PopMM - 31/12/24 00:00

[00:00] [D]Doom> karma
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> i dunno
[00:00] [D]Doom> lol
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> gimme front
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> always
[00:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> now our game is over
[00:00] [Rw]Ninety> tsus done i think
[00:00] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> cba playing back base, low intensity of gameplay
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> Tsu in
[00:00] [Rw]Jops> TMS-abraline + Lawyer_Johnson + [Rw]Ninety + [Rw]Jops
[00:00] LockdowN_TAS> give Tsu back
[00:00] [Rw]Headhunterz> invis
[00:00] [Rw]Jops> If it gets us a game i'll go front
[00:00] [D]Jusuf> Rw sucks
[00:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> stfu spass
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> nah danny
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> go 3v3
[00:01] Invisible2> soz guys ill go sleep
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> already got launched 3 times
[00:01] [Rw]Jops> ahhh im going to bed
[00:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> omg
[00:01] [Rw]Jops> i cant piss around anymore
[00:01] [Rw]Ninety> pls lets 3v3
[00:01] [Rw]Ninety> pretty pls
[00:01] [D]Jusuf> No Alan bad
[00:01] [Rw]Ninety> go sess
[00:01] [Rw]Ninety> imple
[00:01] [Rw]Ninety> simple
[00:01] [D]Jusuf> Everyone log off
[00:02] [Rw]Headhunterz> [Rw]Headhunterz + LockdowN_TAS + [Rw]Ninety vs. Lawyer_Johnson + [Rw]Jops + TMS-abraline
[00:02] [Rw]Jops> i cant believe it
[00:02] [Rw]Jops> how did we get here
[00:02] [Rw]Ninety> joseph
[00:02] Invisible2 out
[00:02] [D]Jusuf> Gn doom my sweet angel
[00:02] [Rw]Ninety> D out of control
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:02] LockdowN_TAS> D vs RW when? :peped:
[00:02] [D]Doom> xD
[00:02] [Rw]Jops> lol Jo you were messaging me yesterday saying how much you hate doom
[00:02] [Rw]Jops> wtf?
[00:02] [Rw]Ninety> ill take on nici
[00:02] [D]Doom> too ez
[00:03] [D]Doom> facu/jozef nici and me will destroy rw
[00:03] [D]Jusuf> That was a whole 24 hrs ago
[00:03] Saito_Vdm out
[00:09] nah out
[00:12] [D]Jusuf> Gl Rw's I secretly love you too
[00:18] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1 1v1
[00:25] TMS-abraline out
[00:25] [D]Doom> lol
[00:25] [D]Doom> maztodonte quit?
[00:26] [Rw]Jops> god that was awful
[00:26] Lawyer_Johnson out
[00:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg boys
[00:26] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[00:26] Lawyer_Johnson in
[00:26] [Rw]Ninety> [21:03] [D]Doom> facu/jozef nici and me will destroy rw
[00:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> Lawyer_Johnson: 1v1?
[00:26] [Rw]Ninety> you have to complete a game for that to happen tho
[00:26] [Rw]Jops> missed like 4 light on alan on edge of base
[00:26] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse out
[00:26] [D]Doom> true
[00:26] [D]Doom> lol
[00:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> LockdowN_TAS: 1v1?
[00:27] Lawyer_Johnson> shit allies
[00:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> SprdSheetMonkey_TSI: 1v1?
[00:27] [Rw]Jops> tbf eric you said shit allies
[00:27] [Rw]Jops> but you got fucking wrecked by lockdown
[00:27] Lawyer_Johnson> arbrim yes but not on ur host since i was lagging badly
[00:27] [Rw]Jops> "dont let me get doubled and ill carry"
[00:27] [Rw]Jops> you couldnt even single
[00:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> u hosted last game
[00:27] [Rw]Headhunterz> we just went in from all sides
[00:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> host again
[00:27] Lawyer_Johnson> color?
[00:27] [Rw]Jops> yeah dude it was great attacking
[00:27] LockdowN_TAS> hmm, i think me n eric was even
[00:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> as it is
[00:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> rotate by 1
[00:28] LockdowN_TAS> well, all i just did is buying u guys time to finish Jops n Mazto
[00:28] LockdowN_TAS> coz i saw u both were dominating mid
[00:28] LockdowN_TAS> kinda hard too face Eric with 280 ping, so i played safe
[00:28] LockdowN_TAS> to*
[00:29] [Rw]Jops> it just annoys me when you go "ohh shit allies" and yet its not like he was dominating and we lost him the game
[00:29] [Rw]Jops> he was doing fuck all, and then we got wrecked
[00:29] [Rw]Headhunterz> love how you went of you hill jops then thought o shit i have to get back on
[00:29] [Rw]Jops> like dont get me wrong, I was BAD
[00:30] [Rw]Jops> yeah I saw alan coming, I messed up the building, had no warrior hut for first 10 mins
[00:30] [Rw]Headhunterz> that was me actually
[00:30] [Rw]Jops> and I didnt see you covering lockdown base when i went to attack, thought you were other lane
[00:31] [Rw]Jops> ugh, its a hard group to play a map for the first time
[00:31] [Rw]Jops> didnt even know where to put my training huts as i had no idea where the front of the base was supposed to be lol
[00:31] [Rw]Jops> I dismantled an FW hut then rebuilt it there 5 mins later
[00:32] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol
[00:32] LockdowN_TAS> he sided me twice
[00:32] [D]Doom out
[00:32] LockdowN_TAS> like in 5 mins
[00:32] LockdowN_TAS> both failed
[00:32] [D]Doom in
[00:32] LockdowN_TAS> so ye i thought in the moment eric was relly trying to get the win
[00:33] LockdowN_TAS> but, it was already too late tho, u guys have finished both Jops n Mazto
[00:33] LockdowN_TAS> wp
[00:33] LockdowN_TAS> :ezy:
[00:33] [Rw]Ninety> in conclusion
[00:33] [Rw]Ninety> shov and alan v good
[00:33] [Rw]Jops> tbf, had any of those sides worked
[00:33] [Rw]Jops> maybe
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> not only that
[00:34] [Rw]Jops> but instead he died and just opened himself up to more attacks
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> its all about calculation
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> patient
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> and decision making
[00:34] [Rw]Jops> yeah I think he was too rash
[00:34] [Rw]Headhunterz> i was just having fun expanding
[00:34] [Rw]Headhunterz> was over 200pop
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> yea i think if Eric didnt open another side u guys couldve stayed longer
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> n prolly turn the table
[00:34] LockdowN_TAS> i had no idea to side or bd eric whole game
[00:35] LockdowN_TAS> coz its too risky
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> you were never over 200 pop
[00:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> look again
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> i did
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> you were 200 exactly
[00:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> 200 pop :P
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> which isnt over
[00:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> haha
[00:35] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> statistics
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> :p
[00:35] [Rw]Jops> LockdowN_TAS> i had no idea to side or bd eric whole game
[00:36] [Rw]Jops> its one of those thing I never get, when you are dominating the middle
[00:36] [Rw]Jops> use it, put pressure on
[00:36] [Rw]Jops> for your opponent to try something new
[00:36] LockdowN_TAS> true
[00:37] [Rw]Jops> Bd and side are so risky, if its a game where really you cant dominate middle, IE walls then sure
[00:37] [Rw]Jops> but like sess, if you dominating middle, dont bd, because you can easily throw the game away
[00:37] [Rw]Jops> force your opponent into it and be ready
[00:37] LockdowN_TAS> yea, tbf we got the upperhand on middle so
[00:37] LockdowN_TAS> ye opening another side whilst im in my base alive is just :/
[00:37] [Rw]Jops> crazy
[00:38] [Rw]Jops> shit he coulda BD'd alan from mine whilst we were in middle
[00:38] [Rw]Jops> ah well
[00:38] [Rw]Jops> im goijg to bed, well played guys
[00:38] [Rw]Jops out
[00:40] [D]Jusuf in
[00:41] [D]Jusuf> gn bitches <3
[00:41] [D]Jusuf out
[00:44] HexTheRex> kupa 1v1 quick
[00:44] HexTheRex> i need practise
[00:44] LockdowN_TAS in
[00:46] LockdowN_TAS out
[00:54] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[00:57] D4R_OP out
[01:18] [Rw]Ninety out
[01:18] [Rw]Ninety in
[01:21] LockdowN_TAS> cant sleep Alan? :kek:
[01:21] [Rw]Ninety> well its just 10 20 pm
[01:21] [Rw]Ninety> not late really
[01:24] [D]Doom in
[01:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> believe me that i like to win you but thats not my goal
[01:29] LockdowN_TAS> Eric host
[01:29] LockdowN_TAS> Alan wanna play?
[01:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> my goal is to have some competitive matches, like its happening
[01:29] [D]Doom out
[01:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> and getting my skills back
[01:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> for as long as i am here
[01:30] [Rw]Ninety> well i could
[01:30] [Rw]Ninety> but im not sure eric can host me
[01:30] [Rw]Ninety> and arbrim def cant
[01:30] LockdowN_TAS> try
[01:30] LockdowN_TAS> sec reloging
[01:30] LockdowN_TAS out
[01:30] Lawyer_Johnson> allright
[01:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> as per ypu, once we have same activity
[01:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> https://i.imgur.com/KEEMBCf.png
[01:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> and you win me, I would have to feel ashamed ;)
[01:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> so once again not sure if this is ur prime
[01:32] LockdowN_TAS in
[01:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> but if this is it, im sorry its too low ;)
[01:33] [Rw]Ninety in
[01:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> get radmin vpn
[01:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> ull get ur pings fixed
[01:33] [Rw]Ninety> ugh
[01:33] [Rw]Ninety> brb
[01:33] [Rw]Ninety out
[01:33] [Rw]Ninety in
[01:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> Ninety: for how long brb?
[01:34] [Rw]Ninety> just relog for ping
[01:34] [Rw]Ninety> didnt seem to work tho
[01:34] [Rw]Ninety> or did it
[01:35] LockdowN_TAS> just wait
[01:35] LockdowN_TAS> sit
[01:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> map?
[01:35] [Rw]Ninety> well at least my ping is as shit as dannys
[01:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> hahah :|
[01:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> fo cr walls
[01:36] [Rw]Ninety> @eric we trying pp?
[01:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> just spammed pp but if u all want
[01:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> so be it
[01:36] [Rw]Ninety> i mean erics gonna have to try to carry a lagged preacher
[01:36] [Rw]Ninety> so up to him
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> hahah ;)
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> btw dont forget
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> im having electricity issues
[01:37] LockdowN_TAS> dw
[01:37] LockdowN_TAS> Arbrim needs to
[01:37] LockdowN_TAS> :kek:
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> it might get fukdup like a 3v3 or 4v4 game earlier
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> but not sure if any noticed
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> since an enemy quitted too
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> but i hope for the best
[01:37] Lawyer_Johnson> map wom ok?
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> just finished 2 games
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> do some normal map
[01:37] [Rw]Ninety> not wom please
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> dafuq u saying
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> pp fo cr walls
[01:37] [Rw]Ninety> i hate wom with passion
[01:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> or go to sleep
[01:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> yaeh
[01:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> lb less maps suck.
[01:38] Lawyer_Johnson> lets do tom than
[01:38] [Rw]Ninety> lol
[01:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> do normal map
[01:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> pp fo cr walls
[01:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> and go
[01:38] [Rw]Ninety out
[01:38] andrewsg1132 in
[01:38] Lawyer_Johnson> 4way than
[01:38] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[01:39] LockdowN_TAS> not again Eric
[01:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> do u want to get fuckked off?
[01:39] LockdowN_TAS> u know im frustated facing your shaman
[01:39] [D]Doom in
[01:39] LockdowN_TAS> especially on 4way
[01:40] [Rw]Ninety> danny didnt launch
[01:40] [D]Doom out
[01:48] adray_tsi in
[01:50] andrewsg1132 out
[01:57] [D]Doom out
[01:57] [D]Doom in
[01:59] [D]Doom out
[02:08] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[02:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> Lawyer_Johnson you are matt from ali express
[02:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> u know what i mean, beta version of him
[02:17] Lawyer_Johnson out
[02:18] Lawyer_Johnson in
[02:18] Lawyer_Johnson> hw
[02:18] Lawyer_Johnson> join
[02:21] 8-Kit in
[02:25] lumiza69 in
[02:25] [Rw]Ninety out
[02:31] Mowgli in
[02:37] Mowgli out
[02:44] adray_tsi out
[02:44] LockdowN_TAS> ngl
[02:44] LockdowN_TAS> pp is gonna hard for me
[02:44] LockdowN_TAS> playing with this ping
[02:54] HexTheRex out
[02:54] Vertigo in
[02:57] Mowgli in
[02:58] adray_tsi in
[03:06] Bignoobmanfr out
[03:08] yosaf in
[03:08] yosaf in
[03:09] yosaf out
[03:12] Mowgli out
[03:13] Franco_Colapinto out
[03:13] LockdowN_TAS in
[03:13] [SW]Sinegeiros> what did happen :/
[03:13] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[03:13] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> gg
[03:13] Lawyer_Johnson> man
[03:13] Lawyer_Johnson> wtf
[03:14] LockdowN_TAS> wtf
[03:14] LockdowN_TAS> really
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> wp LockdowN_TAS ;)
[03:14] LockdowN_TAS> how the fuck is my wifi turned off by itself
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> they allied us
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> it has some configuration
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> go to settings
[03:14] LockdowN_TAS> yes which one?
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> if u cant find it urself u have to contact isp
[03:14] [SW]Sinegeiros> tbh i dont remember but lets google it
[03:15] Lawyer_Johnson> are we rm?
[03:15] LockdowN_TAS> if Arbrim plays another yes
[03:15] LockdowN_TAS> sec tho
[03:15] [SW]Sinegeiros> check reboot settings
[03:15] LockdowN_TAS> i need to fsort this out first
[03:15] [SW]Sinegeiros> i would but 4 am here :/
[03:15] [SW]Sinegeiros> even that was too late for me
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> there is no reboot settings arbrim
[03:16] [GoD]lebannen in
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> i mean its on my laptop
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> somehow wifi turned off by itself
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> aha wow
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> i didnt do shit with it
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> i thought router
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> router had it
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> yea i see
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeaa windows bug
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> but my modem is still on and the wifi is fine
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> i always connect iwht ethernet
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> when playing pop
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> ye ye i see sorry
[03:16] [SW]Sinegeiros> missunderstood
[03:16] LockdowN_TAS> are we rm?
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> as per wifi i think it happened to me too but im using ethernet alwyas
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> if uall up to
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> we can try it
[03:17] LockdowN_TAS> kk
[03:17] LockdowN_TAS> sec
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> 1-1 ;p
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> do u want to switch cr or fo?
[03:17] [SW]Sinegeiros> or pp again
[03:18] LockdowN_TAS out
[03:18] LockdowN_TAS> idm
[03:18] LockdowN_TAS out
[03:19] LockdowN_TAS in
[03:36] adray_tsi out
[03:42] adray_tsi in
[03:45] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[03:50] lumiza69 out
[03:50] xiomer in
[03:50] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[03:51] lumiza69 in
[03:51] yosaf> pera que meu jogo ta bugado aqui
[03:52] yosaf out
[03:52] yosaf in
[03:52] yosaf> oxi
[03:56] yosaf in
[03:57] yosaf> prontinho
[03:58] yosaf> tanto faz
[03:58] yosaf out
[04:01] yosaf> aliança feminna
[04:04] xiomer out
[04:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[04:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> good nighto
[04:04] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[04:04] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gg
[04:04] LockdowN_TAS> ggwp
[04:04] LockdowN_TAS> we lost that riley
[04:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I know lol
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> you shouldnt have said a thing
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> :kek:
[04:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> i was watching ice's stream
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> i was risking everything
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> base opened on front
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> n i went for eric :kek:
[04:05] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> yeah was risky
[04:05] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> i kept dieing in odd ways
[04:05] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> think i was 0-9 to start
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> loool ye
[04:05] LockdowN_TAS> saw that ice
[04:06] LockdowN_TAS> that puddle on my co
[04:06] LockdowN_TAS> r
[04:06] LockdowN_TAS> u fell off the cliff to the puddle when i respawned
[04:06] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> that was a crazy one
[04:06] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> smallest puddle
[04:06] LockdowN_TAS> guess thats my luck for today
[04:07] LockdowN_TAS> i'd lose eric
[04:07] LockdowN_TAS> 262 ping what u expect :monkas:
[04:08] LockdowN_TAS> riley n ice playing?
[04:09] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Im not
[04:09] LockdowN_TAS> :fu:
[04:09] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :fap"
[04:10] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :fap:
[04:12] LockdowN_TAS in
[04:14] Franco_Colapinto in
[04:15] LockdowN_TAS out
[04:31] [GoD]lebannen out
[04:32] Lawyer_Johnson out
[04:39] LockdowN_TAS out
[04:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[04:47] Vertigo out
[04:48] yosaf> bora outra
[05:05] [D]PauGrande out
[05:37] lumiza69 out
[05:42] adray_tsi out
[05:46] 8-Kit out
[06:05] _jammy in
[06:05] _jammy out
[06:05] _jammy in
[06:12] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[06:19] Franco_Colapinto out
[06:25] Axton in
[06:28] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[06:29] Axton out
[06:32] _jammy out
[06:33] _jammy in
[06:33] _jammy out
[06:33] _jammy in
[07:20] yosaf out
[07:25] [AvA]TristanFR in
[07:26] [AvA]TristanFR out
[07:27] [AvA]TristanFR in
[07:34] AtomicO_o in
[07:35] [SW]BardiKing in
[07:35] [SW]BardiKing> happy new year
[07:39] AtomicO_o> ty u 2 bardi
[07:45] LockdowN_TAS in
[07:45] [SW]BardiKing out
[07:50] _jammy> gg
[07:51] [AvA]TristanFR out
[07:58] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:06] _jammy out
[08:09] LockdowN_TAS out
[08:10] LockdowN_TAS in
[08:22] LockdowN_TAS in
[08:24] LockdowN_TAS out
[08:33] _jammy in
[08:33] _jammy out
[08:33] _jammy in
[08:36] [SW]BardiKing out
[08:49] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:53] AtomicO_o> +2
[08:54] AtomicO_o> hi lockdown :D
[08:54] AtomicO_o> wanna 1v1 face off? for change
[08:54] [SW]BardiKing in
[08:54] LockdowN_TAS> sure
[08:54] AtomicO_o> bardii
[08:55] [SW]BardiKing> yooo
[08:55] AtomicO_o> we are doing 1v1 face off if u want to watch
[08:55] [SW]BardiKing> ofc?
[08:56] [SW]BardiKing out
[08:56] [SW]BardiKing> did launch faild
[08:57] LockdowN_TAS in
[08:57] horriffichobos out
[08:57] AtomicO_o> omg every1 crashing
[08:58] [SW]BardiKing> 4
[09:00] LockdowN_TAS out
[09:07] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:09] AtomicO_o> gg wp
[09:09] LockdowN_TAS> lool
[09:09] LockdowN_TAS> where is your wars
[09:09] AtomicO_o> boring hill
[09:09] AtomicO_o> idk im asleep
[09:10] LockdowN_TAS> well if u had wars you couldve held the hill
[09:25] AtomicO_o out
[09:57] Hellfest in
[10:06] [AvA]TristanFR in
[10:39] Hellfest out
[11:03] nah in
[11:03] nah out
[11:03] nah in
[11:04] [D]Doom in
[11:15] Invisible2 in
[11:21] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[11:22] Vertigo in
[11:23] Vertigo out
[11:26] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[11:27] Viezeharry in
[11:28] Dimoncheg in
[11:29] Viezeharry out
[11:32] Viezeharry in
[11:33] Dimoncheg out
[11:40] jamiesr in
[11:46] tetc in
[11:49] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[11:55] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[11:56] tetc out
[11:57] [GoD]Spinnifix out