PopMM - 01/08/21 00:00

[00:00] We_all_die_soon_TM> bet its 1234
[00:00] [SW]Jimbo> +1
[00:01] [GoD]Shogun out
[00:02] [SW]Jimbo> +2
[00:02] [AvA]Ixidor> map?
[00:02] [GoD]Shogun in
[00:02] [GoD]Shogun> how did u know div
[00:03] [GoD]Shogun> pro guessing
[00:03] We_all_die_soon_TM> :feelsgoodman:
[00:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> no preachers plz
[00:03] cookingUnhealthyMeal out
[00:03] [SW]Jimbo> marcus join
[00:07] [SW]Jimbo in
[00:07] [SW]Jimbo out
[00:07] [SW]Arbrim out
[00:07] [SW]Arbrim in
[00:08] [GoD]Spyro out
[00:09] [GoD]Shogun> me no like pop me kuit nao. :peepoleave:
[00:09] [GoD]Shogun out
[00:11] Sneaky> :poof:
[00:13] Sneaky> hmm just looked bianca stream
[00:13] Sneaky> she sides shogun
[00:13] Sneaky> and then goes mid
[00:13] Sneaky> and lets shogun go volc her
[00:13] Nici> nice losing on purpose m8
[00:13] Sneaky> i dont she knew shogun had so big spells
[00:13] Sneaky> think
[00:13] Arcana_OP> wasnt expecting the volc
[00:14] Sneaky> that came surprise to me
[00:14] Sneaky> im wasting all my mana on front
[00:14] Sneaky> and ally has volcano
[00:14] FollowTheScience_TSI> u pressuring front might have given him the chance to charge it tho
[00:14] FollowTheScience_TSI> cant have every1 just camping holding spells
[00:15] Sneaky> ye but pushing by 2 players coulda ended game
[00:15] Sneaky> sooner
[00:15] FollowTheScience_TSI> so your mana wasnt wasted on front then?
[00:15] Sneaky> ofc it wasnt
[00:16] Sneaky> i meant using it
[00:16] Sneaky> myfs is never waste
[00:16] FollowTheScience_TSI> hmm well you said it was, then i disagreed with u, now you seem to agree with me
[00:16] FollowTheScience_TSI> so all good :)))
[00:16] We_all_die_soon_TM> how does harvesting work now
[00:17] Sneaky> on beta?
[00:17] We_all_die_soon_TM> i had 1000 wood piles near plan and they went for 2 small trees
[00:17] We_all_die_soon_TM> i thought they ignored trees
[00:17] We_all_die_soon_TM> ye
[00:17] Sneaky> they should take piles
[00:18] Sneaky> mostly that happens
[00:18] Sneaky> but sometimes blindness happens
[00:18] We_all_die_soon_TM> was total bs
[00:18] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:18] WhitePhantom in
[00:20] Sneaky> Whitephantom new player and Chumara rank :monkahmm:
[00:21] We_all_die_soon_TM> join D phantom
[00:21] We_all_die_soon_TM> we accept new players
[00:21] We_all_die_soon_TM> :monkat:
[00:23] amnesia> 7DK AIB5:C C3G 4III4
[00:23] amnesia> pas contre eux ?
[00:23] amnesia> mais on a bien jouee
[00:23] amnesia> loool
[00:23] Supertune> lol
[00:23] amnesia> il fallit juste faire plus de lights
[00:24] amnesia> mais de toute facon on peut pas gagner ocntre bleu
[00:24] amnesia> oui oui
[00:24] amnesia> shaman rang
[00:24] amnesia> ien a faire
[00:25] amnesia> rien*
[00:25] [GoD]Albert> nous ne sommes pas a la maternelle ici
[00:25] amnesia> je peux pas ecrire aujourd'hui
[00:25] amnesia> lol
[00:25] amnesia> halt die schnautze dein ally war beesser als ich
[00:25] Supertune> mon clavier est en querty dans le jeux, donc c'est pire pour moi XD
[00:26] amnesia> ahhhh
[00:26] amnesia> dommage
[00:26] amnesia> en plus tu nás pas jouee depuis longtemps
[00:26] Supertune> oui, j'ai plus trop le temps XD
[00:26] [GoD]Albert> j'adore manger du fromage de berger enveloppe dans des lanieres de courgettes frites
[00:26] amnesia> vous naves pas eu des inondations en frNCE ?
[00:26] amnesia> france"
[00:27] amnesia> lool
[00:27] Supertune> non, c'est plus en allemagne.
[00:27] [GoD]Albert> avec jus de fruit du dragon fraichement presse
[00:27] Supertune> XD
[00:27] amnesia> les pays bas aussi
[00:27] amnesia> t autriche
[00:27] amnesia> lol spinnifix
[00:27] amnesia> tres bien
[00:28] [GoD]Albert> et l'eau glacee au romarin attend deja
[00:28] [GoD]Albert> :ezy:
[00:28] amnesia> salzburg ?
[00:28] [GoD]Albert> :wat:
[00:29] amnesia> par ici ca fait 42C lol
[00:29] Klodian_X in
[00:29] Supertune> nous, il pleut depuis 1 mois :-(
[00:29] amnesia> oui je sait
[00:29] amnesia> tu habite ou deja
[00:29] Supertune> lyon
[00:29] amnesia> jai oubliee
[00:29] amnesia> Lyon
[00:29] [GoD]Albert> vous deux venez a moi s'il vous plait
[00:29] amnesia> pas dínondation par la bas
[00:30] amnesia> ?
[00:30] Supertune> non
[00:30] amnesia> tres bien
[00:30] amnesia> vien, on joue encore
[00:30] Supertune> ok
[00:30] amnesia> et on perd encore une fois loool
[00:30] Supertune> oui, j'aime perdre
[00:30] amnesia> lOL
[00:31] amnesia> pas de choix
[00:31] clowncil_OP> Le baguette du fromage
[00:31] Klodian_X> hey guys
[00:31] amnesia> e suis trol trash
[00:31] Supertune> c'est pour ça que je joue plus XD
[00:31] amnesia> ne sois pas ridicule
[00:31] amnesia> peux t';ameliorer
[00:31] Supertune> j'aime pas le frommage, ils ont quoi avec le fromage XD
[00:31] amnesia> mach eine kleine karte
[00:31] amnesia> tés fr
[00:32] amnesia> tu aime pas les fromages?
[00:32] amnesia> ruyere?
[00:32] amnesia> gruyere*
[00:32] Supertune> non
[00:32] amnesia> loool
[00:32] amnesia> moi jádore
[00:32] amnesia> quel est ton fromage preferee?
[00:33] Zyraw out
[00:33] Supertune> aucun, j'aime pas XD
[00:33] amnesia> LOl
[00:33] amnesia> du bvin, ou tu bois pas ?
[00:33] Klodian_X out
[00:33] amnesia> vin*
[00:33] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[00:33] Supertune> oui, j'en bois
[00:33] [GoD]Albert> +1
[00:33] [AvA]Ixidor> gg wp
[00:33] amnesia> le vin rouge ?
[00:33] amnesia> jétduei ca
[00:34] Sneaky> wow spin doing late night games
[00:34] Supertune> plutôt du blanc
[00:34] [GoD]Albert> teams are
[00:34] [GoD]Albert> me amnesia supertune and
[00:34] amnesia> pas mal
[00:34] [GoD]Albert> and the grey
[00:34] [AvA]Pharaoh> brb
[00:34] amnesia> vin rouge est trop bon pour le coeur
[00:34] amnesia> apinni
[00:34] amnesia> ach doch ich gegen dich
[00:35] [GoD]Albert> willst du ?
[00:35] amnesia> damit ich din zertoseren kann
[00:35] [GoD]Albert> klar doch
[00:35] [GoD]Albert> loool
[00:35] amnesia> ja
[00:35] amnesia> worauf wartest du
[00:35] [GoD]Albert> okay recalculating teams
[00:35] [GoD]Albert> me supertune thegrey and stauni
[00:35] amnesia> comme ca tu vas gagner ;)
[00:36] amnesia> wieso tom
[00:36] amnesia> eine andere
[00:36] amnesia> mana battle
[00:36] [GoD]Albert> supertune
[00:36] amnesia> tom haben wir schon gespielt
[00:37] [GoD]Albert> ne t'inquiete pas
[00:37] [GoD]Albert> nous les decomposons en leurs
[00:37] amnesia> lmfao
[00:37] [AvA]SpiderPig> come on
[00:37] amnesia> yeah, start already
[00:38] FollowTheScience_TSI> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XbIZqg4v7w
[00:38] amnesia> ya slushayu zelenoglazoe taxi
[00:38] Sneaky out
[00:42] [AvA]Mibbel in
[00:44] [GoD]Albert> supertune ?
[00:44] amnesia> il sest passee quoi
[00:44] amnesia> ?
[00:45] Supertune> problème de résolution
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> kann er spielen
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> oh
[00:45] amnesia> reviens
[00:45] Supertune> un tout petit écran
[00:45] amnesia> er kann
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> oren
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> supertunes spot
[00:45] [AvA]Stauni> ûnd warum quittert er dann
[00:45] Arcana_OP out
[00:45] amnesia> er hatte connection problems
[00:45] amnesia> ich ueberlasse ihm meinen platz
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> nein
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> ich spiel enur mit euch beiden zusammen
[00:45] [GoD]Albert> sonst gehe ich schlafen
[00:46] amnesia> lol
[00:46] [GoD]Albert> komm
[00:46] clowncil_OP> Dresden City
[00:46] amnesia> supertune, rejoins ?
[00:46] clowncil_OP> Azet pappaufsteller city
[00:46] [GoD]Albert> hahaa
[00:46] Supertune> je peu pas, c'est réservé XD
[00:46] [GoD]Albert> muesste man ma' nachfragen
[00:46] [GoD]Albert> was das eigentlic hwar
[00:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> amnesia> I speak 7 languages
[00:46] amnesia> je te donne mon espace
[00:46] [GoD]Albert> aber nur edeke nä
[00:46] [AvA]Stauni> spin grehoist#
[00:47] clowncil_OP> Ja Edeka glaub ich
[00:47] [AvA]Stauni> reshost
[00:47] amnesia> tu peux jouer
[00:47] clowncil_OP> Richtig witzig hahaha
[00:47] [GoD]Albert> oren
[00:47] amnesia> davai lu4schuyu kartu
[00:47] [GoD]Albert> you are taking somes spot
[00:47] amnesia> a ne etot crap
[00:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> hey guys
[00:47] Supertune> on va voir si ça marche XD
[00:47] [GoD]Albert> lool
[00:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> someone took my spot
[00:47] [GoD]Albert> kakuyu kartu
[00:47] amnesia> mach doch sess, lol clown game
[00:47] amnesia> mit diesen noobs
[00:47] amnesia> ich gegen tebay
[00:48] amnesia> tebya*
[00:48] amnesia> ne zabut
[00:48] [GoD]Albert> eto test map
[00:48] amnesia> hoches eshe punkti ? loool
[00:48] amnesia> nu davai,
[00:48] amnesia> tvoi bibor
[00:48] amnesia> vibor
[00:48] amnesia> an ich kann nicht schreiben
[00:48] amnesia> oool
[00:48] amnesia> man*
[00:49] amnesia> 4walls oder sowas
[00:49] amnesia> ya protivt tebya
[00:49] amnesia> nimm supertune mit dir
[00:49] amnesia> ist zu rusty
[00:57] [GoD]Albert> and that was
[00:57] [AvA]Pharaoh> LMAO?
[00:57] [GoD]Albert> what i was waiting for ?
[00:57] [AvA]Stauni> ^lol
[00:57] [AvA]Ixidor> Arschlecken
[00:57] The_Grey_TAS> accelarate it plz
[00:57] [AvA]Pharaoh> Clickin Acceleration: On
[00:58] amnesia> reviens
[00:58] amnesia> viens avec moi
[00:58] [AvA]SpiderPig> omg]
[00:58] O-Ren_TSI> cyan will crash again, 99%
[00:59] The_Grey_TAS> :chicken:
[01:04] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[01:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1.01
[01:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> good dude
[01:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> no games tho
[01:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead pop
[01:07] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[01:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol!??!
[01:09] amnesia> pas de chance supertune xD
[01:09] [AvA]Ixidor> after spin paused i froze
[01:09] FollowTheScience_TSI> gg 8 player game
[01:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> I had a perfect conversion :(
[01:10] amnesia> ou est ton etoile ?
[01:10] amnesia> tu peux pas host ?
[01:11] [AvA]Stauni> +3
[01:11] [AvA]Stauni> +2
[01:11] amnesia> bon viens
[01:12] amnesia> ich gegen den hotelmanager stauni
[01:12] amnesia> ung gib ihm supertune
[01:18] [AvA]Stauni> ok team pls
[01:18] The_Grey_TAS> ??
[01:18] [GoD]Albert> loll
[01:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> [AvA]Stauni + The_Grey_TAS + [GoD]Albert + Supertune vs. [AvA]SpiderPig + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Ixidor + amnesia
[01:18] amnesia> albert super and 2 noobs
[01:19] amnesia> vs us
[01:19] [AvA]SpiderPig> stauni is no noob
[01:19] [AvA]SpiderPig> lol
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> ye go what pharaoh said
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> ye all avas here r good players
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> and sicker i nthe futuure
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> right now still p quickies
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> 9-20 mins
[01:19] [GoD]Albert> pp
[01:19] amnesia> loool
[01:19] amnesia> this arrogant
[01:20] [GoD]Albert> :wat:
[01:30] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[01:31] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[01:32] [GoD]Spyro in
[01:34] [AvA]Mibbel out
[01:40] HowToBe_OP> :monkahmm:
[01:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[01:46] The_Grey_TAS out
[01:46] [AvA]Ixidor> gg
[01:46] [GoD]Albert> gg wp
[01:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> fist was red?
[01:47] [AvA]SpiderPig> no
[01:47] [AvA]SpiderPig> i was
[01:47] [AvA]Ixidor> i was green
[01:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> who was red?
[01:47] [AvA]SpiderPig> me
[01:47] [AvA]Ixidor> spidey :D
[01:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> oh yeah you volced blue nice
[01:47] [AvA]SpiderPig> xD
[01:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> Supertune is no noob right?
[01:48] [AvA]SpiderPig> i guess its time for bed
[01:48] [AvA]Stauni> ^bro
[01:48] [AvA]Stauni> he did nothing
[01:48] amnesia> lol
[01:48] amnesia> er ist zu rusty
[01:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> It seemed like he knew a bit how to play idk
[01:48] amnesia> + sehr schlecht lool
[01:48] Maganha_OP> 8
[01:49] [AvA]SpiderPig> i think we were just too powerful
[01:49] [AvA]Pharaoh> maybe he's a pro in single player
[01:49] [SW]Jimbo> +2
[01:49] [SW]Arbrim> Albert: +2222222222
[01:49] [SW]Arbrim> O-Ren_TSI: +2
[01:49] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[01:51] [SW]Jimbo> who wana join?
[01:51] [GoD]Albert> :pepefedora:
[01:51] [GoD]Albert out
[01:52] [GoD]Spyro> open 8 ply
[01:52] [AvA]Stauni> schwätzeer komm
[01:52] [SW]Arbrim> tom 8?
[01:52] [AvA]Stauni> not playing töm sorry
[01:53] [SW]Arbrim> np
[01:54] O-Ren_TSI> marcus, ice-t join
[01:54] [AsG]Ragnj in
[01:54] [SW]Arbrim> LLAGNJ
[01:54] [SW]Arbrim> comeeeeeee
[01:54] [SW]Arbrim> decent ping
[01:54] [SW]Arbrim> https://i.imgur.com/RKu9t2t.png
[01:54] [SW]Arbrim> heh,heh!!!
[01:54] [AvA]Stauni> +1
[01:55] amnesia> 4walls wieder ?
[01:55] [AvA]Stauni> yyes+
[01:55] [AvA]Stauni> man das eben war einfach nur gebashe sau langweilig
[01:55] amnesia> loool
[01:55] amnesia> du hattest spinni
[01:55] [AvA]Stauni> triplette weil super einfach mega nichts gemacht hat
[01:55] [AvA]Stauni> ja aber was soll er machen
[01:55] [AvA]Stauni> kann auch nur eine base hops nehmen
[01:56] [AvA]Stauni> und zero ist totally lost
[01:56] [SW]Jimbo> spyro playing?
[01:56] amnesia> er hatte mich zerstoert
[01:56] [SW]Arbrim> kom bwrrrrr
[01:56] [SW]Jimbo> join 2v2
[01:56] [AvA]Stauni> wann?
[01:56] amnesia> mit spinni ist es leicht
[01:56] amnesia> tirb nur nicht
[01:56] amnesia> und er erledigt die anderen
[01:56] amnesia> stirb*
[01:56] [AvA]Stauni> naja gegen 3 shamanin und der ein charged volc lol
[01:56] amnesia> camp
[01:57] [AvA]Stauni> hahahaha
[01:57] amnesia> er ist zu gut, aber in 4v4 du musst lebendig bleiben
[01:57] [AvA]Stauni> naja da waren gut fs dabei und so schnell kann ich auch keine lights chargen xD
[01:57] amnesia> gib ihm zeit nur
[01:57] O-Ren_TSI> wer ist zu gut?
[01:57] amnesia> campen und def reparieren
[01:57] amnesia> albert
[01:57] amnesia> pinnifix
[01:57] [AvA]Stauni> das geht bei höchsten 2 shamaninen
[01:58] amnesia> spinnifix*
[01:58] [AvA]Stauni> +1
[01:58] O-Ren_TSI> ist spin ein rage spieler?
[01:59] amnesia> ein bisschen ja
[01:59] [AvA]Stauni> aber spin dürfte auch kein mana gehabt haben
[01:59] [AvA]Stauni> mussten die ganze zeit front deffen
[01:59] [SW]Arbrim> twitch.tv/probimi
[01:59] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[01:59] amnesia> er raged, aber er ist auch unglaublich gutm so wie nici
[02:00] O-Ren_TSI> hab ich noch nie in discord gehört
[02:00] O-Ren_TSI> wenn du ihn mal gehört hast
[02:00] Supertune out
[02:00] amnesia> er ist wie nici, er hasst es, zu verlieren,
[02:01] amnesia> er raged nicht wie matt oder sowas
[02:01] O-Ren_TSI> erklärt sein tryhard verhalten
[02:01] O-Ren_TSI> wer ist besser amnesia, babo oder spin?
[02:01] amnesia> spinnifix
[02:02] amnesia> nur nici besiegt spinnifix
[02:02] amnesia> 60/40
[02:02] amnesia> aber babo und meph sind zu gut fuer spieler die sehr selten spielen
[02:03] O-Ren_TSI> hm so selten sehe ich die jz nicht
[02:04] O-Ren_TSI> kommt drauf an wer in der hut ist
[02:04] Maganha_OP out
[02:05] [AsG]Ragnj out
[02:06] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + FollowTheScience_TSI + amnesia vs. [AvA]Ixidor + [GoD]Spyro + O-Ren_TSI
[02:07] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[02:09] We_all_die_soon_TM out
[02:21] MatrixAbicus out
[02:39] [Rw]GrandFaust in
[02:39] [Rw]GrandFaust> is anybody streaming?
[02:40] Maganha_OP in
[02:44] [AvA]Stauni out
[02:46] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[02:47] Nici out
[02:47] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[02:49] O-Ren_TSI out
[02:56] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[02:59] [SW]Arbrim out
[03:12] amnesia out
[03:17] Maganha_OP out
[03:23] Lucas out
[03:29] [SW]Jimbo out
[03:33] footballka in
[03:34] footballka out
[03:38] [SW]pablo-> gn
[03:38] [SW]pablo- out
[03:42] WhitePhantom out
[03:50] FollowTheScience_TSI out
[03:58] The_Grey_TAS in
[04:05] TrustTheScience_TSI out
[04:06] The_Grey_TAS out
[04:15] The_Grey_TAS in
[04:17] Nici in
[04:17] Nici> Gretas
[04:18] The_Grey_TAS> ?
[04:18] The_Grey_TAS> aimda em pé?
[04:18] Nici> red da greta
[04:18] Nici> ya
[04:18] Nici> tive a cagar durante 3 horas
[04:18] The_Grey_TAS> q se faz ?
[04:18] Nici> rei da gret a*
[04:19] The_Grey_TAS> entao
[04:19] The_Grey_TAS> que se passa ctg
[04:22] Nici> mt moskito
[04:22] Nici> tou ajogar aoe
[04:22] Nici> n consigo dormir
[04:22] Nici> tou a jogar pop *
[04:22] Nici> single player
[04:23] The_Grey_TAS> ha algum novo ou so o aoe?
[04:25] [GoD]Spyro out
[04:25] Nici> tao todos iguais
[04:25] Nici> acho eu
[04:26] The_Grey_TAS> hmm
[04:26] The_Grey_TAS> acho q vou deitar
[04:27] The_Grey_TAS out
[04:32] FollowTheScience_TSI in
[04:32] Hungaro> n sabia que curtias de single player hehe
[04:34] The_Grey> Tambýým estýýs em pýý loool
[04:37] Hungaro> ya tou todo trocado
[04:37] Hungaro> nao dormi nada
[04:37] FollowTheScience_TSI out
[04:40] ruzcas in
[04:44] Deists in
[04:58] [AvA]Ixidor out
[04:58] Deists out
[05:03] [AvA]Ixidor in
[05:06] ruzcas out
[05:09] [AsG]Ragnj in
[05:11] [AvA]Ixidor out
[05:20] [AsG]Ragnj out
[05:26] TrustTheScience_TSI in
[05:26] TrustTheScience_TSI> uh
[05:27] TrustTheScience_TSI> Nici is on at this time?
[05:37] mauricio14 in
[05:38] mauricio14 out
[05:55] RessurectioN_TAS in
[05:55] RessurectioN_TAS out
[05:57] Red out
[06:06] twin_sister in
[06:16] Zpektrix_TAS out
[06:19] RessurectioN_TAS in
[06:20] twin_sister in
[06:21] TrustTheScience_TSI out
[06:21] RessurectioN_TAS out
[06:22] twin_sister> hi nici
[06:27] power_OP in
[06:27] twin_sister> hey sup power
[06:27] power_OP> hey
[06:28] twin_sister> hi buddy
[06:28] twin_sister> anygames
[06:28] twin_sister> no?
[06:28] power_OP> not now
[06:29] RessurectioN_TAS in
[06:34] twin_sister out
[06:34] twin_sister out
[06:35] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[06:35] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[06:35] Hungaro in
[06:35] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[06:47] RessurectioN_TAS> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
power_OP - MapPack: OK
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - power_OP: Red - RessurectioN_TAS: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[06:54] Deists in
[07:03] twin_sister in
[07:10] [AvA]TristanFR in
[07:11] twin_sister out
[07:13] Nici out
Game results submitted.
[07:18] power_OP> too late defence ha?
[07:19] RessurectioN_TAS> no
[07:19] RessurectioN_TAS> that was good tbh
[07:19] power_OP> started 63 wildies toh
[07:19] RessurectioN_TAS> just need to fill them sooner
[07:19] Jeevaneshwaran_noob in
[07:19] RessurectioN_TAS> join brah
[07:19] RessurectioN_TAS> do 6p
[07:19] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> yes
[07:19] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> 6player
[07:20] Deists> yo
[07:20] RessurectioN_TAS> [13:20] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> pkease he kicked me
[07:20] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[07:21] Deists> lol
[07:21] Deists> +1
[07:21] RessurectioN_TAS out
[07:21] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> me me
[07:21] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> let me join
[07:21] RessurectioN_TAS in
[07:22] Deists> Hungaro + RessurectioN_TAS + Jeevaneshwaran_noob vs. [AvA]TristanFR + Deists + power_OP
[07:22] Hungaro> 2min
[07:24] RessurectioN_TAS> move jev to back base brah
[07:24] RessurectioN_TAS> he is with us
[07:24] power_OP> sec please
[07:25] power_OP> have some file issue gimme 3 m,ns
[07:27] power_OP out
[07:27] power_OP in
[07:27] power_OP> ok thx
[07:28] RessurectioN_TAS> uhmm
[07:28] RessurectioN_TAS> i froze guys
[07:29] RessurectioN_TAS> and also do 1.5b hungaro
[07:32] [AsG]Sky- in
[07:33] [AsG]Sky- out
[07:42] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[08:04] aerondight in
[08:07] [AvA]TristanFR> wtf
[08:07] RessurectioN_TAS> great
[08:07] RessurectioN_TAS> fkin great
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> did i crash or lagged out ?
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> game went out of sync and im just out of the game
[08:09] [AvA]TristanFR> me too
[08:09] RessurectioN_TAS> man Hungaro will lose
[08:10] power_OP> we allied
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> yes
[08:10] Deists> gg
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> gg
[08:10] Deists> brah
[08:10] power_OP> gg wp
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> i am expert of lights
[08:10] Deists> can't believ
[08:10] Deists> this guy
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> but
[08:10] RessurectioN_TAS> yes
[08:10] Deists> pretty highest accurary lightning
[08:10] Hungaro> im so tunel vision that I didnt see someone left till now
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> i am not aware of my base
[08:10] RessurectioN_TAS> youre the next Lucita
[08:10] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> who is lucita
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> ohh
[08:11] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> i am expert when lag
[08:11] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> if i am not in lahg
[08:11] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> i am god
[08:11] Jeevaneshwaran_noob out
[08:11] power_OP> shaman duels was fun danny
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> lol
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> brah
[08:11] Deists> power almost killed
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> facing 2shaman at the same time
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> whole game
[08:11] RessurectioN_TAS> sik
[08:11] Deists> but at least i destroy cyan
[08:12] Deists> look the popgraph lol
[08:12] RessurectioN_TAS> man he is really suck
[08:12] RessurectioN_TAS> guy move his shaman and stood still and die
[08:12] Deists> that bd is almost killed power tho when i failed many time with this lightning guy
[08:12] Deists> he got double
[08:12] RessurectioN_TAS> yes
[08:12] power_OP> man you need to attack highes rank cyan wasnt attack anyway
[08:13] RessurectioN_TAS> all he can do is just stand still and wait for shaman to come
[08:13] RessurectioN_TAS> and light
[08:13] Deists> lul
[08:13] power_OP> we just need to take down danny
[08:13] RessurectioN_TAS> i was just distracting you guys
[08:13] RessurectioN_TAS> so Hungaro can finish the job
[08:13] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekyou:
[08:14] power_OP> we did good anyway
[08:14] power_OP> good team
[08:14] RessurectioN_TAS> yell shouldve bded me
[08:14] power_OP> ye but was under attack
[08:15] RessurectioN_TAS> or maybe Hillen shouldve done that
[08:15] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[08:15] Deists> well i rather bd on blue than cyan
[08:15] Deists> :kekg:
[08:15] power_OP> yw we needed 2 path to you
[08:15] Deists> alr guy thanks for the game
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> brah
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> play more man
[08:16] [AvA]TristanFR> ya gg
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> 2v3 lets go
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> ohh wait
[08:16] Deists> na
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> 3v3
[08:16] Deists> gotta sleep man
[08:16] Deists> look we dont have enough people
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> we do
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> Aerondight is here
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> join lads
[08:16] RessurectioN_TAS> Hungaro host again
[08:16] Deists> i like Hungaro host
[08:17] RessurectioN_TAS> :PEPEGAPHONE: MORE MORE
[08:17] Deists> his host is pretty good
[08:17] RessurectioN_TAS> :PLAYMORE:
[08:17] Hungaro> hi me? wasnt I the reason of the lag spikes?
[08:17] Hungaro> and crashes and what not
[08:17] power_OP> no
[08:17] RessurectioN_TAS> no its not
[08:18] RessurectioN_TAS> its the game
[08:18] Deists> yeah
[08:18] power_OP> lets try 1.5 B
[08:18] RessurectioN_TAS> yea 1.5b better
[08:19] Deists> bruh must say i always distracting when doing bd :kekw:
[08:19] power_OP> we can go blast if no one comes
[08:19] Deists> and can't calm down myself
[08:19] power_OP> man if you doing bd ignore everthing
[08:19] Hungaro> it's b now
[08:20] Deists> any 2v3 map?
[08:20] Deists> +1
[08:21] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[08:21] RessurectioN_TAS> pm aerondight boys
[08:21] RessurectioN_TAS> spam him
[08:21] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[08:22] aerondight> its too early man tale loot or go 2v3
[08:22] RessurectioN_TAS> :pepega:
[08:22] RessurectioN_TAS> well
[08:22] RessurectioN_TAS> 2v3 i guess
[08:23] Deists> any good map 2v3?
[08:23] Deists> or nah?
[08:23] RessurectioN_TAS> yes
[08:23] Deists> i remember some map
[08:23] Deists> 2v3
[08:23] Deists> but forogt
[08:23] RessurectioN_TAS> its in the Tundras
[08:24] RessurectioN_TAS> great crossings
[08:24] [AsG]Ragnj in
[08:24] Deists> yeah
[08:24] RessurectioN_TAS> ohh wait
[08:24] RessurectioN_TAS> ragnj will join
[08:24] Jeevaneshwaran_noob in
[08:25] RessurectioN_TAS> ohh no
[08:26] power_OP> lol
[08:26] Jeevaneshwaran_noob out
[08:26] RessurectioN_TAS> alright nvm
[08:26] RessurectioN_TAS> go 2v3
[08:27] RessurectioN_TAS> Map is Broken Alliance 2v3
[08:28] RessurectioN_TAS> :wat:
[08:28] RessurectioN_TAS> nah we dont have a good host here
[08:28] RessurectioN_TAS> :yikes:
[08:29] Deists> ? no one play ok :kekw:
[08:30] RessurectioN_TAS> cya :nerd:s
[08:30] RessurectioN_TAS out
[08:30] Deists out
[08:30] aerondight> I was going to spectate :keksad:
[08:35] [AsG]Ragnj out
[08:44] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[08:46] power_OP> you guys wanna 1v1 or blast , light?
[08:46] Klodian_X in
[08:47] Klodian_X out
[08:51] wietseNL in
[08:52] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[08:52] power_OP> addi
[08:53] wietseNL> you want 1v 1 ?
[08:54] wietseNL out
[08:55] [AvA]Ixidor in
[08:57] wietseNL in
[09:00] [Rw]GrandFaust out
[09:00] Kay in
[09:01] power_OP out
[09:01] power_OP in
[09:02] wietseNL> im new yes but i played this game 21 yeras ago for the first time :P
[09:02] power_OP> ohh nice
[09:02] power_OP> online is fun
[09:02] power_OP> we can use bot
[09:02] power_OP> host
[09:02] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[09:02] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[09:02] Hungaro> what does that bot do?
[09:03] power_OP> you couldnt have pinged me
[09:03] power_OP> bot can ping us
[09:03] power_OP> pp
[09:03] power_OP> unrank
[09:03] power_OP> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
power_OP - MapPack: OK
wietseNL - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - power_OP: Red - wietseNL: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[09:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> yo
[09:08] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[09:16] [SW]Incy in
[09:23] [SW]Incy out
[09:24] Deists in
[09:28] Hungaro out
[09:31] Deists out
[09:32] Kay out
[09:32] [AvA]Ixidor out
[09:33] Deists in
[09:36] [SW]Incy in
[09:40] RessurectioN_TAS in
[09:41] RessurectioN_TAS> :yikes:
[09:41] power_OP> gg you did good
Game results submitted.
[09:41] power_OP> but need more towers filling them and using ghost and swarms while attacking
[09:41] wietseNL> ok
[09:43] Kay in
[09:44] [TDM]Tundar> Any ggs
[09:45] power_OP> no tundar
[09:45] [TDM]Tundar> Kk
[09:45] power_OP> sunday man where are ppl
[09:49] wietseNL out
[09:50] [SW]Incy out
[09:50] RessurectioN_TAS out
[09:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[09:54] Deists out
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar in
[10:03] Emerging-Light in
[10:04] [TDM]Tundar> https://discord.gg/KuBQPDgy
[10:10] Emerging-Light out
[10:10] Emerging-Light in
[10:13] Kay> maps?
[10:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[10:14] power_OP> i prefer pp wall but i may not be best with that teams
[10:14] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:15] Emerging-Light out
[10:15] Emerging-Light in
[10:15] Kay> how about fo :D
[10:16] Zpektrix_TAS> wallz
[10:16] power_OP> played 5 times or less
[10:16] Zpektrix_TAS> tb maps will end in 10mins
[10:16] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz you:ll own him tundar
[10:16] Zpektrix_TAS> own tundar
[10:17] Kay> ouch then we should do others
[10:17] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[10:17] Zpektrix_TAS> and power is only used to 8p suppported maps
[10:17] Zpektrix_TAS> so walls mustbe better
[10:17] Zpektrix_TAS> logical isn't it ?
[10:18] power_OP> thats right
[10:18] Kay> k lets do walls
[10:18] Kay out
[10:19] Kay in
[10:19] power_OP out
[10:19] power_OP in
[10:20] power_OP out
[10:20] power_OP in
[10:22] Zpektrix_TAS> you made him scared , kayin
[10:23] [AvA]Stauni in
[10:23] Zpektrix_TAS> lets just do some with 3
[10:23] power_OP> he is playing game
[10:23] Emerging-Light out
[10:23] Emerging-Light in
[10:24] Kay> any 43 players maps?
[10:24] Kay> 3*
[10:24] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[10:24] power_OP> ffa?
[10:24] Kay> or blast game
[10:24] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont play blast games
[10:24] Zpektrix_TAS> because i will fall asleep in 3mins
[10:25] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[10:25] Zpektrix_TAS> if you wanna, you 2 can play
[10:25] Zpektrix_TAS> im gonna wear t-shirts
[10:25] Kay> lol
[10:25] power_OP> lol
[10:25] power_OP> how many
[10:26] Kay> oh wow
[10:26] Zero_Eclipse_TAS in
[10:26] Kay> we got a game now
[10:26] Kay> maps?
[10:26] Kay> or we can do 2vs3
[10:26] [AvA]Stauni> ye lets roll 2v3
[10:26] Zpektrix_TAS> up to you kayin chan
[10:26] power_OP> all is ok for me
[10:27] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> ill be going in a moment
[10:27] _[AvA]Ixidor in
[10:27] Kay> zero joining?
[10:27] [AvA]Stauni> 3v3
[10:27] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[10:27] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> u people play
[10:27] [AvA]Stauni> fist
[10:27] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> li just want to check my ping
[10:27] Kay> no ping
[10:28] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> u people play 2v2
[10:28] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> dont waste time
[10:28] Zero_Eclipse_TAS out
[10:28] power_OP> rali fist?
[10:29] Deists in
[10:29] Kay> yea we can do 3v3
[10:29] Zpektrix_TAS> fist is not joining
[10:29] Zpektrix_TAS> and who is another1
[10:29] Kay> danny's rommate?
[10:30] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[10:30] Zpektrix_TAS> we will see
[10:30] [AvA]Stauni> lets do 2v2 then
[10:30] power_OP> dont hve much time actually
[10:30] [AvA]Stauni> no on reachts
[10:30] [AvA]Stauni> reacts
[10:30] Kay> ok
[10:31] Emerging-Light out
[10:31] Emerging-Light in
[10:33] [AvA]Stauni> just do teams
[10:33] [AvA]Stauni> you both were fw
[10:33] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[10:33] Zpektrix_TAS> stauni quits
[10:33] [AvA]Stauni> yes because its unfair
[10:34] Kay> its a random team
[10:34] [AvA]Stauni> should be power and tsu or power and kay
[10:34] Zpektrix_TAS> stauni is scared of losing kayin
[10:34] Zpektrix_TAS> just go
[10:34] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems !best team is this
[10:34] Zpektrix_TAS> just go
[10:36] xDeexDee in
[10:37] Mammy_Tas in
[10:38] [SW]Arbrim in
[10:38] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[10:41] Emerging-Light out
[10:43] Emerging-Light in
[10:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Mammy
[10:48] xDeexDee out
[10:50] xDeexDee in
[10:50] Mammy_Tas> Hi Toruk :)
[10:52] xDeexDee out
[10:52] [AvA]SpiderPig in
[10:55] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[10:56] [Rw]clownstitution52> sup
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> Spiderpig tried to be spiderman by throwing his seman at his gf from his wrist
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> she wasn't impressed
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> got her in the eye
[10:58] [Rw]clownstitution52> k
[10:58] power_OP out
[10:59] xDeexDee in
[10:59] [Rw]clownstitution52> im home tonight
[10:59] [Rw]clownstitution52> smoke all you bitches again
[10:59] [Rw]clownstitution52> then leave pop for another year
[10:59] xDeexDee out
[10:59] [Rw]clownstitution52> :nice:
[10:59] xDeexDee in
[11:02] [SW]Arbrim out
[11:03] fearthedemon in
[11:04] [AvA]Stauni> ezy 2v1 xD
[11:05] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvLDlw0jkB8
[11:05] [AvA]Stauni> nvm
[11:05] xDeexDee out
[11:05] Emerging-Light out
[11:05] xDeexDee in
[11:05] Emerging-Light in
[11:06] Zpektrix_TAS> https://imgur.com/gallery/6IKXYAO#FxPOEib
[11:08] [AvA]SpiderPig> yo
[11:08] [AvA]SpiderPig> back
[11:09] xDeexDee out
[11:09] xDeexDee in
[11:11] [AvA]TristanFR out
[11:13] xDeexDee out
[11:13] Emerging-Light out
[11:16] _[AvA]Ixidor out
[11:19] power_OP in
[11:20] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[11:21] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[11:27] power_OP out
[11:27] power_OP in
[11:29] Tealtigr in
[11:34] warrior in
[11:34] warrior out
[11:34] warrior in
[11:36] Klodian_X in
[11:38] [GoD]Albert in
[11:39] [AsG]Ragnj in
[11:39] [GoD]Albert> lol
[11:43] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[11:44] Nici in
[11:44] warrior out
[11:45] Klodian_X out
[11:48] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[11:49] warrior in
[11:49] power_OP out
[11:51] [AsG]Ragnj out
[11:52] [GoD]Albert out
[11:53] Klodian_X in
[11:53] Klodian_X out
[11:54] We_all_die_soon_TM in
[11:55] [GoD]Albert in
[11:58] [AvA]Ixidor in
[11:58] warrior out
[12:04] warrior in
[12:10] Sneaky in
[12:10] [AvA]nicebetam8> Lol
[12:10] Sneaky> +1
[12:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Fried! Come play!
[12:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[12:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[12:11] fearthedemon out
[12:11] [AvA]nicebetam8> Gonna eat now,later mate!
[12:11] fearthedemon in
[12:12] Sneaky> warrior join
[12:12] Deists out
[12:13] Zpektrix_TAS> didn't know spin was in a game
[12:14] Sneaky> kfish wants this
[12:14] Sneaky> Sneaky + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AvA]SpiderPig + [AvA]Ixidor + fearthedemon
[12:14] Sneaky> best says this
[12:14] Sneaky> ok?
[12:14] fearthedemon> sure
[12:27] warrior out
[12:29] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin, danny, mammy, spin are druink now
[12:29] Zpektrix_TAS> xDD
[12:29] Zpektrix_TAS> oops it was public
[12:29] Zpektrix_TAS> lmao
[12:31] We_all_die_soon_TM> :pepegaphone: not intentional
[12:32] bockwurstlaune in
[12:34] Kay> maps?
[12:34] [GoD]Albert> hm
[12:34] [GoD]Albert> go hollow fields
[12:35] Zpektrix_TAS> damn
[12:35] [GoD]Albert> bockwurstlaune: and me
[12:35] Zpektrix_TAS> i was enjoying makign spin drunk
[12:35] Kay> I or II?
[12:35] Zpektrix_TAS> ii
[12:35] Zpektrix_TAS> never doing i
[12:35] [GoD]Albert> iii is only bbeta
[12:35] [GoD]Albert> ii
[12:35] [GoD]Albert> only can do i
[12:35] [GoD]Albert> dunno if bock plays beta
[12:35] Zpektrix_TAS> no hollow fields then
[12:36] Zpektrix_TAS> i is insanely shit
[12:36] [GoD]Albert> go beta
[12:36] Zpektrix_TAS> farther path
[12:36] [GoD]Albert> see bocks reaction
[12:36] Kay> i launch first
[12:37] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[12:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I honestly didn't expect it to be over that quickly
[12:40] Kay> ?
[12:40] bockwurstlaune> bugged game
[12:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> teams seemed even, at least for the first 10 minutes
[12:40] Kay> or we play 8p?
[12:40] Zpektrix_TAS> spin is trolling again
[12:40] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[12:40] bockwurstlaune> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[12:41] Sneaky> didnt expect yellow to attack mu front
[12:41] [GoD]Albert> fist stauni rod
[12:41] [GoD]Albert> join
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> bock tsu fist
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> join
[12:42] Sneaky> +1
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> tsu join
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> ok teams
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> is
[12:42] [GoD]Albert> trod me fearthedemon and stauni
[12:43] [GoD]Albert> all ok ?
[12:43] Sneaky> will be hard
[12:43] Zpektrix_TAS> just do !best
[12:43] Sneaky> but go
[12:43] Zpektrix_TAS> else i am going out
[12:43] Sneaky> ye do best
[12:43] Sneaky> wtf
[12:43] Sneaky> [GoD]Albert + bockwurstlaune + fearthedemon + Kay vs. [AvA]Ixidor + Zpektrix_TAS + Sneaky + [AvA]Stauni
[12:43] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + bockwurstlaune + fearthedemon + Kay vs. [AvA]Ixidor + Zpektrix_TAS + Sneaky + [AvA]Stauni
[12:43] Kay> [GoD]Albert + Kay + Zpektrix_TAS + Sneaky vs. [AvA]Ixidor + [AvA]Stauni + bockwurstlaune + fearthedemon
[12:43] Zpektrix_TAS> lol kayin
[12:44] Zpektrix_TAS> your !best is bugged
[12:44] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[12:51] TomekJ in
[12:53] TomekJ out
[12:54] Nici out
[12:55] Andranik in
[13:06] RessurectioN_TAS in
[13:06] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[13:06] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[13:06] RessurectioN_TAS out
[13:06] [AvA]nicebetam8> yoo
[13:08] [GoD]Albert> yes that was hhard
[13:08] bockwurstlaune> na
[13:08] bockwurstlaune> it was boring
[13:08] Sneaky> i enjoyed it
[13:08] [GoD]Albert> trod tsu not playing under your host
[13:08] [GoD]Albert> join me
[13:08] Sneaky> kk
[13:08] Sneaky> wanna do jin tonic?`
[13:08] FollowTheScience_TSI in
[13:08] Sneaky> i like that map
[13:08] Zpektrix_TAS> never let that fucking bastarod host again
[13:09] [GoD]Albert> dont repeat it+
[13:09] [GoD]Albert> i already know
[13:09] Sneaky> bastarod :nice:
[13:09] Zpektrix_TAS> then dont ring my name on mm
[13:09] [AvA]Ixidor> we will get points from inca, but he has now more work because of hostquit
[13:09] [GoD]Albert> lol
[13:10] Sneaky> spin lets gin tonic?
[13:10] [GoD]Albert> wait
[13:10] bockwurstlaune out
[13:11] Sneaky> gin tonic so chill map
[13:12] FollowTheScience_TSI> true rod
[13:12] FollowTheScience_TSI> wallz is too much going on
[13:12] FollowTheScience_TSI> gin is chill
[13:12] Sneaky> if u say so
[13:13] Sneaky> must be true
[13:13] fearthedemon out
[13:13] FollowTheScience_TSI> well tbh i never played 8 player wallz
[13:13] FollowTheScience_TSI> so i am guessing :))))
[13:13] Sneaky> its all abt sneaking
[13:13] Sneaky> first who sneaks in
[13:13] Sneaky> wins
[13:14] Sneaky> +1
[13:15] Zpektrix_TAS> bock got owned by me first
[13:15] Zpektrix_TAS> the game was already done
[13:15] Sneaky> yes i pushed mid
[13:15] [GoD]Albert> not only that
[13:15] [GoD]Albert> i got quatrulped
[13:15] [GoD]Albert> and tripled
[13:15] [AvA]Stauni> my volc was already about to cast xD
[13:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i tripled you
[13:15] Sneaky> i barely had eqs all game
[13:15] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz red was bding fine
[13:16] Sneaky> using em to eq frontr
[13:16] Zpektrix_TAS> bock confused for sure
[13:16] [AvA]Stauni> front ws empty
[13:16] [AvA]Stauni> no fw
[13:16] [AvA]Stauni> in towers
[13:16] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin saved them
[13:16] Zpektrix_TAS> but he was very busy wit hshaman
[13:16] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz spin died without reasons
[13:16] [GoD]Albert> what ?:D
[13:16] Zpektrix_TAS> you got s clicked 80%
[13:17] Zpektrix_TAS> by all my team mate
[13:17] [GoD]Albert> 100%
[13:17] Zpektrix_TAS> except me
[13:17] Zpektrix_TAS> stauni loves ruining my fw hut in early
[13:17] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + [AvA]nicebetam8 + FollowTheScience_TSI + Kay vs. Zpektrix_TAS + Mammy_Tas + [AvA]Stauni + Sneaky
[13:17] Zpektrix_TAS> you had a chance actually
[13:17] [GoD]Albert> all ok ?
[13:18] Sneaky> gogo
[13:18] Sneaky> can i be island
[13:18] [AvA]Stauni> i didnt even touched your ground
[13:18] Sneaky> btw
[13:18] Zpektrix_TAS> we got mmammy , gg for them already
[13:18] FollowTheScience_TSI> kk do best
[13:18] [AvA]Stauni> just filled water
[13:18] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy will own them
[13:18] Mammy_Tas> hi :)
[13:18] [GoD]Albert> we do best random
[13:18] [GoD]Albert> rod
[13:18] Sneaky> ok
[13:19] [SW]JimBo in
[13:19] KaienCross in
[13:21] biledemonx10 in
[13:23] Crash_OP in
[13:24] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[13:31] [SW]JimBo out
[13:35] [GoD]Shogun in
[13:38] biledemonx10 out
[13:39] Arcana_OP in
[13:39] [SW]JimBo in
[13:39] [SW]JimBo> fist Nice nick name bro
[13:39] Meph in
[13:45] O-Ren_TSI in
[13:47] [SW]Arbrim in
[13:48] [SW]Arbrim out
[13:51] Sneaky> where does ixidor come
[13:52] Sneaky> oren no ping
[13:53] Sneaky> should we 4 v 4?
[13:54] [SW]JimBo> ey mah bro how are you
[13:55] Sneaky> join jimmy
[13:55] [AvA]nicebetam8> gg
[13:56] [GoD]Albert> gg
[13:56] Sneaky> u can autorotate best spider
[13:56] [SW]JimBo> lol bro
[13:56] [SW]JimBo> im in store and in old laptop xD
[13:57] [SW]JimBo> host
[13:57] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: There is already a host in your hut
[13:58] Sneaky> restructed
[13:59] Sneaky> wow my spot spin
[13:59] FollowTheScience_TSI> musical huts
[13:59] [GoD]Albert> some1 left?
[13:59] Sneaky> me
[13:59] [GoD]Albert> in the game sup there
[13:59] [GoD]Albert> setup
[13:59] Sneaky> its restricted spider
[13:59] Sneaky> rehop
[14:00] TrustTheScience_TSI in
[14:01] [GoD]Shogun out
[14:01] [GoD]Shogun in
[14:02] [GoD]Shogun out
[14:02] [GoD]Shogun in
[14:02] [SW]JimBo out
[14:04] warrior in
[14:05] [SW]JimBo in
[14:06] aerondight out
[14:07] aerondight in
[14:07] [SW]JimBo> host
[14:07] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[14:07] [SW]JimBo> join
[14:07] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[14:07] [SW]JimBo> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
warrior - MapPack: OK
[SW]JimBo - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [SW]JimBo: Red - warrior: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[14:16] Tealtigr out
[14:17] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[14:19] warrior out
[14:20] [SW]JimBo> QKA tu prish bos
Game results submitted.
[14:20] Tealtigr in
[14:20] Kay out
[14:21] warrior in
[14:21] Kay in
[14:24] [SW]JimBo> host
[14:24] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[14:24] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[14:25] Tealtigr out
[14:25] warrior> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
warrior - MapPack: OK
[SW]JimBo - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - warrior: Red - [SW]JimBo: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[14:26] Tealtigr in
Game successfully created in database.
[14:27] Crash_OP out
Game successfully checked in.
[14:32] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[14:32] Sneaky> gg wp
[14:32] [AvA]nicebetam8> wp
[14:32] [AvA]Ixidor> gg wp
[14:33] [GoD]Albert> ok first teams calculations
[14:33] [AvA]nicebetam8> some tom? :ohyes:
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont know if my opponent played seriously
[14:33] Sneaky> uuh töm
[14:33] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + [AvA]nicebetam8 + Meph + Zpektrix_TAS vs. TrustTheScience_TSI + Kay + O-Ren_TSI + Sneaky
[14:33] [GoD]Albert> all ok ?
[14:33] Sneaky> sure
[14:33] [GoD]Albert> o i take oren and give tsu
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS> just do !best
[14:33] Sneaky> u can keep tsu
[14:33] [GoD]Albert> map ?
[14:33] Sneaky> :nice:
[14:33] [GoD]Shogun> spin's team too op
[14:33] O-Ren_TSI> i want be with my tsi homie
[14:34] [AvA]nicebetam8> do other map
[14:34] Sneaky> walls?
[14:34] [GoD]Spyro in
[14:34] [GoD]Albert> ok
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> i killed 3 shamans in their base
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> that was the peak of last game
[14:34] [AvA]SpiderPig> i got murdered by 3 of you
[14:34] [AvA]SpiderPig> couldnt take that attack lol
[14:34] Sneaky> who left
[14:34] [AvA]nicebetam8> lol
[14:35] TrustTheScience_TSI> walls sucks
[14:35] [GoD]Albert> we do diff map
[14:35] [GoD]Albert> come
[14:35] Sneaky> what abt something else
[14:35] O-Ren_TSI> do gin
[14:35] Sneaky> gin is fun
[14:35] [AvA]nicebetam8> nah not gin again
[14:35] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[14:35] Sneaky> well hmm
[14:35] [GoD]Albert> we do rampage?
[14:35] Sneaky> sure
[14:35] Sneaky> they should rename it
[14:35] Sneaky> tree rampage
[14:35] Zpektrix_TAS> ice is picky
[14:35] [GoD]Albert> its not ice
[14:36] Mammy_Tas out
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> oh wait
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> it is
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> loll
[14:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> lol
[14:36] Kay> trust the ice
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf are you talking about
[14:36] Sneaky> science dudes everywhere
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> :feelsdabman:
[14:36] Sneaky> how to tell
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> spin is confused by science
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> go back to your nature
[14:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> :kekpepe:
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> land
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> +1
[14:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> join ice
[14:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> dif map
[14:36] [GoD]Albert> ice join
[14:36] Kay> who is behindthe science?
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> beyondthescience
[14:36] [GoD]Shogun> me :)
[14:37] Zpektrix_TAS> abovethescience
[14:37] [GoD]Albert> shogun join?
[14:37] [GoD]Shogun> maybe later
[14:37] [GoD]Shogun> lazy now
[14:37] O-Ren_TSI> do push
[14:37] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[14:37] O-Ren_TSI> maybe he'll join
[14:37] Sneaky> prime game
[14:37] [GoD]Albert> can do push
[14:38] Kay> push push push
[14:38] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[14:38] Lovenji_OP in
[14:39] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + [AvA]nicebetam8 + [AvA]Stauni + Meph vs. Kay + O-Ren_TSI + Sneaky + Zpektrix_TAS
[14:39] [GoD]Albert> rod what base u want?
[14:39] Sneaky> idm
[14:39] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[14:39] [Rw]FreeMatt> no real games?
[14:40] [GoD]Shogun> games aint real dude
[14:40] [GoD]Shogun> :ye:
[14:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> pop dead
Game results submitted.
[14:40] [GoD]Albert> hey
[14:40] [GoD]Albert> new york guy hw
[14:40] The_Grey> Hey
[14:40] Andranik out
[14:40] [Rw]FreeMatt> hi
[14:42] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[14:43] warrior> join
[14:44] Minibot_UK> warrior: There is already a host in your hut
[14:44] [SW]JimBo> join
[14:44] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[14:44] Minibot_UK> [SW]JimBo: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[14:45] warrior> 4 walls
[14:45] warrior> 4walls
[14:45] [SW]JimBo> 4 walls
[14:45] [SW]JimBo> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: The Great Worlds (3.3)
warrior - MapPack: OK
[SW]JimBo - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - warrior: Blue - [SW]JimBo: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[14:47] Tealtigr out
Game results submitted.
[14:49] Mr_Ridiculous> Hey The Grey
[14:49] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[14:52] warrior out
[14:55] [AsG]Ragnj in
[14:55] [AsG]Ragnj out
[14:55] warrior in
[14:56] Andranik in
[15:03] [AvA]Ixidor out
[15:05] Aldwych in
[15:06] Nici in
[15:08] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> +1 blasts
[15:08] [AvA]Ixidor in
[15:08] [GoD]Spyro out
[15:09] [GoD]Spyro in
[15:11] [SW]pablo- in
[15:11] [SW]JimBo> bonzhu pablo
[15:11] [SW]pablo-> hello
[15:12] [SW]JimBo> zhymapel Zer0
[15:12] [SW]JimBo> can you speak franch?
[15:12] Arcana_OP> lol
[15:12] [SW]JimBo> french)
[15:12] We_all_die_soon_TM> oui
[15:13] [SW]JimBo> lmfao
[15:13] [SW]JimBo> plz who are you
[15:13] [SW]JimBo> you have 100 nicn name and i dont know you
[15:14] Arcana_OP> you dont know divinity?
[15:14] [SW]JimBo> nick#
[15:14] Mr_Ridiculous> Niciculous
[15:15] [SW]JimBo> +1
[15:15] Nici> zhymapel
[15:15] Nici> lmao
[15:16] We_all_die_soon_TM> https://i.imgur.com/ZvR791E.png
[15:16] Arcana_OP> lmao
[15:18] [SW]JimBo> ++1
[15:19] Sneaky> gg wp
[15:19] O-Ren_TSI> gg wp
[15:19] [GoD]Albert> gg wp
[15:19] [D]Nightfury in
[15:19] [AvA]nicebetam8> gg
[15:19] Kay> gg guys
[15:19] Sneaky> gg
[15:20] Sneaky> allmost felt like unfair teams :nice:
[15:20] Sneaky> spin had 40 pop
[15:20] Sneaky> all game
[15:20] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[15:20] Sneaky> ahahhahahahahahahah
[15:20] Sneaky> ahahahhahahaha
[15:21] [SW]JimBo> bro can i haha
[15:21] Sneaky> yes
[15:21] [GoD]Albert> xD
[15:21] [SW]JimBo> hahhahahahahhaha
[15:21] Meph> ich glaub der typ ist alkoholkrank
[15:21] [SW]JimBo> thanks
[15:21] [SW]JimBo> :D
[15:21] [GoD]Albert> olololol
[15:21] [GoD]Albert> ihm ist es sehr wichtig nicht zu verlieren
[15:21] Sneaky> meph and spin same team what u expetct :nice:
[15:21] Meph> und er trinkt ständig
[15:22] [GoD]Albert> lol ja
[15:22] [GoD]Albert> und generell weiss ich nicht was sein problem will
[15:22] [GoD]Albert> ist
[15:22] Meph> ich auch nicht
[15:22] [GoD]Albert> LOL :D
[15:22] Meph> muss sich wohl durch das game hier produzieren
[15:22] [GoD]Albert> hahhahaha
[15:22] Meph> wenn es wenigstens in nem 1v1 wäre
[15:22] Meph> aber in nem 4v4. LOL
[15:23] [GoD]Albert> nein niemals mit ihm
[15:26] power_OP in
[15:26] [SW]JimBo> +3
[15:26] [SW]JimBo> warrior join
[15:28] [SW]JimBo out
[15:28] [SW]JimBo in
[15:30] [SW]JimBo out
[15:30] Sneaky> wow ice kicking hes brother
[15:30] Sneaky> :nice:
[15:31] Arcana_OP> lol 3 TSI hosting
[15:31] power_OP> +1 blast
[15:32] Sneaky> walls ok?
[15:32] Sneaky> random teams?
[15:32] [GoD]Albert> ye go
[15:33] [SW]JimBo in
[15:35] [SW]JimBo out
[15:35] power_OP> lol
[15:35] Arcana_OP> lmao
[15:35] power_OP> how foolish
[15:35] Arcana_OP> go again
[15:35] Arcana_OP> happens
[15:38] [SW]JimBo in
[15:38] [SW]JimBo out
[15:40] Sneaky> dat coulda been gg
[15:41] [SW]JimBo in
[15:42] TrustTheScience_TSI> jneed any ez warmup 1v1
[15:42] TrustTheScience_TSI> playing on diff comp/nternet
[15:43] Sneaky> wow ice is on some lan parties
[15:43] [AvA]TristanFR in
[15:43] Sneaky> maybe tundys house¨
[15:43] Sneaky> :nice:
[15:43] [GoD]Albert> nici
[15:43] [GoD]Albert> join
[15:43] Sneaky> random?
[15:43] Sneaky> or ivo?
[15:43] [SW]JimBo> yea bro its fine
[15:43] [GoD]Albert> random
[15:44] [GoD]Spyro out
[15:44] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:48] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:50] [SW]JimBo> Aldwych: can we do 2v2 original
[15:50] [SW]JimBo> i cant play beta im in old laptop
[15:50] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:51] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:54] Jeevaneshwaran_noob in
[15:54] The_Grey_TAS in
[15:54] Jeevaneshwaran_noob out
[15:59] [SW]JimBo out
[15:59] [SW]JimBo in
[16:00] Yancy in
[16:00] amnesia in
[16:01] twin_sister in
[16:02] [SW]JimBo out
[16:03] [AsG]Ahmed in
[16:03] Yancy out
[16:04] [SW]Arbrim in
[16:07] mmiqoverload in
[16:08] mmiqoverload> nici losing roflmao wat an asshole
[16:08] twin_sister> any 6 player games
[16:08] twin_sister> ?????
[16:09] mmiqoverload> shitty pop player
[16:09] power_OP> yea was close
[16:09] Arcana_OP> gg
[16:09] power_OP> gg
[16:09] twin_sister> any games
[16:09] twin_sister> ?
[16:09] twin_sister> 6 player
[16:09] twin_sister> 8 player
[16:09] power_OP> better play 1v1 your brother first
[16:10] power_OP> to improve
[16:10] Arcana_OP> lol
[16:10] twin_sister> i am single
[16:10] twin_sister> to my parents
[16:10] [GoD]Spyro in
[16:11] Aldwych out
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> WOAH W33D STALKING
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> ops caps
[16:11] Aldwych in
[16:11] twin_sister> anmy 6 player gam es
[16:11] Arcana_OP> look who is here
[16:11] Arcana_OP> the shotgun
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> :pepegaphone: THE SHOTGOON!
[16:13] twin_sister> any 6 player games
[16:13] twin_sister> please
[16:13] The_Grey_TAS> warrior ping
[16:13] [SW]Jimbo in
[16:14] The_Grey_TAS> andranik ping
[16:14] Andranik> shows 77 to me
[16:14] The_Grey_TAS> k
[16:17] power_OP> yo guys
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> yo
[16:17] Mr_Ridiculous> get on discord grey
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> spyro join
[16:17] [GoD]Spyro> sure
[16:17] [GoD]Spyro> ill host
[16:17] Mr_Ridiculous> spyro
[16:17] [SW]pablo-> sec
[16:17] Mr_Ridiculous> discord
[16:17] [SW]pablo- out
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> you like so much
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> ill host
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> i host
[16:17] [SW]Jimbo> bla bla
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> okay goo hostttt
[16:18] [GoD]Spyro> Dude
[16:18] [GoD]Spyro> you always host
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> okay
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> ?'???
[16:18] [GoD]Spyro> when i play with you
[16:18] [GoD]Spyro> wtf
[16:18] [SW]pablo- in
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> i nit always
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> stfu
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> not*
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> what are you fucking talking
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> host hhost
[16:18] [SW]Jimbo> you wana ally power?
[16:19] [GoD]Spyro> https://www.popre.net/game.php?u=27506&u1=48883&start=&end=
[16:19] [GoD]Spyro> Majority of these games with you, you host
[16:19] [GoD]Spyro> thats waht im ''fucking talking''
[16:19] [GoD]Spyro> You say 130 ping is too high
[16:19] [GoD]Spyro> LOOOOOL
[16:19] power_OP> lol
[16:19] Arcana_OP> :o
[16:19] [SW]Jimbo> join
[16:19] [SW]pablo-> spyro join
[16:19] [SW]Jimbo> pablo lets host this shit
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> fhk off
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> anything over 100
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> jimmy complains [ing is too high
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> learn to play with high pings d00d
[16:20] [SW]Jimbo> comon
[16:20] [SW]Jimbo> its not fine for me
[16:20] [SW]Jimbo> ok
[16:20] [SW]Jimbo> do you have any problem
[16:20] [SW]Jimbo> ?
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> Yea, you
[16:20] [GoD]Spyro> fuckin crybaby
[16:21] [SW]Jimbo> hahahahahhahaha
[16:21] [SW]Jimbo> nice pussy
[16:21] [SW]Jimbo> :D
[16:21] power_OP> man wtf
[16:21] power_OP> cya
[16:21] power_OP out
[16:21] [GoD]Spyro> cya power
[16:22] [GoD]Spyro> guy has shit
[16:22] [GoD]Spyro> net
[16:22] [SW]Jimbo> yep
[16:22] twin_sister out
[16:22] [GoD]Spyro> and streams as host, shti isnt stable
[16:22] [SW]Jimbo> yepp
[16:23] Jeevaneshwaran_noob in
[16:23] Mr_Ridiculous> what hapened?
[16:23] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> hi all
[16:24] [SW]Jimbo> hii and for you
[16:24] Mr_Ridiculous> hey noob
[16:24] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> hi
[16:24] [SW]Jimbo> warrior relog bro
[16:24] [SW]Jimbo> dil edhe hin
[16:24] The_Grey_TAS> hey :chicken:
[16:24] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> yyooyoyoyoyo
[16:24] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> jimboooooo
[16:25] [SW]Jimbo> how are you mate
[16:25] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> hey :chicken: wings
[16:25] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> i am great buddy
[16:25] [SW]Jimbo> im glad
[16:25] Mr_Ridiculous> Tristan
[16:25] Mr_Ridiculous> pablo join
[16:25] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> hey there any 6 player
[16:26] [SW]Jimbo> go pablo
[16:26] Mr_Ridiculous> pablo
[16:26] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> any hosting people host
[16:26] Mr_Ridiculous> join herer
[16:26] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> any 6 player game
[16:26] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> please reply
[16:27] [SW]Jimbo> rrezon
[16:27] [SW]Jimbo> lem me andranik
[16:27] [SW]Jimbo> qfar dush mapi
[16:27] [SW]pablo-> okey
[16:28] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[16:28] Mr_Ridiculous> Im drinking monster energy drink
[16:28] Mr_Ridiculous> Tristan
[16:28] Mr_Ridiculous> have you fixed the graphics issue?
[16:29] [SW]pablo- out
[16:29] [AvA]TristanFR> i hope so
[16:29] [SW]pablo- in
[16:29] power_OP in
[16:29] Mr_Ridiculous> ok
[16:29] Mr_Ridiculous> 1on1
[16:30] [SW]Jimbo> provoje niher vet
[16:30] [SW]Jimbo> me launch rrezon
[16:30] [SW]pablo-> ok
[16:30] Mr_Ridiculous> rotate
[16:30] Mr_Ridiculous> join here Tristan
[16:30] Mr_Ridiculous> lets do 4 way
[16:30] [SW]pablo-> problemi sesht te une
[16:31] [SW]Jimbo> up host
[16:31] [SW]Jimbo> lets try
[16:31] [SW]Jimbo> Andranik: type !update
[16:31] [SW]Jimbo> write !update
[16:32] Andranik> I have already
[16:32] Andranik> let me relog in
[16:32] Andranik out
[16:32] Andranik in
[16:34] fearthedemon in
[16:34] [SW]pablo-> yell relog
[16:34] Jeevaneshwaran_noob out
[16:35] [SW]Jimbo> bardh vallahi pingi spo t ban
[16:35] [SW]Jimbo> me na fal vllaqko
[16:35] [SW]pablo-> ja po
[16:35] [SW]Jimbo> opa a asht tu i ba rrezon pingi a
[16:35] [SW]pablo-> tu i ba esht
[16:35] Jeevaneshwaran_noob in
[16:35] [SW]Jimbo> okej goo
[16:35] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> hey
[16:35] [SW]Jimbo> se ma heret X ma qitke te une
[16:35] Sneaky> gg
[16:35] [AsG]Ahmed> CONFIRMED
[16:36] Nici> thast's last 2v2 on beta
[16:36] [AsG]Ahmed> :kekw:
[16:36] Nici> ever
[16:36] [GoD]Albert> my pop was shit
[16:36] TrustTheScience_TSI> 2v2 beta :cringe:
[16:36] Nici> can't attack
[16:36] TrustTheScience_TSI> wtf you guys play that shit for
[16:36] Nici> impossible
[16:36] Meph> lol spin, wtf
[16:36] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> T-Rod prefers beta
[16:37] [GoD]Albert> lool
[16:37] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> anyone host a player
[16:37] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> please
[16:37] Sneaky> mouse not work original
[16:37] [GoD]Albert> well sorry
[16:37] [AsG]Ahmed> how the hell u had 120 pop spin :D
[16:37] [GoD]Albert> no beta 2v2 . .
[16:37] TrustTheScience_TSI> was your mouse notworking when you let delax walk into your base?
[16:38] Sneaky> :mallcop:
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> :monkamega: ..
[16:38] [AsG]Ahmed> nah he was just sneaky
[16:38] [GoD]Albert> lol
[16:38] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> pleaas player
[16:38] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> anyo e hoast
[16:38] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> please
[16:38] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> 6 player
[16:38] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> anyone host
[16:38] Nici> vvhat a shit gam
[16:38] power_OP> pick some 8p up trod
[16:38] Nici> game
[16:39] Nici> pointless to play
[16:39] [AsG]Ahmed> spin 2v2?
[16:39] [AsG]Ahmed> :O
[16:39] [GoD]Albert> rod not playing original
[16:39] [AsG]Ahmed> go away rod :D
[16:39] [GoD]Albert> nici
[16:39] [GoD]Albert> s spot
[16:39] Sneaky> i got invited
[16:40] [AsG]Ahmed> invitation taken away
[16:40] TrustTheScience_TSI> original mouse makes trod rage
[16:40] Meph> nici not hitting his blasts on units
[16:40] Meph> was fun to watch
[16:40] Meph> gotta love beta
[16:40] TrustTheScience_TSI> he cannot play 1.01 anymore
[16:40] Sneaky> imagine not being able to click
[16:40] TrustTheScience_TSI> watching his shaman fall into water
[16:40] TrustTheScience_TSI> 4 times in a row
[16:40] Nici> beta is a pile oph garbage m8
[16:40] Nici> llol
[16:41] [AsG]Ahmed> doesnt the legacy mouse option gives u the 1.01 mouse?
[16:41] TrustTheScience_TSI> and beta is suppose to be more competitive inca says
[16:41] Sneaky> watched my shaman nice
[16:41] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + TrustTheScience_TSI + [D]Nightfury + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AsG]Ahmed + Nici + Sneaky + amnesia
[16:41] Nici> I svvear didn't troll
[16:41] Nici> spin died silly too
[16:41] TrustTheScience_TSI> i know Nici
[16:41] TrustTheScience_TSI> its beta
[16:41] Lovenji_OP> [AsG]Ahmed> doesnt the legacy mouse option gives u the 1.01 mouse? > No
[16:41] [AsG]Ahmed> nici died ti 3 fws shots, not from towers lol
[16:41] [AsG]Ahmed> to*
[16:41] Nici> attacking is impossible !!
[16:41] Lovenji_OP> It runs it through a mouse handler, but it's not like for like
[16:41] [AsG]Ahmed> ah ok
[16:41] TrustTheScience_TSI> indeed. try playing pp beta
[16:42] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> why is attacking possible?
[16:42] Nici> u need a phirestorm or you aint getting in no base
[16:42] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> impossible*
[16:42] [AsG]Ahmed> the only thing i like about beta is that towers work
[16:42] Meph> also funny how hard it is to charge blast with 80+ pop
[16:42] Lovenji_OP> Nah everyone hates that :foxlaugh:
[16:42] Lovenji_OP> FWs should be blind :foxlaugh:
[16:42] Meph> you can't even blast troops properly
[16:42] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[16:42] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> is the main issue that its not easy to blast troops on beta?
[16:42] Nici> braves kill all trees :/
[16:42] [AsG]Ahmed> what was that game u were playing yesterday lovenji :kekw:
[16:43] Meph> mana charge rate is different
[16:43] TrustTheScience_TSI> yee trod had no trees that game
[16:43] TrustTheScience_TSI> like 10 min in
[16:43] Lovenji_OP> What game was I playing yesterday?
[16:43] Sneaky> still highest pop
[16:43] TrustTheScience_TSI> disgusting!
[16:43] Sneaky> :wow:
[16:43] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> i have seen trees dissapear in beta
[16:43] Meph> highest pop and still loses
[16:43] Meph> LOL
[16:43] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> noticed it first on fensalir
[16:43] TrustTheScience_TSI> delax at 60 vs trod 150
[16:43] Sneaky> lol says the one losing with spin
[16:43] Sneaky> 4 v 4
[16:43] Meph> didn't you lose with spin too?
[16:43] Meph> 2v2?
[16:43] Sneaky> ye but i allied tsu
[16:44] Meph> so?
[16:44] Sneaky> it makes difference
[16:44] Lovenji_OP> I played a lot of games yesterday Ahmed, lol
[16:44] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> but if u all trash beta, why play it again now? lol
[16:44] [AsG]Ahmed> let me see
[16:44] Lovenji_OP> Red Alert 2? FFXIV? LOL?
[16:44] [AsG]Ahmed> nah
[16:44] [AsG]Ahmed> i love red alert
[16:44] Nici> beta's only meant phor 4vs4 or 3vs3
[16:44] TrustTheScience_TSI> exactly
[16:44] Meph> 3v3 and 4v4 are fun
[16:44] [GoD]Spyro> 2v2 on beta is shit
[16:44] Lovenji_OP> :clown:
[16:44] TrustTheScience_TSI> and 4v4 and 3v3 SHOULD BE UNRANKED
[16:44] TrustTheScience_TSI> only for fun
[16:44] Nici> ya
[16:44] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> why not for 2vs
[16:44] [GoD]Spyro> rather play 1.01 2v2
[16:44] Lovenji_OP> Ice salty he can never win them
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> but no one plays 1.01 now
[16:45] [GoD]Albert> ping trod
[16:45] Sneaky> looool
[16:45] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> ok so beta is a gimmick for 3v3 and 4v4
[16:45] Meph> but saying that it is better than 1.01 or more competitive is just a freaking joke - clearly shows that the one stating that opinion never played competitively
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> everyone chooses 8 or 6 player over decent 2v2
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> like spinn
[16:45] [AsG]Ahmed> oh i cant find it on ur twitch anymore, i think it got deleted :D
[16:45] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> so why not just redo beta to be 1.01 but with 3v3 and 4v4?
[16:45] Meph out
[16:45] Lovenji_OP> didn't twitch stream yesterday :O
[16:45] fearthedemon out
[16:45] [AsG]Ahmed> maybe the day before?
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> btw lovenji
[16:45] [AsG]Ahmed> i saw the replay
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> never knew u had long hair
[16:45] [GoD]Spyro> till saw ur straem for first time while back
[16:46] [GoD]Spyro> looks good d00d
[16:46] [GoD]Albert> some hhost
[16:46] [GoD]Spyro> shits way longer then mine
[16:46] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> anyoone can host a 6 player
[16:46] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> please
[16:46] TrustTheScience_TSI> trod hoster
[16:46] [AsG]Ahmed> i host :clown:
[16:46] Sneaky> lets hope i can host spinb
[16:46] [GoD]Albert> ?
[16:47] [D]Nightfury> beta fws and towes have higher range
[16:47] Sneaky> ahmed try host?
[16:47] [GoD]Shogun> sum gud players in dat hut :pepega:
[16:47] [GoD]Albert> ok go
[16:47] [AsG]Ahmed> no lol
[16:47] [GoD]Albert> got ping
[16:47] Sneaky> no ping
[16:47] TrustTheScience_TSI> yes
[16:47] Lovenji_OP> What did it look like
[16:47] TrustTheScience_TSI> all pros
[16:47] [GoD]Spyro> yea stauni best player in hut
[16:47] TrustTheScience_TSI> except me
[16:47] [AsG]Ahmed> very colorful game hahaha
[16:47] Sneaky> spin u fixed it once
[16:47] [GoD]Spyro> will carry everyone us
[16:47] Lovenji_OP> The range is exactly the same, just they actually shoot
[16:47] [GoD]Spyro> else*
[16:47] [D]Nightfury> it's not the same
[16:47] [AsG]Ahmed> yah same range i think
[16:47] [AsG]Ahmed> nici can host>
[16:48] Sneaky> someone host
[16:48] [D]Nightfury> you can test it
[16:48] [D]Nightfury> its not the same :>
[16:48] TrustTheScience_TSI> stauni
[16:48] Nici> too lagy late game
[16:48] TrustTheScience_TSI> nice
[16:48] [GoD]Albert> do best
[16:48] [GoD]Albert> stauni
[16:48] Meph in
[16:48] [AvA]Stauni> map
[16:48] [GoD]Albert> any
[16:48] Nici> no 8balls
[16:48] Nici> pls
[16:48] TrustTheScience_TSI> ^^
[16:48] [AvA]Stauni> :(
[16:48] [GoD]Albert> central dogma ?
[16:48] Nici> vvorst map ever
[16:48] [AsG]Ahmed> gin
[16:48] Lovenji_OP> Delax the only thing you know about Pop is that it's your most susccessful Dating Site
[16:48] [GoD]Albert> k
[16:48] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> like bst noob ver
[16:48] Sneaky> gin is fun
[16:48] TrustTheScience_TSI> just go gint
[16:48] [AsG]Ahmed> DAMN
[16:48] [AsG]Ahmed> SON
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> coming from a wr rank means alot
[16:49] Nici> stauni put urselph on our team
[16:49] [AsG]Ahmed> :popcorn:
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> I'm sorry i hit your beta feelings
[16:49] warrior out
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> everyone is in love with beta to the point of denying true facts
[16:49] Lovenji_OP> My Beta Feelings?
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> but no pro player is blind here
[16:49] Lovenji_OP> I'm not in love withBeta, I know it has flaws
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> fws have hiigher range
[16:49] Nici> trod being island ?
[16:50] [D]Nightfury> and towers
[16:50] Sneaky> sure
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> man fuck beta
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> But there's difference between actual flaws
[16:50] [SW]Jimbo> domii pse dole
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> but only because
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> And dumbfuck conspiracy theories
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> my pc cant handle it
[16:50] [SW]Jimbo> kqyre lopa paska del krejt
[16:50] [D]Nightfury> it's not consipracy lol
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> if pc ran good, id play it more often
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> It really is
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> yeah beta makes me lose on purpose
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> lol ahmed
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> Pushing broken > True
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> Shaman Lightweight > True
[16:50] Lovenji_OP> Pathfinding broken > True
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> Any one know any specific settings i might need to try
[16:50] [GoD]Spyro> for my laptop?
[16:51] [AsG]Ahmed> yeah dont use laptop
[16:51] [AsG]Ahmed> it sucks
[16:51] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> lovenjhi is an idiot > true
[16:51] [AsG]Ahmed> i wanna throw mine out
[16:51] [GoD]Spyro> lol well it runs 1.01 like a charm
[16:51] [GoD]Spyro> sometimes xD
[16:51] [GoD]Spyro> main problem is only when im streaming
[16:51] [GoD]Spyro> like obs, or mm, think it slows pc down just a tad bit
[16:51] Lovenji_OP> I don't have any gift cards for you bro, don't talk to me
[16:51] ElDongo in
[16:52] Mr_Ridiculous> you had a good dfence
[16:52] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> fix object overload on 1.01 and u got a perfect game. then make 1 further change by adding 3v3 and 4v4 call it beta, then leave it alone?
[16:52] Mr_Ridiculous> if i tried i d make a big defence
[16:52] Mr_Ridiculous> but most of the time im too lasy to make defece
[16:53] Mr_Ridiculous> just rely on my shaman
[16:53] Mr_Ridiculous> becuz
[16:53] Mr_Ridiculous> my shaman skillz are uber
[16:53] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> why make changes to path and tree finding?
[16:53] Mr_Ridiculous> lolo
[16:54] warrior in
[16:55] Example in
[16:55] Lucas> Why not?
[16:57] [SW]pablo- in
[16:57] warrior out
[16:57] [SW]Jimbo> what hapened brov
[16:57] [SW]Jimbo> shnosh
[16:57] [SW]Jimbo> ska prb
[16:57] [SW]pablo- out
[16:57] Jeevaneshwaran_noob> sorry lagged
[16:58] [GoD]Shogun out
[16:58] [SW]Jimbo> all lagged
[16:58] [SW]Jimbo> dont worry
[16:58] [SW]pablo- out
[16:58] Jeevaneshwaran_noob out
[16:58] [SW]Jimbo> yo example
[16:58] Example> hi
[16:58] [SW]Jimbo> welcome in pop mate
[16:58] Example> not new
[16:59] Romerz in
[16:59] Example> old and inactive :D
[17:00] Example> Where can I find 2P PP?
[17:00] FollowTheScience_TSI> Asgard Worlds
[17:00] Example> Thank you
[17:00] FollowTheScience_TSI> Yggdrasil
[17:00] cookingUnhealthyMeal in
[17:00] [SW]Jimbo> face me
[17:01] FollowTheScience_TSI> have to make sure that the people playing are in red and yel base
[17:01] cookingUnhealthyMeal> sik fhk
[17:01] [SW]pablo- in
[17:02] [SW]Jimbo> spyro go fo
[17:03] warrior in
[17:03] [SW]Jimbo> +2
[17:03] [SW]Jimbo> warrior join
[17:05] [SW]Jimbo> example
[17:05] [SW]Jimbo> join
[17:05] Example> waiting for a friend
[17:05] Example> i also haven't played in ages, wouldn't be a fair game
[17:06] Billythehobo in
[17:06] Dark_Link_TaS in
[17:06] FollowTheScience_TSI> there's the friend
[17:06] [GoD]Spyro> example
[17:06] [GoD]Spyro> what year did u join
[17:06] We_all_die_soon_TM> sik lites brah
[17:07] cookingUnhealthyMeal> fhk
[17:07] Example> 2008
[17:07] [GoD]Spyro> nice
[17:10] Billythehobo out
[17:10] Billythehobo in
[17:13] power_OP> gg guys that 3 shamans walking at same time was insane
[17:13] [AsG]Ahmed> as trod would say
[17:13] Sneaky> gg wp
[17:13] [AsG]Ahmed> ez
[17:13] Sneaky> he would :wow:
[17:13] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[17:14] Sneaky> teams were pretty even i think
[17:14] Sneaky> what do u think ice :nice:
[17:14] [GoD]Albert> :D
[17:14] [AsG]Ahmed> :p
[17:15] We_all_die_soon_TM> 18.24% even
[17:15] [GoD]Albert> trod provokation master 3000
[17:15] [GoD]Albert> love it
[17:15] [GoD]Albert> :D
[17:15] [GoD]Albert> no1 defeats him in provoking
[17:15] Sneaky> Whos provoking :mallcop:
[17:15] bockwurstlaune in
[17:15] [AsG]Ahmed> 94% match quality
[17:15] We_all_die_soon_TM> only shogun :kekyou:
[17:15] [AsG]Ahmed> pretty even indeed
[17:15] Sneaky> spin ice delax same team
[17:15] Sneaky> and stauni
[17:15] lisi in
[17:16] [GoD]Spyro> nici 1v1?
[17:16] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:17] [AsG]Ahmed> the pro is in
[17:17] [AvA]Stauni> lol best doesnt seem fair
[17:17] Sneaky> adray sent hes brother :wow:
[17:17] Nici> sec
[17:17] Sneaky> i mean ice
[17:17] [GoD]Albert> show us best
[17:17] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + O-Ren_TSI + [GoD]Albert + Sneaky vs. FollowTheScience_TSI + [AsG]Ahmed + [D]Nightfury + amnesia
[17:17] [GoD]Spyro> take ur time nici
[17:17] [GoD]Spyro> gonna smoke a cig then
[17:17] [GoD]Spyro> but u host btw
[17:17] [GoD]Spyro> brb
[17:17] [AvA]Stauni> ah wait
[17:17] [AvA]Stauni> nvm
[17:17] [AvA]Stauni> i thought that nici would be in amnesias tem xD
[17:17] Sneaky> he was
[17:17] [AsG]Ahmed> r u high? :p
[17:18] Sneaky> amnesia stole my land
[17:18] Sneaky> had low pop
[17:18] Sneaky> all game
[17:18] Sneaky> ur guys were lucky
[17:18] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> +1 blasts or lights
[17:18] [AvA]Stauni> so do best or
[17:18] [AvA]Stauni> change?
[17:18] [AsG]Ahmed> i gave u land u sneaky bastard
[17:18] Sneaky> oh ye ty
[17:18] The_Grey_TAS out
[17:18] [AsG]Ahmed> i dismantled a hut to put a warriors hut in it
[17:18] [AsG]Ahmed> and u built on it
[17:18] [AsG]Ahmed> lmao
[17:18] Sneaky> oh thats what is was for
[17:18] [GoD]Albert> go best
[17:18] Sneaky> it
[17:18] [AsG]Ahmed> hahhahaha
[17:18] [GoD]Albert> bestroatate
[17:19] [GoD]Albert> bestrotate
[17:19] power_OP> +1 blast
[17:21] SiebenSamurai in
[17:22] Andranik out
[17:23] [AvA]TristanFR out
[17:24] The_Grey_TAS in
[17:24] aerondight out
[17:24] aerondight in
[17:25] aerondight> I cant click 1.01 wth
[17:25] aerondight out
[17:26] aerondight in
[17:26] aerondight out
[17:27] power_OP out
[17:27] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> +1 blasts
[17:27] Mr_Ridiculous> lisi join
[17:30] SiebenSamurai> can you play the downloadable maps in single player?
[17:30] Nici> Yes
[17:30] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> yeha overwrite the SP levels
[17:31] SiebenSamurai> So I can, like, switch them with what I download?
[17:31] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> overwrite the files in the level folder. the filenames level 2001 onwards up to 2025
[17:32] SiebenSamurai> ok, ty!!!
[17:32] [SW]Jimbo> najher tjeter e qesum edhe ni 2v2
[17:32] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> np
[17:32] [SW]Jimbo> pp or fo
[17:32] [SW]Jimbo> any
[17:34] lisi out
[17:34] lisi in
[17:35] [SW]Jimbo> its fine go
[17:37] Dark_Link_TaS out
[17:39] Aldwych out
[17:40] Mr_Ridiculous> LESBIANS
[17:40] Mr_Ridiculous> L*E*S*B*I*A*N*S
[17:46] Klodian_X in
[17:47] Aldwych in
[17:47] Klodian_X> what version of the game is that?
[17:47] Mr_Ridiculous> the normal
[17:48] Mr_Ridiculous> like from GOG
[17:48] Klodian_X> i keep getting an X close to my name,dont know why
[17:48] [SW]Arbrim out
[17:48] Mr_Ridiculous> its because you cant get ping
[17:48] Mr_Ridiculous> now it works
[17:48] Klodian_X> ok now its fixed
[17:48] Klodian_X> thnx :)
[17:49] Sneaky> gg wp
[17:49] O-Ren_TSI> gg
[17:49] Sneaky> Who are u gonna send next Ice :nice:
[17:49] FollowTheScience_TSI> ggg
[17:49] [GoD]Albert> lool
[17:49] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[17:49] amnesia> u cant let
[17:50] amnesia> innifix control the whole game
[17:50] amnesia> spinnifix*
[17:50] [SW]Fried_Rice> everyone here?
[17:50] [AsG]Ahmed> bock isnt responding
[17:50] [GoD]Albert> tsu amnesia
[17:50] [GoD]Albert> ojin
[17:50] [AsG]Ahmed> who let spinn control game?
[17:50] [GoD]Albert> join
[17:50] Klodian_X out
[17:50] Andranik in
[17:50] amnesia> the whole team
[17:50] Sneaky> spin controlled game?
[17:50] amnesia> he sided everyone
[17:50] [AsG]Ahmed> think it was going well for us
[17:50] amnesia> and
[17:50] amnesia> red
[17:50] amnesia> easily
[17:51] amnesia> with no punishment
[17:51] [AsG]Ahmed> trod was in bad spot
[17:51] Sneaky> my base was like warzone
[17:51] [GoD]Albert> lol
[17:51] FollowTheScience_TSI> why bd someone who base is already destroyed
[17:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> bock not here?
[17:51] [AsG]Ahmed> red was doing fine, he expanded in my base
[17:51] FollowTheScience_TSI> makes no sense
[17:51] amnesia> was kmarcus the science guy ?
[17:51] [AsG]Ahmed> yeah
[17:51] amnesia> w3ell tell him
[17:51] amnesia> es awful
[17:51] Sneaky> ye amnesia ice sent him
[17:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> ugh ok join another hut
[17:51] [GoD]Albert> dont know map yet
[17:51] amnesia> a filler player, when a 4th guy is missing
[17:51] [GoD]Albert> first 8
[17:51] [AsG]Ahmed> damn lol
[17:52] [AsG]Ahmed> where did that come from
[17:52] O-Ren_TSI> amnesia trolling
[17:52] amnesia> just nici spinnifix and mef
[17:52] Lucas> So rude
[17:52] Sneaky> i think he can see amnesia
[17:52] amnesia> meph*
[17:52] Meph> WOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOW 1v1 amnesia vs science when?
[17:52] amnesia> verything else is low quality trash
[17:52] [GoD]Albert> :wow:
[17:52] Sneaky> tsi losing streak :wow:
[17:52] amnesia> t rod is at least good for the first 10 mins
[17:52] Meph> woah
[17:52] [GoD]Albert> loool
[17:52] Sneaky> :pepedoor:
[17:52] Meph> take my dick out of your mouth amnesia
[17:52] Meph> can't hold it anymore
[17:52] amnesia> halt die klappe du
[17:52] [AsG]Ahmed> damn amnesia insulting everyone
[17:52] Meph> hahahahahahahaha
[17:52] O-Ren_TSI> wow
[17:53] [AvA]Stauni> HAHAHAH
[17:53] Lucas> One of those red days huh
[17:53] Meph> das beste an dem satz ist das "du" am schluss
[17:53] Meph> mit erhobenem zeigefinger!"
[17:53] [AvA]Stauni> hahah
[17:53] [AvA]Stauni> Ehre
[17:53] [GoD]Albert> [18:52] amnesia> just nici spinnifix and mef
[17:53] [AvA]Stauni> genommen
[17:53] amnesia> loool
[17:53] [GoD]Albert> what about luke divinity babo
[17:53] [GoD]Albert> :monkahmm:
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> bitte kein gin
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> lieber rampage
[17:54] [GoD]Albert> [18:51] [GoD]Albert> dont know map yet
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> jajaa
[17:54] [AsG]Ahmed> didnt even call us bad players, she called us trash
[17:54] Sneaky> ye and not sure who all included
[17:54] amnesia> wow example
[17:54] amnesia> davno se nismo videli
[17:54] Example> da :D
[17:54] amnesia> dai jednu igru
[17:55] Sneaky> btw who bdoored ahmed
[17:55] Mammy_Tas in
[17:55] [AvA]Stauni> amnesia did
[17:55] [GoD]Albert> yes who was that
[17:55] Sneaky> was noobiest bd
[17:55] Sneaky> in ages
[17:55] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[17:55] [AsG]Ahmed> amnesia bded from my base
[17:55] [AvA]Stauni> highlight
[17:55] [GoD]Albert> +3
[17:55] [GoD]Albert> ? ?
[17:55] Sneaky> thank god he did
[17:55] Sneaky> allowed us in
[17:56] Sneaky> wtf spin
[17:56] Sneaky> why no ping
[17:56] [GoD]Albert> ?
[17:56] Sneaky> put back cable
[17:56] [AsG]Ahmed> lost too much respect tbh, always thought shes one of the mature here
[17:56] [GoD]Albert> i am on cable
[17:56] [GoD]Albert> amnesia tsuyoshi join
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> JUNGE CHILL
[17:57] Klodian_X in
[17:57] Sneaky> amnesia come
[17:57] amnesia> we need nici
[17:57] amnesia> to balance out spin
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> lmao
[17:57] Sneaky> u can have spin np
[17:57] [GoD]Albert> we got delax
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> amnesia <3 SPin
[17:57] [GoD]Albert> do best teams
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> es fehlt einer
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> man
[17:57] [GoD]Albert> ja ruhig blut
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> hsahaha
[17:58] Sneaky> so me and delax vs spin and amnesia
[17:58] Sneaky> so its fair
[17:58] O-Ren_TSI> +1 for low quality game
[17:58] [GoD]Albert> wow why low quality
[17:58] [AvA]Stauni> amnesia cutting all wood
[17:58] Andranik out
[17:58] Sneaky> amnesia one of best here
[17:58] [GoD]Albert> go best teams
[17:58] O-Ren_TSI> cuz green trolling
[17:58] [GoD]Albert> stauni
[17:58] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + Zpektrix_TAS + [GoD]Albert + [AvA]Ixidor vs. O-Ren_TSI + amnesia + Sneaky + [D]Nightfury
[17:58] [GoD]Albert> yea go that
[17:59] Example out
[17:59] Sneaky> give us stauni
[17:59] Sneaky> or fishtung
[17:59] [GoD]Albert> wtf
[17:59] Example in
[17:59] [GoD]Albert> u got delax
[17:59] [GoD]Albert> ??
[17:59] ikagara in
[17:59] Sneaky> yes but u have tsu and fish ans stauni
[17:59] [GoD]Albert> u have oren
[17:59] Andranik in
[17:59] [GoD]Albert> and amnesia
[17:59] [AvA]Stauni> hahahhahaha
[17:59] [AvA]Stauni> junge junge
[17:59] Sneaky> amnesia wants ur team
[17:59] amnesia> lol
[17:59] Sneaky> anyway
[17:59] amnesia> nahh
[17:59] [AvA]Stauni> pls tell me teams thx
[18:00] [GoD]Albert> dont think so
[18:00] amnesia> put him vs
[18:00] [GoD]Albert> go best
[18:00] The_Grey_TAS out
[18:00] [GoD]Albert> dw
[18:00] [GoD]Albert> dudde
[18:00] [GoD]Spyro> lol 70 pop 12 mins in
[18:00] [GoD]Spyro> so badd
[18:00] sherminator31 in
[18:00] [D]Nightfury> just put me vs spin :smiling_imp:
[18:01] [D]Nightfury> ill control him with my big D
[18:01] [GoD]Albert> are you gay
[18:01] Arcana_OP> rofl
[18:01] [D]Nightfury> ofc
[18:01] amnesia> bianca
[18:01] [GoD]Albert> okay
[18:01] amnesia> sag etwas
[18:01] [GoD]Albert> why ofc tho
[18:01] [GoD]Albert> is it a must
[18:01] [GoD]Albert> lol
[18:01] Arcana_OP> was soll ich sagen
[18:01] Arcana_OP> is mir doch egal wer hier schwul is oder nicht
[18:02] sherminator31 out
[18:02] Meph> SAG ETWAS
[18:02] Arcana_OP> hab ich gerade
[18:02] Arcana_OP> :P
[18:03] Arcana_OP> gehts dir gut?
[18:03] Meph> Keith when are you going to pay tourney prize money?
[18:03] Arcana_OP> siehst gestresst aus
[18:03] Meph> bestens, danke der nachfrage
[18:03] Meph> und selbst? :)
[18:03] Arcana_OP> lol
[18:03] Arcana_OP> auch
[18:03] Meph> das freut mich
[18:03] [GoD]Spyro out
[18:03] Zpektrix_TAS> restart
[18:03] [D]Nightfury> lmfao
[18:03] [GoD]Albert> phu i thought . .
[18:04] Nici> Keith ran avvay
[18:04] [GoD]Spyro in
[18:04] Nici> vvith all the moneye
[18:04] [GoD]Albert> :sweating:
[18:04] Nici> can't say im surprised
[18:04] [AvA]Stauni> why was restart btw
[18:04] Sneaky> did he pay u nici?
[18:04] Nici> but iph he sees me saying this hee's going to hold a grudge
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz inca doesnt fix bugs
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> his fault
[18:04] Nici> and probably payback
[18:04] Klodian_X> totally won
[18:04] Nici> no pun intended
[18:04] Mr_Ridiculous> yeah
[18:04] Nici> lolz
[18:04] Mr_Ridiculous> you did good
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> i would have gotten insane lag in 20mins
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> miki
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> join
[18:05] cookingUnhealthyMeal> nici u didnt get $$$ still?
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> where are you going
[18:05] Mr_Ridiculous> You need to work on yor buildings skillz
[18:05] Mr_Ridiculous> to slow
[18:05] amnesia> too noob for that game
[18:05] Klodian_X> yea true
[18:05] Mr_Ridiculous> other than that es you are reall good
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> we do !best by balancing the game
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> cmon
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> or i am going to cook
[18:06] Mr_Ridiculous> hold down ctrl while placind down hut plans to place mutliple hutplans fast
[18:06] [AvA]Ixidor> nic
[18:07] O-Ren_TSI> mammy join
[18:07] Sneaky> Ice send someone plz
[18:07] Zpektrix_TAS> miki join quickly
[18:07] Zpektrix_TAS> stop making us wait
[18:07] amnesia> take bianca/nici
[18:07] [GoD]Albert> amnesia join
[18:07] Meph> amnesia in
[18:07] Arcana_OP> ? i am not good enough for that
[18:07] Zpektrix_TAS> idc about those trolls
[18:07] Zpektrix_TAS> dont be stubborn
[18:08] Sneaky> Bianca noone is
[18:08] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[18:08] Sneaky> we all still here
[18:08] Arcana_OP> na komm rein mit dir
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> you joined just some mins ago
[18:08] Nici> tsu da troll
[18:08] Arcana_OP> should join just to piss off tsu
[18:08] Arcana_OP> :kek:
[18:08] Nici> tsuck
[18:08] Sneaky> Funniest part is when tsu complains other players to camp :kekw:
[18:08] [AvA]Stauni> tsuck xD
[18:08] [AvA]Ixidor> just let in andranik
[18:09] Arcana_OP> tsu complains about everything anyway
[18:09] Nici> tsuyoshit
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> just go play 6p
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> asting time
[18:09] Mr_Ridiculous> TsuyOHHHsi
[18:10] sherminator31 in
[18:10] Sneaky> nici and bianca game together when :nice:
[18:10] Arcana_OP> you just want popcorn again
[18:10] Mr_Ridiculous> married when :ohyes:
[18:10] Sneaky> :popcorn:
[18:10] Meph> ossur therapy when
[18:10] [GoD]Albert> frag ich mich auch
[18:10] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[18:10] [GoD]Shogun> ye more pop drama when :pogcorn:
[18:10] Mr_Ridiculous> im mentally handicapped
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + O-Ren_TSI + [GoD]Albert + [AvA]Ixidor vs. Andranik + sherminator31 + Sneaky + [D]Nightfury
[18:10] Mr_Ridiculous> dont worry
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> yes
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> go best temas
[18:11] Sneaky> omfg
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> teams
[18:11] Arcana_OP> shogun 1v1?
[18:11] Sneaky> lool
[18:11] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> buahahahhaa
[18:11] [D]Nightfury> no way
[18:11] [AvA]Stauni> ok andranikl old palyer
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> :heyboy:
[18:11] Mr_Ridiculous> palyer?
[18:11] Mr_Ridiculous> old palyer?
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> andranikl?
[18:11] [AvA]Ixidor> yes palyer
[18:11] [GoD]Albert> a name?
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> tomorrow
[18:11] [AvA]Stauni> hAHh
[18:12] Meph> i do worry about you
[18:12] Meph> get some medical attention
[18:12] Mr_Ridiculous> im sick
[18:12] Mr_Ridiculous> its just that my sickness i delusional
[18:12] aerondight in
[18:12] Mr_Ridiculous> rather emotional
[18:12] Mr_Ridiculous> or rather not body related
[18:13] Meph> can still get treated
[18:15] Zpektrix_TAS> see miki
[18:15] Zpektrix_TAS> you got a god space
[18:15] sherminator31 out
[18:15] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + [AvA]Ixidor + [GoD]Albert vs. Andranik + O-Ren_TSI + Sneak
[18:15] [GoD]Albert> xD
[18:15] Sneaky> :kekw:
[18:16] Sneaky> this mm best
[18:16] [GoD]Albert> make 4v4
[18:16] Sneaky> i love it
[18:16] [GoD]Albert> i dont
[18:16] [AvA]Stauni> get 2 players
[18:16] [GoD]Albert> tsu and amnesia
[18:16] [AvA]Stauni> mammy
[18:16] [AvA]Stauni> richard
[18:17] Klodian_X> oops sorry
[18:17] Klodian_X> thought you were going for an 8v8
[18:17] Sneaky> nici wanna do töm original?
[18:19] [AvA]Stauni> +3 gg
[18:20] [GoD]Eric in
[18:20] Klodian_X> +2 for 2v2
[18:21] Kay out
[18:22] Artz_Sam in
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> Sneaky
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> stream pp
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> i need to learn from you
[18:22] Klodian_X> if i install mods does it change my main game?
[18:22] Ironfox in
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> hmmmmmmmm
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> no
[18:22] Klodian_X> i can still play mm ?
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> it wont
[18:22] Mr_Ridiculous> yes
[18:23] Klodian_X> alright cuz that black shaman mod inspires me
[18:23] Mr_Ridiculous> you can play 8p games here
[18:23] Mr_Ridiculous> one tribe is black
[18:23] Klodian_X> thats interesting,gonna add that
[18:23] amnesia> lol yoshi
[18:24] amnesia> unhealthy
[18:24] Mr_Ridiculous> Klodian
[18:24] Mr_Ridiculous> if you want tto play
[18:25] Mr_Ridiculous> try to start with teh lower ranked
[18:25] Mr_Ridiculous> 95% of people here are pros
[18:25] warrior out
[18:26] [AvA]SpiderPig in
[18:27] Artz_Sam out
[18:27] Zpektrix_TAS> :o?
[18:27] Zpektrix_TAS> its tasty steak cooking
[18:27] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems you haven't tasted yet
[18:27] Zpektrix_TAS> or you must be vegan
[18:27] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[18:27] [Rw]GrandFaust in
[18:28] Klodian_X> ridic i am trying to play with guys that are newbies now ;)
[18:28] [SW]Jimbo> klodian
[18:28] [SW]Jimbo> playing bro
[18:28] Sneaky> jimmy join
[18:28] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[18:28] [AvA]Stauni> :D
[18:29] [SW]Jimbo> lol ses?
[18:29] Klodian_X> :D
[18:29] Sneaky> sess tom wom hardest maps
[18:29] Sneaky> there is
[18:29] Sneaky> nici and meph can confirm
[18:29] Mammy_Tas> for you :kekyou:
[18:29] Mr_Ridiculous> sess is simple actually
[18:29] Mr_Ridiculous> i have seen noobs beat Nici on sess
[18:29] warrior in
[18:29] [SW]Jimbo> sneakey
[18:29] Lovenji_OP out
[18:29] [SW]Jimbo> host
[18:29] [SW]Jimbo> ?
[18:29] Andranik out
[18:30] Klodian_X out
[18:30] Sneaky> cant host spin
[18:30] Lovenji_OP in
[18:30] Andranik in
[18:30] Klodian_X in
[18:30] Sneaky> k imma eat
[18:30] warrior out
[18:30] Klodian_X> no place fo me
[18:31] warrior in
[18:31] [AvA]Stauni> klodian come
[18:32] Klodian_X out
[18:32] Klodian_X in
[18:33] [SW]Jimbo> jo si ban
[18:33] SiebenSamurai out
[18:34] Billythehobo out
[18:34] Example out
[18:35] Ironfox out
[18:35] warrior out
[18:36] [SW]pablo-> crashed
[18:36] [SW]pablo-> sry
[18:36] Romerz out
[18:36] ElDongo out
[18:36] lisi out
[18:36] bockwurstlaune> gg
[18:36] lisi in
[18:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg
[18:37] warrior in
[18:37] Aldwych out
[18:37] [SW]Jimbo> +1
[18:38] [GoD]Albert> https://www.twitch.tv/PopTBspinnifix
[18:39] cookingUnhealthyMeal out
[18:39] [SW]Jimbo> spyro join
[18:40] [GoD]Spyro> not playin reg
[18:40] [GoD]Shogun out
[18:40] [GoD]Spyro> only blasts if anything
[18:40] [GoD]Shogun in
[18:41] TrustTheScience_TSI out
[18:41] Mr_Ridiculous> NightPants
[18:41] Mr_Ridiculous> ^^
[18:42] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[18:43] [AvA]SpiderPig in
[18:45] Maganha_OP in
[18:46] Klodian_X> what happened
[18:46] Lovenji_OP> gg
[18:47] Klodian_X> i wa slow sorry
[18:47] power_OP in
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> klodian
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> 95 % here are pros
[18:47] Lovenji_OP> You lighting me so I couldn't save my FW hut was a bigger problem
[18:47] Andranik> gg
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> so start with playing braves or even spies
[18:47] Klodian_X> i thought that was the enemy :/
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> choose your rank elegenatly
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> play with lisi
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> lisi host klodianX
[18:48] Klodian_X> i think those guys were all braves
[18:48] power_OP> +3
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> lisi and klodian play
[18:48] Klodian_X> lisi join us
[18:48] Klodian_X> 2v2
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> https://ts.popre.net/Archive/
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> download other mm skins
[18:49] [AvA]SpiderPig> +3
[18:49] [AvA]SpiderPig> or +5
[18:49] Mr_Ridiculous> lisi and Klodian
[18:49] Mr_Ridiculous> play
[18:49] Klodian_X> ok i joined him
[18:50] Mr_Ridiculous> lisi restrict the game to 2 players
[18:50] Mr_Ridiculous> and remember Klodian to hold down ctrl while placing hut plans
[18:50] ikagara out
[18:50] Mr_Ridiculous> that way you build much faster
[18:50] Klodian_X> yea i am doing that..gotta improve my amount of people
[18:50] Mr_Ridiculous> that way you do it much faster
[18:51] Klodian_X> also for quick use of fire spell how do i do that?
[18:55] Klodian_X> lisi not here i think
[18:56] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[18:56] warrior out
[18:57] [SW]pablo- out
[18:58] [Rw]GrandFaust> annoying
[18:58] bockwurstlaune out
[18:58] [SW]Jimbo> i ally klodian
[19:00] warrior in
[19:03] Lucas in
[19:03] [AsG]Ahmed> spin doing gods work
[19:03] power_OP> high ping MAg
[19:03] power_OP> maybe we can change host
[19:03] Maganha_OP> k
[19:03] power_OP> +1
[19:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> hmmm
[19:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> spin allying me on pp?
[19:04] Mr_Ridiculous> Fried
[19:04] [GoD]Albert> uggh
[19:04] Mr_Ridiculous> are you a lesbian'
[19:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> im gonna get PTSD :(
[19:04] [GoD]Albert> dont get fucked so early
[19:04] [GoD]Albert> go
[19:06] Mr_Ridiculous> amnesia are you a lesbian?
[19:06] Zpektrix_TAS> yummy steak
[19:08] power_OP> bianca
[19:08] power_OP> can you host
[19:08] lisi out
[19:08] We_all_die_soon_TM> lesbian love
[19:09] warrior out
[19:10] power_OP> 100 ping better
[19:11] Arcana_OP> not for you
[19:11] power_OP> i got used to it
[19:11] Arcana_OP> map?
[19:11] power_OP> you cant play my host anyway
[19:11] Arcana_OP> why not
[19:11] power_OP> laggy maggy thinhgs
[19:11] power_OP> pp or walls i prefer
[19:12] Arcana_OP> mag what do you want?
[19:12] Maganha_OP> fine with any
[19:13] Arcana_OP> love that answer :kek:
[19:13] Maganha_OP> lol
[19:13] Maganha_OP> you can choose
[19:13] Arcana_OP> there should be a mappack
[19:13] Arcana_OP> that picks random maps
[19:13] Arcana_OP> so i dont have to choose
[19:13] Maganha_OP> xd
[19:13] Mr_Ridiculous> Nici only loses when he has bad allies i djust realised
[19:13] warrior in
[19:13] Arcana_OP> yeah ossur dont remind me again
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> iwont
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> Nm what does arcana mean?
[19:14] Arcana_OP> its my fake account from last year
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> ahhhhhhhhhi see
[19:14] Lucas out
[19:16] power_OP> it was good i guess
[19:16] Arcana_OP> nah when i launched nici was green spot
[19:16] Arcana_OP> and in lobby he was yell
[19:23] [SW]JimBo in
[19:31] warrior out
[19:39] [SW]Jimbo out
[19:41] _warrior in
[19:43] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[19:43] Mr_Ridiculous> p
[19:43] Mr_Ridiculous> wp
[19:43] Mr_Ridiculous> Nici
[19:43] Nici> phunny to see bianca not losing on purpose novv
[19:44] Nici> na man boring game
[19:46] Arcana_OP> gg
[19:46] Arcana_OP> wow same story
[19:46] Nici> not gg
[19:46] Arcana_OP> lol
[19:46] Arcana_OP> no matter if allied or not
[19:46] Nici> you call that a gg ?
[19:46] Arcana_OP> yeah wp power
[19:47] power_OP> na i did shit
[19:47] Nici> u can attack novv but allied to me u cant do shit lol
[19:47] power_OP> sorry nici
[19:47] Nici> mate
[19:47] Arcana_OP> now trod gets his popcorn
[19:47] Arcana_OP> for another evening
[19:47] Nici> you can't let that happen
[19:47] Nici> blue comes my base, you need to get in blue base
[19:47] Nici> make damage
[19:48] Nici> bianca comes to double so much because you not scare her enough
[19:48] Nici> she is alvvays scared to double n only does iph she knovvs her opponent can't do anything
[19:48] Nici> you need a balance oph trooping + mana
[19:48] Nici> attack vvith vvarriors
[19:48] power_OP> i know i need to that but i hadnt mana
[19:49] Nici> dismantle some
[19:49] Nici> you make too many troops at start :S
[19:49] power_OP> but if i dont they can easly get in my base
[19:50] Nici> theen something isn't being done right
[19:50] _warrior out
[19:50] [AvA]Mibbel in
[19:50] [GoD]Shogun> you need more power, power. :ohyes:
[19:51] Nici> just hilarious to see bianca play srs novv
[19:51] Nici> can't land a single attack yesterday just to throvv the gamee
[19:51] power_OP> yes just on 101 my mouse not that good . i know that not an excuse but idk i am bad at 101
[19:53] Nici> it'll alvvays pheel vveird betveen going back and phorth to dipherent veersions
[19:53] Nici> iph you're not used to main one
[19:53] Nici> should've managed to learn 1.01 bephore you go on 1.5
[19:54] Nici> just likst most people..
[19:54] power_OP> i am trying to play 101 but there is only you playin 101 and you see i am not reald
[19:54] power_OP> for you
[19:54] _warrior in
[19:54] _warrior out
[19:54] power_OP> all fw- ranks play beta
[19:54] Nici> iph your mousee is bad 1.01 you should stick to 1.5, need to play under your convenience m8
[19:55] power_OP> alright then
[19:55] warrior in
[19:55] Nici> it's just that it's hard to learn the game on 1.5
[19:55] Nici> 2v2's rarely happen
[19:55] Nici> it's just 3vs3 and 4vs4
[19:55] Nici> pop has been ruined competitively
[19:56] Maganha_OP> lol jogo morreu mesmo
[19:57] Maganha_OP> beta estraga skill
[19:57] [GoD]Shogun> u talk as if beta completely replaced 1.01 man
[19:57] Nici> it's not about replacement
[19:57] [GoD]Shogun> u can still play 1.01 and spam this goddam overplayed map called pp as much as u want
[19:58] Nici> pop's phuture is ruined
[19:58] Nici> cuz beta is never going to beecome competitive
[19:58] Nici> it's just a phun mode
[19:58] [GoD]Shogun> pop never had future anyways :shrug:
[19:58] Nici> it brought more activity but killed all hopes phor players to improvee
[19:58] Nici> it did
[19:58] Nici> all you see is people phirestorming nothing
[19:58] Nici> and never learning
[19:59] [GoD]Shogun> dam did u just talk to rod there :nice:
[20:00] Nici> na rod is much better than the classic beta players
[20:00] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> power_OP: modern mouses will skip on 1.01 if your polling rate is too high. Make ur polling rate low as possible and it will make mouse smooth!!
[20:00] Nici> except babo
[20:01] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> my polling rate is 125
[20:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg
[20:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> didnt think id win tha
[20:02] [GoD]Albert> well u did solide performance
[20:02] Klodian_X out
[20:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> <3
[20:02] [GoD]Albert> :wat:
[20:02] Zpektrix_TAS> marcus got ownedby a chick
[20:02] [AsG]Ahmed> love in the air
[20:03] power_OP> thanks Prime gonna look at it
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52> WHERES MY FUCKIN MONEY
[20:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> sexism is real
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52 in
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52> keep it real
[20:04] [Rw]clownstitution52> WHERES MY FUCKING MONEY
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> here addi take it m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 pal brah --> :donate:
[20:05] [AsG]Ahmed> u got scammed son
[20:05] [Rw]clownstitution52> how else am i gonna pay for my new sneaks
[20:05] Nici> got scammeed
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> ye man how else will he play beta now :plead:
[20:05] Nici> scammed
[20:05] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye 100% scammed
[20:05] [Rw]clownstitution52> by keith
[20:05] Nici> rip holidays
[20:05] [Rw]clownstitution52> fucking disgusting
[20:05] [AsG]Ahmed> sell ur car addi
[20:05] [AsG]Ahmed> can get u a good 50-60k
[20:05] [Rw]clownstitution52> ya
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> at least
[20:06] Nici> vvas planning on buying tundar an healthy meeal
[20:06] [AsG]Ahmed> buy a w button
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> i was planning on buying tundar a mcdonalds
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> saw him go berserk last night
[20:06] [AsG]Ahmed> thats healthy
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> was pretty funny
[20:06] [Rw]clownstitution52> :D
[20:06] [AsG]Ahmed> berserk on what
[20:07] [GoD]Albert> ahmed
[20:07] [GoD]Albert> join
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> man keith i need that money
[20:07] [GoD]Albert> ally tsu and amnesia
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> to pay for my gucci trainers
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> u fukin prik
[20:07] [AsG]Ahmed> im going to the gym mate
[20:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh who ended up winning that tourney?
[20:07] [AsG]Ahmed> after
[20:07] [GoD]Albert> ok
[20:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> the £300?
[20:07] warrior out
[20:07] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> $
[20:07] [AsG]Ahmed> nici
[20:07] [GoD]Albert> nici
[20:07] [AsG]Ahmed> who else u think lol
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> lol nici wasnt even playing
[20:07] [SW]Fried_Rice> hahahah nici u lied to me
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> :snake:
[20:07] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye your bf lies to you also when he says youre good looking
[20:08] [AsG]Ahmed> gucci trainers lol
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> :nice:
[20:08] Nici> bella
[20:08] [AsG]Ahmed> u already have 1 dont u?
[20:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> damn ok :cri:
[20:08] Nici> hop on my car
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye bought some more in schipol
[20:08] Nici> pop money making me rich :plead:
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> got ones with the snake on em
[20:08] [AsG]Ahmed> rofl
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> cos i am rich from the tourny
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> $50 from keith for nothing
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> didnt participate or anything
[20:08] [Rw]clownstitution52> >: )
[20:08] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:09] [AsG]Ahmed> https://n3.sdlcdn.com/imgs/i/e/x/Gucci-Sneakers-White-Casual-Shoes-SDL142209684-1-0d0c1.jpeg
[20:09] [AsG]Ahmed> nice ones addi
[20:09] [Rw]clownstitution52> noo not em
[20:09] [Rw]clownstitution52> https://media.gucci.com/style/DarkGray_Center_0_0_800x800/1581507905/456230_02JP0_9064_001_100_0000_Light-Mens-Ace-embroidered-sneaker.jpg
[20:10] [Rw]clownstitution52> sik
[20:10] [Rw]clownstitution52> i already got the beez
[20:10] [AsG]Ahmed> looool
[20:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> nici ur finally getting paid for ur skill
[20:10] [AsG]Ahmed> i bet u really do have them :kekw:
[20:10] [Rw]clownstitution52> i do have them
[20:10] [Rw]clownstitution52> :D
[20:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> tecnically this makes u a professional pop player since u got ur first check
[20:10] [AsG]Ahmed> really?
[20:10] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> might as well spend money
[20:11] [AsG]Ahmed> thought im the only stupid person
[20:11] [AsG]Ahmed> lols
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> not gonna busy myself with it
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> u got some too
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> :nice:
[20:11] [AsG]Ahmed> black ones
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> o i like them
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> let me show u
[20:11] Andranik out
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> https://media.gucci.com/style/DarkGray_Center_0_0_800x800/1586430003/429445_96G50_1130_001_100_0000_Light-Mens-Ace-GG-Supreme-sneaker.jpg
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> i like these
[20:11] [GoD]Eric out
[20:11] Hungaro in
[20:11] [Rw]clownstitution52> but man i cant spend £1000 on trainers in 1 day
[20:12] [Rw]clownstitution52> keith will go mental
[20:12] [AsG]Ahmed> https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=cAs9bTEP&id=4E58D08B0A103CD61022554CDF9033D5992F63EE&thid=OIP.cAs9bTEPOvAE3trtuijKHwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fwww.thefashionisto.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f10%2fGucci-Ace-Snake-Trimmed-Leather-Sneakers-Black.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.700b3d6d310f3af004dedaedba28ca1f%3frik%3d7mMvmdUzkN9MVQ%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=475&expw=455&q=gucci+black+sne
[20:12] [Rw]clownstitution52> when he has to give me the $50
[20:12] [AsG]Ahmed> wtf
[20:12] Arcana_OP> lol ahmed
[20:12] [AsG]Ahmed> lool
[20:12] [Rw]clownstitution52> oh ya the leather ones are nice too
[20:12] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye man i like em
[20:12] [Rw]clownstitution52> they nice man
[20:12] [AsG]Ahmed> send keith on whats app
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> rofl
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> wat else will i buy
[20:13] [AsG]Ahmed> he has been doubling ur money in casinos
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> im in a spending mood since i go home today
[20:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> why is keith giving u £50?
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> dirty bastard
[20:13] [AsG]Ahmed> r u back in scotland?
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> not pounds dumbo
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> $50
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> nah in amsterdam atm
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> waiting for flight to scotland
[20:13] [SW]Fried_Rice> whatever i dont have that symbol on my board
[20:13] [Rw]clownstitution52> stupid bitch
[20:13] [AsG]Ahmed> red light district?
[20:13] warrior in
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> i wish
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> in airport :(
[20:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh no wait i do
[20:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> $
[20:14] [AsG]Ahmed> wow fun
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> tru
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> thinking of how ill spend the 12k i just made
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> any suggestions
[20:14] [AsG]Ahmed> its one of the worst airports ever
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> :excellent:
[20:14] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[20:14] Nici> geet tundar some pizzas
[20:14] [AsG]Ahmed> strip club
[20:14] Nici> or a pacemakeer
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> he had enough
[20:14] Nici> he 's been losing temper lately
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> he would need a pacemaker if he went to the strip club
[20:14] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye i saw
[20:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> u can pay for my tuition
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> went bananas last night
[20:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> but thats only gonna cover 1.5 yrs
[20:15] Nici> jesus
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> nah i gonna buy somethin nice
[20:15] Nici> not even his business
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> maybe splash out and buy a rolex
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> u poor ass bitches
[20:15] [AsG]Ahmed> lols
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> yeah nici i saw
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> funny as fuck
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> wish i was here
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> woulda slapped him down
[20:15] [AsG]Ahmed> rolex sucks
[20:15] Nici> tundar dephending bianca so much
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> yachtmaster
[20:15] Nici> probably sitting at the kueue
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> ya i saw
[20:15] [Rw]clownstitution52> ppl can fight own battles ere
[20:16] [AsG]Ahmed> buy some audemars
[20:16] [AsG]Ahmed> flashy shit :kekw:
[20:16] Andranik in
[20:16] [Rw]clownstitution52> rofl
[20:16] [Rw]clownstitution52> man i gonna spunk this 12k faster than im gonna spunk the $50 from keith
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni out
[20:17] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni in
[20:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> why dont u just save it
[20:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> buy a house in the future or something
[20:17] [Rw]clownstitution52> i dont need to save
[20:17] [AsG]Ahmed> what if he has a house
[20:17] [Rw]clownstitution52> i already got a few houses and flats
[20:17] [Rw]clownstitution52> you moron
[20:17] [Rw]clownstitution52> broke ass biatch
[20:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh then i have no idea
[20:17] [Rw]clownstitution52> WHERES MY MONEY KEITH
[20:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> u should ask people with money
[20:18] [AsG]Ahmed> everyone here is pooooor
[20:18] [Rw]clownstitution52> true true
[20:18] [AsG]Ahmed> except addi
[20:18] [Rw]clownstitution52> champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget
[20:18] Nici> iph I vvas you I vvould aphord all Keith's haircuts
[20:18] [Rw]clownstitution52> broke bitches
[20:18] Lovenji_OP> Keith has all the money, he collected the donations and at no point did I take the money from him, so ye talk to him about getting paid
[20:18] Lovenji_OP> If you haven't been
[20:18] power_OP out
[20:18] [Rw]clownstitution52> nici no way i could afford keiths haircuts
[20:18] Nici> think it vvas just a plan to make 1k
[20:18] [Rw]clownstitution52> the amount he has had in the last 2 weeks
[20:18] power_OP in
[20:19] Nici> gj
[20:19] [SW]Fried_Rice> how many haircuts u need in 2 weeks?
[20:19] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> Keith does have a nice haircut tho
[20:19] [AsG]Ahmed> 28
[20:19] [Rw]clownstitution52> 5
[20:19] Lovenji_OP> Solid plan
[20:19] [Rw]clownstitution52> +23
[20:19] Arcana_OP> lol
[20:19] [Rw]clownstitution52> keith the con man
[20:19] [Rw]clownstitution52> calling him out
[20:19] Nici> http://prntscr.com/1i4b6f7
[20:19] [Rw]clownstitution52> fucking bitch that he is
[20:20] Nici> that's ho many haircuts
[20:20] Nici> l33t
[20:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> men get haircuts way too frequently
[20:20] power_OP> lol
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> leet
[20:20] warrior out
[20:20] [AsG]Ahmed> frequently?
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> bella we have to look nice for the fine females
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> youre not fine
[20:20] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> i cut my own hair bro. Im too afraid of covid
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> so you dont appreciate the effort
[20:20] [AsG]Ahmed> addi got no hair
[20:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> most women prefer guys with long hair tho
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> true im bald at 56
[20:20] [AsG]Ahmed> he tattoed his head to look like he has hair
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> "most women"
[20:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> yall just cut it for convenience
[20:20] [Rw]clownstitution52> ok 4 out of 100
[20:21] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> Fried_Rice: lol really?
[20:21] [Rw]clownstitution52> stfu
[20:21] Nici> bella
[20:21] Meph> incorrect: 3 out of 1238
[20:21] [Rw]clownstitution52> shes a fucking retard
[20:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> almost all the girls ive met prefer guys with longer hair
[20:21] Nici> you think men cut hair just to look cuz tovvards vvomeen
[20:21] Nici> lmao
[20:21] [AsG]Ahmed> what kind of girls have u met
[20:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> not like girl length hair obviously
[20:21] [Rw]clownstitution52> ye true ahmed
[20:21] [Rw]clownstitution52> tattoo
[20:21] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[20:21] Arcana_OP> lmao
[20:21] [Rw]clownstitution52> bella all about equality
[20:22] Nici> u get an haircut cuz oph vvomen or to pheel good vvith thyselph?
[20:22] [Rw]clownstitution52> trying to get guys looking like gals
[20:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> https://www.google.com/search?q=men+hairstyles&tbm=isch&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjU0PXmxZDyAhUITRoKHU2MBEIQBXoECAEQNA&biw=1263&bih=577#imgrc=LGhGvChw4MqjbM
[20:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> like that kind of length
[20:22] [AsG]Ahmed> https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1nqxdCqsCzc/hqdefault.jpg
[20:22] [AsG]Ahmed> this bella?
[20:22] Meph> all the things she said running through my head
[20:22] [Rw]clownstitution52 out
[20:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> nici addi said he does it for the ladies *shrug*
[20:22] Nici> its ok he lied
[20:23] Nici> and it seems you believed it
[20:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> .-.
[20:23] [AsG]Ahmed> addi banned?
[20:23] Lovenji_OP> Nah man, telling you now from experience
[20:23] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> this is sexy
[20:23] [GoD]Albert> spider not here == = ?= ?= ?= . .. join me
[20:23] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> https://www.toptrendsguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Layered-Long-Hairstyles-For-Women.jpg
[20:24] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy34qexdSU0u9C38caGtGw
[20:24] Zpektrix_TAS> this is bella
[20:24] Zpektrix_TAS> ahmed
[20:24] Lovenji_OP> Bitchens love the 2,000,000 BC Early Evolution of Man Look
[20:24] warrior in
[20:24] We_all_die_soon_TM> the koopa looks
[20:24] Lovenji_OP> Not that old
[20:24] Nici> koopa is australopitecus
[20:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> tsu, he meant "this, bella?" no is this bella
[20:24] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + O-Ren_TSI + Hungaro + Lovenji_OP vs. FollowTheScience_TSI + [AvA]Stauni + amnesia + Zpektrix_TAS
[20:25] power_OP out
[20:25] We_all_die_soon_TM> [19:58] Nici> all you see is people phirestorming nothing
[20:25] We_all_die_soon_TM> so tru
[20:25] [AsG]Ahmed> yeah lol
[20:26] We_all_die_soon_TM> when did people start wasting fs like it was a swarm
[20:26] We_all_die_soon_TM> and its contagious
[20:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> blame sess
[20:27] Andranik out
[20:28] We_all_die_soon_TM> whys none of those losers streamin
[20:28] We_all_die_soon_TM> :peperage:
[20:28] sherminator31 in
[20:29] We_all_die_soon_TM> someone shout lovenji or stauni to stream
[20:29] [GoD]Spyro> only doin blasts nici
[20:29] [GoD]Spyro> im not on monitor, xbox is hooked up.
[20:29] [GoD]Spyro> so playin at weird angle
[20:29] [GoD]Albert> ???
[20:29] Zpektrix_TAS> lovenji played cheap
[20:29] Zpektrix_TAS> wasting time
[20:29] [GoD]Albert> ??
[20:29] Lovenji_OP> lololol
[20:29] O-Ren_TSI> k bye tsu
[20:29] Lovenji_OP> Tokyo drift so bad man
[20:29] [AsG]Ahmed> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=453689&sid=84f47f28d3a4d59baae75dc6399559aa
[20:30] [AsG]Ahmed> how on earth did this game got dqed for "unfair" teams lol
[20:30] IncaWarrior> probably was missing a report when it got counted
[20:30] [GoD]Albert> lool
[20:30] [GoD]Albert> unfair teams
[20:30] [GoD]Albert> oh
[20:30] [AsG]Ahmed> hahaha
[20:31] We_all_die_soon_TM> :pepegaphone: STRIM
[20:31] sherminator31 out
[20:31] [GoD]Albert> +1
[20:31] [AsG]Ahmed> fix it inca
[20:31] IncaWarrior> it's "unequal teams" not "unfair" - meaning 3v4 or something
[20:31] sherminator31 in
[20:31] [AsG]Ahmed> oh
[20:31] [AsG]Ahmed> misunderstood
[20:31] Andranik in
[20:31] [AvA]Stauni> ye host quit thats why
[20:31] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[20:31] Nici> hosts kuit on beta to phuck up game report
[20:31] Nici> on purpose
[20:32] [AsG]Ahmed> nice stauni m8
[20:32] We_all_die_soon_TM> report :nice:
[20:32] Nici> babo does it too
[20:32] Nici> trod, etc
[20:32] Nici> just lame
[20:32] Lovenji_OP> I don't :D
[20:32] [AsG]Ahmed> nice babo, nice trod m8s
[20:32] Nici> unrank beta so people stop abusing it
[20:32] [D]Nightfury out
[20:32] [AsG]Ahmed> unrank beta? trod gonna be spy rank :(
[20:32] IncaWarrior> how would people abuse it?
[20:32] [AvA]Stauni> wtf we won
[20:32] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[20:32] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[20:33] AlexJones in
[20:33] [AvA]Stauni> what you mean
[20:33] [D]Nightfury in
[20:33] [GoD]Albert> delax
[20:33] [GoD]Albert> join
[20:33] IncaWarrior> dev is currently unranked since cheats can be used, but beta and stable aren't
[20:33] Nici> 3vs3 and 4vs4 are a bad skill deteerminator
[20:33] [AsG]Ahmed> nici lost points for winning the game
[20:33] [AsG]Ahmed> how nice
[20:33] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + Hungaro + amnesia + [AvA]Ixidor vs. Lovenji_OP + Zpektrix_TAS + O-Ren_TSI + [AvA]Stauni
[20:33] [GoD]Albert> tsu okay ?
[20:33] Lovenji_OP> Beta should probably be unranked in case it's testing something super broken
[20:33] We_all_die_soon_TM> and u have to rely on 3 monkeys :kekyou:
[20:33] Lovenji_OP> Nah man I'm not allying Tokyo drift
[20:33] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[20:33] [AsG]Ahmed> and spin got points for losing a game
[20:33] [AsG]Ahmed> hax
[20:33] IncaWarrior> yeah maybe
[20:34] Lovenji_OP> I want a real game
[20:34] [GoD]Albert> i deserve man w
[20:34] [GoD]Albert> wtf
[20:34] [AsG]Ahmed> lols
[20:34] Lovenji_OP> Not a game where we just get fucked
[20:34] [AvA]Stauni> :pepegaphone: where is hextherex
[20:34] [GoD]Albert> teams ? ?? ?
[20:34] [GoD]Albert> me lovenji hungaro and oren ?
[20:34] [AvA]Stauni> lol?
[20:35] [AsG]Ahmed> u amnesia, hungaro and lovenjii
[20:35] [GoD]Albert> she doesnt like to ally me
[20:35] [GoD]Albert> lol
[20:35] We_all_die_soon_TM> :plead:
[20:35] [AsG]Ahmed> u suck :(
[20:35] [AvA]Stauni> well the teams you chose are quiet unfair lol
[20:35] [GoD]Albert> :notlikethis:
[20:35] O-Ren_TSI> whats unfair here?
[20:35] [AvA]Stauni> me lovenji hungaro and oren
[20:35] [AsG]Ahmed> lovenji is fkn pro
[20:35] O-Ren_TSI> we dont have a 2nd shaman
[20:36] Sneaky out
[20:36] [AvA]Stauni> did spin
[20:36] [AvA]Stauni> say
[20:36] [GoD]Albert> ?
[20:36] [GoD]Albert> we going or what
[20:36] [GoD]Albert> then its me
[20:36] [AvA]Stauni> just sayin spy shouldnt be on the other team
[20:36] [GoD]Albert> lovenji hungaro amnesia
[20:37] [AvA]Stauni> mach die ja
[20:37] O-Ren_TSI> we could play mega battle
[20:37] Zpektrix_TAS> miki > spin
[20:37] [AvA]Ixidor> spin+ amnesia+ hungaro+o-ren vs lovenji + tsu+ ixi+ staunni?
[20:37] [AvA]Stauni> ist fairer+
[20:37] O-Ren_TSI> if its not a test map
[20:37] [AvA]Stauni> Schwätzer & biggest troll> lovenji hungaro amnesia
[20:37] [GoD]Shogun> woah its hungaro
[20:37] [GoD]Shogun> welcome back :)
[20:39] FollowTheScience_TSI out
[20:39] RandPaul_TSI in
[20:39] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:39] AlexJones out
[20:40] AlexJones_TSI in
[20:40] warrior out
[20:40] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:41] sherminator31 out
[20:41] sherminator31 in
[20:43] Andranik out
[20:43] [D]Nightfury out
[20:43] Andranik in
[20:43] [D]Nightfury in
[20:45] [SW]JimBo out
[20:45] sherminator31 out
[20:45] sherminator31 in
[20:46] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:46] [SW]Jimbo in
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> :monkahmm: .. (why did bianca join..)
[20:50] Arcana_OP> cuz you said you will 1v1 me
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> :monkahmm: .. (she probs wants to 1v1)
[20:50] Arcana_OP> lmao
[20:50] We_all_die_soon_TM> :kekyou:
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> :monkahmm: .. (knew it)
[20:50] We_all_die_soon_TM> whoever wins can join D
[20:50] Nici out
[20:50] Lucas in
[20:50] We_all_die_soon_TM> losers consequence is joining D
[20:50] Arcana_OP> lol
[20:51] Lucas> Qué pasa, tienen miedo putitos?
[20:51] Arcana_OP> tundar wants to watch it seems
[20:51] AlexJones_TSI> back in 5
[20:51] [AsG]Ahmed> randpaul is marcus?
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> con quien hablas lucas lol
[20:51] [D]Nightfury> .
[20:52] [D]Nightfury> :delax: :fish: :div:
[20:52] [TDM]Tundar> o0
[20:52] We_all_die_soon_TM> thankx
[20:52] We_all_die_soon_TM> nice fish
[20:52] [D]Nightfury> Jake
[20:52] We_all_die_soon_TM> /me eats all the fish
[20:52] [D]Nightfury> you ditched me
[20:52] [D]Nightfury> I'm heart broken now
[20:52] [D]Nightfury> thanks
[20:52] [TDM]Tundar> I joined a naked hut
[20:52] [SW]Jimbo> lez go
[20:52] [TDM]Tundar> Then I joined a hut with space
[20:53] [AsG]Ahmed> tundar u sellout
[20:53] RandPaul_TSI> 2 mins jimbo
[20:53] [TDM]Tundar> no stock bruh
[20:53] RandPaul_TSI> he gonn alaunch
[20:53] We_all_die_soon_TM> did stauni just start streaming mid game :kekw:
[20:53] [AsG]Ahmed> u have faith in shogun launching that
[20:53] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[20:53] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:53] Klodian_X in
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> imma luanch now! :pepega:
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> wut u sey now ahahahamed !?!?
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> :pepega: !?!?
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> owned. :mallcop:
[20:54] Klodian_X> hey guys, who is ready to play
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> you.
[20:54] KaienCross out
[20:54] [SW]Jimbo> eyyy kLedian djali
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> woah bianca left
[20:54] [AsG]Ahmed> u wont launch hahaha
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> no 1v1 then, gg scared.
[20:54] [SW]Jimbo> a kqyre naj video bro
[20:54] Arcana_OP> nice kick man
[20:54] [AsG]Ahmed> :D
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> :D
[20:54] Arcana_OP> scared chicken
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> :chicken:
[20:55] [GoD]Spyro> sacred tureky
[20:55] Klodian_X> hahaha
[20:55] Arcana_OP> lmfao
[20:55] [GoD]Spyro> scared*
[20:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> why do people join then go afk
[20:55] Klodian_X> si kam hap akoma, ika me ngrene darken
[20:55] [SW]Jimbo> lol okay bro duke ngren dhe duke shikuar
[20:55] [SW]Jimbo> veq sa me kuptu lojen
[20:55] [SW]Jimbo> e tana msohesh vet
[20:55] [SW]Jimbo> por kishte qen ma mir me hap nje discord
[20:56] Klodian_X> e kam discordin
[20:56] [SW]Jimbo> dhe aty e kupton shum ma leht
[20:56] [SW]Jimbo> ehh cool pra
[20:56] [SW]Jimbo> dej nsa munesh me lu sonte
[20:56] [SW]Jimbo> wana launch?
[20:56] Klodian_X> se di te shoh sbesoj se do kem shum koh, meqe neser jam ne pune
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> okej bro kur t hish najher ne mm
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> si ta pash pablo ose warrior ose Arbrim97
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> dije qe jan shqiptar
[20:57] Klodian_X> pa merak se darkave do jem ktu
[20:57] Klodian_X> po i fola mbreme
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> i hope sa ma shpejt me kuptu lojen
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> edhe bahesh teper i fort
[20:57] [SW]Jimbo> e kupton punen e rankav?
[20:57] aerondight out
[20:58] Klodian_X> qepare po lozja dhe rezistova shum po ishin me te fort 2 tjeret
[20:58] Klodian_X> jo ca ndryshojn ranket?
[20:58] AlexJones_TSI> relogging
[20:58] AlexJones_TSI out
[20:58] AlexJones_TSI in
[20:58] akuseru in
[20:59] [SW]Jimbo> i have to go to work
[20:59] [SW]Jimbo> ti qet rankin qe e ki
[20:59] [SW]Jimbo> quhet wildman
[20:59] KaienCross in
[20:59] Klodian_X> po nese arrij ranke tjera ca perfitoj
[21:00] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[21:00] akuseru out
[21:00] [AvA]SpiderPig in
[21:00] [SW]Jimbo> Kur ti bojsh 10 loj
[21:00] akuseru in
[21:00] [SW]Jimbo> E fiton rankin e puntorit
[21:00] [SW]Jimbo> Dmth brave
[21:01] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:01] Klodian_X> ok 1 game kam der tashi
[21:01] [SW]Arbrim> Klodian_X: Yoooo Shqipee!!
[21:01] Klodian_X> mbrema arbri
[21:01] [SW]Arbrim> Mirembrema a je mire qysh jeee
[21:01] [SW]Jimbo> Okej bro luj sa ma shum edhe kqyr video
[21:01] [SW]Arbrim> Jemi gezu qe tkemi pa ketu Klodi!
[21:02] [SW]Arbrim> Skem shum shpesh Shqipetar ne MatchMaker
[21:02] Klodian_X> haha ktu do jem ngajher darkave esht antistress loja
[21:03] Klodian_X> mir jam shyqyr zotit..ja pres naj nji me bo naj loje te shpejt
[21:03] [SW]Arbrim> Poo shume
[21:03] [SW]Jimbo> Gooo with Arbrim
[21:03] [SW]Arbrim> Strategji, fun, me fole gjat lojes :) Shuuum shum cool
[21:03] Klodian_X> hahah po
[21:03] [SW]Jimbo> And asht loj me men xD
[21:03] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaha po
[21:03] Klodian_X> ajo esht e bukra
[21:03] [SW]Arbrim> Mka kallxu Zgjimi edhe e pashe qe arkitekture drejtimin?
[21:03] [SW]Arbrim> Shuum shum mire
[21:04] Klodian_X> po
[21:04] Klodian_X> rrofsh :) ja perpiqemi
[21:04] [SW]Arbrim> Po thash te pys ne Itali je nga ana e Arbresheve, apo tjeter kah, veriu?
[21:04] Klodian_X> nga veriu
[21:04] Nici in
[21:04] [SW]Arbrim> Aha super, kemi pas plot kusherinj atje :)
[21:04] Klodian_X> ka shqipe plot ktej, dhe esht bukur kur i takon rastesisht dhe pi naj kafe
[21:06] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:06] [SW]Arbrim> Haaa!!!
[21:06] [SW]Arbrim> Super :)
[21:07] [GoD]Shogun out
[21:07] [GoD]Shogun in
[21:07] Zpektrix_TAS> spin is sleepign today
[21:07] Hungaro out
[21:07] [GoD]Albert> :D?
[21:07] [AvA]Ixidor> gg
[21:07] Klodian_X> who wants to play
[21:07] [AvA]Ixidor> nice teamplay
[21:07] Zpektrix_TAS> you must be tired cuz you carried bella on pp today
[21:08] KaienCross out
[21:08] Hungaro in
[21:08] O-Ren_TSI> as usually host quit
[21:08] Zpektrix_TAS> go to bed
[21:08] Zpektrix_TAS> its 5 am
[21:08] Hungaro out
[21:09] Hungaro in
[21:09] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:12] [GoD]Albert> na kommt
[21:13] [GoD]Albert> stauni
[21:13] [GoD]Albert> oren
[21:13] [GoD]Albert> euer meister fistung wartet hier
[21:15] Lucas> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn813NKlhzI
[21:15] [AvA]Stauni> nochmal
[21:15] [AvA]Stauni> ?
[21:16] [GoD]Albert> ne ne
[21:16] [GoD]Albert> die karte wird gezeichnet bei voller huette
[21:16] [AvA]Stauni> ok
[21:16] [SW]Jimbo> Arbrim
[21:16] [AvA]Stauni> gönn dir kamillen tee
[21:17] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:17] Lucas> best
[21:17] Lucas> Uneven number of players
[21:18] [GoD]Albert> [GoD]Albert + Hungaro + amnesia + Zpektrix_TAS vs. Lovenji_OP + [AvA]Stauni + Lucas + [AvA]Ixidor
[21:19] [GoD]Albert> all okay ?
[21:19] [AvA]Stauni> y
[21:19] We_all_die_soon_TM> nice ava mate
[21:19] Lucas> its "y" a "yes" or a "why"?
[21:20] [AvA]Stauni> yES
[21:20] We_all_die_soon_TM> why starts with w
[21:20] Mr_Ridiculous> ok ffa
[21:20] Klodian_X> ok
[21:21] Klodian_X out
[21:21] [SW]pablo- in
[21:21] Klodian_X in
[21:21] TomekJ in
[21:22] Andranik out
[21:22] Andranik in
[21:23] [AvA]Mibbel out
[21:23] TomekJ> 4vs4 all
[21:23] Klodian_X> ok
[21:23] Mr_Ridiculous> k
[21:24] We_all_die_soon_TM> well played
[21:24] Andranik> sur
[21:24] Lucas> ez win
[21:24] Zpektrix_TAS> fuck that map spin
[21:24] Lucas> ez life
[21:24] [GoD]Albert> dude
[21:24] TomekJ> ping guys
[21:24] Zpektrix_TAS> hungaro was already runing your commands
[21:24] Lucas> No fun allowed
[21:24] Klodian_X> how do i get that
[21:24] Zpektrix_TAS> he doesnt listen in game
[21:24] Klodian_X> sometimes it appears as x
[21:24] Zpektrix_TAS> too much obsession
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> let me host tomej
[21:25] [GoD]Albert> obsession
[21:25] [GoD]Albert> lol
[21:25] Lucas> Witcher 3 so good
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> i know
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> i got witcher 4
[21:25] Lucas> Is Witcher nick taken?
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> 3
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> No
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> Geralt of rivia is taken tho
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> im gonna tke you to brownie obsession world
[21:25] Lucas> K gonna take it then
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> gl
[21:25] Mr_Ridiculous> :ohyes:
[21:26] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[21:26] Mr_Ridiculous> then port test
[21:26] Zpektrix_TAS> are we playing
[21:26] [GoD]Albert> yo new york guy
[21:26] Zpektrix_TAS> before i fall aslee[
[21:26] Klodian_X> ok
[21:26] amnesia> davai 3v3
[21:26] amnesia> i druguyu kartu
[21:27] [Rw]FreeMatt> plus 2 for real pop
[21:27] [AvA]Stauni> pls no eye
[21:27] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> nici's next plan is joining rw
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> he is a clan hopper
[21:27] TomekJ> ping, please wait
[21:28] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> eye of the storm is shit
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> pick something else
[21:28] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[21:28] [AvA]Stauni> agreed once
[21:28] Klodian_X out
[21:28] Mammy_Tas> What map isnt shit :) ?
[21:28] Klodian_X in
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> what map isnt shit
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> :)?
[21:29] Klodian_X> ok fixed thnx
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> Klodian
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> (mammy) all maps except face off!
[21:29] Mr_Ridiculous> yay
[21:29] Mammy_Tas> yes that is what i am asking :) ?
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> kur te kishe kohe qetu gjen tips and tricks
[21:29] Mr_Ridiculous> it worked
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> thats his answer
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[21:29] Mr_Ridiculous> make me mod!
[21:29] [SW]Arbrim> poptb.wordpress.com
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> fist of zen
[21:29] Klodian_X> ok shum flm po e ruaj linkun
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> Keto dit sbesoj qe muj me lujt, perndryshe me qef kishim provu me u permirsu bashk
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> 6p blast wars
[21:30] Lucas> Great site mate
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[21:30] Mammy_Tas> Kinda true tsu :lul:
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> Perndyrhse Jimbo & Xoni jan aktualisht ma te mirt prej neve shqipeve kto dit
[21:30] Klodian_X> pa merak se do kemi koh
[21:30] Lucas> Blast war no s click script?
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> hmm 1v1 face off no shaman then :)?
[21:30] Mr_Ridiculous> everyone who cant get ping, heres the solution: run mm as admin
[21:30] [SW]Jimbo out
[21:30] We_all_die_soon_TM> why most videos on site are dead
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> Para do muajve, [SW]AlphaEnemy eshte kan, e edhe aj eshte kan Shaman rank 1 kohe
[21:30] [SW]Arbrim> Eshte prej Zvicrres
[21:30] Mammy_Tas> Was weird tsu. I was just camping and coudnt do shit :D
[21:30] Mr_Ridiculous> i helped klodian to get ping
[21:31] [SW]Arbrim> ndoshta ket vit vjen ne Kosove e shihemi edhe in persona :D
[21:31] Mr_Ridiculous> i told him to run as admin
[21:31] Mr_Ridiculous> and it worked finally
[21:31] [SW]Arbrim> Shpresojm qe edhe ti dikur vjen :)
[21:31] [SW]Arbrim> Ki me u kan i mireseardhun gjithmone
[21:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> pop is dead
[21:31] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[21:31] [SW]Jimbo> Nope.
[21:31] [SW]Jimbo> Pop its fine
[21:32] [SW]Jimbo> 43 players on, its cool
[21:32] [GoD]Albert out
[21:32] Zpektrix_TAS> spin left without reasosn
[21:32] [AvA]Ixidor> priests in huts rue
[21:32] [AvA]Ixidor> rule
[21:32] Zpektrix_TAS> he is on ptsd today
[21:32] We_all_die_soon_TM> if mm reaches 30 pop dies before 2023
[21:32] [AvA]Ixidor> priests and fws
[21:32] [AvA]Ixidor> and spys
[21:32] Mr_Ridiculous> :worldend:
[21:32] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[21:32] Mr_Ridiculous> :rip:
[21:32] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[21:32] Zpektrix_TAS> he lost too many games today
[21:32] Mammy_Tas> no fw in huts rule :)
[21:33] We_all_die_soon_TM> inca did you merge tourney accounts games with main accs?
[21:33] Lucas> Spin told me he's quitting MM to read from Discord what you say on your back.
[21:33] We_all_die_soon_TM> when are they leaving leagues
[21:33] Mammy_Tas> spies in tower is good vs ppl who use world view you cannot see anything :)
[21:33] [AvA]Arc in
[21:33] amnesia> stauni host
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf mammy isnt in a hut
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> :ooo
[21:34] amnesia> mit dir habe ich ping
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> why didnt you join in time
[21:34] amnesia> danke
[21:34] Klodian_X out
[21:34] Mammy_Tas> I was looking for what hut it would be xD
[21:34] [AvA]Stauni> map?
[21:34] Mammy_Tas> Coudnt find it
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> :ooo
[21:34] [AvA]nicebetam8> any
[21:34] Lucas> Bring back selectable ranks and MM will jump to 500 online players daily
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> hungaro left without reasons
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim out
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> your turn now
[21:34] [AvA]Stauni> doint have any
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[21:34] TomekJ out
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS> toast ping
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS> rejoin
[21:35] TomekJ in
[21:35] [AvA]nicebetam8> kk
[21:35] [AvA]nicebetam8> now?
[21:35] Mammy_Tas> :pray: :red: :pray:
[21:36] Lucas> :ikani:
[21:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> :kekpepe
[21:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> :kekpepe:
[21:36] Lucas> Blue tribe = Ikani
[21:36] [AvA]Ixidor> kylaty
[21:36] [AvA]Stauni> beta:?
[21:36] [AvA]nicebetam8> no ping?
[21:36] Lovenji_OP> Don't let Inca hear you say that
[21:37] [AvA]Stauni> ashowning ?
[21:37] Lucas> nicepingm8
[21:37] [AvA]Arc> hi
[21:37] [AvA]Ixidor> hi :D
[21:37] Meph> gg wp
[21:37] Mammy_Tas> To late Minibot sees everything :eyes:
[21:37] Meph> still remember saying we are same skill-wise
[21:37] Meph> lol.
[21:37] Meph> *tundar saying
[21:37] [AvA]Arc> =0)
[21:37] [AvA]Stauni> Fried
[21:37] [AvA]Stauni> m8
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8> ?
[21:38] [AvA]Stauni> get rid of tzhat questrionmark
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8> it shows i got ping lol
[21:38] [AvA]aba in
[21:38] [AsG]Ahmed out
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8> sec
[21:38] [AvA]Ixidor> hi aba!
[21:38] Mammy_Tas> Relog?
[21:38] Lucas> hi
[21:38] [AvA]aba> hello guys :)
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8> yeah sec
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun out
[21:38] Mammy_Tas> Hi Aba
[21:38] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[21:38] Lucas> nicepingm8
[21:39] [AvA]nicebetam8> wtf
[21:39] [AvA]Stauni> best greece interne
[21:39] [AvA]Stauni> :D
[21:39] Zpektrix_TAS> just relog
[21:39] [AvA]nicebetam8> loll
[21:39] Mammy_Tas> he did tsu
[21:39] [AvA]nicebetam8> we poor :kekw:
[21:39] Lucas> Here it says you have to leave AvA for ping to appear
[21:39] [AvA]Stauni> no cabel
[21:39] [AvA]Ixidor> relog again!
[21:39] [AvA]SpiderPig> [AvA]Stauni> no cabel
[21:39] [AvA]nicebetam8> will do
[21:39] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[21:39] [AvA]SpiderPig> thats our stauni!
[21:39] Lucas> Who is AvA admin?
[21:39] [AvA]Ixidor> we have 4
[21:40] Arcana_OP> spider and med
[21:40] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[21:40] Lucas> Can I join AvA?
[21:40] Mr_Ridiculous> i have fixed the mm ping problem
[21:40] [AvA]SpiderPig> you have to apply
[21:40] Mammy_Tas> To many :lul:
[21:40] Mr_Ridiculous> djust run popmm as admin and you get ping instantly
[21:40] [AvA]SpiderPig> talk to one of us
[21:40] [AvA]nicebetam8> wow
[21:40] Lucas> What do I require to join such deity of a clan?
[21:40] Lucas> Way above of TAS
[21:40] Lucas> They say
[21:40] [AvA]nicebetam8> k gimme a sec
[21:40] Mammy_Tas> right? :omegakekw:
[21:41] Lucas> Clan tourney when?
[21:41] sherminator31 out
[21:41] Mammy_Tas> probebly never :o
[21:41] amnesia> its a bugged spot
[21:41] amnesia> move up a hut
[21:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Lucas, you can request anytime you want: https://www.popre.net/clans.php?id=889
[21:42] amnesia> hés obviously trolling lol
[21:42] Meph out
[21:42] Lucas> That's how you admin a clan
[21:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> maybe I am too. :P
[21:42] Lucas> Toruk, kick the other 3 admins
[21:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> haha
[21:42] [AvA]nicebetam8> dictator
[21:43] Lucas> Then make me admin
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> User: [AvA]nicebetam8
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> Ping: 296 ± 7
[21:43] Lucas> :ohyes:
[21:43] Mammy_Tas> Absolute power xD
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> i can host him
[21:43] [AvA]Stauni> i see ping
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> :))))))))))))))))))))
[21:43] [AvA]Stauni> toruk missing
[21:43] [AvA]nicebetam8> i think i got now
[21:43] amnesia> yeah it was just a bugged spot
[21:43] O-Ren_TSI> no voices this time?
[21:43] [AvA]nicebetam8> was about time
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> 5:43
[21:44] [AsG]Ahmed in
[21:44] amnesia> why dont you sleep ?
[21:44] Zpektrix_TAS> i will
[21:48] [SW]pablo- out
[21:51] [SW]pablo- in
[21:52] Zero_Eclipse_TAS in
[21:54] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:55] We_all_die_soon_TM out
[21:55] The_Grey> :heyguys:
[21:56] aerondight in
[21:57] fearthedemon in
[21:57] We_all_die_soon_TM in
[21:58] We_all_die_soon_TM> hi
[21:58] We_all_die_soon_TM> :howdy:
[21:58] We_all_die_soon_TM> pleased to make your acquaintance
[21:59] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:03] [AvA]nicebetam8> gg
[22:03] Lucas out
[22:03] Zpektrix_TAS> toruk has already done in 7mins
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> only 3 pop
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> yay
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> troll makto
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> one gmae
[22:04] [AvA]nicebetam8> happens
[22:04] We_all_die_soon_TM> to get rank u need 10 games before end of month?
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> that i actually played til lthe end
[22:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Tsu is obsessed with me. Can't stop saying my name
[22:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> it dont undestand why there was no eq on
[22:04] Mr_Ridiculous> since the level was on high ground
[22:05] Nici out
[22:05] Mammy_Tas> ty divinity :)
[22:05] [AvA]Arc> gg
[22:05] We_all_die_soon_TM> np :)
[22:05] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[22:05] We_all_die_soon_TM> ty mammy :)
[22:05] Mammy_Tas> np :)
[22:06] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> someone else host
[22:06] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:06] [D]Nightfury> :delax: :rage: :blast: :div:
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:06] We_all_die_soon_TM> you wot
[22:06] We_all_die_soon_TM> fix the train, passangers are dying
[22:06] We_all_die_soon_TM> :rage:
[22:06] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:07] Maganha_OP out
[22:08] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> relog betam
[22:08] amnesia> maybe bugged spot again
[22:08] [AvA]nicebetam8> prob yeah
[22:08] amnesia> ye
[22:08] amnesia> change hut again
[22:09] [AvA]nicebetam8> ah shit
[22:09] [AvA]nicebetam8> :furious:
[22:09] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> can mammy host?
[22:09] amnesia> just let arc host
[22:09] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[22:09] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[22:09] Mammy_Tas> :no:
[22:09] [AvA]nicebetam8> oh come on
[22:09] Zpektrix_TAS> ossur leave
[22:09] cookingUnhealthyMeal in
[22:10] amnesia> Arc, can you host pls ?
[22:10] Zpektrix_TAS> no miki
[22:10] amnesia> ???
[22:10] Zpektrix_TAS> he will kick me
[22:10] amnesia> no he wont
[22:10] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[22:10] amnesia> lol
[22:10] [AvA]Arc> what level?
[22:10] [AvA]SpiderPig> gg wp
[22:10] [AvA]aba> gg
[22:10] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[22:10] Mammy_Tas> I can kick hostspot :kekyou:
[22:10] Mr_Ridiculous> run as admin nicebeta
[22:11] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> :flexL
[22:11] Mr_Ridiculous> run mm as admin
[22:11] [AvA]nicebetam8> ffs
[22:11] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> :flex:
[22:11] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[22:11] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:11] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> +1
[22:11] amnesia> ridiculous pls dont quit
[22:11] amnesia> dont quit
[22:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> how'd I get kicked again?
[22:11] Mr_Ridiculous> no wont
[22:11] [AvA]nicebetam8 in
[22:11] [AvA]Arc> laws of physics
[22:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[22:12] [AvA]aba out
[22:12] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:12] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> [AvA]Arc + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Ixidor + Zero_Eclipse_TAS vs. [AvA]nicebetam8 + amnesia + Mr_Ridiculous + Mammy_Tas
[22:12] TomekJ> gg
[22:12] [AvA]Arc> if im on the sofa too long, I get kicked... same in mm
[22:12] Mr_Ridiculous> relog
[22:12] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> that seems unfair
[22:12] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> lol
[22:12] Mr_Ridiculous> beta
[22:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol Arc
[22:12] amnesia> wait we left out yoshi
[22:12] [AvA]Arc> ill sort teams but you gotta stop moving
[22:13] [AvA]Arc> +1
[22:13] Mr_Ridiculous> turn off firewall beta
[22:13] [AvA]nicebetam8> its off
[22:13] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> finally
[22:13] [AvA]nicebetam8> jesus
[22:13] Arcana_OP> ffs
[22:14] amnesia> why does ossur quit games
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> voices
[22:14] amnesia> ?
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> but i wont
[22:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> because he's a troll
[22:14] [AvA]nicebetam8> then dont join wtf
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> i wont quitt
[22:14] amnesia> you have psychosis ?
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> lets o
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> go
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> yes
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> i have
[22:14] amnesia> diagnosis ?
[22:14] [AvA]nicebetam8> will be waste of time
[22:14] amnesia> Hebephrenia ?
[22:14] [AvA]nicebetam8> legit
[22:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yeah, kick Ossur
[22:14] amnesia> are you taking antipsychotics ?
[22:14] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> goo with best
[22:15] [AvA]Arc> think its set up
[22:15] Mr_Ridiculous> got muted
[22:15] [AvA]Arc> ...
[22:15] Mr_Ridiculous> yes i have psychosis
[22:15] Mr_Ridiculous> and ocd
[22:15] Mr_Ridiculous> and depresion
[22:15] amnesia> omg
[22:16] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> wow
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> and voices
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> :/
[22:16] amnesia> what is your primary diagnosis ? schizophrenia ?
[22:16] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> how are u alive
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> eys
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> yes
[22:16] amnesia> what kind of schizphrenia do you have ?
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> i have been diagnoed as a schyophrenic
[22:16] amnesia> do you know ?
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> just a sever onee
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> severe
[22:16] amnesia> there are many types of schizophrenia ?
[22:16] [AvA]Arc> 10 secs...
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> i dont know
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> i know mine
[22:16] Mr_Ridiculous> some have other symptoms
[22:16] amnesia> omg, im so sorry =(
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> i learn to live with it
[22:17] amnesia> what meds are u taking ?
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> closapine
[22:17] amnesia> offff
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> and alot of anxiety drugs
[22:17] amnesia> diazepam ?
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> no
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> clozapine
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> or lepoenex
[22:17] amnesia> alprazolam ?
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> nope
[22:18] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> im getting depression
[22:18] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> with ur talk
[22:18] Zero_Eclipse_TAS> lo
[22:18] TomekJ out
[22:18] akuseru out
[22:18] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:18] [SW]JimBo in
[22:19] Maganha_OP in
[22:21] vicpop in
[22:21] vicpop in
[22:21] vicpop in
[22:22] vicpop out
[22:22] vicpop out
[22:22] fearthedemon out
[22:22] vicpop out
[22:24] Lovenji_OP> drink a beer
[22:26] [AvA]SpiderPig out
[22:31] [SW]JimBo out
[22:33] Tyler in
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:38] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> Nightfurrrryyy!
[22:42] [D]Nightfury> :delax:
[22:42] [SW]JimBo in
[22:42] [SW]JimBo out
[22:42] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:42] aerondight out
[22:45] [D]Nightfury> master :div:
[22:45] [D]Nightfury> somebody likes your pet
[22:45] [GoD]Spyro out
[22:45] cookingUnhealthyMeal> :male_sign: DUNGEONMASTER DIV :male_sign:
[22:46] cookingUnhealthyMeal> explored nici's one already :ohyes:
[22:47] The_Grey_TAS in
[22:49] [SW]Arbrim> Si eshte Xoni
[22:53] We_all_die_soon_TM> anyone sexist or racist/homophobic/bigot here
[22:53] cookingUnhealthyMeal> yes
[22:54] cookingUnhealthyMeal> all of it
[22:54] We_all_die_soon_TM> you?
[22:54] cookingUnhealthyMeal> shogun
[22:54] cookingUnhealthyMeal> :owut:
[22:54] [AvA]Stauni> is there 6 way?
[22:55] Maganha_OP out
[22:55] Maganha_OP in
[22:57] [AvA]Stauni> should we play 4 way?
[22:57] [AvA]Stauni> 2v2?
[23:00] [SW]pablo- out
[23:01] We_all_die_soon_TM> beta testing team in action
[23:01] cookingUnhealthyMeal> :feelssupportman:
[23:01] We_all_die_soon_TM> (totally not playing mini games, totally testing bugs)
[23:01] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:02] cookingUnhealthyMeal> mm changed map wtf
[23:02] cookingUnhealthyMeal> when i launched
[23:02] Klodian_X in
[23:02] Mr_Ridiculous out
[23:07] [GoD]Spyro in
[23:09] Klodian_X> sure,see ya tomorrow probably
[23:09] Andranik out
[23:09] Klodian_X out
[23:11] [AvA]Stauni> guys
[23:11] [AvA]Stauni> going to bed
[23:11] [AvA]Stauni> cya
[23:11] [AvA]Stauni out
[23:12] Lovenji_OP out
[23:17] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:19] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:19] [D]Nightfury out
[23:19] WhitePhantom in
[23:20] We_all_die_soon_TM> ez
[23:21] We_all_die_soon_TM> never try to 1v1 laser master
[23:21] Zero_Eclipse_TAS out
[23:21] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[23:21] [AvA]nicebetam8> gg
[23:21] [AvA]nicebetam8> oof
[23:21] [AvA]Arc> enjoyable
[23:21] [AvA]Ixidor> gg wp all
[23:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Don't even let Ossur in again
[23:22] [AvA]nicebetam8> ye
[23:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> all he does is quit
[23:22] Mammy_Tas> gg
[23:22] Arcana_OP out
[23:22] cookingUnhealthyMeal> :(
[23:22] cookingUnhealthyMeal> exploiting lua bugs
[23:22] cookingUnhealthyMeal> unfair
[23:22] Mammy_Tas> it wasnt enjoyable for me
[23:22] [AvA]nicebetam8> unlucky
[23:23] [AvA]Ixidor> Achievement Unlocked: Heavyweight Champion (Gold)
[23:23] [AvA]nicebetam8> stronk
[23:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Wow Fist, I didn't know you were a wrestler!
[23:24] [AvA]Arc> well thats all folks
[23:24] [AvA]Arc> gn
[23:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> XD
[23:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gn Arc
[23:24] [AvA]Arc out
[23:24] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:24] Mammy_Tas out
[23:24] amnesia out
[23:24] WhitePhantom out
[23:26] [TDM]Tundar out
[23:26] Mr_Ridiculous in
[23:28] Barracuda11 in
[23:28] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> In case anyone needs a reminder, Ossur quits 57% of his games. If he joins your hut, kick him.
[23:28] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> He's only here to troll you.
[23:28] Mr_Ridiculous> fuck those voices
[23:29] [SW]Jimbo in
[23:30] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:30] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:30] [AvA]Ixidor> +2
[23:30] [AvA]Ixidor> sess
[23:31] Mr_Ridiculous> Why do i have those voices!?
[23:32] AlexJones_TSI> where my boy tucker at?
[23:32] [AvA]Ixidor> those voices are called thoughts
[23:32] [AvA]Ixidor> but you have intense version of it probably
[23:32] O-Ren_TSI in
[23:33] Mr_Ridiculous> this was probably the best game ever
[23:33] Mr_Ridiculous> and i ruined it
[23:33] Mr_Ridiculous> almost gota volcano in blues base
[23:34] Mr_Ridiculous> Im so sorry !
[23:34] Mr_Ridiculous> i ruined the game
[23:34] Mr_Ridiculous> fuck those voices
[23:34] Mr_Ridiculous> they mean *********************
[23:35] Mr_Ridiculous> hontesly
[23:35] Mr_Ridiculous> listen to toruk
[23:35] Mr_Ridiculous> dont play me
[23:35] Mr_Ridiculous> kick me if i join.
[23:36] O-Ren_TSI out
[23:37] Mr_Ridiculous> i shouldnt be allowed to play
[23:37] Barracuda11 out
[23:38] Lovenji_OP in
[23:38] [AvA]Ixidor out
[23:38] [AvA]Ixidor in
[23:39] Mr_Ridiculous> <----- quitter
[23:45] [SW]Jimbo> can bella host?
[23:45] [SW]Jimbo> guys here?
[23:46] [GoD]Spyro out
[23:46] [SW]Fried_Rice> i have X ping
[23:46] [AvA]nicebetam8 out
[23:46] [SW]Jimbo> shiet
[23:48] Maganha_OP out
[23:48] Maganha_OP in
[23:50] iRespectWomenxD26> hmm
[23:50] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map
[23:50] [SW]Jimbo> any
[23:51] [SW]Jimbo> bella
[23:51] [SW]Jimbo> what happened
[23:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> one sec
[23:51] [SW]Jimbo> suew
[23:51] [SW]Jimbo> sure
[23:51] [SW]Jimbo> just ask sry
[23:52] Nici_OP> Ossur my boy
[23:52] iRespectWomenxD26> me n bella?
[23:52] [SW]Jimbo> any
[23:52] Maganha_OP out
[23:52] [SW]Fried_Rice> it says X
[23:52] iRespectWomenxD26> relog
[23:53] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[23:53] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[23:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> :/
[23:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> someone else host?
[23:54] iRespectWomenxD26> sure some1 wanna host?
[23:54] [SW]Jimbo> lets try marcus
[23:55] [GoD]Spyro in
[23:55] [SW]Jimbo> k Marcus lets new map
[23:55] [SW]Jimbo> chill
[23:55] RandPaul_TSI> which map then wat pp
[23:55] [SW]Jimbo> i like your ping kopa
[23:55] [SW]Jimbo> lets new map bro
[23:56] RandPaul_TSI> so wat random map?
[23:56] [SW]Jimbo> can random map?
[23:57] RandPaul_TSI> nah i wish
[23:57] RandPaul_TSI> bella
[23:57] RandPaul_TSI> go ahead n pick 1
[23:57] RandPaul_TSI> preacher picks the map
[23:57] HexTheRex in
[23:57] [SW]Jimbo> bella have fake rank
[23:57] RandPaul_TSI> true
[23:57] Anomaly_OP in
[23:57] [SW]Jimbo> bella is for shaman rank
[23:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> idk man
[23:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> 4way 4alls sess whatever
[23:58] [SW]Jimbo> wait
[23:58] [SW]Jimbo> i wana watch maps
[23:58] [SW]Jimbo> tgw faction
[23:58] [SW]Jimbo> lets try this
[23:58] [SW]Jimbo> okay?
[23:59] RandPaul_TSI> ok
[23:59] [SW]Jimbo> k hf :d