PopMM - 18/01/25 00:00

[00:00] SHakur out
[00:01] SHakur in
[00:05] Vertigo in
[00:05] SHakur out
[00:07] SHakur in
[00:07] SHakur out
[00:08] SHakur in
[00:09] SHakur out
[00:09] SHakur in
[00:09] SHakur out
[00:10] D4R_OP> this game looks funi
[00:11] [D]Doom> 4 fw vs 2 priest 1 shaman 1 retard
[00:12] D4R_OP> whos retard :monkahmm:
[00:13] [Rw]Ninety> i think doom doesnt value jasmin very high
[00:14] D4R_OP> lmao
[00:14] [D]Doom> yes jasmin is priest
[00:14] [D]Doom> guess one :d4r:
[00:15] [D]Doom> lol
[00:15] [D]Doom> [19:17] [Rw]Ninety> i think doom doesnt value jasmin very high: nono jasmin is a priest good player
[00:16] D4R_OP> HW tu gut man
[00:16] Vertigo> Any streams going?
[00:16] [D]Doom> lol
[00:16] [Rw]Ninety> no streams on
[00:20] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[00:20] [D]Josef> vertigo do you know you can spectate?
[00:20] [D]Josef> when a game is launching and in setup still
[00:20] [D]Josef> right click on a players name in the game and at the way bottom you'll see spectate, then you can watch in game
[00:21] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[00:21] [D]Doom> gg wp
[00:21] [D]Doom> freematt too good
[00:22] SHakur in
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> a good one
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> just irritatting
[00:22] T-Rod> gg
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> wtf were u guys thinkin with blastin my shaman
[00:22] Updog_TSI> lol
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> n Jimmy
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> he said "np"
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> ofc its a problem man
[00:22] PerfectScript_TAS> i had full spells
[00:22] Updog_TSI> "ill blast him so he doesnt get lit while approaching":
[00:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[00:23] [D]Josef> naw they said fuck danny
[00:23] [D]Josef> lets ruin his day
[00:23] [AvA]Piracy out
[00:23] T-Rod> sick early troop push paper
[00:23] T-Rod> felt like i dont need to make fws
[00:23] T-Rod> :D
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> [07:23] [D]Josef> lets ruin his day
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> it does
[00:23] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[00:23] [D]Josef> :peeposad:
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> i started trolling since that
[00:23] [SW]Chillguy> say thanks when i blast you man
[00:23] [SW]Chillguy> say thanks when i blast you man.
[00:23] T-Rod> paper u wanna host next game?
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> ye u blast me into the water
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> wtf
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> that only succeed once
[00:23] PerfectScript_TAS> when their shaman ded
[00:23] T-Rod> map wishes?
[00:23] [SW]Chillguy> Wtf are you talking man
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> you won with my blast 100 times
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> if you lose one time with blast
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> where the fk is problem ?
[00:24] T-Rod> sess?
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> ye u misscalculated 3 times last game
[00:24] T-Rod> walls?
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye sess
[00:24] [Rw]Ninety> brb x ping
[00:24] [Rw]Ninety out
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> bro you are my niga
[00:24] T-Rod> okidoky
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> :ban:
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> Inca look at this
[00:24] [Rw]Ninety in
[00:24] [D]Doom> lol
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> :kek:
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> whay the fuck you like to say bla bla bla nonstop bla bla bla
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> You know me very well who i am
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> coz youre annoying man
[00:24] PerfectScript_TAS> ffs
[00:24] [Rw]Ninety out
[00:24] [SW]Chillguy> You are jelouse for me
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> you remember time when you was better than me
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> but you know now who is
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> ;*
[00:25] PerfectScript_TAS> [07:25] [SW]Chillguy> you remember time when you was better than me
[00:25] [Rw]Ninety in
[00:25] PerfectScript_TAS> n still
[00:25] PerfectScript_TAS> rofl
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> ;)
[00:25] T-Rod> hey spin wants sess
[00:25] T-Rod> this ok ?=
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> we can prove now if you want
[00:25] [D]Josef> get along now
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> :boos:
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> :king:
[00:25] [D]Josef> i think danny wins jimmy
[00:25] [SW]Chillguy> :king: is here
[00:25] [D]Josef> but you are strong of course
[00:25] T-Rod> T-Rod + [GoD]lebannen + [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. [SW]Chillguy + PerfectScript_TAS + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Ninety
[00:25] T-Rod> best ok?
[00:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[00:26] T-Rod> looks fine
[00:26] T-Rod> by me
[00:26] [SW]Chillguy> Joseph
[00:26] [SW]Chillguy> too easy to see man
[00:26] [SW]Chillguy> i am ready to play 1v1
[00:26] [SW]Chillguy> Respect nubsss
[00:27] tays out
[00:28] D4R_OP> :ninety: gut
[00:33] [SW]Chillguy> https://www.twitch.tv/zgjimrashiti
[00:35] SHakur out
[00:36] adray_tsi> Id pay to see the Danny v Jimmy
[00:36] adray_tsi> would be a great match!
[00:37] SHakur in
[00:37] SHakur out
[00:54] Vertigo out
[00:56] [AsG]manl1> :manu:
[00:57] [D]Doom> :manu:
[01:00] HexTheRex in
[01:00] HexTheRex> hello
[01:03] [D]Josef out
[01:05] [SW]Chillguy> gg wp
[01:05] [AvA]JJaydenn> gg
[01:05] [SW]Chillguy> Yeyyyy
[01:05] [SW]Chillguy> HexTheRex:
[01:05] [GoD]lebannen out
[01:05] [SW]Chillguy> nice too see you again here broo
[01:05] [Rw]Ninety> i almost quit when jimi blasted danny into the water
[01:05] PerfectScript_TAS> 08:05] [Rw]Ninety> i almost quit when jimi blasted danny into the water
[01:05] T-Rod> think hw was playing sim city
[01:05] PerfectScript_TAS> see
[01:05] [SW]Chillguy> lollll
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> u can feel how annoying that was rite?
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> that was intentional
[01:06] [Rw]Ninety> very
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> can tell the different
[01:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> soon as that land repaired i knew it was bd time trod style
[01:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> or we would of been fked if they built up
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> nah jj
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> ive been fked up since game started
[01:06] PerfectScript_TAS> coz fokin jimmy
[01:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> idk why jimmy trolling
[01:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> guy smoking meth or something
[01:07] PerfectScript_TAS> hell nah
[01:07] PerfectScript_TAS> he is a good 12yo boy
[01:07] [SW]Chillguy> Paperrr
[01:07] [SW]Chillguy> 2v2 man
[01:07] [SW]Chillguy> bro i ask you for 2v2
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> thats bardhi danny
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[01:08] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[01:08] [SW]Chillguy> hah
[01:08] D4R_OP> PerfectScript_TAS> he is a good 12yo boy
[01:08] [SW]Chillguy> to funny
[01:08] D4R_OP> jimmy is ur age dani :nice:
[01:08] PerfectScript_TAS> Jimmy sticll act the same Tsu
[01:08] PerfectScript_TAS> he never grew up
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> ofc
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> jimmy is 12yo spiritually
[01:08] Zpektrix_TAS> all SWs are
[01:08] PerfectScript_TAS> n logically
[01:09] [AvA]JJaydenn> ress needs more credit tbh guy smashes people with high asf ping
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> good thing danny grew up
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> +D
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[01:09] [SW]Chillguy> You don't know my life :D
[01:09] [AvA]JJaydenn> 250+ ping is awful
[01:09] [SW]Chillguy> You don't know nothing about me
[01:09] PerfectScript_TAS> n so do you jimmy
[01:09] PerfectScript_TAS> n idgaf
[01:09] PerfectScript_TAS> one more time you do this to me
[01:09] PerfectScript_TAS> imma report u for good
[01:10] [Rw]Ninety> other than that blast incident we did pretty well
[01:10] [SW]Chillguy> Danny to bad man to talk with you in this way
[01:10] [SW]Chillguy> Your family know me
[01:10] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[01:10] HexTheRex> oh you probably want another player
[01:10] PerfectScript_TAS> n u make me gonna regret this
[01:10] PerfectScript_TAS> for knowing u
[01:10] [D]Doom> [20:12] [AvA]JJaydenn> 250+ ping is awful: i play always with that ping
[01:10] PerfectScript_TAS> if u keep doing this stupid things
[01:10] T-Rod> hi
[01:10] T-Rod> what map
[01:10] HexTheRex> someone else gonna play?
[01:10] [SW]Chillguy> what i am doing man
[01:10] [SW]Chillguy> ?
[01:10] PerfectScript_TAS> im not gonna start if u dont
[01:10] HexTheRex> or me here?
[01:11] PerfectScript_TAS> stop being annoying man ffs
[01:11] D4R_OP> 4walls rod
[01:11] D4R_OP> ofc
[01:11] [SW]Chillguy> man i am a good man
[01:11] [SW]Chillguy> you know me
[01:11] PerfectScript_TAS> dude i know
[01:11] [SW]Chillguy> but you know i don't like bad words
[01:11] PerfectScript_TAS> but you were crossing the line
[01:11] PerfectScript_TAS> didnt i tell u?
[01:11] PerfectScript_TAS> [08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> im not gonna start if u dont
[01:12] [SW]Chillguy> Brooo
[01:12] [SW]Chillguy> blasting
[01:12] [SW]Chillguy> not bad idea
[01:12] Zpektrix_TAS> T-Rod + [SW]Chillguy + PerfectScript_TAS + HexTheRex vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]Ninety + [D]Doom
[01:12] T-Rod> [GoD]Spinnifix> you me hex and 90
[01:12] PerfectScript_TAS> yes ofc
[01:12] T-Rod> ok
[01:12] [SW]Chillguy> when i blast you almost in all time i use flaten
[01:12] PerfectScript_TAS> i was dealing with that after that tom game
[01:12] PerfectScript_TAS> but last game
[01:12] PerfectScript_TAS> u were crossing the line
[01:12] T-Rod> well can do that too
[01:12] T-Rod> but
[01:12] PerfectScript_TAS> not only the blast
[01:13] [D]Doom> go nodes8p in test map
[01:13] [SW]Chillguy> i was little frustred
[01:13] [SW]Chillguy> You was my first friend here :D
[01:13] PerfectScript_TAS> alrite we cool then
[01:13] PerfectScript_TAS> so
[01:13] [SW]Chillguy> i remember time when i won much games with you
[01:13] PerfectScript_TAS> im gonna ask u one more time
[01:13] PerfectScript_TAS> do not cross the fkin "line" again?
[01:13] PerfectScript_TAS> u know what make me mad last 2 games
[01:14] [SW]Chillguy> in the last game yes
[01:14] PerfectScript_TAS> alrite cool
[01:14] T-Rod> spots ok?=
[01:14] PerfectScript_TAS> we cool
[01:14] [SW]Chillguy> gg
[01:15] PerfectScript_TAS> [08:09] [AvA]JJaydenn> ress needs more credit tbh guy smashes people with high asf ping
[01:15] PerfectScript_TAS> :howdy:
[01:15] PerfectScript_TAS> thx for the compliment m8
[01:15] [SW]Chillguy> https://www.twitch.tv/zgjimrashiti
[01:16] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[01:24] tays in
[01:48] [D]Doom> gg wp
[01:49] [SW]Chillguy> fkin doubled me
[01:49] [SW]Chillguy> gg
[01:49] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[01:49] T-Rod> dayumn got me worried when black left hes base
[01:50] [Rw]Ninety> i had 2 front and 1 on the back
[01:50] [SW]Chillguy> join T-Rod
[01:50] [Rw]Ninety> idk how my pop died tho
[01:50] [Rw]Ninety> that was my bad
[01:50] [D]Doom> i killed 90
[01:50] [D]Doom> with lightas
[01:50] [SW]Chillguy> more game
[01:50] [SW]Chillguy> or enough for today
[01:50] T-Rod> im too noob for 2 v 2 mate
[01:50] [SW]Chillguy> lol
[01:50] T-Rod> need 3 players to carry me allways
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> wtf are you talking broo
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> hahahaha
[01:51] HexTheRex> i survived huh
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> good joke
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> Gn for now guys
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> :Zzz:
[01:51] T-Rod> im serious bruh
[01:51] T-Rod> gg
[01:51] [SW]Chillguy> i know you rodddddd
[01:51] T-Rod> my clicks are slow as matts
[01:51] T-Rod> were
[01:51] T-Rod> must do bdoors and other ways to win
[01:52] T-Rod> if people see my stream they would be like dayumn ur noob
[01:52] T-Rod> slow
[01:52] HexTheRex> how you guys make bd so early
[01:52] [SW]Chillguy out
[01:52] adray_tsi> charge landbridge
[01:52] T-Rod> we load lb
[01:52] T-Rod> and use it
[01:52] T-Rod> loool
[01:53] HexTheRex> i use it to make base bigger
[01:53] T-Rod> no thats bad
[01:53] HexTheRex> but you didnt want so
[01:53] T-Rod> expanding is selfiest thing u can do to ur allies
[01:53] T-Rod> its like ur escaping from battle
[01:54] T-Rod> u leave ur allies
[01:54] tays out
[01:54] HexTheRex> and thanks for warriors tip
[01:54] HexTheRex> i never make them unless
[01:54] HexTheRex> lol
[01:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> doom host
[01:55] HexTheRex> gg
[01:55] HexTheRex out
[01:55] T-Rod> gg
[01:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> 3v3 trod?
[01:55] T-Rod> ok
[01:55] T-Rod> map?
[01:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> umm
[01:55] T-Rod> töm?
[01:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> mana
[01:56] T-Rod> +1 for 4 vv4
[01:57] [Rw]Ninety> u guys play
[01:57] T-Rod> naaah u join
[01:57] T-Rod> i get paper
[01:57] PerfectScript_TAS> join Alan
[01:57] [Rw]Ninety> i pmd him but he isnt here i think
[01:57] PerfectScript_TAS> it has to be me pming him
[01:57] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[01:57] T-Rod> he pmed me sec
[01:59] Bignoobmanfr out
[02:00] [D]Doom> sorry team i did my best last game
[02:00] Zpektrix_TAS> its jimmy's fault
[02:00] [D]Doom> who is jimmy?
[02:00] Zpektrix_TAS> he didnt get lights and losing pop on purpose
[02:00] Bignoobmanfr in
[02:00] Bignoobmanfr out
[02:01] [D]Doom> chillguy is jimmy?
[02:01] T-Rod> yes
[02:01] [Rw]Ninety> i did my worst but the finish duo were on fire
[02:01] T-Rod> spin was doing so much front
[02:01] T-Rod> was sick
[02:02] T-Rod> can we push instead
[02:02] [D]Doom> yep spin too much pressure on front
[02:02] T-Rod> more chill map
[02:02] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[02:02] PerfectScript_TAS> push gut
[02:02] T-Rod> Maybe 1 game Marcus?
[02:03] [D]Doom> calling joef
[02:03] [D]Doom> jozef*
[02:03] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[02:03] PerfectScript_TAS> call everyone u can
[02:03] T-Rod> :excellent:
[02:03] T-Rod> :pepephone:
[02:04] [D]Doom> where is paper?
[02:05] [D]Doom> any here play insaniquarium?
[02:05] T-Rod> whats that?
[02:05] [D]Doom> a fish tank simulator game
[02:05] T-Rod> oh
[02:05] Zpektrix_TAS> what about me jayden danny vs rest on push
[02:05] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[02:06] [D]Doom> push shape remember a creature of that game
[02:06] [AvA]JJaydenn> go 6p im off 2 long waiting :poof:
[02:06] T-Rod> can do tsu
[02:06] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[02:06] Zpektrix_TAS> too late
[02:06] T-Rod> well guys i go sleep then tooo
[02:06] [D]Doom> gn
[02:06] T-Rod> :peepoleave:
[02:06] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[02:06] T-Rod> :puff:
[02:06] [D]Doom> lol
[02:06] T-Rod> :poof:
[02:06] T-Rod> fking inca
[02:06] [D]Doom> xD
[02:06] T-Rod> changing dem memes
[02:06] T-Rod> :D
[02:06] T-Rod out
[02:07] [D]Doom> well 3-1 today is good i think
[02:07] [Rw]Ninety> and then there were no games
[02:07] [D]Doom> enough for taody
[02:07] PerfectScript_TAS> we have
[02:07] PerfectScript_TAS> Tsu host
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> so alan
[02:07] PerfectScript_TAS> 2v2 :good:
[02:07] [D]Doom out
[02:07] PerfectScript_TAS> or 3v1
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> are you gonna get exitlag on
[02:07] PerfectScript_TAS> jugg
[02:07] [Rw]Ninety> its on
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> ok
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> same to 4r
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> get exitlag
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS> d4r
[02:07] Zpektrix_TAS out
[02:08] [D]Doom in
[02:08] Zpektrix_TAS in
[02:08] Zpektrix_TAS> so
[02:08] Zpektrix_TAS> what map
[02:09] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[02:09] PerfectScript_TAS out
[02:09] D4R_OP out
[02:09] PerfectScript_TAS in
[02:10] Zpektrix_TAS> alan
[02:10] Zpektrix_TAS> pick jp server
[02:10] Zpektrix_TAS> you can get ping 230 minimum
[02:10] Zpektrix_TAS> i think
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS> much better
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS> move to chile and you get 200
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS> :)))
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> yea not worth it
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> lolol
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> d4r left tho?
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> go to australia ping 90 is awaiting
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> i think he needs some mins to log in
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> one of mm server is dead
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> give him bit more time
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> kk
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> u guys with low ping
[02:12] [Rw]Ninety> scary
[02:12] Zpektrix_TAS> 5more mins max
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> danny low ping is a scary monster
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> especially on ping 80-100
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> danny ping 1 isn't scary
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> easy to kill him with blasts
[02:13] Zpektrix_TAS> :)))
[02:14] PerfectScript_TAS> ool
[02:14] PerfectScript_TAS> tsu
[02:14] PerfectScript_TAS> dont tell ppl my weakness
[02:14] PerfectScript_TAS> :kek:"
[02:14] Zpektrix_TAS> lolol
[02:14] Zpektrix_TAS> you dont even host
[02:14] Zpektrix_TAS> xDD
[02:14] Zpektrix_TAS> it cannot be a weakness
[02:14] PerfectScript_TAS> true
[02:15] Zpektrix_TAS> damn i need to take care of my baby
[02:15] Zpektrix_TAS> afk now
[02:15] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[02:15] PerfectScript_TAS> wth
[02:15] PerfectScript_TAS> :pepewhy:
[02:16] PerfectScript_TAS> im not even asleep yet
[02:16] PerfectScript_TAS> where u guys goin
[02:16] PerfectScript_TAS> :monkas:
[02:16] PerfectScript_TAS out
[02:16] [Rw]Ninety out
[02:17] PerfectScript_TAS in
[02:17] [Rw]Ninety in
[02:17] PerfectScript_TAS> Tsu
[02:17] PerfectScript_TAS> can u host us?
[02:18] [Rw]Ninety out
[02:18] PerfectScript_TAS> SA seemed to be too far from me
[02:18] PerfectScript_TAS> its on the other side of earth
[02:18] PerfectScript_TAS> :kek:
[02:18] [Rw]Ninety in
[02:19] PerfectScript_TAS> ohh nvm
[02:19] PerfectScript_TAS> 315
[02:19] [Rw]Ninety> u down for this?
[02:19] PerfectScript_TAS> yep
[02:45] Axton out
[02:51] jammy in
[02:57] PerfectScript_TAS> ye
[02:57] PerfectScript_TAS> u did fine
[02:58] [Rw]Ninety> i let you in so easily early on
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> perhaps if that trade succeed i'd be on worse position
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> your towers were mostly epty
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> side towers
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> i trained early wars
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> 3-4 is enuf
[02:58] PerfectScript_TAS> with some swarms
[02:58] [Rw]Ninety> yeah and i always make em so late lol
[02:58] [Rw]Ninety> i just forget about the war hut
[02:59] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[02:59] PerfectScript_TAS> that was late
[02:59] PerfectScript_TAS> overall was good
[02:59] [Rw]Ninety> my pop growth was good
[02:59] PerfectScript_TAS> but yeh its kinda hard to face your shaman with this ping :kek:
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> thats why i avoieded shaman battle most of the times
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> makes sense
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> but u kept following me so i had no choice only to face your shaman :P
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> time to sleep for me
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> night danny
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> or day
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> idk
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> gn
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> 10am
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> ye
[03:00] PerfectScript_TAS> day
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety> :poof:
[03:00] [Rw]Ninety out
[03:04] PerfectScript_TAS out
[03:12] [D]Doom> paper now you want play|?
[03:15] Updog_TSI> had 2 eat
[03:17] Franco_colapinto in
[03:19] Franco_colapinto> wait
[03:19] Franco_colapinto> let me join
[03:24] Franco_colapinto> hey
[03:24] Franco_colapinto> very good
[03:24] Franco_colapinto> used my bike in the lasst hours
[03:24] Updog_TSI> JOIN
[03:24] Updog_TSI> motorcycle or bicycle
[03:24] Franco_colapinto> bicycle
[03:24] Updog_TSI> nice
[03:24] Updog_TSI> where u go
[03:24] Franco_colapinto> motorcycle is too risky
[03:25] Updog_TSI> never had one tbh
[03:25] Updog_TSI> been tempted but never did
[03:25] Updog_TSI> wheen iw as younger :>
[03:25] Franco_colapinto> on center of city
[03:25] Franco_colapinto> to work
[03:25] Franco_colapinto> with it
[03:26] Franco_colapinto> give me a second and ill join
[03:30] Franco_colapinto> yea
[03:30] Franco_colapinto> givmred
[03:32] Franco_colapinto out
[03:33] Updog_TSI out
[03:33] Franco_colapinto in
[03:33] Franco_colapinto> lobby bugges
[03:33] Franco_colapinto> d
[03:33] Updog_TSI in
[03:34] Franco_colapinto> yep
[03:34] Franco_colapinto> this mm has a girl complex sometimes
[03:34] Updog_TSI> xping
[03:35] Franco_colapinto out
[03:36] Franco_colapinto in
[03:37] Franco_colapinto> koerwkorw
[03:37] Franco_colapinto> mnfdsfmsdnn
[03:38] tays in
[03:40] Franco_colapinto out
[03:43] [D]Doom> gn guys
[03:43] [D]Doom out
[03:44] adray_tsi out
[03:53] adray_tsi in
[04:03] Franco_colapinto in
[04:03] Franco_colapinto> two fs first miunutes lol
[04:03] Updog_TSI> yezzzzzzzzzzzzirrrrrrrr
[04:04] Updog_TSI> i raped the trees tho
[04:04] Updog_TSI> also didnt chage lights
[04:05] Franco_colapinto> nope i have to sleep
[04:05] Franco_colapinto> maybe tomorrow
[04:05] Updog_TSI> ok
[04:09] tays out
[04:38] Updog_TSI> lets go hw 1v1
[04:38] Updog_TSI> gimme my pts back from when we allied
[04:38] jammy> lol
[04:49] jammy> +2
[05:02] Franco_colapinto> ooo
[05:03] Franco_colapinto> hw kicked ur ass , paper?
[05:03] Franco_colapinto> gn bitches
[05:03] Franco_colapinto out
[05:08] jammy> paper far better than hw ig
[05:08] Updog_TSI> hw #1
[05:11] jammy out
[05:12] jammy in
[05:31] adray_tsi out
[05:43] Bignoobmanfr in
[05:46] jammy out
[06:01] Updog_TSI out
[06:20] michael782000 in
[06:20] Bignoobmanfr out
[07:27] nascent in
[07:35] AlcatrazTF141 in
[07:36] AlcatrazTF141 out
[07:54] [SW]BardiKing in
[07:54] [SW]BardiKing out
[07:55] [SW]BardiKing in
[07:56] [SW]BardiKing out
[08:00] Stonedraider in
[08:03] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[08:10] nascent out
[08:36] Stonedraider out
[08:40] Mix in
[08:40] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:43] [SW]BardiKing out
[08:45] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:10] Mix> porco dio
[09:11] Mix> yellow suck
[09:11] Mix> and stop
[09:11] Mix> red too ez grow pop
[09:11] Mix> red just build u get 100 and dismantle
[09:11] Mix> in 9 min
[09:12] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[09:25] Mix out
[09:39] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:59] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:59] jammy in
[10:02] [SW]BardiKing> any one wanna 1v1?
[10:07] SPomidor in
[10:09] Lik in
[10:11] michael782000 out
[10:17] Vertigo in
[10:17] Vertigo out
[10:33] nascent in
[10:52] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[10:53] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[11:01] [SW]BardiKing out
[11:15] jammy out
[11:21] nascent out
[11:28] Lik out
[11:29] SPomidor out
[11:43] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[11:52] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[11:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> 7 whole people jeez
[12:10] [D]Doom in
[12:13] huanson_OP in
[12:23] Erectronic in
[12:24] zababox in
[12:24] Mix in
[12:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> +6
[12:30] zababox out
[12:30] Mix> spin if babo join 2v2?
[12:43] Mix> +3 sess
[13:08] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[13:09] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[13:13] Erectronic out
[13:13] sonata140 in
[13:17] [SW]BardiKing in
[13:19] Mix> soz bardi if i raged quitted
[13:19] [SW]BardiKing> lol
[13:19] Mix> i cant barely get 80 in 10 min
[13:19] Mix> as yellow in pp
[13:20] [SW]BardiKing> lmao
[13:20] Mix> my bad shit :()
[13:20] [SW]BardiKing> do you dismattle
[13:20] Mix> no
[13:20] Mix> red bar
[13:20] [SW]BardiKing> you should
[13:20] Mix> at 60
[13:20] Mix> its red i build many huts
[13:20] [SW]BardiKing> at the beginning you should istead youll get low pop
[13:20] Mix> as red yea 60 dismantling
[13:21] [SW]BardiKing> lol
[13:21] [SW]BardiKing> yes
[13:21] Mix> but yellow i think i need be fast build all land
[13:21] [SW]BardiKing> ye
[13:21] [SW]BardiKing> that it
[13:21] Mix> wanna rm?
[13:22] Mix> here theres a wait for 2h
[13:22] Mix> u host it
[13:22] [SW]BardiKing> we can do a 2v2
[13:22] [SW]BardiKing> we have players
[13:22] Mix> spin wont
[13:23] Mix> he wants 4v4 lol
[13:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> we have been waiting for 4 hours whats another 2
[13:23] [SW]BardiKing> lmao
[13:23] [SW]BardiKing> 2st and dont play 2v2
[13:23] [SW]BardiKing> shcked
[13:23] Mix> omg
[13:23] Mix> wake up spin
[13:23] Mix> 2v2
[13:23] [Rw]Headhunterz> its not like we have fair teams for 2v2
[13:23] Mix> i gtg in 1h
[13:23] Mix> its fair
[13:24] [SW]BardiKing> idm
[13:24] Mix> i handle spin with my finger
[13:24] [SW]BardiKing> its not fair but anyway
[13:24] Mix> in my dreams
[13:24] Mix> :D
[13:24] [SW]BardiKing> OFC
[13:24] [SW]BardiKing> :LOL:
[13:24] Mix> but in walls i get fast mana
[13:24] [Rw]Headhunterz> i can handle spin in a fight but he will out troops me
[13:24] Mix> yea head same
[13:25] Mix> he too god
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> sonata140: Doom join
[13:25] Mix> sonata sei italiano
[13:25] Mix> ?
[13:27] Mix> let sonata practice spin
[13:29] Mix> spin afk
[13:29] T-Rod in
[13:29] co87720 in
[13:30] T-Rod> yo
[13:30] [SW]BardiKing> yoo trod
[13:30] [SW]BardiKing> join
[13:30] T-Rod> 'need 2 hours
[13:30] [Rw]Headhunterz> troddie to hottie
[13:30] T-Rod> :good:
[13:31] [SW]BardiKing> :kekw:
No updates are available
[13:32] sonata140> brb
[13:32] Mix> hey rod
[13:33] Mix> still shaman fdamn
[13:33] Mix> rod are you a pdr technician?
[13:34] T-Rod> ?
[13:36] Mix> nvm
[13:37] Mix> 6p spin
[13:37] Mix> tom
[13:37] Mix> rotate tom 8p
[13:37] Mix> no back base
[13:39] sonata140> bck
[13:40] Lenoir87 in
[13:46] [SW]BardiKing> trod host
[13:46] [SW]BardiKing> we can do 3v3
[13:48] Lenoir87 out
[13:49] co87720 out
[13:49] T-Rod> yo
[13:49] T-Rod> brb
[13:53] T-Rod> ok lemmi host
[13:53] T-Rod> or u host gogog
[13:54] T-Rod> me spin and sonata vs rest
[13:54] T-Rod> on töm
[13:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[13:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> how about no
[13:54] T-Rod> well u get sonata then
[13:54] T-Rod> idm
[13:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> [Rw]Headhunterz + T-Rod + [SW]BardiKing vs. Mix + sonata140 + [GoD]Spinnifix
[13:55] Mix> wow
[13:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> dom
[13:56] Mix> spin ill play for 2
[13:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[13:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol mix saying he plays for 2:kekw:
[13:57] Mix> ull see
[13:57] T-Rod> how gud in scale 1-10000 is sonata`
[13:57] T-Rod> ?
[13:57] sonata140> well i know the basics
[13:57] T-Rod> aaah so 1000?
[13:57] sonata140> kinda
[13:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[13:57] sonata140> i played with spin before
[13:57] [SW]BardiKing> here
[13:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> overrrrr 10000
[13:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> o no it was overrr 9000
[13:58] T-Rod> aaah hes fakie
[13:58] T-Rod> allmost forgot heres no news
[14:00] [SW]BardiKing> +1
[14:00] Mix> only tsu
[14:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> albert get your phone out
[14:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> start calling lol
[14:01] Mix> asked bianca she doesnt play
[14:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> bianca thinks she cant compete anymore
[14:01] Mix> me 2 damn
[14:02] Mix> never did
[14:02] T-Rod> shes like shammy rank imo
[14:02] Mix> but i cant
[14:02] Mix> yes rod
[14:02] Mix> she definitely is
[14:02] Mix> rod gimme a tip
[14:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> someone doesnt want me to gain fw rank i didnt play for 5 days lost 30 points gained 10 yesterday lost them magicly overnight again
[14:04] T-Rod> wish i got low rank too
[14:04] T-Rod> inca cursed me
[14:04] sonata140 out
[14:04] T-Rod> i get points even by losing
[14:04] Mix> go 6
[14:05] [Rw]Headhunterz> well 3v3?
[14:05] Mix> ye
[14:05] T-Rod> yes
[14:05] T-Rod> me and spin bigs
[14:05] [Rw]Headhunterz> [Rw]Headhunterz + T-Rod + [SW]BardiKing vs. Mix + [D]Doom + [GoD]Spinnifix
[14:05] T-Rod> agreed
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> let trod host
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> he knows rotation
[14:05] Mix> remove back bases
[14:05] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[14:05] sonata140 in
[14:05] [SW]BardiKing> go 3v3
[14:05] Mix> black orange back bases
[14:05] Meph in
[14:05] [Rw]Headhunterz> mpeh
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> meph join
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> a flitzige runde
[14:05] T-Rod> the big meph
[14:06] T-Rod> sup
[14:06] Mix> meph fell too good for us
[14:06] Mix> hi :meph:
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest
[14:06] [SW]BardiKing> :LOL;
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> is fairest
[14:06] T-Rod> ok
[14:06] T-Rod> meph and spin
[14:06] T-Rod> and lowest
[14:06] T-Rod> gogogo
[14:07] Mix> to be continued...
[14:07] [Rw]Headhunterz> 1 day soon
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> k go
[14:08] Mix> lol best
[14:08] Meph> so mix and sonata?
[14:08] [GoD]lebannen in
[14:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> hmm best seems not fair
[14:08] T-Rod> lol mix
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[14:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> what teams
[14:08] Mix> ye swap 2 nubs
[14:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> you want
[14:08] T-Rod> ok
[14:08] Meph> meph + spin + mix + sonata
[14:08] [SW]BardiKing> who
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> [15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest
[14:08] Meph> let's go
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> [15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[15:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2 shamans + 2 lowest[
[14:08] T-Rod> me big base
[14:08] [SW]BardiKing> ofc
[14:08] T-Rod> and meph
[14:08] [SW]BardiKing> who other
[14:08] T-Rod> or spin
[14:08] [SW]BardiKing> lol
[14:08] Meph> spin du groß?
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ea me big
[14:08] Meph> nice
[14:08] Meph> will chillen
[14:08] [D]Doom> sonata is a warrior
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> wenn er bd macht
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> isch koa chilln
[14:09] Mix> shaitse wier lieben
[14:09] Meph> der hat keine zeit dazu
[14:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> er hat a guts team
[14:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> vorsichtig
[14:09] [SW]BardiKing> gogo
[14:09] [SW]BardiKing> \
[14:21] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[14:21] jammy in
[14:29] [SW]Tacitus in
[14:31] Franco_colapinto in
[14:39] bockwurstlaune in
[14:45] sonata140 in
[14:46] sonata140 out
[14:46] Meph> ggwp
[14:46] T-Rod> gg wp
[14:47] [Rw]Headhunterz> trot takes way to long to expand us i hate tons of wood but couldnt build because he wait like 20mins to connect islands
[14:47] T-Rod> takes time to load em spells
[14:47] [Rw]Headhunterz> no you always go and attack
[14:47] T-Rod> one attack while load lbs
[14:47] [Rw]Headhunterz> while you should get us up first and let us do the attacking
[14:47] T-Rod> small islands got just amount trees to fully upgrade dem huts that moment
[14:48] [SW]Tacitus out
[14:48] [SW]BardiKing out
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> mate i had like 40 wood on the floor
[14:48] T-Rod> theres no efficency of doing it
[14:48] [SW]BardiKing in
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> i didnt build on my trees
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> so i had all of them
[14:48] sonata140 in
[14:48] T-Rod> u should go 4 huts allways
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> nope
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> faster to keep trees
[14:48] [SW]Tacitus in
[14:48] [Rw]Headhunterz> if u get land
[14:48] sonata140> game crashed one me in the end :(
[14:48] T-Rod> well when u build 4 trees grow next to huts
[14:49] Meph> did you communicate with trod?
[14:49] sonata140 out
[14:49] [Rw]Headhunterz> i asked him 5 times to connectme lol
[14:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Mix + T-Rod + [SW]BardiKing vs. Meph + [Rw]Headhunterz + [SW]Tacitus + [D]Doom
[14:49] [SW]BardiKing> kk
[14:49] [SW]BardiKing> gogog
[14:49] [SW]BardiKing> glglg
[14:49] [D]Doom> my team 0 aim always sclicking
[14:49] Mix> no front spin
[14:49] Meph> ich setz mal ne runde aus
[14:49] Mix> im tired
[14:49] [SW]BardiKing> i had missclicks
[14:49] T-Rod> im pretty used on that map and i know to connect main islands fast as possible
[14:49] sonata140> ggs
[14:49] [Rw]Headhunterz> doom you litterly had the least shaman kills
[14:50] bockwurstlaune out
[14:50] T-Rod> i dont think my team even looked how sonata played
[14:50] T-Rod> teams were kinda off
[14:51] [SW]BardiKing> Meph: join
[14:51] PerfectScript_TAS in
[14:51] sonata140> ty spin for all the wood you sent btw
[14:51] Mix in
[14:51] [SW]BardiKing> lez go walls
[14:52] T-Rod> ok
[14:52] T-Rod> someone rank sonata to fw rank or shammy
[14:52] T-Rod> plz
[14:52] Mix> hes good
[14:52] Mix> he call back shammy when blast or lights
[14:52] T-Rod> aaaah u see everything
[14:53] Mix> im god ye
[14:53] sonata140> played alot of league of legends i guess
[14:53] Mix> sonata sei italiano
[14:53] Mix> ?
[14:53] sonata140> Egyptttt xD
[14:53] T-Rod> could be even bianca ;)
[14:53] Mix> oh true
[14:53] Mix> my dementia
[14:53] Mix> amensy
[14:53] Mix> amnesy
[14:53] [GoD]lebannen out
[14:54] T-Rod> i go play cs, pm if game
[14:54] T-Rod> ok
[14:54] PerfectScript_TAS> 5 mins
[14:54] T-Rod> works all the time
[14:54] [D]Doom> full hut no game?
[14:54] T-Rod> T-Rod + Mix + PerfectScript_TAS + [SW]BardiKing vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz + [GoD]Spinnifix + [D]Doom
[14:54] T-Rod> best ok?
[14:55] Mix> me small back
[14:55] T-Rod> looks hard game tho
[14:55] Mix> bardi is good front
[14:55] T-Rod> me and spin mids, rest random
[14:55] Mix> eww
[14:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> no
[14:55] Meph> loooooooooooooooooool
[14:55] Mix out
[14:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> spin is front me back mid
[14:56] sonata140> Spin
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> bets ok for me
[14:56] sonata140> can you stream ?
[14:56] [D]Doom> best is ok
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea i can
[14:56] [D]Doom> go best
[14:56] sonata140> thanks
[14:56] bockwurstlaune in
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> best is ok, headhunters center, hw and me front
[14:56] T-Rod> hw too op front
[14:56] T-Rod> can i put him back?
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea
[14:56] Mix> nah
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes make him center pls
[14:56] T-Rod> k
[14:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> headhunters and me front
[14:57] sonata140> twitch or discord ?
[14:57] Mix> rod m e vb
[14:57] Mix> back
[14:57] Meph> show us that big hw magic
[14:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> i dont want to be bloody front lol
[14:58] T-Rod> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_spinni
[14:58] [SW]BardiKing> ill stream
[14:59] [SW]BardiKing> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_bardhi
[14:59] [SW]BardiKing> im stream
[14:59] sonata140> thanks
[15:00] sonata140> can you fix the resolution
[15:00] sonata140> its only 1/4 of the screen xD
[15:00] sonata140> no i mean in the stream
[15:00] sonata140> not the game
[15:02] adray_tsi in
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:28] jammy out
[15:30] Bignoobmanfr in
[15:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> yellow ytook wayyyy too muhc time tpying instead of surviviing
[15:35] sonata140> ggs
[15:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> what a let down
[15:35] [SW]BardiKing> GG WP!
[15:36] Mix> mix too good
[15:36] [D]Doom> true
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> serious bro
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> i was already dead
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> maybe you should actually do something
[15:36] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> instead of letting me get hit by 4 enemies
[15:36] T-Rod> gg
[15:36] [SW]BardiKing> my bd was craze
[15:36] Zpektrix_TAS> danny owned spin
[15:36] [SW]Tacitus out
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> i was getting attacked by 4 enemies the whole time from 2 sides and no one did a thing
[15:36] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[15:36] [Rw]FreeMatt> bro is there typign a story about being doubled like we've never seen one before and dont expect it almost every game lol
[15:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> how am i supposed to hold that
[15:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> hardwear get good
[15:37] [D]Doom> lol
[15:37] Mix out
[15:37] [D]Doom> he can write a book with that history
[15:37] [D]Doom> story*
[15:37] [SW]BardiKing> ill stream again
[15:37] Mix in
[15:37] [SW]BardiKing> team
[15:37] D4R_OP in
[15:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> if any of you back bases actually did some defending we wouldnt have been in that situation
[15:38] [D]Doom> brb 5min you can launch
[15:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> every time he said that i had fws in his base as he moaned
[15:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> liek bro
[15:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> play
[15:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> jsut sruvive
[15:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> havent seena bs work that good on walls in a minute
[15:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> bd
[15:39] T-Rod> hw way too op on front
[15:39] T-Rod> had to put him big base
[15:39] D4R_OP> HW tu gut
[15:39] T-Rod> guy never dies front
[15:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> hw is good center
[15:39] T-Rod> that too
[15:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol hardwear funny 2 shamans at front 2 at the back and you had some fws there
[15:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> nice
[15:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> that should keep me up
[15:40] T-Rod> bardhi so gud front too
[15:40] Meph> map?
[15:40] T-Rod> i dunno
[15:40] T-Rod> maybe push
[15:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> go man
[15:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> first you blast a shaman into my base at the start so half my base gets taken out and then you have some fws in my base to protect me very good plays
[15:40] [D]Doom> im here
[15:40] T-Rod> T-Rod + [GoD]Spinnifix + [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. Zpektrix_TAS + Meph + [D]Doom + [Rw]FreeMatt
[15:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [GoD]Spinnifix + [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. Zpektrix_TAS + Meph + [D]Doom + [Rw]FreeMatt
[15:41] T-Rod> spin and meph front
[15:41] Meph> no
[15:41] Meph> hw front
[15:41] T-Rod> k
[15:41] [SW]BardiKing> ok
[15:41] [SW]BardiKing> beas
[15:41] [SW]BardiKing> we vve win
[15:41] [SW]BardiKing> gl
[15:41] [SW]BardiKing> hf
[15:45] [GoD]of_Madness in
[15:45] T-Rod out
[15:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> shogunnnnn
[15:46] [GoD]of_Madness> oh shieT-Rod left ? :pog:
[15:46] Zpektrix_TAS> trod left
[15:46] Zpektrix_TAS> spin or meph host
[15:46] Meph> why?
[15:46] Meph> did you bully him?
[15:46] Zpektrix_TAS> you didnt click in
[15:46] Zpektrix_TAS> he got hurt
[15:46] [D]Doom> lol
[15:46] Meph> got a coffee and pie
[15:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> then meph hosts
[15:46] Meph> so delicious
[15:46] Meph> +++++++++++++1
[15:46] [GoD]of_Madness> so basically meph just said he dun give a shiet
[15:46] Meph> absolutely
[15:46] Zpektrix_TAS> sec
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS> switching
[15:47] Meph> giving 0 fucks about you sho
[15:47] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog: !!!!!
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:47] [GoD]of_Madness> sry im out cos feelings super hurt now
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:47] [GoD]of_Madness> *does a trod*
[15:47] [GoD]of_Madness out
[15:47] Meph> mission accomplished.
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:48] [SW]BardiKing> `go 3v31
[15:48] [SW]BardiKing> ````
[15:48] [SW]BardiKing> ~~0
[15:48] [SW]BardiKing> ~~0~~
[15:49] Meph> Meph + [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + [D]Doom + D4R_OP
[15:49] Meph> spin
[15:49] Meph> wer bei euch front?
[15:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich
[15:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> und big base tsu
[15:49] Zpektrix_TAS> i go cyan base
[15:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> und doom der ganz kleine hinter mir
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS> i go cyan
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS> not black
[15:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> k ja
[15:50] [D]Doom> english spin
[15:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> k ye
[15:50] PerfectScript_TAS> ill play next
[15:50] [D]Doom> [10:53] [GoD]Spin> und doom der ganz kleine hinter mir: what do you say here?
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS> danny op
[15:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> base behind my cor
[15:51] Bignoobmanfr out
[15:54] Cookie> i suck at this game
[15:54] Cookie> im taking abreak
[15:54] Cookie> mix
[15:54] Cookie> you deserve a better opponent
[15:54] Cookie> at the moment
[15:55] Mix> no rlly with yellow i cant grow pop
[15:55] Mix> i mean reach 100 in 10 min impossible 4 me
[15:56] Mix> raged quitted vs koopa n bardhi as yellow
[15:57] [AvA]Piracy in
[15:57] Cookie> i can get 150 pop is 13 minutes
[15:57] Mix> damn
[15:57] Cookie> which makes it like 12 pop every minute
[15:57] Cookie> soma
[15:57] Cookie> wana host?
[15:57] [AvA]Piracy> okkkk
[15:57] Mix> oh ciao soma
[15:57] [AvA]Piracy> ciao mix
[15:58] Mix> ordering kebab
[15:58] Cookie> ok
[15:58] Cookie> pm when you are done
[15:58] [AvA]Piracy> osur join
[15:58] Cookie> im getting pizza delivery
[15:58] Cookie> ok
[15:58] Cookie> but i suck now
[15:58] Cookie> so you wont ally me
[15:58] Cookie> i lost all my skills
[15:58] Mix> vs me
[15:58] Mix> ?
[15:58] Cookie> any teams
[15:58] Mix> u good lighter
[15:58] Mix> ur fast
[15:59] Cookie> thanks
[15:59] Cookie> you too
[15:59] adray_tsi out
[15:59] Mix> too much shaman chase in pp
[15:59] Cookie> i have played over 5000 games on pp
[15:59] Cookie> thats why i am good at that
[15:59] Mix> lol
[15:59] Mix> me 100 maybe
[15:59] Cookie> most people heree only played like max 200
[15:59] Cookie> ytaeh
[15:59] Cookie> thats why you and i are equal on pp
[15:59] Cookie> over 5000 games for me 100 for you
[15:59] Mix> delax trained me
[16:00] Mix> as well
[16:00] Cookie> what happened to cccp?
[16:00] r3tr0> Any gaemz
[16:00] Cookie> yes
[16:00] Mix> +1
[16:00] Cookie> weed join
[16:00] Mix> retro weed?
[16:00] Cookie> yes
[16:00] r3tr0> Who tf r u guys
[16:00] Mix> that nub
[16:00] Mix> :P
[16:00] Mix> ex fw
[16:00] r3tr0> ?
[16:00] Cookie> weed was a fw
[16:00] Cookie> when he playeed
[16:01] Mix> i lose my skill
[16:01] r3tr0> High rank shaman assbrearh
[16:01] Mix> gogo
[16:01] r3tr0> Assbreath
[16:01] Mix> italia vs u
[16:01] Mix> :1:
[16:03] [D]PauGrande in
[16:07] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:07] xtro in
[16:07] bockwurstlaune out
[16:08] Lenoir87 in
[16:10] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:14] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[16:14] [SW]Tacitus in
[16:15] [D]Doom> gg wp
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> terrible shovato didnt help his ally for land
[16:15] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[16:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> what?
[16:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> i made the most land out of anyone
[16:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[16:16] sonata140 in
[16:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> litterly gave hardwear all the land and who goes build on half of it bardi
[16:16] PerfectScript_TAS> here i come :good:
[16:16] PerfectScript_TAS> :ikillu:
[16:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> he was litterly expanding base and doesnt expand
[16:16] Bignoobmanfr in
[16:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> Meph + D4R_OP + [Rw]FreeMatt + Zpektrix_TAS vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz + [SW]BardiKing
[16:17] [D]Doom> jesus my spot
[16:18] sonata140 out
[16:20] Meph> bbl
[16:20] Zpektrix_TAS> spin host it
[16:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> head
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[16:21] Zpektrix_TAS> you
[16:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + [SW]Tacitus + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + Zpektrix_TAS + PerfectScript_TAS + [SW]BardiKing
[16:22] [SW]BardiKing> team
[16:22] Zpektrix_TAS> get another if its gin
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS> ill pass
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS> xtro
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS> your time
[16:23] xtro> not yet
[16:23] [SW]BardiKing> cmon
[16:23] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[16:23] [SW]BardiKing> whos gonna host
[16:24] tays in
[16:24] [SW]Tacitus> +3 pp
[16:26] co87720 in
[16:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> guess il go make diner
[16:28] [SW]Tacitus> +2 vs me and bardhi
[16:29] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> x
[16:31] [SW]Tacitus in
[16:31] [SW]BardiKing out
[16:31] [SW]BardiKing in
[16:31] T-Rod in
[16:32] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:32] [SW]BardiKing out
[16:32] tays out
[16:32] [SW]BardiKing in
[16:32] co87720 out
[16:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:33] tays in
[16:33] co87720 in
[16:33] [SW]Tacitus out
[16:33] [D]Doom out
[16:34] [D]Doom in
[16:34] [SW]Tacitus in
[16:34] [SW]Tacitus out
[16:35] Mix out
[16:35] [SW]Tacitus> leje net host lisi
[16:35] co87720 out
[16:35] bockwurstlaune in
[16:35] co87720 in
[16:36] bockwurstlaune> gg
[16:36] PerfectScript_TAS out
[16:36] Cookie> soma
[16:36] Cookie> thanks bock
[16:36] Cookie> i thought you were good enough to win against bock
[16:36] [SW]Tacitus> hajdi ktu
[16:36] Cookie> ya
[16:36] PerfectScript_TAS in
[16:37] Cookie> nm
[16:37] Cookie> well played
[16:37] Cookie> thanks bock
[16:37] Cookie> im only a warrior rank
[16:37] [AvA]Piracy> tacitus
[16:37] [AvA]Piracy> if i do barhi and you will be unfair
[16:37] [SW]Tacitus> hahah
[16:37] [SW]Tacitus> no pronlem
[16:37] [AvA]Piracy> ok
[16:37] Cookie> dot compare me to higher ranks
[16:38] bockwurstlaune> sure
[16:38] [SW]BardiKing> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_bardhi
[16:39] bockwurstlaune out
[16:40] Lenoir87 out
[16:40] co87720 out
[16:41] tays out
[16:41] Lenoir87 in
[16:41] co87720 in
[16:41] Lenoir87 out
[16:42] Lenoir87 in
[16:42] tays in
[16:43] tays out
[16:43] tays in
[16:45] co87720 out
[16:45] [D]Doom out
[16:45] co87720 in
[16:45] [D]Doom in
[16:46] co87720 out
[16:47] sonata140 out
[16:49] [SW]ShadowLisi> kush fitoj
[16:49] [SW]Tacitus> ju prish bardhit
[16:49] [SW]BardiKing> crashed
[16:49] [SW]ShadowLisi> ok
[16:49] [SW]ShadowLisi> hajdi ka
[16:49] [SW]BardiKing> po be nanen
[16:49] [SW]ShadowLisi> +3
[16:49] Zpektrix_TAS> did danny already won a game
[16:50] [SW]Tacitus> lets do rm guys
[16:50] [SW]Tacitus> ?
[16:51] [SW]BardiKing> guys
[16:51] [SW]BardiKing> rm
[16:51] PerfectScript_TAS> ask Soma
[16:51] [SW]ShadowLisi> ++++++3
[16:51] [SW]ShadowLisi> hajdi more ka
[16:51] [SW]ShadowLisi> tom a mapi
[16:51] [SW]ShadowLisi> a jeni tu ardh?
[16:51] [SW]Tacitus out
[16:52] [SW]Tacitus in
[16:52] sonata140 in
[16:52] [SW]ShadowLisi> bardh poket smujn me na host neve dyve me ni hut
[16:53] [SW]ShadowLisi> :+2:
[16:54] [SW]ShadowLisi> +1
[16:54] co87720 in
[16:54] T-Rod> hey everyone
[16:55] [SW]ShadowLisi> hey trodd
[16:55] [SW]ShadowLisi> +1
[16:55] [SW]ShadowLisi> ++1
[16:55] [SW]ShadowLisi> +1
[16:55] [SW]ShadowLisi> ++1
[16:56] christo0972 in
[16:56] [AvA]JJaydenn in
[16:56] christo0972> lemme 1 min plz
[16:57] tays out
[16:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> guys im very good at Heros of the Storm
[16:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> liek amazing
[16:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> mvp every game
[16:57] tays in
[16:58] T-Rod> hey
[16:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> go rod i am mvp
[16:58] [SW]ShadowLisi> teams
[16:58] co87720 out
[16:58] tays out
[16:58] [SW]ShadowLisi> gogogo
[16:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> yo silent lisi u need 2 relog for ping
[16:59] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[16:59] PerfectScript_TAS> lmaooo
[16:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> :excellent:
[16:59] PerfectScript_TAS> knew you would do that jj
[16:59] PerfectScript_TAS> :ohyes:
[17:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> suprised he fell 4 it lol
[17:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright fiished food
[17:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> someone else relog
[17:00] T-Rod> ok töm what teams
[17:00] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[17:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> so i can take there spot
[17:00] [SW]Tacitus> lis join
[17:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> thanks
[17:00] [AvA]JJaydenn> loool
[17:00] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[17:00] [SW]Tacitus> hahaha
[17:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> :kekw:
[17:00] PerfectScript_TAS> thats 0,5 sec late
[17:00] PerfectScript_TAS> n you lost the spot
[17:00] [SW]Tacitus> np bro just play
[17:00] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[17:01] PerfectScript_TAS> T-Rod + PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + christo0972 vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + xtro + Zpektrix_TAS + [AvA]JJaydenn
[17:01] PerfectScript_TAS> jeez they got all the lighters
[17:01] [AvA]JJaydenn> ill play tom but i aint playing big base
[17:01] Zpektrix_TAS> im not a lighter
[17:01] Zpektrix_TAS> so you are wrong danny
[17:01] xtro> Head do big base
[17:01] PerfectScript_TAS> well, xtro n hunter is Tsu
[17:01] T-Rod> headhuntewr big`?
[17:01] [AvA]JJaydenn> hunter are ur lbs good?
[17:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> fine
[17:02] xtro> ye head nig
[17:02] PerfectScript_TAS> :wat:
[17:02] [AvA]JJaydenn> idk how people get lbs so perfect 2 fit 2 huts lol
[17:02] Zpektrix_TAS> just get flatten
[17:02] PerfectScript_TAS> are u wearing eyeglasses?
[17:02] Zpektrix_TAS> dont expect much from his lb
[17:02] PerfectScript_TAS> if u dont coz maybe u need one
[17:02] T-Rod> spots ok?
[17:02] T-Rod> launch in 1 sec
[17:02] T-Rod> 10
[17:02] [AvA]JJaydenn> seems good
[17:02] T-Rod> *
[17:02] [AvA]JJaydenn> gogo
[17:03] T-Rod> 1...
[17:04] [SW]Tacitus out
[17:04] [SW]Tacitus in
[17:05] [SW]Tacitus out
[17:05] [SW]Tacitus in
[17:06] [SW]BardiKing> any 1v1!
[17:06] [SW]BardiKing> ?!
[17:06] [SW]BardiKing> !!!!!!>
[17:06] [SW]BardiKing> 1>
[17:07] [SW]BardiKing> Franco_colapinto: 1v1
[17:07] Franco_colapinto> cant host
[17:08] [SW]BardiKing> joinm
[17:08] [SW]BardiKing> at me
[17:08] sonata140 out
[17:09] Franco_colapinto out
[17:10] Franco_colapinto in
[17:10] Maganha_OP in
[17:12] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[17:16] D4R_OP in
[17:16] D4R_OP out
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> rofl
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> wasting time
[17:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> jezus christ
[17:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw jsut smokeing yellow
[17:18] adray_tsi in
[17:18] [AvA]JJaydenn> idk how u guys let cyan just walk into yellows base
[17:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> dont put that shit on me half my base was gone because you just let me get fucked
[17:18] Zpektrix_TAS> yellow had no towers
[17:18] [Rw]FreeMatt> what about hw
[17:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> knocking out yellows fw hut twice
[17:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> i did have towers they got taken out
[17:19] [AvA]JJaydenn> he had towers then they got destroyed
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah but only 1
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> no
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> trod already had 3
[17:19] [AvA]JJaydenn> i saw 2-3
[17:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> i had 3
[17:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> so i eliminated thier high grount with 1 flat, then thier entire defence with 2 eq's on fw hut
[17:19] [Rw]Headhunterz> 2 in front 1 on the hill
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> 1 was not filled
[17:19] T-Rod> christo wp bro
[17:19] T-Rod> carried me
[17:19] [Rw]FreeMatt> i am amazing at htis game
[17:19] Meph> Meph + [AvA]JJaydenn + [SW]Tacitus + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. PerfectScript_TAS + Zpektrix_TAS + T-Rod + [Rw]FreeMatt
[17:19] [AvA]JJaydenn> zp use ur shaman n blast man stop relying on a guys defence lol
[17:19] Meph> your bigs?
[17:19] [AvA]JJaydenn> on a map like tom 2
[17:20] T-Rod> i need a break
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah im too low motivation for blasting on tom
[17:20] PerfectScript_TAS> well Meph
[17:20] Meph> Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + [SW]Tacitus + [D]Doom vs. PerfectScript_TAS + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> shit map already demotivates me from the beginning
[17:20] PerfectScript_TAS> seems push woud be best
[17:20] [D]Doom> lol
[17:20] [D]Doom> push again na
[17:20] xtro out
[17:20] [Rw]FreeMatt> most influenctial pop player of all time
[17:20] [D]Doom> go nodes8p in test map
[17:20] [AvA]JJaydenn> its shit map but dont play if u cba playing it
[17:20] xtro in
[17:20] T-Rod> töm is such chill map
[17:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> it can be nice if your team actually defends lol
[17:21] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye hunter u did nothing wrong lol
[17:21] [GoD]lebannen in
[17:21] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi leb
[17:21] T-Rod> yes we had christo
[17:21] T-Rod> u guys couldnt win
[17:21] sitosito in
[17:22] T-Rod> :nice:
[17:22] sitosito> Hi
[17:22] [D]Doom> ya vi
[17:22] [D]Doom> lol
[17:22] [D]Doom> marica
[17:22] sitosito> lol
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> danny has better mu than jayden
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS> i mean points
[17:23] O-Ren_TSI in
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:23] [Rw]FreeMatt> y doo doo?
[17:24] [SW]BardiKing out
[17:24] [SW]BardiKing in
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS> great
[17:24] sitosito> lo encontro
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS> inca
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> fix your primary server
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> it takes ages to get into server
[17:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea inca give me hosting back
[17:25] Franco_colapinto out
[17:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> and free matt inca
[17:25] [Rw]FreeMatt> u bumbo
[17:25] Meph> Meph + PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + [AvA]JJaydenn + [SW]Tacitus
[17:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> put me behind danny
[17:26] PerfectScript_TAS> finally a :gg: :good:
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> for ygg
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> only if spin plays
[17:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> spin is gonna get the dubble wobble combo
[17:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> zzz
[17:28] Franco_colapinto in
[17:31] [D]Doom out
[17:31] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[17:31] [D]Doom in
[17:32] [SW]ShadowLisi> ok
[17:33] [SW]ShadowLisi> po kam me hanger buk
[17:33] [SW]ShadowLisi> kur tvje nana
[17:33] [SW]ShadowLisi> se ka shku me ta
[17:33] [AsG]manl1> :manu:
[17:38] [SW]BardiKing> =+1
[17:41] T-Rod> hi
[17:41] T-Rod> +1
[17:41] T-Rod> pro töm game
[17:41] T-Rod> super fair teamsd
[17:42] [D]Doom> xD
[17:42] [D]Doom> what do you think about test node8p map?
[17:42] T-Rod> i dont do test maps
[17:42] T-Rod> im on a mission getting rid of points
[17:42] T-Rod> and test maps cant
[17:43] T-Rod> +1
[17:46] [D]Doom> F
[17:47] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[17:47] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[17:48] [AvA]Piracy out
[17:49] Franco_colapinto out
[17:51] [AvA]Piracy in
[17:56] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp jayden
[17:56] T-Rod> me and hw big bases?
[17:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> big zp
[17:56] T-Rod> T-Rod + [SW]ShadowLisi + [AvA]Piracy + christo0972 vs. [GoD]lebannen + xtro + [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]FreeMatt
[17:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> trod knows all the lbs
[17:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> i have no clue lets do it
[17:57] [AvA]JJaydenn> rule num 1 never trash talk zp before game it gives him 35 percent increased speed
[17:57] T-Rod> is there much to know
[17:57] Meph> hw why do you never listen?
[17:57] [Rw]FreeMatt> meph what did u want more of?
[17:57] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[17:57] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[17:58] [AvA]Piracy> gogogo
[17:58] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea it sucked i got lited there
[17:59] Zpektrix_TAS> rule num 2 never talk about accidental convert in the beginning it gives our side 10% increased speed each other
[17:59] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> coulda camped on further back hill more efficently
[17:59] Zpektrix_TAS> i covnerted 5 in your base
[17:59] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[17:59] Meph> you went into blast range
[17:59] Meph> when i told you to defend
[17:59] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[17:59] Meph> just stand on high ground
[17:59] Meph> and spam light
[17:59] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[17:59] Meph> like wtf. is this your first game?
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> right well i had 1
[17:59] Meph> what about torns?
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> and u were already back there
[17:59] T-Rod> [SW]ShadowLisi> i think piracy can host
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> rod go or im going down to better game
[17:59] T-Rod> can u `
[17:59] [AvA]Piracy> can try
[17:59] T-Rod> ?
[18:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> 3v3?
[18:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> rw captains n pick?
[18:00] [AvA]Piracy> lisi i see always ?
[18:00] [AvA]Piracy> it's your issue
[18:00] [AvA]Piracy> mmaybe internet
[18:00] [SW]ShadowLisi> i know
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> leb
[18:01] T-Rod> me spin and meph same teams plz
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> u shuld always be in pro hut
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> u are pro leb
[18:01] Meph> FreeMatt and Headhunterz caps
[18:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> Meph + PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + xtro vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + T-Rod + Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz
[18:01] Meph> let's go
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> who firs tpick?
[18:01] T-Rod> me and tsu far back
[18:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and headhunters front
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> ok me first pick
[18:01] T-Rod> i can be far back or mid
[18:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod center
[18:01] T-Rod> both ok
[18:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu way back
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> Meph
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> head hunter go
[18:02] Franco_colapinto in
[18:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> u can take 2 head hunter
[18:02] [AvA]Piracy out
[18:02] Franco_colapinto out
[18:02] [AvA]Piracy in
[18:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> pos' afk
[18:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> dont make me front
[18:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> make me back
[18:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> pleaseeee
[18:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> u r
[18:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> with me
[18:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> omg
[18:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> shhhh
[18:03] [SW]BardiKing> im
[18:03] [SW]BardiKing> streaming
[18:03] [SW]BardiKing> poptb_bardhi
[18:03] [SW]BardiKing> if you wanna watch
[18:03] [SW]BardiKing> on twich
[18:15] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[18:15] tays in
[18:15] [SW]BardiKing> lol
[18:15] [GoD]lebannen> wtf sry
[18:15] [SW]BardiKing> nop
[18:15] [SW]BardiKing> -np
[18:15] [GoD]lebannen> even my mm is bugged
[18:15] [SW]BardiKing> np
[18:16] Lenoir87 out
[18:17] [SW]Tacitus out
[18:17] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[18:17] [GoD]lebannen out
[18:18] [GoD]lebannen in
[18:19] [SW]ShadowLisi> +1
[18:19] [GoD]lebannen in
[18:20] adray_tsi out
[18:20] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[18:20] christo0972> ty bardhi to share adress ^^
[18:21] [GoD]lebannen out
[18:21] [GoD]lebannen in
[18:23] [GoD]lebannen out
[18:23] tays out
[18:24] [GoD]lebannen in
[18:24] [GoD]lebannen out
[18:32] T-Rod> think fws should be made before eqs are layed
[18:32] T-Rod> but thats just my opinion
[18:32] Zpektrix_TAS> ye trod had some of fws already
[18:33] Zpektrix_TAS> when spin and shovato had 0
[18:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> i farmed all game long
[18:33] Zpektrix_TAS> polite mid base
[18:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> gg
[18:33] Meph> ggwp
[18:33] T-Rod> nice one hw
[18:33] PerfectScript_TAS> gg
[18:33] T-Rod> impressive
[18:33] Meph> you didnt farm shit
[18:33] PerfectScript_TAS> nice try to kill me
[18:33] PerfectScript_TAS> :howdy:
[18:33] Meph> you built like a mongoloid
[18:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> usually back back base in that game isnt so powerful and influential but im amazing
[18:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> so i made huge impact
[18:33] Meph> you are a huge handicap
[18:33] Meph> had no troops to help our allies
[18:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> do u mean dynamic and toughtful?
[18:34] xtro> need pause on few
[18:34] xtro> mins
[18:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> no troops? 30 fws all game
[18:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> abotu 15 wars all game too
[18:34] Meph> took you like 15 mins got your first troop out
[18:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> we were ina good spot it was ok
[18:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> +3
[18:34] Meph> you are lucky danny defended so well
[18:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> and they were dispatchd to red immediatly upon bd
[18:34] [Rw]FreeMatt> pings and tropps helped in that casue for sure
[18:35] [Rw]FreeMatt> lets go 3v3
[18:35] T-Rod> töm 3 v 3
[18:35] T-Rod> ok
[18:35] Zpektrix_TAS> push 3v3
[18:35] Zpektrix_TAS> pro
[18:35] T-Rod> ok 4 v 4 töm
[18:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye can do tonm
[18:35] T-Rod> i like small bas
[18:35] PerfectScript_TAS> 18-9 :kek:
[18:35] PerfectScript_TAS> yall loves me didnt ya
[18:35] PerfectScript_TAS> :ikillu:
[18:36] T-Rod> dayumnm scripter
[18:36] T-Rod> scripting s clicks
[18:36] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[18:36] PerfectScript_TAS> not all of em :P
[18:36] xtro> cant now sry
[18:36] T-Rod> ey meph go töm
[18:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> Meph + T-Rod + D4R_OP + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]FreeMatt + Zpektrix_TAS + PerfectScript_TAS
[18:36] T-Rod> put d4r and head hunter
[18:36] T-Rod> bigs
[18:37] T-Rod> and rest umm
[18:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> no
[18:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> dont
[18:37] T-Rod> k
[18:37] T-Rod> ok gogogo
[18:37] T-Rod> ok
[18:38] [Rw]Ninety in
[18:38] [SW]BardiKing out
[18:39] [SW]tms-Abraline in
[18:42] Mammy_Tas in
[18:42] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[18:43] adray_tsi in
[18:43] [Rw]Ninety out
[18:44] [Rw]Ninety in
[18:51] Meph> so tired of you freaks
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> he just unallied for no reason
[18:51] Meph> stop wasting my time
[18:51] Meph> he unallied cause you built in his space
[18:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> you are building on my land
[18:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> idiot
[18:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> i hatre those guys
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[18:51] D4R_OP> lol
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> thats my space
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> looooool
[18:51] Meph> it's not
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> it is
[18:51] Meph> he had a single row of huts
[18:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> u dotn rage quit or unallie for hut plans
[18:51] Bignoobmanfr> lol
[18:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> i destroyed his hut plan and then re allied
[18:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> and then he unallys and sends alll his men lol
[18:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> nah dont do that either
[18:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> first oen to ptu the plan down
[18:51] [Rw]Headhunterz> he was building on my land
[18:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> is owner
[18:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> its shared land
[18:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> learn to share witha bully
[18:52] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[18:52] [Rw]Headhunterz> retard
[18:52] T-Rod> dayumn right listen hw
[18:52] Meph> it ends in a building race
[18:52] Meph> and ultimately you cut all trees
[18:52] Meph> gj
[18:52] Meph> motherfucking idiots
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS> i had plenty of woods anyway
[18:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> right so dotn get territorial about shared land and it isnt a race
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS> and he had none
[18:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> bring the allie wood instead of unallieing
[18:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> its not shared land if its litterly on my side i had 1 row of huts and got expanded and he puts down his plans
[18:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[18:53] T-Rod> d4r and mammy vs hw and head
[18:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> Meph + D4R_OP + [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]FreeMatt + Mammy_Tas + T-Rod
[18:53] T-Rod> rest random
[18:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> tsu doesnt like tom so he goes and trolls
[18:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> he also bearly defends
[18:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> u both are botty cehacks
[18:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> for ruining my soon to be win
[18:54] T-Rod> aaah u clearly had it hw
[18:54] [AvA]Piracy out
[18:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> had lead on front imo
[18:54] T-Rod> yes yes
[18:54] PerfectScript_TAS> :pog::
[18:54] PerfectScript_TAS> best map ever
[18:54] T-Rod out
[18:54] PerfectScript_TAS> ?
[18:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> tsu in someone beign dumb
[18:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> trod bailed
[18:55] [SW]Chillguy in
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS> they are playing shit map anyway
[18:58] [AvA]JJaydenn> yggtom good map
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS> oh no
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS> he set step from the sky
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS> and he changed
[19:01] [AvA]JJaydenn> meph n spin 1 team seems unfair lol
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> he did full random
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> i think
[19:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse in
[19:06] Zpektrix_TAS> already winning in pop lead
[19:08] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[19:09] Bignoobmanfr> meph n spin vs mammy n d4r lol
[19:12] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[19:12] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[19:12] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[19:14] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[19:16] [SW]tms-Abraline out
[19:27] [Rw]Ninety> lol those teams
[19:27] [Rw]Ninety> meph and spin togheter on ygg
[19:27] xtro> and zgjimi
[19:28] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[19:28] PerfectScript_TAS> that was random so
[19:28] PerfectScript_TAS> n i got small base as well :/
[19:28] Meph> ggwp
[19:28] Mammy_Tas> gg
[19:28] Bignoobmanfr out
[19:28] [SW]Chillguy> gg
[19:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[19:28] D4R_OP> u and ur lights guys :fu:
[19:29] Meph> :p
[19:29] Mammy_Tas> indeed
[19:29] Meph> fw+ game?
[19:29] Mammy_Tas> I was to predictable it seems every light hit me
[19:29] Mammy_Tas> :/
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> ?
[19:29] T-Rod in
[19:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> <mvp
[19:30] xtro> t rod wake up
[19:30] [SW]Chillguy> +2
[19:30] Meph> Headhunterz would you be so kind as to let trod join
[19:30] T-Rod> hi
[19:30] [Rw]Ninety> @Joseph
[19:30] D4R_OP> :ninety: gut
[19:30] [Rw]Ninety> rejoice
[19:30] D4R_OP> joseph also gut
[19:30] [Rw]Ninety> :feelsglassesman:
[19:30] D4R_OP> :nice:
[19:30] PerfectScript_TAS> :pog:
[19:30] [SW]Chillguy> sorry trod
[19:31] PerfectScript_TAS> clast of the titans :good:
[19:31] [SW]Chillguy> i didn't know
[19:31] [SW]Chillguy> for your spot
[19:31] xtro> T rod drunked today
[19:31] PerfectScript_TAS> always been xtro
[19:31] [SW]Chillguy> any 2v2 ?
[19:31] [SW]Chillguy> or just 4v4
[19:32] T-Rod> aaah
[19:32] D4R_OP> game's waiting for u then jimmy
[19:32] D4R_OP> lol
[19:32] T-Rod> just misseds
[19:32] T-Rod> lemmi in
[19:32] Meph> too late
[19:32] T-Rod> aaah too bad
[19:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye rod in
[19:32] T-Rod> its full its okay
[19:32] T-Rod> pp too hard for me anyway
[19:33] Meph> map?
[19:33] PerfectScript_TAS> not pp again pls
[19:33] Meph> push?
[19:33] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[19:33] PerfectScript_TAS> can do
[19:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye cn do
[19:33] PerfectScript_TAS> push, riverside, clover
[19:33] PerfectScript_TAS> me front
[19:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> Meph + Mammy_Tas + [SW]Chillguy + MrSmokin_Hottie26 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + PerfectScript_TAS + Zpektrix_TAS + [AvA]JJaydenn
[19:33] xtro> or tom :D
[19:34] bockwurstlaune in
[19:34] PerfectScript_TAS> Spin big
[19:34] T-Rod> yes töm
[19:34] T-Rod> is gud
[19:34] PerfectScript_TAS> tsu behind me
[19:34] PerfectScript_TAS> jj mid
[19:34] Meph> spin bases ok?
[19:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[19:35] [Rw]Jops in
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> +1
[19:37] Zpektrix_TAS> bock join
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> Rod
[19:37] Meph> wtf jimy?
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> or bock
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> come
[19:37] [SW]Chillguy> what man
[19:37] Meph> why gb?
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> lool
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> koopa
[19:37] T-Rod> again late
[19:37] [SW]Chillguy> i thought kopa was afk
[19:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> dumb ass nigga
[19:39] the_master1998 in
[19:39] the_master1998> Hello
[19:39] the_master1998> Is there any way to play revival mod solo upto now?
[19:41] christo0972 out
[19:43] bockwurstlaune out
[19:44] Maganha_OP out
[19:47] the_master1998 out
[19:51] [SW]tacitus in
[19:51] [SW]tacitus out
[19:53] [SW]BardiKing in
[19:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> rw rubbish
[20:00] [Rw]Jops> nah just me
[20:01] [Rw]Ninety> we cant compare to the goat
[20:01] [Rw]Ninety> no clan can
[20:03] O-Ren_TSI out
[20:06] Svarog in
[20:06] Svarog out
[20:23] Svarog in
[20:24] [AsG]Manl1 in
[20:24] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[20:25] [Rw]Ninety> :manu:
[20:25] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[20:25] PerfectScript_TAS> ggwp
[20:25] T-Rod> tsus stream so smooth
[20:25] PerfectScript_TAS> jeeezzz
[20:25] PerfectScript_TAS> close one
[20:25] PerfectScript_TAS> was down to 15
[20:25] [Rw]Jops> circlejerk at full strength lol
[20:25] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[20:25] [AsG]Manl1> :manu:
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> because i am on 10GBps connection
[20:26] [AvA]JJaydenn> was pumping out fws 2 ress defence like no tomorrow when i got them up
[20:26] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[20:26] PerfectScript_TAS> rofll
[20:26] PerfectScript_TAS> ye man dafuq
[20:26] PerfectScript_TAS> shaman everywhere
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i felt like alt f4 too
[20:26] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dam my team was ass
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> u2 can play 2v2
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> hf
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i feel headache now
[20:26] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[20:27] Zpektrix_TAS> i haven't eaten for 16 h
[20:27] [Rw]Jops> yeessss
[20:27] [Rw]Ninety> the fw+ circle has joined us
[20:27] [Rw]Jops> now WE are the circlejerk
[20:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [Rw]Headhunterz + [Rw]FreeMatt + MrSmokin_Hottie26 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]Ninety + [Rw]Jops + PerfectScript_TAS
[20:27] T-Rod> T-Rod + [Rw]Headhunterz + [Rw]FreeMatt + MrSmokin_Hottie26 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]Ninety + [Rw]Jops + PerfectScript_TAS
[20:27] [Rw]Jops> who's in charge of reach-arounds
[20:27] PerfectScript_TAS> :good:
[20:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> no tom bro
[20:27] T-Rod> no`
[20:27] T-Rod> ?
[20:28] [Rw]Ninety> for once, i agree with koopa
[20:28] [Rw]Ninety> no tom
[20:28] T-Rod> hmmm walls
[20:28] T-Rod> `?
[20:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> can do
[20:28] T-Rod> spots?
[20:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and danny font
[20:28] T-Rod> k
[20:28] [Rw]Jops> probs covers my deficiencies best lol
[20:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> jops center
[20:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> 90 back
[20:28] Meph out
[20:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> nvm 90ß front
[20:29] [GoD]Spinnifix> danny center
[20:29] [Rw]Jops> 90 not better as big?
[20:29] [Rw]Jops> yeah good swap
[20:29] PerfectScript_TAS> no
[20:29] PerfectScript_TAS> me center now
[20:29] [Rw]Jops> I back it
[20:29] PerfectScript_TAS> you gotta need a player that can anticipate rod's bd
[20:30] T-Rod> its too unpredictable
[20:30] [Rw]Jops> he'll probs BD from Orange or green
[20:30] PerfectScript_TAS> u know rod
[20:30] PerfectScript_TAS> i always got notification 2 sec b4 u bd
[20:32] [SW]BardiKing out
[20:32] jammy in
[20:34] Cookie> :monkastab:
[20:36] Cookie> ymmaj
[20:37] Updog_TSI in
[20:44] jammy out
[20:52] Mowgli in
[20:52] [D]Doom out
[20:52] sitosito out
[20:52] [D]Doom in
[20:52] sitosito in
[20:54] [D]Doom out
[20:54] [D]Doom in
[20:54] Mowgli> Populous, el comienzo.
[20:54] Mowgli out
[20:54] sitosito out
[20:55] sitosito in
[20:56] [D]Doom out
[20:57] [D]Doom in
[20:58] PerfectScript_TAS> rofl
[20:58] PerfectScript_TAS> it crashed?
[20:58] [Rw]Jops> nice
[20:58] T-Rod> perfect timing
[20:58] [Rw]Ninety> i camped all game
[20:59] T-Rod> smart
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> yeah man you did great to survive
[20:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> eventually I got bored of helping you
[20:59] [D]Doom> gg wp
[20:59] [Rw]Headhunterz> hardwear how did you die from the bd or walls i thought that never happent to you
[20:59] [Rw]Headhunterz> like you said last game to me
[20:59] [D]Doom> who won?
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> when you said "i cant hold out much longer" i was like "ehhh imma hang out in ,y own base"
[20:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=505001
[20:59] [Rw]Ninety> thats just a way to motivate danny and spin
[20:59] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[20:59] [Rw]Jops> hahah
[21:00] [Rw]Ninety> i wouldnt have held without u
[21:00] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[21:00] PerfectScript_TAS> ye
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> i fell in love with spin when he was lik
[21:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> trod never told us he was gonna bd
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> "i'll 2v1 the front"
[21:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> i had no defence or nothing
[21:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> i was like wtf
[21:00] T-Rod> forgot its so unpredictable
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> and yet my bd sealed it
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> I bd'd the bd master
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> did ou like my volc on 3 towers
[21:00] PerfectScript_TAS> i mean, i thought like "nah youre not dead yet Alan, what u mean cant hold much longer
[21:00] PerfectScript_TAS> :kek:
[21:00] [Rw]Ninety> lmao
[21:00] [Rw]Jops> hahah
[21:00] [Rw]Ninety> i said that with like 100 pop maybe
[21:00] [Rw]Ninety> :v
[21:00] T-Rod> +1
[21:01] PerfectScript_TAS> Hw's position way worse compare to u
[21:01] T-Rod> töm ok?
[21:01] [Rw]Ninety> i had no idea about hws position
[21:01] [Rw]Ninety> i was only looking at rod and shovato
[21:01] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[21:01] [AsG]Manl1> töööööm
[21:01] [AsG]Manl1> hej
[21:01] [Rw]Jops> yeah looking back he never got above 60
[21:01] PerfectScript_TAS> Spin hurt him much
[21:01] [Rw]Jops> damn
[21:01] [SW]tms-Abraline in
[21:01] PerfectScript_TAS> 3-4 eqs in his base ig
[21:01] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AsG]Manl1 + [Rw]FreeMatt + MrSmokin_Hottie26 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + xtro + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Headhunterz
[21:01] [Rw]Jops> probs because T-rod abandoned him immediately to fuck around with bds
[21:01] T-Rod> btes ok?`
[21:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> i wanted to go from a different side but if i would then i would have had 2 shamans in my base
[21:01] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[21:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> i was stuck
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> they wont do tom
[21:02] [AsG]Manl1> yes
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> trod
[21:02] PerfectScript_TAS> n his bd failed
[21:02] T-Rod> dw i asked
[21:02] [Rw]Jops> tbf shov me and alan had no spells so you probs could have
[21:03] xtro> mazz
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> tmnsd
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> tms
[21:03] [Rw]FreeMatt> im so good at this map
[21:03] xtro> its restard
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> spot taken
[21:03] [SW]tms-Abraline> kk
[21:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> well if troddie didnt bd without telling me i might have
[21:03] [SW]tms-Abraline> grrrr
[21:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> then i would have lost part of my base either
[21:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> wouldnt*
[21:03] [Rw]Ninety> see trod
[21:03] T-Rod> god i hate when T-Rod does that
[21:03] [Rw]Ninety> i didnt move my pop this time
[21:03] [Rw]Ninety> thanks for the tip
[21:03] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[21:03] T-Rod> thats so annoying
[21:04] T-Rod> i cant troop u out
[21:04] T-Rod> if u dont move em
[21:04] [AvA]JJaydenn> zp come
[21:04] T-Rod> T-Rod + [Rw]FreeMatt + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [AsG]Manl1 + [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + xtro
[21:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> k go
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> diff ma
[21:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> map
[21:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> tom is a boring map tbf
[21:07] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont play tom
[21:07] T-Rod> ok what map?
[21:07] T-Rod> maybe wom?`
[21:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> 4balls time
[21:07] T-Rod> k
[21:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> zp in
[21:07] xtro> sess time
[21:07] T-Rod> we just did balls
[21:07] Cookie> https://www.facebook.com/reel/964911615117045
[21:07] sitosito out
[21:07] [AvA]JJaydenn> ill play any
[21:07] T-Rod> im tired walls atm
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye man
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> diff wtf
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> mana?
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> gin?
[21:08] T-Rod> wom?
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> sess?
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> sure
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> wom bad
[21:08] T-Rod> tsu play sess?
[21:08] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> only shaman ranks
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> he plays wom tho
[21:08] Zpektrix_TAS> i am tired of shit maps
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> i think
[21:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> do dynamic punch
[21:08] [Rw]Headhunterz> or riverside
[21:08] [AvA]JJaydenn> 8p hollow fields
[21:08] T-Rod> hmm
[21:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok hollow
[21:09] T-Rod> how abt one gud map
[21:09] Zpektrix_TAS> hollow is ok
[21:09] xtro> 8p continental division
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> gin tonic
[21:09] T-Rod> this one??
[21:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> that sounds awefull xtro
[21:09] T-Rod> i love this map
[21:09] [AvA]JJaydenn> ye
[21:09] Mix in
[21:09] T-Rod> kk
[21:09] Zpektrix_TAS> you can get mix
[21:09] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [AsG]Manl1 + [GoD]Spinnifix + xtro + Zpektrix_TAS
[21:09] xtro> spaming Lights
[21:09] [AvA]JJaydenn> zp u play this map no?
[21:09] Mix> im brb
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and manl 1 front
[21:09] Mix> betting euros
[21:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh
[21:09] Zpektrix_TAS> i said hollow fields
[21:10] T-Rod> but i dont like hollow fields
[21:10] [AvA]JJaydenn> dam
[21:10] [Rw]Headhunterz> dynamic punch
[21:10] Zpektrix_TAS> then i dont like cross field
[21:10] Zpektrix_TAS> so yeah get mix
[21:10] [Rw]Headhunterz> go dynamic punch
[21:10] T-Rod> maybe bianca joins
[21:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> not today trod
[21:10] T-Rod> hmm day changes soon tho
[21:10] Zpektrix_TAS> i just pass those troll maps
[21:10] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lmao
[21:11] xtro> sess time
[21:11] Zpektrix_TAS> anymore
[21:11] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ye but my sickness wont be gone at midnight :kek:
[21:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> do dynamic punch trod
[21:11] T-Rod> dynamic bad map
[21:11] [AvA]JJaydenn> u dont have a say in the map choice hunter
[21:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> piss off jay
[21:11] [AvA]JJaydenn> till u reach shaman
[21:11] T-Rod> lets just gud old ses
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> k sess
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu join
[21:11] T-Rod> pm if we get 8th
[21:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> il have a say in everything untill you outlift me
[21:12] [Rw]Headhunterz> weak ass mongrel
[21:12] Zpektrix_TAS> hf
[21:12] [SW]tms-Abraline> fuck tsu
[21:12] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont play sess as i said
[21:12] T-Rod> dayumn that works everytime
[21:12] Zpektrix_TAS> boring af
[21:12] [SW]tms-Abraline> pussy
[21:12] [SW]tms-Abraline> gay
[21:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Headhunterz + [SW]tms-Abraline vs. [AsG]Manl1 + [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]FreeMatt + xtro
[21:12] [SW]tms-Abraline> gay ever
[21:12] [AvA]JJaydenn> lool got ur knickers in a twist hunter
[21:13] adray_tsi out
[21:13] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> jjay and mazto allying
[21:13] [Rw]Headhunterz> nah just talking tash back
[21:13] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :nice:
[21:14] adray_tsi in
[21:14] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[21:14] [AsG]Manl1> how often will we have to launch
[21:14] [AsG]Manl1> to get a game :D
[21:14] Svarog out
[21:15] T-Rod> everyone must be happy
[21:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> jayy how is it to be into guys?
[21:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> ask ur dad
[21:15] T-Rod> :pog:
[21:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> he dead
[21:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> so
[21:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> cant
[21:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> wounded
[21:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [SW]tms-Abraline + [AvA]JJaydenn + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [AsG]Manl1 + xtro + [GoD]lebannen
[21:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> go
[21:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> man tsm retard
[21:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> your a bottem right your fat ass is used to it
[21:15] [AvA]JJaydenn> do i gotta ally him
[21:16] xtro> best look ok
[21:16] [AvA]JJaydenn> i blow ur mums backout everynight hunter
[21:16] [AvA]JJaydenn> shes a screamer let me tell u
[21:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> nice i knew you like grannies
[21:16] [AvA]JJaydenn> u do now
[21:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> i prefer your sister though
[21:20] O-Ren_TSI in
[21:24] Mix> + fucking 1
[21:25] [SW]Chillguy> i think Updog_TSI is away
[21:25] Mix> yea
[21:25] [SW]Chillguy> are you connecting with cable or with wireless
[21:25] Mix> cable
[21:26] Mix out
[21:27] Mix in
[21:27] [SW]BardiKing in
[21:27] Mix out
[21:29] Mix in
[21:29] Mix> only me problwm with log in
[21:29] Mix> 10 times
[21:30] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[21:36] sitosito in
[21:36] [SW]BardiKing> +1
[21:38] [AsG]Godzilla in
[21:45] [SW]tms-Abraline out
[21:46] sitosito in
[21:46] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[21:46] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:48] Erectronic in
[21:49] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[21:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> +3
[21:49] sitosito out
[21:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> 3v3
[21:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> games sparce
[21:50] sitosito in
[21:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone wanna watch me play heros of teh storm?
[21:51] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> yeah
[21:51] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> stream
[21:51] sitosito> yo play HOTS?
[21:51] sitosito> in europe?
[21:51] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> wut?
[21:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> i dont really know how to stream
[21:51] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> damn
[21:51] [Rw]Jops> ehhhh Doom Jr has logged in again
[21:51] [Rw]Jops> where you been Sito
[21:51] sitosito> lost in the dus
[21:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> stream on discord is it?
[21:51] sitosito> *dust
[21:52] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> do on twitch
[21:52] [Rw]Headhunterz> jops get in
[21:52] [D]Doom in
[21:52] sitosito out
[21:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[21:52] sitosito in
[21:53] PerfectScript_TAS> ahh hell nah
[21:54] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[21:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> or mana battle
[21:54] sitosito out
[21:54] T-Rod> hi
[21:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> T-Rod + [AsG]Manl1 + [ChF]Jasmin_Chief + Updog_TSI vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]FreeMatt + PerfectScript_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz
[21:55] T-Rod> spinwants cros fields
[21:55] T-Rod> best is ok
[21:55] T-Rod> positions?
[21:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> me the very front one
[21:55] T-Rod> as u wish
[21:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> me and danny on sides
[21:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> hw mid
[21:56] T-Rod> k
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> the bacvk one hw
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> for me pls
[21:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> the island
[21:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> thats what i said
[21:56] [D]Doom out
[21:57] T-Rod> ok?
[21:57] Mix> i stop play thath games
[21:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> go
[21:57] [SW]Chillguy> lolz on you :D
[21:57] Erectronic> mix
[21:57] [SW]Chillguy> gg
[21:57] Mix> i feel to tired
[21:57] Mix> i want chill games
[21:57] Mix> no competitive
[21:57] sitosito out
[21:57] Erectronic> was it cuz of the shamefull blast?
[21:57] Mix> ye
[21:57] [SW]Chillguy> you fill tired all of the times lol
[21:58] Mix> stfu i work
[21:58] Mix> :D
[21:58] Erectronic> i just got home from work
[21:58] [SW]Chillguy> me too
[21:58] Erectronic> and i lose the best start of a game for a 2 wildy convert after that resync
[21:58] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:58] Mix> me 2
[21:58] Mix> had good start
[21:59] Mix> i fucked up my converting
[21:59] Mix> second time
[21:59] Erectronic> resync just kill the mod imo
[21:59] Mix> converted wrong wilds
[21:59] Mix> lol
[21:59] [SW]Chillguy> stop quting Mixxxx
[21:59] Mix> ill quit pop dw
[21:59] [SW]Chillguy> why
[21:59] Mix> need a break long
[21:59] Erectronic> there is a message for mix from presi trump itself
[21:59] [SW]Chillguy> when you play play without quit mann
[22:00] Mix> i can be better
[22:00] Mix> im lazy atm
[22:00] [SW]Chillguy> maybe
[22:00] Erectronic> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euhueWl2qEY
[22:00] Erectronic> for you mix
[22:00] [SW]Chillguy> :lol:
[22:00] Mix> lol
[22:00] Erectronic> the message is for you only
[22:00] Mix> :D
[22:01] [SW]Chillguy> join here mateee
[22:01] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[22:01] Erectronic> from trumpy itself
[22:01] Erectronic> and trumpy didnt quit even after almost getting hs
[22:01] Erectronic> and you quit after an early eq
[22:01] Erectronic> shame on you
[22:01] Mix> idc fking resync
[22:02] Mix> need coffe
[22:03] sitosito in
[22:03] [AvA]Mibbel out
[22:07] Mix> +1 pp yelow base
[22:07] Mix> (coz im bad as red)
[22:07] Mix> (coz im bad as yell)
[22:18] xtro out
[22:23] huanson_OP out
[22:31] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[22:31] PerfectScript_TAS> 25-15
[22:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> that bd backfired on you
[22:32] PerfectScript_TAS> insane
[22:32] D4R_OP> :manu:
[22:32] Mix> u 25 15 danny
[22:32] Mix> ?
[22:32] D4R_OP> :biancad:
[22:32] Updog_TSI out
[22:32] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[22:32] T-Rod> T-Rod + PerfectScript_TAS + Mix + D4R_OP vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [ChF]Jasmin_Chief + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Headhunterz
[22:33] T-Rod> best ok`?
[22:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye go
[22:33] Updog_TSI in
[22:33] Mix> u are on3v4
[22:33] Mix> i try
[22:35] Franco_colapinto in
[22:37] [SW]BardiKing> sec for jimmy
[22:38] Franco_colapinto> lets gooooooooo
[22:39] Franco_colapinto> 1v1 here
[22:45] Franco_colapinto> te voy a lagear todo saito
[22:47] [SW]Chillguy> what happened mate
[22:47] Updog_TSI> lagged out
[22:47] Updog_TSI> .
[22:48] Updog_TSI> lagged out
[22:50] Erectronic> Era un muerto sin cabeza
[22:50] Erectronic> sin pantalon ni camisa
[22:50] Erectronic> con las mans en los bolsillos y una macabra sonrisa
[22:52] [AvA]Mibbel in
[22:57] [AvA]Mibbel> +3 i thinking sess
[22:59] Lenoir87 in
[23:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw too good on that map
[23:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> why do we even play that shit man
[23:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> everyone ran thier pop to my base
[23:02] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[23:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> trod plays that map 24/7
[23:02] T-Rod> oh yes
[23:02] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[23:02] T-Rod> fun map aint it
[23:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> nah gay shit
[23:03] T-Rod> mapwishes?
[23:03] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i dont even gotta ask
[23:03] MrSmokin_Hottie26> how badly u own them hw
[23:03] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[23:03] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ik silly question
[23:03] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :nice:
[23:03] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> :kek:
[23:03] [Rw]Ninety> ygg
[23:03] T-Rod> :lul:
[23:03] [Rw]Ninety> priests big bases
[23:03] T-Rod> if u want
[23:03] T-Rod> spin u ok?
[23:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> no more tom
[23:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> il just quit
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> zz
[23:03] T-Rod> k walls then
[23:03] T-Rod> ?
[23:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> teams
[23:04] D4R_OP> 8way
[23:04] D4R_OP> :nice:
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye walls
[23:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> gin tonic
[23:04] T-Rod> ok walls
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> or gin
[23:04] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse out
[23:04] T-Rod> me and spin diff side rest reanbdom?
[23:04] T-Rod> on gin tonic
[23:04] T-Rod> `?
[23:04] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> no randoms pls
[23:04] PerfectScript_TAS> u both big
[23:04] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[23:04] PerfectScript_TAS> nvm
[23:04] T-Rod> ok no random
[23:04] PerfectScript_TAS> spin decide
[23:04] T-Rod> ok what map
[23:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> captain teams
[23:04] PerfectScript_TAS> Gin
[23:05] T-Rod> ok
[23:05] T-Rod> u start spin
[23:05] T-Rod> or i can
[23:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> headhunters
[23:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> i do
[23:05] T-Rod> k i take danny
[23:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> hw
[23:05] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[23:05] T-Rod> ninety
[23:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> d4r
[23:06] T-Rod> manl1
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets go
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> hw island pls
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> on my team
[23:06] T-Rod> u me islands
[23:06] T-Rod> k
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont want island
[23:06] D4R_OP> [GoD]Spinnifix> d4r :feelsglassesman:
[23:06] [Rw]Jops> man as if Manu got picked last
[23:06] [Rw]Jops> flashbacks to school Manu?
[23:06] [Rw]Headhunterz> why did you give them the highest ranked players lol
[23:06] [Rw]Headhunterz> what picks are that
[23:06] [Rw]Jops> that was a wild choice
[23:07] [Rw]Jops> t rod got Res, Manu and Alan lol
[23:07] [Rw]Jops> spin playin hardcore mode
[23:07] Maganha_OP in
[23:08] Mix out
[23:08] Mix in
[23:09] Mammy_Tas out
[23:10] Mix out
[23:10] [D]Doom out
[23:12] michael782000 in
[23:14] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:15] Cookie> https://www.facebook.com/reel/8839018512852914
[23:17] [D]Doom in
[23:21] sitosito out
[23:25] Franco_colapinto> wtf this map
[23:25] Franco_colapinto> put walls
[23:25] Cookie> LOOOL
[23:25] Franco_colapinto> man we need a tourney
[23:25] Franco_colapinto> organize it paper
[23:25] Franco_colapinto> lets go
[23:27] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[23:30] Franco_colapinto out
[23:30] [SW]BardiKing out
[23:34] [SW]Chillguy out
[23:36] Lenoir87 out
[23:37] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:41] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:42] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:45] [SW]BardiKing in
[23:45] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[23:47] [D]Josef in
[23:49] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[23:52] [Rw]Headhunterz> why crash the game...
[23:52] D4R_OP> gg
[23:52] [Rw]Jops> awww what
[23:52] [Rw]Jops> that looked like it was an insane game
[23:52] [Rw]Jops> Spin really did carry
[23:52] PerfectScript_TAS> Spin was untouched
[23:52] [Rw]Headhunterz> spin almost got my ass killed
[23:52] T-Rod> i wanna ally spin
[23:52] Updog_TSI> ggwp
[23:53] [Rw]Ninety> gg
[23:53] Franco_colapinto in
[23:53] Cookie> gg wp
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> ossur
[23:53] Cookie> i cant win against fw ranks
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> u re shit
[23:53] PerfectScript_TAS out
[23:53] Cookie> fac
[23:53] Cookie> i know
[23:53] Cookie> nothing new
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> first time someone get ur base
[23:53] [Rw]Jops> the pop graph is great
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> you surrender
[23:53] [Rw]Jops> everyone slowly dropping off and spin at 180 lol
[23:53] PerfectScript_TAS in
[23:53] Cookie> i cant beat fw and over
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> stupid
[23:53] [D]Josef> be nice to ossur
[23:53] [D]Josef> he's just a cutie
[23:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> he was back base so he had it easy
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> nah joseph
[23:53] Franco_colapinto> imagine u re in war
[23:54] [D]Josef> this is a game
[23:54] Franco_colapinto> and u re shooting with a stupid guy
[23:54] [D]Josef> so go ahead and jot that down
[23:54] Cookie> joesph wuld pawn you fac
[23:54] Franco_colapinto> who put a granade in ur base
[23:54] Franco_colapinto> killing both us
[23:54] Erectronic> Fue mi media mitad
[23:54] Erectronic> un sabor concido
[23:54] Erectronic> que me dio mucho mas
[23:54] [D]Josef> lol
[23:54] Franco_colapinto> this is not a fucking game joseph
[23:54] Franco_colapinto> is the life
[23:54] Cookie> im not intelligent enough to beat fw ranks
[23:54] [D]Josef> were you guys allied?
[23:54] Cookie> yes
[23:54] Erectronic> que quitar su vestido
[23:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + D4R_OP + T-Rod + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. PerfectScript_TAS + [AsG]Manl1 + [Rw]Headhunterz + [AvA]JJaydenn
[23:54] [D]Josef> hahah
[23:54] Cookie> no matter how good i get, i cant beat fw ranks
[23:54] [D]Josef> this is not life
[23:54] Cookie> end of story
[23:54] T-Rod> teams ok for me
[23:54] [D]Josef> for some maybe
[23:54] D4R_OP> see Rod
[23:55] D4R_OP> u finally will be in ally with Albert
[23:55] D4R_OP> lol
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> go walls
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> me and hunter front
[23:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> basees
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> res center
[23:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> jjay
[23:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> kk
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> mal backie
[23:55] Cookie> i will keep that in mind updog
[23:55] Erectronic> Ella fue mi media mitad
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> big hunter not letting me talk shit 2 him
[23:55] [AvA]JJaydenn> goawn lad
[23:55] Erectronic> No supe entregar a tiempo el corazon
[23:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> dont make me front
[23:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> dont you dare
[23:56] Erectronic> y ya la he perdido
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> why
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> okay me n mal
[23:56] Cookie> who is smarter than edward witten?
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> fronts
[23:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[23:56] Cookie> okok : )
[23:56] [D]Josef> JJay dont suck
[23:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> because i already got 4v1ed twice today on walls
[23:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> not want to do it again
[23:56] [D]Josef> JJay, dont suck
[23:56] [D]Josef> i meant
[23:56] PerfectScript_TAS> jjay
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> depends if team can do damage
[23:56] PerfectScript_TAS> beast mode aye?
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> ur center ress
[23:56] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[23:56] [AvA]JJaydenn> carry time
[23:57] Maganha_OP out
[23:57] adray_tsi out
[23:57] Erectronic> Amiga
[23:57] Erectronic> esa noche hacia frio
[23:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> i had 1 ping
[23:58] Erectronic> y yo estaba perdido
[23:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> hw 1 ping he is that good
[23:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and d4r front
[23:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> trod center
[23:58] Erectronic> derepente te estaba abrazando
[23:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> instant reposnes
[23:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> hw very back
[23:58] Erectronic> no se como hasta el suelo llegamos
[23:58] [D]Josef> tf i almost missed spec
[23:58] [D]Josef> cause this
[23:58] Erectronic> nos perdimos
[23:58] Erectronic> entre copas y abrazos
[23:58] T-Rod> yoo josef
[23:58] Erectronic> en la soledad
[23:58] T-Rod> sup
[23:58] Erectronic> amiga
[23:59] [D]Josef> hey rod nm just watching :eyes: some pop :ikillu:
[23:59] [D]Josef> hbu
[23:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> dude
[23:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> let rod host
[23:59] Erectronic> Yo jj
[23:59] T-Rod> nm just getting rekt by spin all day
[23:59] [D]Josef> oh jeez :feelsbadman:
[23:59] Erectronic> JJ
[23:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> oh nvm tf
[23:59] Erectronic> Jj
[23:59] [AvA]JJaydenn> stfu