PopMM - 16/05/21 21:43

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Welcome to the Populous: Reincarnated Matchmaker Minibot_UK!
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* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 4PM GMT
The map of the day is:
The Tundras II - Dual conquest (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

[21:44] Meph out
No updates are available
[21:44] HexTheRex> where are players?
[21:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> in game
[21:46] Taity-mini in
[21:47] Taity-mini> join
[21:47] Minibot_UK> Taity-mini: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:48] Minibot_UK> Taity-mini: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:49] Taity-mini> unrank
[21:49] Taity-mini> cr
[21:49] Taity-mini> go
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Taity-mini - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Taity-mini: Yellow * Unranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:49] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight all :)
[21:49] Mahmut1661_Tas out
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[21:50] PrudencePetitpas_OP> good night machmod
[21:53] [AvA]bioSound out
[21:53] power_OP out
[21:53] [AvA]Novaharvest> lol wtf?
[21:54] [D]xfiresx15> why quit?
[21:54] Taity-mini out
[21:54] [AvA]Novaharvest> damn we worked hard for that one too
[21:54] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he hostquits for not loosing points?
[21:54] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but that doesnt work
[21:54] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[21:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> was on 17 pop
[21:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> ggwp
[21:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and came back to 170
[21:55] [D]Uncarriable out
[21:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> yeah that was rough at the start
[21:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you guys did well
[21:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> making me land
[21:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> defending and attacking
[21:56] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[21:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> i only made myself land hahaha, not a team player like the others
[21:57] HexTheRex out
[21:57] HexTheRex in
[21:57] PrudencePetitpas_OP> make urselph land
[21:57] PrudencePetitpas_OP> dont think about others :)))
[21:57] PrudencePetitpas_OP> even on töm
[21:57] HexTheRex> aba try host
[21:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> don't connnect them :ohyes:
[21:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> they can guard their cor
[21:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> thats their job on tom
[21:59] [AvA]Acid-303> can you change map? don't like this kind of maps
[22:00] [AvA]aba> sure
[22:00] [AvA]Acid-303> no offense mate , all maps like this not only yours
[22:00] HexTheRex> i dont know about maps so you guys vote for it
[22:01] HexTheRex> for me everything is ok
[22:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> vote 4 trump
[22:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ronald mc donald
[22:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> for president
[22:01] [AsG]Yekralc> Vote for dick and get him in
[22:01] [D]xfiresx15 out
[22:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I love dick
[22:02] HexTheRex> hmm
[22:03] HexTheRex> eh
[22:03] [AvA]Acid-303> didn't launch
[22:03] [AvA]Acid-303> se
[22:03] [AvA]Acid-303> c
[22:06] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[22:07] [AvA]Acid-303> wait before quit
[22:07] [AvA]Acid-303> idk why it's slow
[22:07] HexTheRex> but you got ping?
[22:07] [AvA]Acid-303> yes
[22:07] [AvA]Acid-303> aba try again
[22:07] HexTheRex> well now i dont xd
[22:07] emastorm in
[22:07] [AvA]Stauni in
[22:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> no aba or yecralc should host
[22:08] emastorm> yo
[22:08] emastorm> how's it going?
[22:09] emastorm> 180 is too much ping?
[22:10] Heldinho> 20 anos depois?
[22:10] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:10] Maganha_OP in
[22:10] emastorm> ahah
[22:10] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:10] Hungaro> tas aqui heldinho
[22:10] Heldinho> tenho vaga ideia do teu id loool
[22:11] emastorm> ?
[22:11] emastorm> quem será
[22:11] Maganha_OP out
[22:11] Heldinho> quem e o hungaro?
[22:12] emastorm> essa pergunta faço aos dois
[22:12] emastorm> xD
[22:12] Heldinho> eu sou do tempo do apcs_tuga
[22:12] emastorm> exacto
[22:12] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[22:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[22:12] jimmyhunter1000> gg
[22:12] emastorm> obiwan warriors
[22:13] Heldinho> talvez aurosonic o meu id nesse tempo
[22:13] emastorm> então devemos ter jogado bastante juntos
[22:13] Heldinho> ou Auros
[22:13] emastorm> com o snak o nask e o kans
[22:13] Heldinho> sim desse trmos ai o melhor pop player xD
[22:13] Heldinho> desse tempo
[22:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> oi
[22:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> só paneleiragem <3
[22:14] Heldinho> mogues :-D
[22:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :(
[22:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> brb tou em jogo
[22:14] emastorm> ahah
[22:14] emastorm> só mandar oi no chat
[22:14] savas out
[22:14] Hungaro out
[22:14] jordi-adhd out
[22:15] jordi-adhd in
[22:15] Heldinho> matar saudades ? kkkk
[22:15] emastorm> can i join?
[22:15] emastorm> sim, bater um joguinho só
[22:15] emastorm> isto mudou muito desde aí
[22:15] emastorm> tem modos de jogo muito diferentes
[22:16] Heldinho> um so nao mata xD ainda da e mais vontade :-D
[22:16] Nico out
[22:16] Babo_OP> ema you played dictator?
[22:16] Heldinho> sim agorA DA 4VS4
[22:16] emastorm> is that the one where you light the towers?
[22:16] Babo_OP> no
[22:16] Babo_OP> the 7v1
[22:16] emastorm> lets go
[22:16] emastorm> somebody explain the rules please
[22:17] [AsG]Nationkid05> this is 7v1
[22:17] [AsG]Nationkid05> dictator map
[22:17] [AsG]Nationkid05> us vs Babo
[22:17] emastorm> k
[22:17] emastorm> np
[22:17] [AsG]Nationkid05> depending where u start
[22:17] emastorm> same rules of normal game
[22:17] emastorm> right?
[22:18] [AsG]Ralimurr> Same rules, but each tribe plays differently
[22:18] redfire in
[22:18] [AsG]Nationkid05> START THE GAME ALREADY!
[22:18] emastorm> different how?
[22:18] redfire out
[22:18] emastorm> i get dogs and sheep now?
[22:18] emastorm> ahhah
[22:18] emastorm> launch babo
[22:19] emastorm> ;)
[22:19] Babo_OP> map doesnt work
[22:19] emastorm> do I need to download something?
[22:19] [tsi]marcus-> just need the game emastorm
[22:19] emastorm> updating
[22:20] [GoD]Shogun> [23:18] [AsG]Nationkid05> START THE GAME ALREADY!
[22:20] [GoD]Shogun> :wow:
[22:21] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[22:23] [AvA]RIPkekw> what happened?
[22:23] Gromidon out
[22:23] Babo_OP> rotated wrong
[22:23] Babo_OP> sky was dictator
[22:24] Babo_OP> twitch.tv/poptb_babo
[22:25] [rw]karma out
[22:26] jordi-adhd out
[22:30] [GoD]Hakai in
[22:31] [GoD]Hakai out
[22:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> crashed
[22:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sry
[22:48] HexTheRex> damn
[22:48] [AvA]Acid-303> we thought that you quit
[22:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yea he uit
[22:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i froze for 2 mins
[22:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and then quit
[22:49] [AvA]Acid-303> sometimes aba's host froze
[22:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> looed like u where winning to be fair
[22:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> looked like ?
[22:49] [AsG]Yekralc> i lost all to blues attack
[22:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lol
[22:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it as over m8
[22:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> my path was so messed up
[22:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i wanted too go def bd but i couldnt
[22:49] [AsG]Yekralc out
[22:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> high ground maps
[22:50] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe is better don't build on path
[22:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah
[22:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i builded that stupid hut
[22:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yek is truly bad
[22:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> honstly
[22:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u guys ally him next time
[22:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah one of ur team had just 2 huts and 20 fw
[22:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i thought this must be hex
[22:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but i was wrong
[22:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hex is better than yek
[22:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> but just needs to listen a bit more
[22:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hex is learning everyday
[22:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> getting better and better
[22:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo
[22:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yooooooooo
[22:55] HexTheRex> lol no
[22:55] HexTheRex> i played a few disaster games
[22:56] emastorm> What we playing acid?
[22:57] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn all :p
[22:57] [SW]Misfortune out
[22:57] [AvA]Acid-303> gn fried
[22:57] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[22:57] [AvA]Acid-303> idk what ema
[22:57] Tabaluga> nici we with div confirmed your issue with random dismantling
[22:58] emastorm> onde está o nici?
[22:58] [AsG]Nationkid05> reuploaded 7v1 normal from Leaf before he deleted
[22:58] [AsG]Nationkid05> map is #1
[22:59] Heldinho> prudence
[23:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> eu
[23:00] DonnaJones_OP> Loool
[23:00] HexTheRex> no ping
[23:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> podiamos era jogar um jogo tuga
[23:00] [AvA]Acid-303> guys sorry i have to go
[23:00] [AvA]Acid-303> gn
[23:00] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[23:00] DonnaJones_OP> Nice...
[23:00] Heldinho> qnts estamos?´
[23:00] HexTheRex> heldinho, aba?
[23:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tabaluga ho are u ?
[23:00] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[23:00] jimmyhunter1000 out
[23:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can u play sess ?
[23:01] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[23:01] DonnaJones_OP> Best map
[23:01] emastorm> jogo tuga ahah
[23:01] emastorm> popula o inicio
[23:01] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[23:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> populous EL COMIENZO
[23:02] emastorm> hermano de galicia
[23:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> oh auros
[23:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ke phoi akilo no diss a cord
[23:03] Heldinho> alguem sabe quem e o hungaro?
[23:03] Heldinho> tava a perguntar onde andavas?
[23:03] emastorm> portugues não é
[23:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> o hungaro é tuga
[23:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lisboeeta
[23:04] DonnaJones_OP in
[23:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP> luisboeta
[23:04] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:04] [AvA]Stauni out
[23:05] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[23:05] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[23:14] [D]bob_the_builder out
[23:14] [AsG]Ragnj out
[23:16] [AsG]Ragnj in
[23:17] TomekJ in
[23:17] [GoD]Shogun out
[23:18] iRespectWomenxD26> nah pop ded
[23:21] sam_tas in
[23:21] TomekJ out
[23:24] sam_tas out
[23:26] [AvA]MIBbel in
[23:31] [AvA]Geralt out
[23:35] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:38] DonnaJones_OP out
[23:54] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[23:56] [SW]chapo in
[23:56] [SW]chapo out
[23:56] [SW]chapo in
[23:56] [Rw]Macca out
[00:00] emastorm> gg
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tens de meter shipht + L
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> creio eu
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> para selecionar
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gg
[00:00] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[00:00] emastorm> valeu
[00:00] Heldinho> ?
[00:00] emastorm> estou muito destreinado
[00:00] Heldinho> uso o left click
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tava a tentar interagir
[00:00] Heldinho> sao merdas do beta?´
[00:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> mas acho k n tavas a ler o chat ao inicio lol
[00:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> na
[00:01] emastorm> desculpem la nao ler o chat
[00:01] Heldinho> ya eu n
[00:01] emastorm> estava a tentar focar o maximo
[00:01] emastorm> xD
[00:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> shift + L é selecionar/deselecionar
[00:01] emastorm> mas faltou ajuda no meio
[00:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phds
[00:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> o roxo puta atrasado
[00:01] Heldinho> eu seleciono com o rato
[00:01] PrudencePetitpas_OP> eu a dizer ao gajo p te ir ajudar
[00:02] emastorm> na boa
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> o gajo so vinha para o bd
[00:02] emastorm> todos tentamos o melhor
[00:02] emastorm> foi divertido
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yup
[00:02] Heldinho> mas tipo mandava a shamn pa um sitio e deslselecionava sozinha wtf
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sim
[00:02] emastorm> bom até outro dia!
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> isso é autoselect
[00:02] Heldinho> puta merda
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> até pro ano xD
[00:02] emastorm> boas noites!
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[00:02] emastorm> não
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> volta cedo pah
[00:02] Heldinho> ãte daqui q 20 anos kkk
[00:02] emastorm> eu devo bater mais uns
[00:02] emastorm> este soube a pouco
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ahahah assim gosto
[00:03] emastorm> estou zarolho e com falta de vista
[00:03] Heldinho> eu disse xD
[00:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> camões
[00:03] emastorm> nem percebi o backdoor
[00:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ée trankilo
[00:03] emastorm> pedrinho pedrinho
[00:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> nessa altura tbm ja tava acabadinho
[00:04] emastorm out
[00:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP> auros, a k tava a dizer
[00:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP> é a hotkey do autoselect
[00:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP> mesmo no pop normal
[00:05] Heldinho> ya mas isto nao era assim?´
[00:05] Heldinho> nao acontece sempre
[00:05] HexTheRex> our bases hold pretty well until strike from back
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ás vezes pode acontecer por missclick
[00:05] Heldinho> entao secalhar foi isso
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ya bd settled it
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> good move phrom yell
[00:05] Heldinho> a pressão kkkk
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tipo , cada click ke davas
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ela deselecionava
[00:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP>
[00:05] Heldinho> ya
[00:05] HexTheRex> next time need to secure back side. i can do that too
[00:06] [AvA]aba> gn guys
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gn
[00:06] Heldinho> gn
[00:06] HexTheRex> my worst thing is attacking. i always kill my troops there
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you only got to do 2 things in this game
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> troop and attack
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I mean generally
[00:06] [AvA]aba out
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> iph you hold back too much, you'll die, eventualy
[00:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP> eventually *
[00:07] HexTheRex> but no matter if i send 40 men and shaman they all get killed and dont do any damage
[00:07] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you aren't using them properly then m8
[00:07] PrudencePetitpas_OP> that's most likely the case
[00:07] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can't put em all together
[00:07] Heldinho> you just need more practice
[00:07] HexTheRex> theyre in one big chunk
[00:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you know how easy the AI in the single player is too beat when he send 50 men and shaman at once
[00:08] HexTheRex> yea
[00:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> so dont play like the AI
[00:08] HexTheRex> i use swamp for that
[00:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or lightning in the water
[00:10] HexTheRex> one more game, someone?
[00:10] HexTheRex> 2v2 maybe
[00:11] Heldinho> we shoud get some1 soon
[00:11] [SW]chapo out
[00:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> otherwise 2v1 or ffa is an option
[00:12] HexTheRex> prude or heldi host
[00:13] Heldinho> host prudences
[00:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> prudence
[00:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> prudência passinhos
[00:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> com o meu gato e a conduzir, o mal eu vou perseguir
[00:14] Heldinho> lol
[00:14] Heldinho> estas poeta hj
[00:15] PrudencePetitpas_OP> é da avó detective
[00:16] PrudencePetitpas_OP> não conheces?
[00:16] Heldinho> n
[00:17] Heldinho> so o risitas xD
[00:17] Heldinho> isso é o q?
[00:18] HexTheRex> eh
[00:18] Heldinho> nunca vi disso
[00:18] HexTheRex> almost
[00:20] Heldinho> ?
[00:20] Heldinho> map?
[00:20] HexTheRex> pings not working
[00:20] HexTheRex> ok now
[00:20] Heldinho> they r
[00:20] Heldinho> fo?
[00:20] HexTheRex> craters is ok
[00:21] Heldinho> teasm?
[00:21] [AsG]Sky- out
[00:21] [AvA]MIBbel in
[00:23] [GoD]Eric out
[00:23] Heldinho> ?
[00:23] Heldinho> prudence wake up
[00:26] [TSI]O-Ren out
[00:30] [AvA]MIBbel out
[00:35] [tsi]marcus- out
[00:48] Babo_OP out
[00:50] Rapid in
[01:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[01:11] HopeEternal in
[01:11] WilsonVolleyball in
[01:11] bythewayimrusty> HEY GUYS
[01:12] Heldinho> o teu primo
[01:12] Heldinho> lool~
[01:13] Heldinho> hey ossur
[01:14] WilsonVolleyball out
[01:14] bythewayimrusty> hey heldinho
[01:14] WilsonVolleyball in
[01:14] bythewayimrusty> :D
[01:14] Heldinho> :-)
[01:14] bythewayimrusty> gj with that match vs Nici
[01:14] WilsonVolleyball out
[01:15] bythewayimrusty> you played well
[01:15] WilsonVolleyball in
[01:15] WilsonVolleyball out
[01:16] WilsonVolleyball in
[01:16] HopeEternal out
[01:16] Heldinho> wasnt prepared for first atack
[01:16] HopeEternal in
[01:16] bythewayimrusty> Nici was left weak
[01:16] bythewayimrusty> and you didnt use your opportunity to attack
[01:17] WilsonVolleyball out
[01:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> o meu primo ?
[01:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> keem ?
[01:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> idk y rex didn't kill melol
[01:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> honestly I just anted to try to end uickly
[01:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> all vs all gets boring aphter a bit
[01:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no one attacks until they get bigger ;/
[01:20] [AsG]Ragnj out
[01:24] Heldinho> nao do pop
[01:24] Heldinho> no geral
[01:33] [SW]Diablo in
[01:34] [SW]Diablo out
[01:36] [SW]Diablo in
[01:36] PrudencePetitpas_OP> boas ric
[01:36] PrudencePetitpas_OP> típica aparição
[01:36] PrudencePetitpas_OP> : P
[01:36] Heldinho> days gone
[01:40] [SW]Diablo out
[01:48] Heldinho> wake up prudence
[01:49] Tabaluga out
[01:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> p
[01:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> crossplay é bacano
[01:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sorry tava a phazer caphé
[01:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :P
[01:54] PrudencePetitpas_OP> experimenta capuccino de caramelo
[01:54] PrudencePetitpas_OP> não keres outra coisa
[01:54] PrudencePetitpas_OP> nunca tentei phortnite
[01:55] PrudencePetitpas_OP> mas prevejo uma má experiência
[01:55] PrudencePetitpas_OP> https://instagram.fopo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/181729279_174335471242813_299673163178867563_n.jpg?tp=1&_nc_ht=instagram.fopo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=5a119mBVikMAX8fJPbh&edm=AGenrX8BAAAA&ccb=7-4&oh=7e5da6061c5488110897a1d20739c8bf&oe=60C6473D&_nc_sid=5eceaa
[01:55] PrudencePetitpas_OP> vê só essas tetas
[01:57] Heldinho> nunca provei
[01:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 19 aninhos
[01:59] Heldinho> coisa boa
[02:00] Heldinho> quem é?
[02:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> é daui
[02:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> daki
[02:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> kkkkkkkk
[02:01] Heldinho> ataca
[02:02] Heldinho> com prudence kkkk
[02:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :')
[02:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> é cimento demais
[02:02] Heldinho> nao e impossivel
[02:02] Heldinho> ha que acreditar
[02:03] Heldinho> anda muita gaja boa com gajos feios :-D
[02:04] Heldinho> elas querem é guito pa estourar xD
[02:05] Heldinho> olha o papa cenouras br xD
[02:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> loooool
[02:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> não posso negar essa merdaa
[02:05] Heldinho> vou ver se encontro
[02:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> manda
[02:06] Heldinho> https://www.tiktok.com/@opapacapim?
[02:07] [D]bob_the_builder in
[02:08] Heldinho> https://www.tiktok.com/@opapacapim/video/6955489305565416709?lang=pt-BR&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6962996840723662341
[02:09] [D]bob_the_builder> esses dentes davam para cavar batatas
[02:09] Heldinho> ya ta ai um perigoso xD
[02:09] Heldinho> deve ganhar bues a fazer videos
[02:11] Heldinho> olha este que agora rapou o nariz fora
[02:11] Heldinho> https://www.tiktok.com/@fernandofrancooliveira?lang=pt-BR
[02:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lol
[02:12] Heldinho> sai demonio :-D
[02:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> esses dentes são phalsos ?
[02:12] Heldinho> acho q n
[02:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ou são mesmo verdadiros
[02:12] Heldinho> penso q sim
[02:12] Heldinho> olha o nariz
[02:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phodasse
[02:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> eu matava me crl
[02:12] Heldinho> deve respirar bem
[02:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ah este da tatuagem
[02:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> da lhe mais uns 2 3 anos
[02:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ou no maximo 5
[02:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tá na cova
[02:13] Heldinho> so pode ser pa monetizar bues
[02:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 99%
[02:13] Heldinho> e provavel
[02:13] Heldinho> esta a abvusar um pouco
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> comoo akeles gajos
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ainda novos
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ke tentaram imitar o KEN
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> llol
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> "ken brasileiro"
[02:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> morrem todos
[02:14] Heldinho> lingua cortada a meio e o crl
[02:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> j asus
[02:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> além de ter uma puta duma pança
[02:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> parece a barriga do pdro
[02:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pedro
[02:19] WilsonVolleyball in
[02:19] HopeEternal out
[02:19] WilsonVolleyball out
[02:19] Heldinho> q pedro?
[02:19] Heldinho> ~parece q comeu um boi
[02:19] [D]bob_the_builder> o pedro_man
[02:20] Heldinho> onde ta esse sacana
[02:20] Heldinho> esse era ha 15 anos atras xD
[02:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> os pedros são todos uns cornos
[02:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[02:21] Heldinho> agora q falas os q conheço são mesmo :-D
[02:21] [D]bob_the_builder> sao do piorio
[02:21] [D]bob_the_builder> confirmo
[02:22] Heldinho> criaram outro canal no discord?
[02:23] Tyler out
[02:26] Tyler in
[02:26] PrudencePetitpas_OP> cual é o novo
[02:26] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ??
[02:27] Heldinho> nao tenho visto os vadios do costume la
[02:27] Heldinho> tou a perguntar?
[02:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ahhh
[02:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pera eu mando-te
[02:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no telemovel
[02:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> mas tipo nao ha muita voz agora
[02:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> só meensageens
[02:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> o pop deu um drop na actividade
[02:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> vo pa cama mas eu mando-t
[02:28] [D]bob_the_builder> nudes?
[02:28] [AvA]bioSound in
[02:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> chupa me a pexota
[02:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> seu boi
[02:29] [D]bob_the_builder> :plead:
[02:29] Heldinho> ok
[02:30] PrudencePetitpas_OP> deves pnsar
[02:30] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pensare
[02:30] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[02:34] [AvA]bioSound out
[02:40] Rapid out
[02:47] [SW]Diablo in
[02:53] [SW]Diablo out
[02:54] Heldinho out
[02:56] TristanFR out
[03:00] [TDM]Tundar in
[03:03] [TDM]Tundar out
[03:11] Angerfist_OP out
[03:16] [D]bob_the_builder out
[03:23] ice-t_TSI out
[03:27] [tsi]marcus- in
[03:30] WhitePhantom out
[03:42] [tsi]marcus- out
[03:57] Deists in
[03:58] Deists out
[04:06] HexTheRex out
[04:56] [AsG]Sky- in
[05:42] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[05:53] TristanFR in
[06:07] k90000 in
[06:13] Hungaro in
[06:14] Hungaro> how are there no games at this time !?
[06:14] Hungaro> wake up bros
[06:21] Coruscater in
[06:21] [AsG]Sky-> it's like 1:20am here... 6:21am in London
[06:21] Coruscater> Hi guys!
[06:21] [AsG]Sky-> o/
[06:22] Coruscater> I heard mention in forums theres also a discord server? I couldnt find the link tho?
[06:22] Coruscater> oh shoot I see it at the top here
[06:23] [AsG]Sky-> https://www.popre.net/
[06:23] [AsG]Sky-> ya... just was about to say that
[06:27] [AsG]Sky-> add a player... swap blue and yellow
[06:29] Coruscater> testing, first discord msg...
[06:30] Coruscater> There we go!
[06:31] Coruscater> Hows it going K9?
[06:33] Coruscater> mmm possibly, Im basically brand new again.... Mind chatting for a few me to help get me up to speed?
[06:33] Coruscater> min*
[06:34] Coruscater> First Im wondering is there anyway to change the keybindings? I want to use QWES keys instead of arrows for map rotation etc
[06:34] Coruscater> I prefer to talk to people
[06:35] Coruscater> how long you been playing for?
[06:35] Coruscater> I thought this game was LONG dead.... I was so sad when I lost my old CD and couldnt find a way to get the game again, I didnt know you could download it now,
[06:41] Coruscater> Are there many hotkeys? I know you can hold cntrl to place multiple buildings and set waypoints for moving, and I know if you press "g" your units will guard your shaman, but I forget how to make units guard between two points. Also wondering if theres hotkeys to each building type so you dont have to click tab and click building you want etc?
[06:48] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[06:49] [AsG]Sky-> np
[06:49] [AsG]Sky-> there are hotkeys in beta
[06:49] Hungaro> yes cruscater
[06:50] Hungaro> in game press escape
[06:50] Hungaro> and you find key mapping
[06:50] Hungaro> in the option
[06:50] Hungaro> it is beta and single player
[06:50] [AsG]Sky-> in beta
[06:50] Hungaro> do games vs bots so you have time to set them up
[06:51] Hungaro> or you can use me
[06:59] Coruscater> yeah I found the youtube tutorials
[06:59] Coruscater> watching them now
[07:00] Coruscater> very helpful
[07:00] Coruscater> I USED to be realllly good, this is such a blast from the past!
[07:00] IncaWarrior out
[07:01] [AsG]Sky-> the match maker is most active around 7pm gmt
[07:02] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk inca n brandan
[07:03] adamknights in
[07:04] adamknights out
[07:06] power_OP in
[07:07] IncaWarrior in
[07:09] Coruscater> Can you run discord voice while in game?
[07:09] power_OP> yeah
[07:11] Coruscater> sweet, that was definately not a thing back in my day
[07:15] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[07:37] [SW]Arbrim out
[07:39] power_OP out
[07:43] Coruscater out
[07:49] Coruscater> Uh oh, game keeps crashing :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
[07:54] power_OP in
[08:08] power_OP out
[08:12] wezlol in
[08:12] wezlol out
[08:29] [AsG]Sky- out
[08:32] TristanFR out
[08:41] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[08:55] [AsG]Sky- in
[09:00] Tyler out
[09:01] [GoD]Hakai in
[09:02] [GoD]Hakai> brb
[09:19] k90000 out
[09:24] [AvA]Geralt in
[09:25] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[09:37] h2d in
[09:39] h2d out
[09:57] k90000 in
[09:58] k90000 out
[10:01] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:02] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[10:02] power_OP in
[10:02] power_OP out
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> mahmut tsu
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> join for a game?
[10:03] Mahmut1661_Tas> Cant I am in school :)
[10:03] Mahmut1661_Tas> just came to chat
[10:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[10:06] Zpektrix_TAS> not joining hakais hosting anymore
[10:06] Zpektrix_TAS> too much lag for me
[10:19] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[10:22] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[10:31] PrudencePetitpas> @Coruscater Where did you install pop from?
[10:35] [GoD]carbine in
[10:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[10:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> always the same shit with u
[10:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> look at u
[10:35] [GoD]carbine> guy logs in
[10:35] [GoD]carbine> goes afk all day
[10:35] [GoD]carbine> and logs out
[10:35] [GoD]carbine> before bed
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[10:36] [GoD]Hakai> lol
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> problem ?
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> you do that too
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> to provoke ppl
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> and show off pop girls
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> look at u
[10:36] [GoD]carbine> loool
[10:36] [GoD]Hakai> tsu join
[10:36] [GoD]Hakai> nice host
[10:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu ally me
[10:36] [GoD]carbine> join tsu
[10:37] [GoD]Hakai> i only lag you , all other players are ok witrh my host
[10:37] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[10:38] [GoD]Hakai> what is with these us guys? isnt it like 4 am over there
[10:38] [GoD]carbine> wow my sigma is 1.9
[10:38] [GoD]carbine> damn i rly havent been playing a lot
[10:39] [GoD]carbine> nowadays im just too busy idek im too high n busy n shit
[10:40] [GoD]Hakai> how is the sigma even calculated? ive 659 games and 1,65 sigma
[10:40] [GoD]Hakai> how does mm calculate the sigma
[10:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> the more you play the less sigmau have ?
[10:40] [GoD]Hakai> is 1.9 high?
[10:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[10:42] [GoD]Hakai> okay, thats nice to know now
[10:42] [GoD]Hakai> never knew what sigma is
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> another querstion about popre, are the played games at "view profile" right?
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> or is it a false number
[10:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> false nr
[10:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> ive got like 13.5 k games in total
[10:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> dunno why it says a peanut for me
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> where can i see the actual games played?
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> lol
[10:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> not included from other seasons
[10:45] [GoD]Hakai> oh okay
[10:45] [GoD]Hakai> one season = 1 year?
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> don t fucking know the leagues is a mess
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> imo
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> look at the noobs being above me
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf is that
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh nvm im #2
[10:45] [GoD]Hakai> lmao
[10:45] [GoD]Hakai> hahahah
[10:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> still fucked
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> trods #5
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> gotta be freaking kidding me
[10:46] [GoD]Hakai> lemme check the league
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> havent checked leagues for many months now
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> just took a look now again cuz of u
[10:46] [GoD]Hakai> 31 punkte
[10:46] [GoD]Hakai> bzw. 32
[10:46] [GoD]Hakai> to #1
[10:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> geh mal traditional leages
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> da siehst du exact die pkt anzahl von jedem
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> in aller zeit popres
[10:47] k90000 in
[10:47] [GoD]Hakai> krass
[10:47] [GoD]Hakai> wer iust denn ttylamno
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> matt
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmfao
[10:47] [GoD]Hakai> lol wtf
[10:47] [GoD]Hakai> der ist doch volls chelcht eig
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja, ich weiss
[10:47] [GoD]Hakai> also was heißt voll schlecht
[10:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein sein macro ist nice
[10:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> er is bloss langsam
[10:48] [GoD]Hakai> aber nicht wirjlich top tier :D
[10:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> und hat arg viel spiele hinter sich
[10:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> mehr als jeder andere lol
[10:48] [GoD]Hakai> wenn man so voele spiele hat, sollte man schon mit den besten gleichauf sein :D
[10:48] [GoD]Hakai> oder man hat einfach weniger talent
[10:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> loll
[10:48] Hungaro out
[10:50] [GoD]Hakai> laut leagues hat meph 300 games
[10:50] [GoD]Hakai> wow
[10:50] [GoD]Hakai> denke das ist auch nicht mal richtig für die season
[10:50] [GoD]Hakai> what a mess
[10:51] power_OP in
[10:51] power_OP out
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> reicht aber fürn garten
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[10:52] [GoD]Hakai> loool
[10:53] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[10:53] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[10:53] Hungaro in
[10:57] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[11:01] Hungaro out
[11:03] ashneverdawn in
[11:05] ashneverdawn out
[11:05] ashneverdawn in
[11:06] IronverseAI in
[11:06] zenkithepixie in
[11:06] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:06] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:07] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:07] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:07] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:07] [GoD]Hakai> 4 new players
[11:13] [GoD]carbine out
[11:14] ashneverdawn> talking to us?
[11:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> :nice:
[11:15] ashneverdawn> how do i start the game?
[11:15] [GoD]Hakai> you need to ping each other
[11:15] [GoD]Hakai> when ping is x the game wont start
[11:17] [GoD]Hakai out
[11:17] ashneverdawn> how do we ping?
[11:18] [GoD]carbine in
[11:19] IronverseAI> Any pointers how to win against a veteran player? Cheat maybe?
[11:20] Hungaro in
[11:21] ashneverdawn> Ping failed. You or the other person must be able to host.
[11:21] ashneverdawn> how do i fix this?
[11:25] ashneverdawn out
[11:26] ashneverdawn in
[11:26] IronverseAI out
[11:26] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:26] ashneverdawn out
[11:26] zenkithepixie out
[11:26] ashneverdawn in
[11:26] zenkithepixie in
[11:26] zenkithepixie out
[11:26] zenkithepixie in
[11:27] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:28] IronverseAI in
[11:30] ashneverdawn out
[11:30] ashneverdawn in
[11:31] zenkithepixie out
[11:31] zenkithepixie in
[11:32] zenkithepixie out
[11:32] zenkithepixie in
[11:34] ashneverdawn out
[11:34] ashneverdawn in
[11:35] ashneverdawn out
[11:35] ashneverdawn in
[11:35] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:37] IronverseAI out
[11:37] IronverseAI in
[11:39] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:39] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:39] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:39] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:40] Tanizuki1923 out
[11:41] Tanizuki1923 in
[11:44] IronverseAI out
[11:44] IronverseAI in
[11:45] Hungaro out
[11:46] IronverseAI out
[11:47] IronverseAI in
[11:48] IronverseAI out
[11:48] IronverseAI in
[11:48] Tabaluga in
[11:49] IronverseAI out
[11:49] IronverseAI in
[11:49] zenkithepixie out
[11:49] zenkithepixie in
[11:50] ashneverdawn out
[11:50] ashneverdawn in
[11:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> Have you forwarded your ports ash?
[11:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> I assume so, because you do have a star
[11:51] ashneverdawn> i have yes
[11:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> Is everyone missing ping, or just a few?
[11:51] ashneverdawn> just one
[11:52] ashneverdawn> its a ?
[11:52] [AsG]Ralimurr> If it takes very long, rejoining the hut or relogging usually works
[11:52] [AsG]Ralimurr> If that doesn't, I'm not sure. Could be a few things I think
[11:52] [AsG]Ralimurr> It's worth looking at your firewall or virus scanner if it still doesn't work
[11:53] [AsG]Ralimurr> Rejoining as host sometimes works too
[11:53] [AsG]Ralimurr> It can be a bit finicky if the connection isn't solid from both sides sometimes
[11:54] IronverseAI> Okay, thanks.
[11:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> I could check if I can ping the person you can't ping
[11:54] ashneverdawn out
[11:55] k90000 out
[11:55] k90000 in
[11:55] IronverseAI> It's not launching
[11:55] power_OP in
[11:55] IronverseAI> It only says "Launching game..."
[11:56] zenkithepixie out
[11:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> Have you selected a version at the top?
[11:56] zenkithepixie in
[11:56] IronverseAI> There is no version in the drop down
[11:56] zenkithepixie out
[11:56] zenkithepixie in
[11:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> Did you set the Populous directory correctly in the settings?
[11:57] IronverseAI> Yeah
[11:57] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[11:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hmm odd
[11:58] IronverseAI> C:\Program FIles (x86)\Bullfrog\Populous
[11:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Try typing !update in chat here. You might need the 1.5 version before you can select a version
[11:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Would be a weird thing that needs to be fixed
[11:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> But could be
[11:59] IronverseAI> I'm on Windows 8.1, probably that's makes it not running.
[11:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> 1.01 might run on Windows 8.1 I think??
[11:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> People run it on Windows 7
[12:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> It is more difficult to get running on 7 and 8.1 though
[12:01] [AsG]Ralimurr> Might need to use compatibiility mode
[12:01] IronverseAI> Yeah, thanks dude, will try it later
[12:01] [AsG]Ralimurr> If all else fails, you can try asking in the #support channel in the Discord. It's easier to reach the right people there
[12:01] power_OP> maybe about defender
[12:01] [AsG]Ralimurr> Could be Windows defender yeah
[12:02] [AsG]Ralimurr> power has X ping for me when I join the hut
[12:02] power_OP> same fotr you
[12:02] power_OP> to me
[12:02] power_OP> but now ok
[12:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[12:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo toruk
[12:03] [AsG]Ralimurr> The link to the Discord is in the welcome message at the top of chat and in the welcome tab at the top
[12:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sup Fried
[12:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> how's the mappack going?
[12:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Just waiting for everyone to send me their maps
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP in
[12:05] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[12:05] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:05] [AvA]RIPkekw> nice
[12:07] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[12:07] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:13] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[12:13] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:14] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:17] iRespectWomenxD26> mm not launching wat a typical day on mm
[12:19] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[12:20] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:21] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:22] power_OP out
[12:22] power_OP in
[12:28] Tanizuki1923 out
[12:28] [AsG]Sky- out
[12:29] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:35] IronverseAI out
[12:38] HexTheRex in
[12:49] zenkithepixie out
[12:57] [GoD]Hakai> +1
[12:59] xtro in
[13:08] mmiqoverload in
[13:29] mmiqoverload out
[13:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:31] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:31] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[13:40] Deists in
[13:45] [GoD]Hakai out
[13:46] xtro out
[13:48] power_OP out
[13:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[13:48] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[14:00] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:00] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:07] [D]bob_the_builder in
[14:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[14:10] [D]bob_the_builder> xupamagayta
[14:11] PrudencePetitpas_OP> a puta da tua pixa
[14:15] Tabaluga> nice lbs m8
[14:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:23] HexTheRex out
[14:25] power_OP in
[14:36] power_OP out
[14:44] power_OP in
[14:44] power_OP out
[14:51] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[14:52] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:05] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[15:07] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[15:08] [SW]pablo- in
[15:08] [SW]pablo- out
[15:10] [AvA]Stauni in
[15:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Stauni
[15:11] [AvA]Stauni> hi toruk
[15:12] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[15:12] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[15:13] redfire in
[15:13] redfire out
[15:19] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[15:30] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[15:34] k90000 out
[15:39] k90000 in
[15:44] Deists out
[15:52] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:53] 00Shaman in
[15:54] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[15:59] 00Shaman> yoo
[15:59] 00Shaman> +2
[16:11] [rw]karma in
[16:11] bythewayimrusty> i like big boobs, any lady in here?
[16:12] 00Shaman> +@
[16:12] 00Shaman> +2
[16:13] bythewayimrusty> im not ready for a warrior ranked fight
[16:13] bythewayimrusty> im just a spy atm
[16:15] [D]bob_the_builder> i have big boobs
[16:15] bythewayimrusty> show me
[16:15] bythewayimrusty> :D
[16:15] bythewayimrusty> man boobs?
[16:15] 00Shaman> ( . Y . )
[16:15] 00Shaman> ILuvBooBs was a good player
[16:15] 00Shaman> and my buddy
[16:16] bythewayimrusty> yeah
[16:16] bythewayimrusty> i knew him
[16:16] bythewayimrusty> what happened to him?
[16:16] 00Shaman> ya i always allied him
[16:16] 00Shaman> he's dead
[16:16] 00Shaman> jk
[16:16] 00Shaman> lol
[16:16] 00Shaman> just dead to pop
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> 00shaman?
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> i knew you
[16:17] 00Shaman> ya i was around
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> you used to play on old ea server
[16:17] 00Shaman> ya man
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> now i remember
[16:17] 00Shaman> good times
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> i was Ossur
[16:17] 00Shaman> ya now you're Troll1
[16:17] 00Shaman> hahhahah
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> lol
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> true
[16:17] [D]bob_the_builder> hi onur
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> ossur*
[16:17] 00Shaman> :away:
[16:17] bythewayimrusty> onur is another player
[16:18] [D]bob_the_builder> ok onur gotcha
[16:18] bythewayimrusty> I used to win like 50% of our matches Shaman 00
[16:19] bythewayimrusty> used to be equal in skill
[16:20] bythewayimrusty> yeah we need more goddesses here
[16:20] bythewayimrusty> div
[16:20] [Rw]Macca in
[16:20] bythewayimrusty> are you making mappacks
[16:20] bythewayimrusty> ?
[16:21] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[16:21] DonnaJones_OP out
[16:23] iRespectWomenxD26> woah this place is packed
[16:23] bythewayimrusty> mappacked?
[16:23] iRespectWomenxD26> ya so many maps
[16:23] bythewayimrusty> really
[16:23] iRespectWomenxD26> ya man
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> :D
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> no one to play them tho :D
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> so many mappacks
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> dont know what to play
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> i like the original
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> wut originals
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> but there are other gold coins out there
[16:24] bythewayimrusty> PP, ds , Craters, two ontwo
[16:24] Sirius_OP in
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> forgot bout fo
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> YEAh
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> i know there are alot of good maps
[16:25] Sirius_OP out
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> but i dont really know about tthose mas
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> maps
[16:25] iRespectWomenxD26> lot of shit ones too
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> yeah
[16:25] bythewayimrusty> like 4 walls
[16:26] bythewayimrusty> that map sucks
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> 4walls is a bore
[16:26] bythewayimrusty> i like sess
[16:26] bythewayimrusty> its so easy to play
[16:26] TomekJ in
[16:26] bythewayimrusty> just build fast, then make only fws and get controle of the middle
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> ya v easy
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> dont forget to expand
[16:26] bythewayimrusty> so few trees tho
[16:27] iRespectWomenxD26> theres enuff
[16:27] bythewayimrusty> just dismantle the spy training hut
[16:27] bythewayimrusty> that wood is ment to go to the camp
[16:29] iRespectWomenxD26> rusty y is pop dying?
[16:30] bythewayimrusty> because
[16:30] iRespectWomenxD26> well not dying for the low rank scrubs
[16:30] iRespectWomenxD26> ooo cause?
[16:30] bythewayimrusty> its hard to get a gam
[16:30] iRespectWomenxD26> true man y tho?
[16:31] bythewayimrusty> 1on1?
[16:31] iRespectWomenxD26> woah rusty i dont play with NOOBS
[16:31] bythewayimrusty> ok
[16:31] bythewayimrusty> i dont either
[16:31] iRespectWomenxD26> lol
[16:32] iRespectWomenxD26> not up for a 1 v 1 brah maybe l8er
[16:32] bythewayimrusty> nm
[16:32] bythewayimrusty> laer
[16:32] bythewayimrusty> later
[16:32] bythewayimrusty> *
[16:33] bythewayimrusty> l8er
[16:33] bythewayimrusty> :D
[16:34] iRespectWomenxD26> :mad:
[16:35] bythewayimrusty> are you Gricory perelman
[16:35] bythewayimrusty> ?
[16:36] iRespectWomenxD26> ur a trip
[16:36] bythewayimrusty> i never used drugs
[16:36] bythewayimrusty> i never smoked
[16:36] bythewayimrusty> i never got drunk
[16:37] iRespectWomenxD26> lol
[16:37] iRespectWomenxD26> nah i mean like the shit u say catches me by surprise
[16:38] iRespectWomenxD26> cool fhk drugs str8 edge 4 lyfe
[16:38] bythewayimrusty> i didnt sleep for 3 months
[16:39] bythewayimrusty> so i got schyzophrenia
[16:39] bythewayimrusty> lol
[16:40] iRespectWomenxD26> wut ur an insomniac?
[16:40] bythewayimrusty> i dont reallly know how this happened
[16:40] bythewayimrusty> just cant sleep
[16:40] iRespectWomenxD26> u dont sleep u start to see n hear shit
[16:40] bythewayimrusty> yes
[16:40] iRespectWomenxD26> bad luk u should treat that shit
[16:41] iRespectWomenxD26> gotta get them zzzzs
[16:41] bythewayimrusty> i need to put the voices to sleep
[16:42] iRespectWomenxD26> lol u seek treatment for any of it?
[16:42] bythewayimrusty> i seek
[16:42] bythewayimrusty> a medical treatment with a psychologist
[16:43] bythewayimrusty> and take in pills
[16:43] bythewayimrusty> to reduce my anxiety
[16:44] iRespectWomenxD26> bl man u should seek every alternative before u settle on 1 pill for life
[16:44] bythewayimrusty> i need to take pills untill i die
[16:44] iRespectWomenxD26> wat the doctor tells ya
[16:44] bythewayimrusty> he tells me alot of thins
[16:45] iRespectWomenxD26> but who knows if he actually gives a shit
[16:45] iRespectWomenxD26> seek 2nd opinion
[16:45] bythewayimrusty> which is?
[16:45] iRespectWomenxD26> diff doc
[16:45] bythewayimrusty> no im ok with the current one
[16:48] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:48] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[16:48] iRespectWomenxD26> k
[16:48] TomekJ out
[16:48] TomekJ in
[16:48] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:49] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:49] savas in
[16:50] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Savas
[16:53] savas> Hello Toruk :)
[16:53] savas> how are you?
[16:53] savas> fancy a gentle match 1v1?
[16:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm good, yourself?
[16:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> No thanks
[16:54] savas> Yes all good
[16:54] savas> and no worries
[16:54] savas> so damn rusty after 2 months of not playing
[16:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yes, I can imagine
[16:57] Tabaluga> get dev
[16:57] Tabaluga> m8
[16:57] [D]bob_the_builder> [57] Map not found 1 0
[16:57] [D]bob_the_builder> Updating Populous Dev... :monkas:
[16:57] [D]bob_the_builder> k done
[16:58] savas> 2v1?
[16:58] TomekJ> ok
[17:00] savas out
[17:00] savas in
[17:00] [TSI]O-Ren in
[17:00] TomekJ out
[17:01] TomekJ in
[17:01] bythewayimrusty> i wish pop would be as popular as CS
[17:01] bythewayimrusty> so wed have 200 player sonline
[17:01] bythewayimrusty> wonder if Nici would be the best then
[17:01] [AsG]Ralimurr> Help new players and be welcoming to them, that way we'll have more players to play with and more players that will talk positively about the game/community
[17:01] [AsG]Ralimurr> Also more potential pros
[17:02] iRespectWomenxD26> being fake nice aint enough
[17:02] [AsG]Ralimurr> Of course not
[17:02] iRespectWomenxD26> staff focused on unimportant shit
[17:03] iRespectWomenxD26> online strat games never been that popular to begin with
[17:03] iRespectWomenxD26> too hard
[17:04] iRespectWomenxD26> easier to aim a mouse n shoot shit
[17:04] [AsG]Ralimurr> Starcraft 2 is pretty popular
[17:04] [AsG]Ralimurr> Same for AoE
[17:04] [AsG]Ralimurr> Probably not as popular as games like CoD and such, but still
[17:04] iRespectWomenxD26> sc2 and aoe have a long history
[17:04] Meph in
[17:05] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[17:06] bythewayimrusty> i know guys who still play WoW
[17:06] [D]bob_the_builder> nice desync mate
[17:06] Tabaluga> gg
[17:07] theoldstory in
[17:07] bythewayimrusty> hey story
[17:07] bythewayimrusty> can i read you
[17:07] bythewayimrusty> ?
[17:08] theoldstory> ye
[17:08] bythewayimrusty> thanks
[17:08] bythewayimrusty> im reading
[17:08] bythewayimrusty> *the old story* The end
[17:08] theoldstory> so what
[17:08] theoldstory> mmm
[17:08] theoldstory> )))))\
[17:08] theoldstory> okey here a story
[17:08] theoldstory> about miner
[17:08] bythewayimrusty> lol
[17:08] theoldstory> who mining bitcoin
[17:08] theoldstory> but
[17:09] theoldstory> the jesus stop him with a tornado
[17:09] theoldstory> ok i am dead
[17:09] bythewayimrusty> rofl
[17:09] bythewayimrusty> :D
[17:09] bythewayimrusty> good one
[17:09] theoldstory out
[17:11] theoldstory in
[17:12] [Rw]addiction in
[17:12] [Rw]addiction out
[17:12] [Rw]addiction in
[17:12] [Rw]addiction> wooooooooow
[17:12] [Rw]addiction> stable mm
[17:12] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[17:13] iRespectWomenxD26> stable as its gonna get
[17:13] Tabaluga> should support OGS
[17:13] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk ogs 1.5 support is were its at
[17:13] Tabaluga> wow u defend beta
[17:13] Tabaluga> :monkamega:
[17:13] [Rw]addiction> wtf
[17:13] iRespectWomenxD26> no choice inca calls the shots
[17:13] Tabaluga> sik
[17:13] [Rw]addiction> beta is wank
[17:14] iRespectWomenxD26> nah they almost got lbs working
[17:14] Tabaluga> :joy:
[17:14] Tabaluga> :pepeclown:
[17:14] Meph> addi join
[17:14] [Rw]addiction> nah
[17:14] [Rw]addiction> makin food
[17:15] theoldstory out
[17:15] bythewayimrusty> hey
[17:15] bythewayimrusty> big cock addi
[17:15] [Rw]addiction> shut up you annoying cunt
[17:17] Smarzyk in
[17:18] Meph> addi = shogun 2.0
[17:18] [Rw]addiction> worst insult ive ever had on here
[17:18] [Rw]addiction> the fuck man
[17:19] [Rw]addiction> dont disgrace me putting my name along with his in the same sentence
[17:20] [AvA]bioSound in
[17:20] [AsG]Sky- in
[17:22] theoldstory in
[17:24] [AvA]bioSound> +1
[17:25] Agownik in
[17:25] [AvA]bioSound> May i try to host?
[17:25] Smarzyk out
[17:26] Smarzyk in
[17:26] Agownik out
[17:26] Agownik in
[17:28] savas> gg
[17:28] power_OP in
[17:30] TomekJ out
[17:31] power_OP> me and savas?
[17:31] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sure
[17:31] savas> whatever really
[17:32] savas> im the noobest here
[17:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Savas, you're not kidding anyone. You'd rape me in under 10 minutes in a 1v1 :P
[17:33] savas> lol no chance
[17:33] savas> my time has come and gone
[17:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Okay, maybe 15
[17:33] theoldstory out
[17:33] savas> im at ossur1 level now :kekw:
[17:35] [Rw]addiction out
[17:36] TomekJ in
[17:37] Artz_Sam in
[17:37] iRespectWomenxD26> is my hut full some1?
[17:37] iRespectWomenxD26> dont got my glasses on
[17:37] [GoD]Hakai in
[17:38] IncaWarrior> yep
[17:38] [GoD]Hakai out
[17:38] iRespectWomenxD26> oh inca im glad ur here
[17:38] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk u
[17:39] iRespectWomenxD26> man place is popping since beta update
[17:41] IncaWarrior> maybe you need to host 1.5
[17:41] iRespectWomenxD26> oh shit big news
[17:41] iRespectWomenxD26> breaking news
[17:42] iRespectWomenxD26> today marks the day for our internationall fite against homophobia transphobia
[17:42] iRespectWomenxD26> n some other new phobias
[17:42] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeee
[17:43] [AvA]bioSound out
[17:43] iRespectWomenxD26> make sure to shake ur gay or trans buddy hand n let them know ur ON THEIR SIDE
[17:43] iRespectWomenxD26> N U CARE
[17:43] bythewayimrusty> wtf
[17:43] bythewayimrusty> why quitt?
[17:43] iRespectWomenxD26> ya rusty
[17:43] bythewayimrusty> lagg?
[17:43] bythewayimrusty> i won :D
[17:43] iRespectWomenxD26> oh nice moves rusty
[17:44] bythewayimrusty> did you watch the stream?
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> no busy cooking
[17:44] bythewayimrusty> ok
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> link ur twitch acc
[17:44] iRespectWomenxD26> i wanna watch while im eating mite learn a thing or 2
[17:44] bythewayimrusty out
[17:45] bythewayimrusty in
[17:45] bythewayimrusty> i lowered in rating
[17:45] bythewayimrusty> despite this win
[17:46] iRespectWomenxD26> lol
[17:46] iRespectWomenxD26> lmao
[17:46] iRespectWomenxD26> dam how u gonna drop a rank after a win
[17:46] bythewayimrusty> i mean
[17:46] bythewayimrusty> he was a spy too
[17:46] bythewayimrusty> but no match for me :D
[17:47] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[17:48] bythewayimrusty> got like 50 pop at start on pp
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> then i rushed his base with 20 warriors
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> had two warrior huts
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> i killed his shaman
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> and attacked with my shaman
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> and also sent 20 warriors
[17:50] bythewayimrusty> and it was a win
[17:53] bythewayimrusty> i think im getting mah skillz again
[18:01] k90000 out
[18:01] k90000 in
[18:02] bythewayimrusty out
[18:02] bythewayimrusty in
[18:03] bythewayimrusty> no ping
[18:03] bythewayimrusty> X ping
[18:03] bythewayimrusty> YEAH
[18:03] k90000> host
[18:03] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[18:03] bythewayimrusty> just play soemob else i guess
[18:03] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[18:03] bythewayimrusty> no
[18:04] bythewayimrusty> minibot crashes games afte 5 min
[18:04] TomekJ out
[18:04] bythewayimrusty> i dont play with minibot
[18:04] [AsG]Keith52 out
[18:04] power_OP> realy good stauni
[18:05] TomekJ in
[18:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Yeah, Stauni has really improved a lot
[18:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well played
[18:05] [AvA]Stauni> thx :)
[18:05] power_OP> gg wp
[18:05] power_OP> and i said my sidedoor for general message
[18:05] power_OP> lol
[18:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yes, we noticed
[18:06] TomekJ> playing in window and problem stering, beta no good
[18:07] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
k90000 - MapPack: OK
TomekJ - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Red - TomekJ: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[18:07] [AvA]Stauni> power did also good defending with troops
Game successfully created in database.
[18:07] power_OP> yeah i learned that if you have troop no need shaman
[18:08] [AvA]Stauni> well if they have fs x)
[18:08] power_OP> you must have troops back too
[18:08] power_OP> nici says like that
[18:08] power_OP> dont worry if shaman dead if you have troop
[18:09] [AvA]Stauni> savas warriors did hurt in midgame :D
[18:09] [AsG]Keith52 in
[18:09] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[18:09] power_OP> yeah savas pop graph realy good
[18:09] savas> wow asg team assemble
[18:09] [AsG]Sky-> AsG <3
[18:09] savas> cheers power
Game successfully checked in.
[18:09] [AsG]Ralimurr> Heyo
[18:10] savas> but am slow now, cannot attack as aggressively as I used to
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni out
[18:10] power_OP> hey bianca
[18:10] [AvA]Stauni in
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP> hi power :)
[18:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hey Bianca
[18:12] bythewayimrusty> hi power
[18:12] power_OP> ooo rusty
[18:12] power_OP> heyy whats up
[18:12] bythewayimrusty> im ok
[18:13] bythewayimrusty> you?
[18:13] power_OP> ahh 1 am ok too
[18:13] bythewayimrusty> good
[18:14] bythewayimrusty> when are we playing power?
[18:14] bythewayimrusty> i think i can win you next game
[18:14] power_OP> you choose
[18:15] Sirius_OP in
[18:16] power_OP> doing some chemistry problems this days
[18:16] power_OP> we need also koopa he can stream us
[18:16] bythewayimrusty> power join
[18:17] bythewayimrusty> let koopa stream us
[18:17] power_OP> playin now
[18:17] TristanFR in
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> cant atm
[18:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> wow saying pop is dead
[18:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> then gets a game
[18:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> and cannot play
[18:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> :kekw:
[18:18] [AsG]Keith52> lol
[18:18] power_OP> as you wish
[18:18] [AsG]Ralimurr> Oof
[18:18] power_OP> we can plan this match
[18:18] iRespectWomenxD26> me hosting a 1 v 1 low rank match ya im missing out big time
[18:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[18:19] bythewayimrusty> me > power
[18:19] bythewayimrusty> :D
[18:19] power_OP> we gonna see
[18:20] power_OP> also you bigger than me about experience
[18:20] bythewayimrusty> i know
[18:20] power_OP> but as your name you r rusty
[18:20] bythewayimrusty> im a veteran
[18:20] bythewayimrusty> im rusty
[18:20] power_OP> lol
[18:22] bythewayimrusty> you build fast btw
[18:22] bythewayimrusty> and you have uber mana
[18:23] power_OP> lol savas came and i went
[18:23] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1:
[18:23] power_OP> hey spin
[18:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi
[18:26] Artz_Sam out
[18:26] Artz_Sam in
[18:26] [AsG]Ralimurr> [AsG]Ralimurr + AliceInWonderland_OP + savas + [AsG]Sky- vs. TristanFR + Artz_Sam + [GoD]Spinnifix + power_OP
[18:27] power_OP> ok f me
[18:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> gogo
[18:27] [AsG]Ralimurr> Okay let me rotate
[18:27] [AsG]Ralimurr> Real quick then
[18:27] power_OP> maps look good
[18:31] [SW]Misfortune in
[18:32] Agownik out
[18:34] Smarzyk out
[18:35] iRespectWomenxD26> rusty lets play one
[18:40] Barracuda11 in
[18:40] Barracuda11 out
[18:40] warrior in
[18:41] warrior out
[18:41] warrior in
[18:41] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[18:47] [AsG]Nationkid05> Keith
[18:47] [AsG]Nationkid05> you wanna join in for some 8 player pop soon?
[18:48] savas out
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[18:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> good team
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[18:51] power_OP> gg wp
[18:51] [AsG]Nationkid05> :GG:
[18:51] [TDM]Tundar in
[18:51] Artz_Sam out
[18:51] Artz_Sam in
[18:52] TristanFR> gg
[18:54] [TDM]Tundar> :'(
[18:54] [AsG]Nationkid05> :microwave:
[18:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[18:55] [D]bob_the_builder out
[18:59] [D]amhyr in
Game results submitted.
[19:05] TomekJ> good game
[19:07] Artz_Sam out
[19:07] bythewayimrusty> did i do welll for a spy koopa
[19:08] [AvA]Stauni out
[19:08] [AvA]Stauni in
[19:08] iRespectWomenxD26> ya for a spy u could do better tho
[19:08] iRespectWomenxD26> dont do blue base vs red man
[19:08] Ozai in
[19:09] Ozai out
[19:09] iRespectWomenxD26> blue side doesnt got a lot of trees doesnt and land lower and wider compared to reds side
[19:09] bythewayimrusty> yeah
[19:09] bythewayimrusty> but its a challenge
[19:10] iRespectWomenxD26> should eq earlier too man
[19:10] iRespectWomenxD26> if the defense is too strong weaken it
[19:15] Artz_Sam in
[19:17] bythewayimrusty> yeah
[19:17] bythewayimrusty> i need to learn alot of things
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> how did you manually attack my shaman when i ghosted you r defence ?
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> i cast ghosts for 3 sec then again
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> so you need to redo
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> then i attacked
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> the tower
[19:18] bythewayimrusty> with lights
[19:19] iRespectWomenxD26> i select 5 fws
[19:19] iRespectWomenxD26> and shift click ur shaman
[19:19] bythewayimrusty> yea
[19:19] bythewayimrusty> i dont know how it works
[19:19] bythewayimrusty> when i ghosed your def every 2 sec
[19:20] iRespectWomenxD26> ??
[19:20] iRespectWomenxD26> like selecting the fws closest to ur shaman or wat?
[19:21] iRespectWomenxD26> oh u think fw wont shoot if ghost in tower?
[19:21] jimmyhunter1000 in
[19:25] savas in
[19:31] Dark_Link_TaS in
[19:32] Sirius_OP> :boom:
[19:33] Dark_Link_TaS> still broken
[19:33] Dark_Link_TaS> :nice:
[19:33] 00Shaman out
[19:33] Dark_Link_TaS out
[19:34] Sirius_OP> still dead place :nice:
[19:38] TomekJ out
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Fist
[19:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg wp
[19:39] [SW]Misfortune> gg wp
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[19:39] Artz_Sam> gg
[19:39] TristanFR> gg .
[19:39] TristanFR out
[19:39] Aldwych in
[19:40] Aldwych> Sup
[19:40] TristanFR in
[19:41] Gromidon in
[19:41] Tabaluga> fhk
[19:42] [SW]Misfortune out
[19:43] [AsG]Nationkid05> Just deciding map
[19:43] [AsG]Nationkid05> in AsG vc if anyone wants voice
[19:45] jordi-adhd in
[19:45] 00Shaman in
[19:46] [TDM]Tundar out
[19:49] 00Shaman> yo
[19:49] 00Shaman> let's do blasts quick, i only have 15 mins
[19:50] [SW]Misfortune in
[19:50] bythewayimrusty> gl
[19:50] warrior out
[19:51] Meph out
[19:52] Tabaluga out
[19:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> Crashed
[19:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> While placing a hut plan
[19:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> Odd
[19:56] [AsG]Nationkid05> Nice crash
[19:56] [AsG]Nationkid05> also team u need to chat
[19:56] power_OP> we were good
[19:56] [AsG]Nationkid05> they got AOD already though, i advised we focus too but no one chatted.
[19:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> +4
[19:57] jimmyhunter1000> The password is password1
[19:57] Artz_Sam> 2 players received spells... they were only expanding the territory.
[19:57] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[19:58] Artz_Sam> is a terrible map.
[19:59] power_OP> this?
[19:59] jimmyhunter1000> It's a terrible map when people are too dumb to LB to prayable things
[19:59] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[19:59] Artz_Sam> You're toxic.
[20:01] 00Shaman> gg
[20:01] 00Shaman> see ya
[20:01] [SW]Misfortune out
[20:01] 00Shaman out
[20:02] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah i won! i win this blast fights so rarely
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> congrats Fist :)
[20:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> +3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[20:09] IncaWarrior out
[20:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey NOva
[20:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> hey bud
[20:14] IncaWarrior in
[20:15] sherminator31 in
[20:16] [AvA]aba in
[20:18] warrior in
[20:18] savas> +!
[20:18] savas> +1
[20:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi aba
[20:20] [AvA]aba> hello Toruk
[20:21] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wanna join us?
[20:21] [AvA]aba> sorry waiting for a tournament game, dont want to miss it
[20:21] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sure, no problem
[20:21] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Mibbel
[20:23] [AvA]MIBbel> hi
[20:24] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[20:25] savas> 2v2 or 3v3?
[20:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 3v3 if we find more
[20:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 2v2 if not
[20:26] TomekJ in
[20:27] [AvA]Stauni> 2 p und bin priest haha
[20:27] [AvA]Stauni> ._.
[20:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[20:28] bythewayimrusty> LOL
[20:28] bythewayimrusty> rofl
[20:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[20:29] bythewayimrusty> whats up guys
[20:29] k90000> host
[20:29] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:29] Minibot_UK> TomekJ: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:29] k90000> maps
[20:29] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[20:29] k90000> eots
[20:30] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
k90000 - MapPack: OK
TomekJ - MapPack: OK
[51] Launch game failed
[20:30] Minibot_UK> TomekJ: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:30] k90000> maps
[20:30] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[20:30] k90000> sess
[20:30] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.4)
k90000 - MapPack: OK
[51] Launch game failed
TomekJ - MapPack: OK
[51] Launch game failed
[20:30] Minibot_UK> TomekJ: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:31] k90000> cr
[20:31] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Yellow - TomekJ: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
TomekJ - MapPack: OK
Game successfully created in database.
[20:32] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
Game successfully checked in.
[20:34] savas> 2v1?
[20:35] [AvA]MIBbel> mm lets wait
[20:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[20:36] savas> 1.5 hours here and no normal game
[20:36] Sirius_OP> this place is dead man
[20:36] savas> I remember why I stopped playing
[20:36] Sirius_OP> :pepega:
[20:36] savas> just sitting here like a duck, doing fuckall
[20:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Yeah, you're better off just going to bed
[20:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sry i lagged out
[20:37] savas> 3v1 or wait for 3v3?
[20:37] savas> could do jugg
[20:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> jugg is cool
[20:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gimme 2 mins
[20:37] savas> are you happy to be one? Fist
[20:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> [21:36] Sirius_OP> this place is dead man
[20:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> :wow:
[20:38] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[20:38] bythewayimrusty> The lobby is dead
[20:38] bythewayimrusty> Inca
[20:38] bythewayimrusty> why?
[20:39] bythewayimrusty> do we need to change things here
[20:39] [TDM]Tundar in
[20:39] bythewayimrusty> i think its time for that
Game results submitted.
[20:43] bythewayimrusty out
[20:43] bythewayimrusty in
[20:44] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[20:46] Tabaluga in
[20:47] sherminator31 out
[20:47] [TDM]Tundar out
[20:48] k90000 out
[20:49] k90000 in
[20:50] power_OP> thats too hard with preachers
[20:50] Fodren in
[20:51] [AvA]Acid-303> +4
[20:52] iRespectWomenxD26> nah things r great
[20:52] power_OP> gg wp
[20:52] [AvA]Acid-303> +2
[20:52] iRespectWomenxD26> once beta is finished by the start of june ppl will be flooding back
[20:52] power_OP> we should have take the AOD
[20:52] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[20:52] iRespectWomenxD26> trust inca!
[20:53] power_OP> always
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> preachers added a nice new strat to be aware of
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> GG
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> GL aba
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> beat that level!!!
[20:53] [AvA]aba> do i need to record is someone of you?
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> :yeahboi:
[20:53] [AvA]aba> thanks giving my best
[20:53] power_OP> yeah other time we 4v4 can open baloon and its would be crazy
[20:53] [AsG]Nationkid05> Rali will record
[20:53] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'm recording
[20:54] power_OP> +2
[20:54] Artz_Sam out
[20:54] [AvA]Acid-303> we can play sess 6p with balloon and no ghosts
[20:54] [AvA]Acid-303> :D
[20:54] power_OP> lol it will be mess
[20:55] [AvA]Acid-303> ahahha
[20:55] [AvA]Acid-303> mess 6p
[20:55] power_OP> you know
[20:56] power_OP> +1
[20:56] power_OP> :+1:
[20:58] savas> :S
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> savas join
[20:58] savas> "restricted lol
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> whtf
[20:58] [TSI]O-Ren> u will love this
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> try relog
[20:58] savas out
[20:58] [TSI]O-Ren> every sec 1 fs
[20:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[20:58] savas in
[20:59] savas> thanks :)
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> ;)
[20:59] power_OP> we all red and pin
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi Toruk ;) get ping
[20:59] Sirius_OP> savas, u finall will have a game :nice:
[21:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Acid
[21:00] Sirius_OP> so this place isn't dead yet :peped:
[21:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[21:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[21:00] savas> haha thanks Sirius
[21:00] k90000> host
[21:00] Minibot_UK> k90000: There is already a host in your hut
[21:00] savas> support team? :D or whatever really
[21:00] Aldwych out
[21:00] [AvA]Acid-303> idm
[21:00] [AvA]Acid-303> choose a map
[21:00] power_OP> sees good
[21:00] Aldwych in
[21:00] savas> battle for frithmirth :D
[21:01] savas> if I could choose
[21:01] [AvA]Acid-303> frithmir is 6p
[21:01] savas> good point
[21:01] power_OP out
[21:01] [AvA]Acid-303> fist will relog?
[21:01] power_OP in
[21:01] Fodren out
[21:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:02] [AvA]Acid-303> [AvA]Acid-303 + Aldwych + savas + [TSI]O-Ren vs. [AvA]Pharaoh + power_OP + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Drunkenmaster
[21:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sure
[21:03] [AvA]Acid-303> power ping
[21:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> Acid is Soma!
[21:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> Nice
[21:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahah
[21:04] savas> didnt connect :(
[21:04] Aldwych> you should have wait
[21:04] power_OP> same but you need some wait
[21:04] [TSI]O-Ren> u should've waited
[21:04] [AvA]Acid-303> i was writing
[21:04] [AvA]Acid-303> wait
[21:04] savas> oh it must hae changed then
[21:04] [AvA]Acid-303> but all quit lol
[21:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah wait a bit more
[21:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wait at least 20 minutes, then gb if doesn't connect
[21:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ;)
[21:05] [AvA]Acid-303> power ping again
[21:05] [AvA]Acid-303> now ok
[21:05] power_OP out
[21:05] [AvA]Acid-303> was ok
[21:05] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[21:05] power_OP in
[21:05] k90000 out
[21:05] k90000 in
[21:06] bythewayimrusty out
[21:06] k90000> host
[21:06] bythewayimrusty in
[21:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Who says pop is dead? Look at all these filled huts
[21:06] bythewayimrusty> i beat Tomekj
[21:07] bythewayimrusty> i think tomekj is the future world champion of pop
[21:07] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[21:07] bythewayimrusty> when he learnes etc
[21:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:07] TomekJ> :)
[21:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> yo fried
[21:08] power_OP> heyy manü
[21:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sup Fried
[21:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> who's spot is that?
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> manu?
[21:08] power_OP> 1 mean "hey man"
[21:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[21:08] power_OP> fist s spot
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> i thought fried name is manuel
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[21:08] power_OP> llooooollll
[21:09] [AvA]RIPkekw> :nice:
[21:09] [AvA]Acid-303> fried it's fist spot :(
[21:09] [AvA]RIPkekw> will fist come back?
[21:09] [AvA]RIPkekw> oh okayy
[21:09] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe
[21:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> He just logged out discord
[21:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> Hard to tell
[21:09] [AvA]Acid-303> let's see if he joins
[21:09] [AvA]Acid-303> if no it's fried spot
[21:09] power_OP> uuu
[21:09] [AvA]Acid-303> hokage spot taken :(
[21:09] Hokage_OP> ok cool
[21:09] Hokage_OP> np
[21:10] Hokage_OP> who is it
[21:10] Hokage_OP> ill ban them
[21:10] Hokage_OP> just kidding
[21:10] power_OP> fist
[21:10] Hokage_OP> gonna work instead
[21:10] Hokage_OP> cya
[21:10] [AvA]RIPkekw> cya
[21:10] power_OP> cya
[21:10] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:10] bythewayimrusty> cya
[21:10] [AvA]Acid-303> cia
[21:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[21:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> sia
[21:10] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:10] [AvA]RIPkekw> :cool:
[21:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> yo Fist!!!!!
[21:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> You guys made the right call
[21:10] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yo pharraoh!
[21:10] power_OP> letttsss GOO
[21:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> What happened Fist?
[21:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i had connection issues
[21:11] [TSI]O-Ren> is there a chance that itll happen again?
[21:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i hope my connection stays stable
[21:11] [AsG]Nationkid05> Right, had some good pop games. cheers all
[21:11] [AsG]Nationkid05> take care
[21:11] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[21:13] k90000 out
[21:13] [SW]chapo in
[21:13] k90000 in
[21:13] [SW]chapo out
[21:13] [SW]chapo in
[21:15] bythewayimrusty> take care too!
[21:15] [SW]chapo> +2
[21:17] Babo_OP in
[21:18] Sirius_OP> :howdy:
[21:18] TomekJ> hi
[21:18] Minibot_UK> TomekJ: This is a 1v1 host bot located in London, UK which anyone can use. First send me a message saying 'host'. When you are in my hut, you can send me 'start', 'pp', 'cr', 'fo', 'rank', 'unrank', 'maps', '<color name>'. There is much less lag than when the players host themselves. This is especially useful with players from different locations (use the bot which gives both players the lowest ping). Thanks to Taity-Mini for the server.
[21:19] [GoD]carbine out
[21:20] Tabaluga out
[21:21] Babo_OP> :flexonem:
[21:22] TomekJ> is hostBot
[21:23] TomekJ> retry
[21:23] DonnaJones_OP in
[21:23] TomekJ> lets go Geralt
[21:23] bythewayimrusty> hi tommy
[21:23] TomekJ> hi
[21:23] Babo_OP> shits getting sirius
[21:24] bythewayimrusty> are you new?
[21:24] Babo_OP> love how d4r renamed after he beat fistung
[21:24] TomekJ> yes
[21:24] Babo_OP> :kekclown:
[21:24] bythewayimrusty> or are you not new to sp?
[21:26] TomekJ> no
[21:26] [D]amhyr> shogun, is a admin. but a terrible administrator insulto him is a motherfucker idiot ban me stupid
[21:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[21:27] Babo_OP> omg
[21:27] Babo_OP> i love your name div
[21:27] [D]amhyr> ty vm
[21:29] DonnaJones_OP> In 2022 Div will stop trolling and be a player again
[21:29] Babo_OP> cant wait
[21:29] Babo_OP> in 2043 we will all die anyways
[21:29] [D]amhyr> :feelsbadman:
[21:29] warrior out
[21:29] bythewayimrusty> in 2022 Div will gradate from the pop talkers academy
[21:29] [D]amhyr> pls dont be toxic learn to help
[21:30] [AvA]bioSound in
[21:30] [AvA]bioSound> Hey guys
[21:30] bythewayimrusty> hey
[21:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo
[21:30] bythewayimrusty> why you quitt today?
[21:31] bythewayimrusty> not being toxic
[21:31] [AvA]bioSound> Lost connection
[21:31] bythewayimrusty> damn
[21:31] bythewayimrusty> it was a fun game
[21:31] [AvA]bioSound> But also i hate the 1.0 bug when you cast a spell and then you die, the spell is not casted but you loose it anyway
[21:31] bythewayimrusty> thats a bug
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> it happened 2 times that match
[21:32] [AvA]bioSound> Yeah
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> v unfair
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> i say that wasa draw
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> i didnt win
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> it was a draw
[21:32] [AvA]bioSound> Anyway you are playing very good
[21:32] bythewayimrusty> no im not
[21:32] [AvA]bioSound> I saw your progress since i know you, you build fast man
[21:32] Babo_OP> its not a bug
[21:32] Babo_OP> dont know why it was introduced in beta
[21:32] Babo_OP> you cast a spell as you die = you should lose the spell
[21:34] [AvA]bioSound> That should not happen, because you did cast the spell and the shaman enchantated it, so you loose the charge
[21:34] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[21:34] DonnaJones_OP> enchantated
[21:35] bythewayimrusty> beware of Tomekj
[21:35] bythewayimrusty> hes a beast
[21:35] [AvA]bioSound> Don't know how to say it, i'm Chilean xD
[21:35] [D]amhyr> its like when the old guy is saying his last words to his family, and dies in the middle of the phrase
[21:35] [D]amhyr> now the family will never know where he hid the money
[21:35] [AvA]bioSound> HAHAHA
[21:35] [D]amhyr> and the eq wont cast
[21:35] Babo_OP> :yes:
[21:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:36] Babo_OP> +2 vs babenji
[21:36] Babo_OP> come and face judgement
[21:36] [D]amhyr> 1.01 sess?
[21:36] Babo_OP> k
[21:36] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[21:36] Babo_OP> join
[21:36] DonnaJones_OP> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUVfMjfl9Kk&ab_channel=AzhypaMediaCenterAzhypaMediaCenter
[21:36] DonnaJones_OP> :foxlaugh:
[21:37] TomekJ out
[21:38] Babo_OP> i missed the part where thats my problem
[21:39] TomekJ in
[21:39] [AvA]RIPkekw> gonna cry?
[21:40] [D]amhyr> look at little darth sidious jr, gonna cry?
[21:41] Babo_OP> we really need hidden cup
[21:41] Babo_OP> competitve play is dead as fuck
[21:41] DonnaJones_OP> LOL
[21:41] DonnaJones_OP> Like Hidden Cup would fix that
[21:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> you should have thought of that earlier
[21:41] Babo_OP> why wouldnt it
[21:41] Babo_OP> oh right because besides me and nici no one of the top 15 will sign up
[21:41] Babo_OP> :kekyou:
[21:41] DonnaJones_OP> Yeah
[21:42] DonnaJones_OP> Same as always
[21:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:42] Babo_OP> man it gets boring
[21:42] DonnaJones_OP> Because half the top 15 doesn't even deserve to be the in the top 15
[21:42] Babo_OP> how often do i need to make fun of the wanna be top 15
[21:42] DonnaJones_OP> Just pick their games :foxlaugh:
[21:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> my connection is broken today
[21:42] Babo_OP> why dont they try to fight back
[21:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sry guys
[21:42] Babo_OP> like look at fucking trod or koopa
[21:42] Babo_OP> im calling them bad players since forever
[21:42] Babo_OP> and they never asked for 1v1
[21:42] Babo_OP> zzzz
[21:43] Babo_OP> same accounts for spinnifake avoiding 1v1s
[21:43] warrior in
[21:43] Babo_OP> only ranked 1v1s i got lately were vs ragnj, because he has nothing to lose and nici
[21:43] Babo_OP> lately = 2021
[21:44] -johan in
[21:44] [AvA]bioSound> +2
[21:45] [AvA]bioSound> Nova come
[21:45] jimmyhunter1000> ggwp
[21:45] [AvA]aba> gg thanks for the game :)
[21:45] TomekJ> jetz is good
[21:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg
[21:45] iRespectWomenxD26> hmm?? hard to play competetively when the scene is dead lmao
[21:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> und gewonnen aba?
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni out
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni in
[21:46] [AvA]aba> ja aber hat gedauert. hauptsächlich mit truppen zu werken ist ja nicht meine stärke :D
[21:47] TomekJ> ok go
[21:47] iRespectWomenxD26> spin hasnt really done 1 v 1s n honestly they just arent that enjoyable
[21:47] [AvA]bioSound out
[21:48] [AvA]bioSound in
[21:49] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eD_eK9fQoQ
[21:49] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[21:50] [AvA]bioSound> showw me ping, what about you?
[21:50] savas> nope :(
[21:51] [AvA]bioSound> hmm
[21:51] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lol stauni
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i got this video recommended too
[21:51] [AvA]bioSound> Ok nows pinging
[21:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and it has only 22 views
[21:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1: to help test Shaman AI
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how is this possible
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> hahaha
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> dunno
[21:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> +1
[21:54] Babo_OP> dead competition
[21:54] Babo_OP out
[21:56] Sirius_OP> :pepegaphone: waaaaa, this place is dead
[21:56] iRespectWomenxD26> dead for above avg skilld folks anyways
[21:57] savas> ever thought that you think you are above average is because you are the top of the average whilst best are gone ;)
[21:57] savas> how the tables turned
[21:57] DonnaJones_OP> That was an attempt at a sentence
[21:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> Stauni preacher :D
[21:58] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[21:58] NonRankedOnly> Having a really lazy day today I'm my symmetrical bed
[21:58] [AvA]aba> gz Stauni :D
[21:58] NonRankedOnly> In my
[21:59] Sirius_OP> :nice: Prime
[22:00] [AvA]Stauni> thx :D
[22:01] power_OP out
[22:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[22:05] [TDM]Tundar in
[22:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> omg tundar save my day plz
[22:05] [TDM]Tundar> k
[22:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> lmao
[22:06] AliceInWonderland_OP> koopa join
[22:07] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:07] [TDM]Tundar> Any games? :(
[22:07] AliceInWonderland_OP> no its dead
[22:07] DonnaJones_OP> Doesn't seem so
[22:08] [AvA]Stauni> make 8 p all join
[22:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> nah fuck that lol
[22:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> +2
[22:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> 1.03
[22:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> pp
[22:08] jimmyhunter1000 out
[22:09] [GoD]Eric in
[22:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[22:09] [TSI]O-Ren> gg
[22:09] [AvA]Acid-303> gg wp
[22:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> Yeah we kept attacking only through 1 place where blue was always defending
[22:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> while you guys spread your attacks
[22:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> I had more than 300 pop
[22:09] [AvA]Acid-303> yes oren was good to create another bd
[22:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> I thought it was your idea for some reason hahaha
[22:09] [AvA]Acid-303> you played well pharaoh
[22:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> gn everyone
[22:10] [AvA]Acid-303> gn
[22:10] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[22:10] AliceInWonderland_OP> good night :)
[22:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> Yeah that was good but not only that
[22:10] [AsG]Sky-> o/ gn rali
[22:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> your team attacked my teammates
[22:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> from front
[22:10] [AvA]Acid-303> my team...only oren lasts xD
[22:10] [AvA]Acid-303> yeah
[22:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> You had more players before no?
[22:11] [AvA]Acid-303> we played 3v2 for 30 mins
[22:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> 1 lagged out, 1 crashed, 2 quit
[22:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[22:11] [AvA]Acid-303> ahahah a war bulletin
[22:11] savas> rip kekw
[22:11] savas> lol
[22:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> @soma wow hahah
[22:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> hahaha
[22:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> not sess pls
[22:12] savas> Soma, different map?
[22:12] [AvA]Acid-303> obvious
[22:12] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah of course we just played it
[22:12] [AvA]bioSound> oh Soma you changed your name
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> if it were up to me we'd always be playing sess :kek:
[22:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[22:12] savas> well, some people are freaks, and keep playing 2v2 sess all day long
[22:12] [AvA]bioSound> I just realised haha
[22:12] [AvA]Acid-303> yeah , it's a week xD
[22:12] [AvA]bioSound> Yeah pls change :(
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> no one does that anymore
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> unfortunately :kekw:
[22:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> you calling me a freak?
[22:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> :kek:
[22:13] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[22:13] savas> no.... :D
[22:13] [AvA]Acid-303> tomek spot taken
[22:13] k90000 out
[22:13] [AvA]Acid-303> walls?
[22:13] savas> the classic set up, ava's everywhere and o-ren :kekw:
[22:13] [TSI]O-Ren> yeah
[22:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> or craters?
[22:14] [AvA]bioSound> Omg always ping problems
[22:14] [TSI]O-Ren> yes im alone in the dark
[22:14] k90000 in
[22:14] savas> 4walls is good!
[22:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> O-ren plays so much with the Ava boys he should join the clan ;)
[22:14] [AvA]Acid-303> join ava mate
[22:14] [AvA]Pharaoh> O-Ren should join AvA
[22:14] savas> Hi, join D
[22:14] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahaha yeah
[22:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> savas too :kek:
[22:14] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah savas you'd fit right in!
[22:14] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[22:14] savas> sAvAs is fine mate
[22:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> its fine Savas is kind of ava
[22:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> as if you were before
[22:14] savas> oh really?
[22:14] [rw]karma out
[22:14] [TSI]O-Ren> i thought the clan tag is in this name?
[22:14] [AvA]Acid-303> biomate get ping
[22:14] savas> damn right
[22:15] savas> im just spying
[22:15] [AvA]Stauni> lel MM join ava
[22:15] savas> and begging to get into GoD
[22:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> avasavas
[22:15] [AvA]Stauni> avasavasavasavas
[22:15] [AvA]Acid-303> [AvA]Acid-303 + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]bioSound + [TSI]O-Ren vs. [AvA]aba + [AvA]Stauni + savas + [AvA]RIPkekw
[22:15] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> avasavavas
[22:15] [AvA]bioSound out
[22:15] [AvA]bioSound in
[22:15] k90000 out
[22:15] savas> love the new nickname btw, Fist
[22:16] savas> that's so you :D
[22:16] TomekJ out
[22:16] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> thx
[22:16] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[22:16] [AvA]Stauni> but too long
[22:16] [AvA]Stauni> lel
[22:16] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but since i have this name i dont drink as much as before
[22:16] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[22:16] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i wasnt heavyly drunk since almost 2 weaks :kekw:
[22:16] savas> hahah what!
[22:16] bythewayimrusty> :o
[22:16] NonRankedOnly> Try out the 4walls in test maps. I'm thinking of over writing the original with it.
[22:16] savas> mate
[22:16] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but today i drink a couple of beers
[22:16] [AvA]Stauni> pronounce heavy
[22:16] savas> 2 bottles of wine, vodka, and you are at your best!!
[22:17] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahah ture
[22:17] savas> but today i drink a couple of beers - wow.... calm down!!
[22:17] [AvA]RIPkekw> rip bio ping
[22:17] [AvA]Stauni> maybe aba host he is good
[22:17] NonRankedOnly> 4walls blue has the best base. That's not right!
[22:17] [AvA]Acid-303> move bio
[22:17] [AvA]bioSound> Fuck
[22:17] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[22:17] [AvA]bioSound> k ready
[22:18] HexTheRex in
[22:18] savas> I hope Fist left to get drunk
[22:18] [AvA]Stauni> stole ping from oren
[22:18] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[22:18] HexTheRex> hellooo
[22:18] [AvA]RIPkekw> fist so drunk he lagged out
[22:18] savas> lol
[22:18] [TSI]O-Ren> just wiat
[22:18] [AvA]Stauni> soma cant give ping to 8
[22:18] [AvA]Stauni> XD
[22:18] bythewayimrusty> calm down gusy
[22:18] bythewayimrusty> guys*
[22:18] k90000 in
[22:18] savas> sorry ossur
[22:19] bythewayimrusty> Ossur it is.
[22:22] [AsG]Keith52 out
[22:22] [AsG]Ragnj in
[22:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[22:24] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:24] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:25] HexTheRex> anyone going to play?
[22:25] AliceInWonderland_OP> doesnt look like it
[22:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> join jordi and gromidon hex
[22:30] [GoD]Eric out
[22:32] Gromidon out
[22:34] k90000 out
[22:35] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[22:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[22:39] warrior out
[22:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[22:43] [D]amhyr> :monkahmm:
[22:43] [AvA]Geralt out
[22:44] [AsG]Keith52 in
[22:48] Santiml in
[22:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[22:50] jordi-adhd out
[22:55] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeee
[22:55] iRespectWomenxD26> oh sik pop alive n kicking take that h8ers
[22:56] [AvA]Geralt in
[22:56] [SW]chapo> hn
[22:56] [SW]chapo> gn
[22:56] [SW]chapo out
[22:58] savas> Best Teams: savas + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + HexTheRex vs. Santiml + Aldwych + [AvA]RIPkekw
[22:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> wait for 8?
[22:58] savas> ok?
[22:58] savas> nah, lets do this map :D
[22:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> seems unfair
[22:58] HexTheRex> i need pinggg
[22:58] [AvA]Acid-303> GRRR
[22:58] [AvA]Pharaoh> what happened?
[22:58] [AvA]Acid-303> hope we earned points
[22:58] [AvA]Acid-303> crashed
[22:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> its really unfair tbh
[22:58] [AvA]Acid-303> i said surrender
[22:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hope my connection is now stable
[22:59] savas> someone else host?
[22:59] [AvA]aba> gn guys
[22:59] savas> ggn
[22:59] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[22:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> I don't think it was that unfair
[22:59] [TSI]O-Ren> gn
[22:59] [AvA]aba out
[22:59] HexTheRex> ripkek
[22:59] [AvA]Acid-303> gn
[22:59] [AvA]bioSound> can i join?
[22:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> gb soma
[22:59] savas> well, it was 2v3 (when it came to good players)
[22:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> gn lol
[22:59] HexTheRex> add 2 more places and then someone with star could host
[23:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> you and who's the other one?
[23:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> I think biosound was newest
[23:00] HexTheRex out
[23:00] savas> Stauni done well
[23:00] HexTheRex in
[23:00] [AvA]Stauni> had all game lagg xD
[23:01] savas> Rex, I dont think I can host you :S
[23:01] HexTheRex> let ripkek try
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> Aba good too
[23:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> aba left
[23:01] savas> aba gone to zzz
[23:01] [AvA]bioSound> Nobody can host Hex, just a couple of people here
[23:01] [AvA]bioSound> But that-s because he has mobile connection
[23:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> map?
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> but yeah me and soma are fucking fire
[23:01] savas> mobile connection to play pop?! wow, that's new
[23:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[23:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[23:02] HexTheRex> i have mobile lte device
[23:02] [AvA]bioSound> You should try ethernet whenever you can
[23:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> why you use mobile connection?
[23:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> brb
[23:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> you decide map
[23:02] [AvA]bioSound> It-s even cheaper than Mobile Connection
[23:02] HexTheRex> because its cheap
[23:02] savas> if fried and aba pushed o-ren through, then we maybe had a chance, but o-ren was strong enough to keep both of them at bay, and even get into orange's base
[23:03] [TSI]O-Ren> yeah that might be true
[23:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah O-Ren is fearful
[23:03] [TSI]O-Ren> i was the only one at front
[23:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> I mean makes me fear
[23:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> him
[23:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahah
[23:03] savas> ^ exactly what I said :D
[23:03] HexTheRex> which map?
[23:03] [AvA]Acid-303> i went back front mid
[23:03] [AvA]Acid-303> allround player
[23:03] HexTheRex> something for 4v4
[23:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> What would you say are O-Ren's strengths?
[23:03] [TSI]O-Ren> i had the blue base...
[23:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> what?
[23:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> blue was on your team
[23:04] [AvA]Acid-303> i was blue
[23:04] [TSI]O-Ren> blue base is in 4wall the best base
[23:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> mappp?
[23:04] [TSI]O-Ren> no the place where blue base ist
[23:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh
[23:04] [AvA]bioSound> Any map but 4walls and sess
[23:04] [TSI]O-Ren> *is
[23:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> and tom
[23:04] [AvA]Acid-303> yea , it's most regular base
[23:05] HexTheRex> töm
[23:05] [AvA]bioSound> Theres a map with 4 squares per team
[23:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> I think O-ren is really good in finding weak points in the enemys defense and also in his teams defense and helps out his allys in a very effective way
[23:05] [AvA]bioSound> Don-t remember the name
[23:05] [AvA]RIPkekw> this one?
[23:05] HexTheRex> never played that
[23:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> O-ren is a good teamplayer and understands the game very well
[23:05] savas> alright chill boys
[23:05] savas> lets not praise o-ren too much
[23:05] [AvA]Stauni> bro sounds like appointment
[23:05] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[23:05] [AvA]bioSound> Hmm not exaclty
[23:05] [TSI]O-Ren> if this is true i should be a priest fist ;)
[23:06] [AvA]bioSound> Was like 4 islands per team aligned in a square pattern
[23:06] [AvA]RIPkekw> [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + Santiml + HexTheRex vs. Aldwych + [AvA]bioSound + [AvA]Stauni + savas
[23:06] [AvA]Stauni> central baah
[23:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you play until late in the night and loose points when you play too tired
[23:06] [AvA]bioSound> But this seems nice
[23:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> @Fist Nice analysis!
[23:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahah really out-of-the-box thinking with the tiredness
[23:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> haha i had the same problem
[23:07] [AvA]RIPkekw> support team number?
[23:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> when you just play too many games you wont rank up
[23:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> Yeah it's true being tired has its effect
[23:07] [AvA]Stauni> gogo
[23:07] savas> Did Fistinho just givenho some fistoanalysis?
[23:07] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[23:07] [AvA]bioSound> I have lost 80% of matches this time
[23:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> I guess what he needs to get to priest is better shaman skills?
[23:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> fistolyse
[23:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> like experience
[23:07] [AvA]bioSound> I downgraded very fast
[23:08] HexTheRex> what do i need to get up from brave?
[23:08] savas> you are a brave
[23:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah shaman skills are really important
[23:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> i got like 40 points in 1 week or sth lol
[23:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wow
[23:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> preacher sooon
[23:09] [AvA]RIPkekw> sec gotta find number
[23:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> Hex I think you are still new to multiplayer, need experience and learn about effective play
[23:09] Santiml> hex, manage your pop
[23:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> Get building down first
[23:09] NonRankedOnly> Would you say you avoiding playing games when tired due to losing points?
[23:09] NonRankedOnly> Avoid*
[23:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> when you tired, play #NonRankedOnly
[23:10] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahah
[23:10] savas> when you play, dont give a shit about points, who cares
[23:10] HexTheRex> can we play now?
[23:10] savas> except for your ego
[23:10] [AvA]RIPkekw> [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + Santiml + HexTheRex vs. Aldwych + [AvA]bioSound + [AvA]Stauni + savas
[23:10] [AvA]RIPkekw> is it good?
[23:10] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i play also when im tired but i play a lot when im not, so i got a good ballance
[23:10] HexTheRex> we can try that
[23:10] savas> ripkekw, I think so...
[23:10] [AvA]Stauni> its tvb xD
[23:10] [AvA]bioSound> Hex most important thing is not to be pesimistic
[23:10] savas> maybe swich Bio and Santiml around?
[23:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> XD
[23:11] HexTheRex> is that map put me in back island
[23:11] HexTheRex> *if
[23:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> no points from last game @Soma
[23:11] savas> put me frontttttt
[23:11] [AvA]RIPkekw> sec
[23:11] [TSI]O-Ren> nooooooooooooooooooo
[23:11] [AvA]RIPkekw> i suck at rotataking lol
[23:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> Yeah hex after 5 mins you allways say "shit" i lost all my pop
[23:11] Santiml> bio
[23:11] Santiml> move
[23:11] savas> :kekw: ^ lol fist
[23:11] [AvA]bioSound> Where?
[23:11] savas> that's so true
[23:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> I love his fistosophy of life
[23:12] savas> full of drunken wisdom
[23:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> good i think
[23:12] [TSI]O-Ren> then watch fist of zen :P
[23:12] HexTheRex> wow some have 300 pings
[23:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> oh wait
[23:12] [AvA]Pharaoh> gn
[23:12] [AvA]Stauni> north korea
[23:12] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[23:12] [AvA]bioSound> Hex if you got casted an eq dont surrender and say "omg i cant do anything, no braves blabla"
[23:12] WhitePhantom in
[23:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> oof
[23:12] [AvA]bioSound> Just rebuild as fast as you can
[23:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> fki me
[23:13] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:13] savas> ripkek fist hex bio vs aldwych santiml stauni savas
[23:13] HexTheRex> but im not fast enough so i lose fast too then my pop doesnt grow after 10 mins ingame
[23:13] [AvA]RIPkekw> good i think now
[23:13] Sirius_OP out
[23:13] savas> great
[23:13] HexTheRex> while others get 200-300 pop, i have under 100 whole game
[23:13] Santiml> keep building hex
[23:14] [AvA]bioSound> Hex is practice, im not great either, but dont give up
[23:24] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[23:25] [tsi]marcus- in
[23:31] WhitePhantom out
[23:37] ice-t_TSI in
[23:37] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:37] [AsG]Sky-> gg
[23:38] [Rw]Macca out
[23:39] [TSI]O-Ren> im in a round of league, so wait pls
[23:39] DonnaJones_OP> :wat:
[23:39] [D]amhyr> type /surrender
[23:39] [AsG]Ragnj> how long?
[23:40] [AsG]Ragnj> its 1 am here so i need to roll soon or im off
[23:40] [TSI]O-Ren> hope 10min
[23:40] [D]amhyr> :kekw:
[23:40] [TSI]O-Ren> didnt expect that some1 come
[23:44] [AsG]Ragnj> join here guys
[23:45] [AsG]Ragnj> make it 4 p, wont get bigger game now
[23:45] savas> it should do shortly
[23:45] savas> 3v3 game finishing now
[23:45] DonnaJones_OP out
[23:47] [AvA]bioSound out
[23:48] HexTheRex> wow
[23:48] [AvA]RIPkekw> thought you'd win that savas
[23:48] [AvA]RIPkekw> damn
[23:48] Aldwych> savas you need to stop quitting. ö
[23:48] Aldwych> look at your game stats
[23:48] savas> ??? says the person who sat in the tower whole game???
[23:48] [AvA]Stauni> warrior wieder
[23:48] [AvA]Stauni> danke
[23:48] [AvA]MIBbel in
[23:49] savas> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448017
[23:49] [AsG]Ragnj> join mbibel
[23:49] savas> you haven't casted a single destruction spell, Aldwyc
[23:49] HexTheRex> lol someone said to me a few weeks ago that im just sitting in tower all the time
[23:49] savas> so stfu and learn how to attack
[23:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hex improved a lot
[23:49] savas> teams
[23:49] HexTheRex> at least now im doing something all the time
[23:49] [AvA]RIPkekw> try best
[23:49] [AsG]Ragnj> lets roll guys
[23:49] HexTheRex> now i made land and defended backside
[23:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he defended everywhere communicated to the team and also expanded his base nicely
[23:49] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:49] Aldwych> yea and kiilled loads of shaman until I went out of the tower
[23:50] HexTheRex> yea but cant attack. hopefully someone in my team can xd
[23:50] savas> I repeat - look at the chart, you haventt cast a single attack spell
[23:50] [AvA]Stauni> Enemy Shaman Kills:8Own Followers Lost:150Own Buildings Destroyed:9Own Shaman Deaths:11
[23:50] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[23:50] savas> looooooooooooool
[23:50] savas> raped
[23:50] HexTheRex> add places?
[23:50] [AvA]Stauni> im oput
[23:51] [AvA]Stauni> out
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> the mistake last game was from aldwych
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he expanded towards me
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and i thought he would bd
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> so i stayed at the back
[23:51] HexTheRex> yea me too
[23:51] HexTheRex> thats why i told you
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and then he left the back
[23:51] HexTheRex> and added defence there
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and i had to use 2 or 3 lbs to connect
[23:51] [AvA]Stauni> gn all
[23:52] HexTheRex> oren try host?
[23:52] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[23:52] savas> sorry, we will do 3v3
[23:52] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[23:52] [AvA]Stauni out
[23:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[23:58] [AsG]Nefarius in
[00:02] -johan out
[00:04] HopeEternal in
[00:07] WilsonVolleyball in
[00:10] WilsonVolleyball out
[00:15] [AvA]Geralt out
[00:20] savas> gg
[00:21] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[00:21] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn mates
[00:21] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[00:21] [AsG]Nefarius> hey guys
[00:21] [AsG]Nefarius> need a couple of mins before joining
[00:21] [AsG]Nefarius> about 5!
[00:21] [AsG]Nefarius> sky join :)
[00:21] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[00:22] savas> Best Teams: [AsG]Nefarius + Aldwych + [AsG]Sky- vs. [AsG]Ragnj + [TSI]O-Ren + savas
[00:24] [AsG]Ragnj> lets roll, need to get to bed asap!
[00:24] [AsG]Nefarius> yup, take a deep breathe
[00:26] [AsG]Nefarius> ok
[00:27] savas> lol
[00:27] savas> type in !update
[00:27] [AsG]Nefarius> update
[00:27] savas> "!" in front
[00:27] savas> nice
[00:28] savas> not cross fields? :D
[00:28] savas> great map
[00:28] savas> yaa ths one
[00:28] savas> thanks!
[00:30] ice-t_TSI out
[00:31] [AsG]Keith52 out
[00:33] WilsonVolleyball in
[00:33] WilsonVolleyball out
[00:33] HopeEternal> woohoooo!!!
[00:34] HopeEternal out
[00:46] [AsG]Keith52 in
[00:47] TristanFR out
[00:55] savas> :?
[00:55] [AsG]Nefarius> meh
[00:56] [AsG]Ragnj> gg n night
[00:56] [AsG]Ragnj out
[00:56] savas> well, that was a shit ending haha
[00:57] Aldwych> ....
[00:57] Aldwych out
[00:57] savas> what happened to you?
[00:57] savas> nvm
[00:57] [TSI]O-Ren out
[00:57] savas out
[00:57] Aldwych in
[00:59] ice-t_TSI in
[00:59] [AsG]Sky-> o/ ice... still alive?
[01:00] [AsG]Keith52> Someone tell Inca my Ponzi Scheme is making me $4 every 10 seconds
[01:00] ice-t_TSI> Hey sky, I am hanging in there. How abou you?
[01:00] [AsG]Keith52> o.
[01:00] [AsG]Keith52> Ice my man. Thanks for chilling with us on the stream btw <3
[01:00] [AsG]Sky-> nice Keith....
[01:01] [AsG]Sky-> I ok. thx for asking =)
[01:01] [AsG]Keith52> Oh sky how u doin
[01:01] [AsG]Keith52> P
[01:01] [AsG]Keith52> :p
[01:01] [AsG]Sky-> o/ Keith... how the kid wife doing?
[01:04] Coruscater> hey guys, Im trying to get the game to work but it keeps crashing, are there any known issues or fixes?
[01:05] Santiml> hi
[01:05] [AsG]Sky-> are u using 3d?
[01:05] ice-t_TSI> Santiml!
[01:05] Santiml> hey ice
[01:05] Santiml> XD
[01:05] Coruscater> I downloaded game off GOG site
[01:05] Santiml> how are you
[01:05] Coruscater> and downloaded patch
[01:05] ice-t_TSI> i am doing well
[01:06] Coruscater> version 1.03
[01:06] [AsG]Sky-> are u using software or hardware mode?
[01:06] Santiml> thats nice to hear
[01:06] Coruscater> mmmm, I dont know?
[01:07] Coruscater> It worked fine for the first 2 campaign lvls, but on the third level it keeps crashing right after it does the flyby
[01:07] [AsG]Sky-> go to the place u have your pop file, use the poptb.exe
[01:08] [AsG]Sky-> don't use the one that has D3D in front
[01:08] Coruscater> D3DPopTB?
[01:08] Coruscater> oh
[01:08] Coruscater> Im not seeing one without it
[01:09] [AsG]Keith52 out
[01:09] [AsG]Sky-> the desktop icons are useless when u install the game
[01:09] Coruscater> oh wait foudn it
[01:09] Coruscater> ill try it now
[01:10] Coruscater> "The Code execution cannot proceed because weanetr.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem"
[01:10] [AsG]Sky-> which did u use?
[01:10] Coruscater> "popTB"
[01:11] [AsG]Sky-> poptb.exe?
[01:12] Coruscater> oh shoot hold on, I tried to drag popTB to desktop to make icon but I think it pulled the entire file out of its location
[01:12] [AsG]Sky-> lol... make a shortcut of it and move that to the desktop if it works
[01:12] [AsG]Sky-> have the GoG myself
[01:13] Coruscater> I tried Origin one first but it wouldnt even load the game and their support staff told me "It can only be run on older computers" lol
[01:16] [AsG]Sky-> work?
[01:17] Coruscater> seems to be working!
[01:17] Coruscater> ty!
[01:17] [AsG]Sky-> nice
[01:17] [AsG]Sky-> np
[01:17] Coruscater> man its been quite the effort to get this working again
[01:17] Coruscater> good thing im such an avid fan
[01:18] [AsG]Sky-> any other issues feel free to come back, glad to help
[01:18] Coruscater> 1.03 right version? Is there a way to play the multiplayer maps vs comp for practice?
[01:18] [AsG]Sky-> nah.
[01:18] [AsG]Sky-> unless u wanna script the ai to play them lol
[01:19] Coruscater> :face_with_tongue:
[01:19] Coruscater> How long have you played the game for?
[01:19] [AsG]Sky-> 1998
[01:20] Coruscater> you must remember the old ledgends from back then
[01:20] [AsG]Sky-> nah. only been part of the MM for 5 years
[01:20] Coruscater> I have hard time thinking of the names now its been so long, but I remember AMP
[01:20] Coruscater> oh
[01:21] Coruscater> I had a small hope someone might recognize my name from back in the day
[01:21] [AsG]Sky-> few of them still play I believe
[01:21] Coruscater> I used to be one of the top 5 players
[01:21] Coruscater> I probably suck now
[01:21] [AsG]Sky-> inca kieth52 sub_zero
[01:21] [AsG]Sky-> keith*
[01:22] Coruscater> I think I remember Inca, and vaguely remmeber Keith.... I think Keith was a younger kid back then, I think I used to beat him a lot lol
[01:23] Coruscater> hats off to them for living the dream this long
[01:23] Santiml> tsushoshi?
[01:23] [AsG]Sky-> oh yes
[01:23] [AsG]Sky-> he;s a fan fav here lol
[01:24] [AsG]Sky-> have fun with your game, time for a nap.
[01:25] Coruscater> wish there was a practice mode, I watched all the youtube tutorials last night, would love to just be able to practice the basics again
[01:25] Coruscater> thx for your help, Gnight
[01:25] [AsG]Sky- out
[01:29] iRespectWomenxD26> anyone up for a 1 v 1 with ur boiiii
[01:30] Santiml> ill wrek u up
[01:31] iRespectWomenxD26> woah nice ping
[01:31] iRespectWomenxD26> that me or u?
[01:31] Santiml> its me
[01:31] Santiml> should be 150
[01:31] Santiml> :/
[01:31] iRespectWomenxD26> should look into it lol
[01:32] Santiml> I know why
[01:32] Santiml> I just cant fix it nowadays
[01:32] iRespectWomenxD26> bl
[01:33] [AsG]Nefarius out
[01:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[01:44] [AsG]Keith52 in
[01:47] [AsG]Keith52 out
[01:50] [AsG]Keith52 in
[02:00] [AvA]bioSound in
[02:00] [AvA]bioSound out
[02:01] Santiml out
[02:03] [TDM]Tundar out
[02:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[02:12] [D]amhyr out
[02:59] HexTheRex out
[03:00] Aldwych out
[03:08] Aldwych in
[03:21] Aldwych out
[03:44] TristanFR in
[04:15] WhitePhantom in
[04:29] WhitePhantom out
[04:29] WhitePhantom in
[04:29] WhitePhantom out
[05:02] IncaWarrior out
[05:04] [tsi]marcus- out
[05:08] IncaWarrior in
[05:23] [AsG]Sky- in
[06:04] sam_tas in
[06:05] sam_tas out
[06:06] Satanael in
[06:07] Satanael out
[06:08] k90000 in
[06:17] ice-t_TSI out
[06:29] power_OP in
[06:30] power_OP out
[06:31] [AsG]Keith52 out
[06:46] power_OP in
[06:46] power_OP out
[06:50] TristanFR out
[07:00] power_OP in
[07:18] power_OP out
[07:18] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[07:47] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[08:04] [AsG]Ralimurr> Morning mahmut
[08:23] Mahmut1661_Tas> Morning :)
[08:23] [AsG]Sky-> o/ Mahmut
[08:23] Mahmut1661_Tas> hi Sky
[08:31] [AsG]Sky- out
[08:36] [AsG]Sky- in
[08:56] power_OP in
[08:56] power_OP out
[08:57] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[08:58] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[09:01] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[09:14] [GoD]Hakai in
[09:16] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[09:22] [AsG]Sky- out
[09:43] power_OP in
[09:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> power join for free for all
[09:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> 1v1v1
[09:46] power_OP out
[09:54] k90000 out
[09:58] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[10:03] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[10:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> hahahahaa
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> :D :D
[10:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> ist das niedlich
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> gg
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> lol
[10:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> schade dass morgens so wenig los ist
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> hab morgens am meoisten zeit momentan
[10:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> seh ich
[10:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> lkol
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> hahah
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> war gestern abends was los?
[10:19] [GoD]Hakai> abend
[10:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> n3e nich so
[10:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> nur noobs
[10:20] [GoD]Hakai> lol, inwiefern das glaunwürdig ist
[10:20] [GoD]Hakai> bezeichnest jeden als noob lol
[10:20] k90000 in
[10:22] Babo_OP in
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> olollololo
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> da haste recht irgendwo :D
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> mein fehler
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> zu deiner frage also: nein, nicht viel
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[10:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> afk jetz so 20 min
[10:24] [GoD]Hakai> hahaha :D babo du warst doch auch mal ein pro oder nicht
[10:24] Babo_OP> :flexonem:
[10:24] Babo_OP> was heißt hier warst xD
[10:25] [GoD]Hakai> lol, spielst ja nur noch beta :D die skills haben bestimmt nachgelassen
[10:28] Babo_OP> ich spiele eine version die nicht bei jeder kamera bewegung laggt und wo die mouse nicht ne halbe sekunde hinterher laggt
[10:28] Babo_OP> meine skills haben nicht nachgelassen, du spielst einfach nur nicht mit mir :D
[10:31] [GoD]Hakai> wtf, dass die maus laggt ist aber nur bei dir so oder o.O
[10:32] [GoD]Hakai> also ist mir neu, dass das ein problem bei 1.01 ist
[10:32] [GoD]Hakai> ja gut , mein pc kann halt kein beta launchen :D ich hab halt nur gemerkt dass du so gut wie nie in ner hut bist
[10:32] [GoD]Hakai> schade eig
[10:33] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:33] Zpektrix_TAS out
[10:36] Babo_OP> ich spiele mit 3000 DPI
[10:36] Babo_OP> versuchs auch mal in 1.03, dann weißt du was ich meine
[10:36] Babo_OP> das problem hat jeder der mit hohen DPI spielt
[10:37] DonnaJones_OP in
[10:37] Babo_OP> und ich spiele ab und zu, hab nur nicht mehr so die motivation, weil ich keine harten spiele mehr finde
[10:37] DonnaJones_OP in
[10:37] DonnaJones_OP out
[10:38] [GoD]Hakai> das mit der dpi kann ich nicht beurteilen , aber wenns so ist, dann ists halt echt kacke
[10:38] [GoD]Hakai> Das ding ist aber dass du die jahre davor doch auch 1.01 gezockt hast
[10:38] [GoD]Hakai> und auhc momenatn gibt ja gute games ,aber halt eher 1.01 und nicht beta
[10:39] Babo_OP> jo aber das problem ist dass ich seitdem meinen kompletten PC geupgradet habe
[10:39] Babo_OP> immer wenn ich kamera in 1.03 drehe laggt es hardcore
[10:39] Babo_OP> keine ahnung wieso :(
[10:40] [GoD]Hakai> echt bitter , vorallem schade :D
[10:40] Babo_OP> also ja theoretisch könnte ich 1.03 spielen, aber ich würde mich nur aufregen weil nix flüssig für mich ist
[10:40] Babo_OP> beta funktioniert einwandfrei
[10:40] Babo_OP> stell dir vor du bewegst deine kamera um 1 cm
[10:40] Babo_OP> und es ruckelt einfach alles xD
[10:40] [GoD]Hakai> einfach aufs alte setup zurückgreifen
[10:41] [GoD]Hakai> ja glaube dass das echt kacke iost
[10:41] Babo_OP> geht nicht, hab keinen platz für 2 PCs haha
[10:41] [GoD]Hakai> das ist echt behindert, hast du aich schon irgendwie versucht das zu fxxen mit der kamera
[10:42] [GoD]Hakai> und vlt zurück zur normalne maus :D
[10:42] Babo_OP> jo hab sogar windows 7 dafür installiert
[10:42] Babo_OP> hat alles nix geholfen leider
[10:42] [GoD]Hakai> weil 1.01 hatr ja schon attraktivere Spiele als beta
[10:42] [GoD]Hakai> scahde
[10:48] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[10:52] TomekJ in
[10:53] Frank_Schrank in
[10:53] Frank_Schrank out
[10:54] TomekJ> hi guys
[10:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo
[10:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> Heyo
[10:57] [GoD]spinnifix> Yo
[10:57] [GoD]spinnifix> Rali r u playing soon?
[10:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'll play this evening
[10:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> Let's do some 2v2s
[10:59] TomekJ out
[11:01] [GoD]spinnifix> Wow babo du 31er redest mýýll hinterm rýýcken seh ich hier
[11:01] [GoD]spinnifix> Zzz
[11:01] [GoD]spinnifix> Wieso bist du so falsch
[11:01] [GoD]spinnifix> Bist du so irl auch
[11:02] [GoD]spinnifix> Bist docz bestimmt einer der mit Konfrontation und Kritik nicht klarkommt oder lol
[11:03] [GoD]spinnifix> Bzw redest alles dir so ein und nur deins ist richtig egal was andere sageb lol
[11:06] [GoD]spinnifix> Verdienst schon nýý schelle nýý?
[11:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[11:26] [AvA]Geralt in
[11:46] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[11:49] [GoD]Hakai out
[11:55] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:56] Babo_OP> 1v1 und überzeug mich vom gegenteil
[11:56] Babo_OP> ich rede nicht müll hinter deinem rücken, ist ja die wahrheit lol
[11:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> du bist echt falsch
[11:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> kein wunder dass dich die mehrheit hier nicht mag
[11:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> du verdienst wirklich eine schelle glaube ich lol
[11:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> wie du dich gibst, arrogant, überschlau
[11:58] ice-t_TSI in
[11:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> du bist simpel und ein handlanger inop für nici lol
[11:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> und lästerstr im forum das weiss ich
[11:58] [TDM]Tundar out
[11:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> bist auch bestimmt nachtragend, hauptsache andere didsen schlec ht aussehen lassen udn sich schön reden
[11:59] DonnaJones_OP> Here goes Good Guy Spin again
[11:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> thank you iam
[11:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> (:
[11:59] DonnaJones_OP> It's sarcasm, you're a joke mate
[12:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> whys that
[12:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> :(
[12:00] DonnaJones_OP> Once again you're lashing out at others, while pretending you're a nice guy.
[12:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> well. babos reputation isnt the best, i cant be wrong. .
[12:01] DonnaJones_OP> There's a difference though
[12:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> iam a nice guy btw
[12:01] DonnaJones_OP> Babo knows he's arrogant AF
[12:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> no lies
[12:01] DonnaJones_OP> Whereas you're in denial
[12:01] DonnaJones_OP> About how much of a prick you are
[12:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> iam not arrogant irl?
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar in
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar> babo 1v1
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar> or you too gud for me?
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar> hai spin
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar> :>
[12:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> dunno why jump in hating lovenji lol
[12:01] [TDM]Tundar> Ice babo join?
[12:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> what have i done to you anyway
[12:02] [TDM]Tundar> who hatin lovenji?
[12:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> or r u simply siding with ur hood i guess?
[12:02] DonnaJones_OP> Your perspective is just off, Spin
[12:02] [TDM]Tundar> uh oh, spin did you become too much personality again?
[12:02] [TDM]Tundar> xD
[12:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> OLLOOLOL
[12:02] DonnaJones_OP> Babo doesn't say anything offline that he wouldn't say to your face
[12:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[12:03] iRespectWomenxD26> lol loven quit being babos bitch
[12:03] iRespectWomenxD26> its srsly hard to watch
[12:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes, stop the hate mate?
[12:03] DonnaJones_OP> Don't worry Koopa, at your age you'll probably go blind soon
[12:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> wow
[12:03] iRespectWomenxD26> hes so genuinely doesnt like u its really cringy shit
[12:03] DonnaJones_OP> So you won't have to watch for long
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> thats a dark side of lovenji
[12:04] [TDM]Tundar> What's happened to Love? seems he is stressed today
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> unpleasant to see to be honest
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> There's no Dark Side to me
[12:04] iRespectWomenxD26> spent too much time around babo
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> I think you're a prick mate
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> i assure (and others) , there is
[12:04] [TDM]Tundar> there is when u stand in the sun?
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> And I'm not saying that behind your back
[12:04] iRespectWomenxD26> this is what they talk about on discord
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> I'm saying that to your face
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye at least u do it in front
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> not like babo
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> Because I don't say shit I don't mean
[12:04] [TDM]Tundar> we can all be dicks
[12:04] iRespectWomenxD26> "that koopa guy is old, that spin guy is arrogant"
[12:04] [TDM]Tundar> we're old enough to know that
[12:04] DonnaJones_OP> You're a prick, and your "Nice guy spin" shit is the fakest shit out there
[12:05] DonnaJones_OP> The difference is
[12:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> i cant take you serious
[12:05] DonnaJones_OP> I'm aware of my flaws, you're so far in denial it's pitiful
[12:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> you are too much hate
[12:05] [TDM]Tundar> In fairness, he isn't not a nice guy, he does occasionally like to wind up drama
[12:05] iRespectWomenxD26> lmao its obvious spin likes to troll u dumby
[12:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye koopa dunno what deez noobs wanna
[12:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> shoulda get slapped on pp quick
[12:05] [TDM]Tundar> No ones an angel
[12:05] iRespectWomenxD26> lovenj wants everyone to be like him n babo
[12:05] iRespectWomenxD26> priks
[12:05] [TDM]Tundar> :o
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> yea its disgusting to see what OP is
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> they are only part time pricks, like everyone else
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[12:06] iRespectWomenxD26> unfunny boring ass pricks
[12:06] power> am sad now
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> probalby just sucking off nicis dick cuz they got the bewst in their clan
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> Nah they can be funny
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> And they make me lol more then you koops
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> they talk huge bullshit on their foprums too i bet
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> Why all the negativity anywaysss
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> All frustraterd coz no games?
[12:06] [TDM]Tundar> :(
[12:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> talking bad about other ppl here even tho it is not true what they claim
[12:06] DonnaJones_OP> We don't use forums, we're not all Koopa's age
[12:07] iRespectWomenxD26> oh bad puns ya real top tier shit
[12:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> good, never intend to do so
[12:07] [TDM]Tundar> Stop being petty a minute
[12:07] [TDM]Tundar> What's actually bothering people?>
[12:07] iRespectWomenxD26> "unbeleafable"
[12:07] [TDM]Tundar> Why we all being depressed on the mm today?
[12:07] [TDM]Tundar> Wassup ya'll?
[12:07] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[12:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> i dunno babo deserves a huge slap irl
[12:07] [TDM]Tundar> Mammy, bring the mm some smiles
[12:07] Mahmut1661_Tas> hi :)
[12:08] [TDM]Tundar> It needs you!
[12:08] Mahmut1661_Tas> :mammy;
[12:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> join mahmut
[12:08] Mahmut1661_Tas> :mammy:
[12:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> game
[12:08] [TDM]Tundar> Babo needs a huge hug!
[12:08] iRespectWomenxD26> when i see i geniune cunt doing shit not to be entertaining i gotta call it out its "toxic"
[12:08] [TDM]Tundar> So does lovenji
[12:08] [TDM]Tundar> Koops, why add fuel to the fire
[12:08] [TDM]Tundar> Let it die out noob
[12:08] DonnaJones_OP> Koopa your existence is toxic
[12:08] iRespectWomenxD26> y not
[12:08] Mahmut1661_Tas> who wants a :hug:
[12:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> no, yours is, lovenji
[12:08] DonnaJones_OP> You're so busy choking on Matt's dick you don't realise what a joke you are
[12:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> koopa at least pulls out funny jokes
[12:08] iRespectWomenxD26> y lol
[12:08] Babo_OP> :pogcorn:
[12:08] iRespectWomenxD26> lmaooo
[12:09] iRespectWomenxD26> lovenji just doesnt get it its cool
[12:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes i dont know what to say
[12:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> to that behavior
[12:09] Mahmut1661_Tas> why dont we can just get along :) ?
[12:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> because they are fucking retards in OP
[12:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> talking bs about other ppl
[12:10] DonnaJones_OP> Spin thinks he can chuck a bunch of abuse and people won't respond
[12:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> you guys are sore
[12:10] DonnaJones_OP> Go back to pretending you're a semi-decent human being spin
[12:10] iRespectWomenxD26> boo hoo spin said some mean shit
[12:10] Mahmut1661_Tas> Populous drama in the morning :kekw:
[12:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> especially babo and you
[12:10] DonnaJones_OP> Maybe you'll fool someone
[12:10] iRespectWomenxD26> HE DOESNT FOOL ANYONE
[12:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> dunno what this guy thinks
[12:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> loool
[12:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> that is some sore shit
[12:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo already sat back
[12:12] Mahmut1661_Tas> :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: :praiseit: :fwhype: Party TIme!!!
[12:13] iRespectWomenxD26> id join but gotta wake up n get sum coffee in brb
[12:13] power_OP in
[12:13] power_OP out
[12:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> i mean lovenji is a guy that wishes some1 being blind?
[12:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> probably want to have some ppl here have cancer
[12:15] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> oh yes a very good guy there
[12:15] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi hakai :D
[12:15] [GoD]Hakai> lol
[12:16] [GoD]Hakai> hi
[12:16] DonnaJones_OP> I don't pretend to be a good guy
[12:16] [GoD]Hakai> 3 min
[12:16] DonnaJones_OP> Why is that not sinking into your thick skull mate
[12:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> you are a two faced guy
[12:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> unpleasant go suck babos dick
[12:16] DonnaJones_OP> No, I'm not, I'm openly a prick mate
[12:16] iRespectWomenxD26> tough guy ur breaking ur mums heart lol
[12:17] DonnaJones_OP> Two faced implies I'm pretending to be nice
[12:17] DonnaJones_OP> I'm not
[12:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> definitely not
[12:17] DonnaJones_OP> I'm not here to make friends, I tried that last year and got ripped to pieces by you cockends
[12:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> sure sure
[12:17] iRespectWomenxD26> lmaooooo
[12:18] [GoD]carbine in
[12:18] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi Carbine :)
[12:18] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[12:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> pulling out things like koopa needs to be blind
[12:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf is that
[12:18] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi Toruk :)
[12:18] [GoD]carbine> yooooo
[12:18] [GoD]carbine> assalamualayum
[12:18] [GoD]carbine> assalamualaykumj
[12:18] DonnaJones_OP> For someone like Koopa? Karma.
[12:19] Mahmut1661_Tas> Walekum Selam
[12:19] iRespectWomenxD26> i must of been one the guys that ripped him to piece :D
[12:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> You talking about karma?
[12:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> You?
[12:19] DonnaJones_OP> My god you're so fucking stupid.
[12:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> guys is talking about karmal ol
[12:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> careful, for ur sayings here you get paralyzed
[12:20] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[12:20] [TDM]Tundar> ma[?
[12:20] [GoD]carbine> lool
[12:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> guys a fucking idiot lol
[12:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> and thinks everything he says is right
[12:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> same with babo
[12:20] [TDM]Tundar> portsiade
[12:20] DonnaJones_OP> Pot, Kettle
[12:20] [TDM]Tundar> portugals brexit
[12:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye kettle chips
[12:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> with honey and mustard
[12:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> into your face
[12:22] [TDM]Tundar> ok
[12:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Mammy :)
[12:22] iRespectWomenxD26> DonnaJones_OP> I'm not here to make friends, I tried that last year and got ripped to pieces by you cockends
[12:23] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:24] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:24] [GoD]Hakai> my mm crashes if i launch beta
[12:24] iRespectWomenxD26> mm's batman but lamer
[12:24] iRespectWomenxD26> now he patrols mm chat to call out folks out spite what a trip
[12:25] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:25] [GoD]Hakai> you guys can take carbine too
[12:25] [GoD]Hakai> im a bit busy atm
[12:25] [GoD]Hakai> like 3-5 mins
[12:25] [GoD]Hakai> teacher picked me
[12:25] iRespectWomenxD26> if no one joins ill be ready in 10 mins
[12:25] Mahmut1661_Tas> Ur playing during school :O
[12:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> Yes, Lovenji and Babo are sore people
[12:26] iRespectWomenxD26> dont let word get to lovenji he'll trak n call ur school on u
[12:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> all good, cant take him serious
[12:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ppl anyway believe us i guess?
[12:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes koopa join in ur 10 mins
[12:27] [TDM]Tundar> kk will do dishes
[12:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[12:28] Mahmut1661_Tas> Ill wait.
[12:28] [GoD]Hakai> u play hollow fields?
[12:28] [GoD]Hakai> or pp?
[12:29] Babo_OP> spin why so salty m8
[12:30] [GoD]Spinnifix> ? just being your or lovenji, toxic
[12:30] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Fried :)
[12:30] Babo_OP> why you get so mad over the fact that i said you dont want to 1v1 me? :>
[12:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo toruk
[12:30] [AsG]Sky- in
[12:31] Babo_OP> and idc if majority of people here "hate" me, i dont like them either :kekyou:
[12:31] Babo_OP> and no, we dont talk about you in OP forums or whatever platform, youre too irrelevant for that
[12:32] Babo_OP> @koopa grow up, youre 3 times our age and the biggest kid in here
[12:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes you definitely deserve a slap irl into ur weird face
[12:33] Babo_OP> :kekclown:
[12:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> [13:31] Babo_OP> and idc if majority of people here "hate" me, i dont like them either
[12:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> sure you dont
[12:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> that clown emojie wont help you too
[12:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> :babo:
[12:33] Babo_OP> :clown: :babo:
[12:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> as weed would say
[12:34] Babo_OP> sry dont have time for you to finish writing
[12:34] Babo_OP> gotta go suck nicis dick
[12:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes, do that
[12:34] Babo_OP> :pjsalt: :pjsalt: :pjsalt: :pjsalt: :pjsalt:
[12:34] Babo_OP> you dropped that bro
[12:35] iRespectWomenxD26> i dont think anyone hates u
[12:35] [AsG]Sky- out
[12:35] iRespectWomenxD26> ur just a annoying boring prick
[12:35] [TDM]Tundar> brb spliff
[12:35] [TDM]Tundar> 145 seconds
[12:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye and ugly as hell
[12:36] Babo_OP> thats the nicest thing koopa ever said to me :kekw:
[12:36] iRespectWomenxD26> well thats for women that get hit on by him to worry bout
[12:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> probalby thats why he disabled comments on his discord
[12:36] k90000 out
[12:36] Babo_OP> what?
[12:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[12:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> koopa man
[12:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> careful, he will come up with heavier provocations
[12:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo du bist echt ne falsche person wie sich heraustellt
[12:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> bin enttäuscht
[12:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> du kannst gar nicht ohne hass und/oder arroganz
[12:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> du bist doch gar nicht in der position so zu sein
[12:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[12:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> nichts für ungut
[12:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> KOOPA JOIN
[12:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> 10 MINS OVER
[12:40] Babo_OP> was redest du für nen schwachsinn? xD
[12:40] iRespectWomenxD26> almost
[12:40] Babo_OP> ich hab schon immer das gesagt was ich denke
[12:40] Babo_OP> und das weißt du auch
[12:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> alles gut
[12:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> rede nicht über mich schlecht und lass mich in ruh
[12:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> Bitte?
[12:40] Babo_OP>
[12:40] Babo_OP> 1v1
[12:41] k90000 in
[12:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> wozu denn
[12:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> damit du gewinnst oder verlierst`?
[12:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> was dann?
[12:41] Babo_OP> ja, dafür sind 1v1 da
[12:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja aber was isn hier dein ziel `?
[12:41] Babo_OP> um zu gewinnen oder verlieren
[12:41] Babo_OP> dich besiegen natürlich
[12:42] Babo_OP> sonst würde ich ja nicht fragen :)
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> schaffst du nicht, du bist simpel
[12:42] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeee
[12:42] Babo_OP> ach ja? 1v1
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> wenn ich mich anstrenge bist du ko glaub mir lol
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja, glaub mir
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[12:42] Babo_OP> ich warte
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> meph zermalmt dich ebenfalls ez pz
[12:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit seinem komischen spielstil lol
[12:42] Babo_OP> letztes 1v1 hab ich ihn ez zermalmt ;)
[12:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> das ist egal lol
[12:43] Babo_OP> wieso ist das egal?
[12:43] Babo_OP> außerdem sehe ich ein dass meph besser als ich ist
[12:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> das ist mir ebenfalls egal
[12:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> der spaß ist wichtig
[12:43] Babo_OP> deswegen ist mir das auch egal wenn er mich 400 mal in folge besiegt :D
[12:43] Babo_OP> ja genau
[12:43] Babo_OP> weißt du was mir spaß macht
[12:43] Babo_OP> dich 1v1 zerstören :D
[12:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[12:44] Babo_OP> nalos :clown:
[12:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> aber nun hop tu was fürs aussehen sonst wirds nix mit frauen
[12:44] Babo_OP> :wow:
[12:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> ;)
[12:44] Babo_OP> projecting?
[12:44] [D]amhyr in
[12:44] Babo_OP> bei mir läufts gut, mach dir keinen kopf :D
[12:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> so fühlt es sich an wenn man mit dir oder love redet
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> ne glaub ich ehrlich gesagt nicht
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> abe rwhat ever makes u feel better richtig?
[12:45] Babo_OP> ist mir egal was du glaubst
[12:45] Babo_OP> hab hier noch nie bs geredet
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> glaub ich nicht
[12:45] Babo_OP> alles realtalk
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein, bei weitem nicht
[12:45] Babo_OP> musst mir nicht glauben
[12:45] Babo_OP> interessiert mich nicht
[12:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> geh vom hohen ross runter babo
[12:45] iRespectWomenxD26> tundar u there?
[12:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait i call him koopa
[12:46] Babo_OP> genau so wenig wie mich die meinung von den anderen interessiert
[12:46] Babo_OP> und nein danke, ich mags hier oben
[12:46] Babo_OP> kann man so schön auf dich herabschauen
[12:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> runter mit dir
[12:46] Babo_OP> kannst mich ja versuchen 1v1 zu besiegen
[12:46] Babo_OP> vielleicht bin ich dann ruhig
[12:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> schon getan
[12:46] Babo_OP> wann? 2015?
[12:46] Babo_OP> :kekw:
[12:46] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein mach weiter mti deiner art
[12:47] Babo_OP> jo hatte jetzt nicht vor mich zu ändern
[12:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> zioehst dich selber nur runter damit
[12:47] Babo_OP> oköö
[12:47] [TDM]Tundar> yo
[12:47] [TDM]Tundar> teams
[12:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> und dich zu blockieren...phu... lieber nicht, da hättest du ja gewonnen.. und das geht nicht
[12:48] [TDM]Tundar> i am now
[12:48] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[12:48] iRespectWomenxD26> its w.e
[12:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> go random or ?
[12:48] [D]amhyr> hey guys be polite, rage in english so we all can eat popcorn
[12:50] Babo_OP> :D pass lieber auf dass nicht wieder die sonne auf deinen bildschirm scheint
[12:50] Babo_OP> nothing interesting div
[12:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol [D]amhyr
[12:50] Babo_OP> just me asking spin for 1v1 and he going all personal xD
[12:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> graues wetter
[12:50] [D]amhyr> :puke:
[12:50] [D]amhyr> wurst drama ever
[12:51] Babo_OP> spin decided to go all salty today
[12:51] Babo_OP> there was some funny pogcorn earlier
[12:51] Babo_OP> where he fighted hatevenj
[12:51] Babo_OP> +i
[12:58] [GoD]Shogun in
[12:58] HexTheRex in
[12:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> that a good name
[12:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[12:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> hatevenji
[12:59] Babo_OP> dont laugh at it pls, im not funny
[13:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> true lol
[13:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> cool
[13:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> jk u r
[13:05] Florianfff in
[13:06] ice-t_TSI> people are playing right now? wtf
[13:07] Florianfff> Hii
[13:07] Florianfff> Host test plz
[13:07] [AvA]RIPkekw> pop's alive
[13:07] Florianfff> I neeed to check my ports
[13:07] Florianfff> can someone join one sec?
[13:08] Florianfff> hmm no ping..
[13:09] ice-t_TSI> odd
[13:09] ice-t_TSI> we both have stars
[13:10] Florianfff out
[13:13] Florianfff in
[13:15] Florianfff out
[13:23] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[13:23] [GoD]Spinnifix> crashed
[13:23] [TDM]Tundar> gg wp
[13:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg wp
[13:24] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[13:24] Mahmut1661_Tas> :O
[13:24] [TDM]Tundar> mammy was u green?
[13:24] [TDM]Tundar> wp man
[13:24] iRespectWomenxD26> brb
[13:24] Mahmut1661_Tas> no
[13:24] Mahmut1661_Tas> I was red
[13:28] [TDM]Tundar> who's up for a ga,e?
[13:28] [TDM]Tundar> game
[13:29] [TDM]Tundar> Ice, any map wishes?
[13:31] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[13:32] [TDM]Tundar> [D]amhyr> hey guys be polite, rage in english so we all can eat popcorn
[13:33] [TDM]Tundar> ANY GAMES?!?!
[13:33] [TDM]Tundar> ?????????????????
[13:35] [TDM]Tundar> ????????????
[13:37] Deists in
[13:37] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[13:38] [TDM]Tundar> ??????
[13:38] [TDM]Tundar> ????
[13:38] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[13:39] [TDM]Tundar> ??
[13:39] [TDM]Tundar> ?????
[13:40] [TDM]Tundar> noobs
[13:40] [TDM]Tundar> :oooo
[13:41] [GoD]Hakai> i still need like 10 min
[13:41] [TDM]Tundar> npnpnp
[13:41] [TDM]Tundar> prolly take lobby 46 minutes to find 1 more
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:46] [TDM]Tundar> 1 more
[13:47] [TDM]Tundar> yo map wishes?
[13:47] [GoD]Hakai> i still need like 8 min
[13:47] [GoD]Hakai> ill leave and come back if noone else joined
[13:47] [TDM]Tundar> I still need a map request
[13:48] [GoD]Hakai> joins
[13:48] [GoD]Hakai> lol
[13:48] [D]Uncarriable in
[13:48] [TDM]Tundar> t rod
[13:48] [TDM]Tundar> map wishes?
[13:49] ice-t_TSI> gameeeee
[13:49] [TDM]Tundar> rodders innnnnnn
[13:49] [TDM]Tundar> or host
[13:49] [TDM]Tundar> idm
[13:49] ice-t_TSI> where is Spinni???
[13:51] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[13:52] [GoD]Hakai> mana battle/ walls=?
[14:01] [TDM]Tundar> brb smoke wsap me if u join ice
[14:02] [TSI]O-Ren in
[14:04] ice-t_TSI out
[14:16] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[14:20] iRespectWomenxD26> ill play inabit
[14:20] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[14:20] [TDM]Tundar> promise?
[14:22] [TDM]Tundar> yeah
[14:23] [TDM]Tundar> What you thinking?
[14:26] [TDM]Tundar> Lovenji, wanna play level 8 pal?
[14:29] [TDM]Tundar> +2
[14:35] [SW]pablo- in
[14:38] HexTheRex out
[14:39] [TDM]Tundar> games?
[14:42] HexTheRex in
[14:45] k90000 out
[14:45] k90000 in
[14:45] [D]Uncarriable out
[14:46] [TDM]Tundar> Any games?!
[14:47] iRespectWomenxD26> need bout 5 more mins
[14:47] [TDM]Tundar> sure
[14:50] iRespectWomenxD26> oh wtf
[14:55] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[15:01] bythewayimrusty out
[15:01] bythewayimrusty in
[15:15] Artz_Sam in
[15:15] bythewayimrusty out
[15:15] Deists out
[15:15] bythewayimrusty in
[15:16] Artz_Sam out
[15:19] bythewayimrusty> send me the link
[15:20] HexTheRex out
[15:22] bythewayimrusty> i dont understand
[15:22] [TDM]Tundar> gg
[15:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[15:23] [SW]pablo-> gg
[15:23] [GoD]Hakai> gg
[15:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Soma
[15:25] [AvA]Stauni in
[15:25] [SW]pablo-> stauni join birra
[15:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Stauni
[15:26] [AvA]Stauni> hi toruk
[15:27] bythewayimrusty out
[15:27] MR_Ridiculous in
[15:28] MR_Ridiculous> thank you inca!
[15:28] [TDM]Tundar> map wishes?
[15:28] [TDM]Tundar> ??
[15:28] [AvA]Stauni> walls is fine
[15:28] [TDM]Tundar> just done walls
[15:28] [AvA]Stauni> can also play sess
[15:28] h2d in
[15:28] MR_Ridiculous out
[15:29] [TDM]Tundar> Another map wish?
[15:29] [TDM]Tundar> plz
[15:29] Mr_Ridiculous in
[15:29] [SW]pablo-> pp
[15:29] [AvA]Stauni> you only play 1.01?
[15:29] [SW]pablo-> or foo
[15:29] [TDM]Tundar> i dont mind beta
[15:29] Mr_Ridiculous> ya
[15:29] Mr_Ridiculous> finally name changed
[15:31] [TDM]Tundar> +2
[15:31] [TDM]Tundar> yayyy
[15:31] [TDM]Tundar> gl hf
[15:31] [AvA]Stauni> rotate pls haha
[15:32] DonnaJones_OP> No shit sherlock
[15:32] DonnaJones_OP> haha
[15:32] h2d out
[15:40] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[15:40] Mr_Ridiculous> wp
[15:42] power_OP in
[15:42] power_OP> heyy
[15:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi power
[15:47] [rw]karma in
[15:48] [AvA]Acid-303> sess?
[15:48] power_OP> good on
[15:48] power_OP> one
[15:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> why gb?
[15:50] [AvA]Acid-303> pablo didn't see you
[15:50] power_OP> couldnt see you
[15:50] [SW]pablo-> bad start
[15:54] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:57] TristanFR in
[15:59] [SW]chapo in
[15:59] [SW]chapo out
[15:59] [SW]chapo in
[16:05] TomekJ in
[16:05] iRespectWomenxD26> serc
[16:06] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[16:07] theoldstory in
[16:08] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[16:09] [SW]pablo- out
[16:09] Zpektrix_TAS> https://imgur.com/gallery/2SdzcBK#zC2JSr1
[16:10] iRespectWomenxD26> hmmmmm? no map req
[16:11] iRespectWomenxD26> ill pik theeennn
[16:11] iRespectWomenxD26> yall up for 4walls?
[16:11] [GoD]Hakai> mana battle?
[16:12] Zpektrix_TAS> no more mana battle
[16:12] Zpektrix_TAS> walls
[16:12] [GoD]Hakai> else idm
[16:12] power_OP out
[16:12] amnesia in
[16:12] iRespectWomenxD26> random teams or as is folks?
[16:12] [GoD]Hakai> idm
[16:14] iRespectWomenxD26> k me n tsu or me n chapo dont matter to me
[16:14] iRespectWomenxD26> here u nublets
[16:15] [SW]chapo> join
[16:15] [GoD]Hakai> chapo wants my host
[16:15] iRespectWomenxD26> i give tsu decent ping
[16:15] [GoD]Hakai> we 2 can ally
[16:15] [GoD]Hakai> me annd chapo
[16:15] iRespectWomenxD26> if tsu up for 250 ping idm
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> +2
[16:17] TristanFR out
[16:17] TristanFR in
[16:18] [AvA]Stauni out
[16:18] [AvA]Stauni in
[16:18] [D]Uncarriable in
[16:22] DonnaJones_OP> ggwp
[16:22] k90000> gg
[16:22] k90000 out
[16:22] k90000 in
[16:35] [SW]pablo- in
[16:36] [GoD]Hakai> maap?
[16:36] [GoD]Hakai> mana battle?
[16:36] [TDM]Tundar> last game
[16:36] [TDM]Tundar> u got raped in 3.8 seconds
[16:36] [TDM]Tundar> xD
[16:37] [TSI]O-Ren out
[16:37] Mr_Ridiculous> lolo
[16:37] Mr_Ridiculous> That was fast
[16:37] Mr_Ridiculous> 3.8 sec
[16:37] Mr_Ridiculous> i didnt have enough time to put down my fw hut
[16:39] TristanFR out
[16:39] TristanFR in
[16:42] Mr_Ridiculous> :+1:
[16:43] [AvA]Stauni out
[16:43] [AvA]Stauni in
[16:43] Mr_Ridiculous> congrats
[16:43] Mr_Ridiculous> youre now a preacher
[16:43] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[16:44] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[16:46] [SW]pablo-> stauni join
[16:46] [TDM]Tundar> `lesgo
[16:46] [TDM]Tundar> no waiting 40 years
[16:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:46] [TDM]Tundar> any map any teams gl hf
[16:46] [TDM]Tundar> .mgokdfnv
[16:46] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:48] Babo_OP out
[16:50] Babo_OP in
[16:52] Sirius_OP in
[16:57] theoldstory out
[16:58] Tabaluga in
[16:58] TomekJ out
[17:06] [Rw]Macca in
[17:09] Babo_OP out
[17:13] [AsG]Sky- in
[17:15] [SW]chapo> gg
[17:15] [SW]pablo-> gg
[17:15] [TDM]Tundar> And you call me a troll
[17:15] [TDM]Tundar> >.<
[17:15] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[17:15] [SW]chapo> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448032
[17:16] Sirius_OP> i think cahokia would be better ally than this guy
[17:16] Sirius_OP> :kekw:
[17:16] [SW]chapo> pfff piece of shit
[17:16] [SW]chapo> popre rip
[17:16] Zpektrix_TAS> you had no lights
[17:16] Zpektrix_TAS> already a troll
[17:16] [TDM]Tundar> i just wanted you to eq hill anyway
[17:16] [TDM]Tundar> wp
[17:18] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[17:18] Mr_Ridiculous> p
[17:18] Mr_Ridiculous> wp
[17:19] Mr_Ridiculous> i cant play ritnow
[17:19] Mr_Ridiculous> later
[17:20] Sirius_OP> wow, jimmy lost his points again
[17:20] Sirius_OP> but he won
[17:20] Sirius_OP> funny :kek:
[17:20] Sirius_OP> ah, only pablo lost
[17:21] Mr_Ridiculous out
[17:21] Mr_Ridiculous in
[17:22] [AvA]Stauni out
[17:22] [AvA]Stauni in
[17:26] Tabaluga> fhk, ogs not getting a game
[17:26] Tabaluga> sik
[17:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> fhk
[17:26] k90000 out
[17:26] k90000 in
[17:27] Tabaluga> :pepegaphone: inca revive pop brah
[17:27] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[17:27] DonnaJones_OP> Use landbridge
[17:27] Tabaluga> reincarnate it
[17:27] Tabaluga> fuck u with ur lb
[17:27] Tabaluga> loloo
[17:27] DonnaJones_OP> is epico spell
[17:27] Tabaluga> rather play beta than using it
[17:27] DonnaJones_OP> very working
[17:28] TristanFR out
[17:28] Tabaluga> oh no
[17:28] TristanFR in
[17:28] Tabaluga> inca plans on something bad
[17:28] [SW]chapo> bianca can you host?
[17:28] Tabaluga> :monkamega:
[17:28] DonnaJones_OP> You mean, epico
[17:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> yeah but i will host sess :kekw:
[17:29] Sirius_OP> u have to pick one
[17:29] [SW]chapo> come come
[17:29] Sirius_OP> play on sess
[17:29] Sirius_OP> or play with tsu :nice:
[17:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> ez choice
[17:29] Sirius_OP> :kek:
[17:30] [SW]chapo> can we do any map or only ses
[17:30] [SW]chapo> bianca
[17:30] AliceInWonderland_OP> xD
[17:30] DonnaJones_OP> Reading is hard
[17:30] AliceInWonderland_OP> well i was kidding
[17:30] AliceInWonderland_OP> not gonna do sess :kekw:
[17:30] DonnaJones_OP> Oh, you gonna host Nubrimnir instead? :foxlaugh:
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> :ohyes:
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> wtf is this
[17:31] [SW]pablo-> do 4walls
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> there is no way
[17:31] Sirius_OP> tsu wanna play with u :ohyes:
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:31] [SW]pablo-> ihr seid eh besser als wir
[17:31] DonnaJones_OP> LOL
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> ich ally den nicht
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> nicht in 1000 jahren
[17:31] [SW]pablo-> hahahaha
[17:31] [SW]pablo-> wieso
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:31] [SW]chapo> +1 ally bianca
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> da ally ich lieber mibbel
[17:31] [SW]pablo-> hahhahahaha
[17:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> oder martymcfly
[17:31] DonnaJones_OP> LOLOLOL
[17:31] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> test map 189 is the replacement map for 4walls, its fair bases and less glitchy with hut plans and path finding
[17:32] [SW]chapo> HAHAHAHHAHA
[17:32] [SW]chapo> you are right for god
[17:32] AliceInWonderland_OP> +1 to face the albanian beasts
[17:32] AliceInWonderland_OP> on sess :kekw:
[17:32] [SW]chapo> hahahahahhaha
[17:32] [SW]pablo-> hahahaha
[17:32] Tabaluga> :ok:
[17:32] [SW]chapo> gg :D
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> oh its bitchanca
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> thought koopa was hosting another hut
[17:33] [SW]chapo> yep
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> stupid bitch
[17:33] NonRankedOnly_Tsi out
[17:33] AliceInWonderland_OP> as if he didnt know that
[17:33] AliceInWonderland_OP> lel
[17:33] [SW]chapo> stfu shit man
[17:33] Tabaluga> :monkamega:
[17:33] DonnaJones_OP> lol wtf
[17:33] [SW]chapo> go slepp
[17:33] DonnaJones_OP> Where'd that come from
[17:33] Sirius_OP> wtf chapo
[17:33] DonnaJones_OP> :foxlaugh:
[17:33] [SW]chapo> kawsaki is shit
[17:36] k90000 out
[17:36] TristanFR out
[17:38] [SW]chapo> kopa join
[17:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> inca join
[17:38] [SW]chapo> inca its away
[17:38] [SW]chapo> :(
[17:38] [SW]chapo> :D
[17:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> wow i can ally mammy? yay :D
[17:42] Sirius_OP> :nice:
[17:42] [SW]chapo> of course
[17:42] [SW]chapo> lol
[17:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> ok what map?
[17:42] Mahmut1661_Tas> Yay :D
[17:42] DonnaJones_OP> Dead Sea :foxlaugh:
[17:42] [SW]pablo-> do 4walls
[17:43] AliceInWonderland_OP> lolol dead sea
[17:43] Mahmut1661_Tas> you read my mind lovenji :kekyou:
[17:43] Sirius_OP> ye, ye DS let's go
[17:43] DonnaJones_OP> I know you that well, Mammy ;)
[17:43] AliceInWonderland_OP> nah omg plz no :kekw:
[17:43] TristanFR in
[17:43] Mahmut1661_Tas> ok than we do other map :)
[17:43] [SW]pablo- out
[17:43] AliceInWonderland_OP> thanks xD
[17:43] AliceInWonderland_OP> if you get a ping
[17:43] AliceInWonderland_OP> wtf
[17:43] [SW]pablo- in
[17:43] Mahmut1661_Tas> let me relog
[17:43] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[17:44] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[17:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> ok nice so
[17:44] Mahmut1661_Tas> do you see ping?
[17:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> lemme guess
[17:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> 4walls
[17:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> yeah
[17:44] Mahmut1661_Tas> ehhm sure
[17:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> or what do you want (except for DS?
[17:45] DonnaJones_OP> Cr8rs
[17:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> mammy wants fo :ohyes:
[17:45] Mahmut1661_Tas> :angry:
[17:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> xD
[17:45] [SW]chapo> go bianca i dont have much time
[17:45] DonnaJones_OP> I think it's Mammy's favourite map
[17:45] Tabaluga> DEAD SEA :D
[17:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[17:46] AliceInWonderland_OP> ok ok jimmy
[17:46] Tabaluga> yet he doesn't play it
[17:46] Mahmut1661_Tas> It is not :D
[17:46] Tabaluga> coz it's dead
[17:46] Tabaluga> :rollsafe:
[17:46] Tabaluga out
[17:49] Tabaluga in
[17:49] Meph in
[17:49] Tabaluga> wtf
[17:49] Tabaluga> who kicked me
[17:49] Sirius_OP> lol
[17:49] Tabaluga> [7] Kicked out
[17:49] Sirius_OP> nice kick mate
[17:49] Tabaluga> prank'd
[17:49] Tabaluga> :kekyou:
[17:49] Zpektrix_TAS> inca did
[17:49] Zpektrix_TAS> ofc
[17:50] Mr_Ridiculous> has anyobdy in here beat Nici?
[17:50] amnesia> yes
[17:50] Tabaluga> yes
[17:50] Tabaluga> harmy
[17:50] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[17:50] Sirius_OP> yes
[17:50] Mr_Ridiculous> wow
[17:52] Tabaluga> new beta patch :owut:
[17:52] DonnaJones_OP> What I just finished my patch notes for the last one...
[17:52] Mr_Ridiculous> i just got vaccinatd yesterday
[17:52] DonnaJones_OP> China know where you are
[17:53] Mr_Ridiculous> yeah
[17:53] Mr_Ridiculous> they have cameras everywhere
[17:54] Tabaluga> nice patch notes
[17:54] DonnaJones_OP> ty
[17:54] Tabaluga> time to hit the !update
[17:54] DonnaJones_OP> i work very hard on them
[17:54] Tabaluga> and enjoy new broken beta
[17:54] Tabaluga> :roopog:
[17:54] DonnaJones_OP> Just you wait, my next patch notes will be
[17:55] DonnaJones_OP> "Everything is fucked. GL HF"
[17:56] Tabaluga> :hypers:
[17:56] Tabaluga> super epicly
[17:59] Tabaluga> No updates are available
[17:59] DonnaJones_OP> memez
[18:01] Tabaluga> brandan forgot to push it
[18:01] Tabaluga> :rooglory:
[18:01] DonnaJones_OP> That's what she said?
[18:03] [D]amhyr> :pepethonk:
[18:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[18:05] [D]amhyr> :peped:
[18:05] Tabaluga> god damn we need to test lbs
[18:06] [D]amhyr> :landbridge:
[18:06] [D]amhyr> still working
[18:06] [D]amhyr> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/704366711083630642/827348875924733972/unknown.png this was the black pixel cleanup
[18:06] DonnaJones_OP> Test Criteria for LB:
[18:06] [D]amhyr> :puke:
[18:06] [D]amhyr> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/478568723972620288/827585720403099658/unknown.png
[18:07] DonnaJones_OP> Does it Cast? Yes? Everything works fine.
[18:07] [D]amhyr> casts but creates an erosion now
[18:07] TristanFR out
[18:07] [D]amhyr> inca wants new spells
[18:08] Tabaluga> i actually had a BL321-0 fixes somewhere as well
[18:08] Tabaluga> but forgot about it
[18:08] Tabaluga> good thing someone did it
[18:08] Tabaluga> time saved on other important things
[18:08] [D]amhyr> noob could have saved me work
[18:08] Tabaluga> :kekyou:
[18:08] Tabaluga> :peepopoint:
[18:09] Tabaluga> cyans hut symbols still fucked
[18:09] Tabaluga> hard to see
[18:09] DonnaJones_OP> Do people even look at those symbols
[18:09] Tabaluga> i do
[18:09] DonnaJones_OP> How comes?
[18:09] power_OP in
[18:09] Tabaluga> can differ buildings
[18:10] power_OP> GE for all
[18:10] Tabaluga> :kekyou:
[18:10] DonnaJones_OP> Loool
[18:10] DonnaJones_OP> You got me
[18:10] Tabaluga> what if you have temple with hut symbols
[18:10] Tabaluga> will you treat it as hut or temple
[18:10] Tabaluga> :thonk:
[18:10] DonnaJones_OP> I'd never know it was a temple
[18:10] [D]amhyr> temple :)
[18:10] DonnaJones_OP> Symbol so important
[18:10] Tabaluga> but it acted as a warrior train
[18:10] [D]amhyr> because its a big fat hut
[18:10] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[18:10] Tabaluga> good job modding team
[18:11] Tabaluga> :beta:
[18:11] [D]amhyr> temple with fw icon, after train gives you warrior :)
[18:11] Tabaluga> perfect
[18:11] [D]amhyr> warrior with spy hp ofc
[18:11] Tabaluga> now wheres the udpate for fuck sakes
[18:11] [D]amhyr> ask tyler
[18:11] [D]amhyr> tyler1
[18:11] Tabaluga> he went afk
[18:11] DonnaJones_OP> TYler
[18:12] [D]amhyr> https://www.twitch.tv/loltyler1
[18:12] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[18:12] DonnaJones_OP> Bianca's stream is like a time capsule
[18:12] [D]amhyr> takes you back to2003=
[18:12] DonnaJones_OP> Music takes me back way earlier than 03
[18:13] DonnaJones_OP> :foxlaugh:
[18:13] [D]amhyr> oh music i thought was the pixels
[18:13] power_OP> lol
[18:13] Tabaluga> i hear no music
[18:13] Tabaluga> just loud game's sounds
[18:13] [D]amhyr> same :(
[18:13] DonnaJones_OP> You have to really strain, or wait until she's not burning buildings
[18:14] [D]amhyr> wanted some britney spears
[18:14] DonnaJones_OP> She had Cher going earlier
[18:14] Tabaluga> THE BELLS
[18:14] [D]amhyr> my mm alert has been a pig since 2 years or so
[18:14] [D]amhyr> 0 regrets
[18:14] DonnaJones_OP> Epico
[18:14] Tabaluga> i have mm alert off
[18:14] [D]amhyr> always reminds me of nici
[18:14] [D]amhyr> :oink:
[18:14] [D]amhyr> :bacon:
[18:14] Tabaluga> for 7 years
[18:14] [D]amhyr> :pig:
[18:14] [D]amhyr> :pig_nose:
[18:14] DonnaJones_OP> Do you still have the individual sounds you made for minigolf
[18:15] DonnaJones_OP> Want Golf FWs again
[18:15] [D]amhyr> well it's old sound modding, now inca spread the files it's easier
[18:15] [D]amhyr> u can open the sound file and get it
[18:15] [SW]pablo-> ggwp
[18:16] DonnaJones_OP> I knew I could that
[18:16] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg wp
[18:16] DonnaJones_OP> I wanted to be lazy
[18:16] Tabaluga> have to figure out which one file it is first
[18:16] power_OP> gg guys
[18:16] power_OP> hey bianca xoni and chapo
[18:16] Tabaluga> and there are 100+ files
[18:16] [SW]chapo out
[18:16] DonnaJones_OP> I know
[18:16] [SW]pablo-> yo power
[18:16] DonnaJones_OP> I've messed around with sound files before
[18:16] DonnaJones_OP> I made the Ashby pack!
[18:16] Tabaluga> 602 elements wow
[18:17] [D]amhyr> https://i.imgur.com/isTd6du.png 106-109 is the epic strike sound
[18:17] [D]amhyr> want it for fws
[18:18] DonnaJones_OP> Epicoooo
[18:18] [D]amhyr> god imagine maps with many fws
[18:18] [D]amhyr> all the golfing
[18:19] AliceInWonderland_OP> k what teams?
[18:19] [D]amhyr> :notlikethis:
[18:19] power_OP> best says me and you
[18:19] AliceInWonderland_OP> k
[18:20] [TSI]O-Ren in
[18:20] HexTheRex in
[18:24] Tabaluga> epicly epico epic
[18:25] [D]xfiresx15 in
[18:29] DonnaJones_OP> Lol
[18:29] DonnaJones_OP> Pretty sure MM fixes any sound edits you make
[18:29] [D]amhyr> worked offline?
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> Yep
[18:30] [D]amhyr> :pressf:
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> Yeah
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> MM replaces the files
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> TY Inca
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> "My new engine makes sound editing easier"
[18:30] DonnaJones_OP> AKA impossible :<
[18:31] Tabaluga> told inca to disable auto updating
[18:31] Tabaluga> and lucas suggested auto update on mm launch
[18:31] Tabaluga> lol
[18:31] Tabaluga> that will ruin all your mods instantly
[18:32] DonnaJones_OP> Man I was looking forward to that too
[18:32] DonnaJones_OP> Fun ruined
[18:32] Tabaluga> gave up with spectating as textures getting overwriten
[18:34] [D]amhyr> :cringe: :puke:
[18:35] Tabaluga> No updates are available
[18:35] Tabaluga> 1 century later:
[18:35] Tabaluga> New earthquake mechanics that makes eq not erupt lava when you cast it directly on a building!
[18:35] DonnaJones_OP> :what:
[18:37] Tabaluga> also fixes to a new LB fix!
[18:37] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[18:38] Meph out
[18:40] [GoD]Hakai out
[18:42] [D]amhyr> :kekwait:
[18:42] [D]amhyr> kosjak drunk on vodka
[18:42] Tabaluga> god
[18:42] DonnaJones_OP> At least someone's having a good time :foxlaugh:
[18:43] Tabaluga> brandan for real forgot about udpate
[18:43] Tabaluga> gg
[18:43] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[18:43] [D]amhyr> if you wanna have a good time, N:omegalul: vs EU at msi soon
[18:43] DonnaJones_OP> EU already won
[18:55] Tabaluga out
[18:56] Tabaluga in
[18:56] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:56] [D]xfiresx15 out
[18:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:58] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[18:59] [SW]pablo-> gg
[18:59] power_OP> gg wp
[19:03] DonnaJones_OP out
[19:04] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[19:05] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[19:06] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[19:09] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[19:09] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[19:10] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[19:14] power_OP> i agree 1.5 better
[19:14] [AvA]Acid-303> i have mouse lag on 1.01
[19:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> beta is betta
[19:14] [AvA]Acid-303> ye
[19:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :kekw:
[19:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> lies :ohyes:
[19:14] power_OP> heyyy stauni
[19:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> haha
[19:14] power_OP> nice rank man
[19:14] [TDM]Tundar> yeah
[19:14] [TDM]Tundar> lies
[19:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> :hyperkekw:
[19:14] [AvA]Acid-303> updating
[19:14] DonnaJones_OP in
[19:15] [SW]pablo- out
[19:15] [SW]pablo- in
[19:15] [AvA]Acid-303> gogogogogo
[19:16] [AvA]RIPkekw> :rip: :kekw:
[19:16] Tabaluga> e
[19:16] Tabaluga> epic update***
[19:16] Tabaluga> only 2 fixes :kekyou:
[19:16] [AvA]RIPkekw> :feelsbadman:
[19:16] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> ey tindar
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> ey bianca
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> how are you
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> some rising star pwnd you recently
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> thats what I heard
[19:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> yeah you on jimmy account :kekw:
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> he'll be so proud
[19:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> xD
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> <3 I am too :D
[19:18] [SW]Arbrim> fhk man :D
[19:19] [SW]Arbrim> but he for sure will start getting mad
[19:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> need star to host, I don't have star
[19:19] [SW]Arbrim> cuz Im the one taking credits HAHAHAHHA
[19:19] [SW]Arbrim> I recall getting credits for a tournament game in tot
[19:19] power_OP> yoo arbrim
[19:19] [SW]Arbrim> hi Powaaaaaaaaaaaah
[19:19] [SW]Arbrim> [SW]PowerBall
[19:20] power_OP> lol
[19:20] [TDM]Tundar> Credits for what?
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> in the accent of Apparentely Kid
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> https://youtu.be/rz5TGN7eUcM
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> PowhaBAAAAAAALL
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> Credits for winning games
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> everytime zgjimi rekts people
[19:20] [SW]Arbrim> I take credits xDD]
[19:20] [TDM]Tundar> kk
[19:20] [TDM]Tundar> no games?
[19:21] [TDM]Tundar> only talk? :(
[19:21] [SW]Arbrim> yea so busy my bro
[19:21] AliceInWonderland_OP> i dont talk
[19:21] AliceInWonderland_OP> :kekw:
[19:21] [AvA]Acid-303> x ping mates
[19:21] [AvA]Acid-303> toruk
[19:21] [SW]pablo-> power relog
[19:21] [TDM]Tundar> im obviously not referring to you cutey
[19:21] [SW]pablo-> bro
[19:21] power_OP out
[19:21] [AvA]Acid-303> toruk x ping
[19:21] [AvA]Acid-303> power*
[19:21] power_OP in
[19:22] AliceInWonderland_OP> lolol
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> 19] power_OP> yoo arbrim
[19:22] AliceInWonderland_OP> +2
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> that was all of it :/
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> fk, how are you Powhaa?
[19:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> You guys wanted me to host, lol. Either get ping, or someone else host
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> nasilsin kardes
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> im 23 Im your abi
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> right?
[19:22] power_OP> fine just a little angry about ping
[19:22] power_OP> lol
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> ahh fk
[19:22] [AvA]Acid-303> ok
[19:22] power_OP> what abouy you?
[19:22] [SW]Arbrim> thats since stone age
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> nthn working and studying for some xams
[19:23] [AvA]Acid-303> retry
[19:23] [AvA]Acid-303> launch
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> pretty busy
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> sometimes 'stressy'
[19:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'll retry when power gets ping
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> but yet happy :P
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> until the results xDDD
[19:23] power_OP> Un1 exams?
[19:23] [AvA]Acid-303> i saw 140 lol
[19:23] [AvA]Acid-303> now x
[19:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I see x
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> 25 pop https://i.imgur.com/uPUMXNo.png
[19:23] power_OP> now
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> bianca u shoudlve kill me :P
[19:23] [SW]Arbrim> yes power
[19:23] AliceInWonderland_OP> when?
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> idk abracadabra
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> anytime
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> [20:18] [SW]Arbrim> ey bianca
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> ^ then
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> :D
[19:24] [TDM]Tundar> all talk
[19:24] [TDM]Tundar> no gamer
[19:24] [TDM]Tundar> :(#
[19:24] AliceInWonderland_OP> id ont get it
[19:24] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> just kidding
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> shared this final pop
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> https://i.imgur.com/uPUMXNo.png
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> but now i recall it was tundars eq I think
[19:24] Mahmut1661_Tas> I knew it arbrim was playing on alt account and now swapped over main :DDD
[19:24] [SW]Arbrim> I sent all of my pop
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> check IPs
[19:25] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol mammy
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> and my location now
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> :D
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> not sure how long it took but :P
[19:25] AliceInWonderland_OP> i dont remember that arbrim i just know i get owned by SW constantly :kekw:
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> should be at least 1 hr to get me here
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> Hahahahhahah fhk
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> Once u left SW
[19:25] [SW]Arbrim> we got mad
[19:25] AliceInWonderland_OP> lmao
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> biancaphobia
[19:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> thats long ago already
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> :D HAHHAHAH
[19:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> SW was my first clan
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> nah I always loved you, we still do :D
[19:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> :D
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> Hahahahahh yeeeeeeye! :D
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> I'm glad we had a lots of girls
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> always great relations
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> I miss them now
[19:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> lots?
[19:26] [TDM]Tundar> I should challenge u to 10 1vs1s to ruin ur braggability
[19:26] [TDM]Tundar> xD
[19:26] AliceInWonderland_OP> i just know bella lol
[19:26] [SW]Arbrim> maybe overall
[19:27] [SW]Arbrim> there was another ffrom India
[19:27] [SW]Arbrim> another one from Jordania
[19:27] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[19:27] iRespectWomenxD26> sum1 wanna 1 v 1 for funz?
[19:27] [SW]Arbrim> well 4 not lots :/ :( ?
[19:27] AliceInWonderland_OP> lolol
[19:27] AliceInWonderland_OP> thats lots for mm
[19:27] [SW]Arbrim> there shoudlve be +1 but seems i forgot
[19:27] [SW]Arbrim> Hhahahahah bitter sweet(true)
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> xD
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> hahahaahahhaahhaha
[19:28] Mahmut1661_Tas> 4 is enough for a clan only girl game right :D ?
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> :ohyes:
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> i wanted that once
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> btw
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> bella vene mia and me
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> if theres some rising stars award
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> but never happened
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> pls check it to give to XOni guys
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> ^^
[19:28] [TDM]Tundar> brb spliff if no games when i return i watch a terrible movie
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> hes been smashing monthly points
[19:28] [TDM]Tundar> wont have to wait 5 hours for it..
[19:28] [TDM]Tundar> so
[19:28] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:28] [SW]Arbrim> recently smwshing tundar
[19:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> well he was allied to tsu
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> pablyyyyyyy XONI <3
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> https://i.imgur.com/CEbd02O.png
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> tbh
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> I thought it was you
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> but then I saw
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> it was you and mammy
[19:29] Mahmut1661_Tas> that reward is kinda pointless now arbrim since it is on leaf dead discord :(
[19:29] Babo_OP in
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> then it was tundar and xpretiz
[19:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> well their strategy never gets old
[19:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> light shaman at start then double
[19:29] [SW]Arbrim> haaaaaaaaahahhahahahahaha
[19:30] [AvA]Stauni out
[19:30] [AvA]Stauni in
[19:33] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[19:36] [AsG]Keith52 in
[19:37] sam_tas in
[19:38] sam_tas out
[19:41] [SW]Arbrim out
[19:42] [TDM]Tundar> Any games?
[19:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> not yet
[19:42] [TDM]Tundar> Or no?
[19:42] [TDM]Tundar> Ffs
[19:43] [TDM]Tundar> It's sunny here and raining heavy with no wind
[19:43] [TDM]Tundar> Was actually nice to sit in the conservatory
[19:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[19:46] Hungaro in
[19:47] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:47] amnesia out
[19:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gay love
[19:49] Hungaro> my boy «3
[19:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ate jogava mastenho d ire ao superemakad
[19:50] [SW]Arbrim out
[19:50] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[19:50] Hungaro> na boa bró
[19:50] AliceInWonderland_OP> map?
[19:50] Hungaro> any
[19:50] AliceInWonderland_OP> god i love this answer :kekw:
[19:50] amnesia in
[19:50] Hungaro> pref pp ofc
[19:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> já ´spiaum
[19:51] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[19:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg guys
[19:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sobeeeeeeeeeees raepiedoe
[19:51] PrudencePetitpas_OP> rapido*
[19:51] power_OP> gg
[19:51] [TDM]Tundar> i dunno any maps
[19:51] [TDM]Tundar> brains fucked
[19:51] Hungaro> nem por isso, nao joguei muito
[19:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> jesus christ
[19:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> pablo map? xD
[19:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> no 4walls
[19:51] Hungaro> sempre que jogo quase nunca e ranked
[19:51] [SW]pablo-> foo hahaha
[19:52] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> alter
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> ich hasse dich
[19:52] [SW]pablo-> spaß
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> ich weiß xD
[19:52] [SW]pablo-> mach was du willst
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> hmmm
[19:52] [SW]pablo-> aber kein sees
[19:52] [SW]pablo-> hahah
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> i hear sess
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> so its sess
[19:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> :kekw:
[19:52] [SW]pablo-> hahaha
[19:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> lemme think
[19:53] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[19:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> don't think too hard
[19:53] [SW]Arbrim in
[19:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:54] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[19:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> can be dangerous :P
[19:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Pharaoh
[19:55] power_OP out
[19:55] power_OP in
[19:55] AliceInWonderland_OP> what about that one xD
[19:57] [AvA]Pharaoh> Hi Toruk :)
[20:00] Satanael in
[20:02] HexTheRex out
[20:02] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[20:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Nova
[20:02] [AvA]Novaharvest> heyo o/
[20:02] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[20:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> Nova wanna host a game?
[20:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> which game? :D
[20:08] amnesia out
[20:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> We are in hut
[20:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> Toruk, Stauni and me
[20:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> populous
[20:08] [AvA]Novaharvest> map i mean ;)
[20:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> I never know to choose
[20:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> what u guys say?
[20:09] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> depends how many we get
[20:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> join Mibbel
[20:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> mibbel joined
[20:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Stauni
[20:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> so it's 3v3
[20:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> could do 6way
[20:10] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[20:10] [SW]Arbrim out
[20:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> who are you TeamPlayer_Blue?
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> If you do 8, maybe Clover Mayhem?
[20:12] [AvA]Stauni> brb
[20:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> he's a team player
[20:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> he should be about preacher level
[20:13] [AvA]Novaharvest> why do you think that?
[20:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> game history
[20:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> and 276 points already
[20:14] TeamPlayer_Blue> Yes I'm allright
[20:14] Satanael out
[20:15] Satanael in
[20:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Pharaoh + [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + TeamPlayer_Blue + [AvA]MIBbel + Satanael
[20:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> :O
[20:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> No way
[20:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> must have won some good games then
[20:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> wildies can confuse the system I heard
[20:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Nova and Pharaoh on the same team is gg. lol
[20:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> switch nova and TeamPlayer_Blue :kekw:
[20:16] power_OP> gg thx for training
[20:17] [Rw]Phoenix-> gg
[20:17] [AvA]Stauni> ok
[20:17] TeamPlayer_Blue> Should we launch?
[20:17] power_OP> hakai is older than you?
[20:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> That's nice of you Phoenix
[20:17] [Rw]Phoenix-> thx lol
[20:17] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> No, let's just sit here from the rest of the night and chat
[20:17] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :kekw:
[20:17] Satanael> sounds cool
[20:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> sec I have no ping
[20:17] TeamPlayer_Blue> Do you want to chat about Belgium winning the european cup?
[20:18] [AvA]Pharaoh> i relog
[20:18] [SW]Arbrim in
[20:18] power_OP out
[20:18] power_OP in
[20:19] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[20:19] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[20:19] [SW]Arbrim out
[20:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[20:20] [SW]Arbrim in
[20:21] [AvA]Stauni> oh lol update
[20:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> uhm
[20:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> wait I just downloaded beta
[20:21] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[20:21] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[20:21] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[20:21] [SW]pablo-> gg
[20:21] [SW]Arbrim out
[20:22] [SW]Arbrim in
[20:25] jordi-adhd in
[20:29] NonRankedOnly> https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nf7h0x/wow/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
[20:31] power_OP> woww
[20:32] Hungaro> what happened
[20:38] power_OP> just prime s link
[20:39] ice-t_TSI in
[20:40] [D]Uncarriable out
[20:41] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[20:45] [SW]pablo-> tunder host
[20:47] jordi-adhd out
[20:50] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[20:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo soma
[20:50] [AvA]Acid-303> yo fried
[20:50] [AvA]Acid-303> :D
[20:50] [AvA]aba in
[20:51] [AsG]Sky- out
[20:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Fried
[20:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey aba
[20:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> sup toruk
[20:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Long live AvA!
[20:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> make it 8
[20:55] [AvA]Acid-303> oren join
[20:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> join nova
[20:55] [AvA]Acid-303> AvA+O-Ren <3
[20:55] [AvA]Pharaoh> I give us a year
[20:56] [AvA]aba> hello Toruk :)
[20:56] [TSI]O-Ren> ok ^^
[20:56] [AvA]Acid-303> map?
[20:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> mana battle?
[20:56] [AvA]Acid-303> yeah
[20:56] [AvA]Acid-303> number?
[20:56] [TSI]O-Ren> why not
[20:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> sec
[20:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> #245, but that's the 6 player
[20:57] DonnaJones_OP out
[20:57] [AvA]Stauni> walls or so
[20:57] [AvA]RIPkekw> got it
[20:57] [TSI]O-Ren> rampage?
[20:57] [AvA]RIPkekw> #17
[20:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> #779
[20:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> got it
[20:57] [AvA]Acid-303> 17
[20:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> +1
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> or we can do
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> dictator with team player blue v 7
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> Mu 38
[20:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> eww
[20:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hate dictator
[20:58] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[20:58] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe he is fw + rank
[20:58] [TSI]O-Ren> @TeamPlayer_Blue old player?
[20:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> not in the mood for that rn tbh
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> joking
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[20:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Clover Mayhem?
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> but mu is real
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> idm
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> choose
[20:59] [AvA]Acid-303> :)
[20:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> #775 for clover mayhem
[21:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> havent played this one
[21:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no one else suggesting anything, so I guess that's the one
[21:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> lets do this
[21:00] TeamPlayer_Blue> A map with a little bit more land and trees would be great haha
[21:00] [AvA]Stauni> nova hoist x)
[21:01] ice-t_TSI> who is TeamPlayer_Blue? fake?
[21:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> I took a lot of wood from mid
[21:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> probably
[21:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> Idk what his last nick was
[21:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> He preacher
[21:01] [TSI]O-Ren> [22:01] ice-t_TSI> who is TeamPlayer_Blue? fake? he build as fast as we do
[21:01] [AvA]Acid-303> guys he has MU 38
[21:01] [AvA]Acid-303> it's almost shaman rank
[21:01] ice-t_TSI> 3 days playing
[21:02] ice-t_TSI> PMs me to join
[21:02] ice-t_TSI> interesting
[21:02] [AvA]Stauni> yea but ha dgood teams
[21:02] [AvA]Acid-303> ice join
[21:02] TeamPlayer_Blue> I have played before
[21:02] TeamPlayer_Blue> but that is 5+ years ago
[21:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah he had faster pop than me, even though I built many more huts. Must be the upgrading more important than more huts :O
[21:02] Hungaro out
[21:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> maybe cause he played with good allies and won 98% of games
[21:03] [AvA]Stauni> ^
[21:03] TeamPlayer_Blue> My allies were great last game
[21:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> but his gameplay didn't feel fw yet. Also Mahmut beat him 1v1
[21:03] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:03] [AvA]MIBbel in
[21:03] [AvA]Acid-303> also best lol
[21:03] [AvA]Acid-303> [AvA]Acid-303 + [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Stauni vs. TeamPlayer_Blue + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]MIBbel + [TSI]O-Ren
[21:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> sec relog
[21:04] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[21:04] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[21:06] [rw]karma out
[21:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wtf, we had all 8
[21:06] [TSI]O-Ren> yeah
[21:06] [AvA]Acid-303> stauni can predict if game resync or not
[21:06] [AvA]RIPkekw> stauni didnt see me probaanly
[21:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> damn, what a waste
[21:07] [AsG]Ragnj in
[21:07] [AvA]Stauni> yeah when games crash one missing in lobby haha
[21:07] [AvA]Acid-303> wait for pharaoh
[21:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I swear I spend more time these days sitting in huts than I do actually playing
[21:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> lolol
[21:08] [AvA]Stauni> lmfao
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> wait a bit guys
[21:08] [AvA]Acid-303> ragnj spot taken sorry
[21:09] [AvA]RIPkekw> lets see how many times we'll go back :kekw:
[21:09] [TSI]O-Ren> no connection
[21:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yeah, ppl so eager to leave game setup
[21:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sadly all it takes is one, then the domino effect takes over
[21:11] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[21:11] [AsG]Ragnj> 3+
[21:22] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:23] [SW]chapo in
[21:23] [SW]chapo out
[21:23] [SW]chapo in
[21:27] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[21:36] [SW]pablo-> gg wp
[21:36] power_OP> gg wp
[21:36] [GoD]Hakai in
[21:36] iRespectWomenxD26> ggs
[21:36] Tabaluga> OGS check
[21:36] Tabaluga> did OGS get any game today
[21:37] Tabaluga> or we have to pressure inca
[21:37] power_OP out
[21:37] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[21:37] Tabaluga> inca u better explain urself
[21:39] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:40] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[21:40] aidan9211 in
[21:41] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[21:42] emastorm in
[21:42] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[21:42] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[21:43] [AvA]Pharaoh> acid you had 455 pop in the end
[21:43] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahah
[21:43] [AvA]Acid-303> yeah , and then another mate quit
[21:43] [AvA]Acid-303> 769
[21:43] emastorm> hey
[21:43] [AvA]RIPkekw> go push?
[21:43] [AvA]Acid-303> spells charging slowly when you kill a shaman
[21:43] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[21:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> brb
[21:45] [AsG]Ragnj> brb 3 min
[21:45] [AvA]RIPkekw> rali ragnj back bases?
[21:45] [AvA]Acid-303> or front?
[21:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> Can be either
[21:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> Both front or both back though
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> put me on green red spot if u can
[21:46] [AvA]Acid-303> green red spot?
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> base
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> *or
[21:46] [AvA]Acid-303> green or red
[21:46] [AvA]Acid-303> ok lol
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> ye :kekw:
[21:47] [TSI]O-Ren> me too, purple or cyan
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> I might lagg all game cant play with soma as host :D
[21:47] [AvA]Acid-303> change host?
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> so dont mind if ididnt hit lol
[21:47] [AsG]Ralimurr> I could host
[21:47] aidan9211 out
[21:48] [AvA]Stauni> nice thx
[21:48] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:48] [AsG]Ralimurr> O-Ren you fine with the front?
[21:49] emastorm> what are we playing?
[21:49] emastorm> ditactor?
[21:49] [TSI]O-Ren> no
[21:49] [TSI]O-Ren> no experience at front
[21:49] emastorm> anybody can explain?
[21:49] [AsG]Ralimurr> aba or Fried front then?
[21:49] emastorm> or normal game type
[21:49] [AvA]Acid-303> we have a wildy , do unranked
[21:49] [AvA]aba> i can do front
[21:49] [AvA]Acid-303> rali
[21:49] [AsG]Ralimurr> You're on my side Acid
[21:49] [AsG]Ralimurr> According to best
[21:49] [AsG]Ralimurr> Oh no best chagned
[21:50] [AvA]Acid-303> would be unfair anyway
[21:50] emastorm> wildy might hit with clubs sometimes ;)
[21:50] [AsG]Ralimurr> Wildy doesn't mean bad
[21:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[21:50] [AvA]Acid-303> before we played with a wildy with mu 38
[21:50] [TSI]O-Ren> afterwards it turns out to be a hidden shaman
[21:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> fake
[21:51] [AvA]Acid-303> but you have 112 points mate
[21:51] [AvA]Acid-303> XD
[21:51] [AvA]Acid-303> no offense
[21:51] [TDM]Tundar out
[21:51] emastorm> back then points didn't count
[21:51] [AvA]aba> hipediho and lets go guys
[21:51] emastorm> different league system
[21:57] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[21:57] [SW]pablo-> koopa let host hakai
[21:58] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[22:00] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:00] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[22:03] Rapid in
[22:04] [GoD]Hakai> m,ap?
[22:04] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight all :)
[22:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> gn
[22:04] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[22:05] Rapid out
[22:05] Rapid in
[22:05] [SW]pablo-> gn all
[22:06] [SW]pablo- out
[22:06] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:09] Rapid out
[22:09] [GoD]carbine> GN
[22:09] Satanael> gn
[22:09] [GoD]carbine out
[22:09] [SW]chapo> gn
[22:10] [GoD]Hakai> warte hole star
[22:11] Rapid in
[22:11] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:12] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[22:12] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:13] Rapid out
[22:14] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[22:14] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[22:16] [AvA]Geralt out
[22:17] [AvA]Geralt in
[22:17] [SW]Arbrim in
[22:17] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:17] Tabaluga out
[22:18] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[22:18] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[22:18] Rapid in
[22:20] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[22:20] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[22:21] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[22:22] Rapid out
[22:22] Tabaluga in
[22:22] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[22:22] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[22:27] Satanael out
[22:29] Rapid in
[22:30] Rapid out
[22:37] [GoD]Eric in
[22:38] jimmyhunter1000 in
[22:38] ice-t_TSI out
[22:39] jimmyhunter1000 out
[22:43] HexTheRex in
[22:44] HexTheRex out
[22:44] HexTheRex in
[22:44] Sirius_OP out
[22:46] [AvA]MIBbel in
[22:48] [SW]Arbrim out
[22:49] HexTheRex> hello
[22:50] Mr_Ridiculous> hey all
[22:51] [AvA]MIBbel> hi
[22:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi
[22:55] [GoD]Eric> anyone wanna 1v1?
[22:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> mibbel and me will do some 1v1
[22:57] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[22:58] TomekJ in
[22:58] [AvA]aba> gn guys
[22:58] [AvA]aba out
[22:59] [Rw]Phoenix-> gg
[22:59] iRespectWomenxD26> ya gg
[22:59] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[23:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[23:00] emastorm> gg wp
[23:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[23:00] [TSI]O-Ren> gg
[23:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo fist
[23:00] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[23:00] [TSI]O-Ren> best moment: when yll wars kill orange shaman
[23:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[23:00] emastorm> twice
[23:00] HexTheRex> anyone gonna play?
[23:00] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yo toast
[23:01] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[23:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> pl game?
[23:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yes
[23:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> ni=oice
[23:01] [AvA]Stauni> Enemy Shaman Kills:31Own Followers Lost:183Own Buildings Destroyed:0Own Shaman Deaths:19
[23:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> aod's spammed:1000 :kekwL
[23:01] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[23:02] [AvA]Stauni> mimi you didnt stopped me from getting it
[23:02] [AvA]Stauni> actrually i casted 4 total game lel
[23:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[23:03] Florianfff in
[23:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> yeah it wasnt the game changer tbh
[23:04] Florianfff> Anyone wanna do 1v1?
[23:04] [GoD]Hakai out
[23:05] [GoD]Hakai in
[23:06] [AvA]Stauni out
[23:07] emastorm out
[23:09] HexTheRex> add more places and we have 3v3
[23:09] [GoD]Hakai> my comp cant launch beta unfortunately
[23:09] HexTheRex> aa
[23:10] HexTheRex> +2
[23:10] Tabaluga out
[23:11] HexTheRex> or you can join here if you want too
[23:12] Florianfff out
[23:17] Florianfff in
[23:17] HexTheRex out
[23:17] HexTheRex in
[23:17] Florianfff> 3vs3 gog gog go
[23:19] HexTheRex> we can try 2v1 florian against ragnj?
[23:19] Florianfff> Join for oldschool pop game
[23:20] HexTheRex> if guys dont want to join for 3v3?
[23:20] Florianfff> mappack?
[23:21] Florianfff> Ragnj you can pick
[23:21] HexTheRex> ragnj say a suitable map
[23:21] [SW]chapo out
[23:21] [AsG]Ragnj> we could do the beginning linked isles
[23:21] [AsG]Ragnj> 2 vs me
[23:21] [tsi]marcus- in
[23:21] HexTheRex> yea me and flori against you
[23:21] Florianfff> sure
[23:21] HexTheRex> should be unranked or?
[23:21] Florianfff> gonna lose anyway :P
[23:21] Florianfff> I am rusty
[23:21] Florianfff> updating popylous beta btw
[23:21] Florianfff> sec
[23:22] [GoD]Hakai out
[23:25] Florianfff> wtf
[23:25] HexTheRex> LOL
[23:25] [AsG]Ragnj> crashed
[23:26] HexTheRex> and unrecoverble out of sync occured XD
[23:26] Florianfff> random
[23:35] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[23:36] [GoD]Eric out
[23:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[23:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[23:41] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[23:45] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:49] sageboba in
[23:53] Chouli123 in
[00:01] HexTheRex> well played? i had 10 pop all the time
[00:01] [AsG]Ragnj> gg
[00:02] Joseph_OP in
[00:02] Joseph_OP> Wow popre made me bust it looks so good
[00:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 1v2?
[00:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[00:04] HexTheRex> same result as last time but well
[00:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[00:05] HexTheRex> lets try another map
[00:05] HexTheRex> floriano host
[00:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wanna host hex?
[00:06] HexTheRex> yea i can try
[00:06] Florianfff> let me host i have gigabit conenction
[00:06] Florianfff> map?
[00:06] Florianfff> Same?
[00:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> do hollow fields 1v2
[00:06] HexTheRex> how much energy does hosting take nowadays
[00:06] HexTheRex> last map was disaster
[00:07] Florianfff> drunkenmaster and hex change positions
[00:07] Florianfff> Lets do three isles again
[00:07] Florianfff> hex red
[00:09] Joseph_OP out
[00:09] sam_tas in
[00:10] Joseph_OP in
[00:10] sam_tas out
[00:12] Joseph_OP out
[00:14] HexTheRex> stop with that map man
[00:14] Florianfff> ye lets play fo
[00:14] HexTheRex> not gonna play it again
[00:14] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how about 4 qlls
[00:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> walls
[00:14] Florianfff> join hex
[00:14] Florianfff> we'll own this guy
[00:18] [AsG]Sky- in
[00:21] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[00:21] [AvA]Geralt out
[00:22] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[00:25] HexTheRex> lol
[00:25] Florianfff> finally one
[00:26] Florianfff> lucky though
[00:26] Florianfff> drunkenmaster is a pro
[00:26] HexTheRex> yea but this has limited space
[00:26] HexTheRex> 2v1 is quite unfair
[00:26] Florianfff> Drunkenmaster wanna rematch on that one?
[00:26] HexTheRex> its unranked anyway
[00:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> can try
[00:34] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:37] [AsG]Ragnj out
[00:58] HexTheRex> so, ffa or 2v1?
[00:58] Florianfff> I don't mind
[00:58] Florianfff> I am ok with ffa, but no 4th base then
[00:58] Florianfff> Because then Drunkenmaster is gonna own 100% with his micro skills
[00:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> just play the 3p version then
[00:59] HexTheRex> yea set it if possible
[00:59] Florianfff> sure
[00:59] Florianfff> which mappac is that?
[01:00] Florianfff> 1 sec brb
[01:00] Florianfff> 1 sec, brb
[01:00] Florianfff> Is that ava worlds?
[01:00] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> god worlds
[01:00] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i think
[01:00] Florianfff> u are right
[01:07] Chouli123 out
[01:07] sageboba out
[01:30] Babo_OP out
[01:47] Florianfff> We can do a fun map
[01:47] Florianfff> Like blast wars or something?
[01:47] HexTheRex> not anymore
[01:48] HexTheRex> lol i had most pop at 33 mins
[01:48] Florianfff> Yeah you were going pretty good
[01:48] Florianfff> How long are u playing?
[01:48] HexTheRex> im getting tired
[01:48] Florianfff> Take some coffee :P
[01:49] [Rw]Macca out
[01:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> we can do a 1v1 then
[01:49] Florianfff> I am going to lose really hard haha
[01:49] HexTheRex> gn all
[01:49] Florianfff> gn man
[01:49] Florianfff> nice game
[01:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gn
[01:49] HexTheRex out
[01:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> just for fun
[01:49] Florianfff> K
[01:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> can do unranked if u want
[01:49] Florianfff> I always palyed against better people to get better so
[01:50] Florianfff> We can do skirmish
[01:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sure
[01:50] Florianfff> sec
[01:51] Florianfff> here since 2013 already
[01:51] Florianfff> Check my profile
[01:51] Florianfff> AVA is in there haha
[01:52] Florianfff> Long time ago
[01:52] Florianfff> I'll do 1 cig and then we play 1v1
[01:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ok
[01:52] Florianfff> Your name seems familiar though have we played in the past?
[01:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i changed my name recently
[01:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but we played some games
[01:56] PaszkoZlodziej in
[01:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lets roll
[01:57] PaszkoZlodziej out
[01:57] [TSI]O-Ren out
[02:17] [D]amhyr out
[02:33] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[02:39] Angerfist_OP> :monkas:
[02:40] 00Shaman in
[02:59] 00Shaman> crypto market is on sale
[02:59] ice-t_TSI in
[03:02] Santiml in
[03:03] 00Shaman> yoo santiml and ice
[03:03] Santiml> yoyoyo
[03:03] 00Shaman> i'm loving the dip in the crypto market
[03:03] 00Shaman> i'm pumping money in like crazy
[03:03] Santiml> right
[03:03] Santiml> i bought
[03:04] 00Shaman> $40,000 and counting
[03:04] Santiml> when it was on 58
[03:04] 00Shaman> i'm talking about the whole market
[03:04] Santiml> XD
[03:04] 00Shaman> not a specific coin
[03:04] Santiml> did u sell?
[03:04] 00Shaman> you bought BTC at $58,000?
[03:04] Santiml> I bought btc at 50 maybe
[03:05] Santiml> didnt sell at 58
[03:05] 00Shaman> 50 dollars?
[03:05] Santiml> 50K
[03:05] 00Shaman> you didn't sell right?
[03:05] Santiml> yeahhh
[03:05] Santiml> XD
[03:05] 00Shaman> i have $40,000 in Cardano
[03:05] 00Shaman> i bought at $2.04
[03:05] Santiml> but I was lucky with ETH and XRP
[03:06] 00Shaman> should get to about $5 by the end of the year
[03:06] [tsi]marcus- out
[03:06] 00Shaman> ya
[03:06] 00Shaman> XRP
[03:06] Santiml> Cardano?
[03:06] 00Shaman> that may hit $100 by the end of the yar
[03:06] 00Shaman> year
[03:06] Santiml> i didnt know that one
[03:06] 00Shaman> Cardano is ADA
[03:07] Santiml> looks like its dropping
[03:08] Santiml> just like BTC
[03:08] 00Shaman> yup
[03:08] 00Shaman> it's following it right now
[03:09] 00Shaman> which is fine because it will disconnect from the momentum of BTC and follow eth
[03:09] 00Shaman> btc will be $100k by december
[03:09] Santiml> do you think so?
[03:09] 00Shaman> digital currency is the future
[03:09] Santiml> ill buy btc again when it gets up again
[03:09] 00Shaman> it's all about who will make the best platform to handle it
[03:10] Santiml> right
[03:10] 00Shaman> I may even buy BTC at $30,000
[03:10] Santiml> how old r u?
[03:10] Santiml> u seem pretty smart
[03:10] Santiml> :p
[03:10] 00Shaman> lol
[03:10] 00Shaman> i'm 33
[03:10] 00Shaman> thanks man
[03:11] 00Shaman> i just have been following this stuff for a while
[03:11] 00Shaman> wish i did this time last year though
[03:11] 00Shaman> i would be a millionair
[03:11] Santiml> XD
[03:11] Santiml> do u follow any social media influencer?
[03:11] 00Shaman> 5000 in dogecoin may of last year would've made me over $1m dollars
[03:12] 00Shaman> nah man i do my own research
[03:12] Santiml> Nice
[03:18] 00Shaman> updating
[03:18] 00Shaman> ok
[03:19] 00Shaman out
[03:19] 00Shaman in
[03:22] 00Shaman out
[03:22] [AsG]Sky- out
[03:22] Florianfff out
[03:22] TomekJ out
[03:22] [AsG]Keith52 out
[03:22] Mr_Ridiculous out
[03:22] IncaWarrior out
[03:22] Hokage_OP out
[03:22] Santiml out
[03:22] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[03:22] Tyler out
[03:23] ice-t_TSI out
[03:32] 00Shaman in
[03:32] 00Shaman> wtf
[03:32] 00Shaman> lol
[03:32] 00Shaman> everyone got disconnected?
[03:33] Santiml in
[03:33] Santiml> gg
[03:33] Santiml> 14d 7 k were my stats
[03:33] Santiml> is that ok?
[03:34] 00Shaman> i was 14k 7d
[03:34] 00Shaman> so you did goodwith the ping
[03:34] 00Shaman> wtf it's just us here
[03:34] 00Shaman> what happened?
[03:34] 00Shaman> want a drink?
[03:34] 00Shaman> lol
[03:35] Florianfff in
[03:36] Santiml> XD
[03:36] Santiml> did u also disc?
[03:36] 00Shaman> disc?
[03:37] Santiml> disconnect
[03:37] 00Shaman> yes
[03:38] Santiml> weird
[03:46] [tsi]marcus- in
[03:46] 00Shaman> marcus
[03:46] 00Shaman> welcome
[03:46] 00Shaman> even inca isn't here
[03:46] 00Shaman> it literally was just me, taity and minibot
[03:46] 00Shaman> so i guess i'm the new admin
[03:46] [AsG]Sky- in
[03:46] 00Shaman> :kekyou:
[03:51] [AsG]Sky- out
[03:51] [tsi]marcus- out
[03:51] Florianfff out
[03:51] 00Shaman out
[03:52] Santiml out
[04:03] 00Shaman in
[04:03] k90000 in
[04:05] [AsG]Sky- in
[04:06] [tsi]marcus- in
[04:42] 00Shaman out
[05:27] [tsi]marcus- out
[05:51] sam_tas in
[05:51] k90000> hi
[05:53] sam_tas> host
[05:53] Minibot_UK> sam_tas: There is already a host in your hut
[05:53] k90000> host
[05:53] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[05:53] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[05:54] sam_tas out
[05:54] sam_tas in
[05:55] k90000 out
[05:55] k90000 in
[05:56] k90000> maps
[05:56] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[05:56] k90000> cr
[05:56] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
sam_tas - MapPack: OK
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Yellow - sam_tas: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
Game results submitted.
[06:13] sam_tas out
[07:19] power_OP in
[07:19] power_OP out
[07:26] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[07:27] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[07:27] Kurumi in
[07:46] kunieda in
[07:52] kunieda out
[07:59] k90000 out
[08:13] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[08:16] k90000 in
[08:43] power_OP in
[08:53] [GoD]carbine in
[08:58] [AsG]Sky- out
[09:15] power_OP out
[09:29] k90000 out
[09:35] power_OP in
[09:38] [GoD]Hakai in
[09:41] k90000 in
[10:05] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[10:10] hammyburger in
[10:11] power_OP out
[10:11] power_OP in
[10:12] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[10:13] hammyburger> hi all
[10:15] hammyburger> 1v1v1?
[10:15] [GoD]Hakai> sec, brb
[10:19] hammyburger> You guys keen? if not im gonna go
[10:21] k90000> host
[10:21] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[10:21] Minibot_UK> hammyburger: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[10:21] k90000> maps
[10:21] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[10:21] k90000> cr
[10:21] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
hammyburger - MapPack: OK
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Yellow - hammyburger: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[10:22] k90000> host
[10:22] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[10:22] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[10:23] hammyburger out
[10:23] hammyburger in
[10:23] k90000> maps
[10:23] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[10:23] k90000> cr
[10:23] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
hammyburger - MapPack: OK
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Yellow - hammyburger: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[10:26] power_OP out
Game successfully checked in.
[10:30] Zpektrix_TAS in
Game results submitted.
[10:32] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[10:33] k90000 out
[10:33] hammyburger out
[10:33] k90000 in
[10:34] hammyburger in
[10:38] hammyburger in
[10:38] hammyburger out
[10:42] [TDM]Tundar in
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> yo tundar, wanna 1v1 pp?
[10:44] [TDM]Tundar> im rolling my wake and bake
[10:44] [TDM]Tundar> gna smoke this in the sun
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> lol ok
[10:44] [GoD]Hakai> hf
[10:47] [GoD]carbine> i waked and baked while this fatty was asleep
[10:48] DonnaJones_OP in
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> tbf
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> amnesia gave me a diet plan
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> and i lost 2 kg in 5 days already
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> pretty sick
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> but yeah my lard arse was in bed
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> until like half hour ago
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> brb sunshine splifff awaits
[10:50] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[10:52] [TDM]Tundar> Windy but warm
[10:52] [TDM]Tundar> I'm still in my shorts :grinning_face_with_sweat:
[10:52] [TDM]Tundar> Caboon, you playing?
[10:52] [GoD]carbine> BILLINYG A ZOOT#
[10:54] [TDM]Tundar> Great Britain and it's weed intake
[10:54] [TDM]Tundar> Caboon wanna arrange a pop meet?
[10:55] [GoD]carbine> Sure when
[10:55] [TDM]Tundar> We can do indoor meets now
[10:55] [GoD]carbine> i cant drive man
[10:55] [GoD]carbine> gimme 3 months
[10:55] [TDM]Tundar> I can
[10:55] [GoD]carbine> imma bring my pc n shit this time yh
[10:55] [TDM]Tundar> I wanna meet that russian spy
[10:55] [TDM]Tundar> What's his nick name again?
[10:55] [TDM]Tundar> Guy who loves in rockmansworth
[10:55] [GoD]carbine> but my pc is a big fat 15kg box
[10:56] [GoD]carbine> ffs
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> I dont care how old ur pc is
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> i have a car
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> noob
[10:57] [GoD]Hakai> carbine are you joining or nah
[10:57] [TDM]Tundar> caboon join
[10:58] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> ffs
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> dude
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> bunning a zoot
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> in balcony
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> how long does it take
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> I already smoked mine
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> ffs
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> i just billed it
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> 10 min
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> 10 minutes?!
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> ye
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> wtf u smoking for 10 minutes
[10:58] [GoD]carbine> fat zoot
[10:58] [TDM]Tundar> cigar
[10:59] [GoD]carbine> fat zoot smoking by ur self lasts 10 mins dude
[10:59] [GoD]carbine> stop pretending like ur some pro stoner hardvcore
[10:59] [TDM]Tundar> I smoked half
[10:59] [TDM]Tundar> tbh
[10:59] [TDM]Tundar> And I made a 60/40
[10:59] [TDM]Tundar> coz why not
[10:59] [TDM]Tundar> pretending loool
[11:02] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[11:03] [TDM]Tundar> yay
[11:03] [TDM]Tundar> the flyin fin in
[11:03] power_OP in
[11:03] [TDM]Tundar> hey spin
[11:04] [TDM]Tundar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az3pNHDohvE
[11:04] [TDM]Tundar> Mika vs Lewis would be a dream
[11:06] shing128345 in
[11:06] [GoD]Hakai> 1 sec
[11:06] [GoD]Hakai> im her
[11:07] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[11:08] [GoD]Hakai> spin relogging?
[11:08] shing128345 out
[11:09] power_OP> dont know
[11:09] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[11:09] shing128345 in
[11:09] [TDM]Tundar> spinnnnnnnnn
[11:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> hakai
[11:09] [GoD]Hakai> ye
[11:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> go
[11:09] power_OP> sec
[11:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> u me
[11:10] redfire in
[11:10] [GoD]Hakai> mana battle still?
[11:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> sure go
[11:10] power_OP> ok
[11:10] redfire out
[11:11] shing128345 out
[11:11] [TDM]Tundar> caboon too noob
[11:11] TomekJ in
[11:12] TomekJ out
[11:16] [GoD]carbine> YO CUZ
[11:16] [GoD]carbine> U AINT WAIT FOR ME
[11:26] shing128345 in
[11:33] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[11:38] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[11:38] hammyburger out
[11:46] k90000 out
[11:46] k90000 in
[11:49] redfire in
[11:50] Tabaluga in
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> I was like
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> "Oh fuck its legit lmfao"
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> fu spin lmao
[11:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> that fucking fs
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> i cast
[11:52] [TDM]Tundar> was ajiwnbsfdsjnkfng vjsdkmgnv
[11:53] [TDM]Tundar> i couldn't aim for shit
[11:53] [TDM]Tundar> was lolling
[11:53] [GoD]Hakai> there was a time when litterally none of my spells worked, lost 2 fs some lbs and 1 eq there
[11:53] [GoD]Hakai> that was such an oof
[11:56] shing128345 out
[11:56] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[11:56] shing128345 in
[11:57] shing128345 out
[11:57] shing128345 in
[11:58] shing128345 out
[11:58] shing128345 in
[12:00] k90000 out
[12:00] k90000 in
[12:03] power_OP out
[12:10] [D]amhyr in
[12:17] Bakerfieldiuss in
[12:22] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:24] kougami in
[12:25] [GoD]Shogun in
[12:25] misaki in
[12:25] kunieda in
[12:38] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:39] [GoD]Shogun out
[12:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[12:54] Kay in
[13:08] xtro in
[13:09] [TSI]O-Ren in
[13:13] power_OP in
[13:14] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[13:15] shing128345 out
[13:17] power_OP> hey kuineda
[13:17] power_OP> kuruami
[13:23] xtro> +1
[13:23] xtro> why 1,5?
[13:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> it smoother for me
[13:24] [TDM]Tundar> either is fine for me
[13:25] xtro> team ?
[13:25] power_OP> i also like 1.5 more
[13:25] [TDM]Tundar> any is fine
[13:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> firest is evo
[13:26] xtro> random. me and Fist
[13:26] xtro> ?
[13:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 1212 should be fairest
[13:37] k90000 out
[13:37] [TSI]O-Ren out
[13:38] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> for anyone playing 4 walls today, try out test map 189, its corrections made to the original map
[13:40] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[13:41] Mahmut1661_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[13:41] [SW]chapo in
[13:42] [SW]chapo out
[13:42] [SW]chapo in
[13:45] [AvA]RIPkekw> hey mammy
[13:50] xtro out
[13:50] [TDM]Tundar> lost connection
[13:50] [TDM]Tundar> :<
[13:50] power_OP> yeah
[13:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah me too
[13:50] power_OP> at the middle
[13:51] [TDM]Tundar> was a gg
[13:53] power_OP out
[13:56] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[14:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> :pepeclown:
[14:07] sam_tas in
[14:17] sam_tas out
[14:18] redfire out
[14:22] [AsG]Sky- in
[14:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[14:35] [D]Uncarriable in
[14:45] misaki out
[14:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[14:50] shing128345 in
[15:00] [TDM]Tundar> yo
[15:03] [D]Uncarriable out
[15:05] misaki in
[15:06] [D]amhyr out
[15:06] [D]amhyr in
[15:06] sam_tas in
[15:10] Hokage_OP in
[15:11] sam_tas out
[15:17] IncaWarrior in
[15:19] [AvA]Geralt in
[15:25] k90000 in
[15:26] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[15:29] kunieda out
[15:29] misaki out
[15:33] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[15:36] k90000 out
[15:37] k90000 in
[15:37] k90000> host
[15:37] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[15:37] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:37] k90000> maps
[15:37] Minibot_UK> k90000: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[15:37] k90000> cr
[15:37] Minibot_UK> Kay: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[15:37] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
Kay - MapPack: OK
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - Kay: Yellow - k90000: Green * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[15:38] Kurumi out
Game successfully checked in.
[15:43] [D]xfiresx15 in
[15:45] kougami out
Game results submitted.
[15:49] Bakerfieldiuss out
[15:49] [AvA]Stauni in
[15:52] [SW]pablo- in
[15:57] Bakerfieldiuss in
[15:58] goblin_king_89 in
[16:00] Mr_Ridiculous in
[16:01] Bakerfieldiuss out
[16:12] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[16:12] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[16:14] barkingmad in
[16:14] barkingmad out
[16:14] barkingmad in
[16:18] power_OP in
[16:18] power_OP> heyy
[16:18] AliceInWonderland_OP> hi power
[16:18] barkingmad> HOW DO YOU GET INTO A GAME HERE?
[16:19] barkingmad> just got a new windows computer and I wann aplay this
[16:19] power_OP> you join a host or a hut which has already host
[16:19] barkingmad> how?
[16:19] power_OP> then you can go
[16:19] power_OP> in left
[16:19] power_OP> there is free spacwes
[16:19] power_OP> slotes
[16:19] AliceInWonderland_OP> come lets try
[16:19] AliceInWonderland_OP> join here
[16:19] AliceInWonderland_OP> an empty spot under my name
[16:19] barkingmad> just did thanks
[16:20] barkingmad> now what?
[16:20] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[16:20] AliceInWonderland_OP> here to test
[16:20] power_OP> now host can start game
[16:20] power_OP> and thats all
[16:20] barkingmad> yes lets go
[16:20] AliceInWonderland_OP> lets see if it works
[16:24] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[16:26] [SW]pablo- out
[16:26] [SW]pablo- in
[16:26] [SW]pablo- out
[16:26] [SW]pablo- in
[16:27] goblin_king_89 in
[16:27] goblin_king_89 out
[16:29] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[16:32] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:32] [D]Uncarriable in
[16:35] k90000 out
[16:36] k90000 in
[16:40] [D]xfiresx15 out
[16:43] barkingmad out
[16:44] Coruscater in
[16:45] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:46] Agownik in
[16:48] Smarzyk in
[16:50] Tabaluga> nice lbs m8
[16:51] Tabaluga> super OP
[16:51] Tabaluga> if you know how to use
[16:51] Tabaluga> loooooooool
[16:51] [D]amhyr> :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe:
[16:51] [D]amhyr> :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe:
[16:51] Tabaluga> :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe:
[16:51] Tabaluga> :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe: :cringe:
[16:51] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: :circus_tent: HEY GUYS, LBS FINALLY FIXED ENJOY
[16:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> :ohyes:
[16:55] [D]Uncarriable> :pepedoor:
[16:58] Tabaluga> epic
[16:59] [D]Uncarriable out
[16:59] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[17:01] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:02] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[17:03] Barracuda11 in
[17:03] Barracuda11 out
[17:03] jimmyhunter1000 in
[17:03] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi Jimmy :)
[17:03] jimmyhunter1000> Hey hey
[17:04] Tabaluga> the real jimmy
[17:04] Tabaluga> :owut:
[17:04] Mahmut1661_Tas> Was there an imposter among us :kekyou:
[17:05] Tabaluga> yes
[17:05] Tabaluga> theres impostor
[17:05] jimmyhunter1000> There's always a fakejimmy lurking
[17:05] Tabaluga> theres always one that is............ SUS
[17:06] Mahmut1661_Tas> I see :O
[17:06] Tabaluga> :amongpeepo:
[17:10] [TSI]O-Ren in
[17:11] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[17:16] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:18] power_OP out
[17:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[17:20] Coruscater out
[17:20] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[17:21] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[17:22] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[17:23] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:26] TristanFR in
[17:29] Coruscater in
[17:32] k90000 out
[17:32] k90000 in
[17:32] Coruscater out
[17:32] Coruscater in
[17:34] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[17:35] k90000 out
[17:35] k90000 in
[17:35] Coruscater out
[17:35] Coruscater in
[17:36] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[17:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:40] [D]xfiresx15 in
[17:40] Kay out
[17:41] [D]xfiresx15 out
[17:49] TristanFR out
[17:51] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[17:53] power_OP in
[17:53] power_OP> xoni
[17:54] TristanFR in
[17:58] shing128345 out
[17:58] [rw]karma in
[17:59] power_OP> heyy g evening for all
[18:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi power
[18:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> waht map?
[18:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> no 4walls
[18:01] power_OP> dm
[18:02] power_OP> looks good
[18:02] [SW]pablo-> ohhh fuck
[18:02] power_OP> lol
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP> sess? XD
[18:02] power_OP> you hate it man?
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP> he does
[18:02] [SW]pablo-> yeah hahaaha
[18:02] power_OP> this is ok too
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP> fensalir?
[18:02] power_OP> changing realy fast
[18:02] power_OP> lol
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP> yeah lol
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP> just checking
[18:03] power_OP> everything is ok
[18:03] power_OP> please no P
[18:03] power_OP> PP
[18:03] AliceInWonderland_OP> nah dw
[18:04] power_OP> 0F you going to play 4walls you can play primes test map its nearly some with some fixes
[18:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> tbh all i play recently is 4walls
[18:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> not up for it
[18:05] power_OP> said too all MM
[18:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[18:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> lets try this one
[18:05] power_OP> ok
[18:06] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol ok
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> fail
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> i actually feel like playing wom :kekw:
[18:09] [AsG]Sky-> 1.01 fail Bianca... =) Beta better
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> lolol
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP> well it wasnt the version
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP> it was the map :kekw:
[18:25] Artz_Sam in
[18:27] PrudencePetitpas> Is Divinity around
[18:27] PrudencePetitpas> Someone tell that guy to msg me pls
[18:30] [SW]pablo- out
[18:31] Artz_Sam out
[18:31] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[18:31] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[18:31] power_OP> gg wp
[18:32] [SW]pablo- in
[18:33] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[18:36] [AsG]Sky- out
[18:38] Agownik out
[18:38] Smarzyk out
[18:39] iRespectWomenxD26> brb gotta eat
[18:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> wow koopa
[18:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> pop is dead
[18:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> lel
[18:39] iRespectWomenxD26> wooooahh
[18:40] Tabaluga> OGS
[18:42] [D]amhyr> :landbridge: :nose: :landbridge:
[18:42] [D]amhyr> :apple: :lips: :apple:
[18:43] iRespectWomenxD26> div div
[18:43] iRespectWomenxD26> nici needs sum dik
[18:43] Coruscater> gg
[18:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> NOW tvb is fair
[18:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> er
[18:44] iRespectWomenxD26> msg his sc
[18:45] Coruscater> not too bad for my first game in 18 years
[18:45] k90000 out
[18:45] [D]amhyr> nici want sum?
[18:45] [D]amhyr> :plead:
[18:51] Sirius_OP in
[18:52] iRespectWomenxD26> dang show me ur super old skool skills coru
[18:55] k90000 in
[18:56] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[18:56] [TSI]O-Ren out
[19:01] power_OP> i think sd was too near
[19:01] power_OP> but hills were good for defense
[19:01] [Rw]Macca in
[19:01] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[19:05] ice-t_TSI in
[19:08] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hi :)
[19:08] power_OP> yoo Nic
[19:08] power_OP> nici
[19:08] power_OP> whatsup
[19:08] PrudencePetitpas_OP> not much just tired :monkas:
[19:09] power_OP> why
[19:09] theoldstory in
[19:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> too much pop today
[19:09] power_OP> didnt see you
[19:09] power_OP> 1 didnt do that much today
[19:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :O
[19:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> e play soon
[19:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> on eekend I gueeeess
[19:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> see you :D
[19:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[19:10] power_OP> okk waitin
[19:11] power_OP> dog ate w as well
[19:12] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[19:13] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[19:15] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[19:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[19:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I think Tundar could have played that without me and still one, lol
[19:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> He was that good
[19:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> and I was useless
[19:21] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +3
[19:24] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[19:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Nova
[19:25] [AvA]Novaharvest> heyo
[19:28] [TDM]Tundar> kk i spliff until then
[19:28] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+2: for a little bit of AI testing if anyone wants
[19:29] iRespectWomenxD26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[19:29] iRespectWomenxD26> for some good ole pop tb
[19:29] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[19:29] theunitedholyking in
[19:30] [TSI]O-Ren in
[19:31] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+1: for AI shaman duels
[19:32] [AsG]Ralimurr> power X ping
[19:32] power_OP out
[19:32] power_OP in
[19:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> So how should they respond to ghosts?
[19:37] power_OP> they just hitting ghosts
[19:38] [AsG]Ralimurr> They should respond with their own ghosts or blast
[19:38] [AsG]Ralimurr> But they straight up ignore them atm
[19:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:38] power_OP> if you can spawn enought ghost you can win
[19:38] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Not the worst thing, imo. Ghosts slow them down anyway, which is what you want
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> "Level up! You are now level 31"
[19:39] power_OP> and they dodging realy good
[19:39] [AsG]Ralimurr> :clap:
[19:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> congrats :P
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Great! I have no fucking idea what that means
[19:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> i am on level 103
[19:39] [AsG]Ralimurr> It means you're level 31
[19:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> idk either
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> level 31 of what?
[19:39] power_OP> am just 14
[19:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> How did I get to level 31? What did I do?
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[19:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> makes no sense
[19:40] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'm level 15 for some reason
[19:40] power_OP> you earn some achivmesnts
[19:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> which are meaningless to me
[19:40] power_OP> and they give you points
[19:40] power_OP> toruk and bianca
[19:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'd rather earn points by winning games, not by achieving levels of experience
[19:41] power_OP> you have been played too many games so you have earned too many points
[19:41] [AsG]Ralimurr> Now we just need a recorder
[19:42] Mr_Ridiculous> Hey guys
[19:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> oh its tourney game
[19:42] jimmyhunter1000> Yep, level 6
[19:42] [TDM]Tundar> sec
[19:43] power_OP> hry ridicuolus
[19:43] power_OP> hey*
[19:43] Mr_Ridiculous> hey
[19:43] [D]xfiresx15 in
[19:43] [AvA]aba in
[19:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi aba
[19:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> can I spectate the tourney game?
[19:44] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> As long as it doesn't go like 2 hours, lol
[19:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> if tundar opens up spot
[19:44] AliceInWonderland_OP> he has to do beta anyway
[19:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> but i bet he has a spliff right now :p
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[19:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> ohhh
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> what
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> do i have to hostr
[19:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yup
[19:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> You're Blue :)
[19:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> open up spot
[19:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> toruk wants to watch
[19:45] AliceInWonderland_OP> and do beta
[19:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ty
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> rali
[19:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> The maps need scripts to work
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> what do i launch
[19:45] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[19:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> There's a mappack called "The Beginning MP"
[19:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Pick Building Bridges
[19:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Tundar can you record?
[19:46] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[19:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> In good quality?
[19:46] power_OP> what tournament is that
[19:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Journey to Godhood tournament
[19:46] power_OP> oooo
[19:46] jimmyhunter1000 out
[19:47] jimmyhunter1000 in
[19:47] [AvA]aba> hello Toruk :)
[19:47] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[19:47] AliceInWonderland_OP> twitch.tv/poptb_blitzchen if you wanna watch
[19:50] [SW]pablo-> +2
[19:52] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[19:59] Artz_Sam in
[19:59] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[20:00] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[20:00] theoldstory out
[20:03] Artz_Sam out
[20:03] Artz_Sam in
[20:06] Artz_Sam out
[20:09] DonnaJones_OP out
[20:15] Aldwych in
[20:16] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[20:18] Aldwych out
[20:18] Aldwych in
[20:20] Aldwych> lol my chat is very tiny.. i clicked something on the mousepad... how can I change it back to normal?
[20:21] Aldwych out
[20:21] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:22] [SW]pablo-> that teams ok ?
[20:23] [D]ThinkHail in
[20:25] Qwar in
[20:25] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[20:26] barkingmad in
[20:28] barkingmad> how do we make our game 2 player to speed up the matchmaking
[20:29] barkingmad> why is computer player not an option
[20:30] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[20:31] k90000 out
[20:31] Qwar out
[20:31] k90000 in
[20:31] Qwar in
[20:33] barkingmad> please join game 1 so I can play
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[20:38] barkingmad out
[20:38] Qwar out
[20:38] barkingmad in
[20:38] barkingmad out
[20:42] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[20:42] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[20:42] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[20:43] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[20:46] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi Fried
[20:47] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo soma :)
[20:47] [AvA]Acid-303> ;)
[20:47] [AvA]Acid-303> join
[20:48] [AvA]RIPkekw> gonna have dinner in a bit i'll join later ;)
[20:48] [AvA]Acid-303> okkk
[20:48] [SW]pablo-> gg
[20:48] power_OP> gg unfair teams a little
[20:50] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[20:50] [AvA]Acid-303> aba wanna host?
[20:50] [AvA]aba> okay
[20:51] [AvA]Acid-303> do 8p
[20:51] [AvA]Acid-303> now can't be fair
[20:51] [AvA]Acid-303> xD
[20:51] [AvA]Acid-303> +2
[20:53] power_OP> +2
[20:53] power_OP> :+2:
[20:54] [AvA]aba> presure point would be even funnier if in the middle would be perma swamp.. so it would be a really hard fight for the mid
[20:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[20:56] [TDM]Tundar> next one? :o
[20:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> congrats Tundar!
[20:56] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[20:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> nice job
[20:56] [AvA]Acid-303> hi Toruk
[20:57] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[20:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey S0ma :)
[20:57] IncaWarrior> did you have enough preachers at the end there?
[20:57] [TDM]Tundar> It appears I did
[20:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> Think so
[20:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> I had a small preacher plague in my base
[20:57] IncaWarrior> 60 preachers
[20:58] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[20:58] jimmyhunter1000> ggwp Tundar, good fun
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> lmAO
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> nice caps
[20:58] power_OP> ++++1
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> hang on tundar
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'll record
[20:58] [AvA]Acid-303> ++1
[20:58] IncaWarrior> and 184 buildings
[20:58] IncaWarrior> seems a little overkill
[20:58] [D]xfiresx15 out
[20:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'm good to go
[20:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Won't be joining this time, but GL Tundar! :)
[20:59] [AvA]Stauni> :+1:
[20:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> https://www.twitch.tv/ralimurr
[20:59] [TDM]Tundar> k
[20:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> You can record as well if you want actually
[20:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> Blue POV is preferred
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> FUCK
[21:00] power_OP> you can do 3v3
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> I just broke myt head phones
[21:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> Rip
[21:00] jimmyhunter1000> Uh oh
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> k spare pair in
[21:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> Cool
[21:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> Can you record?
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> shitty ones but hey
[21:00] [TDM]Tundar> yeah
[21:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> Cool
[21:02] [AvA]aba out
[21:02] power_OP out
[21:02] [AvA]aba in
[21:03] [AvA]aba out
[21:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:03] [AvA]aba in
[21:03] [AvA]aba> [58] Multiple copies of the matchmaker are running, please close one D:
[21:03] [AvA]aba out
[21:04] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[21:04] [AvA]Stauni> kill in taskmanager
[21:04] [AvA]aba in
[21:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Fried
[21:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hey avas
[21:05] [AvA]Acid-303> hi mate
[21:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how about a challenge?
[21:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how can get 200 pop first?
[21:06] [AvA]Stauni> lol its clear
[21:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> too increase popgrow skills
[21:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i be judge
[21:07] [TDM]Tundar> ...
[21:07] [TDM]Tundar out
[21:09] [TDM]Tundar in
[21:09] [TDM]Tundar> do I get to do that again or no?
[21:09] [TDM]Tundar> P:/
[21:09] [TDM]Tundar> :/*
[21:09] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yeah
[21:09] [AsG]Ralimurr> Of course
[21:09] jimmyhunter1000> Of course
[21:11] [SW]pablo- out
[21:25] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[21:25] bingbongboii in
[21:29] [SW]pablo- in
[21:29] jimmyhunter1000> ggwp
[21:29] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[21:29] [TDM]Tundar> gg wp
[21:29] [AsG]Ralimurr> level 9?
[21:30] jimmyhunter1000> Sure, gimme a couple minutes
[21:30] [TDM]Tundar> i would like a spliff break too
[21:30] [TDM]Tundar> 5-10 min
[21:30] AliceInWonderland_OP> lolol
[21:30] AliceInWonderland_OP> typical
[21:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Sure
[21:34] [SW]pablo-> +2
[21:36] [SW]chapo> INCA
[21:36] [SW]chapo> ?
[21:38] schokosissi in
[21:39] [TDM]Tundar> lol how did broady do level 6 in 26 minutes
[21:40] [TDM]Tundar> i gotta see that aha
[21:40] [AsG]Ralimurr> Level 9 first ;)
[21:40] [AsG]Ralimurr> And 10
[21:42] [TDM]Tundar> can you pause it
[21:42] [TDM]Tundar> so i can fix resolution
[21:42] jimmyhunter1000> kk
[21:42] [TDM]Tundar> when it begins
[21:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[21:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg, gonna get some fresh air. goodnight all
[21:45] [AvA]Stauni> soon spoy again
[21:45] [AvA]aba> gg
[21:45] [AvA]Stauni> spyx
[21:45] [AvA]aba> gn toruk
[21:45] [AvA]Acid-303> gn
[21:46] [AvA]MIBbel> gn
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn toruk
[21:46] [AvA]aba> looking at the graph fist doesnt have normal pop.. fist has some rabbits
[21:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> lack of land
[21:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahaha
[21:48] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:48] [SW]pablo-> soa do 8p
[21:48] [SW]pablo-> soma
[21:48] [SW]pablo-> fist can you host
[21:48] [SW]pablo-> i have llag with soma
[21:49] [GoD]carbine out
[21:49] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[21:49] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[21:50] [AsG]Ragnj in
[21:50] [SW]chapo> inca hereeeeeee?
[21:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> not sess pls :p
[21:50] [AvA]Acid-303> chapo ping
[21:50] [SW]chapo> i wana ally pablo
[21:50] [SW]chapo> leme me in 1 team with pablo
[21:51] [SW]chapo> can host ripkekw
[21:51] theunitedholyking> what do i need to do to start a game?
[21:51] [AvA]RIPkekw> yeah but pll lag in game with me
[21:51] [AvA]RIPkekw> *ppl
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:52] k90000 out
[21:52] [AvA]Acid-303> so?
[21:52] [AvA]Acid-303> i can't host chapo
[21:52] [SW]pablo-> someone else can host?
[21:52] [AvA]RIPkekw> idm hosting if you're okay with it
[21:53] [AvA]Acid-303> fist can you host?
[21:53] k90000 in
[21:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> can try
[21:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> chapo x
[21:54] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> soma?
[21:54] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[21:54] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[21:54] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[21:55] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> who can host chapo?
[21:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> i can try
[21:55] [SW]chapo> i dont have ping with acid
[21:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> so map?
[21:55] [AvA]Acid-303> even with fist
[21:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> cr8?
[21:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> sure
[21:56] [AvA]Acid-303> or?
[21:56] [AvA]Acid-303> there is an alternative?
[21:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> woah
[21:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> wtf
[21:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> cant install the map
[21:57] [TSI]O-Ren> walls :smirk:
[21:57] [AvA]RIPkekw> brb
[21:57] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[21:57] [AvA]Stauni> lol what are those names in hut below
[21:58] Mahmut1661_Tas> :nice: names :)
[21:58] [TSI]O-Ren> weird ones
[21:58] Mahmut1661_Tas> Also welcome :)
[21:59] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[21:59] [SW]chapo> Inca here?
[21:59] [TSI]O-Ren> there was once a wildman called hohle_tussi
[21:59] [AvA]Stauni> why are u running
[21:59] [SW]chapo> IncaWarrior: Here
[21:59] [AvA]RIPkekw> what map?
[22:00] Mahmut1661_Tas> He is away :o
[22:00] [SW]chapo> 8 walls??
[22:00] [SW]chapo> shiet
[22:00] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B7ToJoqGpg&list=RDaEtm69mLK6w&start_radio=1
[22:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> is everyone else okay with walls?
[22:00] [SW]chapo> lets any
[22:00] [TSI]O-Ren> yes
[22:00] [SW]chapo> new map
[22:00] Mahmut1661_Tas> New guys are doing 3 player ffa :poggers:
[22:00] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i prefer cr8 or tundras palace
[22:01] [TSI]O-Ren> sandy castle ffa :)
[22:01] [AsG]Ragnj> guys can we roll?
[22:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> sec teams
[22:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Acid-303 + [AvA]Stauni + [SW]chapo vs. [AsG]Ragnj + [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [SW]pablo-
[22:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> good?
[22:02] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ok
[22:02] [AsG]Ragnj> k
[22:02] [SW]chapo> me with pavblo
[22:02] [SW]chapo> pablo
[22:02] OpaKnoppi in
[22:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> then swap acid with pablo
[22:03] [AvA]Acid-303> invert ragnj and chapo
[22:03] [AvA]Acid-303> idm
[22:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> who with who ? lol
[22:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> u can decide
[22:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> k
[22:03] [TSI]O-Ren> swap soma and pablo
[22:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> rdy i think
[22:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ok go
[22:06] [AvA]RIPkekw> sry slow pc
[22:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you have too wait longer
[22:06] [AvA]RIPkekw> yep
[22:10] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> hi
[22:10] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi :)
[22:11] [AvA]aba out
[22:11] [AvA]Geralt> host
[22:11] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Geralt: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[22:11] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Geralt: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[22:12] HexTheRex in
[22:12] HexTheRex> hello
[22:12] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hostbot doesnt work well It lags game out in like 10 min.
[22:12] [AvA]Geralt> oh, ok thanks.
[22:12] [AvA]Geralt> restart
[22:13] Mahmut1661_Tas> reset
[22:13] IncaWarrior out
[22:14] Mahmut1661_Tas> +1 :o?
[22:14] HexTheRex> i could join
[22:14] HexTheRex> but blocked
[22:15] Mahmut1661_Tas> There is a min rank requirement of warrior
[22:15] HexTheRex> a shit ok
[22:15] IncaWarrior in
[22:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[22:19] [GoD]Eric in
[22:24] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> kk
[22:26] k90000 out
[22:31] jimmyhunter1000> ggwp
[22:31] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[22:32] [AsG]Ralimurr> That was weird, I couldn't see anything :kekw:
[22:32] [TDM]Tundar> Im doing leevel 10 ai spin
[22:32] [AsG]Ralimurr> Spinn can help us launch if he wants :)
[22:33] [TDM]Tundar> brb 1 min
[22:33] [AsG]Ralimurr> We do need someone in Yellow spot so I can play green :/
[22:33] HexTheRex> i could join but again blocked
[22:33] HexTheRex> ffa with 5?
[22:34] [AsG]Ralimurr> Tundar's playing a tourney game
[22:34] HexTheRex> what does that mean
[22:34] [AsG]Ralimurr> A tournament game, like a competitive game in a tournament
[22:34] [AsG]Ralimurr> Uhmm
[22:34] HexTheRex> aaa
[22:35] HexTheRex> oh so there are tournaments too
[22:35] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yeah, there's usually one going on
[22:36] HexTheRex> so we play or just watch him play?
[22:36] [AsG]Ralimurr> Can watch him play
[22:37] [AvA]Geralt> is someone gonna stream?
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'm streaming from my perspective
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> Tundar is as well
[22:37] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'll have commentary from me, he won't I think
[22:37] [TDM]Tundar> can hex go yellow
[22:37] [TDM]Tundar> as spin has no ping
[22:37] [AsG]Ralimurr> https://www.twitch.tv/ralimurr Matak perspective of level 10
[22:38] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[22:38] [AsG]Ragnj> gg
[22:38] [SW]chapo> gg
[22:38] [SW]pablo-> gg
[22:38] [AsG]Ragnj> Oren, I was the only one trying to grab mid the whole game in my team, and had to support half my troops to u guys bases
[22:38] [AsG]Ragnj> its not easy taking mid pn my own and also have to waste half my troops
[22:38] [AsG]Ragnj> suggestions on what more i should of done?
[22:39] [GoD]Spinnifix> +4
[22:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> throw in some bds or sds
[22:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gain mid control with troops and swarms
[22:39] [AsG]Ragnj> had you survided more thatn 10 mins I was also entering blues base with a one kill attack charged up, but you where dead by then
[22:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i had not enough support they sded when we controlled mid and then we lost both mid and sd
[22:40] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, sure bdm side etc but I cant do that without any deffence, and my troops was going to support my tweammates and mid
[22:40] [AvA]RIPkekw> +3
[22:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> all 4 shaman came to me through mid and sd
[22:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> at least we shouldve held mid
[22:41] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[22:41] [AvA]Stauni> when was that xD
[22:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> not all at ones
[22:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but one after the other
[22:41] [AsG]Ragnj> I was pretty much the only shaman in mid from my team 5 mins in, had to hold it on my own and my own troops
[22:42] [AsG]Ragnj> just a bit funny when people blame their own bad games on other people, especially when they are pretty bad players
[22:42] [TSI]O-Ren> cute
[22:43] [AvA]RIPkekw> map?
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> teams you me stauni
[22:43] [AvA]RIPkekw> could do walls
[22:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> k go
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> not up for playing that again
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> its buddy as hell
[22:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> Ah rip
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> map doesnt work properly
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> buggy*
[22:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> How so?
[22:46] [TDM]Tundar> couldnt make boats
[22:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Boats are fucked, but that's not the map itself
[22:46] [TDM]Tundar> not up for that again
[22:48] [AsG]Ralimurr> They usually build boats when you resend them in
[22:49] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg :o
[22:50] Mahmut1661_Tas> That early lb ro get 6 extra trees helped :)
[22:53] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> yeah i think early lb helps
[22:53] Mahmut1661_Tas> my guys wanted to get to the islands so badly
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> to get the trees
[22:54] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> i moved the trees now. the trees on the island was causing a big issue, my men kept putting hands in air and dying
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> ye
[22:54] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> map already reuploaded with fix
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> It is why i lb to prevent that :praise:
[22:54] IncaWarrior> in 1.5?
[22:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> gn everyone
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> Nah
[22:54] jimmyhunter1000 out
[22:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> good night rali
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> Was 1.01
[22:54] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight :)
[22:54] IncaWarrior> whew
[22:54] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[22:55] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> was map ok apart from the tree-island issue?
[22:55] Mahmut1661_Tas> SW Pablo wants 2 game to be fixed btw inca
[22:55] Mahmut1661_Tas> game stats i mean *
[22:55] Mahmut1661_Tas> Seems fine to me
[22:56] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[22:56] Mahmut1661_Tas> I think you need to make middle an island
[22:56] Mahmut1661_Tas> to get mid you need to cast lb
[22:56] [SW]chapo> wp brothers
[22:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> yeah that might be interesting
[22:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> honestly i was suprised middle wasnt used as much as i thought
[22:57] [TDM]Tundar> no
[22:58] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> might just be that game tho
[22:58] Mahmut1661_Tas> Well i didnt even think there was a path to middle at 1st :Kekw:
[22:58] [SW]chapo out
[22:58] Mahmut1661_Tas> so narrow
[22:58] [SW]chapo in
[22:58] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> ill get rid of that path i think
[22:58] [SW]chapo out
[22:58] [SW]chapo in
[22:59] [TDM]Tundar out
[22:59] [SW]pablo-> gn guys
[22:59] [TSI]O-Ren> gn
[22:59] [SW]pablo- out
[22:59] Mahmut1661_Tas> for the rest it seems fine. we have some hills for def. and plentty of room to build.
[23:00] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> yeah it seems interesting to play
[23:00] [AvA]bioSound in
[23:00] [AvA]bioSound out
[23:05] [AvA]MIBbel in
[23:05] [rw]karma out
[23:06] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[23:06] [SW]chapo out
[23:11] bingbongboii out
[23:16] Tyler in
[23:17] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:17] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[23:18] [GoD]Eric out
[23:20] OpaKnoppi out
[23:26] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:27] schokosissi out
[23:29] theunitedholyking out
[23:31] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[23:32] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[23:33] theunitedholyking in
[23:35] NonRankedOnly> Night dude
[23:36] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg!
[23:37] [AsG]Drummerdude48> gg guys wp
[23:37] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[23:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[23:37] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:37] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[23:37] [AsG]Ragnj> gg
[23:38] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[23:38] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg!
[23:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> no, only game data
[23:39] [AvA]Stauni> ?
[23:40] [AvA]Stauni> pharao you in?
[23:40] [AvA]Pharaoh> what do u mean?
[23:40] [AvA]Stauni> [00:39] [AvA]Pharaoh> no, only game data
[23:40] TristanFR out
[23:40] [AvA]Pharaoh> oh that was a pm for fist
[23:40] [AvA]Stauni> ok lol
[23:41] [AvA]Stauni> fw chose your priest
[23:41] [AvA]Stauni> ava rest?
[23:41] [AvA]Stauni> correct right
[23:41] [AvA]Stauni> ?
[23:44] DonnaJones_OP in
[23:44] Sirius_OP out
[23:44] theunitedholyking out
[23:51] Coruscater out
[23:51] Coruscater in
[23:52] Coruscater> How are these 6 and 8 player games? seems crazy, didnt exsist in my day! gets laggy?
[23:53] Coruscater> Also, when u hover over peoples names in here, what does "Mu" and "Sigma" numbers mean?
[23:58] [AvA]MIBbel in
[00:01] NonRankedOnly> There should be a link on website which explains it
[00:02] [AsG]Godzilla in
[00:03] [AsG]Godzilla out
[00:04] Tabaluga out
[00:05] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1 1v1
[00:07] HexTheRex> hi
[00:08] emastorm in
[00:08] emastorm out
[00:09] Coruscater> ok well i just spent 15 min looking on site for answer which is too long
[00:09] Coruscater> someone just answering would be much easier
[00:09] HexTheRex> and water was shitty too
[00:11] Coruscater> omg I just foudn the "Old EA" Top 100 on the site! thats amazing! those are the people I remember!
[00:12] Coruscater> sad my name isnt there tho... must have happened after I left
[00:12] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> https://www.popre.net/ranking.php
[00:14] Coruscater> I think I remember now, my old name used to be "Mallet"
[00:19] Coruscater> perfect thx for the link
[00:21] [TSI]O-Ren> gg wp
[00:22] Coruscater> who won?
[00:22] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[00:22] [AvA]Stauni> that one bd fucked us why we not defending it lol
[00:22] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah haha towers were not filled
[00:22] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> my fws were to far away
[00:22] [AvA]Stauni> there were 4 empty towers
[00:22] [AvA]Stauni> gg
[00:22] [AvA]Stauni> gn
[00:22] [AvA]Pharaoh> but good idea putting those towers there
[00:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah just abit too late
[00:23] [AvA]MIBbel out
[00:25] [AsG]Ragnj out
[00:26] [TSI]O-Ren out
[00:27] [AvA]Stauni out
[00:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hn
[00:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> stauni
[00:42] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[00:44] HexTheRex> obviously my defence was not strong enough
[00:55] [AsG]Keith52 in
[00:56] DonnaJones_OP out
[00:57] [AvA]bioSound in
[00:57] [AvA]bioSound out
[01:01] [AvA]Geralt out
[01:07] Coruscater> boooo
[01:07] HexTheRex> lets play 2v1 against him?
[01:08] Coruscater> is there a hotkey to select shaman so you dont have to click her everytime
[01:08] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> i think they are making a hotkey in beta
[01:08] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> in beta, all spells are hotkeys etc
[01:08] Coruscater> otherwise ya just camp shaman spawn and kill her everytime before even get a chance to move
[01:09] Coruscater> lets go again
[01:09] DonnaJones_OP> In 1.5 there is, not in 1.03
[01:09] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> u can select spell, then do out of range cast
[01:09] Coruscater> how do you get 1.5>?
[01:09] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> so when she comes back you move straight awasy
[01:09] HexTheRex> can we play 2v1?
[01:10] DonnaJones_OP> Type !beta, then when hosting make sure the game version says 1.5b instead of 1.03
[01:10] DonnaJones_OP> That will allow you to play with up to 8 players
[01:10] DonnaJones_OP> It also allows you to bind spells to hotkeys, as well as buildings and selecting your shaman
[01:11] Coruscater> hmm
[01:11] Coruscater> what if you join 1.5b game but only have 1.03
[01:11] DonnaJones_OP> It will update you when the host launches
[01:11] DonnaJones_OP> Just takes longer and the launch might fail
[01:13] DonnaJones_OP> A few bugs you remember have been fixed in 1.5, such as spell loss. You won't lose spells anymore, and you can exceed the 80 building cap
[01:14] DonnaJones_OP> However it does have its own issues, such as needing tweaking for most users to be playable
[01:14] [D]amhyr> Coruscater> otherwise ya just camp shaman spawn and kill her everytime before even get a chance to move :pepegaphone: spam spell out of range she moves asap
[01:20] [D]ThinkHail out
[01:33] goblin_king_89 out
[01:43] Coruscater> gg
[01:43] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> gg :)
[01:43] HexTheRex> wow gg
[01:43] Coruscater> that was embarrassing tho, you 2v1 very well
[01:43] HexTheRex> coru youre a good player
[01:43] Coruscater> apparently not
[01:44] HexTheRex> because i cant really play and he easily beat me in 1v1 many times
[01:44] HexTheRex> ok i need a break
[01:51] Coruscater> Anyone wanna join for 3-way? (kinky)
[01:53] Coruscater> video kinda gltichy
[02:04] sam_tas in
[02:05] sam_tas out
[02:06] [Rw]Macca out
[02:13] Coruscater out
[02:23] NonRankedOnly_Tsi out
[02:38] shing128345 in
[02:38] TristanFR in
[03:08] [tsi]marcus- in
[03:09] WhitePhantom in
[03:14] 00Shaman in
[03:15] 00Shaman> keith
[03:15] 00Shaman> what crypto are you holding?
[03:15] 00Shaman> or did you panic sell earlier?
[03:16] [tsi]marcus-> Hey Keith I hear you will be getting a raise
[03:16] [tsi]marcus-> if you know what I mean
[03:16] [tsi]marcus-> ;)
[03:16] HexTheRex out
[03:16] [tsi]marcus-> go trade your 1 and 0s somewhere else, we talk about EARNING big dollas here
[03:17] [tsi]marcus-> not speculating
[03:18] Coruscater in
[03:18] 00Shaman> wow
[03:18] 00Shaman> hi marcus
[03:19] [tsi]marcus-> just teasing lol
[03:19] 00Shaman> stocks are great.. but 1's and 0's are the future of money weather you like it or not
[03:19] [tsi]marcus-> whats up double 0
[03:19] 00Shaman> i have over $40,000 in Cardano and i'm looking to retire early
[03:19] 00Shaman> i'm good man
[03:19] 00Shaman> you?
[03:20] 00Shaman> maybe i'm being bias because i caught the crash dip this morning lol
[03:20] [tsi]marcus-> im doing quite well too
[03:21] [tsi]marcus-> yeah thats cool, i hope you do well
[03:21] [tsi]marcus-> retire and play pop
[03:21] 00Shaman> thanks
[03:21] 00Shaman> i only invest what i believe in
[03:21] [tsi]marcus-> or if that doesnt work
[03:21] [tsi]marcus-> get some kneepads
[03:21] [tsi]marcus-> :p
[03:21] 00Shaman> i don't panic sell or suck dick
[03:22] 00Shaman> 2 things in my life i will never do
[03:22] [tsi]marcus-> can't argue with that
[03:22] WhitePhantom> CArdano is interesting, a bit further along than Ethereum with Proof of Stake.
[03:23] 00Shaman> if that's what you were referring to about kneepags
[03:23] 00Shaman> pads*
[03:23] 00Shaman> yes sir WP!
[03:23] WhitePhantom> Although I'm also curious about Ethereum 2.0
[03:23] 00Shaman> and cheaper fees and cleaner energy
[03:23] [tsi]marcus-> it was 00
[03:23] 00Shaman> ADA and ETH are the best cryptos in the market IMO
[03:24] 00Shaman> ETH will outperform BTC technical wise this year
[03:24] WhitePhantom> Indeed
[03:24] WhitePhantom> I wonder how long until people move away from Bitcoin.
[03:24] WhitePhantom> Like Elon Musk
[03:24] 00Shaman> i think there will be another 10% correction in the market before a rebound
[03:25] 00Shaman> i think elon will sell soon
[03:25] 00Shaman> tbh
[03:25] 00Shaman> i'm waiting for ETH to hit below $1,500
[03:25] 00Shaman> then i'll buy
[03:26] 00Shaman> however, if Elon mentions ADA or something about using them for a cleaner option for mining, ADA could hit $10 this year
[03:26] WhitePhantom> You all hear of ChiaNet?
[03:27] 00Shaman> negative
[03:27] WhitePhantom> That one started being publically traded this month.
[03:27] WhitePhantom> https://www.chia.net/
[03:27] 00Shaman> it's a crypto?
[03:27] WhitePhantom> They use a proof of space and time system for adding blocks.
[03:27] WhitePhantom> Yeah
[03:27] 00Shaman> hmm
[03:27] 00Shaman> where is being listed?
[03:28] WhitePhantom> I'm not sure, I just started looking into it a week ago or so.
[03:28] WhitePhantom> It's very new
[03:28] 00Shaman> i like new cryptos with actual real world utility
[03:28] 00Shaman> huge upside
[03:29] WhitePhantom> Proof of Stake and Time is more environmentally friendly than Proof of Work though, so that's a plus.
[03:29] WhitePhantom> Basically you let it use some of your unclaimed disk space for seeding and harvesting nodes.
[03:29] 00Shaman> hmm
[03:30] WhitePhantom> The algorithms do not benefit at all from paralell processing like the proof of work system does, so there's no incentives to have big server farms using up all sorts of energy.
[03:30] 00Shaman> ya it's a push and pull
[03:31] 00Shaman> but ADA and Chia could compete eventually once Chia proves itself
[03:31] WhitePhantom> Yeah
[03:32] WhitePhantom> I find the underlying blockchain tech interesting.
[03:32] WhitePhantom> Lots of cool stuff you could store in a tamper proof way.
[03:33] 00Shaman> ya man
[03:33] 00Shaman> i'm learning this stuff everyday
[03:33] 00Shaman> i didn't reallize Chia was being listed on NYSE or NASDAQ
[03:33] 00Shaman> thought it was gonna be listed as a coin
[03:33] 00Shaman> on Coinbase or whatnot
[03:33] WhitePhantom> Eventually you could have a title to something like your home or car listed in an NFT.
[03:34] 00Shaman> ease of access to information will rule all
[03:34] WhitePhantom> yeah
[03:35] 00Shaman> however, many hurdles with security of these new implementations still loom
[03:35] 00Shaman> hacking, crime etc
[03:35] WhitePhantom> Yeah, there will need to be some public/private key cryptography in place.
[03:35] 00Shaman> once those are figured out and regulations are put in place (it's inevitable), it will be a stable market
[03:36] WhitePhantom> Yup
[03:36] 00Shaman> i'm waiting for the cryptography company that solves these issues lol
[03:36] 00Shaman> i wanna invest in it
[03:39] 00Shaman> WP
[03:39] 00Shaman> what you think of Shiba?
[03:39] 00Shaman> lol
[03:39] 00Shaman> Marcus, what do you think of the future of Hydroden?
[03:39] 00Shaman> Hydrogen*
[03:56] 00Shaman> +3
[04:06] ice-t_TSI out
[04:18] [tsi]marcus- out
[04:22] shing128345 out
[04:37] WhitePhantom out
[04:57] Coruscater> Where u from Shaman?
[04:57] [AsG]Sky- in
[05:08] shing128345 in
[05:23] [D]amhyr out
[05:34] blueshaman19891 in
[05:49] blueshaman19891 out
[05:52] blueshaman19891 in
[05:55] blueshaman19891 out
[05:57] blueshaman19891 in
[06:06] blueshaman19891 out
[06:12] sherminator31 in
[06:12] sherminator31 out
[06:30] power_OP in
[06:31] shing128345 out
[06:58] Coruscater out
[06:59] power_OP out
[07:10] power_OP in
[07:10] power_OP out
[07:22] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[07:23] shing128345 in
[07:24] power_OP in
[07:35] TristanFR out
[07:36] power_OP out
[07:53] power_OP in
[07:53] power_OP out
[08:29] [AsG]Sky- out
[08:31] power_OP in
[08:31] power_OP out
[08:39] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[08:58] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[09:01] power_OP in
[09:03] [GoD]carbine in
[09:07] brunoais in
[09:08] [Rw]Macca in
[09:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[09:18] [GoD]Hakai in
[09:19] power_OP> yoo Hakai
[09:19] [GoD]Hakai> yo m8
[09:20] [TDM]Tundar> sup noobs
[09:20] power_OP> anyoe know how 1 can find AI worlds
[09:20] [TDM]Tundar> The Beginning (AI)?
[09:20] blueshaman19891 in
[09:21] brunoais out
[09:21] power_OP> any AI maps we can play 2v AI
[09:21] [TDM]Tundar> in mods
[09:21] [TDM]Tundar> war of the gods
[09:21] [TDM]Tundar> and
[09:21] [TDM]Tundar> war of the gards part 2
[09:22] [TDM]Tundar> launch them in 1.5
[09:22] shing128345> can we 2 player vs 4AI or 6?
[09:22] [TDM]Tundar> so u can turn ai players on
[09:22] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[09:23] power_OP> ok found it
[09:23] power_OP> thanks bro
[09:23] [TDM]Tundar> np
[09:23] [TDM]Tundar> just give me a game after
[09:23] [TDM]Tundar> ;)
[09:23] power_OP> ok
[09:25] blueshaman19891 out
[09:31] blueshaman19891 in
[09:31] jordi-adhd in
[09:32] blueshaman19891 out
[09:33] jordi-adhd out
[09:39] power_OP out
[09:39] power_OP in
[09:40] shing128345> I have a question, can I play vs 6AI for myself
[09:40] power_OP> yeah
[09:40] power_OP> you can
[09:40] shing128345> how setting
[09:41] power_OP> at the rigt up corner of the screen there are 3 things settings maps and exit
[09:42] [TDM]Tundar> calling spin
[09:42] [TDM]Tundar> and finishing spliff
[09:42] power_OP> teams?
[09:43] power_OP> shing
[09:43] shing128345> yes
[09:43] power_OP> find the "war od the gods " mappack
[09:44] power_OP> so you can play with AI and make it 1.5 and add players how many you want then launc
[09:44] power_OP> at lobby open the computer players
[09:44] shing128345> thanks, i try
[09:45] [TDM]Tundar> yeah
[09:45] [TDM]Tundar> i spoke to spin
[09:45] [TDM]Tundar> he's coming
[09:45] power_OP> ohh YEah
[09:46] [TDM]Tundar> and we rematch
[09:47] power_OP> could you do
[09:47] power_OP> shing
[09:48] shing128345> when i in the game, alrady over it
[09:48] shing128345> why
[09:48] power_OP> make "on"
[09:48] shing128345> i setting computer players on already
[09:48] power_OP> maybe wrong maps?
[09:49] power_OP> maybe version?
[09:49] shing128345> 1.5-b
[09:49] power_OP> weirdddddd
[09:49] [TDM]Tundar> shing
[09:50] [TDM]Tundar> u trying to play alone vs ai?
[09:50] shing128345> yes
[09:50] shing128345> i want vs a lot of AI
[09:50] [TDM]Tundar> ok launch 1.5 alone, but must be on a map with an ai script
[09:50] [TDM]Tundar> for example
[09:50] power_OP> and also he cannot use m to chat
[09:50] [TDM]Tundar> Two vs ai or The beginning ai
[09:50] [TDM]Tundar> in the in game lobby
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> Turn computer players on
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> if u do this on any map without an ai script
[09:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> playing a bit later
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> and turn computer players on
[09:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> sorry
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> they will sit and do nothing
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> fu spin!
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> omndgb
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> Shoulda stayed in bed all day
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> -.-'
[09:51] power_OP> :light:
[09:51] [TDM]Tundar> *rolls another joint*
[09:51] power_OP> lol
[09:52] [TDM]Tundar> shing
[09:52] [TDM]Tundar> would you like a deonstations?
[09:52] [TDM]Tundar> demonstration
[09:52] [TDM]Tundar> I can stream
[09:53] shing128345> how
[09:53] shing128345> TeamViewer?
[09:53] [TDM]Tundar> twitch.tv/tundar123
[09:53] [TDM]Tundar> tell me when u can see my pc
[09:53] shing128345> ok now
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar> all but red are scripted
[09:55] power_OP> tundar
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar> if u allow enough slots
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[09:55] power_OP> who made that A1 s
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar> I think it was a jooint effort
[09:55] [TDM]Tundar> From rali and love and others
[09:56] power_OP> ohh understood
[09:56] [TDM]Tundar> Shing do you need more help?
[09:56] [TDM]Tundar> when i have done this
[09:56] [TDM]Tundar> i have killed red
[09:56] [TDM]Tundar> and played vs ai alone
[09:57] [AsG]Ralimurr> Joint effort on what exactly?
[09:58] [TDM]Tundar> tbh I don't know the answer to his quesion
[09:58] [TDM]Tundar> Who made the ai mappack?
[09:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> War of the Gods?
[09:58] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[09:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Kosjak and Impboy
[09:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Kosjak did the AI and Impboy the maps I believe
[09:58] power_OP> thanks
[09:58] shing128345> same problem...
[09:58] [TDM]Tundar> what's the problem shing?
[09:58] [TDM]Tundar> What map are you trying to launch vs ai?
[09:59] [TDM]Tundar> And might I suggest you download the populous universe pack
[09:59] [TDM]Tundar> It will enable you to play lots of campaigns
[09:59] shing128345> War of the Gods
[09:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> This one does not have AI
[09:59] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yeah this one does, indeed
[10:00] [TDM]Tundar> https://www.popre.net/forum/populous-tools-testing-f17/multiverse-launcher-t11458.html
[10:00] [TDM]Tundar> shing
[10:00] [TDM]Tundar> this is better for you
[10:00] [AsG]Ralimurr> This is the site, should also be linked in that thread https://thebeginning.uk/multiverse/
[10:01] shing128345> oh thanks!!!
[10:01] shing128345> a lof of map
[10:03] [TDM]Tundar> If you are feeling really brave
[10:04] [TDM]Tundar> Try Age of Chaos
[10:04] [TDM]Tundar> This has some extremely fun maps, but good luck getting to them xD
[10:04] [GoD]Hakai> when did spin want to come? :D
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> he said he was
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> then came and said he rather not
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> he prefers a social life
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> pfft
[10:05] [GoD]Hakai> oh
[10:05] [GoD]Hakai> hmm
[10:05] power_OP> if we can write a program that it can read players gameplays then we can use this for AI
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> how can you translate ingame commands
[10:05] [TDM]Tundar> to script?
[10:06] [TDM]Tundar> think about it, a light being cast, alone makes more then 10 lines of code in the game
[10:06] power_OP> not that easy maybe too hard but not impossible
[10:06] [TDM]Tundar> And that's the single bolt of lightning u cast
[10:06] power_OP> yeah but just a idea
[10:07] power_OP> too big project for this game
[10:07] power_OP> but if players come and community grows can be usede
[10:08] [TDM]Tundar> I mean, a learning ai given enough time might be able to come up with something
[10:08] [TDM]Tundar> but woah
[10:08] [TDM]Tundar> caboon
[10:09] power_OP> yeah rigth also dont need such a effort now
[10:09] power_OP> but just think a AI playing l1ke shaman ranks
[10:09] [TDM]Tundar> The day steam does't update on launch is the day the world is over
[10:10] [TDM]Tundar> if ai could troop properly...
[10:10] [TDM]Tundar> like 2 wars 1 preacher 1 hut go
[10:10] [TDM]Tundar> x30
[10:10] [TDM]Tundar> gg
[10:11] power_OP> lol yo going to play C0V
[10:11] power_OP> looks like no game today
[10:11] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[10:11] [TDM]Tundar> civ is turn based
[10:12] [TDM]Tundar> I can still wait for games while playing a game of civ
[10:12] [TDM]Tundar> :D
[10:12] power_OP> yeah good one
[10:12] [TDM]Tundar> I forgot I was streaming xD
[10:13] power_OP> yeah i tought it s like that
[10:15] [GoD]Hakai> map ?
[10:15] [GoD]Hakai> teams?
[10:16] power_OP> wait please
[10:16] power_OP> need to call tundar
[10:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> gogo i specc
[10:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> tundar n power allied?
[10:24] [GoD]Hakai> still wairing for team and map suggestions :D
[10:24] power_OP> tundar playing civ
[10:25] power_OP> messaged him but
[10:25] power_OP> didnt see
[10:30] [AvA]Geralt in
[10:30] [AvA]Geralt out
[10:31] [GoD]Hakai> gb ior wait?
[10:34] [TDM]Tundar> anyone ever play civ?
[10:34] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[10:34] power_OP> no
[10:35] [GoD]Hakai> map?
[10:35] [AvA]RIPkekw> idm any
[10:35] power_OP> not PP
[10:35] power_OP> else is ok
[10:35] [AvA]RIPkekw> mp should be fine i guess
[10:42] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[10:45] k90000 in
[10:49] power_OP out
[10:49] [TDM]Tundar> the ownage
[10:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> lemme call carlbine
[10:49] [GoD]Hakai> tundar always stealing my wildies over there :D
[10:49] [GoD]Hakai> gg
[10:51] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> go
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> mana battle
[10:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> me nkekw
[10:56] [GoD]Hakai> op
[10:56] [GoD]Hakai> ops
[10:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[10:57] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:59] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:05] power_OP in
[11:05] power_OP out
[11:06] [D]ThinkHail in
[11:08] [D]ThinkHail out
[11:12] power_OP in
[11:12] power_OP out
[11:23] [D]xfiresx15 out
[11:24] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:24] [D]xfiresx15 out
[11:24] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:32] [D]xfiresx15 out
[11:34] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[11:34] [D]xfiresx15 in
[11:34] [GoD]Hakai> ggwp
[11:34] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:36] [D]xfiresx15 out
[11:36] [GoD]carbine out
[11:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[11:39] power_OP in
[11:45] Hungaro in
[11:52] [GoD]carbine in
[11:53] [AvA]Geralt in
[12:13] [TDM]Tundar> yoooooo
[12:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yooo
[12:14] [GoD]Hakai> yo
[12:14] [GoD]Hakai> so
[12:14] [GoD]Hakai> what map teams
[12:18] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:19] power_OP out
[12:24] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[12:25] power_OP in
[12:25] power_OP out
[12:28] Deists in
[12:29] shing128345 out
[12:31] [TDM]Tundar> ;/
[12:31] power_OP in
[12:31] power_OP out
[12:46] Deists out
[12:49] power_OP in
[12:52] k90000 out
[12:59] power_OP out
[13:04] [D]amhyr in
[13:13] k90000 in
[13:15] Kay in
[13:26] shing128345 in
[13:31] Tyler out
[13:31] Kay out
[13:31] [TSI]O-Ren in
[13:35] Tyler in
[13:37] Kay in
[13:37] xtro in
[13:40] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[13:41] power_OP in
[13:44] [GoD]Shogun in
[13:57] shing128345 out
[13:59] DonnaJones_OP in
[14:00] [GoD]Hakai in
[14:00] DonnaJones_OP out
[14:00] DonnaJones_OP in
[14:13] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[14:17] xtro out
[14:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[14:27] iRespectWomenxD26> where all da homies at
[14:28] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> here
[14:31] [D]Uncarriable in
[14:32] power_OP out
[14:34] shing128345 in
[14:36] power_OP in
[14:36] sinisters in
[14:36] power_OP> lol i just clicked first spot and koopa came the ntried second and saw hakai
[14:43] shing128345 out
[14:49] power_OP> +1
[14:49] sinisters> i am new can i join :P
[14:51] 00Shaman> [51] Launch game failed
[14:51] 00Shaman> iRespectXPings
[14:52] 00Shaman out
[14:52] [GoD]Hakai> who fials launching
[14:52] 00Shaman in
[14:57] k90000 out
[15:00] bockwurstlaune in
[15:00] bockwurstlaune out
[15:00] sinisters out
[15:00] sinisters in
[15:14] [AvA]Stauni in
[15:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Staun
[15:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> i*
[15:26] Tabaluga in
[15:27] sinisters> :P
[15:27] sinisters> gg
[15:28] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg and welcome back :D
[15:28] sinisters> thx mate
[15:33] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[15:34] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[15:36] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> no shame you need at least 5-10 games to get back in the mood
[15:41] 00Shaman> gg
[15:41] iRespectWomenxD26> ggs
[15:41] power_OP> gg
[15:41] 00Shaman out
[15:41] sinisters out
[15:41] power_OP out
[15:42] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:42] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[15:45] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi Fist
[15:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi soma
[15:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi toruk
[15:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Fist
[15:45] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:47] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:47] Mahmut1661_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[15:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> +1
[15:51] [AvA]Acid-303> mammy join
[15:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:56] Mr_Ridiculous> hey guys
[15:56] [TDM]Tundar> Huh
[15:56] Mr_Ridiculous> :)
[15:56] Mr_Ridiculous> new name
[15:57] Mr_Ridiculous> so you want a rematch?
[15:58] Mr_Ridiculous> no ping
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni out
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni in
[15:58] Mr_Ridiculous> port test
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni out
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni in
[16:00] [AvA]Stauni> maybe you move?
[16:01] Mr_Ridiculous> ?
[16:02] [AvA]Stauni> beta
[16:02] Mr_Ridiculous> how do i change pach version
[16:02] [AvA]Stauni> on the right
[16:02] [AvA]Stauni> "version"
[16:02] [AvA]Stauni> "game" section
[16:03] [AvA]Stauni> now it shoiuld be
[16:03] [AvA]Stauni> behind your name it says 1.5b
[16:04] power_OP in
[16:04] [AvA]Stauni> you see ping?
[16:06] [AvA]Stauni> you must type !beta and !update
[16:07] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[16:09] [rw]karma in
[16:15] h2d in
[16:15] h2d out
[16:17] k90000 in
[16:19] power_OP out
[16:23] k90000 out
[16:27] Kay out
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:33] k90000 in
[16:35] Kay in
[16:41] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[16:41] k90000 out
[16:42] [AvA]Acid-303> gg wp
[16:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wp :D
[16:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> really nice shaman skill soman
[16:43] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[16:43] [AvA]Acid-303> thanks a lot fist , i'm a shaman player more than a trooper lol
[16:43] Mahmut1661_Tas> my shaman skills that game was terrible.
[16:44] [AvA]Acid-303> nah , you are always good mate
[16:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> the probem was toruk didnt expand while all other expanded a lot
[16:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or he expanded not enouh
[16:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> enough
[16:45] Mahmut1661_Tas> also i lost all my trees somehoe
[16:45] Mahmut1661_Tas> :(
[16:45] jimmyhunter1000 in
[16:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> often on sess u micromanage the trees well, but then comes a 2min fight for mid and then all ur trees are gone
[16:46] Mr_Ridiculous> kept misclicking
[16:46] Mr_Ridiculous> so unlucky me
[16:46] [AvA]Stauni> why quit as host lol
[16:46] Mr_Ridiculous> because
[16:46] Mr_Ridiculous> this was unfair
[16:47] Mr_Ridiculous> you had two basese
[16:47] Mr_Ridiculous> and i kept misclicking
[16:47] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[16:47] Mr_Ridiculous> i lost like 10 outo of 11 shaman battles
[16:47] [TDM]Tundar> luckily shaman battles mean fuck all
[16:48] Mr_Ridiculous> ok its 1 - 1
[16:48] [AvA]Stauni> x)
[16:48] Mr_Ridiculous> blue has a serious disadvantge to red on pp
[16:48] Mr_Ridiculous> but i like th echallenge
[16:48] Mr_Ridiculous> anyawy
[16:49] [AvA]Stauni> last time i lost causse 1.01 and mid game i switched to desktop and then res was ugly and i had to play like first person shooter
[16:49] Mr_Ridiculous> congrats stauni, you earned it ;9
[16:49] Mr_Ridiculous> yeah but i was so unlucky this game
[16:49] [AvA]Stauni> and only cause a stupid program opened in back
[16:50] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[16:51] Deists in
[16:51] sam_tas in
[16:52] [SW]chapo in
[16:52] [SW]chapo out
[16:52] [SW]chapo in
[16:52] Mr_Ridiculous> how can this go worse
[16:52] Mr_Ridiculous> keep being unlucky
[16:53] [SW]chapo> Inca
[16:57] Mr_Ridiculous> rematch
[16:57] Mr_Ridiculous> stauni
[16:58] Mr_Ridiculous> i was like inches from getting into your basecoar when i misclicked
[16:58] Mr_Ridiculous> and this happened 3 times
[16:58] Mr_Ridiculous> wtf
[16:58] Mr_Ridiculous> then you had two bases
[16:59] Mr_Ridiculous> i never play two bases on pp
[16:59] Mr_Ridiculous> its not fun
[16:59] Mr_Ridiculous> its unfair
[17:01] sam_tas out
[17:03] iRespectWomenxD26> sec
[17:05] iRespectWomenxD26> k wut map?
[17:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[17:09] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[17:10] Coruscater in
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> :1
[17:12] [SW]chapo out
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:13] Coruscater> anyone up for 3 or more noob game?
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPFWnLV-Aks
[17:14] Coruscater> is there a button to tell braves to desconstruct?
[17:14] [AsG]Sky- in
[17:18] DonnaJones_OP> In 1.5 you can hold ALT and left click huts
[17:19] DonnaJones_OP> That will toggle dismantle. In 1.03 you have to right click the hut, then click the icon next to the hut's occupants
[17:19] [AsG]Sky-> preach it =)
[17:20] Mahmut1661_Tas> :sit: let me :preach: you :>
[17:20] [SW]pablo- in
[17:21] [AvA]Stauni> why would i not take yell or green base on 4p PP
[17:21] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[17:21] [AvA]Stauni> in a 1v1
[17:24] DonnaJones_OP> The second base changes the way the game is played, some people like it, some don't. All bases PP isn't as simple, it actually changes it quite a lot with the amount there is to do
[17:24] DonnaJones_OP> It's quite fun, but very different to a standard 1v1
[17:24] DonnaJones_OP> So people tend to agree that beforehand
[17:25] iRespectWomenxD26> map??
[17:26] [GoD]carbine> Come on, that was my spot dude
[17:26] [GoD]carbine> Thanks
[17:26] iRespectWomenxD26> loll
[17:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> your welcome
[17:26] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[17:26] [GoD]carbine> idm
[17:27] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:29] k90000 in
[17:29] [D]xfiresx15 in
[17:30] [TDM]Tundar> brb 2 min
[17:32] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[17:32] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:32] iRespectWomenxD26> sickening pissening news
[17:32] iRespectWomenxD26> breaking news
[17:32] iRespectWomenxD26> big news
[17:33] iRespectWomenxD26> jason genova bak
[17:33] iRespectWomenxD26> weeeeeeeeeeeee
[17:33] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:36] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:38] [D]xfiresx15 out
[17:41] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[17:41] [SW]pablo- out
[17:43] Zpektrix_TAS> +1.
[17:44] [D]xfiresx15 in
[17:45] [SW]pablo- in
[17:49] Coruscater> anyone else wanna join us?
[17:50] [TDM]Tundar> hmm
[17:50] [TDM]Tundar> no ty
[17:50] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[17:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> Coruscaler what's your old nick?
[17:51] Coruscater> I think it used to be Mallet
[17:51] [AvA]Pharaoh> ok
[17:51] [AvA]Pharaoh> I guess ur preacher level?
[17:51] Coruscater> I was friends with Deathwarrior and Sunama and walhalla
[17:52] Coruscater> me and Sunama were pretty close to same
[17:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> idk any of them so no idea xD
[17:52] Coruscater> "were"
[17:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> seems to be a while ago
[17:52] Coruscater> look on "Old EA top 100"
[17:52] Coruscater> on site
[17:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> :o
[17:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> that long ago
[17:53] Coruscater> I played 1998-2001
[17:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> btw
[17:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> x ping
[17:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> wow
[17:53] [FR]trinitas in
[17:53] Coruscater out
[17:53] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:53] Kay> 1 old player back again
[17:53] Coruscater in
[17:53] Zpektrix_TAS> mallet?
[17:53] Coruscater> Westcoast canada here
[17:54] Zpektrix_TAS> then you are odingow
[17:54] Coruscater> yes
[17:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> so what map waht teams
[17:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> sess? random? :kekw:
[17:54] [AvA]Pharaoh> kk
[17:54] Coruscater> the best of u 3 should take me
[17:55] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.popre.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=10322&p=226582&hilit=odingow#p226582
[17:55] AliceInWonderland_OP> :o
[17:55] Coruscater> Hey look there i am
[17:55] Zpektrix_TAS> wheres your old account
[17:55] Coruscater> I dunno
[17:55] Coruscater> in the Nether
[17:56] Zpektrix_TAS> whats your last name change
[17:56] AliceInWonderland_OP> random fine or?
[17:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ok
[17:56] Coruscater> This one?
[17:57] Zpektrix_TAS> thats not name change
[17:57] Zpektrix_TAS> you just created another account
[17:57] Coruscater> Ive only been mallet OdinGOW and this
[17:57] Coruscater> in that order
[17:57] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[17:57] AliceInWonderland_OP> [51] Launch game failed
[17:57] AliceInWonderland_OP> ...
[17:57] Coruscater> try again
[17:57] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.popre.net/user.php?u=369&mode=game
[17:57] Mr_Ridiculous> gg
[17:57] Mr_Ridiculous> wp
[17:57] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe this one
[17:58] Zpektrix_TAS> traditional 555 points
[17:58] Mr_Ridiculous> you did quite well hungaro
[17:58] Mr_Ridiculous> but i won :)
[17:59] Hungaro> did you quit?
[17:59] Deists out
[17:59] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> ?
[17:59] NonRankedOnly> Playing online in the 90s. Wow.
[18:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> join
[18:00] [FR]trinitas out
[18:00] Coruscater> Im screwing it up arnt I?
[18:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> noo
[18:00] AliceInWonderland_OP> no
[18:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> what happened?
[18:00] AliceInWonderland_OP> dunno what went wrong
[18:01] [D]ThinkHail in
[18:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> wtf
[18:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> lemme relog
[18:01] iRespectWomenxD26> +1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[18:02] [AvA]Stauni> listen to that while playing
[18:02] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI8_8jLOGRc
[18:02] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[18:02] [GoD]Shogun out
[18:02] Kay out
[18:03] AliceInWonderland_OP> lets change hut
[18:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> wtf it worked earlier
[18:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> fist host?
[18:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> maybe coruscator should type !update
[18:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[18:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[18:05] Coruscater> updating
[18:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> did u launch beta or 1.01?
[18:05] Coruscater> update complete
[18:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> beta
[18:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> works for me
[18:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> ok good
[18:05] AliceInWonderland_OP> must be one of you
[18:06] Coruscater out
[18:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> drunken just relogged
[18:06] AliceInWonderland_OP> if i launch myself it works
[18:06] Coruscater in
[18:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> lemme relog too
[18:06] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[18:06] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[18:06] Coruscater> my money is its Drunk
[18:06] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[18:06] Coruscater> must spilt some booze on his comp
[18:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[18:07] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:07] [AsG]Sky-> poor fist =(
[18:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> haahh
[18:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> fist should we try again?
[18:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> u wanna host
[18:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> ?
[18:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> now he is in lobby
[18:08] AliceInWonderland_OP> wtf?
[18:08] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> wow koops hut restricted for me ;(
[18:09] AliceInWonderland_OP> cuz too noob
[18:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> haha
[18:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> nice
[18:09] Coruscater out
[18:09] Coruscater in
[18:11] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:13] AliceInWonderland_OP> this game doesnt want to happen :kekw:
[18:13] [AvA]Pharaoh> I think it happened on launch already
[18:13] iRespectWomenxD26> oh wtf
[18:13] Coruscater> I feel like its me
[18:13] iRespectWomenxD26> ya no noobies
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> koopa you restrict huts
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> only fw
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> ;(
[18:14] iRespectWomenxD26> fw+
[18:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sry door rang
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> ;( ;( ;(
[18:14] iRespectWomenxD26> but no games
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> too bad
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> no game with king koopa
[18:14] iRespectWomenxD26> dead ass mm
[18:14] AliceInWonderland_OP> nope
[18:15] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> fuck
[18:15] iRespectWomenxD26> thanks inca for killing the fw+ skilld scene
[18:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[18:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> fist check mm settings
[18:16] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> oops
[18:16] [AvA]Pharaoh> it's on the top bar to the right
[18:16] Coruscater> what went wrong?
[18:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> "Timed Game"
[18:17] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> now it should work
[18:17] iRespectWomenxD26> sum1 1 v 1 for funz?
[18:17] AliceInWonderland_OP> nice can delete 10+ failed streams after that game :kekw:
[18:17] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:18] Hungaro> xD
[18:18] [AsG]Sky-> at least u have something to do between games bianca LOL
[18:19] [D]xfiresx15 out
[18:21] [TDM]Tundar out
[18:22] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:25] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:26] Tabaluga> fhk
[18:26] Tabaluga> OGS not having games
[18:27] iRespectWomenxD26> yup we a dying breed
[18:27] Tabaluga> sik inca
[18:27] Tabaluga> brah u letting this rot like dis ???
[18:27] iRespectWomenxD26> inca dont care bout us OGS
[18:27] Tabaluga> wow
[18:28] Tabaluga> dis tru inca???????
[18:28] iRespectWomenxD26> no need to ask inca 100% confirmed
[18:28] Tabaluga> thats some high level bs
[18:28] Tabaluga> sik man
[18:28] iRespectWomenxD26> ya should start a petition n get the riteful mm owner bak in power
[18:28] iRespectWomenxD26> n thats GABBER
[18:29] Tabaluga> Error: Cannot change name until May 24, 2021, 10:00am
[18:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:30] iRespectWomenxD26> cant w8 for the next tourney
[18:31] iRespectWomenxD26> will be made up for all preacher ranks n 1-2 skilld player
[18:31] iRespectWomenxD26> gonna be siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkk
[18:31] Tabaluga> hidden cup?
[18:31] h2d in
[18:31] Tabaluga> or ragnj's
[18:31] iRespectWomenxD26> sure idk wtf that is but sure
[18:31] h2d out
[18:32] Tabaluga> you won't know who you're facing in hidden cup so :shrug:
[18:32] iRespectWomenxD26> lol aint joining that shit show
[18:32] Tabaluga> no idea how it'll work here
[18:33] Tabaluga> you'd have to ask inca for a feature but he won't do it
[18:33] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:35] Tabaluga> someone will pay nici to play for them
[18:35] Tabaluga> :kekw:
[18:37] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:40] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:41] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:42] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:49] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[18:49] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[18:49] Coruscater> gg
[18:49] Coruscater> I kept misclick so bad
[18:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> maybe stress
[18:50] Coruscater> spent half my time undoing what I made myself do
[18:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> undoing what?
[18:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> I think you just need experience on the map
[18:50] Coruscater> going wrong places building wrong way
[18:50] [AsG]Sky- out
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> k no sess again :kekw:
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> what map?
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> k 4way
[18:51] Coruscater> whats no sess mean?
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> the map
[18:51] AliceInWonderland_OP> we just played
[18:51] Coruscater> oh
[18:51] Coruscater> name of it, thought it was some slang
[18:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> kind of xD
[18:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> teams?
[18:52] Coruscater> doesnt matter to me
[18:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> k then we ally this time
[18:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> does it have to be beta?
[18:53] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[18:53] AliceInWonderland_OP> /me hopes for 1.03
[18:54] Tabaluga> 1.01 u mean
[18:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> no :P
[18:54] Tabaluga> 1.02 :owut:
[18:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> no
[18:54] Tabaluga> 1.021
[18:54] Tabaluga> :pog:
[18:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> no 1.0299999999999999999999999999999999999
[18:54] Tabaluga> 1.03
[18:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> k no complaints
[18:54] AliceInWonderland_OP> fine then its 1.03
[18:54] Tabaluga> but hut says 1.01
[18:54] Tabaluga> thats some kind of scam
[18:55] Tabaluga> :roopog:
[18:55] Coruscater> drunk is x
[18:55] MelonYeeter in
[18:55] Coruscater> I dont get how u go from 45 ping to x
[18:55] [D]ThinkHail> its back now
[18:56] [D]ThinkHail out
[18:56] MelonYeeter> maybe
[18:57] [D]ThinkHail in
[18:57] [D]ThinkHail out
[18:57] [D]ThinkHail in
[18:58] Coruscater> k go
[18:58] k90000> host
[18:58] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[18:58] MelonYeeter out
[18:58] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[18:58] MelonYeeter in
[18:58] Coruscater out
[18:59] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[18:59] Coruscater in
k90000 - MapPack: OK
MelonYeeter - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - MelonYeeter: Red - k90000: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[18:59] k90000 out
[18:59] k90000 in
[18:59] [D]xfiresx15 in
[18:59] k90000> host
[19:00] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[19:00] Minibot_UK> MelonYeeter: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[19:00] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
MelonYeeter - MapPack: OK
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - MelonYeeter: Red - k90000: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[19:00] Coruscater> drunk or alic3e reload?
[19:00] AliceInWonderland_OP> i launched
[19:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> and was in setup
[19:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> with thinkhail
[19:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> fist i think you have a problem
[19:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> today
[19:01] [D]ThinkHail> :L
[19:01] Coruscater> when it was just me and u it was fine
[19:01] Coruscater out
[19:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[19:01] Coruscater in
[19:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[19:01] jimmyhunter1000 out
Game successfully checked in.
[19:03] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[19:03] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[19:03] Coruscater out
[19:03] Coruscater in
[19:04] Coruscater> we can do it!
[19:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> idk
[19:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> lel
[19:05] Hungaro out
[19:12] Artz_Sam in
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> i think im not in the mood dtoday fora game sorrry pharaoh
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> had some intense battle with Hungaro
[19:14] Mr_Ridiculous> im tired
[19:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> no problem
[19:17] [AvA]Pharaoh> Let's just rest in hut
[19:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[19:20] Artz_Sam out
[19:21] Mr_Ridiculous> :D ok
[19:21] Mr_Ridiculous> i beat stauni
[19:21] Mr_Ridiculous> and i beat Hungaro
[19:21] [SW]pablo- out
[19:21] Mr_Ridiculous> too damn tired
[19:21] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[19:21] Mr_Ridiculous> to play more to day
[19:25] [SW]pablo- in
[19:28] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[19:29] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[19:29] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[19:30] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[19:31] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo spider
[19:31] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> yo
Game results submitted.
[19:32] [SW]pablo-> sec
[19:33] [SW]pablo- out
[19:33] [SW]pablo- in
[19:34] MelonYeeter out
[19:39] Mr_Ridiculous> :gabber:
[19:40] Sirius_OP in
[19:46] TristanFR in
[19:47] TristanFR out
[19:47] [AvA]Stauni> under unfair conditions and you lost last game lol
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> [20:21] Mr_Ridiculous> i beat stauni
[19:48] [D]Uncarriable out
[19:48] Mr_Ridiculous> i beat you 1 time
[19:48] Mr_Ridiculous> then you beat me
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> unde runfair conditions xD
[19:48] Mr_Ridiculous> and this was the unluckiest game ever
[19:48] Mr_Ridiculous> i kept making misclicks
[19:49] Mr_Ridiculous> and dying just before i entered your base
[19:49] [AvA]Stauni> if i were a maouse keyboard player and had to play on controller
[19:49] [AvA]Stauni> but this is skill based and not relying on hardware lol
[19:49] Mr_Ridiculous> i dont believe how unlucky i played
[19:49] Mr_Ridiculous> this is ridiculous
[19:50] Mr_Ridiculous> you had two base
[19:50] [AvA]Stauni> i used the whole map wtf haha
[19:50] [AvA]Stauni> wheres the restriction
[19:50] Mr_Ridiculous> yggdrasil is the map we needed to play
[19:51] [SW]pablo- out
[19:52] Mr_Ridiculous> i used the slice on the side
[19:52] Mr_Ridiculous> but thats fair
[19:53] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> gg
[19:53] [TSI]O-Ren> stfu
[19:53] TeamPlayer_Blue> +4 players for pressure point
[19:53] TeamPlayer_Blue> +3
[19:53] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> o ren
[19:53] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> he quit because you were losing
[19:53] Mr_Ridiculous> lol
[19:55] [TSI]O-Ren> my ally left and you kept playing instead of ally up
[19:55] [TSI]O-Ren> even green allied up
[19:55] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> because he quit
[19:55] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> because you were losing
[19:55] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> if he lagged out or w.e then i would ally
[19:55] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[19:56] Coruscater> gg
[19:56] [D]ThinkHail> gg
[19:56] [TSI]O-Ren> he didnt rage quit, stop talking shit
[19:56] Coruscater> again?
[19:56] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> ???
[19:56] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct> im pretty sure he did but ok
[19:56] Coruscater> I misclick SOOOO god damn much
[19:56] Coruscater> si frsutratin
[19:56] Coruscater> I musta alt tabbed outta game 4 tiems
[19:56] Coruscater> on acdi4ent
[19:57] Coruscater> ahhh
[19:57] Coruscater> no room :(
[19:57] Coruscater> do 6 player?
[19:57] TeamPlayer_Blue> hmm
[19:58] TeamPlayer_Blue> Does it always take that long Drunkenmaster?
[19:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> How does one alt+tab by accident? lol
[19:59] AliceInWonderland_OP> he seems to have issues today
[19:59] Coruscater> i mean windows key
[19:59] Coruscater> which is beside cntrl and alt
[19:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Ah
[19:59] AliceInWonderland_OP> yeah that sucks lol
[19:59] Coruscater> same thign
[20:01] siktirella in
[20:02] siktirella out
[20:03] Mr_Ridiculous> i think im getting my skillz back
[20:03] Mr_Ridiculous> weed banned again?
[20:03] Mr_Ridiculous> :/
[20:05] [SW]pablo- in
[20:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> spiderpigs spot
[20:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I can leave if you guys wanna rematch
[20:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> no
[20:07] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:07] [AsG]Ralimurr> :+3: to help test AI shaman duels
[20:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Mibbel
[20:08] [D]ThinkHail out
[20:10] [rw]karma out
[20:10] [AvA]MIBbel> hi
[20:11] power_OP in
[20:12] power_OP> heyy all hope all you are good
[20:17] [D]ThinkHail in
[20:18] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[20:23] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo nova
[20:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> yoyoyo
[20:24] [rw]karma in
[20:28] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[20:29] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg
[20:29] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[20:29] [AsG]Ralimurr> We got smacked
[20:29] [AsG]Drummerdude48> big time
[20:29] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[20:29] [AsG]Drummerdude48> they rapid fire the blasts
[20:29] [AsG]Drummerdude48> and its brutal
[20:29] [AsG]Drummerdude48> haha
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> They have some RNG built into them so they're not always perfec
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Perfect
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> But yeah, they are brutal
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> The 1v1s and 2v2s are much more doable, because you have to rely on less teammates :kekw:
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> They just work together perfectly by ganging up
[20:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> rely less on*
[20:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> true
[20:33] [AsG]Ragnj in
[20:34] [AsG]Ragnj> spinn host?
[20:34] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[20:35] aidan9211 in
[20:36] Will159 in
[20:37] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[20:37] Coruscater> sure
[20:37] power_OP> gg guys
[20:37] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[20:37] power_OP> palying team palyer blue
[20:37] TeamPlayer_Blue> +3 players for pp
[20:37] Coruscater> I get SO cluster fuked it takes me 10x longer to do anything
[20:38] TeamPlayer_Blue> U had lag Coruscater?
[20:38] Coruscater> mental lag
[20:38] TeamPlayer_Blue> hmm
[20:38] Mahmut1661_Tas> Let's rm :) ?
[20:38] Coruscater> clicking to do stuff and always clicking on wrong shit
[20:38] Coruscater> missing my targets
[20:38] Coruscater> so annoying
[20:38] Coruscater> I dont mind losing at all when I play well
[20:38] Will159> Hi First time online, not sure where to go from here.any games I can join? Thanks
[20:38] Coruscater> but when IM losing cos im just fucking myself up it sucks
[20:38] power_OP> will
[20:38] TeamPlayer_Blue> Sorry I didn't u had any lag
[20:38] power_OP> came
[20:39] Mahmut1661_Tas> Hi Will Welcome :)
[20:39] TeamPlayer_Blue> know*
[20:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> welcome to mm :)
[20:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> pp again?
[20:39] TeamPlayer_Blue> Would be cool
[20:39] TeamPlayer_Blue> if they agree ofcourse
[20:39] power_OP> join free spot under my name
[20:39] Coruscater> also at start I thought blue was my ally so I built wrong :/
[20:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> ah that sucks
[20:39] Mahmut1661_Tas> Ye i saw :kekw:
[20:39] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[20:39] Mahmut1661_Tas> I corrected you
[20:39] TeamPlayer_Blue> Haha I noticed
[20:39] Will159> Thanks , been years since I last played
[20:39] power_OP> blue who r u
[20:40] Coruscater> Im down for w/e I just need to practice
[20:41] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[20:41] Coruscater> I got gaming keyboard which is screwing me up too as all my arrows are tight to left corner and beside the enter button which I keep hitting
[20:41] Mahmut1661_Tas> On beta you can rebind your keys :P
[20:41] Coruscater> I wish I could change the arrows to WWEASD
[20:41] AliceInWonderland_OP> you can
[20:41] Mahmut1661_Tas> you could try to use WASD :P
[20:41] AliceInWonderland_OP> in beta
[20:41] AliceInWonderland_OP> speaking of which
[20:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[20:41] AliceInWonderland_OP> beta again?
[20:41] Will159> any games about to start I can join?
[20:41] Coruscater> thats when Im setup for but when I go into settins theres no option
[20:41] Mahmut1661_Tas> sure
[20:42] Mahmut1661_Tas> there should be
[20:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> in game
[20:42] [SW]pablo-> teams?
[20:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> options
[20:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> keybindings
[20:42] AliceInWonderland_OP> or smth
[20:43] Will159 out
[20:44] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[20:45] captainpotato in
[20:45] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[20:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> What teams are we doing?
[20:45] [AsG]Drummerdude48> guess ;)
[20:45] [AvA]Novaharvest> we can do teams if you'd like
[20:45] [AvA]Novaharvest> i mean clans
[20:45] [AvA]Novaharvest> haha
[20:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> WOrks for me
[20:45] [AvA]Novaharvest> different to best teams though
[20:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> It is yeah
[20:45] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> AvA vs AsG :nice:
[20:46] [AvA]Novaharvest> we have a fw disadvantage haha
[20:46] [AvA]RIPkekw> sry for that :kekw:
[20:46] [AsG]Ragnj> we can split teams
[20:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and they have the green shaman :kek:
[20:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> guess you'll have to step up your game Nova :P
[20:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> The green shaman is preacher :kekw:
[20:46] [AvA]Novaharvest> ;-;
[20:46] [AsG]Drummerdude48> yeah its no big deal if we play different teams so its fair
[20:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> In disguise
[20:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> yeah tbh lets do best teams?
[20:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> if thats ok
[20:47] k90000 out
[20:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> i often think fuck it, but then the game ends up being imba haha
[20:47] [AsG]Ralimurr> Best teams is okay
[20:47] [AsG]Ralimurr> Probably the fairest here
[20:47] [AvA]Novaharvest> it says: [AvA]Novaharvest + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AsG]Ragnj vs. [AsG]Ralimurr + [AsG]Drummerdude48 + [AvA]RIPkek
[20:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lets try clan duel
[20:48] captainpotato out
[20:48] [AsG]Ralimurr> I'm fine either way
[20:48] [AsG]Ralimurr> If we do clan duel, might be worth it to go in Discord
[20:48] [AvA]Novaharvest> sure clan then, even best doesnt seem right to me lol
[20:49] [D]Uncarriable in
[20:49] [AvA]Stauni> +2?
[20:49] [D]xfiresx15 out
[20:50] [AsG]Ragnj> lets roll guys
[20:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[20:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> Just retry should be fine
[20:51] DonnaJones_OP out
[20:52] [AsG]Warbeast in
[20:53] [AsG]Ragnj> 3 vs 2 then?
[20:53] [AsG]Ralimurr> He should be back soon, right?
[20:53] [AvA]RIPkekw> yeah
[20:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[20:54] [AsG]Drummerdude48> do we wanna do 4v4?
[20:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> We might have a 4th
[20:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> If you guys do
[20:54] [AsG]Drummerdude48> we could grab warbeast and you guys grab Toruk?
[20:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> Might make it more uneven, although I'd say you guys choose the map then
[20:54] [AsG]Drummerdude48> yeah thats fair
[20:55] [AsG]Ragnj> sounds good
[20:55] [AsG]Ragnj> lets do it
[20:55] [AsG]Drummerdude48> glad we're all on the same page then
[20:55] [AsG]Ragnj> warbeast doesnt answer so lets roll!
[20:55] [AsG]Drummerdude48> haha
[20:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> :kekw:
[20:56] [AvA]Stauni> restricted sec
[20:56] [AsG]Drummerdude48> RIP no reply from Warbeast
[20:56] [AvA]Stauni out
[20:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> okay with this map, or hate it?
[20:56] [rw]karma out
[20:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> :D
[20:56] [AvA]Stauni in
[20:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> Map's fine
[20:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> Don't know if Warbeast is here though
[20:56] [AsG]Drummerdude48> Tried Keith too
[20:56] [AsG]Drummerdude48> but think afk
[20:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> guess what this map has on by default rali
[20:56] IncaWarrior out
[20:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> AoD?
[20:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> temple haha
[20:56] [AsG]Ralimurr> :O
[20:56] [AvA]RIPkekw> :nice:
[20:56] [AvA]Novaharvest> AoD is a good call too
[20:57] [AsG]Ragnj> we can ally one of your best
[20:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> best is: [AvA]Novaharvest + [AsG]Drummerdude48 + [AsG]Ragnj + [AvA]Toruk_Makto vs. [AvA]RIPkekw + [AsG]Ralimurr + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Stauni
[20:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> or do that? :D
[20:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> haha
[20:57] [AsG]Ragnj> hehe
[20:57] [AsG]Ragnj> lets do best teams
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Feels off
[20:58] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, any is fine really
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> 2 warriors 1 preacher and 1 FW vs 2 FWs a preacher and a warr
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Could do though
[20:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> if u swap stauni and nova it would be even
[20:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[20:58] [AsG]Ralimurr> Yeah that sounds good
[20:59] [AsG]Ragnj> ye
[20:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> ok!
[20:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> one sec
[20:59] k90000 in
[20:59] k90000 out
[21:01] TomekJ in
[21:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> sry:(
[21:03] [AsG]Ralimurr> Drummer's still grabbing a drink
[21:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> spot taken spinn
[21:03] [AvA]Stauni> :ban:
[21:03] TomekJ out
[21:03] [AsG]Drummerdude48> back
[21:03] [AsG]Drummerdude48> whats pass
[21:03] [AvA]Novaharvest> join
[21:04] [SW]chapo in
[21:04] [SW]chapo> Administrator here??????????????????
[21:04] [SW]chapo out
[21:04] TomekJ in
[21:04] [SW]chapo in
[21:04] [TSI]O-Ren> inca out
[21:04] [SW]chapo> shitttttt
[21:06] TomekJ out
[21:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:07] [AvA]Stauni> therfore I have 2 pop directions one for mm and one for Multiverse
[21:07] sam_tas in
[21:08] [AvA]RIPkekw> give him a sec
[21:11] [AvA]Novaharvest> we are waiting for someone sorry sam
[21:11] jordi-adhd in
[21:11] [AvA]Novaharvest> <3
[21:11] k90000 in
[21:11] Gromidon in
[21:12] sam_tas out
[21:13] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:13] k90000 out
[21:14] Smarzyk in
[21:16] [AsG]Yekralc in
[21:18] Agownik in
[21:18] [AsG]Warbeast out
[21:19] power_OP> gg wp
[21:20] [SW]pablo- out
[21:21] power_OP> GN all
[21:21] DonnaJones_OP in
[21:21] power_OP out
[21:21] Smarzyk out
[21:21] Smarzyk in
[21:23] Agownik out
[21:23] Agownik in
[21:23] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[21:23] Coruscater> no I didnt even get to paly
[21:23] Coruscater> eq 2x before I could get my head on straight
[21:24] Coruscater> a gg is when person actually fights back
[21:24] [GoD]carbine out
[21:24] TeamPlayer_Blue> I'm sorry but should I wait till you set-up a defens?
[21:24] Coruscater> dude I had JUST changed all my keybindings around
[21:24] Coruscater> gimme 5 min
[21:24] Coruscater> to get used to it
[21:24] aidan9211> lol
[21:24] AliceInWonderland_OP> hm you might should do that in testgame
[21:25] Coruscater> 2 more
[21:25] Coruscater> i have time for 1 more game
[21:26] [SW]pablo- in
[21:27] Coruscater> anyone
[21:28] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[21:29] ice-t_TSI in
[21:30] Mr_Ridiculous> sorry
[21:30] Mr_Ridiculous> brb
[21:31] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[21:31] [AsG]Yekralc out
[21:31] [AsG]Yekralc in
[21:32] Coruscater> need host
[21:32] [SW]pablo- out
[21:33] Coruscater> will my key bindings I changed in game get reset for next game?
[21:34] Mahmut1661_Tas> sometimes it reset
[21:34] Mahmut1661_Tas> sometimes it doesnt
[21:34] Mahmut1661_Tas> xD
[21:34] Mahmut1661_Tas> map :) ?
[21:34] Coruscater> any
[21:34] AliceInWonderland_OP> dead sea :ohyes:
[21:35] Mahmut1661_Tas> :heheboi:
[21:35] Mahmut1661_Tas> We can do that dead sea :D
[21:35] Coruscater> used to be one of my favourites
[21:35] AliceInWonderland_OP> :o
[21:36] AliceInWonderland_OP> see mammy
[21:36] Mahmut1661_Tas> o:
[21:36] AliceInWonderland_OP> now tehre is one more :ohyes:
[21:36] AliceInWonderland_OP> there*
[21:36] Mahmut1661_Tas> I am so happy :')
[21:36] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol
[21:36] Mr_Ridiculous> WTF
[21:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> k mammy
[21:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> lets get dead sea
[21:38] AliceInWonderland_OP> :heheboi:
[21:39] Coruscater> do it to it
[21:39] Mahmut1661_Tas> :heheboi:
[21:39] Artz_Sam in
[21:40] Mr_Ridiculous> HEY LADS
[21:41] DonnaJones_OP out
[21:42] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS> was yellow a spy ranker or something
[21:43] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:43] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:43] [AvA]MIBbel in
[21:44] Artz_Sam> Whats your point?)
[21:44] Barracuda11 in
[21:45] Barracuda11 out
[21:47] [AvA]Geralt out
[21:48] Artz_Sam out
[21:48] [AvA]MIBbel out
[21:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> What happened Fist?
[21:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lagged out
[21:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what's with your connection today?
[21:50] [AvA]Stauni> gn
[21:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> damn
[21:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[21:50] [AsG]Ralimurr> gn stauni
[21:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gn stauni
[21:50] [AvA]Novaharvest> gn!
[21:50] [AvA]Stauni out
[21:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hang on
[21:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> Don't think it's a good idea if you host Fist
[21:51] [AsG]Ralimurr> With the connection lag atm
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> map wish?
[21:52] [AvA]Geralt in
[21:52] [AvA]RIPkekw> push? :d
[21:52] [TSI]O-Ren> walls?
[21:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Clover Mayhem
[21:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> but whatever the majority wants
[21:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> best seems fine
[22:00] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[22:01] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg wp :)
[22:01] Coruscater> gg
[22:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> that was my dead sea game for this year
[22:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[22:01] Coruscater> If I actually got attacked it wouldnt have gone so well for me
[22:01] Mahmut1661_Tas> :ohyes:
[22:02] Mahmut1661_Tas> I got all the heat Coruscater
[22:02] Coruscater> yea and you held off
[22:02] Coruscater> i sent ya 4 warriors tho that musta savved you
[22:02] Mahmut1661_Tas> Ya it helped.
[22:02] Coruscater> :P
[22:03] Coruscater out
[22:05] Agownik out
[22:05] Smarzyk out
[22:11] aidan9211 out
[22:13] Coruscater in
[22:18] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight all :)
[22:18] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[22:18] Hokage_OP out
[22:19] [tsi]marcus- in
[22:19] Coruscater> you can do it on PP ?
[22:21] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[22:35] Gromidon out
[22:37] [AsG]Yekralc out
[22:39] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg wp
[22:39] [AsG]Drummerdude48> gg guys
[22:39] [AvA]Novaharvest> ggwp
[22:39] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp
[22:39] [AvA]RIPkekw> do 8
[22:40] [AvA]Acid-303> hi guys
[22:40] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo soma
[22:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sometimes more fun with 6 tho
[22:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> could do Fried's map
[22:41] [AvA]Acid-303> sometimes 8 is a bit confused
[22:41] [AvA]Acid-303> number?
[22:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> exactly
[22:41] [AvA]Novaharvest> good games, must sleep o/
[22:41] [AvA]Novaharvest> have fun
[22:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> #83
[22:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn mate
[22:41] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[22:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> i like the fact that toruk knows the number and i dont :kekw:
[22:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> haha
[22:42] [AsG]Ralimurr> Thanks for the games guys
[22:42] [AsG]Ralimurr> gn everyone, enjoy your evenings/afternoons!
[22:42] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn mate
[22:42] [AvA]Acid-303> gn
[22:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gn Rali
[22:42] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[22:42] [SW]chapo> can host ripkekw
[22:43] [AvA]Acid-303> yessassssssasasasasasas
[22:44] [AvA]Acid-303> O-ren join
[22:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Acid-303 vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [TSI]O-Ren + [SW]chapo
[22:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> good
[22:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> ?
[22:44] [AvA]Acid-303> yea
[22:44] [SW]chapo> any
[22:44] [SW]chapo> np
[22:45] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[22:50] Coruscater out
[22:52] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[22:54] [AsG]Ragnj out
[23:00] jordi-adhd out
[23:05] [tsi]marcus- out
[23:10] [AvA]Geralt out
[23:20] Sirius_OP out
[23:21] [tsi]marcus- in
[23:27] Tabaluga out
[23:27] [AvA]Geralt in
[23:28] [AvA]Geralt out
[23:33] [SW]chapo> wp
[23:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[23:33] [AvA]RIPkekw> ggs
[23:33] [AvA]Acid-303> GG
[23:33] [AvA]RIPkekw> was the lag too much?
[23:33] [AvA]Acid-303> Gn
[23:33] [TSI]O-Ren> gg
[23:33] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[23:33] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[23:33] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> it was sometimes, but didn't notice it most of the time
[23:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gn
[23:34] [SW]chapo out
[23:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> dinner time for me. gn all
[23:34] [AvA]RIPkekw> gnn
[23:37] emastorm in
[23:37] emastorm> helloh ello
[23:39] [TSI]O-Ren out
[23:39] emastorm out
[00:01] Coruscater in
[00:06] Coruscater> How do I play PP vs AI?
[00:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[00:08] [tsi]marcus- out
[00:17] HopeEternal in
[00:18] WilsonVolleyball in
[00:19] [AvA]MIBbel in
[00:19] WilsonVolleyball out
[00:20] WilsonVolleyball in
[00:20] HopeEternal out
[00:20] HopeEternal in
[00:21] WilsonVolleyball out
[00:27] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[00:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gn
[00:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[00:27] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[00:28] [TDM]Tundar in
[00:29] WilsonVolleyball in
[00:30] WilsonVolleyball out
[00:36] ice-t_TSI out
[00:39] Coruscater> anyone up for a game?
[00:42] [AsG]Drummerdude48> Coruscater, what was your old username back in EA days?
[00:43] [TSI]O-Ren in
[00:43] [TSI]O-Ren out
[01:01] [TDM]Tundar out
[01:03] surik in
[01:12] surik out
[01:13] [AvA]MIBbel out
[01:14] ice-t_TSI in
[01:43] WilsonVolleyball in
[01:43] WilsonVolleyball out
[01:44] HopeEternal out
[01:51] [D]amhyr out
[02:01] [tsi]marcus- in
[02:01] [tsi]marcus- out
[02:16] 00Shaman in
[02:42] [D]Uncarriable out
[03:04] 00Shaman> anyone alive?
[03:04] 00Shaman> shm
[03:04] 00Shaman> smh
[03:28] Deists in
[03:31] ice-t_TSI out
[03:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[03:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[03:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[03:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[03:43] 00Shaman out
[03:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[03:44] 00Shaman in
[03:45] Footballka in
[03:45] 00Shaman> wow
[03:45] 00Shaman> footballka
[03:45] Footballka out
[03:45] Footballka in
[03:46] Footballka> 00shaman
[04:07] [AsG]Keith52> You two oldschool fuckers
[04:07] [AsG]Keith52> :D
[04:10] [tsi]marcus- in
[04:15] [D]ThinkHail out
[04:17] [tsi]marcus- out
[04:18] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[04:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[04:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[04:27] 00Shaman> gg
[04:27] 00Shaman> damn football
[04:27] 00Shaman> what you doin
[04:27] 00Shaman> trolling?
[04:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahah
[04:28] 00Shaman> keith
[04:28] 00Shaman> you have crypto?
[04:40] [AvA]bioSound in
[04:40] [AvA]bioSound out
[04:43] 00Shaman> gg
[04:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[04:43] 00Shaman> losing by 4 is better than by 8
[04:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah
[04:43] 00Shaman> goodnight
[04:43] 00Shaman out
[04:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[04:57] Deists out
[05:00] Coruscater> anyone around
[05:07] NonRankedOnly> Man
[05:07] NonRankedOnly> Almost June and the weather feels like January
[05:09] [Rw]Macca out
[05:13] Footballka> wow i forgot i was in here sorry im drunk
[05:13] Footballka> yes im trolling hard
[05:14] Footballka> and hey its keith52, i remember you
[05:24] Footballka out
[05:37] Coruscater> really? here its almost just and it feels like august
[05:45] [AsG]Sky- in
[06:28] sam_tas in
[06:29] sam_tas out
[06:41] TristanFR in
[06:44] [AsG]Sky-> tristan let me spec
[06:45] Coruscater> play with us?
[06:45] [AsG]Sky-> just wanna watch
[06:45] Coruscater> aww common
[06:45] TristanFR> no ping coru
[06:45] Coruscater out
[06:45] Coruscater in
[06:46] Coruscater> thats like my new name around here "No Ping Coru"
[06:47] Coruscater> hmmm
[06:47] TristanFR> wtf
[06:47] Coruscater> I was playing with others earlier
[06:47] Coruscater> you need to update?
[06:47] Coruscater> how do I update?
[06:52] power_OP in
[06:59] k90000 in
[07:23] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[07:23] [AsG]Ralimurr> Good morning
[07:24] power_OP> G MORning man
[07:28] Coruscater> gg nvr played that map before
[07:28] Coruscater> hit damn windows key twice :(
[07:28] TristanFR> gg bro
[07:28] [AsG]Sky-> o/ good morning Rali Power
[07:29] Coruscater> 3 way?
[07:30] [AsG]Ralimurr> Morning Sky
[07:30] Coruscater> anyone?
[07:31] [AsG]Sky-> not me, did a 8 mile run and ate dinner... all done with my day
[07:31] Coruscater> show off
[07:32] Coruscater> Tristan?
[07:32] Coruscater> come host us
[07:33] [AsG]Sky-> i'll host u
[07:33] [AsG]Sky-> what map?
[07:33] Coruscater> any
[07:34] Coruscater> I dunno what power wants
[07:34] [AsG]Sky-> power?
[07:34] TristanFR out
[07:34] power_OP> doesnt matter
[07:35] Coruscater> common sky play, its not 3 way if ur watching
[07:45] [AsG]Keith52 out
[07:48] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[08:27] Hungaro in
[08:30] Coruscater> gg
[08:31] power_OP> GG WP
[08:31] Coruscater> u2.... I realllly gotta work on my shaman skills
[08:32] Coruscater> and I dunno what it is but seems when Im going to fast clicking spells they auto cast before I get chance to aim
[08:32] [AsG]Sky-> use some damn ghosts lol
[08:32] Coruscater> ghost are for pussies
[08:32] Coruscater> :P
[08:33] power_OP out
[08:33] Coruscater out
[08:33] Coruscater in
[08:35] Coruscater out
[08:37] k90000 out
[08:40] k90000 in
[08:41] k90000 out
[08:46] Hungaro out
[08:55] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[08:59] Zpektrix_TAS in
[09:10] Carsten1993 in
[09:12] [AsG]Sky- out
[09:15] sam_tas in
[09:15] sam_tas out
[09:25] [TDM]Tundar in
[09:27] [TDM]Tundar> spin spin the flyin finn
[09:29] [TDM]Tundar> spin spin the wonderful finn he makes you grin oh spin oh spin, the wonderful finn
[09:32] Carsten1993 out
[09:46] k90000 in
[09:51] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[09:52] k90000 out
[09:57] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[09:58] sam_tas in
[09:59] sam_tas out
[10:01] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[10:02] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[10:13] Artz_Sam in
[10:16] [AvA]Geralt in
[10:16] Artz_Sam out
[10:21] Zpektrix_TAS> i found spin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoUEQYjYgf4
[10:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[10:35] [SW]pablo- in
[10:42] k90000 in
[10:49] [SW]pablo- out
[10:52] [SW]pablo- in
[11:01] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[11:04] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:11] [SW]pablo- out
[11:12] [SW]pablo- in
[11:15] k90000 out
[11:17] [GoD]carbine in
[11:33] [SW]pablo- out
[11:40] k90000 in
[12:01] power_OP in
[12:01] power_OP out
[12:03] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[12:11] [D]amhyr in
[12:24] power_OP in
[12:24] power_OP out
[12:34] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[12:34] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[12:34] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> jooooooooooooooooooooooo
[12:34] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> eat sleep play pop
[12:34] [AvA]Pharaoh> basically
[12:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lets wait 5 mins for a 2v2
[12:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and if noone joins 1v1?
[12:36] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah
[12:36] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo
[12:36] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yoooooooooooooo
[12:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> yoooooooo
[12:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> eat sleep, poop and pop
[12:37] [AvA]RIPkekw> haha true
[12:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahah
[12:38] [AvA]RIPkekw> do ffa? if no1 else joins
[12:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sure
[12:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lets wait 1 min more
[12:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i pmed tundar
[12:39] [AvA]RIPkekw> he is streaming another game
[12:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he says write me for game
[12:40] [AvA]RIPkekw> oh didnt see it
[12:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> what ffa map you wanna play if he doesnt join?
[12:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> avenging angels :nice:
[12:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> okay then i launch
[12:42] [AvA]RIPkekw> kk
[12:48] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[12:50] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[12:51] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[12:51] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[12:51] [TDM]Tundar> hm#
[12:53] theoldstory in
[12:54] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[12:54] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[12:57] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[12:58] 00Shaman in
[12:59] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[13:05] hammyburger in
[13:07] hammyburger> 1v1 anyone?
[13:11] Kay in
[13:11] Deists in
[13:25] DonnaJones_OP in
[13:31] 00Shaman out
[13:32] xtro in
[13:34] hammyburger out
[13:35] Kay> gg
[13:36] hammyburger in
[13:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[13:49] hammyburger out
[13:50] [GoD]Shogun in
[13:56] theoldstory out
[13:56] Tyler out
[13:57] [TSI]O-Ren in
[13:59] sam_tas in
[14:03] xtro out
[14:08] sam_tas out
[14:11] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[14:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey S0ma :)
[14:12] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi Toruk :D
[14:16] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[14:20] [AvA]Stauni in
[14:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Stauni
[14:22] [AvA]Stauni> hi
[14:22] [AvA]Stauni> toruk
[14:24] [GoD]carbine out
[14:24] [GoD]carbine in
[14:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hey all
[14:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Wow, what a game guys!
[14:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well played!
[14:25] [AvA]Acid-303> hi fist
[14:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> have u watched?
[14:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> did someone stream it?
[14:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi
[14:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no, just the game stats
[14:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh haha
[14:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah it was ffa
[14:25] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[14:25] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> your pops were insane, lol
[14:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol yeah
[14:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> all expanding like fist
[14:26] Bakerfieldiuss in
[14:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'd be exausted after an hour and a half. lol
[14:26] JaWaitZelluf in
[14:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> I am
[14:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> I think fist was too?
[14:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah all expanded
[14:28] Bakerfieldiuss out
[14:28] Bakerfieldiuss in
[14:32] [AvA]Stauni> -100 pop haha
[14:37] [AvA]RIPkekw> Who won?
[14:40] [AvA]Stauni> fist
[14:43] [AvA]Pharaoh> cause he say let's double fried, I spend all my spells on fried and finish him in the meanwhile he attacks my base...
[14:45] [GoD]carbine out
[14:45] [GoD]carbine in
[14:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> 2v2 with toruk?
[14:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> if he's down
[14:46] power> in 1v1v1 always someone complain about doubling
[14:46] [GoD]carbine out
[14:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> unless he just login to say hi
[14:46] power> by the way Hey guys
[14:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> hey power
[14:46] [GoD]carbine in
[14:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> we wanted to double cause fried had to go
[14:47] power> good choice
[14:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh nieee
[14:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> nicee
[14:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> teams fine?
[14:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> best is me and stauni but idm
[14:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or should i swap stauni and toruk
[14:49] shing128345 in
[14:51] [GoD]carbine out
[14:52] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[15:06] TeamPlayer_Blue in
[15:11] TeamPlayer_Blue> +3 players
[15:11] iRespectWomenxD26> my bad
[15:11] iRespectWomenxD26> +1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[15:11] TeamPlayer_Blue> Let me play?
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[15:13] TeamPlayer_Blue> Anyone want to play 1v1?
[15:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu koopa
[15:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> tundar coming in two minutes
[15:16] iRespectWomenxD26> sik k
[15:16] Kay out
[15:19] iRespectWomenxD26> k wut map?
[15:19] [TDM]Tundar> this?
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> pp or hollow fields`
[15:19] Kay in
[15:19] [TDM]Tundar> lets get popping
[15:19] [TDM]Tundar> guys
[15:20] iRespectWomenxD26> k almost
[15:20] [TDM]Tundar> spin
[15:20] [TDM]Tundar> come discord
[15:20] TeamPlayer_Blue> Do you guys stream the game?
[15:20] TeamPlayer_Blue> Would love to watch and learn
[15:20] [TDM]Tundar> twitch.tv/tundar123
[15:20] TeamPlayer_Blue> Thanks
[15:21] iRespectWomenxD26> wuts ur old acc
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> uk one
[15:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ttamylno
[15:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> k nvm
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> akira or baxter
[15:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> I don't know sorry
[15:21] iRespectWomenxD26> shao?
[15:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> It's been over 5 years
[15:21] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk u u know
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> ye those 3
[15:21] TeamPlayer_Blue> Definately not the names you guys are mentioning
[15:22] TeamPlayer_Blue> Also I'm not from the UK
[15:22] TeamPlayer_Blue> I live in Belgium
[15:22] [GoD]Shogun out
[15:22] [GoD]Shogun in
[15:24] JaWaitZelluf out
[15:24] Bakerfieldiuss out
[15:24] IncaWarrior in
[15:26] JaWaitZelluf in
[15:26] Bakerfieldiuss in
[15:28] [AvA]Acid-303> +3
[15:28] [AvA]Stauni> game end soon
[15:28] [AvA]Acid-303> yeah
[15:29] [GoD]carbine in
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> 4v4
[15:30] Tabaluga in
[15:30] [AvA]Stauni> make walls
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> so if you send 10 braves to tree?
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> with shift?
[15:30] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah
[15:30] [AvA]Acid-303> Toruk join
[15:30] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or to a woodpile even better
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> they will chop off 2 trees?
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh
[15:30] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 2 and a half
[15:30] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> so they spread the wood correctly
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> between plans
[15:30] [AvA]Pharaoh> nice
[15:31] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> they maybe bring like 5 or 6 to one plan but not all of them go to the next plan
[15:31] [AvA]Pharaoh> like the closest plan to tree you mean
[15:31] [AvA]Pharaoh> when you say "next plan"
[15:31] [SW]pablo- in
[15:31] [GoD]carbine out
[15:32] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah
[15:32] [SW]pablo- out
[15:32] [GoD]carbine in
[15:32] [GoD]carbine out
[15:32] [AvA]Pharaoh> also do braves nott chop off trees completely on beta compared to 1.01? like automatically
[15:32] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> there is a feature to turn that on
[15:33] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but nobody uses it
[15:33] [AvA]Acid-303> +++1+
[15:33] [AvA]Pharaoh> they should, shouldn't thye?
[15:33] [AvA]Pharaoh> I'll turn in on
[15:33] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> the host can turn it on
[15:33] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohhh
[15:33] [AvA]Pharaoh> got it
[15:34] Deists out
[15:34] [AvA]Acid-303> ++++++++1+++++++++
[15:35] k90000 out
[15:35] Santiml in
[15:35] [AvA]Acid-303> ++1
[15:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> santiml join
[15:36] TristanFR in
[15:36] [AvA]Acid-303> [AvA]Acid-303 + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Stauni vs. TeamPlayer_Blue + [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Santiml
[15:36] [AvA]Acid-303> LOL
[15:36] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> seems really unfair
[15:36] [AvA]Acid-303> really really
[15:36] [AvA]Acid-303> because team player have 38 mu
[15:37] [AvA]Acid-303> me , pharaoh oren and santiml?
[15:37] [AvA]Acid-303> vs others
[15:37] [AvA]Acid-303> ok?
[15:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> sry i have a call
[15:37] TeamPlayer_Blue> Sounds good to me
[15:37] [AvA]Acid-303> oh ok
[15:37] [TSI]O-Ren> lets wait then?
[15:38] [AvA]Acid-303> pharaoh if you join in few mins we will wait you
[15:38] Santiml> hes afk
[15:38] [AvA]Acid-303> ok let's go
[15:38] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[15:39] [AvA]Acid-303> team player join?
[15:39] [AvA]Acid-303> making teams
[15:39] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[15:41] [AvA]Stauni> just wait
[15:42] [AvA]Acid-303> teamplayer join or not?
[15:45] [AvA]Acid-303> i thought me , oren , teamplayer and toruk
[15:45] [AvA]Acid-303> vs all
[15:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ok
[15:45] TeamPlayer_Blue> What does the place bet function do?
[15:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> santi ping
[15:55] [SW]Incy in
[15:59] TristanFR out
[16:02] TristanFR in
[16:07] [GoD]carbine in
[16:08] [GoD]carbine out
[16:08] [GoD]carbine in
[16:09] [GoD]carbine out
[16:09] [GoD]carbine in
[16:10] [GoD]carbine out
[16:10] [SW]Incy out
[16:11] [GoD]carbine in
[16:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg wp
[16:11] Zpektrix_TAS> fuck that shit
[16:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> what happaned
[16:11] Zpektrix_TAS> losing a fs at a critical moment
[16:11] [TDM]Tundar> ?
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> dunno if tundar played well
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> or spin just played too bad
[16:11] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[16:11] [TDM]Tundar> i played bad
[16:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> i didnt touch tundar
[16:12] [TDM]Tundar> and spin went afk
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> exactly spin
[16:12] [TDM]Tundar> spin didnt even try
[16:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> ofc not
[16:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu said gg
[16:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> for some reason
[16:12] [GoD]Spinnifix> when i had 130
[16:12] iRespectWomenxD26> when i got in?
[16:12] [GoD]Shogun> tsu was coming back tho
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar> spin was always playing from the backfoot
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> but guy also wasted lots of lights all game lol
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar> wasn't like playing vs spin
[16:13] [GoD]carbine out
[16:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> gogog +1
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar> was like playiong vs meph
[16:13] [TDM]Tundar> brb
[16:13] [GoD]carbine in
[16:13] Bakerfieldiuss out
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> dam tundar just called meph a noob
[16:13] [GoD]Shogun> :pog:
[16:14] shing128345 out
[16:15] IncaWarrior out
[16:15] iRespectWomenxD26> k map?
[16:16] IncaWarrior in
[16:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> any idc
[16:20] iRespectWomenxD26> sec almost
[16:20] [GoD]Shogun> do 4walls kupa
[16:20] [GoD]Shogun> u n carbine
[16:21] [GoD]Shogun> sik
[16:23] sam_tas in
[16:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> we going or
[16:24] iRespectWomenxD26> almost
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> lmao guy playin sc
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> he must finish his cs game first
[16:25] [GoD]Shogun> dam mm laggin
[16:25] iRespectWomenxD26> k bak
[16:25] iRespectWomenxD26> hmmmmmm wut mapp lemme think
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> 4walls
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> u n carbine
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf dude
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> stfu
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> no 4walls
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> lol
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> idc teams
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> i will when he acepts my request
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> go pp
[16:26] iRespectWomenxD26> fo random teams?
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[16:26] [GoD]Shogun> why not 4walls spin
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ii dont want
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> had it
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> k
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> u also had pp just now
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> but who would get bored of pp
[16:27] [GoD]Shogun> :yikes:
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> its not asg
[16:27] iRespectWomenxD26> lol oops
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> he chose well of minir
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> you saw that
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmfao
[16:28] iRespectWomenxD26> must of pressed w
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> iRespectWomenxD26 - Map Pack: …sgard Worlds (1.1)
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> [17:26] iRespectWomenxD26> fo random teams?
[16:29] sam_tas out
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> look
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> carbine was afk anyway
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> i wont wait for him over 1min
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> its jsut wasting time
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[16:29] [GoD]Shogun> like u have something better to do
[16:30] [GoD]Shogun> :kekclown:
[16:30] sam_tas in
[16:32] [D]amhyr> :kekwait:
[16:33] emastorm in
[16:33] emastorm> yo
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> carbine joining huts then going afk tho
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> :lmao:
[16:33] [GoD]Shogun> hi ema
[16:34] emastorm> Longtime no see
[16:34] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[16:34] Sirius_OP in
[16:35] shivharidubey in
[16:35] [GoD]Shogun> oh ur actually an old player
[16:35] [GoD]Shogun> 14 years :pog:
[16:35] [AvA]Stauni out
[16:35] emastorm> ahaha
[16:35] shivharidubey out
[16:35] emastorm> we played together a couples of times for sure
[16:35] iRespectWomenxD26> did u play with me?
[16:35] iRespectWomenxD26> 8IIIIIIIID
[16:36] emastorm> Not this nickname at the time?
[16:36] iRespectWomenxD26> oh dam
[16:37] [AsG]Sky- in
[16:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Thanks for crashing the game Fist
[16:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg all
[16:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> oh sry forgot i was host
[16:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[16:37] Santiml> gg
[16:38] TeamPlayer_Blue out
[16:38] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[16:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I honestly did not expect to win that game
[16:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> O-Ren and TeamPlayer played like pros
[16:39] [AvA]Acid-303> i played it with hard lag and no sound(audio didn't work after a while)
[16:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> at least you could still see pings
[16:40] [AvA]Stauni in
[16:40] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[16:41] [GoD]Spinnifix> carb not playing he too tired
[16:41] Santiml> team player did very well, he was over 200 pop
[16:41] Santiml> wrecked my ass twice
[16:41] [TSI]O-Ren> i had hard lag too but I think its due to so much fights with spells
[16:41] [AvA]Stauni> you just need to lean how to defned
[16:41] [TSI]O-Ren> expcially when multiple fs, volc and eq were casted lags began
[16:42] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:44] Santiml> tsu
[16:44] Santiml> stream
[16:44] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin get a star
[16:45] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[16:45] Kay> i cant leave hut lol
[16:45] Kay out
[16:45] Kay in
[16:45] [AvA]Stauni> brb
[16:46] Zpektrix_TAS> this host cant ping spin
[16:46] [AvA]Acid-303> map?
[16:47] [AvA]Acid-303> someone else host
[16:47] [GoD]Spinnifix> or i relog try
[16:47] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[16:47] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[16:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:47] Kay> ohhhh
[16:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:47] [AvA]Stauni> someone with star
[16:48] [AvA]Acid-303> oren has a star
[16:48] Kay> 1.5-b shows when add player spot lol
[16:48] [TSI]O-Ren> map?
[16:48] [AvA]Acid-303> idk
[16:48] [AvA]Acid-303> brb piss
[16:49] emastorm> brb water
[16:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> be back later
[16:50] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[16:50] Kay> khaos game lol
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> did i hear
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> khaos
[16:51] emastorm> k
[16:51] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[16:51] Kay> the colours of tribe really need to be adjusted
[16:53] Zpektrix_TAS> relaunch
[16:53] Zpektrix_TAS> beta needs english laytout
[16:53] Zpektrix_TAS> fuck this update
[16:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> wohow man fucking god
[16:54] IncaWarrior> Kay: if you press O it highlights the enemies
[16:54] Kay> ok thanks i will try
[16:54] [Rw]Macca in
[16:54] Santiml out
[16:56] Santiml in
[16:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[17:00] JaWaitZelluf out
[17:00] [GoD]carbine out
[17:03] [GoD]carbine in
[17:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[17:05] Hokage_OP in
[17:07] savas in
[17:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi sav
[17:09] savas> hey bro :)
[17:09] savas> how are you bud?
[17:10] Lucas in
[17:11] Hokage_OP> HEYYYYYYYYY
[17:12] savas out
[17:13] savas in
[17:16] Santiml> why does twitch keep buffering?
[17:16] Santiml> ive got nice speed
[17:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> weating
[17:23] Satanael in
[17:24] Lucas out
[17:25] savas> Spinn "do any of you have virus inside them"? :kekw:
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:27] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:27] Santiml out
[17:28] sam_tas out
[17:28] sam_tas in
[17:29] TristanFR out
[17:31] TristanFR in
[17:31] TristanFR out
[17:31] Satanael out
[17:31] Satanael in
[17:32] emastorm> gg
[17:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> do 8p
[17:32] [GoD]Spinnifix> +7
[17:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> oren host
[17:33] emastorm out
[17:33] [TDM]Tundar out
[17:33] emastorm in
[17:33] savas> join here please
[17:34] savas> Sky, want to host?
[17:34] [AsG]Sky-> nah... na sucks for must
[17:34] savas> ill relog
[17:34] [AsG]Sky-> na host
[17:34] savas out
[17:35] Santiml in
[17:35] savas in
[17:35] [AvA]Pharaoh> 4Ô4?
[17:35] [AvA]Pharaoh> 4v4?
[17:35] savas> lets do 3v3 :P
[17:35] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[17:35] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[17:36] savas> 2v3?
[17:36] savas> me and Phara
[17:36] emastorm> we are 6 dude
[17:36] [AvA]Pharaoh> we are 5
[17:37] emastorm> ?
[17:37] savas> we are 5...
[17:37] [AvA]Acid-303> you are 6
[17:37] savas> lol
[17:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> try to relog
[17:37] savas> weird
[17:37] savas> MM playing tricks?...
[17:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> I also saw full hut before I relogged
[17:37] [AvA]Pharaoh> now it's 6
[17:37] [AsG]Sky- out
[17:37] Satanael out
[17:37] [AsG]Sky- in
[17:37] Satanael in
[17:37] savas> No ping Tsu
[17:37] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:38] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:38] Satanael out
[17:38] emastorm> I can only see 3
[17:38] emastorm> (shows hand with only 3 fingers)
[17:38] emastorm> fuck
[17:38] savas> a hand? lol
[17:38] Satanael in
[17:38] emastorm> I think the machine toke the other 2
[17:39] savas> join Soma
[17:39] [AvA]Acid-303> smoking
[17:39] [AvA]Acid-303> 2mins
[17:39] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[17:39] savas out
[17:39] savas in
[17:40] TristanFR in
[17:41] [AvA]Acid-303> savas ping
[17:41] savas in
[17:41] savas out
[17:41] savas> fucking ping
[17:42] savas out
[17:42] [AvA]Acid-303> someone wanna host?
[17:42] savas in
[17:42] emastorm> jesus the game is going to be awesome everybody +100 ping
[17:42] [AvA]Acid-303> savas wanna host?
[17:42] savas> nah, its ok Soma, thank you
[17:42] [AvA]Acid-303> ok but x
[17:42] savas> just not sure whats happening
[17:43] [AvA]Acid-303> xD
[17:43] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[17:43] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[17:43] savas in
[17:43] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[17:43] savas out
[17:43] savas> this is a fucking joke
[17:44] [AvA]Acid-303> never seen this pings with my host
[17:44] savas> I know, me neither...
[17:44] savas> weird
[17:44] savas> hmmm
[17:44] [AvA]Acid-303> mm server is fucked
[17:44] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[17:44] savas> seems that way
[17:45] savas out
[17:45] [AvA]Acid-303> try change hut? don't know if something changed
[17:45] savas in
[17:45] savas> yaaay
[17:45] [AvA]Acid-303> pharaoh 500 ping
[17:45] savas> :kekw:
[17:45] Zpektrix_TAS> theres no other choice
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> i don't understand why
[17:45] savas> living life on an edge
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> must be fake
[17:45] Zpektrix_TAS> its his fault
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe hut is bugged
[17:46] [AsG]Sky-> lol
[17:46] [AsG]Sky-> map
[17:46] [AsG]Sky-> ?
[17:46] savas> but funny how I now have the lowest ping
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> 111
[17:46] savas> maybe you are right Soma, its that MM is messed up today
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> very low
[17:46] emastorm> its foggy day
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[17:46] savas> lower than everyone elses though haha
[17:46] emastorm> internet running slow
[17:46] emastorm> xD
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> let's try
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> map?
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> walls?
[17:46] savas> tundras palace?
[17:46] [AvA]Acid-303> idm
[17:47] [AsG]Sky-> mappack?
[17:47] savas> as long as it is non babo map please
[17:47] [AvA]Acid-303> tundras 6 8
[17:48] [AvA]Acid-303> [AsG]Sky- + [AvA]Acid-303 + savas + [AvA]Pharaoh vs. Satanael + sam_tas + emastorm + Zpektrix_TAS
[17:48] Zpektrix_TAS> not this map
[17:48] savas> lol yes, that seems fair as fuck :omegakekw:
[17:48] [AvA]Acid-303> :gigakekw:
[17:49] [AvA]Acid-303> do walls
[17:49] [AvA]Acid-303> zpek don't wanna do this
[17:49] savas> thats the problem with 4v4, too many cooks in the kitchen
[17:49] [SW]pablo- in
[17:49] [AvA]Acid-303> :lmao:
[17:50] TristanFR> lol
[17:50] [AvA]Acid-303> i read too many cocks
[17:50] emastorm> lol amigo
[17:50] [AsG]Sky-> teams right?
[17:50] savas> cocks***
[17:50] savas> :kekw:
[17:50] [AvA]Acid-303> teams ok?=
[17:50] savas> maybe swap me for satanael?
[17:50] savas> otherwise a bit unfair
[17:50] [AvA]Acid-303> you and zpek together
[17:50] [AvA]Acid-303> ?
[17:51] savas> otherwise its 3 preachers + war vs 1 fw and lower ranked
[17:51] savas> seems unfair to me ^
[17:51] [AvA]Acid-303> swap me or pharaoh for satanael
[17:51] emastorm> lets do 2 preacheres one side
[17:51] savas> if you do current tvb - should be fine
[17:52] [AvA]Acid-303> ok do tvb
[17:52] [TSI]O-Ren> what map u play?
[17:52] [AvA]Acid-303> 11112222
[17:52] emastorm> yh
[17:52] emastorm> do tvb
[17:52] Santiml out
[17:52] [AvA]Acid-303> mate what are you doing?
[17:52] [AvA]Acid-303> tvb
[17:52] [AsG]Sky-> it says that on my screen
[17:53] [SW]pablo-> +3
[17:54] emastorm> not Tvb anymore
[17:54] [AvA]Acid-303> tristan it's sam spot
[17:54] [AvA]Acid-303> sorry
[17:54] [AvA]Acid-303> sky host
[17:55] [AvA]Acid-303> rotate manually
[17:55] savas out
[17:55] savas in
[17:55] savas> wwtffff
[17:55] Coruscater in
[17:55] [AsG]Sky-> LOL
[17:55] savas> something is wrong
[17:55] [AvA]Acid-303> you had ping savas
[17:55] [AvA]Acid-303> ok
[17:55] savas> why are pings so high
[17:55] Coruscater> aww damn I missed out
[17:56] [AvA]Acid-303> sky rotate manually
[17:56] Coruscater> that looks like it will be fun game
[17:56] [AsG]Sky-> teams?
[17:56] Satanael> its normal for me
[17:56] Satanael> at least
[17:56] Satanael> i always play at +150 ping
[17:56] savas> mine can be as low as 20/30
[17:56] Coruscater> where ya from Satanael?
[17:56] [AsG]Sky-> I am a NA host.
[17:56] savas> seeing 100's+ for eveyone - wtf is that
[17:56] [AvA]Acid-303> sky can you do teams? lol
[17:56] [AvA]Acid-303> gogogo
[17:57] savas> Phara, did you accept the victory then?
[17:57] [AsG]Sky-> what teams?
[17:57] savas> :kekw:
[17:57] emastorm> whos the best preacher?
[17:57] [AvA]Acid-303> 11212221
[17:57] [AsG]Sky-> because best says tvb
[17:57] savas> [AsG]Sky- + emastorm + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Acid-303 vs. sam_tas + Zpektrix_TAS + Satanael + savas
[17:57] Santiml in
[17:58] Coruscater> Can you put followers in teammates huts?
[17:58] savas> ^ what do you mean by that
[17:58] Satanael> wut
[17:58] [AsG]Sky-> right?
[17:58] emastorm> no
[17:58] Coruscater> lol
[17:58] Satanael> try doing that on single player campaign
[17:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[17:58] Coruscater> FW in teammates huts would be sneaky
[17:58] emastorm> olha o gajo
[17:58] savas> or just go random, whatever,
[17:59] emastorm> mekie grande
[17:59] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sou gaja oje
[17:59] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hoje sou gaja!
[17:59] Coruscater> a huhu haiwa?
[17:59] emastorm> ahah
[17:59] savas> ??
[17:59] [TSI]O-Ren> short game
[17:59] emastorm> what
[18:00] [AsG]Sky-> lol
[18:00] [AvA]Acid-303> guys , i think don't need a graduation to make teams
[18:00] savas> Sky, please just do 3v3
[18:00] savas> will be easier to figure teams out
[18:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol, can't believe you guys are still trying to put together a game
[18:00] Zpektrix_TAS> just join the right position
[18:00] Zpektrix_TAS> dudes
[18:00] Zpektrix_TAS> dont let him rotate
[18:00] [AvA]Acid-303> join
[18:00] Satanael> i guess that a plan
[18:00] [AsG]Sky-> ya, put yourself in your spot
[18:01] [AvA]Acid-303> open 8
[18:01] [AvA]Acid-303> wait
[18:01] savas> yes these teams seem fair as fuck :kekw:
[18:01] [AvA]Acid-303> sky go first in another hut
[18:01] savas> yolo
[18:02] Satanael> savas> [AsG]Sky- + emastorm + [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Acid-303 vs. sam_tas + Zpektrix_TAS + Satanael + savas
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> now teams?
[18:02] Satanael> was it?
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> waiiitt
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> omg
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> pharaoh
[18:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> its ook
[18:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> ty
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> no intelligence in this mm
[18:02] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[18:02] emastorm> TvB
[18:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> i can play
[18:03] [AvA]Acid-303> join here ffs
[18:03] emastorm> jesus it's been 30 min...
[18:03] Coruscater> I beleive in you guys! you can do it!
[18:03] [AvA]Acid-303> sky is not able to make teams
[18:03] emastorm> hear my prayers
[18:03] [AvA]Acid-303> no graduation
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> just join right positions for him
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> you just dont listen
[18:04] [AvA]Acid-303> yes but if everybody run into hut
[18:04] savas> ^ peope are not experienced enought to understand that Tsu
[18:04] savas> go go
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> those roration is just wasting time
[18:04] savas> before I lose my ping!
[18:04] [AvA]Acid-303> you have x
[18:04] [AvA]Acid-303> teams?
[18:05] savas out
[18:05] Satanael> zzzzz
[18:05] savas in
[18:05] [AvA]Acid-303> ok
[18:06] Coruscater> why not just start as 4 person game, everyone from one team join, then open up for other team?
[18:06] Coruscater> I mean ya got it figured already
[18:06] Coruscater> but
[18:06] savas> damn righ mate
[18:06] savas> why not just stop playing this stupid game and have real life
[18:06] Coruscater> real life is overrated
[18:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Or just not play at all and save yourself the aggravation :P
[18:06] emastorm> why not just, whty not?
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP in
[18:10] Coruscater> Alice
[18:10] AliceInWonderland_OP> hi
[18:11] Coruscater> wanna 3 waty?
[18:11] Coruscater> join us
[18:11] Coruscater> we came back for you :)
[18:11] [SW]pablo-> hi host du
[18:12] AliceInWonderland_OP> lol ty
[18:12] TristanFR out
[18:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi B :)
[18:13] AliceInWonderland_OP> hi toruk :)
[18:14] [GoD]Shogun> bianca attemping to noobbash :monkahmm: ..
[18:16] Tabaluga> woah
[18:16] Tabaluga> ogs check
[18:24] Hokage_OP out
[18:27] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:28] k90000 in
[18:28] Ozai in
[18:28] [D]ThinkHail in
[18:29] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:29] [D]ThinkHail out
[18:29] Ozai out
[18:29] Ozai in
[18:29] k90000 out
[18:30] Santiml out
[18:30] k90000 in
[18:30] Santiml in
[18:30] k90000> host
[18:30] Minibot_UK> k90000: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[18:31] Minibot_UK> k90000: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[18:31] k90000> cr
[18:31] k90000> fo
[18:31] k90000> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: * The Beginning (1.01r)
k90000 - MapPack: OK
Santiml - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - k90000: Red - Santiml: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[18:31] Hokage_OP in
Game successfully created in database.
[18:32] sam_tas out
[18:32] savas> gg wp
[18:32] [AvA]Acid-303> gg wp
[18:32] emastorm> gg wp
[18:32] Satanael> gg
[18:32] [GoD]Shogun> gg
[18:32] emastorm> god what a beatin
[18:32] [GoD]Shogun> savas back to ava when
[18:32] savas> always there mate
[18:33] [GoD]Shogun> sAvAs
[18:33] savas> sAvAs
[18:33] savas> yes
[18:33] [GoD]Shogun> the ultimate ava
[18:33] [GoD]Shogun> :pog:
[18:33] savas> haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate
[18:33] [GoD]Shogun> rely ? :pepega:
[18:33] savas> trolls gonna troll
[18:34] emastorm out
[18:34] savas> shogun back to respectable rank when
[18:34] savas> :kekw:
Game successfully checked in.
[18:35] savas out
[18:35] [GoD]Shogun> ranks are shit
[18:35] Ozai> 1v1 me
[18:35] [GoD]Shogun> they mean nothing between old players
[18:36] Ozai out
[18:36] Ozai in
[18:36] [AsG]Sky-> guess hwne your not Nici... that's a good way to put it lol
[18:36] [AsG]Sky-> when
[18:36] [GoD]Shogun> best example: nici as wildman
[18:36] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> did someone mention ranks? :D
[18:36] [GoD]Shogun> everyone knows they're gonna get smashed anyway
[18:38] Ozai out
[18:38] [GoD]Shogun> or take a newbie and make him shaman ranked
[18:38] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[18:38] [GoD]Shogun> he will be useful for 1 thing only
[18:38] [GoD]Shogun> to feed everyone else's ranks :lmao:
[18:39] iRespectWomenxD26> oh
[18:39] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[18:39] Ozai in
[18:40] Ozai out
[18:40] Ozai in
[18:40] Satanael out
[18:40] Kay out
[18:42] TristanFR in
[18:42] [GoD]Shogun out
Game results submitted.
[18:43] Santiml> gg
[18:43] k90000 out
[18:43] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[18:45] [GoD]Shogun in
[18:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[18:46] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[18:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[18:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> who can host?
[18:48] [AsG]Sky-> teams?
[18:48] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[18:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 112212?
[18:49] [AvA]Stauni> now there
[18:49] [AvA]Stauni> :S
[18:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 8p then?
[18:49] [AsG]Sky-> good?
[18:50] [AsG]Sky-> teams?
[18:52] [AsG]Shadow in
[18:53] [AvA]Stauni> :+1:
[18:53] emastorm in
[18:54] [AvA]Stauni> [AsG]Sky- + Santiml + Ozai + TristanFR vs. [AvA]Pharaoh + [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Stauni + emastorm
[18:54] [AsG]Sky-> tvb? huh?
[18:54] Ozai> ye go
[18:54] [AvA]Stauni> lol this si tvb
[18:54] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> okyo
[18:54] [AvA]Stauni> was best
[18:55] [D]xfiresx15 in
[18:55] [AsG]Sky-> good?
[18:55] Santiml> remember you can press O
[18:57] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[18:59] [AsG]Keith52 in
[18:59] [GoD]carbine out
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[19:00] [GoD]Shogun> ye nice warr rush on a super rusty player
[19:00] [GoD]Shogun> very gg
[19:00] [GoD]Shogun> fukin 24/7 pop nerds
[19:00] [GoD]Shogun> +2
[19:01] [AsG]Shadow out
[19:02] [AsG]Keith52 in
[19:02] [AsG]Keith52 out
[19:03] Hungaro in
[19:03] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[19:03] Coruscater> gg
[19:04] [AsG]Shadow in
[19:04] Coruscater> I got time for 1 mroe game
[19:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> [19:14] [GoD]Shogun> bianca attemping to noobbash ..
[19:04] AliceInWonderland_OP> no cuz you werent in that game :P
[19:05] Coruscater> anyone up for a game?
[19:06] [GoD]Shogun> :)
[19:06] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:06] Hungaro out
[19:06] Coruscater out
[19:07] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:07] Coruscater in
[19:07] Coruscater> alice join
[19:08] DonnaJones_OP out
[19:11] Hungaro in
[19:13] [GoD]Shogun> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++2
[19:14] PrudencePetitpas_OP> meu ovo
[19:15] Hungaro> yeeeew
[19:15] [GoD]Shogun> does anyone actually pm to v u besides babo nici
[19:15] [GoD]Shogun> 1v1 *
[19:17] Ozai out
[19:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[19:19] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> calc
[19:20] sam_tas in
[19:21] sam_tas out
[19:23] AliceInWonderland_OP> +1 lavablast
[19:23] [SW]pablo- out
[19:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> anyone else crushed?
[19:25] [AvA]Pharaoh> i mean frozen
[19:25] [D]xfiresx15 out
[19:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> me
[19:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah you crushed
[19:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> blue just surrendered so we're good
[19:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> nice
[19:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> although 2 bases arefrozen cause of me
[19:26] [AvA]Pharaoh> should come back in a minute
[19:27] [AvA]Pharaoh> nope. crashed
[19:27] [AvA]Pharaoh> well gg that was fun
[19:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah gg
[19:27] [AvA]Pharaoh> but fist u killed all wood for our team I'm not sure it's smart
[19:28] [AvA]Pharaoh> can't build more towers or training huts if get destroyed
[19:28] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i made it for expanding even faster
[19:28] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and then play super aggressive
[19:28] iRespectWomenxD26> see diego this is wat happens when u ban active folks
[19:29] [AvA]Pharaoh> ahh
[19:29] [GoD]Shogun> fhk them all
[19:29] [GoD]Shogun> they banned themselves
[19:29] [GoD]Shogun> its not inca's fault
[19:29] iRespectWomenxD26> it is incas fault
[19:29] [GoD]Shogun> matt was an idiot and got what he was searching for for years
[19:29] [GoD]Shogun> lmfao
[19:29] iRespectWomenxD26> nah i tihnk inca was convinced
[19:30] [GoD]Shogun> i dunno who wanted matt to get permabanned
[19:30] [GoD]Shogun> but i couldnt care less
[19:30] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[19:30] [GoD]Shogun> i didnt vote to ban him or to keep him here
[19:30] iRespectWomenxD26> well u arent really an active player
[19:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo
[19:32] [GoD]Shogun> ye im not tbh
[19:32] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yooo
[19:33] iRespectWomenxD26> yup n now active players n players trying to make a comebak r hurting
[19:33] iRespectWomenxD26> all cause inca wants to butt into shit he got nothing to do with
[19:33] iRespectWomenxD26> sik shit
[19:33] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> lol stauni has almost 600pop
[19:33] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[19:33] iRespectWomenxD26> ew beta chat
[19:33] [GoD]Shogun> well honestly
[19:33] [GoD]Shogun> all matt said was on discord
[19:34] Santiml> yeah, easy volc
[19:34] Santiml> XD
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> accourding to "inca's rules" what happens in discord has nothing to do with popre or the mm
[19:34] [AvA]Pharaoh> Ozai is good player
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> so i dont know wtf is he doin by banning matt
[19:34] iRespectWomenxD26> ya inca was prolly talked into banning matt
[19:34] emastorm> gg
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> he classified it as a "special case"
[19:34] [GoD]Shogun> thats his only excuse
[19:34] iRespectWomenxD26> by babo n his autistic crew
[19:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> santiml
[19:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> x
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> Final Population:634
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> ye but cant be just babo
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> lol why
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> 1 poerson alone cant decide shit
[19:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you got pharaohs and mine
[19:35] iRespectWomenxD26> ya folks he gossips with
[19:35] [GoD]Shogun> person *
[19:35] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> we both crashed
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> ja but why
[19:35] iRespectWomenxD26> like lovenji n jimmy
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> you leftz
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> ah lol
[19:35] [AsG]Keith52 out
[19:36] Meph in
[19:36] [AsG]Keith52 in
[19:36] emastorm out
[19:36] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[19:37] power_OP in
[19:37] Santiml out
[19:37] Santiml in
[19:37] power_OP> heyy good night
[19:37] [GoD]Shogun> tbh kupa inca also handled a lot of shit from matt for years
[19:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hey goo night
[19:38] [GoD]Shogun> it was about time matt would get permabanned
[19:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> good *
[19:38] iRespectWomenxD26> welp i missd the permamute chapter in mm lol
[19:38] power_OP> i tought d leeter gone too
[19:38] power_OP> lol
[19:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> stauni host?
[19:38] [AvA]Stauni> are there tos?
[19:38] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[19:38] [AvA]Stauni> welche war eben
[19:38] [GoD]Shogun> if u want to blame some1 u should blame matt dude
[19:39] [GoD]Shogun> guy was dumb enough to get himself permabanned
[19:39] iRespectWomenxD26> nah i blame everyone that took part in that mess
[19:39] [GoD]Shogun> also why u defend some1 who would defend u
[19:39] iRespectWomenxD26> idk how u guys can keep on going bak n forth with that shit in disc
[19:39] [D]ThinkHail in
[19:39] [GoD]Shogun> if u or w33d were permabanned matt wouldnt give a shit
[19:40] [GoD]Shogun> and u both wont stop sukin his D and begging inca to unban him lol
[19:40] iRespectWomenxD26> anyone with sense knows banning any active player is the wrong move
[19:40] [GoD]Shogun> u got a point
[19:40] [GoD]Shogun> but matt sure is a special case
[19:40] iRespectWomenxD26> not too many of us active fw+ skilled players as it is
[19:41] iRespectWomenxD26> guarentee inca didnt think bout that shit
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> +3 8way
[19:41] iRespectWomenxD26> his whole focus is on beta n disc chat
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> [20:39] [GoD]Shogun> also why u defend some1 who would defend u
[19:42] [GoD]Shogun> who wouldnt * defend u
[19:43] iRespectWomenxD26> idc tho
[19:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[19:43] iRespectWomenxD26> all i care bout keeping fw+ activity going
[19:43] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo toruk
[19:43] power_OP> :+3:
[19:44] aidan9211 in
[19:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> do 6way
[19:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> then +1
[19:45] [AvA]Stauni> mappack?
[19:45] iRespectWomenxD26> welp no games weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[19:45] iRespectWomenxD26> bb 2morrow
[19:45] [GoD]Shogun> ye seems so
[19:46] aidan9211> ...ok cool, fuck me then...
[19:46] Hungaro> was really fun
[19:46] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg lol
[19:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> testmap
[19:46] [Rw]Phoenix-> gg
[19:46] power_OP> hey bianca
[19:46] AliceInWonderland_OP> hi power :)
[19:47] Hungaro> in a direction
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> teams?
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> however they are uneven lol
[19:48] power_OP> what is best
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> [AvA]Stauni + [AvA]RIPkekw + Santiml vs. [AvA]Drunkenmaster + power_OP + [AsG]Sky-
[19:48] AliceInWonderland_OP> oh pp 6p :nice:
[19:48] [AvA]Stauni> a bit unfair lol
[19:48] [TDM]Tundar in
[19:48] [TDM]Tundar> brb 2 mins
[19:49] [TDM]Tundar> wait i am playuin
[19:49] AliceInWonderland_OP> kk
[19:49] power_OP> how you can see another hosts game
[19:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> random?
[19:49] power_OP> @bianca
[19:49] Hungaro> Biancayea
[19:49] [SW]pablo- in
[19:49] AliceInWonderland_OP> i move my mouse cursor over stauni
[19:49] [GoD]Shogun> :rip: pop
[19:49] [GoD]Shogun out
[19:49] power_OP> lol
[19:49] power_OP> thx
[19:49] power_OP> hey xoni
[19:50] [SW]pablo-> hey power
[19:50] [SW]pablo- out
[19:50] [SW]pablo- in
[19:55] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[19:55] AliceInWonderland_OP> can we launch?
[19:57] Maganha_OP in
[19:58] Maganha_OP out
[19:58] Gromidon in
[20:01] jordi-adhd in
[20:05] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[20:05] Coruscater> lol gg
[20:05] Coruscater> took a lot longer than it should ahve
[20:06] Zpektrix_TAS> i can finish it alone
[20:06] Zpektrix_TAS> in 30mins
[20:06] Nico in
[20:06] Lucas in
[20:07] Lucas out
[20:07] Coruscater out
[20:15] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:18] [AsG]Sub_Zero> +3 3v3
[20:18] Nico out
[20:18] Nico in
[20:18] Nico out
[20:19] Nico in
[20:19] Satanael in
[20:24] [AsG]Sub_Zero> meph you wanna be jug on juggernaut?
[20:25] Meph> not really into jugg
[20:25] [AsG]Keith52> I like juggs
[20:26] [AsG]Keith52> I'm down for being juggernaut as a warmup game
[20:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I like big juggs
[20:27] [SW]chapo in
[20:27] [SW]chapo out
[20:27] [SW]chapo in
[20:27] [SW]chapo> sec bro
[20:28] Santiml> gg
[20:28] [AsG]Sub_Zero> +2 3v3
[20:30] [AsG]Sub_Zero> meph, keith suggests me and you vs those two
[20:30] [AsG]Sub_Zero> you game?
[20:31] Meph> can do
[20:31] [AvA]RIPkekw> cool
[20:31] [SW]pablo- out
[20:31] [SW]pablo- in
[20:32] [AsG]Sub_Zero> We're live! https://www.youtube.com/TheBeginning1/live
[20:33] [AsG]Sky-> Oh really, Think I'll watch LOL
[20:38] [AvA]aba in
[20:40] [SW]pablo-> lol
[20:40] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[20:40] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo nva
[20:40] [AvA]RIPkekw> *nova
[20:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi aba
[20:40] [AvA]Novaharvest> yoyo
[20:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yo nova
[20:40] [AvA]aba> servus
[20:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Nova
[20:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> join :D
[20:41] [AvA]Novaharvest> it says i have two mms open hmmmm
[20:41] [AvA]Novaharvest> one min
[20:41] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[20:41] jimmyhunter1000 in
[20:41] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[20:41] [AvA]aba> which colours are allied in pp?
[20:41] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[20:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> tvb
[20:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> btw aba have u played nova in the PL?
[20:42] [AvA]aba> no idea :D
[20:42] [GoD]carbine in
[20:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah one match
[20:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> nova won
[20:42] [AvA]aba> could have been the one on craters
[20:42] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[20:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> novas spot
[20:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sry chapo
[20:48] [SW]chapo> kk sorry
[20:48] Santiml out
[20:49] [AvA]bioSound in
[20:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> its novas spoz
[20:49] [AvA]bioSound> I love pineapple pizza
[20:50] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh yoiu can take the spot, im actually on the phone for a few mins
[20:51] [AvA]aba> wanna go 3 v fist?
[20:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> on pp?
[20:51] [AvA]aba> na juggernaut or sth
[20:52] [D]ThinkHail> gg
[20:52] AliceInWonderland_OP> gg
[20:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> jugg is fine
[20:52] [AvA]bioSound> nice
[20:58] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[21:05] [SW]chapo> wp
[21:09] [TDM]Tundar> yes
[21:09] [SW]chapo> yea gg
[21:10] [SW]chapo> hail very hard
[21:10] [D]amhyr> https://www.strawpoll.me/45302394
[21:10] [SW]chapo> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uwVI8FCm-w
[21:11] [AsG]Sub_Zero> you guys okay with this map?
[21:11] [AsG]Sub_Zero> we'll play any really
[21:11] [TDM]Tundar> idm any
[21:12] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[21:12] k90000 in
[21:13] [TDM]Tundar> twitch.tv/tundar123
[21:19] [AsG]Sub_Zero> https://www.youtube.com/TheBeginning1/live
[21:19] [AsG]Keith52> I like turtles
[21:20] [AsG]Keith52> Watch me twitch.tv/keith52yo
[21:20] [AsG]Keith52> (im not even streaming)
[21:24] Mr_Spock in
[21:24] Mr_Spock> is nici sto
[21:25] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[21:25] Mr_Spock> is nici still gay?
[21:25] Mr_Spock> yep!
[21:25] Mr_Spock> damn
[21:26] TomekJ in
[21:26] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye
[21:26] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yes
[21:26] PrudencePetitpas_OP> problem ????
[21:27] Mr_Spock> gayness gets u nowhere!
[21:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ho do u kno that
[21:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u been there ?
[21:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> k ty
[21:28] Mr_Spock> look at nici!
[21:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> denial sucks
[21:28] Mr_Spock> so does nici!
[21:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> dmanignoring phacts
[21:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> damn
[21:29] Mr_Spock> yep!
[21:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> just single handedly oned you
[21:30] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 1v1 sess
[21:30] Mr_Spock> nici owns all which is gay!
[21:30] Mr_Spock> not yet
[21:31] Mr_Spock> i just cum to see nici, if hes here
[21:31] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hope you die
[21:31] [AsG]Sky-> gg
[21:31] [SW]pablo-> gg
[21:31] Mr_Spock> good man!
[21:31] power_OP> gg wp
[21:32] Mr_Spock out
[21:32] PrudencePetitpas_OP> iph not phrom stroke, then phrom b3ing an ign0rant
[21:32] power_OP out
[21:33] Tabaluga> the first option
[21:33] Tabaluga> i mean, hi nici
[21:34] Zpektrix_TAS out
[21:35] Zpektrix_TAS in
[21:35] [AvA]bioSound out
[21:36] TomekJ out
[21:36] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[21:36] [AvA]Novaharvest> ggez?
[21:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> was a funy one
[21:38] [AvA]aba> you set me on 5 pop with your first attack in min5 :D
[21:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> niice
[21:38] [AvA]Novaharvest> funy = ez
[21:38] [AvA]Novaharvest> :D
[21:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> :d
[21:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i had some really good kills this game
[21:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> :+2:?
[21:39] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> mibbel aba?
[21:42] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[21:46] Barracuda11 in
[21:47] Barracuda11 out
[21:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> +1
[21:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> Beste Teams:
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AvA]Novaharvest + [TSI]O-Ren
[21:51] [AvA]Novaharvest> all gud
[21:51] Lucas in
[21:53] [AvA]aba out
[21:54] HexTheRex in
[21:57] Lucas out
[22:00] Meph> gg wp
[22:00] popre83 in
[22:00] [TDM]Tundar> gg wp
[22:00] [AsG]Shadow> gg
[22:00] [AsG]Shadow out
[22:00] [TDM]Tundar> :o
[22:00] [TDM]Tundar> Med is in the USA
[22:00] [TDM]Tundar> He visitin Keith
[22:01] AliceInWonderland_OP> stfu lol
[22:01] AliceInWonderland_OP out
[22:01] Medusa_OP in
[22:01] [TDM]Tundar> ^ Sponge in the US ftw!
[22:02] [TDM]Tundar> brb 5 mins :>
[22:02] ismaelocio in
[22:03] [SW]chapo out
[22:03] [SW]chapo in
[22:04] [SW]chapo out
[22:04] [SW]chapo in
[22:04] [SW]chapo> sleeping
[22:04] [SW]chapo> :D
[22:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :pig:
[22:05] [GoD]Eric in
[22:06] [TDM]Tundar> Im up for more games in 2-3 min :)
[22:12] [AvA]RIPkekw> huh
[22:13] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[22:14] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo soma
[22:14] [AvA]Acid-303> yooo fried
[22:14] [AvA]Acid-303> join mate
[22:15] [AvA]RIPkekw> cant now, testing maps with toruk
[22:15] [AvA]RIPkekw> for the mappack'
[22:15] [AvA]Acid-303> ah ok :) i checked a minute ago but he didn't submit mappack yet
[22:15] [AvA]RIPkekw> yeah it had some errors
[22:15] [AvA]Acid-303> oh
[22:16] [AvA]Acid-303> ok...hope you will fix it :D
[22:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Me too S0ma
[22:16] [AvA]Acid-303> ok toruk ;)
[22:21] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[22:22] Medusa_OP> sry eating atm
[22:23] Zpektrix_TAS out
[22:23] Meph> eating what?
[22:23] Zpektrix_TAS in
[22:23] [TDM]Tundar> not me dw
[22:23] Medusa_OP> food :p
[22:23] [AvA]Acid-303> [AvA]Acid-303 + Zpektrix_TAS + [AsG]Sky- vs. [AvA]MIBbel + Satanael + [TDM]Tundar
[22:23] [AvA]Acid-303> best says this
[22:24] [AvA]Acid-303> ok?
[22:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[22:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[22:28] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> new maps coming soon for Tgw.
[22:29] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[22:29] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[22:29] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[22:29] [AsG]Keith52 out
[22:30] [AsG]Keith52 in
[22:30] [AsG]Sub_Zero in
[22:30] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[22:31] Nico out
[22:31] [AsG]Shadow in
[22:31] [TDM]Tundar> Dead Sea 4vs4 or 3 vs 3?
[22:32] [AvA]Acid-303> sed
[22:32] [AvA]Acid-303> sec
[22:32] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[22:32] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[22:33] [AsG]Ragnj in
[22:34] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[22:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Mammy
[22:34] Mahmut1661_Tas> hi :)
[22:35] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ty :mammy:
[22:35] Mahmut1661_Tas> np :nici:
[22:35] [GoD]Eric out
[22:35] Mahmut1661_Tas> but what did i do ?
[22:35] [SW]pablo- out
[22:35] [AsG]Ragnj> brb
[22:37] [TSI]O-Ren> gg wp
[22:37] [AvA]Novaharvest> wpwpwpw
[22:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wp
[22:39] Mahmut1661_Tas> :blue: :red: :boom: :punch: vs :red: :boom: :boom: :punch:
[22:41] [TDM]Tundar> +1 dead sea vs AsG
[22:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pc cant handle ded sea lolz
[22:43] [AsG]Keith52> lmao wat
[22:43] [TDM]Tundar> 1 more
[22:43] [TDM]Tundar> vs AsG
[22:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it's 8p
[22:44] [TDM]Tundar> who cares
[22:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> at do you mean "lmao at"
[22:44] [TDM]Tundar> we just want to play
[22:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u pming me to play
[22:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ya cuz it's enjoyable 4 you I'm sure
[22:45] PrudencePetitpas_OP> so hypocritical as usual :')
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> Well nvm, 1 more
[22:45] [TDM]Tundar> +1
[22:45] [AvA]Stauni> :+1:
[22:45] [D]amhyr> :pepegaphone: WHO UPSET NICI :RAGE:
[22:45] [AsG]Keith52> I said "lmao W A T"
[22:45] [D]amhyr> mute keith 5h
[22:45] [AsG]Keith52> As in I didn't understand why your PC can play other levels but not DS at 8pm lol
[22:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I as talking to Tundar anyay
[22:46] [AsG]Keith52> Oh
[22:46] [AsG]Keith52> Ohhh your w key is broken
[22:46] [AsG]Keith52> okay nevermind ignore me haha
[22:46] [D]amhyr> just use vv
[22:46] [D]amhyr> noob :nici:
[22:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> and DS has land philled all around
[22:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> and 8p
[22:46] Tabaluga> he has no v too i bet
[22:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> v
[22:46] Tabaluga> :(
[22:47] Mahmut1661_Tas> ty divinity :)
[22:47] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I got e too but it types many at oncee
[22:47] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :monkas:
[22:47] [D]amhyr> np :)
[22:47] [D]amhyr> ty mammy :)
[22:47] Mahmut1661_Tas> np :)
[22:48] [TDM]Tundar> 3vs3? :o
[22:48] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1 1v1
[22:49] [TDM]Tundar> if we do another map?
[22:49] [TDM]Tundar> Push!
[22:49] [TDM]Tundar> bianca join
[22:49] [AsG]Keith52> Bianca left ages ago?
[22:49] [TDM]Tundar> no
[22:50] Medusa_OP> i said i am eating :p
[22:50] Coruscater in
[22:50] [AvA]aba in
[22:50] Mahmut1661_Tas> great name Medusa :)
[22:50] [AsG]Keith52> OHHHH
[22:50] [AsG]Keith52> Medusa
[22:50] Medusa_OP> lolol
[22:50] [TDM]Tundar> That's Sponge
[22:50] [TDM]Tundar> in the US
[22:51] [SW]chapo out
[22:51] Gromidon out
[22:51] Gromidon in
[22:51] [TDM]Tundar> Well
[22:51] [TDM]Tundar> I guess we can 3 vs 3? :s
[22:52] [TDM]Tundar> nvm
[22:52] Mahmut1661_Tas> :spin:
[22:53] jordi-adhd out
[22:53] Gromidon out
[22:53] Coruscater> anyone up for a game?
[23:02] [GoD]carbine out
[23:05] [AsG]Sky- out
[23:05] [AsG]Sky- in
[23:06] Coruscater> hi sky
[23:06] [AsG]Sky-> o/
[23:07] redfire in
[23:07] redfire out
[23:07] Coruscater> game?
[23:09] [AsG]Sky-> waiting for the stream to end, then gotta run my 8 mins \
[23:09] [AsG]Sky-> miles
[23:09] Coruscater> I just run the 8 min...
[23:10] Coruscater> less cardio, more weights
[23:10] Coruscater> wheres stream link?
[23:11] [AsG]Sky-> https://youtu.be/w9qzGpfCSM0
[23:13] HexTheRex out
[23:13] Coruscater> How do they highlight enemy units with that red boarder?
[23:14] Tabaluga> by pressing "O"
[23:15] Coruscater> lol k thx
[23:18] Tabaluga> lol np
[23:19] [AsG]Sky- out
[23:20] [AvA]Acid-303> gg wp
[23:20] [AvA]MIBbel> gg
[23:20] [AvA]MIBbel out
[23:20] Satanael> gg
[23:27] Coruscater> who are we watching on the stream>?
[23:30] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[23:30] [AvA]Novaharvest> ggwp
[23:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[23:31] [AvA]Acid-303> sess?
[23:31] [AvA]RIPkekw> nah
[23:31] [AvA]RIPkekw> might take much time
[23:31] [AvA]Acid-303> map?
[23:31] [AvA]Acid-303> 4way?
[23:32] [AvA]RIPkekw> sure
[23:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[23:34] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[23:35] aidan9211 out
[23:35] HexTheRex in
[23:36] Satanael out
[23:36] HexTheRex out
[23:36] HexTheRex in
[23:39] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[23:40] [tsi]marcus- in
[23:47] jimmyhunter1000 out
[23:53] Hungaro out
[23:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg wp
[23:53] Tabaluga> ebaniy vrot
[23:53] Tabaluga> dolgaya igra
[23:53] [AvA]aba out
[23:55] Coruscater> wow
[23:55] [TDM]Tundar> gg wp
[23:55] Coruscater> that was fun to watch
[23:55] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[23:55] [TDM]Tundar> i had most pop at one point
[23:55] [TDM]Tundar> lol?
[23:55] Tabaluga> things are chaotic in 8p games
[23:55] Hokage_OP> cuz ur bad tundar
[23:55] Tabaluga> owned
[23:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[23:55] [TDM]Tundar> 22 minutes in
[23:55] [TDM]Tundar> xD
[23:55] Tabaluga> :owut:
[23:56] [AvA]Stauni> gg
[23:56] [TDM]Tundar> after spliff yes
[23:56] [AsG]Shadow out
[23:56] Mahmut1661_Tas> gnight all :)
[23:56] Medusa_OP> gn
[23:56] Medusa_OP> :)
[23:56] Tabaluga> good night mammy
[23:57] Tabaluga> you deserve some rest
[23:57] Mahmut1661_Tas> Ya :kekyou:
[23:57] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[23:58] [D]ThinkHail out
[00:01] Hokage_OP> yeah things get insane in 8p games
[00:01] Hokage_OP> in 8 walls you're defending 2 others sometimes 3
[00:02] Hokage_OP> while still trying to attack
[00:02] Hokage_OP> with BDs
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> specially divinity being your ally
[00:02] Hokage_OP> FDs
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> arousing and insane
[00:02] Hokage_OP> :LUL:
[00:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :oh:
[00:02] Hokage_OP> ye on challenge worlds he always blasted me in the water
[00:02] Hokage_OP> think sometimes on purpose
[00:02] Hokage_OP> :oh:
[00:03] Medusa_OP> wtf why is tundar always afk
[00:03] Tabaluga> spliff m8
[00:03] Medusa_OP> yeah
[00:03] [AsG]Sub_Zero out
[00:04] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[00:04] Medusa_OP> thank god
[00:05] k90000 out
[00:09] Mowgli in
[00:11] [AvA]Stauni> hex got mobile net
[00:11] Hokage_OP> oof
[00:11] Hokage_OP> someone else host
[00:11] Hokage_OP> lol
[00:11] [AvA]Stauni> no one can host hex
[00:12] [AvA]Stauni> only rai
[00:12] [AvA]Stauni> rali
[00:12] Hokage_OP> well play w.e. idm to me
[00:12] Hokage_OP> any map
[00:12] Mowgli out
[00:12] [AvA]Stauni> fist kek might end soon
[00:13] [AvA]Stauni> we could do 6p then
[00:13] Meph out
[00:13] Hokage_OP> ok
[00:13] [AvA]Geralt out
[00:13] [AvA]Stauni> last game was hard lol
[00:13] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448235
[00:14] [AvA]Stauni> those two volc did hurt haha
[00:14] Hokage_OP> nice
[00:14] Hokage_OP> did u like that map?
[00:14] [AvA]Stauni> if yoour teammate can defend then yes :D
[00:15] Hokage_OP> nice
[00:15] Hokage_OP> did u help them
[00:15] Hokage_OP> :D
[00:15] [AvA]Stauni> was just moving to bases to light them haha
[00:15] ice-t_TSI in
[00:16] Hokage_OP> oh well was probably fun at least
[00:16] [AvA]Stauni> lol just recognized that both down phases were cause of my spells
[00:18] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[00:18] [AvA]Stauni> ragequit i guess xD
[00:22] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[00:22] [AvA]Acid-303> gg wp
[00:22] [AvA]RIPkekw> gn
[00:22] [AvA]Acid-303> gn mate
[00:23] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[00:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[00:23] [AvA]Stauni> +host :D
[00:24] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[00:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[00:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[00:27] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> stauni host
[00:27] [AvA]Stauni> ja
[00:27] [AvA]Stauni> map?
[00:28] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> tsi worlds?
[00:28] Coruscater out
[00:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[00:29] [AvA]Stauni> hokage where from
[00:32] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +3
[00:33] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[00:35] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg wp
[00:35] Medusa_OP> gg wp
[00:36] [AsG]Ragnj> too early to surrender
[00:36] [AsG]Ragnj> some camping and a decent attack and its even again
[00:36] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[00:36] [tsi]marcus-> prime launch beta
[00:36] [TDM]Tundar> ragnj u was camping in the wrong times
[00:36] [tsi]marcus-> its what everyone wants
[00:36] [tsi]marcus-> these days
[00:36] [TDM]Tundar> i laughed a lot
[00:36] [AsG]Ragnj> camping the wrong times? I had like 3 tower deff
[00:36] [TDM]Tundar> BRB 45 seconds
[00:37] [TDM]Tundar> true
[00:37] [AsG]Ragnj> you kill me then and ud be in 10 mins earlier
[00:37] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[00:37] [TDM]Tundar> 35 seconds*
[00:37] [AsG]Ragnj> was me dying from braves n stuff being the tipping point
[00:37] [AsG]Ragnj> was on the edge of getting in 2-3 times
[00:38] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> sec
[00:38] NonRankedOnly_Tsi out
[00:38] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[00:39] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> this is literally the last map I havent tested.
[00:40] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> if it goes well, i can submit the updated pack
[00:40] ice-t_TSI> Ragnj: join
[00:41] Tabaluga> marcus u pissed coz people play beta?
[00:41] [AsG]Ragnj> tundar roll a 1on1 cr mate?
[00:42] [tsi]marcus-> no I just like to be a contrarian
[00:42] [tsi]marcus-> beatnik
[00:42] [tsi]marcus-> live on the edge
[00:42] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Ragnj join
[00:42] [tsi]marcus-> whatever is in for the masses is out for me
[00:42] [tsi]marcus-> beta is a vastly superior version of the game and its increased activty ten fold
[00:43] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, do beta and ill join
[00:43] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> beta doesnt work in 1600 x 1200
[00:43] [AsG]Ragnj> cant be arsed switching back n forth now when beta is da bezt
[00:43] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> so i cant
[00:43] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> :/
[00:43] [AsG]Ragnj> bl
[00:43] [TDM]Tundar> get marcus im goin to bed
[00:43] [TDM]Tundar> gn guys
[00:43] [TDM]Tundar out
[00:43] ice-t_TSI> gn
[00:43] Tabaluga> marcus did you take vaccine
[00:44] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> i read an opinion piece today
[00:45] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> from a top UK paper
[00:45] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> along the lines of no jab, no job, no NHS, no sending your kids to school, etc etc
[00:46] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> here
[00:46] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/antivaxxers-vaccine-coronavirus-nhs-b1849437.html
[00:47] [tsi]marcus-> is coercion part of medical ethics these days? I
[00:47] [tsi]marcus-> I dont know much about the subject
[00:47] [tsi]marcus-> I would be curious to know though
[00:49] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> I dno, lets ask Bill Gates, he's my new doctor now
[00:49] Tabaluga> ignoring ok
[00:50] [tsi]marcus-> oh I see now
[00:50] [tsi]marcus-> no I haven't yet
[00:51] [tsi]marcus-> should I ?
[00:51] Tabaluga> na
[00:51] Tabaluga> just made sure you're "not going for the masses"
[00:52] [tsi]marcus-> of course
[00:52] Medusa_OP out
[00:52] [tsi]marcus-> although, i guess the majority isnt vaccinated
[00:52] [tsi]marcus-> so I guess I am :(
[00:52] [tsi]marcus-> better get in line
[00:53] Tabaluga> it's a poison
[00:53] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> TSI game? :o
[00:53] [TSI]O-Ren> :O
[00:53] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> nice
[00:53] [TSI]O-Ren> 1.01 O.o
[00:53] [tsi]marcus-> are you a medical professional? I better get a second opinion on that
[00:54] Tabaluga> lots of people died from it
[00:54] Tabaluga> :o
[00:54] [tsi]marcus-> game closed
[00:54] [tsi]marcus-> id like to see some statistics for that Tabaluga
[00:54] [tsi]marcus-> link me up
[00:54] [tsi]marcus-> you seem to be well informed
[00:56] Tabaluga> but people "not going for the masses" don't ask for links
[01:05] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[01:05] Tabaluga> i'll send tomorrow
[01:05] Hokage_OP> gg
[01:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[01:05] Tabaluga out
[01:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ah nice
[01:08] Sirius_OP out
[01:09] TristanFR out
[01:09] Zpektrix_TAS out
[01:25] [tsi]marcus-> what does getting links have anything to do with masses of people?
[01:25] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> ok mapped seemed to balance out quite nicely i think
[01:25] [tsi]marcus-> kinda non sensical
[01:26] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> map*
[01:26] [tsi]marcus-> Yeah really good map
[01:26] [tsi]marcus-> its like a better version of glitter point
[01:26] [tsi]marcus-> in my opinion
[01:26] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> well i think all the maps are ready to be submitted
[01:26] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> ill do it tmr, if it lets me
[01:27] [TSI]O-Ren> I liked it too
[01:28] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> the maps ill be adding will be
[01:29] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Kyuden, Yamaha, Nirvana, Akira, Akira 1v1
[01:29] [tsi]marcus-> mixing it up I see, not "akira" and "double akira"
[01:29] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> haha you bet
[01:30] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Akira is actually a suprising interesting 1v1 map, i really like it
[01:30] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> I had a game with Nici on it today, was fun
[01:32] [tsi]marcus-> i'll have to check it out sometime
[01:32] [AvA]Stauni out
[01:33] [AvA]Stauni in
[01:33] [tsi]marcus-> how can i see it in test maps
[01:33] [AvA]Stauni out
[01:35] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> erm
[01:35] popre83 out
[01:36] ismaelocio out
[01:37] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Akira 1v1 #84, Akira #7, Kyuden #186, Yamaha #153, Nirvana #152
[01:37] [D]amhyr> https://www.popre.net/user_maps.php
[01:37] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> 4 Walls (made fair and fixed) #189
[01:37] [tsi]marcus-> thanks
[01:38] [tsi]marcus-> toruk is still alowed to submit maps?
[01:38] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> looks like its not letting me upload mappack yet, i gotta test the existing maps too like faction etc. Maybe because I fixed the shaman positions on all the old maps so they are fair distance to middle.
[01:39] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> its a bit of a long winded process, but i guess it ensures quality.
[01:39] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Im curious if Babo is still gonna refuse my maps
[01:40] [tsi]marcus-> nah hes cool man just has passion for mapping
[01:40] [tsi]marcus-> he will accept for sure
[01:43] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> anyone up for 1v1?
[01:43] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> me
[01:44] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> i cant play beta dude
[01:44] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> my resolution doesnt work on it
[01:47] [TSI]O-Ren> gn guys
[01:47] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1
[01:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gn
[01:47] [TSI]O-Ren out
[01:52] [AsG]Sky- in
[01:54] [AsG]Sky- out
[02:08] NonRankedOnly_Tsi out
[02:19] [AsG]Ragnj out
[02:20] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[02:22] WhitePhantom in
[02:26] WhitePhantom out
[02:42] [tsi]marcus- out
[02:49] [tsi]marcus- in
[03:36] [D]amhyr out
[03:45] HexTheRex out
[04:07] TristanFR in
[04:07] Coruscater in
[04:13] [Rw]Macca out
[04:21] [tsi]marcus- out
[04:26] [tsi]marcus- in
[04:27] dmarchelak in
[04:30] dmarchelak out
[04:50] [tsi]marcus- out
[05:29] Coruscater out
[05:56] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[06:03] k90000 in
[06:07] Coruscater in
[06:14] arnav in
[06:17] ice-t_TSI out
[06:18] arnav out
[06:19] arnav in
[06:20] arnav out
[06:20] arnav in
[06:23] arnav out
[06:23] arnav in
[06:29] arnav out
[06:29] arnav in
[06:30] arnav out
[06:53] [GoD]Shogun in
[07:20] k90000 out
[07:27] power_OP in
[07:32] Kay in
[07:43] Coruscater out
[08:09] [AsG]Sky- in
[08:10] [GoD]Shogun out
[08:15] power_OP out
[08:15] power_OP in
[08:21] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[08:39] power_OP out
[08:45] power_OP in
[08:45] power_OP out
[09:03] TristanFR out
[09:05] k90000 in
[09:08] power_OP in
[09:08] power_OP out
[09:09] power_OP in
[09:11] power_OP out
[09:13] [TDM]Tundar in
[09:14] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[09:25] power_OP in
[09:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[09:27] power_OP> hey fransico
[09:27] power_OP> francisco*
[09:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[09:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hey gokdeniz karadeniz
[09:28] power_OP> wowww
[09:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :3dthinking:
[09:28] power_OP> lmfao
[09:28] power_OP> karadeniz means clack
[09:29] power_OP> means black see
[09:29] power_OP> sea
[09:29] power_OP> ohh i writing all things wrong today
[09:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it's lack oph breakphast
[09:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :O
[09:30] power_OP> it s been 3 hours had breakfast
[09:31] power_OP> now need to go will be came 20 mins
[09:31] power_OP> cya
[09:31] power_OP out
[09:33] Kay> Hi Nici
[09:33] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hi kayin :D
[09:34] PrudencePetitpas_OP> good to see you
[09:34] PrudencePetitpas_OP> should probably add "in" back to your name again
[09:34] Kay> Hahaha yea but nvm, I am ok with this nick lol
[09:34] Kay> long time no see, how you doing?
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> nici r noob
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> facts m8
[09:35] Kay> all of us are hahaha
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> no
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> Keith is not a noob
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> He is a god
[09:35] [TDM]Tundar> :>
[09:36] Kay> He is good dad but noob in pop XD
[09:36] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I'm doing good lately, better than be4 :D
[09:36] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[09:36] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you planning on playing some games? :plead:
[09:37] [TDM]Tundar> Let's 1 vs 1
[09:37] [TDM]Tundar> I've got 3 minutes before I gtg
[09:37] Kay> hehe good to hear that, wow you keep playing pop in recent years
[09:37] [TDM]Tundar> we discovered that nici is not human
[09:37] [TDM]Tundar> but actually divinity's ai program
[09:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tundar's on acids
[09:38] [TDM]Tundar> ^ pre programmed response
[09:38] [TDM]Tundar> :>
[09:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yea I've kept playing pop all these years, our phavourite game can't be ditched
[09:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> until a chinese oman comes along
[09:38] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :O
[09:38] [TDM]Tundar> didn't your brother ditch it?
[09:38] Kay> no if its program he would say Tundar is my love
[09:39] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[09:39] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 1 min lepht and tundar's gone
[09:39] [TDM]Tundar> I pray
[09:39] [TDM]Tundar> you inspire Tsuyoshi to come out of bs gaming
[09:39] [TDM]Tundar> And go pro again
[09:39] [TDM]Tundar> You two on face off
[09:39] Kay> who is oman?
[09:39] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :')
[09:39] PrudencePetitpas_OP> vvoman
[09:40] Kay> lol who is she?
[09:40] [TDM]Tundar> Chun Li
[09:41] Kay> LOL its not true
[09:41] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I as saying you ditch pop coz oph a vvoman
[09:41] PrudencePetitpas_OP> not true ??
[09:41] [TDM]Tundar> Yeah he did
[09:41] [TDM]Tundar> He ditched pop for sex
[09:41] [TDM]Tundar> Like I did
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sad
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pop > sex ?
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :plead:
[09:42] [TDM]Tundar> Depends on ur age
[09:42] [TDM]Tundar> And hormones
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ahhhhhh
[09:42] [TDM]Tundar> If your whore moans, you go, right?
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :/
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sadly
[09:42] Kay> hahaha right right sometimes pop > sex lmao
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yes
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I anna play craters
[09:42] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :(
[09:43] Kay> well we get ppl to play?
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no :D
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> join yell iph u ant
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> im giving u 218 ping
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 211
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> seems good_!
[09:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> better than 360
[09:43] [TDM]Tundar> I got f1 in 16 mins
[09:44] [TDM]Tundar> sorry
[09:44] Kay> not over 300 anymore hahah
[09:44] [TDM]Tundar> :<
[09:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> np tundar
[09:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> play later
[09:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it's sat
[09:44] Kay> i remember i used to play with 300 pings
[09:45] Kay> cannot affort it now
[09:45] Kay> afford*
[09:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 300 ping in 2021
[09:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> took like 10 years 4 it to drop like at least 100-150
[09:47] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phuture is bright
[09:47] Kay> i will get 100 ping from you after 10 years
[09:47] Kay> and i will be 44 years old already lmao
[09:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hahahah
[09:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> that's the bad part
[09:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> but you may get eveen better ping phrom guys in UK
[09:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> better ISP's
[09:49] PrudencePetitpas_OP> be glad iph u get enough games noadays to reach 77 monthly league mark
[09:49] Kay> yes its much better now, usually around 100-200 form UK
[09:50] Kay> lol i just did it for joke
[09:51] Kay> I have no real life at that time haha
[09:52] PrudencePetitpas_OP> that as super phunny :D
[09:52] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u got a kid programmed 4 phuture ?
[09:53] Kay> umm not yet but probably will have it
[09:54] Kay> its not really good to have baby at this moment
[09:55] Kay> Corona, bad education & political environment
[09:57] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye corona unleashes bad education and political environment too
[09:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> but bear in mind it might be done next year
[09:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> mid 2022 iph maybe
[09:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ur baby still takes likee 9 months :thinking:
[09:59] Kay> i think its not easy to stop, you see the outbreak in India
[09:59] Kay> also the virus mutation
[09:59] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ah yes, all over da nevvs
[10:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> its getting orse every day
[10:00] Zpektrix_TAS in
[10:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> and india's right near china :(
[10:00] Kay> Well, whole world fucked up because of it
[10:00] Kay> HK is the most near lol
[10:00] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ho many people live in hk ?
[10:01] Kay> around 7 millions
[10:01] Kay> 70% of HK residents hate China LOL
[10:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> are you 1 oph the 70% residents ?
[10:03] Kay> definitely YES
[10:04] power_OP in
[10:04] power_OP> yo again
[10:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> is there a big dipherence beteen hk residents and chinese
[10:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> don't you speak same language ?
[10:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hey :D
[10:06] Kay> Chinese talk Mandarin, HK people usually talk Cantonese
[10:08] Kay> its easy to distinguish, but ppl usally look at the face first?
[10:08] PrudencePetitpas_OP> yea man phace is the easiest manner to phind out
[10:08] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I ould say you're chinese obv
[10:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> or jap
[10:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> depends :thinking:
[10:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> jap tend to have more spiky hair it seems
[10:10] k90000 out
[10:11] Kay> Yea they are almost the same, not easy to distinguish with face
[10:11] Kay> But Chinese always talk loudly lol
[10:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can hear em phrom Portugal
[10:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[10:18] Kay> yaya something like that
[10:18] Kay> you will find they are very annoying lol
[10:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> like vvvkiller
[10:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> vkiller
[10:20] Kay> you ever talk with him?
[10:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no
[10:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I mean, only her
[10:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> here
[10:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> he insults asap
[10:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phunny guy :lol:
[10:21] Kay> LOLOL yea one of feature
[10:28] Kay> umm i think we wont get a game in a short time, i gonna play mobile game with my wife
[10:37] k90000 in
[10:45] sherminator31 in
[10:45] sherminator31 out
[10:46] [D]xfiresx15 in
[10:47] [D]xfiresx15 out
[10:48] [AvA]Geralt in
[10:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[11:05] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[11:07] power_OP out
[11:12] [GoD]carbine in
[11:14] [AvA]Stauni in
[11:23] [GoD]Candide in
[11:23] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[11:29] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[11:29] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi fried
[11:30] [GoD]Candide out
[11:31] [AvA]RIPkekw> yoo soma
[11:31] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Fried
[11:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> It was, but had errors when I went to submit, saying map hadn't been tested, which is why I reuploaded all the maps to be retested. But now having issues.
[11:33] power_OP in
[11:33] ice-t_TSI in
[11:33] [AvA]RIPkekw> heu toruk
[11:42] [AvA]Acid-303> i can....
[11:42] [AvA]Acid-303> toruk
[11:43] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[11:44] [AsG]Sky- out
[11:48] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu you here
[12:01] TristanFR in
[12:04] [AvA]Acid-303> +2
[12:05] power_OP> hey soma hey stauni
[12:05] [AvA]Acid-303> hey powerrrr
[12:05] [AvA]Acid-303> ++1
[12:07] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:07] power_OP> andd Hakai came
[12:07] power_OP> yo bro
[12:08] [AvA]Acid-303> kay is coming
[12:08] power_OP> kay is a realy good player
[12:09] [GoD]Hakai> yo
[12:09] [AvA]Acid-303> but i see his game stats and didn't play since 2013
[12:10] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe a little rusty lol
[12:10] power_OP> yeah but he is 9. at traditional
[12:10] power_OP> hope so
[12:10] [AvA]Acid-303> 9 at traditional?
[12:10] [AvA]Acid-303> teams ok?
[12:10] Kay> ya i need some practice
[12:11] power_OP> lets go
[12:13] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:17] Hungaro in
[12:21] savas in
[12:23] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[12:28] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[12:36] Deists in
[12:36] [D]Uncarriable in
[12:41] sam_tas in
[12:41] sam_tas out
[12:42] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:43] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[12:44] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[12:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[12:49] NonRankedOnly_TSI in
[12:51] [GoD]Hakai out
[12:51] k90000 out
[12:52] power_OP out
[12:52] [AvA]Stauni> should have checked mu
[12:52] [AvA]Stauni> unfair teams lol
[12:52] [AvA]Acid-303> I said teams ok?
[12:52] [AvA]Acid-303> and you said lets go
[12:52] [AvA]Acid-303> don't complain mate...no point.
[12:53] Qwar in
[12:56] [GoD]Hakai in
[12:56] [GoD]Hakai> +1 blast, testing new mouse
[12:57] Qwar out
[12:58] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[13:02] ice-t_TSI out
[13:02] [tsi]marcus- in
[13:03] savas> Is "POP3 Server" the name of the pop server needed for port forwarding?
[13:03] [AvA]Stauni> [13:52] [AvA]Stauni> should have checked mu
[13:03] [AvA]Stauni> thought its awildy ;)
[13:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> port name is indifferent
[13:05] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can also be Moores jailed
[13:07] [GoD]Hakai out
[13:07] power> we couldnt have know wothout playing a game whats his level
[13:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[13:12] Deists out
[13:13] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[13:14] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[13:17] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[13:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> hacker
[13:43] k90000 in
[13:45] Tabaluga in
[13:49] [D]Uncarriable out
[13:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[13:51] [TDM]Tundar out
[13:55] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[13:56] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[13:57] [AvA]Acid-303> Hi Savas
[13:57] savas> Hey buddy :)
[13:57] savas> Got to go, see ya all soon
[13:57] savas out
[13:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[13:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> fucking god
[13:57] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[13:57] [GoD]Spinnifix> abnormal
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu ur ping
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> i have to kick
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> :D
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> there are not enough ppl
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> there r
[14:01] [AvA]Acid-303> +1 and go 6p?
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> i got a 2v2
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> if i kick u
[14:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> :excellent:
[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS> i was here first
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmfao
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> get a ping
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> einstein
[14:02] [AvA]Stauni> how come that so many wildies have fw rank or better. as if there are so many returners and why dont they show as returner
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> dude
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> olololollo
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> what are we doing with 5
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> ??
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait folr 6
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> get a ping
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> then i ll do it later
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> not now
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> [15:02] [AvA]Stauni> how come that so many wildies have fw rank or better. as if there are so many returners and why dont they show as returner
[14:02] Tabaluga> ebaniy vrot
[14:02] Tabaluga> :O
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> many widlies
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> we will get X soon again
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> that have fw and higher?
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS> brainless spin
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> higher is shsmana?=
[14:02] [AvA]Stauni> yes
[14:02] k90000 out
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> who
[14:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[14:02] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448248
[14:02] [AvA]Stauni> kay
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> he is oldie
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> legend
[14:03] [AvA]Stauni> and wildy blue_player
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> ask tsu
[14:03] [AvA]Stauni> dont know exactly his name
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye ik
[14:03] [D]amhyr in
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> oldies then
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> if u see kays profile
[14:03] [AvA]Acid-303> you can recognize them by Mu
[14:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> it says 17 years
[14:03] Zpektrix_TAS> ask me what
[14:03] [AvA]Acid-303> but there isn'r Rusty parameter
[14:03] [AvA]Stauni> yeah but as if i checked stats before playing with them
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> get a ping
[14:04] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS> as i said get 6th first
[14:04] [AvA]Stauni> who checks stats of each playe rbefore playing x)
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> man dude don t fuckign worry
[14:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> yooo
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> i got this shit under control man
[14:04] [AvA]Acid-303> yoo phara
[14:04] [AvA]Stauni> you look at rank in mm
[14:04] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> okay we make fairest teams
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> who is the worst
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> here
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> meant kindlyx
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> i think
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> it is me and tsu and stauni?
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> fair?
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu has 400 ping
[14:05] [AvA]Acid-303> :O
[14:05] k90000 in
[14:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> so its LSD, Toruk and pharaoh?
[14:05] [AvA]Acid-303> [GoD]Spinnifix + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Pharaoh vs. [AvA]Acid-303 + Zpektrix_TAS + [AvA]Stauni
[14:05] [AvA]Acid-303> best says this
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> well
[14:06] Zpektrix_TAS> best doesnt cosider about ping tho
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu who should host
[14:06] [AvA]Stauni> Spinnifix, Erratic, Fkusna, no-mercy, [fu]Berto, [fu]Spinnifix, [PIG]Chichirijijipleji, [PIG]Spinnifix, [fu]staggering, [fu]crenji, RaPiDitY, [GoD]Spinnifix, [GoD]Yecralc, [GoD]midence, [GoD]spinnifix, Krk9, [GoD]spinnifix, [GoD]Lauren79, [GoD]spinnifix, [GoD]lacoste_croco, [GoD]ZZpin, [GoD]Spinnifix, [GoD]seccxy, [GoD]Spinnifix, [GoD]gooseberry, [GoD]SpinnifiX, [GoD]Lorr, [GoD]SpinnifiX, [fu]zoephillips, [GoD]SpinnifiX, [GoD]Sphy
[14:06] [AvA]Stauni> wtf xD
[14:06] [AvA]Acid-303> but imo fairest i
[14:06] [AvA]Acid-303> s
[14:06] [AvA]Acid-303> you and warriors
[14:06] Tabaluga> fkusna
[14:06] [AvA]Acid-303> vs me zpek and phara
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> okay
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and warriors
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> could some1 host pls
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> LSD host
[14:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> open host
[14:07] [AvA]Acid-303> blurred host
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> hut
[14:07] Tabaluga> nice acid 303
[14:07] Tabaluga> i want sum acid
[14:07] Tabaluga> :feelsgoodman:
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> just order it online
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[14:07] Tabaluga> k
[14:07] [AvA]Acid-303> you have to buy 303 or nothing
[14:07] Tabaluga> nothing is drug too?
[14:07] Tabaluga> :owut:
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> go do holotropic breathing
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> getting high qwithout drugs
[14:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[14:07] Tabaluga> lOOOl
[14:07] Tabaluga> ya tak delal
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> delal?
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> kak bilo?
[14:08] Tabaluga> rjal kak ueban
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> ahueno da?= loool
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOOL
[14:08] Tabaluga> i padal nahuy
[14:08] Tabaluga> LOOL
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> da koneshno
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> mnogo kisloroda
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> v organisme
[14:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> v mosg ebnit kak nahui
[14:08] Tabaluga> kislorodec :pikachu:
[14:09] [TSI]O-Ren in
[14:24] [tsi]marcus- out
[14:28] k90000 out
[14:32] savas in
[14:32] savas out
[14:33] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[14:36] Sirius_OP in
[14:45] [tsi]marcus- in
[14:48] Zpektrix_TAS> green didnt play
[14:48] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf was that
[14:49] [AvA]Acid-303> sorry
[14:49] [AvA]Acid-303> i was host
[14:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> loool
[14:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[14:49] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[14:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[14:49] Sirius_OP out
[14:49] [AvA]Pharaoh> I had problem with internet
[14:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I remember the old days when the hosting would transfer over to the next available host
[14:49] [AvA]Acid-303> really?
[14:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> assuming there was one
[14:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yes, if more than one player in a game could host, the host would transfer over to the other if one left
[14:50] [AvA]Pharaoh> my ping was 500-600
[14:50] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[14:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> that's rough, Pharaoh
[14:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi Nova
[14:50] [AvA]Stauni> i also hit some lights but shamans didnt die
[14:50] [AvA]Novaharvest> yo o/
[14:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Stauni, you had really nice pop and mana that game, well played mate. :)
[14:53] [AvA]Acid-303> brb smoking
[14:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> dont smoke lsd
[14:55] Meph in
[14:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> lay it above ur eye
[14:55] Meph> ice?
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[14:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> lsd
[14:59] [TSI]O-Ren> 189 :D
[14:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> around 188 here
[15:01] [AvA]Acid-303> map?
[15:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> 6way?
[15:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye go ways
[15:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> #174
[15:02] [AvA]Acid-303> 174 is another map
[15:02] [AvA]Acid-303> ah no ok
[15:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> 4v4?
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[15:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> I thought u launched already
[15:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Lol, you want Ranked Spin, but the last game didn't even give any points
[15:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh it happens when you change internet without reinitiating mm
[15:05] [TDM]Tundar> Noobs
[15:05] [AvA]Acid-303> +1
[15:05] [AvA]Novaharvest> wanna do the new one i uploaded yesterday?
[15:05] [AvA]Novaharvest> dunno if its good tho rofl
[15:05] [TDM]Tundar> Anyone see lecrlec take pole then "crash" to red flag Q3 :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing::face_with_tears_of_joy:
[15:06] [TDM]Tundar> Noobs :)
[15:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> kay old player
[15:07] [AvA]Acid-303> AvA]Acid-303 + [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Pharaoh + Kay vs. [TSI]O-Ren + [AvA]Stauni + [AvA]Novaharvest + Zpektrix_TAS
[15:07] [AvA]Acid-303> ok?
[15:07] [TSI]O-Ren> its still 6 way
[15:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah
[15:07] [AvA]Acid-303> no let's change
[15:08] [TDM]Tundar> Boobs
[15:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I<3Boobs
[15:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I <3 Boobs
[15:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> :OOOOOO
[15:08] [AvA]Novaharvest> (boobies)
[15:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> that's unexpected of you toruk
[15:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ( . )( . )
[15:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[15:09] [AvA]Novaharvest> top tier banter today
[15:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Actually, it's from SNL
[15:09] [AvA]Acid-303> pharaoh wanna be big base?
[15:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> what is this map
[15:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> It's Fist's map
[15:10] [AvA]Acid-303> jupiters temple / fistiverse
[15:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> idm
[15:10] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[15:10] [TSI]O-Ren> never played before
[15:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> tsu wont like it
[15:10] [AvA]Pharaoh> so i'll be 1v1ing tsu basically?
[15:11] [TDM]Tundar> Tsu and Kay sane team ?
[15:11] [TDM]Tundar> Someone stream
[15:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> come
[15:11] [TDM]Tundar> Nostalgia
[15:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> tundar join mm
[15:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> it says connecting too long
[15:11] [TDM]Tundar> Come I can't in out watching F1 and smoking weed
[15:11] [AvA]Pharaoh> thought it didn't work
[15:12] Medusa_OP in
[15:12] [AvA]Novaharvest> the connecting test stays in the chat now
[15:12] [AvA]Novaharvest> text*
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> join
[15:12] [AvA]Stauni> ye just wait
[15:12] Kay> restricted*
[15:12] [AvA]Stauni> relog kay
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> soma
[15:12] Kay out
[15:12] Zpektrix_TAS> rejoin
[15:13] [AvA]Acid-303> me or you?
[15:13] Kay in
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> nvm
[15:13] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:13] Kay> okok
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin, you just joined with others at the same time
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> on the same spot
[15:13] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[15:13] Zpektrix_TAS> later one will be kicked
[15:13] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[15:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> damn, I miss the old days when you could warp from game seteup
[15:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> saved so much time
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> why did that stop?
[15:15] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[15:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> dunno, Inca gave me an answer but it didn't make sense
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> classic developer answer?
[15:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yep
[15:15] [AvA]Novaharvest> basically not worth the effort i guess
[15:15] IncaWarrior> Because the mm is more reliable now
[15:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[15:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> ah right
[15:16] IncaWarrior> So it's not needed
[15:16] [AvA]Stauni> will dm be seen in discord?
[15:16] [AvA]Novaharvest> worked this time :)
[15:16] IncaWarrior> And warping doesn't work with the player numbers changing, so if you launch with 3 players, you can only play 3 player maps
[15:17] IncaWarrior> No stauni
[15:18] [AvA]Stauni> cause i send you one :D
[15:26] Ayahuasca in
[15:29] Lucas in
[15:32] [Rw]Macca in
[15:33] Aldwych in
[15:36] xtro in
[15:37] Meph out
[15:40] [D]Uncarriable in
[15:41] Lucas out
[15:41] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[15:42] Lucas in
[15:42] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:44] power_OP in
[15:45] power_OP> yoo guys
[15:46] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Hey
[15:47] power_OP> gonna test some maps prime?
[15:48] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> doing some last minute test today
[15:48] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> then submitting the mappack
[15:49] [AvA]Geralt out
[15:49] power_OP> good work waitin for new mappack
[15:49] [AvA]Geralt in
[15:50] Medusa_OP> +1 lavablast
[15:52] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> :)
[15:54] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:54] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:54] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:55] [TDM]Tundar> Noobs
[15:57] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[15:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Fist
[15:57] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi toruk
[15:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Could have used you last game on Jupiter's Temple
[15:58] barkingmad in
[15:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> was a shit show
[15:59] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[15:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol toruk i meant tsu
[15:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> making bd and then die to it
[15:59] barkingmad> ayahuasca what a name I wanna try that stuff
[15:59] Kay> gg
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> surrender and fu* your whole team
[15:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> who?
[15:59] barkingmad> right somone join game 4 so I can play
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> lol qguess who
[15:59] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wow toruk that was a low pop
[15:59] [AvA]Pharaoh> tsu
[16:00] [AvA]Stauni> yes
[16:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah it sucks when he surrenders
[16:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> at least quit and give them ur pop
[16:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Pharaoh, I know what you meant, but you're still right. Should never surrender when others could use your pop
[16:00] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[16:00] [AvA]Pharaoh> yeah
[16:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Yes, I never play that map well
[16:00] Lucas out
[16:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Stauni had base next to me and had nearly 200 pop
[16:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> he also took up a lot of my building space
[16:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> I think it was close. It all came down to light wars which I kept winning against tsu
[16:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and why dont u get 200 pop?
[16:01] [AvA]Novaharvest> there was always a stigma about quitting, which is why surrendering was added
[16:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I ask myself that question every day, Fist
[16:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> but before there was no pop transfer, so quitting was like surrendering
[16:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> Fist is not saying anything?
[16:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> ohh
[16:02] [AvA]Pharaoh> nvm
[16:02] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how fast is ur 6-200 pop time?
[16:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I don't have a 6-200 pop time because I never reach 200 pop
[16:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> most I can get on a big map is 150
[16:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> we can have a challenge on thin ice or a comparable map, see who has the quickest 200pop-time4
[16:03] [TDM]Tundar> Hi noobs :waving_hand:
[16:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> on Jupiter's Temple, most I could get is maybe 40
[16:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> It won't be me, Fist. I can tell you that.
[16:03] [TSI]O-Ren out
[16:03] [TDM]Tundar> :fire_engine:
[16:03] [TSI]O-Ren in
[16:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but you can get quicker with ur pop when u train this
[16:03] [AvA]Pharaoh> were u front base toruk?
[16:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> must be that
[16:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Tundar, stop hiding and come play with us
[16:04] [TDM]Tundar> :bouquet:
[16:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I had same base as Nova
[16:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> just other side
[16:04] [TDM]Tundar> You want me to play with you?
[16:04] barkingmad out
[16:04] barkingmad in
[16:04] [AvA]Pharaoh> and he expanded and u didn't?
[16:04] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I want you to want you to play with me. :P
[16:04] [TDM]Tundar> Woah
[16:04] [TDM]Tundar> You didn't expand
[16:05] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:05] barkingmad> lets get game 4 going
[16:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I had no mana to expand. I did get a few lb and flattens, but very slow mana
[16:05] [TDM]Tundar> You want me to want to play?
[16:05] [TDM]Tundar> I want to play :)
[16:05] barkingmad> join us then
[16:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> then play
[16:05] Aldwych out
[16:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> you must be trooping a lot
[16:05] [TDM]Tundar> First I must find a wife
[16:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> for your team
[16:05] Aldwych in
[16:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> and they weren't trooping as much I guess
[16:05] [TDM]Tundar> Need someone to cook for ...
[16:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I wasn't trooping at all, had maybe 7 fws
[16:05] [TDM]Tundar> Fuck cooking for 1
[16:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I just didn't have the mana
[16:05] [AvA]Pharaoh> ur trooping makes you a good ally
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> oh really?
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> that's odd
[16:06] [TDM]Tundar> Pharaoh
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> yes Tundar?
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> Am I a noob?
[16:06] [TDM]Tundar> How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> probably a lot
[16:06] [AvA]Pharaoh> like a wildie
[16:06] Lucas in
[16:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> She sells sea shells by the sea shore
[16:07] [TDM]Tundar> A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, wouldn't it?
[16:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> yes, exactly that
[16:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> what are you doing tundar?
[16:07] [TDM]Tundar> :o
[16:07] [AvA]Pharaoh> where are u
[16:07] [TDM]Tundar> Watching Tim hoover his floor
[16:07] Lucas out
[16:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> tf is that
[16:08] [AvA]Pharaoh> hey barking welcome back
[16:08] [TDM]Tundar> I'm coming home soon
[16:09] [TDM]Tundar> I will do some cleaning and play
[16:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> tell the world I'm coming home
[16:09] Zpektrix_TAS> :6
[16:09] Zpektrix_TAS> +6
[16:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Nova, Fist, join here
[16:09] [AvA]Pharaoh> watch the rain wash away all my floor cause I got no roof
[16:09] Aldwych> Zpe join man
[16:09] Zpektrix_TAS> those eu kids are scared of me having lower ping as usual
[16:09] Aldwych> -.-
[16:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Nova Fist S0ma here
[16:10] Lucas in
[16:10] barkingmad> game 6 is gonna be YUGE ...............whenever it gets going
[16:12] Lucas in
[16:12] Muhammet in
[16:12] Aldwych> Mu join here.
[16:13] barkingmad> 11 people waiting yes we cant get 8 to play one game, what?
[16:13] Lucas out
[16:13] Aldwych out
[16:13] Aldwych in
[16:14] barkingmad> right how do I start the game?
[16:15] Aldwych> cant get your ping guys o.O
[16:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> why not let someone else host?
[16:15] barkingmad> how do I do that?
[16:15] [AvA]Pharaoh> u can't launch barking or what?
[16:16] Aldwych> forward your router
[16:16] xtro out
[16:16] barkingmad> I deleted people by accidnet as I am new here
[16:16] xtro in
[16:16] TristanFR out
[16:16] Muhammet out
[16:16] Aldwych> join guys
[16:16] barkingmad out
[16:17] barkingmad in
[16:17] barkingmad> someon ejoin game 5 and lets go
[16:17] Aldwych> hmmm xtro
[16:17] barkingmad> I deleted people from a game I am new sorry
[16:18] TristanFR in
[16:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> changed my mind, someone else can have my spot
[16:19] Aldwych> Version Differs? o.O
[16:19] Aldwych> was there an Update this week?
[16:20] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[16:20] [AvA]Pharaoh> barging type !update
[16:20] [AvA]Pharaoh> or everyone
[16:22] barkingmad> someone join game 5 please
[16:22] [AvA]Stauni> do !update and !"beta
[16:22] [AvA]Stauni> and !beta*
[16:23] [TDM]Tundar in
[16:23] [AvA]Stauni> sec toi
[16:25] [GoD]Hakai> msvcp140.dll
[16:28] barkingmad> why da fook does it take so long to set up a game?
[16:28] Aldwych out
[16:28] Aldwych in
[16:29] barkingmad out
[16:29] [AvA]Stauni out
[16:29] barkingmad in
[16:29] [AvA]Stauni in
[16:30] barkingmad> someon ejoin game 4 please
[16:30] Kay out
[16:31] Kay in
[16:31] Aldwych> cmon guys join... 2v2
[16:33] power_OP out
[16:33] Medusa_OP> gg
[16:33] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[16:33] Hungaro> very fun games thnx
[16:33] theoldstory in
[16:33] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[16:34] barkingmad> someone join game 3
[16:35] [AvA]Pharaoh> tvb
[16:36] barkingmad> 5 people waiting and we cant gt a game going
[16:36] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:36] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:37] Kay out
[16:37] Kay in
[16:39] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:40] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:41] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:42] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:44] k90000 in
[16:44] Zpektrix_TAS out
[16:44] Zpektrix_TAS in
[16:45] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gay people any around ?
[16:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye got two in my hotel
[16:45] IncaWarrior> wrong kind of mm Nici
[16:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[16:50] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I'm searching 4 gays to date :)
[16:50] Hungaro> im up for some 2v2
[16:50] IncaWarrior> ah common mistake, see we're here to setup populous matches, not romantic matches
[16:50] Hungaro> gays vs heteros or whatever
[16:54] [D]Uncarriable out
[16:57] Muhammet in
[16:57] Muhammet> no stream
[16:58] barkingmad out
[17:04] Lucas> IncaWarrior: Time to set up a gamer's tinder app
[17:08] Muhammet out
[17:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[17:13] [AsG]Sky- in
[17:18] Ayahuasca out
[17:20] jimmyhunter1000 in
[17:22] Lucas out
[17:24] shing128345 in
[17:25] Bakerfieldiuss in
[17:26] shing128345 out
[17:28] Lucas in
[17:28] theoldstory out
[17:28] Jawaitzelluf in
[17:30] Hokage_OP> hey
[17:30] Hokage_OP> hej
[17:30] Hokage_OP> ola
[17:30] Hokage_OP> Hola
[17:30] Hokage_OP> konichiwa
[17:30] Hokage_OP> Hallo
[17:30] Zpektrix_TAS> konnichiwa @
[17:30] Hokage_OP> gg last night
[17:30] Hokage_OP> was fun
[17:30] Hokage_OP> first time with a good team mate in awhile
[17:30] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:31] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :D
[17:31] [TDM]Tundar> Let's play
[17:31] Hokage_OP> im slow as hek from not playing
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> i just owned 2 noobs
[17:31] Hokage_OP> damn you normal life
[17:31] Zpektrix_TAS> they are nothing when i have less ping
[17:31] Hokage_OP> hey man i killed just as much shit as u did
[17:31] Hokage_OP> :LUL:
[17:31] Hokage_OP> with way less
[17:32] Hokage_OP> but that bd
[17:32] Hokage_OP> with me keeping front knocked out on both
[17:32] pyroman33 in
[17:32] Hokage_OP> never even got sided
[17:32] Hokage_OP> or damaged
[17:32] Hokage_OP> they wanted to kill u
[17:32] Hokage_OP> :LUL:
[17:32] [TDM]Tundar> game?
[17:33] [GoD]Hakai out
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> sure
[17:33] Zpektrix_TAS> it was streamed
[17:33] Hokage_OP> yea i signed autographs for you after
[17:33] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1031152551
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> smooth killing
[17:34] Hokage_OP> now you're just showing how slow i am now
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[17:34] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> see my play
[17:34] Zpektrix_TAS> i didnt even see your base that often
[17:34] Hokage_OP> ah that makes me sad
[17:34] Hokage_OP> it was not good one though
[17:34] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:35] Hokage_OP> shit was all fukt
[17:35] Hokage_OP> from start
[17:35] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> but ye
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> you assisted well
[17:35] Hokage_OP> thnx
[17:35] Zpektrix_TAS> when i bded him :p
[17:35] Hokage_OP> i was tired at that time
[17:35] Hokage_OP> was surprised you were up
[17:36] Tabaluga> yoooo
[17:36] Hokage_OP> whatsup
[17:36] Tabaluga> :kingofspies:
[17:36] Hokage_OP> airbrushing kills me nowadays im old
[17:36] Tabaluga> :kingofspies2:
[17:36] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:36] Tabaluga> GOT EM
[17:36] Hokage_OP> GoT eM
[17:36] Hokage_OP> game of got ems
[17:36] Hokage_OP> populous: the got ems
[17:36] Tabaluga> goat
[17:36] Tabaluga> :goat:
[17:37] Tabaluga> milk the goat :owut:
[17:37] Hokage_OP> hej man what are you upto
[17:37] Tabaluga> about to massacre orange's skin
[17:37] Tabaluga> and eat it's meat
[17:37] pyroman33 out
[17:37] Tabaluga> :lul:
[17:37] Hokage_OP> i seen someone on subs channel drew the cyan shaman that was neet
[17:37] Tabaluga> epic art
[17:37] Hokage_OP> ya
[17:38] Medusa_OP out
[17:38] Hokage_OP> you like 8p?
[17:38] Tabaluga> as long as it's not chaotic
[17:38] Hokage_OP> seems like alot of ppl just took 4p maps and tried to make them 8p
[17:38] Hokage_OP> :LUL:
[17:38] Tabaluga> prefer 8p minigames though
[17:39] Tabaluga> 3v3 fo rme seem to be more viable
[17:39] Hokage_OP> the coop is good
[17:39] Hokage_OP> havent played all tundars maps yet
[17:39] Hokage_OP> but theres so much you can do
[17:39] Hokage_OP> dont think its even hit near its potential yet
[17:40] Tabaluga> wait till larger maps
[17:40] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pedo still not banne
[17:40] PrudencePetitpas_OP> d
[17:40] redfire in
[17:40] redfire out
[17:40] Hokage_OP> i know there's some models that dont get used a lot in map making
[17:41] Hokage_OP> since i use the trees a lot i was thinking about that
[17:41] [TSI]O-Ren out
[17:41] Hokage_OP> honestly sometimes i cant see my shaman but it makes it a bit more exciting but handling trees is like
[17:41] Hokage_OP> 80x easier
[17:41] DonnaJones_OP in
[17:41] Tabaluga> should give this mod to keith
[17:41] Hokage_OP> because you can see visually dont have to click
[17:41] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[17:42] Hokage_OP> it might need a little scaling
[17:42] Hokage_OP> but making them small again just like in game
[17:42] Hokage_OP> isnt the same
[17:43] k90000 out
[17:43] Hokage_OP> if you asked me to play with regular trees again i wouldnt
[17:43] Hokage_OP> you would have to ban me
[17:43] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[17:43] Hokage_OP> :LUL:
[17:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> bans
[17:43] DonnaJones_OP out
[17:43] Hokage_OP> because you can even see to lay the plans different
[17:44] Hokage_OP> after awhile
[17:45] Hokage_OP> and with all the beta options like
[17:45] Hokage_OP> starting units in towers, starting units in random places
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> fuck that game was wild!!!
[17:45] xtro> crash game ?
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> host died
[17:45] [AvA]Pharaoh> haha
[17:45] Aldwych> that was epic
[17:46] Aldwych> yea
[17:46] Aldwych> crashed
[17:46] xtro out
[17:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> you were always better off until the very end
[17:46] Hokage_OP> im waiting for like a 4p coop sp crossover i reckon
[17:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> Stauni carried me like a mofo
[17:46] Hokage_OP> :D
[17:47] [AvA]Pharaoh> so balanced haha
[17:47] Aldwych> xtro was although nearly dead.
[17:47] Aldwych> the nice thing was the we respawned you killed us both directly :D
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> hahahah yeah!
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> xtro was far from dead.
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> he had 86 pop in the end
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> more than me
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> I had 69
[17:48] [AvA]Pharaoh> :kekw:
[17:49] Hokage_OP> or back along time ago when people used to make training maps for their clans
[17:50] Hokage_OP> thats like way more possible now
[17:50] Lucas out
[17:52] power_OP in
[17:54] Aldwych out
[17:54] Aldwych in
[17:55] Jawaitzelluf out
[17:56] Hokage_OP> everyone used to try TB coop i guess just for testing
[17:56] Hokage_OP> but those would be cool too
[17:56] Hokage_OP> you can raise the difficulty by starting units out
[17:57] Hokage_OP> like maybe the other team starts FO with the hill already
[17:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[18:00] Agownik in
[18:00] Medusa_OP in
[18:01] jimmyhunter1000 out
[18:01] Smarzyk in
[18:01] Agownik out
[18:02] Agownik in
[18:02] Smarzyk out
[18:02] Agownik out
[18:03] Agownik in
[18:03] Smarzyk in
[18:04] Smarzyk out
[18:04] Smarzyk in
[18:05] Agownik out
[18:05] Agownik in
[18:05] Bakerfieldiuss out
[18:06] Hungaro> power do you wanna make it 2s?
[18:06] power_OP> 2s?
[18:06] Hungaro> nvm 3s is fine too
[18:06] Hungaro> 2v2
[18:06] power_OP> ok doesnt matter
[18:07] power_OP> did like that maybe someone interest
[18:07] power_OP> and worked
[18:07] power_OP> lol
[18:07] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:07] Hungaro> yea
[18:07] power_OP> +shaman or fs
[18:07] Hungaro> more than 2s is kind of a big mess
[18:08] Hungaro> I dotn mind any
[18:08] power_OP> map wishes
[18:08] power_OP> ?
[18:09] Hungaro> the good ones
[18:09] Hungaro> :p
[18:09] Medusa_OP> sess :kekw:
[18:09] power_OP> loooooooooooooooooool
[18:09] Tabaluga> :gigakekw:
[18:09] Hungaro> sess, walls...
[18:10] Medusa_OP> no not this sess
[18:10] power_OP> ok
[18:10] Medusa_OP> that takes forever
[18:10] [AvA]RIPkekw> :hyperkekw:
[18:10] power_OP> why
[18:10] Medusa_OP> bases are connected
[18:10] Medusa_OP> you cannot cut off and double :kekw:
[18:10] power_OP> oh ok
[18:11] power_OP> that crutial
[18:11] [AvA]RIPkekw> +2
[18:11] Hungaro> the quickie homie
[18:13] power_OP> +1
[18:14] Hungaro> imagine 4s on sess
[18:14] Hungaro> is that even an option?
[18:14] Medusa_OP> yep
[18:14] power_OP> there is
[18:14] power_OP> yes
[18:14] Medusa_OP> 4v4 sess
[18:14] Hungaro> how
[18:14] Hungaro> no space
[18:14] power_OP> played once
[18:14] Medusa_OP> you dont wanna know :kekw:
[18:14] Hungaro> exactly
[18:15] Medusa_OP> there we go
[18:15] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +3 4walls (updated)
[18:15] power_OP> me and bianca
[18:15] power_OP> and tundar hungaro
[18:15] power_OP> ok
[18:15] Medusa_OP> any is fine
[18:16] Sirius_OP in
[18:17] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[18:22] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> imagine buying bitcoin last month when it was 46k
[18:22] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> and now sits at 27k
[18:26] iRespectWomenxD26> hows the new map pack goin?
[18:26] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> done mate
[18:27] iRespectWomenxD26> got acceptd?
[18:27] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> just getting review now
[18:27] iRespectWomenxD26> nice
[18:27] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> brb
[18:29] iRespectWomenxD26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:30] [tsi]marcus- out
[18:32] [D]Uncarriable in
[18:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[18:35] [AsG]Sky- out
[18:38] [GoD]Hakai in
[18:40] [GoD]Hakai out
[18:41] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[18:41] Muhammet in
[18:45] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[18:47] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[18:48] Kay out
[18:50] Agownik out
[18:50] Smarzyk out
[18:53] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:00] k90000 in
[19:02] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[19:03] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:17] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[19:18] Ainia in
[19:18] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Nearly seven out of 10 Americans were prescribed at least one drug in 2009, and half were given two or more, according to new research from the Mayo Clinic.
[19:19] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> why are 70% of Americans taking medication?
[19:21] Aldwych> whats going on... noone online today o.O
[19:21] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> UK doesnt seem great either. The Health Survey for England, 2016 showed that 48% of adults in the country had taken at least one prescribed medicine in the past week
[19:25] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:25] power_OP> gg wp
[19:25] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[19:26] power_OP> u were good
[19:26] Hungaro> thank you
[19:27] Hungaro> my first proper attack tbh
[19:30] [TDM]Tundar> nici ur not taking into account the number of brits who get free prescriptions
[19:30] power_OP> lol
[19:30] [TDM]Tundar> and the cost for those who do pay is minor
[19:31] iRespectWomenxD26> plus everything word the comes out of a doctors mouth is basically from god they cant do no wrong
[19:31] [AsG]Ragnj in
[19:31] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ???
[19:32] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sup ?
[19:32] [TDM]Tundar> better then believing in some dude with a white color who wants me to believe in some beared guy in the sky
[19:32] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:32] iRespectWomenxD26> ya fhk jesus
[19:32] [TDM]Tundar> maybe wasnt jesus fault
[19:32] Medusa_OP> fhk
[19:32] Hungaro> thought jesus was love
[19:32] iRespectWomenxD26> fhk doctors n god brah
[19:32] [TDM]Tundar> maybe his mum couldn't handle gettin caught cheatin
[19:32] Hungaro> or soemthing
[19:32] [TDM]Tundar> so made the whole thing up
[19:33] Medusa_OP> :pray:
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> tbh i wish i was born 200 years or more ago
[19:34] Medusa_OP> why
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> could bs people into believing w.e you wanted
[19:34] Medusa_OP> no pop that time :kekw:
[19:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no internet that time :kekw:
[19:34] Medusa_OP> ^^
[19:34] [AvA]Stauni> reallife pop
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> exactly
[19:34] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> prove im wrong
[19:34] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> elephants can fly
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> I saw one
[19:34] power_OP> where
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> I met god
[19:34] [TDM]Tundar> and he told me to be the new king of the britons
[19:34] Medusa_OP> we will all meet god one day
[19:35] [TDM]Tundar> when?
[19:35] Medusa_OP> or the devil :P
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> who from asg is swedish?
[19:35] iRespectWomenxD26> nope theres nothing after u die
[19:35] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> lol dude people are just as gullable now as they were 200 years ago
[19:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Back then no one would believe you if you said the Earth was round.
[19:35] Medusa_OP> rofl
[19:35] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> check out flat earth
[19:35] [TDM]Tundar> bs
[19:35] iRespectWomenxD26> n ull be forgotten completely in less then a cnetury
[19:35] [AvA]Stauni> he said ffs in swedish
[19:35] iRespectWomenxD26> gg
[19:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Though tbf, some ppl wouldn't believe you today
[19:35] [TDM]Tundar> only modern humans believe the world is flat
[19:35] Medusa_OP> i agree coopa
[19:35] Medusa_OP> koopa*
[19:35] [TDM]Tundar> historically people knew the world was a ball
[19:36] iRespectWomenxD26> +3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[19:36] [TDM]Tundar> [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Back then no one would believe you if you said the Earth was round
[19:36] [TDM]Tundar> no one would believe u if u said the world was flat...
[19:36] Medusa_OP> lemme check what trod is host
[19:36] Medusa_OP> oh its tom :ohyes:
[19:36] [AvA]Stauni> nice to read lol
[19:36] [AvA]Stauni> [18:46] [AvA]Pharaoh> Stauni carried me like a mofo
[19:37] power_OP> some ppl show some rivers which is running to north pole and they say how can water flow up (in map noth pole is upper)
[19:37] [AsG]Ragnj> Whats the best option for streaming these days and one that can also stream beta, any suggestions?
[19:37] [TDM]Tundar> nvidea
[19:37] [TDM]Tundar> graphics card
[19:37] [AvA]Stauni> what is the problem wioth beta streaming
[19:37] [AvA]Stauni> ?
[19:38] Medusa_OP> good question
[19:38] Medusa_OP> when will pop streamer work in beta?
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> twitch.tv/tundar123
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> nothing wrong with beta streaming
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> just need a good application
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> like running ur graphics card
[19:38] [AsG]Ragnj> what do u use tundar?
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> simple Alt Z plays
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> And alt Z stops
[19:38] [AsG]Ragnj> can you point me to any specific guide?
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> Geforce Experiance
[19:38] [TDM]Tundar> Nvidea
[19:39] [TDM]Tundar> u got a graphics card?
[19:39] [AsG]Ragnj> hmm ok, im on a laptop, so dont know how good the graphics card is tbh
[19:39] [TDM]Tundar> no
[19:39] [TDM]Tundar> then u gna have to have the painful apps
[19:39] [TDM]Tundar> but t rod is ur best help for that
[19:39] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, whats the best around?
[19:39] [AvA]Stauni> my pc is 1500 EUR lol
[19:39] Medusa_OP> :o
[19:39] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> 1500, damn
[19:39] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> mines 150
[19:40] power_OP> hopefully mine isnt 15
[19:40] [GoD]Hakai in
[19:40] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:40] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> lol
[19:40] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[19:40] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1 ally
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8x 3.70GHz So.AM4 BOX 1 314,90 ýýý 314,90 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 69971 Asus ROG Strix B350-F Gaming AMD B350 So.AM4 Dual Channel DDR4 ATX Retail 1 89,00 ýýý 89,00 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 8872657 32GB (4x 8192MB) Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO schwarz DDR4-2933 DIMM CL16-18-18-36 Quad Kit 1 337,56 ýýý 337,56 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 67251 8GB MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Armor 8G OC Edition Aktiv PCIe 3.0 x16 1xDVI / 1xHDMI 2.0 / 3xDisplayPort (Retail) 1 408,90 ýýý 408,90 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 8715763 480GB SanDisk Plus 2.5" (6.4cm) SATA 6Gb/s TLC Toggle (SDSSDA-480G-G26) 1 90,25 ýýý 90,25 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 8606139 be quiet! Pure Rock Tower Kýýhler 1 29,87 ýýý 29,87 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 8754649 500 Watt be quiet! Pure Power 10 CM Modular 80+ Silver 1 63,85 ýýý 63,85 ýýý
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> 8811274 2000GB Toshiba P300 High-Performance HDWD120UZSVA 7.200U/min 64MB 3.5" (8.9cm) SATA 6Gb/s 1 56,78 ýýý 56,78
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[19:41] [GoD]Hakai> omg my beta finally works
[19:41] power_OP> lmfao
[19:41] [AvA]Stauni> ops
[19:41] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> :ban:
[19:41] [AvA]RIPkekw> gpu prices are so fked atm
[19:42] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> how come gpu prices gone up?
[19:42] [AvA]Stauni> krypto mining
[19:42] [AvA]Stauni> haha
[19:42] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> such a waste
[19:42] Tabaluga> cringe farming
[19:42] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[19:43] [AvA]RIPkekw> nice farming m8
[19:43] power_OP> +2
[19:43] Tabaluga> ty
[19:43] Tabaluga> m8
[19:43] [AvA]Stauni> farming?
[19:43] power_OP> lol
[19:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> should create a pop currency
[19:44] [AvA]Stauni> shaman coin
[19:44] [AvA]Stauni> hahah
[19:44] power_OP> and buy what?
[19:44] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[19:44] [AvA]RIPkekw> everything
[19:45] [AvA]RIPkekw> 1 shaman coin= 1 million euros
[19:45] [GoD]Hakai out
[19:45] power_OP> you can give them your braves so they wouldnt revolt
[19:46] power_OP> +1
[19:46] [AvA]Stauni> Crypto miners often have high requirements for what kind of graphics cards they use in their rigs; the faster the card, the faster they can mine, so higher-end cards are more desirable. Crypto miners have entered the high-end graphics card market and show no intention of leaving anytime soon.
[19:47] [AvA]RIPkekw> i'd build a pc this summer, but those prices really messed it up
[19:48] power_OP> yeah prices r realy high
[19:48] [AvA]RIPkekw> i'll just buy a new laptop:kekw:
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS> mining nerds ruined graphic card price
[19:49] [AvA]Stauni> rip that is wastesd money xD
[19:50] power_OP> so we must be a miner too
[19:50] [TDM]Tundar> im cooking
[19:50] [TDM]Tundar> then i will host push!
[19:50] [TDM]Tundar> :>
[19:50] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[19:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> push best map:p
[19:50] Medusa_OP> ^^
[19:50] power_OP> +1
[19:50] [TSI]O-Ren in
[19:50] [AvA]Stauni> craig is in a pub haha
[19:51] power_OP> lol why did you say that
[19:51] [AvA]Stauni> because we played against him yesterday on ppush
[19:51] power_OP> lmfao
[19:52] [AvA]Stauni> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448235
[19:52] [AvA]RIPkekw> much more enjoyable without fs tbh
[19:52] [AvA]Stauni> yeah
[19:53] power_OP> +1
[19:53] power_OP> :+1:
[19:53] Zpektrix_TAS> im cooking egg sandwich
[19:53] [AvA]Stauni> nice cooking hahaha
[19:53] power_OP> dont like egg
[19:53] Zpektrix_TAS> tudnar will shit in his pants
[19:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i go to the store brb
[19:53] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[19:54] [AvA]Stauni> he just realized all is locked on monday
[19:54] [AvA]Stauni> hahah
[19:54] power_OP> maybe drinks run over
[19:55] [AvA]Stauni> which monitors you got?
[19:55] power_OP> dell
[19:55] [AvA]Stauni> ok mine
[19:55] [AvA]Stauni> asus mg278Q
[19:55] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[19:56] [D]Uncarriable> ok back
[19:56] [AvA]Stauni> my second is acer
[19:56] power_OP> ohh good one
[19:56] [AvA]Stauni> yeah its nice
[19:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> man i feel rough
[19:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> been ill all week
[19:57] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[19:57] [AvA]Stauni> corina
[19:58] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[19:58] [AvA]Stauni> update
[19:58] power_OP> loo
[19:58] [D]Uncarriable> revert boys
[19:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> :update
[19:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[19:58] [D]Uncarriable> who needs to update
[19:59] [AvA]RIPkekw> im good now
[19:59] [AvA]Stauni> maybe you
[19:59] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[19:59] [AsG]Ragnj> brb 2 min
[19:59] [D]Uncarriable> fuck
[19:59] [D]Uncarriable> im scared things getting fucked
[20:00] [AvA]Stauni> grabbing beer
[20:00] [AvA]Stauni> brb
[20:01] popre83 in
[20:02] k90000 out
[20:02] k90000 in
[20:04] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> dosnt seem anyone gonna join. I will go bed
[20:04] Medusa_OP> ;(
[20:04] NonRankedOnly_TSI out
[20:04] NonRankedOnly_Tsi out
[20:05] ismaelocio in
[20:06] Hungaro> +987
[20:06] Medusa_OP> ?
[20:06] [D]amhyr> i think mm would crash
[20:06] Medusa_OP> rofl
[20:07] Medusa_OP> if mm reaches 987 div allies me on sess :ohyes:
[20:07] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:07] [D]amhyr> deal
[20:08] Medusa_OP> :pray: :div: :pray:
[20:09] Ainia out
[20:10] [AvA]MIBbel> hi
[20:20] [AvA]bioSound in
[20:22] Medusa_OP> 3v1?
[20:22] Medusa_OP> or what do you guys wanna play
[20:22] [AvA]bioSound> Any is fine for me :)
[20:23] Medusa_OP> join here?
[20:23] [AvA]bioSound> sure
[20:23] Medusa_OP> mibbel join?
[20:27] Zpektrix_TAS> one of the most boring game progress
[20:27] [D]Uncarriable> what a pro team
[20:27] [D]Uncarriable> din duu nuffin
[20:27] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[20:27] [AvA]bioSound> what happened
[20:27] [TDM]Tundar> _2
[20:27] [AvA]bioSound> uhh nice
[20:27] [D]Uncarriable> why boring tsu
[20:28] [D]Uncarriable> :mallcop:
[20:28] [TDM]Tundar> I can't i planned this
[20:28] [TDM]Tundar> sorry
[20:28] [AsG]Ragnj> 2+
[20:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u doing cr ?
[20:28] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, or pp/tot?
[20:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> cr is nice
[20:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> just hard to actually phind people ho'll play it lol
[20:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> such a good map
[20:30] [AvA]bioSound> wtf?
[20:30] [Rw]Macca out
[20:31] power_OP> cr has too many potantial bd
[20:31] [AsG]Ragnj> too many? lol
[20:31] Medusa_OP> lol
[20:31] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:31] Aldwych> map guys
[20:31] [D]Uncarriable> sess?
[20:31] [AvA]bioSound> this one
[20:31] [D]Uncarriable> something easy :nice:
[20:31] Aldwych> sess?
[20:31] [AvA]bioSound> no sess no
[20:32] [AvA]bioSound> this one
[20:32] [AvA]bioSound> Push!
[20:32] [AvA]bioSound> to try something new
[20:32] power_OP> what about walls
[20:32] [AvA]Stauni> maybe trod as host so bio has ping
[20:32] [D]Uncarriable> yes inca gave me a star
[20:32] Aldwych> bio get your ping
[20:32] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> GET YOUR PING HERE, $4.99!
[20:33] power_OP> loll
[20:33] [D]Uncarriable> pretty cheap
[20:33] [TDM]Tundar> twitch.tv/tundar123
[20:33] [D]Uncarriable> we need to do fair teams guys
[20:33] [D]Uncarriable> i cant do shiet
[20:33] [D]Uncarriable> ehre
[20:33] [AvA]bioSound> +1
[20:33] [D]Uncarriable> bio where u from
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> japan?
[20:34] [AvA]Stauni> venezuela
[20:34] [AvA]bioSound> Chile
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> kk
[20:34] [AvA]bioSound> haha
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> cos of the ping
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> its like tsus
[20:34] [AvA]bioSound> Always play with this ping
[20:34] [AvA]bioSound> You get used to it
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> ye ur lucky ping never change
[20:34] [D]Uncarriable> unfair for others
[20:35] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[20:35] [D]Uncarriable> so map?
[20:35] [AvA]Stauni> push :D
[20:35] [D]Uncarriable> ok
[20:35] [D]Uncarriable> teams?
[20:35] [AvA]bioSound> Yeah but sometimes actions are not very responsive haha
[20:35] [AvA]RIPkekw> try best
[20:35] [AvA]bioSound> yeah try best
[20:35] [D]Uncarriable> k
[20:35] [AvA]RIPkekw> [D]Uncarriable + power_OP + [AvA]bioSound + Hungaro vs. Aldwych + [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Stauni + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[20:35] [AvA]RIPkekw> seems good
[20:35] [AvA]Stauni> might be okay
[20:36] power_OP> doen
[20:37] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:40] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:41] Hokage_OP out
[20:51] [AvA]007s in
[20:52] [TDM]Tundar out
[20:54] [SW]pablo- in
[20:58] [TSI]O-Ren out
[21:05] popre83 out
[21:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:11] [TSI]O-Ren in
[21:11] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wir sind hier nicht auf der Kirmes wo eine Achterbahnfahrt 8,90¬ kostet
[21:13] ice-t_TSI in
[21:15] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[21:15] Hungaro> thanks for the game
[21:15] [D]Uncarriable> np wp mate
[21:15] [D]Uncarriable> the killing spree
[21:16] [D]Uncarriable> rampage
[21:16] power_OP> lmfao
[21:16] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:17] Aldwych> power join
[21:18] power_OP> tired thx
[21:19] power_OP out
[21:20] [AvA]bioSound out
[21:22] [AvA]Stauni> lol just realise that bio was on pur team instead of uncas
[21:22] Aldwych> lol
[21:22] [AvA]Stauni> rip is war
[21:22] [AvA]Stauni> and sry bio but better then bio
[21:22] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[21:22] [GoD]carbine out
[21:23] Aldwych> ist bio nicht so gut?
[21:23] [D]Uncarriable> it was best teams mm told us
[21:23] [AvA]Stauni> [D]Uncarriable + power_OP + [AvA]bioSound + Hungaro vs. Aldwych + [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Stauni + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[21:23] [D]Uncarriable> mm knows best teams allways
[21:23] [AvA]Stauni> haha and bio was on our team
[21:23] [D]Uncarriable> wtf
[21:23] [D]Uncarriable> wreally
[21:24] [AvA]Stauni> yes but nvm just 1 p lol
[21:24] [D]Uncarriable> no wonder we won
[21:24] [D]Uncarriable> i mean
[21:24] Aldwych> yea
[21:24] [D]Uncarriable> we got aod
[21:24] [D]Uncarriable> :D
[21:24] [AvA]Stauni> no chance at front
[21:24] [AvA]Stauni> that fs spam
[21:24] [D]Uncarriable> oh ye i hated that :nice:
[21:24] Aldwych> and another thing was, that i missed about 8 lights
[21:25] Aldwych> 4 hit the person but they didnt die
[21:25] [D]Uncarriable> Mine never hits eather
[21:25] [AvA]Stauni> lol hungaro got more points then bio
[21:25] Aldwych> yea saw it
[21:25] [AvA]Stauni> we also got the lowest ranked
[21:25] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[21:26] [AvA]RIPkekw> well he aint that active tbf
[21:26] [AvA]Stauni> power and rip also have more points then toruk and aldwych hahahaha
[21:27] Aldwych> thats why we got so asskicked
[21:28] [D]Uncarriable> i havent played weeks
[21:28] [AvA]Stauni> lol just 1 or so
[21:28] [AvA]Stauni> D
[21:28] [D]Uncarriable> forgot how to build
[21:29] [AvA]Stauni> 16th may :pepega:
[21:29] Coruscater in
[21:29] Aldwych> join unca
[21:29] [D]Uncarriable> eating
[21:29] [D]Uncarriable> hot wings
[21:29] [D]Uncarriable> with hot sauce
[21:30] [AvA]Stauni> hahaha
[21:30] [AvA]RIPkekw> :ohyes:
[21:30] Aldwych> oooh nice
[21:30] [D]Uncarriable> :good:
[21:30] Aldwych> enjoy
[21:30] [D]Uncarriable> dipping em ummmm
[21:30] [AvA]Stauni> how much sco
[21:30] Aldwych> wheny you finish?
[21:30] [D]Uncarriable> 1 hour
[21:30] [AvA]Stauni> hahaha
[21:31] Coruscater> u guys go ahead Imma practice building on my own :P
[21:31] [SW]chapo in
[21:31] Aldwych> lol
[21:31] [SW]chapo out
[21:31] [SW]chapo in
[21:31] [AvA]Stauni> brb
[21:32] [AsG]Ragnj out
[21:33] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[21:34] Footballka in
[21:35] Footballka out
[21:37] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[21:38] [D]ThinkHail in
[21:39] Aldwych> chapo Ping
[21:39] [SW]chapo> sec
[21:40] [SW]chapo out
[21:40] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[21:40] [SW]chapo in
[21:40] [SW]chapo out
[21:40] [SW]chapo in
[21:41] [SW]chapo> can host spider pig?
[21:41] [SW]chapo> lets 2v2
[21:42] Aldwych> where is he
[21:42] [AvA]Stauni> ultra
[21:42] [AvA]Stauni> kurz klo haha
[21:42] Aldwych out
[21:43] Aldwych in
[21:43] Aldwych> oh wow what the fuck
[21:43] Aldwych> ... I downranked.
[21:45] PrudencePetitpas_OP> shocking
[21:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> speechless
[21:46] Muhammet> hi
[21:46] [AvA]Stauni> hi
[21:46] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hi
[21:46] Mowgli in
[21:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> muhammet preacher!?
[21:47] [AvA]Stauni> glaub er ist deutsch
[21:47] Muhammet> oh
[21:47] Muhammet> why am I preacher ?
[21:47] Muhammet> I am noob
[21:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hast dich wohl gut gemacht!
[21:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 7
[21:48] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[21:48] k90000 out
[21:50] Aldwych> hmm
[21:50] Aldwych> was ist mit deinem mappack drunk
[21:51] [AvA]MIBbel> gg
[21:51] Aldwych out
[21:51] [AvA]Stauni> beta nicht 1.0p1
[21:51] Aldwych in
[21:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ja weiß nicht
[21:51] [AvA]Stauni> ald beta
[21:51] NonRankedOnly> Breaking news! Donald Trump pictured without his shirt on :o
[21:52] NonRankedOnly> https://pasteboard.co/K37CIKE.jpg
[21:52] [SW]pablo-> +2
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> kann sein dass ich neustarten muss
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:52] Muhammet> launch failed
[21:52] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:53] Muhammet> sad
[21:53] Muhammet> jut
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> muihammet where from
[21:53] Muhammet> aachen
[21:53] [SW]pablo-> ++++++++++++2
[21:53] [AvA]Stauni> sag ich doch hahaa
[21:55] Mowgli out
[21:56] Aldwych> was gehtn hier heute ab mensch
[21:56] [AvA]Stauni out
[21:56] [AvA]Stauni in
[21:56] NonRankedOnly> Alternative link https://ibb.co/8gyWRcr
[21:56] [SW]pablo-> fist aldwych join
[21:57] [tsi]marcus- in
[21:57] [AvA]Stauni> mein mittlere zeh einfach blau x) voll gestoßen
[21:57] [TSI]O-Ren> such a beast :)
[21:57] Aldwych> warum machste sowas ?
[21:57] [AvA]Stauni> hahah treppe
[21:58] Aldwych> xD
[21:58] Aldwych> shit
[21:58] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[21:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> muss restarten
[21:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:59] [AvA]Acid-303> +2
[22:00] Coruscater> any 2? cos I suck
[22:00] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[22:00] Muhammet out
[22:01] [GoD]Shogun out
[22:01] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[22:01] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe you are a fake mate...
[22:01] NonRankedOnly> Coruscaster, you dont sound as confident as you did a few days ago :P
[22:01] [TSI]O-Ren> again high sigma?
[22:01] Coruscater> Im not at all
[22:02] [AvA]Acid-303> i checked a game and growing pop faster than mahmut
[22:02] Coruscater> who
[22:02] [AvA]Acid-303> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=448154
[22:02] [AvA]Acid-303> lol
[22:03] Coruscater> lies
[22:03] [TSI]O-Ren> :monkaSSS:
[22:03] Coruscater> fake news
[22:04] Coruscater> Im slowly getting used to this keyboard layout, "Starting" to fuck up less with keyboard logistics
[22:04] NonRankedOnly> Coruscater, to be fair you are playing higher ranks. That will be tough
[22:05] Coruscater> everyones higher rank than me right now :P\
[22:05] [TSI]O-Ren> :wow:
[22:06] Coruscater> I had 1 good win 1v1 vs Power OP.... and I feel like it was less me being good and more him being bad... :P
[22:06] TristanFR out
[22:06] NonRankedOnly> I think 1v1s are good practice. Warrior and spy ranks
[22:06] Coruscater> still learning to use ghost... that game vs Power I didnt cast ghost once lol
[22:07] NonRankedOnly> Good for emptying FW from tower and pushing shaman into water
[22:07] Coruscater> yeah
[22:07] Coruscater> Im slowly remembering some of ym old tricks
[22:07] Coruscater> they more useful than that actually
[22:08] Aldwych> coru are you an old player?
[22:08] NonRankedOnly> I think I heard Keith mention on stream that you said you used to beat him?
[22:08] Coruscater> very old
[22:08] NonRankedOnly> Or maybe I misheard
[22:08] Coruscater> I did use to beat him
[22:08] Coruscater> then he got better, then it was more even
[22:09] NonRankedOnly> Which year was this?
[22:09] Coruscater> 2000?
[22:09] Coruscater> I dunno
[22:09] Coruscater> smoked wayyy too much weed since then
[22:09] NonRankedOnly> We all have lol
[22:09] Coruscater> I remember Keith starting as new player
[22:09] Coruscater> I think I even taught him a few things
[22:10] [TSI]O-Ren> 2003
[22:10] Coruscater> I vaguely remember thinking "This kid has potential!"
[22:10] NonRankedOnly> Well as long as you don't too disheartened when playing higher ranks
[22:11] Coruscater> gotta play the best to be the best ;)
[22:11] [GoD]carbine in
[22:11] NonRankedOnly> Well you dont give up, so that's interesting
[22:12] Coruscater> Im stubborn
[22:12] [SW]pablo-> +2
[22:12] NonRankedOnly> Haha yeah I came to that conclusion
[22:12] Coruscater> I remember back in the day getting killed down to 10 pops and making comeback while partner defd
[22:13] NonRankedOnly> You play bird view?
[22:13] NonRankedOnly> Or standard view?
[22:14] [TDM]Tundar in
[22:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> i couldnt write
[22:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> and change to legacy mouse
[22:16] [AvA]Acid-303> ok
[22:16] [AvA]Acid-303> let's redo
[22:16] Aldwych> spin what happened?
[22:16] [AvA]Stauni> [23:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> i couldnt write
[22:16] Coruscater> was it me?
[22:16] Aldwych> with m
[22:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> lolll
[22:16] Aldwych> or k
[22:16] [AvA]Stauni> xD
[22:16] Aldwych> xD
[22:16] [TDM]Tundar out
[22:17] Aldwych> you´re welcome
[22:19] [SW]chapo out
[22:20] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:20] Lucas in
[22:22] _popre83 in
[22:23] _popre83 out
[22:23] _popre83 in
[22:23] _popre83 out
[22:23] popre83 in
[22:29] [SW]chapo in
[22:30] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[22:34] Heldinho in
[22:37] [GoD]carbine out
[22:37] [AvA]MIBbel out
[22:38] [AvA]Geralt out
[22:39] [AvA]Geralt in
[22:40] Lucas out
[22:45] [AsG]Ragnj in
[22:45] Lucas in
[22:51] [D]Uncarriable out
[22:52] Lucas out
[22:53] [SW]pablo-> gn all
[22:53] [SW]pablo- out
[22:55] Lucas in
[22:56] popre83 out
[22:59] Medusa_OP> gg
[23:00] popre83 in
[23:00] [D]ThinkHail out
[23:01] popre83 out
[23:04] [SW]chapo out
[23:04] Hungaro> olhó Heldinho!
[23:04] Heldinho> :-)
[23:04] Heldinho> ta td?
[23:04] Hungaro> ayan
[23:04] Hungaro> e tu?
[23:04] Hungaro> tens estado a bombar sumo?
[23:05] Heldinho> ?
[23:05] Heldinho> so vinho aqui xD
[23:05] Heldinho out
[23:05] Heldinho in
[23:05] Hungaro> ok nada mau
[23:06] Heldinho out
[23:06] popre83 in
[23:06] Heldinho in
[23:08] popre83 out
[23:15] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[23:15] [GoD]Hakai in
[23:17] popre83 in
[23:22] Sirius_OP out
[23:22] Lucas out
[23:26] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[23:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> GG
[23:26] Coruscater> gg
[23:26] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[23:27] Coruscater out
[23:27] Sirius_OP in
[23:27] Coruscater in
[23:27] popre83 out
[23:34] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[23:37] [GoD]Hakai out
[23:38] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> :+1: SoW
[23:39] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[23:40] [AsG]Ragnj> roll a 3 ffa guys?
[23:41] erickzini in
[23:42] erickzini out
[23:43] ismaelocio> eeeeeeeeeeedsssssssssssssssssssssºVGFIIIIIIIIUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.Ñ7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÑÑÑ.H8
[23:43] ismaelocio> ////////////////////////////////8NN+
[23:44] ismaelocio> 6666666666LJJJJJ6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666TTTTTTTTTTTTT'O9*6*6*6666669999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999*********************************//////////////////////////////////////////111111M000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000QDSDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD2YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
[23:44] ismaelocio> HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYU1222++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*
[23:44] Aldwych> ?
[23:45] erickzini in
[23:45] erickzini out
[23:46] ismaelocio out
[23:46] erickzini in
[23:46] Lucas in
[23:46] erickzini out
[23:46] [AvA]Stauni> 2min
[23:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> nice we are full
[23:47] Aldwych> stauni will join too
[23:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> nice 4v1 jugg then?
[23:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or 2v3?
[23:48] Aldwych> oh cool... 3v3+
[23:48] PrudencePetitpas_OP> oo
[23:49] [AvA]Stauni> picking pbeer sec
[23:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> [AvA]Drunkenmaster + Lucas + Aldwych vs. [AsG]Ragnj + [AvA]Stauni + [TSI]O-Ren
[23:49] [TSI]O-Ren> cant play this map sry
[23:49] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> mapwish?
[23:50] [TSI]O-Ren> walls?
[23:51] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> who wants to be middle at the enemys team?
[23:51] [AsG]Ragnj> lets roll
[23:51] erickzini in
[23:52] erickzini out
[23:54] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sry rag aasn't here
[23:57] erickzini in
[23:57] erickzini out
[23:58] Coruscater out
[00:00] erickzini in
[00:01] erickzini out
[00:03] ismaelocio in
[00:03] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[00:04] popre83 in
[00:09] [AvA]007s> gg
[00:09] Heldinho> gg
[00:09] Hungaro> was fun
[00:09] Hungaro> nks
[00:10] Hungaro> thanks
[00:10] Medusa_OP> yeah xD
[00:13] Heldinho out
[00:16] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[00:16] Medusa_OP out
[00:16] Hungaro out
[00:17] Heldinho in
[00:17] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[00:22] Lucas out
[00:22] Mr_Ridiculous out
[00:26] Mr_Ridiculous in
[00:29] Heldinho out
[00:39] [AvA]007s out
[00:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[00:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ausversehen
[00:45] [TSI]O-Ren out
[00:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hahah
[00:47] Aldwych> oh garnicht gesehen, dass rot auch nen vulc gesetzt hatte
[00:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ja in meiner base
[00:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> waren aber alle hütten schon vorher leer
[00:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> alle zum trainieren geschickt
[00:48] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[00:48] [AvA]Pharaoh out
[00:48] [tsi]marcus- out
[00:49] [tsi]marcus- in
[00:53] Tabaluga out
[00:54] Aldwych out
[00:55] Aldwych in
[00:56] Aldwych out
[00:56] Aldwych in
[00:56] [AvA]Geralt out
[01:00] [AsG]Ragnj> join here guys
[01:03] Aldwych> naaa, i think, ill go to bed.
[01:03] Aldwych> Gn8
[01:03] Aldwych out
[01:04] TristanFR in
[01:04] erickzini in
[01:08] [AvA]Stauni out
[01:11] HexTheRex in
[01:13] [AvA]Stauni in
[01:13] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> stauni join?
[01:14] HexTheRex> yea +2 but if not possible then 1v1
[01:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you have a ?
[01:14] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hex
[01:15] HexTheRex> wut
[01:15] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ping ?
[01:15] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[01:15] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[01:16] HexTheRex out
[01:16] HexTheRex in
[01:16] erickzini out
[01:16] erickzini in
[01:17] erickzini out
[01:17] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> host
[01:17] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Drunkenmaster: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[01:18] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Drunkenmaster: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[01:18] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> map
[01:18] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> maps
[01:18] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Drunkenmaster: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls.
[01:18] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> tom
[01:18] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
HexTheRex - MapPack: OK
[AvA]Drunkenmaster - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Red (Watcher) - HexTheRex: Blue - [AvA]Drunkenmaster: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
[01:24] erickzini in
[01:28] [AvA]MIBbel in
[01:30] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[01:34] [AvA]MIBbel out
[01:34] WhitePhantom in
[01:35] WhitePhantom out
[01:40] Sirius_OP out
Game results submitted.
[01:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[01:44] HexTheRex> i cant believe this
[01:44] HexTheRex> i was 1mm away from that totem
[01:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> haha
[01:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but it would only destroy half of the base
[01:44] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and ur base was sacrificed to that totem
[01:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> your start was prett< good though
[01:45] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> just have to look at ur trees a bit more
[01:45] HexTheRex> i dont know how
[01:45] HexTheRex> braves to what they want
[01:45] HexTheRex> do
[01:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> if you cut down the trees a bit then they will regrow
[01:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and the braves can take the woodpiles for buildign
[01:49] HexTheRex> but also completely cut down trees grow again?
[01:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but it takes way longer
[02:00] [AvA]MIBbel in
[02:00] [AvA]MIBbel out
[02:01] [AsG]Ragnj out
[02:05] erickzini out
[02:07] erickzini in
[02:15] [AvA]Stauni> hex join
[02:31] Coruscater in
[02:32] Coruscater> where do you see game stats of previous games?
[02:33] erickzini out
[02:34] Lucas in
[02:35] hammyburger in
[02:35] Lucas out
[02:40] emastorm in
[02:41] emastorm out
[03:02] [AvA]Stauni> after every match
[03:02] [AvA]Stauni> theres a link posted
[03:02] [AvA]Stauni> in chat
[03:02] [AvA]Stauni> also you can click on someones name and watch profile
[03:02] [AvA]Stauni> or game historxy
[03:04] [AvA]Stauni out
[03:15] Coruscater out
[03:15] [tsi]marcus- out
[03:20] [AsG]Keith52 out
[03:22] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> do night fall
[03:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[03:24] hammyburger out
[03:24] [AsG]Keith52 in
[03:26] ismaelocio out
[03:26] popre83 out
[03:34] [D]amhyr out
[03:41] [tsi]marcus- in
[04:06] [tsi]marcus- out
[04:20] HexTheRex out
[04:27] biledemonx10 in
[04:27] biledemonx10 out
[04:27] biledemonx10 in
[04:31] biledemonx10 out
[04:32] biledemonx10 in
[04:35] biledemonx10 out
[04:50] [AsG]Drummerdude48 in
[04:55] shing128345 in
[04:58] [AsG]Keith52 out
[05:06] [AsG]Sky- in
[05:07] gronan in
[05:15] gronan out
[05:16] gronan in
[05:21] k90000 in
[05:21] k90000 out
[05:26] Footballka in
[05:26] Footballka out
[05:37] shing128345 out
[05:39] [AsG]Drummerdude48 out
[05:39] gronan out
[06:00] TristanFR out
[06:25] Silverchure in
[06:27] Myrddloth in
[06:27] Myrddloth out
[06:28] Myrddloth in
[06:32] Silverchure out
[06:33] Myrddloth out
[06:33] Myrddloth in
[06:33] Silverchure in
[06:36] Myrddloth out
[06:37] Myrddloth in
[06:37] Myrddloth out
[06:44] Silverchure out
[07:14] Silverchure in
[07:15] Myrddloth in
[07:16] Myrddloth out
[07:17] Myrddloth in
[07:21] Myrddloth out
[07:21] Myrddloth in
[07:24] Kay in
[07:25] Myrddloth out
[07:25] Myrddloth in
[07:47] [AsG]Sky- out
[08:05] power_OP in
[08:12] Muhammet in
[08:13] [God]Hakai in
[08:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[08:15] Zpektrix_TAS in
[08:15] Kay> omg relog!pvt: Zpektrix_TAS> i
[08:15] Kay out
[08:15] Kay in
[08:16] Muhammet out
[08:16] Muhammet in
[08:17] hammyburger in
[08:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[08:18] power_OP out
[08:18] power_OP in
[08:18] [GoD]Hakai in
[08:18] Zpektrix_TAS in
[08:18] power_OP> guys i cant ping you
[08:18] power_OP> host please
[08:19] hammyburger> Hey power, can i join you guys or are you doing 1v1?
[08:19] Zpektrix_TAS out
[08:19] power_OP> hey hammy
[08:19] power_OP> yeah come dude
[08:19] power_OP> we can do 2v1 or 1v1v1
[08:19] hammyburger> thanks!
[08:19] hammyburger> im keen for whatever
[08:20] Zpektrix_TAS in
[08:20] power_OP> there is Three tribes map
[08:20] power_OP> 1v1v1
[08:21] power_OP> we can do it if u wan
[08:21] power_OP> t
[08:21] hammyburger> surew
[08:21] hammyburger> sure
[08:21] hammyburger> whats the map called?
[08:21] power_OP> three tribes
[08:21] hammyburger> muhammet can you try host?
[08:21] power_OP> in ts1 worlds
[08:22] hammyburger> seems good
[08:22] power_OP> yeah your ping high but this is what we can do
[08:22] hammyburger> im fine
[08:22] power_OP> muhammet
[08:22] power_OP> three tribes
[08:22] power_OP> from ts1 worlds
[08:23] power_OP> u can search as 1v1v1
[08:24] hammyburger> sorry! my res was weird i had to exit i couldnt click play
[08:24] hammyburger> *i couldnt click start
[08:25] power_OP> just you need to wait some
[08:25] hammyburger> my resolution went all weird and i couldnt move my mouse to click "ready"
[08:25] power_OP> ohh
[08:25] power_OP> weird
[08:25] hammyburger> it happens sometimes its so weird
[08:25] Muhammet out
[08:25] [God]Hakai out
[08:25] power_OP> also wrong map but
[08:25] [GoD]Hakai out
[08:25] hammyburger> Muhammet left :(
[08:26] hammyburger> 1v1?
[08:26] power_OP> yeah
[08:27] hammyburger> you wanna host?
[08:27] power_OP out
[08:27] power_OP in
[08:28] hammyburger> do you wanna try host?
[08:28] power_OP> kk
[08:28] hammyburger out
[08:28] hammyburger in
[08:29] hammyburger> ok got ping
[08:29] power_OP> 400
[08:29] hammyburger> its ok
[08:38] Zpektrix_TAS> lemme switch another isp
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> Ping: 48 ± 5
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> nvm
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> 48 :D
[08:39] Kay> this one ok?
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf?
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> i havent seen this map before
[08:39] Kay> LOL you miss this one?
[08:39] Kay> lv 7
[08:39] Zpektrix_TAS> hmm
[08:40] Zpektrix_TAS> launch once
[08:40] Zpektrix_TAS> and see
[08:40] Kay out
[08:42] Kay in
[08:42] Kay> wow
[08:42] Kay> mm kicks me
[08:42] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah
[08:42] Zpektrix_TAS> i saw wrong map
[08:42] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe a bug
[08:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[08:46] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :plead:
[08:51] Myrddloth out
[08:52] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[08:53] Silverchure out
[08:53] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[09:00] Kay> ouch big map this time
[09:00] Zpektrix_TAS> we need to rush
[09:02] k90000 in
[09:04] PrudencePetitpas_OP out
[09:04] Kay out
[09:04] hammyburger out
[09:05] Mr_Ridiculous out
[09:05] Kay in
[09:06] PrudencePetitpas_OP in
[09:07] hammyburger in
[09:09] Mr_Ridiculous in
[09:15] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gay love!e
[09:17] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[09:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> gay love all
[09:24] [AsG]Ralimurr> Morning
[09:26] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[09:26] Zpektrix_TAS> one of the easiest level
[09:26] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[09:35] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[09:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[09:41] Kay out
[09:41] power_OP> gg wp
[09:41] hammyburger out
[09:42] Zpektrix_TAS out
[09:43] Zpektrix_TAS in
[09:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu and kayin join
[09:44] Zpektrix_TAS> doing wotg
[09:44] Zpektrix_TAS> as i said
[09:44] Zpektrix_TAS> hf
[09:44] Kay in
[09:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf is that
[09:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> you hf too
[09:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> why me i got no game
[09:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> wtf
[09:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[09:46] Zpektrix_TAS in
[09:48] theoldstory in
[09:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu drunk again
[09:59] power_OP> +2
[10:09] FreeMatt in
[10:10] biledemonx10 in
[10:12] FreeMatt in
[10:13] krypton in
[10:18] Zpektrix_TAS> [17:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu drunk again
[10:18] Zpektrix_TAS> ??
[10:18] Zpektrix_TAS> spin is drunk today
[10:24] FreeMatt out
[10:24] FreeMatt> free
[10:24] FreeMatt> matt
[10:24] FreeMatt out
[10:25] Hungaro in
[10:29] Heldinho in
[10:32] savas in
[10:33] Heldinho out
[10:34] biledemonx10 out
[10:35] [GoD]Candide in
[10:37] theoldstory out
[10:40] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[10:47] power_OP out
[10:47] power_OP in
[10:48] krypton out
[10:49] krypton in
[10:49] savas> 2v1?
[10:49] savas> ill host
[10:50] power_OP> we gonna 1v1
[10:50] power_OP out
[10:50] power_OP in
[10:50] savas> no worries, have fun!
[11:02] [AvA]Geralt in
[11:03] Zpektrix_TAS out
[11:04] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[11:04] k90000 out
[11:06] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[11:08] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:14] Zpektrix_TAS out
[11:17] Zpektrix_TAS in
[11:22] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[11:27] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[11:28] savas> 2v11?
[11:28] savas> 2v1?*
[11:28] krypton> ok
[11:28] power_OP> o kthen 2v1
[11:29] savas> sorry
[11:29] savas> yes one sec
[11:29] [AvA]Acid-303 in
[11:30] savas> ohh, Soma wanto play?
[11:30] savas> teams?
[11:30] savas> how good is krypton?
[11:30] krypton> bad
[11:30] [AvA]Acid-303> mmm
[11:30] [AvA]Acid-303> maybe unfair
[11:30] savas> 3v1? jugg
[11:30] power_OP> ok
[11:30] power_OP> juggernaut
[11:31] savas> who wants to be jugg?
[11:31] savas> power, fancy it?
[11:31] power_OP> ok
[11:31] [AvA]Acid-303> power jugg
[11:31] savas> lol
[11:32] [GoD]Candide out
[11:33] savas> Soma?...
[11:33] savas> we lost you, lol
[11:33] [AvA]Acid-303> wait a bit lol
[11:33] [AvA]Acid-303> i launched
[11:33] savas> oh sorry
[11:34] [AvA]Acid-303> but nobody in
[11:34] krypton out
[11:34] power_OP out
[11:34] savas> ok, they both left it seems, Soma
[11:34] savas> 1v1?
[11:35] [AvA]Acid-303> mmmm 1v1
[11:35] savas> quick 1v1
[11:35] savas> ?
[11:35] savas> no one else is here lol
[11:35] [AvA]Acid-303> not pp
[11:35] savas> map?
[11:35] [AvA]Acid-303> any preference?
[11:36] [AvA]Acid-303> do my last 1v1 map
[11:36] [AvA]Acid-303> if you like it
[11:37] savas> lets try this one?
[11:37] savas> looks fun
[11:37] [AvA]Acid-303> okok
[11:37] [AvA]Acid-303> normal restriciton
[11:38] sherminator31 in
[11:38] sherminator31 out
[11:40] savas> lol
[11:40] [AvA]Acid-303> connection froze
[11:40] savas> hmmm weird
[11:40] savas> this one?
[11:41] [AvA]Acid-303> this is the previous one lol
[11:41] savas> what do you mean?
[11:41] [AvA]Acid-303> make lb on and no pray
[11:41] [AvA]Acid-303> mand it's ok
[11:41] savas> ok ok
[11:45] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[11:53] Nakib in
[11:55] [GoD]Shogun in
[11:55] furkannakib27 in
[11:56] furkannakib27 out
[11:56] furkannakib27 in
[11:58] power_OP in
[11:58] furkannakib27 out
[11:58] Nakib out
[11:59] furkannakib27 in
[11:59] Buraknakib in
[11:59] savas> gg!
[11:59] Nakib in
[12:00] [AvA]Acid-303> GG
[12:00] savas> sorry, I know you are good, so I had to be aggressive
[12:00] [AvA]Acid-303> never play 1v1
[12:00] [AvA]Acid-303> new map
[12:00] [AvA]Acid-303> gg
[12:00] savas> gg
[12:00] power_OP> sorry guys we had to
[12:00] power_OP> had to go*
[12:01] savas> no problem mate
[12:02] savas> my overall problem though, Soma, I nearly killed all my trees haha
[12:02] savas> whereas you saved yours
[12:02] savas out
[12:03] [AvA]Acid-303> i saved it because i don't overbuild , but in 1v1 overbuild is not a big problem
[12:03] [AvA]Acid-303> play always 2v2 or more and i play like it lol
[12:07] power_OP out
[12:08] HexTheRex in
[12:08] DonnaJones_OP in
[12:15] power_OP in
[12:15] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[12:15] [AvA]Novaharvest in
[12:17] gronan in
[12:20] [AvA]Acid-303 out
[12:24] HexTheRex out
[12:25] power_OP out
[12:33] furkannakib27 out
[12:35] [AsG]Ragnj in
[12:35] furkannakib27 in
[12:36] [AvA]Stauni in
[12:36] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:37] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:37] gronan out
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:39] Zpektrix_TAS> Ping: 81 ± 12
[12:40] Kay out
[12:40] Kay in
[12:44] Tabaluga in
[12:45] Tabaluga> need +1 for quick test
[12:47] NonRankedOnly_Tsi in
[12:49] [tsi]marcus- in
[12:58] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[13:00] furkannakib27 out
[13:00] furkannakib27 in
[13:01] furkannakib27 out
[13:01] furkannakib27 in
[13:04] Hungaro out
[13:07] furkannakib27 out
[13:07] furkannakib27 in
[13:08] Nakib out
[13:09] Nakib in
[13:10] Tabaluga> yes
[13:11] furkannakib27 out
[13:11] furkannakib27 in
[13:11] DonnaJones_OP> :what:
[13:11] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1 1v1
[13:12] Tabaluga> gg
[13:12] DonnaJones_OP> LOL
[13:12] Tabaluga> nice beta m8
[13:12] DonnaJones_OP> Found another crash
[13:12] DonnaJones_OP> Dare I ask? XD
[13:13] Tabaluga> won't speak here whats this
[13:13] DonnaJones_OP> ok
[13:13] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[13:14] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> I got a fix for beta crashing
[13:14] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/845723417134759946/5ak9d7.jpg
[13:14] DonnaJones_OP> Sure thing "NonRankedOnly"
[13:16] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[13:17] [D]xfiresx15 in
[13:19] niekos in
[13:19] [D]xfiresx15 out
[13:21] Nakib out
[13:23] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[13:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[13:24] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo fist
[13:25] [D]Uncarriable in
[13:25] Harmjan in
[13:25] niekos out
[13:25] niekos in
[13:26] [D]Uncarriable> :pepedoor:
[13:26] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yyoyoyo
[13:26] [AvA]Novaharvest> yoyoyo
[13:26] [AvA]Novaharvest> yo
[13:26] niekos> yo
[13:27] Harmjan> yo
[13:27] [AvA]Novaharvest> (yo)
[13:27] Harmjan> den
[13:27] Nakib in
[13:28] [D]xfiresx15 in
[13:29] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[13:31] Nakib out
[13:31] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[13:32] niekos out
[13:32] niekos in
[13:32] ice-t_TSI out
[13:32] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1
[13:33] niekos out
[13:34] niekos in
[13:34] Harmjan out
[13:34] Harmjan in
[13:36] Nakib in
[13:37] Harmjan> who voted for lithuania yesterday?
[13:39] Tabaluga out
[13:39] niekos out
[13:39] Nakib out
[13:39] furkannakib27 out
[13:39] [D]Uncarriable out
[13:40] furkannakib27 in
[13:41] Harmjan out
[13:42] Nakib in
[13:45] Nakib out
[13:45] [AsG]Nationkid05 in
[13:47] Nakib in
[13:50] Nakib out
[13:50] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[13:50] [AsG]Ragnj> gg
[13:50] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[13:51] [AvA]Novaharvest> gg
[13:53] Nakib in
[13:55] [AvA]RIPkekw> ffa?:d
[13:55] [AsG]Nationkid05 out
[13:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> seeming more and more likely covid came from a lab leak
[13:57] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> sure ffa
[13:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> if u want
[13:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> pls no haha
[13:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> those last hours
[13:58] [AvA]RIPkekw> kinda true
[13:58] [SW]pablo- in
[13:58] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> I wonder what happens if lab leak is confirmed and China tried to cover it up and let the world get infected. Sanction/war? China gonna have no friends left.
[13:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> the lab leak theory involved international cooperation in that lab
[13:59] [AvA]RIPkekw> world war III
[13:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> im fairly sure
[13:59] [AvA]Novaharvest> that wasnt a private chinese lab
[13:59] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> this whole thing has been shady from day 1
[14:00] [AvA]Novaharvest> if that lab was just china it probably would have been reported differently
[14:00] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> seems so no matter what the narrative, people gonna follow. So I wouldnt be suprised if we end up walking into a war if that the next narrative that gets pushed. US been beefing up its military lately
[14:01] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> people are breeding virusses all over the planet, to invent new medicine, im sure the Labs all over the planet are full with thousands of virusses
[14:01] Nakib out
[14:02] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> one sabotage and there is a new pandemy
[14:02] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> we have in Germany a lab on an island its high security
[14:02] power> making a virus is realy easy than what all think
[14:02] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1 1v1
[14:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you just need one agent to steal one dosis
[14:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and then u can start superspreading
[14:03] [AvA]Stauni> sounds like a plan :pepega:
[14:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> :o
[14:03] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> so people play more populous
[14:03] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> maybe depopulation is plan B
[14:03] power> lol i hope
[14:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> or we just nuke the country it started
[14:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> and all good
[14:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekw:
[14:04] [AvA]Novaharvest> wanna do encampments? :D
[14:04] [AvA]Stauni> i dont like china lol
[14:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> sure
[14:04] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> virus is cleaner than a nuke. Gotta think about the environment
[14:04] [AvA]Stauni> encampments?
[14:04] [AvA]RIPkekw> nova's map
[14:04] [AvA]Stauni> ah
[14:04] furkannakib27 out
[14:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i wonde why we have no chinese Players in MM
[14:04] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wonder
[14:05] [AvA]Stauni> we have tsu lol
[14:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> tsu is from japan i think?
[14:05] [AvA]Novaharvest> not chinese?
[14:05] [AvA]Novaharvest> lol
[14:05] [AvA]RIPkekw> i think he is japanese
[14:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> or where is he from?
[14:05] [AvA]Stauni> man i know
[14:05] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> probably not allowed, communist party doesnt like its people playing online games too much
[14:05] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[14:05] [AvA]RIPkekw> well same thing :kek:
[14:05] power> there are 4 guys but dont know where r they from
[14:05] [AvA]Stauni> japan is also asia
[14:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but on the other hand AOE2 and LoL has a lot of chinese Players
[14:06] Nakib in
[14:06] [AvA]Stauni> apex has a lot of japanese players
[14:06] [AvA]RIPkekw> Yeah asians are sick on lol
[14:06] [AvA]Novaharvest> they play lots of games in china
[14:06] [AvA]Novaharvest> its just coincidence i think
[14:06] [AvA]Stauni> yeah also FPS games
[14:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but no Populous
[14:06] [AvA]Novaharvest> new games take a while to reach china because they vet them first
[14:07] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> populous probably wasnt sold in china?
[14:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> i had an ex from china so i know about this a bit haha
[14:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> imagine they start playing pop in china and we have 1000000 new players in the lobby
[14:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> oh thats true actually
[14:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> prime
[14:07] [AvA]Novaharvest> thats a chance
[14:07] power> i hope they will start soon
[14:07] [AvA]Stauni> play?
[14:07] [AvA]Stauni> ah
[14:07] power> today my brother started
[14:08] [AsG]Ragnj> join pablo
[14:08] [AsG]Ragnj> lets ally
[14:08] Kay out
[14:09] Kay in
[14:09] [GoD]Shogun> [15:07] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> imagine they start playing pop in china and we have 1000000 new players in the lobby
[14:09] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Soz, I just play unranked dude
[14:09] [GoD]Shogun> china players?
[14:09] [GoD]Shogun> thats like 1000000 nicis
[14:10] [tsi]marcus-> yeah vwkiller was pro
[14:10] furkannakib27 in
[14:11] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> +1
[14:14] [TSI]O-Ren in
[14:14] [AsG]Ragnj> oren join here
[14:16] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> pm me 1v1
[14:23] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[14:25] [D]amhyr in
[14:29] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[14:31] Xolbadur in
[14:32] [SW]pablo-> +2
[14:45] Xolbadur out
[14:55] [AvA]Stauni> stupid map
[14:55] [AvA]Stauni> preacher spys to low land
[14:55] [AvA]Stauni> cant built a solid defnese cause your base is like on 3 mini islands
[14:55] [AvA]Stauni> hypno
[14:56] [AvA]Stauni> only need ato cast a light to push you into water
[14:56] [AvA]Stauni> low mana all game
[14:56] [AvA]Stauni> no
[14:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> basically you dont like it because its not one big base haha
[14:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> which is the whole idea of the map
[14:57] [AvA]Stauni> rip just sit there and waited for me to cast a light which pushed me in water
[14:57] [AvA]Novaharvest> you shouldnt have done that then
[14:58] [AvA]Stauni> while im dead he did preachers to invade my mini basis
[14:58] [AvA]Stauni> i was at 20 pop all game
[14:58] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :monkas:
[14:58] power_OP in
[14:58] [D]Uncarriable in
[14:58] [D]Uncarriable> :pepedoor:
[14:59] [D]xfiresx15 out
[15:00] iRespectWomenxD26> no fhk u
[15:00] [D]Uncarriable> respect for straight answer koopa :nice:
[15:00] [D]Uncarriable> teams?
[15:01] [D]Uncarriable> [D]Uncarriable + [SW]pablo- + [AvA]RIPkekw + [AvA]Stauni vs. [AvA]Drunkenmaster + [AvA]Novaharvest + power_OP + Zpektrix_TAS
[15:01] [D]Uncarriable> ?
[15:01] power_OP> waht about best
[15:01] [D]Uncarriable> kk
[15:01] [D]Uncarriable> best it is
[15:01] redfire in
[15:01] [D]Uncarriable> power get ping
[15:01] redfire out
[15:02] [D]Uncarriable> rejoin or relog
[15:02] [D]Uncarriable> works 99% of times
[15:02] [D]Uncarriable> all so quiet
[15:02] [D]Uncarriable> allmost like im this hut alone
[15:02] power_OP> heyyyy
[15:02] power_OP> whats up trod
[15:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> lol
[15:02] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :kekyou:
[15:02] [D]Uncarriable> can u read few lines up
[15:03] [AvA]Stauni> Power ping
[15:03] [AvA]RIPkekw> :kekclown:
[15:03] power_OP out
[15:03] power_OP in
[15:08] iRespectWomenxD26 out
[15:09] iRespectWomenxD26 in
[15:14] Buraknakib out
[15:16] Nakib out
[15:16] furkannakib27 out
[15:25] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[15:25] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[15:33] Lucas in
[15:41] [AsG]Keith52 in
[15:45] Barracuda11 in
[15:46] Barracuda11 out
[15:47] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:48] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:48] [GoD]Hakai in
[15:50] Tabaluga in
[15:51] [GoD]Hakai out
[15:53] [D]Uncarriable> gg
[15:53] iRespectWomenxD26> nah 3 v 3 blowss hardcore
[15:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> i was playing with inder 20 fps all game lol
[15:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> so ahit
[15:54] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[15:54] [AvA]RIPkekw> gg
[15:54] [SW]pablo-> yo gg
[15:54] [AsG]Ragnj> cr? pp? tot?
[15:54] [D]Uncarriable> fist had 1 pop
[15:54] [D]Uncarriable> and recovered
[15:55] [D]Uncarriable> nice
[15:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> new map rod? wanna test things
[15:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> unless we wanna do ranked
[15:55] [D]Uncarriable> if theres no totems
[15:55] power_OP> lol
[15:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> one totem :D you pray at one totem to make the volc stone head appear
[15:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> jsut that
[15:55] [tsi]marcus-> ++++++++++++++++2 WALLZ
[15:55] [AvA]Novaharvest> just*
[15:55] [AvA]RIPkekw out
[15:56] [D]Uncarriable> ok
[15:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> llag out
[15:56] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> did we win?
[15:57] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> was at 1 pop and recovered to arround 80-90
[15:57] power_OP> was realy good
[15:57] [AvA]Stauni> i should have charge dlight at that point :D
[15:57] [D]Uncarriable> i saw u having 30 wars and 30 fws in ur base stauni
[15:58] [D]Uncarriable> no wonder he recors
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni> because ewveryone was tzhrowing fs
[15:58] [D]Uncarriable> recovers
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni> like they could be used more useful
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni> at that poiint i hadnt that much
[15:58] [D]Uncarriable> somehow my troops passed to enemy base
[15:58] [D]Uncarriable> all game
[15:58] [AvA]Stauni> and my 7 gfw i send in
[15:59] [D]Uncarriable> try send nonstop troops 2 by 2
[15:59] [D]Uncarriable> not whole pack once
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> i did sent permant
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> lol
[15:59] power_OP> looks good
[15:59] power_OP> tree wars
[15:59] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> i think my wars were permantnely at purple
[15:59] [AvA]Stauni> but they blasted them into water
[16:00] [tsi]marcus-> +++1 ally spin
[16:00] [AsG]Keith52 out
[16:00] [tsi]marcus-> +++++++++2 4 walls
[16:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> join me rod has me blocked :excellent:
[16:00] power_OP> yeah i saw this army
[16:00] [AvA]Stauni> if oyu see my own people loss and thats not all because of bd..
[16:05] [AsG]Keith52 in
[16:07] [D]Uncarriable> who was 4th in our team?
[16:07] [D]Uncarriable> stauni lucas me
[16:07] [D]Uncarriable> ?
[16:07] [TSI]O-Ren> me
[16:07] [SW]pablo-> yeah and o ren
[16:07] [tsi]marcus-> whos poppin? join up lads unranked fun
[16:08] [tsi]marcus-> (its a test map)
[16:09] [SW]pablo-> sec
[16:09] [SW]pablo-> i restart my laptip
[16:09] [SW]pablo-> i need 2 min
[16:09] [SW]pablo- out
[16:09] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> who made this map?
[16:09] [D]Uncarriable> nova
[16:09] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> the texture is the same as dictator isnt it?
[16:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> aye
[16:10] [AvA]Novaharvest> thought it suited the name a bit haha, mysterious
[16:11] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:11] [SW]pablo- in
[16:12] [tsi]marcus-> +2+2+@+2+2+2+2+2+@@@@@
[16:12] [tsi]marcus-> +2+2+2+2+2+2+2+@@@+@+@+@+@+
[16:13] [tsi]marcus-> +2+@+@+2+2+@@+2+2
[16:15] [TDM]Tundar> -.-'
[16:15] [TDM]Tundar> Noobs with boobs
[16:18] barkingmad in
[16:20] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:21] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:21] Tabaluga> no 1.03 games sick
[16:21] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:22] Lucas out
[16:22] [AsG]Sky- in
[16:22] [tsi]marcus-> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/845462785265369108/5ahzbw.jpg
[16:23] [D]Uncarriable> wasnt bad map
[16:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> nice map
[16:23] power_OP> like it
[16:23] [D]amhyr> always knew nici was amish
[16:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> :D
[16:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> middle is invisi though
[16:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> orry
[16:23] [AvA]Novaharvest> sorry
[16:23] Tabaluga> :cringe:
[16:24] [TSI]O-Ren> brb 5min
[16:24] [D]amhyr> :cringe:
[16:25] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:25] [AvA]Stauni> can we play
[16:25] power_OP> please
[16:26] [AsG]Ragnj out
[16:27] [AsG]Ragnj in
[16:29] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:29] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:32] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:35] barkingmad out
[16:35] [GoD]Hakai in
[16:38] [GoD]Hakai out
[16:40] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[16:43] h2d in
[16:44] [D]xfiresx15 in
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[16:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> nici joiin
[16:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> mahmut
[16:52] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[16:55] h2d out
[16:56] Mahmut1661_Tas> Not playing face off.
[16:57] iRespectWomenxD26> sec
[16:57] [D]Uncarriable> gg wp
[16:57] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg wp
[16:57] power_OP> gg
[16:57] power_OP> w
[16:57] Hokage_OP in
[16:57] [AsG]Sky-> rough team matych up there lol
[16:57] [TSI]O-Ren> gg
[16:57] [D]Uncarriable> ye wasnt easiest for us
[16:58] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[16:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> Match Quality: 2%
[16:58] [AvA]Novaharvest> rofl
[16:58] [D]Uncarriable> lol
[16:58] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> Oren carried us
[16:58] [GoD]Shogun> typical match with rod
[16:58] Mahmut1661_Tas in
[16:58] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[16:58] [TSI]O-Ren> lol I didnt mostly nothing
[16:58] [TSI]O-Ren> *did
[16:58] [tsi]marcus-> is koopa here?
[16:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> KOOPA
[16:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> [17:57] iRespectWomenxD26> sec[17:57] iRespectWomenxD26> sec
[16:59] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> oren had highest pop from min 12-13
[16:59] [GoD]Shogun> sc is first
[16:59] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he carried us
[16:59] [D]Uncarriable> impressive
[16:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> true sc is first
[16:59] [AsG]Ragnj> anyone got any idea of why my stream turn black screen? sound seems to work fine: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1032630163
[16:59] [GoD]Shogun> cs *
[16:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> cs *
[16:59] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> wait even from min 10
[16:59] [GoD]Shogun> sc *
[16:59] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> he had the poplead
[16:59] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map?
[16:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> sc *
[16:59] [GoD]Shogun> shaved cunt :good:
[16:59] [D]Uncarriable> i havent seen mm s tream woking on beta
[17:00] [GoD]Shogun> :pog:
[17:00] h2d in
[17:00] [GoD]Shogun> i havent played in a log while tho
[17:00] [GoD]Shogun> probs gonna give my 1%
[17:00] [GoD]Shogun> still enough to win tho
[17:00] iRespectWomenxD26> wut map folks?
[17:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> vhan what map man
[17:00] [GoD]Hakai in
[17:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> ffs
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> thought it was face off
[17:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> go fo koopa
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> but i'll do any
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> fo is too rushy
[17:01] [GoD]Shogun> not cool for a rusty boi
[17:01] Hokage_OP out
[17:01] Hokage_OP in
[17:01] [AsG]Ragnj> T-Rod not mm strea, obs
[17:01] [D]Uncarriable> do u use game capture
[17:02] [D]Uncarriable> remember pop and beta are diff games
[17:02] [AsG]Ragnj> hmm, window capture, with populous beta 1.5
[17:02] [AsG]Sky-> I have to screen capture POP to record it
[17:02] [D]Uncarriable> display capture will work for sure
[17:02] [D]Uncarriable> recording ur screen
[17:02] [D]Uncarriable> and game capture works too
[17:03] [Rw]Macca in
[17:03] [AsG]Sky-> game capture always gives me a black screen
[17:03] [D]Uncarriable> on beta u gotta capture it after launch
[17:03] [D]Uncarriable> original works no problemo
[17:03] [AsG]Ragnj> launch n then turn on stream?
[17:04] [D]Uncarriable> yes on beta
[17:04] [AsG]Ragnj> k
[17:04] [GoD]Hakai out
[17:04] [AsG]Ragnj> is there anything in this guide thats major wrong these days? http://www.popre.net/forum/live-streaming-guide-doesn-t-cause-lag-easy-to-set-up--t10156.html
[17:04] [AsG]Ragnj> ive followed that
[17:04] Tabaluga> follow any other online guide
[17:04] h2d out
[17:05] Tabaluga> this is outdated af
[17:08] [AsG]Ragnj> ye
[17:09] Tabaluga> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxHYnL5CTJ0
[17:10] Kay out
[17:10] [AvA]Novaharvest out
[17:15] power_OP out
[17:17] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:18] Medusa_OP in
[17:19] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:19] h2d in
[17:24] IncaWarrior> OBS is pretty easy to set up these days
[17:25] [tsi]marcus-> dont even bother with the guide
[17:25] [tsi]marcus-> it will just confuse you more than anything else
[17:25] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[17:26] [SW]pablo-> gg
[17:26] [SW]pablo- out
[17:26] [tsi]marcus-> basically the only thing you have to do is add a display caputre and you are good to go lol
[17:26] [tsi]marcus-> 2 secs
[17:27] [D]Uncarriable> wow shogun u lost?
[17:27] IncaWarrior> Even better is a window capture
[17:27] Tabaluga> and then people complain obs lags
[17:28] [D]Uncarriable> damn shogun that was bad
[17:28] [tsi]marcus-> i been streaming display capture with computers from 7-8 years ago
[17:28] [tsi]marcus-> cant imagine people running into problems with it
[17:28] [tsi]marcus-> plus you can stream other things besides pop then
[17:29] Tabaluga> well you're lucky everything worked?
[17:29] [AsG]Keith52 out
[17:29] [D]xfiresx15 out
[17:31] [GoD]Shogun> inca bring more players to pop
[17:31] [GoD]Shogun> place is too dead
[17:31] [tsi]marcus-> display is just the simplest
[17:31] [tsi]marcus-> thats why i recommend
[17:31] [tsi]marcus-> a lot of people struggle with anything more complicated
[17:31] [tsi]marcus-> if it dont work then go from there
[17:32] Tabaluga> i see
[17:32] Tabaluga> people are just too smart
[17:33] [GoD]Shogun> ++3
[17:33] Tabaluga> OGS check
[17:33] Tabaluga> did OGS get any 1.03 games today??
[17:34] [tsi]marcus-> whats OGS
[17:34] iRespectWomenxD26> inca dun care bout the competitive scene
[17:34] [GoD]Shogun> koopa come host
[17:34] Tabaluga> OGS = people who use 1.03
[17:34] Tabaluga> ORIGINAL OLDS
[17:34] [GoD]Shogun> lets do 4ways or some not too rushy map this time
[17:34] iRespectWomenxD26> watching sum sc
[17:35] DonnaJones_OP> Queen won
[17:35] iRespectWomenxD26> 1.5 is shite
[17:35] [GoD]Shogun> bleh fk cs
[17:36] Tabaluga> inca explain urself
[17:36] Tabaluga> why there are complains from people about activity, thats a massive problem mate
[17:36] Tabaluga> #unbanmatt #1.03 #stopbanningactiveplayers
[17:37] Tabaluga> :pepegaphone: THERES NO VACICINE TO CURE UR DIRTY NEEDS
[17:37] [tsi]marcus-> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818658111748440105/841467093147844609/Leafs_law.png
[17:37] [GoD]Shogun> a couple more active `players leaving n pop will die irremediably
[17:37] Tabaluga> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/845723417134759946/5ak9d7.jpg
[17:38] Tabaluga> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/845462785265369108/5ahzbw.jpg
[17:38] Tabaluga> #SavePop
[17:38] Tabaluga> vhan u fuck join the resistance
[17:38] iRespectWomenxD26> place doing fine for preacher ranks n below
[17:38] [GoD]Shogun> i dont care about resistance
[17:38] [GoD]Shogun> stfu and join a hut instead
[17:38] Tabaluga> wow vhan is beta supporter
[17:38] [GoD]Shogun> i like beta
[17:38] [GoD]Shogun> 8 players is fun
[17:39] Tabaluga> wtf
[17:39] Tabaluga> sik
[17:39] [GoD]Shogun> join brah
[17:39] iRespectWomenxD26> even war-preacher ranks got a chance on betaa
[17:39] [GoD]Shogun> fhk
[17:39] Tabaluga> fhk
[17:39] iRespectWomenxD26> ill be gaming in 15 mins prolly so stfu
[17:39] Tabaluga> starcraft bruhwar
[17:39] Tabaluga> :bruh:
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> i hear u can dismantle with alt key
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> just noob it up more inca
[17:40] [GoD]Shogun> ye
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> perfect hut upgrading without manaully do it
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> infinite wood
[17:40] [GoD]Shogun> haha
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> less mana for lbs
[17:40] iRespectWomenxD26> lets go inca!
[17:40] [GoD]Shogun> free volc from start
[17:40] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> +3
[17:40] Medusa_OP> fs spam nonstop
[17:40] Tabaluga> just give free win
[17:40] Tabaluga> lets goooo
[17:41] [tsi]marcus-> once braves find the closest pice of wood im all in on beta
[17:41] [tsi]marcus-> dont slow the game down
[17:41] [GoD]Shogun> press alt + f7 to half ur opponent's mana and pop
[17:41] IncaWarrior> I was considering making lb only 1 block wide
[17:41] Tabaluga> D:
[17:41] IncaWarrior> make expansions slower
[17:41] Tabaluga> wtf
[17:41] [GoD]Shogun> lb is good with the default effect
[17:41] [GoD]Shogun> jesus
[17:41] Tabaluga> ya lbs fucked
[17:41] Tabaluga> gg
[17:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> how about making the lbs curvy?
[17:41] IncaWarrior> maybe allow you to cast the 1block lb onto water
[17:41] [GoD]Shogun> lmfao
[17:42] Tabaluga> :why:
[17:42] [GoD]Shogun> so ur allowing for 2 lbs bds
[17:42] [GoD]Shogun> LOIL
[17:42] [TDM]Tundar in
[17:42] [GoD]Shogun> jeeeesus
[17:42] IncaWarrior> also make lb a guest spell
[17:42] [GoD]Shogun> wat u thinking
[17:43] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[17:43] [GoD]Shogun> nice trollin mate
[17:43] [GoD]Shogun> make it guest spell and every game will be ruined
[17:43] Tabaluga> nobody uses guest spells
[17:43] IncaWarrior> all part of my plot to make flatten meta happen
[17:44] power_OP in
[17:44] Tabaluga> Enhanced Edition (c)
[17:44] IncaWarrior> oh this is going in 1.01 for sure
[17:45] [AsG]Sky-> lol
[17:45] [GoD]Shogun> kosjak get in
[17:45] [GoD]Shogun> if ur playin lol
[17:45] Tabaluga> restricted
[17:46] [GoD]Shogun> which i think u arent but just in case
[17:46] [GoD]Shogun> ye restricted :lmao:
[17:46] Tabaluga> War - Shaman
[17:46] Tabaluga> lol
[17:46] [AsG]Ragnj out
[17:46] [GoD]Shogun> so true
[17:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:46] power_OP> how much tower 1 need 1n PP at starting
[17:47] Tabaluga> yes
[17:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:47] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> 8-10
[17:47] IncaWarrior> power_OP: depends how many braves you have
[17:47] Tabaluga> if you're playing against nici - 0
[17:47] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:47] power_OP> lol ok thx
[17:47] Tabaluga> doesn't matter how many you build them he still will rekt u :kekw:
[17:47] Mahmut1661_Tas> :kekw:
[17:47] Mahmut1661_Tas> rue
[17:47] power_OP> do we need dismantle 1n PP
[17:47] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ofc u have to fill towers
[17:47] [GoD]Shogun out
[17:47] Medusa_OP> ^^
[17:48] Mahmut1661_Tas> Towers only delay the inevertable :kekw:
[17:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> dismantle when u have time and nothing else to do
[17:48] [GoD]Shogun in
[17:48] power_OP> ok 1 never time lol
[17:48] Medusa_OP> lol
[17:48] Medusa_OP> dw me neither :kekw:
[17:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> then dont dismantle XD
[17:49] [GoD]Shogun> Updating Populous Beta...
[17:49] [AsG]Ragnj in
[17:53] Tabaluga> amazing
[17:53] Tabaluga> it crashed D:
[17:56] Coruscater in
[17:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> Tabaluga
[17:57] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> you like my new car man? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/642346343175815181/845723417134759946/5ak9d7.jpg
[17:58] Coruscater> that looks like a fake picture
[17:58] Coruscater> :P
[17:58] Lucas in
[17:58] [D]amhyr> bad car can only have 4 people inside
[17:58] [D]amhyr> :kekyou:
[17:59] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> haha nice
[17:59] Tabaluga> yes
[18:00] [D]amhyr> but it has better landbridges :ohyes:
[18:00] iRespectWomenxD26> oh man sik sc games
[18:00] iRespectWomenxD26> u guys r missing out big time 8;;;;;D
[18:00] iRespectWomenxD26> +3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 8888888s
[18:03] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 77777777d2
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[18:04] Medusa_OP> gg
[18:04] [GoD]Shogun> i expected a more fun game tbh
[18:04] IncaWarrior> yeah, dunno why Tundar gave up so quick
[18:05] [D]Uncarriable> what happened
[18:05] [TSI]O-Ren> maybe he's stoned
[18:05] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you can allways come back
[18:05] [D]Uncarriable> tundar gave up :O
[18:05] [GoD]Shogun> he said that pink wasnt helpìng
[18:05] Tabaluga> yo any good animes to W
[18:05] [GoD]Shogun> he gave up right after sayin that
[18:05] [D]Uncarriable> pink was shogun?
[18:06] [tsi]marcus- out
[18:06] [GoD]Shogun> werent u pink inca :pog:
[18:06] IncaWarrior> no, me
[18:06] [D]Uncarriable> :nice:
[18:06] [GoD]Shogun> wow
[18:06] IncaWarrior> I was making him land
[18:06] Tabaluga> with the new LB
[18:06] [D]Uncarriable> thats so sweet
[18:06] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[18:07] [TSI]O-Ren> again this map?
[18:07] [D]Uncarriable> no
[18:07] Zpektrix_TAS> do push
[18:07] [D]Uncarriable> k
[18:07] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :plead:
[18:07] [D]Uncarriable> teams?
[18:08] [D]Uncarriable> random?
[18:08] [AsG]Sky- out
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> do !best
[18:08] [TSI]O-Ren> ofc random
[18:08] [TSI]O-Ren> thats what we like the most
[18:08] [GoD]Shogun> koopa host here
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> whoever was on my team
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> ffs man
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> ignoring pings
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> and not going front
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> on that map
[18:08] [TDM]Tundar> fuck sake, waste of time
[18:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> be a bit more patient
[18:08] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> we were good
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> fuck that
[18:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> not be patient
[18:09] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> ready for a counterstrike
[18:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I'd be mad too
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> i asked many times
[18:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lmao
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> for support
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> i ignored all my allies
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> nothing
[18:09] [GoD]Shogun> patient
[18:09] [GoD]Shogun> lol
[18:09] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> just shaman standing at the back
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> waiting for an lb to charge
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> they just came in front naturally
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> fuck this shit
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> waste of time.
[18:09] [GoD]Shogun> "be patient mate ur just getting eqed"
[18:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> all phistung does is expand
[18:09] IncaWarrior> gotta build defense if you're in front
[18:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 4 no reason
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> I asked for help
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> fuck you
[18:09] Medusa_OP> yeah but still he needs your shamans at front
[18:09] [GoD]Shogun> :O
[18:09] marcus- in
[18:09] IncaWarrior> you were doing fine, just had empty towers
[18:09] Kiyamet in
[18:09] [TDM]Tundar> Because i had no support
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> stop being a dick
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> I can't keep up with fs
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> vs 4 shaman
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> when im dead
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> moron
[18:10] IncaWarrior> bro you literally just threw a game
[18:10] IncaWarrior> you're the dick here
[18:10] [GoD]Shogun> did inca just say bro
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> i asked u to go up
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> u ignored me
[18:10] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> im not trying when team ignores me
[18:10] IncaWarrior> no, I went up, then killed the enemies, then went back
[18:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I'd thro it too iph I looked at that team setup
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> especially at the detrement of their strongest player
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> worthless
[18:10] [AsG]Ahmed in
[18:10] [TDM]Tundar> brainless gameplay
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> from my whole team
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> woa ahmed moved to asg
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> nice tdm
[18:11] IncaWarrior> brainless is going afk because you lose a small hut
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> I said i had 22
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> dam
[18:11] [D]Uncarriable> :kekw:
[18:11] Tabaluga> wtf
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> inca stop roasting
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> even black took all my wildies
[18:11] [D]Uncarriable> :popcorn:
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> hence i asked for help
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> i went down to 17
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> tbh tundar has a point
[18:11] Tabaluga> you away to take tea , come back to a drama
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> still no help
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> u want me to play on/>
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> u guys shaman shud be at front helping
[18:11] Tabaluga> :pogcorn:
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> fuck you inca
[18:11] [TDM]Tundar> tbh
[18:11] sam_tas in
[18:11] [GoD]Shogun> Lol
[18:11] Medusa_OP> true shogun
[18:11] IncaWarrior> we went up even
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> no
[18:12] Medusa_OP> why being in back waiting for lb to get charged
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> u abandoned me
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> vs 4 shaman
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> ye after he took 4 eqs
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> lolo
[18:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> eeasy to talk hen you're back bas
[18:12] PrudencePetitpas_OP> e
[18:12] Medusa_OP> can always expand when i reincarnate
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> if u was purple
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> it was you
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> who left me to get wrecked
[18:12] Medusa_OP> i was back base
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> thanks
[18:12] Medusa_OP> and i came front
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> let all my fws get owned
[18:12] Medusa_OP> why would i sit in my base?
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> and made me walk away
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> well we cant blame inca
[18:12] marcus-> T rod do you have me blocked bro
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> entirely purples fault
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> he doesnt play at all
[18:12] marcus-> I got auto kicked from your hut
[18:12] IncaWarrior> just look at the pop graphs
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> guy went in just to test his lb :pog:
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> idc pop graphs
[18:12] [AsG]Ahmed> always blame inca man
[18:12] IncaWarrior> look at the blasts being used
[18:12] [TDM]Tundar> i care no support
[18:12] [GoD]Shogun> "tundar? oh sry i was testing lb" rofl.
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> yeah ik
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> ffs
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> i wanted to play
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> :/
[18:13] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> tbh ur phault tundar expecting anything phrom those 3
[18:13] IncaWarrior> you think we were just casting blasts in the back or something?
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> I asked them to go front
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> on many occasions
[18:13] Medusa_OP> all people do these days is expand from the start
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> and pinged
[18:13] Medusa_OP> idk whats the fun in that
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> I got nothing
[18:13] [TDM]Tundar> Ofc I expected help
[18:13] IncaWarrior> and then when it took more than 5 seconds to walk to the front, he threw the game
[18:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye that as the rong expectation
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> I walked after 3rd shaman death
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> and 17 pop
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> i asked for help
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> anticipating the need
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> then in need
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> And then when was fucked
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> still nothing
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> ofc i walked.
[18:14] Medusa_OP> i was surprised you were all alone there on front
[18:14] Medusa_OP> tbh
[18:14] marcus-> its the new meta ingame
[18:14] marcus-> when your in an 8 player game vs weak players
[18:14] marcus-> you can expand all day
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> I asked!
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> That's what pisses me off
[18:14] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:14] marcus-> who is there to pressure you?
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> It's not like I didn't ask knowing I was gna need it
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> No one came
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> all my troops where pinged off
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> and I was overrun
[18:14] [TDM]Tundar> immediately.
[18:15] Medusa_OP> ^^
[18:15] Medusa_OP> cuz no one there
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> like, what more do you want
[18:15] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:15] Mahmut1661_Tas> Just set max po pto 50 :omegakekw: Let them expand :P
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> I gave u 3 duals worth of notice
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> To get no help
[18:15] Medusa_OP> lmfao mammy
[18:15] Medusa_OP> i am glad there is the option now to max pop
[18:15] Medusa_OP> set limit
[18:15] Medusa_OP> disgusting if people just expand to over 200 pop
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> Next time I will ask for support from the very beginning of the game
[18:15] Medusa_OP> to fs spam all day
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> who knows it might arrive in time
[18:15] [TDM]Tundar> :/
[18:16] Medusa_OP> lol tundar
[18:16] [TDM]Tundar> pissed off that no responsibility was taken
[18:16] Mahmut1661_Tas> Well unless you are me and expand unthil 6700 pop :D
[18:16] [TDM]Tundar> for ruining that
[18:16] Medusa_OP> :D
[18:16] [TDM]Tundar> completely pissed off now :<
[18:16] [TDM]Tundar> fuck this game :(
[18:16] [AsG]Ahmed> why would anyone need more than 200 pop anyway
[18:16] Medusa_OP> omg i tell you now what you always tell me
[18:16] Medusa_OP> its just a game
[18:16] Medusa_OP> :P
[18:16] PrudencePetitpas_OP> y are you mad at ur noob allies
[18:16] [TDM]Tundar> im mad at inca's respond
[18:17] [TDM]Tundar> response*
[18:17] Medusa_OP> true ahmed
[18:17] Medusa_OP> i tell you for what
[18:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you're phront base and strongest player in the team
[18:17] Medusa_OP> to fs spam all game
[18:17] DonnaJones_OP> That's not like you Tundar, take a break
[18:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it as eexpected
[18:17] [GoD]Shogun> inca looked like he was trolling tbh lol
[18:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye inca's a bitch
[18:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> trolling and taking no responsibility
[18:17] [TDM]Tundar> tbh I had 3 allies ignore me, I'm also stating how detrimental it was to our game
[18:17] [TDM]Tundar> And the lack of care was the cause
[18:17] [TDM]Tundar> It was over if I didnt afk anyway
[18:17] PrudencePetitpas_OP> be back base next time
[18:18] [TDM]Tundar> I'm not gna cockroach for a team who ignores me
[18:18] [TDM]Tundar> no thanks
[18:18] [GoD]Shogun> make inca front
[18:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> being phront ith bad allies doesn't ork
[18:18] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:18] [GoD]Shogun> and let him handle 4 shamans
[18:18] [TDM]Tundar> I'll cockroach for players who can think
[18:18] Medusa_OP> make the lb guys front
[18:18] [GoD]Shogun> while u cast blast at back
[18:18] Medusa_OP> and stay back with you rshaman
[18:18] [GoD]Shogun> then blame him for not handling 4 eqs in 5 mins
[18:18] Medusa_OP> lets see how much fun it is for them
[18:18] DonnaJones_OP> Aye, it's an unfortunate element of all team games, not just pop. If you push responsibility for others, they may come through for you, or they can fuck your entire game
[18:18] [GoD]Shogun> :pogcorn:
[18:18] DonnaJones_OP> Only reflection you can do is what you personally can do better
[18:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> it just really sucks to play 4vs4
[18:18] [TDM]Tundar> As I said, ask for help at the very start
[18:18] [AsG]Ahmed> or just say gg and hop on to the next one
[18:18] Medusa_OP> nothing to do if you are all alone at front
[18:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 2v2 is already bad sometimes
[18:18] [TDM]Tundar> It might arrive in time
[18:19] [GoD]Shogun> sometimes a bacon alert isnt enough tundar
[18:19] DonnaJones_OP> I mean you could do that, but that's more a smartass answer than proper reflection :P
[18:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> so many peoplee doing their on thing
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> I use "k"
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> tbh
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> But no one else response to me
[18:19] [GoD]Shogun> "come help me at front u losers" shud be good enough
[18:19] Medusa_OP> lolol
[18:19] DonnaJones_OP> And I don't like 8p to be honest Nici
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> I said come front
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> I said go front
[18:19] DonnaJones_OP> You can get some good games out of 6p though
[18:19] [TDM]Tundar> I said all sorts of shit
[18:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 8p's are phine in those speciphic maps
[18:19] Medusa_OP> i am not much of a fan either of 8p
[18:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> like playphul one's
[18:20] [AsG]Ahmed> its hard to get a good 8p team
[18:20] Medusa_OP> 2v2 is still best
[18:20] [AsG]Ahmed> theres always someone that will fuck it uo
[18:20] [GoD]Shogun> yeah ahmed
[18:20] [TDM]Tundar> 3v3 gin n tonicx
[18:20] Medusa_OP> always someone doing dumb shit
[18:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> like babo's
[18:20] [GoD]Shogun> mostly because old players dont even p`lay at all
[18:20] [AsG]Ahmed> aka weed
[18:20] [GoD]Shogun> we're surrounded by newbies
[18:20] Tabaluga> 4v4 will be better on larger maps once bases are more spread out and its less chaotic
[18:20] [AsG]Ahmed> does he still play?
[18:20] [TDM]Tundar> And shogun
[18:20] [GoD]Shogun> who cares if he does
[18:20] DonnaJones_OP> Fuck knows
[18:20] [TDM]Tundar> How is bacon not gna alert someone?
[18:20] [TDM]Tundar> It's like the no1 food enhancer :/
[18:20] sam_tas out
[18:21] [GoD]Shogun> people usually look at it then wonder what u want then go back to building their base tundar
[18:21] [GoD]Shogun> just ask them directly to go front
[18:21] [TDM]Tundar> lol..
[18:21] [TDM]Tundar> maps not new to them?
[18:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> let's go
[18:21] [TDM]Tundar> nvm
[18:21] DonnaJones_OP> Bacon is good, ye
[18:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sunday !!!
[18:21] Medusa_OP> right away tell them go front
[18:21] [TDM]Tundar> gimme a min
[18:21] [GoD]Shogun> not everyone is smart enough to analyze the situation and understand what u want from them with a simple bacon point alert
[18:21] Medusa_OP> lel
[18:21] [AsG]Ahmed> weed is fun around here tbh, hes willing to play anyone
[18:22] DonnaJones_OP> Ye tbf I had a good game against him and ice on PP, for all the shit he talks, he plays his games
[18:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> shogun/loveenji join
[18:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> op vs rest ?
[18:22] Mahmut1661_Tas> sure :)
[18:22] Medusa_OP> brb
[18:22] [GoD]Shogun> i would
[18:22] [AsG]Ahmed> was hoping to get a normal game not beta tbh
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> but a frend want me to go online on ps4 for some cod
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> already said yes
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> is it Mat
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> gg
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> Matt
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sad
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> nah imagine being matt's frend
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> rofl.
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :kekyou:
[18:23] Mahmut1661_Tas> :kekw:
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> voice chat with him 1 min is already enough for my brain
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I ant a 2v2 too ahmed
[18:23] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> but tundar's hosting a 2v2
[18:23] [GoD]Shogun> imagine 24 hours
[18:23] [D]Uncarriable> gg
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> a 3v3 *
[18:23] [TDM]Tundar> hi
[18:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> waht shit allies
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :/
[18:23] [D]Uncarriable> honestly i thought enemy was op
[18:23] PrudencePetitpas_OP> so gotta cope ith the options
[18:23] Lucas> That guy Tsu has some serious head problems dude
[18:24] [D]xfiresx15 in
[18:24] [AsG]Ahmed> yah well, doubt we will have other options lol
[18:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> tsu crying whole game
[18:24] [D]Uncarriable> tsu lucas inca and fish same team
[18:24] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[18:24] [TDM]Tundar> guys may I restart my pc? I wanna hear the gma
[18:24] Lucas> Nah kick Tsu so we can have a propre game
[18:24] [TDM]Tundar> and for some reason i cant
[18:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sur
[18:24] [TDM]Tundar> i can do 8player
[18:24] Zpektrix_TAS> lucas started it
[18:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> sure
[18:24] [TDM]Tundar> gimme 1 min
[18:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> and lucas and tsu unallie each other
[18:24] [TDM]Tundar out
[18:24] Lucas> proper*
[18:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah tundar
[18:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> make 8
[18:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> make 8 n dont let phistung plpay
[18:24] [D]Uncarriable> lol
[18:24] Zpektrix_TAS> building towers without reasons
[18:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> think that's phair
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> the one had no fw
[18:25] Mahmut1661_Tas> ph instead of F :kekyou:
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> and making me lose trees
[18:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP> pharmacy
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> great team work
[18:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> it was for longer lb range
[18:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> my base had no space for early fw hut
[18:25] Mahmut1661_Tas> F to nici F key on his keyboard
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> inca should be front
[18:25] [D]Uncarriable> i pushed my towers so far ur base
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> i should be backward
[18:25] Zpektrix_TAS> for sure
[18:25] [D]Uncarriable> ur shamans just kept dieing
[18:25] [D]Uncarriable> for my towers
[18:25] IncaWarrior> yes, I like front
[18:25] [AsG]Ragnj> donna can you increase the hut?
[18:26] DonnaJones_OP> Always something wrong with Nici's PC :foxlaugh:
[18:26] Medusa_OP> but he still owns everyone :kekw:
[18:26] DonnaJones_OP> Not my hut, I'm just holding Tundar's spot
[18:26] power_OP> cause he has dog
[18:26] [TDM]Tundar in
[18:26] [D]Uncarriable> who ?
[18:26] power_OP> nici
[18:26] [D]Uncarriable> oh ye cos of the dog
[18:26] [D]Uncarriable> for sure
[18:26] [TDM]Tundar> Lucas
[18:26] [D]Uncarriable> :nice:
[18:26] [TDM]Tundar> ragnjs spot
[18:27] [D]Uncarriable> wow
[18:27] [D]Uncarriable> coruscater u pro man?
[18:27] power_OP> better then me
[18:27] [D]Uncarriable> wreally?
[18:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> poer
[18:27] power_OP> yeah
[18:27] Coruscater> not pro :P
[18:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no one is better than you :@
[18:28] DonnaJones_OP> trufax
[18:28] Tabaluga> put max pop 200 plz
[18:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye my dog ate my keys
[18:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lol
[18:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :/
[18:28] [D]Uncarriable> wtf man
[18:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> never ate homeork
[18:28] Mahmut1661_Tas> :(
[18:28] Coruscater> beat Power the other day, musta been luck
[18:28] power_OP> thx nici of course except for you
[18:28] [D]Uncarriable> so ur fakiest player 2021
[18:28] [D]Uncarriable> :kekw:
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> this map looks gud 3 v 3?
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> wanna try?
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> inca
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> come backl
[18:29] power_OP> ok
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> gud
[18:29] [AsG]Ahmed> updating populous beta...
[18:29] power_OP> +2
[18:29] [D]Uncarriable> random teams or?
[18:29] DonnaJones_OP> Ahmed you been playing any AoE since hidden cup?
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> rejoin noys
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> boys
[18:30] Mahmut1661_Tas> T Rod do dead sea random colours :ohyes:
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> had to delete u
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> :pepedoor:
[18:30] [TDM]Tundar> ahmed ping
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> :kekw:
[18:30] Medusa_OP> :ohyes:
[18:30] IncaWarrior> delete them?
[18:30] Medusa_OP> i wouldnt even know whom to ally on dead sea :kekw:
[18:30] Coruscater> Inca
[18:30] Coruscater> been a long time
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> i used minus
[18:30] power_OP> gonna realy good match
[18:30] [D]Uncarriable> and t hey canish
[18:30] power_OP> wanna watch
[18:30] Mahmut1661_Tas> Then it is ffa :omgegakekw:
[18:30] Mahmut1661_Tas> :omegakekw:
[18:30] Medusa_OP> lolol
[18:31] DonnaJones_OP> Nice launch m8
[18:31] Medusa_OP> nice x ping
[18:31] Medusa_OP> ahmed
[18:31] Tabaluga> m8
[18:31] [AsG]Ahmed> i can see my ping
[18:31] Medusa_OP> :nice:
[18:31] Medusa_OP> yesh now
[18:31] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:36] marcus- out
[18:36] [tsi]marcus- in
[18:36] [TDM]Tundar> I couldn't intereact with the game
[18:36] [TDM]Tundar> :<
[18:36] Medusa_OP> ??
[18:36] DonnaJones_OP> At all?
[18:36] [AsG]Ahmed> wtf is Unknown str error lol
[18:36] [TDM]Tundar> untilI paused
[18:37] [TDM]Tundar> stauni
[18:37] [TDM]Tundar> ahmeds spot
[18:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> stauni spot taken
[18:37] Mahmut1661_Tas> Bianca and me where allies that game :(
[18:37] Medusa_OP> lol
[18:37] Medusa_OP> yeah
[18:38] [TDM]Tundar> and this
[18:43] iRespectWomenxD26> hmm kiyamet name looks familiar
[18:44] Kiyamet> what
[18:44] Kiyamet> its not
[18:45] Kiyamet> you know me bro im popre legend
[18:46] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct in
[18:48] [AsG]Ahmed out
[18:48] Medusa_OP> ffs
[18:48] Artz_Sam in
[18:48] DonnaJones_OP> getting bored of this shit
[18:48] Mahmut1661_Tas> :(
[18:48] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> again?
[18:48] [D]xfiresx15 out
[18:49] Mahmut1661_Tas> I had about 25% charge done
[18:49] Mahmut1661_Tas> :Notlikethis:
[18:49] DonnaJones_OP> "one quick game" I said
[18:49] DonnaJones_OP> LOL
[18:49] Medusa_OP> well it was quick :kekw:
[18:49] [TDM]Tundar> lol
[18:50] [D]amhyr> thats what she didnt say
[18:50] Medusa_OP> lmfao
[18:51] Hungaro in
[18:52] Lucas out
[18:57] [GoD]Eric in
[18:57] [AvA]Ultra-Instinct out
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> gg boys
[18:59] Coruscater> gg, I had no idea where to build
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> haha ye
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> all the heat came to u
[18:59] power_OP> everywhere you can
[18:59] Coruscater> I know better now
[18:59] IncaWarrior> you don't have to memorize hut locations
[18:59] IncaWarrior> just build where you can
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> but if u forget wheres ur fw hut
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> u cant make fws
[18:59] [D]Uncarriable> :nice:
[19:00] power_OP> you can make with s click
[19:00] Coruscater> s click?
[19:00] Coruscater> whats that do?
[19:00] [D]Uncarriable> Whats s click
[19:00] power_OP> shift + click
[19:00] Coruscater> oh
[19:00] Coruscater> lol
[19:00] Coruscater> yes I know
[19:02] power_OP> +2
[19:02] [D]Uncarriable> i think inca played pretty well and power
[19:02] [D]Uncarriable> had to do nuffin
[19:03] [D]Uncarriable> only to chill
[19:03] power_OP> i dont think so but thx
[19:03] IncaWarrior> he was keeping up the middle
[19:03] Coruscater> mabey next time maps I dont know Ill pause at start just to get look around so Im not chicken with ehad cut of (as much)
[19:03] [D]Uncarriable> that map is abt middle
[19:03] Coruscater> tho this one looks simple
[19:03] [D]Uncarriable> ye theres planty maps
[19:04] [D]Uncarriable> can do any u desire
[19:04] Coruscater> still getting used to 6+ games, didnt exsist back in the day.... when did become availiable?
[19:04] Coruscater> they very fun tho
[19:04] [AvA]Stauni> 6p game?
[19:04] [D]Uncarriable> year ago
[19:04] power_OP> you were good at PP
[19:04] [D]Uncarriable> but did u press o in game coruscater?=
[19:05] Coruscater> o?
[19:05] Coruscater> for what?
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> highlight enemies
[19:05] Coruscater> ah
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> so u dont mix allies
[19:05] h2d out
[19:05] Coruscater> good idea
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> very powerfull
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> just press letter o
[19:05] Coruscater> will do
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> i never remember my enemies so i just press o
[19:05] [AvA]Stauni> you killed me in sess
[19:05] [AvA]Stauni> with light
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> oh ye on purpose
[19:05] power_OP> but in 101
[19:05] [D]Uncarriable> tho
[19:06] [AvA]Stauni> mana?
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> u walked with me small path
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> we both woulda died
[19:06] power_OP> i tried to kill my ally with 7 blast
[19:06] power_OP> the nhe said
[19:06] Coruscater> haha
[19:06] power_OP> then he said he is my ally lol
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> nice man
[19:06] Coruscater> "WHY WONT YOU DIE!"
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> lool
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> wanna do walls 6p?
[19:06] [D]Uncarriable> or wait more?
[19:07] power_OP> idm
[19:07] Coruscater> Im not picky
[19:07] [AvA]Stauni> ye wall 6p
[19:07] [D]Uncarriable> might kick u when i minus
[19:08] [D]Uncarriable> random teams ok?
[19:08] [D]Uncarriable> or fairest?
[19:08] IncaWarrior> rnadom everyone except you and tsu
[19:08] [D]Uncarriable> me and tsu diff t
[19:08] [D]Uncarriable> u read my minds
[19:08] Heldinho in
[19:12] biledemonx10 in
[19:20] Heldinho out
[19:36] Tyler in
[19:37] Artz_Sam> gg
[19:37] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> gg
[19:37] Mahmut1661_Tas> gg
[19:37] Medusa_OP> gg
[19:37] Mahmut1661_Tas> Nici why didnt you fist fight with me?
[19:37] DonnaJones_OP> Man that was ruined by a single shitty spke, no idea what happened
[19:37] Mahmut1661_Tas> I had blast but didnt use :Kekw:
[19:37] PrudencePetitpas_OP> oh
[19:37] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no clue
[19:38] Medusa_OP> lol
[19:38] Medusa_OP> all those warrs watching you
[19:38] Mahmut1661_Tas> They like the show :)
[19:38] Hungaro> is it suppose to happen or is it a beta spasm?
[19:39] DonnaJones_OP> It's just how combat works in the game
[19:39] Silverchure in
[19:39] DonnaJones_OP> tribes can only be in combat one tribe at a time
[19:39] DonnaJones_OP> It'll happen if they aren't allies too
[19:39] DonnaJones_OP> the warrs will wait and massacre whoever wins
[19:39] Medusa_OP> haha
[19:41] Tabaluga> nice beta mate
[19:41] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[19:42] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[19:42] Artz_Sam out
[19:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> landbridges still phuckin bad
[19:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> on nbeta
[19:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phix that bs
[19:43] [AsG]Ragnj> i can ally drunk
[19:43] Medusa_OP> yeah lol couldnt build properly
[19:43] Tabaluga> inca's fault
[19:43] PrudencePetitpas_OP> using 1 lb 4 1 hut
[19:44] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 80% oph time
[19:44] Tabaluga> nice use 2nd one as inc awould say
[19:44] [AsG]Ragnj> tund ally nici here
[19:44] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[19:44] [TDM]Tundar> no thanks
[19:44] [TDM]Tundar> already said
[19:44] [AsG]Ragnj> why not?
[19:44] [AsG]Ragnj> roll a TOT then?
[19:44] [TDM]Tundar out
[19:45] [AsG]Ragnj> have to drag people in to get good games in here
[19:45] [AsG]Ragnj> dunno if people are scared, or whats up
[19:45] DonnaJones_OP> kicking and screaming mate
[19:45] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:45] Lucas in
[19:45] [AsG]Ragnj> once someone gets shaman status they dont play hard games for years
[19:45] DonnaJones_OP> Yeah, right, only shamans do it :foxlaugh:
[19:46] [AsG]Ragnj> and no nici you dont either, its always unbalanced with you in the hut
[19:46] Tabaluga> been like that for years
[19:46] Mahmut1661_Tas out
[19:46] Tabaluga> always people who get one game and just afk for months
[19:46] Tabaluga> with their new rank
[19:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:47] Coruscater> gg
[19:47] [D]Uncarriable> gg wp
[19:47] power_OP> gg
[19:47] Coruscater> I think I did "OK"
[19:47] IncaWarrior> gg
[19:47] [D]Uncarriable> ye u did well
[19:48] Coruscater> glad i saw that backdoor coming
[19:48] [D]Uncarriable> eye of sauron
[19:49] Zpektrix_TAS out
[19:49] Coruscater> gtg get something done today
[19:50] [AvA]MIBbel in
[19:50] Coruscater out
[19:51] biledemonx10 out
[19:53] iRespectWomenxD26> ya beta not helping with games too
[19:54] Junior_Young_Jr in
[19:54] iRespectWomenxD26> well helping for lower ranks
[19:54] iRespectWomenxD26> tho they could get a games without
[19:55] iRespectWomenxD26> dam inca let gabber take the reins
[19:55] Tabaluga> gabber would force you to play on hardware
[19:55] Tabaluga> :omegakekw:
[19:56] [GoD]Shogun> gabber would force shaman battle arena maps on everyone
[19:56] iRespectWomenxD26> cant be worse then this shit
[19:56] [GoD]Shogun> :gabber:;
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:56] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[19:57] Junior_Young_Jr out
[19:58] Junior_Young_Jr in
[19:59] BigBertha in
[20:00] [AsG]Yekralc in
[20:01] Junior_Young_Jr out
[20:01] Junior_Young_Jr in
[20:02] Joseph_OP in
[20:02] Silverchure> is there a way to change my username?
[20:02] Tabaluga> https://www.popre.net/change.php
[20:03] Silverchure> ty <3
[20:04] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:04] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:04] Junior_Young_Jr out
[20:04] Junior_Young_Jr in
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> bigbertha ur goin to get kicked out of this hut because: wrong gateway
[20:05] [GoD]Shogun> please comeback again later
[20:07] Sirius_OP in
[20:07] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[20:08] BigBertha out
[20:08] Junior_Young_Jr out
[20:08] BigBertha in
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phistung
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can you stop expanding every game
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> its getting u nohere
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> completely obsessed lol
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> be aggressive 1st and expand later on
[20:09] PrudencePetitpas_OP> u crave a big base phrom start theen ur opponents unleashing spells
[20:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> and ur allies taking it
[20:10] [TSI]O-Ren> :wat:
[20:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> iph I as your ally I ould rage
[20:10] PrudencePetitpas_OP> this is not ho pop orks
[20:11] [AsG]Ragnj> nici how do you highlight streams so they saved?
[20:11] [GoD]Hakai in
[20:11] [AsG]Yekralc out
[20:11] PrudencePetitpas_OP> You're streaming ?
[20:11] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, that was my first game, 22 min of getting bullied
[20:11] PrudencePetitpas_OP> :/
[20:11] Tabaluga> you have to go to your twitch channel
[20:11] PrudencePetitpas_OP> link to ur channel ?
[20:12] Tabaluga> open the last video streamed, theres a option to highlight it
[20:13] Junior_Young_Jr in
[20:13] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ^
[20:14] [AsG]Yekralc in
[20:16] [AsG]Ragnj> how do i highlight so the whole video gets saved?
[20:17] Junior_Young_Jr> How do I switch to the beta version in my room? I don't have the box shown in the tutorial
[20:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ragnj
[20:18] [AsG]Ragnj> ye
[20:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> upper right corner
[20:18] PrudencePetitpas_OP> click on thee circle like its prophile pic
[20:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> > options
[20:19] [AsG]Ragnj> ye, im in the highlight editing atm
[20:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> 3rd tab > channel and videos
[20:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> kk
[20:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> junior
[20:19] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you need to go to options
[20:19] [AsG]Ragnj> but it only gives me the option to hightlight 15 min
[20:20] Junior_Young_Jr> Thanks
[20:20] Junior_Young_Jr> I'm in settings
[20:20] Junior_Young_Jr> In the populous section
[20:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> actually
[20:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you can change
[20:20] Medusa_OP> gg
[20:20] power_OP> gg was fun
[20:20] PrudencePetitpas_OP> here Jr
[20:20] Hungaro> always fun «3 gg
[20:21] Joseph_OP> Hi all the OP's
[20:21] Medusa_OP> joseph :D
[20:21] DonnaJones_OP> Well well well
[20:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> http://prntscr.com/13bdrrj
[20:21] Medusa_OP> bianca here lol
[20:21] DonnaJones_OP> Look who finally shows his face ;)
[20:21] Junior_Young_Jr> Okay, thank you very much
[20:21] Meph in
[20:21] PrudencePetitpas_OP> should be alloed much longer Rag
[20:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> I'm trying and it's phine O_o
[20:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> hey broseph
[20:22] Joseph_OP> Yea haha its been a bit
[20:22] [AvA]MIBbel in
[20:22] jimmyhunter1000 in
[20:22] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> hey mibbel
[20:22] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> join??
[20:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phistung
[20:22] PrudencePetitpas_OP> did you ignore advice ?
[20:23] Joseph_OP> Hey Nici !
[20:23] Joseph_OP> brb
[20:23] Joseph_OP out
[20:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> no
[20:23] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i didnt ignore
[20:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> but green troops and my had skirmish in mid
[20:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> all Ava's pholloing bad examples
[20:24] [GoD]Hakai> i upgraded to win 10 and now my fucking mouse jumps in 1.01
[20:24] [GoD]Hakai> wtf man
[20:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> charging 20 lbs in 2 mins
[20:24] [AvA]MIBbel out
[20:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> you supposed to be attacking me
[20:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> you think this is funny?
[20:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> not chasing green shaman
[20:24] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> i did atk
[20:24] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no one said it's phunny
[20:24] iRespectWomenxD26> lol @ drunken
[20:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP> im giving you advice and it's phuny ?
[20:25] [AvA]Drunkenmaster> yeah
[20:25] power_OP> +1
[20:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP> kkk
[20:25] Hungaro> f
[20:25] power_OP> :+1:
[20:25] Hungaro> here for you to copy paste
[20:25] Joseph_OP in
[20:25] Tabaluga> phanks
[20:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP> already copy pasting "h"
[20:25] PrudencePetitpas_OP> can't copy paste more xD
[20:25] [God]Hakai in
[20:25] Tabaluga> just copy all missing characters
[20:26] power_OP> can do this
[20:26] Hungaro> do you eat your buttons or what's up
[20:26] [GoD]Shogun> a new kb sholdnt be that expensive though
[20:26] DonnaJones_OP> New keyboard when
[20:26] power_OP> there is too many lost
[20:26] Medusa_OP> looks as if he is doing
[20:26] [GoD]Shogun> shouldnt *
[20:26] Medusa_OP> lol
[20:26] Tabaluga> he has laptop
[20:26] Medusa_OP> prolly his dog tho
[20:26] [GoD]Shogun> who cares
[20:26] Tabaluga> u
[20:26] Tabaluga> :peepopoint:
[20:26] [GoD]Shogun> :kekyou:
[20:26] power_OP> you can use dog for keyboard know it has all letters?
[20:27] Tabaluga> :lel:
[20:27] Sirius_OP> :boom: :boom:
[20:27] Medusa_OP> hi sirius :)
[20:27] Sirius_OP> :nice: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :00: :afly:
[20:27] Sirius_OP> hi
[20:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no ne keyboard
[20:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> no ne pc
[20:27] PrudencePetitpas_OP> phu
[20:28] Medusa_OP> still owning everyone
[20:28] Medusa_OP> :kekw:
[20:28] Tabaluga> prob uncomPHorable aph
[20:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lmao
[20:28] [GoD]Shogun> sik
[20:28] power_OP> maybe that is the point
[20:28] [GoD]Shogun> n
[20:28] [GoD]Shogun> fhk
[20:28] [GoD]Shogun> brah
[20:28] Medusa_OP> lol
[20:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> my dogs jumped on keeyboard
[20:28] power_OP> we must lost our letters
[20:28] Tabaluga> good thing for pop u pretty much need 4 buttons and a mouse
[20:28] PrudencePetitpas_OP> but thank god no letter died
[20:28] Tabaluga> :sunglasses:
[20:29] Tabaluga> :owut: :dog:
[20:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> ye jackeeeees
[20:29] Joseph_OP out
[20:29] PrudencePetitpas_OP> except hotkeys users :plead:
[20:29] Tabaluga> make sure arrow keys are saPHe
[20:29] Joseph_OP in
[20:29] [GoD]Shogun> how do he say fhk now
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> phhuk
[20:30] Joseph_OP> sorry
[20:30] [GoD]Shogun> :pog:
[20:30] Medusa_OP> lmao
[20:30] Joseph_OP> froze bigly
[20:30] Tabaluga> :pepegaphone: PHHHHHHHH
[20:30] Medusa_OP> vvtph
[20:31] Meph> fuck you and that fly sirius
[20:31] PrudencePetitpas_OP> lol
[20:31] Tabaluga> oh he sent afly
[20:31] Joseph_OP> dang
[20:31] Tabaluga> i didn't even notice
[20:31] [God]Hakai out
[20:31] Meph> was wondering why that fly would scroll with chat
[20:31] DonnaJones_OP> :afly:
[20:31] Meph> luckily i didn't smack my monitor
[20:31] Tabaluga> lmao
[20:32] [GoD]Hakai out
[20:32] PrudencePetitpas_OP> d4r :kekyou:
[20:32] Tabaluga> nice d4d4
[20:32] [GoD]carbine in
[20:34] [TDM]Tundar in
[20:36] DonnaJones_OP> what does he even do these days
[20:42] Sirius_OP> who is d4r
[20:42] Sirius_OP> dk this guy
[20:42] Sirius_OP> :monkas:
[20:42] DonnaJones_OP> just some nerd
[20:43] Lucas> What's up with the low concurrence in the MM on a Sunday?
[20:43] Lucas> Those are rookie numbers
[20:43] Lucas> IncaWarrior:You have to pump those numbers up
[20:43] IncaWarrior> Ralimurr and jimmyhunter1000 join?
[20:44] Sirius_OP> just like all of us here, Lovenji :kekw:
[20:44] DonnaJones_OP> You know it :foxlaugh:
[20:44] Lucas> What are you testing Inca?
[20:44] [AsG]Ralimurr> Inca's testing his tourney game
[20:44] IncaWarrior> my pop skill
[20:44] DonnaJones_OP> Eyyo
[20:44] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[20:44] DonnaJones_OP> #Winning
[20:44] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hey Lovenji
[20:44] [AsG]Ralimurr> Inca you're on Dev btw
[20:45] Lucas> Wow you still with that AI thingy?
[20:45] DonnaJones_OP> Push the crash button
[20:45] IncaWarrior> good call
[20:45] Lucas> "Good call"
[20:45] DonnaJones_OP> Do it
[20:45] Lucas> He was going to cheat and got caught :kekw:
[20:45] NonRankedOnly_Tsi> :ban:
[20:45] jimmyhunter1000> Inca stop cheating omg
[20:45] [AsG]Ralimurr> We might need a recorder
[20:46] IncaWarrior> but that's how I usually win SP
[20:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Unless you can record your own PoV Inca
[20:46] [AsG]Ralimurr> Fair enough :kekw:
[20:46] IncaWarrior> sure
[20:46] Mr_Ridiculous> hey guys
[20:46] Mr_Ridiculous> nd gals
[20:46] Mr_Ridiculous> back from weekend
[20:46] Mr_Ridiculous> trip
[20:46] DonnaJones_OP> hey populous people
[20:47] Mr_Ridiculous> hey populous :nerd: s
[20:47] DonnaJones_OP> Let Togeyher fun pls
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> :pog: !
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> join them spinner
[20:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> koopa not here
[20:48] [GoD]Shogun> he probs playin cs
[20:49] [GoD]Shogun> shud be here in couple mins
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> let maximum thunder host
[20:50] [TDM]Tundar> noty
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> why noty
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> ur host is gud for me man
[20:50] [GoD]Shogun> :cri:
[20:51] [GoD]Shogun> dont u see these juicy X we get with spin's host
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun out
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun in
[20:53] [GoD]Shogun> meph get the fuk in
[20:54] [GoD]Shogun> carbine join
[20:54] iRespectWomenxD26> ?
[20:54] iRespectWomenxD26> was in an intense sc match
[20:55] Zpektrix_TAS out
[20:55] Zpektrix_TAS in
[20:55] [D]amhyr> shogun, is a admin. but a terrible administrator insulto him is a motherfucker idiot ban me stupid
[20:55] [GoD]Shogun> :ban:
[20:55] Mr_Ridiculous> :nerd: s
[20:57] DonnaJones_OP> why u make why did you do the installation of populos with money?
[20:57] [AvA]RIPkekw in
[20:59] Medusa_OP> gg
[20:59] Hungaro> was good
[20:59] Joseph_OP> gg
[20:59] savas in
[20:59] power_OP> gg wp
[20:59] Joseph_OP> Power you're great for new
[20:59] [GoD]carbine out
[20:59] [AvA]RIPkekw> yo savas
[20:59] Joseph_OP> nice to meet you
[20:59] power_OP> thx joseph
[20:59] savas> yooo buddy :)
[20:59] savas> how are you?
[21:00] Medusa_OP> yeah power a true overpowered :D
[21:00] power_OP> lol thx
[21:00] Joseph_OP> hahah nice :P
[21:00] [AvA]RIPkekw> good mate, you?
[21:00] savas> yes all good, thanks!
[21:01] Mr_Ridiculous> Hey power
[21:01] [AvA]RIPkekw> how about adding a clan tag on ur name :kekw:
[21:02] power_OP> heyy ridicilous
[21:02] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[21:02] Zpektrix_TAS> everyone quits
[21:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg wp
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> kickn shogun
[21:02] power_OP> how r u
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> get meph
[21:02] [GoD]Shogun> i havent played in weeks tundar
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> he can't play
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> no
[21:02] [TDM]Tundar> he sux
[21:02] [AvA]RIPkekw> brb
[21:04] [AsG]Yekralc out
[21:04] Joseph_OP> popre looks great btw
[21:04] Lucas> ty
[21:04] [SW]pablo- in
[21:05] [AsG]Yekralc in
[21:05] [AvA]RIPkekw> +1
[21:05] savas> [AvA]RIPkekw> how about adding a clan tag on ur name - lol
[21:05] [AvA]MIBbel in
[21:06] savas> mibbel!!
[21:06] savas> join :)
[21:06] Meph> [22:02] [GoD]Shogun> i havent played in weeks tundar <---- yet he played dozens of games lately. lol.
[21:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster out
[21:06] [AvA]Drunkenmaster in
[21:06] savas> he is just trying to find an excuse as to why he is no fw anymore
[21:06] Luc