PopMM - 03/08/15 16:41
[16:41] kill_sheep out
[16:42] kill_sheep in
[16:43] Taity-mini> All MiniBots should now be operational :)
[16:43] [CHF]Excelsior out
[16:43] [CHF]Excelsior in
[16:43] shinka in
[16:44] Tables out
[16:44] [CHF]Excelsior> Host here, Delta
[16:44] Kos_TAS out
[16:44] [CHF]Excelsior> 3v1
[16:45] [CHF]Excelsior> Meta, care to be the jugg?
[16:45] DeltaEnemy> +1.
[16:45] Scorpion out
[16:45] legado-del-emacias> faut regarder comment jai joue au paravant
[16:45] legado-del-emacias> quand jetais sur mon bon pc
[16:45] Tables in
[16:45] legado-del-emacias> et la
[16:46] [Rw]Mirage> ouai je comprends
[16:46] [Rw]Mirage> moi aussi il y a un mois j'ai changé de pc
[16:46] [Rw]Mirage> et ca a tout changé
[16:46] [Rw]Mirage> depuis je me sens beaucoup mieux sur mon nouveau pc
[16:46] Tables out
[16:46] [Rw]Mirage> avant je jouer sur un pentium 4 xD
[16:46] legado-del-emacias> tas e la dchange ö<d
[16:46] legado-del-emacias> tas de la chance xD
[16:51] [Rw]Mirage> la c'est un i5
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> faut typer aussi lentement a cause de vlacvier
[16:51] Tables in
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> moai pr moi aussi cest un i5
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> mais mon vieux etait un i2
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> et je le trouve nettement plus bon que cette merde
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> bon jigo
[16:52] legado-del-emacias> chui en rogne la
[16:52] [Rw]Mirage> a+ tard
[16:52] [Rw]Mirage> ;)
[16:52] legado-del-emacias out
[16:54] s35472986 out
[16:54] boray> 1m no time augh faster match okay
[16:54] shinka out
[16:58] Flashlightning in
[16:59] [Sr]MahaRaja in
[17:00] boray out
[17:01] boray in
[17:01] w33d in
[17:01] w33d> fuck shit work
[17:02] w33d> 2 hours overtime
[17:02] w33d> fuckin cash rollin in yooooo
[17:02] w33d> inca gimme +2 points
[17:02] w33d> for 2 hours overtime
[17:02] w33d> ty
[17:02] boray> come rematch 1 teach you take mana aeon
[17:02] IncaWarrior> k
[17:02] w33d> inca have u tried windows 10 yet?
[17:03] DeltaEnemy out
[17:04] Pchan in
[17:05] shinka out
[17:05] [GoD]Divinity> my boyfriend http://gyazo.com/63225c56f10b8e2fb39279f872efd43b
[17:05] Pchan out
[17:06] alexwen in
[17:06] Rokubi out
[17:06] _kerem56 out
[17:06] [Sr]MahaRaja out
[17:07] IncaWarrior> w33d: nope
[17:08] w33d> ohh, shit u gotta install it soon ! its smooth, pop kinda runs better too !! even though res aint workin well its so much better with 800 * 600 60 fps
[17:08] w33d> w000p
[17:09] nyulka2 in
[17:09] IncaWarrior> well I'll probably get to it soon
[17:09] nyulka2 out
[17:09] Xepyy in
[17:09] nyulka2 in
[17:09] w33d> yeeeeeeeee
[17:09] w33d> +++++++++++++++3333333333333333333333333333333333333
[17:10] w33d> chemist brandan kos mirage paper
[17:10] w33d> JOINnnn
[17:10] w33d> or some nobs
[17:10] w33d> idm
[17:11] boray> good job okay by by
[17:11] boray out
[17:11] boray in
[17:11] boray out
[17:12] kill_sheep out
[17:12] carbine> gg
[17:12] [TAS]Metamorphosis> gg
[17:12] [CHF]Excelsior> GG, guys.
[17:12] [TAS]Metamorphosis> let me pi ng
[17:12] [CHF]Excelsior> Kill_Sheep, try host us. Let's see the ping you give us.
[17:13] carbine> kill sheep out
[17:13] [CHF]Excelsior> Nvm, he;s out
[17:13] [CHF]Excelsior> he's*
[17:13] [CHF]Excelsior> +1 host for Juggernaut
[17:13] [TAS]Metamorphosis> i think hes going to come back
[17:13] [CHF]Excelsior> Most probably
[17:13] [TAS]Metamorphosis> well carbine u give me better ping than exc
[17:13] [CHF]Excelsior> Yeah, I think that sounds about right
[17:15] Kos_TAS in
[17:15] [CHF]Excelsior> I guess Kill_Sheep won't be returning.
[17:15] [TAS]Metamorphosis> i tthink not
[17:15] AeonPlatinum> Would like to join you
[17:15] [TAS]Metamorphosis> taked to long
[17:16] [CHF]Excelsior> Let Aeon be part of the game
[17:16] [CHF]Excelsior> He'll ally us
[17:16] [CHF]Excelsior> Then Meta, you can be the jugger
[17:16] [TAS]Metamorphosis> carbine host
[17:16] [CHF]Excelsior> Come here, AeonPlatinum
[17:16] [CHF]Excelsior> Cool
[17:16] AeonPlatinum> jup
[17:16] boray in
[17:17] [CHF]Excelsior> Let's go :)
[17:18] w33d> sad
[17:18] Kos_TAS> ur sad
[17:18] w33d> i am
[17:18] w33d> no gamez
[17:19] Electric in
[17:19] tomyyap in
[17:20] Kos_TAS out
[17:20] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[17:21] Kos_TAS out
[17:21] tomyyap out
[17:22] Kos_TAS in
[17:23] tobias613 in
[17:23] tobias613 out
[17:24] Electric out
[17:27] Kos_TAS out
[17:27] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[17:30] sherminator31 in
[17:30] sherminator31 out
[17:35] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[17:35] DeltaEnemy in
[17:35] DeltaEnemy out
[17:36] DeltaEnemy in
[17:37] [TAS]Metamorphosis> GG
[17:37] [TAS]Metamorphosis> bye
[17:37] [TAS]Metamorphosis> brb
[17:37] [TAS]Metamorphosis out
[17:38] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[17:39] AeonPlatinum> where are you from?
[17:42] Segorko in
[17:44] Segorko out
[17:45] alexwen out
[17:47] w33d> MAP?
[17:47] carbine> Dont mind
[17:47] w33d> MAOAOAOAOAO
[17:47] w33d> MAPAPAPPAPAP
[17:48] carbine> miraje
[17:48] carbine> mirage
[17:48] carbine> map
[17:48] carbine> ?
[17:48] UnKnown_TAS out
[17:48] w33d> sigh lets do 4way ill ally nob
[17:49] [CHF]Excelsior> I'll spectate
[17:49] int3r in
[17:50] w33d out
[17:50] w33d in
[17:50] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[17:53] Taity-mini out
[17:54] w33d> da fuq
[17:54] w33d> sharingan
[17:54] w33d> wtf
[17:54] mahmut1661_Tas in
[17:55] w33d> o.o
[17:55] [Rw]Mirage> +3
[17:55] carbine> map?
[17:55] carbine> mirage
[17:55] peterisangry in
[17:55] Xepyy out
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage out
[17:56] Xepyy in
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage in
[17:56] Multihuntr in
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage> weed?
[17:56] [CHF]Excelsior> Xeppy, go red
[17:56] [CHF]Excelsior> It'll be fairer
[17:56] [CHF]Excelsior> If that's a word
[17:56] Xepyy> ok
[17:56] [CHF]Excelsior> Thanks, mate
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage> carbine
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage> ni
[17:56] [Rw]Mirage> in
[17:56] peterisangry out
[17:57] DeltaEnemy out
[17:57] DeltaEnemy in
[17:57] DeltaEnemy out
[17:57] DeltaEnemy in
[17:59] Xepyy out
[17:59] carbine> weed 1v1?
[17:59] Xepyy in
[18:00] carbine> lol theres a guy called tables
[18:00] int3r out
[18:00] [CHF]Excelsior> Haha!
[18:00] int3r in
[18:01] [CHF]Excelsior> I see newbies everyday
[18:01] carbine out
[18:01] boray out
[18:02] peterisangry in
[18:02] int3r out
[18:02] int3r in
[18:05] Loz_Doz out
[18:05] [Rw]Mirage> +2
[18:05] w33d> sharingan
[18:05] w33d> 1v1 blastz?
[18:06] Tables out
[18:06] [Rw]Mirage> ye
[18:06] w33d> nici couldnt own me
[18:06] w33d> can u
[18:07] Xepyy> +1 host
[18:07] w33d> gogogogoog
[18:07] w33d> glitter or some blast map
[18:07] w33d> some cool shit
[18:09] _ale4599 in
[18:09] _ale4599 out
[18:10] _ale4599 in
[18:10] _ale4599 out
[18:12] AeonPlatinum out
[18:12] AeonPlatinum in
[18:12] gylala999 in
[18:15] nyulka2 out
[18:15] nyulka2 in
[18:20] mahmut1661_Tas out
[18:20] [CHF]Excelsior out
[18:21] w33d> OWNED
[18:21] w33d> kinda
[18:21] [Rw]Mirage> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=278773
[18:21] w33d> lmao
[18:21] w33d> nearly raped ui
[18:24] w33d> fuck pop is dead
[18:24] [Rw]Mirage> yea
[18:24] [Rw]Mirage> time to leave o/
[18:24] w33d> fuck the day only im online imma force others to play this shit
[18:26] darasenp_TAS in
[18:27] [GoD]Divinity in
[18:27] IncaWarrior> anyone see any bugs in the mm?
[18:28] kill_sheep in
[18:28] [Rw]Mirage> lol it's a bit too late
[18:28] [Rw]Mirage> all players left
[18:28] IncaWarrior> ?
[18:28] darasenp_TAS out
[18:28] [Rw]Mirage> you should have released a mm without any bug way sooner
[18:29] IncaWarrior> what a dumb statement
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> pop's dead
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> you seem to be the only one who can't see it
[18:30] IncaWarrior> it's been worse
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> It can hardly be worse lol
[18:30] darasenp_TAS in
[18:30] kill_sheep> +3!!!
[18:30] IncaWarrior> I've been here a little more than you
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> in a few days there will be more bots than real players in the lobby
[18:31] darasenp_TAS> what happened here?
[18:31] darasenp_TAS> happening*
[18:31] IncaWarrior> nothing really, there's a lull of activity
[18:31] darasenp_TAS> '-']
[18:31] IncaWarrior> it's most apparent because there was a spike of activity a couple weeks ago
[18:32] IncaWarrior> so Mirage things the world is ending
[18:32] [GoD]Divinity out
[18:32] [GoD]Divinity in
[18:32] [GoD]Divinity out
[18:32] SuicideSquid_TAS> only 34 people online?
[18:32] SuicideSquid_TAS> wtf is this
[18:33] kill_sheep> pop its dead
[18:33] OmegaOverride in
[18:33] IncaWarrior> tell your friends to come play
[18:33] SuicideSquid_TAS> i had some retarded argument with these 14 year old vegetarians today
[18:34] emrah54 in
[18:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> because some girl thought she was such an amazing nimal right activist for saying that she would pick an animals life ove a humans
[18:34] IncaWarrior> did you eat meat?
[18:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> and would rather eat humans instead of meat. even though she eats meat. shes so dumb
[18:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> yeh
[18:35] w33d> INCA DONT EAT GMO
[18:35] IncaWarrior> but it's good for you
[18:35] w33d> ITS ONLY GOOD FOR...........
[18:35] IncaWarrior> people
[18:35] w33d> well uh
[18:35] w33d> nothing really
[18:35] w33d> wow inca sad
[18:35] w33d> they are makin GMO to decrease worl POPPPppppp
[18:36] w33d> thats what usa is
[18:36] IncaWarrior> actually the opposite
[18:36] w33d> inca do u truly believe
[18:36] w33d> the world is in
[18:36] w33d> hunger mode ?
[18:36] w33d> like theres not enouigh food
[18:36] w33d> so we need to make fake food wich is gmo !??!?!
[18:36] IncaWarrior> like the golden rice made to provide more vitamin A
[18:36] w33d> inca that rice KILLS U
[18:37] IncaWarrior> except it doesn't
[18:37] w33d> so many evidences
[18:37] w33d> dude
[18:37] IncaWarrior> because it makes you healthier
[18:37] w33d> they took a gene from a fish
[18:37] IncaWarrior> by all studies
[18:37] w33d> and put it in rice
[18:37] w33d> ITS NOT NORMAL DAWG
[18:37] IncaWarrior> there are 0 studies showing it's harmful
[18:37] w33d> uh oh tell that to the rats
[18:37] [GoD]Divinity> smoking kills more than gmo
[18:37] IncaWarrior> what rats?
[18:37] w33d> wich had a diet with gmo
[18:37] w33d> their life got shorter
[18:37] w33d> they had tumors
[18:37] SuicideSquid_TAS> there are some studies inca
[18:37] IncaWarrior> the rats that ate it and were healthier?
[18:37] w33d> and they couldnt produce as much children
[18:37] w33d> they became monsters inca
[18:38] SuicideSquid_TAS> we dont allow gmo food unless its labeled so
[18:38] w33d> at end there was 0 life after the 3 generation
[18:38] w33d> of rats
[18:38] w33d> after consuming GMO
[18:38] SuicideSquid_TAS> and even then, i dont know many brands with gmo
[18:38] SuicideSquid_TAS> i dont think ive ever eaten gmo food
[18:38] w33d> GOOD squid
[18:38] w33d> that means ur safe
[18:38] w33d> unless u eat konservatives
[18:38] IncaWarrior> gmo is pretty widespread
[18:38] w33d> and e mark products
[18:38] IncaWarrior> lots of health benefits
[18:38] IncaWarrior> and makes for cheaper food
[18:38] IncaWarrior> all around a good deal
[18:38] w33d> LOL
[18:38] w33d> inca
[18:39] w33d> its cheap
[18:39] SuicideSquid_TAS> it kinda scares me that we've gotton to the point of science where we can put fish cells into a srawberry and call it a maincourse
[18:39] w33d> cuz they want u to eat shit food
[18:39] w33d> and the organic its expensive
[18:39] w33d> cuz its the real deal
[18:39] w33d> u dont buy a screwdriver from a used shop do u
[18:39] IncaWarrior> SuicideSquid_TAS: it's really no different than breeding species of apples together to get a new one
[18:39] w33d> or a car
[18:39] w33d> that is driving like a wreck
[18:39] SuicideSquid_TAS> some food types cant be added with extra stuff it just wont work
[18:39] IncaWarrior> yeah
[18:39] IncaWarrior> but many can
[18:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> some gmos could be fatal
[18:40] w33d> ALL gmo
[18:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> there just isnt enough studies
[18:40] w33d> are fatal
[18:40] IncaWarrior> like the golden rice designed to help children dying from not enough vitamin A
[18:40] w33d> to humans and to nature
[18:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> if there was, we'd all be eating it
[18:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> its illegal in some countries
[18:40] w33d> its like reprogramming the nature
[18:40] IncaWarrior> even with lots of studies showing its safe
[18:40] w33d> with other genes
[18:40] w33d> put into them
[18:40] IncaWarrior> there are still extremists making up lies to say it's not safe
[18:40] w33d> inca
[18:40] w33d> gmo was founded in start of 1990's
[18:40] w33d> only time will tell
[18:40] w33d> how fuckin bad it is
[18:40] w33d> wich it is
[18:40] Electric> communism getting stronger
[18:40] w33d> very bad
[18:40] w33d> stfu alex
[18:40] w33d> dont eat gmo
[18:41] IncaWarrior> no, we have better scientific methods than "see if anything bad happens"
[18:41] w33d> inca
[18:41] vainamoinen in
[18:41] w33d> explain that to the rats
[18:41] IncaWarrior> saw a good article about it the other day
[18:41] w33d> wich got tortured
[18:41] w33d> with gmo diet
[18:41] IncaWarrior> there are no rats w33d
[18:41] w33d> WOW
[18:41] IncaWarrior> that's a made up story
[18:41] Electric> inca
[18:41] w33d> dude
[18:41] Electric> these conspiracy theories about GMOs
[18:41] w33d> if u take a carrot
[18:41] Electric> have a petty-bourgeois basis
[18:41] w33d> and put horse genes in it
[18:41] Electric> aiming to divert the working class from the revolutionary struggle
[18:41] w33d> to make it superstrong
[18:41] w33d> like a horse
[18:41] IncaWarrior> http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2015/07/are_gmos_safe_yes_the_case_against_them_is_full_of_fraud_lies_and_errors.html
[18:41] IncaWarrior> here it is
[18:41] Electric> and trick them into advocating dumb anti-technological bullshit
[18:41] w33d> woulda u eat the carrothorse ?
[18:42] IncaWarrior> why would I want a strong carrot?
[18:42] w33d> cuz it makes u machi man
[18:42] lobito_pro in
[18:42] IncaWarrior> will the carrot make me stronger?
[18:42] w33d> wait lemme read dat link
[18:42] w33d> yes it makes u strong like a horse
[18:42] w33d> would u eat it
[18:42] w33d> just cause governemnt says its safe ??!?!?!?
[18:42] IncaWarrior> sounds unlikely to exist
[18:42] w33d> no ofc u dont
[18:42] w33d> it was an example
[18:42] IncaWarrior> but if it had health benefits then yes
[18:42] w33d> LOL
[18:42] w33d> LOOOL
[18:43] w33d> no way inca
[18:43] w33d> noooooooooo wayyyyyyy
[18:43] IncaWarrior> why not?
[18:43] w33d> cause
[18:43] IncaWarrior> if it's shown to be safe
[18:43] w33d> its added another gene into it
[18:43] w33d> wich makes it a fruit
[18:43] IncaWarrior> so?
[18:43] w33d> from another dimension
[18:43] w33d> u dont eat
[18:43] w33d> UFO carrots
[18:43] w33d> wich arent from nature
[18:43] w33d> wich we have been eatin since start of earth
[18:43] IncaWarrior> you can breed carrots to get new genes without GMO
[18:43] w33d> and now they add different shit in foods
[18:44] w33d> UNHEALTHY
[18:44] w33d> ALEX
[18:44] Electric> inca
[18:44] IncaWarrior> or they can occur naturally due to random mutations
[18:44] w33d> TELL INCA GMO IS BAD
[18:44] Electric> i love how inca
[18:44] w33d> wow
[18:44] w33d> no way
[18:44] Electric> spends 99% of his time
[18:44] Electric> dealing with morons and stupid shit
[18:44] w33d> noooooo wayyyyy
[18:44] Electric> but
[18:44] Electric> 1% of the time
[18:44] w33d> alex
[18:44] Electric> actually answering to people
[18:44] w33d> u are the definition of a moron and stupid shit
[18:44] Electric> with serious queries
[18:44] Electric> not to imply that i have any serious query atm
[18:44] SuicideSquid_TAS> IncaWarrior> why would I want a strong carrot?
[18:44] w33d> inca
[18:44] w33d> put it like this
[18:44] w33d> i have an apple
[18:45] w33d> and i want it to be resistant
[18:45] w33d> to a musquito
[18:45] w33d> so i take a snake
[18:45] w33d> pull the gene shit outta it
[18:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> IncaWarrior> will the carrot make me stronger?
[18:45] w33d> and place it in the apple
[18:45] IncaWarrior> mosquitos don't eat apples...
[18:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOOOOOOOL
[18:45] w33d> do u eat the apple inca
[18:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> i wish...
[18:45] w33d> or a worm ffs
[18:45] w33d> roflmao
[18:45] w33d> inca
[18:45] IncaWarrior> w33d: yes, if it's been shown to be safe
[18:45] w33d> would u eat the apple with work stuff in it
[18:45] [Fr]Supertune in
[18:45] w33d> or snake
[18:45] Electric> inca
[18:45] w33d> WOWOOWOWOWOowow
[18:45] IncaWarrior> we have lots of fruit like that
[18:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> IncaWarrior> mosquitos don't eat apples...
[18:45] w33d> sad inca
[18:45] w33d> sad
[18:45] Electric> w33d
[18:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOOOOOOOOOOL
[18:45] Electric> should gay people
[18:45] Electric> be killed
[18:45] w33d> im sad now
[18:46] IncaWarrior> that links shows a few examples
[18:46] w33d> i care for u inca <3
[18:46] w33d> DONT EAT GMO
[18:46] lobito_pro out
[18:46] w33d> that link shows me brainwashing
[18:46] IncaWarrior> crops that produce Bt
[18:46] w33d> and ill be damned if my brain is washed
[18:46] w33d> with shit
[18:46] SuicideSquid_TAS> well you know its weird to say that just because the government says its safe doesnt mean it is
[18:46] IncaWarrior> a pesticide
[18:46] IncaWarrior> keeps crops healthier
[18:46] SuicideSquid_TAS> because thats like saying all this time bananas were very bad for us
[18:46] w33d> inca
[18:46] w33d> listen to suicide
[18:46] w33d> dont listebn
[18:46] SuicideSquid_TAS> but we never knew because they lied
[18:46] w33d> to ur governemnt
[18:47] w33d> they think only for theirselves
[18:47] vainamoinen out
[18:47] w33d> do u think barack obama
[18:47] w33d> and george bush
[18:47] w33d> and all those other fucks
[18:47] w33d> eat gmo ?!?!
[18:47] IncaWarrior> I don't need to listen to the governmen
[18:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> im from england
[18:47] w33d> they dont
[18:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOOOOOOOOOL
[18:47] kill_sheep> guys how to set the right pov in game?
[18:47] w33d> even the ... food minister shit
[18:47] w33d> they dont eat it
[18:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> if i had the money they had id be eating sushi
[18:47] w33d> but they let admins like u inca
[18:47] w33d> eat it
[18:47] Electric> minus key for bird's eye view
[18:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOOL
[18:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> THE COMMON ADMINS
[18:48] w33d> dont eat gmo sushi
[18:48] [Rw]Mirage> weed you're an idiot
[18:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> what kind of bullshit would they implant into a raw fish tho
[18:48] [Rw]Mirage> what do you keep trying to convince him
[18:48] [Rw]Mirage> you can never change people, people who want the truth will find it and accept it
[18:48] Electric> the truth is that there is no strong scientific evidence that GMOs are dangerous
[18:48] Electric> in fact, there is evidence to the opposite
[18:49] w33d> mirage
[18:49] w33d> do u eat GMO
[18:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> we learned about it in gcse that there wasnt enough studies
[18:49] Electric> anti-GMO shit is just the typical crap against science, progress and technology
[18:49] [Rw]Mirage> no
[18:49] [Rw]Mirage> I rather trust animals than human beings
[18:49] IncaWarrior> SuicideSquid_TAS: that's a bit outdated
[18:49] [Rw]Mirage> Id*
[18:49] Electric> well you can trust them, but it doesn't change anything
[18:49] IncaWarrior> and somewhat of an unscientific view point
[18:49] IncaWarrior> not all GMOs are the same
[18:49] IncaWarrior> so there can never be "enough studies" on GMO
[18:50] int3r> fuck server
[18:50] IncaWarrior> same as there can never be enough studies in "breeding"
[18:50] int3r> lag
[18:50] int3r> lag lag lag
[18:50] w33d> inca
[18:50] w33d> ill tell u this
[18:50] emrah54 out
[18:50] w33d> gmo started in the start of 1990's
[18:51] w33d> i promise u
[18:51] w33d> within 2100
[18:51] w33d> it will get fucked
[18:51] w33d> and people will see
[18:51] w33d> how fuckin bad it is
[18:51] Electric> IncaWarrior 1 byte for each ID
[18:51] IncaWarrior> why do you think there are problems that we won't see for generations?
[18:51] w33d> because
[18:51] IncaWarrior> do you have any scientific backing for that?
[18:51] w33d> as i said
[18:51] int3r> inca
[18:51] int3r> problems
[18:51] int3r> bugs
[18:51] Xepyy out
[18:51] Dark_Saygler in
[18:51] w33d> when they tested gmo food on rats, for their 3 generations
[18:52] w33d> they got worse and worse
[18:52] w33d> their children were "mutated
[18:52] w33d> then theyr children after
[18:52] w33d> were like zombies
[18:52] int3r> me lose with noob
[18:52] w33d> and u just wait and watch inca
[18:52] w33d> it will happen to humans too
[18:52] IncaWarrior> [citation needed]
[18:52] IncaWarrior> where is this study?
[18:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> exactly what im trying to say inca, it may be that certain types of fruits can be injected with extra vitamin etc but some foods simply cant
[18:52] w33d> what is citiation
[18:52] w33d> ok inca
[18:52] IncaWarrior> SuicideSquid_TAS: quite likely
[18:52] w33d> ill show u
[18:52] Xepyy in
[18:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> sometimes by altering the dna u could creat something cpletely different
[18:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> i mean hell look at the killer bee
[18:53] int3r> inca
[18:53] IncaWarrior> but you can't discount all of it just because some don't work out
[18:53] [Rw]Mirage> Good for politics
[18:53] int3r> look game
[18:53] int3r> cheat
[18:53] [Rw]Mirage> they want to reduce world population
[18:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> im just staying clear of it because some studies show the negetive
[18:53] IncaWarrior> which studies?
[18:54] Electric> who is "they"?
[18:54] IncaWarrior> are these studies done by scientists or extremist groups?
[18:54] w33d> http://retractionwatch.com/2014/06/24/retracted-seralini-gmo-rat-study-republished/
[18:54] Electric> inca
[18:54] w33d> and not only this inca
[18:54] Electric> even if they were non-extremist anti-GMO groups
[18:54] Electric> it'd be the same shit
[18:54] w33d> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njd0RugGjAg
[18:54] w33d> look inca
[18:54] w33d> prepare urself
[18:54] w33d> look at this shit
[18:54] Electric> they're only extremist as in extreme stupidity, fanaticism and ignorance of real data
[18:55] Electric> it's annoying how "extremist" is always portrayed as bad, though
[18:55] w33d> French researchers secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders
[18:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> i just dont trust it. ive been always told not to trust it by my science eachers
[18:55] w33d> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-6xWsw7uy0
[18:55] w33d> also this inca
[18:55] Electric> "some studies" is worthless scientifically speaking. Meta-studies are needed
[18:55] w33d> and then tell me its not dangerous
[18:56] Electric> btw: why would you do what you are told to?
[18:56] SuicideSquid_TAS> i think genetically modifying thins is a good idea in the long run- we could create new species, make existing ones more stronger or something. i just dont think it has a place in my stomach
[18:56] Electric> you have to doubt what everyone says
[18:56] IncaWarrior> youtube videos are generally not credible in my experience
[18:56] Electric> oh it's bella
[18:56] w33d> WOW
[18:56] Electric> off to the block list with you
[18:56] w33d> inca
[18:56] w33d> ITS FUCKIN BAD YOOOooooo
[18:56] w33d> oh suicide squid is bella
[18:56] Electric out
[18:56] w33d> roflmao
[18:56] Electric in
[18:56] SuicideSquid_TAS> ye
[18:57] w33d> MAP =
[18:57] w33d> ???
[18:57] w33d> inca tell me later
[18:57] w33d> what u think bout gmo
[18:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> anyway u cant really say to inca not to eat gmo
[18:57] w33d> ITS BAD YOOoooo
[18:57] kaspa64 in
[18:57] IncaWarrior> w33d: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23350793
[18:57] w33d> ofc i can
[18:57] Dark_Saygler> jhdhjdjdsdsdjas
[18:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> if he lives in america he has no choice
[18:57] w33d> i dont want him to fuckin die
[18:57] IncaWarrior> here's another study on rats with a different GMO crop
[18:57] w33d> he has
[18:57] w33d> just buy organic
[18:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> they dont label it, even organic suff can be gmo
[18:57] w33d> lol
[18:57] w33d> inca u jujst said "different"
[18:57] peterisangry out
[18:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> they dont tell u
[18:57] w33d> that means
[18:57] w33d> u mean that the other
[18:57] w33d> are bad
[18:57] IncaWarrior> organic has lots of pesticides on it
[18:58] IncaWarrior> much better to eat gmo which doesn't need as much
[18:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> ah man if i ever go america im gonna have to eat gmo stuff pff
[18:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh well i heard your portion sizes are almost doule ours
[18:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> i saw like a mcds burger
[18:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> holy shit its huge
[18:58] IncaWarrior> pretty sure the gmo stuff will be the healthiest stuff you eat...
[18:58] w33d> bella its cuz their food
[18:58] IncaWarrior> if you go to mcdonalcs
[18:58] w33d> is filled with nasty shit
[18:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> in england they get smaller every year
[18:58] w33d> wich makes it bigger
[18:58] w33d> and makes it last longer
[18:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> and more expensive
[18:59] mahmut1661_Tas in
[18:59] w33d> but what makes it last longer
[18:59] w33d> kills u fuckin faster
[18:59] IncaWarrior> they're called "preservatives"
[18:59] w33d> no wonder there are so many oversized people
[18:59] w33d> in usa
[18:59] w33d> than any other country
[18:59] w33d> in the worlds
[18:59] [Rw]Mirage> lol
[18:59] [Rw]Mirage> so true
[18:59] w33d> world *
[18:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> do they have to label preservatives inca?
[18:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> i think they do here
[18:59] IncaWarrior> yes, they're in the ingredients list
[18:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> i usually get the "non added flavourings or preservatives"
[18:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> they are better
[19:00] w33d> i always buy no added conservatives
[19:00] w33d> and other shit
[19:00] w33d> and sometimes i do buy with conservatives
[19:00] w33d> lol
[19:00] [Rw]Mirage> yet you smoke weed everyday
[19:00] w33d> but shit do i feel bad later
[19:00] [Rw]Mirage> o/
[19:00] w33d> LOL
[19:00] w33d> yo w33d is medicine
[19:00] w33d> kinda
[19:00] IncaWarrior> and poison
[19:00] w33d> WOW
[19:00] IncaWarrior> when you smoke it
[19:00] w33d> only poison here
[19:00] w33d> is GMO
[19:00] [Rw]Mirage> yes
[19:00] [Rw]Mirage> more poison than medicine
[19:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> [Rw]Mirage> yet you smoke weed everyday
[19:00] IncaWarrior> smoke is bad for you
[19:00] w33d> ouch i just got pwned
[19:01] w33d> but still
[19:01] w33d> i rather smoke w33d
[19:01] Dark_Saygler out
[19:01] w33d> than eat gmo
[19:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> weed has got some funny health benefits to contradict the negatives
[19:01] w33d> bella
[19:01] w33d> how come u speak better english than me
[19:01] w33d> fuck u
[19:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> its better than ciggerets, less addictive, and less fatal to lungs.
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> idk maybe because im english
[19:02] w33d> oh
[19:02] w33d> arent u arab ?
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> no
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> i wish
[19:02] w33d> wow nici lied to me
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> id prob be rich with 7 wives
[19:02] w33d> lol
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> i could sell them for rice
[19:02] w33d> MAP!??!?!
[19:02] mahmut1661_Tas> any
[19:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> idk
[19:03] w33d> no one ever knows what map
[19:03] w33d> u guys like 4way
[19:03] kill_sheep> do tom
[19:03] w33d> okok
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> not tom
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> holy fuck
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> no
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> NOOOOOO
[19:03] w33d> wat
[19:03] w33d> ???
[19:03] Kos_TAS in
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> not tom
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> or wom
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> or fo
[19:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> ANYTHING ELSE
[19:04] Kos_TAS> sess
[19:04] mahmut1661_Tas> gungratz serj on birthday :))
[19:04] vegeta_tsi in
[19:04] Kos_TAS> ;p
[19:04] Kos_TAS> thanks!
[19:04] Kos_TAS> <3
[19:04] kill_sheep> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-svVt-dShDA
[19:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> :OO
[19:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> congatz
[19:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> happy bday
[19:04] Kos_TAS> thanks omg
[19:04] Kos_TAS> :P
[19:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> mahmmy how is u on sess?
[19:04] nyulka2 out
[19:04] Kos_TAS> w33d
[19:04] Kos_TAS> stream
[19:05] mahmut1661_Tas> decend on sess
[19:05] kaspa64> +++++++++++2 warrier
[19:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> well okie dokey lets do sess
[19:06] w33d> I CANT
[19:06] w33d> STREAM
[19:06] w33d> i install windows 10
[19:06] mahmut1661_Tas> sexy palace maybe?
[19:06] w33d> and when i stream
[19:06] w33d> it says i dont stream
[19:06] w33d> okokook
[19:06] w33d> kill sheep
[19:06] w33d> get ping
[19:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> how is windows 10?
[19:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> i havent gotten around to it
[19:06] mahmut1661_Tas> same as windiws 8
[19:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> major differences?
[19:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh
[19:06] nyulka2 in
[19:06] gylala999> Best windows 7
[19:06] Kos_TAS in
[19:06] mahmut1661_Tas> yeah true
[19:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> mm
[19:07] mahmut1661_Tas> i like 7 more then 10
[19:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> windows vista was pretty cool
[19:07] mahmut1661_Tas> nah pretty dumb
[19:07] kill_sheep> lets go
[19:07] davetherave1991 in
[19:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> lets go
[19:08] w33d> kill sheep
[19:08] w33d> get ping
[19:08] w33d> rejoi
[19:08] w33d> im waiting for u
[19:08] w33d> still no ping
[19:08] w33d> relog
[19:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> your ping must be too high kill because i sw it as 500
[19:08] Taity-mini in
[19:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> lower it
[19:08] Kos_TAS> never used win vista
[19:09] mahmut1661_Tas> good thing u didnt
[19:09] davetherave1991> 7 ftw
[19:09] mahmut1661_Tas> it suchs
[19:09] w33d> no ping
[19:09] kill_sheep out
[19:09] Multihuntr out
[19:09] kill_sheep in
[19:10] Kos_TAS> someone stream
[19:10] davetherave1991> ?
[19:10] kaspa64> ++++++++++ 1 warrier
[19:10] gylala999> fucking my internet ISP : NARACOM
[19:10] kill_sheep> weird
[19:10] mahmut1661_Tas> sorry havent fix stream yet
[19:10] w33d> FUCK
[19:10] w33d> my stream man
[19:10] Kos_TAS> giving free YT subs
[19:10] w33d> i cant fuckin stream anymore
[19:10] w33d> GG
[19:10] Kos_TAS> give me channels in pm
[19:10] supay in
[19:10] w33d> GN STREAM
[19:10] Kos_TAS> noob w33d
[19:10] kaspa64> ++++++++ 1 warrier
[19:10] w33d> kos
[19:10] Kos_TAS> :(
[19:10] w33d> i cant stream
[19:10] kaspa64> 1 more warrier for a sess war
[19:11] w33d> in 800 * 600
[19:11] Kos_TAS> my bd and you cant stream :'((
[19:11] w33d> the screen will go 4:3
[19:11] Kos_TAS> SAD :"(
[19:11] w33d> and my screen is 16:10
[19:11] w33d> or something
[19:11] Kos_TAS> ur not my friend anymore
[19:11] Kos_TAS> bye
[19:11] Kos_TAS> :(
[19:11] Kos_TAS> stream in 4:3
[19:11] Kos_TAS> idk
[19:11] Kos_TAS> idc*
[19:12] Kos_TAS out
[19:12] SuicideSquid_TAS> mirage go away ur too pro
[19:13] w33d> http://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[19:13] w33d> WWWWWWWW
[19:13] [Rw]Mirage> and weed too weak
[19:15] hovering out
[19:15] Kos_TAS> says offline
[19:16] w33d> yea it crashed
[19:16] w33d> i dont think obs works on windows 19
[19:16] w33d> 10
[19:16] Kos_TAS> why u ever isntalled that unstable shit
[19:16] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d ally supay
[19:17] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:17] mahmut1661_Tas out
[19:17] w33d> can someone help me fix stream
[19:17] w33d> on windows 10
[19:17] [Rw]Mirage in
[19:17] mahmut1661_Tas in
[19:17] w33d> ot crashes
[19:17] supay> weed doesnt pllay with noobs
[19:17] w33d> it
[19:17] mahmut1661_Tas> ok
[19:17] [Rw]Mirage> lost connection
[19:17] [Rw]Mirage> sry
[19:18] [Chf]crazyone in
[19:18] w33d> NP
[19:18] [Rw]Mirage> dont use obs
[19:18] Xepyy out
[19:18] [Chf]crazyone out
[19:18] Tables in
[19:18] [Rw]Mirage> Ally supay
[19:18] [Rw]Mirage> more fair teams
[19:18] w33d> I NEED TO FIX STREAM
[19:18] Kos_TAS> install win7 or win7
[19:18] Kos_TAS> 8*
[19:19] Kos_TAS> problem solved
[19:19] w33d> ALEX
[19:19] w33d> uknow u wanna help me
[19:19] w33d> even though im rude
[19:19] w33d> as fuck
[19:20] w33d> www.popre.net
[19:20] Kos_TAS> i remember recoding pop matches using fraps
[19:20] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:20] Kos_TAS> recording*
[19:20] Kos_TAS> 30 mins match ~30gb :p
[19:20] Kos_TAS> or even more
[19:21] Taity-mini> the mm should have built in recording settings - Populous | Capture
[19:21] Tables out
[19:21] Tables in
[19:21] AeonPlatinum out
[19:23] [Rw]Mirage out
[19:23] mahmut1661_Tas> gogo
[19:24] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[19:24] [Rw]Mirage> +1
[19:25] w33d> http://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit
[19:25] Kos_TAS> its off
[19:26] w33d> it crashes
[19:26] w33d> everytime i go ingame
[19:26] Kos_TAS> sad
[19:26] Kos_TAS> why did you ever install win10
[19:29] UnKnown_TAS in
[19:30] DyDkaPro in
[19:30] Taity-mini out
[19:30] UnKnown_TAS> AeonPlatinum> where are you from?
[19:30] blaik in
[19:30] DyDkaPro> Hello!
[19:30] UnKnown_TAS> [CHF]Excelsior> What are the new changelog details?
[19:31] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[19:31] Loz_Doz in
[19:32] [GoD]Eric in
[19:32] UnKnown_TAS> tobleron
[19:32] UnKnown_TAS> e
[19:32] mahmut1661_Tas out
[19:32] [Rw]Mirage> ....
[19:32] w33d> sad
[19:32] w33d> real sad
[19:32] w33d> wtf man
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> sergy :o
[19:33] peterisangry in
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> henry :oo
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo :ooo
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> dara :oooo
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[19:33] [Rw]Mirage> he was pissed off not being able to go to middle
[19:33] UnKnown_TAS> jijo??????
[19:33] UnKnown_TAS> :OOO
[19:33] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> yeah daras is here because i made him come
[19:33] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> yeah sou eu henry
[19:33] w33d> gogogo
[19:33] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> xD
[19:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> takanashi_rikka = jijo
[19:33] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> TORLOLO
[19:34] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> xD
[19:34] UnKnown_TAS> who is dara
[19:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> he is from brasil
[19:34] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> well I made a promiss to a certain someone so here i am
[19:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo's cuteness
[19:34] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> :3
[19:35] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> Tsu's Perfect speach
[19:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> http://www.j-cast.com/assets_c/2015/08/news_20150803193653-thumb-autox380-69779.jpg
[19:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[19:35] UnKnown_TAS> i see dead people
[19:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> this is perfect men sea
[19:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[19:37] [GoD]Eric out
[19:37] UnKnown_TAS> that was because I was present at the stage
[19:37] [GoD]Eric in
[19:37] MaximilionRamos in
[19:37] UnKnown_TAS> everyone seems to be wanting to know the unknown
[19:37] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> where's that tsu?
[19:38] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> lol henry
[19:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> tokyo
[19:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> :p
[19:38] darasenp_TAS> hi tsu
[19:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[19:38] darasenp_TAS> :)
[19:38] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> I assumed but somewhere particular
[19:38] [GoD]Eric out
[19:38] Diomedes in
[19:39] Diomedes> hi :)
[19:39] [GoD]Eric in
[19:39] darasenp_TAS> im updating for test the LoL om my pc
[19:39] UnKnown_TAS> I know the unknown
[19:39] darasenp_TAS> ŹŹ
[19:39] UnKnown_TAS> so I must be
[19:39] UnKnown_TAS> unwise
[19:39] UnKnown_TAS> O.o
[19:39] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> well i've been reading a lot of Light Novels Tsu xD :P
[19:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> ouch LoL
[19:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[19:39] darasenp_TAS> Ç.Ç
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> i like
[19:40] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> henry dara, dara henry podem falar assim o henry e tuga o dara e BR
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> but im not a gay hahahahahaha
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> u.u
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> prazes
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> prazer
[19:40] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ara ara?
[19:40] darasenp_TAS> '-'
[19:41] darasenp_TAS> lol jijo
[19:41] UnKnown_TAS> Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> henry dara, dara henry podem falar assim o henry e tuga o dara e BR
[19:41] UnKnown_TAS> what?
[19:41] MaximilionRamos out
[19:41] darasenp_TAS> milagre nós năo estarmos em call
[19:41] [Rw]Nici in
[19:41] UnKnown_TAS> i don t get it
[19:41] [GoD]Divinity> calou rebanho de porcos
[19:41] nyulka2 out
[19:41] UnKnown_TAS> Divinity why do you always say something strange
[19:41] darasenp_TAS> (pokerface)
[19:41] UnKnown_TAS> that I don t understand
[19:41] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> henry medo de falar tuga?
[19:41] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[19:41] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[19:42] blaik out
[19:42] UnKnown_TAS> what kind of dialect is that?
[19:42] [GoD]Eric out
[19:42] DyDkaPro out
[19:42] tobias613 in
[19:42] darasenp_TAS> lol nici
[19:42] [GoD]Divinity> unknown its a language called portuguese
[19:42] DyDkaPro in
[19:42] UnKnown_TAS> :o
[19:42] [GoD]Divinity> dont bother speak it
[19:42] [GoD]Divinity> its for noob
[19:42] [GoD]Divinity> s
[19:42] UnKnown_TAS> isn´t that a dialect?
[19:42] UnKnown_TAS> its a language?
[19:42] [GoD]Eric in
[19:42] darasenp_TAS> yes
[19:42] darasenp_TAS> its a language
[19:42] UnKnown_TAS> I though portuguese was a spanish dialect
[19:43] darasenp_TAS> '-'
[19:43] [GoD]Divinity> u know nothing john snow
[19:43] [GoD]Divinity> jon*
[19:43] UnKnown_TAS> shut up
[19:43] UnKnown_TAS> and go watch the wall
[19:43] andromeda99 in
[19:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella
[19:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> ::o
[19:43] darasenp_TAS> tsu
[19:43] darasenp_TAS> call?
[19:43] darasenp_TAS> xD
[19:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[19:44] andromeda99 out
[19:44] UnKnown_TAS> andromeda collided with milky ay already?
[19:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ^ xD
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> if you go
[19:44] UnKnown_TAS> andromeda99 in
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> wait a minute for i open the skype
[19:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> i got stuffs to do now :o
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> oh
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> ok ok
[19:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> i cant stay at desk soon
[19:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[19:44] UnKnown_TAS> brb
[19:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> (shower)
[19:44] UnKnown_TAS> gotta run away from andromeda
[19:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> no watching right xD
[19:44] [GoD]Divinity> gay porn
[19:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> 3:44 am
[19:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[19:44] blaik in
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> yes i know
[19:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> yeah i know
[19:44] darasenp_TAS> here are 15:44 pm xD
[19:44] [GoD]Divinity> dont google buceta
[19:45] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> *3:PM
[19:45] darasenp_TAS> hahahahaha
[19:45] darasenp_TAS> yes whatever
[19:45] Apocalypsis_TAS> aaanyway gonna do my stuffs :o
[19:45] Apocalypsis_TAS> i just appeared for greetings
[19:45] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
[19:45] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> 7:45 PM getting late
[19:45] darasenp_TAS> :P
[19:45] [GoD]Eric out
[19:45] [GoD]Divinity> 19:45am rofl ;)
[19:45] darasenp_TAS> :)
[19:46] [GoD]Eric in
[19:46] DyDkaPro> why my game is not loading when im on?
[19:46] [GoD]Divinity> congratulationsjak to kosjak
[19:46] tobias613 out
[19:46] [GoD]Divinity> congratulationsjak to vodkasjak
[19:46] [GoD]Divinity> congratulationsjak to jtsjakkk
[19:46] [GoD]Divinity> congratulationsjak to noobsjak
[19:46] darasenp_TAS> ''--'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'
[19:47] darasenp_TAS> jijo
[19:47] darasenp_TAS> seu rank esta spy
[19:47] darasenp_TAS> pq?
[19:47] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:48] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[19:48] AeonPlatinum in
[19:48] [SW]Zgjimi in
[19:49] [SW]Zgjimi> go
[19:49] darasenp_TAS> zZzZzZz
[19:49] darasenp_TAS> ....
[19:49] martinkulsrud in
[19:50] DyDkaPro> what game version i needed to play?
[19:50] Diomedes out
[19:50] kbatu98765 in
[19:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> pk nao tenho jogado lol
[19:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> derp
[19:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> nao respondi logo pk tava a tratar do eater of worlds com yoyo
[19:52] [SW]Zgjimi> +2
[19:52] DyDkaPro> help pls
[19:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ne daras
[19:52] darasenp_TAS> lol GG
[19:52] darasenp_TAS> LoL maldito
[19:52] darasenp_TAS> 3 anos para atualizar
[19:53] darasenp_TAS> e o diogo esta no skype?
[19:53] darasenp_TAS> ele n falou mais
[19:53] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[19:53] DyDkaPro out
[19:53] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ganhei trofeu ha 1
[19:53] darasenp_TAS> '-'
[19:53] [fu]king_pin in
[19:54] Breska-arg in
[19:54] darasenp_TAS> nici logou no mm mais esta vendo yaoi
[19:54] [fu]king_pin> inca sucks big black cocks
[19:54] darasenp_TAS> uashaushuahsuahsa
[19:54] [fu]king_pin out
[19:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> lol
[19:55] [fu]king_pin in
[19:55] darasenp_TAS> affz q tédioooo
[19:55] darasenp_TAS> q tédio e q sono tbm
[19:55] darasenp_TAS> tou quase indo dormir
[19:55] [SW]Zgjimi> +3
[19:56] DyDkaPro in
[19:56] UnKnown_TAS> ta foda
[19:56] UnKnown_TAS> dofa
[19:56] UnKnown_TAS> odaf
[19:56] UnKnown_TAS> adof
[19:56] LDani in
[19:56] UnKnown_TAS> pica das galáxias
[19:57] [fu]king_pin out
[19:57] [fu]king_pin in
[19:57] [fu]king_pin> pops dead boyz
[19:57] UnKnown_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqrfrs5OaGQ
[19:57] UnKnown_TAS> kings are dead too
[19:57] UnKnown_TAS> its a natural process
[19:58] [SW]Zgjimi> se
[19:58] [SW]Zgjimi> sec
[19:58] [SW]Zgjimi> face off
[19:58] int3r out
[19:59] int3r in
[19:59] DyDkaPro out
[20:00] DyDkaPro in
[20:01] Kos_TAS out
[20:01] Kos_TAS in
[20:02] carbine in
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> come
[20:03] MiniBot_UK> This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> here
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> join
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> kk
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> join
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> joinn
[20:03] [SW]Zgjimi> join
[20:04] carbine> goteem
[20:04] carbine> HAH GOTEE
[20:04] IncaWarrior out
[20:05] IncaWarrior in
[20:05] [fu]king_pin out
[20:06] w33d> ANYONE KNOWS HOW TO FIX STREAM ON windows 10 ?!?!
[20:06] IncaWarrior> what's wrong with it?
[20:06] w33d> whenever i start streaming
[20:06] w33d> and go ingame
[20:06] carbine> just dont use windows 10
[20:06] carbine> its crap
[20:06] w33d> obs crashes
[20:07] [SW]Zgjimi> |+!
[20:07] [SW]Zgjimi> +1
[20:07] DeltaEnemy out
[20:07] w33d> i have same res
[20:07] Loz_Doz> Anyone want to do a 2v1 against 2 amateurs?
[20:07] w33d> on both obs and pop
[20:07] [Chf]crazyone in
[20:07] DeltaEnemy in
[20:07] carbine> I do
[20:07] w33d> but still something is fishy
[20:07] [Rw]Mirage out
[20:07] DeltaEnemy out
[20:07] DeltaEnemy in
[20:07] ermansau in
[20:08] [Chf]crazyone out
[20:08] Tables> Uhh
[20:08] Vini13 in
[20:10] Jophiscene in
[20:10] Vini13 out
[20:10] [Rw]Mirage in
[20:11] w33d> SEC
[20:11] w33d> FIXIN STREAM
[20:11] kbatu98765> populous
[20:11] SuicideSquid_TAS> map?
[20:12] Kos_TAS in
[20:14] gylala999 out
[20:14] mannin in
[20:15] kbatu98765> joph i will play you but only if its unranked.
[20:15] Jophiscene> kk
[20:15] Jophiscene> join
[20:16] w33d> ILL EVEN LET U GO INTO MY PC
[20:16] w33d> AND DO SHIT
[20:16] w33d> LIKE ALEX
[20:16] Kos_TAS> win10 is worse than win8
[20:16] Kos_TAS> what we can do
[20:16] w33d> U CAN HELP ME FIX IT
[20:17] davetherave1991> dick move still
[20:17] Kos_TAS> the reason to get win10 is dx12
[20:17] Kos_TAS> nothing else
[20:17] w33d> HELP ME FIX STREAmmmmm
[20:18] w33d out
[20:18] Kos_TAS out
[20:18] w33d in
[20:18] w33d> FUCK MM CRASHED
[20:18] w33d> WHyYyYyYYy
[20:18] w33d> is this happenin to me
[20:19] Kos_TAS> ask bill gates
[20:19] Kos_TAS> geits
[20:19] Kos_TAS> gayts
[20:19] Kos_TAS> .
[20:20] LDani out
[20:22] w33d> no noobs
[20:22] w33d> +++++++1
[20:22] mannin> im not new
[20:22] w33d> ur stila spy
[20:22] mannin> im an old player
[20:22] w33d> lol
[20:22] mannin> lost my rank
[20:22] w33d> ok come
[20:23] [GoD]Eric> rip mm
[20:23] [GoD]Eric> rip pop
[20:23] Jophiscene> let me spectate?
[20:23] _ale4599 in
[20:23] _ale4599 out
[20:23] _ale4599 in
[20:23] peterisangry out
[20:23] w33d> wtf?
[20:23] _ale4599> can anybody help me? i had an error that i cant conect
[20:24] w33d> eric
[20:24] w33d> join
[20:24] _ale4599> im spy rank
[20:24] Jophiscene> weed let me spectate?
[20:24] w33d> sure
[20:24] [Rw]Mirage> let me ally mannin
[20:25] _ale4599 out
[20:25] [fu]king_pin in
[20:25] [fu]king_pin> anyone hear the news
[20:26] Jophiscene> somebody let me spectate their game?
[20:27] Jophiscene out
[20:30] [SW]Zgjimi> lag or los connection
[20:30] [SW]Zgjimi> sry
[20:30] ermansau> ok
[20:31] [fu]king_pin out
[20:32] Brandan> Sum
[20:34] Dramaturgie in
[20:35] Dramaturgie out
[20:39] Electric out
[20:40] Electric in
[20:41] AlphaEnemy in
[20:43] DeltaEnemy> you either die a noob or live long enough to join the enemys and become a fucking legende
[20:43] vegeta_tsi> legend*
[20:43] vegeta_tsi> gg
[20:43] basz in
[20:43] Kos_TAS> wtf
[20:43] ermansau out
[20:43] AlphaEnemy> fight
[20:43] AlphaEnemy> the enemys for glory
[20:43] AlphaEnemy> and become immortal
[20:44] Kos_TAS> josh
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> fight us
[20:44] Kos_TAS> do you have mute powers
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> we have powers between the legs
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> kos fight us or die right now
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> 20 cm power
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> enemy power
[20:44] AlphaEnemy> +1
[20:44] DeltaEnemy> the enemy fucked millions of girls
[20:44] Kos_TAS> i choose die right now
[20:45] Kos_TAS> so im still alive
[20:45] Kos_TAS> u guys liars
[20:45] Kos_TAS> die
[20:45] Kos_TAS> in blackhole
[20:45] AlphaEnemy> ok
[20:45] AlphaEnemy> kos
[20:45] AlphaEnemy> u kid
[20:45] AlphaEnemy> so childish
[20:45] vegeta_tsi> no
[20:45] vegeta_tsi> incas here
[20:45] vegeta_tsi> :D
[20:45] tobias613 in
[20:45] Kos_TAS> being childish is : DeltaEnemy> the enemy fucked millions of girls
[20:45] OmegaOverride> 1+
[20:45] Kos_TAS> whats the point of saying it
[20:45] Kos_TAS> do you get promoted?
[20:45] Kos_TAS> do you feel better?
[20:45] Kos_TAS> no
[20:45] vegeta_tsi> kos
[20:45] vegeta_tsi> msg me d00d
[20:46] DeltaEnemy> Kos_TAS> being childish is : DeltaEnemy> the enemy fucked millions of girls
[20:46] DeltaEnemy> thats so fucking true
[20:46] DeltaEnemy> we fucked so many girls
[20:46] Kos_TAS> great what now
[20:46] DeltaEnemy> he alpha? how many girls did we fucked?
[20:46] Kos_TAS> now go sleep
[20:46] Kos_TAS> and take bath
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> kos let them have there tagteam
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> we need more
[20:47] AlphaEnemy> fucked
[20:47] AlphaEnemy> a 1000
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> it wont last long
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> 3 weeks
[20:47] DeltaEnemy> thats so true
[20:47] DeltaEnemy> hahahahaah
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> :D
[20:47] Kos_TAS> 3 weeks?
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> if only
[20:47] vegeta_tsi> we had more
[20:47] tobias613 out
[20:47] HardToGet in
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> someone make meme
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> or setting in hut
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> * DUNO IF NOOBS WONT
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> i duno
[20:48] kaspa64> host quit]
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> ideas gone
[20:48] vegeta_tsi> :D
[20:48] kaspa64> we win
[20:48] Kos_TAS> vegeta
[20:48] int3r out
[20:48] Kos_TAS> do you like fucking girls
[20:48] Kos_TAS> is that your meaning of life?
[20:48] basz out
[20:49] vegeta_tsi> well
[20:49] basz in
[20:49] vegeta_tsi> duno br0
[20:49] vegeta_tsi> IDM really
[20:49] Kos_TAS> new generation of people
[20:49] Kos_TAS> sick of that :(
[20:49] darasenp_TAS out
[20:49] Kos_TAS> "ui fucked a lot girls unlike y"
[20:49] vegeta_tsi> it happens
[20:49] supay out
[20:49] Kos_TAS> so congratz him
[20:49] Kos_TAS> give him a flag
[20:50] Kos_TAS> with text
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> kos
[20:50] Kos_TAS> i fucked a lot girls
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> stop being sad
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> ok?
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> lol :D
[20:50] Kos_TAS> im sick of this shit
[20:50] Kos_TAS> its everywhere
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> its just one of the things you live with
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> its always there but whether its chooses to bother you or not
[20:50] Kos_TAS> going to contine party tomorrow
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> its up to you
[20:50] vegeta_tsi> lol
[20:51] Kos_TAS> since some vodkas left
[20:51] vegeta_tsi> Drinking is bad mkay
[20:51] vegeta_tsi> Lol
[20:51] Kos_TAS> no
[20:51] Kos_TAS> its my life
[20:51] [GoD]Divinity in
[20:51] vegeta_tsi> Na
[20:51] Kos_TAS> if i see friend with vodka in his hand
[20:51] Kos_TAS> he is my brother
[20:51] [GoD]Divinity out
[20:51] Kos_TAS> lul jk
[20:51] Kos_TAS> :P
[20:51] vegeta_tsi> ye
[20:52] vegeta_tsi> good to have that
[20:52] vegeta_tsi> sometimes
[20:52] vegeta_tsi> balance. lol
[20:52] Kos_TAS> tomorrow going to buy videocam
[20:52] Kos_TAS> cum
[20:52] vegeta_tsi> kos
[20:52] Kos_TAS> hi
[20:55] HardToGet> +2
[20:56] vegeta_tsi> +2
[20:56] vegeta_tsi> guys
[20:56] vegeta_tsi> dont be scared
[20:56] vegeta_tsi> with ur panties
[20:57] DeltaEnemy out
[20:57] kaspa64 out
[20:58] kaspa64 in
[20:58] kaspa64 out
[21:00] kill_sheep out
[21:00] Rokubi in
[21:00] carbine> kbatu
[21:00] carbine> you have alot
[21:00] carbine> to learn
[21:00] carbine> you should hvae had a warrior hut
[21:00] carbine> have*
[21:00] kbatu98765> yeah sure
[21:01] OmegaOverride> sec for eric
[21:01] vegeta_tsi> k closing
[21:01] vegeta_tsi> one sec
[21:01] Kos_TAS> lets play pp
[21:01] vegeta_tsi> ok
[21:01] davetherave1991> please no
[21:01] vegeta_tsi> one sec
[21:01] davetherave1991> i suck ass at pp XD
[21:01] vegeta_tsi> were gonna play
[21:02] vegeta_tsi> TAS worlds
[21:02] Kos_TAS> unrank it?
[21:02] vegeta_tsi> brb real quick
[21:02] Kos_TAS> its my bd
[21:02] kbatu98765> yeah unrank it
[21:02] Kos_TAS> i choose map that we will play
[21:02] Kos_TAS> ;)
[21:02] Kos_TAS> lol its over btw
[21:02] Kos_TAS> .(
[21:02] kbatu98765> what is over?
[21:02] Kos_TAS> my bd
[21:02] Kos_TAS> 4th august here
[21:03] kbatu98765> what is bd?
[21:03] lobito_pro in
[21:03] Kos_TAS> backdoor
[21:03] Kos_TAS> birthday
[21:03] carbine> people call it bday
[21:03] carbine> lol
[21:03] sniker_at in
[21:03] [SW]Zgjimi> ???
[21:05] [GoD]Divinity> Congratulations to: Kos_TAS, mrjoel0872 (27)
[21:05] [GoD]Divinity> Congratulations to: Kos_TAS, mrjoel0872 (27)Congratulations to: Kos_TAS, mrjoel0872 (27)
[21:07] [Rw]Nici in
[21:08] carbine> I Applied to tdm
[21:08] carbine> lol
[21:08] [Rw]Nici> u think im wasting my time
[21:08] [Rw]Nici> ull get accepted
[21:08] carbine> what
[21:09] carbine> if power of 4
[21:09] carbine> 3*
[21:09] carbine> ever logs in to popre.net
[21:09] carbine> im sure he'll let me
[21:09] WarBazan in
[21:09] [Rw]Nici> guy will be like
[21:09] [Rw]Nici> "we have to make an internal pool"
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> then u realize nobody in tdm is active
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> nor visit forums
[21:10] [Rw]Nici> bunch of noobs anyway
[21:10] carbine> i am just joining
[21:10] carbine> to have a tag
[21:10] carbine> dont like tas
[21:10] carbine> well i dont mind it
[21:10] [SW]Zgjimi> ?
[21:10] [SW]Zgjimi> wtf
[21:10] carbine> but its to much of a hassle to get in
[21:10] [GoD]Divinity> congratulations our poll was a success
[21:10] [GoD]Divinity> you got accepted with 1 vote in against 0 out!
[21:10] OmegaOverride> 2+
[21:11] [SW]Zgjimi> i like
[21:11] [SW]Zgjimi> se
[21:11] [SW]Zgjimi> [sw]
[21:11] OmegaOverride> 1+
[21:11] basz out
[21:11] [Rw]Nici out
[21:11] Two4Player in
[21:11] Basz in
[21:13] skaarj_guardian in
[21:14] [Rw]Mirage> gg
[21:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> i thought one of you would bd
[21:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> it ouwld have taken two lbs
[21:14] w33d> na
[21:14] w33d> i couldnt have won anyway
[21:14] w33d> sharingan too pro
[21:15] Basz out
[21:15] w33d> bella
[21:15] w33d> 1v1 blastz
[21:16] SuicideSquid_TAS> no
[21:16] w33d> yes
[21:16] w33d> zgjimi 1v1 blastz
[21:17] [SW]Zgjimi out
[21:17] [fu]King_Pin in
[21:17] w33d> purechemist 1v1 blastz
[21:17] w33d> matt 1v1 blastz
[21:17] [SW]Zgjimi in
[21:18] [Rw]Nici> i know someone
[21:18] [Rw]Nici> who takes it in the ass
[21:18] [Rw]Nici> gladlyt
[21:21] Two4Player out
[21:22] Rokubi out
[21:22] WarBazan> me cago en los muer....
[21:22] WarBazan> joder hostia
[21:23] WarBazan out
[21:24] WarBazan in
[21:24] carbine out
[21:24] Mijagi in
[21:24] Mijagi out
[21:25] Basz in
[21:25] Basz out
[21:25] Basz in
[21:26] DeltaEnemy in
[21:26] DeltaEnemy out
[21:26] DeltaEnemy in
[21:26] OmegaOverride> 3+
[21:27] w33d> wow
[21:27] w33d> matt got pwned
[21:27] w33d> so bad matt
[21:27] w33d> wish i were as bad as u
[21:27] w33d> wait no roflmao
[21:28] AlphaEnemy> zgjimi cant host me
[21:28] AlphaEnemy> override has to host
[21:28] DeltaEnemy> no. i lag when he host
[21:28] OmegaOverride out
[21:28] OmegaOverride in
[21:29] DyDkaPro out
[21:29] Tables out
[21:29] DeltaEnemy> You are restricted from using this hut
[21:29] [SW]Zgjimi out
[21:30] [SW]Zgjimi in
[21:30] DyDkaPro in
[21:31] PanosFtw in
[21:31] carbine in
[21:31] Basz out
[21:34] Brandan out
[21:34] AlphaEnemy> +1
[21:34] Brandan in
[21:34] Basz in
[21:35] mannin out
[21:37] w33d> eric
[21:37] w33d> its lichts
[21:37] AlphaEnemy out
[21:37] [fu]mrkooPRO26 in
[21:37] Loz_Doz out
[21:37] w33d> +++++++++++1 lichts
[21:38] w33d> GOgooGogOOGogOg
[21:38] WarBazan out
[21:39] [fu]mrkooPRO26 out
[21:40] AlphaEnemy in
[21:40] AlphaEnemy out
[21:40] AlphaEnemy in
[21:40] DyDkaPro out
[21:41] DyDkaPro in
[21:41] kerem56 in
[21:42] Thunderbass in
[21:42] WarBazan in
[21:43] DeltaEnemy> chemist
[21:43] DeltaEnemy> thats my hut
[21:43] DeltaEnemy> go out pelase
[21:43] Kos_TAS> gg...
[21:43] vegeta_tsi> GG
[21:44] vegeta_tsi> oops
[21:44] vegeta_tsi> gg
[21:44] kbatu98765> that was a terrible game.
[21:44] davetherave1991> lol
[21:44] HardToGet out
[21:44] davetherave1991> it was
[21:44] kbatu98765> laggy host, uneven teams, first time doing that map - you guys couldve done 2 vs either of you and still win.
[21:44] DeltaEnemy> alpha join
[21:44] Kos_TAS> my pop growth is so sad
[21:44] Kos_TAS> i suck hard
[21:44] vegeta_tsi> need to reformat
[21:44] Kos_TAS> gtg sleep
[21:44] vegeta_tsi> cya kos
[21:44] Kos_TAS out
[21:45] AlphaEnemy> kbaut
[21:45] AlphaEnemy> come here
[21:45] DyDkaPro out
[21:46] AlphaEnemy out
[21:46] Thunderbass out
[21:46] [SW]Zgjimi out
[21:48] DyDkaPro in
[21:49] davetherave1991> lol
[21:49] carbine> dont laugh at me
[21:49] [fu]King_Pin out
[21:49] carbine> join
[21:49] carbine> dave
[21:49] [fu]King_Pin in
[21:49] davetherave1991> join ill host
[21:50] carbine> no
[21:50] carbine> come
[21:50] davetherave1991> red is shit
[21:50] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[21:50] Osiris in
[21:51] By_Nico_22 in
[21:51] DyDkaPro out
[21:51] IncaWarrior> hi
[21:51] By_Nico_22> Hola
[21:52] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[21:52] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[21:53] vegeta_tsi> supppppp
[21:53] Osiris out
[21:53] DyDkaPro in
[21:53] TheDeathChan in
[21:53] By_Nico_22 out
[21:54] vegeta_tsi> bblllll
[21:54] vegeta_tsi out
[21:54] By_Nico_22 in
[21:54] [fu]king_pin in
[21:54] [fu]king_pin> 1v1 weed
[21:55] TheDeathChan> someone join us
[21:55] By_Nico_22 out
[21:55] TheDeathChan> please
[21:56] [Rw]Mirage out
[21:57] sniker_at out
[21:57] carbine> noob
[21:57] carbine> rage quitter
[21:57] sniker_at in
[21:57] carbine> quitter
[21:57] carbine> noob
[21:57] davetherave1991> lol so what?
[21:57] davetherave1991> i was dead
[21:57] carbine> i didnt get any points
[21:57] carbine> motherfucker
[21:57] davetherave1991> hahahahaha
[21:57] 7ZaveX_TAS> my points
[21:57] davetherave1991> gutted
[21:57] carbine> fuck you dave
[21:57] carbine> bitch
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> my points mothermother
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> mothermother fucker
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> my points
[21:58] carbine> 721Zzx89w3rhfnsdszcdkxmjszd AX wanna 1v1
[21:58] carbine> motherfucker
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> yea motherfucker
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> i need your points
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> motherfucker
[21:58] carbine> come join
[21:58] kbatu98765> you like moms?
[21:58] 7ZaveX_TAS> sec motherfucker, i need to take a shit motherfucker
[21:59] carbine> thats not gonna be a sec
[21:59] carbine> you motherfucker
[21:59] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[21:59] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[21:59] carbine> dave the rage
[21:59] carbine> jaja
[21:59] davetherave1991> hahaha
[21:59] davetherave1991> carbine the brave blaster
[22:00] carbine> dave the person that leaves their braves so close to my shamaan
[22:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi's
[22:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> <3
[22:00] davetherave1991> you walked up to them XD
[22:00] carbine> dave the person that builds their fw hut outside of their base
[22:00] davetherave1991> you did kinda destroy my 1st one
[22:01] carbine> you kinda had space to build another one
[22:01] carbine> inside of your base
[22:01] carbine> anyway
[22:01] davetherave1991> i didnt
[22:01] carbine> wanna 1v1 on another map
[22:01] carbine> you could have built on your side
[22:01] carbine> etc
[22:01] AeonPlatinum> carbine left the game first
[22:01] carbine> aeonplatinum
[22:01] AeonPlatinum> as he did when i played against him
[22:01] carbine> are you that ignorant
[22:01] [fu]king_pin out
[22:01] carbine> to not look
[22:01] carbine> at the pop graph
[22:01] lobito_pro> otro
[22:02] carbine> and it says i won
[22:02] lobito_pro> ese
[22:02] DyDkaPro> why i have problem witth D3Ddpop3w?
[22:02] lobito_pro> humanos pon humanos
[22:02] AeonPlatinum> you know I am right
[22:02] carbine> aeon platinum
[22:02] lobito_pro> otra
[22:02] carbine> i actually have never played you
[22:03] carbine> so i dont know what the fuck your talking about
[22:03] lobito_pro> la anterior
[22:03] AeonPlatinum> lol
[22:03] carbine> and why am i still talking to a wildman
[22:03] lobito_pro> l a que lo desjaste oe saniker
[22:03] AeonPlatinum> of course you did
[22:03] carbine> link me it then
[22:03] carbine> noob
[22:03] DyDkaPro> :(
[22:03] AeonPlatinum> all you can say is "noob" or "motherfucker"
[22:04] carbine> all you can do is lie and say you beat me
[22:04] carbine> yet you have only played 5 games
[22:04] carbine> and none of them include me
[22:04] carbine> 10 games
[22:04] carbine> even
[22:04] carbine> something like that
[22:04] carbine> 11
[22:04] carbine> nope
[22:04] carbine> 10
[22:04] DyDkaPro out
[22:04] carbine> lol
[22:05] carbine> dont get why it says you have 5 games but when i look at your game history i see 10
[22:05] AeonPlatinum> are you crazy?
[22:05] w33d out
[22:05] lobito_pro> humanos
[22:05] lobito_pro> pon humanos
[22:05] carbine out
[22:05] carbine in
[22:06] AeonPlatinum> i can see our game in your game result list
[22:06] carbine> link me it
[22:06] carbine> then
[22:06] lordpacco in
[22:06] [Fr]Supertune out
[22:06] AeonPlatinum> http://www.popre.net/game.php?u=49399
[22:07] carbine> you linked me my game results
[22:07] carbine> link me the actual game
[22:07] carbine> i cant find
[22:07] AeonPlatinum> you just have to search for my name in the lsit
[22:07] AeonPlatinum> list
[22:07] DyDkaPro in
[22:07] carbine> oh
[22:07] carbine> thats a
[22:07] carbine> 3v1
[22:07] [fu]king_pin in
[22:08] [fu]king_pin> any games good games about to go
[22:08] [fu]king_pin> im toying with a noob
[22:09] davetherave1991> nope
[22:09] By_Nico_22 in
[22:10] Chris432 out
[22:10] davetherave1991> +2
[22:10] carbine> DAVETHErage
[22:10] carbine> 1v1?
[22:10] carbine> any map
[22:10] By_Nico_22> 2vs2
[22:10] By_Nico_22> ?
[22:10] davetherave1991> yes
[22:11] davetherave1991> carbine i need a mouse to play you
[22:11] carbine> get a fkin mouse
[22:11] carbine> then
[22:11] [fu]king_pin> ill play u carbon
[22:11] davetherave1991> i dont have one
[22:11] [fu]king_pin> carbine
[22:11] carbine> i will play you king pin if u spell my name
[22:11] carbine> correctly
[22:12] davetherave1991> +1
[22:13] [fu]king_pin> i just dod
[22:13] [fu]king_pin> did
[22:14] kbatu98765> nico dude,
[22:14] [fu]king_pin> carbine u ready
[22:14] kbatu98765> by_nico
[22:14] davetherave1991> relog
[22:14] carbine> no
[22:14] carbine> im not playing with u king pin i got a gam
[22:15] kbatu98765> i tried to ask him nicely...he wouldnt leave lol
[22:15] [fu]king_pin> scared
[22:15] kbatu98765> guys sort out team and map before you leave
[22:15] kbatu98765> before launch
[22:15] kbatu98765> what map you guys wants?
[22:15] davetherave1991> idc
[22:16] kbatu98765> harely, pure....hello?
[22:16] By_Nico_22> hi guys
[22:16] kbatu98765> do these guys answer?
[22:16] davetherave1991> idk
[22:16] kbatu98765> hey nico22
[22:16] By_Nico_22> i am from argentina!
[22:16] kbatu98765> oh thats good
[22:17] kbatu98765> there are many south amercian players here
[22:17] davetherave1991> launch and find out
[22:17] kbatu98765> whose noob?
[22:17] By_Nico_22> i dont speak english, just a little bit
[22:17] DeltaEnemy> +1
[22:17] kbatu98765> okay nico use google translate
[22:18] lordpacco> google is a teacher
[22:18] kbatu98765> you can certainly learn much from google. no doubt.
[22:18] By_Nico_22> Ok
[22:18] lordpacco> dude i learned english using google
[22:18] kbatu98765> excellent
[22:18] lordpacco> when its translations were terrible, today is way better
[22:19] ale4599 in
[22:19] kbatu98765> yeah, their translations are getting better all the time.
[22:19] TheDeathChan out
[22:19] kbatu98765> harley?
[22:19] [fu]king_pin out
[22:19] davetherave1991> fail
[22:19] lordpacco> the only problem is that it wont tell you some grammar rules
[22:19] [fu]king_pin in
[22:20] OmegaOverride out
[22:22] [fu]king_pin> stfu pacco
[22:23] kbatu98765> right guys
[22:23] kbatu98765> what map?
[22:23] Brandan> So lordpacco learned how to be google translate.
[22:23] 7ZaveX_TAS> just pick
[22:23] Brandan> neat.
[22:23] kbatu98765> i'll do 4 way.
[22:23] kbatu98765> 7z you want to ally king pin?
[22:23] kbatu98765> i take harly
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> hmm
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> adena is tas bro
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> i get dibs
[22:24] lordpacco> did i say i only used google to learn english?
[22:24] By_Nico_22 out
[22:24] kbatu98765> dude, i dont care who i ally, they both fw grade
[22:24] By_Nico_22 in
[22:24] kbatu98765> and we are similar so should be good game
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> i trust adena
[22:24] kbatu98765> okay i ally king pin
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> ill take adena
[22:24] lordpacco> its funny how some people insist to be idiots
[22:25] Brandan> lordpacco: Yes
[22:25] Brandan> [14:18] lordpacco> dude i learned english using google
[22:25] lordpacco> this is not "i leaned english only using google"
[22:25] [fu]king_pin out
[22:25] lordpacco> stop being retarded brandan
[22:26] WarBazan> I'm up to the hilt... that think...
[22:26] carbine> brandan is a retard
[22:26] kbatu98765> what was the problem?
[22:26] carbine> so he cant not be retarded
[22:26] Brandan> I hate to tell you this pacco.
[22:26] Brandan> But thats whats implied.
[22:26] Brandan> You didn't say I learned Englishly partly though Google translate.
[22:26] Brandan> You said you learned English.
[22:26] Brandan> the entire language
[22:26] Brandan> though Google.
[22:27] kbatu98765> well that was odd
[22:27] marcovit in
[22:27] skaarj_guardian out
[22:27] By_Nico_22 in
[22:27] carbine> you know the leagues 7 months ago
[22:27] carbine> what rank would you be if you had 366 points
[22:28] marcovit out
[22:28] lordpacco> i didnt say i learned fully using google nor partially google, the fact is that you want to prove your side as the only correct, when i simply said that i used google to learn english
[22:28] WarBazan> puto orgullo de mierda que se habra creido
[22:28] By_Nico_22> Hola de donde sos warbazan?
[22:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> kbatu
[22:28] WarBazan> a hola
[22:28] Brandan> Yes that means you learned English though Google.
[22:28] WarBazan> de espańa
[22:28] carbine out
[22:28] Brandan> The entire language
[22:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> plz ensure its correct this time
[22:28] Brandan> #grammar
[22:28] sniker_at out
[22:28] sniker_at in
[22:28] By_Nico_22> A que bueno yo soy de argentina
[22:28] sniker_at out
[22:28] lordpacco> i dont get why you always try to do that brandan seriously, its ridiculous how you turn a simple statement into a full whole new stupid discusion
[22:29] lordpacco> grow up
[22:29] Brandan> Well you said it.
[22:29] lobito_pro out
[22:29] By_Nico_22> No le hagas caso a estos gringos jajaaj
[22:29] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[22:29] Harley-Quinn_tas> twitch.tv/nojillys
[22:29] Brandan> You asked me a question "[14:24] lordpacco> did i say i only used google to learn english?"
[22:29] Brandan> and I answered
[22:29] Brandan> get over it.
[22:30] legado-del-emacias in
[22:30] Brandan> lordpacco: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/implied
[22:30] lordpacco> you are too ignorant to accept that i never said i fuly used google and exclusively only google to learn enlgish, when in the reallity i never said that , but you keep repeating it like if it would make it become true
[22:31] By_Nico_22> Como descargo el paquete de mapas
[22:31] lordpacco> so.. better to grow up brandan
[22:31] Brandan> You said you learned English though google.
[22:31] lordpacco> does that mean that only google helped me? no
[22:31] Brandan> not you used Google translate to help you learn English.
[22:31] Brandan> Yes.
[22:31] Brandan> it does.
[22:31] By_Nico_22> Como los instalo warbazan
[22:32] Brandan> In English it does, its implied.
[22:32] lordpacco> wow what an useful discussion
[22:32] By_Nico_22> OK
[22:32] lordpacco> you really helped me
[22:32] Brandan> Then don't back talk me.
[22:33] legado-del-emacias> lordpacco
[22:33] legado-del-emacias> whats your native language
[22:33] lordpacco> portuguese
[22:34] legado-del-emacias> so you speak 2
[22:34] legado-del-emacias> brandan speaks only 1
[22:34] By_Nico_22> oK
[22:34] lordpacco> a bit of spanish too
[22:34] lordpacco> and im learning japanese
[22:35] legado-del-emacias> i think its childish to make fun of someones spelling mistakes - it only means that they can therefore speak another language perfectly
[22:35] By_Nico_22 out
[22:35] Brandan> no one made fun of someones spelling mistakes.
[22:35] lordpacco> for someone with complex of superiority its not that surprising
[22:35] legado-del-emacias> although i speak almost 3 perfecty mwa ha ha
[22:36] PanosFtw out
[22:36] legado-del-emacias> btw typos dont count
[22:36] lordpacco> what are those 3 u speak?
[22:40] WarBazan> +1
[22:40] Basz out
[22:41] By_Nico_22> Ok
[22:41] legado-del-emacias out
[22:41] martinkulsrud out
[22:42] By_Nico_22 out
[22:46] davetherave1991> brb
[22:46] DyDkaPro out
[22:47] joshpopulous in
[22:48] joshpopulous out
[22:48] ale4599> 3v1 unfair D: THAT TOTEM
[22:48] davetherave1991> its bullshit
[22:48] ale4599> hahaha
[22:48] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[22:48] DeltaEnemy> sure
[22:48] DeltaEnemy> learn to play jugger
[22:48] davetherave1991> youd have to rush
[22:48] ale4599> come guys
[22:48] davetherave1991> simple as
[22:49] ale4599> we do another 3v1
[22:49] davetherave1991> long game is no good
[22:49] AeonPlatinum> lets go
[22:49] davetherave1991> map?
[22:49] AeonPlatinum> whatever you want
[22:50] AeonPlatinum> Pressure Point looks good
[22:51] davetherave1991> u ok with that delta?
[22:51] DeltaEnemy> no it does not look good
[22:51] DeltaEnemy> let do juggernaut
[22:51] AeonPlatinum> of course it does
[22:51] DeltaEnemy> let me host
[22:51] AeonPlatinum> Okay, do what Delta says
[22:51] DeltaEnemy> ok
[22:54] OmegaOverride in
[22:59] blaik out
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[23:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[23:00] kbatu98765> that was the most screwed up game
[23:01] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[23:01] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[23:04] IncaWarrior out
[23:07] Flashlightning out
[23:08] nnp in
[23:08] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[23:09] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[23:11] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[23:13] Harley-Quinn_tas> +++1
[23:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> twitch.tv./nojillys
[23:17] kevinya14 in
[23:19] ale4599> +2
[23:20] Purechemist> lagged out
[23:20] kbatu98765> yeah i lagged out
[23:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> -_-
[23:21] Gladiator_TaS in
[23:23] supay in
[23:23] [lg]amnesia in
[23:24] Harley-Quinn_tas> +1 nob
[23:24] [lg]amnesia> +1
[23:24] By_Nico_22 in
[23:25] OmegaOverride out
[23:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> magg? o.o
[23:25] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> not playing sess
[23:25] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> get another guy
[23:25] [lg]amnesia> let me play sess
[23:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> gladiatior is drunk
[23:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[23:25] [lg]amnesia> pls
[23:25] Gladiator_TaS> lol
[23:25] Purechemist> same here
[23:25] kbatu98765> do unranked
[23:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> omg
[23:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[23:26] kbatu98765> join man
[23:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> ok ill do pp
[23:26] kbatu98765> we play
[23:26] ale4599 out
[23:28] kbatu98765> didnt launch
[23:28] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[23:28] kevinya14 out
[23:28] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[23:28] OmegaOverride in
[23:28] [lg]amnesia> why kic
[23:28] [lg]amnesia> kick*
[23:28] [lg]amnesia> =(
[23:29] nnp out
[23:29] supay out
[23:29] supay in
[23:29] supay out
[23:29] supay in
[23:30] OmegaOverride> +3
[23:30] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[23:30] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[23:31] OmegaOverride> 2+
[23:31] AeonPlatinum out
[23:31] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussys
[23:31] DeltaEnemy> hahahah
[23:31] davetherave1991 out
[23:32] [lg]amnesia> supeay and purechemist come up
[23:32] Gladiator_TaS> let me try hosting
[23:33] Gladiator_TaS> oops crashed
[23:34] Gladiator_TaS> wat happend it got crashed
[23:34] DeltaEnemy out
[23:34] Purechemist> ++++++2
[23:34] [lg]amnesia out
[23:36] [fu]king_pin in
[23:36] [fu]king_pin> anyone 1v1
[23:41] int3r in
[23:43] supay> +`++++++++3
[23:47] By_Nico_22 out
[23:47] By_Nico_22 in
[23:50] ale4599 in
[23:50] ale4599 out
[23:50] [fu]king_pin out
[23:54] ArchEnemy in
[23:54] diegorocka in
[23:55] ArchEnemy> Hello
[23:55] diegorocka out
[23:56] ArchEnemy out
[23:57] WarBazan out
[23:57] OmegaOverride out
[23:58] WarBazan in
[00:00] By_Nico_22> Si wacho aguante argentina
[00:04] lordpacco out
[00:05] By_Nico_22 out
[00:10] by_nico_22 in
[00:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> gladiatior ur too drunk
[00:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> :p
[00:11] lobito_pro in
[00:11] Gladiator_TaS> ya mate
[00:12] Gladiator_TaS> am drunk now 4 pints down
[00:12] Gladiator_TaS> 5th pint going on
[00:12] kbatu98765> gladiator got his eq in first.
[00:13] Polska in
[00:13] Gladiator_TaS> i dont know what i was doing lol
[00:13] kbatu98765> well you were keeping yellow busy, thats for sure.
[00:14] lobito_pro out
[00:14] lobito_pro in
[00:15] _ale4599 in
[00:15] _ale4599 out
[00:16] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[00:16] ale4599 in
[00:19] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[00:20] Gladiator_TaS> ++++++++++++3 Jugernaut unranked
[00:20] lobito_pro out
[00:21] Purechemist> +++++++++++++2
[00:21] lobito_pro in
[00:21] [GoD]Divinity> xupaaaaaaaaaaaaaime o pinto
[00:21] [GoD]Divinity> ;(
[00:21] [GoD]Divinity> guys im going to die soon
[00:21] [GoD]Divinity> who wants to have my pop account?
[00:21] [GoD]Divinity> inca dont ban ok? in my memory
[00:21] Gladiator_TaS> ++++++++++1
[00:23] lobito_pro out
[00:25] Gladiator_TaS> +++++++1
[00:28] Invincible-pinata in
[00:28] Invincible-pinata out
[00:29] Almafuerte in
[00:29] by_nico_22 out
[00:31] [Rw]Nici> i want to have your account!
[00:31] [Rw]Nici> OK?
[00:32] supay> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[00:34] lobito_pro in
[00:35] lobito_pro out
[00:43] kbatu98765 out
[00:43] SuicideSquid_TAS> man this mm is ded
[00:49] Rokubi in
[00:50] liqideqq in
[00:50] 7ZaveX_TAS> not quite dead yet
[00:53] ale4599 out
[00:53] khickman in
[00:53] khickman out
[00:55] Rokubi> ;)
[00:55] Rokubi> +++2
[00:58] ale4599 in
[00:59] ale4599 out
[00:59] Almafuerte out
[01:00] majd1995 in
[01:01] majd1995 out
[01:02] kerem56 out
[01:04] Vegeta_TSI in
[01:06] s35472986 in
[01:07] gnattynat in
[01:07] s35472986 out
[01:09] gnattynat out
[01:11] Gladiator_TaS> wat happend?
[01:11] supay> you unpaused two times
[01:11] Gladiator_TaS> 1 sec tpilet guys
[01:11] supay> when i was gone
[01:11] Gladiator_TaS> i didnt
[01:11] Gladiator_TaS> believe me
[01:12] Lucas in
[01:12] liqideqq> yea
[01:13] Dangledan69 in
[01:18] Gladiator_TaS out
[01:18] Gladiator_TaS in
[01:21] Gladiator_TaS out
[01:21] Gladiator_TaS in
[01:23] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[01:26] Rokubi> +2
[01:27] Lucas out
[01:27] Vegeta_TSI> +1 maggots
[01:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> patience little ones
[01:35] Rokubi> sorry
[01:35] Rokubi> D:
[01:35] [fu]King_Pin out
[01:40] liqideqq out
[01:40] supay out
[01:40] Polska out
[01:40] Gladiator_TaS> why quit
[01:41] Purechemist> why not
[01:41] Purechemist> its too much work to win
[01:42] Purechemist> easy but too much work
[01:42] Gladiator_TaS> i know
[01:43] Gladiator_TaS> 3 shaman sucks vs 1
[01:43] Purechemist> and u get lucky with eq and stuff
[01:43] Gladiator_TaS> true
[01:43] Gladiator_TaS> i have seen player winning jugg some times
[01:43] Gladiator_TaS> with good strategy
[01:43] Purechemist> I could win easy
[01:43] Purechemist> too :)
[01:44] Purechemist> if im not tired like now
[01:44] Gladiator_TaS> sure
[01:44] Purechemist> too much work to put in
[01:44] Gladiator_TaS> same here
[01:44] Gladiator_TaS> 5 pints down
[01:44] liqideqq in
[01:44] majd1995 in
[01:44] Gladiator_TaS out
[01:44] Purechemist> xD
[01:45] Dangledan69 out
[01:46] Figueroa in
[01:46] Figueroa> hola soy belllo
[01:46] by_nico_22 in
[01:48] int3r> hola sos gay
[01:48] Figueroa> jajaja
[01:48] Figueroa> soy nuevo
[01:48] int3r> sos argentino
[01:48] int3r> jaja trolo
[01:48] liqideqq out
[01:48] by_nico_22> Eh figueroa todo piola
[01:48] by_nico_22> ?
[01:48] Figueroa> sabes que soy bello
[01:48] Figueroa> venezuela
[01:49] int3r> ahah
[01:49] int3r> venezuela
[01:49] int3r> nico de que ciudad sos?
[01:49] Figueroa> como puedo jugar
[01:49] int3r> metete en una cabańa
[01:49] Figueroa> listo buena esa
[01:49] int3r> termino de comer y jugamos una!
[01:52] lalaboy in
[01:52] WarBazan in
[01:54] lalaboy out
[01:54] WarBazan out
[01:56] WarBazan out
[01:56] The_Legendary_Shao in
[01:57] [GoD]Divinity> hentai
[01:58] The_Legendary_Shao> hentai
[02:02] by_nico_22 out
[02:06] Vegeta_TSI> gg
[02:06] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[02:07] Rokubi> gg
[02:09] Electric> ?
[02:09] Vegeta_TSI> no
[02:09] Vegeta_TSI> lo
[02:09] Lucas in
[02:10] int3r> trolo
[02:12] khickman in
[02:14] Figueroa> tiempo sin jugar este gran juego
[02:15] Dangledan69 in
[02:15] Figueroa> valee
[02:15] Dangledan69> how do i play?
[02:15] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[02:17] Rokubi> that level sucks
[02:17] Rokubi> lol
[02:17] Rokubi> ++1
[02:18] 7ZaveX_TAS> i find it a good level
[02:18] Radagast_TAS in
[02:18] obdolba in
[02:18] obdolba out
[02:19] Rokubi> mia
[02:19] Rokubi> will join?
[02:19] 7ZaveX_TAS> maybe
[02:20] Purechemist out
[02:20] Dangledan69 in
[02:20] Radagast_TAS> nah I will make loose my ally XD
[02:21] Rokubi> be positive girl
[02:21] Rokubi> its just a game
[02:21] Rokubi> come on
[02:21] Radagast_TAS> i know
[02:21] Radagast_TAS> thee surely someone else
[02:23] Rokubi> come on, join firl
[02:23] Rokubi> girl*
[02:23] Purechemist in
[02:23] Rokubi> lets play
[02:24] Dangledan69 out
[02:24] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> n
[02:24] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> p
[02:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> i need a moment
[02:25] 7ZaveX_TAS> be patient
[02:28] Dangledan69 out
[02:29] Dangledan69 in
[02:32] The_Legendary_Shao> Hentai
[02:32] Purechemist out
[02:34] Dolfo in
[02:36] Lucas out
[02:38] Dangledan69 out
[02:41] Dolfo out
[02:43] majd1995 out
[02:44] Electric> *chat while arma
[02:47] lordpacco in
[02:49] Dolfo in
[02:49] Dolfo out
[02:53] Figueroa> dalee
[02:54] Figueroa> asi voy aconstunbrandome
[02:55] Figueroa> somos los unicos?
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> HI
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> HELLO
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> MY NAME IS MAG
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> AND I SUCK BAD
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> HI HELLO
[02:56] lordpacco> youre a bed
[02:56] lordpacco> nice
[02:56] [GoD]Divinity> S
[02:56] [GoD]Divinity> T
[02:57] [GoD]Divinity> F
[02:57] [GoD]Divinity> U
[02:58] [GoD]Divinity> C
[02:58] [GoD]Divinity> U
[02:58] [GoD]Divinity> N
[02:58] [GoD]Divinity> T
[03:02] lordpacco> Q FILHO DA PUTA
[03:02] lordpacco> toma no cu bixo de gelo apelăo
[03:02] lordpacco> alguns desenvolvedores de jogos sao mt putos cara
[03:04] bone_collector in
[03:05] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[03:05] bone_collector> how well does this run on bootcamp?
[03:05] IncaWarrior> bootcamp is just windows
[03:06] IncaWarrior> so as well as it works on the version of windows you install
[03:06] bone_collector> yeah running within mac operating software though...will soon find out
[03:07] bone_collector> +3
[03:09] The_Legendary_Shao> hentai
[03:09] The_Legendary_Shao out
[03:11] bone_collector out
[03:12] [GoD]Divinity out
[03:14] Rokubi> gg
[03:14] Radagast_TAS> gg :3
[03:14] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> inca
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> ban divinity
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> for not giving me his account
[03:16] IncaWarrior> k
[03:16] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> acho q volto mais tarde
[03:16] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> e tu chupa q nem puta nici
[03:16] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> valeu
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey babes
[03:17] Rokubi> yo adena
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey kassandra <3
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey rokubi
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey zave
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey mag
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey all
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> <3
[03:18] [Rw]Nici> fuck you too
[03:18] Rokubi> lmao
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> ...
[03:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[03:19] Rokubi> +++2
[03:20] [GoD]Eric out
[03:21] [GoD]Eric in
[03:22] Radagast_TAS out
[03:22] Radagast_TAS in
[03:23] Rokubi> tas members
[03:23] Rokubi> join?
[03:23] UnKnown_TAS out
[03:24] [GoD]Eric out
[03:24] [GoD]Eric in
[03:27] Rokubi> ++++++++++++++2
[03:31] [GoD]Eric out
[03:32] [GoD]Eric in
[03:33] [GoD]Eric out
[03:33] [GoD]Eric in
[03:34] Harley-Quinn_tas> ++++2
[03:37] Figueroa> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[03:37] int3r> good game
[03:38] Figueroa> jajaja dejame agarrarle bien al juego
[03:39] int3r> jaja de a poco vas a poder
[03:40] Figueroa> de que pais eres?
[03:40] Rokubi> ++++2
[03:41] int3r> argentina
[03:41] Figueroa> otra con rokubi
[03:42] Figueroa> ay conńo
[03:42] Almafuerte in
[03:42] Figueroa> valee
[03:43] Figueroa> buscate un 3ro
[03:43] Albert607 in
[03:47] Albert607 out
[03:50] Kos_TAS in
[03:51] Kos_TAS> wow
[03:51] Kos_TAS> i woke up so early
[03:52] hiroshi1437 in
[03:55] Kos_TAS> anyone alive here
[03:55] Kos_TAS> or just dead
[03:56] Rokubi> will play kos?
[03:56] Kos_TAS> *burps* no
[03:56] Kos_TAS> harley quake
[03:56] Kos_TAS> wants
[03:56] Kos_TAS> im about to go soon
[03:58] Dolfo in
[03:58] Dolfo out
[04:00] Radagast_TAS> Harley-Queen~
[04:05] Radagast_TAS> ouh ~ https://www.facebook.com/1616634441885213/photos/a.1617393551809302.1073741829.1616634441885213/1668073653407958/?type=1
[04:05] Figueroa> jajajaja que hasta mańana
[04:06] int3r> jaj me voy a dormir
[04:06] int3r> nos vemos suerte!
[04:06] Figueroa> dale nos vemos
[04:06] Figueroa out
[04:06] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfaoo
[04:06] Harley-Quinn_tas> im scorpio -_-
[04:06] Harley-Quinn_tas> which 1 are u miopin
[04:06] int3r out
[04:07] Diomedes in
[04:08] Radagast_TAS> Pisces, the shy kiss apparently...
[04:09] Almafuerte out
[04:10] Kos_TAS out
[04:11] Thorin in
[04:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> so u are shy
[04:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> is that true :o
[04:12] Radagast_TAS> I dont think.
[04:13] Radagast_TAS> not my kind.
[04:13] Diomedes out
[04:14] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[04:19] wiserod19 in
[04:19] wiserod19 out
[04:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> yea
[04:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> me either
[04:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> i dont put my tounge into someones throat
[04:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfaoo
[04:21] Harley-Quinn_tas> def not me :p
[04:23] Radagast_TAS> hehehehe, you want it to be intense loooool. :)
[04:26] khickman out
[04:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> -____-
[04:28] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> 1
[04:34] hiroshi1437 out
[04:37] [Rw]Nici> calou mag
[04:37] [Rw]Nici> apanhar no cu
[04:37] [Rw]Nici> é o que faz melhor
[04:37] [fu]King_Pin in
[04:37] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> xiu gay
[04:38] Rokubi> matt join?
[04:38] [Rw]Nici> minha banana xeira a ovo podre
[04:39] Rokubi> aff desnecessario nici lol
[04:39] Rokubi> hahaha
[04:40] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> lol
[04:40] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> vai lavar seu cheiroso
[04:40] 7ZaveX_TAS> i put my dick down their throat
[04:40] [Rw]Nici> vem lavar mag
[04:40] 7ZaveX_TAS> which sign am i?
[04:40] [Rw]Nici> vem lavar só tu sabe como
[04:40] [Rw]Nici> u are deep sign
[04:40] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> que isso
[04:40] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> n era pra falar
[04:40] [Rw]Nici> :(
[04:40] [Rw]Nici> teve de ser
[04:40] 7ZaveX_TAS> Adena
[04:41] 7ZaveX_TAS> launch bro
[04:41] [Rw]Nici> mag vc anda metendo like na minha foto do insta
[04:41] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sabonetinho do bob esponja?
[04:41] [Rw]Nici> acha bem
[04:41] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sempre meto
[04:41] [fu]king_pin in
[04:41] [Rw]Nici> que stalker
[04:41] [fu]king_pin> let me in harley
[04:44] Rokubi> nao ficou mt especifico xD
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> de casa
[04:44] Harley-Quinn_tas> Eu aprendi portuguęs Voltar na Índia .. Hey tudo
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> vou me mudar sabado
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> stfu adena
[04:44] Rokubi> aaa
[04:44] Rokubi> entendi
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> lol
[04:44] Rokubi> vai ter que mudar de escola?
[04:44] [Rw]Nici> fds novamente
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> năo
[04:44] [Rw]Nici> este mag só viaja pelo sp
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> eu to ajudando a minha mae
[04:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> smp me mudando nici
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> viajar é vida
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> :D
[04:45] Rokubi out
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> só é vida qd vier a pt
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> mentira, precisamos
[04:45] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> de resto vai apanhar no CU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04:45] Rokubi in
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> haha
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> porquę?
[04:45] Rokubi> bugged
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> năo gostaram dessa?
[04:45] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> yep
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> vocę mudou-se em outubro
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> n deu nem um ano aqui
[04:45] Rokubi> o dia inteiro no pop e ainda ta ajuadndo a mae
[04:45] Rokubi> poser
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> dezembro
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> do an opassado
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> oh dezembruuuu
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[04:45] [Rw]Nici> era outubro
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> lol
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> o cara nem me ve aqui e fala isso
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> lolol
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> pra tu ter ideia caio, eu entro umas 18,19
[04:46] Rokubi> :D
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> :>
[04:46] [Rw]Nici> eu faço login vejo o mag
[04:46] Rokubi> eu talvez va morar em sao paulo ><
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> ve na minha cama
[04:46] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> pq?
[04:46] Rokubi> eu ja entro 20-21
[04:47] [Rw]Nici> bem
[04:47] [Rw]Nici> vou dormir
[04:47] [Rw]Nici> fiquem bem seus gays
[04:47] [Rw]Nici out
[04:49] [fu]king_pin out
[04:54] [GoD]Eric> rip pop
[04:54] Kos_TAS in
[04:54] [GoD]Eric out
[05:12] Brandan out
[05:13] Brandan in
[05:14] Agustin92 in
[05:14] Agustin92> Holaaa
[05:15] Agustin92 out
[05:15] Agustin92 in
[05:15] Agustin92> Como andan
[05:15] Agustin92 out
[05:20] Rokubi> gg
[05:21] Rokubi> vai ter outra?
[05:23] Rokubi> +2
[05:24] lordpacco> con las pienras
[05:28] matiascanales in
[05:28] matiascanales out
[05:29] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[05:32] rafalnr in
[05:32] rafalnr out
[05:37] Sepultura in
[05:37] Sepultura out
[05:42] Sonic_TN in
[05:43] Sonic_TN out
[05:45] kerem56 in
[05:47] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[05:53] Rokubi out
[06:00] Kos_TAS in
[06:05] Kos_TAS out
[06:06] Radagast_TAS out
[06:07] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[06:12] lordpacco out
[06:14] kerem56 out
[06:18] Electric out
[06:24] DrThunderous in
[06:26] wins in
[06:27] wins out
[06:35] Kos_TAS out
[06:35] rancidrnz in
[06:39] rancidrnz out
[06:58] peterisangry in
[07:00] Rokubi in
[07:01] [Sr]MahaRaja in
[07:01] [Sr]MahaRaja out
[07:01] [Sr]MahaRaja in
[07:04] DrThunderous in
[07:05] matek0214 in
[07:09] matek0214 out
[07:09] Thorin out
[07:09] Rokubi out
[07:11] DrThunderous out
[07:18] [GoD]supergirl in
[07:25] [GoD]supergirl> INca
[07:25] [GoD]supergirl out
[07:25] [GoD]supergirl in
[07:25] [GoD]supergirl> INca are u there
[07:27] [GoD]supergirl out
[07:30] kill_sheep in
[07:33] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[07:35] [Sr]MahaRaja out
[07:38] IncaWarrior out
[07:39] IncaWarrior in
[07:41] Radagast_TAS in
[07:41] murachi in
[07:41] murachi out
[07:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[08:05] mrtwiggles in
[08:06] Sekerali in
[08:08] mrtwiggles> ching chong potato
[08:15] Radagast_TAS out
[08:17] Breska-arg out
[08:21] marks in
[08:23] marks out
[08:23] marks in
[08:23] matek0214 in
[08:24] bone_collector in
[08:46] iseeyouseemeseeyou out
[08:52] iseeyouseemeseeyou in
[08:52] ahmadzzz in
[08:55] bone_collector> nice quit matek u idiot
[08:55] bone_collector out
[08:56] matek0214> password: 2015
[08:56] marks out
[08:59] matek0214> join
[09:00] [SW]Zgjimi in
[09:02] [tsi]papersound out
[09:06] kill_sheep out
[09:07] [tsi]papersound in
[09:11] [GoD]supergirl in
[09:11] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[09:12] kill_sheep in
[09:12] [GoD]supergirl out
[09:13] ahmadzzz out
[09:13] kill_sheep in
[09:13] kill_sheep out
[09:14] kill_sheep in
[09:19] kill_sheep out
[09:20] kill_sheep out
[09:26] matek0214> 2v1
[09:27] matek0214> join
[09:27] Sekerali out
[09:27] mrtwiggles out
[09:28] kill_sheep in
[09:28] matek0214> 2v1/
[09:28] matek0214> me and someone VS someone
[09:30] Kos_TAS in
[09:35] Kos_TAS in
[09:38] Kos_TAS out
[09:39] [SW]Zgjimi out
[09:39] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[09:43] matek0214 out
[09:43] matek0214 in
[09:44] Kos_TAS out
[09:45] Butcher in
[09:45] matek0214 out
[09:46] matek0214 in
[09:47] matek0214 out
[09:48] matek0214 in
[09:48] matek0214 out
[09:50] matek0214 in
[09:51] matek0214 out
[09:59] [Rw]Mirage in
[09:59] kill_sheep> +3
[10:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[10:02] Maxcav in
[10:03] matek0214 in
[10:06] kill_sheep out
[10:06] mahmut1661_Tas in
[10:07] peterisangry out
[10:08] Maxcav out
[10:14] kill_sheep in
[10:17] mahmut1661_Tas out
[10:17] Kos_TAS in
[10:19] matek0214 out
[10:19] matek0214 in
[10:20] [fu]King_Pin out
[10:21] Butcher out
[10:22] Kos_TAS> yo guys
[10:24] Multihuntr in
[10:24] Multihuntr out
[10:33] Kos_TAS in
[10:34] Kos_TAS out
[10:35] kill_sheep out
[10:37] Kos_TAS in
[10:38] Kos_TAS in
[10:42] Kos_TAS out
[10:45] Kos_TAS out
[10:46] Mijagi in
[10:47] Mijagi out
[10:47] Kos_TAS in
[10:47] Kos_TAS out
[10:49] alexwen in
[10:49] charlonefox in
[10:51] kill_sheep in
[10:54] kill_sheep> +1
[10:54] [Rw]Mirage> you fixed your mouse?
[10:55] kill_sheep> maybe in single player works good
[10:59] OtculInek in
[10:59] charlonefox out
[11:01] OtculInek out
[11:05] alexwen out
[11:10] [GoD]supergirl in
[11:10] [GoD]supergirl out
[11:12] maxwwi in
[11:12] [fu]mrkooPRO26 out
[11:13] nnp in
[11:15] scortshot in
[11:15] Vegeta_TSI out
[11:15] scortshot out
[11:16] Kos_TAS in
[11:17] TheDeathChan in
[11:18] TheDeathChan out
[11:18] ka-san in
[11:19] ka-san out
[11:20] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[11:21] Apocalypsis_TAS> sergy :o
[11:21] Kos_TAS out
[11:23] Xepyy in
[11:24] nnp in
[11:26] Rokubi in
[11:26] Xepyy out
[11:27] nnp out
[11:32] Kos_TAS out
[11:32] Kos_TAS in
[11:34] Kos_TAS in
[11:34] Kos_TAS out
[11:42] Kos_TAS out
[11:43] Loz_Doz in
[11:43] Loz_Doz out
[11:45] kill_sheep> +1 blast war
[11:58] Rokubi out
[11:58] DonBage in
[11:59] HTB3345 in
[12:00] HTB3345 out
[12:02] [Rw]Mirage out
[12:05] Purechemist in
[12:07] Kos_TAS in
[12:08] WarBazan in
[12:09] kill_sheep> +1 light war
[12:13] kill_sheep> +3 light war
[12:13] WarBazan out
[12:15] Two4Player in
[12:15] Two4Player out
[12:17] DonBage out
[12:21] kill_sheep> gg
[12:21] Purechemist> it wasnt over
[12:21] kill_sheep> i know
[12:21] Purechemist> got more interesting things to do
[12:22] mahmut1661_Tas in
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy :)
[12:22] mahmut1661_Tas> tsu :))
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[12:22] mahmut1661_Tas> yo
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> cheke la
[12:22] mahmut1661_Tas> how are u?
[12:22] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> just got home
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:23] mahmut1661_Tas> cool
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> we know whats next :o
[12:23] mahmut1661_Tas> yes (game :o?)
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> pass code accepted
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> sec
[12:24] Kos_TAS out
[12:25] kubakotran in
[12:28] kill_sheep> why when i get high pop spells load slowy
[12:28] kill_sheep> when brave
[12:28] kubakotran out
[12:33] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[12:33] [Rw]Mirage in
[12:33] jannick_185 in
[12:34] jannick_185 out
[12:35] nnp in
[12:38] nnp out
[12:41] maxwwi out
[12:46] Apocalypsis_TAS> lupipin :o
[12:46] mahmut1661_Tas> lupin :)
[12:48] mahmut1661_Tas> lupin u here?
[12:50] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[12:50] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS in
[12:50] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[12:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo
[12:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[12:52] Apocalypsis_TAS> tas game :D!?
[12:53] Milk_the_Tapeworms> depends on mahmhz
[12:53] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> oh hi tsu
[12:53] mahmut1661_Tas> idm
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> depends on jijo
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo, game :o?
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> mahmut1661_Tas> password accepted :)
[12:53] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[12:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[12:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> hmm i'm going to lunch soon
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> seems no tas game then
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> o
[12:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> :(
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[12:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> we would end up allying mid match
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> depends on others then
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:54] mahmut1661_Tas in
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy lagged out :ooo
[12:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> :o
[12:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> +1
[12:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> or i just spycam you 2
[12:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i plazed that game so manz times ago
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i dont remember the spells
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i need to charge only fs
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> fs -> funny shit :o?
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> no
[12:55] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> I don't have a cam :D
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> fulkl shit
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> xd
[12:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> full
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> i see :o
[12:55] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> muahahah
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> muhehehe
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> xd
[12:56] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> seems inca didn't saw my name request yesterday
[12:56] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> (secret)
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> map?
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo wants the change :o
[12:56] kill_sheep> 4way
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> no sess
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> 4 waz is unfair teaming
[12:56] mahmut1661_Tas> one tas map?
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> wanna ally
[12:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms> mahmz
[12:57] Kos_TAS in
[12:57] Milk_the_Tapeworms> sexy palace?
[12:57] Milk_the_Tapeworms> dint plazed yet
[12:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> sergy :o
[12:57] mahmut1661_Tas> sure
[12:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> brb jijo o
[12:57] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[12:57] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> HF :)
[13:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms> serj join then?
[13:00] kill_sheep> crashed
[13:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms> mahmy
[13:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol now
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:00] mahmut1661_Tas in
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy keeps lagging out
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i have in trouble
[13:00] mahmut1661_Tas> hmmm
[13:00] mahmut1661_Tas> thats odd
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> no more trouble now
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[13:01] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i dk which will play
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> never happened b4
[13:01] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[13:01] Milk_the_Tapeworms> idint wanted that lol
[13:01] Kos_TAS> let me enable dxwnd
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy got yellow spot
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas out
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> tsu u dont wanna play?
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> unfortunately that new boy is tas recruit
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> you need to check him
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> truw
[13:02] mahmut1661_Tas> oki
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> map?
[13:02] Kos_TAS> know what?
[13:02] mahmut1661_Tas> fine with me
[13:02] Kos_TAS> i just wasted 3 hours
[13:02] Kos_TAS> driving to city
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[13:02] Kos_TAS> in order to buy 4gb stick
[13:02] Kos_TAS> it was so expensive
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lmao
[13:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> use amazon
[13:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[13:02] Kos_TAS> so i had to buy videocam only
[13:02] mahmut1661_Tas> lol
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lool i buyed 8 gb in 2 min
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> very cheap was
[13:02] Milk_the_Tapeworms> and perfect
[13:02] Kos_TAS> going to get my 24gb from bro's home
[13:03] Milk_the_Tapeworms> oh
[13:03] mahmut1661_Tas> i have a 32 gb one :)
[13:03] Kos_TAS> launch
[13:03] Kos_TAS> before my net die
[13:03] Kos_TAS> 16 is enough
[13:07] Milk_the_Tapeworms> :(
[13:07] Apocalypsis_TAS> quick game again
[13:07] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:07] Milk_the_Tapeworms> tsu come?
[13:07] kill_sheep> in yo
[13:07] Apocalypsis_TAS> what happened to sergy
[13:07] Milk_the_Tapeworms> serj isnt herer
[13:07] mahmut1661_Tas> mid doesnt work yet
[13:07] Milk_the_Tapeworms> idk
[13:07] mahmut1661_Tas> i dont know if 7 zave havs fixed it?
[13:07] mahmut1661_Tas out
[13:07] Kos_TAS in
[13:08] Kos_TAS> mm crashed
[13:08] mahmut1661_Tas in
[13:09] nnp in
[13:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> i got in in stead :o
[13:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> brb :o
[13:11] Kos_TAS in
[13:12] Kos_TAS out
[13:16] mahmut1661_Tas out
[13:16] nnp out
[13:17] Kos_TAS out
[13:17] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[13:18] sogaki in
[13:30] Kos_TAS in
[13:33] Kos_TAS out
[13:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[13:35] mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[13:35] Milk_the_Tapeworms> gg
[13:35] Milk_the_Tapeworms> mahmz u dominated all time
[13:35] mahmut1661_Tas> sorry for saess alergy :o
[13:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> its at zavy :o
[13:36] mahmut1661_Tas> i know this map better
[13:36] mahmut1661_Tas> thats why
[13:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> sexy place is detected as clone of sess
[13:36] mahmut1661_Tas> it is kinda
[13:36] Milk_the_Tapeworms> easier to attck from 2 side
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> i need to answer ppl
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> map?
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> no sess no sexy
[13:37] Milk_the_Tapeworms> any
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> now its so itchy
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:37] Milk_the_Tapeworms> mahmy_
[13:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> i keep scratching
[13:37] Milk_the_Tapeworms> ?
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> tsu
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> why u called my gf chick
[13:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> yes ?
[13:38] mahmut1661_Tas> no later maybe :)
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> ...
[13:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> all girls are chicks for me
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[13:38] MarkyMoo in
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> but dont tell it
[13:38] MarkyMoo out
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> he is not tipical
[13:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> he !?
[13:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o?
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> she
[13:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> boyslove
[13:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lo
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[13:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> oh
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> sry
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> wasnt atent
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i lost all my speed
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> fast start
[13:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> i have nothing
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> and at mid
[13:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[13:39] Milk_the_Tapeworms> styaing at 1 point
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> y
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> but this map islollol
[13:40] hector1994 in
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> if u side
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> and u can reach
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> without attention
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> easy
[13:40] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i had 4 fws at side lol
[13:41] Radagast_TAS in
[13:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> miapon
[13:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:41] Milk_the_Tapeworms> 20 at mid and from mahmy
[13:41] Milk_the_Tapeworms> artist girl
[13:41] Milk_the_Tapeworms> :o
[13:44] Kos_TAS out
[13:44] Kos_TAS in
[13:48] Kos_TAS in
[13:49] carbine in
[13:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> :o Miapon
[13:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> Hi
[13:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> :)
[13:51] Kos_TAS in
[13:51] zwaffeltje in
[13:52] Kos_TAS out
[13:53] zwaffeltje out
[13:53] [Rw]Nici in
[13:54] paflok196 in
[13:55] hector1994 out
[13:55] carbine out
[13:55] carbine in
[13:57] Kos_TAS out
[13:57] Radagast_TAS> tsu would do that hmm? https://www.facebook.com/TheOriginalBestOfTumblr/videos/764837020334164/?pnref=story
[13:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> nope
[13:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> i could catch up with first contact
[13:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:59] Radagast_TAS> :>
[14:00] [GoD]Divinity in
[14:00] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[14:01] Kos_TAS out
[14:01] mahmut1661_Tas in
[14:01] HostBot_UK1 in
[14:01] [Rw]Mirage> +1
[14:06] Kos_TAS in
[14:06] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[14:07] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[14:07] Kenpachi18 in
[14:07] Kenpachi18 out
[14:08] mahmut1661_Tas out
[14:08] HostBot_UK1 out
[14:09] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[14:10] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 59402359043259
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 4350439
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 549t
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 09rew065
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 9435439w
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> +oettreow+
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> treot
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> ret
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> +eo5
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> +423´p543+5
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> ´p4235z
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 43p
[14:11] [Rw]Nici> 5+p4325+423+´5
[14:11] mahmut1661_Tas> i dont know if i wanted to do that
[14:14] kill_sheep> ragagast x
[14:15] Radagast_TAS out
[14:15] Radagast_TAS in
[14] Reconnecting...
Connecting to LucidChat - IRC ...
Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!
* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1
The map of the day is:
Southern Style Worlds - Celtic Symbol (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
[14:16] HostBot_UK1 in
[14:17] Xepyy in
[14:18] mahmut1661_Tas> hm
[14:18] mahmut1661_Tas> [48] Populous must be shut down before entering a new game. i get this
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> t0re9w50
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> 4325943059
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> 435904392
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> 543059
[14:18] [Rw]Nici> 4359034950423950
[14:18] mahmut1661_Tas> if want to join a hut
[14:18] carbine> thats true
[14:18] mahmut1661_Tas> it is shut dammit
[14:19] mahmut1661_Tas out
[14:22] kill_sheep> why kicked
[14:22] HostBot_UK1 out
[14:23] mahmut1661_Tas in
[14:23] mahmut1661_Tas out
[14:23] MiniBot_FL out
[14:23] MiniBot_UK out
[14:24] mahmut1661_Tas in
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> did matt die
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> in the flooding
[14:25] [Rw]Nici> in tampa bay
[14:26] carbine> lets not play tom
[14:26] Radagast_TAS> why?
[14:26] carbine> do another
[14:27] [Rw]Mirage> xx7
[14:27] [Rw]Mirage> ####
[14:27] Radagast_TAS> pp?
[14:27] Radagast_TAS> or 4walls?
[14:27] carbine> i dont mind
[14:27] carbine> they both good
[14:27] [Rw]Mirage> dead sea
[14:27] kill_sheep> do tot
[14:28] paflok196> türk var mj1
[14:30] Radagast_TAS> can he stop to play with my patience???
[14:30] Radagast_TAS> my time is running out ! :/
[14:30] carbine> dont play with kill sheep then
[14:30] Radagast_TAS> used to be patient but today i am not at all Xd
[14:30] carbine> lol
[14:30] Radagast_TAS> xeppy could come
[14:30] Radagast_TAS> hes priest too
[14:30] mahmut1661_Tas in
[14:31] carbine> +1
[14:31] mahmut1661_Tas out
[14:32] WarBazan in
[14:32] Kos_TAS in
[14:34] hovering in
[14:36] maxwwi in
[14:36] maxwwi out
[14:36] Seymour in
[14:37] Kos_TAS out
[14:38] mahmut1661_Tas out
[14:39] Seymour out
[14:39] Kos_TAS in
[14:39] Kos_TAS out
[14:40] paflok196 out
[14:40] paflok196 in
[14:42] WarBazan out
[14:44] kill_sheep out
[14:45] paflok196> türk var m1111
[14:48] kill_sheep in
[14:49] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[14:49] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[14:50] matek0214 out
[14:51] Kos_TAS out
[14:51] kill_sheep out
[14:53] matek0214 in
[14:54] int3r in
[14:55] kill_sheep in
[14:57] carbine> gg#
[14:57] Radagast_TAS> content
[14:57] Xepyy> gg
[14:57] Radagast_TAS> tas gardé ton rank
[14:57] kill_sheep out
[14:57] [Rw]Mirage> mec tu pues la defaite lol
[14:57] Radagast_TAS> bg
[14:57] Xepyy> fighting a shaman rank is hard -.-''
[14:57] [Rw]Mirage> je sais pas que t'étais aussi mauvais
[14:58] [Rw]Mirage> savais-
[14:58] Radagast_TAS> bravo
[14:58] kill_sheep in
[14:58] [Rw]Mirage> **
[14:58] Radagast_TAS> tu peux pas entrainer les gens au lieu de les basher? :/
[14:58] carbine> i am pro
[14:58] [Rw]Mirage> ben je veux bien tu as qu'a demander
[14:58] [Rw]Mirage> mais je pensais que tetais bon moi
[14:58] Radagast_TAS> yes of course you play pro carbine
[14:58] carbine> i know
[14:59] kill_sheep out
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> tu tes fait owné en 5 mins par un guerrier
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> et tu préviens meme pas
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> quand ton ennemie me double
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> lol carbine
[14:59] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> he said that inca said it's not allowed rush under 8 mins
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> rofl
[14:59] [Rw]Mirage> a lot of whining
[14:59] carbine> Rofl
[15:00] kill_sheep in
[15:00] carbine> im google translating
[15:00] carbine> your conversation
[15:00] Radagast_TAS> idc
[15:00] Radagast_TAS> :o
[15:00] [Rw]Mirage> rada tout est permis pour gagner
[15:00] Radagast_TAS> if you wanna be mean then have fun
[15:00] [Rw]Mirage> les rushes sont autorisé
[15:01] Radagast_TAS> if everything is permit why carbine complained for what i was doing with my shaman?
[15:01] kill_sheep out
[15:01] int3r> rush is cheat?
[15:01] [Rw]Mirage> cuz hes 17 years old
[15:01] [Rw]Mirage> give him a break
[15:01] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:01] carbine> me?
[15:01] carbine> im 12
[15:01] Radagast_TAS> im 6
[15:01] [Rw]Mirage> ouch
[15:01] [Rw]Mirage> :x
[15:01] int3r> im 40
[15:01] kill_sheep in
[15:01] carbine> nici knows my age
[15:01] carbine> i told him in 2010 i was 7
[15:01] carbine> isnt it nici
[15:01] Radagast_TAS> i gotta be banned probably
[15:01] carbine> i was joking radagast
[15:01] carbine> i am not gonna report you
[15:02] carbine> but u aint allowed to force
[15:02] [Rw]Mirage> dont listen to carbine
[15:02] [Rw]Mirage> guy is a joke
[15:02] carbine> Rofl
[15:02] [Rw]Mirage> rada tu as teamspeak?
[15:02] carbine out
[15:03] [SW]zgjimi out
[15:03] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:03] [SW]zgjimi out
[15:03] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:04] [SW]zgjimi out
[15:04] Radagast_TAS> no
[15:04] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:04] kill_sheep> +1
[15:04] [Rw]Mirage> je peux pas t'aider alors
[15:04] Radagast_TAS> im too noob for you :o
[15:04] Radagast_TAS> wow he bash me and then after he want to help me, thats nice.
[15:05] [SW]zgjimi out
[15:05] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:05] [SW]zgjimi out
[15:05] [SW]zgjimi in
[15:05] hiroshi1437 in
[15:06] matek0214 out
[15:07] nnp out
[15:12] bymarker32 in
[15:12] Electric in
[15:16] int3r out
[15:16] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[15:16] hiroshi1437 out
[15:16] Xepyy out
[15:17] Xepyy in
[15:17] int3r in
[15:17] Rokubi in
[15:18] int3r out
[15:18] int3r in
[15:19] WarBazan in
[15:19] int3r> xepyy
[15:19] int3r> host
[15:20] carbine in
[15:22] carbine> i would have got
[15:22] carbine> 5 Points from that game!
[15:23] Rokubi> +++2
[15:26] Electric in
[15:26] DipsyGreen in
[15:26] mahmut1661_Tas> can i watch?
[15:27] Radagast_TAS> May I too?
[15:27] Radagast_TAS> Im poor noob need to be bashed rofl.
[15:27] mahmut1661_Tas> hop in then :)
[15:27] [Rw]Mirage> it's not a real 1v1
[15:27] Radagast_TAS> cus being mean is the way to be nice here.
[15:28] Radagast_TAS> maybe i should start to be mean too....
[15:28] DipsyGreen out
[15:28] mahmut1661_Tas> lol
[15:28] [Rw]Mirage> wtf
[15:28] Rokubi> sory
[15:28] Rokubi> ;s
[15:28] carbine> shall we 2v2 now
[15:29] [Rw]Mirage> ye
[15:29] mahmut1661_Tas> idm
[15:29] bymarker32 out
[15:29] Electric out
[15:29] kill_sheep out
[15:33] OmegaOverride in
[15:34] WarBazan out
[15:35] WarBazan in
[15:36] [Rw]addiction in
[15:37] HostBot_UK1 in
[15:37] mahmut1661_Tas in
[15:38] IncaWarrior in
[15:38] kill_sheep in
[15:39] [SW]zgjimi> gg
[15:39] Xepyy out
[15:39] Xepyy in
[15:39] kill_sheep> +22
[15:40] int3r out
[15:40] int3r in
[15:42] WarBazan> lool men
[15:42] hovering out
[15:42] w33d in
[15:43] mahmut1661_Tas out
[15:43] w33d> ++++++++++1 blasts
[15:43] w33d> so i can test my stream
[15:43] w33d> ++++++++++1 to help me test stream
[15:43] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[15:43] HostBot_UK1 out
[15:43] w33d> nici omegaoverride brandan
[15:43] w33d> someone
[15:44] w33d> fuckin join
[15:44] WarBazan> +2
[15:44] w33d> fuckers
[15:44] w33d> +++++++++++++++++++1
[15:44] int3r> weed
[15:44] int3r> chupa pija
[15:44] w33d> int3r
[15:44] w33d> help me
[15:44] w33d> join fast
[15:44] int3r> you gay
[15:44] int3r> i am girl
[15:44] w33d> how can i be gay
[15:44] w33d> when i fucked ur mom
[15:44] w33d> oh
[15:45] w33d> hi cutie <3
[15:45] w33d> xeppy
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> t0459
[15:45] w33d> help me test stream
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 4395
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 430950
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 43952
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 043925043925439509432
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 59430925t4
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> twei'5496
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 0423950
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 439250
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 439504t'er0wt
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 're0t're0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 'rwe0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 'rew0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 'rew0t0re
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 'tw0rwe
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 't0rew
[15:45] w33d> holy shit
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 't0re'
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> wt0re'0t'
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> re0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 're0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 're0wt're0'
[15:45] w33d> nici doesnt get muted when spamming
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> t0rew't0r
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> e'wŤtre'wt0
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> Ť're0t
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> Ť'05'
[15:45] w33d> but i write 2 things
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 60
[15:45] w33d> and i get banned
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 6230
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '60
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '54
[15:45] w33d> sad
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 3'
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '603
[15:45] w33d> NICI HELP ME
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 560
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '4630'
[15:45] w33d> TEST STREAM
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '3'
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '6054'63054'63
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 0
[15:45] w33d> WTF
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '5360'5460'460
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 4
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '60
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> '54630'
[15:45] w33d> this guy havin a seasure
[15:45] [Rw]Nici> 54630
[15:46] w33d> ++++++++++1
[15:46] w33d> HELP ME
[15:46] w33d> U THICK CUNTS
[15:46] [Rw]Nici> soz w33d goin cut my hair
[15:46] [Rw]Nici> see u soon
[15:46] w33d> nice ice bby
[15:46] w33d> HFHfhFHH
[15:46] w33d> +++++++++++++++++++++++1
[15:46] shinka in
[15:46] w33d> SHINKA
[15:46] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> vais e cortar outra coisa :)))
[15:46] w33d> JOIN HELP ME TEST STREAm
[15:48] w33d> we can do 1 shaman life
[15:49] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> just a sec I'll help but let me check some stuff first
[15:49] w33d> Faqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[15:50] w33d> nvm
[15:50] w33d> im going to install windows 8 again
[15:50] w33d> cya
[15:50] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> oh?
[15:50] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> wait
[15:50] w33d> yea
[15:50] w33d> streeam doesnt work
[15:50] w33d> on windowsd 10
[15:50] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> if the problem is OBS
[15:50] w33d> with old games
[15:50] w33d> i think its obs
[15:50] w33d> cuz everytime i go ingame
[15:51] w33d> obs crashes
[15:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> have you tried to compability test and set toanother windows version?
[15:51] w33d> hmmmm
[15:51] w33d> no
[15:51] w33d> wait lemme try
[15:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> might work
[15:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> I had a problem with pop and Win 8.1
[15:51] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> had to install doing that else it would crash Mp or Sp
[15:51] shinka out
[15:52] w33d> lol
[15:52] w33d> unfortunatly
[15:52] w33d> u dont have ping
[15:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> lol?
[15:52] w33d> and i figured out i can go ingame by myself rofl
[15:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> for me shows 71
[15:52] w33d> NVM
[15:52] w33d> it works
[15:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> lawl
[15:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> the moment i left
[15:52] mahmut1661_Tas in
[15:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> oh? pop crashed
[15:53] w33d> oh
[15:53] w33d> theres a new update for obs
[15:53] w33d> maby it will work
[15:53] [Rw]Nici out
[15:53] w33d> ????
[15:53] w33d> lol =?
[15:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> oh gawd
[15:54] w33d> oh i forgot to close game
[15:54] mahmut1661_Tas out
[15:54] w33d> from last time rofl
[15:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> . . . now i'm the one with pop problems
[15:54] w33d> come it will work
[15:54] w33d> na it was my fault
[15:54] w33d> come
[15:54] emilypreston in
[15:54] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> k test
[15:55] [Rw]addiction out
[15:55] emilypreston out
[15:55] lobito_pro in
[15:57] devianto in
[15:58] w33d> Thanks for the test
[15:58] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ahah Fake Spy :>
[15:58] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> np
[15:58] w33d> time to go back to windows 8 i guess
[15:58] w33d> hahaha :>
[15:58] lobito_pro out
[15:58] w33d> inca
[15:58] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> well gl
[15:58] w33d> u see this shit
[15:58] w33d> i install windows 8
[15:58] w33d> just for pop <3
[15:58] w33d> im so fuckin good
[15:58] w33d> now www.thepiratebay.org
[15:59] [SW]zgjimi> ahhah
[15:59] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> org?
[15:59] [SW]zgjimi> lol
[15:59] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> isn't it .mo
[15:59] [SW]zgjimi> blue quit
[15:59] [SW]zgjimi> gg
[15:59] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> now
[15:59] OmegaOverride> 2++
[15:59] w33d> its . gd
[15:59] w33d> roflmao
[15:59] WarBazan> siempre to doy lag joder
[15:59] w33d> now it says .la
[15:59] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> they are everywhere
[15:59] w33d> wtf
[15:59] w33d> i think they have different letters behind the dot
[15:59] w33d> lol
[16:00] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[16:00] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> they have been i so many places .se .cr .mo
[16:00] OmegaOverride> narnia ven
[16:00] OmegaOverride> anda pequeńa jaja
[16:00] mahmut1661_Tas in
[16:00] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> they might go .mars on day xD
[16:00] w33d> lolol
[16:01] emilypreston in
[16:01] Rokubi> gg
[16:01] carbine> gg
[16:01] mahmut1661_Tas in
[16:02] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> GG for you guys :)
[16:02] Radagast_TAS> gg
[16:02] Rokubi> +2
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi kassandra
[16:04] emilypreston out
[16:04] Rokubi> ++++1
[16:04] Radagast_TAS out
[16:04] Radagast_TAS in
[16:05] Gokural in
[16:05] Gokural> Oh wow
[16:05] Gokural> People still use this :P
[16:05] Gokural> I haven't been here in years!
[16:06] [Rw]Mirage> carbine will be shaman soon
[16:06] [Rw]Mirage> ^^
[16:06] Gokural> What? :P
[16:06] carbine> inshallah
[16:06] [SW]zgjimi out
[16:06] [Rw]Mirage> xD
[16:07] mahmut1661_Tas out
[16:07] [Rw]Mirage> Ramb0 bombin0
[16:07] emilypreston in
[16:07] emilypreston in
[16:08] emilypreston out
[16:08] emilypreston out
[16:08] ThunderGod in
[16:08] mahmut1661_Tas out
[16:10] [Rw]Mirage> do normal
[16:10] carbine> whats normal to you
[16:10] carbine> pp?
[16:10] [Rw]Mirage> Ye
[16:10] [Rw]Mirage> doing pp
[16:10] carbine> ok
[16:10] darasenp_TAS in
[16:11] [Rw]Mirage> +1 to ally rokubi
[16:11] [Rw]Mirage> ++2222
[16:12] emilypreston in
[16:12] [Rw]Mirage> Rokubi harley join
[16:12] [Rw]Mirage> w33d
[16:13] [Rw]Mirage> mahmut
[16:13] [Rw]Mirage> come get better at this fucking game
[16:13] w33d out
[16:13] carbine> harley robuki join pp
[16:13] [fu]King_Pin in
[16:13] Gokural out
[16:14] carbine> rokubi*
[16:14] carbine> harley do you remember this http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=262088
[16:15] emilypreston out
[16:15] carbine> probability 0.23 Damn they underestimated me!
[16:15] [Rw]Mirage> xD
[16:15] Rokubi> lol
[16:15] [Rw]Mirage> +1 to ally matt
[16:15] [Rw]Mirage> +11111
[16:16] carbine> kil sheep join
[16:16] carbine> mah mut
[16:16] carbine> join
[16:16] [Rw]Mirage> xd
[16:16] Radagast_TAS out
[16:16] [fu]king_pin in
[16:16] Oz in
[16:17] emilypreston in
[16:18] kill_sheep> map
[16:18] carbine> pp
[16:18] kill_sheep> i suck in pp
[16:18] JavaPvP in
[16:18] JavaPvP out
[16:18] carbine> Kill sheep why u leave
[16:19] [fu]king_pin out
[16:19] [fu]king_pin in
[16:20] [Rw]Mirage> matt
[16:20] emilypreston out
[16:20] [Rw]Mirage> he won't launch ^^
[16:21] [fu]king_pin out
[16:22] Rokubi> wtf was that?
[16:22] [Rw]Mirage> ??
[16:22] [fu]king_pin in
[16:22] [Rw]Mirage> map was too shite
[16:22] [Rw]Mirage> ^__^
[16:22] [fu]king_pin> harley scared of mirage
[16:22] Harley-Quinn_tas> no
[16:22] Harley-Quinn_tas> he said he wont play m1 last game
[16:22] [Rw]Mirage> *sharingans*
[16:22] [fu]king_pin> dont lie
[16:22] [Rw]Mirage> m1 is shit map
[16:22] Harley-Quinn_tas> am i right mr mirage
[16:23] Harley-Quinn_tas> well thats what i want to play
[16:23] [Rw]Mirage> loool
[16:23] tomyyap in
[16:23] [Rw]Mirage> kk lets play
[16:23] Harley-Quinn_tas> :)
[16:23] [Rw]Mirage> no need to kick
[16:23] [fu]king_pin> harley scared
[16:23] Rokubi> i just want to play :(
[16:23] Harley-Quinn_tas> I am
[16:23] [fu]king_pin> its cute
[16:23] [Rw]Mirage out
[16:23] Harley-Quinn_tas> 2 cute
[16:23] tomyyap out
[16:24] [fu]king_pin> less and less people playing pop
[16:24] [Rw]Mirage in
[16:24] [fu]king_pin> 2016 pop dies
[16:25] Oz out
[16:25] Rokubi> +++1
[16:25] [Rw]Mirage> dont kick me
[16:26] Sevutu in
[16:26] [fu]king_pin> harley dont kick
[16:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> k I gaved him a ban for 2 min
[16:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> he can join now
[16:27] [fu]king_pin> rokubu leave harley
[16:27] [fu]king_pin> i will ally carbine on fo
[16:27] [fu]king_pin> come mirage
[16:28] [fu]king_pin> no harley
[16:28] Rokubi> id like to do pp
[16:28] [fu]king_pin> tired of faggots like you
[16:28] Rokubi> D:
[16:28] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS in
[16:28] [fu]king_pin> not allying carbine on pp
[16:28] carbine> lol
[16:29] Harley-Quinn_tas> how cum
[16:29] Harley-Quinn_tas> he is good?
[16:29] Sevutu out
[16:29] [fu]king_pin> good to u because u suck
[16:29] [fu]king_pin> its y ur scared of mirage
[16:29] Harley-Quinn_tas> so it makes even teams
[16:29] Harley-Quinn_tas> I suck and carbine as well
[16:30] carbine> harley
[16:30] carbine> 1v1
[16:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> ok
[16:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> after a 2v2
[16:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> since rokubi wants to play
[16:30] carbine> no
[16:30] carbine> now
[16:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> kicked
[16:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> pwned
[16:30] ThunderGod out
[16:30] carbine> scared
[16:31] [fu]king_pin out
[16:31] paflok196 out
[16:32] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[16:37] int3r out
[16:39] Purechemist out
[16:40] carbine out
[16:41] WarBazan> viste la defensa no valia para nada asi que de usar la cabeza nada
[16:42] WarBazan> porque no tenia poderes
[16:42] WarBazan> lo tenia en defensa y de una tormenta al carajo
[16:44] w33d in
[16:44] w33d out
[16:44] w33d in
[16:45] w33d out
[16:45] w33d in
[16:49] Pchan in
[16:50] w33d> how the fuck do i make my stream full screen ?!?!?
[16:50] Pchan out
[16:54] w33d> this is bs
[16:54] w33d> SOMEONE HELP
[16:55] Xepyy out
[16:55] Ano-pop in
[16:56] Ano-pop> ow ..
[16:56] w33d> ?
[16:57] devianto out
[16:57] w33d> OHSHIT
[16:58] w33d> I FIXED MY STREAM
[16:58] Ano-pop> what ?
[16:59] IncaWarrior> how did you fix it?
[16:59] w33d> not on windows 10 inca
[16:59] w33d> on windowsd 8
[16:59] w33d> i installed w8 just to stream pop
[17:00] w33d> all i did was set it to monitor size
[17:00] w33d> and move to top one time
[17:00] w33d> and boom fuckin smashed
[17:01] w33d> roflmao matt was winning like 10 mins ago now hes losing
[17:01] w33d> how bad is he inca
[17:02] OmegaOverride> 3+
[17:03] Ano-pop> who speak french here ?
[17:04] kalkulus in
[17:05] OmegaOverride> 1+
[17:05] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[17:06] kalkulus out
[17:06] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS in
[17:10] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> let me guess sess?
[17:10] Ano-pop> i have problem i cant play ..
[17:10] Ano-pop> i use windows 8
[17:10] Ano-pop> and i dont have the patch..
[17:10] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> 8 or 8.1
[17:11] Ano-pop> 8 i think
[17:11] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> hmm on win8 my game worked but on 8.1 i had trouble on fixing it
[17:11] Ano-pop> can you pass me the patch ?
[17:12] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> try to install the game with another windows version compability it worked for me
[17:12] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> patches are on the site
[17:12] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> popre.net
[17:13] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> And i ask again sess isn't it WarBazan?
[17:13] kill_sheep> a patch for fix mouse in game?
[17:13] mahmut1661_Tas out
[17:14] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[17:15] [Rw]Mirage> gg
[17:15] Ano-pop> yes
[17:15] Rokubi> gg
[17:15] carbine in
[17:16] Ano-pop> can you give me the link for the patch men ? :/
[17:16] [fu]king_pin in
[17:16] [fu]king_pin> harley
[17:17] Ano-pop> 48] Populous must be shut down before entering a new game
[17:17] Ano-pop> what is it ?
[17:17] [fu]king_pin> when will you learn its not about how much pop u have
[17:17] Electric out
[17:18] [fu]king_pin out
[17:18] darasenp_TAS out
[17:20] darasenp_TAS in
[17:21] Kenpachi18 in
[17:21] Kenpachi18 out
[17:23] hammad in
[17:24] hammad> +1
[17:28] IncaWarrior out
[17:29] Ano-pop out
[17:29] elvegua in
[17:30] martinkulsrud in
[17:31] IncaWarrior in
[17:31] martinkulsrud out
[17:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> downloading DK2 since my download doesnt work
[17:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> fuck its a threa
[17:34] Kos_TAS in
[17:35] HuntedWolf in
[17:36] Kos_TAS in
[17:36] Kos_TAS out
[17:38] hammad out
[17:39] Dylan123 in
[17:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> who asked u suicide?
[17:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> ???????????????????
[17:39] The_Legendary_Shao in
[17:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> whoo????????????
[17:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> no 1
[17:39] The_Legendary_Shao> hentai
[17:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[17:40] Dylan123 out
[17:41] Dolfo in
[17:41] Dolfo out
[17:41] [fu]king_pin in
[17:41] [fu]king_pin> weed 1v1
[17:41] w33d> no way
[17:42] [fu]king_pin> y not
[17:42] Kos_TAS in
[17:42] w33d> u 2 good
[17:42] kill_sheep out
[17:42] w33d> or ok lets go
[17:42] [fu]king_pin> this is y u wont get better
[17:42] w33d> idiot i just said ok
[17:42] w33d> dumb fuck
[17:43] [fu]king_pin out
[17:43] w33d> streaming me vs matt
[17:43] w33d> wow
[17:43] OmegaOverride> gg
[17:43] WarBazan out
[17:44] Kos_TAS out
[17:44] carbine out
[17:44] carbine in
[17:44] carbine> im a preacher
[17:44] carbine> !!!!!!!!!!!
[17:46] ponjaa5 in
[17:46] int3r in
[17:46] [GoD]Divinity out
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity in
[17:47] OmegaOverride out
[17:47] carbine> nah im joking
[17:47] carbine> brandan noob
[17:47] carbine> 1 v 1
[17:49] carbine> squid
[17:49] carbine> 1v1?
[17:49] WarBazan in
[17:49] carbine> warbazan 1 v 1
[17:50] Kos_TAS in
[17:51] WarBazan> +2
[17:54] Two4Player in
[17:55] carbine> warbazan 1vs1
[17:55] carbine> me and you
[17:55] carbine> 1v1
[17:55] Kos_TAS out
[17:55] Purechemist in
[17:56] HuntedWolf out
[17:57] int3r out
[17:57] int3r in
[17:58] FallbackSatsuma in
[17:58] carbine> i have to go soon i dont want to play another game sorry
[17:58] ponjaa5 out
[17:59] int3r> no problem man!
[18:00] FallbackSatsuma out
[18:00] Kos_TAS in
[18:01] AlphaEnemy in
[18:01] scortshot in
[18:01] FallbackSatsuma in
[18:02] WarBazan out
[18:04] AlphaEnemy> cmon dude
[18:04] AlphaEnemy> dont be scared
[18:04] AlphaEnemy> just join
[18:06] Kos_TAS out
[18:06] Kos_TAS out
[18:07] Kos_TAS in
[18:08] carbine out
[18:09] DeltaEnemy in
[18:09] DeltaEnemy out
[18:09] DeltaEnemy in
[18:09] Rokubi out
[18:09] [GoD]Divinity out
[18:10] [GoD]Divinity in
[18:11] Kos_TAS> ;)
[18:11] w33d> sad dude
[18:11] w33d> lets do 2v2
[18:11] w33d> ++++++++++++++2
[18:12] w33d> pop is dead
[18:12] [fu]king_pin in
[18:12] w33d> wtf delta join
[18:12] DeltaEnemy> fight us for rhum
[18:12] [fu]king_pin> 1v1 lights no one is on
[18:12] w33d> ++++++++++1
[18:12] DeltaEnemy> weed host us
[18:12] AlphaEnemy> let pi ost
[18:12] DeltaEnemy> host sess
[18:12] AlphaEnemy> host
[18:12] DeltaEnemy> host the henemys
[18:12] w33d> kkk
[18:12] w33d> gimme 1 min piss
[18:12] [fu]king_pin> weed 2v1 them
[18:12] [fu]king_pin> ill watch
[18:12] DrThunderous in
[18:13] [fu]king_pin out
[18:16] FallbackSatsuma out
[18:17] OmegaOverride in
[18:19] DrThunderous out
[18:20] [SW]zgjimi in
[18:20] mAxwwi in
[18:20] PanosFtw in
[18:21] lordpacco in
[18:21] The_Legendary_Shao> Hentai
[18:21] WarBazan in
[18:23] Breska-arg in
[18:25] Shinobi90 in
[18:27] basz in
[18:28] veganedge241 in
[18:28] veganedge241 out
[18:34] Electric in
[18:35] Kos_TAS in
[18:35] w33d> u guys lucky
[18:35] w33d> my ally didnt do shit
[18:36] DeltaEnemy out
[18:36] DeltaEnemy in
[18:36] DeltaEnemy out
[18:36] DeltaEnemy in
[18:36] w33d> +++++++++++++3
[18:36] w33d> fuck off matt
[18:36] AlphaEnemy> and they said "just preachers"
[18:36] w33d> not playing with u
[18:36] w33d> again
[18:37] w33d> i didnt
[18:37] w33d> matt did
[18:37] [fu]king_pin in
[18:37] DeltaEnemy> and they said "just preachers"
[18:37] [fu]king_pin> how many fws did u have weed
[18:37] [fu]king_pin> 2?
[18:37] AlphaEnemy> he quitted with no game report for not losing points
[18:37] AlphaEnemy> congratz matt
[18:37] [fu]king_pin> u guys wanted him to host
[18:37] DeltaEnemy> +4 bro
[18:37] DeltaEnemy> hahahaha
[18:37] [fu]king_pin> he is known for rage quiting
[18:38] DeltaEnemy out
[18:38] DeltaEnemy in
[18:38] DeltaEnemy out
[18:38] [fu]king_pin> alpha 1v1
[18:38] DeltaEnemy in
[18:38] AlphaEnemy> for what ? fuck ur ass again?
[18:38] DeltaEnemy> hahah arbi i bi betrüger +
[18:38] DeltaEnemy> jetzt
[18:38] AlphaEnemy> weed is way better then u matt and he is "just a preacher"
[18:38] DeltaEnemy> bald mol schüsser
[18:38] [fu]king_pin> alpha ask weed how hard it is to charge a light
[18:38] AlphaEnemy> ur wildilevel with shaman
[18:39] IncaWarrior out
[18:39] w33d> matt
[18:39] w33d> how many shakmans
[18:39] w33d> did u kill at start
[18:39] [fu]king_pin> alpha u scared of me
[18:39] w33d> and what did u even do
[18:39] w33d> at start
[18:39] [fu]king_pin> sad bro
[18:39] w33d> after they connected to mid
[18:39] supay in
[18:39] w33d> u were in ur base all the time
[18:39] w33d> expanding
[18:39] w33d> u didnt do jack shit
[18:39] AlphaEnemy> said is building a second base matt
[18:39] int3r out
[18:39] w33d> yea
[18:39] AlphaEnemy> and then saying "just preachers"
[18:39] w33d> he needed to build a second base on pp
[18:39] w33d> in order to kill me
[18:39] w33d> roflmao
[18:39] DeltaEnemy> and then saying "just preachers"
[18:39] DeltaEnemy> what a joke
[18:40] AlphaEnemy> matt is a joke
[18:40] w33d> matt ur a retarded cunt
[18:40] AlphaEnemy> said matt
[18:40] Kos_TAS out
[18:40] w33d> go do some more gambling
[18:40] AlphaEnemy> why u didnt build a second base in middle
[18:40] w33d> and waste ur money off
[18:40] AlphaEnemy> hahahaha
[18:40] The_Legendary_Shao> hentai
[18:40] DeltaEnemy> but hey. its not normal to lose against the enemys
[18:40] DeltaEnemy> join us and become a fucking legend
[18:40] w33d> lets rm
[18:41] [fu]king_pin> delta 1v1
[18:41] DeltaEnemy> 1v1 on pp
[18:41] DeltaEnemy> come now
[18:41] DeltaEnemy> 1v1 pp
[18:41] Kos_TAS> LOL
[18:41] w33d> LET ME W
[18:41] Kos_TAS> since then sessnerds play pp
[18:41] [fu]king_pin> join delta
[18:41] w33d> lol
[18:41] [fu]king_pin> pp
[18:41] AlphaEnemy> kos we fuck on 4 way to
[18:41] AlphaEnemy> u retard
[18:41] AlphaEnemy> assfuck
[18:41] AlphaEnemy> ur mom
[18:41] Kos_TAS> rofl
[18:41] Kos_TAS> sess and 4 way
[18:41] Kos_TAS> what about cr8
[18:41] Kos_TAS> what about cd
[18:42] Kos_TAS> what about fo
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> cr8 too
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> kos stfu
[18:42] [fu]king_pin> delta scared just like alpha
[18:42] Kos_TAS> what about tot
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> alls maps
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> kos
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> u are just
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> kos fight us u pussy
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> a stinky fart
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> or u ugly mother
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> fatass eating hotdogs
[18:42] Kos_TAS> why being childish
[18:42] Kos_TAS> and hiding true facts
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> kos who are u that u think u can fuck with the enemya?
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> huh?
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> what are u thininkg?
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> btw
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> kos
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> who
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> ?
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> who the fuck are u
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> ???
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> who?
[18:42] int3r in
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> who the fuck are u
[18:42] DeltaEnemy> tell us
[18:42] Kos_TAS> who the fuck u guys
[18:42] Kos_TAS> newbies
[18:42] AlphaEnemy> i never heard of "kos"
[18:43] [fu]king_pin> delta why u running away
[18:43] AlphaEnemy> kingpin
[18:43] AlphaEnemy> accept
[18:43] AlphaEnemy> the lose
[18:43] [fu]king_pin> i lost cuz my ally
[18:43] Kos_TAS> and that is why community is shit
[18:43] w33d> cuz of me ? dude
[18:43] w33d> u didnt do fuckin shit
[18:43] [fu]king_pin> i can pwn u both easy peezy
[18:43] w33d> i have it on stream
[18:43] Kos_TAS> no
[18:43] w33d> go fuckin watch it u dumb asshole
[18:43] w33d> u didnt do ANYTHING
[18:43] [fu]king_pin> u watch it
[18:43] Sam_TAS in
[18:43] w33d> i did
[18:43] [fu]king_pin> and learn weed
[18:43] DeltaEnemy> yeah true shit weed
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> u had no defense
[18:44] w33d> how the fuck
[18:44] DeltaEnemy> who wanna fuck with the enemys? who who who
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> a tower would help
[18:44] DeltaEnemy> ?
[18:44] w33d> can i keep on havin a deffence
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> u see kos
[18:44] Kos_TAS in
[18:44] w33d> while my ally isnt doing anything
[18:44] w33d> just chillin in his base ?
[18:44] w33d> i saw u at reinc site
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> delta and alpha scared
[18:44] w33d> not moving for one fuckin min
[18:44] w33d> while i was attacked
[18:44] w33d> and u fuckin tell me i didnt do shit
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> looks like im the true alpha here
[18:44] w33d> ur the true moron here
[18:44] w33d> ++++++++++2 any map
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> matt how about lose against to preachers?
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> matt
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> maaty
[18:45] [fu]king_pin> weed when u learn how to beat me 1v1
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> not the first time
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> o yeah. you did it already
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> hahahahahaha
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> we beat ur ass
[18:45] [fu]king_pin> then u can put blame on.me
[18:45] mAxwwi out
[18:45] Kos_TAS> seems like i have to block ignorant kids
[18:45] [fu]king_pin> but i did nothing wrong
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> Kos
[18:45] w33d> i bet he was going easy at start cuz he thought he could win no matter what
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> kos who the fuck are you?
[18:45] [fu]king_pin> alpha change ur name
[18:45] DeltaEnemy> what are u thinik what you ahre?
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> watch stream and then tell us why he is so angry
[18:45] w33d> but little does his thick skull know
[18:45] AlphaEnemy> we didnt start
[18:45] [fu]king_pin> cuz im the alpha here
[18:45] w33d> he cant when he is a complete retard
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> no you are shit
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> matt ur alphaassfucked
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> alphaenemy is the alpha here
[18:46] Kos_TAS> matt u ally basz
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> and now stfu
[18:46] Kos_TAS> ok?
[18:46] Kos_TAS> since u are best player
[18:46] Kos_TAS> etc
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> yes matt
[18:46] Kos_TAS> lmao
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> u ally basz
[18:46] [fu]king_pin> delta and alpha go run away
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> weed let me wtach
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> stream it
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> matt stfu
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> you lost against us
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> phahahahahahaha
[18:46] w33d> streamin
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> what a dickfucker
[18:47] DeltaEnemy out
[18:47] rafalnr in
[18:47] WarBazan out
[18:49] sogaki out
[18:51] Kos_TAS out
[18:53] AlphaEnemy out
[18:54] [fu]king_pin out
[18:55] Electric in
[18:55] [SW]zgjimi out
[18:57] FallbackSatsuma in
[18:59] kbatu98765 in
[18:59] Purechemist> ++++++++++3
[18:59] Electric out
[19:00] [SW]zgjimi in
[19:00] PanosFtw out
[19:02] Electric out
[19:02] Electric in
[19:03] basz out
[19:04] [SW]zgjimi out
[19:04] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[19:04] Two4Player out
[19:05] [fu]king_pin in
[19:05] w33d> usee matt
[19:05] w33d> this is how bad u are
[19:05] [fu]king_pin> ill pwn u both allied to this guy weed
[19:05] w33d> sure
[19:05] scortshot out
[19:05] w33d> come kos
[19:06] w33d> kosjak
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> u gave me noob ally
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> lol and u talk
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> ur a joke
[19:06] w33d> dude
[19:06] w33d> i have no idea
[19:06] w33d> how the fuck we lost
[19:06] w33d> the other match
[19:06] w33d> really u are the worst
[19:06] Kos_TAS> turned sw
[19:06] w33d> and u will lose now
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> cuz ur shit weed
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> u dont know
[19:06] w33d> LOL
[19:06] w33d> u dont know
[19:06] [fu]king_pin> how to defend
[19:06] [fu]king_pin out
[19:07] Electric in
[19:07] Electric out
[19:07] w33d> ur the one
[19:07] w33d> who doesnt know how to deffend
[19:07] Kos_TAS> it turned back to hw
[19:07] Kos_TAS> wtf inca
[19:07] w33d> all u had was 1 tower
[19:07] Kos_TAS> ur mm shit
[19:07] Electric in
[19:08] w33d> kosjak turn on dxwnd or something wich u were gfonna do
[19:08] Kos_TAS> did
[19:08] w33d> ready ?=
[19:08] Kos_TAS> no
[19:08] Kos_TAS> nose
[19:09] HuntedWolf in
[19:10] HuntedWolf out
[19:11] [SW]SupremeLeader> u know what
[19:11] [SW]SupremeLeader> i registered Driver License :D
[19:12] Multihuntr in
[19:12] Electric out
[19:12] Multihuntr out
[19:13] kbatu98765> so you can drive now?
[19:13] kbatu98765> or do you need to take your tests?
[19:23] kill_sheep in
[19:23] hammad in
[19:24] rafalnr out
[19:24] DeltaEnemy in
[19:24] OmegaOverride> sec
[19:24] DeltaEnemy out
[19:24] DeltaEnemy in
[19:25] int3r out
[19:25] OmegaOverride> 1+
[19:25] Breska-arg out
[19:27] IncaWarrior in
[19:27] IncaWarrior out
[19:27] IncaWarrior in
[19:27] supay in
[19:27] basz in
[19:29] basz out
[19:29] basz in
[19:29] basz out
[19:29] basz in
[19:29] gylala999 in
[19:29] basz out
[19:31] hammad> +1
[19:31] tobias613 in
[19:32] Kos_TAS> 2nd pwn
[19:32] Kos_TAS> matt needs spin
[19:32] Kos_TAS> in order to win
[19:33] Kos_TAS> in sess
[19:33] Kos_TAS> rofl
[19:33] w33d> sad matt
[19:33] w33d> this is why u suck
[19:33] w33d> u dont know what to do
[19:33] [fu]king_pin in
[19:33] [fu]king_pin> come i host
[19:33] Kos_TAS> + u are so lucky matt
[19:33] Kos_TAS> with lights
[19:33] [fu]king_pin> unless ur scared
[19:33] w33d> sure
[19:33] w33d> hammad
[19:33] supay> it was lag, frozen time to time
[19:33] w33d> gtfo
[19:33] w33d> look at ur ping
[19:33] w33d> 684
[19:33] w33d> no fuckin wonder u lagged
[19:33] w33d> u dickbreath
[19:34] supay> ?
[19:34] w33d> move out from somalia
[19:34] w33d> maby u get better ping
[19:34] supay out
[19:34] gylala999 out
[19:34] supay> what ever , its over now
[19:34] Kos_TAS> thx matt for lovely points
[19:36] wiserod19 in
[19:38] VodHipdpz in
[19:39] hammad> ++++11111
[19:39] [GoD]Divinity> VODKA
[19:41] VodHipdpz> WTF http://oi62.tinypic.com/dg1lr5.jpg
[19:41] [fu]king_pin out
[19:41] wiserod19 out
[19:42] Harley-Quinn_tas> easy game vod
[19:42] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[19:45] redted1199 in
[19:47] davetherave1991 in
[19:47] redted1199> hello
[19:47] davetherave1991> yo
[19:48] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[19:48] basz in
[19:49] Purechemist> ++++++++++++++1
[19:49] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[19:50] Purechemist> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
[19:55] OmegaOverride> VodHipdpz X
[19:56] VodHipdpz> sec
[19:56] OmegaOverride> ok
[19:56] VodHipdpz> k
[19:57] w33d out
[19:57] [fu]king_pin in
[19:57] w33d in
[19:57] [fu]king_pin> raped
[19:57] Kos_TAS> i had more pop than red when i got eqed
[19:57] PanosFtw in
[19:57] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:58] w33d> just luck matt
[19:58] Kos_TAS> lets do pp matt
[19:58] Kos_TAS> u ally kizerbo
[19:58] Kos_TAS> so he can practice eq spawm on towers
[19:58] [fu]king_pin> not luck
[19:58] Kos_TAS> it was luck
[19:59] Kos_TAS> i blasted ya 5 tiems with 10 fws
[19:59] Kos_TAS> u didnt die
[19:59] [fu]king_pin> was ur hosting
[19:59] [fu]king_pin> u lag on purpose
[19:59] Kos_TAS> he doesnt lag
[19:59] w33d> i dont lag people u idiot
[19:59] w33d> i even streamed it
[19:59] Kos_TAS> was smooth as ur momas ass
[19:59] Kos_TAS> when w33d hosted
[20:00] [fu]king_pin> kos 1v1
[20:00] Kos_TAS> sure come
[20:00] [fu]king_pin> fo
[20:00] Kos_TAS> pp
[20:00] [fu]king_pin> tired of pp
[20:01] Kos_TAS> im tired of fo
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> played it 4 times today
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> craters?
[20:01] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:01] Kos_TAS> pp
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> lets do craters
[20:01] Kos_TAS> do tot then
[20:01] Sam_TAS out
[20:01] [Rw]Nici in
[20:02] Kos_TAS> well fhk ya +2
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> no tot is unfair
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> lets do wom
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> 1v1
[20:02] Kos_TAS> join for 2v2
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> k
[20:02] Kos_TAS> rofl
[20:02] Kos_TAS> nice hut u joined
[20:02] Kos_TAS> :l
[20:02] Kos_TAS> brb
[20:03] [fu]king_pin> at least i wont get lagged
[20:03] [Rw]Nici> matt did u die in the flooding there was in tama
[20:03] [Rw]Nici> tampa
[20:03] [fu]king_pin> i don't live in tampa moron
[20:03] Kos_TAS> u live in shitland
[20:04] Kos_TAS> specially for 8k games of pop3 players
[20:05] [GoD]Divinity> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xxvd5vgnIE
[20:06] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[20:06] Purechemist> ++++++++++++3
[20:06] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[20:06] DrThunderous in
[20:07] IncaWarrior> omg the forum is full of spam
[20:07] w33d> inca ban matt
[20:07] w33d> he thinks hes good
[20:07] Purechemist> +3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3
[20:07] [fu]king_pin> incas to busy sucking big black cocks
[20:08] w33d> wow
[20:08] w33d> streamin
[20:09] Kos_TAS> inca
[20:09] kaspa64 in
[20:09] Kos_TAS> where is my gift for birthday
[20:10] hammad out
[20:11] kaspa64> dont team me with a brave
[20:11] tobias613> hey hey
[20:11] kaspa64> sry mn
[20:11] kaspa64> nothing personal
[20:11] Flashlightning in
[20:11] kaspa64> just we cant kil them
[20:11] Purechemist> +3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3
[20:11] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[20:12] tobias613> im pretty good i just havent played multiplayer very long
[20:12] Purechemist> no
[20:12] Purechemist> sorry
[20:12] Purechemist> not playing sess
[20:12] kaspa64> k np
[20:12] Purechemist> +3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3
[20:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> fuck sake dungeon keeper 2 is so hard to play man
[20:13] kaspa64> dk2 is awsome
[20:13] kaspa64> _++++++++++++ 3 for a sess war
[20:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> i cant play it on win.8
[20:13] kaspa64> no nubs
[20:13] tobias613> that game came out the same time as this no?
[20:13] kaspa64> yh
[20:13] kaspa64> dk2 came out around the same time as pop
[20:13] DrThunderous out
[20:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> any idea where to download the free version?
[20:15] Purechemist> ++++++++++3
[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD
[20:15] [fu]king_pin out
[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou fart
[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD]Divinity: n se faz um caralho em casa tou farto[20:15] [Rw]Nici> [GoD
[20:15] [GoD]Divinity> É IGUAL A TUA
[20:16] [GoD]Divinity> LMFAO
[20:16] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[20:16] MaximilionRamos in
[20:16] elvegua out
[20:16] [GoD]Divinity> AKI OU AI
[20:16] [GoD]Divinity> BAI DARE AO MESMO
[20:16] [GoD]Divinity> A MINHA
[20:16] [GoD]Divinity> *
[20:16] ale4599 in
[20:16] MaximilionRamos out
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> agora o trabalho aki vai ser:
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> pintar paredes rofl a minha mae disse hoje
[20:17] Kos_TAS> hi divinity
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> hi vodkasjak
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> omfg ty!
[20:17] Kos_TAS> ;))
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> love scary porn
[20:17] [GoD]Divinity> agor.io
[20:18] Kos_TAS> ban
[20:18] ale4599 out
[20:18] davetherave1991> oO
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> pintar paredes
[20:18] davetherave1991> o.O
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> eu cago epinto
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> opode-ser?
[20:18] davetherave1991> ive gone down a rank?
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> ao menos é cor
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> e nao gastas ŹŹŹ
[20:18] supay out
[20:18] [Rw]Nici> oh mas pensava que ainda havia alguma coisa pa fazer na mata
[20:18] supay in
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> jogar track o caralho eu ainda agora vim da rua
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> tive a foder
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> fui cortar o cabelo tbm
[20:19] [Rw]Nici> mandei uma rapada parece um ninho
[20:20] basz out
[20:23] DrThunderous in
[20:23] supay> why, whe i upgrade my hut, my braves stay out?
[20:24] warfarina in
[20:24] DrThunderous in
[20:24] warfarina out
[20:25] PanosFtw out
[20:28] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[20:28] [SW]zgjimi in
[20:28] _ale4599 in
[20:29] _ale4599 out
[20:29] _ale4599 in
[20:29] _ale4599 out
[20:29] Purechemist> +3 man
[20:29] kaspa64 out
[20:29] Purechemist> lets play this awesome game
[20:30] zwaffeltje in
[20:30] DrThunderous out
[20:31] zwaffeltje out
[20:31] Purechemist> ++++++++++1
[20:32] DrThunderous out
[20:32] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[20:33] supay out
[20:33] [SW]zgjimi> +!11111111
[20:33] DeltaEnemy> +1 4way
[20:34] DeltaEnemy> +1
[20:36] carbine in
[20:37] carbine out
[20:38] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33ds stream laggy for anyone else?
[20:40] Purechemist> ++++++1
[20:42] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[20:45] VodHipdpz in
[20:46] Purechemist> +++1
[20:47] VodHipdpz out
[20:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> weed didnt make a dingle tower inn the game i knew that was gonna bight him in the ass
[20:49] VodHipdpz out
[20:49] Purechemist> ye its unbelievable
[20:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> now he has 31 pop
[20:50] darasenp_TAS out
[20:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> always make towers in sess
[20:51] SuicideSquid_TAS> fws never enough
[20:51] SuicideSquid_TAS> sess is fs game
[20:51] carbine in
[20:52] Gribi_TAS in
[20:52] tobias613 out
[20:52] Purechemist> every map needs towers
[20:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> yeh
[20:52] Gribi_TAS> hi
[20:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> but peoeple forget in sess
[20:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> often
[20:52] Breska-arg in
[20:52] carbine> not blast wars :p
[20:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> they usually forget to farm after all their huts have been build and only a few need to be upgraded
[20:53] Shinobi90 out
[20:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> yeh red has had a go at blue
[20:53] [SW]zgjimi> wtf
[20:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> for no towers
[20:53] kill_sheep> lol gg
[20:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> blues blaming red lol
[20:54] carbine> Suicide who are you talking to?
[20:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> commentating on weed sstream
[20:54] Purechemist> w33d has no towers = no defense = loss after 1 attack
[20:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d didnt use any towers on sess
[20:54] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[20:54] carbine> towers
[20:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> went from 120+ pop to 30
[20:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> in 2 eqs
[20:55] carbine> towers are a waste of wood in sess
[20:55] carbine> unlesss its 40 mins in the game
[20:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> u need them
[20:55] Purechemist> not if u have full base
[20:55] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:55] Kos_TAS> yellow lagget out
[20:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> he had big base and wood
[20:55] Purechemist> lol
[20:55] carbine> if u have expanded upgraded base and still wood
[20:55] carbine> then u need towers
[20:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> he farmed the wood for huts he should have built a while ago
[20:56] [SW]zgjimi> pu
[20:56] [SW]zgjimi> wtf
[20:56] [SW]zgjimi> ?
[20:56] DeltaEnemy> wtf?
[20:56] carbine> zgmimiji stop quit
[20:56] DeltaEnemy> why do you guys leave all tte tome?!
[20:56] lyonpm in
[20:56] SuicideSquid_TAS> ay carbine got your rank back
[20:57] carbine> yeah haha xD
[20:57] The_Legendary_Shao> Hentai
[20:57] carbine> i woulda had 5 more pts if i didnt ally up in some game i playd with mirage
[20:57] carbine> i rushed his ally
[20:57] carbine> then doubled mirage
[20:57] carbine> but we alied :p
[20:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> yeh mirage is good that way
[20:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> we beet his ally too, i let w33d 1v1 mirage while he had like 3 huts. still ended up making weed suicide, instead of winning he allied
[20:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> i was busy volcing the water and building in other peoples bases it was fun lol
[20:59] w33d> omegaoverride
[20:59] w33d> 1v1
[20:59] [fu]king_pin in
[20:59] w33d> ill show u
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> another game lost weed
[20:59] w33d> where u belong
[20:59] w33d> yea
[20:59] OmegaOverride> do not play with a retard
[20:59] w33d> i get these shit allies
[20:59] w33d> who cant handle warriors
[20:59] OmegaOverride> :D
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> that u should of won
[20:59] OmegaOverride> hahahaha
[20:59] w33d> ofc u dont
[20:59] w33d> ur scared
[20:59] lyonpm out
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> weed it was ur base
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> that got wrecked
[20:59] w33d> it was
[20:59] w33d> but what did red do
[21:00] w33d> in the meantime
[21:00] w33d> he watched me get eq
[21:00] w33d> and didnt use his fw
[21:00] w33d> in my base
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d it was your fault that game
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> u made 0 towers
[21:00] OmegaOverride> You disgust as a player you are a fool but when you lose
[21:00] w33d> if he had done that u woulda been dead
[21:00] w33d> i never make towers on sess
[21:00] w33d> its useless
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> bad decision then
[21:00] OmegaOverride> lol
[21:00] w33d> na
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> u had plenty of wood
[21:00] w33d> we can 1v1 bella
[21:00] [fu]king_pin> weed is a moron
[21:00] w33d> and ill show u
[21:00] OmegaOverride> i save ur ass all game men
[21:00] w33d> why i dont need towers
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> green walked straight into your base
[21:00] w33d> ofc he did
[21:00] w33d> my ally
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d if 1v1 someone that is exactly your skill
[21:00] OmegaOverride> use ur brain men realy :D
[21:00] w33d> couldnt kill a single shaman
[21:00] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[21:00] [fu]king_pin> weed do u know how many times my 1 tower killed u
[21:00] w33d> i had 26 kills
[21:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> and dont use towers, u would die
[21:00] w33d> he had what, 10 ?
[21:01] [fu]king_pin> ur an idiot
[21:01] Kos_TAS> matt join
[21:01] OmegaOverride> the braves kill u w33d wtf hjahahaha
[21:01] w33d> at sess shaman kills are important
[21:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> red played like an everage preacher tbh
[21:01] [fu]king_pin> lmfao at weef
[21:01] w33d> roflmao
[21:01] [fu]king_pin> with the shaman kills
[21:01] w33d> bella u really dont know shit do u
[21:01] [fu]king_pin> when will you learn
[21:01] Harley-Quinn_tas> kick sheep let king in
[21:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> i know you need towers
[21:01] [fu]king_pin> Its not about shaman kills
[21:01] w33d> i dont
[21:01] Kos_TAS> matt when you will learn to not walk straight
[21:01] w33d> how many times
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> lolol
[21:02] w33d> have i not raped u matt
[21:02] w33d> without towers ?
[21:02] [fu]king_pin> dude im so good
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> so true kos
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[21:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> if you and your ally dont use towers ur enemy need only 1 fs and maybe some bees
[21:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> thats it
[21:02] w33d> bella
[21:02] w33d> how many times have i not raped u
[21:02] [fu]king_pin> i can walk where ever u want me to
[21:02] w33d> without towers ?
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> they are called swarm
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> not bees
[21:02] [fu]king_pin> and ill still pwn u
[21:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> nabs
[21:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> i played on sess once, made towers, took both enemy shamans to fs 4 times all together
[21:02] w33d> then
[21:02] [fu]king_pin> weed learn to defend
[21:02] w33d> u were against some fuckin wildies
[21:02] w33d> who dont know
[21:02] w33d> ghosts
[21:02] [fu]king_pin> eric has more sense then u
[21:02] w33d> go into towers
[21:02] OmegaOverride> hahaha
[21:02] w33d> or fuckin swarm
[21:02] [War]FreedomCast in
[21:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> we had mid
[21:03] OmegaOverride> w33d ur defence is so bad noob
[21:03] w33d> so dumb u guys are
[21:03] [fu]king_pin> weed 1v1?
[21:03] w33d> call me noob after u beat me 1v1 until then stfu
[21:03] w33d> no matt
[21:03] w33d> u use other bases
[21:03] [War]FreedomCast> damn its been ages since i played online ;s
[21:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> its was like one fs a mid, another at our mid, one at the strip, one at the beginning of my base
[21:03] Gribi_TAS out
[21:03] [fu]king_pin> lets do asg weed
[21:03] [fu]king_pin> ill pwn u
[21:03] w33d> no point arguing with retards
[21:03] w33d> map ?
[21:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> do 4way
[21:03] [fu]king_pin> yag
[21:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> i ally kos
[21:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> was funny, i remember my ally raging at me because i couldnt defend against 4 fses lol
[21:03] w33d> ok
[21:04] w33d> +++++++++++1
[21:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[21:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> someone stream
[21:04] Kos_TAS> rofl
[21:04] w33d> streamin
[21:04] OmegaOverride> poor w33d is what results when they are not loved from birth
[21:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> oh wait
[21:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> nvm
[21:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> make some towers w33d ;)
[21:04] OmegaOverride> hahaha
[21:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> if he streams as host then nah
[21:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> adena his host is fine
[21:04] w33d> harley
[21:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> he streams on host all the time
[21:04] mertinblack in
[21:04] w33d> i never lag anyone
[21:04] w33d> with stream
[21:04] w33d> but ur choice
[21:04] w33d> +++++++++++++3
[21:05] Harley-Quinn_tas> so maybe u should join him bella
[21:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> its only the stream that lags lol
[21:05] Kos_TAS> froze
[21:05] mertinblack out
[21:05] w33d> weird
[21:05] w33d> that no one else
[21:05] w33d> than matt lags
[21:05] w33d> when i stream
[21:05] w33d> and when i dont tell anyone im not streaming
[21:05] w33d> they dont blame lag
[21:05] w33d> even if i do stream
[21:05] w33d> weird yo
[21:05] Kos_TAS> bitching
[21:05] Kos_TAS> is ok
[21:06] Kos_TAS> so just enjoy their "fuck lag i cant paly fuck u"
[21:06] Kos_TAS> ;)
[21:06] w33d> mirage join
[21:06] redted1199> w33d
[21:06] [War]FreedomCast out
[21:06] redted1199> limme jon
[21:07] w33d> get better
[21:07] w33d> then maby
[21:07] redted1199> meh
[21:07] w33d> suit urself
[21:07] w33d> ++++++++++++++++++++1
[21:07] redted1199> limme ill prove ya wrong
[21:07] redted1199> im alright
[21:07] w33d> ur not
[21:07] Kos_TAS> what if he is nici's fake
[21:07] Kos_TAS> rofl
[21:07] [fu]king_pin> weed telling someone to get better is a joke
[21:07] w33d> lol
[21:07] Harley-Quinn_tas> https://www.facebook.com/MrTechnicalDifficult/videos/1112052438842125/?pnref=story
[21:07] Harley-Quinn_tas> me in a interview
[21:07] w33d> matt get better
[21:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> what map w33d?
[21:07] redted1199> ive only played twice in online
[21:07] w33d> any
[21:07] [fu]king_pin> just pwned u
[21:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> er idk
[21:08] [fu]king_pin> with a noob ally
[21:08] redted1199> 100 times on single
[21:08] w33d> bella u can ally matt
[21:08] [AsG]Storm in
[21:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> matt would u mind me being yellow on pp?
[21:08] redted1199> mehhh limme in
[21:08] Kos_TAS> he is good
[21:08] [fu]king_pin> storm join
[21:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> if not pp i can be green on anything else
[21:08] [fu]king_pin> not playing pp
[21:08] [fu]king_pin> no time
[21:08] Kos_TAS> lets do 4 walls? w33d can rotate
[21:08] w33d> np
[21:08] w33d> +++++++++++1
[21:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> alright
[21:09] SuicideSquid_TAS> im playing on bed
[21:09] w33d> stfu redted
[21:09] SuicideSquid_TAS> so im rusty
[21:09] Kos_TAS> loaloALOAl
[21:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> k im be cumming soon bella
[21:09] redted1199> join mehh
[21:09] w33d> stfu harley no one gives a fuck bout u
[21:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> 1v1?
[21:09] redted1199> sure
[21:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> pussy
[21:10] redted1199> harley
[21:10] redted1199> join me
[21:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> ill wrech ur hindu/curry/terrorist/isis ass
[21:10] redted1199> im english
[21:10] [Rw]Mirage> lol
[21:10] redted1199> :I
[21:10] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[21:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> :>
[21:11] redted1199> not hindu curry terrorist of isis
[21:11] redted1199> :)
[21:11] redted1199> SO STOP MOANING AND JOIN MEH
[21:11] redted1199> ty
[21:12] redted1199> some one join me
[21:12] redted1199> please
[21:13] redted1199> this is so dead
[21:13] redted1199> fuck sake
[21:13] redted1199> come on!
[21:13] redted1199> aome one
[21:13] redted1199> some
[21:14] mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:15] redted1199> some one join mhe
[21:15] [AsG]Storm out
[21:16] redted1199> join mehh
[21:16] [fu]king_pin out
[21:17] peterisangry in
[21:17] mahmut1661_Tas> wanted a game ?
[21:17] redted1199> yeah
[21:17] mahmut1661_Tas> u new?
[21:17] redted1199> kinda
[21:17] redted1199> i gues
[21:17] mahmut1661_Tas> or old player from long ago/
[21:18] redted1199> kinda i used to play alot when i was 9
[21:18] redted1199> im 15 now
[21:18] redted1199> i still play alot
[21:18] redted1199> single player
[21:18] mahmut1661_Tas> ahh oki
[21:18] peterisangry out
[21:18] redted1199> wanna play take it easy tho
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> this is harder be warned :o
[21:19] redted1199> dont remember alot
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> oki ill will
[21:19] redted1199> okay
[21:19] redted1199> ty
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> pick any map u want
[21:19] redted1199> you okay with the map
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> ^^
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> off course
[21:19] redted1199> okay lets go and ty for joining
[21:19] mahmut1661_Tas> u pick :o
[21:20] redted1199> how do i start this
[21:20] redted1199> wait
[21:20] mahmut1661_Tas> where did u go?
[21:20] redted1199> i know
[21:20] redted1199> done
[21:23] lobito_pro in
[21:24] peterisangry in
[21:24] carbine out
[21:24] gylala999 in
[21:24] lobito_pro> more
[21:25] lobito_pro out
[21:25] ale4599 in
[21:26] [SW]zgjimi> gg
[21:26] Purechemist> GG
[21:26] supay in
[21:27] carbine in
[21:27] carbine> pure chem
[21:27] carbine> terrible host
[21:27] carbine> feels like p[laying with 300 ping
[21:27] ale4599> +2
[21:27] DeltaEnemy out
[21:27] [SW]zgjimi> +2
[21:27] carbine> Purechem do speedtest
[21:29] Purechemist> k
[21:29] Purechemist out
[21:30] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[21:31] ale4599> +2!
[21:32] Breska-arg out
[21:32] [SW]zgjimi> lmao
[21:32] [SW]zgjimi> ?
[21:33] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[21:33] carbine> OH
[21:33] carbine> i thought kizerbo got banned
[21:33] carbine> but kizerbo is supay
[21:34] supay> no tb map pack
[21:34] Purechemist in
[21:34] ale4599> +2
[21:34] gylala999> lol.
[21:36] Breska-arg in
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> u know u were laggin bella
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> dont front
[21:36] Kos_TAS> ditched matt
[21:36] Kos_TAS> ezish
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> i know u felt it
[21:36] [fu]king_pin in
[21:36] Kos_TAS> gg
[21:36] [fu]king_pin> +3 light wars
[21:36] w33d> stfu harley
[21:36] w33d> no one gives a shit
[21:36] w33d> about u
[21:36] [fu]king_pin> join for lights guys
[21:36] Kos_TAS> w33d stream
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> ur hindu
[21:36] Kos_TAS> i
[21:36] kill_sheep> bye
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> same for u
[21:36] kill_sheep> gtg
[21:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> pwned
[21:36] kill_sheep> gn
[21:37] w33d> kkkkkkkk
[21:37] kill_sheep out
[21:37] w33d> how did i get pwned
[21:37] w33d> when ur using my words
[21:37] w33d> against me
[21:37] [fu]king_pin out
[21:37] Kos_TAS> fu king
[21:37] [fu]king_pin in
[21:37] Kos_TAS> rofl
[21:37] Harley-Quinn_tas> k u got pussy shaved
[21:37] Kos_TAS> fu king matt
[21:37] w33d> lol
[21:37] [fu]king_pin> get ping harley
[21:37] [SW]zgjimi> +!
[21:37] Kos_TAS> fuking matt
[21:37] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[21:37] Kos_TAS> its ur new namt
[21:37] [fu]king_pin> or u getting kicked
[21:37] Kos_TAS> matthew cravotta
[21:37] w33d> kick him matt
[21:37] w33d> KICK
[21:38] Kos_TAS> harley learn to get ping
[21:38] Kos_TAS> ty
[21:38] w33d> harley queer
[21:38] [fu]king_pin> inca thats personal information
[21:38] Harley-Quinn_tas> kos learn to learn how to lean how to
[21:38] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[21:38] [fu]king_pin> thats a ban
[21:38] ale4599 out
[21:38] Kos_TAS> lmao good tihnk u dont know my real name
[21:38] [fu]king_pin> bella het ping
[21:38] Kos_TAS> thing*
[21:38] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh
[21:38] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[21:39] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[21:39] [fu]king_pin> harley ping
[21:39] SuicideSquid_TAS> nooooooooooooooo
[21:39] SuicideSquid_TAS> im a war :'(
[21:39] SuicideSquid_TAS> god damn it
[21:39] [fu]king_pin> inca kos is saying personal information ban him
[21:39] [fu]king_pin> like u banned me and others
[21:40] Kos_TAS> no
[21:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> this is racism
[21:40] w33d> matt hiv
[21:40] w33d> HIV
[21:40] Kos_TAS> matt ur name isnt real personal
[21:40] SuicideSquid_TAS> woh is this blast/light wars
[21:40] Kos_TAS> rofl
[21:40] Kos_TAS> and stop using phore/IRC to avoid mute
[21:40] Kos_TAS> such noob
[21:40] w33d> wtf i got dick punched
[21:40] [fu]king_pin> +3 light wars
[21:40] [fu]king_pin> join
[21:40] [fu]king_pin> Hurry up
[21:41] Kos_TAS> matt has to work
[21:41] Kos_TAS> typical matt
[21:41] w33d> he has to gamble
[21:41] w33d> u mean
[21:41] Kos_TAS> y
[21:41] Kos_TAS> typical matt
[21:41] [fu]king_pin> kos getting banned
[21:41] Kos_TAS> sad
[21:41] Kos_TAS> i had 1 monhh ban
[21:41] Kos_TAS> no more fu
[21:43] peterisangry out
[21:43] peterisangry in
[21:43] basz in
[21:44] Breska-arg out
[21:49] [fu]king_pin out
[21:51] w33d> anyone fast 1v1 blastz
[21:52] The_Legendary_Shao> hentai
[21:52] Harley-Quinn_tas> im2 gudd
[21:53] Harley-Quinn_tas> pwnage
[21:53] Kos_TAS> sad game
[21:54] VodHipdpz in
[21:55] _tobias613 in
[21:55] _tobias613 out
[21:55] _tobias613 in
[21:55] _tobias613 out
[21:57] Harley-Quinn_tas> ++1
[21:57] Breska-arg in
[21:58] _[GoD]Eric in
[21:58] _[GoD]Eric out
[21:58] _[GoD]Eric in
[21:58] Harley-Quinn_tas> +111
[21:58] w33d> +++++++++++1 břasts
[21:58] w33d> blastsss
[21:59] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[22:00] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[22:01] _[GoD]Eric> rip pop
[22:02] basz out
[22:02] _[GoD]Eric> [3] WARNING! You need be logged in to record your points
[22:02] _[GoD]Eric> problems server
[22:02] _[GoD]Eric> and why is there a _ on my nick name ?
[22:03] [SW]zgjimi out
[22:03] Brandan> logout and back in
[22:03] supay out
[22:03] _[GoD]Eric> inca u suck as admin u better stop whit this...
[22:03] _[GoD]Eric> everony is quiting
[22:04] Purechemist out
[22:04] Purechemist in
[22:04] supay in
[22:04] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[22:04] supay out
[22:04] supay in
[22:04] Brandan> because of a slow sql server?
[22:04] _[GoD]Eric out
[22:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> ++1
[22:04] [GoD]Eric in
[22:05] basz in
[22:08] Kos_TAS> water raped me
[22:08] Kos_TAS> not u
[22:08] Kos_TAS> :P
[22:08] w33d> raped
[22:08] w33d> pwned
[22:08] w33d> pussyshaved
[22:08] w33d> waxed
[22:08] w33d> time to sleep
[22:08] w33d> GNGNGNgnNGNG
[22:08] w33d out
[22:08] Kos_TAS> rofl
[22:09] Kos_TAS out
[22:13] Purechemist> whats up paper
[22:14] Purechemist> guys on away for like a week
[22:14] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[22:14] supay out
[22:15] ale4599 in
[22:15] [lg]swaggyyoloberg in
[22:15] Danuda97 in
[22:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> twitch.tv/nojillys
[22:15] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> http://i.4cdn.org/b/1438720047353.webm
[22:15] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> http://i.4cdn.org/b/1438720236508.webm
[22:16] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> http://i.4cdn.org/b/1438721211556.webm
[22:16] [GoD]Divinity> i would drink all that
[22:16] [GoD]Divinity> juice
[22:16] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> http://i.4cdn.org/b/1438721723395.jpg
[22:17] Danuda97 out
[22:18] basz out
[22:18] basz in
[22:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[22:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> mag mag :o
[22:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella ::)
[22:19] 7ZaveX_TAS> :O
[22:19] 7ZaveX_TAS> ::o
[22:19] basz out
[22:19] basz in
[22:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> im a spider for her
[22:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[22:19] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[22:19] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> he
[22:19] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> y
[22:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[22:20] carbine out
[22:20] carbine in
[22:28] [GoD]Divinity> c
[22:28] [GoD]Divinity> o
[22:28] [GoD]Divinity> c
[22:28] [GoD]Divinity> k
[22:28] lordpacco> hey 7z
[22:28] Blaze in
[22:29] Blaze out
[22:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> hey pacco
[22:30] lordpacco> sup
[22:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> CAD rate is bad :\
[22:31] lordpacco> CAD is ur game?
[22:31] 7ZaveX_TAS> ? Canadian dollars
[22:31] 7ZaveX_TAS> i exchanged some currency today
[22:31] lordpacco> lol
[22:31] Brandan> Still worth more than USD
[22:32] lordpacco> not worse than Real
[22:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> nope
[22:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> US is up on the CAD Brandan
[22:32] Brandan> currently 1 CAD is 0.76 USD
[22:33] Vegeta_TSI in
[22:33] 7ZaveX_TAS> yea so getting USD is bad
[22:33] 7ZaveX_TAS> but im not getting USD
[22:33] lordpacco> lol
[22:33] Vegeta_TSI> pacco
[22:33] Vegeta_TSI> u dudes makin progress
[22:33] Vegeta_TSI> ?????
[22:33] tobias613 in
[22:33] Vegeta_TSI> ^^
[22:34] Vegeta_TSI> i need to log in soon
[22:34] lordpacco> *ahem*
[22:34] Brandan> CAD/USD value is determined by the rest of the world too.
[22:34] Brandan> So if both are failing then so is everyone.
[22:34] The_Legendary_Shao> Hentai
[22:34] Vegeta_TSI> +222222222222
[22:34] 7ZaveX_TAS> Im not gonna humour your need to jump into a discussion about it Brandan
[22:35] lordpacco> lol this shit is realtime? http://preev.com/btc/usd
[22:35] Vegeta_TSI> Lammmmmmmmmmao
[22:35] Brandan> Yeah theres also realtime ones for currencies too.
[22:35] Changy8 in
[22:35] 7ZaveX_TAS> you cant hold BT unfortunately
[22:35] Brandan> http://www.fxstreet.com/rates-charts/currency-rates/
[22:36] lordpacco> wtf is dogecoin?:
[22:36] lordpacco> i thought doge was only a fucking meme
[22:36] 7ZaveX_TAS> its another crypto currency
[22:36] lordpacco> LOLZ
[22:36] int3r in
[22:36] int3r> hii
[22:36] lordpacco> 1 doge = 0.1764 USD
[22:36] lordpacco> very valuable
[22:36] int3r> dodge?
[22:37] tobias613> do a different map
[22:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> nope.
[22:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> if you dont like it go out.
[22:37] tobias613> why cant you do a different one
[22:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> i chose it first.
[22:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> and i play it
[22:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> you can play with someone else.
[22:38] Changy8 out
[22:39] Two4Player in
[22:39] Two4Player out
[22:39] Brandan> btw lordpacco theres like 700 other cryptocurrencies.
[22:39] lordpacco> gtg
[22:39] lordpacco> looks like most open source shit are like this
[22:39] int3r> gays
[22:40] Brandan> All of them are probably just a copy of bitcoins source.
[22:40] Brandan> I know dogecoin is.
[22:40] albatron in
[22:41] biocuby1256 in
[22:43] VodHipdpz out
[22:43] ale4599 out
[22:43] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS in
[22:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=52&v=gTH0pXZQ5I4
[22:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ara ara tsu-san
[22:44] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> playing with bots are we?
[22:44] WarBazan in
[22:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> yeye :p
[22:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> 1 game and go
[22:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[22:44] 7ZaveX_TAS> :o
[22:46] ThunderGod in
[22:46] carbine> vegeta 1v1?
[22:46] Apocalypsis_TAS> http://imgur.com/gallery/AipOuXE
[22:47] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> aww
[22:47] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> :3
[22:47] redted1199> gg
[22:48] Vegeta_TSI out
[22:48] carbine> peter is angry
[22:48] carbine> 1vs 1
[22:48] [fu]mrkooPRO26 in
[22:48] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> red ted where you from :o
[22:48] Polska in
[22:49] Electric in
[22:49] HardToGet in
[22:49] The_Legendary_Shao out
[22:50] [fu]King_Pin out
[22:51] tobias613> wait the spy rank comes after brave?
[22:51] HardToGet out
[22:52] HardToGet in
[22:52] Ratchet in
[22:52] Ratchet> FOOLS
[22:52] carbine> ratchet
[22:52] carbine> 1v1 me
[22:52] redted1199> im nor very good but okay
[22:52] Ratchet> live for 98 years and document Stalin's Russia with exquisite detail
[22:52] Ratchet> BECOME IMMORTAL
[22:52] davetherave1991 out
[22:52] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> just go unranked if prefer
[22:53] carbine> harley quinn 1v1
[22:53] Ratchet> Inca wtf
[22:53] Harley-Quinn_tas> no im scared
[22:53] Ratchet> did you change the MM so that
[22:53] Harley-Quinn_tas> :(
[22:53] Ratchet> i can't make the text the size i usually make it? :x
[22:53] Ratchet> the chat text i mean
[22:53] Breska-arg out
[22:54] carbine> harley noob 1vs1
[22:54] Electric out
[22:54] carbine> purechem 1v1?
[22:54] carbine> omegaovveride
[22:54] carbine> 1v1
[22:54] carbine> mahmut 1v1?
[22:55] carbine> flashlight
[22:55] carbine> 1v1
[22:55] carbine> join omega
[22:55] carbine> 1v1
[22:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> ban carbine
[22:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> he spamming 1v1's
[22:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[22:56] carbine> stfu
[22:56] carbine> noob
[22:56] carbine> 1vs1 me
[22:56] carbine> then i stop spam
[22:56] carbine> idiot
[22:56] peterisangry out
[22:57] int3r> mm gays
[22:57] [GoD]Eric> rip po
[22:57] [GoD]Eric> p
[22:58] carbine> r.i.p this mm
[22:58] carbine> 2002 - 2015
[22:58] [GoD]Eric> yep its dead
[23:00] [GoD]Eric> we have like 1000 players but there 46 online but most are offline lol
[23:01] peterisangry in
[23:02] Brandan> We've always had that.
[23:02] Flashlightning out
[23:02] carbine> brandan
[23:02] carbine> 1v1?
[23:02] Brandan> no
[23:02] carbine> noob
[23:02] carbine> thats why this mm is dead
[23:02] Brandan> k
[23:02] carbine> people like brandan
[23:02] carbine> sit on the mm
[23:02] carbine> and dont play
[23:03] int3r> carbine olor a culo
[23:03] carbine> what?
[23:03] carbine> i dont understand that.
[23:04] lobito_pro in
[23:04] WarBazan out
[23:04] Brandan> He said you "smell ass"
[23:04] Brandan> according to Google.
[23:05] [GoD]Eric> nah its just inca he doesnt want to pay for a video adverstiment ...
[23:05] Brandan> Why dont you?
[23:05] basz> +1
[23:06] Jordan90 in
[23:06] Ratchet out
[23:06] Brandan> The website is here for Youtube https://www.youtube.com/yt/advertise/
[23:06] carbine> shut the fuck up brandan
[23:06] carbine> you motherfucker
[23:06] Ratchet in
[23:06] carbine> i just google translated it
[23:06] carbine> it doesnt even translate
[23:06] carbine> you twat
[23:06] carbine> fuck you
[23:06] carbine> noob
[23:07] Brandan> Then you don't know how to use google translate
[23:07] Brandan> https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/carbine%20olor%20a%20culo
[23:07] [GoD]Eric> brandan becuz thats not my buisnis
[23:07] Jordan90 out
[23:07] Brandan> Doesn't mean you can't do it.
[23:07] Brandan> I wouldn't.
[23:08] Almafuerte in
[23:08] carbine> my bad brandan
[23:08] carbine> i typed the wrong thing
[23:08] carbine> int3e
[23:08] carbine> fuck you
[23:08] carbine> motherfucker
[23:08] Brandan> no problem.
[23:08] carbine> you son of a bitch
[23:08] carbine> 1v1 me inte3
[23:08] carbine> r
[23:09] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> lol
[23:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> ban carbine ty
[23:10] carbine> harley qwiun
[23:10] carbine> nooob
[23:10] carbine> you scare to 1v1
[23:10] carbine> scared
[23:11] carbine> good night
[23:11] carbine> sweet dream
[23:11] [Rw]Mirage out
[23:11] carbine> but not inrt3r
[23:11] carbine> hope u have a fucking nightmare bitch
[23:11] carbine out
[23:11] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon in
[23:11] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> FUck up alex
[23:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[23:12] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> NIci anda ao aeroporto de lisboa seu boi
[23:12] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[23:12] 7ZaveX_TAS> my a s d f g keys have no letters :)
[23:12] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> BUy a new keyboard
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> nah
[23:13] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> I wouldn't either
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> no reason, the lettes just get scraped off from fingers
[23:13] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> I know
[23:13] Electric> ?
[23:13] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> I'm in lisbon alex
[23:13] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> Come pay me a visit
[23:14] Electric> Ratchet> live for 98 years and document Stalin's Russia with exquisite detail
[23:14] Electric> yes let's talk about this
[23:14] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> NO ty
[23:14] Electric> sneaky
[23:14] Electric> what happened
[23:14] Electric> to ur computer
[23:14] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> PSu blew up
[23:14] Electric> wtf
[23:14] Electric> why
[23:14] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> AS soon as i plugged it into wall socket
[23:15] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> I didnt turn computer on, i just plugged it on and poof
[23:15] Electric> WTF
[23:15] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> Big flash
[23:15] Electric> why did that happen sneak
[23:15] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> VOltage difference between uk and usa
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeYNY_WIpyA
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
[23:16] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> Usa uses less voltage, so when i plugged it in, even tho it was an english wire, it fried
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> im hungry :o
[23:17] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> Im wondering if it fried the whole system, doubtfully since its supposed to be protected from that
[23:17] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> BUt you never know
[23:17] int3r> electric
[23:17] mahmut1661_Tas> yeah lol
[23:17] int3r> gay
[23:17] int3r> asqueroso
[23:17] int3r> inca te amo
[23:18] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> IF it did, i'm suing alex
[23:18] mahmut1661_Tas> gnight u guys :))
[23:19] 7ZaveX_TAS> gn mammy
[23:19] mahmut1661_Tas> ttyl
[23:19] mahmut1661_Tas out
[23:20] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon out
[23:20] int3r> nici 4 eyes!!
[23:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> gtg work soon
[23:23] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> fucking work
[23:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> eeevery day
[23:24] int3r> shut up gay
[23:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> int3r blocked.
[23:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> gbye
[23:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:25] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[23:25] int3r> wow
[23:25] int3r> chupala puto jajaja
[23:25] tank_lf4 in
[23:25] int3r> hahahaa
[23:25] int3r> lol
[23:25] int3r> macanudoo
[23:26] joshpopulous in
[23:26] joshpopulous out
[23:26] joshpopulous in
[23:26] joshpopulous out
[23:27] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[23:27] mertinblack in
[23:28] mertinblack out
[23:30] Thunderbass in
[23:31] Thunderbass out
[23:31] Ratchet out
[23:32] biocuby1256 out
[23:32] Purechemist> +++++2
[23:32] Purechemist> +++++3
[23:32] albatron out
[23:33] Polska out
[23:34] Almafuerte out
[23:34] WarBazan in
[23:35] elvegua in
[23:35] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> we could have allied up :o
[23:36] redted1199> how
[23:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> going through your old statuses
[23:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> fml
[23:36] redted1199> how do i do unranked
[23:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> wow theyre so bad
[23:36] WarBazan> +3
[23:37] redted1199> joinn meee
[23:37] WarBazan> join +3
[23:37] redted1199> join me
[23:38] redted1199> rikkia
[23:38] redted1199> rikka
[23:38] redted1199> join
[23:38] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ill rest a bit
[23:38] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> play with others to :)
[23:38] redted1199> meow meow
[23:38] redted1199> sure
[23:38] redted1199> other
[23:38] redted1199> s
[23:38] redted1199> join meeeee
[23:38] redted1199> any one
[23:39] redted1199> this is staring to get boring
[23:39] solyluna in
[23:39] redted1199> tank join me
[23:40] redted1199> lob an tank join me
[23:40] tank_lf4 out
[23:40] Vegeta_TSI in
[23:41] Vegeta_TSI> daddy is home
[23:41] solyluna> No se pudo encontrar una instalación del juego. Por favor selecciona la ubicación del directorio de tu Populous en la pestańa de opciones.
[23:41] Vegeta_TSI> Sup babiez
[23:41] solyluna> que es eso
[23:41] Vegeta_TSI> yooooooo
[23:41] Vegeta_TSI> PLUS ONE
[23:41] Vegeta_TSI> ??
[23:42] solyluna> sabes q es eso
[23:42] lobito_pro out
[23:42] lobito_pro in
[23:43] Vegeta_TSI> Hm weird
[23:43] Vegeta_TSI> 1v1 on sess
[23:43] Vegeta_TSI> Lmao
[23:43] Vegeta_TSI> The NEW PRO 1v1 Lmao
[23:43] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[23:44] Vegeta_TSI> ffs noobs
[23:44] Vegeta_TSI> Join green someone
[23:44] Vegeta_TSI> word
[23:44] Vegeta_TSI> lets roll
[23:44] redted1199> elllo
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> whatsup redred
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> redted
[23:45] redted1199> nm you
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> Nm, getting old. :D
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> Ready to rockkk!!!!!!!
[23:45] redted1199> im only 15 getting old 2 tho
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> hahaha
[23:45] Vegeta_TSI> nah bro! Life just startin;
[23:46] redted1199> i got gcses after sunner
[23:46] redted1199> summer
[23:46] Vegeta_TSI> Gcses?
[23:46] redted1199> tests to discide my grades
[23:46] redted1199> for uni
[23:47] redted1199> and collage
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> good
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> Sounds like a good plan
[23:47] int3r> sol y luna te amo
[23:47] redted1199> im scared tbh like shiting my self
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> basz, join d00d
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> dont be scared
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> only bitchs are scared
[23:47] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[23:48] redted1199> then im a big bitch :3
[23:48] tobias613> different map
[23:48] int3r> vegeta pritty
[23:48] int3r> :3
[23:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> finished shower
[23:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> ttyl :)
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> im pretty
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> Love u yoshi
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> cyan
[23:48] redted1199> ima try my hardest and hope for the best
[23:48] int3r> oh yes
[23:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> no boyslove
[23:48] Purechemist> ++++++++2
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> YES
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> ALL BOYS LOVE
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> hahahaha
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> int3r
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> im a d00d
[23:48] Vegeta_TSI> i cant be pretty
[23:48] int3r> uooou
[23:48] redted1199> vegeta letsss coollll
[23:48] redted1199> gooo
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> im scared redted
[23:49] int3r> iam girl
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> if i play u u might never return
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> oh ok
[23:49] int3r> me big ass
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> then i can be pretty its ok
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[23:49] redted1199> only bitches get scared
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> good
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> thats the attitude my friend
[23:49] int3r> ofcourse!
[23:49] redted1199> :D learned from the best
[23:49] Purechemist> join here
[23:49] Purechemist> 2v2
[23:49] Vegeta_TSI> you're too young for me prolly int3r
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[23:50] OmegaOverride out
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> im 28^^
[23:50] Purechemist> vegeta u gonna bash that noob or play a gg/
[23:50] Purechemist> with me?
[23:50] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> dude i waited
[23:50] redted1199> bash MEH it will train meh
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> foreva
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI out
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI in
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> wrong button
[23:50] redted1199> yayyyyyy hes back
[23:50] Purechemist> vegeta u waited ?
[23:50] int3r> iam 12
[23:50] Vegeta_TSI> god im freakin noob still
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[23:51] int3r> iam virgin
[23:51] solyluna out
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> ye int3r
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> grow up some
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> then u can get boys
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> after 20
[23:51] redted1199> lets goo my friend
[23:51] Vegeta_TSI> +
[23:51] redted1199> im not a virgin and im 15
[23:51] redted1199> XD
[23:51] Purechemist> :(((((((((
[23:52] Purechemist> +2
[23:53] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[23:57] khickman in
[00:00] Rokubi in
[00:00] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> khickman, [Rw]Mirage is a radical muslim and he said he left pop, never to return
[00:00] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> do you see that as a victory?
[00:00] gylala999 out
[00:01] Rokubi> yoooo
[00:03] int3r> rokubi
[00:03] int3r> mi heroe
[00:03] Rokubi> why?
[00:03] Rokubi> :O
[00:03] redted1199> urgh sorry that im shit
[00:03] xhackerwizardx in
[00:03] int3r> :3
[00:03] Vegeta_TSI> its ok
[00:03] Vegeta_TSI> i was bad when i started
[00:03] SparkydeVos in
[00:03] Vegeta_TSI> this time
[00:03] Vegeta_TSI> u build
[00:03] redted1199> ima try so stuff faster this time
[00:03] Vegeta_TSI> use your people panel
[00:03] Elunar in
[00:04] redted1199> fws towers fast
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> build fw and warrior hut first
[00:04] redted1199> okay
[00:04] xhackerwizardx> mind if i join?
[00:04] 7ZaveX_TAS> you launched while i was working
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> join hacker
[00:04] 7ZaveX_TAS> program conflict
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> u guys 1v1
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> ill watch
[00:04] Vegeta_TSI> ok?
[00:04] redted1199> okayy
[00:04] xhackerwizardx> lol sound good
[00:05] int3r> vegeta could be your mother
[00:07] klimkz in
[00:08] Butcher in
[00:08] klimkz out
[00:08] [GoD]Divinity> fucking macca sucks
[00:08] [GoD]Divinity> who can relate?
[00:08] [GoD]Divinity> horse cock
[00:09] [GoD]Divinity> dont u agree baxter?
[00:09] [GoD]Divinity> roflmaokai
[00:09] [GoD]Divinity> hes logging in soon
[00:09] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> yes
[00:09] [GoD]Divinity> so pls dont tell him this
[00:10] [Rw]Macca in
[00:10] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> macca is terrible
[00:10] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> lmao
[00:10] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> speak of the devil!!!
[00:10] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[00:10] [GoD]Divinity> fucking terrible
[00:10] [GoD]Divinity> horrible
[00:10] [GoD]Divinity> 0
[00:10] [GoD]Divinity> A JOKE WORLDWIDE
[00:12] [Rw]Macca> what is this lobby
[00:12] [Rw]Macca> who dares to badmouth the genius
[00:12] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> who might that be lmaokai
[00:12] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> btw divinity did u see wickd's challenger team got ddossed
[00:12] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> and had to forfeit
[00:12] [GoD]Divinity> no macca told me
[00:12] [GoD]Divinity> he brings me the news faster than u
[00:12] [GoD]Divinity> ur benched
[00:13] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> didhe also include wickd's nudes?
[00:13] [GoD]Divinity> no
[00:13] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> nice, nidalee nerfs in 5.15
[00:14] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> nice, teemo buffs in 5.15
[00:14] klimkz in
[00:14] [GoD]Divinity> nice nici can finally play his teemo
[00:14] klimkz out
[00:14] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[00:15] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> u need to play gp when the new patch comes out
[00:15] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> to get the free skin
[00:15] Butcher out
[00:16] [GoD]Divinity> only once?
[00:16] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> ye
[00:16] tobias613 out
[00:16] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> not in bots though
[00:16] [lg]swaggyyoloberg> matchmade game
[00:18] lobito_pro> +1
[00:18] HardToGet out
[00:18] basz> we wait for friend
[00:18] basz> hardtoget
[00:18] HardToGet in
[00:18] lobito_pro out
[00:19] lobito_pro in
[00:19] khickman out
[00:19] lobito_pro out
[00:19] lobito_pro in
[00:20] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[00:20] lobito_pro out
[00:20] lobito_pro in
[00:20] supay in
[00:20] lobito_pro out
[00:21] lobito_pro in
[00:22] lobito_pro in
[00:22] lobito_pro out
[00:22] lobito_pro in
[00:22] WarBazan> joder puto ping
[00:23] lobito_pro> see
[00:23] lobito_pro> ok
[00:23] lobito_pro out
[00:23] lordpacco> why why why this mother fucker insists to be so fucking hipocrit
[00:23] supay> lobito pro
[00:24] lobito_pro in
[00:25] lobito_pro out
[00:25] lobito_pro in
[00:26] redted1199> fuck sake
[00:26] Vegeta_TSI> look
[00:26] xhackerwizardx> lol
[00:26] Vegeta_TSI> im only gonna show u guys once ok?
[00:26] xhackerwizardx> you can do it man
[00:26] Vegeta_TSI> both of u
[00:26] redted1199> okay
[00:26] Rokubi> gg
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> are horrible as shit
[00:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> but u have potential
[00:27] Purechemist> gg
[00:27] xhackerwizardx> ive owned this game forever
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> idm
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> u are bad still
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[00:27] xhackerwizardx> still have the cd
[00:27] lordpacco> what a classic motivational statement vegeta lol
[00:27] Vegeta_TSI> Lmaoooooooooo
[00:27] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> qro o meu host
[00:27] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> ou NADA
[00:27] lordpacco> "you are bad but you have potential"
[00:27] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sacou
[00:28] lordpacco> :p
[00:28] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> zuera
[00:28] Rokubi> caramba
[00:28] Rokubi> :o
[00:28] Rokubi> que rebeldia meu jovem
[00:28] redted1199> lets just fuck shit uo
[00:28] Rokubi> senta aqui vamos conversar
[00:28] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> ok
[00:28] int3r out
[00:28] lordpacco> senta na cabana heuheuehe
[00:29] Lucas in
[00:29] lobito_pro out
[00:30] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi's
[00:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> mano
[00:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> na moral
[00:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> vsf
[00:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> to pegando odio dele
[00:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> puta merda
[00:32] lordpacco> quem
[00:32] Purechemist> ++++++2
[00:32] Purechemist> ++++++++3
[00:32] lordpacco> eu?
[00:32] lordpacco> D':
[00:34] UnKnown_TAS in
[00:36] Vegeta_TSI> K
[00:36] Vegeta_TSI> 15 MINS
[00:36] Vegeta_TSI> HIGHEST POP
[00:36] Vegeta_TSI> WINS
[00:36] redted1199> okay
[00:36] xhackerwizardx> kk
[00:37] ponjaa5 in
[00:37] UnKnown_TAS> Workers, as participants in a scheme of cooperation that produces national income, have a claim to a fair share of what they have helped to produce
[00:39] Alejandro4 in
[00:40] Alejandro4 out
[00:45] ale4599 in
[00:46] ale4599 out
[00:47] Electric> unknown
[00:47] Electric> that scheme wont work
[00:47] Z-e-r-o-wins in
[00:47] Electric> comunism is needed
[00:50] Z-e-r-o-wins out
[00:50] lordpacco> living in utopia
[00:50] elvegua out
[00:52] [Rw]Macca in
[00:52] Vegeta_TSI> nice
[00:52] Vegeta_TSI> yellow isn't new
[00:52] xhackerwizardx> gg
[00:52] Vegeta_TSI> he upgraded et
[00:52] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[00:52] xhackerwizardx> nagh
[00:52] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[00:53] xhackerwizardx> ive been playing a while now
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> redted ur gettin there homie
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> quickest i ever seen
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> noobz
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> learn
[00:53] xhackerwizardx> my base skills may suck
[00:53] xhackerwizardx> but i can use a shaman pretty well
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[00:53] redted1199> i need to learn shaman and attack skills
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> just need to do light battle
[00:53] Vegeta_TSI> and blasts
[00:53] xhackerwizardx> those are fun
[00:54] Vegeta_TSI> 1 more for light wars?
[00:54] Vegeta_TSI> Anyone?
[00:54] Vegeta_TSI> QUICK
[00:54] redted1199> vegeta u play
[00:54] xhackerwizardx> hurry damn it
[00:54] Vegeta_TSI> daddy wont wait around
[00:54] xhackerwizardx> oh god
[00:56] Vegeta_TSI> Lolz
[00:56] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ahaha
[00:56] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> fastes game ever?
[00:56] Vegeta_TSI> almost thought i was playing with matt
[00:56] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> lol
[00:56] xhackerwizardx> jesus
[00:56] Vegeta_TSI> dont pray
[00:56] redted1199> i didnt under stand
[00:56] Vegeta_TSI> noobs
[00:56] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[00:57] [Rw]Macca out
[00:58] ponjaa5 out
[00:59] FallbackSatsuma out
[01:00] 7ZaveX_TAS> been sucking today
[01:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[01:01] 7ZaveX_TAS> gg
[01:01] diegorocka in
[01:02] [Rw]Macca in
[01:02] diegorocka out
[01:03] Dolfo in
[01:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> i dont hink suicide there
[01:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> he afk
[01:03] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> im here
[01:03] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> and ill host
[01:04] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> map
[01:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> any u want
[01:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> walls
[01:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> if u like
[01:04] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> pp?
[01:04] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> zav?
[01:05] Dolfo out
[01:05] Harley-Quinn_tas> zave afk
[01:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> no
[01:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> pp is fine
[01:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> w/e u want
[01:05] Harley-Quinn_tas> wat map u want
[01:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> idc really
[01:06] [Rw]Macca out
[01:06] lobito_pro out
[01:07] Elunar out
[01:08] [Rw]Mirage in
[01:09] HardToGet> gg!
[01:09] supay out
[01:10] Vegeta_TSI> that was different
[01:10] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[01:10] xhackerwizardx> gg
[01:10] Vegeta_TSI> gg
[01:10] redted1199> right gg
[01:10] xhackerwizardx> that was the weirdest light battle ever
[01:10] redted1199> night guys
[01:10] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> GG
[01:10] Vegeta_TSI> night d00d
[01:10] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> night then
[01:10] Vegeta_TSI> i got time for 1-2 more lights
[01:10] redted1199> train more to morrow rikka vageta ill be on at 7-8 uk times
[01:11] Vegeta_TSI> cool brother
[01:11] Vegeta_TSI> ill try to write something on popre facebook too
[01:11] redted1199> cya bros
[01:11] Vegeta_TSI> to help
[01:11] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> ok then
[01:11] redted1199 out
[01:11] lobito_pro in
[01:12] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[01:13] s35472986 in
[01:13] Vegeta_TSI> mirage
[01:13] Vegeta_TSI> ur light nab
[01:13] Vegeta_TSI> hahahaha
[01:13] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> kkkkkkk
[01:14] xhackerwizardx> lol
[01:14] [Rw]Mirage> let me host
[01:14] xhackerwizardx> that was fast
[01:14] Vegeta_TSI> about as quick as that chck UFC fight
[01:14] Vegeta_TSI> last weekend
[01:14] Vegeta_TSI> chick
[01:14] xhackerwizardx> oh gosh that was awesome
[01:14] Vegeta_TSI> 35 seconds?
[01:14] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[01:14] xhackerwizardx> i know i would only last 43 sec in bed with her
[01:15] xhackerwizardx> HAHAH
[01:15] s35472986 out
[01:15] Vegeta_TSI> Lmaoooooooooooo
[01:15] UnKnown_TAS> u wouldn´t even last.. she would break you
[01:15] UnKnown_TAS> lol
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> ye IKR
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> she would dick punch u
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> turn u into a girl
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> LOL
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> mirage
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> u never played stormcloud
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[01:17] Vegeta_TSI> dafuq?
[01:18] xhackerwizardx> lol maybe not
[01:18] xhackerwizardx> god that was fuuny
[01:18] Vegeta_TSI> can do AvA team lights
[01:18] Vegeta_TSI> better map
[01:18] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[01:18] lobito_pro out
[01:18] xhackerwizardx> lol
[01:18] Purechemist> vegeta wtf u been drinking?
[01:18] Vegeta_TSI> im sober
[01:18] Vegeta_TSI> hats the problem
[01:18] xhackerwizardx> vegetable juice
[01:19] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> NICI
[01:19] xhackerwizardx> heheh
[01:19] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> what about the CTF maps
[01:19] Vegeta_TSI> about to smoke
[01:19] lobito_pro in
[01:20] lobito_pro out
[01:21] basz> +2
[01:22] SparkydeVos out
[01:23] WarBazan out
[01:23] lobito_pro in
[01:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[01:26] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> da até desgosto de ficar aqui
[01:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> some guy used that strat on me
[01:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> and it worked
[01:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> I had to try it
[01:26] Harley-Quinn_tas> o.0
[01:26] Diomedes in
[01:27] 7ZaveX_TAS> war rushing?
[01:27] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> na moral mesmo, acho q vou sair daqui
[01:27] 7ZaveX_TAS> what did u charge for spells?
[01:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> yea
[01:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> just light
[01:28] lobito_pro out
[01:28] Harley-Quinn_tas> tsu almost killed me once like that too
[01:28] Harley-Quinn_tas> omg it was hard to defend lol
[01:28] basz> +1
[01:29] lobito_pro in
[01:30] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> do clan
[01:30] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> map?
[01:30] 7ZaveX_TAS> k
[01:30] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> eu pensei q tihna perguntado se eu n estava irritado
[01:30] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> mas ali, eu jatinha 30
[01:31] Electric in
[01:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sim sim
[01:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> já foi
[01:31] Harley-Quinn_tas> I wantedd to play o.o
[01:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> fala um mapa ai
[01:31] kerem56 in
[01:31] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> full
[01:32] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> pure, zav
[01:32] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> map?
[01:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> ?
[01:32] Purechemist> idc
[01:32] 7ZaveX_TAS> idc go ahead and pick
[01:32] Rokubi> what about good pp?
[01:32] xhackerwizardx> y no play?
[01:32] Purechemist> if someone leave spec on u can play adena
[01:32] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> Oyasumi Peoples
[01:32] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[01:32] xhackerwizardx> im good
[01:33] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> kkkk vsf
[01:33] lobito_pro out
[01:33] lobito_pro in
[01:34] lobito_pro out
[01:34] lobito_pro in
[01:34] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[01:34] lobito_pro out
[01:34] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[01:35] lobito_pro in
[01:35] Electric out
[01:36] lobito_pro> no
[01:36] lobito_pro out
[01:36] Vegeta_TSI> Bbl lovelies
[01:36] Vegeta_TSI out
[01:37] _lobito_pro in
[01:37] _lobito_pro out
[01:37] _lobito_pro in
[01:37] xhackerwizardx> +1
[01:37] xhackerwizardx> lol
[01:37] basz> xd
[01:39] _lobito_pro out
[01:39] xhackerwizardx> jesus
[01:39] lobito_pro in
[01:40] basz> +1
[01:40] xhackerwizardx> whats wrong with lobito?
[01:41] lobito_pro in
[01:41] basz> he has no ping
[01:41] basz> he cant join
[01:41] xhackerwizardx> his ping is 511
[01:41] lobito_pro> :(
[01:41] basz> yeah but not if you host]
[01:41] xhackerwizardx> bad connectipn/
[01:41] basz> you will see X
[01:41] lobito_pro> with please
[01:41] lobito_pro out
[01:42] ThunderGod out
[01:43] lobito_pro in
[01:45] lobito_pro in
[01:45] xhackerwizardx> lobito, update matchmaker
[01:46] xhackerwizardx> type !update
[01:46] [GoD]Divinity> type !setopacity 0
[01:46] lobito_pro in
[01:46] [GoD]Divinity> type !ilikebells
[01:46] [GoD]Divinity> agor.io
[01:48] lobito_pro out
[01:48] lordpacco> or !clear
[01:49] basz> lobito fix connection
[01:50] lobito_pro out
[01:52] Rokubi> zavex
[01:52] Rokubi> host
[01:52] 7ZaveX_TAS> k give me a minute
[01:52] lobito_pro out
[01:53] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> ?
[01:53] lobito_pro out
[01:54] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[01:54] Diomedes out
[01:54] 7ZaveX_TAS> mirage wants
[01:54] 7ZaveX_TAS> to host
[01:54] [Rw]Mirage> teams?
[01:55] 7ZaveX_TAS> idk
[01:55] [Rw]Mirage> u know how to play pp
[01:55] [Rw]Mirage> ?
[01:56] 7ZaveX_TAS> nope
[01:56] Diomedes in
[01:56] 7ZaveX_TAS> just go
[01:56] [Rw]Mirage> nvmthen
[01:56] 7ZaveX_TAS> i lied
[01:56] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[01:57] Rokubi> +++1
[02:08] peterisangry out
[02:08] [Rw]Nici> se eu pudesse pagar de outra forma
[02:10] [GoD]Divinity> PAGAS COM O CÚ
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 63'35
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> o6309
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 6996
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 0690690
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 96309
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 609
[02:11] [Rw]Nici> 0696309609
[02:12] Figueroa in
[02:12] lalaboy in
[02:16] Figueroa out
[02:18] Rokubi> gg
[02:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> pop é a unica coisa q me distrai
[02:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> (as vzs) hahah
[02:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> dps volto
[02:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> falou mano
[02:18] Rokubi> ja eh mano
[02:18] Rokubi> se cuida
[02:18] Rokubi> :)
[02:18] int3r in
[02:18] lordpacco> lol cara
[02:18] Rokubi> ++3
[02:18] Rokubi> ??
[02:18] lordpacco> em pt-pt "estopin" fica "shtopin"
[02:18] lordpacco> KKKKKKKKKK
[02:19] Rokubi> bem carioca
[02:19] Rokubi> lol
[02:19] Rokubi> haha
[02:19] lordpacco> http://www.oddcast.com/home/demos/tts/tts_example.php
[02:19] Rokubi> +1
[02:19] lordpacco> "shtupin"
[02:20] Purechemist> +++++1
[02:20] lordpacco> "estraçalhadíssimo" tb kkkkk
[02:21] [Rw]Nici out
[02:21] lordpacco> nici fico bolado
[02:24] Figueroa in
[02:26] Figueroa out
[02:27] [Sr]Spark in
[02:27] [Rw]Nici in
[02:28] Purechemist> ++++++++1
[02:31] xhackerwizardx out
[02:33] Electric in
[02:33] Albert607 in
[02:34] basz> +1
[02:37] [GoD]Divinity out
[02:38] Electric out
[02:43] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[02:45] Electric out
[02:45] Electric in
[02:49] Rokubi out
[02:51] [Rw]Ninety in
[02:55] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[02:56] [Rw]Ninety out
[03:02] int3r out
[03:03] kerem56 out
[03:11] Dolfo in
[03:18] Dolfo out
[03:22] car_at in
[03:22] car_at out
[03:22] lalaboy out
[03:23] [lg]swaggyyoloberg out
[03:27] UnKnown_TAS out
[03:28] basz out
[03:29] Sepultura in
[03:31] [Sr]Spark> dont play sess agin
[03:31] [GoD]Eric> lets play pp
[03:31] Purechemist> why not
[03:32] Purechemist> u scared?
[03:32] Diomedes> Reamcth
[03:32] Diomedes> rematch
[03:32] [Sr]Spark> no i just dont like playing sess
[03:33] Purechemist> why not
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> no idea
[03:33] [GoD]Eric> SEC
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> but i hate playing that map
[03:33] [GoD]Eric> dont start
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> ur doing sess?
[03:33] Purechemist> not my favourite either
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> im not playing that map
[03:33] Purechemist> but diomedes wants it
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> again
[03:33] [Sr]Spark> so maybe adena will join u guys
[03:33] Diomedes> do TOM?
[03:34] Diomedes> spark
[03:34] [Sr]Spark> ok toms fine
[03:34] Purechemist> doing fo
[03:38] Electric out
[03:40] Electric in
[03:45] VodHipdpz in
[03:47] [Rw]Nici> ha quem goste e nao refile
[03:50] VodHipdpz> Harley
[03:50] VodHipdpz> <3
[03:50] VodHipdpz> Adena
[03:53] xhackerwizardx in
[03:53] xhackerwizardx> back
[03:53] xhackerwizardx> fucking traffic
[03:54] xhackerwizardx> imma kill every cunt that doesnt know how to drive
[03:54] xhackerwizardx> god
[03:54] xhackerwizardx> okay im done ranting
[03:55] Lucas out
[03:57] hiroshi1437 in
[03:57] HardToGet out
[03:59] [Rw]Mirage out
[03:59] [Sr]Spark out
[03:59] [Sr]Spark in
[04:01] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey
[04:02] Sepultura out
[04:03] [Sr]Spark out
[04:05] Harley-Quinn_tas> he afk
[04:05] Diomedes> lol
[04:07] Purechemist> adena host
[04:07] Purechemist> dio come
[04:09] Purechemist> dont make sess
[04:11] Purechemist> eric stop making secccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
[04:15] khickman in
[04:20] DanyKardashian in
[04:24] hiroshi1437 out
[04:24] DanyKardashian> .
[04:24] DanyKardashian out
[04:27] [Rw]Macca in
[04:29] OmegaOverride in
[04:32] [Rw]Macca in
[04:32] [Rw]Macca out
[04:33] OmegaOverride out
[04:33] [Sr]Spark in
[04:39] [Rw]Macca out
[04:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[04:48] [GoD]Eric out
[04:48] Albert607 out
[04:49] VodHipdpz> gg
[04:49] VodHipdpz> what a ez
[04:49] Purechemist> I shouldnt play this host again
[04:49] Diomedes> GG
[04:49] Purechemist> only makes me lose points vs noobs
[04:50] Purechemist> lol look the pop graph
[04:50] Purechemist> blue doesnt know how to build
[04:50] Purechemist> or dismantle
[04:50] Purechemist> or anything
[04:50] Purechemist> :)
[04:50] Purechemist> only lag
[04:50] Purechemist> all lag
[04:50] Diomedes> PURE
[04:50] Purechemist> ggs guys
[04:50] Diomedes> JOIN
[04:50] Diomedes> :)
[04:51] Purechemist> nah too late
[04:51] Purechemist> see u later
[04:51] Purechemist> <3
[04:51] Purechemist out
[04:51] [Sr]Spark> map?
[04:52] [Rw]Macca in
[04:52] Diomedes> Maccaç
[04:52] Diomedes> :D
[04:53] Rokubi in
[04:54] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg 1-0
[04:54] [Sr]Spark> gg
[04:54] Diomedes> do fo
[04:55] Diomedes out
[04:56] Diomedes in
[04:56] Purechemist in
[04:57] [Rw]Macca out
[04:57] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[04:57] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[04:57] VodHipdpz out
[04:58] Diomedes> lordpacco
[04:58] Harley-Quinn_tas> +1
[04:59] Harley-Quinn_tas> all afk?
[05:01] Tensa_zangetsu in
[05:03] Tensa_zangetsu out
[05:03] Diomedes out
[05:05] khickman out
[05:08] rancidrnz in
[05:14] Purechemist> ye I know
[05:18] pop1993 in
[05:18] Purechemist> why not
[05:20] [Rw]Nici out
[05:24] pop1993 out
[05:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> +1 for 1v1
[05:28] Harley-Quinn_tas> or +3
[05:37] kerem56 in
[05:42] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[05:42] Purechemist out
[05:46] Rokubi out
[05:48] Vegeta_TSI in
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> yo inca
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> babez
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> updating complate
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> rekt
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> can we change
[05:50] Vegeta_TSI> Updeting MetchMeker
[05:53] Vegeta_TSI> seems legit
[05:54] Vegeta_TSI out
[05:55] Diomedes in
[05:55] Diomedes out
[06:00] Red out
[06:06] Red in
[06:07] kbatu98765 out
[06:20] [fu]mrkooPRO26 out
[06:22] DanyKardashian in
[06:24] DanyKardashian out
[06:24] kerem56 out
[06:27] [Rw]Macca out
[06:28] [Sr]Spark out
[06:30] Electric out
[06:38] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[06:38] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[06:46] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[06:59] kerem56 in
[07:00] Rokubi in
[07:00] kerem56 out
[07:01] lordpacco out
[07:04] [fu]King_Pin in
[07:05] [fu]King_Pin out
[07:06] Sepultura in
[07:06] Sepultura out
[07:09] Rokubi out
[07:19] xhackerwizardx out
[07:31] Basti3104 in
[07:43] andromeda99 in
[07:43] andromeda99 out
[07:59] [GoD]supergirl in
[08:00] [GoD]supergirl out
[08:06] [GoD]supergirl in
[08:07] [GoD]supergirl> Okinva
[08:07] [GoD]supergirl> INca are You there
[08:08] [GoD]supergirl> ???
[08:09] [GoD]supergirl> INca
[08:09] [GoD]supergirl out
[08:09] [SW]zgjimi in
[14] Reconnecting...
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[5] Cannot connect to server
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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker MiniBot_UK!
* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1
The map of the day is:
Southern Style Worlds - Celtic Symbol (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
[08:28] MiniBot_FL out
[08:29] IncaWarrior in
[08:33] Basti3104 out
[08:56] Kos_TAS in
[08:56] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[09:00] mahmut1661_Tas in
[09:03] Kos_TAS> mammy
[09:03] Kos_TAS> :P
[09:04] Milk_the_Tapeworms> sergy :O
[09:04] Kos_TAS> lupin :P
[09:04] Milk_the_Tapeworms> blast wars?
[09:05] Kos_TAS> idm
[09:05] Milk_the_Tapeworms> i can t host u zjimi :(
[09:05] Milk_the_Tapeworms> X
[09:05] Milk_the_Tapeworms> still X
[09:06] Kos_TAS> i may lag :s
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> np
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> for me
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> tsu gives me 330
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> if he gives to me good
[09:06] Kos_TAS> zgjimi wants 1vc1v1
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> its ok
[09:06] Kos_TAS> k
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> rotate me yellow
[09:06] Milk_the_Tapeworms> to have 59 pop
[09:10] [GoD]supergirl in
[09:10] [GoD]supergirl> INca are You there
[09:12] [GoD]supergirl out
[09:12] [GoD]supergirl in
[09:13] [GoD]supergirl out
[09:18] lexor666 in
[09:20] lexor666 out
[09:21] kill_sheep in
[09:25] Scorpion in
[09:25] Scorpion out
[09:37] [SW]zgjimi out
[09:42] Mijagi in
[09:42] Milk_the_Tapeworms> gg!
[09:43] Milk_the_Tapeworms> ok gtg
[09:43] Milk_the_Tapeworms> bye all
[09:43] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[09:43] Kos_TAS out
[09:44] Mijagi out
[10:03] mahmut1661_Tas out
[10:08] Brandan in
[10:09] Brandan out
[10:12] Qrikko in
[10:13] maust45 in
[10:13] tobias613 in
[10:14] tobias613 out
[10:15] DeltaEnemy in
[10:15] DeltaEnemy out
[10:15] DeltaEnemy in
[10:16] DeltaEnemy out
[10:17] kill_sheep out
[10:17] kill_sheep in
[10:17] kill_sheep out
[10:17] kill_sheep in
[10:18] Gokural in
[10:18] Gokural> Yo
[10:31] 0nlyl0ve0nly in
[10:31] 0nlyl0ve0nly out
[10:32] [fr]gould in
[10:38] maust45 out
[10:41] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[10:42] kill_sheep> hey manager
[10:42] kill_sheep> xd
[10:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> yo.
[10:42] kill_sheep> how are u
[10:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> just got home.
[10:44] [SW]zgjimi in
[10:44] rafalnr in
[10:45] kill_sheep> up for 1v1 manager
[10:47] tobias613 in
[10:50] ka-san in
[10:50] ka-san out
[10:50] [fr]gould out
[10:51] tobias613 out
[11:04] Kos_TAS in
[11:08] AlphaEnemy in
[11:08] AlphaEnemy out
[11:08] AlphaEnemy in
[11:09] AlphaEnemy> how can i take uk bot oin hut
[11:09] AlphaEnemy> '
[11:09] AlphaEnemy> in
[11:09] [SW]zgjimi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0r0jznFjA8
[11:09] [SW]zgjimi> pa pa l'amaricano
[11:09] [SW]zgjimi> ups zgjimis account
[11:09] [SW]zgjimi out
[11:10] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[11:10] [SW]SupremeLeader> III LUUUUUUUV BIG Americaaaaaaah <3
[11:10] [SW]SupremeLeader> Ammerica is NUMBER OEAN!!!
[11:10] [SW]SupremeLeader> ii luuv U S and A!
[11:11] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[11:12] SuicideSquid_TAS> whos here
[11:12] [SW]SupremeLeader> actually in USA! https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11059615_1125972727431282_210769231715171634_n.jpg?oh=4cafcb83d3d758a8716250c9c5743bb0&oe=568200E4
[11:12] Gokural> Me
[11:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella :)
[11:12] [SW]SupremeLeader> La Albania
[11:15] Poopulous in
[11:20] Poopulous out
[11:21] Annielein2209 in
[11:22] [GoD]supergirl in
[11:22] [GoD]supergirl> Inca
[11:22] rafalnr out
[11:22] Annielein2209 out
[11:23] [GoD]supergirl out
[11:23] [GoD]supergirl in
[11:25] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[11:25] kill_sheep> i think someone use mana trainer
[11:25] Kos_TAS> none does
[11:25] [GoD]supergirl> Who
[11:25] AlphaEnemy> what u mean sheep
[11:25] Milk_the_Tapeworms> y it fixed
[11:25] [GoD]supergirl> Who Uses kill sheep
[11:25] AlphaEnemy> sheep u wasted ur mana
[11:25] AlphaEnemy> thats the problem
[11:26] AlphaEnemy> he means me
[11:26] kill_sheep> nope u at 4 5 min impossible u had that spells
[11:26] kill_sheep> + wars
[11:26] AlphaEnemy> lol
[11:26] [GoD]supergirl> WhAT spwll
[11:26] AlphaEnemy> killed ur shaman several times
[11:26] AlphaEnemy> light
[11:26] AlphaEnemy> and then later eq
[11:26] kill_sheep> okok
[11:26] kill_sheep> nvm
[11:27] Milk_the_Tapeworms> +2
[11:27] kill_sheep> join supergirl
[11:28] AlphaEnemy> spergirl banned?
[11:29] [SW]SupremeLeader> listening a music
[11:29] [SW]SupremeLeader> sec <3
[11:30] [SW]SupremeLeader> alpha got x ping
[11:30] AlphaEnemy> let worm
[11:30] AlphaEnemy> host
[11:30] [SW]SupremeLeader> brb going to wc
[11:31] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol i can t
[11:31] AlphaEnemy> fuck this
[11:31] AlphaEnemy> im in holydays
[11:31] AlphaEnemy> here no one can host me
[11:31] armony in
[11:32] [SW]SupremeLeader> k here
[11:32] [SW]SupremeLeader> i think ican
[11:32] [SW]SupremeLeader> oo man ktu edhe me lu tku ki lag :P
[11:32] [SW]SupremeLeader> se shqiptarhanja veq ne WI FI nejn
[11:32] [SW]SupremeLeader> i madh e i vogel
[11:33] Milk_the_Tapeworms> here
[11:33] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[11:33] AlphaEnemy> hahaha
[11:33] [Rw]Mirage in
[11:33] Milk_the_Tapeworms> let sharigan host
[11:33] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[11:33] Two4Player in
[11:33] AlphaEnemy> arbrim
[11:33] [Rw]Mirage> 1v1 anyone
[11:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> lupipin :o
[11:34] Milk_the_Tapeworms> tsutsuyoshi :o
[11:34] Two4Player out
[11:34] [SW]SupremeLeader> yep
[11:34] Milk_the_Tapeworms> inca dint let my name change lol
[11:34] [GoD]supergirl out
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> cuz his butt is big
[11:34] Apocalypsis_TAS> you know that
[11:35] Milk_the_Tapeworms> yeah
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader> mirage
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader> uve done Mirage :D ?
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[11:35] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol we can t play..
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader> alpha u invited me to play
[11:35] [SW]SupremeLeader> are u playing bro ?
[11:36] AlphaEnemy> doesnt seem so
[11:36] AlphaEnemy> milk took place
[11:36] AlphaEnemy> :P
[11:36] AlphaEnemy> but nvm
[11:36] [SW]SupremeLeader> ty milk
[11:36] [SW]SupremeLeader> well mirage cant host me
[11:36] armony out
[11:37] AlphaEnemy> me neither
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> ok
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> i cant play
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> even my utube songs doesnt charge ..
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> sry
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> go back to swiss
[11:37] [SW]SupremeLeader> smell vocations hahaah!
[11:38] AlphaEnemy> im going tomorrow
[11:38] AlphaEnemy> back
[11:38] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[11:38] AlphaEnemy> arbi pavataj
[11:38] AlphaEnemy> lype
[11:38] AlphaEnemy> edhe e gjet
[11:38] [SW]SupremeLeader> k
[11:39] [SW]SupremeLeader> hah k done
[11:39] [SW]SupremeLeader> ty
[11:42] Polska in
[11:42] Polska out
[11:46] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[11:46] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[11:46] AlphaEnemy> oki
[11:51] redted1199 in
[11:52] redted1199> omg yay i ranked up
[11:52] redted1199> any one wanna play
[11:53] tank_lf4 in
[11:53] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[11:53] redted1199> any one wanna join me
[11:56] redted1199> some one
[11:56] redted1199> join
[11:56] redted1199> 1v1
[11:58] redted1199> join me
[11:58] MiniBot_UK> This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[11:59] redted1199> host
[12:01] zwaffeltje in
[12:01] redted1199> some one play
[12:01] redted1199> with me
[12:02] zwaffeltje out
[12:02] redted1199 out
[12:03] redted1199 in
[12:03] [Rw]Mirage out
[12:04] redted1199 out
[12:04] redted1199 in
[12:07] basz in
[12:07] bone_collector in
[12:07] redted1199> WHO WANNA PLAY
[12:07] redted1199> bone
[12:08] redted1199> join me
[12:08] bone_collector> is there a way u can change the directions on the keyboard to wesd instead of arrows
[12:08] redted1199> no sorry
[12:08] bone_collector> bummer
[12:08] bone_collector> do asguard 2
[12:08] bone_collector> dooo itttt
[12:08] redted1199> i wanna do thiss
[12:09] redted1199> woah loads have joined
[12:09] bone_collector> go go
[12:15] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[12:15] Milk_the_Tapeworms> gg
[12:17] bone_collector out
[12:19] Milk_the_Tapeworms> it was pp
[12:19] AlphaEnemy> didnt see text
[12:19] Milk_the_Tapeworms> we can do fo as well
[12:20] Milk_the_Tapeworms> pp or fo?
[12:20] AlphaEnemy> 2v2
[12:20] redted1199 out
[12:20] AlphaEnemy> +2
[12:20] AlphaEnemy> +1 who can host
[12:21] HardToGet in
[12:21] poerDD in
[12:22] AlphaEnemy out
[12:24] redted1199 in
[12:24] redted1199> my internet crashed sorry guys
[12:24] redted1199 out
[12:26] peterisangry in
[12:26] basz> +1
[12:27] kill_sheep> wtf
[12:27] Milk_the_Tapeworms> basz
[12:27] Milk_the_Tapeworms> in my language your name means
[12:27] Milk_the_Tapeworms> Fuck
[12:27] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[12:29] carbine in
[12:31] Milk_the_Tapeworms> basz
[12:31] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[12:34] OtculInek in
[12:34] OtculInek out
[12:40] jasonmok87 in
[12:43] tobias613 in
[12:43] tobias613 out
[12:55] Imperion in
[12:59] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[13:00] carbine> join squid
[13:00] Imperion> squid
[13:00] Imperion> come ally carbine
[13:02] carbine> are you having a laugh
[13:02] carbine> i wouldnt play if i had to ally squid
[13:02] Imperion> lol
[13:02] carbine> not that they are shit, but because its unfair
[13:03] Imperion> i'll ally her then
[13:03] Imperion> you ally peter
[13:03] carbine> Sure
[13:03] carbine> Squid join
[13:03] Multihuntr in
[13:04] wiserod19 in
[13:08] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[13:09] Imperion> carbine play me 1on1
[13:09] Imperion> any map
[13:10] kupojo in
[13:10] kupojo out
[13:11] Imperion> when your ready. Grow some balls and fight me
[13:12] wiserod19 out
[13:14] [Rw]Mirage in
[13:14] DeltaEnemy in
[13:14] [Rw]Mirage> ROFL
[13:14] [Rw]Mirage> back to warrior rank
[13:14] carbine> yuo
[13:14] [Rw]Mirage> you nub ^^ I knew it
[13:14] carbine> yup
[13:14] carbine> i had to ally noobz
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> 1v1 peter
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> he is good
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> would be interesting
[13:15] carbine> peter 1v1?
[13:15] peterisangry> have to eat first
[13:15] peterisangry> have fun
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> http://www.rw.artytech.net/
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> aplly here
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> m8
[13:15] [Rw]Mirage> apply*
[13:16] [Rw]Mirage> carbine
[13:16] [Rw]Mirage> u any good on sess
[13:16] carbine> cant u do pp
[13:17] Basti3104 out
[13:17] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussys
[13:17] [Rw]Mirage> i'm allying my paki budy
[13:18] [Rw]Mirage> buddy*
[13:18] [Rw]Mirage> sesshite
[13:18] [Rw]Mirage> ^^_^^
[13:18] carbine> relog sec
[13:18] carbine out
[13:18] Multihuntr out
[13:18] carbine in
[13:18] [Rw]Mirage> Imperion in here
[13:18] [Rw]Mirage> do normal
[13:19] Imperion> too risky hyper
[13:19] [Rw]Mirage> ?
[13:19] Imperion> to play you on a map that you;ve been playing since 2004
[13:19] Imperion> why not play me on a newer map like sess or laufey island
[13:19] [Rw]Mirage> carbine wants normal
[13:19] DeltaEnemy> sess
[13:19] [Rw]Mirage> and i quit playing for 5 years
[13:19] DeltaEnemy> here
[13:19] carbine> i dont mind tgw
[13:20] carbine> just not a map thats dependent on 1 blast
[13:20] carbine> or 1 eq
[13:20] carbine> or 1 shaman kill
[13:20] [Rw]Mirage> ^ true
[13:20] [Rw]Mirage> sess is noob map
[13:20] [Rw]Mirage> :p
[13:20] DeltaEnemy> mirage you pussy
[13:20] [Rw]Mirage> ty
[13:20] DeltaEnemy> shaman rank but to afraid to play
[13:20] Imperion> whats wrong with laufey island then
[13:20] Milk_the_Tapeworms> gg
[13:20] Kos_TAS> Learn the map awareness.
[13:20] HardToGet> GG
[13:20] HardToGet out
[13:20] kill_sheep> gg
[13:20] Imperion> or land of ran
[13:21] carbine> land of ran is 2 hours of FSing troops
[13:21] carbine> no thanks
[13:21] [Rw]Mirage> 1v1 carbine
[13:21] carbine> Ok
[13:22] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[13:23] Kenpachi18 in
[13:23] Kenpachi18 out
[13:23] Kos_TAS out
[13:27] kill_sheep out
[13:35] Flashlightning in
[13:35] jasonmok87 out
[13:36] rancidrnz out
[13:38] Electric in
[13:40] carbine> gg
[13:40] carbine out
[13:41] Imperion> lol
[13:41] Electric in
[13:46] Electric out
[13:48] Imperion> finally
[13:48] Imperion> someone with a pair of balls
[13:53] peterisangry> royal windowm
[13:54] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[13:58] tomyyap in
[14:00] SparkydeVos in
[14:00] Elunar in
[14:04] DeltaEnemy> +2
[14:05] Camul in
[14:06] [SW]zgjimi in
[14:06] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[14:08] tomyyap out
[14:11] hector1994 in
[14:12] [fu]mrkooPRO26 in
[14:13] Camul out
[14:14] peterisangry out
[14:14] [SW]zgjimi> +3
[14:14] [Rw]Mirage> wp
[14:15] Imperion> ye i got lazy at the end
[14:15] Imperion> gg
[14:15] [Rw]Mirage> twitch.tv/mirage_poptb
[14:15] [Rw]Mirage> to see how you got owned
[14:15] [Rw]Mirage out
[14:17] hector1994 out
[14:18] DeltaEnemy out
[14:20] Two4Player in
[14:20] Two4Player out
[14:20] carbine in
[14:20] carbine> got a limited amount of time
[14:23] carbine out
[14:25] Imperion> ah right, i see xD brb
[14:25] [Fr]Supertune in
[14:27] Imperion out
[14:27] carbine in
[14:29] [SW]zgjimi> +2 me and carbrine
[14:29] [SW]zgjimi> me nad carbine
[14:30] carbine> zgmimi me you 1vs1 suicide squid watch
[14:31] SuicideSquid_TAS> theres no one online
[14:31] carbine> suicidesquid cant play
[14:32] SuicideSquid_TAS> how u gonna get 2 people to join your hut bro
[14:33] basz out
[14:33] carbine> squid come playy
[14:33] SuicideSquid_TAS> its 2:33pm and i still havent eaten
[14:34] carbine> i thought you said you was eating
[14:34] carbine> zgjimi lets 1v1
[14:36] Electric out
[14:36] Electric in
[14:43] burak in
[14:44] burak out
[14:46] SuicideSquid_TAS> damn little shits i wanted to watch god damn it
[14:50] Milk_the_Tapeworms in
[14:51] Milk_the_Tapeworms> +1
[14:51] Milk_the_Tapeworms> any
[14:51] Milk_the_Tapeworms> ranked or nonranked
[14:51] Milk_the_Tapeworms> any
[14:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> fml milk the tape worms
[14:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> how did inca approve that name
[14:53] Milk_the_Tapeworms> idk
[14:53] Milk_the_Tapeworms> but he dont wanna change bella
[14:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> what was ur previous nick?
[14:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> sentt request 2 days before
[14:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> Lupin
[14:54] Milk_the_Tapeworms> lol
[14:54] kill_sheep in
[14:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> jfc lupin y
[14:55] Milk_the_Tapeworms> +1 fun game
[14:57] [SW]zgjimi> gg
[14:57] [SW]zgjimi> lag
[14:57] carbine> gg
[14:57] [SW]zgjimi out
[14:57] carbine> Sorry suicide
[14:57] Milk_the_Tapeworms> +1
[14:57] Milk_the_Tapeworms> fast
[14:57] Milk_the_Tapeworms> fo
[14:59] bobbob in
[14:59] bobbob out
[14:59] Rokubi in
[15:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> why does no one ask me to watch god damn it
[15:03] supay in
[15:04] kill_sheep> +3 sexy palace
[15:04] Rokubi> whats happening bela?
[15:04] Jackvos in
[15:04] Jackvos out
[15:05] Dawido1991 in
[15:07] supay out
[15:08] SuicideSquid_TAS> i wanted to see both 1v1s but they launched without ne :'(
[15:09] Rokubi> ohh
[15:09] Rokubi> :\
[15:10] Rokubi> thats really bad
[15:10] Rokubi> but try to watch better 1v1 xD
[15:10] Rokubi> u can check some on youtube
[15:11] Dawido1991 out
[15:11] SuicideSquid_TAS> yeh i guess
[15:12] Rokubi> +1 unranked 1v1
[15:13] Rokubi> bella, try to watch this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCUd9BrZkgw
[15:13] Rokubi> thats good
[15:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> sweet
[15:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> thx!
[15:14] Rokubi> nope
[15:16] Rokubi> can someone tell me what is the "b" command function in pop?
[15:16] carbine> Owned
[15:16] carbine> g
[15:16] carbine> gg
[15:16] Rokubi> how that works...
[15:16] carbine> bella
[15:16] Milk_the_Tapeworms out
[15:17] Elunar> ilikebells
[15:17] Elunar> aw
[15:17] carbine> you missed it i Owned lupin in 15 minutes
[15:17] SuicideSquid_TAS> i missed it because no one asked if i wanted to watch
[15:18] SuicideSquid_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XA6a7sYKeeA
[15:18] carbine> you shuld have asked
[15:18] SuicideSquid_TAS> i was afk
[15:18] FallbackSatsuma in
[15:18] carbine> thats a shame
[15:18] carbine out
[15:19] carbine in
[15:19] IncaWarrior> Rokubi: "call to arms"?
[15:19] IncaWarrior> you can use it when you put a warrior in a tower
[15:20] IncaWarrior> when you hear double bells, press B and more followers will come to help
[15:21] DeltaEnemy in
[15:21] carbine> inca
[15:21] kill_sheep> learned new thing
[15:21] DeltaEnemy out
[15:21] carbine> how do i get the skill calculator to calcute a 1v1
[15:22] Chris432 in
[15:22] IncaWarrior> check the 2 player box
[15:22] IncaWarrior> then only use the top 2
[15:22] DeltaEnemy in
[15:22] carbine> oh
[15:22] carbine> thhanks
[15:22] DeltaEnemy out
[15:22] carbine> thanks*
[15:22] DeltaEnemy in
[15:23] DeltaEnemy> Connecting to LucidChat - IRC ...
[15:23] FallbackSatsuma out
[15:23] peterisangry in
[15:23] carbine> i would have got 9 points
[15:23] carbine> from a game that i just played
[15:23] carbine> just awaiting game report
[15:23] carbine out
[15:23] [Fr]Supertune out
[15:24] DeltaEnemy> Port 7575 appears to be forwarded, but a firewall (Windows or router) is blocking unsolicited incoming connections
[15:24] WarBazan in
[15:24] [Fr]Supertune in
[15:25] [Fr]Supertune out
[15:25] [Fr]Supertune in
[15:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> the thing i hate about shamans streams is that theyre always too fast
[15:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> they move the map so quick
[15:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> i cant process it
[15:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> aw and looking at all those old names genesis addiction nici kieth
[15:26] Chris432 out
[15:27] tank_lf4 out
[15:27] Don_Tula in
[15:29] WarBazan out
[15:29] DeltaEnemy> +1
[15:30] burak in
[15:30] burak out
[15:31] DeltaEnemy> +1 here
[15:31] DeltaEnemy> comooooooon guys
[15:32] DeltaEnemy> +1
[15:32] DeltaEnemy> can someone join?
[15:33] DeltaEnemy> we accept every creditcard
[15:34] DeltaEnemy> +1
[15:35] Elunar out
[15:36] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[15:36] [CHF]Excelsior in
[15:37] SparkydeVos out
[15:37] DeltaEnemy> just +1
[15:38] [CHF]Excelsior out
[15:38] AventurA in
[15:39] Don_Tula out
[15:40] Don_Tula in
[15:40] w33d in
[15:41] DeltaEnemy out
[15:41] DeltaEnemy in
[15:41] DeltaEnemy out
[15:41] DeltaEnemy in
[15:41] AventurA> diff hut ?
[15:42] kill_sheep> mak fair
[15:42] peterisangry> its
[15:42] peterisangry> not work
[15:42] DeltaEnemy> mm fucked up
[15:42] DeltaEnemy> thanks ina
[15:42] DeltaEnemy> inca
[15:43] w33d> its just u guys
[15:43] w33d> who dont know
[15:43] w33d> how to host
[15:43] IncaWarrior> what's wrong DeltaEnemy?
[15:43] DeltaEnemy> w33d - MapPack: OK
[15:43] w33d> usee
[15:43] w33d> nothing wrong
[15:43] IncaWarrior> k
[15:44] Nico in
[15:45] Kos_TAS in
[15:45] [Rw]Macca in
[15:46] Don_Tula out
[15:47] Harley-Quinn_tas> Romeooo
[15:48] AventurA> ohh
[15:48] AventurA> sup colombia
[15:48] AventurA> coca
[15:48] AventurA> ;)
[15:49] [CHF]Excelsior in
[15:49] Harley-Quinn_tas> jajajajaaaaa
[15:49] Harley-Quinn_tas> ina
[15:49] Harley-Quinn_tas> xD
[15:50] Rokubi out
[15:50] AventurA> escuche que la coca de colombia es la mejor :3
[15:50] AventurA> bueno bueno,es hora de distraerse un rato
[15:51] Kos_TAS> todos
[15:51] Kos_TAS> perra
[15:51] Kos_TAS> stupid jajaja
[15:51] Kos_TAS> bring me spanish
[15:51] w33d> TROFL
[15:51] w33d> OWNED IN 5 MINS
[15:51] w33d> AND HE QUIT
[15:51] DeltaEnemy out
[15:51] w33d> SO FUCKIN BAD
[15:51] w33d> deltaenemy
[15:51] Kos_TAS> the legend has been owned
[15:51] w33d> sucks dick for a living
[15:51] Kos_TAS> pussyshaved
[15:51] Kos_TAS> ditched
[15:51] Kos_TAS> pwned
[15:51] kill_sheep> gg
[15:51] Kos_TAS> owned
[15:51] Kos_TAS> wrecked
[15:51] w33d> fuckin tit slapped
[15:52] w33d> streammm
[15:52] Kos_TAS> assfucked
[15:52] Kos_TAS> cummedinsidemouth
[15:53] Kos_TAS> did delta leave
[15:53] Kos_TAS> i didnt notice lol
[15:53] w33d> yea
[15:53] w33d> he got raped
[15:53] w33d> in 5 mins
[15:53] Kos_TAS> i mean
[15:53] Kos_TAS> from mm
[15:53] w33d> yepp
[15:53] Kos_TAS> it didnt say
[15:53] w33d> ragequit
[15:53] Kos_TAS> that he left
[15:53] w33d> DeltaEnemy out
[15:53] w33d> it does
[15:53] Kos_TAS> lol
[15:53] Kos_TAS> not for me
[15:53] w33d> lol
[15:53] w33d> maby he blocked me
[15:53] w33d> cuyz< he cant beat me
[15:53] Kos_TAS> oh wait
[15:53] Kos_TAS> i have him blocked
[15:53] Kos_TAS> thats why
[15:53] w33d> roflmao
[15:53] Kos_TAS> rofl
[15:54] w33d> inca i demand pts
[15:54] w33d> for last game
[15:54] w33d> he quit before 5 mins
[15:54] w33d> eqed their shit 2 times
[15:54] Kos_TAS> spectate via aventura
[15:54] Kos_TAS> she has pussy open
[15:55] carbine in
[15:55] w33d> is aventura a girl ???
[15:55] Harley-Quinn_tas> central hub for the win
[15:55] w33d> harley queer
[15:55] w33d> come for pp
[15:55] w33d> or u too chicken
[15:56] w33d> roflmao guy is a chicken
[15:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> join weed
[15:56] Kos_TAS> central nub map
[15:56] Kos_TAS> played that shit
[15:56] Kos_TAS> owned nici there
[15:56] w33d> w0000p
[15:56] w33d> nici got pwned
[15:56] w33d> sad
[15:56] Kos_TAS> ye
[15:56] Kos_TAS> i allied spin
[15:56] Kos_TAS> and nici allied high fw ranker
[15:56] w33d> lol
[15:56] Kos_TAS> i was preacher that time
[15:56] Kos_TAS> rofl
[15:57] w33d> sometimes spinn is too sick
[15:57] w33d> like literally
[15:57] w33d> he gets some sick skills
[15:57] w33d> all of a sudden
[15:57] Kos_TAS> spin is insane fuck
[15:57] w33d> yeeee
[15:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d u wanna do cr8 forge world?
[15:57] w33d> LOL
[15:57] w33d> wtf
[15:57] Kos_TAS> pp forge world anyone?
[15:57] Kos_TAS> or tom evo
[15:57] w33d> roflmao
[15:57] w33d> rofrlfolrfooforlfrof
[15:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> i miss forge world
[15:57] w33d> u guys funny
[15:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> its fun on cr8
[15:57] carbine> your head is a forge
[15:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> come on guys
[15:58] w33d> stfu carbine
[15:58] SuicideSquid_TAS> u need to play like noobs again
[15:58] w33d> go back to sp
[15:58] Kos_TAS> its fun in bed
[15:58] carbine> weed
[15:58] carbine> i owned you
[15:58] w33d> ofc u did
[15:58] w33d> when i couldnt clcik
[15:58] carbine> Our last 1v1
[15:58] carbine> want me to link it?
[15:58] w33d> do it
[15:58] w33d> guy thinks hes good
[15:58] w33d> when his opponent
[15:58] w33d> has 3 sec delay
[15:58] w33d> every min
[15:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> +3 forge world cr8s
[15:59] w33d> +++++++3 any map not forge world
[15:59] Kos_TAS> play sess forge world
[15:59] carbine> surely if u have 3 sec delay every minute its alright
[15:59] peterisangry out
[15:59] w33d> its not carbine
[15:59] w33d> are u dumb or retarded
[15:59] w33d> or both
[15:59] carbine> if u have 3 sec delay constantley then its not alright but every minute is good
[15:59] Harley-Quinn_tas> took a brolic shit
[15:59] carbine> not good but alrigght
[15:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> sess forge would be pretty cool
[15:59] w33d> it was many times
[15:59] Harley-Quinn_tas> it looked like weeds face
[15:59] w33d> per minute
[15:59] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfaoo
[15:59] w33d> not 1 time
[15:59] w33d> every min
[15:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> +3 FORGE MAP
[15:59] [Sr]Spark in
[16:00] carbine> kk
[16:00] carbine> whatever
[16:00] carbine> cba to argue
[16:00] w33d> ofc u dont
[16:00] Kos_TAS> and that minute was attack
[16:00] carbine> weed
[16:00] w33d> i had 2 fs
[16:00] carbine> i had lag aswell
[16:00] w33d> and his base was open
[16:00] w33d> and alos 2 eq
[16:00] w33d> i lagged and died
[16:00] w33d> thats how u won carbine
[16:01] Nico out
[16:01] carbine> http://www.popre.net/game.php?u=33762&u1=49399&2p=on&3p=on&g=265209 2nd game on this list
[16:01] w33d> stop bragging
[16:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> go away
[16:01] w33d> idiot
[16:01] carbine> you making up shit
[16:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> im doing forge world
[16:01] w33d> how the fuck
[16:01] AventurA> dam it
[16:01] w33d> do uknow im makin up shit ?
[16:01] carbine> i had defence
[16:01] carbine> you might of had 2 fs
[16:01] carbine> but i had strong defence
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> join if ur hindu and u smell
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> so weed -- in.
[16:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d carbine dont suck did come here
[16:02] w33d> if u see my shaman kills
[16:02] Kos_TAS> like shit
[16:02] carbine> and you had no troops
[16:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> l;ets play forge
[16:02] w33d> u can clearly see why i killed that few
[16:02] AventurA> we are playing ch. if u want to play join
[16:02] w33d> i lagged fuckin bad
[16:02] carbine> who the fuck is sucking did?
[16:02] carbine> i was lagging aswell weed
[16:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> damn it mean dick
[16:02] w33d> u did not
[16:02] w33d> or maby
[16:02] w33d> u lagged
[16:02] carbine> yes i did
[16:02] carbine> the host
[16:02] carbine> was shite
[16:02] w33d> but not as hard as me
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> bella pls suck me off
[16:02] carbine> Dude we both had same lag
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[16:02] Harley-Quinn_tas> pwned
[16:02] w33d> also u had lower ping
[16:02] w33d> how the fuck do uknow we both had same lag ?
[16:03] w33d> did u watch my game ?
[16:03] Kos_TAS> get GPON and always host
[16:03] carbine> we both had under 100 ping
[16:03] Kos_TAS> pwnage
[16:03] w33d> ROFLMAO
[16:03] w33d> u are so good
[16:03] w33d> at lying
[16:03] carbine> Levy was hosting
[16:03] w33d> i had over 100
[16:03] w33d> jackass
[16:03] carbine> no you didnt
[16:03] w33d> i did
[16:03] carbine> we both had under 100
[16:03] carbine> but something was fucked up
[16:03] w33d> carbine
[16:03] carbine> and we lagged
[16:03] w33d> we can settle it now
[16:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> losing to carbine is like losing to inca
[16:03] w33d> come 1v1
[16:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> ur sad
[16:03] Kos_TAS> lsl
[16:03] Kos_TAS> lal
[16:03] Kos_TAS> hi Harley-Quinn_tas
[16:03] Kos_TAS> learn to hi
[16:03] Kos_TAS> ty
[16:03] carbine> i asked you for 1v1 yesterday
[16:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> shut up slut
[16:03] carbine> and you didnt want t o
[16:03] w33d> i didnt see it
[16:03] carbine> but i cant play now on laptop
[16:03] w33d> i saw it
[16:03] Harley-Quinn_tas> no 1 play fag worlds
[16:03] Kos_TAS> learn to shut up slut
[16:04] Kos_TAS> y
[16:04] w33d> but u logged off
[16:04] w33d> after
[16:04] carbine> i will be on pc at night
[16:04] carbine> then we play
[16:04] w33d> kkk
[16:04] carbine> cant play at the moment no pc
[16:04] carbine> just laptop
[16:04] w33d> lol
[16:04] w33d> dude laptop is good to
[16:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> Kos_TAS> learn to shut up slut
[16:04] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[16:04] w33d> if u have mouse
[16:04] Kos_TAS> godzilla plays on furnace
[16:04] Kos_TAS> and pwns
[16:04] peterisangry in
[16:04] Kos_TAS> whats the problem?
[16:04] Kos_TAS> playing on laptop
[16:04] carbine> no mouse
[16:04] carbine> right click doesnt work
[16:04] Kos_TAS> furnace has no monitor
[16:04] w33d> lmfao
[16:04] [CHF]Excelsior out
[16:05] Altair_TAS in
[16:05] carbine> who the fuck is furnace
[16:05] Altair_TAS out
[16:05] Kos_TAS> crab, godzilla modified his furnace
[16:05] Kos_TAS> to handle pop3 at lowest graphics
[16:06] devianto in
[16:06] Kos_TAS> he use his wood to burn shit in furnace
[16:06] Kos_TAS> to cook
[16:06] Kos_TAS> or something
[16:06] w33d> lol wtf
[16:06] w33d> someone up foir blaqsts
[16:06] carbine> i dont know what the fuck your talking abuot kos
[16:06] w33d> +++++++1 blastz
[16:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> WY DOES NO ONE JOIN
[16:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> oops caps
[16:06] Kos_TAS> im talking about furnace
[16:06] carbine> all i understand is someone burnt wood in a furnace
[16:06] w33d> bella
[16:06] w33d> why dont u join aventura ?
[16:06] Harley-Quinn_tas> +1
[16:06] Kos_TAS> have u ever seen furnace
[16:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> cux i want forge world
[16:07] carbine> in minecraft
[16:07] carbine> yes
[16:07] Kos_TAS> irl
[16:07] Kos_TAS> specially
[16:07] Kos_TAS> wow cunt still plays mc
[16:07] Kos_TAS> give me ip
[16:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> come on weed lets do forge
[16:07] Kos_TAS> we play
[16:07] w33d> bella blasts ?
[16:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> 2v2
[16:07] carbine> no i dont play anymore
[16:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> nope
[16:07] carbine> i used to
[16:07] carbine> xD
[16:07] w33d> then gtfo
[16:07] Kos_TAS> same
[16:07] Kos_TAS> but nah
[16:07] w33d> +++++++++++1 blasts
[16:07] Kos_TAS> i making server
[16:07] Kos_TAS> for kids
[16:07] carbine> im a kid
[16:07] Harley-Quinn_tas> 1v1 blast
[16:07] Kos_TAS> that will buy creative admin shit
[16:07] Kos_TAS> and grief
[16:07] Kos_TAS> lalolaola
[16:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> go
[16:08] Kos_TAS> w33d
[16:08] Kos_TAS> stream
[16:08] Kos_TAS> i will WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
[16:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> guy goes afk when i join
[16:08] Kos_TAS> i will pay u 10$ if you stream in 120fpss
[16:08] peterisangry out
[16:08] Qrikko out
[16:08] peterisangry in
[16:09] Kos_TAS> gimme ur paypal
[16:09] [Sr]Spark> pay in bitcoin
[16:09] w33d> lol
[16:09] w33d> kosjak
[16:09] w33d> im swimmin in cash
[16:09] w33d> ++++++++++1 blastz
[16:09] kill_sheep out
[16:10] Kos_TAS> 10k $?
[16:12] [Rw]Mirage in
[16:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> +2 ill stream
[16:12] peterisangry out
[16:12] AlphaEnemy in
[16:13] AlphaEnemy out
[16:13] AlphaEnemy in
[16:13] Kos_TAS> put 3000 kbps
[16:13] Kos_TAS> plox
[16:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> +++2
[16:16] AlphaEnemy> fight the enemys for glory
[16:17] w33d> shiiit spark is good at blast
[16:17] w33d> i got pwned
[16:17] w33d> and i forgot to stream
[16:17] w33d> for kosjakoo
[16:17] Kos_TAS> WOOT
[16:17] [Sr]Spark> normal game?
[16:17] w33d> sure
[16:17] Kos_TAS> u noob didnt stream
[16:18] hammad in
[16:18] w33d> i forgot lol
[16:18] w33d> +++++++++++1
[16:18] w33d> any map
[16:18] Kos_TAS> noob
[16:18] w33d> no queers
[16:18] w33d> MAP ?
[16:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> pp
[16:18] Kos_TAS> any
[16:18] w33d> roflmao
[16:18] w33d> where is red
[16:18] w33d> spark ???
[16:18] w33d> how the fuck
[16:18] [Sr]Spark> here
[16:18] w33d> did hammad come
[16:18] w33d> in
[16:18] [Sr]Spark> wtf
[16:18] [Sr]Spark> im in red spot
[16:18] AlphaEnemy> hammed
[16:18] Kos_TAS> ally hammad
[16:18] kill_sheep in
[16:19] devianto out
[16:19] AlphaEnemy> owned matt
[16:19] w33d> CHANGE SPOT
[16:19] w33d> hammad stop joining my games
[16:19] w33d> until u get higher rank
[16:19] [Sr]Spark> how'd he sit over me
[16:19] DeltaEnemy in
[16:19] legado-del-emacias in
[16:20] DeltaEnemy out
[16:20] DeltaEnemy in
[16:20] AlphaEnemy> fight the enemys for glor
[16:20] AlphaEnemy> glory
[16:20] Harley-Quinn_tas> twitch.tv/nojillys
[16:20] DeltaEnemy> fight the enemys for glory
[16:21] AventurA> oh
[16:21] hammad> +1
[16:21] AventurA> hi
[16:21] AventurA out
[16:21] AventurA in
[16:22] AventurA out
[16:22] AventurA in
[16:23] AventurA> green relog
[16:23] AventurA> or one of u guys host ?
[16:23] AventurA> vant get ping for green
[16:23] AventurA> cant
[16:23] AlphaEnemy> sheep
[16:23] AlphaEnemy> try to host
[16:24] kill_sheep> map?
[16:25] DeltaEnemy> do sess
[16:25] DeltaEnemy> fight the enemys for glory
[16:25] kill_sheep> alpha x
[16:25] DeltaEnemy> alpha you fuck
[16:25] DeltaEnemy> get a ping
[16:26] AventurA> lol
[16:27] AlphaEnemy out
[16:27] AlphaEnemy in
[16:29] AventurA> what ?
[16:29] AlphaEnemy> he cant host me too
[16:29] DeltaEnemy> legolas host here
[16:30] DeltaEnemy> let legolas host
[16:30] DeltaEnemy> legoslas host here please
[16:30] AventurA> omgggggggggggggggg
[16:32] DeltaEnemy> 4 way
[16:32] DeltaEnemy> nicht?
[16:33] AventurA> ping
[16:33] AventurA> got ping
[16:33] AlphaEnemy> i got a ping start
[16:33] AlphaEnemy> fight the enemys
[16:33] AlphaEnemy> for glory
[16:33] AventurA> :0
[16:34] hammad> nice pings
[16:34] AlphaEnemy> aventura dont move now
[16:34] AlphaEnemy> stay in shit hut
[16:34] AlphaEnemy> hammad heard u have a big cock
[16:34] AventurA> but
[16:34] AventurA> need a good ally
[16:34] AventurA> :v
[16:35] DeltaEnemy> lets go
[16:35] AventurA> what ? sess ?
[16:35] DeltaEnemy> sess and go
[16:35] [fu]mrkooPRO26 out
[16:36] [fu]mrkooPRO26 in
[16:38] carbine in
[16:39] carbine out
[16:40] carbine in
[16:44] carbine out
[16:45] [GoD]Divinity in
[16:46] legado-del-emacias> Populous: The Beginning, fishing girls at school non-stop, watching football, playing fifa 14 etc, love NEC <3 Olá. Sou um rapaz educado de 20 anos e gosto de viver em Portugal, Eu nachi aqui e agora sou um orgulhoso portugu3x, nău chei cual mas gostaria.
[16:46] matek0214 in
[16:46] matek0214 out
[16:47] matek0214 in
[16:47] matek0214 out
[16:47] IncaWarrior> are those your hobbies now?
[16:47] poerDD out
[16:48] legado-del-emacias> si
[16:49] legado-del-emacias> inca
[16:49] legado-del-emacias> if a computer has some i5 processor
[16:49] [Sr]Spark> brb
[16:49] legado-del-emacias> do you need to set it up in order to enjoy it?
[16:49] [GoD]Divinity> hey populous players
[16:49] w33d> not allying
[16:49] [GoD]Divinity> join hut togeyher fun
[16:49] w33d> that shit noob
[16:49] legado-del-emacias> or is it already there from the start
[16:49] w33d> again
[16:49] Harley-Quinn_tas> gg
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d u wanna forge cr8?
[16:50] Kos_TAS> gg
[16:50] w33d> no
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> pft
[16:50] Kos_TAS> i thought i will die
[16:50] Kos_TAS> but lol
[16:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> nah
[16:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> sent u fws
[16:50] w33d> u lucky my ally was shit kos
[16:50] w33d> he dont know
[16:50] w33d> how to use swarm
[16:50] w33d> or ghosts
[16:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> weak ass double by blue\
[16:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[16:50] Kos_TAS> i could recover
[16:50] Kos_TAS> its easy
[16:50] w33d> he doesnt even know they are for towers
[16:50] w33d> and
[16:50] w33d> he didnt send warriors
[16:50] w33d> and IF he sendt
[16:50] Kos_TAS> he did
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> he think he can make good defense then double in mid of game and win game
[16:51] w33d> he did it in the dumbest way possible
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[16:51] w33d> when ur shaman spawned
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> then blames ally for not finishing
[16:51] w33d> harley
[16:51] w33d> dont talk
[16:51] w33d> until u beat me 1v1
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> lame strat
[16:51] w33d> ur mom gives a lame fuck
[16:51] IncaWarrior> it can work if done well
[16:51] w33d> but i still fuck her
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> inca
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> wh is there no
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> save file
[16:51] IncaWarrior> can also fail miserably
[16:51] legado-del-emacias> for 25 levels
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> weed i wont 1v1 ur better than me
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> im scared
[16:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> :(
[16:52] hammad out
[16:52] w33d> figures
[16:52] w33d> ++++++++++++++2
[16:52] matek0214 in
[16:52] Harley-Quinn_tas> ty
[16:52] Harley-Quinn_tas> :)
[16:52] Kos_TAS out
[16:52] Kos_TAS in
[16:52] HuntedWolf in
[16:52] matek0214> hello
[16:52] HuntedWolf out
[16:52] legado-del-emacias> anyone can beat me now cos i cant play anymore
[16:52] IncaWarrior> legado-del-emacias: popre.net/files/finished_save.zip
[16:52] matek0214> bye bye
[16:52] matek0214 out
[16:55] Harley-Quinn_tas> w33d = mid preacher
[16:56] AventurA> lost syng
[17:03] DeltaEnemy out
[17:03] w33d> another match
[17:03] w33d> 5 min rapeage
[17:03] w33d> 2 times today
[17:03] w33d> im so good
[17:03] w33d> kosjak u playing ?
[17:04] Kos_TAS> wtf was that
[17:04] Kos_TAS> boring stream
[17:04] w33d> yea
[17:04] Kos_TAS> yes sure
[17:04] Kos_TAS> wait
[17:04] Imperion in
[17:04] w33d> kos ally alphaenemy
[17:04] Kos_TAS> u fucking joke?
[17:04] w33d> no
[17:04] w33d> i can ally him
[17:04] w33d> if u want
[17:04] AlphaEnemy> then give me weed
[17:04] Kos_TAS> i rather ally rand phines
[17:04] w33d> LOL
[17:04] w33d> killsheep
[17:04] w33d> go yellow
[17:04] Imperion> ouch
[17:05] w33d> +++++++++++1 kosjak
[17:05] w33d> imperion
[17:05] w33d> did u hurt ur dick
[17:05] AlphaEnemy> kos
[17:05] AlphaEnemy> come
[17:05] Kos_TAS> w33d
[17:05] Kos_TAS> wanna vid where man cuts his own dick
[17:05] skaarj_guardian in
[17:05] w33d> WTF LOL
[17:05] w33d> ew no ty
[17:05] Kos_TAS> for glory of ukraine
[17:05] w33d> i rather watch 2 girls 1 cup
[17:05] AlphaEnemy> kos stop poppin ur mom and join hut
[17:05] w33d> kosjak
[17:05] Kos_TAS> i puked after watching it
[17:05] w33d> he was rude
[17:05] w33d> say shit back to him
[17:05] w33d> tell him his mom is a whore
[17:06] Kos_TAS> ?
[17:06] w33d> dont ignore him
[17:06] w33d> kosjak
[17:06] Kos_TAS> what?
[17:06] kill_sheep> weed wich prog use for stream?
[17:06] Kos_TAS> i have those kids blocked
[17:06] w33d> alphaenemy said stop poppin yer mom
[17:06] w33d> kill sheep
[17:06] w33d> i use obs
[17:06] w33d> everyone does
[17:06] w33d> who play pop
[17:06] Kos_TAS> there is no point talking with uneducated kids
[17:06] w33d> lol
[17:06] AlphaEnemy> then join hut
[17:06] w33d> alphaenemy
[17:06] AlphaEnemy> noob
[17:06] w33d> did u hear that
[17:06] w33d> he called u uneducatred
[17:06] w33d> and a kid
[17:07] Kos_TAS> he can say w/e he wants
[17:07] w33d> lololollo
[17:07] Kos_TAS> i dont mind on "i fucked yar mom hard"
[17:07] w33d> kosjak come bro
[17:07] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[17:07] AlphaEnemy> he knows hes gonna lose
[17:07] kill_sheep> +1
[17:07] w33d> lol i doubt it
[17:07] Kos_TAS> would he say that irl
[17:07] w33d> hes good
[17:07] w33d> real good
[17:07] Kos_TAS> i would smash him with a brick
[17:07] AlphaEnemy> he sucks
[17:07] w33d> :o
[17:07] w33d> alpha did u hear that
[17:08] w33d> he said he smashes u
[17:08] Kos_TAS> and cut his dick and cook it
[17:08] w33d> with a brick
[17:08] w33d> god damn i woulda pwned his face
[17:08] Kos_TAS> and will try to feed alphaenemy
[17:08] w33d> punched his face so hard
[17:08] Kos_TAS> with his own cooked dick
[17:08] w33d> he woulda seen the insides
[17:08] w33d> of his own anus
[17:08] w33d> lLOLOLOLOloLOLOLoLo
[17:08] AlphaEnemy> kos
[17:08] AlphaEnemy> join hut
[17:08] w33d> bella
[17:08] w33d> wanna ally me
[17:08] w33d> since kosjak doesnt wanna join
[17:08] Kos_TAS> if alpha will leave
[17:08] Kos_TAS> i join
[17:08] w33d> dude
[17:09] w33d> DUDE
[17:09] AlphaEnemy> too good
[17:09] AlphaEnemy> for him
[17:09] w33d> i want a game bro
[17:09] Kos_TAS> ok then i brb
[17:09] w33d> come
[17:09] w33d> ignore him
[17:09] w33d> wtf
[17:09] w33d> BELLA
[17:09] w33d> ALLY ME ON SESS
[17:09] Kos_TAS> u said dont ignore him
[17:09] Kos_TAS> lol
[17:09] w33d> well now i said ignore him
[17:09] w33d> so ignore him
[17:09] carbine> something came in the mail today
[17:09] w33d> no one gives a shit
[17:09] w33d> gtfo carbine
[17:09] Kos_TAS> who the fuck checks mails
[17:09] w33d> carbine join
[17:09] carbine> DEEZ NUTS
[17:09] carbine> HAH
[17:09] carbine> GOTEEEM
[17:09] w33d> KIK
[17:09] w33d> ¨LOL
[17:10] w33d> fuckin nigger
[17:10] Kos_TAS> even inca
[17:10] Kos_TAS> ives a fuck about mails
[17:10] carbine> KOS
[17:10] carbine> have u not seen the video
[17:10] Kos_TAS> hi
[17:10] Kos_TAS> no
[17:10] w33d> +++++++++++++++++++++11111111111111111111111111111111111
[17:10] Kos_TAS> BRB
[17:10] carbine> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LlQNty_C8s
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> new sp done in 3 days
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> only for pros
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> so i cant play sorry
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> sorry divinity
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> np ;)
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> ty
[17:13] Kos_TAS> i bet u used standart scripts
[17:13] Kos_TAS> for it
[17:14] [GoD]Divinity> i used 122 only
[17:14] legado-del-emacias> lol what?
[17:14] legado-del-emacias> someone needs to tell this nici..
[17:14] legado-del-emacias> this nici..
[17:14] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[17:14] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[17:14] [GoD]Divinity> this sp requires no scripting ;)
[17:14] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[17:14] redted1199 in
[17:14] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[17:15] redted1199> righty
[17:15] update in
[17:15] redted1199> lets play ball
[17:15] legado-del-emacias> me no comprende
[17:15] redted1199> hola
[17:15] legado-del-emacias> hola
[17:15] redted1199> im english sorryyy
[17:16] redted1199> PING
[17:16] redted1199> SOME ONE JOIN MEHHH
[17:16] update out
[17:17] redted1199> SOME ONE PLAY WITH MEHH
[17:17] [fu]King_Pin in
[17:18] redted1199> some one join
[17:18] redted1199> please
[17:18] redted1199> ill buy you cake
[17:18] redted1199> and choclate
[17:20] [Sr]Spark> i need a GTX 980 ti
[17:20] redted1199> i need some one to plau with me
[17:20] [Sr]Spark> giving?
[17:20] legado-del-emacias> spark
[17:20] legado-del-emacias> i ll give you
[17:20] [Sr]Spark> sup
[17:20] legado-del-emacias> DEEZ NUTZ
[17:20] redted1199> lol
[17:20] legado-del-emacias> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK-xOogmCt4
[17:20] [Sr]Spark> nawww im dont have no squirels around
[17:20] redted1199> some one join my hut
[17:20] [Sr]Spark> ra 1v1?
[17:21] redted1199> suree
[17:21] [Sr]Spark> ra not re
[17:21] [Sr]Spark> xD
[17:21] legado-del-emacias> sure let me practice yelow
[17:21] [Sr]Spark> okay
[17:21] [Sr]Spark> u host !!!
[17:21] redted1199> wtf
[17:21] redted1199> cmon
[17:21] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[17:21] [Sr]Spark> :/
[17:21] AventurA out
[17:21] redted1199> pressure point!!
[17:21] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[17:22] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[17:22] legado-del-emacias> redted ur watching
[17:22] legado-del-emacias> or what
[17:22] redted1199> i wanna play
[17:22] [Sr]Spark> ok lets 2v1 ra
[17:22] [Sr]Spark> :D
[17:22] redted1199> wait waht
[17:22] SuicideSquid_TAS> can i watch?
[17:22] SuicideSquid_TAS> wait
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> lemme watch
[17:23] redted1199> urgh
[17:23] redted1199> i wanna play
[17:23] [Sr]Spark> SP is ther
[17:23] [Sr]Spark> e
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> wait
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> god damn it dont set me as a watcher i wanna practice building
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> dont set
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> me
[17:23] redted1199> yay! ~
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> as a watcher
[17:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> goooodo damn it
[17:23] redted1199> some one joined meh
[17:27] mahmut1661_Tas in
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> inca
[17:28] Jophiscene in
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> FUCK YOU
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> youre the piece of shit to blame
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> that ive been lagging
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> like fuck in game
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> thinking its my computer
[17:28] [Sr]Spark> go to populous > graphics
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> should of fucking known
[17:28] [Sr]Spark> then disable high ramerate
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> inca suck my dick
[17:28] [Sr]Spark> framerate*
[17:28] legado-del-emacias> fucking faggot
[17:29] legado-del-emacias> k fixed
[17:29] legado-del-emacias> dont know what shit goes threw this mans head i swear
[17:29] [Sr]Spark> 2v2?
[17:29] legado-del-emacias> im not one to insult people
[17:30] [Sr]Spark> oh shit
[17:30] [Sr]Spark> brb
[17:30] [Sr]Spark> gonna shift my bike
[17:30] Jophiscene out
[17:30] legado-del-emacias> but fuck sake
[17:30] legado-del-emacias> mandatory tickboxes that fuck your game
[17:30] legado-del-emacias> hell is wrong with you man
[17:32] Jophiscene in
[17:32] legado-del-emacias> ive lost games that i should never of lost cos of this shit
[17:32] legado-del-emacias> easy ass games
[17:33] AlphaEnemy out
[17:33] legado-del-emacias> lols you douche xP
[17:33] w33d> RAPED
[17:33] w33d> waxed
[17:33] w33d> pussyshaved
[17:33] kill_sheep> weed nice mana
[17:33] [SW]zgjimi in
[17:33] w33d> thanks man
[17:33] legado-del-emacias> +1 to ally me?
[17:33] legado-del-emacias> i should be back to full skill
[17:33] legado-del-emacias> or something
[17:34] w33d> hmmm
[17:34] w33d> did they want rm ?
[17:34] w33d> imperion
[17:34] [Sr]Spark> k back
[17:34] legado-del-emacias> spark is my ally
[17:34] w33d> alpha
[17:34] SuicideSquid_TAS> god damn it
[17:34] legado-del-emacias> lets go
[17:34] w33d> map ?
[17:34] w33d> what map u guys want
[17:34] [Sr]Spark> any but not ses
[17:34] kill_sheep> fo
[17:35] w33d> im not allying spark
[17:35] w33d> mind u
[17:35] w33d> hes shit
[17:35] [Sr]Spark> make me red then
[17:35] legado-del-emacias> i said im allying spark
[17:35] kill_sheep> idm for teams
[17:35] Jophiscene> wtf man whats the point in any new people joining this shit if you just keep kicking them out of lobbies -.-
[17:35] [SW]zgjimi> +!
[17:35] [SW]zgjimi> +1
[17:35] WarBazan in
[17:36] mahmut1661_Tas> better to play with people with same rank jophiscene
[17:36] Jophiscene> how can i rank up if nobody lets me polay though
[17:36] Jophiscene> #play*
[17:36] w33d> jophiscene
[17:37] w33d> ill stream for u
[17:37] w33d> watch and learn
[17:37] Jophiscene> i know im new but how can i get any better when theres no games
[17:37] Jophiscene> yeah okay
[17:37] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[17:37] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[17:37] w33d> witch.tv/w33dhit
[17:37] w33d> vops
[17:37] SuicideSquid_TAS> GOD DAMN IT W33D
[17:37] w33d> twitch.tv/w33dhit
[17:37] carbine> witch.tv
[17:37] carbine> Rofl
[17:38] w33d> lol
[17:38] Jophiscene> thanks man. appreciate it
[17:38] kill_sheep out
[17:39] w33d> fuck that
[17:39] legado-del-emacias> still felt laggy lol
[17:39] w33d> im off eating
[17:39] w33d> brb 10 min
[17:39] [SW]zgjimi out
[17:41] Jophiscene> thnx
[17:41] WarBazan out
[17:44] redted1199> gio
[17:45] [SW]zgjimi in
[17:45] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS in
[17:46] Kill_SheeP in
[17:49] DeltaEnemy in
[17:49] DeltaEnemy out
[17:49] DeltaEnemy in
[17:49] Shinobi90 in
[17:50] car_at in
[17:50] car_at out
[17:51] ahmadzzz in
[17:51] Kill_SheeP> join weed and get an ally
[17:53] ahmadzzz out
[17:54] wil in
[17:55] carbine out
[17:56] redted1199> OH FUCK SAKE
[17:58] legado-del-emacias> inca
[17:58] legado-del-emacias> this 'fix mouse' shit
[17:58] legado-del-emacias> what does it do
[17:59] Kos_TAS> fixes mouse
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> define fixes
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> cos my sp runs perfectly
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> but this mm brings my game to shit
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> ive disabled high framerate
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> which was a shit idea to begin with
[17:59] Kos_TAS> its 60 fps
[17:59] legado-del-emacias> it slows down my mouse
[18:00] [Sr]Spark> 33 i believe
[18:00] Kos_TAS> 60.
[18:00] [Sr]Spark> in SP*
[18:00] Pchan in
[18:00] Kos_TAS> in sp u have 12/33
[18:01] Pchan out
[18:06] [Sr]Spark out
[18:06] supay in
[18:07] Vegeta_TSI in
[18:08] lordfarquaard in
[18:08] lordfarquaard out
[18:09] supay out
[18:09] supay in
[18:09] Vegeta_TSI> whats up Shinobi9
[18:09] supay out
[18:09] Vegeta_TSI> are you Kakashi? :D
[18:09] supay in
[18:09] carbine in
[18:10] Kos_TAS> vegeta
[18:10] Kos_TAS> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSeX2Bl6l2I
[18:10] Vegeta_TSI> hello lovely :D
[18:10] Kos_TAS> special for you
[18:10] Kos_TAS> watch it
[18:10] Kos_TAS> vegeta has fap powers rofl
[18:10] Breska-arg in
[18:10] Vegeta_TSI> alright lol
[18:11] [SW]zgjimi out
[18:11] Vegeta_TSI> People are always messing with vegeta lol
[18:12] Vegeta_TSI> lmfao
[18:12] Kos_TAS> hahahahahaha
[18:12] Kos_TAS> watch if fully
[18:12] Vegeta_TSI> thats freakin hilarious
[18:12] Vegeta_TSI> LMAO
[18:12] Kos_TAS> :DD
[18:12] kaspa64 in
[18:12] Kos_TAS> no one should mess up with ya
[18:12] Kos_TAS> or they get fucked
[18:12] Kos_TAS> ;)))
[18:12] Vegeta_TSI> Lolooooool
[18:13] Vegeta_TSI> that was hilarious
[18:13] Vegeta_TSI> ty :D
[18:13] [Fr]Supertune out
[18:13] Vegeta_TSI> Vegeta is a Kook!
[18:13] Kos_TAS> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYa5aQb3YGE
[18:13] Kos_TAS> another one
[18:13] Kos_TAS> with funny faces
[18:13] Kos_TAS> :P
[18:13] AeonPlatinum in
[18:13] kaspa64> ++ 3 for sess war
[18:13] AeonPlatinum out
[18:14] Vegeta_TSI> makes me wanna do shamans
[18:14] Vegeta_TSI> like htat
[18:14] Vegeta_TSI> lmaoooooo
[18:14] kaspa64> ok
[18:14] kaspa64> ill tell you what
[18:14] [Fr]Supertune in
[18:14] kaspa64> i had the same problem
[18:14] kaspa64> what ill do
[18:14] kaspa64> is ill play this one
[18:14] Kos_TAS> cacacarrot
[18:14] Jophiscene> how the hek am i supposed to rank up and therefore play games if nobody plays me?
[18:14] Kos_TAS> cabbage
[18:15] kaspa64> and then next time ill give you a game and ill teach u a bit
[18:15] Kos_TAS> kaka karrot
[18:15] Kos_TAS> faggot
[18:15] kaspa64> i know its fraustrating coz i had to do the same thing about 2 months back
[18:15] Vegeta_TSI> Jophiscene
[18:15] Jophiscene> idc if im a noob the only way im gonna learn and get ranked up is if people play. idc if i lose a few to learn
[18:15] kaspa64> but ive been kicking ass
[18:15] Vegeta_TSI> kaspa is right
[18:15] kaspa64> and now
[18:15] kaspa64> its a bit hard
[18:15] kaspa64> coz matchmaker doesnt have tons of people playing so i understand the fraustration
[18:15] kaspa64> but hang in there
[18:16] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[18:16] kaspa64> you WILL get a gme
[18:16] Vegeta_TSI> its fun
[18:16] Jophiscene> im under no illusions that im gonna lose a few to start but how can i get bvetter if people dont play
[18:16] Vegeta_TSI> redted!
[18:16] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:16] kaspa64> have you dont all the campaigns ofline?
[18:16] redted1199> VAGETA!!!
[18:16] sherunfree in
[18:16] kaspa64> done?
[18:16] Jophiscene> im halfeway through but i had this for PS one years ago
[18:16] Vegeta_TSI> glad to see u back been playin today some?
[18:16] kaspa64> no
[18:16] kaspa64> go back and play the whole thing 1st
[18:16] kaspa64> at least
[18:16] redted1199> YEAH but i been loseing
[18:16] kaspa64> nah
[18:17] kaspa64> fuck the playstation 1
[18:17] kaspa64> it doesnt mean shit
[18:17] Breska-arg> PS1 <3
[18:17] kaspa64> you have to do the pc one
[18:17] kaspa64> haha7
[18:17] Breska-arg> Best console ever.
[18:17] kaspa64> pop pn ps1 sucks anus
[18:17] Vegeta_TSI> PS1 version is horrible of populous though.
[18:17] Vegeta_TSI> Lmao
[18:17] kaspa64> i had it years back
[18:17] Vegeta_TSI> Those torns, etc.
[18:17] Jophiscene> i know haha
[18:17] kaspa64> :(
[18:17] Jophiscene> i didnt realise how easy the controls were with the pc version compared
[18:17] kaspa64> sorry jophinscene
[18:17] kaspa64> i will play u tho
[18:18] Jophiscene> -.-
[18:18] Vegeta_TSI> sure mirage
[18:18] Vegeta_TSI> host it uppppp
[18:18] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:18] sherunfree> hullo :D I know no one really cares but I've ben missing Pop for YEARS and I'm just super excited to replay the whole thing again and then start playing with people
[18:18] fi93son in
[18:18] kaspa64> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqafnxiBAU0&list=LL5L_SziCOLkjpoG4UdpPLVg&index=2
[18:18] sherunfree> (just finished downloading)
[18:18] fi93son> +
[18:18] [Rw]Mirage> you got no ping
[18:18] Kill_SheeP> will be int
[18:18] Kos_TAS> why i am not green shaman
[18:18] Kos_TAS> -.-
[18:18] fi93son out
[18:18] Vegeta_TSI> cuz inca is slow
[18:18] Vegeta_TSI> prolly? :D
[18:18] [Rw]Mirage> relog
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI> MM still say Update Complate?
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI out
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI in
[18:19] kaspa64> kill sheep ping
[18:19] kaspa64> MM should have a facebook pagbe
[18:19] kaspa64> and should be promotoed better
[18:19] Kill_SheeP> u have x
[18:19] Kill_SheeP> kaspa
[18:19] kaspa64> also it need a HD reboot
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI> it does ksapa
[18:19] kaspa64> i have 40 ping
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI> kaspa
[18:19] Vegeta_TSI> wtf is my ping
[18:19] Kos_TAS> i once got 30 ping with 3G
[18:20] Vegeta_TSI out
[18:20] Vegeta_TSI in
[18:20] Vegeta_TSI> hm
[18:20] Vegeta_TSI> ill let it set for a sec n see
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> dont feel like forwarding
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> this AM
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> :'(
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[18:21] [Rw]Mirage out
[18:21] Kos_TAS> im stronger than an ant
[18:21] Kos_TAS> even if ant was this big
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> Kos
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> imma msg u
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[18:22] Breska-arg> Vegeta yo, wanna play Blast War? or nothing? :p
[18:22] [Rw]Mirage in
[18:22] Vegeta_TSI> i was trying to 1v1 mrage in blasts
[18:22] Vegeta_TSI> even tho kos is better
[18:22] Breska-arg> Ok :p
[18:22] Vegeta_TSI> in balsts
[18:22] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[18:23] Vegeta_TSI> addy is good blaster
[18:23] Vegeta_TSI> too
[18:23] Kos_TAS> i used to be a real super sand in blasts
[18:23] basz in
[18:24] SuicideSquid_TAS> it might be my net
[18:24] mahmut1661_Tas> :(
[18:24] SuicideSquid_TAS> idk
[18:24] Vegeta_TSI> Vallahahal
[18:24] Vegeta_TSI> or w.e.
[18:24] Vegeta_TSI> its broke
[18:24] Breska-arg> Dat fail :v
[18:25] mahmut1661_Tas> wasmy net was better ?
[18:25] mahmut1661_Tas> how was lag
[18:25] carbine> Holy shit 299 points to 316 within 10 minutes
[18:25] mahmut1661_Tas> tense?
[18:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> it started as spikes
[18:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> but then it was laggy
[18:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> some clicks didnt go through
[18:26] mahmut1661_Tas> so bad host
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> i dont know my net has some weird spikes sometimes
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> we can try again/
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> or a neutral host
[18:26] Lucosapien in
[18:26] mahmut1661_Tas> neutral is best
[18:26] Vegeta_TSI> can do DT
[18:26] Lucosapien out
[18:26] Vegeta_TSI> obstructed justice
[18:26] carbine out
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> carbin yo
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh
[18:26] SuicideSquid_TAS> k
[18:26] mahmut1661_Tas> take red warrior?
[18:26] carbine in
[18:26] Vegeta_TSI> ill have to look at that map..
[18:27] mahmut1661_Tas> if u want we can u other map then pp?
[18:27] carbine> Back to priest
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> no i like pp
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> carbine
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> im warrior
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> how do u change ur colour?
[18:27] carbine> xD
[18:27] carbine> but you have green shaman rank
[18:27] carbine> :D
[18:27] mahmut1661_Tas> cant
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh
[18:27] mahmut1661_Tas> u select map
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> skills
[18:27] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:27] carbine> :P
[18:27] mahmut1661_Tas> it changed it self :)
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> carbine
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> u got good net?
[18:27] carbine> ye
[18:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> wanna host us?
[18:28] carbine> i do but i dont wanna host you
[18:28] carbine> i might have to go mid game
[18:28] SuicideSquid_TAS> :'(
[18:28] carbine> sorry
[18:28] Vegeta_TSI> still busy aye carby
[18:28] mahmut1661_Tas> Bella join
[18:28] mahmut1661_Tas> ur yel
[18:28] carbine> haha
[18:28] SuicideSquid_TAS> it wont change the colours
[18:28] mahmut1661_Tas> i fixed it
[18:28] mahmut1661_Tas> come come
[18:28] mahmut1661_Tas> map was land of ran
[18:29] Jophiscene> haha one sec
[18:29] mahmut1661_Tas> that why it didnt changed colour
[18:29] mahmut1661_Tas> ill launch
[18:29] sherunfree> guys this may be a total noob qn but i couldnt find it anywhere online: my sound isnt working at all. Anyone else have this or a solution?
[18:30] Kos_TAS> does sound work in other games
[18:30] Kos_TAS> ?
[18:30] sherunfree> yeah, should do. Lemme check though and launch something to see
[18:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> our hose is under 100
[18:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> why does red war give use 190
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> kk
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> lets do gliter
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> inca
[18:30] mahmut1661_Tas> dunno
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> first mm bug
[18:30] [Rw]Mirage> detected
[18:31] mahmut1661_Tas> it depend where red war host source come from?
[18:31] Vegeta_TSI> east coast
[18:31] mahmut1661_Tas> maybe minibot uk ?
[18:32] sherunfree> nvm my entire sound isnt working after an update; lemme restart.. silly me.
[18:32] witje6 in
[18:32] Jophiscene out
[18:32] witje6 out
[18:32] sherunfree out
[18:37] sherunfree in
[18:39] sherunfree out
[18:39] sherunfree in
[18:40] _car_at in
[18:41] w33d> lol
[18:41] _car_at out
[18:41] _car_at in
[18:41] _car_at out
[18:41] car_at in
[18:42] [Rw]Mirage> 18-6
[18:42] [Rw]Mirage> -_-]
[18:42] [Rw]Mirage> :D
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> gonna install
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> drivers
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> before my peni bleeds
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> etc
[18:42] redted1199> begeta
[18:42] redted1199> vegatea
[18:42] redted1199> lets go
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> yooo!
[18:42] Gladiator_TaS in
[18:42] wil> hola supay
[18:42] Vegeta_TSI> where we goin
[18:43] redted1199> teach meh senpai
[18:43] Vegeta_TSI> ok gimme
[18:43] Vegeta_TSI> a sec gonna install drivers
[18:43] Vegeta_TSI> for video
[18:43] redted1199> how long
[18:44] Vegeta_TSI> 10 mins
[18:44] redted1199> meh
[18:44] Kos_TAS> back
[18:44] w33d> back
[18:44] carbine out
[18:45] basz out
[18:45] Gladiator_TaS> +++1
[18:45] Vegeta_TSI> rematch mirage soon
[18:45] Vegeta_TSI> ill rekt u in lgihts
[18:45] Vegeta_TSI> :D:D:D:
[18:45] redted1199> lol
[18:45] Kos_TAS> vegeta
[18:45] Kos_TAS> lets play
[18:45] carbine in
[18:45] redted1199> like i rekted you vegata
[18:45] w33d> vegeta
[18:46] w33d> do u like vegetables
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> yes
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> i love anything green
[18:46] Kos_TAS> my favorite vegetable is meat
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> if ya get my DRIFT
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:46] w33d> W00000000p
[18:46] w33d> :>
[18:46] whiskeyjuliet in
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> why u think my icon turned green
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> experience
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> LMAO
[18:46] Vegeta_TSI> :D:D:D
[18:46] w33d> roflmao
[18:46] w33d> nice one
[18:46] w33d> :>
[18:46] Kos_TAS> green loves cucumber
[18:46] carbine> vegeta
[18:46] carbine> that means
[18:46] carbine> you love piccolo
[18:46] carbine> :o
[18:47] Kos_TAS> vegeta is real super sand
[18:47] Kos_TAS> ultimate fap power
[18:47] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[18:47] w33d> vegeta
[18:47] Kos_TAS> dont mess up with him
[18:47] Vegeta_TSI> ultimate attack fapp
[18:47] w33d> i hope u dont like gmo vegetables
[18:47] w33d> like inca
[18:47] Kos_TAS> ;DD
[18:47] Kos_TAS> w33d
[18:47] Vegeta_TSI> no w33d
[18:47] Kos_TAS> u eat gmo gmo eats u
[18:47] Kos_TAS> rofl
[18:47] Imperion out
[18:47] w33d> LOL
[18:47] legado-del-emacias> +1 test ply
[18:47] w33d> so true
[18:47] legado-del-emacias> plz
[18:47] w33d> soooooo true
[18:47] legado-del-emacias> just for 1 minute
[18:47] Vegeta_TSI> im from the fucking country
[18:47] Kos_TAS> http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/7063446_f260.jpg
[18:47] Vegeta_TSI> duno what GMO even is
[18:48] w33d> gene modified organisms
[18:48] Vegeta_TSI> i eat Meat
[18:48] w33d> wich kills u
[18:48] w33d> and inca thinks its healthy
[18:48] Kos_TAS> mayonese
[18:48] Kos_TAS> ketchup
[18:48] Kos_TAS> cheese sause
[18:48] Kos_TAS> etc
[18:48] Vegeta_TSI> brb testin
[18:48] Kos_TAS> wtf vegeta
[18:48] Kos_TAS> betrayer
[18:48] Vegeta_TSI> love u
[18:48] w33d> i already know matt eats gmo daily
[18:48] w33d> cuz hes fuckin retarded
[18:48] Kos_TAS> gmo ate his brain
[18:48] Kos_TAS> and now controls him
[18:49] Kos_TAS> lets save real matt
[18:49] Kos_TAS> and wash up his brain
[18:49] w33d> roflmao
[18:49] w33d> LOllololol
[18:49] Kos_TAS> before gmo eats him complety
[18:49] Kos_TAS> ;)
[18:49] w33d> matt i have some insect spray
[18:49] w33d> that might help
[18:49] Kos_TAS> anti-GMO
[18:49] sherunfree> another noob question: is the music not supposed to work, or is it just my computer? Sorry for the tonnes f noob qns
[18:49] Kos_TAS> yar mom is good way to fix ur gmo
[18:49] sherunfree> Just wondering if it was removed from the file to make it smaller
[18:50] carbine> The music is suppposed to work
[18:50] carbine> go to mm settings
[18:50] whiskeyjuliet out
[18:50] sherunfree> oh ok, hmm. lemme restart. thanks!
[18:50] AeonPlatinum in
[18:50] Kos_TAS> #savemattfromgmo
[18:50] Kos_TAS> everyone
[18:50] Kos_TAS> #savemattfromgmo
[18:51] Kos_TAS> gmo took over his brain and controls him
[18:51] Kos_TAS> he plays awful
[18:51] Kos_TAS> says shit
[18:51] Kos_TAS> since 2004
[18:51] Kos_TAS> gmo got him
[18:51] Kos_TAS> the year he joined pop
[18:52] Kos_TAS> join veggie
[18:52] carbine> 278,952
[18:52] Vegeta_TSI> Kos
[18:52] carbine> Games on pop
[18:52] Vegeta_TSI> anyone else having mouse lags?
[18:52] carbine> since 2010 i think
[18:52] legado-del-emacias out
[18:52] w33d> matt
[18:52] w33d> did u lose again
[18:53] Kos_TAS> real matt tried to fight GMO
[18:53] Kos_TAS> and made gmo lose
[18:53] w33d> lmao
[18:53] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[18:53] AeonPlatinum out
[18:53] Kos_TAS> good step matt!
[18:53] Kos_TAS> keep trying
[18:53] Vegeta_TSI> matt is good ally
[18:53] Kos_TAS> when u become wildman
[18:53] Vegeta_TSI> better then paper
[18:53] w33d> vegeta
[18:53] Kos_TAS> he is out of GMO then
[18:53] Kos_TAS> :D
[18:53] w33d> he lost vs 2 preachers yesterday
[18:53] w33d> hes a shit ally
[18:53] w33d> who doesnt know how to use fw
[18:53] Kos_TAS> w33d
[18:53] Vegeta_TSI> who was his ally
[18:53] w33d> or light
[18:53] Kos_TAS> wanna joke?
[18:53] car_at in
[18:53] w33d> and he dies to lights
[18:53] Kos_TAS> i allied brave
[18:53] w33d> like a retard
[18:53] Kos_TAS> vs 2 fws
[18:53] w33d> LOL
[18:53] Kos_TAS> both fws quit
[18:53] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[18:53] w33d> LOloLOLoL
[18:54] w33d> nice ice bby
[18:54] Kos_TAS> coz i killed their shamans
[18:54] Kos_TAS> it was sess
[18:54] Kos_TAS> what do u expect
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> Kos
[18:54] w33d> thats what i say to matt
[18:54] w33d> shaman kills
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> Sess is funny map
[18:54] w33d> are important on sess
[18:54] w33d> maby not that much on pp
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[18:54] w33d> but on sess its important
[18:54] Kos_TAS> so
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> and troop
[18:54] Kos_TAS> if ur shaman died
[18:54] Kos_TAS> quit
[18:54] Kos_TAS> ?
[18:54] kaspa64> that was bs
[18:54] w33d> lol
[18:54] carbine> shaman kills is important on sess early in the game
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> troop is best
[18:54] Vegeta_TSI> on sess IMO
[18:54] w33d> carbine
[18:54] sherunfree out
[18:54] w33d> u dont have the right to talk
[18:54] DeltaEnemy out
[18:55] w33d> stfu
[18:55] Kos_TAS> i once used wars in wom
[18:55] carbine> weed
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> like
[18:55] carbine> you are a noob
[18:55] carbine> stfu
[18:55] Kos_TAS> game lasted 12 mins
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> That stupid fucking EQ tactic on sess
[18:55] DeltaEnemy in
[18:55] w33d> keep telling urself that carbine
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> such a dumb waste
[18:55] Kos_TAS> kha kakakaka
[18:55] w33d> maby one day u will get as good as me
[18:55] DeltaEnemy out
[18:55] Kos_TAS> lakaim ur fucking mid path
[18:55] DeltaEnemy in
[18:55] Kos_TAS> bwhahaha
[18:55] carbine> i owned you
[18:55] carbine> last 2 1v1s
[18:55] carbine> wanna link
[18:55] w33d> sure
[18:55] w33d> u sendt link an hour ago
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> would be funny to have totem on side of sess
[18:55] w33d> if u wanna prove the same shit again
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> or LBs too
[18:55] w33d> go ahead roflmao
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> for
[18:55] carbine> you still think
[18:55] Kos_TAS> join vegeta
[18:55] carbine> your better then me
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> for idiots that EQ spam
[18:55] carbine> after i send links
[18:55] sherunfree in
[18:55] Vegeta_TSI> almost done udpating
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> updating
[18:56] w33d> i will never change my mind on that carbine
[18:56] Kos_TAS> i rather use torn on sess
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> me and w33d raped paper and someone
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> on FO
[18:56] Kos_TAS> to destroy front towers
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> lmfao
[18:56] w33d> yea wasnt it
[18:56] car_at> *maps
[18:56] w33d> zgjimi ?
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[18:56] w33d> roflmao
[18:56] w33d> guy got pwned hard
[18:56] [fu]king_pin in
[18:56] Kos_TAS> zgjimi is arbrim
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> Lmao
[18:56] w33d> no
[18:56] w33d> its his bro
[18:56] w33d> or his cousin
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[18:56] Kos_TAS> sometimes he plays under his bro's acc
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> they hav ea big family
[18:56] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[18:56] w33d> LOL
[18:56] Kos_TAS> once he did
[18:56] Kos_TAS> i remember it
[18:56] w33d> all those arabs has that
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> i think all SW
[18:57] w33d> or is he albanian
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> is family almost
[18:57] Kos_TAS> albanian
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> albanaian
[18:57] Kos_TAS> its worse
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[18:57] carbine out
[18:57] Kos_TAS> than arab
[18:57] w33d> u are right vegeta they are
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> Lmao
[18:57] Kos_TAS> and paki
[18:57] sherunfree out
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> DarkAngle got them into it
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> i think
[18:57] w33d> yepp hes the oldest
[18:57] w33d> and was the best
[18:57] w33d> kinda
[18:57] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[18:57] Kos_TAS> dominant is dramatic
[18:57] Kos_TAS> and cries
[18:57] w33d> vegeta joinnnn
[18:58] w33d> any maop
[18:58] Kos_TAS> lets play byb
[18:58] Vegeta_TSI> updating drivers
[18:58] w33d> lol big young boobs ?
[18:58] Kos_TAS> y
[18:58] Vegeta_TSI> SlimDrivers is best
[18:58] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:58] Kos_TAS> build your base
[18:58] Vegeta_TSI> i have shit to do today but like i aint feelin it
[18:58] Kos_TAS> porn noob
[18:58] car_at out
[18:58] w33d> im not feelin it
[18:58] w33d> guys
[18:58] w33d> deltaenemy wants sess
[18:58] w33d> is it ok
[18:59] w33d> or another
[18:59] Kos_TAS> kick him
[18:59] w33d> LOL
[18:59] Kos_TAS> i dont want shit ass maps
[18:59] w33d> why
[18:59] w33d> oh
[18:59] w33d> lets do pp ?
[18:59] Kos_TAS> else i leave
[18:59] w33d> delta its pp
[18:59] DeltaEnemy> 4way?
[18:59] Vegeta_TSI> 3somes?
[18:59] Kos_TAS> he get rekt so fast he will not eve notice
[18:59] w33d> kosjak u want 4way allied to me
[18:59] Vegeta_TSI> 4 is just too much
[18:59] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[18:59] Kos_TAS> sure
[18:59] Kos_TAS> lets do 4way
[18:59] w33d> lll
[18:59] w33d> kkk
[18:59] Kos_TAS> sess version
[18:59] Kos_TAS> with bigger land
[18:59] w33d> roflkmao
[19:00] w33d> sad
[19:00] w33d> but ur kinda right
[19:00] [fu]king_pin out
[19:01] Gokural out
[19:03] w33d> w
[19:05] lordfarquaard in
[19:05] lordfarquaard out
[19:06] Jophiscene in
[19:08] Jophiscene out
[19:09] [Rw]Nici in
[19:10] Jophiscene in
[19:10] Jophiscene out
[19:11] mahmut1661_Tas> :( u lost points sorry
[19:11] Breska-arg out
[19:12] SuicideSquid_TAS> its ok
[19:12] SuicideSquid_TAS> boy i havent played in a while makes my 1v1 game so weak
[19:12] mahmut1661_Tas> need to train up and pass me :)
[19:13] mahmut1661_Tas> ur still better then me Bella only not atm
[19:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> haha idk
[19:14] mahmut1661_Tas> is sushi doing 2 vs 1 ?
[19:16] Loz_Doz in
[19:16] Loz_Doz in
[19:16] Loz_Doz out
[19:16] [SW]AOD111 in
[19:16] Tables in
[19:17] Loz_Doz out
[19:17] Kill_SheeP> +3 for sexy palace
[19:17] Loz_Doz in
[19:19] Vegeta_TSI> brb
[19:19] Vegeta_TSI out
[19:19] SuicideSquid_TAS> for the love of god someone join
[19:19] redted1199> vegata
[19:19] redted1199> vegeta!
[19:20] [GoD]Divinity out
[19:20] [GoD]Divinity in
[19:21] [GoD]Divinity out
[19:21] [GoD]Divinity in
[19:21] Breska-arg in
[19:22] petruss in
[19:22] redted1199> NEVER AGAIN
[19:22] Gladiator_TaS> +++1 jugg
[19:22] redted1199> WE WILL DO THAT
[19:22] davetherave1991 in
[19:22] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> NICI SEU GAY :D
[19:22] davetherave1991> redted
[19:22] Gladiator_TaS out
[19:22] Gladiator_TaS in
[19:23] [GoD]Divinity in
[19:23] Jophiscene in
[19:23] Jophiscene out
[19:23] Gladiator_TaS> ++++3 jugg
[19:23] xhackerwizardx in
[19:24] xhackerwizardx> hmmm
[19:24] xhackerwizardx> it wont let me join
[19:24] redted1199> hey hacker
[19:24] xhackerwizardx> what up my nigga?
[19:24] [GoD]Divinity out
[19:25] xhackerwizardx> fuck ye
[19:25] wil> 1 +++
[19:25] redted1199> just practiceing
[19:25] xhackerwizardx> wow you ranked up fast
[19:25] xhackerwizardx> i wish my old account wasnt such a bitch
[19:26] carbine in
[19:26] Gladiator_TaS> ++++1
[19:28] petruss out
[19:30] [AsG]Apnea in
[19:33] w33d> sickening
[19:33] w33d> the cunt game
[19:33] w33d> crashed
[19:33] w33d> and im sure it was spectators
[19:33] Kos_TAS in
[19:33] Kos_TAS> network crashed............
[19:34] w33d> game crashed
[19:34] w33d> had all spells
[19:34] w33d> sad
[19:34] DeltaEnemy> wtf
[19:34] Kos_TAS> lucky matt
[19:34] DeltaEnemy> lucky weed
[19:34] w33d> fuckin lucky
[19:34] Kos_TAS> if my net didnt lag out
[19:34] Kos_TAS> he would be dead
[19:34] w33d> first win 1v1 against me
[19:34] w33d> then tell me im lucky
[19:34] w33d> faggot
[19:34] [fu]king_pin in
[19:34] w33d> he was dead
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> nice rage quit weed
[19:35] w33d> it crashed idiot
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> u quit its ok
[19:35] Kos_TAS> now i cant play
[19:35] w33d> i got it on stream
[19:35] w33d> wanna se if i quit or not
[19:35] Kos_TAS> coz network will keep lag outing
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> was about to volcano u
[19:35] w33d> roflmao
[19:35] DeltaEnemy> rage quitter weed
[19:35] w33d> u didnt even have volc
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> i did check mp
[19:35] Kos_TAS> lol cheater
[19:35] Kos_TAS> uses mp
[19:35] w33d> http://www.twitch.tv/w33dhit/v/9807662
[19:35] DeltaEnemy> we come with 2fs in your base
[19:35] w33d> watch this
[19:36] DeltaEnemy> rage qutter
[19:36] w33d> and tell me i quit
[19:36] DeltaEnemy> sure
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> u were charging fs
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> and had 1 eq weed
[19:36] w33d> and volc matt
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> kos had almost 2
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> fs
[19:36] DeltaEnemy> weed it was over
[19:36] w33d> u were as good as dead
[19:36] car_at> more
[19:37] DeltaEnemy> you were about to lose
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> yes u had 1 so did I
[19:37] w33d> delta no one is talking to u
[19:37] w33d> do urself a favour
[19:37] w33d> and stfu
[19:37] car_at out
[19:37] w33d> matt
[19:37] w33d> u couldnt have won bro
[19:37] DeltaEnemy> weed it was over
[19:37] DeltaEnemy> u pussy
[19:37] DeltaEnemy> moahahahah
[19:37] DeltaEnemy> dont fuck with the enemys
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> u rage quit weed
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> its ok
[19:38] DeltaEnemy> its ok weed
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> ur not hosting
[19:38] DeltaEnemy> no problem
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> anymore weed
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> its shit
[19:38] DeltaEnemy> cause of rage quit
[19:38] w33d> sure
[19:38] MaximilionRamos in
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> come delta
[19:38] w33d> +++++++++++2
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> lets rm on something
[19:38] ale4599 in
[19:39] [fu]king_pin> get kos weed
[19:39] w33d> kos join
[19:39] ale4599 out
[19:39] Kos_TAS> cant
[19:39] Kos_TAS> my network will crash again
[19:39] supay> im hangry , i wont play well
[19:39] MaximilionRamos out
[19:39] Kos_TAS> + matt's host is shite
[19:39] [fu]king_pin> get ally weed
[19:40] Kos_TAS out
[19:40] w33d> someone ally me
[19:41] supay out
[19:42] w33d> +++++++++++1 ffs
[19:45] [fu]king_pin> just jacked off to ur moms webcam weed
[19:45] [fu]king_pin> she was telling me to fuck that fat pussy
[19:45] DeltaEnemy> if she is as ugly as weed then you are fucked
[19:45] [fu]king_pin> weed kos is scared
[19:46] [fu]king_pin> Cuz ur not hosting
[19:46] Kos_TAS> not gonna play under 500 ping
[19:46] w33d> no his net crashed last game
[19:46] w33d> its unstable
[19:46] Kos_TAS> + net unstable atm
[19:46] [fu]king_pin> naw he scared
[19:46] carbine> Gg
[19:46] [fu]king_pin> he knows u cant quit as host when ur losing
[19:46] Kos_TAS> dont be a child matt
[19:46] SuicideSquid_TAS> gg man
[19:46] w33d> mirage
[19:46] w33d> ally me
[19:47] carbine out
[19:47] [SW]AOD111> +3
[19:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> sure u dont wanna rm?
[19:47] carbine in
[19:47] [fu]king_pin> come mirage
[19:47] DeltaEnemy> ok
[19:47] DeltaEnemy> lets go
[19:47] w33d> kick
[19:47] DeltaEnemy> no let him play
[19:47] [Rw]Mirage out
[19:47] w33d> im not allying a low preacher matt
[19:47] w33d> ugh
[19:47] DeltaEnemy> ah you better ally a shman?
[19:47] [fu]king_pin> only if mirage is coming
[19:47] [SW]AOD111> srry
[19:47] DeltaEnemy> everythink is clear
[19:47] w33d> im ok
[19:47] w33d> with any preacher
[19:47] [SW]AOD111> kya tum pagal ho weed
[19:47] [SW]AOD111> ??
[19:47] w33d> just not preacher minus
[19:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> matt
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> what if i join and ally u?
[19:48] [SW]AOD111> delta will ally
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> hat would make it fair
[19:48] w33d> matt
[19:48] w33d> ally bella
[19:48] [fu]king_pin> not really
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> two preacher+ against me and u?
[19:48] w33d> then ill ally aod
[19:48] [fu]king_pin> ur worse then weed bella
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> well thats even better for u
[19:48] w33d> wow
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> ik
[19:48] HardToGet in
[19:48] w33d> way to put it matt
[19:48] w33d> u idiot
[19:48] Kos_TAS> than*
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS> thats whats makes it fair
[19:48] Kos_TAS> matt learn then and than
[19:48] [fu]king_pin> when it comes to defendinh
[19:48] w33d> i deffend like a boss
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> but your better than delta
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d ally aod
[19:49] w33d> ok
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> i just 1v1ed him and won
[19:49] w33d> come bella
[19:49] w33d> ask matt
[19:49] [fu]king_pin> weed go green
[19:49] w33d> to kick delta
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> we can do 4way again
[19:49] [fu]king_pin> we do sess
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> im restricted :'(
[19:49] [fu]king_pin> come bella
[19:49] [SW]AOD111> what the heck
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> im restricted
[19:49] Kos_TAS> doritos
[19:49] w33d> matt i rather ally hw
[19:49] w33d> than deltaenemy
[19:49] SuicideSquid_TAS> thx
[19:49] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:49] lordfarquaard in
[19:50] [fu]king_pin> delta better then u weed
[19:50] w33d> streaminnnn
[19:51] lordfarquaard out
[19:51] HardToGet> sec guys
[19:51] [SW]AOD111> k
[19:52] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[19:53] [SW]AOD111> skaarj
[19:53] HTB3345 in
[19:53] [SW]AOD111> relog
[19:53] HTB3345 out
[19:53] [SW]AOD111> no rejoin
[19:53] [SW]AOD111> close mm/
[19:54] [SW]AOD111> and open again
[19:54] [SW]AOD111> relogin
[19:54] Gladiator_TaS> oops crashed
[19:54] [SW]AOD111> let me host
[19:54] skaarj_guardian out
[19:54] Gladiator_TaS> sory
[19:54] mahmut1661_Tas out
[19:54] wil> heee....
[19:54] Gladiator_TaS> lets rematch
[19:55] mahmut1661_Tas in
[19:55] mahmut1661_Tas> pop crashed lol
[19:55] Gladiator_TaS> same here
[19:55] skaarj_guardian in
[19:55] Gladiator_TaS> lets rematch
[19:55] mahmut1661_Tas> was doing decend this time
[19:55] Gladiator_TaS> it was gg
[19:55] Gladiator_TaS> very close
[19:55] mahmut1661_Tas> ttrue :))
[19:55] Breska-arg out
[19:55] Gladiator_TaS> my eq was nice
[19:56] mahmut1661_Tas> man this again
[19:56] DeltaEnemy> nice host
[19:56] Gladiator_TaS> mass killing drawn
[19:56] mahmut1661_Tas> Populous must be shut down before entering a new game.
[19:56] DeltaEnemy> fucking crash
[19:56] mahmut1661_Tas> it is dummy
[19:56] w33d> did u guys see that
[19:56] mahmut1661_Tas> restart comp to play again min
[19:56] SuicideSquid_TAS> how did he...
[19:56] w33d> i went to bellas base
[19:56] w33d> and no one saw shit
[19:56] [fu]king_pin> pwned
[19:56] mahmut1661_Tas out
[19:56] w33d> so fuckin bad
[19:56] w33d> its really insane
[19:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> that was so funny
[19:57] w33d> kosjak ddi u see that
[19:57] SuicideSquid_TAS> i thought u was matt
[19:57] Kos_TAS> yes
[19:57] Kos_TAS> and yellow quit
[19:57] Kos_TAS> rofl
[19:57] [Chf]crazyone in
[19:58] [Chf]crazyone out
[19:58] Kill_SheeP out
[19:59] mahmut1661_Tas in
[19:59] w33d> NOT allying him
[20:00] w33d> we can give me another ally
[20:00] w33d> or ill host another game
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> oh comon weed
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> yellow u need to stfu lol
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> u know unaga?
[20:00] Kos_TAS> i can ally w33d on sess
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> wunaga?
[20:00] Kos_TAS> my net is stable
[20:00] Kos_TAS> i think
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> wunaga
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> wunaaaaaaaaga
[20:00] w33d> ok come
[20:00] w33d> host here matt
[20:00] Purechemist in
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> +1
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> holy fuck stfu
[20:00] w33d> fuck delta
[20:00] Kos_TAS> ok sec i get some water melon
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d join
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> pure come here
[20:00] Kos_TAS> <3
[20:00] w33d> kick him
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> just stfu
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> no
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> go
[20:00] DeltaEnemy> go
[20:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> just dont speek
[20:01] w33d> bella
[20:01] DeltaEnemy> ok kos
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> deal isnt with kos
[20:01] DeltaEnemy> ally me
[20:01] w33d> i wont fuckin ally him
[20:01] DeltaEnemy> lets go
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> come delta
[20:01] mahmut1661_Tas> +2
[20:01] Kos_TAS> u kidding
[20:01] w33d> im not allying delta
[20:01] [fu]king_pin> move bella
[20:01] w33d> oh
[20:01] w33d> lol
[20:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh come on
[20:01] burak in
[20:01] w33d> LOL
[20:01] w33d> ROFLMAO
[20:01] burak out
[20:01] Kos_TAS> matt is scared
[20:01] DeltaEnemy> matt let me ally purechemist
[20:01] SuicideSquid_TAS> wtf did i do
[20:01] Kos_TAS> uh oh
[20:02] Kos_TAS> he is fw
[20:02] Kos_TAS> scared to fight preachers
[20:02] Kos_TAS> pathetic
[20:02] Kos_TAS> lol kick
[20:02] Kos_TAS> LOL
[20:02] w33d> roflmao
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> weed is scared
[20:02] w33d> guy is pathetic
[20:02] w33d> u kicked me asshole
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> we had set match and he left
[20:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d just ally delta
[20:02] w33d> na u kicked
[20:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> and he will shut u[
[20:02] Kos_TAS> going to crash matt's game then
[20:02] Gladiator_TaS> ++2 unranked
[20:02] [fu]king_pin> weed needs a good ally vs me
[20:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> jfc its not hard
[20:02] DeltaEnemy> "OMG im weed, im better than everbody in here"
[20:02] w33d> +++++2 ranked
[20:02] w33d> ofc
[20:02] w33d> as i said before matt
[20:03] [fu]king_pin> and me to have noob ally
[20:03] w33d> u are better than me
[20:03] DeltaEnemy> you are ugly as fuck weed
[20:03] Kos_TAS> im just normal
[20:03] DeltaEnemy> we all seen your pic
[20:03] DeltaEnemy> ugly as FUCK!
[20:03] w33d> good
[20:03] Kos_TAS> matt u are best plauyer in pop3
[20:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> just fucking ally him
[20:03] Kos_TAS> sad
[20:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> delta stfu ur making it worse
[20:03] [fu]king_pin> bella is no where near
[20:03] w33d> bella
[20:03] [fu]king_pin> preacher rank
[20:03] w33d> there is NO way
[20:03] w33d> im allying him
[20:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> this game is filled with ideots
[20:03] w33d> +++++++++++2
[20:03] Kos_TAS> mm*
[20:03] DeltaEnemy> Ugly? oh you mean weed
[20:03] DeltaEnemy> hahaha
[20:03] Kos_TAS> game has only 4 tribes
[20:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> if everyone who said that meant it i would have no one to play with
[20:03] Gladiator_TaS> +++1 quick
[20:03] Gladiator_TaS> unranked
[20:04] kaspa64> sess
[20:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> i think everyone here said at least wo times "theres no way im allying bella agin"
[20:04] Kos_TAS> we wont get any 2v2 in that case
[20:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> boom
[20:04] [SW]AOD111> come sess
[20:04] Gladiator_TaS> wow delta
[20:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> next fucking day
[20:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> they sucking my dick
[20:04] kaspa64> AOD why u quit?
[20:04] kaspa64> noob shit
[20:04] wil> 2 +
[20:04] [SW]AOD111> +2
[20:04] DeltaEnemy> ok im getting a beer. when im come back weed you are my ally. and im charging wunaga
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> wunaaaaaaaaga weed
[20:05] w33d> delta
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> do you now wunagaaaaaaaaaa?
[20:05] w33d> u remember how u ragequit last game
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> wunaaaaaaaaaaga
[20:05] w33d> how are u so bad
[20:05] kaspa64> AOD why you quit as soon as you start to lose?
[20:05] Gladiator_TaS> ++++2 quick game
[20:05] w33d> u got owned in 5 mins
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> du you know unagaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> ?
[20:05] w33d> +++++++++1
[20:05] Kos_TAS> kick matt
[20:05] [fu]king_pin> le6s let's go weed
[20:05] w33d> no noobs
[20:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d
[20:05] w33d> as i said
[20:05] [SW]AOD111> lol
[20:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> let me ally matt
[20:05] [SW]AOD111> me losing
[20:05] w33d> not playing or allying
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> wunaaaaaaaaaaaga weed
[20:05] [SW]AOD111> ??
[20:05] w33d> delta
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> u know?
[20:05] Kos_TAS> bella join
[20:05] [fu]king_pin> ur the only noob weed
[20:05] w33d> matt
[20:05] w33d> u can host
[20:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> im restricted
[20:05] w33d> and ally bella
[20:05] w33d> if u want
[20:05] [fu]king_pin> scared of delta sad weed
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> weed is shit
[20:05] w33d> or u can have another allyt
[20:05] DeltaEnemy> like his mothr
[20:05] w33d> and alos host
[20:06] [SW]AOD111> i was the conquirer of the mid
[20:06] kaspa64> w33d is a noob
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> his mother is a wildman
[20:06] [SW]AOD111> it was lagging
[20:06] [SW]AOD111> soo
[20:06] [fu]king_pin> not allying bella vs u 2
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> kaspa64> w33d is a noob
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> true shit
[20:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> is kos better than delta?
[20:06] w33d> alright
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> fucking true
[20:06] w33d> then +++++++++1 to allyt matt
[20:06] Kos_TAS> kaspa join ally matt
[20:06] kaspa64> hes also the product of and animal human rape gone wrong
[20:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> come on matt we might do good
[20:06] w33d> mahmut wanna ally matt on sess ?
[20:06] [fu]king_pin> i have an ally weed
[20:06] kaspa64> i cant join
[20:06] [fu]king_pin> its delta
[20:06] mahmut1661_Tas> no
[20:06] Kos_TAS> lmao
[20:06] kaspa64> w33d blocks me coz hes scares
[20:06] Loz_Doz> I LOVE CATS
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> hahahahaha: GUYS look at the pic of weed. and then laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!¨
[20:06] w33d> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=278927
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> he is so ugly
[20:06] Loz_Doz> =^.^=
[20:06] mahmut1661_Tas> i am gonna play with sushi
[20:06] w33d> this is how bad u are delta
[20:06] Gladiator_TaS> +++1 quick
[20:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOLOOOLL
[20:06] DeltaEnemy> weed
[20:06] w33d> u quit
[20:07] w33d> in 5 mins
[20:07] [SW]AOD111> hes so afraid
[20:07] w33d> after i rqed ur shit
[20:07] DeltaEnemy> the enemys fucked your life
[20:07] w33d> na
[20:07] DeltaEnemy> so many times
[20:07] w33d> i fucked urs
[20:07] [SW]AOD111> of loosing with small people
[20:07] [fu]king_pin> weed u eqed bella and quit
[20:07] w33d> made u quit before 5
[20:07] [fu]king_pin> in 5 mins
[20:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> ooo look a war game
[20:07] SuicideSquid_TAS> sweet
[20:07] [fu]king_pin> cuz u seen my shaman
[20:07] mahmut1661_Tas> yay
[20:07] mahmut1661_Tas> gogog
[20:07] DeltaEnemy> bye weed
[20:07] DeltaEnemy> motherufkcer
[20:07] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:07] w33d> gl with noobs
[20:07] Kos_TAS> 4 warrios
[20:07] Kos_TAS> cute to see
[20:07] Kos_TAS> their match
[20:08] Kos_TAS> i wish to be a warrior tho
[20:08] mahmut1661_Tas> ha
[20:08] w33d> matt
[20:08] w33d> do u wanna ally aod 111
[20:08] mahmut1661_Tas> not true :)
[20:08] w33d> not rue ?
[20:08] w33d> non of u
[20:08] Kos_TAS> go w33d
[20:08] w33d> can beat me 1v1
[20:08] Kos_TAS> matt is ok
[20:08] mahmut1661_Tas> i am not noob :p
[20:08] w33d> means u are a bunch of noobs
[20:08] mahmut1661_Tas> not pro either
[20:08] mahmut1661_Tas> ok fine
[20:09] kill_sheep in
[20:10] Nspark in
[20:11] mertinblack in
[20:11] [AsG]Apnea out
[20:14] mertinblack out
[20:16] [fu]king_pin out
[20:18] carbine out
[20:20] jovo in
[20:21] [SW]zgjimi in
[20:21] [SW]zgjimi out
[20:21] [SW]zgjimi in
[20:21] [Rw]Nici> AZIA CARALHO
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> LO
[20:22] [SW]zgjimi out
[20:22] [SW]zgjimi in
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> mais burre fikest
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> BOUA!
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> MAS PRONTO FOI MAU
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> OBRIGADO!
[20:22] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> alguem ta histerico
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> POR QUE?
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> PORQUE EU DIGO QUE FOI
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> É PURK FOI
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> AH
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> PORKE PERDESTE
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> OK
[20:22] [Rw]Nici> TBM
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> PERA
[20:22] [GoD]Divinity> FOSTE COM KEM
[20:23] [GoD]Divinity> ORELHAS?
[20:23] [GoD]Divinity> LMFAO
[20:23] xhackerwizardx> lol lag
[20:23] redted1199 out
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> NA CUNHESSES
[20:23] davetherave1991> yep
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> DEIXA-TE DE MERDAS
[20:23] davetherave1991> brb
[20:23] [GoD]Divinity> 15 caralho
[20:23] [Rw]Nici> NĂO GUSTEI
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> ate o meu
[20:24] xhackerwizardx> +2 i guess
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> fds
[20:24] [SW]zgjimi out
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> outa mau juro
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> PUTA CURTO
[20:24] [Rw]Nici> ROFL CURTASTE?
[20:24] [Rw]Nici> HAHAH NICE
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> YA ANTES DE TI
[20:24] [Rw]Nici> FOSTE AOND
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> FIQUEI CARECA
[20:24] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[20:24] [Rw]Nici> NAKERDIT
[20:24] [GoD]Divinity> http://gyazo.com/12dc6359ab306127dd5a90c2f4892ca3
[20:25] [Rw]Nici> APOST QUE NA
[20:25] [Rw]Nici> YA PUTA CURTO
[20:25] jovo out
[20:25] [Rw]Nici> e pa frent?
[20:26] [Rw]Nici> Lol mas tás a anhar? diziam que a escola só começava depois da semana do dia 15
[20:26] [Rw]Nici> acho que começa 21.
[20:26] [GoD]Divinity> ja fui prai dia 20
[20:26] [Rw]Nici> Agora comes e calas-te caralho
[20:26] [GoD]Divinity> do mes passad
[20:26] [Rw]Nici> ah
[20:27] [Rw]Nici> entăo o teu ja deve tar maior
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> ya
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> ele cresce
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> es inteligente
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> :)
[20:27] [Rw]Nici> obrigado :)
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> ate podia decrescer
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> !! :D
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> ;)))) kkiikik
[20:27] [Rw]Nici> pudia
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> adivinha o kek a minha mae trouxe ontem
[20:27] [GoD]Divinity> xegou a casa com akilo
[20:27] [Rw]Nici> um căo
[20:28] [GoD]Divinity> balde de tinta e merdas pra pintar
[20:28] [GoD]Divinity> KE TA FODES
[20:28] [GoD]Divinity> f
[20:28] [GoD]Divinity> o
[20:28] [GoD]Divinity> d
[20:28] [Rw]Nici> .
[20:28] [Rw]Nici> Certo
[20:28] [Rw]Nici> foda-se bués tintas?
[20:28] [Rw]Nici> espero que saibas pintar.
[20:28] xhackerwizardx> im a brick
[20:28] xhackerwizardx> being thrown through your window
[20:28] Seigneur-pain in
[20:28] xhackerwizardx> boom
[20:29] xhackerwizardx> poetry
[20:29] [SW]zgjimi in
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> fui mutado
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> acho que é so uma cor
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> branco
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> PUTA INTERESSANTE
[20:29] [Rw]Nici> lol?
[20:29] [Rw]Nici> mas a parede já tá em branco
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> TROUEX BRENCO
[20:29] [Rw]Nici> ....... rofl wtf
[20:29] legado-del-emacias in
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> AKELA TA FODIDA
[20:29] [Rw]Nici> ah
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> E SUJA EM ALGUNS SITIOS
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> CA PUTA URSO
[20:29] [Rw]Nici> ah ok obrigado pela explicaçăo
[20:29] [GoD]Divinity> FDS VAI PRA SELVA.
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> ok
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> vou pa tua casa MEU GANDA CABRĂO
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> SELVA= UR HUSE
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> this nici
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> FUNNY
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> FUNNNNNNNNNNY.
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> this . nici
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:30] [Rw]Nici> this.nici.com.porn
[20:30] xhackerwizardx> if only google could translate this shit faster
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> oi nici
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> speek in spanish
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> did u see the cr7 video
[20:30] legado-del-emacias> ?
[20:31] [Rw]Nici> speek in albanian
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> plovye
[20:31] xhackerwizardx> and it's portugeses he's speaking
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> vhaja ke tazuhj
[20:31] xhackerwizardx> not spanish
[20:31] gylala999 in
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> nici did you see the cr7 video
[20:31] [Rw]Nici> no
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> stop googling translating what i said
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> it made no sense
[20:31] legado-del-emacias> watch it you faggot
[20:32] Oz in
[20:32] legado-del-emacias> he went to madrid
[20:32] xhackerwizardx> was zum Teufel Sie wollen
[20:32] legado-del-emacias> was für teufel gibt es
[20:32] xhackerwizardx> I dont know how to fucking type in german
[20:32] xhackerwizardx> jesus christ
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> then why type it in the first place jeez
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> ra how about he gives me some of his money
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> that would be nuts
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> !!nutty
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> nutshell
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> nici stop being a selfish prick
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> ok
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> he earned his money
[20:33] xhackerwizardx> that was fast'
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> you asshole
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> lol
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> "earned"
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:33] xhackerwizardx> no such thing
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> i paid 60 euro
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> to watch him play
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> man. city paying like 65 million euros for Sterling
[20:33] legado-del-emacias> 60
[20:33] [Rw]Nici> that's fucking sick
[20:34] xhackerwizardx> cough
[20:34] xhackerwizardx> im sick
[20:34] Oz> I woke up... suddenly.... I thought it was raining on me.. and the lightning... thinderbolt...
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> ya why dont u start a football carreer then nici??
[20:34] mahmut1661_Tas> why quit
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> why do u pay so much for a footballer ROFL
[20:34] mahmut1661_Tas> ??
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> because
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> ra
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> you know
[20:34] mahmut1661_Tas> not u
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> i can brag about it now :D
[20:34] mahmut1661_Tas> lol
[20:34] wil> gg
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> ra you know people who make foods
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> ur so jealous of me nici
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> and water
[20:34] Gladiator_TaS> gg
[20:34] xhackerwizardx> just to grab on my nutsack id pay 60 million easy
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> u jelly brah
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> and make it come into the supermarket?
[20:34] mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> ya they make money to
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> hey are the ones woh submit food and water
[20:34] Gladiator_TaS> mammy u jug
[20:34] legado-del-emacias> profit off it
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> to us
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> then we buy
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> exactly
[20:34] xhackerwizardx> grab my nutsack nd thats called football
[20:34] Oz> Thor Odinson is angry against Loki today.
[20:34] [Rw]Nici> those should be winning millions!!!!
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> feeding us
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> would u do that nici?
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> i would
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> sell oil and add value somehow
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> the farmers
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> should be rich
[20:35] Seigneur-pain out
[20:35] xhackerwizardx> deez nuts
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> say it was extracted sustainably
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> yet they struggle
[20:35] xhackerwizardx> sorry
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> to survive
[20:35] Oz out
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> lol thats exactly what im studying
[20:35] xhackerwizardx> god this is funny
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> world is fucked
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> sustainability
[20:35] xhackerwizardx> im studying how to make drugs
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> you should study it too then
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> u see guys like balotelli
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> making millions off horrible skil
[20:35] [Rw]Nici> skill
[20:35] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> watch on youtube
[20:36] xhackerwizardx> or in the educational sense, being a pharmacist
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> uncle drew
[20:36] [Rw]Nici> k
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> its for pepsi but hes a basketball pro
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> type basketball too i forgot
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> basketball uncle drew
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> oops
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> hes the one who deserves more money
[20:36] w33d> RAPE
[20:36] legado-del-emacias> and cr7 got rejected by a ho
[20:37] Kos_TAS> ditched
[20:37] wil out
[20:37] Kos_TAS> pussyshaved
[20:37] [Rw]Nici> hoes like fame
[20:37] w33d> waxed
[20:37] Kos_TAS> owned
[20:37] Kos_TAS> pwned
[20:37] Kos_TAS> rekt
[20:37] mahmut1661_Tas out
[20:37] wil in
[20:37] mahmut1661_Tas in
[20:37] wil> sorry
[20:37] [fu]king_pin in
[20:37] [fu]king_pin> u need to give me noob allys to win
[20:38] Kos_TAS> im noob tho
[20:38] Kos_TAS> so there is no problem
[20:38] Kos_TAS> i just know how to defend
[20:38] Kos_TAS> :)
[20:38] Kos_TAS> or no
[20:38] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:38] [fu]king_pin> come kos
[20:38] legado-del-emacias> inca fucked the game
[20:38] mahmut1661_Tas out
[20:38] xhackerwizardx> im a noob too
[20:38] legado-del-emacias> now i have mouse lag
[20:38] xhackerwizardx> it's okay
[20:38] [fu]king_pin> no shit i been saying this for years
[20:39] xhackerwizardx> noob for life nigga
[20:39] lordpacco in
[20:39] [fu]king_pin> incas muted and banned me so noobs wouldnt know
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> yeah but u need to insult people to get your worthless opinions across
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> thats the difference
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> i ask why and propose a change
[20:39] xhackerwizardx> lol getting muted by inca is a goal in my life
[20:39] xhackerwizardx> jk
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> you just result to mom jokes
[20:39] Gladiator_TaS> hack leave hut
[20:39] xhackerwizardx> I dont want that
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> whats the word lol
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> resolve
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> you resort to mom jokes
[20:39] legado-del-emacias> there we go
[20:39] [fu]king_pin> weed wheres kos
[20:40] xhackerwizardx> noobs are not welcome ever
[20:40] [fu]king_pin> he scared
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> im forgetting english haha too uch spanish
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:40] [Rw]Nici> ,.7
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> he speeks spanish too
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> listen carefully in the video
[20:40] w33d> +++++++++++++1111111111111111
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> he asks for the womens phone number
[20:40] legado-del-emacias> im talking about cr not drew
[20:40] xhackerwizardx> at least he gets them
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> ooooooo
[20:41] davetherave1991> +2
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> fuck me
[20:41] legado-del-emacias> who doesnt?#
[20:41] w33d> KAPAOWOW
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> right in the ass
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> god im weird
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> hehe
[20:41] w33d> na
[20:41] w33d> matt likes it in the ass all the time too
[20:41] legado-del-emacias> w33d 1v1 matt
[20:41] w33d> i did
[20:41] w33d> he buildt 2 bases
[20:41] w33d> on pp
[20:41] w33d> to win
[20:41] xhackerwizardx> hehe but i like the pussy too
[20:42] xhackerwizardx> mmmmmm
[20:42] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q-wDvTXeFo
[20:42] [fu]king_pin> play me on yag weed
[20:42] [Rw]Nici> lolz
[20:42] legado-del-emacias> matt doesnt
[20:42] w33d> do u like thick cunts
[20:42] legado-del-emacias> matt likes dick
[20:42] w33d> yag ?
[20:42] w33d> yggradrislrils?
[20:42] w33d> yggdrasil
[20:42] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:42] Kos_TAS> ygdrassil
[20:42] [fu]king_pin> yea noob
[20:42] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xxvd5vgnIE
[20:42] legado-del-emacias> theres newer gold digger videos
[20:42] [Rw]Nici> this one divinity sent yesterday
[20:42] w33d> nici
[20:42] Kos_TAS> how they come up to that name
[20:42] Kos_TAS> those AsG
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> nici
[20:43] w33d> can u log into my acc
[20:43] Kos_TAS> ygrassil
[20:43] tobias613 in
[20:43] Kos_TAS> rofl
[20:43] w33d> and 1v1 matt
[20:43] w33d> rofl
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> fuck sake this nici...
[20:43] Nspark out
[20:43] [fu]king_pin> lets go weed 1v1
[20:43] w33d> im scared
[20:43] [fu]king_pin> u scared
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> w33d i would
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> but inca fucked the game
[20:43] w33d> ok
[20:43] w33d> u both 1v1 then
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> i have mouse lag
[20:43] IncaWarrior> ?
[20:43] w33d> ?
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> inca
[20:43] w33d> inca didnt do shit
[20:43] w33d> its u
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> answer
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> my god damn messages
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> youre the reason i have lag
[20:43] IncaWarrior> "false"
[20:43] w33d> lol
[20:43] legado-del-emacias> and im asking how to get shit back to normal
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> inca
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> i went inactive
[20:44] IncaWarrior> well what have you done differently?
[20:44] davetherave1991> +1
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> thats what im asking you
[20:44] w33d> he probably installed drivers
[20:44] xhackerwizardx> whoa
[20:44] xhackerwizardx> hi inca
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> you added all this rancid bullshit
[20:44] w33d> or got new graphics card
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> fix mouse
[20:44] IncaWarrior> maybe you upgraded to different windows?
[20:44] w33d> or some shit
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> enable dxwnd
[20:44] xhackerwizardx> i love inca
[20:44] xhackerwizardx> inca is love
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> fuck up
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> im talking
[20:44] xhackerwizardx> inca is life
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> and lastly
[20:44] legado-del-emacias> this high framerate shit
[20:44] IncaWarrior> fix mouse is a populous flag
[20:44] IncaWarrior> by bullfrog
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> meaning?
[20:45] IncaWarrior> meaning it's not something I added
[20:45] [fu]king_pin> weed 1v1
[20:45] [fu]king_pin out
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> so why is there lag now
[20:45] tobias613 out
[20:45] IncaWarrior> also it's been an option since 2003
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> that there wasnt before?
[20:45] ale4599 in
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> inca
[20:45] Kos_TAS> [fu]king_pin> weed 1v1
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> my sp
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> works fine
[20:45] Kos_TAS> [fu]king_pin out
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> online does not
[20:45] Kos_TAS> lmfoamfaorlolofl
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> mouse speed is different
[20:45] IncaWarrior> well these are options
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> and it feels laggy even
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> which ones
[20:45] IncaWarrior> maybe pick a lower pop res?
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> fuck sake
[20:45] Kos_TAS> ra
[20:45] Electric> check if dxwnd is on in task manager
[20:45] legado-del-emacias> which ones
[20:45] Kos_TAS> try hardware mode
[20:45] IncaWarrior> all the ones you mentioned
[20:45] carbine in
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> dude no i played on 1024 x 768
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> always
[20:46] w33d> OHFUCK
[20:46] IncaWarrior> he can't use hardware mode
[20:46] w33d> i forgot again
[20:46] w33d> that legado is RA
[20:46] w33d> ROFL
[20:46] IncaWarrior> but SP doesn't allow that resolution
[20:46] w33d> inca fix his shit man
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> inca
[20:46] IncaWarrior> so you can't really compare mouse speed
[20:46] Kos_TAS> put flag
[20:46] xhackerwizardx> i play this shit on my laptop withj no problem
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> i went the extra step further
[20:46] wendelx in
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> i downloaded popres
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> to change res
[20:46] Kos_TAS> ./allres
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> to the same one as online
[20:46] wendelx out
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> ala, 1024 768
[20:46] Kos_TAS> use flag for shortcut
[20:46] wendelx in
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> it was not lagging
[20:46] w33d> im usin that res too
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> but online it does
[20:46] w33d> ra do u have w8 =
[20:46] [fu]king_pin in
[20:46] w33d> ?
[20:46] legado-del-emacias> so whats that about
[20:47] legado-del-emacias> yes 8.1
[20:47] [fu]king_pin> go weed
[20:47] kill_sheep> someone knows some tutorial for use dxwnd
[20:47] w33d> so do i
[20:47] w33d> thing is
[20:47] davetherave1991> need 1 more to launch
[20:47] w33d> for me too mouse is delayish
[20:47] w33d> its been for years now
[20:47] w33d> i could never find a ficx
[20:47] legado-del-emacias> alex
[20:47] legado-del-emacias> dxwnd is not on
[20:47] legado-del-emacias> i dont think i have it either
[20:47] [fu]king_pin> launch weef
[20:47] davetherave1991> +1
[20:47] legado-del-emacias> in any case, on my other computer i lagged without it
[20:47] w33d> map ?
[20:47] IncaWarrior> it wouldn't be enabled in win 8
[20:48] legado-del-emacias> so i needed it
[20:48] Loz_Doz out
[20:48] Electric> legado
[20:48] Electric> start a game
[20:48] Electric> then go to system tray
[20:48] Electric> is there the blue dxwnd icon there?
[20:48] Electric> no inca
[20:48] Electric> i remember the bug you made
[20:48] Electric> you made dxwnd run on iwndows 8
[20:48] IncaWarrior> it's not enabled in his mm either
[20:48] wendelx> alguém aqui fala portuguęs?
[20:48] Electric> inca
[20:48] Electric> you made a bug
[20:48] Electric> when "change to populous resolution" is on
[20:48] Electric> it runs dxwnd on windows 8
[20:48] Electric> i already told you about that
[20:48] IncaWarrior> I added a feature to allow dxwnd to run if people wanted
[20:48] legado-del-emacias> no its not
[20:48] legado-del-emacias> dxwnd not there
[20:48] IncaWarrior> but change ot pop res shouldn't do that
[20:49] Electric> legado did u try
[20:49] Electric> it does inca
[20:49] Electric> i checked
[20:49] Electric> on several computers
[20:49] Electric> i told you cahnge to pop res was malfunctioning
[20:49] legado-del-emacias> yeah its open, i checked, its not there
[20:49] Electric> basically if you play at 800x600
[20:49] ale4599> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[20:49] Electric> t should change res to 800x600
[20:49] IncaWarrior> he just confirmed it's ok
[20:49] Electric> legado open a game with th emm then check
[20:49] Electric> inca
[20:49] Electric> it should change resolution BEFORE running the game
[20:49] Electric> and it sould NOT run dxwnd
[20:49] IncaWarrior> right
[20:50] ale4599 out
[20:50] Electric> but it does
[20:50] Electric> and it doesn't actually change the resoluti0on
[20:50] Electric> so it's a fuck-up
[20:50] davetherave1991> +2
[20:50] IncaWarrior> in all systems I've seen, it works as designed
[20:50] Electric> some peopel want "change to populous resolution" in win8
[20:50] legado-del-emacias> also here, dxwnd not there
[20:50] Electric> because with win8 new system
[20:50] legado-del-emacias> its not on my computer either
[20:50] Electric> you run the game at 800x600
[20:50] Electric> but it's actually being rendered at 1920x1080 by win8 new system
[20:50] Electric> so people want it to render at 800x600
[20:50] Electric> the mm option should change win res to 800x600
[20:50] xhackerwizardx> windows 8 is shit
[20:50] supay in
[20:50] Electric> and that will make win8 render iat t 800x600
[20:51] [GoD]Eric in
[20:51] Electric> thus performance improvements when streaming
[20:51] Electric> howevre
[20:51] Electric> it doesnt work like that
[20:51] legado-del-emacias> i have the mm set it to 1024 768
[20:51] Electric> it makes dxwnd run and it DOESN'T change the resolution which is the intendede ffect
[20:51] w33d> inca
[20:51] Electric> this should be fixed
[20:51] Electric> i told youa bout this months ago
[20:51] Electric> it happened to mentix too
[20:51] wendelx out
[20:51] w33d> do uknow wich laptop i can buy, so i can run pop smoothly with hw mode ?
[20:51] w33d> any laptop
[20:51] carbine> it would be cool if there was a date on this line graph but there isn't.
[20:51] legado-del-emacias> that must explain mentixs inactivity?
[20:51] legado-del-emacias> inca i know addiction had problems with mouse as well
[20:51] legado-del-emacias> very often
[20:52] w33d> i have it all the time
[20:52] w33d> 0.1 sec delay
[20:52] legado-del-emacias> it seemed to do wonders for sharingan
[20:52] w33d> or 0.2
[20:52] legado-del-emacias> ?
[20:52] w33d> but i think its my 55 inch tv
[20:52] legado-del-emacias> im talking about mouse speed
[20:52] legado-del-emacias> ingame being slow and it being laggy
[20:52] w33d> oh
[20:52] legado-del-emacias> and in sp it being fine
[20:52] xhackerwizardx> inca
[20:52] w33d> o.o
[20:52] IncaWarrior> as I said, it works as designed for the systems I tested
[20:53] xhackerwizardx> you're grear
[20:53] xhackerwizardx> keep doing you
[20:53] IncaWarrior> legado-del-emacias: can you find the reason?
[20:53] xhackerwizardx> thanks for letting us play
[20:53] IncaWarrior> and a solution?
[20:53] legado-del-emacias> dude i tried 3 things
[20:53] legado-del-emacias> disable fix mouse
[20:53] legado-del-emacias> disable high framerate
[20:53] legado-del-emacias> and increase mouse speed via my computer
[20:53] legado-del-emacias> all no work
[20:54] IncaWarrior> first 2 not likely to help
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> if i make the cursor speed higher on my computer
[20:54] IncaWarrior> maybe try more things
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> then in sp its too fast
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> like what
[20:54] Electric> is the mouse laggy or just slow?
[20:54] davetherave1991> +1
[20:54] voykman in
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> slower
[20:54] voykman out
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> and laggy
[20:54] Electric> so thats normal
[20:54] Electric> how do you define laggy
[20:54] Loz_Doz in
[20:54] w33d> stutter
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> it can go fast, then slow
[20:54] legado-del-emacias> then sometimes even the game goes in slow motion
[20:54] davetherave1991> 1 more to start
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> like when the shaman makes rs at start
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> or other random moments
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> ive never had this before
[20:55] Radagast_TAS in
[20:55] [fu]king_pin out
[20:55] [GoD]Eric> lagado go options than populous than grapic than enable high framerate
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> i fucking lost to noobs
[20:55] w33d> ra have u tried 800 * 600 ? for me i had 60 fps ingame with windows 10
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> on pp 1v1s
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> because of this shit
[20:55] Electric> legado
[20:55] w33d> and on w8 i have 30 fps + delay
[20:55] Electric> let me remote control your computer
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> lost to fucking levy
[20:55] Electric> ill fix
[20:55] davetherave1991> legado , have you checked the settings in your populous 1 player cheat menu?
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> fucking meph
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> and fucking matt on fo
[20:55] legado-del-emacias> cos i couldnt click for shit
[20:55] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:55] Kos_TAS> its shame
[20:55] w33d> lmao
[20:56] [fu]king_pin in
[20:56] w33d> stfu matt
[20:56] davetherave1991> +1
[20:56] [fu]king_pin> go weed
[20:56] w33d> lmao
[20:56] w33d> map ?
[20:56] Kos_TAS> omkar should update his app
[20:56] Kos_TAS> in order to fix mute thing
[20:56] [fu]king_pin> sess
[20:57] xhackerwizardx> woulda been fun to play a pro and learn but whatever :)
[20:57] [fu]king_pin> inca should get that black cock out his ass and unmute me
[20:57] kill_sheep> [48] Populous deve venire chiuso prima di entrare in una nuova partita.
[20:57] kill_sheep> wtf
[20:57] [fu]king_pin> or the one in his mouth
[20:57] [fu]king_pin out
[20:57] Kos_TAS> banned
[20:57] carbine> weed play another map
[20:57] Kos_TAS> get rekt
[20:58] IncaWarrior> I can just mute him too
[20:58] legado-del-emacias> my last option is just to get used to this shit, but only play nowhere as near as good as i used to
[20:58] legado-del-emacias> anyways.. i had to grow out of this game one day anyway :p
[20:58] kill_sheep> why dwxnd doesnt work on windows 8
[20:58] [fu]king_pin in
[20:58] IncaWarrior> not made for it
[20:58] Kos_TAS> coz its integrated
[20:58] [fu]king_pin> why am i still muted inca
[20:58] IncaWarrior> and not needed
[20:59] Kos_TAS> matt
[20:59] Kos_TAS> how much
[20:59] Kos_TAS> ill ur umute
[20:59] Kos_TAS> till
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> permanent u fucking moron
[20:59] [GoD]Divinity> GUYS ITS HARD FOR ME
[20:59] w33d> ROFL
[20:59] Kos_TAS> stfu chicken
[20:59] Kos_TAS> u deserve that
[20:59] [GoD]Divinity> TO LEAVE THE CLOSET
[20:59] [fu]king_pin> until inca unmutes me
[20:59] [Rw]Nici> yes
[20:59] [Rw]Nici> it is
[20:59] [GoD]Divinity> BUT I ADMIT
[20:59] [Rw]Nici> yes!!
[20:59] [GoD]Divinity> IM GAY
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> I LIKE IT UP MY BUM
[21:00] [fu]king_pin> go weed
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> BUM BUM SHAKE IT
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> glad u admited
[21:00] Kos_TAS> release ur sp
[21:00] Kos_TAS> noob
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> ok?
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> OK!
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> fds a minha mae vai pa nazaré apssar ferias
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> e eu
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> em casa
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> logo uma parti
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> PUTA PARTI
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> VAI KUANTOS DIAS
[21:00] legado-del-emacias> lol i should stream
[21:00] legado-del-emacias> cant get laggier than this
[21:00] [GoD]Divinity> U SHOULD JOIN ISIS
[21:00] Kos_TAS> w33d stream
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> NA SEi
[21:00] legado-del-emacias> actually ill try this
[21:00] [Rw]Nici> talvez 1
[21:01] Kos_TAS> ra
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> 1 ROFL
[21:01] Kos_TAS> tell w33d
[21:01] Kos_TAS> to stream
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> LMFAO
[21:01] legado-del-emacias> k
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> LLLLLLLLLLLL
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> M
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> FAOO.
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> CA PUTA PARTY.
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> NUNCA TAL BI
[21:01] [GoD]Divinity> BROKEN*
[21:02] [GoD]Divinity> FOR 1 CENT
[21:02] [GoD]Divinity> AND THIS HAPPENS
[21:02] Kos_TAS> inca mute divinity
[21:02] legado-del-emacias> inca
[21:02] Kos_TAS> spamming
[21:02] legado-del-emacias> watch w33ds stream
[21:02] legado-del-emacias> ill post a few comments in game if need be
[21:03] [Rw]Nici> mas tas caldo?
[21:03] [Rw]Nici> CALADO*?
[21:03] [Rw]Nici> Obrigado.
[21:03] [SW]zgjimi out
[21:03] [SW]zgjimi in
[21:04] [GoD]Divinity> ok
[21:04] [SW]AOD111 out
[21:04] [GoD]Divinity> kosjak i dont send u
[21:04] [GoD]Divinity> cuz u dont update ur shit files site
[21:04] [GoD]Divinity> i click download and it goes to porn
[21:06] Kos_TAS> i will download it anyway
[21:06] [Rw]Nici> Robert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator mais bem pago do cinema pelo terceiro anoRobert Downey Jr. é o ator
[21:06] Kos_TAS> if you release it rofl
[21:06] kill_sheep out
[21:08] [fu]king_pin out
[21:08] [Rw]Nici> piggy piggy piggy
[21:09] [GoD]Divinity> no u wont
[21:09] [GoD]Divinity> im not sending u
[21:10] update in
[21:11] update out
[21:12] SuicideSquid_TAS> gg
[21:12] FanZaah in
[21:12] kaspa64> vgg
[21:13] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> GG
[21:18] Gladiator_TaS out
[21:20] [SW]zgjimi out
[21:22] HardToGet out
[21:23] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> mag mag :o
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> sergy :oo
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> jijo :ooo
[21:24] [TAS]Simba in
[21:24] legado-del-emacias> hope that was entertaining enough for u inca
[21:24] legado-del-emacias> whole game lags actually
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> miapon :oooo
[21:24] w33d> +++++++++3
[21:24] carbine> why u so lame weed suiciding
[21:24] Apocalypsis_TAS> simba :ooooo
[21:24] legado-del-emacias> whats the deal
[21:24] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS> Tsu-san :)
[21:24] [TAS]Simba> Apoc :}
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[21:25] w33d> no chance
[21:25] w33d> against matt
[21:25] [fu]king_pin in
[21:25] legado-del-emacias> na matts nothing special
[21:25] [TAS]Simba> Apoc 1 v1 ?
[21:25] legado-del-emacias> i just cant click
[21:25] legado-del-emacias> anymore
[21:25] [SW]zgjimi in
[21:25] legado-del-emacias> whole game lags
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> hm ok
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> toilet first
[21:25] [fu]king_pin> +3 light wars
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> sec
[21:25] legado-del-emacias> i wonder if i lag as host aswell hmmm
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> i just woke up
[21:25] Radagast_TAS out
[21:25] Apocalypsis_TAS> 1min ago
[21:26] [fu]king_pin> u guys can watch me pwn via weeds stream
[21:26] w33d> ra
[21:26] w33d> lets do blasts
[21:26] w33d> u host
[21:26] Kos_TAS> Games: DeltaEnemy and kill_sheep win against [fu]King_pin and kaspa64 on Sessrúmnir Palace
[21:26] Kos_TAS> sad
[21:27] [TAS]Simba out
[21:28] [TAS]Simba in
[21:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> bk
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> inca
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> i cant play anzmore
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> at all
[21:29] w33d> u can
[21:29] w33d> reinstall w8
[21:29] w33d> lol
[21:29] w33d> or download dxwnd
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> i can, just not good anymore
[21:29] w33d> onet framework
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> na fuck that
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> no point
[21:29] [fu]king_pin> +1 lights wars
[21:29] w33d> i instaleld w8 from w10
[21:29] legado-del-emacias> really no point
[21:29] w33d> just for pop
[21:30] legado-del-emacias out
[21:30] [fu]king_pin> +1
[21:30] [fu]king_pin> lights
[21:30] w33d> +++++1 blastz
[21:30] [fu]king_pin> join
[21:30] [fu]king_pin> 1 more lights
[21:30] [fu]king_pin> wed join u pussy
[21:31] [fu]king_pin> kasp join
[21:31] [fu]king_pin> light wars
[21:31] [fu]king_pin> 1more
[21:32] marks in
[21:32] [fu]king_pin> weed scared of lights
[21:32] w33d> not playin with delta
[21:32] marks out
[21:32] mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:33] [fu]king_pin> 1 more lights war
[21:33] [fu]king_pin> mahuta join
[21:33] carbine> mahuta
[21:33] carbine> rofl
[21:34] [fu]king_pin> join fuck face
[21:34] [fu]king_pin> +1 lights wars
[21:35] [Rw]Nici> um rissole
[21:35] mahmut1661_Tas out
[21:35] mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:35] mahmut1661_Tas out
[21:36] [fu]king_pin> supgay join
[21:36] [fu]king_pin> light wars
[21:36] supay> WHAT IS THAT
[21:36] supay> ?
[21:36] [fu]king_pin out
[21:38] hector1994 in
[21:39] w33d> +++1 blasts
[21:39] mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:39] davetherave1991> +2
[21:39] hector1994 out
[21:39] Kos_TAS out
[21:40] wil out
[21:40] davetherave1991> +1
[21:40] kaspa64> not with that team?
[21:40] kaspa64> not if the oppsition is a wild
[21:41] kaspa64> coz it will be too easy
[21:41] kaspa64> its not fair on them
[21:41] davetherave1991> hes ok
[21:41] kaspa64> 1 perspon gets stuck with a wild
[21:41] kaspa64> its not fait on them
[21:42] supay> they are not noobs
[21:42] Altair_TAS in
[21:43] davetherave1991> this isnt like it was 10 years ago. most noobs now are new accounts
[21:43] davetherave1991> arent new*
[21:43] davetherave1991> i was wildy a week ago. forgot my old account
[21:43] davetherave1991> and cant remember the one before that
[21:44] davetherave1991> back when EA owned the server
[21:44] davetherave1991> a lot has changed
[21:44] davetherave1991> +1
[21:45] w33d> ++++++++1
[21:45] w33d> blasts
[21:45] Sopsykop in
[21:45] kaspa64> kk
[21:45] [Fr]Supertune out
[21:45] kaspa64> if u dont mind teamin gihm
[21:46] Sopsykop> who is french ?
[21:47] Sopsykop out
[21:49] Sopsykop in
[21:50] Sopsykop out
[21:51] Sopsykop in
[21:51] [fu]king_pin in
[21:51] [fu]king_pin> inca spectate my game delta is forcing
[21:51] Sopsykop out
[21:51] [fu]king_pin> to not die
[21:52] [fu]king_pin out
[21:52] [fu]king_pin in
[21:52] [fu]king_pin> ban delta
[21:53] Shinobi90 out
[21:53] [fu]king_pin out
[21:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> fanza youre a noob
[21:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> like so much
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> it hurts
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> u lost to a war how do u feel
[21:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> simba made land :o
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> u should probably go kill ur self
[21:54] Altair_TAS> Whatuuuup
[21:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[21:54] mahmut1661_Tas> yo tsu :)
[21:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> hmm
[21:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> it seems i can try another
[21:54] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> +5 points
[21:54] burak in
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> -4 points
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> lmao
[21:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> rip
[21:55] redted1199 in
[21:55] mahmut1661_Tas> simba X ping
[21:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> we need 2more X
[21:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> and we get XXX
[21:55] Altair_TAS> Hmghmghm
[21:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[21:55] mahmut1661_Tas> hmmm i dont think altair can host u simba
[21:55] Altair_TAS> Router is being a bitch again
[21:55] carbine> Squid
[21:56] skaarj_guardian out
[21:56] Altair_TAS> someone else host
[21:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> only i have a star
[21:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[21:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> any level request ?
[21:56] mahmut1661_Tas> starboy
[21:56] Altair_TAS> Idungiveadamn
[21:56] mahmut1661_Tas> any
[21:56] Altair_TAS> Already glad to have a game
[21:56] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[21:57] burak out
[21:57] Sopsykop in
[21:58] carbine> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=273804 can you explain this game
[21:58] redted1199> some one teach me
[21:58] redted1199> more shit that i dont know
[21:58] [GoD]TheSent in
[21:59] Loz_Doz out
[21:59] int3r in
[21:59] redted1199> who wants to play
[22:00] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[22:00] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[22:00] Kiyana in
[22:00] SuicideSquid_TAS> aw yiss i am preacher once again
[22:00] redted1199> 3
[22:00] redted1199> 2
[22:00] redted1199> 1
[22:01] Tables out
[22:01] Mukuseijou in
[22:01] DeltaEnemy out
[22:01] DeltaEnemy in
[22:01] DeltaEnemy out
[22:01] Sopsykop out
[22:01] w33d out
[22:02] Mukuseijou out
[22:02] DeltaEnemy in
[22:02] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[22:03] DeltaEnemy out
[22:03] DeltaEnemy in
[22:03] kaspa64 out
[22:04] Sopsykop in
[22:04] Sopsykop> merci beaucoup !
[22:05] carbine> de rien
[22:05] Sopsykop> je suis un ancien fr de populous
[22:05] davetherave1991> moi francais est bof
[22:05] davetherave1991> non excellente
[22:06] davetherave1991> jai langlais
[22:06] DeltaEnemy out
[22:06] davetherave1991> oh dear
[22:06] DeltaEnemy in
[22:06] davetherave1991> poor guy went against carbon
[22:07] davetherave1991> +2
[22:08] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[22:08] Ninja_TaS in
[22:08] davetherave1991> +1
[22:09] [Rw]Mirage in
[22:09] DeltaEnemy out
[22:09] DeltaEnemy in
[22:09] Kiyana out
[22:10] DeltaEnemy out
[22:10] DeltaEnemy in
[22:10] legado-del-emacias in
[22:10] DeltaEnemy out
[22:11] davetherave1991> plus 1
[22:11] axel76 in
[22:11] [Rw]Mirage> yo axel
[22:11] [Rw]Mirage> :)
[22:11] Sopsykop> De ?
[22:11] Sopsykop> merci :)
[22:12] Sopsykop> je suis ano-pop pour ce qui connaisse
[22:12] axel76 out
[22:12] [Rw]Mirage> ouai ouai
[22:13] Sopsykop> oui oui quoi ?
[22:13] carbine> mirage
[22:13] carbine> guess what
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> je chante j'ai pas le droit ?
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> \\o/
[22:13] carbine> i just said a bunch of lines in french
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> *ç*
[22:13] carbine> using google translate
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> *_*
[22:13] carbine> talking to Sopsykop
[22:13] carbine> lol
[22:13] carbine> i helped him with a problem
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> you're a hero
[22:13] [Rw]Mirage> gratz
[22:13] carbine> Yes
[22:13] carbine> i am
[22:13] carbine> i feel good
[22:14] carbine> purechemist
[22:14] carbine> 1v1?
[22:14] carbine> i need easy points
[22:14] basz in
[22:14] carbine> to get preacher mid
[22:14] [Rw]Mirage> sopsy tes dou
[22:14] Sopsykop> comment ça ?
[22:14] [Rw]Mirage> tu viens d'ou de france
[22:15] Sopsykop> Région centre !
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> lol carbine
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> tell neo to come
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> that nubz0r
[22:15] Sopsykop> et toi ?
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> paris / la rochelle
[22:15] xhackerwizardx> im a cunt
[22:15] xhackerwizardx> :)
[22:15] Sopsykop> sa fais longtemps que tu joues ?
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> 11 ans
[22:15] [Rw]Mirage> ^-^
[22:16] Sopsykop> Ah bah tu m'as connu avec mon ancien compte alors ?
[22:16] [Rw]Mirage> lequel
[22:16] Sopsykop> Ano-pop
[22:16] [Rw]Mirage> nope connais pas
[22:16] [Rw]Mirage> jetais inactive pendant 5 ans
[22:16] int3r out
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> bitch imma kill you
[22:16] redted1199> HACKS
[22:16] [GoD]Eric out
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> :)
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> I red
[22:16] redted1199> lets train
[22:16] carbine> 1 V 1
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> hi
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> whats up my nigga'
[22:16] carbine> your white
[22:16] carbine> you cant say that
[22:16] xhackerwizardx> fucking rank up igga
[22:16] carbine> cracker
[22:16] carbine out
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> ha
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> carbine
[22:17] [Rw]Mirage> ?
[22:17] Sopsykop> http://www.popre.net/user.php?u=33071&mode=game
[22:17] [GoD]Eric in
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> you're so cute
[22:17] redted1199> lets goo
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> let me suck your white dick
[22:17] redted1199> bro
[22:17] JavaPvP in
[22:17] redted1199> tahats
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> cause that what black girls do
[22:17] redted1199> thats
[22:17] redted1199> weird
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> mmmm
[22:17] [Rw]Mirage> : |
[22:17] xhackerwizardx> im fucking crazy
[22:18] redted1199> nigga just play the damn game
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> i wouldnt be surprised if everyone blocks me
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> I CANT FUCKING HOST
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> :(
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> sorry bro
[22:18] redted1199> then join me fool
[22:18] Sopsykop out
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> too much porn
[22:18] Sopsykop in
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> i cant right now bro
[22:18] [SW]zgjimi out
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> I have work
[22:18] xhackerwizardx> AGh
[22:19] [SW]zgjimi in
[22:19] xhackerwizardx> god this lobby
[22:19] xhackerwizardx> where did carbine go?
[22:19] xhackerwizardx> he's cute
[22:20] xhackerwizardx> i'd let him tear this pussy up
[22:20] JavaPvP out
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> i cant believe that carbine is so fucking racist
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> that bitch
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> I am black jesus
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> nerdy but black
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> and im a guy
[22:21] xhackerwizardx> just so everyone knows haha
[22:22] 7ZaveX_TAS in
[22:22] xhackerwizardx> but whatevs
[22:22] xhackerwizardx> some people are just homos
[22:22] xhackerwizardx> imma go email that nigger
[22:22] xhackerwizardx> be right back
[22:22] Sopsykop> +1 just test if i can host or not
[22:23] [SW]zgjimi out
[22:23] redted1199> cya
[22:23] xhackerwizardx> nigga you cant host
[22:23] xhackerwizardx> inca
[22:23] xhackerwizardx> I need your help
[22:23] Sopsykop out
[22:23] [GoD]Divinity> What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !
[22:23] [GoD]Divinity> What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !What are the 6 ways of scattering any followers in Populous?The poll continues !What are the 6 ways of scattering a
[22:24] xhackerwizardx> jesus
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> clear
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> clear clear!
[22:24] xhackerwizardx> haha
[22:24] xhackerwizardx> damn scammer
[22:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> bastard spammers
[22:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> redted go away
[22:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> this is le 1v1
[22:25] redted1199> bastard
[22:25] xhackerwizardx> lol lol
[22:25] 7ZaveX_TAS> sorry man
[22:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> :***
[22:25] 7ZaveX_TAS> preplan
[22:25] SuicideSquid_TAS> make ur self red
[22:25] redted1199> love you too squidyy!
[22:25] redted1199> how
[22:26] xhackerwizardx> squid has a lot of pride bro
[22:26] redted1199> lol
[22:26] car_at in
[22:26] redted1199> i wanna play with someone
[22:27] DeltaEnemy in
[22:27] DeltaEnemy out
[22:27] redted1199> car a
[22:27] redted1199> car at
[22:27] redted1199> join me
[22:27] xhackerwizardx> squid will only play with people who are white
[22:27] redted1199> bro i am fucking white
[22:27] redted1199> XD
[22:27] xhackerwizardx> oh
[22:27] xhackerwizardx> well im black
[22:27] car_at> +2
[22:27] xhackerwizardx> so
[22:27] xhackerwizardx> shit man he racist
[22:28] redted1199> car at dont bother
[22:28] [TAS]Simba out
[22:28] redted1199> we wont find no more peepes
[22:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[22:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[22:28] redted1199> i got to much porn so i hacker wont join
[22:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[22:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> crashed :oo
[22:28] mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[22:28] mahmut1661_Tas> lol
[22:28] Altair_TAS> lol
[22:28] Altair_TAS> I don't think simba left
[22:28] Altair_TAS> gg guys
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> simba lagged out
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[22:29] Altair_TAS> prolly
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> ouch time to get ready for work now
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> maybe i can play tomorrow
[22:29] Altair_TAS> Yep, I'm off too
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> so play tomorrows
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[22:29] mahmut1661_Tas> yeah :)
[22:29] Altair_TAS> Not sure if I'm on tomorrow
[22:29] Altair_TAS> We'll see
[22:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> ye
[22:29] mahmut1661_Tas> i wil
[22:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> nice to hear :)
[22:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> anyway ttyl :)
[22:30] Altair_TAS> Cye guys ;)
[22:30] mahmut1661_Tas> ttyl :)))
[22:30] Altair_TAS out
[22:30] mahmut1661_Tas> bye two
[22:30] mahmut1661_Tas out
[22:32] [TAS]Simba in
[22:33] [TAS]Simba> -_-
[22:36] [Rw]Macca in
[22:37] VodHipdpz in
[22:39] DeltaEnemy in
[22:39] DeltaEnemy out
[22:39] DeltaEnemy in
[22:39] DeltaEnemy out
[22:40] [fu]King_Pin out
[22:40] [Rw]Macca in
[22:41] [Rw]Macca out
[22:45] ale4599 in
[22:45] [Rw]Macca out
[22:46] ale4599 out
[22:47] andromeda99 in
[22:47] andromeda99 out
[22:58] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[22:58] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[22:59] car_at out
[22:59] car_at in
[22:59] redted1199> again?
[22:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> adena :)
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> all
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> game anyy111
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> o.o
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> mr nude :o
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> magg is mr nude
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> gtg work today
[23:00] Harley-Quinn_tas> :o
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> so tomorrow
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> you are also nude all the time :o
[23:00] Ninja_TaS> gg
[23:00] davetherave1991> gg
[23:00] davetherave1991 out
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> we need to change our initial
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> TNB
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> The Nude Beach
[23:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:01] bone_collector in
[23:01] Harley-Quinn_tas> :O!!!
[23:01] bone_collector> man this game got more popular
[23:01] Harley-Quinn_tas> u are the Real Mr Food + Nude
[23:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> ive never showed my nude on fb :o
[23:03] Ninja_TaS out
[23:03] Apocalypsis_TAS> we got a ninja
[23:03] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:05] VodHipdpz in
[23:05] VodHipdpz out
[23:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> u did good
[23:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> ofc i did
[23:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> :)
[23:05] legado-del-emacias out
[23:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> aw shame it was unranked
[23:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> i needed the points ;))
[23:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> dude
[23:05] 7ZaveX_TAS> check the mathc
[23:06] 7ZaveX_TAS> match
[23:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella is a chick
[23:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> not dude
[23:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:06] 7ZaveX_TAS> you guys just take advantage of rusted people
[23:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> its unranked
[23:06] 7ZaveX_TAS> ;)
[23:06] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8GHf-aELjY
[23:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> no i am dude
[23:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> i call everyone dude
[23:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> even if girl
[23:06] joshpopulous in
[23:06] SuicideSquid_TAS> i call my dog dude
[23:07] joshpopulous out
[23:07] joshpopulous in
[23:07] joshpopulous out
[23:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> lolol
[23:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> show nudes on fb tsu
[23:08] bone_collector> +2
[23:08] tobias613 in
[23:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> youve seen my hands
[23:08] supay out
[23:08] Apocalypsis_TAS> its my nude enough
[23:09] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:09] supay in
[23:09] supay out
[23:09] supay in
[23:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> Adena hentai ne?
[23:10] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[23:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> x)
[23:10] Apocalypsis_TAS> iya, adena ha yokkyufuman na dake yo
[23:10] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:11] FanZaah out
[23:12] bone_collector> why are there so many people in here...but so few playing
[23:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> but now gtg work soon zavy :o
[23:12] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[23:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> o, youve lost against bella :o
[23:12] gylala999 out
[23:12] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella pwns :ooo
[23:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> ay wha?
[23:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> @bone its most active a few hours ago
[23:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> come back earlier
[23:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella still doesnt wanna play me :(
[23:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> ur too pro!!
[23:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> pathing
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> was to blame
[23:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> i will play with troops and tornado + blast only
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> wasn't me
[23:13] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[23:13] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:15] Taity-mini in
[23:15] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella still doesnt wanna :(
[23:15] Taity-mini> ?
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> btw
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> simba made land today
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:16] 7ZaveX_TAS> made land?
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> yeye
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> on pp
[23:16] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:17] cristobal in
[23:17] cristobal out
[23:17] Apocalypsis_TAS> and also i saw lb alerts on three way down
[23:17] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[23:17] Apocalypsis_TAS> its a miracle :o
[23:17] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[23:18] bone_collector> +1
[23:19] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol simba xD
[23:19] Harley-Quinn_tas> making land yay
[23:19] Harley-Quinn_tas> ^_^
[23:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[23:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> i should have taken ss
[23:19] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:20] tobias613> gooooo
[23:20] tobias613> pin ok
[23:20] bone_collector> gogoogoggogo
[23:21] [GoD]Divinity> http://www.twitch.tv/nicktron
[23:21] bone_collector> +1 for host
[23:22] bone_collector out
[23:23] FallbackSatsuma in
[23:28] FallbackSatsuma out
[23:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> gtg work
[23:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> i think i can be on tomorrow
[23:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[23:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> ttyl
[23:28] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[23:28] 7ZaveX_TAS> ttyl
[23:29] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[23:33] Almafuerte in
[23:34] Almafuerte out
[23:39] int3r in
[23:41] basz out
[23:41] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[23:42] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[23:44] 7ZaveX_TAS> sec plz
[23:44] 7ZaveX_TAS> tobias
[23:44] tobias613> k
[23:45] Taity-mini out
[23:46] Takanashi_Rikka_TAS out
[23:47] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[23:48] tobias613> what happend
[23:48] 7ZaveX_TAS> red left
[23:48] tobias613> damn
[23:48] tobias613> now im out
[23:48] 7ZaveX_TAS> here ill ally u
[23:49] tobias613> thanks dude :)
[23:49] 7ZaveX_TAS> int3r
[23:49] 7ZaveX_TAS> come
[23:49] tobias613> harley come
[23:49] 7ZaveX_TAS> you can ally harley
[23:49] tobias613> depending on the map
[23:49] tobias613> i guess
[23:50] supay> wtf
[23:53] IncaWarrior out
[23:55] Lummajak in
[23:55] Lummajak out
[23:55] Twilight_Sparkle in
[23:56] Twilight_Sparkle out
[23:57] Electric in
[23:58] [GoD]TheSent out
[23:59] sherminator31 in
[23:59] Electric out
[00:02] redted1199 out
[00:03] sherminator31 out
[00:03] Breska-arg in
[00:04] [GoD]Divinity out
[00:05] [GoD]Divinity in
[00:05] car_at out
[00:05] car_at in
[00:07] [GoD]Divinity> elohell
[00:07] [GoD]Divinity> fw rank?
[00:07] [GoD]Divinity> im shaman+
[00:07] [GoD]Divinity> but ok
[00:08] [GoD]Divinity> this elo decay is taking care of my life
[00:08] [GoD]Divinity> but i wont give up
[00:08] supay> ++++++++++++++1
[00:09] car_at out
[00:09] lobito_pro in
[00:13] s35472986 in
[00:13] [Rw]Nici> yea dont give up make the truth known !!
[00:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS in
[00:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS out
[00:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS in
[00:14] s35472986 out
[00:14] [Rw]Nici> AMOR
[00:14] [Rw]Nici> POR AMOR SE PAGA
[00:15] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Wut you want nici?
[00:15] supay> ++++++++++++++++++++1
[00:15] supay> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[00:16] [GoD]Eric> rip pop
[00:16] Breska-arg out
[00:16] supay> breska
[00:17] supay> ven
[00:18] [GoD]Divinity> me vengo en tu cullo
[00:18] supay> eso no tiene sentido
[00:18] supay> -___-
[00:18] supay> tranquilo, muerde almohada
[00:20] supay> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[00:20] supay> 1
[00:20] xhackerwizardx> yo necissito uno
[00:21] xhackerwizardx> lol
[00:21] xhackerwizardx> im not even sure that's how you spell it
[00:21] xhackerwizardx> ich brauche einen
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> i want piess
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> damn miss divinitys house
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> but only becauase of the filtered water
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> nothing else
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> it sucks bad u eat in the basement
[00:22] [Rw]Nici> like
[00:28] tobias613 out
[00:28] [Rw]Mirage out
[00:28] Harley-Quinn_tas> that was gay
[00:29] Twilight_Sparkle in
[00:29] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[00:30] lordpacco out
[00:30] lobito_pro out
[00:32] int3r out
[00:32] Flashlightning out
[00:32] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[00:33] car_at in
[00:33] Purechemist out
[00:35] basz in
[00:38] car_at> I'm actually lobito_pro
[00:40] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> hi adena
[00:40] supay> xD
[00:40] supay> con razon hablabas espańol
[00:40] car_at> sep
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> adena you are a pervert
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> by filtered water i didn't mean cum
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> you fag
[00:42] supay> juguemos una
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> i meant water!!!!
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> wow this guys seriously AÇTONICHE me
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> :(
[00:42] car_at> me vas a matar rapido :(
[00:42] [Rw]Nici> no
[00:43] [Rw]Nici> te voy a matar lentamente
[00:43] [Rw]Nici> ! :)
[00:43] car_at> see
[00:44] supay> dale,
[00:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> cala a boca
[00:44] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sapatăo
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> maganha
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> vou cagar
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> pensando em si*:*
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> *.*
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> levo meu telemóvel se quiser foto
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> eu lhe mando na mesma huhe
[00:45] [Rw]Nici> hue
[00:45] Harley-Quinn_tas> Eu quero casar com mag na vida real eu espero de ele dizer "sim" um dia <3
[00:46] Harley-Quinn_tas> brb
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> "de ele"
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> dunno where u translate
[00:46] [Rw]Nici> :ddddd
[00:47] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> manda me uma foto
[00:47] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> mas n tenho mais vc no whatsapp
[00:47] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> torquei de celular
[00:47] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> irei dizer năo adena, ainda mais do rush de ontem
[00:47] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> corno
[00:48] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> CHUPA ROLA
[00:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> google translate bro
[00:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[00:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> its bad right
[00:51] [Rw]Macca in
[00:51] [Rw]Nici> ele rushou-te?
[00:51] [Rw]Nici> wtf
[00:51] [Rw]Nici> ganda gay d
[00:52] [GoD]Divinity> stfu
[00:52] [GoD]Divinity> filtered water wins
[00:52] [Rw]Nici> only thing that wins
[00:53] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sim
[00:53] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> tres lights e 10 wars
[00:54] [Rw]Macca out
[00:54] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> voces e que sao gays :)
[00:56] [GoD]Divinity> eu sou
[00:56] [GoD]Divinity> gosto de pila fresquinha
[00:56] [GoD]Divinity> pela manhazinha
[00:59] WarBazan in
[01:01] camila07 in
[01:02] lordpacco in
[01:02] basz> wait sec
[01:02] basz out
[01:02] basz in
[01:04] lordpacco> damn large batteries
[01:04] OmegaOverride in
[01:05] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[01:06] [Rw]Macca in
[01:07] lordpacco> lol today this same model is 18% more expensive than when i bought it lol
[01:07] basz in
[01:08] basz out
[01:08] basz in
[01:09] basz out
[01:09] basz in
[01:10] car_at> gg
[01:11] car_at> see
[01:11] [Rw]Macca out
[01:12] supay out
[01:12] supay in
[01:12] supay out
[01:12] supay in
[01:13] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[01:13] car_at out
[01:15] basz out
[01:15] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS out
[01:15] [GoD]Divinity> baxter news
[01:15] [GoD]Divinity> hes eating this http://i.imgur.com/WqgapO3.jpg
[01:15] supay out
[01:15] [GoD]Divinity> as he told me
[01:15] [GoD]Divinity> fucking fat cunt
[01:17] Twilight_Sparkle> guys?
[01:17] Twilight_Sparkle> shut up
[01:17] matiasgaleano in
[01:18] camila07> mundos
[01:19] matiasgaleano out
[01:24] camila07 in
[01:27] camila07 out
[01:27] camila07 out
[01:28] Dolfo in
[01:30] Dolfo out
[01:30] peine in
[01:31] peine out
[01:46] xhackerwizardx out
[01:48] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[01:48] Twilight_Sparkle> :d
[01:49] bone_collector in
[01:49] basz> he dont fight
[01:49] basz> only build
[01:49] basz> 2v2?
[01:49] Twilight_Sparkle> k
[01:49] bone_collector> yes sess
[01:49] OmegaOverride out
[01:49] ponjaa5 in
[01:50] ponjaa5 out
[01:50] grim-ting in
[01:51] bone_collector> +1
[01:52] basz> +1
[01:52] basz> i hope i can fix my laggy mouse
[01:52] basz> donno whats wrong
[01:53] WarBazan out
[01:54] grim-ting out
[01:54] bone_collector> sure ok
[01:56] Sepultura in
[01:57] Sepultura out
[01:58] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[02:03] [Rw]Nici> basz tick 'fix mouse'
[02:03] [Rw]Nici> in options
[02:03] [Rw]Nici> should do
[02:03] [Rw]Nici> usually fixes mouse with lag i guess
[02:05] [GoD]Divinity> stfu
[02:05] [GoD]Divinity> for once
[02:07] aidan9211 in
[02:07] VodHipdpz out
[02:08] grim-ting in
[02:09] [Rw]Nici> for twice?
[02:09] [Rw]Nici> ok
[02:09] [Rw]Nici> olha no teu face
[02:09] [Rw]Nici> no browser ou la o crlh
[02:09] [Rw]Nici> qd olhas pa bola verde
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> diz alguma cena em alguem ou so mostra verde?
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> n diz web ou tele????
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> aqui desapareceu tudo fds
[02:10] [Rw]Nici> a cena do online caso na pruçbeste
[02:12] grim-ting> how do we play? im baffled
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> bafo do peido?
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> ok
[02:13] Illusina in
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> join a "empty"
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> on elft
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> middle is chat
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> right is players waiting or playing
[02:13] [GoD]Eric out
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> click twice to talk in pm
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> popre.net is the official website
[02:13] grim-ting> great thanks ^^
[02:13] [Rw]Nici> and on my house are cookies
[02:14] [Rw]Nici> tou a kmer umas bolachas mesmo boas caralho
[02:14] [Rw]Nici> juro é deliçioso
[02:14] [Rw]Nici> parece a pila do mag
[02:15] bone_collector out
[02:15] basz> ah
[02:15] basz> maybe aidan can join
[02:15] [GoD]Divinity out
[02:16] basz> where is bone
[02:16] basz> okok
[02:16] basz> aidan?
[02:16] basz> 1v1?
[02:16] basz> twilight spectates
[02:16] basz> and builds for fun
[02:16] Twilight_Sparkle> gogo .d
[02:17] basz> ill ask first
[02:17] basz> xD
[02:17] Twilight_Sparkle> he will play i guess
[02:17] aidan9211> yea sure
[02:17] basz> okok
[02:17] Twilight_Sparkle> see
[02:17] Twilight_Sparkle> :d
[02:17] Twilight_Sparkle> gogo
[02:17] basz> hmm
[02:17] basz> i dont see pings
[02:17] Davie013 in
[02:18] basz> wat a sec
[02:18] Twilight_Sparkle> k go
[02:18] Dolfo in
[02:18] Dolfo out
[02:20] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[02:20] int3r in
[02:20] Illusina out
[02:23] ice-t_tsi in
[02:28] bone_collector in
[02:29] bone_collector out
[02:29] DrThunderous in
[02:37] DrThunderous out
[02:39] hovering in
[02:39] hovering out
[02:46] [Rw]Nici> ha quem goste
[02:46] [Rw]Nici> ha quem odeie
[02:46] [Rw]Nici> eu cá gosto
[02:46] aeyon in
[02:46] aeyon out
[02:47] Vegeta_TSI in
[02:48] blueberrypi in
[02:49] Vegeta_TSI> inca
[02:49] Vegeta_TSI> ??
[02:50] blueberrypi out
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> thank God it is
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> sick of summer and holidays
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> wanna go back to school
[02:50] [Rw]Nici> fucking boring
[02:50] lordpacco> anti-geek
[02:52] Vegeta_TSI> nici
[02:52] Vegeta_TSI> summer is best
[02:52] Vegeta_TSI> Summerloves
[02:52] Vegeta_TSI> beach times
[02:52] Electric in
[02:53] IncaWarrior> ?
[02:53] Vegeta_TSI> it still says Update Complate
[02:53] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[02:53] [Rw]Nici> haha i think not but its just what i think
[02:53] IncaWarrior> that's good
[02:53] [Rw]Nici> ofc summer is great to rest and travel
[02:53] Vegeta_TSI> can we match MetchMeker
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> its Complete.
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> bro
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> dont like beach its kinda boring
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> rather spend time on beach with friends
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> and thats impossible
[02:54] IncaWarrior> no friends?
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> lolll
[02:54] seekvortex in
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> nici has friends
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> thanks for attempting to be funny inca
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> but for serious inca
[02:54] IncaWarrior> only vampire friends
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> that drives me insane
[02:54] [Rw]Nici> beach is far from here
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> Complate
[02:54] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> damn
[02:55] Rokubi in
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> so whats near you?
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> thats fun?
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> u guys on usa have got loads of beaches
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> u cant count with fingers can u
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> no im on the east coast
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> plenty of beachs
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> and rivers
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> where you from
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> I live near where Jamestown, USA.. where it started
[02:55] [Rw]Nici> i forgot
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> Lynchburg
[02:55] Vegeta_TSI> VA
[02:56] Vegeta_TSI> its like big college town, but i live off of that
[02:56] Vegeta_TSI> not near that maddness like 30 mins out
[02:56] [Rw]Nici> http://media.dma.mil/2012/Aug/29/2000751469/-1/-1/0/120829-A-CE999-001.JPG
[02:56] [Rw]Nici> you go here?
[02:56] [Rw]Nici> :d
[02:56] Vegeta_TSI> virginia beach?
[02:56] [Rw]Nici> yes
[02:56] [Rw]Nici> also
[02:56] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> i seen mushroomhead on 420 at VA beach
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> i think going to beach is different from going in for a swim or something else
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> right on that street
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> Atlantic boulevard
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> 1- u can drown 2-. a shark can attack u(hardly)
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> 3- it's always troublesome
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> shark attacks are getting worse
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> that guy hum
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> he from usa?
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> probably cuz we fucked them with all that oil
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> they mad now
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> LMAO
[02:57] int3r out
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> he was almost bitten
[02:57] [Rw]Nici> or something
[02:57] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> theirs alot
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> all the time
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> now its more often
[02:58] grim-ting out
[02:58] Electric out
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> yea specially on those zones
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> and thats not a thing to joke with
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> u get those teeths on ur feet
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> u say bye bye
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> lol
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> they go after surfers on boards cuz they look like seals
[02:58] [Rw]Nici> teeth
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> and bleeding people
[02:58] Vegeta_TSI> they hunt by blood
[02:59] [Rw]Nici> the younger you are the more they go after you?
[02:59] [Rw]Nici> fresh blood
[02:59] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[02:59] Vegeta_TSI> funny xD
[02:59] [Rw]Nici> dunno
[02:59] Vegeta_TSI> nici
[02:59] [Rw]Macca out
[02:59] Vegeta_TSI> why does gabber hate you
[02:59] Vegeta_TSI> let me ask pls lol
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> it wasn't cuz of that one game with you and matt was it?
[03:00] [Rw]Nici> cuz i was fighting against what he wanted
[03:00] [Rw]Nici> na
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> because i knew he was chillin then all of a sudden crazy
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> cuz im active usually on forums looking etc
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> to make sure everything is chill
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:00] [Rw]Nici> yea was funny tha game
[03:00] [Rw]Nici> gabber got my base
[03:00] [Rw]Nici> had matt to save it
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> i was fucking matt up
[03:00] Vegeta_TSI> he almost died ^^
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> yea at start i remember
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> but then he expanded like mad
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> now im better
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> wouldve used braves troops
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> etc
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> but that shithead is ahrd to beat
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> gabber didnt get better
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> he never does
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> when he has high pop
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> hes always that noob
[03:01] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[03:01] [Rw]Nici> ya he plays smart
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> well hes not a noob
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:01] Vegeta_TSI> but ye hes not the best
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> heard gabber was a cooker
[03:02] Vegeta_TSI> neither am I though honestly and weve played for awhile
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> IncaWarrior: confirm?
[03:02] Vegeta_TSI> duno
[03:02] Vegeta_TSI> cant do personal info
[03:02] Vegeta_TSI> etc
[03:02] basz out
[03:02] Vegeta_TSI> but ye it was blast shit and dismantle?
[03:02] lordpacco> lol
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> ye sure it was
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> u couldnt argue with gabber in lobby
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> he'd mute or ban you
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> if u talked about blasts
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> he was losing patience
[03:02] [Rw]Nici> was funny seeing his real face
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> ye think i said something couple times
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> in lobby
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> Hes not a bad guy, but you have to understand in community
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> its not just your way, its the communities.
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> he just went his way
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> It's just like inca
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> atm
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> none of both listen to community
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> both are stuck up faggots
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> just my opinion
[03:03] IncaWarrior> ban
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> why do you feel like that
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[03:03] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[03:03] [Rw]Nici> ok inca feel free to ban someone who speaks his mind lmao
[03:04] Vegeta_TSI> nici
[03:04] Vegeta_TSI> how long have you been rank 1
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> 2 years and 2 months
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> lol
[03:04] Vegeta_TSI> isn't that record?
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> its not like people a little below play too
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> otherwise it would be more interesting
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> hmm maybe
[03:04] [Rw]Nici> but nef was for a big time too
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> yea i didnt know he was that good when i played him
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> he tried doubling team mate entire game then just smashed me one attack
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> was awhile back
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> was just wondering thought that was kinda cool dude
[03:05] Vegeta_TSI> thats along time
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> well you prob were helping your ally
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> or distracted :p
[03:06] Vegeta_TSI> to be rekt mfrs :D
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> have to spend well on your ally otherwise
[03:06] Vegeta_TSI> its like i just get confused
[03:06] Vegeta_TSI> on big games
[03:06] Twilight_Sparkle out
[03:06] Vegeta_TSI> high pop lots of shit going on
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> well best help is to always attack who is doubling ur ally
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> the guy ahead
[03:06] [Rw]Nici> going mid to defend is kinda useless
[03:06] Vegeta_TSI> shaman chasing
[03:07] [Rw]Nici> now u gotta make sure u have a good ally to handle
[03:07] [Rw]Nici> yea too
[03:07] [Rw]Nici> vlek makes pp boring
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> i played with ra and sneak on pp
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> for like 2-4 months
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> then i got pissed at sneak
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[03:07] [Rw]Nici> why
[03:07] Vegeta_TSI> his attitude
[03:07] [Rw]Nici> how you mean
[03:08] [Rw]Nici> he lost?
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> ye think i was 1v1 ice-t
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> i was doing well
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> actually
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> duno he just lost it
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> i was like f that :D
[03:08] [Rw]Nici> he lost suddenly to ra?
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:08] [Rw]Nici> well its annoying when your ally loses you the game
[03:08] [Rw]Nici> its not your fault
[03:08] [Rw]Nici> i mean theres something you can obviously do
[03:08] Vegeta_TSI> ya not being used to that shit
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> but u cant defend by him etc
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> when u get thrown into bigger games
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> shit changes
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> its not like noob games
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> at all
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> yea gap is different
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> like switching from sp to noob games here
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> noob games to bigger games
[03:09] [Rw]Nici> gap is big*
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> yeah thats why keith gets mad
[03:09] wil in
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> he think gap is too big
[03:09] Vegeta_TSI> no one will ever reach etc
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> not even himself now
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> he must be bad as shit
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> he won't ever get the skilled he used to have
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> never
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> guy is done
[03:10] Vegeta_TSI> i knew keith back in the day, but i stopped playing
[03:10] Vegeta_TSI> i used to play with sunama
[03:10] Vegeta_TSI> he was my homie serious
[03:10] Vegeta_TSI> we helped one another in mplayer
[03:10] Almafuerte in
[03:10] Vegeta_TSI> then he suddenly better lol like insanely
[03:10] [Rw]Nici> but in the upcoming years people will say keiths skill is like electrics or aidans
[03:11] Almafuerte out
[03:11] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sec
[03:11] [Rw]Nici> pop was easy to learn for sunama maybe
[03:11] [Rw]Nici> its hard at start when you play so much with a mate you know here
[03:11] [Rw]Nici> and he suddenly starts getting good
[03:11] [Rw]Nici> and you feel like you're losing your feet
[03:11] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:11] Vegeta_TSI> when i first came back
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> it was weird
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> way more competitive
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> we all start with same men in a map
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> got a mouse
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> different vibe in lobby etc
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> arrow keys
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> but you have to admit tho
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> rest is just.... the rest
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> new players like Maganha and Kos
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> and others
[03:12] Vegeta_TSI> reaching that level
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> yea they improved fast
[03:12] [Rw]Nici> depends how much are you willing to spend to learn
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> i didnt realize for alogn time shaman control was important too
[03:13] [Rw]Nici> true
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> now to watch new players
[03:13] [Rw]Nici> you used to dodge less
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> its horrible as shit
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> stay in towers, not use braves
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:13] wil> sorry
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> its not anyones fault tho
[03:13] Vegeta_TSI> its just not knowing
[03:14] [Rw]Nici> well it's just mentality at that time in the game
[03:14] [Rw]Nici> you think its best
[03:14] [Rw]Nici> so you do it
[03:14] [Rw]Nici> perfectly fine
[03:14] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:14] Vegeta_TSI> i cant watch streams dude
[03:14] [Rw]Nici> y?
[03:14] Vegeta_TSI> for one reason, its way too fast to learn off of
[03:14] Vegeta_TSI> ye u can see overall concept
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> but those small basic things you do that no one does
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> you dont even realize
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> well what better people streaming do is nothing different from what all other players who know basic things do
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> me thinks
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> ye but like
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> watching some of your FO games and shit
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> its just in the small details because the skill gap is not too big
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> especailly the funny ones with alex
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> LMAO
[03:15] [Rw]Nici> lmao vs howl and matt?
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> \o
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> Howl was decent tho
[03:15] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[03:16] Vegeta_TSI> funny d00d
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> yea he was
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> but he was an AsG
[03:16] Harley-Quinn_tas> hey wat are u playing vegeta
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> just as every other AsG he was gay
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> all he did was host, play hismaps
[03:16] Vegeta_TSI> i have no idea
[03:16] Vegeta_TSI> thats my neighbor
[03:16] Vegeta_TSI> seekvortex
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> disrespectfu
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> hey seekvortex
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> if josh shouts out loud
[03:16] [Rw]Nici> do you hear him
[03:16] Harley-Quinn_tas> zave did u pick a map
[03:16] Harley-Quinn_tas> 0.o
[03:17] aidan9211 out
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> hes afk i bet
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> on xbox
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> etc
[03:17] aidan9211 in
[03:17] [Rw]Nici> shout on the guy
[03:17] [Rw]Nici> tell him to sssssssss
[03:17] 7ZaveX_TAS> i dont have xbox nor need one
[03:17] 7ZaveX_TAS> i dont use consoles
[03:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi nici (punches nici in the foot) then leaves
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> LMAO
[03:17] Vegeta_TSI> that punch would hurt
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> pwned
[03:18] Vegeta_TSI> YOUR FOOT BROKE
[03:18] IncaWarrior> you have to do it like
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> <3
[03:18] IncaWarrior> /me punches harley in the foot
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> how u do it like that?
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[03:18] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> +1
[03:18] IncaWarrior> you do /me
[03:18] Vegeta_TSI> "/me"
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> /me hi
[03:18] Harley-Quinn_tas> ohh
[03:18] Vegeta_TSI> /me eats mad pizza has drool on his face
[03:18] lordpacco> /me mimimi
[03:19] Vegeta_TSI> mirage trying to 1v1
[03:19] Vegeta_TSI> all morning
[03:19] Vegeta_TSI> in blasts
[03:19] Vegeta_TSI> he beat me once,
[03:19] Vegeta_TSI> that map vlahavhalvah
[03:20] [fu]mrkooPRO26 out
[03:27] [Rw]Nici> you know
[03:27] [Rw]Nici> shat myself
[03:27] [Rw]Nici> so im changing pant
[03:27] [Rw]Nici> ok
[03:27] [Rw]Nici> bye
[03:35] Harley-Quinn_tas> -_-
[03:35] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[03:35] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:36] Vegeta_TSI> feels like my mouse is laggin in game or sth weird
[03:36] Vegeta_TSI> duno
[03:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> what prog u had on?
[03:36] Harley-Quinn_tas> maybe thats why
[03:36] Vegeta_TSI> reformatted my pc to windows 7
[03:36] aidan9211> the game was runing a little slow i think
[03:36] Vegeta_TSI> now its weird
[03:36] MaximilionRamos in
[03:37] Harley-Quinn_tas> what did u have before
[03:37] Harley-Quinn_tas> it may be your mouse driver isnt responding well to win 7
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> true
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> that could be it actually
[03:38] seekvortex out
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> i have
[03:38] Harley-Quinn_tas> thats if u use some fancy mouse tho
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> i had xp
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> ya
[03:38] Vegeta_TSI> i have weird mouse a
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> or some reg microsoft mouse then it should be fine
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> plus its
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> wireless
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> ah
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> wireless
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> there u go
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> it sucks
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> ok
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> i need to change
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> one sec
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> ty
[03:39] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[03:39] Harley-Quinn_tas> ok
[03:41] ice-t_tsi out
[03:45] Harley-Quinn_tas> i think mag afk
[03:45] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> sec
[03:48] Alejandro4 in
[03:48] Alejandro4> VEGETAA
[03:48] Alejandro4> BRODEEEEEEEER
[03:48] Alejandro4> _DD
[03:48] Alejandro4> :DD
[03:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> alejadnro is nob
[03:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> :)
[03:49] Alejandro4> who are you ?
[03:49] Alejandro4> PARCEROOOOOOOOOOO
[03:49] Alejandro4> PARCEROOOOOOOOOOOOOO u had a girl name,.
[03:49] Alejandro4> i thought u're a man
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> i am
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> alejandro
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> come ally me d00d
[03:50] Harley-Quinn_tas> :)
[03:50] Rokubi> wow
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> awesome
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> been awhile
[03:50] Vegeta_TSI> ^^
[03:51] Alejandro4> nice
[03:51] wil> map?
[03:51] Vegeta_TSI> sess is fine
[03:51] Vegeta_TSI> idm
[03:51] Alejandro4> vegetta
[03:51] Alejandro4> i m sooooo rusty.
[03:51] Vegeta_TSI> its cool lol
[03:51] Alejandro4> i dont play this
[03:51] Alejandro4> idk
[03:52] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[03:52] Alejandro4> come on
[03:52] Vegeta_TSI> u remember in teamspeak
[03:52] Alejandro4> launcj.
[03:53] Alejandro4> yes
[03:54] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> esses caras săo fodas
[03:54] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> +1 unrank
[03:54] Rokubi> falo nada
[03:54] Vegeta_TSI> ale?
[03:54] Alejandro4> fuick
[03:54] 7ZaveX_TAS> whats goin on adena?
[03:54] Alejandro4> dik
[03:55] Alejandro4> idk
[03:55] Alejandro4> this pp
[03:55] Alejandro4> warp me again.
[03:55] Alejandro4> send
[03:55] Alejandro4> g
[03:55] _ale4599 in
[03:55] Alejandro4> fuck this.
[03:55] Vegeta_TSI> we;re coming back
[03:55] Vegeta_TSI> 00d
[03:55] _ale4599 out
[03:55] Alejandro4> whats with mm now.
[03:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> k
[03:56] Harley-Quinn_tas> downloading a movie
[03:56] [Rw]Nici> alejandro valverde
[03:56] Alejandro4> nici
[03:56] Electric out
[03:56] Alejandro4> u hacker.
[03:56] [Rw]Nici> stfu
[03:56] [Rw]Nici> alberto
[03:56] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> x
[03:57] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> XXXxxXxXXXxxxXXXXxxxX
[03:57] Harley-Quinn_tas> spammer
[03:57] lordpacco> odeio quando acaba poçăo no jogo :/
[04:12] [Rw]Nici> m,,,,,,,,
[04:12] _ale4599 in
[04:12] _ale4599 out
[04:12] _ale4599 in
[04:13] _ale4599 out
[04:15] aidan9211 out
[04:19] hiroshi1437 in
[04:21] int3r in
[04:21] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> fala um mapa agora
[04:21] int3r> river campeoooooooooooooooon
[04:21] int3r> vamoooooooooooooo
[04:21] int3r> laputa madreee vamo riveeeeeeeeer
[04:22] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> map?
[04:23] 7ZaveX_TAS> idc
[04:23] Alejandro4 out
[04:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> well are we playing?
[04:24] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> yeah
[04:24] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> fala um mapa caio
[04:24] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> n tenho ideia
[04:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> hwo about
[04:24] int3r> never play this map
[04:24] 7ZaveX_TAS> lets do three way down
[04:24] Rokubi> we gonna do 4 way
[04:25] Rokubi> told him first :P
[04:25] Rokubi> u will ally me xD
[04:26] MaximilionRamos out
[04:27] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[04:27] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[04:29] wil> acaso ya no hay nadie?
[04:30] Thunderbass in
[04:31] Thunderbass out
[04:33] Albert607 in
[04:36] [Rw]Nici out
[04:36] hiroshi1437 out
[04:42] wil out
[04:45] Radagast_TAS in
[04:52] xhackerwizardx in
[04:55] wil in
[04:55] wil out
[05:03] car_at in
[05:05] car_at out
[05:06] Rokubi> damn
[05:06] darthvadr in
[05:06] Rokubi> eu fui a 42 de pop
[05:07] Rokubi> pra ele desistir assim
[05:07] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> os cara tudo desanima
[05:07] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> por isso nunca sobem de rank
[05:08] darthvadr out
[05:08] Rokubi> olha o grafico de pops
[05:08] Radagast_TAS> >FV
[05:09] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> eu v
[05:09] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> i
[05:09] Radagast_TAS> >F(
[05:09] Rokubi> zavex
[05:09] Rokubi> i said dont give up
[05:09] Rokubi> cmon :\
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> map baes
[05:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> im human dude
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> yo baes?
[05:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> i get pissed off sometimes
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> bae's
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> u there
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> bae's?
[05:10] Vegeta_TSI> '
[05:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> babe's
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> Babe
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> ?
[05:11] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> walls?
[05:11] 7ZaveX_TAS> wat adena
[05:11] Vegeta_TSI> im here got sucked into project
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> no 1 here I guess
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> all afk
[05:11] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> you cant rotate if u want
[05:11] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> to do that
[05:11] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> can*
[05:11] Radagast_TAS> im bored.
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> ok ill rotate
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> ill ally my other right hand man
[05:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> rakishi
[05:11] Radagast_TAS> someone will stream?
[05:11] Radagast_TAS> but i guess i will spectate simply.
[05:12] Radagast_TAS> I like to switch tribes.
[05:12] Radagast_TAS> and compare players in my mind haha
[05:12] Vegeta_TSI> nice
[05:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/7143486/600full-rikishi.jpg
[05:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> rokubi thats ur new nickname
[05:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> rakishi
[05:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> go change it ill wait for u here
[05:12] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> go adena
[05:13] Rokubi> loooooooooooooooooool
[05:13] Rokubi> never
[05:13] Rokubi> hahahahah
[05:13] int3r> 10 weeks plays this game
[05:14] Radagast_TAS> go I wanna see that game................... and go to the toilet.. :P
[05:14] Radagast_TAS> the fun fact is
[05:14] Radagast_TAS> if simba would be here
[05:14] Radagast_TAS> we could host another game :P
[05:14] Harley-Quinn_tas> seccc
[05:14] Vegeta_TSI> stop eating
[05:14] Vegeta_TSI> chicken
[05:14] Vegeta_TSI> adena :D
[05:14] Radagast_TAS> I count 4
[05:15] Radagast_TAS> Ive prepared seafood spaghetti...
[05:15] Vegeta_TSI> damn wish i had some buffalo wings right nw
[05:15] Radagast_TAS> the most sad thing you can feel is
[05:15] Radagast_TAS> when the everybody is sleeping and oure the only one eating what you cooked ;n;
[05:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> magg u want to host?
[05:15] Radagast_TAS> why I slept all wrong these days..
[05:15] Harley-Quinn_tas> u rotate it
[05:15] tank_lf4 in
[05:15] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> map and team
[05:16] Harley-Quinn_tas> walls me and rakishi if thats fine
[05:19] Harley-Quinn_tas> twitch.tv/nojillys
[05:20] int3r out
[05:21] lalaboy in
[05:25] car_at in
[05:28] car_at out
[05:31] Dolfo in
[05:31] Dolfo out
[05:32] [TAS]Simba> Rofl
[05:32] [TAS]Simba> I can't remember the damn movie that song comes from
[05:32] [TAS]Simba> I think it was Dusk Til Dawn
[05:44] aidan9211 in
[05:44] aidan9211 out
[05:45] aidan9211 in
[05:48] [TAS]Simba> son of a preacher man
[05:48] [TAS]Simba> /me does an 80 groovy dance
[05:49] Radagast_TAS out
[05:49] Radagast_TAS in
[05:55] Lupin_the_3rd in
[05:55] Radagast_TAS> +2 for ranked or not ranked game, for pure fun.
[05:57] rancidrnz in
[06:00] Radagast_TAS> +1 for fun game
[06:08] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> flaou mano
[06:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> tried saving u green
[06:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> mgg
[06:08] Vegeta_TSI> GG
[06:08] MrSuicideSheep_TAS> cya
[06:08] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[06:08] Vegeta_TSI> ty
[06:08] Vegeta_TSI> i tried to blast red ppl
[06:08] Vegeta_TSI> at end
[06:08] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[06:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> i was messing around
[06:08] Harley-Quinn_tas> tbh
[06:08] Radagast_TAS> hehehehehehehehehehehehehe
[06:08] Radagast_TAS> funny end guys
[06:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> lollol ikr rada
[06:09] Lupin_the_3rd out
[06:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> haha
[06:09] Radagast_TAS> thats my kind of populous
[06:09] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[06:09] Radagast_TAS> messing everything
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> his pop went from 171 to 93
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> at end
[06:09] Radagast_TAS> :P
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[06:09] Radagast_TAS> mhhmmhmhmhmh B))
[06:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> hahaha
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> i had two warrior huts in back
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> i pumped them out
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> as soon as adena said im coming
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> i knew he would bd me
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[06:09] Vegeta_TSI> so i preplanned
[06:09] Harley-Quinn_tas> i didnt notice i had u on pvt too
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> that was fail
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> bonjour?
[06:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol lupin
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> omgg
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> wanna play this one?
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> unranked hmm?
[06:10] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol wht?
[06:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> you obviously watched that movie
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> zavey can play
[06:10] [TAS]Simba> Lup, Lup
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> ill do pp
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> or vegeta
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> that slut
[06:10] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> im getting decent
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> fuck off
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> im still slow tho
[06:10] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> yo all :)
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> i need to practice a bit
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> my shaman died twenty times
[06:10] 7ZaveX_TAS> yo :)
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> ive noticed i was fucking rusty ;u;
[06:10] Vegeta_TSI> in beginning
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> *cries*
[06:10] Radagast_TAS> ah man
[06:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> im slow too
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[06:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> :(
[06:11] Radagast_TAS> i cant host
[06:11] Vegeta_TSI> that expanding tho
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> im uber rusty
[06:11] Vegeta_TSI> lmfao
[06:11] Radagast_TAS> *long neck thourgh adena*
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lost vs Carbine lol
[06:11] Radagast_TAS> *to stare at him*
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> on fo
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> -lol
[06:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[06:11] Vegeta_TSI> wtf hhappened
[06:11] Vegeta_TSI> to blues towers in mid
[06:11] Harley-Quinn_tas> wow sad lupion
[06:11] Vegeta_TSI> lmfao
[06:11] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> can we startr?
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> -y
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> i had all towers in my base
[06:12] 7ZaveX_TAS> what happens when all the people in pop are TAS? will everyone just play games and forget the points ego thing?
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lost all my speed
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> yeah
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> for fun
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> lol 7z
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i would like to be a brave
[06:12] 7ZaveX_TAS> lol
[06:12] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :D
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> i told yoshi last night thats only reason i left
[06:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> points are overated
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> had to split up lobby
[06:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> eric goes hard for them
[06:12] Radagast_TAS> idc of points
[06:12] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[06:12] Radagast_TAS> cuz ive never rly ranked up
[06:12] Radagast_TAS> i was always leaving XD
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> lol adena
[06:12] Radagast_TAS> pop for months
[06:12] Vegeta_TSI> u from months ago to now is completely diff
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> dawwh cant host
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> someone else host?
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> want to 1v1 on pp d00d?
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> I think im up for it
[06:13] Harley-Quinn_tas> thats so true
[06:13] Harley-Quinn_tas> LOL
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> i want to pp at 2v2
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> unranked if you want :o
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> need practice here. :o
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> ive got pwned in 5 minutes another days
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> and i confess
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> i thought i could cross BD
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> i didnt rly like this XD
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> to loose like that ah my
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> on that map we just played
[06:13] Radagast_TAS> so shame
[06:13] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i cant
[06:13] Vegeta_TSI> 4way or whatever
[06:14] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> sry
[06:14] Vegeta_TSI> ok
[06:14] 7ZaveX_TAS> pop is too fast paced for me today. Gonna watch movies.
[06:14] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> miapon
[06:14] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> join ms
[06:14] Radagast_TAS> need to relog
[06:14] Radagast_TAS out
[06:14] Vegeta_TSI> mm automatically kicks
[06:14] Radagast_TAS in
[06:14] Vegeta_TSI> she thought it was me lol
[06:15] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> yeah
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> :(
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[06:15] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[06:15] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> do nonranked
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> i only kick spies
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> i mean
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> wildmen
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[06:15] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> hate playing for points
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> ok
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> can you join rada?
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> ok cool
[06:15] Radagast_TAS> cmon kick me
[06:15] Vegeta_TSI> exiting fb etc
[06:15] Radagast_TAS> im ready
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> /me butt ready to be kicked
[06:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> im ok with 4 way
[06:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> /me with majesticness
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> which
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> pp?
[06:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> we dont kick ladies lol
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> im gay
[06:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> 4 way?
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> ok
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> we just played
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> 4way
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> L:((((((((
[06:16] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> but promise me pp after! :o
[06:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> its my worst map
[06:16] Radagast_TAS> i rly need practice :o
[06:17] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> wanna improve
[06:17] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :O
[06:17] Radagast_TAS> i wanna improve pp
[06:17] Vegeta_TSI> on 4way?
[06:17] Radagast_TAS> tom
[06:17] Radagast_TAS> cr8
[06:17] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> tom ok
[06:17] Radagast_TAS> fo
[06:17] Vegeta_TSI> ok
[06:17] Radagast_TAS> im noob at so much maps ^^;
[06:17] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> but let me be yelow
[06:18] [TAS]Simba> is my twitch activated?
[06:20] [TAS]Simba> http://www.twitch.tv/slusimba
[06:20] aidan9211> no...offline
[06:20] Radagast_TAS> offline
[06:20] Radagast_TAS> anyway
[06:20] Radagast_TAS> they can spectate us
[06:20] Radagast_TAS> lets play ^^
[06:21] TFredx in
[06:24] TFredx out
[06:25] [TAS]Simba> :o im stremaing
[06:27] aidan9211> kind of....really out of sync
[06:27] aidan9211> and keeps sticking
[06:28] aidan9211 out
[06:33] Melissa1993 in
[06:35] Harley-Quinn_tas> cool stream simba
[06:35] [TAS]Simba> ty
[06:36] [Sr]Spark in
[06:36] Rokubi out
[06:37] [Sr]Spark out
[06:38] TFredx in
[06:41] tank_lf4 out
[06:44] [SW]AOD111 in
[06:45] Harley-Quinn_tas> whoa a bd
[06:45] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[06:46] TFredx out
[06:46] Harley-Quinn_tas> sup melissa
[06:46] Harley-Quinn_tas> how'd you heard of pop never seen u here b4
[06:46] [TAS]Simba out
[06:47] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> gg
[06:47] Harley-Quinn_tas> aw simba died?
[06:47] Harley-Quinn_tas> lmfao
[06:47] Radagast_TAS> GG.
[06:47] Radagast_TAS> .
[06:47] Radagast_TAS> ...
[06:47] Radagast_TAS> .......
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> dude
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> my pop was so low
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> entire game
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> and got mid back
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> then he bds
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> after regaining mid
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> ol
[06:47] Vegeta_TSI> toms a bitch :D
[06:48] Vegeta_TSI> look pop chart
[06:48] TFredx in
[06:48] Radagast_TAS> im worse than never
[06:48] Radagast_TAS> ;n;
[06:48] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[06:48] Radagast_TAS> its game i do im getting noober
[06:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> u guys are cute
[06:48] Harley-Quinn_tas> <3
[06:48] Melissa1993> hello i am new
[06:48] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mz pop was higher then both of all time
[06:48] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[06:48] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> and i was lagging
[06:48] Radagast_TAS> i dont know what happens with me these last days
[06:48] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[06:48] Vegeta_TSI> in beginning eqs n shit
[06:48] Radagast_TAS> i was lagging too
[06:48] Melissa1993> But i wanna play
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> but couldnt say it
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> but the thing
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> i tstill want to play
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> but
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> who will ally me?
[06:49] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi melissa
[06:49] Vegeta_TSI> for some reason my host sucks lately
[06:49] Radagast_TAS> shit as iam?
[06:49] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ok i gtg
[06:49] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cya all
[06:49] Vegeta_TSI> cya d00d
[06:49] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> being honest
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> its been a while ive seen someone back dooring on tim
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> tom
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> like 2 years ago
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> so i wasnt expecting it ^^;
[06:50] Vegeta_TSI> radagast
[06:50] Radagast_TAS> tim hortons
[06:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> gn all
[06:51] Harley-Quinn_tas> <33333333333333333333333
[06:51] Radagast_TAS> :ooo
[06:51] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[06:54] [TAS]Simba in
[06:57] xhackerwizardx out
[07:02] Vegeta_TSI out
[07:03] Rokubi in
[07:05] Melissa1993> Common
[07:08] lordpacco out
[07:11] Rokubi out
[07:14] DrThunderous in
[07:15] TFredx out
[07:15] [SW]AOD111 out
[07:15] DrThunderous in
[07:19] DrThunderous out
[07:21] Kos_TAS in
[07:22] DrThunderous out
[07:23] Melissa1993> Waa i lost
[07:23] Melissa1993> I was fun
[07:23] Melissa1993> Yeah
[07:23] Melissa1993> Woow! :D
[07:24] Melissa1993> No
[07:24] Melissa1993> Thanks
[07:24] Melissa1993> Jajaja
[07:25] Melissa1993> Yeah i notice that, well i should practice
[07:25] Kos_TAS> who you talk to
[07:25] Melissa1993> ok
[07:26] DrThunderous in
[07:27] [SW]AOD111 in
[07:27] Melissa1993> An i new with this so it's difficult for me, but thank you n.n
[07:27] Melissa1993> You are so nice.
[07:28] Melissa1993> Ok, thanks for the advice.
[07:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[07:28] [TAS]Simba> Shut up Melissa
[07:28] [TAS]Simba> ASAP
[07:28] [TAS]Simba> A.fucken.Sap.
[07:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> simba
[07:29] Melissa1993> Haha
[07:29] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> 1vs1 fun game_
[07:29] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ?
[07:29] [TAS]Simba> I'm jk
[07:29] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> nonranked
[07:29] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> training
[07:29] [TAS]Simba> k
[07:29] Kos_TAS> let me watch
[07:29] [TAS]Simba> gimme a sec
[07:30] Kos_TAS> LEMME WATCH
[07:31] Melissa1993> Goodbye Radagast and thanks
[07:31] DrThunderous out
[07:31] Kos_TAS> can u guys
[07:31] Kos_TAS> waiyt
[07:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> need to play with bot
[07:32] Kos_TAS> i neewd to take toilet
[07:32] Kos_TAS> or go without me
[07:32] wins in
[07:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> sec
[07:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> phone
[07:33] wins out
[07:34] TFredx in
[07:34] DrThunderous out
[07:34] Kos_TAS> back
[07:35] Michele in
[07:37] DrThunderous in
[07:38] Melissa1993 out
[07:38] DrThunderous in
[07:39] Kos_TAS> .šllšlš.šl
[07:40] DrThunderous in
[07:40] Chris432 in
[07:40] Radagast_TAS out
[07:40] Chris432 out
[07:41] Radagast_TAS in
[07:41] Michele out
[07:41] [TAS]Simba out
[07:42] [fu]King_Pin in
[07:42] [TAS]Simba in
[07:43] JuanEmanuel89 in
[07:43] Melissa1993 in
[07:44] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i Had 7 watcher from lobby
[07:45] [SW]AOD111 out
[07:45] DrThunderous out
[07:47] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> he will be doctor too
[07:47] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> she*
[07:47] DrThunderous out
[07:50] Shinobi90 in
[07:51] Access_Dan-ied in
[07:51] Access_Dan-ied out
[07:52] Shinobi90 out
[07:52] murachi in
[07:52] marks in
[07:53] murachi out
[07:54] marks out
[07:57] matej in
[07:57] matej out
[08:00] Sepultura in
[08:00] mahmut1661_Tas in
[08:01] Sepultura out
[08:01] IncaWarrior in
[08:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[08:03] Radagast_TAS out
[08:03] Radagast_TAS in
[08:03] TFredx out
[08:06] IncaWarrior out
[08:10] Radagast_TAS> what map?
[08:10] mahmut1661_Tas> something else then pp
[08:10] mahmut1661_Tas> ive done pp yesterday to much
[08:10] mahmut1661_Tas> vs Bella
[08:11] Radagast_TAS> dawwh cant launch simba
[08:11] mahmut1661_Tas> i canty host simba unfortunally
[08:11] Kos_TAS> my host is laggy
[08:11] mahmut1661_Tas> cool serj can
[08:12] mahmut1661_Tas> but atleast we can get a game
[08:12] Kos_TAS> map?
[08:12] Kos_TAS> not 4way please
[08:12] mahmut1661_Tas> any except pp
[08:12] Kos_TAS> enough of this shit
[08:12] Kos_TAS> wom? lol
[08:12] [TAS]Simba> MaP: MI
[08:12] Kos_TAS> k
[08:13] mahmut1661_Tas> oki
[08:19] 7ZaveX_TAS out
[08:22] Melissa1993 out
[08:25] Doraemon in
[08:27] Melissa1993 in
[08:36] Poopulous in
[08:39] JuanEmanuel89 out
[08:41] Poopulous out
[08:42] Mijagi in
[08:42] Mijagi out
[08:55] JuanEmanuel89 in
[08:56] JuanEmanuel89 out
[08:59] JuanEmanuel89 in
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> gg
[08:59] mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> guys!
[08:59] [TAS]Simba> gg
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> i lost my memory for pop
[08:59] mahmut1661_Tas> simba was streaming :oo
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> i need your help! :o
[08:59] [TAS]Simba> The lag gave you so much help yello
[08:59] [TAS]Simba> I was :o
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> no
[08:59] Kos_TAS> from 20 mins
[08:59] Kos_TAS> my pop was so epic
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> im truly noob now
[08:59] mahmut1661_Tas> cool simba
[08:59] [TAS]Simba> thats prolly why i was so sloe and couldnt dodge
[08:59] Radagast_TAS> i forgot how toplay
[08:59] [TAS]Simba> lights
[09:00] Radagast_TAS> lets rematch for practice guys!
[09:00] Radagast_TAS> i need your help by trainig! :p
[09:00] Kos_TAS> not this map lol
[09:00] Kos_TAS> based on hill camping
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> let play m4
[09:00] mahmut1661_Tas> i dunno i was focused on kosjak so havent seen u play sima
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> whatever the map is with the split int he middle
[09:00] mahmut1661_Tas> simba*
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> I was lagging cause of my stream
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> I couldn't hardly dodge yellow lights
[09:00] Radagast_TAS> damnit
[09:00] Kos_TAS> lol
[09:00] Radagast_TAS> 4 am :o
[09:00] Kos_TAS> double lag
[09:00] Radagast_TAS> lets play fast
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> i was like wtf
[09:00] [TAS]Simba> this is ridiculous
[09:01] Radagast_TAS> gtg at 4 30 AM :o
[09:01] [TAS]Simba> didn't know my stream was on but it's off now
[09:01] mahmut1661_Tas> oki
[09:01] Kos_TAS> i am a bit tired of playing
[09:01] Radagast_TAS> cmon guys :o
[09:01] [TAS]Simba> wont let me join hut
[09:01] [TAS]Simba out
[09:02] Radagast_TAS> *sighs*
[09:02] Radagast_TAS> ok...
[09:02] [TAS]Simba in
[09:02] Radagast_TAS> was only wishing to find back the aggressivity i had before. :/
[09:02] [TAS]Simba> host kos
[09:02] Kos_TAS> its not about aggresive
[09:02] Kos_TAS> its about to me technique skilled
[09:03] Kos_TAS> to be*
[09:03] [TAS]Simba> you were two aggressive last game :o
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> TAS need to train me :o
[09:03] [TAS]Simba> I been self training
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> but ah my
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> why
[09:03] [TAS]Simba> Apoc abandon me
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> i gtg earlier today?
[09:03] [TAS]Simba> xD
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> im the one that used to train myself
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> by viewing streams
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> but these days
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> ive lost my skills
[09:03] [TAS]Simba> I do all that
[09:03] Radagast_TAS> totally
[09:04] [TAS]Simba> use my Sharingans :}
[09:04] Radagast_TAS> to the point i play like shit
[09:04] Radagast_TAS> oh well
[09:04] Melissa1993 out
[09:04] [TAS]Simba> I use my Sharingans
[09:04] Radagast_TAS> Bbye guys, i have hope for TAS to help me ;u;
[09:04] Radagast_TAS> n.n
[09:04] [TAS]Simba> Thought you were leaving at 4:30\
[09:05] Kos_TAS> time going too fast
[09:05] Kos_TAS> when you play
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> yeah but i go a call to leave earlier at job
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> like now
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> rly weird
[09:05] [TAS]Simba> Eh
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> got**
[09:05] Kos_TAS> good thing i have holidays in my job
[09:05] Kos_TAS> so i can play pop3
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> hehe
[09:05] Kos_TAS> more
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> probably people need more my help at job
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> so ya :/
[09:05] Kos_TAS> but tahts only for 2 weeks
[09:05] Radagast_TAS> atleast its 2 weeks :3
[09:05] [TAS]Simba> I only play POP at work xD
[09:05] Kos_TAS> yeah
[09:06] Radagast_TAS> ahahahahh
[09:06] Radagast_TAS out
[09:06] Radagast_TAS in
[09:06] Kos_TAS> next holidays is new year
[09:06] Kos_TAS> 1 week
[09:06] Radagast_TAS> they give 3 days of no job
[09:06] Radagast_TAS> and its for christmas
[09:06] Radagast_TAS> or theres special when i dont have work
[09:06] Radagast_TAS> bleh
[09:07] Radagast_TAS> gotta put myself away. Ill be back in 3-4 hours... today i dont work a lots.
[09:07] Radagast_TAS out
[09:07] Radagast_TAS in
[09:07] Kos_TAS> going to eat
[09:07] Radagast_TAS out
[09:08] Radagast_TAS in
[09:08] [fu]king_pin in
[09:08] [fu]king_pin> simba get some ping
[09:08] [fu]king_pin out
[09:10] JuanEmanuel89 out
[09:13] SirTurpsAlot in
[09:13] SirTurpsAlot out
[09:21] [fu]King_Pin out
[09:26] Ninja_TaS in
[09:26] hiroshi1437 in
[09:30] [TAS]Simba out
[09:30] pekos in
[09:31] pekos out
[09:31] Doraemon> +2
[09:34] Ninja_TaS> oops crashed it seems
[09:36] Ninja_TaS out
[09:36] Ninja_TaS in
[09:37] hiroshi1437> but im weak
[09:45] bcm_infinity in
[09:45] bcm_infinity out
[09:48] HuntedWolf in
[09:49] bankzaza in
[09:49] HuntedWolf out
[09:51] bankzaza out
[09:53] DrThunderous in
[09:54] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon in
[09:54] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> ALex
[09:54] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> OH he aint online lol
[09:57] Doraemon in
[09:57] DrThunderous out
[09:59] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon out
[10:02] Doraemon out
[10:04] Sopsykop in
[10:04] Doraemon in
[10:06] Doraemon out
[10:09] DrThunderous in
[10:13] bone_collector in
[10:14] bone_collector> +3?
[10:14] DrThunderous out
[10:15] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[10:15] [SW]AOD111 in
[10:15] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[10:16] hammad in
[10:17] Doraemon out
[10:18] Ninja_TaS out
[10:18] Ninja_TaS in
[10:18] bone_collector> do 2v2
[10:18] bone_collector> pleaseeee
[10:18] Ninja_TaS> oops high pings
[10:19] bone_collector> is he there?
[10:19] hiroshi1437> sorry ninja
[10:19] Ninja_TaS> naah it was fun
[10:19] bone_collector> +1
[10:20] bone_collector> hazah!
[10:23] Ninja_TaS out
[10:23] Ninja_TaS in
[10:23] bone_collector out
[10:23] bone_collector in
[10:24] bone_collector> host us :)
[10:24] Ninja_TaS> now stay dont keep moving launch failing
[10:24] bone_collector> sorry mate
[10:25] bone_collector> ?
[10:25] hammad out
[10:25] bone_collector> hmm
[10:25] Ninja_TaS> all relogin pls
[10:25] Ninja_TaS out
[10:25] [SW]AOD111 out
[10:25] bone_collector out
[10:25] hiroshi1437 out
[10:25] bone_collector in
[10:25] Ninja_TaS in
[10:26] hiroshi1437 in
[10:29] hiroshi1437 out
[10:30] bone_collector> +1
[10:32] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[10:32] hiroshi1437 in
[10:39] [SW]AOD111 in
[10:41] [SW]AOD111 out
[10:41] [Sr]Spark in
[10:43] bone_collector in
[10:48] Doraemon in
[10:49] bone_collector out
[10:55] Doraemon out
[10:59] bone_collector out
[10:59] Ninja_TaS out
[11:00] bone_collector in
[11:05] bone_collector out
[11:06] mahmut1661_Tas out
[11:09] DrThunderous in
[11:15] Gribi_TAS in
[11:16] Gribi_TAS out
[11:16] DrThunderous out
[11:18] Sopsykop out
[11:19] Ninja_TaS in
[11:25] Davie013 out
[11:27] charlonefox in
[11:29] charlonefox out
[11:32] Doraemon in
[11:33] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon in
[11:33] Ninja_TaS out
[11:34] Ninja_TaS in
[11:35] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon out
[11:35] Ninja_TaS> ++++3 Jugg
[11:37] Ninja_TaS out
[11:38] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[11:43] [SW]zgjimi in
[11:44] [SW]zgjimi out
[11:44] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[11:44] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[11:49] Ninja_TaS in
[11:53] tobias613 in
[11:54] tobias613 out
[11:55] [SW]SupremeLeader> wtf u ninja
[11:55] [SW]SupremeLeader> :o
[11:55] [SW]SupremeLeader> (y), i was known as Ninja, when my nickname was NinjaWarrior!
[11:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ninja
[11:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :o
[11:56] hiroshi1437 out
[11:57] [Sr]Spark out
[11:57] tank_lf4 in
[11:58] Ninja_TaS> ++++2
[12:01] Sopsykop in
[12:04] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[12:05] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[12:12] [Rw]Mirage in
[12:14] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[12:20] scortshot in
[12:26] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> bella join_
[12:26] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ?
[12:26] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> and kos_
[12:27] Ninja_TaS> unranked jugg?
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> no
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cause
[12:27] Ninja_TaS> who wish to jugg ?
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> it dont gives points
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> we better pp fo sess
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> tom
[12:27] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> all map
[12:28] Ninja_TaS> ok
[12:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cr8_?
[12:28] SuicideSquid_TAS> not tom pls
[12:28] SuicideSquid_TAS> cr8 sure
[12:28] Ninja_TaS> lets play jugg once pls
[12:28] Ninja_TaS> will be fun
[12:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> bella beat me once on cr8
[12:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :o
[12:28] SuicideSquid_TAS> did i?
[12:28] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> yes
[12:29] Ninja_TaS> lets start
[12:29] Ninja_TaS> bella u jugg
[12:29] SuicideSquid_TAS> what
[12:29] SuicideSquid_TAS> no
[12:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> dude im not doing 3v1
[12:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> just do pp or cr8
[12:30] Ninja_TaS> oops
[12:30] Ninja_TaS> ok
[12:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> hurry
[12:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ok go
[12:31] Doraemon> i suckin pp
[12:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> gogogogggo
[12:33] Segorko in
[12:34] Segorko out
[12:39] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[12:39] Sopsykop> *(maps)
[12:39] DrThunderous in
[12:39] Sopsykop> *maps
[12:39] Sopsykop> * maps
[12:43] shinka in
[12:44] shinka out
[12:45] DrThunderous out
[12:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> i crashed
[12:53] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[12:53] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella :o
[12:55] Ninja_TaS out
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> lupipin :)
[12:55] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> yo tsu
[12:55] carbine in
[12:55] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> sup_
[12:55] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ?
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> just got home
[12:55] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> thank to GOD
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> join us?
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella will avoid
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> here is rainiing
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> so i cant :o
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> with ice
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> its damn fine here
[12:56] Apocalypsis_TAS> too hot
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> like a glassball
[12:56] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> hit my had
[12:57] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> injure dlol
[12:57] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> we ned one more host
[12:57] carbine> you can only have 1 host
[12:57] mahmut1661_Tas in
[12:57] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mahmy
[12:57] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> come my pupet :D
[12:58] mahmut1661_Tas> lupin :)
[12:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy :))
[12:58] mahmut1661_Tas> i dont wanna host though
[12:58] mahmut1661_Tas> tsu :))
[12:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> *flerts mammy*
[12:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> :ooo
[12:58] mahmut1661_Tas> what :o!
[12:58] Apocalypsis_TAS> isnt 4th hut adorable :o?
[12:59] mahmut1661_Tas> because u are there :)
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mahmy join your old sensei
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> into the dark side
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :o
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> here
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> and ally me :D
[12:59] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> there is a rule
[12:59] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> if me and mahmy in a game
[13:00] mahmut1661_Tas> hmm someone else host plz
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> we must team together
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :D
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella ::)
[13:00] mahmut1661_Tas> true :)
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> even if nici and tsu our opponent
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> sounds like a boyslove
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> _F
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> why me and nici :o
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> nici is slow :oo
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> its fair enough
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)))
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cause u and he is the best
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :D
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> old TAS love
[13:00] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :o
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> ok ty :o
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> but i can be faster :o
[13:00] Apocalypsis_TAS> at least i could be
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> true
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i know
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i need to get back my skill
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> and
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> thhen np
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> if u goes all out he is fast
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> my true mouse is not sold anymore
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> :(
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> oh
[13:01] Doraemon> do narrow passage
[13:01] Doraemon> mamh
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> had so many mosue problems here to
[13:01] mahmut1661_Tas> Bella and lpin need ping first
[13:01] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> too*
[13:01] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[13:01] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella bella ::o
[13:02] mahmut1661_Tas> what mappack is narrow passage?
[13:02] carbine> nw 16 fate worlds
[13:02] Doraemon> new fate world 16
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> nw 16
[13:02] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> fate worlds
[13:02] carbine> i said it first
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> shut up
[13:02] MarkyMoo in
[13:02] carbine> :x
[13:02] mahmut1661_Tas> oki
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> u are younger
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :D
[13:02] carbine> :S
[13:02] carbine> :p
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> XDú
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> jk
[13:02] MarkyMoo out
[13:02] Apocalypsis_TAS> bella seems not playing :o
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> join
[13:02] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> then
[13:03] mahmut1661_Tas> tsu join :o?
[13:03] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> u ally mix
[13:03] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:03] Apocalypsis_TAS> sec then
[13:03] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> GAME TIME
[13:03] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[13:03] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ITS TIME TO DUDUDUDUDUEL :O
[13:03] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[13:03] mahmut1661_Tas> hahah
[13:04] mahmut1661_Tas> log ago i said that two :o
[13:04] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> my childhood
[13:04] mahmut1661_Tas> mine two
[13:04] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> when i watched yugioh
[13:06] [Chf]crazyone in
[13:06] [Chf]crazyone out
[13:08] Luc in
[13:11] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[13:16] Luc out
[13:17] XJulienX in
[13:19] Kos_TAS> and now tell us who u are Sopsykop
[13:23] Luc in
[13:24] carbine> why
[13:24] gylala999 in
[13:24] carbine> did he own u
[13:25] gylala999 out
[13:26] Kos_TAS> no
[13:26] Kos_TAS> he didnt play that bad
[13:26] Kos_TAS> for wildman
[13:26] carbine> yeh
[13:27] carbine> i played him yesterday
[13:27] carbine> he says he is an ex populous player
[13:27] Kos_TAS> idk who he is
[13:27] SuicideSquid_TAS> +1
[13:27] carbine> i think he played years ago
[13:28] Ninja_TaS in
[13:29] Ninja_TaS> hi tsu
[13:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[13:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> sushi
[13:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo
[13:29] Kos_TAS> why did he make new acc then
[13:29] Ninja_TaS> how ru
[13:29] Kos_TAS> since june
[13:29] Apocalypsis_TAS> low motivated
[13:29] SuicideSquid_TAS> +1 quick game
[13:29] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cool
[13:29] Kos_TAS out
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lov u mahmz
[13:30] Ninja_TaS> come join TAS frnds
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ?3
[13:30] Kos_TAS in
[13:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> shame no one online
[13:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> ay carbine wanna fuck in this hut and make a sweet pop baby?
[13:30] Ninja_TaS> mammy join
[13:30] Kos_TAS> hi tsu
[13:30] carbine> no thank
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[13:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> hey sergy :o
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> he is only 12
[13:30] Ninja_TaS> which map ?
[13:30] SuicideSquid_TAS> damn it
[13:30] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon in
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> he can t
[13:30] Kos_TAS> im about to get my rank back
[13:30] Kos_TAS> lol
[13:30] Apocalypsis_TAS> nice :o
[13:30] Kos_TAS> but not skills :s
[13:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ninja
[13:30] Doraemon> someone can tell me how to fix the mouse problem on windows 8
[13:30] Doraemon> ?
[13:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> make fo
[13:31] Apocalypsis_TAS> and sushi got priest rank without me knowing
[13:31] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[13:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :d
[13:31] Kos_TAS> 6 tas members
[13:31] Kos_TAS> cute
[13:31] Kos_TAS> 7*
[13:31] Kos_TAS> radagast is away :)))
[13:31] Apocalypsis_TAS> brb
[13:32] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[13:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mahmy
[13:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lest win
[13:33] mahmut1661_Tas> yes
[13:33] mahmut1661_Tas> :)
[13:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> <3
[13:33] Apocalypsis_TAS in
[13:33] Kos_TAS> someone stream
[13:33] Kos_TAS> :((((
[13:33] Kos_TAS> kosjak feels sad
[13:33] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy will
[13:35] zwaffeltje in
[13:36] zwaffeltje> Only if you get me a pizza too
[13:36] Kos_TAS> lol u want to bring tundar
[13:36] carbine> lmao
[13:36] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon out
[13:37] zwaffeltje out
[13:37] rancidrnz out
[13:39] lalaboy out
[13:44] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[13:44] [GoD]supergirl in
[13:44] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[13:44] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i had good start :(
[13:44] mahmut1661_Tas> i had decend start
[13:44] SuicideSquid_TAS> god damn it i issed a tas game
[13:45] [GoD]supergirl> LOl
[13:45] Electric in
[13:46] Kos_TAS> ti chmo
[13:46] Kos_TAS> ti gde propadaesh suka
[13:49] Kos_TAS out
[13:49] Shinobi90 in
[13:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> can someone join
[13:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> no im doing a 1v1
[13:53] [GoD]supergirl out
[13:53] scortshot out
[13:58] Flashlightning in
[13:58] Flashlightning out
[13:59] carbine out
[14:02] Electric in
[14:02] bayatabla in
[14:02] SuicideSquid_TAS> maybe u should get better then
[14:03] Shinobi90> i dont think so
[14:03] Shinobi90> 1v1 is boring
[14:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> +1 quick game
[14:04] shinka in
[14:04] Shinobi90 out
[14:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> guys come 2v1 me
[14:06] Electric out
[14:06] Albert607 out
[14:10] Albert607 in
[14:10] basz in
[14:10] Albert607 out
[14:10] Ogre in
[14:10] Ogre out
[14:10] Doraemon out
[14:11] Doraemon in
[14:12] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[14:13] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[14:15] DeltaEnemy in
[14:15] Dramaturgie in
[14:15] DeltaEnemy out
[14:16] Albert607 in
[14:17] Sopsykop out
[14:18] OmegaOverride in
[14:18] Dramaturgie> someone to play?
[14:20] bayatabla out
[14:21] Dramaturgie out
[14:22] peterisangry in
[14:22] Chris432 in
[14:23] Dramaturgie in
[14:24] Chris432 out
[14:27] [Rw]Mirage out
[14:27] Dramaturgie> when we start?
[14:29] Radagast_TAS> I've accidently drunk water with my nose in the shower.. ._.
[14:30] [Rw]Mirage in
[14:30] shinka out
[14:31] Dramaturgie> :O
[14:32] Radagast_TAS> :o
[14:35] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> gg
[14:35] Apocalypsis_TAS> gg
[14:35] mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[14:35] Ninja_TaS> gg
[14:35] Dramaturgie> ggg
[14:35] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i should not let mz towers filled without
[14:35] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon in
[14:35] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> another game_
[14:35] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ?
[14:35] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> ALex is the corsair vs550 compatible with my system?
[14:36] mahmut1661_Tas> tsu has tired me alot ;o
[14:36] Electric> are u in london
[14:36] mahmut1661_Tas> :o
[14:36] Electric> sneaky
[14:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> pussy
[14:36] peterisangry> lupin wh y kick me =(
[14:36] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> MI'm home
[14:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i dint
[14:36] Doraemon> was done
[14:36] Doraemon> gg
[14:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> i better get my points
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> autokick lol
[14:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy is tired
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mm sux
[14:36] Apocalypsis_TAS> cute :)
[14:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> aw yiss +3
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> mahmz
[14:36] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon> BRb
[14:36] Electric> home=portugal?
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> blast wars
[14:36] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> come
[14:36] mahmut1661_Tas> :)
[14:37] Electric> brb
[14:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=279026
[14:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[14:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> mammy had less
[14:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> i thought he had more
[14:37] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:38] mahmut1661_Tas> nope i had pressure :o
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i ahd max 120 lol
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> so bad
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> stucked at start
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> could move
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> eqs cut the waz
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> needed to lb
[14:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> i was irritated by lupins camp
[14:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> was waiting when to kill
[14:38] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> no
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i tried to rebuild
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i just lighed well
[14:38] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :O
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> i just couldnt move
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> same lol
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> stucked at base
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> its like you hit slowloriss
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> :)
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> 5 lb to get in
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> and defend
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[14:39] Apocalypsis_TAS> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Slow_Loris_Female.jpg
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> wow
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> but his eyes
[14:39] mahmut1661_Tas> cute :o
[14:39] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> omg
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> :oo
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> he moves so slow
[14:40] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:40] basz out
[14:40] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> +1
[14:40] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> for blast wars
[14:40] [Sr]Spark in
[14:40] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=279023
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> before i was better
[14:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> its because i wasnt motivated enough for games
[14:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:41] Electric> u here sneaky?
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> miapon
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> :D
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> pp training
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> or mahmy
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i wanna ply
[14:41] Apocalypsis_TAS> miapon is too sexy
[14:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> oh
[14:42] Radagast_TAS> :/
[14:42] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> but talkative
[14:42] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:42] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i like it
[14:42] Radagast_TAS> difficult to do one word sentence.
[14:42] update in
[14:42] update out
[14:42] Radagast_TAS> and maintain a discussion with only one word.
[14:42] mahmut1661_Tas> training:)
[14:42] [Rw]Sneaky_Dragon out
[14:43] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> y trainng
[14:43] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[14:43] Apocalypsis_TAS> adena :o
[14:43] mahmut1661_Tas> huh
[14:44] Apocalypsis_TAS> sushi reminds me of you old days :o
[14:44] Kenpachi18 in
[14:44] mahmut1661_Tas> :o
[14:44] Harley-Quinn_tas> hii
[14:45] Kenpachi18 out
[14:45] Apocalypsis_TAS> yoyo :o
[14:45] Ninja_TaS> come guys TAS map
[14:46] [Sr]Spark out
[14:47] Albert607 out
[14:47] Apocalypsis_TAS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=225095
[14:47] Apocalypsis_TAS> like this :o
[14:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> http://www.popre.net/game.php?id=279026
[14:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> almost the same graph
[14:48] Apocalypsis_TAS> :o
[14:49] Ninja_TaS> yes
[14:50] Ninja_TaS> TAS frnd join
[14:50] Ninja_TaS> one more TAS game
[14:50] Doraemon> +3
[14:51] JuanEmanuel89 in
[14:51] JuanEmanuel89 out
[14:53] Radagast_TAS> ??? 0.o
[14:54] peterisangry out
[14:54] peterisangry in
[14:54] Harley-Quinn_tas> loll
[14:54] Harley-Quinn_tas> i remember that game
[14:55] Dramaturgie out
[14:55] DeltaEnemy in
[14:56] DeltaEnemy out
[14:56] DeltaEnemy in
[14:56] Ninja_TaS> not fair teams
[14:56] Ninja_TaS> me & peter ally
[14:56] Doraemon> we can win
[14:56] Ninja_TaS> let me host too high pings
[14:56] peterisangry> do fo
[14:56] peterisangry> or face off
[14:56] peterisangry> whatever
[14:56] Ninja_TaS> anything start quick
[14:58] w33d in
[15:01] VodHipdpz in
[15:05] [GoD]Divinity in
[15:06] Doraemon> owned
[15:06] Doraemon> 6 min
[15:06] DeltaEnemy> tzzz
[15:06] Ninja_TaS> wtf why he quit
[15:06] DeltaEnemy> cause fuck you thats wgy
[15:06] DeltaEnemy> why
[15:06] Ninja_TaS> no i didnt
[15:07] Ninja_TaS> he just lost thats why he quit
[15:07] DeltaEnemy> tzzz suhsil u fucked u on juggernaut on 3v1 so stfu
[15:08] Ninja_TaS> dude...cmon
[15:08] DeltaEnemy out
[15:08] Doraemon> its a game guys!!!
[15:08] Ninja_TaS> true
[15:08] VodHipdpz> +1
[15:08] peterisangry> delta is allways leaving if he lose
[15:08] Ninja_TaS> but i dont want to get blamed for some one quiting
[15:09] Doraemon> join ninja?
[15:09] Ninja_TaS> i have just 20 min
[15:09] Ninja_TaS> have meeting than after
[15:09] Doraemon> oh k np
[15:10] Ninja_TaS> stream i can watch atleast
[15:10] Doraemon> idk how to enable twitch tb
[15:13] int3r in
[15:13] w33d> wow that was fuckin fast
[15:13] w33d> map ?
[15:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d
[15:13] SuicideSquid_TAS> lemme ally u
[15:14] w33d> lol
[15:14] w33d> LOL
[15:14] w33d> LOLOLLOLOLOL
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> STFU
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> LMAO
[15:14] w33d> ij
[15:14] w33d> ök
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> LOOOOL
[15:14] w33d> but map ???
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> kk cr8?
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> pp?
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> my mums tits
[15:14] w33d> LOL
[15:14] w33d> LOLOLLOOL
[15:14] Doraemon> not sess
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> wait that isnt a map
[15:14] w33d> wow
[15:14] w33d> it is a map in my eyes
[15:14] w33d> <3
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> well it could be
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> <3
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> double Ds yaknow what m saying
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> LMAO
[15:14] SuicideSquid_TAS> ok lets go
[15:15] SuicideSquid_TAS> pick anything thats not tom wom or fo
[15:15] w33d> i gotta take a shit first
[15:15] w33d> brb
[15:15] w33d> 5 mins
[15:15] SuicideSquid_TAS> why do males take long to poop?
[15:15] Radagast_TAS> :>
[15:15] Ninja_TaS> lol
[15:15] Doraemon> xd
[15:16] Radagast_TAS> noticed that my brother poop rarely.
[15:16] Ninja_TaS> coz males have only 1 hole..... lol
[15:16] Ninja_TaS> unlike females have dual
[15:16] Ninja_TaS> lol
[15:16] Harley-Quinn_tas> hi i love to take shits while I listen to barbie girl song
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> gg
[15:16] Radagast_TAS> they resist from pooping until its time for poop eq?
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> u had major def
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> but erode is cute heree
[15:16] mahmut1661_Tas> :)
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> ok gtg
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> cya all
[15:16] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[15:16] mahmut1661_Tas> bye
[15:16] Ninja_TaS> bye
[15:17] SuicideSquid_TAS> Ninja_TaS> coz males have only 1 hole..... lol
[15:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> fail
[15:17] Radagast_TAS> this is exactly what passed in my mind.
[15:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> lol
[15:17] Harley-Quinn_tas> lool
[15:17] Radagast_TAS> quietly
[15:17] Radagast_TAS> apart that bella had the guts to say it
[15:17] Radagast_TAS> :P
[15:18] mahmut1661_Tas> doesnt maleshave 2 holee and feeall have 3?
[15:18] Radagast_TAS> i now wonder how male urinate.
[15:18] Radagast_TAS> if they have only one hole.
[15:18] Radagast_TAS> i know that theres the mouth too..
[15:18] javi12 in
[15:18] Radagast_TAS> :))))
[15:19] mahmut1661_Tas> true :o
[15:19] Schontik in
[15:19] Radagast_TAS> nose
[15:19] Radagast_TAS> ears
[15:19] OmegaOverride> 2++
[15:21] OmegaOverride> sec
[15:21] Radagast_TAS> how many holes we have at end? :))
[15:22] Ninja_TaS> o^o
[15:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> im gone 2 mins and everyone leaves me
[15:23] SuicideSquid_TAS> i hate u all
[15:24] Radagast_TAS> we cant trust anybody here huehuehue >:)
[15:24] SuicideSquid_TAS> U DICKS
[15:24] Radagast_TAS> im a walking dick.
[15:24] Radagast_TAS> atleast i can walk... for a dick.
[15:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> -_-
[15:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> your balls are yor feet that helps u walk then?
[15:25] Ninja_TaS> dicks walk too fast...thats why shaman always walk slow.... :) lol
[15:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> the fukkk........
[15:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> :o
[15:25] Harley-Quinn_tas> o.000
[15:25] Radagast_TAS> mymy the dick logic.... this need a book.
[15:26] Radagast_TAS> whose the author?
[15:26] Kos_TAS in
[15:27] Harley-Quinn_tas> bella wil be
[15:27] Radagast_TAS> umm nice idea, of course she will. *approve with my hand*
[15:28] Radagast_TAS> i want to play before sleeping a bit. but choices are limited..
[15:28] Twilight_Sparkle in
[15:28] mahmut1661_Tas out
[15:30] Kos_TAS> yo w33d
[15:30] Kos_TAS> i have special tunes for ya
[15:30] Kos_TAS> http://www21.zippyshare.com/v/xMV7tISL/file.html
[15:31] Kos_TAS> rofl pwned
[15:32] Harley-Quinn_tas> lololll
[15:32] Harley-Quinn_tas> the fuck
[15:33] w33d> -------------------------------
[15:33] Kos_TAS> was in skype
[15:33] Kos_TAS> with group of people
[15:33] Kos_TAS> someone laughed like that
[15:33] Kos_TAS> i recorded it rofl
[15:34] Twilight_Sparkle> why u record how u laugh kos
[15:34] Kos_TAS> its not me
[15:34] Twilight_Sparkle> lies
[15:34] Kos_TAS> ino
[15:34] Kos_TAS> no
[15:35] Schontik out
[15:35] Schontik in
[15:35] DeltaEnemy in
[15:35] DeltaEnemy out
[15:35] Radagast_TAS> .I.
[15:35] DeltaEnemy in
[15:36] SuicideSquid_TAS> w33d u done taking a shit?
[15:36] Ninja_TaS out
[15:36] Doraemon out
[15:36] w33d out
[15:37] Doraemon in
[15:43] Schontik out
[15:48] javi12 out
[15:48] DeltaEnemy out
[15:49] Radagast_TAS> hm
[15:50] Melissa1993 in
[15:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> +2
[15:52] Sopsykop in
[15:52] car_at in
[15:53] car_at out
[15:55] Breska-arg in
[15:55] int3r in
[15:56] int3r out
[15:58] Vegeta_TSI in
[16:00] int3r out
[16:00] DeltaEnemy in
[16:00] DeltaEnemy out
[16:00] DeltaEnemy in
[16:01] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS in
[16:01] Breska-arg out
[16:02] OmegaOverride> 1+
[16:02] OmegaOverride> i allie sopsykop
[16:03] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[16:04] VodHipdpz out
[16:05] supay in
[16:06] ThunderGod in
[16:06] supay out
[16:06] DeltaEnemy out
[16:07] kubakotran in
[16:08] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> lawls
[16:08] Sopsykop> why you quit ?
[16:08] car_at in
[16:09] car_at out
[16:12] Scorpion in
[16:13] car_at in
[16:13] Sopsykop> +1
[16:14] Scorpion out
[16:23] car_at out
[16:23] ThunderGod out
[16:23] Radagast_TAS> guys
[16:23] Radagast_TAS> looks at this
[16:23] supay in
[16:25] Radagast_TAS> https://join.me/203-945-755
[16:25] Radagast_TAS> there no song
[16:25] Radagast_TAS> but wtf...
[16:25] supay> q hay omega sigues enojado
[16:25] supay> ?
[16:25] Radagast_TAS> is it cuz i spectate?
[16:26] Purechemist in
[16:26] Harley-Quinn_tas out
[16:27] Scorpion in
[16:27] Scorpion out
[16:28] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Looks Laggy if it's a stream Mia
[16:28] Radagast_TAS> may I know why fws?
[16:28] Radagast_TAS> attacking his own braves?
[16:29] Radagast_TAS> casting out of sync?
[16:30] Radagast_TAS> I quit spectating, this get me crazy...
[16:30] supay out
[16:31] [Rw]Nici in
[16:32] Pchan in
[16:32] Pchan out
[16:32] [Sr]Spark in
[16:33] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Nici seu gay
[16:33] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> :D
[16:34] [Rw]Nici> ainda bein que năo temos mentirosos
[16:34] [Rw]Nici> "Lupin_the_3rd"?
[16:34] [Rw]Nici> Is this some kind of generation
[16:34] [Rw]Nici> I'm Nici_The_1st
[16:35] [Rw]Nici> Divinity_The_2nd
[16:35] [Rw]Nici> Keith_The_52nd
[16:35] AlphaEnemy in
[16:35] Radagast_TAS> why it always on sess...
[16:35] Radagast_TAS> this is it
[16:35] Radagast_TAS> sess is a broken map
[16:35] [Rw]Nici> cuz sess is love and life
[16:35] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Me_the_NULL
[16:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> thanks Mia you get me
[16:36] Radagast_TAS> ?
[16:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Sees is a broken map
[16:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> *sess
[16:36] [Sr]Spark> it gets broken after the 1st eq
[16:36] AlphaEnemy> sess
[16:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ^
[16:36] AlphaEnemy> is a map
[16:36] AlphaEnemy> u love
[16:36] AlphaEnemy> or u hate
[16:36] AlphaEnemy> not more and not less
[16:36] [Sr]Spark> its fine
[16:37] [Sr]Spark> just turn on lb
[16:37] Radagast_TAS> what about player using fw to shot fire on their own braves all time?
[16:37] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> :o?
[16:38] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Frendly Fire on?
[16:39] Radagast_TAS> ?
[16:39] Radagast_TAS> well, hope theyre just trying stuffs.. its not of my concern.
[16:39] supay in
[16:39] supay in
[16:41] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[16:41] supay out
[16:43] ale4599 in
[16:44] ale4599 out
[16:44] Twilight_Sparkle out
[16:44] SuicideSquid_TAS> i dont think omega is there
[16:44] [Sr]Spark> lawnch
[16:45] SuicideSquid_TAS> i need to pee oh my
[16:45] DeltaEnemy in
[16:45] DeltaEnemy out
[16:45] DeltaEnemy in
[16:45] [Sr]Spark> so lawnch
[16:46] Breska-arg in
[16:47] maust45 in
[16:47] SuicideSquid_TAS> alpha delta join
[16:48] [Sr]Spark> olololol
[16:48] AlphaEnemy> +2
[16:48] DeltaEnemy> +2
[16:48] AlphaEnemy> fight the enemys for glory
[16:49] DeltaEnemy> fight the enemys for glory.
[16:49] [Sr]Spark> theres no glory in shooting a dead guy
[16:49] [Sr]Spark> :/
[16:49] [Sr]Spark> :/)
[16:49] peterisangry> u guys only play sess
[16:49] AlphaEnemy> then shot first the dead guy
[16:49] AlphaEnemy> shoot
[16:49] peterisangry> delta why u left last game =(
[16:49] DeltaEnemy> cause of u
[16:49] DeltaEnemy> u didnt anything
[16:49] DeltaEnemy> no fws
[16:50] [Sr]Spark> delta u made peter angry
[16:50] peterisangry> yes
[16:50] peterisangry> u made me angry
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> peter one sess then one 4 way
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> join
[16:50] [Sr]Spark> which he already was
[16:50] DeltaEnemy> komm peter
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> someone join
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> alpha delta u live together right?
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> yes
[16:50] DeltaEnemy> we are gay friends
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> brothers?
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> oh
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> ohok
[16:50] DeltaEnemy> gay freinds
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> no just friends
[16:50] SuicideSquid_TAS> thats cool
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> i know
[16:50] AlphaEnemy> :)
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> we're drining beer right now
[16:51] SuicideSquid_TAS> gay friend or gay bfs
[16:51] [Sr]Spark> they sit over each other
[16:51] [Sr]Spark> :)
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> spark
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> join
[16:51] [Sr]Spark> now u can guess
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> 4 way
[16:51] SuicideSquid_TAS> or do u guys just do anal and say no homo afterwards
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> we are guy
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> guaay
[16:51] AlphaEnemy> gay
[16:51] SuicideSquid_TAS> like u can totally suck dick and say no homo afterwards
[16:51] [chf]arnost in
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> gay enemies
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> RUN
[16:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> it works
[16:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> I NEED A GOOD ALLY COME HERE
[16:52] AlphaEnemy> spark isnt good
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> he is best
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> true dat
[16:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> he isnt good hes amazing
[16:52] SuicideSquid_TAS> no lol joke u suck
[16:52] DeltaEnemy> prove its spark
[16:52] DeltaEnemy> join
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> prove to whom?
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> u?
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> scumbag?
[16:52] [Sr]Spark> no shit
[16:53] Electric in
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> we have 5 preachers in huts
[16:53] Dolfo in
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> unfortunately spark cant join cuz hes too shit
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> peter wont reply
[16:53] [Sr]Spark> nice try
[16:53] [Sr]Spark> wont lure me in
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> and delta and alpha has to stay in same hut because they like to fuck
[16:53] AlphaEnemy> its not a try
[16:53] AlphaEnemy> its the truth
[16:53] AlphaEnemy> u suck
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> im not trying to
[16:53] SuicideSquid_TAS> i dont wanna ally u lol
[16:54] [Sr]Spark> i'd better stay awy from the gay community
[16:54] [Sr]Spark> that too on sess
[16:54] [Sr]Spark> gay playrs on gay maps dammit
[16:54] DeltaEnemy> +1
[16:54] [Sr]Spark> wat the world has come to
[16:54] Luc out
[16:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> sess is a map for gays
[16:54] SuicideSquid_TAS> fortunately they are gay
[16:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> so it works
[16:55] AlphaEnemy> we can do 4 way
[16:55] [Sr]Spark> ur too?
[16:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> squids dont have sex
[16:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> they just latch on and hope for the best
[16:55] [Sr]Spark> but squids remind me of hentai
[16:55] XJulienX out
[16:55] [Sr]Spark> :>
[16:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> i sexually identify as a squid
[16:55] SuicideSquid_TAS> ;)))
[16:56] Radagast_TAS> Splatoon.
[16:56] [Sr]Spark> so technically squids rape childlike adult women
[16:56] [Sr]Spark> peter wanna do blasts game?
[16:56] maust45> we gone far here
[16:56] [Sr]Spark> rather than listening to gay couple moaning
[16:56] Radagast_TAS> .l.
[16:57] Radagast_TAS> .I.
[16:57] DeltaEnemy> +1 her
[16:57] [Sr]Spark> i pmed chemist
[16:57] [Sr]Spark> hes afk
[16:57] maust45> oups it's yours to small
[16:57] [Sr]Spark> maust u'll need a better one
[16:57] Electric in
[16:58] maust45> mine is good and i he sastify my girlfriend
[16:58] Electric out
[16:58] [Sr]Spark> or maybe ur girlfriend doesnt desire muich
[16:58] [Sr]Spark> ?
[16:58] Radagast_TAS> .î.
[16:58] Radagast_TAS> .î .
[16:58] maust45> i'm the best for her i tall 2.10m
[16:59] Radagast_TAS> .î.
[16:59] maust45> i have a 23 cm for her
[16:59] [Sr]Spark> scale?
[16:59] [Sr]Spark> ur a teacher and she is ur student?
[16:59] cristobal in
[16:59] [Sr]Spark> fuk sake get someone of ur age
[16:59] peterisangry> fuck this shit
[16:59] cristobal out
[16:59] Radagast_TAS> kay im so random, cya n.n
[16:59] peterisangry> bye i come back if there are pp players
[16:59] [Sr]Spark> omega wtf is wrong with oyu
[16:59] peterisangry> not only sess =/
[16:59] [Sr]Spark> why sit in host huts when u dont wanna lawnch
[16:59] AlphaEnemy> peter
[16:59] AlphaEnemy> come
[17:00] AlphaEnemy> 4
[17:00] AlphaEnemy> way
[17:00] peterisangry out
[17:00] Radagast_TAS out
[17:00] Kos_TAS out
[17:00] [chf]arnost out
[17:00] maust45> oh you left
[17:01] tank_lf4 out
[17:01] tank_lf4 in
[17:01] [chf]arnost in
[17:01] maust45 out
[17:02] maust45 in
[17:03] Electric out
[17:05] maust45 out
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> "DeltaEnemy"
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> "AlphaEnemy"
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> Also
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> who the fuck is Doraemon
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> you know i used to be [GoD]Doraemon
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> lmao
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> mixjumpen
[17:09] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> xD
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> LOLOLOLOLOL
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> only you
[17:09] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> praise Doraemon Lord and savior
[17:09] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> (not really)
[17:09] [Rw]Nici> mixjumpen
[17:10] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Nici CTF?
[17:10] Doraemon> sup
[17:10] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> xD
[17:10] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> those matches sure were fun
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> even forgot what ctf meant
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> lol
[17:10] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> capture the flag
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> capture
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> ye
[17:10] [Rw]Nici> cool lets play it then
[17:11] kazukaz in
[17:11] [Rw]Nici> doraemon
[17:11] Doraemon> hi nobita
[17:11] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-G0rAt-cq4
[17:11] [Rw]Nici> u name urself that cuz of this?
[17:11] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> do you remeber the map pack
[17:11] [Rw]Nici> vdm worlds
[17:12] Dolfo out
[17:12] kazukaz out
[17:12] OmegaOverride out
[17:12] Purechemist> ctf is pop mode ?
[17:12] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> more or less
[17:12] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> it's a special map
[17:13] [Rw]Nici> eu tinha praki um papel
[17:13] [Rw]Nici> com os totems
[17:13] [Rw]Nici> vou ver se o encontro
[17:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> xD
[17:13] [Rw]Nici> é capaz d'ajudar
[17:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ok ok
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> divinity the 1st
[17:13] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> pois
[17:13] [Rw]Nici> podes ir
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> cuz i had no parents called divinity
[17:13] [GoD]Divinity> or anything
[17:14] Purechemist> k lets go
[17:14] Purechemist> wanna see it
[17:14] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> wait for nici
[17:14] [Rw]Nici> divinity never first he sucks ass
[17:14] [Rw]Nici> hole
[17:14] [Rw]Nici> .
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> mirage
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> told u
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> didnt even have my graphics drivers m8
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> just wait
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> 1v1 blasts
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> get rekt
[17:15] Vegeta_TSI> sounds nasty Nici
[17:16] kubakotran out
[17:17] [SW]AOD111 in
[17:18] [SW]AOD111 out
[17:18] Diode in
[17:19] [SW]AOD111 in
[17:19] alexwen in
[17:19] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS in
[17:19] alexwen out
[17:20] wil in
[17:21] [SW]AOD111 out
[17:23] Electric in
[17:24] Vegeta_TSI out
[17:24] Sopsykop out
[17:28] [fu]king_pin in
[17:28] [fu]king_pin out
[17:28] [Rw]Nici> missed that map
[17:28] [Rw]Nici> as fun
[17:28] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Fun GG
[17:28] Electric out
[17:28] Doraemon> gg
[17:29] xhackerwizardx in
[17:29] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Team Tuga e imbativel neste mapa ;)
[17:29] Breska-arg out
[17:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> hi Nici and Jijo
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> :D
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> Hi
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> are you the third lupin of your generation
[17:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> sup?
[17:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> the first and the third too
[17:30] [Rw]Nici> what bout 2nd
[17:30] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> i am my grandpha
[17:30] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Hi
[17:31] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> hehe Lupin knows my real nickname
[17:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> he is fool
[17:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> run away and fishes mokeys
[17:31] Doraemon> inca ban nici he thinks to be good
[17:31] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS> lol
[17:33] [Rw]Nici> wow mix
[17:33] [Rw]Nici> probably worse than u think
[17:33] Lupin_the_3rd_TAS out
[17:33] supay out
[17:33] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Tem medo desta equipa imbativel ou que :P
[17:33] Electric out
[17:34] [Rw]Nici> haha :P
[17:34] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> tao desististe dos 600 pontos nici
[17:34] [Rw]Nici> n vale a pena xd
[17:34] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ahah era um bom desafio
[17:34] wil out
[17:34] [fu]King_Pin in
[17:34] Electric in
[17:34] supay in
[17:36] wil in
[17:36] [GoD]Divinity> o que é scatter?
[17:36] [GoD]Divinity> nao me aptece googlar
[17:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> sinonimo de partir
[17:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> quebrar
[17:37] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> senao me engano
[17:37] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ou tou a fazer confusao
[17:37] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> hmm
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> scatter é tipo eles tarem todos juntos
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> tipo swarm
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> epa espalhados
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> nem eu sabia lol
[17:37] [GoD]Divinity> hmm
[17:37] [GoD]Divinity> juntos ou espalhados?
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> este tony so mete merda
[17:37] [Rw]Nici> espalhados
[17:37] [GoD]Divinity> isso é o contrario rofl
[17:37] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ya e espalhar
[17:38] [Rw]Nici> tao grupo de 6 fazes swarm espalham-se
[17:38] [Rw]Nici> este tony so mete merda nunca vi
[17:38] [GoD]Divinity> ah ja percebi
[17:38] [GoD]Divinity> ainda deve haver mais maneiras
[17:38] [GoD]Divinity> lmfao
[17:38] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> eu tava a pensar em shatter
[17:38] [Rw]Nici> '11th - cast lightning on a building & they run out'
[17:38] [Rw]Nici> lol.
[17:39] [GoD]Divinity> putas perguntas
[17:40] [GoD]Divinity> mas melhor que nao haver nada
[17:40] marcovit in
[17:41] marcovit out
[17:41] [Rw]Nici> ya melhor que tar-te a ouvir
[17:41] [Rw]Nici> foda-se
[17:41] [Rw]Nici> jijo
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> na casa de banho do divinity
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> na cave
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> cada canto 1 aranha
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> contei 8
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> foste a essa?
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[17:42] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> xD
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> e eram daquelas até granditas
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> owned
[17:42] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> e pelodas
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> tipo
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> peludas năo :DDDD
[17:42] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> lol fail de gramatica
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> dessa nem vale a pena
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> a minha mae tira-as
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> passado 1 dia ja tao la 4 uma em cada canto
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> pk tem la uma cena que vai dar la fora
[17:42] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> LANAÇA CHAMAS
[17:42] [Rw]Nici> acumulam-se pa caralho nem eu sei como
[17:42] [GoD]Divinity> elas entram na boa
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> oh
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> manda aí uma foto da tua carekada
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> ??????????
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> podes usar o google!
[17:43] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[17:43] [GoD]Divinity> ta igual
[17:43] [GoD]Divinity> mais curot
[17:43] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> mete um rato morto na cave no dia aseguir umas 20 aranahs
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> inca ban
[17:43] Electric in
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> this guy forbeing bald
[17:43] Electric out
[17:43] [Rw]Nici> bora matar um rato entşăo
[17:44] [GoD]Divinity> ke caralho
[17:44] [GoD]Divinity> elas nem comem ratos
[17:44] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[17:44] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> existem aranhas que comem carne de animais pequenos
[17:44] [GoD]Divinity> estas nao decerteza
[17:45] [GoD]Divinity> sao dakelas pkenas de pata comprida
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> *dia aseguir*
[17:45] [GoD]Divinity> so comem moscas~e merdas dessa
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> Nici fiquei sem perna
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> como?
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> aranahas
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> kkkkkk
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> pronto arranja insetos para ai
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> carne podre moscas juntam se aranahs vem
[17:45] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> happy?
[17:46] [GoD]Divinity> now that makes sense
[17:46] [Rw]Nici> Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spi
[17:46] [Rw]Nici> Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.Sergej Kosjak está a viajar para Spin's mom.
[17:46] [Rw]Nici> ya junta uma chinchila
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> LOL!
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> k
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity> caralho do marley
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> olha isto
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity> é puta fixe
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> lol
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity> juro
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> quem
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> http://prntscr.com/81kx7o
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity> ja lhe mecheste?
[17:47] [GoD]Divinity> o rato
[17:47] [Rw]Nici> năo
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> pensava que eles se conheciam
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> ja
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> o rato
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> mexer na cauda dele
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> bue fixe
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> ele e bue fixe nunca morde mesmo
[17:48] [GoD]Divinity> so xeira
[17:48] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> se morder vai doer
[17:49] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> xD
[17:49] [SW]AOD111 in
[17:49] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> eles mordem com força fds
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> juro fodase
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> esta cada
[17:49] [Rw]Nici> https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11659501_812629182167782_4037091584447417095_n.jpg?oh=1d0c86bc31245203e2315ecd446b428c&oe=56424DCD
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> ja parece um canil
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> esta casa*
[17:49] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> anyone for CTF? 2+
[17:49] [Rw]Nici> SOU O DO MEIO
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> lool
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> O XORICO
[17:49] [GoD]Divinity> XUPAMISTO
[17:50] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> foi carregado pelo baxter
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> puta gay
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> eu disse ao baxter pra nao o carregar
[17:50] [Rw]Nici> owned
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> pk ele era conas
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> e prontos
[17:50] [Rw]Nici> ele carregou a mesma?
[17:50] [Rw]Nici> fds
[17:50] [GoD]Divinity> chouriço a platinum
[17:51] [SW]AOD111 out
[17:54] [SW]AOD111 in
[17:54] [GoD]Divinity> na percebi um caralho
[17:54] [GoD]Divinity> do ko tony disse
[17:54] [GoD]Divinity> mas pronto!
[17:55] [Rw]Nici> lol.
[17:55] [Rw]Nici> ja lhe respondi
[17:55] [SW]AOD111 out
[17:55] [Rw]Nici> a verukele diz
[17:56] [Rw]Nici> fds o meu nome é Francisco
[17:56] [GoD]Divinity> lmfao
[17:56] [GoD]Divinity> owned
[17:56] [GoD]Divinity> fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment. fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment.
[17:56] [GoD]Divinity> fransisco ought to read the very 1st comment.
[17:56] [GoD]Divinity> ah ele tava a falar do meu?
[17:57] Melissa1993 out
[17:57] [Sr]Spark> hmm
[17:57] [Sr]Spark> crashed
[17:58] DrThunderous in
[17:58] kaspa64 in
[17:58] kaspa64> sess war any1?
[17:58] DeltaEnemy> crash
[17:58] [GoD]Divinity> omfg sess war
[17:58] [GoD]Divinity> cant wait 4it
[17:58] DeltaEnemy> but was a good figth
[17:58] kaspa64> then join us
[17:59] kaspa64> for da war
[17:59] AlphaEnemy out
[17:59] SuicideSquid_TAS> what happened?
[17:59] [Rw]Nici> what is sess war?
[17:59] [Sr]Spark> blue fking crashed us :D
[17:59] kaspa64> its a war on the map sess!!!
[18:00] AlphaEnemy in
[18:00] lordpacco in
[18:00] [Sr]Spark> so much for building the base getting it destroyed then building it back then fking ur enemies up
[18:00] [Sr]Spark> all for a chrash
[18:00] [Sr]Spark> yes CHRASH
[18:00] AlphaEnemy> good game
[18:00] AlphaEnemy> anyway
[18:00] AlphaEnemy> again?
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> we continue saved game
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> but i know
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> u guys wont
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> so gg
[18:01] DeltaEnemy> ok we can do that
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> k then
[18:01] [Sr]Spark> get in here
[18:01] AlphaEnemy> spark
[18:01] AlphaEnemy> come
[18:01] AlphaEnemy> and
[18:01] AlphaEnemy> squid
[18:02] [Rw]Nici> sergey gorbunov
[18:02] kaspa64 out
[18:02] AlphaEnemy> spark
[18:02] DeltaEnemy> cant load it spark
[18:02] wil out
[18:02] DeltaEnemy> its not here
[18:02] AlphaEnemy> just games from 5 august
[18:02] AlphaEnemy> its 6
[18:02] AlphaEnemy> th
[18:02] [Sr]Spark> why do i have it?
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> lies
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> i cant see it
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> lies and lies
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> its not
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> dude
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> bah
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> have fun
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> haha
[18:03] DrThunderous out
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> pussy
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> i can clearly see
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> august 6
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> 2015
[18:03] SuicideSquid_TAS> spark join
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> i cant see
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> 10:26 pm
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> spark
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> then
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> let
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> me
[18:03] AlphaEnemy> send
[18:03] DeltaEnemy> i can see august 5 9:33pm
[18:03] [Sr]Spark> y not lemme host?
[18:04] [Sr]Spark> i can see it
[18:04] SuicideSquid_TAS> spark relog
[18:04] DeltaEnemy> spark host
[18:04] [Sr]Spark> cmon here
[18:04] [Sr]Spark> i have it
[18:04] [Sr]Spark> come er
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> alright
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> fish my host
[18:05] AlphaEnemy> u see
[18:05] DeltaEnemy> thats not the ma
[18:05] DeltaEnemy> map
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> it shows different
[18:05] AlphaEnemy> ...
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> but works
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> incas inovations works like 1 out of 3
[18:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> join
[18:05] SuicideSquid_TAS> hurry up
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> so doesnt matter
[18:05] AlphaEnemy> rematch
[18:05] AlphaEnemy> ?
[18:05] [Sr]Spark> switch teams this time
[18:06] AlphaEnemy> how
[18:06] DeltaEnemy> how?
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> let it be me and delta
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> on 4 way
[18:06] DeltaEnemy> sure
[18:06] DeltaEnemy> not
[18:06] DeltaEnemy> :D
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> :/
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> y not
[18:06] AlphaEnemy> sess?
[18:06] AlphaEnemy> rematch
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> its a good mix and match
[18:06] AlphaEnemy> or on 4 ways
[18:06] supay> xD
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> switch teams
[18:06] [Sr]Spark> for that
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> u can take an other ally if u want
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> he is sitting
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> next to me
[18:07] matej in
[18:07] supay> they always play together
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> im not playing against him
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> we can ally up i n the end
[18:07] DeltaEnemy> we are the enemys
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> we are sitting in same room
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> so ur together
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> turn ur asses towards each other
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> ajajajaj
[18:07] DeltaEnemy> spark, first of all. get a ping
[18:07] AlphaEnemy> ill kick ur asses
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> ffs
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> i have 280 ping
[18:07] [Sr]Spark> wtf u talking bout
[18:08] matej out
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> ima capture the flag instead
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> spark
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> join
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> u and delta
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> nah i'd like different teams
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> yes
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> u and
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> delta
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> switch maps and stuff
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> then acll
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> ajajaj
[18:08] AlphaEnemy> then not
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> do it on 4 way
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> :/
[18:08] [Sr]Spark> we just did that
[18:09] DeltaEnemy> we afk 1 min
[18:09] DeltaEnemy> smoke
[18:09] DeltaEnemy> stay in hut guys
[18:09] Electric out
[18:09] DeltaEnemy> 3mins
[18:09] DeltaEnemy> ok?
[18:09] [Sr]Spark> take 30
[18:10] fi93son in
[18:10] [Sr]Spark> tokisaki
[18:10] [Sr]Spark> is it from shinchan
[18:10] [Sr]Spark> thats one of the only japanese (or chinese ) cartoons that telecast in india
[18:11] [Rw]Nici> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYu1UwSng5U
[18:11] [Rw]Nici> omg lol
[18:12] [Sr]Spark> drunk ppl :/
[18:13] [Sr]Spark> why is that guy trying to break his head
[18:13] [Rw]Nici> lmfao
[18:13] [Rw]Nici> true
[18:14] Schontik in
[18:14] [Sr]Spark> dat car fails remind me of GTA vice city
[18:14] [Sr]Spark> old days
[18:14] AlphaEnemy> matt
[18:14] AlphaEnemy> look
[18:15] AlphaEnemy> in game
[18:15] AlphaEnemy> ass
[18:15] [Rw]Nici> spark
[18:15] [Rw]Nici> 3:13
[18:15] [Rw]Nici> lol
[18:16] fi93son out
[18:16] Melissa1993 in
[18:17] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[18:17] int3r in
[18:17] [SW]AOD111 in
[18:17] [Sr]Spark> lololol
[18:18] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> wow :o
[18:18] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> ready for some CTF?
[18:18] [Sr]Spark> did he die?
[18:19] JoceK in
[18:21] Vegeta_TSI in
[18:21] [Rw]Nici> LOL
[18:21] [Rw]Nici> good thing it crashed
[18:21] [Rw]Nici> .
[18:22] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> GG nici xD
[18:22] Vegeta_TSI> yoooooooo
[18:22] [Rw]Nici> cuz have to wash dishes
[18:22] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> rejoin nici?
[18:22] [Rw]Nici> ill play later guys
[18:22] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> hmm k
[18:22] [Rw]Nici> cuz im the boss of the house
[18:22] [Rw]Nici> while parents are on holidays
[18:22] [Rw]Nici> ,
[18:23] [Sr]Spark> porno
[18:23] [Sr]Spark> banned in my country
[18:23] [Sr]Spark> yesterday
[18:23] [Sr]Spark> :/
[18:23] Vegeta_TSI> hm
[18:23] TFredx in
[18:23] [Sr]Spark> no more fap
[18:24] Schontik out
[18:26] [SW]AOD111 out
[18:34] [chf]arnost> death metal is dead
[18:37] Electric in
[18:37] hammad in
[18:38] hammad> +1
[18:40] hammad> open restriction:(
[18:40] mahmut1661_Tas in
[18:44] [fu]king_pin in
[18:44] AlphaEnemy> +1
[18:44] [fu]king_pin> bella practice blasts and light wars. u really dont know how important blast is
[18:45] AlphaEnemy in
[18:45] [fu]king_pin out
[18:46] Kos_TAS in
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> matt
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> get
[18:46] [fu]king_pin in
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> an ally
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> vs "just preachers" :D
[18:46] [fu]king_pin> kick noob
[18:46] DeltaEnemy> +1
[18:46] AlphaEnemy> no one in
[18:46] AlphaEnemy out
[18:47] AlphaEnemy in
[18:49] Ninja_TaS in
[18:50] [fu]king_pin out
[18:50] Kos_TAS out
[18:50] Kos_TAS in
[18:50] SuicideSquid_TAS out
[18:50] Ninja_TaS> hi mammy
[18:51] kevinya14 in
[18:52] kevinya14 out
[18:52] AlphaEnemy out
[18:54] [SW]SupremeLeader> no mammy
[18:54] [SW]SupremeLeader> ii love U S and A
[18:55] [SW]SupremeLeader> iiiiiiiiiii love big Americaaaaah
[18:55] [SW]SupremeLeader> AAMMMericaah, is number ONE!
[18:56] MrSuicideSheep_TAS in
[18:56] [SW]AOD111 in
[18:56] Ninja_TaS> +++++++++++++3
[18:57] JoceK out
[18:57] Ninja_TaS> ++++++++++++3
[18:59] hammad> +1
[18:59] [SW]AOD111> ok
[19:01] Ninja_TaS> hamad no pings
[19:01] Ninja_TaS> rejoin
[19:02] hammad> no i have pings
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> I wish this poll for every question I post has more than one answer.The 13th way - press G tovunguard your Shaman by the followers.Oh..the 14th way - wanna try it out?Or should I say it?
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> zzzz
[19:02] hammad> around 300
[19:02] [GoD]Divinity> caralho
[19:02] [SW]AOD111 in
[19:02] [GoD]Divinity> ja tou a preparar uma resposta
[19:02] [GoD]Divinity> pra se foderem todos
[19:02] hammad> now?
[19:02] [GoD]Divinity> agora qualquer merda é scattering
[19:02] [GoD]Divinity> lmfao
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> ya mesmo
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> lol G
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> zz
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> hipno tambem
[19:02] JoceK in
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> porque quando fazes hipno
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> eles mexem-se um bocado
[19:02] [Rw]Nici> lol ka puta boi
[19:03] [GoD]Divinity> .
[19:03] [GoD]Divinity> ;)
[19:03] [Rw]Nici> ^^^^
[19:03] [SW]AOD111> hi nici
[19:03] [Rw]Nici> Hi Angel of Death
[19:03] [GoD]Divinity> vai ler
[19:03] [GoD]Divinity> puta grande
[19:03] [SW]AOD111> lol
[19:03] [SW]AOD111> can u please come?
[19:04] [Rw]Nici> cant im playing trakcmanis ry
[19:04] [Rw]Nici> Trackmania**
[19:04] [SW]AOD111> ok
[19:04] [Rw]Nici> xi cum caralho
[19:04] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[19:04] [SW]SupremeLeader in
[19:05] [Rw]Nici> - building (when they are close to turn the building plan into a structure, after the land is flat, they scatter to the corners of the plan)
[19:05] [Rw]Nici> bem pensado
[19:06] [GoD]Divinity> rofl
[19:06] AlphaEnemy in
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> o tony a jogar
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> tou mesmo a ver
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> em vez de matar o matak
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> mete-se a procurar gajos a fazer shattering
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> e merdas que nao cabe na cabeca a ninguem
[19:07] AlphaEnemy out
[19:07] [GoD]Divinity> scateringP
[19:07] DeltaEnemy out
[19:07] peterisangry in
[19:08] [SW]AOD111 out
[19:09] [Rw]Nici> eu nem quero imaginar ele a jogar online
[19:09] DeltaEnemy in
[19:09] [Rw]Nici> deve ser do tipo reclamar de tudo
[19:09] [Rw]Nici> tou pa ver o dia.
[19:09] Electric> rematch iwth other host
[19:09] DeltaEnemy> electric
[19:09] DeltaEnemy> stfu
[19:09] DeltaEnemy> u fucking pussy
[19:09] DeltaEnemy> u had lost and you know it
[19:09] DeltaEnemy> fucking sad
[19:09] AlphaEnemy in
[19:10] AlphaEnemy> luv thos crashed
[19:10] AlphaEnemy> when winning
[19:10] Vegeta_TSI> mspy
[19:10] [Sr]Spark> why is this crashing so frequently
[19:10] Vegeta_TSI> ;d
[19:10] [Sr]Spark> these days
[19:10] Electric> k
[19:10] [Sr]Spark> crashed right after game over
[19:10] Electric> with king_pin's host?
[19:10] DeltaEnemy> when losing then criying
[19:10] DeltaEnemy> when winning say no word
[19:10] DeltaEnemy> fucking pussy
[19:10] DeltaEnemy> never join my game again
[19:11] AlphaEnemy> after u where game over electric
[19:11] Electric> i dotn need to join a noobs game, you shoudl be grateful i even wasted my time on that shit...
[19:11] AlphaEnemy> i crashed after killing ur base
[19:11] AlphaEnemy> rofl
[19:11] AlphaEnemy> u got assfucked
[19:11] DeltaEnemy> omg electric u havent a little chance against us
[19:11] DeltaEnemy> alphas game crashed and then you won
[19:12] AlphaEnemy out
[19:13] [fu]king_pin in
[19:13] [fu]king_pin> delta
[19:13] [fu]king_pin> we won ur ally quit
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> dude
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> i crashed in fucking base
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> of yellow
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> matt
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> u know it
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> why so childish
[19:13] [fu]king_pin> naw
[19:13] AlphaEnemy> hahha
[19:13] DeltaEnemy> hahahahah
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> mat
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> omg
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> phahahah
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> fight the enmys for glory
[19:14] [fu]king_pin> even if u did crash i sent all men to ur base and raped it
[19:14] xhackerwizardx> clear!
[19:14] [fu]king_pin> game was over for u red
[19:14] AlphaEnemy> i would have killed them all
[19:14] [fu]king_pin> no
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> alpha crashed
[19:14] AlphaEnemy> i would
[19:14] DeltaEnemy> notebook overheated
[19:14] [fu]king_pin> like u said u were in yellows base
[19:14] Kos_TAS> everyone add me in skype: kosjak.ms
[19:14] [fu]king_pin> u couldn't kill them
[19:14] AlphaEnemy> and yellow was dead so u cant win this game anymore
[19:15] [fu]king_pin> we just won
[19:15] DeltaEnemy> but hey guys no problem. you 2 have 3000 games more than us. and u cant win against us
[19:15] DeltaEnemy> phahahaha
[19:15] [fu]king_pin> we just did
[19:15] AlphaEnemy> matt only losing
[19:15] [fu]king_pin> u both quit
[19:15] AlphaEnemy> congratz matt
[19:15] DeltaEnemy> fight us for glory
[19:15] AlphaEnemy> 2 shamans lost
[19:15] AlphaEnemy> to 2 preachers
[19:15] AlphaEnemy> thumbs up
[19:15] [fu]king_pin> u guys are to dumb
[19:16] [fu]king_pin> quiting is losing morons
[19:16] DeltaEnemy> haha
[19:16] DeltaEnemy> check game histroy matt
[19:16] [fu]king_pin> delta and alpha join
[19:16] AlphaEnemy> crashing is not losing
[19:16] [fu]king_pin> ill host rm
[19:16] DeltaEnemy> u lost so many times against us
[19:16] Kos_TAS> no inca
[19:16] Kos_TAS> fuck u
[19:16] Kos_TAS> Updating Matchmaker...
[19:17] [fu]king_pin> inca ban kos
[19:17] [fu]king_pin> i have screen shots of him
[19:17] Kos_TAS> inca mute matt's phone acc
[19:17] Kos_TAS> so he will not talk anymore
[19:17] [fu]king_pin> posting personal information
[19:17] Kos_TAS> matthew cravotta
[19:17] [fu]king_pin> inca again he did it
[19:17] Kos_TAS> sergej kosjak
[19:17] Kos_TAS> i posted my name
[19:17] Kos_TAS> so stfu
[19:18] [fu]king_pin> doesn't matter
[19:18] [fu]king_pin> i asked u not to post my name other day as well
[19:18] Kos_TAS> thank god me that i didnt post ur wife name
[19:18] int3r out
[19:18] [fu]king_pin> inca ban him
[19:19] [fu]king_pin> nici u should be mad
[19:19] [fu]king_pin> u were banned for this
[19:19] Kos_TAS> fuking stfu
[19:19] AlphaEnemy> matt
[19:19] AlphaEnemy> go
[19:19] [fu]king_pin> im going to post ur name inca
[19:20] [fu]king_pin> if u dont do anything about this
[19:20] Kos_TAS> everyone knows his name
[19:20] Kos_TAS> lol
[19:20] [fu]king_pin> what is it kos
[19:20] Kos_TAS> ur so sad matt
[19:20] Kos_TAS> if i say it
[19:20] Kos_TAS> inca will ban me
[19:20] [Sr]Spark out
[19:20] [fu]king_pin> ur getting banned anyway
[19:21] [fu]king_pin> for posting my name
[19:21] Kos_TAS> ur getting muted forever anyway
[19:21] Kos_TAS> u wont talk anymore
[19:21] [fu]king_pin> naw i will get around it
[19:22] supay out
[19:22] TFredx out
[19:23] int3r in
[19:25] [SW]AOD111> lol?
[19:26] [SW]AOD111> reloag
[19:26] [SW]AOD111> relog
[19:26] [SW]AOD111 out
[19:26] hammad out
[19:26] [SW]AOD111 in
[19:29] [fu]king_pin out
[19:30] hammad in
[19:31] hammad> launch
[19:32] AlphaEnemy out
[19:32] Vegeta_TSI> gg
[19:33] [SW]AOD111 in
[19:33] DrThunderous out
[19:34] Vegeta_TSI> that game just got matt as shaman on sess
[19:34] Vegeta_TSI> :D
[19:34] [SW]AOD111> map??
[19:34] hammad> any map
[19:34] hammad> 4 players
[19:34] [SW]AOD111> lol
[19:34] [fu]king_pin in
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> wow vegrta ur shit
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> lol
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> i opened up the game for u
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> ez
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> gg
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> green got eqed and still had more pop than u
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[19:35] [fu]king_pin> ur terrible
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> if thats all u can say thats decent
[19:35] Vegeta_TSI> my pop building skills aren't the best
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> u didn't open anything
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> u let them get lb
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> ye so what
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> 1 lb
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> none of ur skills are good
[19:36] [fu]king_pin> 1lb is alot on sess
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> thats why we won
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> in 14 mins
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> cuz i suck
[19:36] Tokisaki_Kurumi_TAS> gg
[19:36] Vegeta_TSI> lmao
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> we would of lost
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> u wild br0
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> if he didn't crash
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> doubt it
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> i had just upgraded all my huts
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> for sure
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> 2nd lvl
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> ur an idiot
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> when he quit
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> he had same amount of huts as u
[19:37] wil in
[19:37] Vegeta_TSI> ye
[19:37] [fu]king_pin> and he had a lake in middle
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> but my pop wouldve been better later
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> no
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> i laughed so hard when u walked up mid
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> nd just blasted yellow
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> lmfao
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> ?
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> ye d00d
[19:38] [chf]arnost> +1
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> all my huts were just ugprading
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> full base full trees
[19:38] Vegeta_TSI> and 3 towers
[19:38] [fu]king_pin> u had no wood
[19:39] [fu]king_pin> u couldn't upgrade
[19:39] [fu]king_pin> ur so dumb
[19:39] [SW]AOD111 out
[19:39] Vegeta_TSI> basic
[19:39] Harley-Quinn_tas in
[19:39] Vegeta_TSI> so basic
[19:39] Vegeta_TSI> ^^
[19:41] kbatu98765 in
[19:42] Kos_TAS> guys
[19:42] Kos_TAS> look at my pop3
[19:42] [SW]AOD111> same teams
[19:42] Kos_TAS> http://i.imgur.com/1IVFBu4.png
[19:42] Kos_TAS> how do i fix that
[19:42] Kos_TAS> :'(
[19:42] int3r out
[19:42] int3r in
[19:44] [SW]AOD111> inter
[19:44] [SW]AOD111> come
[19:44] jannick_185 in
[19:44] Osiris in
[19:44] Osiris in
[19:44] [chf]arnost> nice pings
[19:45] hammad> wait
[19:45] int3r out
[19:45] hammad> pings normal
[19:45] hammad> aod
[19:45] Osiris out
[19:45] Osiris out
[19:45] [SW]AOD111 out
[19:45] [fu]king_pin> 1v1 josh
[19:46] Ninja_TaS> +++1
[19:46] jannick_185 out
[19:46] [fu]king_pin> you dont need ur pop3 fixed ur getting banned
[19:46] hammad> will rejoin
[19:46] int3r in
[19:46] hammad> launch]
[19:47] Vegeta_TSI out
[19:48] SuicideSquid_TAS in
[19:49] Kos_TAS out
[19:49] Kos_TAS in
[19:50] legado-del-emacias in
[19:50] legado-del-emacias> nici
[19:51] kaspa64 in
[19:51] legado-del-emacias> nici get your hand off your dick
[19:52] kbatu98765> let him play with his penis...nothing wrong with that.
[19:52] Kos_TAS> what if legado is his father
[19:52] kbatu98765> een then...its fine
[19:53] kbatu98765> his father should give him some privacy
[19:54] [fu]king_pin out
[19:55] int3r out
[19:56] kaspa64> ++++++++3 for a no quitter WAR!!!
[19:56] kaspa64> you know you always get war with me
[19:56] kaspa64> come at me bro
[19:56] davetherave1991 in
[19:56] kbatu98765> +++++++++++3, for a quitter war. all quitters welcome
[19:57] kaspa64> lol
[19:58] kaspa64> SESS WARRR
[19:58] kaspa64> WARRRRRRRRRRR
[19:58] kbatu98765> no sess here, just an open map, with lots of trees and land
[19:58] kbatu98765> and dont forget, all quitters welcome
[19:59] legado-del-emacias> nici
[19:59] davetherave1991> EURGH
[19:59] davetherave1991> so tired
[19:59] legado-del-emacias> someones using ur old nick doraemon
[19:59] hammad out
[20:00] kbatu98765> legado, i will use your nick
[20:00] davetherave1991> windows 10 is downloading...
[20:00] kbatu98765> i will change my name to legado-del-emacias
[20:00] kbatu98765> kos i saw a stream with w33d a few days back. i think you were his ally
[20:01] kbatu98765> and you got very angry when supay was attacking you (was that you)?
[20:01] kaspa64> w33d is a pussy hole
[20:01] Kos_TAS> ?
[20:01] Kos_TAS> what map was it
[20:01] kbatu98765> sess
[20:01] AlphaEnemy in
[20:01] kbatu98765> you were playing against king pin
[20:01] Kos_TAS> oh that
[20:01] kbatu98765> lots of abuse was being spouted in that game.
[20:02] kbatu98765> hehehe. yes that was you
[20:02] Kos_TAS> i didnt say anything bad
[20:02] davetherave1991> haha
[20:02] kbatu98765> so much abuse over a damn game.
[20:02] kbatu98765> it was shocking how serious some of you take this game
[20:02] Kos_TAS> i never talked angry
[20:02] Kos_TAS> in game
[20:02] AlphaEnemy> +1
[20:02] kbatu98765> yeah, but you didnt like supay attacking you.
[20:02] davetherave1991> populous is love , populous is life
[20:02] kbatu98765> right guys, game time
[20:03] Kos_TAS> he anyway lost
[20:03] kbatu98765> lol yes dave
[20:03] Kos_TAS> coz he attacked me
[20:03] Kos_TAS> no need to attack me
[20:03] Kos_TAS> and ur fine
[20:03] kbatu98765> shall i ally with dave the rave.
[20:03] Kos_TAS> idm
[20:03] kbatu98765> i will make it unranked, we will try
[20:03] Kos_TAS> allying matt is ridiculous
[20:04] kaspa64> k
[20:06] MrSuicideSheep_TAS out
[20:06] carbine in
[20:07] carbine out
[20:07] Purechemist out
[20:07] joacoxx in
[20:07] carbine in
[20:09] [SW]SupremeLeader out
[20:12] [Rw]Mirage> wp:D
[20:12] peterisangry> gg
[20:13] Purechemist in
[20:13] HuntedWolf in
[20:13] HuntedWolf out
[20:14] [chf]arnost out
[20:14] xhackerwizardx out
[20:14] [chf]arnost in
[20:16] [chf]arnost> lol
[20:16] Ninja_TaS> +++++++++++++3 jugg
[20:16] Ninja_TaS> ++++++++++++++++3 jugg
[20:17] Ninja_TaS> +++++++++++++1
[20:18] Ninja_TaS> ++++++++++1 for Jugg
[20:18] Ninja_TaS> unranked ofcourse
[20:18] legado-del-emacias> kbatu98765: i didnt get mad because i lost
[20:18] legado-del-emacias> i got mad because i lost because my game lags thx to the mm
[20:19] legado-del-emacias> and inca denies it despite my sp working just fine
[20:19] [chf]arnost> +1
[20:19] Ninja_TaS> 1 min toilet pls
[20:19] [chf]arnost> k
[20:20] legado-del-emacias> need +1 to test plz
[20:20] Schontik in
[20:20] mistakes in
[20:21] wil> 1 +
[20:22] [chf]arnost> ninja
[20:22] Melissa1993 out
[20:23] kevinya14 in
[20:23] kevinya14 out
[20:24] wil> play ply play
[20:25] wil out
[20:25] Ninja_TaS> am back
[20:26] wil in
[20:26] ztron0512 in
[20:26] car_at in
[20:28] ztron0512> go
[20:28] ztron0512> ...................
[20:29] Kos_TAS> gg
[20:29] davetherave1991> until it unsynce
[20:30] Kos_TAS> everyone is dead for me
[20:30] Kos_TAS> but matt and kbatu still in game
[20:30] Kos_TAS> lol
[20:30] davetherave1991> lmao
[20:30] davetherave1991> i had spells hitting me from across the map and cba to play anymore XD
[20:31] kbatu98765> kos, did you win, on your screen?
[20:32] Kos_TAS> yes
[20:32] Kos_TAS> i did
[20:32] Kos_TAS> and i pressed space
[20:32] kbatu98765> damn u won fast, my stream didnt work
[20:32] kbatu98765> otherwise you couldve seen what i was seeing.
[20:32] Kos_TAS> for me it just was spell msgs
[20:34] Kos_TAS> matt say sth if you are pro
[20:34] Kos_TAS> /me [fu]king_pin in
[20:34] kbatu98765> and kos, remember, nobody is so silly, so as to force a sync issue in a game which is unranked. i realise that there are some children who play on here, for which this game is their life. but thats not me.
[20:34] Kos_TAS> f8 is force sync
[20:34] Kos_TAS> or f9
[20:35] kbatu98765> i wouldnt even know, as i have never had cause to use that.
[20:35] supay in
[20:35] kbatu98765> most of us come here to have fun and challenge. if we want an easy/fake win then we'd just play single player
[20:35] Kos_TAS> log file says it was chat issue
[20:35] Kos_TAS> caused sync
[20:35] Kos_TAS> whats the point in playing single player
[20:36] Kos_TAS> if u can earn points online
[20:36] kbatu98765> how can you check the log file?
[20:36] Kos_TAS> i have special program
[20:36] Kos_TAS> u dont have it
[20:36] kbatu98765> who did the chatting?
[20:36] Kos_TAS> me lol
[20:36] kbatu98765> well, there you go.
[20:36] Kos_TAS> it was fucked at start
[20:36] Kos_TAS> coz i couldnt type normally
[20:37] Kos_TAS> automaticlly was removing my chars
[20:37] kbatu98765> well, i felt i was running in 640x480 res
[20:37] Kos_TAS> in chat box
[20:37] kbatu98765> oh thats strange.
[20:37] kbatu98765> i gotta try out single player to make sure my settings are ok, cuz it was like i waws playing zoomed in.
[20:37] kbatu98765> there were times when i could hear enemy shaman, but not see them.
[20:37] Kos_TAS> press "-"
[20:38] ztron0512 out
[20:38] kbatu98765> what does that do?
[20:38] Kos_TAS> zooms out
[20:38] Kos_TAS> and + zooms in
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> -
[20:38] kbatu98765> zoom out -
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> didnt work
[20:38] Kos_TAS> "+"
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> +
[20:38] Kos_TAS> divinity
[20:38] kbatu98765> i use - and = key
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> not working
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> help
[20:38] Kos_TAS> do it in game
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> oh lol
[20:38] [GoD]Divinity> ok ty!
[20:38] davetherave1991> gives weird angles
[20:39] Kos_TAS> bird view
[20:39] Kos_TAS> normal
[20:39] Kos_TAS> zoomed
[20:39] Kos_TAS> global
[20:39] kbatu98765> yeah i use bird view
[20:39] Kos_TAS> global is same as pressing enter
[20:39] kbatu98765> what res do you use?
[20:39] Kos_TAS> 800x600
[20:39] ztron0512 in
[20:40] kbatu98765> you get good shaman control with that res, but on higher res, you get a better strategic view
[20:40] ztron0512> go
[20:40] kbatu98765> i am still experimenting between resolutions
[20:40] [GoD]Divinity> zoomed sucks alot
[20:40] [GoD]Divinity> the lcose view rofl
[20:40] [GoD]Divinity> close*
[20:40] Kos_TAS> u can view shamans boobs close
[20:40] mahmut1661_Tas out
[20:40] Kos_TAS> zoomed is used for that
[20:40] [GoD]Divinity> thats the worst part
[20:40] [GoD]Divinity> cuz i like penis
[20:40] kbatu98765> like 720p, makes lights very difficult, but you get good strategic view
[20:40] ztron0512> go war
[20:41] kbatu98765> divinity, you like penis?
[20:41] Schontik out
[20:41] [GoD]Divinity> yes
[20:41] ztron0512> peterisangri go wart
[20:41] Kos_TAS> divinity is gay
[20:41] Schontik in
[20:41] kbatu98765> okay thats good dude, times are changing.
[20:41] [GoD]Divinity> ?
[20:41] ManaBootstrapper in
[20:41] Tables in
[20:41] Schontik out
[20:41] Kos_TAS> kbatu
[20:41] Schontik in
[20:42] legado-del-emacias> Populous: The Beginning, fishing girls at school non-stop, watching football, playing fifa 14 etc, love NEC <3 Olá. Sou um rapaz educado de 20 anos e gosto de viver em Portugal, Eu nachi aqui e agora sou um orgulhoso portugu3x, nău chei cual mas gostaria.
[20:42] Kos_TAS> never play with alphaenemy & dltaenemy
[20:42] mahmut1661_Tas in
[20:42] Apocalypsis_TAS out
[20:42] ztron0512> two player run game
[20:42] kaspa64> yh coz lag spikes r u
[20:42] ztron0512> 10
[20:43] ztron0512> 9
[20:43] ztron0512> 8
[20:43] ztron0512> 7
[20:43] ztron0512> 6
[20:43] ztron0512> 5
[20:43] ztron0512> 4
[20:43] Schontik out
[20:43] ztron0512> 3
[20:43] Kos_TAS> smd
[20:43] ManaBootstrapper out
[20:43] [GoD]Divinity> owned
[20:43] Kos_TAS> congratz sushi
[20:43] Kos_TAS> on preacher rank
[20:43] Kos_TAS> :P
[20:43] Ninja_TaS> thx mate
[20:43] [GoD]Divinity> 70 years ago hiroshima bombig
[20:43] Ninja_TaS> its for while
[20:43] [GoD]Divinity> rip all
[20:43] Ninja_TaS> may be 2moro again back to war rank
[20:44] kaspa64> supay ping?
[20:44] [GoD]Divinity> bombing
[20:44] Kos_TAS> keep playing games
[20:44] Kos_TAS> kaspa
[20:44] kaspa64> hoi
[20:44] kaspa64> hi
[20:44] Kos_TAS> know how matt calling supay?
[20:44] Kos_TAS> supgay
[20:44] supay> my ping
[20:44] ManaBootstrapper in
[20:44] supay> omg
[20:44] Kos_TAS> rofl
[20:44] [GoD]Divinity> my father is called sergio = sergej
[20:44] [GoD]Divinity> lmfao
[20:44] [GoD]Divinity> hi kos u my dad?
[20:45] Kos_TAS> not buying ice cream for u
[20:45] AlphaEnemy out
[20:45] Kos_TAS> gg
[20:45] AlphaEnemy in
[20:45] Kos_TAS> gtfo and get job
[20:45] Kos_TAS> ok?
[20:45] wil> go
[20:45] ztron0512> my not lunch
[20:45] Kos_TAS> then i buy u ice cream
[20:45] AlphaEnemy out
[20:46] ztron0512 out
[20:46] Doraemon out
[20:46] wil> 2+
[20:46] ztron0512 in
[20:47] ztron0512> go wil
[20:47] wil> 1 +
[20:47] ztron0512> go
[20:48] ztron0512> 10
[20:48] Electric in
[20:48] ManaBootstrapper> full house!
[20:48] wil> go ztron
[20:49] Loz_Doz in
[20:49] libranks in
[20:49] libranks out
[20:50] mahmut1661_Tas> +1
[20:50] mahmut1661_Tas out
[20:50] mahmut1661_Tas in
[20:51] Ninja_TaS> +++2
[20:51] mahmut1661_Tas> +1
[20:51] davetherave1991> go
[20:51] ztron0512> go
[20:51] carbine> guess how much points that gave me
[20:51] carbine> 5 !!
[20:51] ManaBootstrapper> sorry, im trying to play through this mm on Linux... where my populous works perfectly, it launched perfectly, and then it just acts weird...
[20:52] ztron0512> 10
[20:52] ztron0512> 8
[20:52] ztron0512> 6
[20:52] ztron0512> 4
[20:52] ztron0512> 2
[20:52] carbine> stfu twat
[20:52] ztron0512> 0
[20:53] Electric out
[20:53] Kos_TAS> giving away free hotline miami keys (Steam)
[20:53] carbine> squid
[20:53] carbine> you didnt have higher pop then me in that game
[20:54] ManaBootstrapper> could someone perhaps try launch me?
[20:54] Kos_TAS> than*
[20:54] carbine> throughout the whole game
[20:54] carbine> start to finish
[20:54] MaximilionRamos in
[20:54] MaximilionRamos out
[20:54] Purechemist> wow
[20:54] Polska in
[20:54] biocuby1256 in
[20:54] Purechemist> that was teriible
[20:54] carbine> Kos
[20:54] albatron in
[20:54] carbine> why do you care
[20:54] kaspa64> ?
[20:54] carbine> is this an english essay
[20:54] Kos_TAS> terrible*
[20:54] [Rw]Nici> this roflsjak
[20:54] Kos_TAS> no but type correctly
[20:54] [Rw]Nici> should be banned
[20:54] Kos_TAS> stfu divinity
[20:55] ManaBootstrapper out
[20:55] carbine> No, but type correctly.*
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> for life
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> kostasjak
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> kosjaksjak
[20:55] [Rw]Nici> terriblesjak?
[20:55] ManaBootstrapper in
[20:55] Kos_TAS> spinity
[20:55] Kos_TAS> when is sp released?
[20:55] Kos_TAS> rofl cant wait for it
[20:55] kbatu98765> why did you leave peter?
[20:55] Kos_TAS> so im gonna upload it
[20:55] kaspa64> coz hes angry
[20:55] Kos_TAS> to my website
[20:55] [GoD]Divinity> my site guys
[20:56] [GoD]Divinity> http://populous.pe.hu/
[20:56] [GoD]Divinity> free populous dls
[20:56] [GoD]Divinity> that not work rofl
[20:56] Purechemist> kbatu u did some nasty gameplay there
[20:56] Kos_TAS> it works
[20:56] supay> gg anyway
[20:56] Kos_TAS> ur net just sucks
[20:56] Kos_TAS> divinity
[20:56] ManaBootstrapper> can I try lauching someone then? i just need to test if it works...
[20:56] [GoD]Divinity> then dl popres
[20:57] kbatu98765> peter i was trying to blast your fw hut and yellow used his fws to blast your braves.
[20:57] [GoD]Divinity> .exe
[20:57] kbatu98765> i had to blast your front hut cuz that had a fw in it.
[20:57] [GoD]Divinity> or symmetry tool
[20:57] [GoD]Divinity> half things not work
[20:57] Kos_TAS> stfu or i send u winlocker that will just emm open window and say ur windows.. blocked....
[20:57] kbatu98765> but that map is not the greatest
[20:57] supay> i did not kill any brave with my shaman
[20:58] carbine> supay give me free points noob
[20:58] supay> xD
[20:58] carbine> i need preacher mid
[20:58] Kos_TAS> crab
[20:58] Kos_TAS> do u know
[20:59] Kos_TAS> that only kids care about points
[20:59] carbine> yes
[20:59] Kos_TAS> so if you are smart boy
[20:59] carbine> im a kid
[20:59] Kos_TAS> omg
[20:59] Kos_TAS> not fair
[20:59] ManaBootstrapper> join me someone! i just want to test launching the game from reMM!
[20:59] ManaBootstrapper> plx
[21:00] carbine out
[21:00] carbine in
[21:01] DeltaEnemy out
[21:02] [chf]arnost out
[21:04] joacoxx> +2
[21:04] joacoxx> si queres jugar 1vs1 ?
[21:05] carbine out
[21:06] ztron0512> 10
[21:06] ztron0512> 8
[21:06] ztron0512> 6
[21:06] kbatu98765> ztron
[21:06] ztron0512> 4
[21:06] kbatu98765> let me join you please
[21:06] ztron0512> yes
[21:06] ManaBootstrapper out
[21:07] kbatu98765> please man, let me join you.
[21:07] ztron0512> ok
[21:07] ztron0512> 10
[21:07] ztron0512> 8
[21:07] kbatu98765> what is your password?
[21:07] kbatu98765> i cant get in,
[21:07] kbatu98765> please man, let me play
[21:08] ztron0512> ok
[21:08] ztron0512> 10
[21:08] ztron0512> 8
[21:08] ztron0512> 6
[21:08] ztron0512> 4
[21:08] ztron0512> 2
[21:08] ztron0512> 0
[21:08] <