jeez
[00:27] Fried_Rice> where is everyone
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> what moores
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> i wasnt here
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> i was suckin sick
[00:28] Fried_Rice> who's sick?
[00:28] Fried_Rice> with a straw?
[00:28] Fried_Rice> u nastey
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> hey who are u fried rice
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> do i know you
[00:28] tarro01 in
[00:28] Fried_Rice> maybe, ever had friend rice before?
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> niiiiiiiiiii
[00:28] Fried_Rice> fried* lolol
[00:29] dioenki out
[00:29] Fried_Rice> fucking all these twats in host spot are not here
[00:29] [Rw]Nici> niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[00:29] damhyr0857> hi
[00:29] [IC]Forelli> oi
[00:29] [IC]Forelli> gringos
[00:29] Fried_Rice> OMG
[00:29] [IC]Forelli> konichiwa
[00:29] [IC]Forelli> im back
[00:30] [IC]Forelli> im feeling US worlds
[00:30] [IC]Forelli> lets do this
[00:30] tarro01 out
[00:30] alxs1326 out
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> -.-
[00:30] damhyr0857 out
[00:31] damhyr0857 in
[00:31] [Rw]Nici> no random hosts
[00:31] Javedmamode out
[00:31] [Rw]Nici> leaves why dont you host
[00:31] [Rw]Nici> come ts
[00:32] Leaf_VdM> I don't think I can host
[00:32] Leaf_VdM> I have to forward my ports
[00:32] darthvadr out
[00:32] The_Big_Maker out
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> not anymore with those things nowadays
[00:33] Nightwulff> need 2 for Juggernaut map
[00:33] Nightwulff> +1
[00:34] Leaf_VdM> I don't need to forward my ports?
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> universal hosting
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> can have the KNOWN X DOE
[00:36] Javedmamode in
[00:36] tiagofgo in
[00:36] samsong in
[00:37] tiagofgo out
[00:37] GrumpyGuppy out
[00:38] samsong out
[00:42] Javedmamode out
[00:43] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> hi
[00:43] [Rw]Nici> hi
[00:44] Bastianignacioo in
[00:46] Marcos2123 in
[00:48] Marcos2123> Hola
[00:48] Marcos2123> Naaa
[00:48] Marcos2123> Sin betabot
[00:49] Marcos2123> Okey hermano pero colocas limite de vida?
[00:49] Marcos2123> ven tu
[00:50] Bastianignacioo out
[00:50] Mowgli out
[00:50] Marcos2123> Okeyyyy
[00:50] Marcos2123> Pero pondre el mapa oscuro
[00:50] Marcos2123> Ok?
[00:50] fadlylee in
[00:50] Marcos2123> ok
[00:51] Marcos2123> no das pin
[00:51] Marcos2123> vente
[00:52] Tuzkar out
[00:53] Mauricio2123 in
[00:54] Steppenwolf> hello there
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> oi
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> Hello
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> Sup
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> Hi
[00:55] Steppenwolf> i didnt play pop since i was very young i dont know the mechanics anymore
[00:56] [AsG]ManL1 in
[00:56] [AsG]ManL1> lols
[00:56] cobalt> when u build a hut ure pop increase
[00:56] Steppenwolf> k thx thats a start
[00:56] cobalt> clic on shaman to light it
[00:57] cobalt> her..
[00:57] Bastianignacioo in
[00:57] Bastianignacioo out
[00:58] [IC]Forelli> cobalt join
[00:59] [IC]Forelli> +1
[01:00] TimmyB in
[01:01] damhyr0857 out
[01:01] Fried_Rice out
[01:02] Steppenwolf> oops
[01:02] damhyr0857 in
[01:02] Steppenwolf> crashed
[01:02] damhyr0857> ?
[01:03] damhyr0857> ok
[01:03] [AsG]ManL1 out
[01:03] Steppenwolf> had to caliber resolution
[01:04] Steppenwolf> ok
[01:05] damhyr0857 in
[01:05] damhyr0857 out
[01:05] Leaf_VdM> gg
[01:05] [Rw]Nici> lol
[01:05] Mauricio2123> lol
[01:05] [Rw]Nici> if they didnt put 4 lives maybe they would last more
[01:06] Steppenwolf> dont know what happnd
[01:06] [ic]nakamura> wow this pizza
[01:06] [ic]nakamura> is making my dick grow
[01:06] Steppenwolf> what kind
[01:06] Steppenwolf> is it juicy ?
[01:06] [ic]nakamura> 3 meat
[01:07] Steppenwolf> ohHo
[01:07] Steppenwolf> good swallowing !!
[01:07] Steppenwolf> then
[01:07] [ic]nakamura> chill out
[01:08] [ic]nakamura> with all the homo shit
[01:08] Steppenwolf> oh sorry that was not what i meant
[01:08] Steppenwolf> i mean
[01:08] Steppenwolf> i use to
[01:08] Steppenwolf> swallow my pizzas
[01:08] Steppenwolf> whole
[01:08] Steppenwolf> in
[01:08] [ic]nakamura> o_o
[01:08] Steppenwolf> my mouth
[01:09] Steppenwolf> sry bout that
[01:09] Steppenwolf> im not gay at all !
[01:09] Steppenwolf> it is what it is
[01:09] yeitsin1 in
[01:09] yeitsin1 out
[01:13] damhyr0857 out
[01:13] fadlylee out
[01:15] Steppenwolf> was not my intention to shock people
[01:16] Steppenwolf> im not used to this logging display yet
[01:17] Steppenwolf out
[01:22] BranBot> Guy really likes meat in his mouth I guess.
[01:24] [tsi]adray in
[01:26] The_Big_Maker in
[01:31] [TDM]Delax in
[01:31] [IC]Amphetamine> http://www.mediafire.com/download/vbf71nv3g62zoq3/matt_thinks_i_owe_money.wav
[01:32] [IC]Amphetamine> wanna hear matt rage?
[01:32] [IC]Amphetamine> click on both these links
[01:32] [IC]Amphetamine> http://www.mediafire.com/download/296w8d7w4ths453/matt_talking_to_himself.wav
[01:35] [TDM]Delax out
[01:35] [TDM]Delax out
[01:42] cobalt> change map
[01:43] ParizJr in
[01:44] Tuzkar in
[01:44] Tuzkar out
[01:44] [rw]macca out
[01:46] ParizJr out
[01:47] Leaf_VdM> lol gg
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> mauricio
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> te dijo muchas cosas
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> y te demoras 1 minuto para las hacer
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> es que yo no tengo la letra "a"
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> y en juego no puedo hacer ctrl + v
[01:47] [Rw]Nici> no se se es por eso que no comprendes lo que te dijo
[01:47] Marcos2123> Otra partida?
[01:47] Mauricio2123> ?
[01:47] Mauricio2123> yo acepto
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> haces backdoor es obvio porque el solo sabe campear
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> tienes de usar tu cabeza
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> yo solo quiero ajudar nada mas
[01:48] Mauricio2123> join
[01:48] Marcos2123> jajaja}
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> y el estaba en su front y tu te demoraste mucho a conectar
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> no juego mas con vos, que mierda de host
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> no saben jugar sin lives
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> y depues solo campean
[01:48] [Rw]Nici> lool
[01:49] Marcos2123> Shaman infinite es muy noob
[01:49] Mauricio2123> shaman infinite?
[01:49] Marcos2123> Solo saben atacar con el shaman
[01:49] Marcos2123> Que mierda mala
[01:49] Marcos2123> Bueno es hacer guerra con soldados
[01:49] Marcos2123> Y asdasdas
[01:49] Marcos2123> gaaaa m
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> ?
[01:49] Marcos2123> Me dieron
[01:49] Marcos2123> Uh ha
[01:49] Marcos2123> Sabe
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> hacer guerra con soldados loooooooool
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> estas usando swamp
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> mi maricon
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> de meirda
[01:49] [Rw]Nici> rofl
[01:49] Marcos2123> aaa
[01:49] Marcos2123> Jjaaja
[01:49] Marcos2123> Mamaguevo
[01:49] Mauricio2123> Nici
[01:49] Mauricio2123> porque no haces un video
[01:49] Marcos2123> Fuck the mother bitch
[01:49] Mauricio2123> demostrando que eres gay
[01:49] Mauricio2123> aveces?
[01:50] Marcos2123> Ya grabe uno
[01:50] Marcos2123> :3
[01:50] Mauricio2123> jaj
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> porque no hacen un video
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> hablando ingles?
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> sos ignorante?
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> jajajaj
[01:50] Mauricio2123> me rio de ti?
[01:50] natoterey14 in
[01:50] Mauricio2123> o de tu chiste malo
[01:50] Mauricio2123> idiota
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> yo me rio
[01:50] Mauricio2123> ok
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> de tu idioma
[01:50] Mauricio2123> a ok :D
[01:50] Marcos2123> Aya mama pias jugamos oque?
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> con la palabra argentino puedo escribir ignorante
[01:50] Mauricio2123> tu ingles es mierda
[01:50] [Rw]Nici> lo sabes?
[01:50] Mauricio2123> lol
[01:50] [IC]Amphetamine> LEAF
[01:51] Marcos2123 out
[01:51] [IC]Amphetamine> http://www.mediafire.com/download/296w8d7w4ths453/matt_talking_to_himself.wav
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> aprendan a hablar ingles
[01:51] [IC]Amphetamine> some funny shit
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> yo soy portuguese y tengo que hablar tu lengua
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> para comunciar con tigo
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> va te a la mierda
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> cabron
[01:51] [Rw]Nici> apriende algo
[01:51] Mauricio2123> Yo se ingles español e italiano
[01:51] Mauricio2123> Mmgv!
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> no sabes ingles
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> quien quieres enganar
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> puto
[01:52] Mauricio2123> you is gay noob :v
[01:52] Mauricio2123> Idiot
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> hace me un boquete
[01:52] Mauricio2123> sobre tu HomoSexualidad?
[01:52] Leaf_VdM> I wish he was :'(
[01:52] [Rw]Nici> lambe me la verga
[01:53] Mauricio2123> si aja
[01:53] [Rw]Nici> :)
[01:53] Mauricio2123> maldito gay
[01:54] Almafuerte in
[01:55] Nightwulff out
[01:55] dondiego47 in
[01:55] Mauricio2123 out
[01:56] WhitePhantom in
[01:58] WhitePhantom out
[02:01] The_Big_Maker out
[02:03] bobx11 in
[02:05] bobx11 out
[02:07] Rakushun in
[02:07] Rakushun out
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> minder
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> play something else other than sess
[02:10] Leaf_VdM> lol
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> bro
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> ull never improve
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> this way
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> yh johan
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> the problem
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> is not even playing sess
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> is playing it this amount of games
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> and being bad
[02:11] [IC]-Johan> loooll
[02:11] BranBot> He'll improve at playing sess.
[02:11] mathiedition in
[02:11] [IC]-Johan> obviously not
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> hey brandan
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> mofo
[02:11] BranBot> Sup
[02:12] mathiedition out
[02:16] IncaWarrior> that's not the real Brandan, that's a bot that's secretly replaced him
[02:17] Leaf_VdM> Inca! Long time no see
[02:17] IncaWarrior> hi leaf
[02:17] Leaf_VdM> I would like to say, on behalf of everyone on here, thank you for taking the time and effort to keep this mm alive and updated
[02:17] IncaWarrior> well thanks for stopping by
[02:18] Leaf_VdM> =D
[02:20] [RW]IHard-Wear out
[02:24] BranBot> shit
[02:24] BranBot> ive been exposed.
[02:24] BranBot out
[02:28] bockwurstlaune out
[02:29] [IC]Forelli out
[02:35] Goblynn in
[02:35] [IC]Shao out
[02:36] Goblynn out
[02:43] mathiedition in
[02:44] Sepultura in
[02:45] Mowgli in
[02:45] Deliruis in
[02:46] Mauricio2123 in
[02:46] lucas_mts18 in
[02:46] Deliruis out
[02:47] Czebos in
[02:48] aladdin in
[02:49] Mauricio2123 out
[02:49] Czebos out
[02:49] Mauricio2123 in
[02:51] Mauricio2123 out
[02:51] [tsi]adray> https://postimg.org/image/e0o3akomj/
[02:52] Leaf_VdM> RIP
[02:54] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> if it was me id be banned
[02:54] [IC]-Johan> lol cobalt sorry
[02:54] [IC]-Johan> im hella distracted
[02:54] cobalt> happens
[02:54] [IC]-Johan> matt in ts
[02:54] [IC]-Johan> if you were here you'd know
[02:56] [AsG]ManL1> that is a very bad excuse, my friend
[02:59] [IC]-Johan> yea ok ManL
[02:59] [IC]-Johan> whatever you say
[02:59] [IC]-Johan> You have no idea what's going on
[02:59] [AsG]ManL1> :*
[02:59] Leaf_VdM out
[03:00] natoterey14 out
[03:01] lipsmega in
[03:03] vPixl in
[03:03] vPixl out
[03:03] [tsi]adray out
[03:03] Mauricio2123 in
[03:05] Mauricio2123 out
[03:22] Mowgli out
[03:22] tarro01 in
[03:24] tarro01 out
[03:26] WhitePhantom in
[03:28] [AsG]ManL1 out
[03:31] [Rw]Nici> http://9gag.com/gag/arNqQey?ref=fbp
[03:31] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^
[03:31] [Rw]Nici> check
[03:33] lucas_mts18 out
[03:34] Hokuikeikai in
[03:34] Hokuikeikai out
[03:40] The_Big_Maker in
[03:41] lipsmega out
[03:41] NoobPlayer in
[03:45] NoobPlayer out
[03:46] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ..............
[03:47] dondiego47 out
[03:48] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[03:53] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[03:58] otomo236 in
[03:59] Toruk_Makto in
[03:59] otomo236 out
[04:02] Toruk_Makto out
[04:10] The_Big_Maker out
[04:11] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[04:11] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[04:13] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[04:16] [Rw]Nici> llol
[04:18] [Rw]Nici> well i go
[04:18] [Rw]Nici> see u guys
[04:19] [Rw]Nici> divinity is a bad bitch
[04:19] [Rw]Nici out
[04:21] fadlylee in
[04:23] Sepultura out
[04:25] cabetron in
[04:26] WhitePhantom out
[04:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[04:27] cabetron out
[04:28] Mowgli in
[04:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> zup
[04:29] [ic]nakamura> hi
[04:29] Mowgli> ?
[04:33] TimmyB out
[04:36] [IC]Amphetamine> matt when are you going to pay me my ten bucks?
[04:48] Almafuerte out
[04:53] Mowgli out
[04:53] cobalt> g.
[04:53] Mowgli in
[04:54] [IC]-Johan> gg
[04:54] cobalt out
[04:54] sovium in
[04:55] sovium out
[05:00] Sepultura in
[05:01] Taytego in
[05:03] Taytego out
[05:03] Mowgli out
[05:04] mathiedition out
[05:04] sunny_man in
[05:08] Little_Guy1 in
[05:09] Little_Guy1 out
[05:09] aloneton in
[05:14] minder118 out
[05:15] Sepultura out
[05:15] Thunderbass in
[05:16] Thunderbass out
[05:22] ka-san in
[05:22] ka-san out
[05:29] [IC]Amphetamine> inca crashed the game
[05:29] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[05:29] [IC]Amphetamine> gg faggot
[05:33] [IC]Amphetamine> matt dont be mad
[05:33] [IC]Amphetamine> i expect my $10 aoon
[05:42] Tralanchula in
[05:43] digo86 in
[05:44] Tralanchula out
[05:44] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[05:46] [IC]Amphetamine> matt did you lose?
[05:46] [IC]Amphetamine> that sucks
[05:47] [IC]Amphetamine> maybe you'll get better one day
[05:53] 007s out
[05:54] digo86 out
[05:56] mhnami in
[05:59] [IC]Amphetamine> hey matt
[05:59] [IC]Amphetamine> how's it going?
[06:09] Nightwulff in
[06:10] ThePanKot in
[06:10] ThePanKot out
[06:11] [IC]Amphetamine> https://www.crowdrise.com/help-matt-get-over-losing-10-to-chris-in-pop
[06:11] [IC]Amphetamine> hey mat
[06:11] [IC]Amphetamine> we set up a fundraiser for you
[06:11] [IC]Amphetamine> to get out of welfare
[06:15] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[06:19] Tweetilisk in
[06:19] Tweetilisk out
[06:23] [IC]Amphetamine out
[06:26] fadlylee out
[06:26] Little_Guy1 in
[06:27] [IC]Amphetamine in
[06:29] mhnami out
[06:29] aloneton in
[06:33] Little_Guy1 out
[06:35] aloneton out
[06:37] Nightwulff out
[06:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[06:43] Arvindbhai in
[06:45] Lintense in
[06:46] Arvindbhai out
[06:53] [IC]Amphetamine> hey matt
[06:53] [IC]Amphetamine> enjoy your last days on pop bro
[06:53] [IC]Amphetamine> will be sad when you get perma banned lol
[06:53] [IC]Amphetamine> #ripmatt2k16
[06:55] [IC]-Johan out
[07:09] zcarp3 in
[07:09] zcarp3 out
[07:09] Ivalice in
[07:10] Ivalice> awesome this game is still free
[07:11] sunny_man out
[07:13] nato925 in
[07:13] nato925 out
[07:20] sunny_man in
[07:20] sunny_man out
[07:29] pariah in
[07:30] pariah> hey guys
[07:30] pariah> who wants to sherpa
[07:33] massa in
[07:46] massa out
[08:05] jellyb34n in
[08:07] jellyb34n out
[08:08] SzawizZ in
[08:09] SzawizZ out
[08:14] Dayle in
[08:14] Dayle out
[08:25] Baroufakhs in
[08:30] Baroufakhs out
[08:45] jaclabut in
[08:45] Ivalice> zjac
[08:45] Ivalice> jac
[08:46] jaclabut out
[08:53] sovium in
[08:54] sovium out
[08:58] Robyone95 in
[09:06] sepehrimanpur in
[09:07] sepehrimanpur out
[09:19] takeakikato0726 in
[09:20] takeakikato0726 out
[09:27] pariah out
[09:29] Ivalice out
[09:30] BlackAncalagon in
[09:34] Salazar1982 in
[09:34] Salazar1982 out
[09:34] Salazar1982 in
[09:34] Salazar1982 out
[09:38] [ic]nakamura out
[09:40] Prohi in
[09:41] Prohi out
[09:41] sam_tas in
[09:42] [IC]Amphetamine in
[09:42] aladdin out
[09:43] [IC]lilbreezy in
[09:47] [IC]lilbreezy out
[09:49] [IC]Amphetamine out
[09:52] Lichu348 in
[09:58] calpas in
[10:00] calpas out
[10:01] sam_tas in
[10:06] sam_tas out
[10:07] [tdm]Mooresy in
[10:11] sam_tas in
[10:12] aloneton out
[10:13] tomikja in
[10:13] sam_tas out
[10:14] sam_tas in
[10:14] tomikja out
[10:16] IsoElFace in
[10:19] sam_tas out
[10:19] sam_tas out
[10:25] Simonrush in
[10:26] Simonrush> [launch]
[10:28] eremiel in
[10:28] Salazar1982 in
[10:28] Salazar1982 out
[10:30] italian120 in
[10:36] Master_Roshi in
[10:38] ryujin122 in
[10:38] aladdin in
[10:41] addje in
[10:41] addje out
[10:45] Master_Roshi out
[10:45] ryujin122 out
[10:48] Lichu348 out
[10:54] Ayahuasca in
[10:55] italian120> GG
[10:55] Simonrush> gg
[10:56] Simonrush> one more game?
[10:56] italian120> join to me
[10:56] italian120> he not la
[10:56] italian120> lag
[10:56] Ayahuasca out
[10:57] Simonrush> I want play Timed game
[10:57] italian120> timer?
[10:57] Simonrush> yeh
[10:57] italian120> 10m? 5?
[10:57] italian120> 20?
[10:57] Simonrush> 25m
[10:58] italian120> OK
[10:58] Simonrush> go
[11:02] [Rw]Nici in
[11:02] [Rw]Nici> todei is fridei
[11:02] [Rw]Nici> enjoy your frida
[11:03] Pandemonio in
[11:05] Master_Roshi in
[11:05] Master_Roshi out
[11:06] Pandemonio out
[11:13] aladdin out
[11:15] italian120> GG
[11:15] italian120 out
[11:16] Simonrush> GG qq
[11:17] BlackAncalagon out
[11:18] Simonrush out
[11:19] taitan-v3 in
[11:20] taitan-v3 out
[11:22] taitan-v3 in
[11:23] taitan-v3 out
[11:23] taitan-v3 in
[11:25] Dayle in
[11:25] [tdm]Mooresy out
[11:25] Dayle out
[11:29] eremiel out
[11:30] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[11:34] alexgrnjak in
[11:36] alexgrnjak out
[11:36] Juventinos3001 in
[11:43] [SW]EddardStark in
[11:43] [SW]EddardStark out
[11:43] [Rw]Nici out
[11:45] Juventinos3001 out
[11:47] [TDM]Delax in
[11:47] aladdin in
[11:48] BlueJ in
[11:49] BlueJ out
[11:50] Lintense out
[11:57] [TDM]Delax out
[11:57] Diode in
[11:58] ChazYannis in
[12:00] [War]gba1990 in
[12:01] [War]gba1990> +3
[12:03] robbie3983 in
[12:04] ChazYannis out
[12:04] robbie3983 out
[12:08] prabhur in
[12:14] [War]gba1990> lagged out
[12:14] dondiego47 in
[12:14] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[12:20] prabhur in
[12:21] Fried_Rice in
[12:21] prabhur out
[12:22] Fried_Rice out
[12:24] TheBrownsword in
[12:25] TheBrownsword out
[12:25] dondiego47 out
[12:28] danny94 in
[12:28] danny94 out
[12:28] Howline in
[12:32] prabhur out
[12:34] RescueToast in
[12:42] aladdin out
[12:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[12:43] Oldskool in
[12:43] stillframe in
[12:44] stillframe out
[12:44] RescueToast out
[12:46] NoobPlayer in
[12:46] NoobPlayer out
[12:48] otomo236 in
[12:48] otomo236 out
[12:48] DeltaEnemy in
[12:52] joaovitor in
[12:52] joaovitor out
[12:52] DeltaEnemy> +1
[12:53] NoobPlayer in
[12:54] aladdin in
[12:55] NoobPlayer out
[12:55] [IC]Forelli in
[12:56] Robyone95 out
[12:58] [War]gba1990 out
[12:59] Trabulo in
[12:59] Jonydex in
[12:59] DeltaEnemy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0aHqbXWKko
[13:01] Trabulo out
[13:01] Trabulo in
[13:03] felipo in
[13:03] felipo out
[13:06] Seag in
[13:06] Seag out
[13:07] Trabulo out
[13:07] Jonydex out
[13:07] Demishrot in
[13:08] IsoElFace out
[13:08] Demishrot out
[13:09] icepeople in
[13:10] Robyone95 in
[13:13] icepeople out
[13:13] Baroufakhs in
[13:13] [Rw]Nici in
[13:15] [War]gba1990 in
[13:16] nikostot in
[13:16] IncaWarrior in
[13:17] sam_tas in
[13:19] nikostot out
[13:20] Baroufakhs out
[13:20] sam_tas out
[13:21] Lichu348 in
[13:21] IncaWarrior out
[13:22] [Rw]Nici> may God
[13:22] [Rw]Nici> bless cocks
[13:22] [Rw]Nici> and pussies
[13:22] Lichu348> Leave it out mate
[13:22] [Rw]Nici> why?
[13:22] Lichu348> Bit ripe
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> how are you supposed to make fa
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> family?
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> yh? with ur pinkie
[13:23] Lichu348> Blast a load of hot jizz in a VAG
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> yh blast a load of hot jizz coming from a cock
[13:23] lolo0072 in
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> in a pussy
[13:23] [Rw]Nici> basically
[13:24] BlackAncalagon in
[13:24] [Rw]Nici> peopel around here dont like the giraffe
[13:25] BlackAncalagon> Hi friends
[13:26] Lichu348> YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND
[13:26] BlackAncalagon> Sorry
[13:27] [TDM]Delax in
[13:27] [TDM]Delax out
[13:27] [Rw]Nici> Forgive Lichu
[13:28] [Rw]Nici> hes trying to find out
[13:28] [Rw]Nici> how to make a family
[13:28] [Rw]Nici> he aint got balls
[13:28] [War]gba1990> poor
[13:28] [War]gba1990> castrati still exist
[13:29] [IC]Forelli> HIIIIIIIIIIII
[13:30] [Rw]Nici> hiiiiiiii
[13:31] aladdin out
[13:32] Mammy_Tas in
[13:33] [IC]Forelli> niqi
[13:33] [IC]Forelli> best advisor
[13:33] [IC]Forelli> "you aint building enough fw's , game was ez"
[13:34] [IC]Forelli> thx T_T
[13:34] [Rw]Nici> lol
[13:34] Carlitoshernandez in
[13:34] Fried_Rice in
[13:34] [Rw]Nici> yh you were hurt n didnt make fws for like 3 mins
[13:34] [Rw]Nici> dunno how'd you forget
[13:34] [Rw]Nici> u need more fws than warriors
[13:35] [Rw]Nici> in everery game
[13:35] Mammy_Tas> not in pp :o
[13:35] Fried_Rice> i got the new mouse matt
[13:35] Mammy_Tas> more warriors then fw
[13:35] Fried_Rice> stilla bit jiggly but it works
[13:35] [Rw]Nici> mammy u dumb
[13:35] [Rw]Nici> ur opinion doesnt matter
[13:35] Mammy_Tas> :))
[13:36] [IC]Forelli> thx nici
[13:36] [IC]Forelli> wil do
[13:36] [Rw]Nici> you make fws to control the map
[13:36] [Rw]Nici> warriors wont control the map for u
[13:36] Kuba14j in
[13:36] [Rw]Nici> think with ur head not with ur cock head
[13:36] Fried_Rice> nici and mahmmy join
[13:36] Clauditadrk in
[13:36] Fried_Rice> good even game
[13:36] [Rw]Nici> yh bella whoever allies u wins
[13:36] Kuba14j out
[13:36] Clauditadrk out
[13:36] Fried_Rice> obviously
[13:36] Mammy_Tas> i am just saying :p
[13:36] Fried_Rice> join
[13:36] Carlitoshernandez out
[13:37] [Rw]Nici> ok mammy you make more warriors than fws
[13:37] Fried_Rice> cme on i got a good youtube playlist
[13:37] [Rw]Nici> i wonder how many games you win
[13:37] [Rw]Nici> 10%?
[13:37] Mammy_Tas> 0.1%
[13:37] [Rw]Nici> yh less than i thought
[13:38] Fried_Rice> CAN WE PLS GET A GAME
[13:38] Mammy_Tas> no
[13:38] [Rw]Nici> no
[13:38] Mammy_Tas> see your answer doesnt count nicii
[13:38] Fried_Rice> jeez whatever
[13:38] Howline out
[13:39] [Rw]Nici> does it not?
[13:39] Mammy_Tas> no
[13:39] Mammy_Tas> your slow :p
[13:41] Mammy_Tas> if i said no be4 you did so that means a game was inpossible anyway because they only ask us
[13:42] [Rw]Nici> wot
[13:44] Mammy_Tas> i said no be4 you did so that means a game was inpossible anyway because they only ask us
[13:44] [IC]Forelli> wot
[13:44] [Rw]Nici> its not about being slow its whoever sees it first
[13:44] [Rw]Nici> which is absolutely luck
[13:45] [Rw]Nici> 1v1 type racer
[13:45] [Rw]Nici> ill play with ctrl + v to do an a
[13:45] Fried_Rice out
[13:45] Mammy_Tas> i see
[13:45] Mammy_Tas> then forget what i said
[13:45] [Rw]Nici> http://play.typeracer.com/?rt=trnicipopulous
[13:45] Mammy_Tas> then
[13:45] [Rw]Nici> join
[13:46] [Rw]Nici> jvoin mamym
[13:46] [Rw]Nici> i need to do ctrl v to have a
[13:46] [Rw]Nici> lol
[13:47] [Rw]Nici> lololloolololl
[13:47] [Rw]Nici> nice mammy
[13:47] [Rw]Nici> u lost bro
[13:47] TomTheTomato in
[13:47] Mammy_Tas> ye xD
[13:47] TomTheTomato out
[13:47] [Rw]Nici> so whos faster
[13:47] Mammy_Tas> mr pro ;D
[13:48] [Rw]Nici> yh and take in consideration i use ctrl + v
[13:48] [Rw]Nici> to do an a
[13:48] [Rw]Nici> cuz my a is broken
[13:48] Mammy_Tas> thattis why i see 4 in your chat in stream xD
[13:49] [Rw]Nici> yes
[13:49] [Rw]Nici> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[13:51] zefter in
[13:52] zefter> oh bro
[13:52] zefter> where are you (((
[13:52] [IC]Forelli> Hiiiiiiiiii
[13:52] zefter> ky
[13:52] zefter> )))
[13:52] zefter> ent
[13:52] zefter> kto russki
[13:53] [IC]Forelli> nyet
[13:53] zefter> pidari)))
[13:53] zefter> pzd
[13:53] Om3gabladez in
[13:53] zefter> kyky bla
[13:53] [IC]Forelli> pizdec
[13:53] Syntem in
[13:53] Syntem out
[13:53] zefter> cam pizdec)))
[13:53] [IC]Forelli> ne
[13:53] zefter> zaxadi
[13:53] [IC]Forelli> kto pol
[13:53] zefter> zavali i zaxadi)))
[13:54] Mammy_Tas out
[13:54] zefter> v haty zaxodi go
[13:54] Om3gabladez out
[13:54] zefter> ...
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> delta
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> stop pming me to joni
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> im not playing low rank games
[13:57] DeltaEnemy> omfg
[13:57] DeltaEnemy> are you gay or what?
[13:57] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> are u shit or what
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> fucking asshole
[13:57] DeltaEnemy> spinn > nici
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> who cares
[13:57] DeltaEnemy> nici your e a motherfucker
[13:57] [Rw]Nici> lool
[13:58] [IC]Forelli> l0l0l0ll
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> cant lose a game
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> but thinks he is the best
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> youre shit
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> how u say someone is better than other
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> if u dont 1v1
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> [Rw]Nici> im not playing low rank games
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> wants a 1v1
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> applies to everyone u pick up with
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke wtf
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> yh and u suck
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> fake rank
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> you want a 1v1
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> no lol
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> [Rw]Nici> im not playing low rank games
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> waste of time
[13:58] [IC]Forelli> haahhahahah
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> omfg
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke
[13:58] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[13:58] [Rw]Nici> yeah you're calling yourself
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> shit
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> get your standarts straight
[13:59] Mammy_Tas in
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> did i read it right
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> ure calling urself shit
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> thanks for saing it
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> you come form a upfucked country and you think youre the king
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[13:59] [IC]Forelli> XD
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> go out and fight for your country
[13:59] [IC]Forelli> there is a war in portugal ?
[13:59] [IC]Forelli> lol
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> but what are you doing? staying the whole day in mm
[13:59] sunny_man in
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> youre 20 years old
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> dddddddddddddddddddd
[13:59] [Rw]Nici> who caressssssss
[13:59] DeltaEnemy> and you do nothing
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOOOOL
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> sorry lady we cant talk about skills in this game
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> change something in your 3rd world country
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> u possess 0
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> so affected
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> but all you do is playing popre
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> looooooool
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> if you think so!
[14:00] DeltaEnemy> the ironie is storng here
[14:00] [Rw]Nici> i agree!
[14:00] Lichu348> VOLCANO WHAAATTTTT
[14:01] [IC]Forelli> L0L
[14:01] sunny_man> +1 join
[14:01] BlackAncalagon> Lichu smashed his ass
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> go out and change somtehing nici
[14:01] Oldskool> +2
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> change what ur skills
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> forelli
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> join
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> dont think its possible
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> no your country
[14:01] [IC]Forelli> Nah bro I cant play atm
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> u'll reman shit forever
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> rebell or something
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> it's not something u can change
[14:01] BlackAncalagon> I watched on... It was brutal
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> lmao this guy is a retard
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> change the gouverment
[14:01] [IC]Forelli> bella already asked me before she left
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> this is an online game
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> talks about real life
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> completely related
[14:01] sunny_man out
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> popre is your reallife
[14:01] DeltaEnemy> i know
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> we all get it u are jealous
[14:01] [Rw]Nici> of me
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> its why u criticize
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> all the time !!!!!!
[14:02] DeltaEnemy> what?
[14:02] Lichu348> MATE BRING IT 1 V 1
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> what what?
[14:02] ZorXGames in
[14:02] DeltaEnemy> rebell or something
[14:02] Lichu348> I WILL BRING THE PAIN
[14:02] Oldskool> nah
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> u spend more time talking about me than playing lolz
[14:02] Oldskool> he isnt jealous
[14:02] Oldskool> of u nici
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> he is
[14:02] [Rw]Nici> he talks of me so much
[14:02] Oldskool> he is jealous
[14:02] Oldskool> of me
[14:02] sunny_man in
[14:02] zefter> kyky
[14:02] Oldskool> ahhaahhahahah
[14:02] DeltaEnemy> if you dont join
[14:02] DeltaEnemy> i cant play
[14:02] DeltaEnemy> idiot
[14:02] zefter> suka
[14:03] zefter> )))
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> yh the point is you having games is pointless
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> come
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> here
[14:03] Oldskool> kakaya suka blyat nahui
[14:03] Oldskool> savay edme sigraem?
[14:03] zefter> no fun
[14:03] zefter out
[14:03] [IC]Forelli> GG
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> r you scared to lose against spinn
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> your rivale
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> yes
[14:03] Oldskool> no he isnt
[14:03] Oldskool> lol
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> lool
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> pussy
[14:03] sunny_man out
[14:03] [IC]Forelli> shut down
[14:03] [IC]Forelli> lmao
[14:03] Oldskool> dont talk to high major class
[14:03] Oldskool> delta
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> delta nobody here is scared of anyone lol
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> halt die fresse
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[14:03] DeltaEnemy> was denkst du nur weil du shaman bist oder was?!
[14:03] [IC]Forelli> LOL
[14:03] Oldskool> not true nici
[14:03] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAH
[14:03] [Rw]Nici> LMFaO
[14:03] Oldskool> im scared of cr8 games
[14:04] Oldskool> no joke tho. kinda
[14:04] Oldskool> lol
[14:04] sunny_man in
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> delta mad
[14:04] paco in
[14:04] Oldskool> ye he told me
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> i just want a game
[14:04] Oldskool> just coz im shaman im better?
[14:04] Oldskool> me too delta
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> oh delta
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> nici dont want a game
[14:04] Oldskool> +2
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> u resort to german
[14:04] Oldskool> any
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> looks like
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> lol ye i dont feel like playing atm
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> whats wrong with that?
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> go rebell
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> for your country nici
[14:04] [Rw]Nici> why?
[14:04] Oldskool> lol
[14:04] Oldskool> loololol
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> change something
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> in portugal
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> y??
[14:05] DeltaEnemy> its improtant
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> y shud i change something
[14:05] Oldskool> dont get the ppl that cant accpet no rm
[14:05] BlackAncalagon> So much animosity on here
[14:05] Oldskool> or some1 that rly doesnt want to play n
[14:05] Oldskool> do u know what i mena nici
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> yes
[14:05] Oldskool> i mean how old r they
[14:05] [IC]Forelli> animosity
[14:05] DeltaEnemy> if you dont change, portugal will be the greek2
[14:05] Oldskool> best examples are those who rage
[14:05] [IC]Forelli> could you elaborate that word
[14:05] Oldskool> and want rm
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> delta u care more about Portugal
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> than i
[14:05] [IC]Forelli> this isnt my main language
[14:05] [Rw]Nici> isn't that wonderful
[14:05] DeltaEnemy> and that say so much about you
[14:05] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke
[14:06] BlackAncalagon> Just seems like people are surprisingly angry
[14:06] [Rw]Nici> xD are you politician at all
[14:06] DeltaEnemy> you will blame the gouverment
[14:06] DeltaEnemy> when your country is out of money
[14:06] [Rw]Nici> wtf is gouverment
[14:06] [Rw]Nici> loo
[14:06] sunny_man out
[14:06] DeltaEnemy> and your country will be out of money in 1-2 years
[14:06] [Rw]Nici> take some classes n improve ur english
[14:06] BlackAncalagon> I am very new here, and a total noob
[14:06] BlackAncalagon> I only logged on for some nostalgia
[14:06] DeltaEnemy> you better improve your bank account
[14:06] [IC]Forelli> you can send PM by clicking on a name
[14:06] DeltaEnemy> höhöhöhö
[14:06] [IC]Forelli> :D
[14:06] sunny_man in
[14:06] [IC]Forelli> you'll get used to it
[14:06] [Rw]Nici> i dont need to
[14:07] [IC]Forelli> dont take anything personally here on MM , people are like this
[14:07] DeltaEnemy> cause its says 0.00000!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[14:07] DeltaEnemy> hue hue hue
[14:07] [Rw]Nici> yh coming from someone who lives in switzerland doe sfuck all and is rich
[14:07] [Rw]Nici> looooooooool
[14:07] DeltaEnemy> true taht
[14:07] DeltaEnemy> hue hue hue
[14:07] DeltaEnemy> money level over 9000
[14:07] [IC]Forelli> how is that something to brag about
[14:07] Oldskool> hahahahaha
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[14:08] Oldskool> those rich guys
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> why not forelli ;)
[14:08] BlackAncalagon> What's the deal with RedWarrior?
[14:08] [IC]Forelli> redwarrior is a host bot
[14:08] Oldskool> delta
[14:08] Oldskool> fickst du auch nutten mit deinem geld
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[14:08] Oldskool> hahahaha
[14:08] [IC]Forelli> basically if you arent able to host , you can enter the hut
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> bis jetzt noch nicht
[14:08] [IC]Forelli> HAHAH
[14:08] Oldskool> ne ohne spaß jetzt
[14:08] Oldskool> wieso nicht? ......
[14:08] [IC]Forelli> sec dude , was laughing at above
[14:08] [Rw]Nici> delta
[14:08] Oldskool> wohnst in der schweiz
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> hab ich noch nie gemacht
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> du schon?
[14:08] [Rw]Nici> by tomorrow ull get a game
[14:08] Oldskool> und fickst keine hurren?
[14:08] Oldskool> JA
[14:08] Oldskool> LOL
[14:08] Oldskool> aber in meinem alter halt... 18/19
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> ist teuer hier. 20 minuten 180 euro
[14:08] Oldskool> die halt sopaß im leben wollen, aber auch ein wneig geld
[14:09] Oldskool> neeeeee
[14:09] Oldskool> 100 eine nacht hier
[14:09] [IC]Forelli> you enter the hut and you can get him to start the game by sending the PM to him
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> ja
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> das ist wenig
[14:09] [IC]Forelli> why would you pay for a prostitute :o
[14:09] Oldskool> also im nuttenverkehr.... sonst unsere standardbitches kostenlos
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> hahahaha
[14:09] Oldskool> kein spaß . .. .
[14:09] Oldskool> bin ja noch abiturient
[14:09] Oldskool> da hat man viel...
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> ja
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> das glaube ich
[14:09] Oldskool> riding
[14:09] rhyanvalk in
[14:10] [Rw]Nici> u talking about whores
[14:10] [Rw]Nici> delta u paid a whore?
[14:10] Oldskool> traust dich nicht eine nutte zu kaufenß
[14:10] rhyanvalk out
[14:10] [Rw]Nici> to suck ur smelly cock
[14:10] Oldskool> oder bist du nicht gutaussehende?
[14:10] Oldskool> bin direkt bitte verstehs nicht falsch
[14:10] Oldskool> :p
[14:10] Lichu348> DUDES AND DUDETTES
[14:10] Lichu348> LETS KEEP IT CLEAN
[14:10] [IC]Forelli> whasgucci my nigga
[14:10] Simonrush in
[14:10] Lichu348> FREE MANDELLA
[14:11] [IC]Forelli> free my nigga rondo numba9
[14:11] Oldskool> delta?
[14:11] Oldskool> es ist gar mniocht schwer... in großstädten vor allem
[14:11] Oldskool> du musst diese bestimme offenheit dafür haben
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> delta do u suck shaqiris cock
[14:11] [IC]Forelli> lol
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> suck neuchatel cock
[14:11] _quincycorleone in
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> i have a friend in switzerland delta
[14:12] _quincycorleone out
[14:12] [Rw]Nici> his name is Tiago
[14:12] _quincycorleone in
[14:12] [Rw]Nici> do u know him
[14:12] Simonrush out
[14:12] [Rw]Nici> hes from geneve
[14:12] ParizJr in
[14:12] ParizJr out
[14:12] [Rw]Nici> its like a part of the country speaks german and the other french right?
[14:12] Oldskool> u both in trouble?
[14:12] Oldskool> what happaned
[14:12] Oldskool> since im the judge
[14:12] [Rw]Nici> this guy
[14:12] DeltaEnemy> meine kollegen hatten schon nutten
[14:13] [Rw]Nici> this guy cant write english
[14:13] DeltaEnemy> aber ich habs bis jetzt noch nie so gebraucht
[14:13] [Rw]Nici> thats the problem
[14:13] Oldskool> ah... hast freundin?
[14:13] DeltaEnemy> momentan nicht
[14:13] Oldskool> opder persönlciuh willst du das nicht?
[14:13] DeltaEnemy> du?
[14:13] Oldskool> ah
[14:13] Oldskool> ok, ich frag nur
[14:13] Oldskool> nein
[14:13] Oldskool> ich glaub aber in arbeit
[14:13] Oldskool> ...treff mich öfters mit einer
[14:13] Oldskool> bulgarin
[14:14] DeltaEnemy> ok
[14:14] DeltaEnemy> gut
[14:14] DeltaEnemy> :D
[14:14] [Rw]Nici> delta
[14:14] [Rw]Nici> spea english
[14:14] [Rw]Nici> come ts
[14:14] [Rw]Nici> let me tak to u
[14:14] [Rw]Nici> let me tell u how big ignorant you are
[14:14] sunny_man out
[14:14] Oldskool> achte nicht
[14:14] Oldskool> wie ich
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> delta how many languages u know
[14:15] Oldskool> ;)
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> i know russian hungarian polish danish
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> portuguese and english
[14:15] DeltaEnemy> i dont have a mic
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> and brazilian colombian uruguayin argentinian chilean venezuelian, mexican hondurian guatemalian, panamanian
[14:15] DeltaEnemy> i can swiss, german, french, english and thai
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> i know surinamian language
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> lol
[14:15] [Rw]Nici> u cant talk french for shit
[14:15] DeltaEnemy> good for you
[14:16] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOL
[14:16] [Rw]Nici> also swiss is not a language
[14:16] DeltaEnemy> we learn french in school
[14:16] DeltaEnemy> it is
[14:16] DeltaEnemy> hue hue hue
[14:16] [Rw]Nici> u have italian german french
[14:16] [Rw]Nici> in switzerland
[14:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[14:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:16] DeltaEnemy> mir schwizer sind äbä chli besser als ihr portugiese, well mir hend e chli e besseri usbilig wie du
[14:16] Mammy_Tas> gg
[14:16] [Rw]Nici> and some other weirdo lang i dont remember
[14:16] Mammy_Tas out
[14:16] Mammy_Tas in
[14:17] DeltaEnemy> didint know you was in school nici ;)
[14:17] [Rw]Nici> hey delta
[14:17] DeltaEnemy> you know alot
[14:17] [Rw]Nici> yh
[14:17] [Rw]Nici> tu est une putain
[14:17] DeltaEnemy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0aHqbXWKko
[14:17] DeltaEnemy> nici watch this
[14:17] [Rw]Nici> tu va te faire
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> qu'est que tu vas faire
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> homo
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> dude
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> i've seen that
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> the guy who uplodaded that lives in japan
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> did u know
[14:18] DeltaEnemy> no
[14:18] DeltaEnemy> can you speak japan'?
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> he is hacker
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> yh i can
[14:18] [IC]Forelli> konichiwa
[14:18] [IC]Forelli> kasamate
[14:18] DeltaEnemy> haha
[14:19] DeltaEnemy> its like in tokyo drift
[14:19] DeltaEnemy> good movie
[14:19] [IC]Forelli> aw shit
[14:19] [IC]Forelli> the s ong
[14:19] [IC]Forelli> imma listen to it
[14:19] paco out
[14:19] DeltaEnemy> haha i know wich song you mean
[14:19] [Rw]Nici> delta
[14:19] [Rw]Nici> speak some french for me
[14:20] [Rw]Nici> tell me to go fuck myself
[14:20] DeltaEnemy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxer6LY5JZg
[14:20] DeltaEnemy> go fuck yourself
[14:20] DeltaEnemy> ;)
[14:20] [IC]Forelli> ye i know that song as well
[14:20] [IC]Forelli> but
[14:20] [Rw]Nici> u dont know
[14:20] [IC]Forelli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuJDhFRDx9M
[14:20] [IC]Forelli> i meant this
[14:20] [Rw]Nici> u are shit bro
[14:20] DeltaEnemy> ah yeah
[14:20] DeltaEnemy> its cool too
[14:20] Vlado in
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> delta
[14:21] [IC]Forelli> DOES SHE SAY THAT
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> good portuguese girls in switzerland?
[14:21] DeltaEnemy> no
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> more port than swiss ppl?
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> i bet
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> remember euro 2008
[14:21] DeltaEnemy> i never met a portugeeasdjlsh girl in swiss
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> we invaded switzerland
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> lol
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> which city you live?
[14:21] DeltaEnemy> st.gallen
[14:21] DeltaEnemy> no euro here
[14:21] [Rw]Nici> oh
[14:22] DeltaEnemy> in 2008
[14:22] [Rw]Nici> st gallen german part?
[14:22] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:22] [Rw]Nici> most ports in french part
[14:22] [Rw]Nici> like sion
[14:22] [Rw]Nici> n shit
[14:22] DeltaEnemy> french part is only a little pice of switzerland
[14:22] DeltaEnemy> german part > french part > itialian part
[14:23] [Rw]Nici> there are probably portuguese people in german part
[14:23] [Rw]Nici> its just you dont know them
[14:23] [Rw]Nici> you dont talk to everyone you see
[14:23] DeltaEnemy> can be
[14:23] [Rw]Nici> you and arbi pavataj
[14:23] [IC]Forelli> yo delta
[14:23] [Rw]Nici> is that you with him in the pic
[14:23] DeltaEnemy> no
[14:23] DeltaEnemy> its not me
[14:23] [IC]Forelli> listen to this remix of the song i sent you
[14:23] [IC]Forelli> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBJH6FDcdgY
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> ok. sec
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> i bet its u
[14:24] Oldskool out
[14:24] [IC]Forelli> of tokyo drift
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> no
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> its not me nici
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> its u
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> ill lea u
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> ill leak you
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> hehe
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> u look like a dog bro
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> i swar its not me
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> the guy on his pic is good looking
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> shit lookin
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> just a shit pic
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> come ts delta
[14:24] [Rw]Nici> i talk some shit in french for u
[14:24] DeltaEnemy> i have skype
[14:25] Zephyr9139 in
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> skype sucks
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> get TS
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> we got pop channel
[14:25] DeltaEnemy> i had it once
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> yh so install again
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> takes 4 minutes
[14:25] Zephyr9139 out
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> virus free
[14:25] DeltaEnemy> but i dont have a mic nici
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> itsok
[14:25] DeltaEnemy> forelli the song is nice
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> you just have to listen
[14:25] [IC]Forelli> o ye
[14:25] [IC]Forelli> its hard as fuck :D
[14:25] DeltaEnemy> yesš
[14:25] DeltaEnemy> :D
[14:25] [IC]Forelli> delta come on teamspeak
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> delta scared
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> sad
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> haha
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> why scared?
[14:26] [IC]Forelli> im chilling with nici on it
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> sccared to coem on ts
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> nice for you
[14:26] BlackAncalagon out
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> do you guys know hawaii five-o
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> https://www.teamspeak.com/downloads
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> the little girl
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> danny's daughter
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> she is hot af
[14:26] [Rw]Nici> even if shes just 15
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> hmm
[14:26] DeltaEnemy> send pic
[14:27] DeltaEnemy> google
[14:27] DeltaEnemy> image
[14:27] [Rw]Nici> she is 14 turning 15 in october
[14:27] [Rw]Nici> but she has already some good tits
[14:27] [IC]Forelli> ye i know hawaii 5o
[14:27] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BIaFJWYgU7I/?taken-by=teilor.grubbs&hl=en
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> she will be bomb
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BJrFNTagbq0/?taken-by=teilor.grubbs&hl=en
[14:28] DeltaEnemy> wtf bro
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> yH?
[14:28] DeltaEnemy> are you pedophil??
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> i saw recent episode of hawaii
[14:28] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[14:28] DeltaEnemy> she looks very young
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> she was wearing a skirt nice legs lol
[14:28] [Rw]Nici> young?
[14:28] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> young is being 8, 10, 12
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> she is 15
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> wtf? im not a pedo
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> no
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> but i appreciate nice things in life thats all?
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> 15 is young man
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> min. 18
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> loooool
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> they start very early.
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> its illegal
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> compare how she is
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> in season 3 or season 2
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> to those pics
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> haha
[14:29] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[14:29] [Rw]Nici> she will grow more
[14:30] [Rw]Nici> her tit size
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> in 4-5 years
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> she will be great
[14:30] doho8731 in
[14:30] [Rw]Nici> lol
[14:30] [Rw]Nici> give it 3
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> nici. check "anja zeilder"
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> a fintess model from swiss
[14:30] DeltaEnemy> she is nice
[14:31] [Rw]Nici> cant compare
[14:31] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BJxWSo6BFGO/?taken-by=anjazeidler&hl=en
[14:31] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:31] DeltaEnemy> good one
[14:31] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BJJKDdRA59Q/?taken-by=anjazeidler&hl=en
[14:31] [Rw]Nici> XDDDDD
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> yh pretty sweet
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> she is younger than me
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> doesnt seem to wear much make up
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> how old is she
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> 1993
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> 23
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> or 22
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> 22/23
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> she looks older
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> yes
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> like 28
[14:32] [Rw]Nici> would give her 27 or 28
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:32] DeltaEnemy> :D
[14:33] [Rw]Nici> do u like african girls
[14:33] [IC]Forelli> tomorrow never comes until its too late
[14:33] DeltaEnemy> i had once sex with an african gril
[14:33] DeltaEnemy> it was good
[14:34] [Rw]Nici> brownie?
[14:34] [IC]Forelli> if i say anything
[14:34] [IC]Forelli> i'll get banned
[14:34] [IC]Forelli> so i'll pretend i didnt read this
[14:34] DeltaEnemy> yes
[14:34] DeltaEnemy> haha forelli ;)
[14:35] [IC]Forelli> had the opportunity while i was in spain
[14:35] [IC]Forelli> met in the fucking club
[14:35] [IC]Forelli> i was like nope
[14:35] [IC]Forelli> dont want aids
[14:35] [IC]Forelli> pls no ban
[14:36] DeltaEnemy> haha
[14:36] jackieboy8 in
[14:36] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BH-jFbjDpB7/?taken-by=patriciamamona&hl=en
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> https://www.instagram.com/p/BHsht6uDmJY/?taken-by=patriciamamona&hl=en
[14:37] jackieboy8> 2 more
[14:37] DeltaEnemy> shes cute
[14:37] jackieboy8> 1 more
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> one of the cutest girls ive seen lol
[14:38] doho8731 out
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> do you recall how long ago
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> or is it not long ago?
[14:39] [Rw]Nici> ??
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> the song
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> lean on
[14:39] [Rw]Nici> lean on dick?
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> 1.607.165.901
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> views
[14:39] [IC]Forelli> dayum
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> WOW
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> thats a dayum lot
[14:40] Oldskool in
[14:41] Juliosf92 in
[14:44] [War]gba1990 out
[14:45] Juliosf92 out
[14:46] [IC]Forelli> delta losing
[14:46] [IC]Forelli> in ffa
[14:46] [IC]Forelli> XD
[14:46] [IC]Forelli> hopefully this is a bug or some shit
[14:47] Lichu348 out
[14:47] tiagofgo in
[14:48] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[14:48] BlackAncalagon in
[14:48] tiagofgo out
[14:49] [IC]Forelli> DZEZMINE
[14:50] Oldskool out
[14:50] Taytego in
[14:51] [TDM]Delax in
[14:52] Taytego out
[14:54] sunny_man in
[14:56] T-rod in
[14:57] Tuzkar in
[14:58] [Rw]Nici> tuzkar
[14:58] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUXuh4RymhQ
[14:58] [Rw]Nici> do u know this song
[14:59] Kuba14j in
[14:59] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[14:59] Kuba14j out
[14:59] Tuzkar> i don't even know how to react to this
[14:59] Tuzkar> what the fuck
[15:00] minder118 in
[15:00] minder118 out
[15:00] SzawizZ in
[15:01] SzawizZ out
[15:01] aajandros in
[15:02] [Rw]Nici> so u know it
[15:02] [Rw]Nici> SO YOU KNOW IT
[15:03] Tuzkar> no
[15:03] [Rw]Nici> Wow
[15:03] Tuzkar> but i just listened to the whole song
[15:03] Tuzkar> so i guess i do now
[15:03] Tuzkar> xD
[15:03] [Rw]Nici> is it nice
[15:03] Tuzkar> yea its alright :)
[15:03] [Rw]Nici> XDE
[15:03] [Rw]Nici> we shake it boom boom
[15:03] [Rw]Nici> we shake it boom boooooom
[15:03] ZorXGames out
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> better than that
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> is this
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> absolutely great
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> bitch is older than me 9 days wtf
[15:04] Purechemist in
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> fuckin ugly bitch but i love the song
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> pure
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> [15:04] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
[15:04] [Rw]Nici> check
[15:05] Tuzkar> Fuckk sake nici
[15:05] Tuzkar> xD
[15:05] [Rw]Nici> 2million dislikes
[15:05] [Rw]Nici> she is not that bad
[15:05] [Rw]Nici> i mean she is hot
[15:05] [Rw]Nici> but her songs absolutely garbage
[15:05] Tuzkar> lol
[15:06] Maximilian in
[15:06] jackieboy8 out
[15:06] Tuzkar> so this first song?
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> http://celebmafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/rebecca-black-2015-mtv-video-music-awards-at-microsoft-theater-in-los-angeles_4.jpg
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> a bit fat cheek
[15:06] Tuzkar> are they from protugal?
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> no
[15:06] Tuzkar> wow i cant even spell
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> its a porn song that used to pop up
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> when u click
[15:06] [Rw]Nici> forelli knows better
[15:06] Tuzkar> this song is fucking frying my brain
[15:06] PrinceVentus in
[15:07] PrinceVentus out
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> Bruh
[15:07] [Rw]Nici> http://www.gotceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/photos/rebecca-black/2015-mtv-video-music-awards-in-los-angeles/Rebecca-Black:-2015-MTV-Video-Music-Awards--01-662x994.jpg
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> his song was a damn pop up
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> on every porn site
[15:07] [Rw]Nici> tell me u wouldnt hit on her
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> @2k9
[15:07] Tuzkar> Which one
[15:07] Tuzkar> xD
[15:07] [IC]Forelli> the one nici sent you
[15:07] [Rw]Nici> the first one
[15:07] Tuzkar> LOL
[15:09] [Rw]Nici> with 1 m views
[15:09] Tuzkar> honestly the song is catchy as fuck
[15:09] [Rw]Nici> bowl of cereilssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
[15:09] Tuzkar> they are fucking fugly tho
[15:09] [Rw]Nici> rofl
[15:09] [Rw]Nici> yh fuglies
[15:09] Taity-mini in
[15:09] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2FRPA3Gf8
[15:10] Tuzkar> what have you done to me..
[15:10] [Rw]Nici> this one is for taity
[15:10] [Rw]Nici> in thanks for setting up the pop ts
[15:10] Tuzkar> honestly shes great
[15:10] Tuzkar> just a little crazy
[15:10] [Rw]Nici> :))))))))))
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> feels like shes already 30
[15:11] sammau in
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> been seeing hannah montana on the tv for decades now
[15:11] Mammy_Tas out
[15:11] rjs456 in
[15:11] rjs456 out
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> tuzkar
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> u know miles kane?
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> YOUR COUNTRY ROCK
[15:11] Maximilian out
[15:11] [Rw]Nici> he looks like leighton baines
[15:12] Tuzkar> lol
[15:12] [Rw]Nici> omg
[15:12] [Rw]Nici> dont disappoint me
[15:12] Tuzkar> what?
[15:12] [Rw]Nici> miles kane!!
[15:12] Tuzkar> yes
[15:12] Tuzkar> i know
[15:12] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj5RKp0inTw
[15:13] [Rw]Nici> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[15:13] [Rw]Nici> nice
[15:13] Tuzkar> not my kinda music
[15:13] Tuzkar> but i can listen to it
[15:14] neon47 in
[15:14] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> wtf
[15:14] neon47 out
[15:14] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> boom boom is 10900090x worse
[15:16] [IC]Forelli> gay
[15:16] Maximilian in
[15:17] [Rw]Nici> tuzkar
[15:17] [Rw]Nici> send one of your taste
[15:17] [Rw]Nici> im willing to listen
[15:18] [Rw]Nici> u can even send PIGGY SONg
[15:18] [Rw]Nici> i love it
[15:18] Tuzkar> lol
[15:18] Tuzkar> are you sure
[15:18] Tuzkar> xD
[15:19] [Rw]Nici> yes
[15:19] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF96MQbDkMQ
[15:20] Tuzkar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKsxPW6i3pM
[15:23] [Rw]Nici> u like it because of the as
[15:23] [Rw]Nici> jimmy jimmy
[15:23] [Rw]Nici> é pra ja
[15:23] [Rw]Nici> nice song toozkar:D
[15:23] Tuzkar> lol
[15:24] [Rw]Nici> a LaD Party
[15:24] donChimero in
[15:24] donChimero out
[15:26] [TSI]CuCkoo in
[15:28] homlespeople in
[15:29] [Rw]Nici> amanda me coa paxaxa
[15:29] [Rw]Nici> esfrega-te nas minhas zorelhas
[15:30] Nihlatak in
[15:30] Igor1312 in
[15:31] Nihlatak out
[15:32] aladdin in
[15:33] [Rw]Nici> aladdin
[15:33] [Rw]Nici> hi
[15:34] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> HI
[15:34] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> wheres my 10 bucks?
[15:36] Vlado out
[15:36] minder118 in
[15:36] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> fds
[15:36] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> o outro a falar e kem?
[15:36] ben1234 in
[15:36] minder118 out
[15:38] matbarbare6150 in
[15:38] matbarbare6150 out
[15:39] ben1234 out
[15:39] ben1234 in
[15:40] the-godstar in
[15:40] ben1234 out
[15:41] ben1234 in
[15:41] the-godstar out
[15:42] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVtG8tv8-i0
[15:42] _quincycorleone out
[15:44] Ghoster817 in
[15:44] Ghoster817 out
[15:46] sammau in
[15:47] prabhur in
[15:49] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
[15:52] [IC]Forelli> hahahahahahah
[15:52] [IC]Forelli> WHY
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOOOL
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> lol
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> .
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> Lol
[15:52] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAHAH
[15:53] sammau out
[15:54] Mysterious in
[15:54] Mysterious out
[15:57] Delis in
[15:57] Kooooooooooooooooopa in
[15:58] Delis out
[15:59] Treeman161 in
[15:59] italian120 in
[16:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[16:01] Oldskool in
[16:02] italian120 out
[16:03] Igor1312 out
[16:03] Simonrush in
[16:05] black_mesa in
[16:06] black_mesa> spinn
[16:06] black_mesa> joinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[16:06] black_mesa> spinnifixi
[16:06] black_mesa> delax
[16:06] black_mesa> koopa nici
[16:06] black_mesa> t rod jasmin purechemist
[16:07] black_mesa> +++++++++++++++++++1
[16:07] black_mesa> how is matt still shaman
[16:07] black_mesa> is anyone here
[16:07] Tuzkar> no
[16:07] Tuzkar> get on Ts weed
[16:07] black_mesa> gg pop
[16:07] Tuzkar> matt wants to *talk*
[16:11] [Rw]Nici> i need to go piss soon
[16:11] [Rw]Nici> so lets hurry
[16:12] [IC]Forelli> lol
[16:12] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAH
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> w3333d
[16:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> why cant iu ping you
[16:13] black_mesa> someone else hjopst
[16:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> let jasmin host
[16:14] [IC]Forelli> We'll be right back
[16:14] [IC]Forelli> in a sec
[16:20] IncaWarrior in
[16:21] Simonrush out
[16:22] Simonrush in
[16:22] lolo0072 out
[16:23] [IC]Forelli> WOTAFOK MAN
[16:23] [Rw]Nici> tuzkar is best host for u guys
[16:23] [Rw]Nici> lol
[16:23] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> is he ?
[16:23] [Rw]Nici> yh
[16:23] [Rw]Nici> he got fiber
[16:23] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAHAH
[16:23] [Rw]Nici> he gives me 59 from uk omg
[16:23] [TSI]CuCkoo out
[16:24] [Rw]Nici> lol 52
[16:24] [Rw]Nici> thats some sick insane
[16:24] Simonrush out
[16:25] Carlston in
[16:27] Maximilian out
[16:27] Maximilian in
[16:27] Maximilian out
[16:27] Maximilian in
[16:27] Carlston out
[16:27] bockwurstlaune in
[16:28] xxreture34xx in
[16:29] xxreture34xx> go
[16:29] Taity-mini out
[16:29] pegi9999 in
[16:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[16:31] Oldskool out
[16:31] jetstream in
[16:31] Maximilian out
[16:31] Maximilian in
[16:32] xxreture34xx> ok
[16:32] jetstream out
[16:33] Maximilian out
[16:34] Juventinos3001 in
[16:38] sovium in
[16:38] Maximilian in
[16:41] DeltaEnemy out
[16:42] xxreture34xx out
[16:43] aajandros out
[16:43] Maximilian out
[16:43] Maximilian in
[16:43] Juventinos3001 out
[16:44] bockwurstlaune out
[16:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> inca why can i pm the game?
[16:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/bc0f099adb3df20a03530ad7be534cca
[16:45] Pandemonio in
[16:45] IncaWarrior> because you're not a PopRe Premium member
[16:46] bockwurstlaune in
[16:46] Ascarya in
[16:47] Lichu348 in
[16:48] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> omg i should be
[16:48] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> im mm vip
[16:49] aliverdi1023 in
[16:51] Maximilian out
[16:52] sammau out
[16:54] Kooooooooooooooooopa in
[16:55] [Rw]Nici> LOLLL
[16:56] Kooooooooooooooooopa out
[16:56] [AsG]Shadow in
[16:57] Maximilian in
[16:57] [rw]macca in
[16:58] carlo in
[16:58] sammau in
[16:58] sammau out
[16:59] aajandros in
[16:59] minder118 in
[16:59] minder118 out
[16:59] Pandemonio out
[17:00] Fried_Rice in
[17:02] windyemre in
[17:02] cobalt in
[17:03] MrRobusto in
[17:06] windyemre out
[17:08] aajandros out
[17:09] Maximilian out
[17:09] Maximilian in
[17:10] DeltaEnemy in
[17:10] [ic]carbine in
[17:10] Maximilian out
[17:10] Maximilian in
[17:10] DeltaEnemy out
[17:10] Maximilian out
[17:10] DeltaEnemy in
[17:10] aliverdi1023 out
[17:10] Maximilian in
[17:11] aliverdi1023 in
[17:11] Maximilian out
[17:11] Maximilian in
[17:11] Jefrex in
[17:12] sunny_man out
[17:12] [SW]EddardStark in
[17:13] aliverdi1023 out
[17:13] aliverdi1023 in
[17:13] [SW]EddardStark> Valar Moghulis
[17:13] [SW]EddardStark> Valar ...???
[17:13] [SW]EddardStark> Valar...?!?!?!?!????
[17:13] [SW]EddardStark> whats next?!@?#?!@#?!@?#
[17:13] sunny_man in
[17:14] Maximilian out
[17:15] T-rod> ywah
[17:15] T-rod> yeah
[17:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> let trod in
[17:15] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod come ?
[17:15] T-rod> u can play
[17:15] T-rod> idm
[17:16] MrRobusto out
[17:16] bockwurstlaune> yo
[17:16] bockwurstlaune> what map are we doing?
[17:16] DeltaEnemy> fo is ok
[17:17] [SW]EddardStark> Valar Dohaeris is next
[17:17] bockwurstlaune> pp
[17:17] [SW]EddardStark> fucking mother fuckers
[17:17] bockwurstlaune> would be nice too
[17:17] DeltaEnemy> pp is ok
[17:17] [SW]EddardStark> FUCKING bubs nubs
[17:17] [SW]EddardStark> ive to fucking sentece too fucking many times
[17:17] [ic]carbine out
[17:18] DeltaEnemy> trod
[17:18] DeltaEnemy> moores
[17:18] DeltaEnemy> get in here
[17:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was pissing
[17:19] [tsi]adray in
[17:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod here
[17:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> yo adray
[17:19] Maximilian in
[17:19] T-rod> not in pp mood sry
[17:19] bockwurstlaune> we dont do pp
[17:20] T-rod> ?
[17:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> we doin 4walls
[17:20] bockwurstlaune> u up for walls?
[17:20] DeltaEnemy> get in pls
[17:20] DeltaEnemy> i want a game
[17:20] Matak_4 in
[17:20] bockwurstlaune> come on trod
[17:20] bockwurstlaune> why should u wait for 3 players to get a tom game
[17:21] T-rod> go 4 way?
[17:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> do 4way
[17:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[17:21] DeltaEnemy> 4walls pls
[17:21] DeltaEnemy> comon
[17:21] DeltaEnemy> ok
[17:21] DeltaEnemy> join 4way
[17:21] DeltaEnemy> but RM 4walls
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> wow
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> such shit maps
[17:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu nigi
[17:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> all report nici
[17:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> u dont kno pop
[17:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> for being a dopey cunt
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> kkkkkkkkk
[17:21] [Rw]Nici> noobs
[17:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg
[17:22] The_Big_Maker in
[17:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> gogogo
[17:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> Go !
[17:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> ARRGRHGGH
[17:23] shadowhyper51 in
[17:23] shadowhyper51 out
[17:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> is matt muted on mm
[17:24] black_mesa in
[17:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> must be
[17:25] danny94 in
[17:26] danny94 out
[17:27] donChimero in
[17:27] darthvadr in
[17:27] Ascarya out
[17:27] The_Big_Maker out
[17:27] IsoElFace in
[17:28] [PL]BloodDeath in
[17:30] black_mesa out
[17:32] Baroufakhs in
[17:33] s4n7ur in
[17:34] Baroufakhs out
[17:34] darthvadr out
[17:34] [PL]BloodDeath> hello
[17:34] s4n7ur> hello
[17:35] s4n7ur out
[17:36] [TDM]Delax in
[17:38] windyemre in
[17:40] sammau in
[17:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> so owned
[17:40] windy in
[17:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> inca why cant ppl scroll up in lobby chat
[17:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> so annoying
[17:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> b4 game
[17:41] Maximilian out
[17:41] donChimero out
[17:41] windyemre> +1
[17:41] windyemre> come here
[17:42] [TDM]Delax out
[17:42] black_mesa out
[17:46] BlackAncalagon out
[17:46] BlackAncalagon in
[17:47] Lichu348 out
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> lol
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> lights so boring
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> .
[17:51] Purechemist> true man
[17:51] Purechemist> who hosted that shit
[17:52] DeltaEnemy> rematch
[17:52] Purechemist> matt by any chance?
[17:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> FUK
[17:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> that was a gg
[17:52] bockwurstlaune> yea
[17:53] skullcruncher in
[17:53] skullcruncher out
[17:56] kururusapiens in
[17:58] kururusapiens out
[17:58] Mammy_Tas in
[17:58] windy> CAMON
[17:58] blubber in
[17:59] aliverdi1023 out
[17:59] tiagofgo in
[17:59] homlespeople out
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> https://pmcdeadline2.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/christianbale__130315180501.jpg
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> matt
[17:59] bluestar224 in
[17:59] windy> S
[17:59] windy> F
[17:59] windy> SF
[17:59] windy> DSF
[18:00] cobalt out
[18:01] windyemre out
[18:01] windyemre in
[18:02] windy out
[18:02] windyemre out
[18:03] bluestar224 out
[18:03] [TDM]Delax in
[18:04] Tuzkar> Delex come play
[18:05] [TDM]Delax in
[18:06] [AsG]Shadow> that's a no I think
[18:07] Tuzkar> SHADOW
[18:07] Tuzkar> come play
[18:07] Tuzkar> :D
[18:08] carlo out
[18:08] [AsG]Shadow> nah I'm good
[18:08] Tuzkar> T_T
[18:08] [AsG]Shadow> gonna save myself for tonight's ffa
[18:09] IsoElFace out
[18:09] Tuzkar> tonights FFA?
[18:09] [TDM]Delax out
[18:10] [AsG]Shadow> yeah
[18:10] [AsG]Shadow> episode 10 of friday night ffa
[18:10] Mammy_Tas> good luck :)
[18:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> exhausting 5 hours games
[18:11] Mammy_Tas> ye i watched those games on sub channel :)
[18:11] [AsG]Shadow> they haven't been lasting too long lately
[18:11] [AsG]Shadow> hopefully this one does
[18:11] [AsG]Shadow> I'll try my best not to kill Keith out of spite
[18:12] [TDM]Delax out
[18:12] Mammy_Tas> you havent won any yet
[18:12] Mammy_Tas> ;o
[18:12] Tuzkar> i have no idea what you are on about
[18:12] Tuzkar> but it sounds fun
[18:12] Mammy_Tas> check subs channel to see those earleir games i guess
[18:12] Mammy_Tas> :)
[18:15] Tuzkar> is it like all pros
[18:15] Tuzkar> or what
[18:16] pegi9999 out
[18:16] aladdin out
[18:16] madsjaeswfj in
[18:18] minder118 in
[18:19] minder118 out
[18:19] pboris93 in
[18:20] pboris93 out
[18:20] damhyr0857 in
[18:20] [TDM]Delax out
[18:22] sunny_man out
[18:22] [TDM]Delax in
[18:23] damhyr0857 out
[18:23] damhyr0857 in
[18:25] [IC]Forelli out
[18:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> wow
[18:26] DeltaEnemy> rematch 4walls
[18:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> trod
[18:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk that
[18:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> loook that at them stats
[18:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 kills and 18 deaths trod...
[18:26] Tuzkar> +2 tom
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats the worst iv ever seen
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> no fuking wonder
[18:27] DeltaEnemy> chill
[18:27] DeltaEnemy> trod
[18:27] DeltaEnemy> come
[18:27] DeltaEnemy> rematch
[18:27] DeltaEnemy> 4walls
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=324972
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> look at this shit]
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 kills
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> 32 minute game
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 kills
[18:27] T-rod> there was lag and luck
[18:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> 18 deaths
[18:28] christiantorres in
[18:28] christiantorres out
[18:28] DeltaEnemy> +1
[18:28] DeltaEnemy> ally for me
[18:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> brb
[18:28] BlackAncalagon out
[18:28] Mowgli in
[18:29] madsjaeswfj out
[18:29] Tuzkar out
[18:29] tiagofgo out
[18:29] Tuzkar in
[18:29] DeltaEnemy> +1
[18:30] Tuzkar> +2 tom
[18:30] DeltaEnemy> +1 4walls
[18:31] Tuzkar> +2 any map
[18:31] DeltaEnemy> +1 any map
[18:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 fuking kills
[18:32] Tuzkar> lol
[18:32] DeltaEnemy> moores chill
[18:32] DeltaEnemy> get an ally
[18:32] DeltaEnemy> where is your gay brother?
[18:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> being gay somewhere
[18:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[18:32] Sio87 in
[18:32] DeltaEnemy> call him
[18:32] Sio87 out
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> pretty sure i was being doubled to fuk ofr most of that game too
[18:33] Mowgli> alpha, delta vs mooresssss :O
[18:33] DeltaEnemy> we had it once
[18:33] bockwurstlaune> no im just everywhere at same time
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> moores wins !
[18:33] DeltaEnemy> cant remever who won
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> we did
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> on 4 walls
[18:33] DeltaEnemy> can be
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i played a v good game by my standerds
[18:33] DeltaEnemy> i dont know
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> adam was trying his hardest to lsoe it
[18:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> it was on 4 walls
[18:34] DeltaEnemy> ok
[18:34] DeltaEnemy> great
[18:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> ill ally trod on fo ?
[18:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> no way he can do any worese
[18:34] DeltaEnemy> trod wont join
[18:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> worse
[18:34] bockwurstlaune> sure
[18:34] bockwurstlaune> why not
[18:34] T-rod> do u guys have windows 10
[18:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> ig2g out for a bit
[18:35] Tuzkar> +2
[18:35] T-rod> win 10 changes mouse sensitivity like every second day
[18:35] T-rod> its unreal
[18:35] DeltaEnemy> wanna do fo
[18:35] DeltaEnemy> ?
[18:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> omg
[18:35] sammau out
[18:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> enemy building destroyed : 4
[18:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> WTF
[18:36] ChazYannis in
[18:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> i coulda allyed a fuking spy
[18:36] dubeyshivi in
[18:36] ChazYannis out
[18:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> cant i need to go out for 20 mins
[18:37] damhyr0857 out
[18:37] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[18:37] DeltaEnemy> go to suck dicks or what?
[18:38] [Rw]Nici> t-rods
[18:38] [Rw]Nici> got me blocke
[18:38] [Rw]Nici> d
[18:39] jackieboy8 in
[18:39] [Rw]Nici> what a coward
[18:39] madsjaeswfj in
[18:39] Tuzkar> come play guys -_-
[18:39] Tuzkar> never gonna get a game otherwise :(
[18:40] T-rod out
[18:40] Little_Guy1 in
[18:40] _quincycorleone in
[18:40] _quincycorleone out
[18:40] _quincycorleone in
[18:42] [GoD]Genki in
[18:42] damhyr0857 in
[18:43] Jordan90 in
[18:44] wolffreki in
[18:45] JazzJackrabbit in
[18:45] Little_Guy1 out
[18:46] damhyr0857 out
[18:46] damhyr0857 in
[18:47] pegi9999 in
[18:48] jackieboy8 out
[18:48] _quincycorleone out
[18:48] jackieboy8 in
[18:48] _quincycorleone in
[18:49] _quincycorleone out
[18:49] _quincycorleone in
[18:49] [GoD]Eric in
[18:49] damhyr0857 out
[18:50] [GoD]Eric> sec
[18:50] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[18:50] [Rw]Nici> did bock give u lollypop
[18:50] [Rw]Nici> lollipop##
[18:50] [GoD]Genki> a game
[18:50] bockwurstlaune> 4 walls?
[18:50] [GoD]Genki> and a chance to win
[18:51] [GoD]Genki> which u dont give lmao
[18:51] [GoD]Genki> bad luck
[18:51] [GoD]Genki> gg
[18:51] [Rw]Nici> lllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooll
[18:51] [Rw]Nici> it was gonna be asg bro everyone stands a chance in asg
[18:51] [Rw]Nici> :<
[18:52] T-rod in
[18:53] [GoD]Eric out
[18:53] [AsG]Shadow> rofl yeah I haven't won
[18:53] [AsG]Shadow> I'm too agressive I guess
[18:54] [AsG]Shadow> every friday Sub, Keith and I play a ffa and it gets uploaded on Sub's channel
[18:54] [AsG]Shadow> Tuzkar
[18:54] [AsG]Shadow> it's usually really fun
[18:54] cccp in
[18:54] jarzyna in
[18:55] jarzyna out
[18:55] Tuzkar> 3 way ffa?
[18:55] Tuzkar> thats pretty dumb
[18:55] [AsG]Shadow> yeah
[18:55] Tuzkar> doesnt someone just get doubled
[18:55] Tuzkar> super hard
[18:55] Tuzkar> and then 1v1 xD
[18:55] [AsG]Shadow> sometimes
[18:56] Tuzkar> whoever is middle
[18:56] digo86 in
[18:56] Tuzkar> is just fucked
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> 4 way ffas are usually 2 1v1s tho
[18:56] [Rw]Nici> if keith gets to be doubled makes my day
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> I'm always in the fucking middle
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> it pisses me off
[18:56] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[18:56] Tuzkar> should get 4 dude
[18:56] Tuzkar> make it more interesting
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> yeah we want a 4th for tonight
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> this place's empty tho
[18:56] [Rw]Nici> yh i agree and they should just attack everyone xddd
[18:56] [Rw]Nici> no holding grudges lol
[18:56] [AsG]Shadow> by the time the game begins at least
[18:56] Tuzkar> hahaha
[18:57] sovomanclub in
[18:57] [Rw]Nici> should be a map where u can easily bd
[18:57] sovomanclub out
[18:57] sovomanclub in
[18:57] stillframe in
[18:58] [GoD]Eric in
[19:00] damhyr0857 in
[19:00] aajandros in
[19:00] sovomanclub out
[19:01] sovomanclub in
[19:01] sovomanclub out
[19:01] sovomanclub in
[19:02] sovomanclub> 12220
[19:02] digo86 out
[19:03] sovomanclub out
[19:03] [AsG]Shadow> things is
[19:03] [AsG]Shadow> I always bd everyone
[19:03] [AsG]Shadow> and side everyone
[19:03] [AsG]Shadow> usually bites me in the ass
[19:04] black_mesa in
[19:05] wolffreki out
[19:05] jarzyna in
[19:08] wil in
[19:12] jarzyna> plus populous + dwa dodatki chyba
[19:12] jarzyna> jeden nie pameitam
[19:12] jarzyna> drugi AOC
[19:12] pegi9999 out
[19:13] JazzJackrabbit out
[19:13] jarzyna out
[19:14] sovomanclub in
[19:15] sovomanclub out
[19:15] sovomanclub in
[19:15] Tuzkar> +2 Tom
[19:16] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwKQkF4JJfA
[19:16] [Rw]Nici> best video on youtube
[19:16] sovomanclub out
[19:17] [Rw]Nici> maaaaan
[19:17] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> BURN ALL HOOLIGANS
[19:17] [Rw]Nici> watching cops getting their ass kicked
[19:17] [Rw]Nici> makes my day
[19:18] [Rw]Nici> stfu!
[19:18] Tuzkar> Weed hows your kebab dude :)
[19:18] [Rw]Nici> burn all cops
[19:18] CrateSeller in
[19:19] [Rw]Nici> to this guy
[19:19] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad:
[19:19] [Rw]Nici> guy thinks hes rusty
[19:19] [Rw]Nici> such sad excuse
[19:19] BlackAncalagon in
[19:20] icepeople in
[19:20] icepeople out
[19:20] Tuzkar> +2 people who arnt pussys and want to 2v1 nici becuase im bad
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> lol
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> WELL
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> i got 1h and 10 mins
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> then im going to watch footy
[19:21] [GoD]Eric out
[19:21] sovomanclub in
[19:22] [GoD]Genki> gg
[19:22] sovomanclub out
[19:22] sovomanclub in
[19:22] [Rw]Nici> lol ve minuto 10:40
[19:22] [Rw]Nici> bue fixe rofl
[19:22] [Rw]Nici> policia do crlh
[19:22] [GoD]Genki> wow nici
[19:22] [GoD]Genki> so sad
[19:22] [GoD]Genki> rly
[19:22] [Rw]Nici> 10:40 dps mais uns segundos
[19:23] Tuzkar out
[19:23] Tuzkar in
[19:23] [Rw]Nici> yh
[19:23] [Rw]Nici> what u yo yo
[19:23] sovomanclub out
[19:23] Tuzkar> +2 people who arnt pussys and want to 2v1 nici becuase im bad
[19:23] [Rw]Nici> lol
[19:24] damhyr0857 out
[19:24] damhyr0857 in
[19:25] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:25] [Rw]Nici> u there
[19:25] [Rw]Nici> u pussy
[19:25] bockwurstlaune> yeah
[19:25] Mowgli out
[19:25] bockwurstlaune> wait for genki
[19:25] [Rw]Nici> lets go
[19:25] [Rw]Nici> on this map u stand a chance
[19:26] bockwurstlaune> yah i launch when genkis back
[19:26] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:26] [Rw]Nici> how does it feel to have 0 chance on any map
[19:26] [Rw]Nici> in 1v1
[19:26] damhyr0857 out
[19:26] CrateSeller out
[19:27] sovomanclub in
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> you know what chickens do
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> bock bockkkkkkkkkk
[19:27] bockwurstlaune> dont know that feeling dude
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> booooock boooooooockkkkkkkkkk
[19:27] sovomanclub out
[19:27] bockwurstlaune> :D
[19:27] bockwurstlaune> haha yeah
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> boooockkkk booockkkkkkkk
[19:27] sovomanclub in
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> kkkkkkkkkk
[19:27] Artema in
[19:27] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[19:28] [Rw]Nici> bok
[19:28] [Rw]Nici> check it out
[19:28] Artema> hi nici
[19:28] [Rw]Nici> Hi
[19:28] Artema> you remember me?
[19:28] bockwurstlaune> :D :D :D :D
[19:28] bockwurstlaune> yeah thats me
[19:28] bockwurstlaune> im youtube star
[19:28] [Rw]Nici> i think i remember
[19:28] [Rw]Nici> int3r lol
[19:28] Artema> oh yes
[19:28] Artema> yes yes!
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> the guy who calls me 4 eyees
[19:29] Artema> very good nici
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msSc7Mv0QHY
[19:29] Artema> ooooh
[19:29] Artema> lol
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> check that one
[19:29] Artema> i sorry
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> u forgiven
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> lounch
[19:29] [Rw]Nici> u motherfuoker
[19:30] bockwurstlaune> hahaha im already listen that sound :D
[19:30] Artema> oh the crazy chicken
[19:30] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRnP8PNh3fI
[19:30] bockwurstlaune> pm genki on fb
[19:30] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:30] [Rw]Nici> we doing a shit map
[19:30] [Rw]Nici> and u still dont wanna go
[19:31] Tuzkar> T_T
[19:31] minder118 in
[19:31] stillframe out
[19:31] Artema> oh jaja
[19:32] damhyr0857 in
[19:33] sovomanclub out
[19:33] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:33] [Rw]Nici> bock bock bock
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> bock bock bock bock bock bock
[19:34] [GoD]Eric in
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> i did who wants to be a millionaire in my clas
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> my teacher scream at me
[19:34] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7L61xOdr9U
[19:35] CrateSeller in
[19:35] [Rw]Nici> BOCK BOCK BOCK
[19:35] [Rw]Nici> BOOCKKKKKK
[19:36] Tuzkar> go?
[19:36] Ivalice in
[19:36] dioenki in
[19:37] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[19:37] dioenki> +1
[19:37] iiwalkerii in
[19:38] L_of_the_Desert in
[19:38] [GoD]Genki out
[19:38] IncaWarrior> omg spam
[19:38] sovomanclub in
[19:38] [Rw]Nici> no
[19:38] sovomanclub out
[19:38] sovomanclub in
[19:38] bockwurstlaune> damned genkis out
[19:38] dioenki> join
[19:38] bockwurstlaune> delaxc come !
[19:38] [Rw]Nici> i was obviously trying to call bock
[19:38] dioenki> looser
[19:38] [Rw]Nici> guy is too slow to launch a game
[19:39] bockwurstlaune> yeah
[19:39] IncaWarrior> oh k
[19:39] bockwurstlaune> ty u help me to awake nici
[19:39] [Rw]Nici> fucking snail slug turtle
[19:39] Tuzkar> lol
[19:39] [Rw]Nici> fucking hard-wear
[19:39] dioenki> o
[19:39] dioenki> someone
[19:39] dioenki> join
[19:39] dioenki> nici frocio
[19:39] [Rw]Nici> si?
[19:40] dioenki> XD
[19:40] Marcos2123 in
[19:40] Mauricio2123 in
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> someone joni
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> ally bock
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> he needs an ally
[19:40] dioenki> is restricted
[19:40] Dr_Zaius in
[19:40] [Rw]Nici> XD
[19:40] Ivalice out
[19:41] Tuzkar> why does T-rod not play?
[19:41] sovomanclub out
[19:41] Marcos2123> Mauricio2123
[19:42] Marcos2123> nop
[19:42] Marcos2123> No
[19:42] Marcos2123> Hablas español dioenki??
[19:43] Marcos2123> Dioenki you speak spanish?
[19:43] Mauricio2123 out
[19:43] Marcos2123 out
[19:43] dioenki> yes
[19:43] Mauricio2123 in
[19:43] Marcos2123 in
[19:44] dioenki> ENTRA MAURICIO
[19:44] Marcos2123> wil you ping
[19:44] Marcos2123> entro yo
[19:44] dioenki> wil is an inactive players
[19:45] Marcos2123> dionki quita betabot
[19:45] Marcos2123> maps
[19:45] dioenki> BETA
[19:45] dioenki out
[19:46] dioenki in
[19:46] Royaliste31 in
[19:46] Royaliste31 out
[19:47] Mauricio2123> map: AU WORLDS
[19:47] iiwalkerii out
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> 5 fuking kills trod
[19:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[19:47] ronimartir in
[19:48] [TDM]Delax> i aim lightnings
[19:48] [tdm]Mooresy in
[19:48] [SW]EddardStark out
[19:48] Marcos2123> you ping dioenki
[19:49] taitan-v3 out
[19:49] prabhur out
[19:49] dioenki> join
[19:49] italian120 in
[19:49] dioenki> ITALIAN
[19:49] dioenki> entra cazzo
[19:49] italian120> ok
[19:49] italian120> vieni da me
[19:49] bockwurstlaune> yo
[19:49] italian120> e meglio
[19:49] bockwurstlaune> map?
[19:50] dioenki> ok
[19:50] dioenki> e ristrtetto
[19:50] dioenki> come mai?
[19:50] Tuzkar> i don't care what map
[19:50] bockwurstlaune out
[19:50] bockwurstlaune in
[19:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> bockwurstlaune
[19:50] Marcos2123> itilian space for my brother
[19:50] [tdm]MooresMurder> host
[19:50] ronimartir out
[19:50] [Rw]Nici> wtf u doing bock bock chik
[19:51] [Rw]Nici> BOOCK BOOCK
[19:51] Mauricio2123 out
[19:51] Jayinnit in
[19:51] Jayinnit out
[19:51] Mauricio2123 in
[19:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici
[19:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi#
[19:51] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:51] [Rw]Nici> looking like a shaman
[19:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> go on ts
[19:51] dioenki> +1
[19:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> unmute
[19:51] [Rw]Nici> doesnt increase ur skills
[19:51] PabloSL in
[19:51] [Rw]Nici> bro
[19:51] aajandros out
[19:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> shamen laucnh
[19:52] Mauricio2123 out
[19:52] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:52] [Rw]Nici> ure broke
[19:52] dioenki out
[19:52] Mauricio2123 in
[19:52] dioenki in
[19:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> bockwurstlaune
[19:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk u doin
[19:52] [Rw]Nici> i got 37 minutes
[19:52] italian120> dio entra
[19:53] Tuzkar> Bock come play
[19:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> bockwurstlaune join
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> if its not over in 37 minutes we have to ally up
[19:53] dioenki> ne manca solo 1
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> this bock running away
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> like a chicken
[19:53] dioenki> senti
[19:53] dioenki> io e te
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> taking up time
[19:53] dioenki> con redwarrior?
[19:53] dioenki> good
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> bock
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> tuzkar is best host in this lobby
[19:53] [Rw]Nici> not u
[19:54] _quincycorleone out
[19:54] [Rw]Nici> wow
[19:54] [Rw]Nici> brokck
[19:54] Tuzkar out
[19:54] [Rw]Nici> brock doesnt launch
[19:54] Tuzkar in
[19:54] [Rw]Nici> he is a nigger
[19:55] bockwurstlaune> tuzkar not able to host or what?
[19:55] Tuzkar> bock ping
[19:55] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> inca wtf is this shit
[19:56] Artema out
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> how me and this guy share this rank
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> its beyond acceptance
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> i demand aod rank
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> right now
[19:56] Tuzkar> bock your ping dude
[19:56] Tuzkar> -_-
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> [51] Launch game failed
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> wtf bock
[19:56] bockwurstlaune> BOCK BOCK BOCK
[19:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi try relogging
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> dont leave
[19:56] EmaLoza in
[19:56] [Rw]Nici> loo
[19:56] EmaLoza out
[19:57] bockwurstlaune> he cant host me
[19:57] bockwurstlaune> ffs
[19:57] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[19:57] [Rw]Nici> its cuz of ur rank
[19:57] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[19:57] [Rw]Nici out
[19:57] Tuzkar out
[19:57] Tuzkar in
[19:57] [Rw]Nici in
[19:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> tuz nici here
[19:59] jarzyna in
[19:59] PabloSL out
[20:00] Mauricio2123> hi
[20:00] Marcos2123> needs 1
[20:00] Marcos2123> 1+
[20:01] [IC]great_succeSS in
[20:01] [IC]great_succeSS> T-rod: 1v1
[20:02] damhyr0857 in
[20:03] [GoD]Eric out
[20:04] christiantorres in
[20:04] [IC]great_succeSS> scared noob shit-rod lol
[20:04] [IC]great_succeSS> kicks me when i tryna play him
[20:04] [IC]great_succeSS> bockwurstlaune shaman rank :o
[20:05] madsjaeswfj> ven means out in slovene XD
[20:05] [tdm]Mooresy> joooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[20:06] [IC]great_succeSS> Mooresy: i would but shit-rod has me blocked cuz he cant accept that im better than him on non ASG worlds
[20:06] sovium out
[20:06] madsjaeswfj> shut up
[20:07] JazzJackrabbit in
[20:07] [tdm]Mooresy> lol rodders stop wettin ur pants when u get offered out n let borat join??
[20:07] [tdm]Mooresy> :D
[20:07] italian120> i would plaaaaay uuuuuuuuffffffffffff
[20:07] madsjaeswfj> nein ich keine spiele
[20:07] [IC]great_succeSS> madsjaeswfj: who in a fucking name are you
[20:07] [tdm]Mooresy> rod u need to play more maps
[20:08] BlackAncalagon out
[20:08] [IC]great_succeSS> shit rod games: Åsgard Worlds II - Sessrúmnir Palace (855 games)
[20:08] [IC]great_succeSS> says it all
[20:08] madsjaeswfj> arena
[20:08] madsjaeswfj> joguer
[20:09] madsjaeswfj> or nothing
[20:09] damhyr0857 out
[20:09] italian120 out
[20:09] madsjaeswfj> arena jous eu jes aburides
[20:10] JazzJackrabbit out
[20:10] jarzyna out
[20:10] sammau in
[20:10] sammau out
[20:11] jackieboy8 out
[20:11] blubber out
[20:12] madsjaeswfj out
[20:13] [IC]great_succeSS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=319253
[20:13] [IC]great_succeSS> look that hacker
[20:14] [IC]great_succeSS> all time record for most points rofl
[20:14] Lorddead1233 in
[20:14] Lorddead1233 out
[20:14] aidan9211 in
[20:14] jarzyna in
[20:15] [Rw]Exotic in
[20:15] AlphaEnemy in
[20:17] italian120 in
[20:18] T-rod> yoo
[20:18] IncaWarrior> hm I guess that problem went back farther than I thought
[20:19] eremiel in
[20:19] damhyr0857 out
[20:19] damhyr0857 in
[20:20] wil out
[20:20] IncaWarrior> only happened in a handful of cases involving extreme noob bashing
[20:21] [tdm]Mooresy> yoooo
[20:21] meeko in
[20:21] [tdm]Mooresy> sec lemme see why no ping
[20:22] blubber in
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy> brb
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy out
[20:22] [tdm]Mooresy in
[20:22] SupRis3 in
[20:23] [IC]great_succeSS> [21:20] IncaWarrior> only happened in a handful of cases involving extreme noob bashing
[20:23] [IC]great_succeSS> xDDDDD
[20:23] [IC]great_succeSS> tsu is an extreme noob basher lol
[20:23] [tdm]Mooresy> borat send me tht link to tht profile tht was abusin points system
[20:23] [tdm]Mooresy> i wanna know the formulae these little punks are usin
[20:23] IncaWarrior> was a case where people played games so unbalanced they would lose points for winning
[20:23] Fried_Rice> inca how many people submitted to the t shirt competition?
[20:23] Ilidiolapa in
[20:24] IncaWarrior> Fried_Rice: bella and vegeta
[20:24] kbatu98765 in
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> fukin el tht reminds me of a game i lost points after winning i was a bit upset tbh
[20:24] Fried_Rice> u should advertise it in welcome message
[20:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> its too hard
[20:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i dont even know what those two file types are
[20:24] Fried_Rice> if u want i can give u some more photos so this game looks more popular lmao
[20:24] minder118> SESS++++++++++++++++++++++++3
[20:24] AlphaEnemy> bella
[20:24] [tdm]Mooresy> they should make that world logo tht used to be on the front of the original box as a big logo on front of t shirt
[20:24] AlphaEnemy> make some tit pictures
[20:25] jarzyna out
[20:25] AlphaEnemy> and upload to porn sites
[20:25] [tdm]Mooresy> that little world logo was mint
[20:25] AlphaEnemy> good advertise
[20:25] Fried_Rice> no im good
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> now i wanna make a t shirt designs
[20:26] [tdm]Mooresy> which will probably interest me for about 5 mins before i wander off somewhere onto the next thing
[20:26] Fried_Rice> i have a few photos but i thought "if i won, i should probably submit the one i like the best on a tshirt"
[20:26] Fried_Rice> it's wearable
[20:27] [IC]great_succeSS> [21:13] [IC]great_succeSS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=319253
[20:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> .AI or .EPS
[20:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> never heard of
[20:27] Fried_Rice> i'll send u some shit i have on my pc inca
[20:28] Fried_Rice> oh i just read ur email inca
[20:28] aajandros in
[20:28] damhyr0857 out
[20:28] [tdm]Mooresy> they gotta change the eps file to make it work on the t shirt printin machine i had some hi vis jackets made major fuck about gettin it transfered
[20:28] Fried_Rice> idk how to put the games planets on the t shirt i just got planets from google maps and edited them
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> delta fuk pp right now
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> have u got tht logo from the pop cd bella?
[20:29] [tdm]Mooresy> or just a generic world pic?
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
eremiel - MapPack: OK
meeko - MapPack: OK
- meeko: Green (Watcher)
- eremiel: Blue
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Timed (60 minutes)
Victory Condition: Armageddon
Map Additions:
- Towers
- Huts
- Warrior Hut
- Temple
- Spy Hut
- FireWarrior Hut
- Mana
- Wildmen
[20:29] Fried_Rice> it was just worlds off google
[20:30] Fried_Rice> i did red, yello,w blue and green
[20:30] Fried_Rice> on a shaman hand
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> yh lemme see if can find tht logo from the original box
[20:30] Fried_Rice> with text "join the gods"
[20:30] [tdm]Mooresy> i remember bein proper young studyin tht pic on the bus after buyin pop years ago
[20:30] meeko out
[20:30] meeko in
[20:31] IncaWarrior> ok, updated the welcome message
[20:31] Fried_Rice> http://imgur.com/a/V4phj
[20:31] AlphaEnemy> ffs bella
[20:31] IncaWarrior> more options allowed now too
[20:31] Fried_Rice> how do i make this more pop related?
[20:31] Fried_Rice> what alpha?
[20:31] AlphaEnemy> why always leaving
[20:31] AlphaEnemy> when he launches
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
eremiel - MapPack: OK
[20:32] Fried_Rice> i didnt
[20:32] Fried_Rice> i tabbed out i was still in
[20:32] Fried_Rice> mustve crashed
meeko - MapPack: OK
[20:32] [IC]great_succeSS> hi bella
[20:32] DeltaEnemy> +
[20:32] DeltaEnemy> +1
[20:32] dioenki in
[20:32] Fried_Rice> http://imgur.com/Km8POKz
[20:32] Fried_Rice> i also have that one^
[20:32] Fried_Rice> is that more pop-like?
[20:32] dioenki> OO
[20:32] Fried_Rice out
[20:32] [tdm]Mooresy> do some basic map i got a nasty hangover 4 hrs sleep etc
[20:32] Fried_Rice in
[20:33] [tdm]Mooresy> looks alright tht
[20:33] Fried_Rice> inca do u want me to submit that photo?
[20:33] DeltaEnemy> +1 ffs
[20:33] AlphaEnemy> Trod
[20:33] AlphaEnemy> join here
[20:33] Jordan90 out
[20:33] dioenki out
[20:33] damhyr0857 in
[20:34] jarzyna in
[20:34] Fried_Rice> i have really old shitty edits too
[20:34] jarzyna out
[20:34] AlphaEnemy> Tod hopp in
[20:34] damhyr0857 out
[20:35] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> why join the gods
[20:35] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> our clan isnt recruiting atm
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> its ok guys
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> johnnys here
[20:35] [tdm]Mooresy> best hi res image of tht logo i could find - https://www.digitalgamemuseum.org/collection/files/original/f5917f1b0d474cd5a598c10a21ca3efe.JPG
[20:36] Fried_Rice> :/
[20:36] italian120 out
[20:36] IncaWarrior> ideally someone could make their own version of it
[20:36] [IC]great_succeSS> https://i.gyazo.com/d22df0cfe2c442e95ca2d46ac933957d.png
[20:36] [IC]great_succeSS> good old times <3
[20:36] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> thought ppl shoud draw it
[20:37] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> not search in google pop images
[20:37] SupRis3 out
[20:37] damhyr0857 in
[20:37] Fried_Rice> thats why i made my own
[20:37] Fried_Rice> didnt draw it but i made the design
[20:37] [ic]carbine in
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> wow
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> u guys had some sick pop
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> 12 : 04
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> 12 : 05
[20:38] sam_tas in
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> .
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> 83 to 123
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> bock how come u cant do shit with 85 pop
[20:38] aajandros out
[20:38] [Rw]Nici> to people who struggling on the 40's
[20:38] DeltaEnemy> +2
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> feel like shit not playin atm
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> dont got enough backup
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> with troops
[20:38] [tdm]Mooresy> need to go sleeeeeeeeeeep
[20:39] [Rw]Nici> lol
[20:39] damhyr0857 out
[20:39] damhyr0857 in
[20:39] progarboys in
[20:39] [Rw]Nici> YH BLaME MOORES
[20:39] [Rw]Nici> -:D
[20:39] [tdm]Mooresy> back later
[20:39] [tdm]Mooresy> yh blame me
[20:39] progarboys out
[20:39] [Rw]Nici> moroesmurder
[20:39] dioenki out
[20:39] [Rw]Nici> moronmuder
[20:39] [tdm]Mooresy> n kiss my arse cheeks as your moanin about it
[20:40] damhyr0857 out
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> yh
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> adam
[20:40] [tdm]Mooresy> lol moronmurdser
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> james_blond
[20:40] damhyr0857 in
[20:40] [tdm]Mooresy> hahaha
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> guy used his fb in 2 years
[20:40] [tdm]Mooresy> yh tht guy
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> insta boner
[20:40] [ic]carbine> 1+
[20:40] bockwurstlaune> wp tuzkar u improved much
[20:41] minder118> +++++++++++++++++++++3 SESS
[20:41] Tuzkar> im shit dude
[20:41] [tdm]Mooresy> yh i dont dont bother with it much myself atm too busy with work n shit went onto the pop page clicked about for a bit n got off
[20:41] Tuzkar> did you see my lights
[20:41] Tuzkar> all missed
[20:41] [ic]carbine> +++++1
[20:41] [tdm]Mooresy> brb
[20:41] [tdm]Mooresy out
[20:41] [ic]carbine> Tuzkar join?
[20:41] DeltaEnemy> +2.
[20:41] [Rw]Nici> yh moores no time to accept my friend request
[20:42] damhyr0857 out
[20:42] AlphaEnemy> T-Rod join
[20:44] black_mesa in
[20:44] [ic]carbine out
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> ffs
[20:44] Fried_Rice> ....?
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> +2
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> +1
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> dude fired rie
[20:44] Fried_Rice> where carbine go?
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> stop joining
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> when u fucking leave
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> all the time
[20:45] xtro in
[20:45] cobalt in
[20:45] [SR]Bananasplit in
[20:45] [SR]Bananasplit out
[20:46] cccp out
[20:46] DeltaEnemy> +1.
[20:46] Mowgli in
[20:46] Matak_4 out
[20:47] The_Big_Maker in
[20:47] damhyr0857 in
[20:47] Mammy_Tas> also it will be 2 fwvs 2 priest
[20:48] Mammy_Tas> ii join aplha and delta :p
[20:48] AlphaEnemy> then come
[20:48] AlphaEnemy> u were fw
[20:48] AlphaEnemy> aswell
[20:48] Mammy_Tas> teams are unfair
[20:48] AlphaEnemy> we unrank it
[20:49] [TDM]Delax out
[20:49] Mammy_Tas out
[20:50] minder118> k
[20:51] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> 1
[20:51] [tsi]adray out
[20:51] black_mesa out
[20:51] The_Big_Maker out
[20:52] Mauricio2123> que mapa?
[20:52] Mowgli> craters
[20:52] Mauricio2123> espera
[20:52] Mauricio2123> lo buscare aver si lo encuentro
[20:52] Mowgli> esta en thebegining
[20:52] Mowgli> uno de los primeros mappacks
[20:53] Marcos2123> es muy feo
[20:53] Marcos2123> ese mapa
[20:53] Marcos2123> mejor otro
[20:53] Marcos2123> dime otro
[20:53] Marcos2123> calidad
[20:53] Mowgli> xD
[20:54] Marcos2123> ?
[20:54] Mowgli> face off
[20:54] BigLulu in
[20:54] Mammy_Tas in
[20:55] minder118> ++++++++++++++++++++++1
[20:55] Marcos2123 out
[20:58] [TDM]Delax in
[20:58] [TDM]Delax out
[20:58] aajandros in
[20:59] [IC]Pk in
[21:00] Ilidiolapa out
[21:00] BigLulu out
[21:03] L_of_the_Desert out
[21:03] CrateSeller out
[21:05] [TDM]Delax in
[21:06] [TDM]Delax out
[21:08] aajandros out
[21:10] [IC]Pk out
[21:10] christiantorres out
[21:11] damhyr0857 out
[21:11] damhyr0857 in
[21:13] damhyr0857 out
[21:14] [IC]Shao in
[21:14] damhyr0857 in
[21:15] Tuzkar out
[21:15] [IC]Shao> hentai
[21:16] Dr_Zaius out
[21:16] black_mesa out
[21:16] damhyr0857 out
[21:17] damhyr0857 in
[21:17] chapdriver in
[21:17] Mauricio2123 out
[21:18] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[21:18] damhyr0857 out
[21:18] damhyr0857 in
[21:18] Jordan90 in
[21:18] dubeyshivi> +1
[21:19] chapdriver out
[21:19] chapdriver in
[21:21] Taity-mini in
[21:22] Mauricio2123 in
[21:23] xtro out
[21:24] damhyr0857 out
[21:24] [IC]great_succeSS> shame Schalke
[21:24] [IC]great_succeSS> could have won against bayern
[21:24] Reanimate56 in
[21:25] Royaliste31 in
[21:25] BlackAncalagon in
[21:25] damhyr0857 in
[21:25] [IC]great_succeSS out
[21:25] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[21:27] jawedleterroriste31 in
[21:27] damhyr0857 out
[21:27] damhyr0857 in
[21:28] Tuzkar in
[21:28] Marcos2123 in
[21:29] Tuzkar out
[21:29] [Rw]Six_Sigma in
[21:29] Mammy_Tas out
[21:29] Mammy_Tas in
[21:29] damhyr0857 out
[21:30] Mammy_Tas out
[21:30] damhyr0857 in
[21:30] Mammy_Tas in
[21:31] damhyr0857 out
[21:31] damhyr0857 in
[21:32] BlackAncalagon out
[21:32] jawedleterroriste31 out
[21:33] matiasruiz in
[21:33] Royaliste31 out
[21:34] Ivalice in
[21:34] matiasruiz out
[21:34] Ivalice> heya
[21:35] Ivalice> english brother
[21:35] Mammy_Tas out
[21:36] damhyr0857 out
[21:36] KhatM140913 in
[21:36] meeko out
[21:37] Mammy_Tas in
[21:37] damhyr0857 in
[21:37] bockwurstlaune out
[21:37] bockwurstlaune in
[21:38] Ivalice> what happened ?
[21:38] Mammy_Tas out
[21:39] The_Big_Maker in
[21:40] Reanimate56 out
[21:40] KhatM140913 out
[21:40] [IC]Shao> Hentai
[21:40] Cratus in
[21:41] [SW]EddardStark in
[21:41] Ivalice out
[21:42] Tuzkar in
[21:43] taitan-v3 in
[21:43] Mammy_Tas in
[21:43] christiantorres in
[21:46] Matak_4 in
[21:47] Mammy_Tas out
[21:47] Mammy_Tas in
[21:48] damhyr0857 out
[21:48] Mammy_Tas> somehow i knew that would happen xD
[21:49] skaarj_guardian in
[21:49] Mammy_Tas out
[21:49] The_Big_Maker> haha
[21:49] The_Big_Maker> easy gamer
[21:49] The_Big_Maker> haha
[21:49] The_Big_Maker> xddd
[21:49] The_Big_Maker> ggg
[21:49] bockwurstlaune> wieso keine fws?
[21:50] DeltaEnemy> hatte kein platz
[21:50] DeltaEnemy> für fw hut
[21:51] christiantorres out
[21:52] tcjantzen in
[21:52] loumani in
[21:52] loumani out
[21:53] DeltaEnemy out
[21:53] DeltaEnemy in
[21:54] tcjantzen out
[21:54] damhyr0857 in
[21:55] damhyr0857 out
[21:55] Mammy_Tas in
[21:55] damhyr0857 in
[21:56] Tuzkar out
[21:56] Taity-mini out
[21:57] DeltaEnemy> wa für e map?
[21:57] DeltaEnemy> ihr homos
[21:57] bockwurstlaune> pp fo
[21:57] AlphaEnemy> mir egal
[21:57] bockwurstlaune> ka
[21:57] bockwurstlaune> egal
[21:57] AlphaEnemy> aber spiel damol astendig
[21:57] The_Big_Maker out
[21:57] bockwurstlaune> ja bitte
[21:57] bockwurstlaune> das war ja lw letztes game
[21:57] DeltaEnemy> spiel selber aständig
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> wege dir hemmer verlore
[21:58] DeltaEnemy> +1
[21:58] AlphaEnemy> wege mir jap
[21:58] AlphaEnemy> hesh fw hut im wasser wölle baue?
[21:58] AlphaEnemy> anstatt 1 hut abbaue und dlte mache
[22:00] ZeKnifeO in
[22:00] damhyr0857 in
[22:00] DeltaEnemy> +1.
[22:00] damhyr0857 out
[22:00] molham in
[22:00] AlphaEnemy> +1
[22:00] tcjantzen in
[22:01] AlphaEnemy> ok
[22:01] DeltaEnemy out
[22:01] AlphaEnemy> +1
[22:03] bockwurstlaune> this delta
[22:03] bockwurstlaune> is a raptist
[22:04] damhyr0857 out
[22:04] [ic]carbine in
[22:04] [ic]carbine> u fukin wog
[22:04] Purechemist> sup
[22:05] [ic]carbine> https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=golliwog&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQ3oGImIPPAhXpAcAKHcl3CdEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1920&bih=979
[22:05] [ic]carbine> lmfao!
[22:05] T-rod out
[22:06] tcjantzen out
[22:07] Purechemist> rofl
[22:08] [Rw]Exotic out
[22:08] [ic]carbine> dat looks like inca lmfao
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock here
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> fu
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:09] [ic]carbine> this is you
[22:09] [ic]carbine> http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article3165136.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/Gollywog.jpg
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf i allyed
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> seriously
[22:09] [Rw]Six_Sigma> bock ur a noob
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> i allyed man
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> ur the worst
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> mirage
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> im sure i beat u 1v1
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> everyday
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> on cocaine too
[22:09] bockwurstlaune> lol
[22:10] bockwurstlaune> he kicked me
[22:10] bockwurstlaune> hes scared
[22:10] bockwurstlaune> mirage so low
[22:10] bockwurstlaune> he had to rotate alpha cause he need stroner ally
[22:10] bockwurstlaune> so lame
[22:10] The_Big_Maker in
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot map we doin ?
[22:11] bockwurstlaune> dont let mirage in i will be racist
[22:11] AlphaEnemy> well moores is much more a pain as opponent than me
[22:11] AlphaEnemy> he builds on whole map like a fuck
[22:11] bockwurstlaune> so he can feel his own beaviour
[22:11] bockwurstlaune> what made me criyng
[22:11] aidan9211 out
[22:11] aajandros in
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> oh
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[22:11] bockwurstlaune> hi
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> alpha
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> i like ur nose
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> is fried rice bella
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:12] AlphaEnemy> ?
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> no
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> its midnight
[22:12] AlphaEnemy> bock take less drugs mate
[22:12] The_Big_Maker> bock i can ally you?
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> she dont like the name bella
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> wtf alpha
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> 1v1 me
[22:12] AlphaEnemy> lol
[22:12] bockwurstlaune> only nici can beat me at 1v1
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> 60% of games
[22:13] AlphaEnemy> afk 2 mins
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> whos allying bella?
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> maybe only 55%
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> me
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> i like her
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> but do 4way
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> why
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> or
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> shes a bitch
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> guide on how to troll to bock
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> a 4 way with bella
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> not funny anymore
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> she is writing when she need help
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> she cant handle 3 guys
[22:13] Fried_Rice> ?
[22:13] bockwurstlaune> she pm me when she need help
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> its more than u guys do lol
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> nici
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> u will see
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> soon
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> i beat u 1v1
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> :)
[22:14] bockwurstlaune> and u will be#2
[22:14] The_Big_Maker out
[22:15] Tuzkar in
[22:16] dubeyshivi out
[22:17] Mauricio2123 out
[22:17] Marcos2123 out
[22:17] Mauricio2123 in
[22:17] Marcos2123 in
[22:18] damhyr0857 in
[22:18] Fried_Rice> ??
[22:18] Fried_Rice> wtf
[22:18] Fried_Rice> my spot
[22:19] Fried_Rice> OI
[22:19] Fried_Rice> IM GONE FOR 2 MINS
[22:20] Matak_4 out
[22:20] Jordan90 out
[22:23] Marcos2123> A quien le dices becerro?
[22:24] Marcos2123> Mamalo
[22:24] Marcos2123> Que te hize enfermo?
[22:25] Marcos2123> jajaja mala mia mk es que no davas ping
[22:26] [SW]EddardStark> Bebe Rexha, Rita Ora, Dua Lipa, all albanians
[22:26] [SW]EddardStark> all albanian stars around the world!
[22:26] [ic]carbine> nah theyre all english mate
[22:27] Death in
[22:27] Marcos2123 out
[22:27] Mauricio2123> quien quiere 2vs2?
[22:27] Marcos2123 in
[22:31] Marcos2123> ok?
[22:31] Marcos2123> mmmok?
[22:32] aidan9211 in
[22:33] GodOfDreams in
[22:35] [SW]EddardStark out
[22:35] Mammy_Tas out
[22:36] Mammy_Tas in
[22:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[22:36] damhyr0857 in
[22:36] Mammy_Tas out
[22:36] Mammy_Tas in
[22:36] Mammy_Tas> gg
[22:37] GodOfDreams out
[22:41] Mammy_Tas out
[22:41] massa in
[22:42] damhyr0857 out
[22:45] andyjustchillin3112 in
[22:45] andyjustchillin3112 out
[22:45] andyjustchillin3112 in
[22:46] andyjustchillin3112> jojin
[22:46] andyjustchillin3112 out
[22:47] Tuzkar> wow gg
[22:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> gg tuz ur a good ally
[22:47] AlphaEnemy> moores
[22:47] AlphaEnemy> let bock
[22:47] AlphaEnemy> host
[22:47] Tuzkar> na dude im bad
[22:47] [tdm]MooresMurder> i had 2 shamens and shit ton of wars coming at me
[22:48] AlphaEnemy> lol tuzkar
[22:48] AlphaEnemy> hopp in
[22:48] Tuzkar> sup?
[22:48] [tdm]MooresMurder> u kill everything
[22:48] Tuzkar> eh i was just playing well that game
[22:48] Tuzkar> might not be the same next :P
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot map we doin now
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> and how the fuk do i only get 2 points for that game?
[22:49] Tuzkar> lol i got 7
[22:49] Tuzkar> xD
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> a preist and fw Vs a shamen and a fw
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> 2 pointsd...
[22:49] [tdm]MooresMurder> bullshit
[22:50] Tuzkar> naaa
[22:50] [ic]carbine out
[22:50] Tuzkar> dude
[22:50] AlphaEnemy> choose then
[22:50] AlphaEnemy> moores
[22:50] damhyr0857 out
[22:50] Taity-mini in
[22:51] AlphaEnemy> well i guess mm realized
[22:51] AlphaEnemy> ure tactic :P
[22:51] Tuzkar> what happened at the start of that game?
[22:51] Tuzkar> btw
[22:51] AlphaEnemy> idk he was just in my base
[22:51] AlphaEnemy> :D
[22:52] Tuzkar> like didnt see?
[22:52] AlphaEnemy> was dismantling
[22:52] Tuzkar> i look up
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was sneaky]
[22:52] Tuzkar> and boom your missing half a base
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> i knew it lol
[22:52] AlphaEnemy> tuzkwar
[22:52] AlphaEnemy> we are waiting
[22:52] Tuzkar> sneaky sneaky moores
[22:52] Tuzkar> man i can't play
[22:52] Tuzkar> waiting on food
[22:52] AlphaEnemy> ?
[22:52] Tuzkar> :)
[22:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot have u oirdered?
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> curry?
[22:53] Tuzkar> Fucking Pizza
[22:53] [TDM]Delax in
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was gunna order a curry just now but then thought cba with belly ach
[22:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax stfu
[22:53] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOL
[22:53] Tuzkar> Hi nici :D
[22:53] FenixMaster in
[22:53] [Rw]Nici> Hi mister pizza
[22:53] [Rw]Nici> :D
[22:54] Tuzkar> Hey man
[22:54] Tuzkar> pizza is good
[22:54] [TDM]Delax> lol
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> hey moores u order stephen curry
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> migrents left a lump of spooj in nigi's bowels
[22:54] [TDM]Delax> :D
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:54] Tuzkar> hahaha
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> suk a sik bro
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[22:54] Tuzkar> has football finnished?
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> italy gtfi herre
[22:54] damhyr0857 in
[22:54] Tuzkar> terrible game?
[22:54] Tuzkar> 1-0
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> these guys been talking smak about you
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> KINDa
[22:54] Tuzkar> some shit like that
[22:54] [TDM]Delax> is adrew ordering a pizza
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> BENFICa WON
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> "delax aint shit he just bbs"
[22:54] [Rw]Nici> SOOOOOOOO
[22:54] sherminator31 in
[22:54] [TDM]Delax> and then i just logged in
[22:54] Tuzkar> LOL
[22:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> stuff liek that
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> naa
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> yh u talk about pizza
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> im making some chikens things
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> tundar would log in
[22:55] Tuzkar> would have been proud of last game nici :)
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> back then
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> chicken in bread crumbsa
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> my gf gomne out she usallu cooks for me
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> did u carry moores well
[22:55] damhyr0857 out
[22:55] [AsG]Shadow out
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was the mak daddy
[22:55] Tuzkar> i mean he did good too :)
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> ure nothing
[22:55] Tuzkar> kinda
[22:55] Tuzkar> sorta
[22:55] [Rw]Nici> moores
[22:55] Tuzkar> :D
[22:55] [tdm]MooresMurder> taka here taka there taka every where
[22:56] Tuzkar> i gotta work on my trooping still tho
[22:56] damhyr0857 in
[22:56] [TDM]Delax> has any7one been talking about me
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur mum thinks alot of me nigi
[22:56] Tuzkar> i suck at that
[22:56] Tuzkar> :(
[22:56] [TDM]Delax> im a s aimer
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> nigi
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> yes delax
[22:56] [TDM]Delax> not a bber
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> every one all day
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> yh u need to work more on troops trueee
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> your the highlight
[22:56] Leaf_VdM in
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> but it comes with time lol
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> just you
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> only you !
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> so while tuzkar
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> eats pizza
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> i thought id join
[22:56] AlphaEnemy> letsee go
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> the worest tmd'er
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> shaman + fw vs shaman + fw
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> sdelax
[22:56] [Rw]Nici> sounds fair
[22:56] Tuzkar> its not even here yet
[22:56] Tuzkar> :P
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> delax = relax
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[22:56] Tuzkar> just dont want em knocking
[22:57] Tuzkar> waking everyone up
[22:57] Tuzkar> xD
[22:57] [TDM]Delax> im actually the best tdmer
[22:57] [Rw]Nici> ya true it sucks if u would have to share ur pizza
[22:57] [TDM]Delax> no one equals my skill
[22:57] bockwurstlaune out
[22:57] [TDM]Delax> in my clan
[22:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur the best at taking ur grans tteth out before she blows u
[22:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> teeth#
[22:57] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[22:57] [TDM]Delax> infact im the last tdm shaman survived so far
[22:57] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock did a poo
[22:57] AlphaEnemy> +1 here
[22:57] [Rw]Nici> weirdo mooresquitsmurder
[22:57] Tuzkar> lol bock backed out?
[22:58] Tuzkar> standard shit
[22:58] AlphaEnemy> why standard shit
[22:58] AlphaEnemy> lol
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> i pounded his ass just now
[22:58] Tuzkar> he doesnt play nici
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> he feels butt hurt
[22:58] [Rw]Nici> lets take bock
[22:58] [Rw]Nici> off shaman rak
[22:58] [Rw]Nici> 1 point
[22:58] Tuzkar> cares so much for his shaman rank
[22:58] AlphaEnemy> well u were shitting for rm too :D
[22:58] AlphaEnemy> so fair enough
[22:58] [tdm]MooresMurder> that would be funny
[22:58] [TDM]Delax> Nici is Aod/Challenger
[22:58] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:59] [Rw]Nici> he ordered a pizz
[22:59] [Rw]Nici> its late to dinner
[22:59] [Rw]Nici> its late to cook
[22:59] Tuzkar> was that to me alpha?
[22:59] [Rw]Nici> but never late to suck a cock like moores does
[23:00] FenixMaster out
[23:00] Taity-mini out
[23:00] AlphaEnemy> moores
[23:00] AlphaEnemy> that shit was true shit man :D
[23:00] [tdm]MooresMurder> suk my dik
[23:00] AlphaEnemy> ure brother
[23:00] link36 in
[23:00] AlphaEnemy> would have punched in ur face for that
[23:00] AlphaEnemy> :D
[23:01] sherminator31 out
[23:01] [Rw]Nici> matt just took a pic
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> why u always wanna talk about my brother
[23:01] [Rw]Nici> n put it on fb
[23:01] [Rw]Nici> i think hes pregnant
[23:01] Tuzkar> LOL
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> u fuking love my brother
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> gay basterdd
[23:01] AlphaEnemy> hes cool
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes gay ?
[23:01] Fried_Rice> nici are u still being stuborn and wont ally me?
[23:01] AlphaEnemy> y
[23:01] [TDM]Delax> fried rice with bock chi9cken
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella do u want me to spank ur ass till u cry
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> ??
[23:01] royaliste31 in
[23:01] Fried_Rice> no im good
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> red raw
[23:02] Fried_Rice> ask me tomorrow
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> host with the most
[23:02] AlphaEnemy> bella
[23:02] AlphaEnemy> do face off
[23:02] link36 out
[23:02] Tuzkar> lol moores you gotta get good first.
[23:02] Fried_Rice> no face off
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> fukt it then
[23:02] Fried_Rice> u disgusting homo
[23:02] Fried_Rice> pick another one
[23:02] Mowgli> craters :D
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> harsh
[23:02] AlphaEnemy> still face off
[23:02] AlphaEnemy> ure allying nici
[23:02] AlphaEnemy> so stop whingin
[23:02] Purechemist> nici wants craters
[23:02] Fried_Rice> someone pm nici i dont wanna launch so he will run away
[23:03] Fried_Rice> its not that im bad at fo its cuz it sucks
[23:03] Death out
[23:03] Fried_Rice> i'd raver slit my clit with a razor blade
[23:03] Purechemist> yes so go craters
[23:03] [Rw]Nici> ?
[23:03] Tuzkar> wow
[23:03] [AsG]Shadow in
[23:03] [Rw]Nici> slit ur clit with a razor blade then
[23:03] AlphaEnemy> face off
[23:03] Purechemist> and stream it
[23:03] Mowgli> yeah
[23:03] Mowgli> :D
[23:03] sam_tas out
[23:04] Fried_Rice> alpha pick ur best map that isnt face off
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> why dont u guys fuck urself and play a match instead?
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> face off bella
[23:04] Fried_Rice> CAN U READ
[23:04] Fried_Rice> pick another best map
[23:04] [TDM]Delax> ur pizza will be right over
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> face off(r)
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> is a map tooo
[23:04] Fried_Rice> or im doing cr8 and u have to suck it
[23:04] [TDM]Delax> do pp
[23:04] Fried_Rice> k cr8 it is
[23:04] luki1984x in
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> do
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> fucking
[23:04] [tdm]MooresMurder> no
[23:04] AlphaEnemy> face off
[23:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> tom?
[23:05] Fried_Rice> alpha dont do pp
[23:05] AlphaEnemy> not playing pp vs nici
[23:05] luki1984x out
[23:05] AlphaEnemy> this guy cheats
[23:05] Fried_Rice> AM I DOING CRATERS?
[23:05] AlphaEnemy> too much
[23:05] Purechemist> ye so do craterssssssssssssss
[23:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> do tom
[23:05] AlphaEnemy> WHY DONT U FACE OFFFF
[23:05] AlphaEnemy> ?
[23:05] [tdm]MooresMurder> TOM
[23:05] Fried_Rice> i dont like it
[23:05] [TDM]Delax> why not
[23:05] Fried_Rice> pick a map u like alpha omg
[23:05] [TDM]Delax> u can double nici on pp
[23:05] [Rw]Nici> bella are u good
[23:05] Purechemist> u can double nici on every map
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> bella is ur mum deprived of sex ?
[23:06] Fried_Rice> im of preist rank
[23:06] [tdm]MooresMurder> ab=n
[23:06] [War]gba1990 in
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> didnt gerin
[23:07] Fried_Rice> u crash?
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> i mean
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> i did get in
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> but on SP
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> what map u doing
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> cuz i havent quite understood
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> do fo
[23:07] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ur dumb as a rock
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> let's go
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> i'll carry us
[23:07] Fried_Rice> before anyone cries that my host sucks does anyone want to host?
[23:07] Fried_Rice> we're not doing fo
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> go fo
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[23:07] Fried_Rice> no
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> wtf is the problem
[23:07] AlphaEnemy> why not ffs
[23:07] [Rw]Nici> stop being a whiny bitch
[23:08] Fried_Rice> i dont like it
[23:08] Fried_Rice> i dont make u do sess
[23:08] [Rw]Nici> yh i dont like u then
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> get in ere for fo
[23:08] [Rw]Nici> bella play fo if u dont want
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> Face Off
[23:08] [Rw]Nici> u dont get to ally nici
[23:08] Fried_Rice> its a shit map
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici
[23:08] Fried_Rice> no fun to play
[23:08] Fried_Rice> idc if i was pro
[23:08] AlphaEnemy> wtf
[23:08] AlphaEnemy> is it a shit map
[23:08] AlphaEnemy> fo is more fun than craters
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici wanna make u blue but i dont like rotating on fo
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> when u first build 10 mins
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> befor u atk
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> bella
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> let's go 4way
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> come
[23:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> come in herv hair
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> let's play shit tgw maps
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> quote
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> froom nici
[23:09] massa out
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> fucking tgw
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> shit maps
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> yh shit maps
[23:09] AlphaEnemy> then lets do fo
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> no alpha
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> actually if we played fo
[23:09] [Rw]Nici> i would be pity of u alpha
[23:10] [Rw]Nici> id slap my cock on the mouse n build better than u
[23:10] SzawizZ in
[23:10] [War]gba1990> +1
[23:11] SzawizZ out
[23:12] damhyr0857> +1
[23:12] damhyr0857> ++++++++++++++++++++++1
[23:12] aajandros> que fue broderr
[23:12] aajandros> jajajajaj
[23:12] aajandros> ahorita ando un pelin ocupado wn
[23:13] blubber out
[23:13] aajandros> Mas tarde si me pongo a jugar, me di cuenta que el juego estaba abierto pq empezo a sonar la corneta
[23:13] cabetron in
[23:13] royaliste31 out
[23:16] aidan9211> the roasting from bella!!!
[23:16] daninell in
[23:16] Dangelo in
[23:17] blubber in
[23:18] GrumpyGuppy in
[23:18] Dangelo out
[23:18] Cratus out
[23:19] damhyr0857 out
[23:19] [War]gba1990> sigma was out
[23:19] [War]gba1990> and i couldnt click
[23:19] damhyr0857 in
[23:19] damhyr0857> wtf
[23:20] chapdriver out
[23:20] cabetron out
[23:21] [War]gba1990> +2
[23:21] IncaWarrior out
[23:23] damhyr0857 out
[23:26] damhyr0857 in
[23:27] Arcayno in
[23:31] daninell out
[23:32] damhyr0857 out
[23:35] GodOfDreams in
[23:35] Bohemico in
[23:36] Bohemico out
[23:36] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[23:37] damhyr0857 in
[23:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[23:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[23:39] GrumpyGuppy> FUCK LAG
[23:39] [ic]nakamura in
[23:39] Mauricio2123> lol noob
[23:39] Mauricio2123> :V
[23:40] Marcos2123 out
[23:40] Mauricio2123> +1
[23:41] Mauricio2123> Go! Ž1
[23:41] Mauricio2123> +1
[23:42] Mauricio2123> +2
[23:45] Marcos2123 in
[23:45] GrumpyGuppy out
[23:45] Mauricio2123> ?
[23:46] Mauricio2123> taitan
[23:46] Mauricio2123> team red please :d
[23:46] Mauricio2123> :D
[23:46] damhyr0857 out
[23:47] Mauricio2123> GOOD Game :D
[23:47] Mauricio2123> taitan
[23:47] Mauricio2123> join here
[23:47] Mauricio2123> 2vs2 bro
[23:48] blubber out
[23:49] Mauricio2123> 2+ join here good games :D
[23:50] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> shhu
[23:50] Mauricio2123> very pro
[23:50] Mauricio2123> :D
[23:50] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> de verdad? pinche mauricio
[23:50] Mauricio2123> taitan
[23:51] Mauricio2123> join
[23:51] Mauricio2123> jaja
[23:51] Mauricio2123> eon
[23:51] Mauricio2123> weon
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> horrible
[23:51] [TDM]Delax> oh well
[23:51] [TDM]Delax> portugal rapes pakistan once again
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> i fell in the water like 10 times
[23:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> even the smallest puddles
[23:52] [TDM]Delax> we'll miss you at the world cup
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> unnessacary
[23:52] Purechemist> then play a normal map moores
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> ye
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> true
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> chemist
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> tell him
[23:52] Purechemist> i dont like watching 4way
[23:52] AlphaEnemy> its a fucking gay map
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> wow bella
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> first time i can say
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> well played
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> u carried us
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> me 2
[23:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> she v well
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> just kidding i carried us
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> not as well as nigi but still v well
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> with dying skills
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> so u would kill
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> bitch.
[23:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking BIIITCGHHGH
[23:53] [TDM]Delax> is andrew back to his real rank yet
[23:53] AlphaEnemy> LOL
[23:54] AlphaEnemy> hahaha
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol.
[23:54] [TDM]Delax> should be priest soon
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahahaha
[23:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu italy
[23:54] [TDM]Delax> take a look at my shaman suit
[23:54] Tuzkar> yea moores gimmie your rank :D
[23:54] [TDM]Delax> dont i look pretty
[23:54] AlphaEnemy> just take a look
[23:54] AlphaEnemy> at their shaman deaths
[23:54] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ++++++++++++++2
[23:55] AlphaEnemy> rm on face off?
[23:55] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> +2 ultra pro pressure point skill only please
[23:55] Marcos2123 out
[23:56] Mauricio2123 out
[23:56] AlphaEnemy> nici bella face off rm?
[23:56] Fried_Rice> fuck off
[23:56] Fried_Rice> with ur shitty fo maps
[23:57] Mauricio2123 in
[23:57] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> +++++++++++1
[23:57] Mauricio2123> hi
[23:57] Mauricio2123> ???
[23:57] Mauricio2123> ?
[23:57] Mauricio2123> mowgli
[23:58] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> que quieres niño
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> bella
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> lets play them on fo
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> wots the problem
[00:00] Tuzkar> lol
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> nvm omg bitcccc
[00:00] Mauricio2123> ?
[00:00] Mauricio2123> ??
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> mauricio
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> gtfo
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> join
[00:00] Mauricio2123> ???
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> toozkar
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> delax got 206 ping
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> wtf is this map delax
[00:01] [TDM]Delax> host andrew
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> im not playing 4way
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> agan
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> enough of shit maps
[00:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> fo ?
[00:01] [TDM]Delax> i dont ally him on 4way
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> play something that requires skill
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> u prick
[00:01] [TDM]Delax> he made lose vs spin and tuzkar
[00:01] [TDM]Delax> me
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> lol
[00:01] Tuzkar> LOL
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> moores
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> do fo
[00:02] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> u want tuzkar to host
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> fo
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> pls
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> since u much of a pussy to be blue
[00:02] Mauricio2123> back bro?
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> we understand
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> the situation
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok ill br bloo
[00:02] Mauricio2123> ok :d
[00:02] Purechemist> make nici blue
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> idm
[00:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> bitch
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> make nici nothing
[00:02] Tuzkar> why make nici blue?
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> i be ghreen
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> delax switch
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigi cant play as blue hes a shit houdse
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> house#
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[00:03] Tuzkar> lol
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> id rape u 1v1
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> blue vs red
[00:03] Purechemist> lol
[00:03] Mauricio2123> Nici is gay
[00:03] [tdm]MooresMurder> brb
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> ur moms gay
[00:04] Mauricio2123 out
[00:05] darthvadr in
[00:05] Mowgli out
[00:06] [IC]Shao out
[00:07] darthvadr out
[00:13] Jordan90 in
[00:19] Jordan90 out
[00:23] [AsG]Shadow in
[00:24] [TDM]Delax> wow
[00:24] Purechemist> boring
[00:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> why is it every time light u as ur blasting it misses ?
[00:24] Purechemist> nici too strong for you
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> its fuking bullshit
[00:25] [TDM]Delax> i played a 2v1
[00:25] [TDM]Delax> as usual
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> as ur castinmg
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> it always misses
[00:25] [TDM]Delax> it happens all the time when i play TB
[00:25] [TDM]Delax> people always double me
[00:25] skaarj_guardian out
[00:25] [AsG]Shadow in
[00:25] [TDM]Delax> both on pp and fo
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici u have an unfair advantage with that
[00:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> its total bullshit
[00:25] [Rw]Nici> yiii
[00:25] [Rw]Nici> fuck cheating
[00:26] [TDM]Delax> i get less doubled in sess
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> this games fukt
[00:26] [TDM]Delax> than fo and pp lol
[00:26] [Rw]Nici> delax
[00:26] [Rw]Nici> depends who u ally
[00:26] Purechemist> ye
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> im always complaining about the s cliks that hit me yet i cant even nici whiles hes castimng
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> its unfair
[00:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> seriously
[00:26] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> totaly bent
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> yeh
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> people have been making up the biggest bs
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> "take blast trick off and he sucks"
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> "take this off he sucks"
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> u guys dont get it
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> i couldnt of timed that last one any better
[00:27] Tuzkar out
[00:27] Tuzkar in
[00:27] aidan9211> is it luck or skill?
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> its neither
[00:27] [Rw]Nici> u guys understand u take it off for me u take it off to urselves
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> it cant be luck
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> well no
[00:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> its alot of skill
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> but i know its alot of something else
[00:28] aidan9211> then you cant get angry about it
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> i dont knowot
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> but i kno when things arent fair
[00:28] Purechemist> they should ban tornado, nici once killed me with it
[00:28] aidan9211> what else is it then lol?
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> game files ??
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk knos seriosuly
[00:28] aidan9211> maybe
[00:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> its totaly unfair
[00:28] Purechemist> but nici
[00:28] [Rw]Nici> xd
[00:28] Purechemist> no one knows blast trick
[00:28] aidan9211> but i know others who can time it just right also to ensure they dont get hit with spells
[00:28] aidan9211> and die
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> even if it was a level palying feild id lose
[00:29] [Rw]Nici> moores 1v1 tom
[00:29] [Rw]Nici> ill play smoll base
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> but its even worse when u get the bs of lights missing like they do
[00:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> so consistanly
[00:29] Tuzkar> LOL
[00:29] [Rw]Nici> XD
[00:30] Purechemist> do it moores
[00:30] [AsG]Shadow out
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> cba il come back another day
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> =(
[00:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> i wish i knew more about scripts and files and other bs
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz its fuking annoying
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur in mid air casting as y light hits the ground
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> and it misses
[00:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> always misses
[00:31] Tuzkar> gotta be a miss time
[00:31] Tuzkar> otherwise they would die
[00:31] [TDM]Delax> wish u knew a script to make ur brain tell ur hands to write down "green front"
[00:32] Purechemist> lol this lobby
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> :P
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was too pissed
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> moores
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> is pretty much like hw
[00:32] Tuzkar> but what do i know i suck at Lights
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> never warns
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> still dies on side
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> n cant do damage
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> #annoying
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> i casted as i was rolling
[00:32] [AsG]Shadow out
[00:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> and it didnt stop me
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> didnt see
[00:32] [Rw]Nici> was busy raping ur front bro
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> ED:
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> D:
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i watched u on wom earlier with 4 fws and 5 braves all pushing and firing at u and u stay on land
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[00:33] [AsG]Shadow in
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> lol
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> yh might be
[00:33] Mauricio2123 in
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> u weree on the edge
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> sneaky_dragon said i was luckiest pop player
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> at 1st i accept that ur a sik player
[00:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> but now i seen too much bullshit to accept that
[00:33] [Rw]Nici> lmao
[00:34] [Rw]Nici> fuck off
[00:34] [Rw]Nici> we've been playing such shit maps
[00:34] [Rw]Nici> we never play pp
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> im not saiying u got cheats or anything
[00:34] [Rw]Nici> my bay
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> im just saiying for wot ever reason the game aint playing like it plays me
[00:34] Tuzkar> we can play pp if you want
[00:34] Tuzkar> i just suck dick at pp :)
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> i also seen u fall out of 2 torns that game
[00:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> immediatly
[00:34] [Rw]Nici> moores
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> its the cheats bro
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> well its something
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> and it aint fair imo
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> moores u watch hawaii five-o
[00:35] Tuzkar> lol
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> the little girl danny's daughter is getting hot
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> not rly
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> shes 14 turning 15 next month
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> nice tits
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk that
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> id fuck her tbh
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> very cute as well
[00:35] Purechemist> nici you once casted a torn randomly as I was sitting in a tower, and wonderfully that torn came all the way to hit me........ how do you explain??
[00:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> youd go jail
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> yh no explanation pure
[00:35] [Rw]Nici> i remember once torning myself on sess
[00:36] [Rw]Nici> n i stoppedon delaxs base
[00:36] [TDM]Delax> whats this conspiracy against Nici
[00:36] Purechemist> ye
[00:36] Purechemist> it was the same
[00:36] Purechemist> game
[00:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets start a ne clan
[00:36] Purechemist> 2 inexplicable torns
[00:36] [TDM]Delax> once he tornado himself and got transporteed all the way inside my base
[00:36] [TDM]Delax> !!!!
[00:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici conspiritors
[00:36] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[00:36] [TDM]Delax> ON SESS
[00:36] [Rw]Nici> ooooooooomlmfao
[00:36] Purechemist> and I lighted him
[00:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> im telling you nici
[00:36] Purechemist> but didnt die or fall in water
[00:36] Purechemist> just stood on the edge
[00:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> u may not see it as ur playing your game
[00:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> but it aint fair
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> =)(
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> =(
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> =)
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> dw moores
[00:37] [TDM]Delax> next clan incoming NC
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> ure not first to say this
[00:37] [TDM]Delax> Nici Conspirators
[00:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> so some body who woulda been sik anyway
[00:37] Purechemist> Id join
[00:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> seems to have an unfair advantage
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> ra and sneaky dragon repeat themselves how lucky i was
[00:37] Purechemist> instant
[00:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> making u ultra pro
[00:37] [Rw]Nici> ra would specially talk about it in a whole post
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> who knows
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> ra is full of shit
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> some aurea
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> he compared me to eden1
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> guy has no clue about pop whatsoever
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> yh i read it
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> D
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> XD
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> eden1
[00:38] [Rw]Nici> manawhore
[00:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> weird thing if u play shit guys and u s clik them it seems to hit so easy
[00:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> any one noticed that?
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> Supertribe and Eden1
[00:38] Mauricio2123 out
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> wtf
[00:38] [TDM]Delax> these guys didnt' even make it to 2011
[00:39] [TDM]Delax> how much vodka does ra drink
[00:39] Tuzkar> i dunno man some games i don't miss S clicks
[00:39] [TDM]Delax> he imports it from russia
[00:39] Tuzkar> others i miss like all of em
[00:39] [TDM]Delax> from Spni's shops
[00:40] [Rw]Nici> well
[00:40] [AsG]Shadow out
[00:40] [Rw]Nici> i dont agree with many ratings ra did
[00:40] [Rw]Nici> but sometimes he say some truth nobody else can explain
[00:41] GodOfDreams out
[00:41] Tuzkar> come come ill play anything
[00:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici do u kno how to walk out from torns?
[00:43] Purechemist> ofc
[00:43] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was wodering does hitting the D button help lol
[00:43] [Rw]Nici> type byrne
[00:43] Tuzkar> then turn on god mode
[00:44] Tuzkar> ez
[00:44] Purechemist> suck inca cock
[00:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[00:44] [Rw]Nici> suck that wet cock of inka
[00:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> has every 1 fukt sigma off
[00:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> not seen him get a game with any goodp layers all day
[00:44] Tuzkar> hes losing to 2 preacher ranks right now
[00:44] [tdm]MooresMurder> every one had enough of him
[00:45] Tuzkar> so its probley for the best
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> if hes losing bet hes playing sess
[00:45] Tuzkar> xD
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> guys a dick
[00:45] Purechemist> the other players scream sess
[00:45] Tuzkar> SESSSS
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ima go cry myself to sleep
[00:45] Purechemist> namewise
[00:45] Tuzkar> fuck that map
[00:45] Tuzkar> with a passion
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> moores
[00:45] _damhyr0857 in
[00:45] _damhyr0857 out
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> what makes u less of a dike
[00:45] damhyr0857 in
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> dike?
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> as in lesbian
[00:45] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[00:45] Tuzkar> lol
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> dick
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> i go restart pc
[00:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> is that qeustion or a stement?
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> toos low sry
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> see u moores
[00:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> statement#
[00:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> gone>
[00:46] [tdm]MooresMurder out
[00:46] Purechemist> both
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> why u say sigma is a dic
[00:47] Purechemist> dick*
[00:47] Purechemist> well
[00:47] Purechemist> nothing happenin
[00:48] Purechemist> gn
[00:48] Purechemist out
[00:49] damhyr0857 out
[00:51] Tuzkar> guess im off as well :)
[00:51] Tuzkar> cya tommoro
[00:51] Tuzkar out
[00:54] Kooooooooooooooooopa out
[00:54] [Rw]Nici out
[00:55] damhyr0857 in
[00:56] aidan9211 out
[00:56] Fried_Rice out
[01:01] Mauricio2123 in
[01:01] [PL]BloodDeath out
[01:01] molham out
[01:01] sherminator31 in
[01:02] Mauricio2123 out
[01:02] [Rw]Six_Sigma> Go play tetris
[01:02] [Rw]Six_Sigma> I played 2v1 all game long
[01:02] [War]gba1990 out
[01:02] [Rw]Six_Sigma> you stupid noob
[01:02] Arcayno> well not good enough obviously...
[01:03] [TDM]Delax> tetris is hard actually
[01:03] [TDM]Delax> i could never win at it
[01:03] Arcayno> i launched the rocked
[01:03] Arcayno> rocket
[01:03] [Rw]Six_Sigma out
[01:03] Arcayno> real bad loser that one
[01:04] [AsG]Shadow in
[01:09] Leaf_VdM> Nici logged off and didn't even say bye to meeeee :'(
[01:10] eremiel out
[01:11] Almafuerte in
[01:11] Mauricio2123 in
[01:12] [AsG]Shadow out
[01:17] The_Big_Maker in
[01:19] AlphaEnemy out
[01:20] [TDM]Delax out
[01:21] taitan-v3> ok
[01:27] Deliruis in
[01:27] aajandros out
[01:27] Matak_4 in
[01:28] sovomanclub in
[01:28] sovomanclub out
[01:29] damhyr0857 out
[01:29] sovomanclub in
[01:29] [AsG]Shadow in
[01:32] Deliruis out
[01:33] sovomanclub out
[01:33] sovomanclub in
[01:33] sovomanclub out
[01:33] sovomanclub in
[01:35] [AsG]Shadow out
[01:35] Almafuerte out
[01:40] [Rw]Nici in
[01:41] sovomanclub out
[01:41] [Rw]Nici> o matt
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> foi banido do tsXD
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> 1 semana
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> lool
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> so faz merda fds
[01:42] cabetron in
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> nunca se vai encontrar quem faça tanta merda como ele
[01:42] [Rw]Nici> é de facto incrível
[01:42] damhyr0857 in
[01:43] [Rw]Nici> hola damhyr
[01:43] [Rw]Nici> te gusta la pelota
[01:45] Arcayno> zzz nite all
[01:45] Arcayno> yep was
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> nite arc arc
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> =O)
[01:45] Arcayno> =0)
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> :o)
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> :=o
[01:45] Arcayno out
[01:45] cobalt> :ô
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> arcayno rima com canos
[01:45] cobalt> :`o
[01:45] [Rw]Nici> canos do lava loiça
[01:46] [Rw]Nici> ora foda-se
[01:47] BranBot in
[01:48] damhyr0857 out
[01:48] cabetron out
[01:48] sherminator31 out
[01:50] Robyone95 out
[01:51] Mauricio2123> All join here ;) Map: AU WORLDS Game: 2vs2 :D
[01:53] damhyr0857 in
[01:54] taitan-v3 out
[01:54] Leaf_VdM out
[01:55] taitan-v3 in
[01:57] sovomanclub in
[01:57] sovomanclub out
[01:57] sovomanclub in
[01:58] sovomanclub out
[02:03] yolojhov in
[02:04] TimmyB in
[02:04] yolojhov out
[02:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[02:06] damhyr0857 out
[02:06] damhyr0857 in
[02:06] sovomanclub in
[02:06] sovomanclub out
[02:06] sovomanclub in
[02:06] sovomanclub out
[02:09] Pandemonio in
[02:10] [rw]macca in
[02:10] [IC]-Johan in
[02:10] Marcos2123 in
[02:11] Marcos2123> hola
[02:11] Marcos2123> ok
[02:11] Marcos2123> listo
[02:11] FenixMaster in
[02:11] Marcos2123> ok
[02:11] FenixMaster out
[02:11] FenixMaster in
[02:12] Marcos2123> tu ping
[02:12] Marcos2123> volvete a meter a mi partida
[02:12] FenixMaster out
[02:13] Marcos2123> metete en mi host de nuevo
[02:13] Pandemonio out
[02:14] damhyr0857 out
[02:14] Almafuerte in
[02:14] Almafuerte in
[02:14] [rw]macca out
[02:15] Almafuerte out
[02:15] Almafuerte out
[02:16] Almafuerte in
[02:19] darthvadr in
[02:19] damhyr0857 in
[02:19] darthvadr> nici how the fuck do you do to be round here all day long????
[02:20] darthvadr> do you have a real life??
[02:20] darthvadr> are you real??
[02:20] [Rw]Nici> yes otherwise i wouldn't be here
[02:20] [Rw]Nici> duh
[02:20] darthvadr> i dont know, maybe your a very eloquent bot
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> are you my fan to
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> too
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> you seem to care a lot about me
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> thank you!
[02:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> once i invited nici to go get some hot girls but he declined to play pop
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[02:21] [Rw]Nici> true
[02:21] darthvadr> another fan
[02:22] [Rw]Nici> hey darth
[02:22] [Rw]Nici> if it makes u happy im going to the cinema tomorrow
[02:22] [Rw]Nici> happy ?
[02:22] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> baix baix
[02:22] darthvadr> ok thats something
[02:23] darthvadr> i hate movies
[02:23] [Rw]Nici> i hate u
[02:23] darthvadr> you cant
[02:23] darthvadr> you cant hate me because you dont know
[02:23] darthvadr> me
[02:23] darthvadr> even u dont know if am a bot
[02:23] darthvadr> im the real bot
[02:24] darthvadr> a very eloquent one
[02:24] [Rw]Nici> lol
[02:24] [Rw]Nici> bro
[02:24] [Rw]Nici> talk to me when u dont live in a 3rd world country
[02:25] darthvadr> is that an offense or should be??
[02:25] [Rw]Nici> looooooool
[02:26] darthvadr> im not just for a 3rd world country, im in the worst 3rd world country
[02:26] darthvadr> in venezuela
[02:26] darthvadr> we dont have food
[02:26] darthvadr> toilet paper
[02:26] darthvadr> shampoo
[02:26] darthvadr> but at least im alive
[02:28] darthvadr> and can troll people trought internet
[02:28] darthvadr> that makes my day
[02:32] [Rw]Nici> loooool :)
[02:32] [Rw]Nici> you think you trolling :o'
[02:32] [Rw]Nici> all i see is jealousy XD
[02:32] jawedleterroriste31 in
[02:37] [Rw]Nici out
[02:38] Marcos2123 out
[02:38] damhyr0857 out
[02:38] damhyr0857 in
[02:38] damhyr0857> te salistes
[02:38] damhyr0857 out
[02:38] damhyr0857 in
[02:38] damhyr0857> cagon
[02:38] matiasruiz in
[02:38] The_Big_Maker out
[02:38] Mauricio2123> jaja
[02:38] Mauricio2123> voy a comer
[02:39] Mauricio2123 out
[02:39] lipsmega in
[02:40] matiasruiz out
[02:40] lipsmega> ???
[02:41] [rw]macca in
[02:42] Juliosf92 in
[02:43] Juliosf92 out
[02:43] Javedmamode in
[02:45] Almafuerte out
[02:46] AdrianC in
[02:46] [rw]macca out
[02:47] damhyr0857 in
[02:49] damhyr0857 out
[02:51] jawedleterroriste31 out
[02:52] darthvadr> that map is hard
[02:52] darthvadr> with dragon
[02:52] darthvadr> join
[02:52] Javedmamode> here
[02:52] jawedleterroriste31 in
[02:52] darthvadr> they will kick our asses
[02:53] ice-t_TSI in
[02:54] The_Big_Maker in
[02:58] aajandros in
[02:59] Marcos2123 in
[03:00] aloneton in
[03:00] TimmyB out
[03:01] lipsmega> afff what happen
[03:01] damhyr0857 out
[03:01] damhyr0857 in
[03:01] taitan-v3> crashed?
[03:02] lipsmega> shit
[03:02] Marcos2123> damhyr porque me saco del juego?
[03:02] lipsmega> lets go 2v2
[03:02] natna in
[03:02] Marcos2123> estaba biuuena la partida
[03:02] natna out
[03:03] Marcos2123> damhyr and i team
[03:03] lipsmega> hey ho lets go
[03:03] Marcos2123> gogogo
[03:04] damhyr0857 out
[03:08] Almafuerte in
[03:08] aidan9211 in
[03:08] [IC]-Johan> oops
[03:08] TimmyB in
[03:09] Mauricio2123 in
[03:10] damhyr0857 in
[03:10] Almafuerte out
[03:13] [IC]Vegeta in
[03:13] sherminator31 in
[03:15] zcarp3 in
[03:16] Marcos2123 out
[03:16] Mauricio2123 out
[03:17] Om3gabladez in
[03:17] Om3gabladez out
[03:17] Marcos2123 in
[03:18] Mauricio2123 in
[03:19] aidan9211> do normal pressure point
[03:19] sherminator31 out
[03:19] aidan9211> from the beginning map pack
[03:20] Mauricio2123> wait bro
[03:20] aidan9211> and dont randomize colours lol
[03:21] Mauricio2123 out
[03:22] TimmyB out
[03:22] Marcos2123> Vendito
[03:23] Mauricio2123 in
[03:23] Marcos2123> ok
[03:23] zcarp3> go
[03:24] Marcos2123> ok
[03:24] Marcos2123> ready?
[03:24] Marcos2123> Ready to start?
[03:24] zcarp3> yes
[03:24] Mauricio2123> yes
[03:25] sense90 in
[03:27] Diode out
[03:28] Marcos2123> ok
[03:28] Marcos2123> no limits of shamn
[03:28] aidan9211> dont host
[03:28] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[03:28] aidan9211> you dont know wtf youre doing
[03:28] zcarp3> +1
[03:29] Marcos2123 out
[03:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> puto mal hecho
[03:29] jawedleterroriste31 out
[03:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> any 9gaggers?
[03:31] AdrianC out
[03:31] Mauricio2123 out
[03:31] Marcos2123 in
[03:31] AdrianC in
[03:31] zcarp3> there is no one joining
[03:31] Marcos2123> no limits of shaman
[03:31] [IC]Amphetamine> lol so unreal man
[03:31] Marcos2123> ok
[03:31] [IC]Amphetamine> that luck was too op
[03:31] [IC]Amphetamine> lol
[03:31] Mauricio2123 in
[03:31] Marcos2123> Shaman infinite ok?
[03:32] Marcos2123> mauricio2123 join me
[03:32] The_Big_Maker> GG
[03:32] zcarp3> for real this time
[03:32] The_Big_Maker> xddd
[03:33] Javedmamode> play
[03:33] zcarp3> teams are not fair
[03:33] darthvadr> gg
[03:33] Marcos2123> zcarp3 joinme
[03:34] aidan9211 out
[03:34] Marcos2123> javedmamode joinme
[03:34] sense90 out
[03:35] sense90 in
[03:35] minder118 out
[03:35] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> host pedorro
[03:35] aidan9211 in
[03:36] sense90 out
[03:36] sense90 in
[03:36] damhyr0857 out
[03:36] damhyr0857 in
[03:37] AdrianC out
[03:37] AdrianC in
[03:39] darthvadr> ??
[03:39] darthvadr out
[03:39] Javedmamode> lets play
[03:39] damhyr0857 out
[03:39] damhyr0857 in
[03:39] Almafuerte in
[03:40] Almafuerte out
[03:40] aidan9211> dude, fuck off.. you cant host
[03:40] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> daaaaamn
[03:40] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> he can but its bad
[03:41] sense90 out
[03:41] ice-t_TSI out
[03:41] aidan9211> it was 1200 when he launched me before
[03:41] taitan-v3 out
[03:42] cabetron in
[03:42] damhyr0857 out
[03:42] damhyr0857 in
[03:43] AdrianC out
[03:43] AdrianC in
[03:44] aloneton out
[03:44] ice-t_TSI in
[03:44] [AsG]Keith52 in
[03:45] aidan9211 out
[03:45] cabetron out
[03:45] The_Big_Maker out
[03:45] Mauricio2123 out
[03:48] damhyr0857 out
[03:49] damhyr0857 in
[03:49] aidan9211 in
[03:50] AdrianC out
[03:51] damhyr0857 out
[03:51] damhyr0857 in
[03:52] aidan9211> if i could just get a decent game, that would be great
[03:54] aidan9211> no your hosting isnt good
[03:55] taitan-v3 in
[03:56] taitan-v3 out
[03:57] damhyr0857 out
[03:58] taitan-v3 in
[04:01] Leaf_VdM in
[04:02] damhyr0857 in
[04:02] Javedmamode out
[04:05] aidan9211> ty for leaving dude
[04:05] damhyr0857 out
[04:05] damhyr0857 in
[04:05] cobalt> well
[04:05] cobalt> lag made unselect didnt work
[04:05] cobalt> could not train fw bcs of this
[04:05] aidan9211> you didnt mention anything
[04:05] cobalt> i said bug
[04:05] aidan9211> and you didnt have any fws or def
[04:05] PabloSL in
[04:05] aidan9211> a bug doesnt make you build 2 fws huts
[04:05] aidan9211> and no fed
[04:06] aidan9211> fes*
[04:06] cobalt> just bcs didnt see
[04:06] aidan9211> fws*
[04:06] cobalt> coz lag
[04:06] cobalt> my training fw didnt train
[04:06] aidan9211> dont talk shit dude
[04:06] cobalt> think what u want
[04:06] aidan9211> i will
[04:07] damhyr0857 in
[04:07] Javedmamode in
[04:08] lipsmega> great game lol
[04:09] Marcos2123> ajaj
[04:09] Marcos2123> Other
[04:09] Marcos2123> My brother is join
[04:09] Marcos2123> join in my room
[04:09] Marcos2123> gogogo
[04:09] Marcos2123> zcarp3 gogo
[04:09] Mauricio2123 in
[04:09] zcarp3> no becase you will do 1v1v1v1
[04:10] damhyr0857 out
[04:10] Marcos2123> 2vs2
[04:10] zcarp3> 2v2
[04:10] zcarp3> lets go
[04:10] Mowgli in
[04:10] lipsmega> lets go
[04:10] zcarp3> me and mauricico
[04:10] Marcos2123> no
[04:11] zcarp3> please
[04:11] Marcos2123> ok
[04:11] Marcos2123> lips and me
[04:11] zcarp3> i never win games
[04:11] zcarp3> so dont worry
[04:11] Mauricio2123> ok zcarp3 :3
[04:11] Marcos2123> ajajaj ok
[04:12] Marcos2123> read??
[04:12] Marcos2123> rady?
[04:12] Marcos2123> ready?
[04:12] zcarp3> can we go now?
[04:14] damhyr0857 out
[04:15] damhyr0857 in
[04:17] FenixMaster in
[04:18] Mowgli out
[04:18] Mowgli in
[04:19] Mowgli> what happend?
[04:19] Little_Guy1 in
[04:20] FenixMaster out
[04:21] Little_Guy1> looking for one victim
[04:21] Javedmamode out
[04:21] [IC]-Johan> i volunteer as tribute
[04:21] Mowgli> xD
[04:22] Nightwulff in
[04:24] damhyr0857 out
[04:24] damhyr0857 in
[04:27] damhyr0857 out
[04:29] BetaBot out
[04:32] damhyr0857 in
[04:33] zcarp3 out
[04:34] lipsmega> kkkkkkkkkkkk
[04:34] lipsmega out
[04:34] damhyr0857 out
[04:35] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ++++++++++++2 ultra uber pro skills pls
[04:35] Marcos2123 out
[04:35] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> only douchebags, no nice people
[04:36] damhyr0857 in
[04:37] Jefrex out
[04:39] damhyr0857 out
[04:42] Mauricio2123 out
[04:42] PabloSL out
[04:43] Mowgli> en estos horarios y momentos es cuando hacen falta mas "latinOs" en el MM
[04:43] damhyr0857 in
[04:43] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[04:46] Jaret in
[04:50] cobalt out
[04:51] Treeman161 out
[04:53] damhyr0857> ->
[04:53] Red out
[04:53] sunny_man in
[04:53] damhyr0857> --> CHEAT DETECTED -- I'm Cheater
[04:54] [AsG]Keith52> Damhyr, shame on you.
[04:54] [AsG]Keith52> It's not worth it.
[04:54] Little_Guy1 out
[04:55] RedWarrior out
[04:56] sunny_man> aunch game failed?
[04:56] [IC]-Johan out
[04:56] sunny_man> launch game failed?
[04:57] Matak_4 out
[04:58] sunny_man out
[04:58] sunny_man in
[04:59] damhyr0857 out
[05:01] The_Big_Maker in
[05:04] damhyr0857 in
[05:06] Leaf_VdM out
[05:09] damhyr0857 out
[05:09] damhyr0857 in
[05:10] sunny_man> game stopped
[05:12] damhyr0857 out
[05:12] damhyr0857 in
[05:12] Volcanotron in
[05:13] damhyr0857 out
[05:13] Volcanotron out
[05:18] damhyr0857 in
[05:18] taitan-v3 out
[05:19] damhyr0857 out
[05:19] damhyr0857 in
[05:20] damhyr0857 out
[05:21] [rw]macca out
[05:23] Matak_4 in
[05:26] sunny_man out
[05:26] [AsG]Keith52 out
[05:27] [AsG]Keith52 in
[05:29] iiwalkerii in
[05:29] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> casi pero no
[05:30] iiwalkerii out
[05:30] [ic]nakamura> gg
[05:30] [IC]Amphetamine> gg
[05:30] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gg
[05:31] The_Big_Maker out
[05:32] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[05:32] Mowgli in
[05:32] Mowgli out
[05:35] aidan9211 out
[05:37] Mowgli out
[05:46] ka-san in
[05:47] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[05:48] ka-san out
[05:48] [IC]Vegeta out
[05:49] davidfuego in
[05:49] davidfuego> juguempos
[05:49] davidfuego> juguemos
[05:49] [RW]IHard-Wear in
[05:52] [RW]IHard-Wear out
[06:11] FenixMaster in
[06:11] FenixMaster out
[06:11] FenixMaster in
[06:11] FenixMaster out
[06:12] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[06:12] Dalton822 in
[06:13] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[06:27] antoniojimenez in
[06:29] aajandros out
[06:29] antoniojimenez> ok. hay que esperar
[06:31] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[06:35] davidfuego out
[06:47] SkN in
[06:50] Dalton822> .
[06:51] Ricardopedro in
[06:51] Tarantula in
[06:52] Tarantula out
[06:52] SkN out
[06:54] aidan9211 in
[06:56] aidan9211 out
[06:58] Ricardopedro out
[06:59] [tsi]adray in
[07:02] antoniojimenez out
[07:04] Dalton822 out
[07:05] davidfuego in
[07:06] davidfuego out
[07:07] FenixMaster in
[07:08] FenixMaster out
[07:08] FenixMaster in
[07:08] FenixMaster out
[07:09] pegi9999 in
[07:11] the-godstar in
[07:11] [AsG]Keith52> THE GODSTAR
[07:11] [AsG]Keith52> COME IN BROTHER
[07:11] [AsG]Keith52> 3 VS 1
[07:11] [AsG]Keith52> vs SUB zero
[07:11] the-godstar> Sure thingy but
[07:11] the-godstar> I am restricted
[07:11] the-godstar> nevermind
[07:12] the-godstar> Where you from sub?
[07:12] [AsG]Sub_Zero> im in argentina
[07:12] the-godstar> omg my ping
[07:12] SpiritOfReaper in
[07:13] retroapocolypse in
[07:13] the-godstar> my ping is soo high
[07:13] the-godstar> pardon guys
[07:13] the-godstar out
[07:14] retroapocolypse out
[07:14] [AsG]Keith52> SpiritofReaper
[07:14] [AsG]Keith52> Join
[07:15] SpiritOfReaper out
[07:15] [AsG]Keith52> for 3 vs 1 against Sub Zero
[07:15] [AsG]Shadow> Amphetamine
[07:15] [AsG]Shadow> we've been waitinf for you
[07:15] [AsG]Shadow> waiting*
[07:15] Tsuyoshi in
[07:16] [AsG]Sub_Zero> we've got an itch we just cant scratch
[07:16] Tsuyoshi out
[07:21] BranBot out
[07:22] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:25] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:26] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:28] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:29] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:31] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:32] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:34] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:34] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[07:36] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[07:39] [AsG]Shadow out
[07:39] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[07:43] RedWarrior in
[07:56] Ivalice in
[07:57] Ivalice> anyone not afk
[07:58] Goblynn in
[07:58] Ivalice> hello
[08:00] Goblynn out
[08:00] Ivalice> sucks how dead this game is
[08:01] iconz in
[08:02] iconz> anyone for 1 vs 1?
[08:02] Ivalice> pretty rusy , havent played in years
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
RedWarrior - MapPack: OK
iconz - MapPack: OK
Ivalice - MapPack: OK
- RedWarrior: Green (Watcher)
- iconz: Red (Watcher)
- Ivalice: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[08:03] iconz> ?
[08:03] Ivalice> bot messed up i think
[08:04] iconz> I thinkI can host
[08:04] iconz> ping is ok
[08:04] iconz> then we can do a wider range of maps...
[08:05] Little_Guy1 in
[08:06] Ivalice> not the best of choices lmao
[08:06] iconz> 3 player ffa?
[08:06] Little_Guy1> i'll fight u
[08:06] Little_Guy1> yes
[08:06] Little_Guy1> FFA
[08:07] Ivalice out
[08:07] Little_Guy1> Fuck
[08:08] iconz> try this one?
[08:08] iconz> something new...
[08:08] Little_Guy1> never played any of those maps
[08:08] Little_Guy1> pick one that is not connected
[08:08] Little_Guy1> to each other
[08:08] Little_Guy1> gives time to build
[08:09] Little_Guy1> and stratagize
[08:09] [GoD]Genki in
[08:09] iconz> wont launch...
[08:09] iconz> you host
[08:09] Little_Guy1> no
[08:09] Little_Guy1> red warrior?
[08:09] iconz> ah
[08:09] iconz> the launcher has crashed
[08:09] iconz> or something
[08:09] iconz> 1 sec
[08:09] iconz out
[08:10] iconz in
[08:10] Little_Guy1> how about now?
[08:11] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[08:11] [GoD]Genki> hi apoc
[08:11] Apocalypsis_TAS> yo.
[08:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> spagetti boy
[08:18] [GoD]Genki> i love spagetti
[08:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> same
[08:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> im going to eat spagetti today
[08:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> squied ink
[08:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> squid *
[08:20] [GoD]Genki> omg
[08:20] [GoD]Genki> does it have a certain taste?
[08:20] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=squid+ink+pasta&espv=2&biw=1438&bih=927&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjx-MfSoYTPAhXGG5QKHacsAXcQsAQIHg
[08:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> see
[08:23] shadowhyper51 in
[08:23] shadowhyper51 out
[08:24] [GoD]Genki> oh wow
[08:24] [GoD]Genki> loooks amazing
[08:24] [GoD]Genki out
[08:31] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[08:33] iconz> hey hey
[08:33] iconz> hey everyone
[08:34] iconz> anyone for1 vs 1?
[08:34] iconz> little_guy rematch?
[08:35] RedWarrior out
[08:35] andyjustchillin3112 in
[08:36] fadlylee in
[08:36] andyjustchillin3112 out
[08:36] andyjustchillin3112 in
[08:36] fadlylee out
[08:37] [tsi]adray in
[08:38] iconz out
[08:39] Matak_4 in
[08:39] tomikja in
[08:40] tomikja out
[08:40] Nightwulff out
[08:41] jellyb34n in
[08:41] Nightwulff in
[08:43] iconz in
[08:44] [tsi]adray out
[08:44] Little_Guy1 out
[08:44] Nightwulff in
[08:45] jellyb34n out
[08:45] Matak_4 out
[08:45] [tsi]adray in
[08:47] [tsi]adray out
[08:47] Toruk_Makto out
[08:48] bockwurstlaune in
[08:48] the-godstar in
[08:48] [AsG]Keith52 in
[08:51] Nightwulff out
[08:51] the-godstar out
[08:52] IncaWarrior out
[08:53] iconz out
[08:53] [AsG]Keith52 out
[08:54] iconz in
[08:54] iconz out
[08:55] IncaWarrior in
[08:55] RedWarrior in
[08:55] [ic]nakamura in
[08:55] bockwurstlaune in
[08:56] Matak_4 in
[08:56] Matak_4 out
[08:56] [ic]nakamura out
[08:57] bockwurstlaune out
[08:57] iconz in
[08:58] Toruk_Makto in
[08:58] iconz> so
[08:58] iconz> quick 1 vs 1?
[08:58] iconz> bock you finally made shaman - quite right too!
[08:59] Baroufakhs in
[09:00] Baroufakhs out
[09:01] iconz out
[09:04] pegi9999 out
[09:04] retroapocolypse in
[09:04] retroapocolypse out
[09:06] iconz in
[09:08] andyjustchillin3112 out
[09:08] bockwurstlaune out
[09:09] bockwurstlaune in
[09:09] bockwurstlaune out
[09:10] bockwurstlaune in
[09:10] bockwurstlaune out
[09:10] bockwurstlaune in
[09:13] SoulDrak3 in
[09:13] Nightwulff out
[09:13] SoulDrak3 out
[09:15] bockwurstlaune out
[09:16] VirBux in
[09:16] VirBux out
[09:17] Salazar1982 in
[09:17] Salazar1982 out
[09:17] Salazar1982 in
[09:17] sam_tas in
[09:18] sam_tas out
[09:22] bockwurstlaune in
[09:24] sovium in
[09:24] [tsi]adray out
[09:24] m3silane in
[09:25] m3silane out
[09:25] progarboys in
[09:25] danny94 in
[09:26] progarboys out
[09:26] iconz out
[09:31] danny94 out
[09:32] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[09:40] Sio87 in
[09:41] griffin in
[09:41] Sio87 out
[09:47] griffin out
[09:48] sepehrimanpur in
[09:50] sepehrimanpur out
[09:59] Kuba14j in
[10:01] Kuba14j out
[10:02] Arcayno in
[10:06] Treeman161 in
[10:06] nikostot in
[10:08] italian120 in
[10:09] Nightwulff in
[10:09] Arcayno out
[10:11] prabhur in
[10:12] prabhur> yup
[10:12] Purechemist in
[10:13] [ic]carbine in
[10:14] skaarj_guardian in
[10:17] nikostot out
[10:19] [ic]carbine out
[10:20] [ic]carbine in
[10:20] Tweetilisk in
[10:23] spawn711 in
[10:24] [ic]nakamura> nice rank bock :O
[10:25] [ic]carbine> join papersound
[10:25] [ic]nakamura> whos papersound
[10:25] Tweetilisk out
[10:25] [ic]carbine> join nakarmura
[10:26] Purechemist> papersound
[10:27] [ic]nakamura> https://youtu.be/ddeu_vF9p1s?t=913 thats my shietttttt
[10:27] SzawizZ in
[10:27] Jordan90 in
[10:27] Jordan90 out
[10:28] gunny14_says_hi in
[10:29] [ic]carbine> gunny
[10:29] [ic]carbine> i remembeeru
[10:29] gunny14_says_hi> i remember u too :p
[10:29] [ic]carbine> long time
[10:29] [ic]carbine> lol
[10:29] Purechemist> gunny I remember too
[10:30] Purechemist> he used to slay w33d
[10:30] [ic]carbine> hahahaa
[10:30] gunny14_says_hi> :D
[10:31] Salazar1982 out
[10:31] [ic]nakamura> genki used that account
[10:31] [ic]nakamura> lo00l
[10:31] [ic]carbine> haha
[10:31] [ic]nakamura> he was serenity too
[10:31] JennyMayer in
[10:32] [ic]nakamura> he disputed a game one time
[10:32] [ic]nakamura> but was logged in as genki still rofl
[10:32] SzawizZ out
[10:32] [ic]carbine> ROFL
[10:32] [ic]nakamura> adray showed me screenshots
[10:32] [ic]nakamura> was funny shit
[10:32] [ic]carbine> HAHAHAHAHA
[10:32] Purechemist> hahaha
[10:32] [ic]carbine> lol
[10:32] [ic]carbine> what an idiot man
[10:32] [ic]carbine> xdd
[10:32] JennyMayer out
[10:33] Royaliste31 in
[10:33] Royaliste31 out
[10:34] [ic]carbine> i dont remember serinty it mnust have been when i qut pop
[10:34] bockwurstlaune> yo back
[10:34] bockwurstlaune> what map we doing?
[10:34] [ic]carbine> less go
[10:34] [ic]carbine> dont know
[10:34] [ic]carbine> pp
[10:34] [ic]carbine> fo
[10:35] bockwurstlaune> u want ally paper
[10:35] bockwurstlaune> or me
[10:35] [ic]carbine> i dont mind
[10:35] [ic]carbine> let me ally paper hes my clan
[10:35] [ic]carbine> xD
[10:35] [ic]carbine> hahaha
[10:36] [ic]nakamura> im drunk btw
[10:36] [ic]nakamura> so expect losing
[10:36] [ic]carbine> xd
[10:36] [ic]carbine> ok
[10:37] gunny14_says_hi out
[10:37] bockwurstlaune> carbine go green
[10:37] bockwurstlaune> u don tlike pp?
[10:37] [ic]carbine> i wil do whatever
[10:38] [ic]carbine> but i thought you was going to do fo
[10:38] [ic]carbine> because the colours
[10:38] [ic]carbine> was right for fo
[10:38] bockwurstlaune> im too bad at fo
[10:38] bockwurstlaune> to handle ic carbine
[10:38] [ic]carbine> lol k do pp then
[10:38] spawn711 out
[10:39] Khronos in
[10:39] [ic]nakamura> carbine
[10:39] bockwurstlaune> pure
[10:39] [ic]carbine> yo
[10:39] [ic]nakamura> what does it feel like to be a shitter
[10:40] Khronos out
[10:40] [ic]carbine> ur a shitter
[10:40] [ic]carbine> u fat fuk
[10:40] bockwurstlaune> lol
[10:40] [ic]nakamura> fite me m9
[10:40] Purechemist> I cant handle the killing mentality papersound carries with him
[10:40] [IC]Amphetamine> whoa
[10:40] [ic]nakamura> m9-1
[10:40] [IC]Amphetamine> chill guys
[10:40] [ic]nakamura> m10-2
[10:41] [IC]Amphetamine> no need to be hostile
[10:41] [ic]carbine> u fukin wot m1
[10:41] [ic]carbine> pure come
[10:41] [ic]carbine> lets go
[10:41] bockwurstlaune> come i front paper
[10:41] [ic]nakamura> im 6'10 300 lbs pure lean muscles
[10:41] sam_tas in
[10:41] [ic]nakamura> i fuck ur mom every night
[10:41] [ic]carbine> pure fat bro
[10:41] Purechemist> no just kidding
[10:41] [ic]carbine> pure fat
[10:41] [ic]nakamura> deep in the pink
[10:41] Purechemist> Im in a payment online
[10:41] [ic]carbine> 300 lbs of fat
[10:41] [ic]carbine> you fat fuck
[10:41] Purechemist> brb
[10:42] [ic]carbine> go die in a hole u mudda fukkaaaaa
[10:42] [ic]carbine> Shit
[10:42] [ic]carbine> you cant fit in the hole
[10:42] [ic]carbine> you fat fuck
[10:42] [ic]nakamura> i snort 5 viagras to get it up
[10:42] [ic]nakamura> then i stick my cock in her
[10:42] [ic]carbine> you snot your fat
[10:42] [ic]carbine> you cant find ur cock
[10:42] [ic]carbine> your fat is covering it
[10:42] [ic]nakamura> no condom becuse i like rolling the dice
[10:43] [ic]carbine out
[10:43] [ic]carbine in
[10:43] bockwurstlaune> ++2+2++2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+1+1++1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+
[10:46] [ic]nakamura> purechemist
[10:47] prudhviram in
[10:49] solodolphin in
[10:49] solodolphin out
[10:49] solodolphin in
[10:50] Purechemist> someone lend me your credit card please?
[10:50] Purechemist> papersound
[10:50] [ic]nakamura> ask ur mom thats what i do
[10:50] [ic]carbine> lol
[10:50] Purechemist> shes dumb she forgot password
[10:51] [ic]carbine> my cc number is 123 214 31513 13
[10:51] Purechemist> ok
[10:51] [IC]Forelli in
[10:52] [IC]Forelli> niggers
[10:52] [IC]Forelli> good mornin
[10:52] [ic]carbine> good morning
[10:53] [IC]Forelli> Nah bro I just woke up , didnt even drink coffe
[10:53] [IC]Forelli> also kinda hungover lol
[10:53] [IC]Forelli> cant even play simcity properly
[10:53] bockwurstlaune> brathe
[10:54] [IC]Forelli> brate?
[10:54] [IC]Forelli> :D
[10:54] bockwurstlaune> we waiting for a game since 3 weeks
[10:54] italian120 out
[10:54] [IC]Forelli> i can watch u guys
[10:54] [IC]Forelli> but cant play for sheit
[10:54] Purechemist> you cant watch
[10:54] [ic]carbine> tell mee 30 seconds before you launch
[10:54] [ic]carbine> pleaser
[10:54] [IC]Forelli> why cant i watch
[10:55] Salazar1982 in
[10:55] Salazar1982 out
[10:55] Salazar1982 in
[10:56] treeman161 in
[10:57] Doner in
[10:57] prudhviram> sure
[10:58] Doner out
[10:58] treeman161> sec
[10:59] solodolphin out
[11:01] prabhur out
[11:05] Treeman161 out
[11:06] sunny_man in
[11:07] Oldskool in
[11:10] Diode in
[11:10] Oldskool out
[11:11] [TDM]Delax in
[11:11] Matak_4 out
[11:14] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[11:15] [Rw]Six_Sigma in
[11:15] [TDM]Delax in
[11:18] arnost in
[11:18] [TDM]Delax out
[11:19] [TDM]Delax out
[11:20] Onikiri in
[11:22] Mammy_Tas in
[11:22] terracreation in
[11:22] skaarj_guardian out
[11:22] terracreation out
[11:22] Royaliste31 in
[11:23] Royaliste31 out
[11:23] skaarj_guardian in
[11:24] sunny_man out
[11:24] wolffreki in
[11:28] [War]gba1990 in
[11:31] Purechemist> cunts
[11:31] wolffreki out
[11:31] Purechemist> you cant watch an 1v1
[11:31] arnost out
[11:32] arnost in
[11:34] [IC]Forelli> hahahah
[11:35] DeltaEnemy in
[11:36] Purechemist> lol
[11:36] arnost out
[11:36] arnost in
[11:38] Sio87 in
[11:38] Sio87 out
[11:39] Purechemist out
[11:40] pegi9999 in
[11:41] prudhviram out
[11:43] griffin in
[11:43] griffin out
[11:44] RescueToast in
[11:44] RescueToast out
[11:46] [GoD]Genki in
[11:46] cobalt in
[11:48] [IC]Forelli> oh shit
[11:48] [IC]Forelli> sec i was watching stream
[11:48] [IC]Forelli> 4way good?
[11:49] [GoD]Genki out
[11:49] cobalt out
[11:49] [IC]Forelli> wtf
[11:50] [Rw]Six_Sigma> lol
[11:50] sam_tas out
[11:51] [TDM]Delax in
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> NO
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> i wont do tom
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> nope
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> i'd rather watch
[11:53] Mammy_Tas> other map then :)
[11:53] arnost> which
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> can we do 4way
[11:53] arnost> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> i mean
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> pretty much
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> anything
[11:53] [IC]Forelli> but TOM
[11:54] Mammy_Tas> idm ally
[11:54] [War]gba1990> narrow passage
[11:54] arnost> k?
[11:54] [IC]Forelli> yeah sure
[11:54] Mammy_Tas> ok :o
[11:56] Royaliste31 in
[11:56] Purechemist in
[11:56] Mammy_Tas out
[11:58] [TDM]Delax out
[11:58] Purechemist> yo
[11:58] Purechemist> lets go
[11:59] tomikja in
[12:01] UncleKetto in
[12:01] Mammy_Tas in
[12:01] tomikja out
[12:02] Syntem in
[12:02] UncleKetto out
[12:02] AlphaEnemy in
[12:04] Syntem out
[12:08] bluestar224 in
[12:08] viggo01 in
[12:08] viggo01 out
[12:10] Peni in
[12:10] [rw]macca in
[12:11] cobalt in
[12:11] [Rw]Six_Sigma> why quit
[12:11] [Rw]Six_Sigma> lol noob
[12:11] kacavida in
[12:12] Peni> hi
[12:12] Peni> upadaj picko
[12:12] AlphaEnemy> sigma crying about ally
[12:12] AlphaEnemy> lol
[12:12] DeltaEnemy> acting like a true french
[12:12] [Rw]Six_Sigma> lets go
[12:13] [Rw]Six_Sigma> boys
[12:13] [Rw]Six_Sigma> gg here
[12:13] [Rw]Six_Sigma> 4walls or 4way
[12:13] AlphaEnemy> mach sess
[12:13] [Rw]Six_Sigma> not sess
[12:13] [Rw]Six_Sigma> :/
[12:14] robbie3983 in
[12:15] robbie3983 out
[12:17] Onikiri out
[12:17] cobalt out
[12:17] cobalt in
[12:17] Royaliste31 out
[12:17] pegi9999 out
[12:18] [IC]Shao in
[12:18] [IC]Shao> hentai
[12:19] Peni> a nec
[12:19] Peni> jos 1 da join
[12:20] Peni> 4 poredu
[12:20] Nightwulff> hold on this bot is buged
[12:20] Peni> lik je 3 ranka iznad nas
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Constant Revolution (1.1)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
kacavida - MapPack: OK
Peni - MapPack: OK
- Nightwulff: Green (Watcher)
- kacavida: Blue
- Peni: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Map Additions:
- Mana
- Wildmen
[12:21] Peni> ne
[12:21] Peni> kako da udem al je pocelo
[12:21] progarboys in
[12:22] Peni> slabo
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Constant Revolution (1.1)
Nightwulff - MapPack: OK
kacavida - MapPack: OK
Peni - MapPack: OK
- Nightwulff: Green (Watcher)
- kacavida: Blue
- Peni: Red
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Map Additions:
- Mana
- Wildmen
[12:22] progarboys out
[12:22] Peni> prie po godine
[12:22] Peni> godine
[12:22] Peni> nest tako
[12:22] Peni> meni neulazi u nista
[12:22] Peni> jes
[12:23] Peni> AJDE BOGATI VISE
[12:24] kacavida out
[12:24] kacavida in
[12:24] Peni> di si ti
[12:24] Peni> daj nek si lik stavi bota
[12:24] Peni> supak
[12:24] Peni> oderat ce nas svakako
[12:24] [ic]carbine> gg
[12:24] [ic]carbine> well playe
[12:25] Peni> reka sam du sa si stavi bota
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> carbine
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> ur the worst noob
[12:25] [ic]carbine> y
[12:25] [ic]carbine> ur the worst noob
[12:25] [ic]carbine> lagging me
[12:25] [ic]carbine> all game
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> have to unpause when im not rdy
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> and to bb at min 2
[12:25] [ic]carbine> bro
[12:25] Tuzkar in
[12:25] [ic]carbine> i did not unpause that game
[12:25] [ic]carbine> i swear
[12:25] Peni> ovi lik afk ja msm
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> u did
[12:25] bockwurstlaune> then u lighted me
[12:26] Peni> da
[12:26] Tuzkar out
[12:26] Peni> rodak ce me bricnit
[12:27] Nightwulff out
[12:27] Peni> ideo na 0
[12:27] Peni> 1
[12:27] Peni> ?
[12:27] Nightwulff in
[12:27] Peni> *
[12:27] [ic]carbine out
[12:27] Peni> reka mi ovi lik da ja proam hostat
[12:28] Peni> ovi nightwullfff
[12:29] Peni> kou mapu
[12:29] Peni> da stavim
[12:30] Peni> ne
[12:30] Peni> nea nigdi botuna
[12:30] Fried_Rice in
[12:31] Peni> nmece da starda
[12:31] Peni> nezz zasto
[12:32] Peni> stacemo sad
[12:32] Peni> guys i can t start for some reason
[12:32] sunny_man in
[12:32] Peni> kkoji
[12:33] Peni> ne
[12:33] Peni> nemogu nac
[12:34] venetica in
[12:34] Peni> e
[12:34] skullcruncher in
[12:34] Peni> da
[12:34] oldrich in
[12:34] Nightwulff> we don.t get a ping from you
[12:35] danny94 in
[12:35] oldrich> how can i play guys
[12:35] oldrich> first time
[12:35] danny94> hey
[12:35] oldrich> online
[12:35] Peni> proat cu resetat poplis matchmeker
[12:35] Peni out
[12:35] danny94> u have to choose a server in the left
[12:35] oldrich> hello
[12:35] Peni in
[12:36] Peni> can you start
[12:36] Nightwulff> no you don.t have a ping
[12:36] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[12:36] Peni> how
[12:36] Peni> why
[12:36] Peni> wtf
[12:36] Peni> krizi kaze mi lik da nemam ping
[12:36] Peni> do mene je nes nezz neas ni ti
[12:37] danny94> peni come to the second server
[12:37] oldrich> im in right
[12:37] oldrich> danny
[12:37] Peni> opet neamo ping
[12:37] Peni> stari
[12:37] Peni> zas
[12:38] Peni out
[12:38] bockwurstlaune out
[12:38] bockwurstlaune in
[12:38] danny94 out
[12:39] Peni in
[12:39] [TDM]Delax in
[12:40] kacavida out
[12:40] kacavida in
[12:40] Peni> eo mogu hostat
[12:40] Peni> IMAN PING
[12:40] Peni> STARI
[12:40] Peni> IMAN
[12:40] Peni> konacn
[12:41] Peni> aj udi
[12:41] Peni> da
[12:41] Peni> al kad udem sa onim nekim likovima u njih iman normal ping
[12:41] kacavida out
[12:41] Peni out
[12:41] Seag in
[12:42] [IC]Shao> Hentai
[12:42] [TDM]Delax out
[12:43] Fried_Rice out
[12:43] Seag out
[12:44] Peni in
[12:45] kacavida in
[12:45] Peni> PICKU I PING I SVE
[12:47] skullcruncher> LOOOOL
[12:47] skullcruncher> internet zajebava?
[12:47] Peni> idem ja poest na sec
[12:47] Peni> pa cu doc
[12:47] Peni> ae
[12:48] Peni> jebe mti popluis i boga vise
[12:48] sunny_man out
[12:51] ThePanKot in
[12:52] BlueJ in
[12:52] BlueJ out
[12:53] Peni> ja sam tu
[12:53] Peni> koi k jos nea pinga
[12:53] Peni> jebo ga ja
[12:54] [GoD]Genki in
[12:54] [IC]Shao out
[12:55] Nsk in
[12:58] JennyMayer in
[12:59] Peni out
[13:00] SupRis3 in
[13:00] Nsk out
[13:01] SupRis3 out
[13:01] JennyMayer out
[13:02] [IC]Amphetamine out
[13:03] bluestar224 out
[13:04] Peni420 in
[13:05] Mammy_Tas out
[13:05] Mammy_Tas in
[13:05] Peni420> eo me
[13:05] Mammy_Tas out
[13:05] Peni420> proaj sad
[13:05] Mammy_Tas in
[13:06] [War]gba1990> gg
[13:06] [IC]Forelli> gg
[13:06] [IC]Forelli> lol
[13:06] Mammy_Tas> gg
[13:06] [IC]Forelli> sta brate
[13:06] [IC]Forelli> lol
[13:06] Peni420> eo me
[13:06] Peni420> to
[13:06] Peni420> maci to
[13:06] Peni420> je to bilo mi je naslo pa e prominia mapu
[13:07] Peni420> znam sinja sam ga bia
[13:07] Peni420> go
[13:07] Peni420> ?
[13:07] Mammy_Tas> if my volc would had gone maybe other outccmeof game ^^
[13:07] [IC]Forelli> how did it bug
[13:07] [War]gba1990> cheats
[13:07] Mammy_Tas> i dunno
[13:08] [Rw]Six_Sigma out
[13:08] Peni420 out
[13:08] Peni420 in
[13:08] [GoD]Genki> so it seems mammy wants to 1v1 me again
[13:08] [GoD]Genki> :D
[13:08] arnost> it seems i can host without any problems, i will use it
[13:08] Mammy_Tas> i am tired of last game xD
[13:08] Peni420> don t close slots agein plz
[13:08] Peni420> ope mi nece nac ping jebo te
[13:08] Peni420> u pm
[13:09] Peni420> eti ga
[13:09] [War]gba1990 out
[13:09] [GoD]Genki> haha aw
[13:09] Peni420> i closed steam
[13:09] Peni420 out
[13:09] Peni420 in
[13:10] [GoD]Genki in
[13:10] Peni420> ope nece
[13:10] Peni420> jebo te isus krist motorist
[13:11] Peni420> dode pa nestane
[13:11] skullcruncher> haha ti ga stvarno cijepas psovkama
[13:11] Peni420> nisam neulazim i izalzim
[13:11] Peni420> samo mio
[13:11] Peni420> ja sam stalno tu
[13:11] Peni420> koi k
[13:11] Peni420> jebo te isus
[13:11] Toruk_Makto out
[13:11] arnost> *chill
[13:11] Peni420> ma zajebi ovo aj idem ja ca pun mi je kurac ovog poplusa jebo ga krist vise picku materinu
[13:11] Peni420> nemogu jebeni ping dobit JEBO TE krist vise
[13:11] [IC]Forelli> koji brat
[13:11] [IC]Forelli> ne vjerujem
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> brate slusaj me
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> odes u options
[13:12] Nightwulff> join Arnost
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> network settings
[13:12] Peni420> e
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> i kliknes port test
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> dok si u hutu
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> a nightwulf ti nije toliko kompaktibilan da hosta
[13:12] Peni420> aaa vidim
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> jer nema zvijezde
[13:12] Peni420> ovom kacavidi 220 ping
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> ajde dodi ovje
[13:12] [IC]Forelli> da vidimo imas li ping
[13:13] kacavida> hahah
[13:13] Toruk_Makto in
[13:13] kacavida> a vara
[13:13] Peni420> eto tu imam
[13:13] Peni420> a sow
[13:13] [IC]Forelli> vidis
[13:13] [IC]Forelli> :D
[13:13] Peni420> aa fala
[13:13] [IC]Forelli> uglavnom ako nekad ping zajebava , mozes preko opcija
[13:13] kacavida> jej
[13:13] zefter in
[13:13] Peni420> dankese
[13:14] zefter> no ping
[13:14] Peni420> i fucking see
[13:14] Peni420> aj
[13:15] Peni420> meni stoji X
[13:15] Peni420> menio x
[13:15] [IC]Forelli> dodi ovdje
[13:15] AlphaEnemy> cobalt
[13:15] bockwurstlaune> bock aka nefarius
[13:15] Peni420> pisem mi aveilebe
[13:15] arnost> k? just a quick game, i played narrow passage one hour
[13:15] [IC]Forelli> vidis
[13:15] AlphaEnemy> did six_sigma rage?
[13:15] [IC]Forelli> ne moze ti prijatelj hostat
[13:15] [IC]Forelli> ako nije portforward uradio
[13:15] arnost> vidim
[13:15] Peni420> kako ga ti mos
[13:15] cobalt> ye
[13:15] Peni420> AAA KUZIM
[13:16] [IC]Forelli> pa brate portforward uradio
[13:16] AlphaEnemy> :D
[13:16] Peni420> moram u hutu protestat
[13:16] Peni420> jasno
[13:16] AlphaEnemy> that guy
[13:16] [IC]Forelli> ma zavisi
[13:16] AlphaEnemy> is stupid as fuck :D
[13:16] [IC]Forelli> nekad baguje
[13:16] [IC]Forelli> pa moras rejoinat u hut
[13:16] Peni420> fala
[13:16] [IC]Forelli> ali ko god da zvijezdu nema , ovamo na desnoj strani tesko da moze hostat
[13:16] Peni420> krizi moras otic nazad u hut ka nisi u nikoem lobiju i port testat
[13:16] bockwurstlaune> GENKI = OP
[13:17] bockwurstlaune> paper never beat me 1v1
[13:17] [GoD]Genki out
[13:17] bockwurstlaune> hes so lame
[13:17] [IC]Forelli> basically sve ispod port test : successful , tesko da ce me moc hostat
[13:17] bockwurstlaune> like carbine
[13:17] Peni420> brate meni failed
[13:17] Peni420> pa se ti jebi
[13:17] bockwurstlaune> they have to unpause people to win
[13:17] [IC]Forelli> HAHAH
[13:17] [IC]Forelli> pa mozes igrat
[13:17] [IC]Forelli> al ne mozes hostat
[13:17] [ic]nakamura> bock back on that fw list i see
[13:17] [IC]Forelli> znas li kako portforward uradit?
[13:17] Peni420> pise mi samo cannot host
[13:17] [IC]Amphetamine in
[13:17] kacavida> meni possible
[13:17] Peni420> nop
[13:17] [ic]nakamura> u had a good run bub
[13:18] Peni420> al jebe me bnet
[13:18] [IC]Forelli> ali opet zvijezde nemas , sto znaci da neces bac moci svim igracima hostat
[13:18] [IC]Amphetamine> lol shots fired
[13:18] Peni420> zadnjih misec dana
[13:18] Peni420> jebo b net u sve
[13:18] Peni420> cek
[13:18] Peni420> krizo
[13:18] Peni420> eto ga
[13:18] Peni420> stari iman ping hvala kristu
[13:18] Peni420> IS YOU KIDING ME
[13:19] Peni420> MENI PISE 82
[13:19] [IC]Forelli> so?
[13:19] Peni420> kako da pisem u drogm chatu
[13:19] Cinammon in
[13:19] [IC]Forelli> sve preko ispod 130 ima minimalan delay
[13:19] [IC]Forelli> M stisnes
[13:19] [IC]Forelli> dok si ingame
[13:20] oldrich> come to my game
[13:20] oldrich> it wil start soon
[13:20] arnost> lol, that change all sess to a good map
[13:20] Peni420> zasto sad nece nije mi jasno
[13:20] Peni420> EOT GA
[13:20] Peni420> TO maci
[13:20] Peni420> pali
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[13:20] oldrich> need one more
kacavida - MapPack: OK
Peni420 - MapPack: OK
- kacavida: Yellow (Watcher)
- Peni420: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[13:20] oldrich> !
[13:21] arnost out
[13:21] Peni420> ja nisam
[13:21] arnost in
[13:21] oldrich> we start
[13:21] Peni420> zasto meni
[13:21] Peni420> nie uslo u gejm sad
[13:21] Peni420> a pise sve okej
[13:21] Peni420> i nepise failed gejm
[13:21] Peni420> watfak
[13:22] Peni420> meni moj ping dosa
[13:22] [IC]Forelli> hmm
[13:22] Peni420> prebaci se na zutog krizi
[13:22] Peni420> vidis da su na mapi boje zuta i plavba
[13:22] Peni420> plava
[13:22] Lintense in
[13:23] Peni420> ja nean ping kad sam na zelenoj a na plavoj iman
[13:23] Peni420> a gleaj
[13:23] Peni420> eto ga sad iman al ope tbi pise da neam
[13:23] Peni420> sa ope neam ping asti krista
[13:24] arnost> aplpha divide us
[13:24] AlphaEnemy> ?
[13:24] arnost> map?
[13:24] AlphaEnemy> which on eu guys want
[13:24] AlphaEnemy> ??
[13:24] Peni420> pise mi possible
[13:24] Peni420> 4
[13:24] Peni420> sad
[13:24] arnost> tom?
[13:25] Peni420> meni nemas
[13:25] AlphaEnemy> mappack?
[13:25] arnost> isgard worlds
[13:25] AlphaEnemy> arnost
[13:25] AlphaEnemy> front or nak?
[13:25] AlphaEnemy> back
[13:25] Lintense out
[13:25] arnost> back
[13:25] Cinammon> what
[13:25] Cinammon> no
[13:25] Cinammon> nono
[13:25] [IC]Forelli> ARNOST
[13:25] [IC]Forelli> WHERE THE FUK ARE U FROM
[13:25] Peni420> madaj zajebi ovo aj ti igraj ovo meni nece proaj sa nekim drugim ce ti valjda radit
[13:25] Peni420> adio
[13:26] Peni420 out
[13:27] [War]gba1990 in
[13:27] Cinammon> ok this map i can play
[13:30] oldrich out
[13:30] [Rw]Nici in
[13:31] AlphaEnemy> ping genki
[13:31] Nightwulff> he Quit and Failed
[13:31] Cinammon> arnost why
[13:31] Cinammon> you backed out on me
[13:32] [rw]macca out
[13:35] arnost> *its
[13:37] MrRobusto in
[13:37] MrRobusto out
[13:39] cabetron in
[13:39] Ivanivanmaikati in
[13:40] TheHornedReaper in
[13:40] lolo0072 in
[13:41] bockwurstlaune> papter
[13:41] bockwurstlaune> ur the worst
[13:41] bockwurstlaune> faggot
[13:41] cabetron out
[13:41] bockwurstlaune> 1v1 me
[13:42] [IC]Forelli> bock y u hatin on paper
[13:42] _quincycorleone in
[13:42] jackieboy8 in
[13:42] _quincycorleone out
[13:42] _quincycorleone in
[13:42] [Rw]Nici> BOCK U MaD
[13:42] [Rw]Nici> BRO
[13:42] [Rw]Nici> PaPER STOLE UR RaGO?
[13:42] [Rw]Nici> RaNGO
[13:43] [Rw]Nici> rip
[13:43] [Rw]Nici> rip shaman rango
[13:45] bockwurstlaune out
[13:45] bockwurstlaune in
[13:45] bockwurstlaune> wtf u guys talking about
[13:45] NoobPlayer in
[13:45] bockwurstlaune> paper just unpaused me to attack my base
[13:45] bockwurstlaune> when i wasnt there
[13:46] [IC]Forelli> they hate me cuz they aint me
[13:46] [IC]Forelli> - Paper
[13:46] [IC]Forelli> ,, They hate me cuz they aint me" - Papersound
[13:47] lolo0072 out
[13:47] [ic]nakamura> fuckin right son
[13:48] Cinammon> noob player
[13:48] Cinammon> i bet ur not even a noob
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> alzer manan
[13:48] [GoD]Genki> gg
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> i han 2 lakai 4 blitz alles
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> i han nur eimol muese dét dure
[13:48] [TDM]Delax in
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> wa machsh den du
[13:48] ThePanKot out
[13:48] [GoD]Genki> wp cobalt
[13:48] DeltaEnemy> egal
[13:48] DeltaEnemy> gg
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> nie man
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> wafèr gg
[13:48] AlphaEnemy> es ish no garnuet gloffe gsi
[13:48] DeltaEnemy> und wieso lohsch den nie was us?
[13:48] DeltaEnemy> ha nix meh gha
[13:48] DeltaEnemy> 10 pop
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> geg de colbalt
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> jo und
[13:49] cobalt> gg
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> du hesch massiv schlecht gspielt alte
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> i bi jo mitm genki am spiele gsi
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> idiot
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> jo und?
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> und i han massiv gnueg pop gha
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> und alli zauber
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> het jo nix demit zue
[13:49] sepehrimanpur in
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> bisch immer gstorbe
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> und hesch d mitti verlore
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> drum bini den uf side gange
[13:49] AlphaEnemy> idiot
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> jo
[13:49] DeltaEnemy> aber bi usglöscht gsie
[13:50] DeltaEnemy> het nix meh brocht
[13:50] DeltaEnemy> zauber nützed nix wends nöd uslohsch
[13:50] DeltaEnemy> du seisch immer hesch so vile zauber
[13:50] DeltaEnemy> aber lohsch nie us
[13:50] DeltaEnemy> fuck logic
[13:50] Ivanivanmaikati out
[13:50] AlphaEnemy> alter i lohs doch ned us wenns nèt bringt
[13:50] AlphaEnemy> uf dere map hesh ned so viel mana
[13:50] AlphaEnemy> schlau meier
[13:50] AlphaEnemy> und blitz hani jo gha und er ish a de siite gsi
[13:50] [GoD]Genki> so lustig wie ihr zwei immer streitet
[13:50] [GoD]Genki> aber immer allied lol
[13:50] cobalt> jaja
[13:51] bockwurstlaune> ich finds so geil was ihr immer schreibt :D
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> jo und?
[13:51] AlphaEnemy> un ddu hesh 40 pop gha
[13:51] AlphaEnemy> ned 10
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> glich bisch immer gsorbe i de mitti
[13:51] Mammy_Tas out
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> gosch go bette obwohl klar isch das er schockas laded
[13:51] cobalt> war ein lucky strike
[13:51] AlphaEnemy> du quittish bevor es èberhaupt vobi ish
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> isch gluafe gsie
[13:51] [GoD]Genki> was
[13:51] [GoD]Genki> cobalt
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> lager weg
[13:51] [GoD]Genki> spricht deutsch?
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> und hügel weg
[13:51] cobalt> wenig
[13:51] AlphaEnemy> du hesh ganze lager no gha
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> nei
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> stimmt nöd
[13:51] sepehrimanpur> lets play
[13:51] DeltaEnemy> nix meh gha
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> hani
[13:52] cobalt> bin aus der schweitz
[13:52] [GoD]Genki> oh sehr cool
[13:52] Cinammon> no ping
[13:52] AlphaEnemy> i has jo gseh
[13:52] cobalt> franzosich sprachig
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> ha nix gha
[13:52] [GoD]Genki> alpha delta join?
[13:52] AlphaEnemy> hol bier und chum zu mir go game
[13:52] ice-t_TSI out
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> nei
[13:52] [GoD]Genki> letztes game für mich?
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> hol selber bier
[13:52] AlphaEnemy> fuck you
[13:52] AlphaEnemy> di bisch nöcher
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> ok
[13:52] DeltaEnemy> aber will nöd in volg
[13:53] DeltaEnemy> welles bier willsch?
[13:53] DeltaEnemy> dose
[13:53] DeltaEnemy> oder flösche?
[13:53] AlphaEnemy> scheiss egal
[13:53] AlphaEnemy> eifach bier
[13:53] AlphaEnemy> vlt spielemer den bessser
[13:53] DeltaEnemy> homo
[13:53] Ivanivanmaikati in
[13:53] DeltaEnemy> chume i 15min
[13:53] AlphaEnemy> ok
[13:53] DeltaEnemy out
[13:53] Cinammon> ok
[13:54] Cinammon> 1 more come
[13:54] [IC]Forelli> "Put some salad in that shit" - Paper
[13:55] [IC]Forelli> "It sounds homo but its okay"
[13:55] [IC]Forelli> my nigga right there
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: The Great Worlds (2.0)
Cinammon - MapPack: OK
kacavida - MapPack: OK
NoobPlayer - MapPack: OK
[13:57] [IC]Amphetamine> CINAMMON
[13:57] [IC]Amphetamine> STREAMIN
[13:57] Cinammon> huh
[13:59] sepehrimanpur> i dont know how to start the game
[13:59] sepehrimanpur> ok,lets start this shit
[13:59] Cinammon> hold still
[14:00] Carlston in
[14:01] venetica out
[14:01] ChazYannis in
[14:01] Carlston out
[14:04] skullcruncher out
[14:04] ChazYannis out
[14:05] KoyoteKamper in
[14:05] sentodasi in
[14:05] spawn711 in
[14:06] DeltaEnemy in
[14:06] DeltaEnemy out
[14:07] DeltaEnemy in
[14:07] [AsG]Keith52 out
[14:07] sentodasi out
[14:07] AlphaEnemy> genki
[14:07] AlphaEnemy> ping
[14:07] spawn711 out
[14:08] AlphaEnemy> cobalt
[14:08] AlphaEnemy> try to host
[14:08] DeltaEnemy> remtach with other bases
[14:08] playbuddmansion in
[14:08] cobalt> nah i dont play blue at fo
[14:08] Taity-mini in
[14:08] cobalt> not with pros
[14:09] AlphaEnemy> genki will
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> genki
[14:09] royaliste32 in
[14:09] DeltaEnemy> open more huts
[14:09] royaliste32 out
[14:09] cobalt> do wom?
[14:09] Cinammon> ?
[14:10] royaliste32 in
[14:10] cobalt> or crates
[14:10] Taity-mini> host
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> minibot is working again?
[14:10] DeltaEnemy> wait for ping
[14:10] DeltaEnemy> it will come
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> he just showed up
[14:10] Tuzkar in
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> wtf
[14:10] Taity-mini> I'm trying to get it working again - it doesn't launch the game correctly for somereason
[14:10] AlphaEnemy> cobalt
[14:10] AlphaEnemy> restart mm
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> oh
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> would be nice if it came back some day
[14:10] [GoD]Genki> was really useful
[14:11] cobalt out
[14:11] cobalt in
[14:12] NoobPlayer in
[14:12] [GoD]Genki> map
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> gp
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> face off
[14:12] [GoD]Genki> mind pp?
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> ok
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> pp
[14:12] [GoD]Genki> coblat?
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> pp or fo
[14:12] Taity-mini> host
[14:12] playbuddmansion out
[14:12] DeltaEnemy> pp is ok
[14:12] playbuddmansion in
[14:12] AlphaEnemy> id prefer FO
[14:13] playbuddmansion out
[14:13] Taity-mini> ?
[14:13] MiniBot_UK> This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[14:13] Taity-mini> host
[14:14] Taity-mini> ?
[14:14] Taity-mini> host
[14:14] Taity-mini> rank
[14:14] Taity-mini> unrank
[14:14] NoobPlayer> hi
[14:14] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
NoobPlayer - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- Taity-mini: Red
- NoobPlayer: Yellow
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
NoobPlayer - MapPack: OK
[14:15] NoobPlayer> start
[14:15] Tuzkar out
[14:15] NoobPlayer out
Game successfully created in database.
[14:15] playbuddmansion in
Game results submitted.
[14:16] stillframe in
[14:17] playbuddmansion out
[14:18] NoobPlayer out
[14:18] Bro4Hoes in
[14:18] MiniBot_UK> This is a host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server. | TeamSpeak Server: ts.popre.net Pass: popMM2016
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
[14:18] Taity-mini> +1 testhost
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Not in host position
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
bockwurstlaune - MapPack: OK
- Taity-mini: Green (Watcher)
- bockwurstlaune: Blue
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Welcome back MiniBot_UK
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
bockwurstlaune - MapPack: OK
- Taity-mini: Green (Watcher)
- bockwurstlaune: Blue
* Ranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[14:20] Apocalypsis_TAS out
Welcome back MiniBot_UK
[14:21] Taity-mini> host
[14:22] Taity-mini> unrank
[14:22] sunny_man in
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> paper
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> so bad
[14:22] bockwurstlaune> he got 0 skill
[14:22] Taity-mini> start
[14:22] MiniBot_UK> This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[14:22] Taity-mini> launch
[14:22] Taity-mini> host
[14:23] royaliste32 out
[14:23] Taity-mini> unrank
[14:23] Taity-mini> start
[14:23] Taity-mini> ?
[14:23] Taity-mini> start
Launching game...
MiniBot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
- MiniBot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- Taity-mini: Red
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
[14:23] playbuddmansion in
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[14:24] playbuddmansion out
[14:24] FenixMaster in
[14:24] FenixMaster out
[14:24] FenixMaster in
[14:24] [SR]rtz in
[14:25] [SR]rtz> albert?
[14:25] Taity-mini> Right the minibot is now setup using the hostbot api instead of the built in mm bot setting. So it should work again! :)
[14:26] Zephyr9139 in
[14:26] playbuddmansion in
[14:26] maroonie123 in
[14:26] maroonie123 out
[14:26] Zephyr9139 out
[14:27] Purechemist out
[14:28] Tuzkar in
[14:30] playbuddmansion> Are you playing yet?
[14:30] playbuddmansion out
[14:30] playbuddmansion in
[14:30] TimmyB in
[14:30] playbuddmansion out
[14:31] Ratchet in
[14:31] Ratchet> FOOLS
[14:31] Ratchet> bite inside of mouth
[14:32] Ratchet> BE IN AGONY FOR DAYS
[14:32] sepehrimanpur> my chaman didnt have any power
[14:32] Cinammon> oh
[14:33] snaps in
[14:33] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[14:33] [Rw]Nici> bock shaman again
[14:33] [Rw]Nici> who has been giving this guy points
[14:34] bockwurstlaune> nici 1v1?
[14:34] bockwurstlaune> u want to loose #1?
[14:34] Cinammon out
[14:36] [Rw]Nici> yh
[14:36] [Rw]Nici> 1v1 me 50 times
[14:36] [Rw]Nici> if u win once i quit pop
[14:36] [Rw]Nici> host
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> _W_T_F_
[14:37] [GoD]Genki> gtg gg
[14:37] [GoD]Genki out
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> bock
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> host
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> perik
[14:37] cobalt> gg
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> strea
[14:37] [Rw]Nici> stream what
[14:37] AlphaEnemy> gg
[14:37] scheva in
[14:37] [War]gba1990 out
[14:37] felipo in
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> thsi is not 1v1
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> it's 1vs0
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> bock is not playing
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> why u think he named himself bock
[14:38] Taity-mini out
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> check it out ^^^https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[14:38] [Rw]Nici> on why bock named himself bock
[14:39] felipo out
[14:39] scheva> who want play ?
[14:39] zefter out
[14:39] scheva> >
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> bock
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> jo9n
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> join
[14:40] AlphaEnemy> delax
[14:40] [Rw]Nici> boqueworstlane join
[14:40] AlphaEnemy> sigma cried cause of "forcing" :D
[14:41] [Rw]Nici> :D!
[14:41] [Rw]Nici> everyone in rw cries
[14:41] [Rw]Nici> such shit clan
[14:41] [TDM]Delax> LOL
[14:41] [TDM]Delax> REPORT HIM AT ONCE
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> sigma is hardest forcer
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> nah
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> he cried
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> he said I forced against him
[14:41] [TDM]Delax> guy forced his entire pop against mine!!!
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> ye
[14:41] AlphaEnemy> was spectating
[14:42] [TDM]Delax> [Rw]Forcing_Sigma
[14:42] AlphaEnemy> LOL
[14:42] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhb3S35PIDo
[14:42] Ratchet> twitch.tv/poptb_commieemperor
[14:42] [Rw]Nici> God bless whoever plays with that view
[14:42] DeltaEnemy> sigma forcing all the time
[14:42] [Rw]Nici> YH
[14:42] [Rw]Nici> SIGMa FORCING
[14:42] [Rw]Nici> OMG
[14:43] playbuddmansion in
[14:44] Bro4Hoes out
[14:44] bockwurstlaune> 3v1 me
[14:44] bockwurstlaune> ffs
[14:45] Little_Guy1 in
[14:45] Lonkan in
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> bock
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> 1v1
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> 50 times
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> this is why
[14:45] bockwurstlaune> need a challenge
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> you name yourself bock
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> you are noob
[14:45] bockwurstlaune> come u alpha and delta 3v1
[14:45] bockwurstlaune> me
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> noob shaman
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> i can beat u 1v1 on juggernaut
[14:45] stillframe out
[14:45] bockwurstlaune> sure
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> u can
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> i can
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> easy
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> yeah with red base u got a little chance
[14:46] Little_Guy1 out
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> u noob
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> make me blupe
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> ill show u why you suck
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> lol u got 0 chance
[14:46] Chamuco in
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> 0 chance
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> yet you're scared to play me
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> bock
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msSc7Mv0QHY
[14:48] digo86 in
[14:48] digo86 out
[14:50] Lonkan out
[14:50] [TDM]Delax out
[14:50] [TDM]Delax in
[14:51] trinetrullalla in
[14:51] Bro4Hoes in
[14:52] sunny_man out
[14:54] qaws9 in
[14:55] Oldskool in
[14:57] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[15:01] Bro4Hoes out
[15:02] LigottiNightmare in
[15:02] Marcos2123 in
[15:05] nats2004 in
[15:05] Philibeau in
[15:06] venetica in
[15:07] Marcos2123> ok
[15:08] Marcos2123 out
[15:09] Ivanivanmaikati out
[15:09] TheHornedReaper out
[15:10] matiasruiz in
[15:10] Oldskool> wetf
[15:10] Oldskool> my ally
[15:10] Oldskool> played so bad delax
[15:10] Oldskool> who was that
[15:10] Oldskool> guy doeysnt know sh9t
[15:10] [TDM]Delax> DESERTO
[15:10] [TDM]Delax> he closed the connection lol
[15:10] Oldskool> lol
[15:10] Oldskool> 1v1
[15:10] Oldskool> create game
[15:10] [TDM]Delax> kk
[15:11] Philibeau> who wants to play?
[15:11] Philibeau> wer will spielen?
[15:11] Oldskool> delax n join hut
[15:11] darthvadr in
[15:11] Oldskool> we wait for bock and nici
[15:11] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~26cfa63d791ea0b81ff24ae46b415fbcb2934ccafa870cd890ff2128da067b669
[15:11] darthvadr> nici wtf you still here
[15:11] darthvadr> did you sleep sometime??
[15:11] scheva out
[15:12] Tuzkar out
[15:15] [IC]-Johan in
[15:16] [IC]-Johan> wtf happened to MAD
[15:18] qaws9 out
[15:18] LigottiNightmare out
[15:18] nats2004 out
[15:19] nats2004 in
[15:19] sepehrimanpur out
[15:21] FenixMaster out
[15:22] KhatM140913 in
[15:22] playbuddmansion out
[15:22] Chamuco out
[15:22] KhatM140913> hello
[15:22] Chamuco in
[15:23] KhatM140913> how are you ?
[15:23] KhatM140913> my name is nicky
[15:23] Chamuco> who are you speaking to?
[15:23] KhatM140913> i,m from nederland
[15:24] KhatM140913> enyone who talks back
[14:25] KhatM140913> everybody is bad
[14:25] KhatM140913 out
[14:26] sovium out
[14:26] Mauricio2123 in
[14:26] gunny14_says_hi in
[14:27] TimmyB out
[14:27] Mauricio2123> hola chamuco :D
[14:27] Chamuco> hola
[14:28] [IC]Forelli> hi
[14:28] Chamuco> aslo tu, ta fasi
[14:28] Chamuco> yo ya tengo 2
[14:28] Mauricio2123> ok
[14:29] Mauricio2123> espera ando bug
[14:29] Mauricio2123> cuidame mi lugar
[14:29] Mauricio2123 out
[14:29] Mauricio2123 in
[14:30] Matak_4 in
[14:30] playbuddmansion in
[14:30] Chamuco> spera para uno mas
[14:30] [tdm]Mooresy in
[14:30] Chamuco> craters
[14:31] Chamuco> no la ase
[14:31] Chamuco> el mehor para mi
[14:31] Chamuco> vamos
[14:31] Mauricio2123> go
[14:31] Mauricio2123> ganemos
[14:31] Chamuco> launcgh
[14:31] Mauricio2123> y te pongo el otro
[14:31] Juliosf92 in
[14:32] Juliosf92 out
[14:32] Oldskool> ja
[14:32] [SR]rtz> ah endlich digga
[14:32] Oldskool> was ist
[14:32] Oldskool> lol
[14:32] [SR]rtz> lass mal später skypen
[14:32] Oldskool> jo
[14:32] [SR]rtz> :D
[14:33] sam_tas in
[14:34] [IC]-Johan> forelli
[14:34] [TDM]Delax in
[14:34] gunny14_says_hi> make next time the teams fair
[14:34] gunny14_says_hi> or dont wonder when leave
[14:35] vPixl in
[14:35] vPixl out
[14:35] Mauricio2123> chamuco entra
[14:36] [tdm]Mooresy> wanna do a 3player ffa?
[14:36] Chamuco> k
[14:36] Mauricio2123> 2v2
[14:36] Mammy_Tas in
[14:36] Chamuco> si
[14:36] Mauricio2123> Go!
[14:36] Mauricio2123> ?
[14:36] [tdm]Mooresy out
[14:36] Chamuco> vamos
[14:37] aleksa in
[14:37] Chamuco out
[14:37] [TDM]Delax> he ran away
[14:37] Little_Guy1 in
[14:37] Mauricio2123> wtf?
[14:37] Mauricio2123> que paso
[14:38] Mauricio2123 out
[14:38] Mauricio2123 in
[14:38] Mammy_Tas> +1 for map of the day :)?
[14:38] Mauricio2123> go join here
[14:39] Mauricio2123> ok
[14:39] Mauricio2123> go
[14:39] Mauricio2123> si lo se
[14:39] Mammy_Tas out
[14:41] Little_Guy1 out
[14:41] [TDM]Delax out
[14:41] Little_Guy1 in
[14:41] ThePanKot in
[14:41] playbuddmansion> JOIN ON ME
[14:42] Little_Guy1> server acting strange
[14:42] Little_Guy1> lets rock
[14:42] Mauricio2123> lol
[14:42] Mauricio2123> thankts
[14:42] Mauricio2123> thanks
[14:42] Mauricio2123> jaja
[14:43] playbuddmansion> need all players to connect
[14:43] Mauricio2123> ?
[14:43] Mauricio2123> what
[14:43] Mauricio2123> aleksa
[14:43] Mauricio2123> join here
[14:44] ThePanKot out
[14:44] [Rw]Nici> lol
[14:44] [Rw]Nici> boring but gg
[14:44] [Rw]Nici> such shit map
[14:44] [Rw]Nici> disgusting
[14:44] [IC]-Johan> how come nobody plays with me
[14:44] Mammy_Tas in
[14:44] [IC]-Johan> are you guys allergic
[14:44] aleksa out
[14:44] AlphaEnemy> well on pp it would be unfair for you
[14:44] [Rw]Nici> yh
[14:44] nats2004 out
[14:45] [IC]-Johan> that must be it
[14:45] [IC]-Johan> u guys are allergic to me
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> that was unfair as well
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> u guys were gonna lose 100%
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> lool
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> 100%
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> lol
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> stfu
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> dont tlak shit
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> search your games with me on sess alpha
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> u and delta
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> u guys never won
[14:45] bockwurstlaune> well enemys are good at pp
[14:45] [Rw]Nici> in about 50 games
[14:45] Mauricio2123> Go!
[14:45] Mauricio2123> 2v2
[14:45] DeltaEnemy> nici stfu
[14:45] DeltaEnemy> nobody likes you in here
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> nici
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> bock
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> saved
[14:45] AlphaEnemy> u
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> YEh nici stfu stop stating facts
[14:46] DeltaEnemy> bock saved your life
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> nici STFU
[14:46] DeltaEnemy> he player 100 times better than you
[14:46] gunny14_says_hi> wo delta recht hat
[14:46] gunny14_says_hi> :D
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> XD_
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> who cares its sess
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> and that all the game
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> ffs
[14:46] DeltaEnemy> all you can do is write shit like a little kid
[14:46] [Rw]Nici> skill is a minimum required
[14:46] DeltaEnemy> gunny knows the truth
[14:46] Jaret out
[14:46] Oldskool> +1
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> gunny 14 is biggest pro in history
[14:46] bockwurstlaune> he beat nici and nefarius 2v1
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> look pops
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> i saved bock
[14:47] Little_Guy1> for real?
[14:47] gunny14_says_hi> :D ich lieb dich auch
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> obviously
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> bock
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> u died more than i
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> and u were complaining
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> its sad
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> im not allying fake ranks like u
[14:47] [Rw]Nici> ever agai
[14:47] Oldskool> nici
[14:47] Oldskool> game?
[14:48] Mammy_Tas out
[14:48] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[14:48] Carlston in
[14:48] Mammy_Tas in
[14:48] Oldskool> +1#
[14:48] Oldskool> nici
[14:49] Oldskool> alpha or delta
[14:49] Oldskool> join
[14:49] [Rw]Nici> orry guys
[14:49] [Rw]Nici> i go shower
[14:49] [Rw]Nici> cinema waits
[14:49] [Rw]Nici> and pop corn
[14:49] [Rw]Nici> cinema is not this loby btw
[14:49] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> could be
[14:49] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> but matts not on
[14:50] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nici is clown enough
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> ture
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> did anyone see pictures matt uploaded on fb
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> priceless
[14:50] bockwurstlaune> nici is scared of wom
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> yh
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> i am
[14:50] Mammy_Tas> no i didnt
[14:50] AlphaEnemy> bock
[14:50] AlphaEnemy> saved
[14:50] AlphaEnemy> ur life
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> im kinda tired of bs maps tbh
[14:50] DeltaEnemy> nici is shit
[14:50] AlphaEnemy> enough
[14:50] AlphaEnemy> nici so stop complaning
[14:50] damhyr0857 in
[14:50] DeltaEnemy> bock saved nici 100 times
[14:50] [Rw]Nici> stfu alpha
[14:50] DeltaEnemy> nici did nothing
[14:51] bockwurstlaune> ok nici chose a map
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> he is a little kid
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> i would slap my dick on my mouse n build better than u on fo
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> a fuck head
[14:51] AlphaEnemy> ye ike u lost on pp
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> that is from matt
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> yh
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> you fucking loser
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> get your own speaks
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> you fucking retared bastard
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> his lines are the best
[14:51] AlphaEnemy> now nici tries to copy matt
[14:51] AlphaEnemy> 2 dumb fucks now
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> you are a joke
[14:51] AlphaEnemy> on mm
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> OMG
[14:51] AlphaEnemy> congratz
[14:51] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> copy matt
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> hahah
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> matts a funny guy
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> youre like weed
[14:51] [Rw]Nici> his lines must be used
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> how sad is that
[14:51] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> am i a joke
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> 1v1
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> sess
[14:52] AlphaEnemy> u see
[14:52] AlphaEnemy> hguy wanna 1v on sess
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> il play with my pinky
[14:52] AlphaEnemy> what a moron
[14:52] damhyr0857 out
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> most of your game time is on sess
[14:52] AlphaEnemy> ur pinky is well called like this
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> and u would still lose
[14:52] AlphaEnemy> small and thin
[14:52] [Rw]Nici> how do u explain
[14:52] Oldskool> +1<<<<<<<<<
[14:52] Oldskool> nici
[15:52] Oldskool> join?????
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> alpha
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> u dont explain
[15:52] DeltaEnemy> nici why dont join the sahaman game?
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> this
[15:52] DeltaEnemy> are you scared of spinn?
[15:52] Oldskool> delta join
[15:52] AlphaEnemy> nici bock
[15:52] DeltaEnemy> spinn > nici
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> pretty
[15:52] AlphaEnemy> saved ur ass
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> much
[15:52] AlphaEnemy> dunno
[15:52] AlphaEnemy> what to complain there
[15:52] [Rw]Nici> im tired of shit maps sry
[15:53] Oldskool> ofc spinn>nici
[15:53] Oldskool> in some aspects
[15:53] T-rod in
[15:53] DeltaEnemy> nici is scared to play shaman games
[15:53] Oldskool> t rod
[15:53] Oldskool> join ally me
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> ya im scared to play
[15:53] DeltaEnemy> h eonly can fight us with a shaman ally
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> shaman games
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> looool
[15:53] T-rod> aam eating
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> ill play u both with hard-wear
[15:53] DeltaEnemy> nici need bock to fight us
[15:53] DeltaEnemy> what a shame
[15:53] DeltaEnemy> bock saved his life
[15:53] AlphaEnemy> hardwwear is shaman also
[15:53] AlphaEnemy> again shaman nici
[15:53] AlphaEnemy> wow
[15:53] Oldskool> delta
[15:53] Oldskool> oder alpha
[15:53] Oldskool> kommt ally mich
[15:53] Oldskool> !!
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> hard-wear is not shaman XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[15:53] Oldskool> bitte
[15:53] [Rw]Nici> XDDDD
[15:54] [TDM]Delax out
[15:54] [Rw]Nici> u funny dude
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> ne beleidigen den kackportugiesen noch
[15:54] [Rw]Nici> speak english
[15:54] [Rw]Nici> portugiesen
[15:54] Carlston out
[15:54] Mammy_Tas> Nederlands :)
[15:54] Oldskool> +2<<<<<<<<<<<
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> nici
[15:54] Oldskool> macht mal hinne
[15:54] Oldskool> mit dem beleidgen lol
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> u call urself
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> best player but bock
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> saved
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> u so many times
[15:54] Oldskool> wow
[15:54] Oldskool> bock the god
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> from "us"
[15:54] [Rw]Nici> lol
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> u call shit
[15:54] [Rw]Nici> i dont call myself best player XD
[15:54] AlphaEnemy> how comes that
[15:55] kbatu98765> come on guys , this is just a game. its supposed to be fun and if you no longer find it fun, maybe you need to take a step back. calm down.
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> XDDD
[15:55] DeltaEnemy> youre shit nici
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> bock the god
[15:55] DeltaEnemy> think youre the best player
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> u guys make up too much shit XD
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> kicked asses
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> while nici sucked our dicks
[15:55] damhyr0857 in
[15:55] DeltaEnemy> bock the god saved your life
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> In my opinion the best player = nefarius
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> yyyyyyyyy
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> bock the god
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> the guy who loses to blue on fo
[15:55] Mammy_Tas> kabatu those too take pop to seiously
[15:55] Oldskool> gogogogo bock
[15:55] Oldskool> german game
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> bock
[15:55] Mammy_Tas> wont happen xD
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> just saved the game
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> nici 1v1 me
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> moron
[15:55] Oldskool> let me ally......................delta
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> i fuck ur wife
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> bock u are worthless
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> lol
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> nah delta is my ally
[15:55] T-rod> stop arguing whos best player, we all know t rod is
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> u lose to blue on fo
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> blues the best base on fo
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> best hills
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[15:55] AlphaEnemy> bock > nici
[15:55] bockwurstlaune> most wood
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> kkkk
[15:55] [Rw]Nici> kkkkk
[15:56] AlphaEnemy> and thats for sure
[15:56] DeltaEnemy> bock saved your base in the last game nici
[15:56] DeltaEnemy> youre shit
[15:56] italian120 in
[15:56] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> tundar is the best three players i know
[15:56] bockwurstlaune> u just have to lb ur base cause its bit small
[15:56] Oldskool> los bock
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> yea bock is that why
[15:56] Mammy_Tas> you know 99% of those who say i am besat player are lying xD
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> u rotated me the other day
[15:56] bockwurstlaune> 1v1
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> sure
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> ill 1v1 u
[15:56] LigottiNightmare in
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> and make u regret registering
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> popre
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> .
[15:56] [Rw]Nici> net
[15:57] nats2004 in
[15:57] Mammy_Tas> i can say i am the bst player
[15:57] Mammy_Tas> but noone will believe me xD
[15:57] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i do mahmy
[15:57] Mammy_Tas> <
[15:57] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ur the best
[15:57] Mammy_Tas> <3*
[15:57] aleksa in
[15:59] Mauricio2123> mmm
[15:59] damhyr0857 out
[15:59] damhyr0857 in
[15:59] [IC]-Johan> see
[15:59] italian120> not is normal
[15:59] [IC]-Johan> italian's internet is bad
[15:59] Mauricio2123> lol ping
[15:59] italian120 out
[15:59] Mauricio2123> my ping_
[15:59] Mauricio2123> lol
[16:00] doho8731 in
[16:00] doho8731 out
[16:00] italian120 in
[16:00] darthvadr out
[16:01] [ic]carbine in
[16:01] Mauricio2123> ?
[16:01] Mauricio2123> Create clan
[16:01] Mauricio2123> como creo un clan? damhyr
[16:02] [IC]-Johan> italian ur ping is still bad
[16:02] ryujin122 in
[16:02] kacavida out
[16:02] Mauricio2123> Go!
[16:02] Mauricio2123> ?
[16:03] gunny14_says_hi> is rensyhch a host problem?
[16:03] gunny14_says_hi> or mm
[16:03] damhyr0857 out
[16:03] damhyr0857 in
[16:03] Mammy_Tas out
[16:03] Mammy_Tas in
[16:03] jackieboy8 out
[16:04] Mauricio2123> lol
[16:04] Mauricio2123> goo
[16:04] Little_Guy1 out
[16:05] Mauricio2123> nose?
[16:05] Mauricio2123> como sea
[16:06] [rw]macca in
[16:06] paco in
[16:07] italian120 out
[16:08] youngnebula in
[16:08] cobalt out
[16:08] [IC]-Johan> sec
[16:10] youngnebula out
[16:10] Tuzkar in
[16:10] jaffa012524 in
[16:10] jaffa012524 out
[16:10] damhyr0857 out
[16:10] Mammy_Tas> +1 :)?
[16:11] [ic]carbine out
[16:13] snaps out
[16:14] gunny14_says_hi> +1
[16:14] ka-san in
[16:14] ka-san out
[16:14] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> test map
[16:15] nats2004 out
[16:15] Oldskool> 2v2
[16:16] nats2004 in
[16:16] damhyr0857 in
[16:16] gunny14_says_hi> +^
[16:16] gunny14_says_hi> +1
[16:16] DeltaEnemy out
[16:17] DeltaEnemy in
[16:17] bockwurstlaune> kann kein blau =/
[16:17] bockwurstlaune> teams?
[16:17] AlphaEnemy> ich und delta
[16:18] DeltaEnemy> ich und alphgay
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> soll ich oder spinn blau sein?
[16:18] AlphaEnemy> stug
[16:18] AlphaEnemy> du
[16:18] DeltaEnemy> du
[16:18] AlphaEnemy> blau
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> kk
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> gut kann nämlich kein grün lol
[16:18] AlphaEnemy> blau auch ned :D
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> wir werden sehen
[16:18] bockwurstlaune> ;)
[16:18] gunny14_says_hi> did he just fucking leave
[16:19] nats2004 out
[16:19] Oldskool out
[16:19] Oldskool in
[16:19] nats2004 in
[16:21] Oldskool> x
[16:21] Mammy_Tas out
[16:22] venetica out
[16:22] [IC]Forelli> rrrrrrrrrr
[16:22] damhyr0857 out
[16:23] damhyr0857 in
[16:26] Mammy_Tas in
[16:26] Mowgli in
[16:28] [SR]rtz out
[16:29] lipsmega in
[16:30] lipsmega> lets play everyone
[16:30] lipsmega> lol
[16:31] [IC]Forelli> we're already ingame
[16:31] Javedmamode in
[16:31] lipsmega> ;)
[16:32] Javedmamode> hi
[16:32] tiagofgo in
[16:32] lipsmega> lets go
[16:33] damhyr0857 out
[16:34] LigottiNightmare out
[16:34] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> '
[16:34] BlackAncalagon in
[16:34] venetica in
[16:35] _quincycorleone out
[16:35] Oldskool> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[16:36] sam_tas in
[16:36] [IC]Forelli> thanks
[16:36] [IC]Forelli> lol
[16:36] [IC]Forelli> finally
[16:38] Mauricio2123> ?
[16:38] Mowgli out
[16:38] treeman161 out
[16:38] Mauricio2123> is noob?
[16:39] damhyr0857 in
[16:39] Mauricio2123> dambyr
[16:39] Mauricio2123> porque te salistes?
[16:41] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> +3 unranked
[16:41] Mauricio2123> l
[16:42] ben1234 out
[16:43] Mauricio2123> hi
[16:43] Mammy_Tas out
[16:43] Mammy_Tas in
[16:44] Mammy_Tas out
[16:44] sam_tas out
[16:44] aleksa out
[16:44] Fried_Rice in
[16:47] trinetrullalla out
[16:47] [TDM]Delax in
[16:47] Tralanchula in
[16:47] Lichu348 in
[16:48] Tralanchula out
[16:48] [IC]Forelli> lol
[16:49] DeltaEnemy out
[16:50] pboris93 in
[16:50] Mauricio2123> Start!
[16:50] Javedmamode out
[16:51] [IC]Forelli> lol the lb save
[16:52] pboris93 out
[16:52] italian120 in
[16:52] italian120 out
[16:54] Matak_4 out
[16:55] [Rw]Nici> these guys so shit at fo
[16:55] [Rw]Nici> think a 2v1 would be fair
[16:55] zefter in
[16:57] Oldskool> how was the stream
[16:57] Oldskool> and the performance
[16:57] bockwurstlaune> nici ur bad
[16:57] [Rw]Nici> bock 1v1
[16:57] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> good stream noob performance
[16:57] [Rw]Nici> if im bad
[16:57] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> jk
[16:57] [Rw]Nici> what makes you
[16:58] [IC]Forelli> hmm
[16:58] [IC]Forelli> stream was okay
[16:58] AlphaEnemy> nici
[16:58] [IC]Forelli> no stutters or anything
[16:58] AlphaEnemy> ure worse
[16:58] bockwurstlaune> na its time waste
[16:58] AlphaEnemy> than bad
[16:58] lipsmega> lol
[16:58] AlphaEnemy> ure fucking shit
[16:58] [Rw]Nici> bock ill not build more than 10 huts
[16:58] Oldskool> lol
[16:58] Marcos2123 in
[16:58] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> WOW
[16:58] damhyr0857 out
[16:58] Marcos2123 out
[16:58] damhyr0857 in
[16:58] bockwurstlaune> dont use shaman
[16:58] bockwurstlaune> and we 1v1
[16:58] [IC]Forelli> HAHAHAHAHAH
[16:58] Marcos2124 in
[16:58] [Rw]Nici> ill not use troops
[16:58] [Rw]Nici> and we 1v1
[16:58] Tuzkar> lol
[16:58] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> :o
[16:58] bockwurstlaune> dont use troops and shaman
[16:58] bockwurstlaune> and we 1v1
[16:58] [IC]Forelli> shit nigga lol
[16:58] [Rw]Nici> yh u noob need some advantage
[16:59] bockwurstlaune> na
[16:59] Mauricio2123> go
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> that's how bad you are
[16:59] bockwurstlaune> i dont need
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> u do
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> its why u dont play
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> u claim shit
[16:59] bockwurstlaune> stop talking bullshit
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> but you cant prove shit
[16:59] bockwurstlaune> i had to carry u on sess
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> u carry no one
[16:59] [Rw]Nici> u keep dying
[16:59] [IC]Forelli> aw shit
[16:59] [IC]Forelli> LOL
[17:00] [IC]Forelli> did dis nigga really find chickens
[17:00] lipsmega> +1
[17:00] bockwurstlaune> W my live stream
[17:00] bockwurstlaune> gguys
[17:00] bockwurstlaune> twitch/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[17:00] [Rw]Nici> link
[17:00] [tdm]Mooresy in
[17:00] [Rw]Nici> k
[17:00] lipsmega> one more
[17:00] lipsmega> here
[17:00] [IC]Forelli> NICI CUM ON TEAMSPEAK
[17:00] lipsmega> lol
[17:00] [Rw]Nici> bock the link doesnt work
[17:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> check comments
[17:01] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydvhCk1X14w
[17:01] [Rw]Nici> this is bock
[17:01] bockwurstlaune> hahahahahahahahahaha
[17:01] lipsmega> +1
[17:01] bockwurstlaune> nice comment
[17:01] [Rw]Nici> bock whats ur twitch
[17:02] lipsmega> 1v1v1
[17:02] lipsmega> +1
[17:02] bockwurstlaune> have no twitch acc =/
[17:02] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[17:02] Oldskool> loll
[17:02] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msSc7Mv0QHY
[17:02] [Rw]Nici> this is bock
[17:02] [Rw]Nici> BOCK BOCK BOCK
[17:02] bockwurstlaune> the chicks love my dance
[17:03] [Rw]Nici> Techno chicken
[17:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> rofl
[17:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nice one
[17:03] [tdm]Mooresy> hahahaha wttytfff
[17:03] jrbatistag in
[17:03] [tdm]Mooresy> shiiiiit tht tune is cronicle of ridicule
[17:03] [IC]Forelli> BOCK.mp3
[17:03] lipsmega> come on people, one more
[17:03] lipsmega> +1
[17:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> CHICKEN
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> 1 2
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> 1 2 3 4
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> BOCK BOCK BOCK
[17:04] [IC]Forelli> 1 2 1234
[17:04] [IC]Forelli> BOCK BOCK BOCK
[17:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Bock is a shaman?
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> Lolll
[17:04] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[17:04] [Rw]Nici> jasmin
[17:04] [IC]Forelli> DZEZMINE
[17:05] [IC]Forelli> dodi na ts
[17:05] bockwurstlaune> =/ im back ffs
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[17:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> evo me dolazim
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> see bock
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> there
[17:05] Oldskool> https://www.twitch.tv/sphynx_poptb
[17:05] maroonie123 in
[17:05] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> why always posting such a stupid links lol
[17:05] jrbatistag> dale a ver
[17:05] damhyr0857 in
[17:05] maroonie123 out
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> not stupid links
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> its bock
[17:05] [IC]Forelli> brate
[17:05] jrbatistag> ok
[17:05] [IC]Forelli> udi na ts pa ti objasnim
[17:05] [IC]Forelli> zasto ovo spama
[17:05] [Rw]Nici> jasin
[17:05] [IC]Forelli> mo
[17:06] jrbatistag> soy nuevo aqui
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkFNUDy6OBQ
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> this one is nice
[17:06] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5dAk9cDwDU
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> oink pigg
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> piggy oinke
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> kikikikikikikkiikikikikik
[17:06] jrbatistag> okk
[17:06] playbuddmansion out
[17:06] jrbatistag> redy
[17:06] jrbatistag> ready
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> i would fuck and
[17:06] [Rw]Nici> i would fuck and marry a pig
[17:07] [Rw]Nici> so sweet
[17:07] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> yes
[17:07] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> rollin on the mud
[17:07] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> so goo
[17:07] [Rw]Nici> no sweeter animal
[17:07] [Rw]Nici> than the piglet
[17:07] nats2004 out
[17:07] bockwurstlaune out
[17:07] [tdm]Mooresy> tuz u loser why join to chat shit then leave
[17:08] bockwurstlaune in
[17:08] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> good convo between jasmin and forelli
[17:08] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i can understand it clearly
[17:08] Tuzkar> LOL
[17:08] bockwurstlaune out
[17:08] lipsmega> +1
[17:08] [Rw]Nici> chat shit get banged???????????????????????
[17:08] [tdm]Mooresy> kno tht
[17:08] bockwurstlaune in
[17:08] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[17:08] jrbatistag> comienzala partida
[17:08] jrbatistag> dale
[17:08] [Rw]Nici> XD
[17:08] lipsmega> voce tem que clicar aqui
[17:08] lipsmega> onde tá VAZIO
[17:08] [Rw]Nici> matt banned from ts
[17:08] Tuzkar> honestly lost a lot of respect for you for saying that mooresy
[17:08] [Rw]Nici> for 1 week
[17:08] lipsmega> em cima do meu nome
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> we will miss
[17:09] jrbatistag> soy de costa rica
[17:09] [tdm]Mooresy> my mate on the phone to some guy the other day "listen if ye start shittin shit al bang u out"
[17:09] jrbatistag> dale a jugar ya
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> jasmin
[17:09] [tdm]Mooresy> proper stereotypical threat
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> matt is banned from ts
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> 1 week
[17:09] [tdm]Mooresy> chattin shit**
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> he also went to new orleans
[17:09] christiantorres in
[17:09] [tdm]Mooresy> how did he get banned from tsa?
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> he recorded a woman playing the violin
[17:09] lipsmega> +1
[17:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> io know i watched lol
[17:09] jrbatistag> pero que hago?
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> funniest video
[17:10] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> funnier than my snake prediction?
[17:10] lipsmega> here +1
[17:10] ryujin122 out
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> no
[17:10] [IC]Forelli> NIGGI
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> nigi
[17:11] Fried_Rice> how can u get banned off ts?
[17:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> like mm
[17:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> porn or bad behaviour
[17:11] [IC]Forelli> matt can do anything
[17:11] [IC]Forelli> lol
[17:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i was kicked once
[17:11] jrbatistag> donde le doy click
[17:11] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> uno mas
[17:11] jrbatistag> en la casit'a??
[17:11] jrbatistag> si ya quiero jugar mae daleee
[17:12] zefter> sorry
[17:12] zefter> crash
[17:12] zefter> (((
[17:12] Mauricio2123> damhyr unete
[17:12] zefter> go )))
[17:12] Mauricio2123> ok
[17:12] Marcos2124> ok
[17:12] zefter> wulf
[17:12] Marcos2124> Gogogo
[17:12] jrbatistag> me espero 5 minutos mucho... tengo cosas que hacer jeje
[17:12] zefter> macros kick
[17:12] Howline in
[17:12] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> +1 unranked
[17:12] [tdm]Mooresy> join
[17:13] jrbatistag> ok ya voy
[17:13] zefter> ok
[17:13] zefter> good bye
[17:13] zefter> good luck)))
[17:13] zefter out
[17:13] damhyr0857 out
[17:14] lipsmega> without ping :(
[17:15] black_mesa in
[17:15] Nightwulff out
[17:15] Nightwulff in
[17:16] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> the sigma its getting worse
[17:17] christiantorres out
[17:19] windyemre in
[17:20] windyemre> +2
[17:20] Mauricio2123 out
[17:20] Marcos2124 out
[17:21] Oldskool out
[17:21] windyemre> follw
[17:22] windyemre> dam ping
[17:22] windyemre> X
[17:22] windyemre> you ping X
[17:22] lipsmega> we are not getting ping from noone today
[17:23] windyemre> +2
[17:24] damhyr0857 out
[17:24] windyemre> ok
[17:24] jrbatistag> ready
[17:24] damhyr0857 in
[17:24] windyemre> go
[17:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> .
[17:25] [Rw]Nici> XD lol
[17:25] Fried_Rice> fucking spies are always retarded
[17:25] [Rw]Nici> XD
[17:25] [Rw]Nici> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad shit
[17:25] [Rw]Nici> u are dog shit
[17:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> INCA
[17:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> BAN NICI
[17:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> FUCKING UNT THIS GUY
[17:25] [Rw]Nici> pedro faria
[17:25] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> cant play for shit
[17:26] [tdm]Mooresy> u was so close to gettin raped
[17:26] [Rw]Nici> pedro faria broc
[17:26] [tdm]Mooresy> one more priest n i had tht shit
[17:26] [tdm]Mooresy> >:D
[17:26] damhyr0857 out
[17:26] [tdm]Mooresy> :P
[17:26] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> would be funnier if u had an ally
[17:26] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> was unfair
[17:26] damhyr0857 in
[17:26] [Rw]Nici> lol yh
[17:26] [tdm]Mooresy> yh coulda done with another able bodied person on side yh
[17:26] Fried_Rice> damhyr0857> it laujnh no available
[17:26] [Rw]Nici> stfu berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[17:26] [Rw]Nici> i killed more than u
[17:26] [Rw]Nici> and anyone
[17:26] Fried_Rice> he has some real mental issues
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> in that game
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ye i just went for pop
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> and lost less
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> to get faster mana
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> :)
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> than u
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> STFU
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> U aRE FUCKING SHIT
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> GO KILL YOURSELF
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> inca this is racism
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> no ban?
[17:27] Fried_Rice> oi alpha ;-;
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> ban this nigglet
[17:27] Fried_Rice> join
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> cant cook meat
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i just did today
[17:27] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> wtf
[17:27] [Rw]Nici> cant cock meat
[17:28] [tdm]Mooresy> lol
[17:28] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i like meat up my bum
[17:28] damhyr0857> [8:90] Fried_Rice fucking stop hosting people not ur rank
[17:28] [tdm]Mooresy> 2 veg 1 meat reet up ur ricker
[17:28] Fried_Rice> berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> to get faster mana
[17:28] Fried_Rice> LOL
[17:28] Tuzkar out
[17:28] royaliste32 in
[17:28] [tdm]Mooresy> u sik fuks
[17:28] Fried_Rice> nici join
[17:28] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> whys taht funny freid rice
[17:28] [tdm]Mooresy> this homo chat makin my dick like an inverted nipple leave it out guys
[17:29] Fried_Rice> u had no shaman
[17:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i still can have mana
[17:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> there was bloodlust
[17:29] damhyr0857> [8:09] Fried_Rice piss off peoples huts
[17:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> and faster mana means faster troop recruit
[17:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> :)))))))))
[17:29] Fried_Rice> yeh damhyr0857
[17:29] Fried_Rice> dont play this game anymore
[17:29] Fried_Rice> MAP BOYS?
[17:29] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[17:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> +3 test map
[17:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> no cunts allowed
[17:30] damhyr0857> [8:95] Fried_Rice no ffs
[17:30] Fried_Rice> pp me and nici?
[17:30] doho8731 in
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> bella
[17:30] doho8731 out
[17:30] Fried_Rice> or moorsey still hate that map?
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> lets do cr
[17:30] bockwurstlaune> he still hate it
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> ill rape
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> you defend
[17:30] Fried_Rice> alright
[17:30] damhyr0857> [5:89] just stop joining
[17:30] bockwurstlaune> nici dont know cr8
[17:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nici loses in cr
[17:30] [tdm]Mooresy> yh fuk pp
[17:30] damhyr0857> fuck on you
[17:30] [tdm]Mooresy> does my nut in
[17:31] Lichu348 out
[17:31] Lucas in
[17:32] [IC]Shao in
[17:32] [IC]Shao> hentai
[17:32] prudhviram in
[17:33] [rw]macca in
[17:33] prudhviram> 1v1?
[17:34] royaliste32 out
[17:34] royaliste32 in
[17:35] minder118 in
[17:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[17:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[17:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[17:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[17:37] Tuzkar in
[17:38] [rw]macca out
[17:39] jefrodrigues in
[17:39] jefrodrigues out
[17:41] [rw]macca in
[17:44] gunny14_says_hi out
[17:45] Howline out
[17:46] [rw]macca out
[17:47] Red in
[17:48] tonik_VDM in
[17:48] youngnebula in
[17:51] nats2004 in
[17:51] youngnebula out
[17:52] Juliosf92 in
[17:52] Juliosf92 out
[17:53] jrbatistag> ok
[17:53] [tdm]Mooresy out
[17:53] tonik_VDM out
[17:53] tonik_VDM in
[17:53] Juliosf92 in
[17:53] tiagofgo out
[17:54] tonik_VDM out
[17:54] jrbatistag> ready
[17:55] jrbatistag out
[17:55] jrbatistag in
[17:55] jrbatistag> ok
[17:56] jrbatistag> dale
[17:56] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll> +1
[17:56] Jordan90 in
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> kick who
[17:57] jrbatistag> ok
[17:57] jrbatistag> ready
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> whos a fake
[17:57] jrbatistag> listos
[17:57] bockwurstlaune> kick yellow
[17:57] [IC]-Johan> bock is fake
[17:57] [IC]-Johan> kick hjim
[17:57] jrbatistag> donde le doy?
[17:57] aleksa in
[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.
[17:57] bockwurstlaune> get skill
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> wtf
[17:57] bockwurstlaune> seriously
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> fuck this shit im out
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_VR6W7Xc-4
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> [17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> mhm
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> [17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is fake.[17:57] Lucas> Bock is
[17:57] Lucas> Bax is fake.
[17:57] Fried_Rice> lmao
[17:57] [Rw]Nici> booooooooooooooooooooooooooooock
[17:57] Fried_Rice> u join my hut and tell them to kick me
[17:57] [IC]-Johan> wtf forelliskin
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> FUK DIS SHIT IM OUT
[17:57] Fried_Rice> this guy is so petty
[17:57] [IC]Forelli> t_t
[17:58] [IC]-Johan> WHY
[17:58] Lucas> Fried Rice is tasty.
[17:58] [IC]Forelli> fukin koreans
[17:58] Lucas> Also fake.
[17:58] Fried_Rice> now he pming me
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> BOCK
[17:58] lipsmega out
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> look how many points
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> we got
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> for that game
[17:58] [Rw]Nici> LOts of them!!!
[17:58] Fried_Rice> how is fried rice fake?
[17:58] Fried_Rice> its real lol
[17:58] Lucas> Report him, Inca likes to ban people for pm'ing things.
[17:58] [IC]Forelli> lmao
[17:58] Fried_Rice> wtf is fake rice
[17:58] bockwurstlaune> i dont give a shit
[17:58] bockwurstlaune> about points
[17:58] bockwurstlaune> but u
[17:58] bockwurstlaune> suck for it
[17:58] [IC]-Johan> yea u do
[17:59] bockwurstlaune> thats why u waste so much time
[17:59] windyemre out
[17:59] bockwurstlaune> for last game
[17:59] [IC]-Johan> bock u give a lot of shit about pts
[17:59] bockwurstlaune> fucking faggots
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> bella
[17:59] Fried_Rice> petttttyyy
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> u deserve shaman rank
[17:59] [IC]Forelli> MHM
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> u too good
[17:59] Lucas> Bock go 1v1 you let me win?
[17:59] Lucas> I need points.
[17:59] Lucas> And since you don't care about them...
[17:59] Fried_Rice> what am i gonna do with shaman rank
[17:59] jrbatistag> ok
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> scare people
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> like
[17:59] [IC]Forelli> johan
[17:59] [IC]Forelli> bring here
[17:59] Fried_Rice> LOOL
[18:00] Lucas> Nici stop it.
[18:00] TimmyB in
[18:00] Lucas> Get on my level first.
[18:00] Lucas> Then troll.
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> k
[18:00] [IC]Forelli> fokin el
[18:00] [IC]Forelli> m8
[18:00] [Rw]Nici> i try
[18:00] Juliosf92 out
[18:00] jrbatistag> ready
[18:00] jrbatistag> demole a ver
[18:00] Tuzkar> bock
[18:00] Tuzkar> im not kicking bella
[18:00] Tuzkar> and allying you
[18:01] Fried_Rice> LOOOOL
[18:01] Tuzkar> you pussy
[18:01] [Rw]Nici> fokin el m8 u muppit
[18:01] bockwurstlaune> shes the worst bitch
[18:01] Tuzkar> DUDE
[18:01] Lucas> Tuzkar
[18:01] Fried_Rice> PMSL
[18:01] Lucas> kick somebody
[18:01] Lucas> anyone
[18:01] Lucas> and let me join
[18:01] Fried_Rice> HES NOT EVEN IN THIS HUT
[18:01] Fried_Rice> IM CRYING LMAO
[18:01] Lucas> I'll send you 10 bucks to your Paypal if you do.
[18:01] Fried_Rice> oh man oh my god
[18:01] Fried_Rice> how petty can u be bock
[18:02] bockwurstlaune> u will see little bvitch
[18:02] Lucas> Bock how did you get shaman?
[18:02] bockwurstlaune> with skill
[18:02] bockwurstlaune> what u dont have
[18:02] Lucas> Whose dick did you suck?
[18:02] [IC]Forelli> IM CUMMING
[18:02] [IC]Forelli> ALL DA TEARS
[18:02] [IC]-Johan> persephone why r u stupid
[18:03] Fried_Rice> why does nobody still not realize that i dont play fo
[18:03] [IC]-Johan> why do u not play face off
[18:03] Fried_Rice> it sucks
[18:03] Tuzkar> i didnt know
[18:03] [IC]-Johan> lame excuse
[18:03] Tuzkar> don't shout at me
[18:03] jrbatistag> listos
[18:03] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~277db617da5813ea5d216faa84041f827c260ac8619dcb1044c0fe86b32f745d7&pass=1
[18:03] Fried_Rice> im not shouting lmao
[18:03] [Rw]Nici> delax
[18:03] [TDM]Delax> password: pop
[18:03] Lucas> How are people that don't play TB maps still allowed to play?
[18:03] jrbatistag> que hago??
[18:03] [Rw]Nici> ure about to get SLaIN
[18:03] [TDM]Delax> come play 2 Soccer guys
[18:03] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> make me a sandwich
[18:04] bockwurstlaune> bella
[18:04] bockwurstlaune> ur the worst
[18:04] Lucas> Inca do something man.
[18:04] Fried_Rice> thx b
[18:04] bockwurstlaune> u can suck nicis cock whole day
[18:04] bockwurstlaune> wont improve ur average preacher skill
[18:04] [Rw]Nici> lol
[18:04] [Rw]Nici> .
[18:05] [Rw]Nici> shes good
[18:05] [IC]-Johan> y r u guys dodging this game
[18:05] Fried_Rice> just so petty
[18:05] Fried_Rice> i will play if yall do pp or some good map
[18:05] Fried_Rice> 2 maps i never play is fo or wom
[18:05] Lucas> Now a player that doesn't play FO is considered good.
[18:05] [IC]-Johan> next gen
[18:05] bockwurstlaune> is it petty when u idont ally
[18:05] Fried_Rice> LOL
[18:05] bockwurstlaune> when its unplayable
[18:05] Fried_Rice> fo sucks tho
[18:05] bockwurstlaune> to play
[18:05] bockwurstlaune> for a win
[18:05] Fried_Rice> i play all other maps except those 2
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> ur just no fair players
[18:06] Fried_Rice> bock why havent u blocked me
[18:06] [IC]-Johan> only thing wrong with face off is blue base
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> i will do now
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> gb
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> stupid bitch
[18:06] Fried_Rice> :')
[18:06] Fried_Rice> he loves me
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> hope i see u one day in reallife
[18:06] bockwurstlaune> i hit ur face
[18:06] Fried_Rice> dont threaten a londoner m8
[18:06] Fried_Rice> im from east london i will kill u if u step near my door
[18:07] Lucas> Bella
[18:07] Lucas> 1v1
[18:07] Fried_Rice> na 2v2
[18:07] KoyoteKamper out
[18:07] jrbatistag> dale
[18:07] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~277db617da5813ea5d216faa84041f827c260ac8619dcb1044c0fe86b32f745d7&pass=1
[18:07] Lucas> bock
[18:07] Lucas> 1v1
[18:07] [TDM]Delax> somebody to ally me
[18:07] Lucas> ?
[18:07] [TDM]Delax> vs nici and divinity
[18:07] [TDM]Delax> password: pop
[18:07] Lucas> I'm a low preacher, easy points.
[18:07] [TDM]Delax> 2D Soccer
[18:08] Lucas> I'll ally you Delax.
[18:08] Lucas> Nici is easy as shit.
[18:08] jrbatistag> ok
[18:08] [Rw]Nici> suck dick luca
[18:08] Lucas> However Div is a good player.
[18:08] [Rw]Nici> Luca Toni
[18:09] Lucas> It's George Lucas.
[18:09] jrbatistag> hello
[18:09] Lucas> My name is also a surname.
[18:09] Lucas> Best name eva
[18:09] jrbatistag> ok
[18:09] Lucas> Is there any tourney soon?
[18:10] jrbatistag> ookokokokk
[18:10] jrbatistag> ok
[18:10] jrbatistag> jugarrr
[18:10] jrbatistag> play
[18:10] jrbatistag> ready
[18:10] sam_tas in
[18:10] Lucas> Jogar
[18:10] Lucas> Bonito
[18:10] Lucas> Damn do you remember the Jogo Bonito series by Nike.
[18:11] Lucas> Those were good.
[18:11] Lucas> Bock go 1v1
[18:12] jrbatistag out
[18:13] prudhviram out
[18:13] damhyr0857> [4:08] prudhviram out
[18:13] damhyr0857> lololol
[18:13] damhyr0857> LOOSER
[18:14] sam_tas out
[18:14] aleksa out
[18:16] Nightwulff out
[18:16] Nightwulff in
[18:17] webcattivo in
[18:18] nikostot in
[18:19] [IC]Shao> Hentai
[18:20] [Rw]Nici out
[18:20] nikostot out
[18:20] Nightwulff> +!
[18:20] nats2004 out
[18:20] Fried_Rice out
[18:20] venetica out
[18:20] damhyr0857 out
[18:21] damhyr0857 in
[18:21] Desiree92 in
[18:21] trinetrullalla in
[18:22] nats2004 in
[18:22] nats2004 out
[18:23] Nightwulff out
[18:23] Nightwulff in
[18:23] Mauricio2123 in
[18:23] Mauricio2123> lol
[18:23] Mauricio2123> gane un vs con mi hermano
[18:23] Mauricio2123> hola jordan
[18:23] Mauricio2123> :D
[18:24] damhyr0857 out
[18:24] bockwurstlaune> bella is a son of a bitch
[18:24] damhyr0857 in
[18:25] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:25] Eyota_TAS in
[18:26] [IC]-Johan> crashed
[18:26] Lucas> He quit.
[18:26] [IC]-Johan> what ego boost
[18:26] nats2004 in
[18:26] [IC]-Johan> i thot something was wrong earlier
[18:26] [IC]-Johan> n u dont usually quit forelli
[18:27] Mauricio2123 out
[18:27] Mauricio2123 in
[18:27] nats2004 out
[18:28] Nightwulff out
[18:28] Nightwulff in
[18:29] Mauricio2123 out
[18:29] Mauricio2123 in
[18:29] Mauricio2123> ni
[18:29] Lucas out
[18:29] Mauricio2123> infinite
[18:29] Mauricio2123> limite
[18:29] Mauricio2123> infinito
[18:30] Mauricio2123> saca a nighwulff
[18:30] Mauricio2123> porfa
[18:30] Mauricio2123> Gracias
[18:30] bockwurstlaune> i asked her for ally up and she said she need that point to keep her preacher rank cause her skill = warrior
[18:30] Mauricio2123> esta bien
[18:30] Mauricio2123> pero no es para insultar ._.
[18:30] Mauricio2123> es solo un juego
[18:30] Mauricio2123> tonto
[18:31] Mauricio2123> entro denuevo pal ping
[18:31] Mauricio2123 out
[18:31] nats2004 in
[18:31] Mauricio2123 in
[18:32] Mauricio2123> ok
[18:33] sam_tas in
[18:33] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:33] Tuzkar> sorry VooDoo pre arranged
[18:35] minder118 out
[18:35] damhyr0857 out
[18:35] minder118 in
[18:35] damhyr0857 in
[18:36] [IC]Forelli> im done
[18:39] Mauricio2123> noooooooooooo
[18:39] Mauricio2123> hay aparezco yo
[18:39] Mauricio2123> pendejo entendelo
[18:39] Mauricio2123> el azul soy yo
[18:39] Mauricio2123> si quieres la hosteas tu
[18:39] Oldskool in
[18:39] Mauricio2123> ?
[18:40] Mauricio2123> aparezco alado de ti
[18:40] Mauricio2123> ok ya coño
[18:40] sam_tas out
[18:40] Oldskool out
[18:40] Oldskool in
[18:40] Lichu348 in
[18:41] damhyr0857> Lichu348 entró
[18:41] viggo01 in
[18:41] Lichu348> I AM FUCKING HERE
[18:41] Oldskool> weed
[18:41] Oldskool> the login
[18:41] Oldskool> and the forthcoming gaming night
[18:41] Oldskool> is real
[18:41] Mauricio2123> +1
[18:41] damhyr0857> damhyr0857> Mauricio2123: Rotame
[18:42] BlackAncalagon> This language is very coarse
[18:42] viggo01 out
[18:42] Lichu348> THERE HE IS
[18:42] Lichu348> PREPARE TO BE ENTERED
[18:42] Lichu348> (YOUR BASE THAT IS)
[18:42] BlackAncalagon> I think you have your CAPS lock on
[18:42] nats2004 out
[18:42] BlackAncalagon> ...sounded a bit gay that's all
[18:42] nats2004 in
[18:44] Lichu348> Mauricio we need two more in our game
[18:44] Lichu348> come going ours fool
[18:45] [Rw]Nici in
[18:45] Lichu348> Donde Esta los Balles
[18:45] nats2004 out
[18:45] nats2004 in
[18:46] nats2004 out
[18:47] Lichu348> someone else host not working for me
[18:47] Mauricio2123> Regalo la cuenta de mi primo level : Shaman Yellow
[18:47] Mauricio2123> jordna
[18:47] Lichu348> Dudes
[18:47] Lichu348> lets go
[18:48] Mauricio2123> Go!?
[18:48] BlackAncalagon> go
[18:48] Lichu348> GO GO GO GO GO GOG OGO GOG OG OG
[18:48] Mauricio2123> ok
[18:48] Lichu348> Senor por favor
[18:48] BlackAncalagon> Let's go
[18:50] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:51] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:52] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[18:54] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[18:55] WioskowyBlazen in
[18:56] Oldskool> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~2c9c8f512629acc5a2b03e0b4300653ec3b5a2addb071bfa6483bfa795055dd27&pass=1
[18:56] Oldskool> password: pop
[18:56] Oldskool> rod come
[18:57] griffin in
[19:00] griffin out
[19:00] venetica in
[19:02] Mauricio2123> vs?
[19:02] Mauricio2123> ?
[19:02] royaliste32 out
[19:03] Lichu348> YOU PRICK
[19:03] Lichu348> WASTE OF SPACE
[19:03] Lichu348> MOTHER F
[19:03] Lichu348> I CRUSHED YOU
[19:04] nats2004 in
[19:04] BlackAncalagon out
[19:04] nats2004 out
[19:05] [IC]Shao> hentai
[19:10] Eyota_TAS> gg
[19:10] Eyota_TAS> and well
[19:10] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> gg
[19:10] Eyota_TAS> u wanted to ally him
[19:10] Eyota_TAS> not our fault
[19:10] Eyota_TAS> we played :o
[19:10] Bro4Hoes in
[19:10] bockwurstlaune> didnt said that
[19:10] bockwurstlaune> just dont wanted 2v1
[19:10] Desiree92 out
[19:11] Mauricio2123> ok
[19:11] Mauricio2123> go
[19:11] Mauricio2123> yes
[19:11] damhyr0857 out
[19:11] Mauricio2123> lol
[19:11] Mauricio2123> +1
[19:11] Nightwulff> i don.t wanna Non Ranked
[19:11] Mauricio2123> ?
[19:11] Mauricio2123> ok
[19:12] Mauricio2123> non ranked game
[19:12] arnost out
[19:12] Mauricio2123> jordan
[19:12] Mauricio2123> my team
[19:12] [Rw]Six_Sigma in
[19:12] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> /colors blue 1 FFFFFF 1CB026 FFFFFF FF0000
[19:13] Jordan90> go
[19:13] Marcos2124 in
[19:13] damhyr0857 in
[19:13] Jordan90 out
[19:13] Mauricio2123> ya te la di
[19:13] Jordan90 in
[19:14] Jordan90> go
[19:14] damhyr0857 out
[19:14] Mauricio2123 out
[19:14] Mauricio2123 in
[19:15] Jordan90 out
[19:15] damhyr0857 in
[19:16] [TDM]Delax> who wants to 1v1 me on haxball
[19:16] [TDM]Delax> ?
[19:16] Nightwulff out
[19:16] AlphaEnemy> not me :(
[19:16] Mauricio2123> ?
[19:16] tiagofgo in
[19:16] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> +3 test map
[19:16] Nightwulff in
[19:17] nats2004 in
[19:17] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i have drunk nici vid
[19:17] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> anna watch
[19:17] [IC]Forelli> ye
[19:17] [IC]Forelli> LOL
[19:17] [Rw]Nici> lol
[19:17] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[19:17] Mauricio2123> joiiiiin
[19:18] Clauditadrk in
[19:18] Mauricio2123> damhyr unete
[19:18] Mauricio2123> luego de esta te la digo
[19:18] Clauditadrk out
[19:18] nats2004 out
[19:18] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/f36540e1f5fd600ec699828d80473ed8
[19:18] [TDM]Delax> Nici 1v1 me on haxball
[19:18] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> brb
[19:18] Mauricio2123> .l. esa es
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> no delax
[19:20] [Rw]Nici> i lose
[19:20] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~2c9c8f512629acc5a2b03e0b4300653ec3b5a2addb071bfa6483bfa795055dd27&pass=1
[19:20] [TDM]Delax> ANYONE
[19:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/8100cf5adbc4e44a9835bd3957f04b63
[19:20] [TDM]Delax> pass: pop
[19:21] [Rw]Nici> stfu berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad
[19:21] [Rw]Nici> go suck dick
[19:21] cobalt in
[19:21] alaloum in
[19:22] [Rw]Nici> :)))
[19:22] alaloum out
[19:23] [AsG]Shadow in
[19:24] damhyr0857> eres imaginario
[19:24] damhyr0857> xD
[19:26] Mauricio2123 in
[19:26] Marcos2124 out
[19:26] Mauricio2123 out
[19:26] Marcos2124 in
[19:26] Mauricio2123> ?
[19:26] Mauricio2123> aaah
[19:26] Mauricio2123> ahorita si me decis amigo no?
[19:27] Nightwulff> +2
[19:27] Marcos2124 out
[19:27] NoobPlayer in
[19:28] Nightwulff> +2..
[19:28] Marcos2124 in
[19:28] Nightwulff> +1
[19:28] youngnebula in
[19:28] Deaalshaw in
[19:28] youngnebula out
[19:29] Deaalshaw out
[19:29] Marcos2124 out
[19:29] Marcos2124 in
[19:30] Nightwulff> +2
[19:30] Jayinnit in
[19:31] bockwurstlaune out
[19:31] bockwurstlaune in
[19:31] AlphaEnemy out
[19:34] Dalton822 in
[19:34] Mauricio2123> go
[19:34] matiasruiz out
[19:35] [IC]-Johan out
[19:35] dunney22 in
[19:35] dunney22 out
[19:35] Dalton822 out
[19:35] Dalton822 in
[19:35] Pandemonio in
[19:36] Pandemonio out
[19:37] Marcos2124> 1vs1vs1?
[19:37] webcattivo out
[19:39] Salazar1982 out
[19:39] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[19:41] blubber in
[19:41] blubber out
[19:41] Matak_4 in
[19:42] Dalton822 out
[19:42] Dalton822 in
[19:43] Death in
[19:43] Dalton822 out
[19:43] Dalton822 in
[19:43] Kooooooooooooooooopa in
[19:44] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> TSM
[19:45] Kooooooooooooooooopa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqHYzYn3WZw
[19:45] Kooooooooooooooooopa> omg we need feminism
[19:48] Matak_4 out
[19:48] NoobPlayer out
[19:49] Jayinnit out
[19:49] Dangelo in
[19:49] damhyr0857> hi
[19:49] Dangelo out
[19:51] Lichu348 out
[19:51] Fili_TAS in
[19:52] [IC]Shao> Hentai
[19:52] damhyr0857> hentai
[19:53] DeltaEnemy in
[19:53] damhyr0857> allahu akbar
[19:53] damhyr0857> /me explodes
[19:53] damhyr0857> xD
[19:53] damhyr0857> jajajajajajjajajajajjajajajjajajajajjajaa
[19:55] DeltaEnemy out
[19:55] DeltaEnemy in
[19:57] venetica out
[19:59] Dalton822 out
[19:59] cobalt out
[20:00] Oxcuridaz in
[20:01] [AsG]Shadow in
[20:02] Oxcuridaz out
[20:03] Oldskool> ist kein problem
[20:03] Oldskool> sie doubleten dich... konnt nix amchen :p
[20:03] Oldskool> ist standart
[20:03] Oldskool> weed
[20:03] Oldskool> did u watch the game
[20:04] Oldskool> ne kein rm kp auf das gedobule
[20:05] Oldskool> alles war so unlucky für mich
[20:05] Oldskool> das berührt ja schon das unglaubliche
[20:05] Oldskool> lol
[20:06] bockwurstlaune> beim nächsten mal bau ich direkt def für 2 gegner ^^
[20:06] Oldskool> jo musste immer wissen ab jetzt
[20:06] Oldskool> jasmin zb hätte nie ein 1v1v gegen dich geschqafft
[20:06] Oldskool> was denkst du wieso hat nici dich gedobuled
[20:06] El_Crack in
[20:06] Oldskool> kannst mir dat beantworte
[20:06] Oldskool> lol
[20:06] [PL]BloodDeath in
[20:07] bockwurstlaune> damit er sich nicht sovuiel um sein ally sorgen muss^^
[20:07] Oldskool> jap
[20:07] prabhur in
[20:07] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> my dick smells like maggot
[20:07] bockwurstlaune> die wars haben mir mehr geschadet als seine zauber
[20:07] Oldskool> was eigentlich auch schlau ist
[20:07] bockwurstlaune out
[20:07] bockwurstlaune in
[20:08] Oldskool> komm
[20:08] Oldskool> bocksen bocks
[20:08] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> let's do sess
[20:08] Oldskool> lol
[20:08] SupRis3 in
[20:08] Oldskool> any
[20:09] Bro4Hoes out
[20:09] [AsG]Shadow out
[20:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> let' do sess
[20:10] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> join asg worlds 1
[20:10] Oldskool> lets do tb maybe
[20:10] Dalton822 in
[20:10] DeltaEnemy> maP?
[20:10] prabhur in
[20:10] skaarj_guardian out
[20:10] prabhur out
[20:11] El_Crack> +2 random map
[20:11] El_Crack> eyota come
[20:12] Eyota_TAS> not very interested of the map tbh
[20:12] Dalton822 out
[20:12] Dalton822 in
[20:12] El_Crack> wich map you want?
[20:13] SupRis3 out
[20:13] Oldskool> lmao
[20:13] Oldskool> what an
[20:13] Oldskool> what a noob
[20:13] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I don't mind allying low rankers
[20:13] Oldskool> i swear you guys suck
[20:13] Oldskool> lol
[20:13] sam_tas> +1 palace
[20:13] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> But you are being hypocrite
[20:14] Oldskool> hey low skill player
[20:14] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> is inca here i have needs
[20:14] Oldskool> i said idm map n teams
[20:14] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> to tell jokes
[20:14] Oldskool> what was wrong
[20:14] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> It's ok
[20:14] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Just get another one and chill
[20:14] Oldskool> guy says he doesnt wanna waste time
[20:14] Oldskool> i just wasted my time playing u n nici
[20:14] Oldskool> u literally got no chance agianst bock
[20:15] Oldskool> so you call nici n double him
[20:15] Oldskool> lol
[20:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> It wasn't a waste of time lmao
[20:15] Oldskool> it was
[20:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Teams were decent
[20:15] Oldskool> not at all
[20:15] Oldskool> u would win vs bock 1v1
[20:15] Oldskool> thats a law
[20:15] bockwurstlaune> yeha
[20:15] bockwurstlaune> so
[20:15] Oldskool> game was mine
[20:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Me and bock are equal and you and nici are equal
[20:15] Oldskool> like 100%
[20:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Which means = EQUEAL GAME
[20:15] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:15] Oldskool> LOL
[20:15] bockwurstlaune> we are equal
[20:16] Oldskool> LLOOLOLOLOLOL
[20:16] bockwurstlaune> are u on drugs?
[20:16] Oldskool> OLLOPOPOLOLLO
[20:16] Oldskool> [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Me and bock are equal and you and nici are equal
[20:16] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> lol
[20:16] Oldskool> quote of the decade
[20:16] Oldskool> jasmin
[20:16] bockwurstlaune> never laughted that much
[20:16] Oldskool> you really got no chance
[20:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> As you say bro
[20:16] Oldskool> if qwe rm and u stay for 1v1v like 8 mins
[20:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Go get a drink and cool down
[20:16] Oldskool> yea as i say
[20:16] Oldskool> i got a cool water
[20:16] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> nici its cinema time
[20:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> U forgot to drink it
[20:17] Oldskool> guy only takes advantages in games
[20:17] Oldskool> to get a victory
[20:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I don't understand
[20:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> What advantages?
[20:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> What was your disadvantage?
[20:17] Oldskool> lol you just left right now
[20:17] Oldskool> games were equal
[20:17] Oldskool> lol
[20:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLL
[20:17] Oldskool> ??
[20:17] Oldskool> u n bock equal?
[20:17] Oldskool> what was worn that game
[20:18] Oldskool> u n bock n delta all equal
[20:18] Oldskool> what about me
[20:18] Oldskool> u pussied out while delta
[20:18] Oldskool> didnt care teams n map
[20:18] Oldskool> just like bock
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> That's not true
[20:18] Oldskool> it is true
[20:18] sam_tas> sry got stuck..:(
[20:18] bockwurstlaune> all of us
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> He did care because I said let's do sess and he chose to do 4 way
[20:18] Oldskool> u just wnate dto ally me
[20:18] bockwurstlaune> just jasmin
[20:18] Oldskool> to get a win
[20:18] bockwurstlaune> jasmin
[20:18] Oldskool> desperately
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I'm not like bock
[20:18] Oldskool> lol
[20:18] bockwurstlaune> just chose a map ffs
[20:18] Marcos2124> good game jajaj
[20:18] bockwurstlaune> and we got a game
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> To play 100 games to earn 1 point
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> per game
[20:18] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> just to get shaman rank
[20:18] Mauricio2123> yes xd
[20:18] Oldskool> hahahahahaha
[20:18] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> hi guys join i got banned 1 month
[20:18] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> u have chance
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> stop talking shit jasmin
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> 1v1 me
[20:19] Oldskool> fuik you saying jasmin
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> i rape u in 20 min at pp
[20:19] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Thanks for the challenge
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> come ally spinn
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> jasmin
[20:19] Oldskool> ure worse than mirage
[20:19] Oldskool> jasmin
[20:19] Oldskool> yea jasmin
[20:19] Oldskool> come ally me
[20:19] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> all I wanted is to play 2 vs 2 sess
[20:19] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Nothing else
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> i dont give a fuck about teams i even siad 4way is ok
[20:19] Oldskool> sure okay
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> and u left
[20:19] Oldskool> join sess
[20:19] Oldskool> jasmin
[20:19] Oldskool> its sess
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> yeah
[20:19] bockwurstlaune> ally spinn if u want
[20:20] Oldskool> wyait wait no
[20:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> No I won't ally spinn
[20:20] Oldskool> u 3 r equal
[20:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I just want to play sess that's it
[20:20] Oldskool> that means
[20:20] Oldskool> ill take my ally
[20:20] bockwurstlaune> then ally me
[20:20] Oldskool> ye ye jasmin stop pretend
[20:20] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> is it still called sess or noob?
[20:20] Oldskool> u didnt quit when it was 4way
[20:20] bockwurstlaune> OK jasmin u chose map
[20:20] bockwurstlaune> now chose team
[20:20] Oldskool> butquit when it was 4walls me n bocj
[20:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Just do sess
[20:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> me and delta
[20:20] bockwurstlaune> kk
[20:20] bockwurstlaune> ffs
[20:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I just want sess nothing else
[20:21] Oldskool> desperate guys nowadays
[20:21] damhyr0857> omfg
[20:21] paco out
[20:21] Eyota_TAS out
[20:21] Fried_Rice in
[20:22] Eyota_TAS in
[20:22] [IC]Shao> Hen to the Tai
[20:23] damhyr0857> hen to the tai
[20:26] DeltaEnemy out
[20:27] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I'll remember this.
[20:27] Oldskool> qoq quit
[20:27] Oldskool> wow quit
[20:27] Oldskool> is real
[20:27] bockwurstlaune> wtf
[20:28] Oldskool> lol und apropo
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> why u leave
[20:28] Oldskool> wie hattest so schnelle so eine base
[20:28] Oldskool> hahahhahaha#
[20:28] Tuzkar> lol you guys are fucking pussys
[20:28] Tuzkar> 2v1 with DC
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I'm amazed
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> :D
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> geil oder?
[20:28] Oldskool> tuzkar
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I hope someone was watching that game
[20:28] Oldskool> jasmin deserves that
[20:28] Oldskool> ye i hope too
[20:28] Oldskool> os we were bout to ally up
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I even paused to see if my ally was there and you unpaused
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> It's ok Spinn
[20:28] Oldskool> good then
[20:28] Oldskool> Lol
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Keep the points but I am not playing with you anymore
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> dude
[20:28] bockwurstlaune> we wanted to ally
[20:28] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> But tommorow when you go on pop you will regret doing this
[20:28] Oldskool> guys too dumb
[20:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> because you were mad
[20:29] Oldskool> to understand
[20:29] Oldskool> we were bout t oally
[20:29] bockwurstlaune> why u both just leave?
[20:29] Oldskool> tuzkar kick jasmin
[20:29] Chriss20 in
[20:29] Tuzkar> na you guys can fuck off
[20:29] Tuzkar> thats harsh
[20:29] Oldskool> unfair
[20:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I'm not messing you with you Spinn anymore
[20:29] [Rw]Six_Sigma> spin is a well known point whore
[20:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> And bock also
[20:29] [Rw]Six_Sigma> jasmin didnt u know that?
[20:29] Oldskool> wow
[20:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I just forgot Mirage
[20:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Thanks for reminding
[20:30] [Rw]Six_Sigma> everyone knows it
[20:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I am really shocked lmao
[20:30] [Rw]Six_Sigma> nothing new
[20:30] Oldskool> rage quit was real
[20:30] Oldskool> jasmin
[20:30] [Rw]Six_Sigma> he never allies up when game resync or one of his opponent lags out
[20:30] Oldskool> no1 knows that
[20:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I didn't know you are that mad spinn and you didn't even want to ally after you say that My ally is not responding
[20:30] Oldskool> he built
[20:30] Oldskool> u idiot
[20:30] Tuzkar> Spinn
[20:30] Oldskool> ask bock
[20:30] [Rw]Six_Sigma> absolutely 0 sportsmanship
[20:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> He did not build
[20:30] Tuzkar> he DC'ed
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Tuzkat was spectating
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and i saw too
[20:31] Tuzkar> i was watching
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> That's why I paused
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Because I saw my ally not building and moving his shaman
[20:31] Oldskool> man that story is aactually a good story jasmin
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> And I paused to see if there is any response
[20:31] Oldskool> but im not up for a book right now
[20:31] [Rw]Six_Sigma> btw jasmin
[20:31] [Rw]Six_Sigma> spin is nowhere near nici's skills
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I can't believe lmao
[20:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I have to get a drink
[20:32] Tuzkar> +2 tom
[20:32] Oldskool> what do yoiu mean
[20:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Make sure I am not dreaming
[20:32] [Rw]Six_Sigma> what u said is completley false
[20:32] Tuzkar> no salty people
[20:32] Oldskool> mirage
[20:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> after seeing Spinnifix's behaviour
[20:32] [Rw]Six_Sigma> in term of skills u cant reach nici 4 sure
[20:32] Oldskool> [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I have to get a drink
[20:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> And sportmanship
[20:32] Oldskool> good
[20:32] Oldskool> and now
[20:32] Oldskool> lol
[20:32] [Rw]Six_Sigma> just saying cuz jasmin said the opposite
[20:33] [Rw]Six_Sigma> which is bs
[20:33] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> lmao I just can't believe what is going on
[20:33] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> This is such a shock!
[20:33] Oldskool> wow+
[20:33] Oldskool> the alliance
[20:33] Oldskool> is real
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:33] [Rw]Six_Sigma> even with all those points stole from people lagging out etc ur still number 2 in leagues
[20:33] [Rw]Six_Sigma> how come
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> mirage
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> stop talking shit
[20:33] Oldskool> fuk is he saying hahahaha
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> if u want feel his skill
[20:33] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I literally can't understand lmao
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> come here
[20:33] bockwurstlaune> u and jasmin vs me and spinn
[20:33] Oldskool> whole rw clan hates that guy
[20:34] Oldskool> now he has to be upset
[20:34] [Rw]Six_Sigma> answer the question
[20:34] [Rw]Six_Sigma> dont dogde it
[20:34] Oldskool> n blame a god
[20:34] Fried_Rice> LOL
[20:34] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Just shut up SPinn
[20:34] Fried_Rice> i got kicked in hald a second yo
[20:34] Oldskool> hahahahahhahaa
[20:34] Oldskool> mirage rw hates you
[20:34] bockwurstlaune> why talking
[20:34] bockwurstlaune> mirage
[20:34] bockwurstlaune> come here
[20:34] Oldskool> why do you
[20:34] bockwurstlaune> and show ur skill
[20:34] Oldskool> even talk lkol
[20:34] [Rw]Six_Sigma> idc who likes me or not
[20:34] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Let me write this in notepad
[20:34] [Rw]Six_Sigma> u still cant understand that lol
[20:34] Oldskool> u do
[20:34] Oldskool> u wouldnt answer
[20:34] Oldskool> then
[20:34] Oldskool> lol
[20:34] [Rw]Six_Sigma> na fucking absolutely dont
[20:35] Oldskool> hahaahbahahaha
[20:35] Oldskool> bock
[20:35] Oldskool> there was a day
[20:35] Oldskool> when rw bullied mirage
[20:35] [Rw]Six_Sigma> But you absolutely do care about points
[20:35] Oldskool> and he rage quit
[20:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> If you take a look close you can see that there are not menay people
[20:35] Oldskool> a lot of times
[20:35] bockwurstlaune> :D
[20:35] Oldskool> lol
[20:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Instead of admit
[20:35] Oldskool> i swear
[20:35] bockwurstlaune> so lame these guys these days
[20:36] Oldskool> you can ask nici
[20:36] Oldskool> that guy rage quits mm
[20:36] Oldskool> because he got a lot of times bullied
[20:36] Oldskool> by koopa too btw
[20:37] [tdm]MooresMurder in
[20:37] bockwurstlaune> whos koopa?
[20:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> some black guy
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> i heard koopa is above 40 years
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> is that true?
[20:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[20:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> doubt it
[20:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> we playing or not?
[20:38] bockwurstlaune> yeah sure
[20:39] bockwurstlaune> u fine with that map?
[20:39] Jordan90 in
[20:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock wheres ur shamen tag
[20:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> i bet u cryed like a bitch when u lost it
[20:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[20:39] bockwurstlaune> no
[20:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> who stole it from you?
[20:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> nigig ?
[20:39] bockwurstlaune> who can say i play for points
[20:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> bockwurstlaune> ip lay for points
[20:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf
[20:40] bockwurstlaune> i ally low rankes to help them going forwanrd like nightwulf gunny14 minder sam tas etc
[20:40] trinetrullalla out
[20:41] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> :/
[20:42] trinetrullalla in
[20:43] lord_of_the_faq in
[20:43] venetica in
[20:43] [Rw]Nici> bock how about you improve your skills first before carrying people
[20:43] [Rw]Nici> then we get fake ranks like you
[20:43] [Rw]Nici> simple
[20:43] lord_of_the_faq> hola
[20:43] bockwurstlaune> nici
[20:43] [Rw]Nici> hola ackHackaKahcKcjhachj
[20:44] bockwurstlaune> what about getting a reallife before focus all ur energy in pop
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> lol
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> you think i dont have? =D
[20:44] bockwurstlaune> yeah
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> if i had no life i couldn't play
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> xD
[20:44] bockwurstlaune> i think ur only live when ur twitch is active
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> not rly
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> i dont even stream
[20:44] [Rw]Nici> so that doesn't make sense
[20:44] bockwurstlaune> how old are u nopw?
[20:45] [Rw]Nici> how about you get better instead of dodging facts
[20:45] Fili_TAS out
[20:45] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:45] bockwurstlaune> i improve everyday
[20:45] [Rw]Nici> you've been the same skill for 1.5 year now
[20:46] bockwurstlaune> 1v1 me
[20:46] DeltaEnemy in
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> sure
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> join
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> ill be blue on fo
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> u can be red
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> or you can be blue since you say its best colour
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> take it
[20:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> do pp
[20:46] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> stream bro
[20:46] [Rw]Nici> lmaoooooooooooooooo
[20:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> lemmi watch
[20:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock lemmi in
[20:46] [tdm]MooresMurder> WTF
[20:46] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> lol
[20:46] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> fail
[20:48] [Rw]Exotic in
[20:50] Oldskool out
[20:50] [Rw]Nici> this guy
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> blaming bella
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> for the lag
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> nici you fucking pussy
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you had no lag
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> i specteded you
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> lol ?
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> i had
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> not a singel lad
[20:51] bockwurstlaune> lol
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> you dont feel the lag
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you fucking gay
[20:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was specing that was jumpy shit let me host
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> youre shit
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> ffs
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> [20:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was specing that was jumpy shit let me host
[20:51] Chriss20 out
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> moores m4ke me
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> blue
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> didint know youre such a fucking pussy
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> pusys?
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> i had hill
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> nici cant even play a fair game
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> im not a pussy like u
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you are fuck
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> shit
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you are nothing
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> fuck you
[20:51] [tdm]MooresMurder> colours?
[20:51] lord_of_the_faq out
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> lel
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> kick this guy
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you are a fucking pussy
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> go to heell
[20:51] [Rw]Nici> im blue hes red
[20:51] DeltaEnemy> you little shit
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> moores kick this guy
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> how sad are you?
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> yourea joke
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> and lets go
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> youre shit
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> pussy
[20:52] DeltaEnemy> joke
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> hes annoying
[20:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry delat
[20:52] bockwurstlaune> ffs
[20:52] bockwurstlaune> let delta watch
[20:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> hes annoying he'll probably type all game long
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> to disturb
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> thats how it works
[20:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> well it seemed unfair
[20:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> to let him in if hes berating a player
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> yh
[20:52] [Rw]Nici> can we go
[20:52] [tdm]MooresMurder> id expect the same ting
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> make me blue
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> make bock red
[20:53] youngnebula in
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> K
[20:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta spec
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> delta can spec if he gets in time
[20:53] [tdm]MooresMurder> il wait till ur in
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> fagut
[20:53] DeltaEnemy> let me in
[20:53] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[20:54] bockwurstlaune> nici = an easy target
[20:54] tiagofgo out
[20:54] [AsG]Shadow in
[20:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> delta
[20:54] [tdm]MooresMurder> u specing?
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> dude
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> fuck deltv
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> a
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> nici is shit
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> why are you listen to him
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> doenst work
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> why are you lsint to nici
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> hes nothing
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> i dont understand you moores
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> youre cool
[20:55] DeltaEnemy> why are you listen to this asshole
[20:59] Reanimate56 in
[21:00] FenixMaster in
[21:00] FenixMaster out
[21:00] FenixMaster in
[21:01] Mauricio2123> ping
[21:01] darthvadr in
[21:01] trinetrullalla out
[21:01] trinetrullalla in
[21:02] [AsG]Shadow out
[21:03] Marcos2124> ordan you ping is very bad
[21:03] FenixMaster out
[21:03] FenixMaster in
[21:03] Marcos2124> Fenix unete a mi partida
[21:03] Mauricio2123> +1 [= play
[21:03] Peni420 in
[21:03] xtro in
[21:04] Ricardopedro in
[21:04] Peni420 out
[21:04] FenixMaster out
[21:04] Ricardopedro out
[21:04] FenixMaster in
[21:05] MDK in
[21:05] FenixMaster out
[21:05] FenixMaster in
[21:06] FenixMaster out
[21:06] TheBrownsword in
[21:06] Mauricio2123> jordan
[21:06] Mauricio2123> join
[21:06] Dalton822> go
[21:06] Marcos2124> jordan joinme
[21:06] FenixMaster in
[21:06] Mauricio2123> jordan join bro
[21:07] Mauricio2123> join here
[21:07] TheBrownsword out
[21:07] Marcos2124> jordan90 joinmen
[21:07] Mauricio2123> jordan join go!
[21:07] Mauricio2123> Play!
[21:07] Marcos2124> darthvadr is bad ping for host
[21:07] Marcos2124> dalton joinme
[21:07] FenixMaster> pon beta bot
[21:07] Dalton822> +1
[21:08] Marcos2124> joirdan joinme
[21:08] Marcos2124> Gogogo
[21:08] Marcos2124> Jordan90 join here
[21:08] Jordan90> go
[21:08] Marcos2124> wait for ping
[21:09] trinetrullalla out
[21:09] Marcos2124> fenixmaster you ping
[21:09] FenixMaster out
[21:09] Mauricio2123> cabrron
[21:09] FenixMaster in
[21:10] Nightwulff out
[21:10] Marcos2124> wait for fenix master
[21:10] Nightwulff in
[21:10] Mauricio2123> Reanimated56
[21:10] trinetrullalla in
[21:10] Mauricio2123> join me yes?
[21:10] FenixMaster out
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> this guy
[21:10] FenixMaster in
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> talks too much
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> same with delta
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> always trash talking
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> never plays me
[21:10] Mauricio2123> thanks
[21:10] Mauricio2123> lol
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> colours?
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> bock
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> what colour u want
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> u pick
[21:11] FenixMaster out
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> im a fair guy
[21:11] Dalton822> .
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> my names not koopa
[21:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> red or yel bock ?
[21:11] bockwurstlaune> yell
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> people prefer re
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> red
[21:11] Marcos2124> jordan of where are?
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> overall
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> but yell is beast for 1v1
[21:11] [Rw]Nici> i mean total beast
[21:11] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I didn't see you wrote it bella
[21:11] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> let's do rematch if you want
[21:11] darthvadr> w8
[21:12] darthvadr> nightwulf
[21:12] darthvadr> fix ping
[21:12] mandie11 in
[21:12] mandie11 out
[21:12] DeltaEnemy> nici. why didnt you balme about lag?!
[21:12] Marcos2124> Nightwolff you ping u.u
[21:12] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke man
[21:12] DeltaEnemy> fuck you
[21:12] Marcos2124> reanimate56 joinme
[21:12] Marcos2124> Gogogo
[21:12] Marcos2124> Reanimate
[21:12] Marcos2124> You ping is good
[21:12] Marcos2124> Join here
[21:12] Marcos2124> For play
[21:12] Marcos2124 out
[21:13] darthvadr> here
[21:13] Pokemon_Kid_773 in
[21:13] Marcos2124 in
[21:13] darthvadr out
[21:14] Tuzkar> i cant play another sorry
[21:14] Tuzkar> i got nerd shit to watch :D
[21:14] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> we'll get another one dw
[21:15] Dalton822 out
[21:15] Dalton822 in
[21:15] black_mesa out
[21:15] aidan9211 in
[21:15] [TSI]Ezra in
[21:15] Mauricio2123> all ping is of poop :D
[21:15] Pokemon_Kid_773 out
[21:15] Marcos2124 out
[21:15] prabhur out
[21:15] trinetrullalla out
[21:16] Pokemon_Kid_773 in
[21:17] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
[21:18] Tuzkar out
[21:18] Reanimate56 out
[21:18] Reanimate56 in
[21:18] Jordan90 out
[21:18] Tuzkar in
[21:19] Mauricio2123 out
[21:20] Tsuyoshi in
[21:20] Tsuyoshi out
[21:21] Nightwulff out
[21:21] Nightwulff in
[21:21] venetica out
[21:23] Reanimate56 out
[21:23] Reanimate56 in
[21:24] [TSI]Ezra out
[21:24] Reanimate56 out
[21:25] [IC]Pk in
[21:26] Wszerad in
[21:26] Wszerad out
[21:26] [IC]Pk out
[21:28] [Rw]Nici> join
[21:28] [Rw]Nici> bock
[21:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock ?
[21:28] bockwurstlaune> cant block the whole list
[21:28] [Rw]Nici> lol i knew he wasnt gonna join
[21:28] [Rw]Nici> but just allied cuz its pointless
[21:28] bockwurstlaune> bella nici on my list now
[21:28] bockwurstlaune> no
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> i dont play him again
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> hes a cunt
[21:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> gay.
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> i allied up
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> bitch
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> he have to bb min 2
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> i dont have to bb to win
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> wasnt first game when he started to bb
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> wtf is ur shit
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> at start
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> nici is shit
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> u think i have to bb to beat a noob like u
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> cause hes scared
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> thats sad of you
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> all you can do is bb
[21:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot map we doin ?
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> nici
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> thats sad
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> man
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> i bbed cuz i wanted to have some fun
[21:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> tom ?
[21:29] bockwurstlaune> he know he gonna lose when he play fair
[21:29] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> let's do 2 vs 2
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> yeah
[21:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> me and delx
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> nici cant play a fair game
[21:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> il make nici small base
[21:29] [Rw]Nici> lolss
[21:30] bockwurstlaune> i know hes bit better but he will lose like 30% of all games
[21:30] bockwurstlaune> when he play fair
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> he lost to alpha on a 1v1
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> ;)
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> he is shit
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> ;)))
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> nobody likes him
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> moores
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> and his upfucked countr
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> y
[21:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> shit don't tell me
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> oh well
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> moores
[21:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ou are doing tom
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> yeh jasmin can be big
[21:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Don't do tommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> lick nicis asshole
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> just not allying weed when hes big
[21:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> you pusssy
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> jasmin
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> its fair if u are big
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> according to moores
[21:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> weed is the worst big base player
[21:30] DeltaEnemy> [Rw]Nici> im gay
[21:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> half the time i die without even one lb
[21:30] [Rw]Nici> lol i have to agree there moores
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> moores. lick nicis asshole please
[21:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> italy get a god dam ping
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> sec
[21:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> oh maaaaaaan
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> can we just switch?
[21:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu i hate nici
[21:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> delay get ping
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> less confusing
[21:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes got a tiny dick
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> you kicked me
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> cause of nici
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> what the fuck man
[21:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> i didnt
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> so sad!
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> come
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> ja
[21:31] [Rw]Nici> min
[21:31] bockwurstlaune> this community is so sad
[21:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> ffs italy
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> nici is sa
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> sad
[21:31] [TDM]Delax out
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> he is a fuckhead
[21:31] [TDM]Delax in
[21:31] DeltaEnemy> come from a upfucked country
[21:32] DeltaEnemy> all he does is palying popre
[21:32] DeltaEnemy> all the time
[21:32] DeltaEnemy> whole da
[21:32] DeltaEnemy> day
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> stop being horrible to nici he has no pubic hair
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> immagine
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> how youd feel
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> omfg delax
[21:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Wane me to host?
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> ok
[21:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ooh u got it
[21:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> NO
[21:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> WAIT
[21:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> u got ping.....
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> u sob
[21:32] [TDM]Delax> 116
[21:32] Wszerad in
[21:32] [TDM]Delax> u blind morons
[21:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu italy
[21:33] [TDM]Delax> fu pakistan
[21:33] [IC]Amphetamine in
[21:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahaha
[21:33] [TDM]Delax> u got raped by portugal
[21:33] DeltaEnemy> nici is from protugal
[21:33] [TDM]Delax> at the world cup qwualifications
[21:33] DeltaEnemy> fu prortugal
[21:33] DeltaEnemy> 3rd world country
[21:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> imagine if i stroked bocks head and sed "CALM DOWN"
[21:33] merlino in
[21:33] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> portugal > world
[21:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> would that make him smash his house to peices
[21:33] DeltaEnemy> moores lick nicis asshole
[21:33] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Divinity > Horse
[21:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> no he licks mine
[21:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> he valets my ass crack
[21:34] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> let me host
[21:34] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> /me licks horse c0ck
[21:34] DeltaEnemy> portugal is nothing
[21:34] DeltaEnemy> its like africa
[21:34] [Rw]Nici> divinity is the reason
[21:34] [Rw]Nici> portugal sux
[21:34] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ty
[21:34] [Rw]Nici> wait
[21:34] [Rw]Nici> what colour u guys want
[21:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> m,ake italy big base
[21:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> i cba
[21:34] [Rw]Nici> but yellow or blue
[21:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> building and stuff
[21:34] van_dal in
[21:34] DeltaEnemy> nici will balme the lag
[21:34] [IC]Amphetamine in
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> see
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> i fix my mic
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> nici left
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> sec
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> cause he is scared
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> wanna fix his shit internet
[21:35] [TDM]Delax> andrew is just trying to avoid nici
[21:35] [TDM]Delax> so he wants me to be big base
[21:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> pft
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> andrew
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> but he dont get good internet in his upfucked shit shit shit shti!!!!! shit porutugal country fuck
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> u dumbfuck
[21:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> im not assed about nigi
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> why u joining RED
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> he balem the lag
[21:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> WHO is big?
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> but he is shi
[21:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> delax?
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> thats all
[21:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> guys got zer0 dick size compared to me
[21:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> It'r alright nici
[21:35] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I want yellow base
[21:35] DeltaEnemy> NICI IS SHIT
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> nici is shit !
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> TRUE
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> JOIN ME UP
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> go jasmin
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> NEW CALN
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> FUCK YOU NICI
[21:36] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> wait
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> or something
[21:36] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> mappack
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> sned me invite
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> this fucking bastard
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ikr
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> WE ALL HATE YOU NICI
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> why we not laucnhing
[21:36] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e& e&
[21:36] [Rw]Nici> yeah make a clan against me
[21:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[21:36] DeltaEnemy> where is your god now?!
[21:36] [Rw]Nici> i can be the ambassador
[21:37] DeltaEnemy> you are a little child
[21:37] DeltaEnemy> fucking kid
[21:37] DeltaEnemy> go fuckyoureself
[21:37] DeltaEnemy> youre a joke
[21:37] QCTurner in
[21:38] merlino out
[21:38] [IC]Amphetamine out
[21:38] sherminator31 in
[21:38] merlino in
[21:38] sherminator31 out
[21:38] DeltaEnemy> stfu
[21:38] DeltaEnemy> we all hate nici
[21:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i dont
[21:39] [Rw]Six_Sigma> Glory to ennemies!
[21:39] [Rw]Nici> make a clan
[21:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i have sex with him
[21:39] [Rw]Nici> in my honour
[21:39] [Rw]Nici> i would be more than fucking proud
[21:39] [Rw]Nici> OMG
[21:39] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> [22:31] devildogwillbur> I am a disabled Marine Corps veteran, I have been all over the world, I have lost many friends, and done many things. I think I have experienced enough to know that you electric are a dick. But I dont mind, I just want to play this damn game. So if someone would like to join I think I figured out how to start the game. Would anyone like to help, and teach me a little. I played the pop game when it f
[21:39] QCTurner out
[21:40] merlino out
[21:40] [IC]Shao> hentai
[21:40] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> https://gyazo.com/0ba75cef73e4626bef8adecf3daa1f95
[21:41] DeltaEnemy> fuck the marines
[21:41] DeltaEnemy> "go in other countrys killing ppl. thinks they are heros"
[21:41] DeltaEnemy> these guys are jokes
[21:41] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> what if they go to portugal to kill nici
[21:41] cobalt in
[21:41] [IC]Amphetamine out
[21:42] DeltaEnemy> i was in the army too
[21:42] DeltaEnemy> not every soldier is a hero
[21:42] DeltaEnemy> american propaganda
[21:43] DeltaEnemy out
[21:43] Pokemon_Kid_773 out
[21:46] aliverdi1023 in
[21:46] WioskowyBlazen out
[21:47] Deliruis in
[21:47] Deliruis out
[21:48] [AsG]Shadow in
[21:50] Eyota_TAS> gg
[21:50] Dalton822 out
[21:50] sam_tas> 1 hour 25 min
[21:50] Eyota_TAS> next time ill think about finishing destroying whole base
[21:50] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad out
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> instead of asking to finish it :P
[21:51] El_Crack> lol
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> my worse error
[21:51] El_Crack> ur mistake
[21:51] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad in
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> and theres also the moment when there was lag
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> and my flatten in base didnt went well
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> so i killed myself
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> and then you entered too
[21:51] El_Crack> was allow me to expand
[21:51] Eyota_TAS> xD
[21:51] MDK out
[21:52] El_Crack> yeah lag was bad
[21:52] bockwurstlaune out
[21:52] damhyr0857> gg
[21:53] damhyr0857> GG
[21:53] merlino in
[21:53] damhyr0857> xDDD
[21:53] merlino out
[21:54] El_Crack> lol
[21:54] El_Crack> i won 40 points
[21:54] Eyota_TAS> i did expand.. but yah usually on each side we dont want our adversaries to expand their base
[21:54] sam_tas> :O
[21:54] El_Crack> so weird
[21:54] Eyota_TAS> da fuq?
[21:54] Eyota_TAS> :P
[21:54] [rw]macca out
[21:55] Eyota_TAS> its like theres a 0
[21:55] Eyota_TAS> that did 40 instead of 4
[21:55] damhyr0857 out
[21:55] El_Crack> first time that i enjoy a sess game
[21:55] damhyr0857 in
[21:55] [AsG]Shadow out
[21:56] Eyota_TAS> but idc, just enjoy your tons of random points from the sky :P
[21:56] El_Crack> xD
[21:56] Eyota_TAS> uhuheueuehueheuh xD
[21:57] bockwurstlaune in
[21:57] Eyota_TAS> dude
[21:57] Eyota_TAS> your game history is fucked up
[21:57] El_Crack> yee
[21:58] El_Crack> i see
[21:58] Eyota_TAS> llike
[21:58] Eyota_TAS> u won on another game
[21:58] Eyota_TAS> and u lost -194 points
[21:58] Eyota_TAS> for having won
[21:58] El_Crack> xD
[21:58] Eyota_TAS> hope it will stabilize when it will be recalculated
[21:59] van_dal out
[21:59] Wszerad out
[22:00] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> im sleepy
[22:00] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> :(
[22:00] Eyota_TAS> sleep
[22:00] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i googled sleepy symptoms
[22:00] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i might have brain cancer
[22:00] Eyota_TAS> without the hands on keyboard
[22:01] Eyota_TAS> ppl sleeping with hands on keyboard tend to write strange things :)
[22:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> ye
[22:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> its dangerous im a sleepwalker
[22:01] Eyota_TAS> as long as you dont walk long distance
[22:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> u know once my mom caught me at 4 am when i was a kid
[22:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> sleepwalking
[22:01] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> i was moving towards my brother with a knife in hand
[22:02] Eyota_TAS> tsktsktsk
[22:02] [AsG]Shadow out
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> lol its actually true
[22:02] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> rip skylo
[22:03] El_Crack> wich its the diff between nubbmir and sess?
[22:03] El_Crack> are the same boring shit
[22:03] Eyota_TAS> sess u pray for eq
[22:03] Eyota_TAS> while u alrwady lb i think?
[22:03] Eyota_TAS> nubrimir is the original version
[22:03] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> no, that was in the beta
[22:04] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> later they only made the land bigger and the bases are connected
[22:04] El_Crack> i saw no differences
[22:04] Eyota_TAS> if u say so
[22:04] Eyota_TAS> i played it 2 times.
[22:04] Eyota_TAS> :o
[22:04] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ojo de pichón
[22:05] Eyota_TAS> damnit i envy to drink an alcoholized cider.
[22:05] damhyr0857> Time of 57 is wars the 2v2 join brothers 2v2
[22:05] El_Crack> pigeon ven
[22:06] El_Crack> a jugar mapas de hombres
[22:06] El_Crack> elige cualquiera menos sess y tom
[22:08] Eyota_TAS> since when theres a tshirt contest?
[22:08] damhyr0857> this Download te
[22:08] damhyr0857> is
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtfu talknig about
[22:09] damhyr0857> Dowload at mm neveri
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> unreal
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> u dum turd
[22:09] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> thats my fault?
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> every fucking game i ally u
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> i lose
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> i swearù
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz ur shit
[22:09] [Rw]Nici> XD
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> i rather ally matt
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> dum fuk
[22:09] damhyr0857> ut tubault Download
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> 24/7
[22:09] [Rw]Nici> lol
[22:09] damhyr0857> download failed
[22:09] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> rematching?
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> u never take responsibility for urself
[22:09] [Rw]Nici> matt is good xd
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> u have no concept of pop
[22:09] damhyr0857> reitenting
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> u made wrs
[22:09] damhyr0857> download
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> instead of fws
[22:09] damhyr0857> failed
[22:09] [TDM]Delax> omfg
[22:09] damhyr0857> eitenting
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> I HAD NO ROOM FOR FW HUT
[22:09] damhyr0857> download complete
[22:09] [tdm]MooresMurder> did u see how many lbs nici got?
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> u giv me 3
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> and expect the fukin world
[22:10] damhyr0857> donload pating
[22:10] damhyr0857> comp'leted
[22:10] viggo01 in
[22:10] [tdm]MooresMurder> and then u get thes peicees of shit forcing
[22:11] viggo01 out
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> ?
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> stop with your shit
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> i wish tthat was streamed
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> u got show in water
[22:11] [TDM]Delax> didn't u specate the games on Tom with me and matt
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> u fukin mug
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> shot
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> one of you
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> ............
[22:11] [Rw]Nici> lmao thinks i forced the bitch
[22:11] [TDM]Delax> i showed u how to play small base
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> amfd i think it was u nigi]
[22:11] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur desperate as fuk
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> shut your mouth
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> i didnt force
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> you went to water suddenly even without blasting
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> it was fw shot
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> there was one blues
[22:12] [Rw]Nici> open ur eyes
[22:12] [tdm]MooresMurder> not worth talking about u kno u did that gay ass shit
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> ?
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> i did not
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was in
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> u think im afraid to lose
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> with eqs
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> u werent in
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> u had no mana
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> and u foce me in to water with braves
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> to even blast my
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> braves
[22:13] [tdm]MooresMurder> sad kunt.
[22:13] damhyr0857 out
[22:13] damhyr0857 in
[22:13] [TDM]Delax> could someone tell me why lb trick doesn't work
[22:13] [TDM]Delax> only works for spin
[22:13] [TDM]Delax> i coulda saved twice form nicis tornado
[22:13] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> screenshoting that
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> u just have to click once delax
[22:13] [TDM]Delax> if the trick was actually posssible
[22:13] [Rw]Nici> u cant click tons of times
[22:14] [TDM]Delax> i did
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> u have to click on land
[22:14] [TDM]Delax> i always click once
[22:14] [TDM]Delax> as soon as she lands in the water
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> should work depends
[22:14] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> So it doesn't work if you click rapidly
[22:14] [TDM]Delax> prolly something to do with the high framerate
[22:14] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ?
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> i dont think
[22:14] [Rw]Nici> but idk
[22:15] [TDM]Delax> i got same problem dismnatling huts, when i click the hut, the dismantle icon dissapears too clicky
[22:15] [TDM]Delax> coz of high frame rate lol
[22:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> no
[22:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> U gotta click it with right click
[22:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> on left
[22:15] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> not*
[22:15] [TDM]Delax> yea
[22:15] [TDM]Delax> it dissappears too soon
[22:16] [TDM]Delax> it diselects too soon
[22:16] Dr_Zaius in
[22:16] Dr_Zaius out
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> But you don't need to stand there
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and watch being dismantled everytime
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> when it's dismantled
[22:16] Dr_Zaius in
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> you right click
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and then left click
[22:16] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and that's it
[22:17] sam_tas out
[22:17] Jordan90 in
[22:17] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~2f50c0105860bab87e084838783d8b8ea06bdac901da4da9183f591931e10c288&pass=1
[22:17] ThePanKot in
[22:17] [TDM]Delax> somebody wanna play 2d soccer
[22:17] [TDM]Delax> password: pop
[22:18] ThePanKot out
[22:18] itu in
[22:19] L_of_the_Desert in
[22:19] itu out
[22:20] aidan9211 out
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu italy
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> lets play fo ?
[22:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> italy join
[22:20] Oldskool in
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> ur not done allying me
[22:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> god i been playing in 1024+768 all year
[22:21] Thrombis in
[22:21] [TDM]Delax> i am
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> we got so many games to lose
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> together
[22:21] [TDM]Delax> ur worthless
[22:21] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> u used 800 600?
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> hahaha
[22:21] [TDM]Delax> ima play 25 more games allied to u
[22:21] [TDM]Delax> ill prolly lose my shaman rank
[22:21] [Rw]Six_Sigma> delaxx
[22:21] [Rw]Six_Sigma> ally meh
[22:21] [Rw]Six_Sigma> ^^
[22:21] Oldskool> delaxy
[22:21] Oldskool> get in mate
[22:21] Thrombis> just downloaded this...anyone wanna play?
[22:21] [Rw]Six_Sigma> '=_='
[22:21] [tdm]MooresMurder> is bock afk ?
[22:22] Oldskool> no
[22:22] bockwurstlaune> no
[22:22] bockwurstlaune> nici isnt on ignore
[22:22] Oldskool> lol
[22:22] bockwurstlaune> but bella is
[22:22] Oldskool> the hate
[22:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuk nici forcing fag
[22:22] Oldskool> and the useless talk of mirage
[22:22] [TDM]Delax> im not playing atm
[22:22] Oldskool> aswell
[22:23] [TDM]Delax> mirage join them
[22:23] [TDM]Delax> stop playing priests
[22:23] [TDM]Delax> for a living
[22:23] Oldskool> lmfao
[22:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> lol
[22:23] Oldskool> so true
[22:23] Oldskool> hahahahahahahahhaha
[22:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[22:23] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> im only a preacher cuz i like lil kids
[22:24] Oldskool> join jasmin
[22:24] italian120 in
[22:24] [TDM]Delax> italian
[22:24] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> buongiorno principessa
[22:24] [TDM]Delax> stronzo
[22:25] [TDM]Delax> Nici ally andrew
[22:25] italian120> fanculo
[22:26] italian120> forza italia
[22:26] [TDM]Delax> mooremuder è pakistano
[22:27] Oldskool> +1------
[22:27] Tsuyoshi in
[22:27] [TDM]Delax> http://www.haxball.com/?roomid=~2f50c0105860bab87e084838783d8b8ea06bdac901da4da9183f591931e10c288&pass=1
[22:27] [Rw]Nici> fuck u delax
[22:27] [TDM]Delax> someone 1v1 me
[22:27] [Rw]Nici> thats like going to war
[22:27] [Rw]Nici> in syria
[22:27] zcarp3 in
[22:28] [Rw]Nici> u end up dead
[22:28] [TDM]Delax> ally him on pp
[22:28] [TDM]Delax> so u can go to war in turkey
[22:28] Tsuyoshi out
[22:28] [Rw]Nici> llllloooooool
[22:29] damhyr0857> malandro de carretera
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> forcing little wanker
[22:29] Tuzkar> lol?
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> i didnt force
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> you prick
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> my eqs woulda changed that game
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOOL
[22:29] [TDM]Delax> willy wonka
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> i didnt force
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> desperate little kunt
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> u cunt
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> 1v1 tom
[22:29] Tuzkar> LOL
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> 1v1 töm*
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> fu rite off
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> cba with u
[22:29] [tdm]MooresMurder> uber desperate
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> 1v1
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> ?
[22:29] [Rw]Nici> rly?
[22:29] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> 1v1 tot?
[22:30] Thrombis> can I play this stand alone or do I need to play it online?
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> has any one even seen 2 blasts in a row not land
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> on a shamn
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> shamen#
[22:30] zcarp3> can we do 2v2
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> fake kunt
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> then forces
[22:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> u can play offline
[22:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> with complete game
[22:30] Thrombis> how can I play offline?
[22:30] berY_rusTeh_muCh_bad> open pop folder and click: populous tb
[22:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> both shamens dead 1 fw left alive i had 2 eqs and plenty of time but have too foce like a fuking mug
[22:31] kacavida in
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> joke
[22:31] aliverdi1023> +1
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> how the fuk has inca not disabled that trick
[22:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> waster
[22:32] Bohemico in
[22:32] Tuzkar> much boring
[22:32] Tuzkar> much wow
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> ?
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> moores
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> open up single player
[22:32] Tuzkar> im so fucking mad
[22:32] IncaWarrior> it's fixed in the patch
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> and train a bit
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> inca
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> this guy is saying i forced him to water
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> sorry for bitching about you inca lol
[22:32] [Rw]Nici> when he got shot by fw instead
[22:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> but its been fuknig years man
[22:32] Tuzkar> lol
[22:33] iiwalkerii in
[22:33] iiwalkerii out
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i appreciate wot u do tbh
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> THERE Was a little SPIKE and there is no way moores got to the other end of the spike
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> listen very well
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> but its taken so long
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> and still not implemented
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> i mean read very well
[22:33] poisonm1 in
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> and then a fw shot him to water
[22:33] Bohemico out
[22:33] Thrombis out
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> and he thinks it was my braves
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> no mate
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> moores, my braves cant PUSH TO SPIKE HEIGHTS LIKE THT
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i hurd the sound of braves
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> REaD BRO
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> LOL i clicked them
[22:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> every one knows the sounds
[22:33] [Rw]Nici> to attack you!
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> Lolloollolo
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> of braves being commanded over and over
[22:34] Oldskool> nici game?
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> yes i was clicking them but my shaman was dead
[22:34] Tuzkar> xD
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> and the sight of them puish push push ..water
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> joke
[22:34] Oldskool> any teams any map
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> im not playing with that guy
[22:34] Oldskool> with who
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> im not playing with bock
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> fw was far away at that popint
[22:34] Tuzkar> lol
[22:34] Oldskool> ah ok
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> fuck you moores
[22:34] Oldskool> MIRAGE
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> you have no idea about this game
[22:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> fuking mug
[22:34] Oldskool> ITS UR TIME TO JOIN
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> jesus fucking christ
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> get some idea how this game works
[22:34] [Rw]Nici> then stop being like hw
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> blaming it on the mechanics
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> you forced me in to water
[22:35] Oldskool> wow bock
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> simple as that
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> i did not
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> fuck off
[22:35] aliverdi1023 out
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> you have no idea what happened
[22:35] Oldskool> bock said u bbed him twice nici
[22:35] Oldskool> dis true
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> its why u keep repeating urself like a parrot
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> iv never seen jasmin do it
[22:35] poisonm1 out
[22:35] Oldskool> in 2nd min
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> yh bock been trolling
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> but iv seen u do it so many times
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> moores stfu
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> play single playe
[22:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> desperate man
[22:35] [Rw]Nici> lol desperate
[22:36] Oldskool> so much hate at nici
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> get a clue
[22:36] Oldskool> in the last week
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> guys blaming me for nothing i did
[22:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> coz hes a bullshit guy
[22:36] Oldskool> idc
[22:36] Oldskool> +1
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> yea you too you are like hard-wear you pause to whine
[22:36] Oldskool> moores call moores
[22:36] [Rw]Nici> fuck you
[22:36] Tuzkar> +3 chill people
[22:36] Tuzkar> no rage
[22:36] Tuzkar> much games
[22:36] Oldskool> delax
[22:36] Oldskool> join
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> mooresmurder honestly i cant even believe ure saying it was a force
[22:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> a sik player no doubt but combined with the shitty tactics of bbing and forcing it compounds the misery and the lights that never hit like even as hes casting
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> [22:33] [Rw]Nici> THERE Was a little SPIKE and there is no way moores got to the other end of the spike
[22:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> beleive me it aint normal
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> rofl
[22:37] [Rw]Nici> get a clue
[22:37] Tuzkar> Moores you do realise it wasnt braves that killed you right?
[22:37] [tdm]MooresMurder> spike?
[22:37] Oldskool> tuzkar
[22:37] Oldskool> ally me
[22:37] Tuzkar> what map bb?
[22:37] Oldskool> any
[22:38] Tuzkar> eh ok
[22:38] Oldskool> divide from retards like jasmin
[22:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> tuzkar
[22:38] Oldskool> and connect to the gods
[22:38] Oldskool> of pop
[22:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> i kno wot killed me
[22:38] [Rw]Nici> [22:33] [Rw]Nici> THERE Was a little SPIKE and there is no way moores got to the other end of the spike by being pushed by braves, only thing is he got shot by a fw so he go to the other ends spike
[22:38] [Rw]Nici> read moores
[22:38] Oldskool> u kicked me today
[22:38] Oldskool> i let you in turkar
[22:38] Tuzkar> i was watching that game
[22:38] Tuzkar> lol
[22:38] Oldskool> doesnt mean shit tuzkar
[22:38] Oldskool> i klnow that guy longer than you
[22:38] Oldskool> hes done much shit
[22:38] Tuzkar> i didnt want to get involved with your shit
[22:38] Tuzkar> and arguements
[22:38] Tuzkar> im new here
[22:38] Oldskool> you cant talk at all about anything
[22:38] [tdm]MooresMurder> i know wot i seen man
[22:38] Oldskool> ye youre new and im not angry or some kinda shit
[22:38] [Rw]Nici> moores fuk off
[22:38] Oldskool> im just telling you
[22:38] Oldskool> to believe me in waht i say
[22:39] Oldskool> me and nici
[22:39] Oldskool> speak wise
[22:39] BoodX in
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> moores ill play u on tom ill be small base
[22:39] BoodX> hey
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> guess its fair
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> hi
[22:39] Oldskool> go bock
[22:39] Oldskool> idm map and teams
[22:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu nigi
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> moores read what i said
[22:39] [Rw]Nici> stubborn prick
[22:39] BoodX> thies game is my live
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> nice
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> [22:40] bockwurstlaune> hi oldskool <3
[22:40] bockwurstlaune> lol
[22:40] Oldskool> bockwurstlaune> hi nici <3
[22:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> are we playing
[22:40] Oldskool> gogoogogogogog
[22:40] Oldskool> yeeeeeee
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> moores
[22:40] Oldskool> any map any teams
[22:40] bockwurstlaune> bock stop bitching around
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> care to pause
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> when spin does same bs as me
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> and complain
[22:40] bockwurstlaune> dont be a stupid bitch like bella
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> and cry and whine
[22:40] [Rw]Nici> and yell
[22:41] bockwurstlaune> map?????????
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> yea moores u btich
[22:41] SzawizZ in
[22:41] [tdm]MooresMurder> stfu nigi
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> u are the one who forces
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> and unpases ga
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> s
[22:41] [Rw]Nici> games
[22:42] [Rw]Exotic out
[22:43] SzawizZ out
[22:43] BigLulu in
[22:43] molham in
[22:44] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Spinn you are still mad?
[22:44] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> 2 people were spectating and you are still trying
[22:44] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and besides that I was playing
[22:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> And talking behind my back lmao
[22:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Tuzkar knows what happened
[22:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> because we were on TEAMSPEAK
[22:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and I told him to watch and he clearly did
[22:45] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> so say whatever you want you won't be able to get out of it
[22:46] majd in
[22:47] kururusapiens in
[22:48] majd> ++++++++++1++++++++
[22:48] kururusapiens out
[22:54] damhyr0857> gg
[22:54] damhyr0857> COME
[22:54] damhyr0857> HERE
[22:54] zcarp3> nah
[22:54] damhyr0857> is 1v1
[22:54] damhyr0857> map inferno
[22:54] zcarp3> dont want to get thrashed again
[22:54] Tuzkar out
[22:54] damhyr0857> yeah
[22:54] damhyr0857> come
[22:54] damhyr0857> join here brother
[22:54] zcarp3> no
[22:55] damhyr0857> why
[22:55] xtro out
[22:55] El_Crack> so bad cobalt you are a piece of shit
[22:55] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ay vas
[22:56] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[22:56] El_Crack> que aliado mas malo
[22:56] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[22:56] El_Crack> el peor aliado de todos
[22:56] El_Crack> igual xtro debe ser fake
[22:56] El_Crack> no jugaba como warr
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> tuzkar can be a goodp layer
[22:56] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes usually better then that
[22:57] Oldskool> JASMIN
[22:57] Oldskool> whatever you say
[22:57] Oldskool> no1s going to believe you
[22:57] Oldskool> im the higher rank
[22:58] Oldskool> i mean youre a well known kid tho so . . .
[22:59] Oldskool> with a deep voice
[23:00] majd in
[23:01] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll in
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> voodoo
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> gtfi
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> ???
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> pigeon magnet
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> @@
[23:01] [tdm]MooresMurder> i seee youuu
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> fancy doing some sess ?
[23:02] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> wanna play tom or wom?
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> yeeaaman
[23:02] [TDM]Delax out
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> join
[23:02] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock do wom?
[23:02] majd out
[23:02] Purechemist in
[23:03] majd in
[23:03] zcarp3 out
[23:03] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[23:05] italian120 out
[23:06] Jordan90 out
[23:06] Jordan90 in
[23:06] molham out
[23:07] majd out
[23:07] Jordan90 out
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> omng
[23:08] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot happend to pigeon ?
[23:09] [War]gba1990 in
[23:10] Jordan90 in
[23:11] Slonderman in
[23:12] [War]gba1990> +2
[23:14] [Rw]Nici> wot happend to ur skills moores
[23:14] [Rw]Nici> ffs
[23:14] [Rw]Nici> they lost somewhere
[23:15] [Rw]Nici> :d
[23:15] Oldskool> the provoking
[23:15] Oldskool> and the judging
[23:16] Oldskool> is real
[23:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> age
[23:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> it'l come to you also
[23:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> shut ya fukin mouth nd joinb
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> ?
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> you sure?
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> not rly
[23:16] [tdm]MooresMurder> but w.e
[23:16] Oldskool> NICE ONE MOORES
[23:16] [Rw]Nici> i dont think age will do it tbh
[23:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> :D
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> its about if u got it or not
[23:17] Oldskool> guys on fire
[23:17] Oldskool> i swear to mirage
[23:17] Oldskool> i love this guy
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> moores when you started in 2005
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> you were
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> hm.. 17?
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> from 17-21 let's say
[23:17] Oldskool> rod
[23:17] Oldskool> joiin
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> how were your skills? top notch?
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> u got in pro games?
[23:17] [Rw]Nici> what's the excuse?
[23:17] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[23:18] [Rw]Nici> age sounds like a shitty excuse
[23:18] [Rw]Nici> koopa is like 40 ragnj is like 36
[23:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> i was a bit better then i am now
[23:18] [Rw]Nici> they're better than you xD
[23:18] Slonderman> Hola
[23:18] Slonderman> Alguien sabe como hablo en partida
[23:18] Slonderman> Se me olvido :'v
[23:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> koopa is 40 ?
[23:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> wtf do i care nici
[23:18] [tdm]MooresMurder> are you gunna join?
[23:19] Oldskool> the professional ignoring
[23:19] Oldskool> from murder
[23:19] Oldskool> is reaL
[23:19] [tdm]MooresMurder> silly argument to get in to
[23:19] Oldskool> join nici
[23:19] Slonderman> Help me pls
[23:19] Oldskool> ally me or murder
[23:20] [tdm]MooresMurder> doesnt warrent a thoughtful responce
[23:20] BoodX out
[23:20] molham in
[23:20] cabetron in
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> ioll ally u spin
[23:21] Fried_Rice out
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> im not deffo not allying moores or that fake rank bock
[23:21] Oldskool> ok
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> wow
[23:21] Oldskool> come then
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> he is a liar
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> saying i win cuz of bb to him
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> hes shit bro
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> go bock
[23:21] [Rw]Nici> rotate
[23:22] bockwurstlaune> hi
[23:22] bockwurstlaune> teams?
[23:22] [Rw]Nici> me and spin
[23:22] Oldskool> me n nici
[23:22] [Rw]Nici> vs you and MooresMurder
[23:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> shit
[23:22] Oldskool> idm tho
[23:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> that will be the sikest team in pop atm
[23:22] [Rw]Nici> no shit
[23:22] [Rw]Nici> ever you mea
[23:22] [Rw]Nici> mean
[23:22] [tdm]MooresMurder> not sure
[23:23] [Rw]Nici> i'd be sure
[23:23] [Rw]Nici> ill put my hands in the fire
[23:23] bockwurstlaune> yeah sure
[23:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> gene was as good or better then you
[23:23] [Rw]Nici> we all can agree bla bla bla this nef good bla bla bla gene was good bla bla bla they were better
[23:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> and theres a few names as good or better then spinni
[23:23] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:23] [tdm]MooresMurder> so im not sure
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> well the ratings coming from an average player
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> it's not accurate
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> when ratings come from keith
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> u know its true
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> cuz hes seen everyone play
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> and he can compare
[23:24] bockwurstlaune> gl hf
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> if you know what i mean
[23:24] [tdm]MooresMurder> bock host?
[23:24] bockwurstlaune out
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> bock scared
[23:24] Slonderman> hOLA, ALGUIEN HABLA ESPAÑOL?
[23:24] [Rw]Nici> to play vs me and spin
[23:25] Oldskool> lol
[23:25] [Rw]Nici> sad
[23:25] [Rw]Nici> we will play with our dicks
[23:25] Oldskool> well he asked me if i could lose on purpose
[23:25] Slonderman> Necesito saber como activo el chaqt para hablar con el otro pendejo
[23:25] Oldskool> i said nah
[23:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> you2 1v1 ?
[23:25] Oldskool> n h e quit
[23:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> pp
[23:25] [tdm]MooresMurder> ?
[23:25] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:25] Mauricio2123 in
[23:25] [Rw]Nici> knew there was something behind
[23:25] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[23:26] [Rw]Nici> losing on purpose just to fuck ally is one of the worst things
[23:26] [Rw]Nici> pigeon
[23:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> map?
[23:26] [Rw]Nici> you ally moores
[23:26] ZeKnifeO out
[23:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> no
[23:26] [tdm]MooresMurder> split u 2 up
[23:26] Oldskool> bnono
[23:27] Oldskool> now we split teams
[23:27] Oldskool> idm teams
[23:27] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> tom?
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> fuck that
[23:27] Oldskool> me n pig or
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> im not playing
[23:27] Oldskool> murder
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> this pigeon cunt only plays tom or sess
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> useless
[23:27] [tdm]MooresMurder> god ura a bitch
[23:27] Purechemist> xDDDDDDDD
[23:27] Oldskool> who is he anyway
[23:27] Oldskool> lol
[23:27] Oldskool> pure come
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> the worst is not even playing those maps
[23:27] Oldskool> ally me
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> the worst is playing them 10239210392103 times and still being shit on it
[23:27] [Rw]Nici> thats the worst
[23:27] BigLulu out
[23:28] Oldskool> awwwwwwww nici
[23:28] Oldskool> cmon .... take the better one
[23:28] Oldskool> idm ally
[23:28] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:28] [Rw]Nici> theyre both stupid
[23:28] sam_tas in
[23:28] [tdm]MooresMurder> pure join?
[23:29] Oldskool> pure get in
[23:29] Oldskool> man
[23:29] Purechemist> lol
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> moores doesn't even know the mechanics of the game he thinks everything is bullshit
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> doesnt understand shit behind it
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> pausing to whine like hard-wear does
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> completely useless and annoying to whoever allies him
[23:29] Slonderman> cOMO HABLO EN PARTIDA?
[23:29] Dr_Zaius out
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> now u just need to pause at start of games to convert like hard-wear
[23:29] Slonderman> Ayudanme, hoy por mi, mañana por ti :'v
[23:29] [Rw]Nici> and u both will be twins
[23:29] cabetron out
[23:30] Oldskool> lol
[23:30] [tdm]MooresMurder> go away ur not interesting
[23:30] Oldskool> loll
[23:30] sam_tas out
[23:30] [Rw]Nici> lol i dont care
[23:30] [Rw]Nici> stating the truth must hurt
[23:30] [Rw]Nici> it's ok
[23:30] Oldskool> some kinda fire today on mm
[23:30] [Rw]Nici> it will heal
[23:30] Oldskool> but guys
[23:30] Oldskool> i dotn got so much money for that amount of popcorn
[23:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> spinni i love putin btw
[23:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> <3
[23:31] [Rw]Nici> i'll buy popcorn for oyu
[23:31] Oldskool> why
[23:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> wot wityh brass button
[23:31] Oldskool> murder
[23:31] [tdm]MooresMurder> your flat broke nici
[23:32] Oldskool> murde
[23:32] Oldskool> let me ally nici
[23:32] Oldskool> i want a game
[23:32] Oldskool> can you understnad me
[23:32] Oldskool> what i want
[23:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> tell him to stop pming you
[23:32] Oldskool> ?
[23:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> kinda gay and wirred
[23:32] [tdm]MooresMurder> conspiring
[23:32] [SR]rtz in
[23:32] [Rw]Nici> LOOOOOOL
[23:32] [Rw]Nici> :)
[23:32] Oldskool> lol
[23:33] Oldskool> k nici
[23:33] Oldskool> join ally me
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> moores go feed ur baby
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> why ?
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> i just did
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> hes looking at me now
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> too much conspiracy theory
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> from u
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> with music playing
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> some sort of chimes bs
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> moores 1v1 redwarrior
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> can you beat him
[23:33] [tdm]MooresMurder> scared
[23:33] [Rw]Nici> i doubt$
[23:34] Oldskool> nici join
[23:34] Oldskool> ally me
[23:34] [Rw]Nici> k
[23:34] Oldskool> leggo murder
[23:34] Oldskool> we got a game
[23:34] Oldskool> wow pigeon
[23:34] [tdm]MooresMurder> why dont u 2 1v1 fo or pp ?
[23:34] [Rw]Nici> pigeon scared
[23:34] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> hahaha
[23:34] Oldskool> youre definitely not a forthcoming good player
[23:34] Oldskool> youre a compeltely retard
[23:34] Oldskool> why do you leave
[23:34] Oldskool> oh my fucking god
[23:34] Oldskool> he joined
[23:34] [Rw]Nici> dude i dont wanna ally any of them lol idm allying but not retards
[23:34] Oldskool> IncaWarrior: he joined
[23:35] Oldskool> IncaWarrior: did you see that
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> only priest thats good is divinity
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> i mean tuzkar too
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> but its different
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> levels
[23:35] Oldskool> he just quit
[23:35] Oldskool> on 4way
[23:35] Oldskool> lol
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:35] Oldskool> nop lies
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> he left ts too
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> dunno
[23:35] Oldskool> ah...
[23:35] Oldskool> ok ok
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> vanilla face is better than moores
[23:35] [tdm]MooresMurder> just got food delived
[23:35] [Rw]Nici> id rather ally vanilla than those fws
[23:36] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> sooooo...
[23:36] Oldskool> at 23:354
[23:36] Oldskool> lol
[23:36] [tdm]MooresMurder> map teamsv?
[23:36] Oldskool> vanilla ?
[23:36] Oldskool> he rly good
[23:36] Almafuerte in
[23:36] [Rw]Nici> yes
[23:36] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:36] Oldskool> me and niic
[23:36] Oldskool> murder
[23:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> my ping its too high
[23:37] [Rw]Nici> well u cant host pigeon
[23:37] [Rw]Nici> cuz moores wont play with high ping
[23:37] paco in
[23:37] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[23:38] L_of_the_Desert out
[23:38] Oldskool> are we willing to see him again today?
[23:39] bockwurstlaune in
[23:39] [Rw]Nici> yes
[23:39] [tdm]MooresMurder> get fukin ping
[23:39] aidan9211 in
[23:39] [Rw]Nici> bock join
[23:39] cobalt out
[23:39] [Rw]Nici> or 1v1 i dont bb
[23:39] [Rw]Nici> ok?
[23:40] Mowgli in
[23:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> back in 20 guuna eat
[23:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> + your not interesting
[23:40] [tdm]MooresMurder> at all
[23:40] [Rw]Nici> neither are u
[23:40] Oldskool> thats your fault mirage
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> zzz
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> fuck this
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> cant wait school to start
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> getting rid of morons here in mm
[23:41] Oldskool> lololololo
[23:41] Oldskool> when again?
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> boring to be in shit hole
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> its 15
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> not 12 anymore
[23:41] aidan9211> i got 25 huts in fo green... am i missing huts?
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> dunno
[23:41] Oldskool> thrisday
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> lemme check
[23:41] [Rw]Nici> YES
[23:42] paco out
[23:42] aidan9211> i feel like im missing 2
[23:42] Oldskool> and youre not in mood?
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> im very in mood
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> for schoolllllllllll
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> ooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[23:42] Oldskool> lol
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> school means in weekends and friday night u go out and have fun
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> while in holiday its not as interesting
[23:42] [Rw]Nici> if you know what i mean
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> it is interesting
[23:43] Oldskool> yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> but not same thing
[23:43] Oldskool> ik
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> http://i.imgur.com/q4MKY.png
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> aidan
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> yellow is this
[23:43] [Rw]Nici> the rest doesnt work cuz imageshack sucks :D
[23:43] aidan9211> i think i got all of yells... its greens base i feel like im missing 2 huts
[23:44] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:44] [Rw]Nici> take a screenshot
[23:44] Oldskool> aidan
[23:44] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[23:44] Oldskool> host 1v1 btw me and
[23:44] Oldskool> nici
[23:44] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:44] Oldskool> blasts
[23:44] aidan9211> back left corner and hill close to greens base
[23:44] [Rw]Nici> back off u dont play 1v1's
[23:44] Oldskool> i dont
[23:44] aidan9211> how did you get them?
[23:44] Oldskool> lol
[23:44] Oldskool> hahahaahaahhahahhaha
[23:44] Oldskool> but i could
[23:45] Oldskool> but its fuckinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng boorrrrring
[23:45] Oldskool> man
[23:45] [Rw]Nici> aidan you didnt save it ??
[23:45] aidan9211> also, does the one on the hill mess up paths?
[23:45] [Rw]Nici> alt + c
[23:45] aidan9211> an image?
[23:45] aidan9211> i didnt
[23:45] [Rw]Nici> you should ! lol
[23:45] aidan9211> ill do it now
[23:45] [Rw]Nici> i dont know which one you mean
[23:45] bockwurstlaune out
[23:46] Oldskool> ey daniel
[23:46] [Rw]Nici> http://footyroom.com/lemix/barca-vs-paralympic-blind-football-team-83227
[23:46] Oldskool> bock auf mw2 steam?
[23:46] Oldskool> loll
[23:47] Haru in
[23:49] mortensa in
[23:49] Fried_Rice in
[23:50] [Rw]Nici> well
[23:50] [Rw]Nici> i go watch football highlights
[23:50] [Rw]Nici> why dortmund lost =.=
[23:50] bockwurstlaune in
[23:50] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Didn't you say that earlier?
[23:50] [Rw]Nici> yes
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> didnt get to see it
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> lol
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> i saw sevilla's
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ncm
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> nvm
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> instead
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> they scored 2 in the 90's
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> DId u watch barca's s?
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> y
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> they missed like 10 chances
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> and ?
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> you want high light?
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> what do you reckon?
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I'll watch it later
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> thanks
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> www.footyroom.com
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> all there
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ooh
[23:51] [Rw]Nici> u can even vote man of the match
[23:51] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> shit didn't know about that
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> yh its pretty good
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> i spend my days on school there
[23:52] Oldskool out
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> watching highlights
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> no regrets lol
[23:52] arnost in
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> good thing is they update it
[23:52] [Rw]Nici> pretty nice site
[23:52] sebastianvallejos in
[23:52] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> LMAO
[23:52] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> busquets's header
[23:53] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Great site btw
[23:53] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I gotta remember it...
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[23:53] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Btw Neymar looks like jipsy with that hair
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> XDDDD
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> true
[23:53] [Rw]Nici> them weirdos
[23:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> gipsy******
[23:54] [AsG]VooDoo_Doll out
[23:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> He faked it
[23:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> anways
[23:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> anyway*
[23:54] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> brb
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> yh and messi losing its color
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> hahah
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> lol
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> what do you think about mignole
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> mignolet
[23:54] [Rw]Nici> shit keeper right
[23:55] [Rw]Nici> overrated
[23:55] sebastianvallejos out
[23:55] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Idk I haven't seen his saves
[23:55] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> if he has them
[23:55] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> what's his price though?
[23:55] [Rw]Nici> hes the reason liverpool suffers goals lol
[23:55] [Rw]Nici> dunno but hes shit
[23:55] vPixl in
[23:55] [Rw]Nici> you never seen him play:O?
[23:56] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> hes the reason liverpool suffers goals lol
[23:56] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> LMAO
[23:56] kacavida out
[23:56] [Rw]Nici> HEIS
[23:56] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25DiFLLgQ9Q
[23:56] [Rw]Nici> lol hf
[23:57] mortensa out
[23:57] [Rw]Nici> slipping through my fingers !!!!!!
[23:57] Tuzkar in
[23:58] cobalt in
[23:58] bockwurstlaune out
[23:58] [IC]-Johan in
[23:58] molham out
[23:58] [SR]rtz out
[23:59] kbatu98765> majid, buddy, your computer cannot host. its not powerful enough.
[23:59] kbatu98765> next time dont host.
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> kbatu
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> mignolet shit right
[23:59] kbatu98765> erm.
[23:59] kbatu98765> well.
[23:59] kbatu98765> he is okay for liverpool
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> he is utter shit
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> every time i watch this video
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> i laugh sso much
[23:59] [Rw]Nici> i sent it to u
[00:00] kbatu98765> dude, bravo had a nightmare today against MUFC.
[00:00] kbatu98765> he was terrible.
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> ikr
[00:00] kbatu98765> which video?
[00:00] kbatu98765> LFC had a big win today, i think.
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aysEkyAgv-w
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> check this video
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> yh 4-1 vs lestah
[00:00] [Rw]Nici> that video makes my day
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> that guy is so shit
[00:01] [War]gba1990 out
[00:01] [Rw]Nici> id play better with my 5'6''
[00:01] Purechemist out
[00:01] kbatu98765> oh crap lol
[00:01] kbatu98765> i never saw that one
[00:02] kbatu98765> to be fair to him, he did bounce the ball after about 10 secs
[00:02] Tuzkar out
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> hahah
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> btw
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> city has one hell of a team
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> so does united
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> but city's passing capability
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> is out of this world
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> david silva is a masterpiece
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> then with kevin
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> leroy sane seems to be beast
[00:02] [Rw]Nici> wait until gundogan plays
[00:03] kbatu98765> silva was always a great player
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> pep's going to make sterling better
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> yh
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> silva would fit in any team
[00:03] kbatu98765> even in the last few years, he has been their midfield maestro
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> he makes the difference
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> when they lose him
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> they will lose skill
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> in united he would fit like a glove
[00:03] [Rw]Nici> in rooneys position
[00:03] kbatu98765> i am going to wait for the MCFC vs MUFC game, when that happens, I want to see how Peps team play
[00:04] kbatu98765> today I felt that MUFC players were drunk in the first half.
[00:04] kbatu98765> they came to life after about 40 mins
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> mkhitaryan such a bitch leaving dortmund for man u
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> lingard sux
[00:04] kbatu98765> miki to mufc = money, lots of money
[00:04] kbatu98765> I'd have done the same, tbh.
[00:04] [Rw]Nici> lingard sux a big black cock !"!!!!!!!!!!
[00:05] [Rw]Nici> play depay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:05] [Rw]Nici> LOL JK HE KEEPS THE Ball for too long
[00:05] kbatu98765> yeah, well today, he made his first start. so i guess he wasnt ready.
[00:05] kbatu98765> no way lol
[00:05] [Rw]Six_Sigma> 1++
[00:05] kbatu98765> depay is really bad. i mean really really bad.
[00:05] kbatu98765> depay can play well against lower level teams. but in the EPL, he is terrible.
[00:06] FenixMaster in
[00:06] kbatu98765> to save his career, he needs to move to another league, otherwise his reputation will be finished in the EPL.
[00:06] bockwurstlaune in
[00:06] bockwurstlaune out
[00:06] Almafuerte out
[00:07] [Rw]Nici> yh hes got the money now
[00:07] [Rw]Nici> u think he cares
[00:07] [Rw]Nici> about his career
[00:07] [Rw]Nici> ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhKKKKKKKKK
[00:07] kbatu98765> it does seem that way unfortunately.
[00:07] kbatu98765> when he signed for mufc, he believed that that was it. he had made it. he could retire.
[00:07] kbatu98765> and it showed in his performances and off pitch activities.
[00:07] [Rw]Nici> put him on reserves
[00:07] kbatu98765> its like he had won the lottery.
[00:08] kbatu98765> he does play in the U21 team.
[00:08] kbatu98765> to keep him match fit.
[00:08] [Rw]Nici> rly?
[00:08] [Rw]Nici> does he accept it
[00:08] kbatu98765> the funny thing is that he does not get injured.
[00:08] aajandros in
[00:08] kbatu98765> yes. he accepts it. many players play in the U21s, especially those coming back from injury or playing badly.
[00:08] [Rw]Nici> james wilson
[00:08] kbatu98765> januzzaj played many games last season in the U21.
[00:08] kbatu98765> Perreira also.
[00:08] [Rw]Nici> yh
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> PEREIRa
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> andreas
[00:09] kbatu98765> I think Wilson is in Brighton (or he was last time I heard), but he is not good enough to play for our first team.
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> ibrahimovic will take the whole space
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> now
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> lol
[00:09] [Rw]Nici> except for the league cup
[00:09] FenixMaster out
[00:10] kbatu98765> yes, and so he should. he is Galactico class player, so he should get to be our main striker.
[00:10] kbatu98765> Ibra, Pogba, Rooney, DDG, all these guys are guaranteed starters...no matter what
[00:11] kbatu98765> dude how are befica doing?
[00:11] [Rw]Nici> ddg?
[00:12] [Rw]Nici> mkhitaryan fit is a beast bro
[00:12] [Rw]Nici> he'll be another di maria
[00:12] [Rw]Nici> hes beast
[00:12] [Rw]Nici> if u saw dortmund games u know..
[00:12] aajandros out
[00:13] [TDM]Delax in
[00:13] majd out
[00:13] kbatu98765> i know miki is German player of the year....but I am not sure how he will do in the English PL.
[00:13] vPixl out
[00:13] kbatu98765> the problem is that the EPL is different from German league.
[00:13] [Rw]Nici> yh ofc its always diff
[00:14] kbatu98765> We bought a player called Kagawa a few years back
[00:14] kbatu98765> he was pretty useless.
[00:14] kbatu98765> but in Germany he was top player
[00:14] kbatu98765> Depay was Dutch player of the year. he came to England and was very bad.
[00:15] kbatu98765> Miki - we must wait and see what he can do in England, but today he was very waak on the ball. Players were pushing him off the ball too easily. He would've been shocked today, how physical the EPL is.
[00:15] kbatu98765> what about Benfica....are they doing well. Reigning champions and all.
[00:15] [TDM]Delax> +3 blast wars constanct worlds
[00:16] [Rw]Nici> im sure mourinho played mkhitaryan because he knows he can be beast thats why he saved him for man city game expecting him to be beast already ???? he hasnt played in long now
[00:16] [Rw]Nici> he wanted mkhitaryan to pull out magic? no way
[00:16] [Rw]Nici> ye we doing cool
[00:16] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> sorry
[00:16] [Rw]Nici> mourinho's fault tho for putting him right
[00:16] [Rw]Nici> he makes choices xd
[00:16] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[00:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> [00:56] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25DiFLLgQ9Q
[00:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> slipping through my fingers
[00:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> lol
[00:17] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Literally
[00:17] [TDM]Delax> stop bashing priests mirage
[00:17] [TDM]Delax> for gods sake
[00:17] Haru out
[00:18] darthvadr in
[00:18] [Rw]Six_Sigma> shhhh
[00:18] [Rw]Six_Sigma> relaxed games are the best
[00:18] [War]Fireproof in
[00:18] Fried_Rice> jasmin join
[00:19] [TDM]Delax> althought there is somebody that is 1v1ing wildmen on pp to keep his shaman rank
[00:19] Eyota_TAS out
[00:19] Eyota_TAS in
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> [00:19] [TDM]Delax> althought there is somebody that is 1v1ing wildmen on pp to keep his shaman rank
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> lol
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> tsu ?
[00:19] [TDM]Delax> bock
[00:19] [Rw]Nici> oh
[00:19] [TDM]Delax> tsu is retired
[00:19] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> nah bella
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> gonna sleep
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> well i see tsu 1v1 more than bock tbh lol
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> bock is abusing new wildmen
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> with 30 mu
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> LOL
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> and 10.0 sigma
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> bock plays them gets like 3 points
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> its how it works
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> hahahhahhahahahahhhaha
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> yes because of mu
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> exactly
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> if i lose to a new wildmen i lose like 5 points if i lose vs lets say.. johan.... like 15 points
[00:20] [Rw]Nici> thats it
[00:20] Slonderman> Perdi la conexion
[00:20] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> http://lockerdome.com/manunitedfans/6169471278657601/9081664894878738
[00:20] kbatu98765> nici, what is wrong with eagle view that i use?
[00:20] [Rw]Six_Sigma> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> it gives headache
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> dunno how you can play with eagle view
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> it barely lets you be aware
[00:21] Jordan90 in
[00:21] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> Worth of 89milion pounds
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> of whats going on
[00:21] damhyr0857 in
[00:21] [TDM]Delax> http://www.popre.net/game.php?u=48289&g=325057
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> i mean it just doesnt get the best of you
[00:21] [TDM]Delax> this is the crime
[00:21] [TDM]Delax> LOCK HIM UP
[00:21] Slonderman out
[00:21] [TDM]Delax> LIKE HILLARY
[00:21] kbatu98765> in eagle view you can see more.
[00:21] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> I have never
[00:21] darthvadr> this is a weird map
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> you cant see more in eagle view
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> are u joking
[00:21] [Rw]Nici> tf
[00:21] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> ever done that in the entire " Populous Career " lol
[00:22] [TDM]Delax> +1 blast wars constanct worlds 2
[00:22] darthvadr> nici come here
[00:22] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> while bock does all the fucking time
[00:22] darthvadr> watch this map
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> yh jasmin i saw that on twitter earlier
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> pogbaaaaaaaaaaaaaak
[00:22] Marcos2124 in
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> yea
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> u see
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> that game
[00:22] kbatu98765> i think of all top players only probimi uses eagle view,
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> bullshit
[00:22] darthvadr> nici
[00:22] Ratchet> i feel like
[00:22] darthvadr> dude
[00:22] Ratchet> im being stung
[00:22] Ratchet> 1000 times
[00:22] Ratchet> by wasps
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> stung by wasps?
[00:22] Ratchet> in my fucking mouth, this ulcer
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> loool
[00:22] Ratchet> from biting my mouth 3 days ago
[00:23] [Rw]Nici> http://www.popre.net/skill_calc.php
[00:23] Fried_Rice> wtf u doing
[00:23] Marcos2124> Hola aja
[00:23] Ratchet> i cant fucking eat
[00:23] darthvadr> dime
[00:23] Ratchet> or drink anything
[00:23] [TDM]Delax> ?
[00:23] darthvadr> dime marcos
[00:23] Ratchet> or brush my teeth
[00:23] darthvadr> que paso
[00:23] Marcos2124> ok
[00:23] [War]Fireproof out
[00:23] Fried_Rice> y u launching
[00:23] Ratchet> i feel like i want to strangle a horse with puppy intestines
[00:23] Marcos2124> Que ratchel?
[00:23] [TDM]Delax> we were 3
[00:23] darthvadr> i know
[00:23] [TDM]Delax> fried rice with bock chicken
[00:23] darthvadr> lets wait
[00:23] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FjWe31S_0g
[00:23] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[00:24] Marcos2124> Tengo lag
[00:24] Marcos2124> Espera
[00:24] darthvadr> ok
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> http://www.popre.net/skill_calc.php?players=2&u0=%5BRw%5DNici&mu0=54.104&sigma0=1.54347&team0=0&u1=TimmyB&team1=1&team2=0&team3=0&winner=1
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[00:24] damhyr0857 out
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> http://www.popre.net/skill_calc.php?players=2&u0=%5BRw%5DNici&mu0=54.104&sigma0=1.54347&team0=0&u1=Bockwurstlaune&team1=1&team2=0&team3=0&winner=1
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^^
[00:24] [Rw]Nici> the difference
[00:24] damhyr0857 in
[00:24] Marcos2124> vamos ala primera partida damhyr
[00:25] Marcos2124> metete en esta damhyr
[00:25] Jordan90 out
[00:25] Marcos2124> wait
[00:25] Marcos2124> for my friend
[00:25] Marcos2124> Si
[00:25] Marcos2124> JAaj eres español
[00:25] Marcos2124> Creia que eras ingles xd
[00:25] Jordan90 in
[00:25] darthvadr> damhyr estas lag
[00:25] Marcos2124> Falta uno mas
[00:25] darthvadr> muy lag
[00:25] Marcos2124> Damhyr tiene mucho
[00:25] Marcos2124> lag
[00:25] damhyr0857> y
[00:25] Jordan90 out
[00:25] darthvadr> dale kick
[00:26] darthvadr> man entra y sal
[00:26] Marcos2124> Es mi amigo :(
[00:26] darthvadr> para que se te arregle
[00:26] Marcos2124> Damhyr entra y sali
[00:26] darthvadr> cierra y entra
[00:26] darthvadr> otra vez
[00:26] Jordan90 out
[00:26] darthvadr> mira
[00:26] darthvadr> crea un mundo de 3
[00:26] Marcos2124> ok
[00:26] darthvadr> con damgyr
[00:26] darthvadr> damhyr arregla el ping
[00:27] darthvadr> damhyr cierra y abre el matchmaker
[00:27] damhyr0857 out
[00:27] damhyr0857 out
[00:27] damhyr0857 in
[00:27] darthvadr> espera
[00:27] darthvadr> entra
[00:27] Ratchet> CHRIST
[00:27] Ratchet> that's it
[00:27] darthvadr> unete
[00:27] darthvadr> aca
[00:27] Marcos2124> llegate ramhyl
[00:28] Marcos2124> Tu ping xd
[00:28] [TDM]Delax> bella come play pleasure point
[00:28] [TDM]Delax> blast wars
[00:28] darthvadr> damhyr no puedes jugar
[00:28] darthvadr> tu internet esta caido
[00:29] Tuzkar in
[00:29] darthvadr> no man
[00:29] darthvadr> nada
[00:29] Marcos2124> Pon australia
[00:29] Marcos2124> Ese mismo
[00:29] Ratchet> ill play blast wars
[00:29] Ratchet> delax
[00:29] darthvadr> agora sim
[00:29] Ratchet> if it'll TAK EMY FUCKING MIND OFF MY MOUTH
[00:29] Ratchet> FUCK SAKE
[00:29] darthvadr> nici voce falha portugues
[00:29] Marcos2124> No das buen ping ni para hostear damhyr
[00:29] darthvadr> eres una mierda damhyr
[00:29] damhyr0857> sierto q Betabot no vino hoy
[00:29] [Rw]Nici> chupa me a pexota grossa
[00:29] darthvadr> arregla ese ping
[00:29] darthvadr> voce falha??
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> xupa meu pau
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> seu anormal
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> keres pila
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> enganaste
[00:30] darthvadr> voce sick mate sick??? sick??
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> amo-te
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> amo sua pila
[00:30] [Rw]Nici> ser muito grande
[00:30] Ratchet> launch
[00:31] Ratchet> right fucking now
[00:31] Ratchet> i mean it
[00:31] Marcos2124> Ctm con tu internet damhyr0857
[00:31] darthvadr> eu nao falho portugues
[00:31] darthvadr> xD
[00:31] darthvadr> damhyr cinoa
[00:31] darthvadr> comp
[00:31] darthvadr> compa
[00:31] darthvadr> damhyr compa tienes lg
[00:31] darthvadr> lag
[00:32] darthvadr> que no te deja jugar el juego
[00:32] darthvadr> el matchmaker
[00:32] Marcos2124> vs?
[00:32] darthvadr> si
[00:32] darthvadr> ponte rojo
[00:32] Marcos2124> ok
[00:32] darthvadr> a buueno ahora si
[00:33] darthvadr> este map es duro
[00:33] spawn711 in
[00:33] [GoD]kotaro in
[00:33] darthvadr> como se llama
[00:33] darthvadr> tu hermano
[00:33] Marcos2124> Mauricio2123
[00:33] spawn711 out
[00:33] darthvadr> que se una rapido
[00:33] Marcos2124> gogogo
[00:34] damhyr0857 out
[00:34] Marcos2124> que pasa?
[00:34] Marcos2124> No empiea esta mierda xd
[00:34] damhyr0857 in
[00:34] Marcos2124> ogogogo!
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> who will ally me
[00:35] darthvadr> mierda q lag
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> again
[00:35] darthvadr> tienes
[00:35] darthvadr> damhyr
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> u people are allergic to johan
[00:35] darthvadr> no la vas a cagar
[00:35] darthvadr> saliendote
[00:35] Marcos2124> gogog
[00:35] Marcos2124> jajajaj
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> stop being allergic to me
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> im gluten free
[00:35] Mauricio2123> si asd
[00:35] Marcos2124> gogogo
[00:35] Mowgli> xD
[00:35] Marcos2124> Empieza
[00:35] [IC]-Johan> come play with me
[00:35] darthvadr> te voy a dar kick si tienes lag
[00:36] darthvadr> ok
[00:36] Marcos2124> Darthvadr de donde eres?
[00:36] [IC]-Johan> cmon im cheaper than the makeshift dildo you bought from the dollar store
[00:36] [IC]-Johan> and you'll still have more fun
[00:36] Marcos2124> Yo soy de venezuela y vos?
[00:36] darthvadr> tambien
[00:36] Marcos2124> De que estado
[00:36] Marcos2124> Yo de trujillo
[00:37] darthvadr> esto no arranca
[00:37] damhyr0857> yo de miranda
[00:37] darthvadr out
[00:37] damhyr0857> claro
[00:37] damhyr0857> q lo conozco
[00:37] damhyr0857> es de lara
[00:37] darthvadr in
[00:37] Marcos2124> Que son ustedes dos?
[00:37] damhyr0857> yo soi Doctor
[00:37] Marcos2124> Jjj
[00:38] Marcos2124> Maldita sea con el ping de damhyr
[00:38] Marcos2124> y mauricio2123
[00:38] darthvadr> yo soy un ser humano
[00:38] Marcos2124> Oooow
[00:38] damhyr0857> yo tengo ping
[00:38] Jordan90 in
[00:38] darthvadr> no man es damhyr
[00:38] damhyr0857> de 440
[00:38] Marcos2124> Yo soy shaman
[00:38] darthvadr> q esta lag
[00:38] damhyr0857> tengo mucho ping
[00:38] damhyr0857> Tonto
[00:38] Jordan90 out
[00:39] lucas_mts18 in
[00:39] lucas_mts18 out
[00:40] [Rw]Six_Sigma out
[00:40] T-rod out
[00:41] Fried_Rice out
[00:45] damhyr0857 in
[00:47] [GoD]kotaro out
[00:47] damhyr0857 out
[00:49] [TDM]Delax> gg
[00:49] [Rw]Nici> dont bite tits
[00:49] [Rw]Nici> bit
[00:49] [Rw]Nici> gg
[00:49] Tuzkar> that was bs :P
[00:49] Tuzkar> that last blast
[00:49] Tuzkar> also 5 blasts
[00:49] Tuzkar> much fun
[00:49] [TDM]Delax> somebody else should host if u guys wanna rematch
[00:49] [TDM]Delax> i think mine was a bit laggy
[00:50] Tuzkar> must have in normal games
[00:50] [Rw]Nici> YH DELax ur hotel connection sux
[00:50] [TDM]Delax> im not in hotel lol
[00:52] Ratchet> i can try host
[00:53] Ratchet> im on new Virgin Media router
[00:53] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[00:53] Ratchet> which so far has not yet fucking resetted on me
[00:53] Ratchet> which is good
[00:53] Ratchet> engineers were called out 3 times to fix this shit
[00:53] Ratchet> but this is "version 3" router this time whatever the fuck that means
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> wow
[00:54] Tuzkar out
[00:54] [Rw]Nici> that is some golden shit bro
[00:54] Ratchet> hmm
[00:54] Ratchet> MM claiming i cant host
[00:55] Ratchet> we'll see about that
[00:55] Ratchet> 2 more
[00:55] [Rw]Nici> 2 more
[00:55] [Rw]Nici> ratchet is pro
[00:55] Ratchet> it's amazing how i dont have to look at the spell panel anymore
[00:55] Ratchet> to know where fucking blast is
[00:56] [TDM]Delax in
[00:57] El_Crack out
[00:58] Mowgli out
[00:58] Mowgli in
[00:59] [TDM]Delax out
[00:59] [TDM]Delax> +2 light wars
[01:01] Ratchet> 2 of you fools dont have pings
[01:01] Ratchet> and i cant launch
[01:01] Eyota_TAS> ;o;
[01:01] Nightwulff out
[01:03] Eyota_TAS out
[01:03] [Rw]Nici> +1 LIGHTS
[01:03] [Rw]Nici> JOIN
[01:03] [Rw]Nici> FUCK NOW
[01:03] Eyota_TAS in
[01:04] Ratchet> okay Eyota has ping
[01:04] Ratchet> delax does not
[01:04] Mowgli out
[01:04] Ratchet> try this hut
[01:05] Eyota_TAS> yeah it looks more comfy here
[01:05] Eyota_TAS> /me coughs coughs
[01:05] sherminator31 in
[01:06] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas> ++++++1 uber skill only
[01:06] [TDM]Delax> perhaps
[01:06] [TDM]Delax> i can host again LOL
[01:06] Eyota_TAS> i think ill get x with you :x
[01:06] [TDM]Delax> or else we'll keep thse X
[01:06] [IC]Amphetamine> ayyyyyy shit man what the fucking hell
[01:06] [TDM]Delax> and u can throw darts at us
[01:07] Ratchet> Delax: your hotel is a faget
[01:07] [TDM]Delax> im not in hotel
[01:07] Eyota_TAS> his hut is a hotel?
[01:07] [TDM]Delax> i've been in hotel the 17-23 Aug
[01:07] [TDM]Delax> in Barcelona
[01:07] Eyota_TAS> nvm
[01:07] Ratchet> oh right
[01:07] Ratchet> im going off nici's comment
[01:08] [Rw]Nici> delax is still in hotel lol
[01:08] Ratchet> this would be a very pleasant weekend were it not for my mouth
[01:08] Ratchet> did i mention that? I don't think i did
[01:08] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas out
[01:08] Pigeon_Magnet_Tas in
[01:08] Ratchet> it's fucking stinging and painful and vomit-inducing and making me grind my teeth making THEM hurt
[01:08] [Rw]Nici> did u put ur mouth in something
[01:09] [Rw]Nici> u shouldn't have
[01:09] Ratchet> i bit it
[01:09] Ratchet> by accident
[01:09] [Rw]Nici> why you bit
[01:09] [IC]Shao> hentsi
[01:09] [IC]Shao out
[01:09] Ratchet> while eating food etc
[01:09] [Rw]Nici> u sure
[01:09] Eyota_TAS out
[01:09] [Rw]Nici> +1
[01:09] [Rw]Nici> lights
[01:09] Eyota_TAS in
[01:10] aidan9211 out
[01:10] aidan9211 in
[01:10] [IC]-Johan> it was unranked
[01:11] [Rw]Nici> X
[01:11] [IC]great_succeSS in
[01:12] [IC]great_succeSS> hi johan n chris
[01:18] aidan9211 out
[01:19] aidan9211 in
[01:19] [IC]-Johan> vanilla
[01:19] [IC]-Johan> what happened to the clan?
[01:21] [IC]great_succeSS> deleted it
[01:21] [IC]great_succeSS> no sense for it anymore as my homie is gone
[01:21] [IC]-Johan> how come?
[01:22] [IC]great_succeSS> 2 MAD ppl would of been ok
[01:22] [IC]great_succeSS> but 1 is just boring and unecessary
[01:22] damhyr0857> lamento averme salido
[01:22] damhyr0857> me dio lag or lost connections
[01:22] damhyr0857 out
[01:22] [IC]-Johan> ah
[01:22] damhyr0857 in
[01:22] damhyr0857> se lageo
[01:23] FenixMaster in
[01:23] FenixMaster out
[01:23] FenixMaster in
[01:24] FenixMaster out
[01:24] damhyr0857 out
[01:24] [Rw]Nici> that map
[01:24] [Rw]Nici> with 100 pop sucks
[01:24] [Rw]Nici> its not even accurate
[01:25] damhyr0857 in
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> do shamania
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> where u pray to teleport to islands
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> and fight
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> shamania worlds
[01:25] damhyr0857> nbo perdi puntos :)
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> much better
[01:25] [Rw]Nici> i mean shamania not constant worlds