PopMM - 18/06/21 14:26

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* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 4PM GMT
The map of the day is:
Constant Worlds - Quarena (FFA/TEAM) (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!
------------------Tournament News---------------------
Sign ups for 'Invisible Cup' open now:

Changes in version Populous 1.5 update improvements Fix OBS Studio detection
Updating Populous 1.5...
Updating Populous 1.5 Beta...
Populous Updates Completed.
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> damn
[14:35] Zpektrix_TAS> got super spike today
[14:35] Kay> yea this map is not that good xD
[14:35] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:35] Kay> no yoshi
[14:35] Kay> ur current isp
[14:35] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah ?
[14:35] Kay> sometimes spike
[14:35] Deists out
[14:36] Kay> when u host, i can feel that
[14:36] Deists in
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> i have to wait for 2h later
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> i've already known that this time zone is bad hosting playing with having star isp
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> but you wouldnt lemme play on that no star one
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> c'mon kayin fix that issue
[14:36] Zpektrix_TAS> :P
[14:36] Kay> u cant join with no star?
[14:36] Kay> i think just that once?
[14:37] Zpektrix_TAS> but not 100%
[14:37] Zpektrix_TAS> you say it's X
[14:37] Zpektrix_TAS> sec switching to no star one
[14:37] Kay> lets try
[14:37] xtro out
[14:38] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:39] Zpektrix_TAS> this one is the best for playing this time zone
[14:39] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[14:39] Zpektrix_TAS> but kayin doesn't gimme ping
[14:39] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[14:39] Kay> sec i relog
[14:39] Kay out
[14:40] Kay in
[14:40] Zpektrix_TAS> see :D
[14:40] Kay> :o
[14:40] Zpektrix_TAS> your star is so weird
[14:40] Zpektrix_TAS> :P
[14:40] Kay> lol why xD
[14:41] Zpektrix_TAS> if i could have played on this one, i could play more smooth
[14:41] Kay> yea this one is better
[14:41] Kay> but why xD
[14:41] Kay> cant ping it
[14:41] Zpektrix_TAS> your star is so stubborn
[14:41] Zpektrix_TAS> i can join randomly
[14:42] Kay> .....strange u can play with this isp yesterday
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> i have 3 ISPs in my room
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> i haven't played with this isp for a while
[14:42] Zero_Eclipse in
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> so yeah
[14:43] Zpektrix_TAS> i have no choice
[14:43] Zpektrix_TAS> :P
[14:43] Kay> ohhhhh
[14:43] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:43] Zero_Eclipse out
[14:44] power_OP> gg wp
[14:44] [D]xfiresx15> gg
[14:44] [D]xfiresx15> gg wp
[14:44] power_OP> +3
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:53] [D]xfiresx15 out
[14:57] power_OP out
[15:03] [AvA]Obduction out
[15:07] [AvA]Obduction in
[15:12] [AvA]Obduction out
[15:15] [AvA]Obduction in
[15:15] Deists out
[15:17] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:20] vaccinated_OP> wanna 1v1 shogun?
[15:20] [GoD]carbine> assalamulaykum warahamtuliha wabarakat
[15:20] vaccinated_OP> sup jawad
[15:21] [GoD]carbine> yoo
[15:21] [GoD]Shogun> thought ud do gin tonic or sum shiet
[15:21] Hersen in
[15:21] [GoD]carbine> na bro thats haram
[15:21] Hersen out
[15:24] vaccinated_OP> was looking for pp 2v2
[15:24] vaccinated_OP> but dont think ill find people to play
[15:25] vaccinated_OP> everyone playing 1.03 like it was 1999
[15:28] [GoD]Shogun> 1.03 will eventually disappear due to spells not working
[15:28] power_OP in
[15:28] [GoD]Shogun> either fix that and make 1.03 playable or make beta the default pop :yespepe:
[15:28] [GoD]Shogun> :pepeyes:
[15:28] [GoD]Shogun> :peepoyes:
[15:29] [GoD]Shogun> addi n some other old folks cry about beta cos their pc are too shit to run it properly :kek:
[15:30] onePointZeroThree in
[15:30] 00Shaman in
[15:30] vaccinated_OP> addi uses win7
[15:30] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:30] vaccinated_OP> beta runs best on win10
[15:30] onePointZeroThree> nice vaccine m8
[15:30] onePointZeroThree> m8 beta
[15:30] vaccinated_OP> ty
[15:30] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[15:30] vaccinated_OP> nice sputnik V m8
[15:31] onePointZeroThree> nice covid passport m8
[15:31] onePointZeroThree> have to show it in every plac eyou visit :)
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> dude i use win7 too and i have no problems here
[15:31] vaccinated_OP> nice freedom m8
[15:31] onePointZeroThree> future is epic
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> lol.
[15:31] onePointZeroThree> fhk sik brah
[15:31] onePointZeroThree> lite
[15:31] vaccinated_OP> nice germany 3rd world country m8
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> [16:30] Babo> addi uses win7
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> [16:31] [GoD]Shogun> dude i use win7 too and i have no problems here
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> what u say babo
[15:31] [GoD]Shogun> u have to answer
[15:31] vaccinated_OP> yes i read it
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> read again
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> [16:31] [GoD]Shogun> dude i use win7 too and i have no problems here
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> congrats
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> ty.
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> i win ty
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> :peped:
[15:32] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> win what?
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> :jedi:
[15:32] onePointZeroThree> i linux
[15:32] onePointZeroThree> :omegakekw:
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> nothing :kekyou:
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> award for worst GoD member?
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[15:32] onePointZeroThree> sik brah
[15:32] onePointZeroThree> :peepopoint:
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> pew pew
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> thought u said i was a gud player before :thinking:
[15:32] onePointZeroThree> ok too much brain cells lost
[15:32] Hokage_OP in
[15:32] [GoD]Shogun> fhk sik brah :WTF:
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> sik brah
[15:32] Hokage_OP> SYK BRUH
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> chargin lites first spell pp brah
[15:32] vaccinated_OP> fhkin sikkk skillzz brah
[15:33] onePointZeroThree> 155 apm
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> man fucking mosquitos
[15:33] Hokage_OP> summer is close :kekw:
[15:33] [GoD]Shogun> LITES LMAO
[15:33] Hokage_OP> fishing is better now
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> i have like 50 bites from them
[15:33] [GoD]Shogun> fhk caps
[15:33] Hokage_OP> so better be on it
[15:33] Hokage_OP> :kekw:
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> goin fishing next friday
[15:33] Hokage_OP> same
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> over night
[15:33] onePointZeroThree> don't forget covid paper
[15:33] [GoD]Shogun> alone? :kekyou:
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> gonna be sik
[15:33] vaccinated_OP> nah with my room mate
[15:34] [GoD]Shogun> who is a male too? :kekyou:
[15:34] vaccinated_OP> yes
[15:34] vaccinated_OP> were gay
[15:34] [GoD]Shogun> ok. :kekclown:
[15:34] vaccinated_OP> :rainbow_flag: :clown:
[15:34] onePointZeroThree> :disgusting:
[15:34] onePointZeroThree> :disgust:
[15:34] [GoD]carbine> join kooper
[15:34] vaccinated_OP> koper
[15:34] [GoD]Shogun> koopertothetrooper
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> sik tactiks brah
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> lites op fhkin sik
[15:35] [GoD]Shogun> babo vs kupa 1v1 pp when
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> he scared scared
[15:35] [GoD]Shogun> full of lites in 5 min when
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> :cri:
[15:35] Zero_Eclipse in
[15:35] [GoD]Shogun> dafuk upa dis truh brah sik fhk? :cri:
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> koopa will kill me that many times and be in mid of my base with no destructive spells
[15:35] [GoD]carbine> koopatheamericanfatdonuteating40yearollivinginmomsbasementracistmysognistic
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> meanwhile i got full spells and kill him 1 attack
[15:35] vaccinated_OP> sik brah
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> just kidding
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> join power
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> Hokage_OP:
[15:36] [GoD]Shogun> dam carbine
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> vaccinated_OP:
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> 00Shaman:
[15:36] [GoD]Shogun> vaginnated_OP
[15:36] onePointZeroThree> :hopeless:
[15:36] vaccinated_OP> oh nice im trans now
[15:36] [GoD]carbine> lol
[15:36] vaccinated_OP> :kekclown:
[15:36] [GoD]Shogun> :kekwait:
[15:36] onePointZeroThree> vaccinated_OP> oh nice im trans now
[15:36] onePointZeroThree> will you post your daily gym shit to twitter?
[15:36] vaccinated_OP> hi im genderfluid :)
[15:36] 00Shaman> inca needs to stop messing with poing
[15:36] 00Shaman> pints
[15:36] onePointZeroThree> :epic:
[15:36] power_OP> sorry carbine i have 2 ppl
[15:36] 00Shaman> points*
[15:37] [GoD]Shogun> inca needs to stop messing with ping pong ye
[15:37] [GoD]carbine> now u got 3
[15:37] vaccinated_OP> im gender solid below temperatures of 0°C
[15:37] power_OP> lol
[15:37] power_OP> good
[15:37] power_OP> any map wishes?
[15:37] 00Shaman> i'm all 3 genders
[15:37] [GoD]carbine> pp
[15:37] Zero_Eclipse> 4walle
[15:37] vaccinated_OP> 3? amateur
[15:37] vaccinated_OP> im 25 genders
[15:37] [GoD]carbine> pp or kick me
[15:37] power_OP> zero pp?
[15:37] [SW]pablo- in
[15:37] Zero_Eclipse> fine
[15:37] [GoD]Shogun> go pp vs babo carbine
[15:38] onePointZeroThree> fhk sik brah
[15:38] [GoD]Shogun> he sik pp playah
[15:38] vaccinated_OP> sik playa brah
[15:38] [GoD]carbine> fhk bruh
[15:38] vaccinated_OP> :clownparty:
[15:38] Zero_Eclipse> tvn?
[15:38] Zero_Eclipse> tvb?
[15:38] power_OP> best says
[15:38] power_OP> me and zero
[15:38] 00Shaman> k
[15:38] [GoD]carbine> ok rotate
[15:38] [GoD]carbine> 00shaman and zero
[15:38] 00Shaman> lol
[15:38] [GoD]Shogun> stop noobashin brah
[15:38] [GoD]carbine> theres no game
[15:38] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:39] power_OP> what
[15:39] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:39] power_OP> why leave
[15:39] Zero_Eclipse> unfair i guess
[15:39] power_OP> ok
[15:39] [GoD]carbine> can we just play
[15:39] [GoD]carbine> ogoggg
[15:39] [GoD]carbine> idc teams or unfair or anything bs
[15:40] [GoD]carbine> babo 1v1?
[15:40] vaccinated_OP> sik
[15:40] vaccinated_OP> nah 2v2
[15:40] [GoD]carbine> kk
[15:40] [GoD]carbine> gogogog
[15:40] vaccinated_OP> 1v1s boring
[15:40] [GoD]Shogun> woah thought babo wud eccept
[15:40] [GoD]Shogun> sikwithinthefukbrah
[15:42] vaccinated_OP> sikkkkk
[15:42] [GoD]Shogun> lites brah lites
[15:43] vaccinated_OP> zz
[15:44] 00Shaman> .
[15:45] amnesia in
[15:45] Zero_Eclipse> U PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY?
[15:45] Zero_Eclipse> or just trolling
[15:45] [GoD]Shogun> just trolling
[15:45] [GoD]Shogun> wat u gunna do now big boi ?
[15:46] Zero_Eclipse> maybe shaman can join here :D
[15:46] [GoD]Shogun> maybe not
[15:46] [GoD]carbine> na bigboi we r trolling
[15:46] [GoD]carbine> we aint come here to play
[15:46] [GoD]Shogun> we here to chat shit
[15:46] [GoD]carbine> yep
[15:46] [GoD]Shogun> n annoy those who want to play
[15:47] vaccinated_OP> jawad update beta man
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> how
[15:47] [GoD]Shogun> make them think we will play then leave right when they launch
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> fs
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> ffs
[15:47] vaccinated_OP> type !beta
[15:47] [GoD]Shogun> jawad? dam
[15:47] vaccinated_OP> or !update
[15:47] 00Shaman> Jawad?
[15:47] 00Shaman> Jihad?
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> [46] Update - could not move C:\ProgramData\Populous Reincarnated\Matchmaker\Cache\data\al0-1.dat to C:\Program Files (x86)\Populous Reincarnated\MatchMaker\data\al0-1.dat: The operation completed successfully
[15:47] Zero_Eclipse> who is jawad?
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> [60] List index out of bounds (15)
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> me
[15:47] [GoD]carbine> im Jawad
[15:48] vaccinated_OP> inca
[15:48] Zero_Eclipse> hmm
[15:48] vaccinated_OP> help plox
[15:48] vaccinated_OP> try to relog and run mm as admin
[15:48] [GoD]carbine out
[15:48] [GoD]carbine in
[15:49] T-Rod in
[15:49] [GoD]carbine> trod
[15:50] Zero_Eclipse> yo trod
[15:50] T-Rod> Where :pepedoor:
[15:50] power_OP> wowo trof here
[15:50] Zero_Eclipse> yea
[15:50] Zero_Eclipse> finally xD
[15:50] T-Rod> :nice:
[15:50] power_OP> havent played many 8p games after you leavle Trod
[15:51] Zero_Eclipse> lel
[15:51] T-Rod> wtf power, we need to change that immediately
[15:51] [GoD]carbine> couldnt click
[15:52] power_OP> yeah
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> could not cast spells
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> pressed convert
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> and it didnt cast
[15:52] Zero_Eclipse out
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> thats why i quit
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> dunjno what hapepned
[15:52] Zero_Eclipse in
[15:52] vaccinated_OP> sik brah
[15:52] vaccinated_OP> T-Rod: 1v1
[15:52] [GoD]carbine> but icouldnt do anything
[15:52] 00Shaman> :wow:
[15:52] T-Rod> maybe later need some warmups
[15:52] T-Rod> forgot how to build
[15:52] Zero_Eclipse> y cant i leave hut once i join the host spot
[15:52] power_OP> you see ppl were waitin that
[15:52] [GoD]Shogun> hi rod
[15:52] T-Rod> Hi
[15:53] [GoD]Shogun> dam i heard u made poke-fake accounts dis truh
[15:53] T-Rod> Who
[15:53] [GoD]Shogun> :nice:
[15:53] power_OP> lol
[15:53] vaccinated_OP> nice zapdos
[15:53] T-Rod> :kekw:
[15:53] vaccinated_OP> not even hiding behind VPN
[15:53] [GoD]carbine> join tsuyoshit
[15:53] vaccinated_OP> or different IP
[15:53] vaccinated_OP> what a noob
[15:53] [GoD]carbine> tsuyoshit: joinnnnnnnnnnnnnn
[15:53] T-Rod> What u guys talking abt
[15:53] [GoD]Shogun> nice snorlax :kek:
[15:53] vaccinated_OP> nah no pedophiles man
[15:53] [GoD]carbine> k
[15:53] [GoD]carbine> PABLO
[15:53] [GoD]carbine> JOIN
[15:53] T-Rod> sec forwarding ports
[15:54] [GoD]carbine> Kay:
[15:54] [GoD]carbine> join
[15:54] T-Rod> keith said theres some tourney coming soon
[15:54] T-Rod> winning prize 1k
[15:55] power_OP> yeah yeah
[15:55] power_OP out
[15:55] [GoD]Shogun> theres one called invisible cup, 1v1 on tot.
[15:55] power_OP in
[15:55] [GoD]Shogun> and its already on going
[15:56] [GoD]Shogun> btw babo
[15:56] [GoD]Shogun> heard lovenji left pop
[15:56] [GoD]Shogun> dis truh
[15:56] vaccinated_OP> yep
[15:56] [GoD]carbine> lol
[15:56] power_OP> +1
[15:56] [GoD]carbine> why
[15:56] vaccinated_OP> because of ava
[15:56] [GoD]Shogun> because hes too emo to handle the toxicity
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> lol
[15:57] vaccinated_OP> hes not emo you twat
[15:57] [GoD]Shogun> i.e crybaby takin everything to heart like a 9 years old :plead:
[15:57] [GoD]Shogun> this is why inca only allows 13 years old n up
[15:57] [GoD]Shogun> :D
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> lool
[15:57] vaccinated_OP> i also take personal shit to heart
[15:57] vaccinated_OP> waiting for my revenge on matt still
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> same
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> if i saw matt
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> on the street
[15:57] [GoD]carbine> id jump him
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> yes
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> no cap
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> guy sent me njudes
[15:58] [GoD]Shogun> no mercy
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> when i was 14
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> i gave this fucker my address 5 times
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> thats fukt up
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> he never showed up
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> even tho i dont give a shit
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> id jump him just forr the fact that its fukt up
[15:58] [GoD]Shogun> matt is a good guy
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> looool
[15:58] [GoD]Shogun> he pretends hes badass
[15:58] [GoD]Shogun> i know how he is
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> well but here we go
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> wed all fuck up matt for being a shit cunt
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> yh
[15:58] [GoD]carbine> guy was evil
[15:58] vaccinated_OP> lovenji taking personal things personal is just normal lol
[15:58] [GoD]Shogun> Lol
[15:59] vaccinated_OP> youd also keep in mind if someone wishes you death
[15:59] vaccinated_OP> or wishes covid to your wife
[15:59] [GoD]carbine> wtf
[15:59] vaccinated_OP> those things are just as fucked up as matt being necrophile
[15:59] [GoD]carbine> who said that
[15:59] [GoD]Shogun> no1 to lick ur balls now that ur dog lovenji left babo
[15:59] vaccinated_OP> dont know
[15:59] vaccinated_OP> youre a dick shogun lol
[16:00] vaccinated_OP> youre lucky i like your attitude
[16:00] [GoD]Shogun> na im a gud guy
[16:00] T-Rod> still finixg hold ur horses
[16:00] vaccinated_OP> even though its shit
[16:00] [SW]pablo- out
[16:00] [GoD]carbine> shogun :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
[16:00] [GoD]Shogun> D:
[16:00] vaccinated_OP> only thing youre good at is putting fuel into fire
[16:00] [GoD]carbine> ur sister is beautifullllll
[16:00] [GoD]Shogun> :ohyes::yeahboi:
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> but yea
[16:01] [GoD]carbine> join hokage
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> i need a new ally
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> im open for applications
[16:01] [GoD]Shogun> i will be ur ally babo cept i dont lick balls like lovenji
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> ill try to carry your ass on every map and give you constructive feedback and tips in game
[16:01] [GoD]Shogun> :dogdance:
[16:01] [GoD]Shogun> ^lovenji
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> sry, only players with talent wanted
[16:01] Zero_Eclipse> lets just go 3v3?
[16:01] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> here i thought id reach nerd level in no time
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> fhk sik + brah
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> ill hrow u sum lites
[16:02] vaccinated_OP> you dunno pp man
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> throw *
[16:02] [GoD]carbine> https://play.typeracer.com?rt=2jxng80g6v
[16:02] [GoD]carbine> join
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> im pro pp man
[16:02] T-Rod> relog
[16:02] T-Rod out
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> just didnt want to break nicis confidence
[16:02] [GoD]Shogun> in a 1v1
[16:03] [GoD]Shogun> with my hands tied
[16:03] [GoD]Shogun> :gabber:
[16:03] power_OP> nici were blind folded toh
[16:03] [GoD]carbine> owneddddd
[16:04] T-Rod in
[16:04] [GoD]carbine> whoever that wasx
[16:04] vaccinated_OP> me
[16:04] power_OP out
[16:04] [GoD]carbine> lool
[16:04] [GoD]carbine> gg
[16:04] vaccinated_OP> cant spell immediately for shit
[16:04] vaccinated_OP> took me 5 seconds lol
[16:05] [TSI]O-Ren in
[16:06] [GoD]Shogun> toruk insta joining pink :ohyes:
[16:06] T-Rod> having some issues for portforwading
[16:06] T-Rod> babo host?
[16:06] [GoD]Shogun> get ready for gin tonic :wtf:
[16:06] T-Rod> uuuh
[16:08] [AvA]Stauni> trod back at it :kekw:
[16:08] [AvA]Stauni> how was your ban
[16:08] [Rw]loothill in
[16:08] [GoD]Shogun> que hongo tio
[16:08] T-Rod> what ban?
[16:08] Zero_Eclipse> map?
[16:09] vaccinated_OP> want me to host? i give better pings
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> no shit babo
[16:09] Zero_Eclipse> lemme clost apps
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> where u at
[16:09] [AvA]Stauni> everyone said you got baned for multi accounts
[16:09] T-Rod> ye let babo
[16:09] vaccinated_OP> was studying
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> 5 min study? damm ur fast
[16:09] T-Rod> I havent heard abt that stauni
[16:09] T-Rod> noone told me
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> zero gtfo from host
[16:09] [GoD]Shogun> waddafak
[16:09] Zero_Eclipse> join
[16:09] T-Rod> port forward not work
[16:10] T-Rod> wtf
[16:10] vaccinated_OP> map?
[16:10] vaccinated_OP> vaccinated_OP + 00Shaman + [AvA]Stauni + [GoD]Shogun vs. Zero_Eclipse + [GoD]carbine + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + T-Rod
[16:10] [AvA]Stauni> walls?=
[16:10] [GoD]Shogun> dam im so bad the system says babo must carry me
[16:10] [GoD]Shogun> jesus
[16:10] vaccinated_OP> walls is boring
[16:10] vaccinated_OP> have you heard of this new cool good map
[16:10] vaccinated_OP> gin tonic?
[16:11] [AvA]Stauni> tundras crossing
[16:11] [AvA]Stauni> engage
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> never smh
[16:11] T-Rod> hope my teammates carry me hard
[16:11] vaccinated_OP> thats 6p
[16:11] [AvA]Stauni> theres 8p
[16:11] [AvA]Stauni> version
[16:11] T-Rod> cos i feel like uncarriable
[16:11] vaccinated_OP> push with no fs?
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> fuk but that map is trash for the guy on the middle
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> engage map i mean
[16:11] [AvA]Stauni> push also :kekw:
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> literally takin all attacks lol
[16:12] vaccinated_OP> this one?
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> cant even build 2 huts
[16:12] vaccinated_OP> never played before
[16:12] [TSI]O-Ren> what are you studying?
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> pop
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> his goal is to beat nici some day
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[16:12] [AvA]Stauni> this map i fell is not balanced but nvm lol
[16:12] [AvA]Stauni> feel*
[16:12] T-Rod> brb piss beer and smoke
[16:12] T-Rod> 2 min
[16:12] poos in
[16:12] vaccinated_OP> bohrtechnik und brunnenbau im lockergestein des rheinischen reviers
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> whatthefuck rod
[16:13] T-Rod> u may launch
[16:13] T-Rod> i´ll be quiq
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> stauni why not balanced?
[16:13] Zero_Eclipse> y are we not launching
[16:13] [TSI]O-Ren> ok bro :)
[16:13] [AvA]Stauni> on the 6p oranges land is kinda fkd
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> ok
[16:13] [AvA]Stauni> not sure about 4v4
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> ill make trod orange then
[16:14] [AvA]Stauni> look red and green
[16:14] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[16:15] poos> anyone
[16:15] poos> hiost
[16:15] [Rw]loothill> que hongo
[16:16] poos> NYONE HOST
[16:16] poos> GUYS
[16:16] poos> PLEASE
[16:18] [Rw]loothill> o/ Zpektrix_TAS
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[16:18] [Rw]loothill> Hello
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> yo tooth
[16:19] poos> HI
[16:19] poos> TAS
[16:19] [Rw]loothill> Hello Poos
[16:19] Zero_Eclipse> froze
[16:19] vaccinated_OP> ..
[16:19] vaccinated_OP> poos spot is taken
[16:19] vaccinated_OP> ty
[16:19] T-Rod> im sry
[16:19] T-Rod> back
[16:19] [AvA]Stauni> lol noiw he isback
[16:19] Zero_Eclipse> u take alot of time
[16:19] Zero_Eclipse> lol
[16:19] poos> ITS OK
[16:19] [GoD]Shogun> who left
[16:19] T-Rod> sry guys
[16:19] T-Rod> my bad
[16:20] Zero_Eclipse> my gamne froz
[16:20] [GoD]carbine> stop shitting at 4:20pm ffs
[16:20] poos> ZERO ECLIPS HOST
[16:20] [Rw]loothill> 11:30am here :>
[16:20] [Rw]loothill> 11:20*
[16:20] poos> HERE 9 PM
[16:20] [Rw]loothill> wow insane
[16:21] poos> WE ARE FROM INDIA
[16:21] poos> ALL TYPE YOUR AGES
[16:21] poos> MY AGE 12 XD
[16:21] poos> ANY
[16:23] [GoD]carbine> ffs
[16:23] Zero_Eclipse> somethnig wrong with beta
[16:23] Zero_Eclipse> i have to update first everytime i have to play
[16:23] [GoD]Shogun> shiet
[16:23] Zero_Eclipse> .......
[16:23] [AvA]Stauni> something wrong with your settings
[16:24] Zero_Eclipse> Updating Populous 1.5 Beta...
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 12
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> too
[16:25] poos> ARE YOU SERIUS
[16:25] poos> IS THAT REAL
[16:25] poos> WSOME
[16:25] poos> I AM ALSO 12
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh cool
[16:25] poos> I PLAYED ONLY ONE WEEK
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i played 9 years
[16:25] poos> AND SPY+
[16:25] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :heyboy:
[16:26] poos> I AM SPY+
[16:26] Mammy_Tas out
[16:26] Mammy_Tas in
[16:26] Zero_Eclipse out
[16:27] Zero_Eclipse in
[16:27] [AvA]Stauni> leave spot
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> ffs
[16:27] vaccinated_OP> +1
[16:27] Zero_Eclipse> ill check solo first
[16:27] T-Rod> mouse feels weird
[16:27] T-Rod> allmost like its a new thing
[16:27] Zero_Eclipse> that was the resolution problem
[16:27] Zero_Eclipse> xD
[16:27] [AvA]Stauni> are you dreunk?
[16:28] T-Rod> oh that could be it
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> carbine go
[16:28] [GoD]Shogun> watch him leave again
[16:28] T-Rod> too sober
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> join join
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> he fixed it
[16:28] Zero_Eclipse> if i leave this time
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> if not ill perma block him
[16:28] Zero_Eclipse> u can have somoenoe else
[16:28] Zero_Eclipse> :(
[16:28] [AvA]Stauni> :kekw:
[16:28] [GoD]Shogun> join :crab:bine
[16:28] [GoD]Shogun> ffs
[16:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tsu koopa loothill
[16:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> join
[16:28] [Rw]loothill out
[16:28] [GoD]carbine> 2v2
[16:28] T-Rod> zero eclipse
[16:28] T-Rod> ur version higher than others
[16:29] T-Rod> type !revert
[16:29] Zero_Eclipse> what do u mean
[16:29] Mammy_Tas> Poos you cannot host me
[16:29] Mammy_Tas> :(
[16:29] Zero_Eclipse> whats ur version
[16:29] T-Rod> Version: MatchMaker Version:
[16:29] Zero_Eclipse> mine is
[16:30] T-Rod> try reverting
[16:30] T-Rod> to get same as others
[16:30] Zero_Eclipse> i did
[16:30] Zero_Eclipse out
[16:30] Zero_Eclipse in
[16:30] vaccinated_OP> OGAER
[16:30] vaccinated_OP> A*GER
[16:30] [GoD]Shogun> german
[16:30] [AvA]Stauni> no
[16:30] [AvA]Stauni> head to keyboard is that
[16:31] Zero_Eclipse> how come there is no problem pregame
[16:31] IncaWarrior> the mm versions are all compatible
[16:31] Zero_Eclipse> and black sreen in game
[16:31] IncaWarrior> so doesn't matter if you have different ones
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> :/
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> This again...
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> mahmut
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> go !beta
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> jesus christ
[16:31] Mammy_Tas> let me relog
[16:31] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[16:31] Mammy_Tas out
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> people disabling auto updating beta
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> take that option off inca
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> jesus :godblessrng:
[16:32] poos> PLEASE
[16:32] Mammy_Tas in
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> yiiiisus :blessrng:
[16:32] [AvA]Stauni> lol spinn
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> poos are you indian?
[16:32] Zero_Eclipse> yeas
[16:32] poos> YES
[16:32] [AvA]Stauni> and 12
[16:32] Zero_Eclipse> :d
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> i think there is hackers on your pc ma'am
[16:32] [GoD]Shogun> lil.
[16:33] Mammy_Tas> Update complete
[16:33] Mammy_Tas> go
[16:33] 00Shaman> (-_-)
[16:33] Zero_Eclipse> wth xD
[16:35] ElDongo in
[16:35] 00Shaman> lwtf
[16:35] ElDongo out
[16:35] 00Shaman> lmfao
[16:35] vaccinated_OP> OH MY FUCKING GOD
[16:36] Mammy_Tas> :omegakekw:
[16:36] Zero_Eclipse> m
[16:36] 00Shaman> lajsdflashfjla
[16:36] onePointZeroThree out
[16:36] [GoD]Shogun> holy f0kin shiet
[16:36] T-Rod> hate that crash
[16:36] Zero_Eclipse> it finally worked
[16:36] Zero_Eclipse> lol
[16:36] ElDongo in
[16:36] [GoD]Shogun> have u tried changing ur name zero
[16:36] onePointZeroThree in
[16:36] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol, the one time it actually worked, the game crashed. Go figure
[16:36] [GoD]Shogun> i think thats the problem of ur black screen :keke:
[16:36] [Rw]loothill in
[16:37] vaccinated_OP> yea fuck this game
[16:37] Zero_Eclipse out
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> na he left
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> lets go now babo
[16:38] vaccinated_OP> no man
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> dont give up now that the problem is gone
[16:38] 00Shaman> zero eclipse out
[16:38] vaccinated_OP> we were launching for 25 minutes
[16:38] vaccinated_OP> and didnt get a game
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> k one last time
[16:38] vaccinated_OP> no ty
[16:38] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[16:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> join here vhan
[16:38] T-Rod> i thought ppl were used to fail launches :nice:
[16:39] [GoD]Shogun> babo :wtf:
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> babo join too
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +3
[16:39] Mammy_Tas> I guess no game :O
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> teams is
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> need to calculate perfect teams
[16:39] [AvA]Stauni> mammy join
[16:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tell me map idc
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> use !best
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ok
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> teams is
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> then wait for savas to complain
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> dont be scared poos
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> :kekclown:
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> jump in every hut
[16:40] Mammy_Tas> [GoD]Nici_Jr + 00Shaman + [GoD]Shogun + T-Rod vs. [GoD]carbine + vaccinated_OP + Mammy_Tas + [AvA]Stauni :thinking:
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me shogun mammy and stauni
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> only way to improve
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> even if u get kicked
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> at least u tried
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and staunime shogun mammy and stauni
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> :D
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> all ok ?
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> thats 3
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> go !best
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> we need one more
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> [17:40] mahmut1661> [GoD]Nici_Jr + 00Shaman + [GoD]Shogun + T-Rod vs. [GoD]carbine + vaccinated_OP + Mammy_Tas + [AvA]Stauni
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me shogun mammy and stauni
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> :ohyes:
[16:40] poos> I CAN'T PLAY WITH 1.5BETA
[16:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me shogun mammy and stauni `?
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> one more
[16:40] vaccinated_OP> [17:40] mahmut1661> [GoD]Nici_Jr + 00Shaman + [GoD]Shogun + T-Rod vs. [GoD]carbine + vaccinated_OP + Mammy_Tas + [AvA]Stauni -
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> babo
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> 5v3
[16:40] T-Rod out
[16:40] [GoD]Shogun> :yerahboi:
[16:41] poos> ITS THE PROBLEM OF MY PC
[16:41] poos> F
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> poos stop using all caps
[16:41] T-Rod in
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> youre not that important
[16:41] T-Rod> mm froze
[16:41] [GoD]Shogun> are u sayin
[16:41] [GoD]Shogun> ur leting babo trod and carbine ally
[16:41] [AvA]Stauni> mach doch best
[16:41] [GoD]Shogun> lmfao dafuk is dis
[16:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> nein
[16:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me shogun mammy and stauni
[16:41] T-Rod> i need someone to carry me
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> just go !best
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> lol
[16:41] [AvA]Stauni> dann mach halt mir egal
[16:41] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> i dont want trod on my team
[16:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> best ist unfair
[16:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[16:41] vaccinated_OP> why?
[16:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> seid ihr bekloppt
[16:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> also echt
[16:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> sec rotating
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> ?????????
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> ????????????????????????
[16:42] [AvA]Stauni> hä haha
[16:42] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> stauni das meine ich
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> egal was für teams
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> auch wenns !best ist
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> heult immer wer rum
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> oh nein unfair
[16:42] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[16:42] [AvA]Stauni> mir wayne hauptsache mal spielen xD
[16:42] vaccinated_OP> hi vlek
[16:42] poos> I AM BIG FAN OG NICI JR
[16:42] [GoD]Shogun> hi matt
[16:42] poos> REALY
[16:42] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[16:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> hi matt
[16:43] [GoD]Shogun> hi nici's lost cousin
[16:43] [GoD]Shogun> twin *
[16:43] [TSI]O-Ren out
[16:43] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[16:44] poos> KAY PLAY WITH ME
[16:45] poos> HOW LONG CAN I BEG???????????????????????????????????????????????
[16:45] poos> PLEASE ANYONE HOST
[16:46] poos out
[16:46] poos in
[16:48] poos out
[16:49] poos in
[16:50] onePointZeroThree out
[16:50] jimmyhunter1000 in
[16:53] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[16:57] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[16:58] poos> JIMMY HOST
[16:58] poos> ANYONE HOST
[16:58] poos> PLEASE
[16:58] poos> I WANT TO PLAY
[16:58] poos> JIMMY I AM A SPY
[16:58] [Rw]loothill> No need to type in caps
[16:58] poos> ok
[16:59] poos> poojitha kun
[17:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Nova
[17:04] BrokenWings in
[17:04] jimmyhunter1000> I can't even ping you so I wouldn't be able to host you anyways
[17:04] RessurectioN_TAS in
[17:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> hey Toruk, sorry was cooking :)
[17:07] poos> anyone host
[17:07] poos> please please please
[17:08] warrior in
[17:09] poos> warrior relogin
[17:10] warrior out
[17:10] warrior in
[17:12] xtro in
[17:12] poos> warrior jioin
[17:13] warrior out
[17:13] warrior in
[17:15] poos out
[17:15] jimmyhunter1000 out
[17:15] jimmyhunter1000 in
[17:15] xtro out
[17:15] poos in
[17:17] poos> ok
[17:17] poos> your wish
[17:17] xtro in
[17:17] xtro out
[17:17] xtro in
[17:17] poos> start
[17:17] poos> fast
[17:20] poos> start
[17:21] warrior out
[17:21] warrior in
[17:21] warrior out
[17:21] [AsG]Ragnj in
[17:23] warrior in
[17:23] xtro out
[17:24] xtro in
[17:24] Zpektrix_TAS> danny +o
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> +1 to carry danny
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[17:27] RessurectioN_TAS> :pepehide:
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> or
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> +1 to ally me
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> :P
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> so
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> what are we doing now
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> at least no blast war
[17:29] Kay> ohh
[17:29] xtro out
[17:29] Kay> ummm any suggestion?
[17:29] xtro in
[17:29] poos> i want to play
[17:29] [GoD]Shogun> lol what a game
[17:29] poos> please
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy owned them
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[17:29] Mammy_Tas> gg :o
[17:29] poos> anyone
[17:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg wp
[17:29] 00Shaman out
[17:29] [GoD]Shogun> i literally had no braves and only 1 warrior left
[17:29] T-Rod> gg wp
[17:29] Mammy_Tas> Comeback you mean tsu :)
[17:30] [GoD]Shogun> used all my shit up
[17:30] [GoD]Shogun> :D
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:30] [GoD]Shogun> thank god i still had huts and came back to 20 braves :kek:
[17:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you played well vhan u idiot
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> ownage mammy
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[17:30] [GoD]Shogun> dismantle ftw
[17:30] [GoD]Shogun> ty spin u too
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> so danny
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> what is your choice
[17:30] RessurectioN_TAS> Blaze it Up
[17:30] RessurectioN_TAS> :heheboi:
[17:30] vaccinated_OP> spin talking about unfair teams xD
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[17:31] vaccinated_OP> hypocrit
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> that one
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol are you mad
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> the absolute world
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> absolutes
[17:31] vaccinated_OP> mad that you think those teams were fair
[17:31] [GoD]Shogun> i stole 1 fs from babo LOL
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> teams were even in favour to u
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> carbine
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and trod
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> blaze it up
[17:31] vaccinated_OP> putting me on a team with a guy who never plays beta, one who is super shit and one who never got above war rank
[17:31] vaccinated_OP> shogun > carbine mahmut >trod
[17:31] Kay> need to rotate?
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> what ever makes you feel better
[17:31] [GoD]Shogun> :O
[17:31] T-Rod> Which one i was babo :nice:
[17:31] vaccinated_OP> and then you still had stauni who is miles better than 00
[17:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> accept a loss like a men
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> well
[17:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> this isnt a cricus here
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> oruk doesnt play seriously when he allies me
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe this is the best choice
[17:32] vaccinated_OP> yes i said gg, i just say you shouldnt say im making unfair teams
[17:32] vaccinated_OP> when you put me in a team with 3 clowns
[17:32] poos out
[17:32] vaccinated_OP> who dont know how to play this game
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> go now
[17:32] T-Rod> bbl later
[17:32] vaccinated_OP> would have rather allied mammy and vhan over carbine and trod
[17:32] vaccinated_OP> 100%
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> danny
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems we need another choice
[17:33] Mammy_Tas> I had 29 pop and cameback to 100 :D
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> guy makes fun of me making fairest teams
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> do ice raider
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> and says its unfair
[17:33] RessurectioN_TAS> good choice
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> yet he does unfairest possible lol
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[17:33] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes, the other days were unfair teams
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> he was trolling
[17:33] [GoD]Nici_Jr> even savas said it
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy come
[17:33] jimmyhunter1000> Poopulous in a nutshell right there
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> [17:40] mahmut1661> [GoD]Nici_Jr + 00Shaman + [GoD]Shogun + T-Rod vs. [GoD]carbine + vaccinated_OP + Mammy_Tas + [AvA]Stauni
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> this woulda been fairer
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> spin boy
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> savas is a fucking clown
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> random
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> gogogoo
[17:33] vaccinated_OP> he always complains when hes not on the winning team
[17:34] RessurectioN_TAS> bet he wants to know how it feels playing with asia host
[17:34] jimmyhunter1000> He even complains when he's ON the winning team
[17:34] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekyou:
[17:34] vaccinated_OP> when you put savas+babo+nici+spin vs inca+gabber+kiyana+yekralc he wouldnt complain
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> he will tell us
[17:34] vaccinated_OP> hed think "oh yes epic teams guys"
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> that my hosting is the best
[17:34] vaccinated_OP> so please :clown:
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> lololol
[17:34] [AsG]Nefarius> Babo, würdest Du unser tourney game hosten?
[17:34] [GoD]Nici_Jr> kayin
[17:34] [AsG]Nefarius> bzw. games?
[17:34] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and tsu
[17:34] [GoD]Nici_Jr> is this normal game or
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> this is
[17:34] [AsG]Nefarius> Oder bist Du gerade busy?
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> normal game
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> any prob
[17:34] vaccinated_OP> nein danke
[17:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ok
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> it is even ranked
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> silly boy
[17:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yeyeye gogoogogog
[17:35] vaccinated_OP> muss noch einkaufen sry
[17:35] Kay> sec relog
[17:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> abny teams any map
[17:35] [AsG]Nefarius> kein Ding :)
[17:35] Kay out
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> give him a sec
[17:35] Kay in
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe torulk's launch failure
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> gogogogo
[17:35] [AvA]Stauni out
[17:36] [AvA]Stauni in
[17:36] Zpektrix_TAS> random and gogogo
[17:36] Zpektrix_TAS> lolol
[17:36] [AsG]Ragnj> lemme relog aswell
[17:36] [AsG]Ragnj out
[17:36] [AvA]Stauni> meine connection ist eig immer stabil
[17:36] [AsG]Ragnj in
[17:38] [AvA]Stauni out
[17:38] [AvA]Stauni in
[17:38] [AsG]Ragnj> hmm
[17:38] [AvA]Stauni> lol why
[17:38] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[17:38] [AsG]Nefarius> just get in and out all the time
[17:38] [AsG]Nefarius> it'll function
[17:38] [AsG]Ragnj> 1 to host Nefarius vs Stauni God Of TOT tourney games
[17:39] [AvA]Stauni> maybe other hut?
[17:39] [AsG]Ragnj> u sure? think ive had a hard time hosting stauni before tbh
[17:39] [AsG]Nefarius> well if you dont mind I can host, too
[17:40] [AvA]Stauni> ja mach
[17:40] [AsG]Ragnj> both germans
[17:40] [AsG]Nefarius> welche Farbe?
[17:40] [AsG]Ragnj> so should be good
[17:40] [AsG]Nefarius> gelb oder rot?
[17:40] [AvA]Stauni> egal
[17:40] [AsG]Ragnj> stauni u able to host? could host one game each
[17:40] vaccinated_OP> huren mückenstiche
[17:40] [AsG]Nefarius> ok
[17:40] vaccinated_OP> aaaa
[17:40] [AsG]Nefarius> HUUUREN
[17:40] vaccinated_OP> junge die sollen mein blut saugen
[17:40] vaccinated_OP> aber warum muss denn so derbe jucken
[17:40] vaccinated_OP> fml
[17:42] onePointZeroThree in
[17:42] [AsG]Ragnj> Nefarius vs Stauni TOT Tourney game: https://www.twitch.tv/ragnj?lang=sv-SE
[17:43] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[17:43] T-Rod> wow fixed portforward
[17:43] T-Rod> :good:
[17:43] T-Rod> xtro hi
[17:43] T-Rod> lets play
[17:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[17:44] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:45] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:45] T-Rod> warrior> 4v4 t rod please
[17:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:45] T-Rod> must play this first
[17:45] [GoD]Shogun> he said the magic word rod
[17:45] [GoD]Shogun> u must host 4v4 now man
[17:45] T-Rod> well if ppl would hjoin
[17:46] [GoD]Shogun> i will :good:
[17:46] T-Rod> map wishes
[17:47] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[17:47] T-Rod> btw whats this tot tourney?
[17:47] T-Rod> 1 vs 1 tot matches?
[17:47] vaccinated_OP> me and shogun vs trod and xtro pp?
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> i told u already
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> yes
[17:48] T-Rod> sry bit slow
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[17:48] T-Rod> so u in tourney
[17:48] T-Rod> shogun
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> nope
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> cba with tot
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> :D
[17:48] T-Rod> haha
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> tourney is fun tho
[17:48] T-Rod> so blue vs green tot?`
[17:48] poos in
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun> yell vs red
[17:48] warrior> : +4:
[17:48] T-Rod> oh yell got less trees
[17:48] T-Rod> tho
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> dunno if they fixed that
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> its a test map made for the tourney only
[17:49] T-Rod> oh
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> green and blue bases are cut
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> just like in ygg
[17:49] T-Rod> sounds like cool
[17:49] T-Rod> too bad it started allready
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> ye
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> u can still sign up as backup tho lol
[17:50] T-Rod> backup :nice:
[17:50] T-Rod> should we do 3 v s 3 pp babo?
[17:50] [AvA]sAvAs in
[17:50] T-Rod> can do any map rho
[17:50] T-Rod> tho
[17:50] vaccinated_OP> so i can 3v1 again?
[17:50] warrior> :+4:
[17:51] vaccinated_OP> 2v1 is ok
[17:51] warrior> :+2:
[17:51] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[17:51] T-Rod> take is as a challenge
[17:51] T-Rod> it
[17:51] warrior> :+1:
[17:51] vaccinated_OP> [18:47] vaccinated_OP> me and shogun vs trod and xtro pp?
[17:51] vaccinated_OP> [18:51] T-Rod> take is as a challenge
[17:51] [GoD]Shogun> [18:51] Babo> 2v1 is ok
[17:52] [AvA]Obduction out
[17:52] [GoD]Shogun> :thinking: ........ :wtf:
[17:52] _[AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:52] _[AvA]Namechangingftw out
[17:52] poos> join game 1
[17:52] vaccinated_OP> i never expect anything from my allies on pp
[17:52] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:52] [GoD]Shogun> :pepecry:
[17:52] T-Rod> +1
[17:52] poos> +1 means????
[17:52] T-Rod> +1 player
[17:52] [AvA]sAvAs> +1 C
[17:53] poos> oh ok
[17:53] poos out
[17:53] T-Rod> :Good:
[17:53] [AvA]Namechangingftw> [18:54] warrior> come pleaseeeeeee
[17:53] [AvA]Namechangingftw> holy crap 8p tom
[17:53] [AvA]Namechangingftw> lets do it :kekw:
[17:53] [AvA]sAvAs> holy guac mate
[17:54] [AvA]sAvAs> fist o/
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> T-Rod + xtro + [AvA]sAvAs + [AvA]Namechangingftw vs. vaccinated_OP + TeamPlayer_Blue + warrior + [GoD]Shogun
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> best.
[17:54] T-Rod> so töm map ok or want other?
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> joke
[17:54] [AvA]Novaharvest> rofl savas nice name
[17:54] [AvA]sAvAs> tom is fine
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> best is a joke
[17:54] [AvA]sAvAs> :P
[17:54] T-Rod> tell us the teams shogun
[17:54] T-Rod> idm
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> u me babo and fist
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> woah :wtf:
[17:54] T-Rod> can do random too?
[17:54] [GoD]Shogun> will be a disaster
[17:55] [AvA]sAvAs> ^ agreed
[17:55] T-Rod> so best okj?
[17:55] [AvA]Namechangingftw> babo vs rod large base?
[17:55] vaccinated_OP> no töm dude
[17:55] T-Rod> i was hoping to be small
[17:55] T-Rod> :kekw:
[17:55] vaccinated_OP> thats the worst fucking map ever
[17:55] [AvA]Namechangingftw> rod hat schiss vor dir babo
[17:55] vaccinated_OP> der ist auch ein haufen scheisse in diesem game
[17:55] T-Rod> like this map`?
[17:55] vaccinated_OP> du bist jetzt schon besser als er
[17:55] [AvA]sAvAs> it will likely crash
[17:56] T-Rod> hmm
[17:56] T-Rod> lemmi search more
[17:56] [AvA]sAvAs> sure
[17:57] [AvA]sAvAs> yeah this is good
[17:57] [AvA]sAvAs> the full force, yah
[17:57] T-Rod> which one?
[17:57] Alan_Walker in
[17:57] [GoD]Shogun> its so ez to harvest on beta holy shiet
[17:58] [GoD]Shogun> didnt realise it
[17:58] Alan_Walker> hiiiiiiii
[17:58] Alan_Walker> I'm back
[17:58] T-Rod> so this map ok?
[17:58] Alan_Walker> woo
[17:58] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yes looks fun
[17:58] T-Rod> T-Rod + xtro + [AvA]sAvAs + [AvA]Namechangingftw vs. vaccinated_OP + TeamPlayer_Blue + warrior + [GoD]Shogun
[17:58] [GoD]Shogun> half base harvested with just 3 braves :good:
[17:58] T-Rod> best says this
[17:58] Alan_Walker> Hello?
[17:58] Alan_Walker> I'm damhyr
[17:58] [GoD]Shogun> best is bs
[17:58] Alan_Walker> i back
[17:58] [GoD]Shogun> looks like 2v4
[17:58] T-Rod> random?`
[17:58] [AvA]Namechangingftw> hello alan
[17:59] Alan_Walker> Helloo
[17:59] T-Rod> should we try random boys?
[17:59] T-Rod> what say u?
[17:59] [AvA]sAvAs> no
[17:59] [AvA]sAvAs> just pick teams manually mate
[17:59] T-Rod> captain teams?
[17:59] Alan_Walker> I love this game
[17:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> make blue shaman and green shaman captains
[17:59] vaccinated_OP> fist and savas captains
[17:59] vaccinated_OP> go
[18:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ok who starts?
[18:00] T-Rod> ok fist start
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> after your sir
[18:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ok
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> you*
[18:00] Hokage_OP out
[18:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> babo
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> t-rod
[18:00] [GoD]Shogun> :kek:
[18:00] TeamPlayer_Blue> Haha didn't know 4v4 was so complex before the game itself
[18:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> shogun
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> xtro
[18:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> teamplayer
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> great
[18:00] T-Rod> kk
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> nice 3v4 :nice:
[18:00] vaccinated_OP> its so complex because warrior is shit
[18:00] jimmyhunter1000> Nah, it's just having warrior in that game prevents anything but a 4v3
[18:00] vaccinated_OP> ^^^^^
[18:00] [AvA]sAvAs> can we just kick the child please
[18:01] Alan_Walker> Hey. wait why i can't play help meee
[18:01] [GoD]Shogun> thats also a problem
[18:01] [AvA]sAvAs> you have to be what like 14-16 to play this officially?
[18:01] [AvA]sAvAs> to sign up etc.
[18:01] jimmyhunter1000> Online play isn't rated
[18:01] [GoD]Shogun> how can he iomprove like that :'(
[18:01] [GoD]Shogun> ijmprove*
[18:01] jimmyhunter1000> TBF, he's not going to improve just being stomped without a chance
[18:01] [TDM]Tundar> T rod
[18:01] [AvA]sAvAs> looooooooooool
[18:01] [TDM]Tundar> =
[18:01] [TDM]Tundar> Noob
[18:01] Alan_Walker> :(
[18:01] Alan_Walker> Ñooooo
[18:02] Alan_Walker> pq nadie me hablaa
[18:02] Alan_Walker> lpm
[18:02] [Rw]loothill> porque aqui hablan ingles no español
[18:02] [TDM]Tundar> Babo 1vs1
[18:02] Alan_Walker> I no exist here
[18:02] [Rw]loothill> just realized that Tundar is talking from dc
[18:02] Alan_Walker> all forgot me
[18:04] Alan_Walker> :poop:
[18:04] Alan_Walker> :smile:
[18:04] Alan_Walker> :sad:
[18:04] Alan_Walker> :fuck:
[18:04] Alan_Walker> ioraar
[18:05] Alan_Walker> Niciiiii
[18:05] Alan_Walker> where are nici
[18:06] Alan_Walker> fuck
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :no:
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :moron:
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :mouse:
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :stupid:
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :fw:
[18:06] Alan_Walker> :firewarrior:
[18:07] Alan_Walker> fuck
[18:07] Alan_Walker> fuck all my libe
[18:07] Alan_Walker> live*
[18:07] Alan_Walker> i prepared for suicide
[18:07] Alan_Walker> Byeeee
[18:07] Alan_Walker> ./kill me
[18:08] Alan_Walker> :dead:
[18:08] Alan_Walker> *dead*
[18:08] Alan_Walker> *lovely dead*
[18:09] Alan_Walker> I lov sorry i say i hate BTS
[18:09] Alan_Walker> :dead:
[18:09] Alan_Walker> :suicide:
[18:09] Alan_Walker> :yourvieja:
[18:10] BrokenWings> :horse:
[18:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[18:10] Alan_Walker> :dinosaur:
[18:11] Alan_Walker> :imyoungyouaredinosaur:
[18:11] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[18:11] Alan_Walker> :jajajajajaj:
[18:11] Alan_Walker> :lmao:
[18:11] warrior out
[18:11] Alan_Walker> :smile:
[18:11] T-Rod> warrior wasnt bad tho
[18:11] xtro out
[18:11] Alan_Walker> :cry:
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> was it matt
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> :kek:
[18:12] T-Rod> i thought teamplayer was
[18:12] T-Rod> :kekw:
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> :keksad:
[18:12] T-Rod> care to play more babo
[18:12] vaccinated_OP out
[18:12] warrior in
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> guess thats a no
[18:12] T-Rod> probably
[18:12] Alan_Walker> wait what?
[18:12] warrior out
[18:13] Alan_Walker> turututtuunh
[18:13] Alan_Walker> tututuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun
[18:13] warrior in
[18:13] [AvA]sAvAs> alan stop spamming
[18:13] Alan_Walker> I'm no spamming but ok
[18:14] Nici_OP in
[18:14] Alan_Walker> Niciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[18:14] Alan_Walker> Tu bieja en tanga
[18:14] [GoD]Shogun> theres always some1 fukin up games
[18:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> (not spam)
[18:14] [GoD]Shogun> either lagging out or idk what
[18:14] warrior out
[18:14] Alan_Walker> Nici me recuerdas
[18:14] Alan_Walker> soy damir
[18:14] T-Rod> wanna do same map btw?
[18:15] [GoD]Shogun> its super bad
[18:15] T-Rod> ok can do other
[18:15] Alan_Walker out
[18:15] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yea I didn't like my position in that map
[18:15] T-Rod> what abt töm?
[18:15] [GoD]Shogun> nvm ill brb
[18:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> middle pos on that map is so bad ;-;
[18:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> but rest is good
[18:16] T-Rod> ye mid needs to survive only
[18:16] Alan_Walker in
[18:16] T-Rod> he need allies help alot
[18:16] T-Rod> support
[18:16] Alan_Walker> ok i back
[18:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> not a very fun experience haha
[18:16] T-Rod> tho warrior did gud on there
[18:17] TeamPlayer_Blue> Given the low amount of people online should we consider 4/5/6 player map?
[18:17] T-Rod> sure
[18:17] T-Rod> 3 v 3?
[18:17] TeamPlayer_Blue> Sure
[18:17] T-Rod> what abt this map`?
[18:17] T-Rod> i allways likes it
[18:17] T-Rod> liked
[18:17] [GoD]Shogun> not sure rod
[18:17] [AvA]Novaharvest> this one has the middle player problem again
[18:17] [GoD]Shogun> u can 3v3 meanwhile
[18:18] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[18:18] T-Rod> i think midplayer have alot space in back
[18:18] [AvA]Novaharvest> idk if its enough haha
[18:18] [AvA]Novaharvest> they get trippled
[18:18] T-Rod> ok
[18:18] T-Rod> so what map then
[18:18] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[18:18] [AvA]Novaharvest> dead sea ye :D
[18:19] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[18:19] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[18:19] T-Rod> this is new map
[18:19] Kay> ouch g xD
[18:19] T-Rod> 3 v 3
[18:19] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[18:19] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[18:19] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tsu
[18:19] warrior in
[18:19] Alan_Walker> eyes that no see heart that not feel
[18:19] Zpektrix_TAS> damn i always got eqed in the beginning
[18:19] [AsG]Ragnj> gg
[18:19] [AvA]Novaharvest> i think this is the one with all spells on?
[18:19] [AvA]Stauni> lol ey
[18:19] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 4v 4
[18:19] Kay> sry alan
[18:19] Alan_Walker> why?
[18:19] [AvA]Stauni> kein glück auch
[18:19] T-Rod> warrior> 4v4 please
[18:20] Alan_Walker> i am good player
[18:20] Kay> reserved
[18:20] Alan_Walker> fucker
[18:20] Alan_Walker> i am sad
[18:20] Kay> maps
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS> so danny
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS> i chose a good one
[18:20] Kay> i send u ice cream later
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS> what is your next
[18:20] Alan_Walker> yeess
[18:20] Alan_Walker> send me icecream
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS> i'm gonna send you condom
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS> be happy
[18:20] Kay> LOL
[18:20] Alan_Walker> ouu
[18:20] T-Rod> do we have map wishes?
[18:20] [AvA]Novaharvest> palace good map
[18:20] Alan_Walker> condom
[18:21] [SW]chapo in
[18:21] Alan_Walker> send me vibrator
[18:21] RessurectioN_TAS> i wanna try new M1
[18:21] Zpektrix_TAS> m1 is gone
[18:21] Kay> u cannot use it
[18:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> -.-
[18:21] Zpektrix_TAS> akira removed it
[18:21] T-Rod> :wut:
[18:22] Alan_Walker> :(
[18:22] T-Rod> teams or random?
[18:22] [GoD]Shogun> :(
[18:22] Kay> the old one?
[18:22] T-Rod> sry alan thoes were before u
[18:22] [GoD]Shogun> fhk im back fhk
[18:22] Alan_Walker> :cry:
[18:22] T-Rod> ;(
[18:22] Kay> or others
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> this new m1 is shit
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[18:22] T-Rod> hey boys
[18:22] T-Rod> random?
[18:22] TeamPlayer_Blue> Let's follow mm advise about best teams?
[18:22] [GoD]Shogun> :heyboy:
[18:22] [AvA]sAvAs> go go go
[18:22] Kay> i never seen it xD
[18:22] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]sAvAs + [AsG]Ragnj + warrior vs. [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Stauni + BrokenWings + TeamPlayer_Blue
[18:22] T-Rod> kk
[18:22] Alan_Walker> someone to play with me
[18:22] RessurectioN_TAS> four diamonds
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> hmm
[18:22] Alan_Walker> pls
[18:22] Alan_Walker> :)
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> lmao
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> that shit map
[18:22] Zpektrix_TAS> D
[18:22] [AvA]Novaharvest> M1 is just a better face off, but its a bad concept
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDD
[18:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> either way
[18:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> go man vwtf
[18:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> any map teams random
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> GO MAN
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> MY PTS MAN
[18:23] RessurectioN_TAS> or Central Hub
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> ok
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> central hub
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> gogogogogo
[18:23] Alan_Walker> someone 1v1?
[18:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> hmm
[18:23] [AvA]Obduction in
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> gogogogo
[18:24] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[18:24] Kay> this?
[18:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes
[18:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[18:24] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah
[18:24] Alan_Walker> ?
[18:24] Alan_Walker> pls someone play with me?
[18:24] [AvA]sAvAs> go go?
[18:24] T-Rod> launching
[18:24] [SW]chapo out
[18:24] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh, maybe try again?
[18:25] [AvA]Novaharvest> damn the teams ;-;
[18:25] TeamPlayer_Blue> warrior is having some issues I guess
[18:25] Alan_Walker> someone play with me?
[18:25] Alan_Walker> someone wan't play?
[18:25] T-Rod> he had super slow launch last time too
[18:25] Alan_Walker> want*
[18:26] TeamPlayer_Blue> Should we ask Alan to join instead?
[18:26] Alan_Walker> yesss
[18:26] Alan_Walker> pls
[18:26] T-Rod> warrior man
[18:26] T-Rod> rejoin
[18:26] [AvA]Stauni> how tf he gained so much pop with the converts you need like 10+ huts
[18:26] T-Rod> or some
[18:26] [AvA]sAvAs> just kick mate
[18:26] [AvA]sAvAs> wasting 8 people's time
[18:27] T-Rod> [AvA]Stauni> how tf he gained so much pop with the converts you need like 10+ huts?
[18:27] T-Rod> wut
[18:27] T-Rod> who
[18:27] Alan_Walker> go?
[18:27] Alan_Walker> i have a goodping
[18:28] Alan_Walker> start pls
[18:28] T-Rod> im trying
[18:28] Alan_Walker> ???
[18:28] Alan_Walker> you are wasting time
[18:28] jimmyhunter1000> Alan man, chill
[18:29] [AvA]Stauni> alan you need to do !beta
[18:29] [AvA]Stauni> we are waiting for you pepega
[18:29] [AvA]Stauni> team playe ralso
[18:29] TeamPlayer_Blue> uhm?
[18:29] TeamPlayer_Blue> I'm launching?
[18:29] TeamPlayer_Blue> TeamPlayer_Blue - MapPack: OK
[18:30] [AvA]Stauni> sry
[18:30] [AvA]Stauni> overread+
[18:30] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]sAvAs + [AvA]Novaharvest + jimmyhunter1000 vs. [AsG]Ragnj + [AvA]Stauni + BrokenWings + TeamPlayer_Blue
[18:30] [AvA]sAvAs> whats the plan
[18:30] [AvA]sAvAs> nice
[18:30] [TDM]Tundar in
[18:30] Alan_Walker> :cry:
[18:31] Alan_Walker> all cant play with me
[18:31] Alan_Walker> don't wanna
[18:31] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[18:31] Alan_Walker> hi
[18:31] Alan_Walker> play with me?
[18:32] jimmyhunter1000> lol, nice map
[18:32] [AvA]sAvAs> told you, bugged map, wont work
[18:32] [AvA]sAvAs> 8walls?
[18:32] TeamPlayer_Blue> why did that happen?
[18:32] T-Rod> sure
[18:32] [AvA]sAvAs> or tom
[18:32] [AvA]Novaharvest> it might be cursed for you savas lol
[18:32] [AvA]sAvAs> or whatever you want, mr rod
[18:33] jimmyhunter1000> Because it's a broken map that for some reason was uploaded with no testing
[18:33] [AvA]Novaharvest> tom > walls <3
[18:33] TeamPlayer_Blue> let's do 4 walls
[18:33] T-Rod> idm something allies can carry me
[18:33] Alan_Walker> plssss
[18:33] Alan_Walker> let me in
[18:33] [AvA]sAvAs> lol it is mate, Nova, how are things in london?
[18:33] [AvA]sAvAs> are you still devvvvving?
[18:33] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]sAvAs + jimmyhunter1000 + [AvA]Novaharvest vs. [AsG]Ragnj + [AvA]Stauni + BrokenWings + TeamPlayer_Blue
[18:33] [AvA]Novaharvest> londons fine haha ty
[18:33] [AvA]Novaharvest> gotta wait longer for things to open :(
[18:33] Alan_Walker> stupids
[18:33] [AvA]sAvAs> ^ that's looks a little unfair towards their team
[18:33] [AvA]Novaharvest> but other than that its cool
[18:34] TeamPlayer_Blue> I'm fine with best team advise
[18:34] jimmyhunter1000> Whatcha mean? I suck at front base on 4walls Savas
[18:34] [AvA]sAvAs> ok mate
[18:34] [AvA]sAvAs> lets go then
[18:34] [AvA]Stauni> yye no wonder his 3 braves puished me in water
[18:35] [GoD]Shogun out
[18:35] [GoD]Shogun in
[18:38] Alan_Walker> i'm bored
[18:39] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[18:39] [Rw]loothill out
[18:42] power_OP in
[18:42] Alan_Walker> hii
[18:42] power_OP> hi elan
[18:42] Alan_Walker> hi
[18:42] Alan_Walker> 1v1?
[18:42] power_OP> Alan*
[18:43] power_OP> you new?
[18:43] Alan_Walker> no
[18:43] power_OP> good
[18:43] [Rw]loothill in
[18:43] Alan_Walker> i am so much old
[18:43] power_OP> like?
[18:43] Alan_Walker> but only i dont played for much time
[18:43] Alan_Walker> 2016
[18:44] power_OP> understand
[18:44] power_OP> if i can host you
[18:44] Alan_Walker> try
[18:44] Alan_Walker> i host
[18:44] Alan_Walker> ah wait
[18:44] Alan_Walker> sorry
[18:44] Alan_Walker> but you can wait me a sec?
[18:44] Medusa_OP in
[18:44] Alan_Walker> i need crack a app
[18:44] power_OP> yeah need 10 m,,ns also
[18:44] power_OP> yoo bianca sup
[18:44] Alan_Walker> if i am using wifi
[18:44] Medusa_OP> hi power :)
[18:45] Alan_Walker> Medusa is bianca?
[18:45] Alan_Walker> wow
[18:45] Medusa_OP> ye
[18:45] Alan_Walker> you forgot me?
[18:45] Alan_Walker> i'am damhyr
[18:45] Medusa_OP> nope we were clanmates in SR
[18:46] Alan_Walker> :damn:
[18:46] [TDM]Tundar> :o hello beautiful
[18:47] IncaWarrior> free nici porn on discord
[18:47] Medusa_OP> hot tub stream incoming :kekw:
[18:48] power_OP> lol
[18:48] IncaWarrior> this is how we get new players
[18:48] Medusa_OP> ^^
[18:48] Medusa_OP> gonna stream on webcam too
[18:48] onePointZeroThree> disgusting
[18:48] Medusa_OP> :gigakekw:
[18:48] Meph in
[18:48] onePointZeroThree> worse than beta
[18:49] Medusa_OP> wow trod isi back
[18:49] Medusa_OP> is*
[18:50] power_OP> yeah
[18:50] power_OP> and picked up a 8p team
[18:50] power_OP> quickly
[18:50] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:50] Medusa_OP> lemme check what they play
[18:50] Alan_Walker> what is yoo
[18:50] Medusa_OP> ohhh 8p tom :ohyes:
[18:50] Alan_Walker out
[18:50] Medusa_OP> walls*
[18:50] Alan_Walker in
[18:51] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:51] Alan_Walker> yes
[18:51] Alan_Walker> i have ping?
[18:51] Medusa_OP> yeah233
[18:51] Alan_Walker> yess
[18:51] Alan_Walker> map?
[18:52] Alan_Walker> put a good map for three
[18:52] [TDM]Tundar> webcam
[18:52] [TDM]Tundar> :o
[18:52] Alan_Walker> what?
[18:52] Medusa_OP> for three ok
[18:52] Medusa_OP> idk
[18:52] Medusa_OP> hm
[18:52] Alan_Walker> ok
[18:53] Alan_Walker> put eh eh
[18:53] Alan_Walker> ammmmm
[18:53] Medusa_OP> tbh i am no fan of ffa
[18:53] Alan_Walker> hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[18:53] Alan_Walker> put pressurepoint?
[18:53] Medusa_OP> sure
[18:54] Alan_Walker> pls i have how 3 hours waitin to play
[18:54] Medusa_OP> and thats my problem?
[18:54] Alan_Walker> no
[18:54] power_OP> lol
[18:54] power_OP> you must wait
[18:54] Alan_Walker> i only saiying you
[18:54] power_OP> at least 5
[18:54] Medusa_OP> lel
[18:54] Alan_Walker> i am bored
[18:54] Alan_Walker> pls go?
[18:54] Medusa_OP> if you stress me
[18:54] Medusa_OP> i say
[18:54] Medusa_OP> brb spliff 5 min
[18:55] Alan_Walker> ok
[18:55] Medusa_OP> LOL
[18:55] power_OP> we making ffa
[18:55] power_OP> ?
[18:55] Medusa_OP> seems so
[18:55] Medusa_OP> i am not nici i cannot 2v1 on pp
[18:55] power_OP> lol
[18:55] power_OP> did he ?
[18:55] Medusa_OP> but i put myself in the middle
[18:55] Medusa_OP> yeah he did once
[18:55] Medusa_OP> against me and lucita
[18:55] Medusa_OP> and lost :kekw:
[18:55] power_OP> ofc
[18:56] Alan_Walker out
[18:56] Alan_Walker in
[18:56] Alan_Walker> what
[18:56] Medusa_OP> ?
[18:56] Alan_Walker> my pop crashed
[18:56] Medusa_OP> :nice:
[18:56] Alan_Walker> use 1.05
[18:56] Medusa_OP> ...
[18:57] Alan_Walker> 1.5b*
[18:59] Alan_Walker out
[19:02] Zero_Eclipse in
[19:04] Zero_Eclipse out
[19:04] Zero_Eclipse in
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:05] Kay> gg
[19:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg
[19:05] Kay> just a little bit
[19:05] [AvA]sAvAs> children ffs
[19:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol ress last kill
[19:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> the luck i had
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> spin never had over 100 pop
[19:05] Zpektrix_TAS> lmao
[19:05] RessurectioN_TAS> yea my fs didnt kill you
[19:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> rofl
[19:06] RessurectioN_TAS> you were dying
[19:06] RessurectioN_TAS> like 5%hp
[19:06] [AvA]S0ma in
[19:06] Zero_Eclipse> can anyone tell me
[19:06] Zero_Eclipse> when i play on 8p
[19:06] Zero_Eclipse> i dont get a screen ingame
[19:06] Zero_Eclipse> its always black
[19:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> OHH
[19:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> KEITHLING
[19:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> <3
[19:06] [AsG]Keith52> Wow what a game opportunity !
[19:07] Zpektrix_TAS> damn i had to carry spin
[19:07] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:07] RessurectioN_TAS> :howdy:
[19:08] RessurectioN_TAS out
[19:08] Zero_Eclipse out
[19:09] Kay> grrr why my pop run from danny base
[19:09] T-Rod> gg wp
[19:09] [AvA]Stauni> lol savas
[19:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> ggwp
[19:09] [AvA]Stauni> 200-> 100
[19:09] TeamPlayer_Blue> T-rod want to host pp 4 players?
[19:09] T-Rod> gonna order quiq pizza
[19:09] T-Rod> ummm
[19:09] T-Rod> maybe after
[19:11] [AsG]Sky- in
[19:14] [AsG]Ragnj out
[19:15] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:17] [AvA]sAvAs out
[19:17] [AvA]Savas in
[19:19] T-Rod> Wow Keith owning meph
[19:20] [AvA]S0ma out
[19:20] T-Rod> what a pro
[19:20] Kay out
[19:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yellow must have some nice spells
[19:21] T-Rod> true dat
[19:21] T-Rod> thats what mostly happens when u play against keith
[19:21] T-Rod> keith chases u with lights all game
[19:21] T-Rod> but once u get in
[19:21] T-Rod> its gg
[19:22] TeamPlayer_Blue> didn't see lights yet
[19:22] T-Rod> ye its out of ordinary tho
[19:22] T-Rod> maybe he only gets lights against me
[19:22] T-Rod> :kekw:
[19:22] [D]xfiresx15 in
[19:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> I would be a bit nervous if I was green
[19:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> he might have fs
[19:23] T-Rod> volcano attleast
[19:23] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[19:24] TeamPlayer_Blue> is tornado the new light?
[19:24] T-Rod> probably
[19:24] onePointZeroThree> fhk sik brah
[19:24] T-Rod> its costs more tho
[19:24] [GoD]Shogun> there will never be a spell good enough to replace light
[19:24] [GoD]Shogun> give up yo hopes :kek:
[19:24] T-Rod> what abt fs
[19:24] T-Rod> :nice:
[19:25] [GoD]Shogun> el nais :nice:
[19:25] onePointZeroThree> ice storm :owut:
[19:25] T-Rod> imagine adding new spells on pop
[19:25] [GoD]Shogun> ye ask them
[19:25] T-Rod> lightstorm
[19:25] [GoD]Shogun> answer will always be the same "thats too tricky sry"
[19:26] ElDongo out
[19:29] jimmyhunter1000 out
[19:30] T-Rod> nobody believed 8p games would come real
[19:31] Alan_Walker in
[19:31] [GoD]Shogun> gud one
[19:31] [GoD]Shogun> no1 believed rod would ever reach shaman rank
[19:31] [GoD]Shogun> :nice:
[19:31] T-Rod> even i didnt
[19:31] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:31] power_OP> gg wp
[19:31] [GoD]Shogun> cept hes fake as fak :nice:
[19:32] T-Rod> fakiest of all
[19:32] T-Rod> never seen such fakies
[19:32] Medusa_OP> welcome back trod :D
[19:32] T-Rod> hi
[19:32] T-Rod> ty
[19:32] power_OP> wow bianca your pop graph
[19:32] ElDongo in
[19:32] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:33] Alan_Walker> wow}
[19:33] onePointZeroThree> god bless america
[19:33] onePointZeroThree> :trump:
[19:33] power_OP> lol
[19:34] T-Rod> god this keith
[19:34] T-Rod> coulda got in so ez
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> ez to see when ur not the one playin
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> always so ez to talk
[19:34] T-Rod> i meant
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> but under pressure is not the same shiet :nice:;
[19:35] T-Rod> i saw him charging volcano instead swarn ghost or light to pass one tower
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> why u surprised tho
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> its keith :nice:
[19:35] T-Rod> wow he got in
[19:35] T-Rod> :good:
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> wish keith trained me :good:
[19:36] [GoD]Shogun> op as fak :good:
[19:36] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[19:36] Broady_OP in
[19:36] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[19:36] Alan_Walker> host
[19:36] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: There is already a host in your hut
[19:37] Alan_Walker> yes
[19:37] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[19:37] Broady_OP out
[19:37] Alan_Walker> host
[19:37] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[19:37] TeamPlayer_Blue> hey
[19:37] Alan_Walker> pp
[19:37] Minibot_UK> TeamPlayer_Blue: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[19:37] T-Rod> If u ask nicely he might
[19:37] T-Rod> :nice:
[19:37] Alan_Walker> start
Launching game...
[19:37] TeamPlayer_Blue> launch
Updating Populous 1.5...
[19:37] Medusa_OP> trod can you train me? :ohyes:
[19:37] TeamPlayer_Blue> [launch]
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
TeamPlayer_Blue - MapPack: OK
Alan_Walker - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - TeamPlayer_Blue: Red - Alan_Walker: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[19:38] Alan_Walker out
[19:38] Alan_Walker in
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> fuck me mn
[19:38] T-Rod> Im the one need of train
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> screw that
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> bs quitting
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar out
[19:38] Medusa_OP> :o
[19:38] [AsG]Keith52> Sore loser Meph is
[19:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[19:38] [AsG]Keith52> I had an untouched base lol
[19:38] [AsG]Keith52> Meph camped entire game vs me
[19:38] Alan_Walker> host
[19:38] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[19:38] Zpektrix_TAS> tundar quits too :P
[19:38] Meph> sore loser?
[19:38] T-Rod> wow Keith is this true
[19:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> giogogogogoo +3 ppp
[19:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gogogogo
[19:38] T-Rod> :pepedoor:
[19:38] Zpektrix_TAS> fair enough
[19:38] Minibot_UK> TeamPlayer_Blue: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[19:38] Alan_Walker> 1.5b
[19:38] Meph> you couldn't do shit without spin
[19:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> meph ocmmceomoceomcemocece
[19:39] Meph> relying on him pressuring me
[19:39] Alan_Walker> unrank
[19:39] [AsG]Keith52> I mean I needed spinn to do stuff casue you both camped :P
[19:39] Meph> yet i go mid and game fucks me
[19:39] Meph> happens
[19:39] [AsG]Keith52> Let's be honest the entire game was fucked
[19:39] Alan_Walker> download
[19:39] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: https://ts.popre.net/archive/Downloads/Game/pop_full.zip
[19:39] [AsG]Keith52> 1.01 is shit and IDK why we play it
[19:39] Meph> but acting like you did anything in that game is just weird
[19:39] [AsG]Keith52> VOlcano froze. You lost lights that were cruical
[19:39] Alan_Walker> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[19:39] [AsG]Keith52> I controlled the tempo of the game. I just sat there charging big spells cause you camped and didn't do anything
TeamPlayer_Blue - MapPack: OK
Alan_Walker - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - TeamPlayer_Blue: Red - Alan_Walker: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[19:39] T-Rod> Even keith getting volcano so early ,tells something
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> [03:38] [TDM]Tundar out
[19:40] Alan_Walker out
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> he is out
[19:40] Alan_Walker in
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> meph chan
[19:40] Meph> spin controlled the game, not you
[19:40] [AsG]Keith52> Spin controlled Tundar :kekw:
[19:40] Alan_Walker> g
[19:40] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[19:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> meph another pp man
[19:40] Alan_Walker> host
[19:40] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[19:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> CARBINE HOST
[19:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> SO MEPH JOINS
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> keith camps too
[19:40] Minibot_UK> TeamPlayer_Blue: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> camp vs camp
[19:40] Zpektrix_TAS> ally wins!
[19:40] Alan_Walker> 1.5
[19:40] [AvA]MIBbel out
[19:40] [AsG]Keith52> A fitting win to earn back shaman rank though
[19:41] Alan_Walker> beta
[19:41] [GoD]Shogun> beta > normal pop
[19:41] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:41] Alan_Walker> 1.05
[19:41] [AsG]Keith52> I did tell Tundar I was gonna take his points for shaman rank
[19:41] Alan_Walker> version
[19:41] [AvA]MIBbel out
[19:41] Meph> carbine go ahead and host pls
[19:41] [AsG]Keith52> But how nice to take it from both Meph and Tundar :kekw:
[19:41] [AsG]Keith52 out
[19:41] T-Rod> keith how u so pro
[19:41] [GoD]Shogun> when will people realise all the have to do is get a better pc that can handle beta n stop crying like cunts :shrug:
[19:41] [AsG]Keith52 in
[19:41] Alan_Walker> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[19:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> keith host
[19:41] [GoD]Shogun> specially addi who cant buy a better one cos hes poor :kek:
TeamPlayer_Blue - MapPack: OK
Alan_Walker - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - TeamPlayer_Blue: Red - Alan_Walker: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[19:41] T-Rod> T-Rod> keith how u so pro
[19:41] Alan_Walker> he cant
[19:41] Alan_Walker out
[19:41] Alan_Walker in
[19:41] [GoD]Shogun> all they have to do *
[19:42] Meph> keith let carbine host
[19:42] [AsG]Keith52> We randomizing or is it tvb
[19:42] [AsG]Keith52> ?
[19:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> vhan 1v1 cod
[19:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> random ofc wtf
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> k get cod 4
[19:42] TeamPlayer_Blue> +1 to host 1v1 pp beta
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> bo m4
[19:42] [AsG]Keith52> Carbine host?
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> bo4 *
[19:42] TeamPlayer_Blue> Alan let someone else host?
[19:42] TeamPlayer_Blue> o
[19:42] TeamPlayer_Blue> i got ping
[19:42] TeamPlayer_Blue> I don't -m-
[19:42] Meph> if this guy is too stupid I'll just host
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> keith shaman rank
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> holy shiet
[19:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> googogogog
[19:42] Zpektrix_TAS> carbine is too stupid
[19:42] T-Rod> Gratz keith
[19:42] Zpektrix_TAS> you know that
[19:43] [Rw]loothill> wow I can't get my ports working
[19:43] [Rw]loothill> Just opened 7575 tcp/udp
[19:43] [GoD]carbine> JOIN THEN
[19:43] Meph> omfg
[19:43] [GoD]Shogun> let spin red
[19:43] T-Rod> loothill prolly firewall
[19:43] Meph> are you high again?
[19:43] [GoD]Shogun> do pp
[19:43] [GoD]Shogun> gods united
[19:43] [GoD]carbine> WHAT COLOURS
[19:43] Meph> go random
[19:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> random
[19:43] [Rw]loothill> uh could be
[19:43] [Rw]loothill> ill open it as admin
[19:43] [Rw]loothill out
[19:43] [Rw]loothill in
[19:43] [D]xfiresx15 out
[19:43] TeamPlayer_Blue> Power
[19:44] ElDongo out
[19:44] TeamPlayer_Blue> can we do pp beta? Alan can't play 1.01
[19:44] TeamPlayer_Blue> ow
[19:44] TeamPlayer_Blue> He left.
[19:44] [Rw]loothill> its working now yay
[19:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> vhan spec this
[19:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you clown
[19:44] [GoD]Shogun> cant
[19:44] [Rw]loothill> Imagine being a medusa
[19:44] Alan_Walker> my pc not work 1-01
[19:44] Medusa_OP> :P
[19:44] Medusa_OP> yeah better not look me in the eyes
[19:44] power_OP> i m here
[19:44] Alan_Walker> put beta
[19:44] TeamPlayer_Blue> Cool
[19:45] [GoD]Shogun out
[19:45] Alan_Walker> power put beta
[19:45] [GoD]Shogun in
[19:45] [Rw]loothill> its weird
[19:45] [Rw]loothill> in English I can't look u directly to ur eyes
[19:45] [Rw]loothill> in Spanish I can't touch u from down cuz I would die
[19:45] onePointZeroThree out
[19:45] Medusa_OP> lfmaolfmaolmfao
[19:45] [Rw]loothill> Medusa = jellyfish in spanish
[19:45] Alan_Walker> puto lothill chileno del orto
[19:45] vaccinated_OP in
[19:45] power_OP> no ping alan
[19:46] power_OP> i cant ping you
[19:46] [Rw]loothill> ¿? AlAN
[19:46] Alan_Walker> medusa host
[19:46] [GoD]Shogun> welcome back babo
[19:46] [GoD]Shogun> :flexonem:
[19:46] Alan_Walker> insulto him
[19:46] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[19:46] vaccinated_OP> :clownparty:
[19:46] vaccinated_OP> spin still doing unfair teams?
[19:46] [Rw]loothill> yall got nitro from Epic store?
[19:46] [GoD]Shogun> they did random pp
[19:46] vaccinated_OP> yes loot
[19:47] [Rw]loothill> good
[19:47] TeamPlayer_Blue> Hmm Power could we try switch host with medusa just to see if he gets ping
[19:47] [Rw]loothill> its emoji time
[19:47] [Rw]loothill> I got a page that owns a ton of emojis
[19:47] Alan_Walker> yees
[19:47] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[19:47] Alan_Walker> medusa get us ping
[19:47] [Rw]loothill> https://emoji.gg/
[19:47] power_OP> rejoin alan
[19:47] Medusa_OP> why dont you guys forward your ports
[19:47] Medusa_OP> i mean even i could do that
[19:47] Medusa_OP> and i got no clue about this stuff
[19:48] Alan_Walker> medusa host you
[19:48] Alan_Walker> yes i have ping
[19:49] TeamPlayer_Blue> Change spot with power?
[19:49] TeamPlayer_Blue> Or are we not playing pp?
[19:49] warrior out
[19:49] Alan_Walker> put blastwar? or no?
[19:50] TeamPlayer_Blue> alan
[19:50] TeamPlayer_Blue> u see my ping?
[19:50] TeamPlayer_Blue> I see it
[19:50] [AvA]Novaharvest> brb
[19:50] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[19:50] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[19:50] Alan_Walker out
[19:51] TeamPlayer_Blue> [host]
[19:51] Minibot_UK> TeamPlayer_Blue: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[19:51] Alan_Walker in
[19:52] Alan_Walker out
[19:52] Alan_Walker in
[19:53] TeamPlayer_Blue> can this minibot do beta?
[19:53] Alan_Walker> minibot can t put in beta
[19:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[19:55] iRespectWomenxD26> whos alan walker again
[19:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> I have no clue..
[19:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> But he want to play
[19:55] Alan_Walker> plss
[19:55] iRespectWomenxD26> play with power
[19:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> Oh well
[19:56] Alan_Walker> :(
[19:56] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:56] Alan_Walker> idk what he hate me
[19:58] Alan_Walker out
[19:58] Alan_Walker in
[19:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> just finished the 6p one because not many people haha
[20:00] vaccinated_OP> rofl
[20:00] vaccinated_OP> damhyr is back
[20:00] vaccinated_OP> the man the legend
[20:00] vaccinated_OP> be afraid shogun
[20:00] Alan_Walker> yes
[20:00] Alan_Walker> i am damir
[20:00] [GoD]Shogun> fuk i have to do here
[20:00] Alan_Walker> shogun ban me stupid mother fucker insulto him ban me stupid fuck
[20:01] [GoD]Shogun> ok got it
[20:01] Alan_Walker> era asi?
[20:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> angery
[20:01] Alan_Walker> im not angery
[20:01] Alan_Walker> i am fine
[20:01] Alan_Walker> but is a meme
[20:01] [GoD]Shogun> omfg yeah
[20:01] [GoD]Shogun> this guy is barbarian king lmfao
[20:01] Alan_Walker> that make me in 2017
[20:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> :>
[20:01] [GoD]Shogun> the reator of the insulto u guy
[20:01] Alan_Walker> insulto him * moron
[20:02] [GoD]Shogun> creator*
[20:02] [GoD]Shogun> thought u were some random cunt i never heard of
[20:02] [GoD]Shogun> :shrug:
[20:02] Alan_Walker> shoun you are the creator of the meme?
[20:02] [GoD]Shogun> shogun is an admin
[20:02] Alan_Walker> vomit
[20:03] Alan_Walker> you continue saying that you are admin
[20:03] Alan_Walker> stupid
[20:03] [AvA]Stauni> babo versucht wieder ein game zu hosten xD
[20:03] Alan_Walker> yes ihave ping
[20:03] [GoD]Shogun> yes im an admin wanna get banned alan ?
[20:04] Alan_Walker> yes
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> can ban u for 3 years
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> u sure ?
[20:04] Alan_Walker> sure
[20:04] Alan_Walker> ban me six years
[20:04] power_OP out
[20:04] Alan_Walker> 6
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> oh is that so ?
[20:04] power_OP in
[20:04] Alan_Walker> yes
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> ok ill make it 9 years
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun> u up ?
[20:04] [AvA]Stauni> lifetimeban
[20:04] Alan_Walker> 18 yeARS
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> ok permaban it is then
[20:05] Alan_Walker> OO years
[20:05] vaccinated_OP> immer stauni lol
[20:05] Alan_Walker> infinite ban me
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> ok gimme a sec gotta ban ur IP
[20:05] Alan_Walker> i am stupid ban me you have reason ban meeeeeeee!!! BAN ME!!!!!!!!!!
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> brb
[20:05] [AvA]Stauni> naja vorhin eher weniger haha
[20:05] Alan_Walker> Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> ja deswegen hoste ich jetzt, damit spin nicht wieder "faire" teams machen kann
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> wo er mir die 3 schlechtesten ausm game ins team packt
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> lol
[20:06] [AvA]Stauni> when is the league points corrected again?
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> ist glaub ich wieder normal
[20:06] [AvA]Stauni> nein defi nicht
[20:06] Alan_Walker> 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1++1+1+1+1+
[20:06] Alan_Walker> gogogogoogogogogogo
[20:06] [AvA]Stauni> bin fast fw und habe laut system 68 spiele aber 170 mit fist xd
[20:07] Alan_Walker> join
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> xD
[20:07] IncaWarrior> what's wrong with league points?
[20:07] Alan_Walker> join there 1+
[20:07] [AvA]Stauni> my points are too high
[20:07] [AvA]Stauni> it says i have 68 games but 170 with fistung
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=449041
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> still seems fucked for some people
[20:07] Alan_Walker> link
[20:07] amnesia out
[20:08] Alan_Walker> host
[20:08] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: There is already a host in your hut
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> nice +7 sigma m8
[20:08] [AvA]Stauni> won buit - 92 xd
[20:08] Alan_Walker> host here
[20:08] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[20:08] Alan_Walker> host
[20:08] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:08] Minibot_UK> Alan_Walker: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:08] Alan_Walker> !forward
[20:08] IncaWarrior> mm yeah that was the day the recalc broke
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> you gonna recalc again
[20:09] vaccinated_OP> or is stauni just lucky now? :D
[20:09] IncaWarrior> I'll do it again now
[20:09] [AvA]Stauni> also 3rd june 220 pointsd and 5 june 350 pt xd
[20:09] [GoD]Shogun> inca this alan guy thinks im not admin
[20:09] [GoD]Shogun> tell him who i am
[20:09] vaccinated_OP> oh boy thats my chance to get a rank other than green shaman
[20:09] [AvA]Stauni> 130 pt withiun 2 days pog me
[20:10] [AvA]Savas> He's just a noob, Alan, leave him alone :P
[20:11] [AvA]Stauni> now my rank xd
[20:11] [AvA]Stauni> but it doesnt show points i got for my last 50 wis xD
[20:11] [AvA]Stauni> ok 20 lol
[20:12] vaccinated_OP> +7
[20:12] vaccinated_OP> :pwease:
[20:12] [AvA]Stauni> join here xd
[20:13] IncaWarrior> ok, looks good now
[20:13] [GoD]Shogun> inca lemmi mod for a day
[20:13] [GoD]Shogun> ty
[20:13] Mammy_Tas out
[20:13] [GoD]Shogun> :pwease:
[20:13] Mammy_Tas in
[20:13] IncaWarrior> you're still a pracher Stauni
[20:13] [AvA]Stauni> yeah looks better
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> yes i know
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> power slipped to warrior
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> +
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> 1
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> thx Inco
[20:14] [AvA]Stauni> Inca*
[20:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh shit we full
[20:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Mammy_Tas vs. [AvA]Savas + BrokenWings + [AvA]Stauni
[20:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> probs fair
[20:16] [AvA]Stauni> why does mammy use his fake rank and sometimes not lol
[20:16] [AvA]Savas out
[20:16] Mammy_Tas> Because i can :omegakekw:
[20:17] [AvA]Savas in
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni> scammer :D
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni> i will need a boat soon - all that sweat
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[20:18] Alan_Walker out
[20:18] Alan_Walker in
[20:23] Alan_Walker> someone 1v1?
[20:24] Alan_Walker> ???
[20:24] Alan_Walker> someone wanna play 1v1?
[20:24] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[20:25] Alan_Walker> someone?
[20:25] Alan_Walker> wanna play 1v1?
[20:25] Alan_Walker> with me?
[20:26] Alan_Walker> plss
[20:26] Alan_Walker> only accept wildies or braves
[20:26] Alan_Walker> iam starting
[20:26] onePointZeroThree in
[20:27] onePointZeroThree> :howdy:
[20:27] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nicd rank m8
[20:27] [AvA]st_Antivirus> *e
[20:27] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[20:27] Saphira9999 in
[20:27] onePointZeroThree> my wild rank gon :pepewhy:
[20:27] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekclown:
[20:27] Saphira9999 out
[20:27] Meph out
[20:27] Hungaro in
[20:27] onePointZeroThree> nice avast antivirus m8
[20:28] onePointZeroThree> much virus
[20:28] onePointZeroThree> :pepeclown:
[20:28] [AvA]st_Antivirus> ty:)
[20:28] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice 1.03
[20:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg wp
[20:29] T-Rod> gg wp
[20:29] T-Rod> U know what we could say abt keiths rank :kekw:
[20:29] T-Rod> And its gone
[20:29] Alan_Walker> :(
[20:29] Alan_Walker> that bored
[20:30] Alan_Walker> pls someone can play with me?
[20:30] [GoD]carbine> keith
[20:30] [GoD]carbine> got evil eye
[20:30] [GoD]carbine> from someone
[20:30] [GoD]carbine> for his rank
[20:30] [GoD]carbine> then it dissapeared
[20:30] [GoD]carbine out
[20:30] Alan_Walker> uh
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:31] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:31] T-Rod> Biancaaa
[20:31] Medusa_OP> ?
[20:31] T-Rod> get in plz ty
[20:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +4
[20:32] T-Rod> :nice:
[20:32] Medusa_OP> nah man i am no fan of 8p games
[20:32] T-Rod> babo can we do tom
[20:32] T-Rod> i want small base
[20:32] vaccinated_OP> no
[20:33] power_OP> gg wp bro
[20:33] TeamPlayer_Blue> You did great
[20:33] T-Rod> gg
[20:33] TeamPlayer_Blue> good defens at start
[20:33] power_OP> yeah i need to made second layer def
[20:33] power_OP> like you
[20:34] Meph in
[20:34] power_OP> also my popg was back too
[20:34] power_OP> 70 at 10th min
[20:34] power_OP> too les
[20:34] power_OP> s
[20:35] power_OP> i have real rank now good
[20:35] Alan_Walker out
[20:37] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +2
[20:39] Meph out
[20:39] [AsG]Sky-> that alot of shamans in tyhat hut lol
[20:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i only see one
[20:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[20:39] power_OP> lol
[20:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loll
[20:40] TeamPlayer_Blue> What about we do 3v3?
[20:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can do too
[20:40] Meph in
[20:40] vaccinated_OP> meph keith join
[20:43] [GoD]carbine in
[20:43] Hokage_OP in
[20:45] [TDM]Tundar in
[20:45] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[20:46] [GoD]Nici_Jr> na sieh mal einer an
[20:46] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loooolo
[20:46] HexTheRex in
[20:46] [GoD]Nici_Jr> du wichser
[20:46] [TDM]Tundar> I might play, I might not
[20:46] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wie er aus dem nichtsa kommt
[20:46] [Rw]Phoenix-> nici jr? LOL
[20:46] [TDM]Tundar> Depends, will my opponents spam lights from 5th minute?
[20:46] [Rw]Phoenix-> jetzt
[20:46] [Rw]Phoenix-> errst
[20:46] [Rw]Phoenix-> dienen namen gesehen
[20:46] vaccinated_OP> ^!best
[20:46] [GoD]Nici_Jr> das ist hier nichht
[20:47] [GoD]Nici_Jr> das finanzamt
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> na warte du wichser
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> keine gndae
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> gndae
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> gnade*
[20:47] [GoD]Nici_Jr> na du warte
[20:47] [GoD]Nici_Jr> what r the teams
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> na du warte guck meine letzten spiele an
[20:47] [Rw]Phoenix-> komm 1vs1 du noob
[20:47] [TDM]Tundar> spin = boring
[20:48] [TDM]Tundar> :(
[20:48] [TDM]Tundar out
[20:48] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can we change the map
[20:48] [Rw]Phoenix-> wir sind hier nicht bei
[20:48] [Rw]Phoenix-> kinderkarusell
[20:48] [Rw]Phoenix-> das ist purer ernst hier
[20:48] onePointZeroThree> clown game
[20:48] onePointZeroThree> :clown:
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> ffs spin
[20:49] [AvA]Savas> sorry, I was lagging like a mofo, 10-15 secs delay
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> spin du clown alter
[20:49] [GoD]Nici_Jr> [21:48] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can we change the map
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> why join my hut
[20:49] [GoD]Nici_Jr> und er startet einfach lol
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> when you dont play
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> u say it right when we're literally launching?
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> i clicked as soon as you said that
[20:49] [GoD]Nici_Jr> what r the teams
[20:49] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tho
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> the teams are what !best says
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> vaccinated_OP + TeamPlayer_Blue + [AvA]Namechangingftw + power_OP vs. [Rw]Phoenix- + [GoD]Nici_Jr + [GoD]Shogun + Hokage_OP
[20:49] [GoD]Nici_Jr> let me check that shit lol
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> that is not fair
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> but its ok
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> why not?
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> u take pheonix we teamplayer?
[20:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Fist
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> wtf?
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOOOL
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> clown man
[20:50] power_OP> lollol
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ??
[20:50] TeamPlayer_Blue> Let's just play..
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> clown party
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> well go this then
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wait a sec
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> who stole pheonicxs spoot
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> ye
[20:50] [AvA]Savas out
[20:50] [GoD]Nici_Jr> who is ye
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> someone stole hyperactives spot
[20:50] vaccinated_OP> nova or stauni
[20:51] [AvA]Stauni> both
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> make me n vhan
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> rest idc
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :nice:
[20:51] [Rw]Phoenix-> ist es bei euch auch so wrm ?
[20:51] vaccinated_OP> why leave
[20:51] [Rw]Phoenix-> 33 grad
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ja
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 31 grad
[20:51] [AvA]Stauni> ne brauch bald boot für schweiß
[20:51] [AvA]Novaharvest> were you remaking a game?
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> jesus fukin crhitst n*gga
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> er brauch ein boot
[20:51] vaccinated_OP> yes come
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> für schweis
[20:51] [GoD]Nici_Jr> saght er
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> fwerfsaedgawegbv
[20:52] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[20:52] [AvA]Namechangingftw> eiikalten sangria mit osaft und rum
[20:52] vaccinated_OP> nein nein
[20:52] [AvA]Namechangingftw> jummy
[20:52] [AvA]Stauni> wtf xd
[20:52] vaccinated_OP> gin mit wildberry
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> join u hurensohn
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> ffs
[20:52] [GoD]Shogun> alta
[20:52] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gott seid ihr pussies
[20:52] [GoD]Nici_Jr> milch mit honig ist das wahre
[20:52] [Rw]Phoenix-> spin auch wenn ich dich unterrichtet habe ich werde keine gndae zeigen
[20:52] BrokenWings out
[20:52] [GoD]Nici_Jr> kommen die mit hartem alkoholika
[20:52] [Rw]Phoenix-> is mir völlig egal
[20:53] [AvA]Savas in
[20:53] Ainia in
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lb off
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> r u srs
[20:55] onePointZeroThree> ?I2
[20:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> fucking
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> god man how hard is it to make a normal map
[20:55] onePointZeroThree> 5th 8p game and people leave/crash
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> fsagAHEEWhme´`hmwelphmwelkwemlkhewlknmhgewlkngnñarhehrea+
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do same with all spells
[20:55] power_OP> can we just play please
[20:55] onePointZeroThree> gg
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> nah spin
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> i had babo in front of me
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> I DO PLAY
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> out of the hut
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> was gonna be fun
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> fFS
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> fukin losers
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> kkk
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> +2
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> im off if this happens again
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> no crying losers
[20:55] [AvA]Savas out
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> +1
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> who the fuck playsm without lb
[20:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and fs
[20:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> Nici_JR what was the problem?
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> THERE IS LB
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> AND FS
[20:56] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[20:56] [GoD]Shogun> spin crying more than usual man
[20:56] [GoD]Shogun> wtgf
[20:56] [GoD]Shogun> e
[20:56] [GoD]Shogun> gmehjwophjwpoe
[20:56] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do a normal map
[20:56] power_OP> when i played that map it had normal spells but now its changed?
[20:56] [GoD]Nici_Jr> where i can build at least 3 huts ?
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> power_OP: i updated the map
[20:56] [Rw]Phoenix-> loloolo
[20:56] T-Rod> Spin had planty space, he coulda builded attleaste one hut :kekw:
[20:56] power_OP> ohh ok
[20:56] [GoD]Nici_Jr> [21:56] power_OP> when i played that map it had normal spells but now its changed?
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> Spinnifake: your allies have LB to expand you
[20:56] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :heyboy:
[20:56] Ainia out
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> spin changed
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> like wtf
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf=
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> when did you get so picky
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do a normal map
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> im not picky
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> "omg unfair teams"
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> *uses !best*
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> not doing retarded restrictions
[20:57] T-Rod> normal map like töm
[20:57] [GoD]Shogun> spin dun wanna play
[20:57] _[AvA]Savas in
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> go fuck your normal restrictions
[20:57] [GoD]Shogun> he just doesnt know yet
[20:57] [GoD]Shogun> so dumb
[20:57] [GoD]Shogun> FFS
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> best is shit
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> no its not
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> it is
[20:57] _[AvA]Savas out
[20:57] _[AvA]Savas in
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> its literally the best teams
[20:57] [AvA]st_Antivirus> open 2 more
[20:57] _[AvA]Savas out
[20:57] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lmfao yea right
[20:57] [AvA]Savas in
[20:57] vaccinated_OP> ?????
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> IncaWarrior: please explain !best to Spinnifake
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i saw ur best
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> were unfair
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> IncaWarrior: make me mod n stfu please
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> what the fuck was unfair
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> IncaWarrior: ur a shit admin anyway, lemme admin.
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> i even gave you phoenix
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you didnt want to take carbine and trod to ur team that gin tonic
[20:58] [AvA]Savas out
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> was all to ur favour
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> no it wasnt
[20:58] [GoD]Shogun> no game now cos spin fokin sucks ass
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> you fucking clown
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> trod is fucking trash
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yea right, carbine n trod in ur teams
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> and carbine never plays beta
[20:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lmfao
[20:58] vaccinated_OP> 00shaman never got past war rank
[20:59] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> and you wanna tell me those were fair teams?
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> fuck off
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> was unfair before
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i fixed it man
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> no
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> best teams would have been what !best said
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> let me calculate the teams
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> then ppls wont leave ur games
[20:59] [AvA]Savas in
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i watched the other day
[20:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> power ping
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> yea always used !best
[20:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOL
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> and rotated worse players to my team even
[20:59] power_OP out
[21:00] power_OP in
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> for example took jimmyhunter and gave stauni
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> i always do that to ally people i like
[21:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw> [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + vaccinated_OP vs. TeamPlayer_Blue + [AvA]Savas + [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Stauni
[21:00] T-Rod out
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> but you dont understand that
[21:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye i remmeber u said i ally the ones i like
[21:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and then savas left
[21:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol cuz teams were unfair
[21:00] Sirius_OP in
[21:00] [AvA]Savas> yup.
[21:00] [AsG]Ahmed in
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> savas is always crying
[21:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you see
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> Any ggs?
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> no matter what teams you do
[21:00] Haz in
[21:00] vaccinated_OP> even if hes winning
[21:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> not only me thought its unfair
[21:00] power_OP> no tundar
[21:01] power_OP> just waitin
[21:01] vaccinated_OP> youre deluded as fuck sportsfreund
[21:01] [GoD]Nici_Jr> be calm
[21:01] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you need to learn
[21:01] [AsG]Ahmed> Achievement Unlocked: Conquerer (Silver)
[21:01] [TDM]Tundar> Wtf
[21:01] [AsG]Ahmed> FUCK YES
[21:01] [TDM]Tundar> ...
[21:01] onePointZeroThree> nice conquerer m8
[21:01] iRespectWomenxD26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:01] [AsG]Ahmed> thanks
[21:01] power_OP> lololol
[21:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> looool
[21:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> man these noobs claiming shit
[21:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> pheww
[21:02] [AsG]Ahmed> im not claiming anything, im the conquerer
[21:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh hey ahmed my friend
[21:02] [AsG]Ahmed> hey bro :P
[21:02] [GoD]Shogun> fukin spin
[21:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> its pop time for you isnt it
[21:02] [GoD]Shogun> killing games
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> n fun
[21:03] [AsG]Ahmed> yeeees
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> vhan
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> fu spinnishiet
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> the map and resticitons was shit
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> fk off
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> who cares
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> play
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> plaY WHAT
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> a game without lb and fs?
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> the game :heyboy:
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> yes :heyboy:
[21:03] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice
[21:03] [AvA]Namechangingftw> diffrent host
[21:03] [AsG]Ahmed> tbh spin is one of least people that complain on this game
[21:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> beta is fun!
[21:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yep
[21:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> might a script have done that?
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> thank you
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> No play a game without lights
[21:03] [GoD]Shogun> hes top 1 complaning today ahmed
[21:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> did you have any in there?
[21:03] iRespectWomenxD26> ew no lbs
[21:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[21:03] [AvA]Namechangingftw> no script
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> Lights should be banned until I have 2 eq
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> WHAT MAPO
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> spin is bitching about everything today
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no iam not
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf :`)
[21:04] [AvA]Namechangingftw> maybe my hosting
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> Yes he is
[21:04] [AvA]Savas> agreed Ahmed, Spin never ever fking compains
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> He bitchin
[21:04] [AvA]Savas> complaints
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> simply left a retarded map
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> a map without lb and fs
[21:04] TeamPlayer_Blue> Time waiting for game: 2h 48mins and 30 seconds.
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> for fucking every1
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do you think im a NOOB
[21:04] [GoD]Shogun> :O
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> Simply charged lights 4 minutes into pp
[21:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I swear I've spent more time in huts today than in actual games.
[21:04] [GoD]Shogun> fokin shit
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> others have lb and fs
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> Yes
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> just not your base
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> god man deez noobs
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> I think you are NOOB
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> you have other spells
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> like eq
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> [22:04] vaccinated_OP> others have lb and fs
[21:04] [AvA]Namechangingftw> +2
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> OTHERS
[21:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> secp icking map
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and calculating teams
[21:05] [TDM]Tundar> Spin is a light noob
[21:05] [TDM]Tundar> :)
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> spin quit cuz he didnt have light
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> cant win a game without it
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[21:05] [GoD]Shogun> :kekclown:
[21:05] iRespectWomenxD26> lites r the shit
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> all good with
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> Gin Tonic?
[21:05] Meph> y
[21:05] [GoD]Shogun> ye go
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> no thats a noob map
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> okkk
[21:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Savas, come back
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no gin tonic is fine map
[21:05] Haz out
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> at least i have lb and fs there
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> nah its shit
[21:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ;)
[21:05] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[21:05] onePointZeroThree> lkooolol
[21:05] [GoD]Shogun> can we fokin go
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> not everyone has aod and ms
[21:05] [GoD]Shogun> ty
[21:06] TeamPlayer_Blue> That pressurepoint one looked good in my opinion
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> bad map
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> TEAMS ARE :
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> u both can marry after game
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> gogogogogogo
[21:06] [AvA]Novaharvest> rofl fs and lb is a whole strategy i guess
[21:06] [AvA]Novaharvest> ;D
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> ^^^^^^^^
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me vhan savas and tsu
[21:06] [AvA]Savas> nice
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsu
[21:06] [TDM]Tundar> Can I play gin and tonic?
[21:06] [Rw]Phoenix-> [22:05] TeamPlayer_Blue> That pressurepoint one looked good in my opinion --> ye idm map tho
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> [GoD]Nici_Jr + Zpektrix_TAS + TeamPlayer_Blue + [GoD]Shogun vs. [AsG]Ahmed + [AvA]Savas + [Rw]Phoenix- + Meph
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas and tsume vhan savas
[21:06] power_OP out
[21:06] [TDM]Tundar> Please
[21:06] Haz in
[21:06] [AvA]Namechangingftw> tundar join
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> go n shaddap
[21:06] [AvA]Savas> kek
[21:06] [AvA]Namechangingftw> new map
[21:06] onePointZeroThree> why the fuck this plae is so active
[21:06] iRespectWomenxD26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:06] onePointZeroThree> wtf
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> I EVEN TAKWE SAVAS
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> BABO
[21:06] [TDM]Tundar> I'm coming just a sec
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> yea
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> instead of TeamPlayer_Blue
[21:06] [AsG]Ahmed> savas is op
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> :O
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> AND I EVEN TAKE SAVAS
[21:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> INTO MY TEAM
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> youre a clown
[21:06] [GoD]Shogun> whats ppl smoking today :O
[21:06] [AvA]Savas> lol
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> teams are in your favour again
[21:07] [AsG]Ahmed> me, babo, meph and tundar? lets go? :D
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> [GoD]Nici_Jr + Zpektrix_TAS + TeamPlayer_Blue + [GoD]Shogun vs. [AsG]Ahmed + [AvA]Savas + [Rw]Phoenix- + Meph
[21:07] onePointZeroThree> blanket vhan
[21:07] TeamPlayer_Blue> Can we launch and fight this in game?
[21:07] [GoD]Shogun> :pog: !!!
[21:07] onePointZeroThree> :pepegaphone: BLANKET
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> even savas lol
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> OK ROTATING
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> AND ASTARTING
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> dw savas ur up n comer
[21:07] TeamPlayer_Blue> THANKS
[21:07] [GoD]Shogun> :pepegaphone: FOCK YEAH
[21:07] [Rw]loothill> Hey Koopa
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> savas >>> TeamPlayer_Blue
[21:07] [Rw]Phoenix-> scheiß mücken
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> just need less beta games brah
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> and spin says "i even take savas"
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> sup loot
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> rofl
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:07] [AvA]Savas> even savas wouldnt want to take savas into the team, cause savas is damn fuck, but fine mate, gg :kekw:
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> teamplayer > savas
[21:07] [GoD]Shogun> the clowning
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye i think that teamplayer guy
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> is sick
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i wanna hard game
[21:07] [AvA]Savas> he isck
[21:07] iRespectWomenxD26> vlekkie
[21:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> warrior > all
[21:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> meph pheonix faker and ahmed
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> you obviously dont
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> that is hard
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> obviously i do
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> xD
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> give them savas
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> and take faker
[21:08] iRespectWomenxD26> vlekkie could beat nici in 1 v 1
[21:08] iRespectWomenxD26> but in a shitty way
[21:08] Haz in
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> stfu and go fix the map u just fucked up
[21:08] [GoD]Shogun> i think teams are already trash
[21:08] [AsG]Ahmed> is blue player guy fake?
[21:08] [GoD]Shogun> lets just go ffs
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> it is fixed
[21:08] [GoD]Shogun> GO
[21:08] Haz out
[21:08] Haz out
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> I STARTED
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> youre just too bad to play non standard stuff
[21:08] vaccinated_OP> noob
[21:08] Haz in
[21:08] [GoD]Shogun> :yawn:
[21:08] Haz out
[21:08] Hiplobbaluvva in
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> vhan
[21:08] onePointZeroThree> jesus fucking hell
[21:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you want other teams?
[21:08] onePointZeroThree> LEMME SPEC
[21:09] [GoD]Shogun> idc already
[21:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> everyone knows pop isnt about fun, its about playing exactly the same setting every game <3
[21:09] onePointZeroThree> :pepegaphone: MAEK FUN
[21:09] [GoD]Shogun> just give me babo and nici
[21:09] [GoD]Shogun> and ok to go
[21:09] [GoD]Shogun> :>
[21:09] [SW]chapo in
[21:09] [AvA]Savas> im sure you will set up fair tteams, spin ;)
[21:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> always
[21:09] onePointZeroThree> the howrward math degree spin
[21:09] [AsG]Ahmed> meph ur game isnt launching bro
[21:09] onePointZeroThree> at your service
[21:09] [AvA]Savas> lol novaaa
[21:09] iRespectWomenxD26> were u from spain or latin america loot
[21:09] [AsG]Ahmed> latina
[21:09] [Rw]loothill> Latin America
[21:09] iRespectWomenxD26> k
[21:09] [GoD]Shogun> :pepegaphone: MEPH NOT LAUNCHING
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i always do fair teams
[21:10] [AvA]Savas> kazakhstan mate
[21:10] iRespectWomenxD26> sup chapo
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i always pick lower skilled player
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> to my team
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> llooool
[21:10] Meph> 1 sec
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and i get shit rained?
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> :clown: :clown:
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> guy gives me 00 shaman
[21:10] onePointZeroThree> fhklkkkkkkkkkk
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> so he can 4v3
[21:10] Meph out
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and carbine an d trod
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> :clown: :clown:
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> trod is shit
[21:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> dont forget
[21:10] Meph in
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> and carbine is bad as fuck on beta
[21:10] Nici_OP> gg
[21:10] [AsG]Ahmed> babo komme
[21:10] Nici_OP> play 3rd game aphter euro ?
[21:10] HexTheRex> gg lol one more later :D
[21:11] [SW]chapo> +1
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> mephs spot
[21:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes yes babo you always destroy every1 with ur arguments dont u
[21:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> join hex
[21:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> what ever makes you feel better
[21:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> and nici
[21:11] [AsG]Ahmed> oh i thought he left
[21:11] [AsG]Ahmed> my bad
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> Spinnifake: youre deluded
[21:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> im glad ppl see it like i do
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> :)
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> people = savas
[21:11] [GoD]Shogun> :upside_down
[21:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> try to stay calm
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> who hates me
[21:11] onePointZeroThree> :mooresy:
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[21:11] Nici_OP> me and hex atching euro
[21:11] [GoD]Shogun> :upside_down:
[21:11] onePointZeroThree> nice nici goodjob now go back to ur football tv
[21:11] [AvA]Savas> there are many people who are not a fan of you, babo. just sayng.
[21:11] onePointZeroThree> or w/e the fish you catch inbathroom
[21:11] onePointZeroThree> :plead:
[21:12] [AsG]Ahmed> still not launching meph
[21:12] onePointZeroThree> :hottub:
[21:12] onePointZeroThree> :hairylegs:
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> damn hex owned nici
[21:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> SAVAS
[21:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> HOST
[21:12] onePointZeroThree> yes hex pro
[21:12] [GoD]Shogun> HE CANT HOST ME
[21:12] [GoD]Shogun> FFS
[21:12] Nici_OP> yh 1-1
[21:12] onePointZeroThree> shaved nici
[21:12] [AvA]Savas> lol ok what we doing
[21:12] [GoD]Shogun> savas cant fukin host me
[21:12] [GoD]Shogun> let pephotatoes host
[21:12] [AvA]Stauni> 6p?
[21:12] [GoD]Shogun> mephotatoes *
[21:12] [AvA]Savas> mephotatoes :kekw:
[21:12] Meph out
[21:13] [AvA]Savas> love it
[21:13] [GoD]Shogun> fuikseikers man
[21:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> WHO IS NOT STARTING
[21:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> how many players can we get without playing any games
[21:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> MAN ABOUT TO LERAVE
[21:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[21:13] Meph in
[21:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> mephs spot babo
[21:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> go fix map instead
[21:13] onePointZeroThree> the amount of players in th ehuts
[21:13] onePointZeroThree> but 0 games
[21:13] [SW]chapo> Tundar join
[21:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> which 6? :D
[21:13] [AvA]Savas> lol
[21:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ya man, sad
[21:13] warrior in
[21:13] vaccinated_OP> ahmed wants to play with me :shrug:
[21:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> Mephs spot :shrug:
[21:13] [GoD]Shogun> fhk ahmed :shrug:
[21:13] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[21:13] vaccinated_OP> guess ill join the better player
[21:13] [AsG]Ahmed> :D
[21:13] [GoD]Shogun> ally me babo :shrug:
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> +6 here
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> MEPH JOINING OR NOT
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> better host
[21:14] [AvA]Savas> warrior kek
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> better players
[21:14] Meph> ja junge
[21:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I dunno, Fist of Zen?
[21:14] Meph> chill
[21:14] Haz in
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> k
[21:14] [AsG]Sky-> jesus this MM a shit show today lol
[21:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Or Purimnir 6p?
[21:14] [TDM]Tundar> spin
[21:14] [GoD]Shogun> today only ?
[21:14] [GoD]Shogun> :pog:
[21:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or this
[21:14] [TDM]Tundar> can i play?
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> today only
[21:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> this is gud
[21:14] [AvA]Savas> lol pop only?!
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gladly jake, mpehs spot
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you can havbe mine
[21:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> JAKE GET MNY SOPOT
[21:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> MY FRIEND
[21:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> I PLAY LATER
[21:15] [AvA]st_Antivirus> 22 in 0 games
[21:15] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :nice:
[21:15] [AsG]Ahmed> im about to rage quit
[21:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> game which actually start here
[21:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> promise
[21:15] vaccinated_OP> :clown: :clown:
[21:15] [GoD]Shogun> what a crazy show
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> wait
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> what
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> babo
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> host
[21:15] [AsG]Ahmed> tundar u sell out
[21:15] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> no
[21:15] TeamPlayer_Blue> Wtf
[21:15] vaccinated_OP> no i play with avas
[21:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + vaccinated_OP + [AvA]st_Antivirus
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> i feel wierd
[21:15] vaccinated_OP> go have fun mate
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> who it blue
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[21:15] vaccinated_OP> vlek
[21:15] [GoD]Shogun> [AvA]Babo :cringe:
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> wait
[21:15] [TDM]Tundar> rly?
[21:16] vaccinated_OP> probably
[21:16] [GoD]Shogun> :kek:
[21:16] vaccinated_OP> he has IP from netherlands
[21:16] Sirius_OP out
[21:16] vaccinated_OP> and doesnt play like a new player
[21:16] [AvA]Savas> Nice [AvA]Babo mate
[21:16] [AsG]Ahmed> or orange warrior
[21:16] [GoD]Shogun> so can we go
[21:16] [SW]chapo> WOW i have ping with Warrior
[21:17] Sirius_OP in
[21:17] [Rw]loothill> Hes from mars too
[21:17] [AvA]Savas> given he's your cousin, or something,Im not surprised
[21:17] Haz out
[21:17] [TDM]Tundar> I want to host
[21:17] [TDM]Tundar> play*
[21:17] [TDM]Tundar> not host
[21:17] [TDM]Tundar> ewdfknjjsw
[21:17] [TDM]Tundar> k
[21:17] [AvA]Savas> hookers and wine?
[21:17] [SW]chapo> +2 i ally warrior
[21:17] [AvA]Savas> ohhh, pop game, yes Jake
[21:17] [GoD]Shogun> sry now u hosty
[21:17] [GoD]Shogun> u said u want it
[21:17] [SW]chapo> +away +2 me with Warrior
[21:18] [SW]Arbrim in
[21:18] Haz in
[21:18] [SW]chapo> Welcome Bimi
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> halloo <3
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> jaa smuj
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> jam tu msu e punu
[21:19] [SW]chapo> good luck
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> zgjim
[21:19] Mammy_Tas> Hi Arbrim :)
[21:19] Hiplobbaluvva out
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> epic games me vyn neser
[21:19] Hiplobbaluvva in
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> edhe qetash me marr lojen
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> hi mammyyy
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> Hows it going Mahmut mate?
[21:19] Durban_Poison in
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> shkruma privat hskornjat e para
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> edhe te fundit
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> te fjalkalimit
[21:19] [SW]Arbrim> te epic games edhe account name
[21:19] [SW]chapo> qka e ka mahmutin ky
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> i njejti asht
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> qysh qka e ka?
[21:20] [SW]chapo> aha
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> apo spo kuptoj
[21:20] [SW]chapo> thash kishe mahmuti edhe ky jan 2 persona
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahah, cool
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> hahaahha ski faj
[21:20] Shettick1 in
[21:20] [SW]Arbrim> se her mammy her mahmut]
[21:20] [AvA]Savas> gg
[21:20] onePointZeroThree> jesius
[21:20] [SW]chapo> kaja more nanen
[21:20] [SW]chapo> Savas join
[21:20] onePointZeroThree> fucking 10th game i have spectated
[21:20] [GoD]Shogun> insta win
[21:20] [SW]chapo> i ally Warrior
[21:20] [GoD]Shogun> ez
[21:20] onePointZeroThree> ended within 20 seconds
[21:20] [GoD]Shogun> LOL
[21:20] [AsG]Ahmed> what was that?
[21:21] [Rw]Phoenix-> idek
[21:21] [Rw]Phoenix-> my shsman
[21:21] [SW]Arbrim> zgjim
[21:21] [SW]Arbrim> t shkrujta
[21:21] [SW]Arbrim> t thash
[21:21] [SW]Arbrim> epic games
[21:21] [Rw]Phoenix-> was rolling in spawn
[21:21] Karlijn in
[21:21] Karlijn out
[21:21] [SW]chapo> accountin tem a t tanin
[21:21] [SW]chapo> ?
[21:21] [GoD]Shogun> then fukin stop using spells n trying to move
[21:21] Danielle94 in
[21:21] [Rw]Phoenix-> i jsut used convert didnt even
[21:21] [GoD]Shogun> before rs is crated
[21:21] [Rw]Phoenix-> elect my shsman
[21:21] [TDM]Tundar> Why did it end
[21:21] [GoD]Shogun> created *
[21:21] [SW]chapo> +1
[21:21] power_OP in
[21:21] [SW]chapo> relog savas
[21:21] [AvA]Savas out
[21:22] [AvA]Savas in
[21:22] Hiplobbaluvva out
[21:22] Haz out
[21:22] power_OP out
[21:22] [TDM]Tundar> man
[21:22] [TDM]Tundar> no games
[21:22] [TDM]Tundar> edfksgmfnskjgbnfdth
[21:22] iRespectWomenxD26> +1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:22] [AvA]Savas out
[21:22] [SW]chapo> what map do you like guys
[21:23] iRespectWomenxD26> yo
[21:23] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[21:23] [TDM]Tundar> fuck this
[21:23] [TDM]Tundar out
[21:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> pp?
[21:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> WOW
[21:23] iRespectWomenxD26> oh wtf tundr
[21:23] TeamPlayer_Blue> +1
[21:24] iRespectWomenxD26> +2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:24] [Rw]loothill> brb poop
[21:24] [GoD]Shogun> i love how i tried to get a beta fukin game for literally 1 hour but its impossible with this retarded community
[21:24] [SW]chapo> 1 sec plz
[21:24] [GoD]Shogun> FUCKING YISUS
[21:24] iRespectWomenxD26> good
[21:24] TeamPlayer_Blue> I have been trying to get in a game for 3 hours
[21:24] TeamPlayer_Blue> lmost.
[21:24] [SW]chapo> yell relog mate
[21:24] TeamPlayer_Blue> I wish my hosting was stable would make life much easier
[21:24] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[21:25] onePointZeroThree> ok now pops look like dead
[21:25] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[21:25] [GoD]Shogun> at this rate im gonna start fukin playing with the AvAs just liuke babo did man
[21:25] onePointZeroThree> now mm looks normal :ohyes:
[21:25] [GoD]Shogun> at least they fukin play without fukin talking shit no1 cares about
[21:25] TeamPlayer_Blue> hmm still no ping?
[21:25] [GoD]Shogun> :middle_finger: ;) bastards
[21:25] onePointZeroThree> imagine having fun
[21:25] [GoD]Shogun> ^ye imagine it
[21:25] [GoD]Shogun> FFS
[21:25] onePointZeroThree> pops about competition and being serious
[21:25] onePointZeroThree> skills mate
[21:26] [SW]chapo> are you in europe?
[21:26] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yes
[21:26] TeamPlayer_Blue> relog try 2.
[21:26] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[21:26] iRespectWomenxD26> dang +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:26] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[21:26] Meph out
[21:26] [Rw]Phoenix-> i can host too idm
[21:26] [SW]chapo> sec
[21:26] onePointZeroThree out
[21:26] [Rw]Phoenix-> ot star
[21:26] [Rw]Phoenix-> got*
[21:26] [SW]Arbrim> who u are
[21:26] [SW]Arbrim> TeamPlayer_Blue:
[21:27] [SW]Arbrim> you is am, who? :D
[21:27] [Rw]loothill> Hes the a bluea player
[21:27] iRespectWomenxD26> vlek most likely
[21:27] [Rw]loothill> Hes the blue player*
[21:27] TeamPlayer_Blue> Can phoenix host instead?
[21:27] [SW]Arbrim> yeap once we detect multi account to bann him :P
[21:27] [SW]Arbrim> and the whole of his ISP ips
[21:28] TeamPlayer_Blue> Chapo
[21:28] TeamPlayer_Blue> Warrio in here?
[21:28] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[21:28] [SW]chapo> wtf i think warrior its away
[21:28] [SW]chapo> bardhh
[21:29] [Rw]Phoenix-> mana battle random ?
[21:29] [Rw]Phoenix-> or want specific teams
[21:29] warrior out
[21:29] [Rw]Phoenix-> or specifix map
[21:29] [Rw]Phoenix-> specific*
[21:29] [SW]chapo> lets fo map me with you
[21:29] [Rw]Phoenix-> ight
[21:30] Durban_Poison out
[21:31] [GoD]Shogun out
[21:31] [GoD]Shogun in
[21:31] Mammy_Tas> reset
[21:32] warrior in
[21:32] [SW]Arbrim> bardh
[21:32] [SW]Arbrim> te pritne
[21:32] [SW]Arbrim> te thirren po ti s'hine
[21:32] [SW]Arbrim> ata hinen n'loj tash
[21:32] [SW]Arbrim> priten*
[21:33] [SW]Arbrim> smuj smuj une :/
[21:34] Durban_Poison in
[21:34] [SW]Arbrim> qy jo
[21:34] [AvA]Savas in
[21:34] Medusa_OP> gg
[21:34] [AvA]MIBbel> gg close one
[21:34] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[21:34] Hungaro> rry for the little impatient guy
[21:35] [AvA]MIBbel> you pay good
[21:35] [AvA]MIBbel> play
[21:35] Hungaro> me?
[21:35] Hungaro> hell no
[21:35] [AvA]MIBbel> yes
[21:35] Hungaro> but thanks :)
[21:36] [AvA]MIBbel> no your good
[21:36] [AvA]MIBbel> very good
[21:36] [AvA]MIBbel> Medosa
[21:36] [AvA]MIBbel> to
[21:36] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:36] [AvA]MIBbel> "Medusa"
[21:36] HexTheRex out
[21:37] [AvA]MIBbel> i whas the badest lol
[21:37] Medusa_OP> no that was my ally
[21:37] Medusa_OP> he was the worst
[21:37] Hungaro> the guy who lefty was
[21:37] Hungaro> left*
[21:37] Hungaro> also, kinda disrespectful
[21:37] Hungaro> plus he was begging for games
[21:37] [AvA]MIBbel> yea maybe lol
[21:37] Hungaro> hich made no sense
[21:37] Hungaro> which*
[21:37] Medusa_OP> didnt expect anything else from him xD
[21:37] Medusa_OP> i know him
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> ffs inca
[21:38] [GoD]Shogun> why am i fw now
[21:38] [AvA]MIBbel> the popre website got a new look
[21:39] Medusa_OP> congrats shotgun :D
[21:39] [GoD]Shogun> no i mean i shud be yellow ranked
[21:39] Hungaro> gz
[21:39] [GoD]Shogun> this is too low :ohyes:
[21:39] Medusa_OP> ofc :ohyes:
[21:39] Medusa_OP> 1v1
[21:39] Medusa_OP> ?
[21:41] Durban_Poison out
[21:42] Hungaro out
[21:43] [AvA]Savas> hahahaha owned
[21:44] [GoD]Shogun> cba bianca
[21:44] Medusa_OP> ;(
[21:44] [GoD]Shogun> i mean lately all im doin is play 1 game per week
[21:45] [GoD]Shogun> and some beta every now and then
[21:45] [GoD]Shogun> im not stayin competitive etc
[21:45] Medusa_OP> so? i play every day and still suck :kekw:
[21:45] [GoD]Shogun> im fukin retired lul
[21:45] [GoD]Shogun> ur good
[21:45] [GoD]Shogun> no need to beat me to prove it
[21:45] Medusa_OP> yeah in my dreams
[21:45] Medusa_OP> i am
[21:45] [AvA]Savas> shogun 1v1? ;)
[21:45] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:45] [TSI]O-Ren in
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> nah
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> i challenged w33d when i was super rusty and he won cos he spams pp all day
[21:46] Medusa_OP> k 1v1 sess :ohyes:
[21:46] [GoD]Shogun> dont wanna let people think they're better than me only because im rusty :kek:
[21:46] [AvA]Savas> :puke:
[21:47] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[21:47] [AvA]Savas> phoenix + chapo losing? what
[21:47] [GoD]Shogun> sess best map :yeahboi:
[21:47] [AvA]Savas> what the fuck is teamplayer blue?
[21:47] [AsG]Ahmed> fake
[21:47] Medusa_OP> old player
[21:47] [GoD]Shogun> teamplayer such a fake
[21:47] [GoD]Shogun> ffs
[21:47] [AvA]Savas> who* the fuck
[21:47] Hungaro in
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> thats just not normal, old players cant be beaten unless u've been around long enough to be considered one
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> i.e fake
[21:48] [GoD]Shogun> probs matt or idk
[21:48] Medusa_OP> nah ping not high enough
[21:48] [AsG]Ahmed> hes from europe
[21:48] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[21:49] [AvA]Savas> hey Rali :)
[21:51] [GoD]Shogun> u must be veeery talanted to beat an old player without having to play much
[21:51] [GoD]Shogun> talented *
[21:51] [AsG]Ahmed> nothing to do with talent
[21:51] [SW]chapo> guys rm
[21:51] [SW]chapo> ?
[21:51] [GoD]Shogun> talent lets u get v good in almost no time dude
[21:51] iRespectWomenxD26> up for w.e
[21:51] [AsG]Ahmed> u cant beat an old player without knowing all the tricks and bugs in this game
[21:52] [AsG]Ahmed> talent wont help much with this
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> u can if ur talented enough to learn them fast
[21:52] TeamPlayer_Blue> rematch pp/cr/fo?
[21:52] [SW]chapo> ye
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> talent = learning super fast
[21:52] [AsG]Ahmed> maybe
[21:52] [AvA]Savas> lol
[21:52] [GoD]Shogun> thats what talent is about m8
[21:52] [AvA]Savas> "bugs"is what makes beta better in the long run
[21:52] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yea for rematch?
[21:52] [AvA]Savas> everyone is on the same page
[21:53] TeamPlayer_Blue> If not +2 pp
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> teamplayer
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> this is when u tell us who u are m8
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> ur too fake
[21:54] iRespectWomenxD26> bugs?
[21:54] iRespectWomenxD26> lack of bugs?
[21:54] TeamPlayer_Blue> I have already told you I have been playing 5-10 years ago
[21:54] Medusa_OP> shogun join them :)
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> 5-10 years is too much dont u think
[21:55] [GoD]Shogun> u shud've forgotten everything
[21:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> Nope it is no joke
[21:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> Nah you don't forget pop when you played it non-stop for many years
[21:55] [AsG]Ahmed> what was ur old name?
[21:55] [GoD]Shogun> suspicious -_- ..
[21:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> That is the part I don't remember sorry
[21:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gg
[21:55] [AvA]Savas> :kekw:
[21:55] vaccinated_OP> loool
[21:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[21:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> gg
[21:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> I'm from Belgium but I don't know my old name
[21:55] vaccinated_OP> gg
[21:56] [GoD]Shogun> fake.,
[21:56] vaccinated_OP> not playing 1.03
[21:56] vaccinated_OP> shogun man
[21:56] vaccinated_OP> nice game you had there
[21:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> beta?
[21:56] [GoD]Shogun> u shud remeber ur old name if u were here all that time
[21:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> ye thats like 20 years old
[21:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> lol
[21:56] [AvA]Savas> [AvA]Savas + [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AvA]st_Antivirus vs. [AvA]Novaharvest + Zpektrix_TAS + [AsG]Sky-
[21:57] [GoD]Shogun> yes babo ty
[21:57] [GoD]Shogun> mucho fun
[21:57] [AvA]Savas> [AvA]Savas + [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Namechangingftw vs. Zpektrix_TAS + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [AvA]Staun
[21:57] [AvA]Savas> ohhh
[21:57] [AvA]st_Antivirus> rip
[21:57] [AsG]Ahmed> only me who didnt connect?
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> ye
[21:58] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[21:58] [AsG]Ahmed> kept saying connecting
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> dont quit
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> just wait
[21:58] TeamPlayer_Blue> ow
[21:58] [AsG]Ahmed> ok
[21:58] TeamPlayer_Blue> I took so long
[21:58] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:58] [AsG]Nefarius out
[21:59] [AsG]Nefarius in
[21:59] [AsG]Ahmed> does koopa play beta?
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> make it me and you vlek
[21:59] Medusa_OP> lel
[21:59] TeamPlayer_Blue> I can set it to 1.01?
[21:59] TeamPlayer_Blue> I don't mind
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> cant play that
[21:59] [AsG]Ahmed> babo doesnt play 1.01
[21:59] [AvA]Savas out
[21:59] TeamPlayer_Blue> ow ok
[21:59] warrior out
[21:59] iRespectWomenxD26> give it a whirl
[21:59] iRespectWomenxD26> nother try
[21:59] Hungaro> nici minaj «3
[22:00] [AsG]Nefarius> 2+
[22:00] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[22:00] [AvA]Savas in
[22:01] [AvA]Savas> +1
[22:02] [AvA]Savas> Nef?
[22:02] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[22:03] [AvA]st_Antivirus> put me back if u can :p
[22:03] [AsG]Nefarius out
[22:03] [AvA]Savas> you are already, fried
[22:03] [AsG]Nefarius in
[22:03] [AvA]Savas> my pleasure ;)
[22:04] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :D
[22:04] warrior in
[22:07] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Pharaoh
[22:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> hey toruk!
[22:11] [AsG]Nefarius> fun
[22:11] Zpektrix_TAS> wow
[22:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> what happened?
[22:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> do 4v4
[22:11] [AvA]st_Antivirus> lags
[22:11] Zpektrix_TAS> i was gonna get in
[22:11] [AvA]st_Antivirus> +1
[22:12] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:12] [AvA]Savas> 3v3 go
[22:12] vaccinated_OP> very crappy host indeed
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> now we have 4v4
[22:12] [AsG]Ahmed> can u host babo?
[22:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :p
[22:12] TeamPlayer_Blue> Sorry my bad
[22:12] TeamPlayer_Blue> It is my stupid connection
[22:13] iRespectWomenxD26> fws in towers too good
[22:13] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[22:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> AvAst Antivirus
[22:13] vaccinated_OP> they actually shoot ye
[22:13] iRespectWomenxD26> man u can tell
[22:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> KILLER NAME
[22:13] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekw:
[22:13] iRespectWomenxD26> they shoot like a inch further feels like
[22:13] vaccinated_OP> no
[22:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> um
[22:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> tom?
[22:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> haha
[22:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> nef is in the house :O
[22:13] vaccinated_OP> theres a visual bug
[22:13] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sure
[22:13] [AvA]st_Antivirus> no fs?
[22:13] vaccinated_OP> where fws double shoot
[22:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah tom
[22:13] TeamPlayer_Blue> iRespectWomenxD26 join rematch?
[22:14] iRespectWomenxD26> sound throws me off
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Savas + Zpektrix_TAS + [TSI]O-Ren vs. [AsG]Nefarius + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [AsG]Sky-
[22:14] iRespectWomenxD26> should i not wear headphones?
[22:14] vaccinated_OP> nah sounds bugged
[22:14] vaccinated_OP> inca fucked it
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> nef and tsu big base?
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> no tsu then
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> nef and savas?
[22:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nef and savas
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> :D
[22:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> nice
[22:15] vaccinated_OP> random?
[22:15] vaccinated_OP> or me and vlek?
[22:15] TeamPlayer_Blue> Rematch?
[22:15] [AsG]Nefarius> Vlek?
[22:15] iRespectWomenxD26> its w.e just testing out beta
[22:15] vaccinated_OP> TeamPlayer_Blue
[22:15] TeamPlayer_Blue> And stop calling me vlek please.
[22:15] [AsG]Nefarius> oO
[22:15] vaccinated_OP> tell us your real name
[22:15] iRespectWomenxD26> lol
[22:15] [AvA]st_Antivirus> and ur adress
[22:16] [AsG]Ahmed> credit card number
[22:16] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:18] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[22:19] [AvA]st_Antivirus> rip
[22:19] [AvA]Novaharvest> big old rippers
[22:19] [AvA]Savas> :rip: :kekw:
[22:19] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[22:20] [AvA]st_Antivirus> pharaoh got betrayed :o
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> he betrayed us
[22:20] [AvA]Stauni> his spot?
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> before joining
[22:20] [AvA]Savas> go back to egypt
[22:20] [AvA]Savas> :P
[22:20] [AvA]Savas> my bro
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS> like wifi issue blabla
[22:20] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:20] [AsG]Sky-> Achievement Unlocked: Diplomat (Silver)
[22:20] [AvA]Savas> wp sky
[22:20] [AsG]Nefarius> just give it a go. I don't mind if you give me the big base
[22:20] [AvA]Stauni> Achievbment unlocked: bad host
[22:20] [AvA]Stauni> :kekw:
[22:20] [AvA]Savas> but, to be honest, noone gives a shit
[22:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :kekw:
[22:20] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekg:
[22:21] Shettick1 out
[22:21] Danielle94 out
[22:21] [AvA]Savas> Achievement Unlocked: Super Noob
[22:21] [AvA]Savas> :(
[22:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> that wuold be me
[22:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> *ou
[22:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gogo
[22:24] warrior out
[22:25] axon in
[22:25] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:33] [AvA]Savas out
[22:33] [AvA]Stauni> love these host quitters
[22:33] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[22:33] [AsG]Nefarius> was over anyways
[22:33] Zpektrix_TAS> savas wasn't even trying
[22:33] [GoD]Shogun> gn people
[22:33] [AvA]Stauni> other 3 didnt do well
[22:33] [GoD]Shogun out
[22:34] [AvA]Savas in
[22:34] [AvA]Novaharvest> we didnt have any land haha
[22:34] [AvA]Novaharvest> yet
[22:34] [AvA]st_Antivirus> go walls
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS> stauni quits when he is losing too
[22:34] [AvA]Savas> my connection is shit today, like really bad
[22:34] [AvA]Stauni> we , had 30pop lol
[22:34] [AvA]Savas> L(
[22:34] [TSI]O-Ren> yeah do walls
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS> there's no change between him and them
[22:34] [AvA]Stauni> tsu talking bs
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS> savas
[22:34] [AvA]Savas> one last try
[22:34] [AvA]Novaharvest> different map to walls?
[22:34] Zpektrix_TAS> you can't play properly
[22:34] [AvA]Novaharvest> doesnt have to be tom
[22:34] [AsG]Nefarius> Best
[22:35] [AsG]Nefarius> [AsG]Nefarius + [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Savas + [AsG]Sky-
[22:35] [AvA]Savas> I was able to earlier
[22:35] [AvA]Savas> just that game sucked
[22:35] Zpektrix_TAS> nova host then
[22:35] Zpektrix_TAS> this host gives me higher ping
[22:36] [AvA]Savas out
[22:36] [AvA]Novaharvest> wont we just have lags again? :(
[22:36] [TSI]O-Ren> there were no lags lol
[22:36] Zpektrix_TAS> only savas had lag
[22:36] [AvA]Savas in
[22:36] Zpektrix_TAS> it's his own issue
[22:38] [AvA]Stauni> invest
[22:38] [AvA]Savas out
[22:38] [AvA]Savas in
[22:39] [AvA]Savas> sorry
[22:45] Joseph_OP in
[22:48] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[22:48] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:48] iRespectWomenxD26> lol man fws too good
[22:49] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[22:50] iRespectWomenxD26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[22:51] vaccinated_OP> gg
[22:51] [AsG]Ahmed> gg wp babo
[22:51] [AsG]Ahmed> nice double
[22:51] TeamPlayer_Blue> Wow impressive pop from vaccinated_OP
[22:52] TeamPlayer_Blue> Do you dismantle huts?
[22:52] vaccinated_OP> ye
[22:53] [GoD]carbine out
[22:54] Joseph_OP> How are you preach after a month TeamPlayer?
[22:54] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:54] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:54] TeamPlayer_Blue> By winning some good games
[22:54] Joseph_OP> :fake:
[22:55] vaccinated_OP> hes vlek
[22:55] vaccinated_OP> just admit it lol
[22:55] vaccinated_OP> nothing wrong with it, no one will ban you
[22:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> Why does everyone think that I'm vlek?
[22:55] TeamPlayer_Blue> I don't get it
[22:56] Joseph_OP> I dont know who you are
[22:56] [AsG]Ahmed> u play like him
[22:56] vaccinated_OP> because youre from the same region, and you play literally the same as him
[22:56] Joseph_OP> but know you're n ot new to online lol
[22:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> Where is he from?
[22:56] [AsG]Ahmed> netherlands
[22:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> How is that the same region?
[22:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> I live in Belgium
[22:56] vaccinated_OP> lol
[22:56] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[22:56] vaccinated_OP> :notlikethis:
[22:56] Joseph_OP> Vllek moved to Belgium :o
[22:57] Joseph_OP> kidding aside you must be decent to come bacck to Preach so quick
[22:57] [AsG]Ahmed> its just strange u remembered vlek but not ur own name :p
[22:57] BROADY_OP> <a:PepoDance:749579047272448020>
[22:57] Joseph_OP> :monkahmm:
[22:58] BROADY_OP> what up peeps :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
[22:58] Joseph_OP> Hey Broady
[22:58] Joseph_OP> your emojis arent working lol
[22:58] BROADY_OP> feelsbad
[22:59] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[22:59] vaccinated_OP> [14:14] [AvA]sAvAs> at least im part of a great clan, unlike you a fucking lonely sole, so fuck off. im blocking you
[22:59] [AsG]Ahmed> nice ava mate
[23:00] Joseph_OP> Still has beef with you?
[23:00] vaccinated_OP> that was towards jimmy lol
[23:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> pops dead
[23:00] vaccinated_OP> i blocked savas so idk
[23:00] Joseph_OP> wow he has beef with everyone xD
[23:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> babo sup punk
[23:00] Joseph_OP> he blocked me as well
[23:01] vaccinated_OP> sup wilson
[23:01] [GoD]Rbwilson> hows uni
[23:01] BROADY_OP> https://tenor.com/view/bingus-gif-20588297
[23:01] vaccinated_OP> stressful
[23:01] vaccinated_OP> got exam on monday
[23:01] [AsG]Ahmed> really savas? i always thought hes nice to everyone
[23:01] [GoD]Rbwilson> :kekw:
[23:01] [GoD]Rbwilson> Final?
[23:01] Joseph_OP> lol
[23:01] vaccinated_OP> 2 more in september
[23:01] vaccinated_OP> then only thesis left
[23:01] [GoD]Rbwilson> Wow, gl man. Almost there!
[23:02] Joseph_OP> He blocked me cause i sided with S0ma in an argument they had
[23:02] Joseph_OP> could care less though
[23:02] vaccinated_OP> ty :D
[23:02] [GoD]Rbwilson> IncaWarrior: btw, i like the new website design. Just saw for first time today
[23:03] Joseph_OP> it really is great
[23:04] BROADY_OP> Inca too busy playing Subnautica
[23:05] [AsG]Ahmed out
[23:06] vaccinated_OP out
[23:07] [AsG]Nefarius out
[23:07] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[23:08] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[23:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nici
[23:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> lets compare sizes
[23:11] axon out
[23:13] [AvA]MIBbel in
[23:14] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[23:14] [TSI]O-Ren> gg
[23:14] [AvA]Savas> gg
[23:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> gg
[23:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gg
[23:14] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[23:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[23:14] [AvA]Stauni> why do you leave
[23:15] Zpektrix_TAS> because they can't accept the losing time
[23:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> TSU
[23:15] Zpektrix_TAS> yo broccoli
[23:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> how are ya
[23:15] [AsG]Sky-> they need to fix that bug, where auto filling towers works....
[23:15] Zpektrix_TAS> playing with kayin
[23:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> :O
[23:15] Zpektrix_TAS> these days
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> dude came back?
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> jesus
[23:16] HexTheRex in
[23:16] Zpektrix_TAS> ye some weeks ago
[23:16] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[23:16] Zpektrix_TAS> guy is married now
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> How old is he?
[23:16] Zpektrix_TAS> 33
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> gotta be in 30s's
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye though so
[23:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> +2 sess
[23:17] HexTheRex out
[23:17] Hungaro> funny enough he my stepfather now
[23:17] HexTheRex in
[23:17] Nici_OP> hex ready
[23:17] Nici_OP> :D
[23:17] Zpektrix_TAS> he is way too slower than he was now
[23:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> who is your stepdad?
[23:18] Zpektrix_TAS> but his lights are better than spin's
[23:18] HexTheRex> uh omg
[23:18] HexTheRex> im here
[23:18] Joseph_OP> Im routing for you Hex
[23:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> maybe a missed a message by someone who's blocked
[23:18] HexTheRex> lol
[23:18] Joseph_OP> rooting*
[23:18] Zpektrix_TAS> savas
[23:18] Nici_OP> go hex go!
[23:18] Zpektrix_TAS> your net has been shit these days
[23:18] HexTheRex> i dont have big expectations xd
[23:19] Zpektrix_TAS> let someone else host
[23:19] [AvA]Savas> it was fine last game
[23:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nici, get whatsapp
[23:19] [AvA]Savas> so im hoping its ok now
[23:19] Nici_OP> already do mte
[23:19] Nici_OP> mate
[23:19] [AvA]Pharaoh> +1 sess
[23:19] Nici_OP> +351 913283770
[23:19] [AvA]Pharaoh> gl nici
[23:19] Zpektrix_TAS> popre is dead at this time zone
[23:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[23:19] Zpektrix_TAS> only 28 ppl
[23:19] [AvA]Pharaoh> difficult game
[23:20] [AvA]Savas> sess :puke:
[23:20] Hungaro> spectating instead, sorry hut
[23:21] [AvA]Savas> +1 pro
[23:22] [AvA]Savas> yo wilson come bro
[23:22] [AvA]Pharaoh> why pro? lol
[23:22] [AvA]Savas> to face o ren
[23:22] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahaha
[23:22] [AvA]Savas> o ren too pro
[23:23] [AvA]Stauni> bianca join
[23:25] Medusa_OP> not a fan of that sorry
[23:26] [TSI]O-Ren> tsu who's akira?
[23:26] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[23:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> prime
[23:27] Nici_OP> I am akira
[23:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> niic
[23:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> the number didnt work
[23:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> says message blockin is active
[23:27] Nici_OP> +351 913283770
[23:27] Medusa_OP> lol
[23:27] [AsG]Sky- out
[23:28] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:28] Mammy_Tas out
[23:28] Medusa_OP> gn :mammy:
[23:32] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nici add me
[23:32] [GoD]Rbwilson> +1 302 401 3811
[23:32] Medusa_OP> he is in game
[23:34] Nici_OP> I got ur msg
[23:37] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:37] [SW]chapo> YOO guys
[23:37] almafuerte in
[23:38] Medusa_OP> yo jimmy :)
[23:39] [SW]chapo> how are you bianca
[23:40] Medusa_OP> tired
[23:40] Medusa_OP> you?
[23:40] HexTheRex> lol thats it
[23:41] Joseph_OP> Hex that was great
[23:41] Nici_OP> gg
[23:41] Joseph_OP> wp both
[23:41] [AvA]Stauni> hex join tsu wants to play with you
[23:41] Nici_OP> gl in your remaining matches
[23:41] almafuerte out
[23:41] HexTheRex> gl with the tour. you can win it!
[23:41] Nici_OP> I'll try but I'm too bad
[23:42] [TSI]O-Ren> he's waiting for you sooooooooooooooooooooooo long
[23:42] [AvA]Stauni> lol hex had more pop once xD
[23:42] [AvA]Savas> sorry, gtg now, hf all!
[23:42] [AvA]Savas out
[23:42] Nici_OP> hex
[23:43] [SW]chapo> https://www.twitch.tv/chapo27_
[23:43] Nici_OP> y9ou using panel
[23:43] Nici_OP> I see you bringing troops
[23:43] [AvA]Pharaoh> +1 sess
[23:43] [AvA]Pharaoh> ok
[23:43] Nici_OP> right aphter using your shaman
[23:43] HexTheRex> yea i have practised a bit
[23:43] Nici_OP> idles 1's
[23:43] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeee
[23:43] Nici_OP> and your spreading on huts
[23:43] [AvA]Stauni> thaat aint popolous
[23:43] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[23:43] iRespectWomenxD26> oh wtf dont run bianca
[23:44] Medusa_OP> its late anyway
[23:44] Medusa_OP out
[23:44] Hungaro> teams?
[23:44] HexTheRex> i had an uncommon strategy for me. as i usually just try to build a huge base, then sit in tower to wait for something to happen
[23:44] Joseph_OP> idm Hungaro
[23:45] Nici_OP> yh don't sit in toer aiting
[23:45] Nici_OP> not saying u need to be the one making it happen
[23:45] Nici_OP> in this case it as me lbing to you
[23:45] Nici_OP> but also me using the lbs
[23:45] Nici_OP> so it's positivee in this case
[23:45] Nici_OP> but you can do that in 1v1 , your strategy I mean
[23:45] HexTheRex> but i prepared for early attack too
[23:45] Nici_OP> but in 2v2's avoid it
[23:46] HexTheRex> once it worked
[23:46] Nici_OP> once :D
[23:46] Nici_OP> you mean in 2v2s ?
[23:46] HexTheRex> in our 2nd match
[23:46] Nici_OP> ohhh
[23:46] Nici_OP> u did good there
[23:47] HexTheRex> and 3rd too, but was not quite enough
[23:47] Nici_OP> tbh
[23:47] Nici_OP> you played better this 3rd match than 2nd
[23:47] Nici_OP> even though results are opposed
[23:47] Nici_OP> just my opinion though
[23:47] HexTheRex> hmm could be. did you upload the streams?
[23:48] Nici_OP> can't stream beta
[23:48] Nici_OP> :D
[23:48] HexTheRex> aww ok
[23:48] Nici_OP> OBS is laggy
[23:52] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:53] Nici_OP out
[23:54] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[23:57] iRespectWomenxD26> any games?
[23:57] [SW]chapo> +1
[23:57] [SW]chapo> stauni join mat
[23:57] [SW]chapo> e
[00:01] [SW]chapo> wilson welcome back bro
[00:04] Durban_Poison in
[00:10] [Rw]loothill out
[00:12] Joseph_OP> gg guy s
[00:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[00:12] Hungaro> thanks for tha game
[00:12] [SW]Arbrim out
[00:13] Joseph_OP> want to rm but switch teams?
[00:13] Hungaro> sure
[00:13] Joseph_OP> me and pharoah oren and hung?
[00:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> sure
[00:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> a. who left?
[00:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> b. do ranked
[00:15] Joseph_OP> sorry cba to play unrated
[00:15] Joseph_OP> didnt realize
[00:16] [TSI]O-Ren> last game was also unranked
[00:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> so say something before you gb
[00:16] Joseph_OP> i just see that now lol
[00:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> so let's fix the mistake haha
[00:16] Joseph_OP> i am equally fine with losing and winning
[00:16] Joseph_OP> but no point in unranked games tbh
[00:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah
[00:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> join the fucking hut
[00:18] Joseph_OP> You okay with rated Hungaro?
[00:18] [TSI]O-Ren out
[00:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> ffs
[00:18] Joseph_OP> ah well
[00:18] Hungaro> i platy any
[00:18] Joseph_OP> gg anyway
[00:18] Hungaro> play*
[00:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> gb is always risky
[00:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> everyone seems to have left mm
[00:18] Joseph_OP> true
[00:19] Joseph_OP> but better than playing unrated
[00:19] [AvA]Pharaoh> it's not that important
[00:19] Joseph_OP> yea in that one half hour game most have left
[00:19] [AvA]Pharaoh> u should play for fun
[00:19] Joseph_OP> i do
[00:19] Joseph_OP> that why i prefer it rated
[00:19] iRespectWomenxD26> like the eq on my left side
[00:19] [SW]chapo> lol
[00:19] iRespectWomenxD26> made it really hard to get to side
[00:19] Hungaro> I dont care about it, with points or without points its the same literally
[00:19] iRespectWomenxD26> if i had mana i would waste lb lol
[00:20] [SW]chapo> hahahah
[00:20] [SW]chapo> chill game bro
[00:20] [SW]chapo> you had lag in game?
[00:20] iRespectWomenxD26> nah it was gud
[00:20] [SW]chapo> you have lag in game bro
[00:20] [SW]chapo> ahh okay
[00:21] Joseph_OP> Sure hungaro, but whats the point of unrated then if the same
[00:22] Hungaro> no idea why you asking me that, I simply never clicked that thing
[00:22] Joseph_OP> does not matter though, that's just my preference
[00:22] Hungaro> I either join huts or I press play
[00:23] Hungaro> I dont really see the problem
[00:23] Joseph_OP> there is none
[00:27] [AvA]Obduction out
[00:30] Joseph_OP> eh mm has died for the night
[00:31] Hungaro out
[00:33] [AvA]bioSound in
[00:34] Joseph_OP> gn peeps
[00:34] Joseph_OP out
[00:36] [SW]pablo- in
[00:40] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[00:40] [AvA]bioSound> +1
[00:41] [AvA]Pharaoh> whatever map u guys want
[00:41] [AvA]Pharaoh> i think hut was full for a sec someone must have checked map haha
[00:41] [AvA]bioSound> haha
[00:41] [AvA]bioSound> anyone is ok for me :)
[00:42] [AvA]Pharaoh> why every message from bioSound sounds like a pm????
[00:42] [AvA]Pharaoh> send a message bio
[00:42] [AvA]bioSound> hh
[00:43] [AvA]bioSound out
[00:43] [AvA]bioSound in
[00:44] [AvA]Pharaoh> even when bioSound logs in I hear pm sound
[00:44] [AvA]Pharaoh> lemme relog hahah
[00:44] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:44] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[00:44] [AvA]bioSound> haha weird
[00:45] [AvA]bioSound> now?
[00:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> now it's ok
[00:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> was a weird bug
[00:48] HexTheRex out
[00:49] [AvA]Stauni> could play jugg
[00:49] [AvA]bioSound> yeah its fine for me
[00:49] Durban_Poison out
[00:50] [AvA]bioSound> What time is it there?
[00:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> getting tired
[00:50] [AvA]Stauni> where
[00:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> 2:50 am
[00:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> gonna go to bed
[00:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> gn
[00:50] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:50] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni> could play jugg
[00:50] [AvA]bioSound> Wow
[00:50] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[00:51] [AvA]bioSound> It's 19:50 here haha
[00:53] [AvA]bioSound> damn
[00:53] [AvA]bioSound out
[00:53] [AvA]bioSound in
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> oooh man that was too long
[01:18] [SW]chapo> hahah yea bro
[01:18] [SW]chapo> wp
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> ya u 2
[01:18] [SW]chapo> i like to play again but i have to slepp
[01:18] Mr_Ridiculous in
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> same
[01:18] [SW]chapo> thanks for game bro
[01:18] [SW]chapo> <3
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> 1-1 not bad
[01:18] [SW]chapo> its so good
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> ggs peace bro
[01:18] [SW]chapo> gn bro love you
[01:18] iRespectWomenxD26> <:D
[01:18] [SW]chapo out
[01:20] Mr_Ridiculous> hey guys
[01:22] Durban_Poison in
[01:23] Mr_Ridiculous> xD
[01:24] Mr_Ridiculous> pop :rip:
[01:24] [AvA]MIBbel in
[01:24] [AvA]MIBbel out
[01:26] [SW]pablo- out
[01:26] nodzz in
[01:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[01:28] nodzz out
[01:28] nodzz in
[01:29] Mr_Ridiculous> noddzz
[01:29] Mr_Ridiculous> joiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn
[01:29] nodzz> nah mate im trying to help someone stream it lol
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> lool
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> ok
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> xD
[01:30] nodzz> is the populous 1.5 beta available online?
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> yes
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> just below my sentence
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> version 1,5
[01:30] Mr_Ridiculous> left to the play button
[01:31] nodzz> aint nothing mate, hmm
[01:31] Mr_Ridiculous> hmmmmmmmmm
[01:31] Mr_Ridiculous> ??
[01:31] nodzz> theres the play button and thats it
[01:31] Mr_Ridiculous> left
[01:31] Mr_Ridiculous> look <-------
[01:32] Mr_Ridiculous> it says "version 1,5"
[01:32] Mr_Ridiculous> or 1.01
[01:32] nodzz> I meant more
[01:32] nodzz> can I DL it somewhere?
[01:34] nodzz out
[01:35] nodzz in
[01:36] HexTheRex in
[01:36] Mr_Ridiculous> hey
[01:36] Mr_Ridiculous> Hex
[01:36] Mr_Ridiculous> :!
[01:36] Sirius_OP out
[01:37] Mr_Ridiculous> LOOOOOOOOOL
[01:37] HexTheRex out
[01:37] HexTheRex in
[01:37] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[01:38] nodzz out
[01:39] nodzz in
[01:41] Primatey in
[01:47] Primatey out
[01:48] Mr_Ridiculous> WOW
[01:48] nodzz out
[01:58] Deists in
[01:59] [AvA]bioSound> Haha it was fun
[02:00] [AvA]Stauni> yea theres wone asgod xD
[02:00] [AvA]bioSound> xD
[02:00] [AvA]bioSound out
[02:09] [AvA]Stauni out
[02:11] Zpektrix_TAS out
[02:20] Deists out
[02:35] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[02:38] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[02:55] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[04:12] RessurectioN_TAS in
[04:12] RessurectioN_TAS out
[04:31] HexTheRex out
[04:41] Durban_Poison out
[05:06] Nici> Hammock
[05:06] Nici> I'm gay
[05:26] leolixiaolong in
[05:34] leolixiaolong out
[05:35] leolixiaolong in
[05:36] leolixiaolong out
[05:36] leolixiaolong in
[05:39] leolixiaolong> hi
[05:57] poos in
[05:58] poos out
[06:02] poos in
[06:06] BebeNick in
[06:07] poos> join game 2
[06:07] poos> game 1
[06:07] poos> please anyone
[06:07] poos> join game 1
[06:09] poos out
[06:09] poos in
[06:13] Benedict_Owler in
[06:15] poos> i want o join in game 2
[06:15] Benedict_Owler out
[06:18] poos> i want to join in game 2
[06:18] poos> pleade
[06:18] BebeNick out
[06:18] BebeNick in
[06:19] leolixiaolong> Im just checking network now
[06:20] leolixiaolong out
[06:20] leolixiaolong in
[06:23] BrokenWings in
[06:24] poos out
[06:26] BebeNick out
[06:26] BebeNick in
[06:33] leolixiaolong out
[06:33] leolixiaolong in
[06:33] BebeNick out
[06:35] BebeNick in
[06:36] BebeNick out
[06:37] leolixiaolong out
[06:37] leolixiaolong in
[06:41] BebeNick in
[06:42] leolixiaolong out
[06:42] leolixiaolong in
[06:46] leolixiaolong out
[06:47] poos in
[06:49] BebeNick out
[06:52] poos out
[06:52] poos in
[06:55] poos out
[06:58] power_OP in
[06:59] BrokenWings out
[07:01] _poos in
[07:01] _poos out
[07:02] poos in
[07:02] poos> hi dude
[07:02] poos> good morni ng
[07:02] poos> change it a s 1.01r
[07:02] poos> dude
[07:02] poos> 1.01r
[07:02] poos> dude
[07:02] poos> can you hear me
[07:02] poos> dude
[07:03] poos> am i laggeing
[07:03] poos> oh
[07:07] power_OP> hi ppos
[07:07] poos out
[07:13] poos in
[07:13] poos out
[07:14] poos in
[07:14] poos out
[07:14] poos in
[07:15] poos out
[07:18] poos in
[07:18] poos> hey
[07:18] poos> hi dude
[07:18] poos> join
[07:18] poos> game
[07:18] poos> 1
[07:18] poos> please join
[07:19] poos> you host
[07:19] poos out
[07:19] poos in
[07:19] power_OP> wait some
[07:19] poos> ok
[07:20] poos out
[07:20] poos in
[07:20] power_OP out
[07:20] power_OP in
[07:21] poos> can i host
[07:21] power_OP> ofc
[07:22] poos> you host
[07:22] poos out
[07:22] poos in
[07:30] poos> heyi got viruses
[07:30] poos> in my pc
[07:30] poos> everthing lokks
[07:30] poos> ost
[07:30] power_OP out
[07:31] poos> host
[07:31] poos> host dude
[07:31] poos> please
[07:33] power_OP in
[07:33] poos> host
[07:34] poos> please
[07:34] poos> sorry
[07:34] poos> for quit
[07:34] poos> sorry
[07:34] poos> please dude
[07:34] power_OP> np
[07:34] poos> host
[07:34] poos> thank you dude
[07:34] poos out
[07:34] poos in
[07:40] Kay in
[08:02] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[08:03] [GoD]Rbwilson> Is that THE NGKayin?
[08:03] [GoD]Rbwilson> Welcome back <3
[08:04] Nici> Hey poos
[08:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> Hi nici
[08:06] power_OP> nici
[08:06] Maharaja in
[08:06] power_OP> poops vs nici when
[08:06] poos> power op host
[08:07] poos> where is nici
[08:07] poos> i challenged him no???????????
[08:07] poos> power op host
[08:07] power_OP> yeah you challanged
[08:07] poos> yes
[08:07] poos> i know
[08:07] poos> where he is
[08:07] power_OP> and he didnt face you
[08:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> poos we can get a 2v2
[08:08] poos> k
[08:08] Nici> I'm scared
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> well, i need to change to my ethernet also
[08:08] Maharaja out
[08:08] Nici> Hey sypyro
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> gimme 1 min pluggin it in
[08:08] Nici> Bitch
[08:08] Nici> :angry_face:
[08:08] power_OP> kk
[08:08] power_OP> sup nici
[08:08] poos> come on join nici
[08:08] power_OP> mmorning bro
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> kay is about to play
[08:08] Nici> Hey power
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> r
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson> brb
[08:08] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[08:08] poos> hi nici
[08:09] Nici> Good morning :xpeepo:
[08:09] Nici> :pile_of_poo:
[08:09] Nici> Poos
[08:09] poos> ys
[08:09] Nici> :pile_of_poo: :pile_of_poo:
[08:09] Nici> 2 poos
[08:09] poos> come play with me nici
[08:09] poos> come on
[08:09] Nici> Why
[08:09] power_OP> face him nici
[08:09] poos> please
[08:10] Nici> I'm shitting bricks
[08:10] power_OP> he challanged you
[08:10] poos> yes
[08:10] poos> please nivci
[08:10] Nici> OK gimme 3 mins and some secs
[08:10] poos> ok
[08:10] power_OP> i give you 4 mins
[08:10] power_OP> lol
[08:10] poos> lol
[08:10] Nici> Taking a poo
[08:10] Nici> :kekw:
[08:11] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[08:11] power_OP> g
[08:11] power_OP> lol
[08:11] power_OP> spyro where r u from
[08:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> Im USA mate
[08:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> and you?
[08:11] power_OP> turkey
[08:11] power_OP> farrrr away
[08:12] power_OP out
[08:12] power_OP in
[08:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> Need hdmi too
[08:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> sec
[08:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> poos ur ping
[08:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> Kay could host oo
[08:13] poos out
[08:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> He would probably give you guys better pings
[08:14] Kay> let me try
[08:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> im so far from yall lul
[08:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> i give tsu 190 on his good isp
[08:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> so kay should give me close to that
[08:15] power_OP> lol point system brreaking every morning
[08:15] power_OP out
[08:15] power_OP in
[08:25] [GoD]Rbwilson> power ur ping still
[08:25] power_OP> we need 1 more any way
[08:25] Kay> or i relog
[08:25] Kay out
[08:26] Kay in
[08:27] Kay> lol 257
[08:27] poos in
[08:27] Kay> poos get 190
[08:28] poos> come on ower op
[08:29] poos> relog
[08:29] power_OP> no way
[08:29] power_OP out
[08:29] power_OP in
[08:29] Kay> poos X now
[08:29] Kay> lol
[08:29] Kay> why
[08:29] Kay> he just get ping there
[08:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> shall i try hosting then?
[08:30] Zero_Eclipse in
[08:30] Kay> i relog again
[08:30] Kay> ya u try
[08:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> Map?
[08:30] Zero_Eclipse> o rbwilson
[08:30] power_OP> pp walls
[08:30] poos> no
[08:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> zero who are u
[08:30] poos> i wan tot be in game 2
[08:30] poos> please
[08:30] Zero_Eclipse> im supreme warlord :D
[08:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> ah lol
[08:30] poos> zero eclips
[08:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> well hi
[08:31] poos> gom away
[08:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> but thats poos spo
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> long time no see
[08:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> spot
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> :D
[08:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> sorry man
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> its ok
[08:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> Vote map guys
[08:31] power_OP> pp or walls please
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> go walla
[08:31] poos> pp
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> walls
[08:31] Nici_OP in
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> coz poos is a new player
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> so it will be nice blue and green
[08:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> ok
[08:31] Zero_Eclipse> coz u a fw :D
[08:31] power_OP> annddd he has come
[08:31] Nici_OP> pooz
[08:31] poos> what
[08:32] power_OP> nici vs poos
[08:32] poos> can w eplay
[08:32] Nici_OP> play your 2v2 1st
[08:32] Nici_OP> its ok
[08:32] Nici_OP> gratz on priest poer
[08:32] Nici_OP> :D
[08:34] Zero_Eclipse> yo nic
[08:34] Zero_Eclipse> y dont u play dota too ?
[08:34] Zero_Eclipse> a bit similar to pop
[08:36] Nici_OP> hey john
[08:37] Nici_OP> never tried really
[08:37] Zero_Eclipse> its addictive like pop xD
[08:38] Zero_Eclipse out
[08:44] [SW]chapo in
[08:52] [SW]chapo> kopa here
[08:56] poos out
[08:59] poos in
[09:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> gg!
[09:00] poos> have i played well
[09:00] poos> dude
[09:00] Kay> gg guys
[09:00] poos> am i developes
[09:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> You did fine man! wp!
[09:00] power_OP> thanks nici but its fake again
[09:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> be back soon!
[09:00] Kay> cya :)
[09:00] [GoD]Rbwilson> :)
[09:01] power_OP> +1
[09:01] power_OP> yoyo jimmy
[09:01] power_OP> sup
[09:01] poos> +1
[09:01] poos> anyone
[09:02] poos> poos + chapo
[09:02] poos> please
[09:02] power_OP> ok but we need +1
[09:02] poos> ok
[09:03] [SW]chapo> yo bro
[09:04] poos> chapo can i be your friends
[09:04] poos> chapo
[09:04] poos> i watchig online class
[09:04] poos> becaus
[09:04] poos> i am 12
[09:04] poos> 9 th std
[09:05] poos> anyone
[09:06] power_OP> +1
[09:06] poos> +1 anyone
[09:10] poos> chapo you host
[09:10] poos> kay host
[09:10] poos> please
[09:10] poos> you host very well
[09:10] poos> please host
[09:10] poos> kay
[09:10] poos> can you host
[09:10] poos> please dude
[09:11] [SW]chapo> poss how old are you
[09:11] poos> 12
[09:11] [SW]chapo> ahh cool mate
[09:11] poos> i am12
[09:11] poos> promise
[09:11] [SW]chapo> <3
[09:11] poos> it is real
[09:11] [SW]chapo> where are you from
[09:11] poos> india
[09:11] [SW]chapo> cool bro
[09:11] [SW]chapo> welcome in best pop
[09:11] poos> i am a spy+
[09:11] poos> in 1 week
[09:11] [SW]chapo> yea mate i see
[09:11] power_OP> yeah you r good
[09:11] [SW]chapo> good job
[09:12] [SW]chapo> i have cousin
[09:12] poos> you host chapo
[09:12] poos> please
[09:12] [SW]chapo> have 9 years
[09:12] [SW]chapo> i dont have ping
[09:12] [SW]chapo> and playing pop
[09:12] power_OP> oo
[09:12] power_OP> who
[09:12] [SW]chapo> warrior
[09:12] power_OP> haha good
[09:13] [SW]chapo> you know warrior
[09:13] poos> i am 1 year exprience
[09:13] power_OP> yeah yeah i knoe him
[09:13] poos> yep
[09:13] [SW]chapo> nice
[09:15] Nici> Warrior
[09:15] Nici> The guy everyone blocks
[09:16] poos> chapo can you relog
[09:16] poos> please
[09:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> :O
[09:17] [SW]chapo> warrior its young
[09:18] poos> chpo relog
[09:18] poos> dude
[09:19] T-Rod in
[09:19] power_OP> hey trod
[09:19] T-Rod> Hi
[09:19] T-Rod> Morning
[09:19] power_OP> Morning man
[09:20] poos> good morning dude
[09:20] poos> t rod
[09:20] T-Rod> :nice:
[09:21] poos out
[09:23] power_OP out
[09:27] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[09:28] [SW]chapo> mrorning Trod
[09:28] [SW]chapo> morning*
[09:29] [SW]chapo out
[09:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[09:29] power_OP in
[09:30] T-Rod> hi
[09:30] power_OP> yo rally
[09:30] power_OP> wanna do TOT
[09:30] power_OP> ?
[09:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Morning
[09:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yeah gimme a few
[09:30] T-Rod> u guys doing tourney?
[09:30] power_OP> yeh
[09:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> We are now
[09:30] T-Rod> lemmi spec
[09:30] power_OP> watch us trod
[09:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Join Yellow Rod
[09:30] T-Rod> i thought i play :O
[09:31] T-Rod> i mean watch
[09:31] T-Rod> oh its beta
[09:31] power_OP> yeah tourneys betra
[09:31] power_OP> beta*
[09:32] [GoD]carbine in
[09:47] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[09:53] power_OP> donr like that map
[09:54] power_OP> gg wp
[09:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[09:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> Tbh that teleport is too strong
[09:54] power_OP> yeah it is
[09:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> If it was AoD fair game
[09:54] power_OP> didnt think its pray time that short
[09:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> But teleport is way too strong for the pray time
[09:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> Shall we do round two?
[09:55] power_OP> yeah eyah
[09:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> Rod you want to watch?
[09:57] [AvA]Obduction in
[10:04] Nici_OP> ya phucking teleport
[10:04] Nici_OP> gay as shit
[10:04] Nici_OP> praying should never be on on ToT
[10:04] Nici_OP> game becomes extremely reliant on it
[10:04] Nici_OP> takes out all good plays
[10:05] Nici_OP> sticks to lights n nothing else
[10:05] Nici_OP> but tbh teleport isn't that OP
[10:05] Nici_OP> cuz
[10:05] Nici_OP> iph u anna dephend stone, you need lights
[10:05] Nici_OP> means at most u get 2 earthuakes
[10:05] Nici_OP> rekuires attention
[10:05] Nici_OP> tribe ithout stone should have higher pop
[10:06] Nici_OP> also, all u need to do is spread ur arriors in huts
[10:06] Nici_OP> iph u got any
[10:10] T-Rod> Nici taught me, if someone goes totem bd him :nice:
[10:10] Nici_OP> good to keep attention
[10:10] Nici_OP> aay
[10:10] T-Rod> in the first tot tourneys
[10:10] [AsG]Nefarius in
[10:13] [AsG]Nefarius> anyone for a 1v1?
[10:15] power_OP> gg wp
[10:16] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[10:16] [AvA]Obduction out
[10:16] power_OP> nef 1v1?
[10:18] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[10:18] power_OP> yo fist
[10:18] [AvA]Namechangingftw> yo power
[10:19] [AvA]Namechangingftw> beautiful weather and sunshine, time for populous
[10:19] power_OP> niceee
[10:20] power_OP> +2 PP
[10:20] power_OP> +1
[10:21] power_OP out
[10:21] power_OP in
[10:21] [AsG]Nefarius> I could host as well
[10:21] [AsG]Nefarius> if you want :-o
[10:21] power_OP> looks like it will better
[10:21] [AsG]Nefarius> you guys want PP, right?
[10:22] power_OP> idm
[10:22] power_OP> but 4walls or PP
[10:22] power_OP> would be good
[10:23] power_OP> +1
[10:25] [AsG]Ralimurr> At least, I believe
[10:25] [AsG]Nefarius> Fair enough
[10:25] [AsG]Nefarius> power
[10:25] [AsG]Nefarius> be red
[10:25] [AsG]Ralimurr> As far as I know you were better than me and fist was better than power (last time I played)
[10:25] [AsG]Nefarius> its you and me
[10:25] [AsG]Ralimurr> But it's been a while since I played
[10:25] power_OP> yeah you guys fw ranks
[10:25] power_OP> 1 m warrior
[10:25] [AsG]Ralimurr> You're preacher for me :)
[10:26] power_OP> how
[10:26] [AsG]Ralimurr> Well it says you're a preacher rank
[10:27] [AvA]Namechangingftw> was on toilet
[10:27] power_OP> point system broken
[10:27] power_OP> every mmorning
[10:29] Nici_OP> SUP TED
[10:29] T-Rod> Whos dat :nice:
[10:29] Nici_OP> :nice:
[10:29] Nici_OP> no clue
[10:29] Nici_OP> :nice:
[10:30] Nici_OP> hat map you doing
[10:30] Nici_OP> pp ?
[10:30] T-Rod> any
[10:30] Nici_OP> :O
[10:30] T-Rod> maybe carbine joins
[10:30] T-Rod> and nefarious
[10:30] T-Rod> or someones
[10:34] [AvA]Obduction in
[10:39] Nici_OP> zaptos
[10:39] Nici_OP> zapdos
[10:40] Nici_OP> :kek:
[10:40] T-Rod> I heard he was gud player
[10:40] T-Rod> whoever he was
[10:42] Nici_OP> thought it's meph
[10:42] Nici_OP> lmao
[10:42] Nici_OP> but zapdos didn't camp
[10:42] Nici_OP> so
[10:42] Nici_OP> :D
[10:42] T-Rod> Hmm maybe addi then
[10:42] T-Rod> Keith cant be also
[10:42] Nici_OP> :=)
[10:45] T-Rod> keith owned meph yesterday btw, saying" untouched base"
[10:45] T-Rod> rofl
[10:45] poos in
[10:45] T-Rod> hi poos
[10:45] poos> hi
[10:45] poos> t rod
[10:45] poos> good morning
[10:45] poos> all
[10:45] poos> hi nici
[10:46] poos> please can we pla
[10:46] poos> please
[10:46] poos> i want to pley with pro like you
[10:46] poos> all
[10:46] T-Rod> idm
[10:46] poos> pleases start
[10:46] T-Rod> i can play with anyone
[10:46] poos> idm means what
[10:46] T-Rod> must have fair teams tho
[10:46] T-Rod> i dont mind
[10:46] poos> oh
[10:46] T-Rod> so its fine by me
[10:46] poos> you and nici are equal
[10:47] T-Rod> i wouldnt say so
[10:47] poos> ok
[10:47] T-Rod> nici can handle 3 rods alone
[10:48] T-Rod> maybe they end that ongoing game soon
[10:48] T-Rod> and we can do 3 v3 pp ?
[10:48] T-Rod> or something
[10:48] T-Rod> idm
[10:49] poos> i want to play with you only t rod
[10:49] poos> can i?
[10:49] poos> 1vs1
[10:49] poos> with you t rod
[10:49] poos> pleaese
[10:49] poos> dude
[10:50] poos> trod host
[10:50] poos> please
[10:51] poos> just start
[10:51] poos> t rod
[10:51] poos> 3 plaers
[10:51] poos> 1vs1vs1
[10:51] poos> please dude
[10:51] poos> t rod
[10:51] poos> what is your age
[10:51] poos> ????
[10:51] T-Rod> im 13
[10:52] T-Rod> How old u man
[10:52] poos> i am 12
[10:52] poos> realy
[10:53] T-Rod> wow nice
[10:53] poos> my age 12
[10:53] poos> your gaming expirence is 13 years
[10:53] poos> please play with me
[10:53] poos> please
[10:53] poos> start
[10:53] poos> trod
[10:53] T-Rod> ur too gud man
[10:53] poos> please i am begging
[10:53] T-Rod> waiting 2 vs 2 or 3 v 3
[10:53] poos> you are also my super star
[10:54] poos> i am your fan you know???
[10:54] poos> biggest fan
[10:54] poos> please play with me
[10:54] poos> please please please
[10:54] poos> my hands are paining beacause i am typing a lot
[10:54] poos> lololol
[10:54] poos> my hand
[10:54] T-Rod> haha
[10:55] poos> i think i got virus in my pc
[10:55] poos> pop
[10:55] poos> its like yellow red and blue colour are visible
[10:55] poos> others not
[10:55] poos> oh got i got mad in ryaping
[10:55] poos> i can't stop typing
[10:55] [SW]pablo- in
[10:55] poos> please anyone???
[10:56] poos> pleay with me
[10:56] poos> please\
[10:56] poos> phew
[10:56] poos> a small break
[10:56] poos> for typing
[10:56] poos> i think my kewboard broken
[10:56] poos> lol
[10:56] poos> please strat
[10:56] poos> i got mad
[10:56] poos> pleASE
[10:57] poos> trod can you talk any thing
[10:57] poos> dude
[10:57] poos> can you reply
[10:57] poos> anything
[10:58] poos> t rod
[10:58] Barracuda11 in
[10:58] poos> anyone jon game 2
[10:58] poos> please
[10:58] poos> +1
[10:58] poos> meaw
[10:58] poos> typing fever
[10:58] poos> i got mad
[10:58] poos> mad
[10:58] Barracuda11 out
[10:58] poos> lol
[10:58] T-Rod> get a cold beer and chill
[10:59] T-Rod> :good:
[10:59] poos> what is beer
[10:59] poos> what
[10:59] poos> ??
[10:59] poos> what is beer
[10:59] poos> can yu tel
[10:59] T-Rod> google man
[10:59] poos> ok
[11:00] poos> oh it is a alcohol content
[11:00] [SW]pablo- out
[11:00] poos> i banned it in my life
[11:00] [SW]pablo- in
[11:00] poos> its wron
[11:00] poos> start
[11:00] [SW]pablo-> hi guys
[11:00] T-Rod> hi
[11:00] poos> s
[11:00] poos> t rod start
[11:00] poos> dude
[11:02] poos> nici ping "x"
[11:02] poos> start
[11:02] poos> hi got ping 77
[11:02] T-Rod> poos ur ping unplayabel
[11:02] [SW]pablo-> poos chill bro
[11:02] poos> i can
[11:02] poos> play
[11:04] [SW]pablo-> poos relog
[11:04] poos out
[11:05] poos in
[11:05] poos out
[11:05] poos in
[11:05] T-Rod> poos ur ping unstable man
[11:05] poos> ok
[11:06] poos> i will make it stable
[11:06] [SW]pablo-> let me host
[11:06] T-Rod> as u wish
[11:06] poos> start
[11:06] poos> dde
[11:06] poos> 3 player is fine
[11:06] poos> pp
[11:06] poos> is a good map
[11:06] T-Rod> funny how alls ping 100 higher
[11:06] poos> please
[11:06] poos> that amp
[11:06] T-Rod> i gave u pablo under 100
[11:06] [SW]pablo- out
[11:06] T-Rod> and u gimme 120
[11:06] poos> pp
[11:07] poos> start
[11:07] poos> t rod start
[11:08] T-Rod> ur ping too unstable man
[11:08] T-Rod> cant host u
[11:08] poos> please
[11:08] poos> please i want to play
[11:09] poos> i will be stable
[11:09] poos> please
[11:09] poos> thank you
[11:09] poos> see
[11:09] poos> power op join game 2
[11:09] poos> +2
[11:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> its allways frustrating to face a camping enemy on pp while u have a full pocket of spells
[11:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[11:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg wp
[11:10] power_OP> gg wp
[11:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> Gotta chip away at their defences at that point
[11:10] power_OP> sorry fist
[11:10] T-Rod> gg wp that pp
[11:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> np
[11:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> played well
[11:10] power_OP> only way to win was to me to camp
[11:10] T-Rod> i thought green and yell win
[11:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> I stood no chance against Nef
[11:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> allways i did to single fws
[11:10] [TDM]Tundar in
[11:10] poos> no
[11:10] T-Rod> care to play more
[11:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> its so easy to die on pp
[11:11] poos> i can't play 1.5
[11:11] poos> betA
[11:11] poos> PLEASE
[11:11] poos> 1.01
[11:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> sry rali
[11:11] power_OP> yeah trod he cacnt launc
[11:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> should have preesured power more
[11:11] [AsG]Ralimurr> No worries
[11:11] poos> I WANT TO PLAY IN GAME 2
[11:12] poos> DONT RESTRICT ME
[11:12] poos> PLEASE
[11:12] power_OP> your pop was perfect
[11:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw> yeah my pop
[11:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw> but my warrior gameplay was shit
[11:12] poos> WHAT IS OPO
[11:13] poos> WHAT IS POP
[11:13] power_OP> yeah with more warrior spam
[11:13] [AvA]Namechangingftw> population
[11:13] power_OP> you can just crushed me
[11:13] poos> oh
[11:13] poos> k
[11:13] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i lost my wars to easy
[11:13] poos> trod dont restrict me
[11:13] poos> dude
[11:13] poos> trod
[11:13] poos> please
[11:13] poos out
[11:14] poos in
[11:14] poos> please
[11:15] Nici_OP> you need to play people your rank 1st
[11:15] Nici_OP> I kno it's not ez
[11:15] poos> i will manage that
[11:15] poos> i can play
[11:15] poos> with you all
[11:15] poos> please
[11:15] poos> 1vs1vs1vs1
[11:15] [AsG]Nefarius> poos, you picked a unfortunate time to look for a game
[11:16] [AsG]Nefarius> usually the MM is more crowed in afternoon or early evening
[11:16] [AsG]Nefarius> crowded*
[11:16] power_OP> +7 hrs you can find games
[11:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> we can play 1v1 poos
[11:16] poos> ok
[11:16] poos> version 1.01r
[11:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> wow 828 pingg
[11:16] poos> ok
[11:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> where are u fromm?
[11:16] poos> india
[11:17] T-Rod> hes ping so unstable that he cant stay in game
[11:17] T-Rod> or get launched
[11:17] [AvA]Namechangingftw> you will have lags
[11:17] poos> start name changer
[11:17] [AvA]Namechangingftw> u have to get ping first
[11:18] poos> start
[11:18] [AvA]Namechangingftw> it say x
[11:18] poos> start i will amnage
[11:18] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i cant launch
[11:18] [AvA]Namechangingftw> without ping
[11:18] T-Rod> portforward.com
[11:18] poos> i have ping
[11:19] [SW]pablo- in
[11:19] T-Rod> pablo
[11:19] T-Rod> and power
[11:19] T-Rod> in
[11:19] T-Rod> map wishes?
[11:20] power_OP> pp or wals
[11:20] T-Rod> k
[11:20] [SW]pablo-> yeah lets play 4 walls
[11:20] Nici_OP> idm
[11:20] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[11:21] T-Rod> twitch.tv/beer_koff
[11:24] [AvA]S0ma in
[11:24] Meph in
[11:24] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[11:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg
[11:27] poos> start
[11:28] [GoD]Rbwilson> Good Morning everyone
[11:29] Deists in
[11:30] poos out
[11:33] [AvA]S0ma> +2
[11:34] poos in
[11:38] poos> start
[11:38] xtro in
[11:39] poos> anyone play with me
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill play with you
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> ;)
[11:39] poos> host
[11:39] poos> please
[11:40] poos> thank yuo for your reply
[11:40] xtro out
[11:40] xtro in
[11:40] [AvA]Namechangingftw> be pa
[11:40] [AvA]Namechangingftw> patient
[11:40] [AvA]Namechangingftw> poos
[11:41] [AvA]Namechangingftw> here it takes allways a while to get a game
[11:41] poos> ok
[11:41] [AvA]Namechangingftw> people sometimes play diffrent games until the hut is full
[11:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> Do we have to play beta?
[11:41] poos> no
[11:42] poos> 1.01
[11:42] poos> please
[11:42] poos> 1.01r
[11:42] poos> change the version
[11:42] [AvA]S0ma> i can play only beta
[11:42] poos> please
[11:42] poos> i can only play 1.01
[11:42] poos> my pc fault
[11:42] [AvA]S0ma> i can't play normal
[11:42] [AvA]S0ma> so we can't play
[11:43] poos> i leave
[11:43] [AvA]S0ma> +1
[11:43] poos> you guy play
[11:43] poos> good luck namechange
[11:43] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:43] [AvA]S0ma> xtro ping x
[11:44] warrior in
[11:44] poos> join game 2
[11:44] xtro out
[11:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> +3
[11:45] poos> name change
[11:45] poos> join game3
[11:46] poos> +1
[11:46] Joseph_OP> Poos cracks me up lol
[11:46] poos> lol
[11:46] xtro in
[11:47] Deists out
[11:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> Hi joseph
[11:48] poos out
[11:48] xtro> Soma
[11:48] Joseph_OP> Hey Rb welcome back due
[11:48] xtro> you cant host me
[11:48] Joseph_OP> Dude*
[11:48] xtro> try relog
[11:48] [AvA]S0ma out
[11:48] [AvA]S0ma in
[11:49] [AvA]S0ma> try only move
[11:49] poos in
[11:50] poos> power op host
[11:50] poos> anyone host
[11:50] warrior out
[11:51] _warrior in
[11:51] [AvA]S0ma> +1
[11:53] xtro> Wilson host
[11:53] [AvA]S0ma> but i can play only 1.5
[11:54] xtro out
[11:54] xtro in
[11:55] [AvA]S0ma> xtro you have some net problem
[11:55] [AvA]S0ma> nobody can host you
[11:56] xtro out
[11:56] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[11:56] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[11:58] xtro in
[11:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> mapwish?
[12:00] [AvA]S0ma> sess but idk if it's ok
[12:00] [AvA]S0ma> for other
[12:00] [AvA]S0ma> s
[12:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[12:01] [AvA]Namechangingftw> tsu hates sess
[12:04] poos out
[12:04] vaccinated_OP in
[12:06] power_OP out
[12:06] xtro out
[12:06] vaccinated_OP> :flexonem:
[12:06] xtro in
[12:06] [SW]pablo-> gg wp
[12:06] T-Rod> gg
[12:06] Nici_OP> gg
[12:07] Nici_OP> sad lag out
[12:07] [AsG]Ragnj in
[12:07] T-Rod> ye
[12:07] vaccinated_OP> nici what are your bets for today
[12:07] Nici_OP> germany or dra
[12:07] vaccinated_OP> i got 1-0 portugal
[12:07] poos in
[12:07] Nici_OP> :kek:
[12:07] vaccinated_OP> ronaldo 90 min header
[12:07] vaccinated_OP> or penalty
[12:07] vaccinated_OP> :kekw:
[12:07] Nici_OP> lmao
[12:07] Nici_OP> that's crazy
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> hope germany gets rekt
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> löw doesnt deserve shit
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> have you seen france germany
[12:08] Nici_OP> likely not to get rekt tbh
[12:08] Nici_OP> I did yea
[12:08] T-Rod> pop or beta game?
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> no tactics
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> putting volland LB
[12:08] [AvA]Namechangingftw> betapop
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> lol
[12:08] [AvA]Namechangingftw> soma cant orig
[12:08] Nici_OP> but phrance dephends good, portugal isn't as good
[12:08] Nici_OP> he took out gosens 4 vollland ?
[12:08] vaccinated_OP> ye
[12:09] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[12:09] Nici_OP> lmao
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> ikr
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> the guy is a fucking clown
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> no cap id do better
[12:09] Nici_OP> that's dumb as heck
[12:09] T-Rod> [AvA]S0ma> open 2 spots
[12:09] Nici_OP> he smelling hands again
[12:09] T-Rod> 3 v 3?`
[12:09] [AvA]Namechangingftw> poos cannot beta i think
[12:09] poos> 4 player
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> ye loool
[12:09] [AvA]S0ma> ragnj and zpek join
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> btw
[12:09] vaccinated_OP> played pp vs teamplayer_blue yesterday
[12:10] vaccinated_OP> and its 100% vlek
[12:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> we can also do 2v2
[12:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> waited enough
[12:10] [AvA]S0ma> it's unfair with rod , too strong
[12:10] vaccinated_OP> he expanded an untouched red base towards the back
[12:10] [AvA]S0ma> do 3v1
[12:10] vaccinated_OP> sat in tower while i doubled his ally
[12:10] vaccinated_OP> :kekw:
[12:10] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[12:10] T-Rod> i just came back
[12:10] T-Rod> super shitty
[12:11] vaccinated_OP> not like youve been good before that :(
[12:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> you can ally rod soma
[12:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> idm points
[12:11] [rw]karma in
[12:11] Nici_OP> ragnj
[12:11] Nici_OP> did you update brackets ?
[12:12] poos> nici plaw with me
[12:12] poos> can you win me
[12:12] Nici_OP> only hen your ping becomes better
[12:12] _warrior out
[12:12] poos> i have better ping now
[12:12] poos> nici
[12:12] [D]xfiresx15 out
[12:12] vaccinated_OP> poos is the indian warrior
[12:12] Nici_OP> :cringe:
[12:12] Nici_OP> are you punjab
[12:13] poos> no
[12:13] poos> are you scared
[12:13] poos> to play with me??
[12:13] Nici_OP> y
[12:13] poos> hm
[12:13] Nici_OP> I just shit bricks
[12:13] poos> please play with me
[12:13] poos> i chalenged you
[12:13] poos> come on play with me
[12:13] poos> nici
[12:13] poos> you host
[12:14] poos> come on
[12:14] poos> whats wrong with you
[12:14] poos> i challenged you
[12:14] poos> change the version to 1.01r
[12:14] poos> please
[12:14] [AsG]Ragnj> sec guys
[12:14] poos> 1.01r
[12:14] poos> version
[12:15] Nici_OP> crbine n rummer pying toy ?
[12:15] Nici_OP> carbine and drummer playing today?
[12:15] [TDM]Tundar> got 1hr45 before f1
[12:15] [TDM]Tundar> lesgp
[12:15] Nici_OP> tundar
[12:15] Nici_OP> I phound someone ho atches phormula 1 too
[12:15] Nici_OP> in pop
[12:15] poos> ragnj please change the version to 1.01r
[12:15] poos> dude
[12:15] Nici_OP> xtro
[12:15] [TDM]Tundar> maybe i will have a pop meet during a gp
[12:15] [TDM]Tundar> :D
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> tundar
[12:16] Nici_OP> go to poland
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> are u familiar with Stormzy?
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> Vossi Bop
[12:16] vaccinated_OP> classic
[12:16] [TDM]Tundar> Stormzy went to my school when I was in 6th form
[12:16] [TDM]Tundar> so yeah
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> :o
[12:16] vaccinated_OP> lol
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> thing is he fit in well too
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> considering my school was rough
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> he made friends with everyong
[12:17] Nici_OP> is he black
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> yes?
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> And was our fastest in the 400m sprint
[12:17] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> he beat me dno why they put me on 400m
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> but
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> he beat me, running backwards
[12:18] Nici_OP> lmao
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> shouting to try and inspire me to run faster
[12:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> Were u skinny back then?
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> no joke
[12:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> tundar?
[12:18] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[12:18] poos> i am the bets lighting releaser in world
[12:18] poos> lol
[12:18] [GoD]Nici_Jr> running backwards
[12:18] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOL
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> on my life
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> he started first like 100m running backwards
[12:18] [TDM]Tundar> and then won the race
[12:18] [AsG]Ragnj> 1 last
[12:19] HexTheRex in
[12:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> niic
[12:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> nici
[12:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> go play craters
[12:20] [TDM]Tundar> ..
[12:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> with them. pointless for me to play that
[12:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> sryr tundar
[12:21] [AsG]Ragnj> 1+ to ally tundar cr
[12:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> allyin me would just piss u off
[12:21] [rw]karma> i lpayed cr like decades ago lets just roll
[12:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye but u were decent at it
[12:21] [rw]karma> allf of us know how to play it tho
[12:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> ive never been good at it
[12:21] [AsG]Ragnj> everyone plays cr like once every two weeks these days wilson
[12:21] [TDM]Tundar> all u got to do is double ragnj
[12:21] [TDM]Tundar> i won't die to karma
[12:21] [AsG]Ragnj> wont matter u rusty tbh
[12:21] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[12:22] poos> uh
[12:22] poos> nici play with me
[12:23] Meph out
[12:23] poos> anone host
[12:24] power_OP in
[12:24] Nici_OP> RBILSON
[12:24] poos> power op
[12:24] Nici_OP> is stroking it
[12:24] poos> lets play
[12:24] poos> please
[12:24] Nici_OP> +çlease
[12:25] poos> i am waiting for a day to play
[12:25] poos> pleasee anyone play with me
[12:25] Hersen in
[12:25] Kay out
[12:25] Hersen out
[12:25] poos> 1.01r power op
[12:26] poos> start
[12:26] poos> due
[12:27] Meph in
[12:27] power_OP out
[12:28] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[12:28] Nici_OP> poo
[12:28] Zpektrix_TAS> fuck off
[12:28] Kay in
[12:28] Nici_OP> iph you're annoying
[12:28] Nici_OP> people not play
[12:29] poos> kay host
[12:29] poos> plwease dude
[12:29] poos> i am tired to type lot
[12:29] poos> please anone host
[12:29] Nici_OP> u are annoying
[12:29] vaccinated_OP> ill play you
[12:29] Nici_OP> it's y
[12:29] poos> i will join
[12:29] vaccinated_OP> on beta :kekyou:
[12:29] poos> i am not a noob
[12:29] vaccinated_OP> ok bigbang
[12:29] poos> vaccinated can you play with me
[12:29] poos> can you??
[12:29] Deists in
[12:30] poos> diest host
[12:30] poos> please
[12:30] vaccinated_OP> yea 1.5
[12:30] Nici_OP> k blocked
[12:30] power_OP in
[12:30] poos> nici i challenged you
[12:30] poos> play with me
[12:30] poos> come on
[12:31] poos> thank you nici
[12:31] poos> for you kindness
[12:35] [D]amhyr in
[12:37] [TDM]Tundar> fuck man
[12:37] power_OP> that was
[12:37] power_OP> fast
[12:37] [TDM]Tundar> wow
[12:38] power_OP out
[12:38] T-Rod> gg wp
[12:38] power_OP in
[12:38] xtro out
[12:38] [TDM]Tundar> :/
[12:38] [AvA]S0ma> gg
[12:38] poos> power op host
[12:38] T-Rod> map wishes?
[12:39] T-Rod> can do 3 v3 too
[12:39] T-Rod> if players want
[12:39] [AvA]S0ma out
[12:39] T-Rod> any thoughts?
[12:40] T-Rod> ok
[12:40] T-Rod> imma choose map then
[12:40] [AsG]Ragnj> any is fine
[12:40] T-Rod> thats what ppl say
[12:40] T-Rod> but when game begins
[12:40] T-Rod> they leave
[12:40] T-Rod> :kekw:
[12:41] T-Rod> random
[12:41] poos out
[12:41] T-Rod> teams ok?
[12:41] T-Rod> or?
[12:41] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[12:42] [AsG]Ragnj> sorry guys, my 1.01 aint working
[12:42] T-Rod> can do beta
[12:42] [AsG]Ragnj> k
[12:43] poos in
[12:43] poos> anyone hots
[12:44] poos> p
[12:44] poos> l
[12:44] poos> e
[12:47] Meph out
[12:49] [rw]karma> hey poos
[12:49] poos> what?
[12:49] [rw]karma> try playin players of your rank first
[12:49] [rw]karma> if u improve we can gladly launch games with u
[12:50] poos> please 1 match with you
[12:50] poos> please
[12:51] Nici_OP> u said dat to me
[12:51] Nici_OP> and your ping is 3000
[12:51] poos out
[12:52] poos in
[12:53] Meph in
[12:53] power_OP out
[12:54] [TDM]Tundar> oh nice
[12:54] [TDM]Tundar> just discovered I got nef next
[12:54] [TDM]Tundar> in tot
[12:55] [TDM]Tundar> then most likely carbine
[12:55] [TDM]Tundar> coz he will own nici obv
[12:55] Nici_OP> or drummer!
[12:55] poos> anyone pla
[12:55] poos> nici now i am not lagged come play
[12:55] Nici_OP> nty
[12:55] poos> 200 ping
[12:56] poos> remach
[12:56] Nici_OP> you said dat last time
[12:56] poos> on that time 400 ping
[12:56] poos> now 200
[12:56] [TDM]Tundar> poos
[12:56] poos> yes
[12:56] [TDM]Tundar> what on earth are you trying to achieve?
[12:56] [TDM]Tundar> a 1 vs 1?
[12:56] HexTheRex out
[12:56] poos> 1vs1
[12:56] Nici_OP> he' got 2000 ping
[12:57] Nici_OP> gl
[12:59] T-Rod> gg
[12:59] [SW]pablo-> gg
[13:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[13:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> teams
[13:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ? :D
[13:01] [AsG]Ragnj> me n karma cr
[13:01] [GoD]Nici_Jr> rod and me ? :nice:
[13:01] [AsG]Ragnj> sure
[13:01] T-Rod> idm teams
[13:01] [rw]karma> any
[13:01] T-Rod> someone who can carry me
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> fist
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> my spot
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> or wait
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> u can have it
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i get next?
[13:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i can spec
[13:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> take it
[13:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i will spec
[13:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> if ragnji open spot
[13:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> thx
[13:02] [AsG]Ragnj> try relog spin
[13:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[13:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[13:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> trod lets lose
[13:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :nice:
[13:03] [AsG]Ragnj> someone else host?
[13:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> not me
[13:03] [AsG]Ragnj> trod?
[13:04] T-Rod> i can sufre
[13:11] Deists out
[13:12] RessurectioN_TAS in
[13:12] Zpektrix_TAS> [21:11] Deists out
[13:12] Zpektrix_TAS> [21:12] RessurectioN_TAS in
[13:12] Zpektrix_TAS> lmao danny
[13:12] Zpektrix_TAS> are you living iwth him :D?
[13:12] RessurectioN_TAS> never
[13:13] RessurectioN_TAS> :pwned:
[13:13] Zpektrix_TAS> lololol
[13:13] Meph out
[13:14] Meph in
[13:14] Kay> roommates :o
[13:14] RessurectioN_TAS> im solomates
[13:14] RessurectioN_TAS> :ezy:
[13:14] Zpektrix_TAS> danny lives with family :o
[13:14] Kay> Family Deists
[13:23] poos> OK
[13:23] poos> AM I PLAYED WELL
[13:24] poos> OK
[13:24] poos> AM I PLAYED WELL DUDE
[13:24] poos> CAN YOU TELL
[13:24] [TDM]Tundar> f1 in 35 min
[13:24] poos out
[13:24] Nici_OP> tundar
[13:24] Nici_OP> did you see scotland v england yesterday
[13:25] vaccinated_OP> i had 4-0 england
[13:25] vaccinated_OP> nice ava
[13:25] [TDM]Tundar> foozball me no watch
[13:25] vaccinated_OP> didnt see the game though, was it bad?
[13:25] T-Rod> gg
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +3 gogog
[13:26] vaccinated_OP> you can 2v2 too ill watch
[13:26] [AsG]Ragnj> someone else host guys
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i asked him for 4v4
[13:26] vaccinated_OP> k
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +2
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +0
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[13:26] T-Rod> map?
[13:26] [GoD]Nici_Jr> hmm
[13:27] [AvA]Namechangingftw> testmap nr26
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> teams ?
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :D
[13:27] [AvA]Namechangingftw> new cool map
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> babo nalos lass berrechnen
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :*
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> T-Rod + vaccinated_OP + [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AsG]Ragnj vs. [GoD]carbine + [GoD]Nici_Jr + [rw]karma + [SW]pablo-
[13:27] [GoD]Nici_Jr> best says?
[13:27] [AsG]Ragnj> k
[13:27] Blip in
[13:28] [AsG]Ragnj> brb bathroom
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> its a test map anyways
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> can just go random
[13:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> go ranked#
[13:28] T-Rod> lets do other map
[13:28] T-Rod> ok
[13:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i dont plasy unranked
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> poor fist
[13:28] T-Rod> any map wishes on ranked
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> never getting his map tested
[13:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> for sure not with me
[13:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:28] [AvA]Namechangingftw> haha
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> no cross field maps
[13:28] vaccinated_OP> those are really bad
[13:28] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no push püls
[13:28] T-Rod> what abt this?
[13:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> okay
[13:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can do
[13:29] [AvA]Namechangingftw> bd desaster map
[13:29] [AvA]Namechangingftw> but ok
[13:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh
[13:29] T-Rod> best teams or?
[13:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yea bd looks shit
[13:29] T-Rod> capitain
[13:29] T-Rod> sec
[13:29] power_OP in
[13:29] [GoD]Nici_Jr> we can do random actually?
[13:30] vaccinated_OP> gogogo
[13:30] vaccinated_OP> dont mind teams as long as spin doesnt pick them
[13:30] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[13:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :kekyou:
[13:30] vaccinated_OP> man man
[13:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ich berrechne die teams immer super man
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> da hab ich für heute abend ein ticket fürs freibad gekauft
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> und vergessen dass deutschland spielt
[13:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> na geh do'
[13:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> löw wird ausflippen wenn die verlieren
[13:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :D
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> ja
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> wird wild
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> dann kommen aber wieder ausreden
[13:31] T-Rod> ok back
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> jaaaa also wir haben ja gut gespielt
[13:31] vaccinated_OP> das tor hat gefehlt
[13:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ja naj a wie immer oder nicht?=
[13:32] vaccinated_OP> "herr löw, sie haben 8-0 verloren"
[13:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> man redet sich seine sache immer schön wenn man kritik nicht konsturktiv entgegennehmen will
[13:32] vaccinated_OP> aber wir hatten 65% ballbesitz!!!
[13:33] MrCohomological in
[13:33] onePointZeroThree in
[13:36] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[13:41] [TSI]O-Ren in
[13:44] warrior in
[13:46] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[13:47] Hokage_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKue4WuagL8
[13:47] Hokage_OP> good morning
[13:51] Nici_OP> good moaning
[13:51] power_OP> +3
[13:51] Nici_OP> yo poer
[13:51] Nici_OP> you lpag out
[13:51] Nici_OP> lag out *P
[13:51] power_OP> hey nicii
[13:52] power_OP> yeah
[13:52] Nici_OP> np
[13:52] power_OP> ans sorry about to made you massage all time
[13:52] Nici_OP> its ok
[13:52] Nici_OP> im not annoyed
[13:52] Nici_OP> just hen my keyboar dodesn't type
[13:52] Nici_OP> it's annoying to try to make it clear n can't type properly
[13:53] Nici_OP> but ye
[13:53] [GoD]Rbwilson> discord ftw
[13:53] [GoD]Rbwilson> u noobs
[13:53] Nici_OP> don't send your troops into my base
[13:53] [GoD]Rbwilson> easy fix
[13:53] Nici_OP> poer couldn't
[13:53] [GoD]Rbwilson> ah :(
[13:53] Nici_OP> ur phirearriors all died trying to get blue shaman
[13:53] [GoD]Rbwilson> poo, get discord mate :)
[13:53] Nici_OP> in that situation just hold your dephense
[13:53] Nici_OP> don't expose base trying to help me
[13:53] Nici_OP> the point is to keep your troops in good position
[13:54] Nici_OP> but u did great phinishing green
[13:54] Nici_OP> but bear in mind next time, be more ready to strike a more lethal attack
[13:54] Nici_OP> so it doesn't take that long
[13:54] Nici_OP> need 2 arrior huts late game
[13:54] Nici_OP> 3 at times
[13:55] Nici_OP> also, it's annoying 4ball's got dipherent building method
[13:55] power_OP> yeah but my pop was fucked
[13:55] Nici_OP> no clue about building anymore
[13:55] power_OP> and
[13:55] Zpektrix_TAS> the dannys syndrome
[13:55] Zpektrix_TAS> as come
[13:55] [AvA]S0ma in
[13:55] Zpektrix_TAS> has
[13:55] Nici_OP> yea I see pop asn't good
[13:55] Nici_OP> but trooping is your strength
[13:55] power_OP> my pop :( always
[13:56] RessurectioN_TAS> :pepedoor:
[13:56] Nici_OP> experience is going to help you
[13:56] Zpektrix_TAS> your hosting is mars attack
[13:56] Nici_OP> don't phorget you've just played 3 months
[13:56] Nici_OP> and u got good trooping
[13:56] Nici_OP> thing 90% other players don't
[13:56] power_OP> and also playing with high ranks is realy hard cause you need to carry me
[13:56] Nici_OP> just sucks your pop isn't groing properly :P
[13:57] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[13:57] Zpektrix_TAS> you got priest rank
[13:57] Nici_OP> still looking balance
[13:57] Zpektrix_TAS> and talking about carrying
[13:57] Nici_OP> cuz i kno there is a time u need mana to attack
[13:57] Nici_OP> and sometimes it seems you don't have the necessary spells
[13:57] power_OP> tsu 1 am not A priest
[13:58] Nici_OP> tsu is a prick
[13:58] power_OP> yeah i know i was need 1 lb
[13:58] power_OP> but if you dont have eq what makes an lb
[13:58] Nici_OP> could lb to green's < side
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> you are a priest ranker on my mm
[13:58] Nici_OP> huge gap
[13:58] Nici_OP> yea I kno dont orry
[13:58] power_OP> lol tsu MM is broken
[13:59] Nici_OP> just play to your strength atm
[13:59] Nici_OP> everything else comes normally
[13:59] power_OP> yeah i need that
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> ohhhhhh
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe you are talking to someone blocked on my mm
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDD
[13:59] Nici_OP> I'd prepher you spend your time using troops smartly than taking care oph your base
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont even remember who they are anymore
[13:59] Nici_OP> iph you can't phocus on both, that is
[14:00] power_OP> understood bro thx
[14:01] power_OP> :light:
[14:01] power_OP> also trods trick was
[14:01] power_OP> unbelievele
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> look
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> https://imgur.com/a/R8MQU2l
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> you are as good as savas
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[14:01] Nici_OP> trick ?
[14:01] power_OP> they lighed you
[14:01] Nici_OP> :o ?
[14:02] power_OP> at first
[14:02] Nici_OP> ahhh
[14:02] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[14:02] power_OP> trod always says his ally
[14:02] Nici_OP> ye green got light as 1st spell
[14:02] Nici_OP> boring haha
[14:02] power_OP> charge light
[14:02] Nici_OP> but it's ok
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> all trod does is charge light, bd them, quits
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> thats his pattern
[14:02] power_OP> lol
[14:03] power_OP> +2
[14:03] Nici> Yours is exact same
[14:03] Nici> Charge lights, quit
[14:03] Nici> Lol....
[14:03] Zpektrix_TAS> does nici try to talk to me
[14:03] Zpektrix_TAS> he put so much effort to talk
[14:03] Nici> Yep, ignore the fact you do exact same xD
[14:04] power_OP> lollll
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[14:04] Nici> Yea because going on phone is a effort
[14:04] Nici> An
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS> poor nici
[14:04] Nici> Pedophile
[14:04] Nici> Pedobear
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS> his communication is lost unfortunately
[14:04] Nici> Welelelelelelele
[14:05] Nici> :support:
[14:05] Zpektrix_TAS> how can i win with light
[14:05] Zpektrix_TAS> lemme know
[14:05] Zpektrix_TAS> your logic is just as blind
[14:05] st_Antivirus> :support:
[14:05] Nici> No one said that
[14:06] Nici> I said you charge lights and quit too
[14:06] Nici> Same thing you're accusing Trod of, is what you do
[14:06] Nici> Regardless of high ping or not
[14:06] Zpektrix_TAS> poor nici
[14:06] Nici> What voice of reason do you possess?
[14:06] Zpektrix_TAS> i can just ignore your lines
[14:07] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz your talk is non-sense
[14:07] Nici> Its full of sense
[14:08] Nici> Everyone knows this is your strat
[14:08] Nici> Why are you trying to deny it? :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[14:08] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah you are well-blind
[14:08] [D]xfiresx15 in
[14:09] Zpektrix_TAS> those camping talk happens only when i do defending my base
[14:09] Zpektrix_TAS> look at keith
[14:09] Zpektrix_TAS> all he does is tower camp
[14:09] Zpektrix_TAS> even on stream
[14:09] Zpektrix_TAS> go accuse him first
[14:10] Nici> He does admit it though
[14:10] Zpektrix_TAS> i absolutely play less defending than his
[14:10] Nici> I just see no sense in you saying all Trod does is X y z
[14:10] Nici> While what tsu does is exact same except bd lol
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> in your dream
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> play on my non-click risky connection then
[14:11] Nici> Never happened in my Dream
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> and be over 30
[14:11] Nici> I just said, even hosting
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> youll be rusty as fuck
[14:11] Nici> You do exact same as with 259
[14:11] Nici> 250
[14:11] Nici> And lol, delay is no problem for me
[14:11] Nici> But it seems after years you haven't got used to it
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah i was like that too
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> owning kids with ping 300
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> my issue is in another place
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> blame connection
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> not me
[14:12] T-Rod> gg
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> blind
[14:12] Nici> Brain?
[14:12] vaccinated_OP> gg
[14:12] Nici> What connection bro
[14:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg
[14:12] Nici> I just said you do exact same strat as host
[14:12] Nici> Wtf
[14:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg
[14:12] Nici> Connection is irrelevant
[14:13] Nici> Your ping 1 strat is doing same as ping 250 strat
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> when i feel like playing around
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[14:13] Nici> Lmao
[14:13] Nici> Okkkkkkk :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> now go play somewhere else
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> poor nici
[14:13] power_OP> let him go nici
[14:14] [SW]pablo-> fist can you host
[14:14] Nici> I'm playing with my snake euro predictor
[14:14] Zpektrix_TAS> if you wanna talk to me so much, just be more mature
[14:14] Nici> Talk about maturity
[14:14] [SW]pablo-> pp
[14:14] [SW]pablo-> fist
[14:15] Nici> When a guy like you has the balls to tell someone I deleted you on Facebook when it was you who did, the fact you've got to lie to come out looking good really does show your maturity HAHAA
[14:16] Romerz in
[14:16] Nici_OP> im atching phrance v hungry bro
[14:16] Zpektrix_TAS> poor nici
[14:16] Zpektrix_TAS> go on
[14:16] Nici_OP> hungry
[14:17] Zpektrix_TAS> venetica wont come back
[14:17] T-Rod> come pp green nici
[14:17] T-Rod> wanna pwn u :nice:
[14:17] Nici_OP> :bruhmoment:
[14:17] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :monkass:
[14:17] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOL bruhmoment
[14:17] Nici_OP> k im dephinitely dodging that
[14:17] [GoD]Nici_Jr> old but gold
[14:17] [D]xfiresx15 out
[14:17] Nici_OP> don't stretch my tight hole trod
[14:17] Nici_OP> leave it alone :@
[14:17] T-Rod> :mallcop:
[14:17] Nici_OP> :@ :@ :@
[14:18] T-Rod> :nice:
[14:18] Nici_OP> asshole :(
[14:18] T-Rod> tsu join
[14:18] T-Rod> ally carbine
[14:18] Nici_OP> trod did you even see nuomi
[14:18] T-Rod> ?
[14:18] Zpektrix_TAS> User: T-Rod
[14:18] T-Rod> nuomi?
[14:18] Zpektrix_TAS> Ping: 303 ± 13
[14:18] Zpektrix_TAS> fix your connection first
[14:19] [AsG]Ahmed in
[14:19] Nici_OP> suomi
[14:19] Nici_OP> xD
[14:19] T-Rod> What abt Suomi?
[14:19] Nici_OP> playing in Euros
[14:19] T-Rod> ye i did
[14:19] Nici_OP> did u kno hextherex is suomi too?
[14:19] T-Rod> well ofc
[14:19] Nici_OP> u need to tutor hm
[14:20] Nici_OP> him
[14:20] T-Rod> i know all finnish dudes here
[14:20] Nici_OP> hes nice guy
[14:20] T-Rod> even by lookin their name
[14:20] Nici_OP> lol
[14:20] T-Rod> [GoD]Nici_Jr> go 4walls?
[14:20] T-Rod> can do
[14:20] T-Rod> random ok?
[14:20] [AsG]Ahmed> let me ally spin man
[14:20] [GoD]Nici_Jr> make it me n ahmed
[14:20] T-Rod> k
[14:20] [AsG]Ahmed> where the fuck is weed
[14:20] [GoD]Nici_Jr> quit pop
[14:21] [AsG]Ahmed> too bad
[14:21] [GoD]Nici_Jr> true
[14:21] [GoD]Nici_Jr> funny factor
[14:22] T-Rod> nobody truely quit pop
[14:22] T-Rod> they end up back here eventually
[14:22] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[14:23] Nici_OP> sup bella
[14:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> hello
[14:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> sup
[14:24] Nici_OP> been dislikking your youtube videos
[14:24] Nici_OP> did you notice?
[14:24] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[14:24] xtro in
[14:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> no i havent made any in a while
[14:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> set up broke
[14:24] Nici_OP> shit
[14:25] Zpektrix_TAS> did bella switch his bf to japanese
[14:25] Zpektrix_TAS> i heard from someone
[14:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> tsu tryna start drama as usual
[14:26] Zpektrix_TAS> nope
[14:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i just wanna know the fact
[14:26] Zpektrix_TAS> what is the truth
[14:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> no i didnt
[14:26] Zpektrix_TAS> so someone lied to me
[14:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> seems so
[14:27] Zpektrix_TAS> im gonna curse that one then
[14:27] Nici_OP> bella
[14:27] Nici_OP> ask him ho said that
[14:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> not sure i care
[14:28] Nici_OP> I do
[14:28] [SW]Fried_Rice> why dont u ask him?
[14:28] Zpektrix_TAS> Nici_OP 6/12/2021 tsu you haunted bella she dating japs atm
[14:29] Zpektrix_TAS> ok it was nici
[14:29] Nici_OP> oh ok
[14:29] Zpektrix_TAS> he is a liar
[14:29] Nici_OP> he's got me blocked
[14:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> he said it was u
[14:30] Nici_OP> yea apparently
[14:30] Nici_OP> he believed it
[14:30] Zpektrix_TAS> nici is a liar now
[14:30] leolixiaolong in
[14:31] Nici> We both are
[14:31] Nici> :middle_finger:
[14:31] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[14:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> :howdy: :danny:
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS> poor nici
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS> he talks on the phone again
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS> putting so much eddorts
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS> cute
[14:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> hi rb
[14:32] [GoD]Rbwilson> hey bella!
[14:32] HexTheRex in
[14:32] [GoD]Rbwilson> how are ya
[14:32] Nici> Thought pedos like guys who put effort
[14:32] Nici> So it is more enjoyable.
[14:32] Nici> Asshole
[14:32] [SW]Fried_Rice> bored, finished uni, no purpose anymore
[14:32] Nici> Dunno how you aren't banned yet tsu
[14:33] Nici> How much did you pay Inca
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS> unfortunately i donttouch any chicks yet
[14:33] Zpektrix_TAS> be happy
[14:33] Nici> Unfortunately?
[14:33] Nici> LOL
[14:33] [GoD]carbine out
[14:34] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg+
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah you want negative news
[14:34] Zpektrix_TAS> but i havent done anything negative yet
[14:34] Nici> Yet
[14:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol bella so what u doin with urself now
[14:34] [AvA]S0ma> ty you too , i can't move properly because hard lag
[14:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> You tryna get a job in ur career field u studied?
[14:34] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye he rage quit
[14:34] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :D
[14:34] Nici> Bellas working for me
[14:35] T-Rod> +1
[14:35] [SW]Fried_Rice> going to start a research placement in a week or two so just chilling until then
[14:35] T-Rod> my hut got chill chairs
[14:36] T-Rod> anyone wanna join?
[14:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> i want to do a PhD, but times are tough, no funding money around, so i might just get a job
[14:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> yea probably would be good :D
[14:36] [SW]pablo- out
[14:36] [AsG]Ahmed> only fans is good money
[14:37] [AsG]Nefarius> show me yours ahmed
[14:37] [SW]pablo- in
[14:37] [AsG]Nefarius> lol
[14:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> so i've heard
[14:37] [AsG]Ahmed> lol :D
[14:37] BROADY_OP> Ahmed ASMR stream when?
[14:37] Nici> Yea good idea tbh
[14:37] Nici> Bella start an Only Fans
[14:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> nope
[14:37] Nici> You'll make good off pop
[14:37] T-Rod> [GoD]Nici_Jr> lets do 4v4
[14:37] T-Rod> ok
[14:37] [AsG]Ahmed> whats ASMR lol
[14:38] Nici> I think asmr is those streams/videos that help you sleep
[14:38] BROADY_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/foxenkin
[14:38] Nici> Bella
[14:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> Why do people want me to play beta
[14:38] BROADY_OP> here you go Ahmed
[14:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> its so shit
[14:38] Nici> Start OF
[14:38] T-Rod> +2
[14:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> no i'm good
[14:38] T-Rod> for a go game
[14:38] Nici> I know a friend of mine who was in same. Class
[14:38] Nici> She started OF
[14:39] [AsG]Ahmed> broady wtf is that :D
[14:39] Nici> Tons of money
[14:39] BROADY_OP> looooooool
[14:39] [AsG]Ahmed> im in tho
[14:39] T-Rod> +1
[14:39] T-Rod> for a g o game
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> yeh i heard
[14:39] Nici> Bella
[14:39] Nici> It's not hard
[14:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> okokokok teams
[14:39] T-Rod> T-Rod + [SW]pablo- + [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AsG]Nefarius vs. [GoD]Nici_Jr + [AsG]Ahmed + [AvA]S0ma + xtro
[14:39] Nici> Just requires a phone and internet
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> i know it's not hard lol
[14:39] Nici> So do it
[14:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> nope
[14:39] Nici> Yes
[14:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me ahmed fistung and pablo
[14:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ?
[14:40] T-Rod> best are not ok?
[14:40] Nici> Your shoobs would be proud tbh
[14:40] T-Rod> kk
[14:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> didnt know u reproduced nici
[14:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> give me fistung
[14:40] T-Rod> i rerotate
[14:40] Nici> I'm about to
[14:40] [SW]Fried_Rice> could have called him a better name than Jr tho
[14:41] Nici> I got a Nici dog, Nici teddy
[14:41] BROADY_OP> Ahmed someone paid a streamer $500 to wear a horse mask while sucking her microphone
[14:41] Nici> And now a Nici brother it seems
[14:41] Nici> LOLL
[14:41] Nici> Seriously?
[14:41] BROADY_OP> yeah haha
[14:41] [AsG]Ahmed> rofffl
[14:41] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[14:41] Nici> Sik suk brah
[14:41] [AsG]Ahmed> i saw before a 7000$ donation for 1 of the twitch girls
[14:41] Nici> Sik
[14:42] BROADY_OP> https://youtu.be/v61J2tZaqYQ?t=197
[14:42] Nici> Omg
[14:42] BROADY_OP> here look at this
[14:42] Nici> That sucks
[14:42] [AsG]Ahmed> cuz she wanted to buy a car and was missing 7000$
[14:42] [AsG]Ahmed> some guy from dubai donated it
[14:42] BROADY_OP> Must be rich lmao
[14:42] BROADY_OP> what a complete waste of money
[14:43] Nici> She probably lied to come out on top now
[14:43] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[14:43] Nici> What a hoe
[14:43] Nici> But dumb is the guy who did that
[14:43] onePointZeroThree> sik fhk
[14:43] Nici> No matter if he can afford it
[14:43] iRespectWomenxD26> wtf kind of video is this
[14:43] Nici> Sik fhk brah
[14:43] onePointZeroThree> what a simp
[14:43] onePointZeroThree> donating life savings
[14:43] Nici> Tune by ur boi
[14:43] onePointZeroThree> :joy:
[14:44] BROADY_OP> It's the new twitch
[14:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> if the guy is rich its probably like sparing pennies
[14:45] Nici> Ever tried cleaning your ass with money?
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS> oh kayin
[14:45] [SW]Fried_Rice> i dont want to get an std so no
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS> its filled
[14:45] Nici> hahahha
[14:45] Nici> It's called rich shitting here
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS> ping is high
[14:45] Zpektrix_TAS> sec switching isp
[14:46] [TSI]O-Ren out
[14:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill need 3 sec
[14:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> after he launches
[14:47] Nici> 3 sec more like 3 days
[14:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> yea 3 days to sterch u open, cuz u cant take it
[14:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> stretch*
[14:47] Nici> :x
[14:47] Nici> OMG
[14:47] Nici> HUNGARY SCORED
[14:48] Nici> SIK BRAH
[14:48] iRespectWomenxD26> fws r sik on beta need some nerfing
[14:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:48] Kay> danny no ping
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> danny the X
[14:49] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[14:49] leolixiaolong out
[14:49] RessurectioN_TAS out
[14:51] Deists in
[14:51] Kay> LMAO
[14:52] Kay> danny and deists really roommates xD
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> LOLOOLOLOLOL
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[14:52] Kay> well give danny 1 min
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe 6p?
[14:52] Kay> ohhh
[14:53] Kay> but
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> it depends on danny
[14:53] Kay> i may needto go out soon
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> oh?
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> how long
[14:53] Nici_OP> hope not 7 years againm
[14:53] Nici_OP> :D
[14:53] Kay> i dont know, im waiting for buyer
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:53] Kay> lol half hour only
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> omg kayin
[14:54] Zpektrix_TAS> you cant play a game then xD or finish with a short game
[14:54] Kay> wanna play mini game?
[14:54] Kay> ;like blast or light game
[14:54] power_OP out
[14:54] [rw]karma> nah
[14:54] [rw]karma> prefer normal ga
[14:55] [rw]karma> me
[14:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> im watching a video about a 150hr preperation for chocolate cake
[14:55] Kay> ummm any map for short game?
[14:55] iRespectWomenxD26> fo brah
[14:55] [GoD]Rbwilson> wait for danny
[14:55] RessurectioN_TAS in
[14:55] Kay> LOL
[14:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> and one of the eggs were rolling on the counter and the chef "punnished" the bad egg by cracking it and .... BDSM??
[14:55] Zpektrix_TAS> well 6p then
[14:55] Kay> bingo
[14:56] Zpektrix_TAS> danny
[14:56] Zpektrix_TAS> come
[14:56] Kay> i cant play that long
[14:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> felt sorry for the egg
[14:56] Kay> maybe u guys play first?
[14:56] Zpektrix_TAS> hm ok
[14:56] RessurectioN_TAS> Me n Wilson not playing beta
[14:56] HexTheRex out
[14:56] Kay> i will be back an hour later
[14:56] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin cant play right now
[14:56] Zpektrix_TAS> hf
[14:56] Kay> oh but i can watch ur game
[14:57] Kay> before i go out
[14:58] Blip out
[14:59] RessurectioN_TAS> LOOL
[14:59] [GoD]Rbwilson> welp
[14:59] [GoD]Rbwilson> that map is bugged
[14:59] Zpektrix_TAS> other map
[14:59] RessurectioN_TAS> nice map
[14:59] Zpektrix_TAS> lolololol
[15:00] Nici_OP> people ho guess pass gon be giphted 1$!
[15:03] [AsG]Ragnj out
[15:03] antra in
[15:04] Blip in
[15:04] [rw]karma> lemme host then
[15:04] [rw]karma> tsu
[15:04] Zpektrix_TAS> wilson host
[15:05] Zpektrix_TAS> im gonna switch isp
[15:05] [rw]karma> what colour do i have to jin
[15:05] [rw]karma> join
[15:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> green i think
[15:05] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> nah its red
[15:05] [rw]karma> red i think
[15:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill piss while he switches isp
[15:06] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:06] vaccinated_OP> 15 yo max
[15:07] vaccinated_OP> :clownparty:
[15:07] vaccinated_OP> :tsu:
[15:07] Zpektrix_TAS> go now
[15:07] vaccinated_OP> 1$ pls nici
[15:07] Shettick1 in
[15:08] 00Shaman in
[15:09] Nici_OP> :(
[15:09] Nici_OP> phrance losing :D
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[15:09] Nici_OP> sup ith lovenji babo?
[15:10] Nici_OP> hat happened that he got annoyed?
[15:10] RessurectioN_TAS> [21:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill piss while he switches isp
[15:10] vaccinated_OP> quit pop
[15:10] antra out
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> lolololololol
[15:10] vaccinated_OP> too many avas
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> danny and kayin
[15:10] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> sent me msg at the same moment
[15:10] [GoD]Rbwilson> kk
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDDD
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> exactly the same
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> lmao
[15:10] Kay> lmao
[15:10] Nici_OP> ?
[15:10] vaccinated_OP> think it was savas that made him quit after all
[15:10] Nici_OP> ho is that possible
[15:10] Nici_OP> it's just avas
[15:10] vaccinated_OP> savas bitching about teams non stop
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> no matter what
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> idk
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> guess he had enough of this community
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> im only here to own noobs
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> and make fun of peoples skill
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> otherwise id quit too
[15:11] Kay> out
[15:11] Kay out
[15:11] vaccinated_OP> wow kayin so creative
[15:11] Nici_OP> I don't get it ho does an ava make him kuit pop
[15:12] vaccinated_OP> bet hell be top 3 in no time again
[15:12] vaccinated_OP> ask him lol
[15:12] Nici_OP> yea i'll do that
[15:12] Nici_OP> better
[15:12] Nici_OP> teams are almost hard to balance in 4vs4
[15:12] Nici_OP> there's alays someone to phuck it up
[15:13] Mowgli in
[15:15] 00Shaman> sell bitcoin, buy cardano
[15:15] [SW]Fried_Rice> someone pm me before launhing
[15:15] Mowgli> Populous, el comienzo.
[15:20] karlijn in
[15:22] Mowgli out
[15:22] [SW]Arbrim in
[15:22] [SW]Arbrim> BELAAAAAAAAAA
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> xoniii
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> wie gehts Xoni
[15:23] [SW]Fried_Rice> herro
[15:23] T-Rod> gg wp
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> how are youuu welcome back!@#!@#!@
[15:23] [SW]pablo-> qa bane bimi
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> damn Im back to FireWarrior again :((
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> xD
[15:23] [SW]Arbrim> hiiq sen nfaklltet qetash dal edhe pak
[15:24] [SW]pablo-> a spo hin per ni loj a
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> ja po nja du me qit
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> sahora
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> edhe mu nis me kqyr PORTUGAL
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> vs Germany
[15:24] [SW]pablo-> po ku lujn a
[15:24] [SW]Arbrim> nfakulltet qetu ntavolina
[15:24] [SW]pablo-> hahah po tham
[15:24] [SW]pablo-> ne rtk
[15:24] [SW]pablo-> a ktv
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> nka sa ora
[15:25] [SW]Arbrim> jaa dal me naj kafe naj kun
[15:25] [SW]Arbrim> se di nashta e qet rtk
[15:25] [SW]Arbrim> prej 18:00
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> poa
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> besoj qe portugalija ka me fitu
[15:25] [SW]Arbrim> ishalla mor zot
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> a e kan ronaldon
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> hala
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> haha
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> pooo po
[15:26] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> Luis Nanin nuk e kan
[15:26] [SW]pablo-> paskan me fitu pa problem
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> edhe ata e dojsha
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> jaa zor valla veq ishalla
[15:26] [SW]Arbrim> se gjermant jan t fort
[15:26] [SW]pablo-> hahaha ka pak qn
[15:27] 00Shaman> +1
[15:27] [SW]pablo-> shkoj ta shkruj 2 0 per portugalin ti fitoj nja 500
[15:27] 00Shaman> only got time for 1 game
[15:27] T-Rod> wow nici blocking ppl joinin
[15:27] 00Shaman> rod, join
[15:27] 00Shaman> nvm
[15:29] MrCohomological out
[15:30] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[15:31] Nici_OP> Join AvAst ?
[15:31] Nici_OP> NOrton
[15:31] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekg:
[15:31] T-Rod> avg
[15:31] Nici_OP> no trod
[15:32] Nici_OP> im giving out 1$ to people guessing pass
[15:32] T-Rod> nici ur hut is restricted
[15:32] Nici_OP> just atching phootball
[15:32] T-Rod> ok
[15:32] [AsG]Ahmed> give hint
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> sorry
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> wasnt here
[15:32] Nici_OP> :monkas:
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> also Im at Uni right now and I might leave but lets start, ;*
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> masi sa eshte kthy bella
[15:32] [AsG]Ahmed> wtf lol
[15:32] [SW]Arbrim> a ta alioj?
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> so its me and Bella
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> ahmed i rotate u green vs me
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> pablo vs bella in same side
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> bella just got back so I wanna ally her
[15:33] [SW]Arbrim> jam nfakulltet smuj
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> https://youtu.be/cIc3sE0W-Jo
[15:34] [SW]Arbrim> ,.,.
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> its not launching :/
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> bane bellen kunder teje
[15:35] [SW]Arbrim> mu kunder ahmed, rotate ;)
[15:36] [SW]Arbrim> po super
[15:36] Meph out
[15:36] BROADY_OP> https://youtu.be/UGEDCuWMovw
[15:36] [SW]Arbrim> seems bella is not getting launched
[15:37] IncaWarrior> try 1.5 instead
[15:37] Romerz out
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> rrezon kqyre a po te del 1.5
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> https://i.imgur.com/RBZ9Pah.png
[15:37] onePointZeroThree out
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> 1.5 isnt beta, right?
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> IncaWarrior: 1.5 is not beta right?
[15:37] IncaWarrior> 1.5-b
[15:37] [SW]pablo-> po esht
[15:37] [SW]Arbrim> no beta
[15:38] IncaWarrior> the -b stands for "best"
[15:38] [SW]Arbrim> and combined with an extra s
[15:38] [SW]Arbrim> -bs->bullshit
[15:38] [SW]Arbrim> hehe
[15:38] [SW]pablo- out
[15:38] Meph in
[15:38] [SW]pablo- in
[15:42] Nici_OP> yea
[15:42] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[15:42] Nici_OP> bs
[15:43] Nici_OP> b = bad
[15:43] [SW]pablo-> +1
[15:44] [SW]Arbrim> pablo go a face off 3
[15:44] poos in
[15:44] [SW]Arbrim> GoD Worlds - Face off 3, if bella agrees
[15:44] [SW]pablo-> dil i kuq
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> huh warrior is here
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> hah :D
[15:45] poos out
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> rrezon lem mu me warriorin
[15:45] [SW]pablo-> far mapi
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> me and warrior vs pablo- and Fried_Rice
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> qfare din ma mir aj
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> face off
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> veq rotate pak
[15:45] [SW]Arbrim> mu te sariht
[15:47] [SW]pablo-> dikujna sesht ka i ban qn
[15:47] [SW]pablo- out
[15:48] [SW]pablo- in
[15:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> gg
[15:48] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[15:48] [SW]pablo-> bella can you relog
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[15:49] karlijn out
[15:49] karlijn in
[15:49] [SW]pablo- out
[15:50] [SW]pablo- in
[15:50] warrior out
[15:50] [SW]Arbrim> ooo zot mtranoj
[15:50] [SW]pablo-> ahahhahaahhahahahah
[15:50] [SW]pablo-> bardhi a
[15:50] [SW]pablo-> na tjanoj tanve
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[15:51] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahahahahaha po bre]
[15:51] warrior in
[15:51] [SW]pablo-> srrin as 1 sec
[15:51] [SW]pablo-> veq del edhe hin
[15:51] [SW]pablo-> hahaha
[15:51] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[15:52] [SW]pablo-> bim host ti bro se sht ka ban qn
[15:53] bockwurstlaune in
[15:54] xtro> team ?
[15:54] T-Rod> wow keiff playin
[15:54] xtro> wanna ally Ress Tsu ?
[15:54] RessurectioN_TAS> yea go
[15:54] RessurectioN_TAS> gimme big base
[15:54] Zpektrix_TAS> big danny
[15:54] Zpektrix_TAS> aka big daddy
[15:55] [SW]Arbrim> bella
[15:55] [SW]Arbrim> we re having version
[15:55] [SW]Arbrim> https://i.imgur.com/h0RZ4Cl.png
[15:55] [SW]Arbrim> well u and warrior but idk
[15:55] T-Rod> try reverting if not work
[15:56] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[15:56] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:56] [SW]Arbrim> spo ban qija robt
[15:56] [SW]pablo-> qn
[15:56] [SW]Arbrim> have to meet some friends and watch Portugal vs Germany
[15:56] [SW]Arbrim> GL HF U GUYS
[15:56] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:56] [SW]pablo-> hf bro
[15:56] T-Rod> hfhf
[15:56] [SW]Arbrim> couldnt make a fast game in any way, damn it..
[15:57] [SW]Arbrim> byyyyyyyyyye!!
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> bock has already been afk at that short term
[15:57] xtro> portugal must win
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> lololololl
[15:57] [SW]Arbrim> FORCA PORTUGAL <3!!!
[15:57] [SW]Arbrim out
[15:58] BROADY_OP> Portugal will win
[15:58] BROADY_OP> Even though I have a sweepstake for France
[15:58] karlijn out
[15:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> hm
[15:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> is it me?
[15:58] karlijn in
[15:58] BROADY_OP> I'll win ýý30 not much
[15:59] RessurectioN_TAS> yea
[15:59] [AsG]Ahmed> u betting on portugal or germany?
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> it says updating pop 1.5
[15:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> what does that mean
[16:00] BROADY_OP> I need France to win for me to have money but in this match, I'd say Portugal
[16:00] karlijn out
[16:00] karlijn in
[16:00] [AsG]Ahmed> italy will win this
[16:00] Mr_Ridiculous> ROFL
[16:00] Mr_Ridiculous> MAO
[16:00] poos in
[16:01] poos out
[16:01] [AsG]Ahmed> whats funny lol
[16:01] [AsG]Ahmed> they r a good team
[16:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca here?
[16:01] poos in
[16:01] Mr_Ridiculous> Inca hears a bell ring whenever his name is called
[16:02] Mr_Ridiculous> just say Inca
[16:02] Mr_Ridiculous> and he responds
[16:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> inca
[16:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> ding dong
[16:02] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[16:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> guess not :/
[16:03] Mr_Ridiculous> hey maybe busy
[16:03] [SW]Fried_Rice> i cant launch myself so idk whats happening?
[16:03] T-Rod> BBL
[16:03] T-Rod out
[16:03] vaccinated_OP> Signups for the Invisible Cup will be ending on June 24th! The clock is ticking. Will you be ready for the unseen!?
[16:03] vaccinated_OP> Signup here: https://www.popre.net/tournaments.php#tid_30 Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[16:04] [AsG]Ahmed> u have different mm version than everyone else
[16:04] [AsG]Ahmed> not sure if that makes a difference
[16:04] vaccinated_OP> mm versions dont matter
[16:04] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> Inca has omniscience set to true
[16:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> how do i change that
[16:04] vaccinated_OP> different versions are compatible with eachother
[16:04] [AsG]Ahmed> did u try closing the mm completely then open it again?
[16:05] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[16:05] Shettick1 out
[16:05] Shettick1 in
[16:05] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[16:05] Mr_Ridiculous> good advice
[16:05] [AsG]Ahmed> join here
[16:05] karlijn out
[16:05] karlijn in
[16:06] [SW]Fried_Rice> should be better now
[16:06] poos out
[16:06] Shettick1 out
[16:06] Shettick1 in
[16:08] Mr_Ridiculous> ffs
[16:08] Mr_Ridiculous> gay love
[16:08] Mr_Ridiculous> ;D
[16:08] Shettick1 out
[16:08] karlijn out
[16:08] Nici> Broady
[16:08] Nici> Hungary set an upset
[16:08] Nici> Unlucky
[16:09] Nici> But France didn't deserve to win after this shit display
[16:09] Nici> Looks like Portugal
[16:09] Nici> But Portugal plays shit and wins sometimes in lucky ways lol
[16:09] BROADY_OP> :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
[16:10] 00Shaman> gg
[16:10] Nici> Portugal is lining up with 2 defensive midfielders
[16:10] Nici> That could play cb
[16:10] Nici> Ridiculously stupid mindset lol
[16:10] [AvA]S0ma> gg wp
[16:10] BROADY_OP> France are playing Portugal on wednesday
[16:11] 00Shaman out
[16:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg wp
[16:11] [AvA]Namechangingftw> died to unlucly
[16:11] Nici> Ya at 20h right
[16:11] BROADY_OP> yeah
[16:11] Nici> That'll be like Germany vs brazil
[16:11] Nici> Take a shit 1-0
[16:12] BROADY_OP> haha true
[16:12] Nici> Flush toilet 2-0
[16:12] Nici> Wash hands 3-0
[16:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[16:12] Nici> Come back to TV 4-0
[16:12] BROADY_OP> lmao
[16:12] Nici> Waiting for S click to hit Moores 5-0
[16:13] Nici> Very quick
[16:13] BROADY_OP> ýý3000 later
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> germany wont do shit
[16:13] [AsG]Ahmed> ?
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> they have no offensive players
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> kimmich RB again
[16:13] Nici> 6-5 for Portugal is my prediction
[16:13] [AsG]Ahmed> timo werner :kappa:
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> gonna be a fucking waste
[16:13] vaccinated_OP> werner >>>>>> gnabry
[16:14] Nici> Lol
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> no way lol
[16:14] Nici> Bajos on drugs
[16:14] vaccinated_OP> but in the end both suck for löws tactics
[16:14] Nici> Babos
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> gnabry is a beast
[16:14] vaccinated_OP> löw wants to play possession football
[16:14] vaccinated_OP> with 70% posession
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> its not low anymore is it?
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> its flick?
[16:14] Nici> It's very low
[16:14] vaccinated_OP> it is still löw
[16:14] vaccinated_OP> hes gone after EC
[16:14] Nici> Flick will take it after euro
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> ahh ok
[16:14] [AsG]Ahmed> the nose picker is still there :p
[16:15] Nici> Man
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> why would you play posession football where you end up crossing non stop and your biggest striker is 1,80m lol
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> wheres the sense?
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> fucking clown tactics
[16:15] Nici> We all grew up watching lýýw manage Germany
[16:15] Nici> What an icon
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> nah fuck that guy
[16:15] Nici> :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> his tactics worked one time in 2014
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> and thats it
[16:15] vaccinated_OP> all other games were utter shit
[16:16] Nici> What tall strikers have you got
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> and 2014 was very lucky WC win
[16:16] Nici> Sandro Wagner?
[16:16] Nici> :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> kruse? :kekw:
[16:16] Nici> Max kruse???
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> idk thats the problem
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> everyones bad
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> yea lol
[16:16] Meph> Nici muted?
[16:16] Nici> Get Mario Gomes back
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> no just on his phone
[16:16] Nici> Gomez
[16:16] vaccinated_OP> gomez is retired
[16:17] Nici> Call Klose
[16:17] Nici> Legend
[16:17] vaccinated_OP> hes mental support xD
[16:17] Nici> Naa im in shower atm
[16:17] [AsG]Ahmed> borrow peter crouch
[16:17] [rw]karma out
[16:18] Nici> Imagine not calling up Jonas Hector
[16:18] Nici> :middle_finger:
[16:18] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[16:18] Nici> Kýýln legend :red_heart:
[16:19] [AvA]S0ma out
[16:22] poos in
[16:22] Meph out
[16:22] [AsG]Keith52> Here we go
[16:22] [AsG]Keith52> MUch fairer matchup
[16:22] [AsG]Keith52> lmao
[16:22] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[16:22] [AsG]Keith52> :P
[16:22] [AsG]Keith52> Poos, you have no ping mate
[16:22] bockwurstlaune> where is he going
[16:22] [AsG]Ahmed> spin wants revenge now
[16:22] poos> now
[16:23] [AsG]Keith52> Still X
[16:23] [AsG]Ahmed> u joking or what lol
[16:23] bockwurstlaune> sry guys i will be afk 5min
[16:23] bockwurstlaune> thenim rdy
[16:24] poos out
[16:24] Meph in
[16:24] Nici_OP> Keith loves soccer
[16:24] Nici_OP> USA is orth atching atm
[16:24] [AsG]Keith52> I used to be a goalie
[16:24] Nici_OP> ho tall are you '
[16:24] [AsG]Keith52> 6 ft
[16:24] Nici_OP> nice
[16:24] [AsG]Keith52> USA doing good tho??
[16:24] Nici_OP> must be agile
[16:24] [AsG]Keith52> I havent been watching sadly
[16:24] Nici_OP> yea
[16:25] [AsG]Keith52> I used to be hahaha. Now I'm a fat dad :P
[16:25] [AsG]Keith52> Well, 185 lb so sort of fit I just have that dad belly
[16:25] Nici_OP> great talents, next 10 years is USA golden era tbh
[16:25] Nici_OP> too much beer like T-rod :D
[16:25] poos in
[16:25] poos out
[16:27] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[16:29] Kay in
[16:31] [GoD]Shogun in
[16:34] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[16:35] poos in
[16:39] warrior out
[16:42] bockwurstlaune out
[16:43] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[16:43] redfire in
[16:43] poos out
[16:45] redfire out
[16:45] [GoD]carbine in
[16:53] T-Rod in
[16:53] T-Rod> wow keith winnin
[16:53] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[16:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> seems so
[16:54] T-Rod> Keith keeps winning with spin
[16:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> they need more wars to end this quickly
[16:57] T-Rod> enemy could quit
[16:57] T-Rod> to fasten it
[16:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> ahmed telling him to keep fighting
[16:57] T-Rod> in that situation its waste of energy
[16:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> it wont be over until they land another big attack
[16:57] [SW]Fried_Rice> then maybe one will quit
[16:58] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[16:58] T-Rod> keiths got so big upperhand and can make 10 longsidedoors
[16:58] [SW]Fried_Rice> these are one of the most boring parts of streams
[16:58] T-Rod> and they still would win
[16:59] tomchua0219 in
[17:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> ahhh just dieeeeee
[17:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> it's like swatting a spider that keeps moving around
[17:00] T-Rod> Its dumb to make game last like 20 min longer
[17:01] T-Rod> when they could end it
[17:01] T-Rod> and make new one
[17:01] xtro> gg
[17:01] [SW]Fried_Rice> so u can play?
[17:01] T-Rod> naah i cant
[17:01] T-Rod> lol
[17:01] xtro out
[17:01] tomchua0219> how to play?
[17:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> wait for people to join your hut tom
[17:02] Romerz in
[17:02] [SW]Fried_Rice> u play single player before?
[17:02] tomchua0219> wait full?l
[17:02] T-Rod> u can play single play game alone
[17:02] T-Rod> online game u need attleast 2 player
[17:02] [TDM]Tundar out
[17:03] [SW]Fried_Rice> join in the lower huts
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> am i getting ping
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:04] Kay> yes
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> i see its 279
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> is this miracle
[17:04] Kay> 53 here
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[17:04] Kay> danny is fine :)
[17:04] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:05] [GoD]Eric in
[17:05] Zpektrix_TAS> touchpad is away
[17:05] Kay> maybe watching footballs
[17:05] Zpektrix_TAS> or just watching dick fencing porn
[17:06] Kay> danny, is it :o
[17:06] Kay> is it? *
[17:06] Meph> gg wp
[17:08] [TDM]Tundar> Lol @ Yuki tsunoda
[17:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> +3
[17:08] [TDM]Tundar> Hi bella
[17:08] [SW]Fried_Rice> hi
[17:11] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[17:14] Sirius_OP in
[17:15] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:16] Kay> lets do 3vs1
[17:16] RessurectioN_TAS> sec relog
[17:16] RessurectioN_TAS out
[17:17] tomchua0219> how to pla?y
[17:17] Zpektrix_TAS> wow kayin
[17:17] RessurectioN_TAS in
[17:17] RessurectioN_TAS> 1.03 pls :DD
[17:18] T-Rod out
[17:19] IncaWarrior> why not 1.5 RessurectioN_TAS?
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz beta is shit
[17:19] Nici_OP> inca
[17:19] Nici_OP> sirius_OP has something to ask you :plead:
[17:19] tomchua0219> need to doonload map?
[17:19] RessurectioN_TAS> coz 1.03 is the best
[17:19] tomchua0219> download
[17:19] RessurectioN_TAS> ^^
[17:19] Nici_OP> ya
[17:19] Nici_OP> 1.03 4 lyphe
[17:19] IncaWarrior> what makes it the best?
[17:20] Nici_OP> cuz its the original one xD
[17:20] RessurectioN_TAS> everything in it
[17:20] RessurectioN_TAS> true
[17:20] Nici_OP> no tree stupid chopping
[17:20] Nici_OP> manual upgrading
[17:20] Nici_OP> etc
[17:20] Kay> sec
[17:20] Kay out
[17:20] Nici_OP> no stupid pushes in ater
[17:20] Kay in
[17:20] Sirius_OP> :pepgaphone: INCA CAN U CHECK MY CHANGE NAME REQ PLS?
[17:20] Nici_OP> blast orks better
[17:20] Sirius_OP> oh shit
[17:20] Nici_OP> :pepegaphone:
[17:20] Sirius_OP> :pepegaphone:
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> am i getting ping
[17:20] Sirius_OP> :kekw:
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:21] RessurectioN_TAS> is that D4R ?
[17:21] Nici_OP> no
[17:21] Sirius_OP> naa
[17:21] RessurectioN_TAS> :eyes:
[17:21] Nici_OP> d4r is gone
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS> he is someone shit , danny
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS> don't know how to play pop
[17:21] Nici_OP> lo ^
[17:21] Kay> nope
[17:21] Nici_OP> loll
[17:21] Sirius_OP> D4R doesn't play it anymore :nice:
[17:21] RessurectioN_TAS> ok its D4R
[17:21] Sirius_OP> :kekw:
[17:21] Sirius_OP> sup Danny :howdy:
[17:21] Nici_OP> suck a dick tsu
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> coz he always put an emoji in the end of the sentence
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> Sentence*
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> just like me
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> LOOL
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> :ikillu:
[17:22] Sirius_OP> lool
[17:22] Sirius_OP> ya
[17:22] RessurectioN_TAS> foqer
[17:22] redfire in
[17:22] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:22] [SW]pablo- out
[17:22] vaccinated_OP out
[17:22] tomchua0219> this map name
[17:23] RessurectioN_TAS> its "?" Tsu
[17:23] Sirius_OP> dk why Tsu is so mean for me :(
[17:23] Sirius_OP> but if he likes it, so be it :nice:
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[17:23] Zpektrix_TAS> are you thee
[17:24] Sirius_OP> i think this guy has a problem with all homiez from OP
[17:24] Kay> ok danny no ping
[17:24] Sirius_OP> besides Lovenji
[17:24] RessurectioN_TAS> and AMggy
[17:24] RessurectioN_TAS> Maggy*
[17:24] RessurectioN_TAS> :kek:
[17:24] Meph> ronaldo with the show boat skills
[17:25] Meph> lel
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> there's no exception
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> lovenji went for babo
[17:25] Zpektrix_TAS> he has been blocked now
[17:25] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[17:25] RessurectioN_TAS> umm
[17:25] RessurectioN_TAS> this guy needs to download the mappack first
[17:25] RessurectioN_TAS> guy is from Asia it seems
[17:26] Kay> mm have all of it?
[17:26] RessurectioN_TAS> 50 ping from Kayin
[17:26] RessurectioN_TAS> :wow:
[17:26] Kay> cool
[17:26] Kay> :))
[17:26] RessurectioN_TAS> someone gimme the link for emoji list
[17:26] Nici_OP> emoji.php
[17:26] RessurectioN_TAS> not that 1
[17:27] Nici_OP> ?
[17:27] Nici_OP> https://www.popre.net/emoji.php
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:27] RessurectioN_TAS> rite cool
[17:27] RessurectioN_TAS> thx
[17:27] Kay> AAAAA
[17:27] Kay> nothing
[17:27] Mammy_Tas in
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy :D
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> is our last hope
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> now
[17:28] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> for last game tonight ( maybe for kayin and danny)
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[17:28] Kay> cool
[17:28] Kay> maps?
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> hm
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> random
[17:28] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> that's the priority for us :P
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> mixing up boys wishes
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDD
[17:29] Kay> how to set random map?
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> i meant
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> tribes
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:29] Kay> lol
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> map is chosen by danny
[17:29] RessurectioN_TAS> no brave wars
[17:29] Mammy_Tas> If you cannot decide map. Just do Dead sea :ohyes:
[17:29] RessurectioN_TAS> wth is this
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy only says ds or any but fo
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS> :DDD
[17:30] Kay> lets do fo
[17:30] Kay> lol
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy hates it
[17:30] Mammy_Tas> how about :no:
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDD
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> :niciwide:
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> :nicinarrow:
[17:31] RessurectioN_TAS> Blaze it up lets go
[17:31] Mammy_Tas> :ohyes:
[17:31] Kay> oh i relog
[17:31] Kay out
[17:31] Kay in
[17:32] RessurectioN_TAS> :peped:
[17:32] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[17:32] [AsG]Ahmed out
[17:32] Kay> mammy no ping
[17:32] Mammy_Tas> I see 252 :o
[17:32] Kay> rejoin
[17:33] Kay> ok now
[17:33] Mammy_Tas> how about now ?
[17:33] Mammy_Tas> ok
[17:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +1
[17:45] Nici_OP> vs germany
[17:46] Nici_OP> and getting ass hooped
[17:46] Nici_OP> as usual
[17:47] Listener in
[17:49] Nici_OP> ALL I SEE IS
[17:49] Nici_OP> GOSENS
[17:49] Nici_OP> -------------
[17:49] Nici_OP> GOSENS
[17:49] Nici_OP> .........
[17:49] Nici_OP> GOSENS!
[17:49] Nici_OP> ______
[17:49] Nici_OP> GOSENS!!
[17:49] [AsG]Keith52> Isn't it halftime right now?
[17:50] [AsG]Keith52> On my livestream it says 18 mins left
[17:50] [AsG]Ahmed in
[17:50] [AvA]Stauni in
[17:53] tomchua0219 out
[17:53] Nici_OP> yea it is
[17:54] Nici_OP> 6 mins to start
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> ger will win
[17:54] [AvA]Stauni> :P
[17:54] Nici_OP> think so
[17:54] [AvA]Namechangingftw> germany portugal halftime
[17:54] [AvA]Namechangingftw> how is the scores?
[17:55] [AsG]Ahmed> 2-1
[17:55] [AsG]Ahmed> for germ
[17:55] [AvA]Stauni> 2 eigentore haha
[17:55] Nici_OP> ITS
[17:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ja lol
[17:55] [AvA]Namechangingftw> looool
[17:55] [AvA]Namechangingftw> karma
[17:55] Nici_OP> gosens 2 patricio 1!
[17:55] [AvA]Namechangingftw> wegen hummels
[17:56] Nici_OP> tör tör tör
[17:56] Sirius_OP> :monkagun:
[17:57] [AvA]Stauni> lets get amatch
[17:57] vaccinated_OP> Yo any under 15 year olds?
[17:58] Nici_OP> lucita
[17:58] [AvA]Stauni> Poos
[17:58] vaccinated_OP> Nice
[17:58] Nici_OP> 5 mentally
[17:58] Meph> random teams cool?
[17:58] vaccinated_OP> Poos apply to TAS
[17:58] vaccinated_OP> <a:pepopopcorn:854399964867854367>
[17:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :o
[17:58] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye ccan do ranodm
[17:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> 12 yo btw :kekw:
[17:59] Sirius_OP> fock my hands are shaking, too much coke :kekw:
[17:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> jojo
[17:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> wanna wait or play?
[17:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> can do a normal 2v2
[17:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> where to watch euro live free?
[17:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> the y n c
[17:59] [AvA]Stauni> german: https://live.daserste.de/
[17:59] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lolllll
[18:00] [SW]Fried_Rice> england
[18:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye bella
[18:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> go the y n c dot com
[18:00] Listener> Well, it's no wonder this place is bleeding players and becoming an echo-chamber.
[18:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yep
[18:00] Listener> When is LB going to be fixed?
[18:01] [AvA]Stauni> what
[18:01] [AvA]Stauni> is fixed??
[18:01] Nici_OP> never
[18:01] Nici_OP> at this rate
[18:01] Nici_OP> it's still phkd
[18:01] Listener> Inca is an embarrassment.
[18:01] Listener> Doesn't even test his own fixes, yawn.
[18:01] Nici_OP> still doesn't ork like in 1.01
[18:01] onePointZeroThree in
[18:01] Nici_OP> u need like 20 lbs to backdoor someone so close to you
[18:02] [AvA]Stauni> why dont you fix it then? :kekw:
[18:02] Listener> It was fixed before the patch was ever pushed.
[18:02] onePointZeroThree> :feelssuperhappyman: lb in beta
[18:02] Sirius_OP> :ohyes:
[18:02] Listener> All he needs to do is drop his shitty ego and rollback.
[18:02] Nici_OP> lmao
[18:02] Nici_OP> indeed
[18:02] Nici_OP> but that's hard
[18:02] Listener> I feel bad for his wife, imagine the marital arguments with someone like that.
[18:03] Sirius_OP> :monkasss:
[18:03] [AsG]Ahmed> lols
[18:03] Meph> lol.
[18:03] [AvA]Stauni> :+1:
[18:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> itv works
[18:04] [AvA]Stauni> rip what happoened to your points
[18:04] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[18:04] [AvA]st_Antivirus> dont know lol
[18:05] [AvA]st_Antivirus> its fked up
[18:05] onePointZeroThree> trod stole em
[18:05] onePointZeroThree> :pepedoor:
[18:05] [AvA]st_Antivirus> also says 15 games :kekw:
[18:05] [AvA]Stauni> yeah ask inca
[18:05] Listener> points :pepega:
[18:05] iRespectWomenxD26> lol listener knows
[18:05] [AvA]Stauni> had this problem too
[18:05] Nici_OP> your antivirus let you dooooon
[18:05] Listener> Inca won't care and won't fix anything to make anyone happy unless it's satisfying his own ego.
[18:06] Listener> No matter how many players ask for a rollback or report a problem he will not care or even test his fixes.
[18:06] Nici_OP> shots phired
[18:06] [AvA]Stauni> well he updated the league calcs once I said to him that they're bugged
[18:06] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[18:06] Nici_OP> he alays does that lolz
[18:06] Listener> Just to satisfy his own ego and feel like he did something.
[18:06] Nici_OP> it's not like recalculating is a biggie
[18:07] Nici_OP> y does it even phuck it up though ?
[18:07] iRespectWomenxD26> listner did u know the fix for object overload is out for 1.03
[18:07] [AvA]Stauni> why are you not running a mm then xd
[18:07] iRespectWomenxD26> inca wont implement
[18:07] Listener> How characteristic of him
[18:07] Nici_OP> leagues got nothing to do ith MM lol
[18:07] Listener> Yawn
[18:07] [AvA]Stauni> no but lb
[18:08] Nici_OP> asn't LB phine
[18:08] Nici_OP> be4 update
[18:08] Nici_OP> y touch it
[18:08] Listener> Fact is not even staff cares and if staff doesn't care then nobody cares, can expect this place to slowly decay over the next year or so.
[18:09] Nici_OP> this as the prediction in 2015, community split in 2 cuz o beta
[18:09] [AvA]Stauni> 1-3
[18:09] Nici_OP> gosens 3 patricio 1
[18:09] Listener> Community would have never split if radical changes were never imposed and fixes were actually tested and prioritized appropriately.
[18:09] Nici_OP> gosens is a beast
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni> :+1;
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni> :+1:
[18:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ccan do 1v2 jugg
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni> ok
[18:10] iRespectWomenxD26> playing in 20 mins meph
[18:10] [AvA]Namechangingftw> with avast as jugg
[18:10] iRespectWomenxD26> ill get nxt
[18:12] Coruscater_OP in
[18:12] Sirius_OP> :howdy:
[18:13] Nici_OP> yo corus
[18:14] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[18:14] Kay> gg
[18:14] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[18:14] Coruscater_OP> yo
[18:14] RessurectioN_TAS> :howdy:
[18:14] RessurectioN_TAS out
[18:14] Mammy_Tas> tsu next time give me a warning when red is on my side :D
[18:14] Kay> oh danny go
[18:14] Mammy_Tas> gg
[18:15] Kay> mammy sry about high ping
[18:15] Mammy_Tas> It is fine. I am just sad :o
[18:15] Nici_OP> : (
[18:15] Nici_OP> :sad:
[18:16] Kay> u should get under 200
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> lol @ mammy
[18:17] Sirius_OP> wish Mammy had the permission to change my nickname. Inca, give him a promotion
[18:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:17] Sirius_OP> :nice:
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> :pepepoint: @ mammy
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> w.e
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk these emojis
[18:17] Mammy_Tas> fail :kekyou:
[18:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:17] [AsG]Ahmed> :jedi:
[18:18] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:18] Sirius_OP> :pepejam: :jedi: :peped: :fwhype: :peped: :jedi: :pepejam:
[18:18] Nici_OP> ALL I SEE IS
[18:19] Nici_OP> GOSENS !
[18:19] vaccinated_OP> GOATsens
[18:19] Nici_OP> guys so good
[18:19] Coruscater_OP> we do an OP game?
[18:20] BrokenWings in
[18:20] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:21] Nici_OP> guy had to be subbed otherise Portugal ould just di
[18:21] Nici_OP> die
[18:21] Listener> Where is Arbrim these days
[18:22] Nici_OP> gone to war
[18:22] Listener> Loool
[18:22] Listener> Defending Kosovo?
[18:22] Joseph_OP> #teamOP
[18:22] Nici_OP> yw
[18:22] Nici_OP> maybe later Corus
[18:22] Nici_OP> you playing Tundar ?
[18:22] Listener> When is Tundar not playing?
[18:22] Nici_OP> rn
[18:23] Listener> Eat sleep breathe Populous
[18:23] Kay> perfect life
[18:23] onePointZeroThree> quit populous for 1 hour too
[18:23] [AsG]Ahmed> he hasnt been active lately
[18:23] Listener> If you want a stroke in your early 30's it is I suppose
[18:23] onePointZeroThree> :omegakekw:
[18:24] Kay> over 30 already
[18:24] Kay> lmao
[18:24] iRespectWomenxD26> lol uh oh
[18:24] Listener> Better do some cardio, risk will only get higher from there Kay
[18:24] DoctorHax in
[18:24] Listener> Practice Shaman casting animations IRL
[18:24] Listener> Do it on twitch too.
[18:24] Kay> sure i know
[18:24] Kay> just kidding xD
[18:25] iRespectWomenxD26> som1 should of told spock that
[18:26] Coruscater_OP> How is "[SW]Fried_Rice" a Priest with 246 points?
[18:27] [SW]Fried_Rice> shrugs
[18:27] Listener> Thanks, Inca.
[18:28] Coruscater_OP out
[18:28] Meph> yo koopa get in
[18:28] Listener> Make me Warrior for free
[18:28] iRespectWomenxD26> almost
[18:29] Nici_OP> yo john smith
[18:32] bockwurstlaune in
[18:33] onePointZeroThree out
[18:33] onePointZeroThree in
[18:34] iRespectWomenxD26> ill get nxt
[18:34] Listener out
[18:34] Listener in
[18:34] Blip out
[18:35] Sirius_OP out
[18:35] [AvA]st_Antivirus> lol
[18:35] HowToBe_OP in
[18:35] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice pass m8
[18:37] HowToBe_OP> and still it doesn't show my pervious nicknames :(
[18:38] Mr_Ridiculous> hey ladies
[18:38] Nici_OP> hey babe xd
[18:38] Nici_OP> x
[18:38] Mr_Ridiculous> xxx
[18:38] Nici_OP> asl
[18:38] Mammy_Tas> Hi Gentemen :)
[18:38] Nici_OP> ho are these guys getting in hut
[18:38] Nici_OP> unbelievable
[18:38] [AvA]st_Antivirus> hacking
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> i just bought batman arkham city on my ps 3
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> now it recently was remade for 5
[18:39] Nici_OP> good job!
[18:39] Nici_OP> babe
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> :hearts:
[18:39] Nici_OP> <3
[18:39] Nici_OP> ly
[18:39] Nici_OP> ily
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> i love my ps 3
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> shes my baby
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[18:39] Nici_OP> ilovee you
[18:39] Nici_OP> :D
[18:39] redfire out
[18:39] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup mammy
[18:39] Mr_Ridiculous> thanks lol
[18:39] Nici_OP> no problem ;) x
[18:39] Mammy_Tas> I am good :)
[18:39] Mammy_Tas> you?
[18:39] smellygood in
[18:40] Nici_OP> ho do you say "you're elcome" in icelandic
[18:40] Mr_Ridiculous> Endilega
[18:40] [AvA]st_Antivirus> good:)
[18:41] smellygood out
[18:42] Blip in
[18:48] Deists out
[18:50] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[18:51] [D]Nightfury in
[18:52] Romerz out
[18:53] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[18:53] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[18:54] vaccinated_OP in
[18:54] power_OP in
[18:54] power_OP> yo guys
[18:54] Nici_OP> hey
[18:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup
[18:55] BrokenWings> brb mijar
[18:55] power_OP> just had dinner and came here
[18:55] power_OP> you?
[18:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nothing really special
[18:56] power_OP> this map looks like dead see
[18:56] Nici_OP> ya sitch map man
[18:56] power_OP> hate dead see
[18:56] Nici_OP> this shits too bad phor 4v4
[18:56] power_OP> lol
[18:56] power_OP> sea*
[18:58] [AvA]Namechangingftw> +1
[18:58] [AvA]Namechangingftw> nice almost full
[18:58] [AvA]Namechangingftw> and all good ping
[18:59] power_OP> lol phinix wildy
[18:59] Nici_OP> u gonna do this map ?
[18:59] [Rw]Phoenix-> yea go easy
[18:59] [AvA]Obduction out
[18:59] Medusa_OP in
[18:59] [AvA]Namechangingftw> meduasa jooin new map
[19:00] Nici_OP> u need +2
[19:00] Medusa_OP> nah sry
[19:00] Nici_OP> not up 4 big ass open maps
[19:00] Medusa_OP> no fan of 8p games
[19:00] power_OP> sad
[19:00] power_OP> :(
[19:01] [AvA]Obduction in
[19:01] power_OP> now nici can come
[19:02] power_OP> changed map
[19:02] Zero_Eclipse in
[19:02] power_OP> yoo zero
[19:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> [AvA]Namechangingftw + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [GoD]Nici_Jr vs. BrokenWings + [Rw]Phoenix- + power_OP
[19:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> if 3v3
[19:02] Medusa_OP> germany <3
[19:02] Medusa_OP> well played
[19:02] power_OP> zero nici come guys
[19:02] [AvA]Namechangingftw> SIEG
[19:02] Medusa_OP> haha
[19:03] Kay out
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> im having problem with 8 p
[19:05] Nici_OP> lag ?
[19:05] Nici_OP> same
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> i get black screen \
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> ingame
[19:05] power_OP> about beta?
[19:05] Nici_OP> absolute sshiiiet
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> all sounds there
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> i can see the messages
[19:05] [AvA]Namechangingftw> inca
[19:05] Zero_Eclipse> but the screen black
[19:05] [AvA]Namechangingftw> help this guy
[19:05] [AvA]Namechangingftw> AvA]Namechangingftw + BrokenWings + [GoD]Nici_Jr + power_OP vs. [AvA]st_Antivirus + [Rw]Phoenix- + Zero_Eclipse + Nici_OP
[19:06] Zero_Eclipse> startt and give it a try?
[19:06] Nici_OP> can u play or not
[19:06] Nici_OP> :3dthinking:
[19:07] Zero_Eclipse> if it dosent give black screen
[19:07] Zero_Eclipse> i can play
[19:07] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> ironic that your name is Zero_Eclipse and you get black screen >.<
[19:07] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:08] Medusa_OP> prime 1v1 lights?
[19:08] Zero_Eclipse> hes in game now
[19:08] Zero_Eclipse> lo0l
[19:08] power_OP> lol
[19:08] Medusa_OP> damn it
[19:09] Medusa_OP> i was too late
[19:09] power_OP> need to wa_t
[19:09] Medusa_OP> ill wait
[19:09] power_OP> wait**
[19:09] Medusa_OP> yeah
[19:09] Zero_Eclipse> yea shouldve waited
[19:09] xtro in
[19:09] [AvA]Namechangingftw> [AvA]Namechangingftw + Zero_Eclipse + [GoD]Nici_Jr + power_OP vs. [Rw]Phoenix- + BrokenWings + [AvA]st_Antivirus + vaccinated_OP
[19:10] [SW]Fried_Rice> when is hungry vs france?
[19:10] vaccinated_OP> lol
[19:11] vaccinated_OP> 4:10 hours ago
[19:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> ah makes sense
[19:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> google just says today
[19:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> so im confused
[19:11] Medusa_OP> spain vs poland at 9 pm
[19:11] [SW]Fried_Rice> 8pm over here i think
[19:11] vaccinated_OP> dunno the teams
[19:12] vaccinated_OP> ye 8pm gmt
[19:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw> tvb
[19:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw> is normal
[19:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do rankd
[19:12] power_OP> time is there 9 .11 pm
[19:12] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> ok
[19:13] power_OP> imy suggestion is gin tonic walss
[19:13] power_OP> or
[19:13] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> can do team lights if they want
[19:13] Nici_OP> IDM
[19:13] Nici_OP> just anna play pop
[19:13] Medusa_OP> same
[19:13] Medusa_OP> ec
[19:13] Nici_OP> kkkkkkkkkkkkk
[19:13] Medusa_OP> sec
[19:13] Medusa_OP> dog needs water
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> junge was ist mit dir
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> [20:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do rankd[20:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do rankd[20:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> do rankd
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> du sagst es immer wenn ich launch drücke man
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> komm mal klar
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOL
[19:14] bockwurstlaune> gg
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> war vor launch
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ne minute
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> xD
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> nein
[19:14] bockwurstlaune> besser launch als den impfstoff drücken
[19:14] Listener out
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> [20:12] [GoD]Spinnifake> do rankdLaunching game...
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> lol
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> you just doubled my ally
[19:14] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[19:14] Meph> gg wp
[19:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lmao
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> nothing else.
[19:14] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp
[19:14] [AsG]Ahmed> u sat in tower waiting for meph to kill bock
[19:14] bockwurstlaune> du geimpfter hundesohn
[19:14] [AsG]Ahmed> rofl
[19:15] vaccinated_OP> Zero_Eclipse: why dont you use a normal 16:9 resolution
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i didn't even stay in tower that long
[19:15] Meph> tsu is the weirdest player ever
[19:15] power_OP> can we play
[19:15] Zero_Eclipse> assk tsu
[19:15] Meph> i gotta give him that
[19:15] Zero_Eclipse> how many times i left lasst night
[19:15] vaccinated_OP> bruder ich hab jetzt 6g magnetischer arm
[19:15] Zero_Eclipse> coz i get black screen in 8p
[19:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> babo merk di
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> meph was hurt
[19:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ich spiele kein unrnaked
[19:15] [AsG]Ahmed> dude u were just waiting for meph to do something
[19:15] Zero_Eclipse> im changing resolution to see if it works
[19:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lieber
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i didn't risk your death
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> meph
[19:15] vaccinated_OP> ruhig blut sportsfreund
[19:15] Meph> i was fine
[19:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bin ikke
[19:15] Meph> had a brave saved in your base
[19:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :D
[19:16] vaccinated_OP> xD
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> only 1
[19:16] Meph> all you had to was troop green and use mana on yellow's def
[19:16] Meph> easy
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> i saw it already
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah if i had lower ping i could do everything
[19:16] Meph> not going around the whole world to expand me :p
[19:16] vaccinated_OP> can we get a pro 8p gin tonic game?
[19:16] [AsG]Ahmed> he was just camping, i had to double u
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> well
[19:16] vaccinated_OP> meph spin ahmed carbine
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> i knew bock would quit if i expand and saved you
[19:16] [GoD]carbine> yo
[19:16] Zpektrix_TAS> thats the another way of winning
[19:16] power_OP> +2
[19:16] [AsG]Ahmed> true
[19:17] Zpektrix_TAS> if he didnt quit, its fine we will crash anyway
[19:17] vaccinated_OP> mahmy fist
[19:17] Zpektrix_TAS> expanded and saved you @
[19:17] Zero_Eclipse> ty
[19:17] vaccinated_OP> phoenix
[19:17] [AsG]Ahmed> sup babo?
[19:17] Meph> you almost made me alt+f4
[19:17] power_OP> +1
[19:17] [Rw]Phoenix-> ja?
[19:17] vaccinated_OP> [20:16] vaccinated_OP> can we get a pro 8p gin tonic game?
[19:17] Zpektrix_TAS> you should think logically more then
[19:17] [AsG]Ahmed> sure im in
[19:17] Zpektrix_TAS> their character
[19:17] power_OP> omg
[19:17] Zpektrix_TAS> they would quit when they see it's too unfair for them
[19:17] Meph> there was no need for mind games since we were ahead like a million miles
[19:17] vaccinated_OP> nalos 8p spin
[19:18] Zero_Eclipse> fistung
[19:18] Zero_Eclipse> host
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah with both of us having fair ping
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> i don't risk anything with ping 250
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> remember that
[19:18] vaccinated_OP> fist phoenix join meph
[19:18] vaccinated_OP> tsuyoshit
[19:18] vaccinated_OP> bock
[19:18] vaccinated_OP> +4
[19:18] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tsu join
[19:18] Meph> there was nothing to risk
[19:18] [GoD]Nici_Jr> tsu joinnn
[19:18] vaccinated_OP> wheres shogun the clown when you need him
[19:18] amnesia in
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> spin
[19:18] Meph> just send warriors one by one to green
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> you know my answer
[19:18] Meph> and click eq on yellows front
[19:18] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah meph
[19:18] Meph> auto spell cast
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> i did send warriors to green
[19:19] Meph> but it'sf ine
[19:19] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[19:19] Meph> was a mental test
[19:19] Meph> nearly failed
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> but path was fucked up
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> as usual
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> as i said they would quit
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> i knew it
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> if you came back with base, that's the perfect win
[19:19] Zpektrix_TAS> killing pop isn't only the way to kill people
[19:20] Zpektrix_TAS> demotivate them to continue
[19:20] Zero_Eclipse> now im getting no screen in a 2v2
[19:20] Zero_Eclipse> wth
[19:20] Zero_Eclipse> inca
[19:20] vaccinated_OP> 15yearold_TAS
[19:21] Zero_Eclipse> some help?
[19:21] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +4??
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> tsuyoshi muted on discord
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> feelsbadman :slightly_smiling_face:
[19:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kek:
[19:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekclown:
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[19:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :tsu:
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> +3
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> go go
[19:21] vaccinated_OP> meph los
[19:22] vaccinated_OP> wieso spielst du nie mit mir
[19:22] vaccinated_OP> ;(
[19:22] [GoD]Nici_Jr> weil du zu gut bist
[19:23] bockwurstlaune> was spielen wir überhuapt
[19:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> schauen wir mal
[19:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> erstmal +2 zur kalkulation :pepeglasses:
[19:23] bockwurstlaune> nici ich will ein kind von dir
[19:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> weg mit dir
[19:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ich bin nicht schwul
[19:23] bockwurstlaune> ich auch nicht
[19:24] bockwurstlaune> ich stehe auf wasserbüffel
[19:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[19:24] bockwurstlaune> aber nur weibchen
[19:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :bruhmoment:
[19:24] bockwurstlaune> ich küsse gerne ihre genitalien
[19:24] vaccinated_OP> :nice:
[19:24] bockwurstlaune> yammi yammi
[19:25] vaccinated_OP> someone tell the pedo to join
[19:25] vaccinated_OP> +2
[19:25] vaccinated_OP> fistung komm
[19:25] Zero_Eclipse out
[19:25] [AvA]st_Antivirus> tsu join below
[19:25] [AvA]st_Antivirus> babo loves you
[19:25] Zero_Eclipse in
[19:25] Zero_Eclipse> Changes in version
[19:26] Zero_Eclipse> Populous 1.5 update improvements
[19:26] Zero_Eclipse> Fix OBS Studio detection
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> wow
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> thats huge
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> nice
[19:26] Zero_Eclipse> whats that?
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> for streaming
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> can now use window/game capture
[19:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ok try beta?
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> instead of sharing screen
[19:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> or 1.01
[19:26] Nici_OP> gg
[19:26] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:26] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:26] vaccinated_OP> bianco los
[19:26] Zero_Eclipse> anything u like
[19:27] Zero_Eclipse> g beta i guess
[19:27] xtro> gg'
[19:27] Medusa_OP> bianco :kekw:
[19:27] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[19:27] vaccinated_OP> naja der mann mit dem koks ist da
[19:27] bockwurstlaune> hi
[19:27] bockwurstlaune> komm zu mir damit
[19:27] vaccinated_OP> ich hab kein geld und du hast kein geld
[19:28] vaccinated_OP> wer hat den mann mit dem koks bestellt
[19:28] Zero_Eclipse> antivirus
[19:28] Zero_Eclipse> relog?
[19:28] vaccinated_OP> +1
[19:28] InScienceWeTrust> my mm crashed
[19:28] Medusa_OP> :o
[19:28] vaccinated_OP> div join
[19:28] vaccinated_OP> prime relog and come paly
[19:28] InScienceWeTrust> matchmaker doesnt come into view >.<
[19:29] InScienceWeTrust> might need to reboot pc
[19:29] [AvA]st_Antivirus> zzzzz
[19:29] vaccinated_OP> check task manager
[19:29] vaccinated_OP> lul the night furry is back
[19:30] vaccinated_OP> come play delax
[19:30] Nici_OP> ya
[19:30] Nici_OP> no phriendship jokes
[19:30] vaccinated_OP> yes
[19:30] InScienceWeTrust> RIP PC
[19:30] vaccinated_OP> why cant we be friends -venetica 2019
[19:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ok
[19:30] vaccinated_OP> :kekclown:
[19:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> map?
[19:30] Nici_OP> you are a loser iph you don't have a girlphriend - 2020
[19:30] vaccinated_OP> this one
[19:30] [AvA]st_Antivirus> jesus
[19:30] Zero_Eclipse> how to fill bots?
[19:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ok
[19:30] Nici_OP> gin tonic is nice baebo
[19:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> temas?
[19:30] [AvA]Stauni> in game stup : compuer player on
[19:30] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:30] [GoD]Nici_Jr> preferences
[19:30] Nici_OP> but your other one is absolute shit
[19:31] Medusa_OP> push! nice map :ohyes:
[19:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> what about
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> which other one
[19:31] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sess 8p
[19:31] Nici_OP> spells
[19:31] Medusa_OP> lolol
[19:31] amnesia> no beta ?
[19:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> babo me ahmed and stauni?
[19:31] Medusa_OP> 8p tom is the worst
[19:31] Nici_OP> I don't kno the name
[19:31] Medusa_OP> you can get
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> moscow mule?
[19:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> babo me ahmed and stauni?babo me ahmed and stauni?
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> where only 2 get lb
[19:31] Nici_OP> might be
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> idk i like that
[19:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no why
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> maybe its because youre absolute shit
[19:31] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i think avast has problems launching 1.03
[19:31] Nici_OP> need to play it ith smart team
[19:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[19:31] Mammy_Tas> [GoD]Nici_Jr + [GoD]carbine + vaccinated_OP + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AsG]Ahmed + Mammy_Tas + bockwurstlaune + Nici_OP :thinking:
[19:31] vaccinated_OP> yes for sure
[19:31] [AvA]Namechangingftw> x ping mnesia
[19:31] [AvA]st_Antivirus> yeah seems like it
[19:31] Nici_OP> 1 being bad and its shit
[19:32] Nici_OP> you calling me shit
[19:32] Nici_OP> 1v1
[19:32] [AvA]st_Antivirus> brb
[19:32] [D]amhyr> heard we need a snake :snake: prediction this year again
[19:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wanna do best
[19:32] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> or my
[19:32] Nici_OP> bo10
[19:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ?
[19:32] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:32] vaccinated_OP> no
[19:32] vaccinated_OP> best of 50 pls
[19:32] Nici_OP> moron
[19:32] vaccinated_OP> dont mind spin
[19:32] vaccinated_OP> i own you kid
[19:32] [GoD]Nici_Jr> k
[19:32] Nici_OP> idk ho good bock is
[19:32] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:32] Nici_OP> never seen him play beta
[19:32] vaccinated_OP> Das Lufthebebohrverfahren ist erst ab ca. 10 15 m Teufe einsetzbar
[19:33] vaccinated_OP> vorher die notwendige Druckdifferenz zur Förderung über den Spülkopf nicht vorhanden
[19:33] vaccinated_OP> ist.
[19:33] [AvA]Stauni> haha immer diesr bohr flex
[19:33] DoctorHax out
[19:33] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[19:33] st_Antivirus> gonna be back later sry
[19:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:34] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[19:35] amnesia> 300 ping is ok
[19:35] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[19:35] amnesia> bAREABLE
[19:35] Nici_OP> like pedophilia
[19:35] Nici_OP> right
[19:36] DoctorHax in
[19:37] [AsG]Ahmed out
[19:37] Nici_OP> portugal's mindset - 1-0 or 0-0
[19:37] vaccinated_OP> ye
[19:37] Nici_OP> got a team to play aggressive but naa
[19:38] vaccinated_OP> man they need to get rid of guerreiro
[19:38] vaccinated_OP> fucking wasted player
[19:38] vaccinated_OP> better put ronaldo LB
[19:38] vaccinated_OP> hed do better
[19:38] bockwurstlaune> lets roll
[19:38] vaccinated_OP> we lost ahmed
[19:39] Nici_OP> ya guerreiro is shit
[19:39] Nici_OP> just like semedo
[19:39] Nici_OP> both should be play phor phortuna
[19:39] [GoD]carbine> go man wtf ? ?
[19:40] vaccinated_OP> semedo is ok
[19:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yee
[19:40] vaccinated_OP> fortuna düsseldoof
[19:40] vaccinated_OP> city of clowns
[19:40] vaccinated_OP> :clownparty:
[19:40] Mammy_Tas> :kekclown: :o?
[19:40] BrokenWings out
[19:40] Medusa_OP> x ping
[19:40] Medusa_OP> relog?
[19:41] Zero_Eclipse out
[19:41] Zero_Eclipse in
[19:42] Medusa_OP> lemme relog
[19:42] Medusa_OP> oh wait
[19:42] Medusa_OP> hi power :)
[19:42] [AsG]Ahmed in
[19:42] Zero_Eclipse> what happened?
[19:42] power_OP> hey hey biamca
[19:43] power_OP> sup
[19:43] Zero_Eclipse> crashed
[19:43] Zero_Eclipse> Populous Updates Completed.
[19:43] Medusa_OP> hm
[19:43] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:43] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[19:43] Zero_Eclipse> a sec
[19:43] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[19:44] Zero_Eclipse> my bad :D
[19:45] Zero_Eclipse> i dont understand
[19:45] Zero_Eclipse> y inca wont respong :X
[19:45] Medusa_OP> maybe ask in discord support?
[19:46] Zero_Eclipse> can i get its slink?
[19:46] Zero_Eclipse> link*
[19:46] Medusa_OP> https://discord.gg/C6CBNAUu
[19:46] HowToBe_OP> :kekclown:
[19:47] Medusa_OP> who is HowToBe_OP
[19:47] Medusa_OP> bounty?
[19:47] HowToBe_OP> who is bounty
[19:47] Medusa_OP> lol i bet its you
[19:47] HowToBe_OP> :monkasss:
[19:47] Medusa_OP> :kekw:
[19:47] onePointZeroThree out
[19:47] power_OP> who is from poland?
[19:47] Medusa_OP> fuck sake your profile never shows your other nicknames
[19:47] HowToBe_OP> :heheboi:
[19:47] Medusa_OP> :lemmegetdat:
[19:47] Medusa_OP> i want this too
[19:47] HowToBe_OP> incognito as always
[19:47] HowToBe_OP> :kek:
[19:48] Medusa_OP> yeah if you wouldnt use Tag
[19:48] Medusa_OP> and being wildman
[19:48] Medusa_OP> you could noobbash :kekw:
[19:48] HowToBe_OP> power_OP> who is from poland?
[19:48] HowToBe_OP> i'm
[19:48] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[19:48] power_OP> lol
[19:48] power_OP> i know you r
[19:48] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:48] Meph> who is that guy?
[19:48] Medusa_OP> oh sheet lemme open stream
[19:49] Medusa_OP> football xD
[19:49] Medusa_OP> bounty
[19:49] Medusa_OP> poland playing soon :P
[19:49] Medusa_OP> gl
[19:49] Medusa_OP> [20:48] Meph> who is that guy?
[19:49] Medusa_OP> nicis fake account
[19:50] Medusa_OP> you better not 1v1 him
[19:50] Medusa_OP> or you get owned
[19:50] Meph> wer ist bounty?
[19:50] HowToBe_OP> fock this Bianca, after losing vs Slovakia, I don't expect a good result
[19:50] Medusa_OP> hehe
[19:50] Medusa_OP> na ja
[19:50] Medusa_OP> sirius
[19:50] Medusa_OP> koragg
[19:50] Medusa_OP> der hat viele namen
[19:50] Medusa_OP> man sieht sie nur nicht :kekw:
[19:50] Meph> ah ok
[19:50] Meph> wie macht der das? zahlt der inca? :P
[19:50] Medusa_OP> weiß ich nicht
[19:51] Medusa_OP> aber hätte ich auch gern xD
[19:51] Meph> ich auch :kekw:
[19:51] HowToBe_OP> power_OP> i know you
[19:51] Medusa_OP> lol du
[19:51] HowToBe_OP> :monkas:
[19:51] Medusa_OP> damit du heimlich noobs ownen kannst
[19:51] HowToBe_OP> what do u mean by u know me?
[19:51] power_OP> he using f
[19:51] power_OP> cant be nici
[19:51] power_OP> lol
[19:51] Medusa_OP> xD
[19:51] xtro out
[19:51] Medusa_OP> lmfao
[19:51] HowToBe_OP> phock
[19:51] HowToBe_OP> :monkasss:
[19:51] power_OP> ok now
[19:51] Medusa_OP> best way to find out nici fake accounts
[19:51] Medusa_OP> no w and no f
[19:52] Medusa_OP> :gigakekw:
[19:52] HowToBe_OP> true xD
[19:52] Meph> heimlich... ich machs auch ganz öffentlich :D
[19:52] [AsG]Ahmed> nici is in game
[19:52] Medusa_OP> stimmt xD
[19:52] DrCortexe in
[19:52] Medusa_OP> nici is so OP he can own on two accounts
[19:52] power_OP> lmfa
[19:52] power_OP> nici is in game
[19:52] power_OP> sdfsdklfjsdfjsdf
[19:53] power_OP> so i want to see nici vs nici
[19:53] Medusa_OP> lel
[19:53] onePointZeroThree in
[19:53] HowToBe_OP> but this game can be play by Nici's dog, Ahmed :monkahmmm:
[19:53] HowToBe_OP> Nici said he will teach him :nice:
[19:54] Medusa_OP> :what:
[19:54] HowToBe_OP> :monkahmm: *
[19:54] Medusa_OP> then i teach my dog as well
[19:54] Medusa_OP> nici vs lucita
[19:54] HowToBe_OP> :kek:
[19:54] Medusa_OP> maybe my dog is better than me
[19:54] onePointZeroThree> lucita poems :feelssuperhappyman:
[19:55] Medusa_OP> oh fuck sry
[19:55] [AsG]Ahmed> ?
[19:55] Medusa_OP> didnt want to go back
[19:55] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:55] [Rw]Phoenix-> lool
[19:55] power_OP> lol you did realy
[19:55] HowToBe_OP> nice rank Phoenix :nice:
[19:55] Medusa_OP> just wanna hear national anthem
[19:55] [Rw]Phoenix-> thanks :)
[19:55] Medusa_OP> but its fine
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> oh wow
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> so thats who stoly my rank
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> phoenix-
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> take my wild rank back :peperage:
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> give*
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> :pepemad:
[19:56] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[19:56] Zero_Eclipse> so lonely :D
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> nice tourney m8
[19:56] onePointZeroThree> :howdy:
[19:57] [D]amhyr> :howdy:
[19:57] onePointZeroThree> much setanko
[19:57] onePointZeroThree> :owut:
[19:57] [D]amhyr> totaly invisible
[19:57] Zero_Eclipse> i really cant understand
[19:57] Zero_Eclipse> how to add a bot ingame
[19:57] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:57] Zero_Eclipse> lol
[19:57] onePointZeroThree> they don't exist
[19:57] [AvA]Obduction out
[19:58] onePointZeroThree> :kek:
[19:58] Nici_OP> carbine
[19:58] Zero_Eclipse> how to play campign then?
[19:58] Nici_OP> at least kuit
[19:58] HowToBe_OP> Fran :nice:
[19:58] [Rw]Phoenix-> and unrecoverable out of sync
[19:58] [Rw]Phoenix-> ololol
[19:58] Medusa_OP> fuck beta
[19:58] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[19:58] power_OP> ok 101
[19:58] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:59] [Rw]Phoenix-> unrecoverable looool jsut likme beta
[19:59] HowToBe_OP> nice beta :pepepistol:
[20:00] Zero_Eclipse> im running out of patience
[20:00] Zero_Eclipse> lol
[20:00] [D]amhyr> in game lobby after you launch theres option "computer players"
[20:00] [SW]pablo- in
[20:01] [D]amhyr> war of the gods campaign have AI
[20:01] onePointZeroThree> :pepepistol:
[20:01] onePointZeroThree> imagine skirmish mode
[20:02] onePointZeroThree> m8
[20:02] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[20:02] vaccinated_OP> carbine going afk mid game
[20:02] vaccinated_OP> 2nd time in a row now
[20:03] [D]amhyr> :ban: that :nerd:
[20:03] onePointZeroThree> poggy woggy froggy doggy soggy moggy noggy woggy toggy
[20:03] onePointZeroThree> :pog:
[20:03] onePointZeroThree> :pogfish:
[20:03] onePointZeroThree> :roopog:
[20:03] HowToBe_OP> this music from Bianca's stream :pepejam:
[20:03] Medusa_OP> lmfao
[20:03] onePointZeroThree> :pepejam:
[20:03] Medusa_OP> its german xD
[20:03] Zero_Eclipse out
[20:03] [AsG]Ahmed> had 55 convert lol
[20:04] power_OP> shouldtve host at start lol
[20:04] Medusa_OP> sick bro
[20:04] [Rw]Phoenix-> sec brb
[20:04] HowToBe_OP> sick brah
[20:04] onePointZeroThree> fhk
[20:04] [AsG]Ahmed> bruh
[20:04] HowToBe_OP> *sik
[20:04] Medusa_OP> fhk
[20:04] onePointZeroThree> they wrote sick
[20:04] onePointZeroThree> blocked forever
[20:04] Medusa_OP> ;(
[20:04] HowToBe_OP> :monkamega:
[20:04] onePointZeroThree> ya m8 no kool
[20:05] onePointZeroThree> :(
[20:05] Medusa_OP> bounty playing again when?
[20:05] HowToBe_OP> never :nice:
[20:05] Medusa_OP> ;(
[20:06] Nici_OP> go to hell carbine
[20:06] Nici_OP> not playing you ever again
[20:06] [GoD]carbine> gg
[20:06] [SW]pablo- out
[20:06] Nici_OP> at least kuit next time so someone takes your base
[20:06] power_OP> hmm phins spot bro
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> what a fucking waste of time
[20:06] Nici_OP> phns ?
[20:06] Nici_OP> phins
[20:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye iu wondered why u guys played on
[20:06] [AsG]Ahmed> sorry guys i got blue screen as soon as we launched
[20:06] power_OP> phonenix
[20:06] vaccinated_OP> carbine what the fuck man
[20:06] [D]amhyr> fhk
[20:06] onePointZeroThree> KH;
[20:07] onePointZeroThree> sik
[20:07] [Rw]Phoenix-> all good he can take think ima wathc footbal
[20:07] onePointZeroThree> AC:0 1;OBL
[20:07] [GoD]carbine> had to go sry
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> no worriesd ahmed
[20:07] Medusa_OP> wow lol
[20:07] onePointZeroThree> @CH 
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> wdym had to go
[20:07] Nici_OP> then say it lmao
[20:07] power_OP> ok as you wish mate hv
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> omfg
[20:07] Nici_OP> don't make your team mates carry on
[20:07] HowToBe_OP> if we have Nici, NiciJr here so someone have to change nickname to NiciSr :rollsafe2:
[20:07] Nici_OP> phuck u
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> ^^^^^^
[20:07] vaccinated_OP> phuck u
[20:07] Nici_OP> eat shit
[20:07] HowToBe_OP> phock
[20:07] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[20:07] [GoD]carbine> stfu
[20:07] onePointZeroThree> :kekw:
[20:07] Mammy_Tas> stphu :) ?
[20:07] [D]amhyr> sik
[20:08] onePointZeroThree> brah
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> why the fuck dont you say you have to go
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> and same shit happened in our last 4v4
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> you went afk mid game for 10 minutes
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> ????
[20:08] HowToBe_OP> Phill why u deleted all vids from ur twitch-channel
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> dont wanna get striked
[20:08] [GoD]carbine> yyyyep bro its my mental illness cant help it sry
[20:08] leolixiaolong in
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> they can strike you for any vod that has music on
[20:08] vaccinated_OP> already got one strike, so dont wanna risk more lol
[20:08] BrokenWings in
[20:09] vaccinated_OP> carbine: go find help, stop smoking weed
[20:09] Mammy_Tas> ^ Good advise :D
[20:09] vaccinated_OP> nothing wrong with having a mental illness, just find good help for it
[20:09] vaccinated_OP> most people got depressed during the pandemic
[20:09] [GoD]carbine> dont like help
[20:09] [GoD]carbine> i got it before
[20:09] [GoD]carbine> n it didnt help
[20:09] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:09] Zero_Eclipse in
[20:10] vaccinated_OP> wasnt good help then
[20:10] [tsi]avril_lavigne in
[20:10] [GoD]carbine> yep
[20:10] vaccinated_OP> dont give up
[20:10] vaccinated_OP> youll just regret it long term
[20:11] vaccinated_OP> maybe this is good help https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/855859988185219102/SPOILER_unknown.png
[20:11] vaccinated_OP> :gigakekw:
[20:12] HowToBe_OP> average player giving up mid-game vs the average player fighting to the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrkNwjruz5k&ab_channel=YodaEfendiYodaEfendi :nice:
[20:12] onePointZeroThree> :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe:
[20:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lopoool
[20:13] [AvA]Obduction in
[20:13] [D]amhyr> thats what happens when you have to deal with 8 year old kids on fortnite
[20:13] [D]amhyr> you lose 20 years of your life in 2 years
[20:14] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: UNBAN MATT, SAVE HIM
[20:14] Zero_Eclipse> y no one responding to the support channel,,,,
[20:14] Zero_Eclipse> is there anyway to change setting to default?
[20:15] [D]amhyr> theres nothing in support :kekwait:
[20:15] Zero_Eclipse> inca cant do shit about about the problem
[20:15] Zero_Eclipse> all she did was ask in the support channel
[20:15] Zero_Eclipse> and no one responding there
[20:16] tomchua0219 in
[20:16] [D]amhyr> post in support, and add a photo
[20:18] Mammy_Tas> ty divinity :)
[20:18] tomchua0219 out
[20:19] Zero_Eclipse out
[20:19] Zero_Eclipse in
[20:19] Zpektrix_TAS> ok spin
[20:19] Zpektrix_TAS> it's time
[20:22] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +2
[20:23] Zpektrix_TAS> spin
[20:23] Zpektrix_TAS> go 3v2 then
[20:23] Zpektrix_TAS> i am falling asleep
[20:26] Zero_Eclipse> my game working with bots :kek
[20:26] Zero_Eclipse> :kek:
[20:27] Zero_Eclipse> letss hope it works with players too
[20:28] HowToBe_OP> Mammy_Tas> i wanted write this line :(
[20:29] HowToBe_OP> nici is playing and watching the match at the same time propably
[20:29] HowToBe_OP> :kekw:
[20:31] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:34] [D]amhyr> np :)
[20:34] [D]amhyr> ty mammy :)
[20:35] Zero_Eclipse out
[20:35] DrCortexe out
[20:35] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[20:38] Mammy_Tas> np :)
[20:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> where to watch euro live?
[20:41] onePointZeroThree> over internet
[20:43] [AvA]Stauni> rice where you from
[20:43] Blip out
[20:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> uk
[20:43] Medusa_OP> gg wp
[20:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> dont want bbc tv liscence down my neck
[20:45] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[20:45] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[20:45] Zpektrix_TAS> spin lagged out
[20:45] Nici_OP> daphuck is that map
[20:45] Nici_OP> O_o
[20:45] [AvA]Stauni> Solo XD
[20:45] Nici_OP> is that a 2v2?
[20:45] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: YERMAW
[20:45] [AvA]Stauni> fistung me vs red and blue?
[20:46] unknown_death in
[20:46] Nici_OP> lol
[20:46] Nici_OP> I don't mind
[20:46] Meph out
[20:47] HowToBe_OP> woah, it's 1:0 already
[20:47] HowToBe_OP> it will not surprise for me that we will lose again :nice:
[20:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> i wanna watch :(
[20:48] vaccinated_OP> not worth watching
[20:48] Medusa_OP> lol
[20:48] vaccinated_OP> lewandowski is trash without a good midfield
[20:48] vaccinated_OP> i.e. poland gonna get rekt
[20:48] HowToBe_OP> ya, sad but true
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> studying more fun than watching football anyways :>
[20:49] vaccinated_OP> so much fun :)
[20:49] Blip in
[20:49] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[20:50] HowToBe_OP> I just check the result on my phone, after losing vs Slovakia i don't wanna watch this
[20:50] Meph in
[20:50] HowToBe_OP> I'm not a big football fan tbh, I watch occasionally events like Euro for example
[20:50] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[20:53] [AsG]Ahmed out
[20:53] [AsG]Ahmed in
[20:53] ElDongo in
[20:54] Nici_OP> ??
[20:54] HowToBe_OP> ??
[20:55] [GoD]Eric out
[20:55] Nici_OP> phistung just sa my base and kuit I Think
[20:55] BrokenWings> ?
[20:55] Nici_OP> ;./
[20:55] [AvA]Stauni> no lagged out
[20:55] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[20:55] Nici_OP> pretty sure he kuit
[20:55] Nici_OP> not 1st time
[20:55] [AvA]Stauni> pretty sure he lagged out
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> delax
[20:55] Nici_OP> pretty sure he kuit
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> hows it going
[20:55] vaccinated_OP> still in friendzone bro?
[20:56] HowToBe_OP> l0l
[20:56] Nici_OP> l0l
[20:56] HowToBe_OP> :kekw:
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> :peepoclown:
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> :pepeclown:
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> :peepoclap:
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> wtf
[20:56] vaccinated_OP> :clap:
[20:58] Nici_OP> mo
[20:58] Nici_OP> lmao
[20:58] Nici_OP> carbine
[20:58] Nici_OP> like going brb is gonna help your mental illness
[20:58] Nici_OP> 1st you need to accept you've got a disease
[20:58] HowToBe_OP> maybe Fistung thought that you are not a good enough opponent for him and just left the game
[20:58] HowToBe_OP> Phran :nice:
[20:58] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[20:58] Nici_OP> iph u dont ant to play pop then don't
[20:59] Nici_OP> but no point ruining other people's games
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> anyone rich in this community?
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> please buy nici a new laptop
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> :pwease:
[20:59] Nici_OP> just having to go and saying nothing in a 4vs4 is a bigger piss take than keith pming opponent
[20:59] vaccinated_OP> loool
[21:00] [AvA]Stauni> fistung: sry my net had problems
[21:00] Nici_OP> can u not do this map
[21:00] Nici_OP> lolz
[21:00] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[21:00] Nici_OP> actually Babo
[21:01] Nici_OP> iph there's anyonee rich out there, should try to help carbine
[21:01] Nici_OP> aphording a psychologist isn't easy
[21:01] vaccinated_OP> true
[21:01] vaccinated_OP> its 150¬ an hour over here minimum
[21:01] vaccinated_OP> and health insurance barely ever pays for it
[21:01] Nici_OP> really ..
[21:01] vaccinated_OP> yea 150¬ is cheap xD
[21:01] Nici_OP> lmao
[21:01] Nici_OP> is it
[21:02] Nici_OP> IS
[21:02] Nici_OP> IT
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> i once had 2 sessions when i broke up with my ex, because i needed someone neutral to talk to
[21:02] HowToBe_OP> do you want to turn up beast mode in Nici bigger than usual he's, Phill? :kekw:
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> and paid 430¬ for 2h xD
[21:02] HowToBe_OP> if someone will buy him new laptop.. :monkahmm:
[21:02] Nici_OP> dude
[21:02] Nici_OP> 430 phor 2 h is a joke
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> nici on new laptop will be shit i bet haha
[21:02] Nici_OP> .
[21:02] Nici_OP> agree
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> i know, but insurance paid 80% of it
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> so it was OK
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> only had to do 50¬
[21:02] vaccinated_OP> i was v lucky though xD
[21:03] Nici_OP> ah, that's reasonable amount given the time
[21:03] vaccinated_OP> normally people pay on their own
[21:03] Nici_OP> also, don't call him Phill
[21:03] [AvA]Stauni> machst schluss und gehsdt dann in therapie?
[21:03] Nici_OP> call him gypsy
[21:03] vaccinated_OP> lange geschichte
[21:03] [AvA]Stauni> kk
[21:04] HowToBe_OP> Nici_OP> call him gypsy
[21:04] Nici_OP> I got lucky because there's a social action around here that tries to help people
[21:04] HowToBe_OP> :monkamega:
[21:04] HowToBe_OP> y
[21:04] [AvA]Stauni> fistungs hartz4 netz kackt ab
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> tl;dr: 2 leute aus meiner familie sind innerhalb von 2 wochen gestorben und sie hat mich betrogen "weil ich zu traurig war"
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> :shrug:
[21:04] Nici_OP> think Ive had like 25 sessions since last year
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> xD
[21:04] [AvA]Stauni> wtf kränjk
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> thats good
[21:04] vaccinated_OP> ja sie ist eine kleine hure
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> naja
[21:05] Nici_OP> :mammy:
[21:05] Mammy_Tas> :nici:
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> depressionen sind ungeil :D
[21:05] Nici_OP> pedo
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> ye pedo
[21:05] Nici_OP> :kekyou:
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> :tsu:
[21:05] [AvA]Stauni> zum glück noch nie
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> bleibt hoffentlich auch so
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> ich bin zum glück inzwischen wieder normal
[21:05] vaccinated_OP> aber ich sag dir so vor 3 monaten war wieder katastrophe haha
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> in einem jahr gefühlt nur 5 leute gesehen
[21:06] warrior in
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> mammy what you say to tsu liking under 15 year olds?
[21:06] vaccinated_OP> how old were you again when you joined TAS :eyes:
[21:06] HowToBe_OP> wow, thought this creep wrote something again and checked discord
[21:06] Mammy_Tas> That is just weird....
[21:07] Nici_OP> arousing ?
[21:07] Mammy_Tas> I was 17
[21:07] vaccinated_OP> wow too old
[21:07] Nici_OP> that's not over 15
[21:07] [AvA]Stauni> should we play tzhis map
[21:07] Mammy_Tas> Ya :)
[21:07] [AvA]Stauni> nici and broken green and blue?
[21:08] warrior out
[21:09] warrior in
[21:09] power_OP out
[21:09] Mammy_Tas> If noone wants blue base give it to me :P
[21:09] vaccinated_OP> Signups for the Invisible Cup will be ending on June 24th! The clock is ticking. Will you be ready for the unseen!? Signup here: https://www.popre.net/tournaments.php#tid_30 Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[21:09] [AvA]Stauni> broken pls host
[21:09] unknown_death out
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> too bad i got exams :(
[21:10] BrokenWings> Nici ghost
[21:10] BrokenWings> host
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> woulda been easy 300$
[21:10] Medusa_OP> als ob du nicht teilnimmst :P
[21:10] BrokenWings> im not used to grr
[21:10] Mammy_Tas> what mappack was that level?
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> nop
[21:10] vaccinated_OP> du etwa?
[21:10] [AvA]Stauni> the begiing
[21:10] [AvA]Stauni> mp 23
[21:11] Medusa_OP> natürlich nicht
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> wieso nicht
[21:11] Medusa_OP> urlaub
[21:11] Medusa_OP> :kekw:
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> klar
[21:11] Mammy_Tas> let me relog 1 sec
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> du kommst easy top8
[21:11] Mammy_Tas out
[21:11] Medusa_OP> lolol
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> naja
[21:11] Medusa_OP> kein with bin ne woche nicht da, wenn ich genau da spielen muss
[21:11] Medusa_OP> gg
[21:11] Mammy_Tas in
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> brackets sind halt random
[21:11] Medusa_OP> witz*
[21:11] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:11] Nici_OP> ya babo too bad u got exams
[21:11] vaccinated_OP> ne ist egal
[21:11] Hungaro in
[21:12] Nici_OP> I can't play too
[21:12] [AvA]Stauni> 1-1
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> lovenji macht außnahmen
[21:12] Nici_OP> so no 300$ :/
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> damn you got exams too?
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> that sucks
[21:12] Nici_OP> no exams
[21:12] Nici_OP> but got shit ork
[21:12] Medusa_OP> no one playing :kekw:
[21:12] Nici_OP> can't play
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> keith paying nici 300$ so he doesnt sign up
[21:12] vaccinated_OP> heard it here first
[21:12] warrior out
[21:12] Nici_OP> hmm
[21:12] Medusa_OP> lmao
[21:13] Nici_OP> no need
[21:13] Nici_OP> not signing up its' ok
[21:13] Nici_OP> gotta let babo grab a victory :)
[21:13] Medusa_OP> you could get new keys for your keyboard
[21:13] Nici_OP> :) :)
[21:13] vaccinated_OP> sry got exams
[21:13] vaccinated_OP> :(
[21:13] Nici_OP> bro
[21:13] Nici_OP> right in this one im not signing up ?
[21:13] Nici_OP> that's shit :-/
[21:13] vaccinated_OP> you should sign up
[21:14] Nici_OP> na man
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> we do 50/50 if you win
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> :kekclown:
[21:14] Nici_OP> could meet in Andorra
[21:14] HowToBe_OP> :monkahmm:
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> k you pay the trip
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> with tourney money
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> :clap:
[21:14] Medusa_OP> :clap:
[21:14] Nici_OP> I'll pay MY TRIP
[21:14] Nici_OP> :|
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> lets go to manchester
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> visit moores in prison
[21:14] Nici_OP> visit Moores ?
[21:14] vaccinated_OP> :kekw:
[21:14] Medusa_OP> rofl
[21:15] Nici_OP> Manchester to meet Mooresy
[21:15] Nici_OP> great guy
[21:15] Nici_OP> leave Moores alone
[21:15] Nici_OP> :D
[21:16] HowToBe_OP> k, gonna spec another lose from nici :nice:
[21:16] Medusa_OP> :nice:
[21:17] Medusa_OP> wow lucky poland
[21:17] ElDongo out
[21:17] ElDongo in
[21:17] [D]amhyr> KURWA
[21:17] warrior in
[21:17] warrior out
[21:17] Sirius_OP> Wtf
[21:18] warrior in
[21:18] vaccinated_OP> div
[21:18] vaccinated_OP> how do i turn on spectator tool
[21:18] Sirius_OP> Ah, we scored a goal
[21:18] Sirius_OP> I see
[21:19] Medusa_OP> and spain failed a penalty
[21:20] Sirius_OP> I wasn't in this game so long that the mouse acceleration is weird for me now
[21:20] Sirius_OP> Wtd
[21:20] Sirius_OP> Wtf
[21:21] Sirius_OP> Pls someone tell me how to play populous
[21:22] [SW]chapo in
[21:23] Sirius_OP> Just thinking why mouse's scroll still doesn't work on beta
[21:23] Nici_OP> use mouse
[21:24] Sirius_OP> If u can check old messages on beta that why u can't use scroll for tat
[21:24] Sirius_OP> Tats sucks
[21:25] Sirius_OP> Btw what are u playing now guys
[21:25] Sirius_OP> It's tourna match or something?
[21:26] Blip out
[21:26] Sirius_OP> Or u just picked map like this 1
[21:26] [D]amhyr> on what map?
[21:26] [D]amhyr> wat u mean
[21:28] Sirius_OP> Nici, mamy, stauni and broken are playing on 23rd map from SP mappack
[21:29] Sirius_OP> If I remember right
[21:29] Nici_OP> just random match lol
[21:29] [SW]chapo> +2
[21:29] Sirius_OP> But thinking why they choose this 1
[21:29] Sirius_OP> Ah, k
[21:30] [D]amhyr> looks like 24
[21:31] Sirius_OP> Yes, it's 24
[21:31] Sirius_OP> 23 is inferno
[21:32] [rw]karma in
[21:33] [rw]karma out
[21:34] Listener in
[21:35] warrior out
[21:36] Nici_OP> DID YOU
[21:36] Nici_OP> see that lb!
[21:36] Nici_OP> -_LOL
[21:36] Nici_OP> - _ -
[21:36] Nici_OP> OMG
[21:36] Nici_OP> havaçvmasmçasmgs
[21:36] Sirius_OP> Ya
[21:36] Sirius_OP> That was bad
[21:36] Nici_OP> christ
[21:37] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[21:37] Sirius_OP> Dk why lb works on beta like this now
[21:37] Sirius_OP> It's terrible
[21:38] Listener> >Nici_OP> DID YOU see that lb!
[21:38] Listener> Thanks Inca.
[21:39] [AsG]Ahmed out
[21:39] Sirius_OP> Woooo
[21:39] Sirius_OP> That was bad Phran
[21:39] Listener> Because Inca is too stuck up his own ass with an ego as toxic as my septic tank and refuses to test his fixes or rollback bad ones.
[21:39] Sirius_OP> Gayshit eq
[21:39] Sirius_OP> :kekyou:
[21:39] Nici_OP> ye
[21:39] Nici_OP> expected not to sink
[21:39] Nici_OP> also too busy to charge lights
[21:39] Nici_OP> ;/
[21:40] Nici_OP> too busy charging *
[21:41] Sirius_OP> This volc
[21:41] Sirius_OP> :monkamega:
[21:43] Sirius_OP> Nice baloon m8
[21:43] Sirius_OP> :kekyou:
[21:43] ElDongo out
[21:44] [D]amhyr> who clipped the lb :kekwait:
[21:44] vaccinated_OP> i missed the lb
[21:44] vaccinated_OP> did he cast on own shaman?
[21:45] [D]amhyr> idk wasnt watching the gmae
[21:45] Nici_OP> hat's ur problem stauni ?
[21:45] [GoD]carbine out
[21:45] Sirius_OP> Ye, he casted it when he fell into water
[21:45] vaccinated_OP> yes its broken
[21:46] vaccinated_OP> i mean
[21:46] [D]amhyr> lb save?
[21:46] [D]amhyr> what happened
[21:46] vaccinated_OP> "fixed" ;)
[21:46] Nici_OP> ye lb save
[21:46] Nici_OP> totally odd
[21:46] [D]amhyr> did it raise the land?
[21:46] Nici_OP> no but
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> i dontr have a problem lol
[21:46] vaccinated_OP> lb on own shaman creates 1 square of land only
[21:46] Nici_OP> it just had 1 ephect
[21:46] Nici_OP> yes
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> you blamed
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[21:46] [D]amhyr> ah ye inca did that
[21:46] Nici_OP> blamed ?
[21:46] HowToBe_OP> but that looked so bad
[21:46] HowToBe_OP> xD
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> cause i made 1 ballon
[21:46] Nici_OP> you said yourselph no vehicles lolz
[21:47] [D]amhyr> what kind of ava is this
[21:47] [D]amhyr> pls stop with the portugals
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> you made a spy too so lol
[21:47] [D]amhyr> :WOW
[21:47] [D]amhyr> ban that nerd
[21:47] Nici_OP> ya I made a spy and lepht it in my base
[21:47] [D]amhyr> practicing for hidden cup with spies
[21:47] Nici_OP> lol !
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> i made a ballon and didnt use it :)
[21:47] [D]amhyr> :rekt:
[21:47] Nici_OP> you did
[21:47] Nici_OP> your brave useed it
[21:47] Nici_OP> to go across ocean
[21:47] Nici_OP> duh
[21:47] [D]amhyr> :O
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> haha but i could have used it for attack
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> ol
[21:48] [D]amhyr> so he used it
[21:48] [D]amhyr> :ban: that :nerd:
[21:48] Nici_OP> u gonna attack ith 30 lights ?
[21:48] [AvA]Stauni> and he used his spy in tower
[21:48] Mammy_Tas> I had no idea the map had prebuild buildings :s
[21:48] [AvA]Stauni> :kekw:
[21:48] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[21:48] Nici_OP> dont orry
[21:48] Nici_OP> no one uses global vie
[21:48] Nici_OP> :)
[21:48] Mammy_Tas> I did :kekyou:
[21:48] Mammy_Tas> That is why i saw you had spies in towers
[21:48] [AvA]Stauni> you had to use several lbs to reach the brave
[21:48] Nici_OP> could you see my base mammy
[21:49] Mammy_Tas> I coudnt
[21:49] Nici_OP> :O
[21:49] Nici_OP> :(
[21:49] Mammy_Tas> I just say nothing from space :D
[21:49] onePointZeroThree> yo
[21:49] BrokenWings> metalurge man
[21:49] onePointZeroThree> post dem lb save clip plz
[21:49] Nici_OP> mammy too cute :)
[21:49] vaccinated_OP> fist stauni mammy kosjak sign up for invisible cup
[21:49] vaccinated_OP> Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[21:50] vaccinated_OP> +2 pp :pepeclown:
[21:50] HowToBe_OP> nici wanted to create spies to hide them if he'll lost and you made the balloon which you moved so it's a draw :kekyou:
[21:50] Nici_OP> aha
[21:50] HowToBe_OP> :kekclown:
[21:50] BrokenWings> vou jantar you slaves
[21:50] Nici_OP> Babo don't you see it's 1.01 ?
[21:50] Nici_OP> better leave :)
[21:50] vaccinated_OP> np
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> maybe i can ally you there
[21:51] HowToBe_OP> nice 1.01 Phill
[21:51] HowToBe_OP> :kekw:
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[21:51] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> loool
[21:51] onePointZeroThree> vaccinated_OP> fist stauni mammy kosjak sign up for invisible cup
[21:51] Nici_OP> nice ava m8
[21:51] onePointZeroThree> rather play 1.01 on win10
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> when was last time we played pp allied together
[21:51] HowToBe_OP> but lb works better there so u should play this right now :kekyou:
[21:51] Seraph_OP in
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> and it was a close game?
[21:51] onePointZeroThree> :clown: beta lbs
[21:51] vaccinated_OP> 2018?
[21:51] Mammy_Tas> maybe i will Maybe i wont :)
[21:51] Nici_OP> 2003
[21:51] Nici_OP> back hen Seraph played good
[21:52] HowToBe_OP> :howdy:
[21:52] vaccinated_OP> lbs are fixed now :clown:
[21:52] Nici_OP> oh ait
[21:52] Durban_Poison in
[21:52] [AvA]Stauni> We do not encourage chatting in game, from spectators or players, this may seem weird but players have distinct styles (such as Nici's ph instead of f because his keyboard is broken), to stop it being obvious who you are, we would like to restrict talking to the common stuff of, GG, go, 321, y, n, NS, gl, hf. You know, common phrases that everyone knows and uses.
[21:52] Listener> ...........
[21:52] HowToBe_OP> :monkamega:
[21:52] Listener> Stauni I don't care who you are but I'll say whatever I want.
[21:52] Listener> Fuck you.
[21:52] [AvA]Stauni> wtf is wrong with you hahahah
[21:52] HowToBe_OP> :monkamega: :monkamega:
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> its int the tourny description
[21:53] Nici_OP> lmao
[21:53] Seraph_OP> hell yeah
[21:53] HowToBe_OP> wtf
[21:53] Seraph_OP> nice
[21:53] Seraph_OP> just in time for the salt
[21:53] Listener> What tourne?
[21:53] Listener> That retarded one where you LARP as the AI?
[21:53] [D]amhyr out
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> [22:49] vaccinated_OP> Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[21:53] Listener> Not much of a tourne, just autistic nonsense.
[21:53] HowToBe_OP> so Serpah, wanna show Tsu again how bad he is? :nice:
[21:53] Listener> Tsu should be in prison.
[21:53] Seraph_OP> he blocked me
[21:53] Nici_OP> Serpah
[21:53] Seraph_OP> i think
[21:53] Nici_OP> coolp
[21:53] HowToBe_OP> that's true
[21:53] [D]amhyr in
[21:54] Nici_OP> serpah hah
[21:54] HowToBe_OP> :kekyou:
[21:54] Nici_OP> 235
[21:54] Nici_OP> allah is great
[21:54] Seraph_OP> how do you even play this game
[21:54] HowToBe_OP> i just here for spect
[21:54] Seraph_OP> been playing
[21:54] Medusa_OP> same
[21:54] Seraph_OP> cryofall
[21:54] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[21:54] HowToBe_OP> fock
[21:54] Seraph_OP> for the past 5 weeks
[21:54] Nici_OP> im not 1v1ing dud
[21:55] HowToBe_OP> so i have to leave now coz nici don't wanna 1v1
[21:55] Nici_OP> shitty nerd
[21:55] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[21:55] Nici_OP> playing cryphall
[21:55] Nici_OP> :monkas:
[21:55] Nici_OP> you not playing d4r ?
[21:55] HowToBe_OP> chapo 1v1, winner get shaman rank
[21:55] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[21:55] Seraph_OP> :kek:
[21:55] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:55] [AvA]Stauni> listener why are yxou even here? you're just online to make beef with people lol
[21:56] HowToBe_OP> Nici_OP> you not playing d4r ?
[21:56] Seraph_OP> are we getting
[21:56] HowToBe_OP> naaa, not yet
[21:56] Seraph_OP> a game or what
[21:56] Listener> Leave me alone.
[21:56] HowToBe_OP> :heheboi:
[21:56] Seraph_OP> oh god
[21:56] Nici_OP> iph only e had more guys like Listener
[21:56] Seraph_OP> vanilla mm skin
[21:56] [AsG]Keith52> So Spain and Poland just tied? There's no shootout to settle the 1-1 score ??
[21:56] Seraph_OP> sucks ass
[21:56] [AsG]Keith52> It's just 1-1?
[21:56] Nici_OP> LOL
[21:56] Nici_OP> asdpkggpk+dasgkp+ytkykryryr
[21:56] HowToBe_OP> lol, Keeef
[21:56] [AsG]Keith52> I have no clue Nici don't be a Dick just answer me lol
[21:57] Hungaro> Pahahahahah! that guy's name [ava]st antivirus
[21:57] [AsG]Keith52> I haven't watched in so long idk what they do
[21:57] Hungaro> what a king
[21:57] vaccinated_OP> psdfojasdf
[21:57] vaccinated_OP> LOLOLOL
[21:57] [D]amhyr> no keith its group stage
[21:57] [D]amhyr> more gaems
[21:57] Medusa_OP> ^^
[21:57] vaccinated_OP> Seraph_OP: try darkmode skin
[21:57] [D]amhyr> in keiths defense we dont usually have group stage in pop tourneys :kekw:
[21:57] vaccinated_OP> its the best :ohyes:
[21:57] [D]amhyr> its straight to loser bracket :kekyou:
[21:57] vaccinated_OP> :kekwait:
[21:57] Medusa_OP> lolol
[21:57] Seraph_OP> asgard best skin
[21:57] Seraph_OP> ever
[21:58] Nici_OP> get out
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> nice loser bracket in invisible cup
[21:58] [AsG]Keith52> in my defense in any match you'd think a tie would be settled no matter what level they are
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> facing nici first round
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> :clap:
[21:58] Seraph_OP> vaccinated_OP> facing nici first round
[21:58] Seraph_OP> lmaooooooooooo
[21:58] Seraph_OP> bruh im so bored
[21:58] vaccinated_OP> :bruhmoment:
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> theres a thunderstorm outside atm
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> finally cooling down
[21:59] Medusa_OP> wow
[21:59] Nici_OP> it's not a thunderstorm
[21:59] Medusa_OP> i wanna have that too
[21:59] Nici_OP> it's matt tripping
[21:59] [GoD]Shogun> must be a irl shaman battle
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> no no
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> its an 8p ava game
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> :kekyou:
[21:59] [GoD]Shogun> :kek:
[21:59] Nici_OP> :kekyou:
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> damn the ava jokes never get old
[21:59] vaccinated_OP> just like...
[21:59] HowToBe_OP> Seraph_OP> bruh im so bored
[21:59] Nici_OP> shut it babo, go harass someone else
[21:59] [AsG]Keith52> So group stages means you just play games and the highest records move forward at the end of everything?
[22:00] Nici_OP> KIDS in aphrica ?
[22:00] HowToBe_OP> as bored as inca fixing lb on beta?
[22:00] vaccinated_OP> yes keith
[22:00] HowToBe_OP> :monkahmm:
[22:00] Nici_OP> yesKeith!
[22:00] vaccinated_OP> top 2 move on and the best 6 3rd placed lol
[22:00] [AsG]Keith52> Ahhh. Okay. That was where I was confused. I expected a PK shootout lol
[22:00] vaccinated_OP> penalty shootouts are only after group stage
[22:00] [AsG]Keith52> that goalpost shot was ridiculous :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[22:00] [AsG]Keith52> Word
[22:00] Medusa_OP> lol
[22:01] Seraph_OP> kek
[22:01] vaccinated_OP> you should have watched portugal germany
[22:01] vaccinated_OP> that game was worth watching
[22:01] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[22:01] Medusa_OP> good one
[22:01] Nici_OP> ya Gosens
[22:01] Nici_OP> I only see Gosens
[22:01] vaccinated_OP> if only everyone in the german team was as good as gosens and kimmich
[22:02] vaccinated_OP> :feelsbadman:
[22:03] Noscopenoproblem in
[22:03] HowToBe_OP> played: Today
[22:03] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[22:04] [AsG]Keith52> I just got YouTube TV in time for the other game lol
[22:04] [AsG]Keith52> I missed Portugal and Germany sadly
[22:04] Medusa_OP> ;(
[22:04] Nici_OP> ya babo
[22:04] Nici_OP> Goretzka on phorm though
[22:04] Nici_OP> tank
[22:04] Seraph_OP> i wanna play
[22:04] Seraph_OP> ffs
[22:05] Seraph_OP> 1+
[22:05] HowToBe_OP> chapo join, u can play something diff than 4walls finally :nice:
[22:05] Nici_OP> ya chapo join i'll do 4balls
[22:05] Nici_OP> just 4 u
[22:05] Nici_OP> ally Medusa
[22:05] Seraph_OP> 4ballzdeep
[22:06] bockwurstlaune out
[22:06] Nici_OP> can't recall last time I played chapo
[22:06] Nici_OP> only dodges games
[22:06] Nici_OP> brb 3 mins
[22:07] HowToBe_OP> Nici_OP> can't recall last time I played chapo
[22:07] HowToBe_OP> ur last game with him was propably in 4walls ofc
[22:07] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[22:07] HowToBe_OP> *on
[22:07] Seraph_OP> ah
[22:07] Seraph_OP> medusa
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> whos this guy lol
[22:07] Seraph_OP> is bianca
[22:07] Medusa_OP> ye
[22:07] Medusa_OP> hi
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun> :what:
[22:07] Seraph_OP> heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
[22:08] Medusa_OP> whom do you mean shogun?
[22:08] [AsG]Keith52> Seraph aka Jet?
[22:08] Seraph_OP> no no
[22:08] [AsG]Keith52> Jet_Dad
[22:08] [GoD]Shogun> howtobe_op
[22:08] HowToBe_OP> does shogun wonders who I am again, the magic of the non-showing nickname works fine
[22:08] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[22:08] Seraph_OP> seraph aka jet aka seraph
[22:08] Medusa_OP> secret shogun :ohyes:
[22:08] Seraph_OP> you got it wrong
[22:08] [GoD]Shogun> ye it directly ont show
[22:08] [GoD]Shogun> wont *
[22:08] [AsG]Keith52> Jet_DT
[22:08] Mr_Ridiculous> dont get me wrong!
[22:09] Seraph_OP> one of my alts back in the day
[22:09] Medusa_OP> idk why his profile neer shows old nicknames
[22:09] Seraph_OP> when i was just a lil retarded boy
[22:09] Medusa_OP> magic
[22:09] HowToBe_OP> idk why, D4R's here
[22:09] Mr_Ridiculous> join
[22:09] [GoD]Shogun> his nick is kul
[22:09] [AvA]Obduction out
[22:09] Seraph_OP> indeed
[22:09] [GoD]Shogun> is it baxter?
[22:09] Seraph_OP> no
[22:09] Medusa_OP> lolol
[22:10] [GoD]Shogun> pffft. :shrug:
[22:10] Seraph_OP> nici
[22:10] Seraph_OP> launch hoe
[22:10] HowToBe_OP> who's baxter :monkahmm:
[22:10] [D]amhyr> me :)
[22:10] [AsG]Keith52> I hate the mobile matchmaker because everyone one of y'all's nicknames are back to your shit original ones
[22:10] HowToBe_OP> :POGGERS:
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> On my laptop y'all are your actual names that you should be
[22:11] [D]amhyr> discord mm?
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> Aka divinity nici etc etc
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> Ye discord mm
[22:11] Medusa_OP> rofl
[22:11] [GoD]Shogun> so u renamed them all
[22:11] [D]amhyr> keith's jealous we can change nicknames :kekyou:
[22:11] Medusa_OP> haha
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> YEP. And I took away your god tag shogun
[22:11] Sirius_OP> :peped:
[22:11] [GoD]Shogun> ye i admit it gets annoying cos these fukers wont stop changing nicks :kek:
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> You're just Shogun :woozy_face:
[22:11] HowToBe_OP> wtf
[22:11] HowToBe_OP> nice Sirius_OP inca
[22:11] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[22:11] [GoD]Shogun> Lol
[22:11] [AsG]Keith52> I took away everyone's tag except AsG's :p
[22:12] Seraph_OP> pop 1.5?
[22:12] [GoD]Shogun> did u just call me a fukin nub not worthy of my tag
[22:12] Seraph_OP> what
[22:12] [GoD]Shogun> oh lull
[22:12] [GoD]Shogun> why u do that :thinking:
[22:12] bockwurstlaune in
[22:12] [D]amhyr> hes scared of other clans :monkas:
[22:12] HowToBe_OP> ya, nici start playing on 1.05 seriously
[22:12] HowToBe_OP> that's bad
[22:12] HowToBe_OP> :(
[22:12] bockwurstlaune out
[22:13] Nici_OP> didn't see
[22:13] Nici_OP> damn
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> to me its kul having others with their respective tags
[22:13] Seraph_OP> nici
[22:13] Seraph_OP> discord
[22:13] [GoD]Shogun> so i know who ditches their clans and who doesnt :kek:
[22:13] Seraph_OP> ?
[22:13] Medusa_OP> :kekw:
[22:13] Nici_OP> kkk
[22:13] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[22:13] Seraph_OP> which one
[22:13] Zpektrix_TAS> need more ping for freezing
[22:13] Zpektrix_TAS> at least 50 :D
[22:13] amnesia> ur just useless
[22:14] Nici_OP> any you ant
[22:14] Nici_OP> i'll join :
[22:14] Seraph_OP> op
[22:14] Seraph_OP> discord
[22:14] [D]amhyr> dw khaos comin tomorrow, stay loyal
[22:14] Mr_Ridiculous> ehy does seraph not load?
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> he just called u an ant :kek:
[22:14] [GoD]Shogun> everyone's an ant for nici
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> i carried you in lights anyway
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[22:14] Seraph_OP> x
[22:14] Seraph_OP> lemme
[22:14] Seraph_OP> relog
[22:14] Seraph_OP out
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=450117
[22:14] Seraph_OP in
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> you were back to 120 pop
[22:14] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[22:15] amnesia> nice ally
[22:15] Seraph_OP> bruh
[22:15] [D]amhyr> -------------------- At the moment you've realized you made a mistake, also realize the lesson you've learned. Then smile, because you just became wiser. ------------------------
[22:15] amnesia out
[22:15] [GoD]Shogun> :)
[22:15] [GoD]Shogun> rekt.
[22:15] [D]amhyr> who has this as their signature?
[22:15] [AvA]Obduction in
[22:15] [GoD]Shogun> :upside_down:
[22:15] [D]amhyr> 3 points who guesses
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> its super emo.. mmmmm... :thinking:
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> lovenji?? :kek:
[22:16] [D]amhyr> :kekyou:
[22:16] Seraph_OP> nici is running
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> :omegakekw:
[22:16] Seraph_OP> 1.01
[22:16] HowToBe_OP> oh, not there
[22:16] Seraph_OP> but it launches
[22:16] Seraph_OP> on 1.5
[22:16] Seraph_OP> wtf
[22:16] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: ALSO NOT LUCITA
[22:16] HowToBe_OP> sounds like lucita's quote
[22:16] HowToBe_OP> fock
[22:16] [GoD]Shogun> havent seen her around tho
[22:16] Seraph_OP> lucita
[22:16] Seraph_OP> gorda
[22:16] [D]amhyr> she makes poems, not deep quotes
[22:16] Nici_OP> lucita gorda
[22:17] amnesia in
[22:17] amnesia out
[22:17] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: it's adena :(
[22:17] Seraph_OP> maybe
[22:17] [D]amhyr> :adenacute:
[22:17] Seraph_OP out
[22:17] amnesia in
[22:17] mercy in
[22:17] Meph out
[22:17] mercy out
[22:17] Seraph_OP in
[22:17] [D]amhyr> Last visited:Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:12 am
[22:17] HowToBe_OP> :o
[22:17] Zpektrix_TAS> go to bed nici
[22:17] [GoD]Shogun> :wtf:
[22:17] Zpektrix_TAS> its late
[22:17] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> Seraph
[22:17] Mr_Ridiculous> wont launch
[22:18] BrokenWings> cabrona
[22:18] BrokenWings> hey ossur :-*
[22:18] Durban_Poison out
[22:18] Nici_OP> he might
[22:18] Mr_Ridiculous> hey
[22:18] Nici_OP> ossur join
[22:18] HowToBe_OP> carbonara? :monkahmm:
[22:18] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[22:18] Seraph_OP> trying
[22:18] Seraph_OP> to fi
[22:18] Seraph_OP> x
[22:18] Seraph_OP> havent played a game yet since i installed everything back lol
[22:18] Nici_OP> medusa ran aay
[22:19] Nici_OP> I think
[22:19] Seraph_OP> yeah
[22:19] [GoD]Shogun> ayyy lmao
[22:19] [GoD]Shogun> medusa ran ayyy
[22:19] HowToBe_OP> where is :Bianca:
[22:19] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:19] Nici_OP> surprising
[22:19] BrokenWings> :goat:
[22:19] BrokenWings> cabrona
[22:20] [GoD]Shogun> Lol.
[22:20] BrokenWings> :goat:
[22:20] HowToBe_OP> carbonara?
[22:20] Seraph_OP> do i need
[22:20] BrokenWings> no lol
[22:20] Seraph_OP> to install a patch or something?
[22:20] BrokenWings> cabrona is :goat:
[22:20] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:20] Nici_OP> Version: MatchMaker Version:
[22:20] Nici_OP> type !reveert
[22:20] Nici_OP> revert *
[22:21] BrokenWings> :goat:
[22:21] Meph in
[22:21] Seraph_OP> sec
[22:21] HowToBe_OP> lez go mammy
[22:21] HowToBe_OP> :kekyou:
[22:21] Mammy_Tas> testing something here sorry leave :(
[22:21] Mr_Ridiculous> Seraph
[22:21] Mr_Ridiculous> please leave
[22:22] Nici_OP> Version: MatchMaker Version:
[22:22] Nici_OP> Version: MatchMaker Version:
[22:22] HowToBe_OP> don't u wanna play with Seraph, Ossur?
[22:22] HowToBe_OP> :o
[22:22] Seraph_OP out
[22:22] Nici_OP> his version is phucked up
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> he doesnt load
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> i dont know why
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> sorry sep
[22:22] Seraph_OP in
[22:22] onePointZeroThree out
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> Serpah
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> Seraph
[22:22] Nici_OP> Serpah *
[22:22] Mr_Ridiculous> i think it may be your firewall
[22:23] Nici_OP> it's his version 1!!!!!!
[22:23] Nici_OP> llol
[22:23] Seraph_OP> [57] Map not found 1 0
[22:23] Seraph_OP> the fuck
[22:23] Mr_Ridiculous> im sorry i was rude with "Please leave"
[22:23] Seraph_OP> inca
[22:23] Mr_Ridiculous> but something is wrong
[22:23] Seraph_OP> what did you do to the mm
[22:23] onePointZeroThree in
[22:23] Seraph_OP out
[22:23] Seraph_OP in
[22:23] HowToBe_OP> same thing like with lb :ohyes:
[22:23] Mr_Ridiculous> INCA
[22:23] Nici_OP> oh nicee
[22:23] Mr_Ridiculous> HELP SERAPH
[22:24] Mr_Ridiculous> now i have X
[22:24] BrokenWings> try uninstall your 2007 version
[22:24] BrokenWings> ang get new one
[22:24] Sirius_OP> Phock
[22:25] Sirius_OP> This difference in resolution in the waiting room screen between 1.01 and the beta
[22:25] Sirius_OP> :monkamega:
[22:26] [D]Nightfury out
[22:27] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[22:29] Sirius_OP> Did Prime change something in TGW mappack?
[22:29] Sirius_OP> Coz 4walls looks different than before :monkas:
[22:29] onePointZeroThree> yes he changed it
[22:31] Mr_Ridiculous> sorry guys
[22:31] Mr_Ridiculous> i cant play atm
[22:31] Nici_OP> ?
[22:31] Sirius_OP> This paths from bases was bad
[22:31] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:31] Mr_Ridiculous> hope your game is workin now Seraph
[22:32] Sirius_OP> That's good he changed it, Chapo probably likes this map more xD
[22:32] Nici_OP> yea 4 balls is dipherent
[22:32] Nici_OP> join discord d4r
[22:32] Nici_OP> ossur ?
[22:32] HowToBe_OP> D4R unmute ur mic when? :nice:
[22:32] Seraph_OP> 1+
[22:32] Nici_OP> ure gonna talk
[22:32] Nici_OP> right no
[22:32] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[22:32] HowToBe_OP> ofc not :nice:
[22:33] HowToBe_OP> i can only record some voice record for u :heheboi:
[22:33] Nici_OP> :plead:
[22:34] onePointZeroThree> beta lbs :plead:
[22:34] [D]amhyr> :CRINGE:
[22:34] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[22:34] [D]amhyr> me and kosjak just chat at same time
[22:34] [D]amhyr> randomly
[22:34] HowToBe_OP> :cringe:
[22:34] [D]amhyr> epic timing
[22:35] [D]amhyr> nice lb saves
[22:35] Mammy_Tas> There is a thunderstorm outside. Who is casting lightings :O ?
[22:36] [AsG]Keith52 out
[22:36] vaccinated_OP out
[22:36] [D]amhyr> must be kopa, he always charges 4 lights at start
[22:36] HowToBe_OP> soo, if your distance between the water and the land isn't that long, you hae to use a flatten now
[22:36] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[22:36] [D]amhyr> flatten wasnt affected i think
[22:36] [D]amhyr> not sure :kek:
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[22:37] Mammy_Tas> Hi Rali :)
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> Heyoo
[22:37] Mammy_Tas> Great weather outside huh :omegakekw:
[22:37] HowToBe_OP> in some situations it can save you from drowning, but it happens rarely
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> Perfect weather
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> So nice and chilly
[22:37] Mammy_Tas> Thunderstorm here :D
[22:38] [AsG]Ralimurr> A small one here
[22:38] [D]amhyr> backdoor if they are camping with lightnings
[22:38] [D]amhyr> we adapt populous to real life
[22:39] Sirius_OP> What is thunderstorm? Idk it :monkahmm:
[22:39] [SW]pablo- in
[22:40] Sirius_OP> In the place where I live, it was probably the last time in the previous year xD
[22:40] [AsG]Ralimurr> Do you want to backdoor the person controlling the weather?
[22:41] Mammy_Tas> I should bd :D Maybe i see the sun on the other side :P
[22:42] [AsG]Ralimurr> I don't want to see the sun right now, rain is good :kekw:
[22:43] Mr_Ridiculous> 1 more
[22:43] Mr_Ridiculous> :+1:
[22:44] Mr_Ridiculous> amnesia
[22:44] Mr_Ridiculous> join
[22:44] Sirius_OP> Today, when I got into the car, I couldn't catch my breath. It was so hot outside and the car got hit from it
[22:44] Mr_Ridiculous> shit
[22:44] Sirius_OP> So yea, the weather has no mercy, but it will probably rain in a few days
[22:44] Sirius_OP> Propably.. :monkahmm:
[22:44] Mr_Ridiculous> here its raining
[22:44] Mr_Ridiculous> and no sun
[22:45] Mr_Ridiculous> basically the weather in Iceland
[22:45] Mr_Ridiculous> Rainging, cloudy, cold
[22:45] Mr_Ridiculous> sometimes i wish i lived in portugal
[22:45] Mr_Ridiculous> or Spain
[22:45] Mr_Ridiculous> always hot there
[22:47] Sirius_OP> Today was 35 degrees here, yesterday also something like that
[22:47] Sirius_OP> I wanna go to Iceland someday. I like the climate and landscape you have there :nice:
[22:48] Sirius_OP> Landscapes*
[22:48] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[22:48] [AsG]Ralimurr> gn Mammy
[22:48] Sirius_OP> Gn
[22:48] Mammy_Tas out
[22:51] Sirius_OP> Nici, tell seraph he can build 2 more huts in his base
[22:51] Sirius_OP> :kekyou:
[22:51] Meph out
[22:51] Sirius_OP> Even 2
[22:51] Sirius_OP> *3
[22:51] Sirius_OP> Even 4, wtf
[22:54] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[22:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> wow pop's so dead atm
[22:56] Sirius_OP> Pop is always dead man
[22:56] Sirius_OP> Not only atm
[22:56] [AvA]Namechangingftw> welll played toast
[22:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> thanks
[22:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nah not always
[22:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sometimes it is sometimes in aint
[22:56] [AvA]Stauni> haha ye cause he wasnt touched once xD
[22:57] [AvA]st_Antivirus> well you chose to double fist
[23:00] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gn
[23:00] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[23:04] [GoD]Shogun out
[23:06] [TSI]Frizart in
[23:07] lanesra in
[23:07] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ok
[23:07] [AvA]Namechangingftw> back
[23:08] [AvA]MIBbel in
[23:08] [AvA]Namechangingftw> mibbbel joiinn
[23:09] HowToBe_OP> :kekyou:
[23:09] lanesra out
[23:10] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:13] Mr_Ridiculous out
[23:13] Mr_Ridiculous in
[23:14] Nici_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_nici/clip/PreciousRudeKoalaGingerPower?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time
[23:14] Nici_OP> not dat 1
[23:14] Nici_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/poptb_nici/clip/BlueAuspiciousThymePoooound?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time *
[23:14] Nici_OP> serpah
[23:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> That was 2 blasts btw
[23:15] Mr_Ridiculous out
[23:15] Mr_Ridiculous in
[23:15] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[23:15] [GoD]Rbwilson> nici whats the logic behind that
[23:16] Nici_OP> meant to link 2nd one
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> but how can one determine grid
[23:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> in game, durin all shit goin on lol
[23:16] Nici_OP> just trying to explain seraph
[23:16] Nici_OP> ya you can't
[23:16] Nici_OP> unless you use a grid program
[23:16] Nici_OP> even then, bothersome and pointless
[23:16] DoctorHax out
[23:16] Nici_OP> u dont kno one's moves
[23:16] Nici_OP> so it's alays luck based
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> i always thought good dodging
[23:17] Seraph_OP> kek
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> was timing
[23:17] Nici_OP> u can do a dodge move
[23:17] Nici_OP> and it still hits
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> thats what i mean
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> try to predict when they will cast light, and dont dodge right before they cast or as they cast
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> good timing
[23:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> less clicking, means more of chance of gettin hit i think
[23:18] Nici_OP> exactly yea
[23:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> cuz shaman isnt changin direction
[23:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> less clicking less chance*
[23:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> of gettin hit
[23:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> i suck at dodging rofl
[23:19] amnesia out
[23:19] Seraph_OP> we playing
[23:19] Seraph_OP> again?
[23:20] [GoD]Rbwilson> yea let me watch OP game
[23:20] HowToBe_OP> forgot how to use mouse in populous, please some1 teach me this shit again pls
[23:20] Nici_OP> sure
[23:21] Nici_OP> i'll help u
[23:21] Seraph_OP> you move the mouse
[23:21] Seraph_OP> and clicjk
[23:21] Seraph_OP> on shit
[23:21] Listener> months later
[23:21] Listener> beta still crashing from spells
[23:21] Listener> holy shit lol
[23:21] HowToBe_OP> thanks seraph :)
[23:21] Listener> it's like nobody gives a shit or tests anything
[23:21] HowToBe_OP> i will try it on game
[23:22] HowToBe_OP> *in
[23:22] Listener out
[23:23] [AvA]Obduction out
[23:25] Joseph_OP in
[23:27] [D]amhyr out
[23:28] Noscopenoproblem out
[23:34] HowToBe_OP> :pepejam:
[23:34] Seraph_OP> how about
[23:34] Seraph_OP> lights?
[23:34] Joseph_OP> Nice to see some returning OP faces :D
[23:34] HowToBe_OP> :howdy: Joseph
[23:34] Joseph_OP> wb guys
[23:35] Nici_OP> serpah is back phor 1 day
[23:35] Nici_OP> gone phor 3 years
[23:35] Nici_OP> no prob
[23:35] Joseph_OP> :pepewhy:
[23:35] Nici_OP> y dont you guys join dicord
[23:35] Medusa_OP> k
[23:35] HowToBe_OP> listening :ohyes:
[23:35] HowToBe_OP> https://youtu.be/mJF3kMPBKTY
[23:35] Nici_OP> classic
[23:35] Nici_OP> headhunterz tho <3
[23:35] HowToBe_OP> :ohyes:
[23:36] Seraph_OP> :kekw:
[23:36] Nici_OP> been a year I dont listen to music
[23:36] Nici_OP> :(
[23:36] HowToBe_OP> you will buy headphones for your salary :kekyou:
[23:36] Nici_OP> actually
[23:37] Nici_OP> imma spend it all on maltesers ^^
[23:37] Nici_OP> ^.^
[23:37] Joseph_OP> whatre those?
[23:37] Nici_OP> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[23:37] HowToBe_OP> :o
[23:37] Joseph_OP> like ecstasy?
[23:38] Seraph_OP> he'll pay hoes with his tournament money prize
[23:38] Joseph_OP> excellent
[23:39] Hokage_OP> .
[23:39] [TSI]Frizart out
[23:40] Joseph_OP> OP night on mm :kekw:
[23:41] [AvA]Obduction in
[23:50] Joseph_OP in
[23:50] Joseph_OP out
[23:50] Medusa_OP> gg
[23:50] Nici_OP> d4r unmute ur mic
[23:50] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[23:52] Seraph_OP> wp
[23:52] Seraph_OP> see ya
[23:52] Seraph_OP> in 3 years
[23:52] Seraph_OP> :D
[23:52] Joseph_OP> Later Seraph
[23:52] Medusa_OP> lol
[23:52] Nici_OP> go aay
[23:52] Medusa_OP> see you :)
[23:52] Nici_OP> asshole
[23:52] Joseph_OP> have a great 3 years :D
[23:52] Seraph_OP> ayyy
[23:52] Nici_OP> :kek:
[23:52] Seraph_OP out
[23:52] Medusa_OP> :kekw:
[23:52] trustthescience_tsi in
[23:53] HowToBe_OP> :kekyou:
[23:54] Nici_OP> d4r ho u click so phast ?
[23:54] Nici_OP> just stop
[23:54] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[23:54] Nici_OP> click phaster than me
[23:54] Nici_OP> you playing a light battle
[23:54] HowToBe_OP> what do ya mean :kekyou:
[23:54] Nici_OP> no need to be clicking mouse that kuick omg
[23:54] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[23:54] Nici_OP> same in our light matches
[23:54] trustthescience_tsi> wildman rank o_0
[23:54] Nici_OP> im surprised lol
[23:55] trustthescience_tsi> no previous names
[23:55] trustthescience_tsi> d4r u are very sus
[23:55] HowToBe_OP> as always Ice
[23:55] HowToBe_OP> xD
[23:55] Joseph_OP> his profile is just weird
[23:55] onePointZeroThree> nice vaccine m8s
[23:55] Joseph_OP> it never shows his past nics
[23:55] Nici_OP> y
[23:55] Nici_OP> it's cuz he 's a bastard
[23:55] Nici_OP> :3dthinking:
[23:55] trustthescience_tsi> nici u get the jab?
[23:56] Nici_OP> not yet
[23:56] Nici_OP> maybe next year
[23:56] Joseph_OP> hahah no chance
[23:56] Nici_OP> too young
[23:56] HowToBe_OP> I can't feel right moment with shoot, but i'm fast in game as always
[23:56] Joseph_OP> that was not to you nici
[23:56] trustthescience_tsi> good for u, might be best
[23:56] Joseph_OP> typo
[23:56] HowToBe_OP> I'm playing too wild rn Fran :kekyou:
[23:56] Nici_OP> Phran *
[23:56] Nici_OP> :kekyou:
[23:57] Medusa_OP out
[23:57] Nici_OP> im havin astrazeneca
[23:57] Nici_OP> gg
[23:57] HowToBe_OP> when I come back to the game, my playstyle will be back to normal i think
[23:57] HowToBe_OP> :monkahmm:
[23:57] onePointZeroThree> time to quit pop
[23:58] onePointZeroThree> :pepegaphone: BYE
[23:58] onePointZeroThree out
[23:59] Nici_OP> çç
[23:59] Nici_OP> llkk
[23:59] Nici_OP> g
[00:00] trustthescience_tsi> AZ, fucking rip m8
[00:00] [AvA]Obduction out
[00:01] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gg wp
[00:01] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[00:01] [AvA]Stauni> 2te game wo der mate fällt
[00:01] [AvA]Stauni> liebe diese
[00:05] Joseph_OP> gn
[00:05] Joseph_OP out
[00:07] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[00:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[00:14] Hungaro out
[00:18] [SW]pablo-> +2
[00:19] [SW]pablo- out
[00:20] trustthescience_tsi out
[00:23] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[00:26] [SW]pablo- in
[00:27] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[00:28] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[00:33] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[00:33] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[00:37] Nici_OP> GAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
[00:37] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[00:37] [SW]pablo-> stauni fist join
[00:37] Nici_OP> got dinner soon
[00:37] Nici_OP> chapo scared as usual :nice:
[00:37] [tsi]avril_lavigne> (not that there is anything wrong with that)
[00:38] Nici_OP> right
[00:38] Nici_OP> RIGhT
[00:38] [SW]pablo-> gn all
[00:38] [SW]pablo- out
[00:38] Nici_OP> d4r play tomorro ?
[00:38] Nici_OP> i'll go get a kebab then bed
[00:38] Nici_OP> o/ <3
[00:38] [TSI]Frizart in
[00:38] Nici_OP out
[00:38] [TSI]Frizart out
[00:47] leolixiaolong out
[00:47] HowToBe_OP out
[00:52] HowToBe_OP in
[00:58] [TSI]Frizart in
[01:01] [TSI]Frizart out
[01:05] [SW]chapo out
[01:07] [AsG]Keith52 in
[01:08] Cahokiawarrior in
[01:09] Cahokiawarrior out
[01:10] caleb in
[01:12] BrokenWings out
[01:13] [SW]pablo- in
[01:15] [AvA]Stauni> gg
[01:15] [AvA]Stauni> große map
[01:15] [AvA]Stauni> dead sea maessig
[01:15] Darcy in
[01:15] [AvA]Namechangingftw> IST FÜR $V$ NORMAL
[01:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> andere map?
[01:16] [AvA]Stauni> ajo
[01:17] [AvA]Stauni> mach non ranked
[01:18] BrokenWings in
[01:20] Ainia in
[01:20] PokeMutt in
[01:20] Ainia out
[01:22] Eidei in
[01:25] Mowgli in
[01:28] Nici> :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[01:29] DeadPixelWing in
[01:35] Mowgli out
[01:40] mister-xan in
[01:42] BrokenWings out
[01:42] BrokenWings in
[01:42] [TSI]Frizart in
[01:43] [SW]pablo- out
[01:49] BrokenWings> BrokenWings + inScienceWeTrust_TSI vs. [tsi]avril_lavigne + [TSI]Frizart
[01:49] BrokenWings> go?
[01:49] [TSI]Frizart> let's go
[01:49] [TSI]Frizart> idm teams
[01:50] DeadPixelWing> Hi o/
[01:50] caleb> Hi \o
[01:50] [TSI]Frizart> i can't launch 1.5 :/ idk why
[01:51] caleb> How to launch
[01:51] BrokenWings> lol
[01:52] [tsi]avril_lavigne> hi caleb
[01:52] [tsi]avril_lavigne> there should be a button on the game tab
[01:52] caleb> Hi Avril Lavigne
[01:52] [tsi]avril_lavigne> that says launch
[01:53] caleb> Pressing Start Game but nothing happens
[01:54] BrokenWings> black screen
[01:54] mister-xan out
[01:54] caleb out
[01:55] DeadPixelWing out
[01:55] Durban_Poison in
[02:03] [AvA]Stauni> re?
[02:03] [AvA]Stauni> hab nen fehler gemacht xd
[02:03] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ok
[02:13] RessurectioN_TAS in
[02:17] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[02:19] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[02:24] [TSI]Frizart> ggwp
[02:24] [tsi]avril_lavigne> gg
[02:24] BrokenWings> gg
[02:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> +2
[02:31] frozenesper in
[02:31] [tsi]avril_lavigne> please get inScienceWeTrust
[02:31] [tsi]avril_lavigne> he will sub for me
[02:32] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> differeent map?
[02:32] [AvA]Namechangingftw> like what?
[02:32] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> one of the new tgw maps?
[02:32] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> one of the new tgw maps???
[02:33] [AvA]Namechangingftw> how about this one?
[02:33] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> some funky looking map
[02:33] [AvA]Stauni> its the SP XD
[02:34] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> not doing ffa > . <
[02:34] [AvA]Namechangingftw> kk
[02:34] [AvA]Stauni> this takes forever
[02:34] [AvA]Namechangingftw> join we
[02:34] [AvA]Namechangingftw> do
[02:34] [TSI]Frizart> guys, u know why i can't launch in 1.5 ?
[02:35] [AvA]Stauni> like we need more information
[02:36] RessurectioN_TAS out
[02:38] Darcy> Is there a way to spectate a game?
[02:40] [tsi]avril_lavigne out
[02:42] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[02:45] Eidei out
[02:45] PokeMutt out
[02:45] HowToBe_OP out
[02:46] [tsi]avril_lavigne in
[02:53] frozenesper out
[03:02] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> gg
[03:04] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> everyone getting lag spikes?
[03:04] [AvA]Stauni> yes
[03:04] [AvA]Namechangingftw> yes
[03:05] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> brb
[03:06] [AvA]Stauni> naja
[03:07] CelticKing in
[03:30] [AsG]Nefarius out
[03:30] [Rw]loothill in
[03:31] [Rw]loothill out
[03:32] [TSI]Frizart out
[03:41] [AvA]Stauni out
[03:43] [AvA]Namechangingftw> gn
[03:43] BrokenWings> gn
[03:43] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[03:43] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> gn
[04:03] 00Shaman in
[04:06] Durban_Poison out
[04:19] BrokenWings out
[04:20] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[04:20] [tsi]avril_lavigne out
[04:52] vicpop in
[04:58] tomchua0219 in
[04:58] vicpop> anyone interested in joining
[05:01] tomchua0219 out
[05:27] vicpop out
[05:27] [AsG]Drummerdude48> gg
[05:45] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[05:55] Darcy out
[05:59] power_OP in
[06:05] Kay in
[06:07] Kay out
[06:11] Kay in
[06:39] poos in
[06:48] poos out
[06:48] poos in
[06:49] poos> pwer lets play
[06:49] poos> power op
[06:49] poos> come on dude
[06:49] poos> are you free now
[06:49] power_OP> ok
[06:49] poos> join game 2
[06:50] poos out
[06:50] poos in
[06:51] poos out
[06:51] poos in
[06:52] poos> power op
[06:52] poos> can you relod
[06:52] power_OP out
[06:52] power_OP in
[06:54] poos> let me host
[06:54] poos> kay can host
[06:56] poos> yoou host
[06:57] poos> dude
[07:00] power_OP out
[07:00] power_OP in
[07:00] poos out
[07:00] poos in
[07:01] poos> let me host
[07:01] poos> you join
[07:02] poos> what is your real name dude
[07:02] poos> you real name
[07:03] power_OP> if i want you to know my real name i wouldnt use nick
[07:03] poos> ok
[07:04] poos> zpetktiz you host
[07:07] power_OP out
[07:07] poos> you host dude
[07:07] power_OP in
[07:07] poos> you host
[07:08] power_OP> nvm no game today
[07:13] poos> join power op
[07:13] poos> please
[07:13] poos> we shall try
[07:14] power_OP out
[07:14] power_OP in
[07:14] poos out
[07:14] poos in
[07:17] poos out
[07:25] poos in
[07:27] poos out
[07:33] [D]amhyr in
[07:44] power_OP> tsu wanna 1v1?
[07:49] power_OP out
[07:52] power_OP in
[08:01] RessurectioN_TAS in
[08:01] RessurectioN_TAS> really
[08:02] RessurectioN_TAS> wth is wrong with the rank board
[08:02] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[08:02] power_OP> haha yeah
[08:03] poos in
[08:03] poos in
[08:04] poos out
[08:04] RessurectioN_TAS out
[08:05] RessurectioN_TAS in
[08:07] Kay> Hi danny :)
[08:07] poos> wo is danny
[08:07] poos> kay
[08:07] poos> can you host a game dude
[08:07] poos> can you?
[08:07] poos> kay?
[08:07] Kay> icant
[08:07] poos> why?
[08:07] poos> please
[08:07] Kay> my pc is broken
[08:08] poos> how you are here
[08:08] poos> ?
[08:08] poos> just try dude
[08:08] poos> please
[08:08] Kay> i use my phone to login
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> yoyo
[08:08] poos> ok
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> what you mean your PC is broken ?
[08:08] poos> thank you dude
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> ahh yea it happened last night
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> okok understood
[08:08] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[08:09] poos> can you host
[08:09] poos> can you host dude
[08:09] RessurectioN_TAS> nah im not playing
[08:09] RessurectioN_TAS> just to check whos online atm
[08:09] poos> you host and leave
[08:09] power_OP> he cant
[08:09] poos> then you host power op
[08:09] RessurectioN_TAS> just use hostbot if you cant host
[08:10] poos> we are strugling to host lol
[08:10] poos> lol
[08:10] poos out
[08:10] poos in
[08:13] power_OP> host
[08:13] poos> kay just trym to host dude
[08:13] Minibot_UK> power_OP: There is already a host in your hut
[08:15] power_OP out
[08:15] power_OP in
[08:15] power_OP> host
[08:15] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[08:15] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[08:16] poos> wow
[08:16] poos> host bot is great
[08:16] power_OP> just wait some
[08:16] poos> ok dude
[08:17] power_OP> launchü
[08:17] power_OP> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
power_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - poos: Red - power_OP: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[08:22] johnswagon77 in
[08:22] johnswagon77 out
Game results submitted.
[08:36] poos> power op join
[08:36] power_OP> host
[08:36] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[08:36] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[08:37] power_OP> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
power_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - poos: Red - power_OP: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[08:40] poos out
[08:42] power_OP> anyone 1v1?
[08:42] poos in
[08:42] poos> soory my pc hanged
[08:42] power_OP> np
[08:42] poos> pm host
[08:42] power_OP> host
[08:42] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[08:42] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[08:43] power_OP> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
[08:43] Crono908 in
power_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - power_OP: Red - poos: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[08:51] Crono908 out
[08:53] DoctorHax in
Game results submitted.
[09:00] poos> pm bot host
[09:00] power_OP> host
[09:00] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[09:00] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[09:01] power_OP> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
power_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - power_OP: Red - poos: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
Game results submitted.
[09:14] power_OP out
[09:14] poos out
[09:19] poos in
[09:22] Crono908 in
[09:22] Crono908> is anyone around?
[09:22] Crono908> i have a couple questions
[09:23] poos> ask
[09:23] poos> dude
[09:23] Crono908> graphics issue
[09:23] poos> can you play now
[09:23] poos> ok
[09:23] poos> can you tell
[09:23] Crono908> so i got the updates, but now i cant run the game in d3d
[09:23] poos> you play 1.01r
[09:23] poos> version
[09:23] Crono908> i was yes
[09:23] Crono908> but i got the 1.03 patch on the website
[09:24] poos> can you play now
[09:24] poos> dude
[09:24] Crono908> sure, but help me out
[09:24] poos> ok
[09:24] poos> pm bot host
[09:25] Crono908 out
[09:25] Crono908 in
[09:25] poos> join dude
[09:25] poos> change the versio to 1.01r
[09:26] poos> i cant play 1.5 beta
[09:26] poos> dude
[09:26] poos> i can play only 1.01
[09:26] poos> dude
[09:26] poos> please
[09:26] poos> i am so sorry
[09:26] poos> due to my pc
[09:26] poos> sorry
[09:26] poos> i can play only 1.01
[09:26] poos> crono
[09:26] poos> can you here me
[09:26] Crono908> ok
[09:27] poos> you host
[09:29] power_OP> whats the graphic isues?
[09:29] power_OP> crono
[09:30] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[09:31] [AsG]Ralimurr> Morning
[09:32] power_OP> yo rali
[09:32] power_OP> good morningg
[09:33] [AsG]Ralimurr> Good morning power
[09:34] DoctorHax out
[09:35] [Rw]loothill in
[09:36] warrior in
[09:37] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[09:44] power_OP in
[09:45] st_Antivirus> Morning bois
[09:45] power_OP> morningg bro sup
[09:46] st_Antivirus> All good mate you?
[09:46] power_OP> same mate ty
[09:47] power_OP> host
[09:47] Minibot_UK> power_OP: There is already a host in your hut
[09:47] power_OP out
[09:47] power_OP in
[09:48] power_OP> host
[09:48] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[09:48] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[09:49] power_OP> launch
[09:49] warrior out
[09:49] power_OP> anyone 1v1?
[09:50] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[09:51] warrior in
[09:52] Crono908 out
[09:53] RessurectioN_TAS> so whos gonna 1v1 here ?
[09:53] poos> yes
[09:53] poos> pm bot start
[09:53] RessurectioN_TAS> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
[09:54] RessurectioN_TAS> wtf is bot doing
[09:54] RessurectioN_TAS> why did it open up another hut
[09:54] RessurectioN_TAS> :wtf:
[09:54] poos> power op i want to joij in game 2
[09:54] poos> power op
[09:55] poos> power op leave a space bot will host
[09:55] RessurectioN_TAS out
[09:55] power_OP> poos
[09:55] poos> yes
[09:56] power_OP> play your ranked player first
[09:56] power_OP> and improve
[09:56] poos> ok dude
[09:56] RessurectioN_TAS in
[09:56] poos> warrior is here
[09:56] [Rw]Phoenix-> yea play w me im ur ranked
[09:56] poos> minibot start
[09:56] RessurectioN_TAS> bot is bugged
[09:56] RessurectioN_TAS> reset
[09:57] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[09:57] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[09:57] power_OP> lol phin
[09:57] Minibot_UK> poos: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[09:57] power_OP> wildy phin
[09:57] power_OP> sup mate
[09:57] [Rw]Phoenix-> sup
[09:57] RessurectioN_TAS> start
Launching game...
[09:57] power_OP> good good
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[09:57] [Rw]Phoenix-> how am i fw rank
[09:57] poos> sup means
[09:57] RessurectioN_TAS> phoenix is a noob
poos - MapPack: OK
[09:57] [Rw]Phoenix-> i was wildy yesterday
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - RessurectioN_TAS: Red - poos: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[09:57] power_OP> yeah
[09:57] power_OP> that ranks system
[09:58] power_OP> warrior play poos
[09:58] power_OP> it will be better for you
[09:58] RessurectioN_TAS> [15:57] [Rw]Phoenix-> i was wildy yesterday
[09:58] RessurectioN_TAS> coz you sucks :peepopoint:
[09:59] [GoD]carbine in
[09:59] power_OP out
[09:59] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[09:59] power_OP in
[09:59] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[09:59] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[10:00] RessurectioN_TAS> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - RessurectioN_TAS: Red - poos: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[10:00] power_OP> i cant launch you warrior
[10:00] power_OP> there is a problem
[10:01] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[10:01] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[10:01] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[10:02] RessurectioN_TAS> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - poos: Red - RessurectioN_TAS: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[10:04] [Rw]loothill out
Game successfully checked in.
[10:07] tomchua0219 in
[10:07] tomchua0219 out
Game results submitted.
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> alrite power
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> your turn :kek:
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[10:18] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: There is already a host in your hut
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> can you pls dont join my hut ty
[10:18] power_OP> lol danny
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> host
[10:18] Minibot_UK> RessurectioN_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[10:18] Minibot_UK> power_OP: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> mapp ?
[10:18] power_OP> pp
[10:18] poos> minibot
[10:18] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[10:18] poos> i want to play
[10:18] RessurectioN_TAS> start
Launching game...
[10:18] poos> leave a space
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[10:18] power_OP> gimme 2 mins
RessurectioN_TAS - MapPack: OK
power_OP - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - RessurectioN_TAS: Red - power_OP: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[10:23] poos out
[10:24] poos in
[10:25] poos out
[10:25] poos in
[10:28] vaccinated_OP in
[10:29] vaccinated_OP> :flexonem:
[10:29] vaccinated_OP> Signups for the Invisible Cup will be ending on June 24th! The clock is ticking. Will you be ready for the unseen!? Signup here: https://www.popre.net/tournaments.php#tid_30 Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[10:30] poos> hi vaccinated op
[10:30] poos> good morning
[10:30] poos> dude
[10:30] vaccinated_OP> sup poop
[10:30] poos> what is the meaning of sup poop
[10:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[10:31] [GoD]Nici_Jr> whats up
[10:32] poos> hi nici jr
[10:32] warrior out
[10:33] poos> vaccinate sup poop what it means
[10:33] [D]xfiresx15 in
[10:33] poos> what is the meaning
[10:34] poos> xfiex host a match dude
[10:34] poos> can you
[10:34] vaccinated_OP> poos: updog
[10:34] poos> what?
[10:34] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:35] poos> spies join game 1
[10:35] poos> i am also a spy
[10:35] poos> xfirex join
[10:35] poos> or host
[10:35] [TSI]Frizart out
[10:35] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:37] poos> let me host
[10:37] poos> firex host game 2
Game results submitted.
[10:38] power_OP> dismatled 4 huts
[10:38] power_OP> and even with that
[10:38] RessurectioN_TAS> yea i saw that
[10:38] power_OP> couldnt have built fw hut
[10:38] RessurectioN_TAS> you shouldve built a fw new ft huw
[10:38] RessurectioN_TAS> fw hut*
[10:38] poos> power op join
[10:38] RessurectioN_TAS> on your side
[10:38] power_OP> yeah but couldntve found place
[10:39] [TSI]Frizart out
[10:39] RessurectioN_TAS> you shouldntve attacked when you dont have a fw hut
[10:39] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:39] RessurectioN_TAS> and also you dont have fws
[10:39] power_OP> but i saw yours
[10:39] power_OP> need second one
[10:39] RessurectioN_TAS> yes true
[10:39] RessurectioN_TAS> i usually build 3 fw hut
[10:39] RessurectioN_TAS> at the back of my base,in my base and on my side base
[10:39] poos> xfirex host dude
[10:40] power_OP> lol 3
[10:40] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[10:40] poos> anyone hot
[10:40] poos> anhyone host
[10:40] RessurectioN_TAS> yea man
[10:40] poos> can
[10:40] RessurectioN_TAS> just anticipating
[10:41] RessurectioN_TAS> and 2-3 warrior hut too
[10:41] poos> antivirus hots
[10:41] poos> pm bot host
[10:41] power_OP> yeah but i cant grow my pop as you and if you dont have pop you dont need 3 of them
[10:41] RessurectioN_TAS> yess
[10:42] poos> power op host
[10:42] power_OP> no i will go
[10:42] vaccinated_OP> power
[10:42] power_OP> yeah
[10:42] RessurectioN_TAS> i saw when you get attacked you used your fws too far,you shouldve took them back
[10:42] vaccinated_OP> how you doing buddy
[10:42] RessurectioN_TAS> dont let them die for nothing
[10:42] RessurectioN_TAS> and fill your towers too
[10:42] RessurectioN_TAS> its important
[10:42] power_OP> good babo waht about you
[10:43] power_OP> yeah 1 m wasting my pop while defending
[10:43] vaccinated_OP> im doing everything besides studying right now xD
[10:43] poos> can anyone hotst
[10:43] poos> pleae
[10:43] power_OP> yeah i should study too
[10:43] power_OP> but 1 m d1o
[10:43] power_OP> 1 m doing same
[10:43] power_OP> lol
[10:43] [TSI]Frizart out
[10:44] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:44] vaccinated_OP> ok lets both go study
[10:44] vaccinated_OP> :(
[10:44] power_OP> gonna lunch
[10:44] [TSI]Frizart out
[10:44] power_OP> then pop again
[10:44] power_OP> lol
[10:44] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:44] power_OP> cya mate
[10:44] power_OP out
[10:46] RessurectioN_TAS> [16:40] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[10:46] RessurectioN_TAS> this is a very good name
[10:46] RessurectioN_TAS> can i use to protecy myself from covid ?
[10:46] RessurectioN_TAS> use it*
[10:47] [AvA]leodagan in
[10:47] [TDM]Tundar> N r ganes
[10:47] poos out
[10:47] RessurectioN_TAS> yess m8 come
[10:48] [TSI]Frizart> ressur no ping :(
[10:48] RessurectioN_TAS> let xfire host
[10:49] RessurectioN_TAS> relog
[10:49] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[10:49] RessurectioN_TAS out
[10:49] [TSI]Frizart out
[10:49] [TSI]Frizart in
[10:49] RessurectioN_TAS in
[10:49] Nici_Jr> No
[10:50] [GoD]carbine> KPOM
[10:50] [GoD]carbine> JKOIN
[10:50] [AvA]leodagan> 2 min, brb
[10:50] [GoD]carbine> JION
[10:50] poos in
[10:50] [GoD]carbine> JOIN
[10:50] [D]xfiresx15> map?
[10:50] [TSI]Frizart> 4walls ?
[10:50] [TSI]Frizart> i'm noob
[10:50] [TSI]Frizart> please
[10:50] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekyou:
[10:51] poos> ii want to play
[10:51] [AvA]st_Antivirus> still a brave
[10:51] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice leagues
[10:52] poos> anti virus play with me
[10:52] [AvA]st_Antivirus> not playing rn
[10:52] poos> please
[10:53] poos out
[10:55] [AvA]Obduction in
[10:56] poos in
[10:59] poos out
[11:00] poos in
[11:00] [D]xfiresx15> sorry guys, I will bbl
[11:04] [AvA]leodagan> sry i was absent ^^
[11:06] poos> yes
[11:07] [TSI]Frizart> host
[11:07] Minibot_UK> [TSI]Frizart: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[11:07] Minibot_UK> poos: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[11:07] [TSI]Frizart> start
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
poos - MapPack: OK
[TSI]Frizart - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - [TSI]Frizart: Red - poos: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[11:09] power_OP in
Game successfully checked in.
[11:11] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[11:16] [D]xfiresx15 out
[11:16] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:16] Deists in
[11:20] Romerz in
[11:20] [SW]pablo- in
Game results submitted.
[11:21] Deists out
[11:21] [TSI]Frizart out
[11:21] [TSI]Frizart in
[11:24] Kay> sec i relog
[11:24] Kay out
[11:24] Kay in
[11:25] Kay> unnn danny & frizart may need relog
[11:25] [AsG]Ragnj in
[11:25] RessurectioN_TAS out
[11:26] [TSI]Frizart out
[11:26] [TSI]Frizart in
[11:26] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[11:27] RessurectioN_TAS in
[11:27] Kay> sec i relog again
[11:27] Kay out
[11:27] Kay in
[11:28] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[11:28] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[11:29] Kay> we gonna do 2on2?
[11:29] Kay> btw all no ping :o
[11:29] [TSI]Frizart> u can't host
[11:29] Kay> strange i should able to
[11:29] [TSI]Frizart> yes u have a start :/
[11:29] [TSI]Frizart> star*
[11:29] Kay> rag u host
[11:30] [GoD]Rbwilson> :howdy: :danny:
[11:30] RessurectioN_TAS> :howdy:
[11:31] RessurectioN_TAS> not doing beta :D
[11:31] [AsG]Ragnj> someone else host?
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> let ress host
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> u guys
[11:31] RessurectioN_TAS> wth
[11:31] RessurectioN_TAS> i cant host
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> oh it seems only kay can host
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> only he has star
[11:31] [AsG]Ragnj> 1.01 doesnt work for me guys
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> and hey kay :)
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> good morning
[11:31] [GoD]Rbwilson> im just home from work
[11:31] Kay> morning wilson :)
[11:32] Kay> wowa so sad
[11:32] Kay out
[11:32] Kay in
[11:33] RessurectioN_TAS> sec
[11:33] RessurectioN_TAS out
[11:33] [GoD]Rbwilson> sup carbine
[11:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> Happy Fathers Day to everyone who has kids!
[11:34] RessurectioN_TAS in
[11:34] Kay> keep no ping x(
[11:34] [rw]karma in
[11:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> yo krama
[11:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> karma
[11:34] [rw]karma> + ragnj and kay?
[11:34] [rw]karma> yo
[11:35] [AsG]Ragnj> hey karma
[11:35] [AsG]Ragnj> my 1.01 doesnt work
[11:35] [AsG]Ragnj> gets this black screen edge over like 60% of the screen
[11:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> like on each side?
[11:35] [AsG]Ragnj> ye
[11:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> border on each side?
[11:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> thats an easy fix
[11:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> mate
[11:35] [AsG]Ragnj> yup
[11:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> go to desktop, right click, go to ur graphics control panel
[11:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> for me its intel hd graphics
[11:36] [rw]karma> had teh same problem
[11:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> go to resoultion area, scale full screen
[11:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> under aspect ratio
[11:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> then it will work
[11:36] [rw]karma> popre mm options -> launch game windowed -> fullscreen it with alt+enter
[11:37] [rw]karma> no idea why tho
[11:37] [rw]karma> but it works
[11:37] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> no beta
[11:37] [rw]karma> im not doin beta
[11:37] [rw]karma> lol
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> oh
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> u opened a spot
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> its fine, go ahead i guess
[11:37] [GoD]Rbwilson> ill smoke anyways
[11:38] [AsG]Ragnj> we can roll beta so we all fit?
[11:38] RessurectioN_TAS> not doing beta thx
[11:38] RessurectioN_TAS out
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> rag, we just told u how to fix
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> ur 1.01
[11:38] [AsG]Ragnj> ye
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> ppl dont like playin beta
[11:38] [AsG]Ragnj> i did urs suggestion
[11:38] [AsG]Ragnj> see if it works
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye launch urself
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> and see
[11:38] [rw]karma> come ill launch u
[11:38] [rw]karma> rag
[11:38] [GoD]Rbwilson> brb
[11:39] [rw]karma> launch game windowerd
[11:39] poos out
[11:39] Joseph_OP in
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> I think he's using dxwnd
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> u cant alt+enter with dxwnd
[11:39] [rw]karma> defo disable dxwnd lol
[11:39] [rw]karma> messes me us as well
[11:39] [rw]karma> up*
[11:39] Joseph_OP> Nice to see some old faces back
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> dxwnd is nice
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> for windows 7
[11:39] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[11:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> if u have windows 10, then use the Direct 3D
[11:40] [AsG]Ragnj> still black borders, but ye i use dxwnd, think i put it on for streaming purposes
[11:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> change ur desktop reso
[11:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> to whatever pop is
[11:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> so they are the same
[11:40] Joseph_OP> try borderless and check off maintain aspect ratio
[11:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> if ur running 800x600 on pop, then use 1024x768 for desktop reso, it will give borders
[11:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> if that doesnt work, then try their way
[11:41] [TSI]Frizart out
[11:41] [AsG]Ragnj out
[11:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> with Direct 3D
[11:41] [TSI]Frizart in
[11:41] [AsG]Ragnj in
[11:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> hi joseph
[11:42] Joseph_OP> Hey dude
[11:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> ok brb for real this time
[11:43] [AsG]Ragnj> think ill rol beta instead guys, cba ferkin with the streaming etc
[11:44] [rw]karma> just stry disabluing dxwnd and launch windowed
[11:44] [rw]karma> stream still works
[11:44] [AsG]Ragnj out
[11:45] [AsG]Ragnj in
[11:45] [AsG]Ragnj> k worked
[11:45] [AsG]Ragnj> brb bacthroom
[11:45] Joseph_OP> woot
[11:46] Joseph_OP> stream link please?
[11:57] DoctorHax in
[11:57] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[12:04] [rw]karma> rag host?
[12:04] [AsG]Ragnj> cant host kay
[12:04] Kay> we can play 6 or 8 player now?
[12:04] [AsG]Ragnj> cant host most peopel atm it seems
[12:04] [AsG]Ragnj> ye lets join spin
[12:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=450161
[12:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +5
[12:04] [AsG]Ragnj> we got folks for a 6p game atleast
[12:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> ping was fine for start
[12:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> then jumped hella high
[12:05] Kay> maybe try another host :(
[12:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> sec gonna restart pc
[12:05] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[12:06] Deists in
[12:07] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:07] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bella come
[12:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bukake
[12:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :heyboy:
[12:09] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[12:09] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ragnj u host pls
[12:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i dont ping tsu
[12:10] Zpektrix_TAS> ragnj cant ping me either
[12:10] [GoD]Rbwilson> he wont either i dont think
[12:10] [GoD]Rbwilson> he doesnt have star
[12:10] Zpektrix_TAS> sp[yro host
[12:10] Kay> ping fucked up today
[12:10] [GoD]Rbwilson> Ye same here
[12:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you always get ping tsxu wtf
[12:10] [AsG]Ragnj> try relog
[12:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nah i aint hosting
[12:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[12:11] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin host then
[12:11] Kay> i cant ping anyone also lol
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> because u have firewall up i bet
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> but
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> better safe then sorry
[12:11] [rw]karma> i can host all
[12:11] [rw]karma> but lag spyro
[12:11] Kay> oh can now
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> I think it was me karma
[12:11] [rw]karma> or maybe its him i dunno
[12:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> i restarted pc
[12:12] Kay> or spin try again
[12:12] Zpektrix_TAS> i just cant play with eu kids on other isp
[12:12] Zpektrix_TAS> if they can't ping just let other host
[12:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> go gin tonic 3v3
[12:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me kayin and tsu
[12:12] Kay> try 1by1 lol
[12:12] [GoD]Nici_Jr> team
[12:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> hi spinn
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> :*
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> how u been
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> hi oldskool wilson
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> good the question is
[12:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wher ehave you been wtf
[12:13] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> working man
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> 12 hours shifts, 7 days a week
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> playing pop sp isnt work
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ;D
[12:13] Kay> thats really shit
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol
[12:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oolkolol
[12:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> sec, doing calculations
[12:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> karma 6-8 players worlds
[12:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> oh ye, im a millionare
[12:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> millionaire
[12:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gin tonix 3v3
[12:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me kayin and tsu
[12:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> allying
[12:14] [SW]Fried_Rice> spare some change pls
[12:14] [rw]karma> is there a 3vs3 pp
[12:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol pp
[12:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye there is
[12:14] [GoD]Rbwilson> but its so shit
[12:15] [rw]karma> in 6player games the task is to find the least shit map
[12:15] [rw]karma> cntral dogma maybe
[12:15] [AsG]Ragnj> lol
[12:15] [AsG]Ragnj> any is fine
[12:15] [AsG]Ragnj> lets just roll
[12:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i'll be magenta then
[12:15] [rw]karma> if kayin nici and tsu ally
[12:15] [rw]karma> join the colours
[12:16] [rw]karma> blue yell red are a team
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol..
[12:16] [AsG]Ragnj> Nici_Jr = Spinnifix
[12:16] [rw]karma> i kno
[12:16] [AsG]Ragnj> thought Nici was complaining to inca?
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> its still nici
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> :kekw:
[12:16] [AsG]Ragnj> My name change to "Uncle_Nic" didnt go through either
[12:16] [GoD]Rbwilson> just the apprentice
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> nici accepted 1 month for me wearting it
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wearing
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> but ican change
[12:16] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[12:16] Zpektrix_TAS> chat time is done
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> if inca fucking responds to my msgs
[12:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf
[12:16] Kay> Ragnj is much better
[12:17] Kay> lol
[12:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> Shao_JR
[12:17] [AsG]Ragnj> RGKayin next month
[12:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> NGKayin
[12:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> guys
[12:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> type !cheat
[12:17] Kay> wttt
[12:17] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no cheats
[12:17] Zpektrix_TAS> karma
[12:17] Zpektrix_TAS> type !update
[12:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> thats why it says pop version is different i think
[12:18] Zpektrix_TAS> pop version differe means our beta is different with him
[12:18] Zpektrix_TAS> his beta must be old
[12:18] Zpektrix_TAS> and everyone should type !update once
[12:18] Deists out
[12:18] [rw]karma> just updated yesretday
[12:18] [rw]karma> sec
[12:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> my mm version
[12:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> is
[12:18] Zpektrix_TAS> brandan updates randomly
[12:18] [GoD]Rbwilson>
[12:18] Kay>
[12:18] Zpektrix_TAS> just update
[12:19] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah !update works
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> i disabled cheat mode
[12:19] Kay> lol
[12:19] Romerz out
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> try agia
[12:19] [GoD]Nici_Jr> man ffs
[12:19] [rw]karma> i hate beta
[12:19] Zpektrix_TAS> spyro !cheat then !update
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> im updated already
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> tsu
[12:19] [SW]Fried_Rice> +3
[12:19] Zpektrix_TAS> relaunch then
[12:19] Kay> cheat on
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> i have auto update on
[12:19] [GoD]Rbwilson> when i log in, it auto updates
[12:20] Zpektrix_TAS> [rw]karma - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
[12:20] Zpektrix_TAS> karma launched tb
[12:21] Zpektrix_TAS> after update
[12:21] [AsG]Ragnj> k lets try again
[12:22] [rw]karma> what was the problem
[12:22] Zpektrix_TAS> you launched 5p
[12:23] Zpektrix_TAS> theres no 6th
[12:23] Zpektrix_TAS> are you going to play 3v2 or something
[12:23] [rw]karma> oh
[12:27] bockwurstlaune in
[12:27] bockwurstlaune out
[12:28] power_OP> huhuh
[12:28] power_OP> gg wp
[12:28] [D]xfiresx15> gg
[12:28] Joseph_OP> Nice Preach Power
[12:28] power_OP> thank you mate but its fake
[12:28] power_OP> sup btw
[12:29] Joseph_OP> still nice :kekw:
[12:29] power_OP> haha
[12:29] Joseph_OP> nm man, hbu?
[12:30] power_OP> good good thx
[12:33] [SW]pablo- out
[12:34] Deists in
[12:34] Joseph_OP> Join here for gg spyro?
[12:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> not playing beta
[12:34] [GoD]Rbwilson> sorry
[12:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> pissing meo ff
[12:35] Joseph_OP> np
[12:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> giving me ez games fuck off
[12:35] [rw]karma> havent had 1 good beta game
[12:35] [GoD]Nici_Jr> fucking clowns
[12:35] [rw]karma> thats just crazy
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> i never played that map
[12:35] Joseph_OP> sec guys
[12:35] [GoD]carbine> lool
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> carbine
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> <3 hey sexy
[12:35] [GoD]carbine> yooo
[12:35] [GoD]carbine> where u been
[12:35] [GoD]carbine> dawg
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> workin mate
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> how are you?
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> school over for the year?
[12:35] [GoD]carbine> im good alhamdulillah
[12:35] [GoD]Rbwilson> or still attending?
[12:36] [GoD]carbine> i dropped out
[12:36] [GoD]Rbwilson> lies
[12:36] [GoD]carbine> nope
[12:36] [AsG]Ragnj> full time pop pro
[12:36] [GoD]carbine> dropped out coz my mental health
[12:36] [AsG]Ragnj> lovenjis tourney have a price pot
[12:36] [AsG]Ragnj> so u can actually live of off pop now
[12:36] [GoD]carbine> yea hopefully i win this bitcoin lool
[12:36] [AsG]Ragnj> in some countries its a good sallary
[12:36] [SW]Fried_Rice> hey carbine
[12:37] [D]xfiresx15 out
[12:37] Zpektrix_TAS> are you going
[12:37] Zpektrix_TAS> broccoli
[12:37] [GoD]carbine> hey bella
[12:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> my laptop is bugging out hold up
[12:37] [GoD]Nici_Jr> carbine join
[12:37] Joseph_OP> wtf
[12:37] [GoD]carbine> gtg family function back in couple hours
[12:37] Nici_OP in
[12:37] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok seems to have gotten better
[12:37] power_OP> hey nici
[12:38] power_OP> sup
[12:38] Nici_OP> hey :D
[12:38] [GoD]carbine> waiting my brother to pull up
[12:38] Joseph_OP> Dont join hut if doing homework with your daughter xD
[12:38] power_OP> lol
[12:38] Joseph_OP> Hey Nici
[12:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +7
[12:38] power_OP> +2
[12:38] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> karma
[12:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> where is hakai
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS> get nici spyro
[12:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> my lovely buddy i miss him
[12:39] Nici_OP> playing SP
[12:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOL
[12:39] [AsG]Ragnj out
[12:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> fucking update again
[12:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> karma we got 4 already
[12:39] [rw]karma> dunno
[12:39] [SW]Fried_Rice> need to restart
[12:39] [GoD]Rbwilson> srry man, next game
[12:39] [rw]karma> workin i i thik
[12:39] Nici_OP> :monkamega:
[12:39] Joseph_OP> he's been on a few times over the past week Spyro
[12:39] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:39] Nici_OP> :monkas:
[12:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> playing sp
[12:40] [D]amhyr> :monkamega:
[12:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> LOOOl
[12:40] Nici_OP> :ohyes:
[12:40] Nici_OP> hey Carbine
[12:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> god this guy is so cute
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> Guys, guess who im going to see in december
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> From populous
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> I bet yall cant guess
[12:40] [rw]karma> power of 3?
[12:40] Nici_OP> Nepharius
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nah, gonna go see Marc
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> :D
[12:40] power_OP> power of 3?
[12:40] Nici_OP> Marc the dutch guy
[12:40] Nici_OP> ?
[12:40] [GoD]carbine> no marcus from tsi
[12:40] Deists out
[12:40] [GoD]Rbwilson> nah just kidding
[12:40] Nici_OP> ah!
[12:40] [rw]karma> what about ice t
[12:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> gonna see Candace
[12:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> Candice*
[12:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> two states away
[12:41] Nici_OP> good luck
[12:41] [D]amhyr> sou feliz contigo :plead:
[12:41] [GoD]Rbwilson> from me
[12:41] [rw]karma> nice
[12:41] Joseph_OP> Which state you from Rb?
[12:41] Nici_OP> u'll need a good dose oph patience
[12:41] [rw]karma> i might go visit phoenix
[12:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> nici you know Candice?
[12:42] Nici_OP> I kno one ye
[12:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> Candice dick fit in ur mouth!
[12:42] [rw]karma> nici tsu kay join
[12:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> LOL
[12:42] Nici_OP> tbh lots oph dicks do phit in her mouth
[12:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> playng sp
[12:42] [D]amhyr> thats a knock knock door
[12:42] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> +5
[12:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> Did lucita ever come back?
[12:42] Nici_OP> kkkkkkkkkkk
[12:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> or venetica?
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[12:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> lemme test
[12:43] Nici_OP> no
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> didnt see vene
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> i heard delax came back
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> for so many months now
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> and left again
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye he was there
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> some days ago
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> I added vene on instagram
[12:43] Nici_OP> he as here yesterday
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> Didnt know she had one
[12:43] [GoD]carbine> whats her @:
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wow instagram
[12:43] Nici_OP> she doesn't have instagram lol
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> squidward nose
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> She does
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nici
[12:43] Nici_OP> kk link
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> spongebob squarepants
[12:43] [GoD]carbine> lol
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> Recently she made it
[12:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> hmmm
[12:43] [GoD]Rbwilson> k sec
[12:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> not updating
[12:43] [SW]Fried_Rice> incaaa
[12:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> instagram what for
[12:43] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> squidward nose
[12:44] [D]xfiresx15 in
[12:44] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:44] [GoD]Rbwilson> @holygxd
[12:44] [GoD]Rbwilson> is her instagram
[12:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no way
[12:44] power_OP> you guys fancy abouy 4v4?
[12:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :fap:
[12:44] power_OP> or 2v2?
[12:44] [GoD]Rbwilson> Check it out
[12:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes come 4v4
[12:44] Nici_OP> lel
[12:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> karma nici power
[12:44] [GoD]Rbwilson> Thats her insta
[12:44] power_OP> +1
[12:44] [SW]Fried_Rice> it just says updating 1.5
[12:44] Nici_OP> no need to troll xD
[12:44] [GoD]Rbwilson> :)
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> its ok bella
[12:45] Nici_OP> bella
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> just run 1.01
[12:45] Nici_OP> ya bellend
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> i remember bellaspyro
[12:45] [GoD]carbine> wow its some down syndrome black guy is that u rob
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> We became friends so fast
[12:45] Nici_OP> it's u carbine
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> ?
[12:45] [GoD]carbine> lool
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> Its venetica wtf
[12:45] [GoD]Rbwilson> after i put my dick in her mouth
[12:45] power_OP> nici host please
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> kknoced her teeth out
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> started gumming me
[12:46] power_OP> i cant ping you
[12:46] Nici_OP> karma can host too iph heants
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> nici, whats up with ur keyboard
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> which letters dont work?
[12:46] Nici_OP> not much
[12:46] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> w?
[12:46] Nici_OP> don't ork
[12:46] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye i knew the w doesnt
[12:46] Nici_OP> I just typed em but u can't see em
[12:46] Nici_OP> lmao
[12:46] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:46] [GoD]Rbwilson> lool
[12:47] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:47] Nici_OP> surprisingly
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> Don't let nici host wtf
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> he needs a handicap
[12:47] Nici_OP> hosting only good to dismantle
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> ye
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> lol
[12:47] Nici_OP> :P
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> so u will have 10x pop of everyone
[12:47] [D]amhyr> hes not used to 1 ping, thats the handicap :ohyes:
[12:47] poos in
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> in 5 mins lol
[12:47] Nici_OP> or 10x less
[12:47] power_OP> in 1.5 you can do it easyly
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> fuck 1.5
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> bellaspyro why you leaving me?
[12:47] [D]xfiresx15 out
[12:47] [GoD]Rbwilson> :(
[12:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> And are you getting engaged soon to your bf?
[12:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> You guys make such a cute couple
[12:48] Joseph_OP> poos your ping
[12:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> Honestly
[12:48] Joseph_OP> 1000 lol
[12:48] poos> no
[12:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> kay join
[12:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> tsu join
[12:48] poos> chang ethe version to 1.01r
[12:48] poos> please change
[12:48] poos> it
[12:48] poos> i hate 1.5
[12:48] Joseph_OP> then dont join
[12:49] poos> i cant play 1.5 in my pc
[12:49] Joseph_OP> Thats okay, but i prefer to play it
[12:49] [D]amhyr> what kind of beta is this
[12:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> this need to update mm after every relog is getting a bit much
[12:49] [D]amhyr> stop with the avas
[12:49] poos> ok
[12:49] [GoD]Rbwilson> spinn, whats that music u listen to again?
[12:49] [GoD]Rbwilson> i forgot the name
[12:49] [GoD]Rbwilson> harddtek?
[12:49] [GoD]Rbwilson> nvm i got it
[12:50] poos> start
[12:50] poos> joseph
[12:50] poos> start
[12:50] poos> 1.01r
[12:50] poos> due
[12:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> Updating Populous 1.5...
[12:51] [SW]Fried_Rice> eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[12:52] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[12:52] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[12:53] [AvA]Stauni in
[12:53] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok finally
[12:54] [GoD]Rbwilson> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtXOkRcqpKY
[12:54] [GoD]Rbwilson> bella is it updating you or something?
[12:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> wtf is happeninginging
[12:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> yes lmao
[12:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> theres nothing to update
[12:54] Deists in
[12:54] [GoD]Rbwilson> what is ur version set to?
[12:54] [AvA]leodagan out
[12:54] [SW]Fried_Rice>
[12:54] [SW]Fried_Rice> 3a*
[12:55] [GoD]Rbwilson> Go to optoins >> general>> auto-update
[12:55] [GoD]Rbwilson> disable it
[12:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok
[12:55] [SW]Fried_Rice> done
[12:55] xtro in
[12:56] poos> joseph i want toplay due
[12:56] poos> please
[12:56] poos> diest
[12:56] poos> please
[12:56] poos> anyone play with me
[12:56] Joseph_OP> you said you cannot play this version on your computer
[12:57] poos> you change the version as 1.01
[12:57] poos> please
[12:57] Joseph_OP> I'm not changing version
[12:57] Joseph_OP> 1.05>1.03
[12:57] poos> why?
[12:57] poos> please dude
[12:57] poos> please
[12:58] RessurectioN_TAS in
[12:58] Deists> brb
[12:59] Zpektrix_TAS> dannie :D
[12:59] [AvA]Stauni out
[13:00] [AvA]Stauni in
[13:01] RessurectioN_TAS> 1.03 ty
[13:01] Kay> maps? :)
[13:01] Zpektrix_TAS> pick a map
[13:01] Zpektrix_TAS> ty
[13:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:02] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:02] Kay> 1 relog
[13:02] Kay out
[13:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:02] Kay in
[13:03] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:03] Zpektrix_TAS> where's danny's ping
[13:04] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[13:04] Kay> lol
[13:04] RessurectioN_TAS> fair pressure :D ?
[13:04] RessurectioN_TAS> AvA worlds :kekw:
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> be back soon
[13:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> who is nici jr?
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> gotta do laundyr
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> Its Spinn
[13:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> ah ok
[13:04] [SW]Fried_Rice> cya!
[13:04] [AvA]Stauni> spinniifix
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> i mean
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> its pretty easy to figure out
[13:04] [GoD]Rbwilson> without lookin at his prev nicks
[13:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> i thought so
[13:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> he literally is a nici jr
[13:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> haha
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh bella is back
[13:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> but i wasnt 100% sure he was god
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bella bukake when
[13:05] [GoD]Rbwilson> anyways, cya later!
[13:05] [SW]Fried_Rice> byebye
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yeye nici joining GoD 2024
[13:05] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> byebye what
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol man
[13:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gtfo
[13:05] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wilson its pop time no?
[13:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> doin laundry mate
[13:06] [GoD]Rbwilson> in like an hour yes
[13:07] Zpektrix_TAS> ???
[13:07] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah kayin
[13:07] poos out
[13:07] Zpektrix_TAS> told ya need to use that ipv4 laggy one
[13:07] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems
[13:07] Zpektrix_TAS> sec
[13:08] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:08] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:09] Zpektrix_TAS> now i am spikey
[13:09] Zpektrix_TAS> the worst player now
[13:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> kayin go random again
[13:09] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[13:09] poos in
[13:10] [SW]pablo- in
[13:14] [GoD]Shogun in
[13:14] vaccinated_OP> Signups for the Invisible Cup will be ending on June 24th! The clock is ticking. Will you be ready for the unseen!? Signup here: https://www.popre.net/tournaments.php#tid_30 Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[13:15] poos out
[13:16] iRespectWomenxD26> yo
[13:16] iRespectWomenxD26> decent n u?
[13:17] iRespectWomenxD26> sik
[13:17] [SW]pablo-> ++++++1
[13:17] iRespectWomenxD26> we plaaying hollow fields?
[13:17] iRespectWomenxD26> ya its a good map
[13:18] iRespectWomenxD26> hollow fields 2 is better tho
[13:18] Nici_OP> sorry 4 lag
[13:18] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[13:18] Nici_OP> it's 1st game
[13:18] Nici_OP> pc heating up
[13:18] power_OP> ooo
[13:18] power_OP out
[13:18] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeeee
[13:18] poos in
[13:19] iRespectWomenxD26> ya a lil more compact
[13:19] iRespectWomenxD26> ull see
[13:21] iRespectWomenxD26> wtf
[13:21] [SW]pablo-> what happend
[13:21] iRespectWomenxD26> idk does that sumtimes
[13:21] iRespectWomenxD26> when i go to play music
[13:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> anyone watch eurovision?
[13:22] iRespectWomenxD26> that with all the twinks singing on stage?
[13:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> ye
[13:22] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk no
[13:22] iRespectWomenxD26> gogogogogo
[13:22] [SW]Fried_Rice> vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv1
[13:23] [tsi]avril_lavigne in
[13:24] poos out
[13:25] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekpepe:
[13:27] bockwurstlaune in
[13:30] poos in
[13:30] poos out
[13:31] KKEngineer in
[13:33] DoctorHax out
[13:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[13:36] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:36] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup toruk
[13:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sup Fried
[13:37] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[13:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Nova
[13:37] [AvA]st_Antivirus> yo nova
[13:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> yooo
[13:37] vaccinated_OP> hi wanna join asgf
[13:37] vaccinated_OP> -f
[13:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> not op?
[13:37] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekwait:
[13:37] vaccinated_OP> no join asg
[13:37] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:37] vaccinated_OP> :pepeyes:
[13:38] vaccinated_OP> :peepoyes:
[13:38] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :hyperhand:
[13:38] [AvA]Novaharvest> cheerleader for asg now haha?
[13:38] vaccinated_OP> yes asg #1
[13:38] [AvA]st_Antivirus> scouting :kekw:
[13:38] vaccinated_OP> very tradition
[13:38] vaccinated_OP> much skill
[13:38] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg
[13:38] Kay> gg
[13:38] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[13:38] vaccinated_OP> ask spin, asg best clan out there
[13:38] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin really should let me ping with this no star one
[13:39] Zpektrix_TAS> at this time zone
[13:39] [AvA]st_Antivirus> where's lovenji btw
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> asg is good clan, very mature
[13:39] Zpektrix_TAS> it's irritating and unplayable
[13:39] Zpektrix_TAS> even under ping 100
[13:39] vaccinated_OP> yep
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> only thing is
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you cant change ur name
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:39] vaccinated_OP> :pepekek:
[13:39] vaccinated_OP> :kekpepe:
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> but yes good clan
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> imo
[13:39] [AvA]Novaharvest> why are you not all in asg then? hmmmmm
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ?
[13:39] RessurectioN_TAS> :peped:
[13:39] vaccinated_OP> :pepewhy:
[13:39] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf is that question
[13:40] vaccinated_OP> sry like name changes too much
[13:40] [AvA]Novaharvest> if everyone says its the best haha
[13:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> didnt even say its the best
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> there is the second version of this emoji :peped:
[13:40] Kay> have a test first?
[13:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> does anyone know it ?
[13:40] [GoD]Nici_Jr> best clan is GoD
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> the one with lightsabers
[13:40] [AvA]Novaharvest> fairs
[13:40] vaccinated_OP> :jedi:
[13:40] Zpektrix_TAS> we don't need a test it's well-known on my connection
[13:40] vaccinated_OP> jedi
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> ahh yeahhh
[13:40] Zpektrix_TAS> ipv4 network sucks
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> thx babo
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> best emoji ever
[13:40] RessurectioN_TAS> :jedi:
[13:40] vaccinated_OP> :bruhmoment: :nice:
[13:41] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :feelscoldman:
[13:41] Kay> umm k
[13:41] vaccinated_OP> :pepedoor:
[13:41] Kay> maps
[13:41] RessurectioN_TAS> team off
[13:41] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[13:41] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :monkasss:
[13:41] vaccinated_OP> PP
[13:41] vaccinated_OP> and someone stream
[13:41] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:41] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:41] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :coronaKEK:
[13:41] Kay> this
[13:42] RessurectioN_TAS> spin stream
[13:42] KKEngineer out
[13:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can do in dresden
[13:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> im on my laptop here
[13:42] KKEngineer in
[13:42] RessurectioN_TAS> that means youre not in dresden ?
[13:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yea
[13:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:42] [GoD]Nici_Jr> october first again
[13:43] Zpektrix_TAS> i wanna assault those porn users in this country
[13:43] Zpektrix_TAS> seriously
[13:43] Zpektrix_TAS> game first porn later
[13:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> erm
[13:43] [GoD]Nici_Jr> who r u tlaking to
[13:43] RessurectioN_TAS> ok go
[13:43] RessurectioN_TAS> me n tsu
[13:43] Kay> jp's porn is too good
[13:44] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lol
[13:44] Kay> yoshi no ping
[13:44] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:44] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:44] Kay> sec relog
[13:45] Kay out
[13:45] Kay in
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> too bad i can't play on other isp smoothly
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> this time zone
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> i would have won that game
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> but spike killed my shaman many times
[13:46] Joseph_OP> gg
[13:46] Kay> still no
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:48] Deists out
[13:48] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :PoGSlideCOG:
[13:48] Deists in
[13:48] [AvA]Stauni> brb
[13:48] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[13:48] Kay> um mm no ping?
[13:48] Kay out
[13:49] Kay in
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe rejoin hut next time
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> relogging is last way
[13:49] HowToBe_OP in
[13:49] Kay> goo got it
[13:49] Joseph_OP> Hey d4r
[13:50] power_OP in
[13:51] KKEngineer out
[13:51] HowToBe_OP> :howdy: Joseph
[13:52] [AvA]Stauni> power fake rank agauin xD
[13:52] [AvA]Stauni> mine too, sadge
[13:52] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice leagues m8
[13:52] [AvA]st_Antivirus> mine is real
[13:52] [AvA]Novaharvest> all ranks are randomly assigned
[13:52] [AvA]Stauni> i dont have 108 games and 170 with fistung kekw
[13:53] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + Deists + [AvA]st_Antivirus vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + power_OP + [AvA]Stauni
[13:53] [AvA]Novaharvest> that looks tough actually
[13:53] [AvA]Novaharvest> D:
[13:53] power_OP> yeah stauni
[13:53] power_OP> waitin for fw rank
[13:53] power_OP> lol
[13:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> oh, hi power. :)
[13:53] power_OP> hey toruk
[13:53] power_OP> sup
[13:54] Zpektrix_TAS> so
[13:54] Zpektrix_TAS> what now
[13:54] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wtf was that kebab host kayin
[13:55] Kay> well maybe yoshi host
[13:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> peoples updating?
[13:55] RessurectioN_TAS> no
[13:55] Kay> i dont know
[13:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> me
[13:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> was unplayable literally
[13:55] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sec
[13:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> ok !
[13:55] Kay> nothing on
[13:55] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[13:55] Zpektrix_TAS> if it still lags
[13:55] Zpektrix_TAS> it's you spin
[13:55] Kay> wooah
[13:55] Kay> 295
[13:55] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ye man ill play later
[13:56] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[13:56] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[13:56] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[13:56] Zpektrix_TAS> omg i froze my hands
[13:56] Zpektrix_TAS> cuz i accidentally selected this shit map
[13:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> should I try again?
[13:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> i ran out of wood
[13:56] Kay> its good?
[13:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> kk try now
[13:56] [SW]Fried_Rice> gg wp!
[13:56] Zpektrix_TAS> danny knows why
[13:57] [SW]pablo-> gg
[13:57] RessurectioN_TAS> LOOL
[13:57] RessurectioN_TAS> are u sure we gonna play this ?
[13:57] Zpektrix_TAS> NEVER
[13:57] RessurectioN_TAS> cool
[13:57] Kay> lol
[13:57] [AvA]st_Antivirus> again
[13:57] RessurectioN_TAS> coz i dont want to play it now too
[13:57] [AvA]st_Antivirus> wtf
[13:57] RessurectioN_TAS> :kekw:
[13:58] [AvA]Stauni> mm asks for admin after relog
[13:58] [AvA]Stauni> did you do that?
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> so danny
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> whose hosting is better
[13:58] Kay> why 2 holes in yel and green base
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> (i know his answer)
[13:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> hm ill relog
[13:58] Kay> must be me :)
[13:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sec
[13:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[13:58] RessurectioN_TAS> both actually good
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah kayin
[13:58] power_OP out
[13:58] RessurectioN_TAS> but yea Kayin is better
[13:58] Zpektrix_TAS> this map is insanely shit
[13:58] power_OP in
[13:59] Kay> well lets take a look
[13:59] power_OP out
[13:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> [60] Update - could not move C:\Program Files (x86)\Bullfrog\Populous\ddraw.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Bullfrog\Populous\ddraw.xold: The operation completed successfully
[13:59] Nici_OP> COULDN'T EVEN
[13:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> [46] Update - could not move C:\ProgramData\Populous Reincarnated\Matchmaker\Cache\ddraw.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Populous Reincarnated\MatchMaker\ddraw.dll: The operation completed successfully
[13:59] Nici_OP> BUILD A ARRIOR hUT
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> stop spamming
[13:59] HowToBe_OP> Phran :nice:
[13:59] Nici_OP> gaaaaaaaaaaa
[13:59] power_OP in
[13:59] Kay> ohohohho
[13:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> who's spamming?
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> tell me level
[13:59] Zpektrix_TAS> u
[13:59] RessurectioN_TAS> 4way
[13:59] RessurectioN_TAS> gogo
[13:59] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[13:59] Nici_OP> hey d4r
[13:59] Kay> danny;s roomate :D
[13:59] Deists> 4 way
[13:59] [SW]Fried_Rice> i didnt notice i tookt he land
[13:59] HowToBe_OP> hi :nice:
[13:59] [AvA]Stauni> kick nici lol
[14:00] Nici_OP> kick stauni
[14:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> can go 8 haha
[14:00] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[14:00] Nici_OP> only complaions
[14:00] power_OP> go 8
[14:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[14:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> wow 2 nici now
[14:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> multiply
[14:00] power_OP> nici vs jr
[14:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :heyboy:
[14:00] [AvA]Stauni> at least i can afford keyboard with f
[14:00] [AvA]Stauni> xd
[14:00] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :o
[14:00] Nici_OP> same , mine broke aphter 14 years
[14:00] Nici_OP> using same laptop
[14:00] power_OP> apther
[14:00] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 14 years wow
[14:01] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 12 here
[14:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> when I log in, it says "updating populous 1.5", but I never get a message saying "updates complete". Hmm
[14:01] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oldskool win7 desktop
[14:01] [AvA]Stauni> oh men
[14:01] Nici_OP> ye in 7
[14:01] [AvA]st_Antivirus> same toruk
[14:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> weird
[14:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> you guys must treat your stuff very respectfully
[14:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> very wholesome
[14:01] power_OP> toruk wirte commnad then
[14:01] power_OP> update command
[14:01] Nici_OP> nbella
[14:01] Nici_OP> you don't use orlv vieu?
[14:01] Nici_OP> orld
[14:01] power_OP> vvorld
[14:02] [AvA]st_Antivirus> lol
[14:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lopl
[14:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> power: !command doesn't do anything
[14:02] power_OP> use double v
[14:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> use double v
[14:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> nici
[14:02] [GoD]Nici_Jr> power is einstein
[14:02] power_OP> i mean !upadate
[14:02] [AvA]st_Antivirus> *update
[14:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yeah, I did. Then I got error messages
[14:02] power_OP> omg
[14:02] power_OP> yeah same
[14:02] power_OP> close mm
[14:02] power_OP> and open again
[14:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I did that too, lol
[14:03] power_OP> ok i shut up
[14:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'll blame Inca and stupid forced updates
[14:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gotta blame someone, right? :P
[14:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh ye i get that error
[14:03] [AvA]Stauni> run MM as admin
[14:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> but it worked i think
[14:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> i love see error messages that say the operation was successful
[14:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> thats very windows
[14:04] [SW]pablo-> +2
[14:04] [AvA]st_Antivirus> kk im good bow
[14:04] [AvA]st_Antivirus> *n
[14:05] [AvA]st_Antivirus> +1
[14:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[14:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:06] [AvA]Stauni> mm should ask you for admin rights
[14:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> mm should just do what it's supposed to
[14:07] [AvA]Stauni out
[14:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> can we fucking go or
[14:07] [AvA]Stauni in
[14:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> 4v3?
[14:07] [AvA]st_Antivirus> need one more
[14:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bella what are you doing
[14:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Fried, u brave now?
[14:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> joi9n here man wtf
[14:07] [AvA]st_Antivirus> yeah
[14:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :(
[14:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> bukake on you
[14:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> i begin
[14:07] [AvA]st_Antivirus> back to my real rank :p
[14:07] [AvA]Stauni> shjould be wildi then
[14:08] [AvA]Stauni> hahahah jk
[14:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> can't be your real rank, you're better than that
[14:08] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekw:
[14:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> who is antivirus
[14:08] [AvA]st_Antivirus> matt
[14:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> terat0
[14:08] poos in
[14:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh
[14:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> its fried toast
[14:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> how did u get that rank man
[14:09] [AvA]st_Antivirus> dk
[14:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> u were preacher
[14:09] [AvA]Stauni> league is fake again
[14:09] poos out
[14:09] [AvA]st_Antivirus> almost
[14:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> or warrior
[14:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> war i think
[14:09] [AvA]st_Antivirus> it was fine 2 days ago
[14:09] [AvA]Stauni> im nearly fw
[14:09] [AvA]Stauni> kekw
[14:09] [AvA]st_Antivirus> ye
[14:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> true leages is fake
[14:09] power_OP> +1
[14:09] power_OP> +
[14:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> leagues are random
[14:09] power_OP> 11
[14:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> hardwear is not top 10
[14:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> inca made a random number generator for it
[14:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lolololo
[14:10] power_OP> maybe i can be fw tomorrow then
[14:10] [AvA]st_Antivirus> maybe today'
[14:10] [AvA]Stauni> shaman
[14:10] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> power soon u get fw rank
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you are good
[14:10] power_OP> lol yeah
[14:10] [AvA]st_Antivirus> ^^
[14:10] power_OP> with th_s league
[14:10] power_OP> ican
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> if u fucking dont walk straight lines with shaman
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and get simpyl lighted int owater
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> maybe u can win more
[14:10] [AvA]st_Antivirus> lol
[14:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> straight lines arent wha tthey'd expect
[14:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> youre like a snail with shaman
[14:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> its a good play
[14:11] [AvA]st_Antivirus> +1 :clown:
[14:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> no clowns around rn
[14:11] power_OP> snail
[14:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> nvm
[14:11] power_OP> lol
[14:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr> carbine is here
[14:11] power_OP> +1
[14:11] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :feelsbadman:
[14:11] [AvA]Novaharvest> got a 4v3 map?
[14:11] poos in
[14:12] [AvA]Stauni> how to be
[14:12] [AvA]Stauni> join
[14:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> joseph
[14:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> someone
[14:12] HowToBe_OP> na, thanks :nice:
[14:12] Joseph_OP> i dont like 8p thx though
[14:12] [AvA]Stauni> :(
[14:12] [AvA]Novaharvest> you'll win tho
[14:12] [AvA]Novaharvest> ezpzp
[14:13] Joseph_OP> its not about winning, just too chaotic
[14:13] power_OP> and fun
[14:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> could play tom? then fuck all will happen
[14:13] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice
[14:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> omg 8
[14:14] [AvA]Stauni> no tom pls
[14:14] 00Shaman> fuck i'm hungover
[14:14] power_OP> tom without trod
[14:14] power_OP> no way
[14:14] 00Shaman> forgot i was logged in
[14:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus> walls phine
[14:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]st_Antivirus + Nici_OP + power_OP vs. 00Shaman + [AvA]Stauni + [GoD]Nici_Jr + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[14:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> all okie?
[14:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ya, if it launches
[14:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> im ok
[14:14] Nici_OP> make me back base
[14:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> me too
[14:14] 00Shaman> ok
[14:14] Nici_OP> never ever been
[14:14] Nici_OP> played this shit like 15 timee
[14:14] [AvA]Stauni> you are lol
[14:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> always b een
[14:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> played good like 14 times
[14:15] [SW]pablo-> ++++++++2
[14:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> oh wait
[14:15] iRespectWomenxD26> ill join in 5-10 mins making sum breakfast
[14:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> wait wait
[14:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> well nvm idc base
[14:15] [GoD]Nici_Jr> u choose
[14:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> al gud with this?
[14:15] power_OP> ja
[14:15] [AvA]st_Antivirus> aye
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> sik
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> okay i clicked launch
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> nice
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> ffs i'll try again
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[14:16] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[14:16] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[14:17] Nici_OP> rip rotationss
[14:17] power_OP> ohh
[14:17] Nici_OP> brb need take a dump
[14:17] Nici_OP> kuick one
[14:17] [AvA]st_Antivirus> take ur time
[14:17] power_OP> what happend q
[14:17] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup pharaoh
[14:17] Nici_OP> ill bring u scent
[14:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> sup fried rice
[14:17] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :ohyes:
[14:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> fried toast*
[14:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> who was fried rice?
[14:18] [SW]Fried_Rice> me
[14:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> oh yeahh lol
[14:19] Romerz in
[14:20] Nici> I'm coming
[14:20] Nici> Last shit ball
[14:20] Nici> Just dropped
[14:20] Nici> Flushing it now
[14:20] Nici> Heard it?
[14:20] [SW]Fried_Rice> wow
[14:20] Nici> Loo
[14:20] Nici> Ayyy
[14:20] HowToBe_OP> :monkagun:
[14:20] Nici> I'M COMINIG
[14:22] Joseph_OP> Want to PP?
[14:22] Joseph_OP> ygg i mean
[14:26] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[14:28] iRespectWomenxD26> welp pablo ingame
[14:29] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[14:29] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[14:29] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[14:35] Mr_Spock in
[14:35] Mr_Spock> is nici still gay?
[14:35] Mr_Spock> yep
[14:36] Mr_Spock> is banca still a bianc-ole
[14:36] Mr_Spock> yep
[14:36] Mr_Spock> so nothings changed
[14:37] Mr_Spock out
[14:38] poos out
[14:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> yo spock what's up?
[14:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> let's do a good-ol' sess game
[14:39] iRespectWomenxD26> woah his typing has improved
[14:39] iRespectWomenxD26> hes gone already
[14:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[14:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> what is bianc-ole?
[14:40] iRespectWomenxD26> idk something between them
[14:40] iRespectWomenxD26> something prolly super hot n sexual no doubt
[14:40] [AvA]Pharaoh> mmm :kekw:
[14:45] [SW]Fried_Rice> +2
[14:45] DoctorHax in
[14:46] T-Rod in
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:49] Kay> gg all
[14:49] RessurectioN_TAS> gg
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> they almost killed me
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[14:49] Kay> ouch just a little bit again
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> that was called "sacrifice"
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> so kayin
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> how was spike
[14:50] Kay> im fine, no spike :o
[14:50] Kay> very smooth whole game
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> so third is fine
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> i should have played this one our last match too
[14:50] Kay> ya u should keep playing with this one
[14:51] Kay> ya xD
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> nah kayin, it depends on the timing
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> all of it
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> somethimes this one lags too
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> we never know which one is good
[14:51] Kay> u get vey weird network
[14:51] Kay> lol
[14:51] [tsi]avril_lavigne out
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> no i don't
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> it's just crowded randomly
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> which isp is laggy
[14:52] Zero_Eclipse in
[14:53] Kay> depens on what ur neighbor watching :o
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> ye eastern area
[14:53] Deists out
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> touchpad had touchpad lights
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> his lights were going other place
[14:53] Hungaro in
[14:54] Zpektrix_TAS> like casting on ms followers
[14:54] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[14:55] TristanFR in
[14:57] Tej in
[14:58] TristanFR out
[15:00] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[15:02] Tej> Hello Everybody
[15:02] xtro out
[15:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> Hello Tej
[15:02] [TSI]Frizart> ggwp
[15:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> what's up?
[15:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> oh you're old player from 2012
[15:03] Tej> well, its my first time here in the chat and online game. Yeah...i signed up long time back but couldn't connect to the game.
[15:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohhh
[15:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> and now you can?
[15:03] Tej> I have been a dummy player online, but would really like to play now.
[15:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> what is a dummy player online?
[15:03] Tej> atleast I can chat....can't say about online game.
[15:03] Mammy_Tas in
[15:04] Mammy_Tas> :Heyguyz: :tree1:
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh
[15:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[15:04] Tej> dummy ....i wanted to say....one who is just a dummy....doesn't do the real thing...ha ha...
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahah
[15:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah it's hard start with playing people with lower ranks like wildies
[15:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> gg wp
[15:05] Tej> I have finished the original game: Pop3 The Beginning...and Extension pack - Undiscovered World
[15:05] Mammy_Tas> Nice :D
[15:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> awesome
[15:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> multiplayer is a bit different cause we use different tricks and bugs hahah
[15:06] Mammy_Tas> and the pace is faster :P
[15:06] Tej> Love this game....can't wait to try out multiplayer. When I bought the CD of the game, I was thrilled to know that we could play with real humans online....
[15:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah it's so exciting
[15:06] onePointZeroThree in
[15:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> and u never get tired of it haha
[15:07] Tej> Back then, there was almost 0 internet reach in my country.
[15:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> what country is that?
[15:07] Mammy_Tas> Where you from :o?
[15:07] Zero_Eclipse out
[15:07] Tej> India....It was around 2001-2...
[15:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh haha
[15:08] Mammy_Tas> I see.
[15:08] Kay> Tej
[15:08] Kay> u got a fd
[15:08] Kay> also indian
[15:08] Kay> he is active recently
[15:08] Zpektrix_TAS> danny kayin
[15:08] Zpektrix_TAS> come
[15:08] Zpektrix_TAS> +D
[15:08] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[15:08] Kay> u can play with him for prartice
[15:09] Kay> im eating xD
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS> eat them too
[15:09] Zpektrix_TAS> :oo
[15:09] Kay> danny join them
[15:09] iRespectWomenxD26> not a lot of indians left
[15:09] Tej> sure....but how to join?
[15:09] [SW]pablo- out
[15:09] iRespectWomenxD26> didnt redfort n onkar die
[15:09] power_OP> +4
[15:09] [SW]Fried_Rice> +2 any time
[15:09] iRespectWomenxD26> bigbang idk where the fhk hes at
[15:09] Kay> yea sad to hear this
[15:09] Kay> omkar :'(
[15:10] [AvA]st_Antivirus> kok :kekw:
[15:10] Tej> Ok, so I am showing in Game 4 on the left...
[15:10] Mammy_Tas> That is accually a dutch word :P
[15:10] Tej> Does that mean I am waiting for 3 more players to join and start the game?
[15:10] TristanFR in
[15:10] iRespectWomenxD26> yup tragedy
[15:11] Mr_Ridiculous> join Tristan
[15:11] power_OP> yes tej
[15:11] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[15:11] Mr_Ridiculous> :+1:
[15:11] power_OP> +2
[15:11] power_OP> nice rank Ossur
[15:11] Zpektrix_TAS> ok mammy
[15:11] Zpektrix_TAS> i didn't know you were on
[15:11] Zpektrix_TAS> come
[15:11] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[15:11] [AvA]st_Antivirus> join mammy
[15:11] Mammy_Tas> Hi :tsuyoshi:
[15:11] Tej> Well, last time I joined couple of huts and was kicked out...ha ha....
[15:12] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> get better then
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> tej
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> train yourself
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> this is a sports game here
[15:12] power_OP> play with same ranks first to improve
[15:12] Tej> don't want to barge into any of huts without knowing....
[15:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> play with poos
[15:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> tej just double click on any spot under a host like Mr_Ridiculous maybe he'd 1v1 u
[15:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> he is indian too
[15:12] [SW]Fried_Rice> can we get a plus 2
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> lnah
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> he won't play properly
[15:13] Joseph_OP> you can join here Tej
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> join joseph
[15:13] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> he is noob enough for you
[15:13] power_OP> nova what about 4v4?
[15:13] Joseph_OP> This game is just not my life like sad tsu
[15:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh can do
[15:13] power_OP> thx mate
[15:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus> push no fs?
[15:14] Mammy_Tas> dead sea is the map of the day :ohyes: :heheboi:
[15:14] power_OP> bad mao
[15:14] power_OP> map
[15:14] Kay> lol mammy
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS> lol mammy
[15:14] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekg:
[15:14] [AvA]Novaharvest> dead sea it is
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS> it's mammy's day
[15:14] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[15:14] [AvA]Pharaoh> ofc it's not a 4v4 map..
[15:14] Mammy_Tas> :D
[15:14] Kay> ur favourite xD
[15:14] power_OP> hopefully not
[15:15] power_OP> omg
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> 8p
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> here we go
[15:15] power_OP> please dont
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> 3
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> 2
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> 1
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> jk
[15:15] Nici_OP> this map is...
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> push ok?
[15:15] power_OP> yeah
[15:15] power_OP> nice map
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> AvA]Novaharvest + Zpektrix_TAS + Mammy_Tas + power_OP vs. [AvA]st_Antivirus + TristanFR + [AvA]Pharaoh + Nici_OP
[15:15] Nici_OP> lol..
[15:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> probs okay
[15:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> tbh
[15:16] Nici_OP> seems !best is inaccurat
[15:16] Nici_OP> inaccurate
[15:16] Nici_OP> give us poer and take avast or tristan
[15:16] Tej> I am clicking "join" but it ain't doing anything?
[15:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> i think this is probably fair, you pretty much always win haha
[15:17] Nici_OP> not true
[15:17] Joseph_OP> thats odd
[15:17] Kay> its fine
[15:17] Tej> Maybe I am already showing in Game4, but I tried exiting from that hut.
[15:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> Tej it should work. That's odd
[15:17] Kay> click one more time
[15:17] Joseph_OP> try now
[15:17] [AvA]Novaharvest> what do others think?
[15:17] Nici_OP> and basing a victory rate phrom 2v2 on a 4vs4 is pretty biased..
[15:17] [AvA]st_Antivirus> could change some players ye
[15:17] Mammy_Tas> Any teams
[15:17] Joseph_OP> leave hut maybe?
[15:17] Nici_OP> I just ant a balanced match up
[15:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> or try to close matchmaker and reopen
[15:18] [AvA]Novaharvest> okay
[15:18] Tej> trying...logging out
[15:18] Nici_OP> plus pc lags late game
[15:18] Tej out
[15:18] Nici_OP> so ye
[15:18] power_OP> mammy
[15:18] power_OP> wanna big land?
[15:18] Mammy_Tas> sure :o
[15:18] HowToBe_OP> :o
[15:18] power_OP> can you cahnge nova
[15:18] power_OP> change
[15:18] Tej in
[15:19] [AvA]Novaharvest> is that okay?
[15:19] [AvA]Novaharvest> i did a swap around
[15:19] Nici_OP> set me at back
[15:19] Nici_OP> :plead:
[15:19] [AvA]Novaharvest> okie
[15:19] power_OP> no mammy gone
[15:19] power_OP> what
[15:19] Nici_OP> eakest player should be phront
[15:19] Nici_OP> on team *
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[15:19] Mammy_Tas> I am here
[15:19] onePointZeroThree> nice 4v4 game m8s
[15:19] power_OP> thx 1.30
[15:20] power_OP> 1.03
[15:20] [AvA]st_Antivirus> nice 1.03
[15:20] onePointZeroThree> >:(
[15:20] onePointZeroThree> phuckkkkkk
[15:20] [AvA]st_Antivirus> D:
[15:20] onePointZeroThree> :O
[15:20] onePointZeroThree> :wtf:
[15:21] Mammy_Tas> :mammy:
[15:21] Mammy_Tas> not again...
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> do !update
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> before joining
[15:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :afk:
[15:21] Mammy_Tas> ok...
[15:21] Mammy_Tas out
[15:21] Mammy_Tas in
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> and also run pop as admin
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> popmm
[15:22] Tej> Never played populous online. But did try a few sessions of Counter strike.
[15:22] Joseph_OP> :what:
[15:23] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[15:23] poos in
[15:23] Joseph_OP> poos come
[15:24] poos> 1.01R
[15:24] poos> DUDE
[15:24] Kay> 2 fds meet
[15:24] Joseph_OP> tej get a ping
[15:24] poos> CHANGE
[15:24] Kay> poos
[15:24] Kay> tej is ur fd
[15:24] poos> YES
[15:24] Kay> also from india
[15:24] Joseph_OP> Oh i didnt know poos was Biggy
[15:24] Kay> lol
[15:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[15:25] Joseph_OP> Tej
[15:25] Joseph_OP> try to relog
[15:25] Joseph_OP> you dont have a ping so we cant launch until you get one
[15:26] Joseph_OP> poos can you host Tej?
[15:26] Joseph_OP> or ossur
[15:27] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[15:27] Mr_Ridiculous> im getting un - rusty
[15:27] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[15:28] Joseph_OP> yea nice haha
[15:28] Mr_Ridiculous> still warriors give me a challenge still
[15:28] Mr_Ridiculous> im just barel a priest
[15:28] Corrupt in
[15:28] Mr_Ridiculous> y
[15:29] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh finally +1
[15:29] Joseph_OP> still nice
[15:29] Joseph_OP> i've never been truly priest :P
[15:29] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[15:29] Mr_Ridiculous> im good
[15:30] Mr_Ridiculous> still warriors give me a challenge
[15:30] Joseph_OP> get good war then 6 month break
[15:30] Joseph_OP> 4 year break
[15:30] Joseph_OP> never know
[15:30] RessurectioN_TAS in
[15:30] Mr_Ridiculous> My shaman skills are ubr
[15:30] Mr_Ridiculous> im good dodging
[15:30] Joseph_OP> shaman is my weakness
[15:31] Mr_Ridiculous> for starters, just aim at shaman when you predict he will stop moving
[15:31] Mr_Ridiculous> thats what pros do
[15:31] Mr_Ridiculous> its the best tactic
[15:31] Joseph_OP> oh i know all the tricks and stuff
[15:31] Joseph_OP> just dont do them well lmao
[15:32] Mr_Ridiculous> Tej
[15:32] Joseph_OP> hey OO
[15:32] 00Shaman> yooo
[15:32] Mr_Ridiculous> you need to port test
[15:32] Mr_Ridiculous> go to network settings,
[15:32] Mr_Ridiculous> and click on port test
[15:33] Mr_Ridiculous> mm
[15:33] Joseph_OP> map guys?
[15:33] Mr_Ridiculous> go to settings
[15:33] Mr_Ridiculous> pp
[15:33] Mr_Ridiculous> then go to network settings in mm
[15:33] Mr_Ridiculous> it should be straight forward
[15:33] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[15:34] [AsG]Drummerdude48> Anyone seen Carbine?
[15:34] Joseph_OP> was on earlier
[15:34] BrokenWings in
[15:34] [AsG]Drummerdude48> just woke up. 830am here
[15:34] [AsG]Drummerdude48> fingers crossed we nail these tourney games today
[15:35] xtro in
[15:36] poos> +1
[15:37] inScienceWeTrust_TSI out
[15:38] inScienceWeTrust_TSI in
[15:41] karlijn in
[15:44] karlijn out
[15:44] karlijn in
[15:45] BrokenWings> poos fix your stuff
[15:45] poos> OK
[15:45] poos> I WAN TOT PLAY
[15:45] poos> DUDE
[15:45] poos> ANYONE LET ME IN
[15:45] poos> PLEASE
[15:45] BrokenWings> come
[15:45] RessurectioN_TAS out
[15:45] iRespectWomenxD26> yo
[15:45] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map yall?
[15:46] poos in
[15:46] poos> COMING
[15:46] bockwurstlaune> any fine with me
[15:46] T-Rod> any is ok
[15:46] poos out
[15:46] T-Rod> craters?
[15:46] karlijn out
[15:47] iRespectWomenxD26> cr8s?
[15:47] iRespectWomenxD26> these guyz up for it?
[15:47] T-Rod> what abt walls
[15:47] T-Rod> everyone likes it
[15:47] T-Rod> ;)
[15:48] iRespectWomenxD26> lol anything fine with me which one them do u want?
[15:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> FINALLY
[15:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> A GAME
[15:48] poos> ANYONE INDIA
[15:48] T-Rod> bella map?
[15:48] poos> ANYONE FROM INDIA
[15:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> sess, pp, 4walls, 4way
[15:48] BrokenWings> loool
[15:48] iRespectWomenxD26> just u n tej from the looks poos
[15:48] [SW]Fried_Rice> , etc.
[15:49] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> is bock here?
[15:49] T-Rod> koopa lets roll walls
[15:49] bockwurstlaune> yes
[15:49] iRespectWomenxD26> k wut teams?
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> he's here
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> ets go
[15:49] bockwurstlaune> sure i am
[15:49] T-Rod> evo or tvb
[15:49] T-Rod> u can random em
[15:49] bockwurstlaune> lets do random walls or pp
[15:49] bockwurstlaune> :P
[15:49] iRespectWomenxD26> host it trod
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> i havent waited this long
[15:49] [SW]Fried_Rice> to do ivo
[15:50] Hungaro> hi
[15:50] Hungaro> temas / map?
[15:50] BrokenWings> hey
[15:50] poos> CHANGE TO 1.01 HUNGARO
[15:50] poos> PLEASE
[15:50] BrokenWings> 4 walls
[15:50] poos> I CANT PLAY 1.5 BETA
[15:50] Hungaro> I dont play 1.0 sorry
[15:50] poos> PLEASE CHANGE IT TO 1.01
[15:50] vaccinated_OP> jesus poos is probably more annoying than lucita gorda ever was
[15:50] BrokenWings> :o
[15:52] [TSI]Frizart> i cant play in 1.5
[15:52] xtro> ?
[15:52] Hungaro> I cant play 1.0
[15:53] poos> SOORY I DIDN'T ANNOY
[15:53] BrokenWings> come
[15:53] poos> YOU ALL
[15:56] vaccinated_OP> Signups for the Invisible Cup will be ending on June 24th! The clock is ticking. Will you be ready for the unseen!? Signup here: https://www.popre.net/tournaments.php#tid_30 Official Tourney Thread: https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/populous-the-invisible-cup-t11886.html
[15:56] poos in
[15:56] poos out
[15:57] poos> GUYS JOIN GAME2
[15:59] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[16:02] [AsG]Ahmed in
[16:02] Tej> Does anyone know the Port nos. to be used for Populous online? TCP, UDP
[16:03] [GoD]Nici_Jr> 7575 udp
[16:04] [GoD]Nici_Jr> unfortunately not 6969
[16:05] [AsG]Ahmed> they missed the chance for greatness
[16:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lool
[16:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yo ahmed
[16:05] [AsG]Ahmed> yooo mate
[16:05] [AsG]Ahmed> playin soon?
[16:05] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yes
[16:05] Tej> Thanks, just googled it...
[16:05] Tej> trying this in my router now.
[16:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> yeye gogog hurry hurry
[16:06] [GoD]Nici_Jr> you gonna play the best game of this world
[16:06] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[16:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> but u will need to play noobs first
[16:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> to rank up+
[16:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> and not getting kicked by pros
[16:07] [GoD]Nici_Jr> :nice:
[16:07] [SW]chapo in
[16:07] [AsG]Ahmed> i would suggest play nici first
[16:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[16:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_c2df69c6d3454b62a534cc71c32afbae~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_287,h_320,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/b7a403_c2df69c6d3454b62a534cc71c32afbae~mv2.webp
[16:08] [GoD]Nici_Jr> rofl ahmed
[16:09] [AsG]Ahmed> LOL
[16:09] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> ^loool
[16:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_54db6a9a722c43afa522ee7e92f8e1d5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_391,h_367,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/b7a403_54db6a9a722c43afa522ee7e92f8e1d5~mv2.webp
[16:09] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lmfao
[16:09] [AsG]Ahmed> hahahahahaha
[16:10] [GoD]Nici_Jr> loool
[16:10] [AsG]Ahmed> thats a true pop player
[16:11] [rw]karma> +1
[16:11] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[16:11] [TDM]Tundar out
[16:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr in
[16:13] [GoD]Nici_Jr> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_89ff1c58df9d41c89c6cff815f09f048~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_465,h_368,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/b7a403_89ff1c58df9d41c89c6cff815f09f048~mv2.webp
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar out
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar out
[16:14] [GoD]Nici_Jr> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_3934f378aebc430cbe2c20bbf4808d11~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_424,h_480,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/b7a403_3934f378aebc430cbe2c20bbf4808d11~mv2.webp
[16:14] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:14] power_OP> what a game
[16:14] [TDM]Tundar out
[16:15] power_OP out
[16:16] Nici_OP out
[16:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b7a403_133dc82ade434e56a1048b891824d559~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_480,h_310,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/b7a403_133dc82ade434e56a1048b891824d559~mv2.webp
[16:16] [GoD]Nici_Jr> lool
[16:17] Nici> Lagged out
[16:17] Nici> Yea gg
[16:17] Nici> Told you nova, it's a 4vs4
[16:17] Nici> Too bad Tristan doesn't type
[16:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[16:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> sry i sucked
[16:18] Nici> Doesn't listen either
[16:18] onePointZeroThree> that map was giving me anxiety just by spectating
[16:18] Nici> Fucking tripling lol
[16:18] Nici_OP in
[16:18] Tej out
[16:18] Tej in
[16:19] [TDM]Tundar> Any reason the latest pop mm won't load ?
[16:19] [TDM]Tundar> I can't open the god damn thing
[16:19] TristanFR out
[16:19] Nici_OP> gg
[16:19] Nici_OP> not sure tundar
[16:19] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gg
[16:20] IncaWarrior> There haven't really been any changes lately
[16:20] DoctorHax out
[16:21] [AvA]st_Antivirus out
[16:21] [TDM]Tundar> any support? :/
[16:21] Nici_OP> you kno that loer right corner
[16:21] [TDM]Tundar> I have rebuilt my pc so many times recently
[16:22] Nici_OP> you need to click the icon
[16:22] [TDM]Tundar> And I'm finally happy with it
[16:22] [TDM]Tundar> .d;sfgv,
[16:22] Nici_OP> click icon
[16:22] Nici_OP> both right and lepht click
[16:22] Nici_OP> mm doesn't open phor me either
[16:22] [TDM]Tundar> ;/
[16:22] Nici_OP> just close all matchmaker.exe processes and open phrom scratch
[16:22] Nici_OP> I guess
[16:23] [D]Nightfury in
[16:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> phew gg
[16:24] T-Rod> gg wp
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> warns when hes already 1 lb aaway from my bak
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> very cool ally
[16:24] [GoD]Nici_Jr out
[16:25] [SW]Fried_Rice> rm?
[16:25] Spinnifix in
[16:25] onePointZeroThree> nice nickname
[16:25] onePointZeroThree> m8
[16:25] Spinnifix> thank you
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> lololololol
[16:25] onePointZeroThree> :b
[16:25] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:25] Spinnifix> loool
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> spin disputed
[16:25] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> his new nick
[16:25] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> ok lets swap teams
[16:26] vaccinated_OP> turkey gonna lose 0-2
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> me and koops
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> no shit maps
[16:26] bockwurstlaune> ok
[16:26] T-Rod> k
[16:26] T-Rod> map wishes?
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> sess n the 1 pathd maps
[16:26] vaccinated_OP> PP trod
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> sure sess
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> oh
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> no sess
[16:26] T-Rod> lol
[16:26] Spinnifix out
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> lmao
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> pp?
[16:26] T-Rod> can do if u wish
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[16:26] Aldwych in
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> first pp in months
[16:26] [SW]Fried_Rice> but i love it
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> spin
[16:27] vaccinated_OP> koopa stream
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> nici_jr was not ok for you
[16:27] vaccinated_OP> trod stream
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> unfortunately
[16:27] vaccinated_OP> bock bella stream
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> willst du mich verarschen trod stream lol
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> willst du dass meine augen wehtun oder was ist hier los im gelende
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> ja
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> beste
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> na danke
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> stream gucken
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> was für ein gewinn gewinn denkender mensch
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> und über skill lachen
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok da ist was dran
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> danach augen auskratzen
[16:28] vaccinated_OP> xD
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> den nerv absch neiden
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[16:28] amnesia in
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> wir sind hier nicht bei theync dot com
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> miki
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> when are you going to change your nick to freeza
[16:29] amnesia> to what ?
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> you abused your freezing skills on me
[16:29] onePointZeroThree> going to get vaccinated, hope i don't die :)
[16:29] Nici_OP> pedophile
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> change your nick to freeza :D
[16:29] Nici_OP> good luck kosjak
[16:29] Nici_OP> :)
[16:29] vaccinated_OP> god the 20 fps gameplay in 1.03 gives me headache
[16:29] Nici_OP> maybe vaccine has lb phix
[16:29] Mammy_Tas> Good luck Kos kos :)
[16:29] Nici_OP> :)
[16:29] vaccinated_OP> moving camera = lag :clown:
[16:29] onePointZeroThree> ty so many good lucks it is really scary to die
[16:29] Nici_OP> hen is popre taking vaccine to phix lb
[16:29] Nici_OP> never
[16:30] Nici_OP> gonna take longer than covid
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> noobs
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> with pubes
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> :(
[16:30] vaccinated_OP> lb is fixed :clownparty:
[16:30] Nici_OP> you managed it tundar
[16:30] vaccinated_OP> kosjak add clownparty pls
[16:30] Nici_OP> congrats
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar out
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> jake
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> ffs
[16:30] onePointZeroThree> i am not emoji manager
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> jake
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> you playing later?
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> maybe?
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> good
[16:30] [TDM]Tundar> if there's a game yes
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> ofc
[16:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> dw i got this shit under control
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> no more light spam at 3 min?
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> niceee
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> who wants to see a koopa pro eq?
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> dont need light
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> to own u bro
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> u do
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> :*
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> u do..
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> :)
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok lets 1v1
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> :)
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> no
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> https://i.gyazo.com/312aca4763272d614918eb563f548f11.png
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> u use to many lights
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> xD
[16:31] vaccinated_OP> :kekclown:
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> not up for orange warrior 1 vs 1
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> :>
[16:31] onePointZeroThree> koopa has 4 huts
[16:31] onePointZeroThree> while every one else 10
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> but above as you can see, i said i will not use lights
[16:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> so . .
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> u can't win without lights
[16:31] [TDM]Tundar> i just spam towers
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> what ever
[16:32] [TDM]Tundar> and it's too op for no lights
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> use bees
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> lol 1.03 is so fucked for me
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> yellow spell icons appear as white
[16:32] [TDM]Tundar> lol bees
[16:32] vaccinated_OP> and its white on minimap too
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets 1v1 i will not use lights
[16:32] onePointZeroThree> wow hating 1.03
[16:32] Mr_Ridiculous out
[16:32] [TDM]Tundar> hm it would not be easy for you
[16:32] onePointZeroThree> 1.03 has proper lbs :fu:
[16:32] [TDM]Tundar> but i still prefer 2v2
[16:32] Mr_Ridiculous in
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dont carte losing winning
[16:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> okay then
[16:32] Mr_Ridiculous> shaman00
[16:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> a la carte
[16:33] Mr_Ridiculous> you did well
[16:33] Mr_Ridiculous> but the doubling...
[16:33] vaccinated_OP> https://gyazo.com/21a0ef1bf65aa86f297bb103aa7d73d3
[16:33] vaccinated_OP> nice game
[16:33] 00Shaman> gg
[16:33] Joseph_OP> Ossur shush with the ddoubling
[16:33] onePointZeroThree> loooooooool
[16:33] Joseph_OP> it was a ffa
[16:33] 00Shaman> thanks rediculous
[16:33] Joseph_OP> and you doubled me first :what:
[16:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> s owait
[16:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> rod is winning that one
[16:34] Joseph_OP> we both should have doubled red tbh
[16:34] Joseph_OP> but you kept attacking me lol
[16:35] [AsG]Ahmed> ??
[16:35] [AsG]Ahmed> game crashed
[16:35] Joseph_OP> actually nvm
[16:35] vaccinated_OP> jesus bella has no defence and bock eqs towers
[16:35] Joseph_OP> doubling me was good
[16:35] vaccinated_OP> :clown:
[16:35] Joseph_OP> didnt realize i had such high pop lol
[16:35] xtro out
[16:35] [AsG]Ahmed> was it only me?
[16:35] [rw]karma> y
[16:35] [TSI]Frizart> y
[16:36] [AsG]Ahmed> :/
[16:36] [AsG]Ahmed> i casted lb and the whole game crashed
[16:36] [AsG]Ahmed> Lb of death
[16:36] Nici_OP> I blame inca at this rate
[16:36] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Aldwych vs. Nici_OP + Hungaro + amnesia
[16:36] [AsG]Ahmed> agreed
[16:37] Nici_OP> you can put aldych on my team
[16:37] onePointZeroThree> nice lbs m8s
[16:37] Nici_OP> it's better
[16:37] amnesia> lol @ best teams
[16:37] Nici_OP> ya it's inaccurate
[16:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> swap with amnesia you mean?
[16:37] amnesia> yes
[16:37] Nici_OP> yes
[16:37] amnesia> me vs nici
[16:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> :D
[16:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> can do
[16:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> haha
[16:37] Nici_OP> , !best is phucked bro
[16:37] Nici_OP> just like LB
[16:37] Joseph_OP> no pp this time unless its real game
[16:38] redfire in
[16:38] Nici_OP> it only looks at mu I assume
[16:38] onePointZeroThree> mooooo
[16:38] Joseph_OP> map?
[16:38] onePointZeroThree> mophafaka
[16:39] 00Shaman> do something chill
[16:39] poos out
[16:39] 00Shaman> not pp again lol
[16:39] Joseph_OP> such as..
[16:39] Joseph_OP> xD
[16:39] 00Shaman> idk sess or something lol
[16:40] [AvA]Novaharvest> updatin?
[16:40] onePointZeroThree> trod doubling yellow
[16:40] Joseph_OP> se
[16:40] Joseph_OP> sec
[16:40] onePointZeroThree> while green has 0 towers
[16:40] onePointZeroThree> epiC
[16:41] Mr_Ridiculous> go
[16:41] Mr_Ridiculous> DO 4 walls
[16:41] Nici_OP> Corrupt gay :monkas:
[16:41] Corrupt> Nici
[16:41] 00Shaman> ossur we did a level you wanted last game
[16:41] Corrupt> 1v1
[16:41] Corrupt> ez
[16:41] Mr_Ridiculous> ok
[16:41] Mr_Ridiculous> you choose
[16:41] Nici_OP> naaaaaa aint risking it
[16:41] 00Shaman> let's just do sess this time
[16:41] 00Shaman> i always play walls
[16:41] Corrupt> i wanted to join in a 4v4
[16:41] Corrupt> >*
[16:41] Corrupt> :(
[16:42] 00Shaman> Corrupt_Cop_OP
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[16:42] Corrupt> thats a great idea
[16:42] Corrupt> actually
[16:42] 00Shaman> hey look, it's a Wilson
[16:42] Zpektrix_TAS> so sergy
[16:42] Zpektrix_TAS> are you spectatoting
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> DRAGON BUDDY <#
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> <3
[16:42] 00Shaman> lol
[16:42] 00Shaman> sup bro
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> not talkin to you
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> talkin to Nightfury
[16:42] Nici_OP> amnesia
[16:42] [GoD]Rbwilson> but hi 00shaman :)
[16:42] Nici_OP> you aint getting in
[16:42] amnesia> rehost me ?
[16:43] amnesia> try once more
[16:43] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh sorry corrupt, amnesias spot
[16:43] BrokenWings> hey metalurge
[16:43] [AvA]Novaharvest> sorry!
[16:43] Nici_OP> :(
[16:43] Corrupt> :(
[16:43] Corrupt> go 4v4?
[16:43] Nici_OP> make it 8p ?
[16:43] BrokenWings> :-*
[16:43] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh sure if theres an 8th
[16:43] Nici_OP> or you anted to do this map ?
[16:43] [AvA]Novaharvest> dont mind
[16:44] redfire out
[16:44] Nici_OP> let corrupt play
[16:44] Nici_OP> sigh lol
[16:44] [AvA]Novaharvest> haha oh dear
[16:44] Corrupt> sigh
[16:44] [AvA]Novaharvest> idk what to do now
[16:44] Corrupt> aight that was my spot
[16:44] Corrupt> actually
[16:44] Nici_OP> yh
[16:44] Nici_OP> brokenings joined last xD
[16:44] Corrupt> Broken you're in my spot
[16:45] Zero_Eclipse in
[16:45] BrokenWings> no
[16:45] Corrupt> Ty
[16:45] BrokenWings> i was trying to join before you xD
[16:45] Corrupt> Why don't you talk :)
[16:46] Corrupt> Extended to 8p, coulda been us both
[16:46] Nici_OP> corrupt can you discord too ?
[16:46] Corrupt> omw
[16:46] [AsG]Sky- in
[16:46] Nici_OP> popre I think
[16:46] Nici_OP> bastard
[16:46] [AvA]Novaharvest> idk which map hmm
[16:46] [AvA]Novaharvest> can try the other test map?
[16:47] Nici_OP> this one is nice
[16:47] Nici_OP> but any you ant
[16:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh sure
[16:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> you like this one?
[16:47] Nici_OP> yea played it be4
[16:47] Nici_OP> not that hugee at least
[16:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + amnesia + [AvA]Stauni + Corrupt vs. Aldwych + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Hungaro + Nici_OP
[16:47] Nici_OP> aaaaa
[16:47] Nici_OP> put corrupt on my team
[16:48] Nici_OP> gotta ally that gay
[16:48] Corrupt> lmfao
[16:48] Corrupt> or else ur getting nuked
[16:48] [AvA]Novaharvest> swap with who? :D
[16:48] Nici_OP> toruk
[16:48] [AvA]Novaharvest> dunno how good he is
[16:48] KKEngineer in
[16:48] [AvA]Novaharvest> okie
[16:48] Nici_OP> its gonna be an ass hooping
[16:48] Corrupt> :-)
[16:48] Nici_OP> but should be phun
[16:48] [GoD]Rbwilson> Nightfury: HI DRAGON BUDDY
[16:48] [TDM]Tundar> matts younger brother
[16:48] vaccinated_OP> jesus christ koopa is bad at this game
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> :delax:
[16:49] [AsG]Ahmed> what did he do babo
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> too bad to enter a shamanless base 6 times in a row
[16:49] [D]Nightfury> :delax: :blush:
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> even though he casted 4 lbs and has like 15 wars and 5 fws around him
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> unreal
[16:49] [AsG]Ahmed> is he streaming?
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> no i was spectating
[16:49] [AsG]Ahmed> lol
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> i quit when he didnt make it in the 6th time lol
[16:49] [AsG]Ahmed> come ally me here :p
[16:49] vaccinated_OP> football in 10min
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> we need 10
[16:50] vaccinated_OP> also delax prob still mad at me :kekyou:
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> :O
[16:50] Zero_Eclipse out
[16:50] vaccinated_OP> true that
[16:50] [TDM]Tundar> dont be so hard on yourselves
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> haha
[16:50] [TDM]Tundar> you'll easily survive at least 15
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> nah doubt it
[16:50] [AsG]Ahmed> i die fast
[16:50] [TDM]Tundar> ik ik delax 2 cgud
[16:51] [TDM]Tundar> he had the knowledge :o
[16:51] [SW]chapo out
[16:52] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[16:52] [AsG]Ahmed> :P
[16:52] vaccinated_OP> hi vlek
[16:52] [D]Nightfury> I gave it back to you :>
[16:52] amnesia out
[16:52] [AvA]Stauni> broken join
[16:53] amnesia in
[16:53] Nici_OP> aldych
[16:53] Nici_OP> popre room 4vs4
[16:53] Nici_OP> you german köln badass
[16:54] [AsG]Ahmed> Vlek, ur mm is bugged
[16:54] [AsG]Ahmed> relog or something
[16:54] [rw]karma out
[16:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> hmm
[16:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> my pop is updaing
[16:56] TeamPlayer_Blue> one sec
[16:57] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[16:57] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[16:58] [AsG]Ahmed> did u completely close the mm and start it up again?
[16:58] [TDM]Tundar> nice one vlekkie
[16:58] [TDM]Tundar> open as admin
[16:59] 00Shaman> don't know why you're upset joseph it was a normal sess game
[16:59] [TDM]Tundar> sounds boringh
[16:59] Mr_Ridiculous> i dont generally play sess
[17:00] Joseph_OP> not upset
[17:00] Mr_Ridiculous> so im a bit of a beginner there sorry joseph ifi was nub
[17:00] Joseph_OP> cut at start sure
[17:00] 00Shaman> i don't play sess much eather
[17:00] Joseph_OP> but cutting 5 times
[17:00] 00Shaman> either
[17:00] Joseph_OP> when you're allying old pro
[17:00] Joseph_OP> seems silly
[17:00] 00Shaman> i cut once lol
[17:00] Joseph_OP> imo
[17:00] Joseph_OP> thats all
[17:00] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[17:00] Joseph_OP> you did fine ossur
[17:00] Mr_Ridiculous> thx
[17:00] 00Shaman out
[17:01] Zero_Eclipse in
[17:01] 00Shaman in
[17:01] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[17:01] TeamPlayer_Blue> Pff
[17:01] [TDM]Tundar> gl hf
[17:01] TeamPlayer_Blue> Can we try again?
[17:02] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[17:04] [AsG]Ragnj in
[17:04] [AvA]Obduction out
[17:04] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[17:05] KKEngineer out
[17:05] [SW]chapo in
[17:05] KKEngineer in
[17:06] Zero_Eclipse out
[17:07] Zero_Eclipse in
[17:07] [AsG]Sky-> gm Drummer Rag
[17:07] [AsG]Ragnj> yo sky
[17:07] [AsG]Ragnj> hows it hangin
[17:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> its hangin low and free
[17:07] [GoD]Rbwilson> ;)
[17:08] Hersen in
[17:08] [AsG]Sky-> I am awake. not looking forward to work.
[17:08] [AsG]Sky-> yourself?
[17:08] Hersen out
[17:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> srry magician
[17:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> i dont play with quitters
[17:09] [GoD]Rbwilson> waste of my time you are
[17:09] [AsG]Ragnj> you work so you can pay bills for the inernet and play pop
[17:09] [AsG]Ragnj> so its a neccessary evil
[17:10] [SW]Arbrim in
[17:10] power_OP in
[17:10] [GoD]Rbwilson> Arbrimmmmm! <3
[17:10] Zero_Eclipse out
[17:10] Zero_Eclipse in
[17:11] [SW]Arbrim> Hayeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa RBWILSON!7
[17:11] [TSI]Frizart out
[17:11] [SW]Arbrim> how are yooaaaaha?! :D
[17:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> fine nd u
[17:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> :)
[17:11] [SW]Arbrim> fine thanks mate
[17:11] [GoD]Rbwilson> happy fathers day
[17:11] power_OP> Yooooo ARRbbrimmmm
[17:11] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahahahahaha happy to all :D
[17:12] [SW]Arbrim> yay powha!
[17:12] Zero_Eclipse> can anyone tell me what this is>
[17:12] Zero_Eclipse> [60] FAILED: extract file () %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\Populous Reincarnated\updFB9B.tmp - Error reading zip file
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> Ask inca
[17:12] Zero_Eclipse> inca knows nothing
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> If that was the case
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> The matchmaker wouldnt exist
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> :D
[17:12] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> Inca knows more then anyone here
[17:12] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[17:12] [GoD]Rbwilson> to be fair
[17:13] Zero_Eclipse> thats what she said
[17:13] Zero_Eclipse> Try the support channel
[17:13] [AsG]Ragnj out
[17:13] [AsG]Ragnj in
[17:13] [GoD]Rbwilson> She?
[17:13] Zero_Eclipse> he or she
[17:13] Zero_Eclipse> what ever
[17:14] KKEngineer out
[17:14] [SW]Arbrim> ragnj and drummer vs me and wilson?
[17:15] KKEngineer in
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> 1on1
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> and do yggdrasil
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> and switch colours
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> so make me yellow
[17:15] [TSI]Frizart in
[17:15] Joseph_OP> should do sess :kekw:
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> PLS
[17:15] Mr_Ridiculous> DOnt
[17:16] Mr_Ridiculous> sess sucks
[17:16] Mr_Ridiculous> for 1on1
[17:16] Joseph_OP> you can be yellow
[17:16] Mr_Ridiculous> you won last game
[17:16] Mr_Ridiculous> see how this goes
[17:16] warrior in
[17:16] onePointZeroThree out
[17:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> be back soon
[17:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> think gonna take a nap
[17:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> tired af
[17:17] [SW]Arbrim> hahah
[17:17] [SW]Arbrim> sleep tighto
[17:17] Joseph_OP> brb
[17:17] [GoD]Rbwilson> ty <3
[17:18] Medusa_OP in
[17:19] KKEngineer out
[17:20] [AvA]Obduction in
[17:20] [SW]chapo out
[17:21] warrior out
[17:22] power_OP out
[17:22] Mr_Ridiculous> 1on1
[17:22] Mr_Ridiculous> Bianca
[17:22] Medusa_OP> k
[17:23] Zero_Eclipse out
[17:23] power_OP in
[17:24] warrior in
[17:25] Mr_Ridiculous> wait
[17:25] Mr_Ridiculous> :d
[17:25] Mr_Ridiculous> 5 min
[17:25] power_OP> uu bianca vs Ossur
[17:25] power_OP> sup guys btw
[17:25] Medusa_OP> hi power
[17:26] KKEngineer in
[17:26] power_OP> hi bianca sup
[17:27] Medusa_OP> sup
[17:27] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[17:27] Kay out
[17:27] KKEngineer out
[17:27] Medusa_OP> hi :mammy: :)
[17:27] Medusa_OP> wow power
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy the nici killer
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[17:27] Medusa_OP> turkey losing
[17:27] _[AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:27] Joseph_OP> Hi :) :P
[17:27] Joseph_OP> xD
[17:27] power_OP> nahh Turkish football
[17:27] _[AvA]Namechangingftw> hi cuties
[17:27] Mammy_Tas> hi :joseph: :)
[17:27] _[AvA]Namechangingftw out
[17:27] _[AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:27] Mammy_Tas> no emoji yet :o
[17:28] _[AvA]Namechangingftw out
[17:28] Joseph_OP> nah mang
[17:28] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[17:28] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:28] Joseph_OP> not around during the emoji era :kekw;
[17:28] iRespectWomenxD26> wut kinda def was that bella
[17:28] T-Rod> gg
[17:29] iRespectWomenxD26> n she loggd
[17:29] iRespectWomenxD26> saved her ass too many times n for her to die like that
[17:29] [AvA]Novaharvest> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Namechangingftw + Corrupt vs. BrokenWings + Aldwych + Nici_OP
[17:29] [AvA]Novaharvest> or want nici+corrupt again?
[17:30] Corrupt> yes
[17:30] Joseph_OP> hmm
[17:30] [AvA]Namechangingftw> shave your butt every ccouple weeks
[17:30] [AvA]Stauni> corrupt is preacher
[17:30] Joseph_OP> which map guys?
[17:30] Medusa_OP> any :P
[17:30] power_OP> "ANY"
[17:30] power_OP> lol
[17:30] Medusa_OP> xD
[17:30] Medusa_OP> cuz i know
[17:30] Medusa_OP> if i say any
[17:30] Joseph_OP> :shrug:
[17:31] Medusa_OP> its gonna be either sess or 4walls
[17:31] Medusa_OP> lel
[17:31] power_OP> lmfao
[17:31] Joseph_OP> you did call that :P
[17:31] Medusa_OP> haha
[17:31] T-Rod> damn i went down on pop
[17:31] T-Rod> 10 pop left
[17:31] Medusa_OP> :wow:
[17:31] Hersen in
[17:32] Mr_Ridiculous> hey
[17:32] Mr_Ridiculous> hersh
[17:32] Mr_Ridiculous> join
[17:32] Mr_Ridiculous> warrior
[17:32] Mr_Ridiculous> please let hershen in
[17:33] vicpop in
[17:34] Hersen> gj on priest rank
[17:34] vicpop out
[17:35] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[17:35] Nici_OP> : (
[17:35] [AvA]Novaharvest> ;-;
[17:36] [AvA]Novaharvest> fists pop is so fucked
[17:36] [AvA]Novaharvest> :(
[17:36] Nici_OP> alays lagging out xd
[17:36] [tsi]avril_lavigne in
[17:37] vicpop in
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> :ch: vs :tur:
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> :flag_ch::vs:flag_tur:
[17:37] [SW]Arbrim> lol
[17:37] Nici_OP> kick arrior
[17:37] Nici_OP> he is 7 years old
[17:38] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[17:38] [AvA]Novaharvest> thats not the reason lol
[17:38] Corrupt> ;(
[17:38] Nici_OP> lol
[17:38] Nici_OP> I kno ye
[17:38] Nici_OP> he just doesn't talk xD
[17:38] Mr_Ridiculous> hes shy
[17:38] power_OP> ye he doesnt
[17:38] power_OP> tried
[17:38] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[17:39] [AvA]Novaharvest> sure
[17:39] power_OP out
[17:39] [TDM]Tundar out
[17:40] [TDM]Tundar in
[17:41] [TDM]Tundar> im brb smoke
[17:41] [TDM]Tundar out
[17:41] [D]Nightfury> .
[17:42] warrior out
[17:42] [AsG]Ragnj> Anyone got Carbines number, whatsapp of facebook and could ask him if he can come on to play drummern ow?
[17:42] [AsG]Ahmed> i think spin has it
[17:42] [tsi]avril_lavigne> tundar/spin
[17:42] warrior in
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> i do
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> ill call him real quik
[17:44] T-Rod> :pepedoor:
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> n get bak at u with details asap
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> o7
[17:46] Mowgli in
[17:46] Romerz out
[17:47] T-Rod> map wishes
[17:47] Agownik in
[17:47] [SW]Arbrim> pp fo cr walls?
[17:48] iRespectWomenxD26> gotta piss
[17:48] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[17:48] [SW]Arbrim> see yah there iRespectWomenxD26
[17:48] Smarzyk in
[17:49] [SW]Arbrim> i might freeze in first launch
[17:49] [SW]Arbrim> in setup
[17:49] [SW]Arbrim> a gb will fix it
[17:49] T-Rod> plz dont
[17:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:49] [SW]Arbrim> hahaha, cant fix it
[17:49] T-Rod> plz man
[17:49] T-Rod> ;)
[17:49] Aldwych> +1
[17:50] T-Rod> just a sec
[17:50] Corrupt> T-Rod
[17:51] iRespectWomenxD26> k
[17:51] iRespectWomenxD26> bak
[17:51] [SW]Arbrim> back too, but didnt see you
[17:52] T-Rod> Hi Corrupt
[17:52] T-Rod> launch in 1 min
[17:52] iRespectWomenxD26> wut we doing?
[17:52] [SW]Arbrim> idk
[17:52] [SW]Arbrim> justt wrote t rod
[17:52] T-Rod> finishin this pizza slice
[17:52] [SW]Arbrim> ready? ;ooo
[17:52] Corrupt> :D
[17:53] T-Rod> ummummumm
[17:53] [SW]Arbrim> re-bon apetit
[17:53] T-Rod> mummumm
[17:53] Corrupt> what was the 1v7 map called again
[17:53] [SW]Arbrim> told me hours ago, but dindt know you still eating :P
[17:53] T-Rod> haha
[17:53] [AsG]Sky- out
[17:53] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha!
[17:53] T-Rod> ok done
[17:53] [SW]Arbrim> swiss
[17:53] [SW]Arbrim> plaiyng vs turkey
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> frozsne
[17:54] T-Rod> plz no more freezing
[17:54] T-Rod> :nice:
[17:54] [AvA]Novaharvest> is this okay?
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> dont quit wait me in setup
[17:54] [AvA]Novaharvest> teams wise
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> best case in 5 secs
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> worst in 1 min
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> keeps lat tabing
[17:54] [SW]Arbrim> alt
[17:55] vicpop out
[17:56] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[17:56] Mr_Ridiculous> wp
[17:57] Mowgli out
[17:59] BrokenWings> colors fodidas
[17:59] Nici_OP> kjgspok+jkgspjksgj
[17:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> what happened there lol?
[17:59] BrokenWings> cores fodidas
[17:59] Nici_OP> his colors phkd
[17:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> huh?
[18:00] BrokenWings> nvm
[18:00] Nici_OP> his colors phucked
[18:00] Nici_OP> arrior go play tsuyoshi
[18:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> orly? did i set the wrong colours?
[18:00] Nici_OP> no
[18:00] Nici_OP> his graphics
[18:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> AHH
[18:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> i see
[18:01] BrokenWings> i was playing rsident evil when you launched
[18:01] Nici_OP> ahh
[18:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> lol
[18:01] Nici_OP> agora dá ?
[18:01] BrokenWings> maybe pop got conflit
[18:01] BrokenWings> sim
[18:01] [AvA]Namechangingftw> tthen ckose it and join
[18:01] BrokenWings> a aprtida esta normal
[18:01] Mr_Ridiculous> warrior you may need to train a bit before facing me yet
[18:01] Medusa_OP> gg
[18:01] Joseph_OP> gg
[18:01] Hungaro> gg wp
[18:01] BrokenWings> go
[18:01] Nici_OP> congrats on your rank ossur
[18:02] Nici_OP> about time
[18:02] Nici_OP> onto shaman brotha
[18:02] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[18:02] Mr_Ridiculous> yes
[18:02] Mr_Ridiculous> i think i may get to shaman like after a year
[18:03] Joseph_OP> yea
[18:04] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[18:04] Mr_Ridiculous> need to work on stuff
[18:04] Mr_Ridiculous> like my shaman dodging
[18:06] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[18:07] Seraph_OP in
[18:07] power_OP in
[18:07] Seraph_OP> @nici
[18:07] Seraph_OP> you suck
[18:07] power_OP> hey Ossur
[18:07] power_OP> nice priest
[18:08] Seraph_OP> hey bianca
[18:08] Medusa_OP> hi :)
[18:08] Joseph_OP> Nice OP
[18:08] power_OP> yeahhh
[18:08] Seraph_OP> sec
[18:08] Medusa_OP> nice clangame
[18:08] power_OP> niceee
[18:08] Seraph_OP> lemem
[18:08] Seraph_OP> get in discord
[18:08] power_OP> seraph how good r u?
[18:08] Seraph_OP> i suck
[18:08] Medusa_OP> they are in popre discord
[18:08] Joseph_OP> hes good
[18:08] Joseph_OP> better than me
[18:08] Mr_Ridiculous> warrior
[18:08] Medusa_OP> lol ofc he is good
[18:08] Mr_Ridiculous> im too good
[18:08] Seraph_OP> im op
[18:08] Medusa_OP> so what map?
[18:08] Mr_Ridiculous> maybe you should try other braves?
[18:08] Medusa_OP> teams?
[18:08] power_OP> Any
[18:08] Joseph_OP> idm maps or teams
[18:08] Medusa_OP> haha
[18:08] Medusa_OP> love you guys
[18:09] Medusa_OP> for that answer
[18:09] Seraph_OP> alright
[18:09] Seraph_OP> which discord
[18:09] Medusa_OP> popre
[18:09] Medusa_OP> there is nici
[18:09] Seraph_OP> nici is playing
[18:09] Medusa_OP> yeh
[18:09] Medusa_OP> i can go op
[18:10] power_OP> huhu pp
[18:10] Medusa_OP> xD
[18:10] Medusa_OP> you said any
[18:10] power_OP> i said yeah
[18:10] Seraph_OP> no pp
[18:10] Seraph_OP> :c
[18:10] power_OP> lol
[18:10] Medusa_OP> haha
[18:10] Medusa_OP> so what map then?
[18:10] power_OP> anyu
[18:10] Medusa_OP> power join discord too?
[18:11] power_OP> naa not now sorry
[18:11] Medusa_OP> fensalir?
[18:12] Medusa_OP> k no reply i count as a yes
[18:12] power_OP> wwwddd
[18:12] Medusa_OP> teams?
[18:12] Medusa_OP> if no reply
[18:12] Medusa_OP> random
[18:12] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[18:13] [SW]Arbrim> crashed
[18:13] T-Rod> gg
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg i think u won i had low pop
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[18:14] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> go pp
[18:14] T-Rod> we just did 1 hour pp
[18:14] T-Rod> lets do other :D
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[18:14] T-Rod> walls?
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> golol
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[18:14] T-Rod> loool
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[18:17] Agownik out
[18:19] Mr_Ridiculous> warrior dont be shy
[18:19] Mr_Ridiculous> talk
[18:22] Agownik in
[18:23] UnKnown_TAS in
[18:23] Tej out
[18:23] [D]Nightfury out
[18:23] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[18:24] Tej in
[18:24] Mr_Ridiculous> its just hard for the first time you chat
[18:24] [GoD]Shogun in
[18:24] Mr_Ridiculous> then you overcome your anxiety
[18:25] Tej out
[18:25] Tej in
[18:25] Tej out
[18:27] Mr_Ridiculous> what happened to weed?
[18:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> quit pop he said
[18:28] Raynsen in
[18:28] Mr_Ridiculous> or he was banned?
[18:28] iRespectWomenxD26> cant get new comp to run pop
[18:28] T-Rod> map?
[18:29] Mr_Ridiculous> warrior
[18:30] Mr_Ridiculous> you need to be confident when you play
[18:30] Mr_Ridiculous> it doesnt matter if you lose
[18:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> wasnt noob map
[18:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> your sides r wide open and vulnerable
[18:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> hard to defend
[18:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> good map
[18:30] [SW]Arbrim> :flag_ch::flag_ch::flag_ch::flag_ch::flag_ch::flag_ch::flag_ch:
[18:30] [SW]Arbrim> SHAQIRI
[18:30] [SW]Arbrim> twice
[18:30] iRespectWomenxD26> oh that map i now it
[18:30] [SW]Arbrim> I wanna his hat trick!
[18:30] iRespectWomenxD26> 4 hills at mid lb
[18:31] iRespectWomenxD26> get marcus ill get nxt
[18:31] T-Rod> this map ok?
[18:31] [SW]Arbrim> fofofofo
[18:31] [SW]Arbrim> fofoofofof
[18:31] [SW]Arbrim> foofofofo foofofofo
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> can do fo
[18:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:37] [TSI]Frizart out
[18:38] [TSI]Frizart in
[18:38] Corrupt> anyone down for some dictator
[18:38] Corrupt> T-Rod?
[18:39] T-Rod> naah
[18:40] Corrupt out
[18:40] Corrupt in
[18:42] warrior out
[18:42] [SW]Arbrim> anyone plays rocket league?|
[18:43] [D]amhyr> yes
[18:43] Corrupt> noi
[18:43] Corrupt> no
[18:43] Mr_Ridiculous> no
[18:43] [SW]Arbrim> and has time to play now?
[18:43] Corrupt> onloy populous
[18:43] [SW]Arbrim> with meh?
[18:43] Corrupt> only
[18:43] [ava]Savas in
[18:43] [SW]Arbrim> populous > is the best! :D
[18:43] Mr_Ridiculous> eah corrupt thats the spriit
[18:43] [D]amhyr> :peped:
[18:43] [SW]Arbrim> hahah!!
[18:43] Mr_Ridiculous> pop is the best
[18:43] Mr_Ridiculous> alot of unused map although
[18:43] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: POP IS DA BOMB
[18:43] [SW]Arbrim> yeap :/
[18:43] Mr_Ridiculous> like 1000 maps and people only play like 6 of them
[18:43] warrior in
[18:43] Corrupt> ive been playing populous only since 1997
[18:43] Corrupt> its the bomb
[18:44] [D]amhyr> me since 1989
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> thats when i was born Corrupt :D
[18:44] Corrupt> 1998
[18:44] Corrupt> *
[18:44] Corrupt> sick
[18:44] Mr_Ridiculous> i was born in 1998
[18:44] Mr_Ridiculous> sick
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> as hshit :P
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> I wanted to have my bday as pop
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> anyways
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> :P
[18:44] Mr_Ridiculous> 1988 i mean
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> now u have it
[18:44] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[18:44] warrior out
[18:44] [SW]Arbrim> o.O hahahhahahaha
[18:45] [SW]Arbrim> makes sense
[18:45] Mr_Ridiculous> ahahhah
[18:45] [D]amhyr> istarted playing populous before my dad was born
[18:45] [SW]Arbrim> seems u had to be 10 yr old to realise pop
[18:45] [SW]Arbrim> while me probably less!! :D
[18:45] Mr_Ridiculous> i was 11 when i started
[18:45] [SW]Arbrim> aha :)
[18:45] [ava]Savas out
[18:45] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:46] Mr_Ridiculous> now im old scruffy 33 year old guys
[18:46] [ava]Savas in
[18:46] Mr_Ridiculous> guy*
[18:46] [SW]Arbrim> nah
[18:46] [SW]Arbrim> 33 and old? nah cant agree at all
[18:46] [SW]Arbrim> 79+ maybe then
[18:46] warrior in
[18:46] Mr_Ridiculous> i think 20-30 = young
[18:46] Mr_Ridiculous> 30-50 old
[18:46] [SW]Arbrim> 30-50 is mature
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> :P
[18:47] BrokenWings> hey ossur :-*
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> 10-20 xhild
[18:47] [ava]Savas out
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> 0 - 10 baby
[18:47] iRespectWomenxD26> 33? dang ur almost dead
[18:47] Mr_Ridiculous> when i watch porn its usually 25 year to 40 year old
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> ey gentelman
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> join here
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha
[18:47] [SW]Arbrim> is pop > than it
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> ?
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> no
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> hmmm traitor.
[18:48] Mr_Ridiculous> pop is the best
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> k pop > than it
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp ez
[18:48] Corrupt> ezClap
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> if you ..... clap your hands
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> if youre happy and you know it clap your hands
[18:48] [SW]Arbrim> CLAP CLAP
[18:49] T-Rod> :clap:
[18:49] Corrupt> go play rocket league mr.casual
[18:50] [SW]Arbrim> no
[18:50] [SW]Arbrim> theres no shaman rank :/
[18:50] [SW]Arbrim> fhk im not shaman
[18:51] [ava]Savas in
[18:53] Coruscater_OP in
[18:54] onePointZeroThree in
[18:54] [ava]Savas out
[18:54] [ava]Savas in
[18:55] Coruscater_OP> where be tundar
[18:55] Nici_OP> i'll msg him m8
[18:55] onePointZeroThree> :cringe:
[18:56] Nici_OP> sup chorus :D
[18:56] Coruscater_OP> Want, tundar blood, rawr
[18:56] Nici_OP> rape him
[18:56] Nici_OP> : @
[18:56] Coruscater_OP> did you see stats of our first game?
[18:57] Coruscater_OP> Rali thought I had him for 40 minutes..... I couldnt finish it though and he pulled some BS and somehow telported his shammy into mid of my base iwth a volc
[18:57] Nici_OP> didn't see stats, link me up :D
[18:58] Nici_OP> +1111111
[18:58] Nici_OP> lol
[18:58] Coruscater_OP> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=449992
[18:58] Nici_OP> any map suggestions ?
[18:58] Nici_OP> os
[18:58] onePointZeroThree> 4balls
[18:58] Nici_OP> good try bro
[18:59] onePointZeroThree> np
[18:59] Nici_OP> I guess hat lacked there in your game
[18:59] Nici_OP> trooping ?
[18:59] HowToBe_OP> if u wanna play 4walls then wheres chapo :nice:
[18:59] power_OP> gg wp guys
[18:59] Nici_OP> gg
[18:59] Corrupt> gg
[19:00] Coruscater_OP> yeah I was sending warriors a few at a time and couldnt keep his pop down enough
[19:00] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:00] Joseph_OP> gg wp
[19:00] Seraph_OP> ahoy
[19:00] Nici_OP> he probably just got stubborn to die
[19:00] Coruscater_OP> 6P?
[19:00] Nici_OP> as usual
[19:00] Nici_OP> sure iph u ant
[19:00] Seraph_OP> iph
[19:00] Nici_OP> iph
[19:00] Nici_OP> pera
[19:00] Coruscater_OP> cant leave power hanging
[19:00] Seraph_OP> dick
[19:01] BrokenWings> cabrona
[19:01] Coruscater_OP> joseph and power join
[19:01] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[19:01] Seraph_OP> how about
[19:01] Seraph_OP> 6p
[19:01] Seraph_OP> OP game
[19:01] Nici_OP> joseph and poer are making oot
[19:01] Nici_OP> sounds good
[19:01] Joseph_OP> i will 6p OP game
[19:01] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[19:01] power_OP> ok
[19:01] Nici_OP> im up 4 that xD
[19:01] Seraph_OP> fo
[19:01] Seraph_OP> dat
[19:01] Coruscater_OP> I dont have much time
[19:01] Seraph_OP> a
[19:02] Coruscater_OP> enough for 1 game
[19:02] Nici_OP> ho much time u got ?
[19:02] Nici_OP> oh
[19:02] power_OP> come bianca
[19:02] Nici_OP> d4r can't play beta :(
[19:02] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[19:02] Joseph_OP> :(
[19:02] Seraph_OP> 8
[19:02] Seraph_OP> p
[19:02] Joseph_OP> You'll be missed d4
[19:02] Nici_OP> oops
[19:02] Seraph_OP> bruh
[19:02] Nici_OP> :)
[19:02] Corrupt> rekt
[19:02] Nici_OP> :kekg:
[19:02] Seraph_OP> bianca
[19:02] Seraph_OP> might join
[19:02] Medusa_OP> nah lol
[19:02] Nici_OP> might???
[19:03] power_OP> may
[19:03] HowToBe_OP> I will watch your game :heheboi:
[19:03] Nici_OP> alright
[19:03] BrokenWings> :anda crl
[19:03] Nici_OP> ok bora
[19:03] Nici_OP> hat map ?
[19:03] Coruscater_OP> pick w/e
[19:03] power_OP> walls or gin tonic
[19:03] Coruscater_OP> gogo
[19:03] Medusa_OP> so many OP´s online :ohyes:
[19:03] Joseph_OP> brb
[19:03] Coruscater_OP> OP vs rest?
[19:03] power_OP> wow heldinho and hungaro
[19:03] power_OP> your pings
[19:03] HowToBe_OP> nice OP m8
[19:03] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:04] BrokenWings> we are cousins xD
[19:04] power_OP> op ves rest lol
[19:04] power_OP> 3vs5
[19:04] Nici_OP> ok so
[19:04] Seraph_OP> Rival: Nici (24 games)
[19:04] Nici_OP> me corrupt hungaro and seraph ?
[19:04] Seraph_OP> eat shit
[19:04] Nici_OP> hmm
[19:04] Seraph_OP> :D
[19:04] Nici_OP> :kekyou:
[19:04] Seraph_OP> :kekg:
[19:04] power_OP> ohh heldinho nice
[19:04] power_OP> also you are near of nici
[19:04] BrokenWings> jk xD
[19:04] Nici_OP> anyone that ants discord go OP general :monkas:
[19:04] Coruscater_OP> gogo
[19:04] BrokenWings> im 300km away from them
[19:05] HowToBe_OP> Phran unmute ur mic :nice:
[19:05] power_OP> good
[19:05] Seraph_OP> go
[19:05] Seraph_OP> link
[19:05] Seraph_OP> to pop disc
[19:05] HowToBe_OP> sik
[19:06] onePointZeroThree> fhk
[19:06] onePointZeroThree out
[19:06] HowToBe_OP> :pepegaphone: LEMME SPEC
[19:06] Seraph_OP> gib
[19:06] Seraph_OP> popre discord invite
[19:10] T-Rod> gg
[19:10] [SW]Arbrim out
[19:10] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:11] [SW]Arbrim> gg wp!
[19:13] T-Rod> [GoD]Spinnifix> go 4v4
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> nononoonono
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> noononononoonononon
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> bitteeeeeee
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> bitteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[19:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> naja, ich will 4v4
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> duuuu
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> duhast
[19:13] [SW]Arbrim> du hast nichsttt
[19:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> du hast michh
[19:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> loll
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> du hast nichssst
[19:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> rammstein
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> du hast nichsss spielen
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> du hast nichsss spiele
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> du hast nichsss spilenee
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> because I GESAGT!
[19:14] T-Rod> lol
[19:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
[19:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> :bruhmoment:
[19:14] [SW]Arbrim> LLAGNJ here?
[19:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> lagnj
[19:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[19:15] [SW]Arbrim> LLagnjChan
[19:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> stream ples :D
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> seems ragnh not here
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> bellla
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> can u play?
[19:16] iRespectWomenxD26> bella y u log after u lose me a game?
[19:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> yes why?
[19:16] iRespectWomenxD26> lagnj lol gud 1
[19:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> bella join
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> Hahahah!
[19:16] [GoD]Rbwilson out
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> bella
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim> lets crush em up!
[19:16] iRespectWomenxD26> idk to avoid the shit storm i guess
[19:16] [SW]Fried_Rice> i had to do something
[19:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> not beta pls
[19:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> what shit storm? was good game :D
[19:17] [SW]Arbrim> if sess me and bella
[19:17] iRespectWomenxD26> ya i had it
[19:17] [SW]Arbrim> we anti ses but we SW
[19:17] iRespectWomenxD26> u lost me it
[19:17] iRespectWomenxD26> g
[19:17] iRespectWomenxD26> gg
[19:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[19:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> sorry a bug
[19:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> :inca:
[19:18] [AsG]Ragnj> solz guys back now
[19:18] [AsG]Ragnj> up here ladies?
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> only bella go up then
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> :heyboy:
[19:19] [AvA]Obduction out
[19:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> you were afk we got one
[19:19] [ava]Savas out
[19:21] ElDongo in
[19:25] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[19:26] Romerz in
[19:27] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[19:29] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[19:29] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[19:30] jimmyhunter1000 in
[19:33] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1: Someone up to help test some shaman AIs?
[19:34] iRespectWomenxD26> sure be rite there
[19:38] ElDongo out
[19:38] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[19:38] ElDongo in
[19:38] HowToBe_OP> :monkagun:
[19:39] Joseph_OP> gg
[19:39] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:39] Nici_OP> gg
[19:39] BrokenWings> gg
[19:40] Coruscater_OP out
[19:40] Nici_OP> ahhhh
[19:40] Nici_OP> most coruscaster troops eree ghosts
[19:40] Nici_OP> lmao
[19:40] Seraph_OP> yeah
[19:40] Seraph_OP> rofl
[19:40] Joseph_OP> lol
[19:40] Nici_OP> sitting on the back
[19:40] Joseph_OP> bd was risky
[19:40] Nici_OP> dude
[19:40] Nici_OP> ahahah
[19:40] Joseph_OP> but knew i couldnt go against nici
[19:40] Nici_OP> bd did go ell
[19:40] Joseph_OP> in mid
[19:40] warrior out
[19:41] BrokenWings out
[19:41] [AsG]Nationkid05> Nice to see an OP clan game.
[19:41] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[19:41] Nici_OP> 3 intruders :kekg:
[19:41] [AsG]Nationkid05> :kekw:
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun out
[19:42] Nici_OP> but I Actually liked the map
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun in
[19:42] Nici_OP> even tho it's messy as hell
[19:42] Nici_OP> just too bad u gotta pee ur huts
[19:42] Nici_OP> until trees come back
[19:42] [D]amhyr> what kind of ava is this
[19:42] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1: Anyone want to help test lightning shaman AI?
[19:42] [D]amhyr> if mm reaches 50 ava will be considered best clan
[19:42] Nici_OP> seraph :kekyou:
[19:43] Nici_OP> iph MM reaches 50 seraph ont uit pop again
[19:44] Seraph_OP> time to leave
[19:44] Seraph_OP> for another 3 months
[19:44] biledemonx10 in
[19:44] Seraph_OP out
[19:44] Coruscater_OP in
[19:45] [AvA]Obduction in
[19:45] [AsG]Nefarius in
[19:47] Joseph_OP> was a decent map
[19:47] warrior in
[19:47] Joseph_OP> not a big fan of craters either
[19:47] Coruscater_OP out
[19:47] biledemonx10 out
[19:47] [AsG]Nefarius> new age pop players *sigh* :yum:
[19:48] Joseph_OP> even back when it was popular i hated it xD
[19:48] Smarzyk out
[19:48] Joseph_OP> never got the strat down
[19:48] Mammy_Tas> +3 on map of the day :ohyes: :heheboi:
[19:48] power_OP> noooo
[19:48] BrokenWings in
[19:49] Medusa_OP> lmao mammy
[19:49] Medusa_OP> dead sea :kekw:
[19:49] power_OP> that map should be ban
[19:49] Mammy_Tas> :ban: That map :mattmad:
[19:49] Joseph_OP> hope you get at least one game mammy
[19:49] Mammy_Tas> doubtful :p
[19:49] Joseph_OP> map is rough though too hah
[19:49] [AsG]Nefarius> you want a ffa mammy or a 2v2?
[19:50] Mammy_Tas> I dont mind we can do either
[19:50] power_OP> ffa 8p dead sea
[19:50] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1: anyone want to help test shaman duels vs AI?
[19:50] [AvA]Stauni> no lol
[19:50] power_OP> shaman AI s are realy good
[19:50] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:50] power_OP> just they cant use ghosta
[19:51] power_OP> ghosts*
[19:52] [AvA]st_Antivirus in
[19:53] power_OP> ogg league system fixed again
[19:53] power_OP> 1 m warrior again
[19:53] [AvA]st_Antivirus> oh me too
[19:53] power_OP> o_O
[19:54] Aldwych out
[19:54] Mammy_Tas> 3 more :D ?
[19:54] Smarzyk in
[19:56] [AvA]st_Antivirus> dead sea :ohyes:
[19:57] Mammy_Tas> :kekw:
[19:57] Joseph_OP> I will play this map once :monkawhy:
[19:57] Joseph_OP> :pepewhy:
[19:58] Mammy_Tas> I can unrank if you want :)
[19:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :pepekek:
[19:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kekpepe:
[19:58] Joseph_OP> nooo idc about that
[19:58] Joseph_OP> please do ranked :P
[19:58] [ava]Savas in
[19:58] [AvA]st_Antivirus> sup savas
[19:58] [ava]Savas> hey ::::D
[19:58] Joseph_OP> this was always just one of those maps the pros would own on
[19:58] Mammy_Tas> Hi savas join map of the day :heheboi:
[19:58] Joseph_OP> so never got much play time xD
[19:58] [ava]Savas> what? ds? :D
[19:59] [ava]Savas> no chance xD
[19:59] Mammy_Tas> ye :D
[19:59] [AvA]st_Antivirus> loll
[19:59] [AvA]st_Antivirus> he prefers eye of the storm :omegakekw:
[19:59] Mammy_Tas> :eyes: of the storm huh
[19:59] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :storm:
[19:59] [AvA]st_Antivirus> ah fk
[19:59] power_OP> +3
[20:00] Mammy_Tas> +2 here
[20:00] power_OP> you and me ping problem savas :(
[20:00] [AvA]st_Antivirus> ds 8p when
[20:00] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[20:00] power_OP> never please
[20:00] Mammy_Tas> Not today it is not the map of the day :(
[20:01] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[20:01] jimmyhunter1000 out
[20:01] Mammy_Tas> only 4 player is map of the day :P
[20:01] Aldwych in
[20:01] [AvA]st_Antivirus> oh
[20:02] power_OP> +2
[20:02] [AvA]st_Antivirus> why is ur clan tag like that savas
[20:04] Joseph_OP> 1v1 dead sea? :gigakekw:
[20:04] Mammy_Tas> sure if you want :o?
[20:04] Joseph_OP> sure
[20:04] Joseph_OP> worth a shot lol
[20:04] Mammy_Tas> ok lets go :)
[20:05] power_OP> what about 3v3 guys?
[20:07] [ava]Savas out
[20:07] [ava]Savas in
[20:08] [AsG]Nefarius> 1 more
[20:08] DoctorHax in
[20:08] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[20:09] [SW]Arbrim> same
[20:09] [SW]Arbrim> ut almost never against shaamans :P
[20:09] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha
[20:09] power_OP> +1
[20:09] T-Rod> spin wants
[20:09] T-Rod> 4 v 4
[20:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[20:09] Hersen out
[20:09] [SW]Arbrim> no plz
[20:10] [AvA]Stauni> ah man tom
[20:10] T-Rod> i can do any map
[20:10] T-Rod> :D
[20:10] T-Rod> havent decided yet
[20:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> nef savasd power
[20:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> jioin
[20:11] power_OP> trod the player thief
[20:11] Mr_Ridiculous> Powr join
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> powha BALL
[20:11] power_OP> lol
[20:11] T-Rod> töm ok or?
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> in apparentellyKidAccent
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> <3 :D
[20:11] [AsG]Nefarius> T-Rod + power_OP + [SW]Arbrim + [ava]Savas vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + [AsG]Nefarius + [AvA]MIBbel + [AvA]Stauni
[20:11] Mr_Spock in
[20:11] T-Rod> walls?
[20:11] onePointZeroThree in
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> maybe go this?
[20:11] [AsG]Nefarius> dont mind, go for it
[20:11] power_OP> yeah you have linked that video
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> tom maybe cleaner
[20:11] [AvA]Stauni> id prefer wall but up to you
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> 4 walls toooo much bases
[20:11] [SW]Arbrim> i mean big bases
[20:12] onePointZeroThree out
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> as u iwhs
[20:12] power_OP> ok just go
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> id go to, this one
[20:12] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> tom*
[20:12] [AvA]st_Antivirus> yo fist
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> gl hf!@#!@3
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> noo
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> nefarius wiht us
[20:12] [SW]Arbrim> fkfkfk
[20:12] Mr_Ridiculous> hey warrior
[20:13] Mr_Ridiculous> i think you need to find a lower ranked opponent
[20:13] Mr_Ridiculous> Xd
[20:13] Mr_Ridiculous> xD
[20:13] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:13] Mr_Spock> no one is lower than nici
[20:13] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:14] Mr_Spock out
[20:15] power_OP> mmm
[20:15] T-Rod> well ok
[20:15] [ava]Savas> ?
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> i now only had boring 43v4 tom games
[20:15] T-Rod> tundras påalace?
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> only two were good
[20:15] [AsG]Nefarius> just go for walls
[20:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> 4v2
[20:16] Aldwych> do you stream?
[20:16] [ava]Savas> I usually just iron
[20:16] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:17] DoctorHax out
[20:17] DoctorHax in
[20:20] Joseph_OP> gg
[20:20] Mammy_Tas> gg
[20:22] Corrupt> gg
[20:22] 00Shaman> gg all
[20:23] 00Shaman> gonna piss
[20:23] warrior out
[20:23] DoctorHax> playing war of the gods someone wanna join?
[20:23] warrior in
[20:24] warrior out
[20:24] 00Shaman> ok
[20:24] 00Shaman> ossur ping
[20:25] onePointZeroThree in
[20:25] warrior in
[20:25] Mr_Ridiculous> goooo
[20:25] Mr_Ridiculous> do pp
[20:25] Mr_Ridiculous> :D
[20:26] warrior out
[20:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> ridiculous ping
[20:26] Mr_Ridiculous> i have
[20:26] Mr_Ridiculous> ping...
[20:26] [AvA]Namechangingftw> i see x
[20:26] Mr_Ridiculous> what?
[20:26] Mr_Ridiculous out
[20:26] Mr_Ridiculous in
[20:27] 00Shaman> lol
[20:27] 00Shaman> inca
[20:27] 00Shaman> why is the points changing all the time
[20:29] Mr_Ridiculous> why i see nooone loade
[20:29] [AvA]Namechangingftw> wait
[20:29] [AvA]Namechangingftw> we all saw u
[20:29] [D]Nightfury in
[20:29] warrior in
[20:29] Mr_Ridiculous> i saw empty
[20:29] [AvA]Namechangingftw> u were just too quickc
[20:30] Mr_Ridiculous> maybe
[20:30] [AvA]Namechangingftw> wait a bit longer
[20:30] 00Shaman> warrior spot taken
[20:30] BrokenWings> hey ossur
[20:30] Mr_Ridiculous> h
[20:30] Mr_Ridiculous> i
[20:30] [Rw]loothill in
[20:30] Corrupt> im the faaaakee spy
[20:30] BrokenWings> a kill from jamaica :-*~
[20:30] Corrupt> :p
[20:30] 00Shaman> loothill?
[20:30] BrokenWings> kiss
[20:30] 00Shaman> dafuq
[20:30] [Rw]loothill> 00Shaman?
[20:30] BrokenWings> .-*
[20:30] BrokenWings> :-*
[20:31] [Rw]loothill> Helloo
[20:31] 00Shaman> i must not play much during this time
[20:31] 00Shaman> haha
[20:31] Mr_Ridiculous> back to warrior
[20:31] Mr_Ridiculous> :(
[20:31] Mr_Ridiculous> it seems im not good enough yet
[20:31] Mr_Ridiculous> but im going to be preacher at the end of the month i bet you
[20:33] DoctorHax out
[20:34] [TSI]O-Ren in
[20:37] [ava]Savas> 19 mins of wasted fucking time
[20:37] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:37] [SW]Arbrim> are we frozne>
[20:37] [SW]Arbrim> ?
[20:37] [SW]Arbrim> ye game clpsoed
[20:38] T-Rod> stop crashing man
[20:38] [tsi]avril_lavigne> ggg\
[20:38] [AvA]Stauni> make me front
[20:38] power_OP> lol trod 500 pop
[20:38] iRespectWomenxD26> nah shit game
[20:38] iRespectWomenxD26> sup arbrim
[20:38] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> lol was a pretty shit game
[20:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[20:39] [SW]Arbrim> yap sup bro
[20:39] [SW]Arbrim> thanks for joining for anormal game :d
[20:39] iRespectWomenxD26> i know i saw lol
[20:39] [SW]Arbrim> hahahahaha
[20:39] T-Rod> same map?
[20:39] [SW]Arbrim> ints like a storm
[20:39] iRespectWomenxD26> oh well would been more even game if my shit went
[20:39] [SW]Arbrim> bianca and loothill play us?
[20:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> hmmm
[20:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[20:39] T-Rod> push?
[20:39] [AvA]Stauni> full force or push
[20:39] T-Rod> T-Rod + Zpektrix_TAS + [TSI]O-Ren + power_OP vs. [ava]Savas + [TSI]Frizart + [GoD]Spinnifix + [AvA]Stauni
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> u take frizart
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> and i take oren
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> and go ?
[20:40] T-Rod> oren so gud
[20:40] T-Rod> but ok
[20:40] Zpektrix_TAS> frizart is worst
[20:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> trod dont me us and tsu
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> the vulnerable one front
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> dont make
[20:41] T-Rod> what
[20:41] T-Rod> [AsG]Nefarius> damn
[20:41] T-Rod> [AsG]Nefarius> missed u guys
[20:41] T-Rod> sry
[20:41] T-Rod> woulda let u in if u came bit early
[20:41] power_OP> he can join
[20:41] [AsG]Nefarius> thanks for making that public
[20:41] [AsG]Nefarius> :D
[20:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[20:41] T-Rod> np :good:
[20:42] Joseph_OP> awko
[20:42] [AsG]Nefarius> :derp:
[20:42] T-Rod> ok
[20:42] [AsG]Nefarius> lols
[20:42] T-Rod> who even left
[20:42] T-Rod> i dunno
[20:42] Zpektrix_TAS> wow
[20:42] power_OP> me
[20:42] power_OP> gtg
[20:42] Zpektrix_TAS> what a op team against
[20:42] T-Rod> T-Rod + [ava]Savas + [TSI]O-Ren + [AsG]Nefarius vs. Zpektrix_TAS + [TSI]Frizart + [GoD]Spinnifix + [AvA]Stauni
[20:42] power_OP out
[20:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[20:42] [AsG]Nefarius> not allying strawman then
[20:43] [AsG]Nefarius> phew
[20:43] T-Rod> spin u frojntm?
[20:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[20:43] T-Rod> tsu front ok?
[20:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> make tsu black
[20:43] T-Rod> who front
[20:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> and me cyan
[20:43] T-Rod> u are cyan
[20:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> frizart
[20:43] bockwurstlaune out
[20:43] Zpektrix_TAS> he is fragile tho
[20:44] Zpektrix_TAS> is nefarius the strawman
[20:44] Zpektrix_TAS> i didnt know
[20:44] T-Rod> this rotate might take a while
[20:44] T-Rod> im too dumb for it
[20:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> rejoin
[20:44] Zpektrix_TAS> i will let him wear strawhat on him
[20:44] Nici_OP> ossur
[20:44] Mr_Ridiculous> ?
[20:44] Nici_OP> gay love <3
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> gay love
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> for all
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> :hearts:
[20:45] Joseph_OP> what happened
[20:45] Nici_OP> hat happened to your priest rank ?
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> didnt load
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> i lost it :(
[20:45] T-Rod> stauni front ok?
[20:45] Nici_OP> i'll tip you to get it back
[20:45] Joseph_OP> come we will get it back beating Nici
[20:45] Nici_OP> play keith 1v1
[20:45] Joseph_OP> :kekw:
[20:45] [AvA]Stauni> no else wants then lol
[20:45] Mr_Ridiculous> He is too good
[20:45] Nici_OP> : <
[20:45] [AvA]Stauni> lets go
[20:46] T-Rod> trying
[20:46] Myrddloth in
[20:46] Joseph_OP> Does warrior play full games now?
[20:47] Nici_OP> na
[20:47] Myrddloth out
[20:47] Nici_OP> can't even type on keyboard
[20:47] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:47] Joseph_OP> warrior play with Mr_rediculous lol
[20:48] T-Rod> can u guys t kae right spots
[20:48] T-Rod> take
[20:48] [TSI]Frizart> i can't launch in 1.5 wtf..
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS> we need someone else then
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:48] T-Rod> type revert frizart
[20:48] T-Rod> nvm
[20:48] Zpektrix_TAS> revert is only for mm
[20:49] Zpektrix_TAS> silly boy
[20:49] T-Rod> oh
[20:49] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[20:49] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [AsG]Nefarius + [TSI]O-Ren vs. [AvA]Stauni + [ava]Savas + [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> so condescending
[20:49] [AsG]Nefarius> :eyes:
[20:49] Zpektrix_TAS> less rotation for you
[20:49] Zpektrix_TAS> at least from me
[20:49] T-Rod> avast and savas diff persons :monkasss:
[20:49] Mr_Ridiculous> gooo
[20:49] Mr_Ridiculous> PP
[20:49] [TSI]O-Ren> dont put me front
[20:50] Mr_Ridiculous> and i ally Nici
[20:50] Zpektrix_TAS> avast is antivirus
[20:50] [ava]Savas> savas is a cunt
[20:50] [ava]Savas> so big difference
[20:50] Zpektrix_TAS> stauni savas
[20:50] Zpektrix_TAS> oh
[20:50] Zpektrix_TAS> tomrod is rotating
[20:50] Zpektrix_TAS> cute
[20:50] TrustTheScience_TSI in
[20:50] [AvA]Stauni> what are u talking
[20:51] Zpektrix_TAS> [04:48] T-Rod> can u guys t kae right spots
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:51] Maganha_OP in
[20:52] [AsG]Ragnj out
[20:53] iRespectWomenxD26> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZI78G605y8
[20:53] Maganha_OP out
[20:53] iRespectWomenxD26> beautiful
[20:56] [TDM]Tundar in
[20:57] Agownik out
[20:58] Smarzyk out
[20:58] [TDM]Tundar> hello beautiful
[21:00] Medusa_OP> ?
[21:00] HowToBe_OP> wow Jake, u're so mean
[21:00] HowToBe_OP> :(
[21:00] Medusa_OP> what did he say
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> Yup
[21:01] [TDM]Tundar> I'm the meanest
[21:01] Medusa_OP> so are we playing or?
[21:01] [TDM]Tundar> oh
[21:02] HowToBe_OP> i can if Jake wants
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> I think they gone to have some training
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> So delax can get back the knowledge from bianca
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> from his afkness
[21:03] Medusa_OP> depends
[21:03] Medusa_OP> if you wanna play or no
[21:03] Medusa_OP> ?
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> idcx
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> im sleepy, just woke up
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> feeling a bit ill if im honest
[21:03] [D]Nightfury> I just wanna fulfill my slavemaster :div: desires
[21:03] [D]Nightfury> :delax:
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> so idc if we play or not
[21:03] [TDM]Tundar> just came on to own a Canadian
[21:03] [D]amhyr> :rage: IM STARVING :RAGE:
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> slavemaster?
[21:04] [D]Nightfury> :fish:
[21:04] Medusa_OP> guess thats a no then
[21:04] [D]Nightfury> :tropical_fish:
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> :bubbles:
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> ffs
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> no :Tundar: no :bubbles
[21:04] [TDM]Tundar> fuck this mm
[21:05] [D]amhyr> :kekyou:
[21:05] [TDM]Tundar> I'm up for euthinasia
[21:05] [TDM]Tundar> Anyone else down?
[21:06] [TDM]Tundar> nvm
[21:06] iRespectWomenxD26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[21:07] [TDM]Tundar> soz koopa
[21:07] [TDM]Tundar> you just too damn pro
[21:08] 00Shaman out
[21:08] [SW]chapo in
[21:09] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[21:12] [SW]chapo out
[21:12] warrior out
[21:12] UnKnown_TAS out
[21:14] [SW]chapo in
[21:14] UnKnown_TAS in
[21:15] UnKnown_TAS out
[21:18] HexTheRex in
[21:21] [AvA]Namechangingftw out
[21:21] HexTheRex out
[21:21] [AvA]Namechangingftw in
[21:22] HexTheRex in
[21:23] HexTheRex> heh
[21:23] BrokenWings> yh
[21:23] [TSI]Frizart> brokenwings go host ?
[21:23] [AvA]Namechangingftw> auros host?+
[21:23] BrokenWings> k
[21:23] HexTheRex> brokenwings has a host sign
[21:23] [TSI]Frizart> go 1.01 please
[21:23] HexTheRex> yep
[21:24] [AvA]Namechangingftw> sess?
[21:24] Joseph_OP> gg
[21:24] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gg
[21:24] Aldwych> GG juys
[21:24] Mr_Ridiculous> that was a good game
[21:24] Joseph_OP> yea man
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[21:25] [ava]Savas> gg
[21:25] [ava]Savas> I didnt get past 50 pop throughout the whole game ah
[21:25] Joseph_OP> mannn
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> true
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> need more experience in front
[21:25] Joseph_OP> here i am thinking we did big damage to Nici
[21:25] Joseph_OP> just looked it xD
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> only protein is not enough
[21:25] [AvA]Stauni> diff map
[21:25] Zpektrix_TAS> get calcium
[21:26] Nici_OP> should've trooped more I think :D
[21:26] [ava]Savas> tsu,you should become a comedian
[21:26] Nici_OP> yo ossur you kuit again
[21:26] Nici_OP> :/
[21:26] [TSI]O-Ren> do gin tonic
[21:26] Mr_Ridiculous> i quitt because it ws over
[21:26] Zpektrix_TAS> savas is protein
[21:26] Zpektrix_TAS> you know that
[21:26] Mr_Ridiculous> you were bouth in my base
[21:26] Joseph_OP> yea more wars next time for sure
[21:26] Nici_OP> ahhh ok
[21:26] Medusa_OP> gg wp
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> lol savas' pop graph
[21:27] Zpektrix_TAS> so flat
[21:27] [ava]Savas> best pop
[21:27] [ava]Savas> I carried you guys
[21:27] [D]amhyr> :kekwait:
[21:27] T-Rod> mojito ok?
[21:27] [ava]Savas> NO
[21:27] [ava]Savas> not this shit map
[21:27] [ava]Savas> other please
[21:28] [ava]Savas> just no babo maps please
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> tomrod is good at picking shit maps :kekw:
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> he found thinice and dface
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> what's next
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> spin is also good at finding shit maps
[21:28] Zpektrix_TAS> shit from the sky
[21:28] T-Rod> :kekw:
[21:28] [ava]Savas> spin finds the most bizarre maps ever
[21:29] T-Rod> rampage?
[21:29] [ava]Savas> like "who created this shit"
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> or beta moinsters
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> fistiverse
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> or rampage
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> ye
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> no
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> rampage is shit
[21:29] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :ye:
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> then wall sxD
[21:29] Zpektrix_TAS> when people don't know how to harvest
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> they just build nonstop
[21:30] T-Rod> thats whats u´ve been doing most beta games tsu
[21:30] [AvA]Stauni> you mean savas
[21:30] [AvA]Stauni> :kekw:
[21:30] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[21:30] [AvA]st_Antivirus> shots fired :o
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> aldwych ran out of woods once
[21:30] Zpektrix_TAS> theres no future
[21:31] [AvA]st_Antivirus> stop killing the environment
[21:31] Zpektrix_TAS> then do walls
[21:31] Zpektrix_TAS> simple
[21:31] Zpektrix_TAS> or somewhere more trees
[21:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> not up for walls
[21:32] amnesia out
[21:35] HowToBe_OP out
[21:36] HowToBe_OP in
[21:36] [D]Nightfury out
[21:37] [AvA]Arc in
[21:37] [AvA]Arc> hi
[21:37] Mr_Ridiculous> join
[21:37] Mr_Ridiculous> 1on1
[21:37] Mr_Ridiculous> :+1:
[21:38] Medusa_OP> nice rank koragg :ohyes:
[21:38] HowToBe_OP> :nice:
[21:38] HowToBe_OP> don't wanna tis
[21:38] HowToBe_OP> give me wildie back
[21:38] Medusa_OP> xD
[21:38] HowToBe_OP> :pepewhy:
[21:39] Medusa_OP> shouldnt have logged out :P
[21:39] Joseph_OP> Too pro
[21:39] HowToBe_OP> Nici had X
[21:39] HowToBe_OP> :/
[21:39] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:39] Mr_Ridiculous> Medusa join
[21:40] Medusa_OP> you wont launch anyway
[21:40] Mr_Ridiculous> nm
[21:42] [AvA]bioSound in
[21:43] Raynsen out
[21:43] Joseph_OP> eww
[21:43] Joseph_OP> played this once already :O
[21:43] Medusa_OP> hahaha
[21:43] Medusa_OP> 45 min :P
[21:44] BrokenWings out
[21:44] Joseph_OP> clan match :kekwait:
[21:44] warrior in
[21:44] Medusa_OP> idk
[21:44] Joseph_OP> we can split
[21:44] Medusa_OP> a bit unfair?
[21:44] Joseph_OP> im jk
[21:44] Medusa_OP> lol
[21:44] [AvA]Arc> lets do best..
[21:44] Medusa_OP> but plz no fensalir
[21:45] [AvA]Arc> [AvA]Arc + Joseph_OP vs. [AvA]bioSound + Medusa_OP
[21:45] Joseph_OP> prob me and bio you and b
[21:45] Joseph_OP> oh tf
[21:45] Joseph_OP> thought bio was like a fw before xD
[21:45] HexTheRex> someone fix Sessrúmnir Palace Åsgard Worlds II it was not possible to harvest there
[21:46] [AvA]bioSound> nah
[21:46] [AvA]bioSound> I used to be preacher but time ago haha
[21:46] [AvA]Arc> bio, are you better than me?
[21:46] Joseph_OP> 1212 is fine
[21:46] [AvA]Arc> ok...
[21:46] Joseph_OP> i thought he was someone else
[21:46] [AvA]bioSound> I don' think so haha
[21:47] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[21:48] [Rw]loothill> hola BioSonido
[21:49] [GoD]Rbwilson in
[21:49] TrustTheScience_TSI out
[21:50] [GoD]Shogun> hola montaña de recursos
[21:51] [GoD]Shogun> que hongo
[21:51] vaccinated_OP out
[21:51] Barracuda11 in
[21:51] Barracuda11 out
[21:54] [Rw]loothill> lool
[21:54] [Rw]loothill> que hongo ajaj
[21:54] [Rw]loothill> Como estas?
[21:54] Hungaro out
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> todo bien
[21:54] [GoD]Shogun> y tu que
[21:55] [Rw]loothill> Todo bien bien
[21:55] [Rw]loothill> con muchas ganas de ir al baño pero esta ocupado :<
[21:55] [Rw]loothill> asi que no tan bien ajjaaj
[21:55] [GoD]Shogun> no te veo jugar mucho al pop
[21:55] [GoD]Shogun> viciado al minecraft? loll
[21:56] [Rw]loothill> no tnaot jaja
[21:56] [Rw]loothill> No tanto*
[21:56] [Rw]loothill> Vicio mas Battlefield y algunos juegos de Steam
[21:56] [GoD]Shogun> xD
[21:56] [Rw]loothill> Y de minecraft tengo un servidor asi que igual gasta tiempo
[21:56] onePointZeroThree> nice main kampf
[21:57] onePointZeroThree> everyone is mad at 1.17
[21:57] onePointZeroThree> gg mojang
[21:57] [Rw]loothill> yes
[21:57] [Rw]loothill> Annoying waiting like 3 years to separate it in two parts
[21:57] onePointZeroThree> i'd wait anotheryear rather than getting a couple of blocks and 3 mobs
[21:58] onePointZeroThree> content (y)
[21:58] [GoD]carbine> drummer ready
[21:58] Romerz out
[21:59] ElDongo out
[22:01] T-Rod> gg wp
[22:01] [ava]Savas> gg
[22:01] [AvA]st_Antivirus> gege
[22:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[22:01] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> go beta
[22:01] T-Rod> ok
[22:01] [TSI]Frizart> no
[22:02] T-Rod> map wishes?
[22:02] [ava]Savas> tom
[22:02] T-Rod> gin tronic?
[22:02] [ava]Savas> no fs
[22:02] [AsG]Drummerdude48> ANyone able to host me v Carbine GoG's ToT?
[22:02] T-Rod> if i werent playing i would
[22:02] [AsG]Drummerdude48> we wanna get these tourney games in the bag
[22:02] T-Rod> gin tonic opk?=
[22:03] [AvA]st_Antivirus> k
[22:03] [AvA]Stauni> ye
[22:03] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]st_Antivirus + [AvA]Pharaoh + Aldwych vs. [ava]Savas + [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Stauni + Zpektrix_TAS
[22:03] T-Rod> who wants big base
[22:03] T-Rod> enemy team
[22:03] T-Rod> i mean island
[22:03] [TSI]O-Ren> no thanks
[22:03] T-Rod> savas tsu?
[22:03] Aldwych> guys discord?
[22:04] [ava]Savas> tsu please
[22:04] [ava]Savas> he's better than me
[22:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> with this ping i am the worst
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> but w/e
[22:04] Zpektrix_TAS> just go
[22:04] Nici_OP> 0 lights used ??
[22:05] [AsG]Drummerdude48> Anyone able to host me v Carbine GoG's ToT?
[22:05] Zpektrix_TAS> use host bot
[22:05] Zpektrix_TAS> or get koopa
[22:05] HowToBe_OP> yes, i trying don't use lights vs u
[22:05] HowToBe_OP> :kekyou:
[22:06] Nici_OP> I could host u both but
[22:06] Nici_OP> yea
[22:06] Nici_OP> no lights :kekg:
[22:06] [AsG]Drummerdude48> looks like I can host but its 140 ping
[22:06] warrior out
[22:06] [AsG]Drummerdude48> that work for you Carbine?
[22:07] Nici_OP> 140 is good ping
[22:07] Nici_OP> lol
[22:07] Nici_OP> O_o
[22:07] [Rw]loothill> very good I would say
[22:07] [AvA]Arc> gg
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun out
[22:07] Joseph_OP> was negligent with my wood
[22:07] Joseph_OP> gg
[22:07] [AvA]bioSound> gg
[22:07] Nici_OP> new age guys not used to anything above 150
[22:07] [GoD]Shogun in
[22:08] [AsG]Drummerdude48> yeah played for years on 260 haha
[22:08] [AsG]Drummerdude48> - 300
[22:08] [Rw]loothill> me too
[22:08] Nici_OP> drummer aren't you irish ?
[22:08] [AvA]bioSound> I always play with 250+ ping
[22:08] [AsG]Drummerdude48> Yeah dude. Livin in Canada tho
[22:08] Nici_OP> ho long have you lived in Canada
[22:08] [AsG]Drummerdude48> 2014
[22:08] [Rw]loothill> Eso depende de donde juegues BioSound
[22:08] Nici_OP> damn 7 years
[22:08] [GoD]carbine> gogogoggog
[22:08] Nici_OP> gl guys
[22:08] [Rw]loothill> Si el host es de estados unidos seria mejor para ti
[22:08] HowToBe_OP> :pepegaphone: inca give my wildie rank back
[22:09] [AvA]bioSound> Lo se!
[22:09] [AvA]bioSound> Al fin alguien que habla español
[22:09] Nici_OP> loothill tambieen es chileno
[22:09] Nici_OP> como tu
[22:09] [AvA]bioSound> :O
[22:09] [AvA]bioSound> Weeeeena
[22:10] BrokenWings in
[22:10] [AvA]Arc> brb
[22:10] Nici_OP> pero a el le gusta pene de caballo :D
[22:10] BrokenWings> :horse:
[22:10] [AvA]bioSound> Jajajaja
[22:10] Nici_OP> isso
[22:10] Nici_OP> lol
[22:11] [Rw]loothill> LOOL
[22:11] [AvA]bioSound> De donde eres tu Nici?
[22:11] Joseph_OP> can we get OP game again?
[22:11] Nici_OP> de Portugalia
[22:11] BrokenWings> hey ossur .-*
[22:11] Joseph_OP> ill do 1.01 for d4r
[22:11] Nici_OP> :*
[22:11] BrokenWings> :-*
[22:11] Nici_OP> I don't mind honestly
[22:11] [AvA]bioSound> Nice
[22:11] Nici_OP> I mean, to play an op game :o
[22:11] Nici_OP> iph he ants
[22:12] HowToBe_OP> Joseph_OP> ill do 1.01 for d4r
[22:12] HowToBe_OP> :clap:
[22:12] Joseph_OP> +3 OP
[22:12] Nici_OP> astonishing Pass
[22:12] Joseph_OP> lmao
[22:13] [AvA]bioSound out
[22:13] [AsG]Ragnj in
[22:13] BrokenWings> rex you at least have horny?
[22:13] Joseph_OP> map?
[22:13] [AvA]Arc> bak
[22:13] Joseph_OP> on thin ice?
[22:14] Joseph_OP> sure
[22:14] HexTheRex> horny what?
[22:14] Medusa_OP> lol
[22:14] BrokenWings> power on the 3rd leg
[22:14] [AsG]Ragnj> Drummerdude vs Carbine TOT Tourney: https://www.twitch.tv/drummerdude48
[22:15] HexTheRex> is beta the shitty mode where you cant harvest or what?
[22:15] [AvA]Namechangingftw> no
[22:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> that is 1.01
[22:16] HexTheRex> ah :/
[22:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> beta is the one where u can harvest
[22:16] [AvA]Namechangingftw> 1.5
[22:16] [AvA]Arc> I can't harves in eaither of them
[22:16] [AvA]Arc> or spell harves
[22:17] [AvA]Arc> ill do non- ranked as its no possible balance here
[22:18] Corrupt> meh
[22:18] Corrupt> ok
[22:18] [GoD]Rbwilson> sup marcus
[22:20] iRespectWomenxD26> sure
[22:21] iRespectWomenxD26> here to help
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> tired of hosting
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> sec
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> let me change
[22:21] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> my sound output
[22:21] [GoD]Rbwilson> idm mate
[22:22] [GoD]Rbwilson> ok lets do it!
[22:22] [GoD]Rbwilson> :D
[22:22] [GoD]Rbwilson> thanks by the way
[22:22] iRespectWomenxD26> ya np
[22:23] inScienceWeTrust_TSI> how drummer see all them small people?
[22:23] [TSI]Frizart out
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> i said attack blue
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> why are you ignoring him
[22:24] Mr_Ridiculous out
[22:24] Mr_Ridiculous in
[22:24] Zpektrix_TAS> they were tripling ping 300 of me
[22:25] [GoD]Rbwilson> HI SAVAS
[22:25] [GoD]Rbwilson> Happy Fathers day bud
[22:25] [ava]Savas> what
[22:25] [ava]Savas> lol
[22:25] [ava]Savas> thanks bud
[22:25] [ava]Savas> but im not a dad
[22:26] [GoD]Rbwilson> well, as i told others
[22:26] iRespectWomenxD26> blak screen
[22:27] [AvA]Stauni> what a waste ngl
[22:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> Happy Fathers day to your dad
[22:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> whether he is here with us
[22:27] [AvA]Stauni> TSU you brick we had struggle defend mid
[22:27] [AvA]Stauni> and now complain about attacking blue
[22:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> or in heaven
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> as i said you let them tripled me hard easily
[22:27] [AvA]Stauni> cause you cant defend one fkn shaman
[22:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> without him, you wouldnt be here
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> and ignoring blue
[22:27] [GoD]Rbwilson> TSU HAPPY FATHERS DAY
[22:27] [AvA]Stauni> what triplle
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> as i said
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> ping 300
[22:27] T-Rod> gg
[22:27] [AvA]Pharaoh> g g
[22:27] Zpektrix_TAS> hf
[22:28] [AvA]Stauni> onlky blue attacked
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS> you are blind
[22:28] [TSI]O-Ren> dont put me in a team with tsu pls
[22:28] Zpektrix_TAS> green was coming too
[22:28] T-Rod> map wishes?
[22:29] T-Rod> stauni u pllayed last gamne
[22:29] T-Rod> ?`
[22:29] [AvA]st_Antivirus> he did
[22:29] T-Rod> want to play more
[22:29] [AvA]Stauni> no rotating huts for fun xD
[22:29] [AvA]Stauni> ofc
[22:29] T-Rod> sry brokenwing
[22:29] [AvA]st_Antivirus> :kek:
[22:29] T-Rod> its rm
[22:29] BrokenWings> np
[22:30] [AvA]Stauni> walls or full force
[22:30] [AvA]Stauni> maybe
[22:30] [AvA]st_Antivirus> go walls
[22:30] [TSI]O-Ren> do w
[22:30] Zpektrix_TAS> full force is unfair map for hut numbers
[22:30] T-Rod> walls is fine by me
[22:30] [AvA]st_Antivirus> same teams?
[22:30] T-Rod> T-Rod + [AvA]Pharaoh + Aldwych + [AvA]st_